Dance in film

Some films feature recognizable dance forms, demonstrating them, shedding light on their origin, or being the base of a plot.[note 1]

Fred Astaire's and Gene Kelly's filmographies may significantly contribute to these lists.

List of films with a plot based on dance


Poster for 'The Red Shoes' (1948)
Poster for 'The Red Shoes' (1948)


Hip Hop/Street


With the Whiteys Lindy Hoppers

Modern films


Rudolph Valentino dancing the tango in 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', a movie that popularized the dance internationally.
Rudolph Valentino dancing the tango in 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', a movie that popularized the dance internationally.


Gene Kelly in Singin' In The Rain
Gene Kelly in Singin' In The Rain

List of films with memorable dance scenes

See also


  1. ^ This article is not about Dance film or Dance for camera which are separate genres. It is also not about Musical films, although they often contain a significant amount of dancing. However, they are a specific form of art in itself, therefore their listings generally pertain to the articles specifically related to the topic of musicals. This by no means prevents musicals from being included here, but they are required to meet the outlined criteria.
