Lista de personajes de Supernatural y Los Winchester

Jensen Ackles como Dean Winchester (izquierda) y Jared Padalecki como Sam Winchester (derecha)

Supernatural es una serie dramática de televisión estadounidense creada por el escritor y productor Eric Kripke . Inicialmente fue transmitida porcadena The WB desde el 13 de septiembre de 2005, pero después de la primera temporada, las cadenas WB y UPN se fusionaron para formar la cadena The CW , que fue la emisora ​​final del programa en los Estados Unidos al concluir la serie el 19 de noviembre de 2020, con 327 episodios emitidos. The Winchesters , unaserie precuela / secuela derivada de Supernatural desarrollada por Robbie Thompson, Jensen Ackles y Danneel Ackles , se emitió en The CW durante 13 episodios desde el 11 de octubre de 2022 hasta el 7 de marzo de 2023.

Supernatural y The Winchesters cuentan cada uno con dos personajes principales, Sam Winchester (interpretado por Jared Padalecki ) y Dean Winchester (interpretado por Jensen Ackles ), y Mary Campbell (interpretada por Meg Donnelly ) y John Winchester (interpretado por Drake Rodger).

En Supernatural , los dos hermanos Winchester son cazadores que viajan por los Estados Unidos, principalmente al Medio Oeste , en un Chevy Impala negro de 1967 para cazar demonios , hombres lobo , vampiros , fantasmas , brujas y otras criaturas sobrenaturales . Supernatural narra la relación entre los hermanos, sus amigos y su padre. A lo largo de las temporadas, los hermanos trabajan para luchar contra el mal, mantenerse con vida y vengar a los que han perdido. En The Winchesters , Dean Winchester narra la historia de cómo sus padres, John Winchester y Mary Campbell, se conocieron, se enamoraron y lucharon juntos contra monstruos mientras buscaban a sus padres desaparecidos.

Supernatural cuenta con muchos invitados recurrentes que ayudan a Sam Winchester y Dean Winchester con sus cacerías y misiones. Entre los personajes que regresan con frecuencia se encuentran el cazador Bobby Singer (que se convierte en una figura paterna para Sam y Dean después de la segunda temporada), Castiel (un ángel), Crowley (un demonio y el Rey del Infierno) y Jack Kline (el Nephilim). La serie también contó con apariciones recurrentes de otros ángeles , demonios y cazadores.


Indicador de lista

Esta sección incluye personajes que aparecerán o han aparecido en al menos una temporada.



Invitados notables

  1. ^ Narrador
  2. ^ abcdefgh Invitado especial
  3. ^ abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vw El personaje fue interpretado por varios actores, siendo el actor mencionado el actor principal.
  4. ^ abcde Aparición especial
  5. ^ Solo voz


Los ángeles de Dios son seres espirituales extremadamente poderosos. El mero hecho de percibir su verdadera forma (incluso psíquicamente) suele provocar ceguera, ya que la apariencia de su "rostro" natural es abrumadora. Solo unos pocos pueden soportar sus verdaderas apariencias y voces, aunque en el programa nunca aparece nadie que pueda hacerlo. A menudo toman cuerpos humanos para existir e interactuar con el mundo físico; sin embargo, solo pueden entrar con el consentimiento de los anfitriones. Los ángeles necesitan un cuerpo en particular llamado el "elegido" o "cuerpo verdadero" para que sea su anfitrión si quieren alcanzar su máximo potencial.

La mayoría de los ángeles son retratados como seres autoritarios sin emociones. Algunos ángeles muestran desdén por la humanidad, señalando que los humanos son creaciones inferiores y defectuosas. Lucifer fue el único ángel que se negó a arrodillarse ante los humanos por orden de Dios. Todos los ángeles, caídos o no, se refieren entre sí como hermanos y se refieren a Dios como su Padre. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los ángeles nunca se encuentran ni hablan con Dios. Se observa que Dios, su antiguo líder, está ausente durante la mayor parte del programa, lo que deja a los ángeles para proteger a la humanidad en su lugar. Hay una clasificación entre los ángeles, y los de rango superior comandan a los de rango inferior.

El creador Eric Kripke originalmente no quería que aparecieran ángeles en la serie, creyendo que Dios trabajaba a través de cazadores en lugar de ángeles. [1] Sin embargo, con tantos villanos demoníacos, él y los escritores cambiaron de opinión cuando se dieron cuenta de que el programa necesitaba ángeles para crear una "batalla cósmica" entre ángeles y demonios. Como dijo Kripke, "Teníamos el imperio, pero realmente no teníamos la rebelión". [2] Querían tener una historia con algunos personajes centrales, pero con las batallas masivas de fondo, comparables a Star Wars y El Señor de los Anillos , la adición de ángeles lo permitió. [3] Kripke finalmente descubrió que abría nuevas historias para incluir en el programa. [2]


Los demonios de la serie son generalmente retratados como crueles y sádicos, a menudo disfrutando de causar dolor a los humanos. También son, como los definió el creador de la serie Eric Kripke , "eruditos y sofisticados". [4] Mientras que el demonio "tirano" Azazel los comanda en las dos primeras temporadas, [5] los demonios fueron los únicos antagonistas de la tercera temporada. [6] A veces, su cultura se compara con los humanos normales, y el episodio de la tercera temporada "Sin City" presenta su lado religioso. Muchos creen que Lucifer era su propio poder superior. [7] Aunque muchos demonios llegaron a perder la fe, [8] siguieron al ángel caído tras su liberación del infierno en la quinta temporada.

Las inspiraciones para este tipo de demonios vinieron de numerosas fuentes, como el concepto del diablo sobre tu hombro utilizado en el episodio "Sin City". Los escritores a menudo intentaron basar a los demonios en aspectos reales de la historia, como se hizo en "Malleus Maleficarum" al hacer que el demonio Tammi convirtiera a un grupo de mujeres en brujas . [9] Se utilizó una enciclopedia sobre demonios para la investigación, y la Clasificación de demonios de Binsfield inspiró la historia de "Los siete magníficos" de siete demonios que son la encarnación física de los Siete pecados capitales . [9]

Los escritores originalmente tenían la intención de que los demonios no dependieran de huéspedes humanos, sino que existieran "a medio camino entre los espíritus y las criaturas corpóreas". [10] Sin embargo, el demonio en "Phantom Traveler" demuestra la capacidad de poseer personas. Esta cualidad y sus otras características fueron elegidas sin previsión únicamente para encajar con la historia del episodio, [11] y los escritores optaron por mantenerla como un elemento de todos los demonios. [10] Kripke sintió que agregaba un aspecto interesante a las historias, ya que los espectadores "nunca saben quién es el malo". [10] Otra fuente de debate para los escritores surgió del color de los ojos de los demonios, que se basa en el lugar de un demonio en la jerarquía. Los escritores prefirieron limitar los colores únicos solo a los "grandes, grandes, malos". La escritora Sera Gamble señaló: "Si cada vez que tuviéramos un demonio poderoso le diéramos un color de ojos diferente, muy pronto diríamos: '¡El demonio de ojos chartreuse viene por nosotros!'" [12] Durante la producción de la segunda temporada, Kripke vio la película de terror I Walked with a Zombie y encontró que una de las criaturas que tenía los ojos completamente blancos era "realmente inquietante". [12] Los escritores consideraron cambiar el color de los ojos de los demonios normales a blanco, pero finalmente decidieron no hacerlo. Sin embargo, Kripke luego usó la idea cuando se presentaron Lilith y otros demonios de alto nivel. [12]

Volutas de humo negro flotando en el aire.
Un demonio en el episodio de la primera temporada "El viajero fantasma". La apariencia de los demonios ha evolucionado a lo largo de la serie.

La apariencia de la verdadera forma de los demonios se volvió más compleja a medida que avanzaba la serie. Originalmente representados como pequeñas y delgadas corrientes de humo negro, los demonios comenzaron a aparecer como grandes y espesas nubes de humo. [11] Cuando están en grupos grandes, las nubes tienen electricidad pulsando a través de ellas. El departamento de efectos visuales basó la forma de los demonios en la de una serpiente, dándole un aspecto "depredador" e "inteligente". El supervisor de efectos visuales Ivan Hayden encontró que el humo de los demonios era uno de los efectos visuales más difíciles de la serie. [11]


Principalmente interpretada por la actriz Alaina Huffman , Abaddon es el último Caballero del Infierno restante, una clase de poderosos demonios que estuvieron entre los primeros de su tipo. Abaddon es demasiado fuerte para ser afectado por exorcismos o para ser asesinado por el cuchillo de Ruby. Ella es presentada en el episodio de la octava temporada "As Time Goes By" en el que es enviada a destruir la organización de los Hombres de Letras en 1958 y se lanza en busca del abuelo de Sam y Dean, Henry Winchester, quien escapó con la llave del búnker de los Hombres de Letras. Queriendo entrar en el búnker para obtener acceso a los poderosos hechizos y artefactos sobrenaturales en el interior, Abaddon sigue a Henry a través del tiempo hasta el presente y lo caza a él y a sus nietos durante todo el episodio. Como resultado, ella retiene a Sam como rehén para obligar a Dean a entregar a Henry y la llave, prometiendo dejar que Sam y Dean vayan después del trato. Abaddon se retracta de su acuerdo y termina hiriendo mortalmente a Henry, pero no antes de dispararle en la cabeza con una bala grabada con una trampa del diablo, uniendo sus poderes y a ella a su cuerpo anfitrión ahora paralizado. Sam y Dean luego la cortan y la entierran en cemento para sepultarla para siempre. En "Clip Show", Sam y Dean necesitan un demonio al que curar para la tercera prueba para cerrar las puertas del infierno, por lo que vuelven a coser a Abaddon para usarla, sin volver a unirle las manos ni quitarle la bala. Abaddon revela que había sido enviada para matar al sacerdote que encontró una forma de curar demonios, y que mientras lo torturaba, se enteró de los Hombres de Letras (incluido su anfitrión Josie Sands) por él. Esto finalmente resultó en que ella poseyera a Josie y atacara a los Hombres de Letras. Mientras Sam y Dean reciben una llamada telefónica de Crowley afuera, Abaddon se libera y escapa controlando una de sus manos cortadas y usándola para quitarse la bala del cráneo. En el siguiente episodio, el final de temporada "Sacrifice", llega en respuesta al llamado de socorro de Crowley, pero lo ataca en lugar de ayudarlo. Abaddon declara su intención de apoderarse del infierno, pero Sam la rechaza cuando la prende fuego sagrado.

Abaddon regresa en la novena temporada, sus objetivos son matar a Crowley, convertirse en la Reina del Infierno y "convertir a toda la humanidad en su ejército de demonios". [13] Con Crowley estando en gran parte ausente del Infierno y habiendo sido profundamente afectado por la cura demoníaca incompleta que le impusieron los Winchester, el intimidante Abaddon termina ganando el apoyo casi unánime de los otros demonios. En "First Born", Crowley y Dean van a su creador, maestro y ex amante, Caín, para obtener su Marca . La Marca de Caín hace posible manejar la Primera Espada, la única arma capaz de matar a Abaddon. Caín revela que Abaddon, después de no poder persuadirlo para que se reuniera con ella, lo había engañado para que asesinara a su amada esposa humana Colette. Le hizo una promesa a Colette, lo que lo hizo incapaz de buscar venganza directamente, por lo que le da a Dean la Marca para que Dean pueda matar a Abaddon una vez que Crowley encuentre la Espada.

El episodio "La pequeña ayudante de la madre" revela que la historia de Abaddon con los Hombres de Letras se remonta a mucho antes de lo que se creía. Abaddon había sido confrontado por Henry y Josie cuando robaba las almas de las personas en un convento antes de que ella masacrara a los Hombres de Letras. Tenía la intención de poseer a Henry para espiar a los Hombres de Letras antes de destruirlos, pero aceptó la oferta de Josie y la poseyó a ella en su lugar, todo sin el conocimiento de Henry.

En el presente, Abaddon da la orden a sus secuaces de comenzar a robar almas nuevamente para construir un ejército de demonios leales a ella. En un intento por eliminar todas las amenazas que se le presentan a ella y a su gobierno, Abaddon inventa un plan para matar a Crowley y los Winchester y destruir la Primera Espada. Ella trae al hijo humano de Crowley, Gavin, hacia el futuro y lo tortura hasta que Crowley acepta ayudarla a preparar una trampa para Sam y Dean. En un intento de destruirlos a todos a la vez, Abaddon envía a Crowley a los Winchester para recuperar la Primera Espada y luego guiarlos hacia ella. Crowley logra traicionar a Abaddon y advertir a Dean de la trampa, pero él no puede contenerla. Abaddon termina disparándole a Crowley con una bala trampa del diablo, impidiéndole interferir en la próxima pelea. Antes de que pueda ejecutar el resto de su plan y matar a Crowley, Gavin y los Winchester, Dean la mata empuñando la Primera Espada. Tras la muerte de Abaddon, la mayoría de los demonios volvieron a seguir a Crowley. Los que permanecieron leales a Abaddon intentaron emboscar a Dean tras la muerte de su líder en "Black", pero también fueron asesinados fácilmente.

El productor ejecutivo y guionista de la serie, Adam Glass, reveló en Twitter que Abaddon se inspiró en Lauren Bacall , una actriz a la que admira. [14] El showrunner Jeremy Carver habló sobre la motivación del personaje y explicó que Abaddon estaba "horrorizado" al descubrir que Crowley gobernaba el infierno porque ella "ama el infierno y lo que representa". Creía que los contrastes en las opiniones de los dos personajes incitaban "un bonito conflicto en nuestro mundo demoníaco". [13]


Abraxas, interpretado por Nelson Leis en la temporada 14 , es el poderoso y sádico demonio de ojos negros que asesinó a la familia del futuro recipiente de Lucifer, Nick.

Abraxas es mencionado brevemente, aunque no por su nombre, en " Simpatía por el diablo " de la temporada 5 , cuando Lucifer menciona los brutales asesinatos de la familia de Nick para manipularlo y lograr que consienta la posesión.

En "Dioses y monstruos" de la temporada 14 , Nick se entera de que los asesinatos de su familia siguen sin resolverse después de nueve años y busca venganza, comenzando con Arty Nielson, su vecino que presenció a un hombre salir corriendo de la casa de Nick la noche de los asesinatos. En "Naturaleza inhumana", Nick rastrea a Frank Kellogg, el oficial de policía que Abraxas poseyó la noche de los asesinatos. Frank le dice a Nick que la esposa de Nick, Sarah, había llamado a la policía para denunciar a un merodeador, y cuando Frank investigó, encontró a Abraxas afuera. Después de presentarse, Abraxas poseyó a Frank y golpeó brutalmente a Sarah y al hijo de Nick, Teddy, hasta matarlos con un martillo . Nick recuerda que Lucifer conocía el nombre de Abraxas y se da cuenta de que un demonio mató a su familia, pero aun así asesina a Frank de todos modos.

En "Damaged Goods", Nick captura, tortura y asesina demonios en busca de Abraxas. Nick finalmente captura a un demonio que trabajó con Abraxas para matar a casi una tropa entera de Girl Scouts . El demonio revela que Abraxas fue capturado por la madre de Sam y Dean Winchester, Mary Winchester. Después de recibir la información, Nick mata al demonio y va a buscar a Mary. Nick secuestra a Mary y la obliga a admitir que cuando no pudo derrotar a Abraxas, lo atrapó en una caja de rompecabezas enoquiana. Nick obliga a Mary a llevarlo a la unidad de almacenamiento donde se encuentra la caja de rompecabezas y secuestra a un guardia de seguridad llamado Jeff para que actúe como recipiente de Abraxas. Mientras posee a Jeff, Abraxas queda atrapado en una trampa del diablo. Abraxas se ofrece a decirle a Nick lo que quiere saber si Nick asesina a Mary. Los Winchester y la sheriff Donna Hanscum interrumpen, lo que hace que Nick rompa la trampa del diablo y libere a Abraxas. Abraxas le revela a Nick que Lucifer le ordenó cometer los asesinatos y que Abraxas lo había elegido lanzando un dardo a la guía telefónica. Dean intenta un exorcismo , pero Abraxas lo detiene. Mientras Abraxas está distraído, Nick se acerca por detrás y mata a Abraxas con una espada de ángel.



Anthony , que aparece en la temporada 13 e interpretado por Bianca Carioca, es un demonio descrito por Lucifer como "un personaje secundario. Un completo inútil que recibe un salario diario".

Anthony aparece en "Bring 'em Back Alive", donde posee a una adolescente. En una escena que recuerda a El exorcista , dos sacerdotes atan a Anthony a una cama e intentan exorcizarlo de la chica de manera inepta. Sacudiendo la cama, Anthony se burla de los dos sacerdotes por sus propios vicios mientras lo confunden con Satanás y le piden que deje a la chica. Habiendo escuchado el intento de exorcismo, el verdadero Lucifer aparece. Molesto porque los sacerdotes han confundido a Anthony con él y por las payasadas de Anthony, Lucifer le pregunta a Anthony sobre sus elecciones. Anthony argumenta que "solo se está divirtiendo un poco". Completamente harto del demonio, Lucifer lo llama idiota y exorciza a Anthony con un chasquido de dedos. Cuando Anthony regresa al infierno, Lucifer le ordena que no regrese. Aunque Anthony es exorcizado, la niña no sobrevive debido al daño corporal que le infligieron cuando fue poseída.


Ardat, interpretado por Sharon Taylor , es un poderoso demonio de ojos negros que odiaba a Belphegor, consciente de que el otro demonio quería tomar el poder en el infierno.

En "Raising Hell", Ardat es mencionado por primera vez por Arthur Ketch cuando revela que fue contratado para asesinar a Belphegor. Belphegor parece no sorprenderse por la acción de Ardat y Arthur afirma que Ardat había llamado a Belphegor "una amenaza monstruosa para la humanidad". Mientras Belphegor está trabajando con los Winchester para detener a los fantasmas y demonios que han escapado del infierno, Arthur decide no seguir adelante con el intento de matar a Belphegor y asume que ella estaba equivocada o simplemente mintiendo.

En "The Rupture", Ardat posee a un médico en un hospital, mata a una enfermera y se enfrenta a un Arthur en recuperación por su fracaso en seguir adelante con el asesinato de Belphegor. Arthur intenta matar a Ardat con una espada de ángel, pero es dominado sin esfuerzo. Después de confirmar que Arthur no traicionará a sus amigos por nada, Ardat arranca brutalmente el corazón aún palpitante de Arthur y lo aplasta, matándolo. Usando el teléfono celular de Arthur para hacerse pasar por él, luego se comunica con Dean y se entera del plan de los Winchester, que implica regresar al infierno. En el infierno, mientras Belphegor y Castiel recuperan el cayado de Lilith, Ardat ataca, conociendo las verdaderas intenciones de Belphegor y con la intención de detenerlo a toda costa. Castiel lucha contra Ardat, pero demuestra no ser rival para el demonio que le advierte que Belphegor solo lo está usando para obtener poder en el infierno. Mientras Ardat está distraída por Castiel, Belphegor la mata por detrás con una espada de ángel y le confirma a Castiel, que ha sospechado de los motivos del demonio todo el tiempo, que ella estaba diciendo la verdad. Castiel posteriormente mata a Belphegor antes de que pueda tener éxito. Después de que el mundo se salva, Dean informa la muerte de Arthur a Sam junto con el hecho de que probablemente fue un demonio quien lo hizo, aunque no saben que fue Ardat.


Mencionado por primera vez en "Stuck in the Middle (With You)" de la temporada 12 , Asmodeus es un demonio y uno de los cuatro Príncipes del Infierno junto a Azazel , Ramiel y Dagon . Al igual que Ramiel y Dagon, se dice que Asmodeus abandonó el Infierno hace mucho tiempo, habiendo perdido interés en los planes de Lucifer a favor de sus "pasatiempos". Tanto Lucifer como Gabriel lo describen como el más débil de los Príncipes del Infierno. Lucifer también insinúa que Asmodeus es el más joven de los Príncipes del Infierno.

Asmodeus (interpretado principalmente por Jeffrey Vincent Parise ) aparece por primera vez en "The Rising Son" de la temporada 13. Apareciendo en el antiguo palacio de Crowley , Asmodeus se anuncia como el nuevo Rey del Infierno a todos los demonios reunidos con la intención declarada de gobernar hasta que Lucifer o su hijo Nephilim, Jack, puedan ser encontrados para reemplazarlo. Mostrando inmensos poderes, Asmodeus rápidamente comienza a remodelar el Infierno según sus estándares, ejecutando sumariamente a varios demonios que no cumplen con esos estándares. Asmodeus usa sus habilidades de cambio de forma para acercarse a los Winchester y Jack. Disfrazado como el Profeta Donatello Redfield, Asmodeus manipula a Jack para que abra un portal para liberar a los Shedim, criaturas a las que incluso Lucifer teme. Después de que Asmodeus es expuesto, Jack enfurecido lo obliga a retirarse.

En "La guerra de los mundos", Asmodeus usa sus poderes para buscar a Jack mientras interroga a quienes han visto a los Winchester. Asmodeus siente el regreso de Lucifer del Mundo Apocalipsis y encuentra a Lucifer y Castiel juntos en un bar. Reconociendo el estado debilitado de su "padre", Asmodeus anuncia su intención de quedarse con el poder en el infierno y encarcela a Lucifer y Castiel. Luego contrata a Arthur Ketch, un ex miembro de los Hombres de Letras británicos y un asesino experto, para que lo ayude a buscar a Jack. Para evitar que los Winchester descubran que Castiel ha sido capturado, Asmodeus se hace pasar por Castiel en una llamada telefónica para engañarlos. Asmodeus se comunica con los Winchester de esta manera durante algunos episodios para mantenerlos fuera de su rastro y ver si han aprendido algo sobre la ubicación de Jack. Lucifer y Castiel luego logran escapar en "Various & Sundry Villains" mientras Asmodeus está fuera.

En "El escorpión y la rana", Asmodeo se entera de los planes del demonio de la encrucijada Barthamus de atacar la casa de Luther Shrike y recuperar el baúl que contiene los huesos humanos de Barthamus. Queriendo deshacerse del traidor, Asmodeo envía un mensajero demoníaco para advertir a Luther y pedirle que le avise si llega Barthamus. Luther se niega a ayudar a Asmodeo y, en su lugar, exorciza al mensajero.

En "Devil's Bargain", Asmodeus intenta que Arthur Ketch localice y mate al debilitado Lucifer. Al mismo tiempo, interroga al profeta Donatello Redfield, y se entera del complot de los Winchester para abrir la puerta al Mundo Apocalipsis. Asmodeus pone a Donatello bajo su control como un espía involuntario. Después de que Arthur no logra matar a Lucifer, Asmodeus revela su última adquisición: la Espada del Arcángel, la única arma que puede matar a Lucifer. Arthur señala que solo un arcángel puede manejarla, lo que hace que Asmodeus presente al arcángel Gabriel, a quien se creía muerto durante casi ocho años. Se muestra que Gabriel es el prisionero de Asmodeus.

En "The Thing", Arthur descubre a Asmodeus inyectándose la gracia de Gabriel. Asmodeus despide a Arthur hasta que esté listo para ver al hombre, y no está nada contento de saber que Arthur sabía que Castiel estaba en Siria buscando el Árbol de la Vida. Enfurecido por las recientes acciones de Arthur, Asmodeus golpea brutalmente al hombre, alegando que Arthur es peor que cualquier demonio que conozca y que es dueño de Arthur debido a esta naturaleza, a pesar del deseo de Arthur de redención. La paliza de Asmodeus hace que Arthur libere a Gabriel y robe la Espada del Arcángel y la reserva de Asmodeus de la gracia extraída de Gabriel, llevando a los tres a los Winchester.

En "Bring 'em Back Alive", Gabriel le dice a Sam y Castiel que después de fingir su muerte, fue capturado y vendido a Asmodeus, quien lo torturó durante años y usó su gracia para obtener poderes. Mientras Sam y Castiel intentan tratar al traumatizado Gabriel, Asmodeus usa sus poderes para buscar a Gabriel, y finalmente lo ubica en el búnker de los Winchester. Asmodeus llama a Sam y amenaza con destruir el búnker si Gabriel no es entregado a él en diez minutos. Cuando Sam no cumple, Asmodeus rompe las barreras y lidera una incursión demoníaca para matar a Sam y Castiel y recapturar a Gabriel. Aunque la incursión inicialmente es exitosa, cuando Asmodeus comienza a torturar a Sam y Castiel, hace que Gabriel salga de su estado traumatizado y se defienda. Asmodeus demuestra no ser rival para el arcángel enfurecido que incinera a Asmodeus en represalia por todo lo que el Príncipe del Infierno le hizo.

En "Unfinished Business", los Winchester se encuentran con Gabriel, quien busca venganza contra los dioses nórdicos Loki , Fenrir , Sleipnir y Narfi . Gabriel cree que los dioses lo traicionaron y lo vendieron a Asmodeus para obtener ganancias antes de que Lucifer descubriera que todavía estaba vivo. Gabriel revela que Asmodeus lo torturó todos los días durante años y sigue debilitado porque Asmodeus agotó gran parte de su gracia. Gabriel señala que su gracia no ha tenido la oportunidad de recargarse mucho después de que la usó para matar al Príncipe del Infierno. Loki le dice a Dean más tarde que vendió a Gabriel a Asmodeus porque culpó a Gabriel por la muerte de su padre Odin a manos de Lucifer.



Barthamus es un demonio de la encrucijada interpretado por David Cubitt . Barthamus, de alto rango, implica que asumió el antiguo puesto de Rey de la encrucijada de Crowley después de que Crowley se convirtiera en el Rey del Infierno.

En "El escorpión y la rana", Barthamus hace que un demonio que trabaja para él robe un hechizo de rastreo de Nephilim del Museo de Cambridge en Cambridge, Inglaterra . En lugar de llevarle el hechizo a Asmodeus como el demonio espera, Barthamus mata al demonio con una espada de ángel y en su lugar se pone en contacto con los Winchester para ofrecerles un trato por el hechizo. Barthamus revela que un hombre llamado Luther Shrike tiene un baúl que contiene la propiedad de Barthamus, aunque Barthamus se niega a revelar exactamente qué es la propiedad. Barthamus necesita la sangre de Dean para entrar en la bóveda, ya que solo se abre a la sangre de un hombre que ha estado en el infierno y ha regresado. Además, la propiedad de Luther está protegida contra Barthamus. Como incentivo adicional, Barthamus amenaza con darle el hechizo de rastreo a Asmodeus. Los Winchester aceptan el trato y se les une un ladrón demonio llamado Grab, que Barthamus contrató, y una ladrona de cajas fuertes llamada Alice, que se revela que hizo un trato con Barthamus años antes, que usa como palanca para obligar a Alice a trabajar para él.

Aunque Grab es asesinado, los Winchester y Alice logran robar el baúl y se enfrentan a Luther. Para su sorpresa, Luther revela que Barthamus es el verdadero villano en la situación. Doscientos años antes, Luther vendió su alma a Barthamus a cambio de que el demonio salvara a su hijo de una enfermedad terminal. El niño murió ahogado unos años después y Barthamus se negó fríamente a intervenir. El baúl contiene la influencia que Luther usó para obligar a Barthamus a otorgarle a Luther invulnerabilidad en su propiedad y resucitarlo después de que fue arrastrado al infierno. La influencia eran los huesos humanos originales de Barthamus, que, si se quemaban, matarían al demonio. Cuando Luther deja su propiedad, Barthamus usa la oportunidad para matar a Luther por decapitación , pero los Winchester incumplen el trato por disgusto por las acciones de Barthamus. Barthamus amenaza la vida de Alice para obligar a los Winchester a entregar el baúl, pero Alice usa el encendedor de Dean para quemar los huesos. Barthamus rápidamente se incendia y se convierte en cenizas. Sin embargo, la muerte ardiente de Barthamus destruye el hechizo de rastreo que estaba en su mano en ese momento.

Demonio barbudo

El Demonio Barbudo, interpretado por Mackenzie Murdock, es un demonio sin nombre que tiene un papel recurrente en la décima , undécima y duodécima temporada. A menudo se le caracteriza por reírse de una situación incluso si es inapropiada, resultado de cuando anteriormente poseyó a una niña de catorce años. Cree que aún pueden quedar algunas de las hormonas residuales.

En "Dark Dynasty" de la temporada 10, Crowley ata al demonio a un pilar y lo usa como un tablero de dardos improvisado. El sádico juego de dardos de Crowley es interrumpido por dos demonios con malas noticias sobre su madre. Después de matar a uno de los demonios y enviar al otro lejos con miedo, Crowley clava sus dardos restantes en el pecho del demonio y sale de la habitación con el demonio todavía atado a un pilar. Aunque el movimiento lo deja dolorido, el demonio complementa el grupo.

En " We Happy Few ", de la temporada 11, el demonio asiste a la reunión en la que Crowley intenta poner a los demonios bajo su control, pero fracasa. Junto con otro demonio, el demonio barbudo se burla abiertamente de los fracasos de Crowley y se ríe de su fanfarronería. Se une a los otros demonios para abandonar a Crowley.

En el episodio " Keep Calm and Carry On " de la temporada 12, Lucifer le asigna al Demonio Barbudo, junto con Jervis, la tarea de limpiar todos sus recipientes quemados. Los dos demonios finalmente son confrontados por Crowley y, aunque está nervioso, se une a Jervis para burlarse de Crowley. Después de que Crowley anuncia su intención de matar a Lucifer mientras está debilitado, se ríe abiertamente mientras Jervis se burla de las palabras de Crowley. Completamente harto, Crowley saca una espada de ángel y mata a Jervis y luego al Demonio Barbudo. Crowley pregunta burlonamente "¿quién se ríe ahora?" una vez que ambos demonios están muertos.


Belphegor, interpretado por Alexander Calvert , es un demonio que es liberado del infierno cuando Dios comienza el Apocalipsis y se alía con los Winchester. Si bien es un demonio de nivel bajo, se desconoce el color real de sus ojos, ya que los ojos de su anfitrión están quemados mientras Belphegor lo posee. Belphegor solo afirma que no es un gruñidor de ojos negros normal ni es un demonio de Crossroads. También se sabe que trabajó como torturador en el infierno.

En "Back and to the Future", Belphegor, que posee el cadáver del hijo nefilim de Lucifer, Jack, se presenta como un aliado de los Winchester. Explica que en el infierno tortura almas y ama su trabajo y, como tal, quiere restaurar el infierno a la normalidad. Aunque reacios, los Winchester y Castiel aceptan aliarse con Belphegor, quien promete abandonar el cuerpo de Jack tan pronto como encuentre un nuevo recipiente adecuado. Belphegor ayuda a los tres a escapar de la horda de zombis que los tiene atrapados y ofrece un hechizo para contener las almas escapadas en un radio de una milla alrededor del cementerio donde fueron liberados. Trabajando con Dean, Belphegor lanza con éxito el hechizo y contiene a los fantasmas. Sin embargo, le revela a Dean que todas las puertas del infierno se abrieron, lo que significa que ahora hay entre dos y tres mil millones de fantasmas sueltos y, además, se abrió la jaula de Lucifer, lo que potencialmente liberó a Michael para causar estragos. En "Raising Hell", Belphegor continúa ayudando a los Winchester, Castiel y Rowena en sus esfuerzos por contener a los fantasmas escapados y la barrera que se está derrumbando. Al mismo tiempo, Arthur Ketch revela que ha sido contratado por el demonio Ardat para asesinar a Belphegor, a quien ella llama "una amenaza monstruosa para la humanidad".

En "La Ruptura", después de que el Libro de los Condenados no logra arreglar la barrera, Belphegor ofrece una solución: el cayado de Lilith, un cuerno creado por Lilith para atraer a los demonios y las almas del infierno de regreso a ella en caso de que alguna vez se salieran de su control. Mientras Belphegor y Castiel viajan al infierno para obtener el cayado, Sam y Rowena realizarán un hechizo para sellar la ruptura. Aunque Belphegor afirma que solo necesita a Castiel como respaldo, Castiel sigue sospechando de sus motivos, especialmente al descubrir que el cayado está en un cofre sellado en enoquiano que solo Castiel puede leer. Los dos son atacados por Ardat, quien revela que el verdadero motivo de Belphegor siempre ha sido tomar el poder en el infierno para sí mismo y está usando a los Winchester y Castiel para ese propósito. Belphegor mata a Ardat y confirma que ella estaba diciendo la verdad, con la intención de usar el cayado para atraer a todos los demonios y almas dentro de sí mismo para obtener poder ilimitado. Mientras Belphegor usa el cuerno, Castiel lo golpea y lo tira al suelo, e intenta hacerse pasar por Jack para que Castiel se detenga. Al ver a través del engaño, Castiel golpea a Belphegor sin dudarlo, matando al demonio y destruyendo al ladrón, pero a costa de quemar el cuerpo de Jack hasta convertirlo en un esqueleto carbonizado. Después de enterarse de la muerte de Belphegor, Dean está enojado con Castiel porque siente que el demonio era una amenaza con la que podrían haber lidiado en un momento posterior y la muerte de Belphegor antes de que pudieran terminar el plan resultó en que Rowena tuviera que sacrificarse para enviar las almas restantes de regreso al infierno. Las acciones de Castiel con Belphegor, así como su ocultamiento del estado sin alma de Jack, crean una grieta entre los dos durante algún tiempo.


Un demonio que poseyó a uno de los amigos de Sam en su segundo año. Brady continuó con el nombre de su recipiente para permanecer encubierto, pero luego se reveló en el episodio 20 de la temporada 5. Brady le presentó a Sam a su novia Jess y la mató más tarde por orden de Azazel. Mató a Jess de la misma manera que Azazel mató a Mary Winchester. Después de que revela la ubicación de Pestilence, Sam mata a Brady en venganza por el asesinato de Jess con el cuchillo mata demonios de Ruby.


Caín (interpretado por Timothy Omundson ) fue el primer hijo de Adán y Eva que mató a su hermano Abel . Si bien todos creían que Caín había matado a Abel porque estaba hablando con Dios , Caín en realidad lo mató porque estaba hablando con Lucifer. Amando a su hermano, Caín hizo un trato con Lucifer: el alma de Abel en el Cielo a cambio de que Caín se convirtiera en el primer Caballero del Infierno mientras empuñaba la Marca de Caín . Sin embargo, como parte del trato, Caín tuvo que matar a Abel personalmente. Luego, sintiendo remordimiento por sus acciones, Caín se quitó la vida, pero la Marca lo resucitó como un poderoso demonio. Durante miles de años, Caín fue el peor de los peores, ganando el título de Padre del Asesinato y entrenando al resto de los Caballeros del Infierno. Finalmente, Caín se enamoró de una mujer humana, Colette, y abandonó sus malos caminos por ella, suprimiendo la influencia de la Marca sobre él para masacrar personas. En 1863, los otros Caballeros secuestraron a Colette para obligar a Caín a volver a sus viejas costumbres. Caín masacró a todos los Caballeros, pero cuando llegó a Abaddon, ella poseyó a Colette y engañó a Caín para que matara a su esposa. Debido a la última petición de Colette, Caín no fue tras Abaddon en busca de venganza y arrojó la Primera Espada al fondo de la Fosa de las Marianas, ya que no podía ser destruida, y finalmente se estableció en Missouri . En First Born , mientras buscaban la Primera Espada para matar a Abaddon, Dean y Crowley rastrearon a Caín y le pidieron la Primera Espada. Caín no estaba interesado en ayudarlos, queriendo cumplir su promesa a Colette, pero vio cómo Dean luchaba y mataba a tres demonios sin ayuda de nadie. Impresionado, Caín les contó a Dean y Crowley su historia, pero aún así se negó a ayudar al principio. Finalmente, después de hablar con la tumba de Colette, Caín decidió ayudar dándole a Dean la Marca de Caín para que pudiera manejar la Primera Espada él mismo y matar a Abaddon. A cambio, le pidió a Dean que lo matara después antes de enviar a Dean y Crowley lejos y enfrentarse al ejército de Abaddon sin ayuda de nadie. En The Executioner's Song , se revela que matar a los demonios de Abaddon hizo que Caín volviera a caer bajo la influencia de la Marca de Caín. Cediendo a su ira, Caín decidió que como muchos de sus descendientes eran asesinos y otro tipo de criminales, acabaría con su linaje, a pesar de ser una "legión". Caín mató a muchas personas, y finalmente fue descubierto por Sam y Dean cuando secuestró a un asesino en serie .Tommy Tolliver. Caín se enfrentó a Castiel en el lugar de las tumbas de sus víctimas, pero lo dejó ir para que Castiel le dijera a Dean quién traería la Primera Espada para matarlo. Al ir tras el hijo de Tommy, Austin, Caín fue atraído a una trampa del diablo por Dean, Sam, Castiel y Crowley, después de lo cual Dean lo enfrentó solo. Caín le afirmó a Dean que no había cura para la Marca de Caín y que era mejor ceder a su ira. Dean y Caín lucharon, pero Caín demostró ser más poderoso y venció fácilmente a Dean, finalmente obteniendo la Primera Espada para sí mismo. Antes de que pudiera matar a Dean, Dean logró obtener el cuchillo de Caín y le cortó la mano. Caín se negó a dejar de matar, lo que obligó a Dean a matarlo. Si bien Dean conservó su humanidad, el descenso de Caín a la locura lo dejó a él y a Sam profundamente preocupados.

Cristiano Campbell

Christian Campbell, interpretado por Corin Nemec , es un cazador y un primo tercero relacionado con el lado materno de la familia de Sam y Dean. Es presentado a Dean junto con los otros Campbell en "Exile on Main Street" y ayuda a Samuel Campbell a atrapar a la Djinn femenina. Está presente en el complejo en "Two and a Half Men", y se acuerda que él y su esposa criarán al bebé Shapeshifter a pesar de las objeciones de Dean. Sin embargo, el Alpha Shapeshifter llega, domina a los cazadores y recupera al bebé. En "Family Matters", Christian descubre a Dean investigando a Samuel y los dos intercambian amenazas. Más tarde, el Alpha Vampire le rompe el cuello. Luego se revela que ha sido poseído por un demonio durante un período de tiempo desconocido y él y otros dominan y eliminan al Alpha. El demonio que posee a Christian está trabajando en la prisión de Crowley en "Caged Heat" y tortura a la leal de Lucifer, Meg, para obtener información después de capturarla. Meg es capaz de soportar su tortura y contraataca burlándose de su técnica. Mientras tortura a Meg, el demonio que posee a Christian es sorprendido por detrás por Dean, quien le arrebata el cuchillo a Ruby de la mano y apuñala al demonio por la espalda con él, matándolo.

El demonio de la encrucijada

Un demonio de la encrucijada específico reapareció durante la segunda y tercera temporada de la serie, poseyendo solo mujeres jóvenes y hermosas como su anfitriona. Las actrices Christie Laing y Jeannette Sousa la interpretaron por primera vez en "Crossroad Blues". Laing interpreta al demonio en flashbacks que representan al músico Robert Johnson vendiendo su alma para aprender a tocar la guitarra, mientras que Sousa interpreta al demonio en el presente. Este último es convocado por Dean en un intento de rescatar a un hombre de un pacto demoníaco previamente hecho. Ella rechaza la súplica de Dean, en lugar de burlarse de él sobre el sufrimiento de su padre en el infierno. Dean la engaña para que caiga en una trampa del diablo y la libera a cambio de liberar al hombre de su contrato. [15] El demonio regresa nuevamente en el final de la segunda temporada " All Hell Breaks Loose ", ahora en posesión de una mujer interpretada por Ona Grauer . Ella resucita a Sam a cambio de recolectar el alma de Dean en un año. [16]

Ella hace su última aparición en "Bedtime Stories", ahora interpretada por Sandra McCoy . Al final del episodio, Sam la convoca y le exige que rompa su trato con Dean a cambio de su vida. Ella afirma no tener el contrato, siendo solo una empleada con un jefe al que responder. Una frustrada Sam mata al demonio con la mística pistola Colt. [17] McCoy estaba saliendo con el actor principal Jared Padalecki en ese momento después de haber trabajado con él en la película de 2005 Cry Wolf . Anteriormente audicionó para varios intereses amorosos de los hermanos, pero creía que la producción había esperado hasta que llegara el "papel perfecto" antes de elegirla debido a su relación. [18]



Dagon (interpretado por Ali Ahn ) es uno de los cuatro Príncipes del Infierno y uno de los demonios más antiguos y poderosos que existen. A pesar de ser mujer (o estar en una huésped femenina), a Dagon todavía se lo conoce como Príncipe del Infierno en lugar de Princesa. Al igual que sus hermanos Ramiel y Asmodeus , Dagon hace mucho tiempo que perdió el interés en los planes de Lucifer y dejó el Infierno para vivir en la Tierra. Se da a entender que le falló a Lucifer de alguna manera en algún momento.

Se la menciona por primera vez en un flashback en "Stuck in the Middle (With You)", cuando Ramiel le dice a Crowley que Dagon tiene sus "juguetes" y que no está interesado en gobernar el infierno. Más tarde, Ramiel le dice a los Winchester que Dagon se ha interesado por el hijo nefilim no nacido de Lucifer , aunque al propio Ramiel no podría importarle menos.

Dagon es presentada por primera vez en persona en "Family Feud", cuando mata a dos ángeles para salvar la vida de Kelly Kline, la madre del hijo no nacido de Lucifer. En "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell", Castiel se entera de la participación de Dagon y advierte a los Winchester sobre ella, afirmando que todo lo que sabe de Dagon son rumores de su salvajismo psicótico.

Dagon continúa con su papel de protectora del hijo de Lucifer en "La invasión británica". Se revela que trabaja en secreto para Lucifer, quien le ha prometido a Dagon un lugar a su lado si tiene éxito y, a menudo, está en comunicación telepática con el arcángel caído. Para cubrir sus huellas, Dagon hace que otro demonio asesine a todos los que se encuentran con Dagon y Kelly, incluido un médico que realizó un examen fetal por insistencia de Kelly. Las actividades de Dagon son descubiertas por la cazadora Eileen Leahy, quien ayuda a atraer a Kelly. Dagon se presenta en la reunión y resiste todos los intentos de matarla, incluso con el Colt. Dagon desaparece con Kelly y le revela a la mujer que el embarazo, en última instancia, será fatal para ella.

En "El futuro", Dagon encuentra a Kelly después de su suicidio y resurrección por el hijo de Lucifer. Mientras que Kelly ahora cree que el niño es bueno, Dagon cree que el niño simplemente actuó por autoconservación. Dagon es atacado más tarde por un equipo de ángeles liderados por Castiel que intentan matarla con el Colt. Castiel escapa con Kelly, pero Dagon mata a uno de los ángeles y tortura al otro para obtener información antes de matarlo también. Dagon luego intercepta a Castiel en el portal del Cielo, matando al ángel Joshua y enfrentándose a Castiel en batalla. Dagon demuestra ser más fuerte que el ángel, golpeándolo fácilmente hasta convertirlo en pulpa. La intervención de los Winchester solo lleva a Dagon a romper el brazo de Dean y destruir efectivamente el Colt. Cuando Dagon va a matar a Castiel, el hijo de Lucifer fortalece al ángel desde el útero, lo que le permite detener a Dagon y dejarla impotente para sorpresa de Dagon. Con la ayuda del hijo de Lucifer, Castiel incinera a Dagon y la mata, como se predijo en una premonición que el niño compartió con Kelly. La ayuda del niño contra Dagon convence a Castiel de su bondad.

En el episodio "Lost & Found" de la temporada 13 , el recién nacido Jack, hijo de Lucifer, experimenta un flashback de la muerte de Dagon cuando se le pregunta qué recuerda. Jack afirma que recuerda "cuando la mujer mala se quemó".


Dipper es un demonio menor interpretado por Shane Dean que aparece en la temporada 13 y que es leal a Asmodeus.

En "Various & Sundry Villains", Dipper, armado con una espada de ángel, actúa como guardia de Lucifer y Castiel , que están cautivos . Dipper disfruta mucho de la situación de los dos ángeles y, a menudo, se burla de Lucifer por su falta de poder y su intento de usar sus poderes en un palo, mientras que Lucifer amenaza impotentemente a Dipper y se burla de su nombre. Dipper finalmente regresa y encuentra a Castiel y Lucifer discutiendo y el palo de Lucifer ha desaparecido. Mientras Dipper se burla de Lucifer por haber perdido su palo, Lucifer de repente empuja a Dipper contra los barrotes de la celda con telequinesis, quema su protección y rompe su palo en el cuello de Dipper. Lucifer le explica a un Dipper conmocionado y aterrorizado que la ira es un buen motivador y que olvida que "soy Lucifer". Cuando Dipper se da la vuelta, se enfrenta a un Castiel fugitivo que se burla de que "alguien se enojó y rompió su protección". Castiel golpea a Dipper y Lucifer le roba la espada de ángel a Dipper para armarse y poder escapar. Después de matar a otros cuatro demonios que los atacan después de la muerte de Dipper, Lucifer y Castiel logran escapar antes de que Asmodeus pueda regresar.


Drexel es un demonio menor interpretado por Alex Barima que es leal a Lucifer.

Drexel aparece por primera vez en "La invasión británica" de la temporada 12 cuando Crowley lleva al supuestamente servil Lucifer ante los demonios menores. En realidad, Lucifer deja en claro que él está realmente a cargo. Drexel luego visita a Lucifer en su celda y lo examina mágicamente, determinando que la nave de Lucifer está en buen estado y que las reparaciones y mejoras en ella están funcionando. Sin embargo, Drexel no puede romper el sistema de seguridad de Crowley y Lucifer reacciona violentamente a la noticia. Drexel revela que un demonio llamado Spevak creó e instaló el sistema y luego fue asesinado por Crowley para ocultar sus secretos. Lucifer deja en claro que tiene la intención de que Drexel encuentre una manera de liberarlo del control de Crowley.

En "Algo pasa con Mary", los intentos de Drexel de romper el control de Crowley sobre Lucifer dan como resultado que el sistema se invierta, de modo que Lucifer ahora puede controlar la nave de Crowley. Lucifer usa esto para volver la situación en contra de Crowley y aparentemente lo mata frente a Drexel y los otros demonios. Después de que Lucifer se va en busca de su hijo, Drexel ordena a dos demonios que retiren el cadáver de Crowley antes de que Lucifer regrese.

En "The Rising Son" de la temporada 13 , Drexel pule el trono de Lucifer y sigue creyendo que Lucifer regresará, algo por lo que los demás demonios se burlan de él. Cuando un demonio que se presenta como Asmodeus aparece de repente, Drexel se sorprende al darse cuenta de que es el cuarto Príncipe del Infierno. Asmodeus anuncia su intención de apoderarse del trono del Infierno hasta que se pueda encontrar a Lucifer y a su hijo. Cuando Asmodeus ejecuta sumariamente a los demonios que no cumplen con sus estándares, Drexel es uno de los tres demonios que perdona. Drexel coordina la búsqueda de Lucifer y su hijo para Asmodeus y se le cuenta la historia de Asmodeus con criaturas conocidas como Shedim, una historia que hizo que Lucifer infligiera cicatrices duraderas en el rostro de Asmodeus.


Duke, interpretado por Aidan Kahn, es un demonio rebelde de Crossroads que aparece en la temporada 11 y que busca su propio beneficio tras la liberación de Darkness y Lucifer .

En " Beyond the Mat ", Duke obliga al luchador Gunner Lawless a ayudarlo a asesinar personas y robar sus almas para que Duke pueda crear un "nido de huevos" para sí mismo con la liberación de Darkness y Lucifer gobernando el infierno nuevamente. Habiendo hecho un trato cruzado con Gunner diez años antes, Duke ofrece mantener a raya a los perros del infierno si Gunner trabaja para él, un trato que Gunnar acepta de mala gana. Los Winchester asisten al funeral de una de las víctimas de Duke, el luchador favorito de su padre y se topan con la escena del crimen de su nuevo objetivo, rápidamente deduciendo que están tratando con un demonio que roba almas. Duke intenta convencer a otro luchador para que haga un trato y se una a él, pero el hombre se niega y Duke hace que Gunner lo asesine poco antes de que lleguen los Winchester. Duke envía a Gunner a matar a Dean mientras él se ocupa personalmente de Sam, explicándole su plan a Sam. Aunque Dean lo interrumpe brevemente, Duke lo arroja lejos con telequinesis y se prepara para matar a Sam, comentando que "esta es mi parte favorita". Sin embargo, antes de que pueda matar a Sam, Gunner apuñala a Duke por la espalda con el cuchillo de Ruby, matándolo después de que Dean lo convenciera de hacer lo correcto. Como Duke ya no los detiene, los perros del infierno van tras Gunner, quien acepta su destino.


Gerald, interpretado por Jackson Berlin y Viv Leacock, es un demonio menor que aparece en la temporada 10. Una vez menciona que mató a su propia madre por fumar cigarrillos.

En "Girls, Girls, Girls", Gerald dirige un burdel junto a Raul y otro demonio para aumentar el número de almas después de la guerra con Abaddon. La operación es interrumpida por la bruja Rowena MacLeod, que golpea a Raul con un hechizo que licúa al demonio. Aterrorizado, Gerald huye de su nave y posee a un trabajador de la construcción cercano para informar a Crowley, quien está disgustado por la operación de Gerald y Raul, que Crowley considera de mal gusto. Gerald incita a Crowley a actuar contra Rowena, quien es capturada por un equipo de respaldo liderado por Gerald después de que el equipo principal es asesinado por los Winchester. Para su sorpresa, Crowley se da cuenta de que Rowena es su propia madre.

En "The Things We Left Behind", Gerald, que todavía posee al trabajador de la construcción, actúa como guardia de la mazmorra de Crowley y ansiosamente insta a Crowley a matar a Rowena. Gerald se ofrece a hacerlo por Crowley si Crowley no puede hacerlo, mencionando cómo una vez mató a su propia madre. Rowena y el demonio Trish afirman más tarde que Gerald es quien está sacando a otros demonios del infierno de contrabando, lo que enfurece a Gerald y lo hace estrangular a Rowena. Cuando Gerald se niega a ceder, Crowley lo mata apuñalando a Gerald en la parte posterior de la cabeza y sacándolo de su boca con una espada de ángel. Después de la muerte de Gerald, Crowley se vuelve más tolerante con Rowena mientras se revela que Rowena y Trish mintieron y usaron a Gerald como chivo expiatorio para ganarse la confianza de Crowley. Posteriormente, en "The Hunter Games", Rowena le recuerda a Guthrie cómo expuso al "traidor" Gerald cuando él se muestra reacio a ayudarla.


Grab es un ladrón demonio que aparece en la temporada 13 , interpretado por Matthew Kevin Anderson. Se lo describe como un experto en eludir la seguridad sobrenatural y se lo retrata como más desagradable que malvado o malicioso a pesar de ser un demonio. Se da a entender que Grab no es en realidad su nombre real, sino un alias.

En "El escorpión y la rana", Grab es contratado por el demonio de Crossroads Barthamus para trabajar con los Winchester y una descifradora de cajas fuertes humana llamada Alice para entrar en la bóveda de Luther Shrike y recuperar la propiedad de Barthamus. Grab es contratado para usar sus talentos en eludir la seguridad sobrenatural para localizar la bóveda en sí, que solo puede abrirse con la sangre de Dean. Una vez que los Winchester y Alice llegan a la propiedad de Luther, Dean realiza un hechizo de invocación para traer a Grab hasta ellos. Grab usa un hechizo para convertir a Dean en una especie de varilla de extinción, usando la atracción entre la sangre de Dean y la bóveda para encontrarla. Después de que encuentran la bóveda, Grab decide permanecer afuera, aparentemente demasiado asustado para ir más lejos. Mientras espera afuera del sótano que contiene la bóveda, Grab se enfrenta al propio Luther. Luther mata rápidamente a Grab con el cuchillo de Ruby y su cuerpo es encontrado más tarde por Alice. Barthamus no muestra ningún interés por la muerte de Grab y obliga a Alice a seguir adelante.


Guthrie, interpretado por Russell Roberts, es un ex demonio de Crossroads que actúa como asistente personal de Crowley en la temporada 10 .

En "Soul Survivor", Guthrie informa a Crowley sobre el estado de debilidad de Castiel y sugiere que sería un buen momento para eliminar al ángel. En cambio, Crowley le ordena a Guthrie que siga a Castiel y le informe.

En "Los Juegos del Cazador", bajo la influencia de un hechizo lanzado en secreto por Rowena, Crowley tiene una pesadilla en la que Guthrie y varios otros demonios se unen para atacarlo y matarlo. Más tarde, Guthrie encuentra a Rowena husmeando en la sala del trono de Crowley y le ordena que se vaya, sin caer en sus intentos de encantarlo. Después de enterarse de que Crowley va tras la Primera Espada para los Winchester, Rowena se acerca a Guthrie para conseguirla. Al enterarse de que Guthrie es un ex Demonio de Crossroads, Rowena sabe que tiene la capacidad de teletransportarse y usa su posición como madre de Crowley para engañar a Guthrie y hacerle creer que Crowley le está ordenando que la consiga para él.

Guthrie roba a regañadientes la Primera Espada antes de que Crowley pueda llegar a ella, pero se niega a dársela a Rowena, y en su lugar elige dársela al propio Crowley. En represalia, Rowena mata a Guthrie con una espada de ángel, pero Crowley la interrumpe antes de que pueda sacar la Primera Espada de su cuerpo. Rowena inventa una historia falsa según la cual Guthrie estaba conspirando contra Crowley, lo que él cree que se debe a su pesadilla. Rowena también puede usar la "traición" de Guthrie para hacer que Crowley dude en entregar la Primera Espada a los Winchester.


Harrington es un demonio menor que aparece en la temporada 13 y que es leal a Asmodeus.

En "The Rising Son", Harrington es uno de los demonios en la sala del trono del antiguo palacio de Crowley después de la desaparición de Lucifer. Cuando el Príncipe del Infierno Asmodeus llega para tomar el control del Infierno hasta que Lucifer o su hijo puedan ser encontrados, Harrington es uno de los demonios que Asmodeus salva de una ejecución sumaria junto con Sierra y Drexel. Más tarde, Asmodeus envía a Sierra y Harrington a matar a los Winchester y al Profeta Donatello Redfield mientras usa a Nephilim Jack para liberar a los Shedim del Infierno. Mientras Sierra va tras los Winchester, Harrington va tras Donatello y lo inmoviliza contra una pared mientras Harrington se prepara para apuñalar al hombre. Harrington es visto desde el pasillo por los Winchester y Dean arroja una espada de ángel al cuello de Harrington como un cuchillo arrojadizo , matando a Harrington. El movimiento sorprende e impresiona a Sam y Donatello mientras Dean comenta que el servicio de limpieza no estará contento de tener que limpiar el cuerpo de Harrington.


Jael es una demonio sádica de Crossroads que aparece en Supernatural, interpretada por Kara Royster , Billy Wickman y Kim Rhodes . A pesar de aparecer principalmente en personajes femeninos, los personajes se refieren específicamente a Jael como hombre.

Como se mencionó en "Celebrando la vida de Asa Fox" de la temporada 12 , Jael fue encontrado por primera vez por el legendario cazador Asa Fox en 1997. Jael poseía a una joven de las Primeras Naciones y fue exorcizado por Asa. Sin embargo, debido a sus tendencias sádicas, Jael asesinó brutalmente a la niña que poseía antes de que Asa pudiera terminar de exorcizarlo. Jael finalmente escapó del infierno y atacó a Asa para vengarse, asesinando a personas que le importaban de formas enfermizas y retorcidas y dejando sus cuerpos en el bosque para que él los encontrara. En 2016, Asa cazó a Jael por el bosque cerca de su casa con su mejor amigo Bucky. Los dos hombres discutieron sobre la cacería ya que Asa no estaba armado con su espada de ángel, la única arma que podía matar a Jael. La discusión terminó con Bucky matando accidentalmente a Asa cuando se golpeó la cabeza contra una roca. Bucky incriminó a Jael por el asesinato de Asa, sin saber que el sádico Demonio de Crossroads había presenciado el incidente y estaba furioso porque él mismo no podía matar a Asa.

En represalia por el asesinato de Asa a manos ajenas a las suyas, Jael comenzó a atacar a los cazadores en el velorio de Asa, atrapándolos mágicamente en la casa de Asa y poseyendo a Alicia Banes para matar a uno. Aunque originalmente estaban atrapados afuera, Dean Winchester regresó con la ayuda de Reaper Billie y finalmente encontró a Jael en el cuerpo del cazador Elvis Katz. Cuando Dean comenzó un exorcismo, Jael rompió el cuello de Elvis hasta que su cabeza miró hacia atrás y abandonó su cuerpo. Luego, Jael poseyó al Sheriff Jody Mills e intentó convencer a los Winchester de que su madre estaba poseída y tenían que matarla. Los Winchester rápidamente vieron a través del extraño comportamiento de "Jody" y Jael se reveló. Incapaces de matar a Jael sin dañar también a Jody, los cazadores quedaron discapacitados y rápidamente derrotados por Jael, quien los inmovilizó telequinéticamente contra el suelo. Jael disfrutaba mucho de pavonearse y revelar los secretos más oscuros de todos, pero cuando centró su atención en Bucky, su control sobre los otros cazadores se rompió. Sam comenzó rápidamente un exorcismo, pero Jael lo arrojó lejos. Dean recogió el exorcismo y luego Max y Alicia Banes cuando Dean quedó inconsciente, pero también fueron derrotados. Jael finalmente obligó a Bucky a admitir que, de hecho, fue Bucky quien mató a Asa y no Jael. Momentos después, mientras Jael todavía estaba distraída por Bucky, Mary Winchester terminó el exorcismo. Jael fue exorcizada de Jody, que sobrevivió a la posesión, y el demonio fue enviado de regreso al infierno a través del piso de la habitación, quemando un círculo alrededor del lugar por el que pasó.


Jervis es un demonio de bajo nivel interpretado por Jesse Reid que aparece en la temporada 11 y la temporada 12 y que es leal a Crowley y luego a Lucifer .

En "Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire", Jervis aparece en la casa de Marnie junto con otro demonio cuando Crowley los invoca usando un cáliz de sangre. Los demonios le aseguran a Crowley que un equipo está asegurando su recipiente habitual y consiguiendo una bruja para eliminar el hechizo de inmovilización de Rowena. Después de que Crowley regresa a su recipiente habitual, Jervis revela que hubo una perturbación en la jaula de Lucifer que parecía ser que Michael y Lucifer estaban gritando. Después de que el otro demonio le dice a Crowley que los demonios creen que están tratando de advertir a todos sobre la Oscuridad, Jervis le informa a Crowley que la mitad del Infierno se está volviendo loca como resultado.

En "Nuestro pequeño mundo", Jervis le informa a Crowley sobre los exitosos esfuerzos de Marco para eliminar a las víctimas sin alma de Amara y cómo los números de la corte son bajos debido a la cantidad de demonios que Amara ha consumido. Después de encontrar la puerta de la habitación de Amara sin vigilancia, un Crowley disgustado le ordena a Jervis que la vigile él mismo. Más tarde, cuando los Winchester llegan en un intento de matar a Amara, Dean hace que Jervis se exprese reproduciendo un viejo mensaje de voz de Crowley. Jervis es emboscado por Sam y rápidamente sometido, pero Sam elige contener a Jervis en lugar de matarlo debido a su nueva política de centrarse más en salvar a la gente.

En " Keep Calm and Carry On ", Jervis y otro demonio trabajan para Lucifer limpiando sus vasijas quemadas, seguidos, sin que ellos lo sepan, por Crowley. Crowley finalmente se enfrenta a los demonios, afirmando que planea matar a Lucifer mientras aún está débil para recuperar el control total del Infierno. Jervis se burla abiertamente de los planes de Crowley, ahora completamente leal a Lucifer. Harto, particularmente después de que el otro demonio comienza a reír, Crowley saca una espada de ángel y rápidamente mata a Jervis y al otro demonio con ella.


Kip, interpretado por Dean Armstrong , es un demonio sádico y cruel de seiscientos años que "quemó la mitad del mundo" mientras viajaba con Genghis Khan como humano. Como demonio, siguió disfrutando de sembrar el caos y la destrucción por todo el mundo y aparentemente desarrolló un gusto por comer humanos además de matarlos.

En "Extraño en una tierra extraña" de la temporada 14 , Kip se encuentra con el ángel Castiel y le tiende una emboscada antes de llamar a Sam Winchester para exigir una reunión. Kip revela que con las recientes muertes de Crowley , Asmodeus y Lucifer , el Infierno se ha quedado sin líder. Una reunión reciente con la versión de realidad alternativa del arcángel Miguel ha hecho que Kip reevalúe su vida y decida que lo quiere todo y ha comenzado a intentar asumir el puesto de Rey del Infierno. Kip intenta hacer un trato con Sam para trabajar con él en lugar de en su contra, pero Sam ve a través de la fachada de Kip su verdadera naturaleza cruel. En la batalla que sigue, Kip domina a Sam, pero Sam lo toma por sorpresa y logra matar a Kip con el cuchillo mata demonios de Ruby. Después de la muerte de Kip, Sam proclama a los otros demonios presentes que no habrá más Reyes del Infierno y que cualquiera que desee intentar obtener el puesto tendrá que pasar por él. Aterrados por la muerte de su líder, los demonios restantes abandonan sus naves y huyen en conformidad con las demandas de Sam. [19] [20]


Maestros Mega


Ramiel (interpretado por Jerry Trimble ) es uno de los cuatro Príncipes del Infierno en Supernatural junto a Azazel , Dagon y Asmodeus. Como Príncipe del Infierno, Ramiel es uno de los demonios más antiguos y poderosos que jamás haya existido y un general demoníaco retirado. A diferencia de Azazel, Ramiel perdió hace mucho tiempo el interés en los planes de Lucifer y se separó del Infierno, junto con Dagon y Asmodeus. Durante su tiempo en la Tierra, Ramiel se convierte en un coleccionista de raros artefactos y armas sobrenaturales.

En un flashback en "Stuck in the Middle (With You)", el demonio Crowley se reúne con Ramiel en 2010 tras la derrota de Lucifer y el fin del Apocalipsis . Con Lucifer encerrado de nuevo y Lilith y Azazel muertos, Ramiel es el siguiente en la fila para ser el Rey del Infierno. Sin embargo, Ramiel no está interesado, sigue sin tener interés en los asuntos del Infierno y llama a Azazel un "fanático". En cambio, Ramiel sugiere que Crowley tome el poder, pero advierte que si alguien lo molesta, habrá graves consecuencias. Crowley acepta los términos de Ramiel y le presenta dos regalos: la Lanza de Miguel, un arma diseñada por el arcángel Miguel para matar lentamente a Lucifer y el Colt, la legendaria pistola que una vez se había utilizado para matar al hermano de Ramiel, Azazel.

En la actualidad del episodio, la cazadora Mary Winchester es enviada por los Hombres de Letras británicos para robar el Colt de Ramiel. La organización no informa a Mary que Ramiel es un Príncipe del Infierno, lo que deja al grupo de cazadores que reúne lamentablemente sin preparación para luchar contra el demonio. Mary afirma que Ramiel es simplemente un demonio que está tratando de eliminar y que está realizando acciones malvadas mientras oculta su verdadero propósito al grupo. Después de una fallida intervención de los demonios de Crowley, Mary logra robar el Colt antes de que Ramiel regrese de la pesca nocturna . Debido a su gran poder como Príncipe del Infierno, Ramiel ignora todos los intentos de matarlo y hiere mortalmente al ángel Castiel con la Lanza de Miguel. Enfurecido por el robo del Colt, Ramiel rastrea a los cazadores hasta un granero y ataca a Crowley cuando intenta interceder en nombre de los Winchester. Los Winchester atrapan brevemente a Ramiel en el Fuego Sagrado y él exige la devolución del Colt. Cuando no logran entregarlo, Ramiel se libera del Fuego Sagrado y ataca a los cazadores, una vez más ignorando sus ataques. Después de que Ramiel casi mata a Dean, Sam le roba la Lanza de Michael con la ayuda de una distracción de Mary y empala al Príncipe con el arma. Diseñada para matar a Lucifer, la Lanza convierte a Ramiel en polvo y poco después es destruida por Crowley para salvar la vida de Castiel.

En "The Raid", cuando el vampiro Alfa lidera un ataque contra el complejo de los Hombres de Letras británicos, estos se ven obligados a revelarle a Sam que poseen la Colt. Mary se ve obligada a explicar que le robó el arma a Ramiel.

A largo plazo, Ramiel es retratado como el único Príncipe del Infierno que realmente no quiere tener nada que ver con los asuntos de los demás. Durante su enfrentamiento con los Winchester, Ramiel afirma claramente que simplemente no le importa nada más que que lo dejen en paz. Si bien Dagon y Asmodeus habían seguido originalmente su ejemplo, ambos regresaron más tarde a los asuntos del Infierno con el regreso de Lucifer y el nacimiento de su hijo, dos cosas que Ramiel sabía pero que no le importaba hacer nada al respecto. A pesar de su naturaleza malvada, se indica que Ramiel no ha cometido ningún acto de maldad durante su permanencia en la Tierra en retiro, al menos nada rastreable. Mientras se habla de Ramiel durante la reunión de planificación, se observa que lo único que ha hecho con seguridad es pescar de noche. Por el contrario, se sabe que Dagon y Asmodeus todavía han cometido actos malvados mientras estaban retirados. Durante su enfrentamiento con los Winchester, Ramiel predice el papel que Dagon se acerca en los eventos cuando les dice que "mi hermana Dagon se ha interesado" en el hijo de Lucifer. Además, antes de conocer a Ramiel, los Winchester no sabían que había más de un Demonio de Ojos Amarillos, ya que el único Príncipe que habían conocido anteriormente era Azazel. Los Winchester solo supieron el significado de lo que representaban los ojos amarillos cuando Crowley les habló de los Príncipes del Infierno después de su primer encuentro con Ramiel.


Raúl, interpretado por Michael Antonakos, es un demonio que lidera un burdel en la temporada 10 junto a Gerald y otro demonio para aumentar el número de almas después de la guerra con Abaddon. El burdel, conocido como Raul's Girls, funcionaba secuestrando mujeres jóvenes, obligándolas a prostituirse y luego vendiéndolas a hombres a cambio de que estos vendieran sus almas como pago.

En "Girls, Girls, Girls", Raul persigue a una de las chicas, Tiana, que logró escapar. Raul alcanza a Tiana y la confronta, lo que lleva a Tiana apuñalar el ojo derecho de Raul con un zapato de tacón alto. Ileso y más molesto que nada, Raul le rompe el cuello a Tiana en represalia y comienza a usar un parche para cubrir su ojo faltante. Sam y Dean Winchester se enteran de las chicas de Raul después de rescatar a Shaylene, una de sus chicas y matar a su pareja anónima. Antes de que puedan alcanzar a Raul, la bruja Rowena MacLeod llega al burdel y le arroja a Raul una bolsa de hechizos que contiene el hechizo Defigere Et Depurgare . El hechizo hace que la forma demoníaca de Raul se licue y lo atragante de la boca de su recipiente, matándolo. Su cuerpo es encontrado más tarde por los Winchester que identifican a Rowena a través del hechizo, uno que ella misma había creado siglos antes.



Samhain es un poderoso demonio de ojos blanquecinos y el origen de Halloween en la temporada 4 .

Se desconoce cuándo y cómo nació realmente Samhain, fue llevado al infierno, murió, la razón por la que fue al infierno y fue creado. El hecho de que su resurrección rompa uno de los 66 sellos, sin embargo, sugiere que fue creado antes del encarcelamiento de Lucifer. Antes de ser encarcelado en el infierno hace siglos, reinó sobre la Tierra en la noche de Halloween. La gente mantenía a sus hijos dentro, dejaban golosinas para apaciguarlo y dejaban calabazas talladas en las puertas de sus casas para adorarlo. Su poder parece ser intermedio entre el de los demonios de ojos negros y los demonios de ojos blancos. Mantiene todos los rasgos y poderes de un demonio de ojos negros normal, y también demostró ser capaz de emanar una explosión de energía demoníaca similar a la de Lilith. Sin embargo, a diferencia de otros demonios, es capaz de invocar monstruos, como fantasmas, zombis, etc. Es invocado por dos brujas, una de las cuales mata él mismo, pero Sam logra exorcizarlo nuevamente con sus poderes. Se diferencia de otros demonios en que el color de sus ojos es azul pálido y/o posiblemente gris. Sus ojos parecen ser un pigmento de iris híbrido de azul y gris, pero su esclerótica es blanca y su pupila negra. Samhain es el único demonio de ojos blanquecinos conocido hasta ahora y presumiblemente el único que existe.

Queriendo invocar a Samhain, dos brujas llamadas Tracy Davis y Don Harding comienzan a realizar los sacrificios necesarios para invocar a Samhain. Esto llama la atención de los Winchester y los ángeles, ya que la resurrección de Samhain es uno de los 66 Sellos. Sam y Dean matan a Don, pero Tracy se revela y convoca con éxito a Samhain, rompiendo el sello. Samhain posee el cuerpo de Don y reconoce a Tracy antes de matarla. Samhain no puede decir que Sam y Dean están vivos debido a una "máscara" de sangre que se untaron en la cara, por lo que los deja en paz.

Samhain viaja a un mausoleo donde un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria están de fiesta, los encierra e invoca zombis y al menos un fantasma que atacan. Sam y Dean rescatan a la mayoría de los niños y Dean se ocupa de los monstruos mientras Sam se enfrenta a Samhain. Sam demuestra ser inmune al poder de Samhain, por lo que luchan cuerpo a cuerpo, pero incluso con el cuchillo mata demonios, Sam no es rival para el demonio. Finalmente, al final, Sam logra exorcizar a Samhain con sus poderes y lo envía de regreso al infierno.

En el diario de Anna Milton se puede ver un dibujo de Samhain. La descripción dice "Samhain. El siguiente sello está roto". En el dibujo de Anna, los ojos de Samhain son completamente blanquecinos, lo que demuestra que Samhain está clasificado como un demonio de ojos blanquecinos.


Sierra es un demonio menor que aparece en la temporada 13 y que es leal a Asmodeus.

En "The Rising Son", Sierra es uno de los demonios en la sala del trono del antiguo palacio de Crowley después de la desaparición de Lucifer. Cuando el Príncipe del Infierno Asmodeus llega para tomar el control del Infierno hasta que Lucifer o su hijo puedan ser encontrados, Sierra es uno de los demonios que Asmodeus salva de una ejecución sumaria junto con Harrington y Drexel. Más tarde, Asmodeus envía a Sierra y Harrington a matar a los Winchester y al Profeta Donatello Redfield mientras usa a Nephilim Jack para liberar a los Shedim del Infierno. Sierra ataca a Dean cuando Dean está solo en su habitación de motel, liberándose fácilmente de los intentos de Dean de inmovilizarlo y arrojando a Dean sobre la cama. Antes de que Sierra pueda atacar a Dean con un cuchillo, Sam apuñala a Sierra por la espalda con una espada de ángel, matándolo.


Simmons es un demonio menor interpretado por Bethany Brown que aparece en la temporada 11 y que es leal a Lucifer y odia a Crowley .

En "The Vessel", Simmons se encuentra entre los demonios de la corte de Lucifer y lo insta a llevar la lucha a la Oscuridad. Simmons insta a Lucifer a enviar demonios a buscar a la Oscuridad para "darle una paliza" y se burla abiertamente del gobierno de Crowley. Un Crowley destrozado emerge de su jaula para reprender a Simmons por faltarle el respeto a su amo, Lucifer.

En " Beyond the Mat ", Simmons ayuda a Lucifer a coordinar su búsqueda de otra Mano de Dios y disfruta del tormento de Lucifer a Crowley. Más tarde, Simmons libera a Crowley de su jaula, alegando que todavía hay demonios que apoyan a Crowley y desean que recupere el Infierno, convenciendo al roto Crowley de que se defienda. Simmons queda impresionado cuando Crowley mata a dos demonios sin ayuda de nadie y lo acompaña a un calabozo donde Crowley revela que posee la vara de Aarón , otra Mano de Dios. Simmons luego revela que en realidad odia a Crowley y, de hecho, es leal a Lucifer, quien llega para tomar la Mano de Dios. La ayuda de Simmons fue una estratagema para que Crowley los guiara al secreto que Lucifer sabía que aún guardaba. Sin embargo, Crowley anticipó la traición y absorbe el poder de la Vara para sí mismo. Crowley dispara una ráfaga de energía a Lucifer usando el poder de la Vara en un intento de matarlo, pero Simmons se interpone en su camino y se quema hasta convertirse en polvo. El sacrificio de Simmons salva a Lucifer mientras Crowley agota el poder de la Vara en el intento y se ve obligado a huir.


Los cazadores son hombres y mujeres que pasan su vida cazando criaturas sobrenaturales e intentando salvar a los afectados por estas criaturas. La mayoría parece haber tenido algún tipo de encuentro negativo con lo sobrenatural, lo que los impulsa a convertirse en cazadores. Si bien los cazadores, por su naturaleza, operan "fuera de la red", existen, sin embargo, comunidades de cazadores que se reúnen e interactúan entre sí para intercambiar información e historias; el Harvelle Roadhouse fue uno de esos lugares hasta que se incendió. Por lo general, los cazadores encuentran casos consultando periódicos para rastrear información sobre muertes sospechosas en ciertas áreas. Algunos casos surgen gracias al contacto con personas que conocían antes de convertirse en cazadores o al contacto con personas a las que ayudaron durante cacerías anteriores que recurren a ellos por su experiencia. Se muestra que algunos cazadores tienen objetivos particulares, como las cacerías iniciales de Sam y Dean en las primeras dos temporadas del programa que se centran en rastrear al Demonio de Ojos Amarillos que mató a los padres de Dean y Sam, o Gordon Walker "especializado" en cazar vampiros.

Alex Jones

Annie "Alex" Jones, interpretada por Katherine Ramdeen, es una cazadora que aparece en Supernatural . Es la hija adoptiva de Jody Mills y la hermana adoptiva de Claire Novak.

Fue presentada por primera vez en "Alex Annie Alexis Ann" de la temporada 9. Annie fue secuestrada por vampiros de su familia a una edad temprana, donde tomó el nombre de Alex y actuó como cebo para su "familia" de vampiros. Fue adoptada por Jody Mills después de que su "familia" de vampiros fuera derrotada, ya que ambos habían perdido a sus familias. Después de que Claire Novak fuera adoptada por Jody, las dos chicas no fueron cercanas hasta que Claire la salvó de los vampiros que regresaron para vengarse de Alex. Alex luego fue a la escuela de enfermería y consiguió un trabajo en el hospital de Sioux Falls, y también comenzó a ser entrenada como cazadora. En "Damaged Goods", Donna Hanscum menciona que Alex eliminó a dos vetala ella sola mientras actualizaba a Dean.

Asa zorro

Asa Fox, interpretado por Shaine Jones cuando era adulto y Jack Moore cuando era niño, es un legendario cazador canadiense que aparece en Supernatural .

Como se muestra en los flashbacks de la temporada 12 "Celebrando la vida de Asa Fox", en 1980, Asa, de doce años, fue atacado por un hombre lobo, un ataque que le dejó una cicatriz duradera en la cara. Asa fue salvado por la cazadora Mary Winchester, que había salido brevemente de su retiro para atar algunos cabos sueltos, incluyendo matar al hombre lobo y detener su ola de asesinatos. Asa se interesó en lo que estaba haciendo Mary, especialmente cuando ella le dijo que tenía la intención de volver a retirarse. Inspirado por el encuentro, Asa se convirtió en cazador a pesar de las objeciones de su madre y se convirtió en una leyenda en la comunidad de cazadores. Asa escribió postales a lo largo de su vida a Mary detallando sus descubrimientos y cacerías, pero nunca las envió porque nunca supo dónde estaba. Durante sus viajes de caza, Asa tuvo muchos encuentros con mujeres locales, uno de los cuales, con la bruja Tasha Banes, resultó en dos hijos, Max y Alicia. En 2016, Asa conoció al sheriff Jody Mills mientras estaba cazando ghouls y, sin saber que el sheriff también era un cazador, afirmó que era el agente del FBI Fox Mulder mientras investigaba el caso. Jody vio a través de su evidente disfraz, lo ayudó a completar la búsqueda y comenzó una relación casual con Asa cada vez que estaba cerca. Si bien Asa no lo sabía, Jody lo tenía en alta estima y albergaba esperanzas de que su relación pudiera volverse más seria.

En 1997, Asa se enfrentó al sádico demonio de Crossroads, Jael. Asa logró exorcizar al demonio, pero no antes de que el demonio asesinara brutalmente a la joven que poseía. Después de escapar del infierno nuevamente, Jael comenzó una venganza personal contra Asa, asesinando a una mujer que Asa estaba viendo, así como a otras personas que le importaban y dejando sus cuerpos en el bosque para que él los encontrara. En 2016, Asa persiguió a Jael a través de un bosque con su mejor amigo Bucky Sims a pesar de que Asa no estaba armado con su espada de ángel, lo que provocó una discusión entre los dos hombres. Durante la discusión, Bucky empujó a Asa, quien cayó y se golpeó la cabeza contra una roca y murió. Bucky luego enmarcó la muerte de Asa como si hubiera sido asesinado por Jael.

Durante una visita a Jody, los hijos de Mary, Sam y Dean, se enteraron de la muerte de Asa y decidieron acompañar a Jody a su funeral. Aunque nunca se conocieron personalmente, Sam y Dean recordaron haber escuchado historias sobre él en la posada de Ellen, y los cazadores compañeros de Asa se apresuraron a compartir historias de él matando a cinco wendigos en una noche. Dean expresó escepticismo inicialmente (debido a que escuchó la historia en medio de un juego de beber inspirado por la hazaña), pero luego le confió a Sam que creía que Asa era un cazador "legítimo", evidenciado por su armería, completa con una espada de ángel. Durante el funeral, se encontraron con su madre Mary, que había resucitado recientemente después de su muerte en 1983. Mary había recibido la noticia de la muerte de Asa y se angustió al saber que se había convertido en cazador. Jael aprovechó el funeral para apuntar a los otros cazadores uno por uno, y finalmente poseyó a Jody. En el cuerpo de Jody, Jael confesó sentirse engañada por el asesinato de Asa y obligó a Bucky a admitir que había matado a Asa. Antes de llevar a cabo una brutal venganza contra los cazadores, Sam, Dean, Max, Alicia y Mary, exorcizaron a Jael de Jody en un ataque secuencial, con cada cazador subsiguiente retomando el encantamiento en latín donde lo dejó el anterior. Como resultado de los esfuerzos de Jael, Bucky fue deshonrado por matar a su mejor amigo. En lugar de vengarse de Bucky ellos mismos, los cazadores decidieron difundir la verdadera historia de lo que sucedió. A la mañana siguiente, Asa recibió un funeral de cazador junto con los dos cazadores asesinados por Jael en su velorio.

Bobby Cantante

Charlie Bradbury

Charlie Bradbury (nacida Celeste Middleton ) (interpretada por Felicia Day ) se cruza por primera vez con Sam y Dean cuando trabaja como experta en TI en Richard Roman Enterprises. Inicialmente se muestra reacia a involucrarse en el mundo sobrenatural ayudando a los Winchester, pero se convierte en una aliada más confiable en su segundo episodio y decide convertirse en cazadora ella misma en su cuarto episodio. Rápidamente se convierte en amiga e incluso en una hermana pequeña sustituta de los Winchester. Al final de "La chica con el tatuaje de dragones y mazmorras", se revela que su verdadero nombre no es Charlie Bradbury, sino simplemente uno de sus alias, y que ha tenido que esconderse antes. "Pac-Man Fever" profundiza en su pasado y se indica que el verdadero apellido de "Charlie" es Middleton. "There's No Place Like Home" revela que el nombre de pila de Charlie es, de hecho, Celeste Middleton. Ella es el único personaje LGBT destacado en el programa; En su primer episodio, les informa a los hermanos que es lesbiana cuando le piden que coquetee con un guardia masculino para acceder a un área restringida.

La primera aparición de Charlie es en el episodio de la séptima temporada "La chica con el tatuaje de dragones y mazmorras", donde Dick Roman le pide que descifre el disco duro de Frank Devereaux. Una vez que lo logra, comienza a leer archivos que describen a los Leviatanes y sus actividades, incluida su conexión con Dick Roman. Aunque al principio no lo cree, se da cuenta de la verdad cuando presencia cómo un leviatán se come a su supervisor y cambia de forma para reemplazarlo, algo que Dick explica que no pueden hacerle a Charlie, ya que posee una "chispa" rara que no se puede replicar perfectamente. Sam y Dean reclutan a una aterrorizada Charlie para recuperar el disco duro de Frank para proteger la información allí, así como para entrar en la oficina de Dick y piratear sus correos electrónicos para obtener información para su lado. Ella lo hace, lo que alerta a Sam y Dean de un paquete secreto destinado a Dick que luego roban; más tarde se revela que el paquete contiene el secreto para derrotar al leviatán. Casi muere cuando Dick se da cuenta de su duplicidad, pero el fantasma de Bobby la salva, ya que retiene al leviatán y le rompe el brazo a Charlie en el proceso, mientras Sam y Dean llegan y la rescatan. Ella se va después de decirles a Sam y Dean que no vuelvan a contactarla.

Charlie reaparece en el episodio de la octava temporada "LARP and the Real Girl". Ahora bajo un alias diferente, Carrie Heinlein, es la reina de uno de los cuatro reinos del juego LARPing de Moondoor. Cuando dos de sus "súbditos" son asesinados, atrae la atención de Sam y Dean y se dirigen a Moondoor. La reacción inicial de Charlie es huir y comenzar una nueva vida nuevamente, temiendo que una vez más se convierta en el objetivo de los monstruos. Después de enterarse de por qué Sam y Dean están allí, acepta ayudarlos a investigar las muertes y otras lesiones misteriosas que han sucedido. Charlie finalmente es capturada por una buena hada llamada Gilda que la ha secuestrado por orden de su amo. Charlie se enamora instantáneamente de Gilda. Dean, Sam y Gerry finalmente encuentran a Charlie con la ayuda del "prisionero", solo para descubrir que ella se está besando con Gilda. Se revela que Gerry es el amo de Gilda; Charlie tiene sentimientos no correspondidos por Charlie y ha comprado un libro de hechizos con el que controlar a Gilda y obligarla a matar a otros jugadores como parte de un plan para hacer que Charlie se enamore de él. Charlie finalmente destruye el libro para liberar a Gilda y dejar a Gerry sin poderes. Después, ella y Gilda comparten un beso de despedida antes de que Gilda regrese a su mundo con Gerry para castigarlo. Charlie decide dejar de huir y cambiar su identidad y quedarse y hacer una vida por una vez. Ella le dice a Sam y Dean que la llamen si alguna vez necesitan su ayuda nuevamente. Los tres participan en una batalla simulada entre su grupo y los otros LARPers, que gana el lado de Charlie. La historia de fondo de Charlie se explora cuando regresa en "Pac-Man Fever" para darles un caso a Sam y Dean. Después de que demuestra ser una excelente tiradora, Dean la toma como su compañera (temporal) en lugar de Sam, quien se ha enfermado cada vez más por las pruebas. Charlie es finalmente capturada por la criatura que están cazando, un tipo de genio, que envenena a Charlie y la coloca en una pesadilla de la que no se despertará. En su pesadilla, está atrapada en un videojuego que robó cuando era niña, recreó y entregó gratis, y donde debe proteger sin cesar a su madre hospitalizada de los vampiros súper soldados. Se revela que sus padres habían estado involucrados en un accidente automovilístico cuando conducían para recoger a Charlie de una fiesta de pijamas, lo que resultó en la muerte de su padre y su madre con muerte cerebral. Charlie ha estado pagando el cuidado de su madre, a quien se niega a dejar ir debido a sus sentimientos de culpa por el accidente. Cuando Dean toma una poción para entrar en su pesadilla para salvarla, convence a Charlie de que debe dejar ir a su madre para seguir adelante. Luego se despierta y en la última escena del episodio, sigue el consejo de Dean y hace que le quiten el soporte vital a su madre después de leerle El Hobbit en voz alta como su madre le hizo a Charlie cuando era niña.

Los Winchester llaman a Charlie para que los ayude en el episodio de la novena temporada "Fiesta de pijamas" para reconfigurar una computadora antigua en el búnker de los Hombres de Letras. Charlie, un fanático de la infancia de los libros de Oz de L. Frank Baum , se emociona cuando encuentran a la verdadera Dorothy en el búnker. El grupo trabaja en conjunto para tratar de encontrar una manera de derrotar a La Malvada Bruja del Oeste . Charlie muere para proteger a Dean de la Bruja, pero hace que Gadreel la devuelva a la vida y le dice que solo había sido noqueada, aunque de todos modos se entera de la verdad por Dorothy; Charlie luego acepta mantener en secreto su muerte y posterior resurrección de Sam siempre que Dean acepte algún día explicar lo que realmente sucedió. Charlie y Dorothy finalmente idean una forma de matar a la Bruja, pero son atacados por Sam y Dean, quienes están poseídos por la Bruja. Mientras Dorothy mantiene a raya a los hermanos, Charlie encuentra y mata a la Bruja apuñalándola en la cabeza con las famosas zapatillas de rubí de Oz antes de que la Bruja pueda dejar entrar a su ejército a través de un portal a Oz. Cuando Dorothy le ofrece a Charlie que la acompañe a Oz, Charlie se alegra ante la perspectiva de obtener finalmente el tipo de magia y aventura que desea. Después de despedirse de los hermanos, Charlie y Dorothy cruzan a Oz, dejando a Sam y Dean especulando sobre si volverán y cuándo.

En el episodio de la temporada 10 "There's No Place Like Home", Sam y Dean descubren que Charlie ha vuelto de Oz y está atacando a las personas que ayudaron a encubrir la muerte de sus padres. Para su sorpresa, descubren que hay dos Charlie, uno bueno y uno oscuro. El bueno explica que ella y Dorothy lucharon en una guerra en Oz para liberarlo del mal y para ganar, Charlie hizo un trato con el Mago de Oz para dividirse en su lado bueno y oscuro. El lado oscuro de Charlie ganó la guerra sin ayuda de nadie y Dorothy y el Mago ahora lideran Oz. Ahora, Charlie oscuro ha llegado a la Tierra en busca de venganza por la muerte de sus padres, y Charlie bueno la sigue para detenerla. Cuando Charlie oscuro rompió la Llave de Oz para que Charlie no pudiera regresar, ella y Sam investigan la Llave con la esperanza de encontrar una manera de arreglarla y, finalmente, rastrean a un ex Hombre de Letras llamado Clive Dylan que quedó atrapado en Oz después de descubrir la Llave. Mientras tanto, Dean intenta proteger a Russell Wellington, el hombre que mató a los padres de Charlie, pero Dark Charlie engaña a Dean, mata a Russell y sigue a Dean a la casa de Clive, donde pelean y él la golpea brutalmente, lastimando a Good Charlie, quien todavía está conectado con ella. Al mismo tiempo, Sam y Charlie se enteran de que el Mago es de hecho el lado oscuro de Clive, separado de él como lo estaba el de Charlie. Incapaz de arreglar la Llave y salvar a Oz, Clive se dispara a sí mismo para obligar al Mago a ir a la Tierra para curar a Clive y salvarse a sí mismo. Incapaz de derrotar al Mago, Clive le hace una señal a Charlie para que le dispare, lo que ella hace vacilante, matando a Clive y al Mago. Sam evita que Dean golpee a Dark Charlie hasta la muerte y procede a revertir el hechizo del Mago y reunir a los dos Charlies. Luego, Charlie, incapaz de regresar a Oz, decide dedicarse a encontrar una manera de salvar a Dean de la Marca de Caín y perdona sus acciones.

Charlie vuelve con los hermanos varios episodios después, después de haber encontrado un antiguo libro conocido como el Libro de los Condenados, que se dice que documenta cada maldición, así como sus curas. Al adquirir el libro, un grupo de hombres desconocidos, todos con el mismo tatuaje en la muñeca, comienzan a perseguirla. Después de un violento encuentro con ellos, Charlie recibe un disparo, pero escapa por poco y llama a los Winchester desde una cabina telefónica, informándoles de su descubrimiento y lesión, mencionando que lo volvió a coser con hilo dental, un testimonio de su ingenio. Cuando se reúnen, Sam y Charlie comienzan su intento de descifrar el texto del libro, ya que está escrito en un idioma antiguo desconocido, pero Dean insiste en que se detengan y destruyan el libro por completo, preocupados de que la Marca haga que use su información para hacer el mal. Sam y Charlie deciden no destruirlo, sino guardarlo en una caja de maldiciones, lo que evitará que alguien lo rastree. Mientras tanto, Dean va a buscar a los perseguidores de Charlie, a quienes Sam había determinado que eran miembros de la históricamente prominente familia Styne. Cuando atacan la casa en la que Charlie y los Winchester se habían estado quedando, Dean le ordena a Sam que destruya el libro antes de que los hombres puedan tomarlo. Sam arroja el libro al fuego y el trío derrota y mata a sus atacantes. Sin embargo, más tarde se revela que arrojó otro libro y escondió el libro real con la esperanza de poder curar a Dean, a pesar de los deseos de su hermano. Cuando Charlie, Sam y Dean regresan al búnker, son recibidos por Castiel, y Charlie está emocionada de conocerlo por primera vez. Al abrazarlo, comenta que esperaba que fuera más bajo. A pedido de broma de Charlie, Castiel cura su túnel carpiano e incluso su herida de bala sin que se lo pidan, habiendo recuperado todo su poder. Luego, los cuatro cenan, riendo y disfrutando de la compañía del otro.

En "Dark Dynasty", Sam llama a Charlie para que trabaje con Rowena en la traducción del Libro de los Condenados. Charlie se sorprende de que Sam mintiera sobre la destrucción del Libro y acepta a regañadientes trabajar en la traducción del Libro a espaldas de Dean. Sin embargo, Charlie se ve obligado a trabajar con Rowena, quien la molesta mucho con su disgusto por el hecho de que Charlie sea un nerd en lugar de una bruja y su insistencia en que son similares. Incapaz de soportarlo más, Charlie le pide a Castiel que la deje ir a calmarse un rato y se escapa mientras él ata a Rowena en otra habitación. Yendo a un motel, Charlie continúa sus esfuerzos por traducir el Libro de los Condenados y finalmente logra descifrar el código justo antes de que llegue Eldon Styne. Charlie se pone en contacto con Sam y Dean, quienes le dicen que le dé el Libro que no tiene, o sus notas para salvar su vida. Sin embargo, no dispuesta a traicionar a sus amigos o darle a la Familia Styne el poder del Libro, Charlie destroza su Surface y es asesinada por Eldon. Sam y Dean, devastados, encuentran su cuerpo poco después. Sin embargo, sin que ellos lo supieran, el último acto de Charlie fue enviarle por correo electrónico a Sam sus notas sobre cómo traducir el libro, lo que les dio la oportunidad de terminar lo que ella había comenzado.

En "El prisionero", después de su muerte, Sam y Dean incineran a Charlie siguiendo la tradición de los cazadores y Dean decide masacrar a los Styne en venganza, diciéndole a Sam que detenga el trabajo en el Libro. Sam inicialmente lo hace hasta que recibe el correo electrónico de Charlie y decide continuar. Dean masacra brutalmente a la familia Styne por lo que le hicieron a Charlie y finalmente mata a Eldon, vengándola.

Mundo apocalíptico Charlie Bradbury

En "Bring 'em Back Alive", Dean se encuentra con una versión de realidad alternativa de Charlie que es un luchador de la resistencia en Apocalypse World. Se muestra que esta Charlie comparte muchos de los mismos rasgos que la Charlie que Dean conocía, aunque está endurecida por años de lucha. Aún sintiéndose culpable por la muerte de su Charlie, Dean convence a Arthur Ketch para que lo ayude a liderar una misión de rescate para ella. Cuando Charlie va a ser ejecutado, Dean y Arthur atacan el campo de prisioneros de guerra, matan a varios ángeles y liberan a los prisioneros. Aunque escéptico sobre la historia de Dean, Charlie está convencido por la puerta entre Apocalypse World y el universo de Dean. Mientras Dean se prepara para regresar a su propio mundo antes de que la puerta se cierre, Ketch elige quedarse con Charlie para ayudar a la resistencia a coordinar el inevitable regreso de Dean con refuerzos. Cuando Dean se va, Charlie y Ketch luchan juntos contra varios ángeles usando armas cargadas con balas asesinas de ángeles.

La versión de Charlie del universo alternativo aparece nuevamente en "Éxodo", donde Charlie conoce a Sam, quien inicialmente la confunde con la versión de Charlie de su realidad. Charlie y Ketch son capturados por ángeles en una trampa y están a punto de ser torturados para obtener información por la versión malvada de Castiel del universo alternativo, pero son rescatados por Sam, Dean, Jack y Castiel. Charlie luego escapa a la realidad de Sam y Dean con el resto de su grupo, donde luego celebran en el Búnker. En "Que sigan los buenos tiempos" se revela en una conversación entre Mary y el Bobby alternativo que Rowena y Charlie están "viajando por el suroeste" juntos.

Charlie reaparece en "Optimismo" de la temporada 14, donde va de cacería con Sam. Charlie revela que planea retirarse después de la cacería y destaca las muchas diferencias entre ella y la Charlie del mundo de los Winchester, incluida esta Charlie que encuentra y pierde al amor de su vida durante el Apocalipsis. Charlie pinta una imagen sombría del Apocalipsis en el mundo del que vino para Sam y, como resultado, una especie de falta de fe en la humanidad. Trabajando juntos, Sam y Charlie matan a un monstruo insectoide llamado Musca y salvan a su última víctima. Sam convence a Charlie de que al menos reconsidere abandonar la lucha por completo después de que termine la cacería.

Claire Novak

Claire Novak, interpretada de niña por Sydney Imbeau y más tarde en la serie como adulta por Kathryn Newton , es la hija de Jimmy y Amelia Novak. Se cría en Pontiac, Illinois , hasta aproximadamente los once años, cuando su madre desaparece, abrumada por el dolor de la muerte de su padre. Claire queda entonces bajo la custodia de su abuela hasta su muerte, momento en el que es trasladada entre numerosos hogares de acogida y, finalmente, colocada en un centro de menores.

Claire, de ocho años, es presentada por primera vez, junto con su madre, en el episodio de la cuarta temporada "The Rapture", donde se revela la historia de Jimmy convirtiéndose en el recipiente de Castiel. Su primera aparición ocurre después de que se muestra a Castiel tomando posesión de Jimmy. Claire corre frenéticamente afuera y pregunta "¿Papá?" a lo que Castiel responde que él no es su padre, y comienza a alejarse, mientras ella lo ve irse. Un año después, cuando Castiel se ve obligado a salir del cuerpo de Jimmy, Jimmy puede regresar y comienza a tratar de reconstruir su vida con su familia. Esto dura poco, ya que los demonios se enteran de Jimmy y toman a su esposa e hija como rehenes.

Claire es poseída por Castiel cuando sus padres, Dean y Sam Winchester, son mantenidos cautivos por demonios, su madre había sido poseída para que los demonios pudieran observar a Jimmy y determinar sus cualidades únicas como recipiente. Castiel, en el cuerpo de Claire, expulsa a dos demonios de sus anfitriones durante la pelea. Castiel tiene la intención de dejar morir a Jimmy para que pueda ir al Cielo y estar en paz como recompensa por su servicio, pero Jimmy le ruega a Castiel que lo use como recipiente y libere a su hija. Castiel acepta.

Siete años después, Castiel se siente inspirado para investigar la antigua vida de Jimmy Novak después de los recientes acontecimientos con Hannah. Descubre que Claire está en régimen de aislamiento en un centro de menores después de intentar la última de una serie de fugas, lo que lo impulsa a visitarla y sacarla haciéndose pasar por Jimmy. Claire revela que su madre desapareció después de dejarla con su abuela, y ha estado entrando y saliendo de casas desde la muerte de su abuela, culpando a Castiel por romper su familia al tomar a su padre como recipiente. Castiel la ayuda a escapar del centro, pero Claire le roba la billetera y huye nuevamente para reunirse con Dustin y Randy, amigos suyos que esperaban que ella recaudara dinero para ayudar a liquidar las deudas de juego de Randy.

Los Winchester y Castiel llegan a tiempo para evitar el robo, pero Claire los abandona disgustada, declarando que Dustin y Randy son su familia, mientras que los tres hombres son sólo las personas que mataron a su padre. Sin embargo, cuando el usurero de Randy ofrece llevarse a Claire para compensar la deuda, Randy acepta, obligando a los Winchester y Castiel a intervenir y salvarla. Llegan a la casa y se sorprenden de no verla, pero cuando oyen gritos que vienen del piso de arriba, saben que de hecho está en la casa y en peligro. Castiel la localiza y derriba la puerta de la habitación donde el usurero está intentando violarla.

A pesar de que los Winchester y Castiel la salvan, Claire deja en claro que todavía no confía en ellos y se resiste a los esfuerzos de Castiel por ayudarla. Después de ser llevada al búnker, huye y conoce a una pareja que le sugiere que mate a Dean como la persona responsable de la muerte de su padre, ayudándolos a preparar una trampa para él. Sin embargo, ella avisa a Dean en el último minuto, al encontrarse incapaz de seguir adelante con el plan, y él logra luchar contra ellos y perdonarles la vida a pesar de la influencia corruptora de la Marca de Caín. Aunque Claire todavía tiene la intención de dejar a Castiel y encontrar una nueva vida por su cuenta, sugiere que no estaría en contra de que él se mantuviera en contacto con ella.

Meses después, en "Angel Heart", Claire tiene ahora dieciocho años y ha comenzado a buscar a su madre desaparecida durante mucho tiempo, rastreándola hasta Tulsa, Oklahoma . Claire se enfrenta a Ronnie Cartwright, la última persona que vio a su madre y queda inconsciente. Como Castiel está en los contactos de emergencia en su teléfono celular, el hospital lo llama y él llama a Sam y Dean para que lo ayuden a lidiar con ella. Después de enterarse de lo que está tramando, los Winchester y Castiel deciden ayudarla, pero ella escapa del hospital y regresa a su habitación de motel donde encuentra a Sam esperándola mientras Dean y Castiel han ido a interrogar a Ronnie. Sam se ofrece a ayudar a Claire a piratear los registros de la tarjeta de crédito de su madre, lo que la intriga y con lo que aprenden de eso combinado con lo que Castiel y Dean aprenden de Ronnie, rastrean a Amelia hasta una granja dirigida por un curandero llamado Peter Holloway. Sin embargo, Dean y Claire se quedan atrás porque no quieren que Claire salga lastimada y la influencia de la Marca de Caín en Dean está empeorando. Aunque al principio Dean y Claire se sienten incómodos, se unen jugando al minigolf y Claire, sin darse cuenta, le da a Dean una pista de que no están tratando con un ángel normal. Al buscar en la historia, Claire descubre que Holloway es un Grigori , una clase de ángel que se aprovecha de la humanidad. Cuando no pueden llegar hasta Sam y Castiel, Dean permite que Claire se una a él en el rescate, incluso dándole un arma. Claire y Dean encuentran a Castiel, que ha rescatado a una débil Amelia. Claire y su madre finalmente se reencuentran y Claire la abraza entre lágrimas en lugar de reprenderla como había planeado. Mientras Claire intenta ayudar a Amelia a salir del granero, Holloway, que se revela como Tamiel, llega y le dice que Amelia no tiene salvación. Claire intenta matarlo con el arma y cuando falla, él intenta matarla. Amelia se sacrifica para salvar a su hija, dejando a Claire devastada. Sam, Dean y Castiel no pueden derrotar a Tamiel, por lo que Claire lo mata ella misma con su propia espada para salvarlos y vengar a su madre. Al día siguiente, los tres deciden enviarla a Jody Mills hasta que pueda recuperarse y perdone a Dean y Castiel por su papel en la muerte de Jimmy, llevándose consigo un regalo que Castiel le dio por su cumpleaños. Dean recupera el arma, pero le deja Caddyshack y un libro de historia cuando se da cuenta de que ella toma la espada de Tamiel y se da cuenta de que tiene la intención de convertirse en cazadora. Claire abraza a Castiel para despedirse, finalmente aceptándolo como su nueva figura paterna.

Ella va a vivir con Jody Mills y aparece en "Don't You Forget About Me" de la temporada 11 , está tratando de ser cazadora, pero se menciona que causó problemas en la ciudad debido a su caza, pero no enfrenta la cárcel debido a que su madre adoptiva es sheriff. Como se ve en la visita de los Winchester, ella sigue siendo rebelde y tiende a causar problemas a su hermana adoptiva Alex. Si bien mantiene una actitud distante hacia ellos, Dean le dice que Jody está haciendo todo lo posible para cuidarla y ella comienza a ver su punto. Cuando ella y Jody son capturadas por vampiros vengativos, uno de ellos es el novio de Alex, Claire se libera y los protege cuando los Winchester llegan para salvarlos. Claire ayuda a Alex a matar a Henry. Después del ataque, los acepta como familia e incluso intenta preparar el desayuno aunque la comida se quemó. En episodios posteriores, se muestra que Claire y Alex tienen una relación mucho mejor a pesar de que todavía se pelean entre sí.

En "Las mujeres beben gratis" de la temporada 12 , Claire se ha convertido en una cazadora a tiempo completo, pero le miente a Jody diciéndole que está buscando universidades porque siente que Jody la frena demasiado cuando cazan juntas, ya que Jody es algo sobreprotectora. Mientras cazan a un hombre lobo con Mick Davies de los Hombres de Letras Británicos, los Winchester se enteran de que Claire está en la misma cacería y forman equipo. Al hacerse pasar por una estudiante de secundaria, Claire puede enterarse por la mejor amiga de una de las víctimas de que la chica estaba saliendo con alguien que asustaba a su amiga. Poco después, el hombre lobo ataca a Claire a plena luz del día y la muerde.

Atemorizada, Claire ruega que la maten porque no cree que pueda controlarse cuando inevitablemente se transforme, pero Sam sugiere probar una cura experimental creada por los Hombres de Letras británicos. Aunque nunca ha funcionado en un humano, Claire acepta probarla y se queda con Mick mientras los Winchester van a buscar al hombre lobo. Cuando comienza la transformación, Claire le ruega a Mick que la mate, pero él se niega. Los dos son atacados por el hombre lobo que se revela como el amable camarero local, Justin, que secuestra a Claire. Justin le revela a Claire que alguna vez fue parte de una manada pacífica, pero después de que los Hombres de Letras británicos la aniquilaran, se volvió loco de soledad y ahora está buscando una pareja. Mientras Claire lucha con Justin y sus instintos, los Winchester y Mick llegan gracias a un dispositivo de rastreo que Mick plantó en Claire. En la pelea que sigue, una Claire completamente salvaje ataca a Dean, pero él la somete. Mick y Sam logran extraer la sangre viva de Justin antes de matarlo y Dean inyecta a Claire con la cura del hombre lobo. Claire experimenta una agonía insoportable durante un período prolongado de tiempo antes de parecer morir. Momentos después, la transformación de Claire se revierte y se despierta completamente humana. A la mañana siguiente, Claire llama a Jody y le deja un mensaje de voz diciéndole la verdad. Claire decide seguir cazando por su cuenta por el momento, pero le asegura a Jody que ahora está lista gracias a que Jody es su madre.

En "Algo pasa con Mary" y "Quiénes somos", Claire aparece como uno de los objetivos principales de los Hombres de Letras británicos cuando planean eliminar a todos los cazadores estadounidenses. Sin embargo, la operación británica es destruida por un equipo de cazadores estadounidenses liderados por Sam y Jody antes de que esto pueda suceder.

En "Wayward Sisters" de la temporada 13 , una Claire más experimentada caza una pequeña manada de hombres lobo que ha secuestrado a una niña. Disfrazada de repartidora, Claire mata a los tres hombres lobo, rescata a la niña y se la devuelve a su madre. Después, Claire recibe una llamada de Jody diciéndole que los Winchester han desaparecido y que Jody necesita su ayuda. Claire regresa a Sioux Falls, donde se muestra escéptica ante las afirmaciones de Patience Turner de que ha tenido una visión de la muerte de Claire. Con la ayuda de Alex, Claire localiza a la caminante de sueños Kaia Nieves, solo para ser atacada por un extraño monstruo. Con la ayuda de Jody, Claire mata al monstruo que Kaia revela que proviene de una realidad alternativa conocida como The Bad Place. Con Kaia tratando de ayudar a los Winchester a abrir una puerta a otro mundo, Claire se da cuenta de que una puerta a The Bad Place todavía está abierta.

Bajo el ataque de las criaturas, el grupo huye y se une a la Sheriff Donna Hanscum para obtener refuerzos. Debido a la visión de Patience, Jody convence a Claire, que se muestra reacia, de que se quede atrás. A medida que Claire se une a Kaia, se preocupa lo suficiente como para guiar a las otras chicas tras Jody y Donna. Claire llega a tiempo para matar a una de las criaturas con un lanzallamas y salvar las vidas de Jody y Donna. Al encontrar la grieta a punto de cerrarse, Jody acepta permitir que Claire siga adelante con Kaia y deje de sobreprotegerla. Claire y Kaia logran rescatar a los Winchester en The Bad Place, pero son emboscados por una figura encapuchada que arroja una lanza a Claire, matando a Kaia cuando salva la vida de Claire. Con un monstruo gigante acercándose y la grieta a punto de cerrarse, los Winchester arrastran a Claire, que se muestra reacia, de regreso a través de la grieta que se cierra momentos después. Jody consuela a Claire, devastada, y este es el verdadero final de la visión de Patience. Claire queda devastada por la pérdida de Kaia y luego se reúne con su familia para cenar, jurando vengarse del asesino de Kaia incluso si tiene que encontrar una manera de abrir otra grieta en The Bad Place. Sin que Claire lo sepa, mientras se sienta a cenar, se abre una grieta en The Bad Place y lleva al asesino de Kaia al mundo de los Winchester. Se revela que el asesino de Kaia es la versión de realidad alternativa de Kaia de The Bad Place.

En "The Scar" de la temporada 14 , Jody y los Winchester rastrean al asesino de Kaia mientras buscan una forma de derrotar al Michael de la realidad alternativa. Habiendo pensado que una serie de asesinatos recientes eran un asesino humano, Jody inicialmente mantiene a Claire fuera del caso por esa razón y luego porque Claire, que estaba enamorada de Kaia, está obsesionada con la venganza contra su asesino. Después de atrapar al asesino de Kaia, apodado Dark Kaia, los tres se enteran de su identidad como la contraparte alternativa de Kaia, quien admite que la muerte de Kaia fue un accidente ya que apuntaba a Claire. Después de una confrontación con algunos de los monstruos de Michael, Dark Kaia escapa después de salvar la vida del grupo, dejando a Jody preguntándose cómo explicar lo que le sucedió a Claire.

En "Galaxy Brain" de la temporada 15 , los Winchester y Jody se encuentran con Dark Kaia una vez más, quien revela que The Bad Place se está muriendo y que Kaia, de hecho, sigue viva, atrapada en The Bad Place después de sobrevivir a su herida. Jody intenta llamar a Claire para informarle del desarrollo, pero no puede comunicarse con ella y no les queda tiempo para esperar a que Claire los ayude a rescatar a Kaia. Jody le dice a Castiel que Claire ha estado obsesionada con cazar a Dark Kaia para vengarse durante dos años e irónicamente está fuera del alcance del teléfono celular en Yosemite persiguiendo a una mujer con una capa negra cuando finalmente consiguen a Dark Kaia. Los dos creen que Claire no sobrevivirá si se entera de que tuvieron la oportunidad de salvar a Kaia y no pudieron salvarla y Castiel convence a Jody de quedarse atrás para que Claire no la pierda también. Con la ayuda de Dark Kaia y Jack, los Winchester regresan a The Bad Place y rescatan a Kaia. Dark Kaia decide quedarse en The Bad Place, donde Dios lo destruye, y muere con su mundo natal. Después de eso, Kaia acepta una invitación para regresar a Sioux Falls con Jody y pregunta por Claire, a quien Jody le promete que regresará pronto a casa.

Decano Winchester

Donna Hanscum

La sheriff Donna Hanscum (interpretada por Briana Buckmaster ) es la sheriff de Stillwater, Minnesota , que, aunque al principio no era consciente de lo sobrenatural, se convirtió en cazadora después de dos encuentros con él. Aparece por primera vez en "The Purge" cuando Sam y Dean investigan muertes misteriosas en las que a las personas con sobrepeso se les drena la mayor parte de su grasa. Donna es retratada como una mujer con sobrepeso a la que recientemente se le ha concedido el divorcio de un hombre que la abandonó por su peso. Ayuda a Sam y Dean al principio de la investigación, pero luego va a un spa donde el dueño, un pishtaco , se alimenta de su grasa, lo que le hace perder diez libras, algo que atribuye a la ventosaterapia. Donna, ligeramente drogada por los roofies que le dieron, sin darse cuenta descubre la tapadera de Sam y Dean en el spa y les explica su pérdida de peso. Una vez finalizado el caso, Sam y Dean lo atribuyen a un asesino en serie psicópata , algo que Donna acepta.

Varios meses después, durante "Hibbing 911", Donna va a un retiro de sheriff en Hibbing, Minnesota , su ciudad natal, donde conoce al sheriff Jody Mills. Los dos se asocian durante el retiro y Jody intenta mantener a Donna fuera del caso en el que las personas son completamente consumidas por un monstruo desconocido a excepción de sus huesos. A su vez, Donna se enoja cuando Jody la defiende de su esposo, quien es extremadamente grosero con ella y, sin saberlo, hace un comentario grosero sobre el propio esposo perdido de Jody, algo de lo que Donna se arrepiente inmediatamente cuando se da cuenta de lo que ha hecho. Donna luego ve a Sam y Dean a quienes Jody llamó y se sorprende al reconocerlos, mientras que Jody se sorprende al darse cuenta de que Donna conoce a sus amigos. Donna finalmente encuentra al Sheriff Len Cues sobre otra víctima y ve que es un monstruo, más específicamente un vampiro, lo que la sorprende. Ella se lo cuenta a Jody y entran a la habitación de Len, donde Donna encuentra una pista sobre la ubicación del nido del vampiro. Cuando Sam y Dean llegan, se ven obligados a contarle a Donna la verdad sobre lo que está sucediendo en Hibbing y lo que sucedió en Stillwater. Donna insiste en ir con ellos y, con el apoyo de Jody, los convence con éxito de que la dejen ir, aunque está un poco inquieta ante la idea de tener que decapitar a los vampiros para matarlos. El grupo es capturado por los vampiros y su líder, Starr, explica que Len solía ser su líder, habiéndoles enseñado a usar todas las partes de su presa, antes de tomar conciencia y abandonarlos. Los vampiros estaban tratando de atraer a Len de regreso y cuando él se niega, Starr lo mata. Dean se libera y mata a dos de los tres vampiros, pero Starr va tras Jody. Donna, que rompió uno de los lentes de sus anteojos y lo usó para liberarse, decapita a Starr, salvando a Jody y bromeando "Hakuna Matata, señora". Más tarde, Donna comenta la experiencia con Jody y le dice que saber que hay monstruos hace que el mundo parezca más grande y oscuro. Jody, elogiando las acciones de Donna, se ofrece a entrenarla para que sea cazadora, algo que Donna acepta.

Donna reaparece más tarde en Plush , llamando a los Winchester después de que un hombre con una máscara de conejo asesinó a un hombre local y la máscara no se quita. Cuando su ayudante, Doug, se ve obligado a matar al joven, Donna queda horrorizada cuando la máscara parece ser un objeto maldito, lo que convierte al joven en otra víctima inocente. Donna quema la máscara y parece haber terminado, pero una joven con un traje de bufón de la corte ataca al entrenador de fútbol local y los Winchester se enteran de que están tratando con un fantasma enojado , no con un objeto maldito. Dean puede romper la posesión del fantasma sobre la joven y Donna inventa una historia y la deja ir porque es inocente. Mientras los Winchester hablan con Rita Johnson, la mujer que donó todos los disfraces poseídos, Donna distrae a su hijo Max. Luego, los Winchester le informan que es el fantasma de Chester Johnson, un artista infantil que se suicidó un par de meses antes. Cuando le dicen que necesitan localizar y quemar los disfraces, Donna se ofrece a lidiar con eso con Doug. Más tarde, Sam la llama después de que otra víctima poseída asesina al entrenador que estaba en coma. Donna y Doug localizan todos los disfraces y los queman, pero cuando Donna llama a Sam, se entera de que ella nunca encontró una máscara de cabeza de ciervo. Después de que el espíritu de Chester es destruido, Donna visita la casa de Johnson con Doug y los Winchester le dicen que, como ahora tiene tres casos en su haber, es una cazadora oficial para su gran alegría. Después de que se van, Donna se disculpa con Doug por su trato hacia él debido a su mala experiencia con su exmarido Doug, que también era policía. Doug la perdona, diciéndole a Donna que él también tiene un equipaje y los dos pueden bromear entre sí cómodamente.

Dos años después, en "Wayward Sisters", Jody Mills llama a Donna para que actúe como refuerzo y ayude a rescatar a los Winchester de la realidad alternativa conocida como The Bad Place. Ahora, convertida en una cazadora de pleno derecho, se dice que Donna ha "matado a muchos vampiros" y posee un arsenal impresionante en su camioneta. Donna ayuda a descubrir la ubicación de la grieta entre los mundos y lucha contra las criaturas de The Bad Place junto a Jody, su hija Alex, Claire Novak y Patience Turner. Después de que el rescate es exitoso, Donna se sienta a cenar con la familia de Jody.

Unas semanas después, en "Breakdown", la sobrina de Donna, Wendy, desaparece. Aunque todas las señales apuntan a un malvado humano, Donna llama a los Winchester en busca de ayuda y ellos acuden en su ayuda junto con Doug, que ahora es su novio. El grupo determina que Wendy ha sido secuestrada por un secuestrador en serie llamado Butterfly y trabaja junto con el agente del FBI Terrance Clegg para intentar resolver el caso. En el camino, Donna se ve obligada a contarle a Doug la verdad sobre los monstruos y su estilo de vida de cazadora cuando descubren que las víctimas están siendo cortadas en pedazos y vendidas como partes de monstruos. Después de que Doug se convierta en vampiro, Donna le pone una rodilla en la rodilla a su padre y lo obliga a divulgar la ubicación de la operación de recolección mientras Dean logra curar a Doug. Donna luego rescata a Wendy, matando al cómplice de Butterfly en el proceso mientras Dean rescata a Sam y mata a Butterfly, que fue el agente Clegg todo el tiempo. Después de los acontecimientos, aunque Doug reconoce la necesidad de que Donna cace, se asusta por lo que ha visto y rompe con Donna, dejándola desconsolada.

En "Nightmare Logic" de la temporada 14 , Mary Winchester y el Bobby Singer alternativo se retiran a la cabaña de Donna para pasar un tiempo libre después de una cacería que le trae malos recuerdos a Bobby.

En "Damaged Goods", Dean visita a Donna en su camino a su cabaña para ver a su madre. Donna le dice que su ruptura con Doug ha sido dura para ella, ya que Doug dejó la fuerza policial y se dedicó a la seguridad privada. Donna nota el comportamiento extraño de Dean y se da cuenta de que algo anda mal. Más tarde, un empleado sospechoso de una tienda de comestibles llama a Donna para avisarle que Nick está buscando a Mary. Donna detiene a Nick en una camioneta robada y se entera por las huellas dactilares de Nick de que Nick es buscado por su ola de asesinatos. Nick noquea a Donna con una pistola eléctrica y se entera de la ubicación de Mary por el teléfono celular de Donna, pero la deja inconsciente en el asiento delantero de su auto de policía en lugar de hacerle más daño. Al despertar, Donna llama a Dean y le advierte de la amenaza que representa Nick. El departamento de policía de Donna los ayuda a rastrear a Nick a través de su camioneta robada y Donna actúa como escolta policial hasta la unidad de almacenamiento donde Nick está liberando a Abraxas. Después de que Nick mata a Abraxas, Donna le dispara a Nick en la pierna para evitar que lastime a Mary y arresta a Nick por su ola de asesinatos.

Eileen Leahy

Eileen Leahy, interpretada por Shoshannah Stern , es una cazadora irlandesa y el legado de los Hombres de Letras.

En 1985, cuando Eileen era un bebé, una Banshee atacó su casa y asesinó a sus padres. Antes de morir, la madre de Eileen logró desterrar a la Banshee con un hechizo, salvando la vida de Eileen pero dejándola sorda . Eileen finalmente fue encontrada y criada por una cazadora llamada Lillian O'Grady que murió de cáncer cuando Eileen tenía dieciséis años.

En "Into the Mystic", Eileen sigue la pista de la Banshee que mató a sus padres hasta una residencia de ancianos en Kansas , donde se encuentra con los Winchester. Disfrazada de criada, Eileen llega a la impresión errónea de que los Winchester son Banshees y ataca a Sam antes de que puedan resolverlo todo. Los Winchester se enteran de que el abuelo de Eileen era un hombre de letras, lo que la convierte en un legado como ellos. Con la ayuda de los Winchester y Mildred Barker, Eileen finalmente mata a la Banshee y se venga. Sin embargo, Eileen decidió seguir siendo una cazadora en lugar de volver a una vida normal.

En "La invasión británica", los Winchester solicitaron la ayuda de Eileen para encontrar a Kelly Kline. Eileen finalmente localizó a un demonio que trabajaba para el Príncipe del Infierno Dagon y obtuvo el número de teléfono de Kelly antes de matar al demonio con una espada de ángel. Eileen participó en la misión para capturar a Kelly Kline e intentó matar a Dagon con el Colt. Sin embargo, Eileen falló y mató accidentalmente al agente de los Hombres de Letras británicos Renny Rawlings. Los Winchester evitaron que Mick Davies matara a una angustiada Eileen y ella decidió regresar a Irlanda por un tiempo, pero no antes de dejarles el Colt a los Winchester.

En "Algo pasa con Mary", Eileen es asesinada por un perro del infierno leal al asesino de los Hombres de Letras británicos Arthur Ketch en Carolina del Sur . Los Winchester se enteran de la muerte de Eileen por Jody Mills y están confundidos y sospechosos, ya que se supone que Eileen está en Irlanda. Más tarde reciben una carta enviada por Eileen cuatro días antes de su muerte diciendo que creía que los Hombres de Letras británicos la estaban siguiendo y espiando su computadora y teléfono. La carta de Eileen hace que los Winchester revisen el búnker y encuentren el equipo de monitoreo de Arthur Ketch. Después de capturar a Lady Toni Bevell, los Winchester se preguntan si la operación británica es responsable de la muerte de Eileen. Si bien Toni no sabe quién es Eileen, confirma la alta probabilidad de que haya sido asesinada por los Hombres de Letras británicos, afirmando que si se sospecha que la organización mató a alguien, probablemente lo hicieron.

En "Golden Time" de la temporada 15 , Eileen regresa como un fantasma, revelando que el perro del infierno arrastró su alma al infierno cuando fue asesinada. Habiendo escapado del infierno cuando Dios liberó todas las almas del infierno en el mundo, Eileen busca la ayuda de Sam y Dean para entrar al cielo, sabiendo que eventualmente se volverá loca como fantasma. Sin embargo, los Winchester han aprendido que una vez que un alma ha sido condenada al infierno, no puede entrar al cielo. En cambio, Dean envía a Sam a buscar los diarios de Rowena para que puedan crear un Atrapa Almas para contener a Eileen. En el apartamento de Rowena, Sam descubre un hechizo que Rowena había creado para resucitar a Mary Winchester y se da cuenta de que también funcionará en Eileen. Después de que las brujas atacan, Eileen es desterrada, pero consigue que Dean ayude a Sam. Eileen lucha contra el fantasma de una bruja hasta que Dean pone el alma de la bruja a descansar. Luego, Sam usa el hechizo de Rowena para resucitar a Eileen.

Ellen Harvelle

Garth Fitzgerald IV

Garth Fitzgerald IV, interpretado por DJ Qualls , es un cazador que generalmente trabaja solo, aunque ha formado equipo con los hermanos Winchester en dos ocasiones. Desde la muerte de Bobby y la posterior ausencia de un año de Sam y Dean, ha asumido el papel de Bobby como coordinador de cazadores, aunque sigue siendo móvil, donde Bobby mantuvo una "base de operaciones", llevando consigo varios teléfonos móviles; incluso ha comenzado a usar el sombrero de Bobby y a intentar imitar las viejas frases de Bobby, aunque esto ha tenido un éxito variable. Como parte de esto, ha comenzado a rastrear a los cazadores a través del GPS de sus teléfonos móviles y a asignarles casos, algo que asusta a Sam, pero Dean dice que es "muy Bobby". Garth revela que antes de convertirse en cazador, estaba trabajando para convertirse en dentista y mató al Hada de los Dientes en su primer caso.

Garth finalmente desaparece en algún momento después de "Taxi Driver" y es encontrado por Sam y Dean en "Sharp Teeth", donde revela que se convirtió en un hombre lobo en una cacería dos meses antes de su desaparición y lo ocultó. Garth se ha unido a una manada de hombres lobo que coexisten pacíficamente con los humanos y se casó con una llamada Bess. Después de que Sam y Dean lo encuentran, les presenta a la manada y trata de convencerlos de que todo está bien, sin embargo, los miembros de la manada adoran a Fenris y quieren gobernar a la humanidad. Con este fin, secuestran a Garth, Bess y Sam, planeando asesinar a Garth y Bess e incriminar a Sam y Dean para incitar a la manada a regresar a sus antiguas creencias y provocar el Ragnarok . Antes de que se pueda llevar a cabo el complot, Dean llega a su rescate y mata a los tres hombres lobo involucrados. Después, Garth, que está molesto por enterarse de la muerte de Kevin y se culpa a sí mismo porque no estuvo allí para él, se ofrece a volver a cazar usando sus nuevos poderes para ayudar a luchar. Sin embargo, Dean reconoce que no todos los hombres lobo son malos y le dice a Garth que se quede con su nueva familia donde ha encontrado la felicidad.

Necesitando ayuda para descubrir los planes de Michael, Garth regresa en "La Lanza", ofreciendo ir de incógnito e infiltrarse en las filas del Arcángel rebelde como un hombre lobo en busca de una mejora. Habiendo sido informado por Sam, tenía la intención de fingir que tomaba el suero, pero luego se ve obligado a consumirlo. Abrumado, más tarde ataca a los cazadores que se acercan, obligando a Sam a someterlo y encerrar a Garth en el baúl del Impala. Sam sugiere que Michael los estaba espiando a través de su conexión con Garth y esperan que matar a Michael libere a Garth de su control. Garth permanece encerrado en el baúl durante "Nihilismo" con eventos posteriores que impiden el plan original de recuperar a Garth hasta que Michael es derrotado y encerrado en la mente de Dean.

En "El viaje de los héroes" de la temporada 15 , Garth llama a los Winchester en busca de ayuda después de que el primo de Bess, Brad, es encontrado gravemente herido por un Espectro. Se muestra que Garth tiene tres hijos y nombró a los dos más pequeños como Sam y Castiel. Con Sam y Dean ahora experimentando problemas de personas normales, Garth y Bess ayudan a tratar las diecisiete caries de Dean y la enfermedad de Sam, Garth se ha convertido en dentista desde que se jubiló. Después de enterarse de la guerra con Dios, Garth sugiere que como Sam y Dean eran los héroes de la historia de Dios, los había protegido de esos problemas mundanos, pero desde entonces los ha degradado a personas normales desde que los Winchester han caído en desgracia ante Dios. Aunque Garth adivina que solo es una estrella invitada especial en la historia, sugiere que es mejor que ser el héroe. Cuando los Winchester van tras el club de lucha de monstruos, dejan atrás a Garth en lugar de arriesgar su vida normal. Sin embargo, Garth aparece más tarde para rescatarlos, infiltrándose en el club de lucha y usando C4 para volarlo todo. Esto y el hecho de que Garth los salve del enorme vampiro Maul hacen que los Winchester sugieran que Garth es el héroe de la historia esta vez. Garth dirige a los Winchester a un lugar de Alaska del que ha oído rumores donde podrían recuperar sus habilidades normales y baila con Bess mientras se alejan.

Gordon Walker

Gordon Walker, interpretado por Sterling K. Brown , es un cazador de vampiros cuyos métodos a menudo lo ponen en desacuerdo con los hermanos Winchester. Gordon se centra en eliminar lo sobrenatural simplemente porque no es humano, mientras que los Winchester están más dispuestos a tolerar entidades sobrenaturales que no están matando activamente a humanos. Gordon disfruta considerándose un asesino que recurre libremente a la tortura, mientras que Sam y Dean se consideran cazadores que solo matan cuando deben hacerlo y no hacen nada a sus enemigos que la situación no les obligue a hacer.

Cuando Gordon tenía 18 años, un vampiro irrumpió en su casa y secuestró a su hermana. Gordon huyó de casa, aprendió a luchar, cazar y matar vampiros, y rastreó al vampiro que se había llevado a su hermana. Mató al vampiro y a su hermana, que se había convertido, lo que marcó el comienzo de su odio por los no muertos. En algún momento durante su carrera como cazador, Gordon conoció a John Winchester y Ellen Harvelle . Ellen lo describió como un cazador hábil en el sentido de que Hannibal Lecter es un buen psiquiatra, que es bueno en su trabajo pero peligroso para todos los que lo rodean.

Gordon es presentado en el episodio "Bloodlust", donde se encuentra con Sam y Dean mientras cazan un nido de vampiros. Al principio, Dean se une a Gordon, pero Gordon demuestra ser sanguinario y sádico mientras tortura a uno de los vampiros capturados, a pesar de que sabe que estos vampiros en particular se alimentan de sangre de ganado y no matan humanos. Después de que Gordon intenta obligar a uno de los vampiros a beber la sangre de Sam mientras la tortura con sangre de hombre muerto, Dean, al ver que el vampiro resiste el impulso, termina golpeando a Gordon en una pelea y deja a Gordon atado a una silla mientras los vampiros escapan. Más tarde, mientras realiza un exorcismo, Gordon se entera de la próxima guerra demoníaca, los hijos especiales de Azazel y los poderes de Sam. En "Hunted", mata a Scott Carey, otro de los "niños especiales", y luego rastrea a Sam e intenta matarlo, convencido de que Sam y los que son como él son "traidores" a la humanidad. Sin embargo, Dean interviene y, después de una pelea, Gordon deja inconsciente a Dean, lo ata y lo usa como cebo para atrapar a Sam en una trampa de granadas con cables trampa. Sam logra evadir la trampa y deja inconsciente a Gordon. Cuando los hermanos abandonan la casa dañada, Gordon recupera la conciencia y los persigue, disparando dos pistolas en su dirección. La policía llega para someter a Gordon, basándose en una pista anónima de Sam, y encuentra su escondite de armas en su coche.

En "Bad Day at Black Rock", Gordon se muestra en prisión, donde convence a un compañero cazador que está de visita para que persiga a Sam Winchester, convencido de que Sam estuvo involucrado en la apertura de la Trampa del Diablo, independientemente de las afirmaciones de Bobby de que Sam estaba tratando de detenerla. Gordon finalmente escapa de la prisión y, una vez más, persigue a los hermanos Winchester en "Fresh Blood". Sin embargo, es capturado y posteriormente convertido por un vampiro. Gordon, sin embargo, se vuelve contra su padre, mata a otros dos vampiros y luego prepara una trampa para los hermanos Winchester, todavía convencido de que es su deber como cazador librar al mundo de Sam Winchester. Se produce una pelea en un almacén donde Gordon sostiene a una niña que ha secuestrado y convertido para usarla como cebo, terminando con Sam decapitándolo con un garrote improvisado con alambre de púas.

Según el creador de la serie, Eric Kripke, Gordon originalmente iba a aprender sobre el cazador que Sam mató mientras estaba poseído y usarlo para convencer a más cazadores de volverse contra Sam. Esto estaba destinado a ser un arco argumental que se extendiera a lo largo de varios episodios. Sin embargo, Sterling K. Brown fue contratado para la serie de televisión de Lifetime Army Wives , y Lifetime solo le permitiría regresar a Supernatural por dos episodios más. [21]

Gwen Campbell

Gwen Campbell, interpretada por Jessica Heafey , es una cazadora y prima tercera relacionada con el lado materno de la familia de Sam y Dean. Cuando Sam vuelve a entrar en la vida de Dean en "Exile on Main Street", revela que ha vuelto hace un año y está cazando con los Campbell, incluida Gwen. Ella y los demás ayudan a los hermanos a derrotar a un Djinn. Gwen está presente en el complejo en "Two and a Half Men" cuando los hermanos llegan con un bebé cambiaformas, y es dominada, junto con los demás, cuando llega el cambiaformas Alfa. Cuando caza al vampiro Alfa en "Family Matters", se le ordena quedarse atrás y eliminar a los rezagados con Dean. Ella y Dean luchan bien juntos, y ella cubre a Dean cuando desobedece las órdenes. Sin embargo, se pone del lado de Samuel al final del episodio cuando sostiene a los Winchester a punta de pistola, y lo sigue incluso cuando se revela que ha estado trabajando para Crowley. Gwen aparece nuevamente en "...Y no quedó ninguno", cazando con Samuel. Mientras investigan una serie de asesinatos, se encuentran con Bobby, Rufus, Sam y Dean. Gwen le dice a Dean que no sabía que Samuel los había traicionado ante Crowley. La criatura responsable de las muertes, llamada el Gusano Khan , infecta a Dean, quien mata a Gwen.

Henry Winchester

Henry Winchester, interpretado por Gil McKinney , es el padre de John Winchester , abuelo de Sam y Dean y miembro de la sociedad secreta conocida como los Hombres de Letras. Henry desapareció en 1958 y su hijo creyó que había abandonado a su familia.


En "As Time Goes By", el 12 de agosto de 1958, la noche de la iniciación oficial de Henry en los Hombres de Letras, la orden es atacada por el demonio Abaddon, que posee a la amiga de Henry, Josie Sands. Mientras el demonio masacra a todos los demás, Henry recibe una misteriosa caja del anciano superviviente de los Hombres de Letras, Larry Ganem, y se le ordena protegerla de Abaddon. Escapando a través del tiempo, Henry termina saliendo del armario de la habitación del motel de sus nietos en el año 2013, después de haber superado su intento de obtener ayuda de John más cerca de su propio tiempo. La llegada de Henry y la búsqueda de John crean mucha confusión para los Winchester, que solo lo conocían como su abuelo, que supuestamente había abandonado a John cuando tenía cuatro años. Henry les revela a Sam y Dean la historia de su familia con los Hombres de Letras, un legado familiar que se remonta a siglos atrás y del que los Winchester no estaban al tanto, ya que Henry no había estado presente para pasárselo a John y la orden había sido aniquilada por Abaddon. Sin embargo, Henry expresa su disgusto por el hecho de que sus nietos sean cazadores debido a que tienen una mala opinión de los cazadores en general. Al enterarse del destino de su hijo, Henry intenta viajar en el tiempo y cambiar las cosas, pero Dean lo detiene. Al mismo tiempo, Sam se entera por Larry Ganem que la caja contiene una llave que abre un verdadero tesoro sobrenatural que nunca debe caer en manos de Abaddon. Después de que el demonio captura a Sam, Dean acepta intercambiar a Henry y la caja por Sam, pero los dos hombres conspiran juntos para derrotar al demonio. Henry es capaz de atrapar a Abaddon en el cuerpo de Josie con una bala de trampa del diablo en la cabeza, pero resulta mortalmente herido en el proceso. Incapaz de matar al poderoso demonio, Dean se aprovecha de que Henry la atrapó para cortar al demonio y enterrar los pedazos para sepultarla para siempre. Henry muere en los brazos de sus nietos, contento con su propio sacrificio, disculpándose por su disgusto anterior de que fueran cazadores y proclamando que mientras los Winchester sigan existiendo, todavía hay esperanza. También expresa su orgullo por John, seguro de que era un buen hombre basándose en lo que vio en Sam y Dean. Sam y Dean entierran a Henry cerca de sus amigos de los Hombres de Letras y deciden abrazar el legado familiar que Henry les había presentado.

En "Todos odian a Hitler", los Winchester localizan el búnker de los Hombres de Letras, el lugar que la llave que Henry custodiaba se abre y se convierte en su nueva base de operaciones.

En "Blade Runners", Sam y Dean llaman la atención del expulsado Hombre de Letras Cuthbert "Magnus" Sinclair al revelar que son los nietos de Henry. Magnus revela que antes de su expulsión de los Hombres de Letras en 1956, fue el mentor de Henry en la orden. Magnus llama a Henry una especie de rebelde y comenta que Henry seguiría visitándolo incluso después de que lo expulsaran.

En "La pequeña ayudante de la madre", poco antes de su iniciación en los Hombres de Letras, Henry y Josie son enviados a investigar posibles posesiones demoníacas en un convento. Esta misión de campo es su prueba final antes de su iniciación oficial, pero Henry expresa dudas sobre unirse a la orden y los peligros que conlleva. También se da a entender que Josie alberga sentimientos románticos no correspondidos por Henry. Sin que Henry y Josie lo sepan, varias de las monjas, incluida la Madre Superiora, están poseídas por Abaddon y sus seguidores que roban almas para sus propios fines. Henry y Josie logran exorcizar a dos de los demonios, pero demuestran no ser rival para Abaddon, quien noquea a Henry. Josie logra convencer al Caballero del Infierno de poseerla a ella en lugar de a Henry y los demonios sobrevivientes fingen una victoria de Henry y Josie. En realidad, Abaddon planea infiltrarse y luego destruir a los Hombres de Letras. Sin saber la verdad, Henry se va con Abaddon, con su fe en su propósito renovada. En el presente, Sam se entera de estos hechos por una monja que presenció lo sucedido y lo relaciona con su abuelo. Al enfrentarse y matar al otro demonio restante de 1958, Sam se entera de que los demonios habían estado robando almas para crear su propio ejército de demonios leales solo a Abaddon.

En "King of the Damned", Abaddon incapacita a Crowley con una bala trampa del diablo, algo que ella atribuye a lo que aprendió de Henry. Abaddon también usa el hechizo de viaje en el tiempo que Henry había usado para escapar a 2013 para secuestrar al hijo de Crowley, Gavin, del pasado, como palanca en su contra. En la pelea que sigue, Dean finalmente mata a Abaddon con la Primera Espada, vengando la muerte de Henry.

En "Family Feud", Sam menciona que Henry había usado previamente el hechizo cuando los Winchester se preparaban para usarlo para devolver a Gavin a su propio tiempo.

En "Líbano", cuando un John desplazado en el tiempo del año 2003 aparece en el búnker, Sam y Dean le dicen la verdad sobre lo que le había pasado a su padre y que Henry probablemente estaría muy feliz de ver a John en el búnker.

EnLos Winchester

En "Pilot", el 23 de marzo de 1972, John regresa a casa después de luchar en la Guerra de Vietnam , después de haber logrado alistar a un menor de edad falsificando la firma de Henry en una exención. Durante su viaje a casa, un hombre apareció misteriosamente y luego desapareció después de darle a John una carta de Henry diciéndole que si John había recibido esta carta, entonces Henry se había ido. Sin embargo, hay un mundo peligroso ahí fuera y que la familia Winchester ha estado involucrada en la lucha contra ese peligro durante siglos. La carta de Henry le proporciona a John una dirección que promete contener las respuestas que John busca y una clave para ello. La dirección resulta ser una casa club de Hombres de Letras en Lawrence, Kansas , donde John recupera varias pertenencias de su padre del casillero de Henry y se ve envuelto en la vida de caza y la lucha de los Hombres de Letras contra los Akrida. La esposa de Henry y madre de John, Millie, admite más tarde que sabía la verdad sobre el trabajo de Henry como Hombre de Letras, pero se la había ocultado a John para protegerlo. Ada Monroe le cuenta a John que conocía a Henry, quien una vez había acudido a ella en busca de un libro sobre los Espectros. Sin embargo, Ada no sabe qué pasó con Henry ni con los otros Hombres de Letras que desaparecieron en 1958.

En "Reflexiones", el Club de Monstruos descubre notas sobre el Ostium y el Akrida escritas a mano por Henry. Para obtener más información sobre la caja, invocan al fantasma de Henry, quien finalmente logra despedirse de su familia. Henry revela cómo recargar el Ostium usando un trozo de roca del universo natal de Akrida que Henry había escondido en caso de que Akrida regresara alguna vez. Sin embargo, su intento de derrotar a Akrida falla ya que no pueden encontrar a la Reina Akrida.

En "Lanza tu destino al viento", John reconoce al hombre que le dio la carta de Henry en una de las fotografías de Samuel Campbell. Se revela que el hombre es Dean Winchester , hijo de John y nieto de Henry.

En "Mentes sospechosas", John y Mary, mientras tratan con el ex hombre de letras Jack Wilcox, descubren que lo expulsaron de la orden porque Henry lo había expuesto por experimentación humana ilegal.

En "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye", en un flashback, Dean le da la carta de Henry a John, ante la advertencia de Bobby Singer , ya que se supone que no deben interferir. No queda claro cómo Dean obtuvo la carta, pero simplemente le dice a Bobby que estaba destinada a John y que solo está impulsando las cosas. La Reina Akrida, Joan Hopkins, revela que, después de que los Hombres de Letras derrotaran a los Akrida en 1957, había usado lo último de su poder para matarlos a todos, incluido Henry. Después de la destrucción de los Akrida, Dean les revela a sus padres que en realidad están en un universo alternativo y que ellos y Henry no son John, Mary y Henry de Supernatural, sino sus contrapartes alternativas.

Jesse y Cesar Cuevas

Jesse y Cesar Cuevas, interpretados por Valin Shinyei y Hugo Ateo respectivamente, son una pareja de cazadores casados ​​que aparecen en la temporada 11 .

En un flashback a 1989 en Gunnison, Colorado, en "The Chitters", Jesse, de doce años, es testigo de cómo su hermano mayor Matty es secuestrado por monstruos. En el presente, Jesse y su esposo Cesar aparecen a tiempo para salvar a Dean de los mismos monstruos que Jesse identifica como Bisaan, espíritus de cigarras de Malasia que emergen cada veintisiete años para poseer personas y reproducirse. Impulsado por la necesidad de venganza por la pérdida de su hermano, Jesse ha regresado con Cesar para cazar a los monstruos. Cesar le admite en privado a Dean que si no consiguen al Bisaan, Jesse está dispuesto a esperar otros veintisiete años para tener su oportunidad. Por sugerencia de Sam, Jesse y Sam visitan al ex sheriff mientras Dean y Cesar buscan la madriguera. Jesse y Sam se enteran por el sheriff de que había logrado rastrear al Bisaan, pero descubrió que su hija era uno de ellos. Después de verse obligado a matar a su hija en defensa propia y creer que los monstruos estaban muriendo, el sheriff mintió para encubrir todo el asunto. Le da a Sam y Jesse la ubicación de la madriguera que Dean y Cesar encuentran al mismo tiempo. Los dos cazadores encuentran a las madres embarazadas ya muertas y son atacados por los dos Bisaan sobrevivientes. Dean y Cesar matan a las criaturas mediante decapitación y terminan la pesadilla. Para cuando Jesse llega, los Bisaan ya están muertos, pero se le permite ser él quien queme los huevos para asegurarse de que el ciclo nunca se repita nuevamente.

En la guarida de los Bisaan, Jesse descubre los restos de su hermano junto con los cadáveres de todas las demás víctimas de los Bisaan. Mientras los Winchester se ocupan de los demás cadáveres, Jesse le ofrece a Matty un funeral de cazador y finalmente puede dejar atrás su pasado. Aunque los Winchester consideran pedir ayuda a Jesse y Cesar contra la Oscuridad, los dos hombres revelan que se están retirando de la vida, habiendo planeado que la cacería de los Bisaan fuera la última si tenían éxito. Jesse y Cesar les dicen a los Winchester que han comprado una granja de caballos en Nuevo México a la que se retirarán y que Jesse también es un ex EMT si necesitan otra fuente de ingresos. Sam y Dean deciden dejar que los dos hombres se vayan, acordando que un cazador que se venga y realmente decide dejar la vida merece tener esa oportunidad.

Jo Harvelle

Jody Mills

Juan Winchester

Lily Sunder

Lily Sunder, interpretada por Alicia Witt , es una profesora de literatura apocalíptica convertida en cazadora de ángeles que aparece en la temporada 12. Reaparece en la temporada 14 interpretada por Veronica Cartwright .

A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, Lily trabajó como profesora de literatura apocalíptica y estaba fascinada por los ángeles. Finalmente encontró un hechizo para invocar a uno, Ishim, quien le enseñó los secretos de los ángeles. Sin embargo, Ishim se obsesionó peligrosamente con Lily. Reconociendo que Ishim era un monstruo, Lily lo dejó y se casó con el serafín Akobel para protegerse. Sin embargo, en 1901, Ishim la persiguió para vengarse. Acompañado por los ángeles Benjamin, Mirabel, Castiel y otros dos, Ishim llegó con el pretexto de que la hija de Lily, May, era una Nephilim que tenía que ser asesinada. Akobel le ordenó a Lily que corriera mientras él se enfrentaba a los ángeles y fue asesinado. Ishim se enfrentó a Lily solo y asesinó a May frente a ella antes de dejar a Lily con vida. Deseando venganza, Lily comenzó a usar la magia enoquiana para darse la inmortalidad y varios poderes a costa de que partes de su alma se quemaran cada vez que los usaba. Después de la Caída de los Ángeles en 2013, Lily aprovechó el estado debilitado de los ángeles para matar a dos de la guarnición de Ishim que habían participado en el asesinato de su familia durante los siguientes años.

En 2017, en " Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets ", Lily se enfrenta a Benjamin en una sala de juegos y se enfrenta al ángel en la batalla. Después de permitir que Benjamin haga una llamada de socorro, Lily lo mata con una espada de ángel. Luego, Lily se enfrenta a Mirabel afuera de un restaurante donde se reúne con Ishim y Castiel, los últimos objetivos de Lily. Lily mata rápidamente a Mirabel y dirige su atención a Ishim cuando emerge. Los nuevos poderes de Lily le otorgan inmunidad a los golpes de Ishim y ella lo hiere, pero la pelea es interrumpida por los Winchester y Castiel. Después de ser herida ella misma y no querer dañar a los humanos, Lily usa una ráfaga de luz blanca para cegar a todos y huye en un auto alquilado a su hotel donde cura sus heridas.

Después de conocer la historia de lo que sucedió en 1901, los Winchester rastrean a Lily a través de su auto alquilado para tratar de convencerla de que no vaya tras Castiel. Al enterarse de que creen que May era una Nephilim, Lily les cuenta la verdad sobre lo que sucedió. Sam y Dean le creen y Dean se va a buscar a Castiel mientras Lily se queda con Sam y lo convence de la amenaza que representa Ishim para Dean. Lily y Sam llegan cuando Ishim se prepara para matar a Dean y Lily se enfrenta a Ishim en la batalla. Incluso con la ayuda de los Winchester, Lily demuestra no ser rival para Ishim, que lucha a través de su telequinesis y se prepara para matarla con su espada de ángel. Para sorpresa de Lily, Castiel la salva y mata a Ishim por detrás con su espada de ángel. Aunque Lily se venga con la muerte de Ishim, no está segura de si puede o no dejar de lado su venganza contra Castiel debido a que la venganza es todo lo que ha tenido durante más de un siglo. Castiel se disculpa con Lily y le promete que si ella descubre que no puede perdonarlo y quiere volver a buscarlo para vengarse algún día, él la estará esperando. Entre lágrimas, Lily le agradece a Castiel y se va, presumiblemente para comenzar una nueva vida.

En "Byzantium", Sam llama a Lily para pedirle ayuda con la esperanza de que pueda traducir las notas de Kevin Tran en la tablilla del ángel y encontrar una manera de traer de vuelta al fallecido Jack. Ahora que es mayor y ha dejado de usar la magia que prolongaba su vida, Lily no puede leer las notas de la tablilla, pero ofrece una manera de salvar a Jack usando su magia enoquiana que permitirá que la propia alma de Jack lo sostenga. A cambio, Lily pide que los Winchester aseguren su admisión al Cielo, explicando que todavía le queda una parte de su alma y desea reunirse con su hija cuando muera. Los Winchester convocan a Anubis, quien pesa el alma de Lily y determina que irá al Infierno. Anubis explica que solo las elecciones de una persona determinan su destino final y que no puede cambiar el destino de Lily. A pesar de este revés, Dean convence a Lily para que los ayude para que no tengan que experimentar la pérdida de un hijo como lo hizo ella. Lily logra ayudar a resucitar a Jack y curar su condición.

Momentos después de la resurrección de Jack, Lily sufre un ataque cardíaco fatal y muere en silencio. En el más allá, Lily es recibida por Anubis, quien nuevamente pesa su alma y determina que Lily ahora puede entrar al Cielo. Se da a entender que Lily sabía que ayudar a Jack sería fatal para ella y ayudó de todos modos y que esta acción desinteresada cambió su destino. Anubis envía el alma de Lily para que se reúna por fin con su hija, mientras Lily sonríe feliz y en paz.

María Winchester

Mary Winchester (née Campbell), interpretada regularmente por Samantha Smith, pero representada por Amy Gumenick en los episodios de viajes en el tiempo " In the Beginning " y " The Song Remains the Same ", mientras que una versión más joven interpretada por Meg Donnelly apareció en la serie secuela The Winchesters , es la esposa de John Winchester y madre de Sam y Dean . Nació en 1954, hija de Samuel y Deanna Campbell, que eran cazadores, y se crió en una vida de caza.


Dean, enviado al pasado por el ángel Castiel, sin saberlo, atrae la atención de Azazel sobre Mary a través de sus acciones. Azazel mata a sus padres y a su entonces novio John Winchester, después de lo cual negocia con Mary por la vida de John, ofreciéndole resucitarlo si le permite entrar a su casa diez años después. Sin saber las intenciones de Azazel, ella acepta, casándose finalmente con John y dejando la vida de cazadora. Algún tiempo después, cuando está embarazada de Dean, Dean y Sam adultos la visitan nuevamente para advertirle sobre Anna Milton, quien tiene la intención de matar a Mary antes de que pueda dar a luz a sus hijos y así evitar el Apocalipsis. Ella es protegida con éxito cuando Michael posee a John para matar a Anna, luego borra los recuerdos de Mary para que la historia siga siendo la misma. En 1980, Mary regresa brevemente a la caza para "atar algunos cabos sueltos". Esto incluye viajar a Manitoba, Canadá y matar a un hombre lobo con el que tiene algún tipo de historia. En el proceso, Mary salva la vida de un niño llamado Asa Fox, inspirándolo a convertirse en un cazador legendario en el proceso.

En el episodio piloto , seis meses después del nacimiento de Sam en 1983, Mary se despertó por los sonidos de él llorando en su cuna. Descubrió a Azazel allí, quien luego se reveló que había estado alimentando a Sam con su sangre demoníaca, y lo confrontó, pero él la inmovilizó contra el techo y la cortó en el abdomen, finalmente estallando en llamas. Según "The Kids Are Alright", Azazel luego mató a todos sus amigos y conocidos restantes, presumiblemente para que sus hijos no tuvieran ninguna pista sobre su muerte. Se revela en " Home " que Mary ha estado actuando como un espíritu guardián de la antigua casa de los Winchester en Lawrence, Kansas . Ella lucha contra el poltergeist que acecha la casa y obliga a ambos espíritus a irse.

Como agradecimiento por haberla reconciliado con Dios en " Alpha and Omega ", la Oscuridad trae de vuelta a Mary tal como apareció en el momento de su muerte. Dean le informa sobre los acontecimientos que sucedieron en los 33 años transcurridos desde su muerte; para su consternación, se entera de que John está muerto y que sus esfuerzos por proteger a su familia del mundo de los cazadores son inútiles.

En la temporada 12 , Mary lucha por adaptarse al mundo que ha cambiado mucho de lo que una vez conoció y los cambios en sus hijos. La lucha de Mary la lleva a aislarse de sus hijos, mientras que su deseo de crear un mundo libre de monstruos lleva a Mary a aliarse con los Hombres de Letras británicos, particularmente su principal asesino Arthur Ketch. Se muestra que Mary es una cazadora con habilidades formidables, descrita por Arthur como el mejor cazador que haya visto. La propia Mary afirma que era buena cazando antes de renunciar a la vida. La asociación de Mary con los Hombres de Letras británicos lleva a que le laven el cerebro para convertirla en una asesina sin mente utilizada para matar a los cazadores estadounidenses. Después de ser capturada por Jody Mills, Dean rompe el lavado de cerebro de Mary con la ayuda de Lady Toni Bevell a tiempo para que Mary mate a Arthur Ketch y salve la vida de Dean. Al reunirse con sus hijos, Mary atiende a Kelly Kline mientras da a luz al hijo Nephilim de Lucifer , Jack, y se sacrifica para atrapar a Lucifer en la realidad alternativa conocida como Mundo Apocalipsis, atrapándose con él.

En la temporada 13 , Mary queda atrapada en Apocalypse World mientras sus hijos intentan rescatarla. Originalmente atrapada con Lucifer, Mary es capturada y torturada por el arcángel Miguel, el gobernante de Apocalypse World. Un intento de sus hijos por rescatarla lleva a que el hijo de Lucifer, Jack, también quede atrapado con Mary. Trabajando juntos, Jack y Mary escapan de la fortaleza de Michael y se unen con parte de la población humana sobreviviente liderada por Bobby Singer . Mientras recuerda con Bobby sobre su contraparte fallecida, Mary se entera de que en Apocalypse World, su contraparte nunca hizo el trato con Azazel para traer de regreso a John como se ve en "In The Beginning" de la temporada 4. Mary se da cuenta de que, como resultado, Sam y Dean nunca existieron para detener el Apocalipsis y recibe consuelo de Bobby de que su propia decisión de hacer el trato fue, de hecho, la correcta después de todo. Mary ayuda a defender la colonia de Bobby contra un ataque de ángeles liderado por Zachariah y, junto con Jack, forma una resistencia contra Michael como lo aprenden Dean y un Arthur Ketch resucitado cuando visitan brevemente Apocalypse World en "Bring 'em Back Alive".

Mary finalmente regresa al mundo original con los refugiados de 'Apocalypse World', formando una relación tentativa con el Bobby alternativo mientras intentan luchar contra la amenaza del Michael alternativo mientras intenta tomar a Dean como su recipiente. Más tarde se reúne con John por un breve tiempo cuando un deseo mágico trae a John hacia adelante a través del tiempo desde 2003. Michael finalmente es derrotado cuando Jack lo destierra, pero Jack comienza a dañar su alma cuando aprovecha sus poderes después de una confrontación con Lucifer, lo que resulta en que mate a Mary por accidente. Su intento de devolverle la vida a Mary solo restaura su cuerpo, y cuando Castiel va al Cielo para recuperar su alma, se entera de que se ha reunido con John Winchester en el Cielo, lo que llevó a Castiel a dejar que Mary permanezca muerta para que pueda estar con él.

Según el creador de la serie, Eric Kripke, su relación con Azazel se suponía que se abordaría en la tercera temporada, pero se retrasó hasta la cuarta temporada debido a la huelga de escritores de 2007-08 . [22]

EnLos Winchester

En "Pilot", el 23 de marzo de 1972, una joven Mary conoce a John Winchester cuando regresa a casa después de luchar en la Guerra de Vietnam . Mary luego rescata a John de un demonio y, de mala gana, lo introduce al mundo de lo sobrenatural. El padre de Mary, Samuel, ha desaparecido recientemente durante un viaje de caza y ha enviado a Mary a recuperar un esquema de una antigua casa club de Hombres de Letras de una caja misteriosa. Al formar equipo con John y sus amigos Carlos Cervantez y Latika Desai, Mary persigue tanto a su padre desaparecido como a la caja. Mary le revela a John que está consumida por la culpa por la reciente muerte de su prima Maggie y, como resultado, busca dejar la vida de caza. Aunque el grupo no puede encontrar a Samuel, logran localizar la caja que puede atrapar y matar demonios. Ada Monroe revela que Samuel estaba buscando la caja, ya que es lo único que puede matar a Akrida, una fuerza malévola que no es de este mundo y que busca invadir y destruir todo tipo de vida. Aunque los Hombres de Letras los habían detenido en el pasado, ahora se han ido, lo que deja a los Akrida libres para invadir. Mary decide continuar con el trabajo de Samuel y con la búsqueda de su padre, junto con John, Carlos, Latika y Ada.

Rufus Turner

Rufus Turner, interpretado por Steven Williams , es un cazador semi-retirado que ayudó a Bobby Singer cuando su esposa, Karen Singer, fue poseída por un demonio. Rufus exorcizó al demonio y ayudó a encubrir la muerte de Karen. Es Rufus quien le presentó a Bobby el mundo de lo sobrenatural, y cazaron juntos durante muchos años hasta que una cacería salió mal en Omaha, Nebraska, y alguien importante para Rufus murió. Se distanciaron después de esto. Quince años después, Rufus responde a la solicitud de información de Bobby sobre Bela Talbot y ayuda a Dean a localizarla en "Time Is On My Side". Regresa a la caza activa después de que Lucifer se levanta y comienza el Apocalipsis.

Rufus es presentado en el episodio de la tercera temporada "Time Is on My Side" cuando Bobby, que no ha tenido noticias de Rufus en aproximadamente 15 años, recibe una llamada telefónica en la que Rufus le avisa del paradero de Bela Talbot. Dean visita a Rufus, a pesar de que Sam se opone a la idea de buscar a Bela, ya que solo tienen un par de semanas hasta que se acabe el trato de Dean. Rufus le presenta a Dean una carpeta manila sobre Bela, que le brinda a Dean detalles nuevos e interesantes de su pasado.

Rufus aparece fuera de la pantalla en "Cuando se rompe el dique", cuando llama a Bobby con la noticia de que se han roto más de los 66 sellos.

En "Good God Y'All", Rufus se dirige a un pueblo que cree que está bajo ataque de demonios, basándose en presagios de un río contaminado y una estrella fugaz. Llama a Ellen, Jo y Bobby para pedir ayuda. Cuando Sam y Dean llegan, él y Jo se han separado de Ellen. Jo y Rufus capturan a Sam, pensando que está poseído. Más tarde, Ellen y Dean ayudan a romper el hechizo que War tiene sobre ellos. Bobby habla por teléfono con Rufus sobre presagios que pueden indicar la aparición de la Muerte , en "The Devil You Know".

En "Weekend at Bobby's", Rufus llega al Singer Salvage Yard para deshacerse del cuerpo de un Okami aparentemente muerto . Bobby lo asiste y lo ayuda a evadir la captura del FBI. Sin embargo, se revela que el Okami todavía está vivo y, posteriormente, Bobby lo elimina. Después, Rufus usa sus contactos para descubrir información sobre la vida de Crowley como humano y luego roba un anillo de sello de un museo que alguna vez perteneció al hijo de Crowley como parte del intento de Bobby de recuperar su alma del demonio. Rufus investiga el mismo caso que los Winchester y Bobby, en "... And Then There Were None". Más tarde, el grupo se encuentra con Samuel y Gwen Campbell, y descubre que el monstruo es una nueva raza creada por Eve, el "Gusano Khan". Después de que Gwen y Samuel son asesinados, Rufus es apuñalado por un Bobby poseído. Como la cremación no se lleva a cabo en la tradición judía, Rufus es enterrado en un cementerio judío en lugar de recibir una pira funeraria de Hunter. Bobby vierte un poco de la bebida favorita de Rufus, Johnnie Walker Blue Label, sobre la tumba antes de beber un trago él también.

Después de quedar en coma tras recibir un disparo en la cabeza de Dick Roman, Bobby revive varios recuerdos de Sam, Dean, Karen, su familia y Rufus. Recordar a Rufus tiene un efecto traumático en Bobby, y le revela a Rufus que es solo un recuerdo que aparece en la mente comatosa de Bobby. Aunque inicialmente no lo cree, Rufus acompaña a Bobby en una búsqueda a través del pasado en la que Bobby se enfrenta a sus peores recuerdos para recuperarse momentáneamente de su herida de bala.

En "Safe House", los flashbacks muestran un caso en el que Bobby y Rufus trabajaron juntos durante la cuarta temporada, donde Rufus llamó a Bobby para pedirle ayuda en una aparente casa embrujada. Sin embargo, los dos finalmente se dieron cuenta de que estaban tratando con un ser conocido como Devorador de Almas en lugar de un fantasma. Incapaz de matar al Devorador de Almas, Rufus pintó un sigilo que lo atraparía, pero el Devorador de Almas sacó el alma de Bobby de su cuerpo y lo llevó a su "nido" fuera del tiempo y el espacio, usando a Bobby para atacar a Rufus. Rufus sometió al poseído Bobby y terminó el sigilo, atrapando al Devorador de Almas en su nido. Más tarde le deja a Bobby la botella de Johnny Walker Blue encontrada por Sam y Jody Mills en "Time After Time", ya que Bobby tenía razón sobre lo que estaban tratando y descarta las preocupaciones de Bobby sobre cómo escapó del nido.

Sam Winchester

Samuel Campbell

Samuel Campbell, interpretado por Mitch Pileggi y Tom Welling , es el abuelo materno de Sam y Dean Winchester, y el homónimo de Sam Winchester.


En el episodio de la cuarta temporada "In the Beginning", donde Dean es transportado al pasado, se revela que él y su esposa Deanna son cazadores. Dean descubre que Samuel está siendo poseído por Azazel , y Samuel muere cuando Azazel abandona su cuerpo.

Samuel regresa como un personaje recurrente en la sexta temporada, donde en el estreno, se revela que Samuel fue bajado del Cielo al mismo tiempo que Sam fue resucitado del Infierno. Si bien afirma no tener idea de por qué fue traído de vuelta, se muestra que él, Sam y los otros miembros sobrevivientes de la familia Campbell capturan peligrosas criaturas sobrenaturales a espaldas de Dean, en lugar de matarlas.

Samuel, que conoce la cura del vampirismo, regresa durante una serie de ataques de vampiros en Limestone, Illinois, después de que Dean se convirtiera en vampiro. Sabiendo que Sam también sabía sobre la cura, concluye que Sam quería que Dean estuviera dentro del nido para localizar al vampiro alfa, aunque Sam lo niega.

Más tarde se revela que Samuel fue resucitado por Crowley y que trabaja con él en un intento de encontrar la ubicación del Purgatorio (la otra vida para los monstruos) a cambio de la resurrección de su hija. Después de que Samuel traicionara a los Winchester cuando intentaron matar a Crowley, alegando que Mary era la única familia que le importaba, Dean jura matar a su abuelo la próxima vez que se encuentren.

En el episodio "Sin perdón", se ve un caso en el que trabajó durante el año que pasó cazando con Sam, durante el cual se muestra que Samuel está perturbado por las acciones desalmadas de Sam, usando a uno de sus aliados actuales como cebo para atrapar a un monstruo.

En "...Y no quedó ninguno", Samuel y Gwen se encuentran con Sam, Dean, Rufus y Bobby mientras todos investigan el mismo caso. Sam evita que Dean mate a Samuel, sintiendo que todavía puede ser de alguna utilidad. Samuel se entera de que Sam ha recuperado su alma y no recuerda el tiempo que pasaron juntos. Gwen revela que no sabía de la traición de Samuel, pero es asesinada por Dean, quien está poseído por el gusano Khan. Samuel no se disculpa cuando se enfrenta a los hermanos, aunque parecía arrepentido por ello. Posteriormente se revela que estaba poseído por el gusano Khan y Sam lo mata a tiros. Sin embargo, el gusano Khan no muere y usa su cuerpo para atacar al grupo, pero es expulsado de Samuel cuando Bobby lo arroja contra un cable con corriente, lo electrocuta y revela la debilidad del gusano Khan.

En "Stuck In the Middle (With You)", una Mary resucitada le revela a Arthur Ketch que Samuel solía contarle historias sobre el Colt. A diferencia de la leyenda de que John Winchester sabía sobre el arma, la versión de Samuel tenía la información correcta de que solo había cinco cosas que no podía matar en lugar de que pudiera matar cualquier cosa.

En "Oye, esa no es manera de decir adiós", a Dean y Bobby les resulta extraño ver a Samuel del mundo del Monster Club con una cabellera abundante, en referencia a sus encuentros con esta versión de Samuel.

EnLos Winchester

En "Pilot", en marzo de 1972, Samuel desaparece después de abrir una tumba secreta escondida en un cementerio de Nueva Orleans. Antes de desaparecer, Samuel le ordena a Mary que recupere un esquema de una misteriosa caja de una casa club de Hombres de Letras, pero mantiene en secreto el verdadero propósito de sus acciones, lo que la alarma ya que es algo que Samuel nunca hace. Mary se une a John Winchester, Carlos Cervantez y Latika Dar para encontrar a su padre desaparecido y la caja. El grupo descubre que es un arma creada por los Hombres de Letras que puede atrapar y destruir monstruos y la ubica en la tumba secreta que Samuel había abierto. Sin embargo, no hay señales del propio Samuel. Ada Monroe, que había estado ayudando a Samuel a buscar en varias propiedades de los Hombres de Letras, revela que Samuel se había enterado de la existencia de los Akrida, monstruos que no son de este mundo que quieren invadir, destruir todo tipo de vida en la Tierra y apoderarse del mundo por sí mismos. Con los Hombres de Letras desaparecidos y sin poder detenerlos, Samuel ha estado intentando detener a los Akrida encontrando el lugar por el que cruzan a este mundo y usando la caja (lo único que puede matarlos) para detenerlos. Mary y sus amigos deciden continuar la búsqueda de Samuel y terminar lo que él empezó. En el siguiente episodio, encuentran varios zombis muertos y un casquillo gastado con las iniciales de Samuel, pero tanto Samuel como la información sobre los Akrida han desaparecido y tienen una pista sobre un nuevo caso que deben seguir.

En "Reflexiones", Samuel ha sido capturado por el líder Akrida que posee a Rockin' Roxy, quien ofrece intercambiar a Samuel por la caja, en realidad algo llamado Ostium que puede desterrar a los Akrida de regreso a su propio mundo. Aceptan hacer el intercambio, pero usan el Ostium para desterrar al líder Akrida después de descubrir cómo volver a encenderlo con la ayuda del fantasma de Henry Winchester. Sin embargo, esto no mata a todos los Akrida como se esperaba, ya que ella no era la Reina Akrida. Mientras varios Akrida acorralan a John y Mary, un Samuel herido aparece para salvarlos al usar el Ostium para desterrar a sus atacantes antes de colapsar por sus heridas.

En "Hang On to Your Life", un Samuel herido es tratado por Millie y explica que se enteró del Ostium y el Akrida mientras buscaba una manera de deshacerse de todos los monstruos para siempre, sintiéndose culpable por empujar a su hija a la vida de caza. Samuel se une al Monster Club para luchar contra Loki y les proporciona fotos de reconocimiento de varias ubicaciones potenciales para la reina, aunque las imágenes resultan haber sido dañadas por la luz. Después de la derrota de Loki, Samuel se va con Ada para buscar magia capaz de detener al Akrida mientras deja el Ostium roto en manos de Millie para que pueda intentar repararlo, pero Samuel promete mantenerse en contacto esta vez. Entre las fotos de Samuel, John encuentra al hombre que le dio la carta de Henry en el fondo de una, revelando que es Dean Winchester , el hijo de John y el nieto de Samuel.

En "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye", Samuel regresa después de recibir la noticia de que Ada ha encontrado magia capaz de detener a la Reina Akrida que pretende usar una alineación planetaria para abrir su portal y comenzar la invasión. Samuel es contactado por una ex cazadora llamada Joan Hopkins que resulta ser la Reina Akrida, que se ha vuelto loca, ha consumido esencias de monstruos y busca acabar con la humanidad como resultado. Mientras los demás intentan convocar a Dean de regreso de donde Joan lo ha desterrado, John, Carlos y Samuel detienen a Joan y varios Akrida para ganar tiempo, antes de que Mary finalmente mate a Joan golpeándola con el Impala que es capaz de lastimarla ya que el auto es de otro universo. Los Akrida son destruidos con la muerte de Joan y Dean le explica a Samuel y a los cazadores reunidos que eran un plan de seguridad de Chuck en caso de su derrota que Dean había descubierto mientras atravesaba el Multiverso después de su muerte. Dean revela que John, Mary y Samuel son de un universo alternativo que conoció durante sus viajes mientras intentaba encontrar un mundo donde su familia tuviera la oportunidad de tener un final feliz. Después de que Dean se va de regreso al Cielo, Samuel se despide de Mary y se va, presumiblemente en otro viaje de caza, mientras que Mary deja a Lawrence con John para que decidan qué quieren hacer con su futuro.

Samuel Colt

Basado en el fabricante de armas histórico del mismo nombre , Samuel Colt es un cazador que vivió en el siglo XIX y el creador del Colt , un arma que puede matar a casi cualquier ser sobrenatural; Lucifer reveló que es uno de los cinco seres sobrenaturales inmunes a sus poderes. Colt también diseñó la puerta cerrada que evita que se abra el portal al infierno conocido como la Puerta del Diablo. La Puerta del Diablo y la pistola Colt están unidas entre sí: la pistola sirve como llave de la puerta, lo que permite abrirla insertando la boca del Colt en el ojo de la cerradura. Colt también construyó un ferrocarril de hierro, en forma de pentagrama con una iglesia en cada uno de los puntos, alrededor de la puerta del diablo para asegurarse aún más de que fuera a prueba de demonios. Colt fue interpretado por Sam Hennings en el episodio de la sexta temporada "Frontierland". Sam y Dean, cuando buscan un método para destruir a Eve, se encuentran con el diario de Colt que revela que el cazador había matado a un fénix en 1861. Como se necesitan las cenizas de un fénix para matar a Eve, Castiel envía a Sam y Dean al pasado para recuperarlas. Aunque Samuel inicialmente se muestra reacio a ayudar a Sam, finalmente le da el Colt con el que Dean mata al fénix. Cuando Sam y Dean regresan al presente sin las cenizas, se revela que Colt envió un paquete de mensajería hace 150 años que contenía las cenizas, que llega a la puerta de Bobby. Pudo descubrir cómo usar el teléfono celular de Sam, que dejó atrás (y que Colt le envió de regreso), y supo la fecha y la dirección de Bobby a partir de él.

Walt y Roy

Walt y Roy son dos cazadores que aparecen por primera vez en " Dark Side of the Moon " de la quinta temporada . Tras enterarse del papel de Sam en el inicio del Apocalipsis, los dos cazadores tienden una emboscada a los Winchester en una habitación de un motel con la intención de matar a Sam, a quien ven como un monstruo. Después de que Dean reconoce a ambos hombres, deciden matar a ambos Winchester en lugar de arriesgarse a la ira de Dean. Dean promete que cuando inevitablemente regrese, los cazará y los matará por venganza. Los Winchester son enviados al cielo después del asesinato y finalmente son resucitados por el ángel Joshua por orden de Dios.

Tanto Walt como Roy regresan en "Who We Are" de la temporada 12 como dos de los cazadores llamados para ayudar a lidiar con la situación de los Hombres de Letras Británicos por Jody Mills. Al no haber visto a los Winchester desde que los asesinaron en "Dark Side of the Moon", la reunión es algo incómoda, pero Dean les asegura a ambos hombres que no hay resentimientos duraderos por sus acciones. Walt y Roy se unen al asalto de Sam a la base de los Hombres de Letras Británicos, y Roy incluso salva la vida de Sam de un operativo británico que Sam no ve. Roy es asesinado durante el asalto por otro operativo al que Sam dispara momentos después, pero Walt sobrevive. Walt, que actúa como el experto en explosivos del equipo, se une a Sam y Jody para enfrentarse al Doctor Hess y sigue el ejemplo de Sam durante el enfrentamiento.

Walt es mencionado nuevamente en "Wayward Sisters" de la temporada 13 como uno de los cazadores contactados por Alex Jones cuando los Winchester desaparecen. Al igual que los otros cazadores, Walt no ha visto señales de ellos, pero promete seguir buscándolos.

Otros humanos

Adán Milligan

Adam Milligan, interpretado por Jake Abel es el hijo ilegítimo de John Winchester y el medio hermano de Sam y Dean Winchester . Nació de una relación entre John y una mujer llamada Kate Milligan, mientras John estaba de cacería. A los 12 años, le rogó a su madre que llamara a su padre y a partir de entonces tendrían contacto esporádico, pero John nunca le contó a Adam sobre sus otros hijos, quienes no tenían idea sobre la existencia de Adam. A pesar de los intentos de John por ser padre, Adam nunca vio a John como su padre y veía a su madre como su única familia, pero aún deseaba tener una relación más cercana con su padre.

Su existencia se revela a Sam y Dean en Jump the Shark , en el que fue asesinado por necrófagos junto con su madre, ya que los necrófagos querían vengarse de John por el asesinato de su padre. Uno de los necrófagos asumió la identidad de Adam para atraer a John hacia ellos. Sin embargo, como John ya estaba muerto, sus otros hijos recibieron la llamada y se sorprendieron al enterarse de su medio hermano. Durante su investigación, Dean descubrió el cuerpo de Adam, justo cuando Sam fue atacado por los necrófagos, quienes se conformaron con matar a Sam y Dean. Dean mató a los necrófagos, vengando la muerte de Adam y posteriormente dieron un funeral de cazador para el hermano que nunca conocieron.

En el episodio "Point of No Return" de la quinta temporada , Zachariah resucita a Adam para que sirva como el recipiente de Michael después de que Dean se negara a decir que sí. Sin embargo, Castiel siente la resurrección de Adam y puede llegar a él antes que los ángeles y los Winchester, Castiel y Bobby intentan continuamente convencer a Adam de que abandone su plan sin suerte, ya que Zachariah ha prometido traer de vuelta a su madre a cambio de la ayuda de Adam. Zachariah finalmente se le aparece a Adam en forma de sueño y lo convence de que revele dónde lo tienen los Winchester. Zachariah lleva a Adam a la Sala Verde, donde le revela que la resurrección de Adam fue en realidad una trampa para que Dean dijera que sí, usando la debilidad de Dean por su familia en su contra. Los Winchester asaltan la Sala Verde para sorpresa de Adam y Zachariah tortura a Sam y Adam para finalmente obtener un sí de Dean. Sin embargo, en el último minuto, Dean cambia de opinión y mata a Zachariah con una espada de ángel. Mientras los tres humanos intentan huir, Michael, que desciende, atrapa a Adam en la Sala Verde junto con él y el cuerpo de Zachariah, y la sala desaparece cuando los Winchester intentan volver a entrar. Tanto Sam como Dean reconocen que es probable que ni Adam ni Castiel estén bien y prometen recuperarlos.

En "Two Minutes to Midnight", Castiel le revela a Sam que Adam ahora se ha convertido en el recipiente de Michael para la batalla final que se acerca rápidamente, y que Sam admite que es una posibilidad que realmente no querían considerar.

En "Swan Song", Adam es el vehículo de Michael cuando se encuentra con Lucifer en el cementerio Stull para la batalla final del Apocalipsis. Cuando Dean llega, intenta disculparse con Adam, pero el arcángel le dice que "Adam no está en casa ahora mismo". Después de recuperar el control de Lucifer, Sam se arroja a sí mismo, Lucifer, Michael y Adam a la jaula de Lucifer para detener el Apocalipsis.

En "Cita en Samarra" de la temporada 6 , la Muerte le ofrece a Dean la opción de salvar a Adam o Sam del infierno y él elige a Sam, aunque le pide a la Muerte que también salve a Adam sin éxito.

En " Fan Fiction " de la temporada 10 , los Winchester se quedan confundidos cuando, durante una obra basada en los libros de Supernatural , un personaje que no reconocen aparece en escena. Maeve les dice que es Adam quien sigue atrapado en el infierno con Lucifer. Las reacciones de Sam y Dean sugieren que se han olvidado de Adam.

En "Padre nuestro que no estás en el cielo" de la temporada 15 , Adam, todavía el recipiente de Michael, ha escapado del infierno después de que Dios abriera todas las puertas del infierno, incluida la puerta de la jaula de Lucifer. Ahora que comparte el control de su cuerpo con el arcángel, Adam disfruta de comer una variedad de alimentos por primera vez en diez años y habla con Michael, que aparece como un duplicado del propio Adam, sobre lo que ambos harán ahora. Los dos se han unido durante su tiempo en la jaula y Adam sugiere indirectamente que permanezcan juntos, a lo que Michael no parece oponerse. La comida de Adam se ve interrumpida por la llegada de Lilith en busca de Michael por orden de Dios, lo que termina con Michael matando al demonio. Más tarde, Michael le devuelve el control a Adam después de que los Winchester lo capturan y Adam explica que él y Michael llegaron a un acuerdo durante sus años en la jaula cuando solo se tenían el uno al otro como compañía. Para sorpresa de Michael, Adam se pone del lado de sus hermanos en el asunto, señalando que, si bien no los perdona, sabe que Sam y Dean siempre intentan hacer lo correcto. Adam finalmente logra que Michael admita que se niega a dudar de Dios porque siente que eso es una traición a quién es él. Michael no está convencido de ayudarlo hasta que Castiel le muestra sus propios recuerdos de las traiciones de Dios. Mientras Michael se prepara para irse, le devuelve el control a Adam a pedido de Dean. Dean se disculpa con su hermano por lo que le sucedió, afirmando que Adam es un buen hombre y no merecía lo que le sucedió. Adam bromea "¿desde cuándo obtenemos lo que merecemos?" y les desea suerte antes de partir con Michael.

En "La herencia de la Tierra", Michael revela con tristeza que Adam fue asesinado junto con el resto de la humanidad por Chuck, aunque el arcángel sigue usando el cuerpo de Adam como su vehículo. Posteriormente, Chuck destruye a Michael por su traición, llevándose consigo el cuerpo de Adam. Sin embargo, Jack restaura a todos los que Chuck mató, lo que significa que Adam también es restaurado.

Amelia Richardson

Amelia Richardson, interpretada por Liane Balaban , es una veterinaria que vive en Kermit, Texas. Su padre es Stan Thompson. Amelia estaba casada con un hombre llamado Don Richardson, que se creía que había muerto mientras servía en Afganistán. Ella y Sam Winchester se conocen cuando él atropella a un perro y lo lleva a su lugar de trabajo. Comienzan una relación y comparten una casa durante algunos meses en Kermit antes de que ella descubra que su marido sigue vivo. Sam se va para permitirle reencontrarse con su marido.

Amelia reaparece en un flashback en "El diablo está en los detalles" de la temporada 11. Mientras revisa los recuerdos de Sam, Lucifer le muestra a Sam un recuerdo de los dos juntos. Lucifer le dice a Sam que abandonar a Dean para tener una vida normal con Amelia es lo peor que Sam ha hecho y que Sam todavía se siente culpable por ello. Como resultado de esa culpa, Sam ya no está dispuesto a perder a Dean sin importar las consecuencias que el mundo pueda enfrentar como resultado. Sam continúa sintiéndose culpable por esto en "Into the Mystic" debido a las palabras de Lucifer, pero Dean le dice a Sam que hace mucho que lo ha perdonado por sus acciones.

Arthur Ketch

Arthur Ketch, interpretado por David Haydn-Jones, es un ex hombre de letras británico. Ketch es mencionado por primera vez mientras Lady Toni Bevell está torturando a Sam para obtener información. Cuando todos sus métodos resultan infructuosos, la Sra. Watt sugiere traer a Ketch; sin embargo, Toni se opone vehementemente a ello. También se lo muestra en un flashback matando a un vampiro, identificable por el tatuaje en su mano. Más tarde, Mick Davies recupera a Toni y le informa que ha enviado a buscar a Ketch, quien se muestra preparándose para abandonar el Reino Unido. Esto deja a Toni visiblemente incómoda.

En la "Temporada 12, Pesadilla americana", Ketch se acerca al Impala en motocicleta y se queda mirándolo un momento antes de irse. Más tarde, rastrea y mata a Magda Peterson, diciéndole a alguien por teléfono que limpió el desastre de los Winchester y que tenían razón en que los Winchester no podían matarla.

En "LOTUS", Ketch rescata a los Winchester y a Castiel del Servicio Secreto y le ordena a Castiel que les borre la memoria antes de presentarse. Esa noche, Arthur explica que su trabajo es "fomentar fuertemente" la cooperación de los Winchester con los Hombres de Letras británicos y fue enviado por Mick Davies después de que Sam lo llamara y colgara. Ketch hace que Castiel confirme que no está mintiendo y les muestra su arsenal de armas, incluido un generador de pulso hiperbólico capaz de exorcizar a un demonio de su recipiente. Al reconocer su potencial, Sam le pide prestado y que Ketch confíe en ellos. Ketch finalmente les da el generador a los Winchester, lo que les permite expulsar a Lucifer del presidente Jefferson Rooney y enviarlo de regreso a su jaula.

Seis semanas después, Castiel contacta a Arthur Ketch y Mick para que lo ayuden a él y a Mary a encontrar a Sam y Dean, quienes han sido hechos prisioneros por el Servicio Secreto. Los dos hombres quedan impresionados al enterarse de que los hermanos habían tomado prestado el dispositivo de Arthur para lidiar con el propio Lucifer. Aceptan ayudar con la esperanza de ganarse la confianza de los cazadores estadounidenses y, a través de sus conexiones, Arthur y Mick localizan a Sam y Dean cerca del Sitio 94.

Una vez que los cuatro se encuentran con Sam y Dean, Arthur no se impresiona al saber que dejaron sobrevivientes. Sam insiste en que las personas que los perseguían eran solo soldados haciendo su trabajo, aunque Arthur lo considera "poco profesional". Sam, Dean y Castiel se dirigen al auto de Mary mientras miran a Arthur con sospecha. Arthur y Mick los observan alejarse y comparten una mirada de complicidad entre sí. Más tarde se revela que Arthur regresó y mató a todos los involucrados en el encarcelamiento de Sam y Dean, incluido el agente Rick, el agente Camp, los soldados y el forense. Mick informa esto mientras señala que limpiar los cabos sueltos es el trabajo de Arthur.

En "Stuck in the Middle (With You)", Mary visita a Arthur después de robar el Colt y le cuenta la historia de su robo a Ramiel. Mary está furiosa porque Arthur la envió a buscar a un Príncipe del Infierno que provocó la muerte de Wally y amenaza con destruir a los Hombres de Letras Británicos si algo les sucede a sus hijos. Arthur se disculpa, alegando que no sabía que ella iba tras un Príncipe del Infierno. Arthur y Mary discuten la leyenda del Colt mientras Arthur, emocionado, lo desenvuelve.

En "The Raid", Mary y Arthur se enfrentan a un nido de vampiros juntos y Arthur expresa su disgusto por el hecho de que intenten reclutar a los hermanos Winchester cuando tienen a Mary. Más tarde, Arthur visita a Dean en el búnker de los Hombres de Letras y se sienta a tomar una copa con él. En lugar de intentar el discurso de venta de los otros Hombres de Letras británicos, Arthur es franco con Dean sobre sus motivos, diciéndole que es un asesino y que los Hombres de Letras británicos le ofrecen la mejor oportunidad de expresar sus talentos. Arthur ve a Dean como igual que él y los dos deciden acabar juntos con un nido de vampiros. En el nido, Arthur inicialmente se arma con una pistola, pero decide usar un machete como Dean. Los dos hombres encuentran solo un vampiro escondido en el nido y Arthur la golpea antes de que Dean lo detenga para intentar las cosas a su manera. Cuando Dean promete concederle al vampiro un final rápido, ella les dice que su nido va tras los Hombres de Letras británicos.

Alarmados, Dean y Arthur se apresuran a regresar al complejo de los Hombres de Letras británicos y descubren que Sam ha matado al vampiro Alfa y que los vampiros supervivientes han huido. Mick reprende a Arthur, quien le dice que estaba intentando reclutar a Dean y que habría tenido éxito si la operación de Mick no hubiera estropeado las cosas. Luego se lleva al cazador rebelde Pierce Moncrieff para castigarlo.

En la temporada 13, un Arthur resucitado regresa como un cazador mercenario separado de los Hombres de Letras británicos que desconocen su supervivencia. En "La guerra de los mundos", se hace pasar por Alexander Ketch, haciéndose pasar por el hermano gemelo de Arthur. Sin embargo, Dean ve a través del disfraz y Arthur explica que había hecho un trato con Rowena por un hechizo de resurrección que necesita recargar, lo que lo trajo de vuelta después de que Mary lo matara. Arthur salva a los Winchester de un grupo de demonios e insiste en que está de su lado y que sus acciones anteriores solo se debieron a que era un soldado en el lado opuesto de una guerra. Cuando Dean intenta matar a Arthur nuevamente, huye y luego se lo ve siendo empleado por el Príncipe del Infierno Asmodeus, que se está preparando para conseguir a Jack para la invasión del Michael alternativo.

En "Devil's Bargain", Asmodeus le proporciona a Arthur una espada de ángel y lo envía a matar al debilitado Lucifer, creyendo que Lucifer es vulnerable a una espada de ángel en su estado actual. Arthur se encuentra una vez más con los Winchester, quienes hacen que Castiel lo deje inconsciente y lo encierren en el baúl del Impala, con la intención de matarlo y esparcir sus cenizas para que su muerte sea permanente. Arthur una vez más escapa del confinamiento, justo a tiempo para usar una bomba demoníaca para alejar a Lucifer y Anael, salvando a los Winchester y Castiel. Afirmando que Lucifer suelto en la Tierra es una línea demasiado lejos para él, Arthur revela su alianza con Asmodeus y se ofrece a trabajar con los Winchester como agente doble para detener a Lucifer, Asmodeus y la amenaza de un Michael de una realidad alternativa. Reconociendo que lo necesitan, los Winchester aceptan a regañadientes la alianza. Cuando Arthur regresa a la guarida de Asmodeus, este revela que ha adquirido la Espada del Arcángel, la única arma que puede matar a un arcángel como Lucifer o Miguel. Después de que Arthur señala que la espada solo puede ser utilizada para matar a un arcángel por otro arcángel, Asmodeus le presenta al arcángel cautivo Gabriel, a quien se creía muerto durante casi ocho años.

En "The Thing", Arthur descubre que Asmodeus se ha estado inyectando la gracia de Gabriel para aumentar su poder. La impertinencia y el desafío continuos de Arthur enfurecen a Asmodeus, quien lo golpea brutalmente. Asmodeus afirma que Arthur es más malvado que cualquier demonio que conozca "y los conozco a todos", pero reconoce que Arthur busca redención por sus acciones pasadas, algo que no cree que Arthur pueda conseguir. Una vez que Asmodeus lo deja solo, Arthur se venga de él rescatando a Gabriel y robando la reserva de Asmodeus de la gracia extraída de Gabriel, así como la Espada del Arcángel. Arthur lleva a los tres a los Winchester, buscando refugio de Asmodeus a cambio, a lo que Dean accede. Después de que los Winchester abren una grieta hacia Apocalypse World, Arthur decide unirse a Dean en la misión, sintiendo que está más seguro en otro universo cuando Asmodeus inevitablemente vendrá a buscarlo.

En "Bring 'Em Back Alive", Arthur se une a un Dean reacio para encontrar y rescatar a Mary y Jack. Los dos son testigos de cómo varios ángeles ejecutan a combatientes de la resistencia y toman prisionero a Charlie Bradbury, la contraparte alternativa de un viejo amigo de Dean. En contra de los deseos de Arthur, Dean se propone rescatar a Charlie, y los dos hombres se ven obligados a trabajar juntos para sobrevivir. En el camino, Dean le cuenta a Arthur su incapacidad para salvar a Charlie y Arthur admite sus propios arrepentimientos de no haber intentado siquiera salvar las vidas de las personas que le importan. Juntos, Dean y Arthur atacan un campo de prisioneros de guerra, matan a varios ángeles y liberan a Charlie y a varios otros prisioneros humanos. Cuando la grieta se cierra, Arthur decide quedarse en Apocalypse World con Charlie para continuar la misión de encontrar a Mary y Jack y ayudar a coordinar el inevitable regreso de Dean con refuerzos. Mientras los ángeles atacan la grieta, Arthur se involucra en la batalla con ellos junto a Charlie.

En "Éxodo", Arthur se ha convertido en un miembro de pleno derecho de la resistencia de Apocalipsis Mundial y se une a Charlie en una misión para emboscar a un escuadrón de la muerte de ángeles. Sin embargo, resulta ser una trampa y ambos son capturados. Arthur sufre una extensa tortura para obtener información sobre la resistencia, pero se niega a ceder, incluso burlándose de sus captores. Los ángeles llaman a un Castiel de una realidad alternativa para arrancar la información de la mente de Charlie, pero Sam, Dean, Mary, Jack y Castiel llegan para rescatarlos, matando a todos los ángeles, incluido el Castiel alternativo. Mientras Dean lo ayuda, Arthur comenta sobre la ironía de que Dean le salve la vida por una vez. Arthur se une al éxodo posterior a través de la grieta y es uno de los primeros en pasar. En el búnker, él y Rowena expresan su sorpresa al verse el uno al otro antes de que Arthur continúe. Durante la fiesta posterior, Arthur disfruta de una bebida con Charlie. Se menciona que está haciendo sus propias cosas en "Let the Good Times Roll".

En "Extraño en tierra extraña" de la temporada 14 , se menciona que Arthur está siguiendo una pista en Londres en la búsqueda de una forma de salvar a Dean de la posesión de Michael. Más tarde, Sam recibe una llamada de Arthur y le dice a Castiel que Arthur ha estado buscando el generador de pulso hiperbólico, el dispositivo que usaron para exorcizar a Lucifer del presidente con la esperanza de que pueda usarse para expulsar a Michael de Dean. Sin embargo, Arthur no ha tenido suerte en su búsqueda. En "La lanza", Arthur ha encontrado el generador de pulso hiperbólico, pero se ve obligado a enviarlo por correo a los Winchester, quienes no están muy contentos ya que lo necesitan de inmediato. Algo aturdido, Arthur se disculpa por su incapacidad para entregárselo directamente. Aunque los Winchester encuentran el paquete, Michael destruye el dispositivo antes de que puedan usarlo. En "Jack in the Box", Arthur no puede asistir al memorial del cazador de Mary. En cambio, envía una botella del mismo whisky caro que le había traído a Dean en "La redada".

En "Raising Hell" de la temporada 15 , Arthur llega a Harlan, Kansas después de que Dios libera todas las almas del infierno en el mundo. Después de conocer al demonio Belphegor, Arthur revela que fue contratado para asesinar a Belphegor por el demonio Ardat, quien afirma que Belphegor es "una amenaza monstruosa para la humanidad". Como este no parece ser el caso, Arthur se abstiene de dañar al demonio y ayuda a los Winchester y Rowena a encontrar una manera de contener las almas, desarrollando una atracción mutua con Rowena en el proceso. Arthur luego es poseído por el fantasma de Francis Tumblety , lo que obliga a Dean a dispararle con balas de hierro para expulsar a Francis. Como Castiel no puede curar a Arthur, lo llevan al hospital para recibir tratamiento y Dean le dispara de buena gana.

En "The Rupture", después de despertar en el hospital, Arthur se prepara para irse a ayudar a sus amigos, solo para que llegue Ardat. Incapaz de derrotar al demonio, Arthur se niega a entregar a sus amigos por cualquier precio, algo que Ardat reconoce. Ardat le arranca el corazón a Arthur y después de mostrárselo por un minuto, aplasta el corazón de Arthur, matándolo. Ardat luego se hace pasar por Arthur usando su teléfono para engañar a Dean para que revele dónde están los Winchester y qué están haciendo. Su muerte es vengada posteriormente cuando Belphegor mata a Ardat, pero no antes de que ella le revele a Castiel que Belphegor realmente es la amenaza que había declarado a Arthur cuando lo contrató para matar a Belphegor. Al final del episodio, Dean le revela a Sam que los otros cazadores encontraron a Arthur y que probablemente fue asesinado por un demonio. Habiendo perdido también a Rowena, tanto Sam como Dean están devastados por la noticia.


Ash, interpretado por Chad Lindberg , es un experto en computadoras que usa un corte de pelo estilo mullet, que trabaja y vive en Harvelle's Roadhouse con Jo y Ellen Harvelle . Asistió al MIT , pero lo expulsaron por "pelear". Posee una computadora portátil casera, que usa para rastrear lo paranormal, particularmente a Azazel , con la información que John Winchester y sus hijos, Sam y Dean , han reunido. En el episodio " All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 ", llama a Dean para decirle que ha descubierto algo importante, pero cuando Dean llega al Roadhouse para hablar, el Roadhouse ha sido quemado hasta los cimientos y Dean encuentra el cadáver de Ash entre los escombros.

El creador de la serie, Eric Kripke, declaró que la muerte de Ash "tuvo que ver con lo mucho que odiaba al Roadhouse en sí mismo en lugar de a cualquiera que estuviera allí". En cuanto al regreso del personaje, Kripke respondió: "Ash es una posibilidad". [21] Esto se materializa en el episodio de la quinta temporada "Dark Side of the Moon", en el que Sam y Dean conocen a Ash en el cielo, así como a Pamela. Disfrutando más de la otra vida que de su vida real, y habiendo descubierto medios para infiltrarse en los cielos de otras personas y aprovechar las comunicaciones de los ángeles, Ash ayuda a los hermanos a esconderse de Zachariah. Ash también les reveló que han muerto más veces de las que saben y que los ha ayudado antes, con los ángeles borrando sus recuerdos al resucitar.

Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson, interpretada por Katharine Isabelle , es una de las "niñas especiales" de Azazel. Después de ser secuestrada de su casa y obligada a luchar a muerte con otras niñas especiales en Cold Oaks, finalmente se vuelve experta en su poder para controlar demonios. Finalmente, Jake Talley la mata.

Becky Rosen

Becky Rosen, interpretada por Emily Perkins , es una fanática de la serie de libros "Supernatural". Su nombre en línea es samlicker81 y es la webmaster de Escribe fanfictions de Wincest. Carver Edlund, también conocido como Chuck Shurley, se comunica con ella para enviarle un mensaje a Sam y Dean en "Sympathy for the Devil". Al principio, ella creyó que era una broma, pero Chuck le dijo que sus historias eran reales y ella se emocionó al pensarlo. Es obvio por su reacción ante los chicos que ella es una Sam Girl y se fija en él para su consternación.

Becky Rosen "toma prestado" el teléfono de Chuck Shurley, haciéndose pasar por él, y les envía un mensaje de texto a Sam y Dean diciendo que está en una situación de vida o muerte en "Los verdaderos cazafantasmas". Sam y Dean se apresuran después de conducir toda la noche solo para descubrir que Becky los ha invitado a una convención sobrenatural para los libros de Chuck. Cuando los fantasmas reales comienzan a atacar a las personas, Chuck tiene que dar un paso al frente y ayudar a mantener a todos a salvo mientras Sam, Dean y dos fanáticos de Supernatural, Demian y Barnes, luchan contra los fantasmas. Su valentía impresiona a Becky, quien inmediatamente abandona su búsqueda de Sam para tener una relación con Chuck. También le dice a Sam que en el libro que cubre los eventos de "El tiempo está de mi lado", Bela no le dio el Colt a Lilith sino a su demonio de la mano derecha, y posiblemente amante, Crowley.

En "Temporada 7, ¡Tiempo para una boda!", un demonio de Crossroads llamado Guy le da una poción de amor para que Sam se case con ella. Ella creía que Guy era un wiccano hasta que el demonio la traiciona y le muestra sus ojos. Guy le pide su alma a cambio de hacer que el efecto sea permanente. Quería hacer un trato después de ver que estaba casada con el hábil cazador, incluso estando de acuerdo con ella en que Sam mata fácilmente. Sam le advirtió que no siguiera adelante con el trato. Según ella, Chuck rompió con ella, lo que presumiblemente es su razón para obsesionarse con Sam nuevamente. Durante la batalla al final, ella ayuda a atrapar al demonio, pero su secuaz lo libera. Cuando el demonio y su secuaz Jackson están a punto de matar a los cazadores, Becky recupera el cuchillo de Ruby y mata a Jackson con él, lo que permite que los Winchester dominen al demonio de Crossroads, cuyos acuerdos son revocados por Crowley, quien se sorprende cuando ella lo reconoce con entusiasmo. Más tarde, ella y Sam obtienen una anulación.

En "Slumber Party", Charlie revela que Becky publicó todos los manuscritos inéditos de Chuck en Internet, con el resultado de que el público ahora está "al tanto" de los eventos en las vidas de Sam y Dean hasta el enfrentamiento entre Lucifer/Sam y Michael/Adam. Cuando le preguntan si la conocen, Sam lo niega rápidamente.

En "Atomic Monsters", Chuck visita a Becky en busca de ayuda, aunque ella no está muy contenta de verlo. Aunque sigue siendo fan de Supernatural , Becky ya no está tan obsesionada y se ha casado y ha tenido hijos. Becky acepta editar la historia más reciente de Chuck y proporciona críticas que esencialmente actúan como metarreferencias tanto para el episodio como para el programa en sí. Las palabras de Becky hacen que Chuck escriba un final mucho más oscuro, para horror de Becky. Cuando su familia llega a casa, Chuck hace que desaparezcan con solo chasquear los dedos, aunque Chuck afirma que simplemente los ha "enviado lejos". Al revelarle a Becky su verdadera identidad como Dios mismo, Chuck hace que ella desaparezca en el aire también con un chasquido de dedos.

Béla Talbot

Ben Braeden

Ben Braeden es el hijo de Lisa Braeden, una mujer con la que Dean pasó un fin de semana en agosto de 1999, interpretada por Nicholas Elia. Lisa y Ben viven en Cicero, Indiana. Aunque Dean sospecha que él es el padre biológico de Ben, Lisa afirma que no es así.

Dean visita a Lisa en "The Kids Are Alright", mientras investiga un caso, en lo que resulta ser el octavo cumpleaños de Ben. Dean conoce a Ben y le sorprende su familiaridad con la música rock y sus miradas lascivas hacia las chicas, pero Lisa le asegura a Dean que él no es el padre de Ben. Más tarde, Dean ayuda a Ben en un encuentro con algunos matones. Aunque su consejo, "darle una patada en los huevos al niño", no obtiene la aprobación de Lisa, Ben abraza a Dean en agradecimiento. Más tarde, Ben es uno de los niños secuestrados por una madre Changeling, y uno de sus descendientes imita a Ben y comienza a alimentarse de Lisa. Dean y Sam rescatan a todos los niños y matan al Changeling principal, destruyendo al Ben de imitación. Dean está impresionado por la actitud serena de Ben durante el rescate, después de haber puesto a Ben a cargo de ayudar a los otros niños a salir por una ventana.

Cuando Dean regresa con Lisa después del enfrentamiento en el cementerio Stull, en "Swan Song", se ve a Ben en la mesa del comedor.

Dean vive con Lisa y Ben durante un año, pero después de un ataque insiste en que se muden y está en conflicto por su deseo de permanecer con su nueva familia, su deseo de cazar y el miedo de estar criando a Ben como su padre lo crió a él. Finalmente, Lisa lo deja ir en "Two and a Half Men". Dean habla con Ben por teléfono en "The Third Man". Después de creer que está a punto de morir después de haber sido convertido en vampiro en "Live Free or Twi-Hard", Dean regresa para despedirse. Sin embargo, lucha por controlar sus impulsos vampíricos y empuja a Ben y huye. Ben engaña a Dean para que regrese una vez más en "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning"; sin embargo, no logra reconciliarse con Lisa y Dean le explica a Ben que teme que si se queda, Ben terminará como él. Ben todavía está molesto y acusa a Dean de abandonar a su familia. Ben y Lisa son secuestrados por el demonio Crowley, en "Let It Bleed", en un intento de obligar a Dean a que se retire. Después de ser rescatados, Dean le pide a Castiel que borre los recuerdos que Ben y su madre tienen de él, lo cual hace.

Cole Trenton

Cole Trenton, portrayed by Travis Aaron Wade, is a military brat and an ex-Marine whose father, Edward, was killed by Dean Winchester in 2003, making him bent for revenge against his father's killer all his life. During his time in the military, he took part in the campaigns in Iraq, Darfur, and DR Congo and established many connections, including his longtime friend Kit Verson and a member of the Military Intelligence. Though Cole is not a hunter and leads an ordinary life with a wife and a son, he is an expert at martial arts and is fit due to his time as a soldier, and he also keeps a rifle that is associated with hunters. He tracks Dean upon the latter's sighted attack at a store captured by a surveillance camera and beats Sam, attempting to use him as a hostage. When Sam escapes, Cole follows him as the latter is about to meet Dean at a bar. However, though he finally confronts his father's killer, Dean easily defeats him with his demonic powers, but spares him as he wants Cole to live in humiliation for failing to avenge his father. Cole does not give up, however, and he begins studying about demons and starts to torture demons in hopes of tracking Dean once more. Cole holds Dean at gunpoint when the latter is cornering Rowena, forcing Dean to let her go, and sprays holy water against him, but as Dean is no longer a demon at that point, it does not work. He is defeated once again, but Dean offers to explain his motive of why he killed Edward: Edward was a monster who had killed many people and eaten their livers, and he would have killed Cole and his mother had Dean not killed him earlier. Convinced by Dean and Sam, Cole decides to drop his revenge and return to his family.

Later, Cole with Dean and Sam work together to help his friend, Kit, after the latter's wife, Jemma, reported his weird actions. Upon finding out that Kit is possessed by a Khan Worm, Cole is concerned that the Winchesters would try to kill him like they did with countless others, including his father. Cole is possessed by a Khan Worm, but Dean manages to save him by dehydrating the room and causing the monster to flee. However, the three are too late to stop Kit from succumbing to the parasite even further, and Sam has to kill him because of it. Cole thanks the brothers for saving him, but hopes that he will never see them again.

Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler

Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler, portrayed by A.J. Buckley and Travis Wester, are self-proclaimed professional paranormal investigators. They are introduced in the episode "Hell House" written by Trey Callaway as the Hell Hounds, operating a website called They perceive Sam and Dean as amateurs, although the latter use the duo and their website to help them defeat the monster of the week. At the end of the episode Sam pulls a prank on them by posing as a Hollywood producer on the phone. In the episode "Ghostfacers", they produce a television pilot, which covers their investigation of a house that is haunted every leap day, where Sam and Dean make a guest appearance; however, Sam and Dean manage to magnetically wipe their footage. The episode was nominated for a GLAAD award for its portrayal of Ghostfacers intern Alan Corbett.[23] In "It's a Terrible Life", where the Winchesters are placed in an alternative life as office workers, Zeddmore and Spangler appear on the Ghostfacers website where they present instructional videos on how to find and to defeat ghosts, and refer to the Winchesters as rival "douchebags that we hate".[24] Ed, Harry and the rest of the team also star in the Ghostfacers web series,[25] a spoof advertisement which is seen in "Hammer of the Gods". They were also used as plot devices, in the season nine episode "Thinman" Ed and Harry face a conflict similar to one Sam and Dean face, creating a parallel between the characters, at the end of that episode we see an end to the Ghostfacers after Ed invents the monster Thinman to keep Harry from leaving for a normal life. Their names are homage to Winston Zeddemore and Egon Spengler, members of the Ghostbusters from the 1984 film.

Eldon Styne

Eldon Styne, portrayed by David Hoflin, is the heir to the powerful Styne Family, a dynasty of people who cause and take advantage of disasters including the Nazi rise to power and the September 11th attacks to make a profit. Like all other members of his family, Eldon has received surgical enhancements including a second heart and more muscles in his legs, making him physically powerful and hard to stop. After his brother Jacob is killed, Eldon is dispatched to hunt down the Winchesters and the Book of the Damned. After being captured by Dean, Eldon tells him the family history, including that they used to be known as the Frankensteins and that the Book can't be destroyed. After Dean leaves to confront Sam over the revelation, Eldon escapes by ripping off his own arm. After hearing from his cousin Eli that he has found Charlie Bradbury, Eldon goes after her personally in hopes she has the Book. After finding her, Eldon brutally murders her but is left empty-handed. Returning home, Eldon tells his father of the Men of Letters bunker and its stash of supernatural knowledge and suggests they raid it. Eldon gets a new arm from a boy that had been bullying his little brother Cyrus and takes him and his cousin Roscoe to rob the bunker. As he prepares to burn what they can't take, Dean arrives, killing Roscoe and he and Eldon face off. Eldon taunts Dean over Charlie's murder until the latter reveals he slaughtered Eldon's whole family in revenge. Dean then points out that despite all the enhancements Eldon has, he still only has one brain. Not getting it, Eldon asks him "so what" before Dean shoots him in the head, killing him.

Frank Devereaux

Frank Devereaux, portrayed by Kevin McNally, is an expert in counterfeit documents and in avoiding government intelligence. He was first introduced in the sixth episode of the seventh season, "Slash Fiction". It is revealed in the eleventh episode, "Adventures In Babysitting", that when he was 26, his wife and two children were killed. Sometime after that, he met Bobby Singer, who once saved his life in Port Huron. Frank lives in a run-down, electronics filled house on a little traveled street. He describes himself as 'bi-polar with delusional ideation'.

Bobby sends the Winchesters to see Frank when two Leviathans begin a series of killings throughout the country, masquerading as the brothers. When Sam and Dean enter Frank's house, he is waiting in the dark with a shotgun. He is prepared to shoot them, but because he owes Bobby he agrees to help them. At first, Frank believes that Leviathan Sam and Leviathan Dean are clones created by the government. Frank advises the boys to go into hiding, maybe even move to Cuba, but Dean says they need to go "further off the grid, but keep us on the board" so they can hunt down the Leviathans. He tells them that they need to keep a lower profile, avoid security cameras, and to get rid of their rockstar aliases, which are too easy to track. He smashes Sam's laptop, gives him a new one, and demands $5000 for it. He then takes their pictures for new IDs as Tom and John Smith and gives them a map of the towns their Leviathan doppelgängers have hit so far.

In "Adventures in Babysitting", Dean gives Frank the numbers "45489" which Bobby writes on Sam's hand before he dies, and also asks him to research Dick Roman. Having not heard from him over a month, Dean returns to Frank's house to find it deserted. Frank suddenly appears, confronts Dean, and they both have to shed some blood to prove to the other they are not a Leviathan. Frank states that he has moved all his equipment into an R.V., feeling he was being watched after he started investigating Dick Roman. Frank seems paranoid about Leviathans, even thinking that Gwyneth Paltrow is one of them. He tells Dean he has found nothing on Bobby's numbers, but when he tries combinations adding a sixth number, he discovers that they are coordinates to a field in Wisconsin, owned by Dick Roman. Frank and Dean travel to the area and disguise themselves as phone company workers. They discover surveillance covering the area and retreat to Frank's RV to monitor it. They discover Amanda Willer, an employee of Dick Roman, surveying the site for construction. As they began to spy the camp field, Frank challenges Dean about how he is dealing with himself on the whole situation, even telling Dean his dark past.

In the next episodes, Dean talks with Frank off-screen. In "Out with the Old", Frank talks with Dean by phone from his camper, updating Dean on the Leviathan activity worldwide. He has no record of their activity in Portland, Oregon, where Sam and Dean are currently working, but Leviathans are there all the same. Frank discovers this when Dean asks him to investigates a company behind an odd Realtor; and the company links back to Dick Roman. Sam and Dean set out to meet Frank at the end of the episode, but instead find his RV, filled with smashed electronics and blood. In "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo", it is revealed that Dick Roman took Frank's hard drive, which he gives to the IT expert Charlie to hack. When Charlie tries to hack it, the defense system uses Frank's voice. After finally hacking it, an automatic email sent to the brothers which states that if they are receiving it, it means that Frank is dead or worse. Frank has a GPS tracker on the drive and it hacks into Charlie's webcam so they know who's hacking it. While Charlie is successful, she finds out the truth about Dick Roman and the Leviathans from his files and later teams up with the Winchesters to erase the drive. Frank's final fate is still unknown.

Jessica Moore

Jessica Lee Moore, portrayed by Adrianne Palicki, is Sam's girlfriend for two years as of the start of the series. Despite this, she is unaware of his family's strange occupation. Sam planned to ask her to marry him, but she is killed by a demon on Azazel's orders; it was revealed the demon that killed her was the friend who introduced her to Sam, named Brady, to break Sam from his increasingly normal life. Her death then prompts Sam to join Dean on his quest to find their missing father and avenge her. In the days preceding her murder, Sam had had premonitions of her murder in dreams, but he ignored them as random nightmares. Afterwards, he feels guilt for dismissing them so easily. Sam eventually kills the demon that killed her and gets revenge. In an alternate timeline created by the disappearance of John Winchester in 2003, Sam mentions that he has no time for a family, suggesting that things didn't work out with Jess in that world.

Kaia Nieves

Kaia Nieves, portrayed by Yadira Guevara-Prip, is a dreamwalker, a human with the ability to view alternate realities in their dreams. In Kaia's case, she is stated to be the most powerful dreamwalker her friend and mentor Derek Swan ever saw. Unlike most dreamwalkers, Kaia has no control over this power and only sees a monster-filled world that she dubs The Bad Place. As is later revealed, this is because of a life-long connection to her alternate reality counterpart Dark Kaia who has in turn seen Kaia's world through their connection.

In season 13's "The Bad Place", Kaia is sought out for help by the Nephilim Jack on the suggestion of Derek Swan as Jack needs a dreamwalker to open a rift to the Apocalypse World alternate reality and rescue Mary Winchester. Jack breaks Kaia out of a drug treatment facility, but she refuses to help and runs off before being kidnapped by angels who are after Jack. Upon being rescued by the Winchesters, Kaia has to be forced at gunpoint to join them and explains that she won't help because of her fears of The Bad Place. After Jack shows Kaia Apocalypse World, she agrees to help. Cornered on an abandoned ship by angels, Kaia suggests opening the rift to escape. Combining his powers with Kaia's, Jack guides her into finding Apocalypse World instead of The Bad Place, but she begins flashing between the two worlds, ending with a vision of Dark Kaia. Jack and Kaia's efforts open a rift, destroying the attacking angels in the process, but sends the Winchesters to The Bad Place, Jack to Apocalypse World and an unconscious Kaia to a nearby roadside.

In "Wayward Sisters", Kaia is found by a passing motorist and transported to Sioux Falls General Hospital for treatment. Claire Novak, aware that the Winchesters were looking for Kaia, locates her in the hospital for help with finding her missing friends, but Kaia flees once again. However, she is attacked by a creature from The Bad Place outside and saved by Claire and Jody. Bonding with Claire over their experiences, Kaia reveals her knowledge of the creature and about the Winchesters' efforts to open a rift. The group realizes that the rift must still be open for the creature to be in their world and with Kaia's help, locates the abandoned ship where more of the creatures reside. With the rift closing, Claire chooses to crossover to The Bad Place to rescue Sam and Dean while the others stay behind to fight off the creatures. Despite her fears, Kaia crosses the rift with Claire and the two rescue Sam and Dean. As they lead the Winchesters to safety, the four are ambushed by Dark Kaia who throws her spear at Claire. Kaia saves Claire's life, but is hit with the spear in the process and apparently dies moments later. With the rift closing and a giant creature closing in on them, the Winchesters and Claire are forced to flee to their world, leaving Kaia's body behind in The Bad Place. Grief-stricken, Claire vows revenge upon Kaia's killer even if she has to find a way back to The Bad Place, unaware that Dark Kaia opened a rift of her own and crossed to their world.

In season 14's "The Scar", the Winchesters and Jody Mills hunt Kaia's killer in their world and are shocked to learn that she is Kaia's alternate counterpart. Dark Kaia admits that Kaia's death was an accident as she was aiming for Claire and displays knowledge of Kaia's interactions with the Winchesters, Dean in particular, from having seen through Kaia's eyes due to their connection. After Dark Kaia escapes again, Jody is left worried about how to explain the situation to Claire who was in love with Kaia and still seeks revenge upon her killer.

In season 15's "Galaxy Brain", Dark Kaia reveals that The Bad Place is dying and that Kaia is in fact still alive and trapped there. In a flashback, Dark Kaia is depicted treating Kaia's wound which had apparently caused her to pass out rather than die as was originally believed, before Dark Kaia abandoned her to cross to their world. With Dark Kaia having left Kaia the tools that she needed, Kaia survived two years stuck in The Bad Place, but Dark Kaia learned that her world is in trouble from the connection that still existed between the two. With the help of Jack and a Reaper named Merle, the Winchesters open another rift to The Bad Place and locate Kaia who has been living in Dark Kaia's old home. As The Bad Place is destroyed, Dark Kaia chooses to remain and die with her world as the Winchesters and Kaia escape through the rift. Reunited with Jody, Kaia accepts an invitation to return to Sioux Falls with her and is pleased to learn that Claire, out seeking Dark Kaia at the time, will be home soon.

Dark Kaia

Dark Kaia, also portrayed by Yadira Guevara-Prip, is the alternate reality counterpart of Kaia from The Bad Place. A dreamwalker like Kaia, Dark Kaia has shared a connection with Kaia for her whole life that has allowed them to see through each other's eyes, though Dark Kaia seems to be more aware of the nature of their connection than Kaia. Due to living in a monster-filled world, Dark Kaia is a tougher more ruthless individual who is implied to have fed others to a giant monster. She also possesses a powerful spear of unknown origin that can hurt and possibly kill an archangel.

In season 13's "The Bad Place", Dark Kaia is briefly seen as a dark hooded figure when Kaia and Jack attempt to open a rift to Apocalypse World to rescue Mary Winchester. Kaia's dreamwalking visions flash between the two alternate worlds before settling on an image of Dark Kaia that appears to be staring right at Kaia. The disruption causes Jack to be sent to Apocalypse World, the Winchesters to The Bad Place and Kaia to a roadside in her world.

In "Wayward Sisters", the Winchesters are stalked and captured by Dark Kaia who refuses to respond to their questions and attempts to feed them to the giant monster. However, Kaia and Claire Novak arrive through the rift and rescue the Winchesters. As they attempt to leave, Dark Kaia tries to kill Claire with her spear, but Kaia shoves Claire out of the way and takes the hit herself, apparently dying in the process. As the Winchesters and Claire turn on Dark Kaia, the giant creature appears which, combined with the closing rift, forces them to flee back to their world. Claire subsequently vows revenge upon Dark Kaia even if she has to find a way back to The Bad Place to get it. Unknown to Claire, another rift opens that night from which Dark Kaia emerges.

In season 14's "The Scar", the Winchesters and Jody hunt down Dark Kaia where she been living in the woods near Sioux Falls after Dean remembers that it was Dark Kaia who injured the alternate reality Michael while he was still possessing Dean. Having killed some of Michael's enhanced vampires that were hunting her, Dark Kaia is captured by the group who are shocked by her resemblance to their fallen friend. Dark Kaia refuses to cooperate, but their confrontation causes Dean to remember Michael attempting to forge an alliance with Dark Kaia that she rejected and fought back as a result of. With more enhanced vampires attacking, Dean frees Dark Kaia who flees. However, she returns with her spear and saves the Winchesters and Jody. Dark Kaia claims that she did it to help herself, not them and decides to hang onto the spear despite the fact that Michael's monsters will continue hunting her for it. The Winchesters subsequently hunt for Dark Kaia and her spear which is the only known weapon that can harm Michael.

In "The Spear", Garth, having infiltrated Michael's organization, overhears Dark Kaia's location and passes it onto the Winchesters. Dean and Castiel track her down and Dean convinces her to lend him the spear. In return, Dark Kaia requests that Jack help her return home where she has somebody that she wants to protect, the magic that allowed her to open the rift on that side not working in their world. Dean accepts, promising to find Dark Kaia when they are done. However, Michael destroys the spear after repossessing Dean.

In season 15's "Galaxy Brain", Dark Kaia kills a cow to draw Jody out and kidnaps her to force Sam and Dean back to Sioux Falls. Dark Kaia demands the return of her spear and that they keep their promise to send her home, but they inform her that the spear has been destroyed and overpower Dark Kaia. Dark Kaia insists on returning home and reveals that The Bad Place is dying and she regrets ever leaving it. Furthermore, their Kaia is still alive, Dark Kaia having treated her wound and left her the tools to survive before leaving her homeworld. Through the connection that still exists between them, Dark Kaia has learned of her world's peril and is frustrated when the Winchesters refuse to use Jack's powers to open the rift as it risks drawing God's attention. Dark Kaia explains that she had envied her counterpart's world and how peaceful it seemed, but found herself unable to fit in or enjoy it and instead lived in hiding. After seeing Kaia's situation through Dark Kaia's mind, Jack agrees to help and gets a Reaper named Merle to help him hide his use of powers so that he can open the rift. Dark Kaia leads the Winchesters back to her old home in The Bad Place where they are reunited with Kaia who has been living there. With The Bad Place on the verge of destruction, Dark Kaia refuses to leave with them and decides to die along with her homeworld, tearfully ordering them to go. Turning to face an approaching massive cloud of destruction, Dark Kaia closes her eyes and extends her arms as she is engulfed by the destruction.

Kelly Kline

Kelly Kline, portrayed by Courtney Ford, is the mother of Jack Kline. She was an aide to and lover of President Jefferson Rooney after the death of his wife. She first appears in "LOTUS", when Lucifer possesses the President and has sex with her, impregnating her. Crowley, realizing that a powerful nephilim has been conceived, teleports her to a motel room, where he, the Winchesters, Castiel, and Rowena explain the situation to her and try to convince her to abort the nephilim. Kelly agrees to help them lure Rooney in so they can use the Hyperbolic Pulse Generator to expel Lucifer from him. They succeed, but Kelly runs away from the motel room.

In "Family Feud", an angel sent by Heaven to get rid of the child of Lucifer finds Kelly on the run and attempts to kill her, but she is saved by Dagon, a Prince of Hell who was personally created by Lucifer. Kelly is persuaded by Dagon to accept her as her and her child's protector. In "The British Invasion", Kelly, uncomfortable with the situation, demands to see a doctor. Dagon agrees to take her, but when the doctor notices something on the sonogram, she controls him to tell her that everything is fine. Later, Sam, impersonating the doctor, tells Kelly to come back to the office. She is kidnapped by Dean, who takes her to a junkyard where Sam, Eileen Leahy, Mick Davies, and Renny Rawlings are waiting. Sam tries to explain that they just want to help her, but Dagon comes and takes her away again. In the melee, Eileen accidentally shoots Renny. Back at their hideout, Dagon handcuffs Kelly to the bed, no longer trusting her, and reveals that giving birth to a nephilim is always fatal to the mother.

In "The Future", Kelly, worried about her child being evil, attempts to kill herself, but the nephilim brings her back to life. Castiel, Kelvin, and Hozai come to the hideout to kill Kelly, but when Castiel reaches the basement he is unable to kill her. Castiel kidnaps her and takes her to a motel while he decides what to do. He decides to take her to the sandbox portal to Heaven, where Kelly and her child will die instantly but their souls will ascend to Heaven. Kelly, having seen visions from her child, now believes in its goodness. The Winchesters track them down and explain that they can extract the grace from the fetus so it will be born as a normal human being. Kelly refuses, as she believes her child has an important destiny, and drives off in the Impala with Castiel, having been told by her child that taking this path would lead to its birth. They are greeted at the sandbox by Joshua, who is then killed by Dagon. Sam and Dean arrive, and in the melee, Kelly takes Castiel's hand, lending him some of the nephilim's powers, which he uses to destroy Dagon. Castiel then takes Kelly to a safe place to give birth, having been shown by the nephilim a vision of a future paradise.

In "All Along the Watchtower", Kelly prepares for the birth of her child in a remote location with Castiel and laments that she will not be around to raise it. Kelly makes a video for her child to watch. As Kelly goes into labor, a rift into another universe opens up, and Mary Winchester comforts her through her contractions as they bond over their protectiveness of their respective sons. Kelly dies giving birth to a son, Jack.

In "Lost and Found", Jack states that Kelly is in Heaven. He recalls his connection with his mother in the womb, where he learned that Castiel was supposed to be his protector. Kelly is given a traditional Hunter's funeral. In "Patience", Jack watches the video Kelly made. In "The Big Empty", Jack shows grief counselor shapeshifter Mia the video and asks her to take his mother's form. Mia, in Kelly's form, comforts Jack and assures him he is not destined to be evil. In "Tombstone", Castiel tells Jack that Kelly would be proud of him.

In "Gods and Monsters", Jack visits his grandparents, Kelly's parents, claiming to be Kelly's friend, unable to tell them that she is dead or that he is their grandson. They show him photo albums with pictures of Kelly and remark on his resemblance to her.

During "Byzantium", Jack dies and ascends to Heaven but leaves his personal Heaven to find his mother's. Jack finds Kelly enjoying a childhood memory before approaching her and revealing his identity. Turning her back to her adult form, Kelly is greatly shocked and happy to meet him with the pair hugging. It takes Kelly a while to recall she is dead before she inquires on Jack's reasons for being present, Kelly soon realizes that he's dead too and breaks down but he comforts her that Castiel did protect him but something happened. Kelly asks what's bothering, as he explains a strange entity is chasing him. She hides her son and promises to stay by his side before Castiel arrives, having deduced Jack would be there. Castiel catches up with Kelly and soon tells them that Jack will be resurrected though part of his soul will be burned. Kelly is unsure about the idea, forcing Castiel to elaborate on the being chasing Jack, The Shadow, who wants to send him to The Empty, the resting place of angels. Kelly protects her son from the Shadow when it attacks, and witnesses Castiel make a deal with the entity to save Jack. Kelly then says goodbye to Jack, telling him to have a great life, before Castiel takes him back to Earth, resurrected. In "Moriah", Jack learns that Kelly's parents have learned that she is missing and possibly dead.

In season 15's "Destiny's Child", one of the memories that Jack experiences as his soul is restored is of talking with Kelly in Heaven. In "Inherit the Earth", after becoming the new God, Jack tells Sam and Dean that it is because of what he learned from them, Kelly, and Castiel that he is ready for his new responsibilities.

Jimmy Novak

James "Jimmy" Novak, portrayed by Misha Collins, is the vessel of Castiel and a former radio ad salesman from Pontiac, Illinois. He is described by Castiel as a "devout man" who agreed to become Castiel's vessel after hearing his voice and undergoing a series of tests of faith. In "The Rapture", after Castiel is forcibly taken back to Heaven for "re-conditioning", Jimmy is left alone and found by Sam and Dean. He describes being possessed by Castiel as "being chained to a comet". He wishes to return to his family, but Sam and Dean insist that he would put them in danger from the demons hunting him down for his association with angels. Jimmy sneaks back home to reunite with his family, but he and his family are attacked by demons, and his wife Amelia and daughter Claire are kidnapped. Castiel returns and possesses Claire to vanquish the demons. Jimmy is fatally injured in the fight, and Castiel tells him he will now be at peace in Heaven. Jimmy begs Castiel to use him as a vessel instead of Claire to spare her the life of being an angel's vessel. Castiel accepts and possesses Jimmy again.

Castiel reveals to Jimmy's daughter Claire that Jimmy has been dead and his soul in Heaven, since his vessel was destroyed in his first confrontation with Raphael in "Lucifer Rising". Jimmy was reunited in Heaven with his wife Amelia after her death in "Angel Heart". In "All Along the Watchtower", Castiel uses Jimmy's name to rent a cabin for himself and Kelly Kline. After tracking the omens to the area, the Winchesters realize they have found the right spot when they learn Castiel used the name James Novak since that is his vessel. After Castiel's death in the same episode, the Winchesters give him a Hunter's Funeral by burning Jimmy's body in "Lost & Found." When Castiel is resurrected, Jimmy's body is restored to act as his vessel once again.

As seen in season 13's "Exodus", the Apocalypse World Castiel also chose his world's Jimmy as his vessel unlike most of the angels of that world who have different vessels. The Apocalypse World Castiel's version of Jimmy has a darker more scruffier appearance, coinciding with the alternate Castiel's evil nature. He also appears to be blind in one eye. This Jimmy and Castiel are killed by the Winchesters Castiel.

In season 14's "Gods and Monsters", Castiel talks about Jimmy with Lucifer's former vessel Nick. Castiel admits that while Jimmy was willing to be his vessel, he is dead, causing Nick to call Castiel a stone-cold body snatcher that is no better than Lucifer. Castiel tells Nick that in his millennia of existence, what befell Jimmy and his family is Castiel's greatest regret.

Josie Sands

Josie Sands, portrayed by Alaina Huffman, is a Men of Letters initiate and the primary vessel of the Knight of Hell Abaddon.

Josie first appears in season 8's "As Time Goes By" on the night of her final initiation into the Men of Letters. As later revealed, Josie was already possessed by the Knight of Hell Abaddon at this point and Abaddon was using Josie to get close to the Men of Letters Elders. During Josie's initiation, Abaddon attacks and kills all of the Elders aside from Larry Ganem who attempt to exorcise the demon from Josie with no luck. After being followed to 2013, Henry attempts to get Josie to retake control, but Abaddon claims that Josie is gone. Unable to kill Abaddon, Henry later shoots a bullet carved with a devil's trap into Josie's head, trapping Abaddon in Josie's body and rendering her powerless. Dean then cuts off her head and states an intention to cut the body up into tiny pieces and bury her in cement to forever entomb Abaddon.

In "Clip Show", the Winchesters watch a video recorded by Josie and left in the Men of Letters archive of a failed attempt at curing a demon by Father Max Thompson in 1957. Later, they put Josie's body back together as part of their plan to use the demon cure on Abaddon. As a result, Josie's head is left sewed onto her neck, but her hands remain detached as a precaution. Abaddon reveals that she learned of Josie from Father Thompson before murdering him and possessed Josie to infiltrate the Men of Letters. After freeing herself, Abaddon flees in Josie's body. She reappears, still in Josie, in "Sacrifice" where though Josie's hands have been reattached, her head is still visibly sewn onto her neck. To defeat Abaddon, Sam sets her alight in Holy Fire, forcing Abaddon to flee Josie's body. If Josie had still been alive at this point, she died.

In season 9's "Devil May Care", Josie's charred body is retrieved by a demon working for Abaddon. The demon performs a ritual that restores Josie's body to perfect condition and it is repossessed by Abaddon. It is unknown if the ritual also resurrected Josie as demons do not require a living vessel. While watching video footage of Abaddon helping a few demons get better vessels, the Winchesters are surprised to recognize Josie as Abaddon's vessel as they had thought her body damaged beyond Abaddon's use. For the rest of season 9, Josie remains the Knight of Hell's vessel.

Josie appears in flashbacks in "Mother's Little Helper", where, shortly before their initiation, Josie and Henry are sent to investigate an apparent case of demonic possession in a convent. Josie, disguised as a nun, is revealed to be in love with Henry despite his being married with a son and is disgruntled by the nuns' treatment of her. After exorcising several demons, the two are confronted by Abaddon in the body of the Mother Superior. After Abaddon knocks out Henry and threatens to possess him, Josie volunteers to act as Abaddon's vessel to spare Henry. Abaddon is amused to realize that it is because Josie loves Henry and taunts her, but ultimately accepts her offer. After possessing Josie, Abaddon tells another demon she intends to use Josie to study the Men of Letters before she destroys them and then poses as Josie, successfully fooling Henry. She also subtly threatens Sister Julia Wilkerson, the only witness, into staying silent. In 2014, while investigating similar murders in town, Sam meets Julia who tells him about what she witnessed in 1958. Recognizing who Henry and Josie must have been, Sam is shocked to learn about the incident and discovers the truth about what Henry and Josie investigated which had been believed at the time to simply be a case of multiple demonic possessions.

In "King of the Damned", Dean kills Abaddon with The First Blade while she is possessing Josie's body. The First Blade's effects appear to burn out Josie's eyes similar to an angel smiting and Dean, under the influence of the Mark of Cain, further mutilates her corpse before being stopped by Sam. If Josie had in fact been resurrected with the restoration of her body for Abaddon's use, she dies for a second time along with the Knight of Hell.

Kevin Tran

Kevin, portrayed by Osric Chau, is a Prophet of the Lord who is chosen to interpret the Word of God after Sam and Dean break it out of the slab of stone it is trapped in. He is in advanced placement and is preparing for college when he is struck by lightning and chosen. Kevin is driven to drive his mother's car to the mental institution where Castiel is and where Sam and Dean have taken the Word. He steals the Word, but Sam and Meg catch him. Castiel reveals that Kevin is a Prophet and can thus read the tablet which talks about the Leviathans.

After two angels arrive to take him away and are driven away by Dean, they take him to Rufus' Cabin where they set him to work on translating the tablet. The angels return, but after Meg kills one to save Castiel, the others allow Kevin to finish the translation before taking him home. Kevin reunites with his mother, but they discover to their horror that the detective investigating his disappearance is the Leviathan Edgar in disguise. Edgar kills the two angels accompanying Kevin and takes him and his mother prisoner.

Dick Roman later uses Kevin's mother to force Kevin to translate the tablet for him. After the Leviathans bring in a girl named Polly, Kevin manages to escape the room he's trapped in and learns of Dick's plan to poison coffee creamers to kill all the skinny people in the world, but is captured by Dick's assistant Susan before he can escape the building. During Sam, Dean and Castiel's break-in of Sucrocorp, Sam finds and rescues Kevin who reveals Dick's new plan to him and insists they need to blow up Dick's laboratory.

In the lab, they find Dean and Castiel killing Dick and Kevin is shocked when Dean and Castiel disappear when Dick explodes. Kevin nervously tells Sam they have to leave because more Leviathans will be coming, but Crowley shows up and reveals he has it taken care of and kidnaps Kevin as a prize. It is later revealed that he wants Kevin to translate another Word of God tablet so he can learn how to open all the gates of Hell and release every demon in existence upon the world. Kevin tricks Crowley and escapes, going on the run for a year before Sam and Dean catch up to him. Kevin reveals that he has learned that it is possible to seal the gates of Hell forever and banish all demons from the Earth from the tablet and Sam and Dean decide to do so with his help.

However, Crowley catches up with them and although they escape thanks to Kevin's quick thinking, Crowley murders his girlfriend in revenge. Kevin later convinces Sam and Dean to take him to see his mom who is surrounded by demons. After they rescue her, Mrs. Tran joins them in closing the gates of Hell, but they find the tablet stolen and being sold at an auction. Kevin's mom wins the auction by bidding her soul, but Crowley possesses her and gets away with the tablet. In the struggle, Dean tries to kill Crowley even though he is possessing Kevin's mother and in doing so, loses Kevin's trust. This along with the fact that Crowley warned him that the Winchesters have a habit of using people up and disposing of them when they no longer need them, causes Kevin to flee with his mother. He spends the next several episodes on the run from both Crowley and the Winchesters, but after his mother hires a witch to get the ingredients needed for the spell he used to kill the demons and escape, Crowley captures and tortures him to force him to translate the tablet. Sam, Dean and Castiel, who are alerted to his situation when Mrs. Tran calls them for help, arrive and rescue Kevin and get half of the tablet, but Crowley gets the other half and Kevin loses a finger, though Castiel is able to regrow it. They then call in Garth to look after the Trans and he takes them to his houseboat where Kevin works on translating the half of the tablet he has to no avail. Dean and Castiel later go to Kevin for help in preparing more demon bombs to rescue the angel Samandriel.

Kevin is now so focused on translating the tablet that he has somewhat let himself go and has a disheveled appearance. He has also sent his own mother away so he can work in solitude, explaining to Dean that he can't enjoy the world he is trying to save until it is saved. Though he does not believe it is possible to get the ingredients needed for the bomb as they are rare, he gives them the list and Castiel is able to get them. It is shown in "Trial and Error" that Kevin lets himself go completely while he focuses on translating the tablet, believing that closing the gates of Hell will be the only way he can go back to a normal life. Eventually, after weeks of non-stop work, he cracks the instructions and calls Sam and Dean to let them know. Kevin learns that to close the gates, someone must complete three trials and recite an Enochian spell after each one. Kevin has only cracked the first trial which is to kill a hellhound and bathe in its blood. Despite Sam's advice to slow down, Kevin begins taking stimulants to keep awake and eventually calls Sam and Dean to inform them that he has learned that hellhounds are usually invisible but can be seen through an object scorched with Holy Fire, giving them a way to see the hellhound so they can kill it. In "Taxi Driver", Kevin is under so much stress that he is hallucinating Crowley in his head and that Crowley is mentally torturing him. Panicked, he calls Sam and Dean and hides, but has also deciphered the second trial: Sam must rescue an innocent soul from Hell and release it into Heaven. After Sam leaves to rescue Bobby Singer's soul from Hell, Dean stays with Kevin, trying to calm him down. Kevin is so freaked out he hides in a closet and later hides his half of the tablet somewhere, believing it will take the pressure off of him. After Dean leaves, Kevin demon-proofs Garth's houseboat even more, but Crowley shows up and reveals he killed Kevin's mother and got his location from her smartphone. When Sam and Dean return they find the boat deserted. In "The Great Escapist", Kevin is trapped in an illusion of Garth's houseboat and is tricked into translating Crowley's half of the demon tablet by demons pretending to be Sam and Dean. At the same time, a prerecorded message Kevin prepared is sent to Sam and Dean with his notes on the tablet. While Sam and Dean do not figure out the trial from them, they eventually lead them to Metatron, the angelic scribe who wrote the Word of God. Eventually Kevin realizes the truth as the demons are too polite and sends them into a trap. Crowley confronts him and Kevin refuses to reveal more than the fact that Crowley has no idea the power he could have gotten from his half of the demon tablet and that he won't break. Not caring as he has the angel tablet, Crowley strangles Kevin who is rescued by Metatron. Metatron takes Kevin back to the hotel where he lives and heals him and Kevin reveals that he has Crowley's half of the demon tablet with him. With that half of the tablet, Kevin has learned the third trial: cure a demon. Kevin is left confused as to who Metatron is when Metatron reveals knowledge of the third trial as well. After Sam and Dean pretend to make a deal with Crowley to stop him killing people they have saved, Kevin digs up the first half of the demon tablet and reunites the two halves, giving the tablet to Sam and Dean who send him to the Men of Letters bunker for safety. When Dean and Castiel need to know the third trial to close the gates of Heaven, they take the angel tablet to Kevin who is distraught as he believed that it would be over once he was done with the demon tablet, causing an angry Castiel to yell at him that he is a Prophet until he dies. After completing the second trial, Dean calls Kevin who tells him that while he has found trials on the angel tablet, he does not see anything that matches what they have done. When Naomi shows up to tell Dean and Castiel that Metatron is really trying to expel all angels from Heaven, Kevin listens, but is unable to confirm what she has said. He later tries to leave the bunker, but stops when alarms start going off, signaling the fall of all angels to Earth.

After the angels fall, Kevin is left trapped in the bunker as it locks down and he panics, nearly shooting Dean with a crossbow when he arrives. Kevin is not happy to see that the Winchesters have Crowley captive and have not killed him. Kevin is put to work trying to find a way to reverse Metatron's spell using the angel tablet. When Dean calls Kevin to get him to confirm their cover at a military base, Kevin succeeds by hacking into the person he is talking to's computer and blackmailing them. He later gets a call from Abaddon and passes on her message to Sam and Dean and at their request, looks through the archives for a way to kill a Knight of Hell. Crowley, who is in a dungeon in the next room, taunts Kevin, causing Kevin to beat him with a sledgehammer. Crowley then claims that he never killed Kevin's mother and will lead Kevin to her if he releases him and that the Winchesters are just using him. While Kevin does not release Crowley, he decides to leave and look for his mother but is stopped by Dean who convinces him that his mother is as good as dead even if she is still alive. Dean tells him that the Winchesters consider both him and Castiel to be family and would die to protect him if need be. Kevin aids Sam and Dean with finding a spell to communicate with animals and is later asked by Dean to find a way to suppress an angel. Kevin finds a way, but is murdered by Gadreel possessing Sam soon afterwards on Metatron's orders. Dean burns his body in a Hunter's Funeral afterwards and is devastated by and blames himself for Kevin's death. A month after his death, Kevin returns as a ghost, having been stuck in the veil between worlds due to Heaven being closed. Kevin asks Sam and Dean to rescue his mother who he has learned from another ghost named Candy is still alive. With Candy's help, Sam and Dean track down Linda who tearfully reunites with Kevin. Despite the risks, Linda decides to take the ring Kevin is attached to and look after him until he can enter Heaven. Kevin similarly wants to look after his mother now that he has her back. Kevin informs Sam that he does not blame him for his death, aware that it was really Gadreel and asks Sam and Dean to put aside their differences and start being brothers again before leaving.

Two years later in "All in the Family", Kevin's ghost is called in by God in the form of Chuck Shurley to reassure the Winchesters that they can trust Him. The Winchesters are shocked to see Kevin who tells them that they can trust Chuck and that whatever He has planned for them, He must believe they can do it. Kevin tells the Winchesters that he's fine for someone who is dead before Chuck tells Kevin that he has been stuck in the veil between life and death for too long. With a wave of His hand, Chuck causes Kevin's soul to ascend to its rightful place in Heaven.

In season 15's "Raising Hell", Kevin unexpectedly returns to help Dean and Arthur Ketch against the souls God released from Hell. Kevin explains that God lied about sending him to Heaven and instead cast Kevin's soul into Hell where he was released when God opened all the doors of Hell. Due to being cast into Hell by God himself, Kevin's reputation allows him to push around the other souls and he attempts to help in the plan to trap the souls. However, Francis Tumblety, also known as Jack the Ripper, learned from demons about Kevin's connection to the Winchesters and the ghosts turn against him. After a failed attempt to use Kevin as leverage, the escaped ghosts, aside from Kevin, are trapped in a crystal by Rowena. Afterwards, having learned from Belphegor that being cast into Hell means he can never get into Heaven, Kevin requests to be released from the barrier so that he can wander the Earth as a ghost. Though being an untethered ghost means he might eventually go crazy, Kevin prefers that fate to returning to an eternity of torture in Hell. After a final goodbye with the Winchesters, Kevin leaves through a doorway Belphegor opens in the barrier and vanishes to wander the world.

Apocalypse World Kevin Tran

In season 13's "War of the Worlds", an alternate universe Kevin appears as a Prophet loyal to Michael in Apocalypse World. He meets Lucifer and the latter informs him of his counterpart's status, which shocks him. Having a more black-and-white view of the world, Kevin sees Lucifer as evil due to his status as the Devil and apparently can't tell that Michael is just using him and doesn't care either way as Michael promises him a better life once he gets to the Winchesters world. Kevin finds a spell on the Angel Tablet that will open a rift to the Winchesters' universe, but it requires the grace of an archangel so Michael drains some of Lucifer's. Kevin's spell succeeds in opening a rift, but Lucifer uses the opportunity to escape through the rift which closes behind him. Kevin is excited by his success despite the fact that the spell only opens the rift long enough for one person to go through. Kevin is ordered by Michael to fix the problem.

This version of Kevin and his actions are subsequently mentioned by Lucifer to Castiel after they reunite following Lucifer's escape from Apocalypse World. Lucifer warns Castiel of the danger of Kevin working to open another rift for Michael who intends to invade their world. Castiel later shares the story with the Winchesters in "Devil's Bargain." After hearing how Kevin used the Angel Tablet to find a way to open the rift, the Winchesters bring in Prophet Donatello Redfield to search the Demon Tablet for a similar spell. Though Donatello succeeds in "Good Intentions", his lack of a soul in comparison to Kevin causes the tablet's power to corrupt him.

In "Unfinished Business", Kevin is found by Jack, Mary Winchester and a few resistance fighters in Michael's abandoned fortress. Kevin claims to have perfected the spell from the Angel Tablet for Michael who intends to use it to open a rift and lead and invasion of the Winchesters' universe. As Jack prepares to go after Michael, Kevin reveals that he has been left behind as a trap to break Jack by showing him that he can't protect everyone. Having been promised by Michael that he will be reunited with his mother in Heaven, a desperate Kevin refuses to be talked down and activates a sigil burned into his chest that effectively turns Kevin into a suicide bomb. The blast kills Kevin and three resistance fighters, though Jack survives unharmed and shields Mary from the blast's effects. As Michael hoped, the suicide bombing devastates Jack from his inability to protect the people he cares about. Its later shown that Kevin also lied about perfecting the spell for Michael and that the lie was a part of the trap as Michael had no way to open a rift until Lucifer provided him with the spell from the Demon Tablet in "Exodus."

Linda Tran

Linda Tran (played by Khaira Ledeyo in season 7, played by Lauren Tom in season 8 and onward) is Kevin's mother and is first heard when she calls him about a test he has to take in "Reading is Fundamental." When Kevin disappears, Linda grows frantic and calls the police and is relieved when two angels return him to her. However, the detective she called in to help turns out to be the Leviathan Edgar and he kills the angels and captures her and her son.

In "There Will Be Blood", Linda is used as a hostage to force Kevin into translating the Leviathan Tablet for Dick Roman, but she is let go with a warning not to talk afterwards.

A year later in "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?" she still hasn't heard from Kevin and is unknown to her, surrounded by demons, keeping an eye on her and protecting her. At Kevin's insistence, the Winchesters rescue her and she joins them in their quest to close the gates of Hell forever. Linda proves to be strong-willed, withstanding getting an anti-possession tattoo easily while comforting Kevin (and also indicating to her son's surprise that it is not her first tattoo) and later using her knowledge of tax law to intimidate a pawn shop owner into telling them what they need to know when nothing else works. At the auction, when all else fails, she bids her own soul to save Kevin, though she is warned that she will survive though she will wish she didn't. She refuses the offer of angelic protection for Kevin from Samandriel and is captured by Beau and Crowley who burn off her tattoo and Crowley possesses her to get the tablet. In the struggle that follows, Dean tries to kill her to kill Crowley and he flees her body, getting the tablet. Linda survives, but is left catatonic by the experience, though Sam and Dean believe she will recover due to her strong-willed nature. However, the incident shatters Kevin's faith in the Winchesters and he goes on the run with her.

By the time of "A Little Slice of Kevin", Linda has recovered from her catatonia and looks for a way to strike back against Crowley by hiring a witch off of Craigslist to get the ingredients needed for the demon bomb. The witch brings enough ingredients for one bomb instead of all that Linda specified and betrays them to Crowley. Crowley leaves a demon behind to kill Linda as he leaves with Kevin, but Linda overpowers and captures the demon instead and calls Sam and Dean for help to rescue Kevin. She brings them the ingredients, Kevin's notes on how to build the bomb and the demon allowing them to locate Kevin and launch a rescue mission. While Linda wants to help, Sam handcuffs her to her steering wheel to keep her out of the way and out of danger. Kevin is rescued and Sam chides her for calling upon a witch for help. He and Dean call upon Garth to look after Linda and Kevin and he takes them to a houseboat he uses as a safe house. Kevin, wanting to work in solitude to translate the half of the tablet that Castiel retrieved, later sends Linda elsewhere, explaining to Dean that he can't enjoy the world he is trying to save until it is saved.

In "Trial and Error", Kevin reveals that while he sent Linda away, he still does talk to her on the phone, but all she does is cry.

In "Taxi Driver", Crowley finds Kevin, claiming that he captured Linda and tortured her for Kevin's location. Crowley states that Linda did not break, so he killed her and got the location off of her smartphone.

In "Devil May Care", Crowley claims that he did not actually kill Linda and that she wishes that she was dead and promises to take Kevin to her if he releases him. Unsure whether to believe Crowley or not, Kevin doesn't free him, but decides to look for himself before being stopped by Dean who tells him that even if Linda is still alive, she is as good as dead.

In "Captives", the ghost of Kevin returns to ask Sam and Dean to rescue Linda who he has learned is still alive from another ghost named Candy. With Candy's help, Sam and Dean track down Linda in a storage unit in Wichita, Kansas where she and Sam end up trapped together due to the demon Del who has been holding Linda captive and torturing her. Using her knowledge of electronics from helping Kevin with his school projects, Linda is able to get them out of the room they are trapped in and is devastated to learn of Kevin's death. After Del is captured, Sam and Dean let Linda kill him. At Linda's demand, they then take her to the bunker where Linda is reunited with the ghost of her son. Linda finds her husband's old ring, the object Kevin is attached to and decides to take him home with her despite the risks so she can look after him until he can enter Heaven. Kevin was later allowed to ascend to Heaven by God.

In season 13's "Unfinished Business", the Apocalypse World version of Kevin reveals that his version of Linda died in front of him during the Apocalypse. Kevin has been promised that he will be reunited with Linda in Heaven if he suicide bombs the human resistance which he feels is his only chance to see his mother again. As a result, Kevin refuses to be talked down, though Jack and Mary Winchester survive the bombing.

Lisa Braeden

Lisa Braeden, portrayed by Cindy Sampson, is a woman Dean spent a weekend with around 1999. In the third-season episode "The Kids Are Alright", Dean decides to visit Lisa and he discovers she has an eight-year-old son named Ben who shares his cocky attitude and love of classic rock. After Ben is kidnapped by a changeling who committed the murders,

Lisa was furious and took off with Ben. She is next seen in "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning", after Maggie tells Ben to lure Dean into returning. Telling Crowley to kidnapping Lisa and Ben to give Maggie to kill them, Lisa is possessed by a demon and fatally shot in the heart, killing her


Magnus (born Cuthbert Sinclair), portrayed by Kavan Smith, is a former Man of Letters who has caused Sam and Dean trouble directly and indirectly on two occasions. Magnus was a powerful magician who was so good at spells, he was made the Men of Letters Master of Spells right after he was initiated into the order. He acted as Henry Winchester, Sam and Dean's grandfather's mentor and designed most of the warding for the Men of Letters bunker. However, he felt that the Men of Letters should be more proactive, using their knowledge to fight evil instead of hiding it away and protecting it. Magnus' ideas got so radical that after he created the Werther Box, a vault designed to protect an important decryption codex but with a deadly alarm system, he was kicked out of the Men of Letters on May 16, 1956. As a result, he survived the massacre of the order by Abaddon in 1958. Crowley became aware of his separation from the Men of Letters and attempted to locate him to get into the Men of Letters bunker, but failed to find him. At some point Magnus changed his name from Cuthbert Sinclair to Magnus, the name the Men of Letters use while going incognito, long enough that he hadn't gone by it in a long time by 2014 and built himself a warded impenetrable hideout where he collected important supernatural artifacts and a zoo of various creatures including vampires and shapeshifters. Due to his proficiency with spells, Magnus made himself immortal, looking forever to be in his 30s despite being much older. Several weeks before the events of "Blade Runners", Magnus tracked down the mythical First Blade and acquired it for his collection. Searching for the First Blade to kill Abaddon, Sam and Dean tracked down Magnus with the help of the Men of Letters files and Crowley and got him to talk to them by mentioning their grandfather and the Men of Letters. However, upon learning that Dean had the Mark of Cain, Magnus decided to add him to his collection rather than help them and teleported Sam outside. Magnus worked to convince Dean to work with him and then attempted to brainwash him when that failed. Eventually Sam and Crowley managed to break in and while Magnus was distracted with Sam, Crowley freed Dean who decapitated Magnus with the First Blade to save his brother. A year later in "The Werther Project", Sam learned of Magnus' connection to the Werther Box while searching for the codex inside. Following the destruction of the Men of Letters, Magnus' creation had caused at least four deaths and Sam and Dean set out to disarm it and get the codex. They eventually discovered that Magnus had designed the box so that only all of the blood of a Man of Letters could disarm the spell and open it, but by combining their blood, the Winchesters were able to safely open it. After getting the codex, Dean destroyed the Werther Box just to be safe.

In season 15's "Last Holiday", Jack discovers that Magnus rescued a wood nymph dubbed Mrs. Butters from the Thule and indoctrinated her into being a weapon against the Men of Letters enemies. Mrs. Butters turns on Jack and the Winchesters before they convince her that Magnus was just using her and to stand down.

Mick Davies

Michael "Mick" Davies is an operative from the British Men of Letters, portrayed by Adam Fergus. When he was a young boy, Mick was orphaned and spent some time living on the streets. In an attempt to get some money, he picked the pocket of a member of the British Men of Letters and accidentally stole a cursed coin. The British Men of Letters saw potential within Mick and sent him to the Kendricks School. At the Kendricks Academy, Mick was best friends with a boy named Timothy. He was also classmates with Arthur Ketch who called them "survivors" when describing their experience years later.

One day in 1987, Mick and Timothy were pulled into the office of Doctor Hess, the Headmistress and one of the British Men of Letters Elders. To ensure they would follow the code absolutely, Doctor Hess left them a knife and told them only one of them could leave the room alive. While Timothy wanted to run, Mick reluctantly killed his best friend, per the code. This event would haunt him for the rest of his life.

In "Season 12, Mamma Mia", Mick comes to America to return Toni Bevell to London, where she'll face consequences after establishing that she's gone way off her original mission, which was to identify American hunters and gain their trust.

He first discovers Ms. Watt's corpse and calls Toni to inform her of his intentions, calling her a "bad girl". After Toni has a face-off with Mary Winchester, Mick arrives with Castiel at her location. He insists that he and the British Men of Letters wish to work with the Winchesters and he even gives them his number, but they don't trust him.

In the car, he tells Toni that she must fly back to London, and that Mr. Ketch, whom he's already called, will take it from here.

In "LOTUS", Sam calls Mick for help with Lucifer but hangs up when he gets Mick's voicemail. Realizing that the Winchesters are likely in trouble, Mick sends Arthur Ketch to help them, resulting in Arthur rescuing them from the Secret Service and supplying them with a device capable of exorcising Lucifer.

In "First Blood", Mick is shown using a typewriter to discuss some of the events that were occurring in the episode. He is writing to his superiors, and he mainly talks about the Winchesters and American hunters in general. He is first shown trying to convince a hunter named Wally to work for the British Men of Letters. Wally's rejection leads Mick to remark that American hunters are "difficult". He then talks about Sam and Dean, who managed to escape Site 94, but they left survivors behind. He then remarks that it is Arthur Ketch's purpose to clean up "loose ends". He describes how Arthur took over Site 94 before the Government decided to shut it down completely. Lastly, Mick is shown talking to Mary Winchester, offering her the same things he offered Wally, but Mary shows interest instead.

In "The Raid", Mick leads an operation with several American hunters to wipe out all of the vampires in America. Within a month, Mick's operation wipes out two hundred and thirty of the two hundred and forty one vampires in the Midwest. After Mary gets Sam to check out his operation, Mick shows him around and includes him in a briefing of their planned attack on the final vampire nest in the Midwest.

Shortly afterwards, the compound comes under attack by vampires and Mick is shocked to learn that the Alpha Vampire is behind it as the British Men of Letters intel places him in Morocco for at least a decade. Mick is further shocked when Sam admits to having seen the Alpha Vampire in Hoople, North Dakota five years before. When Mary calls for everyone to show any weapons they possess, Mick has nothing useful and admits to having never taken a life before. While discussing options for taking down the Alpha Vampire, Mary has Mick show Sam the Colt, the one weapon the British Men of Letters possess capable of harming the Alpha. Sam is able to provide Mick with a ritual created by Bobby Singer to make more bullets for the Colt and Mick performs it moments before the Alpha Vampire breaks in and kills two hunters.

After killing the two hunters, the Alpha Vampire announces his intention to force Mick to contact his superiors and tell them the mission failed before draining Mick on camera. Before he can follow through on his threat, Sam and Mary return and Sam arms himself with the empty Colt. As Sam negotiates with the Alpha Vampire, Mick discreetly shows him the bullet for the Colt he has palmed and then attacks Sam in apparent anger after Sam offers Mick up to the Alpha Vampire in exchange for the safety of himself and his family. In reality, Mick slips Sam the Colt bullet which he loads thanks to a distraction from Mary. As Mick and Mary watch, Sam kills the Alpha Vampire with the Colt.

Following the battle, Mick berates Arthur Ketch who had been trying to recruit Dean in his own way and was thus away during the battle. Sam tells Mick that he is now in as despite everything that went wrong, they kill the Alpha Vampire and Mick's operation is making the world a better place.

In "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell", Mick sends Sam text messages with cases for the Winchesters to take. As Mick calls him at the end of the episode, Sam admits the truth to Dean who decides to give Mick a chance.

In "Ladies Drink Free", Mick brings the Winchesters a werewolf case and asks to accompany them to get actual experience in the field. Though reluctant, Dean agrees to take Mick along. While the Winchesters talk to victim Hayden Foster's mother, Mick disguises himself as a doctor and examines her wounds, discovering that she has been bitten. Mick lies to the Winchesters about it and returns that night to kill Hayden with a silver nitrate injection as per British Men of Letters protocol, something he is visibly reluctant to do. After Hayden awakens and attacks him, clawing open Mick's shoulder, Mick uses the silver nitrate injection to kill her.

The next day, Mick joins the Winchesters in investigating Hayden's "mysterious" death, seeming conflicted by his actions. He later accompanies Dean to a bar to interrogate Hayden's boyfriend with his behavior drawing Dean's suspicions. Dean realizes that Mick murdered Hayden and is enraged by his actions since Hayden was an innocent sixteen-year-old girl and as a pureblood werewolf, could have controlled herself.

After Claire Novak is bitten, Mick advocates killing her while Sam wants to try a cure the British Men of Letters invented involving injecting the newly turned werewolf with the blood of their sire. As the Winchesters go to track down Claire's sire, they leave Mick with Claire, warning him that if he kills her, they will kill Mick. As Claire starts to turn, she begs Mick to kill her, believing that she cannot control herself. However, while Mick admits that all of his instincts are telling him to do it, he's starting to understand that his instincts are wrong and instead plans to tie up and sedate Claire. They are then attacked by Claire's sire, Justin, who kidnaps Claire and knocks Mick unconscious.

The Winchesters return to find Claire gone and Mick waking up. Mick tells them that they can track Claire as he slipped a tracking device into her coat. Finding Justin's home through Mick's tracking device, Mick and Sam attack Justin with Mick jabbing Justin in the back with a syringe to get his blood. However, they are both quickly thrown off and Justin attacks Dean. Before Justin can kill Dean, Mick kills Justin with a silver bullet to the heart from behind. Mick then removes the vial of blood from Justin's back and uses it to cure Claire. The next morning, the Winchesters thank Mick for giving them a win and give him a second chance as a result. Mick is amazed by Claire's survival and curing and calls her a miracle to which Dean agrees with him.

In "The British Invasion", Mick is haunted by memories of murdering his best friend Timothy as a child and visits the Men of Letters bunker where he spends all night drinking with the Winchesters after learning about Lucifer's child. The next morning, Mick receives word from Doctor Hess that they don't have time to convince the American hunters to join them and orders Mick to "assimilate or eliminate" them and sends her lackey Renny Rawlings to keep an eye on him.

Mick and Renny join the Winchesters' attempt to capture Kelly Kline. While initially successful, Dagon shows up, shrugs off all of their attacks and escapes. Eileen Leahy tries to kill Dagon with the Colt, but she teleports away, causing the bullet to kill Renny. Mick initially tries to kill Eileen per the British Men of Letters code, but Sam convinces Mick to follow his own code instead and he orders them to go. Later, Mick returns to his headquarters to find Arthur Ketch and Doctor Hess. Having learned his lesson from working with the Winchesters, Mick defends the Winchesters way of doing things as opposed to the British Men of Letters code. Mick tells Doctor Hess that their code would have a young boy murder his best friend but he's no longer a boy, he's a man now. In response, Doctor Hess signals Arthur who shoots Mick in the back of the head at point-blank range with a silenced pistol, killing him. Standing over Mick's body, Doctor Hess announces that the experiment with the American hunters is a failure and they are going to kill the Winchesters now.

In "The Memory Remains", Arthur sends the Winchesters an email posing as Mick to send them on a case to get them out of the bunker. He poses as Mick again later in a text message to check that they are in fact gone. When the Winchesters call Mick to check in, Arthur answers and claims that Mick was recalled to London and "has a lot to answer for" after what happened with Dagon so they will now report to him.

In "Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes", Mary starts to get suspicious about Mick's disappearance as he hasn't responded to her phone calls or emails for weeks. Afterwards, Mary gets an email from "Mick" claiming that he is to remain in London for a few more weeks. Hearing Arthur talking about a package in the armory, Mary checks it out and discovers a box containing Mick's body, upsetting Mary. After finding Mick's body and finding information on hunters being chased by the British Men of Letters, Mary confronts Arthur who claims he was killed by a werewolf. However, Mary quickly realizes that Arthur is lying and in fact killed Mick himself since he was shot in the head which a werewolf is unlikely to do.

In "There's Something About Mary", after learning of the British Men of Letters attack on American hunters, the Winchesters capture Lady Toni Bevell for answers. When they question what Mick thinks about it, Toni reveals that Mick is dead, much to their obvious shock and grief as the Winchesters had genuinely liked Mick.

Missouri Moseley

Missouri Moseley, portrayed by Loretta Devine, is a very talented psychic residing in Lawrence, Kansas. She was a long-time friend of John Winchester. Missouri first met John on December 17, 1983, when he came to her for a reading. She said it was 'a few days after' Mary was murdered. Missouri said she was the one who opened his eyes to 'what was in the dark.' John took Missouri to his house, hoping she could tell him what killed Mary. Unfortunately, Missouri could not tell what it was, just that it was "real evil". Twelve years later, Missouri returns in season 13's "Patience." Missouri, who is revealed to also be a former hunter, contacts the Winchesters for help when a monster targeting psychics kills her protégé. Missouri helps Dean and Jody Mills determine that they are dealing with a Wraith and she receives a premonition of her own death. Missouri sends Dean and Jody away to protect her granddaughter Patience Turner, who is also a powerful psychic and allows the Wraith to kill her, having seen that this is the path that will ensure its destruction. With help from Patience, Dean kills the Wraith and avenges Missouri's death while also fulfilling her last wish to see her granddaughter protected. In the process, Patience learns that her father lied to her for most of her life about her grandmother.


Nick, portrayed by Mark Pellegrino, is a widower and Lucifer's primary and most well known vessel. Though Nick himself only initially appears in person in season 5's "Sympathy for the Devil", he plays a major role from seasons five to thirteen as Lucifer's vessel. He subsequently joins the main cast in season 14 after the death of Lucifer.

In season 5's "Sympathy for the Devil", Nick, who has recently lost his wife Sarah and son Teddy in a brutal home invasion, is tormented by visions created by Lucifer regarding the loss of his family. Lucifer, appearing in the form of Nick's dead wife, approaches Nick openly eventually and asks for Nick's permission to take Nick as his vessel. Though Lucifer can't bring back Nick's family, he offers Nick the chance to get revenge against God and explains his version of why God threw Lucifer out of Heaven. Nick ultimately consents to becoming Lucifer's vessel.

Subsequently, Nick appears throughout season 5 as Lucifer's vessel. In "Free to Be You and Me", Lucifer visits Sam in Nick's form and explains that Sam is actually Lucifer's one true vessel. Nick was just a backup plan and can barely contain Lucifer without spontaneously combusting which is not a problem that Lucifer would face with Sam. As a result of Lucifer's sheer power, Nick's body slowly degrades over season 5 as Lucifer's power burns him out and he develops ever worsening skin lesions. Several characters note the state of Nick's body over the course of the season with Castiel stating in "Two Minutes to Midnight" that Lucifer has to drink gallons of demon blood just to keep it intact at all. In "Swan Song", after Sam says yes to Lucifer, he abandons Nick's body for Sam's. Nick is left dead on the ground, completely burned out from containing Lucifer for nearly a year.

In season 7, Sam's hallucinations of Lucifer take on the form of Nick. In season 11's "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" and "The Devil in the Details", Lucifer manifests in Hell to communicate with Sam. In "Hell's Angel", despite having Castiel as his vessel at the time, Lucifer takes on Nick's form in Castiel's mind to battle Crowley when he tries to get Castiel to expel Lucifer. When Lucifer is yanked out of Castiel's body in "We Happy Few" by the Darkness, an image of Nick is briefly overlaid over Castiel as Lucifer is expelled.

In season 12's "Stuck in the Middle (With You)" and "Family Feud", Lucifer is revealed to be imprisoned in Nick's body rather than the Cage after he was exorcised from the President of the United States in "LOTUS." In "Family Feud", Crowley explains to Lucifer that his demons found Nick's body a few years before and Crowley had it repaired and upgraded so that it could serve as the perfect vessel and perfect prison for the archangel who was sent into Nick when Crowley perverted Rowena's spell to send him back to the Cage. Crowley's improvements keep Nick's body from degrading again and he remains a sound vessel for Lucifer without fear of burning out like Lucifer's previous vessels aside from Sam did. Although Crowley installs a security system in Nick's body to control Lucifer, it is reversed upon Crowley with the help of Drexel in "There's Something About Mary" and Lucifer gains full control over his vessel. After his escape, Doctor Hess shows Sam surveillance photos of Lucifer on the loose again in "Who We Are" and Sam believes her as he recognizes Lucifer's old vessel.

Throughout the second half of season 12 and all of season 13, Nick acts as Lucifer's permanent vessel. Lucifer is eventually killed by Dean in "Let the Good Times Roll", leaving Nick's body lying on the floor of a church surrounded by the burned impressions of Lucifer's wings.

In season 14's "Stranger in a Strange Land", Nick is revealed to still be alive, living in a makeshift bedroom in the Men of Letters bunker's dungeon. Sam speculates that as the archangel blade is designed to kill the archangel inside and not the vessel, it left Nick unharmed aside from a slowly healing wound in his side where he was stabbed. Nick has nightmares of his time under Lucifer's control and Sam and Mary Winchester have a hard time looking at him due to his long possession by Lucifer and thus his resemblance to him. Nick is able to remember that Michael told Lucifer that he wanted to "do it right this time", but can't provide Sam with any more useful information than that on Michael's plans.

In "Gods and Monsters", Nick is visited by Castiel in his room where Nick experiences flashbacks of the things Lucifer forced him to do. Castiel reminds Nick that it was the murder of Nick's family that caused Nick to consent to Lucifer's possession, causing Nick to experience flashbacks of how Lucifer tortured him to get Nick to say "yes." Nick digs into the murder of his family and discovers that the case has never been solved in all the years since the murder, enraging him. As Nick displays uncharacteristically aggressive and Lucifer-like behavior, Castiel determines that though Lucifer is gone, he may have done more damage to Nick's psyche than they realized. In an attempt to solve his family's murders and get revenge, Nick visits his old neighbor Arty who was a witness to a man running out of his house the night of the murders, but subsequently changed his story. Believing someone to have gotten to Arty, Nick attacks him and demands to know the truth. Nick later bashes Arty's head in with a hammer, the same way his family was murdered. In "The Scar", Castiel tells Sam and the returned Dean that Nick took off claiming that he had personal matters to attend to and hasn't been returning Castiel's phone calls since.

In "Unhuman Nature", Nick continues his bloody quest for revenge, torturing a priest whom Arty had confessed to and then brutally murdering him when the priest refuses to break his vows and tell Nick what he knows. Nick then meets with the reporter who covered his family's murders in hopes of learning something useful. At Nick's request, the reporter reveals that a man named Frank Kellogg was the beat cop in Nick's neighborhood at the time of the murders. Nick is subsequently tempted to murder a prostitute, but stops himself. Nick tracks down and tortures Frank, having learned from Arty that he had seen a cop running out of Nick's house at the time of the murder and then been threatened by the police into silence. Frank finally reveals that he responded to a 911 call from Nick's wife reporting a prowler only to meet a man named Abraxas outside of Nick's house and then wake up in his police cruiser covered in Sarah's blood. Nick realizes that Abraxas was a demon who possessed Frank to murder Nick's family. Even though Nick acknowledges that the murders weren't Frank's fault, he still beats the man to death with a hammer regardless as Frank's hands were used to butcher his wife and son. In the aftermath, Nick prays to Lucifer, having realized that he enjoyed the freedom that came with expressing his inner darkness and is now missing the fallen archangel. In the Empty, a skeletal figure rises with glowing red eyes, presumably Lucifer awakened by Nick's prayer.

In "Damaged Goods", Nick continues his revenge quest by capturing and torturing demons to find Abraxas. Nick finally learns that Abraxas was captured by Mary Winchester while he was slaughtering a Girl Scout troop and sets out to Hibbing, Minnesota to find Mary. Nick's behavior alarms a local grocery store clerk who calls local Sheriff Donna Hanscum who discovers that the van Nick is driving is stolen while his fingerprints show Nick as being wanted for his murder spree. Nick subdues Donna and tracks Mary down through Donna's phone, kidnapping Mary who admits that she locked Abraxas in an Enochian puzzle box when she couldn't defeat him. Nick forces Mary to lead him to the storage unit where Abraxas is located and kidnaps a security guard to act as Abraxas' vessel. Nick frees Abraxas who offers him answers in exchange for Nick murdering Mary. Before he can, Nick is confronted by the Winchesters who tracked him down with Donna's help. Nick breaks the devil's trap and Abraxas attacks before revealing that he murdered Nick's family on Lucifer's orders and that Nick was chosen, although for no special reason. While Abraxas is distracted by Dean, Nick kills him with an angel blade to avenge his wife and son and is then subdued by Donna and Mary. Nick is arrested by Donna for his murder spree and justifies his actions as necessary to get revenge. Sam apologizes for not being able to save Nick or his victims, who will haunt Nick for the rest of his life.

In "Prophet and Loss", Nick escapes after brutally beating up a cop and returns to his old house where he encounters the ghost of his wife Sarah. Even though Nick has gotten her revenge by killing Abraxas, Sarah can't rest due to Nick's inability to give up Lucifer. Unable to give Lucifer up even for Sarah, Nick departs to continue his search for the archangel.

In "Game Night", Nick kidnaps the prophet Donatello Redfield and claims to have injected him with thallium. Nick resists the Winchesters' attempts to get him to reveal Donatello's location and enjoys taunting them. Finally, he agrees to lead them to Donatello while Jack discovers that Nick injected Donatello with angel grace, not poison. Nick explains that he used Donatello as a conduit to communicate with Lucifer in the Empty and intends to bring him back. Nick bashes Sam's head in with a rock, leaving him severely injured, before fleeing to an abandoned cabin to perform a spell Lucifer gave him using Jack's blood. Nick succeeds in bringing Lucifer back from the Empty, but is interrupted by Jack and Mary. Jack sends Lucifer back to the Empty and causes Nick to burn up from the inside, killing him before healing Sam's injuries. Nick's body is later found by Sam and Dean in "Absence." Sam covers up Nick's body with a blanket, but it is apparently otherwise just left in the abandoned cabin. Despite wanting Nick dead, Sam is horrified by the brutal manner of his demise.

In season 15's "Inherit the Earth", a resurrected Lucifer returns in the form of Nick. However, it's unclear if Nick was resurrected as well. When Lucifer is killed for a second time by Michael, he explodes into ash, leaving nothing of Nick behind.

Pamela Barnes

Pamela Barnes, portrayed by Traci Dinwiddie, is a friend of Bobby Singer. A skilled psychic, she is bold and aggressive. Bobby calls upon her assistance in discovering what pulled Dean Winchester out of Hell in season 4. She holds a seance and discovers it is a being named Castiel. In attempting to get a glimpse of Castiel, her eyes are burnt out and she becomes permanently blind. However, her psychic abilities appear to enable her to perceive her surroundings. The Winchesters again seek her assistance in finding out why Anna Milton can hear angels speak. She expresses an interest in "dicking over" angels because one caused the loss of her sight. She places Anna under hypnosis, which restores to Anna her memories of being an angel. She is called upon one more time by the Winchesters, to help them perform astral projections of themselves. While doing so, she is mortally wounded by a demon, but as her dying act, whispers a warning to Sam to stop using the demonic forces within him. In season 5's "Dark Side of the Moon", the Winchester brothers encounter Pamela in Heaven, who is happy residing in her own private paradise.

Pamela reappears in season 14's "Nihilism" where, in the world Michael created for Dean in his mind, he owns a bar with Pamela and is happy, experiencing a looped existence. When Sam and Castiel enter Dean's mind, they are surprised to find Pamela present and after they remind Dean of her blindness and death respectively, Pamela becomes blind and then disappears, having only been a construct of Dean's imagination.

Toni Bevell

Lady Antonia "Toni" Bevell, portrayed by Elizabeth Blackmore, is a Woman of Letters from British Men of Letters.

In "Season 11, Alpha and Omega", Toni returns to her home in London only to get a call that something bad is happening. She heads to her basement where she observes a bulletin board decorated with information on the Winchester family.

She bids her sleeping son goodbye and prepares to head out. Her servant gives her a few weapons before she leaves.

When Sam and Castiel return to the Bunker after the sun was restored to normal, she uses the angel banishing sigil on Castiel and tells Sam that she is a member of the British Men of Letters. When she asks about Dean, Sam tells her he's dead.

Toni tells Sam that she has come to take him to see the Boss at the London Chapter of the Men of Letters. She accuses him of playing with things - Archangels, Leviathans, the Darkness - bigger than he can handle. She soon fires a gun at him, leaving Sam's fate uncertain.

In "Season 12, Keep Calm and Carry On", Toni brings Sam, who she shot in the leg, to Dr. Marion to have his injuries treated, paying him with $100,000 to not ask questions. Taking him to a farmhouse, Toni explains that the British Men of Letters have kept Britain safe from monsters for forty years and want to do the same with America. To this end, she demands information on all of the hunters in America, their leadership and how to contact them. When Sam refuses to tell her, Toni has Ms. Watt torture him for the information, but he continues to refuse. Though Ms. Watt suggests bringing in Mr. Ketch, Toni refuses as she doesn't like the man and instead decides to resort to mental torture, causing Sam to have hallucinations of dead people in an attempt to break his mind. However, when Dean calls her and threatens Toni if she doesn't turn over Sam, she sends Ms. Watt to kill him. Eventually, Sam apparently commits suicide as a result of his hallucinations, but in actuality tricks Toni and briefly overpowers her. Sam nearly escapes, but Toni manages to lock him in the basement once again.

In "Mamma Mia", Toni uses a spell and potion to create a hallucination where she seduces Sam to get information from him. She is unable to get much before Sam sees through it and Toni resumes her physical torture. As she tortures Sam, Toni gets a call from Mick informing her that Ms. Watt is dead and he has come to bring her in as she's gone too far. Toni refuses to stop and captures Dean when he locates the farmhouse with help from Ms. Watt's cell phone and Castiel. Toni threatens to torture Dean instead but before she can begin, a resurrected Mary Winchester threatens her at gunpoint. Toni and Mary engage in a fight that ends with Toni cutting open her hand and mentally strangling Mary while Dean threatens her with Mary's gun. Toni demands the gun, stating Mary will die if she is killed and Dean pretends to comply. As Dean hands over the gun, he punches Toni unconscious, having recognized that she was using a Chinese mind control technique and that knocking her out would end its effects.

The group is then interrupted by Mick who explains that Toni's orders were to make contact with the Winchesters but she went too far out of her belief of their being a malfeasance in the American hunters. Mick promises that Toni will be punished in London for her actions and departs with her. Toni remains steadfast in her desire to get answers, but Mick refuses though he tells her if necessary, he will do what he has to do to deal with the situation. To that end, he has called for Mr. Ketch, something that leaves Toni visibly uneasy.

In "The Raid", Arthur Ketch has a drink with Dean and tells him that Toni's rogue actions were unforeseen by all but Arthur who "had a sneak peek at what a neurotic, overreaching time bomb she was." Arthur then explains that he and Toni used to date which Dean is not surprised by.

In "Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes" and "There's Something About Mary", Toni returns to brainwash Mary into being a remorseless killer for the British Men of Letters. Toni succeeds, but is lured into a trap and captured by the Winchesters. Toni informs them of Mick Davies' murder and confirms that her organization is likely responsible for the death of American hunters. At the bunker, the Winchesters are ambushed by Arthur Ketch and three operatives. After killing Arthur's men, a brainwashed Mary forces them to let Arthur go. Arthur then locks the Winchesters in the bunker, initiating a lockdown that cuts off all power, water and air which will result in their suffocation in two to three days. As Toni is a rival for heading the American operation, Arthur locks her in the bunker to die with the Winchesters.

In "Who We Are" Toni claims that she is the only person that can undo Mary's brainwashing to get the Winchesters to spare her. For two days, the Winchesters and Toni work together to find a way out with a magical solution ultimately failing. As the three are on the verge of dying, Dean uses a grenade launcher to blast a hole into the sewers, a plan that Toni feels is insane. Dean then hits the bunker's manual override and save Sam and Toni.

After learning that Jody Mills has captured Mary, the Winchesters demand that Toni break the brainwashing and she finally admits to lying to them about being able to do it. Toni suggests the Winchesters run and watches Sam's rallying speech to the American hunters with apparent interest. Toni agrees to help Dean enter Mary's mind using equipment at the bunker and asks in return that Dean give her a head start before killing Toni so that she can have a chance to see her son one last time. With Toni's help, Dean breaks Mary's brainwashing, but awakens to find that Arthur Ketch has murdered Toni while he was unconscious.

Doctor Hess

Doctor Hess, portrayed by Gillian Barber, is a British Men of Letters Elder and the Headmistress of the Kendricks Academy.

In 1987, Doctor Hess forced Kendricks student Mick Davies to murder his best friend Timothy as a test of Mick's loyalty to the British Men of Letters code.

In "The British Invasion", Doctor Hess contacts Mick and orders him to "assimilate or eliminate" the American hunters. To ensure Mick's compliance, Doctor Hess sends her lackey Renny Rawlings to watch over him. Following the accidental death of Renny at the hands of Eileen Leahy and the Colt, Doctor Hess personally comes to the British Men of Letters compound, leaving Britain for apparently the first time. After determining that Mick has become too much like the American hunters, Doctor Hess has Arthur Ketch murder him and announces that they will now wipe out the American hunters, particularly the Winchesters.

In "There's Something About Mary" and "Who We Are", Doctor Hess personally coordinates an operation to wipe out the American hunters. She suggests to both Arthur Ketch and Lady Toni Bevell that once it is over, she will place each of them in charge.

As her operatives prepare to strike against the hunters, their families and any bystanders, an assault team of American hunters led by Sam Winchester attacks the British compound. Despite being heavily outnumbered and outgunned, the American hunters slaughter the British operatives, taking some casualties of their own. Desperate, Doctor Hess kills a hunter and retreats to the control room to call for extraction, but the people in Britain can't get her out. She is then confronted at gunpoint by Sam, Jody Mills and another hunter named Walt. Doctor Hess attempts to convince Sam that they still need each other as Lucifer has escaped and Crowley is dead. After a moment of consideration, Sam refuses Doctor Hess' offer and pointedly destroys the computer she was using to communicate with Britain. Enraged, Doctor Hess attempts to shoot Sam only to be shot through the head herself by Jody Mills. The American hunters then destroy the British compound, ending their operation and threat in America.

In "All Along the Watchtower", Sam shares the intelligence Doctor Hess gave him on Lucifer with Dean and Mary. Sam is shown to believe Doctor Hess' claims as he recognizes Lucifer's vessel from the surveillance pictures Doctor Hess shared with him.

Victor Henriksen

Victor Henriksen, played by Charles Malik Whitfield, was an FBI agent who pursued the Winchesters since the bank "robbery" in the season two episode "Nightshifter". He believed the Winchesters were serial killers responsible for the deaths that have occurred in various towns. He continued to pursue them when, in the season three episode "Jus in Bello", he finally captured them and held them in a small town jail while waiting for an FBI helicopter to arrive. However, demons arrived and destroyed the helicopter; one of them possessed Henriksen but was exorcised. Finally believing in the supernatural, he agreed to help the Winchesters as they fought off the demon horde. Afterwards, he agreed to tell the FBI that they were in the helicopter when it crashed. However, after the Winchesters left, he was killed by Lilith. Henriksen made another appearance in season four's "Are You There, God? It's Me...Dean Winchester". Lilith was breaking the 66 Seals to free Lucifer, and one of them was the Rising of the Witnesses. Sam, Dean, and Bobby met the ghosts of people they could not save, including Henriksen, who told them what happened after they left the jail at the end of "Jus in Bello". The ghosts terrorized the trio until they were put to rest.

Mr. Wyatt

Sam's teacher at Truman High in 1997. Mr. Wyatt takes an interest in Sam after reading his precocious written assignment about hunting werewolves, which was supposed to be nonfiction. Wyatt interprets the work as an allegory and an in-depth character study about family dynamics, encouraging Sam to pursue the academic life he wants to attain without being shackled to family dictates.

Sam and Dean return to Truman High in the season 4 episode "After School Special" to hunt a vengeful spirit that's been terrorizing the school grounds by possessing students and making them do hideous things to bullies. Sam takes some time to chat with Mr. Wyatt in a miniature reunion to thank him for giving him advice and acting as a counselor when he attended the school.

Other supernatural beings

The Alpha Vampire

The Alpha Vampire, portrayed by Rick Worthy is the first member of the vampire species. He was created by Eve and spread vampirism afterwards. When Crowley starts a hunt for Alphas to locate Purgatory, he starts sending telepathic messages to his "children" to create as many new vampires as they can. Dean sees this message when he's briefly infected with vampirism and the Campbells use it to track him down and capture him. The Alpha is tortured, but eventually breaks free, killing Christian Campbell. After a fight, Christian, who is revealed to be possessed by a demon, gets up and injects him with dead man's blood, incapacitating him. Afterwards, Crowley arrives and takes him away. The Alpha is held with all the other captured monsters in Crowley's prison, but escapes before Castiel can kill him like he does the other Alphas and monsters in the prison. The Alpha makes a deal with the Leviathans to share humanity among both species with the Leviathan substance that makes humans more docile making it easier for vampires to feed. After several of his vampires die after feeding on infected humans, the Alpha flees to his retreat at an old monastery where Sam and Dean track him down. However, Emily, a young woman he'd held prisoner for twelve years, calls him to warn him that they're coming. The Alpha captures Sam and Dean who ask for his blood, explaining that the Leviathan substance was what killed his vampires and that he'd been betrayed. The Alpha refuses to listen and after hearing that Edgar has arrived, orders the hunters locked up. The Alpha confronts Edgar who confirms Sam and Dean's story, telling him that the Leviathans intend to use the fact that so many monsters feed on humans to wipe them out. When Edgar insults Eve, the Alpha attacks him, throwing Borax in his face, but Edgar overpowers him. Before Edgar can kill the Alpha, Sam and Dean, who broke free, attack and Sam decapitates Edgar. Grateful for their actions and understanding that they have a common enemy, the Alpha gives Sam and Dean his blood without a fight and allows them to take a young boy named Alan he has captured. As they leave, warning him not to keep Edgar's head too close to his body, the Alpha taunts them that they truly want to kill him instead of leaving it for another time and promises to "see you next season."

The Alpha Vampire returns in "The Raid" when the British Men of Letters begin systematically wiping out all of the vampires in America. The Alpha Vampire leads an assault on the British compound where he faces off with Sam who arms himself with the Colt, the only weapon the British possess capable of harming the Alpha Vampire. Sam offers the Alpha Vampire a deal where he can have the British if he will leave the Winchesters alone to resume the old way of hunting. Sam is then attacked by Mick Davies and the Alpha Vampire by Mary Winchester before both are defeated. Sam then reveals to the Alpha Vampire it was all a distraction so he could get and load a bullet for the Colt. Impressed, the Alpha Vampire calls Sam a "clever, clever boy" before Sam shoots him through the head with the Colt. As the legendary gun's power works on him, the Alpha Vampire briefly laughs and smiles before dropping to the ground, dead.

Amy Pond

Portrayed by Emma Grabinsky as an adolescent and by Jewel Staite as an adult. Amy was a Kitsune who grew up traveling around with her mother. In 1998, they crossed paths with Sam Winchester in Lincoln, Nebraska. Amy killed her mother to protect Sam, with whom she had grown close. Amy re-encountered Sam years later. Sam tracked her down after she committed a series of murders. Amy then reveals that she had only committed the murders to strengthen her sick son Jacob. Given the circumstances, and their history, Sam agrees to let her go and makes Dean promise to do the same. However, Dean later returns and kills Amy. He spares her son, who vows revenge. Dean lies to Sam about Amy's fate but is plagued by guilt. The truth is eventually revealed and is a source of conflict between the brothers for a time.

Amy's name is a nod to the Doctor Who character of the same name.

Benny Lafitte

Benjamin "Benny" Lafitte (Ty Olsson) is a vampire who was a vampire pirate during his first lifetime until he met Andrea Kormos and fell in love with her, leaving his nest and stopping feeding on humans. He was eventually tracked down and killed by his nest mates and went to Purgatory where he spent around fifty years before Dean ended up there after killing Dick Roman. Benny saves Dean from another vampire and makes a deal with him: in exchange for Dean taking him with him, Benny will show him a portal out of Purgatory. Benny helps Dean find Castiel, warning him that traveling with an angel will get them killed, but Dean is insistent on all of them getting out. After Benny saves Castiel from Leviathans, he earns Dean's full trust and Dean carries him out of Purgatory in his arm. On Earth, Dean travels to Benny's grave and resurrects him. The two remain in touch but stay separate until Benny goes after his nest for revenge and to protect himself from further attempts on his life. After Benny is injured, he calls Dean for help and together they take down the nest, with Benny killing his maker. However, Benny is reunited with Andrea who he learns was turned into a vampire instead of being killed. She helps him out, but to Benny's heartbreak, he learns that she has changed and wants to take over the pirating operation herself and Dean is forced to kill her to save Benny. Needing something to keep him on the straight and narrow, Benny moves to his hometown of Carencro, Louisiana where he meets and secretly looks out for his great-granddaughter Elizabeth. Rogue vampire Desmond tries to get Benny to join him, but Benny refuses and Desmond leaves a trail of bodies to try to get Benny to agree, drawing the attention of insane hunter Martin Creaser and Sam and Dean. Dean and Benny hunt down and kill Desmond, but Martin tries to kill Benny, using Elizabeth as a hostage. Benny is forced to kill him in self-defense and is left in a deteriorating situation worsened by the fact that Dean soon afterwards cuts off all contact. When Sam gets trapped in Purgatory, Dean goes to Benny for help, knowing he can get Sam out. Benny agrees, telling Dean he feels he no longer fits in on Earth. Dean kills Benny who saves Sam and Bobby Singer from vampires and leads them to the portal out. However Benny, who never intended to return to Earth, stays behind to hold off a group of vampires and allow Sam to escape. Benny is last seen fighting the vampires. Benny finally gains Sam's acceptance with this self-sacrifice and Dean buries his body instead of burning it in hopes of bringing him back one day.

In season 10's "The Werther Project", Dean experiences a hallucination of Purgatory while under the influence of the Werther Box. In the hallucination, Benny saves Dean from a Leviathan and encourages Dean to end his own life as part of the box's magical manipulations. Though pleased to see his old friend again, Dean recognizes that he is not the real Benny as Benny would never want Dean to kill himself. Dean impales Benny through the chest with his own weapon, dissipating the illusion.

In season 12's "Mamma Mia", Lady Toni Bevell of the British Men of Letters attempts to question Dean about his relationship with Benny to no avail. Benny, who is always referred to only by his first name, is revealed to have the full name of Benny Lafitte, previously suggested by the sign on the land Dean found Benny's corpse buried on in "We Need to Talk About Kevin."

In season 15's "Atomic Monsters", Sam experiences a nightmare of a world where he has given into his demon blood addiction and become the leader of a demon army. Benny is a part of a force of hunters led by Dean to stop Sam, but is mortally wounded in the conflict. Benny promises to see Dean on the other side before dying of his injuries, Dean being killed a short time later by Sam for trying to stop him. Sam later suspects that he is seeing God's potential endings for the Winchester brothers. In "The Trap", God reveals that Sam's visions, including the one of Benny, are actually God's memories of alternate realities and what happened to the Sams and Deans in those worlds.

In "The Trap", Dean and Castiel return to Purgatory in search of a Leviathan Blossom for the spell to trap God. Dean suggests to Castiel that they keep an eye out for Benny, figuring that Benny probably took over Purgatory by now. However, a Leviathan they capture reveals that Benny, who is a legend for escaping from Purgatory and then coming back, is dead. After he helped Sam escape from Purgatory, Benny was torn apart by other vampires for his actions. Dean is devastated to learn of his friend's final fate after everything that Benny had done for him and Sam.

Chuck Shurley / God

Chuck Shurley, also known by the pseudonym Carver Edlund and portrayed by Rob Benedict, is an author of a marginalized book series Supernatural, which recounts everything the Winchester brothers have experienced during the show's run. After confronting him about his seemingly omniscient knowledge of their escapades, it is revealed that he is a Prophet of the Lord, and his works will become new gospels. Between the fourth-season finale "Lucifer Rising" and the fifth-season premiere "Sympathy for the Devil", he witnesses the death of Castiel at the hands of the archangel Raphael. Being the author of the Supernatural series, he attends the first Supernatural convention Sam and Dean were tricked into attending. When it turns out the hotel is actually haunted, he is forced to occupy the guests and the hotel staff while the Winchesters and a pair of cosplayers destroy the ghosts. When the hotel manager leaves and breaks the salt line, he dissipates the ghost with an iron post, unintentionally gaining the affections of Becky.

In "Swan Song", Chuck is periodically narrating about the history of the Impala, his script having the same name as the episode. He informs Dean of the final battlefield between Michael and Lucifer, despite the angels wishing him not to know. At its conclusion, while ending the narration, Chuck smiles and disappears into thin air, leading some to question whether he is merely a prophet that is no longer needed or is actually God.[26][27][28] Castiel later states that while he doesn't know what happened to Chuck, he must be dead as a new Prophet was chosen in the form of Kevin Tran and that only happens when the old Prophet dies.

In the Season 10 episode "Fan Fiction" Chuck is shown to be alive as he reappears at the end of a play based on his books and comments that it was "not bad" when asked his opinion by the play's writer, Marie.

In the Season 11 episode "Don't Call Me Shurley", Metatron is transported to a bar that he recognizes as one of God's constructs where he meets with Chuck. After Metatron criticizes his writing, Chuck reveals to the shocked Metatron that he is in fact God, having taken on the form of Chuck Shurley to have a more hands-on role. God explains that after the Apocalypse was averted, He traveled the world but has grown tired of everything and intends to let Amara destroy the world while He works on His autobiography with Metatron's help. God gives Metatron several insights into His actions, confirming He resurrected Castiel several times to aid the Winchesters and revealing he "turned off" Dean's amulet's ability to detect him. He also shows sympathy for Lucifer, stating that Lucifer is not a villain. God is generally apathetic to what's going on on Earth, but Metatron gives Him an impassioned speech about how humanity is better than Him because for all their flaws, they still try. After finishing his autobiography, God has Metatron read it while he plays "Dink's Song" on his guitar. On Earth, God stops Amara's insanity infection and resurrects those who died because of it. After finding Dean's old amulet glowing in Sam's pocket, the brothers follow it to the middle of the street where God, in the form of Chuck, is helping those affected by Amara. The Winchesters are shocked to realize that Chuck was God the whole time and God tells them they should talk.

In "All in the Family", God proves who he is by transporting the Winchesters to the bunker and calling upon the spirit of Kevin Tran to confirm his story. The Winchesters then learn from Metatron that God intends to sacrifice himself to the Darkness to save the universe rather than fight her. After the Winchesters rescue Lucifer, God greets his rebellious son for the first time in millennia and heals his numerous injuries from Amara's torture. In "We Happy Few" there is great tension between God and Lucifer, but the Winchesters get them to have a sit-down in which God admits Lucifer was always his favorite and he feels he failed him by giving him the Mark. Lucifer and God reconcile and gather the witches, angels and demons to aid them in battling Amara since Raphael was dead, Gabriel was presumed dead, God couldn't bring them back in time, and Michael is insane. Together, they defeat the Darkness and God goes to transfer the Mark to Sam to imprison his sister once more, but the Darkness retaliates, leaving God mortally wounded. In "Alpha and Omega", God reluctantly aids the Winchesters in formulating a plan to kill the Darkness to balance the scales once he's dead. As God grows weaker and the universe dies with him, the Darkness teleports him to her location where Dean has convinced her to find another way. The Darkness admits she was jealous of no longer being everything to God and asks to have her brother back. The siblings reconcile and the Darkness heals the injuries she inflicted upon God, reversing the end of the universe. The two siblings then depart the Earth together for a "family meeting."

Chuck/God later appears in the season 14 finale "Moriah", where he tries to convince the Winchesters that Jack Kline has become too powerful and needs to be stopped. After much persuading, God manages to get the Winchesters on his side. However, As Dean prepares to execute Jack with the Colt, Sam realizes that God is enjoying the scene. The Winchesters and Castiel then discover that their entire lives have been nothing more than stories for Chuck/God's sadistic amusement. When the Winchesters confront him on his manipulations (culminating in Dean telling him to "go to Hell"), God responds by killing Jack himself. As he prepares to leave, Chuck is shot and wounded by Sam, causing him to declare "The end" of their story, unleash the souls of hell and leave.

Weakened by the Colt, Chuck seeks help from Amara in Reno. Amara, however, realizes that Chuck has never changed as a person, and leaves him trapped on earth. Chuck then meets with Becky, and tells her of his "ending" to the story of the Winchesters. When Becky is horrified by his idea, Chuck reveals himself to be God before presumably killing her and her family.

God later traps Sam and Eileen in a casino, whose occupants he murdered. Knowing that Dean and Castiel are working to defeat him, Chuck shows Sam visions of the "future" if they win. In it, Castiel is corrupted by the Mark of Cain, and the Winchesters are eventually turned into monsters and killed by Bobby Singer and Jody Mills. Broken by these visions, Sam does not help his brother and Castiel kill God when they arrive. Chuck then manages to heal himself, before revealing that the visions were actually from other worlds. He then departs, leaving the Winchesters, Castiel, and Eileen in the casino.

God/Chuck later enters a store in another world, where he reveals himself as being a sociopathic narcissist who sees the Winchesters as "toys" that exist for his amusement. He then decides to annihilate all the other universes he created. As the clerk begs for his world to be spared, Chuck tells him that "everything will be alright." Chuck then proceeds to destroy the other earth as well.

Having eliminated the other worlds, God returns to the main world, where he meets with Amara. God explains his view of humans as "boring" creatures who "ruin everything they touch". After much debating, Amara traps her brother in the Winchesters' bunker, having previously agreed to help them defeat him. As Dean brings Jack, who is intended to be a bomb, to the bunker, Sam arrives, revealing that their plan will result in Billie, the current "death", to take Chuck's place. Chuck then reveals that he organized the entire event to pit the brothers against each other. Dean tries to ignore Sam's warnings, going as far as threatening to shoot him, before calming down. Chuck then reveals that the Winchesters intend to kill Amara as well, causing her to give in and let him absorb her and her powers. Infuriated that the Winchesters have again defied him, God declares that he is done with them, and leaves after wounding Jack.

In "Inherit the Earth", the Winchesters discover that God has killed all other life on the planet. In a bid of desperation, they contact him, and offer to kill each other in exchange for Chuck bringing back everything else. Chuck, however, reveals that he has decided to let them suffer in a lifeless world. He later sadistically kills a dog the Winchesters found. God then revives his son Lucifer, and sends him to steal his "deathbook" from the Winchesters. Lucifer, however, is killed by his brother Michael, who has since sided with the Winchesters.

Michael later betrays the Winchesters and summons God in an attempt to become his "favorite" again. God, however, executes Michael for his earlier betrayal. He then reveals to the Winchesters that he now intends to "cancel" their "show" and begins savagely beating them. The Winchesters, despite serious injuries, begin to laugh, much to Chuck's confusion. Jack then ambushes Chuck and drains him of all his power. The Winchesters reveal that Jack has been able to harness the energy from Lucifer, Michael, and now God by watching their fights. Chuck accepts his defeat and prepares to be killed, only for the Winchesters to reveal that they instead have chosen to let him live as a mortal and die forgotten. The Winchesters and Jack then leave a horrified Chuck alone in the woods, though his ultimate fate is left alone.

In The Winchesters, it's revealed that God had created the Akrida as a failsafe in case of his defeat: monsters that threatened to finish what God had started and destroy all of creation, including the Multiverse which Jack had restored following God's defeat. Breaking Jack's rules about no interference, Dean guides alternate reality versions of his parents and their friends to destroy the Akrida, foiling God's plan once and for all. Although God himself doesn't appear in The Winchesters, Rob Benedict makes a cameo appearance as a band member named Tango in one episode.

The Darkness

The Darkness, often called by her other name Amara, and portrayed primarily by Emily Swallow, is a supremely powerful primordial entity who has existed since before the beginning of time, along with her twin brother God. She is described as the darkness that existed before Creation. God created the Archangels to fight a terrible war against her. Through the combined power of God and the Archangels, God sealed her away, not wanting to kill her, by using the Mark of Cain as both a lock and key. God revealed that he chose not to kill her in her weakened state as they both needed to be alive because light cannot exist without darkness, and killing Amara would disrupt the balance that reality is founded upon, destroying it. The Archangels battled her and thus knew of her existence, but she is so ancient and mysterious that the Demons and the Angels, besides the Archangels and Metatron, God's scribe, did not believe she existed. During the eleventh season, she escapes her prison to get revenge on her brother, but she and God reconcile by the end of the season.

In season 15, Amara returns, enjoying a peaceful life on Earth and wanting nothing to do with her brother and his plans to destroy everything. The Winchesters discover that to kill Chuck, they must also kill Amara to avoid the universe coming to an end. After learning that Dean has betrayed her, Amara allows Chuck to absorb her so that they can once again become one. However, she is still alive somewhere within Chuck. After Jack absorbs Chuck's power and becomes the new God, he tells the Winchesters that he and Amara exist in harmony.


Death, portrayed by Julian Richings, is an immensely powerful entity also called The Grim Reaper or the Pale Horseman. He is neither demon nor angel, and states he is "as old as God."

In the climax of "Abandon All Hope", Lucifer performs a bloody ritual to raise Death, and to bind him to Lucifer's apocalyptic bidding. In "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", Death goes to Bobby's hometown of Sioux Falls and resurrects many deceased locals as undead; this includes Bobby's wife. The revived at first appear and act normal, but soon take on feral states; this forces others to kill them in self-preservation. These events were an attempt to break Bobby, one of the few remaining influences keeping Sam from agreeing to be Lucifer's vessel. In "The Devil You Know", Bobby temporarily sells his soul to Crowley to locate Death. In "Two Minutes to Midnight" — Death's first corporeal appearance — Death arrives in Chicago to precipitate a storm which would kill three million. His vehicle is a pale white 1959 Cadillac. In a lengthy conversation with Dean, he reveals that this and other actions is the influence of Lucifer's binding spell, which Death wishes to break. He presents Dean with his ring, the final piece allowing the Winchesters to open Lucifer's cage and re-imprison Lucifer. "Two Minutes to Midnight" also introduces Death's taste for the typical, renowned, and often unhealthy local restaurant foods of the places he visits, which becomes something of a running gag.

Death appears again in "Appointment in Samarra", in which Dean attempts to convince him to retrieve Sam's soul from Lucifer's cage. Death agrees to do so if Dean performs Death's duties for an uninterrupted 24 hours. Although Dean fails, the Horseman still restores Sam's soul, regarding the Winchesters as "useful". He also forms a wall between Sam's active consciousness and the debilitating memories of his time in Lucifer's cage.

In season seven when Castiel proclaims himself God, the Winchesters summon and bind Death as part of a plan to stop Castiel; Death takes an instant dislike to him. He informs the angel that he is not God and that he is harboring something else within him, the Leviathans, that will soon break free. Castiel removes the Winchesters' bind and leaves. Death, of his own free will, creates another eclipse, giving the Winchesters and Castiel a chance to return the souls to Purgatory before they destroy his vessel. Castiel succeeds in sending the souls back, but the Leviathans manage to hold on and escape into the world.

In "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", when Sam is dying, Death comes to reap him personally, intimating that he considers it an honor. He also states that, though he usually does not pass judgment, he finds all Sam's actions "well-played." Sam requests, and Death agrees, to make it so that Sam dies permanently, such that no one and nothing can bring him back to life. Ezekiel, in Dean's form, interrupts them, however, and Death allows them to talk, saying that it is Sam's choice if he lives or dies. Sam chooses to live, ultimately, and Ezekiel possesses him to heal the damage the trials inflicted.

In "Brother's Keeper", Dean summons Death to kill him as he feels the Mark of Cain is corrupting him too much and he cannot fight it anymore. Death is unable to kill Dean because of the Mark's power and explains that the Mark was created to lock away an evil primordial entity known as the Darkness after God and the Archangels defeated it in a terrible war and that transferring the Mark to someone else is necessary to keep the Darkness bound. When Dean refuses to do this, he offers to transport Dean so far away he is no threat to anyone. However, he demands Sam's death in return as he fears Sam will try to rescue Dean and will not give up until he succeeds. Believing it to be for the greater good, Dean agrees and calls Sam to their location. Death tells Sam his reasons for wanting him dead, including Sam escaping him earlier. Death watches as Sam and Dean argue and fight and then Sam agrees to sacrifice himself to stop the threat of the Mark and the Darkness. Death gives Dean his scythe to do the job and tells him that if Dean does not kill Sam, he will. However, after being reminded of how good he really is and his love for his family, Dean instead impales Death with the scythe, killing him. Death can only stare at Dean in shock before crumbling to ash, leaving Dean stunned that he actually killed Death.

In "Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire", while talking with the Darkness, Dean mentions having learned about her from Death. The Darkness is confused by his statement, telling Dean that she does not know Death and he does not know her.

In "Form and Void", a Reaper named Billie confirms to Sam that Dean did kill Death. Billie states that while Death was amused by the Winchesters' cycle of death and resurrection, there is now a single rule: "what lives, dies." As a result, when the Winchesters eventually die, Billie will toss them into "the Empty" where nothing ever returns from to ensure they will remain dead.

In "Advanced Thanatology", Billie appears as the new Death. Billie reveals that one of the rules of the Universe is that when one incarnation of Death dies, it is replaced by the next Reaper who dies first. Having been killed by Castiel in "First Blood", Billie is now the new Death with her own ring and scythe and a new perspective on life and death. Billie continues this role until "Despair" when she is killed. Billie is briefly replaced as the new Death by Betty before Betty is killed by Lucifer.

Eleanor Visyak

Portrayed by Kim Johnston Ulrich, Eleanor Visyak is a creature from Purgatory who is over 900 years old. She was released from there on March 10, 1937, by a spell performed by H.P. Lovecraft. She possessed the body of his maid, Eleanor. She has been living as a professor of medieval studies at San Francisco University. She has a romantic past with Bobby Singer. In "Like a Virgin", at Bobby's suggestion, Dean visits Dr. Visyak to gain information about dragons and how to kill them. She has a dragon killing sword - the Sword of Brunswick (or Braunschweig) - in her basement, which is stuck in a large rock. Dean extracts it using plastic explosives, breaking the sword in the process. While visiting Westborough, the son of Eleanor, who saw his mother possessed by a creature from Purgatory in 1937, Bobby sees a photo of the woman and realizes that it is the woman he knows as Eleanor Visyak. He finds her in a cabin - one of her 'safe houses' - and tells her he knows who she really is. She confirms his suspicions, but denies that she killed H.P. Lovecraft. Bobby warns her that Castiel is looking for her. He asks for the information about how to open a door to Purgatory, but she refuses to tell him, and also rejects his offer of protection. As she leaves the cabin at the end of the episode, Castiel appears and takes her. A flashback of Sam's in the finale "The Man Who Knew Too Much" reveals that he, Bobby, and Dean found her, fatally wounded, in an alley. She recounts her tortured at the hands of Crowley and Castiel, and admits that she eventually gave in and revealed the spell to access to Purgatory, which involves the blood of a virgin and the blood of a creature from Purgatory. Eleanor dies before she can reveal where Crowley and Castiel are.


Eve, portrayed by Julia Maxwell and Samantha Smith, is also known as the "Mother of All". Eve was last on Earth 10,000 years ago. She is the original propagator of the majority of supernatural beings. She has been trapped in Purgatory, where the souls of the supernatural go. Eve is released from Purgatory in "Like a Virgin" by a sacrificial ritual. In "...And Then There Were None", Eve creates a being - referred to colloquially as the Khan Worm - that can enter a person's body through the ear and control their actions. She plants it inside a trucker, who goes on to kill his family. It then passes to one of his co-workers who kills 12 people. While investigating the murders, it infects Dean who kills his cousin Gwen, and then infects Samuel, and finally Bobby who kills Rufus while possessed. While possessing Bobby, it tells Dean and Sam that it was created by Eve, who intends for supernatural beings to take over the world. After acquiring the ashes of a Phoenix, said to be lethal to Eve, Sam, Dean, Bobby and Castiel take the fight to her in "Mommy Dearest". Eve reveals that her actions are purely a response to Crowley, still alive, and his capture and torture of her children. She speculates that he is after the souls in Purgatory, and claims that she was satisfied with the natural order of humans and monsters coexisting (with occasional bloodshed on both sides) until Crowley forced her hand. Eve dies after biting Dean, who had Phoenix ash in his blood, to which Crowley takes her body for autopsy. In "There Will Be Blood!", when the Leviathan Edgar is very dismissive towards the Alpha Vampire, he calls himself a "son of Eve", but Edgar calls the Alpha a "mutt" and Eve was "barely worth being called one of us." When Edgar calls Eve a whore, the Alpha Vampire is enraged and attacks him. Though Eve does not appear herself, when Dean and Castiel return to Purgatory to seek out a 'Leviathan Blossom' for a spell to be used against God, Eve sends some Leviathans after them to capture Castiel, still angered at his role in taking the souls of Purgatory. However, Cas escapes with one of the Blossoms before he can be brought to her.

Dr. Hydeker

Dr. Hydeker, portrayed by Adrian Hough in his human form and Jeannie Epper in his real form, is a shtriga, a monster that feeds on the life force of children in Supernatural. Hydeker is immortal, superhumanly strong and fast and nearly invulnerable to harm with lore stating that shtriga cannot be killed any weapon forged by God or man. However, he is vulnerable to consecrated wrought-iron rounds when he is feeding. In his true form Hydeker appears as a gray-skinned humanoid figure in a cloak with long clawed fingers.

Hydeker's first known series of attacks were in Black River Falls, Wisconsin in 1893. Hydeker targeted dozens of children and worked as one of the doctors treating the mysterious illness, in reality the children's bodies wearing out due to their life force being drained which ultimately resulted in them dying after lingering for months. Every fifteen to twenty years, Hydeker would emerge again, feed on dozens of children and then disappear again. In around 1989, while active in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, Hydeker was hunted by John Winchester. While John was out hunting and Dean was playing arcade games one night, Hydeker attempted to feed on the life force of a young Sam Winchester. John returned in time to drive Hydeker away. By the time John returned from dropping his children off at a friend's house for safety, Hydeker had vanished again.

In 2006, Hydeker resurfaced again in Fitchburg, Wisconsin. John got wind of Hydeker's return and sent his sons the coordinates, knowing that Dean considered killing the creature that had targeted his brother unfinished business. In his human disguise, Hydeker was once again the doctor treating the children who had fallen into comas from his feeding. After Hydeker fed on the life force of Asher, the son of a local motel owner, Sam went through newspaper records to discover how far back the shtriga attacks went and identified Hydeker as the culprit through a picture from 1893 of Hydeker standing around one of his victim's bed with a bunch of other doctors. To kill Hydeker, the Winchesters convinced Asher's older brother Michael to help, knowing that Hydeker would target him next. As Hydeker went to feed on Michael, the Winchesters entered the room and shot him several times, but he survived as he had not yet begun feeding. During the fight that followed, Hydeker began feeding on Sam, but Dean caught his attention and shot Hydeker in the head, killing him. Dean then emptied several more rounds into his body which crumbled to dust. The life force Hydeker drained returned to his victims and they all recovered. The morning following his death, Michael and Asher's mother noted that Hydeker had mysteriously not appeared at work, a fact that the Winchesters did not comment on.


Pestilence, portrayed by Matt Frewer, is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, along with War, Famine and Death. He equates to the Green Horsemen, and wears an emerald-embedded ring. He can create and manipulate infestations, plagues, diseases, and other sicknesses.

Upon Lucifer's rise, Pestilence spreads Swine Flu on Earth. It is later revealed that the flu was spread to distribute the Croatoan Virus in the form of a 'vaccine'. Dean witnesses the effects of this when transported to the future by Zachariah - approximately 90% of the planet's population is infected. When the Winchesters track Pestilence, he is revealed to be vengeful for the defeat of War and Famine. Castiel defeats the Horseman by removing his ring and, with assistance from Crowley, the spread of the Croatoan Virus is prevented. The eventual fate of Pestilence is unknown, but it can be assumed that he survived his defeat, albeit much weakened.

Rowena MacLeod

Rowena MacLeod, portrayed by Ruth Connell, is a powerful witch and the mother of Fergus Rodrick MacLeod, who later became Crowley, the King of Hell. She claims to have conceived him during a winter orgy. During his childhood, she abused, attempted to sell, and eventually abandoned him. Originating from Scotland, she claims to be one of the few natural-born users of magic. She was once a part of the Grand Coven, but was expelled due to her violent and forceful tendencies.

In season 10, Rowena attempts to restore her power base by recruiting women into becoming witches of her own coven, having to face the Winchesters along the way. She joins up with Crowley, intending to exert her influence on her son, though with Dean's advice, Crowley eventually banishes her. Rowena and Crowley play a game of cat-and-mouse as they try to hunt each other down, but are forced to work together to release Dean from the Mark of Cain, a task only Rowena can accomplish. In the process, Rowena has to kill a Polish man named Oskar, the only person she truly cares for. After releasing the mark and unwittingly freeing The Darkness, Rowena escapes by turning Castiel against her son.

In season 11, still in the process of creating her coven, Rowena is asked by the Winchesters about a way to enter Lucifer's Cage in Hell, so they may find a way to stop the Darkness; while it is successful, Lucifer uses the opening to escape from the Cage. Enamored with the archangel, Rowena offers herself to join him, only to get herself killed once Lucifer confirms that she is the only one capable of sealing the Cage. Thanks to a spell she placed on her body, she is resurrected and vows to take revenge against Lucifer by teaming up with the Darkness, whose vessel she restores. Fearing for her power, Rowena bows out of the deal soon after and joins the Winchesters, Lucifer, Crowley and God in combating the Darkness.

In season 12, Rowena is asked by Crowley for help in finding Lucifer, who was incapacitated by the Darkness earlier and now possesses a rockstar's body. In "LOTUS", Rowena helps exorcise Lucifer out of the President of the United States and apparently send him back to the Cage.

In "Regarding Dean", Rowena is contacted by the Winchesters after Dean gets hit by a curse. Rowena recognizes the curse as one belonging to a family of druidic witches with whom she has a bad history and had believed she had wiped out. Rowena aids the Winchesters in killing the witches and breaks the curse on Dean, saving his life. While the Winchesters refuse to give Rowena the Black Grimoire, the family's spellbook, they promise they owe her "a little one." During the time Dean has no memory, Rowena tells him that she has had a change in perspective after witnessing the feud between God and The Darkness.

In "Family Feud", the Winchesters contact Rowena for help with finding her grandson, Gavin MacLeod who had been displaced to the present years before by Abaddon. Rowena aids the Winchesters in dealing with the situation by sending Gavin back to his own time to die against Crowley's wishes to set the timeline right. Rowena later tells Crowley that her actions were done to spite him for forcing her to kill Oskar in "Brother's Keeper".

In "All Along the Watchtower", the Winchesters attempt to contact Rowena for help in sealing Lucifer away once again only to learn that Lucifer has killed Rowena and burned her body to prevent resurrection. Both Lucifer and the Winchesters express a belief that Rowena is truly dead this time.

In "Various & Sundry Villains" Rowena returns as a result of the same precautionary spell as before, but has taken a longer time to heal because of the extent of her death. She's searching for the Black Grimoire because it contains a ritual that will allow her to remove the magical binding placed upon her by the Grand Coven and regain her full powers. She helps the Winchesters find the book after it has been taken by two sibling witches who hope to bring their dead mother back to life. They successfully get the book back and even though the Winchesters keep the book, Sam, sympathetic with what Rowena has gone through at Lucifer's hands, allows Rowena to take the page with the ritual she needs and Rowena restores her full powers.

In "Funeralia" Rowena begins killing humans along with their reapers before their time, altering fate to get the attention of Death, who she wishes to bring back her son, Crowley. The new Death, Billie, expresses sympathy towards her but refuses to bring back her son. Rowena wonders if she can be redeemed but agrees to help the Winchesters.

In "Unfinished Business", Rowena assists the Winchesters in finding Gabriel.

In "Beat the Devil", Rowena attempts to open up a rift to Apocalypse World, but the spell fails because the archangel grace provided by Gabriel is insufficient. Rowena and Gabriel debate why the spell failed and they proceed to have sex. Rowena then works with Gabriel, Castiel and the Winchesters to capture Lucifer to use him as a generator of archangel grace for the spell. They then succeed in binding Lucifer and opening up the rift, but Rowena stays behind with Lucifer who taunts her, causing her to accidentally reveals that Lucifer's son, Jack, is in Apocalypse World. This motivates Lucifer to break free and enter the rift. Rowena considers running, but ultimately stays behind to keep the rift open without Lucifer's grace.

In "Exodus", Rowena uses the Black Grimoire to find a spell to keep the rift open. She manages to keep the rift open long enough for the Winchesters and their surviving allies to escape Apocalypse World without Lucifer. During the celebrations, Sam thanks Rowena for keeping the rift open long enough for everyone to escape, and she admits that she could not have kept it open any longer.

In "Let the Good Times Roll" it is revealed in a conversation between Mary and alternate Bobby that Rowena and the alternate version of Charlie Bradbury from Apocalypse World are "road-tripping it through the Southwest" together.

In "The Rupture", after Belphegor's betrayal means that all of the souls and demons won't be sealed in Hell, Rowena reveals that she knows of a spell that can draw the remaining souls and demons inside of her body and cast them into Hell. However, it requires the sacrifice of her own life. Rowena cuts out her resurrection charm so she can't come back and requests Sam stab her as all versions of her death have Sam kill her and Rowena can't bring herself to do it. Sam tearfully hugs Rowena and stabs her in the abdomen. Drawing all of the souls inside of herself, Rowena says a final goodbye to Sam and Dean before throwing herself into Hell, saving the world. Rowena's death leaves Sam and Dean greatly distraught, Sam in particular.

In "Our Father, Who Aren't In Heaven", the Winchesters are shocked to encounter Rowena when they venture into Hell in search of Michael. Rowena explains that after her death, she managed to seize control of Hell for herself and is now the Queen of Hell. Rowena sends her demons to find Michael for the Winchesters and reassures Sam that he did the right thing by killing her. Noticing tension between Dean and Castiel, Rowena urges them to make amends, noting her own many regrets from life. However, the demons discover that Michael is gone from Hell and the Winchesters and Castiel are forced to leave empty-handed.

In "Destiny's Child", Sam and Dean return to Hell in search of the Occultum and ask a demon to take them to Rowena. Much to the demon's obvious annoyance, Rowena now holds receptions for newly condemned souls arriving in Hell and has forbidden further demon deals from being made, resolved that people will go to Hell only on their own merits. However, the demon turns out to have been hired by Anael along with two others to assassinate the Winchesters. Sam and Dean kill the three demons and depart Hell without ever meeting with Rowena.

In The Winchesters

In "The Tears of a Clown", Ada Monroe encounters Rowena in 1972 while searching for magic that can stop the Akrida. Rowena offers to trade the magic for the demon that Ada had trapped in a plant, intending to torture it for information on Crowley and she taunts Ada into attacking her with magic. Afterwards, Rowena reveals that she was testing Ada's own magical abilities to see if she was worthy of joining Rowena's coven. Impressed, Rowena provides Ada with the magic that she needs to kill the Akrida Queen and informs her that the queen will need an upcoming planetary alignment to open her portal. However, the magic requires Ada to sacrifice a piece of her own soul to power it. Before leaving, Rowena tells Ada that she's more powerful than she knows and suggests that Ada look her up if she survives.

The Shadow

The Shadow, portrayed by Misha Collins, Erica Cerra and Rachel Miner, is the mysterious and powerful being inhabiting the Empty. Called the Shadow by Naomi, it is also referred to as a cosmic entity and the Empty itself by various characters.

In season 13's "The Big Empty", the Shadow is awoken when Castiel unexpectedly wakes up in the Empty. Taking on the form of Castiel himself but with a more sinister voice, the Shadow explains that it and the Empty predate everything and that not even God has power in its realm. It attempts to torment and threaten Castiel into compliance, but he continually refuses and demands that it resurrect him instead. After Castiel threatens to keep it awake for eternity until they both go insane, the Shadow reluctantly resurrects the angel. In "Tombstone", Castiel briefly mentions annoying "an ancient cosmic being" into sending him back to life, but subsequently attributes his resurrection to Jack.

In season 14's "Byzantium", the Shadow invades Heaven in search of Jack after the young Nephilim dies, feeling that he belongs in the Empty due to his half angel nature. The Shadow demonstrates its immense power by effortlessly blasting into Heaven, blowing open even the gates permanently sealed by Metatron years earlier and consuming the remaining angels. Secretly possessing the angel Dumah, the Shadow accompanies Castiel to Jack in Kelly Kline's Heaven where it reveals itself and attempts to take Jack with it. Receiving a prayer from Dean that they are ready to resurrect Jack, Castiel offers to trade himself for Jack to the Shadow, pointing out that it could be waiting eons for him otherwise. The Shadow accepts the deal, but warns that it will come to collect when Castiel is truly happy. The Shadow departs Dumah and Heaven and returns to the Empty, restoring all of the angels to normal.

In "Moriah", after being killed by God, Jack awakens in the Empty where he is greeted by the Shadow in its viscous humanoid form. The Shadow forms a smile on its face and appears to laugh at the confused Jack before Billie appears to tell Jack that they need to talk.

In season 15's "Destiny's Child", the Shadow takes on the form of Meg Masters when Castiel returns to the Empty in search of Ruby. Imitating many of the demon's mannerisms, the Shadow greets Castiel with Meg's trademark "Hello, Clarence", but is unable to collect on their deal as Castiel is not truly happy and it is working with Billie to stop God, having allowed Billie to resurrect Jack. Though annoyed, the Shadow reluctantly allows Castiel to converse with Ruby to find out the location of the Occultum. When Castiel prepares to leave, the Shadow explains that Billie has promised to send it back to sleep in exchange for the Shadow's help, something that the entity has been unable to do on its own since Castiel and Jack inadvertently woke it up two years before. Though the Shadow can't collect on their deal yet, it enjoys torturing Castiel while he is still within its power. After Jack takes Castiel out of the Empty, the amused Shadow simply comments that it will see him soon.

In "Unity", the Shadow, still in the form of Meg, is discovered by Sam inside of Death's Library searching for Billie. The Shadow explains that Castiel's visit to the Empty caused the being to doubt Billie's trustworthiness. To Sam's shock and horror, the Shadow reveals that Billie's true plan is to take power as the new God once Jack kills Amara and Chuck, leaving a power vacuum. For its help, Billie has promised to help the Shadow return to its slumber. Though the Shadow has located Chuck's book in the library, only Billie can read it. Sam convinces the Shadow that he is working for Billie and the being reluctantly turns the book over to him. During this time, its revealed that the Shadow can't come to Earth unless it is directly summoned there due to precautions put into place by Chuck.

In "Despair", to contain Jack's detonation, Billie teleports him into the Empty where he encounters the Shadow, still using Meg's form. The being is at first amused by his appearance until Jack explodes, engulfing them both. Both Jack and the Shadow survive, but after the being reforms, it is noticeably horrified and tells Jack that he made the usually silent Empty "loud", indicating that something has gone terribly wrong. At the same time, Billie confirms that the Shadow was telling the truth about her plans and that she really did lie to and manipulate the being. However, she feels safe on Earth as the Shadow can't come unless it is directly summoned. Billie eventually rescues Jack from the Empty after Sam returns Chuck's Death book, angering the Shadow who was causing Jack intense pain at the time. After being mortally wounded with her own scythe by Dean, Billie returns to her library which she has warded against the Shadow as a precaution. Later, Castiel realizes that the only way to stop Billie is to complete his deal with the Shadow which will summon it to take him. Castiel reveals his deal with the Shadow to Dean and completes it by confessing his love for Dean. The Shadow immediately opens a portal into the Empty in the bunker's dungeon and sends through two tendrils of darkness which absorb Castiel and Billie and pull them into the Empty.

In "Carry On", Bobby Singer reveals that Jack resurrected Castiel from the Empty again, freeing Castiel from the Shadow's clutches.


Sully, a zanna, is an imaginary friend of Sam's, created in response to a string of imaginary friend murders. Zanna are normally only visible to the children to whom they're assigned, and have certain charm capabilities and the power of teleportation and telepathy among themselves; however, they are vulnerable to spells that expose their presence.

Sam confided to Sully as a kid, and was almost convinced to leave behind his hunter family in pursuit of a monsterless life. However, Sam capriciously reversed course and exiled Sully.

After his breakup with Sam, Sully attempted to mentor two girls, Audrey and Reese, which ended in the melancholy accidental death of Audrey during a game of tag. Reese dedicated her life toward retribution, acquiring magic and special blades that could kill imaginary friends from witches, and systematically began attacking Sully's immediate friend circle, starting with Sparkle and Nicky Mermaid, and almost fatally wounding air guitar playing Weems.

When Sam and Dean intervene, Reese eventually forgives Sully, and Sam apologizes for dismissing him as a child.



Deities are god-like beings of different cultures that are also known as pagan gods. The deities were powerful beings many years ago, gaining power from their human followers as well as from human sacrifices. Due to the arrival of the Abrahamic religions, many deities were weakened, resulting in them having to take human sacrifices themselves. Many deities act on their own accord, gathering power or human sacrifices for themselves.

In season one, Sam and Dean encounter the Vanir (performed by Mike Carpenter) in the episode "Scarecrow" where one of them appears as a scarecrow.

In season three, Sam and Dean encounter Madge and Edward Carrigan (portrayed by Merrilyn Gann and Spencer Garrett) in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" where they are pagan gods of the winter solstice from an unspecified culture.

In season five, Sam and Dean encounter a Leshi in "Fallen Idols" who assumes the form of Abraham Lincoln (portrayed by David Livingston), Mahatma Gandhi (portrayed by Paul Statman), and Paris Hilton. The episode "Hammer of the Gods" features the pagan gods Kali (portrayed by Rekha Sharma), Baldur (portrayed by Adam Croasdell), Mercury (portrayed by John Emmet Tracy), Odin (portrayed by Duncan Fraser), Ganesha (portrayed by Keith Dallas), Baron Samedi (portrayed by Precious Silburne), Zao Shen (portrayed by King Lau), Isis, and two unnamed pagan gods who hold a meeting at the Elysium Motel which they create while making a meal out of any human who checks in. Mercury poses as the desk clerk who does most of the creation of the Elysium Hotel, Isis poses as a waitress, and Zhao Shen is implied to work as the hotel chef due to him mostly being in the kitchen. Their meeting is to discuss what to do about the threat of Lucifer and the approaching apocalypse. Gabriel infiltrates the meeting passing himself off as Loki up to the point where Kali remembers him. Sam and Dean warn them that Lucifer will overwhelm them. The pagan gods are persuaded to release the remaining humans. When Lucifer arrives at the Elysium Motel upon being summoned by Mercury, he kills Mercury and the pagan gods until only Kali remains. She is evacuated by Sam and Dean while Gabriel fights Lucifer.

In season six, Sam and Dean encounter Veritas (portrayed by Serinda Swan) in "You Can't Handle the Truth."

In season seven, Sam and Dean encounter Osiris (portrayed by Faran Tahir) in "Defending Your Life." In "Time After Time", Sam and Dean encounter Chronos (portrayed by Jason Dohring).

In season eight, Sam and Dean encounter Plutus (portrayed by Gerard Plunkett) and Vili (portrayed by Alex Daikun) in "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?" while Plutus' assistant Beau (portrayed by Jonathan Walker) was exclusive to this show. The episode "Remember the Titans" had Sam and Dean encountering Zeus (portrayed by John Novak) and Artemis (portrayed by Anna Van Hooft) who were hunting Prometheus.

In season nine, Sam and Dean encounter Vesta (portrayed by Lindy Booth) in "Rock and a Hard Place."

In season ten, Sam and Dean encounter Calliope (portrayed by Hannah Levien) in "Fan Fiction" where she was interfering with a play adapted from Chuck Shurley's book by manifesting a copy of the Vanir's scarecrow form.

In season twelve, Sam and Dean encounter Moloch (portrayed by John DeSantis) in "The Memory Remains."

In season thirteen, Sam and Dean encounter Yokoth and Glythur in "The Thing" where they came from another reality. Both of them were killed by God. The episode "Unfinished Business" featured the real Loki (portrayed by Richard Speight Jr.) who had a history with Gabriel where he freed Loki from his imprisonment that Odin placed him in. Loki later double-crossed him and then went after Gabriel years later to exact revenge for what Lucifer did to Odin. Gabriel was able to slay Loki.

In season fourteen, Sam and Dean encounter Anubis (portrayed by Sean Amsing) in "Byzantium" who worked in Heaven and heard their tales.

In season fifteen, Sam and Dean encounter Fortuna (portrayed by Lynda Boyd) and her demigod son Pax (portrayed by Stephen Huszar) in "The Gamblers" where they learned the history of the pagan gods from Fortuna. It is revealed that God created the deities so humanity can blame them for his mistakes and that they also can make great stories.


Djinn are a race of monsters appearing in Supernatural. Unlike common lore, they do not actually grant wishes, and instead put their victims into a dream-state where they play out a fantasy in their mind where their wish has come true while the djinn feeds off of them. Other djinn have shown the ability to instead place their victims in a sort of waking nightmare state where they hallucinate their worst fears before being killed. A bastard offshoot exists as well, feeding on fear instead of desire and instead of putting people into states where they imagine their greatest desire, they are put into a nightmare where they experience their worst fear. Both kinds of djinn, the regular djinn and the bastard offshoot can be killed by a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood. Regular djinn poison can be cured using an antidote developed by the Campbell family, but the antidote does not work on the bastard offshoot's poison. This is speculated to be because they are a different kind of djinn and need a different kind of antidote. Another way of saving a person under the influence of djinn poison is to wake them from their dream state which breaks the loop they are in and ends the effects of the poison.

In season 2's "What Is and What Should Never Be", the Winchesters hunt a djinn who apparently grants Dean's wish that his mother never died. As a result, Dean awakens in what is apparently an alternate reality where Mary Winchester is still alive, John Winchester died of natural causes years before, Sam is engaged to Jessica Moore and Dean is somewhat detached from his family though he has a beautiful girlfriend named Carmen Porter. While originally happy, Dean is distressed by his distance from his family and the discovery that the people the Winchesters saved died in the alternate reality without Sam and Dean there to save him. He is also haunted by visions of a young woman he found hanging in the djinn's lair. Dean decides to track down the djinn and reverse his wish, accompanied by a reluctant Sam. Upon arriving at the djinn's lair, Dean comes to the realization that he is not in an alternate reality after all but instead is in dream state while the djinn feeds on him. Despite his imagined family trying to convince him to stop, Dean commits suicide in the dream which awakens him in the real world where Sam finds him. Dean kills the djinn as it tries to put Sam into a similar state and they rescue the young woman, the djinn's other victim, who survives.

In the season 6 premiere "Exile on Main St.", Dean is targeted for revenge by three djinn a year after quitting hunting in revenge for the death of the djinn in "What Is and What Should Never Be" who they identify as their father. Posing as Dean's waitress, one of the djinn, Brigitta, poisons Dean who experiences intense hallucinations, ending with an attack by the long-dead Azazel. Dean is saved by Sam who injects Dean with an antidote. Sam, who Dean was unaware was still alive, explains that he was targeted by the djinn too and was saved by the Campbell family. To draw Dean out, the djinn attack and kill his neighbors then give him a "double dose" of poison, destroying the antidote. Sam manages to bash in the head of one of the male djinn with a golf club while the other is killed from behind by Samuel Campbell with a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood. Brigitta is captured by Samuel and Christian Campbell and taken to Crowley who tortures her for information on the Alpha Djinn. Brigitta is found by the Winchesters, Castiel and Meg Masters in "Caged Heat" where she begs them for help. Brigitta is killed by Castiel when he destroys the monster prison.

In season 8's "Pac-Man Fever", the Winchesters and Charlie Bradbury investigate a case of people who die with their insides turned to jelly and a strange blue handprint on their arm. Dean discovers from John Winchester's journal that the culprit is a bastard offshoot of djinn who are revealed to feed on fear rather than desire. The local coroner, Jennifer O'Brien, is revealed to be a djinn who has been using her job to cover up her murders for years by immediately cremating the bodies. Jennifer kidnaps Charlie and places her into a nightmare state where Charlie has to fight off an endless army of monsters to protect patients in a hospital, particularly her brain dead mother who losing is Charlie's greatest fear. Jennifer is found out by the Winchesters and killed by Dean. Unable to wake Charlie with the djinn antidote, Dean uses African dream root to enter her dream state where he manages to get her to let go of her fear and wake up. At the same time, Sam discovers that the most recent murders were committed by Jennifer's teenage son. Unaware of how to hide his kills and having just come of age, he drew too much attention with his actions. Despite being in a weakened state from the Hell Trials, Sam manages to kill the boy.

In season 9's "Bloodlines", djinn are revealed to be one of the Five Monster Families of Chicago. According to shapeshifter David Lassiter, the djinn control the South Side. A representative of the family meets with werewolf Julian Duval to forge an alliance in preparation for a possible war with the shapeshifter Lassiter family following the murder of family head Sal Lassiter by an insane hunter.

In season 13's "Scoobynatural", Castiel returns to the Men of Letters bunker with fruit from the Tree of Life. Castiel reveals that the Tree was guarded by a pack of djinn, most of whom Castiel killed before negotiating with the rest. Castiel notes that he thinks he is now technically married to the djinn queen.

In season 14's "Nightmare Logic", the Winchesters, their mother, Bobby Singer and another hunter named Maggie encounter a djinn named Neil who has been enhanced by Michael. Michael's enhancements allow Neil to tell a person's worst fears simply by touching them and bring the fears to life around them. Neil puts a home owner named Patrick Rawling into a coma, apparently as the result of a stroke and poses as Patrick's live-in nurse. While investigating the case, Dean recognizes the rig Neil is using to drain the home owner's blood as the same he was hooked up to by a djinn in "What Is and What Should Never Be" and confronts Neil who reveals that he was left as a trap for hunters by Michael while he was possessing Dean, resulting in Neil mistaking Dean for Michael when he arrived. After revealing that Michael has left similar traps all over, Neil attacks Dean who mysteriously proves immune to his powers. Lacking a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood, Dean bashes Neil's head in with a heavy metal bookend, killing him and then fires several more shots into his head, ending Neil's manifestations. As Neil's poison was what was keeping Patrick comatose, he recovers as well once Neil is dead and he is no longer under Neil's influence. Taking Neil's warning to heart, the Winchesters spread the word to other hunters about Michael's traps.


Ghosts are one of the most recurring monsters of the week on Supernatural, appearing at least once each season.

In the show, there are several different types of ghosts that appear including:

During the show, numerous methods are employed to put the various ghosts to rest, but the most commonly used is salting and burning their human remains. Generally when a spirit's remains are salted and burned, they go up in flames. However, sometimes this is not possible due to cremation and they are attached to an object that must be salted and burned as well. Sam and Dean regularly use iron objects and rock salt shotgun pellets to battle ghosts as iron and salt repel them for a while.

In season 7, hunter Bobby Singer became a ghost for a time after his death to look after the Winchesters and help stop the Leviathan threat. When he began turning into a vengeful spirit, the Winchesters were forced to put him to rest.

While it was initially unknown where ghosts go after they are destroyed, hunters generally believed it to be oblivion. However, it is revealed in season 8's "Taxi Driver" that Reapers take the spirit to where they belong once the ghost has been forced from this plane of existence.

In season 9's "Captives" and "Stairway to Heaven", the ghost of Prophet Kevin Tran and the Reaper Tessa reveal that the closing of Heaven has trapped all of the ghosts who since died in the Veil.

This is rectified when Metatron is defeated and Heaven is reopened as seen in season 10's "Angel Heart" where the recently deceased Amelia Novak is reunited with her husband in Heaven. Additionally, the Winchesters are twice shown to convince a ghost to move on rather than forcing them to though they revert to their old method of dealing with ghosts in "Paint it Black." In the first instance in season 9's "Bad Boys", the ghost is attached to her young son rather than an object and the boy convinces her to go on. In the second instance, season 10's "Halt & Catch Fire", the ghost is haunting the Internet and there is no way to destroy him through usual methods. Instead, the man's wife convinces him over FaceTime to move on.

At the end of season 14, God opens every door in Hell and unleashes billions of condemned souls upon the world, some being old enemies of the Winchesters like Constance Welch, Mary Worthington, and John Wayne Gacy.

In the first three episodes of season 15, the Winchesters and their allies attempt to contain Constance Welch, Mary Worthington, John Wayne Gacy, Lizzie Borden's ghost, Francis Tumblety's ghost, and other unnamed Hell Ghosts to Harlan, Kansas where they emerged and find a way to send all of them back to Hell. Using a spell from the demon Belphegor, the Winchesters contain the ghosts for a time, but the barrier begins to fail. Belphegor proposes a plan to use Lilith's Crook, a magical horn created by Lilith, to draw all of the Hell Ghosts back into Hell while Rowena performs a spell to close the rupture. Castiel is forced to kill Belphegor after he betrays them and Rowena sacrifices herself to cast them back into Hell.


Leviathans were first introduced as another primary "creation" of God in the Season 7 premiere. According to Death, the Leviathans were among God's earliest creations but were sealed in Purgatory because they were a threat to His other creations. Castiel accidentally absorbs them, along with the souls in Purgatory, during his attempted apotheosis, and the Leviathans free themselves. Once free, they organize a hierarchy with the Leviathan possessing the businessman Richard "Dick" Roman as the leader, though Crowley claims that this being has always been their leader.

The Leviathans are portrayed as virtually indestructible, voracious, and stronger than demons and low-level angels. They can shape-shift into humans, but to do so, they must use traces of their DNA. Leviathans not only replicate the corporeal form of a human, but also their memories and skills. They also have the ability to kill angels with brute force alone. Leviathans' weaknesses include magic, borax, and decapitation, though none of these are lethal. One way for a Leviathan to die is for it to be eaten by a Leviathan. Late in season seven, the characters find a tablet containing the "Word of God" that reveals a Leviathan can be killed by using "a bone of a righteous mortal washed in the blood of the three fallen." When this happens, the Leviathan liquefies and explodes.

In season seven, the Leviathans, led by Roman, plan to turn humankind into a farmed, Leviathan food source. They intend to do so through chemically decreasing their intelligence via food adulterants and curing their diseases, including cancer. The Winchesters put a stop to this during the season finale, with Dean and Castiel killing Roman, which, as a side consequence, sends them to Purgatory. Killing Roman, the only Leviathan leader that there has ever been, severely weakens the Leviathans, as they are now directionless. According to Crowley, they will now be regular monsters, albeit ones that are much harder to kill. The remaining Leviathans heavily involved in the plan for humanity are slaughtered by Crowley and his army in the confusion, but Crowley indicates that there are more. By season 8, all the Leviathans' influence appears to have disappeared from the Earth though there are apparently some still out there as it is suggested in "Pac-Man Fever" that they are responsible for mysterious deaths.

Not all Leviathans may have escaped from Purgatory through Castiel, as four were seen there during Dean and Castiel's time in the realm, attacking them. Castiel indicates that there are even more and states that they are relentlessly hunting him. One of his last memories before escaping Purgatory is of Leviathans chasing him.

The Leviathan's returned in the season 15 'The Trap', when Dean and Castiel return to Purgatory in search of a 'Leviathan Blossom' for a spell needed against God. One of the Leviathan's tries to sneak up on them, but they had anticipated it and manage to subdue him. They force the Leviathan to take them to the Blossoms, who reveals that they grow in the ground after a Leviathan dies and their corpse decomposes after months. When brought to the Blossoms, it is revealed to be a trap and that the Leviathan's are working with Eve to capture Castiel for his role in killing Eve's Alphas and stealing the souls of Purgatory. Dean is knocked unconscious and the Leviathan's leave with Castiel, burning the field and taking the Blossoms with them. When he nears the rift to return to Earth, Dean discovers Cas in hiding, as he managed to grab a Blossom and fight his way to freedom.


Chet (played by Sean Owen Roberts) is a Leviathan stationed at a credit card company. When a flagged alias that was registered by the Winchesters was used, Chet begins to hunt the Winchesters down, tracking them to their hotel room in Prosperity, Indiana. While he easily dominated the brothers, a witch that the Winchesters helped disabled Chet and allowed them to escape. Using copious amounts of chains, the brothers took Chet to Bobby Singer's to determine his weakness.

While the brothers attempted to stop a pair of Leviathan doppelgängers, Bobby attempted to find a way to kill or hurt Chet. Nothing worked, until a Borax cleaning product used by Sheriff Jody Mills upstairs dripped from the ceiling; the chemical was significantly more painful and corrosive than anything else used, which Bobby affirmed to be the most effective countermeasure to Leviathans, in tandem with decapitation as long as the head was kept away from the body. Ultimately Bobby decapitated Chet who had at that time assumed Bobby's own form to taunt him and had Sheriff Jody Mills drop his head into a river while he encased Chet's body in concrete.

Dick Roman

Dick Roman (played by James Patrick Stuart) is a billionaire businessman whose secret identity is that of the nameless leviathan leader. Shortly after they were unknowingly released by Castiel, the leviathans infiltrated human society, with their leader murdering and impersonating the real Dick Roman. Dick is shown to have a hatred of demons that exceeds even his feelings about humanity, rejecting the demon Crowley's (Mark Sheppard) offer to join forces with him and telling the current leader of Hell that he might wipe his kind from the Earth. In "How to Make Friends and Influence Monsters", Dick visits an experimental facility run by a leviathan impersonation of one Dr. Gaines, disappointed by the newspaper articles stemming from the drugs used, and makes him eat himself. When his henchmen capture Bobby, Dick attempts to stop the Winchesters' rescue attempt, fatally wounding Bobby on their escape. Dick is later revealed to be after something from archaeological digs, and assigns Charlie to break Frank's hard drive. Unknown to him, she cracks it, learns the truth about him and the rest of the Leviathans, and then teams up with the Winchesters to erase the drive and find out his plans. The Winchesters switch the item he was looking for with a Borax bomb that explodes in Dick's face. Realizing that Charlie betrayed him, he orders the building locked down and goes after her, but the Winchesters break in with the help of Bobby's ghost and Bobby holds Dick off long enough for Charlie and the Winchesters to escape. Dick has Edgar kidnap Kevin at the end of "Reading is Fundamental" and threatens Linda to get Kevin to translate the Word of God tablet in "There Will Be Blood". Dick correctly predicts that the Winchester brothers are planning to get the blood of the Alpha Vampire and of Crowley for the leviathan-killing bone described by the tablet; after sending Edgar on an ill-fated mission to kill the Alpha Vampire before the Winchesters can attain the alpha's blood, Dick summons and traps Crowley. Rather than kill the demon, however, Dick makes a deal with Crowley: in exchange for Crowley giving the Winchesters the wrong blood as part of a trap, the demons will get a free rein with humans in the world, excluding America, which is the place where the leviathans are currently targeting for its abundant food source. Foreseeing Crowley's betrayal, Dick also arranges for several decoys of himself positioned in Sucrocorp to fool the Winchesters into wasting the bone on a fake. However, Dean and Castiel ultimately find and confront Dick, whom Castiel is able to identify due to the brief time that the leviathans used him as their host. When the bone seemingly fails to work, Dick initially believes that he has won, only to find out that he himself has been tricked when Dean kills him with the real bone, sending him back to Purgatory. As an unintended consequence of using the bone, however, Dean and Castiel are pulled into Purgatory with him.

Dr. Gaines

Dr. J. Gaines (played by Cameron Bancroft) is a Leviathan using the surgeon's form, although his original form was taken from a young girl named Annie. Under orders from Edgar, he killed the real Dr. Gaines and took his identity. Gaines is responsible setting up a system of feeding on patients at Sioux Falls General, thereby reining in the Leviathans' indiscriminate feeding. Gaines also appears to be the one responsible for conducting the experiments on Sucrocorp, modifying food to make humans docile, dumb and hungry. Gaines is "bibbed", a form of punishment where he was forced to eat himself alive in a bib under Richard Roman's orders, since his experiments attracted the attention of the media.


Edgar (played by Benito Martinez) is the first Leviathan introduced in the series, taking the form of a demolitions expert and working under orders from "the Leader" - which will be later revealed to be Dick Roman - sent to lead in those feeding indiscriminately and to kill Sam, Dean and Bobby when they interfered on his plans. After observing the new system for feeding developed at Sioux Falls General, he torches Bobby's house and confronts the Winchesters, breaking Dean's leg and knocking Sam unconscious. Dean crushes him with a car from Bobby's scrapyard, but he is later revealed to have been unharmed and continues to pursue the Winchesters and Bobby.

After that, Edgar still worked underground under Dick's order, supervising Sucrocorp project. When the clay tablet that contained the Word of God was stolen by the Winchesters. Dick ordered Edgar to stop them, so he took the form of the detective Collins (played by Eric Floyd) and searched for Kevin Tran, the teenager prophet destined to keep the word. After two Angels return Kevin to his mother's house, Edgar easily kills the two. He later helps Dick force Kevin Tran to translate the Word of God for them and tries to kill the Alpha Vampire. However, Sam decapitates him while he is distracted and as a result of his betrayal, the Alpha gives Sam and Dean his blood for the weapon they are creating. Edgar is left to the Alpha with a warning to keep his head away from the rest of his body.


Shapeshifters are one of the most commonly appearing monsters in Supernatural. While shapeshifter is a somewhat general term, members of the species have also been shown using it when discussing their species with others. In particular, shapeshifter David Lassiter called himself a shapeshifter to Ennis Ross in season 9's "Bloodlines" and proceeded to describe what it meant. Having a human appearance, they are able to shapeshift into whomever they like, living or dead and perfectly mimic their appearance. As seen on a few occasions, unlike most monsters, shapeshifters are not created through a person being turned but are in fact made through sexual reproduction with one shapeshifter parent and one regular human parent. Most shapeshifters shed their skin when changing appearances, but in season 9 a few were able to change form without shedding skin similar to the Alpha Shapeshifter, the very first shapeshifter. They are vulnerable to silver which burns them on contact and kills them when they are stabbed or shot through the heart with it. On camera, their eyes give off a glow referred to as a retinal flare which helps to identify them.

Unlike many monsters, shapeshifters are not hunger-based and instead retain human impulses and desires which they use their powers to act upon. As a result, shapeshifters that are evil consciously choose to be rather than because of some innate impulse. On a few occasions, a shapeshifter has turned out to commit a murder or murders originally attributed to ghosts due to their ability to mimic the dead making it seem like the ghosts of the people they impersonate have come back for revenge. While some shapeshifters simply cycle through different forms and never seem to settle on one particular look, others have been shown to have a preferred appearance that they use as their base form for when they are not impersonating someone. It is never made clear if this chosen base form is simply a preference for the shapeshifter or is in fact what they originally looked like. Shapeshifters do not appear to be able to sense others of their kind as the Winchesters encountered a shapeshifter in season 13 that could not tell that her ex-boyfriend, another shapeshifter, was impersonating one of her patients. She also could not tell which it was once she knew that he was.

A shapeshifter first appears in season 1's "Skin", Sam and Dean's first encounter with one over their entire hunting career. Having taken the form of Sam's college friend Zach, the shapeshifter had framed him for murdering his girlfriend and was targeting couples by taking on the form of one member while they were away and harming their partner. In the form of Dean, the shapeshifter attacked a SWAT team sent to apprehend it, effectively framing him for its crimes. In the end, Dean killed the shapeshifter with silver bullets to the heart as it tried to kill Sam. The Winchesters then used its body, still in Dean's form, to fake his death and exonerating Zach and everyone else the shapeshifter framed at the same time. The shapeshifter's crimes play an important role in the Winchesters' relationship with the law, particularly as Dean becomes wanted for them once he is revealed to still be alive.

Another shapeshifter appears in season 2's "Nightshifter" where it has been taking on the form of bank employees to commit robberies. It comes to the Winchesters' attention when former security guard Ronald Resnick shows them security footage which features the shapeshifter's retinal flare. An attempt by the Winchesters to foil its next robbery is interrupted when Ronald takes over the bank, believing it to be a "mandroid" with laser eyes. The shapeshifter ends up killing and impersonating several people while the situation escalates with Ronald being killed by a SWAT sniper and the FBI getting involved. In the end, Dean manages to kill the shapeshifter with a silver letter opener and the Winchesters escape, but with the FBI now after them.

In season 4's "Monster Movie", the Winchesters encounter an unnamed shapeshifter obsessed with old monster movies who takes on the form of Count Dracula (portrayed by Todd Stashwick), the Wolfman, and the Mummy complete with special effects, confusing them until Sam rips his ear off by accident and realizes its shapeshifter skin. The shapeshifter indicates that a life of rejection for his nature drove him insane and he found solace in old monster movies. Ultimately, the shapeshifter in the form of Dracula is killed with silver bullets by a waitress he had developed an infatuation with. Playing up the act until his rather dramatic death, the shapeshifter decides that "this is how the movie should end" and is satisfied with his end.

In season 6's "Two and a Half Men", Dean, recently returned to hunting, works with Sam and the Campbell Family on the case of abducted babies which turn out to be shapeshifter babies with their father chasing after them. The Winchesters rescue one of the shapeshifter children whom they dub Bobby John and kill his father, but come under attack by the Alpha Shapeshifter, the first shapeshifter and father of the entire species. The Alpha Shapeshifter easily withstands everything that is thrown at him, including a silver knife to the heart and escapes with Bobby John. The Alpha Shapeshifter returns in "Caged Heat" where he has been captured by the demon Crowley who tortures him for information on the location of Purgatory. When the Alpha Shapeshifter will not talk, Crowley kills him through decapitation. Its eventually revealed that the Mother of All Monsters, Eve, was instructing her "children" to build up armies of their species in retaliation for Crowley's search for Purgatory.

In season 9's "Blade Runners", Magnus uses a shapeshifter from his "zoo" as a distraction and it is quickly killed by Sam. Unlike previously encountered shapeshifters, this one could change seamlessly, similar to the Alpha Shapeshifter. Later, in "Bloodlines", one of the Five Monster Families in Chicago, the Lassiter Family, were shapeshifters. Following the murder of family head Sal Lassiter, the Winchesters work with a wannabe-hunter named Ennis and Sal's brother David to catch the culprit which turns out to be an insane hunter.

In season 10's "Ask Jeeves", the Winchesters are called to a house in Connecticut as the next of kin for their friend Bobby Singer who was left something by a wealthy heiress. While they are in the house, a series of murders begin, apparently committed by the ghosts of the heiress and her long-dead husband. The killer is revealed to be a shapeshifter when her shed skin is found. The shapeshifter turns out to be the maid, Olivia. Olivia was in fact the heiress' daughter through an affair with a shapeshifter. On a hunt, Bobby had killed the father and made the mother promise to keep Olivia locked up in exchange for sparing her. After her mother's death, Olivia escaped and sought revenge upon her greedy relatives. After a game of cat and mouse, Dean kills Olivia with a silver bullet from behind, but fires several more shots into her corpse, worrying Sam that Dean is being influenced by the Mark of Cain once again.

In season 12, a "nest" of eight shapeshifters are mentioned to have been hunted down and killed by Mary Winchester and British Men of Letters operative Arthur Ketch. Subsequently, in "Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes", the pair are shown to have captured a shapeshifter which takes on the form of Mary and is tortured by Arthur. The torture greatly disturbs Mary to see.

In season 13's "The Big Empty", the Winchesters investigate a case with the Nephilim Jack of a man murdered by his dead wife. Originally they believe the wife to be a ghost and salt and burn her body, but discover more murders of people by deceased loved ones, all connected to a grief counselor named Mia Vallens whose patients are closed-lipped about how she helps them achieve peace. Sam discovers that Mia is a shapeshifter, but she is proven to be innocent of the murders. Instead, she uses her shapeshifting abilities to help people say goodbye to their loved ones for a final time, trying to do good in the world instead of evil. The true killer turns out to be Mia's ex-boyfriend Buddy who is also a shapeshifter and a psychopath who enjoys ruining the lives of people before he kills them. In a final confrontation, Buddy tries to kill Sam with Dean's gun, but Jack deflects the bullet with telekinesis. Sam quickly returns fire, killing Buddy. In the aftermath, Mia promises to deal with Buddy's body and is left alone by the Winchesters due to her benevolent nature.

In season 14's "Nihilism", a shapeshifter is among the monsters loyal to and upgraded by Michael that invades the bunker in search of their leader. Replacing a hunter he kills, the shapeshifter lets the other monsters in, but they are all disintegrated by Jack using the power of his soul.

In season 15's "The Heroes' Journey", a shapeshifter named Cutty runs a monster fight club that Sam and Dean discover after they have been reduced to normal people again by God. Cutty captures the Winchesters and attempts to pit them against the massive vampire Maul, but they are rescued by Garth. Garth blows up the club with C4, killing Cutty and all of the monsters inside apart from Maul.


Vampires are Supernatural's most common monsters, appearing in every season except season 4. Supernatural's vampires differ greatly from common vampire lore, a fact that is pointed out in their first appearance by John Winchester. In Supernatural, vampires are not affected by crosses or garlic while sunlight hurts, but is not fatal to them. In addition, vampires cannot be killed through a stake to the heart. The primary method of killing a vampire is instead decapitation while dead man's blood—the blood of a dead person—acts as a poison and sedative to them, though it is not fatal in the long run. Their bloodlust is very real and like mythological vampires they are driven to feed on humans. They can reproduce by feeding a human their blood or directly introducing it to the person's bloodstream. According to Dean Winchester, the time it takes a person to turn depends on that particular person: sometimes it can be fast and sometimes it can be slower.

Unlike most monster species, vampires can occasionally be cured and reverted to their original human state. This cure requires the blood of the sire vampire and for the new vampire to have not drank even a single drop of blood or the cure is ineffective. As mentioned in season 13's "Breakdown", two other ingredients are garlic and sage. The cure is mentioned to make the recipient sick for a few days after it is taken. It was developed by the Campbell family of hunters at some point in the past and is referred to as "an old family recipe" by Samuel Campbell. After learning of the cure when its used on Dean, the Winchesters put it to use occasionally to save recently turned vampires who have not yet fed. While other hunters are generally unaware of the cure's existence or how to make it, the Winchesters have shared it with a few others while using it during hunts. However, use of the cure is rare as the requirements, specifically the need for the vampire not to have fed yet on even a single drop of blood, make it rare that a situation is encountered where using the cure is an option.

Vampires first appear in season 1's "Dead Man's Blood" where a group led by Kate (portrayed by Anne Openshaw) and Luther (portrayed by Warren Christie) attack and kill hunter Daniel Elkins and steal from him a legendary gun known as The Colt which is rumored to be able to kill anything. Elkins' murder draws the attention of the Winchesters and their father who was a friend of Elkins and had never told his sons about vampires as he had believed the species to be extinct. John leads his sons on a pursuit of Elkins' killers as he sees The Colt as their only way of killing Azazel. Sam and Dean rescue the vampires' human victims and disobey orders to come to their father's rescue during an ambush. John uses The Colt to kill the vampire leader Luther, proving the legendary gun's power while two vampires manage to escape.

In season 2's "Bloodlust", Sam and Dean encounter a nest of vegetarian vampires that feed only on animals and consist of Lenore (portrayed by Amber Benson), Eli (portrayed by Ty Olsson), Conrad, and Christina Flanagan (portrayed by Janeane Carltone). This nest is being hunted by ruthless hunter Gordon Walker who wants to exterminate the entire species due to his sister getting turned. Though Dean originally sides with Gordon, he changes his mind upon seeing Lenore resist her cravings for human blood. Instead, the Winchesters help the vampires to escape and make an enemy of Gordon in the process. Lenore later returns in season 6's "Mommy Dearest" where she reveals that the influence of the Mother of All Monsters Eve caused her nest to return to feeding on humans. After giving the hunters Eve's location, Lenore is killed by Castiel at her own request.

In season 3's "Fresh Blood", the Winchesters come up against a vampire named Dixon (portrayed by Matthew Humphreys) who is trying to create a new nest following the extermination of his old one by hunters and the loss of his daughter. At the same time, vampire hunter Gordon Walker attacks in hopes of killing Sam and is caught by Dixon who changes Gordon into a vampire. By the time the Winchesters track Dixon down, Gordon has killed his "new daughters" and escaped and a depressed Dixon asks to be killed. Using his new powers, Gordon tries to kill Sam, changing a young woman into a vampire as part of a trap. Dean kills the young woman with The Colt while Sam manages to decapitate Gordon with razor wire.

In season 5's "Free to Be You and Me", a vampire (portrayed by Ed Welch) makes a cameo appearance, hunted by Dean while he is hunting solo. Quipping "eat it, Twilight", Dean kills the vampire on the hood of the Impala.

In season 6's "Live Free or Twihard", the Winchesters hunt a nest of vampires which are targeting teenagers who are into vampires due to their portrayal in mainstream media. Over the course of the episode, which pokes fun at many popular vampire portrayals, Dean gets turned into a vampire himself and the soulless Sam lets him, something that later creates friction between them. Dean learns that the vampires, under the telepathic command of the Alpha Vampire, the very first vampire, are drastically increasing their numbers to build an army which the Alpha Vampire later confirms in "Family Matters." Dean slaughters the nest and gets the blood of his sire which is used in a concoction invented by the Campbell Family to cure him.

In season 7's "There Will Be Blood", the Winchesters come into conflict with vampires once again while going after the Alpha Vampire for his blood. During this time, they learn that the new Leviathan food additive which makes humans stoned and docile is also fatal to vampires. After the Winchesters convince the Alpha Vampire of this, he recognizes that the hunters and vampires have a common enemy at the moment and gives them his blood willingly.

Vampires play a major role in season 8, mainly through Dean's vampire friend Benny who has a recurring role. In "Blood Brothers", Dean helps Benny hunt down a nest of vampire pirates that Dean dubs "vampirates." The nest was what Benny had belonged to before changing to good and he seeks revenge upon them for killing him. Dean helps Benny wipe out the nest and get his revenge, though Benny is devastated to learn that the woman he loved was transformed into a vampire and became a monster. Subsequently, in "Citizen Fang", a rogue vampire named Desmond (portrayed by Chad Rook) causes trouble for Benny when he begins murdering people to try to get Benny to join him. Dean and Benny dispatch Desmond, but the incident causes further problems for Benny. Later in the season in "Freaks and Geeks", the Winchesters encounter a group of teenage hunters that are chasing vampires that supposedly killed their families. Their mentor Victor Rogers (portrayed by Adrian Hough) turns out to be working with the true culprit Seth (portrayed by Cole Vigue) and setting up fake targets for them to hunt. After dealing with the culprit and their mentor, the teens cure their latest target with the help of the Winchesters.

In season 9's "Devil May Care", a vampire (portrayed by Jaren Moore) makes a brief cameo when he is killed by hunter Tracy Bell before she is captured by demons working for Abaddon. Another vampire named Maurice (portrayed by Noel Johansen) makes a cameo in "Bloodlines" as the maître d' of a restaurant before an insane hunter arrives and begins killing monsters. Maurice later encounters wanna-be hunter Ennis Ross who shoots Maurice with silver bullets to no effect. Ennis is saved when Dean kills Maurice and explains to Ennis what he was. In "Alex Annie Alexis Ann", the Winchesters and Jody Mills come up against a nest of vampires led by Celia (portrayed by Ashley Crow) that has been using a young girl named Alex as a lure for eight years. After Alex runs away, she is saved from her "brother" by Jody who calls in the Winchesters. Jody later realizes that the "mother" of the vampire family lost her real daughter years before and kidnapped Alex to replace her. With the help of Alex, the Winchesters and Jody kill the vampires. Though Alex is turned, the Winchesters cure her and she is later adopted by Jody.

In season 10's "Hibbing 911", the Winchesters, Jody and Sheriff Donna Hanscum come up against a small group of vampires who feed on a person's entire body instead of just their blood. Their former leader turns out to be the local sheriff Len Cuse (portrayed by Fred Ewanuick) who, after growing a conscience, left to try to protect people instead. The sheriff is killed by the vampire Starr (portrayed by Morgan Taylor Campbell) when he refuses to rejoin them and the nest is wiped out by Dean and Donna. Dean hunts a nest of six vampires solo in "The Werther Project" to "take the edge off" of the Mark of Cain's influence on him. Later, in "Brother's Keeper", Dean hunts two vampires solo while under the influence of the Mark of Cain and having separated from Sam. Though he rescues one of their victims, his rash actions get another hunter killed and finally convince Dean that he has gone too far.

In season 11's "Don't You Forget About Me", Alex Jones is targeted for revenge by a man named Richard Beesome (portrayed by Ben Cotton) who she had lured to Celia's nest. The nest had drunk the man before turning him, resulting in him killing his family in his bloodlust. The man turned the most popular boy in Alex's high school named Henry (portrayed by Jedidiah Goodacre), who pretended to be her boyfriend, to help him destroy Alex's life before killing her. Posing as a janitor, Richard killed Alex' math teacher and later capturing Jody Mills and Claire Novak upon ambushing him with Henry revealing his true colors to Alex while capturing her. Though the vampires almost succeed in killing Alex, Jody and Claire, the Winchesters come to the rescue. Dean beheads Richard while Sam subdues Henry and allows her and Claire to behead him.

In season 12, Mary Winchester hunts a nest in "First Blood" when her sons are missing. Later, vampires feature prominently in "The Raid." As part of their operations in America, the British Men of Letters launch Project V, an initiative to wipe out all of the vampires in America. Now armed with a new weapon called the Anti-Vamp Device or AVD, the operation has killed over two hundred vampires in the Midwest, leaving just eleven left alive in the Midwest. However, the operation draws the ire of the Alpha Vampire who leads a raid on the British compound to stop them from slaughtering his children. Most of the British operatives are killed, but Sam manages to kill the Alpha Vampire with The Colt with help from his mother and Mick Davies. The few surviving vampires subsequently flee. The attack succeeds in ending Project V however.

In season 13's "Wayward Sisters", Sheriff Donna Hansum is mentioned to have become an avid vampire hunter and to have "killed a lot of vampires." Subsequently, in "Breakdown", Donna and the Winchesters come up against a vampire named Marlon (portrayed by Steven Yaffee) while trying to rescue Donna's niece Wendy from a man who carves up people and sells their parts to monsters in an online auction. Marlon proves to be part of the operation, picking out targets for the operation. When he is caught, the Winchesters are unaware that Marlon is a vampire and leave him with Donna's boyfriend Officer Doug Stover. Marlon breaks free and transforms Doug into a vampire. Doug is quickly subdued by Dean while Marlon is kneecapped by Donna who forces him to reveal where Wendy and Sam have been taken before killing him. As Doug has not yet fed, Dean uses Marlon's blood to cure him. The experience traumatizes Doug who breaks up with Donna over it.


Werewolves are one of the most recurring types of monsters on Supernatural. In the earlier seasons, werewolves are generally just mentioned in regards to old hunts or wrongly suspected as a culprit, making only a single appearance in season 2. It is not until their second appearance in season 8 that werewolves emerge as a more common type of monster. Werewolves are people who can change their appearance to gain claws, fangs, fur and superhuman abilities. Unlike most common lore and portrayals, werewolves do not change completely into a wolf-like appearance or a bipedal wolf-like appearance in this show. In Supernatural, werewolves can be created both through being bitten and through sexual reproduction. Supernatural features two types:

Werewolves of both types can be killed by silver to the heart and it is generally believed that there is no cure for lycanthropy. John Winchester believed that killing the sire werewolf would cure anyone they turned, but this turned out to be false. Other hunters, including Bobby Singer, were aware of this and believed there to be no cure.

In season 12, a group known as the British Men of Letters developed an experimental cure using the live blood of the sire werewolf which member Mick Davies called plasma therapy. It has to be administered during the early stages of lycanthropy and the werewolf cannot have killed anyone. Also, the sire werewolf has to be alive when the blood is drawn, complicating matters even further. Prior to the episode, the cure had only ever worked on rodents and even then only a single test subject out of ten. Their one-human test subject died in agony, causing the organization to abandon work on the cure. During the episode "Ladies Drink Free", Claire Novak becomes the first ever cured werewolf and while the cure works, it is excruciatingly painful for her and appears to work over a protracted period of time.

In season 2's "Heart", the Winchesters hunt a werewolf in San Francisco and discover that Sam's new love interest Madison (portrayed by Emmanuelle Vaugier) is a werewolf. The Winchesters determine that Madison was bitten by another werewolf who has been targeting prostitutes a month before and set out to try to save her. Following a theory in their father's journal, Dean kills the sire werewolf, Madison's neighbor Glen, in hopes of severing the bloodline to cure her. However, while sleeping with Sam that night, Madison transforms and escapes. With all other hunters stating that there is no cure, including Bobby Singer, Madison has a reluctant Sam kill her to keep Madison from hurting anyone else.

Season 8's "Bitten" is portrayed as a found footage episode following three young college students after one of them, Michael, is bitten by a werewolf and transforms. Michael becomes a pureblood werewolf which the three learn by following the Winchesters around. As Michael fights his instincts which leads to him killing people, his girlfriend Kate tries to protect him while his best friend Brian seeks to become a werewolf himself to become stronger, something that Michael resists doing. Brian eventually identifies their professor as the werewolf who bit Michael and the professor confesses that after years of surviving on animals, he gave into his instincts and killed someone. Knowing hunters would come, he turned Michael as a scapegoat. Brian forces the professor to turn him and the professor is subsequently tracked down and killed by Sam and Dean. Before dying, he thanks them for freeing him from what he felt was a curse. Driven insane by the power he has gotten, Brian kills Michael and turns Kate to be with her. Instead, Kate kills Brian and compiles all of the footage he has been putting together into a movie to show the Winchesters that they were not always monsters and did not want to become what they did. The Winchesters decide to give Kate a chance and do not hunt her down.

In season 9's "Sharp Teeth", the Winchesters discover that their friend and fellow hunter Garth was bitten on a hunt and became a pureblood werewolf. Garth joined a pack of supposedly-friendly werewolves after marrying the daughter of their leader. While most of the werewolves, who prefer to be called lycanthropes, are harmless, a small part of the pack turns out be part of a cult worshipping the Norse god Fenrir who they believe will bring about werewolf domination of the Earth when Ragnarok comes. The cult, led by Garth's mother-in-law, kidnaps Sam, Garth and Garth's wife Bess to murder Garth and Bess and frame the murders on Sam to spur the rest of the pack to join them. After figuring out the truth with the help of the pack's leader, Dean rescues the three and single-handedly kills all of the cultists. The Winchesters leave the rest of the pack be due to their peaceful nature. Later, in "Bloodlines", the Duval Family of Chicago are one of the Five Monster Families in the city. According to shapeshifter David Lassiter, the werewolves control the Gold Coast. The murder of shapeshifter Sal Lassiter by what appears to be a werewolf nearly drives the families to war. However, the Winchesters, wannabe-hunter Ennis Ross, shapeshifter David Lassiter and his ex-girlfriend werewolf Violet Duval discover that the true culprit is an insane hunter and prevent the war.

In season 10's "Paper Moon", the werewolf Kate returns as a suspect following several murders committed by a werewolf. Having worked hard to control herself, Kate reveals that she turned her sister Tasha to save Tasha's life after a serious car accident. Tasha refused to follow Kate's way of thinking and instead began building her own pack that hunts people. The Winchesters easily kill Tasha's two pack mates while Kate, after seeing the monster that Tasha has become, kills her sister herself before leaving again.

In season 11's "Red Meat", the Winchesters take on a werewolf case in a national park to take a break from their conflict with the Darkness. Unknown to them, the helpful bartender is the pack leader and she directs them right into a trap. The Winchesters manage to kill two werewolves, but Sam is seriously wounded when one werewolf shoots him with his own gun. The Winchesters rescue a young couple, Corbin and Michelle and are unaware the Corbin has been bitten. Chased by the remaining werewolves and dealing with the seriously injured Sam and Michelle, Corbin suffocates Sam when Dean will not leave him behind, apparently killing Sam. Though devastated, Dean helps Corbin and Michelle escape to a hospital where Corbin subsequently transforms into a werewolf and kills a doctor. At the same time, Sam, who was only put into a near-death state, regains consciousness in time to kill the remaining two werewolves and use their truck to return to the Impala. Sam arrives at the hospital in time to save Dean from Corbin who has become intoxicated by his new power as a werewolf, forcing Sam to kill him.

In a flashback to 1980 in season 12's "Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox", Mary Winchester kills a werewolf she has history with in Canada, saving the life of a young Asa Fox. The incident inspires Asa to go on to become a legendary hunter. In "Ladies Drink Free", the British Men of Letters have been systematically attacking werewolves along with other American monsters, using sulphate gas and silver nitrate to wipe out entire packs. As a result, a pureblood werewolf named Justin, driven insane by loneliness after his peaceful pack was killed, turns a girl named Hayden Foster to be his mate, murdering her brother at the same time. The action draws the attention of British Men of Letters operative Mick Davies who calls in the Winchesters for help. After discovering that Hayden is a werewolf, Mick reluctantly kills her with a silver injection. In response, Justin turns young hunter Claire Novak to replace Hayden. Due to her emotional issues, Claire requests to be killed as she doesn't believe she can control herself, but the Winchesters instead decide to try an experimental cure created by the British Men of Letters to save her, a cure that has never worked on a human subject. As the Winchesters try to find Claire's sire, Justin attacks and abducts Claire, but the Winchesters and Mick follow him using a tracker implanted on Claire by Mick. During the scuffle that follows, Mick manages to draw Justin's live blood before killing him with a silver bullet, allowing the Winchesters to create the cure. Though Claire experiences excruciating agony, she becomes the first werewolf ever to be cured.

In season 13's "Wayward Sisters", Claire hunts a small werewolf pack who kidnapped a young girl. Disguised as a delivery person, Claire kills the pack and rescues the girl before being called by Jody Mills to help as the Winchesters have disappeared. Subsequently, in "Breakdown", a werewolf is shown to be part of Terrance Clegg's online auction and wins the bid for Sam Winchester's heart. However, he never gets it as Clegg is killed by Dean moments later. In "Let the Good Times Roll", a pack of three werewolves is hunted by the Winchesters, Castiel and the Nephilim Jack. Castiel ambushes one outside of their hideout as he tries to smoke a cigarette and kills the werewolf with his angel blade. As the other two argue about the Kardashians, the Winchesters and Jack enter. Jack immobilizes the werewolves using telekinesis and Sam and Dean kill them with silver bullets without a fight.

In season 14's "Gods and Monsters", Michael approaches a werewolf pack to get their help in forming an army of monsters to destroy humanity. The pack leader agrees to work with Michael who enhances the werewolves using angel grace. Subsequently, four enhanced werewolves attack Sam and Mary Winchester along with Bobby Singer in an old church. Owing to their enhancements, they are stronger and faster than ever and immune to silver. However, Sam discovers that they are still vulnerable to decapitation which allows him and the other hunters to kill the four enhanced werewolves.


Witches are magic users appearing throughout Supernatural. According to witch Rowena MacLeod, the Grand Coven classifies witches into three categories: The Naturals, the Borrowers and the Students. The Naturals are witches born with natural power and are rare, Borrowers are witches who gain their powers through demon deals while the Students are witches who learn either on their own or are taught by other witches, but lack innate power and do not get it from a demon. Owing to the nature of the source of their powers, Borrowers are condemned to Hell as they have sold their souls for power. On Supernatural, witches mainly act through hex bags, a small cloth bag full of ingredients that acts as a medium for their spells. As a result, destroying the hex bag is usually enough to break a spell. Witches also often carry spell books known as grimoires. Examples are the Book of the Damned and the Black Grimoire which play major roles in the later seasons of the show.

As they are human, witches can die with the weaker witches being able to be killed through simple mortal injuries though stronger witches tend to be invulnerable to normal methods of harm. In season 11's "Love Hurts", Dean notes that being stabbed with a knife would only slow down a powerful witch rather than kill her. On several other occasions, powerful witches have scoffed at the idea of bullets harming them. In the earlier seasons, witches are more often than not killed by demons they have been dealing with than the Winchesters themselves. In season 8's "Man's Best Friend With Benefits", the Winchesters succeed in using a witch-killing spell learned from Bobby Singer in season 7's "Shut Up, Doctor Phil", to kill a hostile witch, albeit with the help of a distraction from a friendly witch's familiar. However, in season 10's "About a Boy", the same spell fails when the potion part of it is destroyed by the witch. Instead, Dean kills her by burning her in her own oven. In "Brother's Keeper", Sam modifies the witch-killing spell to be contained in hollow-point bullets. These new bullets, dubbed witch-killing bullets, are extremely effective against witches, killing even the most powerful witches who scoffed at the idea of bullets harming them. Seeing their first successful use in season 11's "Love Hurts", the bullets are used by the Winchesters whenever they come up against a witch, generally ending with the witch or witches being killed through being shot with the bullets.


Wraiths are a series of monsters appearing in Supernatural that feed on brain fluids through a bone skewer that emerges on their wrist and is stabbed into the victim's head. Wraiths commonly target humans in mental hospitals, because no one will believe them if they say a monster is after them. Through their touch, they can dose their victims with high levels of dopamine and cause them to hallucinate which makes the victim even more delicious to the wraith in question. Though they appear human outwardly, in mirrors their true distorted appearance is visible. Wraiths are highly vulnerable to silver, which burns them badly. Unlike most monsters that are vulnerable to silver, they do not appear to need to be stabbed in the heart with silver to be killed by it.

In season 5's "Sam, Interrupted", the Winchesters are contacted by hunter Martin Creaser who is convinced that a monster is preying on patients in a mental hospital where Martin is institutionalized, framing the deaths as suicides. Martin is able to determine that they are dealing with a wraith whom the Winchesters unknowingly fall victim to, beginning to hallucinate due to the wraith's poison. Owing to their hallucinations, Sam assaults a doctor he believes to be the wraith with a silver-plated letter opener and nearly kills the man before Martin stops him after noticing the man's lack of reaction to being cut by the letter opener. Dean eventually discovers that the true wraith is the nurse who admitted them to the mental hospital, having taken the chance to infect them at the time. After Dean and Martin stop her from killing her next victim, the wraith goes after a restrained Sam and explains that psychiatric patients are more delectable to her. As the wraith prepares to kill Sam, Dean bursts in and manages to kill the wraith with a silver-plated letter opener to the heart. The wraith's death ends her effect on the Winchesters who quickly make their escape.

In season 6's "Mommy Dearest", wraith traits, particularly their bone skewer, are amongst the monster traits incorporated by Eve into her newest creation that Dean dubs Jefferson Starships.

In season 9's "Bloodlines", a wraith named Marv acts as a bodyguard to shapeshifter Sal Lassiter. When Ennis Ross gets angry when Sal is served first at an upscale restaurant, Marv steps in, but is stopped by Sal while Ennis notices Marv's distorted reflection in a mirror. During the attack on the VIP club by an insane hunter, the man kills Marv by slashing open his throat and chest with handmade silver claws. Ennis later tells the Winchesters about what he witnessed with Marv's face and Sam identifies him as a wraith and explains how mirrors and cameras can sometimes reveal a monster.

In season 12's "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell", a wraith is amongst the monsters Dean kills with a wire-wrapped baseball bat while on a hunt assigned in secret by British Men of Letters operative Mick Davies.

In season 13's "Patience", the Winchesters are called by psychic Missouri Moseley after a monster starts targeting psychics. The case is investigated by Dean and Jody Mills who determine with Missouri's help that the culprit is a wraith. The wraith turns out to have gotten a taste for psychics after feeding on one in a mental hospital. After killing Missouri, the wraith targets her psychic granddaughter Patience Turner who manages to escape. The wraith later captures Patience who is located by Dean and Jody with the help of Patience's father James. As the group arrives, Patience experiences a premonition of the wraith killing them one by one and manages to warn each in time to prevent their deaths. After a struggle, Dean manages to kill the wraith by stabbing it in the side with Jody's silver knife.

Types of demons

Demons are corrupted human souls that have endured many years of torture in Hell. Demons are malevolent beings, returning to Earth to commit chaos and violence. Many commit chaos at their own accord, doing so because they find it fun. Some demons manipulate humans into causing chaos and events that will get their souls sent to Hell upon death.

White-eyed Demons

The top-tier demons are the white-eyed demons, and as the commanders-in-chief of the demonic host, submit only to Lucifer himself. They are supposedly the first original demons: Lilith is known to be the oldest and as stated by the showrunners, Alastair is the second-oldest demon in the show's existence. Lilith was able to shoot burning beams of light while Alastair could fight and defeat an angel. Alastair proves highly immune to Ruby's knife as he was unaffected if he's carves and twisted through the guts and was even immune to pure angel-smiting. Lilith on the other hand was hinted to be immune to holy water and proved highly resistant to Sam's psychic powers. The only thing that can trap a white-eyed demon is an old Enochian devil's trap. The only known white-eyed demons are Lilith and Alastair.

Yellow-eyed Demons

The Princes of Hell are the yellow-eyed demons and the demon army generals. They are considered to be the first generation of demons created by Lucifer. Yellow-eyed demons have yellow irises and possibly black pupils as well as white skleras. The Yellow-Eyed demon Azazel was established to be impervious to holy water. However, a devil's trap constructed of iron rails at the corners of which churches were stationed successfully trapped him. Azazel was killed by the colt in "All Hell Breaks Loose". Until season 12, Azazel was the only known demon with Yellow Eyes. Ramiel was unaffected by a demon-killing knife, an angel blade, devil's-trap bullets since he was naturally immune to devil's traps. Ramiel was killed by The Lance of Michael. Dagon had the power to kill and destroy angels. The fourth Prince of Hell, Asmodeus was the weakest of Lucifer's creations and was hinted to be the youngest of the yellow-eyed demons. Through the grace of the archangel Gabriel, Asmodeus became the strongest of the yellow-eyed demons. However, the archangel Gabriel was able to effortlessly destroy him. After the death of Asmodeus, the Princes of Hell were extinguished.

Red-eyed Demons

Red-eyed demons are known as crossroads demons. These demons make deals. It is not known whether black-eyed demons or red-eyed demons are more powerful. However, Hell's Hierarchy of demons gives the red-eyed demons a higher authority through their occupation to make deals with souls. Humans summon red-eyed demons at a crossroads to make a deal. Red-eyed demons seal their deal with a kiss. The person making the deal will benefit from the deal they made. Ten years after the deal, hellhounds kill the person who made the deal and their souls fall to Hell. Of the red-eyed demons, Crowley is the most powerful. Crowley became the King of Hell after the deaths of Lilith, Alastair and Azazel.

Black-eyed Demons

The most common and weakest of their species are the black-eyed demons. These demons serve as soldiers, thugs, henchmen and minions. The black-eyed demons are often portrayed as mindless drones. Their powers and abilities include flying via smoke form, superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, invulnerability, immortality, telekinesis, and possession. Their weaknesses are exorcism, holy water, iron, rock salt, devil's traps, hallowed ground, holy fire, palo santos, Ruby's knife, the first blade, deaths scythe, angel blades, Lance of Michael, and the Colt. Cain trained the first fallen and the first born demons, forming an elite army known as the Knights of Hell. The Knights of Hell are resistant to the ancient demon-killing knife of the Kurds and holy water, and can only be killed by the First Blade. The Knights were mostly wiped out by Cain in 1863 with the last two Knights, Abaddon and Cain, eventually being killed by Dean Winchester.

Demon Mutations

Demons mutations are very special demons, Samhain being the most special of said demon mutations. They're terrifyingly special, and they rank separately in the hierarchy of Hell, acting under Samhain, the Lord of the Dead, according to the writers. They don't have subordinates, unlike other demons, whose are black-eyed demons. Being special, they are not vulnerable to demon weaknesses. At least one of there was even capable of summoning ghosts and other undead, and said to be able to summon monsters. Demon mutations do not have to possess humans and can even materialize in the shape of a young girl to attract people nearby to kill them. So far, the only known demons of this type are Samhain, the Seven Deadly Sins, and Acheri, as well as the Croatoan Virus.

Hell's Hierarchy of Demons

Other creatures


  1. ^ Williams, Don (December 3, 2007). "'Supernatural' Creator Nixes Divine Intervention". buddyTV. Archived from the original on October 15, 2013. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
  2. ^ a b "Interview: Eric Kripke from Supernatural". Fanbolt. July 31, 2009. Archived from the original on August 21, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
  3. ^ Ryan, Maureen (August 26, 2009). "'It's the fun Apocalypse': Creator Eric Kripke talks Supernatural". Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on October 8, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
  4. ^ Knight, Nicholas, Season 1 Companion, p.115
  5. ^ Writers: Robert Singer & Jeremy Carver, Director: Charles Beeson (2007-10-25). "Sin City". Supernatural. Season 3. Episode 4. The CW.
  6. ^ " Q&A: Supernatural creator Eric Kripke -". Archived from the original on 2012-11-04. Retrieved 2010-09-02.
  7. ^ Supernatural Magazine, Issue 8, "Habeus Supernatural", p.49
  8. ^ Writer: Eric Kripke, Director: Eric Kripke (2009-05-14). "Lucifer Rising". Supernatural. Season 4. Episode 22. The CW.
  9. ^ a b Knight, Nicholas, Season 3 Companion, p.104
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  24. ^ Writer: Sera Gamble, Director: James L. Conway (March 26, 2009). "It's a Terrible Life". Supernatural. Season 4. Episode 17. CW.
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