Glosario de términos náuticos (M–Z)

Este glosario de términos náuticos es una lista alfabética de términos y expresiones relacionados con los barcos , el transporte marítimo , la marinería y la navegación en el agua (en su mayoría, aunque no necesariamente, en el mar). Algunos siguen vigentes, mientras que muchos datan de los siglos XVII al XIX. La palabra náutica deriva del latín nauticus , del griego nautikos , de nautēs : "marinero", de naus : "barco".

También se puede encontrar más información sobre terminología náutica en Metáforas náuticas en inglés y se incluyen términos militares adicionales en el artículo Código de brevedad táctica multiservicio . Los términos utilizados en otros campos asociados con masas de agua se pueden encontrar en Glosario de términos de pesca , Glosario de terminología de buceo submarino , Glosario de términos de remo y Glosario de meteorología .

Este glosario se divide en dos artículos:


Una estructura que combina el mástil del radar y la chimenea de escape de un buque de superficie, ahorrando así un valioso espacio en cubierta. [ cita requerida ]
Mae Oeste
Un dispositivo de flotación personal de la Segunda Guerra Mundial utilizado para mantener a la gente a flote en el agua; debe su nombre a la actriz de la década de 1930 Mae West , conocida por su gran pecho.

También revista del barco .

El área de almacenamiento de municiones a bordo de un buque de guerra.
Cojinete magnético
Un rumbo absoluto que utiliza el norte magnético.
norte magnético
La dirección hacia el polo norte magnético varía lentamente con el tiempo.
viaje inaugural
El primer viaje de un barco en su función prevista, es decir, excluidos los viajes de prueba.
Arco Maierform
Una proa en forma de V introducida a fines de la década de 1920 que permitía a un barco mantener una velocidad determinada con menos potencia, mejoraba el comportamiento en el mar, aumentaba la flotabilidad de reserva, reducía los movimientos de cabeceo y mejoraba la inmersión de la hélice para aumentar el rendimiento en mares agitados.
El alta mar; el océano abierto .
cubierta principal
La cubierta continua superior que se extiende desde proa hasta popa.
braza de mayor
Cualquiera de los tirantes unidos a la verga de la vela mayor (la vela más grande y más baja del mástil mayor) en un buque de aparejo cuadrado.
palo mayor

También simplemente principal .

1. El mástil más alto de un barco [1] con más de un mástil, especialmente el mástil más alto de un barco de aparejo completo .
2. En un barco con más de un mástil, el segundo mástil desde la proa .
cabeza del palo mayor
La parte superior del mástil mayor de un barco de vela.
mastelero mayor
Un marinero asignado al mástil mayor.
red eléctrica
Las brazas mayores de la vela mayor. [2]
Escota mayor
Una línea de control de vela que permite el efecto más obvio en el ajuste de la vela mayor. Se utiliza principalmente para controlar el ángulo de la botavara y, por lo tanto, de la vela mayor; este control también puede aumentar o disminuir la tensión descendente de la botavara mientras se navega contra el viento, lo que afecta significativamente la forma de la vela. Para un mayor control sobre la tensión descendente de la botavara, se puede utilizar una contra de botavara .
El estay que va desde la parte superior del palo mayor hasta la parte inferior del palo trinquete , o desde la parte superior del palo trinquete hasta la roda del barco.
abriendo camino
Cuando un buque se mueve por sus propios medios.
buque de guerra

También hombre de guerra .

Un buque de guerra de la era de la vela .
hombre al agua
1. Una llamada de emergencia que alerta a la tripulación de que alguien a bordo ha caído al agua y debe ser rescatado.
2. Persona que ha caído al agua desde un barco o embarcación, objeto del intento de rescate resultante.
hombre los rieles
Colocar a la tripulación de un buque de guerra a lo largo de las bordas y la superestructura del buque como método de saludar o rendir honores.
hombre los patios
Hacer que toda la tripulación de un velero que no se requiere en cubierta para manejar el barco suba a la arboladura y se distribuya a lo largo de las vergas. Originalmente se utilizaba en los puertos para mostrar a toda la tripulación a las autoridades del puerto y a otros barcos presentes para demostrar que los cañones del barco no estaban ocupados y, por lo tanto, sus intenciones eran pacíficas. Desde entonces, la tripulación de las vergas se ha convertido en una exhibición utilizada en el puerto durante celebraciones y otros eventos especiales.
Un documento que enumera la carga, los pasajeros y la tripulación de un barco para uso de la aduana y otros funcionarios.
Plataforma Marconi
Término arcaico para el aparejo bermudeño . La vela mayor es triangular, aparejada de proa a popa con su grátil fijado al mástil. El foque es una vela de estay enganchada al estay de proa . Hace referencia a la similitud del mástil alto con una antena de radio.
puerto pequeño
Un punto de atraque para barcos pequeños y yates.
1. Soldado entrenado para el servicio a flote en una fuerza (principalmente) de infantería que se especializa en campañas navales y está subordinada a una armada o a una rama naval separada del servicio en lugar de a un ejército. A menudo se escribe con mayúscula (por ejemplo, un marine o los Marines ). Ejemplos notables son los Royal Marines del Reino Unido , formados como el Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot en 1664 con muchas y variadas tareas, incluida la de proporcionar guardia a los oficiales del barco en caso de que hubiera un motín a bordo, y el Cuerpo de Marines de los EE. UU. , formado en 1775 como un servicio naval separado junto con la Armada de los EE. UU. Es incorrecto, y a menudo los marines lo ven como ofensivo, referirse a un marine como un "soldado" o "soldado de infantería", ya que estos términos se refieren al personal de un ejército en lugar de al de una fuerza de marines. También es incorrecto, y a veces considerado ofensivo tanto por los marinos mercantes como por los infantes de marina, referirse a los marinos mercantes como "marines mercantes", porque los marinos mercantes son marineros civiles responsables de operar buques mercantes y no son infantes de marina. A veces los marineros piensan que los infantes de marina son bastante crédulos, de ahí la frase "cuéntaselo a los infantes de marina", que significa que uno no cree lo que se dice.
2. Término alternativo para designar a una armada, poco común en inglés pero común en otros idiomas.
3. Del mar o perteneciente al mar (por ejemplo, biología marina, seguros marítimos, salvamento marítimo).
4. Un cuadro que representa un tema relacionado con el mar.
reloj de arena marino (o vidrio)
Instrumento de cronometraje parecido a un reloj de arena utilizado a bordo de los barcos desde al menos el siglo XIV hasta que los relojes mecánicos confiables lo reemplazaron a principios del siglo XIX. Los relojes de arena marinos medían el paso del tiempo en incrementos de 30 minutos para regular el tiempo de guardia, medir la velocidad de un barco y ayudar a determinar la posición de un barco midiendo el tiempo transcurrido mientras se encontraba en un rumbo determinado.
Un marinero.
1. Del mar o relacionado con él (por ejemplo, actividades marítimas, derecho marítimo , estrategia marítima ).
2. Que limita con el mar (por ejemplo, provincias marítimas, estados marítimos ).
3. Que viven en el mar o cerca de él (por ejemplo, los animales marítimos ).
4. De o relacionado con un marinero o un navegante.
aguja de marlín
Una herramienta utilizada en trabajos con cuerdas para tareas tales como desenrollar cuerdas para empalmarlas, desatar nudos o formar un mango improvisado.
Poste vertical de un barco que sostiene las velas o el aparejo. Si se trata de un mástil de madera de varias piezas, este término se aplica específicamente a la parte más baja.
caja del mástil
Tabernáculo de un navegante. Herraje de hierro en el que se fija el talón del mástil. [2]
Socio de mástil
El área reforzada de la cubierta que rodea el orificio por el que pasa un mástil a medida que se eleva desde su escalón (generalmente en la quilla) hasta el área sobre la cubierta [3]
paso de mástil
El lugar en el casco donde descansa el punto más bajo de un mástil, que soporta el peso del mástil y el empuje impuesto por la tensión del aparejo, y evita el movimiento lateral y de proa a popa de la parte inferior del mástil. Con un casco y un mástil de madera, esto se logra generalmente haciendo un hueco en la parte superior de la quilla , un piso o algún otro componente estructural importante. Una espiga cortada en la parte inferior del mástil se asienta cómodamente en el hueco. [4] Con un mástil de aluminio escalonado en cubierta, el escalón puede consistir en un accesorio de metal atornillado a la cubierta, al que se atornilla un accesorio correspondiente en la parte inferior del mástil.
pisando el mástil
El proceso de levantar un mástil.
Una pequeña plataforma situada a la mitad del mástil, justo por encima de la altura de la verga principal. Aquí se encuentra un puesto de vigilancia y desde aquí embarcarán los hombres que estén trabajando en la verga principal. Véase también cofa .
luz de tope
Una luz blanca encendida en la parte delantera de un barco.
1. El capitán de un buque comercial.
2. Un oficial superior de un buque de vela naval a cargo de la navegación y las tareas rutinarias de marinería, pero que no está al mando durante el combate.
3. ( maestro ) Un antiguo rango naval.
maestro de armas
Suboficial responsable de la disciplina en un buque de guerra. De pie entre los oficiales y la tripulación, conocido comúnmente en la Marina Real como "el amortiguador". [ cita requerida ]
lote de mates
Un término tradicional de la Marina Real para referirse a un marinero común.
Equipajes militares de todo tipo para los servicios navales. Las bombas, mantas, hachas y boletines de la Armada y el Cuerpo de Marines. Tomados de la armada británica de Nelson cuando los servicios estadounidenses se volvieron profesionales. Véase también material : suministros, equipos y armas militares.
Amarre en el Mediterráneo

También amarres Med y Tahití .

Un método de amarre de popa a popa.
Marina mercante
Término colectivo que designa a todos los buques mercantes registrados en un país determinado y a los civiles (especialmente los de esa nacionalidad) que los tripulan; se dice que los buques y el personal en conjunto constituyen la marina mercante de ese país . En el Reino Unido y en algunos otros países se denomina marina mercante.
marinero mercante
Oficial civil o marinero que presta servicio en la marina mercante . A veces, a este personal se lo denomina incorrectamente "marineros mercantes", pero tanto los marineros mercantes como los infantes de marina desaprueban este término; aunque los marineros mercantes forman parte de la marina mercante, son civiles y no son de ninguna manera infantes de marina, que son un tipo especializado de personal militar.
marina mercante
Nombre otorgado a la marina mercante del Reino Unido por el rey Jorge V y adoptado también por otros países. El personal de la marina mercante está formado por civiles y el término "marina mercante" no implica que ellos o sus barcos sean parte de la marina. Sinónimo del término marina mercante .
Buque mercante : cualquier buque no naval de transporte de pasajeros o carga, incluidos los buques de carga , petroleros y buques de pasajeros , pero excluidos los buques de transporte de tropas .

También messdeck .

1. Un lugar para comer a bordo de un barco.
2. Un grupo de tripulantes que viven y comen juntos.
catering en cubierta de comedor
Sistema de catering en el que se distribuye una ración estándar a un grupo de camareros, complementada con una asignación en dinero que el grupo puede utilizar para comprar víveres adicionales en las tiendas del sobrecargo o en otro lugar. Cada grupo de camareros era autónomo y se autorregulaba. Los cocineros marineros, a menudo miembros del grupo de camareros, preparaban las comidas y las llevaban, en una cantimplora de hojalata, a la cocina para que las cocinaran los cocineros del barco. A diferencia de la " cafetería " en la que la comida se distribuye a un solo camarero, que es ahora la práctica general.
El punto medio entre el centro de flotabilidad de un buque cuando está en posición vertical y su centro de flotabilidad cuando está inclinado.
altura metacéntrica (GM)
Medida de la estabilidad estática inicial de un buque a flote, calculada como la distancia entre su centro de gravedad y su metacentro . Un buque con una altura metacéntrica grande se inclina más rápidamente y, por lo tanto, de manera más incómoda para las personas a bordo; un buque con una altura metacéntrica pequeña se inclinará lentamente y puede enfrentar un mayor peligro de volcar .
Pasaje intermedio
La parte del patrón de comercio triangular de finales del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XIX en el océano Atlántico en el que se transportaban esclavos desde África hasta las Américas . En la terminología del propio comercio de esclavos , el Paso Medio vinculaba el Primer Paso (la entrega desde Europa de los bienes comerciales que se utilizarían para comprar esclavos) con el Paso Final (el envío de los productos de las plantaciones de esclavos – azúcar, tabaco, algodón – a los mercados de Europa).
Las cuadernas centrales de la vela mayor, más altas que las inferiores y más bajas que las mayores. [2]
casa de la mitad del barco
Una superestructura construida sobre la sección central del casco , que a menudo alberga el puente y los camarotes de los oficiales, así como los camarotes de los pasajeros a bordo de los transatlánticos de carga . Una característica común de los petroleros, transatlánticos de carga y buques de carga hasta mediados del siglo XX, cuando el diseño de los barcos se alejó del uso de las casetas centrales.
guardia marina
1. Durante el siglo XVII, grado naval para un marinero experimentado.
2. Del siglo XVIII, candidato a oficial naval.
3. Desde la década de 1790, aprendiz de oficial naval.
4. Del siglo XIX, cadete oficial de una academia naval.
5. En el uso británico contemporáneo, suboficial de rango inferior al de teniente . Generalmente se considera que está "en formación" hasta cierto punto. También conocido como "Snotty". Es "la forma más baja de rango en la Marina Real", donde tiene autoridad y responsabilidad sobre los rangos más subalternos, pero, al mismo tiempo, confía en su experiencia y aprende su oficio de ellos.
6. En el uso contemporáneo estadounidense, cadete de uno u otro sexo de la Academia de la Marina Mercante de los Estados Unidos o de la Academia Naval de los Estados Unidos , o que está bajo contrato y ha prestado el Juramento del Cargo en el programa del Cuerpo de Entrenamiento de Oficiales de la Reserva de la Marina (NROTC). Cuando está en plural ( guardiamarinas ), el término se refiere al cuerpo estudiantil de cualquiera de las dos academias, y más formalmente como "el Regimiento de Guardiamarinas" para la Academia de la Marina Mercante y "la Brigada de Guardiamarinas" para la Academia Naval, o para los miembros de la unidad NROTC generalmente organizados en batallones.
enganche de guardiamarina
Una alternativa al nudo Blackwall , preferible si la cuerda está engrasada. Se hace formando primero un nudo Blackwall y luego tomando la parte inferior y colocándola sobre el pico del anzuelo. [5]
nueces de guardiamarina
Trozos de galleta como postre. [6]
rol de guardiamarina
Un método descuidado de enrollar una hamaca transversalmente y sujetarla en los extremos con una pista. [6]
en medio del navío

También en medio del barco

Una forma abreviada de en medio del barco , con ambos significados alternativos. [7]
Ver milla náutica .
Mástil militar
Mástil hueco y tubular utilizado en buques de guerra en el último tercio del siglo XIX, a menudo equipado con una cofa de combate armada con cañones de calibre ligero.
Ratas de a bordo
Un dispositivo explosivo autónomo destinado a dañar o hundir buques de superficie o submarinos, diseñado para ser colocado en el agua y dejarlo esperando hasta que se active por la aproximación, proximidad o contacto con un buque de superficie o submarinos.
cazador de minas
Buque diseñado o equipado para detectar y destruir minas individuales. Se diferencia de un dragaminas, que está diseñado o equipado para limpiar zonas de agua de minas sin necesidad de detectarlas primero.
Un buque diseñado o equipado para desplegar (o "colocar") minas.
Buque diseñado o equipado para limpiar zonas de agua de minas sin necesidad de detectarlas primero. Se diferencia de un cazaminas, que está diseñado o equipado para detectar y destruir minas individuales.
Permanecer perdido
Estar " en hierros " (es decir, perder el impulso hacia adelante) al cambiar de rumbo.
1. Una vela de mesana es una vela pequeña (triangular o cangreja ) en un queche o una yola colocada a popa del palo de mesana. [2]
2. Una vela de estay de mesana es una vela de estay ligera ocasional en un queche o un yawl, colocada por delante del palo de mesana mientras se extiende en vientos ligeros a moderados. [2]
3. Un palo de mesana es un mástil en un queche o un yawl, o en una barcaza de velacho . Su posición por delante o por detrás del codaste del timón distingue entre un queche y un yawl. En una barcaza, su aparejo determina si es una muffie o una mulie. [2]
palo de mesana

También mesana .

El tercer mástil, o el mástil detrás del palo mayor, en un barco.
Una estructura enorme, generalmente de piedra u hormigón, que se utiliza como muelle, rompeolas o paso elevado entre lugares separados por agua. Puede tener una estructura de madera encima y parecerse a un muelle o embarcadero de madera, pero un dique se diferencia de un muelle, embarcadero o embarcadero en que el agua no puede fluir libremente por debajo de él.
1. Un tipo de guía de rodillos, también conocido como rodillo de jaula, con rodillos verticales y horizontales, montado en la amurada o borda y utilizado para restringir y guiar una red de pesca o un cable de remolque para una red o un paraván detector de minas. [8] [9]
2. Barra o gancho vertical desmontable o plegable que se coloca en los baluartes de un remolcador a ambos lados para evitar que el cable de remolque se mueva demasiado hacia adelante, lo que puede poner en peligro la estabilidad. A veces está equipado con un rodillo. También se lo denomina pasador normando. [10]
1. Buque de guerra acorazado con torreta de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, caracterizado por un francobordo bajo , un calado reducido , poca navegabilidad y cañones pesados, destinado a operaciones fluviales y costeras.
2. En el uso ocasional del siglo XIX, cualquier buque de guerra con torreta.
3. Buque de bombardeo costero blindado de poco calado de la primera mitad del siglo XX, diseñado para proporcionar apoyo de fuego a las tropas terrestres, a menudo equipado con cañones pesados.
4. ( monitor de parapeto ) Un monitor del siglo XIX diseñado con un parapeto para mejorar la navegabilidad.
5. ( monitor de río ) Un monitor diseñado específicamente para operaciones fluviales, utilizado durante los siglos XIX y XX y más recientemente que otros tipos de monitores. Los monitores de río generalmente son más pequeños y livianos que otros monitores.
Puente de mono
Una plataforma alta sobre la timonera que ofrece mejor visibilidad al operador mientras maniobra.
puño de mono
Una bola tejida a partir de una cuerda que se utilizaba para proporcionar peso para llevar la cuerda a otra ubicación. El nudo de puño de mono y otros nudos para cuerdas de elevación a veces se lastraban con plomo (fácilmente disponible en forma de papel de aluminio que se utilizaba, por ejemplo, para sellar los cofres de té y evitar que se humedecieran), aunque Clifford W. Ashley señala que había un "límite deportivo definido" para el peso que se añadía de esa manera.
1. Fijar una embarcación a una boya o poste de amarre.
2. Atracar un barco.
3. Asegurar una embarcación con un cable o ancla .

También amarres .

Un lugar para amarrar un barco.
nave nodriza

También nave nodriza y nave nodriza .

Buque que dirige, presta servicio o transporta buques más pequeños, en este último caso, ya sea liberándolos y luego procediendo de forma independiente o también recuperándolos después de que hayan completado una misión u operación. Un buque nodriza a veces contrasta con un buque auxiliar, que a menudo (pero no necesariamente) es un buque que apoya o cuida a buques más grandes.
Velero a motor
Un tipo de embarcación de vela propulsada por motor, normalmente un yate, que puede obtener potencia de sus velas o motor, independientemente uno del otro y, a menudo, con ambos al mismo tiempo (vela a motor).
Navegación a motor
Navegar con la potencia de las velas y los motores al mismo tiempo. En un yate, esto suele hacerse a barlovento y puede resultar más cómodo que utilizar únicamente velas o motores por separado. [11]
barco de motor

También embarcación a motor .

Un barco propulsado por un motor de combustión interna , generalmente un motor diésel .
Plantilla de la forma del casco en sección transversal. Se utilizan varios moldes para formar un armazón temporal alrededor del cual se construye el casco.
(de una madera en un casco de madera) Identificador de una medida de una madera en un casco de madera, utilizado junto con el lado, en lugar del ancho y el espesor, que podrían ser ambiguos; el largo, la tercera dimensión, no es ambiguo. Moldeado identifica la medida a lo largo de la superficie de una madera individual donde un lado de esa superficie está moldeado para adaptarse a la forma general del casco, según lo determinado por los moldes. Por lo tanto, esta es la dimensión a lo largo de los lados verticales de una quilla, la cara transversal de un marco o la cara de proa y popa de la roda o el codaste de popa. [12]
viga moldeada
Ancho moldeado
La manga de las líneas del casco en el punto más ancho, normalmente en el centro del barco y medida dentro del entablado o planchado del casco. Se utiliza en algunos sistemas de medición de tonelaje. [13]
profundidad moldeada
Distancia entre el plano horizontal de la parte superior de la quilla y la parte superior de las vigas de la cubierta principal en el borde del casco. Compárese con la profundidad del francobordo . [3]
dimensiones moldeadas
Dimensiones de un barco mostradas en el plano de líneas , generalmente excluyendo el espesor del forro y el espesor del casco. [13]
borrador moldeado
calado moldeado
Calado medido en relación con la línea de base. [13] Compárese con el calado de la quilla .
loft de molde
Donde se dibujan las líneas del barco a tamaño real y se hacen las plantillas para las maderas.
movimiento del ratón
Varias vueltas de hilo ligero alrededor de la boca de un anzuelo, para evitar accidentes de desenganche. [2]
Barcaza aparejada con una vela mayor de cebadera y una gran mesana con aparejo cangreja delante del timón. Está escotada hasta la cuña de la silla de montar . [2]
buque multipropósito
Un buque de carga que cuenta con accesorios para transportar contenedores de envío estándar y entrepuentes retráctiles que se pueden mover para que el barco pueda transportar carga a granel.
Código de brevedad táctica multiservicio
Códigos utilizados por diversas fuerzas militares para transmitir información compleja en pocas palabras.
simulacro de reunión
Ejercicio que realiza la tripulación de un barco antes de embarcarse en un viaje. Los pasajeros deben participar en el simulacro para que se les enseñe cómo evacuar de forma segura en caso de emergencia a bordo del barco.
puesto de reunión
Un lugar específico en un barco que se ha planeado como lugar de reunión durante una emergencia o un simulacro de emergencia. Si se cree que una persona está desaparecida, todos los pasajeros deben presentarse en su puesto de reunión para que se haga un recuento.
Barra de hierro alrededor del mástil para sujetar el talón del botalón. [2]
Esclerosis múltiple (o MS)
Abreviatura de barco de motor , utilizada antes del nombre de un barco.
MV (o MV)
Abreviatura de buque de motor , utilizada antes del nombre de un barco.
MI (o MI)
Abreviatura de yate a motor , utilizada antes del nombre de un yate.


Nombre del barco
Buque cuyo nombre también se utiliza para referirse a toda su clase de buques. Por lo general, aunque no siempre, es el primer buque de su clase que se completa y entra en servicio, en cuyo caso el término " buque con nombre" puede utilizarse como sinónimo de buque líder .
puerto natural
Un cuerpo de agua protegido del clima en virtud de estar rodeado en su mayor parte por tierra y ser lo suficientemente profundo como para proporcionar anclaje a las embarcaciones que lo utilizan.
barco estrecho
Un tipo de embarcación diseñada específicamente para adaptarse a las estrechas esclusas de los canales del Reino Unido.
se estrecha
Una parte estrecha de una vía navegable.
De o perteneciente a los marineros, la marinería o la navegación; marítimo.
carta náutica
Mapa de una zona marítima o oceánica y de las regiones costeras adyacentes, diseñado específicamente para la navegación en el mar. Las cartas náuticas utilizan proyecciones cartográficas diseñadas para un uso sencillo con instrumentos manuales, como la proyección Mercator , e indican profundidades, peligros, puntos de referencia , ayudas a la navegación como boyas e instalaciones en tierra de interés para los navegantes. Las cartas náuticas generalmente son publicadas originalmente por agencias gubernamentales como la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica de los EE. UU. , y ahora se proporcionan tanto en forma impresa como digital para su uso en trazadores de cartas.
milla náutica
Unidad de longitud que corresponde aproximadamente a un minuto de arco de latitud a lo largo de cualquier arco meridiano . Según un acuerdo internacional, equivale exactamente a 1.852 metros (6.076 pies; 1.151 millas).
El sistema británico de autorizar la construcción naval mediante un proyecto de ley anual en el Parlamento .
1. Marineros subordinados a una armada entrenados y equipados para operar en tierra temporalmente como una fuerza de infantería organizada, pero en otras ocasiones responsables de los deberes normales de los marineros a bordo de un barco.
2. Fuerza especializada y permanente de tropas subordinadas a una armada y responsables de las operaciones de infantería en tierra. Aunque están más especializadas que los marineros entrenados para operar temporalmente como infantería naval y tienen similitudes con una fuerza o cuerpo de marines , estas fuerzas de infantería naval permanentes a menudo carecen de todas las capacidades de una fuerza de marines. Las fuerzas de infantería naval también suelen diferenciarse de las fuerzas de marines en que están subordinadas directamente a una armada en lugar de a una rama separada del servicio naval, como un cuerpo de marines.
Todas las actividades relacionadas con la determinación, el trazado y el seguimiento de la posición y el rumbo de un barco para llevar un registro de su posición relativa a la tierra mientras se encuentra en el mar. Las cartas náuticas se han utilizado desde la antigüedad y siguen utilizándose como respaldo de los sistemas de posicionamiento satelital modernos . Se desarrollaron numerosas proyecciones cartográficas, incluida la proyección Mercator, específicamente para que la navegación en el mar fuera sencilla de realizar con reglas y brújulas.

También luz de posición o luz de marcha

Una fuente de iluminación en un buque destinada a proporcionar información a otros buques sobre su posición, rumbo o estado.
Reglas de tránsito que brindan orientación sobre cómo evitar una colisión y también se utilizan para asignar culpas cuando ocurre una colisión.
Respuesta negativa, sinónimo de “no”. Lo opuesto de “ ”.
cortador de red
1. ( Patrulla pesquera ), también cortador de alambres de arrastre : Dispositivo empleado por la Guardia Costera islandesa durante las " Guerras del Bacalao " para cortar los alambres de arrastre de los barcos pesqueros extranjeros que trabajaban dentro de las zonas de pesca exclusivas reclamadas por Islandia.
2. ( Submarino ): Un dispositivo, a veces propulsado por explosivos, montado en la proa de un submarino para cortar la red antisubmarina.
3. ( Torpedo ): Un dispositivo similar a una tijera o accionado por una pistola ubicado en la punta de un torpedo, destinado a ayudar al torpedo a atravesar las redes de torpedos.
barco de tendido de redes

También llamado capa de red , buque de red auxiliar , buque de compuerta o buque de defensa de barrera .

Un tipo de buque auxiliar naval equipado y cuya principal tarea es colocar redes de torpedos o redes antisubmarinas para proteger a los buques individuales anclados, en puertos u otros fondeaderos de ataques con torpedos e intrusiones de submarinos.
oferta neta
Un término alternativo para un barco que pone redes.
Nuevo barco de la compañía
Término utilizado para designar a un barco que comerciaba entre Inglaterra y los puertos al este del Cabo de Buena Esperanza para la Compañía Inglesa de Comercio con las Indias Orientales, una nueva compañía fundada en 1697 para competir con la "antigua" Compañía de las Indias Orientales . El término cayó en desuso cuando las dos compañías se fusionaron en 1707. [14]
barco nocturno
(Estados Unidos) Un tipo de barco de vapor que proporcionaba espacios para dormir a los pasajeros en viajes nocturnos, a diferencia de un barco de día que no necesitaba tales instalaciones.
Cuerda corta que se utiliza para atar un cable al "mensajero" (una cuerda en movimiento impulsada por el cabrestante ) de modo que el cable también sea arrastrado (se utiliza cuando el cable es demasiado grande para enrollarse alrededor del propio cabrestante). Durante la subida de un ancla , los mozos del barco sujetaban y soltaban las tenazas del (interminable) mensajero. De ahí el término para los mozos: "tenazas".
hacer muescas en
La garganta de la vela mayor. [2]
no autosuficiente
Ver autosuficiente .
Un tipo de boya de navegación , a menudo de forma cónica, pero siempre de silueta triangular, de color verde en la región A de la IALA o rojo en la región B de la IALA (las Américas, Japón, Corea y Filipinas). En la señalización de canales, su uso es opuesto al de una "boya de lata".


Cualquier material, a menudo fibras de cáñamo alquitranadas extraídas de cuerdas viejas sin torcer, utilizado para calafatear huecos o uniones entre los tablones de los cascos .
Un palo, generalmente de madera, con una hoja en un extremo y un mango en el otro, que gira sobre un punto de apoyo en el costado de un bote para proporcionar propulsión empujando la hoja a través del agua. [15]
muleta de remo
Accesorio de metal (o a veces de plástico) que actúa como punto de apoyo de un remo. Suele tener forma de U, con un pasador debajo de la parte inferior de la "U". El pasador gira en un receptáculo en la borda del barco y el remo reposa en la "U". [16] Véase también chumacera . [11]
Ver revestimiento .
país del oficial
Parte de un buque de guerra que contiene las dependencias residenciales y la sala de oficiales de los oficiales. El personal alistado no puede entrar en el territorio de los oficiales a menos que se encuentren allí en misión oficial.
La parte más distante del mar vista desde la costa, que generalmente implica el océano abierto más allá del lugar de anclaje.
costa afuera
1. Alejarse de la orilla.
2. (de un viento) Que sopla desde la tierra hacia el mar.
3. A cierta distancia de la orilla; situado en el mar lejos de la costa.
1. ( barco ) Un barco auxiliar naval con tanques de combustible que reabastece a otros barcos.
1. ( ocupación ) El título del trabajo de un marinero que ocupa un puesto subalterno en la tripulación de ingeniería de un barco, superior sólo al limpiador de la sala de máquinas.

También aceitosos .

Ropa para el mal tiempo que usaban los marineros.
Jerga de la tripulación para referirse al capitán , patrón o comandante de un buque.
sal vieja
Argot para referirse a un marinero experimentado.
A bordo

También a bordo .

Ver a bordo .
sobre su propio trasero

Plural en sus propios traseros .

Se dice de un buque que realiza un viaje sin ser transportado a bordo de otro buque; por ejemplo, "el yate cruzó el océano por su propio fondo ", o en plural, "los yates rara vez cruzan el océano por su propio fondo".
En la estación
Destino de un barco, normalmente un área a patrullar o vigilar.
En la playa
1. Término de la Marina Real que significa "retirado del servicio". [17]
2. Permiso en tierra.
En lo duro
Un barco que ha sido arrastrado y ahora se encuentra en tierra firme.
registro abierto
Una organización que registrará los buques mercantes propiedad de entidades extranjeras, generalmente para proporcionar una bandera de conveniencia .
Ver en ordinario .
marinero ordinario
1. Marinero de la Marina Real Británica del siglo XVIII que tenía entre uno y dos años de experiencia en el mar. Más tarde, rango formal de la Marina Real para el grado más bajo de marinero, hoy en día obsoleto.
2. Segundo rango más bajo de la Armada de los Estados Unidos desde 1797 hasta 1917, entre marinero y marinero. En 1917 pasó a llamarse "marinero de segunda clase".
3. Calificación para el personal de nivel inicial en el departamento de cubierta de un buque en la Marina Mercante de los Estados Unidos . Se considera que un marinero ordinario (abreviado "OS") está cumpliendo un aprendizaje para convertirse en marinero competente .
transportador de mineral
Un tipo de granelero especialmente diseñado para transportar mineral .
barco de mineral

También barco de hierro .

Término de los Grandes Lagos para un buque utilizado principalmente para el transporte de mineral de hierro.
cubierta de lona
1. La cubierta más baja de un barco de línea.
2. El revestimiento de cubierta de la bodega .
1. Señal internacional de hombre al agua.
2. Apodo de un muñeco de entrenamiento para rescate acuático. Véase también paradummy .
fuera de borda
1. Situado fuera del casco de un buque.
2. Situado dentro de un buque pero posicionado lejos (o más lejos, en contraste con otro elemento) de su línea central .
3. Más lejos del casco de un barco; por ejemplo, "el barco más grande estaba amarrado al costado del barco fuera de la borda del barco más pequeño".
4. Más lejos del muelle o de la costa; por ejemplo, "el buque cisterna y el buque de carga estaban amarrados en el muelle uno al lado del otro, con el buque cisterna fuera de borda del buque de carga".
5. Un motor fueraborda.
6. Embarcación equipada con un motor fueraborda.
motor fuera de borda
Un motor montado externamente en la popa de una embarcación pequeña. Los motores fueraborda suelen estar montados de manera que se puedan mover fácilmente, de modo que la embarcación se pueda gobernar haciendo girar todo el motor con respecto al rumbo de la embarcación, en lugar de utilizar un timón o además de este.
fuera de marcha
La parte inferior de un sistema de propulsión en popa.
cabo de arrastre
Una línea utilizada para controlar la forma de una vela.
1. En general, cualquier estructura que sobresalga del costado de un buque.
2. Cualquier aparejo flotante contrapuesto más allá del costado de un buque para mejorar la estabilidad del mismo.
3. Un casco delgado, largo y sólido que se utiliza para estabilizar el casco principal, inherentemente inestable, de una canoa estabilizadora o un velero.
4. Una variedad de estructuras que sobresalen de un barco de quilla mediante las cuales se puede fijar el aparejo de labor fuera del casco .
5. Un poste o una serie de postes que sobresalen de una embarcación pesquera y que permiten a la embarcación pescar con más líneas de pesca en el agua sin que las líneas se enreden y permitiendo que los señuelos y el cebo simulen un banco de peces.
6. Marco triangular en un bote de remos o una galera que sostiene el tolete alejado del bordillo o la borda para optimizar el apalancamiento de los remeros. También se denomina aparejador .
límite exterior
Abandonar la seguridad del puerto, rumbo al mar abierto.
Tener una superficie vélica demasiado grande para poder maniobrar con seguridad en las condiciones de viento actuales.
Mantener un rumbo demasiado tiempo mientras se vira.
por encima del barril
A los marineros adultos los azotaban en la espalda o los hombros mientras estaban atados a una reja, pero a los niños, en cambio, los golpeaban en la parte posterior (a menudo al descubierto), con un bastón o gato de nueve colas , mientras se inclinaban, a menudo atados, sobre el cañón de un arma, lo que se conocía como besar a la hija del artillero .
superar a
Navegar a favor del viento directamente hacia otro barco, robándole el viento de sus velas.
al agua
Fuera o fuera de una embarcación. Si algo o alguien se cae, salta o es arrojado desde una embarcación al agua, se dice que el objeto o la persona se ha ido por la borda. Véase hombre al agua .
Mares peligrosamente inclinados y rompientes debido a corrientes opuestas y viento en una zona poco profunda, o corrientes fuertes sobre un fondo rocoso poco profundo.
El techo de cualquier espacio cerrado debajo de la cubierta de un buque, esencialmente la parte inferior de la cubierta de arriba.
Tirar de las cuerdas de cabo por encima de las velas para evitar que se desgasten .
Adelantando el mar
Mares que se aproximan a un buque desde 15° a babor o estribor o popa a una velocidad mayor que la del buque. [18]
Volcado o naufragado .
Término tradicional de la Marina Real para designar al capitán , una supervivencia de los días en que a menudo se contrataban barcos privados para el servicio naval.
ojo de buey
Una nube u otro fenómeno meteorológico que puede ser indicativo de una tormenta próxima.



También barco de paquetes o buque paquetero .

1. Originalmente, un buque empleado para transportar paquetes de correo postal hacia y desde las embajadas, colonias y puestos de avanzada británicos.
2. Posteriormente, cualquier barco que transporte regularmente mercancías o pasajeros, como en el comercio de paquetes.
comercio de paquetes
Cualquier transporte regular de carga, pasajeros o correo efectuado por barco.
Un marinero a bordo de un barco dedicado al comercio de paquetes.
caja de paletas
Una cubierta, generalmente hecha de madera, para la parte superior de una rueda de paletas en un barco de vapor .
protectores de paletas
Ver guardias .
arrozal oeste
Término tradicional de la Marina Real para designar a un marinero joven o inexperto.
Mástil de pagoda
Un tipo grande y distintivo de mástil de proa instalado a bordo de los acorazados y cruceros de batalla de la Armada Imperial Japonesa durante la modernización y reconstrucción de los barcos en la década de 1930. Un mástil de pagoda se creó reforzando el mástil de proa de trípode existente de un barco y añadiéndole plataformas para reflectores , miradores , refugios y otras estructuras, lo que le daba al mástil la apariencia de un templo pagoda .
Una cuerda atada a la proa de un buque, utilizada para sujetar el buque a un muelle o a un buque más grande, incluso cuando se remolca hacia popa . [19]
barco de vapor de palacio
Término que designa a una serie de lujosos barcos de vapor que transportaron pasajeros y carga en los Grandes Lagos de América del Norte entre 1844 y 1857.
Un dispositivo protector, generalmente de cuero, que se usa en la mano cuando se trabaja con una aguja para reparar velas.
La pulsación dentro y fuera de las planchas de proa y popa a medida que el barco se eleva y se hunde alternativamente en el agua.
dispositivo contra las minas
1. ( arma ) Un dispositivo estabilizado por paletas que funciona como un planeador submarino y que generalmente se lanza desde la proa de un buque y se remolca al costado, con la intención de cortar el amarre de minas sumergidas o destruirlas de otro modo. [20]
2. ( cometa acuática ) Objeto submarino remolcado con hidroplanos, que se utiliza en la pesca comercial y deportiva, los deportes acuáticos, la exploración marina y las operaciones militares, a veces equipado con sensores y que también se utiliza para ejercer una fuerza de retención lateral sobre una embarcación. También se denomina cometa acuática .
Método para levantar un objeto aproximadamente cilíndrico, como un mástil. Se fija un extremo de una cuerda por encima del objeto, se baja un bucle de cuerda y se pasa alrededor del objeto, que se puede levantar tirando del extremo libre de la cuerda.
Una discusión o conferencia, especialmente entre enemigos, sobre los términos de una tregua u otros asuntos.
Un lazo o collar móvil que se utiliza para sujetar una verga o un garfio a su respectivo mástil. Un pararrayos permite subir o bajar la verga y girar alrededor del mástil. A veces está hecho de alambre o cuerda y provisto de cuentas para reducir la fricción.
parte trapos de latón
Discutir con un amigo. De la época en que los materiales de limpieza se compartían entre los marineros.
Un pasillo o corredor interior en un barco.
Ver transatlántico de carga .
Buque de carga y pasajeros
Ver transatlántico de carga .

También pataje o patax .

Tipo de embarcación de vela española, muy ligera y de poca profundidad, de los siglos XV al XVIII, con dos mástiles, que recuerda a una mezcla entre un bergantín y una goleta. En sus orígenes era un tipo de buque de guerra, pero más tarde se utilizó como buque mercante.
Pequeñas barras utilizadas para detener el movimiento del cañón de un torno o cabrestante hacia atrás bajo una carga mayor o si se reducía la potencia de giro. En los primeros cabrestantes, los trinquetes debían moverse manualmente dentro y fuera de las muescas en las que trabajaban. Los cabrestantes posteriores tenían trinquetes automáticos que caían en las muescas a medida que giraba el cañón. Al soltar un ancla , la tripulación "levantaba y trincaba" si la proa subía y bajaba con las olas, lo que daba una carga variable al cable . [21]
1. Dejar que la proa de un buque se desprenda del viento (hacia sotavento ). [2]
2. Durante la era de la navegación a vela , la práctica de pagar a la tripulación su salario por el viaje cuando un barco completaba su travesía, momento en el que se decía que la tripulación estaba liquidada .
3. En el uso británico y de la Commonwealth, dar de baja un buque de guerra, por ejemplo: "El viejo destructor dio sus frutos después de regresar a puerto al final de su último crucero".
Rellenar una juntura (con masilla o brea), lubricar la jarcia móvil; abonar con aguanieve, proteger del clima cubriéndola con aguanieve. Véase también el diablo a quien pagar .
Oficial responsable de todos los asuntos económicos en los barcos de la Marina Real Británica, incluidos los pagos y el aprovisionamiento de la tripulación, todos los suministros, herramientas y repuestos. Véase también sobrecargo .
abrigo de guisante
Abrigo pesado originalmente hecho de tela de piloto. [22] Los oficiales y suboficiales principales usan una variación con botones dorados llamada reefer o un modelo más largo llamado abrigo puente .
crucero de paz
Término de la Marina de los EE. UU. de principios del siglo XX para designar los cruceros y cañoneros obsoletos utilizados en funciones policiales y diplomáticas. [23]
1. La esquina superior más posterior de una vela de proa y popa ; se utiliza en muchas combinaciones, como drizas de pico , brailes de pico , etc. [2]
2. La parte estrecha de la proa de un buque, o la bodega dentro de ella.
3. La extremidad de la aleta del ancla ; el pico.
Las gavias superiores de la vela mayor. Los picos superiores e inferiores son normales, pero una barcaza también puede llevar un tercer juego. [2]
1. Vive en mar abierto en lugar de en aguas costeras o interiores (por ejemplo, un tiburón pelágico).
2. Que tengan lugar en mar abierto (por ejemplo, pesca pelágica, captura de focas pelágicas).
gancho de pelícano

También llamado gancho corredizo o gancho Davey .

Gancho con una bisagra en la curva del gancho, normalmente cerrado por un anillo de metal que mantiene juntas las dos partes articuladas. Se puede soltar instantáneamente golpeando el anillo a lo largo del gancho para que libere una de las partes articuladas que se abre y libera lo que el gancho está sosteniendo. Se ve a menudo en secciones de apertura de barandillas y amarres de balsas salvavidas, pero también se usa en componentes más cargados. [11] [24]
1. Un trozo de alambre o cuerda asegurado en un extremo a un mástil o verga y que tiene un bloque u otro accesorio en el extremo inferior.
2. Un trozo de alambre o cuerda enganchado a un aparejo en las orzas . [2]
3. Una ortografía alternativa de pennant. [25]
Una bandera triangular larga y delgada que ondea en el mástil de un barco militar (a diferencia de los gallardetes , las banderas que ondeaban en los yates).
Un término obsoleto (alrededor del siglo XVII) para referirse a un pirata.
barco de piquete
Un barco en servicio de centinela, o uno colocado en una línea por delante de una posición para advertir contra un avance enemigo.
Una estructura elevada, generalmente sostenida por pilotes o pilares muy extendidos, utilizada industrialmente para cargar y descargar barcos comerciales, recreativamente para caminar y albergar atracciones en un balneario, o como estructura para uso de pescadores sin botes. La estructura más liviana de un muelle contrasta con los cimientos más sólidos de un muelle o los pilotes poco espaciados de un embarcadero. En América del Norte, el término "muelle" usado solo connota un muelle usado (o usado anteriormente) por barcos comerciales o uno usado para pescar, mientras que en Europa el término usado solo connota un muelle recreativo en un balneario.
Salto desde el muelle
Cuando un marinero es reclutado para un buque de guerra en el último minuto, justo antes de zarpar.
Una persona especialmente capacitada para navegar un buque en aguas difíciles, por ejemplo, un piloto de puerto, etc.
barco piloto
Un tipo de embarcación utilizada para transportar a los prácticos marítimos entre la tierra y los barcos entrantes o salientes que están pilotando.
escalera de piloto
Una forma muy especializada de escalera de cuerda , que se utiliza normalmente para embarcar y desembarcar a los pilotos por el costado de un barco. A veces se confunde con las escaleras de Jacob , pero el diseño y la construcción de las escaleras de piloto están estrictamente regulados por la normativa internacional e incluyen separadores (versiones alargadas del peldaño mecanizado estándar) en lugar del tipo de peldaños que se encuentran generalmente en las escaleras de Jacob.
cabina del piloto
Un término alternativo para el puente o timonera de un barco .
Puntos (o plan) de movimiento previsto. Curso trazado para los movimientos de una unidad naval.

También pinis

Un tipo de goleta de dos mástiles con un gran bauprés , proa de clipper y popa de popa construida en el área de Terengganu en la costa este de la península malaya .
1. ( barco de barco ) Un barco pequeño y ligero impulsado por remos o una vela, utilizado como embarcación auxiliar para embarcaciones más grandes durante la era de la vela .
2. ( pinaza de aparejo completo ) Un pequeño galeón "construido para carreras" , de aparejo cuadrado con dos o tres mástiles.
3. En el uso moderno, cualquier embarcación pequeña que no sea una lancha o un bote salvavidas asociado a un buque más grande.
El pasador o perno sobre el que pivota el timón de un barco. El pivote descansa en el muñón .
pipa (del contramaestre)

También llamada del contramaestre .

Silbato que utilizan los contramaestres para dar órdenes. Consiste en un tubo de metal que dirige el aliento hacia una abertura en la parte superior de una bola hueca para producir notas agudas. El tono de las notas se puede cambiar cubriendo parcialmente la abertura con el dedo de la mano con la que se sostiene la pipa. La forma del instrumento es similar a la de una pipa para fumar.
Una señal en la trompeta del contramaestre para señalar el final del día, requiriendo que las luces (y las pipas) se apaguen y que la tripulación guarde silencio.
Tubería en el lateral
Un saludo con la flauta del contramaestre realizado en compañía de la guardia de cubierta en el lado de estribor del alcázar o en la cabecera de la pasarela , para dar la bienvenida o despedir al capitán del barco , a los oficiales superiores y a los visitantes de honor.
Acto de robo o violencia criminal en el mar cometido por los ocupantes de un buque contra los ocupantes de otro buque (y, por lo tanto, excluyendo tales actos cometidos por la tripulación o los pasajeros de un buque contra otras personas a bordo del mismo buque). La piratería también se distingue del corso, que está autorizado por las autoridades nacionales y, por lo tanto, es una forma legítima de actividad bélica por parte de actores no estatales.
Persona que participa en un acto de piratería.
El movimiento de un buque, al girar sobre su eje transversal, hace que los extremos delantero y trasero se eleven y bajen repetidamente.
Volcar un barco por la popa y la proa, en lugar de volcarlo.
Hacer girar una barcaza de vela en aguas poco profundas bajando la orza de sotavento para que se arrastre en el barro y luego poniendo el timón a toda velocidad . La maniobra se utiliza a menudo para entrar en puertos congestionados.
Deslizarse sobre el agua a gran velocidad en lugar de empujarla.
Línea de alpargatas

También Línea de Carga Nacional .

Una marca especial, ubicada en medio del barco , que indica el calado del buque y el límite legal hasta el cual se puede cargar el buque para tipos de agua y temperaturas específicas.
sala de trazado
Ver estación transmisora .
acorazado de bolsillo
Término británico para los cruceros de la clase Deutschland de la Armada alemana , que entraron en servicio en la década de 1930. Los barcos tenían armamento y blindaje similares a los de los acorazados , pero eran del tamaño de un crucero y más rápidos que los acorazados de la época y estaban destinados a servir como buques de asalto comerciales. Clasificados por la Armada alemana como Panzerschiffe ("buques blindados").
Unidad de rumbo que equivale al ángulo que forma 132 de un círculo, es decir, 11,25 grados. Un giro de 32 puntos es un giro completo de 360 ​​grados.
poner de relieve

También cabeza arriba .

Cambiar la dirección de un velero para que esté más a barlovento, es decir, poner la proa a barlovento. Esto es lo opuesto a caerse .
puntos de vela
El rumbo de un buque de vela en relación con la dirección del viento, dividido en seis puntos: en ceñida (apuntando directamente al viento), ceñida (navegando lo más cerca posible de la dirección del viento), ceñida (entre ceñida y de través), de través (perpendicular al viento), de ancho (viento detrás del buque en un ángulo) y navegando a favor del viento , navegando a favor del viento o simplemente navegando (viento directamente detrás del buque).
Diagrama de arriba de los puntos tradicionales de navegación . La flecha negra en la parte superior representa la dirección del viento. A) en hierros ; B) ceñida ; C) de través ; D) de ancho; E) navegando a favor del viento. Un sexto punto de navegación, entre B y C, no está representado: ceñida . La zona con rayas rojas es la "zona sin navegación", porque es imposible navegar directamente contra el viento.

También polacra .

Embarcación de vela del siglo XVII que se ve comúnmente en el Mediterráneo, similar a un jabeque con dos o tres mástiles; las polaccas de dos mástiles se conocían como brig-polaccas y las polaccas de tres mástiles como ship-polaccas o polacca-settees . Las polacca-settees tenían una vela latina en el palo trinquete , un aparejo cuadrado de estilo europeo en el palo mayor y una cangreja o vela latina en el palo de mesana.
Una polaca de tres mástiles.
Otro nombre para una polacca.
Un tipo de jabeque con un aparejo cuadrado en el mástil de proa , velas latinas en los otros mástiles, un bauprés y dos velas de proa . Un jabeque de polacra se diferenciaba de una faluca en que esta última tenía solo velas latinas.
Un buque de fondo plano utilizado como transbordador , barcaza o flotador , o un flotador amarrado al costado de un muelle o un barco para facilitar el embarque.
cubierta de popa
Cubierta alta en la superestructura de popa de un barco. La cubierta forma un techo sobre la "cabina de popa" en la popa del barco. [26]
1. (de un buque o embarcación) tener una ola rompiendo sobre la popa cuando se navega con mar de popa. [27] Esta contingencia, que puede causar daños importantes al buque, también se conoce como "popeo". [28]
2. (coloquialmente) Agotado. [27]
1. ( instalación ): Una instalación marítima en una costa del mar, en un estuario o en un río con áreas de carga en las que un buque puede traer a bordo o descargar carga o pasajeros.
2. Un lugar a lo largo de una costa o ribera de un río donde una embarcación puede refugiarse, que a menudo incluye instalaciones de carga y descarga para embarcaciones.
3. Una ciudad o pueblo asociado con una instalación o área de refugio de este tipo.
4. ( dirección ): El lado izquierdo de un buque o embarcación cuando se mira hacia adelante (antes babor ). Se indica con una luz roja por la noche. [2]
5. Hacia el lado izquierdo del buque cuando está mirando hacia adelante (antes "a babor ").
6. ( remo ): Remero que rema con un remo en un lado de un bote y principalmente en el lado de babor (izquierdo) del bote.
puerto de matrícula
El puerto que figura en los documentos de registro de un buque y que figura en su popa. A menudo se utiliza incorrectamente como sinónimo de puerto de origen , es decir, el puerto en el que se encuentra el buque, pero puede diferir del puerto de registro.
amura de babor
Cuando se navega con viento proveniente del costado de babor del buque, los buques amurados a babor deben ceder el paso a los amurados a estribor.

También simplemente puerto .

Una abertura en el costado de un barco, especialmente una redonda, para dejar pasar la luz y el aire, equipada con un vidrio grueso y, a menudo, una cubierta metálica con bisagras, que se usa como ventana.
Una forma obsoleta de carta náutica utilizada antes del desarrollo de líneas de latitud y longitud que indicaban distancias y líneas de rumbo entre puertos.
luz de posición
Un término alternativo para luz de navegación .
Una forma alternativa obsoleta del rango de capitán en la Marina Real ; una vez obtenido, la promoción posterior se debía enteramente a la antigüedad.
enviar por correo
Término británico utilizado desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII hasta 1817 para designar un buque de guerra de vela de sexta clase , aparejado con 20 a 26 cañones, más pequeño que una fragata pero lo suficientemente grande como para requerir un capitán de navío como su oficial al mando.
armatoste de pólvora
Un armatoste utilizado para almacenar pólvora .
Una pequeña habitación o armario en el casco del barco que se utiliza para almacenar pólvora en barriles o "barriles", generalmente ubicados en el centro para tener fácil acceso al área de carga enrejada. A veces puede ser un armario cerrado con una puerta, de modo que se pueda cerrar con llave y solo el capitán tenga la llave, de manera similar a cómo se almacena el ron.
libre prática
La licencia que se otorga a un buque para entrar en el puerto tras la garantía del capitán de que está libre de enfermedades contagiosas. Un buque puede indicar una solicitud de pratique ondeando una bandera amarilla cuadrada. La autorización concedida se conoce comúnmente como free pratique .
Término utilizado retrospectivamente después de 1906 para una amplia variedad de acorazados de vapor construidos entre la década de 1880 y alrededor de 1905 diseñados con solo unos pocos cañones grandes para fuego de largo alcance, que dependían de una batería secundaria intermedia utilizada a distancias más cortas para la mayor parte de su poder ofensivo y que tenían motores de vapor de triple expansión . Quedaron obsoletos con los acorazados revolucionarios dreadnought , que comenzaron a aparecer en 1906 y se diferenciaban de los predreadnought en que tenían propulsión de turbina de vapor y un diseño de armamento de "todos los cañones grandes" en el que la potencia principal del cañón del barco residía en una batería principal de sus cañones más grandes destinados a su uso a largo alcance, con otro armamento de cañones limitado a armas pequeñas destinadas a la defensa de corto alcance contra torpederos y otros buques de guerra pequeños.
patrulla de enganche
Cuerpo formado por personal de un barco de la Marina Real (ya sea un barco que busca personal para su propia tripulación o de una "oferta de prensa" que busca hombres para varios barcos) que identificaría y obligaría ("presionaría") a hombres, generalmente marineros mercantes, a prestar servicio en barcos de guerra, generalmente en contra de su voluntad.

También inhibidor de trasluchada y inhibidor de trasluchada .

Una línea de control de vela que se origina en algún punto de la botavara y conduce a un punto fijo en la cubierta o barandilla del barco (generalmente una cornamusa o un cáncamo) que se utiliza para prevenir o moderar los efectos de una trasluchada accidental .
Oficial principal de transporte naval
En el uso británico, un Oficial Principal de Transporte Naval es un oficial de bandera o capitán con base en tierra responsable de las tareas de transporte marítimo y de ayudar al Oficial Naval Superior en la preparación de órdenes navales y la realización de desembarcos .
Oficial de guerra principal (PWO)
Uno de varios oficiales especialistas de la rama de guerra.
barco prisión

También prisión hulk .

Un barco utilizado como prisión, a menudo para albergar a convictos que esperaban ser transportados a colonias penales; particularmente común en el Imperio Británico en los siglos XVIII y XIX.
barco privado
En el uso británico, un buque de guerra en servicio activo que no se utiliza como buque insignia de un oficial de bandera . El término no implica en modo alguno que el buque sea de propiedad privada.

También soldado de guerra .

Un buque de propiedad privada autorizado por una potencia nacional (mediante una carta de marca ) para conducir hostilidades contra un enemigo.
Una propiedad capturada en el mar en virtud de los derechos de guerra, por ejemplo, un buque de guerra o un buque mercante enemigo.
tripulación de premios
Miembros de la tripulación de un buque de guerra asignados para tripular un buque tomado como premio.
cubierta de paseo
Una cubierta superior al aire libre de un barco de pasajeros en la que los pasajeros pueden pasear o relajarse.
1. (fijo) Una hélice montada en un eje rígido que sobresale del casco de una embarcación, generalmente impulsada por un motor interno.
2. (plegable) Una hélice con palas plegables, que se enrolla para reducir la resistencia en un barco de vela cuando no está en uso.
paseo con hélice

También caminar sobre apoyo .

Tendencia de una hélice a empujar la popa hacia los lados. En teoría, una hélice de derecha en reversa hará que la popa se desplace hacia babor.
1. La parte más delantera de la proa de un buque por encima de su línea de flotación.
2. Término alternativo para designar la proa de un barco, a veces utilizado poéticamente.
Fibras de cuerda vieja empaquetadas entre los mástiles o utilizadas como defensa. [29]
(de un remo, como se usa en el mar) uso de un remo para propulsar un bote, donde cada persona (de varias) usa un remo. Esto contrasta con remar (en el mar), donde cada persona usa dos remos, uno a cada lado del bote. Ver fila para una explicación completa de las complejidades de las definiciones estrictas. [30] : 135 
barco bomba
Una canoa estabilizadora impulsada por un pequeño motor de gasolina o diésel , utilizada en Filipinas y por inmigrantes y refugiados de Sama-Bajau en Sabah y el este de Indonesia .
Embarcación de fondo plano con proa de corte cuadrado diseñada para su uso en ríos pequeños u otras aguas poco profundas y que normalmente se impulsa empujando contra el lecho del río con una pértiga. En esto se diferencia de una góndola , que se impulsa con un remo.
Navegando en una batea.
Un método mecánico para aumentar la fuerza, como un aparejo o una palanca. [2]
Persona que compra, almacena y vende todo lo que hay a bordo de los barcos, incluidos víveres, ron y tabaco. En un principio era un comerciante privado y, más tarde, un oficial de reserva.


Designación para la parte de popa del buque entre 120° y 180° a estribor (el ala de estribor ), o 180° y 240° a babor (el ala de babor ).
La cubierta de popa de un buque de guerra. Durante la era de la vela , el alcázar era el espacio reservado a los oficiales del barco.
mar en cuartos
Mares que se aproximan a un buque desde entre 105° y 165° a babor o estribor. A popa de un mar de través y a través de un mar de popa . [18]
oficial de intendencia
1. En el uso de la marina mercante, el marinero encargado de gobernar un buque. En el uso naval, se incluyen deberes adicionales relacionados con la gestión rutinaria del buque. [31]
2. Soldado de la Marina de los EE. UU. que, además de las funciones mencionadas anteriormente, ayuda con la navegación del buque. [32] [31]
Reglamento de la Reina

También Reglamento del Rey .

Las órdenes permanentes que rigen la Marina Real Británica emitidas en nombre del actual Monarca .
1. Estructura de piedra u hormigón sobre aguas navegables que se utiliza para cargar y descargar buques, generalmente sinónimo de muelle, aunque los sólidos cimientos de un muelle contrastan con los pilotes poco espaciados de un muelle. Cuando se utilizan "muelle" y "embarcadero" como sinónimos, el término "muelle" es más común en el habla cotidiana en el Reino Unido, muchos países de la Commonwealth e Irlanda, mientras que "embarcadero" se utiliza más comúnmente en los Estados Unidos.
2. Desembarcar o amarrar en un muelle.
1. Un área a lo largo de un muelle.
2. Estar al lado de un muelle, por ejemplo: "El barco está amarrado al muelle".
trabajo rapido

También forro .

El techo dentro del casco por encima del giro de la sentina , generalmente de dimensiones más livianas que el techo que se encuentra más abajo (spirketting). [4]
Una cuña utilizada para ayudar a apuntar un cañón.



También reembolso .

Una ranura cortada en la madera para formar parte de una junta.
Un sistema electrónico diseñado para transmitir señales de radio y recibir imágenes reflejadas de esas señales desde un "objetivo" con el fin de determinar el rumbo y la distancia al objetivo. El término es un acrónimo de "radio detection and measuring" (detección y medición de distancia por radio).
reflector de radar
Dispositivo especial instalado en un buque o incorporado en el diseño de determinadas ayudas a la navegación para mejorar su capacidad de reflejar la energía del radar. En general, estos dispositivos mejoran considerablemente la visibilidad para su uso por parte de buques con radar.
Estructura plana utilizada como soporte o transporte sobre el agua, que carece de casco y se mantiene a flote mediante materiales o estructuras flotantes como madera, balsa, barriles, tambores, cámaras de aire infladas como pontones o bloques de poliestireno extruido.
barco balsa
Otro nombre para un barco desechable .
carne de riel
Término utilizado para describir a los miembros de la tripulación de un velero que utilizan su peso corporal para controlar el ángulo de escora del barco.
Inclinarse respecto de la perpendicular; algo así inclinado se dice que está inclinado o rastrillado (por ejemplo, una roda, una popa, un mástil, un embudo, etc.).
1. Arma consistente en una prolongación submarina de la proa de un buque para formar un pico blindado, destinada a ser introducida en el casco de un buque enemigo con el fin de perforar el casco e inutilizar o hundir dicho buque.
2. Buque de guerra blindado de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, diseñado para utilizar dicho arma como su principal medio de ataque.
3. Colisionar intencionalmente con otro buque con la intención de dañarlo o hundirlo.
4. Chocar accidentalmente de proa con otra embarcación.
1. Colocar una cuerda o cadena en cubierta en forma de zigzag o (en el caso de las cuerdas) en forma de ocho (en lugar de en forma de bobina ) de modo que pueda correr libremente. El patrón en zigzag puede describirse como copos . [11] [31]
2. La diferencia entre las alturas de las mareas altas y bajas , una cifra que variará de un lugar a otro y de un día a otro. [31]
3. La distancia entre un observador y un objetivo, como en el caso de la artillería. [31]
reloj de rango
Un dispositivo de relojería utilizado a bordo de un buque de guerra para calcular continuamente la distancia o el alcance a un barco enemigo.
luces de rango
Ver luces principales .

También tasa o chaqueta azul .

1. En el uso británico, un miembro alistado subalterno de la marina de un país; es decir, cualquier miembro de la marina que no sea un oficial o suboficial.
2. En el uso contemporáneo de la Marina de los EE. UU. y la Guardia Costera de los EE. UU ., la calificación es la especialidad ocupacional de un miembro alistado del servicio, la tasa denota el grado de pago del alistado y el rango generalmente se aplica a los grados de pago de los oficiales comisionados.
3. Un sistema de clasificación de los buques de guerra de vela de la Marina Real.
líneas de ratas

También rattlins o ratlins .

Los peldaños fijados entre los obenques estaban aparejados permanentemente desde los baluartes y los codastes al mástil para formar escaleras de cuerda que permitían el acceso a los mástiles mayores y a las vergas. [2]
1. Un barco de vela que ha sido cortado para reducir el número de cubiertas .
2. Reducir el tamaño de un barco de vela para reducir el número de cubiertas.
1. Sección de un arroyo o río a lo largo de la cual existen condiciones hidrológicas similares, como caudal, profundidad, superficie y pendiente. [33]
2. En el uso de la navegación a vela, sección recta de agua que se puede atravesar con una sola maniobra de alcance, sin virar.
Navegar de través del viento, es decir, con un rumbo entre 60° y 160° con respecto a la dirección desde la que sopla el viento. El alcance se puede subdividir en "alcance cercano" (entre 60° y 80° aproximadamente), "alcance de través" (entre 90° aproximadamente) y "alcance amplio" (entre 120° y 160° aproximadamente). Compárese con batir y navegar .
alcanzando la vela
Una vela diseñada específicamente para tramos más estrechos. Las velas de tramo se utilizan a menudo en regatas con un ángulo de viento real de entre 35 y 95 grados. Por lo general, se utilizan antes de que el ángulo del viento se desplace lo suficiente hacia popa como para permitir el izado de spinnakers.
listo acerca de
Llamada para indicar un cambio de rumbo inminente. Véase también "dando un giro" . [2]
Receptor del naufragio
Un funcionario del gobierno cuyo deber es brindar a los propietarios de naufragios la oportunidad de recuperar sus propiedades y garantizar que quienes encuentren naufragios respetando la ley reciban una recompensa adecuada.
Recibiendo a Hulk

También se recibe barco .

Un casco utilizado en el puerto para albergar a los marineros recién reclutados antes de que sean asignados a una tripulación.
Plumero rojo
Un apodo tradicional para la Bandera Roja, la bandera civil que ondean los buques civiles del Reino Unido.
Alférez rojo

También Red Duster .

Bandera británica que ondean como enseña algunos barcos británicos. Desde 1854, la ondean los barcos mercantes británicos (excepto los autorizados a ondear la bandera azul ) como enseña civil del Reino Unido . Antes de 1864, los barcos del Escuadrón Rojo de la Marina Real también la ondeaban, pero su uso naval terminó con la reorganización de la Marina Real en 1864.
retorno rojo a la derecha
Frase utilizada como mnemotecnia para recordar que el estándar de navegación para un buque que entra ("regresa") a un puerto en las Américas (excluido Groenlandia ), Japón, Corea del Sur y Filipinas es que el buque guíe el rumbo de modo que las ayudas a la navegación marcadas en rojo se encuentren a estribor (a la "derecha") de un observador que mire hacia adelante en el buque, mientras que las ayudas marcadas en verde deben estar a babor (es decir, a la "izquierda"). Esto contrasta con el resto del mundo, donde el estándar es el opuesto, es decir, los marcadores verdes deben estar a estribor y los rojos a babor.
rojo a rojo
Paso de dos buques que se desplazan en dirección opuesta por sus costados de babor, llamado así porque la luz de navegación roja de uno de los buques está orientada hacia la luz roja del otro buque.
gato reducido

También coño de niño .

[34] Una versión ligera del gato de nueve colas para usar con marineros jóvenes.
1. ( sustantivo ) Roca o coral que está parcialmente sumergido o totalmente sumergido pero lo suficientemente poco profundo como para que una embarcación con un calado suficiente pueda tocarlo o encallar .
2. ( verbo ) Reducir temporalmente el área de una vela expuesta al viento, generalmente para protegerse contra los efectos adversos del viento fuerte o para reducir la velocidad del buque. [2]
puntos de arrecife
Longitudes de cuerda unidas a una vela y utilizadas para atar la parte de la vela que se deja de usar cuando se riza. En sistemas más antiguos, como los aparejos de cangreja o de escuadra , los puntos de rizo absorben parte de la carga de la vela y la distribuyen al cabo de rizo ; con el rizo de losa, los puntos de rizo simplemente mantienen la tela de la vela controlada de manera ordenada. Los puntos de rizo pueden coserse a cada lado de la vela o pasarse por ojales. [27] [11] [35]
bandas de arrecife
Largos trozos de lona rugosa cosidos a las velas para darles resistencia adicional.
aparejos de arrecife
Cuerdas empleadas en la operación de rizo. [36]
barco frigorífico

También simplemente reefer .

1. Un buque de carga refrigerado utilizado para transportar mercancías perecederas que requieren refrigeración.
2. Un refrigerador de a bordo.
juez local
Enhebrar una cuerda a través de bloques para obtener una ventaja mecánica, como en un polipasto . [36]
Una serie de carreras de barcos, generalmente de veleros o botes de remos, pero ocasionalmente de barcos a motor.
barco regular
Término utilizado por la Compañía Británica de las Indias Orientales desde el siglo XVII al XIX para los barcos mercantes que hacían "viajes regulares" para la compañía entre Inglaterra (más tarde el Reino Unido ) y los puertos al este del Cabo de Buena Esperanza , un comercio sobre el cual la compañía tenía un estricto monopolio. La compañía alquilaba la mayoría de sus barcos; los "barcos regulares" eran aquellos bajo alquiler a largo plazo, y la compañía mantenía sus operaciones bajo estricto control. Un conjunto de "barcos regulares" partían hacia puertos asiáticos durante cada temporada de navegación (de septiembre a abril) y regresaban hasta dos años después. El estatus y el papel de los "barcos regulares" diferían de los de los barcos a los que la compañía se refería como barcos alquilados , barcos nacionales , barcos adicionales y barcos con licencia . [14]
rumbo relativo
Un rumbo relativo a la dirección en la que apunta o se desplaza el buque; el ángulo entre la dirección de avance del buque y un objeto, medido en el sentido de las agujas del reloj desde la proa . Véase también rumbo absoluto .
barco de reparación
Un buque auxiliar naval diseñado para proporcionar apoyo de mantenimiento a otros buques.
engrasador de reposición
Un buque auxiliar naval que proporciona combustible y provisiones secas a otros barcos.
buque de investigación
Un buque diseñado y equipado para realizar investigaciones en el mar, especialmente estudios hidrográficos , investigaciones oceanográficas , investigaciones pesqueras , investigaciones navales , investigaciones polares y exploración petrolera .
flota de reserva
Conjunto de buques de guerra completamente equipados para el servicio, pero que se encuentran parcial o totalmente fuera de servicio porque no son necesarios en ese momento. En los Estados Unidos modernos, a una flota de reserva a veces se la denomina informalmente flota fantasma . Durante la era de la vela y hasta bien entrado el siglo XIX, se decía que los barcos de una flota de reserva estaban en servicio ordinario .
cosquilleo de costillas
Nombre que el barquero da al timón. [2]
luz de conducción
Una luz colgaba del estay de proa cuando estábamos anclados . [2]
Giro de cabalgata
un tipo de atasco de la cuerda en el tambor de un cabrestante: la parte muy cargada de la cuerda se eleva involuntariamente sobre las vueltas sucesivas del cabrestante, impidiendo así que se muevan. [37]
1. La disposición de mástiles, velas y aparejos en un barco de vela. [38]
2. Equipar un buque de vela con sus mástiles, velas o aparejos. [38]
El sistema de mástiles y cabos en los barcos y otras embarcaciones de vela. [36]
calzos de aparejo
Bloques gruesos de madera fijados en el exterior de los rieles para colocar las placas de cadena para los obenques. [2]
tornillo de aparejo
Un tornillo de botella utilizado para mantener los cables tensos. [2]
El proceso de restaurar un buque volcado a su condición vertical.
pareja enderezadora
momento de enderezamiento
La fuerza que tiende a restaurar el equilibrio vertical de un barco una vez que una escora ha alterado la relación entre el centro de flotabilidad y el centro de gravedad del buque .
El borde o "ceja" encima de un ojo de buey o escotilla.
rap desgarrador
Un montón de rocas y escombros hecho por el hombre que se utiliza como base para sostener una ayuda a la navegación , a menudo un faro en alta mar .
Ver buque de carga rodada .
Ver rada .

También carreteras .

Un área protegida fuera de un puerto donde un barco puede permanecer seguro anclado, a menudo situada en una "hendidura poco profunda de la costa". [39]
Los cuarenta rugientes
Una zona de fuertes vientos del oeste persistentes que se encuentra en el hemisferio sur , generalmente entre las latitudes de 40 y 50 grados sur. Durante la era de la vela , los barcos aprovecharon los años cuarenta rugientes para acelerar sus viajes, y los navegantes de yates todavía lo hacen hoy.

También se echó el ancla .

La línea de ancla , cuerda o cable que conecta la cadena del ancla al buque.
ola gigante
Cualquier ola inusualmente grande para un estado del mar determinado; formalmente, una ola cuya altura es más del doble de la altura de ola significativa de ese estado del mar (es decir, la media del tercio más grande de olas en un registro de olas).
1. Movimiento lateral de un buque a medida que gira sobre su eje longitudinal . La escora es una inclinación o inclinación duradera y estable a lo largo de este eje longitudinal.
2. Otro nombre para el propio eje longitudinal (por ejemplo, el "eje de balanceo").
oleaje ondulante
Oleaje que ha aumentado en altura debido a la influencia del fondo en aguas poco profundas, pero antes de que sea lo suficientemente alto como para romper. [31]
buque de carga rodada

También RORO o ro-ro .

Un buque diseñado para transportar carga sobre ruedas que puede subir y bajar del barco gracias a sus propias ruedas.
aparejo rodante
Un conjunto de poleas, que sirven para confinar la verga al lado de barlovento de un mástil; este aparejo se utiliza mucho en mares agitados. [40]
vang rodante
Un segundo conjunto de vangs de proa se desplegaba hacia la barandilla cerca de la proa , y se utilizaba para proporcionar control y apoyo adicionales cuando era necesario en alta mar. [2]
En un convoy , un barco que rompe filas y avanza a grandes zancadas fuera de la formación con los demás barcos.
cuerdas, las
1. Todo el cordaje ; las líneas del aparejo.
2. Cualquier cuerda de más de 1 pulgada (2,5 cm) de diámetro. [40]
extremo de la cuerda
Un dispositivo de castigo sumario utilizado como azote .
hilo de cuerda
1.  A period, traditionally on Wednesday afternoons, when a tailor boarded a sailing warship while the vessel was in port; the crew was excused from most duties and had light duty mending uniforms and hammocks and darning socks. When the ship was at sea, the crew similarly was excused from most duties on Wednesday afternoons to engage in mending chores. Wednesday afternoons, like Sundays, thus were a more social time when crewmen rested from normal duties, similar to a Sunday, and, because the crew used rope yarn for mending, Wednesday afternoon became known as rope yarn Sunday.
2.  After uniforms began to require less care, and through the mid-20th century, a period on Wednesday afternoons when naval crew members were excused from their regular duties to run personal errands.
3.  Since the mid-20th century, any period of free time when a naval crew is given early liberty or otherwise excused from its normally scheduled duties.
4.  One of the threads in a rope.[40]
round to
To turn the bow of a vessel into the wind.
Past tense of reeve.[36]
1.  (in general speech) to propel a boat with oars
2.  (more precisely, as used at sea) to propel a boat with oars, where each rower handles two oars, one on each side of the boat. This contrasts with the inland waters definition. When, at sea, a person is working just one oar, this is termed pulling[30]: 135 
2.  (more precisely, as used at in inland waters) to propel a boat with oars, where each rower uses just one oar. On inland waters, one person using two oars, one on each side of the boat, is termed sculling[30]: 135 
1.  The cutout in the washstrake of a boat into which an oar is placed, so providing a fulcrum when the oar is in use.[41]
2.  A common term for an oar crutch, the u-shaped metal fitting, with a pin underneath that fits in a socket in the gunwale of a boat to provide the fulcrum for an oar.[11] See also thole pin.
1.  On large sailing ships, a mast right above the topgallant mast.
2.  The sail of such a mast.
rubbing strake
An extra plank fitted to the outside of the hull, usually at deck level, to protect the topsides.
A steering device that is placed aft and pivoted about a (usually vertical) axis to generate a yawing moment from the hydrodynamic forces that act on the rudder blade when it is angled to the flow of water over it. There are several types of rudder, which generally divide into outboard or inboard. An outboard rudder is hung (hinged) on the stern of the vessel. An inboard rudder has a stock which passes through a gland in the hull, with the structure of the hull continuing towards the stern above the rudder. A spade rudder is hinged solely on the stock and has no lower bearing to help take the loads. Other rudder types may be hinged on an extension of the keel or on a skeg. Rudders may be balanced, by having some of the blade extend in front of the stock. On simple watercraft, the rudder may be controlled by a tiller—essentially, a stick or pole attached to the top of the rudder to allow it to be turned by a helmsman. In larger vessels, the rudder is often linked to a steering wheel via cables, pushrods, or hydraulics.
Model of a sternpost-mounted pintle-and-gudgeon rudder
rudder stop
A fitting that limits the swing of the rudder.
The structural part of a rudder that transmits the torque created by the tiller or steering gear to the rudder blade. It may consist of a steel tube which passes through bearings in the hull above the rudder, or with a stern-hung rudder, is the structure carrying all or some of the pintles or gudgeons on which the rudder pivots.
A serrated iron ring attached to the barrel of the anchor winch and to which the pawl is applied to prevent backruns of the anchor chain.[2]
See go-fast boat.

Also romage.

1. A place or room for the stowage of cargo in a vessel.
2.  The act of stowing cargo aboard a vessel.
3.  To arrange (cargo, goods, etc.) in the hold of a vessel; to move or rearrange such goods; the pulling and moving about of packages incident to close stowage aboard a vessel.
4.  To search a vessel for smuggled goods, e.g. "The customs officers rummaged the ship."
rummage sale
A sale of damaged cargo (from French arrimage).
1.  The stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve upward and inward.
2.  A voyage, particularly a brief or routine one.
running before the wind

Also simply running.

Sailing more than about 160° away from the direction from which the wind is blowing (i.e. moving in the same or nearly the same direction as the wind). If moving directly away from the wind, it is called a dead run. Compare reaching and beating.
running backstays
A backstay that can be released and moved out of the way so that it does not interfere with sails or spars on the leeward side. On tacking, the new windward running backstay must be set up promptly to support the mast.[2]
running gear
1.  The propellers, shafts, struts, and related parts of a motorboat.
2.  The running rigging of a sailing vessel.
running light
An alternative term for navigation light.
running rigging

Also running gear.

Rigging used to manipulate sails, spars, etc. in order to control the movement of a sailing vessel. Contrast standing rigging.[42]


sea lawyeran argumentative captious sailor,%3A%20an%20argumentative%20captious%20sailor

safe harbour
A harbour that provides safety from bad weather or attack.
safe haven
A safe harbour, including natural harbours, which provide safety from bad weather or attack.
safety briefing
See muster drill.
saddle chock
A transverse beam placed over the transom with fairleads for mooring warps.[2]
A condition in which the hull of a vessel deflects downward so the ends of the keel are higher than the middle. The opposite of hogging. Sagging can occur when the trough of a wave is amidships or during loading or unloading of a vessel and can damage her or even break her in half.
1.  A piece of fabric attached to a vessel and arranged such that it causes the wind to drive the vessel along. Sails are typically attached to the vessel and manipulated by sailors via a combination of mast, spars, and ropes.
2.  The power harnessed by a sail or sails to propel a vessel.
3.  To use sail power to propel a vessel.
4.  A trip in a boat or ship, especially a sailboat or sailing ship.
5.  In American usage, a tower-like structure on the dorsal (topside) surface of submarines constructed since the mid-20th century. A submarine's sail is similar in appearance to a fabric sail or fin, and is referred to as a fin in British and Commonwealth usage. It also superficially resembles the conning tower of submarines built before the mid-20th century, but differs from a conning tower in that a submarine conning tower contained instruments and controls for the periscopes to direct the submarine and launch torpedo attacks, while a submarine sail (or fin) does not perform these functions.
sail drive
A non-steerable drive leg fitted through the bottom of a sailboat carrying a propeller. Compare azimuth thruster and sterndrive.
sail loft
A large open space used by sailmakers to spread out sails.
A set of drawings showing various sail combinations recommended for use in various situations.
sailing canal boat
See canal schooner.
sailing canal schooner
See canal schooner.
sailing skiff
See skiff.
A craftsman who makes and repairs sails, working either on shore in a sail loft or aboard a large, oceangoing sailing ship.
London term for a sailing barge, or a bargeman.[2]
sally ship
A method of freeing a vessel grounded on mud, in which the crew forms a line and runs back and forth athwartships to cause her to rock back and forth, breaking the mud's suction and freeing her with little or no damage to the hull. When this is required, the crew is given the order "Sally ship!"
A social lounge on a passenger ship.
Great Lakes term for a vessel that sails the oceans.
salty dog
Slang for a sailor, especially for a seaman in the navy.
salvage tug

Sometimes called a wrecking tug.

A specialized tugboat used to assist ships in distress or in danger of sinking, or to salvage ships which have already sunk or run aground.
A person engaged in the salvage of a ship or items lost at sea.
A relatively flat-bottomed Chinese wooden boat from 3.5 to 4.5 metres (11 to 15 ft) long, generally used in coastal areas or rivers and as traditional fishing boats. Some have a small shelter, and they may be used as a permanent habitation on inland waters. It is unusual for sampans to sail far from land as they are not designed to survive rough weather.
sampson post
A strong vertical post used to fasten the anchor cable or mooring warps, for towing another vessel, or to support a ship's windlass, the heel of a ship's bowsprit, the base of a cargo derrick or any other heavy load. In a smaller vessel, is usually fastened to the keel at its lower end.[27][11]
A barge that collects sand from the bottom of lakes.
Prefix for "sailing barge", used before a ship's name.
To reduce the area and efficiency of a sail by expedient means (slacking the peak and tricing up the tack) without properly reefing, thus slowing boat speed. Also used in the past as a sign of mourning.
Dimensions of a ship's structural members, e.g. frame, beam, girder, etc.
A type of sailing vessel characterized by the use of fore-and-aft sails on two or more masts with the forward mast being no taller than the rear masts. First used by the Dutch in the 16th or 17th century. A topsail schooner has a square topsail (and may also have a topgallant) on the foremast.
schooner barge
A type of barge either converted from a schooner or purpose-built as a barge with a schooner rig, primarily in use from the 1860s to the 1940s, initially on the Great Lakes and later in salt-water environments as well. A schooner barge required a smaller crew than a schooner and needed to be towed, but under favorable conditions could hoist sails to reduce fuel consumption by the vessel towing her.[43][44]
Another name for a Dutch barge.
The length of cable extended when a ship rides at anchor.
1.  A method of preparing an anchor for tripping by attaching an anchor cable to the crown and fixing to the ring by a light seizing (also known as becue). The seizing can be broken if the anchor becomes fouled.
2.  A type of clinker dinghy, characteristically beamy and slow.
3.  An inland racing boat with no keel, a large sail plan, and a planing hull.
scow schooner
A vessel with a scow-like (def. 2) hull and a schooner rig. Scow schooners appeared on the Great Lakes during the 1820s and served there into the 20th century, and also were common on San Francisco Bay and in New Zealand.[45]
scow sloop
A vessel with a scow-like (def. 2) hull and a sloop rig. Scow sloops were common in North America by 1725.[45]
Screaming Sixties

Also called the Shrieking Sixties.

Strong westerly winds found in the Southern Hemisphere, south of 60 degrees. They are stronger than the similar "Roaring Forties" to their north.
A specialty sail which can be used as an upwind genoa sail, reaching sail, or downwind sail. The name comes from combining "spinnaker" and "reaching".
1.  A propeller.
2.  Propeller-driven (e.g. a screw frigate or screw sloop).
A name given by sailors to the lowest clouds, which are mostly observed in squally weather.
A term applied to a vessel when carried furiously along by a tempest.
1.  (v.) In sport or recreational rowing, especially on inland water, to propel a boat by oars, where each of one or several persons uses two oars, one on each side of the boat. This contrasts with the maritime traditional working boat or naval usage, where this activity is called rowing.[30]: 135 
2.  (v.) To propel a boat with a single oar resting in a notch at the stern, using a figure of eight motion of the blade of the oar, which is continuously immersed in the water
3.  (n.) An oar used for sculling
4.  (n.) A boat propelled by sculling, generally for recreation or racing
Originally a series of pipes fitted through a ship's side from inside the thicker deck waterway to the topside planking in order to drain water overboard, with larger quantities drained through freeing ports, which were openings in the bulwarks.
1.  A small opening, or lid thereof, in a ship's deck or hull.
2.  To sink a vessel deliberately.
1.  A barrel with a hole in it, used to hold water that sailors would drink from. By extension (in modern naval usage), a shipboard drinking fountain or water cooler.
2.  Slang for gossip.
Making a hole in the hull of a vessel or opening seacocks, especially in order to sink a vessel deliberately.
1.  The ocean.
2.  A body of salt water smaller than an ocean and generally forming part of, or connecting with, an ocean or a larger sea.
3.  A large lake, usually one with salty or brackish water.
4.  The swell of an ocean or sea.
5.  A single wave, e.g., "A large sea struck the ship."
sea anchor
A stabilizer deployed in the water for heaving to in heavy weather. It acts as a brake and keeps the hull in line with the wind and perpendicular to the waves. Often in the form of a large bag made of heavy canvas. See also drogue.
sea chest
A watertight box built against the hull of the ship communicating with the sea through a grillage, to which valves and piping are attached to allow water in for ballast, engine cooling, and firefighting purposes. Also, a wooden box used to store a sailor's effects.
sea shanty/chanty/chantey
Work song to accompany rhythmical labor.
sea state
The general condition of the free surface on a large body of water with respect to wind waves and swell at a certain location and moment, characterized by statistics, including the wave height, period, and power spectrum. The sea state varies with time, as the wind conditions or swell conditions change.
sea trial
The testing phase of a boat, ship, or submarine, usually the final step in her construction, conducted to measure a vessel's performance and general seaworthiness before her owners take delivery of her.
1.  A ship's boat kept ready for immediate use at sea, and used, for example, for retrieving a man overboard, or taking a boarding party to another vessel. Usually rigged with patent disengaging gear that allows both falls to be released simultaneously and quickly, so enabling the boat to be launched from a ship with way on.[46]
2.  A term used for any vessel when assessing her physical behavior at sea. A vessel that performs well in challenging weather or sea conditions such as heavy seas is a good seaboat, while one which does not is a bad seaboat.
High waterproof boots for use at sea. In leisure sailing, known as sailing wellies.
A valve in the hull of a vessel used to allow seawater into or out of the vessel. Seacocks are used to admit seawater for purposes such as cooling an engine, feeding a saltwater faucet, or scuttling a vessel, or to drain a sink or toilet into the sea. On warships, seacocks may be used to flood ammunition magazines with seawater to prevent them from exploding during a fire.
The ability of a watercraft to remain seaworthy in the conditions she encounters while underway. A vessel with a good seakeeping ability is very seaworthy even in rough weather.
(of a boat or ship) Having a comfortable motion in rough seas[47]
A vessel designed for or engaged in seal hunting.
1.  The hunting of seals.
2.  The internal lining of the sides and bottom of the hold. Also ceiling.[2]
A generic term for a sailor, or (part of) a low naval rank.
A large geologic landform rising from the ocean floor that does not reach the surface; an underwater mountain.
Certified for and capable of safely sailing at sea.
second mate

Also called a second officer.

A licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship, third – or, on some ocean liners, fourth – in command; a watchkeeping officer, customarily the ship's navigator. Other duties vary, but the second mate is often the medical officer and in charge of maintaining distress-signaling equipment. On oil tankers, the second mate usually assists the chief mate with tank-cleaning operations.
see you on the one


Used principally by pilots and river tug and barge deck and officer crew as a friendly farewell (similar to the phrase "catch you later") or more properly used in vessel to vessel VHF (or when needed ship's whistle) communication, along with its companion phrase "see you on the two" to indicate which side a head-to-head vessel crossing is going to occur. The correct response to the challenge is to repeat it back to the apposing vessel in agreement, and if not in agreement to ask for an alternative arrangement. The "on the one" indicates a single whistle sound signal, or port to port crossing, whilst "on the two" is a dual (two) whistle sound signal, or starboard to starboard crossing. In the US, a "one whistle" or port to port crossing is the normal and preferred crossing side.
London term for sailing barges that sought cargo, carrying cargo for other merchants at a fee, rather than for the owner.[2]
A fishing vessel rigged to fish by seining.
To bind two ropes together with small line.[48]
A merchant ship that can unload herself with no assistance from harbor facilities is self-sustaining, while a ship that needs harbor facilities to unload is non-self-sustaining. Self-sustaining ships are more expensive to build, maintain, and operate than non-self-sustaining ships, but have the advantage of being able to operate in less-developed ports that lack infrastructure.
Great Lakes slang term for a vessel with a conveyor or some other method of unloading the cargo without shoreside equipment.
An advanced type of predreadnought battleship of the very early 20th century with an "all-big-gun" armament of mixed calibers. A semi-dreadnought differed from a conventional predreadnought, which had only a few large guns for long-range fire and relied on an intermediate secondary battery used at shorter ranges for most of her offensive power, but also differed from a dreadnought battleship, which dispensed with an intermediate secondary battery in favor of an all-big-gun main battery of the same caliber for use at long range. A semi-dreadnought had greater firepower at longer ranges than a conventional predreadnought, but lacked the long-range firepower of a dreadnought.
Cord formed by plaiting rope-yarn by hand. There are many types of plait, which may be flat, round, or square in section, and many uses.[49][31]
sennet whip
A summary punitive implement.
Cover a rope or splice by wrapping with thin line to protect it.[2] Compare with whipping
The direction toward which the current flows.
(of a ship or boat): sink lower in the water, often prior to sinking altogether.
A navigational instrument used to measure a ship's latitude.
U-shaped iron, with a screw pin at the open end used for securing stays to sails, allowing easy removal.[2]
1.  A propeller shaft. The term shaft can be used instead of "propeller" to describe the number of propellers a ship has, e.g., The ship has two shafts or The ship's engines drive three shafts.
2.  To push or propel (a boat) with a pole.[50]
shaft alley
The section of a ship that houses the propulsion shaft, running from the engine room to the stuffing box.
shaft log
A shaped piece of timber or metal fitted to a vessel's deadwood, keel, or keelson at the point where the stern tube passes through the hull.[51]
shakedown cruise

Also simply called a shakedown.

A cruise performed before a ship enters service or after major changes such as a crew change, repair, or overhaul during which the performance of the ship and her crew are tested under working conditions.
Pieces of barrels or casks broken down to save space. They are worth very little, leading to the phrase "no great shakes".
1.  A term used for a variety of boats and small ships used for coastal navigation beginning in the 17th century.
2.  A large boat armed with cannon used by the Danes as gunboats during the Gunboat War (1807–1814).
The condition of a crewman involuntarily impressed into service on a ship.
(traditionally pronounced "shiv") The wheel in a block, which rotates as the rope runs.[2]
A hole or slot in a spar, fitted with a sheave to allow a rope to run.[48]
The upward curve of a vessel's longitudinal lines as viewed from the side.[2]
sheer line
The intersection of the external hull surface and the main deck surface, shown by a line on the sheer plan.
sheer plan
In shipbuilding, a diagram showing an elevation of the ship's sheer viewed from the broadside.
A rope attached to the clew and used to control the setting of a sail in relation to the direction of the wind. The sheet is often passed through a tackle before being attach to fixed points on the deck, or in the case of a barge, to a traveller on the main horse.[2]
sheet anchor
Historically, the heaviest anchor aboard a sailing ship, to be used only in case of emergency, and located amidships. In more general usage, the term has come to mean a person or thing that is very reliable in times of emergency.[52] For example, during the first inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, he advocated, "the preservation of the General [Federal] Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad."[53]
sheet bend
A bend to attach a rope to a small eye or clew, e.g. to attach a hammock to a clew or a painter to the Jacobs Ladder.[54]

Also called a fine boat in the United Kingdom.

An extremely narrow, and often disproportionately long, rowing boat outfitted with long oars, outriggers to hold the oarlocks away from the boat, and sliding seats, specifically designed for racing or exercise.
shelter deck
An upper deck having no overhead protection from the weather itself, but sheltering the deck below it.
shift colors
1.  Changing the flag and pennant display when a moored vessel becomes underway, and vice versa. A highly coordinated display that ships take pride in; the desired effect is that of one set of flags vanishing while another set flashes out at precisely the same time.
2.  Slang for changing out of one's Navy uniform into civilian clothes to go ashore. (The US Navy's newsletter for retired personnel is nicknamed Shift Colors for this reason.)[55]
shift tides
Sighting the positions of the Sun and Moon using a sextant, using a nautical almanac to determine the location and phase of the Moon, and calculating the relative effect of the tides on the navigation of the ship.[56][57]
1.  Strictly, a sailing vessel of three-masts or more and square-rigged on all masts.[58][59]
2.  More generally, any medium or larger seagoing vessel. Smaller vessels or those used in sheltered waters are generally called boats. Exceptions include submarines which are always referred to as boats.[59]
3.  To send (an item or cargo) via waterborne transport, or in the derived meaning, by any means of transport (such as rail).[60]
4.  To bring something aboard a vessel.[60]
5.  To put something in its place aboard a vessel, ready for use.[60]
6.  To take employment to serve aboard a vessel.
7.  To embark or travel on a vessel.
8.  To take water over the bow or sides of a vessel, e.g., "The freighter shipped a great deal of water during the storm."
ship a sea
(Of a ship or boat): be flooded by a wave.
ship breaking

Also called ship cracking, ship demolition, ship dismantling, or ship recycling.

The demolition of ships for spare parts and scrap metal. A ship on her way to be scrapped is said to be going to the breakers.
ship cemetery
Another name for a ship graveyard.
ship classification society

Also ship classification organisation or ship classification organization

A non-governmental organization that establishes and maintains technical standards for the construction and operation of ships and offshore structures.
A type of sailing warship constructed from the 1600s through the mid-1800s to serve as part of the line of battle; one of the largest and most powerful warships of the era.
ship graveyard

Also called a ship cemetery.

1. A location where the hulls of discarded ships are left to decay and disintegrate.
2.  An area where shipwrecks accumulate due to hazardous navigation conditions, deliberate scuttling, or losses in combat.
3.  An anchorage for ships of a reserve fleet.
ship over
To reenlist. When a sailor extends his or her service another term.
A three-masted polacca.
ship rig
See full-rigged ship.
ship sloop
A type of sloop-of-war introduced in the 1740s that had three square-rigged masts (in contrast to the brig sloop introduced in the 1770s, which had two masts).
ship stores
The materials, supplies and equipment required for the navigation, maintenance, operation and upkeep of a ship.
ship taken up from trade
ship's bell
Striking the ship's bell is the traditional method of marking time and regulating the crew's watches. Each bell (from one to eight) represents a 30-minute period since the beginning of a four-hour watch. For example, in the classical system, "Three bells in the morning watch" represents 90 minutes since the beginning of the morning watch, or 5:30 AM. "Eight bells" indicates the end of a watch.
ship's biscuit
See hard tack.
ship's company
The crew of a ship.
ship's complement
The number of persons in a ship's crew, including officers.
ship's husband
A legal term for an agent based on land, who has authority to make repairs and attend to the management, equipment, and general management of a ship in the home port.[61][62]
ships husbandry
All aspects of maintenance, cleaning, and general upkeep of the hull, rigging, and equipment of a ship. It may also be used to refer to aspects of maintenance which are not specifically covered by the technical departments.[63][64]
Another name for a shipwreck.
1.  Passage or transport on a ship; maritime transport.
2.  The body of ships belonging to one country, port, or industry.
Meticulously neat and tidy. A sailor is expected to keep his or her quarters shipshape, with all items arranged neatly and securely, both to save space aboard ship and because of the danger posed by loose objects if the ship encounters turbulent seas.
1.  The remains of a ship that has sunk.
2.  The remains of a ship that has run aground such that she is no longer seaworthy.
3.  An event in which a ship sinks or otherwise becomes a wreck.
To wreck a ship through a mishap.
A person marooned due to the loss of a ship he or she was aboard is said to be shipwrecked.
A person who designs, builds, and repairs ships, especially wooden ones.
A facility where ships or boats are built and repaired. Routinely used as a synonym for dockyard, although dockyard is sometimes associated more closely with a facility used for maintenance and basing activities, while shipyard sometimes is associated more closely with a facility used in construction.
Shallow water that is a hazard to navigation.
shoal draught
An especially shallow draught on a vessel, making the vessel capable of sailing in unusually shallow water.
shore leave
Free time given to officers and crew of a naval vessel when they are off duty and allowed to disembark and spend time on land. See also liberty.
short stay
The relative slackness of an anchor chain; "short stay" means the chain is somewhat slack, and neither vertical nor fully extended.
1.  To take in the slack of (a rope).
2.  To reduce (sail) by taking it in, e.g. "shorten sail".
shot across the bow
A shot fired close to and in front of a moving vessel to warn her to stop, often for boarding.
show your true colors
To display the correct flag ("colors") for your ship's sovereign allegiance after using a false or misleading flag, or flying no flag at all, to approach an unsuspecting enemy ship.
Shrieking Sixties
See screaming Sixties.
A fishing vessel rigged for shrimp fishing.
A rope or cable serving to support a mast from either side.
show your true colors
To display your correct flag after approaching an unsuspecting enemy by flying an misleading flag.
sick bay
A compartment reserved for medical purposes.
One of an even-numbered group of seamen posted in two rows on the quarterdeck when a visiting dignitary boards or leaves the ship, historically to help (or even hoist) him aboard.
(of a timber in a wooden hull) The identifier of a measurement of a timber in a wooden hull, used, together with moulded, instead of width and thickness which could be ambiguous – length, the third dimension is not ambiguous. Sided identifies the measure across the surface of an individual timber which is at right angles to the moulded direction. Therefore this is the dimension across the top of a keel, the fore and aft face of a frame, or the athwartships face of stem or stern post.[65]
1.  A side-mounted paddle wheel used for propulsion by a paddle steamer.
2.  Propelled by sidewheels (e.g. "sidewheel steamer").
A paddle steamer propelled by a pair of paddle wheels, one mounted on each side.
(of the arrangement of oars on a boat) having only one oarsman seated on each thwart, operating one oar on one side of the boat, with the oars alternating between port and starboard along the length of the boat. This contrasts with double-banked, where two oarsmen are seated on each thwart, each of whom operates one oar on their side of the boat. A third arrangement is to have one rower on each thwart working two oars, one on each side of the boat.[30]: 135 
single up
to reduce the number of mooring lines to a minimum immediately prior to getting under way. In a small vessel this would usually be a reduction to a mooring line at just the bow and the stern. In a larger vessel this may be a reducton to headrope, sternrope and two springs.[66]
A sound signal that uses electricity or compressed air to actuate either a disc or a cup-shaped rotor.
sister ship
A ship of the same class as, and therefore virtually identical in design and appearance to, another ship. Sister ships share an identical or nearly identical hull and superstructure layout, similar displacement, and roughly comparable features and equipment. Often, sister ships become more differentiated during their service lives as their equipment (and, in the case of military ships, their armament) are separately altered.
A type of small sailing vessel used for fishing, primarily during the 19th century and mostly in the Moray Firth region of Scotland.
A downward or sternward projection from the keel in front of the rudder. Protects the rudder from damage, and in bilge keelers may provide one "leg" of a tripod on which the boat stands when the tide is out.
skeleton crew
A minimal crew, usually employed during an emergency or when a vessel is inactive, generally consisting of the minimum number of personnel required to maintain or operate the vessel.
A small boat, traditionally a coastal or river craft, for leisure or fishing, with a single person or small crew. Sailing skiffs have developed into high-performance competitive classes.
A type of sailboat used as a traditional fishing boat on the Chesapeake Bay for oyster dredging. It arose around the end of the 19th century as the successor to the bugeye as the chief oystering boat on the bay.
The captain of a ship.
A square sail set above the royals, typically only carried by large barques and ships, such as the Primrose Hill (1885), Oweenee (1819), and Mushkosa (1819).[29][67]
A small triangular sail above the skysail. Used in light winds on a few ships.[citation needed]
slack tide
The period between rising tide and falling tide, or the period between falling tide and rising tide when there is no tidal-induced current.
Slamming occurs when wave or wind action cause part of the vessel to rise out of the water and then slam back down onto the surface of the sea.
slave ship
A large cargo ship specially converted for the transportation of slaves in the slave trade. Also known as a slaver or Guineaman, the latter term deriving from the Guinea coast of West Africa.
Another name for a slave ship.
The cabin hatch on a barge.[68]
1.  To pass a rope around something in preparation for attaching a hoisting or lowering tackle to it.
2.  A band of rope or iron for securing a yard to a mast; chiefly used in the plural, slings.
1.  To let go a rope at a precise moment, such as when releasing the last attachment to a buoy, when getting under way.[69]
2.  To slip an anchor: to let go the anchor cable, abandoning the anchor so as to get under way in an emergency, rather than spend time hauling in the cable to raise the anchor in the normal way. The released anchor cable is usually buoyed to aid recovery later.[69]
3.  The difference between the theoretical distance traveled per revolution of a vessel's propeller and the actual advance of the vessel.
4.  In marine engineering, the motion of the center of resistance of the float of a paddle wheel or the blade of an oar through the water horizontally.
5.  In marine engineering, the difference between a vessel's actual speed and the speed it would have if the propelling instrument acted upon a solid.
6.  In marine engineering, the velocity of the backward current of water produced by the propeller relative to still water.
7.  In marine insurance, a memorandum of the particulars of a risk for which a policy is to be executed, usually bearing the broker's name and initialled by the underwriters.
slip rope
A mooring rope that is intended to be the last to be released when getting under way and is arranged so that it can be released from on-board. An example of this would be a rope that is led from the ship (or boat), through a ring on a mooring buoy, and then back to the ship.[70]
A ramp on the shore by which ships or boats can be moved to and from the water. Slipways are used for building and repairing ships and boats. They are also used for launching and retrieving small boats on trailers towed by automobiles and flying boats on their undercarriage.
In modern usage (from circa 1850s), a single-masted fore and aft sailing rig with one headsail set on the forestay, and a mainsail abaft the mast. The sloop rig is very common in modern leisure sailing vessels. In older usage, a sloop may have more than one headsail, but with the jib (the outer headsail) also set on a stay. This differentiates from a cutter of the same era, where the jib would be set flying and a running bowsprit was used. Any bowsprit that might be fitted on a sloop was part of the standing rigging and remained in place at all times.[71]
1.  In the 18th and 19th centuries, a small sailing warship carrying 18 or fewer guns with a single continuous gundeck.
2.  In the 18th and 19th centuries, any sailing warship bearing fewer than 20 guns.
3.  In the 19th-century US Navy, the term used for the type of sailing warship known in other navies as a corvette.
4.  In the early and mid-20th century, a small oceangoing warship not intended for fleet deployments, and used instead for convoy escort, gunboat duties, etc.
slop chest
A ship's store of merchandise, such as clothing, tobacco, etc., maintained aboard merchant ships for sale to the crew.
Greasy substance obtained by boiling or scraping the fat from empty salted meat storage barrels, or the floating fat residue after boiling the crew's meal. In the Royal Navy, it was a perquisite of the ship's cook, who could sell it or exchange it (usually for alcohol) with other members of the crew. Used for greasing parts of the running rigging of the ship and therefore valuable to the master and bosun.
slush fund
The money obtained by the cook selling slush ashore. Used for the benefit of the crew (or the cook).
A traditional fishing boat used off the coast of England and the Atlantic coast of America for most of the 19th century and in small numbers up to the mid-20th century. Originally a cutter-rigged sailing boat, after about 1865 lengthened and given a ketch rig. Some had a topsail on the mizzen mast, others a bowsprit carrying a jib.
small bower
The smaller of two anchors carried in the bow.
smoking lamp
Restricted flame source lighted only during authorized smoking hours.[22]
1.  Snag, also deadhead: A tree or tree branch fixed in the bottom of a navigable body of water and partially submerged or rising nearly to the surface that can pierce and sink vessels. Snags were a particularly severe hazard in the 19th and early 20th centuries; to be snagged is to suffer damage from or to be sunk by such a hazard.
2.  An underwater obstruction on which equipment trailed from a vessel, such as fishing lines and nets, becomes caught, sometimes resulting in loss of the equipment.
A river boat resembling a barge with a superstructure for crew accommodations, equipped with deck-mounted cranes and hoists for removing snags and other obstructions from rivers and other shallow waterways.
snatch block
A block with one cheek that is hinged, so that the bight of a rope can be inserted in the block (as opposed to threading the end of the rope into an ordinary block).[72]
1.  Member of a ship's engineering department.
2.  Mythical object of a "snipe hunt" for inexperienced crewmembers.
A short rope, spliced together at the ends and covered with hide, that is seized to the mast to hold the lower end of a sprit.[73]
Royal Navy slang for a midshipman.[74]
A form of brig where the gaff spanker or driver is rigged on a "snow mast", a lighter spar supported in chocks close behind the mainmast.
To quickly stop a line that is running out - usually by taking or tightening a turn on a bollard, cleat or winch drum.[75]
snug loaded
When all the cargo on a barge is stowed below in the hold and there is nothing on deck. In contrast to carrying a stack.[68]
soft eye
An eye splice without a thimble fitted.
An abbreviation of "speed over ground", the speed of the vessel relative to the Earth (and as shown by a GPS). Referenced on many fishing forums.
To wash down (as the deck and paintwork of a ship.) [76]
1.  An acronym for "sound navigation and ranging", a method of using sound pulses to detect, range, and sometimes image underwater targets and obstacles or the bed of the sea. See also echo sounding and ASDIC.
2.  The equipment used to conduct such searches, ranging, and imaging.
International distress signal.
1.  A storm originating from the southwest.
2.  A type of waterproof hat with a wide brim over the neck, worn in storms.
soul, souls
With a quantifier, can apply to the number of people on board ship; hence, SOS, "Save Our Souls".[77]
1.  Measuring the depth of the water. Traditionally done by "swinging the lead", now more commonly by echo sounding.
2.  Measuring the depth of liquid stored in a tank onboard a vessel, typically used to determine its volume. See also Ullage.
A fore-and-aft or gaff-rigged sail on the aftmost mast of a square-rigged vessel and the main fore-and-aft sail (spanker sail) on the aftmost mast of a (partially) fore-and-aft rigged vessel such as a schooner, barque, or barquentine.[49]
The aftmost mast of a fore-and-aft or gaff-rigged five-masted vessel such as a schooner or barquentine. A full-rigged ship has a spanker sail but not a spanker-mast (see jigger-mast).[48]
A wooden (in later years also iron or steel) pole used to support various pieces of rigging and sails. The big five-masted full-rigged tall ship Preussen (German spelling: Preußen) had crossed 30 steel yards, but only one wooden spar – the little gaff of its spanker sail.
spar torpedo
A weapon consisting of a bomb placed at the end of a long spar and attached to a boat.
speaking tube
See communication tube.
A trysail.[48]
spider band

Also spider hoop.

An iron band around the base of a mast that holds a set of iron belaying pins.[2]
Finely divided water swept from the crests of waves by strong winds. The presence of spindrift may be used to approximately estimate wind speed.
1.  A large sail flown in front of the vessel while heading downwind.[78]
2.  A headsail set windward when running before the wind. The bargeman's spinnaker is his topmast staysail, tacked to the mast, and sheeted round the weather crosstree.[2]
spinnaker pole
A spar used to help control a spinnaker or other headsail.
The thicker planks of the ceiling, found at the bottom of the hold and continuing up the inside of the hull to the start of the quickwork (or lining).[4]
To join lines (ropes, cables, etc.) by unravelling their ends and intertwining them to form a continuous line; to form an eye or a knot by splicing.[73]
splice the mainbrace
An order given aboard naval vessels to issue the crew with a drink, traditionally grog. The phrase "splice the mainbrace" is used idiomatically meaning to go ashore on liberty, intending to go out for an evening of drinking.
splinter fleet

Also splinter navy

Informal term for wooden boats of various types the United States armed forces used during World War II. Some of the boats were civilian vessels brought into service for the war, while others were built during the war specifically for wartime service. Some were transferred to Allied countries.
split lugsail
Two sails, foresail and mainsail on a lugsail yard, removing the need to dip the yard around the mast every time the vessel tacked.[79]
A projection from the side of a vessel for protection, stability, or the mounting of equipment such as armaments or lifeboats. A sponson that extends a hull dimension at or below the waterline serves to increase flotation or add lift when underway. In salvage of a damaged or disabled vessel, a sponson may be a flotation tank attached to provide stability or buoyancy.
Spoke (to) another ship, as in "Spoke a brig from Rio" in Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe.
The person, traditionally a woman, who christens a ship at its launching ceremony.
spotting top
A platform on a mast used to aid in gun laying.
A spar on a sailboat used to deflect the shrouds to allow them to better support the mast.[2]
A mooring warp that goes from the bow to a position on the quayside level with the stern (backspring) or led forward from the stern to a point level with the bow (forespring). A spring may be used in conjunction with the engine to swing the bow or stern away from a quayside to enable safe departure.[80]
Big tides caused by the alignment of the Moon and Sun.[68]
A spar that supports a spritsail. It is attached to the mast near the deck and extends diagonally up to the peak of the sail. It is steadied by vangs.[2]
1.  A fore-and-aft sail, where the peak is supported by a sprit. It may be free-footed or use a boom.
2.  A rig that uses a spritsail.[2]
3.  A square-sail flown beneath the bowsprit.[81]
A spritsail-rigged barge.[2]
spurling pipe
A pipe that connects to the chain locker, from which the anchor chain emerges onto the deck at the bow of a ship.
1.  In general, any significant group of warships considered too small to be a fleet, but otherwise not strictly defined by size. In some navies, the term flotilla may be used instead of or in addition to squadron.
2.  Such a group of warships assigned to and named after a particular ocean, sea, or geographical region, commanded by an admiral who may be the naval commander-in-chief in that theatre, e.g. the Asiatic Squadron, the North Atlantic Squadron, etc.; generally synonymous with similar naval formations known as stations.
3.  During the Age of Sail, a temporary subdivision of a fleet.
4.  A temporary detachment of ships from a fleet.
5.  Especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a permanent battle formation of a fleet, equipped and trained to operate as a tactical unit under the overall command of the fleet or when detached from the fleet.
6.  Especially in modern usage, an administrative naval command responsible for the manning, training, supply, and maintenance of a group of ships or submarines but not for directing their operations at sea.
To place at right angles with the mast or keel and parallel to the horizon, e.g. "to square the yards".
square meal
A sufficient quantity of food. Meals on board ship were served to the crew on a square wooden plate in harbor or at sea in good weather. Food in the Royal Navy was invariably better or at least in greater quantity than that available to the average landsman. However, while square wooden plates were indeed used on board ships, there is no established link between them and this particular term. The OED gives the earliest reference from the US in the mid-19th century.
square rig
A generic type of sail and rigging arrangement in which the primary driving sails are carried on yards that are perpendicular, or "square", to the keel of the vessel and to the masts. A ship mainly so rigged is said to be square-rigged.[48]
square rigger
A square-rigged ship.
squared away
Yards held rigidly perpendicular to their masts and parallel to the deck. This was rarely the best trim of the yards for efficiency but made a pretty sight for inspections and in harbor. The term is applied to situations and to people figuratively to mean that all difficulties have been resolved or that the person is performing well and is mentally and physically prepared.
squat effect
The phenomenon by which a vessel moving quickly through shallow water creates an area of lowered pressure under its keel that reduces the ship's buoyancy, particularly at the bow. The reduced buoyancy causes the ship to "squat" lower in the water than would ordinarily be expected, and thus its effective draught is increased.
A derogatory term for a US Navy sailor.
To the purist, a prefix for Screw Steamer (i.e. with screw propulsion, meaning propellers). It is used before the name of a ship. Compare with "PS", which stands for "Paddle Steamer". Widely used as an abbreviation for "Steam Ship".

Also funnel.

1. Another name for a funnel.
2.  Deck cargo.[2]
stack marking
A logo or other type of livery on a ship's stack indicating which private entity, such as a shipping line, or government agency owns or operates her. Generally, all the ships belonging to the fleet of a single company or agency will have the same stack marking.
A barge designed to take a large deck cargo, usually of hay or straw needed to feed working horses.[2]
A vertical post near the edge of a deck that supports life-lines; a timber fitted in between the frame heads on a wooden hull or a bracket on a steel vessel, approx one meter high, to support the bulwark plank or plating and the rail.
(of a ship or its captain) To steer, sail, or steam, usually used in conjunction with a specified direction or destination, e.g. "The ship stood out of the harbor" or "The ship stood toward the east" or "The ship stood toward the missing vessel's last known position".
stand-on (vessel)
A vessel directed to keep her course and speed where two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve a risk of collision.
standing part
The section of a rope at a cleat or a block that is under tension, as opposed to the loose end.[2]
standing rigging
Rigging that supports masts and spars and is not manipulated during normal operations. Contrast running rigging.[48]
A heavy wire cable attached to the mast at the hounds to support the weight of a spritsail at the heel.[2]
The right side of a ship or boat; towards the right-hand side of a vessel facing forward (toward the bow).[2] Denoted with a green light at night. Derived from the old steering oar or "steerboard", which preceded the invention of the rudder.
starboard tack
When sailing with the wind coming from the starboard side of the vessel. Vessels on starboard tack generally have right-of-way over vessels on port tack.
A rope used as a punitive device. See teazer and togey.
1.  A superior cabin for a vessel's officer.
2.  In American usage, a private passenger cabin on a transport or cruise ship.
1.  In chiefly 19th- and early 20th-century usage, a naval formation under a commander-in-chief who controls all naval operations, and sometimes all naval shore facilities, within a specified geographic area (e.g. the China Station, the East Indies Station, etc.); sometimes synonymous with squadron.
2.  In Newfoundland, a harbour or cove with a foreshore suitable for a facility to support nearby fishing.
3.  Naval station: a naval base (a naval air station is a base for naval aircraft).
4.  Coaling station: a facility that supplies ships with coal.
station ship
A ship assigned to a particular station, such as a port or a geographic area, usually to support naval vessels and operations. A station ship may patrol the local area, or provide personnel to other ships, or provide fuel or services such as repairs.
1.  A strong rope supporting a mast and leading from the head of one mast down to some other mast or other part of the vessel; any rigging running fore (forestay) and aft (backstay) from a mast to the hull. The stays support a mast's weight forward and aft, while the shrouds support its weight from side to side.[82]
2.  To incline forward, aft, or to one side by means of stays, e.g. to "stay a mast".
3.  To tack; put on the other tack, e.g. to "stay ship".
4.  To change; tack; go about; be in stays, as a ship.
5.  A station or fixed anchorage for vessels.
6.  In stays or hove in stays: in the act of going about while tacking.
7.  Miss stays: an unsuccessful attempt to tack.
A flexible wire cable rove through blocks, one on the stemhead and one on the end of the forestay. This is the means by which the mainmast is lowered.[2]
A sail whose luff is attached to a stay. If set on the most forward (or only) mast, a staysail is a headsail. Where more than one headsail is set, the staysail is generally the one closest to the mast.[11]: headsail 

Also steamboat or steamship.

A vessel equipped with steam propulsion.
1.  The effect of the helm on a vessel; the act of steering a vessel.
2.  A 19th- and early 20th-century term for the section of a passenger ship that provided inexpensive accommodation with no individual cabins.
The minimum speed at which a vessel answers the helm, below which she cannot be steered. Speed sufficient for the rudder to "bite".
steering flat
The compartment on a vessel that contains the steering gear.
steering oar

Also steering board.

A long, flat board or oar that went from the stern to well underwater, used to steer vessels before the invention of the rudder. Traditionally on the starboard side of a ship (the "steering board" side).
Another name for a helmsman.
1.  A spar or derrick with a block at one end, used for stowing cargo.
2.  To incline upwards at an angle (used especially of a bowsprit) rather than lie horizontally; to set at a particular upwards incline.[49]
1.  An extension of the keel at the forward end of a ship.
2.  On a barge, the foremost timber set vertically to the keel, forming the head of the stem; it carries the forestay and other rigging.[2]
The rear part of a ship, technically defined as the area built up over the sternpost, extending upwards from the counter rail to the taffrail. Contrast bow.
stern chaser
See chase gun.
stern tube
1.  The tube under the hull bearing the tailshaft for propulsion (usually at the stern).
2.  A torpedo tube mounted in the stern of a submarine.
Another name for an aftercastle.
stern drive

Also: Z-drive

A propeller drive system similar to the lower part of an outboard motor extending below the hull of a larger power boat or yacht, but driven by an engine mounted within the hull. Unlike a fixed propeller (but like an outboard), the boat may be steered by twisting the drive. See also inboard motor.
Great Lakes slang for a vessel which has all of her cabins aft.
A white running light displayed on the stern of a vessel.
A gillnetter that fishes by deploying a gillnet from the stern.
The upright structural member (or post) at the stern of a (usually wooden) ship or boat, to which are attached the transoms and the rearmost corner part of the stern. It rests on ("fays to") the ship's keel, and may be vertical or tilted ("raked") slightly aft.
1.  The area at the stern of an open boat.[27]
2.  The benches at the stern of an open boat that forms the or seating in the stern.[27]
An external walkway or gallery for the use of officers installed on the stern, chiefly of British warships until the early 20th century.
The reverse movement of a boat or watercraft through the water.
1.  A stern-mounted paddle wheel used for propulsion by a paddle steamer.
2.  Propelled by a sternwheel (e.g. a "sternwheel steamer").
A paddle steamer propelled by a sternwheel.
A member of a vessel's crew involved in commissary duties or in personal services to passengers or other crew members.
A stiff vessel is one with a metacentric height high enough to make her more stable and less prone to rolling than other vessels. A stiff vessel contrasts with a tender vessel.
See stand.
The frame that supports a ship or boat when it is being built.
See fireman.
Stone Fleet
A fleet of old ships loaded with stone, sand, or dirt and scuttled by the United States Navy during the American Civil War to block ports of the Confederate States of America in 1861 and 1862.
stone frigate
Informal Royal Navy term for a naval shore establishment.
stopper knot
A knot tied in the end of a rope, usually to stop it passing through a hole; most commonly a figure-eight knot.
A short rope to check a cable in a fixed position. Anchor stoppers hold the anchor when catted, bitt stoppers and deck stoppers are used to retain the cable when at anchor, shroud stoppers contain a damaged shroud, and foretack and sheet stoppers secure the tacks until they are belayed.[83]

Also store ship or stores ship.

1. During the Age of Sail and immediately afterwards, a captured ship used to stow supplies and other goods for naval purposes.
2.  Since the mid-20th century, a type of naval ship that provides supplies, such as frozen, chilled, and dry provisions, and propulsion and aviation fuel to warships at sea for an extended period. In some navies, synonymous with replenishment oiler, fleet replenisher, or fleet tanker.

Also stove in.

(past tense of stave, often applied as present tense) To smash inward; to force a hole or break in, as in a cask, door, ship's hull, or other (wooden) barrier.
To store or put away, e.g. personal effects, tackle, or cargo.
The amount of room for storing materials on board a ship.
A trespasser on a ship; a person aboard a ship without permission and/or without payment, who usually boards undetected, remains hidden aboard, and jumps ship just before making port or reaching a port's dock; sometimes found aboard and imprisoned in the brig until the ship makes port and the prisoner can be transferred to the custody of police or military.
In a convoy, a ship that is unable to maintain speed and falls behind.
straight decker
1.  Originally, a ship built with her pilothouse forward and engines aft to provide a continuous hold in between, a design commonly associated with ships which operate on the Great Lakes in North America.
2.  In more recent usage, a Great Lakes bulk carrier which lacks self-unloading machinery.
A continuous line of planking on a wooden hull going from bow to stern. In a small boat, this is usually a single plank, in a larger vessel a strake is several planks joined end to end. In a steel hull the same term can be applied to a continuous line of steel plates all fastened at the same level.[84]
An inclined foot rest attached to the boat, to which a rower may place and in some instances (usually in competition) attach his feet.
1.  To haul down or lower (a flag, mast, etc.).
2.  To surrender the vessel to the enemy, from "strike the colors".
3.  To remove a naval vessel's name from a country's naval register (after which the vessel is considered stricken).
4.  An attack by a naval combat asset.
5.  To undergo training (as a "striker") to qualify for an enlisted rating.
strike the colors
To surrender the vessel to an enemy, from the custom during the Age of Sail of lowering the vessel's ensign to indicate that she is surrendering.
a longitudinal structural element of a hull. In a wooden hull this is usually a timber fastened to the inner faces of the frames, going the length of the hull. In a fibreglass hull, stringers are usually moulded in fibreglass against the inner skin of the hull over a lightweight timber or other core material, so having a "top hat" section – this moulded structure runs in a generally fore and aft direction.[85][11]
studding sails
(pronounced /ˈstʌnsəl/) Long and narrow sails, used in lighter winds, on the outside of the large square sails.[48]
British and Commonwealth acronym for Ship Taken Up From Trade, which refers to a civilian ship requisitioned for naval or other government service.
1.  A spritsail barge without a topmast. Normal form before 1850, the stumpies sprit was longer than those used in topsail barges, as the mainsail was cut with a higher peak.[2][86]
2.  A tops'l barge underway without her topsails set.[2]
An abbreviation of "speed through (the) water"; the speed of the vessel relative to the surrounding water (and as shown by a Log). Used in navigation.
See submarine chaser.
1.  Generally, a watercraft capable of independent operations underwater, able to renew its own power and breathing air. A submarine differs from a submersible, which has more limited underwater capabilities. By naval tradition, any submarine is referred to informally as a "boat" regardless of its size.
2.  Most commonly, a large, crewed vessel capable of independent underwater operations.
3.  Historically and colloquially, a broad category of vessels capable of submerged operations, including large, crewed submarines but also medium-sized and smaller vessels such as midget submarines and wet subs and vessels technically considered submersibles because they require external support, such as remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles.
submarine chaser

Also subchaser

A small naval vessel designed for antisubmarine warfare, introduced during World War I and obsolete by the late 20th century.
submarine tender
A naval auxiliary ship designed to supply submarines and support their operations. Known in British English as a submarine depot ship.
A small watercraft capable of operating underwater but which requires the support of a surface vessel, a surface platform, a shore team, or a larger undersea vessel such as a submarine. A submersible contrasts with a submarine in that a submarine is capable of fully autonomous operations, including generation of its own power and breathing air. However, colloquially, the term "submarine" often indiscriminately refers to any vessel capable of underwater operations, including those that technically are submersibles.
A personal-sized, beach-launched sailing dinghy with a pontoon-type hull, daggerboard, and lateen sail mounted to an un-stayed mast.
A person aboard a vessel who is employed by the cargo owner. Duties include selling merchandise in ports, as well as buying and receiving goods for the return voyage.
Superfiring armament is a naval military building technique in which two (or more) turrets are located in a line, one behind the other, with the second turret located above ("super") the one in front so that the second turret can fire over the first.
The parts of a ship or boat, including a sailboat, fishing boat, passenger ship, or submarine, that project above her main deck. This does not usually include its masts or any armament turrets.
surface warfare officer/specialist
U.S. Navy qualification and insignia for surface warfare training.

Also surf boat.

An oar-driven boat designed to enter the ocean from a beach in heavy surf or large waves. Surfboats often play a lifesaving or rescue role when rescuers need to reach victims of a mishap directly from a beach.
1.  A vessel's transient motion in a fore and aft direction.
2.  To let a small amount of rope on a bollard or winch drum pay out – a controlled slackening of a rope under tension.[11]
survey vessel
Any type of ship or boat that is used for mapping a body of water's bottom, benthic zone, full water column, and surface for purposes of hydrography, general oceanography, marine salvage, dredging, marine archaeology, or the study of marine habitats.
An abbreviation of "Sailing Vessel", used before the ship's name.
The gap in the shell of a block through which a line passes over a sheave.[31]
A twisting channel navigable by shallow vessels at high water, generally found between sandbanks (e.g. in the Thames Estuary) or between a sandbank and the shore.
1.  A vessel's lateral motion from side to side.
2.  (verb) To hoist, e.g. "sway up my dunnage".[87]
1.  A long oar used to row, steer, or maneuver an unpowered lighter or sailing vessel when there is no wind.[31]
2.  Rowing: A rower who rows with a single oar and primarily on only one side of a boat.
3.  (verb) To search for an underwater object using a towed submerged line or device which will snag on the target.[31]
4.  (verb) To clear a body of water of dangers such s naval mines and obstructions, e.g., minesweeping.
Cleared of dangers such as naval mines and obstructions, e.g., "The swept channel was safe for vessels to use."
To take up the last bit of slack on a line such as a halyard, anchor line, or dockline by taking a single turn round a cleat and alternately heaving on the rope above and below the cleat while keeping the tension on the tail.
Having a straight overhanging bow and stern.[31]

Also muffie.

A barge with a square overhanging bow, such as a swimhead lighter.[2]
A technique to finally tension a halyard, by pulling alternatively on the tail from the cleat and at right angles on the taut standing line.[2]
swinging the compass
Measuring the accuracy in a ship's magnetic compass so its readings can be adjusted, often accomplished by turning the ship and taking bearings on reference points. Essentially synonymous with "swinging the ship".
swinging the lamp
Telling sea stories. Refers to lamps slung from the deckhead that swing while at sea, and often used to describe a storyteller who is exaggerating.
swinging the lead
1.  Measuring the depth of water beneath a ship using a lead-weighted sounding line. Regarded as a relatively easy job.
2.  Feigning illness, etc., in order to avoid a difficult job.
swinging the ship
Turning the ship and steadying her on various headings while taking bearings on reference points to measure the accuracy of her magnetic compass. Essentially synonymous with "swinging the compass".
switch tack

Also change tack.

To change course or heading.



Also mast case.

A large bracket attached firmly to the deck, to which the foot of the mast is fixed. It has two sides or cheeks and a bolt forming the pivot around which the mast is raised and lowered.[2]
1.  A leg of the route of a sailing vessel, particularly in relation to tacking and to starboard tack and port tack.
2.  Another name for hardtack.
3.  The front bottom corner of a sail.[2]
4.  A rope or purchase holding down the clew of a course.[88]
1.  A sailing manoeuvre by which a sailing vessel whose desired course is into the wind (i.e. in the opposite direction from which the wind is blowing) turns its bow toward and through the wind, such that the direction from which the wind fills the sails changes from one side of the boat to the other, thereby allowing progress in the desired direction. A series of tacking moves, effectively "zig-zagging" back and forth across the wind, is called beating, and allows the vessel to sail directly upwind, which would otherwise be impossible.[88]
2.  Another name for going about.
Overhead diagram of a tacking manoeuvre. The red arrow is the direction of the wind; note how the side of the sail that is filled by the wind changes as the vessel turns its bow.
tacking duels
In sailboat racing, on an upwind leg of the race course, the complex manoeuvres of lead and overtaking boats to vie for the aerodynamic advantage of clear air. This results from the ongoing strategy of the lead boat's effort to keep the following boat(s) in the blanket of disturbed bad air he is creating.
A pair of blocks through which is rove a rope to provide an advantageous purchase. Used for lifting heavy loads and to raise and trim sails.[2]
tactical diameter
The perpendicular distance between a ship's course when the helm is put hard over and her course when she has turned through 180 degrees; the ratio of the tactical diameter divided by the ship's length between perpendiculars gives a dimensionless parameter that can be used to compare the manoeuvrability of ships.
A rail at the stern of a boat that covers the head of the counter timbers.
The loose end of a rope that has been secured to a winch or a cleat.[2]
A kind of metallic shafting (a rod of metal) to hold the propeller and connected to the power engine. When the tailshaft is moved, the propeller may also be moved for propulsion.
taken aback
An inattentive helmsman might allow the dangerous situation to arise where the wind is blowing into the sails "backwards", causing a sudden (and possibly dangerous) shift in the position of the sails.
taking the wind out of his sails
To sail in a way that steals the wind from another ship. Compare overbear.
taking on water

Also taking water and taking in water.

Said of a vessel, to fill with water slowly, either because of a leak or because of waves washing across the deck. The term can be used to describe water entering the vessel by waves washing over her bow or stern, e.g., "The freighter took water over her bow," or "The motorboat took water over her stern." A vessel which continues to take on water eventually will sink.
tall ship
A large, traditionally-rigged sailing vessel.
The operation of hauling aft the sheets, or drawing them in the direction of the ship's stern.

Also tank ship or tankship.

A ship designed to transport liquids in bulk.
target ship
A vessel, typically an obsolete or captured warship, used for naval gunnery practice or for weapons testing. The term includes both ships intended to be sunk and ships intended to survive and see repeated use as targets.

Also tartan.

A small, lateen-rigged, single-masted sailing ship used in the Mediterranean for fishing and coastal trade from the 16th century to the late 19th century.
Task Force
Any temporary naval organisation composed of particular ships, aircraft, submarines, military land forces, or shore service units, assigned to fulfill certain missions. Seemingly drawn originally from Royal Navy heritage, the emphasis is placed on the individual commander of the unit, and references to "CTF" are common for "Commander Task Force".
tattle tale
Light cord attached to a mooring line at two points a few inches apart with a slack section in between (resembling an inchworm) to indicate when the line is stretching from the ship's rising with the tide. Obviously only used when moored to a fixed dock or pier and only on watches with a flood tide.

Also tell-tail.

A light piece of string, yarn, rope, or plastic (often magnetic audio tape) attached to a stay or a shroud to indicate the local wind direction. They may also be attached to the surface and/or the leech of a sail to indicate the state of the air flow over the surface of the sail. They are referenced when optimizing the trim of the sails to achieve the best boat speed in the prevailing wind conditions. See dogvane.
1.  n. A type of naval auxiliary ship designed to provide advanced basing services in undeveloped harbors to seaplanes, flying boats, torpedo boats, destroyers, or submarines.
2.  n. Also ship's tender, a vessel used to provide transportation services for people and supplies to and from shore for a larger vessel.
3.  n. A vessel used to maintain navigational aids, such as buoys and lighthouses.
4.  adj. A tender vessel is one with a metacentric height low enough to make her less stable and more prone to rolling than other vessels. A tender vessel contrasts with a stiff vessel.
A stiff vessel is one with a metacentric height high enough to make it more stable and less prone to rolling than other vessels. A stiff vessel contrasts with a tender vessel.
A prefix for "turbo-electric vessel", used before a ship's name.
A structure or section of a steamboat that includes the pilothouse and the crew's quarters, located on the hurricane deck, in this case also called the texas deck.
texas deck

Also hurricane deck.

The deck of a steamboat on which its texas is located.
A round or heart-shaped grooved ring of iron inserted into an eye-splice.[49]
third mate

Also third officer.

A licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship, typically fourth, or on some ocean liners fifth, in command; a watchkeeping officer, customarily also the ship's safety officer, responsible for the ship's firefighting equipment, lifeboats, and other emergency systems. Other duties of the third mate vary depending on the type of ship, its crewing, and other factors.
third officer
See third mate.
thole pin
A vertical wooden peg or pin inserted through the gunwale to form a fulcrum for oars when rowing. Often used in pairs to create a gap in which the oar is placed, but used singly if the oar has a thickened section pierced with a hole which takes the thole pin. See also rowlock.
1.  The forward top corner of a square fore-and-aft sail.[2]
2.  The end of the gaff, next to the mast.[89]
three sheets to the wind
On a three-masted ship, having the sheets of the three lower courses loose will result in the ship meandering aimlessly downwind. Also used to describe a sailor who has drunk strong spirits beyond his capacity.
Alternative term for a hydroplane.

Pronounced /θwɔːrt/.

A bench seat across the width of an open boat.
Vessels moored alongside each other offshore.[90]
A lever used for steering, attached to the top of the rudder stock. Used mainly on smaller vessels, such as dinghies and rowing boats.
tilt boat
A square sail ferry operating out of Gravesend. Not less than 15 tons, carrying no more than 37 passengers, it had 5 oarsmen afore the mast.[91]
A general term for the individual pieces of the structural framework on which a wooden hull is built – for example a component of a frame[85]
timber drogher
Another name for a disposable ship.
timber ship
Another name for a disposable ship.
A name given, on particular occasions, to the steersman of a ship. From the French timonnier.
tin can
United States Navy slang for a destroyer; often shortened to can.
A lightly armored steam-powered river gunboat used by the United States Navy during the American Civil War (1861–1865). Also called a light draft. A tinclad had thin iron armor, or in some cases thick wooden bulwarks rather than armor, sufficient to protect her machinery spaces and pilothouse against rifle fire but not against artillery fire. A tinclad contrasted with an ironclad, which had armor thick enough for protection against artillery fire.
A thin temporary patch.
A low strip running around the edge of the deck like a low bulwark. It may be shortened or have gaps in it to allow water to flow off the deck.
toe the line

Also toe the mark.

At parade, sailors and soldiers were required to stand in line, their toes in line with a seam of the deck.

Also tampion.

A block of wood inserted into the barrel of a gun on a 19th-century warship to keep out the sea spray; also used for covers for the ends of the barrels of the guns on more modern ships, the larger of which are often adorned with the ship's crest or other decoration.
1.  Any of various measures of the size or cargo-carrying capacity of a ship in terms of weight or volume.
2.  Builder's Old Measurement, also tons burden: a volumetric measurement of cubic capacity used to calculate the cargo capacity of a ship, used in England and later the United Kingdom, from approximately 1650 to 1849 and in the United States from 1789 to 1864. It estimated the tonnage of a vessel based on her length and maximum beam. The British formula yielded a slightly higher value than the U.S. formula.
3.  Deadweight tonnage: the total weight a vessel can carry, exclusive of the mass of the vessel itself.
4.  Displacement tonnage: the total weight of a vessel.
5.  Gross register tonnage: the total internal volume of a vessel, with one gross register ton equal to 100 cubic feet (2.8316846592 cubic meters).
6.  Gross tonnage: a function of the volume of all of a ship's internal spaces.
7.  Lightship or lightweight tonnage: the weight of a ship without any fuel, cargo, supplies, water, passengers, etc. on board.
8.  Net register tonnage: the volume of cargo a vessel can carry.
9.  Net tonnage: the volume of all cargo spaces on a ship.
10.  Thames Measurement tonnage: the volume of a small vessel, calculated based on her length and beam.
The platform at the upper end of each (lower) mast of a square-rigged ship, typically one-fourth to one-third of the way up the mast. The main purpose of a top is to anchor the shrouds of the topmast that extend above it. See also fighting top.[92]
The mast or sails above the tops. See topgallant mast and topgallant sail.[88]
1.  A collective term for the masts, yards, sails, and rigging of a sailing ship, or for similarly insubstantial structures above the upper deck of any ship.[93]
2.  Unnecessary spars and rigging kept aloft on a vessel's masts.
A crewmember stationed in a top.
The second section of the mast above the deck; formerly the upper mast, later surmounted by the topgallant mast; carrying the topsails.[88]
topmast pole
Part of the spar between the hounds and the truck.[2]
topping lift
A line that is part of the rigging on a sailing boat; it applies upward force on a spar or boom. The most common topping lift on a modern sailing boat is attached to the boom.[92]
The second sail (counting from the bottom) up a mast. These may be either square sails or fore-and-aft ones, in which case they often "fill in" between the mast and the gaff of the sail below.
topsail schooner
A schooner that sets a square topsail on yards carried on the foremast. A topgallant may also be set above the topsail. (The term does not apply to a schooner setting just fore and aft topsails above gaff sails.) There is some terminological variation, both over time and place, on what square sails a vessel may set and still be termed a schooner.[94][95][96]
The part of the hull between the waterline and the deck. See also above-water hull.
1.  Prior to about 1900, the term for a variety of explosive devices designed for use in water, including mines, spar torpedoes, and, after the mid-19th century, "automotive", "automobile", "locomotive", or "fish" torpedoes (self-propelled weapons which fit the modern definition of torpedo).
2.  Since about 1900, a term used exclusively for a self-propelled weapon with an explosive warhead, launched above or below the water surface, propelled underwater towards a target, and designed to detonate either on contact with its target or in proximity to it.
torpedo boat
A small, fast, cheap naval vessel of the latter part of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century designed to carry torpedoes into combat, thus threatening much larger warships. Replaced during the second half of the 20th century by the fast attack craft.
torpedo net
A heavy net a ship could deploy around herself using booms or spars while at anchor, moored, or otherwise stationary to protect herself from torpedo attack. A torpedo net hung at a distance from the hull sufficient to detonate a torpedo without significant damage to the ship. Torpedo nets first appeared in the late 1870s and were used through the World War I era, and they were used again during World War II.
touch and go
1.  The bottom of the ship touching the bottom, but not grounding.
2.  Stopping at a dock or pier for a very short time without tying up, to let off or take on crew or goods.
3.  The practice of aircraft on aircraft carriers touching the carrier deck and taking off again without dropping hooks.
The operation pulling a vessel or equipment through the water by means of lines.[31]
traffic separation scheme
Shipping corridors marked by buoys that separate incoming from outgoing vessels. Sometimes improperly called sea lanes.
A decorative board at the bow of a vessel, sometimes bearing the vessel's name.
training ship
A ship used to train students as sailors, especially a ship employed by a navy or coast guard to train future officers. The term refers both to ships used for training at sea and to old, immobile hulks used to house classrooms.
tramp freighter
A cargo ship engaged in the tramp trade.
tramp steamer
A steamship engaged in the tramp trade.
tramp trade
The shipping trade on the spot market in which the vessels involved do not have a fixed schedule or itinerary or published ports of call. This contrasts with freight liner service, in which vessels make regular, scheduled runs between published ports.
Any vessel engaged in the tramp trade.
transmitting station
British term for a room located in the interior of a ship containing computers and other specialised equipment needed to calculate the range and bearing of a target from information gathered by the ship's spotters and range finders. These were designated "plotting rooms" by the United States Navy.[97]
1.  A lateral member fastened inside the sternpost, to which the hull and deckplanks are fitted.[2]
2.  The aft "wall" of the stern; often the part to which an outboard unit or the drive portion of a sterndrive is attached.
3.  A more or less flat surface across the stern of a vessel. Dinghies tend to have almost vertical transoms, whereas yachts' transoms may be raked forward or aft.
Transom stern
A stern which ends in a vertical "wall," or transom, a flat area that extends from the waterline or a point above the waterline up to the deck.
See troopship.
1.  Small fittings that slide on a track, rod, or line. The most common use is for the inboard end of the mainsheet.
2.  A more esoteric form of traveller consists of "slight iron rings, encircling the backstays, which are used for hoisting the top-gallant yards, and confining them to the backstays".[92]
An iron ring that moves on the main horse on a sailing barge. It is fitted with an eye onto which is hooked the main sheet, of the loose-footed mainsail.[2]
1.  Commercial trawler: a fishing boat that uses a trawl net or dragnet to catch fish.
2.  A fisherman who uses a trawl net.
3.  Naval trawler: a converted trawler, or a boat built in that style, used for naval purposes.
4.  Recreational trawler: a pleasure boat built in the style of a trawler.

Also trenail, trennel, or trunnel.

A wooden peg, pin, or dowel used to fasten pieces of wood together, such as the hull, gunwales, thwarts, etc.[92]
trial trip
A (usually short) voyage for a new ship to test its capabilities and ensure that everything is functioning correctly. A new ship will usually have one or more trial trips before embarking on its maiden voyage.
triangular trade
A historical term for a pattern of trade among three ports or regions in which each port or region imports goods from one of the other two ports or regions in which there is no market for its exports, thus rectifying trade imbalances between the three ports or regions as well as allowing vessels to take the best advantage of prevailing winds and currents along the three trade routes. The best known example is the Atlantic triangular trade pattern of the late 16th through the early 19th centuries, in which vessels carried finished goods from northeastern North America or Europe to Africa, slaves from Africa to the Americas, and cash crops and raw materials from the Americas to either northeastern North America or Europe.
To lift up something by means of a rope running through a block set above it, to get it out of the way. Most commonly used in tricing up the tack of a loose-footed gaff sai to reduce sail area and (sometimes) to give better visibility to the helmsman.[11][98]
A period of time spent at the wheel, e.g. "my trick's over".
1.  The relationship of a ship's hull to the waterline.
2.  Adjustments made to sails to maximize their efficiency.
A vessel with three hulls.

Sometimes coal trimmer.

A person responsible for ensuring that a vessel remains "in trim" (that the cargo and fuel are evenly balanced). An important task on a coal-fired vessel, as it could get "out of trim" as coal is consumed.
tripod mast
A type of mast introduced aboard warships in the first decade of the 20th century, consisting of three large cylindrical tubes or columns supporting a raised platform for lookouts and fire control equipment and later for radar antennas and receivers. In succeeding decades, tripod masts replaced the earlier pole masts and lattice masts. Tripod masts persisted in some navies until the 1960s, when plated-in structures began to replace them, and in other navies until the early 2000s, when stealth designs began to move away from any type of open mast.
tripping line
A buoyed line attached to the crown of an anchor to facilitate breaking it out.
A fishing vessel rigged to fish by trolling.
Operating as a troopship.

Also troop ship, troop transport, or trooper.

Any ship used to carry soldiers. Troopships are not specially designed for military operations and, unlike landing ships, cannot land troops directly onto a shore; instead they unload troops at a harbor or onto smaller vessels for transportation to shore.
1.  A circular disc or rectangle of wood or a wooden ball- or bun-shaped cap near or at the top of a wooden mast, usually with holes or sheaves in it through which signal halyards can be passed. Trucks are also used on wooden flagpoles to keep them from splitting. The main truck is located on the main mast, the mizzen truck on the mizzen mast, and so on.[88]
2.  A temporary or emergency place for a lookout.
true bearing
An absolute bearing using true north.
true north
The direction of the geographical North Pole.
truncated counter
A counter stern that has been truncated to provide a kind of transom. It may have windows, serving a large aft stateroom. Popular on larger cruising yachts.
The rope or iron used to keep the center of a yard to the mast.

Also spencer.

A small, strong, fore-and-aft sail set abaft (behind) the mainmast or other mast of a sailing vessel in heavy weather.[88]

Also tug.

A boat that manoeuvers other vessels by pushing or towing them. Tugs are powerful for their size and strongly built, and some are ocean-going.
A hull shape, when viewed in a transverse section, in which the widest part of the hull is someway below deck level.
tuna clipper
A fishing boat based on the United States West Coast and used for commercial tuna fishing. A typical tuna clipper is diesel-powered, has her deckhouse forward and her bait tanks aft, and is outfitted with iron racks around her stem from which her crew uses heavy bamboo poles to fish for tuna.
A rope passing behind or around an object such as a cleat, bollard or winch drum, usually with the purpose of controlling the rope.[99] See also riding turn
turn to (turn two)
A term meaning "get to work", often hand-signed by two fingers and a hand motion in turning fashion.
See bottlescrew.
1.  Originally (in the mid-to-late 19th century), a rotating, enclosed, armored, cylindrical box with guns that fired through gunports. Turret-equipped ships contrasted sharply with those equipped with barbettes, which in the second half of the 19th century were open-topped armored rings over which rotating gun(s) mounted on a turntable could fire.
2.  Since the late 19th century, an enclosed, armored, rotating gunhouse mounted above a barbette, with the gun(s) and their rotating turntable mounted in the barbette protected by the gunhouse; in 20th- and 21st-century usage, this generally is any armored, rotating gun installation on a warship.
turtleback deck
A weather deck that has a distinct convex rounded over shape, similar to the back of a turtle. Used on ships of the whaleback type and on the forward weather deck of torpedo boats."[100]
In dinghy sailing especially (but also in other boats), a boat is said to be "turtling" or to "turn turtle" when the boat is fully inverted with the mast pointing near vertically downwards, but may remain floating.[A][101][102][103]
A deck on a general cargo ship located between the main deck (or weather deck) and the hold space. A general cargo ship may have one or two tweendecks (or none at all).
tweendeck space
The space on a tweendeck available for carrying cargo or other uses.
A general cargo ship equipped with one or more tweendecks.
two six heave
A command used to co-ordinate a group of people pulling on a rope. Originally a sailing navy term referring to the two members of a gun crew (numbers two and six) who ran out the gun by pulling on the ropes that secured it in place.
two blocks
When the two blocks in a tackle have become so close that no further movement is possible as in chock-a-block.[2]
A chain or rope used for hoisting or lowering a yard. A tye runs from the horizontal center of a given yard to a corresponding mast and from there down to a tackle. Sometimes more specifically called a chain tye or a rope tye.[88]


A measurement of the empty space in large tanks or holds for bulk solids. Used to determine quantity of material in tank for volume and stability calculations. Often used in place of sounding for tanks which may carry more viscous or aggressive liquids; or if the tank is extremely deep.
unassisted sailing
Any sailing voyage, usually single-handed, with no intermediate stops or physical assistance from external sources.
under the weather
Serving a watch on the weather side of the ship, exposed to wind and spray.
under keel clearance
The available depth of water below the keel.[104]
under way
(of a vessel) At sea; i.e. not at anchor, made fast to the shore, or aground. This definition has legal importance in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.[105]
underwater hull

Also underwater ship.

The underwater section of a vessel beneath the waterline, normally not visible except when in drydock or, historically, when careened.
underway replenishment
A method employed by navies to transfer fuel, munitions, and stores from one ship to another while underway. Sometimes abbreviated as UNREP.
An abbreviation for "Unable to navigate, probably on course"; a 19th-century term used in log books of vessels left without accurate navigational guidance due to poor visibility and/or proximity to the North Pole (where magnetic compasses are difficult or impossible to use). Dropped out of common usage in the 1950s with improvements in maritime navigational aids.
To pull a rope from a sheave or block.[2]
1.  To remove from a vessel.
2.  To remove an oar or mast from its normal position.
The description given to the position of the anchor chain, usually used when the anchor is being raised and indicating that the chain has been hauled in tightly such that the vessel is floating directly above the anchor, which is just about to be broken out of the ground. Used more rarely to refer to a situation where the anchor chain is slack and hangs vertically down from the hawsepipe.[31]
An order to slack off quickly and run slack to a belaying point. This order is given when a line or wire has been stopped off or falls have been four-in-hand and the hauling part is to be belayed.
1.  Traveling upstream, against the current.[106]
2.  In the Great Lakes region, traveling westward (terminology used by the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation).[107]

Also peaks.

The brails above the mains.[2]
Specially selected personnel destined for high office.[citation needed]


The shape of a boat or ship in which the sections of the hull bottom slope downward in a straight line to the keel.
1.  A line leading from the gaff to either side of the deck, used to prevent the gaff from sagging.[88]
2.  One of a pair of ropes leading from the deck to the head of a spritsail. It steadies the sprit and can be used to control the sail's performance during a tack. The vang fall blocks are mounted slightly afore the main horse while rolling vangs are extra preventers which lead forward to keep the sail to leeward in heavy weather.[2]
3.  An abbreviation of boom vang or gaff vang.
vanishing angle
The maximum degree of heel after which a vessel becomes unable to return to an upright position.

Also vedette boat.

A small naval patrol boat used for scouting enemy forces.
veer away
To let go a rope gently.[108]
vertical replenishment
A method of supply of seaborne vessels by helicopter. Abbreviated VERTREP.
very good
very well
An affirmative response given by a senior to the report of a junior, e.g. if the helmsman reports, "Rudder is amidship, sir," an officer might respond, "Very good" or "very well."[31]
Any craft designed for transportation on water, such as a ship or boat.
vessel of opportunity
A vessel not normally used for a specific function, but available and suitable for temporary application, often requiring temporary fitting or loading of necessary equipment.

Also voyl.

A large rope used to unmoor or heave up the anchor.[108]
voice pipe
voice tube
See communication tube.
1.  A long journey by ship.
2.  To go on such a journey.
See viol.


Another name for a signal flag.
The central deck of a ship between the forecastle and the quarterdeck.[109]
waist clothes

Also armings or fights.

Colored cloths or sheets hung around the outside of a ship's upper works, both fore and aft, and before the cubbridge heads, used as an adornment during ceremonious occasions and as a visual screen during times of action in order to protect the men aboard.
Turbulence in the water behind a moving vessel. Not to be confused with wash.
A thicker strake, consisting of a wooden plank or group of planks, in the outer skin of the hull, running in a fore-and-aft direction, to provide extra stiffening in selected regions.[4]
1.  The living quarters of a naval ship that are designated for the use of commissioned officers other than the captain.
2.  A collective term for the commissioned officers of a naval ship excluding her captain; e.g. "The captain rarely referred to his wardroom for advice, and this led to their discontent".
warm the bell
Royal Navy slang from the Age of Sail for doing something unnecessarily or unjustifiably early. Holding a half-hour marine sandglass used until the early 19th century to time watches under one's coat or in one's hand to warm it allegedly expanded the glass's neck to allow the sand to flow more quickly, justifying ringing the bell rung every half-hour to announce the passage of time on watch earlier than if the glass was cold, hence warming the bell and shortening the length of the watch.[110]
1.  To move a vessel by hauling on a line or cable that is fastened to an anchor or pier, especially so as to move a sailing ship through a confined or restricted space such as in a harbour.[111]
2.  A line or cable used in warping a ship.[2]
3.  The length of the shrouds from the bolster to the deadeye.[111]
Also combatant ship, a ship that is built and primarily intended for naval warfare, typically belonging to the armed forces of a state, usually a navy. Unlike a merchant ship, which carries cargo or passengers, a warship carries only weapons, ammunition, and supplies for its crew. An auxiliary warship is a merchant ship taken into naval service and armed for use as a warship. The term battleship sometimes is used as a synonym for warship, but this is incorrect, as battleship has a far narrower meaning and refers only to a specific type of warship.
The waves created by a moving vessel. Not to be confused with wake.
An additional strake fastened above the level of the gunwale of an open boat to increase the freeboard.[112]
A period of time during which a part of the crew is on duty. Changes of watch are marked by strokes on the ship's bell.

Also watchkeeping.

The allocation of crew or staff to specific roles on a ship in order to operate it continuously. These assignments, known as watches, are divided into regularly scheduled work periods of several hours or longer to ensure that some portion of the crew is always occupying the roles at all times. Those members of the crew who are on watch at a given time are called watchkeepers.
water bus
A watercraft used to provide transportation on a scheduled service with multiple stops, usually in an urban environment, analogous to the way a bus operates on land. It differs from a water taxi, which is a similar watercraft that provides transport service to various locations on demand rather than on a predetermined schedule, analogous to the way a taxicab operates on land, although in North America these terms are often used interchangeably. A water bus also differs from a ferry, which usually refers to a watercraft that shuttles between only two points.
water kite
See paravane (definition 2).
water taxi
A watercraft used to provide transportation on demand to various locations, usually in an urban environment, analogous to the way a taxicab operates on land. It differs from a water bus, which is a similar watercraft that provides transportation on a scheduled service with multiple stops rather than at the rider's will, analogous to the way a bus operates on land, although in North America these terms are often used interchangeably. A water taxi also differs from a ferry, which usually refers to a watercraft that shuttles between only two points.
Any vessel intended for transportation on water, e.g. ships, boats, personal watercraft, etc.
The line where the hull of a ship meets the water's surface.
A sail hung below the boom on gaff rig boats for extra downwind performance when racing.[88]
See fireman (definition 1).
1.  Any navigable body of water.
2.  A strake of timber laid against the frames or bulwark stanchions at the margin of a laid wooden deck, usually about twice the thickness of the deck planking.
Speed, progress, or momentum, or more technically, the point at which there is sufficient water flow past a vessel's rudder for it to be able to steer the vessel (i.e. when the rudder begins to "bite", sometimes also called "steerage way".) To "make way" is to move; to "have way on" or "to have steerage way" is to have enough speed to control the vessel with its rudder; to "lose way" is to slow down or to not have enough speed to use the rudder effectively. "Way enough" is a coxswain's command that the oarsmen stop rowing and allow the boat to proceed by its existing momentum.
An intermediate stop along the route of a steamboat.
The verb's origin, from wegelage, means "lying in wait, with evil or hostile intent". So to be waylaid refers to a ship that has been taken off its course, route, or way by surprise, typically by unfortunate or nefarious means. In Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick, the great white whale waylaid the Pequod and sank it, with only a few souls surviving in lifeboats.[113]
A location defined by navigational coordinates, especially as part of a planned route.
The timbers of shipyard stocks that slope into the water and along which a ship or large boat is launched. A ship undergoing construction in a shipyard is said to be on the ways, while a ship scrapped there is said to be broken up in the ways. Also known as a slipway.
wearing ship
Tacking away from the wind in a square-rigged vessel. See also gybe.
weather deck
A deck that is continually exposed to the weather – usually either the main deck or, in larger vessels, the upper deck.
weather gage

Also weather gauge or weather-beam.

Favorable position over another sailing vessel with respect to the wind.
weather helm
The tendency of a sailboat to turn to windward in a strong wind when there is no change in the rudder's position. This is the opposite of lee helm and is the result of a dynamically unbalanced condition. See also center of lateral resistance.
weather ship
A ship stationed in the ocean as a platform from which to record surface and upper-air meteorological observations for use in weather forecasting.
weather side

Also windward side or simply windward.

The side of a ship exposed to the wind, i.e. the side facing upwind or the direction from which the wind is blowing. Contrast lee side.
A ship that is easily sailed and maneuvered, or which makes little leeway when sailing to windward.
weigh anchor
To heave up an anchor preparatory to sailing.[2]
A place in the ship's hold for pumps.
Properly set up or provisioned.
West Indiaman
A British term used in the 18th and 19th centuries for any merchant sailing ship making voyages between the Old World and the West Indies or the east coast of the Americas, in contrast to an East Indiaman, which made voyages to the East Indies or South Asia. The term most frequently was applied to British, Danish, Dutch, and French ships.
(of a ship) Prone to taking water over her decks at sea. For example, a ship that tends to take water over her bow can be said to be "wet forward."
wetted area
In sailboating, the portion of the hull immersed in water (i.e. below the waterline).
1.  A type of cargo steamship of unusual design formerly used on the Great Lakes of North America, notably for carrying grain or ore. The hull continuously curved above the waterline from vertical to horizontal, and when the ship was fully loaded, only the rounded portion of her hull (the "whaleback" proper) was visible above the waterline. With sides curved in towards the ends, whalebacks had a spoon-shaped bow and a very convex upper deck.
2.  A type of high-speed launch first designed for the Royal Air Force during World War II, or certain smaller rescue and research vessels most common in Europe that, like the Great Lakes vessels, have hulls that curve over to meet the deck, although the "whaleback" designation comes not from the curve along the gunwale as in the Great Lakes vessels, but from the fore-and-aft arch in the deck.
3.  A sheltered portion of the forward deck on certain British fishing boats designed, in part, so that water taken over the bow is more easily shed over the sides. The feature has been incorporated into some pleasure craft – aboard which it is known as a whaleback deck – based on the hull design of older whaling boats.
1.  A type of open boat that is relatively narrow and pointed at both ends, enabling it to move either forwards or backwards equally well.
2.  On modern warships, a relatively light and seaworthy boat used for transport of the ship's crew.
3.  A type of vessel designed as a lifeboat or "monomoy" used for recreational and competitive rowing in the San Francisco Bay area and coastal Massachusetts.
4.  Informally, any whaling ship of any size.
5.  Informally, any vessel engaged in whale watching.
1.  Also whaling ship. A specialized vessel designed for catching or processing whales.
2.  A person engaged in the catching or processing of whales.
3.  In the Royal Navy, a Montagu whaler, a ship's boat often used as a seaboat.
A structure on the shore of a harbor or on the bank of a river or canal where ships may dock to load and unload cargo or passengers. Such a structure includes one or more berths (i.e. mooring locations), and may also include piers, warehouses, or other facilities necessary for handling the ships. The term "wharf" is generally synonymous with quay, although the solid foundations of a quay contrast with the closely spaced piles of a wharf. When "quay" and "wharf" are used as synonyms, the term "quay" is more common in everyday speech in the United Kingdom, many Commonwealth countries, and Ireland, while "wharf" is more commonly used in the United States.
1.  A collective term for docks, piers, quays, and wharfs.
2.  A collective term for all wharfs in a given port, area, country, region, etc.
3.  A fee charged for the use of a wharf.

Also ship's wheel.

The usual steering device on larger vessels: a wheel with a horizontal axis, connected by cables to the rudder.

Also pilothouse and often synonymous with bridge.

The location on a ship where the wheel is located.
A small sailing pram.
A type of boat traditionally used for carrying cargo or passengers on rivers and canals in England, particularly on the River Thames and the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads.
A chiefly British term for a narrow clinker-built skiff having outriggers and designed for one oarsman.
A small single block tackle, used to raise light loads from a hold.[111]
whip upon whip
Connecting two whips together. This runs more smoothly than using a double block with single block tackle, which would have the equivalent purchase. Can be used for topsail and top-gallant halliards.[111]
The binding with twine of the loose end of a rope to prevent it unravelling.[2]
A vertical lever connected to a tiller, used for steering on larger ships before the development of the ship's wheel.
Spreaders from the bow to spread the bowsprit shrouds.
One of the pair of stays that stabilize the bowsprit, horizontally affixed to the forward end of the bowsprit and just aft the stem.
white horses

Also whitecaps.

Foam or spray on wave tops caused by stronger winds (usually above Force 4).
White Ensign
A British flag flown as an ensign by certain British ships. Prior to 1864, ships of the Royal Navy's White Squadron flew it; since the reorganisation of the Royal Navy in 1864, it has been flown by all Royal Navy ships and shore establishments, yachts of members of the Royal Yacht Squadron, and ships of Trinity House escorting the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom.
wide berth
To leave room between two ships moored (berthed) in order to allow space for manoeuvring.
Williamson turn
A type of man overboard rescue turn. Other variations include the Anderson turn, the quick turn, and the Scharnow turn.
A mechanical device for pulling on a rope (such as a sheet or halyard), usually equipped with a pawl to assist in control. It may be hand-operated or powered.
Sea conditions in which a tidal current and a wind are moving in opposite directions, leading to short, heavy seas.
The wind resistance of a boat.
A condition wherein a ship is detained in one particular station by contrary winds.
winding tackle
A tackle formed of two triple blocks or a triple and a double, used to raise heavy loads such as guns and anchors.[111]
A large iron- or steel-hulled square-rigged sailing ship of the late 19th and early 20th centuries with three, four, or five masts, built mainly between the 1870s and 1900 to carry cargo on long voyages.
A winch mechanism, usually with a horizontal axis, designed to move very heavy loads. Used where mechanical advantage greater than that obtainable by block and tackle was needed (such as raising the anchor on small ships).[111]
A wide tube or funnel of canvas used to convey a stream of air into the lower compartments of a ship for ventilation.
In the direction that the wind is coming from. Contrast leeward.
An extension on the side of a vessel, e.g. a bridge wing is an extension of the bridge to both sides, intended to allow bridge personnel a full view to aid in the manoeuvring of the ship.
The most junior rate among personnel who work in the engine room of a ship, responsible for cleaning the engine spaces and machinery and assisting the engineers as directed. A wiper is often serving an apprenticeship to become an oiler.
working up
Training on a warship to achieve the best possible effectiveness, usually after commissioning or a refit.[114]
worm, parcel and serve
Example of the preservation of a cable, showing different sections serviced by various techniques, including worming, parcelling and serving

Often collectively called service.

To apply a multilayered protection against chafing and deterioration to a section of line by laying yarns to fill in the cuntlines (worming), wrapping marline or other small stuff around it (serving), and stitching a covering of canvas over all (parcelling).[115] It can be applied to the entire length of a line, such as a shroud, or selectively to specific parts of a line, such as over the spliced ends of a stay, where the chafe on the middle section of the stay precludes complete protection.
wrecking tug
Another name for a salvage tug.



Variously spelled zebec, xebeck, xebeque, xebecque, zebeck, zebecque, chebec, or shebeck.

1. A Mediterranean sailing ship, usually employed for trading, that is propelled by a combination of lateen sails and oars and characterized by a distinctive hull with a pronounced overhanging bow and stern; early xebecs had two masts and later ones had three.
2.  A small, fast warship of the 16th to 19th centuries similar in design to a trading xebec and used almost exclusively in the Mediterranean Sea. This kind of xebec was slightly smaller than a contemporary frigate and mounted slightly fewer guns.
A European warship that appeared late in the history of the xebec. It was fully square-rigged but otherwise designed like an ordinary xebec.
An abbreviation of executive officer.


Any boat or ship designed specifically for recreational use. The term includes sailing yachts, motor yachts, and steam yachts.
1.  A horizontal spar from which a square sail is suspended.[115]
2.  The spar on which a lugsail or Gunter sail is set.[116]
3.  A dockyard or shipyard.
yard name
The name initially given to a ship during its construction. The yard name may or may not be the same as the officially registered name, which is provided after completion of the vessel.
yard number
The number assigned to a ship built by a particular shipyard. Each shipyard typically numbers the ships that it has built in consecutive order. One use is to identify the ship before a name has been chosen.
yard tackle
Tackle used to raise boats.[115]
The very end of a yard. Often mistaken for the yard itself, which refers to the entire spar. As in to hang "from the yardarm" and the sun being "over the yardarm" (late enough to have a drink).[88]
(of a vessel, especially a sailing vessel) Quick, agile, and easy to steer, hand, and reef.
Acknowledgement of an order, or agreement. Also aye, aye.
A vessel's rotational motion about the vertical axis, causing the fore and aft ends to swing from side to side repetitively.
1.  A fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel with two masts, main and mizzen, the mizzen stepped abaft the rudder post.
2.  An un-decked boat, often beach-launched, worked under both oar and sail, and generally clinker-built. Used for fishing, serving ships in anchorages, salvage work, etc. Those from the northern parts of Britain tended to be double-ended.[30]: 74 
yawl boat
A rowboat on davits at the stern of the boat.
A U.S. Navy enlisted rating (YN) responsible for administrative duties.


An alternative spelling of xebec.
A type of Scottish sailboat introduced in 1879, used for fishing. A zulu is carvel-built, with the vertical stem of a fifie and the steeply raked stern of a skaffie; two masts rigged with three sails (fore, mizzen, and jib); and a longer deck and shorter keel than previous Scottish fishing boats, allowing greater maneuverability. The term "zulu" came from the Zulu War, which the United Kingdom fought in 1879 at the time the zulu was introduced.

See also


  1. ^ However, "to turn turtle" means putting a turtle on its back by grabbing it by the flipper, and conversely is used to refer to a vessel that has turned upside-down, or has cast off its crew.


  1. ^ Underhill 1955, p. 111.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo Renouf, David (2017). "Glossary of Barge terms". Thames Sailing Barges. Archived from the original on 2016-10-23.
  3. ^ a b Steffy 1994, p. 276.
  4. ^ a b c d Steffy 2013.
  5. ^ Admiralty Manual of Seamanship. Vol. I. London: HMSO. 1964.
  6. ^ a b Smyth, William Henry (1867). The Sailor's Word-Book. Glasgow: Blackie & Co.
  7. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 7.
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  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Read, David (11 November 2014). "Glossary of Nautical Terms". Practical Boat Owner. Retrieved 2019-12-02.
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  13. ^ a b c John P. Comstock, ed. (1967). Principles of Naval Architecture (Revised ed.). SNAME.
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  16. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 54.
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  19. ^ Manual of Seamanship. Vol. 1. London: HMSO. 1937.
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  25. ^ "pendant". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
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  27. ^ a b c d e f Mayne 2000.
  28. ^ IMD 1961, p. 598, Pooping.
  29. ^ a b Underhill 1955, p. 112.
  30. ^ a b c d e f McKee, Eric (1983). Working Boats of Britain, Their Shape and Purpose (1997 ed.). London: Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-277-3.
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  35. ^ Cunliffe 2016, p. 125.
  36. ^ a b c d Biddlecombe 1990, p. 24.
  37. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 200.
  38. ^ a b "Rig". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 2023. Retrieved 2023-04-15. the distinctive shape, number, and arrangement of sails and masts of a ship or to fit out with rigging
  39. ^ Walker 2011, p. 284.
  40. ^ a b c Biddlecombe 1990, p. 25.
  41. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 205.
  42. ^ Biddlecombe 1990, p. 26.
  43. ^ "Schooner Barge". New Jersey Scuba Diving. Archived from the original on 2020-02-20. Retrieved 2021-02-28.
  44. ^ Karamanski 2000, pp. 35–41.
  45. ^ a b Golloway, Tori, L., Tamara L. Thomen, Caitlin N. Zant, and Victoria Kiefer, Scow Schooners: A Regional Analysis Wisconsin Historical Society, undated, pp. 2, 7 Accessed July 8, 2021
  46. ^ Manual of Seamanship: Volume 1 1937, pp. 244–252.
  47. ^ Mayne 2000, p. 253.
  48. ^ a b c d e f g Underhill 1955, p. 113.
  49. ^ a b c d Underhill 1955, p. 114.
  50. ^ Shaft
  51. ^ Boating Shaft Log
  52. ^ "Sheet-anchor". Your Dictionary. Retrieved 2021-06-17.
  53. ^ Kammen 2017, p. 43.
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  65. ^ Steffy 1994, p. 2780.
  66. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 229.
  67. ^ Underhill 1952, p. 196.
  68. ^ a b c Benham, Finch & Kershaw 1986, p. 187.
  69. ^ a b Palmer 1975, p. 231.
  70. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 232.
  71. ^ Bennett 2005, pp. 49–51.
  72. ^ Manual of Seamanship: Volume 1 1937, p. 115.
  73. ^ a b Biddlecombe 1990, p. 30.
  74. ^ "Snotty definition and meaning". Collins English Dictionary.
  75. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 234.
  76. ^ Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Soogee. In dictionary. Retrieved May 3, 2024, from
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  83. ^ Biddlecombe 1990, p. 32.
  84. ^ Palmer 1975, p. 247.
  85. ^ a b Steffy 2013, p. 281.
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  87. ^ Biddlecombe 1990, p. 33.
  88. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Underhill 1955, p. 115.
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  90. ^ "tier". Oxford English Dictionary. Vol. XVIII (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. 1989. p. 74.
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