Este artículo analiza la cronología ficticia de la franquicia Star Trek . La franquicia se desarrolla principalmente en el futuro, desde mediados del siglo XXII ( Star Trek: Enterprise ) hasta finales del siglo XXIV ( Star Trek: Picard ), y la tercera temporada de Star Trek: Discovery avanza hasta el siglo XXXII. Sin embargo, la franquicia también ha esbozado una historia futura ficticia de la Tierra anterior a esto y, principalmente a través de tramas de viajes en el tiempo , ha explorado escenarios tanto del pasado como del futuro más lejano.
La cronología se complica por la presencia de líneas temporales divergentes dentro de la narrativa de la franquicia, así como contradicciones internas y retrocontinuidades . La serie original generalmente evitaba asignar fechas del mundo real a su entorno futurista, y en su lugar utilizaba el sistema de fecha estelar . Las series a partir de Star Trek: The Next Generation definieron sus entornos temporales de forma convencional.
Series, libros y ambientaciones cinematográficas
Esta tabla muestra cada serie de televisión y película, su año de estreno o emisión, el año en el que se ambienta según la cronología predominante de Okuda (ver más abajo) y el rango de fechas estelares para ese año. La designación de serie basada en Enterprise son las series que presentaron las diversas encarnaciones de la nave espacial USS Enterprise . En orden cronológico de la línea de tiempo del universo Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT), Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS), Star Trek : The Animated Series (TAS), Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) y las 13 películas de Star Trek , incluidas las tres películas de reinicio más nuevas de J.J. Abrams , o "Cronología de Kelvin" basada en la serie original. [ cita requerida ]
Cronología en orden de fechas de emisión de la serie
Cronología y acontecimientos
Esta línea de tiempo se basa en el modelo de cronología de Star Trek descrito a continuación, complementado con datos del sitio web . [2] La línea de tiempo también consta de antes, entre y después de esos eventos.
Nota: Muchas de estas fechas son aproximaciones redondeadas, ya que el diálogo del que se derivan a menudo incluye calificadores como "más de", "más que" o "menor que".
Resumen sobre los eventos más importantes, primeros contactos y cuándo se desarrollan las series/películas del universo Star Trek
Antes de la era común
- El Big Bang
- Quinn se esconde en el Big Bang para evitar que Q lo descubra . [3]
- Hace unos 6 mil millones de años
- Hace unos 4 mil millones de años
- Una civilización humanoide siembra los océanos de muchos planetas con material genético, lo que conduciría al desarrollo de humanoides en muchos planetas. [5]
- Hace unos 65 a 100 millones de años
- Hace aproximadamente 1 millón de años
- Hace unos 600.000 años
- Hace unos 200.000 años
- La civilización iconiana está destruida.
- C. 8000 a. C.
- Es posible que el Dominio haya sido fundado en el Cuadrante Gamma por la raza cambiaformas conocida como los Changelings en esta época, posiblemente en una forma diferente a la conocida en la línea de tiempo moderna. [7]
- C. 2700 a. C.
- Un grupo de seres extraterrestres aterrizan en la Tierra y finalmente son conocidos como los dioses griegos, como se establece en el episodio " ¿Quién llora por Adonais? ".
1er milenio de la era común
- C. siglo IV d.C.
- El tiempo del despertar en Vulcano . En medio de las terribles guerras en Vulcano, el filósofo Surak lidera a su pueblo, enseñándoles a adoptar la lógica y a suprimir toda emoción. [8] Aquellos que se niegan a seguir a Surak abandonan el sistema vulcano y acaban colonizando Rómulo . (" El despertar " (ENT), " El equilibrio del terror " (TOS))
- Es posible que el Dominio haya sido fundado en el Cuadrante Gamma por la raza cambiaformas conocida como los Changelings (Fundadores) en esta época. [9]
- C. siglo IX
- Kahless el Inolvidable une a los Klingon al derrotar al tirano Molor en batalla y proporciona a su pueblo enseñanzas basadas en una filosofía del honor. [10]
Antes del siglo XX
- C. 1505
- Se sabe que los Borg existieron en el Cuadrante Delta, 900 años antes del aterrizaje de la Voyager en el planeta, como lo menciona el Vaadwaur " Dientes de Dragón " (VOY).
- C. 1570
- Siglo XVIII
- C. 1864
- Los Skagarans secuestran a humanos para usarlos como esclavos en su mundo colonia (como se menciona en la temporada 3 de Enterprise : " Estrella del Norte ").
- C. 1871
- 1888
- C. 1893
Siglo XX
- 1918
- 1930
- 1937
- Varios cientos de humanos son secuestrados en secreto por una raza alienígena conocida como los Briori y llevados al Cuadrante Delta . Ocho son congelados criogénicamente, incluida la piloto perdida hace mucho tiempo, Amelia Earhart (" The 37's " (VOY)).
- 1944
- 1945
- 1947
- Tres ferengi ( Quark , Rom y Nog ) aterrizan de emergencia en el desierto de Nuevo México y son retenidos por el gobierno de los EE. UU. en una base secreta para estudios científicos (" Little Green Men " (DS9)).
- 1957
- Una nave exploradora vulcana visita la Tierra, según una historia contada por T'Pol (presumiblemente una historia real, ya que T'Pol examina un bolso que fue retratado como usado por su tatarabuela durante la historia; ver la entrada del episodio) (" Carbon Creek " (ENT)).
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1986
- 1992
- Comienzan las Guerras Eugenésicas (WWIII). [14] En el apogeo de su influencia, se dice que el tirano genéticamente aumentado Khan Noonien Singh es el gobernante absoluto de más de una cuarta parte de la población de la Tierra. (WWIII se remonta a la década de 2050 según Encounter at Farpoint y Star Trek First Contact de TNG y es un conflicto separado de las Guerras Eugenésicas; "Strange New World" de SNW la remonta a tener lugar en el siglo XXI, antes de la Tercera Guerra Mundial).
- 1996
- Las Guerras Eugenésicas terminan. [14] Después de la derrota de Khan, él y un grupo de unos 80 o 90 Aumentados roban la nave durmiente SS Botany Bay y abandonan el Sistema Solar. (" Semilla Espacial " (TOS))
- " El fin del futuro " (VOY).
- 1999
- 2000
- Los acontecimientos pasados de " 11:59 " (VOY).
Siglo XXI
- 2002
- Se lanza la sonda interestelar Nomad . [2] [16]
- 2004
- 2009
- Se lanza la primera sonda Tierra-Saturno con éxito. [2] [17]
- 2012
- El primer entorno cívico autosostenible del mundo, Millennium Gate, que se convirtió en el modelo para el primer hábitat en Marte, se completó en Portage Creek, Indiana (" 11:59 " (VOY)).
- 2018
- Los barcos-cama se han vuelto obsoletos. [18]
- 2022
- 2024
- 2026
- La Tercera Guerra Mundial comienza en la Tierra . El coronel Phillip Green y un grupo de ecoterroristas cometen un genocidio que se cobra la vida de treinta y siete millones de personas. ( En ENT " In A Mirror Darkly, Part Two ") (En TOS, la Tercera Guerra Mundial tuvo lugar en la década de 1990 y se establece como un nombre alternativo para las Guerras Eugenésicas [14] mientras que "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?" de DS9 tenía las Guerras Eugenésicas en el siglo XXII. "Strange New World" de SNW retrotrae las Guerras Eugenésicas al siglo XXI, pero antes del estallido de la Tercera Guerra Mundial).
- 2032
- 2037
- La nave espacial Caribdis intenta abandonar el sistema solar. [20]
- 2047
- El terremoto de Hermosa sacude la región del sur de California que rodea a Los Ángeles . La tierra se hunde bajo doscientos metros de agua. En los siglos siguientes, la región se recupera y se transforma en uno de los arrecifes de coral más grandes del mundo. Estos arrecifes se convierten en el hogar de miles de especies marinas diferentes. [ aclaración necesaria ]
- 2053
- La Tercera Guerra Mundial termina y la Tierra queda devastada, principalmente debido a la guerra nuclear. La mayoría de las ciudades principales quedan en ruinas con pocos gobiernos restantes y el total de muertos alcanza los 600 millones. Sin embargo, el avance científico continúa. [21] (En TOS, la Tercera Guerra Mundial tuvo lugar en la década de 1990 y se establece como un nombre alternativo para las Guerras Eugenésicas [14] mientras que "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?" de DS9 tuvo las Guerras Eugenésicas en el siglo XXII. "Strange New World" de SNW retrotrae las Guerras Eugenésicas al siglo XXI, pero antes del estallido de la Tercera Guerra Mundial).
- 2062
- El casco antiguo de San Francisco es golpeado por un enorme terremoto, el Gran Terremoto, y la ciudad tarda 20 años en ser restaurada.
- 2063
- C. 2065
- Se lanza el SS Valiant. [2] [22]
- 2067
- Se lanza la sonda interestelar no tripulada Friendship 1. [23]
- 2069
- Se lanza el barco colonial SS Conestoga , que fundaría la colonia Terra Nova. [24]
- 2079
- La Tierra comienza a recuperarse de su guerra nuclear. [25] La recuperación es asistida y parcialmente organizada por una entidad política recién establecida llamada la Hegemonía Europea . [2]
- 2088
Siglo XXII
- 2103
- La Tierra coloniza Marte.
- 2112
- Jonathan Archer nace en el norte del estado de Nueva York en la Tierra. [26]
- 2119
- Zefram Cochrane , que ahora reside en Alpha Centauri , parte hacia lugares desconocidos y desaparece. Algunos habían pensado que estaba probando un nuevo motor. Después de una búsqueda exhaustiva, se cree que Cochrane ha muerto. Se convierte en una de las personas desaparecidas más famosas de la historia. [27]
- 2129
- 2130
- Las Naciones Unidas establecen el Comando de la Flota Estelar con San Francisco como su sede.
- 2142
- La barrera Warp 2 fue superada por el comandante Robinson en NX Alpha y la barrera Warp 2.5 fue lograda por el comandante Archer en NX Beta .
- 2145
- Warp 3 roto por el comandante Duvall en NX Delta .
- 2149
- El USS Enterprise (NX-01), la primera nave con capacidad Warp 5 construida por humanos, comienza su construcción en el norte del estado de Nueva York.
- 2150
- Se coloca la quilla del Enterprise (NX-01).
- 2151–2155
- 2151
- 2155
- El capitán Jonathan Archer redescubre los escritos perdidos de Surak, frustrando la infiltración de los romulanos en el gobierno de Vulcano. (" Kir'Shara " (ENT))
- La especie klingon se infecta con un virus genéticamente modificado. La cura, que utiliza anticuerpos humanos, hace que los klingon pierdan sus crestas craneales y se vuelvan ligeramente menos agresivos. (" Divergencia " (ENT))
- El USS Defiant , una nave de clase Constitución del Universo Principal en 2268, viaja en el tiempo y también emerge en el Universo Espejo tras su interacción con una anomalía. El Defiant abandonado es encontrado por los Tholianos. El Imperio Terran se entera de la existencia de la nave y posteriormente la captura para su propio uso. (" In a Mirror, Darkly " (ENT))
- 2156–2160
- La Guerra Tierra-Romulana se libra entre la Tierra Unida y sus aliados, y el Imperio Estelar Romulano . La guerra termina con la Batalla de Cheron, una derrota humillante para los romulanos, a tal grado que el Imperio todavía considera la batalla una vergüenza más de 200 años después. Se establece la Zona Neutral Romulana . [2] Debido a que todas las comunicaciones con los romulanos se realizaban solo por audio, ninguna especie no vulcana se entera de que los romulanos son una rama de los vulcanos. (" Balance of Terror " (TOS))
- 2161
- 2165
- Sarek , diplomático de la Federación y padre de Spock , nace en Vulcano. [31]
- 2184
- Jonathan Archer es elegido como el primer presidente de la Federación Unida de Planetas.
- 2192
- Jonathan Archer dimite como presidente de la UFP después de 8 años.
- 2195
- De 2160 a 2196
- La nave estelar clase Dédalo está activa. [32]
Siglo 23
- 2222
- 2226
- 2227
- Leonard McCoy nace en Georgia, América del Norte en la Tierra. [35]
- 2230
- 2232
- 2233
- 2233 (línea de tiempo alternativa): Escena del prólogo de Star Trek .
- El embajador Spock y la nave minera romulana Narada , comandada por Nero, emergen de un agujero negro creado por la detonación de materia roja de Spock en 2387 y llegan al pasado. La llegada de Nero y el posterior ataque al USS Kelvin crean la línea de tiempo de Kelvin.
- James T. Kirk nace a bordo de un transbordador USS Kelvin .
- El padre de James T. Kirk, George Kirk, es asesinado.
- 2238
- 2241 (línea de tiempo alternativa)
- 2245–2250
- El USS Enterprise , una nave de clase Constitution, es botado bajo el mando de Robert April en una misión de exploración de cinco años. [2] En la línea de tiempo alternativa creada por el ataque de Nero al USS Kelvin, el Enterprise todavía está en construcción en 2255 y no es botado en su viaje inaugural hasta 2258.
- 2245
- Pavel Chekov nació de padres rusos . [38] En la línea de tiempo alternativa creada por el ataque de Nerón al USS Kelvin, Chekov es solo ocho años más joven que James T. Kirk, lo que implica una fecha de nacimiento de 2241. [39]
- 2250
- 2254
- 2256-2257
- 2257-2258
- Los acontecimientos de la segunda temporada de Star Trek: Discovery tienen lugar. El USS Discovery y el USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) se enfrentan en una batalla campal para neutralizar a la IA rebelde Control. La batalla es un éxito, pero el Enterprise informa falsamente que el Discovery se perdió con toda su tripulación, para ocultar el hecho de que viajó 930 años hacia el futuro para evitar que Control se reafirme. Posteriormente, el Enterprise se somete a reparaciones y parte hacia Edrin II 4 meses después.
- 2258 (línea de tiempo alternativa)
- Los acontecimientos de Star Trek: Bridge Crew se desarrollan en el USS Aegis, que busca un nuevo hogar para los vulcanianos tras la destrucción de su planeta. La nave se dirige a una región del espacio llamada "La Trinchera", que está siendo ocupada por los klingon.
- Los acontecimientos de Star Trek (videojuego de 2013) tienen lugar. El capitán Kirk, Spock y la tripulación del USS Enterprise se encuentran con una poderosa raza alienígena conocida como los Gorn.
- 2259 (línea de tiempo alternativa)
- Algún tiempo antes de este punto en la línea de tiempo de Kelvin, la unidad de operaciones negras de la Federación, Sección 31, revive a Khan Noonien Singh de la animación suspendida en Botany Bay , lo que lo obliga a someterse a una cirugía plástica y trabajar como agente de la Sección 31 bajo la identidad de "John Harrison".
- Se desarrollan los acontecimientos de Star Trek Into Darkness . Khan es devuelto a la Tierra en estado de animación suspendida como castigo por actos de terrorismo.
- 2259
- Se desarrollan los acontecimientos de la temporada 1 de Star Trek: Strange New Worlds .
- La Enterprise comienza otra misión de cinco años bajo el mando de Christopher Pike.
- 2260 (línea de tiempo alternativa)
- La Enterprise se lanza en una misión histórica de cinco años.
- 2263 (línea de tiempo alternativa)
- La estación espacial Yorktown es fundada por el comodoro Paris.
- Se desarrollan los acontecimientos de Star Trek Beyond . El USS Enterprise es destruido y el USS Enterprise -A es puesto en servicio en la base estelar Yorktown como su reemplazo.
- El embajador Spock del Universo Principal muere en el Universo Kelvin.
- 2261–2264
- 2263
- 2265–2270
- Tras el ascenso de Christopher Pike , al capitán James T. Kirk se le asigna el mando de la Enterprise en una histórica misión de cinco años. [2] (En la cronología de vuelos espaciales de Star Trek originalmente canónica , esto fue de 2207 a 2212; Star Trek: Strange New Worlds contradice esto un poco al fechar el accidente de Pike aproximadamente en 2268 o 2269 (según el diálogo en el episodio "Strange New World" que indica que el accidente ocurre 10 años en el futuro), pero el episodio de TOS "The Menagerie" tiene lugar durante la primera temporada, aproximadamente un año después de la misión de Kirk en lugar de cerca de su final).
- 2265
- 2266–2269
- 2266
- Cuando el USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) se enfrenta a un ave de rapiña romulana en combate, finalmente se revela el secreto de que los romulanos son la misma especie que los vulcanos. (" Balance of Terror " (TOS))
- La tripulación del Enterprise revive a Khan Noonien Singh y a 72 Augments supervivientes de la animación suspendida en Botany Bay . Después de impedir que los Augments tomen el control del Enterprise , el capitán Kirk los exilia al planeta Ceti Alpha V. (" Semilla espacial " (TOS))
- 2267
- Kirk descubre que Zefram Cochrane fue secuestrado a un planetoide distante por un ser energético que le otorgó la inmortalidad. (" Metamorfosis " (TOS))
- 2268
- El USS Defiant desaparece del Universo Principal, reapareciendo en el Universo Espejo de 2155. (" The Tholian Web " (TOS))
- 2269-2270
- Los acontecimientos de Star Trek: La serie animada tienen lugar. (No hay confirmación en pantalla de esto, pero se cree anecdóticamente que TAS tiene lugar hacia el final de la misión).
- Durante algún período entre 2269 y 2273, los klingon recuperan sus crestas craneales.
- 2270
- El USS Enterprise regresa de su misión de cinco años bajo el mando del capitán James T. Kirk y entra en una importante fase de reacondicionamiento mientras Kirk es ascendido a almirante en el Comando de la Flota Estelar . El capitán Will Decker recibe el mando de la nave.
- 2273
- Los acontecimientos de Star Trek: La Película .
- La Voyager 6 regresa a la Tierra, después de haber sido mejorada masivamente con tecnología alienígena para convertirse en una entidad que se hace llamar " V'ger ".
- Kirk toma el mando de la Enterprise de manos de Decker, quien posteriormente se fusiona con V'ger y asciende a un plano superior de existencia.
- 2273-2278
- 2279
- Alrededor de esta época, el USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) es retirado del servicio activo y asignado como buque de entrenamiento en órbita de la Tierra . [2] En algún momento durante este período, Spock es ascendido a capitán y se le asigna el mando de la nave.
- 2284
- El USS Excelsior (NX-2000), la primera nave equipada con propulsión transwarp, se construye en los Astilleros de la Flota de San Francisco y más tarde se atraca en el Dique Espacial de la Tierra. Desafortunadamente, la nave aún no estaba terminada debido a muchas especificaciones y se completó en el norte del estado de Nueva York antes de su puesta en servicio como USS Excelsior (NCC-2000).
- 2285
- 2286
- 2287
- 2293
Siglo 24
- 2305
- 2311
- 2319
- 2320
- 2324
- 2327
- 2329
- Chakotay nace en una colonia de la Federación cerca del espacio cardassiano en la zona desmilitarizada.
- 2332
- 2333
- Jean-Luc Picard becomes captain of the USS Stargazer.[2]
- 2335
- 2336
- 2337
- Tasha Yar is born in a failed Federation colony on Turkana IV.[2]
- 2340
- Worf, son of Mogh, is born on the Klingon homeworld, Qo'noS.[2][44]
- 2341
- 2343
- The Galaxy class development project is officially given the greenlight by Starfleet Command.[46]
- 2344
- The Enterprise-C, under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett, is destroyed defending a Klingon settlement on Narendra III under attack from Romulans.[2][47]
- Due to the Enterprise-C's sacrifice, a new era of more open communication begins between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, leading to a formalized alliance.
- 2345
- Sela (half-Romulan/half-Human), daughter of Natasha Yar (alternate reality from "Yesterday's Enterprise"), is born.
- 2346
- Worf's parents are killed by Romulans in the Khitomer massacre. Worf (age 6) is adopted by human parents.[2][48]
- 2349
- Annika Hansen is born in Tendara Colony, to Magnus and Erin Hansen.
- 2355
- Magnus, Erin, and Annika Hansen are assimilated by the Borg while on a research mission in the Delta quadrant.
- The USS Stargazer is attacked by an unknown vessel (later discovered to be Ferengi in origin) in the Maxia Zeta system. Jean-Luc Picard wins the confrontation by devising a tactic which becomes known as the Picard Manoeuvre. However, due to damage suffered during the battle, the crew are forced to abandon ship. The Stargazer is later recovered in 2364.
- 2357
- Worf is the first Klingon to enter Starfleet Academy.[2]
- USS Galaxy (NX-70637), the prototype Galaxy class is launched.[46]
- 2363
- USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), the third Galaxy-class starship (following the Galaxy and Yamato) is launched from the Utopia Planitia shipyards in Mars orbit (under the command of Jean-Luc Picard), and becomes the Federation's new flagship.
- 2364–2370
- 2364
- 2365
- Q forces the Enterprise-D to make first contact with the Borg. ("Q Who" (TNG))
- 2367
- The Borg assimilate Captain Jean-Luc Picard and fight the Battle of Wolf 359 against a Starfleet task force 7.7 light years from Earth. The battle results in the loss of 39 Starfleet vessels and over 11,000 lives ("The Best of Both Worlds" (TNG)). Benjamin Sisko aboard the USS Saratoga is a participant in the battle and is one of the few survivors alongside his son Jake Sisko ("Emissary" (DS9)). With the task force lost, the Borg continue to Earth. Picard is rescued and the Borg cube is destroyed via the actions of the crew of the Enterprise-D.
- 2368
- 2369–2375
- 2369
- Terok Nor, a Cardassian space station orbiting Bajor, is taken over by Starfleet following the end of hostilities between Bajor and Cardassia. It is redesignated Deep Space Nine and placed under the command of Commander (later Captain) Benjamin Sisko. Soon after, the discovery of a stable wormhole between the Alpha and Gamma quadrants leads to DS9 being relocated near the wormhole's location in order to facilitate trade, exploration and defense.
- 2370
- The events of Star Trek: Enterprise episode "These Are the Voyages..." take place. (this is due to the story being depicted as a holodeck recreation concurrent with the events of the TNG episode The Pegasus).
- The USS Defiant (NX-74205), a mothballed prototype originally designed to fight the Borg, is commissioned into active service and is assigned to Benjamin Sisko to help protect DS9. Due to the Defiant being over-powered and over-gunned for its size, several flaws in the ship's design require attention before it reaches a fully operational status. The Defiant is officially classed as an escort vessel; however, unofficially it is considered a warship built purely for combat.
- 2371
- The "present-day" events of Star Trek Generations. The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)'s stardrive section is destroyed by a warp core breach; the saucer section containing the crew makes a forced landing on Veridian III. The ship is subsequently declared a total loss. James T. Kirk reappears from the temporal continuum in which he had been since his disappearance in 2293. Kirk is killed on Veridian III.
- 2371–2378
- The events of Star Trek: Voyager.
- "Caretaker": the USS Voyager, under the command of Capt. Kathryn Janeway is stranded deep in the Delta Quadrant and faces a 75-year-long voyage back to Federation space. Janeway merges her crew with survivors of a vessel staffed by members of an organization called the Maquis that at this time are de facto enemies of the Federation.
- 2372
- 2373
- The events of Star Trek: First Contact. The Battle of Sector 001 occurs with a Starfleet task force engaging in a running battle with a Borg cube en route to Earth. The USS Defiant (NX-74205) from DS9 is severely damaged but not destroyed, with the crew evacuating to the Enterprise. The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) follows a Borg sphere through a temporal rift and events shift at that point to 2063.
- Still unaware that the USS Voyager is stuck in the Delta Quadrant, Starfleet officially declares the ship lost with all hands.
- 2373–2375
- Tensions between the Alpha and Gamma quadrants erupt into open warfare, igniting the Dominion War fully, with DS9 at its epicenter.
- 2374
- Annika Hansen (who now identifies herself by the Borg designation Seven of Nine) is liberated from the Borg collective by the USS Voyager crew. ("Scorpion, Part II" (VOY))
- Using an abandoned sensor array network, the USS Voyager detects a Federation vessel, the USS Prometheus, on the edge of the Alpha Quadrant and transmits The Doctor to the ship. After freeing the ship from the Romulans with help from the Prometheus EMH, Voyager officially re-establishes contact with Starfleet.
- 2375
- The USS Defiant (NX-74205) is destroyed. Several weeks later, DS9 receives a replacement Defiant Class vessel, the USS São Paulo. Captain Sisko is granted special permission by Starfleet to rename the vessel Defiant.
- After devastating losses on both sides, the Federation, alongside the Romulan and Klingon Empire, make a final push against the Dominion, resulting in the Battle of Cardassia. The Dominion subsequently surrenders to the Federation.
- The events of Star Trek: Insurrection.[49] Dialogue in this film and in the DS9 finale "What You Leave Behind" place the chronology of this film as during that episode, after the final battle of the war but before the treaty signing ceremony. Most notable in the film is Worf's ability to leave the station to join the Enterprise, as well as a line about Federation diplomats being involved in Dominion negotiations, and the Federation's willingness to work with the Son'a, who are established as a Dominion ally during the war.
- 2378
- With the help of Admiral Janeway from an alternate timeline in which the ship's return is delayed many years with tragic results, the USS Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant. ("Endgame"). Tom Paris' and B'Elanna Torres's daughter is born. At some point after returning home (and prior to the events of Star Trek: Nemesis), Janeway is promoted to Vice Admiral in the main timeline.
- 2379
- The events of Star Trek: Nemesis, resulting in the death of Lieutenant Commander Data.[50]
- Discovery of previously unknown Android named "B-4", a prototype android similar in design to Lt. Commander Data but with a notably less advanced positronic network.
- 2380-2381
- 2383
- 2385, First Contact Day
- The events of Star Trek: Short Treks episode "Children of Mars" take place. The Utopia Planitia Fleetyards on Mars are sabotaged and subsequently destroyed by rogue synthetics in a surprise attack. The battle results in the loss of 92,143 lives, the planet itself being considered destroyed, its stratosphereignited, and the destruction of the rescue armada to evacuate Romulus. In the aftermath of the attack, the Federation, unable to determine how or why the synths went rogue, bans the creation of synthetic liveforms
- 2386
- Lieutenant Icheb is captured and stripped for his Borg parts by Bjayzl, and subsequently euthanized by Seven of Nine.
- 2387
- A star in the Romulan Empire goes supernova. Ambassador Spock attempts to counter the resulting shockwave using Red Matter, but is unable to save the planet Romulus from destruction. Spock and the Romulan mining ship Narada, commanded by Nero, are dragged into a black hole created by the Red Matter detonation and arrive in the past. Nero's arrival in 2233 and subsequent attack on the USS Kelvin creates the Kelvin Timeline. (Star Trek (2009))
- 2394
- 2395
- 2399
25th century
- 2401-2402
- 2402
- USS Titan (NCC-80102-A) is renamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G) under the command of Captain Seven of Nine.
- 2404
26th century
- c. 2540–2550
- The Starship Enterprise-J (presumably NCC 1701-J) is commissioned and takes part in the Battle of Procyon V against the Sphere Builders as shown in Enterprise episode "Azati Prime". As the events of the episode “Zero Hour” result in the destruction of the spheres and the dissipation of the altered space, it is likely this battle occurs only in an alternate timeline.
27th century
- Temporal Cold War (with agents from the 31st century); first established in the pilot episode of Star Trek: Enterprise and recurring until the series' fourth season premiere, it is a struggle between those who would alter history to suit their own ends and those who would preserve the integrity of the original timeline.
- With the distance between them having expanded over the centuries and making travel increasingly difficult, the last crossing between the Prime and Mirror Universes occurs at some point during this century.
29th century
- The Aeon-type timeship is in active service during this century ("Future's End"), as is the Wells-class timeship Relativity ("Relativity").
30th century
- Around the year 2958, supplies of Dilithium in the Milky Way started to dry up, marking the beginning of an energy crisis. The United Federation of Planets began development and trials of alternatives to warp drive, though none proved to be reliable.
- The Federation spends much of this century engaged in a temporal war with the objective of upholding the Temporal Accords to ensure the timeline remains unaltered.
31st century
- 3069
- A cataclysmic galaxy-wide event referred to as "The Burn" occurs. Nearly all dilithium in the galaxy suddenly goes inert, causing a massive loss of life and the destruction of every ship and facility with an active warp core. In the aftermath, the remaining dilithium became an ever more scarce resource. With few ships and warp travel severely impeded, no explanation for what happened and the uncertainty if it will happen again, the United Federation of Planets, Starfleet Command, and the United Earth, effectively collapse.
- 3074
- 3089
- The Federation, Starfleet Command and United Earth leave planet Earth for a new headquarters location. Around the same time, the United Earth government withdraws Earth from the Federation, becoming fully self-sufficient and isolating multiple planets from the rest of the galaxy.
- Episodes with time traveler Daniels from Enterprise: "Cold Front", "Shockwave", "Azati Prime"
32nd and 33rd centuries
- 3186
- This is the year Gabrielle Burnham arrived in after using the Red Angel suit to escape a Klingon attack on her home. (Discovery S2 E10)
- 3188-3191, ca. 3225
34th century
- 3374
- According to Obrist, if the Krenim weapon ship continued to alter time to this point, full restoration of the Krenim Imperium would not have been achieved.
Far future
- 60-70 trillion years
- The Universe will Collapse.
History of the chronology (historiography)
Several efforts have been made to develop a chronology[53] for the events depicted by the Star Trek television series and its spin-offs. This matter has been complicated by the continued additions to the Star Trek canon, the existence of time travel and multiple concurrent timelines, and the scarcity of Gregorian calendar dates given in the show (stardates instead being used).
Original series
Not many references set the original series in an exact time frame, and those that exist are largely contradictory. In the episode "Tomorrow Is Yesterday", a 1960s military officer says that he's going to lock Captain Kirk up "for two hundred years", to which Kirk replies, with wry amusement: "That ought to be just about right." Likewise, in the episode "Space Seed", it is said that the 1996 warlord Khan Noonian Singh is from "two centuries" ago. Both these references place the show in the 22nd century. However, in the episode "Miri", it is said that 1960 was around 300 years ago, pushing the show into the 23rd century. Finally, the episode "The Squire of Gothos" implied that the light cone of 19th century Earth has expanded to 900 light years of radius, which seems to set the show in the 28th century, since light would take nine centuries to traverse that distance.
According to notes in The Making of Star Trek, the show is set in the 23rd century, and the Enterprise was supposed to be around 40 years old. Roddenberry says in this book that the stardate system was invented to avoid pinning down the show precisely in time frame.[54] Roddenberry's original pitch for the series dated it "'somewhere in the future. It could be 1995, or maybe even 2995".[55]
Early chronologies
The Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology and FASA, a publisher of the first licensed Star Trek role-playing game, chose to take the "Space Seed figure", adding a few years to make sure the events of the Original Series were in the 23rd century. This dating system is followed by other spin-off works in the 1980s, including Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise. This timeline system gives the following dates[56][57]
- The sub-warp ship the UNSS Icarus makes first contact with Alpha Centauri in 2048, and there meets Zefrem Cochran [sic], who has invented warp drive.[56]
- The first Earth warp ship, the Bonaventure makes its first voyage, to Tau Ceti, in 2059.[56]
- The first contact with Vulcans is in 2065, when a damaged Vulcan spaceship is rescued by UNSS Amity.[56]
- The Federation is formed in 2087.[56]
- The Earth–Romulan War occurs in the 2100s.[56]
- First contact with the Klingon Empire in 2151, who demand the return of a group of refugees from the USS Sentry.[56]
- The first Constitution-class starship is launched in 2188.[56]
- The USS Enterprise's five-year mission under Captain Kirk lasts from 2207 to 2212.[57]
- The events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture occur in 2217.[57]
- The events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan occur around 2222 (dialogue in the film says it is set "fifteen years" after the Season One episode "Space Seed").
- The events of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home occur on September 21, 2222.[57]
The Star Fleet Battles game was published in 1979, with a license only covering the original series. It has since diverged into an entirely separate fictional universe, new additions to which continue to be published. It does not tie into the Gregorian calendar, instead using a "Year 1" of the invention of Warp on Earth. Its version of the original series backstory is:
- Y1 – Warp drive is developed on Earth.
- Y4 – Federation is formed by Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, Alpha Centauri.
- Y40-Y46 – Earth–Romulan War.
- Y71 – Starfleet is formed.
- Y126 – The Constitution-class is launched (an upgrade from the Republic-class).
- Y154–159 – The events of the Original Series.
See Star Fleet Universe timeline.
TNG era and Okuda
Press materials for The Next Generation suggested it was set in the 24th century, seventy-eight years after the existing Star Trek, although the exact time frame had not yet been set in stone. The pilot had dialogue stating Data was part of the Starfleet "class of '78".[58] The pilot episode, "Encounter at Farpoint", also has a cameo appearance by Leonard "Bones" McCoy, who is said to be 137.
In the last episode of the first season, the year is firmly established by Data as 2364.[58] This marked the first time an explicit future calendar date had been attached to a Star Trek storyline, and allowed fans and writers to extrapolate further dates. For example, the established date implies McCoy was born around 2227, ruling out the Spaceflight Chronology-derived dating of the original series to the early 23rd century (though the dating had already been effectively overruled by Star Trek IV, which primarily takes place in 1986, where Kirk tells Gillian Taylor that he is from the late 23rd century, though he does not give an exact date).
A Star Trek Chronology was published in 1993, written by production staff members Denise Okuda and Michael Okuda.[59] A second edition was issued in 1996.[2] Okuda originally drew up a timeline for internal use by writers, based on his own research and assumptions provided by Richard Arnold. The dates in the Chronology are consistent with the earlier Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual.[46]
It gives the following dates:
- Zephram Cochrane invents warp drive around 2061 (so that the SS Valiant can be constructed and go missing two hundred years before "Where No Man Has Gone Before", dated to 2265; the first edition gives 2061; the second edition moves this to 2063 per Star Trek: First Contact).
- The Romulan War takes place in the 2150s (about a hundred years before "Balance of Terror").
- The Federation is formed in 2161, after the Romulan War, on the basis that "Balance of Terror" says that it was an Earth-Romulan war, not a Federation-Romulan War.
- The first Constitution-class starship is launched in 2244, followed by the Enterprise in 2245.
- Kirk's five-year mission lasts from 2264 to 2269, based on the assumption that the original series is set exactly 300 years after its original broadcast.
- Aired live-action Star Trek episodes are dated from 2266 to 2269. The chronology does not include the events of Star Trek: The Animated Series. This is in keeping also with Gene Roddenberry's concept (discussed in The Making of Star Trek by Roddenberry and Stephen Whitfield) that Star Trek's first season takes place after the mission has been under way for some time.
- An episode of Voyager, "Q2", aired after the Chronology was published, established that Kirk's five-year mission actually ended in 2270.
- The events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture take place in 2271 (Kirk has been Chief of Starfleet Operations for 2+1⁄2 years, according to dialog from Kirk and Decker).
- The "Q2" dating for Kirk's five-year mission, moves the first film to c. 2273.
- Numerous sources, including the Chronology, postulate a second five-year mission under now-Admiral Kirk's command, begun soon after the events of the first movie; in part this is to take into account the unproduced revival series Star Trek: Phase II.
- The events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock take place in 2285.
- The Wrath of Khan is a sequel to the episode "Space Seed", which Okuda dates to 2267. In Okuda's timeline there is a gap of eighteen years rather than the fifteen years established in dialog. The film was released in 1982, fifteen years after the episode's broadcast in 1967. The film begins on Kirk's birthday, which is semi-canonically established as March 22, the same as William Shatner's.
- The events of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home take place in 2286.
- This places Star Trek III in late 2285, as Kirk states in his log that the Enterprise crew has been on Vulcan for "three months" since bringing Spock home.
- The events of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier apparently take place soon after the events of the fourth film, as evidenced by Scotty's complaints about repairing the ship after its shakedown cruise, which was depicted at the end of Star Trek IV. Star Trek V would then take place in early 2287.
- The events of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country take place in 2293, based on McCoy's statement that he had served on the Enterprise for 27 years, and his absence in "Where No Man Has Gone Before".
- The Kirk-era part of Star Trek Generations is set 78 years before 2371 (established by way of an on-screen caption), thus is set in 2293 and soon after Star Trek VI.
The gap between the 1986 film Star Trek IV: the Voyage Home (2286) and the 1987 first season of The Next Generation (2364) is 78 years by this timeline, matching early press materials.
A gap of 10 years passed between the broadcast of the last episode of Star Trek: The Original Series and the release of The Motion Picture. The film skirted around the fact the actors had aged, supposing that only 2+1⁄2 years had passed since the events of the TV show. For Star Trek II, it was decided to acknowledge the reality of the aging actors, both by setting the film some 15 years after "Space Seed", and by having Kirk worry about getting old.[60]
Within The Next Generation era, episodes and films are easier to date. Stardates correspond exactly with seasons, with the first two digits of the stardate representing the season number. Okuda assumes the start of a season is January 1 and the end of the season is December 31.[2] The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager television series, as well as the movies, have roughly followed "real time", and are set around 377 years after their release.
Since the Chronology was published, it has been generally adhered-to by the producers of the show. The film Star Trek: First Contact and prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise both revisit the early era. In First Contact, Zephram Cochrane is confirmed as having invented warp drive on Earth, but the date is moved forward slightly to 2063, and it is revealed that Earth's official first contact with an alien species, the Vulcans, took place immediately afterwards as a result of this.
The dating of the final season of Star Trek: Voyager has presented controversy. The standard assumption about stardates, as well as the regular correspondence between seasons and in-universe years, would place the entire season in the year 2377; the season begins with stardate 54014.4 and ends with 54973.4. However, the episode "Homestead" features a celebration of the 315th anniversary of Zefram Cochrane's first contact with the Vulcans, which would set the episode on April 5, 2378. The fansite Memory Alpha thus places the final eight episodes of the season ("Human Error" through "Endgame") in 2378, with other sources following suit.
Enterprise is set in the 2150s, and ties into the Cochrane backstory. The show uses the Gregorian calendar instead of Stardates, making tracking the dating easier. Its pilot, "Broken Bow", depicts first contact with the Klingons occurring much earlier than the Okuda chronology anticipated (it suggested a date of 2218, based on a line in "Day of the Dove", noting that dialog in "First Contact" makes this problematic – though the actual line in the episode referred to hostilities between the two, and in Enterprise, Human-Klingon relations, while by no means friendly, clearly do not rise to the de facto state of war shown in TOS). It shows the opening of the Romulan war and the start of a coalition between Earth, Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar in the 2150s. The date of the founding year of the Federation, 2161, was revealed in the fifth-season TNG episode "The Outcast," based on an early draft of the Okuda timeline. The final episode of Enterprise, "These Are the Voyages...", is consistent with the establishment of 2161 as the founding year for the Federation.
No version of the Chronology or the Encyclopedia has been published since 1999. A 2006 book by Jeff Ayers contains a timeline which attempts to date all of the many Star Trek novels.[61] This timeline has The Motion Picture in 2273, to account for the two-and-a-half-year gap between the end-date of 2270 established in "Q2" and the events of the movie. The official website,, still gives the date of that movie as 2271.[62]
Eugenics Wars and World War III
When the original series of Star Trek was produced, the 1990s were several decades away, and so various elements of the backstory to Star Trek are set in that era, particularly the Eugenics Wars. The references to the Eugenics Wars and to a nuclear war in the 21st century are somewhat contradictory.
The episode "Space Seed" establishes the Eugenics Wars, and has them lasting from 1992 to 1996. The Eugenics Wars are described as a global conflict in which the progeny of a human genetic engineering project, most notably Khan Noonien Singh, established themselves as supermen and attempted world domination. Spock calls them "the last of your so-called World Wars", and McCoy identifies this with the Eugenics Wars.
In the episode "Bread and Circuses", Spock gives a death toll for World War III of 37 million. The episode "The Savage Curtain" features a Colonel Phillip Green, who led a genocidal war in the 21st century. The TNG episode "Encounter at Farpoint" further establishes a "post-atomic horror" on Earth in 2079. However, the movie Star Trek: First Contact put the contact between Vulcans and humans at April 5, 2063.
The Star Trek Concordance identifies the "Bread and Circuses" figure as the death toll for a nuclear World War III, in the mid-21st century. Star Trek: First Contact firmly establishes World War III ended, after a nuclear exchange, in 2053, but with a body count of 600 million. The figure of Colonel Green is elaborated on in Star Trek: Enterprise. First Contact also deliberately describes the warring parties in World War III as "factions", not nations per se.
The Voyager episode "Future's End" saw the Voyager crew time-travel to Los Angeles in 1996, which, as the Encyclopedia notes, seems entirely unaffected by the Eugenics Wars, which ended that year. The episode acknowledges the issue only by featuring a model of Khan's DY-100-class ship on a 1996 desk.[63] Khan's spaceship is another anomaly for the timeline, which has a variety of long-lost spaceships being launched between 1980 and 2100, with inconsistent levels of technology (caused by the increasing real lifetime and also decreased optimism about the pace of space exploration).
A reference in the Deep Space Nine episode "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?" suggests that the Eugenic Wars instead took place in the 22nd century. According to writer Ronald D. Moore, this was not an attempt at a retcon, but a mistake – when writing the episode, he recalled the already questionable "two centuries ago" line from "Space Seed" and forgot that DS9 takes place over 100 years later.[64]
Season 4 of Star Trek: Enterprise involves a trilogy of episodes ("Borderland", "Cold Station 12", and "The Augments") related to scientist Doctor Arik Soong, ancestor of Doctor Noonien Soong, and his genetic augmentations of Humans. Numerous historical details of the devastating Eugenics Wars are discussed: the death of 35–37 million people; how Earth's governments could not decide on the fate of the 1,800 genetically enhanced embryos; and how Soong had infiltrated the complex and stolen and raised 19 embryos himself. Soong maintained that he himself and humanity in general had learned the lessons of the Eugenics Wars and should not continue to hide behind those events when there was progress to be made now that the technology had matured and was much more practicable. (The actions of his "children" convince him otherwise, and at the end of "The Augments" Soong declares his interest in cybernetics, beginning the work which would one day bring about Data.)
Greg Cox's two-book series The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh develops the idea of the Eugenics Wars in the context of real-life history by representing it as a secret history, and that the truth behind the various civil wars and conflicts in the 1990s was not generally known; Los Angeles, whose appearance in "Future's End" helped bring the war's existence into question, is portrayed as an EW "battlefront", the Rodney King riots being one such calamity.
The series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which first aired in spring 2022, complicates the timeline further by retconning certain dating aspects by explicitly dating the Eugenics Wars to the first half of the 21st century (for example, the episode "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" features a young Khan Noonien-Singh, long before his insurrection, and is set in the 2020s), following a second American Civil War and leading up to the full-scale World War III nuclear conflict described in earlier films and episodes. This differs from "Space Seed" asserting that not only did the Eugenics Wars take place in the mid-1990s but dialogue indicates that they were either concurrent with or simply were World War III.
In the episode "Metamorphosis", it is stated that Zefram Cochrane of Alpha Centauri, the discoverer of the space warp, disappeared 150 years ago, at the age of 87. Based on the 2207 to 2212[57] date originally given this would have put Cochrane's disappearance between 2057 and 2062 and his birth between 1970 and 1975. However, Okuda's date of 2267 for that episode, puts Cochrane's disappearance in 2117 and birth in 2030. 1980s spin-off material such as the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology posit that Cochrane was from Alpha Centauri originally, and that a sub-warp ship the UNSS Icarus arrived at Alpha Centauri in 2048 to find he had discovered the theory behind warp drive. The Icarus then relayed its findings back to Earth. The first prototype warp ship was launched in 2055.
The Star Trek Chronology does not hold with this theory, and asserts that Cochrane was an Earth native, who moved to Alpha Centauri later in life. (Even in "Metamorphosis", before Cochrane identifies himself to the landing party, Dr. McCoy had taken a tricorder scan and determined him to be human.) The first edition Chronology notes that Cochrane's invention of warp drive must have been at least 200 years before "Where No Man Has Gone Before", and suggests a date of 2061, noting that Cochrane would be 31 that year.
The film Star Trek: First Contact prominently features Cochrane's first successful warp flight. The film is set in 2063, two years after the Chronology suggestions, and therefore by the timeline Cochrane is 33. The actor who played Cochrane in that movie, James Cromwell, was 56 at the time of the film's release. The Encyclopedia notes the age issue, and claims that the Cromwell Cochrane had suffered from radiation poisoning, causing his aged appearance. Enterprise pins down Cochrane's disappearance to 2119, making Cochrane instead 31 at the time of First Contact.
See also
- ^ Except for the series finale – "These Are the Voyages..."
- ^ The events of "These are the voyages..." are displayed as a holodeck simulation. Episode itself takes place in 2370 (stardate 47457.1)
- ^ The film begins in the main timeline only to set up the alternate timeline.
- ^ Stardate 47457.1, parallel with The Next Generation episode "Pegasus"
- ^ Orquiola, John (June 17, 2023). "Strange New Worlds Finally Gives Star Trek Discovery's Klingon War A Sequel". Screen Rant. Archived from the original on November 13, 2023. Retrieved November 13, 2023.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Okuda, Mike; Okuda, Denise (1996). Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future. Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-53610-9.
- ^ Death Wish (Star Trek: Voyager)
- ^ The Guardian notes in the episode "The City on the Edge of Forever" that it has existed "since before your sun burned hot in space".
- ^ This event is the key plot point of "The Chase".
- ^ Established in the episode "Return to Tomorrow".
- ^ Weyoun states that the Dominion is approximately 10,000 years old in the seventh season episode "The Dogs of War".
- ^ The seventh-season TNG episode "Gambit" says this was around 2,000 years before.
- ^ Weyoun says the Dominion is 2,000 years old in the fourth-season DS9 episode "To the Death". Possibly this was a time of change or reform for the Dominion, transforming it from a previous incarnation into the version seen in the series.
- ^ The sixth-season TNG episode "Rightful Heir" said this event was 1,500 years ago)
- ^ 800 years before the third-season DS9 episode "Explorers"
- ^ The Chronology dates this by the culture seen in the episode which features the transplant, The Paradise Syndrome
- ^ Gul Dukat says this happens five centuries before the third-season DS9 episode Defiant
- ^ a b c d Dates are given in dialogue in "Space Seed"
- ^ The Chronology speculates on the year, noting that Star Trek: The Motion Picture does not give an exact figure. However the movie itself does state that Voyager 6 "was launched more than three hundred years ago."
- ^ The Chronology speculates on the year, noting the episode "The Changeling" does not give an exact figure. However, the episode does have Kirk ask "Wasn't there a probe called Nomad launched in the early 2000s?"
- ^ The Chronology speculates on the year, noting the episode "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" does not give an exact year.
- ^ According to the episode "Space Seed". The year is clearly specified by Lt McGivers, ship's historian.
- ^ Established in the episode "One Small Step".
- ^ The year is stated in "The Royale"
- ^ The war ends 10 years before Star Trek: First Contact, set in 2063.
- ^ The Chronology dates this exactly 200 years before the episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before".
- ^ Established in the episode "Friendship One".
- ^ Established the episode "Terra Nova"
- ^ "Encounter at Farpoint" features a Q-induced flashback to this era.
- ^ a b From a computer screen in "In a Mirror, Darkly"
- ^ About 150 years before "Metamorphosis" (dated by Okuda as 2267), which is shown by Enterprise to be an approximation.
- ^ "Star Trek: Enterprise: Episodes by Season". Archived from the original on November 11, 2006. Retrieved December 31, 2006.
- ^ The TNG episode Conundrum refers to this date, based on an early draft of the Chronology, which had proposed 2161. "These Are the Voyages..." depicts the founding ceremony and officially states the founding members.
- ^ Although the season three Enterprise episode "Zero Hour" indicates the date as 2159
- ^ Sarek gives his age as 102.437 in "Journey to Babel".
- ^ In the episode "Power Play", Data gives the year 2196 as the retirement date of the Daedalus-class starships, which had been active 200 years before the episode, in the 2160s.
- ^ The episode "Relics" establishes that Scotty was born 147 years before 2369.
- ^ Star Trek: Discovery S01E04
- ^ McCoy is 137 years old in "Encounter at Farpoint", set in 2364.
- ^ The Chronology dates this based on a line from an early draft script from "Journey to Babel"
- ^ Kirk is said to be 34 in "The Deadly Years, which Okuda dates to 2267.
- ^ Chekov is 22 in the episode "Who Mourns for Adonais?".
- ^ In Star Trek Chekov states that he is 17 – Kirk is 25.
- ^ Thirteen years before the events of "The Menagerie", according to dialogue.
- ^ a b c d A biography shown in "Conundrum" establishes the birth-year and birth-place.
- ^ This incident, the last contact between the Romulans and the Federation is said to be 53 years before "The Neutral Zone"
- ^ Knobeloch, Payton. "'Star Trek' Monument Unveiling Rescheduled For October". News - Indiana Public Media. Retrieved 2020-05-22.
- ^ The Chronology derives this figure from working backwards from the Khitomer massacre of 2346.
- ^ Bashir celebrates his 30th birthday in "Distant Voices"
- ^ a b c Okuda, Michael; Sternbach, Rick (1991). Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual. Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-70427-3.
- ^ This is said to occur twenty-two years before "Yesterday's Enterprise" (2366)
- ^ The Chronology derives this figure by subtracting 20 years from 2366 ("Sins of the Father"). The Chronology notes an inconsistency, as the episode "Birthright", which it sets in 2369, gives a figure of 2344.
- ^ "Biography: Anij". Archived from the original on 2010-03-23. Retrieved 2006-12-05.
- ^ "Biography: Data". Archived from the original on 2010-07-10. Retrieved 2006-12-05.
- ^ Winters, Brad [@BradinLA] (28 September 2022). "Actually… this will be the first episode to take place in 2381. All of seasons 1, 2, and 1st half of 3 are in 2380. Theres a fancy formula that I don't understand but @drerinmac does, and that's what matters" (Tweet). Retrieved 30 September 2022 – via Twitter.
- ^ Year For Setting Of Star Trek Picard Show Established, Storyline Teased By EP
- ^ "And now we present the complete Star Trek Canon in chronological order! ENJOY!!!". The Star Trek Chronology Project. 2009-09-19.
- ^ Whitfield, Stephen E & Roddenberry, Gene (1968). The Making of Star Trek. Ballatine Books.
- ^ Asherman, Allan (1987). The Star Trek Compendium. Titan Books. ISBN 0-907610-99-4.
- ^ a b c d e f g h Goldstein, Stanley and Fred (1980). Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology. Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-79089-7.
- ^ a b c d e Johnson, Shane (1987). Mr Scott's Guide to the Enterprise. Titan Books. ISBN 1-85286-028-6.
- ^ a b Nemeck, Larry (2003). Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion. Pocket Books. ISBN 0-7434-5798-6.
- ^ Okuda, Mike; Okuda, Denise (1993). Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future. Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-79611-9.
- ^ Terry Lee Rioux (2005). From Sawdust to Stardust. Pocket Books. ISBN 978-0-7434-5762-0.
- ^ Ayers, Jeff (2006). Voyages of the Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion. Pocket Books. ISBN 1-4165-0349-8.
- ^ Ayers, Jeff. "Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Synopsis". Archived from the original on 2009-01-31. Retrieved 2006-12-04.
- ^ Okuda, Mike; Okuda, Denise; Mirek, Debbie (1999). The Star Trek Encyclopedia. Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-53609-5.
- ^ Ronald D. Moore (1997-03-03). "Answers". Archived from the original on 2009-08-03. Retrieved 2006-12-31.
External links
- Memory Alpha, the Star Trek wiki: Category:Timeline