Lista de diputados del Partido Laborista (Reino Unido)

Esta es una lista de los parlamentarios del Partido Laborista del Reino Unido . Incluye a todos los miembros del Parlamento (MPs) elegidos para la Cámara de los Comunes británica que representan al Partido Laborista desde 1900 hasta 1923 y desde 1992. Los miembros del Parlamento escocés , el Senedd o el Parlamento Europeo no están incluidos. Los que están en cursiva son los líderes generales del Partido Laborista, los que están en negrita son los primeros ministros.

Lista de diputados


























See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Formerly a Lib-Lab MP.
  2. ^ a b c d Formerly a Liberal Party MP.
  3. ^ Formerly a Common Wealth Party MP.
  4. ^ Resigned to sit as an independent in 1955.
  5. ^ Joined newly created National Labour in 1931.
  6. ^ a b c d Originally elected for the Co-operative Party; this affiliated to the Labour Party in 1927.
  7. ^ Resigned from the party over anti-Semitism
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac Elected for the Labour Representation Committee in or before 1906.
  9. ^ Expelled and formed the National Democratic and Labour Party.
  10. ^ a b Defected to the Liberal Party.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h Defected to Change UK
  12. ^ a b c Became the Speaker of the House of Commons, and as such, ceased to sit for the Labour Party.
  13. ^ Suspended from the party and later resigned from party to sit as an independent
  14. ^ a b c Left the Labour Party in 1931 but continued to sit as an Independent Labour Party MP.
  15. ^ Elected as an Independent Labour Party MP in 1935 but later rejoined the Labour Party.
  16. ^ a b Resigned to sit as an "Independent Labour" MP.
  17. ^ a b c Suspended from the party following criminal charges over the expenses scandal
  18. ^ Parliamentary whip withheld, elected as an Independent in 2024
  19. ^ Suspended December 2015, deselected for 2017 election.
  20. ^ Suspended from the party following allegations
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i Formerly a Conservative Party MP.
  22. ^ Resigned from the party over anti-Semitism
  23. ^ Resigned the Labour whip over anti-Semitism in the party.
  24. ^ Expelled from the Labour Party and sat as Independent Labour; later a founder member of Respect – The Unity Coalition & Workers Party of Britain.
  25. ^ a b c d Expelled from the Labour Party in September 1931, founded National Labour.
  26. ^ a b Expelled from the Labour Party and sat as an independent.
  27. ^ Suspended from the party following allegations
  28. ^ First elected for the Labour Representation Committee
  29. ^ a b c Defected to the Lloyd George Coalition Government as a Coalition Labour MP.
  30. ^ Suspended from party following allegations
  31. ^ Suspended following charges from the expenses scandal
  32. ^ Elected as a National Socialist Party MP in 1918 against an official Labour Party candidate.
  33. ^ Suspended from the party after arrest on suspicion of assault
  34. ^ Suspended from the party in 2017 before resigning from the party in 2018
  35. ^ Suspended from the party following complaint
  36. ^ Elected in 1929 as an "Independent Labour" MP due to an oversight, but took the Labour Party whip immediately.
  37. ^ Suspended from the party over expenses scandal
  38. ^ Defected to Liberal Democrats; rejoined the Labour Party in 2005 but was not given the whip.
  39. ^ Sat as an independent from July 2018 until the dissolution of that parliament.
  40. ^ Suspended following conviction and later expelled
  41. ^ Suspended from the party and prevented from standing at the election following complaint
  42. ^ Saklatvala was a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. He stood as an official Labour candidate in 1922. He lost the seat in 1923, regaining it in 1924 as a Communist candidate, without Labour support.
  43. ^ Defected to the Liberal Democrats at the end of his term of office.
  44. ^ Re-elected in 1935 for the Independent Labour Party and did not rejoin the Labour Party until 1947.
  45. ^ Suspended from the party following allegations
  46. ^ a b Elected as an "Independent Labour" MP.
  47. ^ Elected as an "Independent Labour" MP in 1918; took the Labour Party whip in 1919 but renounced it in 1920.
  48. ^ Joined the Independent Labour Party, then affiliated to the Labour Party, shortly before the general election.
  49. ^ Resigned the party whip to sit as an independent
  50. ^ Expelled from the party due to conviction for harassment
  51. ^ Suspended from the party
  52. ^ Suspended 30 April 2018, resigned 18 July 2018
  53. ^ Expelled from the Labour Party, founded the Labour Independent Group in 1949.