Lista de diócesis católicas (vista estructurada)

Al 21 de junio de 2024, la Iglesia Católica en su totalidad comprende 3.172 jurisdicciones eclesiásticas , incluidas más de 652 archidiócesis y 2.249 diócesis , así como vicariatos apostólicos , exarcados apostólicos , administraciones apostólicas , prefecturas apostólicas , ordinariatos militares , ordinariatos personales , prelaturas personales , prelaturas territoriales , abadías territoriales y misiones sui juris en todo el mundo.

Además de estas jurisdicciones, hay 2.100 sedes titulares (obispados, arzobispados y metropolitanos).

Se trata de una lista estructural para mostrar las relaciones de cada diócesis entre sí, agrupadas por provincia eclesiástica , dentro de cada conferencia episcopal , dentro de cada continente u otra área geográfica.


Este mapa visualiza las provincias de la Iglesia Católica Romana, así como las arquidiócesis (y otras entidades de nivel superior) donde no hay provincias establecidas.

Tipos de diócesis católicas

Se refiere a las diócesis católicas en el mundo, de todas las iglesias latinas u orientales, al 5 de octubre de 2021. [ 1]

Tipos adicionales, exclusivos para las Iglesias Orientales, Uso Ordinariato y Forma Extraordinaria

Diócesis católicas exentas (sujetas directamente a la Santa Sede)

Estas (arqui)diócesis están exentas de pertenecer a ninguna provincia eclesiástica , por lo que sólo el Vaticano puede ejercer la autoridad y las funciones de coordinación que normalmente corresponden al Arzobispo Metropolitano. Se agrupan aquí geográficamente. No obstante, la mayoría pertenecen a una conferencia episcopal , en cuyo caso la mención más relevante es la de su región geográfica, ya que las diócesis exentas como tales no tienen vínculos específicos entre sí.

Diócesis exentas universales o transcontinentales (sin contar dependencias menores)

Diócesis europeas exentas

Diócesis asiáticas exentas

Diócesis exentas del Nuevo Mundo

Diócesis africanas exentas

Europa (Iglesias latinas y orientales)

También existen 'reuniones de conferencias episcopales' para los (ar)obispos de países pertenecientes a:

Diócesis exentas en países europeos sin provincia eclesiástica ni conferencia nacional

Diócesis (arqui)diócesis exentas, sujetas directamente a la Santa Sede, cada una para un pequeño país entero

Conferencia Episcopal de Austria

Diócesis exentas, sujetas inmediatamente a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Salzburgo
Provincia Eclesiástica de Viena

Conferencia Episcopal de Bélgica

Exento, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Malinas-Bruselas, que abarca Bélgica

Conferencia Episcopal de Inglaterra y Gales (partes del Reino Unido)

Diócesis en Inglaterra y Gales
También comprende -sin diócesis separadas- tres dependencias insulares de la corona europea: la Isla de Man, Jersey y Guernsey.
Diócesis exentas
Provincia eclesiástica de Birmingham
Provincia eclesiástica de Cardiff, para Gales
Provincia eclesiástica de Liverpool
Provincia eclesiástica de Southwark
Provincia eclesiástica de Westminster

Conferencia Episcopal de Francia

(Las regiones administrativas correspondientes a las provincias eclesiásticas se mencionan entre paréntesis) Para las diócesis francesas de ultramar, véanse bajo sus continentes y las conferencias episcopales de las Antillas (América Central) y del Pacífico (Oceanía)

Diócesis latinas exentas, sujetas directamente a la Santa Sede
Diócesis de las Iglesias Orientales, directamente sujetas a la Santa Sede (exentas) o al Patriarca o Arzobispo Mayor de su iglesia particular
Diócesis católicas de Francia metropolitana . Las provincias están delimitadas por líneas en negrita y sus sedes (arquidiócesis metropolitanas) escritas en negrita.
Provincia eclesiástica de Besançon ( Franco Condado y parte de Lorena )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Burdeos ( Aquitania )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Clermont ( Auvernia )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Dijon ( Borgoña )
Provincia eclesiástica de Lille ( Norte-Paso de Calais )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Lyon ( Ródano-Alpes )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Marsella ( Provenza-Alpes-Costa Azul y Córcega )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Montpellier ( Languedoc-Roussillon )
Provincia Eclesiástica de París (región capitalina Île-de-France )
Provincia eclesiástica de Poitiers ( Poitou-Charentes y Lemosín )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Reims ( Champaña-Ardenas y Picardía )
Provincia eclesiástica de Rennes ( Bretaña y Países del Loira )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Rouen ( Alta y Baja Normandía )
Provincia eclesiástica de Toulouse ( Mediodía-Pirineos )
Provincia Eclesiástica de Tours ( región Centro-Valle del Loira )

Conferencia Episcopal de Alemania

Provincias y diócesis en Alemania
Exento, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia eclesiástica de Bamberg
Provincia eclesiástica de Berlín
Provincia eclesiástica del Bajo Rin (también conocida como provincia eclesiástica de Colonia)
Provincia eclesiástica del Alto Rin (también conocida como provincia eclesiástica de Friburgo de Brisgovia)
Provincia eclesiástica del norte de Alemania (también conocida como provincia eclesiástica de Hamburgo)
Provincia eclesiástica de Múnich y Freising, en Baviera
Provincia eclesiástica de Alemania Central (también conocida como provincia eclesiástica de Paderborn)

Conferencia Episcopal de Irlanda, es decir, la República de Irlanda e Irlanda del Norte

Diócesis católicas en la isla de Irlanda. Los colores indican las provincias eclesiásticas y las áreas oscuras son las archidiócesis .
Provincia eclesiástica de Armagh: cubre toda Irlanda del Norte (parte del Reino Unido) y parte de la República de Irlanda.
Provincia eclesiástica de Cashel y Emly (República de Irlanda)
Provincia eclesiástica de Dublín (República de Irlanda)
Provincia eclesiástica de Tuam (República de Irlanda)

Conferencia Episcopal de Italia, incluidos San Marino y Ciudad del Vaticano

Provincias católicas en Italia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Roma
Ver: Diócesis de Roma § Sedes sufragáneas
otras (arqui)diócesis italianas exentas, inmediatamente sujetas a la Santa Sede pero que no forman parte de la provincia de Roma
Provincia Eclesiástica de Venecia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Agrigento, en Sicilia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Ancona-Osimo
Provincia Eclesiástica de Bari-Bitonto
Provincia Eclesiástica de Benevento
Provincia Eclesiástica de Bolonia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Cagliari, en Cerdeña
Provincia Eclesiástica de Campobasso-Boiano
Provincia Eclesiástica de Catania, en Sicilia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Catanzaro-Squillace
Provincia eclesiástica de Chieti-Vasto
Provincia eclesiástica de Cosenza-Bisignano
Provincia Eclesiástica de Fermo
Provincia Eclesiástica de Florencia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Foggia-Bovino
Provincia Eclesiástica de Génova
Provincia Eclesiástica de Gorizia
Provincia Eclesiástica de L'Aquila
Provincia Eclesiástica de Lecce
Provincia Eclesiástica de Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela, en Sicilia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Milán
Provincia Eclesiástica de Módena-Nonantola
Provincia Eclesiástica de Nápoles
Provincia Eclesiástica de Oristano
Provincia Eclesiástica de Palermo, en Sicilia
Provincia eclesiástica de Perugia-Città della Pieve
Provincia Eclesiástica de Pesaro
Provincia eclesiástica de Pescara-Penne
Provincia Eclesiástica de Pisa
Provincia Eclesiástica de Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo
Provincia Eclesiástica de Rávena-Cervia
Provincia eclesiástica de Reggio Calabria-Bova
Provincia Eclesiástica de Salerno-Campagna-Acerno
Provincia Eclesiástica de Sassari, en Cerdeña
Provincia eclesiástica de Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino
Provincia Eclesiástica de Siracusa, en Sicilia
Provincia Eclesiástica de Taranto
Provincia Eclesiástica de Turín
Provincia Eclesiástica de Trento
Provincia Eclesiástica de Udine
Provincia Eclesiástica de Vercelli

Conferencia Episcopal de Malta

Provincia Eclesiástica de Malta

Conferencia Episcopal de los Países Bajos

Exento, es decir directamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Utrecht, que abarca los Países Bajos propiamente dichos

Conferencia Episcopal de Portugal, incluidas las Azores y Madeira

Mapa de las diócesis católicas portuguesas
Exento, es decir directamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Lisboa
Provincia Eclesiástica de Braga
Provincia Eclesiástica de Évora

Conferencia Episcopal de Escandinavia

Conferencia Episcopal Escandinava

Todas exentas, cada una sujeta directamente a la Santa Sede, no hay conferencias provinciales ni nacionales.
(y otros dos países nórdicos, que geográficamente no forman parte de Escandinavia propiamente dicha, y que también están exentos)

Conferencia Episcopal de Escocia (parte del Reino Unido)

Mapa de las diócesis católicas en Escocia
El Ordinariato Militar de Gran Bretaña para las tropas con base en el Reino Unido, al ser conjunto con Inglaterra y Gales, está exento, es decir, directamente sujeto a la Santa Sede.
Provincia eclesiástica de Glasgow
Provincia eclesiástica de St Andrews y Edimburgo
Mapa de Diócesis de España

Conferencia Episcopal de España (incluidos los territorios africanos) y Andorra

Exento, es decir directamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia eclesiástica de Barcelona
Provincia eclesiástica de Burgos
Provincia Eclesiástica de Granada
Provincia eclesiástica de Madrid
Provincia eclesiástica de Mérida-Badajoz
Provincia eclesiástica de Oviedo
Provincia eclesiástica de Pamplona
Provincia Eclesiástica de Santiago de Compostela
Provincia eclesiástica de Sevilla, que comprende principalmente Andalucía
Provincia eclesiástica de Tarragona
Provincia eclesiástica de Toledo
Provincia eclesiástica de Valencia, incluidas las Islas Baleares
Provincia eclesiástica de Valladolid
Provincia eclesiástica de Zaragoza

Conferencia Episcopal de Suiza

Conferencia Episcopal Suiza

Sólo diócesis exentas, cada una inmediatamente sujeta a la Santa Sede

Conferencia Episcopal de Albania

Provincia eclesiástica de Shkodër-Pult:
  Arquidiócesis de Shkodër-Pult
  Diócesis de Sapë
  Diócesis de Lezhë

Provincia eclesiástica de Tiranë-Durrës:
  Arquidiócesis de Tiranë-Durrës
  Diócesis de Rrëshen
  Administración Apostólica del Sur de Albania
Provincia Eclesiástica de Shkodër-Pult (Iglesia latina)
Provincia Eclesiástica de Tiranë-Durrës (Iglesias mixtas)

Conferencia Episcopal de los Santos Cirilo y Metodio - para Macedonia, Montenegro y Serbia

La República de Macedonia tiene
Montenegro no tiene nivel nacional, pero sí dos diócesis latinas
Provincia Eclesiástica de Belgrado (latín), que abarca Serbia
Eparquía católica bizantina de San Nicolás de Ruski Krstur , para los católicos de rito bizantino en Serbia

Conferencia Episcopal de Bielorrusia

La Iglesia católica bielorrusa ( rito bizantino ) no tiene actualmente una diócesis propia, sólo un visitador apostólico para Bielorrusia y otro para el extranjero, ni está investida en ninguna sede.
(Latín) Provincia Eclesiástica de Miensk-Mahiloǔ

Conferencia Episcopal de Bosnia y Herzegovina

Diócesis católicas latinas en Bosnia y Herzegovina:
  Arquidiócesis de Vrhbosna
  Diócesis de Banja Luka
  Diócesis de Mostar-Duvno
  Diócesis de Trebinje-Mrkan
  Diócesis de Gospić-Senj (parroquia de Zavalje)
  Diócesis de Šibenik (pueblo Uništa)
Exento, es decir directamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Sarajevo, que abarca toda Bosnia y Herzegovina y...
Eparquía católica croata de Križevci , diócesis propiamente croata de rito bizantino Iglesia católica croata oriental , sufragánea del Metropolitano de Zagreb, también abarca a los católicos de rito bizantino en toda Eslovenia y Bosnia y Herzegovina

Conferencia Episcopal de Bulgaria

Bulgaria no tiene provincia eclesiástica, sólo Ordinariatos exentos, inmediatamente sujetos a la Santa Sede, de dos Iglesias.

Conferencia Episcopal de Croacia

Jerarquía eclesiástica y provincias en los países del mar Adriático: Croacia, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Eslovenia, Montenegro
Exento, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Đakovo-Osijek, también conocida como Simium (Sirmio)
Provincia Eclesiástica de Rijeka
Provincia Eclesiástica de Split-Makarska
Provincia Eclesiástica de Zagreb (Iglesias latina y oriental)

Conferencia Episcopal de la República Checa

Exento, es decir, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Bohemia o Praga (según su sede metropolitana)
Provincia Eclesiástica de Moravia u Olomouc (según su sede metropolitana)

Conferencia Episcopal de Grecia

Diócesis católicas en Grecia
Diócesis latinas exentas, que dependen directamente de la Santa Sede
Exentos católicos orientales
Provincia Eclesiástica de Corfú, Zante y Cefalonia (para las islas Jónicas)
Provincia Eclesiástica de Naxos, Andros, Tinos y Mykonos (para varias islas del Egeo)

Conferencia Episcopal de Hungría (Iglesias latinas y orientales)

Mapa de las diócesis católicas romanas en Hungría
Exento, es decir, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Eger
Provincia Eclesiástica de Esztergom-Budapest
Provincia eclesiástica de Kalocsa-Kecskemét
Provincia eclesiástica de Veszprém
Iglesia católica húngara Metropolitanate sui iuris

Conferencia Episcopal de Letonia

Provincia Eclesiástica de Riga, que abarca Letonia

Conferencia Episcopal de Lituania

Exento, es decir, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Vilnius
Provincia Eclesiástica de Kaunas

Conferencia Episcopal de Polonia

Exento, es decir directamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia eclesiástica de Białystok
Provincia eclesiástica de Częstochowa
Provincia eclesiástica de Gdansk
Provincia eclesiástica de Gniezno
Provincia eclesiástica de Katowice
Provincia eclesiástica de Cracovia
Provincia eclesiástica de Łódź
Provincia eclesiástica de Lublin
Provincia eclesiástica de Poznań
Provincia eclesiástica de Przemyśl
Provincia eclesiástica de Szczecin-Kamień
Provincia eclesiástica de Warmia
Provincia eclesiástica de Varsovia
Provincia eclesiástica de Wrocław
Provincia greco-católica ucraniana de Przemyśl-Warszawa

Conferencia Episcopal de Rumania

Mapa administrativo de las jerarquías católicas latinas y armenias en Rumania
Exento (inmediatamente sujeto a Roma, sin provincia eclesiástica)
Provincia Eclesiástica de Bucarest (latín)
Provincia eclesiástica (única) sui juris de la Iglesia católica oriental ( rito bizantino ) arzobispal mayor rumana (griega) , que abarca Rumania

Conferencia Episcopal de la Federación Rusa

Exento, es decir directamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Moscú (en parte en Asia y Siberia oriental)
incluye también, en Asia, una diócesis exenta, inmediatamente sujeta a la Santa Sede:

Conferencia Episcopal de Eslovaquia

Exento, es decir, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia Eclesiástica de Bratislava (latín)
Provincia Eclesiástica de Košice (latín)
Metropolitano católico eslovaco sui juris de Prešov (católico oriental, rito bizantino)

Conferencia Episcopal de Eslovenia

Provincia Eclesiástica de Liubliana
Provincia Eclesiástica de Maribor
Eparquía católica croata de Križevci , diócesis propiamente croata de rito bizantino Iglesia católica croata oriental , sufragánea del Metropolitano de Zagreb, también abarca a los católicos de rito bizantino en toda Eslovenia y Bosnia y Herzegovina

Conferencia Episcopal de Ucrania

Provincia eclesiástica católica romana de Lviv, que abarca la Iglesia latina en toda Ucrania , incluida Crimea (Krym) anexada por Rusia
Católico armenio ( rito armenio )
Católico ruteno ( rito bizantino )
Metropolitanas católicas ucranianas (rito bizantino)

América del Norte (Iglesias latinas y orientales)

Conferencia Episcopal de Canadá

Mapa de las diócesis católicas de Canadá
Exento, es decir, inmediatamente sujeto a la Santa Sede
Provincia eclesiástica de Edmonton, que comprende la mayor parte de la provincia de Alberta .
Provincia eclesiástica de Gatineau, que comprende las partes occidental y norte de la provincia de Quebec .
Provincia eclesiástica de Grouard–McLennan, que comprende las partes más septentrionales de las provincias de Alberta y Columbia Británica , así como los Territorios del Yukón y del Noroeste .
Provincia eclesiástica de Halifax, que comprende las provincias de Nueva Escocia y la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo .
Provincia eclesiástica de Keewatin-Le Pas, que comprende la parte norte de las provincias de Saskatchewan , Manitoba y Ontario , y el territorio de Nunavut .
Provincia eclesiástica de Kingston, que comprende las porciones centrales de la provincia canadiense de Ontario .
Provincia eclesiástica de Moncton, que comprende la provincia de Nuevo Brunswick .
Provincia eclesiástica de Montreal, en Quebec, que comprende la isla de Montreal y sus alrededores al norte y al sur.
Provincia eclesiástica de Ottawa, que comprende la parte noreste de la provincia de Ontario y una pequeña porción de Quebec .
Provincia eclesiástica de Québec, que comprende únicamente la parte central de la provincia de Quebec , centrada en la capital provincial civil, la ciudad de Quebec .
Provincia eclesiástica de Regina, que comprende la parte sur de la provincia de Saskatchewan .
Provincia eclesiástica de Rimouski, que comprende la península de Gaspé y las zonas al otro lado del río San Lorenzo al norte, en la provincia de Quebec .
Provincia eclesiástica de San Bonifacio, que comprende la parte suroeste de la provincia de Manitoba .
Provincia eclesiástica de San Juan, Terranova, que comprende la provincia de Terranova y Labrador .
Provincia eclesiástica de Sherbrooke, que comprende la parte de la provincia de Quebec al sureste de Montreal .
Provincia eclesiástica de Toronto, que comprende la parte suroeste de la provincia de Ontario , con la diócesis no contigua de Thunder Bay en el oeste de Ontario.
Provincia eclesiástica de Vancouver, que comprende la mayor parte de la provincia de Columbia Británica .
Provincia católica ucraniana de Winnipeg
Otras diócesis de las Iglesias orientales en Canadá, sujetas inmediatamente a sus iglesias particulares
See also USA for joint Armenian Catholic and Romanian Catholic dioceses and the personal ordinariate for former Anglicans

Episcopal Conference of Mexico

Ecclesiastical province of Acapulco
Ecclesiastical province of Tijuana (Baja California)
Ecclesiastical province of Léon (Bajío)
Ecclesiastical province of Tuxtla Gutierrez (Chiapas)
Ecclesiastical province of Chihuahua
Ecclesiastical province of Durango
Ecclesiastical province of Guadalajara
Ecclesiastical province of Hermosillo
Ecclesiastical province of Tulancingo (Hidalgo)
Ecclesiastical province of Jalapa (Xalapa)
Ecclesiastical province of México
Ecclesiastical province of Monterrey
Ecclesiastical province of Morelia
Ecclesiastical province of (Antequera (de)) Oaxaca (Oaxaca)
Ecclesiastical province of Puebla (de los Angeles)
Ecclesiastical province of San Luis Potosí
Ecclesiastical province of Tlalnepantla
Ecclesiastical province of Toluca
Ecclesiastical province of Yucatán

Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica

Ecclesiastical province of San José de Costa Rica

Episcopal Conference of El Salvador

Exempt military ordinariate, immediately subject to the Holy See,
Ecclesiastical province of San Salvador, covering El Salvador

Episcopal Conference of Guatemala

Exempt dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de Guatemala
Ecclesiastical province of Los Altos Quetzaltenango-Totonicapán

Episcopal Conference of Honduras

Ecclesiastical province of Tegucigalpa, covering Honduras

Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua

Ecclesiastical province of Managua, covering Nicaragua

Episcopal Conference of Panama

Exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Panamá, covering Panama

Episcopal Conference of the (Lesser) Antilles (and Belize and Guyanas)

the Diocese of Saint-Thomas, with see in Charlotte Amalie, on St. Thomas, on and for the U.S. Virgin Islands, is a suffragan of the mainland-North American Metropolitan Archdiocese of Washington (D.C.)
Ecclesiastical province of Castries - comprising several current and former British colonies in the Lesser Antilles.
Ecclesiastical province of Fort-de-France - comprising the French territories in the Caribbean.
Ecclesiastical province of Kingston in (and covering) Jamaica, also comprising several other former and current British colonies in the Western Caribbean.
Ecclesiastical province of Nassau - comprising several current and former British territories to the north of the Caribbean.
Ecclesiastical province of Port of Spain - comprising several former British or Dutch colonies in the southeastern Caribbean and northern South America.

Episcopal Conference of Cuba

Ecclesiastical province of (San Cristóbal de) la Habana
Ecclesiastical province of Camagüey
Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de Cuba

Episcopal Conference of the Dominican Republic

exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See, but often held by the capital's archbishop
Ecclesiastical province of Santo Domingo
Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de los Caballeros

Episcopal Conference of Haiti

Ecclesiastical province of Cap-Haïtien
Ecclesiastical province of Port-au-Prince

Episcopal Conference of Puerto Rico

Ecclesiastical province of San Juan de Puerto Rico, covering the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

Episcopal Conference of the United States of America

Exempt, immediately subject to the holy See and not part of a Bishops' Region
Provinces and dioceses of the Latin Church in the United States. Each color represents one of the 32 Latin-rite provinces. Not depicted are the U.S. Virgin Islands, which constitute the Diocese of St. Thomas, the sole suffragan diocese in the Province of Washington, D.C.

Note: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) divides the non-exempt dioceses of the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) into fourteen geographical regions—termed "Bishops' Regions" for the Latin Church provinces—and a fifteenth "region" that consists of the Eastern Catholic eparchies. These regions are not the canonical "ecclesiastical regions" described in canon 433 and 434, but are operated by an elected regional chairman.[2] However, the Ordinaries of Personal Ordinariates established under the auspices of Anglicanorum Coetibus are members of their respective Bishops’ Conferences, and the USCCB lists the exempt Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter as a part of Bishops’ Region X.

Bishops' Region I
Ecclesiastical province of Boston, comprising the states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Ecclesiastical province of Hartford, comprising the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island, as well as Fishers Island in the state of New York.
Bishops' Region II
Ecclesiastical province of New York, comprising the state of New York except for Fishers Island.
Bishops' Region III
Ecclesiastical province of Newark, comprising the state of New Jersey.
Ecclesiastical province of Philadelphia, comprising the state of Pennsylvania.
Bishops' Region IV
Ecclesiastical province of Baltimore, comprising most of the state of Maryland as well as the states of Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia.
Ecclesiastical province of Washington, comprising the District of Columbia, 5 counties in southern Maryland, and the United States Virgin Islands.
Bishops' Region V
Ecclesiastical province of Louisville, comprising the states of Kentucky and Tennessee.
Ecclesiastical province of Mobile, comprising the states of Alabama and Mississippi.
Ecclesiastical province of New Orleans, comprising the state of Louisiana.
Bishops' Region VI
Ecclesiastical province of Cincinnati, comprising the state of Ohio.
Ecclesiastical province of Detroit, comprising the state of Michigan.
Bishops' Region VII
Ecclesiastical province of Chicago, comprising the state of Illinois.
Ecclesiastical province of Indianapolis, comprising the state of Indiana.
Ecclesiastical province of Milwaukee, comprising the state of Wisconsin.
Bishops' Region VIII
Ecclesiastical province of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, comprising the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Bishops' Region IX
Ecclesiastical province of Dubuque, comprising the state of Iowa.
Ecclesiastical province of Kansas City, comprising the state of Kansas.
Ecclesiastical province of Omaha, comprising the state of Nebraska.
Ecclesiastical province of Saint Louis, comprising the state of Missouri.
Bishops' Region X
Ecclesiastical province of Galveston-Houston, comprising the east and southeast parts of the state of Texas.
Ecclesiastical province of San Antonio, comprising the west and north of the state of Texas.
Ecclesiastical province of Oklahoma City, comprising the states of Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, comprising former Anglicans throughout the United States (and Canada).
Bishops' Region XI
Ecclesiastical province of Los Angeles, comprising the southern part of the state of California.
Ecclesiastical province of San Francisco, comprising the northern part of the state of California and the state of Hawaii (in Oceania).
Bishops' Region XII
Ecclesiastical province of Anchorage-Juneau, comprising the state of Alaska.
Ecclesiastical province of Portland in Oregon, comprising the states of Idaho, Montana and Oregon, except for the parts of Yellowstone National Park in the states of Idaho and Montana.
Ecclesiastical province of Seattle, comprising the state of Washington
Bishops' Region XIII
Ecclesiastical province of Denver, comprising the states of Colorado and Wyoming, as well as the parts of Yellowstone National Park in the states of Idaho and Montana.
Ecclesiastical province of Santa Fe, comprising the states of Arizona and New Mexico.
Ecclesiastical province of Las Vegas, comprising the states of Nevada and Utah.
Bishops' Region XIV
Ecclesiastical province of Miami, comprising the state of Florida.
Ecclesiastical province of Atlanta, comprising the states of Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Bishops' Region XV

This is not a geographical region and it does not consist of ecclesiastical provinces. Instead, it consists exclusively of US branches of various, generally Europe- or Asia-based, particular Eastern Catholic Churches. See the Eastern Catholic Churches section (below) for their particular hierarchies.

Antiochian rites
Maronite Church
Syriac Catholic Church
Syro-Malankara Catholic Church
Armenian rite
Armenian Catholic Church
Byzantine (Constantinopolitan) rites
Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Romanian Catholic Church
Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church (only sui iuris Church headquartered in the Americas)

Ecclesiastical province of the Ruthenian Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh

Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

Ecclesiastical Province of Philadelphia

Syro-Oriental Rites
Chaldean Catholic Church
Syro-Malabar Catholic Church

South America (Latin and Eastern Churches)

Exempt diocese, directly subject to the Holy See

Episcopal Conference of Argentina

(Latin and Eastern Churches)

exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Bahía Blanca
Ecclesiastical province of Buenos Aires
Ecclesiastical province of Córdoba
Ecclesiastical province of Corrientes
Ecclesiastical province of La Plata
Ecclesiastical province of Mendoza
Ecclesiastical province of Mercedes-Luján

Ecclesiastical province of Paraná

Ecclesiastical province of Resistencia
Ecclesiastical province of Rosario
Ecclesiastical province of Salta
Ecclesiastical province of San Juan
Ecclesiastical province of Santa Fe
Ecclesiastical province of Tucumán

Episcopal Conference of Bolivia

exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Cochabamba
Ecclesiastical province of La Paz
Ecclesiastical province of Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Ecclesiastical province of Sucre

Episcopal Conference of Brazil

Catholic Ecclesiastical provinces of Brazil
Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Aparecida
Ecclesiastical province of Aracaju
Ecclesiastical province of Belém do Pará
Ecclesiastical province of Belo Horizonte
Ecclesiastical province of Botucatu
Ecclesiastical province of Brasília
Ecclesiastical province of Campinas
Ecclesiastical province of Campo Grande
Ecclesiastical province of Cascavel
Ecclesiastical province of Cuiabá
Ecclesiastical province of Curitiba
Ecclesiastical province of Diamantina
Ecclesiastical province of Feira de Santana
Ecclesiastical province of Florianópolis
Ecclesiastical province of Fortaleza
Ecclesiastical province of Goiânia
Ecclesiastical province of Juiz de Fora
Ecclesiastical province of Londrina
Ecclesiastical province of Maceió
Ecclesiastical province of Manaus
Ecclesiastical province of Mariana
Ecclesiastical province of Maringá
Ecclesiastical province of Montes Claros
Ecclesiastical province of Natal
Ecclesiastical province of Niterói
Ecclesiastical province of Olinda e Recife
Ecclesiastical province of Palmas
Ecclesiastical province of Paraíba
Ecclesiastical province of Passo Fundo
Ecclesiastical province of Pelotas
Ecclesiastical province of Porto Alegre
Ecclesiastical province of Porto Velho
Ecclesiastical province of Pouso Alegre
Ecclesiastical province of Ribeirão Preto
Ecclesiastical province of Santa Maria
Ecclesiastical province of Santarem
Ecclesiastical province of São João Batista em Curitiba (Ukrainian Catholic, a Byzantine Rite)
Ecclesiastical province of São Luís do Maranhão
Ecclesiastical province of São Paulo (Roman and Byzantine rites)
Ecclesiastical province of São Salvador da Bahia
Ecclesiastical province of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro
Ecclesiastical province of Sorocaba
Ecclesiastical province of Teresina
Ecclesiastical province of Uberaba
Ecclesiastical province of Vitória
Ecclesiastical province of Vitória da Conquista

Episcopal Conference of Chile

exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Antofagasta
Ecclesiastical province of Concepción
Ecclesiastical province of La Serena
Ecclesiastical province of Puerto Montt
Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de Chile

Episcopal Conference of Colombia

exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Barranquilla
Ecclesiastical province of Bogotá
Ecclesiastical province of Bucaramanga
Ecclesiastical province of Cali
Ecclesiastical province of Cartagena
Ecclesiastical province of Florencia
Ecclesiastical province of Ibagué
Ecclesiastical province of Manizales
Ecclesiastical province of Medellín
Ecclesiastical province of Nueva Pamplona
Ecclesiastical province of Popayán
Ecclesiastical province of Santa Fe de Antioquia
Ecclesiastical province of Tunja
Ecclesiastical province of Villavicencio

Episcopal Conference of Ecuador

exempt missionary circonscriptions, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Cuenca
Ecclesiastical province of Guayaquil
Ecclesiastical province of Portoviejo
Ecclesiastical province of Quito

Episcopal Conference of Paraguay

exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Asunción

Episcopal Conference of Peru

exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Arequipa
Ecclesiastical province of Ayacucho
Ecclesiastical province of Cuzco
Ecclesiastical province of Huancayo
Ecclesiastical province of Lima
Ecclesiastical province of Piura
Ecclesiastical province of Trujillo

Episcopal Conference of Uruguay

Ecclesiastical province of Montevideo

Episcopal Conference of Venezuela

Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical province of Barquisimeto
Ecclesiastical province of Calabozo
Ecclesiastical province of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela
Ecclesiastical province of Ciudad Bolívar
Ecclesiastical province of Coro
Ecclesiastical province of Cumaná
Ecclesiastical province of Maracaibo
Ecclesiastical province of Mérida in Venezuela
Ecclesiastical province of Valencia en Venezuela

Asia (Latin and Eastern Churches)

Exempt dioceses or mission sui juris in Asian countries without episcopal conferences or ecclesiastical provinces

exempt, nation-covering diocesan circonscriptions, often not called after the see, each immediately subject to the Holy See
Missions sui juris (not requiring a prelate; just an ecclesiastical superior), immediately subject to the Holy See

Episcopal conference of the Arab region Latin bishops (includes parts of North and Eastern Africa)

all Latin dioceses are exempt, i.e. no ecclesiastical province, but each immediately subject to the Holy See. They alone constitute the Episcopal conference proper, not the numerous Eastern Catholic Ordinaries, who are grouped in specific 'national' Assemblies below
in Asian Middle East:
in Africa: see there (for Egypt, Djibouti and Somalia)

Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Egypt

see Africa

Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land (Palestine/Israel & Jordan)

Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Iraq

Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Lebanon

Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries in Syria

Episcopal Conference of Iran

No ecclesiastical province, the Latin Church has only the exempt Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Teheran-Isfahan, directly subject to the Holy See

The conference also includes Eastern Catholic bishops of two churches:

Episcopal Conference of Kazakhstan

Ecclesiastical Province of Mary Most Holy in Astana, covering all Kazakhstan

Episcopal Conference of Turkey

Latin Church dioceses in Turkey

covering transcontinental Turkey, which is not comprised in any Latin ecclesiastical province

Exempt Latin dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
Eastern (arch)dioceses, directly subject to their Patriarchs

Episcopal Conference of Bangladesh

Catholic Bishops' Conference of Bangladesh

Ecclesiastical Province of Dhaka
Ecclesiastical Province of Chittagong

Episcopal Conference of Burma (Myanmar)

Ecclesiastical Province of Mandalay
Ecclesiastical Province of Taunggyi
Ecclesiastical Province of Yangon (Rangoon)

Episcopal Conference of East Timor

Episcopal Conference of India, including Bhutan

Latin Church provinces and dioceses of the Catholic church in India. The dioceses making up a province have different shades of the same colour

includes (italicized) various Eastern Church dioceses, notably Syro-Malankara (an Antiochian Rite) and Syro-Malabar (a Syro-Oriental Rite), either in Eastern provinces of their own particular churches, exempt or (some Syro-Malabar) as suffragans of Roman Catholic Metropolitan Archbishops in their mixed-rite ecclesiastical provinces

Exempt Eastern Catholic eparchies (diocese), immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Agra
Ecclesiastical Province of Bangalore (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Bhopal
Ecclesiastical Province of Bombay
Ecclesiastical Province of Calcutta (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Delhi (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Gandhinagar
Ecclesiastical Province of Goa and Daman (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Guwahati (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Hyderabad
Ecclesiastical Province of Imphal (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Madras and Mylapore (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Madurai (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Nagpur
Ecclesiastical Province of Patna (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Pondicherry and Cuddalore (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Raipur
Ecclesiastical Province of Ranchi (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Shillong (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Thiruvananthapuram (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Verapoly (entirely Latin Church)
Ecclesiastical Province of Visakhapatnam (entirely Latin Church)
Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Eranakulam - Angamaly
Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Changanassery
Syro-Malabar Catholic Archeparchy of Kottayam
Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Tellicherry
Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Thrissur
Ecclesiastical Province of Trivandrum
Ecclesiastical Province of Tiruvalla

Episcopal Conference of Indonesia

Exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Jakarta
Ecclesiastical Province of Ende
Ecclesiastical Province of Kupang
Ecclesiastical Province of Makassar
Ecclesiastical Province of Medan
Ecclesiastical Province of Merauke
Ecclesiastical Province of Palembang
Ecclesiastical Province of Pontianak
Ecclesiastical Province of Samarinda
Ecclesiastical Province of Semarang

Episcopal Conference of Laos and Cambodia

three exempt missionary dioceses in Cambodia, no ecclesiastical province but directly subject to Rome
four exempt missionary dioceses in Laos, no ecclesiastical province but directly subject to Rome

Episcopal Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei

Exempt (arch)dioceses in Brunei and Singapore (no provinces nor national episcopal conferences, immediately subject to Rome)
Ecclesiastical Province of Kuala Lumpur, in Peninsular Malaysia (Malaya)
Ecclesiastical Province of Kuching, in Sarawak state, on Borneo
Ecclesiastical Province of Kota Kinabalu, in Sabah state, on Borneo

Episcopal Conference of Pakistan

Pakistan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (P.C.B.C.)

Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Karachi, in Sindh province
Ecclesiastical Province of Lahore, in Punjab province

Episcopal Conference of the Philippines

Exempt dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Caceres
Ecclesiastical Province of Cagayan de Oro
Ecclesiastical Province of Capiz
Ecclesiastical Province of Cebu
Ecclesiastical Province of Cotabato
Ecclesiastical Province of Davao
Ecclesiastical Province of Jaro
Ecclesiastical Province of Lingayen-Dagupan
Ecclesiastical Province of Lipa
Ecclesiastical Province of Manila
Ecclesiastical Province of Nueva Segovia
Ecclesiastical Province of Ozamis
Ecclesiastical Province of Palo
Ecclesiastical Province of San Fernando
Ecclesiastical Province of Tuguegarao
Ecclesiastical Province of Zamboanga

Episcopal Conference of Sri Lanka, including the Maldives

Ecclesiastical Province of Colombo

Episcopal Conference of Thailand

Ecclesiastical Province of Bangkok
Ecclesiastical Province of Thare and Nonseng

Episcopal Conference of Vietnam

Episcopal Conference of Vietnam (Hội đồng Giám mục Việt Nam), at Hồ Chí Minh City

Ecclesiastical Province of Hà Nội
Ecclesiastical Province of Huế
Ecclesiastical Province of Hồ Chí Minh City

Exempt without conference

Episcopal Conference of Taiwan (officially Chinese Regional Bishops Conference)

Ecclesiastical Province of Taipei, covering Taiwan

Episcopal Conference of China (PR, including Hong Kong; not including Taiwan)

Map of (Roman-rite) Catholic Dioceses in PRC as of February 2024
Exempt, each directly subject to the Holy See, mainly missionary Apostolic prefectures; many are truly vacant or under a temporary Apostolic administrator; no Apostolic Vicariates)
Ecclesiastical Province of Anking
Ecclesiastical Province of Peking
Ecclesiastical Province of Changsha
Ecclesiastical Province of Chungking
Ecclesiastical Province of Foochow
Ecclesiastical Province of Canton
Ecclesiastical Province of Kweyang
Ecclesiastical Province of Hangchow
Ecclesiastical Province of Hankow
Ecclesiastical Province of Tsinan
Ecclesiastical Province of Kaifeng
Ecclesiastical Province of Kunming
Ecclesiastical Province of Lanchow
Ecclesiastical Province of Nanchang
Ecclesiastical Province of Nanking
Ecclesiastical Province of Nanning
Ecclesiastical Province of Mukden
Ecclesiastical Province of Hohhot
Ecclesiastical Province of Taiyuan
Ecclesiastical Province of Sian

Episcopal Conference of Japan

Exempt - the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (for former Anglicans in Australia and Japan) has its see in Australia.
Ecclesiastical Province of Nagasaki
Ecclesiastical Province of Osaka
Ecclesiastical Province of Tokyo

Episcopal Conference of Korea (North and South)

exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Kwanju (Gwangju), in South Korea
Ecclesiastical Province of Seoul, including North Korea
Ecclesiastical Province of Taegu, in South Korea

Oceania (Latin and Eastern Churches)

Episcopal Conference of Australia

Exempt (arch)dioceses (immediately subject to Rome, no province)
Ecclesiastical Province of Adelaide
Ecclesiastical Province of Brisbane, covering Queensland
Ecclesiastical Province of Melbourne, covering Victoria state

Ecclesiastical Province of Perth, covering Western Australia

Ecclesiastical Province of Sydney, covering most of New South Wales

Other Eastern eparchies (dioceses)

Episcopal Conference of New Zealand

See under § Episcopal Conference of Australia for the Chaldean Catholic, Melkite and Ukrainian Catholic dioceses competent for both countries, with sees in Sydney, Melbourne.

Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See

Ecclesiastical Province of Wellington

Episcopal Conference of the Pacific

Ecclesiastical Province of Agaña

Ecclesiastical Province of Nouméa
Ecclesiastical Province of Papeete

This province covers all of French Polynesia (French overseas collectivity) and the Pitcairn Islands (UK).

Ecclesiastical Province of Samoa-Apia
Ecclesiastical Province of Suva

Episcopal Conference of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

Ecclesiastical Province of Madang
Ecclesiastical Province of Mount Hagen
Ecclesiastical Province of Port Moresby
Ecclesiastical Province of Rabaul
Ecclesiastical Province of Honaira, covering the Solomon Islands

Africa (Latin and Eastern Churches)

Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (S.E.C.A.M.)

Most national churches are also part of an episcopal conference and a regional (subcontinental) group of those, so we list them geographically:

Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Egypt

Latin Church
Alexandrian Rite (Coptic originally means Egyptian)
Byzantine Rite
Antiochian Rite
Armenian Rite
Syro-Oriental Rite
Mostly exempt dioceses, directly subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Alger, covering most of Algeria

Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (R.E.C.O.W.A.)

The West African subcontinent was previously covered by two language-distinct super-conferences:

Episcopal Conference of Nigeria

Exempt dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Abuja
Ecclesiastical Province of Benin City
Ecclesiastical Province of Calabar
Ecclesiastical Province of Ibadan
Ecclesiastical Province of Jos
Ecclesiastical Province of Kaduna
Ecclesiastical Province of Lagos
Ecclesiastical Province of Onitsha
Ecclesiastical Province of Owerri

Episcopal Conference of Gambia and Sierra Leone

Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Freetown, covering Sierra Leone

Episcopal Conference of Ghana

Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Accra
Ecclesiastical Province of Cape Coast
Ecclesiastical Province of Kumasi
Ecclesiastical Province of Tamale

Episcopal Conference of Liberia

Ecclesiastical Province of Monrovia

Ecclesiastical Conference of Benin

Ecclesiastical Province of Cotonou
Ecclesiastical Province of Parakou

Ecclesiastical Conference of Burkina Faso and Niger

Ecclesiastical Province of Bobo-Dioulasso, in Burkina Faso
Ecclesiastical Province of Koupéla, in Burkina Faso
Ecclesiastical Province of Ouagadougou, in Burkina Faso
Ecclesiastical Province of Niamey, covering Niger

Episcopal Conference of Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

Ecclesiastical Province of Abidjan
Ecclesiastical Province of Bouaké
Ecclesiastical Province of Gagnoa
Ecclesiastical Province of Korhogo

Episcopal Conference of Guinea

Ecclesiastical Province of Conakry, covering Guinea

Episcopal Conference of Mali

Ecclesiastical Province of Bamako, covering Mali

Episcopal Conference of Togo

Ecclesiastical Province of Lomé, covering Togo

Episcopal Conference of Senegal, Cape Verde, Mauritania and Guinée-Bissau

Ecclesiastical Province of Dakar, covering Senegal
neither of the above West African super-conferences however covered the dioceses, all directly subject to the Holy See, in three countries formerly under Portuguese or (Franco-)Spanish colonial administration, now participating in the same ecclesiastical conference as ex-French Senegal
two exempt members (no ecclesiastical province, directly subject to the Holy See) of the Episcopal conference of the Arab region Latin bishops, see Asia:

Episcopal Conference of Ethiopia and Eritrea

Neither country has or is part of any Latin Church province.

Eritrea has no Latin hierarchy, even the post of Apostolic nuncio is held by the nuncio to Sudan in Khartoum.
Ethiopia has the following exempt apostolic vicariates and apostolic prefecture, each immediately subject to the Holy See

Eastern Alexandrian rite particular churches (Metropolitanates sui juris)

However, each country has an Alexandrian rite (like the Egyptian Copts, but in Geez language) Metropolitan particular church 'sui iuris', whose episcopates fully parttake in the joint Episcopal Conference, yet also has its own council of bishops

Ecclesiastical Province of Addis Abeba (Ethiopia, sui iuris)
Ecclesiastical Province of Asmara (Eritrea, sui iuris)

Episcopal Conference of Kenya

Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Kisumu
Ecclesiastical Province of Mombasa
Ecclesiastical Province of Nairobi
Ecclesiastical Province of Nyeri

Episcopal Conference of Malawi

Ecclesiastical Province of Blantyre
Ecclesiastical Province of Lilongwe

Ecclesiastical Province of Juba, covering the Latin Church in South Sudan
Ecclesiastical Province of Khartoum, covering the Latin Church in Sudan
Eastern church jurisdictions, covering both countries
For the Armenian Catholics in Sudan, see Egypt
Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Iskanderiya (Alexandria, a suffragan of the Patriarch of Cilicia)

Episcopal Conference of Tanzania

Ecclesiastical Province of Arusha
Ecclesiastical Province of Dar-es-Salaam
Ecclesiastical Province of Dodoma
Ecclesiastical Province of Mbeya
Ecclesiastical Province of Mwanza
Ecclesiastical Province of Songea
Ecclesiastical Province of Tabora

Episcopal Conference of Uganda

Exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Gulu
Ecclesiastical Province of Kampala
Ecclesiastical Province of Mbarara
Ecclesiastical Province of Tororo

Episcopal Conference of Zambia

Ecclesiastical Province of Kasama
Ecclesiastical Province of Lusaka

(?only Latin dioceses)This subcontinent is still covered by two distinct super-conferences:

Ecclesiastical Conference of Burundi

Ecclesiastical Province of Bujumbura
Ecclesiastical Province of Gitega

Episcopal Conference of the Congo (-Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ex-Zaire)

Ecclesiastical Province of Bukavu

Ecclesiastical Province of Kananga

Ecclesiastical Province of Kinshasa

Ecclesiastical Province of Kisangani

Ecclesiastical Province of Lubumbashi

Ecclesiastical Province of Mbandaka-Bikoro

Episcopal Conference of Rwanda

Ecclesiastical Province of Kigali, covering Rwanda

Ecclesiastical Conference of Cameroon

Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda

Ecclesiastical Province of Bertoua

Ecclesiastical Province of Douala

Ecclesiastical Province of Garoua

Ecclesiastical Province of Yaoundé

Episcopal Conference of the Central African Republic

Ecclesiastical Province of Bangui, covering the Central African republic

Episcopal Conference of Chad

Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See

Ecclesiastical Province of N'Djamena

Episcopal Conference of the Congo (Brazzaville)

Ecclesiastical Province of Brazzaville

Ecclesiastical Province of Owando

Ecclesiastical Province of Pointe-Noire

Episcopal Conference of Equatorial Guinea

Ecclesiastical Province of Malabo

Episcopal Conference of Gabon

Exempt missionary circonscription, directly subject to the Holy See

Ecclesiastical Province of Libreville, covering the rest of Gabon

Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé e Principe

Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See

Ecclesiastical Province of Huambo

Ecclesiastical Province of Luanda

Ecclesiastical Province of Lubango

Ecclesiastical Province of Malanje

Ecclesiastical Province of Saurímo

Episcopal Conference of the Indian Ocean (minor African East coast island states)

Only exempt dioceses, each for a whole country (or two) without national conference, directly subject to the Holy See

Episcopal Conference of Lesotho

Ecclesiastical Province of Maseru

Episcopal Conference of Madagascar

Ecclesiastical Province of Antananarivo

Ecclesiastical Province of Antsiranana

Ecclesiastical Province of Toamasina

Ecclesiastical Province of Fianarantsoa

Ecclesiastical Province of Toliara

Episcopal Conference of Mozambique

Ecclesiastical Province of Beira

Ecclesiastical Province of Maputo

Ecclesiastical Province of Nampula

Episcopal Conference of Namibia

Ecclesiastical Province of Windhoek, covering Namibia

Episcopal Conference of South Africa, Botswana and Swaziland

covers the dioceses in the republic of South Africa, and two neighbouring countries whose only dioceses belong to its provinces Botswana and Swaziland

Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See:

Ecclesiastical Province of Bloemfontein

Ecclesiastical Province of Cape Town

Ecclesiastical Province of Durban

Ecclesiastical Province of Johannesburg

Ecclesiastical Province of Pretoria

Episcopal Conference of Zimbabwe

Ecclesiastical Province of Bulawayo

Ecclesiastical Province of Harare

Eastern Catholic Churches by Rite

The 23 Eastern Catholic Churches retain many Orthodox traditions, even in the hierarchic terminology, such as calling dioceses Eparchies and archdioceses Archeparchies.

Their respective diocesan structures overlap with and are partially parallel to each other, to the Latin Catholic church and to Orthodox churches, often 'sharing' a see. In addition, exempt, 'mixed' ordinariates for the Eastern churches without dioceses of their own are established in a few (European and Latin American) countries, directly subject to the Holy See.

They are presented grouped per ancient rite, or liturgical tradition. Following the name of each Church is given the nature of their ecclesiastical polity; for instance, whether it is headed by a Patriarch, a Major Archbishop, a Metropolitan Archbishop, or has no unified structure and is instead composed of jurisdictions each individually subject to the Holy See.

Exempt, joint ordinariates for all the Eastern faithful

Byzantine Rite churches

Exempt, joint Ordinariates or Administrations for the Byzantine Rites faithful

(Greek-)Melkite Catholic Church (Patriarchal)

In the Arab World and Africa, the church has dioceses in:

Throughout the rest of the world, the Melkite Catholic church has dioceses and exarchates for its diaspora in:

Furthermore, one of the Ordinaries is appointed Apostolic visitor for the countries without proper ordinariates in Western Europe, while in some countries the Melkite diaspora is served pastorally by an Ordinariate for Eastern Catholic faithful.

Romanian Greek Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)

An ecclesiastical province sui juris, covering Romania:

Exempt, i.e. Immediately subject to the Holy See

Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)

Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See

Ukrainian provinces and Metropolitan dependencies

Polish province

European diocesesThese eparchies are immediately dependent on the Major Archbishop, not part of his province:

Overseas provinces and Metropolitan dependencies

Overseas Eparchies, suffragans of Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishops

Hungarian Greek Catholic Church (Metropolitan)

A single ecclesiastical province sui juris

Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church (Metropolitan)

The more general adjective "Byzantine" is often used instead of "Ruthenian" in North America.

Although its origins are, as the name suggests, in Ruthenia, (now part of Slovakia and Ukraine) its sole exempt diocese (i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See), covers the Czech Republic while all other dioceses depend from the US-based Metropolitan head of the church:

There is a sole ecclesiastical province, the Metropolitanate sui juris, entirely within the United States – the Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh:

A further directly dependent on the Metropolitan:

Slovak Greek Catholic Church (Metropolitan)

The Synod is the Council of the Slovak Church

Greek Catholic Church of Croatia and Serbia (no unified structure)

Italo-Albanian Catholic Church (no unified structure)

All these are entirely exempt, i.e. each directly subject to the Holy See:

Albanian Greek Catholic Church (Apostolic Administration)

Belarusian Greek Catholic Church (Apostolic Visitation)

Bulgarian Greek Catholic Church (Episcopal)

Greek Byzantine Catholic Church (no unified structure)

entirely exempt, i.e. each directly subject to the Holy See:

Macedonian Greek Catholic Church (Episcopal)

Russian Greek Catholic Church (no current formalised structure)

entirely exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See:

Alexandrian Rite churches

Coptic Catholic Church (Patriarchal)

Ethiopian Catholic Church (Metropolitan)

A single ecclesiastical province sui juris, covering Ethiopia (Synod styled Council of the Ethiopian Church)

Eritrean Catholic Church (Metropolitan)

A single ecclesiastical province sui juris, covering all and only Eritrea, which has no Latin Church diocese

West Syriac/Syro-Antiochene Rite churches

Maronite Catholic Church (Patriarchal)

Immediately subject to the Patriarch:

Subject to the Synod, partly exempt

The following are subject to the Synod in matters of Liturgical and Particular Law; otherwise they are exempt (i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See and its Roman Congregation for the Eastern Churches):

Suffragan Eparchies in the ecclesiastical provinces of Latin Metropolitan Archbishops

Both eparchies are in South America:

Eparchies suffragan to a Latin Metropolitan

Syriac Catholic Church (Patriarchal)

Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See

Patriarchal ecclesiastical province

Patriarchal exarchates

Other dioceses and archdioceses

None of these are Metropolitan; they are directly subject to the Patriarch (but not part of his province).

Nominal Metropolitans

These are without suffragans. Both are in Syria:

Syro-Malankara Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)

Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See:

Ecclesiastical Province of Trivandrum

Ecclesiastical Province of Tiruvalla

Immediately subject to the Synod of the Syro-Malankara Church

Armenian Rite: Armenian Catholic Church (Patriarchal)

'Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See

Patriarchal ecclesiastical province of Cilicia

The province was named after Ancient Cilicia, the part of Asia Minor (modern Turkey's Anatolia) where its see was originally located.

Other eparchies

These eparchies are immediately subject to the Patriarch of Cilicia, but not part of his province.

East Syriac / Syro-Oriental Rite churches

Chaldean Catholic Church (Patriarchal)

Syro-Malabar Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)

Ecclesiastical Province of Eranakulam‑Angamaly

Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See

Ecclesiastical Province of Changanassery

Ecclesiastical Province of Tellicherry

Ecclesiastical Province of Thrissur

Archdiocese of Kottayam

Syro-Malabar eparchiesThese are suffragans of Roman Catholic (Latin Church) Indian Metropolitan archbishops, hence part of their mixed-rite provinces.

Other and various types of Catholic sees and jurisdictions

See also

Eastern churches


  1. ^ "Dioceses by Type".
  2. ^ Beal, John P.; Coriden, James A.; Green, Thomas J. (2000). New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law. Paulist Press. p. 571. ISBN 9780809140664. Retrieved 18 Jun 2015.
  3. ^ "Hispanic Ministry Network Region XI Leaders". United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Retrieved 14 Apr 2012.
  4. ^ "Bishops and Dioceses". United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Retrieved 23 March 2013.

External links