Lista de personajes de One Piece

Los protagonistas de la serie One Piece , los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja. De izquierda a derecha: Nico Robin, Nami, Brook, Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy (delante), Jimbei (atrás), Tony Tony Chopper, Roronoa Zoro, Franky y Usopp.

El manga One Piece cuenta con un extenso elenco de personajes creados por Eiichiro Oda . La serie se desarrolla en un universo ficticio donde un gran número de piratas, soldados, revolucionarios y otros aventureros luchan entre sí, utilizando varias habilidades sobrehumanas . La mayoría de los personajes son humanos, pero el elenco también incluye enanos , gigantes , tritones y sirenas , hombres-pez , [a] gente del cielo y visones, [b] y muchos otros. Muchos de los personajes poseen habilidades obtenidas al comer "frutas del diablo". La trama de la serie sigue las aventuras de un grupo de piratas en su búsqueda del mítico tesoro "One Piece".

Monkey D. Luffy es el protagonista principal de la serie, un joven pirata que desea suceder a Gold Roger, el fallecido Rey de los Piratas, encontrando su tesoro, el "One Piece". A lo largo de la serie, Luffy reúne una diversa tripulación llamada los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja, que incluye: el combatiente con tres espadas Roronoa Zoro (a veces llamado Roronoa Zolo en el manga en inglés); la ladrona y navegante Nami; el cobarde tirador e inventor Usopp; el amoroso cocinero y artista marcial Sanji; el reno antropomórfico y médico Tony Tony Chopper; el arqueólogo Nico Robin; el carpintero de barcos cyborg Franky; el músico esqueleto viviente Brook; y el timonel hombre-pez Jimbei. Juntos navegan por los mares en busca de sus sueños, encontrando otros piratas, cazarrecompensas, organizaciones criminales, revolucionarios, agentes secretos y soldados del corrupto Gobierno Mundial, y varios otros amigos y enemigos.

Creación y concepción

Arte conceptual inicial de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja.

Se ha afirmado que varios personajes están basados ​​en piratas y marineros reales, como: Eustass Kid ( Eustace the Monk y William Kidd ), X. Drake ( Sir Francis Drake ), Basil Hawkins ( Basil Ringrose y John Hawkins ), Capone Bege ( Al Capone y William Le Sauvage), Jewelry Bonney ( Anne Bonny ), Urouge ( Aruj y Oruç Reis ), Alvida ( Awilda ), Bartolomeo ( Bartholomew Roberts ), Bellamy ( Samuel Bellamy ), Barbanegra ( Edward Teach ), Cavendish ( Thomas Cavendish ), Big Mom ( Charlotte Badger ), Gold Roger ( Olivier Levasseur ), Lafitte ( Jean Lafitte ), Roronoa Zoro ( François l'Olonnais ), Silvers Rayleigh ( Sir Walter Raleigh ), Thatch ( Edward Thatch ), Yorki ( Calico Jack ), Zeff y Sanji ( Greaves "Red Legs" ), Trafalgar Law ( Edward Low ), Barbarossa ( Hayreddin Barbarossa ) y Scratchmen Apoo ( Chui A-poo ). [cap. 508] El travesti Emporio Ivankov está basado en el Dr. Frank N. Furter y Norio Imamura . Norio le había pedido a Oda que dibujara más personajes okama (homosexuales) y se convirtió en el primer actor de doblaje de Ivankov. [cap. 570]

Oda había creado a Helmeppo antes de crear al Capitán Morgan, el padre de Helmeppo. Oda originalmente nombró a Morgan por "Chop", siendo el título completo del personaje "Capitán Naval Chop" o "Marinero Chop". "Marinero" en japonés es suihei (水兵) , y "Suihei Chop" es una técnica de lucha utilizada por Giant Baba , un luchador japonés. Creó varias versiones de Morgan antes de decidirse por el diseño final. Después de que un editor le dijera que Morgan, en palabras de Oda, "lucía patético", cambió el diseño a su estilo final. [vol. 1:p. 144 (en)]

Piratas del Sombrero de Paja

Los protagonistas de la serie One Piece son todos los miembros de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja (麦わらの一味, Mugiwara no Ichimi ) , una tripulación de diez piratas capitaneada por Monkey D. Luffy. El número de la tripulación aumenta a lo largo de la serie, a medida que Luffy recluta nuevos miembros. Una vez que Usopp se une a los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja, obtienen su propio barco, el Going Merry , que luego es destruido y reemplazado por un navío más grande y poderoso, el Thousand Sunny creado por su carpintero Franky. Dos años después, los de Sombrero de Paja obtienen una nueva flota, llamada la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja, que consta de 5.640 piratas de siete tripulaciones diferentes; Luffy se opone a la idea de ser un comandante de flota y organiza su nuevo ejército de manera que puedan actuar de forma independiente, pero cuando una tripulación está en problemas, los demás deben hacer lo que puedan para ayudarlos. Al final del Arco del País de Wano, los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja son reconocidos como una tripulación liderada por el Emperador y Luffy también es reconocido como el líder de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja [cap. 903] y los otros nueve miembros como sus Oficiales Superiores [cap. 1058] después de la derrota de Kaido y Big Mom .

Mono D. Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ, Monkī Dī Rufi ) es el capitán de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja y el protagonista principal de la serie One Piece . A los siete años, admira e intenta unirse a los piratas de Shanks "el pelirrojo". Ridiculizado y rechazado, inadvertidamente come su tesoro, la fruta Goma-Goma de tipo Paramecia (ゴムゴムの実, Gomu Gomu no Mi ) , que le da atributos gomosos. Sus esfuerzos imprudentes finalmente lo llevan a un grave peligro haciendo que Shanks pierda un brazo mientras lo rescata. Después de esto , Luffy renuncia a unirse a Shanks, resolviendo en cambio comenzar una tripulación propia y convertirse en el Rey de los Piratas. 1] Disgustado por el modo en que Shanks mima a su nieto, Garp lleva a Luffy a donde Curly Dadan y sus bandidos de la montaña lo crien, a quienes obliga a que lo acojan. Durante el tiempo que Luffy pasa allí, se convierte en hermano jurado de Ace, el otro pupilo de Garp, y Sabo, un noble fugitivo local. [cap. 582–589]

Diez años después y todavía con el preciado sombrero de paja de Shanks, Luffy forma y comanda su propia tripulación pirata llamada Los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja y zarpa hacia Grand Line , ganando rápidamente infamia como Luffy "Sombrero de Paja" (麦わらのルフィ, Mugiwara no Rufi ) . [cap. 2, 7, 96, 98] Finalmente, después de que su fuerza resulte insuficiente para salvar a Ace de la ejecución, pasa dos años en una isla aislada, aprendiendo el uso de los tres colores del Haki , así como el cuarto Gear de su habilidad de goma de Silvers Rayleigh, antes de dirigirse al Nuevo Mundo . [cap. 590–602] Debido a su infamia, es uno de los piratas conocidos como "La Peor Generación". Después de la derrota de Kaido y Big Mom, posteriormente es nombrado uno de los miembros más nuevos de los Cuatro Emperadores. Luffy también es capaz de utilizar la aplicación avanzada para todos los tipos de Haki. Durante su pelea con Kaido, el poder de su fruta del diablo se despertó, revelando su verdadera naturaleza como la Fruta Mítica de tipo Zoan, Humano-Humano, Modelo: Nika.

Luffy tiene la voz de Mayumi Tanaka en la serie de anime. [1] En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids Entertainment , su voz es de Erica Schroeder . [2] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation Entertainment , su voz es proporcionada por Colleen Clinkenbeard . [3]

Luffy es interpretado por Iñaki Godoy en la adaptación de acción real de One Piece . [4]

Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ) es un espadachín que usa hasta tres espadas simultáneamente, sosteniendo una en cada mano y una tercera en su boca. [cap. 3, 5, 28] Para cumplir una promesa a Kuina, su difunta amiga de la infancia y rival, tiene como objetivo derrotar a "Ojo de Halcón" Mihawk y convertirse en el mejor espadachín del mundo. [cap. 5, 50] Viajando por los mares en busca de Mihawk y ganándose la vida como cazarrecompensas, se vuelve infamemente conocido como "Cazador de piratas" Zoro (海賊狩りのゾロ, Kaizoku-Gari no Zoro ) .

Finalmente, entra en conflicto con Helmeppo, el hijo mimado de un oficial de la marina. Para evitar el daño a civiles inocentes, Zoro se deja encarcelar temporalmente, mientras Helmeppo planea matarlo. Zoro es salvado de la ejecución por Luffy a cambio de convertirse en su primer tripulante. En ese momento, Zoro deja en claro que se volvería contra su capitán si alguna vez se interpusiera entre él y su sueño. [cap. 2-6] Sin embargo, Zoro se encariña con su tripulación y después de varias derrotas en su defensa, sus prioridades cambian y convence a Mihawk para que lo acepte como estudiante. [cap. 51f., 485, 597] Zoro es capaz de utilizar los tres tipos de Haki y es capaz de usar la aplicación avanzada tanto para Haoshoku como para Busoshoku Haki. Es conocido por su terrible sentido de la orientación y se pierde constantemente cuando viaja.

En la serie de televisión de anime, su actor de voz es Kazuya Nakai . [1] En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids, su nombre se escribe Roronoa Zolo, y su voz es de Marc Diraison . [2] Los medios de comunicación de VIZ también lo llaman "Zolo". En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Christopher Sabat . [3]

Zoro es interpretado por Mackenyu en la adaptación de acción real de One Piece . [4]


Nami (ナミ), adoptada y criada por Belle-Mère, un marinero de la marina convertido en agricultor de mandarinas , fue testigo del asesinato de su madre a manos del infame Arlong, cuya banda de piratas ocupa su isla y extrae tributos de la población. Tras llegar a un acuerdo con él, Nami, todavía una niña, pero ya una consumada cartógrafa que sueña con dibujar un mapa completo del mundo, se une a los piratas con la esperanza de comprar la libertad para su aldea con el tiempo. Nami, que odia a los piratas y dibuja mapas para Arlong y roba tesoros a otros piratas, se convierte en una excelente ladrona, carterista y navegante con una capacidad excepcional para pronosticar el tiempo. [cap. [77, 95, 130] Después de que Arlong la traiciona, y él y su banda son derrotados por los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja, Nami se une a ellos en la búsqueda de su sueño y adquiere infamia como "La ladrona gata" Nami (泥棒猫のナミ, Dorobō Neko no Nami ) . [cap. 94f., 435]

En la serie de televisión de anime, Nami tiene la voz de Akemi Okamura . [5] En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids, su voz es de Kerry Williams. [6] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Luci Christian . [7]

Nami es interpretada por Emily Rudd en la adaptación de acción real de One Piece . [4]


Durante su infancia, Usopp (ウソップ, Usoppu ) fue abandonado por su padre, Yasopp, quien se fue para unirse a los Piratas Pelirrojos. Cuando su madre, Bachina, enferma, Usopp comienza a contar cuentos fantásticos, expresando su esperanza de que su padre regrese y los lleve al mar. Va regularmente a la mansión en la cima de la colina donde vive, para visitar a Kaya. Incluso después de que su madre muere, Usopp no ​​culpa a su padre por irse. A pesar de su disposición cobarde, se esfuerza por convertirse en un gran pirata. [cap. 25, 41]

Usopp es reconocible por su nariz larga, una referencia al hecho de que tiende a mentir mucho . Es un inventor, pintor y escultor talentoso. [cap. 42, 106, 190] En combate, se basa principalmente en tirachinas para disparar varios tipos de munición con gran precisión en coordinación con un conjunto de mentiras y otras armas que le dan un estilo de lucha único llamado "El Arsenal de Usopp". [cap. 332] Para ayudar a los Sombrero de Paja a rescatar a Nico Robin, alcanza notoriedad bajo su alter ego "Sogeking, el Rey de los Francotiradores" (狙撃の王様そげキング, Sogeki no Ō-sama Sogekingu ) , un francotirador héroe que usa una máscara y una capa doradas. Finalmente, después de ayudar a los de Sombrero de Paja a liberar a Dressrosa del gobierno de Donquixote Doflamingo, se vuelve infame como "Dios" Usopp (ゴッド ウソップ, Goddo Usoppu ) . [cap. 435]

En la serie de anime, su actor de voz es Kappei Yamaguchi . [1] Jason Griffith y Sonny Strait brindan su voz en las adaptaciones en inglés de 4Kids y Funimation, respectivamente. [3] [8]

Usopp es interpretado por Jacob Romero Gibson en la adaptación de acción real de One Piece . [4]


Nacido como príncipe del Reino de Germa, Vinsmoke Sanji (ヴィンスモーク・サンジ, Vinsumōku Sanji ) es ridiculizado rutinariamente por sus hermanos genéticamente mejorados y es encerrado por su padre Judge por ser una desgracia. Con la ayuda de su hermana Reiju, escapa y huye de Germa, un reino flotante compuesto por varios barcos, después de que ingresa al East Blue y su padre lo permite.

Mientras se desempeña como aprendiz de cocinero en un barco de pasajeros, Sanji, de nueve años, se enfrenta a un grupo de abordaje de piratas liderados por el infame "Pie Rojo" Zeff. Durante el encuentro, Sanji es arrastrado al mar por una ola gigante. Zeff salta tras él debido a su sueño común de encontrar el All Blue (オールブルー, Ōru Burū ) , un área legendaria donde se unen los mares Azules del Este, Oeste, Norte y Sur, que contiene todo tipo de peces del mundo. Mientras náufragos juntos, el pirata salva la vida de Sanji una vez más al darle toda su comida. Después de su eventual rescate, Sanji se queda con Zeff durante varios años y lo ayuda a construir un restaurante flotante, el Baratie (バラティエ) . Zeff, a su vez, lo convierte en un cocinero de primer nivel y le enseña su estilo de lucha basado en patadas. [56–59] Siguiendo el ejemplo de Zeff, Sanji nunca le negará una comida a una persona hambrienta, y solo usa sus piernas cuando lucha para proteger las manos que necesita para cocinar. [cap. 48, 370] Tiene debilidad por las mujeres y tiene como principio no dañar a ninguna, incluso si eso significa su muerte. [cap. 403]

Con el tiempo, se vuelve infame como Sanji "Pierna Negra" (黒脚のサンジ, Kuro Ashi no Sanji ) . [cap. 435] Mientras entrena durante un período de dos años en Kamabakka Queendom de Emporio Ivankov (カマバッカ王国, Kamabakka Ōkoku ) , desarrolla el Sky Walk (El hombre en China(スカイ・ウォーク), Sukai Wōku ) , una variante de la técnica Moonwalk (月歩, Geppo ) de los Seis Poderes (六式, Rokushiki ) , que le permite esencialmente correr por el aire. [cap. 635] Sanji recibe su propio Traje de Incursión de su familia que le otorga la habilidad de volverse invisible [cap. 903] , aunque luego lo destruye por miedo a perder su humanidad. [cap. 1031]

La apariencia habitual de Sanji es llevar un traje negro ajustado con una corbata negra delgada. Su cabello siempre le cubre uno de los ojos y suele fumar un cigarrillo.

En la serie de televisión de anime, su voz es de Hiroaki Hirata . [9] En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids, su voz es de David Moo . [10] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Eric Vale . [3]

Sanji es interpretado por Taz Skylar en la adaptación de acción real de One Piece . [4]

Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー, Tonī Tonī Choppā ) es un reno antropomórfico y médico. El poder de la Fruta Humano-Humano tipo Zoan (ヒトヒトの実, Hito Hito no Mi ) le proporciona la capacidad de transformarse en un reno de tamaño completo o en un híbrido reno-humano. [cap. 140] Una droga de desarrollo propio que llama Rumble Ball (ランブル・ボール, Ranburu Bōru ) le permite realizar aún más transformaciones durante tres minutos. [cap. 149] Con la ayuda de Caesar Clown, Chopper puede durar en sus transformaciones unos 30 minutos. [cap. 1014]

Rechazado por su manada debido a su nariz azul y comer la Fruta del Diablo, Chopper es rescatado por el curandero de la Isla Drum, el Doctor Hiriluk. Mientras desarrolla una poción para crear flores de cerezo cuando está en contacto con la nieve, Chopper se siente desconsolado cuando Hiriluk enferma de una enfermedad mortal. Después de la muerte de Hiriluk, el Doctor Kureha lo toma como su mentor. Después de que los Sombrero de Paja llegan a la Isla Drum y se llevan a Chopper con ellos, Kureha usa la poción de Hiriluk para convertir el cielo nevado en flores de cerezo, cumpliendo la misión de vida de Hiriluk. Cuando lo felicitan, Chopper actúa nervioso y, a veces, le grita a la persona que lo felicitó que deje de intentar hacerlo feliz. [cap. 140] Un chiste recurrente dentro de la serie es cuando otros personajes lo confunden con un Tanuki , y él los corrige enojado, señalando que es un Tonakai (en japonés, "reno").

La actriz de voz de Chopper es Ikue Ōtani . [11] Kazue Ikura prestó su voz a Tony Tony Chopper para los episodios 254-263. [12] Brina Palencia prestó su voz a Chopper en el doblaje en inglés de Funimation .

Al crear a Chopper, Oda quería una mascota que fuera linda y débil al mismo tiempo. [13] Una reseña de IGN del manga elogió al personaje de Chopper como uno de los mejores de la serie y dijo que podía ser conmovedor y divertido al mismo tiempo. [14] Con la historia de fondo de Chopper, Oda quería ilustrar que uno no necesita tener un parentesco de sangre para ser considerado familia. [15]

Nico Robin

Criado en Ohara (オハラ) , hogar de la biblioteca más grande y antigua del mundo,Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン, Niko Robin ) se convierte en arqueóloga a la edad de ocho años. [cap. 218,391f.] En algún momento obtiene el poder de la Fruta Flor-Flor de tipo Paramecia (ハナハナの実, Hana Hana no Mi ) , que le permite tener copias temporales de partes de su cuerpo, incluidos sus ojos y oídos, que surgen en superficies cercanas a ella. [cap. 170] A espaldas de sus maestros, adquiere de ellos el conocimiento prohibido de cómo traducir las antiguas piedras llamadas Poneglyphs (Los mejores libros de la historia(ポーネグリフ), Pōnegurifu , alt. Poneglyphs) , que están dispersos por todo el mundo. Ella viene a compartir su objetivo de encontrar al escurridizo Ponegliff real (El libro de los sueños de los niños(リオ・ポーネグリフ), Rio Pōnegurifu ) , que se dice que cuenta la historia perdida del mundo conocida como el Vacío de los 100 años (空白の100年, Kūhaku no Hyaku-nen , Siglo del Vacío) . [cap. 218] Sin embargo, el Gobierno Mundial se entera de estos esfuerzos y envía una flota de batalla para detenerlos. Solo Robin escapa del devastador ataque que se cobra las vidas de toda la población de la isla, incluida la de su madre. [cap. 218, 395]

Llamada "Niña del Diablo" (悪魔の子, Akuma no Ko ) , traumatizada y con una recompensa por su cabeza, Robin vive una vida a la fuga, incapaz de confiar en nadie. [cap. 218] Para sobrevivir, coopera con varios piratas y otros forajidos. Finalmente se une al grupo Baroque Works de Sir Crocodile, usando el nombre en clave "Sra. All-Sunday" (ミス・オールサンデー, Misu Ōrusandē ) [cap. 398] y se convierte en su vicepresidenta. [cap. 218] Después de que Baroque Works se desmorona, sin ningún otro lugar a donde ir, se une a los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja [cap. 218] y se encariña tanto con ellos que se entrega al Gobierno para salvarlos. Después de descubrir su verdadera razón para irse, los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja declaran una guerra abierta contra el Gobierno para recuperarla. Ella se da cuenta de que finalmente ha encontrado personas que nunca la traicionarán y se une a la tripulación. [cap. 398] Dos años después, Robin perfecciona aún más sus poderes de Fruta del Diablo hasta el punto de poder crear un duplicado de sí misma con cuerpo completo.

En la adaptación de la serie de televisión de anime del manga, la actriz de voz de Robin es Yuriko Yamaguchi . [16] En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids, su nombre en clave de Baroque Works se cambió a Miss Sunday y su voz es de Veronica Taylor . [17] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es de Stephanie Young . [18]

Robin es interpretado por Lera Abova en la adaptación de acción real de One Piece .


Hijo de padres piratas que lo abandonaron a los nueve años,Cutty Flam (カティ・フラム, Kati Furamu ) cambió su nombre a Franky (フランキー, Furankī ) y es tomado como aprendiz por el carpintero de barcos Tom, quien construyóel barco del Rey Pirata Gol D Roger , el Oro Jackson, y también guarda en secreto los planos de una devastadora arma antigua. [cap. 344, 354, 427] La ​​imprudencia de Franky eventualmente brinda una oportunidad para que los agentes del Gobierno Mundial busquen estos planos. [cap. 356] Al intentar rescatar a su maestro, Franky sufre heridas graves y solo sobrevive reconstruyendo partes de su cuerpo usando pedazos de chatarra, convirtiéndose en un cyborg impulsado por cola con fuerza. [cap. [336, 339, 352, 357f.] Después de ganar notoriedad como "Cyborg" Franky (サイボーグ フランキー, Saibōgu Furankī ) , y para cumplir su sueño de navegar en un barco que construyó alrededor del mundo, construye el Thousand Sunny , un balandro de guerra con aparejo de bergantín , para los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja y se une a la tripulación. [cap. 435–437]

En la serie de televisión de anime, su actor de voz es Kazuki Yao . [19] Patrick Seitz proporciona su voz en la adaptación en inglés de Funimation. [20]


Ya pirata antes de la época de Roger, "Humming" Brook (ブルック, Burukku ) ingresa por primera vez al Grand Line como miembro del grupo de temática musical.Piratas Rumbar . Dejando a su mascota, la ballena bebéLaboon (ラブーン, Rabūn ) , en la Montaña Inversa , promete regresar después de navegar alrededor del mundo. [cap. 487] Después de perder a su capitán"Calico" Yorki (キャラコのヨーキ, Kyarako no Yōki ) , Brook se hizo cargo de la tripulación como el nuevo capitán. Algún tiempo después, es aniquilado, pero el poder de la Fruta Revivir-Revivir de tipo Paramecia (ヨミヨミの実, Yomi Yomi no Mi ) le permite resucitar como un esqueleto . [cap. 443] Cincuenta años después, el objetivo de Brook sigue siendo cumplir la promesa de su difunta tripulación, y para ello se une a los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja. [cap. 459]

Es un excelente músico , que dice que puede tocar cualquier instrumento, aunque normalmente se le ve tocando el violín. [cap. 486] Brook puede incluso influenciar a las personas con su música hasta el punto de hacerlas dormir. [cap. 454] Mientras está separado de los otros Sombrero de Paja, y de incógnito como "Rey Alma" Brook, gana fama mundial, llenando salas de conciertos con fanáticos. [cap. 600] También es un hábil esgrimista que usa un shikomizue (una espada de bastón japonesa) en la batalla. [cap. 454] Su peso reducido le permite saltar extraordinariamente alto y correr a través del agua. [cap. 443, 493] Finalmente, Brook aprende a usar su habilidad de Fruta del Diablo para dejar su cuerpo de esqueleto y explorar sus alrededores como un alma incorpórea . [cap. 629]

La idea de un músico esqueleto fue concebida por primera vez por Oda en 2000, aproximadamente en la época de la introducción de Laboon y más de media década antes de la primera aparición de Brook. [21]

Su voz es de Chō . [22] Ian Sinclair proporciona su voz en la adaptación al inglés de Funimation.

Jim Bei

Jimbei (ジンベエ, Jinbē ) es un hombre-gyojin tipo tiburón ballena estilo yakuza . [cap. 528] Un maestro del Karate Gyojin (魚人空手, Karate Gyojin ) y del Jujutsu Gyojin (魚人柔術, Jūjutsu Gyojin ) , es capaz de manipular el agua como si fuera una tela tangible. [cap. 546] Jimbei puede comunicarse con los peces, una habilidad más comúnmente asociada con los tritones , lo que le permite contar con la ayuda de los tiburones ballena. [cap. 547–549] Después de crecer en una zona peligrosa de la Isla Gyojin, Jimbei primero se une al ejército real de la isla y luego a los Piratas del Sol; se convierte en capitán luego de la muerte de Fisher Tiger. [cap. 624] A cambio de que el Gobierno Mundial le conceda el estatus de Señor de la Guerra y la amnistía a los Piratas del Sol, Jimbei disuelve la tripulación. [cap. 69] Renuncia al puesto para ponerse del lado del Gobierno durante su guerra con los Piratas de Barbablanca, los protectores de la Isla Gyojin, y posteriormente es encarcelado en Impel Down. [cap. 557] Luego es liberado por Luffy durante su misión para rescatar a Ace.

Dos años después, Jimbei recluta la ayuda de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja para evitar el golpe de estado de los Nuevos Piratas Gyojin contra la familia real de la Isla Gyojin. Inicialmente rechaza una invitación de Luffy para unirse a su tripulación, habiéndose aliado ya con los Piratas de Big Mom después de la muerte de Barbablanca. [cap. 649] Sin embargo, después de cortar lazos con Big Mom, se une a los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja como timonel de la tripulación . [cap. 863] [cap. 976]

En la serie de televisión de anime japonesa, Jimbei inicialmente tiene la voz de Daisuke Gōri , luego de Katsuhisa Hōki. [23] [24] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Daniel Baugh.

Otras tripulaciones piratas

Algunos personajes principales de la serie. Por fila, de izquierda a derecha:
  1. (Arriba) Barbanegra, Buggy, Sengoku, Aokiji, Dracule Mihawk, Shanks
  2. Bartholomew Kuma, Fumador, Barba Blanca, Koby
  3. Kaku (en forma híbrida de jirafa y humano), Donquixote Doflamingo, Bellamy, Monkey D. Dragon, Pandaman, Portgas D. Ace
  4. Rob Lucci (en forma híbrida de leopardo y humano) con Hattori, Foxy
  5. Arlong, Eneru, Don Krieg
  6. (Abajo) Kuro, Spandam y Wapol

Las siguientes son las tripulaciones piratas conocidas:

Piratas de Arlong

Los Piratas de Arlong (アーロン一味, Āron Ichimi ) son una tripulación pirata formada principalmente por hombres-pez liderados por el hombre-pez tipo tiburón sierra Arlong y varios oficiales.

Hatchan y Nami solían ser miembros hasta que esta última abandonó la tripulación tras su derrota a manos de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja. [cap. 69, 75, 93f.]

A lo largo

"Diente de sierra" Arlong (ノコギリのアーロン, Nokogiri no Āron ) es un hombre-gyojin tipo tiburón sierra y un supremacista hombre-gyojin. [cap. 69, 71] Creciendo en una zona peligrosa de la Isla Gyojin, se convierte en capitán de los Piratas de Arlong, quienes se fusionan temporalmente con otros hombres-gyojin para formar los Piratas del Sol. [cap. 621, 624] Las poderosas mandíbulas de Arlong tienen dientes que crecen rápidamente y son capaces de desgarrar piedras. [cap. 90] Su arma favorita es la Sierra de Tiburón (キリバチ, Kiribachi ) con forma de espada y sus seis hojas en forma de dientes. [cap. 92]

En la serie japonesa original, el actor de voz de Arlong es Jūrōta Kosugi . [25] En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids, su voz es de David Wills . [26] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Chris Rager . [27]


Hatchan (はっちゃん) , a menudo llamado Hachi (ハチ) , es unhombre-pez tipo pulpo presentado por primera vez como el primer oficial de los Piratas de Arlong. [cap. 73] Al ser mitad pulpo, puede escupir grandes cantidades de tinta negra y usar ventosas para pegarse a las paredes. [cap. 83f.] Lucha usando seis espadas, sosteniendo una en cada tentáculo del brazo. [cap. 84] Después de que su tripulación es derrotada por los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja, escapa del cautiverio y abre unrestaurante flotante de takoyaki . [cap. 182–228: páginas de portada del capítulo] Se hace amigo cercano de Camie (ケイミー, Keimī ) , una sirena gourami besadora , y Pappag (パッパグ, Pappagu ) , su mascota estrella de mar y amo. [cap. 490f.] Más tarde, Hachi intenta arreglar las cosas con los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja poniéndolos en contacto con Silvers Rayleigh. [cap. 496, 506]

El actor de voz de Hatchan es Toshiyuki Morikawa . [25] En las adaptaciones en inglés de 4Kids y Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Sean Schemmel y George Manley , respectivamente. [26] [27]


Kuroobi [c] es un hombre-pez tipo manta raya que usa el "Karate Hombre-pez".

Kuroobi tiene la voz de Hisao Egawa en la versión japonesa original y de Sean Schemmel y Patrick Seitz en el doblaje de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.


Choo [d] es un hombre-pez tipo merlán japonés que escupe agua como si estuviera disparando balas.

Choo tiene la voz de Masaya Onosaka en la versión japonesa original y de Tom Wayland y Jay Hickman en el doblaje de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.

Piratas de Bellamy

Los Piratas de Bellamy (ベラミー海賊団, Beramī Kaizokudan ) son una tripulación pirata originaria del North Blue y aliada de los Piratas Donquixote. El capitán de la tripulación es Bellamy "la Hiena".


(ハイエナのベラミー, Haiena no Beramī ) , es el capitán de los Piratas de Bellamy, un hombre de cabello rubio con el poder de la Fruta Boing-Boing de tipo Paramecia (バネバネの実, Bane Bane no Mi ) , que le permite convertir sus piernas en resortes para rebotar en superficies y ganar impulso para sus ataques. [cap. 230f.] Después de su derrota a manos de Luffy, Doflamingo despide a Bellamy, quien más tarde se convierte en un luchador en Dressrosa. [cap. 706]

En la serie de televisión de anime, el actor de voz de Bellamy es Wataru Takagi . En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids, su voz la presta Andrew Rannells . En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz la presta Justin Cook .

Otros miembros de los Piratas de Bellamy

El resto de los Piratas de Bellamy están formados por:

Piratas parpadeantes

Los Piratas Bliking (ブリキング海賊団, Burikingu Kaizokudan ) son un grupo de piratas originarios de Drum Island. Consisten en:


Wapol (ワポル, Waporu ) es el ex Rey de la Isla Drum. Comió la fruta Munch-Munch tipo Paramecia (バクバクの実, Baku Baku no Mi ), que le permite comer prácticamente cualquier cosa y adquirir sus propiedades. Su tripulación está formada principalmente por su antiguo ejército.

Wapol tiene la voz de Bin Shimada en la versión japonesa y de Matt Hoverman y Andy Mullins en el doblaje de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.


Chess (チェス, Chesu ) es un subordinado de Wapol que es un arquero experto. Solía ​​ser el ministro de defensa durante el gobierno de Wapol en la isla Drum.

Chess tiene la voz de Yusuke Numata en la versión japonesa original y de David Chen y Kyle C. Jones en el doblaje de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.


Kuromarimo (クロマーリモ, Kuromārimo ) es un subordinado de Wapol cuyo estilo de lucha consiste en arrojar partes de su corte de pelo afro. Solía ​​ser magistrado durante el gobierno de Wapol en la isla Drum.

Kuromarimo tiene la voz de Kenji Nomura en la versión japonesa original y de Jamie McGonnigal y Charles Baker en el doblaje de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.

Piratas del gato negro

Los Piratas del Gato Negro son una tripulación de piratas con temática felina liderada por su capitán, Kuro, quien los considera nada más que peones para llevar a cabo sus planes y, si así lo desea, morir por él. [cap. 38] . Otros miembros de los Piratas del Gato Negro incluyen a Django, el ex capitán y ex primer oficial, ySiam (シャム, Shamu ) yButchie (ブチ, Buchi ) , conocido como los hermanos Meowban. Siam tiene la voz de Masaya Onosaka en la versión original japonesa y de Eric Stuart y Todd Haberkorn en los doblajes de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente. Butchie tiene la voz de Yasuhiro Takato en la versión original japonesa y de Jimmy Zoppi y Chris Rager en los doblajes de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.


Kuro (クロ, Kuro , lit. "Negro") , apodado Kuro el "Mil Planes" (百計のクロ, Hyakkei no Kuro ) , es el capitán de los Piratas del Gato Negro, conocido por sus elaborados planes. [cap. 26] Deseando dejar atrás su identidad y escapar del estilo de vida pirata de estar siempre huyendo, [cap. 37] se convierte en mayordomo de Kaya, una amiga de Usopp. [cap. 23] Considera a su tripulación como nada más que peones para llevar a cabo sus planes y, si así lo desea, morir por él. [cap. 38] Kuro pelea usando un par de guantes equipados con cuchillas largas, rectas y de un solo filo. Al usarlos, adoptó su hábito característico de ajustar sus gafas que se resbalaban constantemente usando solo la palma de su mano para evitar cortarse la cara. [cap. 33]

Carl Kimlinger de Anime News Network elogió a Kuro por ser "indescriptiblemente genial y absolutamente vil". [28]

En el anime, Kuro retomó su vida pirata después de su derrota y vio que la recompensa por Luffy había aumentado tras la derrota de Arlong.

En la serie de televisión de anime japonesa, la voz de Kuro es de Kōichi Hashimoto . En la adaptación en inglés de 4Kids, su voz es de Gary Mack , mientras que su actor de voz en la adaptación en inglés de Funimation es Kent Williams .

En la serie de acción real estadounidense de Netflix , es interpretado por Alexandar Maniatis. [29]

Piratas de Barba Marrón

Los Piratas de Barbamarrón (茶ひげ海賊団, Cha hi-ge kaizoku-dan ) eran un grupo de piratas a quienes Trafalgar Law reemplazó las partes inferiores del cuerpo por partes de animales después de que Basil Hawkins los derrotara gravemente.

Barba marrón

Chadros Higelyges (チャドロス・ヒゲリゲス, Chadorosu Higerigesu ) , más conocido como Brownbeard (茶ひげ, Chahige ) , es un hombre grande y el capitán de los Piratas de Brownbeard a quien Law le agregó patas de cocodrilo , lo que lo convierte en un centauro tipo cocodrilo. Él y los miembros restantes de su tripulación ayudaron a formar la Unidad de Patrulla Centauro que trabajaba para Caesar Clown. Después de que Caesar Clown fuera derrotado, Brownbeard y su tripulación se rindieron a Smoker.

Brownbeard tiene la voz de Yasuhiko Tokuyama en el episodio 491 de la versión japonesa original, Kazunari Tanaka en el episodio 511 de la versión japonesa original y Masashi Sugawara a partir del episodio 583 de la versión japonesa original. En el doblaje de Funimation, su voz es de Randy E. Aguebor.

Otros miembros de los Piratas de Barba Marrón

Otros miembros de la tripulación de Barba Marrón incluyen:

Piratas del caribú

Los Piratas Caribou (カリブー海賊団, Karibū kaizoku-dan ) es un grupo pirata que se encontró con los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja después de que volvieron a estar juntos.


Caribú "de pelo mojado" (カリブー, Karibū ) es un pirata novato y co-capitán de los Piratas Caribú. Consumió la fruta del pantano, que le permite generar, controlar y convertirse en un "pantano".

Caribou tiene la voz de Masaki Terasoma en la versión japonesa original y de Andrew Kasten en el doblaje de Funimation.


"Blood Splatterer" Coribou (コリブー, Koribū ) es el hermano con forma de huevo de Caribou y co-capitán de los Piratas de Caribou.

Coribou tiene la voz de Kohei Fukuhara en la versión japonesa original y de Dalton Tindall en el doblaje de Funimation.

Piratas de Don Quijote

Los Piratas Donquixote (ドンキホーテ海賊団, Donkihōte Kaizoku-dan ) , o Familia Donquixote (ドンキホーテファミリー, Donkihōte Famirī ) , son una poderosa tripulación pirata liderada por Donquixote Doflamingo. [cap. 762] Está dividido en tres divisiones, cada una dirigida por uno de los tres oficiales superiores: Ejército Trébol, Ejército Diamante y Ejército Pica. [cap. 732] Bellamy era miembro de la tripulación, y Caesar Clown y Disco también son sus subordinados.

Don Quijote Doflamingo

Donquixote Doflamingo (ドンキホーテ・ドフラミンゴ, Donkihōte Dofuramingo ) es el capitán de los Piratas Donquixote, el rey usurpador de la isla Dressrosa y anteriormente uno de los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar. [cap. 234, 682, 728] La Fruta de Cuerda-Cuerda (イトイトの実, Ito Ito no Mi ) le otorga la capacidad de controlar a otros usando movimientos con sus dedos que se asemejan a los de un titiritero . También le permite controlar cuerdas delgadas y afiladas desde las yemas de sus dedos que pueden cortar a las personas, crear clones de sí mismo y adherirse a las nubes en el cielo para permitirle volar. [cap. 231] También es capaz de utilizar los tres tipos de Haki. También es un antiguo Dragón Celestial después de que su padre, Donquixote Homing, decidiera abandonar esa vida para convertirse en un humano normal. Sin embargo, fueron perseguidos por la gente, torturados y, finalmente, Doflamingo mató a su padre. Llevó la cabeza de su padre de regreso a Mariejois con la esperanza de recibir nuevamente su título Celestial. Se le negó y luego se convirtió en pirata.

Él cree que la "Gran Era Pirata" está llegando a su fin y que una nueva era está por comenzar. [cap. 303] Él es un corredor bajo el alias de "Joker ", y posee una gran casa de subastas en el Archipiélago Sabaody, donde los humanos y otras especies son vendidos como esclavos. [cap. 504] Finalmente, después de que los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja y los ciudadanos de Dressrosa revelan sus traicioneras acciones, Doflamingo es derrotado por Luffy y su título es revocado.

Su voz es de Hideyuki Tanaka . [30] En la adaptación inglesa de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Robert McCollum . [31]

Oficiales de élite de los Piratas Donquixote


Trébol (トレーボル, Torēboru ) es el líder del Ejército Trébol, ocupando el asiento del Club de los Piratas Donquixote, con los poderes de Stick-Stick Fruit (ベタベタの実, Beta Beta no Mi) que le permite generar un adhesivo y altamente líquido pegajoso.

Trébol tiene la voz de Taiki Matsuno en la versión original japonesa y de Alejandro Saab en el doblaje de Funimation.


Diamante (ディアマンテ, Diamante ) es el líder del Ejército Diamante, ocupa el asiento Diamante de los Piratas Donquixote, quien tiene los poderes de la Fruta Ripple-Ripple (ヒラヒラの実, Hira Hira no Mi) que le permite aplanar, reformar, y doblar cualquier cosa conservando sus características originales.

Diamante tiene la voz de Hideyuki Umezu en la versión japonesa original y de Brad Hawkins en el doblaje de Funimation.


Pica (ピーカ, Pīka ) es el líder del Ejército de Pica, ocupando el asiento de Spade de los Piratas Donquixote, y un hombre grande y musculoso con una voz cómicamente alta con los poderes de la Fruta Piedra-Piedra (イシイシの実, Ishi Ishi no Mi), que le permite absorber, manipular y fusionarse con la piedra.

Pica tiene la voz de Yūji Mitsuya en la versión japonesa original y de Ry McKeand en el doblaje de Funimation.


Vergo (ヴェルゴ, Verugo ) es un hombre alto, de piel clara, delgado pero musculoso que es un oficial de élite de los Piratas Donquixote, que anteriormente ocupaba el puesto de Heart y tenía el nombre en clave "Corazon" antes de Rosinante, encubierto como vicealmirante naval al frente de G-5 en Punk Hazzard. Es un practicante de Rokushiki y también es competente en el uso de Haki. Después de ser derrotado por Law, muere cuando explota la sala de producción SAD en la que se encontraba.

Vergo tiene la voz de Junichi Suwabe en la versión japonesa original y de Wes Frazieren el doblaje de Funimation.

Oficiales de los Piratas Donquixote

Ejército de Trébol

El Ejército de Trébol (トレーボル軍, Torēboru-gun ) es una división de los Piratas Donquixote liderada por Trébol que se especializa en misiones que requieren usuarios con poderes especiales. Sus oficiales están compuestos por:

Ejército de Diamante

Diamante Army (ディアマンテ軍, Diamante-gun ) es una división de los Piratas Donquijote liderada por Diamante que se especializa en misiones de combate. Sus funcionarios están formados por:

Su junta directiva está compuesta por:

Ejército de Pica

El Ejército de Pica (ピーカ軍, Pīka-gun ) es una división de los Piratas Donquixote liderada por Pica y especializada en misiones de comando.

Su junta directiva está compuesta por:


Monet (モネ, Mone ) es una mujer con forma de arpía , oficial de los Piratas Donquixote y asistente de laboratorio de César con la capacidad de generar, controlar o transformarse en nieve gracias a los poderes de la Fruta Nieve-Nieve. Sus partes de pájaro fueron los reemplazos de sus partes originales. Ella murió cuando César apuñaló accidentalmente su corazón extirpado en lugar del corazón extirpado de Smoker.

Monet tiene la voz de Naoko Matsui en la versión japonesa original y de Janelle Lutz en el doblaje de Funimation.

Piratas voladores

Los Piratas Voladores son un grupo de piratas Gyojin fundado originalmente por Vander Decken. Finalmente, hacen un pacto con los Nuevos Piratas Gyojin para planear la destrucción total de la Isla Gyojin iniciando un golpe de estado .

Vander Decken IX

Vander Decken IX (バンダー・デッケン九世, Bandā Dekken Kyūsei ) es un hombre-gyojin japonés de tipo tiburón cabeza de toro . Es crónicamente el primer hombre-gyojin en ostentar un poder de Fruta del Diablo, que posee el poder de la Fruta Objetivo-Objetivo de tipo Paramecia (マトマトの実, Mato-Mato no Mi ) que le permite fijar cualquier objetivo a voluntad siempre que toque el objetivo primero. A pesar de carecer de la capacidad de nadar, conserva la capacidad de sobrevivir bajo el agua.

Vander Decken IX tiene la voz de Wataru Takagi en la versión japonesa original y de Jim Foronda en el doblaje de Funimation.

Piratas astutos

Los Piratas Foxy (フォクシー海賊団, Fokushī Kaizokudan ) son una tripulación especializada en un juego de piratas conocido como "Davy Back Fight", en el que las tripulaciones piratas pueden ganar tripulantes de sus oponentes y su Jolly Roger. Un ejemplo es cuando ganó al capitán de los Piratas del Sapo Colmilludo Kibagaeru, a su timonel sin nombre y a su navegante sin nombre, así como a su Jolly Roger, dejando al resto de los Piratas del Sapo Colmilludo en desorden. [cap. 306] La tripulación está liderada por Foxy. [cap. 309]


Foxy (フォクシー, Fokushī ) , apodado "Zorro Plateado" (銀ギツネ, Gin Gitsune ) , es el tramposo y tramposo capitán de los Piratas de Foxy. [cap. 307] Aunque actúa con suma confianza la mayor parte del tiempo, es extremadamente sensible a los insultos o críticas. [cap. 306] Habiendo comido la Fruta Lenta-Lenta (ノロノロの実, Noro Noro no Mi ) , Foxy puede emitir un rayo con partículas microscópicas desde sus manos que pueden ralentizar temporalmente cualquier objeto, reduciendo su velocidad , mientras preserva la energía cinética . [cap. 309]

Aunque en el manga solo aparece como antagonista principal de un arco argumental, en el anime es un oponente recurrente de la tripulación de Luffy.

Foxy tiene la voz de Bin Shimada en la versión japonesa original y de Jonathan Brooks en el doblaje en inglés de Funimation.

Otros miembros de Foxy Pirates

Otros miembros de la numerosa tripulación de Foxy incluyen:

Los Piratas Foxy tienen algunos miembros exclusivos del anime:

Piratas guerreros gigantes

Los Piratas Guerreros Gigantes son un grupo de piratas que se originaron en Elbaph. Después de una breve separación, volvieron a reunirse para ayudar a Luffy a luchar contra los Marines en Egghead. Luego procedieron a llevar a los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja a Elbaph.

Brogy y Dorry

Brogy (ブロギー, Burogī ) yDorry (ドリー, Dorī ) , ex capitanes de los Piratas Guerreros Gigantes, son dos gigantes que viven en Little Garden, donde han estado batiéndose a duelo durante muchos años. Después de terminar su duelo años después, Brogy y Dorry se dirigieron a Elbaf, donde Shanks los reclutó para ayudar a luchar contra los Piratas Kid. Llegaron a Egghead con sus compañeros Piratas Guerreros Gigantes para ayudar a luchar contra la Armada y los Cinco Ancianos.

Brogy tiene la voz de Tetsu Inada en la versión original japonesa y de Jonathan C. Osborne en el doblaje de Funimation. Dorry tiene la voz de Daisuke Gōri en la versión original japonesa y de Bob Carter en el doblaje de Funimation.


Oimo (オイモ, Oimo ) es un gigante de 52 pies y miembro de los Piratas Guerreros Gigantes. Después de su disolución, Oimo trabajó como guardia en Enies Lobby. Más tarde fue derrotado por el Gobierno Mundial. Para cuando los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja llegaron a Egghead, Oimo se había reincorporado a los Piratas Guerreros Gigantes y llegó a Egghead para ayudarlos.

Oimo tiene la voz de Hiroshi Okamoto en la versión japonesa original y de Tyson Rhinehart en el doblaje de Funimation.


Kashii (カーシー, Kāshī ) es un gigante de 55 pies y miembro de los Piratas Guerreros Gigantes. Después de su disolución, Kashii trabajó como guardia en Enies Lobby. Más tarde desertó del Gobierno Mundial. Para cuando los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja estaban en Egghead, Kashii se había reincorporado a los Piratas Guerreros Gigantes y llegó a Egghead para ayudarlos.

Kashii tiene la voz de Kōhei Fukuhara en la versión japonesa original y de Jeff Johnson en el doblaje de Funimation.

Piratas de Krieg

Los Piratas de Krieg son una tripulación pirata liderada por Don Krieg. [cap. 46] La tripulación consistía en la flota pirata más grande del East Blue, hasta que sus barcos fueron hundido por Dracule Mihawk.

Don Krieg

DonGuerra (首領(ドン)Krieg (ダマシ討ちのクリーク, Don Kurīku ), apodado "Juego sucio" Krieg(ダマシ討ちのクリーク, Damashi Uchi no Kurīku ), es el capitán de los Piratas de Krieg, un hombre conocido por sus tácticas deshonestas.[cap. 46]A Krieg no le importa su tripulación y los intimida para que le teman y le obedezcan.[cap. 49]Castiga a los que le fallan y a los que muestran debilidad.[cap. 61f.]Krieg viste una armadura de acero dorada llena de armas ocultas como pistolas, bombas, etc.[cap. 47]Krieg también usa un arma llamada "Poderosa lanza de batalla", que no solo es una lanza, sino que puede liberar explosiones y permanecer intacta.

Don Krieg tiene la voz de Fumihiko Tachiki en la versión japonesa original y de Marc Thompson y Andy Mullins en el doblaje de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.

Krieg fue interpretado en el programa de acción en vivo por Milton Schorr. Krieg es solo un personaje secundario en esta versión, a diferencia del material original, donde era el principal antagonista del arco de Baratie. Su flota tampoco es destruida por Mihawk en Baratie, sino en un lugar desconocido y no sobrevive a su duelo con Mihawk.


Gin (ギン, Gin ) es el comandante de combate de Krieg. Llegó al restaurante Baratie con hambre, siendo salvado por Sanji, quien le ofreció un plato de comida, tras lo cual Gin se mostró agradecido con el cocinero. Debido a esto, terminó rebelándose contra su capitán, especialmente una vez que terminó siendo derrotado por Luffy, pues perdió todo el respeto que le tenía, pensando que era alguien indestructible.

En la versión original japonesa, la voz de Gin la pone Kenichi Ono . En el doblaje de 4Kids, la voz de Gin la pone Peter Katana. En el doblaje de Funimation, la voz de Gin la pone Illich Guardiola hasta 2014 y la de David Matranga a partir del especial "Episodio de East Blue".


Pearl (パール, Pāru ) es un hombre protegido por varios escudos. Aunque es difícil hacerle daño, se pone nervioso si alguien le hace la más mínima herida, preocupando a todos, incluido su capitán, ya que comienza a perder el control.

Pearl tiene la voz de Hiroyuki Kawamoto en la versión japonesa original y de Dan Green y J. Michael Tatum en el doblaje de 4Kids y Funimation respectivamente.


ElKuja (九蛇) son una tribu de mujeres que viven enAmazon Lily (アマゾン・リリー, Amazon Rirī ) , una isla de inspiración china donde los hombres están prohibidos. [cap. 514s., 535] Está gobernado por Boa Hancock, quien también capitanea un grupo de piratas que son los luchadores más fuertes de los Kuja, incluidas sus dos hermanas menores que poseen las habilidades tipo Zoan de Snake-Snake Fruit (ヘビヘビの実, Hebi Hebi no Mi ) . [cap. 519]

Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock (ボア・ハンコック, Boa Hankokku ) es miembro de la tribu femenina Kuja de la isla de Amazon Lily. [cap. 515f.] Vendida a los Dragones Celestiales durante la infancia, ella y sus hermanas son alimentadas a la fuerza con frutas del diablo y marcadas como esclavas. [cap. 521] Finalmente liberadas por Fisher Tiger, las tres regresan con su gente. Hancock se convierte en gobernante y sus súbditos se refieren a ella como "Princesa Serpiente" (蛇姫, Hebihime ) . [cap. 516, 521] Liderando a los Piratas Kuja, rápidamente gana infamia como la "Emperatriz Pirata" (海賊女帝, Kaizoku Jotei ) y se le ofrece ser miembro de los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar. [cap. 516, 522] A pesar de estar resentida con el Gobierno Mundial por su esclavitud pasada, que mantiene en secreto incluso a sus parientes, Hancock acepta el puesto para proteger a su pueblo. Pero cuando se le pide que participe en la guerra del Gobierno contra los Piratas de Barbablanca, inicialmente se niega y solo lo reconsidera después de enamorarse de Luffy, quien solicita su ayuda para infiltrarse en Impel Down. [cap. 516f., 520–522] Hancock es capaz de utilizar los tres tipos de Haki, [cap. 519]

La habilidad de la Fruta del Amor-Amor de tipo Paramecia (メロメロの実, Mero Mero no Mi ) le permite convertir a cualquiera que haya sido hechizado por ella en piedra y viceversa. [cap. 516, 521] También suele ir acompañada de su mascota, la serpiente Salomé. Después del último Levely, los Siete Señores de la Guerra se disolvieron, lo que la convirtió nuevamente en enemiga del Gobierno Mundial.

Unas semanas después de que su casa fuera invadida por los Marines y los Piratas de Barbanegra, Boa Hancock decidió abandonar su hogar para proteger a su gente y reunirse con Luffy.

En la serie de televisión de anime japonesa, su actriz de voz es Kotono Mitsuishi . [32] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Lydia Mackay .


Salomé (サロメ, Sarome ) es la serpiente mascota de Boa Hancock que la apoya en la batalla.

Boa Sandersonia

Boa Sandersonia (ボア・サンダーソニア, Boa Sandāsonia ) es la hermana mediana cuya Fruta Serpiente: Modelo Anaconda (ヘビヘビの実:模範キングコブラ, Hebi Hebi no Mi: Moderu Anakonda ) le permite transformarse. en una anaconda o anaconda- híbrido humano.

Boa Sandersonia tiene la voz de Chiwa Saitō en la versión japonesa original y de Lindsay Seidel en el doblaje de Funimation.

Boa Marigold

Boa Marigold (ボア・マリーゴールド, Boa Marīgōrudo ) es la hermana menor cuya Fruta Serpiente-Serpiente: Modelo King Cobra (スネーク・スネーク・フルーツ:モデル・キング・コブラ, Hebi Hebi no Mi: Moderu Kingu Kobura ) le permite girar en una cobra real o un híbrido cobra real-humano.

Boa Marigold tiene la voz de Kimiko Saitō en la versión japonesa original y de Julie Mayfield en el doblaje de Funimation.

Otros miembros de Kuja

Otros miembros de la tribu son la antigua emperatriz de los Kuja:

Fuerza aliada de la montaña de los monos

ElLa Fuerza Aliada de la Montaña de los Monos (猿山連合軍, Saruyama Rengō-gun ) es un grupo formado por tres capitanes piratas. Originalmente estacionados en Jaya, ayudaron a los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja a llegar a Skypiea.

Están liderados porMont Blanc Cricket (モンブラン・クリケット, Monburan Kuriketto ) es el líder de las Fuerzas Aliadas de Monkey Mountain y es descendiente deMont Blanc Noland (モンブラン・ノーランド, Monburan Nōrando ) , que era conocido como "Mentiroso Noland" por mentir sobre la existencia de una Ciudad de Oro. Cricket, creyendo que Noland estaba diciendo la verdad, pasó años buscando esa ciudad. Mont Black Cricket tiene la voz de Takashi Taniguchi en la versión japonesa original y de George Manley en el doblaje de Funimation.

Los otros dos representantes de la alianza son:Masira (マシラ, Mashira ) , la capitana de los Piratas de Masira con rasgos simiescos que son responsables de reflotar los tesoros de los barcos hundidos; yShoujou (ショウジョウ, Shōjō ) , el hermano jurado con cara de orangután de Masira y el capitán delPiratas de Shoujou, que son los responsables de hundir barcos. Masira tiene la voz de Aruno Tahara en la versión original japonesa y de Jeremy Inman en el doblaje de Funimation. Shoujou tiene la voz de Isamu Tanonaka en la versión original japonesa y de Jonathan C. Osborne.

Nuevos piratas Gyojin

Los Nuevos Piratas Gyojin (新魚人海賊団, Shin-Gyojin Kaizoku-dan ) son un grupo pirata de supremacistas gyojin . Los piratas finalmente hacen un pacto con el capitán de los Piratas Voladores para planear la destrucción completa de la Isla Gyojin iniciando un golpe de estado . Además, también utilizan diferentes Bestias Marinas donde algunas de ellas son utilizadas como sus corceles . Jones transmite un mensaje a la isla, anunciando que ejecutará a Neptuno, su gobernante actual, para apoderarse del reino y luego matar a los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja. Sin embargo, Luffy finalmente se une a Jimbei para lanzar un asalto combinado contra los piratas, derrotándolos y salvando la Isla Gyojin.

Hordy Jones

Hordy Jones (ホーディ・ジョーンズ, Hōdi Jōnzu ) es elhombre-gyojin tipo tiburón blanco y líder de los Nuevos Piratas Gyojin. [cap. 631] Hordy es responsable de asesinar a Otohime, la reina de la Isla Gyojin. Utiliza una Jirafa Marina como su corcel.

Hordy Jones tiene la voz de Jōji Nakata en la versión japonesa original y de Larry Brantley en el doblaje de Funimation.

Nuevos oficiales de los Piratas Gyojin

Los oficiales de la tripulación son:

Piratas de Roger

Los Piratas de Roger (ロジャー海賊団, Rojā Kaizokudan ) eran la tripulación pirata del difunto Rey de los Piratas, Gol D. Roger, y fueron la única tripulación conocida que llegó a Raftel. Silvers Rayleigh fue el primer oficial de la tripulación. Uno de los miembros, Scopper Gaban (スコッパー・ギャバン, Sukoppā Gyaban ) , era un hombre que Roger consideraba uno de sus mejores hombres junto con Rayleigh. Shanks y Buggy: comenzaron como aprendices de piratas en la tripulación. Debido a que el legendario samurái Kozuki Oden del País de Wano puede leer los Poneglyphs, él, junto con su esposa Toki, sus hijos Momonosuke y Hiyori, así como sus sirvientes, Dogstorm y Cat Viper, acompañaron a Roger y su tripulación durante un año para aprender los secretos del mundo (como el siglo del vacío, las armas antiguas y la familia D.), así como para llegar a la última isla, Raftel.

Gol D. Roger

Gol D. Roger (ゴール・D・ロジャー, Gōru Dī Rojā ) , después de ganar infamia mundial como capitán de los Piratas de Roger, se vuelve más conocido como Gold Roger (ゴールド・ロジャー, Gōrudo Rojā ) , elRey de los Piratas (海賊王, Kaizoku-Ō , lit. "Rey Pirata") . [cap. 1, 154, 506] Sufriendo una enfermedad terminal, lleva a su tripulación en un viaje completo a través del Grand Line antes de disolverlo y entregarse al Gobierno Mundial, que afirma haberlo capturado. [cap. 506] En su ejecución, antes de que Rouge dé a luz al hijo de Roger, Ace, y 22 años antes de la formación de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja, Roger genera la "Gran Era Pirata" al anunciar que su tesoro, el "One Piece", está disponible para ser tomado, aunque primero tendrán que encontrarlo. [cap. 1, 506, 550] Se dice después de la muerte de Roger que solo Barbablanca podía igualarlo en una pelea y que tenía la capacidad de escuchar "la voz de todas las cosas", lo que le permitió a él y a su tripulación aprender la historia secreta del mundo. [cap. 233, 507] También fue el dueño original del Sombrero de Paja de Luffy, que cayó en posesión de Shanks después de la muerte de su capitán, quien finalmente se lo pasó a Luffy. Gol D. Roger tiene la recompensa más alta conocida de la serie, con5.564.800.000. [33] Roger era capaz de utilizar los tres tipos de Haki. [cap. 966] y era capaz de usar la aplicación avanzada tanto para Haoshoku como para Busoshoku Haki.

Roger tiene originalmente la voz de Chikao Ōtsuka , y luego la de Masane Tsukayama . [1] Un Roger más joven tiene la voz de Takeshi Kusao . En la adaptación de 4Kids, Roger tiene la voz de Frederick B. Owens. [2] Eric Stuart inicialmente prestó su voz a Roger antes de ser reemplazado por Owens. En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es proporcionada por Sean Hennigan. [3]

Rayleigh plateado

El"Rey Oscuro" (冥王, Mei-Ō ) Silvers Rayleigh (シルバーズ・レイリー, Shirubāzu Reirī ) es un espadachín que, después de servir como primer oficial de los Piratas de Roger, viene a vivir al Archipiélago Sabaody como capataz de barco y jugador. [cap. 500] Rayleigh es capaz de utilizar los tres tipos de Haki y es capaz de usar la aplicación avanzada tanto para Haoshoku como para Busoshoku Haki y, después de la guerra entre los Piratas de Barbablanca y el Gobierno Mundial, instruye a Luffy en su uso. [cap. 503]

En la adaptación al anime, su voz es la de Keiichi Sonobe en japonés, [34] y la de Bruce Carey en el doblaje de Funimation. [3]

Piratas de las rocas

Los Piratas de Rocks (ロックス海賊団, Rokkusu Kaizokudan ) , liderados por Rocks D. Xebec (ロックス・D・ジーベック, Rokkusu Dī Jībekku ) , eran una poderosa tripulación que dominaba los mares cuarenta años antes de los acontecimientos actuales de la serie; su fuerza era tal que en la época cualquiera conocía sus hazañas, tan alocadas y temerarias que los consideraban una auténtica organización terrorista. También hubo personas que luego se hicieron notorias como los Emperadores Barbablanca, Big Mom y Kaido, y el capitán de los Piratas del León Dorado y rival de Roger Shiki (シキ, Shiki ) . 957] Fueron derrotados en la isla de God Valley (ゴッドバレー, Goddo Barē ) por los esfuerzos combinados de Monkey D. Garp y Gol D. Roger.

Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja

La Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja (麦わら大船団, Mugiwara Dai-sendan ) es una flota compuesta por siete tripulaciones piratas, quienes después de haber ayudado a Luffy en Dressrosa, le juraron lealtad. Un total de 5.639 piratas componen toda la flota.

Hermosos piratas

Los Piratas Hermosos (美しき海賊団, Utsukushiki Kaizoku-dan ) son la primera tripulación de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja. Su barco es el Caballo Blanco Durmiente del Bosque. La tripulación está formada por un total de 74 miembros, entre ellos:

Club Barto

El Club Barto (バルトクラブ, Baruto Kurabu ) es la segunda tripulación de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja. Todos los miembros de la tripulación son grandes fanáticos de Luffy y bautizaron su barco "Going Luffy-senpai" en su honor.

La tripulación está formada por un total de 56 miembros, entre ellos:

Ejército de Happosui

El Ejército Happosui (八宝水軍, Happō Suigun ) es la tercera tripulación de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja. Tienen un barco Happosai que tiene una figura de tigre blanco como mascarón y siete barcos Ipposai que se parecen a barcos tortuga con figuras de serpientes marinas como mascarones.

La tripulación está formada por un total de 1000 miembros, entre ellos:

Piratas de Ideo

Los Piratas Ideo (イデオ海賊団, Ideo Kaizokudan ) son la cuarta tripulación de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja. Inicialmente, fueron nombrados "XXX Gym Martial Arts Alliance " ( XXXジム格闘連合, Toripuru-Ekkusu Jimu Kakutō Rengō , pronunciado "Triple X Gym Martial Arts Alliance") antes de ser renombrado después de obtener su propio barco.

Los cuatro miembros de la tripulación son:

Piratas de Tontatta

Los Piratas de Tontatta (トンタッタ海賊団, Tontatta Kaizokudan ) , anteriormente conocidos comoLos Tonta Corps (トンタ兵団, Tonta Heidan ) son la quinta tripulación de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja y las fuerzas armadas de la Tribu Tontatta. La organización está formada completamente por enanos y su barco se llama Usoland.

La tripulación está formada por un total de 200 miembros, entre ellos:

Nuevos Piratas Guerreros Gigantes

Los Nuevos Piratas Guerreros Gigantes (新巨兵海賊団, Shin Kyo Hei Kaizoku-dan ) son la sexta tripulación de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja. Su barco se llama Nagifar.

La organización está compuesta por cinco gigantes de la isla de Elbaph. Por el "Arco de Elbaph", se han retirado a Elbalph.

Flota de Yontamaria

La Flota Yontamaria (ヨンタマリア大船団, Yonta Maria Dai-sendan ) es la séptima tripulación de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja. Tienen un Yonta María, cinco barcos Santa María y cincuenta barcos Nita María.

La tripulación está formada por un total de 4.300 miembros, entre ellos:

Piratas rodantes

Una tripulación pirata que los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja conocieron en Thriller Bark, siendo parte de las víctimas cuyas sombras fueron robadas por Gecko Moria.

Están capitaneados porCharlotte Lola (シャーロット•ローラ, Shārotto Rōra ) , una de las 39 hijas de Big Mom y hermana gemela de Chiffon. Lola huyó de Totto Land cuando su madre quiso que se casara con el Príncipe Loki de Elbaf, decidiendo navegar en el mar para encontrar a alguien a quien realmente amara. Durante su viaje, preguntó a todos los hombres que conoció si querían casarse con ella, y finalmente se casó con Gotti.

Charlotte Lola tiene la voz de Aya Hisakawa en la versión japonesa original y de Alex Moore en el doblaje de Funimation.

Piratas del sol

Los Piratas del Sol (タイヨウの海賊団, Taiyō no Kaizokudan ) son una banda de piratas formada por hombres-gyojin y tritones que originalmente fue liderada por Fisher Tiger y luego por Jimbei. Atacan cualquier barco pirata que ven, pero sin importar quién esté en él, nunca matan directamente. Su insignia del Sol fue creada para cubrir la marca del esclavo del Dragón Celestial, "La Pezuña del Dragón Volador", ya que Tiger Fisher llevaba la marca de ser un esclavo. Pero había escapado de los Nobles Mundiales y durante su escape liberó a otros tritones/hombres-gyojin y a Boa Hancock y sus dos hermanas. Con la insignia del Sol, el Gobierno Mundial no pudo reclamar a los esclavos debido a la confusión masiva sobre si eran Piratas del Sol o no. [cap. 620] Los miembros de los Piratas de Arlong y los Piratas Macro también eran parte de la tripulación, hasta que el grupo finalmente se disuelve cuando Jimbei se une a los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar.

Los miembros conocidos de los Piratas del Sol son:

Piratas de Thriller Bark

La tripulación del barco Thriller Bark (スリラーバーク, Surirā Bāku ) , del tamaño de una isla y capitaneado por Gecko Moriah, está formada principalmente por zombis , que se cuentan por cientos, creados a partir de cadáveres. Algunos de estos zombis se han clasificado entre los zombis generales, los zombis soldados, los zombis salvajes y los zombis especiales.

Geco Moria

Gecko Moria (ゲッコー・モリア, Gekkō Moria , un juego de palabras con kōmori (蝙蝠) ) es el capitán del barco del tamaño de una isla Thriller Bark y un ex miembro de los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar. [cap. 448] La Fruta Sombra-Sombra (カゲカゲの実, Kage Kage no Mi ) le otorga la capacidad de controlar su sombra, lo que le permite actuar de forma completamente independiente de su cuerpo y controlar las sombras de los demás. [cap. 455, 463] Después de que Kaido aniquila a toda su tripulación, crea un ejército de zombis completamente obediente e inmortal implantando sombras robadas en cadáveres. [cap. 457, 481] Después de la Guerra Paramount, su título de Señor de la Guerra es revocado.

En la serie de televisión de anime japonesa, el actor de voz de Gecko es Katsuhisa Hōki . [35] En el doblaje de Funimation, su voz es de Chris Guerrero. [36]


Perona (ペローナ, Perōna ) , también conocida como "Princesa Fantasma" (ゴーストプリンセス, Gōsuto Purinsesu ) , es una miembro de los Piratas de Thriller Bark, una mujer vestida al estilo Gothic Lolita que es capaz de crear fantasmas con diversas habilidades gracias al poder de la Fruta Hollow-Hollow de tipo Paramecia (ホロホロの実, Horo Horo no Mi ) . [cap. 443, 461] Después de la derrota de Gecko Moria, Perona se refugia en el castillo de Dracule Mihawk, donde a regañadientes ayuda y coopera con Roronoa Zoro en su entrenamiento durante el salto temporal. [cap. 597]

En la serie de anime japonesa original, la voz de Perona es de Kumiko Nishihara . En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su actriz de voz es Felecia Angelle .

Lomo de cerdo

Hogback (ホグバック, Hogubakku ) es el genio médico de Moriah a quien se le dio no-vida en forma de sombras robadas usando la habilidad de la Fruta del Diablo de Moriah. Él fue quien curó los cadáveres. [cap. 446, 449, 455]

Hogback tiene la voz de Hiroshi Iwasaki en la versión japonesa original y de Marcus D. Stimac en el doblaje de Funimation.


"Cementerio" Absalom (アブサロム, Abusaromu ) es un hombre de retazos aumentado por Hogback con el hocico de un león, la piel de un elefante y los músculos de un oso y un gorila. Puede volverse invisible a sí mismo y a todo lo que toca gracias a la Fruta Clear-Clear. Absalom fue asesinado más tarde por Shiryu de los Piratas de Barbanegra, quien le robó el poder de su Fruta del Diablo.

Absalom tiene la voz de Hiroaki Miura en la versión japonesa original y de Andrew Chandler en el doblaje de Funimation.

Thriller corteza zombie

Entre los zombies creados y/o reanimados por Hogback y Moriah se encuentran:

La peor generación

Originalmente conocido como el "Once Supernovas ( 11人の超新星, Jūichinin no Chōshinsei ) , es un grupo de piratas novatos cuyas recompensas superan los 100.000.000 de berries, habiendo llegado al Archipiélago Sabaody simultáneamente. Los miembros del grupo son: Monkey D. Luffy y su compañero de tripulación Roronoa Zoro ; Trafalgar Law; Capone Bege; X. Drake; Jewelry Bonney; Basil Hawkins; Eustass Kid y su compañero de tripulación Killer; Scratchmen Apoo; yUrouge (ウルージ, Urūji ) . [cap. 498] Considerados como "niños problemáticos", estos piratas, junto con Barbanegra, eventualmente fueron conocidos como la "Peor Generación" (最悪の世代, Saiaku no Sedai ) por el Gobierno Mundial a medida que ganaban más notoriedad por sus crímenes y, a veces, su voluntad de desafiar el status quo . [cap. 664]

Basilio Hawkins

Basil Hawkins (バジル・ホーキンス, Bajiru Hōkinsu ) , apodado "Mago" (魔術師 Majutsushi ) , es el capitán delPiratas de Hawkins . Comió la Fruta de Paja-Paja (ワラワラの実, Wara Wara no Mi ) , una Fruta del Diablo de tipo Paramecia que le permite crear y manipular paja. Puede cubrirse de paja y hacer avatares de paja similares a espantapájaros para ayudar en su ofensiva. También tiene la costumbre de leer las cartas del tarot para averiguar qué va a pasar y el porcentaje de probabilidad de que suceda lo que predice.

Después del salto temporal de dos años, intentó formar una alianza con Scratchmen Apoo y Eustass Kid. Después de que Kaido apareciera frente a ellos, terminó uniéndose a los Piratas del Reino Animal como subordinado de Kaido, traicionando a Kid junto con Apoo y convirtiéndose en uno de los Shinuchi de la tripulación.

Capone Bege

Capone "Gang" Bege (カポネ・“ギャング”・ベッジ, Kapone "Gyangu" Bejji ) es un capo de la mafia convertido en pirata. Posee el poder de la Fruta del Castillo-Castillo (シロシロの実, Shiro Shiro no Mi ) , una Fruta del Diablo de tipo Paramecia que le permite crear y mantener una fortaleza dimensional dentro de su cuerpo, pudiendo meter a personas dentro tras ser reducidas al acercarse a las entradas de su cuerpo, o bien transformarse en un gran castillo que le sirve de fortaleza.

Durante el salto temporal de dos años, Bege se convirtió en uno de los combatientes de los Piratas de Big Mom, hasta el momento en que formó una alianza con Luffy y Caesar Clown para acabar con Big Mom. Bege está casado con la hija número 22 de Big Mom, Charlotte Chiffon (シャーロット・シフォンShārotto Shifon ) , y ambos son padres de Capone Pez (カポネ・ペッツ, Kapone Pettsu ) .

Capone Bege tiene la voz de Naoki Tatsuta en la versión japonesa original y de Kyle Hebert en el doblaje de Funimation.

Piratas del tanque de fuego

ElLos Piratas Fire Tank (ファイアタンク海賊団, Faia Tanku Kaizokudan ) son la tripulación pirata de Capone Bege. Consta de:

Niño Eustass

Eustass "Capitán" Kid (ユースタス・キャプテン・キッド, Yūsutasu "Kyaputen" Kiddo ) es el capitán delPiratas de Kid . Entre su tripulación se encuentra su amigo de la infancia Killer. Kid comió la Fruta Magnet-Magnet (ジキジキの実, Jiki Jiki no Mi ) , una Fruta del Diablo de tipo Paramecia que le permite atraer y controlar objetos metálicos con magnetismo. También es capaz de utilizar los tres tipos de Haki. Durante el salto temporal, perdió su brazo después de un encuentro con Shanks, dependiendo de un brazo de piezas de metal creado por su habilidad. Después de intentar formar una alianza con Scratchmen Apoo y Basil Hawkins, terminó siendo traicionado por ellos y capturado por Kaido, teniendo que aliarse más tarde con Luffy y Law en su plan para derrotarlo. Después del Capítulo 1079, su estado es actualmente desconocido.

Eustass Kid tiene la voz de Daisuke Namikawa en la versión japonesa original y de Justin Cook en el doblaje de Funimation.


Killer (キラー, Kirā ) , apodado "Máquina de Asesinatos" (殺戮武人, Satsuriku Bujin , lit. "Soldado Masacre") es el combatiente de los Piratas de Kid y amigo de la infancia de Eustass Kid. Suele pelear usando dos espadas, y destaca por llevar una máscara en el rostro.

Después de que él y Kid fueron capturados por Kaido, Killer se vio obligado a comer una fruta SMILE defectuosa, dejándolo permanentemente sonriendo. En Wano, terminó trabajando para el aliado de Kaido, Kurozumi Orochi, como un asesino callejero conocido como Kamazo el Matarife (人斬り鎌ぞう, Hito Kiri Kamazō ) . Para vengarse de Kaido, él y los Piratas de Kid terminaron uniéndose a la alianza de Luffy y Law.

Killer tiene la voz de Kenji Hamada en la versión japonesa original y de Leo Fabian en el doblaje de Funimation.

Joyas Bonney

Jewelry Bonney (ジュエリー・ボニー, Juerī Bonī ) es una de los doce piratas conocidos colectivamente como la Peor Generación y la única mujer del grupo. Es apodada "Glotona" (大喰らい, Ō-Gurai , lit. "Gran Comedora") debido a su gigantesco apetito que, sin embargo, no afecta su sinuosa figura. [cap. 498] Ella ha comido la Fruta de la Edad-Edad que le permite cambiar su propia edad (que usa para disfrazarse) así como la de los demás, haciendo que sus oponentes sean demasiado jóvenes o demasiado viejos para luchar contra ella. [cap. 499]

Después de la Guerra Paramount, ella y su tripulación fueron derrotados y capturados por los Piratas de Barbanegra, y posteriormente fue arrestada por la flota de la Armada liderada por Sakazuki. De alguna manera, logró escapar, mostrándose vagando por las calles de incógnito después del salto temporal de dos años. Durante la Reunión Mundial, se infiltró en Marijoa para rescatar a Bartholomew Kuma, quien luego se revela como su padre.

Jewelry Bonney tiene la voz de Reiko Kiuchi y, más tarde, de Reiko Takagi en la versión japonesa original. En el doblaje de Funimation, su voz es de Laura Wetsel.

Rasguño Apoo

Scratchmen Apoo (スクラッチメン・アプー, Sukuratchimen Apū ) , también conocido como "Rugido del Mar" (海鳴り, Umi Nari ) , es el capitán de los Piratas del Aire (オンエア海賊団, On Ea Kaizokudan ) . y un miembro de la tribu de brazos largos. Tiene el poder de la Fruta Tono-Tono (オトオトの実, Oto Oto no Mi ) , una Fruta del Diablo tipo Paramecia que le da la capacidad de transformar las partes de su cuerpo en varios instrumentos y generar música y grandes vibraciones con ellos. Sin embargo, el sonido no afecta a las personas si no lo escuchan.

Después del salto temporal de dos años, intentó formar una alianza con Basil Hawkins y Eustass Kid. Sin embargo, se afilió a Kaido para emboscarlos, ya que Apoo era en realidad un subordinado de los Piratas del Reino Animal como su informante, lo que terminó con Hawkins uniéndose a Kaido y Apoo, y Kid fue capturado.

En la versión japonesa original, la voz de Scratchmen Apoo es de Mitsuaki Madono . En el doblaje de Funimation, la voz de Brad Venable es de Brad Venable en los episodios 392 a 629 y One Piece: Stampede , y la de Brent Mukai a partir del episodio 736.

Ley de Trafalgar

El "Cirujano de la Muerte" (死の外科医, Shi no Gekai ) ,Trafalgar D. Water Law (トラファルガー・D・ワーテル・ロー, Torafarugā Dī Wāteru Rō ) , es originario del Norte Azul. [cap. 498, 508, 578, 763] Habiendo comido la Fruta Op-Op de tipo Paramecia (オペオペの実, Ope Ope no Mi ) , Law puede, después de generar un área esférica azul a su alrededor, cortar y teletransportar objetos, así como realizar intercambios de cuerpos dentro de dicha área azul. [cap. 661] Es el capitán de los Piratas del Corazón. Originario de la Ciudad Blanca, Flevance, escapó con la Enfermedad del Plomo Blanco y se convirtió en miembro de los Piratas Donquixote. Allí conoció a Corazón, el hermano de Doflamingo, y juntos se embarcaron en una aventura para encontrar una cura para Law. Finalmente encontraron la Fruta del Diablo, pero antes de escapar, Corazón fue asesinada por Doflamingo, dejando a Law en busca de venganza. Law se hace un nombre y, después de la Guerra Paramount, se une a los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar. [cap. 659, 673] Aunque entra en una alianza con Luffy y los Sombreros de Paja para derrotar a Kaido, uno de los Cuatro Emperadores, Law en realidad está persiguiendo a Donquixote Doflamingo.

Trafalgar Law tiene la voz de Hiroshi Kamiya en la versión japonesa original [34] y de Matthew Mercer en el doblaje de Funimation.

Piratas del corazón

Los Piratas del Corazón (ハートの海賊団, Hāto no Kaizokudan ) , formados por veintiún miembros, son la tripulación pirata liderada por Trafalgar Law.

X. Drake

"Bandera roja" (赤旗, Akahata ) X.Drake (ディエスincógnita・ドレーク, Diesu Dorēku , pronunciado como "Diez Drake")es el capitán de los Piratas de Drake. Tiene el poder de la Fruta Dragón-Dragón, Modelo: Allosaurus(リュウリュウの実 モデル アロサウルス, Ryū Ryū no Mi Moderu Arosaurusu ), una Fruta del Diablo de tipo Zoan que le da la capacidad de transformarse en un Allosaurus o en un híbrido Allosaurus-humano. Es un ex contralmirante de la Marina que se convirtió en pirata, pero continuó trabajando en secreto para la Marina como capitán de la división "SWORD". Bajo esta identidad, Drake logró unirse a los Piratas del Reino Animal como subordinado de Kaido, convirtiéndose en uno de sus Shinuchi como parte del Tobi Roppo. Drake es expulsado una vez que se descubre su traición y se une a la alianza de Luffy para derrotar a Kaido.

X. Drake tiene la voz de Eiji Takemoto en la versión japonesa original y de DC Douglas en el doblaje de Funimation.

Cuatro emperadores

Los piratas más poderosos del Nuevo Mundo son conocidos como los Cuatro Emperadores (四皇,Yonkō ). Inicialmente, el grupo está formado por Shanks, Barbablanca, Kaido y Big Mom, formando un precarioequilibrio de podercon Los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar y el Cuartel General de la Armada quemantiene al mundo en pazhasta que Barbanegra captura a Ace. Esto conduce a una guerra entre los Piratas de Barbablanca y el Gobierno Mundial, y resulta en la muerte de Barbablanca.[cap. 432, 483, 576, 581]Dos años después, se considera que Barbanegra asumió la posición de Barbablanca.[cap. 650]Después de los eventos de la guerra de Onigashima, donde Big Mom y Kaido fueron derrotados, Monkey D. Luffy y Buggy fueron considerados los nuevos miembros para reemplazarlos.

Piratas del reino animal

Los Piratas del Reino Animal (百獣海賊団, Hyakujū Kaizokudan , Piratas de las Bestias) son la tripulación liderada por Kaido, uno de los Cuatro Emperadores. La mayoría de los miembros poseen poderes de las Frutas del Diablo SMILE creadas por Caesar Clown, pudiendo obtener las habilidades de un animal específico, pero teniendo solo parcialmente una parte del animal, como las piernas, las orejas o la cabeza, sobresaliendo de cualquier extremidad del cuerpo, como la cabeza de un animal en el estómago o en la mano, alas en la cabeza o el trasero, y las piernas siendo reemplazadas por el animal real donde el torso del usuario sobresale de su espalda.


Kaido (カイドウ, Kaidō ) , también conocido como "Kaido, el rey de las bestias" (百獣のカイドウ, Hyakujū no Kaidō , literalmente "Kaido de las bestias") , es el Comandante Supremo de 23 pies (総督, Sōtoku , Gobernador General) de los Piratas del Reino Animal, ex miembro de los Cuatro Emperadores y también ex miembro de los Piratas de Rocks como aprendiz. Kaido consumió el modelo Fish-Fish Fruit: Azure Dragon, que le permite transformarse en un Azure Dragon o en un híbrido Azure Dragon-humano. Kaido cree en el poder y el derecho y ha subyugado a varios piratas rompiendo su voluntad. Es bastante inestable y propenso a cambiar de opinión, ya que quiere una muerte tan gloriosa como la de Barbablanca, pero también quiere un enemigo digno, ya que ha pasado mucho tiempo sin ningún oponente que iguale su poder, además de pasar a menudo de la crueldad abierta a la burla. Respeto hacia sus adversarios. Kaido estuvo a punto de ser ejecutado varias veces y tiene afición por intentar suicidarse como pasatiempo, pero siempre termina ileso debido a su gran resiliencia, siendo conocido en el mundo como “La Criatura Más Fuerte” (最強の生物, Saikyō no Seibutsu ) . En un momento, Kaido y King fueron retenidos en Punk Hazard. Anteriormente, se enfrentó a Kozuki Oden, quien fue la única persona capaz de herirlo profundamente, dejando a Kaido con una cicatriz masiva y permanente en su cuerpo. su pecho después de casi matarlo. Se alió durante años con Kurozumi Orochi para gobernar juntos el País de Wano tras deshacerse de Kozuki Oden, hasta que Kaido lo traicionó y anunció que su hija Yamato sería la nueva shogun del país, a lo que ella se opuso vehementemente. Kaido tenía la recompensa activa más alta de todos los piratas actuales. , una recompensa de 4.611.100.000. [33] Kaido también es capaz de utilizar la aplicación avanzada para todos los tipos de Haki. Después de una larga y agotadora pelea con Luffy y sus aliados, Kaido fue derrotado por Luffy, la segunda venida de Joyboy que se predijo que derrotarlo, donde él y Big Mom cayeron en una cámara volcánica antes de su erupción. Se desconoce si sobrevivieron o no.

Kaido tiene la voz de Tesshō Genda en la versión japonesa original y de David Sobolov en el doblaje de Funimation.

Artistas principales

Los tres hombres que actúan como la mano derecha de Kaido son los Lead Performers (大看板, Ōkanban , All-Stars) , los oficiales ejecutivos de la tripulación, también conocidos como los Desastres/Calamidades. El grupo está formado por:

Tobi Roppo

Los Tobi Roppo (飛び六胞, Tobi Roppō ) son los seis oficiales de élite de primer grado de Shinuchi y la tripulación que sirven directamente bajo las órdenes de los artistas principales. Al igual que los artistas principales, los miembros pueden transformarse en criaturas ancestrales a través de sus frutas del diablo Zoan ancestrales. El grupo está formado por:


Los Shinuchi (真打ち, Shin'uchi ) son los oficiales de segundo grado de los Piratas del Reino Animal, y la mayoría de ellos son Gifters de élite. Están a cargo de los Gifters, los Placeres y los Camareros de menor rango.

Los Shinuchi conocidos incluyen:


Los Gifters (与えられた者達, Gifutāzu ) son los soldados de élite de los Piratas del Reino Animal.

Entre los donadores conocidos se incluyen:

División Blindada

La División Blindada (装甲部隊, Sōkō Butai ) es un grupo de Shinuchis y Gifters que trabajan para Sasaki y comen Frutas SMILE que están basadas en animales que son animales de piel dura o animales de caparazón duro. Muchos de sus miembros desertan después de ser domesticados por la habilidad de la Fruta del Diablo de Kurozumi Tama.


Las Marys (メアリーズ, Mearīzu ) son el equipo de vigilancia de los Piratas del Reino Animal, formado por humanos y animales cyborg que llevan máscaras de papel y transmiten su información a Kaido. El miembro principal de las Mary es:


Los Números (ナンバーズ, Nanbāzu ) son un grupo de gigantes animales artificiales que fueron creados por Punk Hazard y sirven a los Piratas del Reino Animal. También son conocidos por ser bebedores desordenados, lo que molesta a Queen. Están formados por:


Los Pleasures (笑う者達, Purejāzu ) son los soldados de infantería de nivel medio que comieron las frutas SMILE fallidas y solo pueden sentir alegría. Muchos de ellos desertan después de que Chopper los salve del virus Ice Oni que creó Queen.


Los Camareros (待つ者達, Weitāzu ) son los soldados rasos de bajo nivel que aún no han comido una SMILE. Debido al cierre de la fábrica de SMILE, los Camareros se quedaron en esta posición. Muchos de ellos desertaron después de que Tony Tony Chopper los salvó del virus Ice Oni que creó Queen.

Ninjas y samuráis

También hay algunos ninjas y samuráis que sirven a los Piratas del Reino Animal tras la aparente muerte de Kurozumi Orochi. Los ninjas en cuestión formaban un grupo llamado Orochi Oniwabanshu cuando trabajaban para Orochi, mientras que los samuráis en cuestión formaban un grupo llamado Mimawarigumi (el nombre de la fuerza policial samurái de Wano). Se demostró que la mayoría de ellos estaban aterrorizados por la forma espiritual de Brook, ya que pensaban que era un Gashadokuro .

Otros miembros

Otros miembros de la tripulación incluyen:

Piratas de Barbanegra

Los Piratas de Barbanegra (黒ひげ海賊団, Kurohige Kaizokudan ) son una poderosa tripulación pirata liderada por Barbanegra. Si bien originalmente contaba con cinco miembros, la membresía de los Piratas de Barbanegra se amplió más tarde con varios prisioneros de Impel Down y el propio Aokiji.

Marshall D. Teach

Marshall D. Teach (マーシャル・D・ティーチ, Māsharu Dī Tīchi ) , más conocido comoBarbanegra (黒ひげ, Kurohige ) , es el capitán, más tarde comodoro (almirante en la versión japonesa), de los Piratas de Barbanegra. Como miembro de los Piratas de Barbablanca, mató a su compañero de tripulación Thatch para hacerse con la Fruta del Diablo que ha buscado durante varias décadas, la Fruta Oscura-Oscura (ヤミヤミの実, Yami Yami no Mi ) . Le otorga la capacidad de crear y controlar agujeros negros, que se representan como oscuridad fluida, así como la capacidad de desactivar los poderes de la Fruta del Diablo de otros, siempre que esté tocando a la persona.

Por traicionar a la tripulación de Barbablanca y el asesinato de su compañero de tripulación, es perseguido por Ace, quien finalmente lo enfrenta. [cap. 159, 440f.] Después de derrotar a Ace y entregarlo al Gobierno Mundial, es designado reemplazo de Crocodile como uno de los Siete Señores de la Guerra del Mar, una posición que rápidamente abusa para expandir su tripulación con prisioneros de Impel Down y renuncia una vez que termina.

Después de matar a Barbablanca con la ayuda de su nueva tripulación, Barbanegra de alguna manera suma la habilidad de la Fruta del Diablo de su antiguo capitán a la suya y logra tomar el lugar de Barbablanca como uno de los Cuatro Emperadores. [cap. 486, 576f., 650]

El personaje está basado en el pirata histórico Edward "Barbanegra" Teach y lleva su nombre . [cap. 474] En la serie de televisión de anime japonesa, su actor de voz es Akio Ōtsuka . [37] En su adaptación al inglés de Funimation, su voz fue suministrada por Cole Brown hasta su muerte en noviembre de 2016, siendo reemplazado por Chris Rager .

Diez capitanes del Titanic

Los Diez Capitanes del Titanic ( 10人の巨漢船長, Jū-nin no Kyokan Senchō ) son los principales oficiales de los Piratas de Barbanegra, que ocupan el segundo lugar después de Barbanegra en cuanto a mando y aparecen enumerados en orden de aparición según quién comanda cada barco.

Jesús Burgess

Jesús Burgess (ジーザス・バージェス, Jīzasu Bājesu ) es el timonel de la tripulación y es muy fuerte. Es el capitán del primer barco de la tripulación. Burgess tiene el epíteto de "Campeón". Más tarde se reveló que había consumido una fruta del diablo llamada la fruta fuerte-fuerte que le da súper fuerza.

Burgess tiene la voz de Tetsu Inada en la versión japonesa original y de Phil Parsons en el doblaje de Funimation.


Shiryu (シリュウ, Shiryū ) es el carcelero jefe depuesto de Impel Down que se convierte en el capitán del segundo barco de la tripulación y más tarde obtiene la invisibilidad de Absalom. [cap. 576] Tiene el epíteto de "De la lluvia". Shiryu tiene la voz de Takayuki Sugō en la versión japonesa original y de Matt Thurston en el doblaje de Funimation.

De Augur

Van Augur (ヴァン・オーガー, Van Ōgā ) es el tirador de la tripulación. Augur es el capitán del tercer barco de la tripulación. Tiene el epíteto de "El Supersónico". Más tarde se reveló que había consumido una fruta del diablo llamada Warp-Warp Fruit que le permite teletransportarse a sí mismo y a otras personas.

Augur tiene la voz de Masaya Takatsuka en la versión japonesa original y de Barry Yandell en el doblaje de Funimation.

Avalo Pizarro

Avalo Pizarro (アバロ・ピサロ, Abaro Pisaro ) es un hombre de 16 pies que fue el ex rey tiránico de un reino en el North Blue del que Barbanegra surgió de Impel Down. Es el capitán del cuarto barco de la tripulación. Pizarro tiene el epíteto de "Rey Corrupto". Más tarde obtuvo los poderes de la Fruta Isle-Isle que le permite fusionarse con el entorno de la isla en la que se encuentran. [cap. 1080]

Pizarro tiene la voz de Kazunari Tanaka en episodios anteriores y de Masaya Takatsuka en episodios posteriores de la versión japonesa original. En el doblaje de Funimation, su voz es de Greg Silva.


Lafitte (ラフィット, Rafitto ) es un oficial de policía exiliado del West Blue, que se desempeña como navegante y jefe de personal de la tripulación. Es el capitán del quinto barco de la tripulación. Laffitte tiene el epíteto de " Sheriff Demonio ". Más tarde se da a entender que ha consumido una Fruta del Diablo que le permite desarrollar alas parecidas a las de un pájaro.

Lafitte tiene la voz de Taiki Matsuno en la versión original japonesa y de Christopher Bevins en el doblaje de Funimation.

Catarina Devon

Catarina Devon (カタリーナ・デボン, Katarīna Debon ) es una mujer de 11 pies y ex reclusa de Impel Down que puede convertirse en un Kyubi no Kitsune o un híbrido Kyubi no Kitsune-humano con los poderes de Dog-Dog Fruit: Modelo Nueve. Tailed Fox (イヌイヌの実 モデル九尾の狐, Inu Inu no Mi, Modelo: Kyubi no Kitsune), que también le otorga la capacidad de transformarse en otras personas. Ella es la capitana del sexto barco de la tripulación. Devon tiene el epíteto de "Cazador de luna creciente".

Devon tiene la voz de Kimiko Saitō en la versión japonesa original y de Natalie Hoover en el doblaje de Funimation.

Lobo de San Juan

Sanjuan Wolf (サンファン・ウルフ, Sanfan Urufu ) es el gigante más grande cuyo tamaño de 519 pies proviene de la habilidad de la Fruta Enorme-Enorme. [cap. 1080] Después de que Barbanegra lo sacó de Impel Down, es el capitán del séptimo barco de la tripulación, y tiene el epíteto de "Acorazado Colosal" y era lo suficientemente grande como para pararse en ciertas partes del océano, lo que lo agotaría con el tiempo.

Wolf tiene la voz de Kenichi Ono en la versión japonesa original y de Jason Bunch en el doblaje de Funimation.

Disparo de Vasco

Vasco Shot (バスコ・ショット, Basuko Shotto ) es un criminal legendario de 18 pies con una gran pasión por las bebidas alcohólicas . Es el capitán del octavo barco de la tripulación. Shot tiene el epíteto de "Bebedor empedernido". Más tarde obtuvo los poderes de la fruta Glug-Glug, aunque sus poderes no están claros actualmente. [cap. 1080]

Shot tiene la voz de Naoki Tatsuta en la versión japonesa original y de Clint Ford en el doblaje de Funimation.

Doctor Q

Doc Q (ドクQ , Doku Kyū ) , [cap. 234] es el médico enfermizo de la tripulación. Es el capitán del noveno barco de la tripulación y tiene el epíteto de " Dios de la Muerte " o " Parca ". Más tarde se revela que Doc Q ha consumido una fruta del diablo llamada la fruta Sick-Sick que le permite infligir enfermedades a cualquiera.

Doc Q tiene la voz de Naoya Uchida en la versión japonesa original y de Kenny Green en el doblaje de Funimation.

Más fuerte

Stronger (ストロンガー, Sutorongā ) es el caballo igualmente enfermizo de Doc Q, que sirve como medio de transporte de Doc Q debido a que Doc Q está demasiado enfermo para moverse. [cap. 223] Más tarde se revela que consumió una fruta del diablo llamada Fruta del Caballo-Caballo: Modelo Pegaso que le permite convertirse en un Pegaso .


Kuzan (クザン) , anteriormente conocido como AlmiranteAokiji (青雉, lit. "Faisán Azul") , era un oficial naval aparentemente perezoso pero moralmente recto con la habilidad de la Fruta Chilly-Chilly tipo Logia (ヒエヒエの実, Hie Hie no Mi ) , que le permite generar, controlar o convertirse en hielo . [cap. 319f., 393] En su retiro, Sengoku aboga por que Aokiji lo suceda como almirante de la flota. [cap. 594] Aokiji se bate en duelo con Akainu por el puesto, pero pierde. Al no querer servir a las órdenes de Akainu, abandona la Armada gracias a su desilusión con la Justicia Absoluta del Gobierno Mundial. Se une a los Piratas de Barbanegra poco después por razones desconocidas [cap. 650] y se convierte en el capitán del décimo barco de la tripulación. [cap. 1081] La apariencia de Aokiji está inspirada en Yūsaku Matsuda . [cap. 558]

Su voz es de Takehito Koyasu . [38] En la adaptación en inglés de Funimation, su voz es inicialmente proporcionada por Bob Carter y luego fue expresada por Jason Douglas . [39]

Piratas de Big Mom

Los Piratas de Big Mom (ビッグ・マム海賊団, Biggu Mamu Kaizokudan ) son la tripulación liderada por Charlotte Linlin, miembro de los Cuatro Emperadores. Cada uno de sus miembros lleva el nombre de alimentos y su temática está inspirada en diferentes cuentos de hadas . Algunos de ellos son ministros de diferentes cosas en las diferentes islas de Totto Land.

Los Piratas del Sol y los Piratas Firetank son antiguos subordinados de la tripulación.

Charlotte Linlin

Charlotte Linlin (シャーロット・リンリン, Shārotto Rinrin ) , más conocida como Big Mom (ビッグ・マム, Biggu Mamu ) , es la capitana de 28 pies de los Piratas de Big Mom, la matriarca de la gran familia Charlotte (シャーロッ).ト家, Shārotto- ke ) y la reina de Totto Land, donde gobierna con sus 46 hijos y 39 hijas.

En su infancia, sus padres la abandonaron por ser demasiado grande y fue criada por Madre Carmel (マザー・カルメル, Mazā Karumeru ) , una monja que la inspiró a crear un reino y una familia en la que todas las razas del mundo vivieran juntas. En algún momento, Big Mom se ganó la ira de los gigantes cuando su trastorno alimentario por los marineros durante un ayuno antes del solsticio de invierno la llevó a arrasar por todo Elbaf, lo que hirió a muchos gigantes. Ha intentado repetidamente reconciliarse con los gigantes, pero sin éxito. Es por esto que no ha podido conseguir que algunos gigantes vivan en su archipiélago establecido Totto Land, donde todas las razas coexistirían entre sí. Big Mom incluso contactó a Caesar Clown para que le hiciera algunos gigantes artificiales.

Sus hijos han variado desde veintidós hijos solteros, once pares de hijos gemelos, seis pares de hijos trillizos, dos pares de hijos cuatrillizos, un par de hijos quintillizos y un par de hijos decuplitos. Ninguno de sus hijos está a salvo de su ira. Su hija Charlotte Praline es miembro de los Piratas del Sol, mientras que Charlotte Chiffon es miembro de los Piratas Firetank.

Big Mom es también la única mujer miembro de los Cuatro Emperadores y ex miembro de los Piratas de Rocks. Actualmente tiene la segunda recompensa más alta de cualquier pirata después de Kaido, con una recompensa de 4.388.000.000. [33]

Big Mom posee el poder de la Fruta Alma-Alma, que anteriormente pertenecía a Carmel, con la que puede dar vida a objetos o hacer que los animales actúen como humanos al darles un fragmento del alma de una persona transformándolos en Homies. Big Mom es capaz de utilizar los tres tipos de Haki y es capaz de utilizar la aplicación avanzada tanto para el Haoshoku como para el Busoshoku Haki.

Durante la pelea en el País de Wano, Big Mom fue derrotada por Eustace Kid y Trafalgar D. Law y cayó en un volcán. Se desconoce si sobrevivió o no.

Big Mom es Toshiko Fujita en el episodio 571 de la versión japonesa original y Mami Koyama en episodios posteriores a partir del episodio 786 de la versión japonesa original. En el doblaje de Funimation, su voz es de Pam Dougherty.

Dulces generales

Los oficiales de más alto rango de los Piratas de Big Mom son conocidos como los Dulces Generales (スイート将星, Suīto Shōsei , Dulces Comandantes) . Originalmente eran 4 Dulces Generales, pero después de que uno de ellos fuera derrotado en el pasado y degradado, se los conoce como los Dulces 3 Generales (スイート3将星, Suīto San Shōsei , Tres Dulces Comandantes) . Están compuestos por:

Otros oficiales

Los puestos de oficiales están ocupados por la mayoría de los hijos e hijas de Linlin. Entre ellos se encuentran:


La tripulación combatiente incluye:


Big Mom puede crear Homies con su Fruta del Diablo infundiendo fragmentos de alma en distintos objetos. La Vivre Card creada por Big Mom puede usarse para controlar a los Homies.

Los tres objetos cercanos a ella que tienen un fragmento de su propia alma son:

Big Mom luego creó dos Homies más que le eran leales:

Los siguientes son otros Homies que fueron creados por Big Mom:

Other members

The following are the rest of the members of the Big Mom Pirates:

Buggy's Band of Pirates/Cross Guild

Buggy's Band of Pirates (バギー海賊団, Bagī Kaizokudan) is a circus-themed group of pirates led by Buggy the Clown, one of the Seven Warlords after the 2-year timeskip. Following Buggy's escape from Impel Down, the Buggy Pirates are joined by some of his fellow escapees.[ch. 593] With the collapse of the Warlords system, all former Warlords become wanted once again, but when the Marine attack on Buggy commences, by pure coincidence, Sir Crocodile and Dracule Mihawk arrive, making the Marines and Buggy's crew think the two other ex-Warlords are in Buggy's command. Crocodile and Mihawk ultimately agree to let Buggy take the public face of their new organization, Cross Guild (クロス・ギルド, Kurosu Girudo), as its president and figurehead while the other two are the actual heads. Cross Guild has quickly become so powerful, they now offer their own bounties against the Marines.[ch. 1056, 1058]


Buggy (バギー, Bagī) is a pirate with a preference for fighting with knives, a love of cannons, and a prominent red nose. While a junior member of the Roger Pirates, he gets hold of a devil fruit and a treasure map, intending to sell the fruit and search for the treasure, but Shanks accidentally causes him to swallow the fruit and drop the map into the sea, earning Buggy's resentment.[ch. 19, 434] Having consumed the Paramecia-type Chop-Chop Fruit (バラバラの実, Bara Bara no Mi), Buggy can separate his body into levitating parts and control them independently as long as they remain close, and at least one of his feet is on the ground. This ability also makes him immune to cutting attacks which will only separate him into parts.[ch. 526f.] Following the Roger Pirates' dissolution, Buggy becomes captain of the Buggy Pirates and achieves limited notoriety as "Buggy the Clown" (道化のバギー, Dōke no Bagī).[ch. 9] Eventually his involvement in the first mass breakout of Impel Down, and the Paramount War, earns him a sizable following of escapees and worldwide infamy as "The Genius Jester" (千両道化, Senryō Dōke), and a seat among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.[ch. 549, 700]

In the anime series, his voice actor is Shigeru Chiba.[1] In the 4Kids dub, he is voiced by David Wills.[40] In the Funimation dub, his voice is supplied by Mike McFarland.[3]

Oda said that Buggy is his favorite antagonist, because of all of them he is the easiest to draw.[41] Buggy has received much praise and criticism. Carl Kimlinger of Anime News Network said that Luffy's fight with Buggy "sets the series' precedent for battles that are simultaneously tense and hilarious".[42] Jacob Hope Chapman of the same site said that seeing Buggy during the Jaya Arc was "entertaining".[43] Bryce Coulter of Mania Entertainment praised Chibi Buggy's Adventure as one of the best arcs, and Buggy for his "slap-stick humour" and "Voltron-esque combining sequence".[44] He was "disappointed" that Buggy, Smoker, and the Strawhats did not have a conflict at sea.[45] On Luffy and Buggy's alliance in Impel Down, Chris Beveridge said, "the two do make an amusing pairing as their flight through the first level goes on". He went on to say, "he never really cared for Buggy", but the Impel Down arc turned him into an "engaging character".[46] He said that he believes that Buggy is being set up as a regular character because he was "afraid he might lose him".[47] Pedro Cortes of Japanator said, "Buggy is always good for a laugh, so his bit was a welcomed respite from the oppressive marines beating down Luffy and the Whitebeard pirates."[48]

Sir Crocodile

Sir Crocodile (サー・クロコダイル, Sā Kurokodairu), is a pirate with the ability of the Logia-type Sand-Sand Fruit (スナスナの実, Suna Suna no Mi), allowing him to generate and control sand,[ch. 170] absorb moisture with his right hand,[ch. 201] and, as long as he is not wet, turn his body into sand.[ch. 199] He wears a large golden alloy hook in place of a left hand,[ch. 160] which contains a potent poison and a dagger underneath.[ch. 204] Initially a member of The Seven Warlords of the Sea,[ch. 113] his title is revoked by Tashigi when it is discovered that he, under the code name of "Mr. 0" (ミスター・ゼロ, Misutā Zero),[ch. 127, 211] heads the criminal organization known as Baroque Works as president and is arrested after he was defeated by Luffy.[ch. 113]

Sometime after the mass-prison breakt at Impel Down, Sir Crocodile later found the Cross Guild along with Mihawk and becomes one of its chief officers.[ch. 1058]

In the original Japanese series, he is voiced by Ryūzaburō Ōtomo.[49] In the 4Kids adaptation, Crocodile is voiced by David Brimmer.[50] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by John Swasey.[39]

Crocodile is played by Joe Manganiello in the live-action adaptation of One Piece.

Dracule Mihawk

Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク, Jurakyūru Mihōku), also called "Hawk-Eye" Mihawk (鷹の目のミホーク, Taka no Me no Mihōku), is a pirate who is one of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea and the strongest swordsman in the One Piece universe.[ch. 50, 52, 69] His primary weapon is a Grosse Messer that Mihawk calls Yoru. He also often carries around a dagger that he conceals in a crucifix pendant. His personal ship is called the Hitsugibune, an all-black boat that resembles a coffin and has candles lit on the edges that burn with green fire.[ch. 50, ?] The Hitsugibune's mast is notable for the fact that it is shaped like Yoru.

Physically, in the manga, anime, and live action, Mihawk is a tall man with pale skin and black hair (generally has distinctive side burns and a beard), a muscular build, and a generally deadpan expression. His most distinctive physical trait are his yellow-and-black eyes, which are the source of his nickname "Hawk-Eye" Mihawk. Mihawk commonly wears a white shirt and a black coat and hat with red as a secondary coloring.

Mihawk is a loner and solitary in his nature. He has a deadpan and reserved demeanor that fully matches his general expression. Unlike many pirates in the world of One Piece, Mihawk does not have a crew and usually travels and lives alone. Mihawk is very self-confident in his abilities and his status as the world's greatest swordsman, but he is always eager to test his abilities against new opponents and has a equal level of appreciation for the skills and work ethics of others for his own and is not arrogant. For example, Mihawk is one of the few people to actually respect Luffy's abilities and ambitions and sees him as a capable and brave warrior instead of a foolhardy boy/young man many of Luffy's enemies mistakenly believe him to be.

Due to his dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman, Zoro aims to one day defeat Mihawk in a duel. Zoro first challenged Mihawk to a duel to the death when the latter was hunting the pirate captain Don Krieg at Baratie and lost, though Mihawk deemed that despite not being a worthy opponent for him at that point, Zoro would be able to grow into a worthy competitor given the time and allowed him to live. Mihawk even trained Zoro during the series' two year time jump due to a combination of reasons: he was humored by the concept of training a man who sought to one day kill him and take his title and he respected Zoro's dedication to his craft and his skill and for putting aside his pride so that he could help Luffy and his friends by continuing to hone his skills as a combatant. After the Warlord system is abolished Mihawk created the Cross Guild with Crocodile which he still operates at the present time in the show.[ch. 1058]

Takeshi Aono provided his voice in the anime until 2010,[9] after which he was replaced by Hirohiko Kakegawa.[51] In the 4Kids English adaptation, he is voiced by Wayne Grayson.[52] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by John Gremillion.[3]

Dracule Mihawk is portrayed by Steven John Ward as an adult and by Theo Le Ray during his younger days in the live-action adaptation of One Piece.

Other members

Daz Bones

Daz Bones (ダズ・ボーネス, Dazu Bōnesu), code named Mr. 1 (ミスター・ワン, Misutā Wan), the highest-ranking male Officer Agent of Baroque Works whose body possesses the qualities of bladed steel thanks to the powers of the Dice-Dice Fruit, and his partner was Ms. Doublefinger.[e][ch. 190, 533]

Mr. 1 is voiced by Tetsu Inada in the original Japanese version and by Scottie Ray and Brett Weaver in the 4Kids and Funimation dub respectively.


Galdino (ギャルディーノ, Gyarudīno), better known under his Baroque Works code name "Mr. 3" (ミスター・スリー, Misutā Surī) and an Officer Agent of the organization, is a sculptor with the ability of the Paramecia-type Wax-Wax Fruit (ドルドルの実, Doru Doru no Mi), which allows him to generate and control candle wax.[ch. 120, 532] Following the dissolution of the organization, he was captured and taken to Impel Down, where he joined Buggy to escape, then participated in the Marineford War, and subsequently joined Buggy's crew.

He is voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama in the original Japanese version of the franchise. In the English versions of the series, he is voiced by Tom Souhrada in the 4Kids dub[50] and by Duncan Brannan in the Funimation dub.[53]


Alvida (アルビダ, Arubida) is the fat captain of the Alvida Pirates until she was defeated by Luffy. When she later resurfaced and sided with Buggy following the dissolving of her pirate crew, Alvida gained the powers of the Slip-Slip Fruit which makes her slippery as she also claimed that all her body fat slipped off her.[ch. 50, 98]

Alvida is voiced by Yōko Matsuoka in the original Japanese version except in Grand Battle! Rush where she was voiced by Yuko Tachibana. In the 4Kids and Funimation dubs, she is voiced by Kathleen Delaney and Laurie Steele respectively.


Mohji (モージ, Mōji) is Buggy's first mate and is a beast tamer.

Mohji is voiced by Shigenori Sōya in the original Japanese version and by Tom Souhrada and Chuck Huber in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.


Richie (リッチー, Richī) is Mohji's pet lion.[ch. 12]

Richie is voiced by Tetsu Inada in the original Japanese version and by Mike McFarlane in the Funimation dub.


Cabaji (カバジ, Kabaji) is the chief of staff and acrobat who serves as Buggy's third-in-command.[ch. 15]

Cabaji is voiced by Endō Moriya in the original Japanese version and by J. Ward Regan and Greg Ayres in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Tightrope Walking Funan Bros

The Tightrope Walking Funan Bros (綱渡りフナンボローズ, Tsunawatari Funan Borōzu) are three unnamed brothers and members of the Buggy Pirates that are excellent tightrope walkers.

The Tightrope Walking Funan Bros are voiced by Tetsu Inada, Osamu Ryutani, and Naoki Imamura in the original Japanese version. In the Funimation dub, they are voiced by Sonny Strait, Justin Cook, and J. Michael Tatum.

Superhuman Domingos

The Superhuman Domingos (怪力ドミンゴス, Kairiki Domingosu) are three strongmen who are members of the Buggy Pirates.

Acrobatic Fuwas

The Acrobatic Fuwas (軽業フワーズ, Karuwaza Fuwāzu) are four acrobats who are members of the Buggy Pirates.


Kinoko (キノコ, Kinoko) is a large, corpulent man and former prisoner of Impel Down's Level 5 who sided with Buggy the Clown during the mass prison break.

Red-Haired Pirates

The Red-Haired Pirates (赤髪海賊団, Akagami Kaizokudan) are led by "Red-Haired" Shanks. Members in the crew include:


"Red-Haired" Shanks (赤髪のシャンクス, Akagami no Shankusu) is a pirate and the captain of the Red Haired Pirate crew.[ch. 434] When he was young Shanks was an apprentice of the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger and notably served as an apprentice with fellow pirate Buggy the Clown. As an adult Shanks formed his own crew of pirates called the Red-Haired Pirates which were named after his distinctive crimson-colored hair.[ch. 19, 434, 506] He is a mentor and hero to Luffy, having known Luffy since the latter was a young child. When Luffy was seven, Shanks saved his life from a Sea King, a kind of sea serpent-like creature which cost Shanks his left arm. When the Red Haired Pirates left Luffy's hometown of Foosha Village Shanks gave the boy his straw hat that had in turn been passed down to him from Gol D. Roger and instructed Luffy to return the hat to him when he had become a great pirate. Shanks eventually becomes one of the Four Pirate Emperors.[ch. 1, 432] Shanks currently has a bounty of 4,048,900,000.[33]

Shanks is one of the most powerful characters in the series. While Shanks' combat feats are more limited in comparison to other characters in One Piece, he has been shown and stated to be quite a dangerous combatant, with him defeating effortlessly characters like Eustass Kid, Admiral Akainu and Blackbeard flat-out refusing to face him, and him being a rival to Dracule Mihawk in their youths. Shanks is able to use all three forms of Haki: Haoshoku/Conqueror, Busoshoku/Armament, and Kenbunshoku/Observation and is one of three known characters in the series to be able to use the advanced forms of all three types of haki, with the other two being Luffy and Kaido. Notably, Shanks used Conqueror's Haki during Wano to make Marine Admiral Greenbull feel immense pain and retreat from battle despite Shanks being miles away from Greenbull's location. He has used Armament Haki to make his sword easily withstand a blow from Admiral Akainu, who has magma manipulation abilities and is capable of punching someone with fists of pure magma. He has used Observation Haki to both pinpoint the location from an opponent from miles away numerous times, notably in Wano and Elbaf, and has minor precognitive abilities through the usage of his Observation Haki. Shanks also possesses limited pyrokinetic abilities as he is capable of setting the blade of his sword Gryphon alight with fire and using it to fight his enemies. Shanks' Haki is visually represented as red and black lightning-like energy and is even powerful enough to impact material items as when he used Conqueror's Haki to weaken Whitebeard's crew, their ship started to damage in his presence.

In the original Japanese series, his voice actor is Shūichi Ikeda.[1] In the 4Kids English adaptation, he is voiced by Tom Souhrada.[40] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice actor is Brandon Potter.[3] In the Netflix adaptation he is portrayed by Peter Gadiot.

Ben Beckman

Ben Beckman (ベン・ベックマン, Ben Bekkuman) is the first mate of the Red-Haired Pirates.

Ben Beckman is voiced by Kazuyuki Sogabe in Episode 4 of the original Japanese anime, Kenichi Ono in Grand Battle! Rush!, and by Aruno Tahara starting in Episode 151. In the 4Kids dub, he is voiced by Andrew Paull. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Shean Hennigan.

Red-Haired Pirates' Senior Officers

Lucky Roux

Lucky Roux (ラッキー・ルウ, Rakkī Ruu) is a large cook and combatant who is one of the Red-Haired Pirates' senior officers. He is often seen eating a rack of meat. Lucky Roux was the one responsible for finding the Gum-Gum Fruit that was eaten by Monkey D. Luffy.

Lucky Roux is voiced by Jin Domon in the original Japanese version. In the 4Kids dub, he is voiced by David Brimmer. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by John Burgmeier.


Yasopp (ヤソップ, Yasoppu) is a senior officer in and the main sniper of the Red-Haired Pirates. Yasopp is also the father of Usopp (and the husband of Usopp's late mother Bachina), who like his father before him becomes the sniper of a pirate crew when he joins the Straw Hats. Yasopp notably wears a blue bandana with his name on it.

Yasopp is voiced by Michitaka Kobayashi in the original Japanese version. In the 4Kids dub, he is voiced by Jason Griffith. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Scott Freeman in 2007-2014 and by Jeff Johnson in 2019–present. In live action, Yasopp is played by Jamaican actor Stevel Marc.


Limejuice (ライムジュース, Raimujūsu) is one of the Red-Haired Pirates' senior officers.

Limejuice is voiced by Kenichi Ono in the original Japanese version and by Jessie James Grelle in the Funimation dub.

Bonk Punch

Bonk Punch (ボンクパンチ, Bonkupanchi) is a musician who is one of the Red-Haired Pirates' senior officers.

Bonk Punch is voiced by Kotaro Nakamura in the original Japanese version and by Josh Martin in the Funimation dub.


Monster (モンスター, Monsutā) is a large intelligent monkey and a musician who is one of the Red-Haired Pirates' senior officers. He can often be seen riding around on Bonk Punch's shoulders.

Monster's vocal effects are provided by Bin Shimada in the original Japanese version and by J. Paul Slavens in the Funimation dub.

Building Snake

Building Snake (ビルディングスネーク, Birudingusunēku) is a navigator who is one of the Red-Haired Pirates' senior officers.

Building Snake is voiced by Issei Futamata in the original Japanese version and by Aaron Roberts in the Funimation dub.


Hongo (本郷, Hongō) is a doctor who is one of the Red-Haired Pirates' senior officers.

Hongo is voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa in the original Japanese version and by Ricco Fajardo.


Gab (ガブ, Gabu) is one of the Red-Haired Pirates' senior officers who has sharp teeth.

Gab is voiced by Jouji Nakata in the original Japanese version and by J. Paul Slavens in the Funimation dub.

Whitebeard Pirates

The Whitebeard Pirates (白ひげ海賊団, Shirohige Kaizokudan) are a group led by Whitebeard and sixteen division commanders, each in charge of one hundred men.[54]

Former member Blackbeard leaves and starts his own crew after murdering Thatch.[ch. 440] Kozuki Oden was part of this group once when he led the second division as its original commander.

Following Whitebeard's death at the hands of the Blackbeard Pirates, some of its remnants went into hiding after failing to avenge his death.

Edward Newgate

Edward Newgate (エドワード・ニューゲート, Edowādo Nyūgēto), better known as Whitebeard (白ひげ, Shirohige), is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and one of the Four Emperors who comes from the island of Sphinx.[ch. 432, 474] He is a large and burly old man who fights with a naginata as his weapon and uses the ability of the Paramecia-type Tremor-Tremor Fruit (グラグラの実, Gura Gura no Mi) to create shock waves powerful enough to cause earthquakes and tsunamis.[ch. 434, 552] Whitebeard was capable of utilizing all three types of Haki. and was capable of using the advanced application for both and Haoshoku and Busoshoku Haki. He is regarded as the world's strongest man and the only one to have matched Gol D. Roger in combat.[ch. 233f.] He considers all of his crewmen as his sons and protects them with all his might.[ch. 434] After his crew member Portgas D. Ace is sentenced to death, he declares war on the Marines and attacks their stronghold with his fleet. Eventually after being badly wounded in the war, he is killed by the Blackbeard Pirates just before he proclaimed that the One Piece is real and that it indeed exists. After Whitebeard's death, Blackbeard uses an unknown method to steal his Devil Fruit power.[ch. 576] At the time of his death, Whitebeard held a bounty of 5,046,000,000, the second-highest bounty ever for a pirate after Roger.[33]

In the original Japanese series, he was originally voiced by Kinryu Arimoto, until his death on February 1, 2019, and was replaced by Ryūzaburō Ōtomo.[30] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by R Bruce Elliott.[31]

Division Commanders

Portgas D. Ace

Portgas D. Ace (ポートガス・D・エース, Pōtogasu Dī Ēsu), also called "Fire Fist" Ace (火拳のエース, Hiken no Ēsu), is the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, captain of the Spade Pirates, and Luffy's older brother.[ch. 157, 159] He is the son of Gol D. Roger (ゴール・D・ロジャー, Gorū Dī Rojā) and Portgas D. Rouge (Portgas D. Rouge, ポートガス・D・ルージュ, Pōtogasu Dī Rūju).[ch. 525, 550] Having eaten the Logia-type Flare-Flare Fruit/Flame-Flame Fruit (メラメラの実, Mera Mera no Mi), Ace is capable of manipulating, creating, and transforming into fire.[ch. 159] Ace was capable of using utilizing all three types of Haki.[ch. 587] Eventually, after being saved from execution, he shields Luffy from Akainu's magma attack at the cost of his own life.[ch. 574] He is buried on an unnamed island in the New World alongside his captain Whitebeard.[ch. 590]

He is voiced by Toshio Furukawa, while he is voiced by Daisuke Sakaguchi as a child.[11] In the 4Kids English adaptation, his names are changed to Portgaz D. Trace and "Heat Fist" Trace, and he is voiced by Jesse Hooker.[55] In the Funimation English adaptation, his name is spelled Portgas D. Ace, and his voice is supplied by Travis Willingham.[31]


Marco "The Phoenix" (不死鳥のマルコ, Fushichō no Maruko) is the 1st division commander who can transform into a phoenix or phoenix-human hybrid thanks to the powers of the Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Phoenix. He is a skilled user of Haki.[ch. 434, 554]

Marco is voiced by Masakazu Morita in the original Japanese version. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Bill Jenkins in Episode 151 and by Kyle Phillips starting in Episode 316.


"Diamond" Jozu (ダイヤモンド・ジョズ, Daiyamondo Jozu) is the 3rd division commander who can turn parts of his body into diamond thanks to the powers of the Twinkle-Twinkle Fruit.[ch. 553]

Jozu is voiced by Takashi Nagasako in the original Japanese version and by Matt Thurston in the Funimation dub.


Thatch (サッチ, Satchi) is the 4th division commander. He was killed by Blackbeard during his secession from the Whitebeard Pirates.

Thatch is voiced by Mitsuaki Madono in the original Japanese version and by Parker Fitzgerald in the Funimation dub.


Vista "The Flower Swords" (花剣のビスタ, Kaken no Bisuta) is the 5th division commander.

Vista is voiced by Masaya Takatsuka in the original Japanese version and by Hunter Barnett in the Funimation dub.


Blamenco (ブラメンコ, ブラメンコ) is a short rotund man with gray skin who is the 6th division commander who ate the Pocket-Pocket Fruit that enables him to create pockets in his body.

Blamenco is voiced by Keiji Hirai in the original Japanese version and by Jessie James Grelle in the Funimation dub.


Rakuyo (ラクヨウ, Rakuyō) is the 7th division commander.

Rakuyo is voiced by Takahiro Fujimoto in the original Japanese version and by James Chandler in the Funimation dub.


Namur (ナミュール, Namyūru) is a shark-type fish-man who is the 8th division commander.

Namur is voiced by Daisuke Matsubara in the original Japanese version.


Blenheim (ブレンハイム, Burenhaimu) is the 9th division commander.

Blenheim is voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama in the original Japanese version and by Mark Rios in the Funimation dub.


Curiel (クリエル, Kurieru) is the 10th division commander who wields two bazookas that he carries on his back.

Curiel is voiced by Kōhei Fukuhara in the original Japanese version and by Ricco Fajardo in the Funimation dub.


Kingdew (キングデュー, Kingudyū) is the 11th division commander.

Kingdew is voiced by Hiromi Miyazuki in the original Japanese version and by Patric Carroll in the Funimation dub.


Haruta (ハルタ, Haruta) is the 12th division commander.

Haruta is voiced by Junko Noda in the original Japanese version and by Clifford Chapin in the Funimation dub.


Atmos (アトモス, Atomosu) is the 13th division commander who sports a horned helmet.

Atmos is voiced by Kōhei Fukuhara in the earlier parts of the original Japanese anime and by Kenji Hamada starting in Episode 485 of the English dub. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Paul Giovanni Ramirez.

Speed Jiru

Speed Jiru (スピード・ジル, Supīdo Jiru) is the 14th division commander.

Speed Jiru is voiced by Yūsuke Numata in the original Japanese version and by Jeff Johnson in the Funimation dub.


Fossa (フォッサ, Fossa) is the 15th division commander.

Fossa is voiced by Kōichi Nagano in the original Japanese version and by Kent Williams in the Funimation dub.


Izo (イゾウ, Izō) is the 16th division commander who was one of Kozuki Oden's retainers in Wano. He was later killed fighting Guernic and Maha of CP0.

Izo is voiced by Yūsei Oda in the original Japanese version while Masamu Ono voiced him as a boy. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Colton Jones in earlier episodes and by Jessie James Grelle starting in Episode 963 while Kelsey Maher voiced him as a boy.

Subordinate Captains

There are also some subordinate captains with their own pirate crews that are loyal to Whitebeard.

World Government

Symbol of the World Government.

The World Government (世界政府, Sekai Seifu) is a global regime that rules over the world of One Piece and is affiliated with over 170 nations from around the world[ch. 398] led publicly by the Five Elders, but is secretly led by Imu. Eight centuries after its foundation by a group of twenty kings known as the First 20 (最初の20人, Sekai Seifu),[ch. 497] their descendants, the Celestial Dragons, live luxurious lives and abuse their power.[ch. 498] The World Government is portrayed in the series as a corrupt, oppressive entity if not an outright autocratic oligarchy, specifically its implementation of Absolute Justice (絶対的正義, Zettai-Teki Seigi), its censorship and suppression of academia and history like the 100-Year Void (空白の100年, Kūhaku no Hyaku-nen, Void Century) and the Bloodline Elements (血統因子, Kettō Inshi, Lineage Factor) for example, the depravity and cruelty of the aforementioned Celestial Dragons and their abuse of power, and its fabrication of the Empty Throne (虚の玉座, Kara no Gyokuza) which is said that not a single person from any of the nineteen families of Celestial Dragons can rule the world.[ch. 396][ch. 763][ch. 907][ch. 908] Its capital is the holy land of Marijoa (マリージョア, Marījoa, Mary Geoise) where its headquarters is Pangaea Castle (パンゲア城, Pangea-jō), the top leaders of the Government such as Imu, the Five Elders, the Holy Knights' highest-ranking officers like their supreme commander Garling, and the commander-in-chief Kong reside and govern, is the jurisdiction of the aforementioned Holy Knights,[ch. 1054] is the home of the Celestial Dragons, and the royals of nations that are members of the Government assemble in Pangaea Castle to host the Reverie (世界会議, Reverī, Levely).[ch. 906] The Government also has complete control over other branches, subsidiaries, and agencies specifically military forces such as the Holy Knights, Navy, and Seven Warlords of the Sea and agencies like Cipher Pol to enforce its reign and policies. Its greatest enemies are pirates and revolutionaries. The latter of which directly opposes the World Government and are led by the infamous Dragon.


Imu (イム) is the true highest authority of the World Government, making them the shadow leader of the world who occupies the Empty Throne of Pangaea Castle. Their existence is kept secret from the world and much within the Government that if anyone witnesses their existence, they are assassinated.[ch. 908] [ch. 1085] Imu is shown to have great cruelty and apathy for example when they destroy the kingdom of Lulusia solely because they want to test the weapon's capabilities and it happens to be the nearest country.[ch. 1086] They are rather childish, speaking in third person calling themselves "Mu", and seems to hold a really intense hatred towards those who bear the "Will of D". Imu seems to have eaten a yet-to-be-identified Mythical Zoan which they are able to assume the form of an enormous, beast-like, yet humanoid creature capable of consuming fire, as well as make it resemble a sharp-pointed, arrowhead-shaped appendage or a tentacle used for piercing, strong enough to mortally wound someone, which they use to try to kill King Cobra after suddenly interrupting his meeting with the Five Elders and finding out the Alabastan royal family were part of the D clan all along.

Five Elders

The Five Elders (五老星, Gorōsei) are a council of older men who are the official highest authorities of the World Government, making them the leaders of the world,[ch. 233] and the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons[ch. 907] with each of them being in charge of a political field in the Government. They all gather at the Hall of Power (権力の間, Kenryoku no Ma, Room of Authority) of Pangaea Castle where they meet with those who have been granted an audience. The Elders are greatly concerned about protecting the unbalanced world from the influence of piracy and preserving the World Government's public image, even goes as far as covering up its tyrannical nature and reputation from the general public. They and the rest of the World Government even pay no mind to the atrocities against countries affiliated with them committed by two of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile and Donflamingo. While they are publicly the heads of the World Government, in reality, however, the only person they secretly answer to is Imu with extreme loyalty.[ch. 907]

They all ate Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits which allow them to transform into enormous, monstrous creatures which they all appear in their fruits' Awakened abilities and are based East Asian mythology and folklore.

During the events of the Egghead Incident, all Elders had to go to Egghead to stop a pre-recorded broadcast that activated after Dr. Vegapunk's death by the hands of Admiral Kizaru in the Marines' invasion while having to contend with the Straw Hat Pirates and the Giant Warrior Pirates.

St. Jaygarcia Saturn

St. Jaygarcia Saturn (ジェイガルシア・サターン聖, Jeigarushia Satān Sei)[ch. 1073] was the Godhead of Science & Defense (科学防衛武神, Kagaku Bōei Bushin, Warrior God of Science & Defense) in the World Government,[ch. 1086] who ate a yet-to-be-identified Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a gyuki (an ox/spider Yōkai) or a gyuki-human hybrid. In the aftermath of the Egghead Incident, Saturn was killed by Imu for letting "Joy Boy" get away leaving only his skeleton behind. He is replaced by Garling as one of the Five Elders.[ch. 1125]

Saturn is voiced by Keiichi Noda in the original Japanese version. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Jerry Russell in earlier episodes and by J.B. Edwards starting in Episode 511.

St. Marcus Mars

St. Marcus Mars (マーカス・マーズ聖, Mākasu Māzu Sei) is the Godhead of Environment (環境武神, Kankyō Bushin, Warrior God of Environment) in the World Government,[ch. 1086] who ate a yet-to-be-identified Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into an itsumade (an eerie reptilian bird Yōkai) or an itsumade-human hybrid.

Mars is voiced by Keiichi Sonobe in earlier episodes of the original Japanese version and by Masato Hirano starting in Episode 277 of the original Japanese version. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Randy Pearlman.

St. Topman Warcury

St. Topman Warcury (トップマン・ウォーキュリー聖, Toppuman Wōkyurī Sei) is the Godhead of Justice (法務武神, Hōmu Bushin, Warrior God of Justice) in the World Government,[ch. 1086] who ate a yet-to-be-identified Mythical Zoan that allows him to transform into a fengxi (a four-tusked wild boar demon) or a fengxi-human hybrid.

Warcury is voiced by Masato Hirano in the original Japanese version and by Kurt Kleinmann in the Funimation dub.

St. Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro

St. Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro (イーザンバロン・V・ナス寿郎聖, Īzanbaron Bui Nasujurō Sei) is the Godhead of Finance (財務武神, Zaimu Bushin, Warrior God of Finance) in the World Government,[ch. 1086] who ate a yet-to-be-identified Mythical Zoan that him to transform into a bakotsu (a flaming skeletal horse Yōkai) or a bakotsu-human hybrid.

Nusjuro is voiced by Kenichi Ogata in the original Japanese version. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Kent Williams and Doug Jackson.

St. Shepherd Ju Peter

St. Shepherd Ju Peter (シェパード・十・ピーター聖, Shepādo Jū Pītā Sei) is the Godhead of Agriculture (農務武神, Nōmu Bushin, Warrior God of Agriculture) in the World Government,[ch. 1086] who ate a yet-to-be-identified Mythical Zoan that allows him to transform into a sandworm or a sandworm-human hybrid that has a vacuum breath and regeneration abilities.

Peter is voiced by Yasunori Masutani in the original Japanese version and by Michael Johnson in the Funimation dub.

Holy Knights

The Holy Knights (神の騎士団, Kami no Kishidan, God's Knights) are an order of royal guards under the command of Garling who operates within Marijoa.[ch. 1086] They are the only authorized military, law enforcement, and security force in the World Government higher than even the Navy itself. One of their responsibilities is to sort disputes between Celestial Dragons.[ch. 1054]

St. Figarland Garling

St. Figarland Garling (フィガーランド・ガーリング聖, Figārando Gāringu Sei) is the supreme commander of the Holy Knights, a member of the Figarland Family (フィガーランド家, Figārando-ke) of Celestial Dragons, and was a champion during the God Valley Incident (ゴッドバレー事件, Goddo Barē Jiken) who is given the authority to pass judgment on others even on his fellow Celestial Dragons.[ch. 1086]

In the aftermath of the Egghead Incident, he was chosen by Imu to replace Saturn as the new Godhead of Science & Defense (科学防衛武神, Kagaku Bōei Bushin, Warrior God of Science & Defense), becoming one of the Five Elders.[ch. 1125]

Celestial Dragons

Hoof of the Flying Dragon.

The World Nobles (世界貴族, Sekai Kizoku), also known as the Celestial Dragons (天竜人, Tenryūbito, lit. "Heavenly Dragon Folk"), are a group of aristocratic elites that make up nineteen bloodlines residing in Marijoa[ch. 142] and are descendants of the First 20 with the exception of the Nefertari Family. However, due to their connection to the World Government, they constantly abuse their power and despise the people below them (referring to them as "commoners") to the point of wearing enclosed helmets with supplied oxygen so as not to breathe the same air as them.[ch. 499]

St. Roswald

St. Roswald (ロズワード聖, Rozuwādo Sei, St. Rosward) is the father of Charlos and Shalria who along with his children are encountered by the Straw Hats on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Roswald is voiced by Hirohiko Kakegawa in the original Japanese version and by John Tillman in the Funimation dub.

St. Charlos

St. Charlos (チャルロス聖, Charurosu Sei) is Roswald's son and Shalria's older brother who is spoiled and bratty, and encountered by the Straw Hats on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Charlos is voiced by Chafurin in the original Japanese version and by Jason Kane in the Funimation dub.

St. Shalria

St. Shalria (シャルリア宮, Sharuria Gū) is Roswald's daughter and Charlos's younger sister encountered by the Straw Hats on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Shalria is voiced by Rumi Kasahara in the original Japanese version and by Tiffany Grant in the Funimation dub.

Employees of the World Government


Kong (コング, Kongu) is the commander-in-chief of the World Government, having much authority over the Navy, Cipher Pol, other Government subsidiaries and facilities. 27 years ago, he was the Fleet Admiral of the Navy and Sengoku's predecessor before being promoted. Kong is voiced by Unshō Ishizuka in the original Japanese version and by Jim Foronda in the Funimation dub.

Cipher Pol

Cipher Pol (サイファーポール, Saifā Pōru) is a series of intelligence agencies who do investigations, espionage, and assassinations for the World Government.


Cipher Pol Number 9 (サイファーポールナンバーナイン, Saifā Pōru Nanbā Nain), abbreviated as CP9 (シーピーナイン, Shī Pī Nain), is the secret, ninth unit of the World Government's intelligence agency Cipher Pol based at Enies Lobby (エニエスロビー, Eniesu Robī), one of the World Government's three strongholds.[ch. 346] Specializing in assassination,[ch. 382] they utilize a weapon-themed martial art called the Six Powers (六式, Rokushiki).[ch. 347]Some agents of CP9 worked undercover on Water 7 for several years, Rob Lucci and Kaku working as shipwrights at the Galley-La Company, Kalifa as Iceberg's secretary, and Blueno as a bartender.

Despite their failure at Enies Lobby to get Nico Robin to the Gates of Justice, Spandam is hospitalized and the top agents of CP9 defeated by the Straw Hats and branded as fugitives by the World Government, they are eventually promoted to into CP0.

Personnel includes:


Cipher Pol Aigis 0 (サイファーポールイージスゼロ, Saifā Pōru Ījisu Zero), abbreviated as CP-0 (シーピーゼロ, Shī Pī Zero), is the World Government's more secretive, elite enforcement unit and the strongest agency in Cipher Pol. Unlike other Cipher Pol agencies that are under the control of the World Government, CP-0 operates directly under the command of the Celestial Dragons. While much isn't known about its individual agents and their abilities, they have demonstrated to be masters of Six Powers, much like agents from CP9, and also experts in Haki. Agents who wear masks are among the best combatants of the agency and are stated to be in a league of their own.[ch. 1031]

It is said that when CP-0 is active, world-shaking events are about to occur.[ch. 1068]

Besides Stussy, ex-CP9 chief Spandam, and other former agents of CP9, personnel includes:

Other Cipher Pol Personnel

Other Cipher Pol Personnel includes:

Impel Down

Impel Down (インペルダウン, Inperu Daun) is one of three strongholds of the World Government and the world's greatest supermax prison where most of it is submerged underwater and surrounded by Sea Kings. In addition, any inmate with Devil Fruit powers are kept in special cells that are made of seastones. Impel Down has been split into different levels, with each having a hole that leads down to the next level.[ch. 525] Monkey D. Luffy once entered Impel Down when looking for Portgas D. Ace only to later learn that he was shipped off to Marineford to be executed. This prison is the sight of its one and only mass breakout caused by Monkey D. Luffy as both Buggy the Clown and the Blackbeard Pirates gained some recruits from the escaping inmates while others joined the Revolutionary Army.

Impel Down's staff include:

Impel Down has also utilized different creatures to use on the inmates that consist of:

Other World Government Personnel


And (アンド, Ando), Bas (バス, Basu), and Kerville (カビル, Kabiru), collectively known as Baskerville (バスカビル, Basukabiru), are the chief justices of Enies Lobby, in service of the World Government.[ch. 379] They act as a large, three-headed man, but is actually three separate men who are so close as best friends that they prefer acting as one body.[ch. 399]

Baskerville is voiced by Keiichi Sonobe (And), Mahito Ōba (Bas), and Kōji Haramaki (Kerville) in the original Japanese version, and by Jerry Russell (And), Jeremy Inman (Bas), and Ray Gestaut (Kerville) in the Funimation dub.


Corgy (コーギー, Kōgī, Corgi) is an official of the World Government who participated in the mission to gain the blueprints for Pluton and escort the prisoners Robin and Cutty Flam to Enies Lobby,[ch. 328] and acted as the leader of the Government forces in the Sea Train, answering directly to the agents of CP9.[ch. 362]

Corgy is voiced by Hisao Egawa in the original Japanese version and by Charles C. Campbell in the Funimation dub.


Flag of the Marines/Navy.

The Navy[f] (海軍, Kaigun, Marines), sometimes translated as the "Marines" in FUNimation's English dub,[g] are a maritime force under the command of the World Government. Currently the position of fleet admiral, who is the leader of the organization, is occupied by Akainu. The greatest forces are the three admirals, who are currently Kizaru, Fujitora, and Ryokugyu. The corrupted Captain Ax-Hand Morgan (father of Helmeppo) was the first high-ranking officer of the Navy depicted in the series until he was stripped of his status when he was defeated by Luffy.

Fleet Admiral

The Fleet Admiral is the highest rank in the Navy. The following are known fleet admirals:


Sakazuki (サカズキ), better known as Admiral Akainu (赤犬, lit. "Red Dog"), is a ruthless naval officer with the ability of the Logia-type Mag-Mag Fruit (マグマグの実, Magu Magu no Mi), which allows him to control, create, or transform into magma.[ch. 397, 573, 610] Akainu is a firm believer in "Absolute Justice," going as far as eliminating an entire population should an enemy be hidden there. This was first shown when The Navy eradicated Nico Robin's island of Ohara. Akainu destroyed a refugee evacuation ship simply due to the possibility of even one scholar sneaking on board; his logic was that if even one of the scholars of Ohara had escaped with it, the mission would've been a failure, much to the dismay of Aokiji, who called him a fool for overdoing things.[ch. 397] After Sengoku retires, Akainu wins the position of fleet admiral in a duel against Aokiji.[ch. 650] His appearance is modeled after Bunta Sugawara.[ch. 558]

He is voiced at first by Michio Nakao in the earlier parts of the original Japanese version and later by Fumihiko Tachiki in the later parts of the original Japanese version.[56][57] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Andrew Love.[58]


"Sengoku the Buddha" (仏のセンゴク, Hotoke no Sengoku, Sengoku also being the name of a period in Japanese history) is a naval officer and contemporary of Roger who eventually rises to the rank of fleet admiral.[ch. 234, 434] The ability of the Mystical Zoan-type Human-Human Fruit: Model Buddha (ヒトヒトの実 モデル:大仏, Hito Hito no Mi, Moderu: Daibutsu) allows Sengoku to transform into a daibutsu or a daibutsu-human hybrid.[ch. 585] Sengoku is capable of utilizing all three types of Haki. Following the Paramount War, he retires from the service and, against his recommendation to promote Aokiji, is succeeded by Akainu.[ch. 650] Although retired from active duty, Sengoku continues to serve in the navy as an inspector general. Two years after the war, he is shown to have mellowed rather considerably due to his lack of responsibilities. It is also revealed that he previously cared for the young Donquixote Rosinante after his brother Donquixote Doflamingo murdered their father, Donquixote Homing. He came to care for Rosinante like a son and was devastated by his death while he was working undercover as a member of the Donquixote Pirates. After Doflamingo's defeat by Luffy, Sengoku learns the truth about the circumstances of Rosinante's death from Trafalgar Law who Rosinante had given his life to protect. Although Law is a pirate, Sengoku allows him to escape because of his connection to Rosinante.

In the Japanese anime television series, he is initially voiced by Takkō Ishimori, later by Tōru Ōkawa.[37] In the Funimation English adaptation, he is initially voiced by Ed Blaylock and later by Philip Weber.[31]

The Admirals are the second highest rank in the Navy. The following are admirals in the Navy:


Borsalino (ボルサリーノ, Borusarīno), better known as Admiral Kizaru (黄猿, lit. "Yellow Monkey"), is an easygoing navy officer with the power of the Logia-type Glint-Glint Fruit (ピカピカの実, Pika Pika no Mi), which allows him to generate, control, or become light as well as fire destructive beams.[ch. 507, 511] The character's appearance is modeled after Kunie Tanaka.[ch. 558]

He is initially voiced by Unshō Ishizuka, later by Ryōtarō Okiayu.[59][60] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Ray Hurd.[61]


Issho (イッショウ), better known as Admiral Fujitora (藤虎, lit. "Purple Tiger"), is one of the Navy admirals who joined during the timeskip. He has the ability to control gravity through the powers of the Press-Press Fruit, being able to make the environment heavier or lighter. He is blind, so he uses Color of Observation Haki to feel what is around him.

He wanted to end the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, which is why in Dressrosa he had a conflict against Donquixote Doflamingo and Trafalgar Law, where he later had to team up with the latter and the Straw Hat Pirates to stop Doflamingo's corruption. Despite the fact that the next day he had orders to arrest Luffy, his vision of justice forced him to help him escape. Fujitora's character appearance is modeled after Shintaro Katsu.

In the original Japanese version of the anime, he is voiced by Ikuya Sawaki. In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Charles C. Campbell.


Aramaki (アラマキ), better known as Admiral Ryokugyū (緑牛, lit. "Green Bull"), is the second of the two admirals appointed to their rank during the two-year timeskip, next to Fujitora. He ate the Forest-Forest Fruit, a Devil Fruit power that allows him to generate, control, or become plant life like a forest, trees, and flowers, as well as manipulation of all plant life [ch. 1054], whether on a small or massive scale, with vegetation growing wherever he treads. Inter alia, Ryokugyu can summon roots to impale people and objects and then drain them of their moisture and nutrients,[ch. 1053] which has allowed him to go three years without eating anything the conventional way.[ch. 905] While easygoing much like former Admiral Aokiji, Ryokugyu appears to be a supporter of Akainu's brand of Absolute Justice, but he is more prone to destroying those who do not side with his brand of "justice", especially when it comes to the World Government authority, unlike Sakazuki [ch. 1054]. So, thus he is venturing to Wano to try to bring down Luffy to get his superior's approval.[ch. 1053]

Ryokugyu's appearance seems modeled after Japanese actor Yoshio Harada. The admiral was originally voiced by Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version of the anime. In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Matthew David Rudd.


The Vice-Admirals are the third highest rank in the Navy. The following are vice-admirals in the Navy:

Monkey D. Garp

Monkey D. Garp (モンキー・D・ガープ, Monkī Dī Gāpu), nicknamed Garp the "Fist" (ゲンコツのガープ, Genkotsu no Gāpu) and "Hero of the Navy" (海軍の英雄, Kaigun no Eiyū), is a vice-admiral, Monkey D. Dragon's father and Luffy's grandfather.[ch. 432] He is famous for cornering Gol D. Roger[ch. 431] and considered a hero of the Navy.[ch. 432] After Roger's execution, he took care of Roger's son Ace and raised him like his own grandson.[ch. 551] He has superhuman strength, enough to lift and throw cannonballs like baseball pitches.[ch. 438] Garp takes both Koby and Helmeppo under his wing.

At the end of the war with Whitebeard, Garp retires from the front line and decides to train the next generation of navy personnel.

Garp is capable of utilizing all three types of Haki. and is capable of using the advanced application for both Haoshoku and Busoshoku Haki.[ch. 1080]

He is voiced by Hiroshi Naka in the Japanese version of the anime.[49] In the English version of the series, he is voiced by Brian Mathis in the Funimation dub.[62] In the Netflix live-action series, Garp is portrayed by Vincent Regan.


"White Chase" Smoker (白猟のスモーカー, Hakuryō no Sumōkā) is a naval officer and cigar enthusiast, keeping plenty of cigars strapped to the left side of his jacket while smoking two lit ones.[ch. 98] Smoker possesses power of the Logia-type Smoke-Smoke Fruit (モクモクの実, Moku Moku no Mi) allows him to manipulate, create, and transform into smoke.[ch. 100] His weapon is a jutte tipped with sea-prism stone. Upon seeing Luffy smile before miraculously surviving his execution in Loguetown, Smoker came to believe that he is a potential threat, since his attitude during his near demise, mirrored that of Gold Roger when he was executed, Smoker became more confused when Dragon stopped him from killing Luffy. Befuddled by these events, Smoker followed Luffy to the Grand Line and became obsessed with capturing him, to a near stalker like level, which only intensifies upon discovering Luffy is Dragon's son during the Paramount War.

Two years after the Paramount War, he is promoted to the rank of vice-admiral.[ch. 169]

In the Japanese anime series, he is voiced originally by Ginzō Matsuo, later by Mahito Ōba.[11][63] In the 4Kids English adaptation, referred to as "Chaser the Smoke Hunter", he is voiced by Rusell Velazquez.[64] In the Funimation English adaptation, where he is called Smoker the "White Hunter", his voice is supplied by Greg Dulcie.[27]


Tsuru (つる, Tsuru) is an elderly vice-admiral and the grandmother of Kujaku. She possesses the powers of the Wash-Wash Fruit that allows her to wash anything as if they are clothes and hang them out to dry.

Tsuru is voiced by Minori Matsushima in episodes 151-755 of the original Japanese version. In the Funimation dub, she is voiced by Juli Erickson in episode 459, Pam Dougherty in "Adventures in Nebulandia", and Wendy Powell in episode 705-present.

John Giant

John Giant (ジョン・ジャイアント, Jon Jaianto) is a vice-admiral who is the first giant from Elbaph to enlist in the Navy. He is shown to be brave enough to go up against Whitebeard in the Summit War of Marineford.

In the original Japanese version, John Giant is voiced by Masaharu Satō in the earlier episodes, Eiji Takemoto in episode 294, and Hisao Egawa from episode 473-present. In the 4Kids dub, he is voiced by Marc Thompson. In the Funimation dub, John Giant is voiced by J. Paul Slavens in the earlier episodes and by Tyson Rinehart from episode 473-present.


Stainless (ステンレス, Sutenresu) is a vice-admiral who partook in the Summit War of Marineford.

Stainless is voiced by Yuji Ueda in episode 151 of the original Japanese version and by Eiji Takemoto in the later episodes of the original Japanese version. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Chuck Huber.


Cancer (キャンサー, Kyansā) is a vice-admiral in sunglasses who is always seen with a cigar in his mouth.

Cancer is voiced by Ivan Jasso in the Funimation dub.


Dalmatian (ダルメシアン, Darumeshian) is a vice-admiral who partook in the Summit War of Marineford. He ate an unknown Zoan Devil Fruit that enables him to transform into a dalmatian or a dalmatian-human hybrid. Though Dalmatian was always seen in his hybrid form.

Dalmatian is voiced by Kōji Haramaki in the original Japanese version and by Philip Webber in the Funimation dub.


Hound (ハウンド, Haundo) is bespectacled vice-admiral who was among those that accompanied Kizaru and the Navy in attacking Egghead.


Guillotine (ギロチン, Girochin) is a long-bearded vice-admiral who was among those that accompanied Kzaru and the Navy in attacking Egghead.

Red King

Red King (レッドキング, Reddokingu) is a large bald-headed vice-admiral with a long neck and six chins (giving him a resemblance to the Ultraman Kaiju of the same name) who was among those that accompanied Kizaru and the Navy in attacking Egghead. He wielded a special gauntlet that enables him to pull off the Steam Knuckle attack.


Tosa (土茶, Tosa) is a big burly vice-admiral who was among those that accompanied Kizaru and the Navy in attacking Egghead.


Pomsky (ポンスキー, Ponsukī) is a burly vice-admiral that wields a seashell-shaped war hammer who was among those that accompanied Kizaru and the Navy in attacking Egghead. He ate an unknown Zoan Devil Fruit that enables him to transform into a sea otter or a sea otter-human hybrid.


Bluegrass (ブルーグラス, Burūgurasu) is a short and elderly vice-admiral who was among those that accompanied Kizaru and the Navy in attacking Egghead. She ate the Ride-Ride Fruit that enables her to overtake and control anything she rides on.


Urban (ウルバン, Uruban) is a tall vice-admiral with a monstrous face who was among those that accompanied Kizaru and the Navy in attacking Egghead.

The Rear Admirals are the fourth highest rank in the Navy. The following characters are rear admirals in the Navy:


Hina (ヒナ) is an rear admiral in the Navy and a long-time friend of Smoker's since they were rookies in the Navy. She was introduced as a Navy captain on her debut, being promoted to rear admiral after the timeskip. She is also the superior of Django and Fullbody, who admire her with passion. Hina has the power of the Bind-Bind Fruit that allows her to form restraints on people by swiping her limbs through them, or form a cage when she extends her arms.

She is voiced by Tomoko Naka in the Japanese version. In the 4Kids English version, she is voiced by Kathleen Delaney. In the Funimation English adaptation, her voice is supplied by Jennifer Seman, and by Rachel Messer in One Piece: Stampede.

The Captains are the fifth highest rank in the Navy. The following characters are captains in the Navy:


Tashigi (たしぎ) is a naval officer serving as Smoker's second-in-command.[ch. 137, 179] While adept at sword fighting, she is unusually clumsy.[ch. 96] She is well-versed in the famous katana, knowing their names and origins. Her stated goal is to remove all meitō, named swords with prestigious histories, from the hands of those who would use them for their own ends.[ch. 97] By coincidence, she bears a striking resemblance to Kuina, Zoro's deceased childhood friend, something he is uncomfortable with.[41][ch. 100]

Her voice actress is Junko Noda.[63] In the 4Kids and Funimation English adaptations, she is voiced by Priscilla Everett and Monica Rial, respectively.[27]


Koby (コビー, Kobī) is the first friend Luffy makes on his journey, finding him forced to work as a chore boy on Alvida's ship. Inspired by Luffy, and with his help, Koby escapes and joins the Navy, where he and Helmeppo pique the interest of Vice Admiral Garp, who takes them under his wing.[ch. 2–7, 112] Eventually, Koby masters the Six Powers skill Shave and begins using Color of Observation Haki. After two years, he became a captain in the Navy.[ch. 432, 594]

In the original Japanese series, his voice is supplied by Mika Doi.[1] In the 4Kids English adaptation, he is voiced by Kayzie Rogers.[2] In the Funimation English adaptation, his name is spelled Koby, and his voice is supplied by Leah Clark[3] and Micah Solusod as a teenager.


"Axe-Hand" Morgan (モーガン, Mōgan) is a corrupt Navy captain who has an axe for a right hand. He abused his power and held Zoro prisoner until Luffy freed him. Both of them managed to defeat Morgan. The Navy stripped him of his rank and arrested him for his abuse of power. After Morgan was sprung from prison by Helmeppo, he was left at sea by him and has since been adrift.

He is voiced by Banjō Ginga. In the English adaptions of the series, he is voiced by David Brimmer in the 4Kids dub and by Brett Weaver in the FUNimation dub.

Commanders and Lieutenant Commanders

The following characters are commanders and lieutenant commanders.


Helmeppo (ヘルメッポ, Herumeppo) is the son of the corrupt Navy captain Morgan. He is introduced as a coward, hiding behind his father's wealth and power. Losing his luxurious life after his father's arrest, he reluctantly joins the Navy where he and Koby become protégés of Garp and he becomes a lieutenant commander.

He is voiced by Koichi Nagano in the Japanese version. In the English adaptions of the series, he is voiced by Sean Schemmel in the 4Kids dub.[2] In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Troy Baker in EPs 2-3 and EP280, before the role was recast to Mike McFarland.[3]


Django (ジャンゴ, Jango) is a hypnotist with a habit of moonwalking. Introduced as first mate of the Black Cat Pirates, he eventually befriends the Navy officer Fullbody sometime after Kuro's defeat and joins him in the service as a seaman recruit under the command of Hina, whom they both admire. He would later become a lieutenant commander in the Navy. Django's weapons of choice are chakrams which he uses for throwing, slashing and hypnotizing his enemies.

In the Japanese version, he was originally played by Kazuki Yao, and played by Wataru Takagi in the short film Jango's Dance Carnival and in the 2024 reappearance. In the 4Kids English version, he is voiced by Oliver Wyman. In the Funimation English adaptation, his name is spelled "Jango" and his voice is supplied by Kenny Green.[3]


Fullbody (フルボディ, Furubudi) was introduced as a smug Navy lieutenant on his visit to the Baratie, where he was ridiculed by Sanji. After helping the pirate Django, he was demoted to a seaman recruit, with Django joining him as subordinates of Hina, whom they both admire.

He is voiced by Hideo Ishikawa in the Japanese version. In the 4Kids English version, he is voiced by Tom Wayland. In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by John Burgmeier.

Donquixote Rosinante

Donquixote Rosinante (ドンキホーテ・ロシナンテ, Donkihōte Roshinante) is a Navy commander the younger brother of Donquixote Doflamingo, a top officer of the Donquixote Pirates occupying the Hearts Seat under the code name "Corazon" (コラソン, Korason), and an undercover agent from the Navy with the rank of commander who reports directly to the then Admiral Sengoku. He ate the Calm-Calm Fruit (ナギナギの実, Nagi Nagi no Mi) which grants him the ability to create a wall cancelling all sounds. He also makes use of this ability to make his elder brother believe that he has lost the power of speech after an unknown accident. He is the second person to occupy the Hearts Seat, his predecessor being Vergo. Donquixote Rosinante is clumsy and is most often seen lighting his feather cloak up while trying to light a cigarette. He was killed years ago by Doflamingo.

In the Japanese anime television series, he is voiced by Koichi Yamadera. In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Ray Chase.[65]

Giant Squad

The Giant Squad (巨人部隊, Kyojin Butai) is a group of eight giants that work for the Marines. They were charged with the duties of guarding the execution platforms. Some of the Giant Squad members fought Little Oars Jr. during the infamous battle at Marineport.

Its known members are:


SWORD is a Marines group that have resigned themselves from the command structure while still working for the Navy as Kuzan claims that they "are Marines, but also not". X. Drake used to be part of this group. Besides Koby and Helmeppo

Seven Warlords of the Sea

The Seven Warlords of the Sea (七武海, Shichibukai), the full title being The Royal Seven Warlords of the Sea (王下七武海, Ōka Shichibukai), is a group of seven powerful pirates sanctioned by the World Government who hand over a fraction of their loot to the Government. The Government's idea is to use powerful pirates to fight all the lesser ones. Other pirates consider the Warlords to be "government dogs".[ch. 69] In exchange for their allegiance, the World Government pardons these pirates for their crimes and removes bounties from their heads.[ch. 342] The Seven Warlords are loosely based on the European privateers, government-endorsed pirates considered heroes in their homeland and pillagers in others.[ch. 260]

Initially, the group's members are Dracule Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Bartholomew Kuma, Gecko Moria, Boa Hancock, and Jimbei.[ch. 69, 113, 234, 455, 516]

Following the exposure of Baroque Works, Crocodile is replaced by Blackbeard, who soon leaves the group, along with Jimbei, who resigns to side with Whitebeard against the World Government, and Moria, who is discarded by the World Government and narrowly escapes an assassination attempt.[ch. 474, 557, 576, 581, 595]

The three open spots are eventually filled during the timeskip by Trafalgar Law, Buggy the Clown,[ch. 700] and Edward Weevil.[ch. 802] After Law and Doflamingo's actions in Dressrosa are exposed, they both are removed by the World Government.

Later during the Reverie, under the direction of Cobra and Riku Dold III, the member nations vote to abolish the Warlords and the remaining members are stripped of their positions and are being hunted down by the Navy with the intent to capture them with the exception of Kuma.[ch. 956]

Characters by place

East Blue people

East Blue is the birthplace of Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp, and the longtime home of Sanji.

In addition to the protagonists' homes, at East Blue are also:

Shells Town

Shells Town is the place where Zoro was captured by Helmeppo after trying to save Rika (リカ), a girl from the town, from "Axe-Hand" Morgan. She is voiced by Emi Uwagama in the original Japanese version and by Lisa Ortiz and Kamdynn Gary in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Orange Town

Orange Town is a town run by Boodle (ブードル, Būdoru), the mayor, where he lives with Chouchou (シュシュ, Shushu), the dog that was of an old friend of his.

Boodle is voiced by Jōji Yanami in the original Japanese version and by Michael Sinterniklaas and Mark Stoddard in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Chouchou's vocal effects are provided by Chieko Atarashi in the original Japanese version and by Christopher Bevins in the Funimation dub.

Island of Rare Animals

The Island of Rare Animals is where Gaimon (ガイモン), a man whose body is trapped in a chest, lives with several animals that are hybrids of two different species. These hybrids consist of Cocox (a fox/rooster hybrid), Usagihebi (a rabbit/snake hybrid), Lionbuta (a pig/lion hybrid), Kirinkodanuki (a giraffe/raccoon dog hybrid), and other unnamed hybrids like a giraffe/dog hybrid, a poodle/duck hybrid, a bear/tiger hybrid, a zebra/ostrich hybrid, a giant panda/bat hybrid, a hippopotamus/gorilla hybrid, a platypus/sheep hybrid, a tiger/elephant hybrid, a rhinoceros/kangaroo hybrid, a giant cattle/tortoise hybrid, and a giant crab.

Gaimon is voiced by Toru Ohira in the original Japanese version and Chafurin in One Piece: Bounty Rush. In the 4Kids and Funimation dubs, he is voiced by Frederick B. Owens and Jonathan C. Osborne respectively. Cocox's vocal effects are provided by Kentarou Tone in the original Japanese version and by Dan Green in the 4Kids dub.

Dawn Island

Dawn Island is Luffy's home.

Goa Kingdom

In it is the Goa Kingdom, which is ruled by Sabo's adoptive brother Stelly (ステリー, Suterī) and his wife Sally Isntoinette (サリー・ナントカネット, Sarī Nantokanetto).

Stelly is voiced by Chika Sakamoto and Kōsuke Toriumi as a child and an adult respectively in the original Japanese version and by Barrett Nash and Brendan Blaber as a child and an adult respectively in the Funimation dub. Sally Isntoinette is voiced by Yuka Komatsu in the original Japanese version and by Emily Neves in the Funimation dub.

Windmill Village

Luffy was born in Windmill Village, a small village in the kingdom, where Woop Slap (ウープ・スラップ, Ūpu Surappu), the mayor, and Makino (マキノ), a bartender and friend of Luffy, also live.

Woop Slap is voiced by Shigero Chiba in episodes 0, 4, and 497-505 of the original Japanese version, Takeshi Aono in Episode 45 of the original Japanese version, Keiichi Sonobe in episodes 324 and 878-present of the original Japanese version. Makino is voiced by Makiko Ohmoto in the original Japanese version and by Tara Sands and Gwendolyn Lau in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Mt. Corvo

In the kingdom, there is also Mt. Corvo where the Dadan Family lives, a group of bandits led by Curly Dadan (カーリー・ダダン, Kārī Dadan), who was in charge of raising Luffy, Ace and Sabo. Other members of the group are Dogura (ドグラ) and Magura (マグラ).

Curly Dadan is voiced by Noriko Uemura in the original Japanese version and by Jessica Cavanagh in the Funimation dub. Dogura is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the original Japanese version and by Michael Jones in the Funimation dub. Magura is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the original Japanese version and by Newton Pittman in the Funimation dub.

Shimotsuki Village

Shimotsuki Village is Zoro's hometown, where he and his friend and rival Kuina (くいな) vowed to become the best swordsmen in the world. After Kuina's death, Zoro asked Koshiro (コウシロウ, Kōshirō), Kuina's father and master of the village dojo, to train him as a swordsman to fulfill his promise to Kuina.

Kuina is voiced by Machiko Toyoshima in the original Japanese version and by Monica Rial in the Funimation dub (except for the English dub of the video game Unlimited Adventure where she was voiced by Laura Bailey). Koshiro is voiced by Unshō Ishizuka in the earlier parts of the original Japanese version and by Kenji Nomura starting in Episode 1030. In the 4Kids and Funimation dubs, he is voiced by Wayne Grayson and Chuck Huber respectively.

Syrup Village

Syrup Village is where Usopp lived with his mother Bachina (バンキーナ, Bankīna). After his mother died, he formed the Usopp Pirates along with three other village children, Carrot (にんじん, Ninjin), Pepper (ピーマン, Pīman), and Onion (たまねぎ, Tamanegi). In the village also lives Kaya (カヤ), a girl to whom Usopp always told stories to cheer her up, and who lives in a mansion with her butler Merry (メリー, Merī) who built the Going Merry, the Straw Hat Pirates' first ship.

Bachina is voiced by Clarine Harp in the Funimation dub. Carrot is voiced by Noriko Yoshitake in the original Japanese version and by Jim Napolitano and Kate Oxley in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Pepper is voiced by Haruhi Terada in the earlier parts of the original Japanese version and by Miyuki Kawasho starting in Episode 291 and by Kevin Kolack and Cherami Leigh in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs (except for the English dub of the video game One Piece: Unlimited Adventure where she is voiced by Laura Bailey). Onion is voiced by Makiko Ohmoto in the original Japanese version and by Oliver Wyman and Cynthia Cranz in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Kaya is voiced by Mariko Kouda in the original Japanese version and by Tara Sands and Carrie Savage in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Merry is voiced by Jin Domon in the original Japanese version and by Ted Lewis and Jerry Jewell in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.


The Baratie is an ocean-going restaurant where Sanji worked. It is run by Zeff (ゼフ, Zefu), the restaurant's owner and chef, and a former pirate known as "Red Foot", who saved Sanji's life when he was a child. Other employees in the restaurant are Patty (パティ, Pati), who works as patissier, and Carne (カルネ, Karune), who works as charcutier.

Zeff is voiced by Kōji Yada in the earlier parts of the original Japanese version, Ben Hiura in the later parts of the original Japanese version. In the English dubs, Zeff is voiced by Robert O'Gorman in the 4Kids dub while the Funimation dub has him voiced by Grant James in earlier episodes and Garrett Schenck in later episodes. Patty is voiced by Tetsu Inada in the original Japanese version and by Robert O'Gorman and Jeremy Inman in the 4Kids and Funimation dub. Carne is voiced by Shinobu Satouchi in the original Japanese version (except in Grand Battle! Rush! where he is voiced by Kozo Shioya) and by Sean Schemmel and Charles C. Campbell in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Coco Village

Coco Village is Nami's home in the Conomi Islands. There she was raised by Belle-Mère (ベルメール, Berumēru), a former member of the Navy, who adopted her and her sister Nojiko (ノジコ, Nojiko) after they lost their respective parents. Other inhabitants include the sheriff Genzo (ゲンゾウ, Genzō) who was also a father figure to Nami and Nako (ナコー, Nakō), the village doctor. Johnny (ジョニー, Jonī) and Yosaku (ヨサク, Yosaku), two former bounty hunters and old friends of Zoro, also live in the village, who after not succeeding in capturing pirates, became fishermen of the village after briefly traveling with the Straw Hat Pirates.

For years, the Arlong Pirates also lived near the village, dominating it with their tyranny and having previously killed Belle-Mère (imprisoned her in the 4Kids dub) until they were defeated by Luffy's crew.

Belle-Mère is voiced by Noriko Hidaka in the original Japanese version and by Veronica Taylor and Cynthia Cranz in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Nojiko is voiced by Wakana Yamazaki in the original Japanese version (except in Grand Battle! Rush where she is voiced by Noriko Yoshitake) and by Tiffany Grant in the Funimation dub while Jad Saxton voiced her younger appearance in Episode 539. Genzo is voiced by Kōzō Shioya in the original Japanese version and by Marc Diraison and Bill Flynn in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs. Johnny is voiced by Masaya Takatsuka in the original Japanese version and by Dan Green and Christopher Ayres in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs resepectively. Yosaku is voiced by Yasuhiko Tokuyama in the original Japanese version and by Wayne Grayson and Josh Martin in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Paradise people

Paradise is the first half of the Grand Line where Tony Tony Chopper and Nico Robin come from.

Little Garden

Little Garden (リトルガーデン, Ritoru Gāden) is an island where dinosaurs (like Archaeopteryx, Brontosaurus, Pterodactylus, Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus) and other prehistoric animals (like Ammonites, Smilodons) still exist as well as a Giant Tiger. Two Sea King skulls make up the mountains of Little Garden.

The Kestia was a tick that infected Nami with the Five-Day Disease.

Brogy and Dorry briefly lived there before returning to Elbaf. During their fights with each other here, they slew the Island Eater Goldfish so that the Straw Hat Pirates can leave Little Garden.

Drum Island

Drum Island (ドラム島, Doramu-tō) is an arctic climate-type Winter Island that Straw Hat Pirates stopped to find a doctor after Nami fell ill from the Five-Day Disease she contracted from a Kestia on Little Garden, and the birthplace of Tony Tony Chopper. Wapol used to be the ruler of Drum Island before he was overthrown.

Other citizens include:

Alabasta Kingdom

The Alabasta Kingdom (アラバスタ王国, Arabasuta Oukoku) is a desert climate-type Summer Island in the Grand Line. The Straw Hats have been welcomed here because they helped to save the kingdom.

Nefeltari Cobra

Nefeltari Cobra (ネフェルタリ・コブラ, Neferutari Kobura) is the twelfth king of Alabasta Kingdom.[ch. 155]

Following the time skip, Nefeltari Cobra is shown to be suffering from an illness. During the Levely, Cobra confronts the Five Elders with the knowledge of his ancestor Nefeltari D. Lili but is murdered by them and Imu after discovering the latter's existence, despite Sabo's efforts to save him. Sabo is then framed for Cobra's death.

Nefeltari Cobra is voiced by Iemasa Kayumi in earlier episodes, Yasuhiko Tokuyama in Grand Battle! Rush, Toshiya Ueda in Episode 512, and Hozumi Gōda in later episodes of the original Japanese version. In the English dub, he is voiced by David Zen Mansley and Kyle Hebert in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. In the Netflix live-action series, he is portrayed by Sendhil Ramamurthy.

Nefeltari Vivi

Nefeltari Vivi (ネフェルタリ・ビビ, Neferutari Bibi), first introduced as Baroque Works agent Ms. Wednesday (ミス・ウェンズデー, Misu Wenzudē), is the princess of the Alabasta Kingdom. She is usually accompanied by her closest friend Karoo.[ch. 109f.] She and Karoo sailed for a time with the Straw Hat Pirates when they entered the Grand Line, with the goal of bringing her to Alabasta, being aided by them in her fight against Baroque Works. Due to her time accompanying the Straw Hat Pirates, she is considered just another member of the crew by the members who traveled with her.

Vivi was ranked as #82 in a survey conducted by Newtype for favorite anime heroine in 2002.[66]

Her voice actress is Misa Watanabe in the original Japanese version.[49] In the 4Kids English adaptation, she is voiced by Karen Neil.[67] In the Funimation English adaptation, her name is spelled Vivi Nefertari, and her voice is supplied by Caitlin Glass.[39] In the Netflix live-action series, Vivi is portrayed by Charithra Chandran.[68]


Karoo (カルー, Karū) is a super spot-billed duck, a flightless ostrich-sized duck with no webbed feet that is described to run fast. She is Nefertari Vivi's animal companion.[ch. 109f.]

His vocal effects are provided by Hiroaki Hirata in the original Japanese version and by Michael Haigney and Monica Rial in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Alabasta Royal Guard

The nation's army, the Alabasta Royal Guard, is commanded by Igaram (イガラム, Igaramu) who fights with a saxophone that shoots bullets when played[ch. 109] and guns were hidden in his hair that fire when he pulls his necktie.[ch. 109] He is voiced by Keiichi Sonobe in the original Japanese version. In the English dub, he is voiced by Keiichi Sonobe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Richard Will and Rob Mungle in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Next in line after Igaram are Chaka (チャカ), with the ability to transform into a jackal or a jackal-human hybrid thanks to the powers of the Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Jackal. He is assisted by Pell (ペル, Peru), with the ability to transform into a falcon or a falcon-human hybrid thanks to the powers of the Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Falcon. They are dubbed the strongest warriors of Alabasta. Chaka is voiced by Kihachirō Uemura in the original Japanese version and by Russell Velazquez and Robert McCollum in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Pell is voiced by Kenji Nomura in the original Japanese version and by Matt Hoverman and Kevin M. Connolly in the 4Kids and Funimation dub respectively.

Other Alabasta Kingdom inhabitants

Other inhabitants include:


Skypiea (スカイピア, Sukaipia) is a land located in the sky above the Paradise part of the Grand Line, consisting of Angel Island (エンジェル島, Enjeru Tō), one of several solid clouds, and Upper Yard, a lost part of the Grand Line island Jaya, believed by most to have sunk into the ocean. Skypiea is inhabitited by the original inhabitants of Angel Island, who were long dominated by Enel until the return of the previous ruler Gan Fall receiving the title of "God" from the island. With the exception of Gan Fall, most of the inhabitants of Skypiea are shown to have bird-like wings on their backs, even though none of them have been able to fly on their own.

Gan Fall

Gan Fall (ガン・フォール, Gan Fōru) is the previous ruler of Skypeia before being overthrown by Enel. Gan Fall is always accompanied by Pierre (ピエール, Piēru), a large bird with the power to transform into a horse and always taking the form of a horse with wings after eating the Horse-Horse Fruit. After Enel was defeated, Gan Fall accepted the people of Skypeia's request to rule them again.

Gan Fall is voiced by Jōji Yanami in the original Japanese version, Ichikawa Ennosuke IV in the original Japanese version of Episode of Sky Island, Masaharu Satō in Episode 967 of the original Japanese version, and John Swasey in the Funimation dub. Pierre's vocal effects are provided by Kazuya Nakai in the original Japanese version and by Z. Charles Bolton in the Funimation dub.


The Shandorians are the original inhabitants of Jaya. They consist of:

God's Army

God's Army (神の軍団, Kami no Gundan) is the personal army of Eneru, consisting of himself, the Gods Priests, and the fifty Enforcers.[ch. 246, 254, 257] In combat, the Priests and Enforcers rely heavily on various types of dials. The Priests and Eneru are also skilled users of the Color of Observation Haki, which they refer to as Mantra.[h][ch. 257, 597] With the exception of Eneru, most of its members are remnants of the Skypeian island of Birka. Upon Eneru being defeated, most of his followers were either banished through Cloud Drifting or returned to working under Gan Fall.


Eneru (エネル) (also called Enel in some media) is the "God" of Skypiea. Though "God" is traditionally the title only for the island's ruler, he takes it literally, forcing the population to worship and serve him.[ch. 254f., 274] The Logia-type Rumble-Rumble Fruit (ゴロゴロの実, Goro Goro no Mi) grants him the ability to manipulate, generate, and transform into electricity which can't harm Luffy.[ch. 266] He can also use Observation Haki, called Mantra (マントラ, Mantora) on Skypiea.[ch. 257, 597] Used in conjunction, these abilities extend his hearing over the entire country and allow him to immediately punish those who speak up against him.[ch. 278] Eneru's overly long earlobes reach down to his chest, similar to some depictions of Buddha, and like the god of thunder and storms, Raijin, he wears a ring of drums, showing a tomoe on the drumhead, on his back.[ch. 254] After his defeat at the hands of Luffy, Eneru pilots his ship the Ark Maxim into outer space and lands on the Moon.

Eneru is voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa in the original Japanese version, Wayne Grayson in the 4Kids English dub, and J. Michael Tatum in the Funimation English dub.[69][70]

God's Priests

God's Priests[i] are the elite minions of Eneru who use their own ordeals when it comes to punishing criminals and trespassers to Skypeia. They consist of:


There are 50 Enforcers[n] who fight in the name of Eneru. They consist of:

Other Skypeian inhabitants

Other inhabitants of Angel Island include the engineer Pagaya (パガヤ), his daughter Conis (コニス, Konisu) who works as a waitress at the Pumpkin Café, and their pet "cloud fox" Suu (スー, ).[ch. 239]. Pagaya is voiced by Mahito Ōba in the original Japanese version and by Grant James in the Funimation dub. Comis is voiced by Rieko Takahasi in the original Japanese version and by Laura Bailey in the Funimation dub (except for Episode of Skypeia where she is voiced by Jill Harris). Su's vocal effects are provided by Akemi Okamura in the original Japanese version and by Majken Bullard in the Funimation dub (except in Episode of Skypeia where Suu's vocal effects are provided by Bryn Apprill).

Water 7

Water 7 (水の都ウォーターセブン, Mizu no Miyako Wōtā Sebun, lit. "City of Water, Water Seven") is a city with water-ways and canals that are used for transportation almost like roads, often surrounded by sidewalks on the canals. The city's mayor is Iceberg (アイスバーグ, Aisubāgu), who is also the president of the Galley-La Company, the company with the best carpenters in the world, including Paulie (パウリーPaurī), who is also the company's vice president, Peeply Lulu (ピープリー・ルル, Pīpurī Ruru), and Tileston (タイルストン, Tairusuton). Iceburg is voiced by Izō Oikawa as an adult in the original Japanese version, Daisuke Kishio as a young man in the original Japanese version, Philip Weber as an adult in the Funimation dub, and Austin Tindle as a young man in the Funimation dub. Paulie is voiced by Takahiro Yoshimizu in the original Japanese version and by David Wald in the Funimation dub (except in the video game One Piece: Unlimited Adventure where he is voiced by Andrew Chandler). Peeply Lulu is voiced by Shinichiro Ohta in the original Japanese version and by Martin Cervantes in the Funimation dub. Tilestone is voiced by Tetsu Inada in the original Japanese version and by Patrick Camacho in the Funimation dub.

In the city, there is also the Franky Family which was led by Franky before joining the Straw Hat Pirates. The group include Franky's right-hand man Zambai (ザンバイ, Zanbai), and the twin sisters Mozu (モズ) and Kiwi (キウイ, Kiui). Zambai is voiced by Kenta Miyake in the original Japanese version (except in Pirates' Carnival where he is voiced by Tetsu Inada) and by Doug Goodrich in the Funimation dub. Mozu is voiced by Miki Fukui and Aiko Hibi in the original Japanese version and by Morgan Garrett in the Funimation dub. Kiwi is voiced by Yuka Shioyama in the original Japanese version and by Martha Harms in the Funimation dub.

Iceburg and Franky worked in their youth at Tom's Workers, a carpentry company led by Tom (トム, Tomu), a longhorn cowfish-type fish-man who built the Roger Pirates' ship, and the Sea Train connecting Water 7 to other islands. The company also included Yokozuna (ヨコヅナ), a giant frog, and Kokoro (ココロ), an elderly icefish-type mermaid who currently works at the train station with her 1/4 mermaid granddaughter Chimney (チムニー, Chimunī) and their pet rabbit Gonbe (ゴンベ). Tom is voiced by Yasuo Muramatsu in the original Japanese version, Hiroaki Ishikawa in Episode 967 of the original Japanese version, and Rob Mungle in the Funimation dub. Yokozuna's vocal effects are provided by Masaya Takatsuka in the original Japanese version and by Mike McFarland in the Funimation dub. Kokoro is voiced by Ako Mayama in the original Japanese version and by Juli Erickson in the Funimation dub. Chimney is voiced by Chiwa Saitō in the original Japanese version and by Lara Woodhull in the Funimation dub. Gonbe's vocal effects are provided by Akemi Okamura in the original Japanese version and by Michelle Rojas in the Funimation dub.

Several CP9 members also lived undercover in the city.

Sabaody Archipelago

Sabaody Archipelago (シャボンディ諸島, Shabondi Shotō) is the final destination in Paradise, close to the Red Line. There lives the former first mate of the Roger Pirates, Silvers Rayleigh, along with his wife Shakuyaku (シャクヤク, Shakuyaku), most commonly known by her nickname "Shakky", a former pirate who works as a bartender. Shakuyaku is voiced by Hiromi Tsuru in the original Japanese version, Masumi Asano in Episode 870 of the original Japanese version, and by Elizabeth Maxwell in the Funimation dub.

On the island is the Auction House, where Disco (ディスコ, Disuko), a subordinate of the Donquixote Pirates, ran it by auctioning slaves, until his business was ruined after the incident caused by Luffy. Because of this, on the island there are usually kidnappers for the slave trade, among them the Macro Pirates (マクロ一味, Makuro Ichimi), formed by Macro (マクロ, Makuro), Gyaro (ギャロ, Gyaro) and Tansui (タンスイ), former members of the Sun Pirates. Disco is voiced by Yasunori Masutani in the original Japanese version and by Michael Sinterniklaas in the Funimation dub. Macro is voiced by Takashi Nagasaki in the original Japanese version and by Hunter Scott in the Funimation dub. Gyaro is voiced by Yūsei Oda in the original Japanese version and by Patric Carroll in the Funimation dub.

Other kidnapping gang were the Flying Fish Riders (トビウオライダーズ, Tobiuo Raidāzu), later renamed as the Rosy Life Riders (人生バラ色ライダーズ, Jinsei Bara-iro Raidāzu), whose leader Duval (デュバル, Dyubaru), looked exactly like the photo on Sanji's first bounty poster until the latter ended up attacking his face, making him a handsome man, after which he decided to swear allegiance to the Straw Hat Pirates. Duval is voiced by Toshihiko Seki in the original Japanese version and by David Vincent in the Funimation dub.

Being the final destination of the first half of the Grand Line, rookie pirates who arrive on the place with a bounty greater than 100,000,000 are known as "Super Rookies". This includes members of the "Eleven Supernovas" of the Worst Generation, the Caribou Brothers, Cavendish, and Bartolomeo.

Fish-Man Island

Lying on the ocean floor halfway through the Red Line part of the Grand Line, Fish-Man Island is inhabited primarily by Fish-men (魚人, gyojin) and Merfolk (人魚, ningyo).[ch. 69] The average fish-man has ten times the strength of a human, can breathe underwater, and swim fast.[ch. 70f., 495]

On the island is the Ryugu Kingdom (リュウグウ王国, Ryūgū Ōkoku), a country ruled by the coelacanth-type merman Neptune (ネプチューン, Nepuchūn), and formerly also by his late wife, the goldfish-type mermaid Otohime (オトヒメ, Otohime). Neptune is voiced by Minoru Inaba in the original Japanese version and by Bruce DuBose in the Funimation dub. Otohime is voiced by Michiko Neya in the original Japanese version and by AmaLee in the Funimation dub.

The sons of the royal family are the three princes the shark-type merman Fukaboshi (フカボシ, Fukaboshi) who is the eldest son, oarfish-type merman Ryuboshi (リュウボシ, Ryūboshi) who is the middle son, and opah-type merman Manboshi (マンボシ, Manboshi) who is the youngest son. Together, they are known as the Neptune Brothers. The family's youngest child is Neptune's daughter, the smelt-witing-type mermaid Shirahoshi (しらほし, Shirahoshi), who became good friends with Luffy when she met him. Fukaboshi is voiced by Kentarō Itō in the original Japanese version and by Jarrod Greene in the Funimation dub. Ryuboshi is voiced by Yūsuke Numata in the original Japanese version and by Alex Ross in the Funimation dub. Manboshi is voiced by Kazanari Tanaka and Yasuhiro Mamiya in the original Japanese version and by Troy Hughes in the Funimation dub. Shirahoshi is voiced by Yukana in the original Japanese version and by Bryn Apprill in the Funimation dub.

Other inhabitants include Camie (ケイミー, Keimī), a kissing gourami-type mermaid who is friends with the Straw Hat Pirates and Hatchan, Pappagu (パッパグ, Pappagu), a talking starfish who is Camie's pet and a famous fashion designer, and Shyarly (シャーリー, Shārī), a shortfin mako shark-type mermaid, proprietor of the Mermaid Café and fortune-teller capable of seeing the future and Arlong's younger sister. Camie is voiced by Haruna Ikezawa in the original Japanese version and by Megan Shipman in the Funimation dub. Pappagu is voiced by Kōzō Shioya in the original Japanese version and by Chris Cason in the Funimation dub. Shyarly is voiced by Romi Park in the original Japanese version and by Morgan Berry in the Funimation dub.

Also members of the Sun Pirates, the Arlong Pirates and the New Fish-Man Pirates come from the island.

New World people

This section lists the inhabitants of the New World part of the Grand Line.

Punk Hazard people

Punk Hazard (パンクハザード島, Panku Hazādo-tō) is an island which is half hot and half cold, because Akainu and Aokiji fought there for the post of fleet admiral. On the island lives Caesar Clown and his henchmen who have aspects of mythological creatures like centaurs and satyrs, because Trafalgar Law gave them animal parts to replace their wrecked legs. Dr. Vegapunk once had a laboratory here. It was also where Kaido and King were held prisoner and used as guinea pigs for the experiments there.

The island is also inhabited by children, kidnapped by Caesar, who are used for his gigantification experiments to make giants.

Caesar Clown

Caesar Clown (シーザー・クラウン, Shīzā Kuraun) is a psychopathic former navy scientist capable of transforming into gas due to the Logia-type Gas-Gas Fruit (ガスガスの実, Gasu Gasu no Mi). He is a former colleague of Dr. Vegapunk and a leading expert on chemical weapons of mass destruction. He works for Donquixote Doflamingo creating artificial Devil Fruits called SMILEs, and using kidnapped children in Punk Hazard for his experiments. He is also a direct subordinate of the Donquixote Pirates. After his defeat at the hands of Monkey D. Luffy, he is taken to Dressrosa by the Straw Hat Pirates and Trafalgar Law as a prisoner to make a hostage swap with Doflamingo.

In the anime series, he is voiced by Ryūsei Nakao in the Japanese version of the anime and by Jerry Jewell in the Funimation dub.


Smiley (スマイリー, Sumairī) is Smiley's pet 492 ft. poisonous gas who "ate" the Sala-Sala Fruit: Model Axolotl that enables it to become an axolotl and an axolotl-poisonous gas hybrid. He was killed when he consumed one of the candies that Caesar Clown fed him that was tainted enough to cause him to revert to his original gaseous form with a nearby fruit becoming the new Sala-Sala Fruit: Model Axolotl.

Smiley's vocal effects are provided by Newton Pittman in the Funimation dub.

Yeti Cool Brothers

The Yeti Cool Brothers (イエティ・クール・ブラザーズ, Ieti Kūru Burazāzu) consist of Rock (ロック, Rokku) and Scotch (スコッチ, Sukotchi), two 139 ft. assassin brothers from the world's criminal underworld who are from a mysterious race of white-furred giants. Due to their heads always being in the shadows, it is currently unknown if they are just giants or giant yetis. The Yeti Cool Brothers work for Caesar Clown as his guards. Rock was defeated by Franky and Scotch was bisected by Trafalgar D. Water Law. It is unknown what happened to them afterwards.

Rock is voiced by Hiroyuki Kinoshita in the original Japanese version and by Lee Steinfeld in the Funimation dub. Scotch is voiced by Shunsuke Sakuya in the original Japanese version and by Newton Pittman in the Funimation dub.

Caesar Clown's Guinea Pigs

Caesar Clown has made use of some captured children to serve as his guinea pigs in his experiments. Most of them were made into artificial giants through Caesar Clown's experiments with gigantification and kept in the Biscuit Room. Following Caesar Clown's defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates, Smoker and Tashigi took the kids into their custody and arranged for them to be treated by Dr. Vegapunk at Marine Headquarters G-14 Branch which is somewhere near Egghead.

Dragon Number 13

Dragon Number Thirteen (ドラゴン十三號, Doragon Jūsan-gō) is an artificial dragon that was created by Dr. Vegapunk and guards one of his laboratories even after he and those that worked for the World Government left Punk Hazard. He was slain by Roronoa Zola.


Dressrosa (ドレスローザ, Doresurōza) is a kingdom within the New World that is ruled by the Riku Family (リク一族, Riku Ichizoku).[ch. 722]

Riku Dold III

Riku Dold III (リク・ドルド3世, Riku Dorudo Sansei) was the king of Dressrosa until Donquixote Doflamingo stages a mutiny and dethrones him. Until Doflamingo was defeated by Luffy, helping the Riku Family to rule again.

Riku Dold is voiced by Masashi Hirose in earlier episodes of the original Japanese version, Banjō Ginga starting in Episode 666 of the original Japanese version, and by Mark Oristano in the Funimation dub. Scarlett


Scarlett (スカーレット, Sukāretto) is the daughter of Riku Dold III and the first princess of Dressrosa who was killed by Diamante the day when the Donquixote Pirates took over Dressrosa.

Scarlett is voiced by Wakana Yamazaki in the original Japanese version and by Gloria Benavides in the Funimation dub.


Viola (ヴィオラ, Viora) is the former second princess of Dressrosa. When the Donquixote Pirates took over Dressrosa, Viola joined them to prevent Donquixote Doflamingo from killing her father, working under the name of "Violet" (ヴァイオレット, Vaioretto) as an assassin and officer of the Trébol Army until betraying the crew.[ch. 703, 712] After Doflamingo's defeat, Viola becomes the crown princess of Dressrosa after her niece Rebecca abdicated her position.[ch. 797] The Glare-Glare Fruit (ギロギロの実, Giro Giro no Mi) she ate gives her the ability to see through everything, even other people's minds, allowing her to read thoughts.[ch. 712]

In the anime series, her voice actress is Mie Sonozaki, while in the Funimation English adaptation, she is voiced by Cristina Vee.[71]


Kyros (キュロス, Kyurosu) is the best fighter in Dressrosa and the husband of Scarlett.

Kyros is voiced by Rikiya Koyama in the original Japanese version and by Ivan Jasso in the Funimation dub.


Rebecca (レベッカ, Rebekka) is the daughter of Scarlett and Kyros and the granddaughter of Riku Dold III.

Rebecca is voiced by Megumi Hayashibara in the original Japanese version and by Christine Marie Cabanos in the Funimation dub.

Other Dressrosa inhabitants

Other inhabitants of Dressrosa include:

Tontatta Tribe

The Tontatta Tribe (トンタッタ族, Tontatta-zoku) are a group of dwarves living on Tontatta Kingdom, a little kingdom hidden in Green Bit, an island next to Dressrosa.

King Gancho (ガンチョ) is the "Tonta-Chief" of Tontatta Island. King Gancho is voiced by Kenichi Ogata in the original Japanese version and by R. Bruce Elliott in the Funimation dub.

Mansherry (マンシェリー, Mansherī) is Gancho's daughter and the tribe's princess who has the power of the Heal-Heal Fruit that gives her the ability to instantly heal any living being's injury with her tears. It is because of her abilities that caused the Donquixote Pirates kidnapped her for their SMILE factory until she was released by her tribe members. Mansherry is voiced by Ai Nonaka in the original Japanese version and by Dani Chambers in the Funimation dub.

The Tonta Corps are the armed forces of the tribe.


Zou (ゾウ, ) is an island that is the home of the Mink Tribe (ミンク族, Minku Zoku), a tribe of various anthropomorphic animals. The Mink Tribe is loyal to the Kozuki Family from Wano Country as they shared unbreakable ancestral bonds. The red-colored Poneglyph belongs to the Mink Tribe, which proves to be useful in finding Raftel. The Mink Tribe's city is known as the Mokomo Dukedom. The Mokomo Dukedom is led by Dogstorm and Cat Viper.

Other members of the tribe include the Heart Pirates' navigator Bepo, the Big Mom Pirates' combatant Pekoms, and the Revolutionary Army commander Lindbergh.


Zunesha (象主, Zunesha) is a 35-kilometer (115,000 ft) Naitamie-Norida Elephant who carries Zou as part of a punishment for an as-yet-unrevealed crime that it committed. He can only attack if someone on Zou asks him to as seen when it decimated the Animal Kingdom Pirates fleet led by Jack.

Zunesha is voiced by Ben Hiura in the original Japanese version and by Reagan Murdock in the Funimation dub.

Dogstorm and Cat Viper

Dogstorm (イヌアラシ, Inuarashi) is a canine-type mink, who leads the Mink Tribe from dawn to dusk, and Cat Viper (ネコマムシ, Nekomamushi) is a feline-type mink, who leads the Mink Tribe from dusk to dawn.

As children they came to Wano Country, where they became retrainers of Kozuki Oden, whom years later they accompanied on his journey at sea as crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and later as members of the Roger Pirates. When Oden died, they both blamed each other for failing to protect him, later returning to Zou, where at some point they became rulers, and harboring a grudge for years by avoiding seeing each other.

Due to an invasion of Zou by the Animal Kingdom Pirates led by Jack, Dogstorm lost half a leg, while Cat Viper lost half an arm. When the Straw Hat Pirates and the Heart Pirates arrived in Zou, they formed an alliance with them and the Kozuki Clan to travel to Wano and end Kaido's tyranny.


Carrot (キャロット, Kyarotto) is a rabbit-type mink member of Dogstorm's Musketeers and a ruler's aide.[ch. 809] Eager to travel around the world and see the seas, she infiltrates the Thousand Sunny as the Straw Hat Pirates set out on their journey to Totto Land to rescue Sanji,[ch. 823] and remains on with the crew during their trip to Wano Country.[ch. 903, 976] Carrot is an extremely skilled fighter, possessing extraordinary agility and speed and, as a rabbit, is capable of jumping very high.[ch. 804] In combat, she uses clawed gauntlets that Pedro, who was her trainer, gave her when she was younger.[ch. 888] Like the other members of the Mink tribe, under the full moon Carrot transformed into a ferocious berserker with incredible speed, strength, the power to fly and lightning powers. After the events in the Wano Country, Dogstorm and Cat Viper propose to her to become the future ruler of the Minks.[ch. 1056]

In the original Japanese series, Carrot is voiced by Kanae Itō. In the Funimation English dub, she is voiced by Tia Ballard.

Dogstorm's Musketeers

Dogstorm's military forces are Dogstorm's Musketeers (犬嵐銃士隊, Inuarashi Jūshi-tai). They consist of:

Cat Viper's Guardians

Cat Viper's military forces are the Guardians (ガーディアンズ, Gādianzu). They consist of:

Germa Kingdom

The Germa Kingdom (ジェルマ王国, Jeruma Oukoku) is Sanji's fatherland. It is ruled by the Vinsmoke Family (ヴィンスモーク家, Vinsumōku-ke) who are also the leaders of the Germa 66 (ジェルマ 66, Jeruma Daburu Shikkusu, pronounced "Germa Double-Six"), the military branch of the kingdom and an Underworld mercenary force, and Sanji's biological family.

Vinsmoke Judge

Vinsmoke Judge (ヴィンスモーク・ジャッジ, Vinsumōku Jajji) is the 8 ft. ruler of the Germa Kingdom, patriarch of the Vinsmoke Family, supreme commander of Germa 66, and Sanji's father. As a former member of MADS, he was a skilled scientist who specialized in engineering, giving his children their respective enhancements.

Judge is voiced by Hideyuki Hori in the original Japanese version and by Christopher Bevins in the Funimation dub.

Vinsmoke Sora

Vinsmoke Sora (ヴィンスモーク・ソラ, Vinsumōku Sora) is Sanji's mother who died when he was a child.

Sora is voiced by Yuriko Yamamoto in the original Japanese version and by Kristen McGuire in the Funimation dub.

Vinsmoke Reiju

Vinsmoke Reiju (ヴィンスモーク・レイジュ, Vinsumōku Reiju) is Sanji's older sister who has great strength and wields the Poison Pink which enables her to suck the poison out of people.

Reiju is voiced by Michiko Neya in the original Japanese version and by Alexis Tipton in the Funimation dub.

Vinsmoke Ichiji

Vinsmoke Ichiji (ヴィンスモーク・イチジ, Vinsumōku Ichiji) is one of Sanji's two older brothers who has the Sparking Red ability, enabling him to emit light beams from his eyes and hands.

Ichiji is voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama as an adult in the original Japanese version, Masami Suzuki as a boy in the original Japanese version, Howard Wang as an adult in the Funimation dub, and Apphia Yu as a boy in the Funimation dub.

Vinsmoke Niji

Vinsmoke Niji (ヴィンスモーク・ニジ, Vinsumōku Niji) is one of Sanji's two older brothers who has Dengeki Blue enabling him to use a form of electrokinesis.

Niji is voiced by Atsushi Miyauchi as an adult in the original Japanese version, Yūko Mita as a boy in the original Japanese version, Austin Tindle as an adult in the Funimation dub, and Trina Nishimura as a boy in the Funimation dub.

Vinsmoke Yonji

Vinsmoke Yonji (ヴィンスモーク・ヨンジ, Vinsumōku Yonji) is Sanji's younger brother.

Yonji is voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda as an adult in the original Japanese version, Akemi Okamura as a boy in the original Japanese version, Clifford Chapin as an adult in the Funimation dub, and by Meli Grant as a boy in the Funimation dub.

Totto Land

Totto Land (万国, Totto Rando) is an archepelago that is ruled by Big Mom and the Big Mom Pirates. While Whole Cake Island serves as the base of the Big Mom Pirates' operations, each of Big Mom's children are ministers of their own island that surrounds Whole Cake Island. It is here that different races of the world reside here and co-exist ranging from humans, fish-men, merfolk, minks, snakeneck tribes, longarm tribes, longleg tribes, dwarves, three-eyed tribes, and hybrids of different races. Because of an early incident caused by Big Mom on Elbaf, no giants live here even when Big Mom does attempts to reconcile with them.

Choco Police

Choco Police (チョコポリス, Chokoporisu) is a police officer that operates in Cacao Island's Chocolat Town.

Choco Police is voiced by Yūsuke Handa in the original Japanese version and by Michael Schneider in the Funimation dub.


Pound (パウンド, Paundo) is a 24 ft. human who is the 25th ex-husband of Big Mom and the father of Charlotte Chiffon and Charlotte Lola. After he was discarded by Big Mom, Pound worked to reunite with his daughters which led to his encounter with the Straw Hat Pirates. Though he got burned rescuing Charlotte Chiffon's group from Charlotte Oven, he was later found adrift by the Tontatta Pirates and was taken to Dressrosa to be healed. Pound later proved to Charlotte Chiffon and Charlotte Lola that he was their father when he saved their ship from an attack by a Marine ship while also showing the picture he took of them before Big Mom discarded him. The Fire Tank Pirates pulled him on and he later attended the wedding of Charlotte Lola and Gotti.

Pound is voiced by Masami Kikuchi in the original Japanese version and by Patrick McAllister in the Funimation dub.

Wano Country

The Wano Country (ワノ国, Wano Kuni) is a nation in the New World unaffiliated with the World Government. It has its own warriors, the samurai, who are swordsmen so strong that not even the Navy goes near them. It was first mentioned by Hogback as Ryuma was from there. Yakuza families have also formed the day when Kaido helped the Kurozumi Family overthrow the Kozuki Family.

In Punk Hazard, the Straw Hat Pirates met two residents of Wano, Kin'emon and his "son" Momonosuke, who temporarily accompanied them on their journey. Later, they discover that Momonosuke is actually the son of Kozuki Oden, and part of the royal family of Wano, and Kin'emon is actually his father's retainer.

Kozuki Oden

Kozuki Oden (光月おでん, Kōzuki Oden), in addition to having been the daimyo of Kuri and son of the country's former shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki, was also a legendary, immensely powerful, and skilled Swordsman and Samurai who developed his own variation of Nitoryu. Oden was specialized in the style of two swords, just like the legendary Samurai Miyamoto Musashi, and his legendary dual wielding swordsmanship allowed him to give the Mythical Zoan enhanced nigh-indestructible Kaido, a massive and deep permanent scar.

Additionally, he was the leader of a group of legendary and powerful samurai known as the Nine Red Scabbards, with all of them serving as his retainers and most trusted allies. As daimyo of Kuri, Oden had a large amount of power and influence over the region before his death. Oden became a famous pirate for several years by joining the Whitebeard Pirates, and later on the Roger Pirates. Oden was regarded as being a tremendously powerful pirate with a great level of influence in both crews.

In life, Oden is one of the strongest characters in the One Piece world. He was capable of utilizing all three types of Haki, including the advanced application for both Haoshoku and Busoshoku Haki, has the ability to hear the "Voice of All Things" (Like Roger), and wields two legendary swords: Ame no Habakiri, the sword said to be able to cut "heaven" itself, and Enma, the sword said to be able to cut to the "bottom of hell". With those in hand, he is able to clash with the likes of Whitebeard and Kaido. Due to his fearsome strength and affiliation with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates, Oden received a bounty (the amount of which is unknown). When he was defeated by Kaido, Kurozumi Orochi took over Wano Country with Kaido's help and they sentenced Oden to be boiled alive. After he spared his retainers from his fate, Oden was shot in the head by Kaido and died smiling.

In the anime series, Oden is voiced by Hiroya Ishimaru in the Japanese version and by Robbie Daymond in the Crunchyroll dub.

Kozuki Family

The Kozuki Family (光月家, Kōzuki-ke) was originally the ruling family of Wano Country until the Kurozumi Family overthrew them with help from Kaido. Following the defeats of Kurozumi Orochi, Kaido, and Big Mon, the Kozuki Family regained their rule over Wano Country.

Other members of the Kozuki Family are:

Kozuki Oden's retainers

Kozuki Oden has different retainers. They together form the group known as the "Akazaya Nine" (赤鞘九人男, Akazaya Kunin Otoko, lit. "Nine Red Scabbards"), a group of powerful samurai who serve Oden and the Kozuki family. Among these retainers are:

Kurozumi Family

The Kurozumi Family (黒炭家, Kurozumi-ke) are one of the six ruling families of Wano Country. After falling out of power following a failed coup, they allied with Kaido who helped procure their shogunate.

Kurozumi Orochi

Wano Country was under the control of Kurozumi Orochi (黒炭オロチ, Kurozumi Orochi), the head of the Kurozumi family, who has the ability to become a Yamata no Orochi or a Yamata no Orochi-human hybrid thanks to the powers of the Snake-Snake Fruit: Model Yamata no Orochi. Orochi was a tyrant who did not care about the country or its citizens, as he turned the country into a wasteland and oppressed the citizens for twenty years to the point where he fed some starving villagers some dud SMILE Fruits. He was later betrayed by Kaido to further his goals. He survived Kaido's attack and was later killed by Denjiro, a member of the Nine Red Scabbards. After the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom, the tyranny in Wano finally ended and Momonosuke became the rightful Shogun of Wano.

Kurozumi Orochi is voiced by Hiroshi Iwasaki in the original Japanese version and by Keith Silverstein in the Crunchyroll dub.

Kurozumi Higurashi

Kurozumi Higurashi (黒炭ひぐらし, Kurozumi Higurashi) is a member of the Kurozumi Family. She ate the Clone-Clone Fruit that enables her to assume the form of anyone. Kurozumi Higurashi was later killed by Kaido when she interfered in his duel with Kozuki Oden, with her Devil Fruit being eaten some time after her death by Bentham.

Kurozumi Higurashi is voiced by Hiroko Emori in the original Japanese version.

Kurozumi Tama

Kurozumi Tama (黒炭玉, Kurozumi Tama) is a girl from Wano Country's Kuri region, member of the Kurozumi family, and an aspiring kunoichi who knew Portgas D. Ace and allies with the Straw Hat Pirates against the forces of Kaido and Big Mom. Having eaten the Millet-Millet Fruit, Tama can produce dango from her cheeks which have the power to control animals and anyone who has eaten the SMILE fruits for about a month. This ability came in handy when it came to fighting the Animal Kingdom Pirates. Following the death of Kurozumi Orochi and the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom, Tama is the only survivor of the Kurozumi family. She later tells Monkey D. Luffy that she will join up with the Straw Hat Pirates when she has become a better kunoichi.

Kurozumi Tama is voiced by Megumi Han in the original Japanese version and by Sarah Wiedenheft in the Crunchyroll dub.

Kurozumi Kanjuro

Kurozumi Kanjuro (黒炭カン十郎, Kanjūrō) is a samurai, a retainer, and member of the Kurozumi family who has the ability to give life to the drawings thanks to the powers of the Brush-Brush Fruit. He was really is a spy for his relative Kurozumi Orochi. Kanjuro was lethally wounded by Kine'mon and died from his wounds.

Kurozumi Kanjuro is voiced by Takumi Yamazaki in the original Japanese version and by Ben Bryant in the Funimation dub.


There are different yakuza groups that operate in Wano Country.

The known leaders of the yakuza are:

The Kyoshiro Family (狂死郎一家, Kyōshirō Ikka) is a yakuza group that is led by Denjirou under his Kyoshiro alias. Besides Denjirou, the other members of the Kyoshiro Family are:


Kaido's mistreated daughter Yamato (ヤマト), allies with Luffy against Kaido. Yamato was inspired by Oden's death and proclaimed she would adopt his will of freeing Wano from Kaido's tyranny. Yamato is imprisoned by Kaido for this rebellion as Oden was one of his greatest enemies, and is able to read Oden's logbook with the help of three Wano samurai (reinforcing her admiration for Oden) and befriends Ace. Yamato idolizes Oden and aims to follow Oden's dream of leaving the country, to the point of acting like she was literally Oden, like saying Momonosuke (Oden's son) is her son. Yamato is later revealed to have the powers of the Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Okuchi no Makami which enables her to become an Okuchi no Makami (a fictional Japanese wolf deity) or an Okuchi no Makami-human hybrid which can produce cold and ice attacks. Yamato is capable of utilizing all three of types Haki, and is capable of using the advanced application for both and Haoshoku and Busoshoku Haki. During her alliance with Luffy and the strawhat pirates, she is able to help take down her corrupt father Kaido and free the land of Wano from his tyrannical rule. While she wants to sail the sea with Luffy, she decides to stay in Wano to guard it, for some time at least, to prevent attacks from foreign forces like the World Government.

Yamato is voiced by Saori Hayami in the original Japanese version. In the Funimation Entertainment English adaptation, Yamato is voiced by Michelle Rojas.

Other Wano inhabitants

Other Wano residents are:


Egghead (エッグヘッド, Egguheddo) is a Winter Island where Dr. Vegapunk resides and works. He developed the island into a futuristic island and has a tropical setting due to Dr. Vegapunk's Island A.C. unit. Egghead's factory level is called the Fabriophase, and contains a futuristic city and the Labophase laboratory. Egghead was later ravaged by a Buster Call during the Marines' invasion.

Dr. Vegapunk

Dr. Vegapunk (ベガパンク, Begapanku) is a scientist who is immersed in his work. While originally the director of MADS (which also consisted of Buckingham Stussy, Caesar Clown, Queen, and Vinsmoke Judge) before the group was arrested, Vegapunk was brought into the Marines as its head scientist. Some of his achievements when working for the Marines have included but are not limited to using seastones on the hulls of ships to keep the Sea Kings away, researching the Lineage Factor, creating artificial lifeforms, doing gigantification research, figuring out how to make an inanimate object "eat" a Devil Fruit, replicating Devil Fruit powers, doing cyborg modifications to people, working on warping technology, creating the DOM shoes like the one he wears which has different features, and a Den Den Mushi that can broadcast anything across the world.

At some point in the past, he had an encounter with Professor Claíomh D. Clover and learned about the people who had D in their name. Four years later, Vegapunk was saddened when Clover was killed in the desctruction of Ohana.

Dr. Vegapunk did not show up in person until the Egghead Arc when the Straw Hat Pirates found him on the winter island of Egghead. He was a target of Bonney because of the cyborg experiments that the World Government had him conduct on her father Bartholomew Kuma as she wants him to reverse what was done to him. It was Dr. Vegapunk who revealed the true name of Luffy's Devil Fruit known as the Human-Human Fruit: Model Nika since the books he has on every known Devil Fruit doesn't list the Gum-Gum Fruit.

Vegapunk originally had an enlarged head the size of a giant as a side effect of eating the Brain-Brain Fruit which enabled him to absorb and store a lot of information that he has learned. He would later split his brain and place them into his Punk Records. Vegapunk later created some satellites who assist in his research like the Seraphim Project.

When the Navy raided Egghead and started to do a Buster Call, Vegapunk was badly wounded by St. Jaygarcia Saturn and Kizaru. It was noted that Vegapunk's brain in the Punk Records would still live on if Vegapunk died.

Dr. Vegapunk is voiced by Yoshito Yasuhara in episode 610 in the original Japanese version and Yōhei Tadano in later episodes of the original Japanese version. In the Crunchyroll dub, he is voiced by Kent Williams.

Dr. Vegapunk's satellites

Dr. Vegapunk's satellites are artificial creations that represent aspects of his personality.


Joshu (ジョシュ, Joshu) is Dr. Vegapunk's pet cat who walks on its hind legs and works as his laboratory assistant.

Joshu is voiced by Hinako Takahashi in the original Japanese version.


Sentomaru (戦桃丸, Sentōmaru) is a large man with a sumo wrestler-like build who is in command of the Marine's Science Unit and the bodyguard of Dr. Vegapunk ever since he was saved by him in his youth. In addition, he is shown to have control over the Pacifista units. Following the Time Skip, Sentomaru became a full-fledged Marine officer.

During the "Egghead Arc", Sentomaru helped out the Straw Hat Pirates in their mission to rescue Dr. Vegapunk from York out of loyalty to Vegapunk. He was briefly captured by the Marines. After the Straw Hat Pirates escape from Egghead, Sentomaru escapes from Marines custody and leaves Egghead on a rowboat with supplies while shedding tears.

Sentomaru is voiced by Kazue Ikura in the original Japanese version and by Greg Ayres in the Funimation dub.


Stussy (ステューシー, Sutyūshī) is an elegant woman who is a clone of Buckingham Stussy developed by MADS who is employed as a spy by Dr. Vegapunk.[ch. 1072] She remained loyal to Vegapunk and has been working as a deep undercover agent of the World Government for 27 years, infiltrating CP0 and becoming one of its masked agents.[ch. 871] Stussy also posed and operated as an emperor of the Underworld under the nickname of the "Queen of the Pleasure District" (歓楽街の女王, Kanraku-gai no Joō).[ch. 860]

Stussy is voiced by Mami Kingetsu in the original Japanese version and by Anastasia Muñoz in the Funimation dub.


The Seraphim (セラフィム, Serafimu) are Pacifistas that Dr. Vegapunk had developed for the Navy. Each of them is a cyborg clone of a known member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea who resemble their child appearances, are spliced with King's Lunarian Lineage Factor that grants them Lunarian abilities, and have the Green Blood which enables them to copy the powers of a Devil Fruit. When CP0 infiltrated Egghead, they took control of the Seraphim to target their creator and his satellites. Though York later took over them after capturing Vegapunk and the CP0 agents.


Emet (エメト, Emeto) the Iron Giant (鉄の巨人, Tetsu no Kyojin) is a legendary gigantic robot that was created 900 years ago before running out of power and being rendered inert on Egghead. During Luffy's fight with the Marines and the Five Elders, Emet reactivates upon hearing Luffy's Drums of Liberation and helps battle the Marines.

Other Egghead inhabitants

The following are known inhabitants of Egghead with some of them being created by Dr. Vegapunk and his Satellites:


Elbaph (エルバフ, Erubafu) is a mountainous island that is inhabited by giants and has a colossal tree that dwarfs all of Elbaph. It was featured in a flashback during the "Whole Cake Island" Arc before finally being visited in a self-titled arc. While the lower regions are snow-coated mountains, the upper regions are on the tree.

Besides the Giant Warrior Pirates, the New Giant Warrior Pirates, and John Giant, the following reside in Elbaph.


Loki (ロキ, Roki) is the Prince of Elbaph and the brother of Hajrudin. The Straw Hat Pirates find him chained up after he had killed his father King Harald, stolen a legendary Devil Fruit, and was taken down by the full force of Elbaph's military earning him the title of "Accursed Prince". After Luffy introduces himself at his suggestion, Loki introduces himself and claims that he is the "Sun God" that will end the world.


Jarul (ヤルル, Yaruru) is a 67 ft. giant and former co-captain of the Giant Warrior Pirates who is the oldest of the giants and has a colossal beard resembling a mountain.

Jarul is voiced by Masaharu Satō in the original Japanese version and by Jason Douglas in the English dub.

Jaguar D. Saul

Jaguar D. Saul (ハグワール・D・サウロ, Haguwāru Dī Sauro) is a giant and former Vice Admiral who arrived on Ohara after he deserted the Marines. When the Buster Call was unleashed on Ohara, Jaguar risked his life to keep Nico Robin safe only to be frozen by Kuzan. He later escapes, meets Dr. Vegapunk, and gains access to Elbaph's library.

Jaguar D. Saul is voiced by Takeshi Kusao in the original Japanese version. In Funimation dub, he was voiced by Cole Brown in the earlier episodes and by Mark Stoddart in Movie 8 and the later episode starting at 1042.

Land of Gods inhabitants

Road of the New Giant Warrior Pirates established a terrarium called the Land of Gods in Bigstein Castle which he ran as the Sun King and filled it with humans and giant animals.

Other characters, groups and organizations

The following are characters, groups, and organizations that do not fit in any of the sections above:

Easter Egg characters

In the series, some characters usually appear as easter eggs, making some cameos in the scenes as recurring jokes. Notable among them is Panda Man (パンダマン, Pandaman), a panda-headed man who is often found among crowds of characters, similar to the Where's Wally? books.

Other Easter Egg characters include Pandawoman (パンダウーマン美, Pandaūmanmi), a female version of Pandaman, normally seen in crowds on Amazon Lily, Sam (サムさん, Samu-san), a man who often appears drunk in cities, and Tomato Gang (トマトギャング, Tomato Gyangu), a tomato-headed man who pursues Pandaman.

Baroque Works

Baroque Works (バロック・ワークス, Barokku Wākusu) is a secret organization of more than two thousand members whose aim is to stage a coup d'état in the Alabasta Kingdom. Using code names, Mr. 0 (Sir Crocodile) and Ms. All-Sunday (Nico Robin) serve as the organization's president and vice-president respectively. Taking orders directly from them are thirteen male agents, who use the code names Mr. 1 through Mr. 13, and their female partners, who use code names taken from days of the week or holidays and happy events.[ch. 161f.]

Agents Mr. 1 through Mr. 5, and their partners are called Officer Agents and entrusted with only the most important of missions.[ch. 155] Agents Mr. 6 through Mr. 12 and their partners are called Frontier Agents who oversee the other operations.

Ms. Doublefinger

Zala (ザラ, Zara), a.k.a. Pola (ポーラ, Pōra), code named Ms. Doublefinger (ミス・ダブルフィンガー, Misu Daburufingā, named after New Year's Day),[e][ch. 190, 533] when she works as a bartender and owner of the Spiders Café, was the highest-ranking female Officer Agent of Baroque Works and Daz Bones' partner whose body can grow spikes thanks to the powers of the Spike-Spike Fruit.

Ms. Doublefinger is voiced by Rin Mizuhara in episodes 103 and 104 of the original Japanese version, Yuko Tachibana starting in Episode 107 of the original Japanese version, Eva Kaminsky in the 4Kids dub (except in Grand Battle where she is voiced by Kathleen Delaney), and by Leah Clark in the Funimation dub.


Bentham (ベンサム, Bensamu), better known under his codename "Mr. 2 Bon Clay" (Mr. 2 ボン・クレー, Misutā Tsū Bon Kurē), is member of Baroque Works who is a drag queen (オカマ, okama) and a skilled martial artist with the power of the Paramecia-type Clone-Clone Fruit (マネマネの実, Mane Mane no Mi), which allows him to transform into an exact copy of anyone whose face he once touched with his right hand.[ch. 156, 532] He has a flamboyant attitude which includes singing and performing ballet moves. He is the only Baroque Works Officer Agent without a female partner,[ch. 155] because as a transvestite, he fills both roles himself. Likewise, his code name is a composite of a male Officer Agent's number, "Mr. 2", and a female Official Agent's holiday code name, "Bon Clay", which represents the Bon Festival and year-end festivals.[ch. 161f.]

In the original Japanese series, he is voiced by Kazuki Yao.[11] In the 4Kids English adaptation, he is voiced by Kevin Kolack.[50] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Barry Yandell.[39]

Ms. Golden Week

Marianne (マリアンヌ, Mariannu), better known as Ms. Golden Week (ミス・ゴールデンウィーク, Misu Gōruden Wīku, named after the Japanese Golden Week) is an artist and member of Baroque who can manipulate emotions using paint and is paired with Mr. 3.[ch. 124, 161]

Ms. Golden Week is voiced by Akiko Nakagawa in the original Japanese version and by Cherami Leigh in the Funimation dub.

Mr. 4 and Ms. Merry Christmas

Babe (ベーブ, Bēbu), or Mr. 4, is a member of Baroque Works who fights using a four-ton baseball bat and a bazooka named Lassoo that can transform into a dachshund or a dachshund-bazooka hybrid after it "ate" the Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Dachshund.

Drophy (ドロフィー, Dorofi), or Ms. Merry Christmas (ミス・メリークリスマス, Misu Merī Kurisumasu) is Mr. 4's partner who can transform into a mole or a mole-human hybrid thanks to the powers of the Mole-Mole Fruit.[ch. 160, 183]

Mr. 4 is voiced by Masaya Takatsuka in the original Japanese version and by David Lapkin and Scott Hinze in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Ms. Merry Christmas is voiced by Mami Kingetsu in the original Japanese version and by Kayzie Rogers and Wendy Powell in the 4Kids and Funimation dub respectively.

Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine

Gem (ジェム, Jemu), or Mr. 5 is a member of Baroque Works can cause explosions with any part of his body, including his mucus and breath, thanks to the powers of the Bomb-Bomb Fruit.

His partner Mikita (ミキータ, Mikīta), better known as Ms. Valentine (ミス・バレンタイン, Misu Barentain) can change her weight at will due to the power of the Kilo-Kilo Fruit.[ch. 111f., 124]

Mr. 5 is voiced by Masaya Takatsuka in the original Japanese version and by Scottie Ray and Andrew Love in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively. Ms. Valentine is voiced by Fumiko Orikasa in the original Japanese version and by Amy Palant and Jamie Marchi in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Mr. 7 and Miss Father's Day

Mr. 7 is a sniper who succeeded the previous Mr. 7 who was killed in action.

His partner Miss Father's Day (ミス・ファーザーズデー, Misu Fāzāzu Dē) is also a sniper.

Both of them were charged with the duty to guard the large cannon at the top of a tower that would destroy Alubarna only to be defeated by Nefertari Vivi.

Mr. 7 is voiced by Keisuke in the original Japanese version and by David Lapkin and Anthony Bowling in the 4Kids and Funimation dub respectively. Miss Father's Day is voiced by Tomoko Naka in the original Japanese version and by Erica Schroeder and Cynthia Cranz in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Miss Monday

Miss Monday (ミス・マンデー, Misu Mandē) is a brown-skinned woman with pink hair and member of Baroque Works who operates in Whisky Peak. She is a super-strong woman who operated as a nun and was partnered to Igaram under his Mr. 8 alias. Miss Monday was among those defeated by Mr. 5 when Sir Crocodile had learned the truth about Nefertari Vivi. Sometime after the defeat of Sir Crocodile, Miss Monday recovered and now has a child with Mr. 9.

Miss Monday is voiced by Makiko Ohmoto in the original Japanese version and by Russell Velazquez and Clarine Harp in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Mr. 9

Mr. 9 is a member of Baroque Works who operates in Whisky Peak and was partnered with Nefertari Vivi under her Miss Wednesday alias. Mr. 9 was among those defeated by Mr. 5 when Sir Crocodile had learned the truth about Nefertari Vivi. Sometime after the defeat of Sir Crocodile, Mr. 9 recovered and now has a child with Miss Monday.

Mr. 9 is voiced by Yasuhiro Takato in the original Japanese version and by Michael Sinterniklaas and Chris Patton in the 4Kids and Funimation dubs respectively.

Mr. 11

Mr. 11 is a member of Baroque Works agent who was captured by Smoker. While Smoker and his men were ashore, Mr. 11 was killed by Mr. Mellow of the Billions.

Mr. 11 is voiced by Kenichi Ono in the original Japanese version and by Chris Cason in the Funimation dub.

Mr. 13 and Miss Friday

Mr. 13 is an otter and member of Baroque Works and the Unluckies.

His partner Miss Friday (ミス・フライデー, Misu Furaidē) is a vulture and a member of the Unluckies who serves as Mr. 13's mode of transportation.

Both of them are charged with reporting threats to Baroque Works and punishing any agents who fail their mission. The Straw Hat Pirates first encounter them after Nefertari Vivi told them about Sir Crocodile. Mr. 13 drew their images as he and Miss Friday fly off. Mr. 13 and Miss Friday were dispatched by Sir Crocodile to check up on Miss Goldenweek only for them to be defeated by Sanji. Having been apprehended by the Marines after surviving Sanji's attack, they cooperated with them by making out pictures of the Baroque Works agents that avoided capture.


The foot soldiers for the Officer Agents are called the 200 Billions. Its known members are:


The foot soldiers for the Frontier Agents are called the 1,800 Millions, and have eclectic codenames. Its known members are

Edward Weevil

Edward Weevil (エドワード・ウィーブル, Edowādo Wīburu), also called "Whitebeard Jr." (白ひげ, Jr. Shirohige Junia), is the self-proclaimed son of Whitebeard, and was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. He is not very intelligent, and thus constantly manipulated by his mother Buckingham Stussy. Influenced by his mother, Weevil believe that he is the rightful heir of Whitebeard's fortune, not the members of his father's crew, and to claim Whitebeard's treasure that Buckin promised him, he fought and destroyed fifteen pirate crews that served under Whitebeard.

Edward Weevil is voiced by Kōzō Shioya in the original Japanese version and by Brook Chalmers in the Funimation dub.

Buckingham Stussy

Buckingham Stussy (バッキンガム・ステューシー, Bakkingamu Sutyūsh) is the mother of Edward Weevil. She is a former pirate, a former member of MADS and the self-proclaimed lover of Whitebeard.

Buckingham Stussy is voiced by Reiko Suzuki in the original Japanese version and by Erica Schroeder in the Funimation dub.

World Economy News Paper

The World Economy News Paper (世界経済新聞, Sekai Keizai Shinbun) is a newspaper company that sends its news out to everywhere in the world.

Its known members are:

Revolutionary Army

The Revolutionary Army (革命軍, Kakumeigun) is a globally operating military force of rebels, openly aiming to overthrow the World Government. To that end, they incite revolutions in countries around the world. The organization is led by the world's most wanted man, Monkey D. Dragon, who is known to the public only as Dragon.[ch. 432] Also unknown to the public are his family ties; he is the son of Garp and father of Luffy.[ch. 432] Next in command after Dragon is Sabo, Luffy's sworn brother.

Before the events in Dressrosa, they were based on Baltigo, but after the Blackbeard Pirates attacked the island because of the presence of one of their Ten Titanic Captains, they moved to Kamabakka Kingdom.

Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon (モンキー・D・ドラゴン, Monkī Dī Doragon), commonly known simply as "Dragon the Revolutionary", is the father of the Straw Hat Captain Monkey D. Luffy and the son of the naval hero Monkey D. Garp. He was previously in the Marines like his father but deserted it after seeing corruption and formed the Freedom Fighters to overthrow corrupt monarchs before becoming the infamous supreme commander and founder of the Revolutionary Army who has been attempting to overthrow the World Government. Not much is known about his activities, background, history, or power. He is the World Government's greatest enemy, and is the most dangerous and most wanted man in the world. Dragon's family ties were revealed to the world, following the end of the Battle of Marineford. [ch. 558][ch. 794]

In the Japanese version, Hidekatsu Shibata is in charge, and in his youth, Kazuhiko Inoue is in charge.In the 4Kids English adaptation, he was voiced by Dan Green, and in the Funimation English version of the series, he is voiced by Bryan Massey.


Sabo (サボ) is the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army and sworn brother to Luffy and Ace.[ch. 585, 744] Introduced as a noble from the Goa Kingdom years before the series' present, Sabo leaves his home and family to live in the Gray Terminal. After he and Ace befriend Luffy, the three of them exchange cups of sake and become "brothers" (similar to the initiation ritual in yakuza organizations). Sabo's ship is destroyed by a Celestial Dragon. Though he is thought to have been killed in the attack, Sabo survived and was rescued by Monkey D. Dragon, though he suffers from amnesia. Under Dragon, he joins the Revolutionary Army and ascends the ranks. After hearing of Ace's death, Sabo's grief causes his memory to return. Although remaining loyal to the Revolutionary Army, Sabo becomes determined to obtain Ace's Devil Fruit, the Flame-Flame Fruit, to inherit Ace's will. He later finds it as the prize of a tournament on Dressrosa, where he reunites with Luffy and takes his place by using Luffy's alias "Lucy".[ch. 744] After winning the tournament, Sabo eats the Flame-Flame Fruit and battles Admiral Fujitora and Jesus Burgess in an effort to protect Luffy.

He is voiced by Tōru Furuya as an adult and as a child by Junko Takeuchi. In the Funimation English adaptation, his adult voice is supplied by Vic Mignogna in the dub of One Piece Film: Gold and Episode of Sabo and by Johnny Yong Bosch in all other appearances, while his child voice is supplied by Morgan Garrett.

Captains of the Revolutionary Army

The captains (軍隊長, guntaichō, army commanders) of the Revolutionary Army lead divisions, each representing a sea. They consist of:

Deputy Captains of the Revolutionary Army

The deputy captains (副軍隊長, fuku guntaichō, deputy commanders) are second-in command of divisions, each representing a sea and assisting their captains. They consist of:

Other Revolutionary Army officers

Bartholomew Kuma

The "Tyrant" (暴君, Bōkun) Bartholomew Kuma (バーソロミュー・くま, Bāsoromyū Kuma, kuma () meaning bear), is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea; the only one with a reputation for complete obedience to the World Government, when in fact he is an officer of the Revolutionary Army.[ch. 234, 473f., 603] The power of the Paramecia-type Paw-Paw Fruit (ニキュニキュの実, Nikyu Nikyu no Mi) allows his palms to repel anything, from physical objects such as people or air to abstracts such as pain and fatigue.[ch. 484f.] He can use this ability to safely transport himself or others over long distances.[ch. 514] Kuma is the model for the Pacifista (パシフィスタ, Pashifisuta), a class of experimental cyborgs created by Dr. Vegapunk for the Government. Their bodies are made of a substance harder than steel, and they can shoot powerful blasts from their mouths that can melt metal.[ch. 485] The other Pacifista look just like Kuma, sharing his towering, bear-like stature, but lack the Paw-Paw Fruit's ability. Instead, they are able to shoot laser beams from their palms.[ch. 508f.] At some point during his gradual conversion into the human weapon "PX-0", Kuma's personality is erased, leaving him a programmable fighting machine under the Government's control until becoming a slave-to-rent for the World Nobles as punishment for aiding Luffy.[ch. 559f.]

In the original Japanese series, Bartholomew Kuma is voiced by Hideyuki Hori.[59] Joel McDonald provides his voice in the Funimation English adaptation.[72]


Koala (コアラ, Koara) is a high-ranking officer of the Revolutionary Army and their Assistant Fish-Man Karate Instructor who was a slave who was saved by Fisher Tiger.

Koala is voiced by Satsuki Yukino in the original Japanese version and by Jeannie Tirado in the Funimation dub.

Other Revolutionary Army members


Hack (ハック, Hakku) is a Fish-Man Karate Instructor in the Revolutionary Army and Japanese soldierfish-type fish-man.

Hack is voiced by Kōsei Hirota in the original Japanese version and by Garret Schenck in the Funimation dub except for some episodes, where he is voiced by Kent Williams.


Allen Divers of Anime News Network comments that the male character designs of One Piece are "often quite varied and unique", while the female ones become "a bit repetitive". He also notes that, as the characters are "defined by what they seek", there is little room "for actual development".[73] Todd Douglass Jr. of DVD Talk simply states that the series' characters have a lot of "charm".[74] His colleague Carl Kimlinger describes the visual style of One Piece as "unconventional" with "grotesquely exaggerated expressions, simple eyes, big mouths and bigger teeth", "supremely ugly supporting characters and skinny, gangly-limbed main cast" and comments that "it's all amazingly distinctive, utterly appropriate, and surprisingly cool—in a goofy kind of way". He also notes that "Funimation's English dub is light-years better than the 4Kids debacle", "unusually accurate, professional, and largely enjoyable, which is far, far more than can be said of the previous dub". He laments that Funimation's version of "Crocodile loses his sepulchral charisma" and that "the original's fine dance on the edge of mawkish sentimentality is disrupted often enough by less-than-stellar acting". He also states that "Colleen Clinkenbeard's Luffy is more a generic spunky kid than a personality in his own right, really coming to life only during the action scenes during which she does a fine job of being darned cool."[75]

Dustin Somner of comments that the Japanese and Funimation voice-acting is "fairly good, but not exceptional" and sometimes "overly zany".[76] Todd Douglass Jr. of DVD Talk notes "the daunting cast of characters, both good and bad" as "one of the appealing factors" of the anime, but also comments that "Some of the voices [of the 4Kids dub] were pretty irritating ... with a lot of high-pitches and over exaggerated speech."[77] Brigitte Schönhense of Splashcomics comments that the "brilliant" (German: genial) flashbacks into the characters' pasts make them so "likeable and lovable" (German: "sympathisch und liebenswert") and that they are the manga's real strength.[78][79] Mania Entertainment writer Jarred Pine comments that Oda's characters are "whacky" and that his "bizarre" character designs create "wonderful characterizations and personalities". He notes the "well illustrated" facial expressions and says that "it's the whacky characterizations and designs that makes One Piece its own".[80] His colleague Bryce Coulter comments that "One Piece's bizarre character designs will keep your attention as they can be very random and often memorable. Not the prettiest, but it will definitely capture your attention."[81]


  1. ^ Fish-men are humanoid sea creatures in One Piece whose upper body resembles that of sea creatures. They are contrasted with mermen who have the upper half of a human and the bottom half of a fish.[vol. 23:SBS]
  2. ^ Minks are the names given to a race of anthropomorphic animals.
  3. ^ クロオビ, Kuroobi
  4. ^ チュウ, Chū
  5. ^ a b Miss Doublefinger is named after the New Year's Day. Oda has noted that this is 1/1 or two fingers, or "double finger".[ch. 161f.]
  6. ^ The Japanese word kaigun (海軍) translates as navy in English and as marine in French and Dutch, and as Marine in German.
  7. ^ The normal Japanese word for "marine", kaiheitai (海兵隊), is not used in the original.
  8. ^ マントラ, Mantora
  9. ^ 神官, Shinkan
  10. ^ サトリ
  11. ^ ゲダツ
  12. ^ シュラ
  13. ^ オーム, Ōmu
  14. ^ 神兵, Shinpei
  15. ^ ヤマ



  1. ^ a b c d e f g One Piece Log Collection: East Blue (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2010.
  2. ^ a b c d e One Piece: Volume 1: King of the Pirates (DVD). Viz Media. 2006. ISBN 978-1-59861-000-0.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l One Piece: Collection 1 (DVD). Funimation Entertainment. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4210-2341-0.
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  10. ^ One Piece: Volume 5: King of the Busboys (DVD). Viz Media. 2006. ISBN 978-1-59861-004-8.
  11. ^ a b c d One Piece Log Collection: Chopper (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2010.
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  13. ^ "Meet the Real Pirate King!". Shonen Jump. August 2007.
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  18. ^ Nealy, Devin (June 7, 2020). "One Piece: 10 Times The English Dub Was Actually Better Than The Original". Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on June 2, 2021. Retrieved May 29, 2021.
  19. ^ One Piece Log Collection: Water Seven (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2011.
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  23. ^ One Piece: 13thシーズン インペルダウン篇: Piece.02 (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2011.
  24. ^ One Piece: 13thシーズン インペルダウン篇: Piece.04 (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2011.
  25. ^ a b One Piece Log Collection: Nami (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2010.
  26. ^ a b One Piece: Volume 7: New Crew (DVD). Viz Media. 2007. ISBN 978-1-59861-006-2.
  27. ^ a b c d One Piece: Collection 2 (DVD). Funimation Entertainment. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4210-2404-2.
  28. ^ Kimlinger, Carl (June 3, 2008). "Review: One Piece: DVD—Season 1 Part 1 Uncut". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on November 18, 2011. Retrieved December 6, 2011.
  29. ^ Del Rosario, Alexandra (June 6, 2022). "Netflix 'One Piece' Live-Action Series Adds Six To Cast; Star Iñaki Godoy & Showrunners Tease Epic Sets". Deadline. Retrieved September 1, 2023.
  30. ^ a b 6thシーズン 空島·スカイピア篇: Piece.03 (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2004.
  31. ^ a b c d One Piece: Season 3: First Voyage (DVD). Funimation Entertainment. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4210-2119-5.
  32. ^ One Piece: 12thシーズン 女ヶ島篇: Piece.01 (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2011.
  33. ^ a b c d e Oda, Eiichiro (2019). "957 Ultimate". Oden's Adventure. One Piece. Vol. 95. Shueisha. ISBN 978-1974718139.
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  35. ^ One Piece: 10thシーズン スリラーバーク篇: Piece.03 (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2009.
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  38. ^ One Piece Log Collection: Foxy (DVD) (in Japanese). Avex Mode. 2011.
  39. ^ a b c d One Piece: The Desert Princess and the Pirates: Adventures in Alabasta (DVD). Funimation Entertainment. 2008. ISBN 978-1-4210-1124-0.
  40. ^ a b One Piece: Volume 2: The Circus Comes to Town (DVD). Viz Media. 2006. ISBN 978-1-59861-001-7.
  41. ^ a b "Fans Chat with Oda Sensei!". Shonen Jump. 7 (12). Viz Media: 32. December 2009.
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One Piece manga

Entire series

Individual volumes