No. 41 Squadron RAF

No. 41 Squadron Royal Air Force is a flying squadron of the Royal Air Force (RAF), currently operating as the Test and Evaluation Squadron (TES) for the RAF's Typhoon, presently based at RAF Coningsby in the English county of Lincolnshire in the United Kingdom. Its current official abbreviated title is 41 TES. The squadron was originally formed in April 1916; 108 years ago (1916-04), during First World War as part of the Royal Flying Corps (RFC), and served on the Western Front as a ground attack and fighter squadron. Disbanded in 1919 as part of the post-war draw down, No. 41 Squadron was re-formed as an RAF squadron in 1923, and remained on home service until 1935, when it was deployed to Aden during the Abyssinian crisis.

During the Second World War, the squadron flew Supermarine Spitfire fighters, and saw action over Dunkirk and the during the Battle of Britain in the early years of the war. Combat operations were flown from Britain over German-occupied Europe during 1941–1944, before the squadron moved to the continent after the Normandy landings. During 1944–1945, the squadron supported the Allied advance into Germany, and it remained there until mid-1946 as part of the occupation force following the end of hostilities. In the post-war years, the squadron was disbanded and re-formed several times, operating a variety of jet aircraft in the fighter, reconnaissance, and interceptor roles. In 2006, the squadron was re-roled as the Fast Jet & Weapons Operational Evaluation Unit. It remained in this role until 2010, when it became the Test and Evaluation Squadron of the Royal Air Force.


First World War, 1916–1919

No. 41 Squadron Royal Flying Corps was originally formed at Fort Rowner, RAF Gosport, in mid April 1916, with a nucleus of men from 28 Squadron RFC. However, on 22 May 1916, the squadron was disbanded again when it was re-numbered '27 Reserve Squadron RFC'.[5]

41 Squadron was re-formed on 14 July 1916[3] with a nucleus of men from 27 Reserve Squadron, and equipped with the Vickers F.B.5 'Gun Bus' and Airco D.H.2 'Scout'. These were replaced in early September 1916 with the Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.8, and it was these aircraft which the squadron took on their deployment to France on 15 October 1916. Eighteen aircraft departed Gosport for the 225 miles (362 kilometres) flight to St. Omer, but only twelve actually made it, the others landing elsewhere with technical problems. The twelve pilots spent a week at St. Omer before moving to Abeele, where the ground crews reached them by road, and the remaining six pilots by rail, minus their aircraft.[6]

The F.E.8 was already obsolete as a pure fighter, and No. 41 used theirs mainly for ground attack. On 24 January 1917, the squadron claimed its first victories. These fell to Sergeant Pilot Cecil Tooms, who himself was killed in action only four hours later.[5] While equipped with F.E.8s, the squadron participated in the Battle of Arras (April–May 1917) and the Battle of Messines (June 1917). By this time, the unit had become the last 'pusher' fighter squadron in the RFC. In July 1917, No. 41 were re-equipped with DH 5 fighters, which proved disappointing; in October 1917, the squadron finally received S.E.5a fighters, with which they were equipped for the duration of the war.[6]

The squadron provided distinguished service in the Battle of Cambrai (November 1917), and subsequently in the German spring offensive (March 1918), and the Battle of Amiens (August 1918). 41 Squadron claimed its final victory of the war two days prior to the cessation of hostilities.[5] In the aftermath, the unit was reduced to a cadre of just 16 men on 7 February 1919, and returned to the United Kingdom. Their new base was Tangmere, but they were moved to Croydon, Surrey, in early October, and formally disbanded on 31 December 1919.[5]

During the war, some seventeen aces served with No. 41 Squadron, including; William Gordon Claxton, Frederick McCall, William Ernest Shields, Eric John Stephens, Frank Soden, Russell Winnicott, Geoffrey Hilton Bowman, Roy W. Chappell, Alfred Hemming, Frank Harold Taylor, Malcolm MacLeod, Loudoun MacLean, future Air Vice-Marshal Meredith Thomas, and William Gillespie. The unit had a remarkable number of Canadian aces in it; ten out of the seventeen. The squadron's pilots and ground crews were awarded four DSOs, six MCs, nine DFCs, two MMs, and four Mentions in Dispatches, for their World War I service with the unit. The pilots were credited with destroying 111 aircraft and 14 balloons, sending down 112 aircraft out of control, and driving down 25 aircraft and five balloons. Thirty-nine men were killed or died on active service, 48 were wounded or injured, and 20 pilots became Prisoners of War, including Australian Captain Norman Bruce Hair.[7]

Between the wars, 1923–1939

RAF Armstrong-Whitworth Siskin IIIa from No. 41 Squadron at RAF Northolt being serviced with oxygen.

The squadron reformed at RAF Northolt on 1 April 1923, equipped with the Sopwith Snipe. In 1924, it began receiving the first Armstrong Whitworth Siskin III biplanes.[8] On 27 July 1929, eleven aircraft from 41 Squadron flew to Calais to rendezvous with French aviation pioneer Louis Blériot and escort him back to Dover, in a re-enactment of the first crossing of the English Channel 20 years earlier.[9] On 9 October 1930, following the R101 airship disaster in Beauvais, France, 41 Squadron pilots and ground crew formed a part of the Guard of Honour for the Lying-in-State of the 48 victims in the Palace of Westminster. Amongst the dead were the Secretary of State for Air, Brig. Gen. Lord Christopher Thomson PC CBE DSO, and the Director of Civil Aviation, Air Vice-Marshal Sir Sefton Brancker KCB AFC. Thousands filed past to pay their last respects.[10]

During the 1930s, displays, sports, competitions, tactical exercises, and flying practice were a part of regular activity. In the summer of 1934, 41 Squadron even performed a flying display for South Bucks Mothers' Union.[8] On 1 July 1935, 41 Squadron escorted an Imperial Airways aircraft to Brussels, with the Duke and Duchess of York on board, where they attend functions for British Week at the International Exhibition.[11] During this period, 41 Squadron was also visited by a number of British and foreign government and military dignitaries. One of the first was Japanese General Matsui Iwane who, after World War II, was held accountable and executed for the 1937 'Rape of Nanjing', in which his armies murdered an estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians. British dignitaries included Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald, the Chief of Air Services, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Hugh Trenchard GCB DSO, the Air Officer Commanding in Chief Air Defence of Great Britain, Air Marshal Sir Edward Ellington KCB CMG CBE, and the Air Officer Commanding Fighting Area, Air Defence of Great Britain, Air Vice-Marshal Hugh Dowding, CB CMG.[8]

R101 disaster: 41 Squadron pilots and ground crew formed a part of the Guard of Honour for the Lying-in-State of the 48 victims in the Palace of Westminster on 9 October 1930.

In October 1935, the squadron was sent to the Aden Province with 12 Squadron and 203 Squadron, to help provide a deterrent to Italy in the region during the Abyssinian crisis of 1935–36, and to protect Aden in case of an airborne or seaborne attack by Italian forces. Although 41 Squadron visited British Somaliland once, which bordered Abyssinia, the unit was otherwise not involved in the crisis, and spent much of their time in flying training and periodic mail runs to Perim Island and Kamaran Island.[8] On occasion, they assisted the resident unit, 8 Squadron, with air policing duties, and returned to the United Kingdom in August 1936.[12] They were then based at RAF Catterick, Yorkshire, from September 1936,[13] where they remained until May 1940.[8]

In April 1937, 41 Squadron's badge and motto, 'Seek and Destroy', are unveiled for the first time and presented to the squadron by the AOC in C, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding KCB CMG. The badge takes the form of a red double-armed cross on a white background, adapted from the arms of the French town of St. Omer, the location of the squadron's first operational overseas posting, in October 1916.[8]

On 30 December 1938, 41 Squadron was issued with the Supermarine Spitfire, becoming the third RAF squadron to receive them. By early February 1939, the squadron had received a full complement of twenty Mark.I Spitfires, at the cost of £129,130.[14]

Around 200 pilots served with 41 Squadron between 1 April 1923 and 2 September 1939. During this period, no battle honours were granted, nor any decorations awarded, but the era produced ten Air Commodores, nine Air Vice-Marshals, two Air Marshals, and two Air Chief Marshals. During these same years, eleven men were killed and three injured in flying accidents, and three injured in aircrew accidents on the ground.[15]

Second World War, 1939–1945

Fg Off John Mackenzie DFC RNZAF, Flt Lt Tony Lovell DFC, Sqn Ldr Don Finlay (OC 41 Squadron), Flt Lt Norman Ryder DFC, and Plt Off Roy Ford, RAF Hornchurch, late November 1940.

Following the declaration of war on 3 September 1939, 41 Squadron spent the first several months on monotonous routine patrols in the north of England. At the end of May 1940, the squadron flew south to RAF Hornchurch to participate in the evacuation of Dunkirk. Twelve days later, they returned to RAF Catterick, claiming six Axis aircraft destroyed and one probable, but also left behind two pilots, the squadron's first pilot killed in action, and their first lost as a prisoner of war.[8][2] After resting for a few weeks, the squadron headed south again on 26 July 1940, to participate in the first phase of the Battle of Britain. In its two-week tour, the Squadron claimed 10 Axis aircraft destroyed, four probables and three damaged, for the loss of one pilot killed and a second wounded.[8]

Again, 41 Squadron returned north to Catterick for a few weeks rest, but returned to Hornchurch on 3 September 1940, where they remained until the end of February 1941. They were now in the thick of the Battle of Britain. The price was high, but so was the damage they inflicted on the Luftwaffe. On 5 September, the squadron experienced one of its blackest days. The Commanding Officer and OC, B Flight, were killed in action, and three other pilots were shot down and two were wounded in action; one of these was hospitalised for six months.[8]

On 31 October 1940, the Battle of Britain was considered officially over. 49 pilots flew with the squadron between 10 July and 31 October 1940. Of these, forty-two were British, two Canadian, two Irish, and two New Zealanders. Ten were killed and twelve wounded in action (44% casualties). The squadron claimed over 100 victories from July 1940 to the end of that year.[16]

Sqn Ldr Donald O. Finlay, OC 41 Squadron, standing with Spitfire IIa, P7666, EB-Z, which was his personal mount. He claimed a destroyed Me 109 on his first sortie on the day the aircraft was delivered, 23 November 1940.

On 23 February 1941, the squadron returned to Catterick for a well-earned break. Only four pilots remained from the original 18 who landed in Hornchurch on 3 September 1940. However, in reality it is much worse: sixteen pilots had been killed, five wounded and hospitalised (who did not return) and fifteen otherwise posted away, in effect a 200% turnover since the unit's deployment to Hornchurch in early September. The squadron also now has its third Commanding Officer since then, and its fourth within ten months.[17]

Following five months rest in Catterick, during which the last Battle of Britain hardened pilots departed and new recruits joined from the British Commonwealth Air Training Programme, the squadron headed south to Merston, Sussex, on 28 July 1941, to join the Tangmere Wing, where the wing leader was Douglas Bader. There followed an intensive period of offensive activity over France.[18]

On 12 February 1942, 41 Squadron took part in the attack on the German Kriegsmarine's Prinz Eugen, Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau after they escaped from Brest and made a dash up the Channel to the safety of their home ports. During these actions, 41 Squadron claimed three German aircraft destroyed and one damaged, but lost one pilot who failed to return.[19]

The squadron also supported the ill-fated Canadian landings at Dieppe (Operation Jubilee) on 19 August 1942, completing three squadron-strength missions over the beaches. The pilots returned from the third without the Officer Commanding, Sqn Ldr Geoffrey Hyde, who was hit by flak and killed; he was the squadron's only casualty that day.[20]

Tired, after a busy summer on the south coast fending off Me109s and FW190s fulfilling the Luftwaffe's 'hit and run' strategy, the squadron was taken off operations until February 1943 and sent to Llanbedr, Wales, for an extended period of rest. This heralded the start of an intensive period of turnover in the unit's ranks, as men were rested and fresh pilots brought in.[21]

41 Squadron Spitfire Mk.XIIs in an Air Ministry photograph dated 12 April 1944. Flight Commander Flt Lt Don Smith RAAF is flying the aircraft in the foreground.

In February 1943, the unit became the first of only two squadrons to receive the new Griffon-engine Spitfire Mk.XII. Having rested, re-equipped and trained on the new aircraft, the squadron was sent back onto operations in April 1943, and claimed their first definitive victory in over ten months on 17 April. This was also the first by the RAF in the Mk.XII Spitfire.[22]

From late June 1943, large scale bomber escorts to targets in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, became a daily event, and Ramrod escorts to formations of between 50 and 150 B-17 Flying Fortresses and B-26 Marauders became routine.[23]

41 Squadron provided air support in the lead-up to, and throughout the D-Day landings. On D-Day itself, 6 June 1944, three pilots were hit by flak over the bridgehead and one was killed. On 19 June, however, the squadron was pulled off air support for the bridgehead in France, and was deployed solely in the destruction of Germany's newest weapon, the V-1 flying bomb.[24] On 28 August 1944, the squadron claimed its last of 53 V1s destroyed during the war. Several pilots succeeded in bringing them down after expending all their ammunition, by flying alongside them and placing their own wingtips underneath that of the V1. The wind movement between both wingtips was sufficient to upset the V1's gyroscope and send crashing it to the ground.[25]

The squadron was re-equipped with the Spitfire Mk.XIV in September 1944, and during the ensuing three months, participated in 'Big Ben' operations against V2 launch sites, in Operation Market Garden at Arnhem and Nijmegen, in operations in the Walcheren campaign, and in the Allied Oil Campaign over Germany.[26]

The squadron moved to the continent in early December 1944, making its base at Diest in Belgium. Ground targets were the squadron's chief prey as a member of 125 Wing, and the unit attacked anything moving on road, rail, or canal in Germany. Operating so close to the ground, flak also took its toll on pilots and aircraft. One pilot was killed, three wounded, and two shot down and taken prisoner.[26]

Spitfire XII, MB882, EB-B, 12 April 1944. This aircraft was the personal mount of two consecutive Flight Commanders, Flt Lt Don Smith RAAF and Flt Lt Terry Spencer.

In April 1945, the squadron moved forward with the advancing front, and made its first base in Germany, just south-west of the town of Celle, 140 mi (230 km) due west of Berlin, and only a short distance south-east of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. During April and early May 1945, German resistance crumbled. 41 Squadron claimed 33 enemy aircraft destroyed, two probably destroyed, and three damaged in the air, and 21 damaged on the ground, in the 23 days preceding 3 May 1945 (the date of the squadron's final claim). Their own casualties for the same period were no pilots killed or wounded in action, and no aircraft lost to enemy action, although some did sustain combat damage.[27]

After the cessation of hostilities, the squadron was based a short time at Kastrup (Copenhagen), but then returned to Germany, where it became a part of the Allied occupying forces, 'BAFO'. By the end of the war, 41 Squadron had claimed 200 aircraft destroyed, 61 probably destroyed, 109 damaged, and 53 V-1s destroyed. On 31 March 1946, still based on the continent, 41 Squadron was disbanded by re-numbering to 26 Squadron.[28]

The squadron had two mascots during the war: 'Wimpy', a Bull Terrier with the tip of one ear missing, at Catterick in 1939–40, and 'Perkin', a large black French Poodle, in 1943–44.[29] The squadron's 325 World War II pilots were men from Britain, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Poland, White Russia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Trinidad, Uruguay, the United States, and Zululand.[30]

41 Squadron's pilots were awarded three DSOs, 21 DFCs, one DFM, and one Mention in Dispatches, for their World War II service with the unit. Sixty four were killed in action or died on active service, 58 were wounded in action or injured in accidents, three were shot down but evaded capture and returned to the United Kingdom, and 21 pilots were shot down and became Prisoners of War. The average age of a man who died in service with 41 Squadron during World War II was 23½.[31]

Post War, 1946–2006

Bristol Bloodhound surface-to-air missile, as operated by 41 Squadron from 1965 to 1970 at RAF West Raynham.

On 1 April 1946, only a day after being disbanded in Germany, 41 Squadron was re-formed at RAF Dalcross in Scotland as a fighter squadron, by re-numbering from 122 Squadron, and reverted to the Supermarine Spitfire, this time the Mk. F.21.[28]

The squadron flew its Spitfires for the last time on 18 August 1947, and became No. 41 Instrument Flying Rating Squadron, equipped with the Airspeed Oxfords & North American Harvard. However, in June the following year, the squadron reverted to fighter defence and was re-equipped with the De Havilland Hornet F.1, followed later by the F.3.[3]

41 Squadron became a day fighter unit again in January 1951 and entered the jet age, receiving its first jet-powered aircraft, the Gloster Meteor F.4. In April 1951 these were replaced by the Gloster Meteor F.8, and four years later the squadron received the Hawker Hunter F.5.[3] On 14 July 1957, the squadron was presented with a Standard displaying the unit's Battle Honours by the CAS, Air Marshal Sir Theodore McEvoy KCB CBE, who had served three years with 41 Squadron as a young officer,[32] following his graduation from RAF College, Cranwell in 1925.[33]

However, no amount of nostalgia would save the unit from the Government's budgetary axe. On 15 January 1958, as a part of a scheme to reduce the size of RAF Fighter Command, 41 Squadron fell to the same fate as 600 and 615 Squadrons had before it, and were also disbanded. With the departure of 41 Squadron from RAF Biggin Hill ceased to be a Fighter Command airfield, its infrastructure now deemed out of date for the requirements of modern warfare. The runways had become too short for the RAF's newest generation of aircraft and, as a result of encroaching development and civil air paths which now passed above, the base was no longer in a practical location. Fighter Command officially departed from the airfield on 1 March 1958.[34]

A 41 Sqn Jaguar GR3 from RAF Coltishall during Operation Northern Watch in 1999.

This gave 41 Squadron the curious distinction of being the last fighter squadron ever to be based at Biggin Hill. The departure of the unit marked the end of an era for the station in every sense of the word, as thereafter it was relegated to non-operational status, and only used by the London University Air Squadron.[34]

However, as with 41 Squadron's 1946 disbanding, this, too, was a mere technicality. On 16 January 1958, just a day after being disbanded, 141 Squadron, based at RAF Coltishall, near Norwich in Norfolk, dropped the '1' at the beginning of its number and was thus reborn as 41 Squadron. In doing so, they automatically absorbed 141's all-weather Gloster Javelin FAW.4 fighters and personnel.[35]

41 Squadron's standard, originally presented only six months previously, was handed over to 141 Squadron on 16 January 1958 in a short ceremony attended by Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Fighter Command, Air Chief Marshal Sir Thomas Pike, and by 11 Group's Air Officer Commanding, Air Vice-Marshal Victor Bowling, himself a veteran 41 Squadron pilot from 1935.[36]

Only remaining at Coltishall six months, the squadron moved to RAF Wattisham, near Ipswich, Suffolk, on 5 July 1958, where the Gloster Javelin FAW.4s were replaced by FAW.8s in January 1960. By this time, 56 Squadron had also joined them at the station. Whilst there, they hosted French Air Force Dassault Super Mystère fighters during President Charles de Gaulle's state visit in April 1960. 41 Squadron remained at Wattisham for approximately five-and-a-half years, before the unit was disbanded again, on 31 December 1963.[3]

On 1 September 1965, after a 20-month break, 41 Squadron was re-formed at RAF West Raynham, near Fakenham in Norfolk, but this time as a completely different structure. The unit remained firmly on the ground as a missile defence squadron, armed with Bloodhound Mk.II surface-to-air-missile (SAM).[37] Changes to the SAM programme, however, saw 41 Squadron disbanded yet again just five years later, on 18 September 1970.[3] The squadron standard was moved to the Church of St. Michael and St. George at RAF West Raynham, for safe-keeping.[3]

The Jaguar GR3A of outgoing Officer Commanding 41 Squadron, Wg Cdr R. M. J. 'Dick' MacCormac, RAF Coltishall, 1 April 2006.

On 1 April 1972, at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, the squadron was reborn as a tactical fighter reconnaissance and ground attack unit within 38 Group Air Support Command. To support them in their reconnaissance role, a 'Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre' or 'RIC' was formed. The RIC is composed of a number of Air Transportable Reconnaissance Exploitation Laboratories (ATREL), which enable the rapid developing of photographic images and their subsequent analysis. The ATRELs can be transported by air or road, and can be deployed with the squadron to forward operating bases.[3]

In this role, they were equipped with McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom FGR.2s, but these were soon deemed to be unsuitable for the unit. Over the ensuing years, a strategic decision was made to change the role of the RAF's Phantoms from a fighter to an interceptor. This amendment, however, created consternation within some circles, as it was felt the squadron should maintain its role as a fighter and ground attack unit. Consequently, it was resolved to disband 41 Squadron and re-form it elsewhere to enable it to do so.[3]

In preparation for this change, '41 Designate Squadron' was formed at RAF Coltishall, in north Norfolk, on 1 July 1976, and commenced training as a reconnaissance unit with SEPECAT Jaguar GR1 aircraft. The two squadrons operated independently of one another until 31 March 1977, when 41 Squadron was disbanded at Coningsby. This allowed the Coltishall-based 41 Designate Squadron to drop 'Designate' from their name, take possession of the standard, adopt the squadron badge, and become the new combat-ready 41 Squadron at RAF Coltishall a day later.[3]

41 Squadron Jaguar (registration XZ103) commemorative tail-fin, RAF Coltishall, 1 April 2006.

41 Squadron's role changed to low-level reconnaissance and, in early 1978, it became part of SACEUR's Strategic Reserve. In 1980, the unit was assigned to the Allied Command Europe Mobile Force, and was subsequently involved in exercises at Bardufoss in Norway and Decimomannu in the Mediterranean.[38]

In support of its reconnaissance role, the unit formed a RIC at Coltishall to process and interpret the photographs made by pilots, using sensors located in a large external pod. The photographic film was taken to the MAREL's (Mobile Aerial Reconnaissance Exploitation Laboratories) for processing and interpretation. Ideally, a mission report would have been generated within 45 minutes of 'engines off'. Smaller 'air-portable' RICs were also used during off-base deployments.[39]

As a result of this ability, the squadron has been involved in a number of conflicts over two decades during the 1990s and 2000s. In early 1991, during the First Gulf War (Operation Granby, known by its American name, Desert Storm), a large number of reconnaissance and bombing missions were flown against Iraqi forces with Jaguar GR1 and GR1A aircraft as a part of the coalition forces.[3]

In its aftermath, the squadron was deployed to Incirlik, in south-west Turkey, where it participated in the defence of Iraq's Kurdish minority within the boundaries of the country's northern no-fly zone (Operations 'Warden' and 'Resinate North') until April 1993. It was during this period that the large external photographic pods were replaced with smaller, more versatile, medium level pods.[35]

The interior of the doors on 41 Squadron's hangar at RAF Coltishall on the day the station was closed, 1 April 2006.

Four months later, the squadron was deployed to southern Italy, where it flew policing duties over Bosnia in support of Operation Deny Flight until August 1995. It was during this time that one of the squadron's Jaguars became the first RAF aircraft to drop a bomb in anger over Europe since the end of World War II. The target was a Bosnian Serb tank.[3]

The squadron returned to home Coltishall in August 1995 for a well-earned rest. Despite the vital work they had performed in Iraq and Bosnia, however, the squadron found their photographic systems were inhibited by the use of photographic film, which required special handling and processing before any results could be viewed and analysed. This drawback was compounded by the inherent difficulties of moving hardcopy prints around the battlefield, particularly with the distances involved in modern warfare. To overcome these issues, the Jaguar Replacement Reconnaissance Pod (JRRP) was introduced in August 2000.[40]

The new system provided for the recording of a digital images by three cameras onto VHS-C super videotapes with electro optical sensors for day operations and infra-red sensors for night operations. Digital images were then analysed in the ATRELs through in a windows-based application, named 'Ground Imagery Exploitation System', or 'GIES'. The GIES allowed image analysts to edit images and send them electronically.[41]

This system was taken into battle on the Squadron's last operational deployment, during the Second Gulf War (Operation Telic) in Iraq in March–April 2003. During the operation, they were based at Incirlik, Turkey, once again, equipped with the more up-to-date Jaguar GR3.[38]

A flypast of a 41 Squadron Tornado and three 41 Squadron Harriers, RAF Coningsby, October 2006.

In July 2004, the Defence Secretary announced that 41 Squadron would be disbanded once again, on 31 March 2006, as a part of a re-organisation of the Defence Forces following a Government spending review, and the so-called Gershon efficiency study. A White Paper, titled 'Delivering Security in a Changing World: Future Capabilities', foresaw the retirement of the RAF's Jaguar aircraft two years early and the closure of RAF Coltishall. Advances in technology, it reasoned, would mean air defence could be maintained with fewer aircraft, thus allowing older equipment to be withdrawn from service earlier than originally intended. The authors planned that the RAF's future air combat force would be based around the multi-role Typhoon and Joint Combat Aircraft, in co-operation with the Tornado GR4 and Harrier GR7/GR9. Furthermore, the paper intended to reduce Royal Air Force trained manned strength from 48,500 to 41,000 by 1 April 2008.[42]

As a result of these decisions, all of RAF Coltishall's squadrons would be directly affected. 16(R) (the Jaguar OCU) and 54(F) Squadrons, would be disbanded by 1 April 2005 and their aircraft disposed of, and 41 Squadron by 1 April 2006. 6 Squadron, with the last of the RAF's Jaguars, would be moved to RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire on 1 April 2006, itself disbanded by 31 October 2007. RAF Coltishall itself would be finally closed in December 2006, thus ending an over 66 year history.[43]

The first of these draw-downs took place on 11 March 2005, when 16 and 54 Squadrons held a combined passing-out parade. However, their disbandment had little immediate effect on the activity at Coltishall, as most Jaguar airframes and personnel were absorbed into 6 and 41 Squadrons. However, with the departure of these latter squadrons in 2006, and the subsequent closure of the base in December, the close-knit RAF community was dispersed to other locations, and a quiet returned to the area, which has not existed since May 1940.[44]

RAF Tornado GR4 of 41 Squadron (registration ZA447) at the 2010 Royal International Air Tattoo, RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, England.
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in 2010, all of the squadron's aircraft were painted with World War II-era EB codes at the top of each tail fin to honour specific pilots of the period. This particular airframe commemorates Spitfire Mk.Ia, P9428, EB-R ('R' for Robin), and its pilot, Sqn Ldr Hilary R. L. 'Robin' Hood DFC, the squadron Commanding Officer, who was killed during the Battle of Britain.

The following senior leaders of the Royal Air Force all served with 41 Squadron at some time in their career during the Jaguar period: Sir Stephen Dalton, Sir Richard Garwood, Sir Chris Harper, Sir Jock Stirrup, Sir Charles John Thomson, and Sir Glenn Torpy.[45]

However, despite the Government's intention to disband 41 Squadron, and plans drawn up for final ceremonies to take place on the first weekend in April 2006, the unit was given a new lease on life only a short while before taking effect. Approval was received to move 41 Squadron to Coningsby with 6 Squadron on 1 April 2006, and to assume the role of the Fast Jet and Weapons Operational Evaluation Unit, or 'FJWOEU'.[3]

The Fast Jet and Weapons Operational Evaluation Unit (FJWOEU) was formed before it assumed the 41 Squadron number plate. It was created on 1 April 2004 from the merger of the Strike Attack OEU (SAOEU), the F3 OEU, and the Air Guided Weapons OEU (AGWOEU). The FJWOEU took over 41(F) Squadron's number plate on 1 April 2006, rescuing 41 Squadron from disbandment that would have otherwise resulted from the retirement of the RAF's Jaguar fleet.[3]

Their new aircraft consisted of Panavia Tornados and Harrier GR9s, and that same year, the squadron celebrated its 90th anniversary. It remained in the role of FJWOEU until 2010, during that time testing numerous weapons and defence systems that were subsequently deployed by British forces on the front line at various locations throughout the world, including Afghanistan.[46]

Test and Evaluation Squadron, 2010 to present

On 1 April 2010, the Fast Jet Test Squadron (FJTS), then based at Boscombe Down in Wiltshire, was amalgamated into No. 41(Reserve) Squadron to create a new entity, 41 Squadron Test and Evaluation Squadron, or '41(R) TES', in which form it continues today.[46]

In September 2010, the squadron celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, holding an event at RAF Coningsby attended by families of pilots of the World War II era.[47] The squadron painted its current aircraft with World War II-era 'EB' codes, recognising various World War II pilots and their aircraft. Originally, some of these codes were applied to the squadron's Harriers, but when these were retired, the codes were then applied to the Squadron's Tornados, and subsequently Typhoons, that replaced them. They currently commemorate the following World War II aircraft:[48]

‡ – rank indicated is final rank achieved upon leaving Royal Air Force service

41 Squadron Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 ZJ914 'EB-H' at the RAF Waddington Airshow in July 2013. This aircraft code is the newest addition to the squadron's World War II coded aircraft, representing Spitfire XIV, NH915, EB-H. The Spitfire was flown by Gp Capt (then Flt Lt) Derek Rake OBE AFC & Bar when he made 41 Squadron's last victory claim of the War, on 3 May 1945.

Commencing the draw-down of the RAF's Harrier force as a result of the British Government's Strategic Defence and Security Review 2010 (SDSR),[49] 41 Squadron's three Harrier GR9s were transferred to 1 (Fighter) Squadron at RAF Cottesmore on 4 November 2010. 41 Squadron subsequently increased its fleet of Tornado GR4s to compensate the loss of the Harriers, and only operated the GR4 until April 2013.[50]

41 Squadron was also in the spotlight on 29 April 2011, when two of its Tornado GR4s flew with two Typhoons from RAF Coningsby in the Royal Air Force flypast down The Mall and over Buckingham Palace for the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. One of the Tornados was flown by the squadron's then Officer Commanding, Wg Cdr Rich Davies.[51]

Officer Commanding 41 Squadron, Wg Cdr Steve A. 'Raz' Berry, gives the General Salute on the unit's Centenary Parade at RAF Coningsby on 14 July 2016 as a Typhoon and a Tornado arrive overhead.

In 2012, to mark the London 2012 Olympic Games, 41 Squadron unveiled special tail markings on Tornado GR4, ZA614, EB-Z, to commemorate the squadron's link with the Olympic Games. Gp Capt Donald O. Finlay DFC AFC, who commanded the squadron from September 1940 to August 1941, had won Bronze in the Men Hurdles at the 1932 Los Angeles Games, won Silver in the same event at the 1936 Berlin Games, and read the Olympic Oath at the commencement of 1948 London Games.[52]

The first published history of 41 Squadron, Blood, Sweat, and Valour, was launched at the Royal Air Force Club in London in December 2012, and recounts the unit's wartime activity during the war years August 1942 to May 1945.[53] A second volume, entitled Blood, Sweat and Courage was launched at the Royal Air Force Club in London in December 2014, and covers the preceding war years, September 1939 to July 1942.[54]

41 Squadron's Typhoon ZK315 with its centenary tail-fin during the unit's Centenary Parade at RAF Coningsby on 14 July 2016.
A march-past by 41 Squadron led by the Standard during the unit's Centenary Parade at RAF Coningsby on 14 July 2016, with a Typhoon with Centenary tail-fin in the background.

Another major change took place on 22 April 2013, when 41 Squadron took over the Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4s of fellow RAF Coningsby based No. 17(R) Test and Evaluation Squadron, which will have a new role, preparing for the introduction of the F-35B Lightning into Royal Air Force and Royal Navy service.[55]

41 Squadron's World War II era EB codes have been carried over onto three of their new Typhoon aircraft. They were ZJ930, coded EB-R for Sqn Ldr Hilary R. L. 'Robin' Hood DFC (OC 41 Sqn 1940); ZJ947 coded EB-L for Wg Cdr Edward 'Shippy' Shipman AFC (1936–1940); and ZK332, coded EB-J for Sqn Ldr George H. 'Ben' Bennions DFC (1936–1940). An additional Typhoon aircraft had also joined the Squadron, prompting the need for an eighth code, and the opportunity to honour another of the Squadron's World War II pilots. After having initially been coded EB-G for Flt Lt Eric S. 'Lockie' Lock DSO DFC* MiD RAF, the honour has gone to Gp Capt Derek S. V. Rake OBE AFC & Bar (1945) and Typhoon ZJ914 has been coded EB-H.[56]

41 Squadron celebrated its centenary in July 2016, by holding a parade and Gala Dinner at RAF Coningsby on 14 July, and a Friends and Families Open Day on 22 July. The 41 Squadron Association was also formed to coincide with the centenary.[57]

The squadron's Panavia Tornados were phased out in late 2017, and the last flight in this aircraft type took place on Friday 13 October 2017.[58] 41 Squadron retains its Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4s, and continues to fly these aircraft.[59]

All World War II-era EB codes have now been removed from the Squadron's tailfins but one Tornado has been preserved as a gate guardian at MOD Sealand, marked EB-X, which includes the Squadron badge and Centenary (1916-2016) tail art.[60]

Notable pilots

Sqn Ldr Raymond Collishaw DSO & Bar OBE DSC DFC, the third-highest-scoring Allied pilot of World War I.
Flt Lt Eric S. Lock, July 1941
Aharon Remez, who served as an NCO pilot with 41 Squadron in 1945, became the first Commander of the Israeli Air Force in 1948.


Key dates 1916–2016

Bases 1916–2016

Aircraft operated 1916–2016

Officers Commanding 1916–2021

Decorations awarded 1916–1946

Escapers and evaders 1939–1945

Guinea Pig Club members

Roll of Honour 1916–2016



  1. ^ Pine, L.G. (1983). A dictionary of mottoes (1 ed.). London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul. p. 207. ISBN 0-7100-9339-X.
  2. ^ a b The Dunkirk Battle Honour was not awarded until 2012. The reason the Honour was not originally awarded is unknown and was likely just an oversight. Recognising the error and a legitimate claim to the Honour, the squadron made a formal application in 2010, and Buckingham Palace approved the Honour in February 2012, almost 72 years after the event. 41 Squadron was involved in the evacuation of Dunkirk between 28 May and 8 June 1940. In addition to claiming several victories against the Luftwaffe, the unit lost one pilot killed in action and a second shot down and captured.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n "41(R) Squadron". Royal Air Force. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  4. ^ Rawlings 1978, p. 106.
  5. ^ a b c d Operations Record Book for 41 Squadron RFC/RAF, Oct 1916 – Jan 1919, TNA AIR 1/1791/204/153/1-4 & 1/1792/204/153/5-6, 8 & 10
  6. ^ a b History of 41 Squadron, R.A.F., 1916–1927; TNA AIR 1/692/21/20/41
  7. ^ Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Operations Record Book for 41 Squadron RFC/RAF, Oct 1916 – Jan 1919, TNA AIR 1/1791/204/153/1-4 & 1/1792/204/153/5-6, 8 & 10, Recording Officer’s Diary, 41 Squadron RAF, 9 Oct. 1916 – 30 May 1917; TNA AIR 1/1791/204/153/11, and Record of Enemy Aircraft Brought Down, Jan. 1917-Nov. 1918, 41 Squadron RAF, TNA AIR 1/1792/204/153/16
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/424.
  9. ^ The Times, 29 July 1929
  10. ^ "The loss of H.M. Airship R101". Flight. XXII (1137): 1107–1114. 10 October 1930. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  11. ^ The Times, 27 June, 1 July, 2 July, & 3 July 1935
  12. ^ The Times, 14 August & 2 November 1936
  13. ^ The Times, 14 August & 16 September 1936
  14. ^ Calculation based on cost information for early Spitfires provided in "Spitfire; The History", Eric B. Morgan & Edward Shacklady, 1987, ISBN 0-946219-48-6.
  15. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/424, Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation, Air Officer Biographies,, and Flying Accident Cards, Air Ministry Form 1180, Royal Air Force Museum, Grahame Park Way, Hendon, United Kingdom, NW9 5LL.
  16. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/424, Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and Brew (2014), pp 281–285.
  17. ^ Brew (2014), p. 357.
  18. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/425, and Brew (2014), p. 430.
  19. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/425, and Brew (2014), pp. 580–587.
  20. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/425, and Brew (2012), pp. 23–39.
  21. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/425.
  22. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/425
  23. ^ Operations Record Books for 41 Squadron (TNA AIR 27/425), RAF Tangmere (TNA AIR 28/815), and 11 Group RAF (TNA AIR 25/194-195 and 25/206-208).
  24. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/426, and Brew (2012), Chapter 6.
  25. ^ Brew (2012), p. 498.
  26. ^ a b 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/426.
  27. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/426, and Brew (2012), Chapter 10.
  28. ^ a b 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/2413.
  29. ^ "Flying Made My arms Ache", Wally Wallens DFC, and 41 Squadron Operations Record Book, TNA AIR 27/425.
  30. ^ 41 Squadron Operations Record Books, TNA AIR 27/424-426, Brew (2014), pp. 748–818 (Pilot Biographies 1939–42), and Brew (2012), pp. 776–831 (Pilot Biographies 1942–45).
  31. ^ Brew, summary of casualties in "Blood, Sweat and Courage" (Fonthill, 2014), and "Blood, Sweat and Valour" (Fonthill, 2012).
  32. ^ "Air Chief Marshal Sir Theodore McEvoy (16181)". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  33. ^ The Times, 13 May & 5 July 1957
  34. ^ a b "Royal Air Force Station Biggin Hill". Biggin Hill Airport. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  35. ^ a b Parsons, Gary. "41 Squadron: Seek and Destroy". Air-Scene UK. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  36. ^ "Air Vice-Marshal V S Bowling (24197)". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  37. ^ "41 Squadron – RAF West Raynham – Bloodhound MkII - SAGW". Bloodhound Missile Preservation Group (BMPG). n.d. Retrieved 24 August 2023.
  38. ^ a b "Jaguar : squadron service : Royal Air Force". Target Lock. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 27 August 2015.
  39. ^ "RIC provides picture perfect intelligence to ONW commanders". CTLOPEZ.COM. 16 October 2001.
  40. ^ "Sepecat Jaguar Recce Pod, 601GP(1), DJRP". Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  41. ^ "Enhanced Vision System". HCL Technologies. Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  42. ^ "Delivering Security in a Changing World: Future Capabilities" (PDF). Ministry of Defence. p. 9. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 August 2006.
  43. ^ "Delivering Security in a Changing World: Future Capabilities" (PDF). Ministry of Defence. p. 12. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 August 2006.
  44. ^ "Royal Air Force Coltishall". Spirit of Coltishall Association. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  45. ^ Glenn Torpy, Who's Who 2010, A & C Black, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4081-1414-8
  46. ^ a b "41 Sqn 100 history". RAF Coningsby, Royal Air Force. Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  47. ^ "No. 41 Squadron Battle of Britain event". Royal Air Force. 8 September 2010. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  48. ^ "Aviation photography – 41 Squadron RAF". Target Aviation Photography. Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  49. ^ "Securing Britain in an Age of Uncertainty: The Strategic Defence and Security Review" (PDF). TSO. October 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 October 2012. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  50. ^ "First squadron loses its Harriers". Key.Aero. 4 November 2010. Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  51. ^ "Royal Wedding Flypast rehearsal". RAF Coningsby. 27 April 2011. Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  52. ^ "Olympic and Battle of Britain hero commemorated". Royal Air Force. 3 August 2012. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  53. ^ "Blood, Sweat and Valour". Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  54. ^ "Blood, Sweat and Courage". Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  55. ^ "Typhoons in new colours". Royal Air Force. 22 April 2013. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  56. ^ "Eurofighter EF-2000/Typhoon | RAF 41 Squadron BAE Typhoon FGR.4 ZJ914 / EB-H at the Waddington Airshow (2013)".
  57. ^ "41 Sqn Association". 41 Squadron. 12 March 2016. Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  58. ^ "Tornado GR4 farewell". Seek and Destry. 16 October 2017. Retrieved 24 March 2022.
  59. ^ "Eurofighter Typhoon enhancement programme: our crucial role". QinetiQ. 19 January 2018. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  60. ^ "Defence Electronics and Components Agency".
  61. ^ Valentine Henry Baker funeral brochure. Martin-Baker Co. 1942.
  62. ^ "Barksdale: This life, this death". Air Force: 112. October 2017.
  63. ^ "Frederick McCall". First World War. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  64. ^ Constable, Miles. "Raymond Collishaw World War I Fighter Ace: a short history". Canadian Air Aces and Heroes. Archived from the original on 6 April 2016. Retrieved 21 July 2016.
  65. ^ "Air Commodore P. Huskinson". Air of Authority. 2013. Retrieved 4 August 2014.
  66. ^ "Air Commodore Allen Wheeler." Times [London, England] 5 January 1984: 12. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 1 November 2013.
  67. ^ Obituary: Thomas Chaloner, 2nd Baron Gisborough, The Times 2 March 1951; Issue 51939
  68. ^ "Obituary – Squadron Leader 'Ben' Bennions". Daily Telegraph. 12 February 2004. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  69. ^ Shores, Christopher (1983). Air Aces. Presidio Press. p. 64. ISBN 978-0-89141-166-6.
  70. ^ "Don Finlay". Sports Reference. Archived from the original on 17 April 2020. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  71. ^ Tidy, D. (June 1969). "South African Air Aces of World War II".
  72. ^ "Obituary: Bram van der Stok". The Daily Telegraph. 1 July 1993. Archived from the original on 11 March 2011. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  73. ^ "George Frederick 'Screwball' Beurling". Archived from the original on 15 June 2013. Retrieved 3 August 2009.
  74. ^ "Prince Emanuel Galitzine". The Daily Telegraph. 9 January 2003. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  75. ^ Brew (2012), p. 671.
  76. ^ Brew (2012), pp. 707 & 815.
  77. ^ "Sqn Ldr Terry Spencer". 350 Squadron. Archived from the original on 12 June 2011. Retrieved 29 June 2019.
  78. ^ Originally formed from a nucleus of men from 28 Squadron RFC but disbanded again on 22 May 1916 by re-numbering to 27 Reserve Squadron RFC.
  79. ^ During the squadron’s stay at RAF Westhampnett between 21 June and 4 October 1943, several operations were flown from other Stations. These included a Rhubarb from Manston on 28 August, a fighter sweep from Manston on 30 August, convoy patrols from Lympne on 2 September, a Ramrod from Bradwell Bay on 5 September, Ramrods from Lympne and Hawkinge on 8 September, a Ramrod from Manston on 15 September, Ramrods from Manston and West Malling on 19 September, and two Ramrods from Manston on 3 October.
  80. ^ Re-formed as 41 Squadron RFC from a nucleus of men from 27 Reserve Squadron RFC.
  81. ^ During the squadron’s stay at RAF Tangmere between 4 October 1943 and 11 March 1944, several operations were flown from other Stations. These included a Ramrod from Hawkinge and back to Manston on 9 October, two Ramrods from Manston on 10 November 1943, a Ramrod from Hawkinge on 26 November, a Ramrod from Manston on 4 December 1943, a Ramrod from Bradwell Bay on 13 December 1943, a Ramrod from Friston on 21 February 1944, and a Ramrod from Hawkinge on 25 February 1944.
  82. ^ For an air firing course at 17 Armament Practice Camp.
  83. ^ For an air-to-air firing and air-to-ground bombing course at 11 Armament Practice Camp
  84. ^ The squadron’s operations from RAF Tangmere on 26 June 1944 only consisted of three anti-Diver patrols (six sorties), before moving on to Westhampnett.
  85. ^ B.56 Evere can barely be considered a base. When the squadron flew to the Continent on 4 December 1944, they only landed at Evere as they were concerned about the condition of the strip at B.64 Diest. The pilots then travelled to Diest by road, where they stayed overnight, and returned to Evere the following morning to pick up their aircraft and fly them back to Diest, where they remained more or less until the end of the year.
  86. ^ There is some confusion about whether 41 Squadron was based at Asch or Ophoven during this period. This probably stems from an entry in the squadron ORB on 31 December 1944, which states, "Y.32. Asch", however Y.32 was actually the number for Ophoven. In fact, subsequent ORB entries began to distance themselves from Asch, stating "Y.32 Near Asch", though all entries still state Y.32. Asch’s number was Y.29 and was an American aerodrome from which fighters of the U.S. 352nd and 366th Fighter Groups operated. Royal Air Force units – namely 41, 130, 350 and 610 Squadrons – were based at nearby Y.32 Ophoven, a fact confirmed by many sources, thereunder the 125 Wing ORB.
  87. ^ For an air-to-air and ground firing course at 17 Armament Practice Camp.
  88. ^ For a dive-bombing course at 17 Armament Practice Camp.
  89. ^ One flight and a contingent of ground crew were based at Thornaby, Yorkshire, from 23 February until 3 March 1940. During this time, A flight operated from Thornaby and B Flight from Catterick. On a few occasions outside this timeframe, pilots also operated from Thornaby as a result of weather conditions at Catterick. West Hartlepool (Greatham) was also used as a forward base from 2 April to 28 May 1940.
  90. ^ Hartlepool continued to be in use by the squadron as a forward base from 8 June to 19 July 1940, but used Thornaby again from 20 to 26 July 1940.
  91. ^ Manston was used as a forward base for several patrols on 27–31 July 1940 and 2–3 August 1940.
  92. ^ The squadron often operated from RAF Rochford, a forward base and satellite of RAF Hornchurch, between 6 September and 7 October 1940.
  93. ^ During this period, the squadron operated patrols from Thornaby on 2, 10, and 12 June 1941, on 6 and 16 July 1941, and undertook an offensive sweep from Redhill, Surrey, as an element of an 11 Group Circus, on 27 June 1941.
  94. ^ The squadron moved to Westhampnett temporarily whilst the runways were repaired and modified. During the squadron’s period at Westhampnett, the Squadron is believed to have undertaken two operations from Manston during January 1942, and operated from Manston during the German Navy’s ‘Channel Dash’ on 12 February 1942.
  95. ^ The squadron was initially sent to Martlesham Heath for an Air Firing Course, but the order was amended whilst they were there, to an operational posting, and Air Firing ceased on 20 June.
  96. ^ The squadron was posted to RAF Longtown for Exercise 'Dryshod'. The squadron should have flown up to Longtown on 2 August 1942, but the move was hampered by poor weather and they did not arrive until 4 August. The pilots flew to their new base, RAF Llanbedr, on 9 August and the ground crews departed from Longtown by ground transport on 10 August, and arrived in Llanbedr on 11 August.
  97. ^ For Operation Jubilee, the Allied attack on Dieppe, which took place on 19 August 1942.
  98. ^ For Exercise 'Punch', which ran 23–29 September 1942.
  99. ^ Operational deployment in Operation 'Desert Storm' (Operation 'Granby'), First Gulf War.
  100. ^ For Exercise 'Aflame', which ran 8–10 October 1942.
  101. ^ Operational deployment in Operation 'Desert Storm' (Operation 'Granby'), First Gulf War. Muharraq is the site of Bahrain International Airport.
  102. ^ Several sections were attached to RAF Westhampnett from 13 December 1942 to 13 January 1943 during this period for operational training.
  103. ^ Operational deployment for Operation 'Warden', policing no-fly zone in Northern Iraq.
  104. ^ Operational deployment for Operation 'Deny Flight' on air policing duties over Bosnia.
  105. ^ Operational deployment for Operation 'Telic' in the Second Gulf War
  106. ^ Barrass, M. B. "Air Commodore Maxwell Scannell". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  107. ^ Barrass, M. B. "Air Vice-Marshal Raymond Collishaw". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  108. ^ "Flight Lieutenant J Castagnola DSO DFC". Retrieved 14 February 2020.
  109. ^ "Group Captain David Hutchinson Smith". The Daily Telegraph. London, UK. 21 July 2007. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  110. ^ Barrass, M. B. "Air Vice-Marshal Robert Stanley Aitken". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  111. ^ "Service Appointments: Pinnington". The Daily Telegraph. 27 November 1961. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  112. ^ Barrass, M. B. "Air Commodore Patrick Huskinson". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  113. ^ "Service Appointments: W. Kent". The Daily Telegraph. 11 October 1965. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  114. ^ Barrass, M. B. "Air Vice Marshal Stanley Flamank Vincent". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  115. ^ Haslam, Frank (2013). "A Celebration of the Life of Wg Cdr HE 'Bill' Angell DFC RAF (Retd)". 207 Squadron RAF History. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  116. ^ Barrass, M. B. "Air Vice Marshal John Auguste Boret". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  117. ^ "Deaths Announcements: Lemon". The Daily Telegraph. 2 November 2013. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  118. ^ "What Happened to Squadron Leader Robin Hood?". BBC – WW2 People's War. 15 November 2003. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  119. ^ "F/Lt. L. M. Gaunce". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  120. ^ "Sergeant J. B. Shepherd". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  121. ^ "Wing Commander William Hoy". The Daily Telegraph. London, UK. 27 December 2012. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  122. ^ Barrass, M. B. "Air Commodore James Wallace". Air of Authority – A History of RAF Organisation. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  123. ^ (rtrvd 01 Dec 2020)
  124. ^ Sources: 41 Squadron ORB and London Gazette
  125. ^ 9991 Cpl Mech Lister Briffault of Dunedin, New Zealand, enlisted in the RFC on 16 October 1915. Unfortunately, no citation exists for his MM, and there is therefore no indication of why it was awarded.
  126. ^ 53074 AM2 James Wood enlisted in the RFC on 3 January 1917. Unfortunately, no citation exists for his MM, and there is therefore no indication of why it was awarded.
  127. ^ 2045 Chf Mech John W. Knowles of Roehampton, Surrey, enlisted in the RFC on 4 November 1914. His personnel file (TNA AIR 79/27) appears to indicate he travelled to France with 41 Squadron’s ground crew on their first deployment to the Western Front in October 1916 and remained with them until he was admitted to hospital with tonsillitis in mid-January 1919. Knowles transferred to the RAF on 1 April 1918 as a Chief Mechanic and was reclassified a Flight Sergeant, Rigger Aero, on 1 January 1919. He transferred to the RAF Reserve, Class E, on 24 April 1919, and was discharged on 3 November 1922, by which time he had completed exactly eight years’ service with the RFC/RAF, of which two years and three-and-a-half months were spent in France. It is unknown what acts or service led to him earning a Mention in Despatches.
  128. ^ 1085 Snr Mech Martin O’Connor of Dudley, Worcestershire, joined the South Staffordshire Regiment on 11 February 1910 and transferred to the RFC on 11 September 1913. He spent time in France and England with 18 Squadron RFC, before being posted to 41 Squadron in Summer 1916. O’Connor travelled to France with 41 Squadron’s ground crew on their first deployment to the Western Front on 13 October 1916, by which time he was a Flight Sergeant and Acting Warrant Officer. Promoted to Temporary Senior Mechanic on 2 May 1917, O’Connor transferred to the RAF as a Senior Mechanic on 1 April 1918 and, on 41 Squadron’s reduction to Cadre and transfer home in February 1919, he was posted to 80 Wing in France. Following brief service with 20 Squadron in late February, O’Connor was repatriated to England on 21 March 1919 and transferred to the Reserve, Class E, a month later. It is unknown what acts or service led to him earning a Mention in Despatches.
  129. ^ Sources: 41 Squadron ORB 1916–1919 (TNA AIR 1/1791/204/153/1-4 & 1/1792/204/153/5-6, 8 & 10) and 'Reports by Repatriated or Escaped R.A.F. Officer Prisoner of War' (TNA AIR 1/1206/204/5/2619 & AIR 1/1207/204/5/2619).
  130. ^ Sources: 41 Squadron ORB (TNA AIR 27/424-426) and 'War Office: Directorate of Military Intelligence: Liberated Prisoner of War Interrogation Questionnaires' 1945–1946 (TNA WO 344).
  131. ^ Died of wounds in captivity 8 July 1942.
  132. ^ Shot down whilst attached to 91 Squadron for operational training.
  133. ^ Shot down 24 September 1943, but hidden by Resistance until his capture on this date.
  134. ^ Shot down 27 August 1943, but hidden by Resistance until his capture on this date.
  135. ^ One of only three successful escapees of the 75 men involved in the mass breakout from Stalag Luft III on 24 March 1944, now known as "The Great Escape".
  136. ^ Sources: 41 Squadron Operations Record Book (TNA AIR 27/425-426) and 'Escape/Evasion Reports: Code MI9/SPG' (TNA WO 208)
  137. ^ Sources: 41 Squadron Operations Record Book (TNA AIR 27/424-426) and 'McIndoe's Army; The injured airmen who faced the world', Peter Williams & Ted Harison, Pelham Books, 1979, ISBN 0 7207 1191 6.
  138. ^ Sources: Commonwealth War Graves Commission, 41 Squadron Operations Records Books 1916–1946 (TNA AIR 1/1791/204/153/1-4, TNA AIR 1/1792/204/153/5-6, 8 & 10, & TNA AIR 27/424-426), 'Air Ministry and Successors: Civil Aviation Accident Reports (C, W, and S Reports) and Technical Memoranda' (TNA AVIA 5), and Air Accident Report Cards, Air Ministry Form 1180 (RAF Museum).
  139. ^ On 5 June 1924, Flt Lt Robert Howell Craster Usher MC AFC was killed in DH42 'Dingo', J7006, which was undergoing flight testing on 41 Squadron. Usher was not a member of 41 Squadron at the time and is believed to have been with the Superintendent of Reserves, which was co-located at RAF Northolt. It was perhaps because of this proximity that Usher took the opportunity to fly the new aircraft type. Usher has his own page on Wikipedia with further information relating to this incident.
  140. ^ Fg Off John Philip James Munroe was killed in a flying accident in Hawker Hunter, WN965, when he was seen to dive out of cloud at 2,000ft at high speed. He hit the ground Barn End Lane, Wilmington, near Dartford, Kent. See for further information.
  141. ^ 22-year-old Fg Off Roger Thomas Coulston was killed in a flying accident in Gloster Meteor F.Mk 8, WA855, when his aircraft suffered engine failure and crashed on Merton Court School playing field, Rectory Lane, Sidcup, Kent. He used his ejection seat but, at 100 feet altitude, was too low for his parachute to deploy. Trees broke his fall but he landed on a road, fracturing his leg and suffering from shock. He subsequently died of his injuries in Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup. See, The Sunday Times of 14 Oct 1956, The Times and The Telegraph of 15 Oct 1956 for further information.
  142. ^ USAF pilot Capt Earl Taylor was a World War II and Korean War veteran, who was on an exchange tour with the RAF. He was serving with 41 Squadron when he was killed in a flying accident in a Javelin during an exercise at RAF Wattisham on 11 July 1958.
  143. ^ Flt Lt Andrew Mannheim was flying Jaguar GR1, XZ116/D when he collided with 20 Squadron's Tornado GR.1, ZA493, south of Keswick, Cumbria, on 17 June 1987. See "Target Lock: Jaguar : Squadron Service : Royal Air Force". Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 27 August 2015. for further information.
  144. ^ Flt Lt Greg Noble crashed on take-off from RAF Coltishall in Jaguar GR.1B, XX733/ER, on 23 January 1996. See "Target Lock: Jaguar : Squadron Service : Royal Air Force". Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 27 August 2015. for further information.


External links