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Países Bajos ( holandés : Nederland [ˈneːdərlɑnt] ),informalmente Holanda, es un país ubicado en el noroeste de Europa conterritorios de ultramaren elCaribe. Es el más grande de los cuatro países constituyentes delReino de los Países Bajos. Los Países Bajos se componen dedoce provincias; Limita con Alemania al este yBélgicaal sur, condel Mar del Norteal norte y al oeste. Tiene frontera con Francia en la isla dividida deSan Martínen el Caribe. Compartefronteras marítimascon el Reino Unido, Alemania y Bélgica. El idioma oficial es el holandés, siendoel frisón occidentalel idioma oficial secundario en la provincia deFrisia. El holandés, el inglés yel papiamentoson oficiales en los territorios del Caribe.

Los Países Bajos han sido una monarquía constitucional parlamentaria con una estructura unitaria desde 1848. El país tiene una tradición de pilarización (separación de los ciudadanos en grupos por religión y creencias políticas) y un largo historial de tolerancia social , habiendo legalizado la prostitución y la eutanasia , junto con mantener una política liberal sobre drogas . Los Países Bajos permitieron el sufragio femenino en 1919 y fueron el primer país en legalizar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en 2001. Su economía avanzada de mercado mixto tiene el undécimo ingreso per cápita más alto del mundo. La Haya ocupa la sede de los Estados Generales , el Gabinete y el Tribunal Supremo . El Puerto de Rotterdam es el más activo de Europa . Schiphol es el aeropuerto más transitado de los Países Bajos y el cuarto más transitado de Europa . Los Países Bajos son miembro fundador de la Unión Europea , la Eurozona , el G10 , la OTAN , la OCDE y la OMC , así como parte del Área Schengen y de la Unión trilateral del Benelux . Alberga organizaciones intergubernamentales y tribunales internacionales , muchos de los cuales se encuentran en La Haya. ( Articulo completo... )

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Aquí se muestran los artículos destacados , que representan algunos de los mejores contenidos de Wikipedia en inglés.

  • Si Ronda es unapelícula mudade lasIndias Orientales Holandesasque fue dirigida porLie Tek Swiey protagonizada porBachtiar Effendi. Basado enBetawi, sigue las hazañas de un bandido, experto en silat (artes marciales tradicionales malayas), conocido como Si Ronda. En las historias lenong de las que se derivó la película, Ronda fue representada a menudo como unafigura tipoRobin HoodLa producción, ahora consideradaperdida, fue una de una serie de películas de artes marciales estrenadas entre 1929 y 1931.Si Rondarecibió poca cobertura en los medios tras su estreno. En 1978 se realizóuna segunda adaptación del cuento,Si Ronda Macan Betawi . ( Artículo completo... )
  • Harta Berdarah ([harˈta bərˈdarah]; Indonesian for Bloody Treasure) is a 1940 action film from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). Set in the Middle Ages, the film stars R Sukran and Hadidjah as a pirate and a princess who fall in love. Union Films, the country's first indigenous film production house, produced the film with Rd Ariffien and R Hu as directors. It was written by Saeroen, one of the country's most prolific screenwriters.The film, which stars Zonder and Soelastri, tells of a young man who convinces a stingy hadji to be more charitable and, in the process, falls in love with the man's daughter.

    Released during Eid al-Fitr, Harta Berdarah was advertised as a "magnificent Indonesian action hit" and used Zonder's silat skills and Soelastri's fame as a keroncong singer to draw audiences. Reviews for the work were positive, with praise focused on its acting and story. Although Harta Berdarah was screened as late as 1944, as with most contemporary productions it is now likely lost. (Full article...)

  • Official portrait, 1956

    Fakih Usman (alternatively spelled as Faqih Usman; [faˈkɪh ʊsˈman]; 2 March 1904 – 3 October 1968) was an Indonesian Islamic leader and politician of the Masyumi Party. He twice served as the Minister of Religious Affairs under the cabinets of Abdul Halim and Wilopo from January until September 1950, and again from 1952 until 1953. In his early years, Fakih was criticized by conservative Muslims for his involvement with the modernist Islamic Muhammadiyah organization, though he is remembered fondly by the group. Born to a merchant and his wife in Gresik, Dutch East Indies, Fakih studied with his father and at a series of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) until the 1920s.

    In 1925 he became involved with the Muhammadiyah, rising quickly through the leadership until he became the head of the Surabaya branch in 1938. He was also active in local politics, in 1937, he became the treasurer of the Indonesian Islamic Assembly. He continued to be involved in politics and Islamic groups during the Japanese occupation and the ensuing national revolution. Following the end of war, he was appointed Minister of Religious Affairs. As minister, he oversaw educational and institutional reform, growing in prominence within the Muhammadiyah. He also served as deputy chairman of the organization under several different leaders before being chosen as its chairman in late 1968. He died several days later. (Full article...)
  • Panggilan Darah (Indonesian for Call of Blood) is a 1941 film from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) written and directed by Sutan Usman Karim and produced by Tjho Seng Han for Oriental Film. The black-and-white film starred Dhalia and Soerip as orphaned sisters trying to make a living in the colonial capital of Batavia (now Jakarta) before moving to Kudus to work at a clove cigarette factory.

    Shot on location at an orphanage and two factories in central Java, Panggilan Darah was a modest commercial success in the Indies and Singapore. Its soundtrack, which featured nine kroncong songs, received popular acclaim, and the film's acting received critical praise. Despite this success, Oriental was unable to recoup its expenses, and merged into Multi Film soon afterwards. Panggilan Darah, which was screened as late as 1952, may now be lost. (Full article...)

  • Frank in May 1942, two months before she and her family went into hiding

    Annelies Marie Frank (German: [ˈanə(liːs maˈʁiː) ˈfʁaŋk] , Dutch: [ˌɑnəˈlis maːˈri ˈfrɑŋk, ˈɑnə ˈfrɑŋk] ; 12 June 1929 – c.February or March 1945) was a German-born Jewish girl who kept a diary in which she documented life in hiding under Nazi persecution during the German occupation of the Netherlands. She is a celebrated diarist who described everyday life from her family hiding place in an Amsterdam attic. One of the most-discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust, she gained fame posthumously with the 1947 publication of The Diary of a Young Girl (originally Het Achterhuis in Dutch, lit.'the back house'; English: The Secret Annex), in which she documents her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944 — it is one of the world's best-known books and has been the basis for several plays and films.

    Anne was born in Frankfurt, Germany. In 1934, when she was four and a half, her family moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands, after Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party gained control over Germany. She spent most of her life in or around Amsterdam. By May 1940, the Franks were trapped in Amsterdam by the German occupation of the Netherlands. Anne lost her German citizenship in 1941 and became stateless. Despite spending most of her life in The Netherlands, she never officially became a Dutch citizen however she was de facto a Dutch national. As persecutions of the Jewish population increased in July 1942, they went into hiding in concealed rooms behind a bookcase in the building where Anne's father, Otto Frank, worked. Until the family's arrest by the Gestapo on 4 August 1944, Anne kept a diary she had received as a birthday present, and wrote in it regularly. (Full article...)

  • Oriental logo, from an advertisement for Panggilan Darah

    Oriental Film was a film production company in Batavia, Dutch East Indies (now Jakarta, Indonesia). Established by ethnic Chinese businessman Tjo Seng Han in 1940, it completed four black-and-white films before it was closed in 1941. All the company's films were screened into the 1950s but may now be lost. They were directed by two men, Njoo Cheong Seng and Sutan Usman Karim, and launched the careers of actors such as Dhalia and Soerip.

    Established during the revival of the Indies film industry, Oriental released its first film, Kris Mataram, in July 1940. It starred Njoo's wife Fifi Young, and relied on her fame as a stage actress to draw audiences. This was followed by a further three films, which were targeted at low-income audiences and extensively used kroncong music. Their final production was Panggilan Darah in 1941, which was completed after Njoo and Young had migrated to Majestic Film. Oriental was unable to recoup its expenses of renting a Dutch-owned studio, and the company was shut down. (Full article...)

  • Portrait by Godfrey Kneller, 1690

    Mary II (30 April 1662 – 28 December 1694) was Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, co-reigning with her husband, William III and II, from 1689 until her death in 1694. She was also Princess of Orange following her marriage on 4 November 1677. Her joint reign with William over Britain is known as that of William and Mary.

    Mary was born during the reign of her uncle King Charles II. She was the eldest daughter of James, Duke of York (the future James II of England), and his first wife, Anne Hyde. Mary and her sister Anne were raised as Anglicans at the behest of Charles II, although their parents both converted to Roman Catholicism. Charles lacked legitimate children, making Mary second in the line of succession. At the age of fifteen, she married her cousin William of Orange, a Protestant. Charles died in 1685 and James became king, making Mary heir presumptive. James's attempts at rule by decree and the birth of his son from a second marriage, James Francis Edward (later known as "the Old Pretender"), led to his deposition in the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the adoption of the English Bill of Rights. (Full article...)

  • Vincent Willem van Gogh (Dutch: [ˈvɪnsɛnt ˈʋɪləɱ vɑŋ ˈɣɔx] ; 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade he created approximately 2100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life. They include landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterised by bold, symbolic colours, and dramatic, impulsive and highly expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. Only one of his paintings was known by name to have been sold during his lifetime. Van Gogh became famous after his suicide at age 37, which followed years of poverty and mental illness.

    Born into an upper-middle-class family, Van Gogh drew as a child and was serious, quiet and thoughtful, but showed signs of mental instability. As a young man he worked as an art dealer, often travelling, but became depressed after he was transferred to London. He turned to religion, and spent time as a missionary in southern Belgium. Later he drifted in ill-health and solitude. He was keenly aware of modernist trends in art and, while back with his parents, took up painting in 1881. His younger brother, Theo, supported him financially, and the two of them kept up a long correspondence by letter. (Full article...)

  • Djajakusuma, c. 1950s

    Djadoeg Djajakusuma ([dʒaˈdʊʔ dʒajakuˈsuma]; 1 August 1918 – 28 October 1987) was an Indonesian film director and promoter of traditional art forms. Born to a nobleman and his wife in Temanggung, Central Java, Djajakusuma became interested in the arts at a young age, choosing to pursue a career in theatre. During the Japanese occupation from 1943 to 1945 he was a translator and actor, and in the four-year national revolution which followed he worked for the military's educational division, several news agencies, and in drama.

    In 1951, Djajakusuma joined the National Film Corporation (Perfini) at the invitation of Usmar Ismail. After making his directorial debut with Embun, Djajakusuma released a further eleven films with the company before leaving in 1964. He then returned to traditional Indonesian theatre, including wayang. Although he continued to direct movies independently of Perfini, most of his energies were dedicated to promoting traditional art forms and teaching cinematography. After over a decade of poor health and high blood pressure, Djajakusuma collapsed during a ceremony and died. He was buried in Karet Bivak Cemetery. (Full article...)

  • Chinezenmoord, Unknown author

    The 1740 Batavia massacre (Dutch: Chinezenmoord, lit. 'Murder of the Chinese'; Indonesian: Geger Pacinan, lit. 'Chinatown tumult') was a massacre and pogrom in which European soldiers of the Dutch East India Company killed ethnic Chinese residents of the port city of Batavia, Dutch East Indies, (present-day Jakarta) in the Dutch East Indies. The violence in the city lasted from 9 October 1740, until 22 October, with minor skirmishes outside the walls continuing late into November that year. Historians have estimated that at least 10,000 ethnic Chinese were massacred; just 600 to 3,000 are believed to have survived.

    In September 1740, as unrest rose among the Chinese population, spurred by government repression and declining sugar prices, Governor-General Adriaan Valckenier declared that any uprising would be met with deadly force. On 7 October, hundreds of ethnic Chinese, many of them sugar mill workers, killed 50 Dutch soldiers, leading Dutch troops to confiscate all weapons from the Chinese populace and to place the Chinese under a curfew. Two days later, rumors of Chinese atrocities led other Batavian ethnic groups to burn Chinese houses along Besar River and Dutch soldiers to fire cannons at Chinese homes in revenge. The violence soon spread throughout Batavia, killing more Chinese. Although Valckenier declared an amnesty on 11 October, gangs of irregulars continued to hunt down and kill Chinese until 22 October, when the governor-general called more forcefully for a cessation of hostilities. Outside the city walls, clashes continued between Dutch troops and rioting sugar mill workers. After several weeks of minor skirmishes, Dutch-led troops assaulted Chinese strongholds in sugar mills throughout the area. (Full article...)

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  • La batalla de Camperdown , pintada por Philip de Loutherbourg en 1799.

    La Batalla de Camperdown fue una acción naval importante de las Guerras Revolucionarias Francesas , librada frente a Camperduin en la costa de Holanda Septentrional el 11 de octubre de 1797 entre una flota británica al mando del almirante Adam Duncan y una flota holandesa al mando del vicealmirante Jan de Winter . La República Francesa había invadido a la República Holandesa dos años antes, reformándola en la República Bátava . A principios de 1797, se ordenó a la Armada de Bátava que navegara hacia Brest y se uniera a la Flota Atlántica francesa en preparación para una invasión de Irlanda . Poco después, las flotas británicas quedaron paralizadas por los motines de Spithead y Nore , en los que los marineros se negaron a hacerse a la mar con sus barcos hasta que se les concedieran mejores salarios y condiciones. Durante dos meses [ cita necesaria ] , el Canal de la Mancha estuvo indefenso, pero los holandeses no aprovecharon la oportunidad para zarpar desde su puerto en Texel : sus preparativos no estaban completos y un pequeño escuadrón de barcos británicos leales al mando de Duncan convenció a De Winter. que la flota británica estaba en el mar enviando señales sin sentido a barcos ficticios en el horizonte.

    En octubre de 1797, el plan de atacar Irlanda había sido abandonado y la Flota Británica del Mar del Norte volvía a estar con toda su fuerza. Durante un breve período de reabastecimiento de suministros en Yarmouth , el 10 de octubre llegó a Duncan la noticia de que los holandeses habían navegado en un crucero de asalto [ cita necesaria ] y regresó a la costa holandesa, interceptando la flota de De Winter en su camino de regreso a Texel. Los holandeses formaron una línea de batalla en aguas costeras poco profundas para enfrentar el ataque de Duncan, que se llevó a cabo en una masa confusa, la flota británica se separó en dos grupos que atacaron la vanguardia y la retaguardia de la flota holandesa, abrumando a cada uno a su vez y capturando once barcos. , incluido el buque insignia de De Winter, Vrijheid . En el viaje de regreso, tres de los barcos capturados se perdieron y ninguno de los premios holandeses supervivientes volvió a ser apto para el servicio activo [ cita requerida ] . Ambos bandos sufrieron numerosas bajas durante la batalla, ya que cada flota había sido entrenada para apuntar a los cascos de sus oponentes, maximizando el daño al personal. ( Articulo completo... )
  • Twenty-two people are recorded as having produced fictional films in the Dutch East Indies between 1926, when L. Heuveldorp released Loetoeng Kasaroeng, the colony's first domestically produced film, and 1949, when the Dutch formally recognised Indonesia's sovereignty after a four-year revolution, leaving the Dutch East Indies defunct. Altogether, they are credited for 93 of all known films produced in the Indies, and four of them remained active after independence. All were men; the first female film producer in Indonesia, Ratna Asmara, produced her first film in 1953.

    The colony's first producer, Heuveldorp, was of European descent. He was followed in 1928 by the ethnic Chinese businessmen Tjan Tjoen Lian and Liem Goan Lian, who began work on Lily van Java but soon pulled out, to be replaced by David Wong. By 1930 Chinese producers had dominated the industry. The most active of these, The Teng Chun, made his debut in 1931 with Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang; he would go on to produce another 27 films before independence. No native Indonesian film producers are recorded from this period, although several productions were credited only to companies. (Full article...)
  • This page is a list of films that received the Golden Film since its introduction in 2001 by the Netherlands Film Festival and the Netherlands Film Fund. In 2001 and 2002, films from the Netherlands received the award once they had sold 75,000 tickets. From 2003 to date, the Golden Film is awarded to films from the Netherlands once they have sold 100,000 tickets. This page shows, for both audience criteria, which films received the Golden Film and how soon they received it after their releases.

    In the following tables, the 'year' column contains the years in which the films received the Golden Film, the '#' column contains the number of the Golden Film, the 'film title' column contains the titles of the receiving films, the 'film release' column contains the dates on which the films were first released in the cinemas, and the 'Golden Film' column contains the days when the Netherlands Film Festival and the Netherlands Film Fund announced that the receiving films reached the audience criterion of the Golden Film. (Full article...)
  • A poster with Malay-language text, reading Loetoeng Kasaroeng in large letters; an image is also visible.
    Film poster for Loetoeng Kasaroeng, the first locally produced film released in the Dutch East Indies

    A total of 112 fictional films are known to have been produced in the Dutch East Indies (modern-day Indonesia) between 1926 and the colony's dissolution in 1949. The earliest motion pictures, imported from abroad, were shown in late 1900, and by the early 1920s imported serials and fictional films were being shown, often with localised names. Dutch companies were also producing documentary films about the Indies to be shown in the Netherlands. The first reports of fictional film production in the Indies date from 1923, although the work in question was not completed. The first locally produced film, Loetoeng Kasaroeng, was directed by L. Heuveldorp and released on 31 December 1926.

    Between 1926 and 1933 numerous other local productions were released. Although Dutchmen like Heuveldorp and G. Krugers continued to be active in the industry, the majority of filmmakers and producers were ethnic Chinese. The Tan brothers (Khoen Yauw and Khoen Hian) and The Teng Chun were major producers during this period, while the Wong brothers (Nelson, Othniel, and Joshua) were among the more prominent directors. During the mid-1930s, production dropped as a result of the Great Depression. The release of Albert Balink's commercially and critically successful Terang Boelan (Full Moon) in 1937 led to renewed interest in filmmaking, and 1941 saw thirty locally produced films. This rate of production declined after the Japanese occupation beginning in early 1942, closing all but one film studio; this resulted in several films which had begun production in 1941 being released several years later. The majority of films produced during the occupation were short propaganda pieces. Following the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in 1945 and during the ensuing revolution several films were made, by both pro-Dutch and pro-Indonesian backers; the Dutch formally recognised Indonesia's sovereignty on 27 December 1949, leaving the Dutch East Indies defunct. (Full article...)
  • As of 1 January 2023, there were 342 regular municipalities (Dutch: gemeenten) and three special municipalities (bijzondere gemeenten) in the Netherlands. The latter is the status of three of the six island territories that make up the Dutch Caribbean. Municipalities are the second-level administrative division, or public bodies (openbare lichamen), in the Netherlands and are subdivisions of their respective provinces. Their duties are delegated to them by the central government and they are ruled by a municipal council that is elected every four years. Municipal mergers have reduced the total number of municipalities by two-thirds since the first official boundaries were created in the mid 19th century. Municipalities themselves are informally subdivided into districts and neighbourhoods for administrative and statistical purposes.

    These municipalities come in a wide range of sizes, Westervoort is the smallest with a land area of 7.03 km2 (2.71 sq mi) and Súdwest-Fryslân the largest with a land area of 523.01 km2 (201.94 sq mi). Schiermonnikoog is both the least populated, with 936 people, and the least densely populated municipality at 23/km2 (60/sq mi). Amsterdam has the highest population with 921,402 residents af of November 2022, whereas The Hague is the most densely populated with a density of 6,650/km2 (17,200/sq mi). (Full article...)
  • The Amsterdam Tournament (Dutch: Amsterdam Toernooi) was a pre-season association football competition, held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The competition was hosted by Eredivisie club Ajax at the Amsterdam Arena. It was inaugurated in 1975 as the Amsterdam 700 Tournament to celebrate 700 years of history in the city. It was held annually each summer until 1992, when the last edition of the original tournament was played. It returned in 1999 with the backing of the International Event Partnership (IEP). Four teams participate in the competition, played in a league format since 1986.

    Since its return, the tournament has used an unusual point scoring system. As with most league competitions, three points are awarded for a win, one for a draw and zero for a loss. An additional point, however, is awarded for each goal scored. The system is designed to reward teams that adopt a more attacking style of play. Each entrant plays two matches, with the winner being the club that finishes at the top of the table. The original competition was held at Amsterdam's Olympic Stadium, where Ajax played its international games until 1996. The Amsterdam Arena, now named the Johan Cruyff Arena, has played host to the event since the return until 2009. (Full article...)
  • A man with short hair and a white shirt is controlling a large camera. He is facing left.
    The Wong brothers (one pictured) were the first ethnic Chinese directors in the Indies.

    Twenty-nine people are recorded as having directed fictional films in the Dutch East Indies between 1926, when L. Heuveldorp released Loetoeng Kasaroeng, the colony's first domestically produced film, and 1949, when the Dutch formally recognised Indonesia's sovereignty after a four-year revolution, leaving the Dutch East Indies defunct. Thirteen directors active in the Indies continued to direct films after 1950, including Usmar Ismail: his 1950 film Darah dan Doa (The Long March) is generally considered the first truly Indonesian film.

    The colony's first directors, Heuveldorp and G. Kruger, were of European or mixed descent. They were followed by ethnic Chinese soon after, when Nelson Wong made his debut in 1928 with Lily van Java; other Chinese directors included Lie Tek Swie (1929), Wong's brothers Joshua and Othniel (1930), and The Teng Chun (1931). Ethnic Chinese directors dominated the colony's cinema for the remainder of its existence. The first native director, Bachtiar Effendi, made his debut in 1932 with the talkie Njai Dasima; another native director would not appear until Andjar Asmara and Rd Ariffien made their debuts in 1940. (Full article...)

Biografía seleccionada

Foto de Alma-Tadema
Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema , OM , RA (8 de enero de 1836, Dronrijp , Países Bajos . - 25 de junio de 1912, Wiesbaden , Alemania ) fue uno de los pintores más reconocidos de la Gran Bretaña de finales del siglo XIX . Nacido en Dronrijp , Países Bajos, y formado en la Academia de Amberes , Bélgica, se instaló en Inglaterra en 1870 y pasó allí el resto de su vida. Pintor de temas clásicos, se hizo famoso por sus representaciones del lujo y la decadencia del Imperio Romano , con figuras lánguidas situadas en fabulosos interiores de mármol o con un telón de fondo de deslumbrantes azules del mar y el cielo del Mediterráneo. Universalmente admirado durante su vida por su magnífico dibujo y sus representaciones de la antigüedad clásica, cayó en descrédito después de su muerte y sólo en los últimos treinta años su obra ha sido reevaluada por su importancia dentro del arte inglés del siglo XIX.

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  • ... que la tormenta Poly provocó que cientos de personas quedaran varadas en la estación central de Ámsterdam al pasar por los Países Bajos?
  • ... que la presentadora de radio y televisión holandesa Hanneke Kappen presentó el segundo programa de radio holandés dedicado a la música heavy metal?
  • ... que la diseñadora holandesa Sabine Marcelis era practicante de snowboard semiprofesional en Nueva Zelanda antes de decidirse a seguir una carrera en el arte?
  • ... que las selecciones de fútbol de Argentina y Holanda se han enfrentado en una Copa Mundial de la FIFA cada dos años desde 1998 ?
  • ... que los trabajadores inmigrantes turcos que viven en un complejo residencial en Ámsterdam se negaron a comer comida holandesa durante dos semanas después de que despidieran al único chef turco de la cocina?
  • ... que algunos de los artistas holandeses más célebres del Siglo de Oro que trabajaron en el grabado en vidrio eran mujeres?


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