Portal:Países Bajos

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Los Países Bajos , informalmente Holanda , es un país del noroeste de Europa , con territorios de ultramar en el Caribe . Es el más grande de los cuatro países constituyentes del Reino de los Países Bajos . Los Países Bajos constan de doce provincias ; limita con Alemania al este y Bélgica al sur, con una costa del mar del Norte al norte y al oeste. Comparte fronteras marítimas con el Reino Unido , Alemania y Bélgica. El idioma oficial es el neerlandés, con el frisón occidental como idioma oficial secundario en la provincia de Frisia . El neerlandés, el inglés y el papiamento son oficiales en los territorios del Caribe .

Los Países Bajos han sido una monarquía constitucional parlamentaria con una estructura unitaria desde 1848. El país tiene una tradición de pilarización (separación de los ciudadanos en grupos por religión y creencias políticas) y un largo historial de tolerancia social , habiendo legalizado la prostitución y la eutanasia , junto con el mantenimiento de una política liberal de drogas . Los Países Bajos permitieron el sufragio femenino en 1919 y fue el primer país en legalizar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en 2001. Su economía avanzada de mercado mixto tiene el undécimo ingreso per cápita más alto del mundo. La Haya alberga la sede de los Estados Generales , el Gabinete y el Tribunal Supremo . El puerto de Róterdam es el más transitado de Europa . Schiphol es el aeropuerto más transitado de los Países Bajos y el cuarto más transitado de Europa . Al ser un país desarrollado , los Países Bajos son miembro fundador de la Unión Europea , la Eurozona , el G10 , la OTAN , la OCDE y la OMC , así como parte del Espacio Schengen y la Unión trilateral del Benelux . Alberga organizaciones intergubernamentales y tribunales internacionales , muchos de los cuales tienen su sede en La Haya. ( Artículo completo... )

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  • Union Films fue una productora cinematográfica ubicada en Batavia, Indias Orientales Holandesas (ahora Yakarta , Indonesia). Fundada por los empresarios de etnia china Ang Hock Liem y Tjoa Ma Tjoen en 1940, produjo siete películas en blanco y negro antes de disolverse en 1942; se cree que todas se perdieron . Las películas de la compañía fueron dirigidas por cuatro hombres, en su mayoría de etnia china, y lanzaron las carreras de actores como Rendra Karno y Djoewariah .

    Fundada durante el resurgimiento de la industria cinematográfica de las Indias, Union estrenó su primera película, Kedok Ketawa , en julio de 1940. A esto le siguió una serie de películas escritas por Saeroen que se orientaban cada vez más hacia la creciente intelectualidad de las Indias e intentaban distanciarse de las convenciones teatrales que eran comunes en la industria cinematográfica contemporánea. Esto continuó después de que Saeroen se fuera a Star Film en 1941, y las dos últimas producciones de Union enfatizaron el realismo . Tras la ocupación japonesa de las Indias en marzo de 1942, Union se disolvió, aunque sus películas continuaron proyectándose hasta mediados de la década de 1940. ( Artículo completo... )

  • Djajakusuma, hacia  1950

    Djadoeg Djajakusuma ([dʒaˈdʊʔ dʒajakuˈsuma]; 1 August 1918 – 28 October 1987) was an Indonesian film director and promoter of traditional art forms. Born to a nobleman and his wife in Temanggung, Central Java, Djajakusuma became interested in the arts at a young age, choosing to pursue a career in theatre. During the Japanese occupation from 1943 to 1945 he was a translator and actor, and in the four-year national revolution which followed he worked for the military's educational division, several news agencies, and in drama.

    In 1951, Djajakusuma joined the National Film Corporation (Perfini) at the invitation of Usmar Ismail. After making his directorial debut with Embun, Djajakusuma released a further eleven films with the company before leaving in 1964. He then returned to traditional Indonesian theatre, including wayang. Although he continued to direct movies independently of Perfini, most of his energies were dedicated to promoting traditional art forms and teaching cinematography. After over a decade of poor health and high blood pressure, Djajakusuma collapsed during a ceremony and died. He was buried in Karet Bivak Cemetery. (Full article...)

  • One sheet

    Tjioeng Wanara ([tʃiˈuŋ waˈnara]; Perfected Spelling: Ciung Wanara) is a 1941 film from the Dutch East Indies (modern-day Indonesia) directed and produced by Jo Eng Sek. Starring R Sukran, Elly Joenara and AB Djoenaedi, it featured more than 500 people in supporting roles. The film follows a young prince named Tjioeng Wanara who must reclaim his throne from the cruel King of Galuh; it is adapted from the Sundanese legend of the same name.

    The second production by Star Film, Tjioeng Wanara was released 18 August 1941. It was advertised heavily, emphasising the fact that the scholar Poerbatjaraka had served as the historical adviser and that the film was based on Balai Pustaka's version of the legend. It premiered to commercial success, but received mixed reviews. This black-and-white production, which was screened until at least 1948, is now thought lost. (Full article...)

  • Chinezenmoord, Unknown author

    The 1740 Batavia massacre (Dutch: Chinezenmoord, lit. 'Murder of the Chinese'; Indonesian: Geger Pacinan, lit. 'Chinatown tumult') was a massacre and pogrom in which European soldiers of the Dutch East India Company killed ethnic Chinese residents of the port city of Batavia, Dutch East Indies, (present-day Jakarta) in the Dutch East Indies. The violence in the city lasted from 9 October 1740, until 22 October, with minor skirmishes outside the walls continuing late into November that year. Historians have estimated that at least 10,000 ethnic Chinese were massacred; just 600 to 3,000 are believed to have survived.

    In September 1740, as unrest rose among the Chinese population, spurred by government repression and declining sugar prices, Governor-General Adriaan Valckenier declared that any uprising would be met with deadly force. On 7 October, hundreds of ethnic Chinese, many of them sugar mill workers, killed 50 Dutch soldiers, leading Dutch troops to confiscate all weapons from the Chinese populace and to place the Chinese under a curfew. Two days later, rumors of Chinese atrocities led other Batavian ethnic groups to burn Chinese houses along Besar River and Dutch soldiers to fire cannons at Chinese homes in revenge. The violence soon spread throughout Batavia, killing more Chinese. Although Valckenier declared an amnesty on 11 October, gangs of irregulars continued to hunt down and kill Chinese until 22 October, when the governor-general called more forcefully for a cessation of hostilities. Outside the city walls, clashes continued between Dutch troops and rioting sugar mill workers. After several weeks of minor skirmishes, Dutch-led troops assaulted Chinese strongholds in sugar mills throughout the area. (Full article...)
  • Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, oil on oak panels, 205.5 cm × 384.9 cm (81 in × 152 in), Museo del Prado, Madrid

    The Garden of Earthly Delights (Dutch: De tuin der lusten, lit. 'The garden of lusts') is the modern title given to a triptych oil painting on oak panel painted by the Early Netherlandish master Hieronymus Bosch, between 1490 and 1510, when Bosch was between 40 and 60 years old. Bosch's religious beliefs are unknown, but interpretations of the work typically assume it is a warning against the perils of temptation. The outer panels place the work on the Third Day of Creation. The intricacy of its symbolism, particularly that of the central panel, has led to a wide range of scholarly interpretations over the centuries.

    Twentieth-century art historians are divided as to whether the triptych's central panel is a moral warning or a panorama of the paradise lost. He painted three large triptychs (the others are The Last Judgment of c. 1482 and The Haywain Triptych of c. 1516) that can be read from left to right and in which each panel was essential to the meaning of the whole. Each of these three works presents distinct yet linked themes addressing history and faith. Triptychs from this period were generally intended to be read sequentially, the left and right panels often portraying Eden and the Last Judgment respectively, while the main subject was contained in the centerpiece. (Full article...)

  • Official portrait, 1956

    Fakih Usman (alternatively spelled as Faqih Usman; [faˈkɪh ʊsˈman]; 2 March 1904 – 3 October 1968) was an Indonesian Islamic leader and politician of the Masyumi Party. He twice served as the Minister of Religious Affairs under the cabinets of Abdul Halim and Wilopo from January until September 1950, and again from 1952 until 1953. In his early years, Fakih was criticized by conservative Muslims for his involvement with the modernist Islamic Muhammadiyah organization, though he is remembered fondly by the group. Born to a merchant and his wife in Gresik, Dutch East Indies, Fakih studied with his father and at a series of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) until the 1920s.

    In 1925 he became involved with the Muhammadiyah, rising quickly through the leadership until he became the head of the Surabaya branch in 1938. He was also active in local politics, in 1937, he became the treasurer of the Indonesian Islamic Assembly. He continued to be involved in politics and Islamic groups during the Japanese occupation and the ensuing national revolution. Following the end of the war, he was appointed Minister of Religious Affairs. As a minister, he oversaw educational and institutional reform, growing in prominence within the Muhammadiyah. He also served as deputy chairman of the organization under several different leaders before being chosen as its chairman in late 1968. He died several days later. (Full article...)

  • Third printing, 1922

    Sair Tjerita Siti Akbari ([ʃaˈir tʃeˈrita siˈti akˈbari]; Perfected spelling: Syair Cerita Siti Akbari, Malay for Poem on the Story of Siti Akbari; also known as Siti Akbari) is an 1884 Malay-language syair (poem) by Lie Kim Hok. Adapted indirectly from the Sjair Abdoel Moeloek, it tells of a woman who passes as a man to free her husband from the Sultan of Hindustan, who had captured him in an assault on their kingdom.

    Written over a period of several years and influenced by European literature, Siti Akbari differs from earlier syairs in its use of suspense and emphasis on prose rather than form. It also incorporates European realist views to expand upon the genre, although it maintains several of the hallmarks of traditional syairs. Critical views have emphasised various aspects of its story, finding in the work an increased empathy for women's thoughts and feelings, a call for a unifying language in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), and a polemic regarding the relation between tradition and modernity. (Full article...)

  • The Huguenot-Walloon half dollar or Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary half dollar is a commemorative coin issued by the United States Bureau of the Mint in 1924. It marks the 300th anniversary of the voyage of the Nieuw Nederlandt which landed in the New York area in 1624. Many of the passengers were Huguenots from France or Walloons from what is now Belgium; they became early settlers of New York State and the surrounding area.

    A commission run by the Federal Council of Churches in America sought issuance of a half dollar to mark the anniversary, and the bill passed through Congress without opposition in 1923 and was signed by President Warren G. Harding. Sketches were prepared by commission chairman Reverend John Baer Stoudt and converted to plaster models by the Mint's aging chief engraver, George T. Morgan. The models were initially rejected by the Commission of Fine Arts, which required revisions under the supervision of Buffalo nickel designer James Earle Fraser. (Full article...)

  • Newspaper advertisement

    Gagak Item ([ɡaˈɡaʔ iˈtəm]; Vernacular Malay for Black Raven, also known by the Dutch title De Zwarte Raaf) is a 1939 bandit film from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) directed by Joshua and Othniel Wong for Tan's Film. Starring Rd Mochtar, Roekiah, and Eddy T. Effendi, it follows a masked man known only as "Gagak Item" ("Black Raven"). The black-and-white film, which featured the cast and crew from the 1937 hit Terang Boelan (Full Moon), was a commercial success and received positive reviews upon release. It is likely lost. (Full article...)
  • Joanna Clare Yeates (19 April 1985 – 17 December 2010) was a landscape architect from Ampfield, Hampshire, England, who went missing from the flat she shared with her partner in Clifton, Bristol, on 17 December 2010 after an evening out with colleagues. Following a highly publicised appeal for information on her whereabouts and intensive police enquiries, her body was discovered on 25 December 2010 in Failand, North Somerset. A post-mortem examination determined that she had been strangled.

    The murder inquiry was one of the largest police investigations ever undertaken in the Bristol area. The case dominated news coverage in the United Kingdom around the Christmas period as Yeates's family sought assistance from the public through social networking services and press conferences. Rewards amounting to £60,000 were offered for information leading to those responsible for Yeates's death. The police initially suspected and arrested Christopher Jefferies, Yeates's landlord, who lived in another flat in the same building. He was subsequently released without charge, but was vilified in the press. (Full article...)

Listas destacadas

  • Un cartel con texto en idioma malayo, que dice Loetoeng Kasaroeng en letras grandes; también se ve una imagen.
    Afiche de la película Loetoeng Kasaroeng , la primera película de producción local estrenada en las Indias Orientales Holandesas

    Se sabe que se produjeron un total de 112 películas de ficción en las Indias Orientales Neerlandesas (actual Indonesia) entre 1926 y la disolución de la colonia en 1949. Las primeras películas, importadas del extranjero, se exhibieron a fines de 1900 y, a principios de la década de 1920, se exhibieron seriales y películas de ficción importadas, a menudo con nombres locales. Las empresas holandesas también producían películas documentales sobre las Indias para exhibirlas en los Países Bajos. Los primeros informes de producción de películas de ficción en las Indias datan de 1923, aunque el trabajo en cuestión no se completó. La primera película producida localmente, Loetoeng Kasaroeng , fue dirigida por L. Heuveldorp y se estrenó el 31 de diciembre de 1926.

    Entre 1926 y 1933 se estrenaron numerosas otras producciones locales. Aunque holandeses como Heuveldorp y George Krugers continuaron activos en la industria, la mayoría de los cineastas y productores eran de etnia china . Los hermanos Tan (Khoen Yauw y Khoen Hian) y The Teng Chun fueron los principales productores durante este período, mientras que los hermanos Wong (Nelson, Othniel y Joshua) estaban entre los directores más destacados. A mediados de la década de 1930, la producción disminuyó como resultado de la Gran Depresión . El estreno de Terang Boelan ( Luna llena ) de Albert Balink, un éxito comercial y crítico , en 1937, provocó un renovado interés en el cine, y en 1941 se produjeron treinta películas locales. Este ritmo de producción disminuyó después de la ocupación japonesa a principios de 1942, que cerró todos los estudios cinematográficos menos uno; esto dio lugar a que varias películas que habían comenzado a producirse en 1941 se estrenaran varios años después. La mayoría de las películas producidas durante la ocupación fueron piezas breves de propaganda . Tras la Proclamación de la Independencia de Indonesia en 1945 y durante la revolución que siguió , se hicieron varias películas, tanto por patrocinadores pro-holandeses como pro-indonesios; Los holandeses reconocieron formalmente la soberanía de Indonesia el 27 de diciembre de 1949, dejando extintas a las Indias Orientales Holandesas. ( Artículo completo... )
  • Twenty-two people are recorded as having produced fictional films in the Dutch East Indies between 1926, when L. Heuveldorp released Loetoeng Kasaroeng, the colony's first domestically produced film, and 1949, when the Dutch formally recognised Indonesia's sovereignty after a four-year revolution, leaving the Dutch East Indies defunct. Altogether, they are credited for 93 of all known films produced in the Indies, and four of them remained active after independence. All were men; the first female film producer in Indonesia, Ratna Asmara, produced her first film in 1953.

    The colony's first producer, Heuveldorp, was of European descent. He was followed in 1928 by the ethnic Chinese businessmen Tjan Tjoen Lian and Liem Goan Lian, who began work on Lily van Java but soon pulled out, to be replaced by David Wong. By 1930 Chinese producers had dominated the industry. The most active of these, The Teng Chun, made his debut in 1931 with Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang; he would go on to produce another 27 films before independence. No native Indonesian film producers are recorded from this period, although several productions were credited only to companies. (Full article...)
  • The Battle of Camperdown, painted by Philip de Loutherbourg in 1799.

    The Battle of Camperdown was an important naval action of the French Revolutionary Wars, fought off Camperduin on the North Holland coast on 11 October 1797 between a British fleet under Admiral Adam Duncan and a Dutch fleet under Vice-Admiral Jan de Winter. The French Republic had overrun the Dutch Republic two years earlier, reforming it into the Batavian Republic. In early 1797, the Batavian Navy was ordered to sail to Brest and unite with the French Atlantic Fleet in preparation for an invasion of Ireland. Shortly afterwards, the British fleets were paralysed by the Spithead and Nore mutinies, in which the sailors refused to take their ships to sea until they were awarded better pay and conditions. For two months[citation needed], the English Channel was undefended, but the Dutch failed to take the opportunity to sail from their harbour in the Texel: their preparations were not complete, and a small squadron of loyal British ships under Duncan convinced de Winter that the British fleet was at sea by sending nonsensical signals to fictitious ships over the horizon.

    By October 1797, the plan to attack Ireland had been abandoned and the British North Sea Fleet was again at full strength. During a brief period replenishing supplies at Yarmouth, news reached Duncan on 10 October that the Dutch had sailed on a raiding cruise[citation needed] and he returned to the Dutch coast, intercepting de Winter's fleet on its way back to the Texel. The Dutch formed a line of battle in shallow coastal waters to meet Duncan's attack, which was conducted in a confused mass, the British fleet separating into two groups that struck the vanguard and rear of the Dutch fleet, overwhelming each in turn and capturing eleven ships, including de Winter's flagship Vrijheid. On the return journey, three of the captured ships were lost, and none of the surviving Dutch prizes was ever suitable for active service again[citation needed]. Both sides suffered heavy casualties during the battle as each fleet had been trained to aim at the hulls of their opponents, maximising the damage to personnel. (Full article...)
  • The Amsterdam Tournament (Dutch: Amsterdam Toernooi) was a pre-season association football competition, held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The competition was hosted by Eredivisie club Ajax at the Amsterdam Arena. It was inaugurated in 1975 as the Amsterdam 700 Tournament to celebrate 700 years of history in the city. It was held annually each summer until 1992, when the last edition of the original tournament was played. It returned in 1999 with the backing of the International Event Partnership (IEP). Four teams participate in the competition, played in a league format since 1986.

    Since its return, the tournament has used an unusual point scoring system. As with most league competitions, three points are awarded for a win, one for a draw and zero for a loss. An additional point, however, is awarded for each goal scored. The system is designed to reward teams that adopt a more attacking style of play. Each entrant plays two matches, with the winner being the club that finishes at the top of the table. The original competition was held at Amsterdam's Olympic Stadium, where Ajax played its international games until 1996. The Amsterdam Arena, now named the Johan Cruyff Arena, has played host to the event since the return until 2009. (Full article...)
  • Since 1 January 2023, there have been 342 regular municipalities (Dutch: gemeenten) and three special municipalities (Dutch: bijzondere gemeenten) in the Netherlands. The latter is the status of three of the six island territories that make up the Dutch Caribbean. Municipalities are the second-level administrative division, or public bodies (Dutch: openbare lichamen), in the Netherlands and are subdivisions of their respective provinces. Their duties are delegated to them by the central government and they are ruled by a municipal council that is elected every four years. Municipal mergers have reduced the total number of municipalities by two-thirds since the first official boundaries were created in the mid 19th century. Municipalities themselves are informally subdivided into districts and neighbourhoods for administrative and statistical purposes.

    These municipalities come in a wide range of sizes, Westervoort is the smallest with a land area of 7.01 km2 (2.71 sq mi) and Súdwest-Fryslân the largest with a land area of 522.7 km2 (201.8 sq mi). Schiermonnikoog is both the least populated, with 982 people, and the least densely populated municipality at 23/km2 (60/sq mi). Amsterdam has the highest population with 918,117 residents as of January 2023, whereas The Hague is the most densely populated with a density of 6,827/km2 (17,680/sq mi). (Full article...)
  • This page is a list of films that received the Golden Film since its introduction in 2001 by the Netherlands Film Festival and the Netherlands Film Fund. In 2001 and 2002, films from the Netherlands received the award once they had sold 75,000 tickets. From 2003 to date, the Golden Film is awarded to films from the Netherlands once they have sold 100,000 tickets. This page shows, for both audience criteria, which films received the Golden Film and how soon they received it after their releases.

    In the following tables, the 'year' column contains the years in which the films received the Golden Film, the '#' column contains the number of the Golden Film, the 'film title' column contains the titles of the receiving films, the 'film release' column contains the dates on which the films were first released in the cinemas, and the 'Golden Film' column contains the days when the Netherlands Film Festival and the Netherlands Film Fund announced that the receiving films reached the audience criterion of the Golden Film. (Full article...)
  • A man with short hair and a white shirt is controlling a large camera. He is facing left.
    The Wong brothers (one pictured) were the first ethnic Chinese directors in the Indies.

    Twenty-nine people are recorded as having directed fictional films in the Dutch East Indies between 1926, when L. Heuveldorp released Loetoeng Kasaroeng, the colony's first domestically produced film, and 1949, when the Dutch formally recognised Indonesia's sovereignty after a four-year revolution, leaving the Dutch East Indies defunct. Thirteen directors active in the Indies continued to direct films after 1950, including Usmar Ismail: his 1950 film Darah dan Doa (The Long March) is generally considered the first truly Indonesian film.

    The colony's first directors, L. Heuveldorp and George Krugers, were of European or mixed descent. They were followed by ethnic Chinese soon after, when Nelson Wong made his debut in 1928 with Lily van Java; other Chinese directors included Lie Tek Swie (1929), Wong's brothers Joshua and Othniel (1930), and The Teng Chun (1931). Ethnic Chinese directors dominated the colony's cinema for the remainder of its existence. The first native director, Bachtiar Effendi, made his debut in 1932 with the talkie Njai Dasima; another native director would not appear until Andjar Asmara and Rd Ariffien made their debuts in 1940. (Full article...)

Biografía seleccionada

Ellen van Dijk
Eleonora "Ellen" van Dijk es una ciclista profesional holandesa de carreras en ruta y en pista . Van Dijk es especialista en contrarreloj y se convirtió en Campeona del Mundo en Pista en 2008 en la carrera scratch y Campeona del Mundo en Ruta en contrarreloj por equipos en 2012 .

Van Dijk empezó como patinadora de velocidad y se dedicó al ciclismo como parte de su entrenamiento cruzado en verano. Destacó en ambas disciplinas, compitiendo a nivel nacional en categoría júnior. Tras convertirse en campeona nacional de ciclismo por quinta vez en 2007, abandonó el patinaje de velocidad y se dedicó por completo al ciclismo. Además de sus éxitos en títulos mundiales, Van Dijk también ha sido dos veces campeona europea de pista, dos veces campeona europea de contrarreloj y ha ganado cinco carreras de la Copa del Mundo. En 2012 compitió en tres disciplinas en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012 , donde ayudó a Marianne Vos a ganar la medalla de oro en la carrera en ruta, terminó octava en la contrarreloj y sexta en la persecución por equipos .

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Sabías(generado automáticamente)

  • ... ¿que la diseñadora holandesa Sabine Marcelis era una snowboarder semiprofesional en Nueva Zelanda antes de decidirse a dedicarse a las artes?
  • ... que el HMS  Trent ayudó a mantener a los holandeses en el puerto enviando señales falsas a una flota inexistente?
  • ... ¿que Tjarda Struik es la primera alcaldesa de los Países Bajos que es casi ciega y una influencer de TikTok ?
  • ... ¿que el líder del nuevo partido político juvenil holandés LEF – Por la Nueva Generación se tatuó los puntos del programa de su partido en su antebrazo?
  • ... que las selecciones nacionales de fútbol de Argentina y Holanda se han enfrentado en todas las Copas Mundiales de la FIFA desde 1998 ?
  • ... que el censo de Indonesia de 1961 fue el primero del país desde 1930 y el primero desde que obtuvo su independencia de los Países Bajos ?


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