Cumbre, Nueva Jersey

Summit es la ciudad más septentrional del condado de Union , en el estado estadounidense de Nueva Jersey , ubicada dentro del área metropolitana de Nueva York . Situada en una cresta en el centro - norte de Nueva Jersey, la ciudad se encuentra dentro de las regiones de Raritan Valley y Rahway Valley , y también limita con los condados de Essex y Morris en la región de Passaic Valley . Summit es un centro comercial y una ciudad de cercanías para la ciudad de Nueva York . [17] Según el censo de los Estados Unidos de 2020 , la población de la ciudad era de 22.719, [9] [10] un aumento de 1.262 (+ 5,9 %) con respecto al recuento del censo de 2010 de 21.457, [18] [19] que a su vez reflejó un aumento de 326 (+ 1,5 %) con respecto a los 21.131 contabilizados en el censo de 2000. [ 20]

Originalmente incorporada como Summit Township por una ley de la Legislatura de Nueva Jersey el 23 de marzo de 1869, a partir de partes de New Providence Township (ahora Berkeley Heights ) y Springfield Township , Summit fue reincorporada como ciudad el 8 de marzo de 1899. [21] [22]

Entre las posibles derivaciones del nombre de Summit se incluyen su ubicación en la cima de la Segunda Montaña Watchung ; el Summit Lodge, la casa a la que se mudó el jurista James Kent en 1837 y que hoy se encuentra en 50 Kent Place Boulevard; y un propietario de un aserradero local que concedió el paso al ferrocarril Morris and Essex para una ruta a "la cima de Short Hills". [23] [24] [25]



La región en la que se encuentra Summit fue comprada a los nativos americanos el 28 de octubre de 1664. Los primeros colonos europeos de Summit llegaron a la zona alrededor del año 1710. [26] El nombre original de Summit era "Turkey Hill" para distinguirlo de la zona conocida entonces como "Turkey" ( el nombre original de New Providence hasta 1759). Durante la Guerra de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos , Summit era conocida como "Beacon Hill", porque se encendían faros de hoguera en una cresta oriental de Summit para advertir a los milicianos de Nueva Jersey de la aproximación de las tropas británicas. [27]

Summit se conocía como "Heights over Springfield" (Alturas sobre Springfield) a fines del siglo XVIII y durante la mayor parte del siglo XIX, y se consideraba parte de New Providence . Durante este período, Summit era parte del municipio de Springfield, que finalmente se dividió en municipios separados. Finalmente, solo Summit y New Providence permanecieron unidos.

Siglo XIX

El Lord Canciller James Kent , Canciller del Estado de Nueva York y autor de Commentaries on American Law , se retiró a esta zona en 1837 en una casa que llamó Summit Lodge (quizás un homónimo de la ciudad) en lo que ahora se llama Kent Place Boulevard. [23] Vivió allí hasta 1847. Hoy, la logia es parte de una gran mansión, en 50 Kent Place Boulevard, frente a Kent Place School .

En 1837, el ferrocarril Morris and Essex , que se convirtió en el ferrocarril Delaware Lackawanna and Western y ahora es la línea Morris and Essex de NJ Transit , se construyó sobre lo que entonces se llamaba la colina "The Summit", un nombre que luego se acortó a Summit. El ferrocarril permitió que Summit superara al vecino New Providence, que no tenía una estación de tren. En 1868, un hotel llamado "The Summit House" se quemó junto al ferrocarril. [28] En 1869, Summit y New Providence se separaron y el área de Summit se incorporó como el "Municipio de Summit". [21] A fines del siglo XIX, el área comenzó a pasar de tierras de cultivo a propiedades ricas; En 1892, el renombrado arquitecto C. Abbott French despejó la cresta de una "cresta de la cumbre", eliminando "una maraña impenetrable de enredaderas silvestres ... y miríadas de serpientes de cascabel", para construir una casa con vista a la ciudad de Nueva York, The Times Building y el puente de Brooklyn . [29] La encarnación actual de Summit, conocida formalmente como la Ciudad de Summit, se incorporó el 11 de abril de 1899. [26]

El ayuntamiento original de Summit, construido en 1892

Durante este tiempo, Summit fue el hogar del "cruzado antivicio" de Estados Unidos, Anthony Comstock , quien se mudó allí alrededor de 1880 y construyó una casa en 1892 en 35 Beekman Road, donde murió en 1915. [30] [31]

En el siglo XIX, Summit era un lugar de escapada cercano para los residentes adinerados de la ciudad de Nueva York que buscaban aire fresco. Los que pasaban el fin de semana o las vacaciones de verano llegaban a Summit en tren y se relajaban en grandes hoteles y posadas y pensiones más pequeñas. [32] La Iglesia Episcopal del Calvario se construyó entre 1894 y 1895; el New York Times la calificó como una "nueva y hermosa casa de culto". [33]

Siglo XX

El ferrocarril de Rahway Valley en Summit , alrededor de  1910
Vista hacia el norte a través del puente ferroviario de Lackawanna hacia la sección comercial, c.  1940

El tejido de seda, que había prosperado como industria a finales del siglo XIX, decayó en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. En 1915, hubo una huelga en la Summit Silk Company en Weaver Street. [34] A principios del siglo XX, hubo mucha construcción; en 1909, un informe sugirió que se estaban construyendo al menos 40 residencias (algunas con establos) con costos que variaban entre $4,500 y $45,000, lo que lo convirtió en "uno de los períodos de mayor actividad de construcción que este lugar, Hill City , haya conocido". [35]

Se construyó un nuevo ferrocarril a partir de lo que entonces se llamaba New Orange . [36] El ferrocarril Rahway Valley conectó Summit con el ferrocarril Delaware, Lackawanna y Western (DL&W). A principios del siglo XX, esta línea ofrecía servicios de carga y pasajeros. (Aunque en 2009, el condado de Union estaba explorando la posibilidad de reactivar la línea inactiva durante mucho tiempo para el tráfico de carga. [37] ) Una línea de tranvía llamada Morris County Traction Company , alguna vez hizo funcionar un tranvía de pasajeros a través de Summit hacia/desde Newark y el condado de Morris , a principios del siglo XX. [38] Broad Street en Summit fue diseñada y construida para el tranvía, por lo que es más ancha y recta que la mayoría de las calles de la ciudad. Todavía se podían ver partes de los rieles en ella hasta la década de 1980.

Las relaciones entre las autoridades de la ciudad y las empresas no siempre han sido fluidas; en 1898, las autoridades de la ciudad y la New York and New Jersey Telephone Company tuvieron disputas sobre cables y postes telefónicos; la ciudad actuó y "los cables de la compañía fueron cortados de los postes". [39] Hubo disputas entre los pasajeros de Summit y el ferrocarril de Lackawanna sobre las pasarelas; en un incidente ocurrido en 1905, "varios pasajeros que intentaban abordar el tren de las 6:35 encontraron su camino bloqueado. Se apresuraron al unísono y cuando se disipó el polvo, la puerta ya no estaba allí. Se dice que la compañía volverá a colocar la puerta. Los pasajeros dicen que la quitarán con la misma frecuencia con la que se reemplaza". [40]

Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial , la ciudad experimentó un auge de la construcción, ya que vivir fuera de la ciudad de Nueva York y viajar al trabajo se volvió más común y la población de Nueva Jersey creció. En este punto, Summit adquirió su carácter suburbano de calles arboladas y casas diseñadas por arquitectos por las que es conocida hoy. [41]

En 1974 se presentó una demanda para dividir "East Summit" en su propio municipio. Hasta 1973, la ciudad había estado dividida en dos distritos, este y oeste, por las vías del ferrocarril Erie-Lackawanna . Justo antes de las elecciones municipales de 1973 se determinaron nuevos distritos que anulaban los límites geográficos preexistentes para que los dos distritos tuvieran una población aproximadamente igual. Tras una victoria republicana aplastante en las elecciones, los ciudadanos de la parte oriental de la ciudad afirmaron que habían sido manipulados por el liderazgo republicano de la ciudad, compuesto por el alcalde Elmer J. Bennett y el presidente del consejo Frank Lehr. La mitad oriental de la ciudad era étnicamente más diversa y con una base de votantes predominantemente demócrata . Por ello, Joseph R. Angelo fue proclamado "alcalde de East Summit" y los ciudadanos demandaron al gobierno municipal. La demanda para dividir la ciudad en dos, Mosely v. Kates , llegó hasta la Corte Suprema de Nueva Jersey, que finalmente falló a favor de los acusados ​​y la ciudad se mantuvo unida. [42]

A finales de los años 70, Summit contaba con un sistema de minibuses , con tres largas rutas circulares que atravesaban la mayor parte de Summit y que estaban diseñadas principalmente para llevar a los pasajeros a la estación de tren del centro de la ciudad. The Velvet Underground tocó su primer concierto pago en Summit High School el 11 de diciembre de 1965. El artista principal de ese concierto fue una banda local, The Myddle Class. [43] [44]

Siglo XXI

El monumento conmemorativo del 11 de septiembre de Summit , ubicado junto a la estación de tren de Summit

Más de una docena de residentes de Summit murieron en los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre . [45] Muchos trabajaban en el World Trade Center y viajaban en tren a Hoboken. [45] Unos días después de los ataques, los habitantes de la ciudad se reunieron en la plaza de la ciudad mientras un ministro "gritaba los nombres de una docena de residentes que aún no se habían localizado tras el ataque del martes al World Trade Center. Otros en la multitud de casi 2.000 personas gritaban nombres que había omitido". [45] Unas cuantas empresas del World Trade Center se trasladaron a Summit. [46] [ ¿cuáles? ]

Desde su incorporación, Summit ha sido un bastión del Partido Republicano , nunca ha tenido un alcalde demócrata ni ningún miembro demócrata del consejo municipal. [47] Esto cambió en 2001 con la elección del demócrata Jordan Glatt para el Consejo Común de Summit como concejal general. [47] Glatt luego sería elegido el 27.º y primer alcalde demócrata de Summit en 2003, lo que marcó un cambio en la ciudad que se volvió políticamente competitiva entre los dos partidos. [47]

En 2005, el atleta estrella de béisbol Willie Wilson y ex graduado de Summit regresó a Summit High School . [48] Wilson dijo: "Para mí, Summit es un lugar especial... Es donde todo comenzó y tengo grandes recuerdos. Aquí es donde quiero ayudar a los niños y al béisbol juvenil, y quiero que mi propio hijo e hija vengan y me ayuden a crear algo aquí". Durante la crisis económica de 2008-2009, Summit fue catalogada como la número 6 en una lista de comunidades estadounidenses "probablemente golpeadas por la crisis económica". [48] El crimen en general no es malo en la ciudad; el asalto de Abelino Mazariego-Torres en el verano de 2010 durante un intento de robo que salió mal conmocionó a los residentes en lo que una persona describió como un "pueblo muy pequeño y muy tranquilo". Varios jóvenes fueron acusados ​​​​de asesinato. [49]

Summit ha ocupado constantemente un lugar destacado en la lista bienal de las 100 mejores ciudades de NJMonthly. En 2019, Summit ocupó el segundo puesto como el mejor lugar para vivir. [50]


Vista del centro de la ciudad desde el sureste

Según la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos , la ciudad tenía una superficie total de 6,05 millas cuadradas (15,66 km² ) , incluidas 5,99 millas cuadradas (15,52 km² ) de tierra y 0,05 millas cuadradas (0,13 km² ) de agua (0,84%). [1] [2] Está a unas 20 millas (32 km) al oeste de Manhattan.

La Avenida Springfield es la calle principal de la ciudad. [48]

Las comunidades no incorporadas , localidades y nombres de lugares ubicados parcial o totalmente dentro de la ciudad incluyen Brantwood Park y Tall Oaks. [51]

Limita al noreste con Millburn en el condado de Essex , al noroeste con Chatham Borough y Chatham Township , ambos en el condado de Morris , al oeste con New Providence , al suroeste con Berkeley Heights , al sur con Mountainside y al sureste con Springfield Township . [52] [53] [54]


La ciudad ha sido popular durante mucho tiempo entre comerciantes, banqueros de inversión y administradores de dinero, y casi el 20% de los residentes de Summit trabajan en finanzas y bienes raíces. [48] Un informe dijo que la élite financiera de Manhattan prefiere vivir en Summit debido a las casas grandes, las excelentes escuelas y el enlace ferroviario de NJ Transit con el distrito financiero de Manhattan . [45]

Censo de 2020

Censo de 2010

El censo de los Estados Unidos de 2010 contabilizó 21.457 personas, 7.708 hogares y 5.519 familias en la ciudad. La densidad de población era de 3.578,9 por milla cuadrada (1.381,8/km 2 ). Había 8.190 unidades de vivienda con una densidad media de 1.366,0 por milla cuadrada (527,4/km 2 ). La composición racial era 83,54% (17.926) blancos , 4,52% (970) negros o afroamericanos , 0,14% (30) nativos americanos , 6,38% (1.368) asiáticos , 0,01% (3) isleños del Pacífico , 2,84% (610) de otras razas y 2,56% (550) de dos o más razas. Los hispanos o latinos de cualquier raza representaban el 13,29% (2.851) de la población. [18]

De los 7.708 hogares, el 39,6% tenía hijos menores de 18 años; el 60,6% eran parejas casadas que vivían juntas; el 8,2% tenía una mujer como cabeza de familia sin presencia del marido y el 28,4% no eran familias. De todos los hogares, el 23,4% estaban formados por una sola persona y el 10,2% tenía a alguien que vivía solo y tenía 65 años o más. El tamaño medio de los hogares era de 2,77 personas y el tamaño medio de las familias era de 3,29. [18]

El 29,0% de la población tenía menos de 18 años, el 4,9% entre 18 y 24 años, el 25,6% entre 25 y 44 años, el 28,6% entre 45 y 64 años y el 11,9% tenía 65 años o más. La edad media era de 39,7 años. Por cada 100 mujeres, la población tenía 96,8 hombres. Por cada 100 mujeres de 18 años o más había 92,0 hombres. [18]

La Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense de 2006-2010 de la Oficina del Censo mostró que (en dólares ajustados a la inflación de 2010) el ingreso familiar promedio era de $109,602 y el ingreso familiar promedio era de $145,083. Los hombres tenían un ingreso medio de $109,608 (+/− $15,245) frente a $61,368 (+/− $8,854) para las mujeres. El ingreso per cápita de la ciudad era de $70,574. Alrededor del 4,4% de las familias y el 6,5% de la población estaban por debajo de la línea de pobreza , incluido el 7,4% de los menores de 18 años y el 5,9% de los mayores de 65 años. [67]

Censo del año 2000

En el censo de los Estados Unidos de 2000 [14] había 21.131 personas, 7.897 hogares y 5.606 familias residiendo en la ciudad. La densidad de población era de 3.490,7 habitantes por milla cuadrada (1.347,8/km 2 ). Había 8.146 unidades de vivienda con una densidad media de 1.345,7 por milla cuadrada (519,6/km 2 ). La composición racial de la ciudad era 87,77% blancos , 4,33% afroamericanos , 0,09% nativos americanos , 4,45% asiáticos , 0,01% isleños del Pacífico , 1,70% de otras razas y 1,65% de dos o más razas. Los hispanos o latinos de cualquier raza eran el 10,17% de la población. [62] [63]

Había 7.897 hogares, de los cuales el 35,7% tenían hijos menores de 18 años que vivían con ellos, el 61,1% eran parejas casadas que vivían juntas, el 7,8% tenían una mujer como cabeza de familia sin presencia del marido y el 29,0% no eran familias. El 23,9% de todos los hogares estaban formados por personas solas y el 10,2% tenía a alguien viviendo solo que tenía 65 años o más. El tamaño medio de los hogares era de 2,67 y el tamaño medio de las familias era de 3,18. [62] [63]

La distribución por edad fue de 27,0% menores de 18 años, 4,4% de 18 a 24 años, 33,0% de 25 a 44 años, 22,5% de 45 a 64 años y 13,1% de 65 años o más. La edad media fue de 37 años. Por cada 100 mujeres, había 93,8 hombres. Por cada 100 mujeres de 18 años o más, había 89,1 hombres. [62] [63]

El ingreso medio por hogar en la ciudad era de $92,964 y el ingreso medio por familia era de $117,053. Los hombres tenían un ingreso medio de $85,625 frente a $46,811 para las mujeres. El ingreso per cápita de la ciudad era de $62,598. Alrededor del 2.5% de las familias y el 4.2% de la población estaban por debajo del umbral de pobreza , incluido el 4.1% de los menores de 18 años y el 4.3% de los mayores de 65 años. [62] [63]


Imagen de un hospital.
El Overlook Medical Center está en una colina sobre la ciudad con vistas al horizonte de Manhattan.

Los residentes corporativos de Summit incluyen:

Artes y cultura

Teatro de la ópera
En el verano de 2021, la ciudad apoya a los artistas musicales que actúan en el centro de la ciudad para los comensales con su programa Summit Street Sounds . En la foto: el cantautor y cantante de blues Alvin Madison actúa.

La Summit Opera House fue construida en la década de 1890 por la Unión de Mujeres Cristianas por la Templanza como lugar de reunión y sala de entretenimiento. Actualmente alberga el restaurante Winberie's en la planta baja y una iglesia, oficinas y apartamentos en los pisos superiores. Está ubicada en Springfield Avenue y Kent Place Boulevard en el centro de Summit. [72]

El Summit Playhouse organiza representaciones teatrales en vivo. [73]

El Centro de Artes Visuales de Nueva Jersey, en Elm Street en diagonal frente a la Summit Middle School, es un centro de arte regional reconocido profesionalmente con una escuela de arte y un programa de exposiciones. [74]

Se puede montar a caballo en los establos de Watchung, ubicados en la reserva de Watchung desde la década de 1930. [75]

La ciudad apoya un programa de arte público organizado por Summit Public Art, una organización municipal basada en voluntarios fundada en 2002, cuya misión es llevar el arte a los espacios públicos en todo Summit. [76] En 2019, la ciudad estaba alentando a los artistas, incluidos los cantautores, a actuar en lugares locales en el centro de la ciudad, como parte de su programa Summit Street Sounds .

Parques y recreación

Renovado y ampliado en 2019, el Centro Comunitario Summit cuenta con dos gimnasios, un salón para personas mayores, una sala de reuniones, una sala de juegos y una pequeña cocina.

Parques y reservas locales

La reserva de Watchung en otoño.
Briant Park en verano.

Ruta ferroviaria planificada

En 2022, se estaba construyendo la Summit Park Line, un parque peatonal lineal de 1,9 km (1,2 millas) que se extenderá desde Morris Avenue junto al Overlook Medical Center hasta Briant Park, principalmente a lo largo de un segmento del abandonado Rahway Valley Railroad (RVRR). [81] El parque conectará el distrito comercial central, otro parque público, pasarelas y áreas naturales al tiempo que ofrece una vista del horizonte de Manhattan. [82] [83] Aprobado en diciembre de 2020, [83] la creación del parque está financiada en su totalidad por subvenciones de fundaciones y donaciones individuales y corporativas. Su creación está guiada por la fundación sin fines de lucro Summit Park Line Foundation. En octubre de 2022 se instaló una pasarela sobre Morris Avenue en Summit. [84] [85]

Más allá de su parte de Summit, los residentes del área han presionado para que la línea principal RVRR abandonada en su totalidad se convierta en un sendero ferroviario. Al hacerlo, se crearía un parque lineal peatonal de 7,3 millas a lo largo de la línea principal RVRR desde Summit hasta el borde suroeste de Roselle Park y proporcionaría una vía verde protegida para conectar varios parques del condado similares a High Line . [86] [87] El sendero ferroviario correría hacia el este desde el Overlook Medical Center en el borde del centro de Summit como Summit Park Line y luego se dirigiría hacia el sur a lo largo de la antigua plataforma ferroviaria a través de Springfield , Union y Kenilworth y terminaría en el borde suroeste de Roselle Park en el límite de Cranford .

En 2022, a medida que avanza la línea Summit Park, los defensores también han estado presionando para el desarrollo inmediato de la parte de la línea principal RVRR al sur de la Ruta 22 , que corre hacia el sur más allá del campo de golf Galloping Hill a través de Kenilworth y Roselle Park. El Departamento de Transporte de Nueva Jersey , que posee la plataforma ferroviaria, ha estado trabajando para despejar su extremo sur para su posible uso como sendero. [88] [89] [90] [91] Si el sendero ferroviario se expandiera aún más, más allá de la plataforma ferroviaria de 7.3 millas de la línea principal RVRR, posiblemente podría conectarse en el área de Cranford con la línea de tránsito rápido de Staten Island sin uso , y eventualmente conectarse a un puente sobre Arthur Kill en Linden . [92] [93]


Gobierno local

Imagen de un edificio moderno de ladrillo de dos pisos con un campanario y un cartel que dice "Summit" Ayuntamiento
El Ayuntamiento, en la intersección de Springfield Avenue y Morris Avenue, alberga la estación de policía de la ciudad, el tribunal municipal, los departamentos municipales y otras oficinas.

Summit opera bajo la forma de ciudad de gobierno municipal; uno de los 15 (de los 564) municipios de todo el estado que utilizan esta forma. [94] El 11 de abril de 1899, los votantes de Summit adoptaron como Carta de la Ciudad de Summit el Estatuto de 1899 aplicable a ciudades de menos de 12.000 habitantes. El 15 de diciembre de 1987, la Legislatura de Nueva Jersey promulgó una ley que derogó la carta original, conservando aquellas secciones no cubiertas por la ley general que eran específicas de Summit. La carta ahora especifica que "1: El consejo puede, mediante referéndum, cambiar el mandato del concejal general de un mandato de dos años a un mandato de cuatro años. 2: Las resoluciones adoptadas por el consejo no tienen que ser aprobadas por el alcalde. 3: El consejo pro tempore será el alcalde interino en ausencia del alcalde debido a enfermedad u otra causa. 4: El municipio puede designar un administrador de acuerdo con las disposiciones de NJS 40A:9-136. 5: El municipio puede adoptar un código administrativo". [6] [95] [96]

Los miembros del Concejo Municipal son elegidos periódicamente y son voluntarios no remunerados.

El alcalde es elegido por la ciudad por un período de cuatro años y es el portavoz oficial y el principal funcionario electo de la ciudad. El alcalde puede nombrar a varios funcionarios, incluido el jefe de policía y el consejo de educación . El alcalde se desempeña como presidente de la Junta de Estimación Escolar y de varios comités, y tiene derecho a hablar en las reuniones del consejo común, pero solo puede votar para romper empates en el consejo. Este papel de púlpito intimidatorio se considera el poder más fuerte del alcalde.

La ciudad patrocina conciertos gratuitos al aire libre durante los meses de verano

El consejo común tiene la función principal de elaborar políticas y supervisar la administración del gobierno de la ciudad. El consejo aprueba todas las leyes y adopta el presupuesto de la ciudad. El consejo también supervisa el trabajo de los jefes de departamento de la ciudad. El consejo está compuesto por tres miembros del Distrito I y tres miembros del Distrito II, además de un miembro elegido en general. El miembro en general cumple un mandato de dos años, mientras que los seis miembros del distrito cumplen mandatos de tres años de forma escalonada, con un escaño en cada distrito en elección cada año. El consejo elige entre sus miembros a un presidente y un presidente pro tempore, cada uno cumpliendo un mandato de un año. El presidente preside todas las reuniones del consejo y el presidente pro tempore preside en ausencia del presidente. El presidente pro tempore también actúa como alcalde interino en ausencia del alcalde.

A partir de 2024 , la alcaldesa de Summit es la republicana Elizabeth Fagan, cuyo mandato finaliza el 31 de diciembre de 2027. [3] Los miembros del consejo común son la presidenta del consejo Lisa K. Allen (R, 2025; Segundo Distrito), la presidenta pro tempore Delia Hamlet (R, 2025; Primer Distrito), Jamel Boyer (R, 2026; Segundo Distrito), Andy Minegar (D, 2024; Primer Distrito), Bob Pawlowsk (R, 2026; Primer Distrito), Kevin Smalllwood (R, 2025; At Large) y Greg S. Vartan III ( D , 2024; Segundo Distrito). [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102]

En febrero de 2021, el consejo municipal seleccionó a Lisa K. Allen de una lista de tres candidatos nominados por el comité municipal republicano para ocupar el escaño del segundo distrito que vence en diciembre de 2022 y que había estado ocupado por Stephen Bowman hasta que renunció a su cargo. [103] Allen sirvió de manera interina hasta las elecciones generales de noviembre de 2021, cuando fue elegida para cumplir el resto del mandato. [102]

Summit había sido un bastión del Partido Republicano durante años. Desde 1921 hasta 2001, ningún demócrata ocupó un cargo electivo y muy pocos se presentaron a las elecciones. Las verdaderas elecciones se produjeron en las primarias republicanas. En 2001, dos candidatos demócratas fueron elegidos para el consejo: Michel Bitritto ganó en el Distrito I y Jordan Glatt ganó el escaño general. Summit nunca había elegido a un demócrata como alcalde hasta 2003, cuando fue elegido Jordan Glatt. [104]

En noviembre de 2011, los republicanos arrasaron con todos los escaños vacantes: Ellen Dickson fue elegida alcaldesa y Gregory Drummond, Patrick Hurley y Robert Rubino arrasaron con los tres escaños del consejo, devolviendo el control total del gobierno de la ciudad al partido republicano. [105]

Los demócratas comenzaron a abrirse camino en los años siguientes, con la elección de Nora Radest, demócrata, para alcaldesa en 2015, junto con dos miembros demócratas del consejo (David Naidu y Richard Sun, quien fue el funcionario municipal electo más joven de la historia a la edad de 24 años). [106] En noviembre de 2018, por primera vez en la historia de Summit, los demócratas fueron elegidos para ocupar la mayoría de los escaños en el consejo. [107]

En noviembre de 2019, Susan Hairston prestó juramento para el puesto del Primer Distrito que expiraba en diciembre de 2020 y que quedó vacante tras la muerte de Matthew Gould. [108] En 2020, fue elegida para el mismo puesto, convirtiéndose en la primera concejal afroamericana en la historia de la ciudad. [109]

En noviembre de 2023, los republicanos arrasaron en las elecciones locales, ganando la alcaldía y tres escaños en el consejo municipal, lo que elevó la composición a cinco republicanos y dos demócratas. [3] En estas elecciones de 2023, el concejal republicano del Distrito 2 Jamel Boyer se convirtió en el primer afroamericano elegido para el Consejo Común de la ciudad. [ cita requerida ]

Michael F. Rogers es el administrador municipal de Summit. En este puesto, dirige las operaciones diarias del gobierno municipal y de los departamentos de la ciudad. [4]

El Departamento de Servicios Comunitarios es responsable de la ingeniería, las obras públicas y la administración de códigos. [110] La división de ingeniería administra la infraestructura de la ciudad, como carreteras, bordillos, alcantarillas, y brinda apoyo a las juntas de planificación y zonificación. [110] Las obras públicas mantienen calles, árboles, señales de tráfico, parques públicos, isletas de tráfico, áreas de juegos, edificios públicos, vehículos de apoyo, equipos y tiene otras responsabilidades. [110] La ciudad administra un área de disposición municipal / estación de transferencia de residuos sólidos donde se recolectan materiales reciclables, incluida la basura voluminosa; los residentes deben tener una calcomanía generada por la ciudad en sus autos para usar esta instalación. [110] Ciertos árboles requieren permiso del gobierno en forma de permiso antes de ser removidos. [110] Summit prevé la limpieza de nieve en 66 millas (106 km) de carreteras, cubriendo todas las calles de la ciudad, excepto las carreteras del condado. [110] La ciudad se ha embarcado en un programa de "Llevar el arte a los espacios públicos en Summit"; Este programa, establecido en 2002, ha colocado esculturas en diferentes lugares de la ciudad y está financiado en parte por donaciones privadas. [111] La Cámara de Comercio de Summit publicita la ciudad en la televisión por cable. [48]

En 2018, la ciudad tuvo una factura promedio de impuestos a la propiedad de $17,919, la más alta del condado, en comparación con una factura promedio de $8,767 a nivel estatal. [112]

Representación federal, estatal y del condado

Summit está ubicada en el 7.º Distrito Congresional [113] y es parte del 21.º distrito legislativo estatal de Nueva Jersey. [114] [115] [116]

Para el 118.º Congreso de los Estados Unidos , el séptimo distrito congresional de Nueva Jersey está representado por Thomas Kean Jr. ( R , Westfield ). [117] Nueva Jersey está representada en el Senado de los Estados Unidos por los demócratas Cory Booker ( Newark , mandato finaliza en 2027) [118] y George Helmy ( Mountain Lakes , mandato finaliza en 2024). [119] [120]

Para la sesión 2024-2025 , el distrito legislativo 21 de la Legislatura de Nueva Jersey está representado en el Senado estatal por Jon Bramnick ( R , Westfield ) y en la Asamblea General por Michele Matsikoudis (R, New Providence ) y Nancy Munoz (R, Summit). [121]

El condado de Union está gobernado por una Junta de Comisionados del Condado , cuyos nueve miembros son elegidos en general para mandatos de tres años de manera escalonada, con tres puestos que se eligen cada año, y un administrador del condado designado supervisa las operaciones diarias del condado. En una reunión anual de reorganización celebrada a principios de enero, la junta selecciona un presidente y un vicepresidente de entre sus miembros. [122] A partir de 2024 , los comisionados del condado de Union son:

Rebecca Williams ( demócrata , Plainfield , 2025), [123] Joesph Bodek (demócrata, Linden , 2026), [124] James E. Baker Jr. (demócrata, Rahway , 2024), [125] Michele Delisfort (demócrata, Union Township , 2026), [126] Sergio Granados (demócrata, Elizabeth , 2025), [127] Bette Jane Kowalski (demócrata, Cranford , 2025), [128] Vicepresidenta Lourdes M. Leon (demócrata, Elizabeth, 2026), [129] Alexander Mirabella (demócrata, Fanwood , 2024) [130] y Presidenta Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded (demócrata, Westfield , 2024). [131] [132]

Los funcionarios constitucionales elegidos a nivel de condado son: la secretaria Joanne Rajoppi (D, Union Township, 2025), [133] [134] el alguacil Peter Corvelli (D, Kenilworth , 2026) [135] [136] y el suplente Christopher E. Hudak (D, Clark , 2027). [137] [138]


En marzo de 2021, había un total de 16.171 votantes registrados en Summit, de los cuales 6.048 (37,4% frente al 49,6% en todo el condado) estaban registrados como demócratas , 4.014 (24,8% frente al 15,8%) estaban registrados como republicanos y 6.109 (37,7% frente al 34,5%) estaban registrados como no afiliados . [139] Entre la población del censo de 2020 de la ciudad, el 68,6% (frente al 58,9% en el condado de Union) estaba registrado para votar, incluido el 94,9% de los mayores de 18 años (frente al 77% en todo el condado). [139] [140]

En las elecciones presidenciales de 2020, el demócrata Joe Biden recibió 8500 votos (67,2% frente al 62,8% en todo el condado) por delante del republicano Donald Trump con 3846 votos (30,4% frente al 35,5% en todo el condado). [141] En las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 , la demócrata Hillary Clinton recibió 5776 votos (60,3% frente al 65,9% en todo el condado) por delante del republicano Donald Trump con 3210 votos (33,5% frente al 30,5% en todo el condado) y otros candidatos con 421 votos (4,4% frente al 3,6% en todo el condado). [142] En las elecciones presidenciales de 2012 , el demócrata Barack Obama recibió 4.895 votos (49,4% frente al 66,0% de todo el condado), por delante del republicano Mitt Romney con 4.859 votos (49,1% frente al 32,3%) y otros candidatos con 109 votos (1,1% frente al 0,8%), entre los 9.899 votos emitidos por los 14.330 votantes registrados de la ciudad, para una participación del 69,1% (frente al 68,8% en el condado de Union). [143] [144] En las elecciones presidenciales de 2008 , el demócrata Barack Obama recibió 5.820 votos (54,5% frente al 63,1% en todo el condado), por delante del republicano John McCain con 4.700 votos (44,0% frente al 35,2%) y otros candidatos con 88 votos (0,8% frente al 0,9%), entre los 10.677 votos emitidos por los 13.690 votantes registrados de la ciudad, para una participación del 78,0% (frente al 74,7% en el condado de Union). [145] En las elecciones presidenciales de 2004 , el republicano George W. Bush recibió 5.183 votos (50,0% frente al 40,3% de todo el condado), por delante del demócrata John Kerry con 5.068 votos (48,9% frente al 58,3%) y otros candidatos con 75 votos (0,7% frente al 0,7%), entre los 10.360 votos emitidos por los 13.159 votantes registrados de la ciudad, para una participación del 78,7% (frente al 72,3% en todo el condado). [146]

En las elecciones para gobernador de 2017 , el demócrata Phil Murphy recibió el 57,2% de los votos (3495 votos) por delante del republicano Kim Guadagno con el 41,2% (2520 votos) y otros candidatos con el 1,6% (99 votos) entre los 6114 votos totales emitidos por los 15 131 votantes registrados de la ciudad para una participación del 40,4%. [147] [148] En las elecciones para gobernador de 2013 , el republicano Chris Christie recibió el 68,1% de los votos (3971 emitidos), por delante de la demócrata Barbara Buono con el 30,6% (1785 votos) y otros candidatos con el 1,3% (76 votos), entre las 5928 papeletas emitidas por los 14 076 votantes registrados de la ciudad (96 papeletas fueron anuladas), para una participación del 42,1%. [149] [150] En las elecciones para gobernador de 2009 , el demócrata Jon Corzine fue derrotado en su ciudad natal cuando el republicano Chris Christie recibió 3.682 votos (50,3% frente al 41,7% en todo el condado), por delante de sus 3.014 votos (41,2% frente al 50,6%), el independiente Chris Daggett con 543 votos (7,4% frente al 5,9%) y otros candidatos con 43 votos (0,6% frente al 0,8%), entre los 7.323 votos emitidos por los 13.435 votantes registrados de la ciudad, lo que arrojó una participación del 54,5% (frente al 46,5% en el condado). [151]


Escuela Jefferson, una de las cinco escuelas primarias de Summit

Los estudiantes desde preescolar hasta el duodécimo grado son educados por las Escuelas Públicas de Summit . [152] A partir del año escolar 2022-23, el distrito, compuesto por nueve escuelas, tenía una matrícula de 3.950 estudiantes y 366,9 maestros de aula (sobre una base FTE ), para una proporción de estudiantes por maestro de 10,8:1. [153] Las escuelas del distrito (con datos de inscripción de 2022-23 del Centro Nacional de Estadísticas de Educación [154] ) son Jefferson Primary Center [155] (143 estudiantes; en los grados PreK-K), Wilson Primary Center [156] (202; PreK-K), Brayton School [157] (304; 1-5), Franklin School [158] (327; 1-5), Jefferson School [159] (215; 1-5), Lincoln-Hubbard School [160] (328; 1-5), Washington School [161] (310; 1-5), Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School [162] (942; 6-8) y Summit High School [163] (1,161; 9-12). [164] [165] [166]

La junta de educación del distrito está compuesta por siete miembros que establecen políticas y supervisan el funcionamiento fiscal y educativo del distrito a través de su administración. Como distrito escolar de Tipo I, los administradores de la junta son designados por el alcalde para cumplir mandatos de tres años de manera escalonada, y dos o tres miembros pueden ser reelegidos cada año. De los más de 600 distritos escolares de todo el estado, Summit es uno de los aproximadamente doce distritos de todo el estado con juntas escolares designadas. La junta designa a un superintendente para supervisar las operaciones diarias del distrito y a un administrador comercial para supervisar las funciones comerciales del distrito. [167] [168] [169] [170] [171] [172]

Escuelas privadas

Deportes juveniles

El Centro Acuático Familiar de Summit tiene un tobogán de agua, una piscina al aire libre de tamaño olímpico y el equipo de natación juvenil se llama Summit Sharks.

Summit tiene programas deportivos para jóvenes, incluyendo ligas de baloncesto, béisbol, fútbol y fútbol americano a través del Centro de Recreación. [180] Además, la YMCA de la ciudad organiza clínicas deportivas y equipos, incluido el equipo de natación "Seals" de la YMCA del área de Summit. [181] Los niños pueden jugar en programas recreativos y hacer una prueba para un programa de fútbol itinerante dirigido por el Summit Soccer Club, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada al desarrollo del fútbol juvenil en la ciudad. El fútbol itinerante se lleva a cabo tanto en la temporada de otoño como en la de primavera. [182]

El lacrosse es un deporte popular. El equipo masculino de Summit High School [183] ​​[184] tiene la tercera mayor cantidad de títulos grupales masculinos de NJSIAA y 11 apariciones en el Torneo de Campeones, ganando en 2009 y 2010 y cuatro veces terminando como subcampeón. [185] Summit tiene el récord de escuela secundaria del estado de Nueva Jersey con 68 victorias consecutivas durante 2009 a 2011. [186] En 2012, el equipo ocupó el segundo lugar en Nueva Jersey y entre los 20 mejores a nivel nacional. A partir del primer grado, los niños y las niñas pueden aprender a jugar lacrosse en clínicas y equipos organizados por el Summit Lacrosse Club. [187] Muchos jugadores de lacrosse de la División 1 provienen de Summit High School o escuelas privadas locales. En 2024, el equipo de Summit High School fue coronado como el equipo número uno en Nueva Jersey, venciendo a su archirrival Westfield 7-5 en la Copa Kirst.

Bienes raíces y vivienda

Vista de las casas después de una nevada

Los bienes raíces residenciales en Summit están entre los más caros del estado. El precio medio de la vivienda en 2018 fue de $987,583. [188] Los impuestos inmobiliarios varían; una casa unifamiliar de cuatro dormitorios, dos baños completos y dos baños parciales construida en 1939 por $800,000 tenía impuestos de $16,000 en 2009. [189] En 2018, la factura promedio de impuestos a la propiedad en la ciudad de Summit fue de $17,930, la decimocuarta más alta del estado. [190]

Summit, junto con muchas comunidades suburbanas en los Estados Unidos, adoptó una política de ordenanzas de zonificación que exigían una casa unifamiliar en un lote grande y podían así "excluir cualquier influencia indeseable que pudiera erosionar los valores de la propiedad", un requisito que excluía efectivamente los edificios de apartamentos y las viviendas multifamiliares, y tendía a aumentar el precio de las casas. Un estudio encontró que desde 1945, el mecanismo de zonificación de casa unifamiliar en un lote grande "se ha utilizado cada vez más en áreas suburbanas y rurales para salvaguardar intereses particulares creados". [191] Un reportero de The New York Times que es residente de Summit criticó a la ciudad por ser una "población homogeneizada económica, racial e ideológicamente" con "una creciente división entre los que tienen y los que no tienen en Summit". [192] En 2006, explicó: "hay un rincón cada vez más pequeño de la ciudad, similar a los llamados barrios bajos de Beverly Hills , donde los propietarios de ingresos medios como yo pueden aprovechar las escuelas y los servicios de Summit sin los precios de un millón de dólares tan omnipresentes al otro lado de las vías de Midtown Direct". [192] Pero prefería la ciudad como lugar para criar y educar a sus hijos. [192] Un desarrollador demandó a la ciudad en 2005 para cumplir con la Ley de Vivienda Justa de Nueva Jersey para proporcionar unidades de vivienda más asequibles. [192] La ciudad está trabajando en un "plan maestro de vivienda" para evitar futuras demandas de los desarrolladores. [192] En 2011, los voluntarios de Habitat for Humanity , junto con grupos de la iglesia, incluida Santa Teresa de Ávila y la Iglesia Unitaria dirigida por Vanessa Southern, construyeron viviendas asequibles en Morris Avenue. [193]

El condado de Union , que incluye a Summit, tuvo el décimo impuesto a la propiedad más alto del país en 2010, según datos recopilados por la Unión Nacional de Contribuyentes . [194]

Lugares de interés

Capilla del monasterio de las monjas dominicas
The Summit Diner en la esquina de Summit Avenue y Union Place
Comedero para caballos (centro izquierda) en invierno
Imagen de un edificio al otro lado de una calle.
La biblioteca pública de Summit en 2009, mirando hacia el oeste, al otro lado de Maple Street


Carreteras y autopistas

Interestatal 78 en Summit

En mayo de 2010 , la ciudad tenía un total de 84,80 millas (136,47 km) de carreteras, de las cuales 66,94 millas (107,73 km) eran mantenidas por el municipio, 14,72 millas (23,69 km) por el condado de Union y 3,14 millas (5,05 km) por el Departamento de Transporte de Nueva Jersey . [207]

La ruta 24 [208] y la ruta 124 [209] recorren el límite este de Summit, y la Interestatal 78 recorren el límite sur. [210] Las rutas del condado 512 , [211] 527 [212] y 649 [213] también pasan por la ciudad. [214]

El estacionamiento es un problema constante. Hay varios estacionamientos gratuitos con límite de dos horas para los compradores, así como estacionamiento con parquímetro en las calles principales. El ayuntamiento ha realizado estudios para explorar más opciones de estacionamiento. [215]

Transporte público

Estación de la cumbre

La línea Morristown de NJ Transit y la línea Gladstone Branch se unen en la estación Summit , [216] proporcionando un servicio frecuente de pasajeros a la estación Penn de Nueva York y la terminal Hoboken . El viaje en tren desde Summit a Nueva York dura aproximadamente 50 minutos (local) o 35 minutos (express). Un reportero escribió: "La línea de tren domina Summit, dividiendo su atractivo distrito comercial del área verde de la ciudad en una vía hundida, como un canal holandés". [45]

NJ Transit ofrece servicio de autobús desde y hacia Newark en la ruta 70 con servicio local Wheels en la ruta 986. [217]

Lakeland Bus Lines (Ruta 78) ofrece un servicio directo desde y hacia Manhattan durante las horas pico de viaje. [218]

El Aeropuerto Internacional Newark Liberty en Newark/ Elizabeth está a unos 15 minutos por la carretera interestatal 78.

Medios de comunicación

Los periódicos diarios que sirven a la comunidad son The New York Times , The Wall Street Journal y The Star-Ledger .

A nivel local, Summit es atendido por el Summit Herald-Dispatch y el Independent Press , este último con sede en New Providence y presta servicios a la ciudad de Summit y a varias comunidades aledañas. Ambos periódicos se publican semanalmente. Summit también es atendido por la fuente de noticias en línea, The Alternative Press [219] [220] [221]

Summit es el hogar de HTTV, una estación de televisión por cable que ofrece programación de televisión por cable de acceso público, educativo y gubernamental (PEG) . La señal de HTTV llega a los municipios de los condados de Union , Essex y Morris a través del canal 33 de Verizon y el canal 36 de Comcast. La estación produce contenido original semanalmente y ofrece transmisión en vivo desde La estación está dirigida por la gerente de la estación, Amanda Olsen. [222] [223] [224]

En la cultura popular

En " Mr. Monk and the End ", el final de la serie de televisión por cable Monk , el personaje ficticio de Randy Disher revela que se va de San Francisco porque le han ofrecido el trabajo como jefe de policía de Summit, Nueva Jersey. También va allí para casarse con su amor de toda la vida, Sharona Fleming. [225] Siguiendo esto, en la novela de 2012 Mr. Monk on Patrol , Randy tiene que traer a Monk después de que un escándalo de corrupción arrasa el gobierno de Summit, lo que lleva a Randy a convertirse en alcalde interino.

Personas notables

Las personas que nacieron, residieron o estuvieron estrechamente relacionadas con Summit incluyen:

Puntos de interés

Organizaciones sin fines de lucro y de caridad


  1. ^ a b c d e 2019 Census Gazetteer Files: New Jersey Places, United States Census Bureau. Accessed July 1, 2020.
  2. ^ a b US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990, United States Census Bureau. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  3. ^ a b c Elliott, Greg. "Summit Republicans Sweep to Victory as 2023 General Election Results are Certified". TAPinto. Retrieved January 3, 2024.
  4. ^ a b Administration, City of Summit. Accessed March 30, 2023.
  5. ^ City Clerk, City of Summit. Accessed March 30, 2023.
  6. ^ a b 2012 New Jersey Legislative District Data Book, Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, March 2013, p. 94.
  7. ^ "ArcGIS REST Services Directory". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved October 11, 2022.
  8. ^ "City of Summit". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved March 14, 2013.
  9. ^ a b c d e QuickFacts Summit city, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed January 14, 2023.
  10. ^ a b c Total Population: Census 2010 - Census 2020 New Jersey Municipalities, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Accessed December 1, 2022.
  11. ^ a b Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Minor Civil Divisions in New Jersey: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023, United States Census Bureau, released May 2024. Accessed May 16, 2024.
  12. ^ a b Population Density by County and Municipality: New Jersey, 2020 and 2021, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Accessed March 1, 2023.
  13. ^ Look Up a ZIP Code for Summit, NJ, United States Postal Service. Accessed February 21, 2012.
  14. ^ a b U.S. Census website, United States Census Bureau. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  15. ^ Geographic Codes Lookup for New Jersey, Missouri Census Data Center. Accessed April 1, 2022.
  16. ^ US Board on Geographic Names, United States Geological Survey. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  17. ^ Caldwell, Dave. "Living In: Summit, N.J., a Place to Grow Into and Stay", The New York Times, October 28, 2015. Accessed July 17, 2023.
  18. ^ a b c d e DP-1 - Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 for Summit city, Union County, New Jersey Archived February 12, 2020, at, United States Census Bureau. Accessed February 21, 2012.
  19. ^ a b Table DP-1. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2010 for summit city Archived 2012-04-30 at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Accessed February 21, 2012.
  20. ^ Table 7. Population for the Counties and Municipalities in New Jersey: 1990, 2000 and 2010, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, February 2011. Accessed May 1, 2023.
  21. ^ a b Snyder, John P. The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries: 1606-1968, Bureau of Geology and Topography; Trenton, New Jersey; 1969. p. 241. Accessed May 30, 2024.
  22. ^ Honeyman, Abraham Van Doren. Index-analysis of the Statutes of New Jersey, 1896-1909: Together with References to All Acts, and Parts of Acts, in the 'General Statutes' and Pamphlet Laws Expressly Repealed: and the Statutory Crimes of New Jersey During the Same Period, p. 273. New Jersey Law Journal Publishing Company, 1910. Accessed October 11, 2015.
  23. ^ a b Cheslow, Jerry. "A Transit Hub With a Thriving Downtown", The New York Times, July 13, 1997. Accessed April 27, 2012. "The name 'Summit' may have been coined by James Kent, retired Chancellor of the Court of Chancery, New York State's highest judicial office, who bought a house on the hill in 1837 and named it Summit Lodge is today located at 50 Kent Place Boulevard. Another version of the way Summit got its name is that, around the same time, a sawmill owner named James Bonnell gave the Morris & Essex Railroad free right-of-way across his property, on condition that its track would pass near his sawmill. The company bought a special locomotive to pull the railroad cars up to what it called the summit of the Short Hills."
  24. ^ Hutchinson, Viola L. The Origin of New Jersey Place Names, New Jersey Public Library Commission, May 1945. Accessed October 11, 2015.
  25. ^ Gannett, Henry. The Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States, p. 293. United States Government Printing Office, 1905. Accessed October 11, 2015.
  26. ^ a b About Summit Archived 2012-01-26 at the Wayback Machine, City of Summit. Accessed August 7, 2012.
  27. ^ History of Springfield Archived 2006-12-06 at the Wayback Machine, Accessed November 25, 2006.
  28. ^ "Hotel Burned at Summit, N.J." (PDF). The New York Times. May 23, 1868. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  29. ^ "An Ideal Country Seat - On a Crest of the Summit Ridge, New-Jersey" (PDF). The New York Times. June 19, 1892. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  30. ^ a b Morgan, Garner. History of Central Presbyterian Church (1870 - Present) Archived 2011-07-25 at the Wayback Machine. Accessed February 18, 2011. "Interestingly, Summit from about 1880 to 1915 was the home of Anthony Comstock, world-famous crusader against immorality, real and imagined."
  31. ^ a b Gray, Christopher. "Streetscapes/35 Beekman Road, Summit, N.J.; 1892 House Built by a Famous Crusader Against Vice", The New York Times, May 27, 2001. Accessed July 31, 2018. "For much of his life Comstock lived in Summit, N.J., in Union County about 25 miles from Midtown Manhattan. The house he built there in 1892 still survives, but it lies vacant and in disrepair, its future uncertain."
  32. ^ "Suicide At Summit, N.J.; William R. Rockwell, Son-In-Law Of Charles H. Swan, The Victim". The New York Times. September 11, 1891. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  33. ^ "New Church At Summit, N. J.; Handsome Building to be Erected by the Calvary Episcopal Society". The New York Times. September 9, 1894. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  34. ^ Special to the New York Times (May 4, 1915). "Strikers Reject Offer. Silk Workers at Summit, N.J., Refuse to Let Non-Union Men Stay" (PDF). The New York Times. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  35. ^ "Much Building In Summit. Many New Yorkers Erecting Homes in New Jersey's "Hill City"" (PDF). The New York Times. March 14, 1909. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  36. ^ "To Build New Railway.; Line from New Orange to Summit N.J., to be Constructed Shortly". The New York Times. August 10, 1903. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  37. ^ Boright, Walter E. "Rahway Valley Railroad: The little railroad that helped build Kenilworth, Part II", Cranford Chronicle, May 12, 2011. Accessed May 23, 2013. "In 1976 the offices moved into a railroad club car placed on a Kenilworth siding. That year the section from Springfield to Summit was closed."
  38. ^ Rae, John W. Morristown: A Military Headquarters of the American Revolution, p. 118. Arcadia Publishing, 2002. ISBN 0-7385-2400-X. Accessed January 14, 2015.
  39. ^ "Telephone Wires Cut.; Township Committee of Summit, N.J., Disagreed with a Corporation -- Criminal Prosecution Threatened". The New York Times. July 18, 1898. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  40. ^ "Commuters Smash a Door. Residents of Summit, N.J., and the Lackawanna Railroad Disagree" (PDF). The New York Times. December 1, 1905. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  41. ^ The City of Summit Archived 2006-12-30 at the Wayback Machine, Summit Historical Society. Accessed November 25, 2006.
  42. ^ "Mosely v. Kates". New Jersey Supreme Court. Retrieved October 15, 2022.
  43. ^ Lustig, Jay. "50th anniversary for Velvet Underground’s landmark launch at Summit High School",, November 19, 2015. Accessed October 23, 2023. "When was alternative-rock born? To me, the answer is clear-cut. It was born with the Velvet Underground. And the Velvet Underground played their first show nearly 50 years ago — Dec. 11, 1965 — at the unlikeliest of places: The auditorium of Summit High School."
  44. ^ McNeil, Legs and Gillian McCain. Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk. (Grove: 2006)
  45. ^ a b c d e Alec MacGillis (September 14, 2001). "Suburb's link to Wall Street brings agony". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  46. ^ "Former World Trade Center Firms -- Business/Commerce Contact Information". The Washington Post. October 18, 2009. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
  47. ^ a b c Elliott, Greg. "Summit Democrats to Honor Jordan Glatt and Susan Hairston at Second Annual (Virtual) Dinner". Retrieved November 22, 2022.
  48. ^ a b c d e f Patterson, Mary Jo. "Main Street - Summit: For Affluent Town, Clouds of Uncertainty", The New York Times, October 31, 2008. Accessed April 15, 2015. "Ornamental grasses blew back and forth under an allée of locust trees on Springfield Avenue, the city's commercial heart."
  49. ^ Staff. "Eyewitness says at least a dozen people were present during Summit fatal beating", New Jersey Local News Service, July 23, 2010. Accessed April 15, 2015. "At least a dozen young men were present when two Summit teenagers beat a man so badly he died three days later, an eyewitness to the attack said today."
  50. ^ "Summit Ranks in Top 10 of Best Places to Live in NJ". August 29, 2019.
  51. ^ Locality Search, State of New Jersey. Accessed May 21, 2015.
  52. ^ Areas touching Summit, MapIt. Accessed March 11, 2020.
  53. ^ Union County Municipal Profiles, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed March 11, 2020.
  54. ^ New Jersey Municipal Boundaries, New Jersey Department of Transportation. Accessed November 15, 2019.
  55. ^ Compendium of censuses 1726-1905: together with the tabulated returns of 1905, New Jersey Department of State, 1906. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  56. ^ Raum, John O. The History of New Jersey: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Volume 1, p. 282, J. E. Potter and company, 1877. Accessed May 23, 2013. "Summit was formed from New Providence and Springfield townships in 1869 and in 1870 had a population of 1,176."
  57. ^ Staff. A compendium of the ninth census, 1870, p. 261. United States Census Bureau, 1872. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  58. ^ Porter, Robert Percival. Preliminary Results as Contained in the Eleventh Census Bulletins: Volume III - 51 to 75, p. 99. United States Census Bureau, 1890. Accessed August 7, 2012. Data for Summit Township.
  59. ^ Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910: Population by Counties and Minor Civil Divisions, 1910, 1900, 1890, United States Census Bureau, p. 339. Accessed August 7, 2012. 1890 data for Summit Township is listed in Footnote 3.
  60. ^ Fifteenth Census of the United States : 1930 - Population Volume I, United States Census Bureau, p. 717. Accessed March 26, 2012.
  61. ^ Table 6: New Jersey Resident Population by Municipality: 1940 - 2000, Workforce New Jersey Public Information Network, August 2001. Accessed May 1, 2023.
  62. ^ a b c d e Census 2000 Profiles of Demographic / Social / Economic / Housing Characteristics for Summit city, New Jersey Archived 2014-07-20 at the Wayback Machine, United States Census Bureau. Accessed August 7, 2012.
  63. ^ a b c d e DP-1: Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 - Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data for Summit city, Union County, New Jersey Archived February 12, 2020, at, United States Census Bureau. Accessed August 7, 2012.
  64. ^ "P004: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2000: DEC Summary File 1 – Summit city, New Jersey". United States Census Bureau.
  65. ^ "P2: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2010: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) – Summit city, New Jersey". United States Census Bureau.
  66. ^ "P2: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2020: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) – Summit city, New Jersey". United States Census Bureau.
  67. ^ DP03: Selected Economic Characteristics from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates for Summit city, Union County, New Jersey Archived February 12, 2020, at, United States Census Bureau. Accessed April 27, 2012.
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  72. ^ Hageman, Robert A. "The Van Cise Building - 'The Summit Opera House" Archived 2013-05-03 at the Wayback Machine, Summit Historical Society. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  73. ^ Home Page, Summit Playhouse. Accessed May 24, 2013.
  74. ^ About Archived 2013-06-03 at the Wayback Machine, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey. Accessed May 23, 2013. "The Visual Arts Center of New Jersey is the state's largest institution dedicated exclusively to viewing, making, and learning about contemporary art."
  75. ^ WATCH: Riders show off horsemanship on Memorial Day weekend
  76. ^ Press, Liz Keill/Independent (April 7, 2010). "Summit's public art image enhanced with new installations". nj. Retrieved April 10, 2021.
  77. ^ About Us, Reeves-Reed Arboretum. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  78. ^ a b c "Environmental Resource Inventory", City of Summit, 2011. Accessed July 31, 2018.
  79. ^ a b c County map of Hidden Valley and Houdaille.
  80. ^ Watchung Reservation, Union County, New Jersey.
  81. ^ "Summit Park Line pedestrian bridge and progress update is shared". Union News Daily. October 8, 2022. Retrieved October 24, 2022.
  82. ^ Rubino, Jennifer (May 24, 2016). "Rails to trails for train tracks through Summit". Union News Daily. Archived from the original on June 24, 2021. Retrieved June 17, 2021.
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  86. ^ "RVRR Main Line with landmarks in Union County". Google My Maps.
  87. ^ "Abandoned Rahway Valley Railroad -Proposed Rails to Trails Route "Flyover" 🚂🚶🏼‍♂️👩‍🦼🚴🏼‍♀️". July 26, 2021 – via
  88. ^ "NJDOT Clearing Out Abandoned Railway Property in Roselle Park; Union County to Apply For a Grant to Convert it into a Trail Through Roselle Park and Kenilworth". TAPinto.
  89. ^ "Union County Connects – A County Connected by Trails".
  90. ^ "Abandoned right-of-ways Union County". Google My Maps.
  91. ^ Barbara Rybolt (January 16, 2015). "Summit's own Highline would be 'crown jewel' in city's trail system". Independent Press.
  92. ^ Abandoned right-of-ways Union County, Google Maps. Accessed December 21, 2016.
  93. ^ About, Summit Park Line Foundation. Accessed January 3, 2017. See also
  94. ^ Inventory of Municipal Forms of Government in New Jersey, Rutgers University Center for Government Studies, July 1, 2011. Accessed June 1, 2023.
  95. ^ "Forms of Municipal Government in New Jersey", p. 4. Rutgers University Center for Government Studies. Accessed June 1, 2023.
  96. ^ City Charter, City of Summit. Accessed January 14, 2018. "On December 15, 1987, Chapter 314, Public Law 1987, was approved and signed into law with the effective date of January 1, 1988. This act repealed all of the remaining provisions of Summit's original Charter (P.L. 1899, c.52;C.40:109-3) and replaced and saved those sections which were not covered by general law and peculiar to Summit's original Charter."
  97. ^ Common Council, City of Summit. Accessed April 19, 2022.
  98. ^ 2022 Municipal Data Sheet, City of Summit. Accessed June 30, 2022.
  99. ^ Elected Officials, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed January 11, 2024.
  100. ^ General Election November 7, 2023 Official Results, Union County, New Jersey, updated November 22, 2023. Accessed January 1, 2024.
  101. ^ General Election November 8, 2022 Official Results, Union County, New Jersey, updated November 21, 2023. Accessed January 1, 2023.
  102. ^ a b General Election November 2, 2021 Official Results, Union County, New Jersey, updated November 15, 2021. Accessed January 1, 2022.
  103. ^ Kurlander, Karen Ann. "Lisa Allen Appointed to Fill Vacant Summit Ward 2 Council Seat", TAP into Summit, February 19, 2021. Accessed April 19, 2022. "Meeting on a Wednesday due to the preceding Presidents' Day holiday, the City of Summit Common Council completed their business in less than one hour, work which included filling the Ward 2 seat recently vacated due to the resignation of Stephen Bowman. As an elected Republican, the Republican Party provided a list of three candidates to fill his slot until the November general election. Selected by Council from that roster was Lisa K. Allen."
  104. ^ Terruso, Julia. "Three contenders vie for mayor in Summit", The Star-Ledger, October 30, 2011. Accessed August 7, 2012. "Glatt became the first Democratic mayor elected in the city's 100-year history in 2003."
  105. ^ Staff. "Republicans Sweep in Summit; Dickson Elected Mayor, Drummond, Rubino and Hurley Elected to Council", The Alternative Press, November 8, 2011. Accessed August 7, 2012. "According to unofficial results, the Republicans had a clean sweep in Summit winning for Mayor, Councilman-At-Large, and Councilman in both Wards 1 and 2."
  106. ^ "Nora Radest Takes Reins as Summit Mayor; Naidu, Ogden, Sun Seated on Council as Dickson Says Adieu and Outgoing Officials Are Honored". TAPinto. Retrieved June 11, 2021.
  107. ^ "Naidu Elected Council President, Fox, Gould and Little Sworn In as Summit Municipal Governing Body Reorganizes". TAPinto. Retrieved June 11, 2021.
  108. ^ Kurlander, Karen Ann. "Hairston Sworn In as Summit Council Passes Single-Use Plastic Restrictions Along Party Lines", TAP into Summmit, November 20, 2019. Accessed February 1, 2020. "The vote -- and the swearing in of new Ward I Council Member Susan Hairston -- occurred on a rare Monday night meeting, the adjustment made due to the fact that several City officials were headed to Atlantic City for the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference that began November 19. A standing-room-only crowd witnessed -- in the meeting's first order of business -- the swearing-in of Hairston who, upon taking the oath, became Summit's first-ever African American Council Member. She was elected on November 5 to complete the final year of late Council Member Matthew Gould's term."
  109. ^ "Making History, Together". TAPinto. Retrieved June 11, 2021.
  110. ^ a b c d e f Department of Community Services Archived 2012-08-09 at the Wayback Machine, City of Summit. Accessed August 7, 2012.
  111. ^ Who We Are, Summit Public Arts. Accessed July 6, 2022.
  112. ^ Marcus, Samantha. "These are the towns with the highest property taxes in each of N.J.'s 21 counties", NJ Advance Media for, April 22, 2019. Accessed November 5, 2019. "The average property tax bill in New Jersey was $8,767 last year. But there can be big swings from town to town and county to county.... The average property tax bill in Summit City was $17,919 in 2018, the highest in Union County."
  113. ^ Plan Components Report, New Jersey Redistricting Commission, December 23, 2011. Accessed February 1, 2020.
  114. ^ Municipalities Sorted by 2011-2020 Legislative District, New Jersey Department of State. Accessed February 1, 2020.
  115. ^ 2019 New Jersey Citizen's Guide to Government, New Jersey League of Women Voters. Accessed October 30, 2019.
  116. ^ Districts by Number for 2011-2020, New Jersey Legislature. Accessed January 6, 2013.
  117. ^ "Congressman Malinowski Fights For The Corporate Transparency Act", Tom Malinowski, press release dated October 23, 2019. Accessed January 19, 2022. "My name, Tom Malinowski. My address, 86 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553."
  118. ^ U.S. Sen. Cory Booker cruises past Republican challenger Rik Mehta in New Jersey, PhillyVoice. Accessed April 30, 2021. "He now owns a home and lives in Newark's Central Ward community."
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  121. ^ Legislative Roster for District 21, New Jersey Legislature. Accessed January 18, 2024.
  122. ^ Home Page, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  123. ^ Chair Rebecca Williams Archived November 2, 2022, at the Wayback Machine, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  124. ^ Vice Chair Christopher Hudak Archived May 28, 2022, at the Wayback Machine, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  125. ^ Commissioner James E. Baker Jr., Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  126. ^ Commissioner Angela R. Garretson, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  127. ^ Commissioner Sergio Granados, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  128. ^ Commissioner Bette Jane Kowalski, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  129. ^ Commissioner Lourdes M. Leon, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  130. ^ Commissioner Alexander Mirabella, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  131. ^ Commissioner Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  132. ^ 2022 County Data Sheet, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  133. ^ County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi, Union County Votes. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  134. ^ Clerks, Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  135. ^ Sheriff Peter Corvelli, Union County Sheriff's Office. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  136. ^ Sheriffs, Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  137. ^ Office of the Union County Surrogate, Union County, New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  138. ^ Surrogates, Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey. Accessed May 20, 2022.
  139. ^ a b "Voter Summary -- Union County" (PDF). Union County New Jersey Board of Elections.
  140. ^ "Explore Census Data". Retrieved June 11, 2021.
  141. ^ "How did your town vote in 2020?". December 11, 2020.
  142. ^ "See how your town voted in the 2016 presidential election". Retrieved November 23, 2017.
  143. ^ Presidential November 6, 2012 General Election Results - Union County Archived February 1, 2014, at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, March 15, 2013. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  144. ^ Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast November 6, 2012 General Election Results - Union County Archived February 1, 2014, at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, March 15, 2013. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  145. ^ 2008 Presidential General Election Results: Union County, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 23, 2008. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  146. ^ 2004 Presidential Election: Union County, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 13, 2004. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  147. ^ "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved June 11, 2021.
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  149. ^ "Governor - Union County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. January 29, 2014. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  150. ^ "Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast - November 5, 2013 - General Election Results - Union County" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. January 29, 2014. Retrieved December 24, 2014.
  151. ^ 2009 Governor: Union County Archived October 17, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 31, 2009. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  152. ^ Summit Board of Education District Policy 0110 - Identification, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024. "Purpose: The Board of Education exists for the purpose of providing a thorough and efficient system of public education in grades Pre-Kindergarten through twelve in the Summit School District. Composition: The Summit School District is comprised of all the area within the municipal boundaries of Summit."
  153. ^ District information for Summit Public School District, National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed February 1, 2024.
  154. ^ School Data for the Summit Public Schools, National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed February 1, 2024.
  155. ^ Jefferson Primary Center, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  156. ^ Wilson Primary Center, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  157. ^ Brayton School, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  158. ^ Franklin School, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  159. ^ Jefferson School, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  160. ^ Lincoln-Hubbard School, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  161. ^ Washington School, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  162. ^ Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  163. ^ Summit High School, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  164. ^ About Summit, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024. "Summit Public Schools has two primary centers (Wilson and Jefferson) that house the pre-school and Kindergarten programs, five elementary schools (Brayton, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln-Hubbard and Washington), Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School and Summit High School."
  165. ^ School Performance Reports for the Summit Public Schools, New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed April 3, 2024.
  166. ^ New Jersey School Directory for the Summit Public Schools, New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed February 1, 2024.
  167. ^ New Jersey Boards of Education by District Election Types - 2018 School Election, New Jersey Department of Education, updated February 16, 2018. Accessed January 26, 2020.
  168. ^ Annual Comprehensive Financial Report of the Summit School District, New Jersey Department of Education, for year ending June 30, 2023. Accessed May 7, 2024. "The Board is an instrumentality of the State of New Jersey, established to function as an educational institution. The Board consists of elected officials and is responsible for the fiscal control of the District. A superintendent is appointed by the Board and is responsible for the administrative control of the District." See "Roster of Officials" on page 14.
  169. ^ Board of Education: About the Board, Summit Public Schools. Accessed February 8, 2020. "Summit operates under New Jersey Statute Title 18A as a Type I board of education. This statute mandates that members of Type I districts' boards of education be appointed by the mayor rather than be elected by popular vote.... The seven members of the Summit Board of Education are appointed by the mayor for three-year staggered terms, with two or three of the seats up for appointment or reappointment each year."
  170. ^ Board of Education Members, Summit Public Schools. Accessed September 12, 2024.
  171. ^ Roll, Erin. "Montclair Parents Debate Appointed Vs. Elected School Board", Montclair Local, April 4, 2019. Accessed May 9, 2020. "Montclair is one of 11 school districts in New Jersey in which the board of education is appointed by the mayor, rather than elected.... As of 2018, Montclair was one of only 11 Type I school districts in New Jersey. The other 10 are Ventnor, Port Republic, Rockleigh, Pine Valley, East Orange, East Newark, Union City, Harrison, Trenton and Summit."
  172. ^ "NJ municipalities whose mayors choose the school board", NJ Spotlight News, March 9, 2022. Accessed May 7, 2024. "Of New Jersey’s 686 districts only 13 still retain that power for the mayor. They are Brigantine, Corbin City, Margate, Port Republic, Ventnor City, Rockleigh, Pine Valley, East Orange, East Newark, Harrison, Union City, Trenton and Summit."
  173. ^ About, Kent Place School. Accessed July 23, 2022.
  174. ^ Explore Oak Knoll's PreK-6 Program, Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child. Accessed July 23, 2022.
  175. ^ Explore Oak Knoll’s 7 to 12 Program, Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child. Accessed July 23, 2022.
  176. ^ Union County Secondary Schools, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. Accessed July 23, 2022.
  177. ^ About, Oratory Preparatory School. Accessed July 23, 2022.
  178. ^ Program Overview, St. Teresa of Avila School. Accessed May 30, 2024.
  179. ^ Union County Catholic Elementary Schools, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. Accessed July 23, 2022.
  180. ^ About Us, Summit Community Programs. Accessed April 15, 2024.
  181. ^ Swim Team, Summit Area YMCA. accessed April 15, 2024.
  182. ^ Home Page, Summit Soccer Club. Accessed April 15, 2024. "Summit Soccer Club (SSC) is a non-profit, community-based organization that offers professionally coached soccer programs to players aged 3 through high school. Established in 1974, SSC’s enrollment grows year over year and currently supports approximately 1,000 players."
  183. ^ Kaplan, Dave. "'A Natural' Returns Home", The New York Times, May 8, 2005. Accessed July 31, 2018. "The visitor was Willie Wilson, Summit's famous and once-favorite son. For the first time in 25 years, he was dropping by where he had been one of the greatest schoolboy athletes in New Jersey history and had become a larger-than-life legend.... Two of the most popular sports in Summit today are lacrosse and soccer, which were afterthoughts in Mr. Wilson's day."
  184. ^ Vincent Velasquez (June 3, 2010). "Top-seeded Summit defeats Ridge 11-4 to head to tournament final". The Star-Ledger. Archived from the original on June 6, 2010. Retrieved April 25, 2012. No. 1 Summit beat No. 10 Ridge, 11-4. Summit has won 44 straight games, tying the state's all-time record for consecutive victories set by Ridgewood from 1990 to 1992.
  185. ^ NJSIAA Boys Lacrosse Championship History, New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association. Accessed October 20, 2020.
  186. ^ Star-Ledger Staff (June 7, 2011). "Summit, Bridgewater-Raritan win boys lacrosse Tournament of Champions semifinals". The Star-Ledger. Retrieved May 2, 2012. ...In the second game it was yet another big victory for Summit, which has not lost since April 1, 2009, ...
  187. ^ Home page, Summit Lacrosse Club. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  188. ^ "The Top 100 Towns - 2019", New Jersey Monthly. Accessed March 18, 2022.
  189. ^ "1 Manor Hill Rd". The New York Times: Real estate. October 18, 2009. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
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  191. ^ O'Riordan, Timothy (1976). Environmentalism. Great Britain: Pion Limited. p. 139. ISBN 978-0-85086-092-4.
  192. ^ a b c d e Cahillane, Kevin. "Soapbox; Say, Pal, Can You Spare a BMW?", The New York Times, February 19, 2016. Accessed July 31, 2018. "In fact, there's an ever-diminishing corner of the city akin to the so-called slums of Beverly Hills, where middle-income homeowners like me can take advantage of the schools and services of Summit without the million-dollar price tags so ubiquitous on the other side of the Midtown Direct tracks."
  193. ^ Liz Keill (January 5, 2011). "Summit's first Habitat structure rises on Morris Avenue". Independent Press. Retrieved July 31, 2011. ... "When the framing goes up it will be magical," said Vanessa Southern, rector of The Unitarian Church in Summit. ...
  194. ^ Kim, Susanna. "How to Avoid Unfair Property Taxes; Top 15 Highest Property Tax Counties", ABC News, March 14, 2012. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  195. ^ Summit Downtown Historic District, National Park Service. Accessed July 31, 2018.
  196. ^ The Carter House Archived 2013-06-09 at the Wayback Machine, Summit Historical Society. Accessed May 23, 2013. "The Carter House, the current home of the Summit Historical Society, is believed to be the oldest existing building in Summit."
  197. ^ a b "Frederick de Bary - The Florida Years" (PDF). City of DeBary, Florida. Retrieved November 16, 2013.
  198. ^ a b New Jersey Local News Service, February 14, 2010, Independent Press, Summit investors revive historic inn, Accessed Nov. 16, 2013
  199. ^ "Summit's Other Castle" (PDF). The Summit Herald. February 5, 1976. Retrieved November 14, 2021.
  200. ^ Knightly, Sharon. "Do You Remember the Vanderpoel Castle?". Tap Into Chatham. Retrieved November 14, 2021.
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  202. ^ Patricia Sabatini and Len Boselovic (April 2, 2008). "Location of Mylan shareholders meeting questioned". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved October 18, 2009.
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  204. ^ Genovese, Peter. "N.J's best diner: What to eat at the oldest diner in the state", December 4, 2015, updated January 17, 2019. Accessed December 28, 2019. "Change came to the Summit Diner in Summit three years ago. The bathrooms were renovated, and a new oven hood installed. That's about as serious as change gets at this classic diner, the state's oldest and the latest stop in our search for N.J.'s diner."
  205. ^ Library History Archived 2013-06-11 at the Wayback Machine, Summit Free Public Library. Accessed May 24, 2013.
  206. ^ History Archived 2013-06-06 at the Wayback Machine, Historic Twin Maples. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  207. ^ Union County Mileage by Municipality and Jurisdiction, New Jersey Department of Transportation, May 2010. Accessed July 18, 2014.
  208. ^ Route 24 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated May 2017. Accessed February 2, 2023.
  209. ^ Route 124 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated June 2017. Accessed February 2, 2023.
  210. ^ Interstate 78 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated March 2016. Accessed February 2, 2023.
  211. ^ County Route 512 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated November 2012. Accessed February 2, 2023.
  212. ^ County Route 512 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated November 2012. Accessed February 2, 2023.
  213. ^ Union County County Route 649 Straight Line Diagram, New Jersey Department of Transportation, updated April 2012. Accessed February 2, 2023.
  214. ^ Union County Road Map, New Jersey Department of Transportation. Accessed February 2, 2023.
  215. ^ Jessica Henretta (March 26, 2009). "Parking and Financial Issues Dominate Summit Council Meeting". The Alternative Press. Retrieved July 19, 2011. ... parking study, the purpose of which was to discover the options for adding parking spaces in Summit. ...[permanent dead link]
  216. ^ Summit station Archived October 13, 2014, at the Wayback Machine, NJ Transit. Accessed August 6, 2014.
  217. ^ Union County Bus / Rail Connections, NJ Transit, backed up by the Internet Archive as of May 22, 2009. Accessed May 24, 2013.
  218. ^ Route 78 - Eastbound to New York Archived 2015-10-04 at the Wayback Machine, Lakeland Bus Lines. Accessed April 15, 2015.
  219. ^ Liz Keill (October 7, 2009). "Summit Councilwoman Diane Klaif objects to cable television payment". The Star-Ledger. Retrieved June 15, 2010. Klaif is on the board of The Alternative Press, a news website. "It's a conflict. You should not be raising the issue," he said.
  220. ^ Stone, Brad. " Acquires EveryBlock, a Hyperlocal News Start-up", The New York Times, August 17, 2009. Accessed July 31, 2018. "New Jersey's all-online hyperlocal daily newspaper serving the residents of Berkeley Heights, Chatham Borough, Chatham Township, Livingston, Madison, Millburn/Short Hills, New Providence, Summit, and Westfield."
  221. ^ Kelly Heyboer (May 6, 2008). "For sale: Using local blogs for spring cleaning". The Star-Ledger. Retrieved June 15, 2010. The Alternative Press-- a local blog covering Summit, Berkeley Heights and New Providence-- recently started offering readers free classified ads.
  222. ^ Patricia E. Meola (March 11, 2009). "TV-36 has new look, name but local focus remains". Independent Press.
  223. ^ Patricia E. Meola (March 18, 2009). "Local TV station has new look, many new shows". Independent Press.
  224. ^ Roger Smith (December 16, 2009). "Future is looking bright for Summit-based TV station". Independent Press.
  225. ^ Hale, Mike. "Monk: Here's What Happened", The New York Times, December 5, 2009. Accessed December 31, 2012. "In a sweet closing montage, we got a peek into the near future: Randy (Jason-Gray Stanford) settling into his new job as police chief of Summit, N.J...."
  226. ^ Biese, Alex. "'GarciaLive' captures a brilliant moment at Passaic's Capitol Theatre", Asbury Park Press, March 14, 2013. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Garcia and the band —Summit native Ozzie Ahlers on keyboards, John Kahn on bass and Johnny De DeFoncesca on drums — are on fire from the first note of the two shows preserved here."
  227. ^ Robert Arellano, Mostly Fiction. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Robert Arellano was born in Summit, New Jersey in 1969."
  228. ^ Weinberg, David. "Dallas wide receiver Miles Austin making New Jersey proud", The Press of Atlantic City, November 5, 2009. Accessed February 17, 2011. "Austin is a Summit, N.J., native, who attended Garfield High School."
  229. ^ Michael Badgley, Miami Hurricanes football. Accessed October 14, 2018. "Hometown: Summit, N.J.; High School: Summit Senior... Son of Chris and Leanne Badgley"
  230. ^ Staff. "Kings Pick Two, Trade Huet For Garon On First Day Of Draft",, June 26, 2004. Accessed February 18, 2011. "Baier, 19, was the final selection by the Kings (third round, 95th overall) today. In 23 games last season with Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts, the 6-foot-3, 212-pounder from Summit, New Jersey, recorded 10 points (6-4=10) and 22 penalty minutes."
  231. ^ Whitty, Stephen. "NYFCC awards go to Saoirse Ronan, 'Girls Trip,' NJ director", Inside Jersey, November 30, 2017. Accessed June 26, 2018. "And Summit native Sean Baker's heartbreaking The Florida Project, about a struggling single mother and her amazingly resilient daughter, was not far behind, with a best director award for Baker and a best supporting actor prize for Willem Dafoe."
  232. ^ Hosseson, Lillian and Daitch, Vicki. "True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen", p. 117. "Soon, however, life in Summit would become easy and rich for the Bardeens."
  233. ^ Wendy Barker, Poets & Writers. Accessed February 18, 2011.
  234. ^ Coombs, Joe. "Tony Barr: President/founder of Barr Systems Inc.", The Gainesville Sun, May 15, 2003. Accessed October 11, 2018. "Hometown: Summit, N.J."
  235. ^ Jack Belden Papers: Biographical Note, Stanford University. Accessed May 23, 2013.
  236. ^ Turpin, Craig. "New Jersey FairTax talk in Somerville about Missouri tax proposal's impact on state business", Somerset Reporter, April 19, 2009. Accessed February 18, 2011. "Others who attended but who are not shown in the picture are Carol Hartlove of Somerville, Jim Bennett of Summit, Stan Serafin of Watchung, Linda Terczak of Union and Doug Dash of Collingswood. The fair tax is a federal tax reform proposal to replace corporate and individual income taxes, payroll taxes and estate and gift taxes with a national retail consumption tax."
  237. ^ White, Neil. "Mark Berson: Still the one and only", The State, October 27, 2012. Accessed October 11, 2015. "A 1975 graduate of North Carolina, where he was a goalkeeper for the Tar Heels soccer team, Berson, who attended Summit High School in New Jersey, found a permanent home in the Palmetto State."
  238. ^ Leimbach, Dulcie. "Art; A Master and His Mecca on West 24th St.", The New York Times, February 8, 1998. Accessed April 27, 2012. "Robert Hamilton Blackburn was born in Summit, N.J., to parents who were from Jamaica. When he was 7, his family moved to Harlem."
  239. ^ Staff. "Block, Brett Ellen 1973–", Contemporary Authors, 2008. Accessed February 18, 2011.
  240. ^ Freeholders Honor Brett Ellen Block of Summit, Union County, New Jersey Board of Chosen Freeholders, December 22, 2006, backed up by the Internet Archive as of October 19, 2007. Accessed February 18, 2011.
  241. ^ Walter H. Brattain : The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Accessed May 23, 2013. "Dr. Brattain lives in Summit, New Jersey, near the Murray Hill (N.J.) laboratory of Bell Telephone Laboratories."
  242. ^ via Associated Press. "Arthur Brooks, Last American World War I Fighter-Pilot Ace", The Seattle Times, July 20, 1991. Accessed February 20, 2011, "Summit, N.J. - Arthur Raymond Brooks, a World War I ace who shot down six planes and whose fighter is on display at the Smithsonian Institution, died this week at his home. He was 95."
  243. ^ Freeman, Mike via The New York Times. "Under Pressure Giants QB Brown Must Come Through For His New Coach", Rocky Mountain News, April 13, 1997. Accessed February 20, 2011. "Brown is a native of Summit, N.J., and it can indeed be a curse to play for the team you watched growing up."
  244. ^ Wallace, William N. "Dibbs Ousts Kriek to Reach Quarterfinals", The New York Times, May 8, 1981. Accessed May 23, 2013. "Purcell, a 21-year-old blond from Murray, Ky., won every game but the first one in beating Fritz Buehning, 6-1, 6-0, in 42 minutes. Buehning, from Summit, N.J., had knocked out Gerulaitis."
  245. ^ Cadwalladr, Carole "Susannah Cahalan: 'What I remember most vividly are the fear and anger'", The Guardian, January 12, 2013. Accessed June 5, 2024. "She grew up with her mother and stepfather in Summit, New Jersey."
  246. ^ Campbell, Levin Hicks, Biographical Directory of Federal Judges, Federal Judicial Center. Accessed February 20, 2011.
  247. ^ Carino, Jerry. "John Carroll's son commits to RU", Courier News, October 27, 2009. Accessed October 11, 2015. "His dad knows the New Jersey hardwood scene well. John Carroll starred at Summit High School in the early 1970s and served as an assistant coach at Seton Hall for seven years, culminating in the Pirates' 1989 Final Four appearance."
  248. ^ Mark Cesark Archived 2007-10-14 at the Wayback Machine, DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park. Accessed December 4, 2007.
  249. ^ Stewart, Zan. "The state of jazz: Meet 40 more Jersey greats" Archived September 27, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, The Star-Ledger, September 28, 2003. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Cohen, a resident of Summit, is one of the most versatile of modern bassists."
  250. ^ Brooks, Brian. "indieWIRE Interview: Laurie Collyer, director of Sherrybaby", indiewire, September 7, 2006. Accessed September 9, 2015. "I was born in Summit, New Jersey exactly one year after the Velvet Underground played their debut concert at Summit high school. I lived all my life in Mountainside, New Jersey until I went to Oberlin College at age 17."
  251. ^ Staff. "Comstock Fights Saloons; Has Two Licenses in Summit, N.J., Held Up Until Grand Jury Can Act.", The New York Times, January 8, 1899. Accessed October 11, 2015. ""Anthony Comstock appeared in court here to-day in opposition to the granting of saloon licenses in Summit, where he lives."
  252. ^ Staff. "William A. Conway Jr., bank president, traveler, 95", The Chatham Courier, April 6, 2006. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Mr. Conway lived in Summit at various times since 1944. He lived in Chatham for 25 years, moving from the borough in the mid-1980s."
  253. ^ Westfeldt, Amy. "NJ Sen. Candidates Go to Same Church", Associated Press, July 27, 2000, accessed April 23, 2007. "Corzine, who lives in Summit, has been at Christ Church, an interdenominational mix of Baptist and United Church of Christ, for more than 20 years. ..."
  254. ^ Kocieniewski, David; and McGeehan, Patrick. "Corzine's Mix: Bold Ambitions, Rough Edges", The New York Times, November 2, 2005. Accessed January 1, 2008. "But within a year, he had left his wife and the stately New Jersey house in Summit where they had raised their three children. He moved to a Hoboken apartment building that was also home to the Giants quarterbacks Eli Manning and Jesse Palmer."
  255. ^ Lowe, Denise. An encyclopedic dictionary of women in early American films, 1895-1930, p. 134. Psychology Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-1843-8. Accessed February 20, 2011.
  256. ^ Staff. "The Mad Man Of Wall Street: Jim Cramer wants to make you a lot of money. He's got plenty himself, so why does he bother?", Bloomberg Businessweek, October 31, 2005. Accessed February 18, 2011. "After scanning headlines online, checking messages, and shooting e-mails to his TV producer, he works out in his Summit (N.J.) home gym until 5.30 a.m., when he calls traders and brokers and writes his first online story."
  257. ^ James Cramer profile Archived 2007-04-19 at the Wayback Machine, accessed April 23, 2007. "Jim recently published his first two books, Confessions of a Street Addict and You Got Screwed, and his third book, Jim Cramer's RealMoney is due out in April, 2005. He lives in Summit, New Jersey, with his wife and two girls."
  258. ^ Beale, Lewis. "Full Frame to honor filmmaker Marshall Curry", The News & Observer, April 4, 2015. Accessed October 11, 2015. "The filmmaker: Marshall Curry, 45. Residence: A native of Summit, N.J., now lives in Brooklyn, N.Y."
  259. ^ Cahillane, Kevin. "In Person; The Smartest Guy in Summit?", The New York Times, March 5, 2006. Accessed July 31, 2018. "So, for one night at least -- the Oscars are Sunday night -- Summit will be in the spotlight as Mr. Gibney joins Marshall Curry (Summit High School class of 1988 and director of the film Street Fight, about the 2002 Newark mayoral election) as an Academy Award nominee in the Best Feature Documentary category."
  260. ^ Mayne, Paul. "Davenport honoured by Jewish National Fund", Western News, June 1, 2008. Accessed February 18, 2011. "I am being honoured tonight for my commitment to tolerance and respect for diversity. Those were values I grew up with in our home in Summit, New Jersey. My parents, Ted and Charlotte Davenport, believed strongly in equality among people, respect for others, and opposing discrimination wherever it appeared."
  261. ^ Staff. "Benjamin Day, Inventor.", The New York Times, August 31, 1916. Accessed October 11, 2015.
  262. ^ Tommasini, Anthony. "Leonard de Paur Dies at 83; Lincoln Center Administrator", The New York Times, November 11, 1998. Accessed February 19, 2011. "Mr. de Paur used to say there was never a time when he could not remember wanting to be a musician. He was born in Summit, N.J., on Nov. 18, 1914. And though his father, a lawyer active in local politics, was at first dismayed by his son's choice of career, both of Mr. de Paur's parents were music lovers."
  263. ^ "Star Ledger columnist, Mark DiIonno, will speak at Summit Public Library", Independent Press, September 1, 2012, updated March 30, 2019. Accessed November 29, 2020. "Di Ionno, a resident of Mountain Lakes, grew up in Summit where he attended high school."
  264. ^ Marchioni, Tonimarie. "Q&A With Lawrence Dillon", The Juilliard Journal, March 2011. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Born in Summit, N.J., in 1959, Dillon is now composer in residence at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, where he has served as music director of the Contemporary Ensemble, assistant dean of performance, and interim dean of the School of Music."
  265. ^ The Papers of Daniel Doan in the Dartmouth College Library, Dartmouth College. Accessed February 20, 2011. "Born February 23, 1914, in Summit, New Jersey, Daniel Doan was a summer resident of Orford, New Hampshire until 1929, when he and his widowed mother moved to Hanover."
  266. ^ Katz, Michael. "Donohue, on the Way Out, Views Things From Top; Calendar of Motor Sports", The New York Times, November 4, 1973. Accessed February 18, 2011. "In the nineteen fifties, when Dwight Eisenhower was President and Marilyn Monroe was the queen and Elvis Presley was becoming king, Mark Donohue was growing up in Summit, N.J., 'when the hot rod phenomenon came East from California and caught me up in it.'"
  267. ^ O'Neill, Erin Eileen. "Summit to host inaugural food festival to bolster business", The Star-Ledger, July 22, 2009. Accessed February 18, 2011. "Local restaurant owner and Summit resident David Drake will also participate in this weekend's festival."
  268. ^ Lustig, Jay. "Song of the Day: 'Firing Room,' East River Pipe", The Star-Ledger, December 29, 2010. Accessed February 19, 2011. "East River Pipe is the recording name of F.M. Cornog of Summit, who has released six albums and two EPs since 1994 (most recently, What Are You On?, in 2006), and has never performed his material live."
  269. ^ Marrapese-Burrell, Nancy. "Winning combination: Edgar preps for lightweight title defense by adding boxing to repertoire", The Boston Globe, August 28, 2010. Accessed February 18, 2011. "Frankie Edgar didn't expect his life to change very much when he beat BJ Penn for the UFC lightweight title on April 10. The Summit, N.J., native said he surrounds himself with friends he has known since high school and none of them was going to let success go to his head."
  270. ^ Brian Edwards Archived August 30, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Wake Forest Demon Deacons men's soccer. Accessed August 6, 2014. "Personal:... born Oct. 6, 1984 in Summit, N.J. ... the son of Mark & Kathy Edwards."
  271. ^ Staff. "Mrs. Grayce Fisher Married to Broker; Granddaughter of Late William Martin, Envoy at Peiping, Wed to Alan Louis Eggers.", The New York Times May 25, 1935. Accessed February 17, 2011.
  272. ^ Staff. "Superior Court Judge Marianne Espinosa of Union County Elevated to Appellate Division", New Jersey Courts, July 2, 2009. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Judge Espinosa, a Summit resident, has two daughters."
  273. ^ Kellogg, Carolyn. "Maggie Estep dies at 50; writer and spoken word artist: After MTV scouts found her, the New Yorker helped shape the slam poetry movement by backing her spoken word with a rock band.", The Los Angeles Times, February 13, 2014. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Margaret Estep was born on March 20, 1963, in Summit, N.J."
  274. ^ Fitzpatrick, Kevin C.; and Meade, Marion. A Journey Into Dorothy Parker's New York, Roaring Forties Press, 2005. ISBN 0-9766706-0-7. Accessed February 20, 2011.
  275. ^ Peterson, Iver. "Quiet Town Expects Its Senate Nominees to Run With Dignity", The New York Times, June 21, 2000. Accessed October 11, 2015. "Mr. Corzine, the multimillionaire bond trader and liberal Democrat, lives in the rich North Side, while Mr. Franks, the journeyman moderate who founded the Summit High School Young Republicans while he was in school, grew up here and now has a home in a kind of suburb of a suburb at Berkeley Heights, the next town over."
  276. ^ Walsh, Erin. "Meet Kristine Frøseth. SBJCT spoke with Kristine as she embarks on her latest role in The First Lady. Get to know her take on surrendering, compassion, and approaching it all with a sense of calm. Oh, and remembering to treat your thoughts like visitors. Begin Again with Kristine, and read on below…", SBJCT Journal, June 8, 2022. Accessed November 7, 2022. "KRISTINE FRØSETH I was born in Summit, NJ, but spent my entire upbringing moving back and forth between NJ and various places outside of Oslo, Norway."
  277. ^ Dresser, Michael. "Gansler to launch campaign for governor", The Baltimore Sun, September 24, 2013. Accessed August 30, 2019. "Douglas F. Gansler Born: Summit, N.J., Oct. 30, 1962"
  278. ^ Kuczka, Susan. "Politics Just Part Of Gash's Resume", Chicago Tribune, October 30, 2000. Accessed June 21, 2017. "Gash, who was born in Summit, N.J., and grew up in nearby Berkeley Heights, became a fixture in Highland Park after the family moved there in 1986, the same year their second child, Ben, was born."
  279. ^ Biographical Sketch of Lauren Beth Gash in Illinois Blue Book 1999-2000, p. 100
  280. ^ Tsai, Martin. "Alex Gibney's latest documentary corners Eliot Spitzer", The Star-Ledger, November 10, 2010. Accessed October 14, 2018. "Even though Alex Gibney has an Oscar, an Emmy, a Peabody and a Grammy sitting on his mantel, his life seems pretty much that of an ordinary Jersey guy. He commutes daily from Summit to his Manhattan office via the Lincoln Tunnel."
  281. ^ Lawler, Sylvia. "Charles Gibson Perfectly Happy as GMA Equal", The Morning Call, August 30, 1987. Accessed February 17, 2011. "Charlie, his wife Arlene, and their two daughters, had just spent their first night in a new home in Summit, N.J., where Mrs. Gibson is headmistress of a girls school before he headed out west to talk to the press."
  282. ^ Davie Given, Elite Hockey Prospects. Accessed January 4, 2018. "Birthplace: Summit, NJ, USA"
  283. ^ Bondy, Filip. "Goldblatt Helps Relay Rally — Enthusiasm's Not Thorpedoed", New York Daily News, September 20, 2000. Accessed November 2, 2018. "Goldblatt, 21, born in Summit, has been training and competing in Austin, where he was a student this year at the University of Texas, majoring in sports management."
  284. ^ Joseph Greenspan, Navy Midshipmen men's soccer. Accessed November 2, 2018. "born in Summit, N.J. ... son of Brian and Andrea Greenspan"
  285. ^ Perpener, John O. African-American concert dance: the Harlem Renaissance and beyond, p. 56., University of Illinois Press, 2001. ISBN 0-252-02675-6. Accessed February 19, 2011.
  286. ^ Larson, Erik. "Trump's Lawyer Leads Counterattack From Her 5-Attorney Firm; Alina Habba is spearheading the former president’s aggressive legal tactics", Bloomberg News. May 13, 2022. Accessed January 22, 2023. "Habba and her two siblings were born in Summit, New Jersey, to Iraqi immigrant parents who thrived in the U.S. after fleeing persecution of Catholic Arabs in the early 80s."
  287. ^ Staff. "Calm Battler for Rights; Norman Spencer Hill Jr.", The New York Times, September 14, 1964. Accessed February 19, 2011. "Norman Hill was born in Summit, N.J., where his parents still live and his father has a dental practice."
  288. ^ "Nomination of Constance Horner To Be an Associate Director of ACTION", Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, March 23, 1983. Accessed August 6, 2014. "She was born February 24, 1942, in Summit, N.J."
  289. ^ Frederick E. Humphreys: First Military Pilot, New York State Military Museum. Accessed February 19, 2011. "Frederick Erastus Humphreys was born September 16, 1883, at Summit, New Jersey, the only child of Jay and Fannie Brush Humphreys."
  290. ^ DiIonno, Mark. "'The Sopranos' and stereotypes, perfect together", The Star-Ledger, June 10, 2007. Accessed February 18, 2011. "There was a kid in Summit back in the '60s and early '70s named Tracy Morrow. He was an okay kid, a little mouthy, but just a regular kid. With braces. And a bicycle. And two parents."
  291. ^ Guide to the Papers of Charles R. Jackson, circa 1920 - circa 1970, Dartmouth College. Accessed February 20, 2011. "Charles Reginald Jackson was born in Summit, New Jersey, on April 6, 1903, the third of five children of Frederick George and Sarah Williams Jackson."
  292. ^ Schaefer, Caroline. "Most Stylish New Yorkers 2012: Nikki M. James", Us Magazine, September 12, 2012. Accessed August 6, 2014. "The pieces she always reaches for? 'J Brand skinny jeans, a great white V-neck t-shirt, and a fitted black tank,' says James, who was born in Summit, New Jersey."
  293. ^ a b Adams, Betty Livingston (2016). Black Women's Christian Activism: Seeking Social Justice in a Northern Suburb. New York: NYU Press. ISBN 9780814745465.
  294. ^ Carter, Barry. "Former Olympic fighter sees gold in young Newark boxer's future", The Star-Ledger, August 16, 2016. Accessed November 23, 2017. "But Jones, a then-21-year-old Marine lance corporal, did everything right against Valeri Tregubov in their light-middleweight bout. He was in shape. He was aggressive. He cut off the ring, demonstrating how he did it before we watched the Stevenson fight at his home in Summit."
  295. ^ Susan Kenney (1941 - ) Archived 2011-07-18 at the Wayback Machine, Waterboro Public Library Maine Writers Index, July 30, 2007. Accessed February 18, 2011.
  296. ^ Staff. "Memorial Honors Kent, Law Pioneer; Former New York Chancellor Praised at Ceremony", The New York Times, October 16, 1938. Accessed February 17, 2011.
  297. ^ Cheslow, Jerry. "A Transit Hub With a Thriving Downtown", The New York Times, July 13, 1997. Accessed August 7, 2012. "The name Summit may have been coined by James Kent, retired Chancellor of the Court of Chancery, New York State's highest judicial office, who bought a house on the hill in 1837 and named it Summit Lodge."
  298. ^ Kethledge, Raymond M., Biographical Directory of Federal Judges, Federal Judicial Center. Accessed February 19, 2011.
  299. ^ Staff. "Peter H. Kuhn, accomplished race car driver", Hunterdon County Democrat, June 29, 2009. Accessed August 15, 2016. "Born in Summit, April 14, 1955, he was a son of Jean Henry and Elizabeth 'Lib' Dowd Kuhn. Mr. Kuhn had resided in Franklin Township since 1995, having formerly lived in Basking Ridge and Chatham Township."
  300. ^ Kaltenbach, Chris. "MICA exhibit, symposium leaping from comics pages", The Baltimore Sun, January 29, 2004. Accessed January 14, 2015. "Peter Kuper. Birthplace Summit N.J. moved to Cleveland at age 6."
  301. ^ Staff. The 50 Greatest New Jersey Sports Figures, Sports Illustrated, December 27, 1999. Accessed February 18, 2011.
  302. ^ Staff. "Larned Works Bundy: Champion Tennis Player Makes The Youngster Show Weakness", The Baltimore Sun, August 26, 1910. Accessed January 14, 2015. "For the fourth consecutive time and for the sixth time in his career as tennis player William A. Larned, of Summit, N. J., today won the challenge match of the singles championship of the United States..."
  303. ^ Staff. "N.J. sports writers to honor Summit's Leiter", Independent Press, January 10, 2012. Accessed August 6, 2014. "Current Summit resident and former Mets and Yankees pitcher Al Leiter will be among the honorees at the New Jersey Sports Writers 76th Anniversary Banquet on Sunday, Jan. 22, at the Pines Manor in Edison."
  304. ^ Rosenstein, Mike. "MLB Draft 2021: N.J.'s Jack Leiter, son of ex-Yankees, Mets pitcher Al Leiter, tumbles in latest ranking of top prospects", NJ Advanced Media for, May 13, 2021. Accessed May 13, 2021. "Leiter, the Summit, N.J. native who played high school ball for the Delbarton School in Morristown, is 7-2 this season with a 2.10 ERA in 11 starts."
  305. ^ Carolin, Peter. "MJ Long obituary; Joint architect of the British Library involved in every operational aspect of its design, from lighting to book handling", The Guardian, September 18, 2018. Accessed October 19, 2018. "A US citizen, Mary Jane Long was born in Summit, New Jersey, the daughter of Leonard Long, a businessman, and Helen Schloen."
  306. ^ Staff. "Gold Tee Designer Dead. Dr. William Lowell of Jersey Patented Reddy Device in '21", The New York Times, June 25, 1954. Accessed August 6, 2019. "East Orange, N.J., June 24- Dr. William Lowell, designer of the Reddy Golf Tee, which came into universal use in the sport, died yesterday at Orange Memorial Hospital after a short illness.... Born in Hoboken, he lived in South Orange, Maplewood and Summit before moving here four years ago."
  307. ^ Childe, Cromwell. "Authors at Home.; XXVIII. Hamilton Wright Mabie in Summit N.J.", The New York Times, May 21, 1898. Accessed August 6, 2014.
  308. ^ Who was who in America, Marquis Who's Who, Volume VI, 1974–1976 (Chicago, 1976), ISBN 0-8379-0207-X
  309. ^ Farrington, Brenda via Associated Press. "Foley Scandal Puts Spotlight On Underdog House Hopeful", The Ledger, October 4, 2006. Accessed February 19, 2011. "Mahoney, 50, was born in Aurora, Ill., and grew up in Summit, N.J. He moved to Florida 18 years ago and has a wife, Terry, and 20-year-old daughter, Bailey."
  310. ^ Hyman, Vicki. "Giants' Eli Manning drops $8.5M on Hamptons mansion", NJ Advance Media for, January 16, 2017. Accessed October 19, 2018. "Manning, who lives in Summit and has three children with his wife Abby McGrew, closed on the 5-bedroom home on an acre with a pool in an off-market deal in October."
  311. ^ Olivia Miles, USA Basketball.Accessed August 16, 2022. "Born in Summit, New Jersey, and now resides in Philipsburg, New Jersey."
  312. ^ Wentworth, Bridget. Summit's Bryce Miller excelling in world of fast, flashy sports car racing Accessed August 13, 2019.
  313. ^ Romero, Simon. "Richard McGee Morse, 78, Latin America Expert", The New York Times, April 28, 2001. Accessed February 20, 2011. "Mr. Morse was born on June 26, 1922, in Summit, N.J., and reared in Connecticut."
  314. ^ Keill, Liz. "Summit's GOP, Democrats present candidates for June's Primary ballot", Independent Press, April 6, 2009. Accessed February 18, 2011. "'It's a difficult night tonight,' Mr. Lark said, referring to the death of longtime Summit resident and state assemblyman Eric Munoz."
  315. ^ Keill, Liz. "Nancy Munoz", Independent Press, April 6, 2009. Accessed February 18, 2011. "With the death of her husband Eric Munoz, Summit resident Nancy Munoz said she was asked if she would be willing to consider filing for his Assembly seat."
  316. ^ Neumark, Heidi. Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx, p. 116, Beacon Press, 2004. ISBN 0-8070-7257-5. Accessed February 20, 2011.
  317. ^ Coleman, Brian. "Junior Player Spotlight: Alexa Noel and Evan Wen", New York Tennis Magazine, May 5, 2017. Accessed August 30, 2019. "The Summit, N.J. native won seven consecutive matches without dropping a set to reach the title contest. In the final, she faced her first bit of adversity in the tournament as Zheng, following Noel's first set victory, forced the match into a deciding third by winning the second, Noel's first set defeat of the tournament."
  318. ^ Staff. "Summit's Ryan O'Malley Signed to Raiders Practice Squad", TAPintoSummit, September 5, 2016. Accessed November 30, 2016. "Ryan O'Malley, Summit High School Class of 2011 -- who was signed to a free agent contract in late April by the Oakland Raiders -- has been added to the team's NFL practice squad."
  319. ^ Staff. "78 Win America's Highest War Honor; One for Every 15,400 Soldiers in Battle Gets Congressional Medal. 12 In Thirtieth Division Southern Guard Organization Tops List--New York Leads Among States.", The New York Times, August 13, 1919. Accessed February 18, 2011.
  320. ^ Staff. "Extension of Remarks - June 21, 2001", Congressional Record, United States Government Printing Office, 2001, p. 11492. Accessed February 17, 2011.
  321. ^ McLellan, Joseph. "On Center Stage: The Neoromantics", The Washington Post, October 29, 2008. Accessed January 14, 2015. "Coincidentally or not, all four of this year's finalists were born on the East Coast, though Stephen Paulus (represented by his Violin Concerto) has spent his career in Minneapolis. Paulus is one of the three Friedheim finalists born in the New York area — Summit, N.J."
  322. ^ Fitzgerald's Legislative Manual, State of New Jersey, Volume 194, Part 2; Volume 195, Parts 1-2, p. 386. J.A. Fitzgerald, 1971. Accessed August 30, 2019. "Hugo M. Pfaltz (Rep., Summit) Assemblyman Pfaltz was born In Newark, N. J., on September 23, 1931. He was educated at Millburn High School, Mlllburn, N. J., Hamilton College, B.A.; Harvard Law School, LL.B."
  323. ^ Rybolt, Barbara. "Summit man, Gov. Christie's new chief counsel, is quiet on Bridgegate", Independent Press, January 13, 2014. Accessed June 18, 2016. "Today, Jan. 13, Summit resident Christopher Porrino, 47, started his first day as chief counsel for Gov. Chris Christie.... The father of two boys ages 12 and 14, he and his wife Christina Shenoudamoved to Summit when they got married in 1997 and have been here ever since."
  324. ^ Jeff Porter, United States Olympic Committee. Accessed August 9, 2016. "Birthplace: Summit, N.J.; Hometown: Somerset, N.J.; High School: Franklin High School (Franklin, N.J.) '03"
  325. ^ Joe Porter, National Football League. Accessed February 19, 2011.
  326. ^ Carmical, J.H. "Jersey Standard Fills Top Posts; Two Executives Promoted -- Rathbone Is Retiring", The New York Times, February 16, 1965. Accessed March 15, 2016. "Mr. Rathbone said he would continue to live in Summit, N. J., but also expected to spend more of his time at his country home near Baton Rouge."
  327. ^ Lohr, Steve. "Dennis Ritchie, Trailblazer in Digital Era, Dies at 70", The New York Times, October 14, 2011. Accessed October 17, 2011. "Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie was born on Sept. 9, 1941, in Bronxville, N.Y. His father, Alistair, was an engineer at Bell Labs, and his mother, Jean McGee Ritchie, was a homemaker. When he was a child, the family moved to Summit, N.J., where Mr. Ritchie grew up and attended high school."
  328. ^ Stewart, Zan. "Bill Robinson stays young by singing jazz", The Star-Ledger, July 23, 2009. Accessed August 6, 2014. "Robinson, a native of Parkersburg, W. Va., who has lived in Summit since 1955, turned 80 in February but seems no older than 60.
  329. ^ David B. Rudolph, Maryland House of Delegates. Accessed February 19, 2011.
  330. ^ Kleinfeld, N. R. "Man in the News; Theologian as Educator: George Erik Rupp", The New York Times, February 2, 1993. Accessed February 20, 2011. "George Erik Rupp was born in Summit, N.J., on Sept. 22, 1942, and grew up in Springfield, N.J."
  331. ^ Cannizzaro, Mark. "NFL may not point a 'finger' at Rex" Archived 2010-04-22 at the Wayback Machine, New York Post, February 2, 2010. Accessed February 17, 2011. "After causing a stir in Miami over the weekend, Jets coach Rex Ryan arrived at his home in Summit, N.J., yesterday."
  332. ^ Levin, Jay. "Eli Sagan, 87, proud Nixon 'enemy'", The Record, January 9, 2015. Accessed January 18, 2015. "Eli Sagan, a Summit native, studied economics at Harvard and immediately went to work for the New York Girl Coat Co., which had manufacturing operations in New Jersey and supplied clothing to department stores."
  333. ^ Staff. "Thomas Schettino, Ex-Associate Justice Of Top Jersey Court", The New York Times, March 23, 1983. Accessed November 6, 2017. "C. Thomas Schettino, a former associate justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court, died Monday at Overlook Hospital in Summit, N.J. He was 75 years old and lived in Summit."
  334. ^ Craig Schiffer Political Campaign Contributions 2004 Election Cycle, Campaign Money Watch. Accessed February 18, 2011.
  335. ^ Staff. "Associate AD Herb Schmidt To Retire After Distinguished Career at Penn State", Penn State Athletics, November 17, 2006. Accessed February 18, 2011. "A native of Summit, N.J., Schmidt came to Penn State after graduating in 1962 from Rutgers University, where he became the school's first two-time soccer All-American."
  336. ^ Schwartz, Paul. "Pat Shurmur welcomes Tiki Barber back into the Giants' fold", New York Post, June 23, 2018. Accessed January 20, 2020. "Shurmur is moving to Summit, N.J., not far from where Barber lives in Florham Park."
  337. ^ Willis, John; Hodges, Ben; and Lynch, Tom. Theatre World, p. 246. Hal Leonard Corporation, 2004. ISBN 1-55783-521-7. Accessed February 20, 2011.
  338. ^ Risen, Clay. "Gaddis Smith Dies at 89; Taught History to Generations at Yale", The New York Times, December 8, 2022. Accessed December 9, 2022. "George Gaddis Smith was born on Dec. 9, 1932, in Newark, the son and grandson of Yale alumni.... He grew up in Summit, N.J., a wealthy suburb."
  339. ^ Prince, Tom. "Brief Lives: Making a Killing", New York, August 30, 1993, p. 48. Accessed February 20, 2011.
  340. ^ "Obituary: Janet S. Stoltzfus", Town Topics, March 10, 2004. Accessed October 23, 2022. "She grew up in Summit and Short Hills, graduated in 1948 from the Kent Place School in Summit, and received her B.A. in English from Wellesley College in 1952, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa."
  341. ^ Saxon, Wolfgang. "Joseph Howard Stamler, 86, Influential New Jersey Judge", The New York Times, October 23, 1998. Accessed January 24, 2018. "Joseph Howard Stamler, a former Newark lawyer whose decisions had a wide impact in the seven years he was a New Jersey Superior Court judge, died on Friday at his home in Stony Creek, Conn. He was 86 and a former resident of Summit, N.J."
  342. ^ Meryl Streep Biography, The New York Times. Accessed November 30, 2006.
  343. ^ "Sándor Szabó Appointed New Minister of Music at The Reformed Church of Bronxville", My Hometown Bronxville, January 2, 2013. Accessed August 30, 2019. "Mr. Szabó has built four harpsichords and he enjoys playing them in concert. He lives in Summit, New Jersey, with his wife, who is a violinist, and three children, two boys and a girl."
  344. ^ Rybolt, Barbara. "HBO's True Blood features song created by Summit teen", Independent Press, October 4, 2014. Accessed August 30, 2019. "Nineteen-year-old Will Taggart of Summit (above) and his friend Derrick Schneider, 18, from Rockaway, wrote a song together when they were 14 and students at the School of Rock in Chatham. Their song, 'Open The Gates,' was used in the HBO hit True Blood, in the episode 'May Be the Last Time,' which aired on Aug. 3."
  345. ^ Schudel, Matt. "Tom Terrell, 57; Journalist Was Music Industry Fixture, Scholar", The Washington Post, December 6, 2007. Accessed February 19, 2011. "Thomas Gerald Terrell was born July 16, 1950, in Summit, N.J., and developed an early interest in music because of his father, an amateur singer."
  346. ^ "Henry Twombly, Lawyer, Athlete; Yale Football Star of the Eighties Dies at 92 - Aided Big Corporate Set-Ups", The New York Times, March 1, 1955. Accessed September 5, 2021.
  347. ^ Reich, Ronni. "NJ tenor James Valenti sings at the Richard Tucker Gala", The Star-Ledger, November 15, 2010. Accessed February 18, 2011. "Originally from Summit, Valenti grew up primarily in Clinton. (He now lives in Palm Beach, Fla.)"
  348. ^ Edwin Votey is rightly credited as the inventor of the Pianola, The Pianola Institute. Accessed January 20, 2020. "Votey's other achievements included the invention and development of the Aeolian Pipe Organ, the design and administration of numerous musical instrument factories, directorships within the Aeolian Company and other enterprises, and even periods of office as a local councillor in his adopted city of Summit, New Jersey."
  349. ^ "E.S. Votey, Inventor Of Pianola, Is Dead; Had Long Led in Automatic Music Industry and Was Aeolian Company Official. Director Of Jersey Bank Pioneer in Developing Reproducing Piano Lived in Summit-- Was 74 Years Old.", The New York Times, January 22, 1931. Accessed January 20, 2020. "Summit, N.J., Jan. 21.--Edwin S. Votey, inventor of the pianola, who was first vice president of the Aeolian Company, died here today at his home, 64 Prospect Street. He was 74 years of age."
  350. ^ Staff. "Arthur K. Watson", The New York Times, March 14, 1972. Accessed February 19, 2011. "Arthur Kittredge Watson, the younger son of Thomas J. Watson, was born in Summit, N.J., on April 23, 1919."
  351. ^ Mannarino, Al. "11 people you didn't know were from New Jersey", Asbury Park Press, May 8, 2015. Accessed July 31, 2018. "Formerly of My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way is one of the most recognizable names in rock. Originally from Summit, NJ, Way has gone on to start a solo career and most recently his first album, Hesitant Alien."
  352. ^ "Kai Wehmeier". Retrieved April 7, 2018.
  353. ^ McDonald, Duff (September 29, 2011). "The Prophet Motive". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved January 13, 2015.
  354. ^ Wilson, Martha G. "New Jersey Guide; State Opera Opener", The New York Times, January 24, 1982. Accessed February 18, 2011. "Whittredge, who was born in Ohio in 1820, was a self-taught painter who came under the influence of the Hudson River School. In 1849, he traveled to Europe, where he studied and painted for 10 years. He moved to Summit in 1880, and lived there until his death in 1910."
  355. ^ Staff. "Elizabeth Howell Engaged To Marry; Ex-Student at Hewlett School to Be Bride of Fergus Reid Buckley, Who Is at Yale Abrams--Rubin Williams--Wiederspahn", The New York Times, January 20, 1951. Accessed February 19, 2011.
  356. ^ Rosen, Byron. "Royal Rookie Will o' Wisp To Claiborne", The Washington Post, May 3, 1978, Accessed January 14, 2015. "NFL draft day found Willie Wilson in New York with baseball's K.C. Royals, and the Associated Press remarked that if the erstwhile Summit, N.J., prep football flash had gone on to play with Maryland after signing a letter of intent, he might have gotten rich as a No. 1 pro football draft pick."
  357. ^ Brown, Nell Porter. "Leading Man; A Broadway actor on the 'true spark of theater'", Harvard Magazine, May–June 2013. Accessed August 6, 2014. "Raised in affluent Summit, New Jersey, where his father was a carpet-company executive, Wyman went to Harvard 'because Yale didn't pay me enough,' he quips."
  358. ^ Biggy, David. "Zucker is ready for network role", Daily Record, November 11, 2011. Accessed June 11, 2022, via "'This is a big deal for me,' said Zucker, who grew up in Mountain Lakes and now lives in Summit with his wife, Rachel, and son, Max."
  359. ^ "The Other Fellow First Foundation". Other Fellow First Foundation. Retrieved June 12, 2021.
  360. ^ "Thank You for Your Support". TAPinto. Retrieved June 12, 2021.
  361. ^ "Life is 10% What Happens to Us, 90% How We React to It". TAPinto. Retrieved June 12, 2021.
  362. ^ Fighting Food Insecurity in New Jersey, April 27, 2020, archived from the original on December 11, 2021, retrieved June 12, 2021
  363. ^ "GRACE". GRACE. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  364. ^ Tully, Tracey; Anselm, Bryan (April 30, 2020). "Food Lines a Mile Long in America's Second-Wealthiest State". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved June 15, 2021.
  365. ^ "Junior League's GRACE Project Relocates to Summit's Cornog Fieldhouse". TAPinto. Retrieved June 15, 2021.
  366. ^ "Junior League of Summit Announces GRACE Transition". Summit, NJ Patch. February 15, 2021. Retrieved June 15, 2021.
  367. ^ "Home". Bridges Outreach, Inc. Retrieved June 16, 2021.
  368. ^ "Bridges Outreach Receives $100K from NJ Pandemic Relief Fund". TAPinto. Retrieved June 16, 2021.
  369. ^ "New Bridges Outreach Location Opens in Newark". TAPinto. Retrieved June 16, 2021.
  370. ^ "Bridges Outreach Receives $100K Bequest Gift, Sets Challenge Match Goal". TAPinto. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  371. ^ Community Spotlight: Bridges Outreach, December 5, 2014, retrieved October 28, 2022
  372. ^ "Annual SHIP Fundraising Dinner Set for Nov. 13 in Summit". TAPinto. Retrieved June 17, 2021.
  373. ^ "Summit, NJ | Soup Kitchen | SHIP Of Summit". Retrieved June 17, 2021.
  374. ^ "Summit Marches On | Activist + Community Aid Organization". Summit Marches On. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  375. ^ "New Jersey Group Organizes Volunteers in Response to COVID-19 with SignUpGenius". Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  376. ^ "'Summit Marches On' Hosts Satire Event After Roe V. Wade Overturn". Summit, NJ Patch. June 27, 2022. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  377. ^ Tully, Tracey (October 6, 2022). "Suddenly, a New Jersey Congressional Race Looks Like a Bellwether". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  378. ^ Williams, Vanessa (March 15, 2017). "Ready to run: Overwhelming interest in seminar for women who want to seek office". The Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  379. ^ "'That Promise Lost': Hundreds Attend Summit #WearOrange Rally to End Gun Violence". TAPinto. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  380. ^ "'Summit Marches On' Membership Now Exceeds 300; Organization Holds Drive to Benefit Local, Area Women's Causes". TAPinto. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  381. ^ "Empowering Kids Organization Receives $24,000 Grant From Summit's Central Church; Organization to Continue Offering Programs for Underprivileged Kids". TAPinto. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  382. ^ Guarino, Kathleen M. (September 25, 2013), "Trauma-Informed Care for Families Experiencing Homelessness", Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness, New York, NY: Springer New York, pp. 121–143, doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-8718-0_7, ISBN 978-1-4614-8717-3, retrieved October 28, 2022
  383. ^ "Family Promise CEO on eviction moratorium expiring: We're expecting a 'real uptick' in homelessness". July 30, 2021. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  384. ^ "Unemployed in America: 'It's Gotten So Much More Expensive to Be Homeless.'". Esquire. May 25, 2021. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  385. ^ "A couch is not a home: Where the hidden homeless get housing vouchers". Christian Science Monitor. June 4, 2021. ISSN 0882-7729. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  386. ^ Caron, Christina (December 21, 2021). "An Overlooked Cure for Loneliness". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved October 28, 2022.
  387. ^ Ursillo, Jen (September 29, 2022). "People in NJ will sleep in car or tent on Oct. 22. But for many, it's every night". New Jersey 101.5. Retrieved October 28, 2022.

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