"Mi comprensión del feminismo es que requiere la cooperación de hombres y mujeres para garantizar que ambos sexos tengan los mismos derechos y oportunidades; no es una guerra entre sexos".
Gandydancer , que tengas un próspero, productivo y agradable Año Nuevo , y gracias por tus contribuciones a Wikipedia. Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 14:28 1 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Envíe alegría por el Año Nuevo agregando {{subst:Feliz Año Nuevo 2015}} a las páginas de discusión de los usuarios.
Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 16 de enero
Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste Guantanamo Bay homicide claims , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Department of Justice . Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quiso decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .
Gracias, me sorprendió mucho y me alegré mucho de verte en la página. Le había dejado una nota a Chris sobre una nominación de GA. ¿Crees que es una buena idea? Sin duda, querría tu consejo por encima del de cualquier otra persona. Gracias. Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 15:56, 17 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola Ozzie, solo he incluido un par de enlaces en el prólogo. En cuanto a la idea de GA, no tengo ni idea, ya que está muy por encima de mi nivel de experiencia. Solo he traído dos artículos a GA y, en mi opinión, es mucho trabajo. Por cierto, mientras hablamos, con respecto al artículo sobre el ébola, ¿sabías que las fechas deberían escribirse, por ejemplo, "18 de enero de 2015" en lugar de, por ejemplo, "18 de enero de 2015"? Saludos, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 23:42 18 enero 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Cambiaré las fechas correctamente, de ahora en adelante-- Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 23:52 19 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Augusta Tábor
Hola, estamos de suerte... Por capricho, pensé en echarle un vistazo al Salón de la Fama de las Mujeres de Colorado para ver si ella estaba incluida, y así fue... ¡lo que nos ayuda a superar el obstáculo de la notoriedad de inmediato! También tenía una buena sinopsis de su vida como punto de partida para el artículo.
En este momento hay dos secciones: una para la vida temprana y otra para la edad adulta, que estoy seguro se modificarán a medida que avance el artículo (por ejemplo, matrimonio y filántropo como posibles títulos).
El artículo tiene algunos de los puntos de partida básicos (probablemente no necesites esto):
comienzo de una intro
Referencias (prefiero las plantillas porque permiten un formato limpio + uso citas cortas {{r|<ref name>}})
Voy a buscar fotografías. Tenemos la suerte de que murió antes de 1923, lo que hace que encontrar una imagen de dominio público sea mucho más fácil. También me divierte trabajar en "Vida temprana", así que tal vez podría empezar por ahí y tú podrías desarrollar tu vida adulta a tu gusto con las fuentes que vayas obteniendo. Sin embargo, si prefieres otro enfoque, házmelo saber.
Por cierto, para responder a tu pregunta, estoy en Colorado Springs. -- CaroleHenson (discusión) 05:30 23 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 23 de enero
Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste Lake City, Colorado , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Utes . Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quiso decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de DPL .
Hola Gandy. Se ha solicitado que más mujeres participen en una conversación sobre los planes futuros del Proyecto WER. Hace una hora revisé la lista de miembros y sonreí al ver tu nombre. "Sí. Gandy debería estar aquí". De todos modos, cuando llegues, si decides participar, notarás que hay un alboroto constante sobre Eric. No es por eso que te pido que participes. Puedes hacerlo si quieres, pero esa no es la razón. Tus ideas, tu visión y tu presencia tranquilizadora serán bienvenidas. No es lo mismo que la página de discusión de un artículo polémico. Hay mucha más colaboración y acuerdo. Dar y recibir. Esforzarse por convencer. Espero que todo esté bien. ¡TRA! Buster Seven Talk 00:53, 25 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola querido, sí, estoy al tanto de la discusión. Buster, estoy harta de lo que ha estado sucediendo bajo el pretexto de aumentar el número de editoras. En mi opinión, un pequeño grupo de editoras que se llaman a sí mismas feministas han difundido la idea por todas partes, incluso entre el público en general, de que Wikipedia se ha vuelto loca con los hombres, no solo disuadiendo a las mujeres de unirse, sino persiguiéndolas y abusando de ellas aquí. Llevo aquí desde 2006 y muchas de mis ediciones están relacionadas con cuestiones de mujeres y me he encontrado con muchos editores difíciles, pero nunca he visto los problemas con los que me he encontrado como de naturaleza sexista. Francamente, considerando que alrededor del 80 al 90 por ciento de nuestros editores son hombres, creo que se los debería elogiar por hacer un buen trabajo. Tal vez sea parte de la naturaleza humana buscar una respuesta fácil y luego enfocarse en eso como una amenaza. Son los comunistas, son los ragheads, etc. En este caso, es la mafia de Manchester, con Eric a la cabeza, la que está decidida a destruir a nuestras mujeres. Se llaman a sí mismos feministas, pero yo también lo soy, y no iría por aquí a decirlo por miedo a que nuestros hombres me incluyan en el mismo grupo de mujeres que se han vuelto tan, en mi opinión, tan odiosas. Bueno, podría seguir hablando de esto toda la noche, pero ya basta por ahora... Gandydancer (discusión) 01:35 25 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Añadir: Supongo que no debería llamarlos odiosos porque sé que sólo tienen las mejores intenciones. Gandydancer (discusión) 01:42 25 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Siempre que visito tu página, siento una buena vibra. La puerta está abierta, el té se está preparando, el jardín está floreciendo. La brecha de género es un problema que no desaparecerá... y no debería desaparecer. Wikipedia y el mundo real serían mucho mejores con miles de mujeres en puestos de liderazgo y toma de decisiones. Tenemos un pasillo con fotografías históricas en nuestra casa. En un lugar destacado se exhiben fotografías de mi esposa con Betty Friedan y Bella Abzug . La alcaldesa de Chicago, Jane Byrne, era una conocida. El feminismo y el apoyo que se le ha dado han sido parte de toda mi vida. Necesitaba decirlo en alguna parte. Estoy agradecido por haberme proporcionado el espacio. ¡TRA!. Buster Seven Talk 17:10, 13 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias, Buster. Me cuesta expresar cuánto te respeto como editor y como persona. Hace algunas semanas que quiero decirlo en algunas de las páginas relacionadas con las conversaciones de género que se están llevando a cabo en este momento, pero siempre me contengo porque no me animo a decir nada. Nunca he olvidado una conversación que tuvimos hace mucho tiempo en la que hablamos sobre las malas palabras y en la que dijiste que sentías que no era "apropiado" decir malas palabras en presencia de las "mujeres" y que yo llamé sexista. Con tus sentimientos, el hecho de que pudieras dejarlos de lado y apoyar a Eric tan firmemente como lo has hecho ha sido, para mí, una señal de que eres una persona verdaderamente madura y de espíritu altivo.
En cuanto a Eric, es tan sexista como tú, que no lo es en absoluto. Me duele ver que todo este lugar se convierta en una cacería de brujas, /cacería comunista de Joe McCarthy/, etc. para encontrar a los malhechores responsables de la brecha de género. En mi opinión, tener más mujeres aquí sin duda mejoraría WP, pero no creo que eso suceda. He intentado muchas veces que las mujeres que conozco editen y no tienen ningún interés en absoluto. De nuevo, podría seguir hablando de eso durante horas, pero estoy bastante seguro de que somos del mismo estilo y estamos de acuerdo en casi todo. En cualquier caso, quiero que sepas que son los pocos editores como tú, Dennis e incluso Eric los que me hacen seguir aquí. En cuanto a las mujeres, tenemos a la editora user:WhatamIdoing que siempre me hace sentir dispuesta a besar el suelo que pisa en lo que respecta a intentar mantener este lugar anclado en la realidad.
¡Por lo que has hecho!
Como sabes, parece que esto está llegando a su fin en África occidental (lo cual es bueno), aunque todavía hay puntos conflictivos. Antes de seguir adelante, creo que deberías saber lo importante que fue tu presencia tanto en la página de discusión como en el artículo mes tras mes.
Gracias Ozzie. No tengo planes de seguir adelante. Gandydancer (discusión) 21:07 29 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandy. El horizonte está por allí------------>. . Buster Seven Talk 22:47, 29 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No lo entiendo... Gandydancer (discusión) 23:03 29 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Fue un pobre intento de ser filosófico. El horizonte representa el futuro, los viajes futuros, los nuevos comienzos, etc. Debería haberme guardado el secreto... pero es lo que pensé cuando leí el intercambio anterior. Tra! . Buster Seven Talk 00:49, 30 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
"Consenso científico" sobre los OGM
Hola Gandydancer:
Uso Wikipedia a diario para buscar y complementar cualquier investigación sobre una amplia variedad de temas. Si encuentro una entrada de Wikipedia que tiene problemas, a veces trato de corregirlos. Recientemente, he visto una serie de afirmaciones falsas sobre un "consenso científico" de que los OGM son seguros. Quería ver cómo lo manejaba Wikipedia, y me quedé atónito al ver que esta afirmación falsa se repetía en el artículo que busqué. Estuve tentado de corregirlo, pero también sé que corregir una falsedad flagrante como esa es probable que se encuentre con una oposición sustancial e irrazonable (según mi experiencia en la página Lennar_Corporation ) y que las páginas polémicas pueden ser más o menos "propiedad" de un pequeño grupo de observadores con una inclinación particular sobre el tema, y si uno o más de ellos es un administrador, a menudo amenazan a los editores novatos con su poder de censura y bloqueo, su mayor conocimiento del proceso y las conexiones y la credibilidad (merecida o no), lo que hace que cualquier intento de desafiar su visión sesgada sea casi inútil, excepto para aquellos con extrema paciencia y perseverancia.
Así que antes de apresurarme a corregir la falsa afirmación del "consenso científico", decidí ver de dónde venía y quiénes son los jugadores en esa página y qué tipo de resistencia es probable que encuentre al afirmar la verdad "incómoda".
El 14 de diciembre de 2010 (23:48) el usuario "pathogen5" ya no existe , y añadió la afirmación sobre el "consenso científico" a Genetically_modified_food_controversies , junto con una serie de otras declaraciones fuertes a favor de la industria, algunas de las cuales usted identificó rápidamente el 24 de abril de 2011 (11:14) y las eliminó. Desafortunadamente, la frase sobre el "consenso científico" sobrevivió y no pude encontrar ningún debate al respecto en las páginas de discusión. Busqué en su página de discusión para ver si podía encontrar algo más y encontré sus discusiones con Petrarchan47, Viriditas y Groupuscule sobre este tema o temas relacionados (y la frustración por obtener la verdad en estos artículos). Vi el comentario de Groupuscule: "Me perturbó lo que parecía un patrón de manipulación corporativa en la página de Monsanto. Entiendo que usted ve la afirmación del 'consenso científico sobre la salud humana' como una causa perdida, y tal vez tenga razón". A partir de mi revisión limitada de las páginas de discusión de los usuarios de su sitio y de los demás en ese período de tiempo sobre el tema, tuve la sensación de que varios de ustedes cuatro se encontraron con una fuerte resistencia (algunos incluso fueron bloqueados) por intentar decir la verdad sobre este tema y otros relacionados. Definitivamente lo entiendo, yo también estuve en esa situación en una página que permanecerá anónima, ¡pero en la que pude decir la verdad después de una espera de 3 años!
Por lo tanto, me pondré en contacto con ustedes y les pediré consejos sobre cómo proceder para abordar el problema. Probablemente escribiré mis propuestas de edición y veré qué piensan ustedes cuatro antes de lanzarme al agua con los tiburones...
Gandy, ¿crees que Petra regresará en respuesta a lo anterior? Me sentiría mucho mejor sabiendo que ella está por ahí editando en algún lugar. Buster Seven Talk 16:55, 13 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Buster y David, este tema me resulta tan difícil de abordar que me llevará un tiempo abordarlo. Intentaré responder mañana. Gandydancer (discusión) 02:20 14 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandydancer: Gracias por la respuesta. Lo entiendo perfectamente. Ya he pasado por eso antes, con fuentes de calidad eliminadas sin piedad e hipócritamente y con ataques personales, pero a veces esto me hace estar más ansioso por corregir la información errónea, encontrando fuentes cada vez más reputadas y fiables que hagan que la verdad sea indiscutible e imposibiliten que se sigan promulgando falsedades como verdades cuando las ve alguien nuevo o imparcial en el tema. Por supuesto, puede ser mucho trabajo, y no me sorprendería que haya gente pagada por la industria de los OGM que trabaje en estas páginas o al menos las controle. Ese fue ciertamente el caso cuando hice una edición en la página de Lennar_Corporation . De todos modos, quería informarle que hay una discusión activa sobre lo que escribí en la página de discusión de Groupuscle y en mi página de discusión donde Jytdog me ha involucrado en una discusión sobre la RfC sobre este tema y le respondí. Puede que empiece a poner mis pensamientos en la página de discusión sobre controversias de los OGM. David Tornheim ( discusión ) 05:32 14 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Creo que el consenso científico es que los OGM son seguros... si por "no seguros" te refieres a "si comes tomates OGM con genes de pescado insertados, entonces los genes de pescado entrarán en tu ADN humano y te convertirán en un mutante humano-pez". (Sí, realmente hay algunas personas que creen esto. Probablemente sean las mismas personas que creen que los hornos microondas hacen que los alimentos sean radiactivos.) No he leído ese artículo, pero creo que es apropiado para nuestro propósito educativo general indicar claramente las áreas en las que hay un acuerdo sólido. WhatamIdoing ( discusión ) 05:23 15 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No. No somos tan estúpidos. ¿Has visto la Ruleta de los OGM? El tráiler de 17 minutos da una buena idea de las preocupaciones legítimas sobre los OGM. Definitivamente no hay un "consenso científico" de que los OGM sean seguros. (De hecho, si hay un consenso, es que los OGM necesitan más estudios). Casi todos los artículos y organizaciones citados por los defensores de los OGM sobre dicho "consenso" dicen que es *imposible* hacer tal afirmación de que los OGM son "seguros". Las mejores citas que los defensores de los OGM han seleccionado dicen cosas como: "Después de X años e Y estudios, hasta ahora no se ha descubierto que los OGM, por el hecho de ser OGM, sean per se más peligrosos que los alimentos convencionales. Por lo tanto, no es necesario realizar pruebas adicionales a los alimentos OGM si son 'sustancialmente equivalentes' a los alimentos convencionales". (La UE *definitivamente* no está de acuerdo con esto y tiene pruebas más rigurosas que los EE. UU.) Además, obviamente los alimentos "comunes" no transgénicos que se encuentran en el mercado pueden ser tóxicos y han sido retirados del mercado, al igual que los alimentos transgénicos. Considere los diversos sustitutos del azúcar. Entonces no, definitivamente crear un alimento transgénico definitivamente no lo hace "seguro", y pocos científicos estarían de acuerdo con eso, a pesar de las afirmaciones extremadamente exageradas de los defensores de los transgénicos. El avance del documental que recomiendo está aquí. Incluso viendo unos minutos de esto, verá lo que está sucediendo y que los defensores de los transgénicos no quieren que sepa. Estoy seguro de que los defensores de los transgénicos dirán que tiene una agenda, llena de mentiras, autores parciales, vínculos con lo orgánico, etc. Si incluso un pequeño porcentaje de las afirmaciones del documental son ciertas, realmente pone en tela de juicio lo que dicen los partidarios de los transgénicos. He analizado varias de las afirmaciones del documental y son más precisas que las afirmaciones de los promotores de los OGM sobre un "consenso científico" de que los OGM son "seguros". David Tornheim ( discusión ) 09:11 15 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
David, lo que quiero decir es que (por desgracia) hay gente en el mundo que cree en cosas que hasta el más acérrimo oponente de los OGM considera absurdas. Uno de los puntos sobre la seguridad en el que coinciden todas las personas racionales de ambos bandos es el siguiente: todos los alimentos contienen ADN, y comer ese ADN no elimina el ADN humano ni añade ADN de los alimentos a los cromosomas humanos. No importa lo que haya dicho tu madre sobre "Eres lo que comes", comer zanahorias no añade ADN de zanahoria a tu propio ADN; comer pescado no añade ADN de pescado a tu ADN humano; y comer ADN con OGM insertado (por desagradable que sea) no añade ADN con OGM insertado a tu ADN.
Y en mi opinión (dada la desafortunada circunstancia de que gran parte del mundo no tiene ni siquiera el conocimiento científico más básico), debería mencionar el hecho de que todas las partes están de acuerdo en este punto particular de seguridad, o, si lo prefiere, no en que es seguro en todos los aspectos, sino en que hay algunas historias de miedo que son tan estúpidas científicamente que nadie, excepto los chiflados, las cree. Sólo los chiflados creen que el ADN no humano (que está presente en todos los alimentos) de alguna manera salta de los alimentos y se inserta en los cromosomas humanos, o que el ADN insertado en OGM tiene poderes mágicos para hacer esto, cuando el ADN "natural" no los tiene. Dado que todas las fuentes de todos los puntos de vista están de acuerdo en esta estrecha cuestión de la seguridad, entonces debería mencionarlo.
(Las personas que creen que "semillas tradicionales" u "semillas orgánicas" significan "completamente naturales" no saben cómo se crearon esas variedades tradicionales. La mayoría de nuestros famosos cultivadores de plantas crearon sus variedades exponiendo las semillas a una radiación fuerte (normalmente gamma) o vertiendo productos químicos teratogénicos directamente sobre las semillas silvestres reales en sus patios traseros. Incluso las fresas orgánicas certificadas que se cultivan a partir de coronas orgánicas [que son difíciles de encontrar] tienen un ADN claramente no natural. "Han existido durante un siglo" no significa "natural".) WhatamIdoing ( discusión ) 17:02 15 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Además, tal vez quieras reflexionar sobre la diferencia entre "el consenso científico" y "las reglas creadas por los políticos". El primero está (en su mayoría) relacionado con los hechos, y el segundo tiene mucho más que ver con los sentimientos de los votantes desinformados. El segundo le da a los EE. UU. la pena de muerte, prisiones abarrotadas y un requisito de que el 100% de los estudiantes logren lo que hace el estudiante promedio, lo cual es matemáticamente imposible. Los científicos nos darían un mejor acceso a la salud mental y un conjunto de objetivos educativos que tuvieran alguna base en la realidad . Cuando dices "la UE no está de acuerdo", estás hablando de los políticos de la UE, no de los científicos. Por lo que sé, los expertos científicos de la UE tienen puntos de vista que no son muy diferentes de los de los expertos científicos de los EE. UU. WhatamIdoing ( discusión ) 17:22 15 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
David Tornheim , después de escribirte dos respuestas y borrarlas, recordé por qué dejé de editar estos artículos. Quizá quieras leer mi página de usuario para ver que me preocupa el poder corporativo en general. Esa preocupación se extiende también a Wikipedia. Diré que, si bien no estoy en contra de ninguna "regla" de WP, me preocupa que todos nuestros artículos relacionados con Monsanto tengan el mismo editor principal, a menudo varias veces. Gandydancer (discusión) 02:22 19 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
WhatamIdoing , las semillas tradicionales son semillas que se han desarrollado a través de la crianza selectiva durante muchas generaciones. Esto se ha estado haciendo durante miles de años. No he leído información recientemente, pero creo que los métodos que mencionas están más relacionados con algunas plantas de jardín de flores más recientes. Ahora hay mucha preocupación por la pérdida de nuestras semillas tradicionales y se han formado asociaciones para mantenerlas. Cultivo algunas verduras tradicionales porque tienen un sabor superior. Como estoy seguro de que sabes, los grandes productores cultivan por la facilidad de recolección, el aspecto y la capacidad de transportar a largas distancias en lugar del sabor. Gandydancer (discusión) 01:44 19 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
La cría selectiva sistemática a gran escala comenzó a mediados del siglo XIX, pero la cría selectiva no era el único método que se utilizaba hace un siglo. El uso de sustancias químicas mutagénicas (como el benceno y la colchicina) no es "reciente". La mayoría de la gente no tiene idea de cuál es la fuente original de las semillas, porque los catálogos de semillas suelen decir "descubiertas en el siglo XIX" y omiten cualquier información sobre quién y cómo. (Estoy de acuerdo en que la comida debe tener buen sabor. Las manchas anaranjadas que saben a poliestireno no son tomates, no importa lo que diga el supermercado). WhatamIdoing ( discusión ) 02:06 19 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Comentario: Por favor, tengan en cuenta que David está haciendo campaña. Ha dejado mensajes idénticos en las páginas de discusión de 4 usuarios. Le advertí aquí. Jytdog ( discusión ) 14:53 15 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Por qué me lo cuentas? Gandydancer (discusión) 02:37 19 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Si me utilizaran en una campaña electoral, me gustaría saberlo. Regla de oro y todo eso. Ignoren eso si quieren. Jytdog ( discusión ) 02:32 22 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Jytdog y Gandydancer: He estado en silencio durante una semana sobre los OGM. No perdí la esperanza de mejorar los problemas con NPOV en los artículos sobre OGM. Decidí investigar más antes de decir más. Investigué mucho sobre cómo los artículos llegaron a ser lo que son ahora. Estoy muy decepcionado de que nadie me haya dado la historia de cómo sucedió exactamente, quién estaba haciendo qué ediciones que causaron drama, quién había sido acusado de ser un crítico de relaciones públicas de Monsanto, quién se enojó con quién y cuándo, quién acusó a quién de qué, quién fue bloqueado, qué sucedió en ArbCon, etc. Fueron incontables horas de investigación para averiguarlo sin casi ningún consejo sobre qué leer, excepto el de Jytdog que señala la RfC; gracias por eso. Jytdog: Por muchas razones, al principio realmente creí que Monsanto te había pagado para trabajar en los artículos: varias cosas, incluyendo mis primeras impresiones al ver tus ediciones del artículo en cuestión, cómo abordaste las preocupaciones razonables sobre NPOV con los editores que vieron los problemas de NPOV, tus conflictos con Canoe1967 y con el grupo de cuatro con los que me había puesto en contacto, combinado con lo que parece un control absoluto de los artículos sobre OGM, tu reconocimiento inmediato de que me puse en contacto con estos cuatro, las cosas negativas que me dijiste sobre mi esfuerzo de "buena fe" para tratar de abordar los problemas de NPOV, ambos me atacaron sin razón, luego me acusaron de hacer campaña y luego aparentemente trataron de evitar que hablara con los cuatro que parecían estar sufriendo heridas y derrotas después de haber sido expulsados de la página por el Equipo-OGM. Sí, todo esto realmente me hizo creer las horribles acusaciones que fueron presentadas contra ti por estas mismas personas.
Pero la evidencia creciente está empezando a sugerir que no se trata de un conflicto de intereses, sino de algo muy personal con mucho drama, emociones dolorosas y conflictos. La correspondencia entre usted y Gandydancer mencionada anteriormente con respecto a sus acusaciones de que ella estaba haciendo campaña lo deja bastante claro. En la Marcha contra Monsanto, donde todo el mundo parece estar de acuerdo en que esto estalló, en algunas de las primeras ediciones, creo que usted, Jytdog, estaba evitando que los editores que apoyaban las posiciones de los manifestantes fueran demasiado lejos, haciéndolos responsables. Me sorprendió descubrir que estaba de su lado en su manejo de las cifras estimadas por los organizadores en comparación con otros informes que estaban en el artículo que se citó. No confiaría más en las cifras de los organizadores que en las cifras proporcionadas por Monsanto o la policía. Es difícil saber las cifras reales, pero al principio utilizó el NPOV al proporcionar AMBOS conjuntos y así es como debe hacerse. Y creo que fue un error de su parte insistir en los 2.000.000 y descartar el resto, cuando en realidad fue tal como usted dijo, una estimación que hicieron los organizadores y que debería haber estado en el artículo como tal, no como si fuera un HECHO. (Si los organizadores quieren ponerlo en volantes, claro que lo entiendo). Nadie sabe realmente cuántos manifestantes hubo, así que dé las cifras que tenga disponibles al lector y deje que saque sus propias conclusiones. No sé qué pasó después de eso, pero si este fue el tema principal y lo atacaron por eso, puedo entender cómo se puede romper la confianza en ambos lados.
Espero que se pueda recuperar la confianza, para que el problema más diabólico, del que tú, Jytdog, estás al tanto, se pueda solucionar correctamente. Obviamente, sabes que hay gente de relaciones públicas a la que se le paga por editar, como escribiste aquí:
Como escribí en la página de Discusión, la cultura de edición en la página de BP está completamente desordenada. Le mencioné a Core en su página que me parece que un grupo de editores allí ha desarrollado un conjunto de tácticas, marginalmente dentro de los límites de la política de Wikipedia pero a veces fuera de ella, para evitar la adición de información negativa sobre BP. No digo que sea intencional -muchas culturas simplemente evolucionan sin pensar- pero los patrones están ahí para ver. La eliminación rápida, las constantes demandas que hacen a las personas con ideas para el contenido (especialmente demandas de que se agregue contenido similar a otros artículos -lo cual es realmente una locura-), la actitud autoritaria y a veces condescendiente, el interminable "no es lo suficientemente bueno" para el contenido propuesto -todo esto mantiene la página congelada y es muy poco Wikipedia. Y he observado sus interacciones en Discusión -de buena fe, usted está tratando de cumplir con todas estas demandas locas y tratando de complacerlos. No están jugando con las mismas reglas ni con el mismo objetivo de tratar de crear contenido nuevo y mejorar el artículo; solo están interfiriendo con su esfuerzo por hacerlo. No creo que esto vaya a conducir al resultado que deseas y no me imagino que sea divertido. En lugar de revertir el contenido, ¡deberíamos editarlo! Mejorarlo. Dejar que el artículo crezca. Puede que no haya elegido el mejor "caso de prueba" para empezar a cambiar la cultura, pero es lo suficientemente bueno. Tu apoyo a la parte de eliminación rápida de este artículo me parece perjudicial para tus propios esfuerzos por mejorar el artículo. Jytdog (discusión) 18:35 2 abr 2013 (UTC)
Me sentí muy inspirado al leer eso. Realmente espero que quieras que el artículo tenga NPOV y que cumpla su función, y aborde el problema de que los artículos sobre OGM ya no lo tienen. Dicho esto, pronto haré una nueva aparición en la página. Espero que podamos trabajar juntos y superar la interacción negativa inicial, y que puedas volver a hacer ediciones y aceptar ediciones como la que mencioné anteriormente. Atentamente, David Tornheim ( discusión ) 02:16, 22 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Responderé en tu página de discusión. Jytdog ( discusión ) 02:40 22 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, en primer lugar, no sufro de ninguna herida. Tenía la esperanza de mantenerme al margen de esto porque no quería quedar atrapado en una discusión que me quitaría el tiempo y en la que no tengo ningún interés. Además, aparte de no tener ningún interés en tu argumento, solo he editado el artículo de Monsanto 13 veces en total, no mucho considerando que estoy en WP desde 2006. No podría haberte informado sobre quién dijo qué y cuándo, incluso si hubiera querido, lo cual no hice, ya que no tuve casi ninguna participación en la mayor parte. Recuerdo que el editor Canoe hizo muchas declaraciones que me hicieron dudar sobre su competencia y ciertamente nunca tuve nada que ver con él/ella. En cuanto a la preocupación que presentaste que incluía tu "prueba" de que la ciencia no está de acuerdo con respecto a la seguridad de los OGM, me pareció casi ridícula y tengo entendido que hay un amplio acuerdo. Las dos respuestas a tu publicación que dije que borré no tenían nada que ver con la seguridad de los OGM, sino que estaban relacionadas con la agricultura industrial y la influencia corporativa en la ciencia. Los borré porque, como dije, no tengo ningún deseo de pasar mi tiempo aquí debatiendo los temas con usted. Ahora veo que incluso el artículo de BP está siendo incluido en la discusión. ¿Qué demonios ha sacado a relucir eso? Realmente me esfuerzo mucho por AGF, pero por favor, sacar a relucir viejas heridas no es la manera de promover un buen ambiente en este lugar. Espero que esto ponga fin a su discusión sobre Monsanto en mi página de discusión. Gandydancer (discusión) 16:57 22 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo siento. Voy a parar. Tenía la esperanza de ser una voz positiva para sanar las heridas que percibía (mi error si me equivoco y estaba empeorando las cosas) y buscar puntos en común, promoviendo el consenso. Vi el drama y no quería reavivar viejas disputas (decir las mismas cosas que la gente está harta de oír) y perder el tiempo de todos cuando saqué a relucir el tema del "consenso científico". Una vez más, lamento que esto haya sido molesto y dejaré de comentar en tu página sobre este tema a menos que me des una indicación de que está bien continuar. Gracias de nuevo por compartir tus pensamientos. Y espero lo mejor para ti en futuras ediciones de Wikipedia. Atentamente, David Tornheim ( discusión ) 05:17, 24 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Un brownie para ti!
¡Gracias, Petrar! Te extraño mucho. Si alguna vez quieres volver a trabajar en algo, házmelo saber. Sería divertido volver a trabajar juntos en un artículo. xxxooo Gandydancer (discusión) 00:47 19 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Esta mañana me he planteado una cuestión: ¿en aquella época California todavía formaba parte de México? No lo sé, así que creo que la redacción de FA estuvo bien elegida. No sé mucho sobre la historia de Estados Unidos, en su mayoría son fragmentos que he ido juntando, como un rompecabezas al que le faltan la mayoría de las piezas. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 17:27 27 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, probablemente sepas más que la mayoría de los estadounidenses. Creo que California se convirtió en estado en esa época. J3, me encanta el Oeste americano porque viví en Colorado cuando era niña. Sé algo sobre California porque viví en la increíblemente hermosa costa de Big Sur durante un tiempo. También sé sobre la fiebre del oro de California de 1859, principalmente porque sé mucho sobre la fiebre del oro de Colorado de 1869. Si te interesa, puedes leer sobre ello en mi artículo, Granite, Colorado , donde, sabiendo que casi nadie lo leería, utilicé el artículo como una forma de hablar sobre mi historia como una chica de Colorado. (Esa es mi hermana Judy mencionada al final del artículo. :D) Gandydancer (discusión) 02:03 28 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me gustó el artículo, ¡debería haberlo leído antes de pasar una noche en Leadville en uno de mis dos viajes a Colorado! ¡Escasez de aire respirable para un habitante del nivel del mar como yo! Acabo de leer las travesuras desde la última vez que miré y estoy recordando el tiempo que pasé aquí, hay muchas más cosas placenteras para hacer. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 11:39 3 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Mientras esperamos juntos que comience la Marcha de la Solidaridad
Petra te va a enviar por correo electrónico el nombre de un editor al que pensé que podrías querer darle uno de esos premios "semanales". No tengo tu correo electrónico o te lo habría enviado yo mismo. Estaré encantada de ayudarte con la nominación si quieres. Tengo café. ¿Trajiste té? Buster Seven Talk 00:29, 28 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Muchas gracias por el banner (ver mi página de usuario). Todo este asunto feminista se ha vuelto completamente loco y ha empañado la imagen de WP. Petra y yo discutimos esto hace mucho tiempo y ambas estuvimos de acuerdo en que no se nos hubiera ocurrido usar un nombre femenino porque ya hay suficientes problemas aquí sin tener que luchar la batalla adicional de ser un blanco fácil para aquellos que consideran que los hombres son superiores a las mujeres. Yo solo salí del armario, por así decirlo, después de tener una historia sustancial aquí. Buster, me he topado con el asunto de la superioridad masculina toda mi vida: la primera casa que compré, el agente inmobiliario hizo que "su chica" me llevara a la trastienda para preguntarme si estaba segura de que quería comprar una casa (ya sabes cómo son las mujeres: se deciden un día y cambian al siguiente...). Créeme, si Eric realmente odiara a las mujeres, podría olerlo a una milla de distancia. Pero en mi opinión, estas llamadas feministas son solo un grupo de perras enojadas y rencorosas. Gandydancer (discusión) 01:12 28 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
De nada. En cuanto a toda la cháchara feminista, especialmente del clan de las bolsas de café, no la apoyo. Apoyo a mujeres poderosas y francas que actúan, no a las que provocan distracción. Podría nombrar a 3 o 4 docenas de editoras que admiro. Por lo que sé, hay 3 o 4 docenas más que creo que son hombres, pero que en realidad son mujeres. ¿Quién sabe? ¿O a quién le importa? En un momento le dije a LB, la líder del clan, que nuestros genitales no son visibles en WP. Probablemente lo tomó como algo burdo y no entendió el punto porque no se ajustaba a su deseo. Lo cual, creo, es más "nóteme" que cualquier otra cosa. Buster Seven Talk 02:30, 28 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias Gandydancer, no soy un enemigo de las mujeres. He estado viendo una serie en la televisión de la BBC sobre las sufragistas y admiro profundamente lo que hicieron esas mujeres. ¿Te has dado cuenta de que en el último día o así me han llamado "maricón" dos veces en mi página de discusión, desde dos direcciones IP diferentes? Los administradores me han ignorado por completo, por supuesto, pero si me atrevo a pronunciar la palabra "feminista", parece que se desata el infierno. No tiene sentido. Eric Corbett 11:54, 3 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Una mujer llamadaMaría Barba
El 1 de septiembre de 2014, publicó un artículo en The New Yorker en el que daba los siguientes ejemplos de cómo se ha silenciado a las mujeres incluso en los clásicos de la antigüedad:
"su voz no debe ser escuchada en público"... La Odisea
" Tereo viola a Filomena y luego le corta la lengua para que no pueda denunciarlo"... Beard: Cuando te adentras en el territorio tradicionalmente masculino, el abuso llega de todos modos. No es lo que dices lo que lo provoca. Es el hecho de que lo dices. Es más fácil documentar las formas en que se ha silenciado a las mujeres que encontrar un remedio a su silenciamiento. Los hombres han silenciado a las mujeres francas desde los tiempos de los antiguos.
"Wikipedia tiene un desequilibrio de género y, por lo tanto, un desequilibrio de poder. Todos tenemos nuestras opiniones, pero se basan en nuestro punto de vista. La mayoría de nosotros no somos mujeres. La mayoría de nosotros no utilizamos el cerebro de una mujer para pensar, responder o cohabitar aquí en WikiWorld. Y por lo tanto... eso significa que a la mayoría de los editores de Wikipedia les falta un ingrediente muy importante: el toque de una mujer. Buster Seven Talk 02:05, 28 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, sé que Petra mencionó métodos naturales de curación en su reciente publicación. A menudo me he preguntado si el hecho de que haya más mujeres, que suelen ser las que están a cargo (por falta de una mejor manera de decirlo...) de la salud de la familia, podría marcar una diferencia en la patética tendencia a llamar a todo lo natural pseudociencia. Sé que tuve que renunciar a todos los artículos complementarios/alternativos y Petra tuvo que hacer lo mismo. Como madre y abuela, los artículos sobre productos químicos también son importantes para mí, pero parece que los días están contados en lo que respecta a conseguir que estos artículos sean algo más que un lugar para anunciar una vida mejor a través de más y más productos químicos. Muchos de estos artículos están escritos básicamente por no más que un puñado de editores, en su mayoría hombres, creo... Gandydancer (discusión) 02:46 28 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola Gandy, no me siento bien por tener esa diatriba publicada en tu página por más tiempo, así que la reemplazo con estas palabras: eres un regalo verdaderamente precioso para este mundo y para este proyecto. Los lectores y tus colegas editores son muy afortunados de que hayas decidido compartir tu persona y tu tiempo. Mucha suerte, de verdad. Cuídate y gracias por el dulce apoyo a lo largo de los años, petrarchan47 t c 03:56, 7 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me gustaría mucho seguir contando con tu dulce apoyo y me siento muy sola sin él. Petra, una vez tuve un sueño/visión en el que mi padre me daba un diccionario. Yo sabía muy bien lo que eso significaba (es una larga historia), pero mi madre simplemente me tomó la mano y a mi lado, sosteniéndola, estaba mi hija. Ahora bien, como tengo dos hijas, cuando salí de ese estado onírico me pregunté: "¿Cuál hija era?". Y entonces me vino a la mente: SOMOS LAS MUJERES. No era una hija o la otra, era la larga fila de mujeres que se paraban juntas de la mano a lo largo de los siglos. Y eso, junto con el mensaje de mi padre, me dejó todo muy claro. Como mujeres, tenemos una comprensión intuitiva de algunas cosas y hemos aprendido a usar las habilidades verbales para ser completamente humanas. Creo que tú y yo hemos alcanzado este nivel de aprendizaje de cómo combinar nuestros cerebros masculinos y femeninos y podemos ver que Wikipedia se ha vuelto demasiado orientada a los hombres. Algunos de los hombres aquí adoptan este nivel superior de comprensión, Buster por ejemplo, pero sin embargo, en general la perspectiva masculina domina Wikipedia.
Petra, no veo muchas esperanzas de alejarnos de los temores de Chris Hedge de una toma de control corporativa en todas las esferas de nuestra vida, incluida la toma de control de Wikipedia. Incluso mientras escribo esto, sé que debo volver al artículo de Dow para continuar con mis objeciones a la redacción tendenciosa cuando se trata de cuestiones ambientales relacionadas con esa corporación. De hecho, cada vez más me encuentro dedicando gran parte de mi tiempo a cuestiones que involucran a grupos de intereses especiales, por ejemplo, el artículo de Elizabeth Warren, que es uno de mis objetivos generales. E incluso, entre otras cosas, un grupo de mujeres enfadadas que piensan que, como minoría, las mujeres necesitan un grupo especial de Wikipedia en el que se prohíban los hombres y cosas así.
Ahora veo que mi nombre ha sido arrastrado a un debate sobre el nuevo editor David T. por Jytdog. ¿Qué hago? Puedo simplemente ignorarlo y dejar que la gente que ni siquiera me conoce piense que pertenezco a los editores pseudocientíficos que están tratando de arruinar Wikipedia con su parloteo no científico o puedo ir a la página e intentar explicar que no soy culpable, solo para que se presenten diferencias que demuestran que soy un tonto. Estoy realmente tan cansado de todo esto que apenas puedo hacer ningún trabajo real. Ha sido de ayuda tenerte aquí mientras intento analizar mis pensamientos.
Petra, sé esto: el futuro es brillante si los niños como mi nieta Helena Rose tienen algo que decir al respecto. Mientras leía en la página de discusión que Jytdog comenzó a hablar sobre el comportamiento de David T: "No ayuda mucho que el activismo anti-OGM provenga de "quimiofóbicos" científicamente analfabetos como Food Babe, o del movimiento orgánico, que es propenso a todo tipo de irracionalidad debido en gran parte a su herencia "biodinámica" de Steiner", Helen va a una escuela Rudolph Steiner y, aunque solo tiene dieciséis años, su sabiduría es asombrosa. En una clase, la tarea consiste en ir al bosque, solo, y sentarse a observar. Luego escriben sus observaciones. ¡Imagínense la profundidad de esta tarea! Mientras estaba en casa para las vacaciones de Navidad, tuvo un sueño. Soñó que iba al bosque y veía una hermosa casa hecha de árboles y muchas plantas diferentes con flores de hermosos colores. Mientras trataba de explicar la profundidad de los colores, me di cuenta de que estaba viendo la esencia de los colores, no simplemente lo que el ojo contempla: colores psicodélicos, si se quiere. Le pregunté si era consciente de que este era uno de los GRANDES sueños que todos tenemos de vez en cuando, sueños que provienen de más de un solo nivel de percepción, y eso era lo más interesante de todo: ella lo sabía. Más tarde, su madre, mi hija Jane, y yo hablamos de ello y coincidimos en que, en este momento, la humanidad parece estar dando un gran salto hacia adelante. Me recuerda un poco a algo que decimos los jardineros sobre las plantas perennes: el primer año duermen, el segundo año se arrastran y el tercer año SALTAN. Planté la pequeña planta que me regaló una amiga, mi hija Jane la cuidó y se apoderó de ella, y ahora que Helena Rose la ha heredado, ha crecido por sí sola tanto que pronto se apoderará de todo el jardín.
Petra, no estoy seguro de si sigues viendo este sitio. Te voy a enviar un correo electrónico con la esperanza de que al menos sigas hablando conmigo, ya que me has ayudado mucho en el pasado. xxx000 Gandydancer (discusión) 17:12 9 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me cuesta creer que haya vuelto a iniciar sesión, pero no puedo decirte que no a ti ni a tu invitación a seguir en contacto. Cuanto más leo tus palabras, más de acuerdo estoy con todo lo que has dicho. Hay muchos puntos a los que me gustaría responder, pero no tengo tiempo ahora (volveré). En cuanto al ANI, es un verdadero dilema, y no es algo por lo que debas preocuparte. Parece ser el precio que pagas por tu trabajo voluntario, lamentablemente.
Gandy, por fin alguien lo entiende. petrarchan47 t c 23:24, 11 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Para ser honesto, Gandy, no he respondido aquí porque todavía estoy procesando las cosas. (Saber que esta comunicación no es privada agrega un desafío particular y también sofoca mi proceso de pensamiento). No estoy en la etapa de aceptación en la que tú y otras personas que admiro parecen estar. Por supuesto, Hedges tenía razón. Pero sí pensé que WP era un lugar especial, un lugar creado para la Gente (la "gente pequeña", como le gusta decir al CEO de BP), a salvo de los estragos y las mentiras de aquellos para quienes el dinero es dios. O, al menos, más seguro que los medios de comunicación patrocinados por corporaciones. Incluso en este momento todavía tengo un poco de esperanza de que WP pueda salvarse de esto y tenga el potencial de luchar contra esto. Y ese es realmente el problema: es poco realista y falso. Esta discrepancia es lo que llevó a mi frustración y al posterior boicot del sitio. Realmente solía amar este lugar. Para mí, significó un lugar donde la verdad tenía una oportunidad de luchar, y a menudo vimos que la verdad ganaba, incluso con adversarios como las grandes petroleras. Pero con la pandilla de MEDRS, vemos grandes secciones de WP amuralladas, abiertas solo a unos pocos editores que parecen tener algún tipo de comprensión. No creo que WP tenga el potencial o la voluntad de detener el abuso de los intereses monetarios. No era así ni siquiera hace dos años (¿cuándo se creó MEDRS?). Solía ser divertido aquí. Ahora veo que el acoso es la norma, incluso en la ANI, sin que nadie se pronuncie en contra de ello. Es un lugar increíblemente disfuncional, sin ningún recurso, hasta donde yo sé, para aquellos que quieren editar en un entorno pacífico, respetuoso y justo. Me saco el sombrero ante ti por de alguna manera navegar por todo esto. petrarchan47 t c 05:59, 13 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad, no siempre me va tan bien. Para mí, lo mejor es leer a Pema y Bell [1] de vez en cuando como recordatorio de vivir un día a la vez y olvidar la idea de la perfección futura como meta. Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices arriba, pero como dijiste en tu página hace un tiempo, la gente como nosotros, lo que incluye a nuestros amigos y familiares, sabe que no debe confiar en WP cuando se trata de curación natural, ya que todo lo que no sea convencional ahora se etiqueta como pseudociencia. Pero también es difícil para mí ver la toma de control corporativa de nuestra enciclopedia. Es difícil saber qué hacer, como en la política, por ejemplo. Todos los años juro que votaré por el mejor candidato, lo que significa tirar mi voto a la basura y todos los años cedo por miedo a lo que sucederá si el candidato republicano realmente se convierte en presidente y vota por el demócrata que se presenta. Algunas personas dicen que simplemente dejemos de votar y también pueden presentar muy buenos argumentos para ello. En esa misma línea, uno podría decir que dejemos de editar aquí por completo, pero no estoy dispuesto a hacer eso. Ojalá lo reconsideraras y comenzaras a editar de nuevo. Considéralo una forma de trabajar en tu crecimiento emocional. Eso es lo que yo hago. :D Gandydancer (discusión) 14:44 13 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Durante un par de años edité a la familia Walton y a todos sus miembros... asegurándome de que Wikipedia informara con precisión los miles de millones que ganaban (¿lo ganaban ? ¿O sus empleados lo ganaban y simplemente no les pagaban lo suficiente?). Me molestaba, así que dejé de hacerlo. Ya no presto atención a los Walton. No edito lugares que me molestan. Buster Seven Talk 20:30, 13 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Definitivamente, hay algo que decir sobre empujar los propios límites en nombre del crecimiento. Por otro lado, es una señal de crecimiento saber qué alimenta y qué agota la felicidad de uno, y elegir permanecer dentro de ciertos límites por compasión hacia uno mismo. Supongo que esos límites siempre están cambiando, y solo aprendemos al golpearnos los dedos de los pies cuando nos topamos con ellos, ya sea al esforzarnos o cuando superamos naturalmente la jaula (a falta de un mejor término). Realmente aprecio que me recuerden el hecho de que nadie fuera de WP considera que este sitio sea confiable, eso realmente pone las cosas en perspectiva. Mirando los comentarios aquí, veo que sigue siendo así. Un ejemplo: Wikipedia no sirve para nada remotamente controversial hoy en día. Tal vez siempre ha sido así, pero se está volviendo cada vez más obvio que cuando se trata de algo controversial, Wikipedia es una forma para que las personas impulsen su propia agenda y visión del mundo, las páginas se convierten en guerras de edición hasta que los administradores entran e imponen su propio sesgo contra los editores, quien se rinda último sin ser baneado gana. petrarchan47 t c 05:05 15 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petra, ¿trabajarías conmigo en el artículo sobre la miel que se usa como apósito para quemaduras? Si bien tengo la impresión de que ahora se ha descubierto que la miel es superior a lo que solíamos llamar "esa sustancia blanca", esto no se refleja en el artículo sobre la miel, que de hecho ni siquiera refleja con precisión la referencia que se está utilizando. Aquí hay información adicional [2] y aquí [3] sobre heridas crónicas, a las que podemos pasar a continuación. (Aparte, Petra, ¿has visto el anuncio de televisión en el que dos niñas pequeñas bañan a un perro callejero que han encontrado lleno de barro y la madre entra al baño y ve el desastre? En realidad, no sé qué anuncia el anuncio. Las niñas ruegan que les dejen quedarse con el perro y es la mirada de la pequeña lo que me encanta: su cuerpecito se tensa y sus manos se convierten en puños, su mandíbula se aprieta con determinación y sus ojos se cierran con fuerza mientras dice "PPEEEZZZEEEEE". Así que, P, imagínate esa mirada mientras te pido ayuda... :D Gandydancer (discusión) 17:20 20 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Eres muy gracioso, Gandy. No he visto el anuncio, pero me lo puedo imaginar perfectamente. Gracias. Con el mismo nivel de determinación, te rogaría que no me permitieras acercarme a la gente de MEDRS, lo que incluiría este artículo. Hay algunos caminos que me hacen sentir en paz y feliz, y hay una forma segura de desarrollar una úlcera. Tengo que jugar en un arenero diferente por ahora. Con suerte, de alguna manera se podrá acorralar a esa pandilla, pero mi reciente reingreso a la refriega me mostró que las cosas en realidad han empeorado mucho, mucho .
Si me encuentro con algunas buenas referencias, las dejaré aquí para ti. "Medihoney" es la marca que se usa en los hospitales.1 Está impregnada con miel de Manuka (que debes probar: una cucharadita o más todos los días, ¡deliciosa!). [ cita requerida ] Manuka es la versión neozelandesa de la planta del árbol del té, pero tiene propiedades curativas aún mayores. [ cita requerida ] La miel producida a partir de estos arbustos tiene 4 veces el contenido nutricional de la miel cruda normal. [ cita requerida ] Personalmente, he visto que se usa tópicamente para hacer crecer una capa completa de piel en una sola tarde, después de 8 meses de que la llaga estuviera abierta y no sanara. [ cita requerida ] Hay imágenes en línea que muestran su uso en llagas de decúbito masivas, y sucede lo mismo: se forma piel sobre la llaga abierta cuando todo lo demás falló (aunque las llagas más profundas tardaron más en sanar). [ cita requerida ] petrarchan47 t c 02:22, 22 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ah, está bien entonces. petrarchan47 คุก 18:03, 15 de julio de 2015 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Hola señorita Gandy, he estado pensando en usted todo el día. No estoy segura de por qué. ¿Puede compartir sus pensamientos conmigo? ¿Está todo bien? petrarchan47 t c 03:36, 23 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, señorita Petra. Estoy bien. Quizá hayas captado mis pensamientos, ya que yo también estaba pensando mucho en ti. Aún no he terminado de intentar convencerte de que trabajes en algunos artículos seleccionados... :D Por un lado, de vez en cuando he vuelto a leer los primeros artículos sobre el artículo de BP en los que tú, al principio sin ayuda de nadie, obligaste al artículo a reconocer la importancia del derrame. Ya sabes, eso no habría sucedido sin ti. Eres una Mujer Maravilla de WP y espero que te sientas orgullosa de lo que has hecho aquí. Más adelante... xxxooo Gandydancer (discusión) 02:54 24 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, me di cuenta de eso. Me alegro mucho de que no haya ningún problema. Tu nota parece más un abrazo que un mensaje. Yo también lo necesitaba. ¡Gracias! petrarchan47 t c 05:35, 24 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
charla de pájaros editar pausa
Después de leer tu colorida historia, estaba sentada junto a la ventana reflexionando y recibí la visita del sinsonte del barrio. Tenemos un nuevo proyecto de construcción a una cuadra de distancia, y comencé a escuchar sonidos de construcción en el concierto vespertino del pájaro. Efectivamente, estaba escuchando sonidos de martillos y otras herramientas en su nuevo canto. Pero el momento decisivo fue cuando hizo eco de ese silbido especial que los trabajadores de la construcción reservan para cualquier mujer de entre 12 y 70 años. Luego lo hizo de nuevo, muy lentamente, del tipo que se traduce como "MALDICIÓN caliente". ¡En realidad me pareció un cumplido! Pensé que podrías divertirte con esta admisión. petrarchan47 t c 04:08, 10 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Sí, lo hice! Petra, en realidad nunca había oído un sinsonte y pensé que debían ser aves más sureñas. Sin embargo, sí he oído un cuitlacoche pardo , que es similar. Creo que el "mejor" pájaro que he tenido la suerte de ver es un pájaro carpintero crestado , tanto aquí en Maine como en la cabaña de mi hermana en Wisconsin. Ha sido muy triste a lo largo de los años ver cada vez menos pájaros cada año, lo mismo ocurre con las polillas y las mariposas. No es de extrañar que ambas hayamos trabajado en los artículos sobre pesticidas. Hablando de aves, ¿has visto este vídeo tan divertido? [4] Gandydancer (discusión) 13:56 10 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me sorprende oír que hay otro pájaro como el sinsonte. ¡¿El cuitlacoche sabe 2000 canciones?! Increíble. También veo menos insectos y casi ninguna mariposa. Tuvimos luciérnagas la primavera pasada hasta que los vecinos decidieron fumigar sus malezas. Pero tengo que admitir que cada año los sinsontes siguen cantando con tanto vigor como el año anterior, sin mostrar signos de daño. Me da esperanza, al igual que tu nieta te da a ti. (Y ese video simplemente no tiene precio) petrarchan47 t c
(¿Hablamos en el comedero matutino?) Si alguna vez has visto un picogrueso pechirrosa, no lo olvidarás. Usan esmoquin todo el día. Es un pájaro muy orgulloso y majestuoso... se posa largo y erguido como si supiera lo hermoso que es. Parece tener un ligero desdén por otros pájaros menos afortunados, pero puede que esa sea solo mi interpretación. Estoy en el centro de Illinois. Buster Seven Talk 14:11, 10 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
(¡Pío! ¡Pío! ¡Pío!) Otro favorito es el Ampelis cedro . La mayoría de las veces aparecen en pequeñas bandadas, posados en un árbol muerto. Todos parecen adoptar una postura en la misma dirección... como si estuvieran coreografiados de algo. Cuando se posan en un alambre, a veces pasan una baya de uno a otro, a lo largo de la fila, ¡hasta que uno simplemente no puede resistirse y se la come! Mi favorito es el cernícalo americano ... (esa es mi foto en el artículo)... Hace unos años, un adolescente se quedó en la zona y lo alimentamos con "carne asada" a mano, durante unos 3 días. Nos quedábamos al descubierto, sosteníamos el pequeño trozo de carne sobre nuestras cabezas, y él (¿ella?) se abalanzaba y lo agarraba. ¡Genial! . Buster Seven Talk 14:34, 10 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Eso es realmente genial, Buster, alimentar a un pájaro de esa manera. Suena como algo que tú harías. No pude encontrar tu foto, ¿puedes poner el enlace? Son unos pajaritos preciosos. Mi madre tiene varios tipos de picogruesos donde vive y sí, son inolvidables. Nos vemos en el comedero de la mañana ;) petrarchan47 t c 05:17, 11 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Es hermoso, Buster. Gracias. petrarchan47 t c 05:24, 13 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Hermosa foto! Sí, he visto picogruesos pechirrosas, muy bonitos. ¡Me encantó la historia sobre los ampelis cedros! Cuando vivía en Minnesota, mi vecino de al lado me contó que había visto a las perdices húngaras jugar en el hielo que se formaba con el bebedero de su granja. Tomaban impulso y se deslizaban por el agua. En cuanto a otras historias sobre aves, probablemente yo tenga la mejor de todas, ya que mi familia y yo criamos a cuatro crías de Phoebes desde que no tenían plumas hasta que crecieron completamente. Eso significaba que tenían que ir conmigo al trabajo por turnos y con las niñas a la escuela. Las alimentábamos con gusanos cortados. Bien, ¿vieron el divertido video de arriba? Y aquí hay un comedero para pájaros para que todos lo veamos. [5] Gandydancer (discusión) 15:00, 13 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Vi el video, muy gracioso. Me pregunto si la pareja que está siendo imitada todavía está junta. Parece un matrimonio con problemas, por decir lo menos. Tu historia de los pájaros definitivamente gana por goleada, Gandy. Pero en cuanto a volverse adicto a otra cámara de pájaros, no estoy tan seguro. petrarchan47 t c 04:35, 15 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandy, Buster7 , ¡ya es hora! Echad un vistazo, hace poco han nacido dos aguiluchos blancos y peludos, un huevo os está esperando. petrarchan47 t c 19:35, 31 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
María Wakefield
Tengo la impresión de que aprecias mucho a las enfermeras. Acabo de reescribir Mary Wakefield . ¡Es increíble! Pensé que te gustaría leer sobre ella. La entrevista de 2008 que usé como fuente es una buena lectura. Jytdog ( discusión ) 02:02 1 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo siento, no lo entiendo. ¿Por qué crees que este artículo me parece tan interesante como para que necesites señalarlo? Gandydancer (discusión) 04:51 2 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No era necesario que te lo señalara. Me llamó la atención en COIN, encontré una buena historia que no estaba en el artículo mientras lo revisaba y, cuando terminé, por alguna razón recordé que habías escrito algo sobre las enfermeras que no reciben respeto en algún lugar (simplemente lo recordé: estaba aquí ) y pensé que podrías disfrutar leyendo sobre ella. Simple, sin mucho contenido. Si no encuentras su historia interesante, perdón por haberte quitado el tiempo. Jytdog ( discusión ) 14:20 5 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Algo para compartir contigo
En enero me involucré y comencé a editar artículos, listas, etc. sobre murales y artistas durante la Gran Depresión. En resumen, encontré un libro, The Biographical Directory of Native American Painters de Patrick Lester y hoy mismo comencé a trabajar en él agregando información a los artículos, etc. En la página 7, la entrada de Ahgupuk, George Aden , esquimal, nacido en 1911, dice: OCUPACIÓN: "bailarín de gandy" del ferrocarril, techador, pescador comercial, cazador, etc. ¡Eso debería hacerte sonreír! Buster Seven Talk 14:25, 2 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡De hecho, Buster! :) Buster, este reciente giro de los acontecimientos me ha puesto de muy mal humor durante los últimos días. ¿Ha llegado al punto de que pequeños grupos de personas muy verbales se han hecho cargo de este lugar? Estoy empezando a preguntarme. No estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que dice Petra, pero sin duda estamos en la misma página. No está en mi naturaleza deprimirme porque soy básicamente una persona de "acción", pero últimamente las cosas han sido un poco abrumadoras. En mi opinión, la depresión es el resultado de sentir que las opciones de uno están siendo bloqueadas y, con la introspección, uno generalmente descubre que las opciones siempre estuvieron disponibles, pero la visión nublada impedía la acción. Dicho esto, puede llegar un momento en que, al aclarar la propia visión, se vuelve obvio que la única acción es trazar una línea en la arena; por eso me gustó tanto tu sugerencia de ¡HUELGA! Durante la huelga pensé mucho en todo esto. Incluso escribí una edición en la página de una mujer que había hecho una edición en la página de acusación de "feminista militante" pidiéndole que mirara el banner en mi página y propusiera una redacción diferente porque sentía que se podía mejorar. Luego no lo publiqué... Luego dudé y pensé: "Oh, mejor no dar ningún tipo de reconocimiento a este pequeño grupo que ha estado haciendo toda la agitación... No estoy del todo segura de qué hacer a continuación... ¿Opiniones? Gandydancer (discusión) 19:20 4 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Mis ideas son muy simples. Hay un grupo militante y vocal, incitado por Jimbo Wales, cuyo objetivo es librar a WP de editores como Giano y yo, por la razón que sea. La cuestión de género es en realidad sólo una cortina de humo conveniente detrás de la cual esconderse, pero sin duda habrá otro carro al que subirse una vez que el éxtasis actual se apague. Eric Corbett 19:40, 4 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, tal vez no estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo. En mi opinión, los cruzados siempre necesitan encontrar una persona o un grupo que represente al "otro" (para mi asombro, en realidad se los llama los malos aquí en los EE. UU.) que deben ser eliminados para que las cosas vuelvan a su visión de un ideal de buenos (nosotros) y malos (ellos), y es uno que Dios también aprueba (a Dios no le gusta la gente que dice "maricón"). Para esas personas, como Jimbo y este pequeño grupo de cruzados, ustedes representan la facción que debe ser eliminada (que en mi opinión solo existe en su imaginación). Hace un tiempo era Bin Laden en los EE. UU., así que nos ocupamos de él; ahora nos referimos a todos ellos como los terroristas. Etc. Jung ha influido mucho en mis puntos de vista sobre la psicología y mi pensamiento aquí es muy junguiano. (Creo... no soy un experto :D) Bueno, es probable que esto sea intentar decir demasiado en muy pocas palabras, así que espero que no me malinterpreten... Gandydancer (discusión) 20:07 4 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No, en absoluto. A mí personalmente me interesan mucho las ideas de Jung. No las comparto, pero aun así me parecen interesantes. Eric Corbett 20:42, 4 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Préstamo de encabezado de página de discusión
Espero que no te importe, pero tomé prestada esa fantástica caja que aparece al principio de tu charla. No soy partidario de alimentar a ese monstruo acuático en particular... Intothat darkness 18:51, 4 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, ciertamente llegaste en el momento justo. Lee la nota que le escribí a Buster antes. Gracias por tu publicación. Gandydancer (discusión) 19:23 4 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
La fuente del encabezado/banner de la página de discusión se encuentra en Usuario:John Carter/Anti-PC . . Buster Seven Talk 03:37, 5 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Banner que se ofende fácilmente
Estoy bastante sorprendido y supongo que animado de ver que la plantilla se ha adoptado tan rápidamente. Pero el original de trabajo actual sólo fue pensado como un borrador de trabajo, y yo mismo creo que el lenguaje podría probablemente necesitar alguna revisión, particularmente para lograr algún tipo de impacto más llamativo en el lector. No dudes en hacer o proponer cualquier edición que consideres razonable al original. Una cosa que creo que podría ser particularmente útil sería incluir algún tipo de enlace a una página de espacio de usuario donde se puedan discutir las preocupaciones expresadas por el banner. John Carter ( discusión ) 15:35 5 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Muchas gracias por el banner, John, y tu elección de la imagen de Buster fue increíble (una palabra que rara vez uso :D). Pensemos en algo bueno para la redacción. Más adelante... Gandydancer (discusión) 15:41 5 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por cierto, muchos más editores visitan ciertas páginas con más frecuencia que la mía. ¿Crees que sería bueno trasladar la discusión a un lugar más visible? Gandydancer (discusión) 15:47 5 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
La conversación se está dando en varios lugares, pero... te sorprenderá la popularidad de tu página :~). Buster Seven Talk 17:17, 5 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por cierto, la versión 4 de la plantilla ahora tiene un enlace a un borrador preliminar de una página de discusión del espacio de usuario. Espero que esa página pueda usarse para ayudarnos a lidiar con algunas de las muchas veces que por aquí nos encontramos con editores de todo tipo que trabajan en áreas relacionadas con temas políticos o filosóficos impopulares o muy disputados y que reciben demasiadas sanciones punitivas de sus adversarios ideológicos. Me gustaría ver que se use como una especie de tablón de anuncios donde la gente que ve buenos editores en campos ideológicamente disputados pueda intentar obtener ayuda de cualquier tipo para ellos. Y yo incluyo a todos esos grupos, incluyendo la disputa entre Israel y Palestina, las diversas disputas sobre el Islam y los sikhs y la pseudociencia y Dios sabe qué más cosas por aquí. También estoy planeando, tal vez a finales de esta semana, pedir que algunas de esas páginas se eleven al nivel de exención de sanciones que tiene actualmente la página de discusión de Jimbo, aunque admito que eso traería problemas. Lo que creo que es más necesario sería contar con la mayor cantidad de gente posible para evitar que la página se salga de control y eliminar cualquier contenido que pueda ser problemático, de modo que si hay interés, cuantos más lectores haya, mejor. John Carter ( discusión ) 16:29 10 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
También puedes...
Interésate en la conversación @ User:Ched's talk. Recién comencé a leer el hilo largo, así que no estoy seguro de hacia dónde va, pero respeto mucho a muchos de los participantes. Buster Seven Talk 19:02, 5 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Estoy con mi amigo hombro con hombro.
La raza humana es un pájaro y necesita ambas alas para volar [6]-- Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 22:19 8 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
La disparidad existe incluso en la naturaleza.
La raza humana es como un conejo, y los hay de muchos tamaños . Buster Seven Talk 22:46, 8 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Además, los conejos son de muchos colores y no tienen prejuicios en cuanto al color: negros, blancos, marrones, no les importa nada, todos son tratados por igual. He oído que lo mismo es cierto aquí en los EE. UU.: el odio intenso hacia nuestro presidente negro, por ejemplo, no tiene nada que ver con su color. Lo mismo ocurre con la violencia policial, los arrestos, etc., contra las personas de color: nada que ver con el color. :D Gandydancer (discusión) 14:17 9 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
La verdad oculta (?) que muchos de la derecha no quieren admitir es que su principal enfoque en lo que está mal en los EE. UU. es que "... hay un hombre negro en la Casa Blanca". Se comprometieron a trabajar en su contra desde su primer día en el cargo. No lo dirán, pero sus acciones en los últimos 6 años lo demuestran. Cualquier éxito que el presidente haya logrado, y ha habido muchos, ha sido a pesar de ellos en lugar de con ellos. Ha demostrado una astucia notable al no denunciarlos por sus prácticas racistas. Buster Seven Talk 14:56, 9 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Planes para el futuro
Hablamos de pájaros y quiero plantar una semilla. Espero que ambos participen en las próximas campañas presidenciales de Estados Unidos y en los muchos artículos que se produzcan. Agradezco a Sarah Palin por haberme ayudado a empezar en Wikipedia. Gracias a ella creé las 6 (hasta ahora) líneas de tiempo de la presidencia de Barack Obama. Me mantuvieron a flote y no me ahogué (metafóricamente) cuando ocurrió el derrame de Horizon y tuvimos que luchar por cada bocanada de aire fresco y veraz en el artículo de WP. Es una petición completamente egoísta. Me siento mucho mejor sabiendo que ambos están aquí, en algún lugar, en cualquier parte, editando Wikipedia. . Buster Seven Talk 14:55, 10 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, Gandydancer,
El equipo de edición está pidiendo ayuda a editores con mucha experiencia como usted con VisualEditor. El equipo tiene una lista de problemas prioritarios, pero también quiere saber sobre los problemas pequeños. Estos problemas pueden hacer que la edición sea menos divertida, ocupar demasiado tiempo o ser tan molestos como un corte de papel . El equipo de edición también quiere saber sobre estos pequeños problemas e intentar solucionarlos.
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bailarina ambiental
Gracias por artículos de calidad como Yodeling y Saguache, Colorado , por encargarte de artículos que mencionan a víctimas de violación y derrames de petróleo, por trabajar por el medio ambiente y aportar tu experiencia personal , ¡eres un wikipedista increíble !
Me gusta . Buster Seven Talk 14:06, 18 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Muchas gracias, Gerda ! Me sorprende y me siento honrada, además de que esto llega en un momento difícil para mí, ya que estoy tratando de evaluar mis esfuerzos aquí. Aprecio la conexión humana que has creado conmigo y me gustaría poder encontrar más aquí. Este premio me ha ayudado más de lo que crees. Gandydancer (discusión) 17:47 19 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por cierto, como mencionas que trabajo en artículos sobre "violaciones", el artículo sobre la violación en grupo en Delhi en 2012 es un artículo de GA mío y, mientras trabajaba en él ayer para agregar una declaración del padre de la niña, estaba pensando que él y la madre de la niña entregaron a su amada hija a los esfuerzos por terminar con la cultura de la violación que existe en todo el mundo. Lo mínimo que puedo hacer es asegurarme de que se escuche su voz. Tu reconocimiento y esa constatación me ayudan a seguir editando incluso cuando me resulta difícil lidiar con la actitud de algunos editores. Gandydancer (discusión) 18:09 19 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Hagamos oír la voz de las víctimas! ¡Gracias por ello! -- Gerda Arendt ( discusión ) 20:51 19 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hace seis años, usted recibió el premio n° 799 de Precious, ¡un premio de QAI! -- Gerda Arendt ( discusión ) 06:05 18 mar 2020 (UTC) [ responder ]
Comedero matutino, 18/3
Azulejos . ¿Qué más tengo que decir? Vivimos en la ciudad, Chicago, así que casi no los vemos. Pero, cuando vamos al sur del estado, cerca de Peoria, armamos una caja nido cada año, orientada al noreste para captar el cálido sol cuando sale, y disfrutar de su belleza durante todo el verano. No estoy seguro de si se trata de la misma pareja o de sus crías, pero son residentes bienvenidos cada año y se quedan todo el verano. Ignoran el comedero, pero siempre están cerca... observando lo que hacen los demás pájaros. Les gustan los insectos y los atrapan en vuelo y en el suelo desde la mañana hasta el atardecer. Ahora mismo tengo que asegurarme de que los gorriones no establezcan su hogar de cría en las cajas diseñadas para los pájaros azules. Los gorriones comienzan antes y entonces los azules "no tienen un lugar en la posada" y luego se instalan en otro lugar. Buster Seven Talk 14:06, 18 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Buster7 Buster, uno de estos me visitó hoy y, por lo que sé, era la primera vez que veía uno. Qué regalo. Tan hermoso. No sabía lo que estaba viendo hasta ahora, gracias a tu publicación. petrarchan47 a las 04:39, 6 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Juntamos treinta radios y lo llamamos rueda;
Pero es del espacio donde no hay nada que depende la utilidad de la rueda.
Tornamos arcilla para hacer una vasija;
Pero es del espacio donde no hay nada que depende la utilidad del buque.
Perforamos puertas y ventanas para hacer una casa;
Y es de estos espacios donde no hay nada que depende la utilidad de la casa.
Dedicamos incontables horas a crear una enciclopedia en línea;
Pero es en el espacio de “ser editado” donde vive el esfuerzo.
Por lo tanto, así como aprovechamos lo que es, debemos reconocer la utilidad de lo que no es.
Querido Gandy, compartí estas palabras con Petra. Ahora las comparto contigo. En algún lugar del vacío de lo que podría llamarse la "futura Wikipedia" hay un lugar útil para ser feliz. Está muy lejos de la vorágine de artículos polémicos y editores engorrosos. Espero que algún día lo encuentres. Buster Seven Talk 16:32, 17 de marzo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias Buster, pero ya estoy bastante contento. Quizás sea un malentendido que tienen los hombres sobre las mujeres. Las mujeres tienden a "charlar" mucho más que los hombres. No significa que no esté contento. Gandydancer (discusión) 17:26 20 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Piscina de partos
Soy una editora bastante nueva y recientemente publiqué mi primer artículo sobre partos en piscina , pero por alguna razón me redirecciona a partos en el agua. ¿Pueden indicarme cómo corregirlo? MMichelleDalton ( discusión ) 04:39 31 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, ¿hay alguna razón por la que consideres que no encajaría bien en el artículo existente sobre el parto en el agua ? Así es como lo manejaría yo y podría ayudarte con eso. Sería una gran adición a ese artículo. Gandydancer (discusión) 12:42 31 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Originalmente lo consideré, pero luego dos factores me hicieron pensar que requería su propia página: otros productos como la máquina TENS de gas y aire que se usa durante el parto en el agua tienen su propia página, y hay mucho debate y material impreso sobre los diferentes tipos de piscinas, dónde se pueden usar, sin mencionar la documentación que surge recientemente sobre cómo se está abordando la contaminación cruzada en el diseño de diferentes piscinas de parto. Todos estos productos deberían estar referenciados en el artículo sobre el parto en el agua , eso es algo más que me gustaría hacer. Gracias por su ayuda y orientación. MMichelleDalton ( discusión ) 03:48, 1 de abril de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Vale, le pediré a un editor experimentado que te ayude, ya que nunca he enviado un artículo. ¡Buena suerte! Gandydancer (discusión) 11:54 2 abr 2015 (UTC) Gracias Gandydancer MMichelleDalton ( discusión ) 06:44 14 abr 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
MMichelleDalton , he echado un vistazo y estoy intentando decidir qué es lo que se necesita. Considero que Birth Pool es un artículo propio y que la página original de Sandbox redirecciona a Birth Pool. (Por si sirve de algo, estoy de acuerdo con Gandydancer en que parece que Birth Pool podría añadirse a Water birth, y parece que sería un buen tema de debate en la página Talk:Water birth ).
Birth Pool debería ser Birth pool , ya que no es un nombre propio, pero no puedo moverlo a través de la redirección. Iniciar una conversación sobre mover el artículo a Birth pool probablemente iniciará una discusión de fusión, así que pensé que simplemente pasaría directamente a eso. Si los artículos están "fusionados", entonces no es necesario moverlos.
No ha habido mucha actividad en la página de discusión del artículo, por lo que puede que no haya muchos comentarios, pero parece que es una discusión justificada. Si nadie se opone a que el artículo se publique por separado, se requiere un movimiento administrativo para que Birth Pool y su historial de revisiones se trasladen a Birth Pool, lo que puede llevar semanas debido al retraso. -- CaroleHenson (discusión) 16:24, 2 de abril de 2015 (UTC) Gracias, CaroleHenson . Pediré algunas sugerencias al respecto. Realmente aprecio tu ayuda. MMichelleDalton ( discusión ) 06:44, 14 de abril de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por apoyar una conversación sana en tiempos difíciles. HGilbert ( discusión ) 13:08 31 mar 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Mi nieta Helena Rose va a High Mowing. Tanto ella como su hermano asistieron a CTL. ¡La directora de CTL, Nancie Atwell, acaba de recibir un gran reconocimiento por sus métodos de enseñanza! Veo que alguien ya ha publicado un artículo sobre ella. Cuando el tiempo lo permita, tendré que completarlo un poco. :) Gandydancer (discusión) 15:27 18 abr 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sobre la violación en grupo en Delhi en 2012.
Hola, esto es sobre la edición reciente que hiciste. Creo que sería apropiado si usamos el nombre de pila de la víctima "Jyoti" porque el apellido "Pandey" que usaste es bastante confuso ya que su amiga que estaba con ella en el momento del incidente también tiene el apellido "Pandey". ¿Qué dices? -- Haccom ✉ Háblame 14:35, 5 de abril de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, en realidad me hubiera gustado hacerlo, pero no es enciclopédico. Si encuentras una sección confusa, no dudes en editarla para incluir el nombre completo. Saludos, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 03:53 6 abr 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Felices Pascuas
Hola querido amigo, me siento muy mal por todo el lío que está sucediendo. Dale un abrazo a Atsme de mi parte por haber logrado que algo suceda aquí. Es bueno ver que Core está trabajando en ello. No parece muy prometedor por ahora. Por favor, vuelve y hablemos pronto. Es el final de un largo día para mí, un día muy agradable por cierto, así que eso es todo por ahora. Espero hablar más pronto. Gandydancer (discusión) 03:43 6 abr 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, cariño. Creo que Atsme está bien ahora y es probable que siga así. Los tejanos, ya sabes... son una raza completamente diferente. Me alegro de que hayas pasado una Pascua maravillosa. Un gran abrazo, petrarchan47 t c 04:59, 8 abril 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Maldita sea! Me encontré con su publicación y me hizo sonreír. Los abrazos y las palabras amables suelen serlo. Les devuelvo un gran abrazo. Sobreviviremos.del mundo incluso cuando parezca imposible. Simplemente deja que brille el sol y tómalo con una sonrisa.Atsme ☯ Consultar 13:10 8 abril 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Brezo Bresch
Es difícil de explicar, pero supongo que en mi trabajo en COI estoy acostumbrado a pedirles a los editores un momento de su tiempo en páginas que no les interesan. Su objetivo principal es solucionar el problema o atender la solicitud en el menor tiempo posible, para que puedan volver a las páginas que realmente les interesan. Normalmente necesito quitarles el menor tiempo posible. Me alegra que estemos teniendo una discusión reflexiva, profunda y civilizada. En realidad, es muy refrescante. He estado tratando de llamar la atención sobre esta página durante meses y, por lo general, solo recibo uno o dos comentarios de pasada sin mucha edición en negrita, o cualquier edición en negrita que se haga simplemente se revierte. CorporateM ( Discusión ) 14:18, 12 de abril de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 17 de abril
Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste Bayer , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Roundup . Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quiso decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de DPL .
Me encontré con una página que estaba editando (AlF) y te dejé algunos "bien hecho", pero quería hacerte una pregunta sobre tu razonamiento para una eliminación que hiciste, "mi vida", etc. No fue porque lo aprobara o desaprobara, solo por curiosidad, por eso vine a ver tu página de Discusión. Aprecié otras de tus ediciones en el pasado, pero no he visto tantas de ellas. No me gusta comunicarme en las páginas de Discusión, pero uso el equivalente a una dirección de correo electrónico "de reemplazo" aquí en WP, con mi contacto vinculado en mi página de Usuario. Me comunico con muy pocos editores por razones que me encantaría explicar. Puedes usarlo si quieres. He descubierto que es útil en una variedad de circunstancias. Explicaré mis pensamientos si me escribes allí. También puedes reírte un poco (está destinado a provocar esa reacción) si lo utilizas. Estoy muy impresionado con tu trabajo, pero especialmente con tu página de Discusión y con aquellos que la han apreciado, es decir, Buster7. De todos modos, espero tener noticias tuyas. Activista ( discusión ) 20:08 26 jul 2019 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ups, lo siento
Hola, lo siento, pensé que te estabas poniendo sarcástico con la discusión sobre MEDRS en los artículos de medicina veterinaria. Creo que en realidad estamos de acuerdo en el tema, pero tomé el "no he notado la participación de Montana" y "lo entenderías" como si me estuvieran apuntando a mí y diciéndome que no sabía de qué estaba hablando. Si esa no era tu intención, entonces lo siento por haberte entendido mal. Estoy teniendo un montón de drama wiki en este momento y supongo que me estoy poniendo un poco nervioso. Montanabw (discusión) 19:49 17 abr 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Re: Nido de pájaro comestible
No hay necesidad de engordar nuestros pantalones por temor a que la gente salga corriendo a buscar nidos de pájaros comestibles para comer.
¿Has leído siquiera el artículo?
Se encuentran entre los productos animales más caros consumidos por los humanos... El uso más famoso de los nidos de pájaros comestibles es la sopa de nido de pájaro, un manjar... Los nidos más cosechados son los de salanganas de nido comestible o salanganas de nido blanco (Aerodramus fuciphagus) y los salanganas de nido negro (Aerodramus maximus)... Hong Kong y los Estados Unidos son los mayores importadores de estos nidos.... Se estima que toda la industria mundial tiene un valor de 5 mil millones de dólares.
No sólo existe preocupación, sino que es precisamente debido a afirmaciones falsas y fraudulentas sobre la salud como ésta que tenemos una gran demanda de productos animales legales e ilegales. El ejemplo más notable es el del cuerno de rinoceronte, que está contribuyendo a la extinción de esa especie. Todas estas afirmaciones falsas sobre la salud existen como marketing para promover la venta de estos productos. Se puede argumentar que en algunos casos el folclore es históricamente notable. Por ejemplo, el folclore de las plantas ha hecho contribuciones legítimas a la medicina y debería ser discutido en muchos artículos diferentes porque la información está respaldada por evidencias. Al menos a mí me parece que realmente no has pensado mucho en el problema. Viriditas ( discusión ) 20:54, 17 de abril de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No me imagino de dónde sacaste esa idea, ya que gran parte de mi trabajo aquí está relacionado con cuestiones medioambientales. De hecho, ¿de dónde sacaste la idea de que no le he dado mucha importancia? Gandydancer (discusión) 15:14 18 abr 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Una estrella de granero para ti!
Me gusta . Buster Seven Talk 21:46 1 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Gracias a los dos! Lamento haber perdido el rastro de este lindo mensaje y no haberte agradecido antes. Petra, espero trabajar contigo en el artículo de Bernie. ¿Buster?... Gandydancer (discusión) 00:22 18 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Editar conflicto
¿Este comentario estaba destinado a mí? Tu edición fue a las 13:21, la mía a las 14:07 (46 minutos después) y tu siguiente edición fue en una sección diferente a la mía (lo que presumiblemente no entra en conflicto). Si se espera que uno espere más de 46 minutos, ese es un estándar que ninguno de nosotros cumple en un artículo tan editado. He tenido el mismo problema (en escalas de tiempo más cortas) y he intentado {{ inuse }} pero la gente edita de todos modos. Art LaPella ( discusión ) 15:42, 12 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo siento Art, especialmente porque sé que haces un muy buen trabajo con el artículo. Termino leyendo mucho sólo para obtener unas pocas palabras impresas, comparando un sitio con otro, buscando cosas en Google, etc. Me puede llevar una mañana entera hacer sólo lo poco que hice hoy. Me sentí muy malhumorado cuando tuve ese conflicto de edición y actué de esa manera. Me pregunto si fue esa otra persona que sigue presentando una queja sobre los números; tengo que dejarle una nota, pero pensé que ya se habría dado por vencido... Saludos, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 16:13 12 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
De acuerdo. Y por favor, deja una nota o algo en User talk:Highfly3442 . Estaba a punto de quejarme por la guerra de edición sin comentarios. Art LaPella ( discusión ) 17:28 12 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Tu trabajo es apreciado!
¡Realmente lo aprecio! Muchas gracias. Saludos, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 00:19 18 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Aunque no estuve cerca
Anhelo la inocencia que se muestra en este informe de noticias de Minnehaha Falls.
En ese momento se produjo un hecho de interés inesperado. Los muchachos del instituto South Side High School, ondeando triunfalmente la bandera de su escuela desde la ventana del hastial del viejo edificio, gritaron su grito de escuela y su DESAFÍO A TODOS LOS QUE LLEGARAN. En ese momento, los alumnos del instituto Central High School recibieron la orden de relevar a los del South Siders, y en consecuencia rodearon el edificio. El espíritu de rivalidad entre los institutos estalló, fuerte y amargo. Los del South Siders se negaron a entregar la fortaleza y ondearon su bandera desde la ventana a pesar de todas las súplicas y órdenes. El contratista Pratt no pudo expulsarlos. El superintendente Jordan no pudo expulsarlos, y finalmente el sargento Martinson llamó a un destacamento de policía y se apresuró a entrar en la casa. Pero los muchachos del South Side seguían teniendo ganas y no se rindieron hasta que varios de ellos sintieron la fuerza de la autoridad policial. Entonces se abrieron paso. Mientras salían corriendo de una puerta, los del Central entraron por la otra, y pronto su bandera ondeó en el hastial entre estruendosos vítores. Un destacamento de soldados centrales persiguió a los habitantes del lado sur por la calle y, por un momento, pareció que la embestida acabaría con algunas cabezas magulladas. Sin embargo, la buena disposición se recuperó y la casa volvió a ponerse en marcha.
¿Te reíste todo el tiempo que leíste esto? ¿Te imaginas noticias como esta hoy en día? Gracias por involucrarme en un artículo tan dulce y en un ambiente tan tranquilo. petrarchan47 a las 10:38, 27 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Muy bien, terminé de revisarlo. ¿Veamos qué pasa con el estado de "buen artículo" y si lo sabes? Me parecieron interesantes los siguientes detalles (posibles ganchos):
'A pesar de su nombre, la Casa Longfellow nunca fue el hogar del poeta estadounidense Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; fue en cambio el hogar de Robert F. Jones, un filántropo y empresario de Minneapolis. Construida en 1907, la casa es una réplica a escala de dos tercios de la casa de Longfellow en Cambridge, Massachusetts.'
'En 1896, más de 10.000 escolares ayudaron a trasladar la casa de John Harrington Stevens a su ubicación actual en Minnehaha Park'
petrarchan47 คุก 09:02, 28 de mayo de 2015 (UTC)[respuesta]
Sí, me reí de la historia de los niños que arrastraron la casa. Pensé en un GA y un DYK, pero sería mi suerte que encontraran una copia vio, aunque me esfuerzo mucho por evitarlo, y estaría peor que contentarme con un buen artículo. Hay un verificador de copias vio en alguna parte, pero no recuerdo dónde... ¿lo sabes? Podría comprobarlo primero y decidir a partir de ahí. Gracias por tu ayuda. Gandydancer (discusión) 10:14 28 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Parece un proceso muy suave: alguien deja notas amables en la página de discusión para guiar a los editores hacia problemas individuales y dar sugerencias para solucionarlos. El artículo no necesita estar perfecto de antemano, al menos por lo que he podido deducir. Viriditas parece estar muy versado en esto, tal vez pase por aquí con alguna sugerencia para nuestro próximo paso. Atsme también parece estar bastante involucrado en el tema de GA. (Cualquier aporte es bienvenido). petrarchan47 คุก 17:41, 28 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
He hecho algunos GA y uno DYK, así que sé cómo funciona. También podría pedirle consejo a Core, ya que creo que ha hecho algunos. Gandydancer (discusión) 18:00 28 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
[7] 👈 La herramienta de detección de duplicados. Por cierto, las imágenes alineadas a la izquierda crearon un exceso de espacio entre los últimos párrafos de la sección Fashionable Tour. Podrías considerar la posibilidad de incluir galerías. No revisé ninguna de las citas, RS o prosa. Solo hice un vistazo rápido; espero que te sirva.Atsme 📞 📧 19:44 28 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias, Atsme, es una gran ayuda. Todavía no he podido encontrar galerías. ¿Puedes ayudarme con eso? (Acabo de encontrar una enorme cantidad de imágenes hermosas e históricas de las cataratas Minnehaha que subiré a Commons y necesitaré ayuda para crear una galería). ping petrarchan47 a las 21:18, 28 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petra, estoy segura de que notaste que ya se inició una galería. Ya hay bastantes fotos en Commons que decidí no usar; de hecho, borré muchas de la galería existente. Hay una foto antigua que me encantaría tener en mis manos que muestra el puente Lower Falls y todas las antiguas pueden ser consideradas. Atsme, no estoy segura de lo que quieres decir sobre un espacio en la sección Fashionable Tour en relación con "imágenes alineadas a la izquierda", ya que todas están a la derecha.
Gracias. Me da miedo que mi cerebro explote si sigo intentando lidiar con esto esta noche. :) Tal vez puedas ayudarme a entender esto mejor mañana porque no puedo hacer que mi pantalla muestre lo que tú muestras. (Descargo de responsabilidad: soy un verdadero tonto cuando se trata de estas cosas...) Gracias por la ayuda. Gandydancer (discusión) 01:58 29 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandy, me fijé en la galería, pero nunca había podido averiguar cómo añadir imágenes. Me alegro mucho de que me detuvieras antes de que subiera un montón de fotos inutilizables... Las traeré aquí primero. ¿Qué te parecen? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. ¿Algo que te guste? petrarchan47 a las 09:13, 29 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petra, mira la forma en que se ingresaron los demás (quita [[ ]] y "thumb", etc.) y verás lo fácil que es. Me pregunto si las imágenes de la galería deberían ser más grandes. Yo solía saber cómo hacerlo y podía buscarlo. (Aunque quizás Atsme lo sepa sin buscarlo primero...) Gandydancer (discusión) 13:32 29 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Atsme, no importa cuán pequeña haga mi impresión, no puedo hacer una página que se parezca a tu imagen en la que las fotos anteriores cuelgan tanto que estropean la siguiente sección. En mi pantalla se ve bien, pero no sé cómo hacer una "captura de pantalla" (¿así se llama...?). La pantalla de Petra debe haber mostrado lo mismo que la tuya porque ella movió la estatua (y yo la moví de nuevo). Entonces, moví la estatua de Minnehaha a la galería y me deshice de las cataratas congeladas. ¿Aún está estropeada en tu pantalla? Gandydancer (discusión) 12:00 29 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandy, se ve genial en el iPad. No puedo confirmarlo en mi portátil de 21" porque algo pasó cuando estaba trabajando en fotos (creo que tal vez la tarjeta gráfica finalmente dejó de funcionar por última vez), así que no sé cómo se ve en pantallas de 13" o más grandes. Creo que está bien ahora que las imágenes están alineadas correctamente con más consistencia y no se empujan hacia abajo en la alineación debido a la imagen vertical extra larga. Me disculpo por no poder ayudar más, pero estoy limitado en este iPad. -- Atsme 📞 📧 12:43, 29 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Cataratas Minnehaha
Qué maravillosa colaboración. Has llenado el espacio "por editar" con tu felicidad y tu edición sin estrés. Felicitaciones a ti y a Petra. Sé que otros ayudaron, pero mi sonrisa es para ustedes dos. Buster Seven Talk 13:38, 29 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Buster! ¡Toma una taza de café o té y mira y vota las fotos! Gandydancer (discusión) 14:02 29 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. ¿Algo que te guste?
tal vez
No es Minnehaha. ¡Ups! ¡Me equivoqué y estoy muy sorprendido! Sí, seguro que es un buen ejemplar. Gandydancer (discusión) 14:25 29 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me gusta mucho
Sí, esto irá en la sección de historia, ya que es muy probable que sea el primer puente inferior construido.
Fuerte quizás (igual que el número 9 de Commons)
No Minnehaha
tal vez
Bonita foto, interesante, ¿quizás mejor que lo que tenemos?
Lo mismo que el número 5
Por favor, votad las fotos. Gandydancer (discusión) 13:27 29 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Todos son geniales para el artículo pero... es como una recepción de boda... tienes que elegir a los 5 o 6 que vas a invitar... el n.° 2 y el n.° 3 son los mejores... estoy de acuerdo en que el n.° 8 es mejor... y el n.° 5 y el n.° 9 son gemelos (invita a uno de ellos). ($43∞). (¿Puedes adivinar lo que significa eso?). Buster Seven Talk 16:50, 29 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
La imagen n.° 2 muestra las cataratas en invierno, congeladas. Es la versión más impresionante, sin duda, pero hay otras tres alternativas que muestran un poco más de escala; la 2a y la 2b muestran turistas reales (que es de lo que habla el artículo): 2a 2b 2c petrarchan47 a las 20:23, 29 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
2b es absolutamente espectacular. Probablemente sea bastante inusual poder caminar detrás de una catarata congelada como esta y hay una razón geológica: la capa superior, la capa de piedra caliza, es más duradera, pero la capa que se encuentra debajo, la capa de arenisca de San Pedro que apenas está cementada en la roca, se erosiona muy fácilmente; de ahí esta pasarela. Petra, ¿has tenido suerte añadiendo fotos de Flickr? Yo seguro que no, e incluso he renunciado a mis propias fotos antiguas y a todo lo que no sean fotos recientes mías o de la Biblioteca del Congreso. Ha sido muy frustrante. Quizás tú o Atsme puedan ayudarme con ellas. En cualquier caso, creo que le enviaré un correo electrónico al propietario de esa foto y le pediré que participe en el concurso anual de fotografía de WP. Gandydancer (discusión) 14:51 30 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Quizás podríamos tener una sección especial para "Cataratas en invierno" donde puedas explicar lo que acabas de hacer y podríamos ampliar un poco más la temporada turística de invierno. Tienes razón, ¡las fotos son de otro mundo! Una sección especial justificaría el uso de varias fotos de invierno. También encontré una que muestra las cataratas congeladas y toda la zona desde arriba, con toneladas de turistas. Las vistas aéreas son muy enciclopédicas, en mi opinión.
Solía haber un bot de Flickr que lo hacía muy fácil. Le escribí al creador del bot para ver si tenía un bot nuevo (que funcionara)... todavía no he recibido respuesta. Esto me está dejando un poco ciego, pero siempre tenemos la Village Pump, donde podemos pedir ayuda. petrarchan47 a las 18:39, 30 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No pude conseguir suficiente texto para una sección que aún tuviera espacio para una sola foto, sin embargo, podríamos tener una sección de galería "especial" con "Cataratas en invierno". Se puede ver que las cataratas congeladas siempre han sido una atracción popular porque nuestro Commons tiene al menos una (o más, solo lo recuerdo...) tarjetas con vista estereoscópica de las cataratas congeladas.
En cuanto a la ayuda de alguien con fotos, buena suerte con eso. Me ha pasado dos veces que cuando agregué una nueva foto, la última vez fue en el artículo de Lake City, Colorado que creé (en su mayoría), no se eliminaron algunas de las fotos nuevas, sino que también eliminaron algunas de las antiguas. Puedes ver aquí, de mi artículo de Granite, Colorado , donde eliminaron tres más: [8]. He pasado horas y horas tratando de trabajar en ello y finalmente tuve que rendirme. Es realmente bastante desgarrador para mí. Una de ellas fue la escuela de una sola aula a la que fui, que fue tomada con mi cámara Brownie. Por cierto, teníamos uno de esos visores estereoscópicos en nuestra escuela; me pregunto qué le habrá pasado... Gandydancer (discusión) 20:56 31 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Eso es desgarrador, Gandy. ¿Has pensado en preguntarle a Taivo sobre las eliminaciones? Parece receptivo. Te dije que le escribí al creador del bot para las subidas a Flickr y que, de hecho, respondió. Ya no está activo aquí, así que no hay bot nuevo. También eliminé algunos archivos y fui a la editora de WP que lo hizo para pedirle consejo. Fue muy servicial después de que admitiera que no tenía ni idea en un 97 %. Si recuerdo quién era, tal vez también te pueda ayudar.
Me gusta la idea de una galería aparte que presente las cataratas de invierno. Tendremos que incluir tu explicación de alguna manera, ya que me ha ilustrado mucho. Aunque ya había leído sobre las diferentes capas de formación, no se me había ocurrido que esto es lo que hace que las cataratas congeladas sean tan únicas. petrarchan47 a las 00:31, 1 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Fotos de las cataratas
¡Éxito! petrarchan47 คุก 07:05, 1 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Y aquí hay una que acabo de encontrar en la Biblioteca del Congreso de 1908. ¡Guau! Hasta ahora solo he añadido una o dos de estas imágenes al artículo, ¡adelante! Mis dos centavos: me encantaría ver que se añadieran todas, pero creo que la imagen de abajo puede superar a la otra que tenemos del puente peatonal rústico (arriba) en términos de claridad. petrarchan47 คุก
Cambié de opinión, todos tienen un valor enciclopédico. Pero tengo que decir que la ilustración anterior de "Guía de destinos de verano" es mi favorita. petrarchan47 a las 09:27, 1 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡GUAU! Esto es simplemente genial. Voy a tener que pedirte que pruebes con algunos de los que no he podido importar en el pasado en un futuro. Ahora bien, ese es el puente que quería. Lo vi en el sitio de la Sociedad Histórica de Minnesota. Me parece un puente construido por la WPA... o podría ser el primero que construyeron y en el que pidieron un puente "rústico". En cualquier caso, es el que quiero usar en el artículo y también se puede incluir en una galería. ¡Gracias! Gandydancer (discusión) 20:56 1 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandydancer ... Echa un vistazo a [9]. Da a entender que la WPA sí funcionó en el PARK. Buster Seven Talk 17:40, 3 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Has visto la pequeña y ligeramente espeluznante figura en el medio del puente? La otra noche pensé que no sería gran cosa ver algunos programas de casas embrujadas en la televisión. Bueno, antes de esta inocente noche de visualización, me habría perdido esta figura o me habría parecido adorable. Ahora todo lo que puedo ver es un fantasma infantil espeluznante. ¡No puedo dejar de verlo! Nota para mí: no veas historias de fantasmas, aún no tienes la edad suficiente. petrarchan47 a las 22:06, 1 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petra, veo que las fotos de Flickr necesitan una revisión. A menos que conozcas a alguien más, te sugeriría a Anna Frodesiak, una administradora y revisora, y una de las personas más agradables que puedes encontrar. :) Gandydancer (discusión) 21:51 1 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me encantaría ayudarte a subirlo. Sí, cuando vi esto, supe que era lo que querías. Espectacular, ¿eh? La reseña no es gran cosa: las fotos tienen la licencia CC 2.0 adecuada y cualquier administrador lo verá fácilmente. El problema con Flickr es que el fotógrafo puede cambiar la licencia en cualquier momento, lo que lo convierte en un desafío para Commons. Pero por ahora, todas las fotos están seguras. petrarchan47 a las 22:03, 1 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
(observación no involucrada) @ Petrarchan47 : En realidad, si la licencia cambia en la imagen original de Flickr, la licencia Commons seguirá siendo válida ya que las licencias CC no son revocables. Además, @Gandy, me gustan las fotos y te deseo la mejor de las suertes en tu nominación para GA. Epic Genius ( discusión ) 22:52 4 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Epic Genius , gracias por tu interés y ayuda con el artículo. Me gustan los cambios que has hecho en la reorganización de las secciones, con la sección Historia en primer lugar; a veces, cuando se trabaja tanto en la información, uno puede perder de vista el bosque por los árboles. Un cambio resultó en un pequeño espacio en blanco en esa sección, pero lo voy a completar con más texto. Por ejemplo, con respecto al nuevo título del artículo, me pregunto si "Minnehaha Falls - Minnesota" sería mejor que Minneapolis. Gandydancer (discusión) 11:57 5 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad no importa, siempre y cuando el lector sepa dónde está el parque después de leer el título. Saludos, Epic Genius ( discusión ) 01:17 6 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por tu ayuda, Epic Genius. Por cierto, creo que probablemente elegiste el nombre de usuario más genial que haya elegido jamás un wikipedista. Buen trabajo. petrarchan47 คุก 04:36, 6 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No hay problema. Me alegra que a alguien le guste mi nombre de usuario ;-) Epic Genius ( discusión ) 17:26 6 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me gustan los cambios que has hecho en el artículo y en las imágenes, Gandy. Disfrútalo, petrarchan47 คุก 21:58, 2 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Aprecio mucho tu trabajo aquí, Petra. Una de las fotos que encontraste, la guía, es un folleto promocional de ferrocarriles que encontré y planeo escribir algunas palabras sobre él cuando el tiempo lo permita. [10] Además, la última foto, la busqué y busqué después de encontrarla en algún lugar (pero luego olvidé dónde), es realmente interesante porque las cataratas estaban secas cuando vinieron de visita y se abrieron hidrantes río arriba durante algunas horas para crear una cascada mientras visitaban. :D Así que lo incluiré. Además, encontré la historia de uno de los fotógrafos que hizo algunas de las tarjetas de vista estereoscópica y la agregaré. [11] Y finalmente, algunas palabras sobre el material que te trajo aquí por primera vez: el material en mi caja de arena. Gandydancer (discusión) 12:19 5 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Qué maravilla! ¿Quizás puedas dejar un enlace a tu sandbox aquí?
Definitivamente, es necesario agregar el detalle sobre la visita presidencial a una posible cascada seca. Sería un buen gancho para el "¿Sabías que...?"
Avísame cuando pueda ser de más ayuda. No sabía que habías respondido aquí. Copia esto: { { u|Petrarchan47 } } para enviar un mensaje, pero elimina los espacios. Además, dos notas: no dudes en desdoblar las imágenes. Quería limpiar un poco, aunque esta es tu casa, sentí como si hubiera dejado mis juguetes por todo el piso. En segundo lugar: tenía la intención de decirte desde hace un tiempo que, cuando edité el texto en ciertos lugares, fue solo porque tengo un problema grave de retención anal con respecto a las palabras repetidas (no comunes) dentro de la misma oración o incluso párrafo. No había nada malo con el texto, solo una peculiaridad personal. Debería haberte advertido sobre mis problemas de AR antes de ofrecerte ayuda. petrarchan47 คุก 04:33, 6 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petrarchan47 Me pareció que tus ediciones fueron excelentes y que hicieron que el artículo sonara mucho más profesional. Espero "contratarte" de nuevo y, de hecho, por favor, sigue revisando todo lo que agregue aquí. No te preocupes por las "peculiaridades personales" ni un minuto: si no me gusta algo, lo cambio. De hecho, trato de evitar repetirme y aprecio cuando alguien hace ese tipo de cambio en mi trabajo. En cuanto a todas las fotos, realmente disfruté mirándolas y pensé que podríamos eliminarlas después de un tiempo, así que lo que hiciste estuvo bien. Gandydancer (discusión) 14:12 6 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Muchas gracias por eso. Una nota rápida sobre los huskies (mi raza de perro favorita además de los border collies). Como lector, inconscientemente asumo que todo lo que hay en el artículo trata sobre el tema. Así que cuando miré la imagen, supuse que esta cima nevada con los perros en la foto fue tomada cerca de Duluth, probablemente en el evento de trineos tirados por perros. La foto no parece haber sido tomada en Duluth, por lo que es engañosa para el lector, si es que el lector es como yo. Tal vez una solución sería que el epígrafe indique que los huskies son la raza más común utilizada en las carreras de trineos tirados por perros y que la imagen no es de Duluth. Por cierto, Duluth es un sueño. Lo recuerdo de mis viajes por carretera de la infancia al norte de Wisconsin. petrarchan47 a las 19:07, 6 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Nunca dejas de impresionar. ¡Un gran hallazgo! ¡Nadie podría decir que estos tipos no disfrutan de su "trabajo"! Qué foto más tierna.
Financiación de la industria y redacción de fuentes por encargo
Hola Gandy, envié un mensaje a un grupo de personas para discutir lo anterior en MEDRS, pero no pude enviar un mensaje a todos los que quería, así que dejo notas en su lugar. En caso de que te interese, he abierto una discusión sobre la financiación de la industria a la investigación médica en Wikipedia talk:Identifying reliable source (medicine)#Industry funding and ghostwriting of source , con vistas a añadir algo a la guía. Saludos, Sarah (SV) (discusión) 22:21 30 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola Gandy
Gandydancer , si tienes la oportunidad, Art te dejó un par de mensajes en el artículo sobre el ébola y África occidental, yo también (pero los míos no son realmente importantes... gracias... Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 13:34, 31 de mayo de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Leo todos los días cada artículo y la página de discusión. No tengo ni el gusto ni el tiempo para ese tipo de cosas. Gandydancer (discusión) 20:28 31 may 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Acupuntura y canto tirolés
Vi su enlace al artículo de la OMS sobre acupuntura en la página de discusión de CorporateM. ¡No tenía idea! Muy bueno. Su página de usuario me llevó al artículo sobre el yodeling. ¡MUY buen artículo! No soy un fanático particular de la música occidental, pero recientemente completé un sitio web sobre las 100 mejores canciones occidentales de todos los tiempos, www.western100.com, que me puso en contacto con algunos yodelers. El yodeling todavía está presente en la comunidad musical occidental y hay premios anuales (?) para el "mejor yodeler", etc. Hay algunos buenos "yodelings de armonía" AQUÍ. Gracias por todo el buen trabajo. Lou Sander ( discusión ) 14:33, 3 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
La financiación de Green Peace y la industria ganadera
Hola Gandydancer, explica por qué eliminaste lo siguiente:
El documental de 2014, "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret"[70], sugiere que Greenpeace, que se negó constantemente a ser entrevistado sobre el tema de la agricultura animal para la película, estaba recibiendo fondos de la Animal Agriculture Alliance, uno de los grupos de presión de la industria de la carne más grandes de los EE. UU.[71]. En una entrevista en la película, Emily Meredith de la Animal Agriculture Alliance, se niega a negar la donación de dinero a Greenpeace y un manejador, que es claramente audible fuera de la pantalla, le ordena que no responda la pregunta. La película continúa citando un informe de Worldwatch de 2009[70] que afirma que los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) de la cría de ganado representan más del 51% de los GEI. Un informe más conservador de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) llamado "La larga sombra del ganado"[72] afirma que es el 18%. La película afirma que, asumiendo el número más bajo, la agricultura animal representaría más GEI que todas las formas de transporte en la Tierra[73], combinadas. La película continúa afirmando que reducir el consumo de productos animales sería una forma mucho más significativa de reducir el calentamiento global debido a los GEI que cualquiera de las recomendaciones dadas en la página de Acción Individual del sitio web de Greenpeace[71]. La página de Acción Individual de Greenpeace no recomienda reducir el consumo de productos animales. La afirmación de la película y la controversia resultante[74] es que Greenpeace puede estar ocultando deliberadamente la causa principal del cambio climático por miedo a perder tanto popularidad entre los partidarios como financiación, tanto de individuos como de poderosas asociaciones industriales.
Quizás lo mejor sea hablar en la página de discusión del artículo, donde dejé dos notas que decían que necesitarás RS para esta edición. Gandydancer (discusión) 04:26 4 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lista de deseos de fotografías
Petra, me gustaría tener esta foto para mi artículo sobre Duluth, Minnesota . [12] Es la llegada en 1928 del barco vikingo al puerto de Duluth (un pequeño barco con velas rayadas). Irá en la sección de Parques. Si te entusiasma mucho, la preciosa estación de tren de Duluth (antigua con techo azul... forma de torreta), ahora un museo, podría ir en la sección de arte. Además, nunca miré Flickr y solo usé nuestro Commons porque he tenido muy mala suerte con la importación de fotos, pero la carrera de trineos de John Beargrease y el águila de la sección de observación de aves de Skyline son genéricas porque sentí que una foto agrega mucho. ¡Si pudieras encontrar la verdadera McCoy, sería genial! Hay muchas otras fotos, por ejemplo, el jardín de rosas o la estatua vikinga, pero ya tengo el artículo bastante repleto de fotos. Duluth debería pagarme por ser un buen promotor del sector turístico, del que ahora dependen, ya que sus otras industrias ya desaparecieron hace tiempo. Por cierto, hace unos años Duluth ganó el premio al mejor lugar para visitar de la revista Outdoor y no tengo ninguna duda de que mi artículo tuvo mucho que ver con ello. Y, por supuesto, me encantó añadir su primer puesto al artículo... :D Gandydancer (discusión) 12:54 5 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Madre mía! Hay un montón de fotos de la carrera de trineos de John Beargrease, y muchas muy buenas. Es muy emocionante verlos llegar a Duluth. Un buen amigo y yo los vimos desde un bar rústico en las afueras de Duluth. Estaba oscuro y el sendero estaba iluminado y te aseguro que verlos salir de la oscuridad hacia las luces fue impresionante. Veo que tenemos un artículo sobre John Beargrease (vi más fotos de ese), pero no sobre la carrera de trineos. Deberíamos hacer uno. Además, hay un montón de buenas fotos de Hawk Ridge, pero tampoco hay ningún artículo y, de nuevo, deberíamos hacer uno. Podría ser un buen pequeño DYK, ¿no?
Petra y Buster, quiero ocultar esto aquí, pero ayer puse a Maya a dormir y estoy como aturdido. Les contaré más después, pero por ahora pueden ver una oleada de actividad de mi parte ya que evito pensar en ello. Cuando pienso en ello, como estoy ahora, casi me derrumbo de pena, así que no hablaré más de eso por ahora... solo para que lo sepan. Gandydancer (discusión) 15:30 5 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Mis oraciones... para aliviar tu dolor. Buster Seven Talk 16:13, 5 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
(Acabo de ver esta nota tuya) Lo siento mucho, Gandy. Es una mierda. Ojalá pudiera traerte té caliente. petrarchan47 a las 07:01, 6 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Muchas gracias a los dos. Petra, aprecio mucho la hermosa imagen. Gandydancer (discusión) 13:58 6 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Registrándose... ¿Cómo estás? petrarchan47 a las 00:55 , 20 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me disculpo si te ofendí. Solo lo dije porque muchos editores se centran en cosas controvertidas, lo que tiende a generar el tipo de frustración que sentí que estabas comunicando, mientras que la mayor parte del contenido que realmente necesitamos es sobre cosas más aburridas. De hecho, he revisado las fuentes para poder comentarlas con más atención. Considero que el texto del artículo actual es básicamente representativo de las tres o más fuentes que se utilizan. No fue solo la fuente de Earnst y las fuentes me parecen confiables. Sin embargo, he alentado que si se encuentran otras fuentes que sean igualmente confiables y presenten otros puntos de vista, entonces podemos incluir una gama más diversa de puntos de vista. CorporateM ( Discusión ) 22:00, 5 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Muy buen trabajo. Excepto por un pequeño cambio de formato en las notas al pie, que se puede hacer fácilmente con una herramienta automatizada, diría que está bien. Coretheapple ( discusión ) 21:05 12 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Coretheapple Sí, me olvidé por completo de comprobar las referencias existentes y las he revisado. ¿Están todas satisfactorias ahora? Gandydancer (discusión) 23:10 12 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, las URLs simples desaparecieron. Coretheapple ( discusión ) 13:59 13 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Coretheapple Sí, sería un buen libro de texto, aunque tengo muchas dudas... Si lo presento, ¿qué opinas de este libro? Además, ¿estarías dispuesto a hacer la reseña, ya que ya estás tan familiarizado con el artículo?
... ¿que más de 10.000 niños de la escuela trasladaron la primera casa (en la foto) construida en Minneapolis, Minnesota, a su ubicación actual en Minnehaha Park en 1896? Gandydancer (discusión) 17:06 14 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Podría sugerir que se agreguen algunas palabras que describan cómo se hizo: "... Que más de 10.000 escolares fueron utilizados para transportar... a pie..." O algo así. petrarchan47 a las 17:21, 14 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Página de Leap Motion: COI
Hola Gandydancer, no sé si me recuerdas, pero hace un tiempo colaboramos en la página de Leap Motion . Hice algunas sugerencias de revisión adicionales en la página de discusión usando la plantilla Edit:requests . Si tienes la oportunidad, me encantaría saber qué piensas.
— Alex Colgan , redactor jefe de Leap Motion, 23:34, 18 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Respaldos demócratas para 2016
Gracias por su apoyo. Ambos observadores neutrales han expresado su apoyo a que elimine esas citas. No estoy ocultando a quién apoyo. Apoyo al senador Sanders precisamente por incidentes como este. El comportamiento engañoso de los representantes de Clinton es un indicio de la propia Secretaria.
Quiero que todos los candidatos –Hillary, Sanders, O'Malley y Chaffee– se comporten honestamente. Sospecho que esto es imposible para un candidato en particular, y por eso estamos viendo esta manipulación. ¿Realmente pensaron que nadie se daría cuenta?
Los que hacen campaña por Clinton se quejan de mí, pero no voy a dar marcha atrás:
Al mismo tiempo que reconciliamos este acto de terrorismo doméstico, también debemos reconocer que la historia importa y, a la luz de esta historia de violencia, debemos dejar de lado la exhibición de la bandera confederada como símbolo no solo del pasado sino del peligro que representa para la gente en el presente. Robert Chase
Cuando visité el artículo sobre Charleston, Carolina del Sur , no se mencionaba el tiroteo del 17 de junio de 2015 ni, sorprendentemente, tampoco se mencionaba la histórica Iglesia Metodista Episcopal Africana Emanuel en la sección "Religión", lo cual fue bastante sorprendente. Edité el artículo sobre el tiroteo y volveré a mencionar a la iglesia (antes del terrorismo) cuando el tiempo lo permita. Espero que haya una respuesta negativa del editor y una "reacción violenta". Buster Seven Talk 16:10, 25 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Buster, ¿por casualidad viste el panegírico de Obama? Lo pondría a la altura de algunos de los discursos más profundos de la historia. Si te lo perdiste, estoy seguro de que lo encontrarás en alguna parte. Aunque podía leer entre líneas fácilmente y sólo voté por él por lo que significaría para la gente negra, todavía me resulta difícil aceptar lo mal que le fue, desde su primer secretario de agricultura, "Velsack" (olvidé el nombre exacto), hasta su actual proyecto de ley comercial, qué malditamente triste. (Además, voté por él porque significó mucho para mi hija Jane, que fue una de esas mujeres que trabajaron muy duro por él. Esas mujeres progresistas comunes y corrientes que lo hicieron electo. Lloró cuando ganó, y no es del tipo que llora. Resultó ser una gran experiencia de aprendizaje para ella cuando él la decepcionó, a medida que una a una la oportunidad de un cambio real se presentaba y se iba...) Además, ¿viste los documentales de Roosevelt en PBS? Yo los vi y los disfruté mucho.
Bernie Sanders "le está ganando a Clinton en las primeras encuestas"
Es oficial: Bernie Sanders ha superado a Hillary Clinton en los corazones y las mentes de los demócratas petrarchan47 a las 04:25, 26 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, no me sorprende. Pero, ¿te diste cuenta de que esto no se ha mencionado en ninguno de los programas de noticias de la noche? Un hombre muy peligroso, sin duda. Digamos, Petra, hablando de gente peligrosa, ¿te diste cuenta de que un cierto editor pagado, el que descaradamente anunciaba en su página de usuario lo bueno que era arreglando páginas de drogas en caso de demandas, de repente quitó su cartel? Me pregunto qué pasó... mis fotos recientes han sido borradas en su mayoría. Es muy desalentador para mí, especialmente porque la gente de los Comunes me llama descuidado e incluso deshonesto. He pasado por esto antes y simplemente dejé de intentar importar fotos, pero me animé cuando importaste algunas. Cuando dicen que haga esto o aquello, ni siquiera sé de qué diablos están hablando. Tal vez con el tiempo puedas ayudarme, ya que veo que las tuyas no fueron borradas. XXXOOO Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 00:39 27 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ya no puedo ver las noticias, es ridículo. No, no me sorprende en lo más mínimo que los medios corporativos no te den la historia completa. Me sorprendería más si recibieras la verdad a través de tu televisión.
Si hablamos de la misma persona, su identidad fue cambiada. The Way Back Machine captó algunas instantáneas de al menos una versión de su página de inicio y de su anuncio; puede que piense que se está escondiendo, pero estaría equivocado. Lo que más me inquieta es la persona que lo ayudó a cambiar de identidad.
No te desanimes por las fotos, te ayudaré. La gente detrás de Wikipedia y Commons son en su mayoría programadores informáticos que no tienen idea del verdadero significado de analfabeto informático. No se dan cuenta de que no están siendo útiles. Es un lenguaje diferente al de quienes no crecieron con computadoras. petrarchan47 a las 02:03, 27 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, eso es correcto sobre los editores de Commons. Simplemente está más allá de su comprensión que alguien realmente haya recibido sus últimas instrucciones "de computadora" cuando aprendió a escribir en una máquina de escribir Underwood. Uno de ellos incluso dijo que yo estaba obviamente mintiendo cuando dije que una foto de 1954 que tomé en mi caja Brownie fue tomada por mí. Siguiendo con el tema..., con respecto a ese "ex" editor, me resultó fácil encontrar su antiguo nombre de WP, el anterior al nombre anterior, pero ¿estás diciendo que has encontrado que tiene un nuevo nombre desde el nombre "anterior"? Gandydancer (discusión) 02:44 27 jun 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, señora. Y, por cierto, me acabas de hacer reír mucho. petrarchan47 a las 04:17, 27 de junio de 2015 (UTC) Para los acosadores que se dejan llevar por los tablones de anuncios, no he afirmado que se esté pagando a nadie. petrarchan47 a las 04:25, 27 de junio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
F98 una y otra y otra vez. petrarchan47 a las 21:47, 16 de enero de 2016 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Deberíamos tener una política contra el acoso sexual?
He iniciado una RFC aquí a petición de una editora que no quería hacerlo por sí misma, sobre si deberíamos tener una política de acoso sexual. Aunque podría afectar también a hombres, transexuales u otras personas, la aplicación más obvia sería para editoras, de las que tenemos tan pocas. Quería asegurarme de que tuviéramos una buena participación, con suerte de ambos sexos, y tú eres una de las pocas editoras que conozco que resultó ser mujer; pensé que quizás quisieras aportar tu granito de arena. CorporateM ( Discusión ) 19:37 16 jul 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
CorporateM , ¿por qué el editor no quiso hacerlo y te pidió que lo hicieras tú en su lugar? Gandydancer (discusión) 19:50 16 jul 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿No estás seguro de haber visto esto? MSNBC: Todos los candidatos principales son impopulares en dos estados clave, excepto Bernie Sanders Encuesta de CNN petrarchan47 a las 04:14 , 28 de julio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Y uno más por si no lo habéis visto. petrarchan47 a las 04:03, 30 julio 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Y otro más. petrarchan47 คุก 05:27, 30 de julio de 2015 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
petrarchan47 Sí, estoy al tanto de esto porque sigo muy de cerca su artículo. Petrar, me disgusta mucho tu último mensaje en la página de Core. En primer lugar, creo que estás equivocado, pero incluso si no lo estás, me parece muy inapropiado incluso insinuar que Jimbo es tan deshonesto que engañaría a la gente para su propio beneficio. En mi opinión, si crees que es algo tan importante que debe decirse, dilo en su página donde él pueda defenderse. Gandydancer (discusión) 15:18 31 jul 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
He intentado alertarlo en numerosas ocasiones, pero él ha ignorado y luego literalmente ha negado (en el caso de BP) haber oído hablar del problema. No tengo esperanzas de que responda, pero como no lo apruebas, lo eliminaré de la charla principal. Disfruta, petrarchan47 a las 15:32, 31 de julio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Muchas gracias petrarchan47 . Valoro tu amistad, eres mi mejor amigo aquí y significa mucho para mí que hayas seguido mi consejo. Ten en cuenta que Jimbo (como Obama, otro) puede ser ahora parte de una mentalidad que deforma las opiniones de uno. Le pasa a los mejores de nosotros. Me he resistido bastante a eso en mi vida, pero también me ha pasado a mí, en una situación interesante. Pasé cuatro meses en Esalen y solo después pude ver cómo afectaba a mi mentalidad. Te lo contaré cuando tenga tiempo. xxxooo Gandydancer (discusión) 13:22 1 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Eres único, Gandy. Me desharía en elogios... si esto fuera una comunicación privada. Sigo esperando que un día te canses de mí y me denuncies para siempre. Sigo sorprendiéndome por tu flexibilidad. ¡Debe ser Esalen! Espero con ansias tu historia :) petrarchan47 a las 00:25, 3 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias, Gandydancer . Pensé en añadir la idea. Me parece más sensato que el visitante venga a la enciclopedia para echarle un vistazo antes o después de leer el libro. ¡Saludos! — | Gareth Griffith-Jones | The Welsh Buzzard | — 11:33, 1 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola y gracias por la nota. No he vuelto a utilizar mi propia opinión, sino que, sabiendo el cuidado que requiere la creación de una FA, pensé que sería mejor no hacer un cambio de ese tipo sin discutirlo antes. Gandydancer (discusión) 13:11 1 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Has quitado del cuerpo la frase "supuestamente intenta huir", pero la misma frase sigue en el encabezamiento. No tengo idea de cómo resolverlo, ya que el encabezamiento está a nivel de resumen en lugar de detalle. ― Mandruss ☎ 12:48, 1 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por la nota. Viendo el avance, creo que se debe volver a hacer para incluir la controversia. ¿Quieres probarlo? Gandydancer (discusión) 13:08 1 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad, después de terminar mi primer café, creo que "supuestamente intentó huir" no es tan malo como título. La palabra supuestamente es una buena protección, y nadie discute que eso es así. Y no puedo pensar en una mejor manera de resumir de manera neutral. Ahora estoy a favor de dejarlo así y ver qué piensan los demás. ― Mandruss ☎ 13:23, 1 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ébola/África occidental
Gandydancer Creo que tienes razón y dejaré todas las ediciones con resúmenes. Te agradezco que me hayas informado sobre esto y me disculpo por cualquier malentendido...-- Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 14:54 3 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Como no eres administrador, dudo que puedas ver ejemplos de acoso sexual más allá de este nivel, a menos que te topes con ellos en los minutos que transcurren entre el momento en que suceden y el momento en que se eliminan. Como mucho, podrás ver que se pasaron por alto algunas ediciones. WhatamIdoing ( discusión ) 00:05 9 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
WhatamIdoing, gracias por la información, pero ahora estoy más confundido que nunca. Claro que veo casos bastante frecuentes de niños de doce años que hablan obscenamente. Simplemente los borro sin hacer comentarios y no los considero "acoso sexual". Te librarás de ese tipo de cosas cuando te deshagas de los niños de doce años, y no antes. Si tú y los demás se quejan de eso, es una pérdida de tiempo.
En cuanto a que todos los casos de acoso desaparecen tan rápido porque los administradores de alerta ya los han eliminado, bueno, por supuesto que me has pillado, ya que, como dices, no soy administrador. Supongo que estás hablando de direcciones IP, ¿verdad? Solo puedo decir que si realmente ya tenemos un sistema tan bueno en funcionamiento que el acoso sexual desaparece casi instantáneamente sin dejar rastro, ¿por qué todo el mundo pasa tanto tiempo discutiendo qué hacer al respecto? Gandydancer (discusión) 00:06 10 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Porque no son sólo IP.
Porque borrarlo cuando lo solicitas no cambia el hecho de que sucedió (incluso si el borrado ocurre lo suficientemente rápido como para que no se almacene en caché ni se refleje en ningún lugar, lo que lamentablemente no siempre es el caso).
Imagina este escenario simple: alguien te envía una amenaza a tu casa. En un caso, la carta llega, la lees y se queda allí. En el otro, llega, la lees, le pides a alguna autoridad competente (por ejemplo, al basurero, a la oficina de correos, a la policía) que la retire y ellos se llevan la carta. El hecho de que la hayan retirado no cambia realmente el hecho de que te enviaron una amenaza en primer lugar, ¿no? Aunque (casi) nadie más pueda verla ahora, aún sabes lo que había dentro y aún sabes que al remitente no le gustas y está dispuesto a hacerte daño, ¿verdad? WhatamIdoing ( discusión ) 20:39 10 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Qué hago si tú y otras editoras se sienten acosadas sexualmente por las habladurías de adolescentes o por niñas de doce años que hablan obscenamente? Creo que deberías aumentar tu nivel de tolerancia en lugar de escribir una nueva política. Si tú y otras editoras están siendo acosadas con amenazas de violencia sexual de las que yo no estoy al tanto porque no soy administradora, por supuesto que debes escribir una nueva política para corregir la situación. Con suerte, eso corregirá el acoso percibido y podremos continuar con la edición en lugar de una discusión interminable al respecto, y las mujeres de Wikipedia que se han estado quejando se sentirán seguras. Gandydancer (discusión) 13:08 12 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
El problema es que no se puede redactar una nueva política mientras la gente diga: "Bueno, personalmente nunca vi a nadie recibir amenazas de violación, o que sus páginas de usuario fueran reemplazadas con pornografía, o algo así, por lo que no debe ser un problema".
Conozco a un editor que no puede tener habilitado el correo electrónico debido a las constantes amenazas de violación. Conozco a otro cuyo historial de páginas de usuario es casi en su totalidad una serie de ediciones descuidadas. Conozco a otro que todavía está avergonzado por un incidente de vandalismo en su página de usuario que no se descubrió hasta tres días después. Tengo la página de usuario de un editor en mi lista de vigilancia únicamente porque un editor de otra wiki que estuvo baneado durante mucho tiempo viene aquí a escribir que el editor ama a los pedófilos y espera que violen a los niños, como una forma de venganza contra la prohibición de otra Wikipedia. Esto va mucho más allá de "niños de doce años hablando sucio" y llega a "alterar nuestra capacidad de escribir la enciclopedia". (Además, las víctimas no son sólo mujeres. Los hombres pueden ser más lentos a la hora de identificar sus experiencias como acoso sexual, pero dos de los cuatro ejemplos que menciono aquí son masculinos). WhatamIdoing ( discusión ) 00:44, 13 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
WhatamIdoing , estoy al tanto de que ha habido algunos incidentes de acoso grave y no hace falta decir que ciertas personas van a ser el blanco de quienes les tienen rencor. No creo que una nueva política contra el acoso sexual sirva de ayuda, pero, por supuesto, si otros entienden estas cosas mejor que yo, por favor, escriban una.
Pero si resulta que su nueva política no ayuda a que las mujeres (y los hombres) de Wikipedia se sientan seguros, espero que al menos no genere más daño. En mi opinión, el hecho de que en los medios se hable de Wikipedia como un semillero de acoso sexual es el resultado de unos pocos incidentes que se han exagerado para que parezca que el acoso es algo habitual aquí. Pero en mi experiencia con WP, los hombres de aquí han sido inusualmente sensibles a los problemas de las mujeres en lugar de, como dijo una mujer, como perros machos que mean en la valla y asustan a las mujeres. Por supuesto, no soy administrador, así que mi opinión es bastante limitada según usted. Gandydancer (discusión) 01:02 14 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Esta es una enciclopedia que cualquiera puede editar, por lo que es ingenuo pensar que una política impediría que algunos editores se comporten de la manera que describes. Los editores no leen las políticas antes de hacer lo que hacen. Estoy de acuerdo con Gandydancer y añadiría que no entiendo por qué la WMF no interviene para solucionar los problemas que has descrito, porque una política ciertamente no lo hará. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 11:36 14 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
J3Mrs , ¿sabes que su primer paso será deshacerse de Eric Corbett ? Gandydancer (discusión) 05:15 16 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Espero que no sea así. Eric no ha hecho ninguna de las cosas descritas anteriormente. No lo he visto acosar a nadie, aunque se podría argumentar que ha sido acosado. He recibido más ayuda y aliento de Eric que de cualquier otra persona. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 08:06 16 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
J3Mrs , lo que has visto con tus propios ojos aparentemente no tiene sentido. No somos administradores y, como tales, no tenemos acceso a algún tipo de actividades secretas que nos han impedido ver el acoso sexual que está tan extendido aquí que las editoras encuentran imposible editar y se están yendo en masa. Además, al leer lo anterior, ten en cuenta que si te niegas a creerlo, sin haberlo visto, por supuesto, eres parte del problema porque estás impidiendo que WP tome medidas para ponerle fin. Por otro lado, todo esto podría ser un ejemplo perfecto de mentalidad de turba. Todos tenemos derecho a nuestra opinión, sin importar lo jodida que pueda ser, pero solo espero que salgamos de esto sin causar demasiado daño a WP porque realmente amo este lugar. Gandydancer (discusión) 23:32 16 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
A todos se nos pide que demos por sentado que existe acoso sexual en Wikipedia, pero yo nunca lo he visto y no lo toleraría si lo viera. Lo que sí he visto es que algunas mujeres interpretan el desacuerdo como acoso, en particular entre los miembros de un grupo al que tengo prohibido incluso mencionar. Eric Corbett 04:26, 17 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Seguiré siendo parte del problema porque no tengo intención de que los administradores que pasan su tiempo intentando reeducar a la gentuza para que adopte su punto de vista políticamente correcto me obliguen a cambiar de opinión. (No es que considere que tú o Eric seáis gentuza, pero ya me entiendes) J3Mrs ( discusión ) 17:05 17 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sólo puedo decir que las mujeres que han trabajado tan duro para llevarnos a un momento en que las mujeres tengan igualdad política, económica y social se entristecerían al ver lo que ha estado sucediendo aquí bajo el pretexto de promover a las mujeres. Lo que tenemos aquí es un pequeño grupo de feministas radicales enojadas que promueven su agenda y, debido a la ignorancia general, hasta ahora han tenido bastante éxito en ello. Cuando logren escribir esta nueva política sobre acoso sexual habrán ganado, pero ese no será el final porque no están aquí para ayudar a construir la enciclopedia, están aquí (con pocas excepciones) para seguir y seguir hablando sobre la victimización de las mujeres. Las feministas radicales tienen todo el derecho de expresar sus quejas en blogs y otros sitios de medios sociales, pero creo que debemos ponerle fin a esto aquí. Voy a incluir esta larga cita de esta publicación del blog: [13]
"Irónicamente, esta nueva forma de feminismo de víctimas infantiliza a las mujeres al negar su capacidad de acción personal (haciendo que los hombres sean 100% responsables de lo que sucede tras puertas cerradas), disminuye a las mujeres al insistir en que quienes no reconocen su opresión sufren de conciencia patriarcal y requieren una reeducación forzada, y niega la individualidad y la inteligencia de las mujeres al establecer un dogma obligatorio que exige una aceptación acrítica".
"Por supuesto, también disminuye, desestima y demoniza a los hombres, creando así dos clases basadas en el sexo biológico, siendo las mujeres los seres superiores (que sin embargo requieren una amplia protección gubernamental)".
Gandydancer (discusión) 19:13 17 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
[Advertencia: comentario aleatorio, sin relación con el tema] El hecho de que haya "feministas radicales enfadadas" es probablemente lo que me ha alejado del movimiento durante toda mi vida. Además, al menos en mi opinión, centrarse en un problema solo lo exacerba. Nunca me he encontrado con lo que yo describiría como sexismo en WP, aunque es un hecho en nuestra sociedad, incluida WP, que las voces de los hombres tienen más peso que las de las mujeres. Cuando abrí una cuenta aquí por primera vez, usé mi nombre real y otra usuaria me advirtió de inmediato que eso era un gran error. De hecho, me mantuve en secreto durante años y estoy segura de que la gente me tomó por un hombre (ese era mi objetivo). Una vez que se supo que soy mujer, el hecho se ha mencionado un par de veces en discusiones y se ha utilizado sutilmente en mi contra. Si bien WP no tiene un problema escandaloso de ninguna manera, no está exento de la creencia generalizada entre los humanos de que los hombres son intelectualmente superiores a las mujeres. Pero esto no es algo que se pueda cambiar con un proyecto de WP, o quejándose de ello, por lo que no me he sentido atraído por el "grupo de trabajo de género", por ejemplo. petrarchan47 a las 02:15, 18 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por participar, Petra. Sí, mi experiencia ha sido más o menos similar a la tuya. En cuanto al movimiento feminista en general, tengo la edad suficiente para haberlo vivido y estoy muy, muy agradecida a las mujeres valientes que pusieron en marcha el movimiento en los años 60. Gandydancer (discusión) 01:40 19 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Pssst Petra, como no has seguido toda esta mierda probablemente no lo sepas, pero de lo que se trata realmente es de que Eric llamó a Jimbo (y a otro tipo que no recuerdo) maricón. Supuestamente como resultado, las mujeres se han ido en masa y ahora tienen tanto miedo del acoso sexual que necesitamos escribir una nueva política de acoso sexual. En cuanto a mí, he estado pensando oh, por el maldito amor de Dios, ¿no podemos simplemente divertirnos un poco por aquí? Este es un gran lugar. ¿Dónde más podrías encontrar un artículo sobre United Breaks Guitars ? Escúchalo: [14]. ¡Me encanta esta canción! Gandydancer (discusión) 16:56 19 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Para ser preciso, llamé a Jimbo "un cabrón deshonesto"; no tengo ni idea de cómo encaja eso en el léxico feminista. Tampoco recuerdo quién era el otro tipo, creo que algún administrador, pero fue hace mucho tiempo. [ h[Usuario:Eric Corbett| Eric ]] Corbett 19:46, 19 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, Eric , puedo decirte esto : es cierto que en Estados Unidos, coño es la palabra más sucia que existe. No tenía ni idea de que en el Reino Unido no se consideraba así. En mi círculo de amigas, tal vez llamaríamos coño a alguien como Margaret Thatcher. Por otro lado, parece que aquí está bien llamar a alguien idiota, algo que se usa para lavar esos coños sucios. Jon Stewart lo hace todo el tiempo. Me gustaría que eso terminara. Luego está el término pene o cabeza de pene. Aquí tiene poco o ningún impacto emocional. Está más o menos al mismo nivel que gilipollas. Yo diría que un "idiota" es peor que un pene o un gilipollas porque sugiere que la persona no solo es un idiota, sino un idiota perverso. Algo así. En cuanto a llamar a Jimbo un idiota deshonesto, dudo que encuentres mucho desacuerdo con Petra al respecto. :P Gandydancer (discusión) 03:46 21 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, Eric estaba diciendo la verdad. Probablemente no hubiera usado la palabra "coño", pero es solo porque no tengo los cojones (jajaja). Me encanta la palabra cuando se usa correctamente, como claramente hizo Eric. Es difícil imaginar que las mujeres abandonen WP debido a eso; no sé qué hacer. Hay muchas razones para retirarse, pero ¿un tipo que usa la palabra con "c"? No lo entiendo. petrarchan47 a las 04:49, 27 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Querida Petra, eres una bocanada de aire fresco en este lugar. Tu honestidad y tu voluntad de decir la verdad siempre me ayudan a levantar el ánimo. xxxooo Gandydancer (discusión) 19:11 27 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Vaya, lo mismo digo, cariño. En serio. Ojalá lo supieras. xxxoooo petrarchan47 a las 04:24, 29 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por tus ediciones aBernie Sanders
Ciudad de Leadville
Hola, gracias por tus modificaciones a Leadville. Pregunta: Estuve en Leadville la segunda semana de agosto y no pude encontrar la casa Tabor. ¿Estás seguro de que todavía está allí? Por eso no la incluí. Tal vez me la perdí... había algunos lotes vacíos donde pensé que debería estar...? Gracias, Steven C. Price 13:55, 24 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) — Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Steven C. Price ( discusión • contribuciones )
Hola Steve. Disfruté de nuestra pequeña juerga de "Dueling Edits" allí :). Han pasado muchos años desde que estuve en Leadville, pero fui a la escuela en Granite , 17 millas al sur. Me deslicé por la colina sobre cartón antes de que se inventaran los trineos de plástico, me balanceé en la cuerda del asta de la bandera en la ladera de la colina antes de que se supiera que no se debe permitir que los niños hagan cosas peligrosas, e incluí que mi hermana Judy ganó el concurso de ortografía del condado en el artículo de Granite porque nadie lo lee y yo pude salirme con la mía. ¡Oh, qué poderes maravillosos poseemos los editores!
Bueno, parece que la casa de Tabor todavía está en pie y ahora es un museo. Vea este artículo que encontré: [ http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_28681508/endurance-races-define-leadville-town-looks-new-path] Su trabajo sobre los aspectos históricos de Leadville ha despertado mi interés en mi trabajo sobre mis artículos de Colorado. Hace tiempo que planeo trabajar en el palacio de hielo de Leadville y voy a empezar con eso, para empezar. Mi último trabajo fue en los artículos de Lake City, Colorado , Saguache, Colorado y The Saguache Crescent , que era un DYK. El palacio de hielo de Leadville también sería un gran DYK, ¿no cree? Gandydancer (discusión) 19:51 24 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Oye, ¿te puedes creer que me hospedé en el hotel Tabor? Vivimos cerca del nivel del mar y el aire nos pareció un poco "fino". Esto me ha recordado unas vacaciones fantásticas de hace unos años. :) J3Mrs ( discusión ) 20:16 24 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
J3Mrs, ¿podrías echarle un vistazo al artículo sobre Leadville en lo que respecta al diseño? Sé que has trabajado mucho en pueblos pequeños (al menos creo que sí) en el Reino Unido, y el artículo sobre Leadville me parece muy confuso y difícil de navegar. Me gustaría mejorar esa página, pero no estoy seguro de por dónde empezar. ¿Alguna idea?
Además, Steven C. Price , ¿te importaría si incluyera la dirección y la fecha en las descripciones de las fotos y eliminara esas dos columnas (casi vacías) del artículo Historic Leadville? Gandydancer (discusión) 16:08 26 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandydancer, gracias por tus comentarios y por el artículo tan interesante. Sigo sin estar convencido de que el Museo de la Casa Tabor todavía esté allí, a menos que lo hayan trasladado de la calle 5. Solo busqué y busqué y no pude encontrarlo. Creo que llamaré al Centro de Visitantes y veré qué dicen. No tengo ningún problema si incluyes la dirección y las fechas de construcción en las fotos. Además, la foto de la Casa Tabor es realmente pésima, pero podría arreglarla en Photoshop y volver a publicarla (necesita un ajuste de color urgente). Pero eso puede causar un problema de derechos de autor. ¿Qué debo hacer para cumplir con la Wiki? Fuimos de excursión al monte Huron y nos dirigimos al oeste, justo al sur de Granite, creo. ¡Ahora desearía haber prestado más atención a la ciudad! Saludos, Steven C. Price 17:42, 26 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) — Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Steven C. Price ( discusión • contribuciones )
Eso es muy interesante, Steve . En realidad, llamé y le dejé un mensaje al chico mencionado en el artículo, pero no me devolvió la llamada. Tenía la esperanza de hablar con él porque también quería mencionar Duluth, Minnesota , una ciudad que enfrentó una crisis financiera similar a la de Leadville cuando cerraron sus fábricas de hierro y su industria naviera. Cambiar a una atracción turística funcionó muy bien para Duluth y su industria turística ha hecho un buen trabajo de rescate para mantener la economía a flote. Por cierto, yo soy el que cambió el artículo de Duluth de unas pocas menciones de sus atracciones a lo que es ahora: una maravillosa guía de viajes que te hace querer hacer las maletas y dirigirte a Duluth. Bueno... admitiré sin vergüenza que sonrío amablemente a los lugares que habitan en mi corazón, y el norte de Minnesota, el lugar de nacimiento de mi madre, es uno de esos lugares (el otro es Colorado, el lugar de nacimiento de mi padre).
Steve, estoy tratando de averiguar tu ruta. Si tomaras la ruta de la autopista al norte de Granite (en Twin Lakes), eso te llevaría a Aspen. Pero dices que al sur y probablemente no encontrarías una ruta hacia el oeste hasta que llegaste a Buena Vista o Salida. Mencionaste el monte Huron, ¿quizás hiciste senderismo en el área silvestre de Collegiate Peaks ? Al mirar ese artículo, hay una mención de cabañas a ambos lados de Pine Creek. Esas serían las cabañas de Dave Jaradine y/o Henry LittleJohn que menciono en el artículo de Granite. Cuando era niña, de hecho, viví en una de las cabañas de Pine Creek mientras mi padre hacía habitable otra cabaña que estaba cerca. Luego vivimos en esa cabaña y estaba justo al lado de aquí [15]; mi hermana y yo la llamábamos "El lugar bonito", pero hoy los kayakistas la conocen como "Los rápidos de Pine Creek".
Steve, echa un vistazo a la página de discusión de Leadville. Veo que sabes cómo trabajar con imágenes: ¿sabes cómo oscurecer la imagen de las vistas estereoscópicas de Jackson? Por cierto, tus fotos son simplemente fabulosas. Somos muy afortunados de tener gente como tú. (Más adelante... si no te he cansado ya con mis trivialidades). Gandydancer (discusión) 04:42 27 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, leí el artículo. Tiene mucha información, pero necesita una buena edición. Le faltan detalles sobre geografía y geología, y la lista de personajes notables debería incorporarse al texto o redactarse en prosa. No sé qué pensar de la sección de cultura popular. Intenté buscar algunos libros, pero ninguno tenía vistas previas. Podría hacer una pequeña edición, pero no hasta esta tarde o mañana. Hay mucho que hacer aquí en este momento. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 09:45, 27 de agosto de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Leí un párrafo. ¿Qué opinas? J3Mrs ( discusión ) 17:48 27 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, lo que creo es que me gustaría bajar y besar el suelo que pisas, señorita. Por favor, sigue haciendo tu magia. No escribo muy bien (parece que me falta esa parte del cerebro), pero soy muy buena criticando y apreciando lo que escriben los demás. Me sentiré libre de comentar lo que sea necesario... Escribí una nueva sección de geografía, por favor, dame tu opinión. Además, con respecto a la geología de Leadville, esa es una de mis grandes pasiones, la geología. Si las mujeres se hubieran liberado cuando elegí una carrera, liberadas hasta el punto de darse cuenta de que una "educación superior" no significa aprender a ser enfermera o maestra, yo habría sido geóloga. Fantaseo con estar en una excursión de geología con otros geólogos y observar un anticlinal en particular (o lo que sea) y ser la única que señale correctamente... lo que sea. :D Pero el destino quiso que me convirtiera en enfermera y mi comprensión de la geología se limita a lo que he podido aprender como pasatiempo. He podido añadir secciones de geología a varios artículos en los que he trabajado, pero cuando se trata de Leadville, la geología es tan complicada que apenas la entiendo, y mucho menos intento simplificarla. Hay una sección de geología en el artículo sobre el distrito minero de Leadville. He intentado trabajar con ella y no he tenido ningún éxito, así que probablemente sea mejor dejarlo así. Gandydancer (discusión) 19:04 27 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Aprendí a corregir textos viendo a Eric ordenar mis primeros trabajos, y sin duda podría mejorarlos aún más. Noté que la sección de Geografía había aumentado de tamaño, pero primero trabajaré en la historia. Lo que está mal es que hay partes repetidas y he eliminado muchos comentarios. Uno de mis intereses es la arqueología industrial, de ahí las minas de carbón y las fábricas de algodón. Nos encantó Colorado, he estado dos veces. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 19:54 27 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, se repite... Acabo de leer la sección y eres increíblemente valiente al aceptarlo. Diré esto: al leer este libro electrónico gratuito publicado en 1879 [16], dudo que, por increíble que parezca cualquier información, lo más probable es que sea cierta, con información aún más improbable que nunca se registró. Estaba pensando en cuando era niña y teníamos una atracción turística en nuestra casa, justo al sur de Granite. Cuando papá se fue, mi hermana y yo teníamos que encargarnos del negocio y llevar a los turistas al sitio de lavado de oro, enseñarles cómo hacerlo y luego terminar sus bateas para ellos, lo que significa deshacerse de la mayor parte de la "arena negra" y obtener una pequeña cantidad con, digamos, 20 partículas de oro en un frasco diminuto. Es bastante complicado, pero ya sabes lo rápido que los niños se dan cuenta: para nosotros era muy fácil hacerlo. Probablemente soy la única persona viva hoy en día en los EE. UU. que alguna vez hizo algo así cuando era niña. Gandydancer (discusión) 20:12 27 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me voy a ir a dormir, pero no me doy por vencida. Estoy segura de que se puede arreglar. Echaré un vistazo al libro electrónico. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 20:22 27 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Creo que ya casi termino con la historia, pero me parece que falta un párrafo sobre la llegada de los ferrocarriles. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 12:31 28 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
He estado buscando referencias, pero no hay muchas. Si no lo has visto, esto es fascinante, pero no sé cómo citarlo. Hay mucha información sobre la historia antigua. Voy a estar muy impreciso por un tiempo, pero haré lo que pueda. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 20:05 29 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, una fuente geológica muy interesante. No deja de sorprenderme lo mucho que se sabía sobre geología incluso en aquella época, cuando tenían que viajar a caballo para ver la disposición del terreno y no había cortes en la carretera, etc., para mirar tampoco y ver sobre qué estaban caminando.
En cuanto a las pintorescas figuras del pasado, ¿qué te parecería sacarlas de la sección de historia para crear una sección propia? Las tres "personas notables" (Molly, Sally y la tercera) podrían ir allí, además de las otras que tenemos en la historia. Además, esto es bastante divertido. Ya sabes, en los primeros tiempos, este país quería demostrar a la Madre Patria que nosotros también éramos cultos y no solo salvajes incultos en una nueva tierra (también se esconden detrás de las bodas de novias con nobles ingleses, como en Downton Abby). Pero esa idea no se les escapó a los satíricos de la época. Puedes leer sobre Oscar Wilde aquí:
El esteticismo estaba lo suficientemente en boga como para ser caricaturizado por Gilbert y Sullivan en Patience (1881). Richard D'Oyly Carte , un empresario inglés, invitó a Wilde a realizar una gira de conferencias por América del Norte, lo que a la vez preparó el terreno para la gira estadounidense de Patience y vendió a este encantador esteta al público estadounidense. Wilde viajó en el SS Arizona , que llegó el 2 de enero de 1882 y desembarcó al día siguiente. Se dice que Wilde le dijo a un oficial de aduanas: "No tengo nada que declarar excepto mi genio", aunque la primera grabación de esta observación fue muchos años después, y las mejores líneas de Wilde a menudo se citaban inmediatamente en la prensa. Originalmente planeado para durar cuatro meses, continuó durante casi un año debido al éxito comercial. Wilde trató de trasladar la belleza que veía en el arte a la vida cotidiana. Este era un proyecto práctico y filosófico: en Oxford se había rodeado de porcelana azul y lirios, y ahora una de sus conferencias era sobre diseño de interiores. Cuando se le pidió que explicara los informes que decían que había desfilado por Piccadilly en Londres con un lirio y el pelo largo suelto, Wilde respondió: "Lo importante no es si lo hice o no, sino si la gente creyó que lo hice". Wilde creía que el artista debía defender ideales más elevados y que el placer y la belleza reemplazarían a la ética utilitarista.
Al leer un informe de noticias locales de lo que parece ser una fuente de noticias de Kansas, encuentro esto: [17] Creo que voy a convertir esta información en un párrafo propio: el humor es demasiado bueno como para dejarlo pasar.
Observo esta mañana que has cambiado las secciones que agregué y has dejado una nota en la página de discusión.
Hay muchas cosas de las que me gustaría hablar contigo. También me gustaría saber más sobre tu propia historia e intereses. Sin embargo, escribir todo es muy tedioso. Una vez más, es muy bueno trabajar contigo en el artículo. Además, quiero volver al artículo sobre el acoso y dejar una nota final. Te lo digo, J3, el grado de extrañeza mental que uno encuentra nunca deja de sorprenderme. Aunque diré que, si bien por un lado lamento el día en que me metí en ese lío, realmente he aprendido mucho sobre dónde se encuentran algunas áreas del feminismo hoy en día y realmente lamento verlo. Parece que estamos presenciando una cruzada para limpiar Wikipedia y cada vez que hay una cruzada en marcha, sabes que va a haber una falta de pensamiento claro. Debemos creer que el acoso sexual está descontrolado, pero solo unos pocos seleccionados que poseen una comprensión superior son capaces de verlo. Por eso, necesitamos contratar a una persona externa para que lo encuentre, lo etiquete y le señale a los tontos como tú y como yo que hablar de cerveza alemana es acoso sexual. Y que nos castigue si no lo entendemos. ¡Y mientras tanto, incluso el propio estudio de Wikipedia descubrió que muy pocas mujeres informaron sentirse acosadas sexualmente! Por ahora, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 17:26 30 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Los notables podrían ser mencionados en la historia, es invariablemente mejor que una lista. Mis intereses se centran principalmente en los artículos que he editado y creado sobre la zona industrial pasada de moda de la que vengo. Intento no revelar demasiado sobre mí aquí, pero diré que no conozco a nadie como los cruzados aquí. Abriré mi correo electrónico si lo deseas. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 19:11 31 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
J3Mrs, muchas gracias por tus excelentes mejoras en mis ediciones. Simplemente no tengo el don de escribir bien, y lo sé. Planeo trabajar en los dos puntos destacados restantes, el Palacio de Hielo (con una foto), el transporte inicial (escenario y ferrocarril) y cualquier otra cosa que me encuentre. También es necesario mencionar el Lago Turquesa... Tal vez el Paso Tennessee (¿o es el Paso Independencia?) y el Monte Holy Cross, ya veré... Gandydancer (discusión) 20:38 4 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por cierto, J3, hace poco Ken Burns dijo algo durante una entrevista sobre la retransmisión de su serie "The Civil War" cuando le preguntaron si a la gente de hoy, a la gente de esta era de fragmentos de información breves, realmente le importa su larguísima historia de la guerra civil. Dijo "Sí, le importa", porque la gente de hoy también busca "significado" en toda esta información, y su documental lo hizo. Me gustaría pensar que estamos haciendo lo mismo aquí en Wikipedia cuando escribimos nuestros artículos. Extraemos información de aquí y de allá -incluyendo algunos de nuestros propios artículos- y la juntamos para producir una porción significativa de información sobre nuestro mundo. Gandydancer (discusión) 21:20 4 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Eres muy bueno recopilando información. Creo que los artículos sobre asentamientos son bastante difíciles. Encontré un artículo de periódico que describe la situación económica actual, lo que sería una adición útil. No estoy seguro de qué sitios de EE. UU. son fuentes confiables, ya que nunca antes me aventuré a leer un artículo de EE. UU. Sigo queriendo cambiar la ortografía. Creo que la enciclopedia es un gran lugar para poner información sobre lugares que de otra manera sería difícil de encontrar. Llegué a Wikipedia buscando información y como no estaba allí, decidí buscarla y escribirla... y luego seguí adelante. J3Mrs ( discusión ) 15:30 8 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandy, gracias por el viaje al pasado. Me traes recuerdos muy bonitos de mediados de los años 50, cuando (mamá, papá y hermano mayor) nos fuimos de vacaciones a Estes Park durante varios años seguidos. En algún lugar de un pequeño motel de carretera junto al río Big Thompson en la carretera 34. A mi hermano mayor y a mí (él tenía unos 10 años, yo 7) nos encantaba pasar el día entero retozando en las aguas poco profundas mientras mi papá pescaba con mosca río arriba. Vivíamos en Chicago, pero a mi mamá le encantaba el Oeste. Leadville siempre estaba en su lista de lugares para volver a visitar. Buster Seven Talk 19:23, 8 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
[18] Ozzie ha expresado a menudo su agradecimiento por la ayuda con el inglés, por lo que prefiero asumir la buena fe, ya sea que mantengamos o no la "a". Art LaPella ( discusión ) 17:44 31 ago 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Esto no era apropiado para una página de discusión de un artículo. En cualquier caso, dejaste de confiar en mí hace mucho tiempo; en marzo, tergiversaste espectacularmente mis palabras después de que yo había intentado de buena fe responder a tus inquietudes y me había tomado el tiempo de describir en detalle lo que sucedió en mi discusión con el supervisor de WT:COI, que fue mucho más allá de lo que se le exige a cualquiera en WP, sobre algo que ya estaba mucho más allá de lo que cualquier otra persona aquí hace. Mi respuesta a eso estaba aquí.
Lo que no escribí ahí es que tu publicación en ANI me dolió, en varios niveles.
Esa es una de las peores cosas que alguien me ha hecho jamás en Wikipedia, y he pasado por muchas cosas malas aquí.
Pero también me ha dejado claro de qué lado estás realmente con respecto a mí. Por eso tu comentario de hoy no me sorprende. Dos cosas:
Por favor, mantenga los comentarios en las páginas de discusión de los artículos centrados en el contenido, no en los colaboradores.
En segundo lugar, quiero que sepas que desde marzo me he mantenido muy alejado de ti. No quiero trabajar con editores que reaccionen hacia mí con tanta mala fe y tergiversación dramática. Jytdog ( discusión ) 14:08 7 septiembre 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me he dado cuenta de que no tuviste ningún problema con mi comentario en la página de discusión de los casos legales de Monsanto cuando dije que, en mi experiencia, no me habías dado motivos para dudar de tu palabra. Fue sólo después de que enmendé mi declaración que decidiste que mi opinión era algún tipo de violación de WP. Además, si dejé de confiar en ti "hace mucho tiempo", ¿por qué te habría defendido en primer lugar? Mi defensa de tu edición en la página de discusión de ese artículo muestra claramente que eso es incorrecto. El hecho es que cuando noté tu error de edición en la página de discusión de Alachlor , todavía estaba dispuesto a darte el beneficio de la duda, ya que todos cometemos errores de vez en cuando. Pero llamar a mi acción "una buena captura" cuando todo lo que tenía que hacer era leer la primera oración de la fuente y luego excusarte diciendo que generalmente no lees la primera oración del material fuente fue un insulto tan grande a mi inteligencia que no estaba dispuesto a pasarlo por alto. Y, como te había defendido ante editores más nuevos desde la posición de alguien que te conocía lo suficiente como para hablar con autoridad, sentí que necesitaba decir públicamente que había perdido esa fe en tu edición. Y, por cierto, para que digas "Por favor, mantén los comentarios en las páginas de discusión de artículos centrados en el contenido, no en los colaboradores" mientras haces comentarios despectivos sobre los colaboradores como "Realmente aún no entiendes cómo funciona Wikipedia" (como le dijiste a user:SageRad , como solo uno de los muchos ejemplos), no me parece que debas ser tú quien dé consejos a otros editores.
Ahora, en cuanto a hacer una de las peores cosas que alguien le ha hecho jamás aquí: si bien usted ha acusado a User:Buster7 , user:Binksternet , user:Coretheapple , user:Petrarchan47 y a mí de formar una banda para sesgar el artículo de BP , yo nunca le he acusado de hacer nada . Como ambos estamos de acuerdo, le han preguntado repetidamente sobre un posible conflicto de intereses con Monsanto, lo que no sorprende en absoluto cuando uno se entera de que usted es, con diferencia, el principal colaborador de casi todos los artículos relacionados con Monsanto, y usted y otros han dicho repetidamente que la investigación de WP demostró que no tienen un conflicto de intereses con Monsanto. Si observa las diferencias que ha proporcionado, notará que mis comentarios están relacionados con el aparente método de Wikipedia para demostrar que no existe ningún conflicto de intereses si todo lo que consisten es en un correo electrónico para hablar de la vida y el trabajo de un editor. Según sus palabras:
"Por correo electrónico con un supervisor, le conté mi verdadera identidad y lo que hago para ganarme la vida, mi historia de vida y mi historial laboral, y tuvimos una conversación al respecto. El supervisor con el que envié el correo electrónico evaluó todo eso y no encontró ningún conflicto de intereses relacionado con la biotecnología agrícola. No mencioné editar a cambio de dinero, ya que nunca lo he hecho. No me preguntaron si edito a cambio de dinero y no hablamos de eso".
No me parece en absoluto descabellado preguntarme qué tipo de investigación puede demostrar que no existe un conflicto de intereses cuando la cuestión ni siquiera se planteó y está claro que mi preocupación es el proceso de investigación, no si realmente existe o no un conflicto de intereses. Está claro que no soy yo quien debe tergiversar las palabras aquí: eres tú quien lo hace. Gandydancer (discusión) 19:07 7 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
He escrito varias veces que nunca he editado a cambio de dinero y lo diré de nuevo: nunca he editado a cambio de dinero. Parece que lo único que te satisfaría sería una auditoría financiera. Esta es la última nota que dejaré en tu página de Discusión, fuera de los avisos oficiales, que espero no tener que traer nunca. Jytdog ( discusión ) 20:09 7 sep 2015 (UTC) (striking, trying a little more Jytdog ( discusión ) 14:48 10 sep 2015 (UTC)) [ responder ]
Vale, entonces aléjate. No hay ninguna razón para que vengas a mi página de discusión con el objetivo de hacer creer a los editores que la leen que te he acusado de ser un editor pagado cuando ambos sabemos muy bien que nunca lo he hecho. Gandydancer (discusión) 12:58 8 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, señorita Gandy, no estoy del todo seguro de cómo funciona ArbCom, pero ahora mismo el comité está considerando un caso relacionado con el conjunto de OGM. Podría plantearme preguntarle si puedo citarla en algún momento, ya que quienes trabajamos juntos en la página de BP tenemos probablemente la historia más extensa con este caso. Usted fue la primera que nos señaló a todos nosotros la gran cantidad de ediciones que se están haciendo en los artículos sobre OGM, y con respecto a los problemas de comportamiento, su aporte arrojaría luz que sería útil para el comité. Probablemente ya esté al tanto, ya que se publicaron avisos en Casos legales de Monsanto . petrarchan47 a las 22:30, 8 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, lo sé. ¿Qué quieres citar de mí? Me gustaría añadir algo, pero necesito algo de tiempo para ordenar mis ideas. ¿Cuánto tiempo tenemos para añadir a la audiencia? Gandydancer (discusión) 17:50 9 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Tómate tu tiempo. No estoy seguro, pero creo que puedes tener una buena semana o algo así. Te avisaré cuando el tiempo empiece a correr. petrarchan47 a las 20:14, 9 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petra, mi vida real ha estado muy ocupada. Estoy empezando a sentirme presionada para dar mi opinión, pero no he podido encontrar el tiempo. Estoy pensando que tal vez debería preguntarle a "Looie" (¿nombre correcto?) cuánto tiempo tengo, lo que en sí mismo me quitará algo de tiempo... Ya veremos... Y luego está lo que sigue que me hace sentir que me están utilizando y que necesito lidiar con ello... Saludos, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 19:49 11 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No lo pienses dos veces. Cuídate. Elimina el drama de tu página de discusión. Un gran abrazo, petrarchan47 คุก 02:15, 12 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandy, lo siento, pero he estado rascándome la cabeza, tratando de entender exactamente qué estás diciendo. Hay dos opciones principales para el conflicto de intereses. O bien: a) estoy trabajando como freelance para "ellos" (un "editor pago") o b) mi trabajo real está vinculado con "ellos" de alguna manera: trabajo para ellos o tengo alguna otra relación financiera. Esas son las únicas dos formas en que podría haber un conflicto de intereses tal como lo definimos. (Podría ser un "defensor" sin conflicto de intereses, pero eso no es lo que has estado diciendo). La conversación con el supervisor se centró en b): repasar mi historial laboral, discutimos explícitamente si había algo relevante para b). El supervisor también hizo algunas de sus propias investigaciones. El supervisor no encontró nada en b). Nada. Así que eso deja solo a): "edición paga". Como dije, no le escribí nada al supervisor como "No hago trabajos freelance remunerados para Monsanto ni ninguna otra empresa" y el supervisor no me preguntó si había editado como freelance a cambio de dinero. Pero sí escribí cosas como "Trabajo en <redactado> y no tengo ninguna relación con ninguna empresa de biotecnología agrícola". Incluso si me hubieran preguntado directamente sobre el trabajo freelance y yo hubiera dicho "no", no habría tenido forma de verificarlo sin realizar una auditoría financiera. ¿Cierto? Entonces, ¿qué "exactamente" estás encontrando que no se ha examinado en esa conversación? Me estás atacando con una mala fe tan abrumadora que me da un poco de miedo intentarlo más, pero quiero intentarlo una última vez antes de declarar que este puente fue quemado hasta los cimientos por ti. Quiero entender si tienes un punto razonable - ahora mismo no lo puedo ver. Pero te lo pregunto. Jytdog ( discusión ) 14:48, 10 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Esto pasó ayer
El único que he visto en todo el año. Estaba destinado a ti también. petrarchan47 a las 17:45, 13 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Qué foto más bonita! ¿La has sacado tú? He estado trabajando en una nota más larga para ti, pero no he tenido tiempo de terminarla. Más tarde, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 16:21 15 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Envíame un mensaje cuando quieras. Sí, tuve la inmensa fortuna de poder tomar esta imagen. petrarchan47 a las 17:14, 15 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bien, Petra, voy a decirte esto rápidamente, aunque soy consciente de que pocas personas más entenderían a qué me refiero. Reuniendo algunas cosas... hace unos años mi amiga Sue me dijo: "Realmente tenemos que ir a ver una película de la que todo el mundo habla, 'What the Bleep'". Así que fuimos a verla. Estaba furiosa por la forma en que la película distorsionaba la ciencia real para apoyar ideas pseudocientíficas. Pero la película desafiaba a cualquier espectador a poner a prueba sus ideas por sí mismo pidiendo evidencias de la vida real. Así que lo hice, y Sue también. Olvidé mi pedido porque no se cumplió, pero recuerdo el de Sue porque sí se cumplió. Sue pidió una confirmación de su tótem animal, un águila. Al día siguiente, en su paseo diario con su perro por la costa de Maine, Sue miró hacia el sendero y, para su sorpresa, encontró una pluma de águila. Cuando miró hacia arriba, un águila voló sobre su cabeza tan cerca que pudo ver sus ojos mirándola a los suyos. En nuestra conversación posterior, coincidimos en que su experiencia no sugería que la película fuera una representación auténtica, pero que, no obstante, hay un aspecto espiritual subyacente en nuestras vidas que debemos aceptar en nuestra conciencia. Esto es algo que hemos perdido en los últimos cientos de años. Es algo que se entiende cuando se habla de "experiencia profunda". ¿Sabes que has sido tratado con una conexión profunda con nuestra... nuestra conexión con los demás y con toda la naturaleza?... El sentimiento de asombro nos invade en esos momentos si estamos abiertos a ellos.
De todos modos, volviendo al presente, mientras leía tus últimas palabras, miré mi pantalla y vi que un bastón se arrastraba por encima de ella. Este es el tercer bastón que he visto en Maine y no tengo ni idea de cómo llegó a la casa. Supongo que podría ser una coincidencia inusual y el águila de Sue también. Pero ciertamente estoy abierto a la creencia de que podría ser una sincronicidad como la explicó Jung, pero que WP llama pseudociencia. Esto es lo que quiero decir con la adopción por parte de Wikipedia de la actitud paternalista de mostrar que la Madre debe ser superada por el punto de vista de la sabiduría del Padre. Tú lo entiendes, Buster lo entiende, pero ¿cuántos otros lo entienden? Gandydancer (discusión) 19:32 15 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Perdón por haberte tenido en la espera después de haberte contado todo esto. Tendré que volver cuando la escena general aquí sea un poco menos intensa para mí. Mientras tanto, disfruta de otra toma de la visita. petrarchan47 a las 03:40, 21 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Para vuestra información
Pensé que deberías saberlo. Uno de los editores recientes del artículo sobre las elecciones de Bernie ha sido bloqueado indefinidamente. Buster Seven Talk 05:46, 15 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por avisarme y espero que sea lo que estoy pensando. Buster, me alegra saber de ti. Ha pasado un tiempo. Me dejaste una nota arriba en algún lugar y he estado demasiado ocupado para responderte. Ahora mismo no recuerdo de qué se trataba... ¿era sobre Chicago? ¿Te dije alguna vez que fui al jardín de infantes en Oak Lawn? "Papá" (como solía llamarlo :)) estaba en el hospital naval y nos quedamos un año antes de mudarnos a Colorado. Todavía tengo bastantes recuerdos de mi año allí. Mamá nos llevó al parque de diversiones (creo que famoso). Supongo que ya no está. Por ahora, Gandy (Deja notas cuando estés de humor. :)) Gandydancer (discusión) 16:07 15 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo más probable es que se tratara de Riverview Park . Un parque de atracciones único en su tipo... desaparecido hace tiempo y reemplazado por un centro comercial y una comisaría de policía. En los años 50 y 60, la entrada costaba 25 centavos y el paseo 10 centavos. Un lugar increíble que nunca más se volvió a ver. La nota anterior se refería a Estes Park y al río Big Thompson. Buster Seven Talk 20:03, 15 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ayuda con un problema de galería de fotos en la página Wiki del Parque Histórico Cultural del Chaco
Gandy, dadas tus amables y corteses palabras con respecto a mis contribuciones al Distrito Histórico de Leadville, me pregunto si podrías ayudarme con un problema desconcertante que tengo sobre una inclusión que hice en la página de Chaco. Es decir, incluí una sección de Galería de fotos, que pensé que era una adición aceptada a una página Wiki. Ayer un editor simplemente recortó no solo las fotos que incluí, sino que eliminó la categoría por completo. Deor lo hizo sin avisarme; simplemente, ¡boom!, las eliminó y sugirió que comenzara una discusión sobre la idoneidad de la cantidad de fotos que incluí o del concepto completo, no sobre cuál. Me preguntaba si tenías alguna información para mí antes de comenzar una discusión pública sobre esto. Gracias, Steven C. Price 14:10, 15 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) — Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Steven C. Price ( discusión • contribuciones )
Una vez más, ¡excelentes fotos! También leí tu nota en la página del editor que las eliminó. Excelente nota y te sugiero que la publiques o algo similar en la página de discusión del artículo. Recientemente trabajé con un par de otros editores para que me ayudaran a decidir cuáles eran las mejores fotos para un GA en el que trabajé. Me pregunto si podríamos publicar tus fotos en la página de discusión y decidir cuáles conservar. ¿Quizás algunos de los observadores de mi página estén interesados en ayudar? Petra, me pregunto si Atsme estaría interesado. Creo que también le haré ping a Usuario:Montanabw . Será divertido. Gandydancer (discusión) 15:54 15 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Es un caso claro de WP:NOTGALLERY . No usamos Wikipedia como repositorio de imágenes; para eso está Commons. Deor te explicó la situación bastante bien en su página de discusión. Cuando tienes toneladas de imágenes como esa, el mejor enfoque es hacer una página para ellas en Commons. En este caso, el mejor enfoque es ver si algunas se pueden usar para reemplazar imágenes existentes pero de peor calidad que ya están en el artículo. En algunos casos, la respuesta será "¡sí!". En otras ocasiones, se puede incluir una imagen de peor calidad porque contiene contenido especial, un ángulo único o la imagen técnicamente mejor puede tener algún tipo de problema de composición que la hace menos adecuada. Montanabw (discusión) 17:10 15 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
( página de discusión stalker ) @ Steven C. Price : otra opción es utilizar la plantilla {{ external media }} . Esto evita el problema de la galería, pero permite señalar a los lectores un repositorio central de imágenes notables. Viriditas ( discusión ) 20:31, 16 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandy, Montanabw , Viriditas : Primero, gracias a todos por sus comentarios. Segundo, soy nuevo en esta "Wiki Talk" y por eso no estoy seguro de si Montanabw y Viriditas verán estos comentarios. En cualquier caso, como yo lo veo, hay dos cuestiones aquí: 1.) ¿Debería el sitio de Chaco tener una galería de fotos? 2.) ¿Cómo se eligen las fotos para la galería? y, supongo, ¿cómo se hace para hacer cambios en un artículo destacado, con suerte para mejorarlo? La mayoría de las fotos que elegí para la galería de Chaco eran fotos que eran "primeros planos" de las estructuras. Un problema general que tengo con muchas páginas Wiki es que el artículo tiene fotos que fueron tomadas "demasiado lejos". Me parece que los buenos primeros planos pueden ser tan informativos como el texto. Entonces, una galería de fotos parece apropiada. Había una galería de fotos para la página wiki del Monumento Nacional de los Petroglifos y agregué primeros planos de petroglifos. Quizás eso tampoco era apropiado, pero después de todo, es un sitio de petroglifos, así que, ¿qué más podría haber en la página? Ahora bien, hay miles de petroglifos en ese monumento, así que obviamente no se pueden poner todos en la galería. Supongo que para eso está Commons. Así que, volviendo a Chaco, si la sugerencia es "qué" fotos podrían estar en una página de la galería, ¿cómo lo hago? Y, por último, ¿cuál es el procedimiento para modificar un artículo destacado? Steven C. Price 21:23, 16 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) — Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Steven C. Price ( discusión • contribuciones ) [ responder ]
@ Steven C. Price : las galerías se usan con moderación en Wikipedia, si es que se usan. Ya hay un enlace al final de la página a Commons si a la gente le interesan más imágenes, de las que ya hay muchas en el artículo actual. Si estás convencido de que el artículo necesita imágenes adicionales, tienes varias opciones: 1) puedes proponer reemplazar una imagen por otra, o 2) puedes usar múltiples imágenes dentro de un cuadro o sección de imágenes para resaltar una característica o una serie de imágenes. Hay muchas maneras de hacer esto, la más fácil de las cuales implica usar la plantilla {{ multiple images }} . Sin embargo, no recomendaría usar una galería en el artículo actual a menos que haya una muy buena razón. Viriditas ( discusión ) 21:35, 16 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Steve y otros, se ha abierto una conversación en la página de discusión del artículo, así que quizás sea mejor que vayamos allí. Gandydancer (discusión) 01:46 17 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gandydancer (discusión) Hola, quería agradecerles por sus comentarios muy positivos y su apoyo con respecto a Chaco. En realidad, todos los comentarios me resultaron útiles y no tengo sentimientos negativos hacia ninguno de los editores. Escribí lo mismo en la página de discusión de TransporterMan. Como le dije a TransporterMan, soy un autor, orador y gerente de personas "antiguo" tanto en la industria como en el mundo académico, y estoy muy familiarizado con el "toma y daca" crítico, y he aprendido a apreciar su valor, ¡siempre y cuando uno pueda mantener el ego fuera de la mezcla! De todos modos, voy a volver a leer los comentarios sobre Chaco y ver si puedo encontrar un punto en común para otra ronda.
Además, mientras revisaba mis páginas de discusión, noté que el 27 de agosto me hiciste algunas preguntas y pediste mi ayuda con una imagen de Leadville. Me disculpo por no haberte respondido, ya que si recibí una notificación, de alguna manera la pasé por alto, la borré o quién sabe qué más. Tampoco llamé todavía al Centro de visitantes con respecto a Tabor Home, pero lo haré hoy.
Soy fotógrafo desde hace mucho tiempo, muestro nuestro trabajo (el de mi esposa y el mío) en exposiciones de arte, hago galerías y encargos, así que tengo un ojo un poco crítico cuando se trata de fotos. No tendría ningún problema en solucionar cualquier problema con las fotografías y miraré la vista estereoscópica que sugieres para ver qué puedo hacer. Aunque no quiero infringir los derechos de autor de nadie, por supuesto, así que ¿podrías aconsejarme sobre cómo abordar la alteración de la imagen de otra persona? GraciasSteven C. Price 15:17, 17 de septiembre de 2015 (UTC) — Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Steven C. Price ( discusión • contribuciones )
Parque Histórico Cultural del Chaco
Hola Gandydancer, espero que estés bien. Ha pasado un tiempo desde que editamos algo juntos. -- Rsrikanth05 ( discusión ) 21:26 18 sep 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Rsrikanth05 , opps, perdón por no haberme enterado. Fue un placer trabajar contigo. Avísame si tienes alguna idea sobre algo en lo que podamos volver a trabajar juntos. Saludos, Gandy Gandydancer (discusión) 15:02 28 oct 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Organismos genéticamente modificadosSe abrió un caso de arbitraje
Se autorizan sanciones discrecionales estándar para todas las páginas relacionadas con organismos genéticamente modificados y biotecnología agrícola, incluido el glifosato , en sentido amplio, mientras este caso de arbitraje permanezca abierto. Cualquier administrador no involucrado puede imponer restricciones como medida de ejecución del arbitraje a los usuarios que editen en esta área temática, después de una advertencia inicial.
Los editores tienen prohibido realizar más de una reversión por página por día dentro del área temática que se encuentra en la parte 1 de esta orden judicial, sujeto a las exenciones habituales .
Hola Gandydancer, aclaré la foto de Jackson por la que expresaste interés. La muestra está en la página de discusión de Leadville, Co. Cuéntame qué piensas. BestSteven C. Price 14:29, 20 de octubre de 2015 (UTC)
usuario:Steven C. Price Lamento haber tardado tanto en responderte. He postergado el trabajo sobre los artículos de Leadville, pero ahora estoy listo para volver a trabajar en ellos un poco más. Además, me encontré con un editor que está interesado en la arquitectura histórica y que podría ayudarte a agregar estilos arquitectónicos a tus fotos. Ya veremos. En cuanto a la foto en la que trabajaste, no parece que sea más fácil de leer... Supongo que no hay forma de mejorar el contraste entre las palabras y el fondo. Estoy pensando en una galería de su trabajo, ya que es tan famoso y todavía no he visto una foto de la descripción que realmente venía junto con un paquete de tarjetas de vista estereoscópica. De nuevo, lamento la respuesta tardía. Gandydancer (discusión) 15:33 28 oct 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola: usuario:Gandydancer , me temo que la foto tiene una resolución demasiado baja para mejorar el texto. Necesitaríamos conseguir otra foto de alguna manera con una resolución más alta. ¿Sabes dónde está la original? Eso sería un comienzo; si fuera en Colorado, tal vez la próxima vez que esté allí (probablemente el próximo agosto para hacer más caminatas) sería divertido organizar una sesión fotográfica. O tal vez alguien más en los "archivos" tomaría la foto y donaría los derechos de autor a Wiki.
Además, en relación con el editor y la arquitectura histórica, he creado varias páginas nuevas de Lugares Históricos Nacionales, todas las cuales tienen las tablas habituales con una sección sobre el estilo arquitectónico, y esa es, con diferencia, la sección más complicada. Tengo que basarme en lo que figura en el formulario de solicitud del Registro Nacional, ya que esa es la autoridad. Nunca sé si es "correcto" y, a veces, hay diferencias importantes en los nombres que no puedo resolver en la Wiki. Por ejemplo, el románico victoriano: no hay una página wiki sobre eso, así que tengo que hacer un enlace sobre el románico victoriano y el victoriano por separado, pero no sé si eso es correcto, o si es la versión correcta, o si alguien simplemente no ha llegado a una página wiki sobre el románico victoriano. Sin mencionar que, a menudo, no se menciona ningún estilo, y me gustaría saber lo suficiente para, de alguna manera, hacer un enlace a una autoridad que satisfaga a Wikipedia. Gracias, Steven C. Price 14:43, 29 de octubre de 2015 (UTC)
Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 26 de octubre
Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste Leadville, Colorado , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Timberline . Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quiso decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de DPL .
Bueno, me quedé atónito con la forma en que Trypto habló de ti. ¿Qué demonios te ha provocado eso? Incluso en los momentos más frustrantes, por ejemplo, cuando el artículo de BP pasó meses sin ningún avance, nunca te vi perder la calma. De los dos, creo que soy más propenso a hablar mal que tú. Simplemente no lo entiendo... Gandydancer (discusión) 15:43 28 oct 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Echa un vistazo a las conversaciones "con sombrero" en su página de discusión. Lo confronté en agosto por el hecho de que siempre apoya a J-dog en ANI basándose únicamente en el sistema de amigos, no en una evaluación neutral del tema, lo que ayuda a que sea imposible para los editores independientes obtener ayuda con los mismos problemas que se expusieron en AC. No creo que haya sido bien recibido. petrarchan47 คุก 00:57, 29 octubre 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola Gandy, pensé que te gustaría esto. petrarchan47 a las 23:30, 16 de noviembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
xxxoooooo <-- Esto es por lo que describes en la charla de Sarah. No tenía ni idea. Lo siento mucho. Espero que a esta altura ya estés exento de más tonterías. petrarchan47 คุก 00:56, 19 de noviembre de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petra, fue bastante horrible. Me hizo darme cuenta de lo extraña que era. Pensé que era parte de un equipo, pero no lo era. Además, no tenía amigos que me ayudaran a sentirme mejor en ese entonces. A lo largo de los años has dicho de vez en cuando que esperabas que Arbcom ayudara a resolver las cosas, pero yo siempre lo supe mejor, a juzgar por mi experiencia de todos modos. Gracias por tu apoyo, como siempre. xxxooo Gandydancer (discusión) 04:56 19 nov 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Petra, he llegado a un punto en el que ya no soporto más este lugar. ¿Dónde acabará todo esto? Por cierto, también he vuelto a mirar el material antiguo de BP y me he encontrado con esto. Supongo que esto sería motivo de prohibición si las cosas van por mal camino aquí. Lo que considero una observación astuta puede ser motivo de prohibición. Por cierto, ¿recuerdas cómo más tarde WC se acercó al artículo diciendo que, de hecho, había comprado un montón de acciones cuando el precio bajó y luego siguió adelante e hizo un montón de ediciones? Debe haber obtenido una buena ganancia.
Estoy viendo un sesgo que se parece al que cualquier alumno de tercer grado podría esperar ver SI una corporación o un grupo de interés especial estuviera editando en nombre de su empresa. Es absurdo pensar que la empresa responsable de 1 libra de cada 6 libras pagadas en dividendos a los fondos de pensiones británicos no querría que alguien se peleara por mantener las malas noticias sobre el valor de sus acciones, sobre sus accidentes y su historial fuera de la introducción y lo más abajo posible en la página. Veo que todo esto está sucediendo aquí. Espero que me ataquen por decir esto. Pero eso está mal. Esto es Wikipedia, no está a la venta y si alguien está siendo acosado por intentar llamar la atención sobre ello, Wikipedia debería hacer algo para detenerlo, en mi opinión. No estoy diciendo que algunas personas estén sentadas en BP escribiendo. Pero seamos honestos aquí. El sesgo obvio es extremadamente obvio. ¿Por qué los editores de Wikipedia tienen que llegar a un acuerdo por el contenido si un representante de relaciones públicas corporativo es parte de las negociaciones? (Existen) No digo que alguien aquí esté haciendo esto, sólo que es lo que esperaría ver si en esta página se representaran intereses corporativos. Puedo estar totalmente equivocado. [19] Gandydancer (discusión) 14:53 20 nov 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Minor4th I am seriously thinking we need to scrap this whole ArbCom case. Gandy and SMcCandish have made good points. The proposal to silence anyone who notices special interest POV is ghastly, worse than Citizen's United, which at least found people and corporations to be equal. WP has decided individuals have fewer rights here than corporations/companies/special interests. WP already bends over backwards to accommodate their needs (see my recent comments at Sarah SV's for more), while the editors who build this site and make it the high value target it is, are carelessly, sometimes disdainfully, tossed aside. petrarchan47คุก 22:37, 20 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Well Gandy, I don't know either. I feel the same as you. It's easy to see why the co-founder walked away. The trolls have taken over. petrarchan47คุก 09:37, 22 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Petra, 2¢ is probably one of the wisest people here...and very decent too. What do you think about what he says on his user page about the upcoming election? Gandydancer (talk) 02:44, 26 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
thank you
I want to thank you for your kind gesture, it has been a pleasure being on the same article as you, and I have learned a lot from you, thank you again. --Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 21:42, 29 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the compliment - I appreciate it.
Ozzie, I know from experience, the last two flu outbreaks and the New England compounding meningitis scandal come to mind, that after a certain point all or almost all of the interest evaporates and the article is left to flounder unless at least one editor does updates. It has been good to work with you on the Ebola article because I know that you continue to comb the news to add important updates, and I need to only go through the article every few weeks to condense, update wording, etc. Gandydancer (talk) 22:59, 29 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
we all help as a "team"...on a side note it seems its become a STD, so I think [20] this may not be over for awhile ...take care and thanks--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 12:53, 30 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I like . . .
. . . both banners at the top of this page (this is my first visit, I think), as I share the same views. I'd like to copy them to my Talk. Would that be OK with you? Writegeist (talk) 16:55, 30 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sure...I think that I got them from Buster. BTW, I once called that other editor the dirtiest editor I've ever met... On my own talk page, of course, which I used to think was a place we could express our honest feelings...though of late I have learned that that is not the case at all... Gandydancer (talk) 17:36, 30 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for November 2
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Leadville, Colorado, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Devonshire. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 09:59, 2 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Reporter requesting to talk
Hi, my name is Zach and I'm a reporter for National Journal. I'm writing a story on political wikipedia editors and I'd love to talk to you for it. If you're interested, shoot me an email at zmontellaro(at)nationaljournal.com. I'm also happy to answer any questions you have! Zach NJ (talk) 18:13, 2 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
(lurker here) Your'e an intern not an employee, right? Writegeist (talk) 18:30, 2 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
This reporter has canvassed a dozen other editors. One might ask, What's The Story? Buster Seven Talk 21:06, 4 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Well yes - I noticed that...and no reply to Writegeist... I'd agree with you Buster: What's the story? Gandydancer (talk) 21:32, 4 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
"You 'wanna buy a watch?"
I don't know it you noticed my edit summary for above but here's the back story. In Chicago, as I was growing up, there was a large 10 acre area known as Maxwell Street where you could buy and sell anything, especially over the week-end. If your lawn mower or snow plow or new set of tires was stolen maybe you could find it at Maxwell St. and negotiate its return. 10 pair of socks for a dollar. Clothes, new and used. Fresh vegetables (?) and the best hot dogs and pork-chop sandwiches anywhere. Old furniture and every resale item you could think of. Some of the great Blues singers started out entertaining the crowd for what the crowd donated to the "hat on the milk crate". A self-regulating independent "from the street" type market place that will never be replaced. To the point...there were guys that would walk around and if they would spy a potential customer, they would roll up the sleeves of their topcoat, displaying 25 watches on each arm and state..."Yu 'wanna buy a watch???". The area now houses part of the UIC...a bad trade. Buster Seven Talk 21:58, 4 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Buster Seven I read it and just loved it. I've not answered because I wanted to write a long note and have put it off. It seems that all of my WP time has been spent reading very troubling stuff, arguing, and not being very happy in general. As all things do, it will pass... It is always good to hear from you and our friendship means a lot to me. xxx ooo Gandydancer (talk) 14:59, 20 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for November 9
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Leadville, Colorado, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page National Historic Site. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 10:41, 9 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I am just letting you know I have posted a request for us to get some help from an in dependent third party at the Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard about the Domestic Violence article.Charlotte135 (talk) 02:00, 12 November 2015 (UTCL
Posted to wrong dispute resolution noticeboard. Will request it to be closed.Charlotte135 (talk) 11:40, 12 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Hester Prynne
Considering recent WP events, I feel like a modern day Hester Prynne from Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, except in my case the letter is P for Plagiarist. Yesterday, I considered retirement again (for the second time in two weeks). Another friend User:GoodDay always suggests to stay and never leave no matter what, but a large slice of the enjoyment I get here is waning. I'll probably go sit in the corner and lick my wounds. User:Zaereth is a big help and has good advice. I'll surely be a better content editor when the dust settles but right now the dust is making it hard to breathe. Thanks for listening. Buster Seven Talk 14:13, 22 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Been through a multiple year British/Irish topic ban, a one-year siteban & currently under 3+ year restriction. Despite all of that, I'm still around. Retirement, isn't an option for me. GoodDay (talk) 14:20, 22 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I've never heard Buster consider it, either. This is a sad time for WP. Buster, I'm so sorry about to hear this. Have you read Sanger's latest? petrarchan47คุก 18:26, 22 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I doubt you'd have any trouble arguing for an iBan, though I also doubt you're any happier to engage in, let alone initiate, noticeboards than I. Have you considered it? petrarchan47คุก 21:42, 22 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I personally would have no problem with an I-Ban since I am not interested in what the other editor does. Maybe it would do some good once the dust settles. Needless to say, I'm embarrassed. I now see the logic of public domain, etc. But, to me, my crime amounts to inadvertent jay-walking. And, yes, I acknowledge that I did it a few hundred, (it seems like thousands), of times. And, I acknowledge that cleaning up the mess I made will be a major big deal and for that I'm sorry. Thanks for your support, my friends. It brought me out of my funk. Buster Seven Talk 01:47, 24 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
You're a trooper, Buster7. I'm so happy to hear this. And I agree with your take. (I'm sure we're all cringing a bit, imagining how our own history would appear when analyzed like that.) We don't want to loose you, of all people. The place would go dark in some irreparable way if you disappeared. petrarchan47คุก 04:43, 24 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Happy Thanksgiving, Gandy and all your stalkers, friendly and unfriendly alike. Food, family, friends and forgiveness. Have a great day! Buster Seven Talk 06:41, 26 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Happy Thanksgiving beloved Buster7, Gandy and stalkers. May you enjoy every moment of this day, and every day. petrarchan47คุก 22:45, 26 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
ArbCom elections are now open!
Hi, You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:19, 23 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The pesky domestic violence matter
As you likely know (if you got the WP:Pings at the Intimate partner violence talk page and WP:ANI), I've taken the matter regarding Charlotte135 to WP:ANI; a WP:Permalink is here. I don't see what there is left for us to do to resolve the problems with this editor, other than that report. If you vote and/or otherwise comment there, you obviously don't have to respond directly to Charlotte135. Hopefully, the report gets enough participation for something productive to result from it. If you reply to me about this "pesky" post, I'd prefer that you reply here on your talk page instead of at mine; this is so the discussion is centralized. I now have your talk page watchlisted. I also have a few unwanted watchers of my talk page, and so I'd rather they not interfere with the WP:ANI report. Flyer22 Reborn (talk) 18:41, 10 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Flyer22 Reborn, in all honesty I get tired even thinking of Charlotte. I don't see how you can stand it and I'm sure that it must be a great test of your patience and even sanity. It is so unfair that all of this burden has been resting on your shoulders, but Charlotte is the kind of editor that goes over and over the same things and yet wraps them around this and that to the point that one can't possibly help out because it would take hours of time to try to get to the core/main point of the matter to make intelligent posts if one tries to get into the conversation - which does no good anyway because she ignores everything one said and just keeps saying the same thing over and over (and even copy/pasting her own arguments as I pointed out some time ago). Plus, she has that uncanny ability to hook one in so that one's ego feels a need to defend itself... She is an editor's worst nightmare. Add to that her maddening ideas on what should be in the article. Women have suffered so much physical violence it would be nice to see an article that supported women rather than to let Wikipedia harm them as well. I see that so far nobody has taken up your request. I will watch it and please let me know how I can help. My time is short these days and I'd like to work on the breastfeeding article for awhile. Do you think it would help to post for help at "Woman's" page - can't think what it's called right now... BTW, I'm calling her a "she", but I have my doubts about that... Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 02:04, 13 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The best approach to these editors, though, Gandydancer, is numbers. Even a line or two telling the problematic editor to knock it off helps. The problem is that we all DO get tired but trolls never seem to feel fatigue. Montanabw(talk) 00:05, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Weeel yeees, but I've not seen you over there...nor any of the women here who say that they have a great deal of concern over women's topics. Flyer is left to do all the real work, which she does very well, but it would help her a great deal if a few others would back her up with even just a few words of support. Gandydancer (talk) 00:22, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I did, somewhere; I think on a related page. However, sometimes I only run across this stuff by coincidence. I'm always open to a ping or a link posted on my talk page. Montanabw(talk) 02:00, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I have noted your comments above "Add to that her maddening ideas on what should be in the article. Women have suffered so much physical violence it would be nice to see an article that supported women rather than to let Wikipedia harm them as well." Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and we report what the reliable sources say Gandydancer, not using it as a platform to promote male or female rights! Your comments are extremely telling. Enough said.Charlotte135 (talk) 03:08, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I find it quite disturbing that you are asking females to go over to the page and post support for a topic ban. The Domestic Violence article is gender neutral And isn't asking other editors to go over and blindly add a few lines of support Gandydancer against the rules on Wikipedia. "or any of the women here, who say that they have a great deal of concern over women's topics......but it would help her a great deal if a few others would back her up with even just a few words of support." You should know better Gandydancer based on your experience. Shows a complete disregard for the project. Again, Wikipedia is not a platform to promote women's issues, or mens issues. And yes, I am a woman by the way, and a modern feminist but I am also a scientist and I can read such policies I am talking about here and realise what you Flyter22reborn and Montanabw is strictly against policy.Charlotte135 (talk) 03:22, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Charlotte135, I've said this elsewhere and I'll say it again here. Stop hounding people and focus on your own behavior. Montanabw(talk) 06:01, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Was defending myself and also bringing to light the back room conversation the three of you were having here, calling on other women to support a topic ban. Isn't that against policy? We can't go around garnishing support based on gender!! As a woman myself, your behavior is highly offensive. Talk about calling the kettle black. Stop the baseless accusations. That's my point.Charlotte135 (talk) 06:33, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
These are public talk pages. You need to just drop this stick. But I'll let Gandydancer clarify policies for her page. I'm just giving you advice, and my advice to you is to leave people alone at their talk pages, at least while you have an active ANI case going. Montanabw(talk) 06:57, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Just thought that you and Montanabw should see this. It's clear, from what I'm seeing, that I'm going to have to propose a ban from gender topics for Charlotte135. Flyer22 Reborn (talk) 02:15, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Meh. I commented there. Ping me if it goes to a drama board. Montanabw(talk) 05:44, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Flyer22 Reborn. It is so exhausting when all of one's time needs to be devoted to attempting to work on vandalism leaving so little time to build articles. Thanks for the good work that you do. Let me know if I can help. Gandydancer (talk) 16:50, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
colossal octopus
Gandy, I am curious: did you make the tmbox above or where is it from? i see no provenance indicated.
I of course see what is going on at glyphosate. please keep up the good spirit. remember you are "replacing" not just me, but 3 banned editors who cant work to stem the butchering /erosion/whatever one wants to call it. if there is anything I can do to help with the spirit, do not hesitate to contact me. --Wuerzele (talk) 06:13, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The tmbox was made by my good WP friend Buster Seven. We are both feminists in the true sense of the word and are concerned about many of the recent actions that have been taken by what we see as a misguided endeavor to improve WP's support for women and woman's topics. We now have an even more battleground atmosphere than ever. I'm beginning to agree with those that believe that we need to hire outside help rather than rely on Arbcom as our high court.
As for the Monsanto articles, while I am concerned with all corporate articles, Monsanto does stand out for me because I'm an organic gardener who is concerned about corporate agriculture...the genetic, GMO, aspect is of less importance to me, though I do not believe that we've done enough research as yet to say that it's safe. Sad to say, we have lost some very valuable editors that were helping to keep our Monsanto articles honest and free from bias, that is for sure. I can't even do a tiny part of the work that they were doing to keep us headed in that direction. Gandydancer (talk) 19:08, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The pseudoscience cases have been problematic in applying discretionary sanctions to settle a simple content dispute. This is also an issue in some of the alternative medicine articles as well as several of the organic food articles. My own frustration has been when I've challenged clear cases of corporate-paid and sponsored "studies" that get peer-reviewed but are clearly as biased as anything from an advocacy organization. I also think it's important to know that MEDRS or SCIRS applies to scientific claims, but that political or newsworthy issues are not subject to these two standards. (Hence, one can argue that the New York Times is an RS to discuss a controversy or a scandal). It is important to have people on both sides weighing in on the subject matter and to be VERY firm about not personalizing the issue. (I don't always follow my own advice, but I've been bit in the butt enough times I should learn) Montanabw(talk) 21:59, 15 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
My take is to choose one's battles very, very carefully and perhaps focus on only one or two articles, and not the highest profile ones - it's a lot easier to edit a narrow-focus article than a broad overview one. In doing so, have an extremely clear review of the peer-reviewed scientific literature covering a given area and to contribute, basically, at a FAC level - and take the article to FAC! Be willing to immediately stop edit-warring and go quickly to talk and even an RfC if needed. It is also useful to post informative links to discussions of interest to various wikiprojects, both pro and con (so long as balanced to both pro and con areas, I personally don't see a violation of the canvassing rules) Something that can pass FAC stands a better chance of having its source material pass muster elsewhere. Montanabw(talk) 21:59, 15 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for December 16
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, 2016, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page World News Tonight. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
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Season's Greetings
To You and Yours!FWiW Bzuk (talk) 11:04, 20 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Seasons Greetings
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Happy Holidays!
Hello Gandydancer: Enjoy the holiday season and upcoming winter solstice, and thanks for your work to maintain, improve and expand Wikipedia. Cheers, Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 19:17, 20 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for all you have done this year :-) Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 22:53, 21 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It's almost here...
Season's Greetings
Gnu Ear Greetings
Disambiguation link notification for January 1
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited C. R. Bard, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Incontinence. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
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Gandydancer, Have a prosperous, productive and enjoyable New Year, and thanks for your contributions to Wikipedia. –Davey2010Merry Xmas / Happy New Year 11:00, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Mostly curious - from what I gather, Neonatal sepsis is a type of Neonatal infection, and both appear to be bacterial. Is there enough of a difference to warrant two separate articles? [22] Atsme📞📧 19:41, 16 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I think that it's worth its own article. It seems to most infections are from a class of staph, but there is much more... At any rate, I would not have thought it ready for a DYK but Doc James has worked on it a few times and did not put the kibosh on it, so... Check the talk page where I left a few questions and add any of your own. BTW, when I went through it there were glaring and very careless mistakes that I did fix.Gandydancer (talk) 20:23, 16 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ok. I made a few tweaks to the lead. I haven't read further but if the rest is anything like the lead, there is quite a bit of work left to do. I have to work on a few other things and will return to that article as I get time. Atsme📞📧 21:28, 16 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Wow, very professional...I'm quite impressed. Gandydancer (talk) 21:41, 16 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Atsme please check your latest edit to the lead which I think changes the meaning somewhat. See this good article: [23] More info is also included as you get into the Wikipedia article re colonization of the mother. Gandydancer (talk) 22:23, 16 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, and I apologize if I screwed something up. I may have misunderstood what the following referred to: While preterm neonates are at a particularly high risk, full term and post-term infants can also develop infection. Neonatal infection may be associated with maternal infection and colonization prior to the birth of the infant. My take was that (1) all neonates are subject to infection under the right (or wrong) conditions, not just premies; (2) maternal infection and colonization (bacterial) prior to birth (part of which was addressed in the first paragraph of the lede as transplacental infections) which actually also includes rupture of membranes [24]; the latter being what I originally thought "maternal infection and colonization prior to the birth of the infant" referenced. Is that not correct? Atsme📞📧 22:42, 16 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I just wanted to check in here to give you some feedback on neonatal infection. I appreciate your edits and the article is better for your input. The edits to the lead have changed the meaning slightly, but I don't feel an urgent need to go fix the (minor) problems. As for me being a brand new editor, I am not certain why I made that impression. I have two user accounts: Bfpage and Barbara (WVS) and the edits done with these two accounts comes to a bit over 20,000. This is not my first DYK, but my second. I've lost count of the articles that I've created, but it probably is around 60 or 70. Please feel free to 'follow' me around and check up on my editing because I appreciate improvements that others make to the content. I have a problem with prose, my articles don't flow as well as they should and this seems like one of your strong points.
As far as Doc James, I don't believe he has been able to take a look at the article yet. Just fyi, neonatal infections can be bacterial, viral, fungal or from protozoa. It is a large topic and the article will be improved over time. Thank you for your help!
The Very Best of Regards,:Barbara (WVS) (talk) 03:00, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the note. Barbara I wasn't following you around. I follow Ozzie's talk page because we work very closely together on the Ebola article and I saw your message there and decided to take a look. IMO the article needed help to bring it to DYK level and I did make a few edits. I asked Atsme for help because good copy editors have helped to improve my own work so much in the past. It seems that in this case I have gone a little too far and I regret that. As my excuse, somehow I got the idea that you were a brand new student working on her first article. I really should have been more careful. Gandydancer (talk) 03:37, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, Barbara (WVS). Your fyi was a big help, and sheds a bit more light on the topic in general. My interpretation of the topic is from a layperson's perspective so if I misinterpreted something or changed its intended meaning, I apologize. It may also be an indication that a particular sentence or subject needs a bit more clarification for the average reader while keeping it equally as appealing to collegiate level readers, all of which comprise our target audience. I'm not quite sure where or how exactly I changed the meaning of the lede, and would be very appreciative if someone would be willing to point it out to me. I don't require a detailed explanation - just a brief comparison of what was there originally VS the edits that changed its meaning. It will help me avoid making the same mistake in the future.Atsme📞📧 04:11, 17 January 2016 (UTC) I saw the edits and now understand the difference. The updated edits helped clarify the intended meaning. 04:21, 17 January 2016 (UTC) [reply]
There is no offense implied - I WANT to be followed around by editors like you; I miss so many of my own mistakes in my sometimes overzealous content creation. I always try to write for eighth graders! So I appreciate your 'layman' perspective. If the lede isn't clear, that is my fault. If you didn't understand it, then it needs to be changed. You did a good thing! I went back to the lede and fiddled around. So let me know if things got more clear or more muddy, lol. Again, Best Regards,
Barbara (WVS) (talk) 04:26, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
My rv at ARCA
Your last edit at ARCA accidentally deleted the two prior edits by other users. I reverted it to reinstate those edits and then replaced your text in a following edit. JbhTalk 12:36, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Oh dear, it looks like I'm doing something wrong but I'm not sure what it is. Thanks for fixing whatever it was. It looks like Jytdog and I might need to discuss a little further, can you explain how I should avoid making the same mistake yet again. Thanks. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 12:48, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hmmm... I thought it was just a case of saving over an edit conflict but the edits are exactly four hours apart - strange. Is it possible you had an edit window open for a long time? If not that I do not see anything you did that could have caused the error. My guess is it was just a wiki-Gremlin having a bit of fun :) JbhTalk 13:11, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Well actually my window was open for quite some time... For one thing I was trying to figure out what Jytdog meant in his post and trying to follow diffs, plus I've been having computer problems where I lose my connection when I follow a dif or a ref, plus I hate arguments and hate discussion about arguments, and so on and so forth, and it took me a long time to add my post to the page. :-) Anyway, thanks for fixing my posts. Gandydancer (talk) 14:23, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Invitation to an online editathon on Black Women's History
--Ipigott (talk) 10:44, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for being one of Wikipedia's top medical contributors!
please help translate this message into the local language
Thanks again :) -- Doc James along with the rest of the team at Wiki Project Med Foundation 03:59, 29 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
This Weeks Editor of the Week
...is Happysquirrel(talk ·contribs· count · logs), a relatively new editor that works hard at improving the encyclopedia experience for all. She deserves a few messages of appreciation. Dear Gandy and Petra (if your watching), I have no idea if anybody pays attention to what happens at the WER pages anymore. For years I have been challenging members of the project to Drop by his/her talk page and give him/her a pat on the back and let him/her know he/she is supported. And for years the response has been miserable. O, every now and then an editor will get nominated that has a fan club and some 5 or 6 editors will drop in to say congrats. But most of the time I have to send out specific requests to specific editors or no one but me shows up. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy giving out the awards and I enjoy the cheerful responses that I get from most awardees. But can you imagine the pleasure that we as a project would give another editor if every week 3 dozen or more editors said, "Well done. Thank you". As an example of the joy that is possible, Happysquirrel said this today after only two editors thanked her:
Thank you so much everyone! This means so much to me. It's always good to know my efforts are appreciated. As someone who works mostly with new articles and new editors, I find myself often on the margins of the community, helping people inwards, but never going in completely myself. You can't imagine how great it is to have people coming out to congratulate me.
We veteran editors waste so much precious time arguing. I know getting any membership to do something positive can be like herding cats. But...sending good wishes takes ONE minute. Editor retention happens one editor at a time. I don't think Editor Happysquirrel will be leaving soon. This message, abbreviated, is at the EotW talk page and the Project talk page. I place it here in hopes that your stalkers will respond. Buster Seven Talk 07:09, 7 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Precious anniversary
--Gerda Arendt (talk) 07:39, 18 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Glad to see you are busy at the "Bernie" article. I've decided to keep the Donald Trump campaign article on course. "I'm with Her" has a nice ring to it and I'll probably follow her into the voting booth in November. I also started to work with others at the Merrick Garland article. Many are surprised by the obstructionist tactics of the senate but "what else is new"? They have been obstructing the administration since 2008. Hope all is well. Say hi to Petra if you see her. Buster Seven Talk 11:17, 18 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
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Best thing ever
Hi Miss Gandy, you're always in my heart. Couldn't help but to think of you: Bernie gets the God endorsement petrarchan47คุก 05:25, 26 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Editor of the Week : nominations needed!
The Editor of the Week initiative has been recognizing editors since 2013 for their hard work and dedication. Editing Wikipedia can be disheartening and tedious at times; the weekly Editor of the Week award lets its recipients know that their positive behaviour and collaborative spirit is appreciated. The response from the honorees has been enthusiastic and thankful.
The list of nominees is running short, and so new nominations are needed for consideration. Have you come across someone in your editing circle who deserves a pat on the back for improving article prose regularly, making it easier to understand? Or perhaps someone has stepped in to mediate a contentious dispute, and did an excellent job. Do you know someone who hasn't received many accolades and is deserving of greater renown? Is there an editor who does lots of little tasks well, such as cleaning up citations?
Hey dear Gandy. The response to this mass message was great. 16 new nominations are in the works, waiting for seconds. If time permits maybe you could do me the big favor of seconding those editors that you might have come across. Hope all is well. I put up a bird feeder in the back yard and have 50-75 varied sparrows as daily visitors. What might seem common to the casual observer, can be remarkable when a little attention is paid. If you've ever seen a White-crowned sparrow you'll know what I mean. They seem to know how beautiful they are. Best to you, Buster Seven Talk 16:24, 23 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]
At least I think its 50 to 75. Could be the same dozen birds that feed, leave, and come back a minute later!!!! Buster Seven Talk 16:38, 23 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Cordial Hello
Hello Gandydancer. I just wanted to introduce myself as another female editor on WP, as we seem to be a minority here, and I strongly believe all female editors should be encouraged to continue editing and be treated with respect. I realize that in the past we had a couple of misunderstandings on the topic of domestic violence, a topic you obviously feel very strongly about. However I am hoping we can in the future, remain courteous toward each other and you speak directly with me if you have any concerns about my editing on WP. What I object to is that you seem to pop up at different discussions I was involved in and add your weight and influence as a long term and respected editor, to the discussion, but provide absolutely no reasons or evidence to support your comments and opinion, or why you felt that way.
That isn't very fair, and I am a direct woman in my own work environment as a scientist, and I do realize WP is anonymous, but I have feelings and am a human, and just thought I would approach you in peace, and hope you may drop any personal bias you have toward me or at the least, offer some actual evidence in the future, as to why you believe my edits on any article, are in any way incorrect or when you appear out of nowhere, when I am discussing something with another editor. Please feel free to comment on my talk page or ping me if you reply here. Thank you. Hope you take this in the good spirit it is intended.Charlotte135 (talk) 05:18, 23 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]
This while true still needs a reference. [25] Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 06:52, 30 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]
User:Dr. Blofeld has created Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/Contests. The idea is to run a series of contests/editathons focusing on each region of Africa. He has spoken to Wikimedia about it and $1000-1500 is possible for prize money. As someone who has previously expressed interest in African topics, would you be interested in contributing to one or assisting draw up core article/missing article lists? He says he's thinking of North Africa for an inaugural one in October. If interested please sign up in the participants section of the Contest page, thanks.♦ --Ser Amantio di NicolaoChe dicono a Signa?Lo dicono a Signa. 01:21, 21 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
In this edit[26] you added
"Upon hospital discharge and return to their community, many survivors experience stigma and isolation, sometimes even from family members. In the face of such extreme hardship the symptoms seen in post-traumatic stress disorder, including suicidal behavior, are not uncommon. "
Ref says
"Upon hospital discharge and return to their community, many survivors experience stigma and isolation, sometimes even from family members... In the face of such extreme hardship, grief, acute stress, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, alcohol use disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicidal behaviour are common"
Need to paraphrase much more. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 20:08, 12 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
And so you deleted every edit I made to the article. Well I don't know. I wonder if one day I'm going to get just totally fed up with this crap and say fuck off you asshole. I look to find some pleasure here since my time is donated and should, IMO, be at least halfway pleasurable. It is not pleasurable to work alongside assholes and I will avoid medical articles in the future. Gandydancer (talk) 18:52, 24 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for September 20
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited ReZpect our Water, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Department of Interior. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
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Frivolous question
Have you by any chance read Donald Duk by Frank Chan? (with regards to gandy dancing)? I think you might enjoy it. SashiRolls (talk) 13:06, 24 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the note. Donald Duk hmmm. Sorry I don't get the connection. I chose my name because I like the idea of people working as a team, even under difficult circumstances, and working joyfully, to gain a goal. Have you read "my" Gandy dancer article? Gandydancer (talk) 18:45, 24 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
The hero of the book dreams of being a lion dancer providing rhythm for the Chinese workers building the railroad. ^^ — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:56, 24 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Well, while we're waiting for the wikiproject members to weigh in, nothing says I can't present this as a personal award. :)
Thank you so much! This is very thoughtful and sweet of you. The timing was just perfect on this one as I've been working on all of the "Bernie" articles for the last few months...and that has tapered off... I'm enjoying working on the article. As an "elder" myself, it somehow gives me a good feeling to work with a culture that honors those of us who have been around the block a few times. Both my daughter and granddaughter strongly support the movement as well. We all feel that there is a need to reconnect with our Mother and that a lot of the problems that we see today are directly related to the unhealthy separation of body, mind, and spirit. Certainly Wikipedia promotes this separation, IMO. But that's another issue... Again, thanks! Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 18:34, 24 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
It's a good cause, and good to see you working on it! Montanabw(talk) 00:04, 25 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your hard work. It's more than appreciated. Indigenous girl (talk) 15:31, 27 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Well thank you but everybody has been so NICE to me that it is a joy to help. I only wish that all of Wikipedia would work so smoothly. (I really have to chuckle because I just saw the note below (where I use the F word) regarding another article that I watch.) You know, one thing that I really like about the Native American culture is their habit of using the term "elders" with respect...because I am one of "them", and a woman, to boot. I've got a pretty good self-image and ego, but public appreciation is ALWAYS appreciated...and really just so important. The first time I was exposed to Native American issues was back in the 70's (I think...) when I lived in Minnesota and Dennis Banks, Anna Mae, etc. were in the headlines. I was a young mother with other things to deal with and was unable to join in the cause, so as to speak, though in my heart I felt an allegiance. It is so nice all these years later, now that my children are grown with children of their own, and I am retired, to have the time to devote to this issue. Thanks for the note! Gandydancer (talk) 15:59, 27 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ah retirement...! Another decade or so for me, but yes... Montanabw(talk) 06:59, 2 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hey there Montana, just sooooooooooo good to see you at the article. Now we need to talk nice to Anna who has been relentlessly pestered to hang around. Anna??? Gandydancer (talk) 18:08, 2 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandydancer and all. Thanks for the invite. :) As I said before: well done (to all). I've been watching the wonderful Amy Goodman talk about this every day and I hope more non-indigenous people join in. Anna Frodesiak (talk) 21:53, 2 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandydancer, Montana and Anna. I just wanted to chime in (I can be obnoxious and incredibly irritating at times due to my being a stickler for my culture at large). Dennis Banks is in part responsible from Annie Mae's murder. It helps to read the trial transcripts. I met Annie Mae at one of the first protests in Plymouth and her daughter remains a very good friend.
Anna, I hope you are not feeling badgered on the pipeline protest talk page. It's difficult when it feels as though indigenous voices are being ignored and I'm sure that's not your intention. Priority from an indigenous standpoint is to have the article archive the action as accurately as possible though I understand that is not priority for many wikipedians :) Most of us could care less about hits when we are literally fighting for our water and our lives. We just want the truth out there for posterity. The camps are being over run by well intentioned white people to the extent that they are now trying to take over ceremony. There is even a Yes Magazine article about this. I'm all for unity so long as there is respect as to who's land folks are guests on :)
Gandydancer, thanks again for your hard work, just remember we're human and not all of our people have respect for elders just like many members of the dominant culture do <3 Indigenous girl (talk) 19:48, 3 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I've read stuff written by one or both of the daughters (years ago...) and they sounded like very good people...as did Anna. I'm sure that you are as well. I know from living in Minnesota that being a Native American by birth is not an easy row to hoe. My husband grew up in Soudan, MN and he remembered that in the first grade if you were bad you were put at the back of the room to sit with the Indian children. Just makes one shudder.
OK, about Anna. It was not easy for me to not speak up on the talk page and it's never easy to know what to do in such a case. But I will say here that Anna would most likely win the prize for "What Wikipedian is the easiest to get along with?". Her treatment was totally uncalled for IMO. How anyone would say that to notice the page hits numbers is disrespect is beyond me. We all have POVs, and that's mine. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 20:27, 3 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
You two are so sweet. Thank you. :) I'm not hurt or upset by that discussion about page views. I know talk pages are for article improvement and my post wasn't in that category. I should not have posted in the first place. As for page views, they really matter to me in this case. I visit American news sites and it is all click bait and Trump and idiotic articles. When I see footage, I see military-style police vs. indigenous people. Where is everybody else? Hmmpff! That is why I want people to read the article now. Things always seem to be about injustice that happened and is now documented in the archives and historical records. Then, years after the fact, there is all this "It shouldn't have happened, but we have to move on." stuff. It breaks my heart to see what is happening there and the protectors seem so alone. I guess I let my emotions get the best of me, and it spilled out with my happiness in seeing the article get more views. Maybe I over value Wikipedia as a place to get information. It's just that the news seems to give so little attention to things that matter, and so much to things that do not. Anyhow, thanks for the kind words, and of course thanks for putting this article down on paper. The record of what is happening is hugely important. I just want people to be reading it right now, at a time when something can be done, not after, looking back and saying "what a shame". And don't be cross with Corbie. Everyone is entitled to their point of view. Sorry about the long post. Anna Frodesiak (talk) 21:38, 3 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for October 3
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Standing Rock Indian Reservation, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Wounded Knee. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
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Copying within Wikipedia requires proper attribution
Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia. It appears that you copied or moved text from Ghost Dance into Standing Rock Indian Reservation. While you are welcome to re-use Wikipedia's content, here or elsewhere, Wikipedia's licensing does require that you provide attribution to the original contributor(s). When copying within Wikipedia, this is supplied at minimum in an edit summary at the page into which you've copied content, disclosing the copying and linking to the copied page, e.g., copied content from [[page name]]; see that page's history for attribution. It is good practice, especially if copying is extensive, to also place a properly formatted {{copied}} template on the talk pages of the source and destination. The attribution has been provided for this situation, but if you have copied material between pages before, even if it was a long time ago, please provide attribution for that duplication. You can read more about the procedure and the reasons at Wikipedia:Copying within Wikipedia. Thank you. If you are the sole author of the prose that was moved, attribution is not required. — Diannaa🍁 (talk) 22:25, 5 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Black Lives Matter
Hey Gandy. I understand you venting your frustrations regarding the discussions, but I would recommend you go back and "nice" that up a little. There are some borderline PAs and BLP issues with that response. And while I know you haven't cast the first stone in terms of uncivil and aggressive editing, you should take it with a grain of salt. Doing right by policy always wins in the end and I believe that dispute is resolved, thanks for contributing. Scoundr3l (talk) 16:54, 19 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
...just saw this...well thanks but fuck that. better to be uncivil from time to time and yet continue to work for this sometimes fucking frustrating project rather than throw in the towel, as some of the good editors I have met over the years have done. Gandydancer (talk) 15:46, 27 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I can relate to that sentiment. Montanabw(talk) 07:00, 2 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandy, as Petra said months ago, you're always in my heart...which is broken due to the recent passing of my son. Your kind family demeanor and words of wisdom have always calmed me in the past. Only another parent can understand.... Prayers please. Buster Seven Talk 18:31, 2 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Oh no, no, no............ I am just beside myself and in tears. Please tell me about this very sad death. Dear Buster, my heart just goes out to you... XXXOOO Gandydancer (talk) 18:38, 2 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
October 22, at home, heart failure. 46 years old. Born on my birth day. A beautiful kind soul. Loved by so very many. A wonderful kind hearted man it seems so strange that he would pass due to a heart attack. A smile that would melt butter and a spirit that was content in the simplicity of life and family. I do not mean to come to you to spread my pain but only to speak to his goodness in places that are dear to me. He was a good son, father, brother, friend and I know God loves him. 22:19, 2 November 2016 (UTC)
Dear Friend, I am so sorry to hear this. I have sometimes tried to imagine how it would feel to lose a child and I just can't imagine anything so awful. Buster, when my granddaughter was very little she told me a horrific story about her previous death... Of course I don't go around talking about this because people would think I'm nuts. So I certainly do believe that life is eternal. But that does not help the pain of loss very much at all, does it. Again, I'm so sorry. xxxooo Gandydancer (talk) 03:03, 3 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you
I've had a rough entry into Wikipedia during this election season and I wanted to thank you for giving me a bit of hope by the example of your user & talk pages. I don't know what you would like to do concerning the DAPL pages, but I agree with those who supported adding it to "in the news" the first time, and this time will pay attention to the nomination if it is nominated again. But then again, perhaps that's why I've had a rough entry into Wikipedia... ^^ SashiRolls (talk) 21:15, 8 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you
I'm leaving a note here in case the ping isn't working...its you (and Brian) that should be commended for so much effort that was put into the article, while I helped, it was really your ability with words (text) is what gave West_African_Ebola_virus_epidemiclife. There are so many articles I wish you would give your input on, at Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Medicine ...so many people give opinions, I feel you could give knowledge, I feel you could help w/ so many issues (consider it)...and thank you[27] again...(PS I changed the background color b/c I'm having trouble seeing the border on my PC[28])--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 18:51, 21 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ozzie, you are just such a sweetie. Sorry to say, but I have had to mostly back away from all of the medical articles. It is sad since I (and many of my friends) do have a POV that we believe is important to include in WP. Talking with my friends (I'm the only WP editor), they just roll their eyes... But right now a certain POV is dominant and small voices, such as mine and those of my friends , are not current with the present Wikipedia mindset. Gandydancer (talk) 20:03, 21 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!
Hello, Gandydancer. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
Spread the cheer by adding {{Subst:Xmas4}} to their talk page with a friendly message.
Gandydancer, Happy holidays/New Year!--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 12:23, 7 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks dear brother Ozzie10aaaa. The card is beautiful. My WP time has been short of late but as always it does bring me joy and a feeling that I am helping with the spread of knowledge, as you are doing as well. "Tidings of comfort and joy!" (to be quite dramatic, indeed), to you! :) Gandydancer (talk) 19:12, 13 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Can I ask you a few questions for the Wikimedia blog?
Hi Gandydancer, my name is Samir Elsharbaty and I work with the Wikimedia Foundation's communications team. I'm writing a blog post about the Dakota Access pipeline protests and the impact of the news about it on Wikipedia. Since you are one of the main contributors to the Wikipedia page about it, I was wondering if I can send you a few questions and use your answers in my post. You can see examples of our News on Wikipedia posts here. If you are interested, please send me a message at selsharbatywikimedia.org, or provide me with a valid email address for you. Thanks. --Selsharbaty (WMF) (talk) 12:54, 8 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]
User talk:Selsharbaty (WMF) Sorry for the delay--I have not had much time for WP of late. I'd be glad to talk with you. My email is Marseydotseygmail.com.
How did she make the three-dimensional fish in File:Birthday cake for one-year old.jpg? I've no interest in re-creating this, but since I ran across your picture, I can't stop wondering. WhatamIdoing (talk) 03:48, 26 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Merry, merry!
From the icy Canajian north; to you and yours! FWiW Bzuk (talk) 22:39, 26 December 2016 (UTC) [reply]
Editor of the Week seeking nominations (and a new facilitator)
The Editor of the Week initiative has been recognizing editors since 2013 for their hard work and dedication. Editing Wikipedia can be disheartening and tedious at times; the weekly Editor of the Week award lets its recipients know that their positive behaviour and collaborative spirit is appreciated. The response from the honorees has been enthusiastic and thankful.
The list of nominees is running short, and so new nominations are needed for consideration. Have you come across someone in your editing circle who deserves a pat on the back for improving article prose regularly, making it easier to understand? Or perhaps someone has stepped in to mediate a contentious dispute, and did an excellent job. Do you know someone who hasn't received many accolades and is deserving of greater renown? Is there an editor who does lots of little tasks well, such as cleaning up citations?
In addition, the WikiProject is seeking a new facilitator/coordinator to handle the logistics of the award. Please contact L235 if you are interested in helping with the logistics of running the award in any capacity. Remove your name from here to unsubscribe from further EotW-related messages. Thanks, Kevin (aka L235 · t · c) via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:19, 30 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]
hi Gandy!
if you or anyone you know be interested, thank you--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 12:17, 19 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandydancer, Thanks for your efforts to clean up Bernie Sanders. I notice that you went back to a combination of images that we discussed at Talk:Bernie Sanders/Archive 16#Photo edits (I gave the wrong link in my edit summary). I reverted back to the original combination, pending a discussion on the relative merits of each, which I thought that we had already had. I look forward to discussing them at Talk:Bernie Sanders, if you would like to change the mix of images. Cheers, User:HopsonRoad 14:05, 6 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hello fellow project participants. Not sure how many users are still active as normal Wikipedia editors but felt the need to attempt to get a gauge on who can be called on for help with articles falling under the umbrella of the African diaspora project. According to the project's article table there are over six thousand articles related to the African diaspora; there's not a hundred at FA/GA grade and there's over twelve hundred that are unassessed. With Wikipedia being one of the major information reference points in the world today we should consider this unacceptable. Much work needs to be done on the rating of the importance of articles as well. With more communication amongst participants and a dedication to addressing the articles on the to-do list I believe we can make this WikiProject one of the most well organized and thorough on the site. If you are interested in collaborative work with some of your fellow project members, have certain expertise on any particular subjects, ideals on/about the WikiProject, etc. simply drop your name under the "Project revision" section I've created on the project's talk page and state your intentions and main points of interest in our WikiProject and we can attempt to move forward from there. Hoping to hear from everyone soon! WikiGuy86 (talk) 03:47, 24 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Aunt Rose
In reference to the story on User:Gandydancer, imagine the harm Aunt Rose's principal did to the children by shielding them from exposure to disabled people. Many of them grew up to be bigoted not only against disabled people, but all sorts of other people who varied from their norms and made them uncomfortable - gay, Muslim, Mexican, ... Bryan Henderson (giraffedata) (talk) 17:48, 11 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Pesticide topics
This message contains important information about an administrative situation on Wikipedia. It does not imply any misconduct regarding your own contributions to date.
Please carefully read this information:
The Arbitration Committee has authorised discretionary sanctions to be used for pages regarding all pages relating to genetically modified organisms, commercially produced agricultural chemicals and the companies that produce them, broadly construed, a topic which you have edited. The Committee's decision is here.
Discretionary sanctions is a system of conduct regulation designed to minimize disruption to controversial topics. This means uninvolved administrators can impose sanctions for edits relating to the topic that do not adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, our standards of behavior, or relevant policies. Administrators may impose sanctions such as editing restrictions, bans, or blocks. This message is to notify you that sanctions are authorised for the topic you are editing. Before continuing to edit this topic, please familiarise yourself with the discretionary sanctions system. Don't hesitate to contact me or another editor if you have any questions.
I'm not sure how much you've kept up with the topic, so just making sure you're aware of things like 1RR, etc. Kingofaces43 (talk) 02:18, 5 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Copying within Wikipedia requires proper attribution
Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia. It appears that you copied or moved text from Debbie Wasserman Schultz into Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, 2016. While you are welcome to re-use Wikipedia's content, here or elsewhere, Wikipedia's licensing does require that you provide attribution to the original contributor(s). When copying within Wikipedia, this is supplied at minimum in an edit summary at the page into which you've copied content, disclosing the copying and linking to the copied page, e.g., copied content from [[page name]]; see that page's history for attribution. It is good practice, especially if copying is extensive, to also place a properly formatted {{copied}} template on the talk pages of the source and destination. The attribution has been provided for this situation, but if you have copied material between pages before, even if it was a long time ago, please provide attribution for that duplication. You can read more about the procedure and the reasons at Wikipedia:Copying within Wikipedia. Thank you. If you are the sole author of the prose that was moved, attribution is not required. — Diannaa🍁 (talk) 20:28, 17 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
re:Jimbo talk
The main reason was the comparison to murder sentences in Russia - 15 years max the last time I looked. Other factors, he was drunk and drugged, 21 - almost a minor himself. I can see why people might disagree, but I hope you see there are good faith reasons on the other side. Sincerely, Smallbones(smalltalk) 20:35, 18 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Copyright problem on Yoshiko Uchida
Material you included in the above article appears to have been copied from the copyright web page http://www.bookrags.com/biography/yoshiko-uchida/#gsc.tab=0 or elsewhere online. Copying text directly from a source is a copyright violation. Unfortunately, for copyright reasons, the content had to be removed. Please leave a message on my talk page if you have any questions or if you think I made a mistake. — Diannaa🍁 (talk) 13:47, 30 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Helen Caldicott
Regarding her activist activities, she does make a large number of statements claiming things which are matters of fact within science. The problem is that what she claims is often not the same as a mainstream scientist would claim on the subject. Many of her statements are not compatible with the results of scientific experiments, I recall that one of the Wikipedia principles is that undue weight should not be given to fringe views. I hold the view that if she makes a claim we should consider how it compares with other literature. The other literature being based on real experiments and being peer reviewed should be trusted more than a claim made by Helen (Her claims are not normally ever subject to peer review). So I think we should mention and discuss opposing views. I hold the view that there should be no original work on wikipedia by the editors, so we should not use our own views on subjects, instead if someone else has published a good quality review on a topic we should use it instead.
I have looked at some of what she has written and the vast majority of her statements on radioactivity can be shown within a short time to be wrong. I know that she might be a hero to many people but we should consider her work in a critical and unbiased way rather than either just repeating it or agreeing blindly with it. We can also use the standard methods of established subjects to generate content. Comparing one work with the rest of the scientific literature is a standard method in science.
I also have to ask why you think an book review by Ian Fells in Nature is not significant due to the status of Ian Fells, I have checked and Ian Fells (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Gandydancer/Ian_Fells) is a Prof of Energy Conversion at a University. Also the fact that it was published in one of the best scientific journals (Nature) also does add to the weight of the review. I think currently that the article about Helen is not NPOV it is currently an article which seems to praise her too much rather than looking at her work in a neutral and unbiased manner.Cadmium (talk) 18:57, 5 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Cadmium, I agree that it appears that Caldicott does not appear to always use sound science for her claims. The conversation with Monbiot was, IMO, a good discussion of the problem and it does help to add some criticism to the article. If you can find similar well-sourced discussions that specifically address Caldicott I think we could include them, however to just add differing opinions would not be appropriate in her bio. Many bios in WP include opinions that differ with scientific authority, for example the many U.S. politicians that disagree with climate change as a result of human activity which is agreed to by 97% of climate scientists, but we don't explain how and why they are wrong in their articles. In her bio we need to explain Caldicott's opinion on nuclear energy - if a person wants an unbiased opinion on the use of nuclear energy they can go to that specific article. But I do think that the Monbiot quotes could be improved, for example, "In a reply Caldicott claimed that tritium is particularly dangerous compared with gamma" seems an odd summary of that source, IMO. Gandydancer (talk) 15:54, 6 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandydancer. I would like to discuss with you an inconsistency within Wikipedia. If you look at Johan_Galtung and Daniele_Ganser two randomly chosen peace studies experts you will find sections on both people in which they ideas and conduct is subject to some form of discussion / criticism. I feel that if discussion of Helen's ideas and conduct on the page devoted to her is not permitted then the same standard should apply to the other two pages. I have checked and you have not edited the page about D. Ganser (at least in the last 150 edits) so it is clear that in the case of the two peace studies people vs Helen that you could never be accused of having a double standard. But I think that the issue should be considered of why on wikipedia why it is not OK to discuss Helen's views and statements while it is OK for someone to be critical of Gatung and/or Ganser. I would err on the side of allowing some discussion of Helen's ideas as long as the criticism is sourced to someone else's work or is the clear product of standard methods in science / medicine or another academic discipline.Cadmium (talk) 14:31, 25 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
As I said, I believe that criticism would improve the article since she is controversial. On the other hand, reading the Nuclear power debate article it is clear that she would not be considered "fringe". The articles that you point out use sources that directly address the individual and if you can find similar discussions for Caldicott that would be good. I've looked and I haven't found anything. BTW, the conversation is about Caldicott, not me - would you mind moving it to her page? Gandydancer (talk) 17:08, 26 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Regarding the move of venue to the talk page for Helen, I think your request is perfectly reasonable. I will copy the discussion over to the talk page. I will include a comment to state that it has be relocated.Cadmium (talk) 18:48, 26 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Category:American prostitutes
Of the 79 that are currently on the list how many have you determined need to be removed as unsubstantiated? I see @Monatanabw: has removed at least one. Back after dinner duty!―Buster7 ☎ 00:04, 14 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Buster, it is so good to talk with you again. I have only gone through the A's and mentioned the one. As I said already it is my fear that people will just go through the list and strike some out without improving the articles. As for the ongoing discussion, I was not exactly thrilled with the way it had progressed.... Let's keep in touch. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 01:25, 14 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I'd be glad to work on the articles with you. Don't worry about that discussion. We can have our own. TRA! B7―Buster7 ☎ 05:11, 14 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
A part of the discussion got me to thinking and reflecting on my life. I spent more than half of my 55 years of working as a walk-up Janitor in residential buildings in Chicago and Evanston. My father, two Uncles, my older brother and many older family friends...were all SEIU janitors. Now, granted... "janitor" does not have anywhere near the demeaning capacity that "prostitute" has...but it's in a similar ballpark. It is a label of limitation, an implication of incapacity, a designation of class. Its used to denote the bottom of an organization; "from janitor to president". If a WikiPedia article were to be written about me, I would not want to be categorized as Janitor. I think these ladies would feel the same. ―Buster7 ☎ 09:13, 16 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
That's why I love you Buster--you have something that children that were born with a silver spoon in their mouth find much harder to understand. We can only experience for others what we have experienced for ourselves. Empathy is a very precious thing indeed. I'll tell you a story about how I came to understand something about women. I used to be an RN and in the 80's I worked in drug and alcohol treatment. One of our counselors, Velda, would tell the nurses that this or that woman patient (client) of hers had been abused when she was a child. The nurses would joke among themselves, "Oh Velda says that about all of her clients". This was before it was known that somewhere around a quarter of all women were sexually abused as children with the number much higher for those that are drug/alcohol addicted, and today I have no doubt that her clients were indeed all abused. Anyway, in the evenings the nurses sat in the office and talked with any clients that came in or talked with each other. One night a nurse, Bev, and I were talking about Velda's clients and it suddenly came to me, "Hey wait, it happened to me too!". I'm sure that you've heard of how a person can build a wall around a memory that they can't deal with and forget it ever happened until something jars their memory.
Buster, it's funny that when the memory came back I remembered it very well and it remains my most vivid memory from that age. It happened when we were living in a tiny Airstream trailer in a trailer camp in Colorado. I was in kindergarten. "Daddy" was still in the Great Lakes Naval Hospital in Chicago and we moved on ahead to Colorado where we'd be living when he got out. An older man named Bill also lived in a trailer in the park. One day he got my little sister Judy and me to sit in the back of his car while he took us on a pretend ride. Then he got me to sit in front so I could pretend to drive. Then he took my hand and held it on his penis while he masterbated till he ejaculated. I remember him saying over and over, "it's coming, it's coming" and some white stuff that came out. (It's a terrible memory and I almost start to cry just remembering it even now.) Anyway, I don't remember but I'm sure he said, "Don't tell, it's our secret". So that night when we were all in bed (Judy and I slept in the bed at the end and Mama and our older sister slept in the one that makes up using the table) and the lights were out I said to Mama, "I have a secret". Mama promised a campfire wienie roast, something we loved, if I'd tell. (The humor of the "wienie roast" part was not lost on Bev and we had a good laugh over that!) Anyway Buster, here was something that happened only once to me, something compared to what has happened to other girls is pretty mild, plus I had a really good mom, and look how profoundly it affected me. That came even more clear to me a few nights later when I told the man I was seeing at that time about it, and I remember that very well too. We were laying in bed in the dark and when I told him I was (unexpectedly to myself) sobbing -- I actually seemed to have thought that I was telling him something terrible that I had done, not something that was done to me, and that now he couldn't love me any longer. Anyway, bless his soul he wrapped his arms around me and just held me until I had cried it all out. But Buster, this shows how it works, how women take the blame for things that were done to them and feel guilt and shame. It shows how it is years later that they may feel the courage to say something because other women are reporting something similar.
BTW, what happened to me was bad enough but my telling encouraged Bev to talk about something for the first time that night, and something much worse. She said that her father had come into the girls bedroom at night and "touched" them.
Well Buster, to move on should we get started? For our reasoning for our editing what I find not to be appropriate for a bio I could not find much help. There is plenty of information for a BLP, but it seems that if they are dead, like my mother or yours for example, WP is not so concerned. I found only Wikipedia:Neutral point of view to use as a guideline. Can you find anything? For the list American Prostitutes this should work for most, don't you think?
A central concept used in categorising articles is that of the defining characteristics of a subject of the article. A defining characteristic is one that reliable sourcescommonly and consistently defineCite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).
Lolly Wolly Doodle
However I felt about what you wrote at Dennis's talk page, I do realize I should probably explain how the article got that way when I was first writing it. Basically, I was looking for things that would make a good DYK hook, something that would draw lots of clicks, and while I thought that the business angle whereby LWD was believed to have figured out how to use Facebook as a sales channel where larger, established companies had not been was enough, I knew I needed more possible hooks than that, so I put a lot of that human interest stuff in there.
Indeed, the reviewers at DYK turned out to be skeptical of running a hook about that, no matter how well it was sourced, so we went with the HI one instead. Ironically, that fact has subsequently been deleted from the article (I wish it had been kept; I don't think it's every man who learns how to sew to support his wife's business, though I think a lot of women in that position would be just thrilled. But I'm just not going to go there right now). Daniel Case (talk) 19:53, 11 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you so very much for your note. I really appreciate it. A little about my editing history: I've worked on many corporate articles and it has been nothing short of extreme disgust for the efforts of corporate promoters to bias our articles. For example, where an editor brazenly said right out to the corporate rep editor, "just write up what you want and we'll get it in" - that was the BP oil spill article. Or the Chevron article where they mucked up the landscape that belonged to indigenous people and then carried on a lawsuit for years (and eventually won) while the corporate rep replaced news articles with primary lawsuit sites, and so on. And at that same article where one of our seemingly lily-white paid editors seemed, to me at least, to be working in their favor as we were trying to clean the article up. That same paid editor clearly, to me at least, drug another article out for months when it could have been resolved - and why not when you're getting paid by the month? Or the Monsanto articles where every effort to provide information about any on-going lawsuits is almost instantly deleted or watered down. I could go on... One that is almost sort of funny is the Cracker Barrel Restaurant chain - I think that exchange is in the last archive. So you can see why I've become so jaded when it comes to corporate articles. About the LWD article, I agree that the family help part is worthwhile and I added it back. I made a few CE's as well. Again, thanks for the note. BTW, I had two girls and I made all of their clothing as well. When I got my first new sewing machine my husband wanted to try it out and he made a potholder. It was so cute. (I mean him, not the potholder) Gandydancer (talk) 21:23, 11 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
This message contains important information about an administrative situation on Wikipedia. It does not imply any misconduct regarding your own contributions to date.
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The Arbitration Committee has authorised discretionary sanctions to be used for pages regarding all edits about, and all pages related to post-1932 politics of the United States and closely related people, a topic which you have edited. The Committee's decision is here.
Discretionary sanctions is a system of conduct regulation designed to minimize disruption to controversial topics. This means uninvolved administrators can impose sanctions for edits relating to the topic that do not adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, our standards of behavior, or relevant policies. Administrators may impose sanctions such as editing restrictions, bans, or blocks. This message is to notify you that sanctions are authorised for the topic you are editing. Before continuing to edit this topic, please familiarise yourself with the discretionary sanctions system. Don't hesitate to contact me or another editor if you have any questions.
Just a heads up the article is under consensus required. You added the material to the article here, it was challanged here, and you reinserted without concensus here. PackMecEng (talk) 15:18, 29 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for the heads up. I'm not sure what to do to remedy this mistake, if it is one. Suggestions? Gandydancer (talk) 15:38, 29 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
My guess would be a self revert and start a discussion. Not really sure thought, there seems to be a lot of uncertainty on that particular provision. PackMecEng (talk) 15:46, 29 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. I will start a discussion. Gandydancer (talk) 15:54, 29 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You haven't self-reverted. You should. Galobtter (pingó mió) 16:30, 29 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for February 8
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. An automated process has detected that when you recently edited David Archambault II, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Lakota (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are usually incorrect, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of unrelated topics with similar titles. (Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.)
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 09:14, 8 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Joseph Campbell
Hello, Gandydancer. Regarding your recent edit at Joseph Campbell, let me say that I am trying to work with other editors. I have explained to Dkudler why I disagree with his changes, but he has not as yet replied; perhaps you could politely suggest to him that he should try to work with me? It would also help if you could comment about the issues on the article's talk page instead of reverting me without real explanation. FreeKnowledgeCreator (talk) 00:47, 10 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the message. I commented on the talk page. I agree that he needs to respond there as well. Gandydancer (talk) 16:18, 10 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
February 2018
Your addition to Racial views of Donald Trump has been removed, as it appears to have added copyrighted material to Wikipedia without evidence of permission from the copyright holder. If you are the copyright holder, please read Wikipedia:Donating copyrighted materials for more information on uploading your material to Wikipedia. For legal reasons, Wikipedia cannot accept copyrighted material, including text or images from print publications or from other websites, without an appropriate and verifiable license. All such contributions will be deleted. You may use external websites or publications as a source of information, but not as a source of content, such as sentences or images—you must write using your own words. Wikipedia takes copyright violations very seriously and persistent violators will be blocked from editing. — Diannaa🍁 (talk) 14:50, 21 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your post, Gandydancer. Do you support my proposal to require a legislator's explanation or justification when a vote is mentioned? Do you support changing the second sentence to "He has articulated positions on many political issues, including his Congressional voting record"? Or do you have a different suggestion for establishing a standard for defining a "position"? Cheers, HopsonRoad (talk) 20:34, 5 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
It's really surprising that the Sanders article has so few responses to the current issue. At any rate, the whole thing seems to have more to do with a personal crusade than a real wish to improve our encyclopedia. Hopefully we can work something out on the talk page. Gandydancer (talk) 17:38, 6 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for March 9
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Maternity clothing, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Aldens (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
Hello, Gandy. Since you seem to care about this article too, I want to explain why I have edited your last edit, and removed the reference you placed there. The historian lady is talking off the cuff, and makes several erroneous, or somewhat confused statements. Her claim that porters "had to pay for their sheets and towels" is particularly careless: as much so as someone today saying that Hilton Hotel maids have to pay for "their" sheets and towels. It makes no sense, from any point of view, especially when you consider that the Pullman Company was well known to the public as "The World's Greatest Housekeeper," as this circa 1930 Pullman brochure makes clear: travelers used millions of the familiar Pullman-emblazoned sheets, towels, and blankets every year. The porters could not possibly have paid for all that linen. I have been unable to find any online source that suggests they did.
Ms. Historian meant well, but was obviously in error - I have just spent all evening trying to track down her specific claim of $33 a month for such supplies, and I think I found it, in the 1926 report "The Pullman Porter" issued by the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. You might find it interesting reading, as they go into great detail about pay, overtime, expenses, and conditions of work; however, nowhere in that booklet is any mention of the porters having to pay for sheets and towels - which seems to me they would surely have mentioned along with all the other onerous impositions they labored under.
So I have deleted the history lady's brief, unreliable video in favor of a new paragraph containing these same statistics, and a link to the BSCP report itself, which I believe is a much more reliable source. Please let me know if you agree.
You might also be interested in the wealth of documents found at the Newberry Libary's online Pullman Company exhibition. Textorus (talk) 04:25, 14 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
"Ms. Historian" is Dr.Lyn Hughes, founder of the museum mentioned in the article. She has written a book on the subject and started a list of the thousands of retired Pullman workers as well. As for me, who you called in your edit summary "oh-so-clueless", I have written most of the article and have spent many hours researching, having read most of what is available. That said, you are correct about the copy that used the word "porter" when "waiter" would have been correct. However, the photo should be returned to the article with the correct caption. Gandydancer (talk) 15:10, 14 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Dr. Hughes's efforts in that field are commendable, but the truth is that even museum founders and Ph.D.'s, male and female, are human beings who can and do make egregious mistakes, and Dr. Hughes told a whopper - which you, despite your vast researches, failed to notice, and reproduced in the wikiarticle, which potentially may misinform who knows how many thousands of readers. The article is about Pullman porters, not waiters, so if you want to restore the irrelevant photo with a different caption, that's up to you. I see that you have a lot of regard for your own efforts and very little for my mine, and seem to resent the addition of correct information from reliable sources, so I'm moving on here - do whatever you please with this article. This careless regard for truth is why I mainly confine myself to minor copyedits nowadays - and usually regret making a big effort as I did here. So have all the fun with it you want - I'm done. Textorus (talk) 18:48, 14 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Textorus I have done nothing to suggest that I do not regard your edits. I have not changed or deleted anything you added other than move the box quote from the lead to the body of the article. Actually I think that your edits have improved the article a great deal. As for the "sheets and towels", I agree that they could not have possibly had to pay for all the linens used by the passengers, I assumed that Hughes meant that they had to pay for the ones that they used on over-night trips. Regarding your belief that the article is about only Pullman porters and not the other black Pullman staff, I don't agree with that. The union included the waiters and while they are generally called "Pullman porters" in the media, the waiters are included in the body of the article. For example see this:
Retired train porters (l-r) Lee Gibson, 98, Thomas H. Gray, 71, Samuel Coleman, 80, James Smith, 83, and Troy Walker, 90, were honored at the Amtrak station in Oakland, Calif. Tuesday morning Feb. 10, 2009 in aceremony celebrating the work of the Pullman Porters. Pullman Porters were African American men who worked the sleeping cars and dining cars in rail’s heyday. The work was hard and they were segregated from white workers for many years. The country’s first black labor union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, was formed by the porters who worked those sleeping and dining cars. (Karl Mondon/ Oakland Tribune) (this is from the Recognition section)
BTW of the five men mentioned above, only one was a porter, the others all worked the dining car. Gandydancer (talk) 17:33, 15 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Well, Gandy, I suppose since I added the two lede paragraphs about waiters, cooks, and maids, the article could now be said to be "about" all of them, though only the porters are dealt with in any detail. Instead of changing the article name to something long and awkward, perhaps a separate article on Pullman dining car service is warranted. An article on Pullman maids would also be nice - why should the men get all the attention? - but as there were so few of them, I suspect it would involve much more digging though sources. But I do want to reiterate that porters and waiters are not at all the same thing, despite the sloppy, careless usage of uninformed journalists. (I have often noted such wet-behind-the-ears journos refer to a locomotive as a train, but that does not change the actual definition of either the one or the other.)
To give a modern example: Olive Garden employs cooks, waiters, bus boys, bartenders, sommeliers, cashiers, and others, but you would never lump them all together as cooks or waiters, would you? And if they were all African-American, it would be rather condescending to take no notice of the difference in their work, wouldn't it? If you read a little further in your sources, I think you will see that porters and waiters themselves were rather proud of their own specialties, and did not at all see themselves as interchangeable. And as someone who rode quite a few high-class trains before they disappeared into Amtrak, I can assure you that no traveler would have made that kind of mistake either, just as you would never confuse your waiter at Chili's with the person who cooks your food, or the kid who clears your table. A hairdresser and a manicurist may work in the same place for the same employer, but they have distinct jobs, right?
To make another point, Pullman invented the dining car in 1868, and the heyday of Pullman dining car service was from the 1880s to World War I; after that, most railroads operated their own dining car services, which were never, ever profitable for anyone - but the dining cars attracted passengers, and, so the railroads hoped, also public goodwill, which likewise boosted freight customers. That last part might have been wishful thinking, but many railroads took great pride in their dining car services - see, for example, the famous Fred Harvey system of the Santa Fe and the Great Big Baked Potato of the Northern Pacific - and they advertised them extensively. So by the end of World War II, I believe Pullman dining cars were used only by a couple of minor railroads - thus, Pullman waiters and cooks were a rather small group compared to the 10 or 12 thousand porters. I don't have exact figures, which would be a whole 'nother research project, but two fairly reliable sources are The Cars of Pullman (2010) and Dining by Rail (1998), if you ever want to dig further in this topic.
I see that you have already done a great deal of good work with this article, and I'm glad I could contribute usefully on a topic I know something about. I'm a crusty old retired guy who edits Wikipedia just for fun - but misinformation purveyed as fact really gets my goat, especially in this era when so much knowledge is literally at people's fingertips - and I understand that the newer computers now will simply tell you what you want to know if you just ask them a question out loud. So to my mind, there is simply no excuse for "fake facts." I don't claim to know everything, but if I can help you with anything railroad-history related, feel free to ask.Textorus (talk) 19:24, 15 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Textorus I just can't thank you enough for the links to the two books. I read them both and really enjoyed it.
My memory of train travel goes back a long way as well - and I bet even farther back than yours! I remember "petting" the mink coat of a women as we boarded a train for Chicago in around 1945. "Mama" was moving to Chicago with her family of three girls because "Daddy" had been wounded in the war and had been sent to the Naval hospital to recover from his wounds. I remember how the "lady" smiled a "isn't that just too cute" smile when I petted her coat (I'd never seen a mink coat before). I also remember sleeping in the upper berth with my little sister and our mother and older sister slept on the lower. It's fun to talk about old times! Best Gandy dancerGandydancer (talk) 02:34, 19 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Gandydancer, that's a cute story. You have a few years on me, but I was lucky to get to ride some great trains while they lasted. I'm glad you enjoyed the books, which give us old-timers a chance to revisit some fond memories of a pleasure that will never return, sadly. "Dinner in the diner, nothin' could be finer" -- so true! Textorus (talk) 09:46, 23 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I too am a crusty old retired guy who edits Wikipedia just for fun. And it has been fun watching you two veterans resolve what could have been a journey down a "ruff" path that we all see to often at our beloved WP. My most memorable train ride was from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan up into the Canadian wilderness. All the way up and back I hung my head out like a dog in the front seat. ―Buster7 ☎ 19:49, 23 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ha ha Buster, I think we got along because anyone that loves trains knows that another train-lover must be OK after all. Textorus, Buster hails from Chicago which was once, and perhaps still is?, the hub of all railroads. I think that Buster and I have already talked trains somewhere above on this talk page of mine, right Buster? OK, another train story of mine: When young marrieds my sis and I traveled from Minnesota to Oregon to meet with our older sister and her family (yes, the same three little girls I mentioned above that traveled with their mom during the war years). I had two little girls aged, I think, six and five. My sis had two little boys aged four and three. Anyway, the little three-year-old was in the process of training and no longer wearing diapers. But there was some sort of problem with his little weanie - I remember some sort of surgery, minor something, to fix it. At any rate, my sis had to spend (it seemed like) hours in the lavatory with him while he waited for his flow to start. As if that wasn't bad enough, he would only pee in a toilet that was not "broken" (meaning a full circle one, the one without a space in the front). The only bathroom with an unbroken toilet was the very last car of the train. So that's how it was... I remember how after we finally got all the kids to sleep sis Judy and I went to the club car for a drink before we turned in as well. I was OK because my girls were doing well but Judy was at her wit's end. She ordered a gimlet. The (black) "porter" regretfully told us that he could not serve her because we were in the small 50-mile stretch of Idaho which was either dry or perhaps that particular county was dry at that time, and by the time that the train had made it across that stretch it would be too late in the night to serve according to another (national?) law. BUT, what a beautiful trip! My two most cherished scenery memories are of the massive rolling hills of Montana - it truly is "the big sky country". And then in Washington (I think) how beautiful as the tracks followed the river, as tracks often do since nature has already cut the way through mountain ranges. The same is true in my home state of Colorado. Buster I can well imagine your Canada train ride. More later. Gandydancer (talk) 15:39, 24 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I'm sure your nephew would be glad to know that after 'lo these many years you are still remembering "his little weanie". ―Buster7 ☎ 21:46, 24 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
At first, I mistakenly assumed that Gandydancer was a young flibbertigibbet, but she's a good old gal - you know what they say about assume. Too bad we can't all meet for drinks and swap some train stories. Textorus (talk) 06:21, 27 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Hey there Missy! Flyer22 Reborn what a great job you did in handling that very difficult situation. I had hoped to add a few words but time has been too short for me to put something together that would come across as well as I would have liked. Plus, the great work by both Sandy Georgia and Clayoquot seems to have covered the situation very well. Besides, it would have been hard for me to not make mention of the "smear" comment and then to bitch about the obvious lack of understanding of how (goddamn ) hard and time consuming it is to try to fix a string of bad edits. The others didn't mention the objectionable editors/edits and they were right... Flyer, that episode really would be a good model of how to handle difficult WP situations. You're the best. Gandydancer (talk) 02:57, 19 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for March 23
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Breastfeeding, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Candida (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
Thank you Gandydancer for looking into this article. I know there are some major problems but haven't had the energy to fix any of them. I totally feel your pain about how disheartening the whole mess is. I'm kind of swamped with work & other stuff at the time being but hope to help out in the near future. You are awesome. Clayoquot (talk | contribs) 03:53, 24 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You are sweet...and super awesome as well. You write extremely well and have an unusually good head on your shoulders too. Clayoquot, if you have time and it is easy for you could you formulate this link for me? [29] The info I want to use is on p.42. I used to know how to do books but methods have changed so much that I can no longer figure things out. The reason that I'd like it done right is because the boss of the breastfeeding article removed my section on leaking because of the ref I used. C., I think you nursed, right? I have a question. I remember holding my arms against my breasts when milk started to be let down unexpectedly, I remember my sis doing the same. Did you have that experience? I'm asking because I searched high and low for the "pressure on breasts" to hold the flow back and could only find the blog I used - surly it must be common knowledge...I guess?...or not? Gandydancer (talk) 23:31, 24 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Aw, thanks! I plugged the ISBN for the book into Citer, a relatively new & extremely handy tool. The results are here: https://tools.wmflabs.org/citer/citer.fcgi?input_type=url-doi-isbn&user_input=978-1558323049&dateformat=%25Y-%25m-%25d. Yes, pressure on the breasts to stop leaking is something I've done, and most breastfeeding women have done. I nursed my first baby for three and a half years and I'm still nursing my one year old. Yeah, the high bar for sourcing for things like the management of normal bodily fluids is making it harder to improve the article. Take care, sister! Clayoquot (talk | contribs) 04:11, 26 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Clayoquot, I have again removed the video after taking courage from the ongoing discussion on Jimbo's talk page. If you don't make a post about the Osmosis video to his talk page I will, but you'd do it better than me since you write so well. Let me know... Gandydancer (talk) 17:11, 26 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Clarification of wording of Barbara's topic ban
Sandstein has closed the User:Barbara (WVS) ANI discussion with a topic ban worded "is topic-banned (WP:TBAN) from medical articles". Following discussion with Sandstein regarding the scope of that topic ban (User_talk:Sandstein#What_the_topic_ban_covers), it is felt that further wording is required. Therefore it is proposed that the wording of the topic ban is amended to read:
"By consensus of the community, Barbara (WVS) (talk ·contribs), also editing as Bfpage (talk ·contribs), is topic-banned (WP:TBAN) from health and medical topics, including anatomy and sexuality, broadly construed, and is also banned from interacting with Flyer22 (talk ·contribs) (WP:IBAN)."
"considering that we're all supposed to be able to edit WP, which often means not only long discussions but a degree of edit warring as well, how would an edit war of a video proceed?". I love that. Opposed because you can't edit war over a video :-) But it is true, where would you have the conversation? Commons might rapidly block both parties and ask them never to darken its door again. And I really know know the procedures for protecting media files in the event of warring, as I'm neither a Commons nor Wikipedia admin. I think, but could be wrong, that Wikipedia can apply protection to the copy of a file that is on Wikipedia, like for when it is on the main page. But I could be talking through a hole in my head on that one. -- Colin°Talk 21:39, 29 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Oh my Colin, now that you have complemented me I have to admit that the thought was not mine - it was borrowed from the editor that wrote the very funny "fuck, fuck, fuck,..." post. But speaking of complements, I have admired your posts many times and really appreciate what you are doing for Wikipedia. And for the difficult Dr., you have him pegged just right. I like him and I think he's a good doc but he has a really bad case of the doctor/god syndrome. I know a lot about that problem because I am a retired RN. I got so sick of it at one time what with his t*****s always ready to back him up regardless of the conflict, that I just quit editing medical articles. The straw that broke the camel's back was a war over the WHO's advice on length of time to nurse which is: "introduction of nutritionally-adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond." The other ref we are using says, "breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant, a recommendation concurred to by the WHO78 and the Institute of Medicine. He would allow only "until at least one to two years of age." It was important to me to include "or beyond" to support Western woman who would like to nurse for a longer period of time but face social obstacles. It would help those woman to say that the WHO advises it. I am the leading editor of Breastfeeding and you'd think that I should have some say when it comes to a disagreement of this type, but that has not been the case at all. Anyway, very good to talk to you. Gandydancer (talk) 04:20, 30 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I am interested in the number of people in recent discussions who have found it highly amusing that a lay/anonymous person might question a doctor's judgement wrt medical articles/videos at all. There seems to be a belief in some that an MD is omniscient in all medical matters. We wouldn't assume that being called a scientist made one omniscient in all scientific matters: a physicist is not an expert in DNA. Even experienced editors have claimed that because User:X is a doc, their authority on any medical subject should be assumed. A consultant cardiologist might just about remember getting a 2 hour lecture on anticonvulsants 20 years ago. I am wondering if WP needs a WP:OMNIDOC essay. -- Colin°Talk 11:19, 30 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, that's how it is. In RL disagreeing with or finding fault with a MD is one of the hardest things there is. I know of many cases over the years where a MD was as much as killing patients through his substandard care and yet nothing was done about it. Nurses know what is going on but are unable to do much of anything. I know because I once filed a charge of misconduct and it was one of the worst episodes of my life...and I doubt I'd advise anyone to do it if asked for an opinion. In the end all it did was to label me as a trouble maker. There seems to be a deep societal need to put certain individuals on pedestals and then resist seeing them in a realistic manner, as though we ourselves would be flawed to have been wrong in our judgement. And other factors as well, of course.
BTW, it really took the cake that Jytdog would bring you to ANI for behavior issues. You are probably not familiar with his behavior but I've known him for a long time and he is by far the most abusive editor I've ever met. Again and again I've seen him treat newbies with contempt, seen him ridicule their lack of inexperience, and pretty much be just downright mean. For example see this edit summary [[30]] and when he didn't like the notes left on his talk page he just deleted the entire exchange saying that it made him mad to see it [[31]] Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 21:00, 30 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Your userpage
I read your userpage just now, and it really made me think. I wrote something on the WP:MED page that was less that courteous, and I hope you understand it wasn't directed at you. This debate has been very taxing, and I've been quite frustrated by some comments that have assumed very bad faith over the inclusions of videos. I hope we can work together in the future, and do so successfully on the Breastfeeding article, among other topics Maybe there is something to how we as medical editors respond to questions or disputes, but I hope you can understand that we are spread very thin — and that we sometimes do things without discussing them in depth is because there are so many articles to keep track of. There are too few of us to engage in depth in the many issues that arise each day, some of which are very valid, and some which are not. I'm very much in awe of how Doc James manages to keep track of all the articles he does, and would hope you didn't single him out for being so very productive. He really cares deeply about Wikipedia, and lets editing take up so much of his time, and Wikipedia would be much lesser without him. Unfortunately that may mean he feels the strain even more than some others, but I don't think he ever meant to be discourteous. talk 22:49, 1 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Carl Fredrik, Doc James has always been very courteous to me and I am aware of how hard he has worked for Wikipedia. I've also appreciated the fact that in the past he has worked to bar corporate influence in our articles, which by reading my user page you can see is very important to me. Gandydancer (talk) 23:02, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Survey Invite
I'm working on a study of political motivations and how they affect editing. I'd like to ask you to take a survey. The survey should take no more than 1-2 minutes. Your survey responses will be kept private. Our project is documented at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Gandydancer/Research:Wikipedia_%2B_Politics.
I am asking you to participate in this study because you are a frequent editor of pages on Wikipedia that are of political interest. We would like to learn about your experiences in dealing with editors of different political orientations.
Sincere thanks for your help! Porteclefs (talk) 14:09, 7 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Copy and pasting
In this edit
You copied and pasted text:
"The main causes of newborn deaths are prematurity and low-birth-weight, infections, asphyxia (lack of oxygen at birth) and birth trauma. These causes account for nearly 80% of deaths in this age group."
From here. World Health Organization content is generally fully copyrighted by the World Health Organization. Please be more careful. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 11:15, 8 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
2018 Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola virus outbreak
any input is welcomed thanks,--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 19:39, 12 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for May 17
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Scott Pruitt, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Ryan Jackson (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
Your suggestion is absurd and I don't appreciate it. Factchecker_atyourservice 15:35, 19 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pruitt edits
Hi, there. You noted that you moved rulemaking text from its location in the Pruitt article, but I don't see to where it was moved. Can you clarify? Thanks. Activist (talk) 07:32, 20 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I moved it to "PFOS and PFOA study publication withheld", a section I started for info re this issue. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 14:53, 20 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
That's very helpful. Thanks! Activist (talk) 06:36, 21 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for May 24
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Scott Pruitt, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Brian Fitzpatrick (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Scott Pruitt, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page FOI (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
The Sanders stuff just needs to be better sourced. Snooganssnoogans (talk) 00:25, 4 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Robert E. Denton, Jr. (2017). Studies of Communication in the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Lexington Books. pp. 4–. ISBN 978-1-4985-6030-6.
Hans A. Baer (2017). Democratic Eco-Socialism as a Real Utopia: Transitioning to an Alternative World System. Berghahn Books. pp. 261–. ISBN 978-1-78533-696-6. ....--Moxy (talk) 01:16, 4 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Moxy. Gandydancer (talk) 01:48, 4 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
'Over the back fence'
Just got home from a car trip to Savannah GA to pick up my granddaughter from College. Saw you on my watchlist when I got home and thought I might stop for a short chat. All is well---retired since last August---turned 70. Mrs keeps me busy as does WP. Was maintaining Trump's timeline when I left but not a soul has made an entry since I left a week ago or started a new quarter. So... not a single reason for me to even bother with it any more. Did Obama's for eight years with joy... can't say the same for the current resident. Hope all is well with you! TRA! ―Buster7 ☎ 03:11, 4 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Hi there my friend, so good to hear from you. Hope you're enjoying time with your granddaughter. Has she picked out a major? I have one granddaughter, Helena Rose. She will be headed for college this fall. It's good to be retired once one gets over the initial strangeness of it. I remember that I sure did understand why so many people just feel lost and worthless when first retired, but it did not take me long to adjust. Re Trump, hardly a day goes by that I'm not just totally amazed about how it can be that he still has so many supporters...and less so that Congress does nothing. I have done a lot of work on his environmental policies article, which has been easy since no one reads it. Keep in touchBuster7 . Gandydancer (talk) 00:40, 7 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Life in retirement on WP tends to look like this from time to time, huh? Atsme✍🏻📧 15:03, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Copying within Wikipedia requires attribution
Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia. It appears that you copied or moved text from Breastfeeding into Neonatal infection. While you are welcome to re-use Wikipedia's content, here or elsewhere, Wikipedia's licensing does require that you provide attribution to the original contributor(s). When copying within Wikipedia, this is supplied at minimum in an edit summary at the page into which you've copied content, disclosing the copying and linking to the copied page, e.g., copied content from [[page name]]; see that page's history for attribution. It is good practice, especially if copying is extensive, to also place a properly formatted {{copied}} template on the talk pages of the source and destination. The attribution has been provided for this situation, but if you have copied material between pages before, even if it was a long time ago, please provide attribution for that duplication. You can read more about the procedure and the reasons at Wikipedia:Copying within Wikipedia. Thank you. If you are the sole author of the prose that was copied, attribution is not required. — Diannaa🍁 (talk) 10:53, 14 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Talk:Donald Trump
Hi, Gandy! I appreciate your effort to add a little humor to the talk page, but IMO it's not likely to lead to a resolution of the issue. Would you consider self-reverting it, so that SPECIFICO can respond to my new proposed wording without it being described as a "fight"? Much less a "fight" where everyone is watching and taking sides? Just a request; you can do it or not as you prefer. --MelanieN (talk) 22:47, 16 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Sure I will revert. Sorry but I thought it was funny and not hurtful to anyone or anything. Gandydancer (talk) 22:50, 16 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. It was funny, and it was not hurtful. But I had been trying, in my most recent edit, to move past the arguing and make a suggestion for compromise wording that might end the issue. Unfortunately your edit kind of interrupted that process. --MelanieN (talk) 22:55, 16 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Well perhaps...my impression of SPECIFICO is that she has a good sense of humor and can easily roll with the punches...oh wait, no pun was intended. Though in the end you are most likely correct since I know from experience that as often as not humor tends to be misunderstood by some editors. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 23:06, 16 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandy, I've seen your edit on the presentation of the cases (diff) and actually I think that edit splits things up in a way that is not helpful. The nationwide injunction was issued for a case which "started with the filing of a Complaint by Ms. L.", a citizen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and then "was expanded to include another Plaintiff, Ms. C.", a citizen of Brazil (ref). Now after your edit, the filings of Ms. L. and Ms. C. are in the separate section of the article, "Other challenges on behalf of individuals", which makes it look as if they were not directly related to the nationwide injunction.
I'd like to ask you if you would be willing to move that paragraph back. And thanks by the way for your many beneficial edits to the article so far. --Chris Howard (talk) 17:49, 9 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you so much for your kind note. Chris, of late, as happens from time to time, my internet reception has been very much interrupted to the point that I may get only a few minutes a day. In part that happened in this case, though in truth I was not aware that it was an ACLU lawsuit that that eventually led to this new development. But then, though I usually try to be very careful, I was mistaken with no way to fix my error. At any rate, I have noted your outstanding competence and hope that in the future you will correct any of my mistakes immediately and without a thought of hurting my feelings. You are one of our best editors and I know it. Gandydancer (talk) 16:27, 10 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Please just stop it right now. Most people would realize that as one of the leading Sanders article editors I do watch the page and am well aware of what's going on. I also do not think it is your place to thank the group for good behavior as though you were in charge of our behavior. Nor do I appreciate your constant "thank you" notes - just imagine how bothersome it might be if every other editor were to constantly thank me for my edits on the pages that they watch. Cheers, Gandydancer (talk) 20:37, 14 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
If interested, I could use your help watching these two articles. Why is seen here. Flyer22 Reborn (talk) 16:18, 8 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Hi there Flyer and always grateful that you are speaking up for women. <removed> Gandydancer (talk) 19:14, 8 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Gandydancer, I hope you don't mind, but I removed part of your remark. That's a living person, and this is a public page. Bishonen | talk 19:21, 8 August 2018 (UTC).[reply]
Well you are certainly free to do what you feel you must do and I'm sure that there is some sort of WP guideline to support you. In the meantime, I like Melania, as does my daughter and my granddaughter, (Redacted). Of course, feel free to remove my/our observations per WP guidelines. Gandydancer (talk) 20:05, 8 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
thank you
[32] this means a lot to me, coming from you, the best medical editor Ive come across . Any help you might be able to give on 2018_Kivu_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_Ebola_virus_outbreak, I would appreciate(it doesn't look good there is a military conflict in the same area), thank you very much Gandy--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 22:53, 18 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Well I am far from the best, as we both know, but as for working well together, we did that!, didn't we? As we both know, there is more to editing than getting the facts just right - there is the talent to work well with other editors, and in that aspect you do excel, no question about that. With that accomplished the "facts" will just automatically fall into place. It has been a true pleasure to work with you Ozzie. Hoping that we meet on some article again in the future! Gandydancer (talk) 23:07, 18 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for August 27
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Leadville, Colorado, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Faro (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
AfroCine: Join us for the Months of African Cinema in October!
You are receiving this message because your username or portal was listed as a participant of a WikiProject that is related to Africa, the Carribean, Cinema or theatre.
This is to introduce you to a new Wikiproject called AfroCine. This new project is dedicated to improving the Wikipedia coverage of the history, works, people, places, events, etc, that are associated with the cinema, theatre and arts of Africa, African countries, the carribbean, and the diaspora. If you would love to be part of this or you're already contributing in this area, kindly list your name as a participant on the project page here.
Furthermore, In the months of October and November, the WikiProject is organizing a global on-wiki contest and edit-a-thon tagged: The Months of African Cinema. If you would love to join us for this exciting event, also list your username as a participant for this event here. In preparation for the contest, please do suggest relevant articles that need to be created or expanded in different countries, during this event!
If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions, etc., please reach out to me personally on my talkpage! Cheers!--Jamie Tubers (talk) 20:50, 5 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I've finally gotten back to classifying the styles in Leadville, mainly using a real source - Buildings of Colorado by Thomas J. Noel, part of the ever-expanding Buildings of the United States series by the Society of Architectural Historians. I get them when I spot them for cheap second-hand. I did a few interpretations, and many of the commercial buildings are, well, 19th-century commercial style, which has some neoclassical and Italianate influence, spread rather thinly over a blocky brick building. Acroterion(talk) 03:09, 9 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Monsanto Cancer Case RfC - text has changed, please review
Hi Miss Gandy, please see amended proposed text here and let us know if you still approve, thank you! petrarchan47คุก 05:59, 18 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for September 20
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Breastfeeding, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page CDC (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
Gandy, Thank you for what you have been saying at my talk, and really, wherever you go. Don't feel bad about not contributing at my AE. I felt your support without you saying anything, and I'm not convinced that supportive comments at an AE have much effect (besides making me feel good). I will continue to test whether Wikipedia truly does value neutrality and facts... we shall see. So far, it isn't looking good ;) petrarchan47คุก 17:47, 20 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Well I can't say I'd feel all that sorry to see you banned from those articles anyway since IMO you've just been throwing your pearls to swine - all things considered. Can't I interest you in a little something else my dear? A little politics maybe? Gandydancer (talk) 18:45, 20 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I'm on hiatus from talking about politics for at least the next few years. I wanted to stop by and say that I really appreciate your kind words: word-hugs, I might call them. My reply to you at my talk recently seemed callous I am sure, but that's because I can't be very open right now. A private conversation with some hot chai... in front of a campfire... then I could let loose. But not here, not right now anyway. I'm hoping you'll understand. 🐝 Thank you for being a friend, dear Gandy. petrarchan47คุก 00:29, 28 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]
This is a global online edit-a-thon, which is happening in at least 5 language editions of Wikipedia, including the English Wikipedia! Join us in this exciting venture, by helping to create or expand articles which are connected to this scope. Also remember to list your name under the participants section, if you haven't done so already.
On English Wikipedia, we would be recognizing Users who are able to achieve the following:
Overall winner (1st, 2nd, 3rd places)
Country Winners
Diversity winner
High quality contributors
Gender-gap fillers
Page improvers
Wikidata Translators
For further information about the contest, the recognition categories and how to participate, please visit the contest page here. For further inquiries, please leave comments on the contest talkpage or on the main project talkpage. See you around :).--Jamie Tubers (talk) 22:50, 03 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Casting aspersions
Your comment here is casting aspersions on KoA by suggesting that he willfully ignored the existance of the source, rather than simply not knowing that it existed. Please strike and reword your comment and do not suggest that anyone is deliberately ignoring sources again. Comments like that do not help foster calm and sensible discussions. SmartSE (talk) 19:49, 10 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I chose to keep engagement of the snark to a minimum on the article talk page (it wasn't lost on me), but being here, I will say that you really should know better at this point Gandydancer. You've been repeatedly cautioned about casting aspersions, etc. so it's high time you knock it off. The topic has already been disrupted enough by other editors injecting that kind of stuff. Do take SmartSE's advice. Kingofaces43 (talk) 20:06, 10 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
SmartSE, thanks for the note. You are correct and I struck my snark. @ KoF, I have not been repeatedly cautioned about casting aspersions. Please be more careful about using language such as "so it's high time you knock it off." Gandydancer (talk) 22:39, 10 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
On the comment, thank you for striking it. You'll do what you do at this point, but you have been cautioned by myself when you've been personalizing disputes on talk pages[33][34] and by others[35] without digging back very far before today. I was quite serious in reminding you to knock it off, so that language was quite appropriate. I won't belabor your talk page anymore on this, but people including myself aren't trying to silence you or others (based on a comment in a previous diff), they just want the behavior issues to stop in the topic. Kingofaces43 (talk) 01:39, 11 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy. I don't know why you suffer these bullying indignities. You should know better than to question an Entomologist and a Biologist. ―Buster7 ☎ 15:55, 11 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
LOL - I knew he would go looking for times that I have casted aspersions. Did you read his diffs? Oh well it is nice to start my day off with a little humor, all things considered. I miss you my friend. It is good to hear from you. How are you doing? Gandydancer (talk) 17:20, 11 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I did. Minor jaywalking offenses compared to most of the stuff that goes on around here. My activity has slowed down on WP, just watching my watchlist and managing EotW. Life is good except for all the recent POTUS/SCOTUS stuff. One of my nieces has answered the call and is running for a local political office so helping her is fun. Still filing in at the Library when needed. I Twitter more than before. Hope all is well with you and a hello to Petra if she is watching. ―Buster7 ☎ 18:41, 11 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Big hugs from me, and yes, I enjoy the daily humor as well. Glad to hear you're doing well, Buster. petrarchan47คุก 21:02, 11 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pesticide topics
This is a standard message to notify contributors about an administrative ruling in effect. It does not imply that there are any issues with your contributions to date.
You have recently shown interest in genetically modified organisms, commercially produced agricultural chemicals and the companies that produce them, broadly construed. Due to past disruption in this topic area, a more stringent set of rules called discretionary sanctions is in effect: any administrator may impose sanctions on editors who do not strictly follow Wikipedia's policies, or any page-specific restrictions, when making edits related to the topic.
For additional information, please see the guidance on discretionary sanctions and the Arbitration Committee's decision here. If you have any questions, or any doubts regarding what edits are appropriate, you are welcome to discuss them with me or any other editor.
In addition to the discretionary sanctions described above the Arbitration Committee has also imposed a restriction which states that you cannot make more than one revert on the same page in the same 24 hour period on all pages relating to genetically modified organisms, agricultural biotechnology, or agricultural chemicals, broadly construed and subject to certain exemptions.
Kingofaces43 (talk) 20:40, 10 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Looking up Eric
Not having anything important to do, I thought I would have a "looksee" as to what the infamous Eric C. was up to. Saw your July/2018 note to him about his semi-retirement and the "C" word. Interesting guy. I forget when (5 or 6 years ago) and where but I was actually in the middle of a raucous week long debate/discussion with many upset editors about Eric and his manners. I kept my head down and most of the flying dinnerware missed me. I wish I could remember where but Eric called some Admin a cunt (Deb?) and I called him on it and we were off to the races. Over the years I learned to appreciate all the quality work he created and learned to ignore his gruffness. ―Buster7 ☎ 20:27, 15 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
[36] - not how it works. For a BLP you need consensus to INCLUDE not consensus to REMOVE. And there is an RfC which has been linked several times [37] which clearly states that there is no such consensus. Volunteer Marek 02:14, 23 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You are telling me that a failed vote about moving a section out of one heading (Senate run, in this case) and reposting it with its own heading means it's OK to just delete everything? I'm sure you know more about WP rules than I do but I find that hard to believe.
VM, this article has been a nightmare for me . It was a GA for me along with Binksternet (I think that was 2011) and then the shit hit the fan when she decided to make a Senate run and the nightmare began. Each time she hit the news the smoldering fire reignited. Hoping to try to help you understand I glanced back at the TP archives and tried #6. That was four years into the ongoing ruckus. (I mentioned on the article talk page about how each time she was newsworthy a new onslaught of attempts to show what a liar she was were introduced to the article.
In this case it was when she published a book.) I wrote this:
I'd like to repeat what was said above by LK: A persistent campaign by partisans to include every negative thing ever written about a person into the person's biography, regardless of weight, reliability, notability, or BLP issues. This has to stop. I fully agree with this statement. The rather awkward truth about Wikipedia editors is that we have no credentials and yet we can "publish" our views in a widely-read source. By the amount of copy devoted to the Native American incident presently included in Warren's article, about the same amount as devoted to her entire career, one would think that it is a major part of her life. As unknown editors, of unknown political leanings, or any sort of expertise at all, we have no right to allow politics to influence our articles. In Warren's most recent book she does not devote more than a mention of this incident and when I searched for reviews of her book, I did not find reviews that criticized her shocking, just shocking!!!, avoidance of fraud!!!, etc. See, for instance: [1] [2] [3] No mention at all. What we really should be arguing about here is whether or not the incident deserves more than a few lines at most, or even that - certainly not an entire section. Gandydancer (talk) 16:51, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
Over the years I have continued to argue for a reduction of coverage in the article but I have slowly come to accept since the controversy has been once again been brought to the forefront by Trump and then her release of the DNA report which many have also seen as evidence that she is announcing a 2020 run, that we need to keep what we had (that you deleted) because it's going to come up again and again (and again) in the news.
My worry is that you and the other new editors that find the heritage info outrageous, which is certainly true, will blow things up and then leave, never to be heard of again. So I am saying that I have always hoped to see the heritage material given only what it deserves, which is not much, but you and the others who feel that way now need to stick around to see that it is supported in the future as she continues with her run for 2020. That's expecting a lot because I know from experience that many editors like to be involved during the exciting part of editing an article and then leave, never again to be heard from again, once things calm down. Gandydancer (talk) 16:12, 23 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Atsme! Memories, memories... What has been your best costume ever? I've been a nun, a dance hall girl, Miss Piggy, but best of all was when I made (packages of) M&M outfits for my partner and I - I was PLAIN and he was WITH NUTS. The nuns (girl friend and I) were a lot of fun as well as we made sure to smoke a lot of cigarettes and do a lot of drinking for effect. I can still remember how funny it looked to see her twirling away out on the dance floor. Gandydancer (talk) 17:46, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
What fun!! My early years weren’t nearly as much fun but I’ve been trying to make up for it over the past decade or so. 😂💃🧟♂️🧟♀️🤡👻
Gandydancer, Ive included you as secondary author on West African Ebola virus outbreak, let me know if this is fine, or you don't want to be included(Im asking b/c I don't know if WikiJournal of Medicine Board will ask you) thank you--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 13:34, 30 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ozzie, I don't know what you are talking about here, though I'm sure it would be OK with me... Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 16:26, 30 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
[38] there's a part you need to fill--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 16:32, 30 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, I thought I'd send a couple of bits of info for context. The West African Ebola virus outbreak has been submitted to the WikiJournal of Medicine for external academic peer review (see here). It is analogous to Featured Article nomination, but reviewed by non-wikipedian experts with a focus on content accuracy (more info here). You are acknowledged as a contributor via a hyperlinked "et al" in the author list. Given your significant contribution to the article, if you would also like to be a named author on the author list, simply provide your name (and institution if applicable). Authors listed need to assist in responding to peer reviewer comments and be willing to stand by the content of the article (as per the ICMJE definition). T.Shafee(Evo&Evo)talk 01:18, 4 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Seeking advice, could you spare just a moment?
(talk page stalker) The above user has been blocked. Bishonen | talk 21:15, 5 November 2018 (UTC).[reply]
Spliting discussion for Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination
An article that you have been involved with (Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination) has content that is proposed to be removed and move to another article (Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations). If you are interested, please visit the discussion at the article's talk page. Thank you. Quidster4040 (talk) 23:18, 9 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
A glass of whiskey for you!
Thanks Ed, but you mean that's all I get is a BROWNIE??? I am thinking that a nice glass of whiskey would be better, all things considered. In truth, working on that article has been a real eye-opener for me. In my life I have run across only one "bad person". That was many years ago in rural Minnesota when, during a blizzard, a stranger came to my door asking to borrow our snow shovel to dig himself out of a drift just down the road. He did not return my shovel and I always remembered that.
So as the years moved along I did hear about a lot of bad things, mostly done by politicians or large corporations. The need for power and/or money seems to be built right into some people's genes. I have contributed to some of their Wikipedia articles.
As I read everything I could find on this scam, I began to feel like I knew the company and I knew the people that had been scammed. I feel bad for those people--it's not like they only just lost their old snow shovel. And as for the CEO (and Whitaker) what are they doing free to continue on with their scams? How ironic that one of the very people on their board has made a name for himself as one that has exposed white-collar crime. All this said, I appreciate your brownie because no other editors have joined in and I have not been sure if I was doing OK. Thanks. Gandydancer (talk) 16:29, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Here is the well-deserved glass of whiskey! Thanks again! --Edcolins (talk) 19:51, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
And a toe-tapping song to go with it. Atsme✍🏻📧 21:21, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
A very informative and timely article. My oldest son is a reputable patent attorney so I read it with great interest. Thanks, Gandy, for the always good work. ―Buster7 ☎ 02:15, 20 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I learned a lot reading that article. My oldest son had a bad experience with an invention promotion company as a teenager. Fortunately, they quickly figured out that he had no money of significance, and blew him off without conning him out of any money. Cullen328Let's discuss it 07:02, 20 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Old friends and new - how nice to all be gathered together. We should have a party. Listen to Willie Nelson, drink whiskey, and play poker perhaps. But right now I'm busy getting ready with the green bean casserole, the sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top, Martha Stewart's Parker House rolls, and Minnesota wild rice. What are your favorites? Gandydancer (talk) 17:33, 21 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Aw shucks! You forgot to give us your address.💃 Atsme✍🏻📧 20:41, 23 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
ArbCom 2018 election voter message
Hello, Gandydancer. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
Please go easy on BullRangifer for a while. He has gone through a major catastrophe in his life, and I am fully aware of the details. Thank you. Cullen328Let's discuss it 06:46, 20 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I just left a note on his talk page and now I come here to read this. I hope that the "frivolity" of my note was not inappropriate. I did certainly mean every word of it. Let me know, please... Gandydancer (talk) 16:54, 20 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I think that we are all good, at least here on Wikipedia. Thank you. Cullen328Let's discuss it 17:23, 23 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Time for stretchy pants
About those editors...
Gandydancer, you don't have email enabled, and so you obviously are not one of the editors who told me via email that discussion about me is currently going on at Curly Turkey's talk page and that Hijiri88 is blaming me for things I shouldn't be blamed for and is misrepresenting matters as usual. I thank you for this, but it is not worth it. Hijiri88 will twist, twist and twist things and drag you down. With this edit, he says "was putting herself in some ugly company." He also says, "She actually monitored my contribs closely enough to know that I had opened a discussion of 'sharing continuity' in MCU films and TV series, and accordingly pinged me into a largely unrelated discussion that looked superficially similar, and given her apparent dislike for me this action is extremely difficult to take in good faith."
This is completely false. As this edit shows, I was only aware of Hijiri88 having had that discussion because the matter was being discussed at MOS:FILM and MOS:TV at the time, and the pages are on my watchlist. It is well known by editors there that I commonly contribute to those pages.
Both Curly Turkey and Hijiri88 are saying that I'm looking for a fight, but I said that Curly Turkey was looking for a fight in the argument we had at MOS, and now he's turning my statement back on me. Furthermore, I've never sought to stay around someone I've been in a very heated disagreement with or someone who has stalked me. I would not, for example, immediately go to the Wikipedia articles they edit and claim that I'm simply copyediting and that there is no annoyance intended. Hijiri88 acts as though every interaction I have with him is about our past issues. It isn't. My pinging him to the Arrowverse discussion was because I was over our past issues. He keeps bringing them up, however. And Hijiri88's user page, which currently violates WP:POLEMIC (even though he thinks it doesn't because it doesn't mention names), is exactly what I mean about him. Even now, he is unable to stop focusing on me and spewing nonsense. If he comes to this talk page trying to challenge my post to you, I suggest you revert him. I also suggest you stay clear of him. Flyer22 Reborn (talk) 22:26, 26 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I made my day to have such a kind compliment appear after my Signpost article, especially by you Gandydancer. I would like to explain myself a bit-it will give you an idea of how my version of humour is created. Not only is writing articles, creating content about women, and fooling around on the Signpost a hobby of mind, but I like to lurk on commons and find the funny images there (Do a search on commons using "mud wrestling"). I originally was going to improve the article Carotene but alas, for reasons known to my fans, I am not allowed to contribute to that article. Anyway, my habit of commons-lurking led to the discovery of these carrot images. And so that is where my inspiration came from. I happened upon the category Carrots and images during my commons-surfing and came up with my most ridiculous interpretations of the images. To me, there was no other way to make sense of the images except to pull them all together into a plot in which I could make sense of them and create a story line. Again, I am honored to have brought a giggle to your life. The Very Best of Regards, Best Regards, Barbara ✐✉ 9:52 am, Today (UTC−5)
Thanks, but remember to purge the cache
Thanks for your amusing comment at Signpost, Gandydancer. But, for future reference, it wasn't appearing at Signpost proper until I purged the cache. There's a note and link at the top of the Signpost Humor Comments section telling you how to do this. Regards. Tlhslobus (talk) 15:28, 7 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. So exciting--she has won an award for her article!!! (BTW, please get rid of that 100px note in the award that I posted on her talk page if you know how--my skills are very limited...) Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 17:22, 7 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Done. I've also set the size to 220px. Please feel free to change it there if you wish. Tlhslobus (talk) 18:33, 7 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Peace Dove Christmas
Peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others, where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflicts are resolved through dialog, peoples rights are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity without social tension.
Happy Holidays.―Buster7 ☎ 22:12, 10 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Merry Christmas
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."
Spread the cheer by adding {{Subst:Xmas4}} to their talk page with a friendly message.
--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 13:31, 13 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
It's that time again!!!
Hollywood Reporter not a RS?
Hi GandyDancer. I noticed your removal of my edit on the Michael Moore page of a quote from The Hollywood Reporter. Would it therefore be appropriate to also remove this quote from THR on the page for Moore's new film? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Gandydancer/Fahrenheit_11/9#Reception Thank you for your help. JBlackCoffee52 (talk) 02:22, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
No, it seems appropriate for a film review (but not a BLP). Gandydancer (talk) 21:05, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Merry Merry
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
FWiW Bzuk (talk) 16:24, 24 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Adding options to existing RfC
Hello Gandydancer - you are a very experienced editor here at WP and I have a situation that I believe you would be a fantastic resource for me to obtain some counsel. However, before just tossing it up and clogging your Talk page, I wanted to first ask if you are OK with me this or if you'd rather me go a different route. If the former, I will provide more details. Thanks. --- VeritasS (talk) 02:21, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Oh gawd, I have seen so many RfCs become just horribly complex and hard to understand even for a person that has an interest in the article. It is nothing short of a modern day miracle that they generally turn out OK. I became involved in the controversy unknowingly when I added his words in a quote--I was not aware of the ongoing talk page discussion. VeritasS, I don't know your position but I'll tell you mine. I feel pretty strongly about this issue because I am a nurse and I have seen the heartbreak of parents when a severely deformed baby, either nonviable or perhaps viable for a short time, baby is born. I'm not talking about Down syndrome or even much worse--I'm talking about severe and you don't even want to know what these infants look like. To have a parent going through that heartbreak and then have a bunch of politicians tell them what should be done is just goddamn disgusting. That's what I think and that is what most physicians and nurses think. As for the RfC, I have no idea about what to do. You might try asking someone like user:Drmies that knows more about these things. Gandydancer (talk) 02:40, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hey there - thanks for the feedback...and yeah, the abortion issue is just not remotely an easy one on any front and I definitely agree that with any issue, when gov't gets involved, it is necessary for it to find places to dissect one way or the other. That's just the way gov't is designed to work. And as I'm sure you'd also agree, life isn't that cut-and-dry...which is why gov't should be involved with things like this only in very narrow situations - at least that's MHO. Anywhoo, my initial reason for reaching out was more to do with process and specifically one editor driving forward with only their set of desired changes and excluding all others. If you want more detail, let me know - I have my question well-formed and fairly terse - Thanks. --- VeritasS (talk) 03:17, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Are y'all talking about this, Talk:Ralph_Northam#Treatment_of_Northam's_recent_comments_on_third-trimester_abortion/non-viable_births? Because that's a train wreck already. Gandydancer, today I read the account of an Alabama woman--raped at 17, and at 18 she was the mother of a baby whose brain didn't develop inside the right place or something like that. It died, mercifully, after a year; it was never able to live in any kind of normal way and suffered illness after illness. Much respect and love to all the mothers and the nurses and the doctors and the caretakers. VeritasS, I hope that when my time comes, and if at that time my own life is unbearable to me, "government" will allow me to choose my own way out. Drmies (talk) 03:30, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Means (in essence) that we do not include every minor and trivial, factoid we can find. We only include important encyclopedic information.Slatersteven (talk) 09:29, 28 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the help Slatersteven. TFD gave good information as well:
"Since Congress votes on 5,000 bills each year, a secondary source is required to establish the significance of each vote and why a member voted for or against it. Adding these votes across a range of congressmen is spamming and I suggest you bring this to ANI if the editor does not change." Gandydancer (talk) 20:06, 2 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
A barnstar for you!
Keith Ellison
This, given your edit summary, is blatant WP:IDONTLIKEIT removal of sourced material. The subject's essays on Farrakhan received significant secondary coverage, you personally believing this not to be significant is not a justification for purging the information from the page. Wikieditor19920 (talk) 17:44, 3 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Feedback on Environmental Policy of the Trump Administration
Hi, thank you for the helpful feedback. I'm new to this and your comment was very constructive!Lsilvaal (talk) 06:16, 6 March 2019 (UTC)lsilvaal[reply]
Thank you
Hello, Gandy:
You recently responded to Bradv here. I wanted to thank you for your honesty. I truly appreciate it. I know we are not supposed to add thank-you-only comments to talk pages, so I figured I would write my thanks here. (I would have done it by email but (1) I don't know if you allow other users to email you and (2) I don't know how to check whether you allow other users to email you.) Nevertheless, thank you, Gandy. HoldingAces (talk) 16:32, 13 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
in place of a templated warning
Your edit to Mike Pompeo seems to ignore WP:BRD. I have initiated discussion, so you might revert your edit. (I am not watching this page, so please ping me if you want my attention.)Chris Troutman (talk) 16:35, 22 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
OK User:HopsonRoad I've had just about enough of you. I've been here for more than 12 years and I've never asked anyone to stay off my user page. I like to enjoy my time here and I don't want to see you on this page ever again. Cheers, Gandydancer (talk) 01:30, 25 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I'm sorry to have offended, Gandydancer. There was a stray "(edit conflict)" and "Your tex" that resulted from your edit. I didn't feel that it was right for me to clean it up, so I contacted you here. I had thought that this was an act of courtesy. Sincerely, HopsonRoad (talk) 01:39, 25 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Melania Trump
I'm confused by your revert on Melania Trump. All coverage is from notable subjects satirizing Trump, and covered in RS. Is there a reason you don't think an Emmy-winning show (RuPaul's Drag Race) is notable? Or rapper T.I., which got a response from the Whitehouse? Or Randy Rainbow? Note only people and shows that are notable by WP standards have been added. --Kbabej (talk) 02:26, 26 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
My mistake, and I apologize. Please see: Talk:Melania_Trump#Revert. Any thoughts? --Kbabej (talk) 02:33, 26 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
This post
had nothing to do with insulting SV. Every time I've mentioned her over the years its always with the highest respect:
"done so much for the encylopedia" "most responsible for making Wikipedia such a reliable reference source" "single individual most responsible for creating policy back in the early years when it was desperately needed"
The attacking editor's made all kinds of nasty remarks about me on another admin board. I didn't take them seriously, and I don't understand why someone who's done > 1000x more than me would either. i.e. I was making a similar point to GRuban.
Just as I don't understand why SV feels hurt it doesnt mean I in any way question the validity of her emotion, and obviously I think she should receive an apology.
Now onto the honesty point. If King sees what's wrong with his allegations, obviously he'll say so. That's both best for him tactically & would be the best way to undo the hurt. If King doesn't see the error, & doesn't retract, the risk is it could spark a long discussion, with all sorts of potentially drama inducing diffs being dug up. Having had extensive dealings with him these past few months, while he's obviously very high IQ, on certain issues he seems to take an awfully long time to see what's obvious to others.
It's common in many circles for people to recognise that the -ves of a position outweigh it's +ves. And that trying to work out if the position is truly justified may be more trouble than it's worth. So they withdraw the position anyway. This has nothing to do with dishonesty. Hope that makes sense? FeydHuxtable (talk) 16:04, 5 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
It's so nice to see two old friends sitting 'round the kitchen table discussing how to keep the Peace in WikiWorld. ―Buster7 ☎ 17:02, 5 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
It's reassuring to know they're a friend of yours Buster. FeydHuxtable (talk) 17:34, 5 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Buster, I think of you often and hope all is well. We need to get Petra to join us for some spring bird talk. Feydhuxtable, I doubt that Slim feels hurt as much as being furious. I know I would be, even considering the source of the insults. Gandydancer (talk) 01:18, 6 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I've come to see I've probably been excessively tolerant & I'll likely be more supportive of sanctions if their aggression starts up again - thanks for helping me see this. (I did already say to Lourdes I thought their indeff warning was fully justified). Starting in late spring, the birds used to sing us the most amazing dawn chorus. Even to recollect it seems therapeutic, it could be like a magical wall of sound. It's silent spring now at least in parts of the UK, and bug decline is likely the primary cause.
On the bright side, until a couple of months back, K seems to have enjoyed 4+year run where his aggression was successful, getting even good mainstream scientists sanctioned. At least that runs came to an end; its to be hoped they'll now truly FOC, where they can be most valuable. With the bug thing, significant efforts to arrest the decline have already been launched over the past couple of years, and these will only intensify. You must have noticed the new levels of consciousness among young people exemplified by the Greta Thunberg movement. The world wide congress of cities is another +ve global movement where there's increasing talk of implementing green corridors. And the UN is planning to take efforts to halt diversity loss to a whole new level over the next year or two. Nature can rapidly heal herself when given a chance, and there's real hope the dawn chorus might soon return to the places that have lost it. FeydHuxtable (talk) 07:22, 6 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
User:FeydHuxtable, you are more hopeful than I am. I am a positive person by nature and I've always been that way, but when our country elected Donald Trump I've had to admit that as a nation we are in great peril. When we are given only 12 years to get our act together I can't see it happening. Yes we have a few young politicians and activists but when they are faced with corporate power it does not look very hopeful. Look at Monsanto's ability to control our Environmental Protection Agency, for example, and that was even before Trump's election. Read our Environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration and weep. And when I see that same mentality using every trick in the book to bias our encyclopedia to reflect the corporate viewpoint, that should make anyone's blood run cold. I'm sounding perhaps pretty dramatic here but I do feel very strongly about these issues. Thanks for your good work on the bug decline article. This may be one of the most important articles in our book and it's well worth the time spent to get it fair and unbiased. Gandydancer (talk) 14:04, 7 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Agree there is great danger, and not just for the US, but the whole world. Though "where there is peril that which shall save us also grows", such as the charisma of young operators like AOC. It seems to me right's success in recent years has been largely due to better cooperation from the different factions. If different types of progressives can set aside their differences and work together with out undermining each other, much harm can be healed. Especially if as well as respecting each other, we're also respectful to the vast majority of right wing voters, who agree with many of our goals and are basically decent people.
Also agree we have a corporate POV issue here on Wikipedia. When I saw King flagging that he was going to launch another of his time wasting drama board attacks on me, I tried to preempt by requesting an arb case which could have addressed the wider issue as well as helping with the Decline article. Sadly there was no community desire to investigate the general problem of corp POV pushing. Probably that was wise as it could be a tough issue. But with only 2nd rate PR types now working for denialists & the worst corps, the community should be able to sort the issue out eventually. In the specific case of Insect Decline, Im 99.9% sure the problematic editor has good faith reasons and isn't acting as a shill. Especially in the early stages of the dispute, they seemed to be taking a much more extreme line than the likes of Monsanto. While biotech corps might be heavily engaged in distorting science when that helps their interests, Id guess most execs who work there want to make a positive difference and don't support Denialism.
Thanks for your own good work on the Donald's environmental policy article, and it was great to read all the spring bird talk below.FeydHuxtable (talk) 10:27, 15 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Spring bird talk
Hi there Gandy, Buster and Feyd ~ it's so nice to be invited to join in Bird Talk 2019 (although Feyd has some sad news). I haven't seen dragonflies for the past 4 years. Their brilliant blue bodies used to be a favorite sight here every Spring, living so near a large river, however we do still enjoy a few Cardinals and the songs of other feathered locals. I certainly don't take them for granted, and in fact, I normally turn off all other sounds when one of them starts singing in order to fully enjoy the performance. Now I'll be sure to enjoy even more intensely in honor of Feyd.
The Decorah Eagles just had their first hatch of the year, you can watch them here. I need to update the WP page desperately, but nature has been cruel and it's very difficult to document. Most electrical poles in the area are not safe, and the norm has been that of the 3 juveniles born each Spring, 2 will die within months of learning to fly, by electrocution. The founder of the Raptor Research Project would normally be the one to find them at the bottom of the poles. Finally one year, Bob died too. Heart attack. He was young. I think it was heartbreak. It was all a bit too much for me so I walked away for a while, but this year tuned back in only to find that the male eagle disappeared during a snowstorm last Spring. That was devastating news for many, but over the summer Mamma Decorah had her pick between 3 strapping suitors, and made a good choice. I somewhat envy the lack of emotion in the animal world, ya know? Warm Spring wishes to you all, petrarchan47คุก 03:11, 9 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
So good to hear from you Petra! I was hoping to hear how the Decorah eagles were doing. OK, bug talk... I was lucky enough to witness dragonflies coming out of the lake one year. I was at our cabin in Wisconsin and they all started climbing out of the water in the vegetation at the edge of the lake...hundreds of them! They then flew up and settled on the bushes while their wings dried out. If you've ever tried to catch one, you know how hard it is - I read somewhere they have four eyes and I believe it. But at that time I could have caught all I wanted as they did not fly away. Speaking of catching bugs, I used to have a pretty nice collection of moths. I'd leave the porch light on and wait. Of course I'd never do that anymore since they have become so rare. One of my favorite memories is watching the Twin-Spotted Sphinx slowly raise their over-wings to show the owl eyes on their under-wings when I gently tapped the screen. Birds? No spring birds here yet - we had several inches of snow today. The pussy willows are out but that's it. Looking forward to spring stories from all of you! Gandydancer (talk) 04:04, 9 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Best to my favorite Wikipedians! Spring is time for rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth... at least that's what the WP article says! Early garden work has started in the front of my building. Last week I raked and bagged all of last years leaves that I use as a protective frost layer over the various perennials. Crocuses and Tulips and Daffodils have emerged. I always wait for the first Robin to appear because one (I'm assuming its the same one) has been a yearly visitor that joins me in my work. I like to get down on my knees with the plants and the grass and work with my hands removing weeds and grass clumps, etc. We've had nice whether for a while:Today it was 70+ in Chicago. The Robin (I call him Big Boy) sits nearby with his eye on me and when I uncover a worm or a beetle grub he swoops in (within arms reach) and has a feast. The fact that he gets so close is endearing. I think he trusts me. His mate is not so brave. He is a constant visitor along with a nesting Cardinal and mate and a bevy of sparrows in the cedar bushes. From across the street I've started to hear a bird whose call I don't recognize. Must be a transient just passing thru on his way South. I've taken time to scout for him (his call is loud and full throated) but I have yet to make a sighting. ―Buster7 ☎ 05:47, 9 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Sooooo nice to catch up with you both, it's been far too long. A heart ache I didn't know I had was healed by reading your words today. Buster, I am just delighted to hear of your Robin friend and the delicious meals you provide. I wonder if you can upload a picture of your springing Spring flowers? I live in a concrete jungle and can barely remember what they look like, though I remember them as magical.
Gandy! I too was lucky enough to have a Wisconsin cabin in my youth. Sugar Camp Lake, near Rhinelander. We usually visited in July because it was too cold to play in the water before that. Needless (and sad) to say - I missed the great Dragonfly Emergence. But here in the city, they would come up from the river (10 blocks away) and attach themselves to my screen to molt. Not just one or two, there was an abundance of them. I was in awe of their colors, sparkle and sweetness. (Yes there are sweet insects, and then there are... DUN DUN DUN.. fucking Preying Mantises which SHOULD NOT exist under ANY circumstances in a fair and just universe.) petrarchan47คุก 02:36, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
To Mantis or not to Mantis
Petra! How can you say that! I fucking love Preying Mantises and have been lucky enough to have seen two different kinds: the walking stick and the one that looks like green leaves. (Oh wait Petra - we have to stop talking like this - you know that Buster hates it when we swear.) Maybe you'd like the Orchid Mantis? [39] Petra, do you remember that you were the one who managed to find all the photos for the BP spill article? Well, I was watching a doc the other night about a group of volunteers who used kites and balloons to photograph the spill because, as you remember, the press was not allowed (by the Coast Guard and BP reps) to take photos. Anyway, they were so happy and proud saying they knew they'd really attained the ultimate when one of their photos was "prominently published at the Wikipedia article". It just makes me chuckle because I know that they think the article was written by some sort of experts when actually it was just people like you and me. (Which is not to say that we did not all become pretty knowledgeable when all was said and done.) Buster, did you work on that article with us? Gandydancer (talk) 03:11, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Yes I did. In fact it was six/seven years ago so I'm not surprised you forgot. Your question caused me to search for when I got involved in the BP article and, in doing that, I found a lot of other memories around that same time. I remember how we had to fight for every breath of fresh truthful air in the BP and peripheral articles. I remembered convincing Petra not to retire. I remembered that I spent hours and hours keeping User:Arturo at BP in check and preventing "straight form Corporate-type" edits to the BP article and elsewhere. I remembered my unsuccessful RfA and the wonderful words of support from you and many others. I said this four years ago and it still rings true...."I feel so much better knowing you are both here, somewhere, anywhere, editing Wikipedia". ―Buster7 ☎ 19:38, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
That RfA was so hard to witness, Buster. You are such a dear soul. You do make this place brighter by your presence. We don't deserve you, but I'm so glad you're here. petrarchan47คุก 15:37, 11 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ditto to what Petra said... Gandydancer (talk) 16:57, 11 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Me 3!!! AtsmeTalk 📧 23:32, 13 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy, that just warms my heart that someone was happy to have their work featured in our article. And proud they should be.
Ok, I have just fallen in love with the orchid Preying Mantis. I cannot believe you've done this to me. [Never mind. Just watched the whole video and am thoroughly grossed out] But in my defense, my experiences with Mantis' are gruesome and I have very good reason for my earlier remarks. We have ugly brown ones where I live, except for the Japanese variety which were exported here and have no predators. They are decimating the butterfly population. Here, see? They hide where butterflies like to feast, and jump/stretch to capture and eat them before the butterflies have any idea they are in danger. My first experience watching a Mantis for any length of time chills me to this day. They are just so good at killing. This one grabbed a roach and tore it apart with its mouth, guts spilling everywhere. Fucking thing gave no shits, didn't even wipe his damn chin. The final straw was a few years ago (when we used to have butterflies)... I saw gorgeous butterfly wings flailing about in one of the planters on my windowsill. The wings looked like they belonged to some sort of Rainforest butterfly - very large, with white, blue and some colorful dots. When I moved a few plants to get a closer look, I found one of the Japanese Mantis' unceremoniously eviscerating this gorgeous, rare creature.
And one more thing, how does any insect have the right to crane its fucking neck to look RIGHT INTO YOUR EYES? How smart are they? It isn't right. They know too much. Dangit. They are quite obviously from another planet and really should return. I'm creeped out even typing these words. (But that sweet lil pink orchid one can stay.) petrarchan47คุก 03:46, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I just read a bit of the link above and found - these are not Japanese but Chinese, and are indeed nothing but destructive:
It's not just the butterfly bush, it is any flowering plant. Those huge green mantis are Chinese mantids. I caught one on my Pineapple Sage (hummer food). The huge ones can catch juvenile hummingbirds. I leave all the native mantids alone. They don't do much harm. The Chinese Mantids even eat the native mantids.
I carry a fanny pack with a large pair of scissors out to the garden. As far as I am concerned, they are exotics and need to go.
Here is a link that might be useful: Tenodera sinensis sinensis - Chinese Mantidpetrarchan47คุก 03:56, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
And finally, there's this. Sorry it had to come to this, but RS is on my side here. petrarchan47คุก 04:13, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well now that is just pure unadulterated evil. You were right all along Petra. Gandydancer (talk) 04:25, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I've missed you. It is good to have a little fun again. You can be sure that if we said this stuff anywhere else someone would think we were serious and try to educate us. Gandydancer (talk) 23:24, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I realized after writing the above that I had forgotten to mention "evil". You get it. But I fear the cussing, however justified here, may have been too much for our Buster...
Well, at least I'll have to only say about three Hail Marys for the cussing I did but you will need to say a whole Rosary. Gandydancer (talk) 16:32, 11 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
No kidding! (But I was thoroughly justified.) petrarchan47คุก 21:20, 12 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
😍 I've missed you too, and the lightheartedness that was our normal experience prior to be stalked by WP versions of the Chinese Mantis. And I will never forget the attempt you made to wipe up the mess of my spilled guts after i was eviscerated by them. You gave it your all, but I was shaken to the core, and went numb. It's not the same now, there is no feeling safe once you've experienced an injustice at the hands of authority like that. petrarchan47คุก 15:37, 11 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
You write very well. You should write an article and submit it at a few places to see what happens... Gandydancer (talk) 16:32, 11 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy, you've said that before and it floored me the first time. I don't understand what you mean, but thank you very much for the compliment. I feel the sincerity behind it. petrarchan47คุก 21:20, 12 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Petra, looking at this old page I don't remember how it was that you came to be banned from GMOs - the vote seems to be six against with only three yes votes for banning. Gandydancer (talk) 17:11, 19 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy, I've had your talk page on my watchlist ever since we interacted on ReZpect our Water. Petra, I think there's more than just deserved flattery/praise behind Gandydancer's comments. Thanks for speaking up in a space place. ~ 🐝 ~ SashiRolls t · c 18:54, 1 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well, SashiRolls, I'm not sure there is a safe space here once you've become targeted. I've had comments from this page used against me in WP's courts. But I wanted to say thank you for being here, I am a huge new fan of yours. For some reason, I googled my username a few nights ago and found a thread off-site where you mention me (in reference to being hounded). I'm so used to being attacked here that the slightest bit of friendliness or support (or even a neutral mention sans nastiness) is extremely welcomed and appreciated. I hope your efforts here are successful! (PS, that bee emoticon is my favorite one!)
Miss Gandy, as you may recall I can't speak about the topic, so can't speak about the ban either, to my knowledge. But you can look up my name at the AE noticeboard (link is at the top of the old version of my talk page). The first rule of the topic ban club: don't talk about the topic ban. Big hug, petrarchan47คุก 02:07, 2 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Oh sweetie, I read it and remembered...it is all so sad to remember. Of course not sad about the Monsanto articles -- people are smart enough to smell a rat and not have trust in our Monsanto articles anyway -- but sad about the culture of this place. Here we are facing always the perils of corporate article bias/takeover and we are not allowed to make even a hint of a suggestion about it. Here we have proof positive -- thanks to the information release gift due to the ongoing lawsuits -- that Monsanto has corrupted our EPA and the EU agencies as well, and can anyone believe for one minute that they do not have their eyes on how to whitewash their WP articles? And you can't even reply to anything I say in this note... One secret is JUST CALL IT PSEUDOSCIENCE if you want WP to say its bad, or wrong, or such. (Though this was tried at the bug article mentioned above and did not work... . It was refreshing and did give me some hope though unfortunately we don't have that caliber of editors at very many of our difficult nature/ag articles.) Gandydancer (talk) 02:09, 3 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Sashi, so nice to hear from you! It was good to work with you on that article, especially at the end where most editors lose interest and leave. Remember how we were told about how biased the article was and how it totally sucked when someone suggested it for WP News? I had a similar experience at the Trump zero tolerance article. It was suggested as a Did You Know and the editors there just made fun of it and the editors that wrote it. What have you been up to of late? Gandydancer (talk) 02:44, 3 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Protest pages, still. I've made the mistake of following some of the big movements too closely and so the YVM page for example ended up with its timeline amputated (so there's YVM, Women in YVM, Timeline of YVM, etc.). Comparing the French & English version of the 2019 Algerian protests; the problem is the same. I get lost in timelines. Regarding ITN, I was amused to see only the Mueller Report in ongoing there the other day, although I assume by now they've gotten Venezuela back onto the page. I haven't seen any stories about Monsanto there lately. The Sudanese uprising made it to ongoing for a few days, till the beans were counted, then it was off (so I took ITN off of my watchlist, too). I wasn't too sure about investing energy here, frankly, after the 1 May harrass-marketing, but then the Algerians got one of their wishes yesterday. The largest social movements on the planet have been mentioned scarcely more than the boat races in the past months. I can only presume it's because of the crap writing. Oh well, better to have tried and failed, I suppose, than never to have tried. ^^ SashiRolls t · c 20:25, 5 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well SashiRolls that's a pretty impressive list there. As the years have gone by I've become more and more unwilling to work on disruptive articles. I had hoped to work on the Monsanto articles but I've had about enough and expect to leave soon. At first it was a challenge and fun but now that it has gotten to be petty and spiteful I don't want to be around that sort of atmosphere. Gandydancer (talk) 20:57, 11 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry about my contribution to that. I should have known better, but it does seem like an entry about a commercial product should be treated as a page about a product, rather than as some sort of inner-kabbalah chemical mystery. I appreciate the references you (and Trypto & SmartSE)'ve brought, I've learned a lot. SashiRolls t · c 21:28, 11 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well fuckity fuck
Just trying to get Buster7 to forgive me... petrarchan47คุก 03:37, 9 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Study finds links between swearing and honesty
Swearing Is Actually a Sign of More Intelligence - Not Less - Say Scientists
Thanks Petra! Golly gee, I wondered why I was so much smarter than a whole shitload of people and now I fucking know why. Say Petra, speaking of smart stuff (and not knowing exactly which articles you watch), someone sure had a miraculous come to Jesus moment, didn't they? Do you (like me) smell a rat? Gandydancer (talk) 15:25, 10 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy, there were only 2 options: leave WP because as truth comes out, one's position based on years' worth of editing will be revealed to all as the wrong one; or, suddenly change positions and seem impressive to current onlookers, effectively covering tracks in an atmosphere where almost no one takes the time to do true research into the facts (editing histories). It seems the latter option was considered best, likely due to an enormous ego fed by the culture here, food not as easy to come by in the real world. petrarchan47คุก 17:42, 10 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Yup, that is exactly what I'm thinking. I will say this Petra, as troubling as this behavior is, it has reached a level of a really funny SNL skit from back when SNL used to be funny. Or like watching it play out on the Colbert show. So at least, it is enjoyable. Gandydancer (talk) 03:41, 11 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Duplicity masquerading as integrity is indeed hilarious to watch, especially when coupled with a complete lack of self-awareness and introspection. When I stop laughing is the moment my eyes fall upon the word "encyclopedia" atop every page here, sometimes carrying Orwellian implications. That word used to be sacred; an encyclopedia was a safe place where unadulterated truth awaited the curious. Now it has become as useless and silly as the word "news" since the Fairness Doctrine was abolished and "infotainment" became the norm.
Switching gears, it seems everyone agrees SNL is a joke now, and not in the way they intend. Quite frankly, sophomoric Trump jokes (and is there any other type? "ORANGE MAN BAAAAAD!") stopped being funny in early 2016, and I've had to end my cable subscription in order to escape the inanity. I do still watch stuff though, and recently discovered a really funny show produced by Lorne Michaels: Detroiters. You might enjoy it too. It's from Comedy Central. Let me know if you have trouble finding it.
Happy Mother's Day to you, my heroes. XXXOOOOOO petrarchan47คุก 21:48, 12 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
💃 Motherhood - a time for celebration. TY Petrar! AtsmeTalk 📧 00:41, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
My daughters: [40] Gandydancer (talk) 00:21, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Beautiful!! Thx for sharing, GD. AtsmeTalk 📧 00:41, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Your glowing daughters' smiles speak volumes about their mother :) petrarchan47คุก 03:33, 14 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The Plot Thickens
"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!" Gandydancer (talk) 18:52, 12 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I sure wish I knew what plot was thickening. I've always enjoyed keeping an eye on what you two are up to. Also came to ask if you or any of your friendly stalkers have any ideas for some Editor of the Week nominations....some new bright stars on the "up and coming" list of WP Newbies. ―Buster7 ☎ 21:16, 12 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I like this Sashi Rolls character. Very impressed. petrarchan47คุก 21:49, 12 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry Buster, we can't tell you. Wikipedia would have to kill us if we did. . (Yes, Sashi certainly is impressive!) Gandydancer (talk) 11:56, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
You are all sweet; thanks for sharing that happy photo far from this thread, Gandy. :) As for the plot, y'all seem to know it much better than I do; if it's thickening it would probably be better not to let it burn in the pot. So... I guess I'll go read some science now. It's soooo sunny though! ^^ SashiRolls t · c 13:50, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
It's burning underground Sashi, like a peat fire. It can go on for years and years and most people are not even aware of it or of the damage it is causing. Gandydancer (talk) 14:12, 13 May 2019 (UTC)k[reply]
petrarchan47, I noticed your post at the RS questions board and saw that you have done some research on Frontiers journals. Could you point me to anything that you found that may help me to make up my own mind on whether or not they are reliable? Thanks. Gandydancer (talk) 15:14, 14 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well, you've certainly titled this section appropriately if you want to discuss the "brownlisting" of Frontier's Journals on WP. I'm calling this brownlisting because editors aren't able to officially blacklist it, so instead they are using personal opinions and the perceived consensus of a small handful of users (3-4) to create an unofficial blacklisting, which in reality is no different from an official blacklisting in that it keeps Frontiers' papers out of this, the largest website in the world.
The brownlisting is based on a primary source (and some WP:OR, which you can see here and here), "Beall's List", a blog that was taken offline after Frontiers demanded an investigation into Jeffrey Beall and his blacklist to which they had been unfairly added. Upon completion of the investigation by Beall's employers at the University of Colorado, Beall took his blacklist offline. However, it somehow escaped this fate and became a go-to source on Wikipedia, overriding WP:RS which disallows such sources; it is included in the WP:MEDRS guideline and, with regard to Frontiers, is used in a non-uniform way to reject papers per editor's personal opinions/leanings.
Adding Frontiers to the blacklist may cause problems for researchers who have previously published in the journals, says Lakens. "It could be, the articles people have published in Frontiers are no longer judged based on their own quality, but are now seen as less valuable because Frontiers is on Beall’s list," he says. "Having a single influential individual cast doubt on such a huge journal feels very unfair.” Nature
If Frontiers flew all the way to the States to confront Beall and demand an investigation, I can't help but wonder how they would react to knowing that Wikipedia has reincarnated their blacklisting for all intents and purposes, and on a much bigger scale. I spent 4 heavily caffeinated afternoons looking into this ordeal and using the information I found, will be opening a community discussion soon about the problems outlined above, but until then I suggest you do the same. It's very interesting stuff. petrarchan47คุก 16:08, 14 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Oh! I had not done any of the reading of the followup to your question. Looks like I need to spend some time with research. We both know it will not change anything but even still I like to get to the truth of things. BTW, they did this same thing with Seralini (sp?) as well. As you remember I even did have some reservations but I note that his name still often appears here and there - and not in the way that it does on WP where even any article which lists his name with many other authors is deemed to be unreliable. OK, I will read all this stuff. If nothing else it will keep my aging brain in good working order. Gandydancer (talk) 16:34, 14 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Oh dear, it was so disheartening to see your post hijacked by diverting attention to a journal that truly is predatory. Guilt by association I guess. I think you should go for an AfC though we both know it will more likely than not not go as you would hope. The medical section of WP works as a team and we know who the team leader is. Still interesting though.
BTW, is this controversy from a medical mj article? My daughter knows quite a bit about using it for medicinal purposes. I don't care for it and I don't use but she does and she offers help to others as well. It's now legal in our state. Gandydancer (talk) 17:21, 14 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe I'm just tired, but I don't understand what you're referring to here: "your post hijacked by diverting attention to a journal that truly is predatory". Which post and which journal?
The CBD article is about one of the constituents of Cannabis. THC is famous for intoxicating effects, whereas CBD is only recently becoming known, mainly for treating intractable forms of epilepsy. A few months ago, the US government removed CBD from Schedule 1 (where it sat alongside heroin), but only for use by one pharmaceutical company that had isolated it. The paper from Frontiers is a meta analysis of epilepsy studies, and the main gist was that the studies revealed notable differences between the effects of the isolated compound, versus "whole plant" CBD, which includes over a hundred other cannabinoids as well as plant terpines. This area of research is quite new, making a meta-analysis (and reviews) hard to come by, though they are slowly trickling out. Unfortunately, even though 9% of Americans are now using CBD products, and the CBD page gets over 9K views a day, no one is adding research to the page. The research section has been whittled down to 'one' meaningless sentence. Literally.
Lastly, what is an AfC? petrarchan47คุก 06:59, 16 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
LOL, what is a AfC? The best I could do when I wrote it was to think of "Ask for Comments". Seems, right now, that RfC is more familiar? Geez, I never could keep all these abbreviations sorted out. (For which there is no excuse after being here for more than 12 years. ) OK, re the switch-a-roo. You asked about one journal but the question was switched to commenting about another journal that truly is not acceptable. ...Guilt by association...even though in fact there is no association. At least I think that's how it went... Do you understand now? Gandydancer (talk) 12:47, 17 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Petrarchan47 - just an FYI - the acronym AfC = Articles for Creation. Can't say what GD intended it to mean but I'm on the same page she is regarding acronyms. AtsmeTalk 📧 14:16, 17 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
It is so good to be able to "chat" with friends on my talk page. We have all spent many hours improving this encyclopedia and we deserve a place to kick back and have a little fun. That is not to say I do not live in constant fear that some well-meaning editor will report my page for some sort of rule break or another. During my working years we had a lot of fun in the coffee room at break time and I would not have wanted to work at a place that did not allow that. Gandydancer (talk) 14:47, 17 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I wholeheartedly agree with you Gandy - no worries about chit-chat under our science based rules of law which tell us a discussion on an editor's TP that lasts long enough will eventually include mention of WP, a WP editor, or a WP article. It is not unlike Godwin's Law or WP:Tarage's Law and WP:Tarage's Law#WP:TARAGESLAW2 but ours takes it one step further - we'll call it Gandy's dandy law - which asserts that the longer a discussion goes on, sooner or later someone is bound to invoke Godwin or Tarage 1 and/or 2. AtsmeTalk 📧 20:36, 17 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
My apologies, Gandy, for waiting so long to respond. I very much appreciate your pointing out the hijacking. Since I am still active at the RS/N thread, I think it's best for me not to discuss it here too. petrarchan47คุก 21:16, 21 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I assume this was a mistake
1 hour and four minutes is not "longstanding" [41]. Rather than a revert, going back to a specific revision might be a better way to accomplish that. If you don't like the archive bot version, the Winston Kaminsky edit lasted 9 days.Adoring nanny (talk) 01:59, 10 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I'm currently working on a project to better understand the goals and practices of editors of biographical articles on Wikipedia. As you've been significantly involved in writing several biographical pages, I was curious if you would be willing to answer some straightforward questions about your motivations, goals and methodology as you write biographical pieces. Feel free to leave a message on my talk page or reply here if you're interested, although I also completely understand if you are not interested. Thank you, and have a nice day! SiliconRed (talk) 16:06, 11 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Sure User:Siliconred, I'd be glad to answer your questions. I read this article you wrote [42] and I liked it. I have a question as well - how did you choose me to be one of those that you will interview? Gandydancer (talk) 14:58, 12 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks User:Gandydancer! :) I chose you as an interviewee based on your significant contributions to Bernie Sanders's page and your commentary on the talk page. I'm interested in better understanding the form and methodology editors follow when working on articles about public figures, and based on your significant experience I think you can provide strong insights. I would also be happy to communicate by email if you prefer; I can be reached at nathan (@) drezner (.) com. At any rate, here are some first questions:
How do you choose which individuals to focus on when writing biographies? Do your political opinions influence which articles you choose to edit?
How do you find your editing style is different from other editors on Wikipedia?
Do you find that the style of writing biographies on Wikipedia has changed over time? In other words, have you noticed any shifts in the style or content of biographical articles on Wikipedia in the past?
Have you noticed any particularly conflicting styles of editing biographical pages?
How (if at all) do you protect pages from problematic editing practices? Have you encountered good-faith editors with destructive practices, and, if so, what are those practices?
What inspires you to work on Wikipedia?
If there are any questions you would rather not answer, no problem! Let me know if you have any other thoughts, comments, or questions. Cheers, SiliconRed (talk) 15:43, 12 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
OK, question #1:
How do you choose which individuals to focus on when writing biographies? Do your political opinions influence which articles you choose to edit?
The first article I ever made an attempt to edit was Helen Caldicott in 2006. I removed a long list of rather silly unsourced criticisms, for example "because she's a pediatrician she oversimplifies her anti-nuclear arguments". Some months later they were returned and the battle began. I tried to find any place in WP that could help me but to no avail. What it took was to have an experienced editor swoop in and delete all the poorly sourced crap from a BLP. Today it would have been easy-peasy for me but back then I knew so little. But it was a good learning article for me. These days I can be the experienced editor that swoops in.
My first GA was Elizabeth Warren. It was back when she was not at all well-known, before she ran for Congress. I'm a political progressive so I knew both her (and Bernie) back then. That article, due to the Pocahantas stuff, has been the most time consuming article I've worked on. A nightmare that just will not end since every time Trump or some Trump-supporting blogger brings it up again new editors flock to the article to fix it.
I'm the major editor of the 2012 Delhi gang rape and an Indian editor and I made it a GA. It was unusual in that many of the editors were from India and emotions were running high all around the world but especially so in India. I teamed with an Indian editor and it was a match made in heaven for me. I could do the writing and he could guide in things that were hard for me, a Westerner, to understand. That article continues to need constant vigilance to keep it in good shape.
After reading our Matthew Whitaker article I worked on and became the major editor for the World Patent Marketing article. It was one of the more fun articles I've worked on because it was more like writing a SNL skit.
I am a major editor of two other Trump-related articles, Racial views of Donald Trump and Trump administration family separation policy. The racial article remains static and needs little watching but the family separation article continues to require constant watching and updating. Something interesting about these two articles - for the most part I do not have to deal with frequent disruptive edits and talk page complaints and I think that it is because the other major Trump articles are taking up so much editor time that it makes these two much easier to keep free of bias. I have worked on some of the other Trump articles and I can tell you that it is a hellish and exhausting experience. No end of argument goes on over what to put or not put in them, especially in the lead. One of my personal all-time favorite quotes is from the talk page of one of the Trump articles. Two of our best editors (one of them, "Mel", the other I don't remember...) are discussing a desired edit. They decide to go ahead and make the edit and see what happens. "Mel" says, "OK, cover me - I'm going in," and she makes the edit. :=) OK, that it for now but I will get back to this - (actually it's a fun walk down Memory Lane for me.) Gandydancer (talk) 16:04, 13 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
How do you find your editing style is different from other editors on Wikipedia?
Yes it is different. For one thing, I'm a woman and women tend to "chat" in RL. I am more likely than most to do it here as well. I had a really very devastating experience related to that when I was still a fairly new editor and I still forget and use chatty talk or humor from time to time and am misunderstood. I have to believe that we have a fair amount of editors that are unable to pick up on the clues that one is just joking around. I also think that it's harder for women than men to make bold moves. You need to learn to do it to be a successful editor, though it is not easy for women until they have gained a lot of experience. I didn't let it be known that I was a woman for a long time and I'd advise any new woman editor to do the same. Gandydancer (talk) 05:08, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Wow, this is fascinating! Thank you so much. It's really interesting to learn more about your experiences. I'm looking forward to learning more as you work your way through the questions :) I've been looking into some of the projects you've worked on and am learning plenty, lots of really engaging work. Also, small clarification: when you say you "knew" Warren & Sanders, do you mean you personally knew them? Or that you followed their activities closely early on? Thanks again!! SiliconRed (talk) 18:38, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Do you find that the style of writing biographies on Wikipedia has changed over time? In other words, have you noticed any shifts in the style or content of biographical articles on Wikipedia in the past?
I'm not the one to be asking this question of because I really am not a very good writer or researcher. I can say this: I've known a few of our very best editors, for example Eric Corbett, Moni3, and Figureskatingfan. Corbett and Moni left this place when they just couldn't take the amount of frustration that they had to put up with anymore. Corbett still watches his user page or you could email him -he might be willing to share his thoughts with you. I don't think that Jimbo and people of his ilk realize how much work goes into a good bio, Maya Angelo done by Figureskatingfan for example. I know that she had read all or many of Angelo's books and spent a huge amount of time. Another good writer is on my page right now, Atsme, and I'll bet she's done bios. I'll ask her to chime in here if she is interested. Anyway, I'll just take a guess and suggest that we may be losing some of our best writers with a resulting slow decay of our best bio articles. Who wants to go to all that work only to have some jerk think that he can improve on a good or featured article? We are far beyond the point where any new editor should be encouraged to be bold, IMO.
LOL, no I do not know Sanders or Warren in person. I am retired and for the most part am unable to contribute to the politicians that I like but I figure that the many hours that I spend on their articles is my way of taking part in our political process. For now, Gandydancer (talk) 01:27, 18 Ap, ril 2019 (UTC)
Have you noticed any particularly conflicting styles of editing biographical pages?
The political positions of an editor are very obvious to all. By comparison, Sanders has been easy because he has a lot of editors that like him. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, same thing - while often controversial she has a large strong base here. Without that strong base of editors that like her she would possibly be ripped to shreds without at least a few hard-working editors to keep her article in good shape- even though she is an uppidy woman. Which is true of several (or many?) of our other articles about women or issues related to women. I think that most of our woman editors would agree with me that even though most of our male editors are mature and have unbiased attitudes about women, there is a subgroup that never-endingly feels that they need to inform our readers about the TRUTH about successful women. Some immature men really hate the early feminists, controversial women such as Rachel Carson - as though how could a woman know anything about science, or Caldicott, who should just go back to being a pediatrician, and such. And then there are the new additions to our Congress - Muslim women. I'd say that right now those bios are the most difficult and the most likely to be biased. Only a few dedicated editors are presently spending the countless hours needed to keep up with the constant efforts to bias these articles to a right wing POV, IMO. The bios of black people murdered by the police also comes to mind here. I believe that at least some of this bias is directly related to the Trump presidency that has given encouragement to racists. All in all, IMO WP is doing a good job with keeping articles unbiased and up to date. Gandydancer (talk) 20:00, 21 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
How (if at all) do you protect pages from problematic editing practices? Have you encountered good-faith editors with destructive practices, and, if so, what are those practices?
I have a lot of pages on my watch list where I expect problematic (good faith) editing but know that one editor or a small group of editors actively keep those articles in good shape. I only jump in if an RfC comes up or it seems that a hot argument is going on. I very much doubt that most WP readers and even new editors-- and certainly Jimbo--realize that there is a small handful of editors that spend hours and hours to keep some of our most difficult articles in good shape. Editors Slim and Flyer come to mind. If either of these editors would leave today, bias would immediately begin to creep into women's and other articles.
As for the second part of your question, I won't go much into it because you seems to be most interested in my experience in our bios. I will only mention that I no longer edit medical or Monsanto articles. I'm an RN with a Masters degree in nursing and if I remember correctly I am/was the leading editor of the breastfeeding and pregnancy articles--perhaps several others that don't come to mind right now. As for the Monsanto articles, we've lost a lot of good editors that found it hard to believe that the article was not being edited with a strong Monsanto bias. So did I, and do I.
But, getting back to bios, I could again go on extensively but will cut it short just to say that editors that attempt to control an article using oh so polite language and this and that WP guideline, "I'm sure you'd agree", and act as though the rest of us were students while he is the professor--and are extremely polite all the while. And just go right on making the edits that they wanted. Actually there's one of those at Bernie's article and he is the only editor that I have asked to stay off my page, and that is after more than 12 years of editing. Gandydancer (talk) 10:46, 22 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
What inspires you to work on Wikipedia?
I discuss this on my user page. I first mention Jimbo's quote about having fun. Some editors are highly critical of Jimbo and I have my gripes as well, but all in all it was his idea to attempt this and I give him credit and my admiration. My user name Gandy dancer also reflects my views on why I edit and what inspires me. Gandy dancers took on a difficult task and through working together by using the art forms of music and poetry, got the job done and felt good about themselves. In fact, that one article and how it came together says a lot about my Wikipedia experience.
Then I mention a Chris Hedges quote about corporate power. I worked on the BP oil spill/BP corporation pages and I've worked on the Chevron article. I used to work on the Monsanto articles but I believe that a corporate takeover has made them impossible to work on. I support politicians that work to reduce corporate power, especially Elizabeth Warren.
I work on Minnesota articles such as my "travel brochure" for Duluth and Ely. They are perhaps both a little heavy on what a fun and interesting place these towns are - makes you just want to pack your bags right now and visit them - but when you write it and watch over it you can manage to do that. :=) (Besides, they both now rely on the tourist trade as their main way to stay afloat.) Same thing for Colorado. I've greatly expanded several articles, Leadville for example. I love geology so Colorado was a great place to cram in a lot of geology information (and the Duluth article as well--read that article and it's pretty obvious what a geology lover was up to.) I have also tucked my (now departed) sister's name into one of our Colorado articles. I need to tell a funny editing story for Moose Lake, Minnesota and then I'm done. Gandydancer (talk) 14:47, 1 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Oh well, I won't get into the Moose Lake story after all. It is briefly mentioned on that talk page but would be an enigma unless explained. It goes along with my craving for fun like we used to have when I was a working woman. You can also see my fun attempts at my poem and art work at the Colbert run for president article. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 15:35, 10 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
As an afterthought SiliconRed, reading what I just said I see that I used the word "craving". Working as an RN in both floor work and supervisory nursing, we managed to have lighthearted fun. We needed to do that. You couldn't have held the life of others in our hands without a means of releasing the pressure that it entails. I could go much deeper into that but it does not seem to be related to what you are presently interested in. Here at WP for the most part no one is going to expire from what we say, but IMO WP has done an excellent job of setting up guidelines to insure that we don't injure the reputation of the people that we discuss here. (There is physical injury, but emotional injury is quite serious as well.) Gandydancer (talk) 16:55, 10 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
This is all quite fascinating--Thanks so much for your continued responses and very thorough thoughts. I've had a great time reading through as you've added over time, and you've helped illuminate points for me I otherwise wouldn't have considered. All the best, and I hope to encounter you elsewhere on WP :) Cheers,SiliconRed (talk) 17:54, 10 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
"not an improvement"
can you please explain why my edit was reverted regarding the image size on joseph campbell. i don't understand (talk) 18:43, 13 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I'm sorry - I reverted my edit. I've been watching that page for years and I thought it was another drive-by edit by an IP. BTW, I'm surprised that you do not use some sort of user name. IMO other editors give more respect to names rather than numbers. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 03:38, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, Gandy
...take a gander...you don't have email enabled? Not sure if my joke should be public. AtsmeTalk 📧 23:23, 13 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
This is a Freedom of Speech area Atsme, though the word police did visit me a while back. It's nice to see you! BTW, some months ago I looked at some of your photos - you really are very good. More often than not when I saw an especially good one it was one of yours. Hope to see more of you above at the Bug 'N Bird Talk section. Gandydancer (talk) 04:00, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Awww...thank you, sweetie! I actually do have one to add - it's one of my favs. I was at a barrel race with my niece, and was walking back to the trailer when I saw the bird. AtsmeTalk 📧 14:20, 14 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Very nice and they do cheer up my user page. I enjoy them. Say Atsme, I know that you write very well but I have no idea what you have worked on. Please read the above questions and note that I mentioned you today--do you have any info to add? Or Petra too, anything? Gandydancer (talk) 02:36, 18 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
GD - I just now saw your last comment above, or at least that's what my memory tells me. Did I reply? This gal requires pings. Anyway, I left a little bird video for you. AtsmeTalk 📧 22:13, 11 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Once again you just blow me away with your many talents and experiences. Always nice to hear from you Atsme. Gandydancer (talk) 12:15, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Donner Party
Hi Gandydancer. Just to let you know that these edits were part of a pre-TFA tidy up and were to remove duplicate links in line with MOS:DUPLINK. Cheers. Gog the Mild (talk) 13:38, 5 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hi there Gog the Mild . I've certainly removed my fair share of what I consider stupid links, on the other hand I do like links and I more often than not read them. I understand that this puts me in a minority of WP readers but I figure people that have no desire for a fuller understanding of a topic have a choice to not check out a link and this should not cheat me of having a choice. In a long article with many names and places I consider it OK to link something more than once. Perhaps some of your deletes were good ones but I'm erring on the side of keep for now rather than lose forever. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 15:25, 5 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandy. Thanks for the note. Personally I am in favour of IARing duplinks where appropriate. and appreciate that "appropriate" is a matter of subjective judgement. I'm not sure that I agree with all of your judgements re re-linking, but I don't suppose that any two editors would. If you are keeping an eye on this article, then a heads up that I have asked GOCE to review it, prior to its appearance on the front page. You will probably want to review their input. Cheers. Gog the Mild (talk) 17:44, 5 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Happy Mother's Day! That is all :) Clayoquot (talk | contribs) 05:23, 12 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Clayoquot. Always nice to hear from you and I hope you enjoyed your day as well. Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 11:59, 13 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I saw your note and replied. ―Buster7 ☎ 01:49, 27 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Did you find the "Email this user" entry on my user page menu? ―Buster7 ☎ 23:11, 28 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
No Buster7, I could not find it. Gandydancer (talk) 12:38, 30 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
This page sets out information on the Special:EmailUser feature, a MediaWiki feature that allows registered users to exchange emails with other registered users privately ("off-wiki").
The comment you just added to your TP - I had to borrow it!!! 10 years ago - things haven't changed.AtsmeTalk 📧 15:42, 27 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Let's not pretend that you and I are not on the totally opposite sides of the political positions fence, and yet again and again you have proven to agree to disagree and yet move forward to defend your positions without denigrating the opinions of those of your opponents. You are very rare Atsme, and offer an important way to deal with opposition. Gandydancer (talk) 16:24, 27 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I enjoyed it too, and was very amused to learn it was from 10 years ago. Somehow, I imagine you've seen that there's a cookout roaring over at AE. Feel free to enjoy a few of the BBQed 🌿 SashiRolls t · c 19:55, 27 May 2019 (UTC) (get 'em while they're hot!) If you have suggestions, I'd be happy to read them here (not there). (I feel like I'm writing Green Eggs and Ham.)[reply]
What? Where? Hmmm? I see no new quote here... petrarchan47คุก 17:44, 28 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, I may have found it at Atsme's page petrarchan47คุก 17:47, 28 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
You look like rookies
"I'm sorry, but you two appear to be:
treating each other civilly accepting the possibility that your own actions might not have been correct trying to work out the best thing to do for the project without concern for you[r] own egos. I don't know where you people think you are, but you definitely don't understand how WP:AN is supposed to work. Where's the disrespect? The attacking of each other's characters and motives? The entertaining temper tantrums? Please immediately review other threads on this noticeboard, so you can better participate in WP:AN. Right now you look like rookies.
I don't do AFD, so I have no opinion on whether to relist or not (couldn't hurt, tho, right?), but that's a good example of what should be going on here; useless babble without any helpful outcome. --barneca (talk) 9:57 pm, 16 September 2008
Talk:Tulsi Gabbard
Please assume good faith and do not accuse me of "[going out of my] way to treat other editors as though they are not capable of editing this article due to stupidity."[43]. I felt that you mischaracterized a comment; I did not assume why. Kolya Butternut (talk) 15:30, 31 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
At the end of the day, Gandy, and in the spirit of "Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?", I feel very sure that I would rather not find myself butting heads with you over content on WP. We read the PAGs through our own lenses, so will invariably see things from a different perspective once in a while. I do not find the content of any page here to be more important than good relations with you. And if I thought I had upset you, I would be beside myself.
I recently made an edit to a bio that actually hurt my heart for a good week or so. It was the right thing to do, according to our PAGs. There was serious controversy, yet the bio was exceedingly favourable to the subject, complete with poems and an absence of criticism though it exists. I always put my Wikipedian hat on before editing, where I attempt to remove all emotion and bias in an effort to be wholly neutral, which none of us truly are. But I've learned twice now that to subvert my own humanity doesn't feel good and isn't always a worthwhile exercise.
I wanted to make two points: one is that I truly regret getting into a situation where I was first a "Wikipedian" and second, a friend.
The second point is a follow up. As you know, I took a few years off and have only lately been editing again. During that time, the MEDRS guideline was changed to include a blog that supports the blacklisting of Frontiers journals (along with who knows what else). I took the information I discovered after countless hours of research to the Admin I trust most on such matters, and besides being (gently) slapped upside the head for not asking properly, all my work and evidence was ignored.
At the end of the day, ...there is a lack of uniformity in applying the 'rules' that is not only frustrating, it's making the editing process downright impossible on contentious articles, where it seems only 'power users' are able to make or maintain changes.
I have essentially been kicked off of the pages I used to take care of, like the CBD page, by this lawlessness.
And with regard to working on political articles... I wasn't around during the time so probably haven't told you this, but I was part of a class action lawsuit against the DNC after they stole the primary from Bernie and gave the nom to one of the most hated candidates of all time (ensuring the win for Trump). It was discovered that the DNC's charter allows for them to ignore the will of the people, that all of our donations and effort is for naught.
Law and Crime
Chicago Tribune
Bruce Spiva, representing the DNC, made the argument that would eventually carry the day: that it was impossible to determine who would have standing to claim they had been defrauded. But as he explained how the DNC worked, Spiva made a hypothetical argument that the party wasn't really bound by the votes cast in primaries or caucuses.
"The party has the freedom of association to decide how it's gonna select its representatives to the convention and to the state party," said Spiva. "Even to define what constitutes evenhandedness and impartiality really would already drag the court well into a political question and a question of how the party runs its own affairs. The party could have favored a candidate. I'll put it that way."
In the corners of the media where the lawsuit was covered most, that answer became infamous - proof that the defeated Democrats did not respect the will of the voters. "The DNC reportedly argued that the organization's neutrality among Democratic campaigns during the primaries was merely a 'political promise,' and therefore it had no legal obligations to remain impartial throughout the process," a reporter for Newsweek wrote.
So when I see good faith editors spending hours on a politician's WP bio, I think of this. The powers that be will choose our candidate, and on WP, they will choose what science sees the light of day and what is repressed. It should come as no surprise that I'm not seeing much reason to stick around here.
Your friendship means the world to me, so I thought i'd drop by to share some thoughts. I wish you all the best, all ways, Sarah. petrarchan47คุก 20:02, 1 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
A note from Glendive, Montana
Just now saw your note at EotW and I somewhat agree and will hold off for awhile. But I am determined that eventually the nominee will receive the Eddy. My wife and I are on a roadtrip to Washington State. Yesterday we passed thru North Dakota. I was surprised at the raw stark beauty of the landscape. I expected a flat prairie which we are familiar with (coming from mid-Illinois). The natural beauty and roll of the country surprised us. But when we got to the Western part of the state we were amazed by the stunning and remarkable views that each turn brought. Theodore Roosevelt National Park is a must-see. Hope all is well!!!―Buster7 ☎ 12:55, 9 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Just doing some pre-Holiday cleaning at EOTW and I'm curious if the nomination can be added to the Queue now that time (and hopefully drama) has passed. User:Tryptofish and User:Kingofaces please feel free to respond with your input. Thanks. ―Buster7 ☎ 15:52, 25 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
If you wish to use them. Sorry to leave this on your plate, but I'm taking a break (maybe indefinite) from wiki. starship.paint (talk) 03:59, 2 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
[46] (report) [47] [48] (sources on report)
Thanks...actually I've been looking at some of these and trying to decide just how to go about it at the article--new heading? new section?.. For my TV news I watch only PBS but they have been very, very good about coverage--for one thing one of their reporters has been involved for months and for another, I think motherly instincts, including those felt by men, have kicked in. They mentioned that these for-profit facilities are keeping children that actually could be placed with parents and others just to make more money off housing them. So far I haven't found info on that. Why are you taking a break? Just sick of it all? Gandydancer (talk) 02:14, 3 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Break because 1) need time for myself and 2) hurt from the prospect of never editing here again from a recent block incident. starship.paint (talk) 06:07, 3 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Recent block?...OK, I'll take a look at your edit history and try to see what's going on... Best, Gandy Gandydancer (talk) 21:05, 4 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ker-RIST!, look at this from the report you list:
In the Border Patrol facilities we visited, we also observed serious overcrowding and prolonged detention among adult detainees. TEDS provides that “under no circumstances should the maximum cell occupancy rate, as set by the fire marshal, be exceeded.” However, at one facility, some single adults were held in standing room only conditions for a week and at another, some single adults were held more than a month in overcrowded cells (see figures 4 and 5).
Standing room only for a week. Just hard for me to believe what I'm reading here... It's like reading about war atrocities... Gandydancer (talk) 02:50, 3 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
As for the article, I’m not sure if it needs a new section. I did create a section on continued expansions and facility inspection results. Check it out, seems like you haven’t. These material can fall under that area, but I don’t want to influence how you add them. starship.paint (talk) 06:07, 3 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I think I know what you mean... Star, my time here has been so very limited of late and I feel somewhat bad about that...though I am so happy to see a few new editors adding to the article, which is good... As time permits I will continue to attempt to pull my thoughts together... Gandydancer (talk) 21:01, 4 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hey Gandy. Since I edit intermittently now, I decided to add the July 2019 report. I crossed it out above. starship.paint (talk) 03:11, 13 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Saw the above and thought I would stop by for a short chat. AYK, I live in the city of Chicago. Right next door to me (I look out over their roof) is a facility, Heartland Alliance, that houses some of these kids. There are five facilities in Chicagoland that house 317 kids...not all are from the border incidents. 2 other Heartland facilities, in Des Plaines IL, were closed recently for sexual abuse of minors by staff. There was a NPR report on local radio...don't know if it went National.
No Bad things to report. The facility is an old nursing home that was transformed years ago to house kids with unsure legal status. Its very insular with very little interaction with the neighborhood. The kids often walk, escorted by staff, to the city park that is just 1/2 block away for exercise. Always well behaved but staff frowns on any interaction between us and them. A smile and a look of understanding is the most that's allowed. (Touhy Park if you look an a city map. Far Northside, in Rogers Park bario. (lol). A few weeks ago when the news was that kids were being transported inland, a bus arrived late at night, after midnight, and my wife went down to videotape. Normal action by people in todays world of recording what we see. Staff was vehement that she stop... to protect the rights of the kids, they said. Of course she continued but nothing of newsworthy confidence occurred. My niece is the mid-day News producer for WGN-TV. She saw the tape and said it had no pizz-azz. :~(.
I'm semi-Retired while and till the WP:FRAM incident gets resolved. EotW awards are on hold till then (3 weeks now). 2019 Cubs game log entries are minimal as are player article comments and posts. While interested and fearful of the political wranglings of this administration, I must say that a recent 10 day road trip out west where we only listened to good old rocknroll classics and some Jazz was a Godsend. Lived in a TePee for one day in Montana [49]. Spent a couple of days in Deadwood on the way home for R&R. Thanks for the Tea! Love to Petra! ―Buster7 ☎ 13:38, 15 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the note! I miss you and very much look forward to a long chat but it will be a few more days till I have Wiki time. Bye for now... Gandydancer (talk) 13:47, 15 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hi kids! Just wanted to drop by and let you know I haven't got the time for a response you deserve, but I'll be back once I do. Meanwhile, sending big hugs to you both ~ petrarchan47คุก 23:02, 28 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Friends, it is good to have grounding as we sail upon such strange waters as we find ourselves in these days. Buster, hopefully you felt my heartstrings reaching out to you as you traveled this beautiful country out to the West Coast. I am a girl of the West, it is in my heart and in my blood. Considering the possibility that this may sound overly poetic, I was talking to my granddaughter the other day and I reminded her that I had told her some years ago that no matter where her life took her, the ocean coast, where she was born, would always be in her heart. Although the family moved to northern Maine some years ago, she said yes, not a day goes by that she does not think about the ocean. Buster, our family trips took us through the Bad Lands several times. I love the Dakotas. The First Americans say that the Black Hills are a sacred place and I believe it. I don't know what it was, perhaps the mica in the dirt that made the hills glitter with a heavenly glow played a part, but I felt it was sacred as we drove though those dry hills. Have you looked at the progress of the Crazy Horse monument or have you gone to the museum? Gandydancer (talk) 18:16, 29 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Missed Crazy Horse this trip but heard that it was proceeding at an accelerated rate with additional hands on deck. It is much more enjoyable and impressive than Rushmore which is still wonderful but from a distance. We love The West, top to bottom, and would head back in a second if only the Cat, beloved Starr, was a better traveller. He doesnt like the car and is quite loud in letting us know. ―Buster7 ☎ 01:19, 1 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Looking just now for these words spoken by Chief Black Elk I see they've changed the name from Harney Peak to Black Elk Peak. That's very nice.
"I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world," he is quoted as saying. "And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being."
I read Black Elk Speaks many years ago and it is still with me. He says "I was seeing things in a sacred manner". Have you ever had one of those rare sacred moments Buster? I've had a few and they are proof enough that there is a deeper reality all around us that we are not generally in touch with - except in those rare moments.
As a footnote to the comment that he was taken to the center of the world, Neihardt notes “Black Elk said the mountain he stood upon in his vision was Harney Peak in the Black Hills. ‘But anywhere is the center of the world,’ he added.”[50] Gandydancer (talk) 13:20, 1 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I visited the cabin where Black Elk Speaks was written! I was just reading your comment, Gandy, I and began to wonder - do people become monks because they wanted awareness of that deeper reality to be common, not rare? petrarchan47คุก 02:52, 4 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I don't know. I've known only one monk and that would be David Steindl-Rast. Not that I knew him well at all - I knew him because I had a German friend at Esalen and they would speak German together?..or?...I don't know/can't remember...I only remember that Brother David was so happy and mirthful, and such a pleasure to be around. As far as I can tell, he was living on the same difficult plane as the rest of us... Gandydancer (talk) 21:29, 5 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
rare sacred moments
Many years ago while travelling near Canyon de Chelly, Arizona on my way home from Phoenix (having seen my youngest daughter), I saw a small non-descript handmade sign near a dusty off-road. It pointed to a group that I knew of just 20 miles away.Now 20 miles on a dusty Arizona backroad is a LONG way and I was in a hurry to get home. I had missed seeing thousand of desert signs. Why did I notice this one? Two hours later I was standing at the edge of a table, about 3 feet off the ground, naked, with my back turned to a group of new friends preparing to do a "Trust Fall". I fell backwards, they caught me, then raised me over their heads with my arms outstretched crucifix style. I don't mean to sound blasphemous but my mind raced to the resurrection of Jesus as they held me airborne for what seemed like forever. Most likey it was no more than a couple of minutes. Months before I had become a divorced father of 3 and acclimating to my new world was a true test. Without sharing too many details the moment was transforming. It changed my life, my direction, the road I was travelling. It came at the very best time. I still have desert-spring water we shared. I replenish it from the tap with Lake Michigans best. ―Buster7 ☎ 07:16, 5 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I understand. At certain times in our lives when we find ourselves in situations where God seems to have deserted us to the point that in utter desperation we let go of our attempt to control, that is when the Spirit comes into our body and we are forevermore changed by the experience. It is interesting that in your case it was not a mental act of letting go but a literal loss of control of your body when your new friends lifted you up. And then time stood still: The Eternal Now. My first experience came when I was in my 30's in a divorce from a loving but alcoholic husband, the second in my 40's when dealing with long-repressed issues about the death of my mother and feelings toward my father, and the third in my fifties when I dealt with...lets say Jungian life mythology issues (for lack of better wording). Gandydancer (talk) 16:33, 5 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
While I mull over your challenge about rare sacred moments let me just share something with you and your stalkers. The title of this sub-thread must sound like the most insensitive thing any thinking person can say even in these trying times of daily dealing with The Trump Dilemma. But that remarkably insensitive comment was made by Rep Liz Cheney (R-WY), the daughter of Dick Cheney and the House Republican Conference Chairwoman. She said these brazen, racist words into a microphone, today, at the House of Representatives in Wash.DC. On first blush you might think she just wanted to assure The Trump Kids that they could still come to Wyoming to do some Trophy hunting for grizzlies. But, no, this is about more than hunting for trophy bears. It is about the subversive influence of multi-national fossil-fuel corporations and the corruption of the long standing US Fish and Wildlife Services’s grizzly protection. On an even deeper more destructive level it is about exposing the hidden role of the Extractive Industry into the process of what should be creating policies to protect and conserve our natural treasures but turns out to be about enriching the all-ready rich. Follow The Money. Nowadays its important to let each other know what we discover. This was my SAD discovery for today. Native Voices ―Buster7 ☎ 05:21, 2 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Mountain Tribal Leader Report
Your link did not work for me. I'll try this: Native News Online [51] Gandydancer (talk) 13:21, 2 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well Liz Cheney's deeds have not gone unnoticed, thanks to you. I have been as busy as a beaver, so as to speak, and now my animal friend the grizzly's article has seen a few changes, as have the Cheyney and the Environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration articles. Gandydancer (talk) 16:58, 5 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
TY Gandy. Just back from the wilderness of Central Illinois where we exist without Direct TV (old VCR"s still work), no phone service (My Cricket phone stays silent) and we only listen to Music on the radio. I'll check out your improvements soon... as soon as I get over the shock of the accelerated turmoil of life in TrumpWorld. ―Buster7 ☎ 15:45, 12 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
"Old VCRs still work" - LOL. Actually I've got quite a few of those that I'd like to convert to disks--is this possible? Also Buster, see my citizen addition to M. Trump's article. To this point I was the one who tended to "protect" her BIO from what I saw as unfair attempts to smear her but what with this latest effort to criminalize honest people and the heartbreak that it is causing, I have been left with no alternative but to honestly report Trump's own wife and her parents attainment of U.S. citizenship. Gandydancer (talk) 17:21, 12 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The Lifespring article is an editorial piece of toilet paper. It's one of those articles that gets taken over by critics and cynics over the years and no one notices cause no one is paying attention. I've read some of the early 2007 versions that have some connection to the truth but the current article is rubbish. What to do? Resurrection of this article will take time and effort which I will start soon. The two editors on the talk page are both discredited. The archives contain alot of info, pro and con. Heres the problem. I worked for Lifespring in the late '80s and early '90s. I'm very sure I am biased. The articles unfairly focuses too much on the worst possible aspects of the training and I'm sure it was sabotaged by disgruntled clients during it history. Because of my extensive hands-on experience during my own trainings and dozens of others, I can unequivocally claim that maybe 4 or 5% of participants didn't "get it" and left their training before completion. The point is if there were 100 participants to an basic 4 day event, there were 100 trainings. Each was unique based on the level of participating by each person. I am willing to spend months recreating a fair and balanced article. DO I need to make some declaration at the article talk page or on my own talk page as to my connection to the subject matter. Can I be fair and impartial? ―Buster7 ☎ 15:45, 12 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Good luck with this Buster but I'm pretty sure it would be a fool's errand. There are a cabal of editors, I'd guess mid to late-aged male editors, who just effing hate anything at all new-agey. Take for example Depok Chopra (sp?). I really just can't stand him but even still his article is totally biased. Even Jill Stein, who I dislike as well, but for a BIO her article is absolutely outrageous in what editors have been able to get away with. Or look at our medical articles where if it is not mainstream Western medicine it's pseudoscience. Gandydancer (talk) 16:46, 12 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Or even if it is mainstream Western medicine, such as acupuncture. I have long ago given up on attempting to work on this or similar articles and just now checked to see what their latest assessment of this widely used practice is, and I find this opening for the article:
Acupuncture[a] is a form of alternative medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Acupuncture is a pseudoscience because the theories and practices of TCM are not based on scientific knowledge, and it has been characterized as quackery. Gandydancer (talk) 16:56, 12 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I have used Acupuncture over the years for various back ailments. And psoriasis. I also bought the special "this is just for you" tea which is terrible. I think they go to a cow pasture and search for cowpies. Then, they move the cowpie and whatever plant is under there is used to make tea. ―Buster7 ☎ 06:12, 13 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hey friends. I've been meaning to get back here for 2 months. Life has been a bit strange lately, but I wanted to at the very least let you know I'm thinking of you and regret not being in touch. Regarding the difficultly editing certain topics that you note above, how do you remain peaceful, and not rage-quit over the unfairness and lack of even application of the guidelines? Is it that there are certain topics or areas of the project that do work as intended, where you find reward for your efforts? petrarchan47คุก 01:09, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for August 12
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Andrew Wheeler (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are usually incorrect, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of unrelated topics with similar titles. (Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.)
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 08:06, 12 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
September 2019
Your addition to Trump administration family separation policy has been removed in whole or in part, as it appears to have added copyrighted material to Wikipedia without evidence of permission from the copyright holder. If you are the copyright holder, please read Wikipedia:Donating copyrighted materials for more information on uploading your material to Wikipedia. For legal reasons, Wikipedia cannot accept copyrighted material, including text or images from print publications or from other websites, without an appropriate and verifiable license. All such contributions will be deleted. You may use external websites or publications as a source of information, but not as a source of content, such as sentences or images—you must write using your own words. Wikipedia takes copyright very seriously and persistent violators of our copyright policy will be blocked from editing. See Wikipedia:Copying text from other sources for more information. This is your final warning. Further violation of Wikipedia's copyright policy will result in you being blocked from editing. — Diannaa🍁 (talk) 23:13, 9 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Diannaa please explain how I can find the deleted copy so that I can remove the copyvio and return it to the article. Thanks. Gandydancer (talk) 23:54, 9 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Your addition was flagged by a bot as a potential copyright issue and was assessed by myself. Here is a link to the bot report. Click on the iThenticate link to view the overlap.— Diannaa🍁 (talk) 00:07, 10 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. I do not understand why all of my following edits were deleted as well, such as a minor edit to improve one word, etc. I can't remember exactly what they involved. Can those edits be returned? Gandydancer (talk) 00:47, 10 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The only thing that was removed was the copyright material, as you can hopefully see via this diff. — Diannaa🍁 (talk) 02:21, 10 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
AfroCine: Join the Months of African Cinema this October!
After a successful first iteration of the “Months of African Cinema” last year, we are happy to announce that it will be happening again this year, starting from October 1! In the 2018 edition of the contest, about 600 Wikipedia articles were created in at least 8 languages. There were also contributions to Wikidata and Wikimedia commons, which brought the total number of wikimedia pages created during the contest to over 1,000.
On English Wikipedia, we would be recognizing participants in the following manner:
Overall winner (1st, 2nd, 3rd places)
Diversity winner
Gender-gap fillers
For further information about the contest, the recognition categories and how to participate, please visit the contest page here. For further inquiries, please leave comments on the contest talkpage or on the main project talkpage. See you around :).--Jamie Tubers (talk) 00:50, 30 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
This is a standard message to notify contributors about an administrative ruling in effect. It does not imply that there are any issues with your contributions to date.
You have shown interest in genetically modified organisms, commercially produced agricultural chemicals and the companies that produce them, broadly construed. Due to past disruption in this topic area, a more stringent set of rules called discretionary sanctions is in effect. Any administrator may impose sanctions on editors who do not strictly follow Wikipedia's policies, or the page-specific restrictions, when making edits related to the topic.
For additional information, please see the guidance on discretionary sanctions and the Arbitration Committee's decision here. If you have any questions, or any doubts regarding what edits are appropriate, you are welcome to discuss them with me or any other editor.
In addition to the discretionary sanctions described above the Arbitration Committee has also imposed a restriction which states that you cannot make more than one revert on the same page in the same 24 hour period on all pages relating to genetically modified organisms, agricultural biotechnology, or agricultural chemicals, broadly construed and subject to certain exemptions.
Kingofaces43 (talk) 02:26, 27 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
It seems you've forgotten about the editing restrictions in the topic, but please keep in mind one of the expectations of 1RR discussed at ArbCom is not edit war content back in after it's been disputed (i.e., not crossing the 1RR bright line is still edit warring). You definitely weren't following WP:ONUS policy in your latest revert that restored content sourced to well known WP:FRINGE advocate in this subject. Kingofaces43 (talk) 02:35, 27 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Turd-polisher Extrodinare Award
I just had the BEST time re-reading your talk page. And then I wind up at the Turd Polisher Award which I gave you awhile back. I thought it was funny at the time and passed a few out to old WP friends. I gave one to User:John from Idegon. Seeing it here reminds me that another editor (a Londoner), seeing it on John's page, remarked (on my page) that it was ill-advised to call someone a "turd polisher" and that it could be misconstrued. (It is so funny that we speak the same language and we barely understand each other) Anyway, I apologize. Although... if truth be told, we are ALL turd polishers. That's what we do. Some of us see an 'undeveloped" turd (article) and throw it in the "trashbin" (London term). But most of us investigate it, roll it around abit, mold it and reshape it, add or subtract stuff, until it doesn't smell quite so bad.
It's Always a pleasure to stop by your page. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Petra and Atsme. And the rest of your friendly stalkers. Just got back from some time in Indianapolis. Great city, great people. TC.―Buster7 ☎ 14:42, 25 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I'm thinking of adding Dung beetle to my WP name. What do you guys think of User:Buster"DungBeetle"7. It has a certain ring doncha think! ―Buster7 ☎ 00:12, 26 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
😂 Well Buster, I rolled it around in my head, and it does have an aromatic element to its ring...I say go for it. And if anybody challenges it, just tell 'em shit happens. AtsmeTalk 📧 01:01, 27 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well Buster, I think that name would make you sound juvenile. How about Scarabaeus sacer? (Atsme, you are just so goll darn clever, and a joy to be around.) Gandydancer (talk) 16:36, 27 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
And it would result in conflict between my good angel (B7) and my bad devil (MrSacér). (Notice the Frenchy pronunciation of sacer) Trouble! Edit warring, plagiarism,name-calling, etc...―Buster7 ☎ 19:31, 27 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Did I tell you guys about the Dung beetle that went to an Asian restaurant. When the waitress asked him what he would like he replied:"The #2. I'll have the #2" Have a great day! Second show begins at ten this evening! ―Buster7 ☎ 20:22, 14 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
That same Dung Beetle got a job as a security guard and was chatting with his fellow dung beetle about work. "We never see you any more", they all said. "There is a very good reason", the dung beetle said. "I'm always on dooty". ―Buster7 ☎ 11:59, 4 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
ArbCom 2019 election voter message
Disambiguation link notification for November 22
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Gordon Sondland, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Fiona Hill (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
Peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others, where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflicts are resolved through dialog, peoples rights are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity without social tension.
Happy Holidays, Gandy.
A Dear Friend of ours e-mailed me with a farewell. I've sent her this Christmas card but she may need more. Hope all is well. Happy New Year.―Buster7 ☎ 14:26, 11 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]
It’s that time of year!
Merry XMAS!
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."
Spread the cheer by adding {{Subst:Xmas4}} to their talk page with a friendly message.
--Ozzie10aaaa (talk) 15:21, 17 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for December 23
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Blizzard, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page The Long Winter (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
FWiW Bzuk (talk) 12:52, 23 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]
May 2020 be sane and peaceful
Miss Gandy, Atsme and Buster7 ~ I hope I didn't give you itchy noses yesterday... I found myself thinking quite a bit about my WP friends during the festivities, and sending you all good thoughts throughout the day. I figured I'd better fess up and tell you officially: I'm wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful 2020.
How is everyone doing? petrarchan47คุก 04:13, 27 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The countdown
Happy New Year
Hi Gandy. Thank you for your frienship and I wish you a very good, prosperous and happy New Year.
Thanks Buster and a Happy New Year to you as well! Gandydancer (talk) 00:34, 26 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you so much Gandy. That worked just as I had intended. In fact your addition was so good I'll rewrite the whole thing combining both our words into one concise presentation. Bravo! ―Buster7 ☎ 07:59, 26 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Long story short
Gandydancer...how far off-base was I in this edit back in 2015? AtsmeTalk 📧 03:04, 18 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I haven't worked on that article for a long time. It was, I think, one of my first edits - probably something I saw in Science Direct. I think that they just deleted everything I tried to edit in for years. It takes a long time to learn the ropes around this place. But once I became more experienced it was a fun article, what with "colorful" characters and all. Do you have any interest in working on it? Gandydancer (talk) 23:07, 25 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
NPOV violations and accusations of bias
Earlier today, you accused me of having an anti-Sanders bias[52] because of one edit 18 months ago where I removed a random piece of punditry from the main Sanders page[53]. Two days ago, you removed all content (including the best available sources on the topic) which failed to substantiate the accusations of media bias against Sanders, while you kept all the content (including the random piece of punditry) that suggested that there was media bias against Sanders.[54] In your edit summaries and on the talk page, you gave the impression that you were trimming the article, but it's a pretty clear NPOV violation to only remove content which supports a particular POV (including the best sources on the topic) while keeping content which supports a different POV (which includes the worst sources on the topic). And at the same you accuse others of bias? Snooganssnoogans (talk) 18:46, 22 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Stay off my talk page. I've been here since 2006 and you are only the second editor that I've asked to stay off my page. You are dishonest and I refuse to put up with it. Off, means OFF, get that straight. Gandydancer (talk) 02:13, 23 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Just curious. Who was the first? ―Buster7 ☎ 17:56, 25 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Buster, it is Kingofaces. I don't much care about his biased Monsanto editing because the general public just rolls their eyes at our Monsanto-connected articles. They do the same for a lot of our articles that are health-related that have been rated as pseudoscience, acupuncture for example, because they are so obviously biased. So I just pretty much stay away from those articles most of the time. But now that I'm a grandmother and unlike busy younger mothers have the time for Wikipedia, I do continue to fight for a clean environment for children and am willing to put up a fight from time to time. How about you, how do you handle this place. I will say, Atsme does an admirable job of getting along and having a good experience and yet remain willing and able to speak her mind. Gandydancer (talk) 22:55, 25 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Ha! To hear me speak my mind, click here. AtsmeTalk 📧 02:24, 26 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to talk about greenhouses, inasmuch as food can be grown in them. It's too bad too, because there's one big enough to hide a dinosaur in a nearby park. I would absolutely never suggest hijacking Amazon drones to strafe that greenhouse (or its dinosaur) with jelly-beans. -- SashiRolls 🌿 · 🍥 05:23, 26 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Editor of the Week nomination
Generally speaking, people really enjoy being told specific things that others appreciate, so it would be great if all other Editor of the Week nominations were at least as long as yours. Thanks very much for choosing to spread a little joy to other editors! isaacl (talk) 21:07, 26 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Arbitration Discretionary Sanctions Alert
This is a standard message to notify contributors about an administrative ruling in effect. It does not imply that there are any issues with your contributions to date.
For additional information, please see the guidance on discretionary sanctions and the Arbitration Committee's decision here. If you have any questions, or any doubts regarding what edits are appropriate, you are welcome to discuss them with me or any other editor.
--Guy Macon (talk) 11:50, 11 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]
This is a standard message to notify contributors about an administrative ruling in effect. It does not imply that there are any issues with your contributions to date.
For additional information, please see the guidance on discretionary sanctions and the Arbitration Committee's decision here. If you have any questions, or any doubts regarding what edits are appropriate, you are welcome to discuss them with me or any other editor.
--Guy Macon (talk) 02:35, 28 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for March 8
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited 2020 coronavirus outbreak in the United States, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page CDC (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
You recently offered a statement in a request for arbitration. The Arbitration Committee has accepted that request for arbitration and an arbitration case has been opened at Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Jytdog. Evidence that you wish the arbitrators to consider should be added to the evidence subpage, at Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Jytdog/Evidence. Please add your evidence by March 23, 2020, which is when the evidence phase closes. You can also contribute to the case workshop subpage, Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Jytdog/Workshop. For a guide to the arbitration process, see Wikipedia:Arbitration/Guide to arbitration.
All content, links, and diffs from the original ARC and the latest ARC are being read into the evidence for this case.
The secondary mailing list is in use for this case: [email protected]
For the Arbitration Committee, CThomas3 (talk) 06:03, 9 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Duluth, Minnesota, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Sault Ste. Marie (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).
I just really, really like you. It makes my heart warm to know you exist. I've been thinking of you a lot (as well as Atsme and Buster7, among other bright spots here in PediaLand!). Popping in to say "hi" in case it's the end of the world as media would have us believe. petrarchan47คุก 00:04, 18 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
How could I forget to show you this? petrarchan47คุก 02:57, 18 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
LOL, I just LOVED that and I can't stop smiling and chuckling over it. On the other hand, I can't understand your suggestions that the media is to blame. I see it quite the opposite in that if it was not for the media reports we would not finally be looking at the profound implications of what this epidemic will mean for the US and the world as well. The disease and the lockdown means many things to many different people and other than what our nation and world are experiencing, in a personal way I can tell you that my family are looking at some very rough times this summer and who knows for how long. Two years ago my daughter and her husband bought the Alna General Store [55] (Ken and Jane are on the right in the photo) and have just been barely squeaking by to keep it going. If it wasn't for the summer increase in business and the large local "country" or "woodsy" type affairs that they, as the well-liked locals, cater they would have had to shut their doors by now. Already they have had to cut back and let go of staff, and I mean people that they love and their "dailies", the old retired guys and such, love as well. I remember when they took over the place different customers thanked Jane and Ken for keeping on "Darcie". Darcie was a terrible waitress, spending as much time out on the porch smoking cigarettes with the old guys as waitressing. But, Jane told me, it was Darcie that they would go to and say, "You know Darcie my dog has been sick and the vet said there is no hope for her", and Darcie was able to connect with and support them in a way that few others can do. ...And so here we are with so many lonely elderly people needing a daily feeling of connection to the rest of humanity being cut off from it. And, it is to keep them from getting it and dying. Strange and difficult choices but most importantly of all we need honesty about the choices that we all face. Gandydancer (talk) 19:22, 18 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Sue, my wife's good friend with a Masters in Art, has been surviving in these last years with part time work to cobble together a living wage. But the last week her Asst mgr job at a local theatre (now closed) and Art instructor job at community center (also now closed) are on hold. She is strong and hoping for the best. I wonder if trumps $1000 check will reach down and help her get thru this? During this corona-hibernation Cathy, my wife, and her sister-in-law are working on a family history for future generations. Her grand parents came to America from Mexico in 1918 due to the chaos of the Mexican Revolution and the often now mentioned Spanish Influenza. With the passing of her Aunt Julie last month Cathy has become the matriarch of her large and always growing family. As the oldest she is the font of early family history. I spend time tweeting about DT and editing the Trump Timeline among other things. I've made a recent life change...I now wear suspenders. No more Mr. Saggypants. I seriously pray that we all make it to the other side of this epidemic. Every wednesday I make sure that the Trump Timeline includes the number of Americans that have passed away. 114 earlier today. Over 120 now. Thoughts and prayers to all for all. ―Buster7 ☎ 23:30, 18 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
171 an hour ago. ―Buster7 ☎ 19:47, 19 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, all - my thoughts and prayers go out to all 3 of you and your families & friends. Thought you might like to keep up with the daily numbers via the Worldometer link. 😷❤️ AtsmeTalk 📧 00:00, 19 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy, I didn't suggest the media is to blame, simply that the message is coming across as "it's the end of the world as we know it" - and I am not arguing that they are wrong. In fact, for me it feels that way indeed. Regardless of the virus itself, the fact is that the services I depend(ed) upon to survive have evaporated in the span of a week, and there is nowhere to turn for answers or support. Regardless of whether anyone in my city is infected, the fact is that the grocery stores' delivery services have completely collapsed and I have only a few weeks' worth of food. It is scary and absurd at the same time. My beloved step-father ended up being put in the VA to await surgery only days before the lockdown, and now he is stuck there without the ability to see his family or even do FaceTime. My mom's dementia, along with my many years of being somewhat/extremely socially isolated, means I find myself more alone than I ever imagined was possible. My friends are all quarantined so I get no visitors. I can be very happy as long as my basic needs are met. But that seems to have ended abruptly and without warning. Trump claimed that certain food stores have promised to remain stocked and able to provide for us, but that turns out to be a lie already.
This is so difficult. I don't know what to say, except to mirror what you all have: prayers go out to you and your families, and really, to all of humanity. If there is a silver lining, it is that this pandemic has erased the divisions we construct ("us" and "them"). Now it's all "us". We are all suffering directly or indirectly by how this affects people we love. I am sorry to hear about your daughter's (adorable!) grocery store, Gandy.
Thanks to you all for the connection, I love you guys. I agree wholeheartedly, this is the time for honesty. petrarchan47คุก 00:26, 19 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Buster! To my great surprise I found a photo of you all decked out with your new suspenders in the Chicago Trib!!! And to you
dear friend Petra, it is so good to hear from you. I am feeling a sense of isolation as well. I'm in the elderly category that are supposed to hunker down and that will work just fine as my daughter is more than willing to shop for my needs and deliver them--but the thought of being isolated for such an extended period of time is very depressing. I am rural and the thought of not getting out to watch the season change from winter to spring to summer is almost unbearable (even though I see on TV pictures of families with children in such terrible hardship suffering in tents in the dead of winter...). Anyone that has read any history of our evolution can clearly see that we are by nature social animals--like wolves or gorillas, for example. By nature we need to touch and mingle. Just lately I learned that even horses have many verbal and facial ways of communicating, beyond the body language that we were already aware of. Gandydancer (talk) 19:01, 19 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Yea! Thats Me! I was out in the front waiting for the coronavirus test. Our Dear Leader said it was "in the mail"....or did he say it was "in the Mall"? ―Buster7 ☎ 19:52, 19 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Petra, have you found help yet? My daughter is working with locals to set up a help center for shut-ins, etc. She wrote an article for our local paper and the store will work as the hub of the operation. She told me that many other areas are setting up similar operations. I would think that there might be something similar in your area. Keep in touch... Gandydancer (talk) 04:23, 20 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy, I know how you must be feeling. Although, I'm not sure how you will miss the seasons change, are you intending on staying indoors? And thank you kindly for the suggestions. I'm not aware of any services like you describe, however for the time being, I have figured out a 'fix'. I was able to get a grocery delivery by feverishly reloading the order page, until after two days a spot opened up. Stupidly, I decided to hoard celery and kale. I'm not sure that's how we're supposed to be doing this. I would like to take you up on your offer to stay in touch. These are such strange times, and I rather like the idea of riding this wave with you, Buster and Atsme alongside. One thing that has lifted my spirits is the news that an old malaria drug that costs almost nothing is being tested as a cure for covid19!
Didier Raoult, director of a university hospital institute in Marseille, explained that he had conducted a clinical trial in which he treated 25 Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine. After six days, he said, only 25 percent of patients who took this drug still had the virus in their body. By contrast, 90 percent of those who had not taken hydroxychloroquine continued to carry the Covid-19.petrarchan47คุก 02:25, 23 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I'm so glad that you found some assistance though hopefully you can somehow set something up for the future days, weeks, or even months... I'm doing OK except for feeling lonely... Jane and family are doing well also--the store stays open and they are doing well with a lot of take-out orders, and what with all of their staff let go they can easily make ends meet with no salaries to be paid out. Jane said that the old morning crowd, the old retired guys, keep coming in even though her husband, who works the morning shift, told them they could not come in as usual. Anyway, it reminded me of something from many years ago.
When I was still in high school I worked at the bakery/coffee shop for my summer job. I would go in at 6:30 and by then the regulars would all be sitting at their stools already with their coffee and rolls. Some times the baker, "Lanko", would be out in front talking away with the guys--he was a very likable guy, and plus, as likely as not he'd be hung over from a night down at the "Muni", the Municipal Liquor Store,--or sometimes he'd be in the back working at getting his daily baking started. Anyway, I knew right away when I came in the door for my morning shift that something was not quite right. Little did I know but this was the exact moment that the guys had all been waiting for. It's really quite strange how that moment remains in my mind the same way that most of us remember the moment we learned that the Twin Towers were hit. I remember exactly how everything looked including that the coffee pot had the fresh coffee in it and the guys all had their cups and were eating their donuts and such. Everything looked very usual and yet something jarred me. So anyway, I walked in and went through the swinging doors that led to the back and, as you may know a bakery would have a big wooden table in the middle of the room, there was Lanko sound asleep laid out on the table! No wonder the guys were just exploding with anticipation for me to come in! Stay tuned for episode two of this true life story. Gandydancer (talk) 16:14, 25 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I wait anxiously for part two! And for some reason, I'm thinking we could consider doing a Skype or Zoom, or even FaceTime. Or you could try getting that set up with family members or old friends. I hear that many people are doing during this period of isolation and it's helping them a lot. It pains me to think of you being lonely. (Be back in a bit) petrarchan47คุก 22:51, 26 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
April Fools Day
Happy April Fools Day everyone. Late night tweeting and WP editing and a little facebooking keeps an old fart up past his normal bedtime. Good thing is I can sleep till noon as long as I get up at 7 and feed the cat. He starts nibbling on toes if he gets too hungry. My wife and I are sheltering-in-place as requested by our Governor. We wash our hands repeatedly. She washes mine and I do hers. There must be a better way but that's what she read in some Mike Pence/CDC pamphlet. Called my younger brother and sister (by 20 years) today and it went well. My older brother and I were raised when my parents were new to America and they were busy looking for the pot of gold that they were promised. My siblings came along after they found it...well...maybe not a pot...more like a tin can. Anyway, we were raised in different times and circumstances. I hadn't talked to them in a long time. After my Dad died we drifted apart...separated by politics which, surprisingly (considering the last three months) still separate us. My stepson caught the virus 4 weeks ago on a business/ski trip to Austria from a guy from Norway. He (divorced dad) found out (test results) just before his four kids were coming to dinner at his new house. Thank God he cancelled, started quarantine, and he is fully recovered. Family tragedy averted. Not all of us are that lucky. Over 5000 Americans have died (Thanks for worldometer link Atsme). It's what I tweet about. Yesterday the doctors at the briefing finally told us the Truth that at least 96000 Americans will die in the next three/four months. The challenge for all of us is to be on the other side of this epidemic. Sorry for being a "downer". Be Safe! ―Buster7 ☎ 07:51, 1 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah but More than likely the number of lives that would be spared because of these confinement measures would be higher than the number of lives that would be lost because of the pandemic Coronavirus Lockdown May Save More Lives By Preventing Pollution Than By Preventing Infection (Forbes).
The CDC estimates there have been between 24-63K deaths from the regular flu since October 2019, which I thought was an interesting tidbit.
Where are your parents from, Buster, if you don't mind saying? I am relieved to hear your family is safe, and that you and your wife are taking good care of each other. I too have some good news: my beloved step-father was released from the hospital (because insurance ran out) one day before the hospital announced it had two cases of CV19. petrarchan47คุก 22:45, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I was born in Belgium near Antwerp. My parents left a ravaged Europe after WWll. Hope everyone is getting thru this troubling time in good shape. Glad to hear your step dad is safe and out of the hospital. Hibernation is going along. We occasionally leave the cave for supplies and a walk around a nearby park. We had been walking along the beach at Lake Michigan but our mayor Mamma Lightfoot has given strict orders to stop congregating along the lakefront. She is cool: "I'm not foolin' around" she says...and the hardest hard heads listen. Getting tired of seeing Trump on TV everyday. Hard to ignore him. I dont watch the briefings---I read them at [56]. Flash read the politicians, see what the DRs are saying and get to the Q&A as quick as I can. Love the "ThatWasANastyQuestion" parts. Not afraid of November any more; I think each day brings a realization of Truth (as to his soullessness) to his flock and they will put down the Kool-aid and vote for Good Old Joe. Or not vote at all which is just as good. Thoughts and Prayers. ―Buster7 ☎ 06:26, 10 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Well, Buster7, you've so far been lucky enough to escape my Belgium and Antwerp story, but only narrowly. I'm just piping up here to wish the moms a Happy Mother's Day, to two of the hardest working editors we have: Gandydancer and Atsme. xxoooo petrarchan47คุก 01:01, 11 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Awww...thank you, Petrar!! I'm not where I can hug my daughters and grandkids but I'm not going to complain too much considering I'm locked-down on the small island of Bonaire. We had 2 cases (a month apart) of COVID-19 both fully recovered (one of whom flew-in with it from Aruba, and the other came in a month later on the repatriation flight and all immediately quarantined). They locked down the island early on and took all necessary precautions to keep everyone safe. Children start back to school tomorrow - the stores remained open the whole time but the employees were kept safe behind plexiglass, wore masks and gloves. Our beaches never closed, but the casinos would only let so many people in at one time, so we had to wait out in the hall until people came out of the casino, and then they would let us in. It looks like mid-July before any commercial flights will be allowed in. Hope you and Gandy had a happy day today!! ❤️ AtsmeTalk 📧 01:13, 11 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Dear friends Petra, Atsme and Buster, I want you all to know that your friendship is very important to me. As we travel through these difficult times it is comforting to me to have old friends because, as one of my favorite sayings goes, "You can't talk about old times with new friends." Our many friendly discussions help to carry me through these upsetting times. More later... oooxxx Gandydancer (talk) 16:59, 11 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
May you live in interesting times. I think we've gone waaaaayyyyy past "interesting" in 2020. And it is times like this that have me reevaluating what actually matters. I am with Gandy here. Friends, and kindness, and the human-touch (even if only through words printed on a screen), are what matter. Many blessings to you all for continued health, physically, mentally and emotionally, through this crisis and beyond. From what I understand, suicide hotlines have seen a giant rise in activity in the past few months. If this doesn't bring tears to the eye, are you really alive?
Data shows depression and anxiety already roiling the nation. Nearly half of Americans report the coronavirus crisis is harming their mental health, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll. A federal emergency hotline for people in emotional distress registered a more than 1,000 percent increase in April compared with the same time last year. Last month, roughly 20,000 people texted that hotline, run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Online therapy company Talkspace reported a 65 percent jump in clients since mid-February. Text messages and transcribed therapy sessions collected anonymously by the company show coronavirus-related anxiety dominating patients’ concerns. “People are really afraid,” Talkspace co-founder and CEO Oren Frank said. The increasing demand for services, he said, follows almost exactly the geographic march of the virus across the United States. “What’s shocking to me is how little leaders are talking about this. There are no White House briefings about it. There is no plan.”WaPo petrarchan47คุก 20:19, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
So good to hear from you. Well I can say that for the first time in my life I do have some depression. I'm of an age in which I dare not do any of my own shopping for fear of the horror of dying alone in a hospital room with no human touch and words of love at all. I sure do watch a lot more TV than I ever did before. My daughter Jane is doing well in their little grocery store/restaurant what with take out food and delivery of grocery items. My granddaughter had to leave the university she was at and finish her courses at home. She hated it and misses her friends. We both agreed that we had depression sort of like losing ambition to do more than just exist.
I thought of you many times tonight as I watched a PBS show about eagles. Are there currently any Decorah (sp?) eagles? Please tell me what's new for you if anything. Also, Buster how are you doing. And, poor Atsme, how awful to be stuck on a beautiful tropical island. Gandydancer (talk) 00:54, 22 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
My older brother passed away two Saturdays ago. I mention it, not for condolences, but because we have created a "sharing place" between us as WP friends. My brother and I were not close for most of our adult lives. I struggle searching for the words to describe the reason for our distance even though we lived within miles of each other. At age 33, 40 years ago, I divorced the mother of my 3 children. I'll let you ponder why I mention his passing and my divorce together. I always thought the 3 of us would appear on the Maury show and we could air air our dirty laundry on National TV. In a way, I'm glad my (20 year) younger siblings gave me the task of writing his obituary. I did find solace in remembering our growing-up years. Remembering that he was my hero, that he let me hang out with him and his older friends, that we built go-carts and rockets and box kites and model airplanes, that he was a great athlete as a gymnast, that he taught me how to catch a fly ball, that we travelled with my parents each summer to new places and adventures, that he was my brother. I wish I could say that I will miss him. Maybe that will come with time. Death seems to be all around us. 100000 dead to the virus with no end in sight. Take Care All. #WearAMask. Get to the other side of this!!! ―Buster7 ☎ 13:26, 24 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
It is good to read that Buster and thank you. For me, I am from a family of three girls: sister Therese,five years older, and sister Judy not only just 17 months younger but our mom taught her everything I was learning in first grade and a few months into the school year she joined our class. Judy and I were very close throughout our time together (she passed on a few years ago). But Therese was always so different from us. We all excelled in whatever we attempted but I think Therese would have cheated if it meant she could be #1. Even when Judy and I were little, if someone gave us money as a gift she would get busy making doll clothes to sell to us. In her 30s she and her husband converted to the Mormon faith, which Judy and I found to be absolutely bizarre. She was, of course, a Republican and I'm sure she would have supported Trump if she were still alive. But she died a few years ago. I can't remember how I learned of her death because we had not communicated for years -- there was just not anything in common for us to talk about. At any rate, I did find her obit and to my utter amazement she had died of Alzheimer's disease! She of all people; she who was Miss Perfect in every way. But here's the funny part: I am not revengeful by nature, even here on WP I keep forgetting which people I hate. But when I read that she died of ALZ I think I laughed out loud. After spending her entire life thinking that she was better than others, and of course as far as her accomplishments she certainly was, that she was in the end stricken with ALZ and everything that that disease brings on. I still to this day chuckle every time I think about it, though not in a mean way, just how much like it's the perfect ending to a bio of a person such as she was. Gandydancer (talk) 16:47, 24 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I regret missing your responses until now. I’ve been laid up with a twisted and swollen knee, so have had to ignore WP and use my desktop only to watch movies (and I’ve lots of good suggestions now!). I’ll be back as soon as I can, knee is doing well with elevation. Just wanted to add this note as a placeholder. And Gandy, you’ve got me laughing out loud - “I’ve forgotten who I hate” LOL! And your sister immediate sewing doll clothes the minute she finds out you have money LOLOLOLOL. I did not expect to laugh so hard reading about the fact that you’re experiencing some depression... I send you 3 big warm hugs and loving thoughts. Soon, petrarchan47คุก 20:45, 30 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Oh! I heave been meaning to update the Decorah Eagles page... they were featured in last week’s NOVA special! You can watch it, and maybe one of your page stalkers will update the article whilst I’m on bed rest 😉 petrarchan47คุก 22:15, 30 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Your Nominee has recieved her Award. Thanks!!! ―Buster7 ☎ 15:23, 22 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Many thanks to those of you that worked with my most humble effort to present such a remarkable presentation to one of our most valued editors. Gandydancer (talk) 17:36, 25 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Sanders ancestry
Sanders has Russian ancestry. His maternal grandmother came from Russia. Only on his maternal grandfather's side, is where he has Eastern Polish ancestry.
Check out Henry Louis Gates 'Finding your roots' episode 'The Impression'. Also checkout wiki tree and other genealogical sites. Guardian101 (talk) 12:15, 10 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
[57] Kinda feel like that was a mistake? But maybe it's not?
jps (talk) 19:21, 27 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Oh! Sorry jps - yes it was a mistake. Gandydancer (talk) 22:12, 27 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
No worries. I don't know how you stand that page. I'm going to have to bow out soon. jps (talk) 23:02, 27 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
LOL, it's good to know I'm not alone--I can't stand it either. I just know that I keep a number of race/religion related articles on my watch list because I know that without fail every few weeks or months there is an attempt to enter plain old-fashioned racism or other blatant bias into them. I only take a leading role in two of them and have learned that certain other editors are ready to step in at the others. I'm sure you have certain ones where you are willing to spend time with as well. And, of course, I hope that you will keep this article on your list just in case user:NightHeron needs support. That is the key as without support no one editor can stand up to the attempt to sway certain articles. Gandydancer (talk) 23:39, 27 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I've added to talk as you suggested
I've added a comment to the talk page about Racial Views of Donald Trump. I will be interested to read you views as to why it is acceptable to include the fact the former friends accused Trump of racism on the one hand, but not that black friends defended Trump against claims that he was racist, on the other - when both those claims were in the same article that has been referenced in the same paragraph of the article. Cheers Birtig (talk) 21:03, 6 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for May 20
An automated process has detected that you recently added links to disambiguation pages.
Wanna amuse yourself? Create new Burma Shaves signs to litter the WikiPedia Hyways and ByWays. See this tread name at the bottom of my talk page Stalkers Welcome!!! ―Buster7 ☎ 14:08, 27 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
A barnstar for you!
Well I totally missed this until just now. Thank you so much User:SPECIFICO. I left a note on your TP...I don't know if it was before or after this star. I felt a little embarrassed by your formal reply. Strangely, but while it is not surprising that it is so difficult to criticize a fellow editor, it can be a little embarrassing to gush with gratitude for an editor that one considers to be head and shoulders above the rest of us...which is the way I feel about you. Thank you for this star, it means a lot to me. Gandydancer (talk) 20:16, 13 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Bird talk, animal rescue, and other uplifting stories
Dear friends, today I read this story [58]about the rescue of a kingfisher and of course I thought of the wonderful and joyous talks we have had in past springs about the birds we have known. Have you ever rescued an animal? I have raised three I don't remember the exact circumstances of why they were abandoned but I do remember that they were very small and their eyes had not yet opened. We fed them any bugs we could find and mostly cut up worms and cooked eggs. We took turns with me caring for them one day and then each of my daughters the next day. That means they had to bring them to school because we had to feed them constantly. But it worked and they got to the point that I assumed that they were ready to fledge. I brought them outdoors and they all tried to fly but could only go a few feet and then they fell to the ground. I remember some convulsing as well which would show a neurological problem. This was around 30 years ago so I don't remember it very well but they did all die eventually.
I have other stories but I'll tell one more quick one. When I lived in California I lived just up in a canyon above Garapata beach in Big Sur. I loved the ocean and went down to the beach several times a week. One day there was quite a gathering as...perhaps four or five...young men were trying to care for a beached baby seal. They were running back and forth with cups (assumed to be whatever they could find in their car that would hold water) of water to pour over the baby seal. I learned that they had called (just how I don't know because this was pre-cellphone days) the place you we supposed to call for that sort of thing. I was on my way to work so I couldn't stay to see what happened. But the thing I remember is how tender these young men were and how their humanity (sorry to be so poetic here but...) filled the air with such a sweet smell of brotherly love.
OK, one more quick one since my memory has brought me back to the beautiful Pacific coast. This one is from an old article I read while I was living out there, though I don't remember the exact source. At the northern-most end of the Big Sur highway lies Carmel and the Carmel River runs into the ocean right there as the highway enters the village. It's just a little concrete bridge and most of the year there isn't even any water under it. I lived in CA during a seven-year drought so I never saw any water in it. But in other years when there is not a drought, in the spring the mountain snows melt and the Carmel River begins to fill. At first it just begins to back up because the months of ocean sand building during the dry season have completely plugged up the outlet. But as the flooding becomes excessive it seems that in the old days the men would set out to dig a channel in the sand to let the water escape into the ocean. But as you know from experience or can imagine, the force of the water rushing through a narrow channel slowly and then suddenly unleashes into a torrent of water. The author of the story brings you right to this moment, you feel yourself standing right there as the water almost instantly rages into a flood, and then he tells you that a man and his dog who had come with him to work on the digging have been separated by the suddenly raging river of water. The narrator tells of that frozen moment when all of the men look on in horror across the newly formed river at the dog and pray that the dog will not attempt to swim the swiftly flowing torrent to his master--though knowing full well that it will. Which it does...and is never found. BTW, this story is as much in praise of the art of story-telling, a thousands of years old art that is now all but lost due to the technological age (or what ever it is called), than an animal story. So, what animals have you loved and lost or what animal stories do you have? Gandydancer (talk) 17:57, 12 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Twinned rainbows
Dear Gandydancer, it was me who commented the picture on the discussion page of the "rainbow" article. You suggested that it would be good to have a real expert's opinion. I myself have written a couple of peer-reviewed scientific articles on the subject (of course there is no real definition of "expert" in this case). But I do not have a Wikipedia account. Maybe there is a way to exchange information otherwise, e.g. by email? Best regards, Alex (talk) 19:06, 13 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Well gosh 95, I know nothing, absolutely nothing about the science of rainbows. But I am good at science and I have learned a few things over the years as I have worked on that article. Now, as we both know even if you did have a WP account we could not use you as RS...however IMO it would be helpful if you would create an account. Why do you not do that? (BTW, so surprising and so good to hear from you!) Gandydancer (talk) 20:01, 13 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I came across the article because I recently published some original research that may or may not be interesting for it (link at the bottom of the "rainbow" discussion page: This will take you to the journal "Applied Optics" and even though the article is behind a paywall, my current email address can be found under "Author information"). As for myself, there are already many other spare-time projects that need care, and I try to keep the amount of one-time accounts low. Besides, there is some discussion style on Wikipedia that I find disturbing, even in mathematics and the natural sciences. At least in the German section (I'm from Germany). Concerning the photograph, if you compare it to the color sequence picture in the main article, you will see a good match. This is known as pronounced supernumeraries among rainbow observers, and the reason which makes it is exceptional is that usually the interference fringes following the blue are wiped out due to the large range of contributing raindrop sizes. But twinned rainbows are a different kind of phenomenon. Best regards, Alex (talk) 19:42, 14 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Welcome, and thanks for joining WikiProject Environment! Though the WikiProject has had periods of inactivity, we seem to be picking up members this year, and I think we are heading towards a period of robust participation. You are free of course to join in as much or as little as you see fit, but what I see as our current priority is gaining further editors as members, and tagging more articles as being under the auspices of this WikiProject. As you may have noticed, there are a number of interesting items at the WP:WikiProject Environment page and subpages. Also worth noting is that the climate change part of our WikiProject was amicably split off recently, so we leave that area to them, though there is a lot of grey area where both apply to some articles.
Again, thanks for signing up! Jusdafax (talk) 00:32, 20 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hi there Jusdafax many moons no see so it is good to talk with you again. I remember your many excellent posts from years ago. Well, here's how I happened to join. You added a note on one of the pages that I watch and also a couple of days ago someone came along and completely whitewashed the Dakota Access Pipeline article. It got me to thinking it would be helpful if I joined the Indigenous people group where I could alert other editors for such articles that are not highly watched. Mostly I stay very busy with the Environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration where I am the primary editor. Hardly a day goes by that his administration does not think of a new way to fuck up the planet. Plus, they are not dumb and are figuring out ways to make it difficult to reverse their changes. Chomsky said it's already a disaster but will be a disaster beyond belief and perhaps irreversible if he gets another four years. Gandydancer (talk) 01:07, 20 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
That article certainly appears to be a challenge, and I commend you for working on it. (By the way, the current opening sentence appears to be a part of a mislocated reference.) As far as WP:ENV, I deem it best to adopt a Big tent philosophy, so that people of all political persuasions feel welcome. I just added a number of WikiProject templates to Vietnam War topics, including chemical warfare acts that were endorsed by people of both political parties. Anyway, as you say, the article watch features are very helpful in keeping track of articles in a sprawling website like Wikipedia. Onwards, and cheers! Jusdafax (talk) 01:54, 20 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Gandydancer, I note you made a change to this article and that I reverted the phrase 'rapists' from the subheading you had added - despite this you have re-added the phrase 'and rapists' to the subheading within 24 hours of your initial edit and without any discussion on talk. I am not asking you to self-revert but I think your edit is not helpful. The point would be much stronger if it focused solely on Trump using the phrase 'bad hombres' to associate Mexicans with criminality - adding the claim about 'rapists' actually, to my mind, distracts from this central point. Birtig (talk) 14:10, 24 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, adding more clear information is not allowed.
I don't understand why resigning your job with regret to take care of your daughter is not allowed. Or is it because there is an idea she was fired for being pregnant?
She also benefitted from calling herself a person of color. Why not add the benefits she enjoyed from this?
If you are a person of color for more than 2 decades, isn't that relevant such as a part of the person's career?
Hi there, you should bring this up on the talk page. Gandydancer (talk) 13:11, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Keep up the good fight Gandy. The subtle distancing from the truth of what was actually said is a calamity that befalls too many articles. It takes a diligent watchguard to protect against deceit. Unintentional deceit perhaps. But deceit none the less. Off to Toledo to visit my daughter and our two grandkids. ―Buster7 ☎ 14:24, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Trip delayed as is the case with much of life these "Days of COVID"
Travelling today to Toledo. Youngest (Daughter) B-day is the second so July 4th has always been special. Makes me ponder Trumps Gala Celebration in South Dakota in a few days. What a dangerous inconsiderate plan. Gov Koem decisions re masks & soc distancing threatens the lives of her constituents...all to suck up to Trump. Read something the other day (before BountyGate (which should be an article). "When the World turns upside down, some people land on their heads" Any way. Have a safe Holiday. #WearAMask ―Buster7 ☎ 12:18, 1 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Dear friend, don't think for one minute that just because I do not instantly pounce onto my keyboard and type something out that I do so appreciate hearing from you about your life's happenings and such. I think about you frequently. My memory of "Toledo" is more from "To-lay-do", Spain when I traveled with my two beloved daughters just out of college--a little treat for them. Madrid, Toledo, the Alhambra...it was a dream come true! But so long ago--I now have three grandchildren. Gandydancer (talk) 19:34, 6 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Back Home. Great Trip. They just got a new pool which we enjoyed most of the time. HOT!! Approached 100 on the Fourth. We loved Spain (about ten years ago) but did not get to Toledo. We missed the train. Barcelona (stayed along the Medcoast--took train in and out), Seville (Alhambra) splendor fit got the gods, Madrid (again out of town--took local buses, enjoyed the real life of Madrid and its architecture). Be Safe!―Buster7 ☎ 23:48, 6 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you...
...for this, because it's like a song that's born to soar the sky. Thank you, — ArtifexMayhem (talk) 04:46, 7 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Reading over that thread again (because I'm a masochist) and just wanted to thank you as well. MastCellTalk 20:24, 27 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Weather Report Suite, Part I
Winter rain, now tell me why, Summers fade, and roses die. The answer came; The wind and rain. Golden hills, now veiled in grey, Summer leaves have blown away Now what remains? The wind and rain.
And like a desert spring, My lover comes and spreads her wings, (Knowing) Like a song that's born to soar the sky, (Flowing) 'Til the waters all are dry, (Growing) The loving in her eyes.
Circle songs and sands of time, And seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, And little change, The wind and rain.
And like a desert spring, My lover comes and spreads her wings, (Knowing) Like a song that's born to soar the sky, (Flowing) 'Til the rivers all are dry, (Growing) The loving in her eyes.
Winter grey and falling rain, We'll see summer come again, Darkness falls and seasons change (Gonna happen every time) Same old friends the wind and rain, Summers fade and roses die, You'll see summer come again, Like a song that's born to soar the sky.
the Curious George that I am , I wanted to see what two famous editors were talking about. Interesting discussion with the usual WP
dueling twist and turns, feint and parry, of editors vying for the upper hand. I have watched and read MastCell's offerings since the SaraPalin days with pleasure and, I guess I'll say it, adoration. Gandy? She is the closest thing to a dear friend that anyone can have in this community. Her wrap-up to that discussion brought to mind something a dear friend once told me. "Ed. You can never know what it is like to wake up each morning Black in America...what it is like to feel the animosity because you are Black in America. Or to go to sleep knowing that the next day will be the same". True. But change is in the Wind and I hope my long-lost friend can some day know what it feels like to wake up White in America.―Buster7 ☎ 23:29, 27 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, and always good to hear from you, Buster. Narrowly, on Wikipedia, it's about whose voices get to be heard. When editors deny or excuse even the most blatant racial slurs, that is a personal attack, to a lot of people (including me). But on Wikipedia, the people who deny & excuse racist language claim the victim mantle, and say that they've been "personally attacked" when the issue is raised. Because they yell and beat their chests—and because they have voices here while a lot of other people don't—you end up with, well, the thread on Jimbo's talkpage. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, in that I'm pretty sure that some potentially valuable contributors look at the attitudes expressed in that thread and decide that this isn't an environment they want to be part of. Of course, their discomfort, and the suppression of their speech and participation, is invisible, while what matters is the right of loud, entitled editors not to ever be made to feel uncomfortable. I'm not going to pretend to understand what it's like to be non-white in America, but I can try to do a better job of thinking about whose voices count here. MastCellTalk 00:09, 28 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Buster, I believe that you were very fortunate indeed to have that friend that helped you to understand that we have no idea how it feels to grow up in America with a skin that is not the right color. The closest I have come to a moment like that was when my sister and her black partner, who was from Kenya, brought his parents up from Minneapolis, where they were visiting him and Judy, to the small northern town that I lived and worked as a nurse in the state hospital, the state-run home for mentally ill people that all states used to have back then, Moose Lake, to visit with me. Of course they were wonderful gracious people and I treated them like they were royalty, but then something happened in my beloved town that I believed to be so liberal, and was mostly correct about. I believed then, and I believe now, that if any black person would have found work at the hospital (we had a 0 black population) they would have been accepted with open hearts and minds. Buster, I know that, that is not some fantasy "oh the good ol' days" thinking. I know those people, and yet when we all piled into the van to go to the local restaurant for breakfast we were pulled over because one taillight glass was broken. What happened next? I did not even notice it when Hussain put his hands on the dashboard, I learned that later. I do remember that one of the cops locked eyes with me and he knew who I was, I was the pretty nurse with two beautiful daughters who were cheerleaders and high school queens of everything. And then when Hussain spoke it was with an English accent, which to American ears sounds rather refined. But I do remember that the officer, bewildered and trying to find something to justify the pull-over, found fault with Hassain for putting his hands on the dash. They said they thought he must have come from some sort of law-breaking culture to have known to do that. ...So there you have it in a nutshell. I've always felt so bad that my beloved town showed the ugly side of American racism, to my sister's African guests. Because Buster, those cops really were not racists, they just needed to be taught how it feels to not be white... and I think they would have easily embraced it, unlike some southern Americans...and others who I am not, on a personal level, familiar with... Gandydancer (talk) 19:18, 28 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
My friend was Eric. Even though I went to the Chgo Art Inst for a short year, it was Eric that taught me how to draw and paint. One day we were walking down a main Chgo street when, ahead of us, we saw a lady get knocked down and have her purse snatched. As we were running to help her, I said, "Eric. You run after him and I'll help the lady." Eric quickly and emphatically said, "No Ed. I'll stay with her. The police will be looking for a Black man running. And they have guns!" To me, it never crossed my mind that one of us would be in danger while doing a good deed. My white brain thought "Eric is younger and faster". Eric's brain instantly went into survival mode. In that moment we were the sum total of our life experiences in two different worlds. My world was safe. Eric's world had elements of danger that he had taught himself to be aware of...at all times. I should call him....tomorrow! ―Buster7 ☎ 07:09, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I DID call him, last week. We talked for hours. Shared our families, our deceased friends, our plans for future collaboration on "speaking word" projects, etc. They live in California and have a spare bedroom just waiting for my wife and I to visit...as soon as the Covid coast is clear. ―Buster7 ☎ 14:04, 17 October 2020 (UTC).[reply]
Buster I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that story and I only wish I could have known it years ago because I think I would have retold it to others many times over. This is the sort of thing we white people need to hear, though I think that it is not only till lately since so many have been shot dead with no fault found of the police officer/officers who did the killing would most white people believe it.
Back then I would not have known about what people of color are up against. I did begin to understand a little when I was living at the YWCA while I was going to school and my roommates and I attending the weekly ...I can't remember what they were called, USO?, dances for the service men at the air force base just outside of Duluth. I'd gone a few times and then a black soldier asked me to dance. Well of course I did--I'd actually never seen a black person before in my entire life--how would I know about the strict racial rules that existed back then. After that no white man/boy asked me to dance, though in my totally white upbringing I never even dreamed it to be the rule I had unknowingly broken. Anyway, eventually one of the white soldiers explained to me that I should not dance with the black soldiers. I protested saying but why?, they're just like us except for skin color. So he explained to me that no, actually they are not--their blood is different than ours. So what could I say? I couldn't say he was wrong because I knew nothing about it. So I didn't go to any more dances. Something that bothers me is that it was many years later when I learned how brutally whites have treated blacks that I thought, "I bet that those black soldiers got beat up for what they did, dance with a white girl", and I never realized that for much of my life.
(Please excuse my crappy unedited sentence structure, ect.) Gandydancer (talk) 21:15, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Most police officers have been conditioned by a life-time of negative racial images to perceive the Black man as a dangerous threat to society. In order for these "peace officers" to serve and protect, a watchful and vigilant eye must be trained on the comings and goings of Black people. The conversation of those among us that still holds Black people as 3/5ths Human Three Fifths Convention degrades us all. It limits our capacity to see the truth--that systemic racism has been at work for generations and it will not be discarded by "haters" because of two months of peaceful protests. But, I think we have achieved the Tipping Point. The next 99 days holds the future of America. We either honestly face our tortured past or the opportunity for transformative change will go back on the shelf waiting for the next untimely (and unfortunate) Black victim.―Buster7 ☎ 12:37, 30 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Manganese, Minnesota
Hello, Gandydancer. You helped immensely in the improvement and elevation of the article Elcor, Minnesota in 2017. I have been ammassing information regarding Manganese, Minnesota the past few years, and have used my available time during the COVID-19 shutdown to expand the existing article from it's previous stub. I value your opinion. Would you have a look?
Best Regards, DrGregMN (talk) 01:25, 19 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Kamala Harris
This is to inform you that I have opened a dispute resolution concerning the Kamala Harris Talk page "Attendance" item. You have commented there. I believe that the "2019" section of the article should reflect the well-documented fact that Senator Harris missed 62 percent of Senate votes in 2019.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Gandydancer/Wikipedia:Dispute_resolution_noticeboard#Kamala_Harris Jab73 (talk) 08:07, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your comment
Hi, I saw your comment, I think the student was a little confused or maybe meant pain in a different way. Intermittent sedation to relieve distress is what they mean as opposed to continuous sedation. I assume all patients should still receive continuous analgesia even if the sedation is intermittent. I've clarified it within the text. PainProf (talk) 22:29, 31 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Disambiguation link notification for August 14
An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Great Pyramid of Giza, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Palm.
wha’cha think? AtsmeTalk 📧 19:47, 6 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Atsme, I am no longer watching that article. Gandydancer (talk) 00:12, 8 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Mine article
With respect to the concerns you expressed about POV warriors showing up, IMO there's more danger with respect to that from going too slow than from going to fast. Sincerely, North8000 (talk) 19:42, 11 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Please check in at Petras page. ―Buster7 ☎ 12:26, 16 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Just to touch base about...
...the Ozzie nomination for EotW. It is on Hold status and will remain so for a long while waiting for his/her return. It really pains me when quality editors like Petra and Ozzie suffer at the hands of destructive behavior and decide to leave rather then just going down a different path here at WP. I hate it that their transgressors win....and WE lose. We lose their input, their quality of work, Their sharing and their friendship. ―Buster7 ☎ 22:55, 19 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I feel bad about Petra as well. I was just trying to find time to make a special notice for her when she left. I will try to get it done. As for Ozzie, whatever happened? The last I knew he was still busy at the article where they discuss med stuff. Gandydancer (talk) 23:28, 19 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Re:Ozzie. Yes. He(?) is editing up a storm. I was checking the wrong name...I had added an extra "a" in his Nom so when ever I checked, I was told there was no such editor. I assumed he had burned all bridges and didn't leave a forwarding address. I'll check in on him in a month or so when his nom gets to the front of the Queue again. I had a dog story to tell you but it will have to happen later TRA!! ―Buster7 ☎ 23:44, 19 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I kinda joke about when I left my first wife. She got the 3 kids and I got the dog. Grover was his name: a yellow Labrador Retriever/Weimaraner mix. The best and friendliest dog in the world. Talk about a mans best friend. Divorce is not an easy time but he provided constant unquestioned comfort and solace. He died of a heart attack as he jumped into the back of my truck. Anyway, this morning bike ride took me to Sherwin Beach at Lake Michigan where I watched a chocolate Lab retrieve his tennis ball into 5/6/7 foot waves. Everytime bringing the ball back to the feet of his friend, taking a seat in the wet sand, and begging with playful eyes to "do it again". I think Grover was the best friend I've ever had. ―Buster7 ☎ 12:20, 20 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
... your comment on my talk: please help me understand, or my mind will circle around my unknown failure to understand --Gerda Arendt (talk) 10:00, 20 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Join us in this exciting venture, by helping to create or expand contents in Wikimedia projects which are connected to this scope. Kindly list your username under the participants section to indicate your interest in participating in this contest.
We would be awarding prizes to different categories of winners:
Overall winner
1st - $500
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3rd - $100
Diversity winner - $100
Gender-gap fillers - $100
Language Winners - up to $100*
We would be adding additional categories as the contest progresses, along with local prizes from affiliates in your countries. For further information about the contest, the prizes and how to participate, please visit the contest page here. For further inquiries, please leave comments on the contest talkpage or on the main project talkpage. Looking forward to your participation.--Jamie Tubers (talk) 19:22, 22nd September 2020 (UTC)
Ýou can opt-out of this annual reminder from The Afrocine Project by removing your username from this list
Re Naomi Klein
If you would look at the source, Naomi herself agrees with the term. btw, MSNBC and Elle are progressives.Kacziey (talk) —Preceding undated comment added 14:46, 25 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I have opened a discussion on the TP. Gandydancer (talk) 16:03, 25 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
COI editors and page creation
Hi Gandy. You have followed BP for a while, so I was wondering if you recall the possible pledge not to create articles referred to by SV here? Thanks, Coretheapple (talk) 16:26, 11 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Not really Core. But there are a lot of talk pages and then his talk page. But was there one other article page? I don't know why I think that--just some idea that there was more discussion than what I find on his talk page. Most likely it is my imagination. But it has been a long time and I can't say anything for sure. It is good to hear from you and hope that all is going well. Gandydancer (talk) 21:46, 11 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, Gandy. Coretheapple (talk) 14:03, 12 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
As I recall, the problem with Auturo at BP was he made agreements to admit his "connected contributor" status but then he would still get other non-suspecting editors to do his dirty work. On a similar issue: it is so funny that Core visits Gandy about a COI situation. I have been safeguarding the Trump timeline for almost 4 years. I did the same for Obama. It was logical since the Sarah Palin days to assume that members of the administration would be adding to an article about their boss. But.... I think some recent Images and entries have been and are being added to the Timeline article by the Deputy Press Secretary of the Trump Administration. I just discovered it and I'm not sure where I saw it, but I know I saw it. Don't know what to do and I am not an Investigator. Any Ideas? @Mgasparin: ―Buster7 ☎ 06:56, 13 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Buster, good to see you. SlimVirgin and I are discussing this on her user talk page. The AfD that sparked this issue closed as a delete. Coretheapple (talk) 22:15, 13 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Always Good to see an old friend especially in The Age Of Covid. Went to your talk page and noticed you have the same park bench as I do. Wassup Wit Dat???. I'll check out SV's talk. ―Buster7 ☎ 04:53, 14 October 2020 (UTC).[reply]
Simple: I stole it! LOL I had completely forgotten I did that too. Say, hard to believe it's been so long since I first ran into you and Gandy in BP. There have been some personnel changes since then, some lamentable, some definitely not. Coretheapple (talk) 16:43, 18 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Coretheapple: I find This last thread on Arturos talk very interesting. Arturo acts like he is new to the game of editor assistance. I thought to mention Arturo's past history to the other editor but decided against it. Couldn't find the right OMYGosh! words. Take care you two. ―Buster7 ☎ 15:55, 28 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Buster7 You have a point, and I believe that this is not a new problem. I recall it has come up before. Coretheapple (talk) 16:45, 8 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
WP:PAY can be strengthened to deal with the issues above. It's discouraging but not surprising to see the same problems rearing their heads after so many years, as if nothing had happened. No, BP public relations should not be creating articles on BP executives and it should not be "suggesting" text in BP articles. Only the most aggressive public relations departments would engage in such behavior, since it is an abusive of Wikipedia. Figureofnine (talk • contribs) 12:38, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
For a fun walk down Memory Lane read this old archive: [[59]] (the whole page, not just the Prudhoe Bay section--though the TP from the Prudhoe Bay oil spill article is quite interesting as well...) Gandydancer (talk) 15:13, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
You have a controversial idea of "fun". Interesting to be sure. Proud of your efforts to remain calm and focused on article development without company bias, for sure. My favorite part was "...I use my own name..." I guess implying that that should be the only guarantee you need. Trump uses his name too and I wouldn't trust him if he told me the sky was blue. Be Safe all!―Buster7 ☎ 15:51, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Well, those were the days..., to be sure. It's like watching an old Archie Bunker and Edith TV show and realizing that not much has changed...and yet a hell of a lot has changed...all at once. My daughter Jane has helped me a lot because she has her pulse on what her generation is up to and she tells me that this stage in which the falseness of the past must be brought fully to light before we can move forward is on us right now. Buster, she sees, as do I, that our generation brought the vision forward and her generation is working with what we gave to them...while my grandchildren use the progress of their parents, etc. (For example, granddaughter Helena's first boyfriend was black and they see a spectrum of sexuality as quite normal rather than any sharp divides.) Well, I don't quite know how I drifted into this discussion... For one thing, what with the way we must isolate ourselves for fear of illness, I am starved for connections and my WP friends mean a lot to me... Gandydancer (talk) 16:29, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy, the nub of the problem is that Arturo is not here to improve Wikipedia. He is here to represent BP. I know editors who think that's a good thing, in the fallacious belief that the alternative is undisclosed paid editing. But that's entirely wrong. Self-declared paid editors have always been given deference and are accommodated, sometimes by playing editors against each other and cultivating some. It's a glaring flaw in the system. Figureofnine (talk • contribs) 19:24, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Gandy. You opened the door. Now I can tell my favorite All In The Family scene. Living room...Archie ranting about sexuality and blahblahblah... and he says to Edith; "Do you know there is a woman RAPED every 10 minutes in this country!!!" Edith sighs, looks down, and says: "O! The poor thing!"
Don't blame me. I didn't write the dialogue. Consider: this was the early/mid '70's. Every woman in America turned red as a beet!!! ―Buster7 ☎ 19:38, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Keep Drilling! We had a similar discussion this morning over coffee. The kids want answers as to why things are the way they are. They don't accept, "Thats just the way it is". I am 100% white. I can trace my mothers family back generations, to a 20 mile circle around Antwerp. When I think of what the white man did in traveling the globe and decimating every society they encountered, I hang my head in shame. I don't advertise that I was born in Belgium for fear that the person may be aware of the atrocities inflicted on the Congo rubber plantations. I hope they don't know that the continent of Africa was divvied up among white European countries without a single black face at the table. They say that History is written by the winners. But kids today are investigating the other side of the story and they don't like what they find. Good for them!!!―Buster7 ☎ 20:01, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Just reread this...it was a great conversation! It makes me think of King Leopold who I learned about some years back in a book about the horrors of his rule in Africa. Below we talk about how women have been treated as though they are less than human and here we see how people of color have suffered. And continue to suffer. It is as though a veil is slowly lifting and light is showing the true picture of what has been there for so long but kept under out of sight to those not experiencing it. Gandydancer (talk) 15:36, 2 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ive been coming across your words of wisdom here and there as I travel old talk pages. Above we talk about what now has become Critical Race Theory in todays media and internet conversations. Some don't want it taught in school because when the kids find out what really happened (3/5ths of a human}, what the other side of the story is (Tulsa race riots}, why people of color live in ghettos (red-lining)...they will hate their parents and rise up against them. Or they will understand their parents frailties and limitations and child will teach parent a new way. ―Buster7 ☎ 23:34, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Twin metals article just got it NPP review
Twin metals article just got it NPP review. That means it will become visible to the search engines. I'm still working on getting a couple useful images. It was great working with you on it. Sincerely, North8000 (talk) 11:57, 17 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks @North8000:. As I said right at the start, I felt that what with your expert status I felt that I was not up to doing the article on my own. And yet you walked me though it with understanding and kindness that made it quite easy, all things considered. Thank you for your assist. Gandydancer (talk) 16:47, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
It was genuinely my pleasure. North8000 (talk) 19:48, 30 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
What do you think about renaming to Twin Metals mine (Ely, MN). I'm concerned that the "proposed" at the beginning might of semi-hidden it. Sincerely, North8000 (talk) 03:28, 8 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Gandydancer: What to you think? North8000 (talk) 14:03, 14 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@North8000: Sorry, I missed this... funny that you bring this up because I was thinking the same thing but thought that maybe it was just me... I'm all for a change. (Excellent example of "Brilliant minds think alike") Gandydancer (talk) 19:18, 14 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Cool, I'll do it. North8000 (talk) 00:23, 15 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
The Months of African Cinema Contest Continues in November!
Thank you very much for participating in the Months of African Cinema global contest/edit-a-thon, and thank you for your contributions so far.
It is already the middle of the contest and a lot have been achieved already! We have been able to get over 1,500 articles created in over fifteen (15) languages! This would not have been possible without your support and we want to thank you. If you have not yet listed your name as a participant in the contest page please do so.
Please make sure to list the articles you have created or improved in the article achievements' section of the contest page, so that they can be easily tracked. To be able to claim prizes, please also ensure to list your articles on the users by articles page. We would be awarding prizes to different categories of winners:
Overall winner
1st - $500
2nd - $200
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Diversity winner - $100
Gender-gap filler - $100
Language Winners - up to $100*
We are very excited about what has been achieved so far, but your contributions are still needed to further exceed all expectations! Let’s create more articles before the end of this contest, which is this November!!!
Thank you once again for being part of this global event! --Jamie Tubers (talk) 10:30, 06 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
You can opt-out of this annual reminder from The Afrocine Project by removing your username from this list
ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message
Environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration
I've just spent the last few minutes scanning the revision history for the above article. Thank you for your continuing efforts to make sure that Wikipedia articles are truthful, honest and transparent. ―Buster7 ☎ 14:05, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Flyer22 and WanderingWanda arbitration case opened
Hello Gandydancer: Enjoy the holiday season and winter solstice if it's occurring in your area of the world, and thanks for your work to maintain, improve and expand Wikipedia. Cheers, ―Buster7 ☎ 18:45, 26 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
This is a standard message to notify contributors about an administrative ruling in effect. It does not imply that there are any issues with your contributions to date.
You have shown interest in post-1932 politics of the United States and closely related people. Due to past disruption in this topic area, a more stringent set of rules called discretionary sanctions is in effect. Any administrator may impose sanctions on editors who do not strictly follow Wikipedia's policies, or the page-specific restrictions, when making edits related to the topic.
For additional information, please see the guidance on discretionary sanctions and the Arbitration Committee's decision here. If you have any questions, or any doubts regarding what edits are appropriate, you are welcome to discuss them with me or any other editor.
Kautilya3 (talk) 14:57, 9 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]
~~~ has given you a cup of tea, for taking the time to weather a dispute. Tea promotes WikiLove and hopefully this has made your day ever so slightly better.
Spread the WikiLove by giving someone else a tea, especially if it is someone you have had disagreements with in the past or someone putting up with some stick at this time. Enjoy!
Spread the lovely, warm, refreshing goodness of tea by adding {{subst:wikitea}} to their talk page with a friendly message.
xo Sofiairiondo (talk) 12:16, 18 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Jesus and the woman taken in adultery
Dear Gandy, I am writing to you because you may know a lot more than me. I've had two editors telling me Jesus and the woman taken in adultery is made up and added later when I used it as an example of Jesus taking the woman side and confronting his fellow men. Basically suggesting this passage did not happen and it is a lie. No one seems to understand that it is unlikely that a revolutionary passage like this would be 'make up' in a patriarcal society. In my opinion, it feels more likely it was not initially included for this reason but added later because if was part of the early christians knowledge. I feel they want to slowly erase it (like they probably tried then). If you come across any research or archeological findings please I beg you to edit the article or let me know. Sofiairiondo (talk) 10:03, 19 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Gandy, your edit to correct the sexist claim in Mary Magdalene has been put back in. I really dont know by whom. I cannot see a comment about it in the talk page. I find it quite disturbing at this point that some editors are so adamant about this claim that is simply an opinion of two scholars based on a single circumstantial piece of information in the gospels (which btw, does not exclude other possible scenarios). Also, I dont think Schaberg's The resurrection of Mary Magdalene page 84 mentions the Twelve apostles...Really worrying...Sofiairiondo (talk) 15:05, 1 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Sofi, I've been here a long time and in my experience there is plenty of racism and sexism that goes on but it is under the radar. IMO they are mostly under control...but again, IMO since the Me Too movement I tend to side with those that do not jump to conclusions, for example in the case against Al Franken or Joe Biden.
Now, just for some sisterly chatting for a bit, since we are women and that's what we did as we sat around the campfire while the men were out hunting mammoths and such, and continue to do to this day, though while taking on the extra chore of hunting while the men have not yet come around to brotherly chatting such as we always did, you can see where we are today. IMO, you have been completely correct in the way that you view the situation, but as women we need to accept our shortcomings while we accuse "the men" of similar positions. Sofi, I am thinking of how we threw African American women who were struggling for the vote every bit as hard as the white and we were willing to ignore them because they might distract from our goals. Sofi, think about that and think about that a lot and white women do not come out as angels of mercy at all... Thoughts? Gandydancer (talk) 17:00, 1 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Hello. Seen any around this neck of the woods???―Buster7 ☎ 21:42, 1 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Well no, not lately...but I have seen this bunch of handsome lads ready to bravely go out to battle with one while the women folk stands petrified in the background doing her wifely duty of childcare. Women are such pussies. (Probably worth mentioning here but I'm quite a pussy myself, I'm the leading editor on both childbirth and breastfeeding.) You'd never think I would be found in my old age going head to head with some of the Neanderthals here. Gandydancer (talk) 06:20, 2 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Gandy, I completely agree with you. We women are no saints. But equality means we should be allowed to be as bad as men and for society to be a lenient with us when we are bad as it is with men. Both men and women look the other way most of the time (normally out of fear), absolutely. However, as men are in power most of the time, they are the ones that have to make most decisions to change it, me thinks...It is in my opinion telling how rarely men compliment and broadcast women's achievements compared to how often women compliment men's achievements. I have seen feminist women suddenly becoming misogynistic. Why? I think in a few cases in order to please the men they wanted to be with. There are black and Mexican men who voted for THAT man. Idiocy knows no gender, race, nationality, status...
But things are slowly changing thankfully (I am an optimist). Attitudes are contagious. If fearful women see brave women speaking up, they somehow feel they have an army behind them and become less fearful. And the internet means lonely women at home who have not time or support to mix with other women and speak up, can find a place to speak up. Workers Unions were successful because (mainly) men could gather up to gain the strenght of the numbers. That was never a possibility for women stuck at home with 5, 8 or 10 children. The internet has made that possible. I myself feel the only thing I can do is educate my daughter to take no shit whatsoever and to speak up against misogyny whenever I find it, whether comes from men or women.
About men, I really dont know how to get them to champion women more and to champion men who champion women. Throughout history there are very few examples of men in power protecting our achievements or our right to achieve; to be part of Humanity cultural history, but I am convinced Jesus of Nazareth was one of those: from his teaching to Mary Magdalene what he did not teach others, telling Martha of Bethany to stop cleaning to listen like her sister Mary, to stopping an adulterous women from being stoned. Not by patronising her like: “come on guys, dont be so harsh, she is just a woman. Have compassion.” No no. He told them: “who the hell do you think you are? I KNOW all of you have sinned as much as her in the past. Come on, lets see who is the brave one to say he hasn’t and be the first one to throw the first stone!”. He was revolutionary. He was confronting his fellow men. He was asking for trouble (which he got). Try doing that in the middle east TODAY. One of the editors told me I should not compare Jesus with a Scandinavian man. Well, I think he was WAY better. I cannot see many Scandinavian men travelling to the middle east to stop women from being stoned…There is a tendency also amongst men to take the credit for the advance of women that was really achieved by women. They just simply did not stop us (or did not stop us as much as before). I have an eight year old son and he (at this age) has no qualms at telling me the cleverest girl in his class is his football mate, Matilda. When and how does that change? I KNOW men can and want to be lovely, but there is a peer pressure to keep quiet about it. The most supportive men I have ever met are Maoris. Maybe you have to be born in an island in the Pacific for that (like Obama :P)?
Regarding the campfire, I think giving birth and training toddlers is the hardest thing I have ever done (and will ever do I suspect). I dont know how hard it was to kill a mammoth but I can tell you of a few women who would have happily swapped places. Plus, archeologist in Peru seem to have found rests of hunting women and apparently a lot of the fighting Vikings were women. I think a lot of history needs to be rewritten as it definitely has the writer's gender bias...and that is why I find it ESSENTIAL that there are the same number of men and women editors in WP. That, or we need to have a separate WP written from OUR point of view (which i would rather read of course ;P )... Bit of a ramble sorry! Sofiairiondo (talk) 13:16, 2 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
A very enjoyable read and thanks. Yes, I agree with all that stuff. On a more personal note, I have two daughters and giving birth was not at all hard nor was potty training. About Martha, when I was in my 20's I read that story and it made a profound effect on me. Perhaps because I realized that I would have been like Martha, good and obedient wife that I was. Eventually that all changed...for the better. Gandydancer (talk) 15:48, 2 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
You had two daughters. That says it all ;P. I think if they had been five boisterous boys you may not have found it THAT easy. Only joking...in all honesty, it is not the actual work with the toddlers, for me was the solitude. Not using my brain, not being with other adults, not having interesting debates...I would rather be with the men hunting and celebrating after with them eating around the fire and smoking some 'relaxing' stuff than in the cave with colic-y babies...I'd rather be able to do both of course, but amongst my female friends, we always say that what we need is a wife :D Sofiairiondo (talk) 18:32, 2 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
LOL, at one time my best friend and I used to say that too, "What we need is a good wife around this place" (she lived with me and the girls while she was going to nursing school (I was divorced at that time)). As for boys/girls, yes you are so right. I know about that diff because my sis had three boys and no girls. Night and day differences! As for hunting, I did that once with my good friend Betty. Betty was the kind that if you were lost in a snowstorm she'd miraculously appear on her snowmobile. Once we silently sat in the woods along side of the cornfield waiting for deer to come out. No deer came out but an owl flew by, silently and right at our eyelevel, hunting for mice. To this day, that experience is one of the most connected to our Mother experiences that I have ever had. I think it compares to my granddaughter Helena's experience in the woods. Helena went to a Rudolph Steiner school for two years. In one class they were assigned to sit alone and silently in the woods for one hour. She told me about how many things she saw and heard that she had never seen/heard before. Gandydancer (talk) 19:09, 2 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Lovely stories! Thank you Gandy. I am from the Basque Country and spend a lot of time in the summer in the mountains to the south of the BC. I have read many novels about the X and XI centuries in that area when Islam conquered Iberia (other than the north) and every time I walk in the forests and swim in their GORGEOUS rivers I imagine myself running away from the Islamic army (which made incursions in the north every summer to kill the men, take the women and girls for the harems and chop the boys testicles to act as guards of the harems)...I imagine me and my teenage children hiding in the forest during the day, sneaking in their camp in the middle of the night, stealing three of their wonderful white horses and riding north to hide in the Pyrenees...there is something about rivers...and novels ;P Sofiairiondo (talk) 10:19, 3 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ownership accusation
Your comment comes off as rather ungrateful for the quite thankless task of monitoring the pandemic page and reverting the many many unconstructive edits that were made to it. Nothing about that deterred others from editing the page constructively (the reversions were all easy calls, not just maintaining the status quo for the sake of it), and indeed if more editors had stepped up to help, that would have been very welcome as a load off my shoulders. If you think the page would've turned out better if no one had been monitoring and it had been allowed to go "wild", well, count me dubious. {{u|Sdkb}}talk 23:15, 20 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Your thread has been archived
Elijah McClain, legit sad story
I didn't mention it earlier, but yeah, I already heard that one. As an intelligent animal lover myself, I was previously worried about my full-grown bull on that junk. Giving it to a human McClain's size was beyond depraved, in my opinion. Black, white, red, yellow, it doesn't matter. No blaming that victim, even partially, never given a choice. And no excusing that killer for following such inhumane protocol. InedibleHulk (talk) 03:54, 18 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
The discussion will take place at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/World Patent Marketing until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
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Thought you might be interested in this:
―Buster7 ☎ 02:32, 30 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Error correction on domestic violence.
I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say I wasn't correcting an error nowhere in that article does it say that women overestimate their violence I explained that pretty well on the talk page I think. Also those articles weren't my citations I assume it was the OP I was simply reading them and correcting the misinterpretations I found. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Disagreeable entity (talk • contribs) 06:16, 1 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Hey Gandydancer, just popping in to add an "unsigned" template here, and to note that the above comment appears to be a violation of Disagreeable entity's topic ban. Generalrelative (talk) 15:22, 1 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
April 2021
Your edit to State v. Chauvin has been removed in whole or in part, as it appears to have added copyrighted material to Wikipedia without evidence of permission from the copyright holder. If you are the copyright holder, please read Wikipedia:Donating copyrighted materials for more information on uploading your material to Wikipedia. For legal reasons, Wikipedia cannot accept copyrighted material, including text or images from print publications or from other websites, without an appropriate and verifiable license. All such contributions will be deleted. You may use external websites or publications as a source of information, but not as a source of content, such as sentences or images—you must write using your own words. Wikipedia takes copyright very seriously, and persistent violators of our copyright policy will be blocked from editing. See Wikipedia:Copying text from other sources for more information. Please do not copy content from outside sources like this...RandomCanadian (talk / contribs) 21:54, 20 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
So sorry! I have absolutely no idea what happened there. I'm pretty careful and I always check my edits before I post them and looking back at what I actually posted is a mystery for me. I meant to post the family reaction with a CNBC source. However, you or someone else cut it back to the bare bones and perhaps that is the best way to go. Gandydancer (talk) 22:10, 20 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Re: Andrew Brown Jr., talkpage
Some comments on your talkpage question. The video that has been released shows several men in a sheriff's pickup truck, approaching Brown's home. We now know there were seven armed men in total. If an unarmed person's car is surrounded by seven people, they can hardly avoid "making contact" with them. The logical thing to do is to jump backwards, not open fire! I am upset and angry, so I will stop here. I will watch as the news unfolds. Thanks for your work on the article! Sincerely, Tribe of TigerLet's Purrfect! 01:18, 2 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Good spot
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7669776/ - recent, relevant, reality-based. Thanks. Guy (help! - typo?) 17:52, 12 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Pesticide topics
This is a standard message to notify contributors about an administrative ruling in effect. It does not imply that there are any issues with your contributions to date.
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KoA (talk) 19:09, 12 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you ...
... for what you said to SlimVirgin --Gerda Arendt (talk) 10:46, 17 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I added the missing SlimVirgin image to my talk --Gerda Arendt (talk) 16:19, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Posts to the CDC article
Welcome to the Months of African Cinema Global Contest!
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The waltz
The waltz: Paris and Belle Brula Perform a Viennese Waltz at Superior Ballroom's first annual Masquerade Ball [61] — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:01, 16 November 2021 (UTC) (talk) 21:10, 16 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
We miss you and adore you. Sending big hugs always. petrarchan47คุก 13:51, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Still missing you, Gandy. petrarchan47คุก 04:40, 6 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
ArbCom 2021 Elections voter message
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
Hello Gandydancer: Enjoy the holiday season and winter solstice if it's occurring in your area of the world, and thanks for your work to maintain, improve and expand Wikipedia. Cheers, CAPTAIN RAJU(T) 09:21, 21 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
La paz es un estado de equilibrio y comprensión en uno mismo y entre los demás, donde el respeto se gana mediante la aceptación de las diferencias, la tolerancia persiste, los conflictos se resuelven mediante el diálogo, se respetan los derechos de las personas y se escuchan sus voces, y todos están en su punto más alto de serenidad sin tensión social.
Felices fiestas. ― Buster7 ☎ 03:42, 12 de diciembre de 2022 (UTC) [ responder ]
Siempre preciosa
Hace diez años te consideraron valiosa. Eso es lo que eres, siempre. - Te extrañamos. - Gerda Arendt ( discusión ) 08:36 18 mar 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]