Extinciones del Pleistoceno tardío

Pleistoceno tardío en el norte de España , por Mauricio Antón . De izquierda a derecha: caballo salvaje ; mamut lanudo ; reno ; león cavernario ; rinoceronte lanudo
Mural de los pozos de alquitrán de La Brea , realizado por Charles R. Knight , que incluye tigres dientes de sable ( Smilodon fatalis , izquierda), perezosos terrestres ( Paramylodon harlani , derecha) y mamuts colombianos ( Mammuthus columbi , fondo)

El Pleistoceno tardío hasta principios del Holoceno vio la extinción de la mayoría de la megafauna del mundo (generalmente definida como especies animales con masas corporales superiores a 44 kilogramos (97 lb)), [1] lo que resultó en un colapso en la densidad y diversidad de la fauna en todo el mundo. [2] Las extinciones durante el Pleistoceno tardío se diferencian de las extinciones anteriores por su sesgo de tamaño extremo hacia animales grandes (los animales pequeños se vieron en gran medida intactos) y la ausencia generalizada de sucesión ecológica para reemplazar a estas especies de megafauna extintas, [3] y el cambio de régimen de las relaciones y hábitats faunísticos previamente establecidos como consecuencia. El momento y la gravedad de las extinciones variaron según la región y se cree que fueron impulsados ​​​​por diferentes combinaciones de factores humanos y climáticos. [3] Se cree que el impacto humano en las poblaciones de megafauna fue impulsado por la caza ("exceso"), [4] [5] así como posiblemente la alteración ambiental. [6] La importancia relativa de los factores humanos y climáticos en las extinciones ha sido objeto de una larga controversia. [3]

Las principales extinciones ocurrieron en Australia-Nueva Guinea ( Sahul ) a partir de hace aproximadamente 50.000 años y en las Américas hace unos 13.000 años, coincidiendo en el tiempo con las primeras migraciones humanas a estas regiones. [7] Las extinciones en el norte de Eurasia se escalonaron a lo largo de decenas de miles de años entre hace 50.000 y 10.000 años, [2] mientras que las extinciones en las Américas fueron prácticamente simultáneas, abarcando solo 3000 años como máximo. [4] [8] En general, durante el Pleistoceno tardío alrededor del 65% de todas las especies de megafauna en todo el mundo se extinguieron, [9] aumentando al 72% en América del Norte, 83% en América del Sur y 88% en Australia, [10] con todos los mamíferos de más de 1.000 kilogramos (2.200 lb) extintos en Australia y las Américas, [11] y alrededor del 80% a nivel mundial. [12] África, el sur de Asia y el sudeste asiático experimentaron extinciones más moderadas que otras regiones. [10]

Extinciones por reino biogeográfico



La proporción de especies de mamíferos grandes extintas (de 10 kg (22 lb) o más) en cada país durante los últimos 132.000 años, contando únicamente las extinciones anteriores a 1000 años AP

En el Pleistoceno tardío se extinguieron muchos mamíferos que pesaban más de 40 kilogramos (88 libras), incluido alrededor del 80% de los mamíferos que pesaban más de una tonelada. La proporción de extinciones de megafauna es progresivamente mayor cuanto mayor es la distancia migratoria humana desde África, y las tasas de extinción más altas se registran en Australia y América del Norte y del Sur. [12]

El aumento de la extensión de la extinción refleja el patrón de migración de los humanos modernos: cuanto más lejos de África, cuanto más recientemente los humanos habitaron el área, menos tiempo tuvieron esos entornos (incluida su megafauna) para acostumbrarse a los humanos (y viceversa).

Hay dos hipótesis principales para explicar esta extinción:

Existen algunas inconsistencias entre los datos disponibles actualmente y la hipótesis de la sobreextinción prehistórica. Por ejemplo, existen ambigüedades en torno al momento de la extinción de la megafauna australiana . [14] La evidencia que apoya la hipótesis de la sobreextinción prehistórica incluye la persistencia de la megafauna en algunas islas durante milenios después de la desaparición de sus primos continentales. Por ejemplo, los perezosos terrestres sobrevivieron en las Antillas mucho después de que se extinguieran los perezosos terrestres de América del Norte y del Sur, los mamuts lanudos se extinguieron en la remota isla Wrangel 6.000 años después de su extinción en el continente, mientras que las vacas marinas de Steller persistieron frente a las aisladas y deshabitadas islas Commander durante miles de años después de que habían desaparecido de las costas continentales del Pacífico norte. [15] La desaparición posterior de estas especies insulares se correlaciona con la colonización posterior de estas islas por parte de los humanos.

Los debates originales sobre si la época de llegada de los seres humanos o el cambio climático constituyeron necesariamente la causa principal de las extinciones de la megafauna se basaban en pruebas paleontológicas combinadas con técnicas de datación geológica. Recientemente, los análisis genéticos de las poblaciones de megafauna supervivientes han aportado nuevas pruebas que han llevado a la conclusión de que "la incapacidad del clima para predecir la disminución observada de la población de la megafauna, especialmente durante los últimos 75.000 años, implica que el impacto humano se convirtió en el principal impulsor de la dinámica de la megafauna en torno a esta fecha". [16]

Investigaciones recientes indican que cada especie respondió de manera diferente a los cambios ambientales y ningún factor por sí solo explica la gran variedad de extinciones. Las causas pueden incluir la interacción del cambio climático , la competencia entre especies , la dinámica poblacional inestable y la depredación humana. [17]


Aunque África fue una de las regiones menos afectadas, aun así sufrió extinciones, en particular alrededor de la transición del Pleistoceno tardío al Holoceno. Es probable que estas extinciones se debieran principalmente a cambios climáticos en los hábitats de pastizales. [18]

Asia meridional y sudeste asiático

Restauración del tapir gigante ( Tapirus augustus )
Modelos de tamaño natural de Stegodon
Fósil de Palaeoloxodon namadicus en el Museo Indio de Calcuta ( India )
Mandíbula fósil ( mandíbula Xiahe ) de un denisovano

La cronología de las extinciones en el subcontinente indio es incierta debido a la falta de datación confiable. [20] Se han reportado problemas similares para los sitios chinos, aunque no hay evidencia de que ninguno de los taxones de megafauna haya sobrevivido hasta el Holoceno en esa región. [21] Se ha propuesto que las extinciones en el sudeste asiático y el sur de China son el resultado del cambio ambiental de hábitats forestales abiertos a cerrados. [22]

Europa, Asia del Norte y del Este

El antílope saiga ( Saiga spp. ) habitó un área de distribución que iba desde Inglaterra y Francia hasta Yukón a finales del Pleistoceno, y se diversificó en dos especies: S. borealis, ahora extinta, y S. tatarica , casi amenazada , ahora se limita a la estepa de Kazajstán y Mongolia.
El hipopótamo ( Hippopotamus amphibius ) habitó antiguamente Europa hasta el norte de Gran Bretaña a principios del Pleistoceno tardío, extinguiéndose en Europa hace unos 30.000 años.
Reconstrucción de los cinco fenotipos del caballo salvaje del Pleistoceno . Los colores y dimensiones del pelaje se basan en evidencia genética y descripciones históricas.
Reconstrucción de Elasmotherium sibiricum
Pinturas rupestres del rinoceronte lanudo ( Coelodonta antiquitatis ) en la cueva de Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc , Francia
La Galería de los Leones, representaciones del león cavernario euroasiático en la cueva de Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc , Francia
El leopardo ( Panthera pardus ) habitó toda la extensión de Afro-Eurasia por debajo del paralelo 54 norte , desde la actual España y el Reino Unido en el oeste, hasta Sudáfrica en el sur, y Siberia , Japón y Sundaland en el este durante el Pleistoceno tardío.
Reconstrucción del oso de las cavernas ( Ursus spelaeus )
Reconstrucción de una hiena de las cavernas ( Crocuta crocuta spelaea )
El mamut lanudo se extinguió alrededor del año 10.000 a. C. , a excepción de unas diminutas poblaciones relictas en la isla de San Pablo y la isla de Wrangel , que los humanos no colonizaron hasta el año 3.600 a. C. y el año 2.000 a. C. respectivamente .
Modelo del elefante europeo de colmillos rectos ( Paleoxodon antiquus )

El reino Paleártico abarca la totalidad del continente europeo y se extiende hasta el norte de Asia , a través del Cáucaso y Asia central hasta el norte de China , Siberia y Beringia . Las extinciones fueron más graves en el norte de Eurasia que en África o el sur y sudeste de Asia. Estas extinciones se escalonaron a lo largo de decenas de miles de años, abarcando desde alrededor de 50.000 años antes del presente (BP) hasta alrededor de 10.000 años BP, con especies adaptadas a temperaturas templadas como el elefante de colmillos rectos y el rinoceronte de nariz estrecha generalmente se extinguieron antes que las especies adaptadas al frío como el mamut lanudo y el rinoceronte lanudo . El cambio climático ha sido considerado un probable factor importante en las extinciones, posiblemente en combinación con la caza humana. [2]

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Las extinciones en América del Norte se concentraron al final del Pleistoceno Tardío, alrededor de 13.800–11.400 años antes del presente, que coincidieron con el inicio del período de enfriamiento del Dryas Reciente , así como con el surgimiento de la cultura de cazadores-recolectores Clovis . La importancia relativa de los factores humanos y climáticos en las extinciones de América del Norte ha sido objeto de una gran controversia. Las extinciones totalizaron alrededor de 35 géneros. [4] El registro de radiocarbono para América del Norte al sur de la región de Alaska-Yukón ha sido descrito como "inadecuado" para construir una cronología confiable. [48]

Bisonte gigante de cuernos largos ( Bos latifrons ), esqueleto fósil de bisonte (exhibición pública, Museo de Historia Natural y Ciencia de Cincinnati , Cincinnati , Ohio , Estados Unidos )
Esqueleto montado de un buey arbustivo ( Euceratherium collinum )
Restauración de la vida de Cervalces scotti
Restauración de Tetrameryx shuleri
Un pecarí chaqueño ( Catagonus wagneri ), que se cree que es el pariente sobreviviente más cercano del extinto Platygonus
Reconstrucción del camello occidental ( Camelops hesternus )
Recuperación de la vida del caballo Yukón ( Equus lambei )
Reconstrucción de Mixotoxodon larenis , un notoungulado toxodóntido
Reconstrucción del felino dientes de sable ( Smilodon fatalis )
Reconstrucción de un gato cimitarra ( suero de Homotherium )
Reconstrucción del león americano ( Panthera atrox )
El dhole ( Cuon alpinus ), ahora restringido a las partes meridionales de Asia , estaba presente desde Iberia hasta México durante el Pleistoceno tardío.
Reconstrucción de un oso gigante de cara corta ( Arctodus simus )
Reconstrucción de un mastodonte americano ( Mammut americanum )
Reconstrucción de un mamut colombino ( Mammuthus columbi )
Esqueleto de castor gigante ( Castoroides ohioensis ) exhibido en el Museo Field de Historia Natural , Chicago , Illinois , Estados Unidos
Cráneo de Paralouatta marianae , uno de los dos miembros cubanos de los extintos monos antillanos (Xenotrichini)
Esqueleto de Eremotherium laurillardi en exhibición en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Houston
Restauración de la vida de Nothrotheriops texanus
Reconstrucción de un gliptoterio
Exhibición de fósiles de pavo californiano ( Meleagris californica ) y cóndor californiano ( Gymnogyps amplus ) de la megafauna en La Brea Tar Pits
Esqueleto de Teratornis merriami de La Brea Tar Pits en pose de vuelo
Reconstrucción del búho gigante cubano ( Ornimegalonyx oteroi ), del Pleistoceno cubano , con el cadáver de un gran solenodonte

Las extinciones en América del Norte (indicadas como herbívoros ( H ) o carnívoros ( C )) incluyeron:

Los sobrevivientes son en algunos aspectos tan significativos como las pérdidas: bisontes ( H ), lobos grises ( C ), linces ( C ), oso grizzly ( C ), oso negro americano ( C ), ciervos (por ejemplo, caribúes , alces , wapitíes , Odocoileus spp.) ( H ), berrendos ( H ), pecaríes de labios blancos ( H ), bueyes almizcleros ( H ) , borregos cimarrones ( H ) y cabras montesas ( H ); la lista de sobrevivientes también incluye especies que fueron extirpadas durante el evento de extinción cuaternario, pero que recolonizaron al menos parte de sus áreas de distribución durante el Holoceno medio a partir de poblaciones relictas sudamericanas, como el puma ( C ), el jaguar ( C ), el oso hormiguero gigante ( C ), el pecarí de collar ( H ), el ocelote ( C ) y el yaguarundi ( C ). Todos, salvo los berrendos y los osos hormigueros gigantes, descendían de ancestros asiáticos que habían evolucionado con depredadores humanos. [73] Los berrendos son el segundo mamífero terrestre más rápido (después del guepardo ), lo que puede haberlos ayudado a eludir a los cazadores. Más difícil de explicar en el contexto de la matanza excesiva es la supervivencia del bisonte, ya que estos animales aparecieron por primera vez en América del Norte hace menos de 240.000 años y, por lo tanto, estuvieron geográficamente alejados de los depredadores humanos durante un período de tiempo considerable. [74] [75] [76] Debido a que los bisontes antiguos evolucionaron hasta convertirse en bisontes actuales, [77] [78] no hubo una extinción continental de bisontes al final del Pleistoceno (aunque el género fue extirpado regionalmente en muchas áreas). Por lo tanto, la supervivencia del bisonte en el Holoceno y en tiempos recientes es incompatible con el escenario de la matanza excesiva. [ cita requerida ] A finales del Pleistoceno, cuando los humanos llegaron por primera vez a América del Norte, estos grandes animales habían estado separados geográficamente de la intensa caza humana durante más de 200.000 años. Dado este enorme lapso de tiempo geológico, es casi seguro que los bisontes habrían sido casi tan ingenuos como los grandes mamíferos nativos de América del Norte. [[cita necesaria ]

La cultura que se ha relacionado con la ola de extinciones en América del Norte es la cultura paleoamericana asociada con el pueblo Clovis ( qv ), que se pensaba que usaba lanzas para matar animales grandes. La principal crítica a la "hipótesis de la matanza prehistórica" ​​ha sido que la población humana en ese momento era demasiado pequeña y/o no estaba lo suficientemente extendida geográficamente como para haber sido capaz de tales impactos ecológicamente significativos. Sin embargo, esta crítica no significa que los escenarios de cambio climático que explican la extinción sean automáticamente preferidos por defecto, al igual que las debilidades en los argumentos del cambio climático no pueden tomarse como un apoyo a la matanza excesiva. Alguna forma de combinación de ambos factores podría ser plausible, y la matanza excesiva sería mucho más fácil de lograr una extinción a gran escala con una población ya estresada debido al cambio climático.


Fósil de Hippidion , un género de caballo nativo de Sudamérica.
Reconstrucción de la madre y la cría de Macrauchenia , un miembro del orden extinto Litopterna
Esqueleto de Toxodon , un miembro del orden extinto Notoungulata
Reconstrucción del lobo terrible (Aenocyon dirus)
Restauración de la vida de Arctotherium bonariense
Reconstrucción del gonfotérido Cuvieronius
Esqueleto del perezoso terrestre gigante Megatherium
Reconstrucción del gliptodonte Doedicurus clavicaudatus , distribuido en las sabanas templadas y bosques de América del Sur
Reconstrucción fósil de Panochthus frenzelianus con modelo de metal
Fósil de Smilodon populator

Sudamérica sufrió una de las peores pérdidas de los continentes, con alrededor del 83% de su megafauna extinta. [10] Estas extinciones son posteriores a la llegada de los humanos modernos a Sudamérica hace unos 15.000 años. Varios autores han atribuido factores humanos y climáticos como factores en las extinciones. [79] Aunque se ha sugerido históricamente que alguna megafauna sobrevivió hasta el Holoceno temprano basándose en fechas de radiocarbono, esto puede ser el resultado de errores de datación debido a la contaminación. [80] Las extinciones coinciden con el final de la Reversión Fría Antártica (un período de enfriamiento anterior y menos severo que el Dryas Reciente del Hemisferio Norte) y la aparición de las puntas de proyectil de cola de pez , que se extendieron por toda Sudamérica. Se cree que las puntas de proyectil de cola de pez se han utilizado en la caza mayor, aunque la evidencia directa de explotación de la megafauna extinta por parte de los humanos es rara, [79] aunque la explotación de la megafauna se ha documentado en varios sitios. [80] [81] Las puntas de cola de pescado desaparecieron rápidamente después de la extinción de la megafauna, y fueron reemplazadas por otros estilos más adecuados para cazar presas más pequeñas. [79] Algunos autores han propuesto el modelo "Broken Zig-Zag", donde la caza humana y el cambio climático causando una reducción en los hábitats abiertos preferidos por la megafauna fueron factores sinérgicos en la extinción de la megafauna en América del Sur. [82]

Sahul (Australia-Nueva Guinea) y el Pacífico

Reconstrucción de un Diprotodonte del tamaño de un hipopótamo
Reconstrucción del cigomaturo
Reconstrucción del equidna gigante Murrayglossus
Reconstrucción de Genyornis newtoni

La escasez de depósitos óseos de megafaunal datados de manera confiable ha dificultado la construcción de cronologías para las extinciones de la megafaunal en ciertas áreas, lo que ha llevado a una división entre las investigaciones sobre cuándo y cómo se extinguieron las especies de megafaunal. [114] [115]

Existen al menos tres hipótesis sobre la extinción de la megafauna australiana :

  1. que se extinguieron con la llegada de los aborígenes australianos al continente,
  2. que se extinguieron debido al cambio climático natural.
Recuperación de la vida de Thylacoleo carnifex (también conocido como león marsupial)

Esta teoría se basa en la evidencia de que la megafauna sobrevivió hasta hace 40.000 años, 30.000 años después de que el Homo sapiens desembarcara por primera vez en Australia, y que, por lo tanto, los dos grupos coexistieron durante mucho tiempo. La evidencia de que estos animales existían en ese momento proviene de registros fósiles y sedimentos oceánicos. Para empezar, el núcleo de sedimento perforado en el océano Índico frente a la costa suroeste de Australia indica la existencia de un hongo llamado Sporormiella, que sobrevivió gracias al estiércol de los mamíferos herbívoros. La abundancia de estas esporas en el sedimento antes de hace 45.000 años indica que muchos mamíferos grandes existían en el paisaje del suroeste de Australia hasta ese momento. Los datos de los sedimentos también indican que la población de megafauna colapsó en unos pocos miles de años, alrededor de hace 45.000 años, lo que sugiere un evento de extinción rápida. [116] Además, los fósiles encontrados en South Walker Creek, que es el sitio de megafauna más joven en el norte de Australia, indican que al menos 16 especies de megafauna sobrevivieron allí hasta hace 40.000 años. Además, no hay evidencia firme de que el homo sapiens viviera en South Walker Creek hace 40.000 años, por lo tanto, no se puede atribuir ninguna causa humana a la extinción de esta megafauna. Sin embargo, hay evidencia de un importante deterioro ambiental de South Water Creek hace 40.000 años, que puede haber causado el evento de extinción. Estos cambios incluyen un aumento de los incendios, la reducción de los pastizales y la pérdida de agua dulce. [117] El mismo deterioro ambiental se observa en toda Australia en ese momento, lo que refuerza aún más el argumento del cambio climático. El clima de Australia en ese momento podría describirse mejor como un secado general del paisaje debido a una menor precipitación, lo que resultó en una menor disponibilidad de agua dulce y más condiciones de sequía. En general, esto condujo a cambios en la vegetación, un aumento de los incendios, una reducción general de los pastizales y una mayor competencia por el agua dulce ya escasa. [118] Estos cambios ambientales resultaron ser demasiado para que la megafauna australiana pudiera afrontarlos, causando la extinción del 90% de las especies de megafauna.

  1. La tercera hipótesis compartida por algunos científicos es que los impactos humanos y los cambios climáticos naturales llevaron a la extinción de la megafauna australiana. Alrededor del 75% de Australia es semiárida o árida, por lo que tiene sentido que las especies de megafauna usaran los mismos recursos de agua dulce que los humanos. Esta competencia podría haber llevado a una mayor caza de megafauna. [119] Además, el Homo sapiens utilizó la agricultura del fuego [ aclaración necesaria ] para quemar tierras intransitables [ aclaración necesaria ] . Esto disminuyó aún más los pastizales que ya estaban desapareciendo y que contenían plantas que eran un componente dietético clave de la megafauna herbívora. Si bien no hay consenso científico al respecto, es plausible que el Homo sapiens y el cambio climático natural hayan tenido un impacto combinado. En general, hay una gran cantidad de evidencia de que los humanos son los culpables, pero al descartar por completo el cambio climático como causa de la extinción de la megafauna australiana, no estamos obteniendo el panorama completo. El cambio climático en Australia hace 45.000 años desestabilizó el ecosistema, haciéndolo particularmente vulnerable a la caza y a la agricultura de incendios por parte de los humanos; esto es probablemente lo que llevó a la extinción de la megafauna australiana.

Varios estudios aportan pruebas de que el cambio climático provocó la extinción de la megafauna durante el Pleistoceno en Australia. Un grupo de investigadores analizó los dientes fosilizados encontrados en Cuddie Springs , en el sureste de Australia. Mediante el análisis de los isótopos de oxígeno , midieron la aridez, y mediante el análisis de los isótopos de carbono y el análisis de la textura del microdesgaste dental , evaluaron las dietas y la vegetación de la megafauna. Durante el Pleistoceno medio, el sureste de Australia estaba dominado por los ramoneadores, incluida la fauna que consumía plantas C4 . A finales del Pleistoceno, el componente dietético de las plantas C4 había disminuido considerablemente. Este cambio puede haber sido causado por condiciones cada vez más áridas, que pueden haber causado restricciones dietéticas. Otros análisis isotópicos de cáscaras de huevo y dientes de wombat también apuntan a una disminución de la vegetación C4 después de 45 Ka. Esta disminución de la vegetación C4 coincide con el aumento de la aridez. Las condiciones cada vez más áridas en el sureste de Australia durante el Pleistoceno tardío pueden haber estresado a la megafauna y contribuido a su declive. [120]

Reconstrucción de Procoptodon goliath
Xenorhynchopsis tibialis (reconstrucción en vida) fue una de las cuatro especies de flamencos presentes en Australia en el Cuaternario , todas las cuales ahora están extintas o extirpadas.
Esqueleto de Megalania , Museo de Melbourne

En Sahul (un antiguo continente compuesto por Australia y Nueva Guinea ), la repentina y extensa ola de extinciones ocurrió antes que en el resto del mundo. [121] [122] [123] [124] La mayoría de la evidencia apunta a un período de 20.000 años después de la llegada humana alrededor del 63.000 a. C., [125] pero el debate científico continúa en cuanto al rango de fechas exacto. [126] En el resto del Pacífico (otras islas de Australasia como Nueva Caledonia y Oceanía ), aunque en algunos aspectos mucho más tarde, la fauna endémica también pereció por lo general rápidamente tras la llegada de los humanos a finales del Pleistoceno y principios del Holoceno.


Historia de la investigación

Las extinciones de la megafaunal fueron reconocidas como un fenómeno diferenciado ya por algunos científicos en el siglo XIX: [133] [134]

Es imposible reflexionar sin el más profundo asombro sobre el estado cambiado de [América del Sur]. Antiguamente debía haber estado plagada de grandes monstruos, como las partes meridionales de África, pero ahora sólo encontramos tapires, guanacos, armadillos, capibaras; meros pigmeos comparados con las razas antecesoras... Desde su desaparición, no puede haber ocurrido ningún cambio físico muy grande en la naturaleza del país. ¿Qué ha exterminado entonces a tantas criaturas vivientes?

—  Charles Darwin , El viaje del Beagle (1834)

Está claro, por tanto, que nos encontramos en un período absolutamente excepcional de la historia de la Tierra. Vivimos en un mundo zoológico empobrecido, del que han desaparecido recientemente todas las formas más enormes, feroces y extrañas; y, sin duda, ahora que han desaparecido, el mundo es mucho mejor para nosotros. Sin embargo, es sin duda un hecho maravilloso, sobre el que no se ha insistido lo suficiente, esta repentina desaparición de tantos mamíferos grandes, no en un solo lugar, sino en más de la mitad de la superficie terrestre del globo. No podemos dejar de creer que debe haber existido alguna causa física para este gran cambio; y debe haber sido una causa capaz de actuar casi simultáneamente en grandes porciones de la superficie terrestre, y que, al menos en lo que respecta al período Terciario, fue de carácter excepcional.

—  Alfred Russel Wallace , La distribución geográfica de los animales; con un estudio de las relaciones entre las faunas vivas y extintas, que aclara los cambios pasados ​​de la superficie de la Tierra (1876)

El debate sobre este tema se generalizó durante el siglo XX, en particular tras la propuesta de la "hipótesis de la sobreexplotación" por parte de Paul Schultz Martin en los años 1960. A finales del siglo XX, habían surgido dos "bandos" de investigadores sobre el tema: uno que apoyaba el cambio climático y el otro que apoyaba la caza humana como causa principal de las extinciones. [134]


The hunting hypothesis suggests that humans hunted megaherbivores to extinction, which in turn caused the extinction of carnivores and scavengers which had preyed upon those animals.[135][136][137] This hypothesis holds Pleistocene humans responsible for the megafaunal extinction. One variant, known as blitzkrieg, portrays this process as relatively quick. Some of the direct evidence for this includes: fossils of some megafauna found in conjunction with human remains, embedded arrows and tool cut marks found in megafaunal bones, and European cave paintings that depict such hunting. Biogeographical evidence is also suggestive: the areas of the world where humans evolved currently have more of their Pleistocene megafaunal diversity (the elephants and rhinos of Asia and Africa) compared to other areas such as Australia, the Americas, Madagascar and New Zealand without the earliest humans. The overkill hypothesis, a variant of the hunting hypothesis, was proposed in 1966 by Paul S. Martin,[138] Professor of Geosciences Emeritus at the Desert Laboratory of the University of Arizona.[139]

Despeciation within the genus Homo.
Known H. sapiens migration routes in the Pleistocene.

Circumstantially, the close correlation in time between the appearance of humans in an area and extinction there provides weight for this scenario.[140][9][3] Radiocarbon dating has supported the plausibility of this correlation being reflective of causation.[141] The megafaunal extinctions covered a vast period of time and highly variable climatic situations. The earliest extinctions in Australia were complete approximately 50,000 BP, well before the Last Glacial Maximum and before rises in temperature. The most recent extinction in New Zealand was complete no earlier than 500 BP and during a period of cooling. In between these extremes megafaunal extinctions have occurred progressively in such places as North America, South America and Madagascar with no climatic commonality. The only common factor that can be ascertained is the arrival of humans.[142][143] This phenomenon appears even within regions. The mammal extinction wave in Australia about 50,000 years ago coincides not with known climatic changes, but with the arrival of humans. In addition, large mammal species like the giant kangaroo Protemnodon appear to have succumbed sooner on the Australian mainland than on Tasmania, which was colonised by humans a few thousand years later.[144][145] A study published in 2015 supported the hypothesis further by running several thousand scenarios that correlated the time windows in which each species is known to have become extinct with the arrival of humans on different continents or islands. This was compared against climate reconstructions for the last 90,000 years. The researchers found correlations of human spread and species extinction indicating that the human impact was the main cause of the extinction, while climate change exacerbated the frequency of extinctions. The study, however, found an apparently low extinction rate in the fossil record of mainland Asia.[146][147] A 2020 study published in Science Advances found that human population size and/or specific human activities, not climate change, caused rapidly rising global mammal extinction rates during the past 126,000 years. Around 96% of all mammalian extinctions over this time period are attributable to human impacts. According to Tobias Andermann, lead author of the study, "these extinctions did not happen continuously and at constant pace. Instead, bursts of extinctions are detected across different continents at times when humans first reached them. More recently, the magnitude of human driven extinctions has picked up the pace again, this time on a global scale."[148][149] On a related note, the population declines of still extant megafauna during the Pleistocene have also been shown to correlate with human expansion rather than climate change.[16]

The extinction's extreme bias towards larger animals further supports a relationship with human activity rather than climate change.[150] There is evidence that the average size of mammalian fauna declined over the course of the Quaternary,[151] a phenomenon that was likely linked to disproportionate hunting of large animals by humans.[5]

Extinction through human hunting has been supported by archaeological finds of mammoths with projectile points embedded in their skeletons, by observations of modern naive animals allowing hunters to approach easily[152][153][154] and by computer models by Mosimann and Martin,[155] and Whittington and Dyke,[156] and most recently by Alroy.[157]

The timing of extinctions follows the "March of Man"

Major objections have been raised regarding the hunting hypothesis. Notable among them is the sparsity of evidence of human hunting of megafauna.[158][159][160] There is no archeological evidence that in North America megafauna other than mammoths, mastodons, gomphotheres and bison were hunted, despite the fact that, for example, camels and horses are very frequently reported in fossil history.[161] Overkill proponents, however, say this is due to the fast extinction process in North America and the low probability of animals with signs of butchery to be preserved.[162] The majority of North American taxa have too sparse a fossil record to accurately assess the frequency of human hunting of them.[10] A study by Surovell and Grund concluded "archaeological sites dating to the time of the coexistence of humans and extinct fauna are rare. Those that preserve bone are considerably more rare, and of those, only a very few show unambiguous evidence of human hunting of any type of prey whatsoever."[163] Eugene S. Hunn points out that the birthrate in hunter-gatherer societies is generally too low, that too much effort is involved in the bringing down of a large animal by a hunting party, and that in order for hunter-gatherers to have brought about the extinction of megafauna simply by hunting them to death, an extraordinary amount of meat would have had to have been wasted.[164]

Second-order predation

Combination Hypotheses: Climate Change, Overkill + Climate Change, Second-Order Predation + Climate Change
Overkill Hypothesis and Second-Order Predation

The Second-Order Predation Hypothesis says that as humans entered the New World they continued their policy of killing predators, which had been successful in the Old World but because they were more efficient and because the fauna, both herbivores and carnivores, were more naive, they killed off enough carnivores to upset the ecological balance of the continent, causing overpopulation, environmental exhaustion, and environmental collapse. The hypothesis accounts for changes in animal, plant, and human populations.

The scenario is as follows:

The second-order predation hypothesis has been supported by a computer model, the Pleistocene extinction model (PEM), which, using the same assumptions and values for all variables (herbivore population, herbivore recruitment rates, food needed per human, herbivore hunting rates, etc.) other than those for hunting of predators. It compares the overkill hypothesis (predator hunting = 0) with second-order predation (predator hunting varied between 0.01 and 0.05 for different runs). The findings are that second-order predation is more consistent with extinction than is overkill[165][166] (results graph at left). The Pleistocene extinction model is the only test of multiple hypotheses and is the only model to specifically test combination hypotheses by artificially introducing sufficient climate change to cause extinction. When overkill and climate change are combined they balance each other out. Climate change reduces the number of plants, overkill removes animals, therefore fewer plants are eaten. Second-order predation combined with climate change exacerbates the effect of climate change.[167] (results graph at right). The second-order predation hypothesis is further supported by the observation above that there was a massive increase in bison populations.[168]

However, this hypothesis has been criticised on the grounds that the multispecies model produces a mass extinction through indirect competition between herbivore species: small species with high reproductive rates subsidize predation on large species with low reproductive rates.[157] All prey species are lumped in the Pleistocene extinction model. Also, the control of population sizes by predators is not fully supported by observations of modern ecosystems.[169] The hypothesis further assumes decreases in vegetation due to climate change, but deglaciation doubled the habitable area of North America. Any vegetational changes that did occur failed to cause almost any extinctions of small vertebrates, and they are more narrowly distributed on average, which detractors cite as evidence against the hypothesis.

Competition for water

In southeastern Australia, the scarcity of water during the interval in which humans arrived in Australia suggests that human competition with megafauna for precious water sources may have played a role in the extinction of the latter.[119]

Landscape alteration

One consequence of the colonisation by humans of lands previously uninhabited by them may have been the introduction of new fire regimes because of extensive fire use by humans.[7] There is evidence that anthropogenic fire use had major impacts on the local environments in both Australia[6] and North America.[170]

Climate change

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, when scientists first realized that there had been glacial and interglacial ages, and that they were somehow associated with the prevalence or disappearance of certain animals, they surmised that the termination of the Pleistocene ice age might be an explanation for the extinctions.

The most obvious change associated with the termination of an ice age is the increase in temperature. Between 15,000 BP and 10,000 BP, a 6 °C increase in global mean annual temperatures occurred. This was generally thought to be the cause of the extinctions. According to this hypothesis, a temperature increase sufficient to melt the Wisconsin ice sheet could have placed enough thermal stress on cold-adapted mammals to cause them to die. Their heavy fur, which helps conserve body heat in the glacial cold, might have prevented the dumping of excess heat, causing the mammals to die of heat exhaustion. Large mammals, with their reduced surface area-to-volume ratio, would have fared worse than small mammals. A study covering the past 56,000 years indicates that rapid warming events with temperature changes of up to 16 °C (29 °F) had an important impact on the extinction of megafauna. Ancient DNA and radiocarbon data indicates that local genetic populations were replaced by others within the same species or by others within the same genus. Survival of populations was dependent on the existence of refugia and long distance dispersals, which may have been disrupted by human hunters.[171]

Other scientists have proposed that increasingly extreme weather—hotter summers and colder winters—referred to as "continentality", or related changes in rainfall caused the extinctions. It has been shown that vegetation changed from mixed woodland-parkland to separate prairie and woodland.[172][173][174] This may have affected the kinds of food available. Shorter growing seasons may have caused the extinction of large herbivores and the dwarfing of many others. In this case, as observed, bison and other large ruminants would have fared better than horses, elephants and other monogastrics, because ruminants are able to extract more nutrition from limited quantities of high-fiber food and better able to deal with anti-herbivory toxins.[175][176][177] So, in general, when vegetation becomes more specialized, herbivores with less diet flexibility may be less able to find the mix of vegetation they need to sustain life and reproduce, within a given area. Increased continentality resulted in reduced and less predictable rainfall limiting the availability of plants necessary for energy and nutrition.[178][179][180] It has been suggested that this change in rainfall restricted the amount of time favorable for reproduction.[181][182] This could disproportionately harm large animals, since they have longer, more inflexible mating periods, and so may have produced young at unfavorable seasons (i.e., when sufficient food, water, or shelter was unavailable because of shifts in the growing season). In contrast, small mammals, with their shorter life cycles, shorter reproductive cycles, and shorter gestation periods, could have adjusted to the increased unpredictability of the climate, both as individuals and as species which allowed them to synchronize their reproductive efforts with conditions favorable for offspring survival. If so, smaller mammals would have lost fewer offspring and would have been better able to repeat the reproductive effort when circumstances once more favored offspring survival.[183] A study looking at the environmental conditions across Europe, Siberia and the Americas from 25,000 to 10,000 YBP found that prolonged warming events leading to deglaciation and maximum rainfall occurred just prior to the transformation of the rangelands that supported megaherbivores into widespread wetlands that supported herbivore-resistant plants. The study proposes that moisture-driven environmental change led to the megafaunal extinctions and that Africa's trans-equatorial position allowed rangeland to continue to exist between the deserts and the central forests, therefore fewer megafauna species became extinct there.[171]

Evidence in Southeast Asia, in contrast to Europe, Australia, and the Americas, suggests that climate change and an increasing sea level were significant factors in the extinction of several herbivorous species. Alterations in vegetation growth and new access routes for early humans and mammals to previously isolated, localized ecosystems were detrimental to select groups of fauna.[184]

Some evidence from Europe also suggests climatic changes were responsible for extinctions there, as the individuals extinctions tended to occur during times of environmental change and did not correlate particularly well with human migrations.[2]

In Australia, some studies have suggested that extinctions of megafauna began before the peopling of the continent, favouring climate change as the driver.[185]

In Beringia, megafauna may have gone extinct because of particularly intense paludification and because the land connection between Eurasia and North America flooded before the Cordilleran Ice Sheet retreated far enough to reopen the corridor between Beringia and the remainder of North America.[186] Woolly mammoths became extirpated from Beringia because of climatic factors, although human activity also played a synergistic role in their decline.[187] In North America, a Radiocarbon-dated Event-Count (REC) modelling study found that megafaunal declines in North America correlated with climatic changes instead of human population expansion.[188]

In the North American Great Lakes region, the population declines of mastodons and mammoths have been found to correlate with climatic fluctuations during the Younger Dryas rather than human activity.[189]

In the Argentine Pampas, the flooding of vast swathes of the once much larger Pampas grasslands may have played a role in the extinctions of its megafaunal assemblages.[8]

Critics object that since there were multiple glacial advances and withdrawals in the evolutionary history of many of the megafauna, it is rather implausible that only after the last glacial maximum would there be such extinctions. Proponents of climate change as the extinction event's cause like David J. Meltzer suggest that the last deglaciation may have been markedly different from previous ones.[190] Also, one study suggests that the Pleistocene megafaunal composition may have differed markedly from that of earlier interglacials, making the Pleistocene populations particularly vulnerable to changes in their environment.[191]

Studies propose that the annual mean temperature of the current interglacial that we have seen for the last 10,000 years is no higher than that of previous interglacials, yet most of the same large mammals survived similar temperature increases.[192][193][194] In addition, numerous species such as mammoths on Wrangel Island and St. Paul Island survived in human-free refugia despite changes in climate.[195] This would not be expected if climate change were responsible (unless their maritime climates offered some protection against climate change not afforded to coastal populations on the mainland). Under normal ecological assumptions island populations should be more vulnerable to extinction due to climate change because of small populations and an inability to migrate to more favorable climes.[citation needed]

Critics have also identified a number of problems with the continentality hypotheses. Megaherbivores have prospered at other times of continental climate. For example, megaherbivores thrived in Pleistocene Siberia, which had and has a more continental climate than Pleistocene or modern (post-Pleistocene, interglacial) North America.[196][197][198] The animals that became extinct actually should have prospered during the shift from mixed woodland-parkland to prairie, because their primary food source, grass, was increasing rather than decreasing.[199][198][200] Although the vegetation did become more spatially specialized, the amount of prairie and grass available increased, which would have been good for horses and for mammoths, and yet they became extinct. This criticism ignores the increased abundance and broad geographic extent of Pleistocene bison at the end of the Pleistocene, which would have increased competition for these resources in a manner not seen in any earlier interglacials.[191] Although horses became extinct in the New World, they were successfully reintroduced by the Spanish in the 16th century—into a modern post-Pleistocene, interglacial climate. Today there are feral horses still living in those same environments. They find a sufficient mix of food to avoid toxins, they extract enough nutrition from forage to reproduce effectively and the timing of their gestation is not an issue. Of course, this criticism ignores the obvious fact that present-day horses are not competing for resources with ground sloths, mammoths, mastodons, camels, llamas, and bison. Similarly, mammoths survived the Pleistocene Holocene transition on isolated, uninhabited islands in the Mediterranean Sea until 4,000 to 7,000 years ago,[201] as well as on Wrangel Island in the Siberian Arctic.[202] Additionally, large mammals should have been able to migrate, permanently or seasonally, if they found the temperature too extreme, the breeding season too short, or the rainfall too sparse or unpredictable.[203] Seasons vary geographically. By migrating away from the equator, herbivores could have found areas with growing seasons more favorable for finding food and breeding successfully. Modern-day African elephants migrate during periods of drought to places where there is apt to be water.[204] Large animals also store more fat in their bodies than do medium-sized animals and this should have allowed them to compensate for extreme seasonal fluctuations in food availability.[205]

Some evidence weighs against climate change as a valid hypothesis as applied to Australia. It has been shown that the prevailing climate at the time of extinction (40,000–50,000 BP) was similar to that of today, and that the extinct animals were strongly adapted to an arid climate. The evidence indicates that all of the extinctions took place in the same short time period, which was the time when humans entered the landscape. The main mechanism for extinction was probably fire (started by humans) in a then much less fire-adapted landscape. Isotopic evidence shows sudden changes in the diet of surviving species, which could correspond to the stress they experienced before extinction.[206][207][208]

Some evidence obtained from analysis of the tusks of mastodons from the American Great Lakes region appears inconsistent with the climate change hypothesis. Over a span of several thousand years prior to their extinction in the area, the mastodons show a trend of declining age at maturation. This is the opposite of what one would expect if they were experiencing stresses from deteriorating environmental conditions, but is consistent with a reduction in intraspecific competition that would result from a population being reduced by human hunting.[209]

It may be observed that neither the overkill nor the climate change hypotheses can fully explain events: browsers, mixed feeders and non-ruminant grazer species suffered most, while relatively more ruminant grazers survived.[210] However, a broader variation of the overkill hypothesis may predict this, because changes in vegetation wrought by either Second Order Predation (see below)[167][211] or anthropogenic fire preferentially selects against browse species.[citation needed]


The hyperdisease hypothesis, as advanced by Ross D. E. MacFee and Preston A. Marx, attributes the extinction of large mammals during the late Pleistocene to indirect effects of the newly arrived aboriginal humans.[212][213][214] In more recent times, disease has driven many vulnerable species to extinction; the introduction of avian malaria and avipoxvirus, for example, has greatly decreased the populations of the endemic birds of Hawaii, with some going extinct.[215] The hyperdisease hypothesis proposes that humans or animals traveling with them (e.g., chickens or domestic dogs) introduced one or more highly virulent diseases into vulnerable populations of native mammals, eventually causing extinctions. The extinction was biased toward larger-sized species because smaller species have greater resilience because of their life history traits (e.g., shorter gestation time, greater population sizes, etc.). Humans are thought to be the cause because other earlier immigrations of mammals into North America from Eurasia did not cause extinctions.[212] A similar suggestion is that pathogens were transmitted by the expanding humans via the domesticated dogs they brought with them.[216] A related theory proposes that a highly contagious prion disease similar to chronic wasting disease or scrapie that was capable of infecting a large number of species was the culprit. Animals weakened by this "superprion" would also have easily become reservoirs of viral and bacterial diseases as they succumbed to neurological degeneration from the prion, causing a cascade of different diseases to spread among various mammal species. This theory could potentially explain the prevalence of heterozygosity at codon 129 of the prion protein gene in humans, which has been speculated to be the result of natural selection against homozygous genotypes that were more susceptible to prion disease and thus potentially a tell-tale of a major prion pandemic that affected humans of or younger than reproductive age far in the past and disproportionately killed before they could reproduce those with homozygous genotypes at codon 129.[217]

If a disease was indeed responsible for the end-Pleistocene extinctions, then there are several criteria it must satisfy (see Table 7.3 in MacPhee & Marx 1997). First, the pathogen must have a stable carrier state in a reservoir species. That is, it must be able to sustain itself in the environment when there are no susceptible hosts available to infect. Second, the pathogen must have a high infection rate, such that it is able to infect virtually all individuals of all ages and sexes encountered. Third, it must be extremely lethal, with a mortality rate of c. 50–75%. Finally, it must have the ability to infect multiple host species without posing a serious threat to humans. Humans may be infected, but the disease must not be highly lethal or able to cause an epidemic.[citation needed]

As with other hypotheses, a number of counterarguments to the hyperdisease hypothesis have been put forth. Generally speaking, disease has to be very virulent to kill off all the individuals in a genus or species. Even such a virulent disease as West Nile fever is unlikely to have caused extinction.[218] The disease would need to be implausibly selective while being simultaneously implausibly broad. Such a disease needs to be capable of killing off wolves such as Canis dirus or goats such as Oreamnos harringtoni while leaving other very similar species (Canis lupus and Oreamnos americanus, respectively) unaffected. It would need to be capable of killing off flightless birds while leaving closely related flighted species unaffected. Yet while remaining sufficiently selective to afflict only individual species within genera it must be capable of fatally infecting across such clades as birds, marsupials, placentals, testudines, and crocodilians. No disease with such a broad scope of fatal infectivity is known, much less one that remains simultaneously incapable of infecting numerous closely related species within those disparate clades. On the other hand, this objection does not account for the possibility of a variety of different diseases being introduced around the same era.[citation needed] Numerous species including wolves, mammoths, camelids, and horses had emigrated continually between Asia and North America over the past 100,000 years. For the disease hypothesis to be applicable there it would require that the population remain immunologically naive despite this constant transmission of genetic and pathogenic material.[citation needed] The dog-specific hypothesis in particular cannot account for several major extinction events, notably the Americas (for reasons already covered) and Australia. Dogs did not arrive in Australia until approximately 35,000 years after the first humans arrived there, and approximately 30,000 years after the Australian megafaunal extinction was complete.[citation needed]

Extraterrestrial impact

An extraterrestrial impact, which has occasionally been proposed as a cause of the Younger Dryas,[219] has been suggested by some authors as a potential cause of the extinction of North America's megafauna due to the temporal proximity between a proposed date for such an impact and the following megafaunal extinctions.[220][4] However, the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis lacks widespread support among scholars due to various inconsistencies in the hypothesis,[221][222] and has been comprehensively refuted.[223]

Geomagnetic field weakening

Around 41,500 years ago, the Earth's magnetic field weakened in an event known as the Laschamp event. This weakening may have caused increased flux of UV-B radiation and has been suggested by a few authors as a cause of megafaunal extinctions in the Late Quaternary.[224] The full effects of such events on the biosphere are poorly understood, however these explanations have been criticized as they do not account for the population bottlenecks seen in many megafaunal species and nor is there evidence for extreme radio-isotopic changes during the event. Considering these factors, causation is unlikely.[225][226]


The extinction of the megafauna has been argued by some authors to be disappearance of the mammoth steppe rather than the other way around. Alaska now has low nutrient soil unable to support bison, mammoths, and horses. R. Dale Guthrie has claimed this as a cause of the extinction of the megafauna there; however, he may be interpreting it backwards. The loss of large herbivores to break up the permafrost allows the cold soils that are unable to support large herbivores today. Today, in the arctic, where trucks have broken the permafrost grasses and diverse flora and fauna can be supported.[227][228] In addition, Chapin (Chapin 1980) showed that simply adding fertilizer to the soil in Alaska could make grasses grow again like they did in the era of the mammoth steppe. Possibly, the extinction of the megafauna and the corresponding loss of dung is what led to low nutrient levels in modern-day soil and therefore is why the landscape can no longer support megafauna.

However, more recent authors have viewed it as more likely that the collapse of the mammoth steppe was driven by climatic warming, which in turn impacted the megafauna, rather than the other way around.[229]

Megafauna play a significant role in the lateral transport of mineral nutrients in an ecosystem, tending to translocate them from areas of high to those of lower abundance. They do so by their movement between the time they consume the nutrient and the time they release it through elimination (or, to a much lesser extent, through decomposition after death).[230] In South America's Amazon Basin, it is estimated that such lateral diffusion was reduced over 98% following the megafaunal extinctions that occurred roughly 12,500 years ago.[231][232] Given that phosphorus availability is thought to limit productivity in much of the region, the decrease in its transport from the western part of the basin and from floodplains (both of which derive their supply from the uplift of the Andes) to other areas is thought to have significantly impacted the region's ecology, and the effects may not yet have reached their limits.[232] The extinction of the mammoths allowed grasslands they had maintained through grazing habits to become birch forests.[233] The new forest and the resulting forest fires may have induced climate change.[233] Such disappearances might be the result of the proliferation of modern humans.[234][235]

Large populations of megaherbivores have the potential to contribute greatly to the atmospheric concentration of methane, which is an important greenhouse gas. Modern ruminant herbivores produce methane as a byproduct of foregut fermentation in digestion, and release it through belching or flatulence. Today, around 20% of annual methane emissions come from livestock methane release. In the Mesozoic, it has been estimated that sauropods could have emitted 520 million tons of methane to the atmosphere annually,[236] contributing to the warmer climate of the time (up to 10 °C warmer than at present).[236][237] This large emission follows from the enormous estimated biomass of sauropods, and because methane production of individual herbivores is believed to be almost proportional to their mass.[236]

Recent studies have indicated that the extinction of megafaunal herbivores may have caused a reduction in atmospheric methane. One study examined the methane emissions from the bison that occupied the Great Plains of North America before contact with European settlers. The study estimated that the removal of the bison caused a decrease of as much as 2.2 million tons per year.[238] Another study examined the change in the methane concentration in the atmosphere at the end of the Pleistocene epoch after the extinction of megafauna in the Americas. After early humans migrated to the Americas about 13,000 BP, their hunting and other associated ecological impacts led to the extinction of many megafaunal species there. Calculations suggest that this extinction decreased methane production by about 9.6 million tons per year. This suggests that the absence of megafaunal methane emissions may have contributed to the abrupt climatic cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas. The decrease in atmospheric methane that occurred at that time, as recorded in ice cores, was 2–4 times more rapid than any other decrease in the last half million years, suggesting that an unusual mechanism was at work.[239]

The extermination of megafauna left many niches vacant, which has been cited as an explanation for the vulnerability and fragility of many ecosystems to destruction in the later Holocene extinction. The comparative lack of megafauna in modern ecosystems has reduced high-order interactions among surviving species, reducing ecological complexity.[240] This depauperate, post-megafaunal ecological state has been associated with diminished ecological resilience to stressors.[241] Many extant species of plants have adaptations that were advantageous in the presence of megafauna but are now useless in their absence.[242] The demise of megafaunal ecosystem engineers in the Arctic that maintained open grassland environments has been highly detrimental to shorebirds of the genus Numenius.[243]

Relationship to later extinctions

There is no general agreement on where the Quaternary extinction event ends, and the Holocene, or anthropogenic, extinction begins, or if they should be considered separate events at all.[244][245] Some authors have argued that the activities of earlier archaic humans have also resulted in extinctions, though the evidence for this is equivocal.[246]

This hypothesis is supported by rapid megafaunal extinction following recent human colonisation in Australia, New Zealand and Madagascar,[247] in a similar way that any large, adaptable predator moving into a new ecosystem would. In many cases, it is suggested even minimal hunting pressure was enough to wipe out large fauna, particularly on geographically isolated islands.[248][249] Only during the most recent parts of the extinction have plants also suffered large losses.[250]

See also


  1. ^ Pires MM (30 May 2024). "The Restructuring of Ecological Networks by the Pleistocene Extinction". Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 52 (1): 133–158. doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040722-104845. ISSN 0084-6597. S2CID 266133527.
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Hyperdisease hypothesis

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