En geografía política , un enclave es una porción de tierra perteneciente a un país (o región, etc.) que está totalmente rodeada por otro país (o región). Un exclave es una porción de tierra que está políticamente unida a una porción más grande pero que no es físicamente contigua a ella (conectada a ella) porque están completamente separadas por un territorio o territorios extranjeros circundantes . Muchas entidades son a la vez enclaves y exclaves.
Enclaves que también son exclaves
Cada enclave enumerado en esta sección tiene un nivel administrativo equivalente al de la otra entidad que lo rodea por completo. Cada enclave también forma parte de una región principal; por lo tanto, es un exclave de esa región.
El distrito de Chaoyang tiene un enclave que comprende las terminales 1 y 2 del Aeropuerto Internacional de Pekín-Capital y el área de servicio que lo rodea. Es un enclave de Shunyi que solía ser el subdistrito de Shunyi del distrito de Chaoyang. La razón principal de la existencia de este enclave es que la financiación para la construcción de estas terminales fue asumida en gran medida por el distrito de Chaoyang y esta organización política se asegura de seguir pagando impuestos al distrito de Chaoyang. Nota: La Terminal 3 no es parte de este enclave, ya que se construyó para los Juegos Olímpicos de 2008 y se construyó después de la formación del distrito de Shunyi. Vea un mapa del enclave, sin incluir la Terminal 3, en Google Maps. [58]
En el condado de Ida-Viru , la ciudad de Kohtla-Järve consta de cinco áreas separadas a una distancia de 22 km. De estos enclaves, los distritos de Kukruse y Oru también son enclaves, ya que están rodeados por la parroquia de Toila .
Los distritos de Kudruküla y Olgina de la ciudad de Narva están rodeados por la ciudad de Narva-Jõesuu .
Oise cuenta con tres enclaves en Aisne : uno comprende el pueblo de Chavres, mientras que los otros dos son parcelas de tierra deshabitadas en el bosque de Retz .
Dos fragmentos del pueblo de Jaworze en el municipio de Jaworze , que pertenecen al condado de Bielsko , voivodato de Silesia , están rodeados por el municipio de Brena en el condado de Cieszyn , voivodato de Silesia. Un enclave tiene una superficie de aproximadamente 2 ha y se encuentra a unos 10 m del resto del condado, mientras que el otro enclave tiene una superficie de aproximadamente 5 ha y se encuentra a unos 50 m del resto del condado. Ambos enclaves se encuentran a unos 80 m uno del otro.
Una pequeña parte del municipio de Goczałkowice-Zdrój , que pertenece al condado de Pszczyna , voivodato de Silesia , es un enclave rodeado por el municipio de Chybie en el condado de Cieszyn , voivodato de Silesia. Está separado del resto del condado por una estrecha franja de tierra, con un ancho de unos 35 m, que contiene las vías ferroviarias propiedad del condado de Cieszyn.
Una pequeña parte del pueblo de Chyża , ubicado en el condado de Zamość , voivodato de Lublin , es un enclave, que es un exclave separado del resto del pueblo por una franja de tierra que pertenece a la ciudad-condado de Zamość . El exclave tiene una superficie de aproximadamente 10,5 ha, mientras que la franja de tierra que lo separa tiene un ancho de 90 m.
En Portugal , como consecuencia de las reformas administrativas del siglo XIX (en la década de 1830, luego nuevamente en la de 1850 y en mucha menor medida en la de 1890), así como de una legislación más reciente que prohíbe la creación de discontinuidades territoriales, [63] [64] casi no hay enclaves o exclaves subnacionales, y los pocos que persisten son a nivel municipal o de parroquia civil:
En el municipio de Coimbra , la parroquia civil de Taveiro tiene un enclave que se enclave dentro de la parroquia civil de Ribeira de Frades.
En el municipio de Vila Real de Santo António , toda la parroquia civil de Vila Nova de Cacela es un enclave que está enclave dentro del municipio de Castro Marim .
Adelanto tiene tres enclaves, rodeados por Victorville incorporado.
San Bernardino tiene dos enclaves, rodeados por el condado de San Bernardino no incorporado.
Loma Linda tiene tres enclaves, rodeados por la ciudad de San Bernardino
Redlands tiene cuatro enclaves: uno rodeado por la ciudad de San Bernardino y tres rodeados por el condado no incorporado de San Bernardino [65]
En Colorado , el condado de Arapahoe tiene siete enclaves dentro de la ciudad y el condado de Denver , incluida la ciudad de Glendale y el vecindario no incorporado de Holly Hills . A su vez, Denver tiene un contraenclave rodeado por Glendale. El condado de Jefferson también tiene cinco enclaves, tres de los cuales están rodeados por Denver. Además, los condados de Boulder y Weld tienen un enclave dentro de la ciudad y el condado de Broomfield , y Broomfield tiene un enclave en el condado de Boulder.
En Kentucky , tras la fusión de los gobiernos de los condados de Louisville y Jefferson en 2003, el nuevo área metropolitana de Louisville tiene varias parcelas de tierra disjuntas en todo el condado, algunas de las cuales son enclaves en otras ciudades.
En el condado de Montgomery , hay varias ciudades con enclaves y exclaves. Dayton tiene un exclave, que consiste en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Dayton . Dayton también rodea varios enclaves que pertenecen a las ciudades de Trotwood y Riverside . Riverside también tiene varios exclaves que bordean más de una ciudad, así como parcelas adicionales que están conectadas a la ciudad solo por una carretera. Clayton contiene varios enclaves rodeados por Englewood y uno que está completamente rodeado por Union . Aparte del exclave de Dayton, estos enclaves y exclaves se formaron por fusiones de municipios y municipios en la década de 1990.
La ciudad de Cuyahoga Falls tiene cuatro pequeños enclaves/exclaves a lo largo de su frontera con la ciudad de Akron . Varias casas a lo largo de Smith Road se encuentran legalmente en las cataratas, mientras que los vecinos y las tierras municipales a todos los lados de las propiedades se encuentran legalmente dentro de Akron.
El municipio de Bath tiene cuatro enclaves, de los cuales uno es un enclave de Akron.
El municipio de Coventry tiene seis enclaves, de los cuales cinco son enclaves en Akron. Dos de ellos están unidos en un punto cuatripartito.
El municipio de Twinsburg tiene siete enclaves, de los cuales cuatro son enclaves en la ciudad de Twinsburg . La ciudad a su vez tiene una parte conectada solo por un cuadripunto, que por lo demás está rodeada por el municipio.
En Oregón , la ubicación de varias empresas, incluida la sede mundial de Nike, Inc. , está rodeada por la ciudad de Beaverton , pero se encuentra dentro del condado no incorporado de Washington .
En Virginia , el condado de Fairfax tiene un enclave dentro de la ciudad de Fairfax que alberga el palacio de justicia del condado y algunas otras oficinas gubernamentales del condado. El condado de Prince William tiene un enclave dentro de la ciudad de Manassas que alberga el palacio de justicia del condado y algunas otras oficinas gubernamentales del condado. El condado de Montgomery tiene un pequeño enclave que consta de dos casas dentro de la ciudad independiente de Radford . [69] Tenga en cuenta que en Virginia, las comunidades que se incorporan como ciudades están completamente separadas de los condados; consulte Subdivisiones políticas de Virginia .
Enclaves que no son exclaves
Cada enclave enumerado en esta sección tiene un estatus legal equivalente al de la otra entidad que lo rodea por completo. Ninguno de los enclaves tiene una región principal separada de la que forme parte.
Nivel nacional
Algunos enclaves son estados soberanos, completamente rodeados por otro, y por lo tanto no son exclaves . Existen tres países soberanos de este tipo:
La misma lógica se aplica a muchos de los enclaves subnacionales enumerados inmediatamente a continuación.
En Polonia , el barrio municipal de Etap , en la ciudad de Varsovia , dentro del distrito de Ursynów , es un enclave rodeado por el barrio municipal de Jeziorki . Ambos fueron establecidos en 1996. [72] [73] [74]
En el Reino Unido también se pueden describir como enclaves dos distritos electorales parlamentarios: los distritos electorales de Bath y York Central están completamente rodeados por los distritos electorales de North East Somerset y York Outer , respectivamente.
Muchas otras ciudades de California tienen pequeños enclaves de áreas no incorporadas.
En Florida , la ciudad de Baldwin es un enclave dentro de la ciudad de Jacksonville . La localidad de Lazy Lake se encuentra completamente dentro de los límites de la ciudad de Wilton Manors .
En Georgia , Remerton es un enclave de Valdosta ; de manera similar, Payne City fue un enclave dentro de la ciudad de Macon hasta que se disolvió en 2015. [75]
En Indiana , después de la aprobación de Unigov en 1970 por la legislatura estatal que fusionó el gobierno de Indianápolis y el condado de Marion , cuatro ciudades permanecieron independientes y no se fusionaron con Indianápolis: tres de esas ciudades, Beech Grove , Southport y Speedway , se convirtieron en enclaves de Indianápolis.
En Kentucky , cuando los gobiernos de Louisville y el condado de Jefferson se fusionaron en 2003, se creó una desconcertante variedad de enclaves, ya que todas las demás ciudades incorporadas en el condado de Jefferson conservaron su condición de ciudades separadas. [76] Nótese que todo el río Ohio entre las marcas de aguas bajas del norte y del sur es ahora parte del área metropolitana de Louisville.
Otras tres ciudades estaban, y todavía están, enclavadas en ciudades distintas de Louisville:
La fusión creó muchos otros enclaves dentro de la parte del área metropolitana de Louisville que incluye la ciudad anterior a la fusión, pero excluye todas las demás ciudades preexistentes, una entidad definida por la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos como el "equilibrio entre Louisville y el condado de Jefferson" . Como municipios, estos enclaves no son parte del "equilibrio", sino que están rodeados por él.
Las ciudades antes mencionadas de Middletown, Norbourne Estates, Richlawn, St. Matthews y Woodland Hills, junto con otros 46 municipios, forman parte de un gran enclave compuesto dentro del "equilibrio".
En Montana , cuando los gobiernos de los condados de Butte y Silver Bow se fusionaron en 1977, la ciudad de Walkerville votó no unirse al gobierno consolidado, convirtiéndose así en un enclave.
En Pensilvania , cada condado del estado, excepto los condados de Fulton , Filadelfia , Pike y Union, contiene al menos un municipio en otro municipio. Hay al menos 338 enclaves en el estado que comprenden lugares incorporados y lugares designados por el censo dentro de otras subdivisiones del condado. [77] [78] Por lo general, el enclave toma la forma de un distrito que está rodeado por el municipio del que originalmente era parte, pero son posibles otros escenarios (por ejemplo, el distrito de Mount Oliver es un enclave de Pittsburgh ; el distrito de Pitcairn , de Monroeville ; el distrito de Dale , de Johnstown ; y el municipio del condado de Lackawanna de Elmhurst , del municipio de Roaring Brook ). Si bien los condados urbanos de Pensilvania contienen pocos enclaves debido a la fragmentación municipal, las áreas rurales cuentan con numerosos municipios enclaves. Muchos resultaron de pequeños centros urbanos que se separaron de sus áreas rurales circundantes.
En Virginia , según la ley de Virginia, todos los municipios que se incorporan como ciudades son legalmente independientes de cualquier condado . Existen quince enclaves de este tipo (trece ciudades individuales, más dos pares de ciudades adyacentes) dentro del estado; algunas de las ciudades que forman estos enclaves sirven como sede del condado circundante:
Fairfax , enclavada dentro del condado de Fairfax y sede del mismo . Como se indicó anteriormente, el palacio de justicia del condado se encuentra en una parte no incorporada del condado de Fairfax que está completamente rodeada por la ciudad.
Manassas y Manassas Park forman juntos un enclave dentro del condado de Prince William . Manassas es la sede del condado; como se señaló anteriormente, el palacio de justicia del condado se encuentra en una parte no incorporada del condado de Prince William que está completamente rodeada por la ciudad.
Roanoke y Salem forman juntos un enclave dentro del condado de Roanoke . El juzgado del condado de Roanoke se encuentra en Salem, pero el resto del gobierno del condado se encuentra en la comunidad no incorporada de Cave Spring .
Un enclave debe estar siempre agrupado con una región principal de la que forma parte legalmente. En el caso de aguas internacionales, la región principal está formada por todas las aguas internacionales que no se encuentran en zonas económicas exclusivas. Todas las posibles rutas de viaje desde el enclave hasta su región principal deben atravesar una o más regiones administrativo-territoriales diferentes que tengan el mismo nivel legal. Cada enclave enumerado en esta sección limita con más de una región.
The state of Victoria's Murrindindi Shire has an exclave along the border with Shire of Yarra Ranges. It is separated from the rest of Murrindindi Shire by the Lake Mountain unincorporated area, which was originally a part of the shire.
Apart from Baarle-Hertog, there are three municipalities consisting of non-contiguous parts: Ixelles (Elsene) and Saint-Gilles (Sint-Gillis)[89] in the Brussels Capital Region and Mesen in West Flanders.
In Ida-Viru County, the town of Kohtla-Järve is divided into five separated districts. Of these exclaves, Ahtme, Järve and Sompa districts are not enclaves.
In the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria: the seat of the municipality of Roghudi is an enclave within Melito di Porto Salvo and the other, larger part of the municipality is about 40 km away and is an exclave surrounded by 6 other municipalities. Similarly, the seat of the municipality of Africo is a semi-exclave in Bianco with the larger part being an exclave between 7 other municipalities.
In the Province of Nuoro: Triei has an exclave between Urzulei, Talana and Baunei; Arzana has an exclave (Acetorri) between Contissa (exclave of Jerzu), Quirra (exclave of Lanusei) and the Province of South Sardinia; Loceri has an exclave (Bacu Orca) between Sa Tuvada (exclave of Osini), Quirra (exclave of Lanusei) and Tertenia; Osini consists of four non-contiguous exclaves; Lanusei has an exclave (Quirra) between Sa Tuvuda (exclave of Osini), Acetorri (exclave of Arzana) and Bacu Orca (exclave of Loceri); Jerzu has an exclave (Contissa) between Ulassai, Acetorri (exclave of Arzana), Sa Tuvuda (exclave of Osini) and the Province of South Sardinia; Elini has an exclave between Ilbono, Arzana and Lanusei; Gairo has an exclave (Su Sirboni) between Tertenia and Cardedu.
In the Province of Trapani: Gibellina has an exclave (Nuova Gibellina) surrounded by Santa Ninfa except for a quadripoint with Salemi, and Santa Ninfa has an exclave between Nuova Gibellina and Salemi.
The city-county of Żory, Silesian Voivodeship, has a small exclave located between the city-county of Rybnik, Silesian Voivodeship, and the municipality of Świerklany in Rybnik County, Silesian Voivodeship. The exclave has an area of c. 13.5 ha and lies around 50 m from the rest of the city.
In Portugal, as a consequence of administrative reforms during the 19th century (in the 1830s, then again in the 1850s, and to a much lesser extent in the 1890s), as well as more recent legislation forbidding the creation of territorial discontinuities,[63][64] there are almost no subnational exclaves or enclaves, and the few that persist are on the municipal or civil parish level:
Municipalities with exclave civil parishes (at least one civil parish is separated from the main body): Montijo and Oliveira de Frades.
Municipalities with sub-civil parish level exclaves (at least one civil parish is itself territorially discontinuous, creating an exclave also at the municipal level): Soure.
Exclaves that are sub-parts of civil parishes and that yet remain within the municipal-level boundary are located in the following municipalities: Ansião, Belmonte, Coimbra, Oliveira de Frades, Penela.
The lands within numerous Indian reservations have been fragmented, with privately owned real estate intermixed with tribal, city, county, state, and federal authorities in a bewildering array of jurisdictional geographies.
Red Lake Indian Reservation has one large exclave bordering Canada (itself containing enclaves of non-reservation land) and numerous other small exclaves.
Semi-enclaves and semi-exclaves are areas that, except for possessing an unsurrounded sea border, would otherwise be enclaves or exclaves.[3]: 12–14 [91]: 116 Semi-enclaves can exist as independent states that border only one other state. Vinokurov (2007) declares, "Technically, Portugal, Denmark, and Canada also border only one foreign state, but they are not enclosed in the geographical, political, or economic sense. They have vast access to international waters. At the same time, there are states that, although in possession of sea access, are still enclosed by the territories of a foreign state."[3]: 14 (At the time of publication, Canada and Denmark did not share a border. Portugal is not considered a semi-enclave.) Therefore, Vinokurov applies a quantitative principle: the land boundary must be longer than the coastline. Thus he classifies a state as a sovereign semi-enclave if it borders on just one state, and its land boundary is longer than its sea coastline.[3]: 14, 20–22 Vinokurov affirms that "no similar quantitative criterion is needed to define the scope of non-sovereign semi-enclaves/exclaves."[3]: 14, 26 [92]
Eritrea: The southeasternmost point of Eritrea (12°42′38.3″N 43°7′52.9″E / 12.710639°N 43.131361°E / 12.710639; 43.131361) is surrounded by Djibouti and Bab-el-Mandeb.
The overseas territory of Gibraltar is on the south coast of Spain. A neutral zone had existed at one time but appears no longer to be observed.[93]
Akrotiri and Dhekelia – British Overseas Territory on the island of Cyprus, administered as two Sovereign Base Areas, an Eastern Sovereign Base Area (ESBA) and a Western Sovereign Base Area (WSBA). The bases were retained by the UK following the independence of Cyprus in 1960. The Western Sovereign Base Area includes Akrotiri and Episkopi Cantonment, while the Eastern Sovereign Base Area includes Dhekelia Cantonment and Ayios Nikolaos.
Croatia: The southern portion of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, including the historic city of Dubrovnik, is bounded by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Adriatic Sea. Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina's only sea access, is sandwiched between the two portions of this county. This semi-exclave relies on national territorial waters as its only alternative connection to the rest of the country. It is accessible to Croatia's much larger region to the north by an 8 km road a short distance from and parallel to the Adriatic coastline, crossing Bosnia via Neum. The Pelješac Bridge, which opened July 2022, is a 2.3 km bridge to a Croatian peninsula that bypasses the Bosnian transit.[94]
A pene-exclave is a part of the territory of one country that can be approached conveniently — in particular by wheeled traffic — only through the territory of another country.[95]: 283 Such areas are enclaves or exclaves for practical purposes, without meeting the strict definition; hence they are also called functional enclaves or practical enclaves.[3]: 31 Many pene-exclaves partially border their own territorial waters (i.e., they are not surrounded by other nations' territorial waters). A pene-enclave can also exist entirely on land, such as when intervening mountains render a territory inaccessible from other parts of a country except through alien territory. Thus, a pene-exclave has land borders with other territory but is not completely surrounded by the other's land or territorial waters. They can exhibit continuity of state territory across territorial waters but, nevertheless, a discontinuity on land, such as in the case of Point Roberts.[3]: 47 Along rivers that change course, pene-enclaves can be observed as complexes comprising many small pene-enclaves.[3]: 50 Attribution of a pene-enclave status to a territory can sometimes be disputed, depending on whether the territory is considered to be practically inaccessible from the mainland or not.[3]: 33
The municipality of Jungholz is connected to the rest of Austria at a quadripoint at the summit of the mountain Sorgschrofen (1636 m). Road access is only via German land. However, Vinokurov (2007) states, "For all purposes, a connection in a single point does not mean anything. It is just like being completely separated. One cannot pass through a single point, nor is it possible to transport goods. It is not even possible to lay a telephone line."[3] (See above: Enclaves that are also exclaves.)
Hinterriß and Eng (parts of the communes of Vomp and Eben am Achensee in Tyrol, Austria) are functional exclaves accessible by road only from Germany.
Belgium/France: Along the river Leie (Lys in French) between Halluin and Armentières, where the river forms the border, there are 7 small pene-exclaves of Belgium (province of Hainaut) on the southern side of the river and 7 small pene-exclaves of France (department of Nord) on the northern side of the river. This is due to minor changes in the course of the river since the border was fixed in 1830.
Belgium/Luxembourg: There is a building containing both an Aldi and a Lidl supermarket, adjacent to the northernmost point of Luxembourg, that is inaccessible by road from Luxembourg and can only be accessed through Belgium[citation needed].
Belgium/Netherlands: On the Dutch side of the Meuse River, between the Belgian municipality of Visé and its neighbouring Dutch municipalities of Maastricht and Eijsden-Margraten, Belgium has two pene-exclaves, Presqu'ile de L'Ilal and Presqu'ile d'Eijsden. A Dutch pene-exclave, Presqu'ile Petit-Gravier, lies on the Belgian side. The states signed a treaty in 2016 to swap these plots of land, which are the result of river straightening prior to 1980.
Belize: Ambergris Caye is an island in Belize located south of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is separated from the rest of the country and can only be reached on land by a bridge from Mexico.
Bolivia: Copacabana and the surrounding promontory are separated from the rest of Bolivia by Lake Titicaca, only joining by land to Peruvian territory. Access to Bolivia is only available via ferry.
Campobello Island, New Brunswick can be reached by road only by driving through the United States, across the border bridge to Maine. Connection with the rest of Canada is by ferry.
The entrance to Aroostook Valley Country Club near Fort Fairfield, Maine, is in the U.S., but most of the club's golf course and its clubhouse are in Canada. Members and their guests, as long as they remain on the club's property, are not required to clear Canadian customs. Although a shorter route to Canada exists, members coming from Canada must do a 33 kilometres (21 mi) detour to report to U.S. border inspection before proceeding to the golf club.
The Haskell Free Library and Opera House straddles the border. The Canadian part of the building is a practical exclave of Canada, as most of the building is physically in Stanstead, Quebec, but the only public access to the building is via the front door on Caswell Avenue in Derby Line, Vermont, in the United States. (Emergency exits from the second floor open to Canada.) People in Canada may not enter or exit the building except by travelling into the U.S. A special exception allows library and opera house patrons to cross the border to enter and move about in the building, but they must return to their home country (or see the Customs office) to avoid being charged with illegally entering the other country.
Chile: Magallanes Region of Chile, the southernmost portion of the Chilean mainland, is a practical exclave. The southernmost location that can be reached by road from the core of Chile is Villa O'Higgins in Aysén Region. Before the construction of the Carretera Austral, and its side-routes, the practical exclave included the Aysén Region and other locations such as Futaleufú.
Croatia/Bosnia and Herzegovina: A few houses and the castle Zrinski, belonging to the municipality of Hrvatska Kostajnica, lie on the right bank of the Una river, and are connected to the municipality by a bridge. The border crosses the FK Partizan Kostajnica football club's pitch, leaving approximately 1/3 of the pitch on the Croatian territory.
Croatia/Hungary: The Croatian village of Križnica lies on the left bank of the river Drava, and is connected to the rest of the country by a pedestrian bridge.
Croatia/Slovenia: A small portion of the Croatian village of Mali Tabor lies on the right bank of the river Sutla and can be reached only through Slovenian territory.
Denmark/Germany: Several farms on the border, e.g. Vilmkærgård (similar situation as Canada's Haskell Free Library, immediately above).[96] Between 1920 and 1927, the popular German tourist island Sylt was accessible only by boat from Højer, ceded to Denmark in 1920. A direct German route was built in 1927.
Estonia: Lutepää is a small village on the Värska-to-Saatse gravel road in southeast and it can only be reached by travelling through Russia (the one and only road through Lutepää cuts, on either side of the village, through Russia's Saatse Boot area).
Finland/Sweden: The city centre of the Finnish city of Tornio is a pene-enclave unreachable directly by land from Finnish territory, although connected to the rest of Finland by a pair of bridges. The neighbouring Swedish municipality of Haparanda has two similar pene-enclaves unreachable directly from Swedish territory. One is an islet crossed by the international border at a golf course on the line between Tornio and Haparanda.
France: The territorial water of Canada completely surrounds that of the French territorial collectivity of St Pierre and Miquelon except for an EEZ corridor 10.5 NM (19.4 km) wide stretching 200 NM (370 km) to the south. This corridor is wholly enclosed within the EEZ of Canada due to the EEZ of Sable Island to the southeast of Nova Scotia.[97]
The smaller part of the German city of Konstanz, which includes the Altstadt (old town), lies to the south of the Rhine and has no land border with Germany, being otherwise surrounded by Switzerland; it is linked to the rest of Konstanz, and by extension to the rest of Germany, by a bridge.
The Swiss town of Stein am Rhein has only a bridge over the Rhine connecting it to the rest of Switzerland, which it does not border on land, and is otherwise surrounded by Germany.
Guatemala/Mexico: The changing course of the Río Suchiate has created pene-exclaves on both banks of the river.
Guyana/Venezuela: The coastal border runs in a straight, northwest–southeast line next to the beach, producing a pene-exclave of Guyana on Isla Corocoro 12 miles long and 300 feet wide at its narrowest.[98]
Hong Kong: Shenzhen Bay Control Point (aka Hong Kong Port Area) (0.50 km2,[99][100]22°30′14″N 113°56′41″E / 22.5039°N 113.9447°E / 22.5039; 113.9447), Hong Kong's immigration/customs control point that is surrounded by China (Guangdong province – Nanshan district), is located at the northern terminus of the Hong Kong–Shenzhen Western Corridor. It is contiguous with the rest of Hong Kong only by the road surface of the motorway (the sea, including the clearance between the sea and the bridge, and the airspace remain under Chinese jurisdiction).[101] The Hong Kong Government must pay rent to the Shenzhen municipal government for the use of the port area, amounting to CN¥ 6 million per year[102] until 2018, when a deal was reached to slash it to CN¥ 1,000 starting from 2019.[103] The rental agreement lasts until 30 June 2047.[102]
Ireland/United Kingdom: The westernmost region of County Monaghan in Ireland contains a pene-enclave jutting into County Fermanagh, United Kingdom, known as the Drummully Polyp or Salient (also locally as Coleman Island after the name of its northernmost townland, Coleman). There are two inaccessible districts: Drumard in the 'polyp' itself, belongs to Ireland and is inaccessible directly by road from any other part of Ireland; the village of Summerhill, County Fermanagh in the United Kingdom is similarly inaccessible from the rest of the United Kingdom. The A3 (UK) and N54 (Ireland) road, known as the Concession Road, crosses the border here 4 times in a short distance.[104]
The Livigno valley near the Swiss border was at one time accessible only from Switzerland and was exempt from Italian customs, an exemption that continues today even though road access to the rest of Italy has been established. It is therefore excluded from EU VAT area.
The village of Bagni di Craveggia can only be reached by travelling through the Canton of Ticino in Switzerland. The village never became part of Switzerland, as the pastures surrounding it were owned by the people of Vigezzo Valley, rather than the people of the Swiss Onsernone Valley, at the end of which the village is situated. Consequently, the Swiss franc is commonly used.
On the San Marino/Italy border, there is Italian land east of the River San Marino that does not join to any other part of 'dry' Italian territory. This area is only a few metres wide, and follows the river's course for around 500 metres, and is close to the Strada del Lavoro.
Mexico/United States of America: Shifts in the meandering course of the lower Rio Bravo del Norte (Rio Grande) have created numerous pene-exclaves. Under the Boundary Treaty of 1970 and earlier treaties, the two nations have maintained the actual course of the river as the international boundary, but both must approve proposed changes. From 1989 to 2009, there were 128 locations where the river changed course, causing land that had been on one side of the river to then occupy the opposite bank. Until the boundary is officially changed, there are 60 small pene-exclaves of the state of Texas now lying on the southern side of the river, as well as 68 such pene-exclaves of Mexico on the northern side of the river. The last such exchange (of pre-1989 river cuts) occurred in 2009, after languishing as a proposal for 20 years.
Malaysia: In the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, the Limbang Division is completely cut off from the rest of the state's road network. The Limbang District in the division is only accessible by road through Brunei, as it is located between Brunei's main portion and the Temburong District. The Lawas District, on the other hand, lies between Temburong and the state of Sabah. As Sabah and Sarawak have autonomy in immigration affairs, immigration checks are required when travelling into or out of the Limbang Division by road.
Netherlands: Part of the province of Zeeland, namely Zeelandic Flanders is accessible by land only through the country of Belgium, although it is accessible by sea from the rest of the province of Zeeland. There is a tunnel, the Westerscheldetunnel, which also links Zeelandic Flanders to the rest of the province.
Norway/Sweden: Properties 79/3 and 79/4 (59°39′17″N 11°51′50″E / 59.65472°N 11.86389°E / 59.65472; 11.86389) at Trosterud in the Norwegian municipality of Rømskog are only accessible by a road that follows the Norwegian–Swedishboundary.[105] Some nearby houses in Sweden are only accessible from that road that is connected to a larger road only in Norway.
Portugal: An area north of Tourém is cut off from the rest of Portuguese territory by the lake Encoro de Salas, being surrounded by Spanish territory. It is accessible by a road bridge, but otherwise does not border the rest of Portugal.
The settlement of Maloje Kulisko is separated from the rest of the country by the Kuuleski River; the village is otherwise surrounded by Estonian territory, although as it is a bog island, it is not accessible from Estonia either.
Vistula Spit's eastern part in the Kaliningrad Area is bounded by Poland and the Baltic Sea, but has the common territorial waters of Russia.
Senegal: An area of marshy land, approximately 1-mile (1.6 km) south of Tiong, Mauritania is owned by Senegal, but is inaccessible from any other part of Senegal. Coastal waters, however, are contiguous.
Slovenia: A farmhouse and a few other buildings in the village of Rigonce on the left bank of the river Sotla/Sutla can only be reached through Croatia.
Spain: Os de Civís is inaccessible via any other part of Spanish territory, as one has to travel via Andorra.
Sweden: The settlements Naimakka, Keinovuopio and some few more farms located on the Swedish side of the Könkämäeno river have road access only on the Finnish side.
Togo: A territory in the northwestern end of Togo is only accessible through Burkina Faso.[3]: 33
The valley of Macahel, which includes five villages in northeastern Turkey, can only be reached by vehicle via Batumi in Georgia. In winter, as the snow shuts the paths that are completely within the borders of Turkey, the road via Batumi is the only way to travel there.
Turkey has a pene-exclave west of the Maritsa River opposite Edirne (Adrianople), with a land boundary of 10.8 km with Greece.[106][107]
Uganda: The extreme tip of Tanzania's Kanyiragwa peninsula is a very small pene-exclave of Uganda on the shore of Lake Victoria, created by the parallel of latitude that defines most of the border between Uganda and Tanzania.
Although Alaska is itself a pene-exclave (road access is primarily via the Alaska Highway), much of the Alaska Panhandle consists of mountainous peninsulas; many communities along the coast lack road connection to other parts of Alaska directly, such as the state capital, Juneau. Three communities are connected by road to Canada with no road to any other point in Alaska: Haines via the Haines Highway; Skagway via the Klondike Highway; and Hyder to Stewart, British Columbia. The distance between Haines and Skagway is about 16 miles (26 km) by the Alaska Marine Highway car ferry but 350 miles (560 km) by road through Canada. Hyder is the only point in the U.S. that can be entered legally without reporting for border inspection; while Canada maintains a border post on the road to Stewart, the U.S. border post was closed in the 1970s. Hyder is connected to the rest of Alaska only by a seaplane service to Ketchikan, with customs inspection done on arrival in Ketchikan.
A peninsula juts into North Dakota within the Osthus lake in Rolette County, North Dakota, 500 meters south of Gunnville Lake and 700 meters east of Wakopa Creek, in the Wakopa Wildlife Management Area.[109][110]
The Northwest Angle – the northernmost part of Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota, and the northernmost part of the contiguous 48 states – is bounded by Manitoba, Canada and Lake of the Woods. Access to the rest of Minnesota is only via boat or by a pair of vehicular border crossings.
Elm Point, Minnesota and two small pieces of uninhabited land just to its west (Buffalo Bay Point)[111] are also bounded by Manitoba and Lake of the Woods.
The Alburgh Tongue in Lake Champlain, location of the town of Alburgh, Vermont, is bounded by Quebec, Canada to the north. The community can be reached via road bridges from Vermont or New York.
Province Point, the small end of a peninsula east of Alburgh, Vermont, is bounded by Quebec and Lake Champlain.
Estcourt Station, Maine, does not have public road access to the rest of Maine. Instead, Estcourt Station's houses, store and gas station access Rue Frontiere, a street on the Canadian side of the border in Pohenegamook, Quebec.
The border divides an island formed by branches of the Río Mayer.[113]
Bahrain/Saudi Arabia: Middle East Causeway Embankment No. 4 is an island situated on the King Fahd Causeway in the Persian Gulf. On this small hourglass-shaped island is the border between the two nations, each connected to the island by a bridge. The border station was designed as two connected islands, with the west side designated as Saudi Arabian and the east as Bahraini.[114]
Belarus/Lithuania: Sosnovec Island and another nameless island in Lake Drūkšiai are each divided by the two nations; hence, they are pene-exclaves.
Bolivia and Chile share an island formed by the Río Putani and its branch, Quebrado Coipacoipani.[115]
Brunei/Indonesia/Malaysia: Borneo's subdivisions include a part of Malaysia (the states of Sabah and Sarawak), the nation of Brunei, and a part of Indonesia that are conterminous.
The Finnish municipality of Tornio and the neighbouring Swedish municipality of Haparanda share an islet crossed by the international border at a golf course on the line between the two.
Märket is a small 3.3-hectare (8.2-acre) uninhabited island in the Baltic Sea, which has been divided between the two nations since the Treaty of Fredrikshamn of 1809. The unusual border consists of eight line segments and takes the form of an inverted 'S', with the island's lighthouse connected to the rest of Finland only by a short stretch of land.
Kataja Island (Inakari in Finnish) is divided into two pene-exclaves, one of each nation. It was formed by the merger of two smaller islands due to post-glacial rebound.
Ireland/United Kingdom: The islet of Pollatawny 54°32′40″N 8°0′25″W / 54.54444°N 8.00694°W / 54.54444; -8.00694 in Lough Vearty[121] lies on the international border; hence, each nation has a pene-exclave there.
Lithuania/Russia: An island in the Šešupė River is divided between Lithuania and the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia.
A small lake island is divided between North Korea and Songsan-ri, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea at 37°55′28.68″N 126°40′31.65″E / 37.9246333°N 126.6754583°E / 37.9246333; 126.6754583.
A river island at 38°2′28.81″N 126°51′18.70″E / 38.0413361°N 126.8551944°E / 38.0413361; 126.8551944 is split between them.
Norway and Russia each have pene-exclaves on two divided islands and one divided islet in two lakes on their international border.
Norway/Sweden: On their international border, Norway and Sweden divide 16 lake islands and one river islet into pene-exclaves of each nation.
The tripoint junction (41°42′40″N 26°21′28″E / 41.71111°N 26.35778°E / 41.71111; 26.35778) of the borders of Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria is on an island in the Maritsa River known as Kavak Ada or Évros Alpha.[106][122] Thus it contains three pene-exclaves.
Turkey and Greece divide an island in the Maritsa River known as island Q located at 41°20′10″N 26°36′50″E / 41.33611°N 26.61389°E / 41.33611; 26.61389, thus each nation has a pene-exclave there.[106][123]
United States of America/Canada: The two nations share extremely long borders defined by two meridians of longitude and the 49th parallel of north latitude, crossing many lakes and rivers and, in at least 46 locations, dividing many islands. Each divided island contains a pene-exclave of each nation:
Salt Lake in northeastern Montana, known as Alkali Lake in Saskatchewan, contains an island that is crossed by the international border at its southern tip (49°0′0″N 104°18′39.4″W / 49.00000°N 104.310944°W / 49.00000; -104.310944). When the lake is not dry, the island forms pene-exclaves of each nation.
The two nations also divide two islands[124] on their international border in Boundary Lake, North Dakota and Manitoba. The larger eastern island lies at 48°59′57″N 100°12′47″W / 48.99917°N 100.21306°W / 48.99917; -100.21306; the tiny western island is at 48°59′57″N 100°13′1.5″W / 48.99917°N 100.217083°W / 48.99917; -100.217083.
Each nation has a pene-exclave on the 77-acre Province Island at 45°00′18″N 72°13′53″W / 45.00491°N 72.23131°W / 45.00491; -72.23131 in Lake Memphremagog, Vermont and Quebec. The small southern tip is on the U.S. side; the remaining 90% of the island is Canadian.
The two nations divide Pine and Curry Island[125] in Lake of the Woods on the Minnesota/Ontario border at 48°52′37″N 94°41′02″W / 48.876967°N 94.683964°W / 48.876967; -94.683964
In addition to the above, the two nations share a border on approximately 17 other lake islands (5 are in Alaska/Yukon) and approximately 50 other river islands (37 in Alaska/Yukon, including at least 18 among greatly bifurcated flows). The 13 river islands outside of Alaska and Yukon border the states of Washington, Montana, North Dakota and Maine (1, 7, 1 and 4, respectively) and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec and New Brunswick (1, 5, 2, 1, 1 and 3, respectively). The 17 lake islands at lower latitudes are shared by the states of Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont and Maine (2, 2, 9, 1, 1, 1 and 1, respectively), and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick (2, 1, 2, 8, 2, 1 and 1, respectively).
The sparsely-inhabited Jervis Bay Territory occupies a coastal peninsula. It is not part of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), but the laws of the ACT do apply to it. The Jervis Bay Territory is administered by the government of the ACT and thus it is a pene-exclave, accessible only by travel through New South Wales.[126]
The border between Victoria and New South Wales runs along the top of the south bank of the Murray River as far east as the source, thus the entire bank between the source and South Australian border technically constitutes a pene-enclave of New South Wales, accessible by crossing the river by road only through Victoria.
Cold Lake, a large C-shaped lake, straddles the border between Alberta and Saskatchewan in such a way that a peninsula in Albertan territory can only be reached overland by passing through Saskatchewan's Meadow Lake Provincial Park.
Most of Chongming Island at the mouth of the Yangtze is administered as Chongming County of Shanghai municipality. However, a long swath of the northern side of the island was added to the island in the 1970s from the formerly separate island of Yonglongsha. It is divided between Haiyong and Qilongtownships, which are administered as pene-exclaves of Nantong's county-level cities of Haimen and Qidong, respectively. Formerly connected only by ferry, they joined the mainland's road network with the completion of the Chongqi Bridge, although all routes now pass through Shanghai's territory
Slatine on the island of Čiovo is a pene-enclave of the city of Split, as it can be reached by road only via three other municipalities (Solin, Kaštela and Trogir).
The north-western part of the municipality of Tisno is separated from the rest of the municipality by the municipality of Pirovac.
The villages of Vlašići and Smokvica belong to the town of Pag, but are separated from it by the municipality of Povljana.
In Finland, the South Karelian municipality of Taipalsaari is spread across several islands and peninsulas in Lake Saimaa; many are only accessible by road from its neighbouring municipalities. For example, the village of Merenlahti is located on a small peninsula, and the only way to get there by road is through Lappeenranta.
9 and 11 Anderson Road and Anderson Road Service Reservoir within Sai Kung District of the New Territories are only accessible from On Sau Road which lies within Wong Tai Sin District of New Kowloon, after this part of Anderson Road was demolished in 2014.
Northernmost part of Chek Lap Kok island, part of the third runway of the Chek Lap Kok Airport, which has a land border with Islands District while itself being part of Tuen Mun District, has no direct access overland or by road with the rest of its district.
The southeastern end of the Kai Tak Development Area, itself within Kowloon City District, is only accessible by road from Kwun Tong District via Cheung Yip Street, Shing Cheong Road, Kai Tak Bridge and Shing Fung Road.
Ma Wan is part of Tsuen Wan District, but only has land access with the rest of the district through Tsing Yi, which is part of Kwai Tsing District.
Southern tip of the west breakwater of the naval base on the southern part of Stonecutters Island, which crosses the southern edge of Sham Shui Po District into Kwai Tsing District, is only accessible from the rest of Kwai Tsing District by traveling through Sham Shui Po District.
Hafnarfjörður municipality is divided into two sections, on opposite sides of a peninsula.
Skagabyggð municipality has two noncontiguous pieces with sea access.
The municipality of Grímsnes- og Grafningshreppur has three sections. Two sections are connected at a quadripoint, and the third is effectively separate, although administrative boundaries are undetermined. If this section is in fact connected, then the municipality of Bláskógabyggð would be divided in two (although still connected at the aforementioned quadripoint).[128]
In South Sumatra, the districts of Tanjung Sakti Pumi and Tanjung Sakti Pumu in Lahat Regency, which lies west of Pagar Alam City, is only accessible by road to the rest of the regency through Pagar Alam City.
In East Java, the districts of Kasembon, Ngantang, and Pujon in Malang Regency, which lies west of Batu City, is only accessible by road to the rest of the Regency through Batu City.
In Central Sulawesi, eleven of the sixteen districts of Donggala Regency are collectively separated from the rest of the regency by the city of Palu, Sigi Regency and Palu Bay.
In South Sulawesi, six districts of Luwu Regency, namely Walenrang, East Walenrang, West Walenrang, North Walenrang, Lamasi, and East Lamasi, are separated from the rest of the regency by the city of Palopo.
The townland of Aughinish in the parish of Oughtmama is a coastal pene-exclave of County Clare, from where it can be accessed by land only by travelling through County Galway.
The campus of the University of Macau is defined to be part of the statutory definition of Taipa and part of Freguesia de Nossa Senhora do Carmo but is only accessible through an undersea tunnel connected to Cotai.
In Mexico, Calica and Xel-Há are two polygons of land belonging to the municipality of Cozumel in the state of Quintana Roo which are bounded by the municipalities of Solidaridad and Tulum, respectively. Both polygons possess a coastline.
In Moldova, Tiraspol, the capital city of the breakaway territory of Transnistria, lies on the left bank of the Dniester River but has two pene-exclaves on the right bank inside an oxbow bend, which must be accessed on land through the Căuşeni district.
In Montenegro, the southern portion of the municipality of Herceg Novi can be accessed by land only through the municipalities of Kotor and Tivat.
In the Netherlands, the province of Overijssel has two pene-exclaves on the Gelderland bank of the IJssel river opposite the towns of Olst and Wijhe, in which the villages of Marle (northerly), Welsum and Welsumerveld (southerly) are situated. There are cable ferries between Olst and Welsum and between Wijhe and Vorchten in the municipality of Heerde (there is no direct connection between Marle and the rest of Overijssel).
In Norway, the municipalities Asker and Bærum are separated from the rest of the county of Akershus by land that belongs to the counties of Oslo, Oppland and Buskerud, and Oslofjorden. However, these municipalities border on the bay of Oslofjord.
In Romblon Province, the exclave of the municipality of Looc is separated by the Looc Bay forming a peninsula with neighboring municipality of Santa Fe.
In Portugal, Vila Real de Santo António is divided into 3 freguesias, with one a few kilometres west of the other two. The "main," eastern part of its territory (where the municipal seat stands and where most of its inhabitants live) is more than three times smaller than the "secondary" part. To go from the eastern part to the western, one must pass through territory belonging to the municipality of Castro Marim, or go by sea, as all 3 freguesias face the Atlantic Ocean to the South.
In Romania, the village of Nămoloasa (Galați County) can be accessed only through Vrancea County (where there is a bridge over the Siret) because it is separated by the Siret from the rest of Galați county.
Adjacent to the northwestern boundary of Moscow, there is a small exclave of the Krasnogorsk administrative district located at the 65-km mark outside of the 137-km Moscow Ring Road (Moskovskaya Koltsevaya Avtomobilnaya Doroga or MKAD), within which the administrative center and regional court are located. This area lacks access to the nearby Moscow River.
Incheon Metropolitan City: Ganghwa Island is administered by Incheon, but is connected by bridges to Gyeonggi Province.
Yeongjong Island, where Incheon International Airport is located, is administered by Jung-gu, but is connected by bridges to Seo-gu and Yeonsu-gu. (A "gu" is a geo-political subdivision of S. Korea's metropolitan cities).
Vaud has one exclave, Avenches, bordered by Lake Neuchâtel and Fribourg. Neuchâtel also has one small pene-exclave, Tour romande, on the opposite shore of Lake Neuchâtel, bordering Bern, Fribourg, and Vaud (Avenches exclave). The coast of Lake Neuchâtel is thus separated into eight pieces belonging to four cantons: clockwise from the north they are Neuchâtel (main), Bern (main), Neuchâtel (pene-exclave), Vaud (exclave), Fribourg (main), Vaud (main), Fribourg (exclave), Vaud (main).
Within Vaud, Geneva has a pene-exclave on the shoreline on Lake Geneva. It is one of the two separate parts of the commune of Céligny.
The emirate of Sharjah has three pene-exclaves on the Gulf of Oman: Dibba Al-Hisn, Khor Fakkan and Kalbā. Kalbā has two separate parts (east and west) connected by a middle zone that is administered jointly with Fujairah. Al 'Ayn al Ghumūr, Samāḩ and Waḩlah are located in this middle zone. Western Kalbā contains Zārūb, Maskūnah, Falaj, Ḩarrah, Mazārī', Fayyāᶁ, Wādī La'ili, Wādī Muᶁayq, Minazif and Dhabābiḩah.
The emirate of Fujairah comprises two noncontiguous sections on the Gulf of Oman. The southerly of these two sections itself has two separate parts (north and south) connected by the aforementioned middle zone that is administered jointly with Sharjah. Wādī Umm al Ghāt, Wādī al Qūr and Wādī 'Abd al 'Aram are in the southernmost part.
On the English side of the English/Scottish border, the hamlet of High Cocklaw is not accessible directly from any other part of England except via footpath.
Newmarket is part of the County of Suffolk, but has only a small strip of land connecting it to the rest of the county and is otherwise entirely surrounded by Cambridgeshire.
Scotland: There are two parts inaccessible from anywhere else other than by travelling through England: these are Edrington Castle and the village of Cawderstanes, which is accessible to the rest of Scotland by footbridge only. There is also a small area of land adjacent to a weir on the River Tweed, north of the B6350 road, due south of Coldstream and due south west of Cornhill on Tweed, from where one can reach the rest of Scotland directly only by crossing the weir.
In Flintshire, on the Dee estuary, there are several bits of marshland that are separated from other bits of Wales.
There is also a small area of land south of Wyastone Leys that is inaccessible from any other area of Wales directly by road, being separated by land and the River Wye.
Several small uninhabited areas near the hamlet of Part-Y-Seal or Pant-Y-Seal near Grosmont, Monmouthshire are inaccessible from Wales directly; these include one farm, two river banks and a small island in the River Monnow. These appear to be due to shifts in the course of the river.
Arkansas has territory at 35°39′N 89°52′W / 35.65°N 89.87°W / 35.65; -89.87 across the Mississippi River on the northwest edge of Tennessee's Fort Pillow State Park, north of the Corona/Reverie, Tennessee irregularity (see below).
Illinois' Kaskaskia, Missouri's Grand Tower Island and other Illinois and Missouri territory on each other's side of the Mississippi River.
The state of Mississippi controls at least 11 exclaves on the west bank of the Mississippi River in Louisiana, while Louisiana owns 8 exclaves on Mississippi's side.
Mississippi state also owns 14 exclaves on the bank in Arkansas, while Arkansas has 15 of its own on Mississippi's side.
The City of San Diego has a significantly large exclave. It includes the communities of San Ysidro, Otay Mesa, Palm, and other neighborhoods considered as parts of San Diego. This piece of San Diego is separated from the main portion of San Diego by 7 miles, divided by the cities of National City and Chula Vista. Technically, it is connected to the rest of San Diego by a seven-mile-long, two-inch-wide strip of land on the bottom of San Diego Bay. Hence, it is essentially an exclave, and it is commonly referred to as "South San Diego".
The city of Coronado, nearly encircled by San Diego Bay, can be reached by land only via a narrow isthmus connected to Imperial Beach. A bridge also connects it to San Diego. Four other small pene-exclaves occupy the same peninsula. Coastal lands that are north of Wright Ave., at the northern end of First St., part of Coronado Ferry Landing Park, and that surround most of Naval Air Station North Island (island before 1945) are part of the city of San Diego and are accessible on land only through the city of Coronado. A large portion of the famous Coronado beach is in the City of San Diego.
Delaware – At least two parcels of land on the eastern (New Jersey) side of the Delaware River belong to the state of Delaware (the bulk of which is west of the river) and not to New Jersey. This is because within the "Twelve Mile Circle", the entire Delaware River, to the low water mark, is the territory of Delaware and not New Jersey (unlike many other river borders where the border is at some intermediate point in the river itself). As a result, certain areas (including the Killcohook National Wildlife Refuge and a portion of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant) on the New Jersey side of the river that have been expanded by adding fill into areas that were historically below the low water mark are considered part of New Castle County, Delaware, and not Salem County, New Jersey. Both of these areas are accessible by land only by traveling through New Jersey.
Kentucky – Ellis Park Race Course, a Thoroughbredhorse racing track in Henderson, Kentucky, actually lies to the north of the Ohio River that forms the border between Kentucky and Indiana. The border is based on the river's course when Kentucky achieved statehood in 1792; a change in course to the south left the land that would later house Ellis Park cut off from the rest of Kentucky by the river. A pair of bridges across the Ohio connect the track to the rest of Kentucky.
Iowa – The town of Carter Lake, Iowa, occupied a meander on the left bank of the Missouri River, until 1877 when flooding caused the river to jump its banks, shortening the main stream. The meander became an oxbow lake and Carter Lake now found itself on the right bank, attached to Nebraska. A lengthy court case ensued; the Supreme Court of the United States finally held that the sudden change in the river's course did not change the original boundary, and Carter Lake was still part of Iowa. (Nebraska v. Iowa, 143 U.S. 359 (1892)). The Court delayed a final decree to allow Nebraska and Iowa to reach an agreement consistent with its holding, which the states did. (145 U.S. 519 (1892)). All of the roads into Carter Lake run through Omaha, Nebraska.
For similar geographic reasons several portions of Nebraska lie east of the Missouri River, mainly due to flooding and changes in the river's path:
DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge near Blair, which borders Iowa. A portion of Iowa is also on the Nebraska side in the same area.
Acoaxet is a portion of the town of Westport that borders the Massachusetts–Rhode Island state line on its west, Buzzards Bay on its south, and the west branch of the Westport River on its east; it can only be accessed by road from Little Compton, Rhode Island.
There is a narrow salient of Fall River that borders the Massachusetts–Rhode Island state line on its west and the west shores of South Watuppa Pond, Stony Brook and Sawdy Pond on its east; several homes and streets located within this salient can only be accessed by road from Tiverton, Rhode Island.
Humarock, legally part of Scituate, was separated from the rest of the town in the Blizzard of 1898, in which the mouth of the North River shifted. The village is only accessible via a bridge that connects it to Marshfield, but has a peninsular connection to the mainland to the south at the old mouth of the North River, now Rexhame Beach.
The town of Sandwich is partially separated in its northern portion by the Cape Cod Canal and is only accessible by road through the neighboring town of Bourne.
A neighborhood in Webster that lies on the south shore of Lake Chaubunagungamaug (or Webster Lake) that is detached from the rest of the town's road network and can only be accessed by roads from neighboring Thompson, Connecticut.
Missouri – St. Joseph Rosecrans Memorial Airport is separated from St. Joseph and Buchanan County by the Missouri River. The airport, which lies on the west bank of the river, was once on the east bank along with the remainder of the city and county. Shifts in the course of the river put it on the west bank; part of the former course of the river became Browning Lake, an oxbow lake to the south of the airport. The only land access to the airport from Missouri is via Kansas Route 238 through Elwood.
The construction in 1895 of the Harlem River Ship Canal isolated Marble Hill, a small portion of the northern tip of Manhattan (New York County). Initially an island, it was later physically connected to the Bronx by the filling of Spuyten Duyvil Creek. It remains politically part of Manhattan, to which it is connected by the Broadway Bridge. Thus, it is part of the Borough of Manhattan and New York County, but not the island of Manhattan.
Riker's Island, the jail complex of the City of New York, is considered to be in the borough of The Bronx, but is only accessible via the Riker's Island Bridge, which terminates in the Borough of Queens.
Manhattan's borders often extend to the shorelines of the other boroughs so that, for example, certain piers extending from the Brooklyn waterfront are part of Manhattan but accessible only from Brooklyn. Manhattan (New York County) claims the entire East River bed.
A 250-foot-wide (76 m) strip of the Bronx is separated from the rest of the borough by Pelham Bay Park as a result of a past error in drawing the border. The only residential street in this pene-exclave, Park Drive, is accessible by car only via the town of Pelham, in Westchester County.
A small part of the city of Mount Vernon is cut off from the rest of the city by the Cross County Parkway. The three streets of Alta Drive, Alta Parkway and Labelle Road can only be accessed by car via the town of Eastchester.
The geography of the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York creates pene-exclaves in two counties. Halcott, at the southwestern corner of Greene County, and Hardenburgh, at the western corner of Ulster County, have extensive borders with neighboring towns in their respective counties. But those are along mountain ridgelines directly crossed only by hiking trails, or (in Halcott's case) poor-quality unpaved roads, and vehicles traveling to those towns from the rest of the county must take roads through neighboring counties to do so.
The town of Hardenbergh is also an exclave of itself. The only road directly connecting its southern half, along the upper Beaver Kill, and the northern half along Dry Brook, now runs through state-owned Forest Preserve lands and is closed to vehicle traffic. To get between those two halves, cars must travel through neighboring Delaware County.
Knotts Island in Currituck County is only accessible by road through Virginia Beach, Virginia via a narrow strip of land from the west. A 45-minute ferry connects the island to the rest of Currituck.
On the north shore of Lake Gaston lie several small areas connected only by land to Virginia. Most of these have road and bridge connections to North Carolina, but one small area south of Joyceville, Virginia has road connections only to Virginia.
In Pennsylvania, the westernmost section of the city of Allentown is a pene-en(ex)clave connected at a quadripoint with the rest of the city; it is surrounded by South Whitehall Township.[131]
Also in Pennsylvania, Pond Eddy, an unincorporated area along the Delaware River in Pike County's Shohola Township, is not connected by road to anywhere else in the town, county, or state. It can only be reached by driving to the Pond Eddy Bridge via roads in New York.
Elsewhere in Rhode Island, Newport County consists of three islands and one mainland portion, connected to Aquidneck, by a bridge.
In Tennessee, over a period of about 24 hours on 7 March 1876, the Mississippi River abandoned its former channel that defined the Tennessee-Arkansas border, and established a new channel east of the town of Reverie, Tennessee. This places Reverie on the Arkansas side, while most of the area of Tipton County is located east of the Mississippi River, the Tennessee side. The direct distance between Reverie and the county seat, Covington, Tennessee, is only 18 miles (29 km), but the road trip to Covington requires the driver to cross the Mississippi River at Memphis, and it is longer than 83 miles (134 km).
In South Carolina, small parts of Horry County lie on the north shore of the Little River or the nearby Intracoastal Waterway and can only be reached by land connection from neighboring North Carolina. The land is unpopulated and no roads exist in the area.
Grand Isle County, Vermont, in that state's northwest corner, consists of the Alburgh Tongue (see above) and several islands in Lake Champlain. It is only connected to the rest of the state via bridges.
Several pieces of land along the shores of Kerr Lake and Lake Gaston can only be accessed by land from North Carolina. Some areas are undeveloped, but others, especially along the south shore of Kerr Lake, have state highways and settlement.
Wisconsin – The Mont du Lac resort and the area to its north are accessible only by a 0.8-mile (1.3 km) section of Minnesota State Highway 23 that runs through a sliver of the town of Superior in Douglas County, in Wisconsin's northwest corner. Several local dead-end roads run off it; there is no way to reach this part of the county or state by vehicle from anywhere else in Wisconsin.
Washington, D.C. – Theodore Roosevelt Island in the Potomac River is part of Washington, D.C., but only accessible by a footbridge from Virginia. Although the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge from Washington to Virginia passes over the island, one cannot exit from the bridge onto the island.
In Venezuela: eastern part of the state of Zulia is connected with the rest of the state by a bridge over Lake Maracaibo, and the northeastern part of the municipality of Sucre in the state of Zulia is separated from the rest of the state by the state of Mérida.
Divided islands
In Australia: Boundary Islet, historically known as North East Islet, is a Hogan Group islet of less than two hectares (4.9 acres) that straddles the border of the Australian states of Victoria and Tasmania. The islet is Tasmania's only land boundary, and at 85 metres (279 ft) long, it is the shortest land border between any Australian state or territory.[132]
Part of Hengqin Island in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province is leased to Macau until 2049 to house the new campus of the University of Macau. The university campus is sealed off from the rest of the island by a fence, and access to the area is provided by an underwater tunnel to Macau.
On Alameda Island adjoining Alameda County, artificial fill on the border between the two counties to build the Naval Air Station Alameda (now decommissioned) created the pene-enclave. This small piece of open space can be reached on land only by passing through Oakland and Alameda.
There are two small (5.37 acres) pieces of land on the eastern end of Angel Island (Quarry Point and the tip of Point Blunt) that belong to San Francisco. The rest (99.3%) of Angel Island lies in the town of Tiburon, which is in Marin County.
New Jersey and New York share Shooter's Island, a bird sanctuary located in the south end of Newark Bay off the north shore of Staten Island. (The small portion in New Jersey is further divided between two counties.)
Belgium had a counter-enclave located near Fringshaus from 6 November 1922 until 23 April 1949, while Germany owned the connecting roads that were part of the Roetgener Wald enclave. These roads met at a traffic island north of Fringshaus, with the 2279 m2 island itself being a part of Belgium. This counter-enclave was extinguished in 1949 when Belgium annexed the German roads that intersected at the traffic island. In 1958, when Belgium returned the east–west road to Germany, this traffic island also became part of the Roetgener Wald enclave
Forbidden City – The Xinhai Revolution led to the overthrow of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC) in 1912. In exchange for the abdication of the last Qing emperor Puyi, the Qing court and the ROC government signed an agreement for the favourable treatment of the abdicated emperor. Puyi was allowed to retain his title as emperor and was accorded the courtesies as a foreign monarch by the ROC government, and the imperial court remained at the Forbidden City. The Dragon Flag of the Qing Dynasty remained hoisted inside the Forbidden City, certain government organs such as the Imperial Household Department, Imperial Clan Court and Ministry of Justice continued to exist within the palace walls, and the emperor continued to hold court, appoint officials and grant titles of nobility. Following the Beijing coup in 1924, the warlordFeng Yuxiang unilaterally revised the agreement, abolishing Puyi's title of emperor, his right to live in the Forbidden City and other related arrangements.
Unlike Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories that were added later constituted a pene-exclave of the United Kingdom from 1860/1898 until 1997. Kowloon south of Boundary Street was ceded in perpetuity, whereas the New Territories was turned over under a 99-year lease.
Kowloon Walled City was a counter-enclave belonging to China on the Kowloon Peninsula of Hong Kong from 1898 to 1993. The question of jurisdiction led to a hands-off approach by Chinese and British authorities over the years until the quality of life became intolerable. A mutual decision to demolish the 2.6 hectares of structures was announced in 1987 and completed in 1994.
Kwang-Chou-Wan was a pene-exclave of France on the south coast of China from 1898, upon its lease to France by Qing China, until its return by France in 1946; its territory included the islands in the bay and land on both banks of the Maxie River, covering 1300 km2 of land.
Kwantung was a pene-exclave of Russia and later Japan in the southern part of the Liaodong Peninsula in Manchuria that existed from 1898 to 1945 and included the ports of Port Arthur (or Ryojun) and Dal'niy (or Dairen), the latter founded in 1899. It was leased to Russia from 1898 until 1905, when Japan replaced Russia as leaseholder. After World War II, the Soviet Union occupied the territory in 1945, jointly administering it with the Chinese before turning it over to the People's Republic of China in 1955.
Jinzhou walled central city remained an enclave of Chinese territory within Kwantung under the lease with Russia. This provision was substantially ignored by Japan after it replaced Russia.[139]
Qingdao, with an area of 552 km2, was a pene-exclave of Germany (also known as the Kiautschou Bay concession), and later Japan, from 1898 to 1922, adjacent to Jiaozhou Bay on the southern coast of the Shandong Peninsula in East China. The village of Qingdao became the German colony of Tsingtau. In 1914, with the outbreak of World War I, the Republic of China canceled the lease with Germany. Japan then occupied the city and province until December 1922, when it reverted to Chinese rule.
Wei-hai-wei was a pene-exclave of the United Kingdom that bordered the Yellow Sea in eastern Shantung province of China. The city was a British colony, known also as the Weihai Garrison and sometimes as Port Edward, from 1898 to 1 October 1930, when it was returned to China. Its current name is Weihai.
Wei-hai-wei walled central city was excluded from the leased territory and remained an enclave of Chinese territory within Wei-hai-wei.[140]
The island of Mont-Saint-Michel at the mouth of the Couesnon River prior to 1879 was a pene-exclave of Normandy, but only during low tide, when it was connected by a tidal causeway to the neighbouring coast. The raised causeway that was then built was replaced with a light bridge opened in 2014, thus making Mont-Saint-Michel an island again.
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a French territorial collectivity, was completely surrounded from 1763 until 1992 by the waters of Canada (what would otherwise today be considered Canada's contiguous zone), when an EEZ corridor 10.5 NM (19.4 km) wide was created, stretching 200 NM (370 km) to the south, terminating within and surrounded by Canada's EEZ.
Hemmeres [de], (1922–1949), surrounded by Belgian territory, was the sixth and southernmost of the Vennbahn enclaves created in 1922; it contained five households.[3] The railway suffered severe damage during World War II and was not rebuilt. It ceased being an enclave when Belgium annexed the entirety in 1949. Hemmeres was reintegrated into West Germany on 28 August 1958, by an agreement with Belgium.
Jestetten is a German town in the district of Waldshut in Baden-Württemberg that was inaccessible except by travelling through Switzerland, until a connecting road was constructed.
Roetgener Wald [de] was two enclaves from 1949 to 1958. Unlike its present configuration, the German enclave in 1922 was smaller in area because the central portion (between Grenzweg and a boundary with three turning points west of the Schleebach stream) was Belgian territory.[141] Because the road connecting the two outer German portions (Highways 258/399) was German territory until 1949, the German land formed one enclave. The intersecting north–south road from Fringshaus to Konzen (now Highway B258, which has no connection to the Belgian road network[142]) was also part of the oddly shaped enclave. In 1949 Belgium annexed these roads, thus separating the enclave into two enclaves for the next nine years. In 1958 Belgium ceded the center section of territory to West Germany, in addition to returning the adjacent east–west connecting road.[143] This created one larger enclave in its present form. Highway B258 is the only portion of land that, once having been a part of the Roetgener Wald enclave, is now not within the enclave.
Selfkant: Between 1963 and 2002, the N274 road between Roermond and Heerlen, which was part of sovereign Dutch territory, passed through the German Selfkant, which had been annexed by the Netherlands in 1949. Selfkant, except for the road, was returned to Germany in 1963. Until the road was also returned to Germany in 2002, the western portion of Selfkant was an exclave of Germany.
Verenahof was a German exclave within Switzerland until 1967, at which time its border became attached to Germany through a treaty implementing a land swap of a total of just under 1.06 km2 in equal shares.[144]
West Berlin, upon the division of Berlin after World War II and before the reunification of Germany in 1990, was de facto a West German exclave within East Germany. Twelve small West Berlin land areas, such as Steinstücken, were in turn separated from the main body of West Berlin, some by only a few metres. In addition, there were several small areas of East Berlin that were surrounded by West Berlin. All of Berlin was ruled "de jure" by the four Allied powers; this meant that West Berlin could not send voting members to the German Parliament and that its citizens were exempt from conscription. West Berlin exclaves were:
Böttcherberg [de] (N) (1949–1971) to East Germany
Böttcherberg (SE) (1949–1971) to East Germany
Böttcherberg (SW) (1949–1971) to East Germany
Erlengrund [de] (1949–1988) land connection to West Berlin established
Eiskeller [de] (E) (1949–1990) dis-enclaved at re-unification
Eiskeller (N) (1949–1990) dis-enclaved at re-unification
Eiskeller (S) (1949–1990) dis-enclaved at re-unification
West-Staaken – de jure part of Soviet sector but de facto administered by Spandau Borough in the British sector; seized by East Germany in 1951 and made an exclave of East Berlin's Borough of Mitte, which it remained officially until being incorporated in 1961 by the neighbouring town of Falkensee in non-Berlin East Germany.
Dadra and Nagar Haveli were enclaves inland from the Arabian Sea coast covering an area of 487 km2. After invasion by pro-Indian Union forces in 1954, they achieved de facto independence from Portugal. They and three Portuguese pene-exclaves, the city of Goa and the two small coastal exclaves of Daman and Diu, were the last remnants of Portuguese India, which existed from 1505 until military conquest by India on 19 December 1961. (A 1956 map also shows a counter-enclave within Nagar Haveli belonging to Bombay, approximately corresponding to the village of Maghval – this village was not ceded to Portugal because of its inhabitants' caste's sacrosanctity).[146]
French India – Pondicherry and the other exclaves of Karaikal, Mahé and Yanaon were absorbed into India de facto in 1954 and de jure in 1962 after the Algerian War. In 1761 the British captured all of them from the French (and also Chandannagar), but the Treaty of Paris (1763) returned them to France. Those possessions passed again to British control before finally being handed over to the French in 1816/1817 under the 1814 Treaty of Paris. Pondicherry, Karaikal, Mahé and Yanaon came to be administered as the Union Territory of Puducherry in 1963. All four are now sub-national ex(en)claves within India.
Pondicherry, was the site of a trading center set up by the French East India Company in 1674, which eventually became the chief French settlement in India, after passing several times between Dutch, British and French control. It comprised 12 non-contiguous parts: three pene-exclaves on the Bay of Bengal and nine nearby true enclaves. Inside the main Pondicherry exclave was a small counter-enclave belonging to India straddling the Chunnambar River.
Mahé (or Mayyazhi), a small (9 km2) town, was a pene-exclave on the Malabar Coast of the Arabian Sea from 1721. Mahé was composed of three non-contiguous parts, including Mahé town and two true enclaves: Cherukallayi and one consisting of Palloor, Chalakkara and Pandakkal.
Yanaon (or Yanam), a 30 km2 pene-exclave in the delta of Godavari River, nine kilometres from the Coromandel Coast and Bay of Bengal. It was a Dutch colony before France overtook it in 1723 and made it a French colony.
Karaikal was a small coastal pene-exclave on the Bay of Bengal acquired by France in 1739 from the regime of Raja Pratap Singh of Tanjore. By 1760 it included 81 villages around Karaikal town.
Chandannagar was a small true enclave established as a French colony in 1673, located on the right bank of the Hooghly River 30 kilometres north of Kolkata. Bengal was then a province of the Mughal Empire. The British returned the city to France in 1816, along with a 7.8 km2 nearby enclave. In May 1950, with French approval, India assumed de facto control, with the de jure transfer in June 1952. In 1955 it was integrated into West Bengal state.
Trincomalee was in present-day Sri Lanka (then a part of India) located on the Indian Ocean east coast of the island. By September 1782 it was occupied by the French after the Battle of Trincomalee with the British, only to be ceded back to the British in 1783.
Mount Scopus (in Jerusalem) was an Israeli exclave in Jordan between 1948 and 1967, before being reunited with West Jerusalem following the Six-Day War. Similarly, Ein Gev, located on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, was a pene-exclave in Syria until Israel took over the Golan Heights territory, again during the Six-Day War.
East Pakistan (1947–1971), was a pene-exclave of Pakistan (if one considers West Pakistan, site of the capital, Islamabad, as the mainland) that bordered the Bay of Bengal, India and Burma. East Pakistan, with a distance of 1,600 km separating it from West Pakistan, accounted for 70% of the country's exports and was more populous than West Pakistan.
Colón, an exclave of Panama from 1903 to July 27, 1939, was surrounded by the U.S. Panama Canal Zone, until a treaty provision connected it to the main part of Panama via a corridor.[3]
Panama City and the tip of Paitilla Point from 1903 to February 11, 1915, were pene-enclaves surrounded by the U.S. Panama Canal Zone and the Pacific Ocean. Maps of the Canal Zone dated before 1923 clearly show these borders.[147][148][149][150] Maps dated 1924 and later show a changed border that re-connected Panama City with eastern Panama.[151]
When Madden Road was ceded to the U.S. by treaty on July 27, 1939, a Vennbahn-type Panamanian enclave was created that was bounded by Madden Road, the main Canal Zone boundary, and a contour line above Rio Chagres and Rio Chilibre. Another treaty that took effect on April 11, 1955, de-enclaved it.
Panama had a water enclave in Limon Bay from 1979 to December 31, 1999. It also had jurisdiction over one building within the U.S. Summit Naval Station from October 1991 until the transfer of the station to Panama on December 31, 1999.[152]
Comtat Venaissin was an exclave of Papal territory within France from 1348 to 1791. It contained an enclave of another Papal territory, the city of Avignon, and had a small exclave around the nearby town of Valréas.
The Enclave of Police was an enclave within Poland from 5 October 1945 to 25 September 1946 centered around the town of Police. It was a military occupation of the Soviet Union, administered as part of the Randow District, Soviet occupation zone in Germany, though legally not part of its territory.[153][154][155]
Fort of São João Baptista de Ajudá was a Portuguese exclave (initially around 1 km2 in the area and reduced to only 2 ha by 1961) within Dahomey/Benin from 1680 until 1961 (de facto annexation by Dahomey) or 1975 (Portuguese recognition).
Bophuthatswana was a bantustan or "black homeland" that was granted nominal independence by apartheidSouth Africa from 1977 until being re-absorbed in April 1994, but it remained unrecognised internationally. It consisted of a scattered patchwork of individual enclaves, six that were true enclaves within South Africa and two that bordered Botswana and South Africa.
Cheikh Saïd is a rocky peninsula in present-day Yemen between the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Although as late as 1970, the Petit Larousse described it as having been a "French colony from 1868 to 1936," France never claimed formal jurisdiction or sovereignty over it.
The southern section of the Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah was a national-level exclave surrounded by other emirates of the UAE and Oman for three months after UAE independence in 1971 until it joined the UAE in 1972.
Between 1991 and 2003, Russia had three tiny pene-exclaves on tips of the lakeshore that bordered the Lithuanian side of Lake Vištytis. Before a new border treaty went into force on 12 August 2003, the border ran along most of the waterline of the beaches on the Lithuanian side, so anyone paddling in the water was technically crossing into Russia.
Schirgiswalde – In accordance with terms of the 1635 Peace Treaty of Prague, Austria transferred land (Ober- and Niederlausitz) to Saxony. However, because of religious affiliation with Austria, Schirgiswalde and five other towns (Güntersdorf, Gerlachsheim, Winkel, Taubentränke and Neuleutersdorf) within the transferred land remained with Austria, becoming Austrian enclaves within Saxony. 174 years later, to address problems as states began to consolidate, the 1809 Peace Treaty of Vienna mandated the transfer of these six enclaves from Austria to Saxony. However, the transfer did not occur until 1845 because of the need to correct mistakes in the names of the villages stated in the treaty and subsequent neglect. During that time, Schirgiswalde was de facto independent until economic reasons compelled the final transfer of the enclaves, thus extinguishing them.[3]
Sikkim – Dopta and Chumbi were exclaves of Sikkim within Tibet until China occupied them in 1958.
Bremen-Verden – states of the Holy Roman Empire bordering the North Sea; in "personal union with Sweden" until 1712, when they fell under Danish occupation in wartime.
Swedish Pomerania – a state on the Baltic coast in present-day Germany and Poland; a small part was ceded to Prussia following war in 1720 and the entirety in 1815 during the Congress of Vienna.
town of Wismar – town in northern Germany on the Baltic Sea; transferred to Germany in 1903 when Sweden renounced its claim.
Syria was a pene-exclave of the United Arab Republic from 1958 to 1961 (if one considers Egypt as the UAR main land), bordering the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan.
Transkei was a bantustan or "black homeland" that was granted nominal independence by apartheidSouth Africa from 1976 until being re-absorbed in April 1994, but it remained unrecognised internationally. It had two exclaves within South Africa that were true enclaves.
The tomb of Suleyman Shah (b. ca. 1178–d. 1236) was located in or near Qal'at Ja'bar in modern-day Syria; in accordance with the 1921 Treaty of Ankara, the tomb "shall remain, with its appurtenances, the property of Turkey, who may appoint guardians for it and may hoist the Turkish flag there." The treaty is silent regarding sovereignty of the 6.3 hectares of land where the tomb rests. The tomb was relocated in 1973 prior to the creation of Lake Assad.
Ada Kaleh – Prior to the creation of modern Turkey, the Ottoman Empirede jure held a small island in the Danube River surrounded by the waters of Romania (which de facto controlled the island), from the Berlin Treaty of 1878 until 1923 when, under the Treaty of Lausanne, Romania obtained formal sovereignty over it. It was submerged in 1970 by the construction of a hydroelectric plant, displacing up to 1000 residents.
Following the establishment of the Irish Free State, three deep water Treaty Ports at Berehaven, Queenstown (modern Cobh) and Lough Swilly were retained by the United Kingdom in accordance with the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 6 December 1921.[156] As part of the settlement of the Anglo-Irish Trade War in the 1930s, the ports were transferred to Ireland (the Free State's successor) in 1938 following agreements reached between the British and Irish Governments.
In 1625, King Charles I instituted the Order of the Baronets of Nova Scotia in an effort to colonize New Scotland, by offering the hereditary title, land ownership and power over new baronetcies in exchange for financing and materially supporting new settlements. Under Scots Law, Baronets "took seisin" by receiving symbolic "earth and stone" on the actual land, which was the feudal legal form of taking possession. However, to avoid a trans-Atlantic trip (and thus encourage applicants), the royal charter stated that "the realm of Nova Scotia, and original infeftment thereof, is holden of the kingdom of Scotland, and forms part of the County of Edinburgh." By royal decree, land in the courtyard at Edinburgh Castle was declared to be an integral part of Nova Scotia; thus, seisin at the castle was equivalent to seisin on the lands themselves.[157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166] The ceremony of seisin was performed in the following years for 64 of the original Baronets. This decree has never been annulled, which fuels a belief that this enclave still exists as a tiny enclave of Canada within the grounds of the famous Scottish castle.
Horseshoe Reef (1850–1908) in Lake Erie consisted of underwater ledges of sunken rock near Buffalo, New York. Great Britain ceded a fraction of an acre of underwater land that was entirely surrounded by Canadian waters to the United States to construct a lighthouse.[167] A 1908 treaty mandated a new survey in order to shift the boundary to include the reef in U.S. waters.
The Captain Cook Monument at Kealakekua Bay and about 25 square feet (2.3 m2) of land around it in Hawaii, United States, the place where James Cook was killed in 1779, is owned by the United Kingdom.[168][169][170][171] An historian on the occasion of the 50th anniversary recorded in 1928 that the white stone "obelisk monument [was] erected to the memory of Captain Cook, about 1876, and on land deeded outright to the British Government by Princess Likelike, sister of King Kalakaua, about the same year, so that that square is absolute British Territory."[172] Hawaii was a sovereign nation at the time. According to a recent writer, "The land under the monument was deeded to the United Kingdom in 1877 and is considered as sovereign non-embassy land owned by the British Embassy in Washington DC. ... the Hawaiian State Parks agency maintained that as sovereign British territory it was the responsibility of the UK to maintain the site."[173]
Lake of the Woods – the American border with present-day Canada as defined under the 1783 Treaty of Paris and the Anglo-American Convention of 1818 inadvertently created two small maritime exclaves of the U.S. in Angle Inlet. The border depended on determining the northwesternmost point of the Lake of the Woods. Johann Tiarks' survey in 1825 placed its location at the edge of a pond on the Angle Inlet.[174] (A 1940 academic study documented the location of Tiarks' point, which is in the immediate vicinity of 49°23′51.324″N 95°9′12.20783″W / 49.39759000°N 95.1533910639°W / 49.39759000; -95.1533910639 (NAD83).[167]) In accordance with the 1818 treaty, the border ran south from this point to the 49th parallel. However, this line was "intersected at five points by the winding course of the boundary in the channel of the Northwest Angle Inlet; thus there were anomalously left two small areas of waters totaling two and a half acres belonging to the United States, yet entirely surrounded by Canadian waters."[167] They were centered at 49°23′10.7514″N 95°09′10.8″W / 49.386319833°N 95.153000°W / 49.386319833; -95.153000 and 49°23′17.5914″N 95°09′11.6994″W / 49.388219833°N 95.153249833°W / 49.388219833; -95.153249833. By treaty in 1925, the southernmost of these five intersecting points, 4785 ft. farther south than Tiarks' point, was adopted instead, which eliminated these exclaves.[167]
Panama Canal Zone, surrounded by Panama, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, was an American pene-exclave from 1903 to 1 October 1979, when the entity was extinguished by treaty with Panama. After that date, the former Canal Zone land remaining under U.S. sovereignty, greatly reduced in area, was a pene-exclave until 31 December 1999, when total transfer to Panama was complete.
At El Cerro de Doscientos Pies ("200-Foot Hill"), 3.19 hectares of land in Panama near Las Minas Bay were annexed by the U.S. on 24 September 1928 and added to the Canal Zone.[175][176] This true enclave apparently existed until 1 October 1979.
On 1 October 1979, the day the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 took effect, most of the land within the former Canal Zone transferred to Panama. However, the treaty set aside many Canal Zone areas and facilities for transfer during the following 20 years. The treaty specifically categorized areas and facilities by name as "Military Areas of Coordination", "Defense Sites" and "Areas Subject to Separate Bilateral Agreement". These were to be transferred by the U.S. to Panama during certain time windows or simply by the end of the 243-month treaty period. On 1 October 1979, among the many such parcels so designated in the treaty, 35 emerged as true enclaves (surrounded entirely by land solely under Panamanian jurisdiction). In later years as other areas were turned over to Panama, nine more true enclaves emerged. Of these 44 true enclaves, 14 were related to military logistics, 7 were military communications sites, 5 Federal Aviation Administration facilities,[177] 5 military housing enclaves, 3 military base areas, 2 military research facilities, 2 parts of a bombing range, 4 secondary school parcels, 1 elementary school, and 1 hospital. At least 13 other parcels each were enclosed partly by land under the absolute jurisdiction of Panama and partly by an "Area of Civil Coordination" (housing), which under the treaty was subject to elements of both U.S. and Panamanian public law. In addition, the 1977 treaty designated numerous areas and individual facilities as "Canal Operating Areas" for joint U.S.-Panama ongoing operations by a commission. On the effective date of the treaty, many of these Canal Operating Areas, including Madden Dam, became newly surrounded by the territory of Panama. Just after noon local time on 31 December 1999, all former Canal Zone parcels of all types had come under the exclusive jurisdiction of Panama.[152][178][179][180][181][182]
The Val d'Aran is a valley in the Pyrenees mountains and a comarca in northwestern Catalonia, northern Spain. Most of it comprises the only part of Catalonia that is on the northern side of the Pyrenees. The Val d'Aran had been without direct access to the south side of the mountains, until the Vielha tunnel was opened in 1948.
Venda was a bantustan or "black homeland" that was granted nominal independence by apartheidSouth Africa from 1979 until being re-absorbed in April 1994, but it remained unrecognised internationally. It was an enclave that was not an exclave, bordering only South Africa and separated narrowly from Zimbabwe by the Madimbo corridor to the north. Venda itself also had a small exclave that was a true enclave in South Africa.
Walvis Bay was a South African pene-exclave bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and Namibia, before being incorporated with Namibia in 1994, four years after that country's independence.
Zadar (Zara) was a 104 km2 pene-exclave of Italy, bordering the Adriatic Sea and Croatia, from 1920 to 1944 (de facto due to abandonment by the Italian civilian administration) or 1947 (de jure under treaty).
In Canada, East York became an exclave of York in 1922, when the township of North York was established, causing East York to be sandwiched between North York, Leaside, and Old Toronto. East York became its own township in 1924, ending its status as an exclave. All of these municipalities are part of Toronto since the 1998 amalgamation.
The former municipality of Hinterhermsdorf in Saxony was an exclave of the town of Sebnitz, being separated from it by the municipality of Kirnitzschtal, until Kirnitzschtal also became a part of Sebnitz.
Königsberg, located in the Lower Franconia region of present-day Bavaria, was an enclave within that state, along with two small nearby enclaves, belonging to the Ernestine Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (which after 1825 also had five exclaves in Thuringia). In 1918 the post-monarchy duchy was split into two states, making Königsberg an exclave of the Free State of Saxe-Coburg. In 1920, the residents of that state voted to merge with the Free State of Bavaria, thus eliminating the three Bavarian enclaves.
Schmalkalden/Suhl – Just after World War I, this Prussian enclave within Thuringia was divided between the two Prussian provinces of Saxony and Hesse-Nassau (thus it was a composite enclave). The two entities of Schmalkalden and Suhl separately were exclaves of their respective Prussian provinces.[2]
Saxe-Altenburg was separated into two areas, the Ostkreis and Westkreis.
Innumerable medieval enclaves
In India, until 1952, France maintained Chandannagar, which reported to the Governor of Pondichéry, and was an enclave in Bengal, just upriver from Calcutta.
Siheung County, South Korea, had an exclave (nowadays Gwacheon, Gunpo, and Uiwang) since Anyang was separated from Siheung in 1973. In 1989, the old county of Siheung was divided into the cities of Gunpo, Uiwang, and Siheung, thereby dissolving the enclave.
In Norway, three farmsteads, Øvre Jøsås, Store Jøsås and Lille Jøsås, that belonged to Sør-Trøndelag county (Malvik) comprised two separate enclaves that were surrounded by Nord-Trøndelag county (Stjørdal).[184] The eastern enclave at 63°20′52″N 10°52′37″E / 63.34778°N 10.87694°E / 63.34778; 10.87694 consisted of Øvre Jøsås and Store Jøsås, while Lille Jøsås was the western enclave at 63°20′48″N 10°51′44″E / 63.34667°N 10.86222°E / 63.34667; 10.86222. The closest distance between the two enclaves was only about 8 metres. Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag merged into a single county on 1 January 2017, thus eliminating the Jøsås enclaves.
Between 1412 and 1778, the Spiskie Podgrodzie District, the district within the Province of 13 Szepes Towns, Eldership of Spisz, Poland, consisted of two enclaves, of areas of Spišské Podhradie and Spišské Vlachy. The two enclaves were separated from each other, and the rest of Polish territory, by the Kingdom of Hungary.[187]
In the 18th century, the town of Bielino was composed of two rectangular strips of land, both located about 1 km (0.62 miles) apart from each other, and with other towns located between them. The northern area was established in 1757, and the southern, in 1766.[188] The town formally existed until it was incorporated into the city of Warsaw in 1794.[189]
From 1944 to 1975, Poland at various times had from one to five independent cities with voivodeship status. Warsaw was surrounded by Warsaw Voivodeship from 22 June 1944 to 31 May 1975, and Łódź was surrounded by Łódź Voivodeship from 18 August 1945 to 31 May 1975. From 1 January 1957 to 31 May 1975, another three cities held voivodeship status. They were Kraków surrounded by Kraków Voivodeship, Poznań surrounded by Poznań Voivodeship, and Wrocław surrounded by Wrocław Voivodeship. Additionally, Poznań was surrounded by Poznań County.[192][193][194]
From 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012, the town of Tychowo, located in the municipality of Tychowo in Białogard County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, consisted of 10 exclaves separated, sometimes by the width of a street, and surrounded by the rural area of the municipality. Additionally, there was one small exclave of the rural area surrounded by the city. The boundaries were changed on 1 January 2013 to extinguish the exclaves.[196]
In Portugal until 2013, two civil parishes comprised the city of Estremoz. The parish of Santa Maria (the new town and its rural environs) surrounded an enclave, the walled old town of the parish of Santo Andre. The citadel inside Santo Andre was also a counter-enclave that belonged to Santa Maria.[197] The two parishes were united to form a new parish called Union of the Parishes of Estremoz (Santa Maria and Santo André), thus ending the only counter-enclave in Portugal.
Sheremetyevo is the location of the primary airport for Moscow. From 1995 to 2011 it was officially an enclave of the city of Moscow, but there was ambiguity regarding its association with Moscow Oblast. In 2011, the enclave was returned to Moscow Oblast, thus extinguishing it.
Vnukovo consisted of two enclaves of the city of Moscow to its southwest. On 1 July 2012, "New Moscow" was created by annexing additional land to the city, including the land that surrounded Vnukovo. The two are now exclaves of a Moscow city subdivision, and one is also an enclave.
The village of Samnaun could initially only be reached by road from Austria. Thus, in 1892 the village was excluded from the Swiss customs territory. The exemption was maintained even when a road was built to the Engadin valley in 1907–1912.
The village of Clavaleyres was an exclave of Bern surrounded by Fribourg and Vaud until it merged with Murten in the Canton of Fribourg on 1 January 2022.
Yalova was an exclave of Istanbul until it gained provincial status in 1995.
The Istanbul boroughs of Maslak, Ayazağa, and Huzur (part of Ayazağa until 1989)[198] together formed an exclave of Şişli district after the split of Kağıthane from Şişli resulting from a law passed by TBMM on 19 June 1987.[199] They were surrounded by Sarıyer to the north and east, Beşiktaş to the southeast, Kağıthane to the southwest, and Eyüp to the west. Finally, they were given to the district of Sarıyer after passing a law on 12 November 2012.[200] Note that Maslak and Ayazağa were part of Sarıyer between 1930 and 1954 before passing to Şişli due to the split of Şişli from Beyoğlu in 1954.[201]
Ardnamurchan, Morvern and the surrounding area also formed an exclave at county level, as a part of the Scottish county of Argyllshire bordered by Inverness-shire, separated from the rest of Argyllshire by Loch Linnhe. The exclave was dissolved in 1975 following the municipal reforms of that year.
Dudley in the West Midlands, England, was an exclave at municipal level, being in a part of the county of Worcestershire surrounded by Staffordshire. Upon the local government reforms of 1974, the exclave was dissolved.
Furness in England was an exclave of the county of Lancashire, known as "Lancashire-beyond-the-Sands" until 1974, when it became part of Cumbria.
Tetworth, historically part of Huntingdonshire, included an exclave at county level, as part of Huntingdonshire separated from the rest of the county by Cambridgeshire. The exclave was dissolved in 1974, when the whole of Huntingdonshire became part of Cambridgeshire.
The district of Wrexham Maelor existed from 1974 to 1996, being formed from parts of two administrative counties, including Flintshire. From Flintshire came the exclave of Maelor Rural District (bounded on three sides by England and on the west by the Welsh county of Denbighshire) and the enclave of the parish of Marford and Hoseley, surrounded and separated from Flintshire also by Denbighshire. They are now part of Wrexham.
The counties of Scotland before reorganisation in 1889 included dozens of exclaves. This was especially notable in the case of Cromartyshire, which was split into at least nine parts spread across Ross-shire.
Wales once had a third-order sub-national semi-exclave of its county of Caernarfonshire. This county had a semi-exclave consisting of the parishes of Llysfaen and Eirias and including the town of Old Colwyn, which was transferred to the surrounding county of Denbighshire in 1923.[202] In turn it surrounded a counter-semi-exclave of Denbighshire including the east part of Old Colwyn, which had very complex borders. This counter-semi-exclave in turn contained a counter-counter-semi-exclave of Caernarvonshire, that of "Coed-coch Cottage" covering 1.6 acres (0.65 ha). The counter-semi-exclave was annexed to the semi-exclave in 1879.[203]
District of Columbia – Washington National Airport was built on reclaimed land on the south side of the Potomac River, where the river's high-water line marked the District's boundary with Virginia. Therefore, until 1945, the site was a pene-exclave of the District. Since then, the airport has been officially deemed a part of Arlington County, Virginia, but it is under exclusive federal jurisdiction and is administered as if still part of the District.
Boston Corner was a pene-exclave of the town of Mount Washington, Massachusetts, and ceded to New York on January 11, 1855, because its geographical isolation from the rest of Massachusetts (as part of the Taconic range) made maintaining law and order difficult.
Town Line, New York voted 85 to 40 to secede from the United States in 1861, with no legal effect and no well-defined borders, to become an exclave of the Confederate States of America, unrecognized by either side (there are no written records); ceremonially voted to "rejoin" the Union in 1946.
Sometimes land is ceded temporarily to another country as a form of legal fiction.
Suite 212 at Claridges Hotel in London was ceded by the United Kingdom to Yugoslavia on 17 June 1945 to allow Crown Prince Alexander, whose parents were in exile, to be born on Yugoslav soil, though the story may be apocryphal, as there exists no documentary record of this.[204][205][206]
In 1943, the maternity ward at the Ottawa Civic Hospital in Canada was temporarily extraterritorial so that Princess Juliana's daughter Princess Margriet would only have Dutch (by parents' nationality) and not dual nationality, because of her potential birth on Canadian soil. Dual nationality would have excluded her from the royal succession.
In 1979, at Sender Zehlendorf, East Germany, an area of 300 metres in radius around a radio tower construction site was made an exclave of the Soviet Union. After a Soviet fighter plane had earlier collided with a radio transmission mast at the facility, causing it to collapse, the Soviet Union agreed to rebuild the mast. So that the stricter German safety regulations would not slow the construction progress, the area was declared a Soviet exclave for the duration of the work.[207][208]
Potential exclaves pending international resolution
Palanca Marshes – potential Vennbahn-type enclave of Moldova surrounded by Ukraine: Under a 2001 treaty between the two nations, Moldova is to transfer to Ukraine not only the asphalt (as it has already done), but also the real property under 7.7 kilometres of road (a portion of the 300 km road between Odesa and Reni), and to clarify the sovereignty of that land, which under that treaty is to be transferred to Ukraine.[210]
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^"Origin of the Baronetage of Scotland and Nova Scotia". The Scottish Journal of Topography, Antiquities, Traditions, &c. &c. I (8). Edinburgh, Scotland: Thomas George Stevenson: 115. October 23, 1847. As such like parties were not baronets of the colonising kind, and yet were desirous, no doubt, to take seisin of their purchased grants in Nova Scotia, old Sir William, always provident, had his remedy prepared. He had had it laid down in the formula of the charter, that "the realm of Nova Scotia, and original infeftment thereof, is holden of the kingdom of Scotland, and forms part of the County of Edinburgh." Argal, to take seisin and instruments of possession "on the Castle Hill of Edinburgh," formed a cure for every difficulty, and served the desired purpose as well as if the baronets had indulged in a trip to the actual site of their new possessions.
^"The Baronetage and the New Committee". The Genealogical Magazine. 1. London, U.K.: Elliot Stock: 523. January 1898. The precept for the charter for each Baronet was granted in the name of Sir William Alexander, who surrendered to the Crown the respective portions of his Lordship of Nova Scotia to be attached to the Baronetcy with all rights of regality. The Baronets were allowed to take possession of their territory by deed of infeftment within the walls of Edinburgh Castle.
^Laing, David, ed. (1867). Royal Letters, Charters, and Tracts, Relating to the Colonization of New Scotland, and the Institution of the Order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia. 1621–1638. Edinburgh, Scotland: G. Robb. p. 126. Had it been exacted ... that each Baronet, with a stated number of colonists, should take personal possession, it is certain the number of applicants would have been scanty indeed. To obviate this difficulty it was held, by a fiction of the law, that the usual legal form of taking possession by an instrument of seisin, or infeftment of lands on the other side of the Atlantic, should take place within the Castle of Edinburgh.
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^Cooper, John A.; Mowat, J. Gordan (September 1905). "Canada and Edinburgh Castle". The Canadian Magazine. 25 (5). Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Ontario Publishing Company, Limited: 480. The colony was named New Scotland, and by a legal fiction, it was, for administrative purposes, connected with Edinburgh. In order to raise men to help found the colony, the King instituted the Order of Baronets of Nova Scotia. This hereditary title was given to gentlemen who arranged to send a certain number of men and to pay a certain amount of money to help to found the Plantation of New Scotland, .... The Order was instituted in 1625, the ceremony being held in the courtyard of Edinburgh Castle. By Royal Decree that place was declared to be an integral part of the new colony. This decree has never been annulled.
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Nies, Susanne (2004). Arena en las obras. Enclaves que desafían a los estados metropolitanos. Un estudio comparativo sobre la gobernanza de Cabinda, Ceuta, Kaliningrado, Nagorno Karabaj, Najicheván, Melilla y Gibraltar . París: Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques. pp. 1–219.
Sitio geográfico de Jan S. Krogh
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