Clarence Derwent Awards

The Clarence Derwent Awards are theatre awards given annually by the Actors' Equity Association on Broadway in the United States and by Equity, the performers' union, in the West End in the United Kingdom.

Clarence Derwent (23 March 1884 – 6 August 1959) was an English actor, director, and manager. He was educated at St Paul's School, London and the Birkbeck Institute. He joined Sir Frank Benson's stage company, with whom he stayed for five years. He then joined Annie Horniman's repertory company in Manchester. He was seen in a great variety of roles, both in London and New York. He made his last appearance on stage in 1948 in The Madwoman of Chaillot. He died in New York at the age of 75.[1]

From 1946 to 1952 Derwent was President of America's Actors' Equity. His will stipulated that two $500 prizes were to be given out annually to the best individual male and female supporting performances on Broadway and a £100 prize to the best supporting performances in the West End. So that Derwent could have the gratification of seeing the awards given out, they were started in America in 1945 and in the UK in 1948.[2] The prizes in the US are now $2,000 and an engraved crystal trophy.[3]

Equity introduced Student awards in 2006.[4]

Winners (US)

Most promising male




década de 1970

década de 1980

década de 1990


década de 2010

Mujer más prometedora

década de 1940

década de 1950

década de 1960

década de 1970

década de 1980

década de 1990


década de 2010

Ganadores (Reino Unido)

Mejor hombre en un papel secundario.

Mejor mujer en un papel secundario.

Premio al estudiante

Premio Joven Estudiante


  1. ^ "Sr. Clarence Derwent", The Times , 7 de agosto de 1959, pág. 14
  2. ^ Royston, Peter. ""Los actores jóvenes se apresuran ...": "El legado de Clarence Derwent". Asociación de Equidad de Actores . Archivado desde el original el 8 de mayo de 2007 . Consultado el 13 de mayo de 2009 .
  3. ^ Gans, Andrew (12 de mayo de 2009). "Tveit y Bernstine ganan los premios Clarence Derwent de Equity". Programa . Teatro Total. Archivado desde el original el 16 de mayo de 2009 . Consultado el 13 de mayo de 2009 .
  4. ^ "Se anunciaron los ganadores de los premios Clarence Derwent 2019".

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