Discusión del usuario:Greg L


Puedes dejarme mensajes aquí.
Greg L 17:33, 4 de julio de 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]

{{conversación|Greg L}}

Quizás te interesen los dos ensayos siguientes:

Candidato a la imagen destacada

Día de la Independencia

Hola Greg,

Sólo para informarle que la imagen destacada Image:Translational_motion.gif aparecerá como Imagen del día el 14 de mayo de 2007. Si tiene la oportunidad, puede verificar y mejorar el título en Template:POTD/2007-05-14 . howcheng { chat } 18:42, 19 de abril de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]

Candidato a la imagen destacada

He nominado una de tus animaciones ( Imagen:Translational motion.gif ) para que aparezca en la lista. Ver Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Translational Motion . Ed Gl 02:05, 18 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias. Te respondí en tu página de discusión personal. Greg L 20:45, 18 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]
(con respecto a tu último mensaje en mi página de discusión) ¡Sin duda deberías hablar y exponer tu caso en la página de candidatos con fotos destacadas! Ed Gl 21:27, 18 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]
Dejé una nota en la página de discusión de Antilived sobre su voto, dirigiéndolo a mi página de discusión. Ed Gl 01:36, 19 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hay dos usuarios que votaron neutrales pero claramente les gusta y se inclinan por el apoyo, votando neutrales sólo por cuestiones menores. En este caso no es algo realmente malo, ya que hay algunos votos a favor y ninguno en contra. Sólo quedan unos pocos días más. Ed Gl 04:47, 22 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]

Así lo veo yo. Gracias. Greg L 05:13, 22 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Guau! ¡Ahora aparece la animación! → Ed Gl 00:26, 29 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]

En la página de la imagen del día se indica que "las imágenes destacadas se seleccionan actualmente en el orden en que fueron promocionadas". Por lo tanto, no aparecerá en la página principal durante un tiempo. Ya han seleccionado imágenes hasta el 1 de marzo. → Ed Gl 01:00, 30 de enero de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]

Estrella de granero

Usuario: Greg L/Tapa de alcantarillado frente a la casa de Greg L

Gracias, es gracioso y plantea un punto excelente. -- John ( discusión ) 13:53 10 octubre 2008 (UTC) [ responder ]

Un kilobyte de agradecimiento

Re:Tapa de alcantarilla frente a la casa de Greg L.

¡Genial! No solo es muy divertido, sino que también plantea un punto importante. ¡Excelente trabajo y gracias por alegrarme el día!-- El duendecillo inquieto · ¡Atrápame! 18:17, 11 de diciembre de 2008 (UTC) [ responder ]

Moví mi publicación

Eres muy amable. Gracias. Greg L (discusión) 18:57 1 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]
De nada, señor. Parece que su hijo sabe el valor de votar; asegúrese de contarle esta historia alguna vez, y que un cadete del ROTC de la Fuerza Aérea quiere que siga adelante. Fightin' Phillie ( discusión ) 19:01 1 abril 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • No te preocupes, lo haré. Greg L (discusión) 19:03 1 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Te mereces esto

Sistema de archivo

Hola. ¿Te sería posible configurar un sistema de archivo? Tu página es muy difícil de abrir en un navegador móvil o incluso en una computadora más lenta. Si no te puedes molestar en hacerlo tú mismo (como a mí), prueba con bots como User:Cluebot III .

Saludos, NuclearWarfare ( Discusión ) 03:29 16 febrero 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Secundado. Greg, si configurar un bot te resulta complicado, puedo hacerlo por ti. O bien, puedes simplemente eliminar todo el material antiguo de tu página de discusión; no hay nada de malo en ello. -- Goodmorningworld ( discusión ) 18:52 17 feb 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Todos: Lo haré en las próximas 48 horas. Greg L (discusión) 18:53 17 feb 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Algo que te podría interesar

Hola Greg. Si le echas un vistazo aquí, verás una sugerencia que hice con respecto a tu propuesta original sobre el taller. Tus comentarios serán apreciados. Saludos, Ryan Postlethwaite Mira el lío que he creado o charlemos 00:05, 19 de febrero de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia: medición del proyecto Wiki

Éste está hecho para ti :P. Headbomb  { ταλκ κοντριβς  -  WP Physics } 00:46, 1 de marzo de 2009 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

No lo sé exactamente, me enteré el otro día. El objetivo parece ser mejorar la cobertura sobre las unidades de medida. Como estuviste involucrado con Kilogram y en MOSNUM, estoy seguro de que puedes contribuir a ese proyecto de alguna manera. Editar artículos, evaluar, comentar, aumentar el cumplimiento de MOSNUM, elegir tu veneno. Headbomb  { ταλκ κοντριβς  –  WP Physics } 01:44, 1 de marzo de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Bienvenido de nuevo!

Tu timing es impecable: parece que la diversión y los juegos se han reanudado al mismo tiempo que tu reaparición. Me alegro de tenerte de vuelta. El fan número uno de Greg L ;-) ( discusión ) 04:39 1 mar 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Gracias de nuevo, señores. Greg L (discusión) 20:45 1 mar 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aviso legal/exención de responsabilidad:

Los pensamientos y opiniones expresados ​​anteriormente en esta página de usuario no tienen la intención de ofender a ningún grupo minoritario en particular (basado en raza, religión, etnia, país de origen, género, identificación de género, discapacidad, ocupación, prácticas de consumo de carne/vegetales y pasatiempos, incluso la caza). Tenga en cuenta también que mencionar entre paréntesis "incluso la caza" en la oración anterior no tenía la intención de señalar ninguna desaprobación del deporte; el autor no desea menospreciar los métodos de caza legales, seguros y más humanos posibles. Sin embargo, esta declaración anterior no debe interpretarse como un respaldo al deporte; el autor valora toda la biodiversidad de la tierra y ningún animal debería sufrir a manos de un humano. Sin embargo, esa oración anterior no debe interpretarse como que el autor es indiferente a la difícil situación de los trabajadores desplazados por problemas ambientales; el autor es consciente de la difícil situación de los trabajadores de la madera frente a la difícil situación de los búhos moteados. La frase anterior no debe interpretarse como que el autor piensa que hay un solo grupo de trabajadores que se han visto perjudicados económicamente por cuestiones medioambientales; hay otros, y el hecho de no mencionarlos por su nombre no debe interpretarse como una sugerencia de que son menos importantes que otros. El autor desea asegurar a todos los que revisen esta comunicación que valora la diversidad y tiene el máximo respeto por la ley, los funcionarios gubernamentales, las instituciones de los Estados Unidos, la amplia variedad de costumbres sociales y la diversidad de sus pueblos, y el trato civilizado de otros wikipedistas, incluso si parecen imbéciles. Sin embargo, esta declaración no debe interpretarse como una intolerante hacia otros que tienen valores contrarios o diferentes o que podrían despreciar a los Estados Unidos. El autor adopta la idea sana de que los valores de ninguna persona o grupo son más meritorios o válidos que los de otro, y no desea sugerir que al expresar su admiración por los Estados Unidos y el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, esto deba interpretarse como una depreciación de muchos otros excelentes sistemas de gobierno en todo el mundo y las prácticas sociales de sus pueblos. A pesar de que el autor escribió la palabra "él" hace tres oraciones (resulta que el autor es "anatómicamente masculino" por nacimiento), esto no debe interpretarse como una disminución de ninguna manera de la existencia de la palabra "ella" ni indica que el autor sea contrario al uso del término "él/ella" neutral en cuanto al género cuando sea apropiado. Además, las palabras "él" y "ella" no deben interpretarse como excluyentes o denigrantes para los transexuales. Este párrafo no estaba destinado a ser entendido por personas rubias.

Hecho en China
Excelente descargo de responsabilidad y gracias por su excelente trabajo en la Comparación de editores CAD para arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción (AEC) del 9 de marzo. -- DuLithgow ( discusión ) 19:05 7 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

La última conversación

Gracias.-- Goodmorningworld ( discusión ) 20:27 5 mar 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]


Por favor, deja de llamar con ese nombre a cosas que claramente no son vandalismo (tus comentarios, tu mensaje en mi página de discusión y en otros lugares). Hacerlo es un ataque personal y deberías saber que los ataques personales no tienen cabida en Wikipedia a estas alturas. —Locke Cole • t • c 17:41, 23 de marzo de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Re:apreciación de la mascarilla

Otra víctima del buceo en Hood Canal. —Comentario anterior sin firmar añadido por Westockwell (discusión • contribs ) 23:01, 23 de marzo de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

29 de abril de 2007

Disrupción en RfC

Estoy de acuerdo contigo, salvo que he eliminado su ataque, todos los intercambios posteriores y los votos "en contra" que puso en la sección de votos. Considero que no eliminarlos crearía confusión que luego se utilizará para desacreditar la encuesta. Ohconfucius ( discusión ) 02:13 30 mar 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola. Mira, me di cuenta de que dejaste un comentario en mi página de discusión. No me gusta especialmente la gente que parece pensar que soy imbécil. No estoy de acuerdo con algunos aspectos de tu "ensayo de tomarte de la mano", y eso es de esperarse con diferentes puntos de vista.

Lo que quiero decir es que los artículos de ayuda deberían ser comprensibles para quienes necesitan los puntos claros, no explicaciones complejas. Y sentí que el uso que hiciste de "te tomo de la mano" fue un insulto a mi inteligencia.

Diré esto: si no pretendiste insultarme con el uso de esa frase, te pido humildemente disculpas. Daniel Benfield ( discusión ) 02:23 31 mar 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de decirme que no hay resentimientos. Te lo agradezco mucho. No hay problema. Greg L (discusión) 03:07 31 mar 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ejercicios de redundancia

Gracias. Sí, espero que atraigan a gente para que se convierta en editores de WP. Recomiendo que muchos académicos y estudiantes los visiten. Tony (discusión) 08:55 3 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

AfD deEstándares de memoria JEDEC


No has editado el artículo en cuestión, pero dado que estás o has estado involucrado activamente en la discusión del prefijo IEC (perdón por recordártelo si, como yo, te cansaste de la discusión incivilizada y no querías tener nada que ver más con el tema), te invito a considerar la nominación para la eliminación del artículo Estándares de memoria JEDEC , que creo que se puede decir con justicia que fue creado solo como un martillo para la discusión.

Le ruego que intente mantener sus sentimientos sobre el prefijo IEC real en la cuestión de Wikipedia fuera de la discusión sobre la eliminación y considere los méritos de la propuesta de eliminación, es decir, la notabilidad en el sentido de Wikipedia ( WP:N ), independientemente de las unidades que crea que Wikipedia debería usar.

La discusión sobre la eliminación se encuentra en Wikipedia:Artículos sobre eliminación/Estándares de memoria JEDEC . -- SLi ( discusión ) 22:23 4 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lo intenté...

[2] No pierdas el tiempo con eso, olvídalo y sigue adelante. Si te genera más problemas, simplemente coméntalo con un empleado o quien sea. Dabomb87 ( discusión ) 02:05 14 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

He eliminado algunos añadidos no deseados a tu artículo de enlaces. También lo estoy mirando, pero no esperes que haya más interferencias debido a la cantidad de personas que lo están viendo ahora.
Por cierto, creo que 375 °F es una temperatura perfecta para asar. No te olvides de rociar con el aceite con frecuencia. Ohconfucius ( discusión ) 06:39 14 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Usuario: Greg L/Desvinculación de enlaces

Aunque no estoy de acuerdo con el MfD y he optado por mantenerlo, creo que deberías moderar el lenguaje de las "explosiones cerebrales", ya que es descortés para los usuarios en cuestión. También me preocupa el comentario de "que se jodan los retrasados ​​mentales", especialmente porque (hasta donde puedo ver) en realidad fuiste tú mismo quien acuñó la frase. Estoy seguro de que encontrarás una forma apropiada de abordar estos comentarios, ya que eres una persona razonable. Gracias. -- Dweller ( discusión ) 12:23, 14 de abril de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Pregunta ociosa

¿Por qué citas a la gente de verde en lugar de, bueno... las otras opciones que hay por ahí? — dαlus Contribs 02:39, 15 de abril de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Oh, interesante. Gracias por la explicación... Quizás empiece a utilizarla si me acuerdo de hacerlo, y felicitaciones por la inclusión de MOS.— dαlus Contribs 02:59, 15 de abril de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

robot de luz

He estado viendo tu debate pero no puedo responder en esa página. Aquí tienes algunos comentarios:

Saludos Lightmouse ( discusión ) 21:11 15 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Hmm... Estoy trabajando en el hecho de que no puedes responder en esa página y también estoy tratando de abordar tu primer punto. Greg L (discusión) 21:51 15 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Correo electrónico

Es muy importante. Léalo antes de realizar la próxima edición. Ryan Postlethwaite Mira el lío que he creado o charlemos un poco 17:16, 19 de abril de 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

Excelentes comentarios

Mientras leía el caso Arb sobre el drama de la desvinculación de fechas, me encontré con algunos comentarios tuyos que fueron atacados por ser intemperantes. Me gustaría felicitarte por haber expuesto el asunto de manera tan sucinta, y también mis mejores deseos para el caso. He estado desvinculando de manera no automática durante años, y no puedo esperar hasta que la idiotez de la vinculación de fechas quede completamente y finalmente obsoleta... y si no es así, planeo presentar una propuesta formal para simplemente cambiar el color predeterminado del wikitexto a azul. (discusión) 08:12 26 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Quién es este excelente editor de IP? Se le debería animar a que se registre. Tony (discusión) 03:24 29 abr 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

estrella del granero

Tapa de alcantarillado: ¿Necesito leer las listas de referencias?

En referencia a la cubierta de alcantarilla Barnstar, ¿también necesito leer las listas de referencias para calificar? Creo que la respuesta es "obviamente sí" o "obviamente no", pero no puedo determinar cuál. Gracias.

Si lees ambos artículos del 1 de octubre de 2008 en su totalidad (la fecha en que se tomó la fotografía de este artículo), Greg L te premiará con tu propio "Sewer Cover Barnstar" para que lo muestres en tu página de discusión. Tu Sewer Cover Barnstar le mostrará al mundo que puedes leer cualquier cosa, que ni siquiera sabes el significado del trastorno por déficit de atención, que te ríes en la cara del aburrimiento y que estás desperdiciando tu talento si no te conviertes en examinador de patentes.

Tío, tío, tío 17:43 8 jul 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]

movimiento de traslación

¿El movimiento traslacional utiliza un modelo de esfera dura o de colisión potencial? ¿Cómo puedo ver el código fuente?\ Dale Schruben [email protected] —Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Dschruben (discusión • contribuciones ) 20:37, 3 abril 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Superficie NURBSsuspendido

Solo para informarle, suspendí Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Superficie NURBS hasta que se solucione ese molesto problema. Jujutacular  T  ·  C 19:06, 7 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]


Estos recursos podrían interesarle:

Quizás puedas iniciar un subproyecto sobre animaciones:

Podrías crear una página de recursos sobre animaciones en esta categoría:

Hablar de nuevo

Hola, Greg L. Tienes mensajes nuevos en Wikipedia discusión:Editar warring .
Mensaje añadido a las 23:33, 8 abril 2010 (UTC). Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.

Supertouch ( discusión ) 23:33 8 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Nominación exitosa de imagen destacada

Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Cielo austral desde el Observatorio Paranal

Hola. Hay una edición en este nombre. ¿Podrías comentar si prefieres el original o la edición? Gracias. Makeemlighter ( discusión ) 09:59 10 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Partido Laborista Libre

Hola Greg, ¿cuál es el BLP que despertó tu preocupación por las fuentes primarias y de qué material se trataba exactamente? Podría ser que fuera aceptable sin cambiar la política, así que no me importaría echarle un vistazo. SlimVirgin discusión contribuciones 18:09, 15 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Cuál fue la edición que se rechazó, la edición que necesitaba ese documento para respaldarla? SlimVirgin discusión contribs 19:21 15 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sólo estoy involucrado periféricamente como editor en esto, pero el editor contrario se quejó de fuentes primarias como la queja del Fiscal Auxiliar de los Estados Unidos, que es la Nota [8] . Para un relato de primera mano de los detalles relacionados con esa disputa, le sugiero que se ponga en contacto con el editor de referencia, Epeefleche . Le avisé (aunque sospecho que está viendo esto de todos modos). Como puede ver en las discusiones de FA, algunos editores opinaron que citar fuentes primarias como la queja del Fiscal Auxiliar de los Estados Unidos constituía WP:OR y otras políticas que son claramente inaplicables aquí. Como se hace allí, tales prácticas simplemente aseguran la precisión. Sé que yo, al menos, me siento más reconfortado al ver Sealed Complaint en US v. Siddiqui, en lugar de la revista Seveneen o Bill O'Reilly de Fox News, cualquiera de los cuales puede contener información seleccionada con un sesgo en un sentido u otro. Greg L (discusión) 19:55, 15 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sería bueno saber cuál fue la edición en disputa, porque es casi seguro que hay otra fuente que la respalda. Me pregunto si todo esto ha estallado por nada. Con fuentes de alto perfil como esa, los periodistas no sabrían casi nada que no publicarían mientras no estuvieran prohibidos. SlimVirgin discusión contribs 20:02, 15 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Los hay. Por eso no es un problema, o en el peor de los casos, es solo un problema técnico, en mi humilde opinión. La información ya está en fuentes secundarias confiables, si se hubiera molestado en buscar. La referencia judicial estaba allí simplemente para brindar un respaldo más autorizado a las fuentes secundarias. Si bien es cierto que hay casos en los que se citaron hechos solo en documentos judiciales, fue por inadvertencia, según tengo entendido. La editora que no estaba de acuerdo con el uso de los documentos judiciales buscaba repetir ciegamente el BLP, sin molestarse en revisar las fuentes para encontrar citas que lo respaldaran. Y, francamente, ni siquiera entiendo por qué lo llevó al tablón de anuncios y armó un escándalo tan grande por nada; parece que solo quería demostrar que tenía razón o poder regresar y decir : "Miren, tontos que discutieron conmigo, vean que tenía razón. Hay todos esos tipos del tablón de anuncios que están de acuerdo conmigo". ¡ Oh , Confucio , digame! 01:23, 16 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Me interesa el tema más amplio. Greg L (discusión) 20:04 15 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola. ¿Cómo has estado, Slim? Recibí una nota en mi página de discusión que me trajo aquí.
Para responder a su pregunta, los documentos objetados como referencias (solo en este artículo... un editor me ha estado siguiendo y ha hecho afirmaciones similares en otros artículos) son todos registros públicos a los que se puede acceder en línea en sitios abiertos. Creo que el foco estaba puesto en lo que ahora son las notas a pie de página 4 (acusación), 5 y 41 (comunicados de prensa), 8 (denuncia), 16, 17 y 93 (evaluaciones psiquiátricas forenses ordenadas por el tribunal), 36 (Tribunal Especial para Sierra Leona: Oficina del Fiscal: Perfil, Aafia Siddiqui), 39 (Biografía de Ammar al-Baluchi", Director de Inteligencia Nacional), y 89 (Orden que declara al acusado apto para ser juzgado). El editor está militando por la eliminación de todas ellas del artículo. Al echarles un vistazo veo que las notas a pie de página tienen ahora un par de errores... OhConfu ha estado trabajando en el artículo, y me imagino que son temporales. -- Epeefleche ( discusión ) 20:10 15 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
He realizado algunas modificaciones importantes y he movido fragmentos. Es posible que ya no sean los mismos números que mencionaste. ¡ Oh, Confucio , digame! 01:25, 16 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Por qué no lleváis esto a una de vuestras páginas de discusión? Avísame si tenéis algo que no me deje atónito sobre cómo se pueden hacer las cosas a veces en Wikipedia. Prefiero creer (tener fe) en que esto no se va a prolongar hasta convertirse en una cuestión de "kibibyte y mebibyte" que dure tres meses. Greg L (discusión) 20:22 15 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Comentarios personales

Esto [3] es inaceptable. Las páginas de discusión de artículos son para discutir el artículo y su contenido. No se permiten declaraciones personales sobre la conducta de otros editores fuera de sus ediciones de ese artículo . Si tiene un problema con mi conducta, llévelo a mi página de discusión o busque una solución a la disputa.

También quiero señalar que la decisión a la que haces referencia tiene apenas unas horas de antigüedad, fue tomada por un administrador que estuvo personalmente involucrado en la disputa, en desacuerdo con las decisiones de otros dos administradores. Ya ha sido impugnada. Si quieres basar tu conducta en semejante piedra de tropiezo, no puedo impedírtelo.

Limpie la observación o presentaré una solicitud de comentarios/ejecución.

De paso, por incongruente que pueda parecer, felicitaciones por la representación NURBS; un trabajo muy impresionante. F ell G leaming ( discusión ) 17:13 18 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Jaja, gracias. Por cierto, creo que estamos llegando lentamente a un verdadero consenso sobre la página de Al-Awlaki. No vi nada que me preocupara en el último conjunto de cambios. F ell G leaming ( discusión ) 17:42 18 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Me alegra oír eso. No me gustan especialmente ese tipo de artículos porque las pasiones suelen desbordarse. Creo que dejaré que Eppe y Causa resuelvan sus diferencias sobre Awlaki y (sin duda) sobre otros temas. Feliz edición. Greg L (discusión) 17:46 18 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

AN/I: Abuso de herramientas de sysop y falta de seguimiento del consenso – Causa sui

Hola. Te envío este mensaje para informarte que ahora hay una discusión en AN/I sobre un tema que comentaste aquí. -- Epeefleche ( discusión ) 06:07 20 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Por qué el repentino silencio sobre los artículos relacionados con el terrorismo?

Para aquellos que se preguntan por qué he dejado de lado los artículos relacionados con el terrorismo, les digo esto…

No son de mi agrado. Así que, a menos que vea que se está produciendo un abuso colosal bajo el pretexto de la autoridad, se me ocurren mejores cosas que hacer que tratar de convencer a algún administrador (que se cree poseedor de una visión única, sin igual y aguda de los poderes de WP:BLP ©™®) para que haga que el artículo sea más factual o equilibrado de una forma u otra. Después de todo, si entro en algún lugar de Wikipedia que me pone de tan mal humor que me estropea parcialmente un paseo en un Miata con la capota bajada en un día perfecto de primavera, entonces creo que es mejor hacer cosas que me pongan de mejor humor.

Por eso, hoy he creado el archivo File:Jack-in-cube solid model, light background.gif y ahora también estoy de mejor humor. Greg L (discusión) 00:19 25 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Buen trabajo. ¿Qué herramientas estás usando para eso? F ell G leaming ( discusión ) 01:23 25 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Veo que está en juego para FA. Bien hecho.-- Epeefleche ( discusión ) 03:14 25 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias. Ahora está en varios artículos (en lugar de una versión más fea). Utilizo Cobalt (sitio web de la empresa), ( artículo de Wikipedia ) y GifBuilder. También utilizo QuickTime Pro. Hago el modelado, la iluminación y una animación en bruto en Cobalt. Luego lo convierto a gif utilizando GifBuilder. Si estoy creando un video .ogv de Theora (en color, pero requiere un botón de "reproducir", como esta animación que hice para el artículo de Cobalt ), entonces utilizo un complemento desde Firefox. Greg L (discusión) 03:20, 25 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

PD: Aquí hay otras ilustraciones que hice. Commons:Creadas con Cobalt. Cuatro de ellas (n.° 2 a 5) fueron creadas por otra persona: un experto con el que me comuniqué mientras escribía el artículo sobre Cobalt . Greg L (discusión) 03:32 25 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Desconcertantes ediciones de artículos relacionados con el terrorismo que no tienen fundamento

Causa sui, simplemente no puedo comprender el fundamento de esta edición tuya donde eliminaste una etiqueta de categoría para {propagandistas de Al-Qaeda} con este resumen de la edición: "(no hay evidencia de una conexión con Al-Qaeda)" . El artículo afirma (y se hace referencia a cuatro citas) que Malika fue condenada por participar y apoyar complots de Al-Qaeda en Afganistán y los EE. UU. Aquí he revocado tu edición como insostenible e innecesaria dada la clara evidencia de lo contrario.

El comentario anterior, y uno más, en el que se refiere a Anwar al-Awlaki —posiblemente el ciudadano estadounidense más peligroso del planeta (el único ciudadano estadounidense que un presidente ha elegido para ejecutar una acción militar directa con el fin de salvar vidas inocentes)— como un “erudito musulmán conservador”, es una desinformación en la misma línea que describir a Osama bin Laden como un “monarca saudí tradicionalista”. Pero descripciones tímidas como estas son engañosas. Seguramente debe comprenderlo; en particular porque está muy familiarizado con el artículo de al-Awlaki y no puede argumentar razonablemente que no comprende los problemas que lo hacen famoso.

Tus modificaciones parecen ser, cada vez más, parte de un patrón preocupante y persistente de imposición de puntos de vista. Por favor, desiste. Greg L (discusión) 16:11 29 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Deberías aprender de xeno  ( discusión  · contribuciones ) una lección sobre cómo comportarte cuando te enfrentas a este tipo de desacuerdos. No hay absolutamente ninguna razón para caer en este tipo de histrionismo dramático cuando estás involucrado en una simple disputa de contenido cotidiana. Tus alusiones sobre mis motivos no son bienvenidas en mi página de discusión y no me interesa que me leas la mente. Estamos aquí para trabajar en el contenido de los artículos y la discusión educada es una parte normal -incluso esencial- de eso. Si quieres dirigirme tus preguntas de una manera educada y sensata, estaré encantado de discutirlas contigo. -- causa sui ( discusión ) 16:19, 29 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Respondí a esto en tu página de discusión, donde corresponde. Greg L (discusión) 16:26 29 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Bueno, ahora estoy hablando de tu patrón de atacar agresivamente a las personas que hacen ediciones de contenido con las que no estás de acuerdo. Este es uno de los muchos ejemplos. Ni siquiera puedes preguntarme sobre una edición sin caer en diatribas personales sobre mí y atacar mi carácter. No soy la única persona que ha sido objeto de tu ira. Si estuvieras interesado en tener una discusión razonable al respecto, podrías hacerlo fácilmente. Mi sugerencia es que la próxima vez que tengas un desacuerdo sobre una de mis ediciones de contenido, hagas que xeno  ( discusión  · contribuciones ) se acerque a mí al respecto, porque parece ser capaz y estar dispuesto a actuar razonablemente con los demás cuando no está de acuerdo con ellos sobre algo tan menor. -- causa sui ( discusión ) 16:38, 29 de abril de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Lo siento, no vas a conseguir que me eche atrás y deje de criticar debidamente tu comportamiento de edición sugiriendo falsamente que he "atacado" tu "carácter". Tu afirmación, como lo hiciste aquí en tu página de discusión, de que "los resúmenes de edición son pequeños" no parece ser una explicación satisfactoria. A pesar de que hay mucho más espacio disponible para los resúmenes de edición, elegiste desperdiciar tus siete breves palabras al afirmar algo "(no hay evidencia de una conexión con al-qaeda)" que simplemente no era cierto en absoluto. Esta no es la primera vez que has editado de una manera que elimina la mención legítima y actual de los vínculos conocidos de alguien con al-Qaeda o con organizaciones terroristas conocidas, como esta reciente, hace solo ocho días sobre el complot del ataque a Fort Dix en 2007. De ninguna manera se podría describir adecuadamente a Anwar al-Awlaki como un "erudito musulmán conservador". No estoy diciendo que nada de esto te convierta en una mala persona; simplemente estoy diciendo que estas son, en mi humilde opinión, malas ediciones . Por favor, aprenda a diferenciar entre ambos. Greg L (discusión) 21:03 29 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • En efecto, me equivoqué al citar el texto equivocado. Lo que debería haber citado era lo siguiente: En junio de 2007, un tribunal suizo la declaró culpable de apoyar a organizaciones islamistas radicales a través de sitios de Internet. La cita ( Propietarios de sitios web islamistas declarados culpables) decía lo siguiente: La acusada fue juzgada en Bellinzona por supuestamente permitir que grupos vinculados a Al Qaeda utilizaran foros de Internet que habían creado para intercambiar información. Por tanto, dos hechos son ciertos: 1) Sin duda existe una conexión con Al Qaeda. Y 2) [[Categoría:Propagandistas de Al Qaeda]] es muy apropiado. Gracias por señalar mi error. Greg L (discusión) 15:21 30 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen destacada/Revisión del proceso de cierre 2

Como has colaborado con FPC recientemente o en el pasado, te informo sobre la encuesta anterior, en base a la cual podemos desarrollar propuestas para cambiar nuestros procedimientos y criterios. Saludos, Papa Lima Whiskey ( discusión ) 09:23 30 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Nueva cita

Me gustan tus citas. Aquí hay una de Einstein que puede que te guste (o puede que no):

Suena como algo que dirían Will Rogers o Yogi Berra. Greg L (discusión) 22:28 30 abr 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Oh querido

¿Recuerdas aquella cuenta que nos tergiversó repetidamente y luego dijo que habían hecho su última edición [4] cuando no lograron encontrar ningún administrador que creyera en esa basura? Bueno, ha vuelto con una cuenta diferente. Fnag aton 00:33, 1 de mayo de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen destacada/Encendedor con conector Jack-in-cube

Desafío: Citas misteriosas

¿Puede alguien adivinar correctamente qué representan estas fechas y probabilidades?

Mayor especificidad: Algo determinado puede suceder durante cualquiera de las oportunidades anteriores, pero no ocurrirá entre estos rangos.

La respuesta sólo podrá ser revelada después de que ocurra un determinado acontecimiento.

Greg L (discusión) 02:50 4 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

  1. ¿Dejas embarazada a tu mujer? Stephen B Streater ( discusión ) 16:54 4 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
    Buena suposición. Tu razonamiento parece basarse en la suposición de que las fases lunares, los fenómenos celestes y/o los biorritmos influyen en los intervalos de fechas. Greg L (discusión) 17:02 4 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  2. <siguiente>

Lucy Merriam

Bien hecho, bien hecho :) J Milburn ( discusión ) 16:24 6 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Commons: Recursos de imágenes animadas

Por favor vea:

Siéntete libre de agregar más información y secciones. También te puede interesar este hilo:

Eliminar comentarios

No es gran cosa, pero en lugar de eliminar comentarios como este, puedes usar Template:collapsetop y Template:collapsebottom para ocultar los comentarios. Fences & Windows 18:03, 7 de mayo de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

re gif de CSA

No me imagino que la línea de tiempo, etc., sea particularmente visible en un tamaño más pequeño. Tendría que quitarla. -- Golbez ( discusión ) 19:42 9 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Mayo de 2010

Actualmente parece que estás involucrado en una guerra de edición según las reversiones que has hecho en Anwar al-Awlaki . Ten en cuenta que la regla de las tres reversiones prohíbe hacer más de tres reversiones en una sola página dentro de un período de 24 horas. Además, los usuarios que realicen varias reversiones en disputas de contenido pueden ser bloqueados por guerra de edición incluso si técnicamente no violan la regla de las tres reversiones . Cuando estés en una disputa con otro editor, primero debes intentar discutir los cambios controvertidos para trabajar hacia una redacción y un contenido que obtenga un consenso entre los editores. Si eso no resulta exitoso, se te recomienda que busques una resolución de disputas y, en algunos casos, puede ser apropiado solicitar la protección de la página . Por favor, detén la interrupción, de lo contrario, se te puede bloquear la edición . Ten en cuenta que las reversiones continuas resultarán en bloqueos. Por favor, discute el asunto en la página de discusión. Gracias, HJ Mitchell | Penny por tus comentarios? 05:47, 13 de mayo de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Joder, no

Seguramente las últimas palabras del capitán del Titanic fueron: "Pensé que estabas al timón, joder" –  iride scent 19:08, 14 de mayo de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Acusaciones de "propagandismo pagado" contra WRT

Vi que el usuario Iqinn recientemente lo acusó de ser un "propagandista pagado". El usuario Iqinn también me acusó a mí de ser un "propagandista pagado" .

Para que conste, la acusación que hacen contra mí es completamente falsa. Para que conste, ¿puedo asumir que la acusación que hacen contra ti también es completamente falsa?

Por el contrario, consideré la acusación muy insultante y supongo que usted también lo pensó.

¡Saludos! Geo Swan ( discusión ) 18:31 16 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Mencioné su comentario en un comentario que dejé en User talk:Iqinn . Geo Swan ( discusión ) 18:33 16 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola Greg, solo para aclarar esto. Nunca te he acusado de ser un propagandista pagado. Lamento que lo hayas malinterpretado de esa manera.

Todo el artículo no podría ser más tendencioso e incluso tiene olor a propaganda pagada.

Eso se refiere al artículo Aafia Siddiqui en su totalidad y cualquiera puede echarle un vistazo y formarse su propia opinión sobre el artículo. Permítame repetirlo una vez más: nunca lo acusé de ser un propagandista pagado. Lamento que haya malinterpretado esta oración de esta manera. IQinn ( discusión ) 23:13 16 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Tapa de alcantarilla

Debo decir que el artículo de 1925 me pareció mucho más interesante que el de 2008 (aparentemente solo me interesa la historia que no viví, aunque no presto mucha atención a las noticias, por lo que en realidad no conozco la historia reciente). También opinaré que, aunque significativamente menos útiles, los artículos sobre fechas son mucho más interesantes que los años. Creo que tu página podría muy bien ser el ensayo más interesante, o como quieras llamarlo, que he encontrado en Wikipedia. VernoWhitney ( discusión ) 17:33 21 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Dios mío, ¿con todo ese envoltorio y ni siquiera consigo una tapa de alcantarilla para colgar en la pared ? ¿En qué se está convirtiendo el mundo? Estoy bromeando, pero no me gustaría pensar que después de conseguir un trabajo que no desperdicie mis talentos no pueda aplicar esas habilidades aquí también para obtener algún beneficio. VernoWhitney ( discusión ) 20:02 24 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Lo siento. Te habría dado automáticamente la estrella de cine si hubieras mencionado los cuatro artículos de fecha a los que se hace referencia en la portada de Sewer frente a la casa de Greg L ( 1 de octubre , 16 de octubre de 1925 y 2008 ). ¿Estás diciendo que leíste los cuatro? Si es así, podrías calificar como el noveno sadomasoquista de Wikipedia. ;-). Por favor, avísame y la estrella de cine es tuya. Greg L (discusión) 21:45 24 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Ah, entonces sería culpa mía, los leí todos porque inesperadamente tuve el viernes libre la semana pasada. Supongo que simplemente supuse que no hay mucha gente que hable de tapas de alcantarillas, ni siquiera aquí. Mi error. VernoWhitney ( discusión ) 21:48 24 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias Wiki
Gracias Wiki
Gracias VernoWhitney ( discusión ) 21:57 24 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la categoría de imagen valorada/Gary Sinise en el escenario

Dado que usted expresó su opinión sobre la nominación fallida de WP:FPC , pensé que podría considerar la nominación de Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen valiosa/Gary Sinise en el escenario . -- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 00:48, 26 de mayo de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Formato VP

No entiendo lo que hiciste en Wikipedia:Valued picture candidates/Barack and Michelle Obama ‎ y Wikipedia:Valued picture candidates/Michelle Obama official portrait crop .-- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 23:34, 26 de mayo de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Imagen de la autopista

Hola Greg, solo quería informarte que he nominado otra imagen de la autopista 401 para la foto destacada, ya que la otra no está saliendo tan bien. Enlace: [5]. ¡Espero que la tercera sea la vencida! Haljackey ( discusión ) 04:06 31 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Copiando la imagen de Clark

Por favor, deja un comentario donde quienes conozcan el procedimiento adecuado puedan comentarlo. Pónlo en la página de discusión que la gente está leyendo. -- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 23:59, 31 de mayo de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Para vuestra información

Voy a desvincularme del artículo, Día de Todos Dibujando a Mahoma . Ayudé a hacer una investigación y a agregar un montón de fuentes, lo cual fue divertido, pero me estaba quitando un poco de tiempo y concentración, y ahora será interesante ver qué dirección toma después del evento. Espero que estés bien. No dudes en mantenerme informado si lo deseas. Saludos, -- Cirt ( discusión ) 23:16 1 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Imagen 401: Color

Hola Greg, solo quería informarte que la imagen de la evacuación de 401 ahora está en color como alternativa. Me vendrían bien tus comentarios cuando tengas la oportunidad. [6] Haljackey ( discusión ) 15:28 3 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sé que has expresado tu apoyo a la edición de color, pero ¿apoyarías también la alternativa de color? Solo unos pocos votos más y espero que se apruebe. ¡Gracias por tu aporte sobre todos los candidatos de 401! Haljackey ( discusión ) 15:24 6 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Listo. Gracias. Greg L (discusión) 17:34 6 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen destacada/Revisión del proceso de cierre 2 resultados

Hola Greg, como has contribuido a la reciente revisión de FPC , te informo que se han publicado los resultados de la encuesta. Agradecemos tus contribuciones en la primera etapa y esperamos que participes en este próximo paso, aquí , para avanzar hacia la implementación de varios cambios en el proceso. Saludos, Mae din\ talk 18:34, 4 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen más valiosa/Jesse Jackson, 1983 recortado

Usted participó en la discusión en Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Jesse Jackson 1983 y por eso pensé que le avisaría sobre una discusión en Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes valiosas/Jesse Jackson, 1983 recortado . -- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 21:53, 5 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen más valiosa/Wesley Clark

Dada su participación en el reciente FPC, pensé que debería avisarle sobre Wikipedia:Valued picture candidates/Wesley Clark .-- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 00:30, 9 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Galerías colapsadas

Greg, en relación con tus comentarios recientes en la página de discusión de EDMD, actualmente hay una discusión sobre la opción de usar galerías colapsadas en el tablón de anuncios de contenido , por lo que tal vez quieras participar. Saludos, -- JN 466 13:38, 10 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Tamaño del texto en gráficos

Hola Greg, gracias por explicar el tamaño del texto con File:Hematopoiesis (human) diagram.png en su FPC. ¿Estás diciendo, entonces, que todos los gráficos deberían tener texto que se pueda leer en miniatura? ¿Qué pasa con otros FP como los de WP:FP/Maps y /Diagrams ? Hay muchos allí cuya escritura es demasiado pequeña para leerse en la miniatura o incluso a resolución completa si no haces zoom.

No estoy diciendo que la imagen de Hematopoyesis debería aparecer porque esas otras sí, o que esas otras deberían ser eliminadas de la lista, solo estoy tratando de entender mejor :) Gracias, Matthewedwards  :  Chat  14:55, 14 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

No, en absoluto. Si se puede hacer que un gráfico se pueda utilizar como miniatura (haciendo que la miniatura sea lo más grande posible en el artículo y mediante el diseño del gráfico), entonces eso siempre es lo mejor. En algunos casos, como el tuyo, no hay tanto material como para que no se pueda hacer perfectamente utilizable en la primera etapa de ampliación con sólo 1018 píxeles de ancho. Cuando estaba haciendo un estudio con animales en una universidad recientemente, estaba fuera de la oficina del investigador principal y en el pasillo había un gráfico del tamaño de un tablero de corcho de las vías químicas del metabolismo. Parecía un poco como un gráfico de linaje de un pueblo en Inglaterra que data de 1650. Ese tipo de cosas necesariamente se podrían utilizar sólo con el zoom completo. En cuanto a los otros FP que uno debe ampliar, yo no estaba presente cuando fueron nominados. Si se los hubiera podido revisar de manera atractiva para que se pudieran utilizar como miniatura, esa habría sido mi postura. Greg L (discusión) 15:02 14 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Vale, gracias. Ahora entiendo lo que estás diciendo. Todavía no he decidido por quién votar. Estoy esperando a que mis preguntas al autor puedan ser respondidas primero. Matthewedwards  :  Chat  15:24, 14 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

El revisor concedió

Hola. A su cuenta se le ha otorgado el derecho de usuario " revisor ", lo que le permite revisar las ediciones de otros usuarios en determinadas páginas marcadas. Los cambios pendientes, también conocidos como protección marcada, comenzarán una prueba de dos meses aproximadamente a las 23:00, 15 de junio de 2010 (UTC).

Los revisores pueden revisar las modificaciones realizadas por usuarios que no están confirmados automáticamente en los artículos colocados bajo protección marcada. La protección marcada se aplica solo a una pequeña cantidad de artículos, de manera similar a cómo se aplica la semiprotección, pero de una manera más controlada para la versión de prueba.

Al revisar, se deben aceptar las modificaciones que no sean vandalismo evidente o violaciones de la BLP , y que no sean claramente problemáticas a la luz del motivo dado para la protección (ver Wikipedia:Proceso de revisión ). Se puede encontrar documentación y pautas más detalladas aquí .

Si no desea este derecho de usuario, puede pedirle a cualquier administrador que lo elimine en cualquier momento. – xeno talk 18:08, 15 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

La relatividad del peso

Gracias por la alerta. No me había dado cuenta, ya que he estado bastante ocupado defendiendo la integridad de Wikipedia, específicamente la neutralidad del punto de vista y otras cuestiones de calidad en nuestro nuevo artículo IHH (İnsani Yardım Vakfı) . Tenía la intención de volver a tratar el tema en algún momento en el futuro, pero en un ataque de locura prometí una presentación en un taller dentro de dos semanas, y todo lo que tengo en este momento es un título, así que no sé cuándo será. En cualquier caso, había poco riesgo de que el lector inocente fuera engañado por la sección, ya que "ni siquiera estaba mal" (es decir, era totalmente incomprensible). Creo que una encuesta enciclopédica exhaustiva debería decir algo sobre el concepto de peso en la RG, pero claramente no lo que teníamos allí. -- Lambiam 20:50, 16 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hablar de nuevo

Hola, Greg L. Te enviamos este mensaje para informarte que actualmente hay una discusión en Wikipedia:Alertas de Wikiquette sobre un tema en el que puedes haber estado involucrado. Gracias.-- φ OnePt618 Discusión φ 05:19, 21 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Te estoy citando: Oh, para mí, al observar la disposición de las páginas en modo de lectura, no veo ninguna diferencia. De hecho, no verás ninguna diferencia al observar versiones históricas porque las etiquetas [editar] desaparecen en las vistas históricas. Para ver cómo había una perfusión de [editar] amontonadas contra la foto, ve a una versión anterior, ve al modo de edición, copia el texto, pégalo en una página de sandbox en blanco en tu espacio de usuario y haz clic en guardar. Adelante, pruébalo; esperaré. Luego vuelve a esta página...

    ♬♩ (*sonido de música de ascensor*)  ♬♩

    ¿Ahora ves lo que quiero decir? El diseño de la página debería verse más limpio que eso. No hay una necesidad imperiosa de poder editar secciones tan cortas. Originalmente, yo había querido mantener esas subsecciones en la tabla de contenidos. Después del placer de tratar con OnePt618 (que seguro que aprende los trucos y la jerga de la wiki rápido para alguien que es un editor "novato" con sólo 20 ediciones), decidí que realmente no había necesidad de tener las subsecciones en la tabla de contenidos. Por lo tanto, el asunto se puede resolver haciendo que los títulos de esas subsecciones sean texto normal. Greg L (discusión) 16:53 21 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Por favor, absténgase de difundir información errónea sobre mí. No tengo 20 ediciones. Tengo 1.436 ediciones (893 de las cuales están en el espacio del artículo). (Vea [7] para más detalles.) No prefiero pregonar números, pero usted está lanzando calumnias basándose en información errónea.-- φ OnePt618 Discusión φ 18:59, 21 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Oh… bueno… perdóname por haber malinterpretado lo que quisiste decir cuando escribiste (∆ aquí), esto: … fustigándome por ser poco sincero, haciendo “acusaciones malditamente groseras”, junto con amenazas de llevarme a ANI si edito su página nuevamente. Admito que soy un editor novato (llevo aquí unos 20 días), pero creo que tengo mucho que ofrecer … Entonces, si se está difundiendo *información errónea* o *mala información*, no tienes a nadie a quien culpar más que a ti mismo por indicar que eres de alguna manera un “editor novato” si en realidad tienes 1,436 ediciones. Tampoco me interesa escuchar ahora tu advertencia en letra pequeña con forma de asterisco sobre lo que realmente quisiste decir cuando escribiste “20 ediciones”; tu facilidad para hacer wikilawyers para obtener una *victoria* a cualquier costo equivale a juegos y wikidrama innecesario en el que no participaré. Por favor, vete y déjame en paz; No me gusta tu estilo y creo que es una distracción que te distrae si sigues insistiendo en esta mezquindad. Te sugiero también que leas lo que dicen los demás editores en tu alerta de Wikiquette; hay un mensaje allí sobre “causa y efecto” que podría resultarte instructivo si lo tomas en serio. Greg L (discusión) 19:25 21 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Ahora entiendo lo que quieres decir. Creo que la idea era que todos los encabezados se pudieran editar por separado. Tu cambio, aunque no lo consideres necesario, es una ruptura con esa convención y crea una rareza. Por otra parte, si realmente insistes en que los que están actualmente en L4 no se puedan editar, tal vez deberías considerar simplemente poner en negrita esos encabezados con el ';' (punto y coma) al comienzo de la línea. La fuente no es tan grande, no hay clics en la tabla de contenidos, pero como son, como dijiste, secciones tan pequeñas, la falta de clics individuales no debería importar tanto. Habiendo dicho todo lo anterior, parece que no hay nada inherentemente malo en usar etiquetas html . Ohconfucius ¡digame! 01:33, 22 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Citando lo que dices: Por otra parte, si realmente insistes en que los que están actualmente en L4 no se puedan editar, tal vez deberías considerar simplemente poner en negrita esos encabezados con el ';' (punto y coma) al comienzo de la línea. De hecho; eso es exactamente lo que ya hice. Ejemplo: ;<big>CAM connections</big>. Y también estoy de acuerdo, no hay nada inherentemente malo con los encabezados de subsecciones basados ​​en HTML para hacer que las subsecciones aparezcan en la tabla de contenidos mientras se pierden todas esas etiquetas [edit] empaquetadas juntas (solo editas la sección padre una jerarquía por encima ya que todo es muy compacto de todos modos). Pero hacer algo en Wikipedia que sea *inusual* me recuerda a la película Midnight Express , donde Billy Hayes estaba en el pabellón psiquiátrico y se unió a todos los demás pacientes mentales para caminar en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj alrededor del poste durante horas y horas en un surco en el piso de tierra. Un día, Billy comenzó a caminar en la otra dirección. Los otros pacientes comenzaron a ponerse manos a la obra con Billy para darle la vuelta para que fuera en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj. No importa por qué podría haber una razón para variar de una solución que sirva para todos; Conformity In Coding Is Good ®™©. (*suspiro*) Está bien; no echo de menos las subsecciones de la tabla de contenidos. Greg L (discusión) 02:09 22 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • ¡Sigue caminando en la otra dirección! ;-) ¡ Ohconfucio , digame! 02:15 22 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola Greg, he publicado en el hilo de Wiki-Etiquette mencionado anteriormente. Gracias, Airplaneman ✈ 18:00, 21 de junio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

AVISO No voy a entablar conversaciones con editores sobre este tema en varios foros. Se pueden hacer más publicaciones sobre cualquier tema relacionado con este tema en Wikipedia:Alertas de Wikipedia, donde las publicaciones de los editores pueden ser inspeccionadas y saneadas por el sol de una inspección pública más exhaustiva. Greg L (discusión) 19:46 21 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]


¿Vas a limpiar a Edward Teller ?-- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 04:56, 5 de julio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen más valiosa/Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool

Teniendo en cuenta su participación en Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool , pensé que le informaría sobre Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes valiosas/Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool . -- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 05:49, 8 de julio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

"No vais a creer esta mierda..."

Dios mío, acabo de recordar todo un año acumulado de mi infancia. Wikipedia debería pagar a gente como tú en lugar de repartir el prestigio de unos a otros sobre quién puede mear en el arco más alto. Yalk ( discusión ) 05:55 8 jul 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Oh, eso estuvo bueno

Con la mente en piloto automático, leí tu [respuesta] y me pregunté: "¿Qué tiene de especial Miley Cyrus y el 30 de febrero? ¿Es su cumpleaños?". Entonces salí a arrancar las malas hierbas y dije: "¡Ah, ya lo entiendo!". Una respuesta muy inteligente. Gut Monk ( discusión ) 23:42 12 jul 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la fotografía destacada/Edward Teller, 1958 (2)

Bonita colaboración, ¡enhorabuena! Que tengas un buen día.por mi cuenta. Papa Lima Whiskey ( discusión ) 21:19 13 jul 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Es un placer trabajar en colaboración . Gracias. Greg L (discusión) 21:23 13 jul 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

EV relativo

¿Crees que tu imagen tiene más EV en Wolf Point, Chicago o 350 West Mart Center ?-- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 17:46, 14 de julio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Comentarios del FPC

Hola Greg. Acabo de cerrar Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates/Xantho poressa female y solo quería hacer un comentario sobre tu voto. "Instantánea" es un término bastante general y puede que no ayude al fotógrafo a saber exactamente qué es lo que está mal en la foto. ¿Considerarías ser un poco más detallado en tus comentarios? Espero que lo tomes con buena fe, ya que no pretendo fastidiarte y aprecio muchos de los comentarios y contribuciones que has hecho en FPC. Jujutacular  T  ·  C 13:47, 15 de julio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia: candidatos a imágenes destacadas / Kalākaua

P. Manderson

Gracias por las recomendaciones. He iniciado un borrador de RFC en mi espacio de usuario Usuario:OpenFuture/Request_For_Comment/Pmanderson. Si podemos demostrar que al menos dos usuarios han intentado resolver el problema (por lo que necesitamos uno más además de mí), podemos presentarlo. Lamentablemente, presenté una solicitud de mediación justo hoy, según la solicitud de Chaser, por lo que es posible que tengamos que esperar una respuesta a esa primero. -- OpenFuture ( discusión ) 08:06, 18 de julio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen destacada/Heterocromía central

He proporcionado una cosecha. Adam Cuerden ( discusión ) 17:09 20 jul 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la imagen destacada/Mike Godwin 2

Hola, solo quería informarte que he vuelto a nominar la imagen. Me pongo en contacto contigo porque participaste en la primera discusión . J Milburn ( discusión ) 11:29 24 jul 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a la fotografía más valorada/Wolf Point, Chicago

Ven a visitar WP:VPC . Hay un problema que quizás puedas solucionar en Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes valiosas/Wolf Point, Chicago . -- TonyTheTiger ( T / C / BIO / WP:CHICAGO / WP:FOUR ) 13:38, 27 de julio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Feliz día de Greg L!

Para añadir una casilla de usuario a tu página de casillas de usuario, haz clic aquí. Que tengas un buen día... NeutralhomerDiscusión • 04:00, 28 de julio de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aventuras de ANI

Respondiste con mucha amabilidad (aunque con cierta extensión :P) a mi mal carácter en ANI. Gracias. Bishonen | discusión 11:07, 30 de julio de 2010 (UTC). [ responder ]


Vi tu comentario sobre la escalera del Vaticano . ¿Crees que debería volver a proponerla? No recibí mucho apoyo cuando la propusieron. Spongie555 ( discusión ) 03:15 9 sep 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Echa un vistazo a esto

Puede que obtengas algunas ideas sobre la historia pasada de un administrador. [8] —Comentario anterior sin firmar añadido por (discusión) 10:00, 6 octubre 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Dos puntos sobre el RfC en wp:link

Según esta edición, ¿puedes indicarme dónde me he "opuesto abiertamente" a las directrices tal como están escritas? Además, si hubieras leído lo que dije, comenté la pregunta complementaria (algo que no creo que esté prohibido en una RfC), pero no con un "sí" o "no" firme. ¿Y puedes centrarte en abordar puntos sustanciales en lugar de hacer comentarios generales sobre las motivaciones de las personas o lo que deberían o no deberían hacer o lo que han hecho o no han hecho? N-HH discusión / ediciones 18:32, 7 de octubre de 2010 (UTC) ps: tampoco es útil caracterizar mis opiniones como "extremas". Y, por supuesto, el objetivo de una RfC es averiguar qué piensan realmente otros editores, así que tal vez esperemos y veamos qué piensa "la mayoría de los wikipedistas". [ responder ]

Con mucho gusto lo haré. Pero no mientas sobre lo que digo ni me ataques con descaro, y no esperes una respuesta. N-HH discusión / ediciones 18:52 7 oct 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
“Respuesta” está bien, pero espero una respuesta en el lugar apropiado . Y para que puedas tener algo de perspectiva, he participado activamente en varios artículos relacionados con el terrorismo, como Anwar al-Awlaki y Aafia Siddiqui , y he encontrado que los editores de esas páginas de discusión son menos… uhmm… *apasionados*. Greg L (discusión) 18:56 7 oct 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aviso de cortesía de la RFC de la Comisión Electoral de ArbCom

Actualmente se está tramitando una solicitud de comentarios que podría interesarle en Wikipedia:Solicitudes de comentarios/Procedimiento de votación para las elecciones de ArbCom de 2010. Si ya ha participado, no tenga en cuenta este aviso y le pido disculpas. Un caballo llamado hombre 12:18, 25 de octubre de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
Recibió este mensaje porque participó en la votación secreta anterior de RFC de ArbCom .

Unidades IC

Greg, hice una actualización importante del artículo sobre el microprocesador Motorola 6800 (86 referencias). Hice una sección sobre rendimientos de semiconductores ; Motorola tuvo rendimientos bajos al principio. ¿Podrías ver mis conversiones de unidades? Toda la literatura técnica de ese momento usaba pulgadas y milésimas de pulgada. Quería usar milésimas de pulgada para describir las compensaciones en cuanto a tamaño. Si escuchas a un ingeniero de diseño de circuitos integrados de la década de 1970, puede decirte las dimensiones en milésimas de pulgada de cada chip en el que trabajó. Para el lector típico, todos los chips son diminutos. Un chip de 160 unidades es más pequeño que uno de 212 unidades. -- SWTPC6800 ( discusión ) 05:17, 28 de octubre de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

160 milésimas de pulgada x 160 milésimas de pulgada (16,5 mm2 )
…considere si “(4,1 mm x 4,1 mm)” sería más directamente equivalente y posiblemente menos confuso. Le dio a mis neuronas una interrupción neuronal *!*. Fue un placer poder ayudar. No sea tímido para preguntar nuevamente y no sea un extraño. Greg L (discusión) 19:49 29 oct 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Te parece familiar esta imagen de kilogramo?

El kilogramo ya no es válido, afirma EE.UU.

-- SWTPC6800 ( discusión ) 21:39 29 oct 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

:-) Mi yerno me llamó hoy para hablarme de eso. No me dijo de qué se trataba; sólo me dijo que fuera a ver las noticias de Fox. Gracias de todos modos. Greg L (discusión) 22:04 29 oct 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Greg, te gusta ilustrar los debates de tu página de discusión con imágenes interesantes. Aquí hay una que tomé en Nueva Orleans. Un caballo entra en un bar -- SWTPC6800 ( discusión ) 03:03 4 nov 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Cuántas cosas interesantes viste? Greg L (discusión) 15:19 4 nov 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Trate de ser imparcial

Fox News no es una fuente válida de noticias. Los talibanes tienen tanto derecho a ser discutidos imparcialmente como cualquier otro. Si tienes una fuerte oposición a otras culturas, ¿por qué no editas una enciclopedia nacional? ¡Se supone que este es un proyecto internacional y el apoyo patriótico a los EE. UU. no debería tener cabida aquí! ( discusión ) 02:36 10 nov 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Cloro

Usted apoyó la fotografía del cloro en una ampolla de cuarzo y un cubo de acrílico. El autor de la nominación indicó que no habrá una fotografía de reemplazo disponible en el futuro cercano y, en su lugar, recortó el archivo original y lo cargó encima, dejándonos con dos recortes alternativos. ¿Podría indicar cuál de estos prefiere? Gracias. Papa Lima Whiskey ( discusión ) 16:28 11 nov 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola, ¿tienes alguna cuenta de Facebook ? Quería verte y ser tu amigo  ;)-- ( discusión ) 16:52 15 nov 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

correo electrónico

Para responder a tu pregunta en la página de discusión de Epeefleche (ya que esa línea de discusión se cerró antes de que pudiera responder y asumiendo que todavía estás interesado), he usado la función de correo electrónico sólo una vez (según recuerdo) para enviar un correo electrónico. Esto se debió a problemas de supervisión cuando fui objeto de un bombardeo de correo electrónico de una granja de calcetines que tenía la intención de revelar la identidad de un colega editor. Aparte de ese bombardeo, he recibido pocos correos electrónicos, ninguno de los cuales he respondido en otro lugar que no sea en la wiki. En general, nunca (al menos hasta ahora) pensé que se usara generalmente de manera encubierta como describes, por lo que no he visto ninguna razón para desactivar la función. Espero que esto satisfaga tu curiosidad. wjemather bigissue 00:09, 3 de diciembre de 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola, hace un tiempo ayudaste a que la imagen File:Kingdavidkalakaua dust.jpg fuera destacada. Noté que la eliminaron del artículo de Kalākaua y la reemplazaron por otra que se parece en algunos aspectos. Si pudieras dedicarme un minuto, agradecería tu opinión en la página de discusión. Gracias. W Nowicki ( discusión ) 22:22 27 dic 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Otros planes propuestos?

Solo por curiosidad, ya que estás familiarizado con la historia de PMA... ¿por qué apoyar un plan cuyo alcance se limita a los movimientos de páginas reales, un área que representa solo una pequeña fracción del problema? ¿Viste los otros planes propuestos más abajo? Gracias, Born2cycle ( discusión ) 23:29, 2 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Respuesta a sus "hechos" tal como se presentaron en CCI

Muy bien. Ahora, ¿qué tal si tú y yo nos hacemos a un lado y nos sentamos a ver cómo la comunidad aborda los hechos y decide una solución adecuada? Greg L (discusión) 01:04 9 ene 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Estoy de acuerdo, no es necesario añadir más detalles a la discusión de fondo, ya que ese paso ya se ha completado. Por cierto, ya se ha determinado el remedio adecuado: realizar una limpieza de todos los artículos afectados. Por eso VernoWhitney abrió el caso completo de la CCI. wjemather bigissue 01:20, 9 enero 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Perfecto. Un saludo. Greg L (discusión) 02:29 9 ene 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Gracias por devolver la información a George Frideric Handel . Se agradece su "atrevimiento" y su cortesía en la página de discusión. — Goodtimber ( walk / talk ) 05:06, 13 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

...hablando dulcemente al hombre de las pastillas de ácido...

Hola, hombre. Hemos limpiado el "tigre de Wilmer". Échale un vistazo y comprueba si eso puede hacerte pasar de "oposición leve" a "neutral" o incluso a "apoyo leve". Además, estoy de acuerdo contigo con lo de la evaluación positiva de los artículos. No soy ningún fotógrafo, ni mucho menos. Soy redactor de artículos y me enamoré de la foto después de conseguir que la biblioteca de BYU se deshiciera de ella. Me sorprendió gratamente verla en el encabezado del artículo sobre taxidermia (no me lo esperaba, salió a ciegas, una de esas cosas interesantes sobre los Commons). Después me volví loco y la metí en el artículo del Museo de Ciencias de la Vida de BYU. Así que apoya a tres artículos con bastante fuerza. Incluso modifiqué un poco el título de la página de fotos destacadas para intentar que tuviera más fundamento (verlo).

Sí, tiene dos elementos, no uno. Pero bueno, aún así me encanta. ¡Y el tigre está disecado! Tiene un aspecto genial porque estaba muy bien conservado. Y el hombre es un vínculo con una herencia de la herpetología de los años 30. Estoy hablando en serio sobre iniciar una expedición a una región remota en la que él recolectó, y sería genial hacerle algunas preguntas al tipo antes de enviar a los herpetos a la (literal) Sierra Madre. TCO ( discusión ) 19:42, 16 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ortografía británica versus ortografía estadounidense

Hola Greg. He notado que has modificado Pressure para cambiar el medidor de ortografía británico por el medidor de ortografía estadounidense . Ten en cuenta que el Manual de estilo de Wikipedia respalda el principio de conservar la variedad existente, incluida la primera variedad sustantiva de la ortografía inglesa. Consulta variedades nacionales del inglés . En particular, el Manual de estilo no aboga por el uso exclusivo de la ortografía inglesa estadounidense. Consulta conservar la variedad existente . Feliz edición. Dolphin ( t ) 06:22, 18 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias por su pronta respuesta y por el banner de Talkback. Veo que en 2006 usted y otros debatieron el tema extensamente en Talk:Pressure#"Gage" vs "Gauge" Pressure (Spelling) y llegaron a una posición en la que gauge sería aceptado. ENGVAR ciertamente invita a los usuarios a editar artículos para que una palabra esté escrita de manera consistente a lo largo de un artículo. No veo nada en Wikipedia que invite a los usuarios a editar un artículo para cambiar cada ocurrencia de una palabra de una ortografía a otra con la creencia de que una ortografía ampliamente aceptada es de alguna manera preferible a otra ortografía ampliamente aceptada. Saludos. Dolphin ( t ) 01:38, 19 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • La “invitación a los usuarios a editar un artículo” [para corregir la ortografía] se aclara Wikipedia:Mos#Variedades nacionales del inglés que prescribe que cada artículo debe utilizar de manera consistente las mismas convenciones de ortografía, gramática y puntuación y Cuando un artículo ha evolucionado lo suficiente para que quede claro qué variedad emplea, todo el artículo debe continuar ajustándose a esa variedad, a menos que haya razones para cambiarlo basadas en fuertes vínculos nacionales con el tema . Greg L (discusión) 01:46 19 ene 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias Greg. La esencia es que si ves un artículo con algunas palabras escritas con la ortografía británica (o la ortografía estadounidense), no tienes por qué sentirte obligado a cambiar todo a la ortografía estadounidense (o británica). Si quieres cambiar la ortografía, eso es un asunto diferente y eres libre de ser atrevido . Dolphin ( t ) 06:23, 19 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • No caracterizaría la creación de artículos que cumplan con WP:MOS como WP:BOLD . Todos estamos aquí para mejorar el proyecto. Greg L (discusión) 18:37 19 ene 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Puedo hacer una sugerencia?

Te aconsejo que dejes a Wjemather en paz por el momento, ya que fue un comentario que te hizo y que al menos en parte resultó en el bloqueo, y el bloqueo tiene como objetivo apagar las llamas. Temo que tu presencia en su página de discusión pueda servir para echarles más leña al fuego, independientemente de lo bien intencionadas que hayan sido tus modificaciones. HJ Mitchell | ¿Un centavo por tus comentarios? 01:59, 19 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos en la foto destacada/Miller recibe la Cruz de la Marina

Se ha subido aquí una versión nueva y más grande para que la consideréis. Nautica Shad es 19:52, 19 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola, Greg L. Tienes mensajes nuevos en la página de discusión de Basilicofresco .
Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.

Basilicofresco ( msg ) 17:50, 22 de enero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

"Se necesita una nueva imagen", debate enDiscusión:Kilogramo

Hola, Greg L.

Tu imagen CGI realmente genial del Prototipo Kilogramo está actualmente en discusión. Por favor, comenta allí. Gracias. - Arch dude ( discusión ) 17:34, 6 de febrero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Tienes una referencia para el chaflán del IPK? Tengo la intención de construir un modelo usando Blender . Blender no es un programa CAD, pero puede crear fácilmente una imagen con una precisión de un píxel, que es lo mejor que podemos reproducir en una imagen. Si no puedo encontrar una definición precisa para el chaflán, intentaré falsificarlo a partir de las imágenes BIPM. La ventaja de Blender es que puedo publicar mi modelo bajo CC-BY-SA y otros pueden usarlo. Estoy pensando en términos de un "IPK" sentado al lado de una pelota de golf y una regla, todo sobre un tablero de ajedrez de dos colores (¿gris y blanco?) con cuadrados de 1 cm. La regla mostraría pulgadas y centímetros. Soy un novato en Blender, como puedes ver en b:User:Arch dude. Siento que soy un colaborador serio de Wikipedia (más de 15.000 ediciones, más de 100 artículos) y de otros proyectos de Wikimedia, en particular Wikisource como s:User:Arch dude. - Arch dude ( discusión ) 00:24 8 feb 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Seré sumamente sincero. Ya he intercambiado cientos de correos electrónicos con el tipo del NIST que está trabajando en el nuevo kilogramo. Como parte de eso, algunos de los materiales que me envió contenían los planos para hacer los estándares de Pt-Ir. Se invirtieron docenas y docenas de horas de investigación en ese artículo antes de que me topara con esa pequeña joya, que detalla los biseles de cuatro ángulos en ambos bordes. Para mí, esto es como si los fabricantes chinos llamaran a Sylvania y dijeran : “Nuestros filamentos de tungsteno no duran ni de lejos las 1500 horas que dice la etiqueta de nuestra caja. Por favor, faciliten y agilicen nuestro trabajo y dennos sus datos y cuéntenos todos sus trucos para que podamos reemplazar su producto por el nuestro”.

    (Oh… alegría.)

    Como sin duda comprenderá, me enorgullezco de esa contribución y ciertamente disfruto ver que la utilizan muchas Wikipedias en otros idiomas, lo cual es una pequeña recompensa por hacer esa contribución. No entiendo por qué espera que me entusiasme lo que está haciendo. Greg L (discusión) 00:52 8 feb 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

    PD: Pero ahora mismo he conseguido pasarle el plano del chaflán a otro editor. Él también usa Blender y tiene la intención de hacer lo mismo que tú. Greg L (discusión) 01:06 8 feb 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Te mencioné en mi RFA

Hola, solo para avisarte que mencioné tus comentarios en uno de nuestros encuentros anteriores (¡de manera positiva!) en mi respuesta a la pregunta n.° 3 de mi RFA . Sé que notificar a las personas sobre las RFA está muy mal visto, pero sentí que es de buena educación mencionar el uso que le di a tus comentarios :) Si deseas eliminarlos o aclarar/retractar partes, házmelo saber. -- Errant ( chat! ) 11:56, 11 de febrero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias, se agradece :) -- Errant ( chat! ) 20:46, 11 de febrero de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:Candidatos a imágenes destacadas/Imagen generada por computadora de un apisonador de espresso

Radiación de Cherenkov

Hola, Greg L. Tienes mensajes nuevos en Talk:Accidente nuclear de Tokaimura .
Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.

Gracias por comprobarlo y quizás arreglarlo. -- Pflanze2 ( discusión ) 07:00, 19 de marzo de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Epeefleche ha tenido muchas oportunidades de solucionar un problema simple y ahora se le está dando una oportunidad más (probablemente injustificada). El proyecto se beneficiaría más si simplemente le informara a Epeefleche sobre la seriedad con la que debe tratar los derechos de autor y los instara a solucionarlo en lugar de crear un drama innecesario. Me parece que ustedes dos están tratando de provocarme nuevamente para que me pase de la raya, pero esta vez no morderé el anzuelo y simplemente les pediré que dejen de hacerlo ahora. Gracias. wjemather bigissue 14:58, 20 de marzo de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola Greg, noté que has hecho muchos intentos de discutir sobre los artículos de la galería de grupos étnicos... solo recientemente vi tu comentario común sobre el artículo hispanoamericano sobre el uso de la galería de Raquel Welch (no la habría incluido a menos que no lo mencionara en una entrevista, vea la entrevista aquí)... también es importante saber que de la población nacida en América Latina en los EE. UU., en la encuesta de la comunidad estadounidense de 2009, el 29% elige español como su ascendencia étnica, es decir, no inmigrar directamente a los EE. UU. desde España... Como hemos visto, Bulldog ha recorrido casi todos los artículos intentando deshacerse por completo de los montajes, lo que agrega mucho a un artículo, color y sin mencionar los ejemplos más obvios de mostrar que tal o cual persona es estadounidense de origen irlandés, por ejemplo... Yo fui quien hizo el collage hispanoamericano y algunos otros, incluido el europeo americano que ahora ha sido cambiado por Bulldog, lo que considero bueno... aunque parecía ser difícil llegar a un consenso. Hispania2011 ( discusión ) 22:49 23 mar 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Acoso, tergiversación y acoso

Esta será la segunda vez que te pido que dejes de seguirme, de insultarme en cada página que edito y, en general, de acosarme en Wikipedia. Si quieres ser un hombre más, tómate esto en serio y deja de hacerlo. Estos serán oficialmente los últimos comentarios que te deje o sobre ti. Después de esto, dejaré de considerar tu presencia o de hacer referencia a ti, de cualquier manera, positiva o negativa. Espero que hagas lo mismo conmigo. Bull dog123 18:23, 3 de abril de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

…y una vez más te encuentras en una situación en la que estás editando en contra del consenso.
He visto que has tenido una guerra de edición por estas etiquetas y rápidamente encontré la solución adecuada: simplemente discute en la página de discusión correspondiente si tu etiqueta (o cualquier etiqueta) está justificada, llega a un consenso con otros editores y, si no está justificada (que es lo que suele suceder), se elimina. No te gusta que eso suceda. No se puede evitar.
No te gusta que señale que tienes un historial de bombardear artículos con etiquetas y que pareces ser una cuenta con un solo propósito. Pero esa información es totalmente pertinente a esas discusiones, por lo que se tiene en cuenta toda la verdad y es parte de un consenso al que se ha llegado correctamente. Eso tampoco te gusta. Y, repito, eso tampoco se puede evitar.
Parece que actúas bajo la premisa de que puedes editar Wikipedia de forma disruptiva y tendenciosa con impunidad y ahuyentar a quienes no están de acuerdo contigo mediante constantes provocaciones y ataques personales. Esas tácticas no funcionan conmigo, como has descubierto claramente.
Y ahora tienes un administrador, Bearian, frustrado más allá de toda comprensión con tus actividades (este hilo en su página de discusión).
Su historial de edición (500 ediciones ≤ marzo de 2011, aquí) muestra claramente que es una cuenta con un solo propósito . Incluso una lectura rudimentaria de su historial de edición revela que sus actividades son disruptivas y están invariablemente en desacuerdo con la opinión consensuada.
Si quieres venir aquí y hacer más de tus clásicas poses, por supuesto, estaré encantado de responderte con la verdad y los hechos. Que haya tanto conflicto en todas tus actividades no es una sorpresa para nadie, porque tus propias palabras muestran que te opones vehementemente a los artículos que clasifican y segregan a los seres humanos en categorías (por ejemplo, los hombres judíos en el deporte, los ganadores negros del Globo de Oro), mientras que la opinión consensuada en Wikipedia simplemente no está en línea con tus deseos; ergo, ahora revoloteas de un artículo a otro, tratando de salirte con la tuya poco a poco después de haber fracasado en las convocatorias de propuestas globales sobre este tipo de cosas.
En cuanto a mi “constante seguimiento” hacia ti “por todas partes”, como escribiste al final de este hilo aquí en Wikipedia talk:Biografías de personas vivas, tales acusaciones no son más que un gran juego que juegas en Wikipedia, donde tratas a todos como tontos, aparentemente con la esperanza de que todos estén demasiado ocupados para volver atrás y examinar los hilos de discusión para descubrir la verdad real detrás de tus falsas acusaciones. Como escribí en WT:BLP cuando supuestamente te estaba siguiendo por todas partes: Eso fue bastante gracioso, porque habías publicado 27 comentarios allí durante cinco días antes de que me molestara en echar un vistazo a lo que estaba sucediendo allí. Hice una publicación. Y te opusiste a eso. Así que… simplemente perdóname por tener la arrogancia de opinar como la mayoría de los demás allí y realmente estar en desacuerdo con Bulldog123 (*sonido de jadeo de la audiencia*) . Greg L (discusión) 19:19, 3 de abril de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
No lo entiendo. ¿Me estás pidiendo que me aleje de tu página de discusión ahora o simplemente vas a borrar aleatoriamente los comentarios que te dejo aquí [9]? Si es lo primero, entonces mueve la conversación a Discusión de usuario:Bulldog123 . Bull dog123 19:53, 3 de abril de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
No te pedí que te mantuvieras fuera de mi página de discusión y no fue una eliminación "al azar". Mi resumen de edición ( ∆ edición aquí ) fue perfectamente claro: "anzuelo para eliminar" , lo cual era. Pero ahora te estoy pidiendo que te mantengas fuera de mi página de discusión, al menos en este hilo, a menos que realmente tengas algo legítimo que decir porque ahora mismo solo estás jugando más de tus juegos (haciendo de inocente despistado aquí) y estoy cansado de tus interrupciones, al igual que un par de administradores a los que has logrado poner en marcha sus ojos hoy. Greg L (discusión) 21:15 3 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Greg, la mejor manera de terminar un intercambio es que una de las partes deje de responder. DGG ( discusión ) 02:44 4 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Nuestro desacuerdo sobre la revisión de eliminación

En cuanto a nuestro desacuerdo en la revisión de la eliminación, no quería que mi respuesta fuera demasiado larga. Pero basta con decir que los ejemplos que di fueron sólo la punta del iceberg. Creo que si uno se embarcara en una revisión exhaustiva de las fuentes, encontraría un montón de apoyo para mi posición, y las fuentes socavarían su posición. No creo que la idea de una línea divisoria sea mala. Simplemente creo que ha colocado mal la ubicación de la línea, en cuanto al tema en cuestión, por las razones indicadas. -- Epeefleche ( discusión ) 19:31, 4 de abril de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

RFC de unidad de disco duro

Hola Greg. El RFC es probablemente una buena idea, pero parece que lo has hecho de forma bastante "informal". Hay una plantilla específica que se debe utilizar para que el RFC se publique. Echa un vistazo a WP:RFC . Favonian ( discusión ) 15:44 9 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Como quieras, pero creo que la referencia cultural correcta es Reglas del Marqués de Queensberry  ;) Favonian ( discusión ) 17:52 9 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
De hecho, esa es la manera que tiene la reina de describirlo. Greg L (discusión) 17:55 9 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Más sobre ese terrible tema

Ya que estamos en el tema (nos guste o no), ¿tienes algún comentario sobre el artículo sobre los prefijos binarios ? Jeh ( discusión ) 04:09 10 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Greg, tus notificaciones RFC son claramente tendenciosas. En ninguna parte de la tabla se utiliza la palabra Tibibyte. El único propósito de un título de este tipo es sesgar a los editores entrantes. Además, ¿no tienes nada mejor que hacer que seguir mis contribuciones y copiar lo que estoy haciendo? -- RaptorHunter ( discusión ) 18:41 10 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Violación de ANI y 3RR

Debes tener en cuenta que en mi respuesta a la ANI he solicitado sanciones contra ti por una serie de razones, entre las que se incluyen, entre otras, la violación de la regla WP:3RR . Tom94022 ( discusión ) 22:23 27 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Espero que a esta altura ya te hayas dado cuenta de que RH ha revertido tu última reversión. Ya estás violando la regla WP:3RR . Decidí no denunciarte, prefiriendo en cambio incluir tu comportamiento disruptivo en mi respuesta a tu ANI injustificada. Te denunciaré si vuelves a revertir. Tom94022 ( discusión ) 22:58 27 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
No estoy violando la regla 3RR, pero tú sí por un amplio margen. En cuanto al artículo, Diego tiene otras ideas. Ahora bien, tus posturas, provocaciones y tergiversaciones aquí no son bienvenidas. Tampoco esas tácticas te ayudarán a salvar el pellejo en la ANI que presenté en tu contra. Por favor, desiste de esta infantilidad y mantente fuera de mi página de discusión ahora. Greg L (discusión) 23:01 27 abr 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Usuario: Philip Baird Shearer

Estoy recopilando ejemplos del comportamiento de este usuario para una RFC/U que se iniciará en breve. Me preguntaba si no le importaría agregar sus ideas (y cualquier ejemplo que la RFC no cubra actualmente) a esta discusión . Parrot of Doom 07:56, 9 de mayo de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Discusión RFC del usuario: Philip Baird Shearer

Se ha presentado una solicitud de comentarios sobre la conducta de Philip Baird Shearer  ( discusión  · contribs ). Estás invitado a comentar la discusión en Wikipedia:Solicitudes de comentarios/Philip Baird Shearer . -- Parrot of Doom 11:00, 9 de mayo de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Edición disruptiva

Vea este hilo aquí sobre la edición de Tom94022 en contra del consenso sobre la unidad de disco duro . Greg L (discusión) 02:32, 25 de mayo de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aparentemente, ni siquiera estoy seguro de cómo no editar una revisión anterior de una página.

Bueno, he estado en la madriguera del conejo y he llegado a esta página de usuario desde la Divina Comedia de Dante (que me pareció bastante buena) hasta Dédalo e Ícaro, pasando por tonterías y estupideces (que también me pareció bastante buena), pasando por Fuzzball y, por último, por el agujero de la cloaca. Rápidamente decidí que NO leería esas páginas asociadas con fechas, ya que ni siquiera son fechas muy buenas, y me alegró ver que la razón principal de eso era hacer hincapié en no vincular fechas. Me alegro muchísimo de no haber leído las páginas de fechas y haber vuelto corriendo aquí como un perro con un palo arrojado y una cola meneando para encontrar ese punto. Leí la página de usuario de Wetman y otros, todos hablando de EL Greg L. Me impresionó la utilidad fundamental (léase como calidad) de su contenido destacado, excepto por el Jack-in-the-cube, que me olvidé de leer por despecho. Sin embargo, al llegar al final de tu página me pregunto si no habría perdido menos tiempo, y quizás habría obtenido el mismo placer, si simplemente hubiera leído los 4 artículos con enlaces de fecha y lo hubiera dejado así. Soy un usuario y promotor de Wikipedia desde hace mucho tiempo, pero soy un editor nuevo (de hecho, ni siquiera mires mi lista de edición) y me alegra ver que una bestia tan volátil como esta esté en manos de los sabios y hábiles. De manera similar, durante el resto de la tarde obtendré una satisfacción indirecta engañosa de la inclusión de MIS comentarios en la página de usuario de Greg L, incluso si no pertenecen aquí, y especialmente si se eliminan. Estoy de acuerdo con Verno Whitney en que la página de la cloaca es muy interesante, y propongo que el interés que genera frustra su propósito. Me siento tentado de poner un enlace a la página en la página real de "Alcantarilla", refutando así el punto de la falta de sentido de tu tapa de alcantarilla, ya que es de hecho un buen ejemplo de una tapa de alcantarilla real, que es un dispositivo bastante ingenioso. Algo en mi interior me dice que este enlace ya existe, pero si lo compruebo y descubro que es cierto, tendré que borrar todas las frases que acabo de escribir. Bueno, la extensión de esta edición ahora pide a gritos que la elimine, pero ¿acaso mis pensamientos sobre estos temas no aportan algo de luz o utilidad a otros lectores? De verdad, gracias por el gran trabajo en este excelente proyecto y por el ingenio con el que lo has ejecutado. Jake Papp (discusión) 22:28 31 may 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias, Jake, por enviarme una nota. Bienvenido al proyecto; creo que encajarás perfectamente. Greg L (discusión) 01:37 1 jun 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Objetivo Acerca de Anwar

Greg, lo siento, pero parece que te ofendiste de alguna manera por mis aparentes ataques a la página de discusión de Anwar Awlaki. No era mi intención ofender a nadie. Sólo quiero señalar lo que dijo mi estudiante de tercer grado: que el artículo no es neutral.

(2) No participé en la redacción de los comentarios del IP en Las Vegas (?). (3) No entiendo por qué crees que debería aceptar sin más las declaraciones del Gobierno sobre quién es un "terrorista" y quién no, teniendo en cuenta la historia de cómo el Departamento de Estado de los EE.UU. coloca y retira esa etiqueta de personas y grupos cuando es conveniente hacerlo. Los "hechos" -acusaciones- que describiste en tu diatriba contra el "Sr. IP" no prueban que Awlaki u OBL sean terroristas. Incluso la ex SOS Condoleeza Rice lo admitió cuando afirmó notablemente que "incluso un miembro de un grupo terrorista no es necesariamente un terrorista". En otro lugar, Rice también afirmó que el asesinato incidental de un ciudadano estadounidense en un ataque con misiles de la CIA "no plantea una cuestión constitucional". <pov>Estas personas, incluido el Sr. Obama, son malvadas.</pov> -Stan Stan Battles ( discusión ) 20:20, 6 de junio de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Justificación del uso justo de File:Cobalt Drafting Assistant demo.ogv

Gracias por subir o contribuir a File:Cobalt Drafting Assistant demo.ogv . Observo que la página del archivo especifica que el archivo se está utilizando de acuerdo con el uso legítimo , pero no hay una explicación adecuada ni una justificación de por qué cada uso específico en Wikipedia constituye un uso legítimo. Vaya a la página de descripción del archivo y edítela para incluir una justificación del uso legítimo .

Si ha subido otros medios de uso justo, considere comprobar que ha especificado la justificación del uso justo en esas páginas también. Puede encontrar una lista de páginas de "archivo" que ha editado haciendo clic en el enlace " mis contribuciones " (se encuentra en la parte superior de cualquier página de Wikipedia cuando está conectado) y luego seleccionando "Archivo" en el cuadro desplegable. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier medio que no sea libre y que carezca de dicha explicación se eliminará una semana después de que se haya etiquetado, como se describe en los criterios para la eliminación rápida . Si el archivo ya se ha eliminado, aún puede realizar una solicitud para recuperarlo y pedir una oportunidad para solucionar el problema. Si tiene alguna pregunta, hágala en la página de preguntas sobre derechos de autor de medios . Gracias. Sfan00 IMG ( discusión ) 20:33, 21 de junio de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Adelante - Tachado la advertencia como resuelta :) Sfan00 IMG ( discusión ) 22:04 21 jun 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Editar resúmenes

Oh, usar latín rara vez significa enojo. Generalmente es mi perverso sentido del humor; trate de ver lo que significan en contexto. Septentrionalis PMAnderson 21:30, 29 de junio de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sin ataques personales

Usted escribió: "Advierto a IQinn, que tiene una larga y distinguida trayectoria editando artículos a favor de extremistas islámicos".

Eso es absolutamente falso. Edito este artículo en un punto de vista no oficial. Tu acusación es falsa y te exijo que la elimines de tu comentario. IQinn ( discusión ) 20:31 12 jul 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Es absolutamente falso y deberías probarlo con comparaciones. Trabajo en un campo controvertido y trato de implementar el punto de vista no verbal. Esto es un ataque personal más que una opinión a menos que proporciones comparaciones. Te sugiero que te mantengas alejado del debate sobre Aafia Siddiqui , ya que está claro que no puedes asumir buena fe y si esta es tu opinión, no hay forma de que puedas discutir de manera civilizada lo que es obvio ver en ese debate. Es ridículo, estás muy equivocado y te sugiero encarecidamente que te vayas de aquí, ya que claramente no puedes. WP:AGF . Saludos. IQinn ( discusión ) 21:31, 12 de julio de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Como escribí allí, es mi opinión sobre la calidad de tus ediciones. No dije nada sobre tu mala fe. Este es el mundo de los adultos ahora; no hay ningún requisito de que los demás admiren tus ediciones tanto como tú ni otros deben darte una A+ por el esfuerzo cuando realmente piensan que tu trabajo es una tontería que promueve el punto de vista. Por cierto, deja de pelear por las ediciones contra el consenso en “Aafia Siddiqui” y su página de discusión. Estás totalmente fuera de control allí. El consenso no podría ser más claro; nadie allí está de acuerdo contigo. ¿Ahora crees que puedes ser tendencioso aquí y enfrentarte a mí en otro lugar ? Aléjate de mi página de discusión ahora, por favor. Greg L (discusión) 21:41 12 jul 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Con respecto al artículo de Aafia Siddiqui , el consenso fue bastante claro en la página de discusión, aquí en #BLP, en cuanto a que la imagen de Siddiqui no violaba la BLP. Apenas minutos después de perder en ese hilo, bombardeó el artículo con una etiqueta {POV}. Sabiendo qué tipo de editor es IQuinn (tendencioso), fuimos pacientemente al siguiente paso (empezando con #¿Es necesaria la etiqueta {POV} de iQuin? ) y llegamos a un consenso de que la etiqueta era solo un residuo del problema de la foto, equivalía a una guerra de ediciones y debería eliminarse. Esperaba usar la etiqueta como graffiti para forzar una discusión continua. Así que comenzó a hacer una guerra de ediciones sobre la etiqueta. Ya lo habían bloqueado antes por usar mal las etiquetas. ¿Por qué no se le advirtió a IQuinn al menos sobre la edición en contra del consenso? Greg L (discusión) 23:11, 12 de julio de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola, gracias por la nota. Nuestro enfoque hacia la resolución de disputas es evidentemente diferente. Dudo en convertir disputas de contenido como ésta en asuntos personales sobre personas individuales, ya que eso tiende a distanciar a los editores colegas y envenenar nuestra atmósfera de colaboración. Es importante que todos se sientan incluidos y que reconozcamos la buena fe incluso cuando está enmascarada por hábitos de edición con los que no estamos de acuerdo. Eso no quiere decir que nunca sea necesario mostrarle la puerta a alguien, pero es importante que lo tratemos como un último recurso. En esta situación específica, los canales de resolución de disputas ordinarios pueden resultar útiles, ya que las partes en disputa pueden beneficiarse de perspectivas neutrales y frescas. Saludos, causa sui ( discusión ) 23:44, 12 de julio de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Tu respuesta no tenía sentido para mí hasta que llegó este incidente del Tablón de anuncios de resolución de disputas, en el que el usuario Epeefleche señaló que te había dado a ti (y al administrador) una reprimenda brutal en esta ANI . Y resulta que yo me había sumado a esa ANI en tu contra con 34 publicaciones (¡ups!).

Ahora ha pasado más de un año. En este hilo de discusión sobre Aafia Siddiqui, un editor con un historial de bombardear artículos con etiquetas después de perder una discusión de consenso (y que había sido bloqueado previamente por este tipo de payasadas de guerra de ediciones) estaba claramente editando en contra del consenso... otra vez.

Sus escritos anteriores ( es importante que todos se sientan incluidos y que reconozcamos la buena fe incluso cuando está enmascarada por hábitos de edición con los que no estamos de acuerdo ) socavaron dos principios fundamentales de Wikipedia: los editores respetan y acatan el consenso y no la guerra de ediciones.

Luego me entero en el Tablón de anuncios de resolución de disputas de que A) ya te había estado echando en cara en una ANI (algo que olvidé porque tengo una “vida real” muy ocupada) y B) él te ha estado acusando de wikihoundearlo. Claramente eras un administrador involucrado. Como comentó un editor no involucrado en el DRN: La comunidad generalmente interpreta la participación de manera muy amplia, para incluir conflictos actuales o pasados ​​con un editor (o editores) y disputas sobre temas, independientemente de la naturaleza, la antigüedad o el resultado de la disputa.

Solo perdóname por decir exactamente lo que pienso. La arruinaste. Cuatro editores estaban tratando con un editor que es uno de los editores más odiosos, tendenciosos y combativos de Wikipedia de todos los tiempos. Ese editor se queja de cómo los artículos de Wikipedia sobre terroristas convictos equivalen a "crímenes de odio", escribe una prosa en inglés inconexa, es tendencioso más allá de toda comprensión y tiene puntos de vista muy fuera de la corriente principal. En Aafia Siddiqui , estaba editando en contra del consenso, sabía muy bien lo que estaba haciendo y estaba feliz de hacerlo porque está claro que considera que "hablar" es para los débiles; todo lo que entiende es la espada y la fuerza (ANI). En lugar de simplemente bloquearlo durante 48 horas por editar una vez más en contra del consenso, usaste astutamente papilla políticamente correcta como sugiriendo que nos esforzáramos por hacer que ese personaje "se sienta incluido" (*sonido de la audiencia diciendo "Awwwwe" *) para ponerle lápiz labial a un cerdo e intentar hacerlo pasar como una cita de graduación. El resultado fue brindarle a ese editor una plataforma más amplia desde la cual interrumpir y sirvió para producir un wikidrama prolongado y aumentar las tensiones en lugar de desactivarlas. Querías ver si podías usar tus atributos de poder para frustrar a Epeefleche y cobrar venganza.

Mientras escribía, me había olvidado de quién eras. Marché todo gordo, tonto y feliz a tu página de discusión y pregunté por qué hiciste lo que hiciste en la página de discusión de Aafia Siddiqui. Por alguna razón, elegiste tomar mi mensaje, que puse en tu página de discusión, y trasplantarlo aquí con tu respuesta. Ahora dejo este hilo aquí para recordarme quién eres. Considérate a partir de ahora como "involucrado" cuando se trate de disputas de edición que me involucren a partir de ahora, ¿de acuerdo? Y recuerda, la definición de "madurez" es hacer lo que se espera de ti en lugar de lo que te gustaría hacer . Greg L (discusión) 15:43 19 jul 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aafia SiddiquienWP:DRN

Hola. Le envío esta carta para informarle que lo he nombrado como litigante en Wikipedia:Dispute_resolution_noticeboard#Aafia_Siddiqui.2C_File:Siddiqui2.PNG . Saludos, causa sui ( discusión ) 01:35, 15 de julio de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Gracias por decirlo como es. Saludos. V7-sport ( discusión ) 07:06 18 jul 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Traje anti-g

Hola, tal vez deberías revisar tu revisión de G-suit antes de que agregue algo. MTIA, PeterWD ( discusión ) 11:59 2 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias por responder. Se trata de eliminar toda la letra, no de ponerla en cursiva. Por cierto, en mi actual investigación de desambiguación, puede que no haya nada nuevo para el artículo sobre G-suit, después de todo. PeterWD ( discusión ) 15:41 2 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Barnstar y gracias

P. Manderson

Sin embargo... los ángeles anunciadores eran divertidos. :-D Bishonen | discusión 20:41, 18 de agosto de 2011 (UTC). [ responder ]

Hola, Greg. Creo que estas cosas van mejor cuando dejas que una contribución como la de Locke pase desapercibida. Él ya sabe que tú sabes que un administrador que cierra sabe de contenido y no solo de números. Probablemente también esté bastante seguro de que no eres su mayor fan. Puedes dejar que pase. - GTBacchus ( discusión ) 02:22 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Yo sé que él lo sabe. Él sabe que yo sé que él lo sabe. Quería asegurarme de que todos los demás supieran que tal vez algo extraño esté sucediendo allí. Greg L (discusión) 03:27 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Todo el mundo sabe todo sobre Locke, y te ves mucho mejor cuando lo dejas pasar. Créeme, por favor. Hace que parezca que estás regañando a la gente por no estar de acuerdo contigo en que regañar a la gente está mal. No importa si esa es tu intención; ANI tiene su propia lógica. A veces no puedes hacer nada bien allí. - GTBacchus ( discusión ) 03:39 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ya no tengo más que decir. Parece que hay un consenso claro sobre qué hacer con él esta vez, pero no sobre qué hacer con él. Salirse con la suya con tanta frecuencia parece envalentonarlo. Greg L (discusión) 03:47 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, entonces es ArbCom. Nunca he estado allí. ¿Es divertido? - GTBacchus ( discusión ) 04:22 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿ArbCom? Oh… qué alegría. Para los simples mortales, ir a ArbCom es como ir a la Inquisición, que tiene el poder de cortar partes del cuerpo si tu teología no es correcta. Eso se aplica al gilipollas, así como a todos sus compinches, su esposa, su amante, incluso a su recolector de basura si alguna vez dijo algo blasfemo en una fiesta; todos pueden ser convertidos en tostadas o sus lenguas cortadas. Para ti, no hay problema. En lo más mínimo. Si yo fuera PMA y me estuvieran llevando a ArbCom, pensaría en hacerme extirpar quirúrgicamente un testículo y congelarlo en nitrógeno líquido para volver a colocarlo después de ArbCom. Sigan con la buena lucha. Greg L (discusión) 04:31 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Jeje. Gracias por el voto de confianza. Entiendo que hay bastante burocracia involucrada. Ni siquiera sé a quién incluir como parte en la disputa. Normalmente trabajo en áreas en las que todo lo que necesito saber es lo que estoy haciendo... - GTBacchus ( discusión ) 04:44 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Enumerar a las partes en una disputa de ArbCom. (*Suspiro profundo*) Es una especie de arte. Ah, claro; probablemente existan pautas para ese tipo de cosas. En los casos que la policía llamaría “combatientes mutuos”, a los miembros de ambos lados de una disputa generalmente se les extraen partes del cuerpo. En ese tipo de cosas, nombrar a las partes a menudo se encuentra con un primer mensaje que dice “¡NO ESCUCHÉ NADA!” de aquellos que pueden leer la escritura en la pared.

La cuestión relacionada con la PMA es muy distinta. Aquellos que están enfadados e indignados con la PMA querrán, en su mayoría, que se les nombre. Una especie de métrica informal que me viene a la mente es que cualquiera que haya debatido (en lugar de simplemente haber hecho un voto) en la ANI, en general, sería nombrado.

Pero no pretendo ser un experto en este tipo de cosas; estuve allí una vez para una oferta completa y me nombraron una vez en una en la que dije que no quería tener nada que ver con eso. Realmente me gusta tu estilo y creo que harás un excelente trabajo iniciando un Comité de Arbitraje. Tómate tu tiempo y pide consejo a tu alrededor.

Como escribió John Lennon: La vida es lo que te sucede mientras estás ocupado haciendo otros planes. Disfruta del viaje. Wikipedia es un lugar donde se pueden aprender lecciones de vida importantes y habilidades de debate sin sufrir ningún daño real. Mi lema es “Sé valiente y haz siempre lo correcto; incluso si es impopular entre la camarilla con la que te gustaría congraciarte”. Esos son mis 2 centavos. Greg L (discusión) 05:06 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

No querer congraciarme con nadie hace que esa última parte sea fácil. Te das cuenta de que nunca podría aprobar una RFA hoy, ¿verdad? Ni en 9 círculos ni en el limbo. Preguntaré por ahí sobre las partes en disputa. Creo que veo bastante bien el panorama. - GTBacchus ( discusión ) 05:15 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Greg: "Si yo fuera PMA...". Si tú fueras PMA, todos estaríamos en un gran problema. Como dijo Linus de Peanuts : "Bueno, las implicaciones teológicas por sí solas  ...". Ahora, si me permites dirigirme a nuestro colega, que es muy trabajador, (ya que esto debería ser de interés general):
Bacchus: ¡Buen trabajo! Me alegra que toda esa explicación detallada en tu página de discusión haya terminado. Es bueno tenerlo registrado para uso futuro. No participé en la charla de Google en WP:TITLE. Demasiado preocupado y harto de todo ese asunto. Pero me gustaría abordar el tema de una manera sostenida y sistemática en algún momento, ya que es fundamental para la elección de títulos y para la conducta y evaluación adecuadas de los RM, como hemos visto ampliamente demostrado. Estaré en contacto al respecto.
¿Té N oetica ? 05:13 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Espero con interés esa conversación. - GTBacchus ( discusión ) 05:15 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Publicaciones inapropiadas

Quisiera cuestionar el tono de al menos uno de sus mensajes recientes en la ANI sobre PManderson, en el que se muestra cierta frivolidad y cierto humor en un hilo serio. Me parece que ha sido de poca ayuda para los participantes y para el trabajo del administrador de cierre. Tony (discusión) 09:20 20 ago 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]


Veo que también te molesta que no haya respondido a tu correo electrónico. No siempre lo hago, pero la razón principal es que creo que la reciente convocatoria de propuestas abordó el problema en la medida en que se puede abordar ahora. No hay consenso para utilizarlas siempre, dejando de lado las afirmaciones de Hans Adler; no hay consenso para seguir las fuentes (cincuenta editores se han opuesto); no hay consenso, y es probable que nunca lo haya, para abandonarlas.

Todo lo que se puede hacer es señalar, caso por caso, lo que dicen las fuentes inglesas y ver si esto hace alguna diferencia; si esto es generalmente aceptado en la práctica, entonces habrá evidencia para demostrar que nuestra práctica es seguir las fuentes. Septentrionalis PMAnderson 17:21, 22 de agosto de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Una sinopsis de la astronomía de los cometas

En serio, si te interesa y no lo has visto antes, échale un vistazo a Sinopsis de la astronomía de los cometas. A mí me interesa más la historia de la astronomía (y de la ciencia en general), y veo por esa discusión que te interesa la astronomía amateur. Si alguna vez quisieras trabajar en un artículo de astronomía, estaría encantado de hacerlo. Y me disculpo por el comentario de "pérdida de tiempo". Tengo un estándar personal que trato de mantener (no muy bien) para leer e intentar mejorar un artículo (o sugerir una mejora) si se está discutiendo un cambio de nombre. Solo para mantener las cosas un poco más fundamentadas de lo que pueden ser en un torbellino interminable de discusiones sobre nombres y estilo. Un artículo sobre el que estoy señalando un problema de nombre en este momento es Georg Forster . Solo yo y el editor que lo trajo a FA en este momento. ¿Estarías dispuesto a dar una segunda opinión en la página de discusión de ese artículo? Carcharoth ( discusión ) 00:00, 6 de septiembre de 2011 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

¿Te importaría?

Creando una sección para tu propuesta que comience con "Los bloqueos no se imponen como retribución sino..." Yo también apoyaría esa formulación, pero la agregaste no como una propuesta sino como un voto de "oposición". Have mörser, will travel ( discusión ) 02:52 18 oct 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Quieres comentar?

Discusión:Marek Židlický#Movimiento solicitado¿Quién eres tú?  Discusión 02:22 27 oct 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Se unió a Wikipedia

Hola, acabo de unirme a Wikipedia. Disfruté mucho leyendo tus comentarios en la página de discusión del artículo de Anwar Awlaki. Tu capacidad para desmentir los intentos de otros que usan la política para impulsar puntos de vista es inspiradora. Si supiera cómo dar estrellas, te daría una. ¡Sigue así, hermano! TheLittlestTerrorist ( discusión ) 13:17 4 nov 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Notable de los jugadores de hockey sobre hielo

En relación con sus comentarios recientes realizados en Talk:Dominik Halmosi, tenga en cuenta que todos los jugadores de hockey sobre hielo mencionados en esta página cumplen uno o más de los criterios de notabilidad presunta que se enumeran en WP:NHOCKEY . Al igual que todos los subs enumerados en WP:Notability (sports) , este estándar de notabilidad se ha determinado mediante el consenso de todos los editores interesados. Si cree que es necesario abordar los criterios de NHOCKEY, el lugar adecuado para plantearlo sería en Wikipedia talk:Notability (sports) . Saludos. Dolovis ( talk ) 17:56 11 nov 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

No tengo ninguna intención, Dolovis, de acercarme a WP:HOCKEY ya que parece que en este momento está poblado por un club que no entiende cómo funciona Wikipedia y solo quiere hacer lo que le da la gana. Tendría que estar loco para entrar como un gordo, tonto y feliz en un club de personas con ideas afines que están ocupadas haciendo lo que quieren y decirles que no se les permite hacer lo que desean. Habría muy pocos editores sensatos que supieran lo que ustedes están haciendo y que pudieran respaldarme. La mayor parte del resto de Wikipedia no sabe ni se preocupa por el hockey y no podría importarle de ninguna manera que los jugadores de hockey checos jueguen en el equipo de hockey checo en la República Checa y los países vecinos. Tratar de informar al resto de la comunidad wikipedista de lo que ustedes están haciendo simplemente chocaría con WP:CANVAS . Esa es una de las trampas 22 de Wikipedia y es por eso que ocurren aberraciones como esta; Wikipedia es un lugar grande .

Parece que hay una multitud de fanáticos del hockey que actualmente están activos en los últimos meses en WP:HOCKEY y que han sido responsables de cosas imprudentes y que solo los están metiendo en todo tipo de problemas. Eso seguramente los frustrará porque mucho de lo que ahora les parece importante resultará frustrante e inútil al final. Según WP:LOCALCONSENSUS , el consenso entre un grupo limitado de editores, en un lugar y momento, no puede anular el consenso de la comunidad a una escala más amplia. Ese fenómeno claramente se ha arraigado en nuestros artículos relacionados con el hockey. Todos los artículos de Wikipedia deben cumplir con WP:NOTABILITY —sí, también los artículos de hockey, Dolovis (de verdad, de verdad).

Los aficionados de los equipos de hockey checos no pueden salir corriendo a celebrar pequeñas reuniones de trabajo y decidir convertir la versión en inglés de Wikipedia en un lugar para rendir homenaje a esos jugadores cuando en realidad son desconocidos en el mundo angloparlante. Todo lo que eso significa es que una camarilla que desee burlarse de los principios fundamentales de Wikipedia no constituye un consenso; es simplemente una camarilla que rompe las reglas.

Hace cinco años, cuando menos de una docena de editores, que me parecieron adoradores de Wesley Crusher que querían acelerar la adopción de la Tierra en la Federación Unida de Planetas, decidieron que Wikipedia ya no debía seguir la forma en que funcionaba el mundo real y que debía escribir: La computadora venía con 256  MiB de RAM (en lugar de los “256 MB” que usa todo el resto del planeta). Hicieron que Wikipedia hiciera eso (escribiendo “kibibits” y “mebibytes”) durante tres años . De hecho, las camarillas locales pueden hacer cosas imprudentes a corto plazo, como entrar en conflicto con WP:RS y otras pautas fundamentales. Lo siento, pero no puedo apoyar lo que estás intentando hacer. Feliz edición. Greg L (discusión) 18:08, 11 de noviembre de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lo único que digo es que el debate sobre RM no es el mejor lugar para plantear la cuestión de la notoriedad. Dolovis ( discusión ) 18:57 11 nov 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Esa RfC (enlace permanente aquí) es una RM, en la página de discusión de un solo jugador de hockey checo, donde la pregunta en cuestión era poner diacríticos en lengua eslava en los nombres (texto del cuerpo y títulos) de diez artículos diferentes (sobre diez jugadores diferentes). Por cierto, yo estaba a favor de eso . Sus nombres no han sido anglicanizados de manera efectiva a través del uso frecuente y familiar por parte de la preponderancia de los RS de habla inglesa más confiables. Cuando estaba a punto de agregar mi voto de "apoyo", me pregunté por qué sus nombres no habían sido anglicanizados de manera efectiva y me di cuenta de que era porque esos diez jugadores no son lo más mínimo notables en la prensa en lengua inglesa.

Lo que se ha hecho con esos diez jugadores (sospecho que todavía hay más) es lo mismo que si yo me hubiera ido corriendo y hubiera creado un pequeño club de fans (léase: camarilla) y hubiésemos creado WP:Yak herders donde *decidiéramos* (mediante un *consenso* local) que necesitábamos un artículo sobre →este pastor de yaks← porque despellejó más yaks en 2003 que su vecino del valle. Así que es fascinante para mí y para otros ocho editores y ahora estamos convencidos de que Necesitamos Llevar a la Prensa de Habla Inglesa a un Nuevo Orden Mundial ©™® porque el mundo de habla inglesa necesita saber sobre ellos (a pesar de que ni siquiera estamos tratando de seguir a los RS para ver si el artículo cumple con los requisitos de WP:NOTABILITY ). Así que…

As you can plainly read there, I wrote that that an admin should speedy-close the RM and a new RfC should be started there on that same page of that one Czech hockey player to delete the articles for all ten Czech hockey players. What’s good for the goose (RM) is good for the gander (delete) because they all share a common issue of lack of notability. It is inappropriate to have articles about those Czech players in a general-purpose English-language encyclopedia. Greg L (talk) 19:24, 11 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]


You were involved in a discussion here, which has been alluded to in a new discussion here. I'm letting all editors in that first discussion, other than those who are already participating and one who has been banned from interacting with me for hounding, know of this newer discussion.--Epeefleche (talk) 21:36, 18 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

In this post on 8 Jan 2011 Where did you get that information that "Epeefleche is an attorney"? -- PBS (talk) 03:34, 24 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]


" There seems to be hyperbole-in-search-of-superlatives here. "

Just wanted to say... one of the best lines I've read in a long time. Did you just make that up ? --Born2cycle (talk) 06:38, 5 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


I just added his nick to the beginning of my paragraph (do you think that is sufficient?). It was originally a edit conflict with you, and i was too lazy to change it around by that point. Generally I don't like to resort to using an editors name over and over in place of 'you' and 'your' because sometimes it comes off as sort of dickish. -Kai445 (talk) 21:09, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  • Understood. All’s well that ends well; both for that little thread with PMA (who really shouldn’t be on that page at all) and for the move, where the “support” voters share a common and consistent premise for their position. I would not have fared well in the communist Soviet Union. A younger me would have been indignant about not being able to cry foul over “the few having dominion over the many” and I would have been busting rocks in a gulag for ten years. Fortunately, this is Wikipedia where good and bad outcomes are virtual ones (even though many editors get too wrapped up in it and make it their own reality). It has been a true joy collaborating with you and some others on all of this. Happy editing. Greg L (talk) 21:19, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I know what you mean. Dicklyon (talk) 21:15, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
The last sentence in that comment is unclear about who you are referring to. --Born2cycle (talk) 21:16, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • With the “@PMA”, it seems clear enough to me. Greg L (talk) 21:19, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


Hi. I think it's clear that you were offended by my posts in the yogurt discussion. I understand that my !vote was made in a tone and manner likely to cause offense, and I have retracted what I believe to be the problematic part of it. You were right to call me out, and I'm sorry for being an ass.

If my amended post is still offensive, please let me know, so can further edit myself in accordance with good manners and good taste. It is important to me to avoid alienating other Wikipedians, and I very clearly screwed up. I'm sorry. -GTBacchus(talk) 22:35, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

👍 Like Now there's the GTB I know and love. --Born2cycle (talk) 23:56, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Greg. There's a lot of KiB usage in the tables at Pentium#Pentium-branded processors. I've never heard those units used to measure cache size, so it's strange that someone thought it okay to use them there. Before I change them, could you confirm that you think they should be changed? Thanks. GFHandel ♬  19:12, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  • I think a simple "yes" would have sufficed :) Jeh (talk) 00:00, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • Sure. And FDR could have said “Japan poopy. Let’s go to war.” Sometimes a little elaboration gets people on the same page. Greg L (talk) 18:52, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


You have been blocked from editing for a period of 24 hours for persistent disruptive editing, as you did at Talk:Yogurt. Once the block has expired, you are welcome to make useful contributions. If you would like to be unblocked, you may appeal this block by adding the text {{unblock|reason=Your reason here ~~~~}}, but you should read the guide to appealing blocks first. - 2/0 (cont.) 23:24, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
This user's unblock request has been reviewed by an administrator, who accepted the request.

Greg L (block log • active blocks • global blocks • contribsdeleted contribs • filter log • creation logchange block settings • unblock • checkuser (log))

Request reason:

It was a civil misunderstanding there (perma-link here). I was not editwarring and I was not making personal attacks on anyone else there. In fact, I was telling another editor to not be uncivil. An editor was telling another editor he couldn’t make edits on that page because of *who* he was. I at first thought he was telling me that he reverted my edits there and was telling me *I* couldn’t edit there. As it turned out, he was telling another editor he couldn’t edit because he was overly involved. My position was that we never tell other editors in good standing that they can’t edit and only focus on another editor’s edits. As it was, it was all over two editors complaining to each other about an edit on yet another article (WP:LAME). So I made what I thought was a middle-of-the road edit to that article to make peace. And the response to that effort of mine? User: Boing! said Zebedee, who had already struck the offending text in his original post (regarding how an overly involved editor can’t edit) and responded Looks good to me. And yes, all just a misunderstanding - but all's well that ends well. Cheers. Greg L (talk) 23:57, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Accept reason:

Block does not appear to be justified. Horologium (talk) 01:03, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

This is rather odd. I see no evidence of Greg being warned prior to being blocked , nor any evidence of a blockable offense. Disruptive editing? What or who exactly was being disrupted? Comments on a talk page are disruptive? Granted there was a misunderstanding, but it was clearly an honest (and kind of funny, IMHO) misunderstanding, which was resolved by those participating quite civilly. I find this baffling, actually. This is how editors are supposed to behave, AFAIK. If this doesn't get immediately reversed, I will take this to AN/I. --Born2cycle (talk) 00:04, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Agree with Born2cycle. This is bewildering. I support taking this to AN/I as the block appears to be a misuse of the tools (that has to be explained to the community). GFHandel ♬  00:45, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I started a section at the administrator's notice board [10]. --Born2cycle (talk) 00:46, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

FYI, a reason for the block (see the "Block discussion" section). GFHandel ♬  01:10, 17 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, so it was intentional! Without a warning or explanation (until 3 months later)? I suggest that kind of block is much more disruptive than whatever he thought Greg was doing. --Born2cycle (talk) 04:32, 17 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

The ANI discussion resulting from the block mentioned things like "one off" and "account compromise", however now that we know that not to be the case, perhaps the ANI discussion needs revisiting? Note that this is not 2over0's only suspect block, e.g. this. GFHandel ♬  05:46, 17 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I think it's crucial that there be consequences for this kind of abuse of power. But my experience with AN/I is that unless there is an immediate problem that requires admin assistance, they ignore it. That said, I don't know where to take this. Maybe AN? --Born2cycle (talk) 07:21, 17 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with you B2C: notwithstanding your sense of what is righteous and good, what actually happens on en.Wikipedia with rogue admins is another matter altogether. The foul must pretty much shock the conscience of the admin and ‘crat community for a rogue admin to be desysoped. In my opinion, the problem here with 2over0 are three-fold:
  1. His comment at the bottom here on his talk page shows he is effectively immune to social pressure;
  2. His comment that I was “spewing vitriol across a number of conversations,” where no other editor, admin, or bureaucrat remotely shared that view, demonstrates he can resort to hyperbole to defend the indefensible;
  3. His lengthy absences (two weeks before my block) and then briefly materializing like a phantom from a parallel universe to make a block out of the clear blue that baffles everyone else and just as quickly disappearing suggests he is not engaged in Wikipedia until someone alerts him via email and asks him for a no-questions-asked block.
As I recall, he specifically denied #3, above. His explanations weren’t in the least bit credible given the evidence. He hadn’t been active on the discussion thread (hadn’t ever been on that page before as I recall), never showed an interest on the Yogurt article content itself, didn’t leave a warning on the Talk:Yogurt discussion page, didn’t leave a warning on my talk page, and didn’t even hang around on Wikipedia long enough to respond to questions on Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard when the community was going “WTF?!?”
2over0 isn’t the first admin who lost interest in Wikipedia but he is a bit rare insofar as his apparent willingness to serve as a hired gun for his old peeps. I continue to believe the long-term remedy for this kind of phenomenon is to bring the English-language version of Wikipedia in conformance with the other-language versions and develop a procedure for the community to desysop admins that doesn’t look like the procedure to remove the Pope. That is how we best serve the interests of the editor community and—in turn—that is how we best improve the process of building the project.
It has been three months since this bad block was resolved. Its being revived here… now—apparently in response to yet another bad block by 2over0—while understandable, is less than ideal. I would prefer if you two (B2C and GFHandel) discussed this further on your respective talk pages unless you have a specific question for me. It’s nice to hear from you both though. I’ve been very busy lately in real life. Greg L (talk) 17:31, 17 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Still can’t edit though

I tried to write “Thanks, gents” at the ANI but I am still blocked (notwithstanding the splendid green color of the above block notice). Should I be patient? Or has something slipped through the cracks? Maybe someone can point this out to Horologium. Greg L (talk) 01:08, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, BTW: Thanks, gents. Greg L (talk) 01:09, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Try now. I missed the autoblock. Don't forget to purge your cache. Horologium (talk) 01:21, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Works now. Greg L (talk) 01:22, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

“Nuclear” issue

If this block was the result of someone hacking an admin’s account, then I have a hunch what it was about: touching upon a “nuclear” hot-button issue. I got involved this evening in a hot-button issue over the IEC prefixes (“mebibyte = MiB”, etc.) and made Pentium compliant with WP:COMPUNITS (∆ edit, here). That battle over the improper use of the IEC prefixes here on Wikipedia for three years resulted in some editors being banned and a couple who threw themselves on their swords. It might be that one or more of these old editors have come back as I.P.s in order to keep at it. What with my edit at “Pentium”, this block may indeed have been a hack by one of these editors. Greg L (talk) 01:22, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think that this is a hacking concern, yet. I think that the boilerplate disclaimer on 2/0's user page is receiving undue attention here. Unless there is another indication of a compromised account, I don't think we need to worry about it at this time. Horologium (talk) 01:27, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Perhaps. It seems odd that he would have one, single edit (to block me) after two weeks of inactivity and then immediately become unavailable again without a peep of a response after other editors inquire on his talk page. I am impressed with the community’s response at the ANI over this block. Greg L (talk) 01:31, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


Thanks Geo Swan (talk) 05:21, 14 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The Purple Star

To me, the real-life analogy is a policeman who purposefully arrests and jails someone innocent for no legitimate reason whatsoever... a career-ending action. --Born2cycle (talk) 19:23, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
On Wikipedia, a drive-by blocking by an admin who hadn’t been active for two weeks, somehow managed to stop by Wikipedia long enough to dish out a bad block, and then goes back to real life (watching “Wheel of Fortune”) means he’s gonna have to not respond to inquisitive and indignant editors on his talk page with the expectation that they eventually get bored and the hubbub dies down (which it eventually does). He learned a lesson, nonetheless. Greg L (talk) 19:37, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

File permission problem with File:Handle with TransMagic add-in in Inventor.png

Thanks for uploading File:Handle with TransMagic add-in in Inventor.png, which you've sourced to Screenshot - Autodesk Inventor. I noticed that while you provided a valid copyright licensing tag, there is no proof that the creator of the file agreed to license it under the given license.

If you created this media entirely yourself but have previously published it elsewhere (especially online), please either

If you did not create it entirely yourself, please ask the person who created the file to take one of the two steps listed above, or if the owner of the file has already given their permission to you via email, please forward that email to

If you believe the media meets the criteria at Wikipedia:Non-free content, use a tag such as {{non-free fair use in|article name}} or one of the other tags listed at Wikipedia:File copyright tags#Fair use, and add a rationale justifying the file's use on the article or articles where it is included. See Wikipedia:File copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have provided evidence that their copyright owners have agreed to license their works under the tags you supplied, too. You can find a list of files you have created in your upload log. Files lacking evidence of permission may be deleted one week after they have been tagged, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. You may wish to read the Wikipedia's image use policy. If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you.  Ronhjones  (Talk) 15:29, 27 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I created this solid model myself and made this screen capture myself and uploaded the image to Wikipedia myself and clicked the checkbox that asked “Did you create this yourself?”

  1. Some bot cruising for copyright violations didn’t believe me when I said I create the image and license it under creative commons; or
  2. This is about how one can see some menu items in the program I used at the top (showing how one can import files from AutoDesk Inventor and they will come out looking the same) and I failed to say something like There are some visual interface elements showing in this image to enable the reader to discern that AutoDesk Inventor is being used to export the original solid model. AutoDesk’s rights aren’t infringed when simple visual elements are illustrated because there is no accompanying output code or source code. Displaying such basic visual elements to show something is considered fair use in order to offer an encyclopedic treatment and critical commentary of the software in question and how it accepts solid models from other programs.
I’m just guessing that it might be one of the above two problems. If it is the #2 issue (a 58-pixel-high area at the top of the image showing visual elements of the program I used), then perhaps I shouldn’t have checked the checkbox that I created the image myself and should have instead said the image was the work of someone else. Or perhaps I should have checked the box that came closest and then hunted over Wikipedia for images showing screen captures of software being used, snagged the fair-use template there, and added it to my Creative Commons license allowing others to use the image of my handle.
I have absolutely no idea if my above-conjectured fair-use rationale cuts the mustard because I didn’t take any courses in copyright law before trying my hand at being a wikipedian. Greg L (talk) 20:59, 27 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I've tidied them up - I'm still awake... The main purpose is to make sure they will stay, if they got moved to commons, then (sadly) you get no notifications of any deletion requests! They go to whoever did the move, be that a move bot or a user. I've removed the CSD#F11 tag as permission is not applicable for non-free. The cc-by-sa had to go as that is the item that makes it "all free media", the non free template is best as "Non-free software screenshot", also removed the "Move to commons" template for you. Images now show the hidden cats as "Hidden categories: Non-free Wikipedia files with valid backlink : All non-free media" as expected.  Ronhjones  (Talk) 01:10, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much. Greg L (talk) 01:14, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
And I've found out how to attribute just your handle image - just add some text - a CC declaration does not have to be a template - they are convenient for most purposes, but not for split usage.  Ronhjones  (Talk) 01:28, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, Greg L. You have new messages at Ronhjones's talk page.
Message added 00:13, 28 December 2011 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.[reply]

 Ronhjones  (Talk) 00:13, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

steaming pile

Hi Greg,

I was wondering if you could spend a few more words on why you think this: "... embarrassing steaming pile and I can see why it has proven to be essentially impossible to improve it over the years." about Cold fusion. I just want to understand. I thought it was interesting how you presented yourself in the first few edits on the talk page and how you took another approach after you had read a few sources. Thanks anyhow --POVbrigand (talk) 18:38, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, --POVbrigand (talk) 20:58, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
And, FYI, I’ve done research with palladium coatings and studied their micro-textures with scanning electron microscopes. And wrote a patent application covering that topic. There is a surprising amount of overlap between fuel cells and cold-fusion research. I find it exceedingly frustrating having to argue with people who get their fill of baloney from bogus cold fusion sites and buy it hook, line, and sinker; for instance, the stuff seen on LENR‑, which appears to me to be a vanity site run by Jed Rothwell. On that vanity site (this is all my opinion, now Disclaimer), he has documents like “Cold Fusion and the Future” in which he writes of “Robot Chickens and Other Prodigies”. I suspect User:EdChem has similar sentiments underlying why he’s largely thrown in the towel on our Cold fusion article. Greg L (talk) 03:45, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Your open letter to Aliens

I was just reading through your user page when the above title (or something similar) caught my eye and I felt compelled to read it in its entirety. I found it quite amusing and thought I would stop by and let you know. --Kumioko (talk) 19:49, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

You won't believe this but the Extraterrestrial Embassy is in my street: Google Maps. Sometimes I walk past it and have a quick glance, but I've never seen anything unusual (but that's probably what they want me to believe). :-) GFHandel ♬  20:08, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Oddly I believe I even see the dubious outlines of a Black sedan peeking from behind the garage and I'm sure its just a coincidence that there is a place for Coaching managers and mentors a short distance away...Very interesting. --Kumioko (talk) 20:40, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
A couple of streets north-west of the embassy is my local watering hole (appropriately named Grumpys). They sell alcoholic beverages there that allow you to forget that only 200 metres (660 ft) away there might be extraterrestrials getting their passports stamped. We could use lots more observant people such as yourself in the area, however if you do visit please bring enough aluminium to make your very own tin foil hat (because there's no way you're getting mine). :-) GFHandel ♬  21:03, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
LOL, no problem, Youtube has several "tutorials" on Tin hat preparation so I should be covered. --Kumioko (talk) 21:16, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
An update: Google has removed the text "Extraterrestrial Embassy" from the map picture (as linked above). I can confirm the address as 5 Garnet street—which is indeed the house with the black car parked out back. They have a Facebook page that includes their mission statement as: "We strive to provide communicable environments for all EBE and locals to get along, we will endevour to improve the life of any humanoid through diplomatic and direct means". I live way down the other end of the street, but I suspect that I am still well within the impact crater that will result if they manage to upset the wrong EBE. GFHandel ♬  23:30, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You’re welcome, and it seems to tie in nicely with the similar themed story abit above it. Together these would make a good story in a variety of magaizines IMO. Great reading. --Kumioko (talk) 20:40, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I appreciate your sharing that sentiment.

P.S. My aunt was a pilot before the war and taught Navy pilots how to fly during the early part of the war. She met Eleanor Roosevelt in the ladys’ room at Felts Field here in Spokane. My aunt had done her thing in the stall and got out of the stall to zip up her flight suit. Eleanor saw that she was a female pilot and struck up a conversation—I assume about what, exactly, my aunt was doing for the war effort.

Later, my aunt got work as a test pilot during the war. B‑25 planes were sent stateside for refurbishment at a plant in the southwest. Her job was to take the planes up immediately after refurbishment and make sure everything was in working order. She wrote my mother during this time and said they needed workers in the plant. So my mom drove down and got a job refurbishing oil-pressure regulators. She’d push a cart under the work line as mechanics dropped the pressure regulators off the engines. Then she’d take a few dozen of the regulators to her workbench and refurbish them. If she didn’t get all of them refurbished by the end of her shift, she hid them from the next shift because she didn’t want anyone else working on “her” regulators. I never knew any of this—about either of them—until decades after my aunt died. My mother, as I write this, is 89 years old and wintering in Arizona.

It’s no mystery why there was no WWII memorial built until recently. The WWII generation didn’t think, “Hey, let’s build a memorial to us!” Everyone was involved in the effort and the only novel aspect worth raising a statue to was one celebrating that the war was finally over.

In my travels, I’ve taken the time to look at Civil War and “Great War” (WWI) memorials. They invariably have plaques mentioning when they were erected. Typically, they are erected about 25–35 years later by a thoughtful and appreciative “next” generation. Clearly, the Baby Boom generation had their reasons for waiting. That we had to look around and see our parents’ generation dying off to finally see things in historical context is unfortunate.

The Confederate Air Force periodically flies a B‑17 bomber to Felts Field and they have an evening dinner (I forget how much per plate—but not much). The last time we went, we did so with our best-friend couple. From what my wife told me afterwards, I had a goofy smile on my face at times during the dinner. They played Glenn Miller music in the early evening with the B‑17 parked diagonally on the tarmac nearby as the last of sunset clouds faded black. I was lost in history. Greg L (talk) 20:58, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

This may surprise you but I share your sentiments. I have had the honor of doing a number of things that have allowed me the ability to reflect on the happenings of several of the Wars including my father (he was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed). By strange coincidence I was stationed or visited a couple of the places he was stationed including Pearl Harbor (I was on the military color guard when the parked the Missouri there and when the decommissioned it in Bremerton, Wa). I have been fortunate to hear the stories and reflections of quite a few of the people who lived through those unfortunate events. Its a shame that more people today don't realize the things they take for granted. --Kumioko (talk) 21:16, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Greg, the situation at WT:AT is pretty confusing. I hope my response to what you posted helps clear things up. Let me know. See also: User_talk:Kwamikagami#WP:TITLE. Thanks. --Born2cycle (talk) 21:24, 31 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Personal attack

"Accusations about personal behavior that lack evidence", such as the opinions of my behavior expressed by you here at WT:RM, are personal attacks. See WP:NPA#WHATIS. Why you think any of this is appropriate at WT:RM is beyond me.

Please remove all your comments about me and my behavior from that talk page. If you have an issue with my behavior, take it up in an appropriate forum, like my talk page, please. Thank you. --Born2cycle (talk) 19:03, 16 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

You changed another editor’s post by improperly hiding behind the apron strings of WP:NPA (perma‑link here). His was a legitimate post, was not a personal attack, and you have no leg to stand on. And if you really thought that when another editor improperly makes a personal attack that one should raise the issue on that editor’s talk page, then you would have gone to GTBacchus’s talk page and politely asked him to refactor his post. But no, you baited him by changing his post with a B.S. claim of deleting something that was a personal attack.

The recent MfD on a dirt‑file page you created on someone shows that you have an uncanny ability to use Wikipedia’s policies in a lopsided manner. And your arguments there show that you choose to exhibit a profound resistance to understanding what others are saying; either that, or arguing is a game of acting clueless—a game of “blind man’s bluff.” For that, Beeblebrox (yet another admin) dished you a nice trout. Now…

You are cruising for a WQA if you keep being tendentious and disruptive. Considering all the enemies in high places you’ve made lately, you may not like the outcome of a WQA one bit. Were I you, I’d cool your jets. I personally think that you fancy your participation on Wikipedia not as collegially helping in a collaborative writing environment, but as a contest and game of brinkmanship where you feel you must get your way at all costs. Greg L (talk) 19:14, 16 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

If that's really your opinion, it makes me sad. The very idea of anyone being in a "high place" relative to other editors is contrary to the essence of WP, and your choice of words reveals much about you, which is sad. --Born2cycle (talk) 19:33, 16 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
(*sigh*) I’m referring to admins, who have a lot of what I call “practical power” on Wikipedia, if not “paper power.” Wikipedia is part of the real world; wake up and smell the coffee. You are ticking off admins and regular editors galore with your tendentious brinksmanship; it’s disruptive and if it doesn’t stop, we may well find ourselves in a situation to gauge whether there is a community consensus to put an end to it. Greg L (talk) 19:50, 16 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. I note this response GTBacchus left you on his talk page:

I'm not going to remove my comments, because they're relevant to how requested moves work - do we continue to tolerate behavior of the sort you're displaying, or don't we? Relevant issue.

If you want specifics, I'm happy to provide more details, but the evidence is precisely the section in which I posted. My use of the pronoun "this" indicates that the dispute at hand is evidence of your tendentious behavior. You don't let a thing go, but instead fight every decision you disagree with as far as you can, like a lawyer bent on reaching the Supreme Court, or so it has appeared to me over the months I've seen you do your work. You want a list? Such behavior is contrary to our cultural norms, and is harmful to the project.

You are fulfilling my prediction to a 't': tendentious complaints, and no evidence of self-examination. Apparently, you just don't consider that your behavior might be a problem. I suggest you consider it, very, very carefully.

If you feel that I'm out of line, there are appropriate fora to drag me to, and I'm sure you're fully aware of them. If I make a list of your problem behaviors, with detailed evidence, it'll be an RFC/U, because I'm not going to waste my time doing it twice.

Good day to you, sir. -GTBacchus(talk) 19:12, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

Taking the Star Trek TNG metaphor a tad further (see my *sigh* link above), if I were Deanna Troi, I might opine that “I’m sensing deep frustration here.” Greg L (talk) 20:10, 16 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

What you guys don't seem to notice is that I push only when the decision in question is obviously problematic to a significant number of other editors besides me. Recent examples of this include Yogurt, Catholic Memorial School and Sega Genesis. I suggest in all three cases, the CMS one being ongoing (the other two longstanding issues now finally and probably permanently resolved, which is my goal), my efforts have ultimately contributed towards improving the encyclopedia (final/permanent/amicable resolution of contentious issues), yet my behavior there is exactly what you guys are complaining about. I don't see what it is you think I'm doing that's inappropriate or problematic. Let's just say your accusations are markedly absent of links to diffs. --Born2cycle (talk) 20:24, 16 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

My suggestion is to bypass WQA, which is just a talking shop that will get clogged up with more TLDR, and go straight for RFC/U. --Ohconfucius ¡digame! 01:35, 17 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Please stop harassing me[11] [12]. --Born2cycle (talk) 22:52, 17 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Time to move on?

I'm not fully in support of everything B2C has done, but the latest post (at MfD) looks like a serious attempt to apologize, and start over. I don't think it is helpful to pile on with accusations of lying. Please consider moving on. B2C accepts that (s)he has a writing style that has created problems, and is asking for advice, and trying to do better. I don't pretend I've followed all of the interactions, so maybe I'm seeing only a portion of the issue, but I think it would be nice to let this go and see if problems re-occur. FTR, I think the decision to delete was wrong, but in the grand scheme of things, not worth the battle to review the decision. I urge you to overlook some possible inconsistencies in the responses, accept that B2C is trying, and move on.--SPhilbrick(Talk) 18:50, 20 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Time to “move on” after the guy managed to frustrate an excellent admin (see User talk:GTBacchus#So sick of this bullshit) to the point he concluded Wikipedia is utterly broken in its ability to deal with chronically tendentious editors??? And is now quitting Wikipedia due to all that disruption (see User talk:GTBacchus#Why I'm leaving)? What’s wrong with that picture? I don’t think so. Greg L (talk) 18:59, 20 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

FYI: The scrapbook page on the upcoming RFC/U on B2C is here: User:Greg L/sandbox. ONLY editors who truly want to compile factual evidence and prepare the motion are welcome. Greg L (talk) 19:02, 20 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

An RFC/U doesn't have to end in a ban, and while you're framing that as the only possible outcome, I can't help with it. --SarekOfVulcan (talk) 19:07, 20 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Very well. You are correct. I’ll fix that and leave the options for remedies open ended. Greg L (talk) 19:10, 20 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Appreciate that. I'll look in later and see if there's anything I want to bring up again.--SarekOfVulcan (talk) 19:17, 20 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Your sandbox

Greg, I note the link at AN to your proposed RFC/U. I haven't looked at it yet, but I already can say I'm happy for it to be done by someone other than me (I had proposed action at the same AN thread, very tentatively). It should only be launched if there's very good diff evidence. Tony (talk) 06:41, 21 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Harassment (2nd request)

This is the second time I'm requesting that you stop harassing me as you did again WT:AT and User talk:Elen of the Roads.

The incidents I noted previously were at WT:RM and User talk:GTBacchus.

I don't know if it is your purpose, and I don't doubt you're acting in good faith, but to me, and perhaps to an outside observer, these comments, placed where they are, seem designed (perhaps unconsciously?) to undermine me in those particular discussions. Whatever your motivation, they are harassment, and I want you to stop commenting about me and my behavior in these settings where it is inappropriate.

I remind you that harassment is defined as:

Harassment is defined as a pattern of repeated offensive behavior that appears to a reasonable observer to intentionally target a specific person or persons. Usually (but not always) the purpose is to make the target feel threatened or intimidated, and the outcome may be to make editing Wikipedia unpleasant for the target, to undermine them, to frighten them, or to discourage them from editing entirely.

Please also be aware that these confrontational comments and personal attacks on multiple pages are evidence of wikihounding.

That said, constructive criticism is always welcome... on my talk page or in appropriate venues. But unsolicited advice on the talk pages of policy pages, articles, or those of other users, where, again, their purpose appears to be to undermine me, is not welcome. I hope that's clear. Thank you. --Born2cycle (talk) 05:05, 23 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Disruptive editing is a pattern of editing that may extend over a long time or many articles, and disrupts progress towards improving an article or building the encyclopedia. Disruptive editing is not usually considered vandalism, but vandalism can be disruptive.

Note also that what you label “harassment” at WT:AT (∆ edit here), read in total as follows:

Born2cycle, here are the number of posts by editors here on this page as of this writing:

  1. Born2cycle: 98
  2. Kotniski: 74
  3. Dicklyon: 72
  4. Greg L: 38
  5. JCScaliger: 30
  6. Blueboar: 23
  7. Ohconfucius: 9
  8. Kwami: 6

Well, if one wanted to be “Number one”, you’ve got it… in pure edit count, anyway. If you truly posses great facility to use facts, logic and reason to explain something to people who apparently just can't get it, (∆ edit for this claim, here), perhaps you might lighten up on keyboard pounding (there is no requirement that others admire your writings as much as you apparently do) and allow your logic to persuade instead of making everyone have to scroll further. There’s clear evidence here that if you were to back off with your edit counts, probably a full half of everyone else’s edits would disappear since a lot of us here find ourselves compelled to respond to your saying the same thing over and over in a vain effort to merely stem the tide of all your keyboard pounding. Greg L (talk) 01:09, 23 January 2012 (UTC)

It was a legitimate observation that you writing an awful lot there—more than your fair share. Perhaps you should consider your impact on the community and tone it down a tad??
Please note that admin GTBacchus, in User talk:GTBacchus#So sick of this bullshit also wrote “unsolicited” advise to you while explaining why you drove him off of Wikipedia. That reads as follows:

Wikipedia is not made of policies and pages that might or might not adhere to the policies. It's not made of arguments that might or might not be consistent or valid. It's made of human beings, with feelings, volunteering their time because we enjoy this and find it fun. If your actions make others stop finding it fun, then you're hurting the project, because you're making people not want to contribute. You've sucked the fun out of it for me, Born2cycle, and that's why I get kind of sick when I see your name.

You don't get it. You don't get when you're driving someone to the point of hair-pulling frustration, that maybe you should back the fuck off, and that maybe some things are more important than making clever, detailed arguments. If you drive off other volunteers, then you're doing net harm to the project, no matter how cleverly you clarify a rule about a trivial titling matter. I hate you, because you're more interested in being right than you are in whether other people can stand to interact with you. Please stay off my talk page. You make me sick.

Thanks for pissing in my corn flakes, you self-centered prick. Now drag me to WQA, like the officious fuck that you are. I'm just about fucking sick of this project, because people like you are allowed to run rampant. I spend years, trying to do my very goddamned best at being an admin, and trying my very goddamned best to be pleasant to everyone while doing it, and I'm largely successful at it... until you come along with your revolting attitude, and never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER let up, no matter how ROTTEN you make other volunteers feel about giving their hard work and time to a project they used to love. I'm ready to throw in the fucking towel.

Is anybody listening? -GTBacchus(talk) 05:31, 19 January 2012 (UTC)

That’s a serious bit of advise and I’m not sure you are really taking it to heart.
Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your concerns here on my talk page, where concerns of such nature are properly raised rather than further filling up talk pages even more. Happy editing and best wishes. Greg L (talk) 05:43, 23 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. I let Admin:Elen of the Roads know about your concerns (at the bottom here) to make sure your concerns receive the due diligence they deserve. Anytime there are hard feelings and one editor feels that he is being threatened or intimidated, such concerns should be carefully looked into. Greg L (talk) 06:04, 23 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

(edit conflict) 👍 Like. This feels much more constructive. Thank you. I'm well aware of my issues and I'm attempting to fix them. But I made my pledge two days ago - those statistics you cited were from edits made prior to then. At any rate, every page has someone who has made the most edits. I'm not sure that making about 35% more edits than the #2 and #3 contributors (especially considering my propensity to make "fix/tweak/clarify" edits - a characteristic I note that you share) is necessarily indicative of a problem.

I suggest about 80% of the current text of WT:AT wouldn't be there if those few objecting to my Dec 21 edit would have engaged in substantive discourse about the change and their objection, rather than stonewalling in favor of the status quo. Status quo stonewalling (a new essay I just started still in early draft form - your contributions are welcome) worked to prevent the move of Yoghurt to the more naturally stable Yogurt for eight years, and now it's being used to object to the restoring of half a dozen words to the Recognizability criterion which clarify what recognizability actually means on WP (that we strive to make our titles recognizable to those familiar with each respective topic, not to those who are unfamiliar with the topic, which any dozen clicks on SPECIAL:RANDOM can readily confirm).

I note that the edit warring on WP:AT today did not involve me - so it's not all about me as some like to argue in order to justify dismissing my points. --Born2cycle (talk) 06:12, 23 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. I didn't feel threatened or intimidated by what you did. I felt undermined. --Born2cycle (talk) 06:13, 23 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You are under a microscope… an electron microscope, right now. I am now going to back WAY off and let you sink or swim. If the next community action against you bites you, it won’t be from me. Greg L (talk) 06:17, 23 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I've always behaved under the assumption that I'm under a microscope. I mean, history here is always there - it doesn't even fade. --Born2cycle (talk) 06:26, 23 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Community input required: lowering delist bar at FPC

You are receiving this because of your current or past association with the Featured Pictures project. Following on from several cases where closers did not observe the prescribed minimum votes required for a delisting, there is now a motion to entirely dismiss the requirement for a minimum. Please participate in the discussion as wide-ranging changes may arise.

Link: Wikipedia talk:Featured picture candidates#Delist procedure changes Papa Lima Whiskey 2 (talk) 14:22, 24 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

My statement to Elen

My statement to Elen of the Roads (talk · contribs) about our dispute regarding WT:AT recognizability was so long I put it in a separate file, User:Born2cycle/DearElen. If you have a chance to look it over, and let me know if you find any inaccuracies or other problems with it, I would appreciate it. If you don't mind, please leave comments about it at User talk:Born2cycle/DearElen. Thanks! --Born2cycle (talk) 19:00, 24 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

POTD notification


Hi Greg,

Just to let you know that the Featured Picture File:NURBS 3-D surface.gif is due to make an appearance as Picture of the Day on January 28, 2012. If you get a chance, you can check and improve the caption at Template:POTD/2012-01-28. howcheng {chat} 07:26, 26 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

new messages

Hello, Greg L. You have new messages at Born2cycle's talk page.
Message added 22:33, 26 January 2012 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.[reply]

Crickets chirping?

This is what you wrote at ARBCOM: "Not too long ago, I wandered in, saw the conflict, and inquired if someone could explain the distinction between the two versions being advocated. The first time around, my inquiry was met with the sound of crickets chirping. "

Some key excerpts from WT:AT:

In short, will someone please explain what this is really about? Greg L (talk) 17:43, 31 December 2011 (UTC)

Unfortunately, the distinction between V. 1 and V. 2 seems superficially innocuous. ... Greg L (talk) 22:33, 31 December 2011 (UTC)

Hmm. Did you read the opening comment of WT:AT#Clarification_of_recognizability_lost? I think it's all there... the difference is that V1 restricts the scope of recognizability of a given title to those who are familiar with the topic in question, while V2 omits that restriction in scope. The implications are huge. With V1, obscure topics with unique names can have just those unique names as their titles, which is how articles have been named traditionally in WP (click SPECIAL:RANDOM about a dozen times for probably at least six examples); V2 indicates more descriptive information should be added to such titles, which is contrary to what is actually normally done: only when the additional descriptive information is actually needed for disambiguation per WP:D and WP:PRECISION. ... --Born2cycle (talk) 22:56, 31 December 2011 (UTC)

I answered your question, explaining the distinction between the versions, succinctly and completely about five hours after your first inquiry. How is that "crickets chirping"? --Born2cycle (talk) 03:14, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

It appears they did not understand they were changing the meaning of the criterion by implying it needs to be broadly recognizable to meet the criterion, rather than simply be recognizable to those familiar with the topic, which is a huge change. The long-standing original wording emphasized that titles don't need to be "universally recognized" to meet the criteria, but only have to be recognizable to those familiar with (though not necessarily expert in) the topic.

I did repeat it as quoted above after you said you still didn't get it. Unfortunately, you didn't get it after my second explanation either, so I think I gave up (in an already extremely frustrating situation, this was really difficult for me - and is also why I was so shocked when a few weeks later you had a much clearer understanding of what was going on - though you apparently didn't realize you were looking at the same distinction between the same two wordings).

Anyway, I see you left this in your ARBCOM report: "Part of this “not being able to explain”-phenomenon is that the partisans are often loath to openly admit what certain wording means because the wording being discussed is purposely ambiguous and wholesome sounding but has hidden meaning; openly explaining the practical effect would expose the individual’s agenda."

I agree this is exactly what Dick, Noetica and Tony are doing, because on the one hand they revert efforts to change the wording, but they also deny there is much difference in meaning (then why fight it?), much less explain what the difference is. I, on the other hand, noted from the outset that it was a "huge change", and explained what it was. So I take deep offense if there is any implication that your statement applies to me, because say what you want about me being too wordy (and I'm probably doing it now), but one thing I definitely never do is not "admit what certain wording means because the wording being discussed is purposely ambiguous and wholesome sounding but has hidden meaning". To the contrary, I try to be clear to a fault. It might be TLDR, but don't say it's not there!

By the way, your 600-word limit idea is probably a good solution to help me with my problem, but it doesn't address the Dicklyon/Tony/Noetica issue at all. Have you looked at what they said about your poll? They don't accept it either. They were less willing to disrupt something you were trying to do than something I was trying to do, and your word limit rule helped too, but I don't see any acceptance of community consensus on their part. That's why I recommended what I did at the end of my comment. What do you think of that?

And I actually got more people responding and supporting the same wording a month ago - it just wasn't in a concentrated formal poll format, and nobody but Kotniski and a few others took the time to read through the three sections to find all of them. But it was also unanimous.

I also note that neither of our efforts to show consensus support for the edit has effected a change in the actual wording. The stonewallers are still succeeding; I might need to add a paragraph on the "take it to ARBCOM" delaying tactic to that essay.

One last questions if you don't mind, and it is important. You write: " However, [B2C's] manner of going about his business to make that point drives others away from the discussions. " What did I do specifically that you think drove others away? Why, for example, do you think no one participated in the poll I started a few days before you started yours? Mine is at WT:AT#Recognizability wording Poll/RFC (you have to click show to see it). Thanks! --Born2cycle (talk) 04:11, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Responding to your last paragraph and the question it concludes with, I’ll turn that question back on you like Counselor Troi on Star Trek TNG : why do you think no one responded to your poll but came out of the woodwork at the one I shepherded? Don’t answer that one just yet; sleep on it (genuinely so). Respond after you’ve showered, shaved, and eaten breakfast. Greg L (talk) 05:07, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
after you’ve showered, shaved, and eaten breakfast  Done. I don't know. while our polls weren't presented in the same manner, I don't believe there is anything in that difference that explains the difference in response. But I might be wrong, which is why I'm asking. Of course, your poll came out after there was a few days of discussion about my poll, so that might have made a difference. What do you think? --Born2cycle (talk) 19:02, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Another theory: Because of my tendency to write posts that are TLDR - many are accustomed to ignoring what I say, regardless of how sound and civil it may be? --Born2cycle (talk) 19:09, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yes. Your *other* theory. Precisely. Let’s go to movies again. Have you seen the 3D animation The Polar Express ? Do you remember the Know‑It‑All‑Kid? Even Santa Claus gave him a mild dressing down for being like that. At the ArbCom request, did you see Johnuniq’s comment? It’s the one that goes I have occasionally attempted to work out what the dispute was about, but have always been driven away by the pointless walls of text. Besides TLDR (long posts), people also don’t like responding to something, only to have to see (or listen to) retort after retort (speaking to GTBacchus’s “ever, ever, EVER”…” comment). In other words, besides a “wall of impenetrable text,” people don’t wan to be further frustrated by responding to something only to be met with still more walls of text; it rapidly induces Wikipedia:Don't-give-a-fuckism. So what are people going to do about choosing where on the project they want to engage? So…

Back to The Polar Express. People who understand what the Know‑It‑All‑Kid is like, don’t even want to sit beside him on the train. Where do they go? To an empty seat or one occupied by someone else. When discussion and debate is ongoing, time is limited, you only half-way care about the issue anyway, and you want to get in and get out having accomplished something, who amongst these 12 Angry Men would you like to briefly discuss an issue and try to get it resolved? Juror #3? He’s pushy and opinionated.

Brevity. I write letters to the editor of our paper. Something like 13 of my last 14 letters over many years were published (and the one they elected not to publish didn’t surprise me since I had pushed the “provocative” boundary pretty hard). They limit you to 200 words. I’d write letters in MS Word, kept it damned short, do a word count, and discover I had 260 words. Amazingly, I was always able to squeeze it down to 198–200 words. It’s a good exercise.

I think you truly are like Sheldon Cooper. Has anyone who has met you in person made that observation?

I think it is best to pursue these “personal development” discussions off‑line via email. If you care to email me, I will be more than pleased to offer you observations and suggestions. Greg L (talk) 20:52, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Appalling emails received

Personally I think that's disgusting, and once the case is opened you should definitely forward them to Arbcom - noone deserves that. If you forward them action will be taken.

If you don't know who sent them the other thing you want to forward is all the email headers. Google for "show all headers" for your email service and send Arbcom those as well. -- Eraserhead1 <talk> 09:14, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Fæ

A request for comments has been opened on administrator User:Fæ. You are being notified due to your prior participation in ANI, RfA, or RfC discussions regarding this user. Thank you, MadmanBot (talk) 20:04, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

You got your wish

Guess what's FP of the day? ResMar 01:35, 29 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]


My understanding of his position is that WP:AT needs a rewrite to say what he believes it should it say and in the way that he believes it should say it (more or less). He believes the incremental changes it has been having are damaging and inhibit a revolutionary (my word) type of change that he favors. As far as I can tell, everything he says and does, including supporting a year lock on the page, support this theory of his understanding. For example, with the lock-down idea, I think he's looking at it as a way to stop all energy and effort made at incremental/evolutionary changes, presumably so focus can be given to a more substantial rewrite that he favors.

I'm not convinced this is a good idea, but not necessarily opposed either. --Born2cycle (talk) 19:08, 30 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Article titles

Greg, your post of 15:52, 4 February 2012 (UTC) is the best and most lucid explanation of the problem I have yet seen. I would hate to see this post disappear into an archive, and I hope you will at the very least develop it into a formal essay linked from Article titles.

I had elsewhere started to write a rejoinder to Ravpapa's earlier post about "power", but decided to leave well enough alone, and never posted it there. If there are any ideas or phrasing of mine with which you agree, and that you feel might be usefully integrated into yours, please help yourself to them:

Milkunderwood (talk) 22:47, 4 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • Thanks for dropping me a line. I have four thoughts:
  1. If you hope my post on WT:AT has the greatest possible chance to influence others’ opinions, it would also be helpful to weigh in underneath my post that you support the points I made. Accompanying that sentiment with cogent reasoning of your own in support of it goes even further.

  2. With regard to Ravpapa’s post, (perma-linked here), I note his comment about power of the policy clique as well as the two other times in that same post where he mentioned about how disagreement over the guidelines governing titles is fundamentally about “power”. Since my *candid* streak has apparently surfaced (again) this evening, I’ll tell you that the very first thing that crossed my mind is that this guy, who is asking for *two* tin‑foil hats, likely also shares those sentiments.

  3. I learned a new word: “procrustean” and “procrustean bed.”. However, it is an adjective-modified noun and I think Websters has it correct; it is lowercase.

  4. “Procrustean bed” sounds better than “Generalist editors with little-to-no understanding of the world’s thousands of specialty fields, hoping to apply simplistic rules to bring harmony and consistency to a complex and diverse world. And they clearly think that when Wikipedia bucks how the experts handle things in a particular field of endeavor, the experts will bang the sides of their heads and exclaim ‘Wow, those volunteer wikipedians sure are right!’ ”
Greg L (talk) 02:52, 5 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
If I may WP:JAGUAR ya for a sec, there are other reasons for not capitalizing "procrustean"; see WP:MODLANG (search for "platonic" to find the entry). Also, it's fallacious, and assumptive of "neutral, ignorant" faith at best, to suggest that those who prefer consistency over rampant specialist nit-picking are "generalist editors with little-to-no understanding of the world’s thousands of specialty fields". Many are specialists themselves, who, for the greater good, simply put aside their job-related stylistic conventions instead of insisting on them and smacking random readers in the face with them. >;-) — SMcCandlish   Talk⇒〈°⌊°〉 Contribs. 18:50, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

A Barnstar Point

Indeedy. I almost took an unhappy wikibreak over all the recent argumentation, a day or two ago until someone barnstarred me for putting up with it all. >;-)
I actually just cited your quote near the bottom of WT:MOSCAPS, where someone is saying that MOS, generally, doesn't have widespread consensus (as in, at all), despite him never having gone to WT:MOS to file an RfC or to VPP to broadly make such a claim for community examination (the sour grapes part). People have been "slouching and walking away" with regard to MOS like this by sticking to some of its sub-guideline talk pages in (frequently successful) hopes of shifting the WP:LOCALCONSENSUS there in favor of their interests, because hardly anyone watchlists there, and their ideas get shot down at WT:MOS proper because they're weak. Then they claim some new consensus against what MOS says (doubly absurd here, because they're arguing for keeping language that MOS itself intentionally deleted several years ago! D'oh!) I couldn't make this stuff up. It's not really about caps or no caps, but about guideline consistency and how consensus actually works around here. — SMcCandlish   Talk⇒〈°⌊°〉 Contribs. 05:35, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, Greg L. You have new messages at Born2cycle's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

POTD notification


Hi Greg,

Just to let you know that the Featured Picture File:Squilla mantis (l'Ametlla) brighter and quality.jpg is due to make an appearance as Picture of the Day on March 24, 2012. If you get a chance, you can check and improve the caption at Template:POTD/2012-03-24. howcheng {chat} 19:43, 23 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Dispute resolution survey

Steven, I greatly appreciate your efforts to make the dispute resolution process responsive to community feedback. I was named in “involved editor” in the latest ArbCom action over what occurred over on WT:Article titles but was not one of the key actors who were named by the admin who became frustrated beyond all comprehension and filed the complaint.

This latest ArbCom was a far cry from my previous experience, where I was an actor and where there was widespread sentiment at the end of it all that ArbCom had acted like the Inquisition and that various victims had their tongues and other appendages hacked off with red-hot swords.

I tried to fill out your survey but am busy in real life. I must take you to task for an innocent misrepresentation or miss-assessment you made above in your template. There is simply no way that survey can be filled out in five minutes. In addition to scores and scores of checkboxes, there are many text boxes to fill out with narrative descriptions of opinion. The only way one could possibly fill out your survey in five minutes would be to whiz through the checkboxes and, in each of the text boxes, paste “Kilroy was here.” And even that would likely take more than five minutes.

Also, there were a number of checkbox matrices for which I simply didn’t know the right answer. So I tried to just leave those blank. But at the end of it all, I found that your survey tool wouldn’t accept the form until every single checkbox line had one of the boxes selected. You might consider a “Duknow” button at each line; doing so would give you better science since I have a healthy suspicion that many editors will just fill in a series of “Sometimes” from top to bottom because it is the nearest thing to “Yadda-yadda” in their minds.

I would also think you will get better science and stats if you give a more realistic disclosure of how much time commitment will be required of participants. If many a candidate participant looks at his or her wristwatch (or cellphone for the younger crowd) and thinks “Well… I’ve got five minutes now,” only to discover they are looking at several times that time commitment, what may seem like very poor survey participation may actually be the product of many people starting on your survey and bailing in the middle of it. Oh…

BTW, I thought rather highly of the latest ArbCom. I also added tried to add that I thought the whole scene would have been entirely unnecessary if the admin who—after WT:Article titles was locked down—committed to ride herd on the kindergardeners there had been more bold and decisive. It seems to me that the really bad admins on en.Wikipedia are given far too much slack and the clearly good ones fear losing face so much by being second guessed they are nearly paralyzed into inaction. Greg L (talk) 22:30, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Greg. I probably have mis-assessed the amount of time required to do the survey, it would likely take ten minutes. As for the questions themselves, I had a few people do a test survey and answer only the questions that had an asterisks in it (required question) and they didn't have any issues, so I'm not sure what happened when you tried to fill out the survey. I can't really change the notices I've sent to people, but I'll add a note to the survey about the required time. If you can't do the survey, that's ok. I appreciate your comments here, and feel free to email me any comments you have. With some options that have a multi-select (like, how effective do you think x DR forum is) I've noted that if you have no opinion, you can leave the question blank. Google Forms is a bit restrictive, but it's the only free tool available approved by RCom. So far, about 20% have responded, and that's within the first 48hrs. Not doing too bad. Thanks again. Steven Zhang DR goes to Wikimania! 22:45, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

On the Diameter of the Sewer cover in front of Greg L’s house

Re: User:Greg L/Sewer cover in front of Greg L’s house

I have made a modest addition to this vital field of study at On the Diameter of the Sewer cover in front of Greg L’s house. --Guy Macon (talk) 10:26, 8 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

And I'm still looking forward to finding out its weight. GFHandel ♬  10:39, 8 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Well done, Guy, on your exploration into the discipline of TDOTSCIFOGLH. You seem to have an engineering bent in your makeup as you have properly touched upon real-world shortcomings and omissions in the measure (precision, implied tolerance, accuracy, calibration, traceability, etc.). I can tell you that—though American—I am all-things-metric and have been for decades; I used a tape measure from a major manufacturer that was marked in millimeters. Thus, the millimeter-based value was not the product of a conversion.

    As for the weight of the cover, GFHandel, due to your previous prompting, I actually went out there in the middle of the road one day armed with a prying tool and quickly realized it was a monster. Only recently did I read that manhole covers were disappearing in some U.S. city so they could be cut up and sold to recycling centers. They apparently weigh nearly a hundred kilos. I had been planning—if I could budge the thing—to weigh it using a Salter/Brecknell electroSamson, 100 lb × 0.1 lb (45 kg × 50 g) digital hanging scale left over from weighing a lab animal. That wouldn’t have worked and I might have torn a muscle trying. Greg L (talk) 17:35, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

A movie that I remember enjoying when young was The Out-of-Towners (1970 film) staring Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis. There are many good scenes, but one that I'll never forget was when the manhole cover Lemmon was just standing on blew up. I suspect it was a lightweight prop, but I still think it was quite daring of him to attempt it. I don't think they would ask a movie star of today to get quite so close to something that isn't computer-generated. You can see the scene in the first ninety seconds or so of this clip on YouTube. GFHandel ♬  22:44, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
For an Aussie, you are extraordinarily up-to-speed on your americana. That manhole cover would have sent him to the hospital just for clipping his shoes. I suspect there were two covers: one going up and one going down. And both would have been made of balsa wood. My guess is they used a wire on the near edge to pull the cover up (and keep it there), and a stage hand dropped the other one. It also sounds like the foley dubbed in the sound of a stove-top cooking pot falling on the floor. Greg L (talk) 22:55, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You're harshing my mellow by dispelling the magic. :-) GFHandel ♬  23:03, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
(*with the voice of Buzz Lightyear*) Captain Buzz-kill at your service, sir. Greg L (talk) 23:07, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

Thank you very much Neil. I am quite surprised how such a seemingly hot-button issue as discussing POV tags on our “Barack Obama” article has gone so smoothly and civilly. Greg L (talk) 20:45, 22 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]


I just came across a mention of and link to 'Gibibyte' in Flash memory, and would ask your advice as to what I ought to do with it, or more's the point how I would convert it into a value and measure that's comprehensible to the general reader. To find it, search for the string "64&nbsp;[[GiB]]" in your browser. Cheers, --Ohconfucius ¡digame! 06:12, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I would delete the "(64 GiB)" text in that article since it means nothing to the average reader (and is not a term used for such measurements by the industry). The area around that text is also too folksy (e.g. "In reality,"), and should be simplified based on the reference given at the end of the paragraph (of which there is none).:-) GFHandel ♬  06:59, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I fixed it. The claim was wrong to begin with, the "GB" in e.g. "8 GB" on a flash drive or an HD-replacement SSD does not mean 1024 cubed, it means 1000 cubed. That makes "GB" the right thing per the product makers' packaging, per IEC and SI recommendations, and per WP:MOSNUM. How about them apples. Jeh (talk) 07:14, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, peeps! --Ohconfucius ¡digame! 08:59, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, thank you, Jeh. Unless the article is directly discussing the subject of the binary prefixes, WP:COMPUNITS proscribes use of units like gibibytes and mebibytes (as well as their unit symbols) to denote the magnitude of binary capacity because the units are virtually unused in the real world for communicating to a general-interest readership. The conventional prefixes for multiples (“giga” in gigabytes and “mega” in megabytes, etc.) are ambiguous and may mean a power of 1000 or a power of 1024. That comes under the “awe… shucks” heading but that is the reality of the computing and computer publishing world; Wikipedia follows suite. If the subject under discussion is RAM, then the measure is always assumed to be a power of 1024. If the subject is mass storage—whether solid state or spinning disk—they are often taken to mean powers of 1000. WP:COMPUNITS suggests various ways to disambiguate the precise magnitude of the measure if unusual precision is required.

This issue keeps coming up because well meaning editors (and I wish them health and happiness for their intentions) hope to effect change in how the world works by putting Wikipedia in the position of trying to lead by example in its use of these new units (called the “IEC prefixes”). We tried that for three years and the units were being as ignored by the computing world and its trade press as soundly at the end of that three-year period as they were at the start. The IEC’s proposal has received nothing but a deafening silence from the real world. Failed proposals for new standards are nothing new; the IUPAP once proposed the “uno” and its various prefixed forms to replace terminology like “ppm” (which would be replaced by the microuno). I personally thought the “uno” proposal was cool beans but it too was greeted by the real world with a resounding “meh.”

Our three-year-long experiment with using the IEC prefixes here while the rest of the world wasn’t following suite merely confused our readership since their only exposure to the terminology was here and the “lesson” was never reinforced anywhere else on this pale blue dot; that flies in the face of basic principles of Technical Writing 101. Greg L (talk) 21:01, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

just FYI: the expression is "follow suit", borrowed from trick-taking card games like Bridge, in which other players must play cards as the same suit as the leader (if they have them). Jeh (talk) 21:50, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I have nothing thought-provoking to add to that, though I did add a parenthetical to the second paragraph of my previous post. Greg L (talk) 00:30, 24 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I removed a citation need tag in the lead section Binary Prefixes about the slow adoption of kibi.

What are kibi, mebi, and gibi? Weird? You bet! And you can probably why this change is slow to happen and many in the computer industry are reluctant to adopt the new term. If and when it happens and knowing about it becomes important, you can read about it in a future edition of this book.

I just felt that PCs For Dummies was the appropriate book to cite. -- SWTPC6800 (talk) 04:02, 7 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • Say… I like your choice for citing the obvious on Wikipedia. It is much more subtle than the “Arguing on the Internet…” poster that I occasionally avail myself of. Greg L (talk) 23:07, 9 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Ten meters?

That's wild. You know what the scary thing is? Some workshop pages end up at twice that length. I'm not sure how this process is supposed to play out, but yea, the process is not for the faint of heart. Homunculus (duihua) 23:47, 25 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

For the record, Homunculus is referring to this request for ArbCom action. It took me 37 pressings of the “page down” button on my 27‑inch iMac to navigate to the bottom of a 1290‑pixel-width window, which is roughly ten meters of eye-glazing reading. And the festivities just got started. Wikipedia, which affords individuals infinite electronic whitespace to create infinite bastions of bureaucracy within a bureaucracy, has so far accommodated unnecessary wikilawyering. Greg L (talk) 03:19, 26 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yea....I went into this with a naive expectation that people would post self-explanatory evidence on the evidence page—supported by diffs—and then corresponding findings of fact and proposals on the workshop page. That didn't happen; instead we saw the crafting of elaborate narratives that would have been incapable of standing on their own as diffs or evidence. I think this may partly have been due to the arbs being tied up with another, even more ponderous ArbCom case. By the way, I think you had it right before [13]. Homunculus (duihua) 03:42, 26 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I think ours was pretty tame by current standards, unfortunately. Check this one out [14]. It's roughly 70,000 words long. And after spending 10 or 15 minutes nibbling at the top of it, I could not even figure out what it was about. When it comes to self-referential meta disputes, Wikipedians are simply unrivaled. I pity the wives and girlfriends hearing "But someone's wrong, on the Internet!!" TheSoundAndTheFury (talk) 03:48, 26 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Your link to Arbitration/Requests/Case/Fæ/Workshop totals 20 meters in a 1290‑pixel-width window on my iMac. As regards your panning the attitude of "But someone's wrong, on the Internet!!", I learned that it’s quite futile. Greg L (talk) 23:00, 26 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

BTW, guys. Note the above barnstar that someone gave me; they were appreciative of some comments I made regarding POV pushing on our Barack Obama article. What I wrote at that time can be applied to the Falun Gong article as well. I wrote as follows:

I stumbled across this issue and thought I’d offer my thoughts on two major points to help prevent further unnecessary conflict here.

  1. NPOV tags and other I-Don't-Like-It tags may be removed whenever there is a consensus to do so. The “consensus” may be based upon a common-sense reading of pre-existing discussion threads (a lone hold-out, for instance, who slaps such a tag in the face of a clear consensus against his or her wishes). Or the removal of the tag may be done by consensus over whether the tag is unnecessary, irregardless of whether the underlying dispute has been resolved with a clear consensus. Consensus rules on Wikipedia. At all times. For all things. The only tags that may not be removed without follow-through are AfD and MfD tags; that is not applicable here.
  2. Wikipedia’s “anyone can edit” principle of collaborative writing makes for a widely diverse editorial base where there is bound to be someone who believes that gold is a really bad thing. Because of that, it is not the job of mere wikipedians to don their powdered wigs and presume to debate over tea with their little fingers held in the proper position as to how history ought to be judging a sitting president. We look towards reliable sources for facts and we rely upon most-reliable mainstream sources such as The New York Times, Newsweek and The Washington Post for guidance as to how much weight should be given to the positive and negative issues and to help identify what those issues are. Since Obama hasn’t finished his presidency, there will be relatively few most-reliable sources that have undertaken all-encompassing historical examinations of his tenure.

Greg L (talk) 23:13, 26 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Uh, well, I don't entirely see how this relates to the Falun Gong articles, though it's a good sentiment. I agree that we ought to rely on the most reliable sources and give weight to different views in a manner commensurate with their quality and notability, and that's what myself and the other established editors on those pages do. Cheers. Homunculus (duihua) 16:40, 27 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Let me help you to see how the above relates to the Falun Gong article. Note the second sentence in ¶2: “…we rely upon most-reliable mainstream sources such as The New York Times, Newsweek and The Washington Post for guidance as to how much weight should be given to the positive and negative issues and to help identify what those issues are.” Mere wikipedians have no business pretending to be cigar-chewing editors at a major metropolitan newsroom barking inquiries as to the whereabouts of Jimmy Olsen and pretending that it is within our dominion to debate what Falun Gong-related issues are notable; articles in most-reliable sources serve as our guide. We follow them.
Doing so spares the rest of the community from needless wikidrama, avoids the need for everyone looking on to have to research Falun Gong issues to see whom among the combatants in your little sandbox on the playground seems to have the keenest intellect and finest journalism skills. Abiding by this simple principle also liberates our admins to sit in judgement of more pressing, decorum-related issues as the combatants try to *out-Girl-Scout-cookie* each other on matters such as whether referring to a group as “Falun Gongers” was intended as a sly epithet and is something over which rest of the community should spill our Earl Grey tea. Greg L (talk) 19:47, 27 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Believe me, I would have liked to be spared this process myself. But problems arise when one group of editors rejects what the most reliable sources say, and resorts to edit warring and name-calling instead of collegial content discussions. Anyways, I like the imagery. Homunculus (duihua) 00:55, 28 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Feedback request

I'm not sure if you noticed my comment at Wikipedia_talk:Featured_picture_candidates#Wikipedia:Picture_peer_review. Raeky (talk · contribs) is one of my hardest judges. I wanted a second opinion on the two things that I have posted at WP:PPR.--TonyTheTiger (T/C/BIO/WP:CHICAGO/WP:FOUR) 17:26, 1 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I really appreciate your taking a whole day to show me places of interest in Chicago when I was there in October of 2010 conducting a month-long medical trial at a nearby lab. I still have the video where your voice can be heard in the background expressing concern over a Secret Service guy who had begun marching towards us from a block away, apparently intent on shooing us away from the sidewalk near (in the vicinity of) Obama’s house. Who knew Michele was there for the weekend?
The thermociline picture is a worthy addition to the “Thermocline” article but I doubt it is FP material. The picture of the squirrel doesn’t, IMHO, come close to being FP material (but might make the denizens who inhabit Pinterest leave comments like “OMG! Too cute!”)
I haven’t frequented the FPC/PPP universe in a long time, but my impression back in the day was that PPP was about as inhabited as Kennedy Island in the Solomons. Yes, Raeky has high expectations. Perhaps though, you remember my oft stated sentiment about the ginormous queue of FP-awarded pictures awaiting their turn on the Main Page sometime. The tail end of the queue will hit the Main Page sometime between the year 2030 and the heat death of the universe.
Were I you, I would treat critical commentary at PPP (or Raeky’s talk page) as an opportunity to quickly find pictures that can sail through FPC. Greg L (talk) 04:04, 4 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

The Olive Branch: A Dispute Resolution Newsletter (Issue #1)

Welcome to the first edition of The Olive Branch. This will be a place to semi-regularly update editors active in dispute resolution (DR) about some of the most important issues, advances, and challenges in the area. You were delivered this update because you are active in DR, but if you would prefer not to receive any future mailing, just add your name to this page.

Steven Zhang's Fellowship Slideshow

In this issue:

Read the entire first edition of The Olive Branch -->

--The Olive Branch 19:05, 4 September 2012 (UTC)

POTD notification


Hi Greg,

Just to let you know that the Featured Picture File:Cobalt ray-tracing, high-end coffee tamper.jpg is due to make an appearance as Picture of the Day on September 15, 2012. If you get a chance, you can check and improve the caption at Template:POTD/2012-09-15. howcheng {chat} 17:14, 13 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Motion Code

Hi Greg,

I was wondering if I could possible get the code you used to produce your translational motion image.


I am a graduate student working on a side project to model the interaction of blood cells in an artery. I am trying to model the cells as points undergoing elastic collisions with each other. My current model does not seem to be calculating the momemtum transfer correctly when the cells interact. This led me to wikipedia and your image. I am not sure how you created this image, but if you still have the code I would love to take a look and see whether it might help me with my code.

I believe I have my account set up to accept email messages. If not, feel free to leave a note on my talk page and I can send you my email.

Thanks, Ali --Adhanali (talk) 18:25, 14 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I'm sorry about not getting back to you sooner, Adhanali. Real life became extra-real in the last year.

A chemistry professor with whom I corresponded possesses (or once did posses) the source code. I forget the exact details, but I recall that he made a special version for me with five red balls rather than just one. I seem to also recall I had custom control over the sizes of the balls. You could set the number of balls and because each session was salted with a random seed to scatter things, no two sessions were identical. What I had really wanted was a way for his software to output frame-by-frame screen captures so I could make the movie. As it was, it took hours and hours and the help of a friend with a super-fast Mac in NY and even more hours to get a super-compact video with very little compression artifacts.

I would tend to do that sort of thing (deal with Ph.D. experts) when I was more active on Wikipedia. Dr. Steiner, who once worked on the watt balance replacement and with whom I had extensive correspondence while greatly expanding our Kilogram article (which used to be pathetic and colossally error ridden) just a week ago emailed me that a major scientific paper of his (“History and progress on accurate measurements of the Planck constant”) was recently published. There are about 20 more days to get free access to it; you have to first register though to download the paper. Greg L (talk) 20:42, 22 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

So this happened.

Thought you would be interested if you didn't already see it. Strained yogurt. -Kai445 (talk) 01:45, 21 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you!!

Here is the cutest possible kitten for you
Here is the cutest possible kitten for you

Thank you so much for an hour's spent reading your marvelous user page and the entry on your sewer cover, etc. I had so much fun reading all that! What a lovely sense of humor and thank you also for the first person story of Mount St. Helens. Fascinating! I remember the news media at the actual time was very blase, "oh yes, volcano" and then a couple days later when they could actually see what had happened, it became a whole different story. Thank you again for the interesting reading!! Ellin Beltz (talk) 17:19, 25 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I echo Ellin's enjoyment of your user page, although I have not yet read all of it. Cheers. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 00:07, 28 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Our paths haven't crossed in a while, and I just wanted to say hello. Hope you are doing well. Regards, -- Ohc ¡digame! 07:25, 24 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

New version of a file

The file File:Translational motion.gif doesn't lag at the beginning of the animation but starts lagging more and more further into the animation. I'm guessing it's because it was made in such a way that the computer does computations to calculate where the molecules should be later starting from the specified initial state. I think that to prevent lag, you should upload a new version of that file where those computations are done before the file gets made and the computeer just memorizes where each molecule is supposed to be at each time. Blackbombchu (talk) 15:28, 22 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Sounds like you are using Safari on a Mac. I created that GIF on a Mac. But Safari doesn't handle GIFs well and will do that. If you are using a browser/OS other than Safari/OS X, let me know as I am curious. Greg L (talk) 21:00, 27 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

How did you create the Brownian simulation?

Dear Greg L,
I am eager how you created the simulation for the Brownian Motion? I am very eager as I wish to create a simulation myself for a particular work of mine. Please feel free to write to me at my email-Id. at gmail with same user-id using all lowercase letters.
Bkpsusmitaa (talk) 04:59, 27 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. It's been a long while so I will need to dig to find the details on my main work computer (I'm using a laptop at home). But that video was a collaboration. It originated on a Hyperphysics-like website as a Javascript-based animation as I recall. I contacted the Ph.D. and he had a grad student make a custom version featuring five red balls instead of just one as used on their website. They emailed me that version so I could run it as a stand-alone. I then used video-capture software to grab some of its animation. Using GIF-creating software, I chose a section for the clip where a red ball came to a complete stop; that was to better illustrate the Maxwell distribution. By the way, I wrote most of that article. That GIF software allowed me control of bit depth—that animation has only four colors: pure black, pure blue, pure red, and pure white; thus, the file size is nice and small. The harder part was doing the math to figure how the 371 frames and their loop-repeat of ~20 seconds (on a reasonably fast computer) relates to the velocity of real atoms (helium atoms at a phenomenal 1950 atmospheres of pressure shown slowed down two trillion fold when viewed at 55 ms per frame). Greg L (talk) 05:51, 27 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Okay, I'll wait till you have found the source file. The simulation is beautifully done!
Bkpsusmitaa (talk) 06:42, 27 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Did you forget your commitment to send me the source code of the said animation?
Bkpsusmitaa (talk) 18:18, 2 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I did forget. You reminded me at just the right time because I'm on my main work computer; the one I used when I was working on Thermodynamic temperature. I cannot find an email exchange with the Ph.D. who helped me on that movie. But, again, my recollection is that the original place (I think it was Hyperphysics) provided me with a customized version of a Java applet, which I somehow ran on my computer. All I have now are various work-in-progress files, such as giant video-capture files (from which I cherry-picked the segment I wanted). I suggest you contact the people here at What you see there on their website is also a Java applet—and appears uncannily similar to what I originally had to start with. Perhaps it will serve your needs as is, because it is far more customizable than what I had to work with when I made my animation. If not, they might be able to help you in some other way. Best wishes. Greg L (talk) 01:02, 3 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

What was the RAMAC price and capacity?


File:Farm-Fresh eye.png|15px|link=|alt=]]

You are invited to join the discussion at Talk:Hard_disk_drive#An_End_To_The_RAMAC_Price_Duologue. Please help end the duologue on capacity and price of the IBM RAMAC Model 350 disk file. Thanks. Tom94022 (talk) 21:54, 4 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Hello there old timer. :) Fnagaton 14:13, 7 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Well, hello to you! Checking your contribs, I see you are right in the middle of it on computer-releated stuff. Greg L (talk) 00:05, 9 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed yes. Some editors are removing properly referenced material about binary prefixes.Fnagaton 13:05, 14 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Something you may be interested in

Hello Greg L, I found it was you who added the note about the English variety in the Kilogram article. You might be interested to know there is a discussion about converting the article to British English on the article's talk page, and actually the article has already been converted without much discussion. Irn Bimba (talk) 21:47, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Yup, I was exceedingly interested in that. User:Quondum engaged in precisely the sort of behavior that our rules on WP:ENGVAR specifically prohibit with that change (switching to British English) in the variety of English. I weighed in with this comment. Greg L (talk) 04:26, 19 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom elections are now open!

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:57, 23 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!

Hello, Greg L. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Please check out my re-written introduction to Spacetime

You had some pretty pungent remarks to make about this article. I would like your input on the Introduction section that I re-wrote. Thanks! Stigmatella aurantiaca (talk) 13:45, 26 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

BRAVO! That is a truly outstanding job! It should serve as a paradigm on how to wade into a broken article and make it useful. In the second section, Introduction, your addition of the graphics and animations is, editorial-wise, serious heavy lifting that greatly enhances the article.
I propose that you focus next on the first section, the lede. In my opinion, it could benefit from your attentions. I would not look towards Standard Wikipedian Practices for inspiration on this article because spacetime is such a profoundly difficult-to-grasp concept. The lede should be “accessible” to a high school freshman on his or her first foray into the subject. Wikipedia is many individual's first stop when trying to grasp the essentials of an unfamiliar topic; Wikipedia’s ledes have been famous for their pithy summaries.
If necessary, links to explanatory articles ought to be sacrificed in place of preemptive explanatory plain-speak custom tailored for the job. For instance, take this current text from the lede:
Space was assumed, without question, to obey the theorems of Euclidean geometry. Einstein's development of special relativity inspired Hermann Minkowski, in 1908, to combine space and time into a unified four-dimensional spacetime which has since come to be called Minkowski space.
“…[O]bey the theorems of Euclidean geometry.” (*sigh*) What does that even mean? No effort should be spared to expunge this sort of reading level from ledes. Why? because it instantly requires the reader to engage in the Wikipedia practice of Click to Learn©™® to advance through the lesson.
I would propose the below, instead. The below example is longer (akin to See Spot chase the butterfly! Spot barks at the butterfly. Spot is funny!) but is far more accessible and requires no Click To Learn from our intended readership. By using simple explanatory plain-speak to obviate the need to click a link and spend time in an entirely different article, and then come back to the original article, we save the reader a huge amount of time and effort and make the learning process more enjoyable. I'm sure you can take this example and run with it.
It had long been assumed that the 3D geometry of the universe (the “up-down, left-right, forward-backward” coordinate system that describes locations, shapes, distances, and directions), was distinct from time (the measure of when events occur within the universe). Einstein’s 1905 theory of special relativity showed that both the shape of space and the measurement of time changed for an observer who made measurements and then accelerated to a very high relativistic speed and repeated those measurements in the new “inertial frame of reference.” Einstein’s theory mathematically described precisely how measurements of space and time varied between different reference frames. Three years later, Hermann Minkowski built upon Einstein’s work by combining space and time into a unified four-dimensional “spacetime” known as Minkowski space.
By the way, my criticism of the state of that article before you waded in, while arguably “pungent,“ couldn't have been more true. You took my comments and rolled up your sleeves.

“Imagine a world in which we are enlightened by
  objective truths rather than offended by them.”

 Neil deGrasse Tyson

Greg L (talk) 19:17, 26 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! I'll wait for comments from others from whom I had solicited opinions before I tackle the lede. I had retouched the lede slightly, but it still smelled bad. Stigmatella aurantiaca (talk) 19:34, 26 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Your comments on spacetime article

Hey, I wanted to say a few words to you personally about the recent discussion on the spacetime article, because you expressed your waning interest in Wikipedia. I have had similar feelings, so I think I can say that I can sympathize.

My intention is certainly not to undo your effort, as you have suggested. I've spent a little time looking at your work in general, and I think it's well-motivated, and going in the right direction in general. At times, though, you seem to be setting yourself up for failure. Bigger contributions are more likely to be amended, and it seems that that is an area you have focused on. It seems self-defeating, then, to be sensitive to changes to large edits.

I have also noticed your interest in lessening jargon that can be a problem for novice readers. That's wonderful! We have a shared interest in this. But this is an area that is fraught with problems, as it is difficult to maintain a neutral tone and also be non-threatening to novices. But Wikipedia is getting better with time.

I've seen some comments you've made about Click-and-Return, and I've had similar concerns about some articles--some articles hide "the meat" of understanding from the reader behind jargon and condescend to anyone that doesn't understand that jargon. That's a problem. But again, there is a balance to be had. Most articles could easily stretch into entire books if given the opportunity. But as with before, the longer it gets, the more opportunity for someone to find deficiencies. (talk) 19:16, 20 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Spaces in guide number

Hey Greg. I saw you post on Yobot's talk page. You could make use of {{spaces|n}} instead of n &nbsp;. Just a suggestion. You may also be interested in other inline spacing templates (navbox/category), such as {{}}. — JJMC89(T·C) 20:29, 28 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@JJMC89: Hey! Thank you very much! I checked wp:tabs and some other guesses and couldn’t find what I needed. Man, this project is big; your links are very helpful. Greg L (talk) 20:42, 28 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@JJMC89: Wonderful! Much cleaner; see this ∆ edit. Now that would be a useful job for a bot: count the number of spelled-out instances &nbsp; or their straight-typed instances (insanely easy on a Mac) and replace them with {{spaces|n}} (without mixing in regular breaking spaces). Much appreciated. Greg L (talk) 20:58, 28 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Text anomaly on your userpage

I can’’t tell you the feelings I had while I sat there talking with JJ. I didn’t just listen,
—found in User:Greg_L#The_Last_Conversation.
On Google Chrome running under Linux Mint it looks like some sort of erroneous Unicode control characters(?), ’, ’, have slipped into "can't" and "didn't".
A fellow editor, -- (talk) 06:09, 10 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

One was a typographer's quote, which I made straight and the other was something odd. It should now be fixed. Thanks. Greg L (talk) 05:16, 12 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2017 election voter message

Hello, Greg L. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Vio of ArbCom remedies at Donald Trump

This edit violated the ArbCom restrictions stated in the box at the top of Talk:Donald Trump, bullet 1. I have reverted it. Any further re-revert risks a discretionary sanction or WP:AE complaint. ―Mandruss ☎ 03:23, 30 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

March 2018

This message contains important information about an administrative situation on Wikipedia. It does not imply any misconduct regarding your own contributions to date.

Please carefully read this information:

The Arbitration Committee has authorised discretionary sanctions to be used for pages regarding all edits about, and all pages related to post-1932 politics of the United States and closely related people, a topic which you have edited. The Committee's decision is here.

Discretionary sanctions is a system of conduct regulation designed to minimize disruption to controversial topics. This means uninvolved administrators can impose sanctions for edits relating to the topic that do not adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, our standards of behavior, or relevant policies. Administrators may impose sanctions such as editing restrictions, bans, or blocks. This message is to notify you that sanctions are authorised for the topic you are editing. Before continuing to edit this topic, please familiarise yourself with the discretionary sanctions system. Don't hesitate to contact me or another editor if you have any questions.

- MrX 🖋 11:25, 30 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Talk page behavior

This is perfectly normal. It is why we have comment threading. You have been on Wikipedia long enough to know that, so obviously this was just a petty response to the argument you lost. Do better. -- Scjessey (talk) 13:42, 1 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Do you have objective evidence from an RS that the 44 “Republican candidates were awful, extreme examples of the species”? Did The Washington Post say they were all “awful and extreme” or did you come to that conclusion on the 44 candidates based on your own research?
  2. Do you feel that comments like that established you as an unbiased, neutral editor who isn’t POV pushing on the article?
  3. Do you feel that coming here to my talk page and concluding a post with a command (“Do better”) was a mature and right thing to do?
  4. I note that the tenor on the Talk:Donald Trump is quite toxic and it drives good editors away. Are you trying to make things better, or worse?
Now, be advised: Please do not modify my posts here (or anywhere else); by adding your text right into the middle of them. And bear in mind that you are on my talk page. Your conduct and comments must be interesting, mature, and civil. If you can't rise to the occasion, you will not be welcome here.

I'm just going to put this here because it'll irritate you, and it's the only bit I'm interested in answering (since you deleted my other stuff). I will continue to use threading on article talk pages as intended, since it is not "modifying" your posts (although this example obviously is). If you don't like it, take it to WP:ANI. Anyway, I'm done with you now, so you needn't waste your time replying. I'm not monitoring this page anyway. -- Scjessey (talk) 13:36, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Fascinating. After being offered a forum in which to debate maturely, you squandered a perfectly good opportunity. You could have refuted the perception that you have an extreme bias against the Republican party (and Trump by extension), that your personal biases influence article content and the tenor on the talk page, and that you needle others with your “I’m a big fish” bossing of anyone and everyone who disagrees with you. You not only lost this round—big time—but you've worn out your welcome here; do not come back. Like User:Malerooster wrote on Talk:Donald Trump: @Scjessey, please take your own advice and stop commenting here unless you can control your clearly biased commentary, thank you. Greg L (talk) 14:24, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
No. Your very next rant here (∆ edit perma-link) in which you evaded the above points and mentioned how you were tempted to use profane language came up way short of my requirements for you to post here so I deleted it for what it was. You seem to fancy yourself to be an unbiased editor but your conduct and words (like The Washington Post endorsed 44 Democratic candidates and 3 Republican candidates in 2014 because the other Republican candidates were awful, extreme examples of the species,) betray otherwise. Perhaps you are accustomed to driving off other editors with your behavior—I don’t know—but you can't come here and keep at that sort of thing. Now…
If you want to discus and/or debate ideas here, you must first address each of the points enumerated above; ample digital white space is provided below. Only intellectually stimulating, mature discourse is permissible.
And please remember the wise words of Eleanor Roosevelt: Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Greg L (talk) 18:29, 1 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Your user page

Hi there, Greg L. As part of the WP:Linter project, I have been working to remove lint errors from Wikipedia. I edited your user page and removed hundreds of lint errors. I tried to preserve the appearance as best I could. Except for the Quotations section, the appearance is largely indentical. In the Quotations section, the paragraph spacing is changed a bit here and there. I hope this is OK. —Anomalocaris (talk) 09:56, 20 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2018 election voter message

Hello, Greg L. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2019 election voter message

Today's Wikipedian 10 years ago

--Gerda Arendt (talk) 09:42, 28 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message


Comrade, you're BACK! Tony (talk) 02:57, 5 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Tony1: Righty-o, mate. Thanks for the welcome. My name was referenced on MOSNUM, which generated an alert. I see Locke Cole, Thunderbird2, and you here. Time warp, dude. Did anything change while I was gone? Greg L (talk) 04:50, 5 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Can't speak for Tony, but apparently nobody uses floppy disks anymore and Bitcoin was replaced by Gibibitcoin. —Locke Cole • t • c 06:32, 5 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Locke Cole: Hello. “Gibigibi-a-gibits a-that’s all folks“ seems like it is being discussed in various places. I hope we can let the tendentious ones make a go of it for a while until the community tires of their shenanigans. Reach out if what they’re stirring up actually needs any of my help. Greg L (talk) 00:53, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Will do! =) —Locke Cole • t • c 16:49, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It looks like they're trying to push the idea that the kilo/mega/giga terms are "deprecated" at Template talk:Quantities of bytes#Deprecated, and they're currently edit warring to include the "deprecated" term in the table there, as well as the "bits" variant. They haven't touched the other table that is linked at WP:COMPUNITS yet, but that seems like the next logical step (and their backdoor way of listing the traditional units as "deprecated" at COMPUNITS). If you could take a look, I'd appreciate it. —Locke Cole • t • c 19:06, 21 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Heavens, Welcome back! Nah, your name's been referenced loads of times, and your talk page must have been blinking non stop that I wonder how you've resisted coming back . But seriously, I guess that means I can delete my fork of your delightful script which I copied for maintenance purposes, and get back to being idle. -- Ohc ¡digame! 06:46, 5 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Case of mistaken identity, but welcome back anyway! -- Ohc ¡digame! 10:31, 5 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]


First, I feel like I'm missing part of the humour there, and reading over those interesting pages several times (George Bernard Shaw? Cool : ) - didn't clear it up for me. What (besides a plea to not link to dates) am I missing?

Second, just thought you might like to know that several of your external links are dead. I hope this helps : ) - jc37 03:00, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for dropping me a note. I’ve been mostly retired from the “social” and “drive change”-aspects of Wikipedia. The ‘sewer cover’ page was about not over-linking. Part of the over-linking at that time was people linking a date to “On this date in 1087, Bruno the Hun set eastward and eight years later saw the Ural Mountains” (and a hundred other such things that only Rain Man would memorize).
Since I wrote that, I’ve gone back and fixed some links, but as it was a page intended to drive change in project-wide editorial practices, I no longer attach much importance to it. I now spend my time in select articlespace, where I focus for weeks and months on a single article dedicated to a subject that I want to thoroughly master… and hone my writing skills. I need to ever-improve my writing skills given since I am a senior engineer at my work and rely heavily on technical writing to get anything done. Greg L (talk) 03:31, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much for explaining.
And I think I understand how you feel. There are things I look at, at Wikipedia, that I once thought to be worth standing up and defending or opposing, on principle. Things which prolly are still important "in principle", that with a view from now, looking back (or forward, I guess) just don't seem worth the effort, or at least, not worth prioritising.
And yet, for all this, when I take a look at Wikipedia from a "forest" perspective (rather than a "trees" perspective), I still am a bit amazed at it all, not the least of which that it it is still here. I suppose I will ever-always continue to be re-drawn in to helping out, here.
Anyway, thanks again, and I sincerely wish you well. - jc37 05:53, 6 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I believe I'm owed one sewer cover barnstar.

And I didn't just read them, either -- I copyedited them while I was at it, too... jp×g 01:13, 11 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

…and… done. You deserved it too. That was a lot of copy editing. Greg L (talk) 04:52, 11 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image File:Cobalt Drafting Assistant demo.ogv


Thanks for uploading File:Cobalt Drafting Assistant demo.ogv. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in section F5 of the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. --B-bot (talk) 19:46, 21 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2021 Elections voter message

Misunderstanding of what flightlevels are...

Hi Greg, before you get yourself all wound up about the word approximately when describing flight levels, I suspect you misunderstand what flight levels are. Flight levels represent the level an aircraft flys at, at a standard altimeter air pressure setting, unless the air pressure outside the aircraft is exactly that standard pressure at any time the aircraft at each flight level are NOT exactly at the corresponding altitude. The actual flying altitude (of all aircraft at each flight level) will vary as air pressure changes. This is why it is called a flight level and not simply an altitude as it is at low altitudes where flight levels are not used. Hope this helps. Andrewgprout (talk) 01:54, 17 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

You simply don't know what you are writing about and edit tendentiously and squat on articles like you own them, and annoy others with nonsense as they try to correct articles and make them internally consistent. That’s OK with me because there are too many editors like you to shake a stick at. Don’t bother me again; just go on and screw up articles with your nonsense. 07:00, 17 January 2022 (UTC)

File:Cobalt handle.png listed for discussion

A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Cobalt handle.png, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for discussion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination. Thank you. Ixfd64 (talk) 17:54, 25 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Your request

Hello, your request was completed. — xaosflux Talk 20:08, 11 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you. Greg L (talk) 20:23, 18 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2022 Elections voter message

Hello! Voting in the 2022 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 12 December 2022. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2022 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:35, 29 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Talk:Twitter Files

I thought your post was good. Apparently, a user who had made three edits considered it to be a "sanctimonious right-wing blowhard glad-handing and congratulating himself over his conservative political beliefs", and I am not quite in the mood for edit-warring to include it, but I thought you should know that I appreciated it and thought it was a worthwhile addition to a talk page otherwise filled with mindless shitflinging. jp×g 22:57, 10 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

JPxG: Thanks for your comment. The user didn’t find offense with my post other than somehow my new post deleted a new post that other wikipedian made. You can’t click the edit history because the “history” will show the conflict sometimes, and won’t at other times. It was a “we’re having a technical problem”-type issue because I had clicked the “New Section” tab… and the edit comment for my first draft reflects that. The wiki engine must have had a hiccup with edits done around the same time. I’m pretty sure this is an issue with the multiple servers that operate the wiki engine are struggling to stay in sync. Greg L (talk) 01:56, 11 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Jumping in here: it's probably better to discuss the issue with the editor on their talk page. If they've asked you to stay off of it, or if they're repeatedly reverting any attempt to communicate, WP:AE or WP:ANI would be the appropriate place if there's a chronic or unrepentant behavioral issue present, but I don't think continuing the conversation regarding people deleting your comments on the article's talk page is going to bear much fruit. — Red-tailed hawk (nest) 05:56, 11 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
User:Red-tailed hawk: I did inform Soibangla on his talk page. He immediately deleted it (diff) with the following edit comment: “HAHAHA”. So it’s clear that we have someone on our hands who is disruptive and doesn’t mind being so. I’m done for the evening. My hope is that Soibangla can’t control himself when the community is heading in a displeasing editorial direction and needs to study his naval and reflect on what he’s done to himself tomorrow morning. Greg L (talk) 06:08, 11 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Greg. I saw the kerfuffle at Talk:Twitter Files. What a mess. While your post was indeed a mild (but large) violation of NOTFORUM, it was a pleasant one that I wouldn't have deleted. Since it was deleted (technically the correct move), the resulting edit war and discussion ended up wasting a lot of time and bandwidth, creating lots of disruption on the talk page, and that's exactly why even a pleasantly mild NOTFORUM violation can be disruptive. Sorry about what happened to your post, but it would have been best for you to not insist on restoring it. That really took us down a rabbit hole. Edit warring isn't good anywhere, even on talk pages.

Regarding your accusations against Soibangla, you should read what's on this page (in exactly this spot in the page history) to see what happened. It was Twittler, not Soibangla, and the language is very unlike Soibangla's. I'm rather surprised you weren't blocked for attempted outing when you talked about Soibangla's purported location and IP. (That kind of discussion is best done in a private email to an administrator.) Outing is a big sin around here, and even those with checkuser priviliges aren't allowed to mention the IPs of registered users, even when the checkuser proves the IP is connected to a registered sock puppet account.

I'm not sure exactly what ticked people off, but it might have been your use of Newsmax, a horrible source of constant far-right propaganda. It's worse than Fox News, which pushes Rupert Murdoch's top-down corporate agenda against democracy. (Many countries consider him and Fox News a serious threat to democracy because he buys up major news media and tries to dominate all other voices and POV in the news with his right-wing, dictator-friendly, agenda using the "firehose of falsehood" technique, which is also used by Trump[15] and most of the right-wing autocrats he has praised and admires, leaders like Duterte, Putin, Saddam Hussein, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, Erdogan, Mussolini, Gaddafi, Jair Bolsonaro, and Orban.[16][17][18][19][20][21] (I could add Hitler to that list as Trump has studied Hitler's methods and is known to have kept Hitler's speeches on his bedside table. That explains why he is so defensive of far-right neonazis. He admires violent strongmen and envies their power.)

My main point is to be more careful and back off when you meet resistance. Even your well-meant attempts can be misunderstood. Right now your threads are still up there on the talk page, but any more discussion on them should be discouraged as they are still a distraction from the purpose of the talk page. If there is any more discussion there, your threads will get hatted as they don't contribute to improving that article. -- Valjean (talk) (PING me) 18:29, 11 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

User:Valjean: Wow! Where to begin?? Nothing you wrote holds water. I’m not going to delete your above post; you said your piece and I’ll honor it by allowing it to be memorialized here. Note though, that I am a big believer in “The proper response to bad speech is better speech,” so I’m going to do my best, below. Thrust; parry: it’s fair.
Quoting you, above: I'm not sure exactly what ticked people off, but it might have been your use of Newsmax. I didn’t “use” Newsmax as a source in the article; I merely mentioned it on the talk page to break news that the fourth release of the Twitter Files had been made. If the mere mentioning of the word “Newsmax” triggers people, or made them “ticked off,” as you put it, then something has gone way wrong with the culture here on talk pages.
Besides, the mere mentioning of “Newsmax” isn’t what triggered Soibangla; he was deleting that post seven hours before I mentioned the “Newsmax” hurt-word, so that had nothing to do with it.
As for “outing” Soibangla, he outed himself when he logged out and came back in as an I.P. to engage in more deletions since he had run up against his three-per-day quota. It’s all there in the talk-page history, like a doorbell cam, for the world to see. So don’t try to deflect blame from the porch pirate to the homeowner for leaving packages on the doorstep to tempt thieves.
We can’t ignore the 800-pound gorilla in the room here: Soibangla is a single-purpose account (his last 500 edits), dedicated to slanting articles to pro-Democrat/anti-Trump positions. Single-purpose tendentious editors cause untold and persistent havoc on Wikpeida. They are immune to peer pressure because if someone gently tries to correct them on their talk pages, they just delete them, like Soibangla did with JPxG, here and here with me, where his accompanying edit comment was an oh-so mature “HAHAHA”.
It’s interesting that as of 07:26 on Dec. 11, I didn’t see that you had visited his talk page, trying to give him gentle guidance this morning; you saw fit to come to me and take me to task for mentioning the word “Newsmax” on a talk page. Why is that?
Soibangla lost nearly all his legitimacy when he nominated the “Twitter Files” for deletion an hour after it was created (something snowballed as an obvious “Keep” in short order by the rest of the wikipedian community).
I note that you wrote this on the Talk:Twitter Files:Attempts to delete the page: It makes sense to delete this nothingburger. Hmmmm. What Twitter did to suppress conservative voices is a very big deal. You just can’t make something like that go away, Valjean, by throwing around dismissive words like “that was debunked long ago” and “this is a complete nothingburger”. But you tried, didn’t you? I completely understand that you’d be upset with the status quo of the wider wikipedian community not going the direction you’d like. And I can understand you’d have a problem with those who might have some influence on the course of events. You can chalk that up to a big “WAAAH-burger.”
Thereafter, Soibangla’s sole purpose in life was to hover in The Twitter Files articlespace and act as a Great Wall of Censorship by deleting anything that impeached Twitter’s old behavior, like this deletion and this one. And when he actually manages to add material, it is to act as a Twitter apologist by slanting the article with “explainers” like this edit. It’s pure unadulterated obstruction.
Single-purpose editors like that have to resort to breaking the rules. True to form, he ducked out when he’s not able to silence a voice and came back with socks and I.P.s. That is pure crap and he lost all credibility over it.
Now let’s further analyze what you wrote above, which I find to be 2022’s best whopper. You wrote this: using the "firehose of falsehood" technique, which is also used by Trump[22] and most of the right-wing autocrats he has praised and admires, leaders like Duterte, Putin, Saddam Hussein, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, Erdogan, Mussolini, Gaddafi, Jair Bolsonaro, and Orban, and since your own user page has this: Donald Trump is a lunatic: Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, I’ve got your number; you are as partisan and biased as they come.
And further pondering the way your mind works, I note this doozy from above: I could add Hitler to that list as Trump has studied Hitler's methods and is known to have kept Hitler's speeches on his bedside table. Thus, you affirmed Godwin's law, which “is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison to Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches 1.” Oh. By the way, Franklin Roosevelt read the original German-language version of Mein Kampf. Yeah. True thing.
The next time someone writes “The proper response to bad speech is better speech,” try harder. Now, please stay off my talk page. And for God’s sake, stop flitting about with the excess self esteem of an individual who fancies himself as a wise and unbiased voice of sound reasoning who must counsel other wikipedians. If I want to deal with you, perhaps I’ll see you on Talk:Twitter Files. Happy editing. Greg L (talk) 20:06, 11 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Fighting the good fight.

I recently had my IP address changed by my provider (not due to anything I did) and am outing myself on your talk page as the IP editor formerly known as, I was doing a cursory stroll through the talk pages of some articles and saw your back and forth on the Twitter files talk page and thought you really deserved this. I have found myself discouraged by the very clear slant and what I would call bird-dogging of a series of current events pages by a small but very clear group of editors with an agenda that flies in the face of WP:NPOV, I saw you did not rise to the bait and stood your ground eloquently and logically in the face of that and I congratulate you for it. You deserve this. (talk) 15:05, 23 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you very much, I.P. editor. I think your description of the events there hits the nail on the head as to what’s going on. It only takes a small handful of like-minded agenda-driven editors to hijack Wikipedia’s articles. It’s a passion-driven phenomenon and most middle-of-the-road editors just don’t have the necessary level of passion to self-organize to oppose the bias and undo the damage. Greg L (talk) 16:55, 23 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
This is a joke, right? You are probably one of the 5 worst and most brazenly ideological editors on the entire site; you literally do nothing but post inspirational Alexander Hamilton quotes and 3000 word essays on your banal political views. Just make a blog, man. No one here cares. Wise and Beautiful Editor (talk) 17:46, 23 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Hmmm… Declares some random, newly and semi-registered (first edit only two days ago, no home page and no talk page) volunteer wikipedian who logged in, anointed himself with the pen name “Wise and Beautiful Editor”®™©, and closed an inconvenient discussion thread. “Irony” lost on you?
I also find it quite interesting that only 52 minutes after I responded here, lickety-split, you land here to plant a silly little rant. While flattering, I find it to be somewhat obsessive.
Though I have no proof that you aren’t anything other than a bonafide independent solo wikipedian, that sort of behavior is sometimes seen as the product of sock puppets of other editors, possibly the oh-so agitated ones who wanted that discussion thread, which made them look like fools, to be closed. Alas, your closure was quickly reverted by someone with maturity and understanding of Wikipedia’s policies.
This is all so seriously funny. As this is my talk page and I had the right to delete your post, I won’t; I’m a firm believer in “the proper response to bad speech is better speech.” Accordingly, I’m going to memorialized your little rant here for all to see and respond with what I think is a better speech. ’Twasn’t hard.
And now you can stay off my talk page and run along and play somewhere else. I know who you are, how you think, how you operate, and—just forgive me all over the place—I’m not impressed. Greg L (talk) 19:38, 23 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Epilog FYI: Wise and Beautiful Editor was later found to be a sockpuppet specializing in breaking Wikipedia’s rules and trolling, with a focus on venues like Talk:Twitter Files, Presidency of Donald Trump, and Donald Trump 2024 presidential campaign. The sock was permanently banned, along with the sock master and some other sockpuppets. Greg L (talk) 05:57, 27 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Why am I not surprised. There’s too much of this behavior going on currently on Wikipedia and it isn’t being addressed by the Administrators. It’s really problematic as Wikipedia is now becoming more of a joke than anything else. A good friend of mine, a women who was a lawyer, had a part in writing the constitution of an Asian nation, worked in government and knew quite a few of the political figures whose pages are staked out on Wikipedia once took me to task about the site because as she said, anyone can write something. In the years since her point has only been exemplified more and more much to the site’s detriment. (talk) 01:21, 28 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I came across this WP:TROLLFOOD and the editor who commented is a perfect illustration of the same. I long ago recognized what was going on and had this up on my old user page: [23] The projection that goes on is simply astounding but again I credit you for calling it out. The unfortunate thing of course is that Wikipedia really doesn’t do more to rein in this type of behavior and many WP:GAME Take heart though, people do notice and appreciate the effort to try and bring this project back to a WP:NPOV even if there are people who want to push an agenda and lie to themselves. Stay the course! (talk) 00:19, 24 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for that video and the encouragement to “stay the course.”
What Larry Sanger, the co-founder of Wikipedia said in that video you linked to is occurring all over Wikipedia and is obviously occurring on Twitter Files. It was apparent when the article was created and within one hour had been nominated for deletion; the very editor who was behind that AfD has been an actor on that article since.
There are a lot of institutions that feel deeply threatened right now and are in panic mode. They somehow believe that merely by hijacking the narrative on Twitter Files, their problems in real life will go away; they’re tilting at windmills and pissing in the wind; this story is too big to make it go away just by saying “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.”
Whenever I wrote over on Talk:Twitter Files that a Republican-lead House of Representatives will conduct very many, very probing investigations, with witnesses under oath, and that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth will eventually come out, the denizens on that talk page were quite triggered and started doing transparently stupid antics like using sock puppets to delete my messages. Oh… hell; it didn't take much at all to trigger them. All I had to do is show up and say some sensible sounding stuff there in the town hall for them to get their nickers in a knot.
It’s silly of them to expect me to have a worldview that is otherwise. If anyone reads the portion of my user page about my son trying to get into the SEALs, they’d expect nothing else. What no one here knows (until just now), is that for many years my son not only got into the SEALs, but got into DEVGRU (a.k.a. Seal Team 6), where he achieved the rank of Chief. He’s leaving there in a few weeks for a lower-stress job elsewhere in the Navy where he can spend more time with his family.
I suspect many of that cabal of hyper-liberal editors on Twitter Files are youthful and are from the same mold as Twitter employees; they believe they are fighting some sort of Good Fight©™® for wokeness and hope to create “safe places” where they are free from being exposed to notions like “free-market economies,” “non-government jobs that pay income taxes,” “there’s no such thing as a Pleasant Outcome Fairy that pays for endless free stuff,” “there’s no such things as eliminating ‘income inequality’ unless you make everyone equally poor,” and “reality.” As Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.”
Regrettably, Thatcher is ancient history to recent high school grads. Moreover, important concepts about civics and economics are no longer being well taught, resulting in underdeveloped paideia (good education and formation of character) in new members of society. This is even more regrettable because, as Plato taught, for there to be an enduring republic—a form of government where its citizens are governed by laws enacted through elected representatives and there is no monarch—the electorate must have a well-developed paideia. Without that, the electorate is susceptible to the hyperbole of Hitler or, at the other extreme, neosocialists like Bernie Sanders and AOC. Ideological certitude, where leaders purport to be able to easily address a country’s woes by demonizing a segment of its own citizenry, is one of the great weaknesses of mankind. Such ideologies are the tools of bad leaders; their allure, the refuge of weak minds.
One product of a lack of paideia is rampant self esteem and a strong sense of entitlement… we see that at my work where I am a senior mechanical engineer; we frequently have 20-something floor workers who wonder, after only months on the job, why they haven’t yet been promoted to a level where their advice is passed along to the Vice President of Manufacturing. It’s a widely felt perception throughout American businesses today; the now-93-year-old cofounder of Home Depot, Bernie Marcus, recently gave an interview to the Financial Times, in which he stated that “[Nobody works anymore] because of socialism. Nobody gives a damn. ‘Just give it to me. Send me money. I don't want to work. I'm too lazy. I'm too fat. I'm too stupid’,” Marcus said of the sentiments of workers nowadays.
It’s a sad fact that a standard test of self esteem that has been used for decades shows that today’s high school graduates have the same level of self esteem as did major Hollywood stars of the 1950s. This manifests itself early on, as the BBC covered, as an ever-increasing level of narcissism of U.S. students before they even graduate. In an effort to stay in power, the Democratic Party decided they must dig down and find more electorate with even poorer formed paideia; Pelosi in 2019 backed legislation to allow 16-year-old children to vote in Federal elections. They actually brought it to a vote but failed.
Some of the behavior you and I are seeing over in Twitter Files articlespace and on the talk page strikes me as the product of what Sanger said is for-a-fact occurring all over Wikipedia: there are people from institutions whose power, money, and influence are all at risk of being lost; I find some of those to be here now on Talk:Twitter Files and they have a stealthier, more mature, laid-back approach with a lighter touch. But they are not very knowledgeable about Wikipedia’s processes.
Finally, the political polarization since 2020 has produced some wildly extreme behavior here on Wikipedia, where some editors can’t develop a proper theory-of-mind of others. There was behind-the-scenes discussion (elsewhere in WP:-land) about the above barnstar you awarded me. Another editor was convinced that you (an I.P. editor), had to be me congratulating myself. With specific regard to your barnstar comment about the partisan cabal on Talk:Twitter Files, one editor wrote that your comment wasn’t even a valid concern: "bird-dogging of a series of current events pages by a small but very clear group of editors with an agenda that flies in the face of WP:NPOV," is not a "valid opinion." Translating to political-speak: “Suggestions that there is bias in the ‘Twitter Files’ article are nothing more than debunked conspiracy theories.”
Consequently, wikipedians who object to violations of Neutral Point of View in Wikipedia’s articles are told their objections have no merit and are dismissed out of hand… and this is from editors who have anti-Trump/anti-Republican slogans on their user pages; they aren’t the least bit shy about being partisan because they have absolute conviction that their worldviews and opinions are “The Truth.”
The combination of these hyper-liberal activists and the institutional editors with an agenda are undermining the credibility of Wikipedia to such an extent that, as Larry Sanger laments in the YouTube video you linked to, “I no longer trust the website I created.” That’s so very sad.
As regards WP:TROLLFOOD, indeed. I learned on my own all about that long ago. I could very succinctly summarize my philosophy on dealing with tendentious and uncivil single-purpose editors in a sentence or two, but then I’d be giving away too much; my writing speaks for itself and you noted the end result and encapsulated it well in your kind barnstar award.
The last two-and-a-half years (2020, 2021, and first half of 2022) have been suck-ass ones due to a confluence of poor checks and balances in an all-Democrat Washington, D.C. combined with COVID. It’s going to be an interesting 2023. Cheers and Merry Christmas. Greg L (talk) 18:50, 30 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Awareness of discretionary sanctions

Hi again, Greg. I don't mean to bother you, but after I placed a couple of discretionary sanctions alerts on this page, you added the {{ds/aware}} template to the top of the page, presumably in order to not be bothered about ds again. But I'm afraid the ds template needs parameters; it doesn't work if you just leave it that you're aware of ds in general, as you can probably see by how it came out. As it said in my alerts, you have to "place {{Ds/aware}} on your user talk page and specify in the template the topic areas that you would like to opt out of alerts about" (my italics). That means you need to add, inside the template, the codes for the topic areas you're actually aware of. These codes are fairly intuitive (ap for American politics, blp for biographies of living persons, etc), and a list of them can be found here. So, for example, to indicate that you're aware of the sanctions for post-1992 American politics, you type {{subst:Ds/aware|ap}}, which shows on your page as

For more than one topic it would be something like {{subst:Ds/aware|ap|blp}}, which would show on your page as


More topic areas can be added to the template as you become aware of them. I hope this is clear; if it's not, please ask, and we can fix it together. Bishonen | tålk 03:25, 28 December 2022 (UTC).[reply]

Thank much, @Bishonen: I very much appreciate your (multiple) efforts here to give personal attention to me in this case, all because I didn’t take the time to completely read how to handle the {{subst:Ds/aware|ap|blp}} templates. With your additional guidance, I’ve added them. And I’ll leave your post here for a while so you can take a break from taking care of me.
I tried mightily on Talk:Twitter Files to keep the “pedo” business regarding Musk and his tweet, CNN’s interpretation of that tweet, and its effect on Roth out of articlspace as that would have been an egregious BLP violation. I haven’t checked in on the article lately, but I’d be surprised if anyone decided to slip that into the article since there was a clear consensus to keep it out. Thanks again. Greg L (talk) 04:25, 28 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Well, you have used some much more complicated code at the top of this page than the one I suggested - not sure where it comes from - and which I can only imperfectly understand. But what I can see is that it's not working as intended. There is still no mention of which ds area(s) you're aware of. In your code, I see the term "gender", so I assume you want to opt out of receiving alerts for gender-related disputes or controversies or people associated with them? If that's right, please just use this template: {{Ds/aware|gg}}, which is of the right form, and contains the topic code "gg" for gender. That'll work. (I apologize for including the confusing "subst:" business before; I thought it was necessary, but it just seems to mess things up. Just ignore it. Man, I hate templates.) Bishonen | tålk 09:03, 28 December 2022 (UTC).[reply]
@Bishonen: Crap. I was multi-tasking yesterday and wearing glasses with a brand-new prescription so I now have an eye-strain headache. Nothing I did yesterday worked all that smoothly. Three times over my career, I’ve had to tell a boss I was heading home because my brain just wasn’t working; consider this my fourth. I’ll forgo the templates at the top and don’t mind occasional reminders. Thanks for the assistance,
Beyond alerts to editors active on flame-war-inducing articles, I hope the admins—and bureaucrats too because there are partisan admins out there—keep a keen eye out for cabals on political-related articles, where the denizens give atomic wedgies and drum newcomers out of the ranks, after those “outsiders” land on a talk page and endeavor to correct biases in articles. As you no-doubt know, some of the tricks used to gang up on those with disfavored views included creating numerous sockpuppets to give the appearance of consensus where none exists.
Bias is rampant in other articles besides Twitter Files. I once weighed in on the talk page, probably discussing Michael Avenatti (Stormy Daniel’s attorney now in prison), which at the time had a lede that read as follows:
Michael John Avenatti (born February 16, 1971) is an American attorney and entrepreneur. He has appeared on broadcast as well as in print media as a legal commentator and has represented parties in a number of prominent lawsuits, including cases brought against the National Football League, various celebrity defendants, high-ranking business executives, and Fortune 100 companies. He is also a professional race car driver, having participated in races in the United States and Europe.
Editors active on that article forgot to mention the part about where he volunteered in his spare time to assist Mother Teresa with washing the feet of the orphans. This was well after his legal problems for stealing client money had started, which was far-and-wide what made him WP:NOTABLE.
Somewhere in relation to Avenatt (I can’t find it now), I made a point about the rampant bias in our political articles and made the point that Wikipedia’s article on Trump has a whole section on “False Statements” whereas Biden has no equivalent section, nor one covering concerns over Biden’s mental fitness. As I recall, an admin active on the article responded with something along the lines of “That’s because Trump lies and Biden doesn’t.” Ohhh! You mean it’s that simple?!? Fortunately, that single !*! neuron responsible for initiating an emergency reactor SCRAM that protects the brain from a cognitive-dissonance seizure kicked in. I dropped it; at least on Wikipedia, politicians who are Democrats don’t lie.
To correct the bias, we need to ensure that those endeavoring to give proper balance to our articles aren’t met with (literally) responses along the lines of “The suggestion that there exists bird-dogging on a series of current events pages by a small but very clear group of editors with an agenda isn’t even a valid opinion.” → Is not a valid opinion.← And that’s from an editor who has “Donald Trump is a lunatic” and “Republican kamikazes” on their user page. If one ponders the implications of that, one may find irony. Greg L (talk) 19:33, 28 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Guide number

I manually reverted your Revision as of 04:07, 13 September 2017 (UTC) of Guide number. Please see if it is OK. —Anomalocaris (talk) 06:17, 8 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

@Anomalocaris: Comparing the old table to your new one, things look great. Thanks! Greg L (talk) 07:03, 8 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2023 Elections voter message

Hello! Voting in the 2023 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 11 December 2023. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2023 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:29, 28 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

ANI notice

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Phantom Hoover (talk) 21:57, 3 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]


Disclaimer: I'm not a Wikibooks expert. Further, just in the interests of transparency, Wikibooks is not a very frequently hit project, and there's a lot of half-finished garbage there. That said, it is free webhosting in a wiki format, so theoretically it can just be copy-pasted on over. The intent is for exactly this kind of material, textbook-y like educational resources but much more freeform and book-like. It'll still have access to all the pictures on Commons. And... there's nothing stopping it from being linked, maybe even prominently, at the end of the Wikipedia article. If nothing else, if there are certain parts that others really insist on taking out of the article, you can possibly preserve them by just porting it to the Wikibooks link I offered. Since there's not a lot of activity on Wikibooks, the good news is that people are unlikely to complain, although the bad news is that people are unlikely to help out either. If you looked at Wikibooks:String Theory, you probably saw that there's not a lot there, so... yeah, green fields at least? SnowFire (talk) 04:32, 5 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

@SnowFire: Thank you very very much. I could do a simple Google search to learn more. But I agree, something like I created for Fuzzball (string theory) sounds like Wikibooks is a more suitable venue, despite what you say describe as the generally poor content over there. But our science articles are in a shambles over here on Wikipedia; have you seen our Neutron star article? Except for paid publications like Scientific American, pretty much everything-science is in a poor state; you get what you pay for. Getting Wikibooks to have a better reputation can only begin by making it better. I think I’ll just do a transplant. Any idea about links to Wikipedia from there? It seems they would all have to be external (single brackets) links. Greg L (talk) 05:02, 5 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Alas, I'm not a Wikibooksian. If you use the source editor (rather than the visual editor), you can drop in wikilinks to Wikipedia articles with [[:w:String theory|String theory]] (or [[:Wikipedia:String theory|String theory]] for a long form) and the like via using a preceding ":w:", but that sure seems annoying to have to keep doing that. Not sure if there's something cleaner and faster. SnowFire (talk) 07:16, 5 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I can use MS Word to do a search and replace to make all that faster. I have the article over there now. Thank you again, SnowFire. Greg L (talk) 07:20, 5 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
P.S. @SnowFire: There seems to be only two templates that I used quite a bit but don’t exist over there: {{solar mass}} and a quote template. There are easy work-arounds for those… and I can even use MS Word to expedite the process. And, though I haven’t had time to look in detail, there appears to be a template-grabbing tool over there; I’m not sure what it’s about, but I might look at it closer. Fortunately, the {{val}} template was transferred over and works. By the way, I was the guy who originally evangelized back in the day for {{val}} and collaborated with a template author to create it, develop it, and proof the thing on various web browser and operating systems. Previous ways of writing complex values were barbaric before {{val}}. Greg L (talk) 07:44, 5 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

MfD nomination of User:Greg L

Usuario:Greg L , una página que usted creó o a la que contribuyó sustancialmente, ha sido nominada para su eliminación . Sus opiniones sobre el tema son bienvenidas; puede participar en la discusión agregando sus comentarios en Wikipedia:Miscelánea para eliminación/Usuario:Greg L y asegúrese de firmar sus comentarios con cuatro tildes (~~~~). Usted es libre de editar el contenido de Usuario:Greg L durante la discusión, pero no debe eliminar la plantilla de miscelánea para eliminación de la parte superior de la página; dicha eliminación no terminará la discusión sobre la eliminación. Gracias. बिनोद थारू ( discusión ) 04:36, 20 de diciembre de 2023 (UTC) [ responder ]

No estoy seguro de haber hecho las cosas bien

Greg, consulta Cavalier Rural Electric Cooperative . Es más bien un "artículo para eliminar" y no estoy seguro de haberlo hecho bien. MLee1957 ( discusión ) 17:00 22 dic 2023 (UTC) [ responder ]

@ MLee1957 : Hiciste lo correcto de la manera correcta. Gracias por avisarme. Greg L (discusión) 18:41 22 dic 2023 (UTC) [ responder ]