Discusión del usuario:FkpCascais


Nazalost, u Portugalu, Kralj je ostao upamcen kao jedan od najgorih golmana svih vremena i time kako na lokalnom portugalskom jeziku nacin kojim se izgovara njegovo prezime je isto kao i kako se izgovara muski seksualni organ, tako da je cesta pojava u razno rsnim listama tipa najgori stranci svih vremena, ili najsmesnija prezimena u istoriji portugalskog fudbala. Kad sam saznao da je preuzeo Macvu hteo sam videti hoce li primeniti ista novo sto je mogao da nauci u lisri zemalja gde je igrao, ali, ne. Kuriozitet, doveo je povremenog reprezentativca prijateljske nam Mongolije, i vest je buknula svetom jer je postao prvi mongolac u Evropi. Iako je bila 14/15 sezona i igrali su 2 ligu, mongolac je presao pola sveta da dodje do Sapca, sve da bi mu Kralj dao NULA minuta igre. Valjda su ostali napadaci bili toliko dobri i nezamenjivi da su zavrsili sezonu na 16. mestu i pali u srpsku ligu a mongolac se zahvalio Kralju i rekao da se vraca on kod svog khana, tamo se barem igra fudbal.

Kula Hajduk

Zdravo drzuze. Burka sta se uradilo Hajduku. Neki krive BG, ali to nema veze sa njima. Jednostavno su prodali lokalni tajkuni klub, pokrali ga kao i opstinu dok narod i dalje cuti. Hajduk nije ugasen, samo ce biit vracen u 3. ligu. Takodje sve mlade selekcije ostaju...A-tim c eigrati u 3.Ligi.....verovatno po modificakovanim imenom OFK Haduk Kula...ostaje isti klub, nije ugasen ako mozes da poravis. Bice to sve zvanicno u petak izgleda. Hvala.-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 10:52, 1 de agosto de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Pozdrav Nado, pogledacu to, ali ne brini se puno, izlazile su vesti kako se gasi i to pa masovno ljudi to dodaju,a kad bude zvanicna izjava iz kluba onda ce se tacno znati sve. FkpCascais (discusión) 12:33, 1 de agosto de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 12 de agosto

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes ediciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, notamos que cuando editaste Boris Gujić , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación FK Bratstvo (verifica para confirmar | corrige con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las Preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 13:20, 12 de agosto de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Agosto de 2013

Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Lista de fichajes de futbolistas serbios verano 2013 puede haber dañado la sintaxis modificando 1 "{}". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.

Lista de corchetes no apareados que quedan en la página:

Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 01:25 30 ago 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 1 de septiembre

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste la Lista de fichajes del fútbol serbio en el verano de 2013 , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Dinamo Minsk (verificar para confirmar | corregir con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de la DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 14:23, 1 de septiembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Septiembre de 2013

Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Lista de fichajes de futbolistas serbios verano 2013 puede haber dañado la sintaxis modificando 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.

Lista de corchetes no apareados que quedan en la página:

Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 02:40 5 sep 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gragjanski Skopje

¿Puedes explicar por qué debería permanecer la sección de jugadores famosos? No hay ninguna fuente para el primer jugador, pero hay afirmaciones de notoriedad y solo un enlace inactivo para el segundo párrafo y ninguna indicación de que haya fuentes confiables que confirmen que el equipo se fortaleció. He etiquetado estas secciones durante varias semanas y ningún editor ha hecho ningún intento de resolver o disputar ningún problema. Simplemente no puedes elegir criterios de inclusión o elegir jugadores al azar para comentar. Si no existen fuentes confiables, entonces un editor no puede inventarlas. Realmente no estoy tratando de comenzar una guerra de ediciones aquí, pero simplemente no entiendo qué parte de WP:V crees que estás cumpliendo al incluir estas secciones. Fenix ​​down ( discusión ) 14:39, 18 de septiembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Simonovski es, de lejos, el jugador más destacado de ese club, un hecho bien conocido en la región. Era el mejor jugador macedonio de la época. Pero ya he empezado a buscar una fuente para ello. En cuanto al segundo enlace que no funciona, lo arreglaré. No estoy seguro de por qué no funciona, pero sin duda el sitio existe y es uno de los más fiables para los equipos nacionales y los jugadores de los clubes que representaban en el momento de sus partidos internacionales. FkpCascais (discusión) 14:43 18 sep 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Si ese es el caso, entonces, como se ha solicitado muchas veces en la discusión principal sobre jugadores notables, proporcione fuentes confiables que lo indiquen, como lo hizo en FK Rad. Para el segundo, como se ha discutido en la conversación principal, el hecho de que hayan sido seleccionados no es un criterio válido y lo que estoy cuestionando aquí es el comentario del punto de vista de que su aparición fortaleció al equipo. Nuevamente, ese comentario en particular requiere una fuente confiable. Si se proporcionan, entonces no tengo ningún problema con que permanezcan. Fenix ​​down ( discusión ) 16:29 18 septiembre 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
La sección de Simonovski sigue sin referenciarse a pesar de los cambios que has hecho, ¿qué lo convierte en un entrenador particularmente notable? Además, la parte principal de la historia del artículo dice que el club se disolvió en 1941, pero que los otros jugadores mencionados fueron seleccionados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y luego el club se fusionó después de la guerra. Creo que es mejor mover esta parte a la sección de historia y eliminar la redacción potencialmente confusa. ¿Qué opinas? Fenix ​​down ( discusión ) 16:47 18 sep 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo siento, pero no siempre puedo responder con prontitud, por lo que no siempre puedo hacerlo. Hay dos datos sobre ese club y esos jugadores:
1- Cuando Bulgaria se anexionó la región de Macedonia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (que antes pertenecía a Yugoslavia y que volvió a formar parte de ella después de la guerra), Bulgaria incluyó al club en su competición nacional, y el club llegó incluso a terminar segundo en la liga búlgara en una temporada. Los búlgaros también incluyeron a los mejores jugadores de Gragjanski en su selección nacional.
2- Uno de los jugadores que se incluyó fue Kiril Simonovski (en ese momento jugador, no entrenador) y los búlgaros lo rebautizaron como " Kiril Simeonov ". Ya por entonces era considerado el jugador más importante (ese hecho se mencionó en un artículo de la Asociación de Fútbol de Macedonia sobre él que se encuentra en su artículo, pero ahora es un enlace muerto, pero lo edité y lo recuerdo bien). Después de la guerra, la región fue devuelta a Yugoslavia, el club se disolvió y Simonovski se trasladó al Partizan y se convirtió en el primer macedonio étnico en jugar para la selección nacional yugoslava. Los otros jugadores que jugaron para Bulgaria nunca llegaron a jugar para Yugoslavia más tarde, Simonovski fue la excepción.
Pero, bueno, se puede añadir en el texto, no hay problema. Voy a ver algunas copias de los libros que tengo sobre fútbol de esa época de la región y trataré de encontrar la mayor cantidad posible. En cuanto a la palabra "fortalecido" en Peakock, ya la he quitado, y estoy de acuerdo contigo. FkpCascais (discusión) 18:18 18 sep 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Spartak Subotica

Da li mozes da prebacis Spartak na novu stranicu, posto se klub vise ne zove Spartak Zlatibor Voda(sutnuli su ZV deo, fala bogu, konacno)

Bora83ns ( discusión ) 12:37 27 sep 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ne mogu jer je FK Spartak Subotica vec redirigir, a moze samo amdinistrator da uradi, zamolicu na WP:FOOTY. FkpCascais (discusión) 18:17, 27 de septiembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Octubre de 2013

Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en la Lista de jugadores de fútbol extranjeros en Serbia puede haber dañado la sintaxis modificando 1 "()". Si es así, no te preocupes: simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.

Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 19:12 9 oct 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Medios de comunicación albaneses

Hola. Sé que el albanés no es uno de los muchos idiomas que solían llamarse "serbocroatas", pero aun así pensé en pedirte ayuda. En el último año, más o menos todos los futbolistas noruegos de ascendencia albanokosovar (excepto aquellos que ya están en la selección de Noruega, como Ardian Gashi y Valon Berisha ) han "declarado a los medios albaneses que quieren jugar para Albania". Hay ejemplos en los artículos de Mërgim Hereqi, Flamur Kastrati y Zymer Bytyqi , pero me pregunto hasta qué punto es fiable. A excepción de Herolind Shala , que ya ha representado a Albania, no se ha mencionado esto en los medios noruegos. Dada tu experiencia con el fútbol en los Balcanes, esperaba que pudieras ayudarme a averiguar hasta qué punto es fiable y, si puedes traducirlo, ¿son los jugadores los que quieren representar a Albania o es Albania la que quiere reclutar a estos jugadores? Saludos, Mentoz86 ( discusión ) 09:27 18 oct 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola Mentoz, voy a echarle un vistazo hoy. No hablo albanés en absoluto, así que tendré que confiar en la traducción de Google. FkpCascais (discusión) 13:03 18 oct 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Mërgim Hereqi dijo eso en 2008, y Flamur Kastrati lo dijo recientemente, esta es la traducción de uno de los enlaces aquí, y Zymer Bytyqi dijo "Bytyqi: renuncio a una invitación de Noruega al Equipo A de Albania". Esos parecen ser los medios deportivos albaneses más importantes. Parece muy posible que esos jugadores jueguen en ambos lados contando con ambas opciones, jugar para Noruega o para Albania, dependiendo de las oportunidades. La selección nacional albanesa ha estado incluyendo a numerosos jugadores de ascendencia albanesa nacidos en el extranjero, y parece que siempre siguen a esos jugadores y les preguntan si quieren jugar para Albania. Esos jugadores probablemente digan "sí" a los medios albaneses, pero se saltan mencionarlo a los noruegos :D FkpCascais (discusión) 13:35 18 oct 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Perdón por la respuesta tardía. Gracias por echarle un vistazo a esto. Supongo que tendré que dejar el texto en el artículo, aunque me duela ver a los noruegos afirmando que quieren jugar para otra nación que no sea Noruega. ;) Mentoz86 ( discusión ) 10:04 3 nov 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 1 de noviembre

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes ediciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, notamos que cuando editaste Rijeka Airport , agregaste un enlace que apuntaba a la página de desambiguación Split (verifica para confirmar | soluciona con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 20:08, 1 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hay una fuente

Hvala na medalji ili sta je vec jaja,nastavicu da prosirujem moj gradski klub,tj.Slobodu.Sad cu skoro da zapocnem sezonu 2009-10 i unazad dok su jos bili u srpskoj ligi zapad..Pozdrav za tebe i jos jednom hvala na medalji ..

Milosgr97 ( charla ) 05:53, 7 de noviembre de 2013 (CET)

Plantilla de la selección nacional de fútbol de Albania

gello, creo que la lista de los 23 mejores jugadores estaría mejor en las páginas de wikipedia, porque las convocatorias actuales no tienen sentido, creo. — Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusióncontribuciones ) 16:05, 9 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


¡Hvala za Barn-zvezdu! Sve najbolje, Zastavafan76 ( discusión ) 21:16, 11 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 13 de noviembre

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste la Lista de clubes de fútbol de Kosovo , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Rugova (verifica para confirmar | soluciona con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las Preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de la DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 11:52, 13 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Vaya, qué infantil. -- DemirBajraktarevic ( discusión ) 21:50 16 nov 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Olá meu caro FKP, AL "por aquí",

mais um favorzinho com as traduções em servio, só te leva um minuto (e já é esticar muito!). No Javier Clemente , por favor dás uma olhadela nas referencias #12 e #13? É só ver se a primeira tem a tradução correcta, e traduzir a segunda. Apenas e só.

Um muito obrigado de antemão, espero que todo esteja bem com o meu caro. ¡Abrazos! --AL (discusión) 02:33, 19 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ta todo bem, espero que contigo también. Vou já ver isso. FkpCascais (discusión) 02:38, 19 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Errores de referencia el 19 de noviembre

Hola, soy ReferenceBot . He detectado automáticamente que una edición realizada por ti puede haber introducido errores en la referenciación. Es lo siguiente:

Por favor, revise esta página y corrija los errores resaltados. Si cree que se trata de un falso positivo , puede informarlo a mi operador. Gracias, ReferenceBot ( discusión ) 08:40, 20 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sigue siendo un problema

Actuar como representante de un editor bloqueado es malo. Deberías dejar de hacerlo. bobrayner ( discusión ) 13:41 22 nov 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Изволи [1] (discusión) 00:45, 28 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Candidatura de Bobby Dragas para su eliminación

Se está debatiendo si el artículo Bobby Dragas es adecuado para su inclusión en Wikipedia según las políticas y directrices de Wikipedia o si debería eliminarse .

El artículo se analizará en Wikipedia:Artículos para eliminar/Bobby Dragas hasta que se llegue a un consenso, y cualquiera puede contribuir a la discusión. La nominación explicará las políticas y pautas que son motivo de preocupación. La discusión se centra en la evidencia de alta calidad y en nuestras políticas y pautas.

Los usuarios pueden editar el artículo durante la discusión, incluso para mejorarlo y abordar las inquietudes planteadas en la discusión. Sin embargo, no elimine el aviso de eliminación de artículo de la parte superior del artículo. Giant Snowman 09:17, 29 de noviembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]



Me gustaría saber tu opinión sobre este asunto. BobRayner hizo tres comentarios en las últimas 24 horas en la misma página Me gustaría saber si esto va en contra de las reglas y, en caso afirmativo, ¿a quién podemos presentar una queja? Taataa ( discusión ) 18:35 30 nov 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Me gusta la forma en que Evlekis finge que no sabe si existe o no un WP:3RR . ¡Es un tipo divertido! IJA ( discusión ) 22:21 3 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola de nuevo, solo quería decirte que Boobrayner está usando la excusa del calcetín en este artículo, aquí está la historia

PS Ah, y IJA, puedes usar el localizador de IP para ver que no soy Evlekis ;) Taataa (discusión) 00:07 4 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Vale, me gusta la forma en que finges no saber nada sobre el WP:3RR. Es evidente que sí lo sabes. De todos modos, seas quien seas, te atraparán tarde o temprano. Saludos IJA ( discusión ) 21:55 4 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Para ser honesto, leí mal WP:33R, pensando que solo puedes hacer dos y no tres ediciones en 24 horas. Pero, bueno, todavía estoy aprendiendo :). Ah, una vez más, no soy un calcetín, pero a quién le importa, jajaja... y gracias por las amables amenazas, me hacen sentir bienvenido en este lugar. TaaTaa (discusión) 09:03, 6 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Reportado . Cognoscerapo ( discusión ) 09:52 5 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Reportado. Adiós a tu edición. Cognoscerapo ( discusión ) 15:46 6 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Vaya, te gusta mucho amenazar a la gente, no solo a mí, sino también a usuarios establecidos como FkpCascais. Eso no es agradable, educado ni constructivo. TaaTaa (discusión) 16:15 6 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Diciembre de 2013

Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición de Gorazd Mihajlov puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "()". Si es así, no te preocupes: simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.

Lista de corchetes no apareados que quedan en la página:

Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 04:09 7 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Eliminando categorías

¿Por qué? Te preguntarás, bueno, aquí está la respuesta [2], [3]. Es porque pertenecen legítimamente a la Categoría:Gjakova como Đakovica ([4]). Las reglas son simples, cuando una edición la hace un títere, debe eliminarse incluso si es constructiva. Y como ves, el título del artículo + cirílico se han quitado del cuadro de información de Đakovica para que quede agradable y neutral :) . (discusión) 18:55, 11 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Una estrella de granero!

23 editor ( discusión ) 17:37 23 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Muchas gracias :) FkpCascais (discusión) 04:59 24 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


por moderar una discusión sumamente tediosa. Praxis Icosahedron ϡ ( DISCUSIÓN ) 21:36 24 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Quiero agradecerte también a Praxis Icosahedron por la misma razón. Fui un poco duro contigo al principio de esa discusión, y aprecio mucho que nos concentráramos sólo en el contenido en sí y de esa manera pudimos concluir la discusión. Debo admitir que la razón de mi reacción inicial fueron tus resúmenes de edición. Me quedé con la impresión de que considerabas que los eventos de la Guerra de Bosnia deberían tener influencia sobre las ediciones, y no estoy de acuerdo con eso. No quiero dar la impresión de ser injusto, o de que ignoro el sufrimiento de las víctimas de las fuerzas serbias durante la guerra. Sin embargo, es difícil cuantificar el sufrimiento. Lo que quiero decir es que, en mi opinión, todos sufrimos (y todavía sufrimos), independientemente de la etnia. Hubo una tremenda manipulación y propaganda de todos los lados, y la gente de todos los lados se convirtió en víctimas. Aparte de un montón de gente que se benefició de la guerra (y hay pocos en todos los casos), creo que todos los demás, en mayor o menor medida, sufrieron mucho. Por ejemplo, parte de mi familia son serbios de Sarajevo. No participaron en la guerra y ni siquiera apoyaron a nadie. Eran yugoslavos de verdad, pero sufrieron mucho en una parte de Sarajevo dominada por los bosnios, donde vivieron durante generaciones y solían tener una vida bastante cómoda. Como eran serbios, vivieron experiencias terribles y fueron testigos de acontecimientos horribles. Después de mucha presión, sus casas fueron ocupadas y todavía hoy no han recuperado todas sus propiedades, algunas de las cuales están habitadas por algún ex comandante del ejército de Bosnia... Al decir esto abiertamente aquí, en realidad no pretendo nada más que la paz y, si es posible, el progreso. Condeno todas las cosas malas que han hecho todos los bandos y no pretendo en absoluto hacer comparaciones ni cuantificar algo que es imposible de cuantificar, las vidas y el sufrimiento. Sólo quiero decir que uno no puede hacer cosas endeudándose por hechos pasados. Se podría decir que lo que sufrió/sufre esa parte de mi familia es justo porque otros serbios en otros lugares hicieron lo peor a las familias bosnias. Tampoco yo debería actuar ahora en forma de venganza por lo que sufrió esa parte de mi familia. Esa guerra fue muy sucia. Sé que esto puede parecer que mi intención es igualar a todos y de esa manera salvar a los que consideras culpables, pero créeme, no es mi pretensión. Pero sí encuentro que los nacionalistas y extremistas de todos los bandos eran casi igualmente malos. Y el resto, bueno, aparte de unos pocos, el resto de la gente común eran simplemente ovejas manipuladas que escuchaban la propaganda de su grupo étnico que existía desde todos los lados. Al menos nosotros, los editores ya establecidos más familiarizados con los principios de la wiki, podemos tratar de dejar de lado el nacionalismo, y cuando nos enfrentamos a él, podemos tratar al menos de no agregarle leña al fuego.
Ahora, volviendo al tema en sí, fue genial ver que con buena voluntad se puede lograr el consenso. Creo que todo el mundo en cualquier momento puede desafiarlo y abrir la discusión de nuevo, pero al menos ahora tenemos un lugar centralizado con una discusión para señalar cuando algún usuario o IP se moleste con esto. No estoy seguro de si celebras la Navidad esta noche, si lo haces te deseo que te cases con la Navidad, y de todos modos te envío un cordial saludo, FkpCascais (discusión) 22:54 24 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo que dices es completamente cierto. Una víctima serbia no es menos importante o una tragedia que una no serbia simplemente porque haya más de estas últimas. Las diferencias cualitativas y cuantitativas sólo están sujetas a contextos judiciales y políticos, mientras que el sufrimiento humano es siempre sufrimiento humano. Mi objeción inicial nunca pretendió ser una incriminación colectiva de los serbios, sino que estaba dirigida específicamente al usuario específico que hizo las modificaciones. En mi opinión, estas modificaciones fueron parte de intenciones deshonestas. El mismo tipo de intenciones a las que me opondría si las propusiera un bosnio o un croata. La característica esencial de Bosnia y Herzegovina es que está compartida por tres pueblos nativos: Bosnia y Herzegovina fue y es bosnia, serbia y croata. Nunca puede ser el estado de una nación, sino sólo el hogar colectivo e igualitario de las tres comunidades que deben respetar su coexistencia y no tratar de subyugarse y dominarse mutuamente. Al leer un artículo sobre Tomislavgrad, dominado por los croatas, Zenica, dominada por los bosnios, o Trebinje, dominada por los serbios, no hay que tener la impresión de que esas ciudades son serbias, bosnias o croatas, sino igualmente serbias, bosnias y croatas. Así es la constitución, y cualquier intento de establecer cualquier tipo de estado nacional exclusivo en Bosnia y Herzegovina sólo conducirá a un camino de destrucción y muerte, como ya ocurrió. Todos los bandos sufrieron y nadie necesitaba esta guerra, fue la creación de mentes enfermas que forjaron odio y temores entre la gente. Sin embargo, con respecto a mis ediciones, no me considero a mí mismo como alguien que haya respondido con nacionalismo, sino más bien al nacionalismo. Me disculpo profundamente si mis acciones sugieren otra cosa. Muchas gracias y les deseo a ustedes también una feliz Navidad (aunque ustedes la celebran en enero, si no me equivoco). PD: Si alguien afirma que se reabrió el debate, más vale que tenga perspectivas nuevas que añadir; sería inútil repetir los mismos viejos argumentos. Praxis Icosahedron ϡ ( HABLAR ) 05:05, 25 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Entiendo perfectamente lo que quieres decir y estoy de acuerdo con tus preocupaciones sobre la impresión que uno puede dar al editar de cierta manera. Eso es también lo que me llevó a incentivar una discusión centralizada donde todos pudiéramos expresar nuestras preocupaciones y escucharnos mutuamente. Encontramos una solución, al menos temporal pero con suerte permanente, sin mucho dolor. Sería genial ver que los desafíos futuros se resolvieran como se resolvió este. Contáctame en cualquier momento :) FkpCascais (discusión) 07:48 25 dic 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Feliz navidad

Copa Makedonski

Jel možeš da mi nađeš rezultate Makedonskog kupa u sezonama od 93 do 97. Jolicnikola ( charla ) 19:26, 27 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Hm, na rsssf nema... Pogledaću večeras sve što imam da vidim da nema negde. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:49, 27 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Nisam nigde našao. :( FkpCascais (discusión) 04:00, 28 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Makedonski igrači koji nemaju stranicu na vikipediji

Jel možeš da napraviš članke makedonskih igrača koji nemaju stranicu a da imaju uslova za to. Zahvalan sin preparación. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 17:18, 28 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Fútbol europeo

Ti poseti pronađi bazu igrača iz Makedonije i postavi ih na vikipediju. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 21:58, 28 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Baš zbog toga jer sam hteo da vidim koji igrači fale sam i napravio bio pre jedno godinu dana ovu listu: Lista de futbolistas internacionales de Macedonia en upotrebio EU-Football kao jedan od izvora. Ali Nikola, do negde oko 3-4 januara neću baš imati mnogo slobodnog vremena :/ FkpCascais (discusión) 22:28, 28 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Biću strpljiv, imam i drugih stvari. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 22:39, 28 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Pa nisam mislio listu nego igrače. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 22:54, 28 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Nikola, ja stvarno neću uskoro imati vremena. Em što ove nedelje zbog nove godine i ostalog nemam stvarno mnogo slobodnog vremena da editujem, em što sam potpuno bačen na drugi deo, na editovanje našeg fudbala, igrača i trenera od pre 1945. Isto imam na stand-by da napravim članke poput "Velika četvorka", da proširim članke "El fútbol en Serbia, Yugoslavia, i druge" u kojima fali mnogo stvari iz istorije. Imam i nekoliko sezona druge lige FR Yugoslavia još ne napravljene koje me čekaju već godinu dana da ih uradim (de 1994 a 1999). Imam i gomilu drugih članaka koji me čekaju poput "X Subasociación de Fútbol" (napravio sam od Belgrado , Skopje , Kragujevac , Novi Sad , Niš i Veliki Bečkerek , a fale Sarajevo, Cetinje, Zagreb, Ljubljana...), imam Belgrado Subasociación sezone da napravim (napravio sam neke kao 1939–40 Liga Serbia ali fale sve od 1923 do 1939 kao i 1943-44)...
Od makedonskih igrača sam uradio već dosta onih koji su falili (možeš na mojoj strani da vidiš koje sam napravio). Znam da fali još nekliko njih. Napravio sam bazu za tebe da im praviš članke, evo ovde: Usuario:FkpCascais/Sandbox41 . Haga clic en "editar" y copie y pegue tamo šta imam, y onda samo popunjavaj polja. Svaki igrač koji ima barem 1 reprezentativni nastup može da ima člnak, kao i da nema reprezentativni nastup ali da barem ima 1 nastup u jednoj profesionalnoj ligi sa ove liste: WP:FPL . Na ovoj strani Usuario: FkpCascais/Sandbox17 imaš sve izvore koje koristim. Za makedonske igrače, ako su reprezentativci najbolje za reprezentativne nastupe, za klubove i najbolji do 2006-07, za nastupe iz lige iz skorašnjih sezona najbolji, za reprezentacije U -21, Sub-19, Sub-17 en, y pogledaj da li ima na nešto o tom igraču. FkpCascais (discusión) 18:11, 29 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Hvala. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 18:15, 29 de diciembre de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Hajdukovi i makedonski igrači

Eto mene opet, a sad jedno pitanje možeš li da napraviš stranice igrača splitskog Hajduka i makedonske fudbalere (izvini što te opet o tome pitam), a da nemaju stranicu, ako imaš vremena. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 23:28, 7 de enero de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ali Nikola, samo jedno pitanje, zasto hoces ja da ih napravim? Video sam neke igrace kojima si napravio stranu, odlicno si ih uradio. FkpCascais (discusión) 00:52, 8 de enero de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Pa imam druga posla oko pravljenja stranica o sezonama Hajduka, pa sam ti hteo u tome prepustiti. U međuvremenu sam napravio članak o Zlatomiru Obradovu. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 01:10, 8 de enero de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Nemoj nista da mi prepustas, jer ja ne znam sta cu pre. Jos nisam nista uradio ni od onih hitnih stvari sto sam ti bio nabrajao da imam da uradim. Ja sam predhodnih godina mnogo vise editovao, ali sad ove zadnje godine nemam vise toliko vremena. Vecinom nocu kad ne mogu da zaspim (kao veceras) pregledam moj watchlist, malo editujem i to vecinom neke sitne stvari, ili ucestvujem u ovoj ili onoj debati. Uvrh glave napravim ponekad neku novu stranu nekom starom treneru, igracu ili predratnom klubu, ali otprilike 2-3 strane mesecno. Sadasnje igrace skoro uopste ne editujem. Sad vec zadnjih jedno mesec dana zvrndam po online knjigama i arhivima starih novina da bi popunio nesto sto nema nigde na internatu, a to je ovo: Usuario:FkpCascais/Sandbox39 . Ne vredi da mi trazis da pravim tebi strane, jer to je kao kad bih ja tebi trazio da mi napravis red-linkove sa te liste :/ ... Radi polako, nema zurbe, ja radim stvari godinama, nema problema. Sve sto mozes sam da uradis, uradi (tako i ja radim), a tu sam da ti pomognem sta god treba sto ne mozes sam (informacije da ti nabavim, i to). FkpCascais (discusión) 02:23 8 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]


Decir "bla bla bla" cuando intentas demostrar algo hace que a la persona con la que estás discutiendo le resulte difícil tomar en serio tu argumento. Para tu información, y eso lo has hecho 3 veces conmigo -- DemirBajraktarevic ( discusión ) 12:32 11 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 12 de enero

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes ediciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, notamos que cuando editaste Alojz Mahek , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Škoda (verifica para confirmar | soluciona con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 09:24, 12 de enero de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Fútbol sala

Amigos, si se dan cuenta...

Probaj na forumu fk vojvodina, pod delom descargas da vidis. Ima nesto knjiga vezanih za istoriju FK Vojvodine koje bi ti mogle biti od koristi.

Samo napred, voleo bih da vidim krajnji rezultat :)

Bora83ns ( discusión ) 08:40 16 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Censo de 2013

¿Puedes echar un vistazo a [5]? Hay muchos cambios de números que mencionan un censo de 2013 pero no hay ninguna fuente. Parece un poco pronto para los resultados de un censo del año pasado, pero tal vez exista una fuente de ese tipo. Dougweller ( discusión ) 10:01 25 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

La última vez que vi una discusión sobre esto, los resultados aún no se habían publicado, pero honestamente no sé si están disponibles ahora o no. Le enviaré un mensaje a su página de discusión para preguntarle si puede proporcionar una fuente con los resultados. FkpCascais (discusión) 10:05 25 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ya le enviaste un mensaje :) También le escribí en serbocroata por si no habla inglés con fluidez. Mientras tanto, intentaré ver si se han publicado los resultados. FkpCascais (discusión) 10:12 25 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Aquí están los resultados preliminares. Corresponden a los que el usuario ha ido añadiendo. No estoy seguro de cómo nos comportamos aquí en la wiki en lo que respecta a los resultados preliminares. FkpCascais (discusión) 10:29 25 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Yo tampoco, pero quizás podrías pedirle al editor que al menos te proporcione ese enlace. Entonces, con suerte, alguien lo actualizará. Ahora mismo, casi parece el vandalismo de números que es demasiado frecuente. Muchas gracias por tu respuesta. Dougweller ( discusión ) 10:38, 25 de enero de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
El usuario ha estado inactivo durante unas 5 o 6 horas y ambos le enviamos un mensaje pidiéndole una fuente. Sin embargo, parece que ha estado añadiendo los números encontrados en los resultados preliminares oficiales, por lo que no parece ser vandalismo. Al menos los números que he comprobado que ha añadido se corresponden con los que se encuentran allí. Además, he estado observando el asunto con más atención y parece que esos resultados son definitivos en cuanto a los números, lo que todavía no se ha publicado es la composición étnica, que se publicará más adelante en julio de este año. Así que parece bastante seguro por ahora añadir esos números de esta tabla. Lo mejor que puedo hacer es comprobarlos uno por uno y añadir la fuente al lado. Lo haré hoy. FkpCascais (discusión) 11:10 25 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ganar SR Yugoslavia

Jel možeš da mi napraviš stranice o sezonama Kupa SR Jugoslavije? Ja sam radio sezone Kupa Srbije i Crne Gore pa da mi dovršiš taj posao okupiran sam drugim stvarima na wikipediji (Hajdukove sezone, igrači itd.). Ja govorim o fudbalu da ne bi ti bilo zabune. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 20:42, 3 de febrero de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

PS Imaš ti godišnjaka na pa tamo možes da zakopaš šta ti nađeš i šta misliš da treba prepišeš u wikipediju (od njih napraviti stranice, od njih proširivati ​​i itd.). Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 01:27, 9 de febrero de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Puno hvala Nikola za link, vidim da ima tamo godisnjake nekih sezona koje nisam nikad video. ¡Bas ti hvala! FkpCascais (discusión) 02:37, 11 de febrero de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 8 de febrero

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste la Lista de futbolistas extranjeros en las mejores ligas de la ex Yugoslavia , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Triglav Kranj (verifica para confirmar | soluciona con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las Preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de la DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 08:58, 8 de febrero de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Nombres de lugares de Kosovo

Hola. Hace un tiempo, presenté una propuesta para los nombres de lugares de Kosovo en Talk:Srbica. Dijiste que apoyabas esa solución y comentaste que tenías un "acuerdo" con los editores albaneses "sobre el tema de los lugares de nacimiento para artículos relacionados con el fútbol". Ese acuerdo parece haber sido desechado, ya que User:IJA cambió los nombres de los lugares de nacimiento de las personas nacidas antes de 2008 por nombres albaneses en lugar de los oficiales de entonces y los históricamente precisos. Te sugiero que le eches un vistazo a esto. 23 editor ( discusión ) 19:09 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

No ha habido ningún cambio de nombre, ambos nombres son aceptables y ambos se han utilizado históricamente en el idioma inglés. No existe nada sobre el uso del nombre serbio antes de 2008. Ustedes lo han inventado. No se ha acordado nada al respecto. IJA ( discusión ) 19:12 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por favor, intenta insertar San Petersburgo en un artículo sobre Leningrado en 1955 y verás lo que pasa. No funcionará. Tu pequeña oleada de cambios de nombre pseudohistóricos se detendrá y llevaré esto a Wikipedia: Resolución de disputas . 23 editor ( discusión ) 19:26 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
En el caso de San Petersburgo, hubo un cambio de nombre oficial durante la época soviética. No ha habido un cambio de nombre con Gjakova/ Đakovica. Ambos se utilizan y ambos se han utilizado históricamente en Yugoslavia. No dude en llevar el asunto a un tribunal de resolución de disputas, donde lo derribarán en llamas con su mito sobre el nombre histórico. Sin mencionar su comparación con ciudades que han tenido un cambio de nombre oficial. IJA ( discusión ) 19:43 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿En serio? ¿No hubo un cambio de nombre oficial después de 1912? Pruébelo. 23 editor ( discusión ) 19:47 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Es imposible probar algo negativo porque no sucedió. IJA ( discusión ) 19:50 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Cómo se demuestra que es negativo? Tú eres quien lo ha sacado a relucir. 23 editor ( discusión ) 19:55 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
No se puede probar que algo no sucedió porque el hecho de que no haya sucedido significa que no hay evidencia. Lee la tetera de Russell , él explica mejor "probar algo negativo". IJA ( discusión ) 20:17 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad, no se puede probar algo que (supuestamente) no sucedió. Bobrayner ciertamente parece pensar eso. Por supuesto, las falacias en la lógica pueden ser manipuladas cuando convienen a la otra parte, ¿no es así? 23 editor ( discusión ) 20:24 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por favor, no te desvíes del tema. IJA ( discusión ) 22:38 9 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lo siento, no he estado muy activo este fin de semana... Para el período yugoslavo, al menos hasta 1999, apoyo el uso de nombres serbocroatas. El acuerdo que había era sobre eso, y también sobre los nombres de los clubes, por ejemplo, utilizar FK Priština hasta 1999 y FC Prishtina solo después. FkpCascais (discusión) 13:17 10 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Y así sigue. 23 editor ( discusión ) 23:09 12 febrero 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ivo Pavelić

Hola, ¿podría molestarme si me proporciona una cita completa de la información que agregó al artículo de Ivo Pavelić ? El formato actual no proporciona suficiente información para que pueda producir una cita adecuada que pueda usarse para verificar el material (por ejemplo, no hay información sobre el título o el autor que pueda usar para identificar el libro en Worldcat). Gracias. Canadian Paul 22:38, 19 de febrero de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Vale, ya veo, no hay problema. El título del libro es "Beogradski sokolovi" de 2003, el autor es Petar M. Prokić, la página es 36 y la cita completa es (es el cuarto párrafo), traducida del serbio:
Es cierto que antes de él hubo otros jugadores que jugaron en la selección nacional y fueron jugadores de Soko: Ivan Pavelić debutó (con la selección nacional) pocos días después de irse al Concordia de Zagreb; y Milutin Ivković y Stojan Popović (jugaron con la selección nacional) antes de llegar a Soko.
Creo que aquí puedes encontrar todas las páginas del libro (¿se te abre?). FkpCascais (discusión) 01:17 20 feb 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Estrella de granero búlgara

Gracias, te lo agradezco mucho. Y me recordaste que debía volver a poner las estadísticas en el artículo, del que habían sido eliminadas. Saludos, Struway2 ( discusión ) 10:10 1 mar 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Clubes eslovacos en Vojvodini

Ja sam napravio članak o Tatri iz Kisača i planiram da napravim još nekoliko o klubovima iz mesta u kojima su većinom Slovaci. Pa sam te zamolio da ako imaš malo vremena (znam ja da ustvari nemaš vremena) da mi pomogneš u pravljenju člankova tako da dopuniš podacima iz istorije klubova. Ako ja nemam vremena ili sam okupiran obavezama oko vikipedije i drugih obavezama ai ti imaš vremena da napraviš poneki članak o tim klubovima iz tih mesta. Zahvalan sin preparación. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 02:54 23 mar 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

El problema es la "notabilidad" de klubova moze da bude. Recimo stalno brisu cak i vece klubove kao FK Šumadija Aranđelovac ili FK Vujić Voda Valjevo jer kao neprolaze "notabilidad". Nisam tacno siguran oko tog "notabilidad". Mislim da sem profesionalnih liga, moraju da imaju barem jedan nastup u 16tini finala kupa ili tako nesto... A moram da ti priznam da bas nista o tim klubovima ne znam. Sto se slovaka iz Vojvodine tice sve sto sam napravio je clanak o Ján Podhradský . Ne znam je li mogu puno da pomognem a ne znam ni da li ti klubovi prolaze "notabilidad" da im ne bi izbrisali clanak u slucaju da im napravimo. FkpCascais (discusión) 03:55, 23 de marzo de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Ja ću ako zaprete brisanjem te članke ću prebaciti pod prefiksom Usuario:Jolicnikola/. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 04:00, 23 de marzo de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
A ima i nekoliko usera iz tog kraja (npr. IvanKlinko i Klačko) pa mogli bi mi oni da mi pomognu. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 04:08, 23 de marzo de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Bolje njih pitaj jer ja moram da ti priznam da bas nista o tim klubovima ne znam, cak nisam ni cuo za njih. Jedino sto me interesuje vezano za to je da nisu mozda u tim klubovima ponikli ili igrali neki slovacki reprezentativci, kao na primer Podhradsky. Ako nadjes nekog javi mi. FkpCascais (discusión) 04:31, 23 de marzo de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Moja greška nemaju talk stranice pa ne mogu, ja odustajem od tvoje pomoći. Ali ako pronađem neke stranice sa istorijom klubova i neke usere ja ću ti se javiti. Izvini što sam te ja napunio tim postovima. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 04:35, 23 de marzo de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Nema problema, pozdrav Nikola! FkpCascais (discusión) 05:23, 23 de marzo de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Slovački klubovi u Vojvodini 2

E ćao, evo me pišem, izvini što ti remetim mir i pišem u prazno ako nisi tu (nemaš vremena, znam da su Uskršnji praznici). Nego ja opet pišem o tim klubovima gde je slovačka većina. A da te ja pitam jel možeš da gugluješ onu istoriju tih klubova, igrače (znam da imaš Pohradskog) i igrališta na kojima igraju. Hvala sin preparar. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 22:16, 17 de abril de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ispravka: mislio sam da napišem o klubovima iz mesta gde je slovačka veličina, izvinjavam se ja zbog toga, greška u pisanju. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 22:18, 17 de abril de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Evo vodi cu se po ovom clanku Eslovacos en Vojvodina i mesta koja su tu spomenuta, pa cu videti sta mogu da nadjem. FkpCascais (discusión) 02:05, 19 de abril de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Nasao sam grb SŠK Petrovec, vidi JUGOSLAWIEN&cat2=WOJWODINA&cat3=BACKI PETROVAC - Slovacki Sportski Klub&show ovde . FkpCascais (discusión) 03:21, 30 de abril de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Cuadro de información sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial

Como has editado esa página, eres bienvenido a participar en una discusión que se está llevando a cabo en Template_talk:WW2InfoBox#Allies. Gracias. walk victor falk talk 03:22, 29 de abril de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias. FkpCascais (discusión) 04:01 29 abr 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 5 de mayo

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes ediciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, notamos que cuando editaste FK Bežanija , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Nikola Simić (verificar para confirmar | corregir con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las Preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 08:51, 5 de mayo de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola, me gustaría saber tu opinión sobre una discusión que he iniciado aquí , gracias. Kingroyos ( discusión ) 23:10 27 may 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]


Da li bi mi mogao pomoći da prijavis ip korisnika koji vandalizuje clanke. Ima ga na clanku o Meši Selimoviću gde uporno negira izvore i pise kako je Selimovic bosanski pisac, takodje i stari problemi sa ćirilicom gde na mesta iz Republike Srpske: Novi Grad , Bileću i Bilećko jezero stavlja nekakvu bosansku ćirilicu a znamo da se u Republici Srpskoj govori srpski jezik i srpska cirilica. To je korisnik DemirBajraktarevic kome je zbog vandalizovanja već blokiran nalog i vec nekoliko puta je sa ip adresom takodje blokiran. Ja sam sad vratio kako treba ali će on verovatno doći i poništiti moje izmene. Ako ga možeš prijaviti bio bih ti zahvalan. pozdrav-- (discusión) 14:33, 31 de mayo de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]


Hoceli a jarane;)?-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 15:54, 2 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Dogovor na WP:Bosnia je postignut da stoji [ [Alfabeto cirílico serbio|Cirílico]]: posledaj na página de discusión desde njihovog WikiProject. ... Nemam puno slobodnog vremena ovih dana, malo editujem. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:36, 2 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Oye, no hay problema, tampoco tengo mucho tiempo. Ja nisam onaj lik gore, ja sam pitao samo ovako, sta radis, kako si itd. Eso es todo. Entonces, ¿te gusta el artículo de FK Jagodina? Lo mejoré.-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 11:23, 5 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
ver esto [[6]]
?-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 16:49 11 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Janko Simović

Sí, es necesario obtenerlo directamente, por favor, y lo antes posible, según WP:V y WP:BLP . Giant Snowman 18:52, 3 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Vale, sé que lo hacen y sé por qué. Además, no me había dado cuenta de que faltaba su página de Soccerway, que indica su título de copa de esta temporada. FkpCascais (discusión) 19:40 3 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Genial, gracias! Muñeco de nieve gigante 19:46, 3 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Cukaricki Belgrado

Creo que este es el mejor nombre para la Wikipedia en inglés, así como para Red Star Belgrade. Creo que Rad Belgrade, Cukaricki Belgrade, Vozdovac Belgrade, Partizan Belgrade, OFK Belgrade, Radnicki Kragujevac, Obilic Belgrade (también se refiere a la gente de habla inglesa, vea Google) etc. Es para el WP en inglés el lema correcto, mejor designación, también se ve mejor, en lugar de FK FK FK FK FK FK. Por ejemplo, tenemos Borussia Dortmund , pero después del tratamiento similar a los clubes que mencioné, debe escribirse, BvB Dortmund, pero es terrible ¿verdad? Yo también lo creo. Entonces, ¿qué piensas hermano? Este FK no es bueno, créeme. Mejor Partizan Belgrade (club de fútbol), Partizan Belgrade (club de baloncesto), solo en FK Jagodina y FK Novi Pazar está bien, porque no tienen un nombre delante del nombre de la ciudad.

¿Que es mejor?

1. Partizan Belgrado
2. Spartak Subotica
3. Vojvodina Novi Sad
4. Sloboda Uzice
5. Cukaricki Belgrado


1. FK Partizan
2. FK Spartak Subotica
3. FK Vojvodina Novi Sad
4. FK Sloboda Uzice
5. FK Cukaricki

Creo que el primer ejemplo es para el jugador extranjero o para los lectores, si lo entienden ;)?. La empresa Facebook también delata el primer nombre "The Facebook", ¿saben por qué ;)? Nado158 ( discusión ) 12:01 5 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

No es una buena decisión porque, por ejemplo, Vojvodina tiene muchos clubes en muchos deportes diferentes, por lo que es mejor tener el nombre oficial como título del artículo. Sé lo que querías, incluso yo lo dije hace mucho tiempo con respecto a "Partizan Belgrade" y lo usé de manera indirecta ( Partizan Belgrade ) en muchos artículos y cuadros de información de jugadores, pero cambiar el título del artículo es un problema importante y necesita discusión. Red Star Belgrade se llama así debido a la parte "Red Star" del nombre: traducido del original Crvena zvezda y claramente se usa mucho más que CZ en fuentes en idioma inglés. FkpCascais (discusión) 02:27 6 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

No comparto totalmente tu opinión. Sí, Vojvodina tiene muchos clubes en muchos deportes diferentes, como muchos otros clubes en Serbia también, también Cukaricki, pero podemos escribir Vojvodina Novi Sad (club de fútbol), Vojvodina Novi Sad (club de baloncesto), etc. En Austria, Suiza, etc., nadie dice FK Partizan, FK Cukaricki, FK FK FK, etc., dicen Partizan Belgrade, Cukaricki Belgrade, Sporting Lissabon, Real Madrid (no Real Madrid CF), Roter Stern Belgrad, etc., y claramente usaron mucho más estas versiones. Este FK, VK, HK, BK, RK, etc. interfieren totalmente. Podemos explicar esto en la introducción. Y también en Inglaterra claramente se usó mucho más Estrella Roja de Belgrado, Partizan de Belgrado, Cukaricki Belgrado, Radnicki Kragujevac, etc. que FK Radnicki 1923. Ovo je lost, jel unistavamo imena sa FK, BK itd. i takodje sa ubacivanjem godinsa osnivanja u imena, veruj mi. Mi smo navikli na ta imena pa nam svuce ok ili dobro, ali kad neko cuje prvi put FK Radnicki 1923, brate nezvuci ni malo dobro. Naravno posle nekog vremena svako ime zvuci ok ili dobro, tako je bilo i kod dosta Ruskih klubova. Secam se kad ni jedan svabo nije znao da izgovori Ruska imen itd, sada ga bolje izgovaraju nego Rusi sami i zvuci dobro. Naravno sve je to navika, ali sta fali Rad Belgrado, Hajduk Kula, Partizan Belgrado, Radnicki Kragujevac, Sloboda Uzice, Spartak Subotica, Radnicki Nis itd....sto samo mi unistavamo svoja imena?...FK, VK, RK itd. To se moze sve lepo objasniti u tekstu. To je i marketinski bolje, mnogo bolje. Nekazem ja da prodajemo nasa imena za tudji jezik, sigunrno ne, ali ovde mi imamo korist, samo zato, ai nemenjamo imena. Isto vazi za Sloboda Uzice, ja nisam za to da pise oLiberty Uzice, ni u zivotu, ali samo Sloboda Uzice (fútbol) ili (club de fútbol), znaci bez FK. La vinculación la podemos hacer, por supuesto. Sto se tice beogradskih klubova, u inostranstvu dodaju svim klubovima i ime grada, cak ako ga i nema.-- Nado158 ( charla ) 09:52, 6 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ma razumem te Nado, i nije da ja uopste forsiram "nasa" imena, nego ne verujem da ce ovo proci na WP:FOOTY. Prvo zato sto vecina (ako ne svi) klubovi imaju druge sportove (RK, OK, itd.), i drugo zato sto na wiki ako klub nema jasan commonname (kao primer Zvezde je Red Star Belgrade) onda kao naslov koristi zvanicno ime kluba. Vidi recimo Categoría:Clubes de fútbol de Portugal i od drugih drzava... Vidis recimo Sporting Clube de Portugal ? Para je SPorting Lisboa. Ali naslov je ipak zvanican. Categoría:Asociaciones de clubes de fútbol por país tu su sve zemlje, znas verovatno. To sto ti zelis sam ja fakticki uradio na Lista de futbolistas extranjeros en las principales ligas de la ex Yugoslavia za klube cele bivse Juge i napravio redirigir za te strane. Mozemo da koristimo takva imena kakva hoces na tabelama lige da se vidi grad, itd. Ali kao naslov nece proci. I najvise se ti gradovi koriste kad ima klubova sa istim imenon iz vise gradova, reciimo Mladost Apatin, Lucani, itd. FkpCascais (discusión) 13:51, 6 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

OK :/, razumem. E, malo sam popravio stranu Jagodine i Cukarickog, neznam jel si video. Auuu sta urade sa CZ, brate mili, koji mi potencijal imamo a naprave od nas najgore. Unistili Vosu, Partizan propada uskoro, niko u zatvoru, Tole Terzic i dalje tu, strasno. Bicemo mi najgori na Balkanu, blizu smo. Malo sam i sredio stranu na WP o Toletu;). Pozz.-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 17:27, 6 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Voleo bi uzivo da pricam, sa tobom o fudbalu.-- Nado158 ( charla ) 17:57, 6 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
p...-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 16:50 11 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

FK Partizan Kosovska Mitrovica

¿Puedes ayudarme por favor? Los demás usuarios no entienden nada y tratan de expresar su punto de vista. -- Nado158 ( discusión ) 14:36 ​​13 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lo intentaré, pero no tengo mucho tiempo hoy para estar aquí... Solo tengan calma. Es necesario encontrar una solución para todos los artículos: FK Trepča y KF Trepça, donde estén representadas todas las posiciones. FkpCascais (discusión) 15:55 13 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Kasno i gotovo je. Ovde vlada takva diskriminizacija protiv sve sto je Srpsko to je uzas. Jednosatavno nemam i nisam imao vise zivaca, toliko lazi i toliko patimo pod diskriminizacijom na Wikipeidji, to je strasno. Mira, debido a que mejoré el lado de FK Trepca, quieren prohibirme por 1 año, pero los otros usuarios pueden hacer lo que quieran con los artículos y la historia de Serbia. Pazi, ima samo jedna FK Trepca, i to je nasa iz 1932. Nemogu on da se osnivaju svoj club 1999 i da ukradu i stadion, i prostorij i pehare i jos reci da su oni prava Trepca i ukrasit istoriju. No, nemoze tako, nit je to priznala FIFA nit oni to mogum jel to nije priznato i nikakvu formalsnot nije sve to proslo i to je decisión de un lado. Koliko klubova su tako nestali, stadioni dobili nova imena i grbovi promenili na KiM? Od Crvene Zvezde Gn. hacer FK Kosovo Polje itd. ¿A de je kosarka i rukomet itd? Sto popravim stranu FK Trepce i objansjavam da to nije FK Partizan Kosovska Mitrovica, da je taj klub nestao itd, zato sam dobijo .... Wikipedia: Arbitraje/Solicitudes/Aplicación#Nado158 ...-- Nado158 ( charla ) 19:38 , 14 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Un divertido

Sólo quería hacerte saber que este comentario me hizo mucha gracia:

"La mayoría de los lectores de este artículo aquí en simplemente quieren leer sobre aquello por lo que Tesla era famoso como científico, y no sobre Tesla el Gran Serbio o el héroe de la patria de Tesla en Croacia".

Saludos, FkpCascais!-- Atlantictire ( discusión ) 16:39 18 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Eheh gracias Atlantictire pero a pesar de que suene gracioso creo que es verdad. Saludos :) FkpCascais (discusión) 13:44 19 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo más triste es que la obsesión con su etnicidad ha hecho que todos pasen por alto la edición anti-Tesla que hizo que el artículo se leyera como si Tesla no mereciera crédito por inventar el primer motor de inducción de CA práctico (ya saben, el que cambió el mundo). -- Atlantictire ( discusión ) 16:02 20 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]


...para resolver el problema de las banderas. A algunos usuarios les gusta borrar el trabajo de otros y luego justificarlo con una interpretación dudosa de las pautas. Gracias por señalar cómo contradecir a estos usuarios. Son perjudiciales para Wikipedia. ¡Que tengas un buen día! Stephreef ( discusión ) 12:36 19 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias Stephreef . Ohconfucius es un buen editor que hace un gran trabajo de mantenimiento. Sin embargo, estoy de acuerdo en que ha sido demasiado estricto con la interpretación del uso de las banderas, lo que a su vez es un poco vago y confuso. Defiendo las banderas para los equipos en las plantillas de plantilla porque, como entusiasta de los deportes, sé lo mucho que son útiles para reconocer de inmediato a los jugadores que juegan en las mejores ligas. ¡Que tengas un gran día también, un cordial saludo! FkpCascais (discusión) 13:53 19 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

El baño es un placer

Uvek omašim kad su u pitanju ovi strani igrači, izgleda da mi je smanjena moć percepcije kad je to u pitanju.:) Zato si tu da ispraviš, jedino što mi je glupo što ti pravim dupli posao, ali sam fokusiran na to da sredim postave za klubove JSL(već sređeno) i PLS(još uvek u fazi sređivanja i piskaram za one igrače koji nemaju stranu, a imaju nastup u profesionalnoj ligi). Još kada bismo mogli da sredimo malo strane o klubovima, bilo bi dobro, ali otom-potom. Ja imam volju da sredim ovo što sam započeo, ali imam sve manje vremena zbog pokušaja pripreme za faks.:) Mada je, plašim se, badava ovo što mi na neki način utičemo na popularizaciju ovog domaćeg fudbala, kad rukovodeći slepci rade malo toga korisnog , uz dužno postovanje prema izuzecima, naravno. U svakom slučaju, hvala na podršci i pomoći! Lotom ( discusión ) 19:30, 21 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ahahaha ma apsolutno nista ne brini :) nije to nikakav problem. To kod tih stranih imena nekad ih i oni imaju po 2-3 imena i prezimena... Kod ovog mi je bilo laske jer je Andul Rashid bas tipicno ime, pa zato, inace i meni se desava da promasim. Primetio sam vec kako radis odlican posao. A ovi rukovodeci slepci ne samo da ne pomazu, nego jos odmazu. Ja sam dosta zauzet ovih zadnjih nedelja pa zato nisam toliko prisutan, ali sam miran kad znam da ti i par ostalih nasih editora vodi brigu o nasim clancima. ¡Veliki veliki pozdrav! FkpCascais (discusión) 18:33 21 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Važi, a što se Rašida tiče, kad debituje u JSL, trebalo bi da mu napišemo biografiju, znam da ti uglavnom iskopaš podatke i informacije, ja mogu da napišem ponešto, jer sam ga gledao uživo i zaista je veoma perspektivan igrač. Od Sloge je verovatno dobio čiste papire, jer Sloga više nema finansijera, pošto je Milašinović napustio klub, tako da će sada igrati uglavnom igrači iz KV i okoline. Za igrača koji je '94, sasvim je solidan, tehnika mu nije loša, mada je, čini mi se, malo slabiji u realizaciji. U Slogi je igrao po levoj strani, krilo, mada je ponekad u toku utakmice bio vraćan na beka. Visok je, brz i mislim da izrasta u prilično dobrog igrača. ¡Pozdrav! Lotom ( charla ) 21:15, 21 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Sezone Druge Lige SR Jugoslavije

Nedavno si obecao napraviti sve sezone Druge lige SR Jugoslavije, a napravio si samo prve dve. ¿Hoces li ih napraviti ili ako ne mozes da napises razloge zasto ne mozes? Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 20:28, 21 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ako su ti hitne slobodno ih napravi. Jedini razlog sto ih nisam napravio je taj sto nemam bas vremena, ali ovih dana cu ih napraviti.
Jolicnikola jesi primetio onog dosadnog lika iz Australije sto se sa vremena na vreme pojavljuje pod raznim imenima i vandalizuje clanke o makedonskom fudbalu? FkpCascais (discusión) 13:28, 24 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Re: Mención república federal

Estoy actuando en base a un consenso establecido hace muuuuucho tiempo para todas las biografías de croatas y ex yugoslavas, no solo las de fútbol: es el único que tiene alguna posibilidad de disuadir estos episodios comunes de gente que lo manipula porque quiere mencionar no solo a Austria-Hungría o Yugoslavia, sino también a Croacia. Además, las repúblicas eran de hecho países, aunque no fueran estados en ese momento, así que incluso en ese frente semántico, no hay razón para omitirlas. Las biografías de fútbol generalmente están sobrerrepresentadas en la muestra de todas las biografías porque el fútbol es popular, pero esa no es una razón real para que se desvíen del estándar general. Tenga en cuenta los límites de WP:LOCALCONSENSUS . De hecho, sería especialmente extraño imponer tal acortamiento en el caso de biografías de futbolistas recientes, donde el registro del lugar de nacimiento es escandalosamente intrascendente para la mayoría de ellas: Ivan Strinić, por ejemplo, tenía cuatro años cuando Yugoslavia se desintegró. Su relación con Yugoslavia es, en el mejor de los casos, un dato curioso y detallado, y, en el peor, un cebo para guerras de edición tontas. En el área temática de WP:ARBMAC , todos prefieren menos guerras de edición. El problema de la longitud del nombre que ensancha el cuadro de información se soluciona fácilmente añadiendo un salto de línea (etiqueta br). -- Joy [schallot] ( discusión ) 07:13 25 jun 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Misdongarde Betolngar

Opet ja, sad sam video diskusiju oko njegovog imena. Naime, pisale su novine o tome kako je u našoj crkvi uzeo ime Đorđe. Otuda je najverovatnije usledilo ono uporno menjanje strane. Npr, Žurnal je objavio ovo: ЂОРЂЕ ИЗ ЧАДА: Бетолигар прешао у православље. Eto, to na primer ne bi bilo loše ubaciti u biografiju, ali svakako uz izvor, inače ovako se zapita čovek odakle to. Lotom ( charla ) 18:47, 25 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ahahaha video sam vest na zurnalu (to moze da bude izvor) kako je primio Pravosljavlje i ksrtili ga kao Djordje. Kad sam revertovao nisam imao pojma o tome i pogresio sam. Info treba da bude u clanku, ali ne u zvanicnom imenu i infoboxu. FkpCascais (discusión) 17:06, 25 de junio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Junio ​​de 2014

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Jugadores de la selección nacional

Hola FkpCascais, espero que también estés bien, gracias por ser bueno conmigo en la charla. En cuanto a las ediciones, digo que, en mi opinión, esos jugadores de fútbol en Wikipedia deberían haber sido llamados ciudadanos en el lugar donde nacieron y no en el lugar donde crecieron o qué equipo nacional representa, por ejemplo, Atdhe Nuhiu, ya que nació en Kosovo , debería llamarse de ascendencia albanokosovar, pero leí WP:FOOTY y ahora estoy de acuerdo. Y si has visto mi página de usuario, me ocupo de mi equipo nacional Albania y todo lo relacionado con eso, tales son jugadores de fútbol miembros (como puedes ver en mi lista de seguimiento ), y como dices, he trabajado demasiado para expandir y corregir sus páginas aquí en Wikipedia y tal, debo agradecerte por tu calificación hacia mí. Y también debo agradecerte por no ser racista y violento con un albanés como yo a pesar de que eres serbio y nuestros países son los enemigos más odiados de la época. Ahora debo hacerte una pregunta; Si eres serbio y, como dijiste, viste en tu lista de seguimiento mis ediciones, ¿cómo puedes ver las páginas albanesas a pesar de que eres serbio? Gracias. Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 10:03 2 jul 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Bueno, amigo, te respeto por lo que eres y por lo que piensas. Nuestra historia es demasiado larga y demasiado triste. Éramos un gran país, pero con el paso de los años nos hemos encogido demasiado, nuestros territorios han pasado a tu país, Macedonia , Montenegro y Grecia , por eso odiamos a Serbia y Grecia, pero también a Macedonia. Queremos justicia, queremos tomar nuestros territorios y formar un gran estado de la Albania étnica como nos merecemos, y esto empieza con la República de Kosovo, cuya independencia Serbia no acepta. Nuestro plan es aceptar a Kosovo como un estado independiente y luego unirnos a nuestra República de Albania. Esta es la primera razón por la que odiamos a tu país, también por el genocidio que Slobodan Milošević , tu ex dictador, cometió contra el pueblo kosovares en 1999. En cuanto a tu opinión, ¿qué piensas? ¿Es justo que Kosovo sea aceptado por tu país, Serbia? ¿Se lo merecen? ¿A eso se le llama justicia? Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 20:33, 2 de julio de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Pensé que eras una buena persona, pero eres injusto. ¿Quién eres tú para denunciarme por una ofensa a tu compatriota? Soy yo, no alguien a quien no conoces. No fue nada justo lo que la UEFA nos hizo ayer y tú lo sabes perfectamente, como declaró Branislav Ivanović .

En cuanto a la desaparición de mi país, es una larga historia. Kosovo es nuestro, Novi Pazar y el valle de Preševo ​​también, y el oeste de Macedonia, el este de Montenegro y el noroeste de Grecia. Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 12:18 25 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

El Imperio serbio en 1350.
Eni, tú y yo somos editores de wikis y, como tales, debemos estar preparados para afrontar las provocaciones sin caer en los insultos. No tengo ni idea de quién era el editor, pero cuando te veo llamar a un editor serbio "surruso", me parece racismo. Tus ideas sobre la Gran Albania tampoco son nada buenas, pero esa es tu opinión personal y no tengo nada que ver con ella.
En cuanto al partido, no veo cómo puede quejarse vuestro equipo. Vosotros provocasteis el incidente, vuestros jugadores empezaron a correr para coger la bandera y a empujar a los jugadores serbios. Todos sabíais que era una gran provocación. Supongo que nunca os clasificáis para los grandes torneos, así que todo el asunto era simplemente crear un campo de batalla en el campo y conseguir que Serbia fuera castigada y no fuera a la Eurocopa. Serbia debería haber obtenido los 3 puntos, o al menos el partido debería haberse repetido (queríamos jugar, vuestros jugadores tenían demasiado miedo de jugar y contabais con que la UEFA castigaría a Serbia :P ). Sí, la decisión de la UEFA fue muy injusta, ¡pero para Serbia!
Tengo una pregunta. Vi en la televisión celebraciones en Albania después del partido... ¿Qué celebraban? ¿Que no habían perdido y que habían conseguido que se interrumpiera el partido? Realmente no entiendo cuáles fueron los motivos de la celebración en Albania.
Y en cuanto al tema de la "reducción", Eni.Sukthi.Durres . Me encanta la historia y conozco muy bien todos los períodos de nuestra región, por lo que tenía, y todavía tengo, mucha curiosidad por saber en qué período histórico Albania era grande y ahora se redujo. Solo puedes estar haciendo referencia a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando los italianos te dieron algunas partes de Yugoslavia y duró solo hasta que los nazis y los fascistas fueron expulsados. Si ves la Gran Albania, verás que, además de ese período, Albania nunca tuvo ningún control sobre los territorios serbios y montenegrinos. Simplemente sueñas con una Gran Albania e imaginas que existió, pero no fue así :)
Y si yo pensara como tú, ¿cómo se sentirían los serbios cuando vean el Imperio serbio ? O... ¡oh, tú eres de Durres!... Mira: el condado de Drač . FkpCascais (discusión) 05:01 27 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Pobre de ti y de tu gente! ¡¡¡Qué clase de estupideces tenéis en la cabeza!!! En primer lugar, ¿llamáis racismo decir que sois del sur de Rusia? ¿Y cómo podemos llamar a lo que nos hicisteis al principio del partido, cuando los jugadores entraron en el campo, y vosotros, como aficionados, cantáis "Matad a los albaneses, muerte para ellos", etc.? Sí, esto es lo que tenéis que expulsar de la competición por racismo, algo que está prohibido por la propia UEFA , pero ¿adivina qué? Platini está corrompido y os ha favorecido a vosotros.

Continuemos: ¿Cómo saben que nosotros pusimos la bandera en el estadio? ¿Cómo saben que no fue puesta por su gente para culparnos? ¿Aún siguen diciendo que es correcta la decisión de que el partido se les otorgó 3-0? ¿Así que cometieron racismo, violencia física contra el oponente que vino a jugar al fútbol y luego quieren una victoria como premio? La seguridad no debía permitir que los conflictos entre las personas se volvieran violentos con nosotros. La seguridad también es responsable de que la bandera entrara en el estadio, pero no se quedara atrás, y la federación de la organización del partido.

Celebramos a nuestros "300 espartanos" que no tuvieron miedo de vuestros huligans, vuestros animales que no pueden llamar humanos a las personas. Sois unos cobardes que decís estupideces a los medios porque tenéis miedo de la venganza.

Está escrito que llegasteis a Europa en el año 1200: los serbios fundaron varios estados a principios de la Edad Media tras las migraciones eslavas. El reino serbio obtuvo el reconocimiento de Roma y Constantinopla en 1217; el estado fue elevado a Imperio serbio en 1346. Así que no pidas territorios aquí y no seas tonto porque en la Gran Albania puedes ver en las imágenes lo que dije anteriormente: Novi Pazar y el valle de Preševo ​​también, y el oeste de Macedonia, el este de Montenegro y el noroeste de Grecia son completamente nuestros, antes de 1913.

Así que, serbios, no confíen tanto en los medios de comunicación ni en la historia de su país, porque cada uno habla bien de sí mismo. Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 20:41 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Expansión territorial del Reino de Serbia en 1913.
Todas las imágenes de Greater Albania son solo imaginaciones y proyectos que nunca se llevaron a cabo, junto con mapas que muestran la composición étnica, lo que de ninguna manera significa que el territorio fuera suyo. Por favor, muéstrenme un año en el que Albania era independiente y grande. Por favor. Les mostré cuando Serbia era independiente y grande, ahora es su turno. Ustedes son los que confían en los medios y la propaganda, mientras que yo les muestro hechos históricos. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:00 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Y si llamas a los serbios "rusos del sur" (somos tan rusos como los búlgaros, polacos o checos, todos somos eslavos), puedo llamarte serbio del litoral, ya que tu ciudad fue la capital de la Serbia del litoral (condado de Drač)... No eres Eni Sukhti, sino Ilija Sukić de Drač, jajaja, es solo que los turcos te lavaron el cerebro en el pasado y te convirtieron en un grupo étnico separado. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:05 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
No llegamos en el siglo XII, llegamos en el siglo VI, leímos la Historia de Serbia e inmediatamente construimos un estado independiente. Lo que leíste sobre el siglo XII se refería únicamente al Imperio serbio, pero los serbios tenían numerosos reinos y estados antes de eso. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:15 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

No tengo ni idea de qué tonterías estás hablando. Oh, por favor, no seas tonto, se predice que en 2035 el mapa de Europa e incluso del mundo cambiará y mi país, Albania, recibirá todo lo que se merece. Si los mapas de la Gran Albania son una imaginación que nunca ocurrió, ¿por qué Wikipedia permite ese tipo de cosas? Vamos. Si no crees en nada, debemos esperar a ver qué sucederá, pero no es necesario perder el tiempo aquí haciendo debates, ya veremos qué pasa en el futuro. Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 21:28 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Nunca fuisteis completamente independientes en la historia, recién ahora en el siglo XX os habéis vuelto independientes... Ahora ve y búscame mapas y datos que respalden tus afirmaciones de que Albania alguna vez fue grande y ahora se ha reducido y bla bla bla. Quiero hechos, no sueños, amigo. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:34 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Te traje dos mapas que muestran cómo Serbia era grande y ahora se ha reducido. Quiero que me muestres lo mismo pero para Albania. Muéstrame un mapa o un artículo de cómo Albania alguna vez fue grande y ahora se ha reducido. Y los mapas de Gran Albania solo muestran la estructura étnica y el vilayato albanés PROPUESTO , que NUNCA existió, e incluso si los turcos lo hubieran permitido, solo habría sido una provincia otomana, no un país independiente. ¿Ves la diferencia entre los reinos y el imperio serbios, que eran independientes, y los sueños y proyectos albaneses? FkpCascais (discusión) 21:39 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Mi tiempo es oro, no tengo que gastarlo para convencerte de eso, pero como dije, veremos qué pasa en el futuro para demostrar qué es verdad y qué es mentira, una gran mentira incluso. ¿Estás de acuerdo? Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 21:40 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, escapa... No tienes mapas ni artículos porque Albania nunca fue grande ni se redujo ni nada... Solo dices tonterías, ve a la escuela, amigo, y aprende algo de historia. Adiós, soñador nacionalista, y sigue odiando a los serbios, bien por ti, haz lo que quieras. Si algo se redujo, no fue Albania, seguro, sino tu cerebro... FkpCascais (discusión) 21:43 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Y no sé qué pasará en el futuro, pero todo lo que sé es que nosotros, los serbios, al menos teníamos reinos independientes e incluso un imperio, y vosotros no teníais nada más que dependencias italianas, soviéticas y turcas. Incluso ahora necesitáis a los americanos para luchar contra nosotros, qué vergüenza. ¿Y venís a mí a decirme estupideces sobre lo grande que era Albania? ¿Cómo os atrevéis? Me gusta Albania y me gusta la historia albanesa y europea, pero odio a los nacionalistas ignorantes como vosotros que decís estupideces sin saber nada. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:50 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
La gente como tú es la deshonra de los albaneses cultos y la razón por la que Albania está en el último puesto de Europa. ... Te mereces Novi Pazar (¿lol?)... Ni siquiera diré aquí lo que te mereces... FkpCascais (discusión) 21:57 28 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Dilo si puedes, pero eres un cobarde como todos ustedes. Son unos simples tontos que se mantienen unidos como ovejas, en lugar de nosotros que nos mantenemos solos como leones o Chuck Norris , jajajajajajaja. Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 12:52 29 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Debes estar bromeando, porque si por algo somos conocidos los serbios es por nuestra valentía, a veces incluso repugnante y casi suicida. Desde entonces siempre hemos luchado contra todo aquel que quería luchar contra nosotros, a menudo mucho más fuerte que nosotros. Luchamos contra el Imperio Bizantino , el Imperio Búlgaro , la República de Venecia , Hungría, etc. y luego construimos nuestro reino medieval que se hizo tan fuerte que se convirtió en un Imperio. El Imperio Serbio estaba a las puertas de Constantinopla (Estambul) cuando murió nuestro Emperador Dusan Silni y entonces nuestros nobles comenzaron a luchar entre sí por el poder (guerra civil) y los otomanos (turcos) aprovecharon esa situación y comenzaron sus conquistas en Europa. Si el Emperador Dusan no hubiera muerto, los turcos no habrían invadido los Balcanes y causado todo el lío que causaron en toda la región durante 500 años y no habría habido albaneses musulmanes ni bosnios y todos habríamos avanzado como el resto de Europa. Sin embargo, a pesar de la muerte de Dusan, luchamos contra los otomanos. Después de expulsar a los turcos de los Balcanes centrales y occidentales (de nuevo, los serbios fueron los primeros en liberarse de los turcos, seguidos por los griegos), nos enfrentamos valientemente a un Imperio austrohúngaro mucho más fuerte y todo el mundo sabe que nuestra lucha contra Austrohungría fue la tarta de la Primera Guerra Mundial . Mientras que el 99% de los países se doblegarían ante los austríacos, nosotros no lo hicimos, y no tuvimos miedo de luchar contra un oponente diez veces más grande y éramos aún más débiles en ese momento porque acabábamos de perder vidas en las guerras de los Balcanes que, por cierto, ganamos en ambas. Al final ganamos y se creó Yugoslavia (la creación de Yugoslavia en lugar de una Gran Serbia es una larga historia). Luego comenzó la Segunda Guerra Mundial y, de nuevo, los serbios lucharon contra un oponente mucho más fuerte, ¡y al final ganamos! Los serbios, junto con otros yugoslavos, estuvieron entre los mejores en patear el trasero de los nazis. Y ustedes, los albaneses, inmediatamente se unieron al Eje y nos atacaron. Fuimos atacados por todos lados, por la Alemania nazi, la Italia de Mussolini, Hungría, Rumania, Bulgaria y, por supuesto, por ustedes, Albania :) Y al final ganamos :P ... Luego, después de la guerra, cuando todos los países de Europa del Este fueron subyugados por la URSS de Stalin, valientemente dijimos "¡No!" a los rusos y creamos el Movimiento de Países No Alineados . Luego, cuando los gobernantes del mundo decidieron a fines de la década de 1980 que Yugoslavia debía ser desmembrada para que ningún movimiento de izquierda ( el titoísmo ) quedara registrado como positivo y exitoso en los libros de historia, nosotros, los serbios, junto con los montenegrinos, fuimos los que defendimos a Yugoslavia. Y luchamos contra toda la OTAN , los Estados Unidos.Ejército de Liberación de Serbia y Montenegro, y sus títeres, los ejércitos croata, bosnio y del UCK. Fuimos tan valientes que fuimos a luchar contra los Estados Unidos. ¿Entonces me estás diciendo que no somos valientes? ¡Probablemente somos la nación más loca del mundo que luchó siempre por nuestra libertad contra adversarios mucho más grandes y fuertes y generalmente ganamos! Y sabes muy bien que si no fuera por los estadounidenses, tu UCK habría sido aniquilado en solo unos días. Así que, resumiendo, luchamos contra el Imperio Bizantino, Hungría, el Imperio Búlgaro, el Imperio Otomano, Austria, el Imperio Austrohúngaro, la Alemania nazi, la Italia fascista, la Albania italiana, la Croacia nazi, luego desafiamos a la Unión Soviética y les mostramos nuestro poder (ver la división Tito-Stalin ) y más recientemente en la década de 1990 luchamos contra Croacia, Bosnia y todos los muyahidines, los terroristas del UCK, luego el ejército de los Estados Unidos más toda la OTAN ... Millones y millones de serbios murieron en todas estas guerras, pero al menos nadie puede decir que no fuimos valientes. ¿Contra quién luchaste, Albania? El único albanés del que puedes estar orgulloso es Skenderbeg , fue un gran líder y un amigo y aliado de los serbios. FkpCascais (discusión) 16:59 29 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

No tienes nada que hacer, escribes tantas estupideces. Demostraste quién eres realmente en el partido de "fútbol" del 14 de octubre. Ah, me olvidé de lo que puedes decirme sobre la masacre de Srebrenica . Deja de decir estupideces porque te conocemos. No perteneces a Europa porque vienes de Rusia. Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 20:52 29 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lo que llamas "hasta luego, mierda" se llama historia , algo de lo que no tienes ningún conocimiento :) Solo puedes soñar, amigo, siendo lo que soy yo. Ahora vete a la mierda de mi página de discusión y haz tus tonterías en otro lado si no tienes nada inteligente que decir. No es mi culpa que tuviéramos un Imperio y fuéramos grandes y valientes en el pasado. Viniste aquí diciendo mentiras y te ridiculizaron, y ahora espero que sepas que nunca fuiste grande ni te encogiste. Sé feliz y orgulloso con lo que tienes, no mientas ni pretendas que tuviste una historia más grande que la que tuviste. Lee algo de historia primero y edúcate. Lo siento por los nacionalistas frustrados como tú, espero que algún día aprendas las cosas buenas de la vida. FkpCascais (discusión) 22:04 29 oct 2014 (UTC) Y solo para ti: Condado de Drač . Las tropas serbias fueron recibidas en Durres. Además, los serbios tenemos poco que ver con los rusos, aparte de la amistad histórica y de compartir sangre eslava y destino ortodoxo. Pero hace apenas 60 años casi entramos en guerra con Rusia. No necesitamos que nadie nos defienda, mientras vosotros abristeis las piernas a los americanos: "¡Oh, por favor, ayúdanos! ¡Por favor!" FkpCascais (discusión) 22:21 29 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Esperemos que estemos vivos para ver qué sucederá en el futuro y ustedes, tontos, seguirán siendo una mierda. Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 13:00 30 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sí, tengo mucho miedo... Me estoy meando en los pantalones... :P... Todavía estoy esperando que me digas en qué año Albania fue grande. Deberías leer tu propia historia por tu propio bien para que en el futuro no te engañes más diciendo estupideces como esas. FkpCascais (discusión) 14:30 30 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sigue hablando demasiada mierda.....

Viva Albania, Grande Albania Eni.Sukthi.Durres ( discusión ) 20:46, 30 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Entonces, ¿ningún año? Ajajaja... Eni del condado de Drač : P FkpCascais (discusión) 21:05, 30 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]


Te invito a la discusión aquí. Tu ayuda en esta discusión sería muy apreciada, ya que ya sugeriste la misma formulación en las discusiones anteriores. Saludos cordiales. Asdisis ( discusión ) 14:10 10 jul 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 30 de julio

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes ediciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, notamos que cuando editaste FK Drina Zvornik , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación de Aleksandar Ilić . Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 08:53, 30 de julio de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aire Serbia

Puedes comentar sobre mi aporte aquí: [7]. Gracias por el apoyo.-- AirWolf talk 03:06 6 ago 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Actualización: Se ha abierto de nuevo toda la discusión sobre la fusión y puedes dar tu opinión aquí (si estás dispuesto a hacerlo): [8]. Gracias.-- AirWolf talk 21:25, 7 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Agosto de 2014

Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en la Lista de jugadores de fútbol extranjeros en Serbia puede haber dañado la sintaxis modificando 1 "()". Si es así, no te preocupes: simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.

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Debate sobre la fusión con Air Serbia

¡Muchas gracias AirWolf! Te entiendo perfectamente, la discusión previa sobre la fusión ya fue bastante clara, pero como has notado, muchas oposiciones infundadas se consideraron válidas. Insistí en que el artículo de Air Serbia, en caso de no ser fusionado, al menos tuviera una sección de Historia donde se escribiera la historia de Aeroput y JAT. Lamento un poco no haber tenido más tiempo este último mes para ayudarte más, lo intentaré, pero has hecho un gran trabajo en la página fusionada que creaste (quizás fusionar también Aeroput sería una solución aún mejor) y también te ha ido bien en las discusiones. ¡Saludos! FkpCascais (discusión) 02:00, 15 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Rezultati kupa SR Jugoslavije de 1994 a 1997

Ja sam napravio stranice svih sezona kupa SR Jugoslavije/Srbije i Crne Gore u fudbalu, ali imam jednu zamerku: na nema rezultata sesnaestine i osmine finala od 1994 do 1996 i samo sesnaestine finala 1997. Pa ako mozes pronadji ih negde pa mi objavi. Hvala sin preparación, a pohvale su mi dobrodosle. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 15:42, 24 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Bas si ih dobro napravio. Vidim da im fale rezultati, bacio sam oko na neke sajtove ali isto nemaju te sezone. Znas da sve sto imam je ovde (slobodno i ti dodaj neki sajt/link ako mi fali). Pogledacu vise pa cu ti javiti ako nadjem. Te devedesete kod nas su bas zapustene, znas da ni ja ne mogu da nadjem nigde igrace klubova za vecinu tih godina devedesetih :( . PD: Ako hoces napravi one sezone druge lige koje sam hteo da napravim. Stvarno si uradio veoma puno vaznih clanaka, svaka ti cast! FkpCascais (discusión) 02:00, 25 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Evo imas neke rezultate iz 96-97 ovde. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 02:51, 25 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
E bas ti hvala, nisam nikad video taj sajt. Ali meni ne trebaju rezultati, nego mi trebaju igraci klubova. FkpCascais (discusión) 03:12, 25 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Nisam ja mislio na igrace klubova. Nego jesi li video one rezultate kupa iz te sezone. Ima i rezultate sesnaestine finala ali su neki neispravni. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 03:19, 25 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Znam sta ti fali, ali nisam nigde nasao. Ako ih ne nadjem ni na jednom sajtu pogledacu i na forumima B92 i parapsihopatologija da slucajno nema. FkpCascais (discusión) 03:26, 25 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Evo napravio sam i sezone druge lige. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 05:40, 27 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
¡Odlicno! Super su. FkpCascais (discusión) 11:38 27 ago 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Eeee ako triste Fofana ne dobije sancu onda nece nikad ;). Napred Crno-beli;) 4C-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 22:14, 28 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

¿Mislis da ce nikolic da mu da sansu? Cisto sumnjam :D Ode Drincic, a ima jos samo par dana da se dovede neko pojacanje... ajde bas da vidimo. FkpCascais (discusión) 23:24, 28 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Pa onda ga treba izbaciti, kome onda da da???? Vidi se iz aviona da ga nevoli. Ma gotovo brate, uprav je ubedljivo najgora u Evropi ai navijaci lindo. Ovo nebi nigde proslo, nigde, u Austriji naprimer bi se vec digla pola drzava, ma svi navijaci zbog takvih kao sto nam vode FKP itd. Ali ne, mi nista. Evo Totenhem i Besiktas ima da nam daju 5 komada, vec mi je muka, ozbiljno. ¿Ko da igra? Odbrana katastrofa, losa de Brasanac, estrella de Ilic, Stankovic, Petrovic nazad slabi? Drincic odlazi itd. A mi i dalje se svadjamo, Delije, Grobari bla bla, dok drugi rade i ruse lopovske uprave. Srbi, patrijoti samo na jeziku (ne svi). Vidi Azerbajdzanci kako se su se ponasali prema nama? A mi jos njima se uvlacimo u guzicu. Necenis sebe, nece te niko ceniti, tako je to. Un niko nevoli ulizice. Gledam ja ovde, Turci na primer su toliko slozni i teraju svoje to je strasno, ma nebi pokrali sebe i Tursko nema sance. Ma kakvi, oni da se svdjaju i dele zbog Srba? tesko. A mi, mi dozvoljavamo da nas asimiliraju po svetu, nestajemo i samo se svadjamo bilo gde u bilo cemu? 3 dana se pise o Stamenkovicu i Zvezdinih pesama u Bakú. EJ de to ima??? Jos padamo na te fore. ¿Ajde to su medije ali navijaci? Koliko imaju godina? 5? Ako nedobijemo min. 3 pojacanja na nivou bicemo zadnji bez gola. Ali Djuric je to i lazni "Grobari". Bice katastrofa.-- Nado158 ( discusión ) 12:14, 29 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

...¿o tal vez no?

Lo siento, Fkp, me acabo de dar cuenta de que no estabas allí para la convocatoria de propuestas. Aquí tienes el hilo. La República Federativa de Yugoslavia y el SiCG fueron rechazados como parte del alcance, básicamente por tratarse de un estado sucesor de Yugoslavia y, en general, de ser solo uno de los fragmentos del estado anterior. No sé quién presentó esa imagen en tres partes, pero no deberían haberlo hecho sin buscar un consenso. -- Director ( discusión ) 04:38, 29 de agosto de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Notificación de enlace de desambiguación para el 3 de septiembre

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste Atdhetar Cakaj, agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Kosovar . Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quiso decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject de DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 09:31, 3 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Transferencias - leto 2014

Sada prečešljavam šta još mogu da pronađem, ali evo onih najbitnijih odlazaka koji nam fale na listi, a nemanju relevantean izvor za potkrepljenje.

Borac: 22 Dejan Stamenković , 25 Ivica Milutinović (Ne znam gde su otišli, brojevi iz prošle sezone u prvoj ligi.)

Rad: 18 Uroš Damnjanović (?), 31 Anto Vasović (Brodarac), 34 Vuk Ranđić (Žarkovo)

Jagodina: 50 Nikola Jakimovski (Trebalo bi da raskine ugovor, ako već nije ovih dana. Ne mogu stalno da vraćam neke stvari, ali nekima ne vredi pisati da on nije bio na pozajmici u Jagodini. Ili možda oni znaju nešto što mi ne znamo) . 95 Dean Tišma (?) Po onom dodatku iz Žurnala moglo bi se zaključiti da su 3. golman Jokić, kao i još nekolicina igrača na dvojnim i pozajmicama u Trgovačkom. Tu pre svega mislim na Slađana Mijatovića, Stoičeva, Lazara Cvetkovica, Marinkovića i Ivana Miladinovića, jer su oni počeli sezonu sa Jagodinom. Ne znam šta se dešava sa sertifikatima za Aleksića i Mićunovića, Dodić je pred utakmicu sa Vojvodinom rekao da se čeka da stignu.

Radnički 1923: Oni više ni sami ne mogu da pohvataju ni ko je dosao, ni otišao. Ali izgleda da Marko Đorđević , iako je dosao ovog leta neće igrati za njih, Krivokapić je, izgleda otišao, ne znam šta se dešava sa Cudjoem, nije igrao posle 1. kola. Mada, poznato je koliko Bekvalac voli strance. Ni za ostale ne znam ko je otišao, sem ovih što su sada pozajmljeni. Ne znam šta je sa Čonkom, on ni u Inđiji nije često igrao. Oni koji su prošle sezone bili u Pobedi, većina je tamo i ostala, ubaciću to, samo da pohvatam ko je sve još tamo.

Donji Srem: 12 Matija Šegavac (?) Ivan Gmizić (bio na pozajmici u Jakovu prošle sezone)

Čukarički: 7 Radislav Sekulić (?), 32 Mihailo Miljković (čini mi se da je u Rakovici, ali nisam siguran). Takođe ne znam šta je sa Aleksandrom Stojiljkovićem , Guerrerom, Čedomirom Radićem i Milošem Pitulićem koji su bili u Sinđeliću prošle sezone. Nisam seguro za Filipa Matovića koji je sada na pozjamici u Sinđeliću, jer on je bio igrač OFK-a, prošle sezone na pozajmici u Dinamu iz Pančeva, ako je to on.

Voždovac: 12 Milan Opačić (golman, '96.), Filip Erić (golman, '94, bio na pozajmici u Šumadiji Jagnjilo), Miloš Smiljanić (kao i Erić, bio u Šumadiji), Vladimir Trifunović(bio pozajmljen Železniku, mislim da je tamo i ostao)

Novi Pazar: Demir Kadrić, Edin Mujković , Anes Hot (Jošanica), neki su verovatno i na dvojnoj, verovatno je i Sead Župić vraćen u Jošanicu, pošto nije licenciran za Pazar, koliko vidim.

Zvezda: Miloš Vukić(bio na pozajmici u Hajduku Beograd), Novak Martinović (mislim da je pod ugovorom sa Zvezdom, ali je valjda još uvek povređen), Nenad Cvetković i Željko Žerađanin('96 trebalo bi da su obojica na pozajmici u Rakovici) , Miloš Zukanović('96, ne znam da li je ostao, ili je otišao)

OFK: 9 Miljan Škrbić , 32 Milan Sekulić(obojica su '95, čini mi se, ali ne znam šta je s njima.) Imao je OFK još dosta igrača na pozajmicama prošle sezone, a sigurno je da će ih slati i ove, ali teško da ćemo uspeti sve to da pohvatamo.

Napredak: 25 Danijel Smiljković (igrao je pretprošle sezone u prvoj ligi, ne znam gde je proveo prošlu, na srbijafudbal-u piše da je u PPT-u drugi igrač sa istim imenom i prezimenom.)

Radnički Niš: 19 Marko Mrkić (Igrao u omladincima Radničkog, godinu dana proveo u omladincima Jagodine, bio licenciran i za prvi tim, ali nije igrao. Debitovao je za Radnički sa brojem 19, ali se Marjanović vratio u Radnički i izgleda ponovo uzeo 19, tako da ne znam šta će biti s Mrkićem.)

Milsim, kod nas je vrlo teško iskopati relevantene izvore, a misma información su vrlo često neproverene i netačne, pa vrlo često moraš da pretreseš sve moguće objave po netu ne bi li išta iskopao. ¡Pozdrav! Lotom ( discusión ) 15:41, 7 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ma imajuci u vidu koliko su nasi sajtovi slabi dobro smo uspeli i sve ovo do sada da skupimo. Danas me nije bilo a evo kasno cu da legnem, videcu jos malo veceras a vise sutra sta sve mogu da ti dodam. Od onoga sto vidim, Marko Mrkić nam je vec upisan u listu. Potpisao je za Jagodinu ponovo.
Onaj Filip Matovic izgleda da zaista jeste isti igrac, isti im je dattum rodjenja, mora da ga je Cuka kupila OFK-i, a admin sajta Srbijafudbal nije primetio. Onda, Cudjoe i Osei Bonsu su na pozajmici u Radnickom, verovatno su i dalje tamo samo Bekvalac ih ne jebe... U Radnickom bi isto trebao da bude i Luka Tiodorović , ima ga na zvanicnom sajtu ali nije jos igrao, ne znam ni dal Je i dalje u klubu. Gro onih iz Jagodine je verovatno na pozajmci u Trgovackom Tabane.
Kad na Srbijafudbal bude admin postavio srpsku ligu, bice sve verovarno jasnije za mnoge igrace, do tada pokusacu da saznam sto vise podataka. FkpCascais (discusión) 02:43, 8 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
¿A Stefan Čolović koji je na spisku igraca na OFKinom zvanicnom sajtu a uveliko igra za Drinu iz Zvornika? Verovatno ga je OFK-a dovela iz Rada ali posto je imala zabranu registracije poslali su ga Drini, ili ga bas pozajmili... ali sve je predpostavka... FkpCascais (discusión) 02:51, 8 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Da, ali mi se čini da postoje bar dva Stefana Čolovića o kojima se priča. Ovaj o kome je reč i još jedan koji je takođe '94. godište i koji je igrao za Tottenham. Čini mi se da on stvarno igra levog beka i da je rođen u julu i ima švajcarsko državljanstvo, bio iu omladincima Bazela.
E sada, vidim da je na spisku igrača na prijateljskoj, igranoj pre neki dan.
Staviću da je ovaj iz Rada prešao u Drinu, a vidim da je tamo i Erić, bivši golman Voždovca. Zaboravio sam da napomenem Sašu Jovanovića iz Voždovca, takođe ne znam šta je s njim.
Što se Radničkog KG tiče, vidim da je Tiodorović igrao sada protiv Jagodine na prijateljskoj, ali isto vidim da neki lik redovno sređuje postavu na wiki stranici, sigurno je upoznat sa prilikama. Lotom ( discusión ) 06:52, 8 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Ajá, znaci ima verovatno 2 Stefana Colovica... Pa koji je gde onda? Jedan, taj sto je bio u Bazelu i Totenhemu, je igrao za Svajcarsku U16 reprezentaciju, e sad koji?
Mladost Lucana je ovog leta angazovala 2 Sasa Jovanovica, ali jedan od te dvojice je posle samo nedelju/dve otisao na Maltu i porpisao tamo za neki klub, tako da je pitanje uopste i da li je potpisao za Mladost ili kao slobodan igrac samo sa njima trenirao dok nije nasao inostrani agazman, u Malti... uau... E sad koji od ta sva Sasa Jovanovica isto ne znam sigurno. FkpCascais (discusión) 05:12, 8 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Napravio sam stranu onom brazilcu iz Pazara, Bruno Oliveira de Matos . U Brazilu imaju 2 prezimena, prvo majcino drugo ocevo, pa vecina kad skrati ime koristi zadnje prezime, ali ako cak googlujes videces da njega mnogo cesce nazivaju Bruno Oliveirom... jebiga, ne znam sto, mozda je odrastao sa majkom. Cak na zerozero sajtu ima slicicu gde bas pise Bruno Oliveira, a na youtubu ima jedan video i pise Bruno Matos. Ovi u Pazaru su izgleda skontali taj zakon pa koriste vise Matos, ali izgleda da je on licno odabrao vise da koristi Oliveira... au PM, stavio sam mu "Bruno" skraceno ime pa au kurac. ... A inace spanci i sve zemlje gde se govori spanski imaju obrnuto, prvo ocevo prezime pa onda majcino. Pa onda Augusto Alexi Quintero Batioja bi trebao da bude Augusto Quintero, ali jebiga, i njega nesto cesce cak iu medijma u Ekvadoru zovu po majcinom prezimenu, Batioja. Kod nas kad je dosao odmah ga prozvase Batioja i od tada je ostalo... ali inace retkost za ekvadorce da koriste majcino a ne ocevo prezime.
A sto se prezimena tice, pazi Javier Cohene -a! Ne kapiram uopste kako su ga ovi iz Cacka potpisali kad je on sa reprezentacijom Palestina cak u dalekim Filipinima na Kupu Mira. Debiovao je za Palesinu upravo juce i dao gol. Ovde kod mene u Portugalu ga svi normalno zovu Javier Cohene, po ocevom prezimenu, ali posto je Cohene u stvari jevrejsko Cohen, sad ga u reprezentaciji Palestina zovu Javier Mereles, po majcinom prezimenu, da bi izbegli jevrjsko Cohene, ahahahahaha jebe lud zbunjenog.. . Inace, kad zavrsi Kup Mira sa Palestina i ako zaista dodje u Cacak, dizem kapu ljudima sto su ga doveli! Decko je ovde kod mene u Portugalu bogami vec relativno poznat kao solidan stoper za srednje i manje klubove. FkpCascais (discusión) 05:28 8 sep 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
A ovi iz Pazara kad su predstavljali Bruna i Tintora rekli da su pri kraju pregovori sa nekim ekstra strancem napadacem... i izgleda da nema nista od toga... FkpCascais (discusión) 05:33, 8 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Baš zbog ovakvih nedoumuica se i trudim da napišem kakvu-takvu biografiju o svakom igraču koji ispunjava uslove. Saša Jovanović igra za Lučane, ovaj drugi iz Voždovca nije ostao. A taj na malti je mislim '8x godište. Što se Čolovića tiče, ovaj je igrao za Rad:, ovaj za OFK, a gledaj sad , na koga ti ovaj više liči: Meni se mnogo dopada Borac ove sezone. Pokriveni su bukvalno na svakoj poziciji sa 2-3 igrača i dobro su skockani. Samo ne znam šta će im ovoliki odbrambeni, ali iskreno verujem da ovaj donosi još bolji kvalitet. Pretpostavljam da će on i Ćola Miletić da igraju u tandemu, mada imaju 5-6 štopera sada. Nisu hteli da puste nekog u Slogu KV, a ona će da ispadne iz prve lige ove sezone. Nema igru ​​uopšte, otišao je skoro ceo tim od prošle sezone. A, da ne zaboravim, jesi li gledao za onog Nigerijca iz Oriona da li ima neko skraćeno ime? Lotom ( discusión ) 07:43, 8 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Da dodam ovom spisku prvotimaca koji fale i nekolicinu iz subotičkog Spartaka: 3 Bojan Čiča , 23 Milan Vojvodić , 28 Aleksa Matić , koji je kao i mnogi igrao za Palić prošle polusezone, ali sada, kako Palić igra ko zna koji rang takmičenja, ne znam kuda se sada igrači ići na pozajmice. Uglavnom, bilo je sijaset igrača u Paliću. Lotom ( discusión ) 11:10, 9 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
U Borcu mi jedino nije jasno ko je Bogdan Ivanovic na dnu liste igraca... FkpCascais (discusión) 14:57, 9 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
On je na spisku još od prošle sezone. Nisam siguran za njega, ali ne igra u prvom timu, koliko znam. Ima dosta ,,fantoma" u našem fudbalu, to je činjenica. Lotom ( charla ) 18:12, 10 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Ajajaja to za fantome si potpuno u pravu. Ovih dana sam dodao neke transfere, verovatno si video, neke koje si spominjao ovde. Na su izbacili Srpsku Ligu Beograd.
Sto se ostaloga tice, znas sta trazim bezuspesno vec godinama? Liste igraca nasih klubova iz 90-tih. Jel znas mozda gde mogu to da nadjem? FkpCascais (discusión) 16:59, 10 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Video sam za srpsku ligu, prelistao sam sve, pa ću ubaciti šta fali ovih dana. U poslednje vreme sam stalno po autobusima KV-BG i obratno, pa ne stižem da sredim mnogo toga. Videću da ažuriram što mogu do kraja septembra, jer posle sledi fax i dosta privatnih obaveza. Znam da se trudiš oko tih spiskova igrača. Ja se nisam fokusirao puno na to, ali do sada nisam nalazio neke spiskove pre 20xx-te. Iako sam u stanju da pretresem sve po netu kada nešto tražim, u ovo ne polažem baš neke nade. Tada je bilo ono ratno stanje i sve ostalo je bilo manje važno. Možda može da se iskopa ponešto, ali pitanje je i koliko je to relevanteno. Lotom ( discusión ) 18:45, 11 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Je l' možeš da pronađeš nešto ovom Mihailu koji se pominje na kraju teksta? Takođe, kako ja kapiram ovaj spisak, izgleda da su Petković i Božičić otišli. Jer vidim da su ubacili ovaj naš spisak, sa nekim izmenama. Video sam na njihovom sajtu da si se raspitivao za sertifikat, ko zna da li su uopšte i videli ovaj spisak pre toga. Mada sam zapazio da su recimo ovi s Napretkovog sajta bukvalno za karijere nekih igrača iskoristili ono što sam ja pisao i samo preveli. Bar znam da nekome koristi. Lotom ( discusión ) 17:12, 12 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Aha video sam na sajtu Donjeg Srema kako su upotrebili nase liste odavde :D Ako, neka su. Ove sa Napredkovog sajta cekam da apdejtuju igracki kadar, jos im tamo stoji Regan -_- ... Za ovog Mihaila Dadadzea na guglu nista nema oO Valjda je gruzijac, valjda bi trebao da bude Mikhail Dadadze, ali mi bas nista ne daje. Probacu negde da ga iskopam. Pazi OFK-u, doveli mladog slovenca iz NK Maribora, auuu i Aksentjevica! :D Brate Lotom, uradili smo (ti najvise) ovu listu transfera bas najbolje moguce. Vec sam na jednom forumu FMSerbia video kako su rekli da smo bas azurirani bas ono u pozitivnom. Ali jebote neverovatno da smo zemlja u Evropi koja obozava fudbal a da nemamo sajt kako treba... FkpCascais (discusión) 04:51, 13 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Ahahahaha znas ko je menager Dautovicu? Lian Sports :) (Ramadani-Terza, to je veza) ... Al ajde dobro... Matej mu ima vec clanak u sandboxu: Usuario:Matej1234/Dautovic . FkpCascais (discusión) 05:06, 13 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Isti slučaj kao s Matovićem. Ne uspevam ništa da nađem za Vitalie Bulat -a, bio je na pozajmici... Većinu smo ubacili, ono što fali, uglavnom nema relevantean izvor, ili čak nikakav, jer bi se već nešto našlo. Za Radojevića iz Rada sam video na Javorovoj FB strani. Igrao je prijateljsku protiv Lučana. Bilo je očigledno da će Cohene nositi 6, a Radunović 3 u Borcu. Šta ti bi da stavljaš one brojeve za Slogu KV? xD Njih namerno ostavljam za kraj, pošto su moji, pa ću njih polako da sređujem. Inače, Slogina prva garnitura dresova je daCapo, a druga je Nike, koja je stara sigurno 5 godina, mínimo. Još iz doba Srpske lige zapad. Zato prva garnitura ima brojeve do 24(možda čak postoji i neki dres više, jer mi se čini da sam jednom video sliku Darka Drinića u novinama dok je još igrao za Slogu sa brojem 26!), a druga samo do 18. Prvi dresovi su bele, un drogadicto plave boje. Ali to su više informacije za kitmaker-e na PES-u, FIFI... Inače do prošle sezone se znalo ko koji broj nosi, uglavnom, ali ako u sastav upadne neko ko inače nije među prvih 18, on onda nosi broj onog igrača koji ne igra. Međutim, kako se taj tim raspao, ovu sezonu su počeli poređani po brojevima od 1 do 18. Reč je o prvoj garnituri, naravno. E triste, videćemo šta će sezona da donese, ali se, u principu ne koristi više od 20 brojeva u sezoni. Lotom ( discusión ) 16:03, 14 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Ajajaja ako su brojevi pogresni, izvini :D , evo odakle sam ih stavio: enlace. A brojevi za SUperLigu koj sam dodao, sam dodao preko live-reporta Mozzartsporta (stavio sam linkove u editar resumen). Za moldavca Bulata isto ne znam nista, ne mozemos da ga stavimo medju odlaske jer ne znamo da li je raskinuo sa OFK-om, ili je negde na pozajmici, ili negde na probi... Onaj golman Cedomir Radic je u SIndjelicu. FkpCascais (discusión) 14:38, 14 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Redovno proveravam te sajtove, bez brige. Garant postoji neka opcija sa Ramadanijem, čim je ovaj sada tu. Igrao je na pripremama, ali sam ipak mislio da nije tu. Samo me čudi kako nije isforsirao upravu da debituje za Partizan. Nije se naigrao gde god da je bio, ali ne mogu da ga pljujem unapred, samo zato što je Ramadanijev, jer mu oči u životu nisam video... A Osmančevića je doveo Dovedan, siguran sam. Obojica su iz tog kraja, koliko znam. Lotom ( charla ) 8:55, 15 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC)

Septiembre de 2014

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Nota sobre la situación de Kosovo sobre los clubes de fútbol kosovares

Solo quería preguntarte sobre esto porque editas artículos sobre Kosovo y fútbol. No estoy completamente seguro de que la nota sobre el estatus de Kosovo sea necesaria en los artículos sobre clubes de fútbol. Kosovo es un territorio (independientemente de si es un país o una provincia) que tiene su propia liga de fútbol, ​​nadie lo discute y ha tenido su propia liga desde 1945; es anterior a la disputa. Los clubes de fútbol y la liga no tienen nada que ver con la política o la disputa, así que no estoy seguro de por qué se requiere la nota sobre el estatus. Kosovo es un territorio con su propia liga (no afiliada a la UEFA). Por ejemplo, se podría argumentar que el FC Prishtina es un club de fútbol de Serbia, sin embargo, como juega en la liga de Kosovo, decimos que está en Kosovo; esto es similar a decir que el Bangor City FC es un club de fútbol galés y no un club de fútbol británico porque juega en la Premier League galesa. Entiendo que la nota de estado se utiliza para mejorar el punto de vista nacional, pero no es punto de vista decir que el FC Prishtina es un fútbol de Kosovo (sin la nota de estado) porque es un club de fútbol que juega en la Superliga de Kosovo. Nadie lo discute. Nadie dice que debería jugar en la Superliga serbia o en una liga serbia inferior. De todos modos, solo quería ver tu opinión sobre el tema, ya que no veo por qué se requiere la nota de estado en un contexto no político. IJA ( discusión ) 17:58 15 septiembre 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sí, entiendo tu punto de vista. Es un poco comparable a Inglaterra, Gales, Irlanda del Norte o Escocia, que compiten por separado en el fútbol, ​​y básicamente estás diciendo que una vez que se menciona en el artículo, por ejemplo, que el Dundee United es un club escocés que juega en la Liga Escocesa, se hace innecesario añadir al Reino Unido al contexto. Sin embargo, hay una diferencia. La FIFA y la UEFA reconocen a cada uno de ellos como independientes, pero no reconocen a Kosovo. Desde el punto de vista de la FIFA y la UEFA, el FC Prishtina es un club ubicado en el territorio de la Asociación Serbia de Fútbol, ​​pero no juega en el sistema de liga serbio, sino en uno "rebelde" no reconocido. Sin embargo, admito que no nos corresponde a nosotros juzgar la decisión de la Asociación de Fútbol de Kosovo de no participar en las competiciones organizadas por la Asociación de Fútbol de Serbia y crear su propia liga. Por lo tanto, no tengo ningún problema en decir que se trata de clubes kosovares que juegan en ligas kosovares, etc. Solo creo que la nota sobre el estatus de Kosovo solo es necesaria cuando se menciona dónde se encuentra el club (por ejemplo, en el cuadro de información, cuando se dice que el club se encuentra en el lugar X de Kosovo). FkpCascais (discusión) 18:48 15 sep 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Está bien, pero estoy seguro de que la Asociación de Fútbol de Serbia reconoce a la Federación de Fútbol de Kosovo tal como se estableció en 1946, pero la consideran subnacional y, por lo tanto, no es elegible para la UEFA/FIFA sin su consentimiento. Pero sí, la nota de estado solo está ahí para la parte de la ubicación en la introducción, así que no me preocupa tanto su uso en ese contexto. Simplemente siento que en algunos casos la nota de estado a veces se usa en exceso y cuando no es necesaria. Por ejemplo, la quité hoy del artículo de la Madre Teresa porque estaba en el contexto de Kosovo en el siglo XIX y ella murió diez años antes de la declaración de independencia, no había razón para que estuviera allí. No me sorprendería si algún tonto la agregara al artículo " Batalla de Kosovo ". Creo que esta nota de estado no debería usarse en nada histórico anterior a 2008 porque no es relevante antes de 2008; No hubo disputa antes de 2008. No me malinterpreten, la nota de estado es útil y está ahí en el espíritu de NPOV, pero WhiteWriter (antes de desaparecer) parece haber agregado algo a cada artículo de Wikipedia que menciona a Kosovo. De todos modos, gracias por darme su opinión sobre los artículos del Kosovo Football Club. Saludos IJA ( discusión ) 21:44 15 sep 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Te parece justo que añada algo a Wikipedia:Manual de estilo/Artículos relacionados con Kosovo#Nota sobre Kosovo ? Algo como "La nota sobre Kosovo no debería utilizarse en un contexto histórico anterior a febrero de 2008". IJA ( discusión ) 21:51 15 sep 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo siento, ayer y hoy no he tenido mucho tiempo, pero no, no me opondría en absoluto, me parece bien tu propuesta. FkpCascais (discusión) 14:26 16 sep 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]


Nažalost, izgleda da ćemo i na Srbijafudbal morati selektivnije da se oslanjamo. Taman sam hteo da dodam sve ovo, ne stigoh juče, ali ti si bio brži.:) Neko je bio dodavao ove brojeve sa Srbijafudbala, međutim, bar 50% je pogrešno, kao što vidiš. Baš sam gledao OFK, da vidim za Čolovića, prebacili su onog iz Rada, a on igra za Drinu. Prelistao sam i forum FM-a i odatle malo pohvatao konce. Što ukupno znači da više nemamo ni jedan sajt na koji možemo da se oslonimo 100%. I da, treba da napišem strane za još 6 igrača koji su debitovali u ovom prvenstvu i da sredim statistiku za ostale. Ono što me zanima, ti sigurno znaš bolje jeste koje uslove treba da ispunjava klub da bi se napisala strana za njega. Pošto bih se, ako stignem, pozabavio malo nižerazrednim klubovima. ¿I da li mogu da napišem stranu za sezonu kluba iz PLS? Takođe, ako bih ubacivao neku sliku ili logo, nisam baš siguran... Lotom ( charla ) 9:00, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC)

Jeje, video sam to za brojeve, ja sam ubacio samo neke koje nismo imali i ne poklapaju njednog drugog igraca sa istim brojem, a nisam dodao recimo Mazalicu u Donjem Sremu jer ima neki drugi igrac koji ima isti broj a nije otisao tako da sam skontao da ti brojevi iz mogu da imaju greske. Ja sam razgovarao nekoliko puta sa administradorom i jako je fin i sve to dobrovoljno radi tako sto mu klubovi i savez dostupe podatke. E triste, ima naravno gresaka. Prva je recimo ta da kad ne zna mesto rodjenja igracima, stavi im mesto prvog kluba u kojem je igrao. Vec sam ga molio da to ne radi nego da ostavi prazno, ali nije vredelo, rekao je da je u vecini slucajeva ispadne tacno... Tako je recimo onom Marceti iz Donjeg Srema stavio bio Novi Sad jer mu je prvi klub bio iz Novog Sada , pa su ostali sajtovi to prekopirali, i tek skoro je popravio na BiH. Drugo, nacionalnost. Molio sam ga da li moze da se drzi istog principa kao mi ovde na Vikipediji, ono da stavljamo pod jedan reprezentaciju za koju igrac igra ili je igrao, pa pod dva, zemlja mesta rodjenja. Naravno, u toj drugoj tacci koristimo malo logike, recimo, onaj Curko iz Vojvodine ima SRB zastavicu iako je rodjen u Nemackoj i verovatno poseduje oba drzavljanstva, ali posto nije vezan za Nemacku ​​korenom porodicnim niti je tako uopste igrao, nego je samo rodjen tamo jer je tata privremeno tamo igrao fudbal, onda naravno, OK, stavljamo ga pod Srbija. A mi je rekao da im stavlja nacionalnost po nacionalnsoti koju sami igraci se deklarisu (hum, cudno) i zato na primer Alivodica stavlja pod Bosnu, jer se definise kao Bosnjak (mada ne znam kako ima pristup tim podatcima niti da li to ima igde, to gde se igraci deklarisu po nacionalnosti U statistickom zavodu jajaja).
Tako da sajt Srbijafudbal je dosta pouzdan, ali nije definitivno 100% pouzdan. Brojeve treba proveriti. Mesta rodjena su vecimom tacna, jedini koji su pod upitnikom su oni kojima stoji isto mesto rodjena od prvog njihovog kluba. Recimo, ako igracu koji je poceo karijeru u FK Vršac sttoji mesto rodjenja "Vršac", moze da bude tacno ali moze i da ne bude. Ako je poceo karijeru u Vešcu a stoji mu Zaječar, onda je sigurno tacno.
Onda, statistiku za predhodne klubove ubacuje iz njegove baze podataka od svih sezona koje ima (ima sve od 2001. pa do sada). Sto se tice stranaca i nasih sa karijerama po inostranstvu cini mi se da nalazi preko interneta, ali nisam siguran, to ga nisam pitao. Takodje video sam da ima neke igrace pobrkane, recimo Colovica kao sto su spomenuo, pa imao je onog Edin Rustemovića koji je dosao iz Nemacke u Drinu Zvornik i iz Drine u omladince Vojvodine, pa OFK-u i pozajmice, i sad je opet sa Drinom , pomesao mu je karijeru sa crnogorcem Edi Rustemovićem, nesto starijim koji je igrao u Borcu iz Cacka, Kolubari i lucanskoj Mladosti. Un tal Nikola Vasiljević es ima karijere od obojice zajedno pobrkane.
Za klubove, probacu da nadjem kriterijum pa cu ga postaviti. A io tome za sezonske klubovske clanke. FkpCascais (discusión) 13:56, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Hvala ti za ovo. Znači, ovo kod nas je još veći bedak nego što sam milio. Sve je na dobrovoljnoj bazi. Dobro je što imamo i ovoliko koliko imamo sada. U svakom slučaju, ja sam zahvalan za svaku informaciju koju dobijem. Ja ću da pišem te sezone za sebe, pa ću da ih čuvam u nekom dokumentu. Ili ću da sačuvam na Wiki, pa ako obrišu... I da, vidi onda za Bežaniju, ja sam stavio zastevice Portugala i Poljske za dvojicu igrača, pošto su tamo rođeni. Ti popravi, ako ne valja, pošto ja nikako da pohvatam sve kriterijume. Lotom ( discusión ) 16:35, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Napravi slobodno sezone u Sandboxu,ja imam preko 40 sandboxova sa svim i svacim. Jos nisam siguran koji klubovi mogu da imaju sezonske clanke, ako treba pitacu na WikiProject Football, pa ako moze samo se sandbox pretvori u clanak tako sto mu se promeni ime i stavi pravi naslov. Video sam na squad od Bezanije, super si sve dodao, ja sam im bio video tu istu stranu na sajtu pre par nedelja i nisam bio znao da su napravili apdejt i dodali jos te igrace. Poljaka Cisica sam vec imao u Usuario: FkpCascais/Sandbox31 gde imam sve strance iz nizih liga, verovatno je pravi poljak koji je dosao jos mlad kod nas sa roditeljima sigurno. A Marko Šoć je najverovatnije sin od nekog naseg igraca koji je igrao u Viseu. To je jedan gradic u unutrasnjosti Portugala daleko od mesta gde ja zivim, bio sam tamo samo jedanput jos pre 15 godina i znam da je tamo bila mala kolonija nasih sportista. Šoć je nase prezime (iz Vojvodine jel?), i Marko nase ime (u Portugalu ima ali se pise "Marco"), tako da i da ostane portugalska zastavica nije problem jer decko vrlo moguce ima duplo drzavljanstvo ali je vise nas covek tamo slucajno rodjen. A Cisic jos i zbog imena "Aleksander" sa "e" ai zucko je pravi (jesi mu video sliku?) izgleda da je pravi poljak. FkpCascais (discusión) 16:04, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Bio je jedan fudbaler Šoć u OFK Beogradu 90-tih, ruku dajem da je verovatno on presao u Académico de Viseu FC i dok je tamo igrao dobio sina Marka. Ali posto Marko nije ni igrao u Portugalu, vise logike ima da mu stoji nasa zastava. A recimo sin od trenera Muslina, Marko Muslin , rodio se u Francuskoj 1985. dok mu je tata tamo trenirao, ali je tamo poceo da igra i svugde gde je igrao, igrao je kao francuz (kao domaci igrac u Nici i Monaku, pa posle kao francika u Belgiji, Bugarskoj i Svici) pa njemu je logicnije da stoji francuska zastavica gde dios da igra. Bila je diskusija oko ovih slucajeva jos pre nekoliko godine na fudbalskom projektu, pa se odlucilo da za igrace koji nemaju reprezentativne nastupe koristi ovakva neka logika : zastavice zemlje mesta rodjenja, sem ako se igrac bas ono slucajno samo tamo rodio i nema nikakve veze u karijeri sa tom zemljom. Posle sam ja primenio to za nase slucajeve iz Bosne jer skoro svi imaju srpsku zastavu i onda i kad se vrate u Bosnu i igraju u, recimo Rudaru iz Prijedora, stoji im SRB zastavica kao da su igraci iz Srbije koji su dosli u Bosnu da igraju . I na transfermarktu su poceli to da menjaju i stavljaju BIH pod jedan (mada ima jos puno da se popravlja), jer je do pre godinu dve nazad ispadalo da u Bosni igra 200 stranaca na 350 igraca, a ono od tih 200 100 su bili srbi od kojih recimo 70 su bili srbi iz Bosne koji su igrali samo u Srbiji, a 100 hrvati sa istim slucajem. Nema logike da recimo jedan Nebojša Šodić igra kao stranac (srbin) u svom rodnom gradu Prijedoru samo zato sto ima verovatno dvojno drzavljanstvo i sto je igrao par sezona u Srbiji u Kuli i Apatinu. Niti ima logike da mu se menja zastavica zaviseci od toga gde igra, da mu stoji SRB zastavica kad u Srbiji i BIH zastavica kad u Bosni. Nema reprezentativne nastupe, rodjen je i igrao u Bosni, nacionalnost 1 mu je BIH i ta treba svigde da mu stoji, jer je on igrac iz Bosne koji je igrao u Srbiji, a ne igrac iz Srbije koji je dosao u Bosnu da igra. Ako Republika Srpska trazi i dobije nezavisnost jednog dana onda ce mo videti, ali do tada... :D ... FkpCascais (discusión) 16:38, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Uf, ugnjavih te sada sa ovim, izvini, nisam ni trebao jer si ti bas super editor i sve bs super radis. Samo sam iskoristio ovo nekako da objasnim cak i za nekog drugog u buducnosti ako pita. A nemoj slucajno da shvatis da imam nesto protiv srba iz Bosne ili da zelim namerno BIH zastavicu da im stavljam, ja sam iz BG ali su mi pola porodice srbi iz Sarajeva i bas sam ono vezan za njih. Samo je poenta cisto fudbalska, da su to nisu igraci iz Srbije koji idu u potragu za lebom u BiH, nego su igraci iz Bosne koji su kod nas igrali ili igraju. FkpCascais (discusión) 16:56, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Napravi slobodno sezone u Sandboxu,ja imam preko 40 sandboxova sa svim i svacim. Jos nisam siguran koji klubovi mogu da imaju sezonske clanke, ako treba pitacu na WikiProject Football, pa ako moze samo se sandbox pretvori u clanak tako sto mu se promeni ime i stavi pravi naslov. Video sam na squad od Bezanije, super si sve dodao, ja sam im bio video tu istu stranu na sajtu pre par nedelja i nisam bio znao da su napravili apdejt i dodali jos te igrace. Poljaka Cisica sam vec imao u Usuario: FkpCascais/Sandbox31 gde imam sve strance iz nizih liga, verovatno je pravi poljak koji je dosao jos mlad kod nas sa roditeljima sigurno. A Marko Šoć je najverovatnije sin od nekog naseg igraca koji je igrao u Viseu. To je jedan gradic u unutrasnjosti Portugala daleko od mesta gde ja zivim, bio sam tamo samo jedanput jos pre 15 godina i znam da je tamo bila mala kolonija nasih sportista. Šoć je nase prezime (iz Vojvodine jel?), i Marko nase ime (u Portugalu ima ali se pise "Marco"), tako da i da ostane portugalska zastavica nije problem jer decko vrlo moguce ima duplo drzavljanstvo ali je vise nas covek tamo slucajno rodjen. A Cisic jos i zbog imena "Aleksander" sa "e" ai zucko je pravi (jesi mu video sliku?) izgleda da je pravi poljak. FkpCascais (discusión) 16:04, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Bio je jedan fudbaler Šoć u OFK Beogradu 90-tih, ruku dajem da je verovatno on presao u Académico de Viseu FC i dok je tamo igrao dobio sina Marka. Ali posto Marko nije ni igrao u Portugalu, vise logike ima da mu stoji nasa zastava. A recimo sin od trenera Muslina, Marko Muslin , rodio se u Francuskoj 1985. dok mu je tata tamo trenirao, ali je tamo poceo da igra i svugde gde je igrao, igrao je kao francuz (kao domaci igrac u Nici i Monaku, pa posle kao francika u Belgiji, Bugarskoj i Svici) pa njemu je logicnije da stoji francuska zastavica gde dios da igra. Bila je diskusija oko ovih slucajeva jos pre nekoliko godine na fudbalskom projektu, pa se odlucilo da za igrace koji nemaju reprezentativne nastupe koristi ovakva neka logika : zastavice zemlje mesta rodjenja, sem ako se igrac bas ono slucajno samo tamo rodio i nema nikakve veze u karijeri sa tom zemljom. Posle sam ja primenio to za nase slucajeve iz Bosne jer skoro svi imaju srpsku zastavu i onda i kad se vrate u Bosnu i igraju u, recimo Rudaru iz Prijedora, stoji im SRB zastavica kao da su igraci iz Srbije koji su dosli u Bosnu da igraju . I na transfermarktu su poceli to da menjaju i stavljaju BIH pod jedan (mada ima jos puno da se popravlja), jer je do pre godinu dve nazad ispadalo da u Bosni igra 200 stranaca na 350 igraca, a ono od tih 200 100 su bili srbi od kojih recimo 70 su bili srbi iz Bosne koji su igrali samo u Srbiji, a 100 hrvati sa istim slucajem. Nema logike da recimo jedan Nebojša Šodić igra kao stranac (srbin) u svom rodnom gradu Prijedoru samo zato sto ima verovatno dvojno drzavljanstvo i sto je igrao par sezona u Srbiji u Kuli i Apatinu. Niti ima logike da mu se menja zastavica zaviseci od toga gde igra, da mu stoji SRB zastavica kad u Srbiji i BIH zastavica kad u Bosni. Nema reprezentativne nastupe, rodjen je i igrao u Bosni, nacionalnost 1 mu je BIH i ta treba svigde da mu stoji, jer je on igrac iz Bosne koji je igrao u Srbiji, a ne igrac iz Srbije koji je dosao u Bosnu da igra. Ako Republika Srpska trazi i dobije nezavisnost jednog dana onda ce mo videti, ali do tada... :D ... FkpCascais (discusión) 16:38, 26 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Taman posla, ionako me je zanimalo kojom se logikom vodiš prilikom ovoga. Za Poljaka sam i ja siguran, jedino za Šoća, upravo zbog svega što si naveo. Jer naših ima svuda po svetu i onda... Recimo Kanada, Australija, Švajcarska, Austrija i još neke, gde je to baš izraženo. Ja, doduše, zemlje bivše SFRJ i dalje ne smatram potpuno stranim, jer nam se jezici ne razlikuju previše. Još nisam koristio Sandbox, ne stižem ni ovako sve što isplaniram. Zabaviću se malo time ovih dana, ako stignem. Krećem na fax od ponedeljka, pa koliko mi vreme i eventualno wi-fi bude dozvoljavao... Lotom ( charla ) 10:05, 27 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Ma da, to "stranci" za igrace iz veceg dela bivse Juge je smesno. Pa eto moj rodjak Bojan Regoje da dodje u Srbiju da igra bi bio kao "stranac" jajaja. Da mu mozda ne bi trebao prevodilac :D a ne znam na planeti vecih srbenda od tih mojih Regoja. Ali eto, i Tole i savez su sami napravili zakon da se svi racunaju kao stranci (ok, ako imaju dvojno drzavljansvo nisu, ali mnogi klinci sad od po 18-20 i nove generacije iz RS i CG vise nemaju), tako da su ove liste "jugadores extranjeros" u nasem slucaju u svari liste igraca kojima srpsko nije prvo drzavljanstvo. Jos mi nije odgovorio jedan admin za ove sezone, mozda je vikend a vidim da ga nema na viki ovih dana, sacekacu do sutra pa cu pitati drugoga. Sandbox ne znam da li znas, pravis ga tako sto samo napravis link Usuario: Lotom/Sandbox1 i pises tamo sta hoces. Posle sledecu stavis Sandbox2, 3,4,itd. U principu bi trebali sandboxi biti samo potencijalni clanci, ali mislim ti niko nece gledati sandbox i mozes sta hoces u njemu da stavljas, ja ih imam puno iu njima pisem svasta od statistika, do tekstova i gluposti, i niko me nikad nije nista pitao za njih. FkpCascais (discusión) 03:36, 28 de septiembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Estrella de granero

¡Muchas gracias Antidiskriminator ! Me siento muy halagado por tu reconocimiento. Espero que estés bien y que me des un toque cuando lo desees. ¡Saludos! FkpCascais (discusión) 12:15 3 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aleksandar Duric

He consultado numerosas fuentes sobre el club de la segunda división serbia en el que jugó, pero no se ponen de acuerdo sobre el club exacto y no he podido encontrar una respuesta definitiva. NFT indica que el club es Sloga Skopje, un club macedonio, mientras que otras fuentes indican que el club es Sloga Požega. Si pudieras encontrar el club exacto en el que jugó utilizando fuentes serbias o bosnias, envíame un mensaje. A mí también me encantaría saberlo. Se lo agradezco mucho. LRD 15:01, 4 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sí, vi que se mencionaban esos clubes, pero sospeché que podrían ser el resultado de un error, ya que su primer club se llamaba Sloga ( FK Sloga Doboj ). Ciertamente jugó en el de Doboj. De los otros mencionados, el de Macedonia es el FK Sloga Jugomagnat de Skopje, y el de Serbia es el FK Sloga Požega. Dudo que hubiera jugado en el de Macedonia, es probable que sabiendo que había jugado en un club llamado FK Sloga, alguien pensara que era el de Skopje, ya que era el único de Sloga que jugaba en un nivel superior en ese entonces en toda la región, por lo que era como el más conocido. El otro mencionado, el de Požega, el FK Sloga Požega en ese momento jugaba en un nivel inferior que el segundo. El único Sloga que jugaba en la segunda división en aquel entonces era el FK Sloga Kraljevo , que ascendió a la segunda división de la República Federativa de Yugoslavia (Serbia y Montenegro) en 1992, Segunda División de la República Federativa de Yugoslavia 1992-93 (fuente). Pero no sabemos con certeza si el club en el que jugó en la segunda división de Serbia, como nos cuenta, se llamaba siquiera Sloga (o es que esos sitios web lo confunden con Sloga Doboj), y tampoco sabemos la temporada exacta. Intentaré buscar más, pero es difícil porque, a pesar de la buena calidad de la segunda división en aquel entonces, las fuentes disponibles hoy en día son escasas. Incluso si encuentro informes de partidos, a menudo solo mencionan los apellidos, y Đurić (también escrito como Djurić) es un apellido bastante común en la región, un poco como Smith o Johnson en el Reino Unido., que todavía no funciona, dice que jugó en el FK Sloga Kraljevo en la temporada 1992/93. Puedes ver una copia de su página en (no puedo publicar el enlace porque está en la lista negra de Wikipedia). Intentaré ver si puedo encontrar más información y te lo haré saber, LRD . ¡Saludos! FkpCascais (discusión) 02:05 5 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Tenemos un compañero wikipedista que es fan del FK Sloga Kraljevo, Usuario:Lotom . Le preguntaré si sabe algo y si puede confirmar si jugó en Kraljevo. FkpCascais (discusión) 02:10 5 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por la ayuda. Sería bueno completar una parte que falta en su historial. Por curiosidad, ¿por qué está en la lista negra? LRD 02:15, 5 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Acabo de echar un vistazo a ese sitio web. Parece que me confundí con, que muchos artículos tienen como enlace externo, de ahí mi curiosidad. De alguna manera pude hacerme una idea de por qué soccerdatabase está en la lista negra. Saludos y que tengas un buen día. LRD 02:26, ​​5 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
(ec) Por lo que he oído, es porque hubo un malentendido entre los administradores de y uno de ellos salió y creó, donde creó una copia exacta de playerhistory sin consentimiento. Håkon André Winther hizo esfuerzos aquí en reclamando los derechos del contenido y consiguió que soccerdatabase fuera incluido en la lista negra. Recuerdo que él personalmente lo pidió en WP:FOOTY, está en los archivos de las discusiones. O, por ejemplo, mira esto de cuando todavía no estaba en la lista negra :D FkpCascais (discusión) 02:39 5 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Acabo de revisar los archivos relacionados con para tener una mejor visión de la disputa. Parece que, si bien el sitio "legítimo" ( ha estado y sigue estando inactivo, el sitio espejo ha sobrevivido a cualquier "acción legal" que haya tomado el propietario de PH. Nunca he usado PH antes, por lo que desconozco los méritos que pueda tener el sitio. Afortunadamente, tenemos buenas alternativas en soccerway y similares. LRD 03:35, 5 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ah, pero he estado tratando con muchos jugadores que soccerway no tiene porque sólo cubren las últimas 7 u 8 temporadas, y para los jugadores del pasado ha sido a menudo la única fuente con estadísticas de los años 70, 80 y 90. Lo he utilizado mucho y lo echo mucho de menos. Su motor de búsqueda ha sido una de las herramientas más útiles para mí para encontrar carreras de jugadores retirados. también es útil, pero incluye muchos menos datos estadísticos de apariciones y goles. FkpCascais (discusión) 06:26 5 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Qué otras fuentes utilizas para las estadísticas de carrera? Utilizo Soccerway en general (buen diseño de resumen que es fácil de actualizar), pero como dijiste, los datos se limitan a los años más recientes. Soccerbase es bueno para los jugadores de la liga inglesa, pero también sufren el mismo problema que Soccerway. es mi fuente de referencia para los jugadores de la liga francesa. Para las estadísticas internacionales, existe NFT, pero sus datos a veces son inexactos o incompletos. ¿Qué utilizas para los jugadores de los Balcanes, ya que presumiblemente eres de la región? ¿Existen buenas fuentes para jugadores de generaciones anteriores o retirados? Saludos. LRD 06:46, 5 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
No lo puedo confirmar, pero creo que no jugó en el FK Sloga Kraljevo , doy menos del 1% de las posibilidades de que jugara en el. Vea su entrevista. Hay demasiadas fuentes falsas, tal vez pueda preguntar a algunas personas mayores, pero no creo que recuerden a los jugadores de esa época. Lotom ( discusión ) 9:03 5 oct 2014 (UTC)

Igraci klubova iz devedesetih godina

Ne znam zasto si se zaustavio sa trazenjem podataka o igracima klubova u sezonama devedesetih godina. Ako imas vremena nastavi sa trazenjem podataka o tim igracima, a ja sam te pitao zasto si se zaustavio sa trazenjem tih podataka. Jolicnikola ( discusión ) 20:12, 7 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Nisam se zaustavio, bas naprotiv, prosle nedelje sam poceo da popunjavam u sandboxu timove iz 90-tih. ¿Jel na a mislis? FkpCascais (discusión) 21:11, 7 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Invitación a la discusión: selección nacional de baloncesto de Serbia

Hola, una invitación más para una discusión aquí: Discusión final: historial de resultados/medallas . Por favor, participa.-- AirWolf talk 13:28, 13 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Octubre de 2014

Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en la Lista de jugadores de fútbol extranjeros en Serbia puede haber dañado la sintaxis modificando 1 "()". Si es así, no te preocupes: simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 05:03, 21 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Propuesta de eliminación de Goran Bogdanović (futbolista nacido en 1990)

Se ha propuesto eliminar el artículo Goran Bogdanović (futbolista nacido en 1990) debido a la siguiente preocupación:

Artículo sobre un futbolista que no pasa el WP:GNG y que no ha jugado en una liga totalmente profesional.

Si bien se agradecen todas las contribuciones constructivas a Wikipedia, el contenido o los artículos pueden eliminarse por varias razones .

Puede evitar la eliminación propuesta eliminando el {{proposed deletion/dated}}aviso, pero explique por qué en el resumen de la edición o en la página de discusión del artículo.

Por favor, considere mejorar el artículo para abordar las cuestiones planteadas. La eliminación {{proposed deletion/dated}}detendrá el proceso de eliminación propuesto , pero existen otros procesos de eliminación . En particular, el proceso de eliminación rápida puede dar lugar a una eliminación sin debate, y los artículos para eliminar permiten que se llegue a un consenso sobre la eliminación. Sir Sputnik ( discusión ) 20:18 21 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]


Buen día Fkp. Sugiero pedirle al usuario: XrysD en Commons que haga lo que se necesita. Excelente creador de mapas, utiliza mapas de fuentes de buena calidad. Saludos, Peacemaker67 ( crack... thump ) 22:20, 29 de octubre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Muchas gracias por la sugerencia. Creo que necesitamos al menos dos mapas mejores que los que tenemos en Commons, uno para el Imperio serbio y otro para los territorios gobernados por Luis el Grande. FkpCascais (discusión) 14:15 30 oct 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

László Fenyvesi

Estoy intentando encontrar algunas fuentes, pero no hay ninguna, por lo que veo. Si encuentro alguna, te la enviaré. ¡Buen día! PeppermintSA ( discusión ) 17:34 1 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Vasallaje búlgaro

Hola, he notado que has añadido algo de información a los artículos sobre un par de artículos sobre una relación vasallática entre Bulgaria y Serbia. Has utilizado una única fuente y no he podido encontrar la afirmación que respalde una afirmación tan extraordinaria. No estoy seguro de que las fuentes coincidan en que el vasallaje fuera duradero, como sugieres. Aunque no hay duda de que Ivan Stefan era un títere de Serbia, fue destronado rápidamente. No veo ninguna fuente que respalde las afirmaciones de que Ivan Alexander fuera un vasallo. Un matrimonio real no es precisamente una prueba de vasallaje. ¿Y de dónde salió el año 1365? Veo que has buscado específicamente las palabras "Bulgaria, vasallo, Dushan" para encontrar la fuente. Mi propia búsqueda produjo una docena de libros, ninguno de los cuales respaldaba la afirmación de un vasallaje de 34 años. -- L a v e o l T 03:55, 2 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

En realidad, comencé a buscar esas palabras porque son la traducción de un libro escolar que tengo en croata, así que fui a ver qué tenía al respecto en inglés. No estoy seguro de por qué no ves que esta fuente se abre en una página (8 líneas desde el final) donde se puede leer: "Pero en 1330, los serbios... extendían desde el Danubio hasta el golfo de Arta, e incluían a Bulgaria como estado vasallo, 1331-1365". Supongo que ni los serbios ni los búlgaros insisten mucho en ese hecho porque arruina nuestras relaciones amistosas y tampoco significa mucho para los serbios, ya que todo terminó mal con la muerte de Dushan y la invasión otomana, pero hay muchas indicaciones de que Bulgaria era vasalla de Serbia después de la batalla de Velbazhd: no perdió territorio no porque Dushan no quisiera a Bulgaria, sino porque se convirtió en vasallo, y el patriarca búlgaro no lo coronó porque le gustara Dushan, sino porque era su soberano. Ya es bastante tarde en el lugar donde estoy, Lisboa (4:27 de la mañana), y todavía no he dormido, pero mañana pienso investigar más sobre esto. La búsqueda que hice usando Dushan no es buena porque hay diferentes ortografías, sin embargo, de todos modos, encontré que hay muy poco escrito sobre la relación Serbia-Bulgaria en ese período, tanto en artículos serbios como búlgaros. Saludos, FkpCascais (discusión) 04:28 2 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Creo que también utilicé esta fuente que dice (pág. 35 por la mitad): "El zar de Bulgaria, con cuya hermana Dushan se había casado, se convirtió en su vasallo", pero esta no menciona los años como lo hace la anterior. FkpCascais (discusión) 04:38 2 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Las buenas relaciones nunca han impedido que Bulgaria y Serbia encubran su historia o reclamen superioridad mutua :) Sin embargo, todo el asunto de los vasallajes parece bastante improbable. Especialmente cuando Bulgaria libraba sus propias guerras durante ese período. Y más aún cuando Ivan Aleksandar conservaba el título de zar. La vista previa del libro no incluye la página con el texto que mencionas. A veces se indican los años como el período en el que reinó Ivan Alexander. Esta es la única explicación posible que puedo encontrar. Por lo que veo de la página, dice: "sus fronteras se extendían desde el Danubio al norte hasta el golfo de Arda y el canal de Eubea al sur"; no hay nada que diga "..., incluida Bulgaria".
Eliminaré la declaración por ahora. Parece una opinión marginal y ni siquiera está respaldada por ninguna fuente. La situación con Serbia y Bulgaria también se menciona en los artículos. -- L a v e o l T 04:58, 2 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
" Pero en 1330, los serbios... extendían desde el Danubio hasta el golfo de Arta, e incluían a Bulgaria como estado vasallo, 1331-1365 ."
Todas las fuentes que he añadido lo incluyen, y ahora hay al menos 5 fuentes que hablan claramente del vasallaje búlgaro a Serbia. Quizá te hayas saltado la página, no estoy seguro. Las he incluido en la página de discusión de Second Bulgarian Empire. Saludos, FkpCascais (discusión) 00:23 28 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, en primer lugar, lo siento si este no es el formulario apropiado para contactarte. En los últimos años, cada vez siento más curiosidad por la verdad detrás de esta declaración vasalla. Tienes razón en que todas estas fuentes afirman lo mismo. Sin embargo, el problema es que estas fuentes no son, de hecho, fuentes históricas. Son análisis históricos del siglo XX, cada uno de los cuales no incluye ningún vínculo real a un análisis/crónica/algo histórico de facto que pruebe esa afirmación. Por lo tanto, si conoces alguno, te agradecería mucho que lo compartieras conmigo y, en última instancia, probaras tu punto :-) . Gracias. — Comentario anterior sin firmar agregado por Baluan (discusión • contribuciones ) 18:25, 10 de diciembre de 2017 (UTC)[ responder ]

SL Este

Ma mogao si meni da ostaviš ubacio bih ja to sve ovih dana, nego se trudim da vodim neku evidenciju koliko-toliko, gde, ko, šta, kako... Ima i onih koji nisu više pod ugovorom sa klubom, a vode se da su na pozajmici, pa dok to isproveravam i iščeprkam... Opet ponavljam, vodim neku evidenciju za sebe, jer drugačije ne bih mogao da se snađem. Ima još nekoliko starih transfera + SL istok. Pitanje da li bi Bonsu debitovao da Neško nije dosao, jer ga je Bekvalac držao u nemilosti, a Čapljić skoro da i nije bio na klupi. Neško ga je trenirao u Radniku i već ga poznaje. Za Vujnovića me je prešao komentator na Areni, pa nisam ni obraćao pažnju, a jedva sam i gledao na oči... Za Čolovića iz OFK-a koliko sam mogao da nađem razdvojeno, to sam i ubacio. Njih trojica su debitovali u JSL sad za vikend, sve do sada je sređeno. Treba da ubacim još ove nove igrače koji fale po klubovima i da sredim statistiku posle ovog kola. JSL i PLS održavamo koliko-toliko redovno, ja pokušavam pomalo i srpske like, ali sporo to ide, nema se vremena, a nije baš preterano zanimljivo. Uglavnom moja Sloga već ispada iz lige, nažalost. Lotom ( charla ) 6:38, 3 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC)

Vídeo sam sta si sve uradio, stvarno fantastican posao radis. Onaj lik sa je stvarno jako koristan jer jedino kod njega mozemo da nadjemo sve podatke kod igraca svih sezona de 2001. do sada. Steta samo sto izbrise sve igrace koji odu, ranije je ostavljao sve stare perfil igraca, ali sad ih brise, pa bi bilo dobro da kad dodajemo njegov sajt kao izvor stavimo i "recuperé" jer ako igrac ode vani, posle ce biti mrtav link. Jedino mu zameran sto mesta rodjenja ubacuje bezveze, recimo za tog Vujnovica stoji Obrenovac jer mu je obrenovacki Radnicki prvi klub kod njega u bazi podataka a decko je dosao iz CG cak je tamo grao za neke klubove kao junior secam se da sam negde bas o njemu citao pre godinu dana. To mu bas zameram, ne znam sta ga kosta da ostavi prazno polje za mesto rodjenja kod igraca za koje ne zna. Za Colovica nisam jos nasao njegove nastupe za Svajcarsku U17, imao sam negde taj link sacuvan naci cu ga. Bonsu je igrao za Ganu na tom CHAN-u kako ga zovu a to su kao B reprezentacije, odnosno prvenstvo africkih reprezentacija sastavljenih samo od igraca iz domacih liga. FkpCascais (discusión) 10:08, 3 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Pratim tvoju Slogu, bas ste pukli skroz ove sezone :( FkpCascais (discusión) 10:09, 3 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Ne bih da se mešam puno. Zapazio sam slučajno, naravno da srbijafudbal taj sajt nema sve pod jedan i pod dva nije sigurno validan za sve. Postoje godišnjaci. Ja imam do 2008/09 sezone ovih par novijih nemam jbg. Javite se, ako vam treba neki info za domaću ligu, to se barem lako može srediti. Mors ( charla ) 23:35, 5 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Nekako sam nakrpio sve ono glavno od transfera što je falilo, za D. Kadrića iz Pazara sam okačio dodatak štampane verzije Žurnalovog dodatka za naše niže lige, ali dosta je ,,težak" fajl, pa google ne može da ga prikaže. Stavio sam da je pozajmica, mada nije greška kako dios, jer im je to filijala je pitanje da li je još uvek tamo, ali sad... Možda fali još ponešto, dodaćemo naknadno.
Mors, hvala i od mene, svaki vid pomoći je dobrodošao. Lotom ( charla ) 8:41, 6 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC)


Pozdrav svaka čast za ovo Dobar posao ali ima grešaka, jer naravno ko vredno radi mora da pogreši. Ovo sam ja pokrenuo sajt, uradio sam za sad prvu sezonu biće i ostale: (a inače sam i ja uploader one knjige Bačke što si koristio kao izvor ;) ) Zanima me odakle ti postava SAŠ.K., tj igrači, i drugo što htedoh da pitam, čini mi se da nije sve sa sajta povijestdinama ili grešim? Kasnije za Iliriju pominješ V. Župančič, E. Župančič, odakle ti to? Ja imam info sledeći, bilo je 5 Župančiča (obično su označeni I, II, III, IV i V). Četiri su bila braća M.,L.,J. i G. Župančič i peti je D. Župančič što je i kod tebe. Zato te pitam za ovo V i E mi nije jasno. :) Ima tu još greškica (prvo ovo za Građanski što uključuje nastupe u ZNP) pa do imena i prezimena još ali otom potom. Svaka čast inače za ostatak. Javi se, pa ono. Imam dosta toga. Mors ( discusión ) 23:30 5 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Veliki pozdrav Mors, bas mi je drago da ste me contactali. Ja vas znam sa foruma ex yu fudbal u kojem ne ucestvujem ali ga pratim. Ne ucestvujem ne zato sto ne zelim, naprotiv, nego zato sto nemam vremena, a mnogo puta sam hteo da se logujem I pitam svasta. Mrdju I vas redovno citam. Vama sam par puta bas hteo da odgovorim, mislim da je zadnji put bilo kad ste pitali, ako se ne varam, o Strnadu a ja sam mu bas bio napravio clanak ovde mozda par meseci pre nego sto ste tamo pitali o njemu. Znam da ste uradili fantastican rad sa sajtom povijestdinama, svaka vam cast.
Ja sam poceo da editujem vikipediju pre jedno 5-6 godina. editujem skoro iskljucivo englesku vikipediju. Moj pristup je nesto drugaciji od vecine drugih nasih ljudi, jer je meni glavni cilj da prikazujem nas fudbal ostatku sveta, ne toliko nasima. Tome je doprineo moj zivotni put. U Spaniji I Portugalu sam jos de 1988. godine. Fudbal obozavam od malena, I naravno besprekorno sam pratio nase igrace u inostranstvu. Veliki uticaj na mene je imao nacin gledanja na fudbal koji postoji na Iberijskom poluostrvu. Oni se hvale stranim igracima koji radje igraju u njihovim klubovima nego u boljim klubovima u svojim zemljama (smatraju to kao moc Spanije i Portugala prema drugim zemljama "mi vam dovodimo najbolje igrace, jer mozemo", potpuno obrnuto od nas koji gledamo na strance s koro kao neprijatelje koji oduzimaju mesto nasima i ne shvatamo njihovo prisustvo kao plus za nasu ligu i zemlju (steta sto vlada takav negospodski mentalitet kod nas). sam se preokrenuo sa lista nasih igraca po inostranstvu (koje skoro svaki balavac kod nas pravi), na liste stranih igraca u ex-Jugi jer, ipak ih je bilo i nekih cak veoma dobrih i interesantnih. Mogu da se pohvalim time da sam mozda prvi u svetu koji je napravio detaljniju listu stranih igraca u celoj bivsoj Jugoslaviji i naravno tu listu i dalje popunjavam. Posto sam popunio vecinu pos-90-tih I SFRJ period, bacio sam se na skupljanje spiskova igraca iz pre drugog svetskog rata. I tu sam naravno ne samo jurio strance, nego poceo da pravim spiskove timova jer sam video da toga nigde na internet nema. Sto se predratnog fudbala tice, na vikipediji kad sam poceo da editujem sam nasao situaciju da je samo bilo profila glavnih predratnih jugoslovenskih reprezentativaca i skoro apsolutno nista vise od toga. Napravio sam brojne clanke klubova koje su mi posle prekopirali na sr,hr,si, vikipedije, kao i igraca. Tako da je moj prvenstveni interes strani igraci i treneri kod nas. Ali naravno to mi je samo prentsveni interes, inace interesuje me sve. :)
Sto se konkretno tog sandboxa tice, svestan sam da ima gresaka. Koristim sve zivo sto mogu preko internet da se docepam kao izvore. Koristio sam vas sajt za podatke o Gradjanskim, koristio sam knjigu "Fudbal u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji" za mnoge klubove (problem je sto recimo u knjizi nabraja sastav tima ali samo pise godina, recimo 1937. i onda covek ne zna da li je 1936/37 ili 1937/38 sezona eslovenacke i mnoge druge sastave sam preuzeo preko digitaalizacije slovenckih novena iz tog perioda na kojima su imali izvestaje utakmica lige i naravno detaljno uvek o utakmicama Ilirije, Primorja, odnosno kasnije, SK Ljubljane. ve sam preuzeo iz nekog od tih izvora (zavisi od sezone). Izvore sam stavio na pocetak svake sezone, jedino fali knjiga Fudbal u K. Jugoslaviji koja vazi kao izvor za mnoge timove raznih sezona. Digitalnu Politiku sam takodje dosta prelistao mada mi fali mnogo jos da prelistam. U Lisabonu sam pa ovde ima samo pristup stvarima koje su na internetu. Ako znate jos stranaca iz tog perioda koji mi fale na Lista de futbolistas extranjeros en las principales ligas de la antigua Yugoslavia kazite mi i bicu vam vecno zahvalan. Racunam i strance koji su igrali u podsaveznim prvim ligama, aiu ratnim ligama. Kazite mi greske koje imam na sandbox i trenere, a inace na ovoj strani imam listu izvora User:FkpCascais/Sandbox17 . Takodje me inturesuju eoma devedesete u FR Jugoslovenkoj prvoj ligi (njih isto pravim po sezonama ali sam tek poceo, cupavo ide User:FkpCascais/Sandbox40 . Cij mi je jednog dana da imam celu bazu podataka, barem za prvu ligu, od 1923 pa sve do sada, ako moguce za sve lige. Srdacan pozdrav! FkpCascais (discusión) 01:50, 6 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Prvo samo ispravka nije moj sajt, jer ja nemam veze sa Dinamom ja sam iz Srbije, to je delo mog kolege (u ovom hobiju) iz Zagreba Tomislava Piskora i njegovih ljudi! Mada priznajem da sam malčice i ja pripomogao oko ispravki nekih greškica itd. I nisam ja pitao o Strandu, pomešali ste me sa nekim. Hvala na lepim rečima. Što se tiče tog foruma ima dosta svakakog sveta, pokrenuo sam ovaj sajt pa ako ste zainteresovani da se pridružite, uvek je potreban dodatna ruka. Ne volim ovu wikipediju i kucanje, komunikaciju tu. Iako sam vrlo računarski pismen, čak i za nekog ko nije izgleda više komplikovano nego što treba i da iskreno kažem dosađuje. Moj mejl je [email protected] pa mi se obratite molim vas na mejl da nastavimo razgovor bio bih vam zahvalan, pa ću vam objasniti još neke stvarčice itd. Svako dobro Mors ( charla ) 19:03, 8 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Clima 2015

Napravio sam transfer listu u sandbox-u, pa kad se završi polusezona da složimo klubove po rangu i da pretvorimo u članak. Lotom ( discusión ) 17:03, 22 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

¡Súper! Za sada znam samo za Vidakovića koji je napustio Novi Pazar. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:49, 22 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Información previa

Después de leer las páginas de las estaciones de fabricación relacionadas con Gričkom, no puede obtener más información sobre las páginas y las páginas del programa. 9] . поздрав, (discusión) 12:15, 26 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Gospodine Janev, ja moram odmah da vam kažem da ja ne posedujem ni približno dovoljno poznavanje ove problematike da bih se uopste usudio da pišem o njoj. Sve što sam vam odgovorio na drugim stranama je bilo samo da vam pomognem oko principa i zakona vikipedije da bi ste mogli da dodate što želite a da vam ga ne izbrišu, i indirektno sam vam hteo reći da je najbolje da sami dodate sve u članak. Ako imate izvore i ako dodate tekst napisan na neutralan način, neće niko moći da vam ga izbriše. Vidim da su vas kaznili zbog sockpuppetry tako da mogu da vam izbrišu to što dodate, ali pogledajte ako može neki kolega vaš koji ima isti pogled na ovu problematiku kao i vi, sa neke druge dirección IP da uredi članak. Ja lično uređujem najviše relativno površne teme kao istoriju fudbala sa naših prostora i ponekad nešto vezano za teme iz Srbije i bivše Jugoslavije, a pored toga takođe pomažem oko sporova između urednika sa različitim stavovima da nađu i da svoja uređivanja približe vikipedijskom standardu i zakonima. Manji broj ljudi uređuje ovako specifične političke članke kao što je ovaj o kojem govorimo. Mali broj urednika ga uređuje jer ima interes i znanje o toj tematici, a onda postoji veći broj urednika koji samo uređuju detalje unutar članka. Ti što imaju interes o toj tematici vrlo često ga uređuju na način koi se podudara sa njihovim ličnim pogledom, tako da zbog toga mnogi članci mogu da budu tendenciozni i da ne prikažu realnost kompletno. Kao što ti urednici uređuju članak na njihov način, tako je najbolje da vi nađete nekoga sa vremenom, znanjem i istim pogledom na temu kao vi, i uredite članak. Ja mogu da vam pomognem koliko mogu oko vikipedijinih principa i zakona, pa da tekst koji dodate ne bude mogao da bude izbrisan i da adekvatno predstavlja ovu problematiku. Srdačan pozdrav, FkpCascais (discusión) 22:51, 26 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Dragi uredniče, osoba koja Vam se javila nije Igor Janev, a takođe ni ja nisam Igor Janev. U svakom slučaju, veliko Vam hvala na savetima.

Ako Igor Janev promeni odluku i bude hteo da se postavi na Vikipediju, uzećemo u obzir sve Vaše Savete, pozdrav i najbolje želje (discusión) 01:13, 27 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Hvala Vama, srdačan pozdrav, FkpCascais (discusión) 09:56, 27 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]


Negde u martu ove godine učestovao si u diskusiji o delu članka "Rat na Kosovu". Tada je zaključeno da ovaj sporni deo treba poništiti.

Međutim, korisnik koji ti je verovatno poznat, je nenadano i bez ikakvog razloga vratio taj sporni i veoma neobjektivan deo.

Zamolio bih te kao iskusnog urednika da nam se priključiš u diskusiji i da obavestiš, ako možeš, ikoga ko bi mogao da gore pomenutog korisnika upozori na takvo ponašanje. Video sam da on ima neke svoje stavove koje protura kada misl da ga nikoo ne gleda.

Hvala sin preparación. ( charla ) 09:28, 28 de noviembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Vladimir Stojkovic

Olá meu caro, tudo bem? Aquí el antiguo AlwaysLearning, fiz destruir a conta depois de uma desavença (para não lhe chamar outra coisa) com um cabrão por causa da 2014 UEFA Europa League Final , esse "senhor" tinha a certeza que o Benfica tinha sido roubado e vandalizou todo ( ele e outros, pelos menos os IPs vinham de duas cidades nesses messes entre Maio e Julho) no Michel Platini , etc, etc.

Um dos mais imbecis (atenção, até pode ser só um, pode ter ido passar férias à casa da avozinha) foi este, vê esta commentão nojenta (aquí eo que ele escreveu no nome do Beto (futbolista portugués, nacido en 1982) (aquí,_born_1982)&diff=621282219&oldid=620829402). Después, cuando eu disse que me ia embora, ia às páginas onde eu tinha escrita e provocava, dizendo "Bye AL"...palhaço de merda!

Bom, mas o que é facto é não consigo abandonar isto, devo estar "viciado" :) Sobre el título da minha mensagem, quantas internacionalizações é que tem o homem, 59, 58, 57? Só sei que: 1 - o jogo com a Albânia, de momento, se encuentra en "banho-maria", se o jogo for mesmo anulado após recurso, a "cap" no incluye, mas há utilizadores que continuam a alterar o total a toda la hora, sem sumario como é habitual; 2 - Segundo en, hay 55 juegos en Servia (+1 juego no homologado).

Obrigado desde já, um abraço português - ( charla ) 17:24, 4 de diciembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Percebi, claro :) nao te preocupes, ee so que estou a ter problemas com um gajo que fiz queixa dele a ANI e estou com pouco tempo agora, mas prometo ver isto, se bem que nem sei bem como ficou isso quanto ao jogo contra a Albania, se o jogo conta ou nao. FkpCascais (discusión)

Obrigado, e desculpa mais uma vez as pressas :( - ( charla ) 02:35, 5 de diciembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Encuesta de paja

Hay una encuesta que puede interesarle sobre el uso adecuado de "Religión =" en los infoboxes de los ateos.

La encuesta de opinión se encuentra en Plantilla discusión:Infobox person#Encuesta de opinión .

-- Guy Macon ( discusión ) 09:18 6 dic 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Kosovo en los Juegos Olímpicos

Plantilla:Infobox Olimpiadas de Kosovo
Los atletas serbokosovares participaron por Serbia y SCG/Yugoslavia. En 2012, un albanokosovar participó por Albania, lo que significa que la OCK estuvo representada bajo la bandera albanesa.

No se trata de qué país era Kosovo, porque en ese caso, desde 2008, Kosovo no participó en los Juegos Olímpicos, pero los serbios de Kosovo participaron por Serbia.

-- PjeterPeter ( discusión ) 19:02 17 dic 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Batalla de Kosovo — Comentario anterior sin firmar añadido por ( discusión ) 09:18 18 dic 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Richard Falcão

Ko je ovaj lik? Provlači se da je pristupio Pazaru, ali nisam siguran da je to još zvanično. Lotom ( charla ) 18:21, 24 de diciembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Vídeo sam i ja. Isto ne znam je li zvanično ili je samo najavljen. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:25, 24 de diciembre de 2014 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Propuesta de supresión del FK AFK Ada

Se ha propuesto eliminar el artículo FK AFK Ada debido a la siguiente preocupación:

Club no destacable. No hay evidencia de que cumpla con WP:FOOTYN o WP:N .

Si bien se agradecen todas las contribuciones constructivas a Wikipedia, el contenido o los artículos pueden eliminarse por varias razones .

Puede evitar la eliminación propuesta eliminando el {{proposed deletion/dated}}aviso, pero explique por qué en el resumen de su edición o en la página de discusión del artículo .

Por favor, considere mejorar el artículo para abordar los problemas planteados. La eliminación {{proposed deletion/dated}}detendrá el proceso de eliminación propuesto , pero existen otros procesos de eliminación . En particular, el proceso de eliminación rápida puede resultar en la eliminación sin discusión, y los artículos para eliminación permiten que la discusión llegue a un consenso para su eliminación. — Jkudlick t c s 04:07, 30 de diciembre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Propuesta de eliminación del FK Polet Ljubić

Se ha propuesto eliminar el artículo FK Polet Ljubić debido a la siguiente preocupación:

No parece cumplir con WP:FOOTYN o WP:N .

Si bien se agradecen todas las contribuciones constructivas a Wikipedia, el contenido o los artículos pueden eliminarse por varias razones .

Puede evitar la eliminación propuesta eliminando el {{proposed deletion/dated}}aviso, pero explique por qué en el resumen de su edición o en la página de discusión del artículo .

Por favor, considere mejorar el artículo para abordar los problemas planteados. La eliminación {{proposed deletion/dated}}detendrá el proceso de eliminación propuesto , pero existen otros procesos de eliminación . En particular, el proceso de eliminación rápida puede resultar en la eliminación sin discusión, y los artículos para eliminación permiten que la discusión llegue a un consenso para su eliminación. — Jkudlick t c s 08:30, 30 de diciembre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Eliminación rápidanominación del FK Solunac Rastina

Si este es el primer artículo que ha creado, es posible que desee leer la guía para escribir su primer artículo .

Quizás quieras considerar usar el Asistente de artículos para ayudarte a crear artículos.

Se ha colocado una etiqueta en FK Solunac Rastina solicitando que se elimine rápidamente de Wikipedia. Esto se ha hecho bajo la sección A7 de los criterios para la eliminación rápida , porque el artículo parece ser sobre una organización o empresa, pero no indica cómo o por qué el tema es importante o significativo: es decir, por qué un artículo sobre ese tema debería incluirse en una enciclopedia. Bajo los criterios para la eliminación rápida , dichos artículos pueden eliminarse en cualquier momento. Lea más sobre lo que generalmente se acepta como notable .

Si cree que esta página no debería eliminarse por este motivo, puede impugnar la nominación visitando la página y haciendo clic en el botón "Haga clic aquí para impugnar esta eliminación rápida". Esto le dará la oportunidad de explicar por qué cree que la página no debería eliminarse. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que una vez que una página esté etiquetada para eliminación rápida, puede eliminarse sin demora. No elimine usted mismo la etiqueta de eliminación rápida de la página, pero no dude en agregar información de acuerdo con las políticas y pautas de Wikipedia . Si se elimina la página y desea recuperar el material eliminado para referencia o mejora futura, comuníquese con el administrador que la eliminó o, si ya lo ha hecho, puede presentar una solicitud aquí . — Jkudlick t c s 09:30, 30 de diciembre de 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]


Kosovo en los Juegos Olímpicos (parte 2)

Majlinda Kelmendi es una atleta kosovar que participó bajo la bandera albanesa en 2012, por lo que la bandera de Albania permanece en el cuadro de información. Si decides revertir las modificaciones, lo reportaré como una resolución de disputa de Wikipedia. Kosovo participará como país independiente en los Juegos de Río 2016, por lo que su historia está escrita a continuación en 'Otras apariciones'. Saludos. -- PjeterPeter ( discusión ) 17:27 2 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Kelmendi participó por voluntad propia bajo la bandera de Albania. Pero NO ESTAMOS agregando todas las banderas de todos los atletas que deciden por su cuenta participar por algún otro país, como una "participación relacionada" de todo un país. Numerosos kenianos compiten en los Juegos Olímpicos por otras naciones, y eso no hace que esos países sean "participaciones relacionadas" de Kenia. Las participaciones relacionadas son para los países en los que los atletas compitieron oficialmente en las eliminatorias. Los equipos de Kosovo no participaron en las eliminatorias de Albania para los Juegos Olímpicos. No entiendes lo que es una "participación relacionada". FkpCascais (discusión)


Recientemente estuve haciendo más limpieza de las ediciones de Zombie433 y me encontré con este comentario tuyo. Como nadie parece haberle dado seguimiento, pensé que lo haría. En este punto, estoy bastante convencido de que este usuario no es Zombie433. Esto se basa principalmente en el tema de los artículos editados. Zombie no tenía el mismo enfoque singular en el fútbol de Malasia que Faisalamries. Además, Zombie nunca fue tan persistente en restablecer las ediciones falsas. (Así es como se las arreglaron para salirse con la suya durante tanto tiempo). Pensé en avisarte. Saludos. Sir Sputnik ( discusión ) 01:23, 4 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias , señor Sputnik . Yo mismo me di cuenta más tarde de la atención que Faisalamries le prestaba al fútbol malasio y empecé a tener dudas de que pudiera tratarse de un zombi, aunque ya no hice más comentarios en el hilo. Espero que hayas pasado unas buenas vacaciones. Un cordial saludo. FkpCascais (discusión) 04:15 4 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Keisuke Ogawa

Supongo que sacaste información sobre Ogawa jugando para el FK Liepāja de Instat football de la Liga Superior de Letonia, pero cometieron un error. El único jugador japonés que jugó para el FK Liepāja en 2014 fue Keisuke Hoshino . Ogawa estuvo en Letonia en 2013 mientras jugaba para el FC Jūrmala, pero nunca regresó desde entonces. Consulta Soccerway, Transfermarkt o cualquier otra fuente de estadísticas para obtener evidencia. ¡Saludos y mejores saludos!

-- LatvianFootball ( discusión ) 21:10 5 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

LatvianFootball , ¿buscas Soccerway? Sí, lo he comprobado. ¿Lo has comprobado? Dicen claramente que jugó un partido con el FK Leipaja el 29-3-2014 contra el BFC Daugavpils. FkpCascais (discusión) 19:58 5 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Precisión de Keisuke Ogawa

Se refiere a Keisuke Hoshino , no a Ogawa. Soccerway ha cometido un error siguiendo Instat. Consulta la plantilla del FK Liepāja para la temporada 2014 en el sitio web de la Federación Letona de Fútbol . Ogawa nunca estuvo allí, Hoshino sí. (¡También vi el partido para tener una doble prueba!) :)

-- LatvianFootball ( discusión ) 22:37 6 ene 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Kosovo en los Juegos Olímpicos

Dejemos las cosas claras:

Ahora puedo asumir tu decisión, pero piénsalo dos veces: se trata de los atletas, no de los países. Albania se queda... Serbia también. Saludos. -- PjeterPeter ( discusión ) 21:29 6 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Si vuelves a escribir, te pediré que lo bloquees. No se ha acordado tu edición, estás en guerra de ediciones, estoy harto. Si sigues en guerra de ediciones, te denunciaré en ANI. Por favor, busca una resolución de disputas o 3OP si estás tan convencido de tus argumentos. FkpCascais (discusión) 23:05 6 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Razones por las que la bandera albanesa debe estar en el infobox

Si te perdiste mi respuesta, la copiaré aquí, sólo para ti.

Albania debería incluirse en el cuadro de información por las siguientes razones:
  1. Tras la independencia de Kosovo y la resistencia del COI a reconocerlo, los atletas nacidos allí decidieron participar bajo las banderas de Serbia y Albania. Por lo tanto, si la bandera serbia permanece en la bandeja de entrada, también debería estar la albanesa, ya que esas fueron las apariciones oficiales de los atletas de Kosovo (y no olvidemos que la regla básica de los Juegos Olímpicos es que la competición se centra en los atletas, no en sus países de origen).
  2. Si se elimina la bandera albanesa del cuadro de información, porque *aparentemente* no se pueden agregar los países elegidos personalmente por los atletas, entonces también se debería eliminar a Serbia, porque de facto Kosovo no era parte de Serbia desde febrero de 2008 (antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de 2008).
  3. Este caso es similar al de la aparición del Equipo Olímpico Independiente . Básicamente, si los atletas de un país no pueden participar por su país (como los atletas kosovares por Kosovo), participan bajo OTRA bandera, en este caso la del Equipo Olímpico Independiente; y si la bandera del Equipo Olímpico Independiente se agrega al cuadro de información, también debería hacerlo la de Albania.
Esta explicación es suficiente para alguien que lo entienda. -- PjeterPeter ( discusión ) 15:30 20 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No me perdí tu respuesta, eres tú el que no entiende qué son las "participaciones relacionadas". No, NO vamos a añadir las elecciones personales de los atletas de otra manera porque eso NO es lo que son las "participaciones relacionadas". Las participaciones relacionadas son los COI a los que pertenecía el territorio. El territorio de Kosovo perteneció olímpicamente a los países mencionados EXCEPTO Albania. Estoy esperando una razón y te denuncio, estoy harto. FkpCascais (discusión) 15:35 20 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Y no borréis las discusiones anteriores! FkpCascais (discusión) 15:37 20 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
FkpCascais Adelante. Y tu versión parece que ni siquiera se ha tenido en cuenta. Entonces, ¿lo que estás diciendo es que no se debería añadir la bandera albanesa porque Kosovo no pertenecía a Albania? Bueno, en efecto, Kosovo no pertenecía a Albania, pero ¿pertenecía Kosovo a la bandera del COI? ¿Era Kosovo parte de un país del COI? ¡NO! Fue porque a Kosovo no se le permitió participar (ni a otros países, ni a la República Federativa de Yugoslavia) y participaron bajo la bandera de los Juegos Olímpicos, porque se trata de los ATLETAS. Así que si estás eliminando a Albania, básicamente estás eliminando también la bandera del COI, porque, aparentemente, Kosovo era parte de un país del COI. Qué ideología, ni siquiera puedo encontrar una palabra sarcástica adecuada para describir tu asqueroso nacionalismo. -- PjeterPeter ( discusión ) 15:43, 20 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

El peso de las cadenas 2

Quizás te interese echar un vistazo a esta discusión sobre The Weight of Chains 2. -- UrbanVillager ( discusión ) 01:00, 21 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Plantilla:Infobox Juegos Olímpicos de Kosovo

Protegido durante un mes. CambridgeBayWeather , Uqaqtuq (discusión) , Sunasuttuq 06:37 21 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Muchas gracias CambridgeBayWeather . Intentaré discutirlo con él, ya empezamos en la página de discusión. Pero si no alcanzamos un consenso, seguramente volverá a insertar la edición unos días después de que expire la protección, como siempre hizo, así que tendré que pensar en alguna forma de resolución de disputas que pueda ser adecuada para este caso (por ejemplo, DR, 3O...). Ya llevamos meses dándole vueltas a esto. Saludos cordiales, FkpCascais (discusión) 14:46 21 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Respecto a todo el asunto del patriarcado

En resumen, el Metropolitano de Karlovci fue declarado "Patriarca de Serbia" en 1848 por la Asamblea de Mayo, sin que nadie lo reconociera, ni siquiera el Metropolitano de Belgrado. En lo que se refiere al Patriarcado Ecuménico, Josif Rajačić era todavía sólo el Metropolitano del Metropolitano de Karlovci, bajo la autoridad directa del Patriarca Ecuménico. No creo que ni siquiera el Emperador (de quien era barón) lo reconociera como tal, ya que era muy católico.

Pero lo que me molesta (ahora que me han insistido en esto) es que el nombre mismo de " Patriarcado de Karlovci " no tiene ningún sentido fundamental. No se puede ser el "patriarca" de Srijemski Karlovci :). Sólo se puede ser " Patrijarh srpski ", y por lo que sé, así es como se llamaban a sí mismos los metropolitanos de Karlovci después de 1848. No "Patriarca de Karlovci".

También estoy razonablemente seguro de que la Iglesia Ortodoxa Serbia actual no reconoce a los "patriarcas" de Karlovci como tales. Son perfectamente legítimos y mantienen buenas relaciones con el Patriarcado Ecuménico (a diferencia de otras iglesias ortodoxas), y estoy seguro de que nunca insistirían en la legalidad de algo con lo que el Patriarcado Ecuménico nunca puede estar de acuerdo. Y no pueden, ya que ello socavaría fundamentalmente su posición como los únicos que pueden conceder la autocefalia...

¿Me estoy perdiendo algo? ¿En qué se basa la afirmación de que la Iglesia Ortodoxa Serbia existía en esa época? ¿Se trata únicamente de la declaración de la Asamblea de Mayo? -- Director ( discusión ) 14:25 21 enero 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Estamos seguros de que pertenecía a la metrópoli de Karlovci? ¿O lo asumimos simplemente por el mapa de las jurisdicciones? Eso es lo que me he estado preguntando desde hace unos días. FkpCascais (discusión) 14:47 21 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, todos los sacerdotes ortodoxos del rito serbio en el Imperio austríaco pertenecían al Metropolitano de Karlovci en la Voivodina serbia, eso es de conocimiento público... ¿A quién más podrían pertenecer? -- Director ( discusión ) 14:55 21 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No lo sé. Estoy hablando de esto contigo. ¿No es posible que el Metropolita de Belgrado lo haya enviado a Smiljan? FkpCascais (discusión) 14:59 21 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No, en absoluto. Pongamos estas cosas en contexto: estamos hablando del Imperio austríaco, hace 160 años. No permitieron que la metrópoli de Belgrado, controlada por los turcos (o peor aún, la metrópoli de Cetinje, dominada por los rusos) enviara sacerdotes a su frontera militar y les permitiera ejercer cargos allí... Especialmente Milutin Tesla, que era claramente un hombre destacado en su comunidad y disfrutaba de los beneficios de estar bien situado en el sistema burocrático, como enviar a su hijo a buenas escuelas. Quiero decir, miren su foto, tiene una bonita medalla del Imperio y todo eso.
Propuesta de fusión en la metrópoli de Karlovci . -- Director ( discusión ) 15:09 21 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]


Da li znaš gde bih mogao da iskopam neke izveštaje iz sezone 2010/11 albanske 2. lige? Setih se Marka Mijatovića, igrao je za Slogu jedne sezone, pa mi je palo napamet da mu napišem stranu, ali mi zato treba potvrda da se našao na terenu bar na jednoj utakmici. Koliko sam ispratio ta liga je full-pro. ¡Hvala desprevenido! Lotom ( discusión ) 20:50, 26 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Nisam siguran je li mogu da ti pomognem jer ti albanci nemaju ništa dobre sajtove. Za albansku ligu koristim isključivo soccerway a ima koji znam da donekle ima neke sezone, pogledaću dal ga imaju negde. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:31, 26 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Mrka kapa, nemaju ga niti Lushnju te sezone. FkpCascais (discusión) 21:35, 26 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ respuesta ]


Y aquí está el editor antiserbio Boby Rainer :) Me preguntaba cuándo ibas a empezar a hacer guerras de ediciones aquí.
—  Usuario:FkpCascais 21:30, 21 de enero de 2015

Y recuerda, comenta sobre el contenido, no sobre los colaboradores.
—  Usuario:FkpCascais 21:39, 21 de enero de 2015

En el futuro, sería útil que siguieras los estándares que esperas que sigan los demás. bobrayner ( discusión ) 21:52 27 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

No te quejes de recibir estos comentarios después de llamarme tendencioso sin razón alguna. FkpCascais (discusión) 01:57 28 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Jajajajaja :) Reemplazas una fuente académica con hechos por un artículo delirante de Noel Malcolm (diff). ¿Por qué usas tanto a Malcolm? ¿Es porque sólo él hace afirmaciones tan locas? The Guardian debería tener mucho cuidado de no bajar tanto su nivel y publicar basura tan delirante. Honestamente... FkpCascais (discusión) 03:12 28 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola! ¿Puedes corregir la traducción oculta en Ana Simonović y mejorarla?♦ Dr. Blofeld 10:40, 28 de enero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Claro, pero ¿dónde está la fuente? FkpCascais (discusión) 00:58 29 ene 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Miroslav Vulićević (sobreenlace)

No es mi problema que no conozcas WP:OVERLINK . Tu respuesta fue considerada vandalismo. SLBedit ( discusión ) 18:45 6 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Conozco muy bien Overlink :) Incluso contribuí a la formulación de esa política hace años... -_- . FkpCascais (discusión) 18:50 6 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
"Escucha". No me importas , me importa Wikipedia. Lo expliqué en el resumen de la edición: lo que mencionas es WP:REPEATLINK .
Según WP:OVERLINK: "Lo que en general no debería vincularse" son "los nombres de las principales características geográficas y lugares". Tienes una relación con Serbia y dices ser un seguidor del Sporting de Lisboa. Es curioso. SLBedit ( discusión ) 18:58 6 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
No importa si eres un vándalo o no. Yo creo que no lo eres. Esa reversión puede considerarse vandalismo. SLBedit ( discusión ) 19:01 6 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, soy serbio y vivo en Cascais desde finales de los 80 :D. Te lo expliqué en tu página de discusión. Veo el caso de Cristiano Ronaldo. Volveré a hablar de ello hasta que lo aclare. FkpCascais (discusión) 19:03 6 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bien, porque iba a denunciarte por advertencia de edición. Espero que no llames a alguien relacionado con Serbia. :) SLBedit ( discusión ) 19:06 6 feb 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]
I will open a discussion about it and let you know. It really is not that important one article, the Vulićević one, but for instance, Adolf Hitler is a GA article, and has obviously one link to his nationality. So you are saying we should remove the links from Austria and Germans at the opening paragraph of his article? FkpCascais (talk) 19:08, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Why not? SLBedit (talk) 19:20, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I challenge you to do that and see the discussion which will happened :D ... But talking seriously, I do think that each biography should have one link to the country of birth. One of course, not more. FkpCascais (talk) 19:35, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I found that the IP is evading a block. It is a known IP troll that never signs posts. SLBedit (talk) 19:51, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Btw, Grobari and Juve Leo have one of the oldest friendships in Europe. :) You guys made friendship with Torcida of Hajduk Split, yeah, they are ok... FkpCascais (talk) 19:17, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
You mean No Name Boys. SLBedit (talk) 19:20, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Exactly. But the friendship between Partizan and Sporting goes beyond the fans, the direction boards are also allways present whenever there is some celebration and so. It all started with this: Sporting e Partizan defrontaram-se há 50 anos num jogo que mudou o futebol europeu. FkpCascais (talk) 19:35, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Okay. SLBedit (talk) 19:51, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Any news? SLBedit (talk) 21:20, 7 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Is this talk page deletion okay? Shouldn't IP keep it? SLBedit (talk) 19:23, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I don't see any reason for removing that comment. Comments should be removed only when trolling, clear vandalism or WP:NOTAFORUM but that question seems legit. FkpCascais (talk) 19:37, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Oh but it was him himself removing his own question... and no one got to answer. No problem then. FkpCascais (talk) 19:39, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

WW2 is indeed complex

Thanks for reaching an agreement even-though with doubts, I think it is normal to have doubts on WW2 because it is a mix of politics, war and history.

Of course, Albania is a small country and its contribution is modest and cannot be compared with Soviet Union or USA, but on the other hand I have also doubts that some countries listed as Allies, such as Luxemburg, Norway or Belgium or Czechoslovakia gave more resistance to the Axis than Albania :)

Your point that the partisans of Albania had very good relations with the Yugoslav partisans is correct. For example, in the establishment of the Communist Party of Albania there were two emissaries from the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Dusan Mugosa and Miladin Popovic. Yugoslavia was the first country to recognize the new republic of Albania after the war and Yugoslavia helped Albania during the Peace Treaty. In addition they an signed economic agreement on common borders with Albania. However in 1949 the relations between Yugoslavia and Soviet Union worsened and the Albanian government sided with the Soviets. LupinoJacky (talk) 20:27, 7 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I always wanted to expand the article Albanian resistance during World War II but never found proper time to dedicate myself to it. I understand the situation in Albania and among Albanians generally regarding WWII. For instance, even Balli Kombëtar had a dual role in the conflict. However, many Albanians welcomed the Axis. The new borders which included an expanded Albania obviously won many Albanians to their side. It is natural. Many Albanians actively participated in armed actions in Yugoslavia against forces which were Allied. This fact obviously puts in shadow Albanian resistance and doesn't allow us in adding Albania as Allied nation as undisputed fact. I support you if everything is neutrally presented and sourced. Initially I got the impression that you were cherry-picking the sources, but it is OK, since you wanted to make a point (and you did canvass many people to participate in the discussion lol, but even that is OK, you are new here and I agree that as much people can participate, the better). I apologise for not having been able to promptly provide you sources for my claims, but these days my time is a bit limited. Lets see what other editors have to say. I will keep an eye on the article and discussions whenever I can. Hope it all turns well. FkpCascais (talk) 20:58, 7 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sure there were individual that liked Axis ideas, but they were not a majority. Pro-Axis individuals existed in all states, including USA, Soviet Union. There was even an army of Russians that fought for Axis Russian Liberation Army. However, the vast majority of Albanian people united under the communist partisans, against the Axis. That is verifiable by the number of soldiers in the Albanian National Liberation, compared to other formations. And also the elections post-war that were won by a majority by the communists prove that they had the support of the majority of Albanians. The same case might not have been in Kosovo, Albanians there might have been more in favor of Axis because of the German propaganda on uniting Albania with Kosovo. We should not mix the Albanians in Kosovo with the Albanians in Albania during WW2, since they belong to different countries. I doubt that for political reasons some neighboring countries (e.g. Greece) emphasized the Albanian pro-Axis collaboration, in order to use that as an excuse for territorial claims. In that respect, they tried to shadow the pro-Ally contribution of Albania. For instance, Greece used WW2 and Albanian collaborators as an excuse to mass deport Albanians living in Northern Greece (Cham population), and to request that the south of Albania be attached to Greece. But this is politics and we better focus only on the facts of the war. Honestly, I got a bit tired of all this. On one hand, it is nice to make a point, on the other hand it is exhausting :) LupinoJacky (talk) 22:06, 7 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry. At time I answered you here I was unaware that now you even deny Albania was part of the Axis. Yes, Albania was an Allied country and had nothing to do with Axis, oh it was occupied... come on. So how then Albanians occupied and fought against Yugoslav Allied forces during the war? Sorry, you went too far. I had good faith, but the fact is that even the argument of Albania participating in the Paris Conference and thus being somehow Allied is very weak. FkpCascais (talk) 22:17, 9 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
According to the ideas of LJ even Germany and Italy would be classified as Allies. The Banner talk 16:36, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed. Unfortunately seems that we are facing users that have a clear agenda and are capable of doing everything in order to archive it. They don't care about sources, they just care convincing everyone their true is the right one. Not sure where this is going nor how it will end but is becoming extremely frustrating and a waste of energy and time. Unfortunately there are not more editors wanting to get involved. FkpCascais (talk) 17:57, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Perhaps we should do what they threatened to do: bring this to AN/I. Or would there be any standing order from the ArbCom suitable for this case? The Banner talk 21:48, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Wish I knew. At least they are not edit warring anymore. Lets see what will happened next days. FkpCascais (talk) 02:43, 12 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed, LJ nailed himself by escalating that. Now let see what is going to happen with mr. G. I expect a quite retreat out of the limelight. The Banner talk 10:29, 14 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I just hope they don't edit-war. It was great that actually some admins had the time and patience to see what was happening and intervene, because, as you well know, often cases such as this end up being misinterpreted as legit content disputes. It was clear vandalism actually, they just repeated the same argument over and over again, and did you noticed how they lied without any shame how all other editors agreed with them, oh lord... I just don't understand why Vanjagenije insists so much in wanting to save LJ, I guess he just came near the end and didn't had a full vision of all that happened during this discussions. FkpCascais (talk) 02:10, 15 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sigh, now QTeuta starts the whole mess once again. The Banner talk 00:11, 16 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
User:The Banner, I wasn't around for a few hours and just returned and saw how one admin closed the thread thinking that it is content dispute... That really sucks regarding Wikipedia, admins often don't have time to analise everything and just go by the easiest solution. Many editors got banned for quite less of what QTeuta did and I saw many cases of admins being quite harsh on editors that refuse to drop the matters. At least if he stays away from actually editing the articles, and keeps on just writing the same old story just in the talk pages, then he doesn't create that much disruption. But if he does make changes to the article similar to the ones which got LJ blocked for, we can maybe talk to the admin who imposed the sanction to LJ and make a parallel between the two. Without any new sources, QTeuta should not touch the articles as clearly all of us editors that participated in the discussions disagreed with him, so we can firmly say that there is a consensus against them (the only editors agreeing with them were the 3 Albanian new editors LJ, QTeuta and Gjirokastra15). Also, this comment LJ made regarding me actually makes me believe he already used sockpuppets before as those discussions happened quite some time ago and how could he knew about them in any different way if not directly involved under another account? He went trough my contributions? Naaah, he would have needed to go duzens of pages back in my contributions digging to get there and spend much time, doubt it. PS: Their attitude and their way of discussing and dealing with opposing editors in discussions was really what got me most into this, the level of manipulation and arrogance is unbelievable. FkpCascais (talk) 02:46, 16 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I already did that: User_talk:Nick-D#Albania. We have no choice than to wait and see. The Banner talk 09:39, 16 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]


It may be a good idea to update pictures. The main picture should be some purebred dog, dog show champion or similar. I'm not sure if the dog on picture (inside the infobox) is a purebred at all. Next, it may be a good idea to include some picture of Yugoslav military dogs. Yugoslav army bred more dogs than all other breeders together. I provided some URLs (check talk page for Sharplaninac). Re picture for infobox, there is a photo at Macedonian Wikipedia:Шарпланинец#mediaviewer/File:Sharplaninec_22.jpg The dog at Serbian Wikipedia is also a purebred one - I don't have time and knowledge to play with pictures and Wikipedia licensing issues, so your help would be appreciated. Thank you! --N Jordan (talk) 07:38, 15 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I fully support your edits there. However, unfortunately I also don't have any knolledge in bringing pics here. I never even tried to upload any exactly because of the same reasons you mentioned, the copyrights, licensing and that. Lately regarding pictures all I did was to explore the categories of the already existing pictures on commons and choose the best and more appropriate ones (I did it with airlines and planes, in this case of the Sharplaninac it would correspond to this one FkpCascais (talk) 19:09, 15 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
How to link pictures from other Wikipedia projects. E.g. there is a picture on Macedonian Wikipedia but I don't know how to show that picture on English wiki. I checked, some people simply scan pictures from the magazines and declare them as their own work. E.g. and Jordan (talk) 19:45, 15 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I also wanted to use pictures from other Wikipedias but I noticed it was not possible to link them directly, so I gave up, I really don't know if it is possible to bring them here to I am really a zero regarding pictures, all I know is how to use the available ones. FkpCascais (talk) 19:51, 15 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Martin Hristov (footballer, born 1997):

I was not asking to delete the article for notability but for the fact that it is a duplicate article. Here: Hristov Martin. Wgolf (talk) 23:04, 21 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Wgolf you were absolutely right. I was editing in a rush and I assumed it was because of notability that the deletion tag was there, and only after I noticed that there was already another article on the same player. I ended up making a redirect when noticed the mistake I did, but it is really better to delete it s you initially proposed. I apologise for my mistakes there. FkpCascais (talk) 23:48, 21 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
No problem. And well as for the AFD-the problem was the article was made before the guy did anything basically. Wgolf (talk) 23:49, 21 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, the player in question, Martin Hristov, actually only today got his first appearance in a professional league which makes him now pass notability. So the article Martin Hristov (footballer, born in 1997) can stay, while the other redirects I created from the article you proposed for deletion should go. Perhaps could even be speedy deleted. FkpCascais (talk) 00:00, 22 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Footballer naming conventions

This is an incorrect move, the correct format is John Smith (footballer, born 19xx) not John Smith (footballer born 19xx), please see WP:NCDAB. GiantSnowman 09:04, 22 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I know that User:GiantSnowman, but at time I tried to move it to a name with comma and it gave me a message that it was impossible because there was already another article at that title. At that time I didn't knew about the existence of the other article about the same player, so I ended up removing the comma so I could do the renaming, and only afterwords I saw the other article. It was a mess but now it is all fixed I think. Best regards GS. FkpCascais (talk) 15:34, 22 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
In cases where you need to move over a redirect tag with WP:G6. GiantSnowman 15:43, 22 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

List of Presidents of Croatia ANI discussion

Icono de información There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. --Joy [shallot] (talk) 12:28, 22 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ABA Liga Category

Hi! I'm just dropping by to let you know about the new user category I think you might be interested in joining, ABA Liga supporters. Keep up the good work with your basketball-related contributions! --OxymoronNBG (talk) 21:42, 23 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Many thanks OxymoronNBG! I created as well some userboxes, they are on my user page in the articles I created section. Best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 23:06, 23 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Izvini što ti se ovako lično obraćam, ali moram radi same Wiki. Na tvom FB profilu sam ti poslao poruku oko Wiki šta mi možeš pomoći, samo uđi i pročitaj jer sam ti tamo detaljno opisao šta i kako. Nn94 14 (talk) 18:50, 25 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Napravi ga ponovo ovde: User:Nn94 14/Sandbox1. Najvažnije je da ga kompletiraš i da imaš informaciju i vanjski izvor gde potvrdjuje da je igrala za reprezentaciju. FkpCascais (talk) 02:48, 26 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Generalno problem je taj što ima stvari koje ovde na engleskoj Vikipediji nepostoje što otežava rad nama korisnicima koji uređujemo, a i generalno ta činjenica svima koji koriste Vikipediju predstavlja nepreglednost. Najmanji mi je problem da ja to odradim, ali će mi trebati vreme za to i još će mi mnogo značiti da ako ne može da mi pomogne, onda neka mi ne odmaže. Nn94 14 (talk) 16:56, 26 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Glavno su viki pravila. Članci da bi postojali treba da sadrže u njima informaciju (potvrdjenu vanjskim izvorom) prema kojoj dokazuju da taj članak treba da postoji. U slučaju ovog konkretno članka morao si da imaš podatak da je igrala za Kanadsku reprezentaciju, I vanjski izvor koji to potvrdjuje. Bez toga normalno je da ga nominuju za brisanje ili brzo brisanje, što je ovde bio slučaj. A na šta misliš kad kažeš da ima stvari kojih ovde nema na engleskoj Vikipediji? Pozdrav! FkpCascais (talk) 20:30, 26 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Ne moraš mi objašnjavati jer sam te razumeo kada si mi rekao predhodni put. Pod tim što sam rekao da ima nekih stvari koje ovde na engleskoj Viki nema sam mislio na to što neke stvari nisu urađene, a svakako bi trebalo da budu (ne mislim na pravila). Nn94 14 (talk) 21:13, 26 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

re: Award

Thank you a lot Fkp :) --Anulmanul (talk) 02:08, 26 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Armenia–Serbia relations

Can you please rate the article? It seems that I'm not allowed to do so, as I wrote it (according to Wikipedia's policies). I assume the importance for both WikiProjects (Armenian and Serbian) would be low, but as for the class (quality) of the article, I'm not sure... Thx. --Yerevani Axjik (talk) 10:41, 28 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Done. The article is really well sourced, perhaps it can even be qualified as class C or B. FkpCascais (talk) 15:20, 28 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
FkPCascais, I improved article and nominated it for GA... what do you think? Also... if you could make a map like other articles dealing with bilateral relations have? --Yerevani Axjik (talk) 14:30, 6 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
--Yerevani Axjik I apologise, I was abscent for a couple of days. I think the article is great, but unfortunately I really cant help you regarding the map :( pictures and map making is really not my area here. FkpCascais (talk) 05:54, 9 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Aleksander Jovovic

Hi! Do you know anything about the Yugoslav midfielder Aleksander Jovovic (born in 1968) that joined Djurgårdens IF in the 1997 season from OFK Belgrade and later played one season in IK Brage. When he joined Djurgården, Swedish media reported he had played for Yugoslav U18 and U21-teams and for Lyon, Waregem and Crete but not much of that is to be found on the Internet today. Smartskaft (talk) 11:11, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I will see what can I find on him and bring it here. FkpCascais (talk) 15:02, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Great! Smartskaft (talk) 21:09, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
As incredible as may seem, there is not even one Aleksandar Jovović playing in either Yugoslav First nor Second league until 1991. I am saying incredible because both, name Aleksandar (allways Aleksandar, never Aleksander) and surname Jovović are quite common, initially I even thought there may be more than one player with that name, but there is none playing first two levels till 1991 (see: here). If he was born in 1968 he probably started playing by mid-late 1980s but he didn't played in first of second league till 1991 for sure. I also have a separate list in Excel with all Yugoslav First League players from 1945 to 1991 and it confirms, no Aleksandar Jovović. There is a possibility of being named Saša Jovović, as Saša is nickname for Alekandar, but there is no Saša Jovović either.
Now I will try to see for the period after 1991... FkpCascais (talk) 23:09, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
No Jovović played any league game with OFK Beograd in the season 1996/97, see OFK Beograd website. However, they are missing data for the seasons 1994/95 and 1995/96. FkpCascais (talk) 23:16, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Interesting. Swedish media might have got some things wrong. I actually found another article saying he played for Red Star here. Thanks a lot for looking up! Smartskaft (talk) 23:21, 5 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Bio si mi napomenuo da može da se zatraži vraćanje obrisane strane... Neko se opet pravio pametan pa je brisao ponešto, konkretno Đorđe Vukobrat, a ja nemam sada statistiku da bih napisao novu stranu. Ostala su mi još dvojica iz Donjeg Srema, debitovali su u ova dva kola i ostali svi imaju strane, koji ispunjavaju uslove, naravno. Lotom (talk) 16:45, 6 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Izvini, nije me bilo ovde ovih dana, tražiću administratorima na WP:FOOTY da vrate stranicu pošto on sada prolazi WP:NOTABILITY. Pozdrav FkpCascais (talk) 05:49, 9 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Tko si ti da me upozoravaš?

Kojeg ti glumiš faktora ovdje? Upozoravam Vas da ne vandalizirate stranice! --Golden Bosnian Lily (talk) 05:46, 9 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Please speak English sir. This is en.wikipedia. FkpCascais (talk) 05:48, 9 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Đorđe Vukobrat

 Done - please expand/improve. GiantSnowman 20:39, 10 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Many many thanks GS, I will. FkpCascais (talk) 18:54, 11 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Video sam ja to pre neki dan na Transfermarktu, ali nisam siguran da je taj igrač u pitanju. Možda jeste, mada ne bih rekao. Nekako mi deluje mlađe, a i naši klubovi obično dovode mlađe strance i to uglavnom potpune anonimuse. Visina je više-manje O. K, pozicija ne govori previše, jer je ulazio u drugom poluvremenu, u Kraljevu je protiv Javora igrao kao LW, mada ga je bilo i na desnoj strani, ali u Slogi nekako sve te nove igrače izguraju na stranu. Plus, ovaj mi je nekako delovao previše plašljiv i nesiguran u nekim situacijama, mislim da bi morao da bude iskusniji, ako ima 25 godina, zato ne verujem da je taj igrač u pitanju. Neka bude onako, bez linka, lako ću da vratim, ako je stvarno on u pitanju, da ne pravimo pometnju. Isto tako, nisam siguran ni za Marića, stavio sam da je u pitanju Aleksandar, iz razloga što je igrao za Bumbarevo brdo, gde je prošle sezone igralo skoro pola ekipe Sloge, a i zato što je u igru ušao kao odbrambeni. Inače stvarno izgleda kao je '93. godište, a Ivan kako piše na sajtu PLS ima 3 banke i igra napadača. Lotom (talk) 9:28, 20 March 2015 (UTC) P. S. Taj Marić od 30 god je Dejan, ali poenta je da ne vidim ni jednog koji se uklapa u profil, sem onog Aleksandra.

OK, nema frke, znam da ti pratiš Slogu. Pozdrav! FkpCascais (talk) 23:42, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Kako sam nezvanično saznao, on ima 17,5 godina. Inače, od početka utakmice protiv Inđije cela tribina ga ismeva, tj. govori da ne zna ništa, a onda odjednom, kao grom iz vedra neba dade golčinu da ne poveruješ. Onako, mali, sitan, ali je brz i ima kakvu-takvu tehniku, svakako napreduje iz utakmice u utakmicu, a i plaši se još uvek. Verujem da od njega može da bude nešto, ako je stvarno toliko mlad. Tu su i ona druga dvojica, ali ih još uvek nema u protokolu, da li zbog setifikata, ili zbog odluke trenera, to ne znam. Ja još uvek gajim nadu da Sloga može da opstane. and

I've been removing those references because the two websites are not being mantained anymore. Why do you think they should be kept? --OxymoronNBG (talk) 17:10, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Okej, sad vidim da si mi već pisao na mom talku. Meni ne deluje da će to ponovo biti online u skorije vreme, a i kada je bilo, bilo je puno grešaka. Bolje je prosto proći kasnije kroz sve te članke i svuda lupiti generalnu soccerway ili tako neku globalnu referencu, kapiram da ću moći to da odradim 90% automatski AWB-om sledećeg vikenda. --OxymoronNBG (talk) 17:13, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Deal, neću onda dirati transfer pages za Je li okej da sklonim onda ove ili bi da i to ostane? Taj sajt je totalno mrtav, domen je expired još od 2012. --OxymoronNBG (talk) 17:20, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sa transfer lista? Onda transfer ostane unsourced. Jel možeš da staviš deadlink umesto da ga izbrišeš? (pričam samo o transfer listama, ostalo briši slobodno) FkpCascais (talk) 17:26, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Tako barem znamo da je neko od nas tada ubacio taj transfer sa tim izvorom, a ako nema izvor onda ne znamo jel možda neki klinac ubacio pogrešno :/ FkpCascais (talk) 17:27, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Kapiram te potpuno, ne diram onda transfer liste za sad nikako, a pobrisao sam sa igračkih/klupskih external links i iz introductory rečenica, prosto predstavlja beskoristan junk na tim mestima. To bi bilo to. Take care, Kaškajš! --OxymoronNBG (talk) 17:30, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Odlično, hvala ti puno. Jer smo samo nas jedno dvojica trojica koji te liste već godinama pravimo, I dogovor je da na svaki stavljamo izvor. Čim vidimo neki igrač dodat bez izvora odmah znamo da je to neko drugi ubacio I proverimo. E sad, jebiga -_- ovi naši sajtovi se pale gase, beda, ali ovako barem znamo da su tada bili sa izvorom. nam je strašno koristan, jer ne samo da ima statistiku svih igrača u našim 3 liga (superliga prva I srpske) od 2001. pa do sada, nego još I ima liste igrača timova iz srpske lige gde ubaci I pozajmice manje poznatih igrača iz naših većih klubova, inače to nema nigde drugde da se nadje jer niko ne piše specijalno članak u medijima o, recimo, nekom klincu iz Rada koji je na pozajmici u Dunavu iz Starih Banovaca... Za sada godinama nismo imali nikakve problem jer čak i kad admin srbijefudbala ugasi stare igrače mi znamo da je informacija koja je tada bila na sajtu prepisana tm igraču, a nism imali nijedan jedini slučaj da neko zloupotrebi stavi pogrešne podatke pa ubaci taj sajt kao izvor, vandali običn ne stave nikakav sajt :D ... Hvala ti NBG, tu smo šta god da treba!!! FkpCascais (talk) 17:38, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Čedomir Đoinčević

Aparentemente (e infelizmente, muito novo), este senhor faleceu. Consegues arranjar alguma coisa em sérvio para o seu artigo? Descanse em paz este simpático barbudo!

Um abraço, desejo-te tudo do melhor como sempre -- (talk) 23:15, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Calma :( nao fiques chateado, é que tenho tido uns dias caoticos na minha vida privada e se reparares pelas minhas contribuicoes, mal tenho tado presente na wiki ha ja varios dias. No dia em que me falaste nisto, dei uma vista de olhos pelos principais sites de futebol de la e nao havia nada sobre ele, vou ver melhor em outros sites. FkpCascais (talk) 17:51, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Eu e as minhas pressas... esqueço-me sempre que os outros têm vida lá fora! Sem pressas, meu caro, mas sirva este detalhe: é que de todas as ligações exteriores que constam do artigo dele, DUAS falam em falecimento, por isso pensei que não devia ser um erro (mas talvez um "site" possa ter "copiado" do outro).

Bom descanso (e boas sopas como se diz por cá), não posso assinar esta mensagem porque estou num computador mais "fraco", não sei porque é que não me deixa — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:49, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

OK, ja tive a ver imensos resultados, e nao diz ele lado nenhum que ele faleceu. Onde viste dizerem isso? Expandi o artigo com o que fui encontrando, e completei parte da carreira dele como treinador, se bem que me parece que devem faltar ainda bastante mais. FkpCascais (talk) 02:19, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Obrigado. Em relacão ao "falecimento", aparece no ZEROZERO.PT e no WORLDFOOTBALL. -- (talk) 04:14, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Meu caro Vasco, isso parece ser um erro, na prensa nao ha nada mesmo e ja vi paginas e paginas no google, o seu falecimento teria certamente mencao pelo menos nos sites relacionados com o FK Rad onde o consideram importantissimo. FkpCascais (talk) 04:44, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Muitíssimo obrigado! Apenas dei um toque no texto e apresentação das referências. Podes, por favor, e para finalizarmos por agora, pôr os títulos das referências sérvias em inglês? Tchau! -- (talk) 20:06, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Feito. Desculpa a demora. Abraco! FkpCascais (talk) 14:04, 31 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

IP vandalising

Hi! FkP, what to do if an IP vandalises and reverts edits? I believe it's the same guy we had an argument with few weeks ago... Se Bosnian independence referendum please. --Yerevani Axjik (talk) 10:48, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

А видим да можемо и на српском да разговрамо. Дакле, верујем да онај профил од раније вандализује странице под старим оптужбама за вандализам итд., шта му већ не пада на памет. Дакле, да ли постоји неки начин да се заштите странице од ИП адреса? Јасно је да се ради о истом типу. --Yerevani Axjik (talk) 10:51, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Možemo i na srpskom, mada kao preporučuju da se koristi uvek engleski da bi ostali razumeli. Nisam bio mnogo prisutan ovih dana na wiki, sad ću da vidim šta se dešavalo. FkpCascais (talk) 17:55, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Past discussions about Cyrillic script in Bosnia

Per User talk:DemirBajraktarevic#Cyrillic, I'm guessing you know where this was discussed before. Has a conclusion been reached anywhere about what scripts to use in the lead when writing about Bosnian people and places? Thanks, EdJohnston (talk) 16:54, 6 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

EdJohnston oh, by mistake I added a diff there instead of a link for the discussion. Here was the discussion: Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina#Problems_with_Cyrillic. Hope that helps. FkpCascais (talk) 17:40, 6 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Znam da geneologiju poznaješ bolje od mene, pa vidi da li možeš ovog Raphaela iz Kolubare da povežeš sa nekom nacijom. Pretpostavljam da je Brazilac, ali ko zna... Ubacio je PLS na Srbijafudbal-u, to je, otprilike to, mada je ovaj Jang možda malo i mlađi, jer sam čuo od jednog lika na stadionu da ima 17,5 godina, možda ga nisam ni razumeo dobro, ali nema ni veze, a i Kim je juče debitovao za Slogu, ali njega nije još dodao. Mislim njih kad gledaš, generalno, nama odavde svi izgledaju isto, uglavnom ih razlikuješ po frizurama i boji kose. Jang nam se predstavio u Kraljevu, Kim je sedeo na klupi protiv Kolubare, pa nisam provalio ko je, video sam još jednog ranije, ali ne znam da li je to on, ili ovaj treći. Ne znam kakvo je tvoje mišljenje, ali meni ovaj novi sistem takmičenja u JSL deluje kao teška sprdnja. Pozdrav! Lotom (talk) 22:53, 12 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ne verujem da je Raphael brazilac, oni pišu Rafael, mada retko umeju da stilizuju imena, ono kao Tiago=Thiago I ti fazoni samo da bi se razlikovali, nije nemoguće da je brazilac, ali mi više miriše da je afrikanac iz francuskog govornog područja, tipa kamerunac, oni imaju Raphael. Ali tako samo sa imenom je veoma teško da nagadjamo, moraćemo da sačekamo još koji podatak, da barem znamo prezime... FkpCascais (talk) 21:21, 12 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Titoist POV

You know the matter and can explain it in Wikipedia:Administrators noticeboard/Incidents#Manipulated and mystified sources or in talk:Josip Broz Tito#DisputeTeo Pitta (talk) 10:31, 13 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Air Serbia

I'm the one that should thank you, as you're right.--Jetstreamer Talk 00:54, 16 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I was doing the same when it gave me the edit-conflict message saying you just have done it, so no problem. I know you do a great job fighting vandalism all-around and removing loads of crap IPs add to articles, but please give them a chance when at least they do something good and don't revert instantly. Cheers :) FkpCascais (talk) 01:04, 16 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]


So why isnt Ushmm calling it by that name?--Rovoobo Talk 12:40, 18 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for April 28

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited List of foreign footballers in top leagues of former Yugoslavia, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Varteks Varaždin. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 10:16, 28 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Nikola Jakimovski

Okay, sorry for the wrong correction, I used the data from TM on those caps and goals numbers (for his clubs). But when it comes to his U21 he definitely has only 3 caps and no goals. (you can erase this message, I just wanted to apologize).

No problem at all. Transfermarkt is user-generated so it often contains more mistakes than soccerway, which confirms all games and no one can add information but the website administrators. Regarding the national team stats, I often use soccerway for recent stats (4-5 years to now) and for more complete stats, but unfortunately only lists games which are played for the U-17, U-19 and U-21 qualifiers. If you find a website that contains Macedonian U-17/19/21 stats please let me know. I appreciate a lot the great work you have been doing in expanding and updating Macedonian football. You are a great editor. Pozdrav!!! FkpCascais (talk) 17:08, 7 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Josip Broz Tito

Can you please go to the article about Tito and see what that two users are doing. They are saying that the lede is too long. xD I mean, just by looking at the lede of Churchill you can see that it is not too long. Please can you join the discussion. Tnx :) --Tuvixer (talk) 18:12, 11 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Tuvixer I will try to see what is all about, but I have been very limited with time in the last months, that is why I haven't been very active. I thanked you because you restored a part of text which mentioned the Non-aligned Movement which I think it is mostly neglected here on and which deserves mention specially at that period during Cold War when it had an interesting role in world geopolitics (as opposed to nowadays when it lost much of its purpose). However, I didn't noticed the reason why other editors removed it, seems because it is already mentioned so they think it is not worth mentioning it twice, right? Lets see if we can work out some solution that will work for all, like mentioning the Non-aligned and Tito role in them, but without repeating it twice. I will only now see what the problem is, I haven't seen yet what is the problem there, I just gave a superficial quick look. FkpCascais (talk) 21:01, 11 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Now that I have reverted them combined 3 times I can't no longer revert the article. That is possibly what they want. So tozwu has now introduced his crazy changes that have been crushed by more that two 3O. Can you please revert him? Tnx. --Tuvixer (talk) 11:53, 12 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

No Evidence

There is no evidence of what u claims about KF Trepca and FC Pristina,this is very logical propaganda of Serbian state in order to erase all the history that has to do with Kosovo-Albanians. While Serbia is trying to get all the credits that have to do with Yugoslavia,Kosovo has every right to get what belongs to her. (talk)

A creator can do whatever he wants whith his creature,we were not welcomed to play in YU league and we had to do something in order to play football as everyone in this world. (talk)
ok but u can't claim that you own our clubs, this is incorrect legally and morally. (talk)
but u have nothing to prove it,as long as they created Trepca they could have decided even to dissolve it,that doesn't mean that u could take the badge history name or anything. This is totally political situation now days created by Serbs,but have nothing to prove. As long as Situation is like this KF Trepça remains the only successor of old KF Trepça. (talk) — Preceding undated comment added 09:38, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
How can u say after 1999 albanian players decided to leave the club and found their own club. What kind of hypocrisy is this ? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Hashanialbert (talk • contribs) 12:09, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I can do the same with u but that's easiest way to solve a problem,and it's not the right way. You have not a single source. or what is that is just serbian media and nothing else.Earlier we mentioned that player left YU league in 1991 and now u are saying albanian player left the club in 1999 and decided to fourd their own team. The reality is Albanian player with the club of KF Trepca (as their creature) decided to leave YU league back in early 90s and it's doesnt matter what you did later. Trepca was from Kosovo,Kosovo is now Independent country or call it how u want.Its teams are not part of SRB league so stop talking bullshit please. FK Partizan is FK Partizan,acording to KS rules an ilegall team,and don't spread hate,propaganda because that's the only think u do when it comes to Kosovo. contribs) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Hashanialbert (talk • contribs) 12:40, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
We refused to be part of YU league not our clubs,they still remain our clubs. Ur bosnian site is just a news site doesn't prove nothing no history of the club nothing. Ur saying KF Trepca was formed in 1999 after the war when albanian left the club,this is totally lie meanwhile u said im not blind nationalist but Albanians left the YU league in early 90s not i 99. And please u must understand Albanians boycotted the league and not the club don't make such a confusion. We can agree that during 90 existed to parallel clubs because in 91 serbs created their own Trepca to play in YU league but in 2000s they marged the club with FK Partizan and now only Albanian Trepca still exists.? (talk) — Preceding undated comment added 10:25, 20 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Again ur hate over wisdom. How can u say albanian created different clubs mate. Based on what. I gave u a suggestion in order to reach an agreement otherwise we can delete the page or create parallel pages all day all season. Again you have no arguments,no refernces nothing,just crazy serbian bullshits as always. Nothing to prove. Stop editing the page please.Hashanialbert (talk) 11:19, 20 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
How can't u understand that u created KF Trepca after we took our Trepca out of YU league 1991 and that old Trepca still keep playing in an unrecognized which is absolutely irrelevant at this point.Old KF Trepca still exists.And now ur Trepca doesn't even exists Hashanialbert (talk) 12:05, 20 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Mrka kapa zasad

Kapiram da je neki nedokazan lik, a ja sad nešto ne mogu da se prepucavam... Najbolje je što se mene tiče, da uradimo neki sanbox, gde možemo da prikupimo izvore sa raznih strana, da to niko ne dira dok se ne odradi kako treba, pa onda da se sve lepo raščlani. Ovako svako radi šta mu se prohte. Mislim da nije dobro što se FK Trepča redirektuje na FK Partizan, jer se Partizan tek pre nekoliko godina fuzionisao sa Trepčom, koliko ja znam. Samo treba pronaći prave izvore. Lotom (talk) 15:29, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

User:Lotom/List of Serbian football transfers summer 2015, da pohvatamo šta možemo, dok su sveži izvori. :D. Inače i Aksentijeviću je istekao ugovor, ali da sačekamo rasplet. Lotom (talk) 21:21, 27 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Super! Eno u Žurnaalu već čitav spisak igrača koji napuštaju Jagodinu. FkpCascais (talk) 21:23, 27 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Sock puppet allegations

Please stop saying unfounded accusations about sockpupeting or I will have to report you. This is the general warning done according to wikipedia's rules. If you repeat that allegation I will report you and you will have to explain yourself. Asdisis (talk) 14:03, 2 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Please do whatever you think you should do. FkpCascais (talk) 14:31, 2 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Yes. I'm asking of you to stop with unfounded allegations. According to wikipedia's rules I should not engage you on the talk page of the article but warn you on your talk page. If you repeat allegations on talk page I can report you. Best regards. Asdisis (talk) 16:14, 2 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
User: Asdisis blocked for sockpuppetry April 2019 — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:06, 12 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Istorija srpskih klubova u evropskim takmicenjima

Da li ti možeš da napraviš neki članak tj. almanah o učestvovanjima srpskih klubova u evropskim takmičenjima ili nekog koga na vikipediji poznaješ da ga pozoveš na talk stranicama, evo kao taj članak (Croatian football clubs in European competitions). Ako je neko voljan da to napravi bio bi mu veoma zahvalan. Jolicnikola (talk) 22:29, 2 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Vladovivoda je zaista fantastično napravio taj članak. Ja već ima više od godinu dana pa sve do sada sam veoma skraćen sa vremenom, sad nema šanse da tako nešto uradim. Posao i porodica mi ostavljaju samo vremena za male ispravke ili dopune u člancima, pogledam i učestvujem uventualno u nekim diskusijama, i uvrh glave napravim možda jednom u 3 meseca neki članak nekog starog igrača ili trenera za koje znam da drugi ne znaju ništa ili možda vrlo malo o njemu (i napravim ga za 15 minuta). Nekad ranije pre dve i više godina sam imao vremena da pravim velike članke i liste, ali sad mi je to nemoguće. Od naših editora Lotom je veoma aktivan, možda bi on bio zainteresovan, u zadnje vreme je koncentrisan na sadašnje timove, igrače, transfere, ali pošto je sad pauza u sezoni, možda bi njega interesovalo malo da promeni I da uzme taj članak, ali ne znam, pitaj ga, on je odličan editor kao i ti, ako se do sada niste upoznali taman prilika. Ako niko drugi ne bude hteo, neću zaboraviti i biće mi u "Things to do". FkpCascais (talk) 00:40, 3 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Nomes de países/regiões

Meu caro, não é para me armar em espertinho, bem longe disso, é para aprender a fazer como deve ser: podes-me dizer porque é que não se pode escrever "Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" por extenso quando é o NOME do artigo? Dizes-me, na página do Čedomir Đoinčević (que não reverti, fica descansado) que "não escrevemos Republic of Portugal, pois não?". Pois não, porque "Republic of Portugal" NÃO É o nome de nenhum artigo na WP. Quando este gajo (e tantos tantos outros) jogavam à bola, o país não se chamava "República Federal Socialista da Jugoslávia"? E continua uma grande confusão - para mim, pelo menos - a diferença entre "SFR Yugoslavia" e "Yugoslavia", mas como a última começa em 1918 e vai até 2003 (a Sérvia juntamente com o Montenegro se não estou errado), o mais correcto será pôr o "SFR", não percebo é porque é que não pode ser em extenso.

Um abraço, boa semana -- (talk) 00:03, 8 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

É que na realidade devia dizer so "Yugoslavia" mas para diferenciarmos as 3 (a Kingdom, SFR e FR) opa usamos esses "aditivos" que na realidade sao vastamente usados dessa mesma forma em outros artigos como os de historia por exemplo. So que é completamente descabido usarmos os nomes por extensor porque afinal de contas o que interessa é so a Jugoslavia. A ideia é dar uma ideia imediata ao leitor de onde o jogador nasceu (como por exemplo em EEUU seria "Dallas, Texas, Unites states" ou na Uniao Sovietica "Moscow, Russian SSR, Soviet Union". Nao vale a pena ocupar 2 linhas com isso se existe uma forma abreviada vastamente utilizada para o fazer, o que aconteceria no caso de "Banja Luka, Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia" opa "Banja Luka, SR Bosnia and Herzegovina, SFR Yugoslavia" é bem mais esclarecedor.
Eu sei a tua regra combinada de usar tudo por extenso no texto, mas acho que estas a esquecer que essa regra nao esta escrita em lado nenhum, foi so mesmo tua. Eu concordei quanto a clubes, mas estas unidades de regioes e paises sao totalmente desnecessarias. FkpCascais (talk) 01:13, 8 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Football matter

Hi FkpCascais. I see you are devoted to football and that is great, not my strongest point though (mine is volleyball and to a lesser extent basketball). Either way, this is about Montenegrin player Milorad Peković. On the article his international career is presented as ongoing, whereas on the Montenegro national football team page, it appears his number for caps is dated at 2013, clearly he hasn't played internationally since then. I know he is an active player and there is nothing in the lede about him having retired internationally, do you know any more about this jigsaw piece? -- (talk) 06:28, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I will update if I find anything. Usually at WP:FOOTY there is an agreement not to close the national team years unless the player has retired or hasn't played for some amount of time. He has last played for Montenegro in 2013, so it is not that much time (I have seen player having 4-5 years intervals in the national team without retiring). Seems everything is fine in the article. FkpCascais (talk) 14:25, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Poziv za uređivanjem Vikipedije

Mnogo hvala na pozivu, ali sam sam tu prisutan već dosta vremena, samo nisam radio akaunt. Eh da, šta se tiče pozdrava Bog Pomaže, ja znam da se ne koristi, ali je lep tradicionalni pozdrav. Niti ja ga ne koristim u normalnom govoru, ali znam ponekad ovako kada preko foruma pišem. (talk) 00:02, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Jeste, lep je tradicionalan pozdrav. Samo što vam ja nisam poverovao da ste srbin iz Hrvatske zbog nekih stvari što ste rekli koje jasno da većina srba nikad ne bi rekli. Možda imate neko mešano korenje, ali ste definitivno jasno hrvatski opredeljeni. Recimo, primer je bio kad ste rekli da da nije bilo Prvog Svetskog Rata da bi Hrvatska verovatno obuhvatala Vojnu Krajinu i Bosnu a jasno je da su upravo srbi iz Hrvatske i Bosne gajili nadu prvenstveno pripajanju Srbiji, ili nekom načinu autonomije unutar Austro-Ugarske tipa Vojvodina što je imala neko vreme, ali nikako pripajanje Hrvatskoj. Ali meni nije uopšte problem ničija nacionalnost. Odrastao sam u ambijentu gde sam učio po medjunardnim školama, radio sa ljudima iz raznih zemalja, ceo žvot mi je vezan za rad i druženje sa ljudima svih nacionalnosti. Vidim da ste čitali diskusije oko Tesle u kojima sam učestvovao, i optuživan sam za anti-Hrvatstvo, ali to nije tačno. Ti editori žele da stave Hrvatsku u sam početak članka da bi na taj način izjednačili Srbiju i Hrvatsku što se predstavljanja Tesle tiče (to je Asdisis priznao, baš ovim rečima, i onim Teslinim rečima da se "jednako ponosi"), i tome se jasno protivim, naročito načinom na koji su to hteli da urade. Znate verovatno koliko je Kralj Aleksandar bio nepopularan u Hrvatskoj (delom sa pravom, ja lično mislim da Hrvatska tada nije trebala da ulazi u SHS nego je trebala da postane nezavisna, i naravno da je većina hrvatskog naroda bila nezadovoljna kad je shvatila da jedino što se promenilo je to da je glavni grad sad bio Beograd a ne Beč i to je izazvalo veliku razočarenje medju hrvatima, nema dileme). Ali sama činjenica da je Tesla pisao o Kralju Aleksandru onako pozivno i hvalio srpsku hrabrost i borbu, sve kažu. Da li se slažete da je rečenica "Isto ponosan u srpski narod i Hrvatsku domovinu" tako sama u stvari izvadjena iz konteksta? Problem su argumenti i ponašanje onim učesnika, ja moram iskreno da kažem da se radi o pametnim tinejdžerima. FkpCascais (talk) 02:58, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Ja sam Jugoslavenski opredeljen. Ja sam malo čitao diskusije oko Nikole Tesle, jer moji dolaze iz Like, ali nisam hteo da učestvujem na onaj način. Baš zato što sam Jugoslavenski opredeljen. Ja nemam ništa protiv sadašnjeg stanja, samo sam hteo da kažem da je politička situacija oko Vojne Krajine bila složena te da nije na nama da ju rešavamo. Dovoljno je napisati da je Tesla rodom iz Austrijskog Carstva, što se mene tiče. Jer to je skladno onome kako funkcioniše Vikipedija. Ja inače osobno smatram da je Tesli kao Jugoslavenu bila podjednako važna i Srbija i Hrvatska, a tako jest i meni. Jeste kralj bio nepopularan, ali Tesla to nije tako shvaćao. On u pismu nije isticao niti jedan narod protiv drugog, nego je napisao da će kraj dugo živjeti u sjećanju svojih ljudi. On je u pismu upravo branio Jugoslavene od onoga kako su mediji u Americi prikazivali njih, kao narod koji se raspada zbog nacionalnih tenzija. Tako sam ja to shvatio jer sam i sam Jugoslaven kao i Tesla. Meni su također podjednako važni i Srbi i Hrvati, jer ja sam kao Jugoslaven oboje. Ova zadnja izjava jest poznata Teslina izjava, ali ne znam o kakvom kontekstu se radi pošto je došla iz njegovog telegrama. Nije uz nju nikakvog drugog teksta bilo. Bog pomaže FkpCascais. (talk) 12:01, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Da, pardon, on je to rekao u telegramu Mačeku (imate kopije telegram na Teslinoj strani na hrvatskoj vikipediji), a u pismu Tajmsu je rekao da je rodjen u Hrvatskoj. U to vreme u svetu se lose pisalo o Jugoslaviji jer su hrvati i neki svetski intelektualci poput Ajnštajna pisali kako hrvati lose žive u novoj kraljevini jer srbi imaju dominantnu ulogu a hrvati su ugnjetavani u toj kraljevini. Tako da je konflikt bio izmedju biranja Hrvatske i većih prava Hrvatima, ili Kralja i da nastavi sve da bude kao do tada. Jasno da Tesla pokušava da smiri strasti i tenzije ali je to pisao kao odgovor tim kritikama. Zato hvali srbe i nekako kao da u pismu smatra da hrvati treba da budu zahvalni srbima. I podržava kralja, dok su recimo u to vreme većina hrvata ga mrzeli ili barem kritikovali, jer on je upravo predstavljao srpski nacionalizam i srpku dominaciju u Jugoslaviji. Realno čitajući to pismo ostajem sa utiskom da on govoreći da je rodjen u Hrvatskoj želi više da istakne kako u Hrvatskoj ima i onih koji vole srbe i brane kralja, nego što je imao zaista nameru da kaže da je hrvat. Margaret Čenej u njenoj njizi takodje govori u ovom tonu. Takodje, većina hrvata u to vreme brani veću autonomiju ili čak i nezavisnost Hrvatske, a to Tesla ama baš nikad nije branio. Po meni Tesla jasno da na sve to gleda prvenstveno kao srbin iz Hrvatske ko je zadovoljan što je njegov rodni kraj sad u istoj državi sa Srbijom i ostalim delovima gde žive srbi. Sve je to mnogo daleko od onoga što oni editori navode i tvrde i o načinu na koji vidim da neki pišu o Tesli u današnjoj Hrvatskoj. Ono što deluje nepravedno je to što ostajem sa utiskom da se radi o nekom negativnom da bi ga se hrvati odmah odricali jer bi on bio "zao četnik" ali pošto je Tesla svetski genije, daj onda da ga prisvojimo... Ali tako je to nažalost. FkpCascais (talk) 15:05, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Da, ja se svakako slažem da je Tesla pisao pismo da smiri tenzije i da pokaže da među svim Jugoslavenima vlada zajedništvo, a ne da se nekima koji šire tenzije daje toliko pažnje. Tesla nije birao strane jer je bio Jugoslaven, a kao Srbin iz Hrvatske posebno se zalagao za zajedništvo Hrvata i Srba, koje je bilo veoma snažno dok je on živio na tim prostorima u Austro-Ugarskoj. On nije živio u Jugoslaviji i na njegovo razmišljanje je prvenstveno utisak imalo upravo to zajedništvo Srba i Hrvata dok je on živio na tim prostorima. Ja mislim da i jedna i druga strana rade nešto što Tesla ne bi hteo. On bi kao Srbin iz Hrvatske i Jugoslaven hteo da spaja Srbe i Hrvate, a ne da ih razdvaja. (talk) 16:00, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Je li mogu da vas pitam da li znate ko su I otkuda sad ova grupa koja je opsednuta da ubaci reč "Hrvatska" u početak članka Nikole Tesle? Ranije je uvek bilo sa vremena na vreme neko, većinom hrvat, koji je uvak stavljao pod pitanje je li Tesla srbin, ili tražio da se promei u hrvat itd., ali ovaj put ovo deluje zaista koordinirano organizovan napad na članak kakav do sada nije bio vidjen. Po načinu govora i argumentima deluje mi apsolutno jasno da se radi o verovatno povezanoj grupi gimnazijalaca ili medjusobnih prijatelja. FkpCascais (talk) 00:29, 23 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Ja nisam involviran u taj članak tako da ne pratim tko je tamo aktivan. Samo s vremena na vreme dođem pogledati kakve su rasprave otvorene. Vidim da su sada otvorene neke rasprave, ali ja po običaju ne ću da učestvujem u takvim raspravama. (talk) 15:58, 25 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Since you are better acquainted with Wiki football matters than me, particularly pertaining to the Balkans, would you say the 2015 FIFA U-20 World Cup should be mentioned on the main page . I have no idea what the community consensus is regarding such tournaments. 23 editor (talk) 00:15, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

23 editor I am sorry, but I really don't know :/ I never participated in those issues from the main page, and those sort of things. It is a sporting important news, but I have no idea what would be the criterium of inclusion there. FkpCascais (talk) 02:33, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

No worries, I'm going to go ahead and see how much support I can get for its inclusion. 23 editor (talk) 04:04, 21 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Sebastian Herrera Cardona

It is true that one can find out what his name is spelled in his native country. However, since he (apparently) has a Macedonian passport and is registered in UEFA with his Macedonian documents, in which his name is spelled as Sebastijan Herera Kardona, technically there is nothing wrong with that version and it is certainly not incorrect to spell his name like that, as officially that is indeed his name according to his MKD passport.

User:Msb73505 Really? He is of Macedonian origin? I didnt knew it was you who added it, I just thought it was some IP as usually happends. Really really sorry. :( FkpCascais (talk) 21:30, 29 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, but wait. Are you sure he has Macedonian passport? Hum it may easily be a mistake at and they just put a Macedonian flag by default because he plays in Rabotnički. FkpCascais (talk) 21:41, 29 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It seems to be just a mistake of, here is an interview with him from 20 April 2014: link. He says he was born in Bello, Antioquia, but grow up in nearby Pueblo Rico from same municipality, Antioquia, in Colombia. It sas he came to Deportivo Pereira 3 years earlier (in 2011). Born in 23 January 1995 and plays as left-back. No mention of Macedonia. It was just a mistake in See also Soccerway, or He was playing for Real Santander by August 2013 ([10]). FkpCascais (talk) 21:59, 29 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hugo Vieira

Did Hugo Filipe Oliveira join a new club? Where is the source? SLBedit (talk) 21:13, 29 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, SLBedit I just fixed the name of the club, someone else added that info. I supposed it was right since he is in Belgrade for days already and it was announced everything is agreed between him and Red Star. Let me check if he was officially presented today. FkpCascais (talk) 21:36, 29 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It has been usually added everywhere as Red Star Belgrade in full in infoboxes. Not a big problem I hope. FkpCascais (talk) 19:24, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Miloš Galin

Hey, I created the article on Serbian-Bosnian footballer Miloš Galin yesterday since he played in the Algerian top flight last season. I was able to track his career (bounced around A LOT for a 25 year old) but I can't find any stats except for his time in 3 clubs (used Soccerway as source for that). Since your speciality is football in that region, would you be able to assist? Also, if you see any mistakes in his clubs feel free to fix it. I used as my source, and it was slightly different from his career on Transfermarkt. TonyStarks (talk) 16:12, 5 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Yes TonyStarks I will gladly help with all I can. I remember him well, he was FK Rad player but never debuted in the Serbian SuperLiga. The career you added seems correct, I will confirm and find you more sources to put in the article. Before debuting in Algeria, he was unable to have an article because he did not pass notability, as he only played in Bosnian Premier League, Serbian second level and Greek third level. I will add all I find that can help to expand the article and see if I can find his stats. But you already did most of the job, great work. FkpCascais (talk) 16:34, 5 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Perfect, thanks! TonyStarks (talk) 16:36, 5 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Esperando que estes bien, necesito si me puedes dar una mano con la pagina de Republic of Ragusa, y en su talk page, ya que hay un usuario que repetidamente elimina textos respecto a la etnicidad en su visión serbo-catolica del siglo XIX hasta mediados del siglo XX, ya que la visión croata solo llego en el ultimo decenio del siglo XIX. Saludos-- (talk) 18:10, 10 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

¿Te refieres a esto? Ya lo vi, y en verdad no te apoye porque lo que estas añadiendo se refiere a 1830 y el articulo trata solo de la Republica de Ragusa que duro hasta 1807. En mi opinion, deves meter ese texto en la seccion de historia de Dubrovnik. Saludo! FkpCascais (talk) 18:19, 10 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Zdravo prijatelju! Kako si mi? Nadam se da si dobro? Nismo se dugo culi :).--Nado158 (talk) 19:24, 15 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Gde si brate, si dobro? Pisao sam ti na mejl ne znam da li si video, a vrlo moguće da nisam ni ja tvoje mejlove video, retko otvaram mejl, proveriću večeras. Ovde je sve u redu, sve po starom :D Nemam baš puno vremena da editujem, daleko manje nego ranije, al pratim redovn šta se ovde dešava. Kako si ti? Što te nema? FkpCascais (talk) 21:50, 15 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Hvala brate, dobro sam! Nisam video, pogledacu. I ja u zadnje vreme nisam imao toliko vemena, ali skoro svaki drugi dan nesto editujem, vecinom na ne-engleskim stranama. Nema me brate, zato sto su mi zabranili da editujem sve sta je povezano za SRB, i sport, zbog slucaja sa FK Trepcom, smesno, jer sam na kraju bio u pravu, ali jednostavno su "ekipa" radili svoje i ignorisali me.--Nado158 (talk) 23:03, 17 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Detoner (talk) 17:29, 16 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I wish to prevail on your wisdom

Hi FkpCascais. I know you're trying to do the right thing, but wouldn't it better if you just disengaged from Detoner (and other SPAs)? You're not going to change their minds, or their conduct, so why not just ignore them? The benefit is that several talk pages would not fill up with pointless discussions like talk:Nikola Tesla#Semi-protected edit request on 13 July 2015, Talk:Nikola Tesla/Nationality and ethnicity#They just cant drop it and Talk:Military Frontier#Austrian vs local control. Please consider ignoring these users, because when you engage with them, you give them legitimacy.- MrX 14:23, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I see your point. I will disengage, I wrote a summary of their activity at the ANI report and I asked them for sources, so anyway I think I did my part here. But, if I am not present all time in the discussions, they will not have me as excuse, so I perfectly understand what you mean. Many thanks MrX. FkpCascais (talk) 14:57, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Primetio sam, ali mu treba dati prostora, vidi se da se trudi, ali još uvek nema dobre izvore, ili nije provalio neke stvari. Uostalom, ja sam bio mnogo gori kada sam počeo. Ja bih hteo sve pomalo, ali previše je ambicije, a malo vremena. Još se najesen definitivno selim za BG na faks, na koji prošle godine nisam otišao, ali ću ispratiti koliko mogu. Nego, kako mi se čini, ovaj vaš Božinov nije loš, deluje kao pogodak. A Abu je samo dokaz koliko stranci procvetaju kad odu iz Zvezde. Nadam se da može nešto da ispdne sa ovima tipa Ibanjez i ovaj Viera, ali ako bude kao dosad, bojim se da će i oni brzo da odu. Mislim i vi ste imali Đuru, ali ste igrali evropu, ali kad vidim ove ,,naučnike" poput Tvorze i Kokeze... Da se vratim na temu, čini mi se da se u poslednje vreme neki likovi stvarno žešće promovišu na Wiki, onaj Jugović, recimo, vidim da stalno briše da je igrao za Slogu. Najverovatnije on sam. Što se mene tiče, bolje da nije ni bio u Kraljevu, jer sem promašenog penala nemam po čemu da ga pamtim. S druge strane ovaj Kurtušić briše da je igrao za Vršac, plus statistika, a sumnjiv mi je i Obradović iz Rada. Ako oni stvarno misle da je neko toliko naivan da ih angažuje zbog cifara na Wikipediji, ja onda stvarno ne znam. Kontam da Butasport kopira transfere sa Wikipedije, ali dobro. Sve me to zajedno manje nervira od toga što u vremenu informacija i modernih tehnologija ne možeš da iščupaš informacije koje ti trebaju, nego moraš da izmišljaš i da se dovijaš, ne bi li našao to što tražiš. Recimo, do pre par dana nisam znao zašto se u niškom radničkom ne koristi desetka, ali me je zanimalo zašto je niko ne nosi već duže vreme i onda sam našao ono o Belom. U kragujevačkom radničkom s druge strane, 12 niko ne nosi već nekoliko sezona, moraću da istražim, jer i ako je povučena, najverovatnije je zbog navijača, ali čisto sumnjam da je zvanično. Ali dobro, kroz koju godinu, nadam se, možda bude malo bolje, ako sad, posle uspeha U20 ne privuku neku ivesticiju, onda ne znam kad će. Pozdrav! Lotom (talk) 19:45, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for July 22

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited FK Partizan, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Miodrag Jovanović. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Potreban mi je savet od tebe kao iskusnijeg Vikipedijanca. Ukoliko na nekoj stranici imam da stavim nešto što želim da naznačim kao neku vrstu napomene vezano za neki podatak (npr. da za jednu informaciju postoje dva različita podatka, sa naravno navedenim referencama i izvorima tih podataka), kako to mogu učiniti? — Nn94 14 (talk) 09:34, 4 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ne razumem baš najbolje na šta misliš.... Misliš one template kao unsourced, citation needed, i to? FkpCascais (talk) 12:21, 4 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Konkretno se odnosi na to da sam da sam za jednu utakmicu (finale kupa SRJ za košarkašice) našao dva različita rezultata, i to na različitim izvorima. Kako bih mogao da to naglasim (uz naravno postavljanje izvora gde sam našao te rezultate)? — Nn94 14 (talk) 18:44, 4 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Napiši upravo tako kao što jeste, da u izvoru X piše da je rezultat taj a u izvoru Y ovaj. FkpCascais (talk) 19:10, 4 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Hteo sam tako i da napišem, ali kako mogu to označiti, nešto slično kao za reference ili ? — Nn94 14 (talk) 19:17, 4 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Referencu pored svakog rezultata. FkpCascais (talk) 19:24, 4 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

KF Tirana in European football

Yep, nothing wrong at all with challenging/removing unreferenced material. GiantSnowman 18:31, 5 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for August 10

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited List of FK Partizan players, you added links pointing to the disambiguation pages Pavle Jovanović, Marko Janković and Saša Jovanović. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Hvala, neki put ne gledam dovoljno, zaletim se, tu se zejebem uvek. Kopam od jutros po Žurnalu, tj. onom štampanom dodatku, tražim ko je gde, a Srbijafudbal istek'o, pa dok se ne vrati hvatam keširano što imam. Ispadoše mi oči. A i ova Jagodina, kako je krenula ispada iz lige. I za to si definitivno u pravu, ne može obdanište da igra, ako hoćeš neki uspeh. Lotom (talk) 13:06, 16 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ahah ne brini, shvatio sam odmah da si verovatno brzo pogledao članak, piše 7 novajlija i predposavio da je on jedan od njih, ali nije, tek pregovaraju sa njim, a 7 novajlija su drugi. Ma svi ovi srednji i manji klubovi su slabi, ništa mi se ne svidja liga. FkpCascais (talk) 11:53, 16 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

International Olympiads of Cetinje 1935

Dear FkpCascais, I have noticed your huge contributions on the sports pages of Wikipedia and I was wondering if you could help me at your leisure with the following: In both these sources ([11] and [12]) I find that an international sports event, sometimes called International Olympiad (perhaps the first of its kind), was held in Cetinje, Zeta in 1935. I can't find an article in relation to them in wiki, and I was wondering if they existed, or existed under other names. They may have been important regional track and field events for the time, and I would really appreciate your help in finding other sources for them, and possibly collaborate into having an article. Albanian athletes from Shkoder participated in them, which makes it really interesting, as it may have been their first participation in an international event, that's how I became curious. Might be a challenging task, so take your time in responding me. Kindly. --PoshteMorriKuq (talk) 13:06, 16 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Sure, I will try to see around if I can find something about that event. Tell me one thing, it included many sports? Football too? FkpCascais (talk) 17:35, 16 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The only activities mentioned are track and field events, I doubt it had other. Just to let you know, the source says that the association of Shkoder athletes was a student one, and since Shkoder didn't have a university of studies, they must have been from the few 2-3 catholic schools, along with the Madrasa Muslim one, so it must have been for young men aged 16-20. Might be a clue, perhaps. On a unrelated note, in these sources are mentioned some friendlies of the Cetinje football squad, played in the early 1920s against Vllaznia Shkoder, but they are unrelated to the Olympiad. Your correct removal of KF Tirana friendlies reminded me of the fact that most articles on pre WWII international friendlies in the Balkans should be based on articles such as these. ——PoshteMorriKuq (talk) 19:20, 16 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
What I use most are books about football. Till now I haven't found any mention of that event, but it may take me time to search it. I have a passion for pre-WWII football, but the information is scares and, based on some mistakes in the past, I learned the lesson that it is better to have less information but certainly correct than lot of uncertain one. That was really the only reason I asked for removing the table of friendlies. Or, to be more precise, I didn't wanted at all the table to be removed, but just to be sourced, so we can see that the info is verified and the source of it. It is a bit late now, but tomorrow I will see some books dealing with football in Montenegro pre-1945 period and I hope the International Olympiad is mentioned there. FkpCascais (talk) 01:40, 17 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Disruptive behavior report

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. (talk) 11:24, 23 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Some advice, again. Surely you must realize that someone who changes IPs faster than we change our socks has nothing to lose by edit warring with you. You must also realize that anyone not savvy to everything happening may just block both parties for edit warring. This is clearly the goal of the IP sock puppet.
Please do not be baited by this master baiter(that is someone who is very skilled in baiting). Being right won't prevent you from being blocked if you allow yourself to be manipulated, and that is the last thing I want to see. Chillum 16:54, 23 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Chillum. The edit-warring stoped. But here they are again, now in another talk-page, making same walls of text and ignoring lists of reliable sources saying precisely the opposite. And now instead of bringing sources, they make reports... FkpCascais (talk) 16:57, 23 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I think we can just ignore this persons comments with a simple note below them stating that these concerns have already been addressed. They can make reports all they want, if our behaviour is beyond reproach then they will only be reporting themselves. Let us not give this POV warrior ammunition that they can use to give the appearance that they are being treated unfairly. Chillum 17:04, 23 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for August 25

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited List of FK Partizan players, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Ivan Babić. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Hi. In basketball articles we add categories when players make official debut for the club.--Bozalegenda (talk) 12:34, 8 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

OK, cool, I didn't knew that. Thanks. FkpCascais (talk) 13:12, 8 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Template:Airlines of Bosnia and Herzegovina

This is a menu to help users navigate between articles on Wikipedia. For a full list of defunct airlines of Bosnia & Herzegovina, even those not on Wikipedia, one should see List of defunct airlines of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thakaran (talk) 20:31, 29 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Thakaran: thanks. It is just that usually redlinks motivate people to make those articles, I was thinking of making some of them myself. Personally I am more inclined in having the airlines listed despite being redlinked, but OK. FkpCascais (talk) 20:49, 29 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

NATO bombing timeline in Kosovo war

FkpCascais,What do Norwegian Special Forces have to do with 'NATO bombing timeline'? An already bloated section (with its own article) is further enlarged by material completely unconnected with the section's subject. I don't know where/if the material belongs, but it clearly does not belong where it is. Accuse me of being too lazy to find a place for the material perhaps, but it doesn't belong where you restored it.Pincrete (talk) 20:28, 6 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Could you suggest a better section for it? I don't oppose it at all, I just had in mind the date of the event described there. FkpCascais (talk) 01:09, 7 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Koji je tvoj problem i zašto ubacuješ neistine i hrvatsku propagandu? Ničim izazvan si ubacio navodne nacionalnosti Novakovih roditelja, bez ikakvog razloga uništavaš članak takve sportske veličine. Zna se da je Novak Srbin i nastupa za Srbiju, mnogo puta je to naveo, a da ne govorimo koliko voli svoju zemlju, Srbiju. Nije u redu da tako radiš, a time podupireš nacionalističku i šovinističku propagandu koju neki pokušavaju da primene na Novaku Djokovicu. Poništio sam tvoju izmenu, mislim da to nije tačno i nije potrebno ubacivati, hvala na razumevanju.--Soundwaweserb (talk) 17:32, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ako pratiš članak mogao bi malo da pratiš i diskusije na njegovoj talk-page ;) A i da kažeš tamo možda nešto. Pozdrav. FkpCascais (talk) 18:21, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Soundwaweserb: i šta si ti mene ovde došao da zajebavaš i da mi soliš pamet? "Zna se da je Novak Srbin blabla..." Uuu jak ti argument, pazi ja to nisam znao! -_- ...Nema ovde "zna se" nego idi tamo vidi šta se diskutovalo i mrdni dupetom a ne ja sam na sve strane sve da radim. Oni imaju izvor da je on sam rekao da mu je majka hrvatica, a ti sad lepo uzmi i nađi izvore koji će to da demantuju ako hoćeš nešto korisno da uradiš. Jer svako može da lupa revert i drugima soli pamet. FkpCascais (talk) 18:37, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@FkpCascais: Pa ko je ovde lud prijatelju. Jel sam ja ubacio te podatke u članak? Jel su prethodne kolege odbile da ubace takve zahteve na stranicu? Odbijeno je, oni su odbili da ubace netačne podatke, a onda si se ti pojavio i ubacio te gluposti koje zahtevaju IP adrese! Pa nemoj meni onda ti soliti pamet, a sad da se mešam ne mogu pošto mi je engleski slabiji i bio bih pogrešno protumačen. Zajebo si ti stvar što si se mešao i još si konfuzno nastupio, kao bio protiv, a onda upravo si sebe demantovao i uradio skroz pogrešnu stvar na stranici. Saberi se, ja sam na tvojoj strani, vidim da si pošten i realno radiš i pomazes srpskim vikipedijancima. Nema potrebe da gubimo vreme, ja cu svakako vracati i revertovati onakve izmene. Jebote, u sustini se slazemo a ispade da se svadjamo. Pozdrav.--Soundwaweserb (talk) 18:50, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@FkpCascais: Ovo je vrlo vazno kao podatak link, tu je stvar jasna ko su Novakovi roditelji - obrati paznju sta govori Novakov otac, dakle nema cistije situacije, a losa namera tih IP adresa se vidi iz aviona, njih ne interesuje enciklopedija vec politika i brojanje krvnih zrnaca. Ima takodje i ovde gde jasno on sam izjavljuje za koga zeli da nastupa (referencirano). E sad, vidim da ovi likovi sa IP adresa imaju veoma lose namere, tj. pokusavaju danima da proguraju neistine, jasno je kolika je antisrpska propaganda i sta oni zele.--Soundwaweserb (talk) 19:22, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Moraš onda da dođeš tamo na diskusiju i kažeš upravo to. Ne znam ja šta se ranije tamo diskutovalo, nisam ti ja ni neki Noletov stručnjak, jeste super igra baš fino, a sad da znam ko mu je ćaća, keva, stric, sestričina, to pojma nemam. Ilegalac IP je na svim srpsko-hrvatskim debatama uvek do sada bio bezvezan i totalno bezopasan, sad jednom prvi put se naoružao izvorom, jebeš ga, kažem ti, ne znam ništa Noletov život u detalje, Cannolis je video situaciju i predložio da se ubaci to kako sam ja ubacio u slučaju da je izvor OK i ja sam to uradio, ja ti striktno poštujem izvore. Pozdrav!

Hahahahah :) -- Director (talk) 18:55, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

A šta se ti smeješ? :D Sad ćeš dobiti po guzici. Ti si se otcepio idi sad tamo slušaj tvoje purgere, nećeš da nam priznaš našu treću Jugoslaviju, kakva je takva je bila, jebeš ga, gde god sam bio nosio sam moj FR Yugoslavia pasoš, gledao moju Jugoslovensku reprezenzaciju sve do 2003. gde išao govorili da sam iz Jugoslavije, ti sad tu tebi se ona ne sviđa, ne priznaješ, one dve jesu a ova treća nije, ne može to tako nisam ti ja kriv što ste se vi cepili a mi hteli kontinuitet... A ti mali asdisis, vreme je za spavanje, ajde, sutra ujutru školica, imaš dosta da učiš mada vidim ja kako oni vas uče tu,tuga i žalost. FkpCascais (talk) 20:51, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Kapiraš ti da FRJ nije jedina pravna sljednica SFRJ? Nakon raspada Jugoslavija je prestala postojati. To što se Srbija i Crna Gora zvala Jugoslavija nema nikakve veze sa ikakvom Jugoslavijom, nego se tako nastavila zvati iz vjerojatno dva razloga. Kasnije je i promijenila ime što govori da stvarno nije bila nikakve Juga. --Tuvixer (talk) 09:22, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, good times...

Must you be so obvious? The important thing is that we among each others know who's who. @Tuvixer: @Director: (talk) 02:17, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Sta me sad ovaj IP zajebaje? Fkp, ako mu je materina obitelj iz Hrvatske, neka se spomene negdje i to je to. Znas da je pola JNA bilo mijesano...

And no - I don't know "who's who". Who the hell is he? -- Director (talk) 08:39, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Director: , you perfectly know who's who. Someone on wikipedia is not defined by his identity, but by his edits. Fkp's edits speak for themselves. He's pushing Serbian pov. In their mindset Djokovic not being a Serb by ethnicity is an insult. They even go so far to deny Dokovic's own words. Sorry Fkp, but wiki article won't make him a Serb. As you would say, "he was only born in the area that would later become Serbia" ;) He wasn't even born in that right fkp? His parents werent that right? I guess this case shows you have no problem contradicting your own opinion. Sorry to break it to you but look at what you did in this case. I must be crazy dealing with people who don't have any problems contradicting own opinion, manipulating and lying. Sorry, but making wiki article says something to have your feelings settled is very strange. You previously tried to insert pov about third yugoslavia. Separate your feelings apart from reality. Why do I need to waste my time with you? (talk) 00:35, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I guess you aren't in your usual battle mode because you feel bad because you made a mistake with that edit so other more experienced pov pushers are now criticizing you. Maybe you just think it will go away faster if you don't dig yourself further. Don't feel so bad, it's hard to stay consistent when you are pov pushing on so many sides. Come on. Come on, say something. Maybe I should vote to get you going.What do you say? (talk) 01:49, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Fkp is FKP. If you know what FKP fans think, you know what FKP thinks :). But I don't know who you are. Besides somebody who's makinng this far too personal than is acceptable for Wikipedia.. not that I'm one to talk.. -- Director (talk) 08:40, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Do you realize the RfC was formally closed and that the consensus reads :". There is also consensus for the wording used in the Croatian War of Independence article.". What exactly is your problem? I'll ask you, who's "extremely problematic cause they are unable to accept and disengage" here? (talk) 19:36, 14 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The article Croatian War of Independence says:
"On 22 December 1990, the Parliament of Croatia ratified the new constitution,[89] which was seen by Serbs as taking away rights that had been granted by the Socialist constitution.[90] The constitutional amendment of 1971 of SR Croatia included a controversial formulation which stated that Croatia was not the national state of Croats but it was a state of Croats and Serbs in Croatia.[91] The new constitution changed the status of Serbs in Croatia from constituent nation to national minority.[92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99] The new constitution defined Croatia as "the national state of the Croatian nation and a state of members of other nations and minorities who are its citizens: Serbs ... who are guaranteed equality with citizens of Croatian nationality ..."[81]
So what "consensus" are you talking about? Consensus is when there is a situation of conflicting sources and editors discuss and make consensus. Regarding this issue here, there were no pevious consensuses and all we have is a text backed on reliable sources. There are no conflicting sources so there is no conflict. Just you wanting to make changes and challenging what seems setled. FkpCascais (talk) 21:26, 14 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Do you really think I wouldn't go to the history to see what happened. You make that edit unilaterally while the RfC was still opened, which just proves your bad faith. You first reference a RfC there and while it is still opened you go and make the changes yourself. Nevertheless, the editor who closed the edit referenced the exact sentence he was speaking about at the end of RfC. (talk) 22:43, 14 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
So, are you saying all those authors that are cited almost verbatin are all wrong, and you are right? FkpCascais (talk) 22:49, 14 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'm saying that the consensus is established in the closed RfC and that it supports my edit request. The user who closed the RfC and assessed the consensus had confirmed that my suggestion is according to the consensus. I ask you again, what's your problem? (talk) 23:16, 14 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The only one having problems here is you. The articles are there, are excellently sourced, its just you having nothing better to do than continuing this fight just because you cant accept what sources say. FkpCascais (talk) 23:27, 14 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The only one having problems here is you. The RfC is there, it is closed and the consensus is established, its just you having nothing better to do than continuing this fight just because you cant accept what the consensus says. (talk) 23:39, 14 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Wikipedia is an encyclopedic project based on reliable sources and verifiability. It can be a million of you wanting something, but if sources say otherwise you cant have it in a encyclopedia. You can write a blog... FkpCascais (talk) 00:56, 15 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
You are not having anyhing better to do than continuing this fight just because you cant accept what the consensus says. (talk) 07:22, 15 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

RFC review

Information icon This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you.


I am working on creating a long term abuse case against Asdisis. I think you are more familiar with this character than anyone else. It would help a lot if you could help compile a list of accounts/ips/pages this user has used. An LTA case requires a fair amount of evidence of long term abuse however in this case I am sure we have enough. Once an LTA case is created it is far easier to explain routine enforcement, get admins unaware of the situation to help, and to dismiss baseless accusations from this user.

I started filling out the LTA page but realized I was lacking in research. I am a bit busy today but I can spend some more time on this tomorrow or in the evening. Ideally we should go back as far as possible as the main requirement of LTA is that we demonstrate it to be a long term problem. HighInBC 19:35, 17 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Maybe I can help, since you think I'm Asdisis and I am not, here are my discussions I had in the last few months. I have nothing to hide because I wasn't disruptive and no one had complained about me except for this user and you.

(1) A RfC on Serbs of Croatia with my suggestion accepted by a formal closure. No other editors but FkpCascais complained about my behavior. [15]

(2) A RfC on Yugoslavia where my suggestion is accepted by an agreement between me and other 4 editors. No other editors complained about my behavior. He backed down after seeing he isn't going to win this. [16]

(3) An edit request on Novak Djokovic page where I supported a secondary source of Djokovic himself speaking of his ethnicity. I wanted to include it in the article, because why not, it's a reliable secondary source. [17]

(4) An edit request on Austro-Hungary for a minor edit, to chane the name of one list. [18]

(5) An edit on Triune Kindom where a lead is claiming something different that the source which stands as a refference. I was reverted, but I hope a discussion will resolve this, since I'm only advocating to put a sentece from the source and remove the one that doesn't even appear in the source. [19]

(6) An edit on Far-right_politics_in_Croatia where I corrected one statement. No one reverted me. [20] (talk) 20:59, 17 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Yes @HighInBC:, I will help. @IP, thanks for the clarification, why dont you tell us what more have you done? FkpCascais (talk) 00:06, 18 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
All this power! No, no. I must use it only for good. I admin I am in fact you. ;) (talk) 01:45, 18 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of Edit warring noticeboard discussion

Information iconHello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion involving you at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring regarding a possible violation of Wikipedia's policy on edit warring. Thank you. LjL (talk) 21:32, 18 October 2015 (UTC

The other half

I guess this is the other half...

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you.

Sad it has to come to this. You seem to alternate between periods of cool-headedness and periods... well, periods. LjL (talk) 00:11, 25 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I am letting myself be affected by my emotions? Are you even hearing yourself? You had several chances to get yourself heard without making a huge fuss. I gave you several. I tried to at least come to a compromise that would actually erode some of the RfC consensus for you. Now don't blame me if some material that you consider well-sourced will be left out - blame yourself alone. LjL (talk) 00:42, 25 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
For God sake, 20+ books cant be wrong. They all say Serbs lost cnstitutive nation status, majority agree it was important change, majority puts side-by-side the constitutional change along the several other losses of rights that happend. All time you are telling me "Oh Direktor even agrees with that but..." (for God sake, I couldnt care less that nationalist agrees or not, sources count!)... Not even once you had the guts to accept the majority of sources point of view and work by them, but you allways choose their side, whch is basically questioning reliable sources by own thoughts! Am I wrong? FkpCascais (talk) 00:46, 25 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Yes. LjL (talk) 00:56, 25 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ajuda (tradução)

Olá meu caro F, tudo bem? Espero que sim.

Um pequeno favor: estive a limpar (e como) o artigo do Gregor Balažic, e preciso que vejas se traduzi bem a situação dele com os (não)penalties. É que aquilo estava num "inglês" que não sabia se chorar ou rir, para além de POV. Se errei na minha composição, peço desculpas à WP em geral, mas foi o melhor que consegui fazer tendo de ler aquilo e sem perceber sérvio.

Parece que o compadre começado por 178 (tem vários IP assim) não percebe que isto é uma enciclopédia, e acho que já tem vários avisos. Um bom fim de semana, abraços e obrigado de antemão. -- (talk) 05:09, 6 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Podes-me indicar um utilizador sérvio que compreenda bem inglês, por favor? Não incomodo mais, não percebo mas não incomodo. -- (talk) 01:08, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Oh Vasco, desculpa -_- ando muito pouco por ca, desculpa esqueci mesmo. Espera, agora te faco isso, to em casa tranquilo e com tempo. FkpCascais (talk) 01:22, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
É o segundo paragrafo da seccao do Partizan? A primeira source, a 10, do site oficial do Partizan, nao fala em nada daquilo por isso nao deveria estar la. Depois, a source 11 se refere a situacao do derby contra o Estrela Vermelha na qual ele tava na grande-area do Estrela e foi derrubado pelo defesa central deles, Vukašin Jovanović, e deveria ter sido penalty. A source 12 se refere a uma stuacao do jogo entre o Vojvodina e o Partizan mas Balazic nem é mencionado, portanto deve ser tirada do artigo. Resumindo, as sources 10 e 12 estao la mal metidas, e a 11 fala do tal penalty nao assinalado sobre Balazic (nao por Balazic como ta agora no texto) e a source o comfirma, mas snceramente, acho isso tao trivial e fofoqueiro, por mim todo o paragrafo podia ser bem retirado. Se queres, podes deixar a tal situacao do derby e nesse caso diz-me e te ajudo a escrevermos bem la aquilo. Oh meu querido Vasco, achaste que nao te respondi porque tava zangado ou algo, nao bem pelo contrario, simplesmente ando atarefado na vida e esqueci-me completamente. Ca na wiki o pouco tempo que tenho tido tive metido num caso de historia/politica que meteu reports pelo meio, e com isso fiquei distraido. Es sempre muito bem vindo meu caro! FkpCascais (talk) 01:36, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Abraços de volta, boa sorte nos relatórios - -- (talk) 02:19, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Posso tirar o paragrafo todo. Isso ou deixar so a situacao do derby. Que opcao achas melhor? FkpCascais (talk) 02:43, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Deixa o derby, sempre é melhor que nada. O resto (ainda por cima se dizes que há coisas que são ou MENTIRA ou FOFOCA)... fora! -- (talk) 03:08, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Combinado. FkpCascais (talk) 04:04, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Óptimo! Foi só trocar "faul" por "foul", bom trabalho. Muito obrigado (da minha parte e da WP claro!), que tenhas um bom descanso. -- (talk) 04:17, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Nao sei como, tinha visto mal os links, mas vi os bem agora e ta la tudo certo. Abraco grande! FkpCascais (talk) 04:22, 11 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom elections are now open!

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:03, 24 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom elections are now open!

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:03, 24 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Namerno sam te revertovao da bi video o čemu se radi. Ja kad vidim da je neko menjao nešto bezveze, ja vraćam ručno, jer neki umeju da budu prilično dosadni. Ovako odmah vidiš u čemu je problem. Ne ljutiš se, nadam se.:) I ja bih verovatno pomislio da je to isti igrač. Pazi, isto se zove, golman, ali vidiš... Znao sam da ne mogu da dovode igrače jer su im svi mogući računi u blokadi, ja mislim. Setio sam se ovog izveštaja od proletos, kad su 98/99 bili kadeti, tako da sam bio siguran o čemu se radi. Bodovni saldo im je gori nego Slogin prošle sezone, jedino što ih vadi jeste da su im igrači mladi, ali pitanje da li su uopšte vezani bilo kakvim ugovorima. Lotom (talk) 20:45, 4 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

To, to, shvatio sam i ja da je to klinac iz njihovog omladinskog pogona, nije uopšte onaj što sam ja mislio. FkpCascais (talk) 20:56, 4 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Nikola Vukčević

Since your page move please can you fix the broken links at Nikola Vukčević (footballer)? GiantSnowman 12:49, 22 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Did it right? FkpCascais (talk) 16:25, 22 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
No, you need to fix the broken links e.g. like this. I have done it for you. GiantSnowman 18:19, 22 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Oh yes, sorry. Thank you GS. I have been having some limited time to be around here and probably even less time I will have in the following days, so I am leaving wishes of happy hollydays for you my friend and your loved ones FkpCascais (talk) 18:36, 22 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

RfC on Tito

An RfC that might interest you is going on Talk:Josip Broz Tito. --Silvio1973 (talk) 10:51, 8 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ivo Andrić

Sorry about this [21] FKP, but this is the long-time nationalist troll Velebit/Purger and I'm tired of that shit. This time it geolocates to Toronto, maybe visiting its relatives (holiday season...), but it WP:DUCKs loud and clear. Perhaps User:Joy or User:Vanjagenije might apply a banhammer? No such user (talk) 10:17, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

The first IP is new. The second IP is on blocklists, probably some open proxy. The third one is in a known netblock. The shoe generally fits... --Joy [shallot] (talk) 20:18, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
No problem, I wasnt aware of any of that. Regards to both. FkpCascais (talk) 02:08, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for January 13

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I am recently having rather issues/struggling with one of the Editors of Albania U21 national football team (who seems to be writing rubbish as he keeps renaming Macedonian football clubs with Albanian names and keep changing the Macedonian clubs flag into Albanian) and refuses to change them and keeps arguing to me in Albanian and writing UCK messages to me (you can see that if you click on my talk profile). Then, when I opened his profile, I realised that you had similar issues with him as well, and you had told him you will report him for his behaviour. I wanted to ask if you did that and if you know how I can report him (as Im unsure how that works)?

Here is a link to his profile:

I never reported him but I didnt had that much problems with him like you are having now. I saw what he posted on your talk page and also his edit yes, there is definitelly ground for a report cause that is natioalistic editing. You can report him at WP:ANI. FkpCascais (talk) 11:41, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Participating in future discussions

I am willing to discuss the matter at length, but I'm not sure I will be able to do it in a swift and expedient manner due to my off-wiki obligations. What currently interests me the most is user:Director's comment on Serbs being relegated as "a minority" in the 1991 Croatian Census - whether this is true or not. This could be a turning point on deciding to incorporate the thing about "the loss of constitutive status" since it seems to me that this relegation is a solid proof for the loss of status having direct consequences for the Serbs. Feel free to share any thoughts on this - I think it would be most useful if you would do it on the article's talk page. As for me making any formal review of the RfC I am not sure there's any need for this until it is settled whether the RfC ended at all, but I am prepared to review the matter. Of course, any help would be much appreciated. All the best, --biblbroks (talk | contribs) 21:53, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

AN/I Discussion

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding edits / edit summaries Eni.Sukthi.Durres made which appear to have nationalistic overtones which amount to harassment / threats on Albania national under-21 football team and User_talk:Msb73505, and about which you appear to have commented on their talk page. The AN/I discussion centres on Eni.Sukthi.Durres's conduct, you are being informed here as a courtesy since you are mentioned by name in the discussion. The thread is Edit Warring with Harassment / Threat Overtones.The discussion is about the topic Albania national under-21 football team. Thank you. Fenix down (talk) 11:12, 28 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Haris Medunjanin

Tive (se reparares no historial de edições) um trabalhão dos diabos para melhorar o artigo do gajo, não me parece que esse pormenor do país seja dos mais relevantes. Só uma opinião, claro, e não reverti nada como podes comprovar.

Um abraço, bom fim de semana -- (talk) 23:13, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Vasco, da uma olhadela em Talk:Republic_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina#Proposal_of_merge porque é disto que se trata sobre esse editor. FkpCascais (talk) 23:49, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

RNK Split

hey man, read it well the article of RNK Split and you will know, thank you. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 17:51, 13 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Eni please, RNK Split is allways written as RNK Split, never just Split, please see all articles like league seasons and so. Really, RNK in case of RNK Split is like AEK for AEK Athens, we dont remove AEK and leave just "Athens". FkpCascais (talk) 18:53, 13 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
So Nogomenti klub mean "Football club (FC or CF)" and Radnički mean "work/job" or how can we say it? Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 13:33, 18 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Eni.Sukthi.Durres: sorry Eni, I only noteced now you had messaged me here. Yes, Radnički is an adjective to indicate the club belongs, or it was formed, by labors union. In the case of RNK Split, it was the labor union of the Split shipyard which was quite big, employed 1000s of workers, and one of the most important industries in the city. The club was formed before WWWII during the monarchic period and many club reflected back then the division between leftists and rightists, and in practice that meant many were named Radnički (if it was a workers class club) or Građanski (meaning "citizens" if the club was more burguoise). If you look at league tables or club lists troghout history, you will see allways written "RNK Split" and I personally probably saw most such lists on the internet and I dont remember ever seing writen just "Split". I noteced someone added that at the top of the article RNK Split recently, I removed it, it can only be some very recent tendency but I even doubt that. I showed you how it removes FCs, FKs, etcc. from club names but leaves RNK in case of RNK Split. RSSSF does the same. Most player articles use it too in the infobox, and all season articles do. The club should have probably became known as Radnički Split (some old books use it) but probably because there were already so many clubs named Radnički in Yugoslavia (Niš, Kragujevac, Beograd, Sombor, Pirot, Obrenovac, Šid, Kovin, Svilajnac, Lukavica, etc.) the club decided to make RNK their name, similarly as OFK Beograd instead of Omladinski chosed to be known by OFK, and since then RNK in RNK Split and OFK in OFK Beograd became like the AEK in AEK Athens, PAOK, AIK Solna, GAK Graz, MTK Budapest, CSKA Moscow and Sofia, LASK Linz, etc. more than FCs, FKs, NKs, PFCs, etc. FkpCascais (talk) 02:47, 19 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ok now I get it, is such as one of our clubs, KF Elbasani, the owner of national stadium Elbasan Arena when our countries were faced on 8 October last year, they used to call themselves KF PUNA (FC Work/Job) in '50, see at article of the club: .....KS Elbasani in 1949 and KF Puna Elbasan in 1950. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 14:12, 19 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Just giving you this template, as the reporter did not do so :-) ~Oshwah~(talk) (contribs) 18:13, 13 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

It is indef-banned user Asdisis continuing his fight. Thank you. FkpCascais (talk) 18:51, 13 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Mate Bilić

Meu caro, podes ajudar aqui, apesar de as referências estarem em croata? "Penso" (note-se a ironia) que te safas melhor do que eu...

Referência #5: penso que traduzi (tudo) bem, só falta o começo, "nece Bilica", o Bilica tem alguma coisa a ver com o nome do jogador (já pensei melhor, penso que deve estar a falar do SLAVEN Bilic, não é?)? #6: só consegui traduzir o nome do país, Liechtenstein; #7: também penso que estará bem, sem certezas.

Cumprimentos, tudo do melhor e obrigado de antemão -- (talk) 02:43, 17 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

A #5 ja corregi, e a #6 quer dizer: "Enchidas as redes do Liechtenstein" (tipo tom de missao cumprida) mas nao lembro agora da expressao inglesa para "encher redes", mas é isso que esta la. Abraco! FkpCascais (talk) 03:25, 17 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Obrigado, meu bom homem! Não, por acaso não dei latim, conheço umas citações mas aprendidas por "conta própria". Eh pá, acho que esqueceste de traduzir o "neće Bilića" na referência #5, podes dar uma olhadela? Eu vou arranjar a que fala do Liechtenstein, com as infos que me passaste. Uma boa noite são os meus desejos, caso seja possível! -- (talk) 03:42, 17 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Sim, desculpa, a primeira parte, "Bilić neće Bilića" quer dizer "Bilić nao que Bilić". Em ingles seriia algo como "Bilić doesnt want Bilić" suponho. FkpCascais (talk) 03:45, 17 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Eu faço, não te preocupes. Força aí! -- (talk) 03:48, 17 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Piksi and Co.

When are you going to work on Dragan Stojković, Siniša Mihajlović, Vladimir Jugović? :).--Zoupan 07:06, 19 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Good question. The thing is that rather than on main issues I usually work more on obscure ones, the ones that no one, or just a few touch, and the things missing. I usually jump-over the most known players supposing many people already works and patrolls those articles. But now that you mentioned, I gave a look and I am shocked about the poor state of the article of Jugović :( . Piksi is ammong my idols and could also have a better article. Mihajlović one is well expanded and will certainly steadily grow with the high impact of his coaching career. But regarding football, I have been focused for some time now on the pre-WWII period. The next big expansion I am planning to do is to write the entire history of BSK in the OFK Beograd article (possibly make a separate article History of OFK Beograd where the history of the most sucessfull K. of Yugoslavia club will be expanded. If you look at the OFK article there is so little about it, while in comparison HŠK Građanski Zagreb looks already quite fine. I already expanded quite a lot SK Jugoslavija and created some club articles of Serbian clubs from back then. FkpCascais (talk) 07:34, 19 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I created and wrote some time ago the entire List of Serbian football champions so after that II jumped into less expanded historical periods. FkpCascais (talk) 07:38, 19 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I understand, it's the same everywhere, it's more interesting to edit the obscure ones! I am about to ask WPSRB to list high-importance and popular articles that people are willing to edit and improve, in a cooperative effort, and just thought to ask you about some football-related ones. Thank you, work looks good.--Zoupan 12:01, 20 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Zoupan: I see, would you like me to make a list of the most important football-related articles for our WikiProject? PS: Sometime in some near future I would really like to work on Serbian Empire and Stefan Dušan and make them good-article. FkpCascais (talk) 21:19, 23 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Zoupan: hey what happend? You want the list of articles? Want me to make it here or somewhere else? I will start here:
Most important: Serbia national football team, consequently Serbia and Montenegro national football team and Yugoslavia national football team, then Football Association of Serbia, Serbian SuperLiga, FK Partizan, Red Star Belgrade, Eternal derby (Serbia).
Very important: Football in Serbia, List of Serbian football champions, Yugoslav First League, First League of Serbia and Montenegro, Football Association of Yugoslavia, Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro, championship winning teams FK Vojvodina, OFK Beograd, SK Jugoslavija, Serbian Cup.
Important: top players and coaches Dragan Džajić, Dragan Stojković, Siniša Mihajlović, Dejan Stanković, Savo Milošević, Mateja Kežman, Vladimir Jugović, Slaviša Jokanović, Miroslav Đukić, Radomir Antić, Bora Milutinović, Slobodan Santrač, Nemanja Vidić, Branislav Ivanović, Nemanja Matić, Aleksandar Kolarov, Vujadin Boškov, Danilo Stojanović, Lazar Marković, Nikola Žigić, Predrag Đorđević, Saša Ilić (footballer, born 1972), Dragan Mance, Momčilo Vukotić, Rajko Mitić, Ratomir Dujković, Lazar Marković, Milinko Pantić, Blagoje Marjanović, Aleksandar Tirnanić, Svetislav Glišović, Ivan Golac, Milovan Jakšić, Miodrag Ješić, Dragoslav Šekularac, Velibor Vasović, Darko Kovačević, Danko Lazović, Miljan Miljanić, Miloš Milutinović, Zoran Mirković, Ivan Tomić, Aleksandar Mitrović (footballer), Matija Nastasić, Slavoljub Muslin, Marko Pantelić, Dejan Petković, Ilija Petković, Ljupko Petrović, Milovan Rajevac, Mirko Poledica, Xhevat Prekazi, Velimir Sombolac, Milutin Šoškić, Aleksandar Tomašević, Zvonimir Vukić.
Serbia national under-21 football team, Serbia national under-19 football team, Marakana Stadium, Partizan Stadium, Serbian First League, Grobari, Delije, 1991 European Cup Final, 1991 Intercontinental Cup, 1966 European Cup Final, List of FK Partizan players, List of Red Star Belgrade footballers, Yugoslav Cup, Serbia and Montenegro Cup, Serbian football league system, Serbia women's national football team.
It may be still incomplete. FkpCascais (talk) 03:49, 25 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Kako ćemo za njega, video sam da si vodio diskusiju sa Borom, ali bi trebalo da kopamo malo da vidimo da li je stigao baš iz Emeleca, ili ne. Inače, za nekoliko minuta protiv Čuke pokazao više nego ceo tim Metalca za 80 minuta. Brz, jak i ima tehniku. Podseća me na Borhu dok je igrao u Zvezdi. Mane su mu, rekao bih fizička sprema i koji kilogram viška. Lotom (talk) 18:35, 19 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

To, to, bravo, super si mu napravio članak Walberto Caicedo, ubacujmo ono što imamo pa će mo polako kompletirati mu celu karijeru. FkpCascais (talk) 20:03, 19 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Pomoć 2

Jeste da nisam deo ekipe sa wiki koja uređuje fudbal, već košarku, uprkos tome bih da Vam pružim malu pomoć zato što mislim da bi Vam to pomoglo. Izvinjavam se ako sam ovim gestom možda uradio nešto što nisam smeo (po pravilima same wiki), nadam se da mi nećete zameriti radi dobre namere. Evo ovako, na ovom sajtu ima nekih stvari koje nedostaju Vama koji uređujete vezano za fudbal, a da bi Vam bilo i te kako od koristi (jer sam primetio da na ovom sajtu ima stvari koje niste do sada objavili). Puno pozdrava i sve najbolje u daljem životu i radu. — Nn94 14 (talk) 08:57, 20 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ja saradjujem sa tim sajtom. Pogledaj Pozdrav. FkpCascais (talk) 11:52, 20 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
To nisam znao dok malopre nisam pogledao na linku koji si ostavio, onda moje izvinjenje. Nadam se da mi nećeš zameriti jer sam hteo pomoći iz dobre namere. U svakom slučaju, hvala što si me ispravio za taj podatak. Potrebno mi je jedno tvoje mišljenje kao iskusnog vikipedijanca. Prilikom pravljenja lista šampiona/prvaka nekog takmičenja po sezonama, da li je bolje da se ta lista stavi na glavnoj stranici samog takmičenja ili je bolje da se ta lista stavi na posebnu stranicu koja bi se naznačila na glavnoj stranici tog takmičenja? Ako misliš da ima neko treće rešenje koje je bolje od predhodna dva pomenuta, reci slobodno. — Nn94 14 (talk) 13:27, 20 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Nn94 14: Ma opušteno, taj sajt je sjajan, on je naš najbolji sajt, prvi do sada koji će da ima kmpletne podatke o svim sezonama naše prve lige još od 1923. Ogroman posao ali će rezultat biti fantastičan. Čekam samo da se dovrše joše neke sitnice sezona do 1940 pa da počnem da ga ubacujem u sve članke vamo.
Što se tvog pitanja tiče, obično lista sa sezonama i prvacima je na glavnoj strani te lige. Jedino ako članak već nije prevelik pa da postoji potreba da se lista stavi u posebnom članku. FkpCascais (talk) 21:14, 20 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Spisak večitih derbija

U povodu 150. večitog derbija, ja bih te molio da ako imaš vremena da napraviš spisak svih večitih derbija između Crvene Zvezde i Partizana što u prvenstvu, što u kupu i u ostalim ("prijateljskim") utakmicama. Unapred zahvalan. Jolicnikola (talk) 15:58, 24 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Jolicnikola: To je definitivno dobra stvar da se napravi ali zahteva puno rada i vremena, ništa ne obećavam. Je li imaš neki članak da daš kao primer? Jesi mislio da se napravi kao poseban članak tipa utakmice reprezentacija samo u ovom slučaju bi bila lista 150 derbija, ili nešto poput ovoga? Idealno bi bilo imati sve utakmice od prve do zadnje sa sve postavama ali tako nešto nema šanse sad da nađem vremena da napravim. FkpCascais (talk) 02:08, 25 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Pa ne moraju biti i postave, nego samo strelci golova i broju gledalaca na svim derbijima kao i na tom članku o Hrvatskom derbiju. Jolicnikola (talk) 03:41, 25 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Vidim. Skoro svi u Eternal derby koriste taj format. Fali srpskom večitom derbiju, definitivno ih treba tako nabrajati, ali napraviti tu tablu je jedan dosadan podugačak posao. Videću ovih dana ako budem mogao da izdvojim neko vreme za to, to bi najbolje bilo sesti i odraditi sve odjednom do kraja. Ako hoćeš ti, napravi je ti. Je li imaš negde listu svih derbija sa datumima i strelcima ili hoćeš da nađem to negde? FkpCascais (talk) 04:27, 25 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Možeš i u delovima ali na prefiksu User:FkpCascais/ ili u sandboxu. Što se tiče liste evo ima je na ovom linku, ali je ta lista pomalo zastarela, pa da pronađeš te derbije iz prošle godine na Soccerway-u. Mnogo pozdrava ti želi Jolicnikola (talk) 04:36, 25 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for February 26

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited OFK Beograd, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Đorđe Lazović. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Zaključavanje stranice

Ne želim da me shvatiš pogrešno, ali mi treba jedna mala pomoć. Na stranici KK FMP postoji dosta "anonimusa" (ne prijavljenih korisnika) koji postavljaju / uklanjaju sadržaj na stranici koji je ne potkrepljen referencama / sumnjive je sadržine / uklanjaju bez razloga. Zato sam pomišljao da se pomenuta stranica zaključa od anonimnih izmena da bi se gore navedeni problem izbegao / sveo na minimum. Ako bi mogao da izneseš tvoje mišljenje po tom pitanju. — Nn94 14 (talk) 16:39, 26 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Da, da, trebao bi da tražiš nekom adminu da stavi semi-protection. FkpCascais (talk) 17:24, 26 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Jel tu opciju zaključavanja može izvršiti samo neki od admina pa se iz tog razloga moram se obratiti njima radi toga ili ? — Nn94 14 (talk) 18:25, 26 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Da, samo oni mogu da zaključavaju strane. Je li imaš nekoga ko je prisutan u košarkaškim člancima ili sa kojim si već imao kontakta? FkpCascais (talk) 19:37, 26 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Nažalost ne. Sa nekolicinom sam bio u kontaktu, ali ti više nisu aktivni na wiki. A i dok su bili aktivni, oni nisu bili admini. — Nn94 14 (talk) 20:55, 26 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Ok, peace.(KIENGIR (talk) 23:16, 16 March 2016 (UTC)).[reply]

PLS '16

Evo šta me zanima, kako su ovi naši lelemudi rešili da nešto kao profesionalizuju, iako je sadašnje stanje daleko od toga, nisam siguran kakva su pravila za raniji period. Recimo, sad hoćemo retrospektivno da se pozabavimo prvom ligom i to. Pošto znaš da volim da se gubim u pisanju stranica za neke manje bitne likove, a i ti vodiš računa o 99% stranaca koji trče našim livadama. Da li se ovaj status računa isključivo od drugog dela tekuće sezone, ili se to sada odnosi na ligu od osnivanja? Čisto da ne trošim vreme, ukoliko će biti izbrisano. Lotom (talk) 11:54, 8 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Lotom: eh, video si verovatno da sam otvorio bio temu PLS i ubačena je u listu pro liga. Nema veze što mi znamo da situacija nije idealna, ima tamo na listi i gorih. Pravo da ti kažem ne znam što se tiče tog pitanja retroaktivnosti. Generalno mislim da se primenjuje retroaktivnost, jer kad god se otvori pitanje da li je neki igrač notable dovoljno je da se vidi da li ima nastupe u nekoj od pro liga ali ne pamtim da se gledalo da li su ti nastupi pre ili poste vremena od kad je ta liga profesionalna. Moj predlog je da ne preteramo jer jedinu brigu koju su tamo spomenuli je ta da se ne preplavi sad vikipedija sa člancima o njima nebitnim igračima koji su jedino igrali u našoj PLS. Za početak bolje da pravimo samo biografije igrača sa većim iskustvom. FkpCascais (talk) 08:45, 9 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Apsolutno nema potrebe za preterivanjem, s tim sam potpuno saglasan. Možda doduše odradim strane za ove perspektivnije klince po filijalama, ali ne verujem ni da mogu da stignem nešto naročito, jer me čeka pakao na faksu narednih dana. E sad, ono oko čega planiram da se iscimam jesu sadašnji i bivši igrači kraljevačke Sloge, to moram. Kad koliko stignem i za koje procenim da su ostavili nešto dublji trag. Lotom (talk) 11:33, 9 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Goran Vučević

Meu caro Filip, vai uma ajudinha se puder ser?

Então é assim: referência #3, não percebo porque é que o outro utilizador a pôs lá uma vez que não se fala do Vucevic UMA vez que seja, mas enfim, deixei ficar; nâo consegui foi traduzir muito bem, e espanta-me (usando o Google Translate, que sei que não é muito fiável mas é aquilo com que eu posso trabalhar) que a palavra "foram" ("were" em ingles, "bile" em croata) esteja entre aspas. E "Katu" (traduzido como "floor") não faço a minima ideia que contexto possa ter.

Referência #4, acho que fiz tudo bem. #5: acho que está mal, mas se visses o resultado que me deu o Google T até tinhas pesadelos! Referência #6, acho que está mais ou menos bem traduzido, mas não percebo o que quer dizer o "no" com letra grande.

Desde já o meu muito obrigado em nome da WP, um abraço português e tudo do melhor! --Be Quiet AL (talk) 20:12, 4 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Boas querido Vasco, ca vai:
A reference 3 traduzida quer dizer "As melhores equipes do Hajduk: So o Ajax conseugiu parar ao Katalinić e aos Brancos" ("Kata" é a alcunha do treinador de entao, Ivan Katalinić, e "bili" quer dizer "Brancos" que é a alcunha do Hajduk. Portanto em Ingles: "Top teams, Hajduk 95: Katalinić Whites stopped only by Ajax." ... qq coisa assim.
A reference 4 sim, esta otima.
A 5 é uma citacao de Brbić. Seria assim: "Brbić: Vučević se demitiu sob ameacas de violencia, ajudem o Hajduk a salvar a epoca!" en ingles algo do genero: "Brbić: Vučević resigned under threat of violence, help Hajduk to save the season!"
A 6 sim, fizeste perfeito, so te falta o tal "NO" que sao as iniciais de "Nadzorni odbor" que é o ... opa tipo "Comissao de supervisao". FkpCascais (talk) 01:38, 5 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Assim sim, o GT merece nota 6 mas tu um 10! Obrigadíssimo, vou já tratar do assunto ;) --Be Quiet AL (talk) 03:36, 5 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Abraco grande! FkpCascais (talk) 04:46, 5 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

A beer for you!


Hello, Struzhanecot is indeed a person from Struga. I hope Im not too late with my answer :)

Disambiguation link notification for May 11

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Zdenko Muf

Jos jednom hvala vama,vi ste prvi postavili moju stranicu na Wiki-ju. Drago mi je kada mi se jave prijatelji i poznanici i kazu da su videli moju stranicu ili golove na Youtube-u. Verovali ili ne ja imam kompletnu svoju statistiku,cak i iz mladjih kategorija. Sto se tice IMT-a,bio sam godinu dana na dvojnoj registraciji iz Radnickog. Ja nigde nisam nasao na netu svoje podatke ni iz IMT-a,pa cak ni iz Radnickog,Panelefsinijakosa...... Ako ja za sebe nisam relevantan izvor,onda ne znam ko je? Linkove ka mojim golovima na Youtube-u sam stavio jer vidim da ih imaju jos neki fudbaleri,pa ne razumem zasto ih meni skida taj editor. A i ne razumem zasto Youtube ne bi bio pouzdan izvor,ako Meksicki komentator (uostalom kao i svi Latino komentatori)sa toliko zara komentarise moje golove pomenuvsi moje ime i prezime?! Drago mi je da nam je zajednicko - zivot u Meksiku,pa cete se verovatno sloziti sa tim. Sve cestitke za vas rad,vidim da ste postavili mnogo stranica o nasem fudbalu. Srdacan pozdrav. Zdenko Muf — Preceding unsigned comment added by Milkodjurovski (talk • contribs) 00:20, 12 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hugo Filipe Oliveira

In the translated title for the last reference, can you replace the "_" with what "muslinu" means in this context? I'm guessing it's something like "craque"? '''tAD''' (talk) 18:59, 24 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Obrigado como sempre, bom trabalho --Be Quiet AL (talk) 21:01, 2 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

A que diz " Nisam navijao za zvezdu u bariju " ? Literalmente "Nao torci pelo Estrela em Bari". Isso é ele a dizer que nao torceu pelo Estrela Vermelha na final da Taca dos Campeoes em Bari em 1991 quando o E. Vermelha se sagrou campeao Europeu. Ele diz isso porque foi jogador e sempre torcedor do Partizan. Portanto a traducao desse titulo seria algo como "I didnt supported Red Star in their final in Bari". Abraco! FkpCascais (talk) 21:07, 2 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

2016 Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Search Community Survey

The Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation has appointed a committee to lead the search for the foundation’s next Executive Director. One of our first tasks is to write the job description of the executive director position, and we are asking for input from the Wikimedia community. Please take a few minutes and complete this survey to help us better understand community and staff expectations for the Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director.

  • Survey, (hosted by Qualtrics)

Thank you, The Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Search Steering Committee via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:48, 1 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for June 8

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User:Sideshow Bob

I've issued them with a final warning for personal attacks. GiantSnowman 19:20, 9 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Elvir Bolić

Meu caro,

não sei se a cena de tirar as estatísticas do Estrela Vermelha da caixa era para mim (não estive para ler o historial de edições todo), mas se fui eu não fiz de propósito (devo ter ido pelo Aliás, por falar em historial, verás se quiseres que tenho melhorado mais o artigo que piorado.

E que fiz desta vez, depois de compôr as tuas edições: retirei a referência dos golos pelo EV na caixa e pus na história (fica feio na caixa, a minha modesta opinião, metemos na história e fica referenciado à mesma. Compus o aspecto das referências que adicionaste (não consegui fazê-lo com a #3 porque não abre, já estará morta uma semana depois de ter sido adicionada?), compus a linguagem, foi tudo.

Em relação à caixa, acho que se deve fazer diferenciação só quando o jogador (neste caso) jogou por vários CELIK ou RED STAR, não é o caso, bastava fazer referência na história e escusava de se alargar a caixa. Os nomes das repúblicas não poderem ser mostrados por extenso, não concordo mas já não vou bater na mesma tecla.

Saudações, um grande fim de semana --Be Quiet AL (talk) 21:46, 10 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Querido Vasco, eu nem sabia que tu tinhas editado essa pagina, eu falei aquilo em geral (normalmente se falo para ti sabes que o faco em Portugues). O Čelik é nome comum de mais de um clube na ex-Jugoslavia, e o Red Star é o problema do de Paris que tambem é famoso. Abraco! FkpCascais (talk) 12:49, 11 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Minor things

Ok -- MilanKovacevic (talk) 17:01, 12 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

references to former Yugoslavia in modern-day player infoboxes

In general, Yugoslav constituent republics were always countries in the other conventional sense of the word, and particularly in the one relevant to the young players who by and large don't even remember Yugoslavia since their country became another state. We've seen endless anonymous revert wars about this, and the most stable articles in my experience were those where the whole country name from the time of birth was spelled out. The only issue I recall in the same period was the length, esp. in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was usually fixed by adding a line break, and it never seemed to bother anyone again. Which is to say, I only ever recall seeing a single continued revert war on a player article about that issue after that.

I went looking for this WP:FOOTY consensus you mentioned, and the only thing I could find was Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Football/Archive 34. That's from 2009, and the caveats from WP:LOCALCONSENSUS clearly apply. WP:ARBMAC is no less relevant to the issue. If you want to re-litigate this, please bring it up in a forum that doesn't involve only people interested in football but all relevant editors. --Joy [shallot] (talk) 17:55, 22 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I searched further and I see now that there's a more recent discussion at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Football/Archive 95#Birthplace in infoboxes. Either way, I don't see consensus there for removing mentions of full old country names. Is there a newer discussion still? Please let me know. --Joy [shallot] (talk) 18:01, 22 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

There are the discussions that happend and always gave the same result. Here is one, here another one and the more recent one where I clearly without any pretention ask about it here. Also, I don't understand what do you mean by "full old name countries", SFR Yugoslavia is the full name. FkpCascais (talk) 20:35, 22 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
If you want Joy, open a new discussion and expose your views. I don't have a strong stand on this, all I think is that whatever consensus applies, it shoud be applied to all former-Yugoslav countries, that is why I oppose your unilateral changes just for SR Croatia players. FkpCascais (talk) 20:38, 22 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Obviously I support using the same scheme for all. I've only noticed it at the .hr players because that's where I've typically had to police edit wars about it.
What I mean by full name is that the countries of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, ... did not cease to exist just because they became part of the country of Yugoslavia. They were no longer sovereign states, but the conventional English meaning of the term 'country' has always included non-states, notably with England, Wales, Scotland. --Joy [shallot] (talk) 13:37, 24 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Also, as luck would have it, the anonymous edit warring over this continued practically immediately after I was reverted again - [22]. It's fairly clear that failure to have this compromise leads to more work for everyone. Let's not repeat the faulty patterns that we've known about for decades now. --Joy [shallot] (talk) 13:45, 24 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Just please establish consensus first. FkpCascais (talk) 14:44, 24 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I also don't think you have any support in your peculiar view that the republics forming Yugoslavia were the "countries". I hope it is not some game of words or something, but I think it is quite clear that "the country" until early 1990s was Yugoslavia. Let me know if you open a discussion on this, cheers. FkpCascais (talk) 14:56, 24 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
You don't think months and years of articles being edit-war-free with this combination indicates any support? I would beg to differ. And it's not a game of words, it's just an application of the article country. --Joy [shallot] (talk) 12:39, 25 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Joy, tons of articles of footballers from former Yugoslavia are very stable saying country of birth was Yugoslavia. Exceptions the ones from Kosovo, and even those have stabilised by now, and the few Croatian footballers ones you changed but soon were all reverted by several senior editors. About the second issue, I doubt your theory how the republics forming Yugoslavia are to be considred "countries" will have some support. Then that would mean what? That Yugoslavia was some sort of EU? United Nations? SR Croatia was not a country for what country stands in the agreement of "country of birth", I challenge you to demonstate the opposite. FkpCascais (talk) 14:54, 25 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Jefferson de Jesus Santos

Meu caro Filipe, vai uma wikiajudinha?

É o seguinte, por favor: um utilizador, fã do Hadjuk aparentemente, colocou lá a frase "Ele foi o jogador mais utilizado durante a temporada, e o melhor médio defensivo desde Josip Radošević, recebendo elogios pelos seus desarmes mas sendo de vez em quando criticado pelos seus passes". A referência em croata não pode estar a suportar isso (final de 2015-16) porque é de JULHO DE 2015! Depois, ainda falou do facto de ele ser o primeiro capitão brasileiro na história do clube, sem referência. Eu não percebo nada de croata mas acho que arranjei uma boa fonte, se bem que a fonte fala em "primeiro NEGRO" e não "primeiro BRASILEIRO".

Para a parte das comparações com Radosevic/críticas/elogios, achas que consegues arranjar alguma coisa? A ti leva-te dois minutos, a mim se calhar três horas e fica um mau trabalho. Se não quiseres/puderes, não faz mal, eu compreendo.

Um abraço, a WP agradece :) --Be Quiet AL (talk) 20:35, 24 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

So agora cheguei a casa caro Vasco, ja te vou ver isso. FkpCascais (talk) 00:38, 25 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Eh pá, já estava esquecido, resolvi dar outra olhadela a ver se havia novidades, não há. Se não der, eu compreendo claro. Força aí --Be Quiet AL (talk) 18:03, 11 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Oh Vasco, desculpa :( mas isso é sobre futebol croata e eu como servio so vou criar é animosidade se me meter. Se puderes deixar-me de fora do que for jogadores e clubes croatas, agradeco. FkpCascais (talk) 22:49, 11 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Sim senhor, compreendo perfeitamente. Desejo-te um bom fim de semana, até à wiki-próxima! --Be Quiet AL (talk) 20:04, 12 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Obrigado, abraco grande! FkpCascais (talk) 01:04, 13 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hvala na savetu!

Hvala na savetu! Provalio sam i ja da nesto nije kako treba, zato sto pola igraca nema profil u Crnogorskoj i Bosanskoj ligi. Ali samo sto sam malo zakasnio s' proverama, posto sam prvo napravio a tek posle proveravao koja je liga profesionalna, a koja ne. Ali u svakom slucaju, nadam se da je neko od ovih 4,5,6 debitovao u JSL ove nedelje, da ne ispadne da sam pravio za dz. Pozdrav! Djene 94 (talk) 00:27, 25 July 2016.

Lista šampiona

Potrebna mi je mala pomoć/savet od tebe kao iskusnijeg i upućenijeg wikipedijanca. Koliko je pametno da se za neku ligu na zasebnoj stranici pravi spisak šampiona, kao npr. ovde, ukoliko je isti velik/opširan kao u navedenom primeru ili sličnom slučaju? Zamolio bih te da mi objasniš tvoje mišljenje, a i kakva su pravila kako bi trebalo ispravnije da postupim. – Nn94 14 (talk) 20:55, 3 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Pa ja sam već napravio List of Serbian football champions. Je si na to mislio? FkpCascais (talk) 04:34, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Nisi me izgleda baš najbolje razumeo šta sam hteo da te pitam. Mislio sam da mi objasniš uopšteno kakva su pravila i koje je tvoje mišljenje po pitanju pravljenja liste šampiona na zasebnoj stranici, kao npr. u slučajevima koje smo obojica naveli. — Nn94 14 (talk) 16:23, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ali koju želiš da napraviš? Za koju zemlju? U kom sportu? FkpCascais (talk) 17:16, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ima ih više, ali npr. imam nameru da napravim ovde. Ali suština, imao sam u planu da to učinim da napravim na svim onim mestima gde je lišta velika/opširna kao na primeru koji sam ti naveo. — Nn94 14 (talk) 17:39, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Pa koliko sam video nisam nigde našao neki "guide" specifičan za tu vrstu članka tipa lista prvaka, ali pogledaj kako su napravljene ove iz najpoznatijih zemalja i najačih liga pa pravi druge po istom principu. Koristi njih kao kalup. Ako baneš na nešto konkretno slobodno me pitaj. FkpCascais (talk) 18:12, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Evo pregledao sam po ostalim ligama i našao sam samo na stranicama posvećenim ligama SAD i Australije našao da je pravljenje liste prvaka, dok za sve ostale lige u ž. košarci koju uređujem mogu se naći kao na mom prehodnom komentaru na tvojoj stranici za razgovor. — Nn94 14 (talk) 18:45, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Znači, većina ženskih košarkaških liga ima svoj članak, a samo dve (USA i AUS) imaju još i dodatno listu šampiona. Mislim da za one lige gde je situacija prosta, jedna liga uvek ta jedna ista bila kroz celu istoriju u toj zemlji, dovoljno je imati samo članak lige, a neke lige gde je tokom istorije postojalo više formata liga i sa različitim nazivima i to, onda vredi napraviti sporedno listu šampiona te zemlje. FkpCascais (talk) 01:04, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Skanderbeg was Serbian origin

The first scholarly claim that Scanderbeg was a Slav was made by Charles Hopf who misread a document of 1368 in Serbian. Through his misinterpretation he produced a "Branilo Kastrioti" which he put forth as Skanderbeg's great-grandfather. In spite of the clarification of this error by scholars, there are still Serbs today who believe in his existence. These Serbs give the below genealogy composed by various western genealogists as evidence.

Source: (assassinato a Jannina nel 1379 circa), di origine serba, Governatore di Jannina nel 1368. Sposa N.N.

The nationalist writers needed to do nothing more than provide [Skenderbeg] with a national significance and some embellishment, subjecting him to the laboratory that serves to transform history into myth. As with most myths, his figure and his deeds became a mixture of historical facts, truths and half-truths, inventions and folklore… For 19th century Albanians, a majority of whom had adhered to the faith of Skenderbeg’s Muslim enemies, the religious dimension needed to be avoided. Consequently, Skenderbeg became simply the national hero of all Albanians, the embodiment of the myth of ‘continuous resistance’ against their numerous foes over the centuries.

1) Skenderbeg is the great grandson of Branilo, the Serb duke of Kastoria. 2) Skenderbeg’s brother was named Stanisa, a contemporary Serbian name. 3) Stanisa’s son (Skenderbeg’s nephew) was also named Branilo. 4) Skenderbeg’s mother was Vojislava daughter of the Serb ruler of Polog 5) Skenderbeg’s sisters Valica and Jela mean ‘little wave’ and ‘dear’ in Serbian. Branilo and Stanisa are both Serbian names meaning ‘defender’ and ‘the one who stands,’ respectively. Note that neither Branilo, Stanisa, Valica nor Jela exist as Bulgarian names. Not long ago, for example, I wrote of myths and mentioned Skenderbeg and the Battle of Kosovo. I told of how the Albanians have forgotten that Skenderbeg was a Slav. I was attacked by Ismail Kadare, incensed at how I could possibly say that Skenderbeg was a Slav and that the history and culture of Albanians is on the level of Serbs.

That’s the way it is with our culture, which is mythomaniac, national-communist, romantic, self-glorifying. You can’t say anything objective without people getting angry. The Albanians are a people who still dream. That is what they are like in their conversations, their literature…In light of Hoxha and ‘pyramid schemes, Albanians are a people who still dream. That’s just the way they are… -Fatos Lubonja famous Albanian dissident there was an attempt in some circles to exalt the Albanians’ Muslim identity on the grounds that those Albanians who became Muslim were the only true Albanians – arguing that the Islamic religion was the strongest factor in the survival of the Albanians… Some even put forth the theory that Skenderbeg should not be the national hero because he betrayed the Turks by serving the Christians.…the old myths of national romanticism like that of Skenderbeg and ‘the religion of the Albanians is Albanianism’ remain the dominant mythologies in Albanian cultural and political life today.

-Fatos Lubonja Between the Glory of a Virtual World & the Misery of a Real World Quoted from: Albanian Identities: Myth and History Edited by: Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers & Bernd J. Fischer Page: 102

The nationalist writers needed to do nothing more than provide [Skenderbeg] with a national significance and some embellishment, subjecting him to the laboratory that serves to transform history into myth. As with most myths, his figure and his deeds became a mixture of historical facts, truths and half-truths, inventions and folklore… For 19th century Albanians, a majority of whom had adhered to the faith of Skenderbeg’s Muslim enemies, the religious dimension needed to be avoided. Consequently, Skenderbeg became simply the national hero of all Albanians, the embodiment of the myth of ‘continuous resistance’ against their numerous foes over the centuries.

Pirro Misha Invention of Nationalism: Myth and Amnesia Quoted from: Albanian Identities: Myth and History Edited by: Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers & Bernd J. Fischer Page: 43

According to Albanian Pirro Misha, Skenderbeg, as Albanians know him or think they know him, is nothing more than a myth: a mixture of historical facts, truths and half-truths, inventions and folklore… The Albanian nationalist elites have turned Skenderbeg into the basis for the myth of ‘continuous resistance’. In fact, there was no ‘continuous resistance’ by the Albanians. There is only the betrayal of Skenderbeg by their conversion to the faith of Skenderbeg’s Muslim enemies. The religious dimension needed to be avoided to serve a basis for control of the Christian Albanians by the Muslim Albanian nationalist elites. Skenderbeg’s identity was completely hijacked and along with it, Albanian Christianity.

In Part 1 of Project Perpjekja, there was much discussion about Albanian nationalist elites. One more thing should be observed: the Albanian nationalist elites are always, almost as a rule, Muslim or ‘ex-Muslim.’ The Prizrenites were all Muslims and so was the Enverist ruling circle (Enver Hoxha, Mehmet Shehu, Qemal Stafa, Ramiz Alija, Ismail Kadare); so are the KLA. These nationalist elites have caused Albanians a lot of suffering. Zogu took up the spirit of the League of Prizren and he robbed the country; the Enverists did their damage through cultural isolation, the KLA have turned ‘free’ Kosovo into a cesspool of AIDS and prostitution.

Fatos Lubonja, another insider into the Albanian academic scene, describes how elements of Skenderbeg’s biography were manipulated by the Albanian nationalist elites:

His sisters: Mara Jela Angelina Vlajica and his brothers were: Stanisa Konstantin

“Skenderbeg’s family was of Serb descent” and married to Danica daughter of Vojvoda Golem. (golem is an old Slav word, meaning “great”.)

L. Defenbah “Zeine Familie War Slavishen Ursprungs” Brlin, Germany 1895

Skenderbeg’s sister Mara was married to Stefan Crnojevic, lord of Zeta, who with the Zetans helped Skenderbeg for 24 years in the wars against the Turks. According to the Catholic priest of Shkodra Marin Barleci, the Turks unearhed Skenderbeg’s remains and distributed them amongst themsleves ‘as souveniers’.

Paul Rovinski Russian emmisary and historian quoted from: “Glas Crnogorca” 1899

The Catholic Albanian priest Marini Barleci says that Skenderbeg wore Serb clothing and wrote in ‘Serb letters and Italian language’ because the illiterate Albanians at that time could only write in Greek or Serb just as Skenderbeg “carried all discussions in the Serb language”.

Kacic Miosic (Croatian scribe) 17th Century

“Skenderbeg, a personally brave man was of Serb descent and was so useful, that he was respected by the Albanians, as well. He was the son of Ivan Kastrioti. His mother was Vojislava, daughter of the Prince of Polog”

Teodoro Spanduci 16th century Italian quoted by: P. Rovinski see: above source for Mr. Rovinski

Sources: Biography of Skenderbeg in Serbian language published in Budapest in 1828 by a Hungarian: Josip Milovuk

Biography of Skenderbeg in Serbian language published in Belgrade in 1848 by a Croatian: Andrija Kacic Miosic

Biography of Skenderbeg in Serbian language published in Novi Sad in 1855 by the Serb Popovic brothers

The only book about Skenderbeg written by an Albanian before the World War I was written by Catholic Albanian priest Marin Barleci who is quoted by Paul Rovinski. As shown above – even M. Barleci an Albanian designates Skenderbeg a a Serb and not an Albanian at all. — Preceding unsigned comment added by DereticevSvetiVazal (talk • contribs) 11:14, 27 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you @DereticevSvetiVazal: for your detailed explanation and I apologise for my late response. I removed it because such a claim should have the sources supporting it included in the article. I think the best may be to copy this entire thread to the Talk:Skanderbeg and see there the opinion of other editors. FkpCascais (talk) 02:19, 29 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Reference errors on 28 August

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Pazi ovo, nikad kraja kontroverzama u vezi sa srpskim fudbalom. Ispratio sam ove sa fm-a, pošto znam da rade baze i videh danas nešto čudno vezano za ove iz Borca. Boga pitaj odakle su ustvari došli i ko ih je doveo. A ni za nacionalnost niko nije siguran. Congo, ili DR... Najgore od svega je što TM odmah brže-bolje sve prekopira i onda to obično tako ostane i dolazi do konfuzije. A onda ti posle objasni današnjem čoveku da se ne jede sve što leti. Iako PR službe, ako uopšte i postoje u većini naših klubova ne obavljaju svoj posao kako bi trebalo, a isto tako znam da neki namerno plasiraju patke, vrlo često zarad nekih bizarnih isteresa. Doduše, neretko i s namerom da sakriju identitet ciljanog pojačanja dok ne realizuju transfer. Videćemo sutra, trebalo bi da ovi iz saveza okače zvanični dokument. Očekujem da će biti obiman, s tim što cenim da će biti dosta toga i sledeće nedelje, jer izlazi sredom, a kako se prelazni rok završio noćas, biće toga još. E sad, po njima, ne bi se baš reklo da je zaživela ona priča od proletos da svi igrači moraju da budu obavezani nekom vrstom ugovora, što povrđuju i one priče "igra se za platu". Čisto da znaš, u Spartak je prešao neki lik iz beogradskog Grafičara, zaboravio sam kako se zove, ali je interesantno da u rosteru Grafičara iz Podgorice postoji igrač sa istim imenom i prezimenom, s tim što je '96 godište. Nije nastupao u zoni prošle sezone,(barem prema nekoj evidenciji koju ja imam) pretpostavljam da je možda neki kadet, ili omladinac.

Sve u svemu kad pogledam učinak u prelaznom roku i dosadašnja izdanja, pitam se ko je više spinovao. Ovaj vaš Iglica pobaca silne neke bombe, nas ZT laže celo leto, a u Evropi nas nigde nema. Voša je delovala najubedljivije, ali nisu oni još dovoljno namazani. Sviđa mi se što mislim da konačno prave kompaktan tim, a produžili su i klupu. Bilo bi interesantno kad bi se malo zakomplikovalo u vrhu. Matijašević i Lešnjak uništiše Čuku. Lotom (talk) 20:45, 1 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Uf sve te razumem. U ove moje sam prvi put baš skroz razočaran. Uprava je tragična, a opozicija je korak unazad. Ali ono što me je ovaj put najviše razočaralo je mentalitet koji vlada među navijačima. Tvoji su barem pokušali, jeste da je bilo grešaka, moglo je mnogo bolje, ali barem ste bili hrabri da napadnete LŠ pa šta bude. Ovi iz DR Konga deluje da nemaju veze sa Kongom. Toure uopšte nije prezime iz tog dela Afrike, a Masiya je prezime više iz Zambije i Zimbabvea... Ludilo, ta dvojice se vrte celo leto iz kluba u klub po probama po Srbiji i na kraju ih čačani uzeli i ne znaju ništa o njima. Da ovi sa Čukom sve što znaju je da dovode otpadke već viđene. Ne znam jedino transfermarktu otkud onaj urugvajac kod njih, ih kamo sreće da su ti iz Čuke takvi pa da dovedu tako nekog urugvajskog reprezentativca... FkpCascais (talk) 00:26, 2 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Sve u svemu kad pogledam učinak u prelaznom roku i dosadašnja izdanja, pitam se ko je više spinovao. Ovaj vaš Iglica pobaca silne neke bombe, nas ZT laže celo leto, a u Evropi nas nigde nema. Voša je delovala najubedljivije, ali nisu oni još dovoljno namazani. Sviđa mi se što mislim da konačno prave kompaktan tim, a produžili su i klupu. Bilo bi interesantno kad bi se malo zakomplikovalo u vrhu. Matijašević i Lešnjak uništiše Čuku. Lotom (talk) 20:45, 1 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Znaš i sam da je sve što imamo o ovom liku broj telefona, možda bi trebalo da ga kontaktiramo za više informacija. :) Soccerway ubaci pozicije za te igrače nasumično, jer moraju da ih, narodski rečeno, ubutaju negde. Kod nas su ga upisali Učua Tisini, pa sam na prvu pomislio da je neki odozdo, sa juga Srbije, sve dok nije izašao FSS dokument. Nisam siguran ko Vranjancima igra levog beka, po sastavu utakmice na kojoj je dotični nastupio, Gašić je štoper, Simov pokriva sve pozicije u odbrani, a Milan Stanković je desni bek. Segun je primarno zadnji vezni, ali gde su ga sve posle odlaska iz Sloge koristili, zaista mi nije poznato, negde se pominjao i kao štoper. Ostali su uglavnom ofanzivno orijentisani. Lotom (talk) 21:13, 15 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Mislim da ste previše strogi u analizi vaše situacije. Sasuolo je upravo nabio u LE Bilbao sa 3-0. Proći Sasuolo sada je bila nemoguća misija za vas ili za bilo koji klub uopšte sa naših prostora. Oni su glat među 5 najboljih ekipa učesnica u LE. E sad, trebali ste proći Ludogorec. Mislim da je generalno ideja Terzića u principu dobra. Imam jedino dve zagonetke. Prva, na osnovu čega je odabrana opcija da se da prioritet pojačanjima i da se oni uigravaju igrajući već kao starteri protiv maltežana, umesto da se išlo na kontinuitet tima iz prošle sezone i da se postepeno menja tim i ubacuju novajlije. Verujem da je odgovor na ovo vezan za to da se Božović sa Terzićem dogovorio da se prihvati činjenica da će biti značajnih promena u timu, mislim konkretno na odlaske Kataia, Vijeire i Ibanjeza, a dolazak igrača koji su trebali teoretski da ih zamene i budu nosioci igre, mislim na Kangu, Fibela i Mučea. Pošto je verovatno ovo bila zamisao, Božović je mislio da je bolje da gura odmah startnu postavu na koju je teoretski računao za sezonu, i da se uigravaju već sa Valetom i Ludogorecom. Loša igra protiv maltežana je znači već bila očekivana, ali bi se dobilo to da se već uigravaju, i bilo je naravno i doze prepotentnosti gde se mislilo da čak i sa potpuno neuigranim timom maltežani se sigurno prolaze. Realno, videla se ta ideja i na terenu, Zvezda je sve bolje i bolje igrala. Ali, pojavio se problem broj 2. Tragična odbrana!!! Da je odbrana bila minimalno solidna i davala sigurnost timu, sve bi bilo potpuno drugačije. Sredina i napad bi mogli opuštenije da se uigravaju, bili bi skoncentrisani na stvaranju ofanzivnih akcija, a ovako je ta ideja propala i igrači su morali u polupanici neuigrani da jure rezultat. Neočekivano katastrofalna igra odbrane, da uviđena na vreme, trebala je da da indikaciju Božoviću da je sigurnije bilo igrati sa manje izmenjenim timom iz predhodne sezone. Bolje da ste išli na kontinuitet tima, možda eventualno sa Kangom već kao starterom, to bi sigurno bilo bolje nego izlaziti na teren sa katastrofalnom odbranom plus neuigranim veznim redom.
A šta se desilo sa odbranom? Ima tu nejasnih poteza. Kad se dovodio Fibel, zar nije bilo jasno da onda ne može Luković da mu bude par? Toliko spora odbrana možemo da zamislimo koliko bi golova primala od ozbiljnih klubova u LŠ. Barsa ili Real bi glat oborili rekord u broju postignutih golova u utakmici LŠ. Koliko sam shvatio, Terza je slao ponude i pregovarao sa mnogim igračima, naročito u veznom redu. Leandro Damiao je bio prevelik zalogaj, a Bisesvara i onog angolanskog napadača vam pokupi PAOK. A kako su Kanga, Fibel, Mouče i Ruiz pristali, Terza nije hteo nijednog da se odrekne. Ali to je dovelo do problema u broju stranaca. Dovođenje štopera je tada onda značilo da je morao da bude neko domaći. Jurili ste Milana Mitrovića, lik vas ladno odbio. U toj se situaciji u stvari videlo koliko nam tačno znače stranci, jer kad na nekoj poziciji moraš da nabaviš nekog našeg, vidiš koliko je teško da ga nađeš, jer ovi vani 90% njih neće da se vraćaju čak ni u CZ ili FKP a ovi iz domaće lige su često i skupi a neiskusni za Evropu. Zašto se doveo Mitchell, Phibel i još išlo po Mitrovića??? Zašto se nije spremio na vreme jedan štoper ali siguran kako treba. Dobro, Mičel je navodno jeftin i kao za budućnost. I vezni red je jasno pretrpan sa barem jednim strancem više. FkpCascais (talk) 21:07, 16 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Sve te, brate, razumem. Ja lično i nisam gajio neka nerealna očekivanja, jer kad ti dođu klubovi sa tolikim budžetom koji mogu da dovedu na prvu sva ta pojačanja koja ti bezuspešno juriš u startu si limitiran. Iz Zvezde su preterali sa strancima i sad, naravno, nema mesta za sve. Trebalo je Huga prodati. Za našu ligu može i bez njega. Bez uvrede, čestitam na sinoćnoj pobedi, ali mislim da je i onaj objektivniji deo Vas saglasan sa tim da je utakmica bila užasna. Taj gol je, pa skoro i jedino uzbuđenje na istoj. Grof je išao na 0, što se videlo i po sastavu, bez napadača na klupi. Nije ovaj Leonardo loš igrač, niko ne kaže, ali ako je istina da prima pola milke... Mnogo je to za naše uslove. Ni ovi naši nisu ništa značajno jeftiniji. Lepo bi bilo da su svi ekstra plaćeni i zadovoljni, ali daleko smo mi od toga. Privredni sektor u celoj državi je u kanalu, mnogo ljudi je bez posla, ali naš narod voli sport. Međutim, svi bi voleli da vide rezultate ekspresno, a to ne ide. I onda kad se dovedu tako neki internacionalci i da im se veća plata, a ne prave razliku momentalno, kritičarima je i jedan loš prijem lopte dovoljan da rapale po bilo kome. Tu su i one priče "naša deca" koje donekle stoje, ali za to si u pravu, ne može obdanište da igra seniorski fudbal, što se vidi po OFK Beogradu ove sezone. Stranca u odbranu ne bih stavljao. Ibanjez je izuzetak, on je "naš". Dobro je imati 3-4 stranca, drugačiji su to fudbalski mentaliteti, drugačije sredine, od svakog se ponešto novo vidi i nauči, ali treba vremena, što kod nas vrlo teško bilo ko može da dobije. Naš narod bi hteo sve i odmah. Dobro, ti si van, ne moraš da gledaš neke stvari svakodnevno, ali kad izađeš na ulicu i vidiš gomilu mediokriteta, pitaš se da li uopšte i zaslužujemo bilo šta. Niko da prezme odgovornost i kontrolu nad svojim životom prvenstveno, a kamoli nešto više od toga. Pa i ja kao studiram, upisao ETF, a ne znam knjigu kad sam uzeo u ruke. Rekao bih da mi generalno imamo taj problem da se ne trudimo dovoljno, a i ne znamo ni šta baš tačno želimo. S druge strane, sve je prožeto politikom, birokratija nas ubija, a ne verujem da bilo gde u svetu postoji ovoliki nepotizam kao kod nas. Možda bi privatizacija i bila najrealnije rešenje za našu situaciju, kad je ionako sve rasprodato. Jedino što onda rođaci, prijatelji, političari i ostali ne bi imali dovoljan broj fotelja. Lotom (talk) 9:51, 18 September 2016 (UTC)
Potpuno se slažem za sinoćni derbi. Katastrofa od fudbala, mi smo dali taj gol, mogao je Ruiz da da odmah posle kad ga je Kanga izolovao. Nisam ja uopšte od onih ko će sad da diže u nebesa Partizan zbog pobede a vas da gazi, jer realno rezultat je više slučajan nego postignut. Moglo je da bude i 0-0 ili 1-1 ili 0-1, to su nijanse odlučile, i uopšte se ne slažem da se od nijansi sad prave heroji. Loš fudbal i sa jedne i druge strane. U Partizanu mi se svideli Everton, Leonardo, Milenković, Balažic, Miletić, Stevanović i Jevtović a kod vas Kanga, i nisam nezadodvoljan Ruizom, Poletanoviić tragičan! FkpCascais (talk) 14:09, 18 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

2015–16 Serbian SuperLiga

Hi, I need your help regarding 2016–17 Serbian SuperLiga and specially {{2016–17 Serbian SuperLiga Regular Season table}}, {{2016–17 Serbian SuperLiga Championship Round table}} and {{2016-17 Serbian SuperLiga Relegation Round table}}.

The reason I ask you is because I have seen you editing football related articles and I saw at your userpage that you speak the language.

On the article 2016–17 Serbian SuperLiga I saw someone had added the competition rulebook (I think) in Serbian ( and even though I dont speak the language I looked at some things, with help from google translate. After looking I had a few questions you might be able to help with.

  1. Where does it say it will be a relegation play-off for 14th placed team? I can not find that information, but we show that in {{2016-17 Serbian SuperLiga Relegation Round table}}.
  2. Are the tiebreaker rules correct for all three tables? It does not look correct as they are now and I read something about if teams are tied after all matches the points from regular season count?

It would be very helpful if you could help so that we can get the correct information in the tables. And then perhaps we can use the real rulebook as source instead of scoresway who is often wrong. Thank you. Qed237 (talk) 14:30, 2 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, Serbian, or Serbo-Croatian, is my native language, and my main interest here is preciselly football from that part of the world. I just arrived home, give me a little time and I will see what is happening there. FkpCascais (talk) 17:21, 2 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, the external link is exactly that, the official Football Association of Serbia document with the rules for the 2016/17 Serbian SuperLiga season.
At pages 14 and 15 (1324 and 1325), it says that after the initial 30 rounds the classification at the table will depend on the overall points won, and the tiebraker factors for teams with same number of points are the following:
For two teams:
  • number of points won in the games between them
  • if both have same points in games between them, then the goal difference in those games between them.
  • if still they are tied because both have same goal difference, then, as by UEFA regulations, the away goals count double.
  • if they are still tied, then the better goal difference in the total goals of each club in all the 30 rounds.
  • if the goal difference is still equal, then the team that archived more goals in the 30 rounds.
  • if the tie persists, then the team which is better classified in the fair-play table after 30 rounds, takes advantage.
  • if they are still tied, then the general director of the league in a meating of the executive council of the league will make a draw.
For more than two teams:
  • number of points archived in the games between them.
  • better goal difference in the games between them.
  • more goals.
  • better goal difference in the overall goal difference of the 30 rounds.
  • more goals overall in the 30 rounds.
  • better position at the fair-play classification table.
  • the league director will do a draw.
At the end of the season, the qualification tiebraker rules are: (it is on page 19, 1329)
For two teams:
  • number of points archived during the initial stage, the first 30 rounds.
  • number of points in the games between the two clubs at the first 30 rounds.
  • the goal difference in the games between the two clubs during the first 30 rounds.
  • goals away counting twice.
  • better goal difference in the overall competition.
  • better position at the fair-play table.
  • if they are still tied, if the clubs are at the places qualifiying for European competitions or relegation, a special tiebraker game will be organised. If the game ends tied, extra-time of 30 minutes (15+15) will be played, and then penalities.
For more than two clubs:
  • Exactly the same as previous, just that instead of the last point, which in the case of two teams said a special game would be played, in case of more than two teams, a draw would take place, organised by the general director of the league in a special executive assembly of the league.
It indeed says nothing about the 14th placed team playing any relegation play-off. FkpCascais (talk) 17:49, 2 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
So,it means you spotted it right, the tiebraker criteriums at {{2016–17 Serbian SuperLiga Regular Season table}} are in wrong order and incorrect asthey stand now. Same with {{2016–17 Serbian SuperLiga Championship Round table}}. Then, about the {{2016-17 Serbian SuperLiga Relegation Round table}}, seems the entire table is unecessary, and the relegation play-offs seems that will not take place. FkpCascais (talk) 18:23, 2 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Awesome work, I understand everything perfectly clear now and I will start making changes as soon as possible (currently very busy IRL so it even took a long time before I could give you an answer). The only thing I dont understand is why you think the {{2016-17 Serbian SuperLiga Relegation Round table}} is unecessary as from my understanding the bottom teams will also play eachother once after the first 30 matches. Qed237 (talk) 21:10, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, they will play eachother. After 30 rounds, the league will be split in two groups, the upper half paying for European sports, and the bottom half playing to avoid relegation. Everything seems fine, just that this season the 14th seems that will not play the play-off against the 3rd classified of the 2016–17 Serbian First League.
The {{2016-17 Serbian SuperLiga Relegation Round table}} it is necessary as it is the bottom half of the final table. FkpCascais (talk) 21:15, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Great. I can not thank you enough for your help. I owe you a favour if you would need one someday. Thank you. Qed237 (talk) 21:28, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Not at all, it was my pleasure to help you, and by the way, you did a tremendous job in finding those flaws at the table and seing the problem without even knowing the language. That was really well done. I just think it is better you to make the changes cause despite my English not being bad, you can certainly get all the expressions right and put them in a right way. I edit football from Balkans and former Yugoslavia generally, so whenever you need help with something related to that part of the world, feel absolutelly free to ask me. Best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 22:10, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

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Pomoć oko GIF-a

Zdravo, imam mali problem. Stavio sam GIF na Dubrovničku Republiku i Banatski ustanak, ali neće da se učita. Voleo bih kada bi nešto pomoglo. — Preceding unsigned comment added by DereticevSvetiVazal (talk • contribs) 11:20, 4 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Je li ovaj ? Kao da ne radi. FkpCascais (talk) 11:31, 4 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Invite to the African Destubathon

Hi. You may be interested in participating in the African Destubathon which starts on October 15. Africa currently has over 37,000 stubs and badly needs a quality improvement editathon/contest to flesh out basic stubs. There are proposed substantial prizes to give to editors who do the most articles, and planned smaller prizes for doing to most destubs for each of the 53 African countries, so should be enjoyable! So it would be a good chance to win something for improving stubs on African sportspeople, including footballers, athletes, Olympians and Paralympians etc, particularly female ones, but also male. Even if contests aren't your thing we would be grateful if you could consider destubbing a few African articles during the drive to help the cause and help reduce the massive 37,000 + stub count, of which many are rated high importance (think Regions of countries etc). If you're interested in competing or just loosely contributing a few expanded articles on African Paralympians, Olympians and committees etc, please add your name to the Contestants/participants section. Diversity of work from a lot of people will make this that bit more special. Thanks. --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:14, 6 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Noticeboard notice

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Information iconHello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion involving you at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring regarding a possible violation of Wikipedia's policy on edit warring. Thank you. Judist (talk) 14:26, 19 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Srpski klubovi u intertoto kupu

Da li možeš da mi pronađeš detalje mečeva srpskih (SRJ/SCG/SRB) klubova u Intertoto kupu, ne samo na internetu jer verovatno nema zastupljenih sajtova o tome, nego i u knjigama koje imaš. Hvala ti unapred. Jolicnikola (talk) 12:50, 28 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Fali mi godišnjak za 1992/1999 godinu, te su sezone sve u jednom godišnjaku... čekam ga već odavno. FkpCascais (talk) 15:19, 28 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!

Hello, FkpCascais. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.

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A tag has been placed on Category:FK Bratstvo Bratunac players requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the category has been empty for seven days or more and it is not presently under discussion at Categories for discussion, or at disambiguation categories.

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Nomination of List of French born footballers who have played for other national teams for deletion

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article List of French born footballers who have played for other national teams is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

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Nomination of List of footballers born in Yugoslavia who played for other national teams for deletion

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article List of footballers born in Yugoslavia who played for other national teams is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of footballers born in Yugoslavia who played for other national teams until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. KAP03 (talk) 15:57, 27 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Roger Joseph Boscovich

Have you reported anyone for sockpuppeting on the Boskovich article?[23] GregorB (talk) 17:58, 7 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hello @GregorB:, I hope you had nice Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2017. Regarding the issue, no I haven't, that is why I didn't firmly said it was banned user Asdisis but just said that it could be possibly him. Both accounts focus on Croatian-Serbian disputed articles, and express some sort of "mission" of fighting "Serbian POV" as he did at WP:Croatia. Please feel free to change my edit in any form you consider apropriate, lets just try to leave out tendentious editing from any of the sides. FkpCascais (talk) 20:44, 7 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I support(ed) some of the changes made by Everett57. They have been recently discussed at WT:CRO. If you take a look, you'll see that he accepted my suggestion, which is quite commendable and does not suggest a "POV warrior" approach. Also, I believe the best way is to assess the edits rather than the motives behind them.
I'm concerned here because your revert removed an entire non-POV section ("Boscovich's demon"), and this would only be legitimate in pursuit of WP:EVADE. So, if there is no compelling evidence of sockpuppeting, the edits need to be discussed on their merit. Let's move it to Talk:Roger Joseph Boscovich then (time permitting on my side). All the best, GregorB (talk) 22:14, 7 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
There is definitely grounds to suspect the user is an Asdisis sock. Both appear to be obsessed with claiming Branimir Stulic as a Croat . 23 editor (talk) 16:41, 11 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hi! I do not know what "Asdisis sock" means, but I implement Stulic in List of Croats because (i) his parents are from Nin (Croatia) and (ii) he was raised & educated in Zagreb, founded band in Zagreb and he was one of the most prominent singer of Zagreb's New wave. Since conditions for including someone in List of Croatis is: "The following is a list of prominent individuals who were Croatian citizens or of Croatian ancestry.", I concluded that there is enough elements to be implemented in this list. There are also elements for some other list, too. I would like to understand why would 23 editor conclude that I am obsessed with claiming that Stulic was Croat?
But I do not have any problems if someone disagree - Stulic is not in my area of expertise. But Boscovich is. FkpCascais, you are trying to:
  1. Implement Boscovich's name in Serbian Cyrillic - which is not based on any historical evidence. He never used Serbian Cyrillic in any of his writings. So, please, explain why in the world would you do that?
  2. You are removing statement which is analytical (truth per se): sentence which is claiming that there exist article that states that SANU's claims are wrong. Since I have provided reference to that statement, I cannot see how could you justify its removal.
  3. You are removing information about Boscovich's nickname. Again, there is an academic reference behind it. Why would you remove it? I hope that "Croatian" in his nickname does not influence this decision.
  4. Last, but not least, you are removing Croatian origins from article. This is something that I do accept since there are good arguments to state that he was an Italian scientist also. He felt like that, in some way. But you haven't provide any serious scientific source for claim that he was Serbian. I hope that you do understand that most of your references are based on one reference which have been proved to be incorrect (by simple arhive check).
Best regards! --Everett57 (talk) 01:15, 12 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Bora i ja uglavnom isključujemo bombastične i senzacionalističke naslove. E sad od kad je "Fudbal" počeo da izlazi redovno u elektronskom izdanju, a koliko sam pratio to je počelo negde u vreme kada se Kokeza obreo na funkciji, ja sve ulazne transfere isključujem dok ih ne vidim u zvaničnoj dokumentaciji. Nije da mirišem bilo koga od tih likova, ali su ovi dokumenti veoma korisni i jedini validan izvor informacija. Uostalom, verujem da ova piskarala posećuju i Terazije, uz krtice u klubovima i oko njih. Mada ti je za puštanje "patke" dovoljno nešto kreativnosti i pronicljivosti da znaš čime da potpališ masu. Za ulazne transfere se čeka 23, zbog prenosa papira, jer tada zvanično počinje prelazni rok i do tada ne očekujem ništa spektakularno vezano za ovu boraniju. Ali za raskide ugovora i sporazuma kao izvor koristim isključivo zvanične dokumente, sem ukoliko zvanični sajtovi klubova ne objave, ili ukoliko istekne ugovor i igrač nema nameru da ostaje, ali i to ne shvatam olako jer se mnogi vrate ako nemaju gde. Moj predlog je da sačekamo 23, kada će već mnogo više da se zna.

Verovatno si video moju prepisku s onim likom vezano za Bačku, gubi on konce pomalo, ali mi se čini da smo svi u ovoj priči donekle zastranili. Mislim da bi trebalo malo da se pozabavimo tim imenima klubova u narednom periodu, ali je najbolje da zasad ostane ovako, pa da se za narednu sezonu sve to malo sredi i uobliči. Lotom (talk) 20:45, 13 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Reference errors on 13 January

Hello, I'm ReferenceBot. I have automatically detected that an edit performed by you may have introduced errors in referencing. It is as follows:

Please check this page and fix the errors highlighted. If you think this is a false positive, you can report it to my operator. Thanks, ReferenceBot (talk) 00:40, 14 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Hello pal, how you have been. I want to say that it's very interesting story of the Ajdarević Dinasti with football, I'm very impressed. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 23:13, 17 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I am fine, thanks @Eni.Sukthi.Durres:, I hope you had nice New Year. I saw the great work you have done about the Ajdarević dinasty, you did a great job! I made the article about the father of Astrit, Agim Ajdarević, but I see you have discovered he has more sons playing football, like Arbën and Alfred Ajdarević players I didnt knew about until you wrote about them. It is also very interesting that Agim played as "Yugoslav", Astrit plays for Sweden, and now Alfred seems that will play for Albania!!!
You did a great job about adding that information about all the brothers and creating the article for Alfred. It is just that rule not to add 0 (0) in infoboxes for national teams, remember? It really has nothing to do with being Albania U21, it could have been Serbia U21, or China U21 I would remove I as well. You did a great job in adding the info in the article text in "International career" section, now just wait for him to debut to add it in the infobox "Albania U-21 - 1 (0)", I mean, 0 goals just as exemple, maybe 1,2,3 or more goals he scores in his debut, who knows :) FkpCascais (talk) 23:29, 17 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. It's a great pleasure for me to work for my compatriots and I'm very proud for what I did last night about Ajdarevic Dinasti and as I told you I'm very impressed with this family history. I found those infos. by reading carefully each one's article here especially the Astrit's article was very expanded since it's a important player who was also part of Liverpool and for me was easy to expand infos. at other family members since they were related to each other. Congratulations that was you who created the Agim's article, it's a pleasure for me to hear it.
In fact I forgot that rule of National team parameter and I added. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 18:32, 18 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Also is such as good for a family to follow each other steps. There are Ajeti's brothers who all 3 plays football Arlind Ajeti (plays for us), Albian Ajeti and Adonis Ajeti (I created his article). Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 18:40, 18 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Eni.Sukthi.Durres: I think you would like to know that we have this list, List of association football families, where the Ajdarević and Ajeti families could be added. FkpCascais (talk) 01:43, 19 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Done. Thank You. Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 21:09, 21 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. GABgab 14:43, 21 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Indef-banned User:Asdisis really doesnt have nothing to do in life... FkpCascais (talk) 17:13, 21 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

Thank you very much Eni ^_^ FkpCascais (talk) 21:53, 21 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Air Djibouti

You are well aware that planespotters is not a reliable source, the mater has been discussed at WT:AIRLINE a number of times. Separately, I would ask you not to use offensive language in your edit summaries [24]. Thank you.--Jetstreamer Talk 01:40, 12 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Jetstreamer: I am not aware. The paragraph earlier I believe it had just the same website used as source. It doesnt really matter the website, if you are the master of the Airlines here, you know the best websites, so why is it so hard for you just to Google "Air Djibouti DC9 JAT" and just pick one of the other ones from the list, the one you, as experienced in the matter ou are, know it is the more reliable one. I would have taken notice of your change of source and next time follow the source you used. That would be a constructive way of dealing with the situation, surely much better than just deleting the info, which seems surely correct since we have a commons picture showing a JAT-leased DC-9 to Air Djibouti, and a full list of Google results for it. It is just about being helpfull and costructive. FkpCascais (talk) 02:42, 12 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Images are not reliable sources. You're right about asking for a source, but also mind WP:BURDEN. In any case, asking for a reliable reference was the first thing you should have done rather than reverting and using vulgar language. You may search Flightglobal's historic archive. The archive includes material related to the airline industry up until 2004.--Jetstreamer Talk 02:49, 12 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Ne znam kako se vodi, ali rođen je u Nikšiću. Zato sam mu stavio CG zastavicu. Lotom (talk) 07:30, 25 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Moguće da sam nešto pobrkao jer mi je upisan pod BIH, korigovaću, puno ti hvala! FkpCascais (talk) 10:48, 25 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Čini mi se da se napravila konfuzija kada je došao u Čuku, jer je prethodno bio u RS. Znam da si preokupiran strancima, ali mislim da nije pametno dodavati ih sve dok ne debituju ili bar dok ih savez ne proknjiži. Video si kakva je situacija bila sa Damčevskim, a sad i sa ovim Grkom iz Voše, iako je on preneo papire. Isto, ni za ovog Rusa iz Napretka izgleda još uvek nisu stigli papiri. Mislim, kako god okreneš, bez registracije ne može da igra. Najbolje da naše takmičenje nazovemo Cirkus liga Srbije. Prvo zato što se i treneri i igrači vrte u krug, a drugo što je pola timova iz BG-a. O uslovima i infrastrukturi je suvišno trošiti reči, kao i o gledanosti. Lotom (talk) 12:06, 25 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Baš smo cirkus liga i još sve gora i gora. Ma slobodno ih izbaci sve, u pravu si potpuno, pola tih igrača posle ne bude registrovano. Za onog rusa/abhazijanca iz Napredka je pisalo da će moći da igra i za prvi tim, i za omladinski pogon, ali moguće da nije ni došao jer nešto nisam nigde našao više ništa o njemu. FkpCascais (talk) 11:17, 25 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Khalid Aucho? Ista stvar, papira nigde. Mislim, u Zvezdu valjda dolazi, pretpostavljam da ima čiste papire. Ali kako će da ga pozajme OFK-i, kada je prelazni rok prošao, nije klinac, pa da ide kao transfer mladog igrača? Mada me ništa ne bi iznenadilo jer nam je i država takva kakva je i sve može.
Još jedna stvar, Alexander Špoljarić. Da l' je moguće da je u savezu zaveden kao Шпољарић Александер Матија?! Prvo, što bi imao dva imena, a drugo ako je on Alexander Matija, da li je onda njegov mlađi burazer Matija Alexander? Bilo kako bilo ostaje ovako. Inače kada je debitovao u OFK-i u onom 7+ meču protiv Jagodine, u zapisniku su stajala oba imena, što je iniciralo da ga i na tako krste. Ja sam mu prvo i ubacio ENP u seniorsku karijeru, što su naravno oni prekopirali, ali sam kasnije izbrisao, jer neki statistički parametri vezani za to ne postoje. Ja sam kao izvor kosristio onaj tekst, ili intevju, šta li je već. Pitanje je koliko je on branio za prvi tim i u kojim utakmicama, ali mu svakako ne treba skraćivati to vreme u omladincima, jer je paralelno branio i za njih, ili je bar imao pravo. Lotom (talk) 12:43, 26 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Jagodina... Ako si kojim slučajem naleteo na neke informacije o internacionalcima u Jagodini, ja sam pokušao da izbunarim nešto više, ali sam negde 50-50. Brazilac Martins koji se spominje, ja imam utisak da je ovaj Hegon. Na toj poziciji igra, a u žurnalu su napisali "Martins de Andrade Enrike". Ako na nešto naletiš, možeš slobodno da ga središ jer je na pripremama bio standardan. Dalje, Japanca Murakamija sam dodao u listu, ali sakrivenog. U žurnalu nije naveden, iz Rumunije je došao nespreman, a Milanović je nešto govorio vezano za njihov status. Parafrazirano, ostaju do kraja sezone da se bore za ugovor. Imaš ga na instagramu zajedno sa Baah-om na slikama. Jedino ovaj "Pank Kvi" nemam predstavu ko bi mogao da bude. Ovi iz FSS-a nešto mute sa ovim dokumentima, a ja nisam bio u mogućnosti da to blagovremeno ispratim. Lotom (talk) 22:20, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Nisam ništa ni znao o tome, evo preko tebe sad sve saznajem po prvi put. Ali zadnje vesti kako kokeza drži govor o derbiju i prebacuje krivicu na strance i najavljuje pogoršanje ograničenja na "4 možda i manje" mi daje volju da dignem ruke od svega i oteram sve lepo u PM. Mi smo narod zaista bez leka, uvek krivicu svaljujemo na strance i uvek samo još dublje dubimo u bunaru. Mi smo ono ružno pače koje stalno kuka kako je ružno i niko ga ne voli a pritom se ne pita da i drugi imaju svoje probleme i nemaju ni razloga da nas takve dosadno egocentrične vole. Mi nemamo leka, ovo je sve iz šupljeg u prazno, ja sam odrastao u jednoj kosmopolitskoj nesvrstanoj Srbiji okrenutoj prema svetu, a ta Srbija više ne postoji i vremenoom dižem ruke od svega, štaviše sve mi se već više i više gadi nažalost. Veoma sam razočaran naročito narodom koji je odavno izgubio svu objektivnost i prima se na one najgore fazone. FkpCascais (talk) 21:33, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Deset godina sam ja ovde ulepšavao sve misleći da će se naš fudbl ipak dići, a odande me stalno demantuju, realno spodobe kakve vode naš fudbal zaista zaslužuju da budemo na zadnjem mestu u svemu.
Pogleda ću to u vezi Jagodine. Baš sam danas otvorio njihov sajt kojeg odavno nisam gledao i vidim da baš nema ništa. Danas je PLS igrala prvo prolećno kolo pa zato. Šta god nađeš slobodno mi dodaj ovde pa ću da googlam na portugalskom i drugi jezicima, šta god treba samo javi. FkpCascais (talk) 21:38, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ovi iz FSS-a kao da namerno pišu ta imena pogrešno, taj Pank Kvi (Buahahaha) mora da je neki korejanac Park-Kwi... FkpCascais (talk) 21:48, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Gentaro Murakami ima ga na raznim sajtovima. FkpCascais (talk) 22:07, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Nije to do FSS-a, tako piše u žurnalu, jer na ćirilici i ne mogu drugačije da napišu, a ovi su obrisali poslednji FUDBAL tako da sad samo možda Bora okvirno zna šta je tu pisalo, ako je uopšte pisalo. Jbg, ono gledam tebe, neki put malo i preteraš, sećam se da ti je neko napisao da imaš fetiš na ove strance, na žurnalu ili već nekom portalu. :) Mislim kad vidiš koga sve dovode neka priča o ograničavanju ima smisla, ali bi prvo trebalo preispitati na koji način funkcionišu klubovi. Gledaj samo Borac, gde igrači jednostavno nestanu nakon nepune polusezone i onda se ganjaju po arbitražama do besvesti. Za dobrog igrača ti treba lova, bez obzira da li je strani ili domaći. Ali opet s druge strane vidiš akademiju Barselone gde bukvalno dovode na kilo klince iz celog sveta, pa od njih 100 koliko god da prođe, njima je dobro i sve im se vrati. Ja recimo uopšte ne vidim razlog za striktno ograničavanje na ispod 8 igrača. A klubovi sami mogu da razvijaju svoju politiku da li će imati strance i koliko njih. Ono što treba uraditi jeste žešći presek liga. Možda ne bi bilo pošteno prema klubovima koji su tu gde su, ali brate stadioni pojedinih klubova nisu ni za zonu, a kamoli za najjači rang, pa kakav god da je. OK, situacija u mom Kraljevu je takva da više niko od mojih vršnjaka, pa ni ja sam ne vidimo bilo kakvu perspektivu niti najmanji tračak nade da će nešto krenuti na bolje i stoga niko od nas nije baš raspoložen da se vraća kući nakon studija. Sve što vredi je otišlo, gde god je ko mogao i kakva god prilika da mu se ukalazala. Pretpostavljam da smo, demografski gledano, jedan od najstarijih gradova u Evropi. Uz to, mislim da smo prvi grad po krađi beba iz porodilišta možda čak i u svetu. Užasna je situacija u svemu, pa tako i u sportu i mi tu nemamo šta da tražimo. Ali gde su nestali sportski centri sa dobrom infrastukturom poput Kragujevca, Smedereva, Zrenjanina i još nekih kojih nema ni na mapi?! Poštujem ja i Bačku i Dobanovce i sve te manje klubove, ali da se ne lažemo, čak ni naši ljudi uglavnom nemaju pojma za neke od tih sredina. Kad bi se napravio neki jasan plan za narednih 4-5 godina o striktnim uslovima koje moraju da ispune klubovi koji imaju ambiciju da se takmiče u prvom rangu i da te klubove ima ko da vodi. Ovo ovako ne vodi nikuda. Koliko samo ima situacija gde su pojedine batice pravo iz pečenjare uletele u fotelje, koji daj Bože da imaju završenju srednju školu. Ko god može ugradi se za po koji procenat i dobro napuni džepove. Ne sećam se da je bilo ko krivično gonjen. Uopšteno gledano, svest ljudi je na katastrofalno niskom nivou. Takva je situacija, nažalost, da ovde što više nekog lažeš i ispiraš mozak, sve se bolje kotiraš. Nikakav sistem vrednosti više ne postoji, sve se svelo na zamenu teza i praznu retoriku. Demagogija i birokratija nas ubiše totalno. Ja više nemam ni snage ni volje da ispravljam krive Drine i da se nerviram oko nekih gluposti, jer mi u suprotnom Laza Lazarević ne gine. Nisam baš više ni klinac pa da kažem ima još vremena. Bojim se da tek sad sa skoro 22 počinjem da kapiram ono što je trebalo kad sam imao 17 godina. Mada ima i onih koji i u šestoj deceniji života ne vide dalje od nosa. Bora i ja smo baš vodili diskusiju pre neki dan i generalno sve manje ima smisla zezati se oko ovoga, kad nikoga nije briga. Nekad sam voleo da gledam taj derbi, ali me sve manje privlači, jer nemam šta da vidim. Kvalitet fudbala ne zaslužuje ni 0. Izguraću nešto šta mogu do kraja sezone, ali je i to pod velikim znakom pitanja, jer sam poprilično zajebao stvari na faksu i to mi je sada prioritet. A ukoliko nas najesen i dalje ne bude nigde na fudbalskoj mapi, verovatno ću i definitivno da batalim sve ovo. Činjenica je da me niko ništa i ne tera, ali opet nekako mislim da sam uspeo da doteram i unapredim pojedine stvari. Možda to i nije toliko značajno, ali kontam da generalno u pretragama obično među prvim rezultatima bude Wikipedija i računam da ako se vidi da sve ovo neko prati onda još nekako i postojimo i nešto predstavljamo. Uostalom primećujem da smo donekle naterali i ostale medije da malo detaljnije prate sitaciju u domaćem fudbalu uopšte i da se pažnja ne posvećuje uvek večitima na račun svih ostalih. Postoji jedna magična reč koja je ovde izgubila svaki smisao, a to je poštovanje. Izvini što sam ga tupio ovoliko, isfrustriran sam ovih dana ponajviše samim sobom, pa ne znam gde bijem. Lotom (talk) 00:20, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Meni je čast i privilegija da ovako iskreno i otvoreno govorimo o ovim temama. Da znaš da kad budem dolazio i ako budem svraćao u tvoje krajeve neću miran biti dok ne prihvatiš da se vidimo i ne nazdravimo zajedno. Baš mi je čast i privilegija da sarađujemo i sa Borom održavamo stranice vezane našim fudbalom na nivou. Video si kako ovo, koliko delovalo amatersko, ipak postaje važno jer izlazi među prvim rezultatima na tražilicama. Tvoj doprinos je od ogromnog značaja. I imaš jedan veoma zdrav način razmišljanja i objektivan pogled na situaciju. Priznajem da na neki način kesam opsednut sa temom stranaca. Ali ta moje opsednutost je u stvari kontra-reakcija zle obrnute opsednutosti među grupici koja vodi naš fudbal da oni budu samo među rođacima i tako mirno vode na fudbal na korumpirani način. Ajmo da budemo realni. Fudbal danas dan predstavlja jedan veliki deo načina kako se jedna zemlja prikazuje vani. Pojedine zemlje su čak shvatile da je sport, i unutar njega fudbal kao najpopularnija disciplina, jesu integralni deo spoljašnje politike jedne zemlje. Mediji raznih zemalja prate lige zemalja u kojima igraju njihovi reprezentativci. To nisu uopšte naivne stvari, sport je jedan značajan način kako ljudi van tvoje zemlje imaju mišljenje i uopšte znanje o tvojoj zemlji. Ameri su to recimo odavno shvatili, i redovno su recimo koritili sportiste kao špijune u zemljama gde su igrali. Fudbal je u današnjici znatno napredovao i izmenio se. Uspešne su zemlje ukojima postoji "melt" znači "mešavina" kultura i nacija. Recimo, Sloga iz Kraljeva će biti uspešna onda kada shvati da je njoj najbolje, ako joj treba brz levi bek, da dovede brzog levog beka iz zemlje poznate po brzim levim bekovima, Brazila. Taj levi bek brazilac će biti brz i uspešno nabacivati lopte srbinu špicu koji će tako davati golove za Slogu, sprski klub, i čiji uspeh će se pripisivati Srbiji. Poenta je što je u današnjici nebitno odakle su pojedinačno igrači, jer ako je Sloga klub iz Srbije, njen uspeh će biti pripojen Srbiji jdnako imala ona 11 ili nijednog srbina u timu. Ako ima puno stranaca to se opet smatra uspehom SRBIJE jer je klub koji je umeo da igrajući se pravilima današnosti, izgradi pobenički tim sa raznim nacionalnostima. To je nažalost nešto što ne dopire u mozak većini naših kojima i dalje štrči cnac u timu i takve gluposti... 21 vek je globalizacija, i uspeh se postiže u globalizaciji, a ne izolciji. Sramota je neviđena dase redovno pojavljuju likovi u srpskim medijima koji na temu rešenja srpskog fudbala i dalje pripovedaju zabranu ljudima da idu vani do neznam koje 20 i neke godine!!!! Brutalno! FkpCascais (talk) 00:16, 6 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Many many thanks Lotom!!! Ahaha Zaječarskooo, bravo!!!! FkpCascais (talk) 20:22, 6 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Branimir Stulic

I invite you to participate in [25] discussion to reach the consensus. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:34, 7 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. The thread is FkpCascais and 23 editor. --Blackmane (talk) 04:49, 10 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for March 12

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Stojanče Zlatanovski, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page FK Bregalnica. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Hi there. Can you help me a bit and prove a source for this edit of yours: [26]? I got curious as I've never heard of such player from my country. -BlameRuiner (talk) 10:35, 15 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Then you can definitelly be the indiciated person for me to confirm it. What happends is that I have access to the copies of the newspapper named "Sportista" which was the official weekly newspapper where all the transfers registered in the Belgrade Football Subassociation were registered. I dont remember right now the exact number of edition but I remember it said that iin 1924 a player named Samuilo Suzina came from Soviet Union. It was then me who googled as much as I could and found that the surname Suzina is most commun in Belarus. But that one definitelly still needs confirmation. FkpCascais (talk) 15:18, 15 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Ne znam da li si već video ovo. Nema dalje, obrnuli smo igricu. Ako oni pod povećanjem gledanosti smatraju da će isti ljudi ići na utakmice od petka do ponedeljka, mogu onda da povećaju i broj klubova u ligi na 20 pa da i tu izigravamo razvijenu zemlju sa spalim gaćama. OK, kažu da ne gušimo decu. Ja se ne sećam da sam u Srbiji dosad video igrača motoričkih sposobnosti kakve ima Everton. On jeste prgav i provocira, ali ako to ostavimo po strani, on je Partizanov Kante. Radin ima neke od tih karakteristika, ali je daleko slabiji u pojedinim segmentima. Isto, mirnoća u igri kakvu ima Donald, ovde se retko viđa. Boaći je napadač ubica i zasad je po realizaciji samo Đurđević sigurniji. Vujaklija je stvarno tip napadača kakav je Vardi, ludak. Pratim njega već nekoliko godina, ali i on ume da upadne u krizu. Pogotovo što nije igrao neko vreme. Nisu uvek problem stranci, već loša selekcija igrača. Svaka čast Pavkovu na primer za golove u Radničkom, ali je evidentno da on nije igrač za Zvezdu, pogotovo u ovom sistemu. On je mogao da daje golove u Radničkom jer je bio uparen sa Mrkićem. (Svojevremeno u Zvezdi Pantelić - Žigić. Polušpic radilica i baja od dva metra.)

P. S. Ima tu još mnogo stvari koje bodu oči, ali to ti i ja ne možemo da rešimo. Barem ne u ovom trenutku. Leonarda nisam zaboravio, ali je moje mišljenje da u njegovim igrama itekako ima Nikolićevog uticaja. On svakako nije loš trener jer je pravio rezultate svuda gde je bio. Možda jeste previše arogantan, ali itekako poznaje posao. Ali isto tako svaka čast Ilijevu i Tomiću jer su uboli sa ovim igračima. Ovog malog Blekija je Tomić izmislio i povukao ga sa sobom iz Teleoptika, zajedno sa golmanom Jovičićem. Dalje, ja jesam za to da se da šansa mlađim igračima. I oni moraju da stasaju. Ali sa njima moraš da znaš i da radiš. Ovo što se vrte likovi tipa Bekvalac, Dodić i slični ne donosi ništa. Dodić čak ponešto i može da napravi, ali ovaj prvi teško. On gde god je bio, skupi igrače na kilo odakle stigne i onda ti isti završe na kraju na arbitraži, a da nisu odigrali ni 300 minuta. Pa onda dođe Bata Đora. Kad god se povede neke polemika o raznim sranjima, ispadne on odnekud da soli pamet nama smrtnicima, a te priče nisu prolazile ni u ono "njegovo vreme". Nije problem da ti dovedeš perspektivnog igrača iz zone, ali treba da znaš da ubodeš takvog, a to može neko ko se razume u fudbal. Terza se, recimo, razume u pare, a za ostalo... Usudio bih se da kažem i da je Černišov Spartakova zlatna koka. Lotom (talk) 19:50, 20 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Mi smo narod koji nema leka. Nama nepriatelji ni ne trebaju, mi sami sebe našom glupoćom, tvrdoglavošću i inatom umemo da uništimo. Sve više i više smo Murfijev zakon; ako nastane mogućnost da nešto zaseremo, mi će mo ga garant baš zasrati. A fudbal nam je pravi Sizifov posao, u kojem večno guramo govnjivu loptu uzbrdo da bi samo uzaludno gubili vreme jer ona uvek ponovo pada nazad u govna. Tako i sa ovim. Sad kad smanje strance na 4 e sad će klupski fudbal da nam procveta!!! Pa će mo opet gurati uzbrdo tu govnjivu loptu sad sa novom nadom da sa samo 4 stranca sad će kao da se pojavi uspeh a većunapred se vidi pad te lopte natrag u mulj govana a mi samo izgubismo još više dragocenog vremena. Odnosno, kakvog dragocenog vremena, našima poput Kokeze, Toleta, Karasija, Bjekovića, Binića, vermeza, itd. vreme je osnovni neprijatelj. Pošto se ne snalaze ni ne prilagođavaju ni skorašnjoj pršlosti a kamoli sadašnjosti ili budućnosti, dušu bi dali kad bi uspeli da okrenu vreme pa da umesto unapred ono ide unazad. Četiri stranca, to bre lažu, oni u stvari ne želie nijednog, nego kažu "dva-tri" čisto iz kurtoazije da im se rasizam ne viidi toliko jasno. Ona mala igračica Rada umesto da je suspendovana ona je još postala zvezda a za koju godinu moguće i predsednica ženskog fudbala. Ona je još valjda i sudija, možeš misliti koliko fer udi onim jadnim igračicama Spartaka koje su reprezentativke Kameruna i drugih zemalja?
Meni je žena polu portualka polu italijanka, znam vrlo dobro taj usađen rasizam u nas kad sam video razočarenje dela moje porodice to nije plava. Imamo takve ljude u svim segmentima društva. Neće bre ni da uče engleski kao da je bože moj ceo svet dužan zbog nas da uči srpski. A jel se pitaju nekad možda koji smo mi upšte kurac? Stalno kukamo kako nas masoni, iluminati, ne vole, a je li smo mi dali možda neki razlog njim da nas vole?
Evo je jedna surova istina koja surovija nemože da bude. Osamdesetih akd su ameri pobeđivali hladan rat već se uveliko razmatrao novi svetski poredak i ko će kakvu ulogu da ima u njemu. Mi (srbi) smo u startu imali više prijatelja nego neprijatelja ali su nam neprijatelji bili Vatikan i Nemačka koji su sve činili da otvore oči ostalima da prestanu da nas brane. I kako su to postigli? Nisu ništa morali da rade nego samo da puste naše političare da rade svoj posao i nda samo prikažu tu smejuriju ostalima i kažu "Alo bre, vi stvarno branite te budale?" Pazi, u vreme kad je pao Berlinski zid i kad je svima jasno da je Amerika pobedila hladan rat, naši političari sa celim vojnim vrhom umesto da odu u Vašington da sa njima pregpvaraju kakvu ulogu možemo da imamo (pazi, potencijala nam nije falilo jer smo srbi bili saveznici sa amerima još i u prvom i drugom ratu), mi ne, mi teramo inat i igramo hladan rat sa amerima i idemo u Moskvu po "instrukcije"!?!?!?!?! Moskvu koja je tada bila u kolapsu i kojom je vladao američki agent Jeljcin! Mi idemo u Moskvu da ih ubeđujemo kako će mo mii voditi rat sa zapadom! zigravamo veće soviejete od sovijeta!!! Pa možeš msliti koliko su se u Vašingtonu smejali kakd su čuli koji smo mi staromodni aparatčiki komunističkii (mi koji smo u stvari trebali biti nesvstani). Eeee to je bio razlog što su nas sjebali. Kad su posle ovih informacija iz Moskve ameri došli kod Vatikana i nemaca i rekli "Izvinjavamo se, bili ste u pravu, ovi srbi su zaista teške budale koje treba eliiminisati ili barem svesti na minimum i naučiti ih jednu dobru lekciiju." Političari su nam uvek bili glupi ko kurac, nikad osnovno znanje diplomatije i pametnog igranja poliitičkog šaha nismo znali. Toliko smo uvek bili egocentrično iskompleksirani i ispali van svetskog toka da smo redovno radili kontru onoga što je bilo logično i nama korisno. Političari su nam uvek toliko bili izgubljeni van svega (isto kao i ovi što vode FSS) da je zaista nametnuto pitnje "A zašto bi neko nas uopšte voleo i podržavao ovakve kakve smo?" FkpCascais (talk) 22:56, 20 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Tako tvrdoglavo glupe budale kakve mii imamo zaista nema niko u svetu. Nama nije mesto u Evropi, treba neko lepo da nas pokupi i pošalje u Tunguziju pošto toliko volimo RUsiju, SOvijetski Savez, Staljina i takve fazone... FkpCascais (talk) 05:24, 21 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Gezim Ljalja

Regarding the article Gëzim Lala, i have used the information from his official linkedin page: Albknight74 (talk) 11:30, 06 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Kennedy Asamoah

Sad me je opomenuo lik sa FM-a da smo ubacili pogrešnog igrača i izgleda da je u pravu.,80.htm#430340

Možeš da raspraviš ovo, ti ćeš bolje da pohvataš sve najbitnije činjenice. Dugo je bio povređen i totalno se izgubio iz postave. Nešto sam skeptičan i da će sada kod Kosana da se naigra. Lotom (talk) 08:30, 12 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Ma jasno je bilo od samog početka da tu nešto nije u redu. Prvo, čak i sami Kenneth Boateng igrao za Jagodinu je bilo dileme je li on ili Kennedy Asamoa, a sad ovaj novi iz Borca je izgleda neki totalno novi, ludilo... Sutra ću bolje "viđet" FkpCascais (talk) 23:20, 12 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Čestitam! Kao ni u prethodna 2-3 derbija, ni u ovom nije bilo neke lepršave i tečne igre lepe za oko, ali je Partizan taktički i trkački daleko bolje izgledao na terenu. Podvlačim, nije ovo ni do Leonarda ni do Tavambe, već je ceo tim mnogo bolje funkcionisao. U Zvezdi su više-manje svi bili van pozicije, ali je Ristić neverovatno bušan u odbrani. Nije on za beka, bar ne ovog klasičnog. Kao wing-back bi nekako i mogao da prođe, ukoliko bi imao nekoga da mu čuva leđa. U Partizanu su nešto slabije odigrali Jevtović, Miletić i Janković, dok u Zvezdi prelaznu ocenu jedva mogu da dobiju Petković, Frimpong i Boaći. Ostali su katastrofa, sve zajedno sa Manojlovićem koji mora ozbiljno da poradi na istrčavanjima na loptu. Kljajić iznenađujuće dobar, sem gola gde je mogao bolje da se postavi, sve ostalo je poskidao, što je bilo do njega. Liga, kao liga, svake godine sve manje ima smisla. Uostalom vidi se i po tome koliko dugo nema generalnog sponzora. Bar neka kladionica da se zauzme kad se sve već ionako samo zbog toga igra. Lotom (talk) 13:15, 19 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hvala, ali bojim se da će iz ovoga izaći pogrešna poruka. Već vidim ove na Ružnalu kako se hvataju za to da "Eto kao, 3 stranca je perfektno, evo dokaz", ovo nije dokaz. Čak i Partizan da bi imao pogođena ova 3 stranca ima ih u stari više (El Munir, Kosović, Janković, do skora Božinov, pa i Fabrisio, Fofana, Balažic, Bandalovski...). Nema to u svetu da ti kao imaš samo 3 stranca i uvek ih sve pogodiš. Ni Realu to ne polazi za rukoma kamoli nama. Zvezda je preuzela primat Partizanu na račun Kataia, Grujića i STRANACA. Od kad se za takvu politiku opredelila nije više druga nego šampionska Zvezda. Partizan je svojevremeno dominirao znatno zbog toga jer je pogodio sa Moreirom, Kleom, Dijarom, Žukom, itd. Mnogi koriste ovaj derbi da svedu temu na strance i na to da ih ne treba dovoditi (U jeku polemika da li stranci ubijaju srpske talente, ... - stvarno??? Upravo smo videli značaj stranaca a vi i dalje o toome kako nas oni kao štete u nečemu???). Ne znam, mnogo smo naopaki... Ne vidim da se mentalitet u većini promenio, i to me vodi do zaključka da se propast i dalje nastavlja. Pazi, gledam na ružnalu analizu pred derbi i to i reakcija nekih u komentarima je "U jebote, kao da igraju Real protiv Barse"... - Čoveče, DA igraju naši Real i Barsa, šta ti smeta??? Kod nas treba te mongoloide dovesti u manjinu prvo, pa će tek onda biti možda napredka... FkpCascais (talk) 16:35, 19 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ja sam gledao derbi na netu ovde u drušštvu mojih prijatelja portugalaca. I njima se baš svidela utakmica. Oba tima su se borili, stvarali šanse... Partizan za nijansu bolji, OK. Ali ni vi nemate razloga za pesimizam. Niste uopšte toliko loši bili. Mislim čak da ono što je biloo baš vidljivo je da su oba tima napredovala baš dosta u igri od zadnjeg derbija do ovoga. FkpCascais (talk) 16:39, 19 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Možda smo gledali različitu utakmicu? :D Šalu na stranu, ali ja Zvezdu nisam video od onog derbija kad je Hugo dao 2 gola. Ruku na srce 2 derbija nisam ni odgledao u potpunosti, ali je činjenica da je Grof skoro svaki odigrao ziheraški. Ono što mi je posebno upečatljivo je izbor igrača na klupi. Vujaklije nema ni u protokolu, Poletanovića ni na vidiku. Šteluje taktiku tako da ide na X. Mnogi se žale na Ruiza, ali ne znam šta se posebno i može očekivati kada igra ovoliko nisko. Plavšić na drugoj strani takođe. Najkreativniji igrači ugušeni, računajući i Kangu kog je Everton pojeo. Samim tim Boaći totalno odsečen. Moraš da priznaš da su Donald i Le Talek odigrali daleko ispod očekivanja. Njih apostofiram najviše iz razloga što javnost tako gleda, stranci moraju da budu nepogrešivi ili idu pod mač. Frimponga sam pratio u Napretku, tako da znam kakav je igrač. Uostalom u Srbiji je 5 godina i aklimatizovao se, međutim u Zvezdi mora još da napreduje, ali pored Luneta mora da igra kao igrač i po. Bez obzira što sam prema Lukoviću kao sugrađaninu malo popustljiviji kada su kritike u pitanju, stigle su ga godine i svaki malo brzi i fizički jači napadač može da ga prođe. Ja recimo gledam Vošu ove sezone i mislim da bi Meri uz ovakav vezni red bez problema umuvao 12-14 golova dosad. Uzevši u obzir prilike koje Trujić nije realizovao i Merijev konto ove sezone, deluje sasvim realno. Trudim se da ne gledam na igrače kao na domaće ili strane, već na kvalitetne i one druge. Opet, neki iz ovih ili onih razloga ne dobiju pravu priliku. Lotom (talk) 19:20, 19 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Pa u tome je upravo stvar. Što ti u nekoj zemlji koliko god stranaca da dovedeš, uvek ćeš imati domaće da se bore za mesto. To je portugalski recept. Uvezeš sve žive strance moguće, imaš ekipe i sa po 11 stranaca u ligi u prvoj postavi, neke i sa nijednim, i to čini da skupiš za reprezentaciju dovoljno domaćih da osvojiš prvenstvo. U Portugalu su prestali da gledaju uopšte jesu stranci ili domaći nego što se klupskog fudbala tiče idu pravo na to da li trener ima igrače sa zadovoljavajućim karakteristikama na svim mestima u timu za taktiku koju želi ili ne. I Tačka! bili oni na -ić ili ne to NIKOGA ne interesujeeeeee. Ali mi još taj mentalni nivo nismo dostigli i to nam seče noge u trci sa ostalima. Što se lične analize tiče, mislim da je Donald već toliko zadužio vas da nemate pravo više da zahtevate od njega da vas uvek izvlači. Dobar igračč brate, jedan od najboljih u našoj ligi u zadnjoj deceniji. Le Talek je većć druga priča. Dečko, sad većć ne toliko dečko, ima u sebi sastojke da bude solidan igrač. Ali takođe ima i felere koji čine da igra u Zvezdi a ne Dortmundu gde je počeo. E sad, ne možešš da očekuješ da imaš igrača kvaliteta Dortmunda a da igra za platu Zvezde. Takav igrač nezbežno ima felere koji ga čine uopšte dostignućujućim Zvezdi. Na Zvedi je to da radi sa njim i da izvuče što više iz njega kvalitete koji su ga učinilii primamljivim Dortumundu, a ššto više sakrije ili napreduje felere koji su ga učinili mogućim da Zvezda dođe do njega. Igrači se vremenom nmenjaju, napreduju, treba raditi sa njima. Božović ima neke dbre kvalitete, a neke loše. Meni je žao što te pozitivne kao lakoća rada sa strancima je toliko jedinstvena u njemu a nepostojeća u ostalim trenerima. On je kao trener krš, on je FM trener. Ali nažalost ni ostali treneri poput Lalate koji ne umeju da rade sa strancima koliko god dobri bili u taktičkom pogledu, nemaju šanse za neki veći uspeh od grofa jer je današnji fudbal takav. Rad ili ova Voša sa sve domaćima neizbežno u našoj ligi možda još i neku ulogu učine, ali u evropi ne mogu ni do grupne faze LE. FkpCascais (talk) 18:20, 19 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ja verujem da vi sa ćelavim uz par kvalitentih pojačanja i malo sreće bez problema ulazite u grupu nekog evropskog takmičenja. Koliko god da je Ilijev ismejan za one "bombe", izgleda da je bio u pravu i pogodio je sa skoro svim igračima koje je doveo. Nikolić možda odaje utisak da je prepotentan, ali mi se čini da je to njemu samo način da održi autoritet. Situacija kod nas već nimalo ne obećava i bojim se da se ne ponovi ono od pre 10 godina kada su se razbežali svi glavom bez obzira. Sigurno je da Vučić sipa, sad u kojoj meri ne znam, ali se pitam kakve konsekvence može da povuče eventualni odlazak sadašnjeg rukovodstva. Tim ima neku tržišnu vrednost, ali je veliko pitanje da li se od prodaje igrača može obezbediti prihod za narednu sezonu. Ruiz je na udaru u poslednje vreme i ne verujem da bi iko ponudio više od 1M za njega u ovom trenutku. Za Kangu, uzevši u obzir godine, 2 komada su premija. Donald po meni 800k, Le Talek 400-600. Ristić po formi 1,5 i to je gornja granica. Plavšić je isto tu negde, ali on uvek ima prostora za napredak. Imao sam prilike da ga upoznam neformalno, i prepoznaje se u njemu ta doza drskosti, što se uostalom i vidi na terenu. Međutim, to što je sitan se ne uzima baš najpoželjnije kada su fizičke predispozicije u pitanju. Nema nekog iskustva u jačim utakmicama, što je takođe minus. Ukoliko bi odigrao još jednu sezonu na višem nivou, vredeo bi minimum 2,5, s tim što bi okratio ugovor. Manojlović 1,8 - 2M i to uglavnom zahvaljujući marketingu. Reprezentacija, medalja, 21 godina a prvi golman Zvezde. Srnić 300-400k, ako neko hoće da ga uzme, već je u godinama a nema neku minutažu. Eventualno klinci Račić i Adžić kao talenti. Prvi zbog reprezentacije bar 1M, a drugi zbog ovih golova koje je postigao 700-900k. To je neka moja slobodna procena, ali kako tržište varira, tako i cene igrača osciluju, pogotovo u zavisnosti od trenutne forme. Sigurno je da neki transfer mora da se realizuje, ali je u tom slučaju svaku poziciju treba adekvatno popuniti. Međutim, kako u Zvezdi izgledaju prelazni rokovi poslednjih godina, upravo to me i brine. Ja imam neki utisak da svi ovi klinci koji su debitovali kod Grofa samo podmetnuti i da on sa njima i nema baš neke veze u smislu da je on izvršio selekciju. Takva je politika kluba (čitaj Terzine kombinacije) i sve se oko toga vrti. On je trener koji voli gotove igrače, što znači da neko drugi treba da ih izmisli da bi ih on zapazio. Fora sa ovolikim brojem stranaca kod njega u timu je ta što on od njih očekuje da rade njegov posao. Traži se da diktiraju igru, tako što će on nekom vudu magijom da ih pomera po terenu. Zbog toga se Babunski kod njega nije uklapao u sitem, šta god to u ovom slučaju značilo. To možda može protiv timova sa začelja tabele ove naše bedne lige koji se jedva sastavljaju, dok protiv svakog tehnički i taktički spemnog tima svi nedostaci isplivaju na površinu. On poziciju na terenu igraču promeni samo u slučaju da neko od navijača predloži što se preko foruma i Terze kanališe do njega. Usled toga je Le Talek vraćen na štopera, slično i Račić, dok je Srnić u par navrata delovao kao bek. Tu se vidi da je struka zakazala i da tu nešto škripi, odnosno da neko svoj posao ne radi kako treba. Ne znam da li se uopšte rade kondicioni treninzi. I na kraju svega Blažo koji na konferenciji ne zna ni kako mu se zovu igrači koje treba da predstavi. Zvezdi je potrebna ozbiljna rekonstrukcija na svim poljima i siguran sam da bi mogao da se oformi tim ozbiljnih ljudi koji bi radili možda čak i bez honorara, ali bi u tom slučaju propale sve kombinacije i talovi te bi se klub našao u još nezavidnijem finansijskom položaju. Ovako se bar prividno stvari drže po kontrolom, odnosno takva slika se prikazuje nama smrtnicima. Najinteresantnije mi je da ni Grof ni Dr Terzić, iako su obojica nastupali kao defanzivci ne baš naročito pouzdani doduše, ne mogu da izbunare štopera u tri prelazna roka. Postavka na terenu je već trenerova direktna odgovornost. Kod Milovanovića u Lučanima je čak, što neko reče: "Gašićev sin ministar" odigrao nekoliko utakmica solidno, iako je do tada ozbiljniji fudbal gledao samo na TV-u. Tako da nije sve do igrača, jer njih neko mora da uigra da bi ličili na tim. Božović svakako nije baš najbolji u tome.Lotom (talk) 20:10, 20 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Why don't you surf the internet a little bit and broaden your knowledge about chetnik fascists. --Silverije (talk) 21:27, 21 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Instead of the internet, how about reading some scholar books so you would understand what fascism is and who the Chetniks were? FkpCascais (talk) 14:47, 23 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for May 7

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Thanks for correction. Bogic (talk) 19:50, 11 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Circus vol. unknown

Pozato je za koju grupaciju pojačanja ti navijaš. Jedino što su bata Kokez i ekipica oko njega ograničili taj broj pa će klubovi igrače stvarno ganjati po kukuruzu. Recimo, Spartak je ovu polusezonu imao dva igrača iz 4. lige. Ostojića su rehabilitovali, jer iako ima tek 21, prve seniorske utakmice je branio za Hajduk sa Liona u BG zoni. Mali Pantić je igrao za Čurug, međutim za njega sam pročitao da je proglašen za najboljeg igrača na svojoj poziciji u Vojvodini, u svom uzrastu naravno. Može se da se razvije u dobrog igrača, međutim mora dosta da radi, jer je poprilično sitan. Ali to su još uvek klinci, a vraćati igrača koji nema gde da igra i nema nekog smisla. Mada me ova situacija podseća na onu od pre 2 godine kada je na toj poziciji doveden Zoran Belošević pa se nije naigrao. Problem je samo što ja zasad nigde ne nalazim njegovu registraciju za Kopaonik. Brus inače pripada Aleksandrovcu. Postoji mogućnost i da je samo trenirao, kao Đilas sa Teleoptikom. Ja sam recimo priželjkivao Gobeljića u Zvezdi i ranije, ali mislim da je sada najbolji trenutak. Poznajem ga, odlično znam kakav je, znam mu vrline i mane. Može da bude izuzetno koristan igrač, a svakako je jedan od najspremnijih igrača u ligi i veliki radnik na terenu. Međutim malo je igrača u ligi koji su ovog trenutka spremni za nešto ozbiljno. A uprave klubova bolje da se ne komentarišu. Kvalifikacije počinju, a niko još nije doveo iole pismenog štopera. Onaj Vošin Brazilac može da bude nešto, ako se u pravoj meri adaptira na uslove u Srbiji.

Nevezano za ovo, imao sam kombinaciju da posetim Aveiro na nekoliko dana sredinom Jula, ali mi se nisu poklopile kockice za to ove godine.Lotom (talk) 00:55, 19 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

E baš šteta, nisam nkad bio u Avejru, ali znam da je simpatično mesto na moru na ušću reke Mondego. Mislim da imaju fakutete tamo a i kao plaža su Koimbre (Coimbra) trećeg grada Portugala. FkpCascais (talk) 23:09, 18 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Rivalstva Srbije sa Hrvatskom i Albanijom

Da li ti možeš da napraviš članke o rivalstvima fudbalske reprezentacije Srbije sa Hrvatskom i Albanijom? O tome kakva je pozadina, kako je nastalo, šta se događalo u tom rivalstvu i spisak međusobnih mečeva. Unapred zahvaljujem. Jolicnikola (talk) 17:19, 22 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Nema šanse, pa pogledaj koliko malo editujem zadnjih meseci a sad još treba da se selim. Sa Hrvatskom bi mogao interesantan clanak da se napravi, ali sa Albanijom ne vidim u cemu smo uopšte rivali... Albanija je mala sportski veoma slaba nacija, ne vidim nijedan sport u kojem nam parira uopšte a kamoli da stvara neko rivalstvo (borilački sprtovi jedino). To što se oni pale kad igraju protiv nas u nečemu, ih... FkpCascais (talk) 18:44, 22 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Jolicnikola: da me ne shvatiš pogrešno, meni je velika čast da računaš na mene. Imam veliko poštovanje, odavno pratim i fantastične stvari si uradio. Veoma si dobar i pedantan editor, od najboljih što imamo. I pošto nije prvi put da ti ovakav neki predlog odbijam, red je da objasnim u čemu je zapravo stvar i zašto već niz godina, pa sigurno i sledećih, ću odbijati ovakve predloge. Stvar je prosta, mator sam konj, imam obaveze, i nažalost nemam taj luksuz više da editujem satima ovde. Ovo je dobrovoljan rad, a ja moram da se skoncentrišem tamo gde ima leba. Jedno vreme mi je ovo bila baš zaraza pa sam odlučio da moram manje vremena da provodim u editovanju. I moram da se držim toga, zato odbijam da prihvatim predloge stvaranja ozbiljnih članaka ma koliko god oni sjajni bili, iz privatnog principa i zato što mi je takav život trenutno, čeka me velika selidba.
Ja sam počeo da editujem pre jedno tačno deset godina. Tada je zaista bilo veoma puno bitnih članaka koji su falili ili bili tek u početnim fazama vezani za naš, jugoslovenski i srpski, fudbal. Tada sam imao znatno više slobodnog vremena i bila mi je baš čast da napravim i proširim neke članke. Za neke sam izgubio po nekoliko meseci, pa čak i pola godine, godinu, pa i više. Jasno je da i dalje ima mnogo toga da se radi, ali ja sam svoj deo za sada uradio. Ono čega bi se uhvatio kad tad u budućnosti je možda da proširim ili napravim posebno članak istorije BSKa, takve stvari. Kad vidiš da fale neki članci ne vredi drugima da tražiš da ih prave, najbolje uzmi sam i napravi ih. Nema nas mnogo, lako vidiš šta ko gde šta radi i vidiš im i sandboxes članaka koje pripremaju. Ako vidiš da neko već sprema neku temu koju želiš da pomogneš, kontaktiraj ga pa zajedno napravite članak. Ja razumem da je tvoja ideja manje više vrsta "Task force" gde bi videli koji članci fale pa se organizovali da ih napravimo. Svojevremeno sam mislio da napravim (to još tamo negde 2OO9.) "Task force Yugoslav football" ili "Serbian football" ali nije nas bilo dovoljno za tako nešto. U međuvremenu je svako po nešto radio, bilo je i vrednih editora koji su nestali pa se i vrate ponekad ali sad samo sporadično. Ja sigurno prelazim već duže vreme u tu grupu. Održavam ovaj račun, ali većinom samo apdejtujem poneke članke i ništa više. I bolje odmah da priznam, ni ne planiram da budem nešto poviše aktivan u bliskoj budućnosti. Ima par fantastičnih editora koji pokrivaju sadašnjicu srpskog fudbala, mislim pre svega na User:Lotom, User:Bora83ns i User:Nightfall87, User:Linhart, User:Matej1234 i User:Snowflake91 se bave Slovenijom, User:StefanovicPFK, Gazda1970 i ..::11soccero11::.. Partizanom, User:Klačko isto dobar editor, Msb73505 makedonskim fudbalom, User:BiHVolim i User:Hazbulator Bosnom, User:Bosna Sarajevo je car što se FK Sarajeva tiče, MontenegrinSportEditor crnogorskim fudbalom, User:Eni.Sukthi.Durres mi je definitivno burazer za albanski deo mada sa njim imam i po koje baš smešne diskusije jer je dosta nacionalista, itd. sigurno mi fale mnogi, ali to smo ti. Što se mene tiče uvek ću ostaviti ovde račun i prtitiga i bićemo nekako svi spojeni. FkpCascais (talk) 21:29, 23 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hvala na komplimentu / Thanks man. all the best. BiHVolim (talk) 12:25, 26 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hello FkpCascais what's the matter? Eni.Sukthi.Durres (talk) 12:38, 24 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

fkpC, samo da ti kažem. Svi igrači Ilirije sa spiska User:FkpCascais/Sandbox30 su Slovenci odnosno Jugoslaveni. Linhart (talk) 13:34, 24 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Eni, I am telling everyone you are pussy and Albanians suck in football. .... Ahahaha no, no, I am joking, dont warry, I am just recomending you as the editor to contact in case help is needed regarding Albanian football. I was just saying that despite some funny nationalistic discussions in the past, you are definitelly my buddy and friend when I need help with something related to your area. I hope you dont mind. I listed you and other good editors from the region I know have been active and are friendly and helpfull.
Linhart, hvala, rekao mi je i Mors to već ranije, ja sam ih ostavio kao i neke druge jer tražim strance u Jugoslaviji i takođe u drugom planu ne srbe u srpskim klubovima, pa kad naletim na neko čudnije prezime na toj listi vidim dali i gde je još igrao. Ako im znaš mesto i godina rođenja slobodno ubaci. U Iliriji znam od stranaca za austrijanca Karl Zankla i čeha Bohuslav Segera. Cela ta moja poenta sa strancima je jedan moj lični inat. Kad sam bio mali imao sam u široj porodici jednog starijeg čoveka koji je sada već odavno nažalost pokojni i koji je bio igrač u Radničkom iz Beograda. Obožavao sam da slušam njegove priče u kojima je između ostalog govorio kako je pre rata u jugoslovenskim klubova bilo dosta stranaca i kako se družio sa njima. A kod nas postoji velika tendencija da se govori kako u vreme Jugoslavije nije bilo stranaca. Mislim, generalno je sigurno tačno za veći deo SFRJ doba. Ali, probudila se ta želja u meni da to proverim i vidim koliko je tačno bilo stranaca i kad. Takođe imamo i tendenciju da mislimo odmah da je neki igrač recimo sa nemačkim prezimenom verovatno neki naš nemac, član nemačke manjine, sigurno da ih većina i jesu, ali za ove o kojima je govorio sigurno nisu jer se sećam da je pričao kako nisu znali naš jezik pa je bilo korisno što je on znao nemački. Jasno je meni da je na toj listi najverovatnije tek negde jedan na dvadeset ili trideset pravi stranac, ali je to bio jedini način da otkrijem neke i godine i klubove gde su igrali. Mene inače fascinira taj period i ti prvi transferi, profesionalci i globbetrotteri. Utiska sam da je uloga Jugoslavije veoma zanemarena i da smo sami sebi izbrisali svest i sećanje iz tog perioda. Propaganda koja je skoro pola veka insistirala da se o predratnom periodu govori samo u tonu siromaštva je ostavila ukorenu tendenciju u kojoj i dan danas je i dalje popularnije govoriti o nekim pričama viteških pobeda lokalnih golonogih momaka, rađe nego o činjenici da je BSK dvadesetih doveo kapitena rumunske reprezentacije, kako je zagrebačka publika od starta navikla da gleda u svojim klubovima austrijske i češke reprezentativce, Hajduk koji dovodi Sobotku, tada kao recimo Nedved u Juventusu, SK Jugoslavija koja je redovno imala drim tim, Vojvodina koja stvara čuveni "Milijonerski tim", Ljubljana vrsta slovenačke reprezentacije, itd. A mišljenja sam da je rat upravo prekinuo početak jednog zlatnog perioda našeg fudbala. FkpCascais (talk) 16:51, 24 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Stranci koje ja znam u slo. klubovima su bili, Ilirija: 13 Jaroslav Jirkovsky, 20 Vilém "Vilda" Loos, 21 Bohuslav Seger, 23 Vaclav Janoušek, 24 Willy Pammer, 25 opet Seger, 26 Karl Zankl, 27 Josef Wana. Svi su bili treneri/igrači i zadržali su se vrlo kratko, obično su došli na ljeto kad je bila pauza u AUT/ČEŠ. Prvi pravi trener, koji je bio tu na dalje razdoblje bio je Johann Baar 1929. U Primorju su bili 27 Franz Wening in 34 Erwin Puschner. A među igračima slo. klubova ja ne znam, da bi bilotko bio stranac. Ljubo Vidmajer bio je rođen 1897 u Gradecu, ali mislim da je ipak bio Slovenac, došao je već kao klinac u Ljubljanu (isto tako Vane Doberlet, koji je bio rođen 1906 u Beogradu). Za Naceta Košaka nisam siguran, dal je bio Slovenac ili Hrvat, ti kažeš rođen u Varaždinu? Svi ostali su više manje rođeni u Ljubljani (ili neki Celju i Mariboru) i okolnim selima ili u Primorskoj (naravno uglavnom igrači Primorja), oni koji su došli nakon rapalla. Zbog specifičnog područja i istorije njemačka i talijanska prezimena nisu ništa posebno među Slovencima. Jedini igrač kojeg ja znam, da je stvarno zaigrao u državnom prvenstvu za ljubljanski tim i da bi mogao biti stranac (dakle ne Jugoslaven), bio je Valter Rataj (možda negdje i Walter Ratay ili tako nešto), koji je igrao za SK Ljubljanu 1938/39, a došao je iz Beča, mislim da neki željezničarski klub. Znam, da je napustio YU jer nije dobio dozvole za bivanje, jer nije bio građan, ali nemam pojma koje je bio nacionalnosti, jer Rataj je dosta obično slo. prezime pa možda je samo živio tamo. Ovdašnji klubovi su bili siromašni i nisu imali para za profesionalne igrače (osim aku so došli i kao treneri), tako da nije bilo više stranaca. Prije 1936 svi su bili amateri, a SK Ljubljana je poslednjim godinama prije rata imala dva profesionalna igrača. Bilo je još nekih zanimljivih stranih igrača, ali nisu igrali na tom nivou, recimo Austrijanac Karl Dürschmied, koji je igrao za Athletik SK i čak za reprezentaciju LNP, ili recimo Čeh Karol Valašek, koji je igao za Iliriju prije prvog svetskog rata. Linhart (talk) 23:59, 24 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ako trebaš izvore: Linhart (talk) 22:54, 2 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Vladimir Stojković (2)

Olá Filip, tudo bem? Espero que sim,

vai mais uma ajudinha neste senhor (como é sérvio, espero que não haja problema em contribuires, e é muito fácil para ti)? Referências #40 e #41, acho que nem te leva cinco minutos: a primeira não percebo se fala de patrocínios ou não (Super Tim), não quis arriscar, a segunda é bastante confusa (não percebo se "88" é um ano ou um minuto de jogo).

Fiz mais uma limpeza no artigo, e descobri que o teu compatriota STEFANOVICPFK, sempre que o homem defende um penalti, escreve na história. Mesmo que a equipa do Stojkovic (saúda-se, os parvalhões dos vândalos parece que deixaram de vir aqui escrever "Mustafa" no nome dele) perca, não pode ser! Já compus devidamente.

Abraços, tudo de bom desde Portugal e obrigado de antemão --Quite A Character (talk) 02:51, 22 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Boas Vasco, sim, meterem "Mustafa" a ele é puro vandalismo, é o pessoal do Estrela Vermelha ainda a nao consiguerem esquecer o que consideram de mega traicao, o facto dele ter assinado pelos grandes enemigos Partizan, certamente ja sabes. Quanto aos links, o #40 nao me abre (diz "ligacao privada") mas o titulo "Proglašen jelen Super Tim" se traduz em "O onze ideal da SuperLiga foi divulgado". Quanto ao link #41, o "Harizmatični ’88’ osvojio nagradu i navijačka srca" o 88 se refere ao seu numero (que tem novamente agora na actualidade no Partizan) e traduz algo como "O carismático 88 conquistou o prémio e o coracao dos adéptos." FkpCascais (talk) 04:01, 22 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

MUITO OBRIGADO, vou já lá pôr! --Quite A Character (talk) 04:36, 22 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Isso tem a ver com o rio Morava que passa pela cidade de onde Borac Cacak vem e o titulo se traduziria em algo como "Moravian in a black and white fashion" FkpCascais (talk) 23:53, 31 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Još jedan "tvoj"

Evo stigao je novi igrač u Javor, potpisao na 3 i po godine i odmah otišao u Radnički KG na 6 meseci. Nemam pojma ni kako se tačno zove pošto se u savezu u dva dokumenta vodi pod različitim imenom, ne znam ni odakle je jer mi ovo baš i ne zvuči kao da je iz Togo-a, niti mu znam bilo kakve generalije. Videću da mu odradim nešto osnovno u pesku što znam u ovom trenutku, a ti ćeš svakako videti u mojim skorašnjim izmenama, pa ubaci ako iskopaš bilo kakvu korisnu informaciju. Cenim da je bolje tako nego da odmah bacimo klicu koja pravi još veću zabunu ko je lik u stvari. Lotom (talk) 05:45, 27 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Eheh "moj" :D Da, da bolje naravno. Video sam da si ga bio ubacio sa zastavom Toga, bas sam hteo da te pitam sta znas o njemu jer ja sve sto sam za sad iskopao je neki Herve Kouakou Amani (,,,, i Sad vidim da si mu ubacio Togo jer je dosao iz tamosnjeg kluba Entente, pa si izbacio zastavicu posle dok ne saznamo. E sad moramo da potvrdimo je li to taj igrac ili neki drugi.
Darko Tesovic je na analizi za Arrenu posle utakmice prvi jasno rekao da su stranci ti koji prave razliku, a debil Koroman smatra negativno da je Donald kapiten... On je koliko znam u njegovo vreme i napravio darmar u vasem timu jer je skupio grupicu oko sebe da budu protiv stranaca. Vas tim definitivno zivi od kicme koju cine Donald, Kanga i Boakye. Osetio sam da ce derbi biti ovako slab. FkpCascais (talk) 19:27, 27 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

U diskusiji sam sa likom sa FM-a, koji kopa većinu informacija za igrače koji nastupaju po Srbiji. On je možda i veći ludak od mene u tom smislu, ali se ispomažemo kad nekome fali neki info. On traži svuda, ali bazični deo traži preko FB-a, što se opet često ispostavi vrlo nesigurnim. Primer Oteng Baah, koji bi prema tom datumu ispao maloletan prilikom debija za Jagodinu, što je prema propisima nemoguće. je samo način pregleda baze menadžera, ali koji ti ne otkriva mnogo toga. Dve su opcije, ili je ovaj Diawara iz Zemuna Malijac koji je igrom slučaja svrstan među Nigerijce, ili to uopšte nije taj igrač. S obzirom na to da su informacije vrlo oskudne, sve je moguće. Video sam još onda kad je stigao tvoje pitanje na YT, ali zasad smo uskraćeni za nešto više o ovome. Ovaj drugi stipendista je Nigerijac, a trebalo bi da je '97 i da igra desno krilo. Sve je to međutim Bekvalac "na vreme" oterao, ali su ugovori zvanično na snazi. Lotom (talk) 13:48, 26 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Negde sam video da je Diawara dosao iz Nigerije, tamo iz nekog kluba. A vidim da kaze da je 2O15/16 bio u Malijskom klubu ASO Missira. Poostoji tu vremenska rupa u kojoj je on mozda bio u Nigeriji pre dolaska kod nas. Ali, ime Issa Hare Diawara je sigurno iz zemlje frnacuskog govornog podrucja a Nigerija je englesko govorno podrucje. I video mu je na frnacuskom. Ja poto sam od malena lud za geografijom i geoplitikom lako prepoznajem korene po imenima. Narocito kad jos na to iskombinujem ludilo koje sam od malena imao da pisem i prepisujem sve svetske reprezentacije, danas mi je lako da po imenu i prezimenu priblizno lako znam odakle neko moze da bude. To nam danas i sajt poput nft lako omogucava, evo recimo Diawara uvek prezime, nikad ime, i svi iz zemalja zapadne Afrike u kojima se govori francuski. E sad, u Maliju je vec godinama politicka nestabilnost, građanski rat i siromastvo, jadni gledaju da odu negde vani da zive sta ce. Verovatno si vec primetio da su u toj Subsaharskoj Africi Nigerija, Gana, Kamerun, mamac za fudbalere da bi isli negde dalje. Mladi Malijac doveden u Nigeriju, tamo vervatno bio u nekom manjem klubu, nasi ga uzeli, trazili papire za registraciju iz Nigerijskog saveza, i sta oni znaju, on je za njih nigerijac, jadan decko i da je pokusao da objasni video je da ih sve boli kurac i shvatio da bolje da cuti, i tako.... eto kod nas igraju igraci a da im klub ne zna ni ime ni nacionalnst, bruka. Ne dajem ruku da je Diawara iz Malija, mze da bude iz jos nekih zemalja a da je igrao u Maliju, ali iz Nigerije nije sigurno, zivot dajem.
Slican primer mi deluje i onaj iz Borca Poba Yubu Toure. Zajedno sa Masiyom Francis (ruku dajem da je Francis ime a ne prezime) su predstavljeni kao iz DR Konga. Evo DR Congo, Francis Masiya jos i nekako, ali Poba Yubu Toure mi nesto bas ne ide u tu grupu. Aj da vidimo Toure, ima ih dosta, cesto prezime, ali u Zapadnoj subsahrskojo Africi, nikakav Kongo.
E, a ovo za Baaha te nisam razumeo. Sta, ima vise opcija za datum rođenja§ A i da je debitovao maloletan, zar sa lekarskom potvrdom nije odobreno maloletnom igracu da debituje§ FkpCascais (talk) 18:28, 26 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Fora je u tome što maloletan igrač ne može da napusti matičnu zemlju pre 18. Na prostoru EU je to valjda drugačije uređeno, a ima i ona fora da cela porodica promeni mesto boravka. Ta lekarska potvrda se odnosi na igrače iz škole koji su mlađi od 17, a stariji od 16 godina. Lotom (talk) 22:52, 26 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Cekaj cekaj, maloletnom igracu je naravno dozvljeno da napusti zemlju (mozda jedino u Severnoj Koreji nije), ali mora da ima odobrenje roditelja. Biti strani drzavljanin i uclaniti se u neki klub nije skoro nigde u svetu problem (saglasnost roditelja obavezna naravno). Ali i domaci maloletni moraju isto da imaju doozvolu roditelja. Evo recimo ja sam ziveo u Meksiku od 1. do 6. godine zivota. Bio sam i u poseti Bori Milutinovicu dokk je trenirao tamosnji UNAM i cak su napravili u lokalnoj stampi clanak kako mali jugosloven (ja) dolazi u posetu na trening senioorskog i juniorskih timoova UNAMa i kakoo bi to mogao (zbog Bore) da bude pocetak uvoza mladih talenata iz Evrope i ostatka sveta. Kasnije sam dosao u Portugal u desetoj godini i bio sam na probi u juniorima Cascaisa. U Cascaisu i u juniorima i seniorima ima toliko stranaca da jedva nađes qravog portugalca. Ja sam trenirao sa U15 uzrastom i pola ih je crnci i brazilci a drugo pola portugalci i deca stranaca koji ovde zive (sveđana, nemaca, sqanaca, engleza, itd.). SVIMA treba odobrenje roditelja. A oni koji su "uvezeni" sredi im klub rezidenciju (boravak). Znaci, moraju da imaju boravak i odbrenje roditelja. E sad, da bi zaigrali za seniore, sem boravka i oodoobrenja roditelja, moroaju da imaju neko minimalno godiste i lekarsku pootvrdu da su spoosobni da se bave seniorskim fudbalom. Neko ko je strani građanin a ima sređen boravak u toj zemlji (znaci legalan je) ima apsolutno ista prava kao i bilo koji drugi legalan domaci građanin. Evo recimo jedan moj drug, on ima srpski pasos i dosao je sa roditeljima ovde kad je imao 7 godina. Napravili su zahtev i odobren im je i svi clanovi porodice su dobili boravak i legalno su ovde. Decko obozava rukomet i kasnije je video gde da trenira i upisao se neki mali klub a psle godinu dana skautovao ga je Porto. Mislis da mu je neko zabranio da se upise u Porto i da pocne da igra u juniorima samo zato sto nema domaci pasos§§§ Vazno je samo da je legalan i da ima odbrenje roditelja (uslovi isto kao i domacima! Da su legalni, imaju licnu kartu i sve sređeno i da daju dozvolu malom da igra). Mali je bio toliko talentovan da je sa 16 zaigrao za seniore. ... E sad, razlika ovih slucajeva je ta sto su ovi mali dosli sa roditeljima koji su vec tu i sa legalno sa sređenim boravkom, a mali se onda samo upisu u neki klub da igraju bilo koji sport u bilo koojem godistu. A ovi primeri tipa Baah su ti da klub angazuje jednog maloletnog igraca iz neke druge zemlje bez da on ima niti riditelje vec ovde niti legalizovan boravak u Srbiji. Klub se onda obrati MIPu i napravi zahtev da se izda boravak Baahu (daju mu radni ugovor na neko vreme sto automatski olaksava dobijanje boravka) i sa dobijenim boravkom i dozvolom roditelja, on moze da igra i za juniore i seniore apsolutno bez prblema isto kao sto to moze i svaki drugi legalan stanovnik Srbije. FkpCascais (talk) 01:53, 27 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ja ti pišem ono što je meni poznato, odnosno što mi se čini da sam pročitao u pravilniku. Šta misliš, zašto su Vlahović i mlađi Ilić ostali do punoletstva kod nas? Pogledaj sve strane igrače koji dolaze kod nas. Niko od njih maloletan nije nastupio, odnosno imao je navršenih 18 godina prilikom dolaska u Srbiju. Kada je Ødegaard trebalo da pređe u Real, sećam se da je bila priča da je sređeno da se cela porodica preseli u Španiju. U tom slučaju je dozvoljeno, s tim što nisam siguran koje se pravilo primenjuje na prostoru EU. U pravilniku stoji i da klubovi nemaju striktno ograničenje koliko će stranaca dovesti u svoj mladi tim. To je jedan od razloga za onoliki broj Rusa na Bežaniji i u Železniku (Lokomotiva). Svi su oni uglavnom '99. iz razloga koje sam ti upravo naveo. Mlađi ne mogu da budu, a to je sada izlazno godište u omladincima, svi stariji su prerasli taj uzrast i nemaju više pravo nastupa. Imaš kod mene na stranici za razgovor pravilnik o registraciji iz saveza za ovu sezonu, Bora je okačio, pa pogledaj ako te ne mrzi. Prema tome, suštinski gledano, strani igrači mogu da nastupaju za omladince najduže sezonu i to pod uslovom da su rođeni početkom godine. Lotom (talk) 12:53, 27 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ovaj jel§ Evo citam, clan 39 upravo kaze ono da iigrac mora da ima sređen privremeni ili stalni boravak u Srbiji. Ako klub da ugovor ili cak predugovor to odmah olaksava dobijanje boravka. To boravak fakticki znaci da si u zemlji legalan a ne kao turista (sa bravkom mozes da radis) ili ilegalac. Kad igrac profesionalac dolazi iiiz drugog saveza, taj savez mora da dostupi FSS njegov ITC. Ako imaju manje od 1O godiina ITC im nije ni potreban. Clan 46 kaze da međunardni stransferi su odobreni (po normalnim standardnim regulativama) kad igrac je punoletan. Clan 46a govori o slucajima kao one st sam naveo, da kao stranac odrstas sa roditeljima negde vani i zelis da pocnes da igras. Znacii, roditeljii moraju da ti budu legalni u toj zemlji (da imaju vazeci boravak). 46b se odnosi na teritoriju EU gde samo ustvarii kkaze da iigrac menja drzavu ali mora da nastavi obavezno skkolstv u toj novoj zemji (recimo, Malmo kupi talentvanog finca od 16 godina, bitno je samo da taj decko nastavi srednju skolu u Malmeu). Clan 46v je za slucajeve poput decka koji je iz Bratislave a angazuje ga lub iz Beca. On nastavii da zivi i studra u Braiislavi a treniira iii igra u Becu koji je udaljen nesto vise d centra Beograda do Panceva. Clan 47 vezuje maloletne igrace za roditelje, normalno. Clan 55 kaze da klubovi prva nasa tri stepena takmcenja mogu da stpendijske ugovre daju igracima između 15 do 18 godina. Clan 56 je onaj toliko spominjan u javnsti a da ljudi ne shvataju uopšte poentu. "Igraci mlađi od 18 NE MOGU da se vezu za neki klub niti profesionalnim niti stipendijskim ugovorom na vise od 3 godine. To je tesko objasniti narodu ali taj FIFA zakon stiti ljudska prava. Jer "raja" masom komentarise da se neki maloletni talenat veze ugovorm na 7 ili 9 godina, nebuloze. Kad bi to moglo onda bi klubovi zloupotrebljavali to. Kako§ Pa recimo, Partizan nađe u Pirotu nekog vanserijskog malog od 16 godina i ponudi mu ugovor. Roditelji i mali presrecni. Ali Vazurin covek kaze "Ili potpisujes na 8 godina da zarađujes 4OO evra mesecno ili nista". I roditelji naravno potpisu. Posle godinu i po mali se priikljuci prvom timu, debituje, da dva gola i dve siistencije, postane proglasen među sto najvecih talenata u svetu prema SoccerWorld, stizu ponude Reala, Barse... ali Vazura ga ima vezanog do njegove 26. godine za 4OO evra mesecno... Ukratko, da se ne bi klubovi koristilii naivnosti i sirmastva roditelja u određenom trenutku u zivtu, FIFA za maloletne daje maksimum 3 gdine vezivanja igraca za klub, a onda posle tih 3 godiine kad se bolje vidi realan potencijal igraca, onda i igrac i roditelji ii klub mogu da pregovore novi fer ugovor. Da nije tak viidi sta bi moglo da se desi§ Kristijano Ronaldov tata je bio siromah navucen na heroin. Posle prvog lokkalnog kluba Andorinhe prešao je kao desetogodišnjak u Nacional. Nacional je tad mogao da prepozna talenat i ponudi tati 500 evra mesecno ugovor na 10 godina, i tata bi oberucke prihvatio. CR7 bi igrao u Nacionalu za mizernu platu samo jer je klub umeo da iskoristi situaciju. Zato je FIFA ogranicila sa pravom na 3 godine vezivanje ugovorom maloletnih igraca, sprecava ropstvo.
Dalje, ne vidim gde vidis to za samo godinu dana iiigranja stranaca u mladincima§ FkpCascais (talk) 15:34, 28 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
To je neki logičan sled događaja ukoliko igrač dolazi sa punih 18 godina, jer sa 19 već prestaje da bude omladinac. Tanko je primer za ovu sezonu. Klinci iz RS su nešto drugo, jer svi imaju srpske pasoše i ne dolaze kao stranci, ali je klub u obavezi da ih stipendira, odnosno obezbedi im uslove za život i rad. Pa ta Jagodina duguje kamaru para za plate igračima od pre 3 godine, tako da nešto čisto sumnjam da može da priušti sebi te izvanredne uslove. Lotom (talk) 06:24, 30 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Otto Fischer (footballer)

Hi, you created the article, on we have he coached Napoli in 1928-1929.. -- (talk) 16:54, 20 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Done it. Thank you. In the meantime you are missing his coaching spell at FK Mačva Šabac in 193O/31. The sources are in the article. Saluti! FkpCascais (talk) 01:07, 22 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Vedad Ibišević

Could you have look at this article? I could use your language skills here. Over the past few days, IP's have been adding claims that Vedad Ibišević retired from international football. They've not cited any sources, and I can't find any myself, but they're persistent enough to make me think it's probably true. Could you see if you can find any Bosnian sources that might shed some light on the matter? Thanks in advance. Sir Sputnik (talk) 20:45, 21 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sure, let me take a look at Bosnian media and I let you know. FkpCascais (talk) 22:31, 21 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Sir Sputnik you seem to be correct. I have lookd at what is considered the most popular football news website in Bosnia,, and says nothing about Ibisevic leaving the NT. Also, Bosnian FA official website says nothing about it either. What happened these days is that the NT chose a new manager, Meho Kodro, so there may be some speculation abut some players may have more chances than others, but I see nothing more than that. That IP should definitelly add a source. FkpCascais (talk) 22:53, 21 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Anel Dedić

Hello mate, I need help and i think you're the right person to ask. Recently i created Anel Dedić, a bosnian footballer who plays in my country's championship. But i have lack of information about his career in bosnia. in the 2012-13 season he scored 9 goals in the bosnia first league, but i'm struggling to find how games he played during that season, since i have no knowledge in bosnian language. That why i cannot update his infobox. since you are from Serbia, you are fluent in Yugoslavian language and can help me bosnian referenecs. i want to find references for his career at vitez & Čelik Zenica. Thank you -- Sadsadas, (talk) 16 November 2017

Sadsadas sure, the source I use for Bosnian league stats is this one. Someone added all the info from the Bosnian FA yearbooks from begining after independence till 2016. The problem is that we are missing data of lower leagues and I am sure he played at least few more seasons befoe 2012. FkpCascais (talk) 13:47, 16 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I saw at this article that he had scored 9 goals in 2012-13. The ref they put was dead link. You're right, he has not debuted professionaly at 21 years of age. But at least find references for his transfers at vitez (second spell) & celik. It will improve the article a lot. Even better, you can add it yourself since you have a huge english knowledge. Thank you -- Sadsadas, (talk) 16 November 2017

Palestine League

Hello, I'm sorry, but I had to rollback your edit on Palestine League. The British Police side was an XI representing the Palestine Police Force, and therefore the link was made (not by me, btw). However, since it might be better to prepare a separate page for the British Police F.C., I might have a go at that, and for this I thank you. Eranrabl (talk) 17:52, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, Eranrabl making the club article would definitelly be way better, that would be so kind if you make it. Unfortunatelly I have no enough knowledge in the area but I am egger to see more stuff from that early Israeli football period. Any help please be allways welcome, kindest regards! FkpCascais (talk) 23:29, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Women in Red World Contest

Hi. We're into the last five days of the Women in Red World Contest. There's a new bonus prize of $200 worth of books of your choice to win for creating the most new women biographies between 0:00 on the 26th and 23:59 on 30th November. If you've been contributing to the contest, thank you for your support, we've produced over 2000 articles. If you haven't contributed yet, we would appreciate you taking the time to add entries to our articles achievements list by the end of the month. Thank you, and if participating, good luck with the finale!

I suggest

you re-affirm your stance here: Talk:Yugoslav coup d'état#Dated or not dated, as per my last edit.Axxxion (talk) 15:12, 29 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

i do not mind if you amend it (Yugoslav coup d'état): amnot really an expert on the subject, but the attitude of Peacemaker appears to be that of wholesale stonewalling any attempts at improvement there, which i find quite unproductive.Axxxion (talk) 00:13, 30 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Axxxion I apologise, I have been having extemely limited time (you can see by my contribs) that is why I havent answered you or helped. Hope soon to have more time. FkpCascais (talk) 17:12, 4 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2017 election voter message

Hello, FkpCascais. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Arton Zekaj

Hello, FkpCascais. Can you help with information about Arton Zekaj, Serbian footballer of Kosovo Albanian descent who plays as a defensive midfielder for Serbian club Partizan. Please this request, do not take as an insult.

Hey, sure, I will try to help, whz would I ever take is as an insult? Please feel welcome to ask whatever you need at any time! FkpCascais (talk) 20:27, 17 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
There is one problem. He plays for Partizan youth team and never was even in the bench for the seniors. He spent a half season with FK Bačka Bačka Palanka but failed to debut for the first team which actually plays in SuperLiga. So :/ I have to say that by now the article is most likely be deleted because he doesnt passes WP:Notability.
Also, I will like please to call yout atention to please avoid adding tendentious claims such as "an Albanian would had it impossible to play for Partizan or Serbia national teams." Speciallz having in mind that Zekaj actually played for Serbia in youth levels. FkpCascais (talk) 20:46, 17 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@FkpCascais: First of all, the cause I wanted help from you is that you have a lot of information about for the Serbian football and I had a question: Does Arton currently play with FK Partizan Academy? Also you can help me with the years, appearances, goals with the teams and Serbia national teams and for the issue of "an Albanian would have had it impossible to play for Partizan or Serbia national teams" are not words invented, but are the words of coach Isa Sadriu.
Yes, I noteced it was Sadriu words, I changed slightly the wording to make it more clear. About him and his club this season, seems a bit of mistery. He seems to be out of radar. He is not with Partizan academy, and also not at FK Teleoptik, Partizans satellite team. He is not listed at anz club at and also not regstered at anz club at Serbian First League (second national level). I will try to see what can I do about his national team appearances. But since he didnt had any apperance neither in first or second level in the league, the case seems a bit lost by now for him to stand as an article. FkpCascais (talk) 23:43, 17 December 2017 (UTC)[reply] claims he is wth the B team, a sort of group of players that are just training at the club. FkpCascais (talk) 23:59, 17 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

OH, I feel so proud to receve such recogntion from a dedicated editor as you are. Thank you so much, please feel free to contact me whatever I can help you, it would be a pleasure. Feel always welcome, kindest regards! FkpCascais (talk) 02:07, 18 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Vardar Macedonia

but Macedonian does not use both, that it is only in Serbian then it can so, like this it should stand after comma, as transliteration

example: Вардарска Македонија, Vardarska Makedonija or Вардарска Македонија, tr. Vardarska Makedonija

--SrpskiAnonimac (talk) 12:19, 6 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

What does it matter if Macedonian uses both of not, in this case we are adding the Serbian language version, so both versions should be presented. FkpCascais (talk) 17:36, 6 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
OK, now it is perfect. Thanks and regards! FkpCascais (talk) 17:38, 6 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Belgrade template

the graph says ″Churches and temples″. Obviously, Fenek monastery is neither. If you want it to be there, there has to be a special graph. Leaving aside the issue that the term "temple" in English has nothing to do with any of what is listed there. The problem is that the Serbs (like all the other Balkan harlot-nations) had always been wooed by the Anglos (for their own purpose) and because of that never had a serious motivation to learn THE language.Axxxion (talk) 15:25, 13 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

If that is the reason, than OK, but as you initially said that the problem of inclusion was its location and how it was not in Belgrade, that was a wrong reasoning. Regards, FkpCascais (talk) 21:38, 13 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Forgive my being a bit too sharp yesterday: no offence intended. Nevertheless, the term (″temple″) is probably wrong in the context.Axxxion (talk) 20:37, 14 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, no problem at all, you have made so much great work here on Please ping me anytime if I can help you. Kindest regards! FkpCascais (talk) 21:01, 14 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of Edit warring noticeboard discussion

Information iconHello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion involving you at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring regarding a possible violation of Wikipedia's policy on edit warring. Thank you. SILENTRESIDENT 00:15, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

This is at ANI already... FkpCascais (talk) 00:25, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

January 2018

Stop icon with clock
You have been blocked from editing for a period of 48 hours for edit warring. Once the block has expired, you are welcome to make useful contributions.
During a dispute, you should first try to discuss controversial changes and seek consensus. If that proves unsuccessful, you are encouraged to seek dispute resolution, and in some cases it may be appropriate to request page protection.
If you think there are good reasons for being unblocked, please read the guide to appealing blocks, then add the following text below the block notice on your talk page: {{unblock|reason=Your reason here ~~~~}}.  NeilN talk to me 01:01, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Why? FkpCascais (talk) 01:04, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
What was unclear about "all editors are warned to (a) stop any more edit-warring on this article for at least 3 days, and (b) use the talk-page to discuss this dispute."? --NeilN talk to me 01:06, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
(Edit coflict) @Black Kite: I just saw the discussion on your talk-page and I must say "Kind of unbelievable they insisted on the unsourced disputed claim!". I just now saw the closure of the thread and I was outragious of them being able to revert while on discussion. Please be bold, you saw on your talk-page how manipulative they had been as saying in an edit summary that I was reported whgile they were. It is a highly unjust situation here :( FkpCascais (talk) 01:13, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
PS to Neil : It eas unclear that I didnt saw it at time I made the edit... FkpCascais (talk) 01:13, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You knew that I had already stated you had broken WP:3RR. Yet you went for another revert. --NeilN talk to me 01:20, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@NeilN: they just reverted now allegedly "on admn request"? Did you requested them to revert, or are they abusing the fact that you blocked me? FkpCascais (talk) 01:20, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
See User_talk:SilentResident#Mount_Athos --NeilN talk to me 01:26, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, right, same behaviour (in this case even worste since they clearly reverted while well aware of closue, while I reverted at time anaware of the closure, and besides clear liying and manipulation on their behalve, as I exposed on Black Kites talk page) being atributed with block to me and just an "oh well..." to them...??? Good job as admin Neil, real nice ;) FkpCascais (talk) 01:30, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
User:Neil, not even remembering the fact that all goes around the fact that they ae edit-waring about a totally unsourced claim they ae now triying to convince people that certain wording means what they wat it to mean (and it doesnt). So by standards, we, both sides did the same, by edits, they inserted POV content and agressivelly fought to keep it, so how is that I got blocked and they had just a "palmadinha nas costas" as it is said in Portuguese... ? FkpCascais (talk) 01:39, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Did they revert after the matter was opened on multiple noticeboards? --NeilN talk to me 01:52, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Neil: of course they did, they reverted well after me when orders on your behalve were clearly directed towards us. Are you aware that I was editing the article and next I came to the ANI board to see the outcame (see the timming), and you blocked me for that, while the SilentResident accout reverted well after while clearly aware of your outcome and clearly ignoring you even goig as far as suggesting you advised them to do so? This is a serious break of protocols, are you well aware of the undue weight you gave here? FkpCascais (talk) 01:56, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I suggest you look at the history again Silent Resident isn't Dr.K. --NeilN talk to me 02:15, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I was punished by you for reverting on 00:55 unaware of the outcome made at ANI at 00:49, while you allow them to revert alleging "ADMIN" allowence of it at 01:17 well aware of the closure which underlined that no further reverts should be made? You see the fails here? @Black Kite: I apologise but since you are within the matter, can you please help me? FkpCascais (talk) 02:05, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Note to any reviewing admin - please discuss with me before unblocking. --NeilN talk to me 02:15, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@NeilN:, you asked me if they reverted after the threads were open, and I am giving you the diffs here that the thread saying no furthers edits should be done by us on the article without discussing was posted at 00:49 ad they, clearly aware of the outcome, even claiming they were allowed by admins to do so, reverted at 01:17, 28 minutes after that! You punished me with a block for an edit done 6 minutes after closure (closure which I was unaware at time) and you allow them to revert almost half an hour later with them clearly indicating of being aware of the closure and even claiming they were directed to do so?
My final post to you. I explicitly said you had broken WP:3RR. You saw this. Despite this, and without using a little common sense to look at the ANI thread updates, you reverted again. Basically you rolled the dice and lost. The block notice has instructions on how to appeal. --NeilN talk to me 02:29, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I removed the disputed unsourced statement from the article unaware of the closure of the thread (as seen by the chronology of the edits) and for that you are blocking me. However, half an hour later, 01:17 they reverted even alleging admin support? So their revert is directed by you? You seem to be highly compromised here in your faulty judgment as admin and clear takig sides on the matter. I am providing you the diffs so you can fix your ourcome @NeilN:. FkpCascais (talk) 02:39, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, no surpise you want them to talk to you first, so you can convince them not to disrupt the major fault you did here o this case... Better yourself fix it than going on this in detail ad who knows the outcome. FkpCascais (talk) 02:26, 19 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Krenuo sam da ga radim (ono moje detaljno sa svim propratnim sranjima), pa ti dodaj posle što ispustim. Lotom (talk) 20:34, 1 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Lotom: Ej super, bas sam mislio veceras da ga uradim ako niko pre mene nije poceo. covek je debitovao za reprezantaciju a ovi nasi niko da to sazna jebem ih glupe... FkpCascais (talk) 20:43, 1 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Možda neće biti baš toliko opširno odmah, ali ću da gledam da izbunarim neke statistike za njega, ipak je čovek reprezentativac. Zasad imam generalije, prošlogodišnju pozajmicu i podatak da je bio proglašen za najboljeg igrača u novembru. Koliko imaju naši novinari, za početak je i to dosta. Valjda ću do sutra da zaršim sa kopanjem po prošlosti. Lotom (talk) 20:53, 1 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ma da, pa i mlad je, i nema puno sta. FkpCascais (talk) 22:03, 1 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Nešto je urađeno, pa polako. Ako i kako se bude razvijao, dodavaće se. Meni po snimcima deluje nešto slabije, ali bi Teleoptiku legao sigurno, za početak. Ovi tereni gde je on igrao u rangu su sa Rakovicom ili Temnićevim stadionom u Varvarinu, tako da to nije neko merilo. Kod nas, ako ništa drugo, bar se nešto radilo na infrastrukturi. Za neku nijansu je bolje nego pre par godina, ali dosta je to tanko još uvek. Lotom (talk) 22:53, 1 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ma brate, perfektno si ga uradio, ne moze bolje. Ispao je zvezda, samo sa stranom kojom si mu napravio digao si mu cenu barem 20%. Svaka ti cast, perfektan clanak. FkpCascais (talk) 23:44, 1 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
To sam napisao najviše iz razloga što je samo na toj prijateljskoj utakmici nastupio, ali ga očekujem u timu nadalje, pogotovo ukoliko bude igrao ovde koliko god. Ovako je samo potencijalni reprezentativac, nešto poput Đoleta Ivanovića. Lotom (talk) 00:01, 2 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Kapiram, ali vazi se to vec cim je zvanican FIFA priznat nastup, ko hoce detalje dali je prijateljska ili takmicarska neka cita ceo clanak. Super si ga odradio, bas si car. FkpCascais (talk) 01:10, 2 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Mejsiju, čini mi se, nismo imali ni u ulaznim transferima. Čovek ni papire nije preneo u klub. Ni ovaj drugi, Toure, se nije usrećio u Srbiji što se tiče igranja na zvaničnim utakmicama. Dodaj ga samo na onu listu, radi hronologije. Lotom (talk) 12:42, 24 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

U koju listu? Znam da se nisu naigrali, nisu nijedan zvanican nastup imali nijedan, koliko se secam samo je Touré bio par puta na klupi u ligi prosle sezone. FkpCascais (talk) 17:02, 24 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Zajedno su stigli u Srbiju, ali je samo Touré bio zvanično registrovan u papirima. Zato smo samo njega i ubacili u ulaznim transferima, ako se dobro sećam. Vidi isprati Boakye-a ovih dana, jer kapiram da će krenuti da skrnave članak. A ja ću verovatno da se prijavim za vraćača uskoro, jer mi je gospodin pun ovih koji bi sve da "ulepšavaju". Lotom (talk) 10:40, 27 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Slobodno ga izbaci gde god sam ga pogresno onda ubacio. Boacija sam vec bio poceo da pratim i revertujem, ali uzaludno, ne znam otkuda toliko brizih IP editora koji sa tolikom voljom ga brzo salju u Kinu i vade iz Zvezdine postave cak i pre ozvanicenja transfera. Ali prati cu da mu barem ne upropaste clanak. Video sam takodje da se onaj lik koji "ulepsava" infoboxove tako sto vadi pozajmice vratio, je si na njega mislio? FkpCascais (talk) 11:12, 27 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ma na sve njih zajedno. Čovek je bio u Srbiji, to je evidentno, nego se ja više i ne sećam kada su stigli, a i mrzi me izvore da tražim. Nego gledam samo da bar proknjižimo i ulazne i izlazne transfere, ali koliko fantoma ima među tim igračima, nekada deluje nemoguće. Nestao je i onaj Kinez, štoper iz Lučana, skunuta mu je registracija, a broj 5 je zadužio Petar Jovanović. Lotom (talk) 11:39, 27 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ma mi smo zemlja nedodjija. Za Novu Godinu sam trebao da se vratim u Beograd za stalno, imao sam vec i stan iznajljen, i u zadnji trenutak se perdomislim. Glavnu prevagu je imao posao koji mi je uleteo ovde gde zivim Cascais, ali i mentalitet ljudi. Ovde svakodnevno imam kontakt sa ljudima iz celog sveta, sto preko raznih bogatih koji ovde zive (engleza, nemaca, amera, holandjana, belgijanaca, italijana, svedjana, pa i rusa i japanaca) sto preko raznih emigranata koji su ovde dosli da rade (brazilaca, angolanaca, ukrajinaca, rumuna, bugara, indusa, pakistanaca, kineza, moldavaca, venecuelanaca, itd.) To je tako jedan zdrav ambijent u kojem domaci portugalci uopste ne vide nista negativno da im zemlja bude preplavljena strancima, oni znaju dobro ko su i sta su i prihvataju dobro sve strance ovde. Zato sam verovatno takav i kakav jesam, branim pre svega sve nase. Meni ovde za prepirke sa drugima sluzi i kada Zvezda ostvaruje uspeh iako sam Partizanovac. Jer kad sam okruzen ljudima iz celog sveta sve nase je moje i ide meni na ruku. A kod nas ne, vidim svakog razlicitog gledaju popreko, stranca gledaju kao opasnost, ne prihvatamo nista drugacije, nikakve promene, zivimo u zatvorenom svetu gde mrzimo i rodjenog brata. Znam ja da je to rezultat i politika koje su nam bile nametnute iz vana decenijama, ali mi ne umemo da se branimo od njih i ispravljamo nepravde, nego nasednemo da se sami zatvorimo i unazadimo. Meni je nekako zelja da barem kroz sport i fudbal da se delovi Srbije upoznaju sa strancima. Ljudi su ljudi, pa cak i zemlje koje su nam politicki neprijatelji imaju dobre ljude. Zelja mi je bila da barem kroz fudbal gro nasih mladih ima kontakte sa razlicitim kulturama. Na neki indirektan nacin to ne samo sto bi ih licno obogatilo nego bi ih ucinilo da vise vole Srbiju, alii u pozitivnom smislu, da shvate da u prepirkama sa strancima treba da branimo sve nase, a ne samo licno ono sto volimo a pljujemo i mrzimo ostalo (Ja se recimo kao Partizanovac i srbin ponosim Zvezdinim uspesima iz 91). Ovi jadni stranci se dovode tek toliko da bi se upisali negde, ali ne vide oni lopte uopste. Treneri nam ne znaju da rade uopste sa njima, gledaju ih kao problem koji bi mogao da obelodani njihovu limitaciju u znanju drugih jezika i sporazumevanju, pa ih odstrane u startu. Sitnicarsko razmisljanje, seosko (u negativnom smislu), jebes ga tesko je braniti nasu zemlju kad je puna takvih budala limitiranog dostignuca. FkpCascais (talk) 12:03, 27 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Zans verovatno da nisam uopste za to da ljubimo bulju strancu samo zato sto je stranac. Uvek se setim kad sam kao mali isao u nasu kucu na moru blizu DUbrovnika i gledao tamosnje zitelje kako su se uvlacili stranim tuistima kao neki bednici i usput im objasnjavali kako je ono Kroacija i kako su oni izmislili kravatu i kako su fini (a ono bosonogi mladici u jadnoj majcici i oni nesto o kravati jaaaooo), to mi je uvek bilo bedno, ali mi smo ponosan narod koji bas nismo takvi da se uvlacimo drugima, ali ne treba ni da mrzimo niti da se zatvaramo, nego bas treba da se ucimo da zdravo zivimo u ovom globalizovanom svetu. FkpCascais (talk) 12:12, 27 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Lotom: Onaj kamerunac Ferdinand Fru Fon je izgleda potpisao za Javor a otisao u Temnic na pozajmicu. FkpCascais (talk) 13:27, 1 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Od letos je on u Temniću, tako da ne verujem. U papirima se vodi da je uzeo pristupnicu direktno iz Kameruna, po članu 30/10 (za igrače koji stižu iz inostranstva). Jedino ako ne izmuljaju nešto kao Zvezda i OFK sa Aučom, s tim što je njemu kasnila viza, pa je pristupio direktno OFK-i i sa zvezdom papirološki veze nije imao. Lotom (talk) 13:51, 1 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
U ovom fudbalu 9 čak i ne stoji za Artemčuka da je pozajmica u pitanju, jer obično bude naglašen period na koji ostaje u tom slučaju. Bora je verovatno bolje upućen, a pošto je on dodao na listu, verujem da je tako. Lotom (talk) 19:32, 1 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Taj Dinamo ima obicaj da salje klince na kaljenje pa je verovatno to i njegov slucaj, ali bilo bi dobro da imamo izvor za pazajmicu. FkpCascais (talk) 20:33, 1 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Na sajtu Borca stoji da je domaći. Uostalom, nekoliko puta se vraćao u BL, pa mi se nekako čini da je otuda. Stvarno nisam siguran gde je tačno rođen, ali srpski pasoš ima sigurno. Lotom (talk) 18:41, 2 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Skoro sam siguran da je za vreme kad je bio u Borcu pisalo da je rodjen negde u Bosni, ali sad vidim svugde pise da je iz Beograda... Jebi ga... Sigurno ima oba drzavljanstva. Ja u tim slucajevima dajem predost prvoj nacionalnosti mestu rodjenja. Jer vecina srba iz Bosne iako sa nasim pasosem kad tad se vrate da igraju u Bosni, pa da ne ispada da je igrac iz Srbije dosao u Bosnu, negoseu stvari vratio u Bosnu i tamo je domaci a ne stranac. Moji su srbi iz Sarajeva, jebes ga, ako zele da im prva nacionalnost bude Srbija neka se bore za nezavisnost i pripajanje Srbiji a ne ovako fiktivno da budu "iz Srbije" a stvarno nisu. Hocete srpsku zastavu? Bori te se da zaista bude to Srbija. Mislim, borili su se i te kako, ali sad fali glavna bitka. FkpCascais (talk) 20:36, 2 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

List of foreign footballers in top leagues of former Yugoslavia

Do not write things like "jebote" or "ne mesaj mi se", see WP:OWN, you do not "own" this article even if you have contributed 99,99% of the content here, I just used a short common names which are also used in other articles (like UEFA competitions), if there is no more than one club with the same name, there is no need to write the town names as well.

PS: This article should not even exist in the first place, we do not have a "List of footballers in top Soviet leagues" either. There is already an article for foreign players in Serbia, and the same should be done with other countries, while this article should left the word "former" in the title and list only players from 1946-1992, the article is already too large and will need to be split like that soon anyway.

Oh, and just in case you dont know, you can use a word replacer tool (click) and than simply type in [[FK Partizan|Partizan]] and replace it with [[Partizan Belgrade]], click "Replace all" and thats it, do not manually replace everything. Snowflake91 (talk) 16:32, 2 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I know WP:OWN... Did you ever thought how much digging I had to do when I created the article? A decade ago there was hardly informaion about past seasons of most of those leagues. Not to mention pre-1941 period. I spent years going trough books and lists searching info. Obviously I have a special connection to that list, I worked hard on it. I made some things the way they are for a reason. Adding a city name is allways a plus for divulgation around globe of the teams and its city, and often is a common name in English in media. Anyway, majority of clubs were named in a way a city makes a disabiguation factor. Many Radnicki´s, many Mladost´s, Rudar´s, etc. I know by now the list is conroversial, but editors from WP:FOOTY are long time aware of it and have let it be. If we charge it too much unecessarily like fixing rediects, it may become too havy and thus subject to deletion. I could have obviously made the links, but that is why I left redirects.
Anoyther thing is that you can make separate lists for each country if you want. I made it for Serbia. The thing of this list is that excludes all formr-Yugoslav players that are majority of foreigners in each league. Initially it was sort of a way for comparison which league imports "real" foreigners fom where. If ends up deleted some day, I will cetainly keep on updating it in a sandbox cause I use it statistically.
Hey, dont get me wrong fot the harsh words, I am having a hard day in my pesonal life. I apologise. I noteced you are one great editor. I count on you for the future, this project needed a person like you. Thanks for the tip, I didnt knew the "replace botton". FkpCascais (talk) 16:58, 2 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
How are those years determined? For example, why does Leonardo Sigali has 2014-2018 and not 2014-2017? Same with Everton Luiz, Florentin Matei, Lucas Goiano etc.? If a player switched clubs in January, how should be written then? Like Alexandru Crețu, which formatting should be used?
Olimpija Ljubljana 2016–2017, Maribor 2017–present, orOlimpija Ljubljana 2016–2018, Maribor 2017–present, orOlimpija Ljubljana 2016–2018, Maribor 2018–present

Snowflake91 (talk) 17:41, 13 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Its explained on top. It says 2016–2018 because that way it is indicated that the player played in the seasons 2016–17 and 2017–18. If we put 2016–17 that would suggest he just played that season. The years indicate the seasons, not calendar years. FkpCascais (talk) 20:14, 13 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Arton Zekaj to FK Sopot Beograd

How is the issue of Arton Zekaj at FK Sopot Beograd is it transferred or out on loan from Partizani? Endritoxi (talk) 23:32, 10 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Endritoxi: Its Partizan, not Partizani... I dont know, he was not with Sopot this first half of the season. See Sopot squad. Trasfermarkt says he was transfered now during winter-break. But we dont have that transfer or loan confirmed yet by the Serbian Federation. All official trasfers and loans arepublished by Serbian FA and editors add them right away at List of Serbian football transfers winter 2017–18. So cant tell you much for now. FkpCascais (talk) 22:43, 10 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Milan Borjan's country of birth


Long time no talk.

There seems to be an edit war going on over Milan Borjan's place of birth! I tried fixing this multiple times but numerous editors under their IP address or under throwaway troll accounts keep reverting my edits! His place of birth should read as it was when he was born.

What do we do? Help!

Sve najbolje.

Tempo21 (talk) 02:52, 22 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Tempo! Yes, idiots indeed. I hve to go to sleep now, if they continue the best way is to ask for protection of the page to some admin. FkpCascais (talk) 03:02, 22 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, Cascais! Kako si ti inače? Tempo21 (talk) 01:02, 1 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Personal attacks

Please do not make personal attacks against other editors in edit summaries like you did here. Such comments do nothing to improve the encyclopedia and merely make it more likely that the situation escalates.Nigel Ish (talk) 17:04, 21 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

And I am a jerk (and not a jeark) for requesting sources? Can you please clarify?--Jetstreamer Talk 17:57, 21 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I called you a jerk cause it is not the first time you make silly reverts. As if I am vandalizing the article or something. This revert of yours in particular was silly because not only the sentence, but the entire paragraph was unsourced. So basically for you, the entire unsourced paragraph (and many other equally unsourced paragraphs in that article) are OK, but my addition of three words, which mention well known fact for familiarised ones, is a problem? Do you understand that for the airline, the economic sanctions imposed to Yugoslavia which included a no-fly zone were much more of a problem that the war itself? Did you stopped for a moment to think about it, to think that maybe my adition is correct, or you just think I am a jerk that added bullshit and you pretend to be the savior of WIkipedia by reverting me? Yes, because your revert basically calls me a jerk. As if I added something huge and controversial, but not, I just completed a sentence of an already unsourced paragraph... FkpCascais (talk) 19:52, 22 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You should re-read WP:VERIFY. The lack of sources is not an endorsement for you to add more unreferenced claims.--Jetstreamer Talk 13:35, 23 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
OK, but we must also be reasonable and use good sense. Both of us are veteran editors, and if I saw you making a minor change or adition, despite unsourced, I would assume you are doing it to improve the article or to make clearer the information, and not the opposite. There are ways like adding an unsourced tag for instance. I usually never revert in that kind of situation unless it is a controversial edit or an edit with a large adition of content. But when unsourced content is improved by minor edit, seems reasoable either to tag it all as unsourced or let it be for now.
I have been wanting to expanded that issue in Balkan article for long, and I obviously didnt done it yet because I havent got time to gather sources about it and I will not add it unsourced. The issue is interesting for airline enthusiasts because Bulgarian airliners faced a particular situation during the 1990s. Due to its geographical position, most of Bulgarian airliners had its flights going over former Yugoslavia which stayed as a huge block on its Western border. Since most of its flights were directed Westernwods towards Central and Western Europe, the economic sanctions imposed to Yugoslavia which included no-flight zone over entire former Yugoslavia, became a major obstacle for the routes since all used to fly directly over Yugoslavia cause it was the natural straight-line path. Flights from and to Bulgaria had to go around former Yugoslavia making them to have to fly much longer paths. That obviously affected the costs of the flights, thus its competitivness as well. The sanctions lasted for much of the 1990s and affected greatly Bulgarian and other airlines. The sanctions were the major cause of crisis, and not the war in Yugoslavia by itself. On the other part, the war even had one positive aspect for Bulgarian airlines, although again linked more with the sanctions than the war. Since the sanctions forbitten Yugoslav airliners to fly abroad (actually forbitten only airliners from Serbia and Montenegro), companies like JAT were put almost out of bussiness. Yugoslavia and Serbia were a major regional market, people used to travel both for hollydays and as emigration. Once JAT, which previously had a quite large fleet and flew to 5 continents (included Sydney, Bangkok, Beijing, Delhy, Johannesbough, New York, Chicago, Montreal, etc. besides all major European, Mediterranean and Middle East destinations) was left with its fleet parked and flying only domestic routes (insignificant ineconomic dimention for the company) people flying from or to Serbia had to travel by car, train or bus usually for Sofia, or eventually to Budapest or Thessaloniki in order to fly to their destination. So Balkan and other Bulgarian airliners despite the problem caused by the no-fly zone over Yugoslavia, on the other side had a significant influx of passangers which otherwise were not their customers. Millions of Serbs and Albanians from Kosovo (a significant revenue comes from them cause they have large communities in the emigration that travel yearly back to Kosovo for hollydays) became forcebly Balkan´s custommers. This two aspects are interessting, peculiar in airline industry, and worth mention in my view. I hope I will find some time soon to gather sources on this and add this subject in Wikipedia articles. FkpCascais (talk) 14:23, 23 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Andreja Damjanov

Hi FkpCascais. At his own time there was no Macedonian identity in the region of Macedonia. The national awakening of the Macedonians can be said to have begun in the late 19th century; this is the time of the first expressions of ethnic nationalism by limited groups of intellectuals in Belgrade, Sofia and St. Petersburg. Please could yo provide a reliable source confirming your statement. Thanks. Jingiby (talk) 17:23, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I am looking the sources. Basically all I see is that Bulgarians claim him Bulgarian while Macedonians claim him Macedonian. My intention was not bad in the sense that mentioning both would probably seem reasonable. FkpCascais (talk) 17:30, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I am having difficulties in finding English-language sources that wouldnt be neither Macedonian nor Bulgarian. I found this one, which says: "Its chef architect was a famous Macedonian architect and zograph Andreja Damjanov". OK, you can claim Serbian source may favour the Macedonian side, we can have it as weak but neither we should totally disregard it, it is the official website of a cultural institution. FkpCascais (talk) 17:36, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Some sources such as Balkanologie, in French, skip labeling him at all. FkpCascais (talk) 17:42, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
This souce for instance, from Russian and East European studies, also avoids labeling him and just presents him as "The protomaster was Andreja Damjanov from Veles who, ...". I have a question for you @Jingiby:, how are you sure he had Bulgarian citizenship, and, are you sure he didn´t possesed a Serbian one? FkpCascais (talk) 17:48, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I am shure there is a difference between identity and citizenship. More, at his time, there was no Bulgarian citizenship, neither Macedonian identity. Jingiby (talk) 18:30, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I asked that because in the infobox it says "Nationality: Ottoman/Bulgarian". What sources we have for it? FkpCascais (talk) 18:42, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Nationality has 2 meanings: - 1. citizenship and 2. ethnic group. Maybe it means he was a Bulgarian with Ottoman citizenship. Jingiby (talk) 19:27, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
In fact it is impossible Damyanov was a Macedonian. "The construction of the Macedonian identity started sometime around the very end of the 19th century when the first attempts at expressing Macedonian national identity were made. During that time a very small, yet very active, number of intellectuals in Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Sofia and St. Petersburg laid the foundations “of the process of ‘imagining’ a Macedonian national community, the beginning of the construction of a Macedonian national identity and culture” (Danforth, 1995:56)". If there are no evidences Damyanov was a part from those very small groups,(I am shure he was not, because he died in 1878) we must remove this statement from the lede of this article. Regards. Jingiby (talk) 19:52, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You are pushing the idea that Slavic Macedonians are Bulgarians. I have no doubts that you, just as the vast majority of Bulgarians, are convinced that way. Maybe you are right, maybe not, but that issue is at least controversial. You know people in Balkans are basically what they are convinced they are. Same person can be Simeonovic, Simeonov or Simonovski and say he is Serbian, Macedonia, Bulgarian, or even Montenegrin or Bosnian. The thing here is to find proper wording that would reflect what sources say and make the article stable. I think you are pushing the Bulgarian side (not an acusation but just saying a fact) and that will make eternal objections on behalve of Macedonians. There are more Bulgarian active registered editors than Macedonian, so your version is more probable to stay and be challenged from time to time, but that doesnt make your edits right per se. FkpCascais (talk) 21:06, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Anyway FkpCascais, that idea is not mine, and for a long period this people were called and self-identified as Bulgarians. We can not just push the present-day Macedonian reality into the past. If you don't provide a reliable source supporting changes, you have made, they are just a personal view and I am sorry, but they will be removed. Regards. Jingiby (talk) 03:43, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
FkpCascais, please stop POV-pushing, I do not understand you. Just read the following opinion of professional historian as John Van Antwerp Fine Jr., who is expert of Balkan and Byzantine history at the University of Michigan: "Until the late 19th century both outside observers and those Bulgaro-Macedonians who had an ethnic consciousness believed that their group, which is now two separate nationalities, comprised a single people, the Bulgarians. Thus the reader should ignore references to ethnic Macedonians in the Middle ages which appear in some modern works. In the Middle ages and into the 19th century, the term ‘Macedonian’ was used entirely in reference to a geographical region. anyone who lived within its confines, regardless of nationality could be called a Macedonian...Nevertheless, the absence of a national consciousness in the past is no grounds to reject the Macedonians as a nationality today." "The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century," John Van Antwerp Fine, University of Michigan Press, 1991, ISBN 0472081497, pp. 36–37. Jingiby (talk) 06:35, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Jingiby, the one pushig POV here is you. Find sources to back your edits or otherwise step back. WP:SYNTH is not allowed. FkpCascais (talk) 08:44, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

The Holy Serbian Doctrine

I saw that you reviewed the page [33]. There are clear examples of racism and chauvinism towards one group of people (there Serbs). Just to quote: "The entire Serbian state policy since 1884 was a criminal policy against all other nations, especially to the Albanian, was an ethnocide, and can not purify state or intellectual conscience without publishing all those criminal projects and without especially asking the Albanian people for forgiveness publicly..." "It was not Milosevic who raised the national feelings for a Greater Serbia serving as a food. The cause of the bad in the Balkans has been Serbian nationalism. Nationalism in Serbia existed before Milosevic and will exist even after Milosevic. There is no difference between politicians and intellectuals and the church from Milosevic. To think differently is a big mistake. The Serbian pansllavistic policy for the extermination of Albanians ... has existed since the compilation ofNačertanje in 1844." Sources nowhere, usage of strong non-encyclopedic language, calling the whole state criminal etc...

I know that you are better than me in knowledge of rules in Wikipedia, especially the topics of vandalism and I think that you should examine this case and report it as vandalism. I don't know if this is appropriate to talk on the your Talk page, so you can delete this section if it isn't. James Jim Moriarty (talk) 13:12, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Technically, he defends himself by saying he is just translating the text from Albanian Wikipedia. You are right in your assessment of the article, its pure speach of hate against Serbs. They are used to be reworded when doing it, so that is why he sees nothing wrong with it. The worst is that they did this troughout history. I feel sorry for the moderate Kosovo Albanians who were honest workers within Yugoslav and Serbian sistem and they suffered immensly (including murders) on behalve of radicals which labeled them as traitors. Once radicals had all support, they made entire nation of theirs speak and think like Hakuli does. Its their cause. That is why he is perplex and doesnt understand what is he doing wrong since all life he was reworded to use all means to promote their propaganda. I think for now we dont have enough to make him be sanctioned, he will cry how he is doing nothing intentionally wrong, and he may end up worned, the work of making the report and then patience explaining the things to others doesnt compensate the effort. At least not yet... Lets let him work freely for now and he will most certainly shoot in the foot soon. FkpCascais (talk) 13:46, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with you. I think that actions of chauvinism or promoting ultra-nationalism can just put the shame on the one who did it. As for the extremism and radical groups, it is a shame to support the groups which murdered a lot of your own compatriots. As for the page and the author, he will continue to do this if he isn't properly warned, because he doesn't pay attention on any of the reverts or responses of other users. He showed a great level of non-cooperativeness in other pages, as you have already seen. If he was warned and but continue to do that - he will be sanctioned for sure, so I think it is a good thing to report him. Translation or not, it is a page "created" ("translated") and managed by him too, and he did nothing to improve it or allow the others to do that. As for the article itself, except for the open insults which are examples of racism and hate-speech towards one country and its people, it is totally in a non-encyclopedic spirit and does not follows the rules of writing or basic methodology and completely lacks of objectivity. For example, it uses references for some claims and when you open the source at that page you find nothing about that claim - it isn't even a source for that. An concrete example is the one about Ilija Garashanin and his alleged publication of the article dealing with "The disappearance of the Albanians". When you open the source for that, you find that it is the book by German author about the Albanians and their history, but when you type to find the claim from the article, you find nothing. On the referenced page, 232, you find just the list of the verbs used in the books with the verb for disappearance, but no mention of the claim used in the article at all. Almost like someone is making fun of the method of using a references. As for the rest, not to mention that almost 90% of the page is unreferenced, and when I tagged the sections which are unreferenced and with the tags for more explanation, he just removed them and added his thoughts of the topic on the page as the page is his own media or website, not the article on Wikipedia. So it is a good think that the article is being considered for deletion .I think that it needs a speed delete. Also, to warn - he deleted the tags from the beginning of the page [34]. James Jim Moriarty (talk) 14:22, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Also forgot the main point - the Doctrine itself doesn't exists and is not found in any literature and sources. Also it directly contradicts the actual historical events which are described in majority of the literature which deals with the topics. For example, there was no colonization of Kosovo by Serbs in 1885, nor it was actually possible given the circumstances in that time there. But in that time there was direct depopulation and cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo, who were leaving, because of the violence and robberies done by Albanian pashas and others who supported the Ottomans. James Jim Moriarty (talk) 15:07, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
The article will end up deleted for sure. Lets see what he does next. I appreciate a lot your involvment and concerns. We Serbs are actually used that others do whatever they want and no one cares. In this case he is so blatantly biased that no one dares to support him, but there were many other instances when people behave similarly as Hakuli, but a bit smarter, it usually gets the support of all other anti-Serb supporters and becomes extremelly hard to demonstrate their bias cause other neutral editors simply dont care enough. Usually other editors just say "Hey, but werent you Serbs the bad guys anyway?" If you say "no" they allways have some propagandistic 1990s and 2000s reports and books where there is cover up for all anti-Serb policy, so ends up being really hard for Serbs to get some objectivness and neutrality. Another important aspect is that many of the politicians which headed the anti-Serb policy are still holding positions, so the cover-up goes on. Locals are still backed-up to keep on the "good guy/bad guy" rethoric while Serbs are forced for 2 decades already to accept they are guilt. I am not saying Serbs were saints, if you notece hardly any Serbian editor will ever oppose any objective editing even if unfavourable. But needs to be objective. Things need to be analised in proper context. About Albanians, the problem is that Serbs were promissed access to sea. While Vatican made continuos efforts to Croatisize Dalmatia and the Western powers allways supported the de-Serbianisation of Montenegro (despite all, Montenegro declared its union with Serbia in 1918), Serbia turned to the areas of Albanian littoral instead. Serbia did sent troops and occupied almost entire Albania in 1913, but the goal was not to exterminate Albanians, but rather to assimilate them. Albanian modern historiography is very much politisized. Albanians in Middle Ages sided with Serbs as one of their subgroups. Exemple, Scanderbeg, the major Albanian hero turned into national symbol, he came from a Serbian family and fought Turks along other Serbian armies. In Middle Ages you have no reports of Albanians fighting Serbs simply because Albanians were hardly a coherent group, and many had no problems in being part of Serbian nobility and sub-classes. However, everything changes by 19 century. Western powers se in growing Serbia a potential Russian ally and as such a danger. The entire region of Balkans is very much divided into klans geographically separated one fom another because of rough geography. The klans were very much used to act in their own or form alliances, depending on the need of the moment. When Serbia regained independence and was rebuilding its state that had lost to Ottomans, it had sort of paper as Piedmont had in uniting Italy. However, by being Christian Ofthodox and Slav, Vatican feared to have on its vicinity a big potentially Russian-allied nation right across the Adriatic sea. So it started a policy of de-Serbianising as much territory as they could. Special atention was given to the littoral in order to prevent Serbia to have access to the sea and prevent that way possible safe-heavens for Russian Navy in Mediteranean sea. So, Dalmatia was Croatisized (although Dalmatia sent an ultimatum 1918 saying it would unite with Serbia if Croatia was not to enter Yugoslavia), Montenegro was de-Serbianised, and finally, Albania, created. What many dont know is that many Albanians and Serbs share commun heritage. For instance, Emra Tahirović is a fine exemple on how people can turn Serbian/Albanian/Bosnian by just altering a bit its surname. Anyway, Great Powers did what they wanted and Serbia was denied access to sea. Instead it was given territories in the Vardar valley (Macedonia), part promissed to Bulgaria, thus creating tension between two Slavic Orthodox allies, what a smart move, 2 in 1!!! Once Albanian nation was created basically from scratch, they lived pretty much in poverty and isolation and they had the highest reproduction rate in all Europe. Ethnic Albanians did in fact lived in Kosovo, but landlords were mostly Serbian employing them. Time was passing by and Serbs having one or two kids, most emigrating to cities in Serbia to study or work, ended up leaving the landloards with scarse manpower, Albanians on other hand, having often more than 10 kids, were providing this working force. By second half of 20 century, Albanians lived way better in Kosovo than in Albania itself, so besides their highest reproduction rate in Europe, there was much emigration from Albania itself. Contrary to beleafs, Kosovar Albanians had in Kosovo what many consider the minority with most rights ever. They had their universities, schools, medical care... even communist governament took and nationalised Serbian landlords land and gave it to "local communities" (Albanians most as you may figure for all reeasons mentioned). Just as note, Tito (a Crotian-Slovenian) created Kosovo province as way to make Albania join Yugoslavia with the promise that if they join, Serbian province of Kosovo will be anexed to them). So, here we come to a situation where all circunstances make Albanians demand more and more. Once they saw Yugoslav federation starting to break-up, their goal became separation from Serbia. My family were friends with some Kosovar-Albanian influent families (embassadors of SFRY) and even young I heard in firs-hand how much pessure they were experiencing by being loyal to Serbia and Yugoslavia. Albanian radicals demanded all to express their suffering under federal rule, why that was not truth at all. People who worked and lived normally within Yugoslavia were considered traitors, and if they insisted even murders happened in order to intimidate the others not doing what they wanted them to do. This Kosovo-Albanian diplomat who lived just fine in Yugoslavia and didnt supporteed the radicals tactics ended up murdered in the 1980s. ... This is already a too long text... I could go on and on, but I hope you can see the roots of the problem here. FkpCascais (talk) 15:57, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Lets see how Haluki will defend himself at the deletion discussion, I pinged him to comment there. FkpCascais (talk) 16:11, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
It is a long and complex problem of Serbian and Albanian relations and not just them, but also the situation in the Balkans especially after these territories were conquered by Ottoman empire. I think that that conquering by Ottomans is the most influential event in this part of Europe, because it changed everything. It influenced every nation in the Balkans. As for the influence of Austro-Hungarian empire, which wasn't generally friendly towards Serbia before the First World War, well, the whole books were written, not only in Serbia, but some people tend to ignore them, because of their political believes. And Austro-Hungary did played important role in the Balkans, especially in southern Dalmatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also on the topics of Albanian relations towards Serbs, but if we start talking this, we will never end because it is a really huge topic and I think that we understand each other on this. I will just say - Treaty of London (1915). As for the main topic of the section - I think that the problems of some users who support that kind of ultra-nationalistic agendas, such as these who propagate some Albanian ultra-nationalistic views, is that they cannot bare the facts which they don't like and when you politely tell them, they accuse you of being some "Serbian nationalist" etc. I am totally against politicizing in history - I see it as science, based on facts and that's what's important. But they don't. If you give them literature in which are mentioned real events in which Serbs are victims, for example, massacre of the Serbs around Radonjic lake by the KLA, responses are sometimes very insulting - that that is a Serbian propaganda etc. Or if you mention that that same KLA murdered a lot of Albanians too, just because they weren't sharing same political ideas as them, they, as you said, just jump with some ex machina literature (mainly journalistic articles from the 90') which doesn't even counter your arguments, but say "Hey, you were the murderers" and continue with their own story and another topic which was already discussed. In short - Irrelevance of the topic and changing the story via not answering to the questions. I mean, if you edit something, explain it, give the sources, if you don't, then something is wrong - simple. People read a lot of things online. That's the reason why such users and pages needs to be monitored. History is science and science is based on facts. Same goes for every other science. If someone doesn't like it, fine, their choice. But to propagate lies as truth even ignoring the fact that the arguments are flawed and to propagate them on some online media (media in wider sense) such as Wikipedia, well, that is deliberate misinformation or propaganda and ravages the rules. I am against that. Not only in this case, the topics dealing with politics and history, but in every topic - from medicine to other. This with the article is just one instance of the problem I mentioned - but problems like these can have consequences if they aren't solved or stopped. As for him, I am expecting the same responses as usual. James Jim Moriarty (talk) 16:42, 3 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

1994 FIFA World Cup qualification Seedings

I think my revision should stand as Soviet Union (soon to be replaced by CIS/Russia were in Pot 1 and Yugoslavia only in Pot 2, therfore they were the second seed not top. Statto74 (talk) 14:41, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Statto74: You are right ("In Europe, Italy, England, Spain, Belgium, France and the fractured Soviet Union are the top-seeded teams." source), I apologise, my mistake. FkpCascais (talk) 14:45, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@FkpCascais: Not a problem.Statto74 (talk) 14:51, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Location of RFC

Where is this RFC? --NeilN talk to me 17:49, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Here you go NeilN [35]. I had to open that RfC and call other editors to participate because of Fkp. (talk) 17:57, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I just read that discussion once again. I really was in attacking mode there, but there was a history before that discussion where I spent months battling Fkp on Serbs of Croatia article. Well Fkp, I hope you agree now that SFRY and FRY are two different countries so there's no dispute between us on Yugoslavia at the Olympics article. That's pretty much a first. Well second if we count the brief discussion about official names of Yugoslav institutions. Two in a short period, we are really coming together. Well apart from you still trying to block me. BDW, it's always funny when I see you accusing other IPs of being Asdisis. I love it. ;) (talk) 22:14, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I really miss our discussions Fkp. You trying to ban me, me trying to show everyone how you are POV pushing, walls of text, me opening a RfC, staying awake long hours... Ah, good old times. And I still won every RfC I opened against you. Shall we find some topic to discuss so you get a chance to win at least one time? (talk) 22:25, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Vladimir Gaćinović

Hi Cascais,

Thank you so much for expanding the Vladimir Gaćinović article. I just wanted to take this time to say thank you so much for all of your hard work! Look where things stood in 2008 in terms of Serbian football coverage on Wikipedia and compare it to now! What a difference and it's all due to hard-working editors like yourself!

Sve najbolje,
Tempo21 (talk) 21:55, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Oh thank you so much, if anyone, it is you who doesnt need to thank as you have been doing such a fine work. Indeed, what we had just a decade ago was so basic, and now at least we completed many areas which were missing back then, and now one can find objective information about our football. There are still aras that need plenty of work, but at least the basics are there. I have been notecing your work and really want to congratulate you, you have been making major contributions in much needed areas. What to say beside that each and every visualization of our articles is a victory. We are much needed in areas where we can contribute with balanse, that is our major role here, and you have been doing it perfectly. I am very greatfull of your recognition, beware that it is a mirror to yourself, you have been doing a great work. Thank you so much, veliki pozdrav! FkpCascais (talk) 23:35, 11 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
E pa hvala na ovako lepim rečima. Živ bio! Tempo21 (talk) 08:33, 14 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Marin Becichemo

As I know that you are familiar with the topic of history in Eastern Europe and Adriatic, I invite you to join the discussion for the article of [36] which is article about Marin Bečić or Marino Becichemo in Latin. The article is about a 15/16th century catholic renaissance humanist, by origin from Slavic Paštrovići tribe (as his last name was Bečić). He was born in Schoder, at that time under Venecian rule, but he spent main part of his life in other Venetian cities such as Padoa where he has written majority of his works in Latin. He probably knew Albanian language because of the fact that Schoder at that time was mixed Albanian-Slavic, but he was a Latin writer and not Albanian one. In the literature - especially in the Italian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian, he is mentioned as Marino Becichemo or Marin Becich or Marin Bečić, but the name of the article is in Albanian. As his only connection to the Albania was he was born in the territory which was called Albania, but taking into account that he was Slavic by origin and writer in Latin, I think that it is appropriate that the name of the article should be Marino Becichemo as he was mentioned in majority of the literature with that name, and not in Albanian Marin Beçikemi as this name is in Albanian. After all, as someone said, this is Wikipedia in English. Same reasons for this you will find on the talk page section of the article in the link I gave you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by James Jim Moriarty (talk • contribs) 20:11, 15 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

As far as I understand from you intro, his only connection to Albania is that he was born in what is nowadays Albania. FkpCascais (talk) 20:20, 15 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
His father and grandfather lived in Schoder, but the family by origin is not ethnic Albanian and not from Schoder but from Pastrovici tribe which territories are today in Montenegro (approximately from Bar to Budva) and it is mentioned in the sources. As I seen in the literature from Bečić's, they descended from Čevo in Montenegro and in that time left to lower grounds in Zeta and from there went to Paštrovići and settled there. He is from these Bečićs as they were the only Bečićs there in that time, as in sources which I will find and put here if you need them. As for the term "Albanian", territories in Montenegro and Schoder which were under Venice were called "Albania Veneta" so it was a regional name and if he was mentioned as "from Albania" it means really Venetian Albania as a region. He was a writer in Latin and I didn't saw any of his work in Albanian. He was familiar with the Serbian language, not just Albanian (and for this I need to say probably because I didn't saw in the sources that he used them, but it is obvious from these facts) as he befriended some people from Ulcinj, Bar and Dubrovnik. As some people don't like Serbian sources for some reasons known only to them, I added Croatian sources which confirms that and that fact will not be removed from the Article. But, for the name, as some people asked for consensus, I asked other users to see the talk page in order to get to consensus on one very, well, strange fact, that the name of the Article should be not in Albanian language but the one used from English based literature on Wikipedia in English. So, as the discussion will be obvious, before we change that, I think that we should add reasons for this change in the Talk page and when majority agrees, to replace the name to the one in English. James Jim Moriarty (talk) 20:36, 15 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Except the numerous diverse sources in the article itself in which it that he was a Slavic origin from Paštrovići (and I will find more), that his grandfather was called "Petar/Piero" and that Piero was Venetian diplomat to the Albanians, for example, here is probably mentioned that Piero, and as "Becich" (type crtl+f Piero Becich) - [37] and here [38]. These are only parts of the original source - Adra Acta Albania Veneta from 1443, but it is easy to check in the actual primary source. These are census of the populations of Schoder in 1443, and Marin was born in 1468 so that's why I think that this is his grandfather Petar/Piero, but as it was not explicitly mentioned in the these sources I gave you here, I didn't added it in the text, because it would be OR_SYNT. But it is pretty obvious that this is some of his relatives and the name was written with that Slavic "ich". James Jim Moriarty (talk) 21:02, 15 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Eastern bloc???

Ko će današnje klince naučiti pravim vrednostima? Odrastanje uz rijaliti programe uz obećanja političara da će živeti bolje za pet, eventualno sto godina. Roditelji decu hrane onim što mogu da stave u svoju potrošačku korpu, a u njoj često nema svega što je deci u razvoju potrebno. Još sad kad su osmišljeni slogani, pa da vidiš kad budemo počeli da se razmnožavamo kao pacovi. A tako ćemo i da se hranimo, uz paštetu i salamu podrigušu. I onda ti imaš situaciju da se interesne grupe organizuju ko će šta da valja, klincima podele zaduženja i teritorije, dok oni međusobno prave dilove i koalicije. Po sistemu "Zavadi pa vladaj!" Škola '90-ih i Arkanovo vreme. Da li sam ja veći Srbin što navijam za Zvezdu, ili ti za Partizan? Daj glave da porazbijamo, pa će se samo ukazati! Oba kluba su nastala '45 i to kao plod KPJ, što znači daleko od toga da nastali uticajem srpske nacionalne ideologije. Klinci se na ulicama kolju noževima, šrafcigerima, mačetama, udaraju će palicama, štanglama, bokserima, lancima... Zarad čega, da li im je majica crne ili crvene boje? Država ne može ništa da preduzme?! Pre bih rekao da neće. Stadioni su leglo kriminala i besa, a najgore od svega je to što imamo "profesionalne navijače". Pravimo vojsku usijanih glava bez kritičkog mišljenja, koja će izvršavati naređenja i raditi u interesu onih koji ne prezaju ni za šta sem za sebe i svoju materijalnu korist. Vikipedija konačno treba da prikazuje objektivno stanje stvari, a ne želju pojednica da tekst "namesti" po svom nahođenju i ličnim zamislima. A liga nam generalo ne liči ni na šta. Koliko puta mi se učinilo da se pojavi tračak nade da neke stvari idu nabolje, a onda se sve srušilo kao kula od karata. Iste situacije uvek se iznova ponavljaju, da sam prestao da verujem da će se nešto promeniti nabolje. Ovaj derbi je Zvezdi verovatno samo potvrdio titulu i sa njene strane bih ocenio kao rutinski dobijen. Đukić, koliko sam pročitao, ima samo jednu pobedu u derbijima kao trener, a igra Partizana mi je izgledala nekako bezidejno. Đerlek mi je još slab za ovakve utakmice, ali mi se Marković sviđa kao igrač. Brz je, dobro čita igru i zna da se postavlja. Ćelavi Miletić podbacio, oba gola pala preko njegove strane. Janković previše luta na terenu. Mislim da vam je leva strana napada najkritičnija, ali i da donekle trpi zbog tandema Ožegović-Tawamba. Suma i kad igra, uglavnom je van pozicije i van forme. Kostur tima nije uopšte toliko loš, ali vidi se da neki igrači igraju u prvoj postavi samo da bi se prodali. Naleto vam predstoji rekonstrukcija tima. Zvezdi će verovatno doći 5-6 igrača minimum, jer će dosta igrača verovatno i da ode. Lotom (talk) 16:39, 16 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Video si, verovatno, da sam ovog malog beka iz Gvatemale otpratio iz Čelareva uz ovaj link. Čelarevo ima dobru bazu i s vremena na vreme izbace po nekog igrača koji se kasnije nadograđuje. Neki od svetlijih primera su Plavšić, Kerkez, Pavkov... Dragan Ivanović je u Čelarevu bio trener preko 10 godina, ja mislim. Međutim, oni igraju amaterski uglavnom i kod njih retko ko ima neku kintu od toga. Oni su uglavnom prolazna stanica i zato i imaš ovakve slučajeve. Dođu tako neki neafirmisani igrači sa strane, pretežno potpuni anonimusi i amateri, pa ako uspeju, svima dobro. Oni došli za dž, klub zaradio na njima, ako ništa, bar u rezultatskom smislu, a oni naprave neku karijeru. Međutim, klubovi na takav način teško mogu da opstanu. Zato oni najčešće razigravaju igrače Voši, Spartaku, ili nekom trećem. Piroćancima su pola omladinskog tima Kinezi, svi su došli zimus, otuda onaj na klupi protiv Jagodine. I to je ono što je meni najbizarnije. Dozvoliš da u omladinskom uzrastu (mlađi opet ne mogu zbog papirne regulative), a zabraniš da seniori imaju više od dva stranca u protokolu. I onda ti dovedi rezervnog golmana iz inostranstva kao Bežanija ove sezone. Metalcu su 2 od tri golmana Crnogorci, ali Zogović ima srpski pasoš, pa ne popunjava kvotu stranca. Još jedan bizaran primer je Lokomotiva Železnik, gde isto ima brdo stranaca u omladincima, a oni igraju Srpsku Ligu gde je potpuna restrikcija za igrače bez srpskog pasoša. Ali dosta tih stranaca iz Prve Lige nestane sa mape nakon odlaska iz Srbije. Retki su primeri, čast izuzecima poput Ezea koji pređu u viši rang, ili klub sa boljim statusom. Ima tu i onih koji su potpuno izgubljeni u prostoru i dok ukapiraju šta je levo, a šta desno, prođe 3 meseca. Rezultati ne trpe eksperimente, a i nema mnogo trenera koji su spremni da formiraju igrače, bilo da su domaći, ili strani. A kvalitetan stranac košta. Ja lično mislim da je za Sumu kriv Đukić. Čovek mu je tek 2-3 puta dao slobodu na prirodnoj poziciji i uglavnom ga gurao na krilo. Srpska liga je prava stvar za razigravanje i adaptaciju ovih nesnađenih, koji imaju talenat, ali im treba period adaptacije na sredinu. Moglo bi u ono pravilo o bonus igračima da se ugura i to. Da možeš da imaš npr. jednog na terenu i jednog na klupi, recimo. Ionako mnogo klubova ne može da skrpi dva bonusa za postavu. Hrvati su to mnogo bolje regulisali, čini mi se. Mi kao hoćemo profesionalizam, da idemo u korak sa svetom, a stalno uvodimo neke zabrane i ograničenja. Lotom (talk) 17:22, 1 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pa to je ono upravo protiv cega se najvise borim, protiv ljudi tog mentaliteta ogranicavanja! Mrzim ih do besvesti jer nam vuku fudbal a i celokupno drustvo u dno bunara sa tim mentalitetom. A najvise me nervira kada taj mentalitet jos predstavljaju kao patriotski! Grupa primitivnih trenera i ljudi koji se plase i sopstvene senke a kamoli stranca, ti ljudi teba da se povuku u rupu gde im je mesto, a ne da oni jos i diktiraju sta i kako! Ni ne moras ti da znas ikakve jezike, moras samo da znas da komuniciras i da budes otvoren covek, i sve ceh ih razumeti. Samo ljudi ogranicenog kapaciteta uvode ogranicavanja i zabrane, jer se oni u stvari ne snalaze pa da oni zabrane i drugima da i druge nateraju u limitacije koje oni u stvari imaju. Vecno cu se boriti protiv tih oganicenih ljudi koji ceo nas fudbal guraju u ponor samo da oni nebi izgubili mesto i u stvari pali u amaterizam koji je realno njihovo maksimalno dostignuce. Koncept i mentalitet ljudi iz Celareva zasluzuje najvece pohvale. Ljudi koji rade sa ljubavlju prema sportu, koji iskeno se bave fudbalom bz licnih interesa, koji pritom nasoj omladini pruzaju priliku da se druze sa ljudima iz celog sveta u jednom zdravom ambijentu. Nisu oni ni forsirali strance, malo ko je zaigrao uopste, samo su pruzili priliku svima da se dokazu pa neka igraju najbolji, mada je ludacko oganicenje na samo 2 stranca sigurno imalo fekta na odluke sklapanja tima. Kumulus svega je to sto kazes da je Celarevo sredina koja je dala brojne igrace. Potvrdjuje tezu da imati otvorerena vrata strancima samo cini da domaci shvate da nemaju privilegije i da se trude maksimalno da se izbore za mesto u timu. Ja bi licno ukinuo bilo kakvo ogranicenje i igrali bi klubovi sa timovima formiranim sa igracima najboljim sto mogu da imaju ma odakle bili. To bi na duze staze imalo nevidjen pozitivan efekat na domace igrace koji ne bi lenjcarili na terenu znajuci da im je tata zagarantovao mesto u timu jer je pozvao trenera na slavu, niti bi imali savez da ih stiti od konkurerncije, nego bi morali vec kod nas da daju maksimum i boe se za mesto isto kao sto vani to cine! Glavni neprijatelji naseg fudbala i koji su nam srozali fudbal na najnize grane upravo jesu ti lazni patriote koji paiotsko nemaju nista, nego samo svoje dupe gledaju da spasu jer uvereni u svoje licne limitacije, naredjuju te limitacije celoj nam zemlji. PS: Suma se nadavao golova pre nego sto je kod nas dosao, jasno je kao dan da je trener taj koji ne ume njegove kapacitete da iskoristi. FkpCascais (talk) 17:54, 1 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Postoji organizovana hajka na strance, primeti ovde u komnetarima kako lik koji se potpisuje kao Radmilo Mihajlovic, pa Marko Petrovic, i bezbroj drugih nikova koje koristi da bi delovao kao da je masa koja tako razmislja, redovno, ali redovno, pljuje strance na vestima, i ima ga na svim potalima, potkupljen covek koji pise namerno sto pise pod instrukcijama ljudi poput Binica koji videci da nemaju kapacitet da se prilagode modernom fudbalu, sve cine da nas fudbal drze u primitivizmu maka znacilo i unistenje naseg fudbala, ali samo da oni ne izgube mesto. FkpCascais (talk) 18:02, 1 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Brate, ukoliko se ovakva praksa nastavi, moraću da iscimam administratore da nam zaštite sve reprezentatice, bar tokom SP-a. Ovaj lik, izgleda, povremeno ide i skida igračima mlađe selekcije, slično kao onaj drugi pozajmice igračima. Stvarno ne mogu da shvatim takve ljude. Razumem da ne postoje izvori, ali sam bar kod Radonjića sve lepo složio. Žalosno je čime se neki bave. Inače, videh da si skoro uređivao Rakovicu, možda bi trebalo da je preimenujemo. Izbačeno je "Industrija Motora" iz imena, tako da je ostalo samo ime opštine u nazivu kluba. Podatak je sa sednice održane 3. 2. 2017, koji je objavljen u "Fudbalu" 6/17, na strani 146. Lotom (talk) 10:10, 5 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Taj odavno brise mlade reprezentacije, valjda misli da treba da bude samo najvislja u kojoj je igrac igrao a ostale brise, sto je debilizam. Rakovicu sam dirao jer sam video da imaju svoj sajt a nisam znao. Promeni slobodno ime, hoces ja da ga promenim? FkpCascais (talk) 11:29, 5 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ma svejedno je. Ne mogu da se zezam oko strane, jer je klica, mnogo toga treba da se sredi, a oni ispadaju i iz zone. Ubacio sam informacije na, pošto ima dosta teksta, pa će valjda neko to malo i da sredi uskoro. Bitno je da su zakačeni izvori. Lotom (talk) 11:38, 5 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Koja katastrofa jucerasnja utakmica protiv Cilea -_- Vracamo se na bezidejnu igru i nula postignutih golova. Nemam nikakva ocekivanja za mondijal, stavise bojim se da ce mo biti zadnji. Jedino sto me raduje ovog leta je da se ostvare dolasci Marina i Rikarda Gomesa u nas fudbal... FkpCascais (talk) 11:51, 5 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ja ne znam ni koliko ću stići da pogledam. Počinju mi ispiti za manje od nedelju dana, pa ću verovatno tokom nekih tekmi biti na faksu. Ali ovo sinoć mi se nimalo nije dopalo. Bilo je možda nekih pola sata solidne igre tokom 2. poluvremena i ništa više od toga. Sumnjam da je Krstajić u svakom trenutku svestan šta radi, jer bi video ogromne nedostatke u igri. Ja bih i sa bodom iz grupe bio zadovoljan, uz ovakvu igru. Ostaje mi da se nadam da će pozitivno da me iznenade. Deluje mi da će SMS-u biti potrebno neko vreme da se uklopi u ekipu, a bez Tadića nema smisla ni da igramo, jer jedino nam on stvara šanse. Saglasan sam sa analizom mocarta, što se tiče Radonjića i Blekija. Živkovića nisam video sinoć, a ni Milivojević/Matić se baš nisu naigrali. Grujić ne tako loš, mada nisam ubeđen koliko je spreman za SP. Mislim da je za Gaćinovića moralo da se napravi mesto, ali ne pitam se ja. Voleo bih i ja da se realizuju ti dolasci, ali je pitanje koliko je to realno, posebno za Marina. Zvezda će baš morati da se otvori, ako misli da ga dovede i to eventualno na pozajmicu, što Olimpijakosu ne odgovara. Opet, kupovina je rizik, posebno dati milion ili više, plus plata. (Suma je okarakterisan kao promašaj). Nije mlad da možeš da ga prodaš za neke veće pare, a ako ne ostvariš zacrtano, onda si u kanalu. Naši klubovi nemaju kintu, a mnogo je razloga koji su ih doveli do toga. Mene najviše plaši to što nemamo skaute, nego menadžer ovaj, menadžer onaj, preporučio. I tu se stiže do priče o vezama i talovima. Poslednjih par godina, koga gleda Zvezda, dovede ga Partizan i obrnuto. Lotom (talk) 12:49, 5 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ja sam ubedjen da ce te uspeti da dovedete Marina. Terzic je pametan covek, ne bi vas lozio ovoliko da tu nema stvarno mogucnosti. Svojevremeno je Marin dignut u nebesa i precenjen, a sada dozivljava drugu stranu u kojoj je podcenjen, pa je najbolji trenutak da se dovede jer ima tek napunjenih 29. godina i moze on jos da odigra dobrih 3-4 sezone (mozda i najboljih u karijeri ako se potrudi). Mislim da bi ste sa njim dobili dosta postovanja i ugleda u Evropi. Soldana ne poznajem, ne znam sta da mislim. Lik je zaista zacenjen 4,5m funti (!!!) a ima samo 23 godine. Jedino me brine sto nema nikoga da mu pomogne u prilagodjavanju, bojim se da ce se osecati usamljeno. Bilo bi dobro kad bi bio tu neko poput Ibaneza da bude sa njim i da mu objasnjava sve. Ali imate sansu da napravite jedan veoma dobar tim, ja bih iskreno veoma voleo da tako bude i da imate jednu veoma uspesnu sezonu u LS.
Sto se mog Partizana tice, problem je sto Djukic ne dozvoljava Sumi da igra kreativca. Neverovatno je da su nasi treneri (pa cak i Djukic koji sam mislio da ce biti drugaciji) kukavice koji ne smeju da rizikuju i oslobode kreativne igrace. Mislim na to da nasi treneri se drze konzervativnog stila u kojem sve igrace zaduzuju u odbrambene zadatke a ne pada im na pamet da oslobode barem jednog igaca i daju mu slobodu kretanja. Sama nasa publika je cesto kriticna takvim potezima (recimo Evandro je kritikovan bio, ili onaj masa idiot rasista sa komentara je ubedjivao sve da je Kanga rekreativac), ali to je dobro za tim, to je nacin da oni rese utakmice tipa Kangin gol na Marakani protiv Krasnodara. Suma bi trebao da ima tu slobodu, a kod Djukica je on nikako nema. Suma ume sa loptom, daleko je od loseg igraca, ali ne sme da se ogranici njegovo kretanje u zone u kojima njegove karakteristike ne dolaze do izrazaja i sto gore, jos cine od njega ispod proseecnog igraca jer nema visinu niti jacinu. Raduje me da dovodimo ovog Rikarda Gomesa, ti igaci iz Zelenortskih ostrva su zveri, oni su fizicki veoma dobro gradjeni za fudbal, centar tezine im je nizak i to cini da veoma dobro barataju sa loptom, upravo su obrnuto od ovih nasih ogromnih panjeva o koje se lopta odbija a ne umeju ni da je zadrze. Ta ostrva proizvode veoma dobre igrace i nadam se da ce on biti samo prvi od uvoza odande. Vecina njih igra u Portugalu tako da vec dolaze sa sezonama profesionalog fudbala na nogama. FkpCascais (talk) 13:30, 5 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pre neki dan sam baš pomislio, da li bi Partizan pristao da proda Sumu Zvezdi, za milion + eventualne bonuse u zavisnosti od rezultata u Evropi, npr? Ja bih pristao i na pozajmicu sa pravom otkupa, možda čak i na klauzulu da ne igra derbi. Mislim, znam da to niko ne bi uradio trenutno, ali mi se nekako čini da zamena za Kangu može da se nađe u komšiluku, kad već Đukiću ne valja. Sada i njega nazivaju rekreativcem, ali je onda pitanje za upravu i sportski sektor Partizana, pre svega, kako je moguće da je toliko plaćen igrač-amater. Pre bih rekao da su oni amateri u svom poslu. Lotom (talk) 13:45, 5 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ono sinoć je već izgledalo solidno, bar što se napada tiče. Odbrana me malo zabrinjava, ali me raduje da se Milenković fino razvija. Mislim da veza Matić(Milivojević)-SMS zasad igra ispod očekivanja, međutim, verujem da mogu dosta bolje. Treba uzeti u obzir da Bolivija nije baš neka reprezentacija koju treba uzeti kao merilo kvaliteta, posebno uz ono njihovo izdanje od sinoć.
Ovo za Sumu nisam mislio ozbiljno, ne zbog njega, već zbog opšte situacije. Partizan ga sigurno ne bi pustio u Zvezdu, Zvezda neće igrača iz Partizana, niti bi ga platila toliko, a nema ni od čega. Ali da bih ga uzeo, bih. Ni Kangu mnogi nisu trpeli, ali nam je itekako značio. Lotom (talk) 11:00, 10 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Lotom: nisam gledao ovu drugu utakmicu sa Bolivijom, mozda cu sad ako budem mogao odgledati.
Je li znas mozda ko je i kako se pise ovaj Australijanac u Zemunu Endrju Marveđo? FkpCascais (talk) 09:50, 11 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Nasao sam ga: Andrew Marveggio. FkpCascais (talk) 10:03, 11 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Lotom: Justas Lasickas je izgleda ostao u Zemunu. Super, barem jos jedan aktivan reprezentativac u nasoj ligi. FkpCascais (talk) 20:43, 12 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Thanks for seeing sense on Albanians article but I wanted to point out that Bucharest treaty ONLY focused on our (Bulgarian) losses to Greece and Serbia. Albania's existence as independent state occurred as a result of Treaty of London months earlier but still in 1913. Thanks. --Edin Balgarin (talk) 16:42, 4 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, it was my mistake, but still the point is the same, best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 13:20, 5 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You know it is very curious. This was the one part of the unresolved conflict which did not affect us Bulgarians in the least. I just hope the Albanian community do not think I am aligning myself to Greece and Serbia with whom we technically were at conflict ourselves during that same time. If I had it my way, Bulgaria would have attached itself to a united Yugoslavia which included Albanians as a fully functioning integrated people but this is well before my time. --Edin Balgarin (talk) 07:12, 11 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Cohen, Philip J


I noticed your edit diff in which you referred to Mr. Philip J. Cohen as Serbophobic dermatologist making harsh claims... who .... can be disregarded as clearly biased. No doubt you know about WP:BLP which applies everywhere on wikipedia, including edit lines. Your comment about any living people as Serbophobic and clearly biased can be perceived as violation of BLP. Please take a very good care of it and next time do not refer to the author but to their work, if you have an intention to present your position about their work being Foophobic and biased. All the best and keep up the good work.--Antidiskriminator (talk) 17:57, 13 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia:REDFLAG. A HDZ spokesman without any academic value on the subject he writes about besides being clearly highly appreciated by one side of the dispute, has hardly any reliability in regard the extraordinary biased claimes he makes. Those clearly need to be confirmed by reliable sources and there is no academic value in icluding them in our articles without real academic confirmation. FkpCascais (talk) 19:52, 13 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Your comment about Cohen and his lack of any academic value on the subject and having hardly any reliability can be seen as another violation of WP:BLP. There were two RSN discussions (link to second and link to first) and small group of editors who share the same POV (one side of the dispute) failed to gain consensus that his work is reliable. Lack of consensus at RSN did not stop this small group to continue to misuse wikipedia to disseminate content of Cohen's work. Maybe this small group of editors is not able to gain consensus that this work is reliable, but let me assure you that this small group will easily gain consensus to indeff ban you and your violation of WP:BLP will make it even easier. I think you have three simple options. To swim away, to take Cohen's work to third RSN and gain consensus that it is unreliable (which I think is impossible because however small, this group would be enough to prevent it) and finally you can continue to write negative comments about Cohen violating WP:BLP. If you choose third option, I will report you.--Antidiskriminator (talk) 21:49, 13 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Antidiscriminator, I have been around longer then you. You have two optios, either you mind your own bussiness, or you fill my balls, what is gonna be? FkpCascais (talk) 22:52, 13 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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Bojan Nastić U-23 cap

Hi! Could you provide a source for Bojan Nastić U-23 appearance?--Oleola (talk) 13:18, 21 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Oleola: OK, let me see and if not I will remove it. FkpCascais (talk) 13:38, 21 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Hey FkpCascais, what's up? I didn't want to create a conflict between us on this matter, we had good level of understanding in the past. But please, cover in Zastava-related articles what you've said here: [39]. Also, while Zastava Arms may have some connections with automotive companies, I don't see a link between Zastava Tervo and them, only with Zastava Trucks. You should create a better criteria for that template. All articles of these automotive companies have see also sections for quick link, I don't understand why was there a need for a template?--AirWolf talk 13:25, 24 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. Try to minimize your TP by moving threads in your archives. Just a suggestion, I mean, 270 active threads?.--AirWolf talk 13:26, 24 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
It is not a conflict, it is just you that seem to be unaware of the history of the brand (dont take me wrong). See here: offiicial website. Zastava produced arms from the start till nowadays. But by 1904 a section starts car repairing, which will eventually develop into assembling Chevrolet army trucks in 1939. This subsection dedicated to cars/trucks within Zastava arms is the origin of Zastava automobiles. In 1953 they sign a contract with Fiat, and from then on I think you know the story. For long Zastava produced arms and vehicles side-by-side.
About Zastava TERVO, it is basically rebranded Zastava Trucks. The lede is sourced and says " it was formed on 1 September 2017 with all fixed and current assets of Zastava Trucks including most of its former employees." All these are definitelly related, but I am surprised you didnt knew about the history and how Zastava automobiles started as section of Zastava arms. You said they had nothing in common beside name, oh Lord, so wrong. About the template, you may dislike it, but I find it quite usefull. Zastava is a big brand wich gathers many different manufacturers, and as such, a template is perfectly desirable and prefered over having the "see also" sections never knowing if they are updated and complete... FkpCascais (talk) 17:07, 24 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I am about to archive the tp for long but have been lazy to do it... FkpCascais (talk) 17:09, 24 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Zastava Tervo has little evidence of notability, and maybe it is a good candidate for deletion. As for Zastava Arms story, please cover that and add refs to its article. Community can't take what someone said here as source.--AirWolf talk 20:33, 24 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I will expand that historical section that I see it has been removed. FkpCascais (talk) 01:02, 25 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Zastava TERVO is a successor of Zastava Trucks. It took over the instalations, the employees, and same tipe of products Zastava Trucks had. It is a company dedicated to manufacturing of military vehicles and already has anounced a series of projects which guarantee notability for the company. FkpCascais (talk) 01:24, 25 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Kosovo national football team

For some reason, you completely fail to get my point. For the sake of convenience, I will copy both tables onto this page.

Now look at these tables. The first row literally says: "from 1930 to 1998: part of Yugoslavia" (or "from 1960 to 1996: part of Yugoslavia" for the UEFA Championship). In the former version, it said: "from 1930 to 1998: part of Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro." And that is inaccurate. Not even misleading, just plainly inaccurate. There was no such country during that period. How on Earth can Kosovo, between 1930 and 1998, have been part of a country that didn't exist until 2003?
Apparently, the article considers Kosovo as a separate entity after the 1999 insurgency and subsequent Serbian crackdown and UN intervention. This decision is certainly debatable, but I would never change that without discussing this politically sensitive point on the talk page. My edit, on the other hand, was something completely different. In its former guise, the article claimed something wildly inaccurate. I have no political agenda of any sort. I am a Wikipedian. My mission is to improve Wikipedia, e.g. by ridding it from obvious inaccuracies. Steinbach (talk) 20:50, 2 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Kosovo was part of SFR Yugoslavia and FR Yugoslavia till 1999. The national team that represented FR Yugoslavia is Serbia and Montenegro national football team. Unfotunatelly the template of FR Yugoslavia displays "Serbia and Montenegro" which is how the country was known in its last 3 years of existance. I will remove the template so it doesnt displays "Serbia and Montenegro" but it does link to a proper national team Kosovo was part of between 1992 and 1999. Can we agree on this? FkpCascais (talk) 21:32, 2 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Hi. Please read Wikipedia:Naming conventions (ships) (specifically, the Ships from navies without ship prefixes part of the convention) before moving ship articles to new names. Thank you.--Saxum (talk) 20:15, 18 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for June 22

An automated process has detected that when you recently edited List of foreign football players in Serbia, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Spartak Subotica (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).

(Opt-out instructions.) --DPL bot (talk) 09:11, 22 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Simon Vukčević

Olá meu caro, tudo em ordem? Espero que sim.

Uma ajudinha neste artigo, se puder ser (como ele já "foi" sérvio acho que sim, senão quiseres/puderes porque razão for, compreendo perfeitamente), tive que fazer uma limpeza descomunal porque o artigo estava uma autêntica porcaria, cheia de "poesia" não referenciada.

O texto está bem agora acho eu, só são precisas referências em sérvio para: 1 - "He was eventually awarded the number 1 shirt in recognition of his popularity among supporters but, during 2005–06, faced criticism over his excessive individual play and poor shot selection, as well as overall declining form", na secção do PARTIZAN - se é que é verdade, é estranho um jogador de campo usar o #1 mas acontece; 2 - os problemas com o treinador Weiss no SATURN (havia uma mas já estava morta, arranjei uma em português para substituir mas já é do ano a seguir); 3 - o prémio que ele ganhou dado pelo DSL Sport, na seccção INTERNATIONAL CAREER.

Tal como disse, compreendo se não puder ser, é só para ajudar a WP e não a mim. Um abraço, obrigado de antemão e boas férias se for caso disso. --Quite A Character (talk) 13:31, 2 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Meu estimado colega Vasco, claro que sempre que tenha tempo, ajudo. Vejo que fez um enorme trabalho no artigo. Sim, posso ajudar na traducao obvio. Vukcevic nao foi Servio, mas toda essa regiao, nomeadamente Sérvia, Montenegro, Croácia e Bósnia e Herzegovina, falam "Servo-Croata" potanto todos se entendem. Com 20 milhoes de falantes e uma área relatvamente grande, a lingua ganhou muitos dialectos proprios de cada regiao. Quando em 1918 a Sérvia ganhou a Primeira Grande Guerra, vastas regioes onde viviam Servios, e outros Eslavos do Sul dentro do Império Austro-Húngaro se juntaram ao que era o reino da Sérvia anterior a guerra. Desde sempre houve a nocao que uma das coisas que unia estes povos era a lingua. Quando se finalmente uniram todos num so pais em 1918, foi declarada lingua oficial o "Sérvio-Croato-Esloveno" (reflectindo o nome do pais que inicialmente era Reino dos Sérvios, Croatas e Eslovenos e se chamava Jugoslávia coloquialmente desde o inicio e oficialmente desde 1929). Cedo passou a ser claro que o Esloveno era subsancialmente diferente, e que enquanto que entre o Sérvio e Croata havia uma interlegibilidade forte indicando claramente tratar-se de uma mesma lingua, com o Esloveno as diferencas eram maiores e era claramente uma lingua parecida mas diferente.
Consequentemente depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial desiste-se dessa ideia do S-C-S e fica so "Servo-Croata" como lingua dominante (tipo Castelhano em Espanha) e Esloveno e Macedonio como outras duas linguas oficiais na Jugoslavia. É de referir também que devia ser mais ressaltado o facto de a Jugoslávia ter sido dos paises, senao mesmo o país, que mais respeitava as linguas das minorias. Dai além destas linguas que falei, ainda havia como oficial o Albanes no Kosovo, o Húngaro, Alemao, Eslovaco, Romeno, Ruteno, Checo na Vojvodina, Romani e Turco na Macedonia, Italiano em partes de Eslovenia e Istria e Dalmacia, etc.
Seja como for, a lingua-franca e usada pelas instituicoes governamentais era o "Servo-Croata". Nas regioes onde era falada outra lingua, S-C era aprendido paralelamente. Da mesma forma como o Castelhano em Espanha, S-C era usado para se entenderem por exemplo pelos desportistas, jornalistas, comitivas jugoslavas quando juntas. A popularidade do cinema e musica jugoslava que quase toda em S-C para assim atingir mais facilmente popularidade nacional fazia a lingua ser falada por todos. Havendo diferentes dialectos, o escolhido para ser o estandardizador da lingua foi o falado pelos Sérvios da Herzegovina oriental. Nao so pela sua localizacao relativamente central quanto a zona na qual se falava o S-C mas tambem porque aquela regioao é onde os primeiros estados sérvios tiveram raizes no tempo medieval e é de onde provem a maior parte da tradicao cultural, escrita e oral. O S-C sendo uma lingua bastante evoluida e simplificada em relacao ao antigo Eslavo original, é uma lingua facilmente comprendida por outros Eslavos, dai por exemplo nos anos 70 e 80 musica e cinema em S-C comecou a ser exportado para Bulgaria por exemplo onde algumas estrelas pop jugoslavas chegavam a encher estadios nos concertos mais que na propria Jugoslavia, pop jugoslavo idolatrado por geracoes na Polonia etc. Portanto, :D tudo isto porque estou aborrecido a Sérvia ter perdido contra a Suica e dessa forma lixado a passagem e to aqu a fazer tempo para entrar no trabalho e te deixei aqui esta mini historia do Servo-Croata e agora sabes que qq coisa em Croata, Bosnia, Montenegrino e Servio é na verdade dialectos duma mesma lingua e as percebo e te posso ajudar. PS: Viste, o meu clube, Partizan, assinou Ricardo Gomes? Abraco! Ja faco as taducoes. FkpCascais (talk) 15:31, 2 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ja esta encontrada uma referencia para o n1. É mesmo verdade, ele usou o "1" apesar de ser playmaker. FkpCascais (talk) 17:04, 2 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Obrigado pela parte histórica, li com atenção! Eu já fiz a limpeza que tinha a fazer no Vukcevic ("accessdates" das referências correctas, e adicionei mais uma referência em sérvio no intro). Acho que faz falta mais uma referência no PERSONAL se fizeres favor, li o artigo da e não fazem referência nenhuma ao parentesco (procurei na web sérvia mas não percebi nada :().

Em relação ao R. Gomes, teve até agora poucas oportunidades na Primeira Liga mas esta época na 2ª divisão esteve em grande (subida e melhor marcador), boa sorte para clube e jogador! --Quite A Character (talk) 22:25, 2 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Desculpa Vasco, esqueci-me mesmo. É que eu tenho um trabalho que tem a parte gratificante de poder ter a internet ligada e fazer nela o que me apetecer em alturas de acalmia, mas de repente me apaecem clientes e tudo fica em stand-by. Para me desculpar ainda mais tens de saber que sou daquelas pessoas que usa o portatil (raramente edito de smartphones) e tenho tipo pelo menos 10 tabs abertos ao mesmo tempo. Varias de wiki, e depois de redes sociais, discussoes youtube, forums... alem de falar com a mulher quase sempre online tambem, e quando elas entram com algum assunto, ja deves imaginar... Eu reparei que tu es muito metodico e organizado, eu sou o oposto, faco isto tentando fazer bem mas é sempre improvisado e de forma algo despassarada. Ate pelas dezenas de sandboxes podes ver quantos projectos tenho iniciados e deixados a meio para os ir terminando quando puder. Por isso, estas coisas nao me leves mesmo a mal, quando ves que acontecem diz-me mesmo "Entao??? É pra hoje???" :D
Deixa la ver se me lembro, sim, Vukcevic, tema do parentesco. Na altura parei ai e deixei isso para mais tarde e claro, esqueci. A cena é que os Vukcevic sao mais que as maes. No comeco o Simon era o maior e o mais famoso, mas depois na selecao de Montenegro comecaram a aparecer mais. Entre os que tem ca artigo, sao 6, tenho a certeza que alguns, senao mesmo todos, sao parentesco. O Montenegro é um bocado tipo Sicilia, tudo familias (clas). O Simon conseguiu, deve ter comecado a meter cunhas para os primos todos jogarem... Sabendo ja isso de antemao e que implicaria arranjar uma serie de artigos para fazer todas essas conexoes entre os varios Vukcevic´s, deixei para mais tarde, e bem que me lembraste agora. Vou-te ver isso agora, OK? Vamos ver quais sao parentesco e quais nao.
PS: Fiz um artigo (lista melhor dito) da qual me orgulho muito, nao tanto pelo esforco que nem foi tanto ja que foi juntar varias listas, mas pela ideia em si. "Os primeiros estrangeiros a quebrarem o gelo nos paises de Leste", ta aqui: List of foreign footballers in European communist countries. Sei que me faltam referencias, as irei meter. FkpCascais (talk) 21:39, 4 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Caro Vasco, a procura de parentesco dele parece limitar-se ao pai, Ilija. O artigo citado la nada diz sobre o assunto, nem sequer menciona o pai (ou eu nao consigo ver?). Outros artigos como este do Público ou este da Vijesti so comfirmam Ilija ser seu pai, mas nada falam sobre a ligacao do pai ao FK Zeta. FkpCascais (talk) 01:40, 5 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Obrigadíssimo! Vamos dar uma de WP:BOLD e pôr uma no "personal" então. Só falta uma para os problemas dele com o treinador Weiss e uma para o prémio que ganhou em 2004 (no princípio do "international career"). Bom trabalho de equipa, abraços. --Quite A Character (talk) 18:58, 18 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Fora je u tome da stvarno i postoji neki lik, čini mi se, koji se zove Dejan Ponjević i koji je bio u Indeksu prethodnih sezona. Dakle, kad nemaš dovoljno informacija, razlika u jednom slovu ti deluje beznačajno, ali na taj način ti dovodiš u zabunu još veću grupu ljudi. Ovaj tvoj imenjak koji vodi Srbijafudbal zapravo vadi statistiku iz žurnala, koliko shvatam, ali se pitam šta on radi kada mu fali neki izveštaj. Za Mladena Kovačevića stoji 25 golova, ali ih je zapravo postigao 27 u ligi, e sad pitanje je kako su u kojoj statistici vođeni. Moguće je da tu ima nekih koji su pripisani kao autogolovi protivničkim igračima, ali često mi se neke statistike koje vodim razmimoilaze sa njegovim. Ove prosečne ocene koje izvlači zavise isključivo od objektivnosti izveštača Žurnala sa utakmica. Dalje, on beleži nacionalnost pre državljanstva, što u današnjem svetu, gde su migracije svakodnevna pojava, sve manje ima smisla. Ja hipotetički mogu da se izjasnim kao pripadnik neke manjinske entičke zajednice, ukoliko hoću, ali sam svakako državljanin Srbije. Imaš primere Dinge, koji je bio kapiten svih mlađih reprezentativnih selekcija, a on je etnički Slovak iz Vojvodine, onda Zekaja, etničkog Albanca, koji pređe u Lil, isto bio kapiten neko vreme, pa Zulfijia rodom iz Preševa... Svi oni imaju državljanstvo Srbije, tu su rođeni, tu su im porodice. Svi ti silni Pazarci zavedeni pod BIH, to mi stvarno bode oči. Meni je jasno da se oni većinom izjašnjavaju kao Bošnjaci i to je njihovo pravo, ali su rođeni u Srbiji. A vidiš i primer Meše Selimovića, koji se izjašnjavao kao Srbin, iako je bio Musliman. Sa druge strane imaš Igora Svešnjikova i Artura Mkrtchyana, koji su rođeni u svojim državama, pa su kao klinci došli u Srbiju, tu odrasli i logično je da imaju dvojno državljanstvo, iako su rođeni van Srbije i nisu entički Srbi.

Srećna okolnost je ta što TV ne gledam, odnosno palim ga samo kada želim da pogledam neki određeni sportski, kinematografski ili naučni sadržaj, ostalo me ne interesuje. Muka mi je od ovog politikanstva i zamena teza i cela ta situacija ovde se pretvorila u jedan veliki i sveobuhvatni rijaliti program, gde se više nezna ko koga. Sa jedne strane imaš akcijske cene salame podriguše za penzionere i pojedine grupacije koje se same diskriminišu apostrofirajući svoju nejednakost, odnosno različitost, abolirane prestupnike i svakakve likove koji "iskaču iz frižidera", a sa druge budeš etiketiran kao šovinista ako stvari nazoveš pravim imenom. Ja sigurno neću nikoga da linčujem, niti da uskraćujem ljudska prava bilo kome, ali isto tako ne želim da aminujem sve što mi se servira u vidu nekakvih slogana i borbe za bolju budućnost. Nego da se vratim na temu, veliki je problem što je istraživačko novinarstvo kod nas izgubilo smisao, posebno s dolaskom interneta na ove prostore. Još jedna naopaka pojava. Rekao bi čovek, mogućnosti je toliko, ali je "Resavska škola" ovde toliko duboko utemeljena da se izgleda plašimo za opstanak tradicije, ako neko nešto sam uradi. Kurir je tako pisao da je Nemanja Ćalasan igrao 4. ligu sa Bačkom, što nije bio slučaj, pa je to na kraju interpretirao čak i Aca Stojanović na RTS-u, protiv Amera. Na Srbijafudbalu, pak, stoji da je Strahinja Bošnjak rođeni Beograđanin, ali je zapravo moj sugrađanin, s tim što su njegovi Banjalučani, čini mi se. Sredio sam ga na sr, pošto ga tu niko neće obrisati, a imam ga i ovde. Isti slučaj je i sa Svetom Markovićem. A dešava se da ima grešaka u datumu ili godini rođenja i visini, ali lik opet radi posao kojim se retko ko bavi. Naravno, mnogi sajtovi ga kopiraju i onda dolazi do žešćih konfuzija. A "specijalizovani" Transfermarkt je priča koju je isto nezahvalno komentarisati. Kada bi pojedini shvatili da je i to strana koju uređuju živi ljudi i da je itekako podložna greškama, poput priče oko onog Francuza, bilo bi bar za nijansu bolje. Koliko puta mi se dešavalo da napišem neki članak i da isti, uz minimalne kozmetičke korekcije, nađem na nekoj drugoj platformi. To je u neku ruku pohvalno i dođe kao vrsta satisfakcije za trud, ali je sa druge strane problem u tome što neko kome je to posao doslovno kopira nekog laika u tome. Što se tiče Dejanovića, on je bio kod Paunovića, čini mi se, ali je možda odigrao tek neku prijateljsku. Imam to negde izvučeno sa sajta FSS-a. Dok nije počeo "Fudbal" redovno da izlazi na netu, nisi mogao da pronađeš za polovinu igrača ko je ko i gde je ko otišao, ili došao. Prošlog leta je bila smena Mladenovića u Dinamu, pa Miletići u Partizanu, Tasići u Borcu... Lako se stvori zabuna. Plus društvene mreže, gde svako nešto piše, objavljuje, svako bi da igra neku ulogu. Bizarno je to da svi formalno imaju pravo na obrazovanje, a koliko zapravo ima nepismenih. Koliko sam se puta susreo sa tim da ljudi na određeninim pozicijama ne umeju da pročitaju napisan govor, a kamoli da kažu nešto smisleno. Daleko sam i ja od nekog idealnog po tom pitanju, odmah da se razumemo, ali što sam stariji, sve više gledam da se ne guram tamo gde mi nije mesto. Možda nekome jeste nebitno, ali se plašim da se u Srbiji ukorenio taj provincijski mentalitet, gde mnogi ne vide dalje od nosa. Ovo se odnosi i na Beograđane, jer se mnogi ne snalaze ni u granicama Beograda, a kamoli van njih. Nije realno očekivati da će svako da voli sve, pa ni da će svi ljudi iz unutrašnjosti da se osećaju prijatno u prestonici, niti obratno, ali ovolika netrpeljivnost u narodu nam je možda i najveća pretnja opstanku. Svako svakome podmeće nogu i nikako da prevaziđemo ono "da komšiji crkne krava". Shvatimo u kakvim smo problemima tek kad naiđu neke katastrofe i kad nam neko prodrma kavez, a o ljudima se priča sve najbolje tek onda kad "bace kašiku". Do tada obično trotoarom kruže priče o svakome, gluvi telefoni od usta do usta, a niko sebe ne vidi. I uvek nam je neko drugi kriv. Čijenica je da smo oštećeni protiv "Švajcaraca", ali gde smo bili tada i zašto smo uopšte dozvolili da zavisimo od toga? Mi sebi ne valjamo i ne znam kako se nadamo tome da će neko drugi da nas uvažava, ako se sami ponižavamo.

Ne znam koliko si pratio prelazni rok, priznajem da nisam ni ja baš toliko zagrizao kao prethodnih godina, a i Bora se polako isključuje, pa sam sklonio Prvu ligu zasad. Ali ono što vidim, deluje mi da je Spartak dosta slabiji, da nisu doveli nikog ozbiljnijeg, a i da su rasturili dobar deo onih igrača koje je još Černišov formirao. Đenić možda jeste u nekim segmentima sličan Nikoliću, ali je i dosta stariji, a pritom i nije igrač koji garantuje golove. Voleo bih da grešim, ali oni kao da se uopšte ne trude da probaju nešto u Evropi. Lotom (talk) 09:37, 5 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Sređen Aleksandar Susnjar, otkonjena misterija zvana Donji Srem i još jedan primer "Resavske škole". Svakako bi bilo nemoguće da isti čovek igra za dva različita kluba u dve države i pritom istovremeno. Slično je bilo i sa Čolovićima pre par sezona. Lotom (talk) 09:19, 6 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Bravo, fantasican posao radis! ... Znaci nije Donji Srem imao kengurskog reprezentativca... e jebi ga... PS: Drago mi je sto ste doveli Degeneka, bice uzbudljivo prvenstvo jer ja se barem nadam da ce Djukic ove sezone ipak da pokaze da zna posao. A sto se ostalih tice, Spatak rastura tim kao i uvek, sve sami tgovci koji rasprodaju sve. Nadju oni na kaju prlaznog roka tu i tamo nekoga za dzabe da dovedu i to je sve. Radnicki tenira Lalat o kome ima najgore moguce misljenje. Jedna egocentricna nesigurna osoba koja taj karakter direktno cini da utice na njegov posao. Vuce svoje igrace, a evo samo kao kuiozitet, izbroj u karijeri kao trener koliko je stranaca doveo a koliko rastrao i zaprepastices se kako to niko nije primetio niti o tome pisao. FkpCascais (talk) 09:52, 6 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pazi, Lalat je imao rezultate koga god je trenirao. E sad, kao pojavu bolje da ga ne komentarišem. Što se tiče stranaca, optimalan broj njih u njegovim ekipama se kreće 0-2. Kad su oni u pitanju, nema mnogo strpljenja za njih, iz svega što sam imao prilike da vidim. Koliko se sećam, niti jednog nije afimisao. Činjenica je da nemaju ni svi stranci dovoljan kvalitet, ali postoje i oni koji u našu ligu zalutaju iz suprotnih razloga. Fascinantno mi je da je Ebisilio i nakon infarkta nastavio da se bavi fudbalom. Degenek je meni skroz gotivan igrač, videćemo kako će da se pokaže, ali mi se čini da su Krajišnici generalno dobri igrači. A što se Đukića tiče, plašim se da ćete opet imati probleme sa njim, gubi se čovek opasno. Igrače imate, ali igru ne vidim. A svi stranci koji su došli izgledaju nespremno, a čak to i sam Đukić potvrđuje. Znači, treba im vremena. Ne sviđa mi se omalovažavanje Irtiša u medijima, zbog nekih ranijih loših iskustava. Voleo bih da vidim malog Šehovića kako će da se snađe. Urošević ima određene kvalitete, ali mu glava nije na mestu i to mu je najveći problem. Lotom (talk) 10:50, 6 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pa bas si oko oko Sehovica pogodio poentu. Trebaju nam hrabri treneri koji ce dati sansu igacima koji su moguce iznenadjenje. Mrzim trenere (a tij daleko najvise kod nas ima) koji stalno vuku i dovode jedne te iste "proverene" igrace, ali koji su provereneni jedino u njihovom mediokritetu. Klubovi poput Spartaka, Radnickog, Napetka, Cuke, itd. MORAJU da uzmu trenera koji NEMA taj obicaj mediokriteta nego ima MUDA. Da ti ne nabajam sve trenere sto znas vec koji dodju u klub i sve sto zele je lista tih "proverenih" mdiokriteta iz SuperLige i osiguraju sredinu tabele i to je to. Svaki klub koji doved jednog od tih trenera ni ne zasluzuje nista bolje nego da pada u odnosu na predhodnu sezonu. Problem je sto imajuci u vidu da 13-14 od 16 klubova imaju tu istu ideologiju, mnogi pezivle, a sa koji cudnom, totalno indkativno laznu o kvalietu tabelu superlige, jos ispadnu "dobri".
I Lalat je eto briljantan ucenik te prevazidjene skole. Uzima klubove koji vec prirodno su u visljem delu tabele, rastera strance, zameni ih njegovim "proverenim" prosecnjakovicima, i klub zavrsi sezonu negde na sredini tabele (evropska mesta) i jos ispadne "uspesan"! Zasto su mu timovi sa 0-2 stanca. Jer kad dodje u klub, klub ih ima 4-5, i zaviseci od vemena koji povde u klubu, uspeju da ostanu 1 ili 2 ako uopste i oni. I to sve zato sto 1) ne zna jezike i ne zna da se sporazume sa ljudima nisakim sem nasim, i 2) nema MUDA. A kamoli da bude trener koji bi imao muda da kaze #dosta vise posecnjakovica" umesto ovih storina posecnih domacih koji se vrte iz kluba u klub (koji pritom i nisu jeftini nasuprot narodnom misljenju) trener koji ce platu tog prosecnjakovica da da sansu makar probama omladincima i strancima. U nasem klupskom fudbalu ce se stvari poboljsati tek kad dodje generacija trenera koji IMAJU muda! FkpCascais (talk) 12:58, 6 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Nemoj samo "ži' mi ti" da prodaješ ovu priču "dogovorićemo se, ali biće kako ja kažem". Šalim se malo, naravno, ali donekle sam i ozbiljan. Znam da ganjaš ove strance čim vidiš potencijalne objave o njima, videli smo svi za Marveđa, ali sam siguran da da nije baš pametno ovo raditi. Nisu ga zaboravili sigurno, jer bi bio na listi licenciranih za ligu. Evo ti primer Miovski, koji je navodno potpisao, ali papiri nikad zavedeni u savezu, neobavezujući, te je isti otišao. Čim ga ubace, biće tu. Taj njihov sajt je toliko smešan da je bolje zaobilaziti ga, nego uzimati u neko ozbiljno razmatranje. Evo ti ovaj Tatić, golman koji je ponikao u kraljevačkoj Slogi. Potpisao za Bačku, pa raskinuo u roku od mesec dana, sa sve zvaničnim objavama u Fudbalu i bez registracije za ligu. A bude tu i gomila primera onih koji prođu kroz papire, a da ih ne registruju za ligu, ili to urade nekad u toku sezone. Npr. Đilas u Partizanu, Stefan Jovanović i Igor Savić u Lučanima, itd. Vidiš i sam da svi ovi novinari prepisuju jedni od drugih i da je malo toga pouzdano. Kao ona situacija oko Šušnjara. Ja sve manje vremena imam, a polako me i volja napušta za održavanjem svega ovoga, pa nije isključeno da izguram još ovu sezonu i posle smanjim gas. Lotom (talk) 12:49, 5 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Lotom: Ej sad tek videh da si mi pisao, jer mi ove disambiguation poruke stalno ubacuju... Ma Lotome, sefe, nema bre frke uopste. Ja bi rekao da je on u Zemunu, al dal skuplja lopte ili sluzi samo za treninge, to je njihova stvar. Kako hoces, ali znaj da se ja ne cimam uopste za ovo. Poz brate! FkpCascais (talk) 11:00, 6 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Na kraju krajeva, znas vec :D FkpCascais (talk) 11:03, 6 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Sve znam, brate moj! Lola juče izdominirao protiv Lučana. Jeste crnjak, ali je on možda i stvarno bio jedan od boljih, ako je takvih bilo. Mada, opet, Milovanović uvek "isprebija" protivnika, mnogo faulova, a čini mi se da bi i Murinju mogao da drži časove što se bunkera tiče. Rikardo mi deluje kao napadač kome treba podrška, nije klasičan sidraš. Ćelavi nije toliko dobar bek, kao na štoperu, a mali Sveta Marković je podbacio u odnosu na prethodnu sezonu. Pitam se gde je Enake juče. Što se ostalih tiče, Voša potpuno podbacila, donekle i Napredak, ali mi Bačka i Zemun deluju zanimljivo ove sezone. S obzirom na to da su to klubovi iz donjeg doma, zasad to i nije tako loše. Ja sam se iznenadio kad sam video reprezentativca Severne Koreje kod njih, potpuno atipično za našu ligu, on je možda tek 2, ili 3, ti znaš bolje. Videćemo kakav je ovaj novi Litvanac, ali Lasickas je prošle godine postavio standard. Spartak dogura do 3. kola, tek sad ih posebno j**e kratka klupa, ostali su bez pola ekipe za danas, pa će verovatno mali Rakić iz Zvezde da debituje, ali očekujem da se malo ozbiljnije pojačaju. Kad završe kvalifikacije, vrlo verovatno će otići još par igrača, pa će im i za ligu biti neophodan jači kadar. Simović, koliko god ga ne gotivim previše, uradio je solidan posao poslednjih godina, pre svega što se tiče izbora stručnog kadra. Dunđerski, kad su u pitanju igrači isto je imao dosta pogodaka, mada je i sina ugurao u postavu. Nadam se da će izvući pouku iz prethodne sezone. Šimuru su iskopali u crnogorskoj ligi, a ne deluje mi ništa značajno lošiji od Bakule kod nas. Lotom (talk) 11:36, 6 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Nisam gledao protiv Lucana, nekako sam i znao da nece biti pobeda jer je period tranzicije gde se ne zna jos ko pije a ko placa. Enake se nije video uopste jel? Pa to je za ocekivati bilo, ti novi igraci, narocito stranci, su sad u nedodjiji jer ne znaju sta ih ceka. Meni se licno Enake u predhodnim utakmicama svideo. Nije nikakva zvezda ali za te pare (igrac dzabe ne skupe plate) je OK. Meni se kod njega najvise svidelo sto sam ga vidjao vise u napadu nego u defanzivi, a ideje sam da Partizan i Zvezda igraju takvu ligu da im trebaju ofanzivni bekovi jer je za vecinu utakmica za odbanu dovoljno par stopera i defanzivni half. Njih trojica vec cine sasvim dovoljno solidan defanzivni blok za vise od pola ligaskih utakmica, a bekovi je dovoljno da minimalno znaju da brane (da se postave da sprece prodore i centarsuteve). Enake mi se svideo kako dobro igra u napadu, nudi se stalno na desnoj strani srednjem redu i napadu, mnogo vise od Vulicevica koji je vise klasican bek sigurno korisniji protiv jacih protivnika gde treba da se branimo. Rikardo je sigurno sad malo psihicki uzdrman pa je normalno da je ugasen. Verujem (nadam se) da ce Bata njih sve da sredi jer iskreno mislim da imamo dobar tim, cak sa raznim kvalitetnim opcijama, samo treba trener koji ce uneti pozitivu i samopoverenje igracima, da im unese mir i stabilnost. Nekako kao da drhte svi, kao da im gori pod nogama, a to nije dobro.
Ja sam vec bio napisao u zurnalu sta bi uradio. Napravio bi u Partizanu taktiku kao da igramo sa 10 igraca (znaci igracem manje). Da tih 10 pokrije ceo teren. A onda bi dao Sumi, 11-om igracu, svu slobodu i naredio mu da bude blizu Rikarda i kreira igru u napadu. Sumu bi oslobodio svih taktickih limitacija. Ocekivao bih od njega da za koje vreme u takvoj vatijanti igre postane najbolja strana Kange. Neka vrsta atomskog mrava kojeg protivnik ne bi umeo da cita jer nikad ne bi znao sta ce da uradi. A on poseduje tehniku i dodir lopte za takvu ulogu. Ume da zadrzi loptu i povuce odbranu a onda bi se otvaralo ili Rikardu, ili Panticu, Djerleku/Jankovicu, pa cak i Enakeu desno. Mislim da treneri grese jer dodju sa stvorenim idejama a onda nemaju tim za to, a nama treba trener koji ce da ume da stvori igru u skladu sa igracima koje imamo. Nasuprot mnogima, ne kritikujem toliko Ilijeva. Kritikujem koncept u kojem je on radio po svome a posle trener po svome. Ali Ilijev je stvorio tim koji ima cak i klupu. Fali samo trener koji ce umeti sve da ih iskoristi.
Videcemo hoce li novi litvanac biti dobar kao sto je Lasickas bio. Mislim da je greska i pretenciozno bilo dati mu odmah 10-ku. Jer je Lasickas dosao kao anonimus od koga se nista nije ocekivalo, a sad je obrnuta situacija i to moze da ima negativan efekat. Za severnokorejanca sam znao vec odavno jer se u bosanskim medijima pojavila vest da je taj DPR Korejanski reprezentativac raskinuo sa Zrinjskim ali da je odmah dosao u Srbiju u Zemun. Takodje spominju da razlog njegovog neuspeha u Bosni uopste nije bio manjak kvaliteta, vec samo nesporazumevanje, jer ne zna engleski, i niko nikako sa njim nije umeo ni mogao da kamunicira. Videcemo kako ce to u Zemunu resiti, valjda neku ideju imaju.
Simovic me veoma lepo iznenadio, svaka mu cast! Cekam kao ozeblo sunce da potvrde potpisivanje Caua (jer ga Alaves takodje zeli) a i najavio je dovodjenje stopera. Zeli da ulozi u tim, to me mnogo raduje. FkpCascais (talk) 20:25, 6 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Uuuu jebote, sad videh, izgubise 4-0 od Proletera, WTF?????? Ma namesteno... FkpCascais (talk) 20:35, 6 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Ma Enake nije bio ni u protokolu, Ćelavi je bio na beku. Litvanac je 10-ku verovatno dobio igrom slučaja, pošto se oslobodila odlaskom Simića. Čuvena priča o ekonomatima srpskih klubova i dresovima koji izdrže po 3-4 sezone. Zato mnogi ne štampaju prezimena na njima. Spartak bukvalno iz 18 imao samo Perića, Miloševića i Marčića (suspendovan za Brondbi zbog crvenog), ostalo obdanište. Štoperi '99 i '00, nikad nisu igrali zajedno. S obzirom na priču oko Proletera, sve nekako mislim da će biti 3 za 3. Razumem želju Savkovića da ode preko, verovatno i trajanje ugovora + godine, ali da su uzeli samo 250k za najboljeg igrača, stvarno je malo. Njima će biti potrebno minimum jedno ozbiljno krilo, jer postoje indicije da će i neko od dvojca Čečarić/Đuričin da ode. Ne znam kakav je Chow, ni šta tačno igra, ali sa njim i Ukrajincem, Demirom, koji će verovatno biti back-up i Šimurom, oni su popunili limit za strance, pa će verovatno tražiti na domaćem tržištu. A tu se izbor iglavnom svodi na one "proverene". Mada, Subotić iz Voše je dobio papire, on mi najviše liči na Savkovića. Navijao sam da neko vrati Bempaha, meni je bio interesantan dok je bio u Voši, a u Meksiku se nije naigrao. Ovaj mali Ranđelović iz Radničkog, kog je Partizan navodno tražio, po viđenom u ovih nekoliko utakmica "zna fudbala", ne bi bilo dobro da ga upropaste kao neke od tih talenata kojima su "prognozirane velike karijere". Tu recimo ne razumem ove naše "velike klubove". Partizan, recimo ima igrača gotovo istih karakteristika (Strahinja Jovanović), čak su i sugrađani, a ovaj je još i mlađi. Oni ga daju Proleteru gde jedva da dobija priliku, a sa druge strane "slabe protivnika". Ako će da igra, pa i da razumem, ali ako dovode nekog da bi trunuo na tribinama, to teško mogu da shvatim. Lotom (talk) 22:42, 6 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Lagao bih te kao pas kad bi rekao da znam Timoti Čaua, nikad ga gledao nisam, ali sam negde procitao da je tokom priprema igajuci za Spartak pokazao klasu i da Simovic sve cini da ga definitivno potpise. Taj podatak, uz drugi da je spanski prvoligas Alaves zainteresovan da ga potpise, daje nadu da lik valja. Ja sam kao pravi klinac njemu vec ubacio da je Spartakov, jace je od mene, ali ce izgleda stvarno on i ukrajinac potpisati. Reprezentativac Tajvana, polu kinez polu englez, sa britanskom fudbalskom skolom, mislim da ce biti interesantno egzoticno osvezenje na nasim terenima. Mozda i otvori dalje vrata em drugim slicnim igracima poput njega da dodju kod nas, em nasim srednjim i manjim klubovima da mrdnu malo dupetom i dobiju muda da dovedu neka takva pojacanja.
Nego, jesi video da je ovo stiglo do medija!!! :D (Daily Record (Scotland) wrote an article about an article I started here, Tinotenda Chibharo). Ja sam mu napravio bio clanak sa onim sto sam skupio ali sam lepo napisao da nema nastupe, ali kasnije su se neki umesali i dodavali da ima, pa se napravi polemika koja stignu do novina hahaha! FkpCascais (talk) 23:21, 6 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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Klubovi iz PLS

Ej @Lotom:e, sto se tice ovih klubova sto su igrali Prvu ligu Srbije a nemaju clanak, sta mislis da je bolje da uradimo, da trazim na WP:FOOTY da vrate clanke (posto su skoro, ako ne i svi, imali clanak ali je bio izbisan) pa da ih onda aktualizujemo, ili bi radje da ih napravimo iz korena? Meni je licno svejedno, cak bi radje trazio da vrate izbrisane clanke jer me moram da priznam malo mrzi da pravim te clanke iz korena. Ne znam jedino da li ti mozda imas interes da ih pravis ili da li imas neke vec zapocete ili napravljene u sandboxu? Stvar je ta da posto se PLS smatra profi ligom, svi ti klubovi naravno imaju pravo da imaju clanak, i treba da ga imaju. Mislim konkretno na FK Temnić Varvarin (ili FK Temnić 1924), OFK Odžaci (bio je clanak FK Tekstilac Odžaci skor sam siguran) i sad FK Trayal Kruševac (ili FK Trajal Kruševac). Vidim da je FK Budućnost Dobanovci vracen, super. FkpCascais (talk) 13:23, 7 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

To se i ja nešto premišljam, Temnić sam bio počeo u pesku da radim, ali ne može sve da se stigne ako samo nas par radi nešto konkretno, a da pritom vodi računa da nešto drugo ne zaj***. Za Trayal sam hteo da cimam da ga vrate, ali uvek se uhvatim u nešto drugo, pa reko' da sačekam dok počne liga. Ionako je to porodični klub, kao Reckov Dinamo. Čari srpskog fudbala. Ja bih bio zadovoljan da neke kompanije kupe, ili ulože lovu u klubove, ali niko ne vidi potencijal u tome, jer nam je liga smešna. Sve i kad neko to uradi, češće je u pitanju pranje para, rekao bih, nego stvarna ljubav prema fudbalu. Tako da možeš da tražiš da se vrate, pa ću ja ovo što sam zabrljao o Temniću da ubudžim na to postojeće. E sad, zvanični nazivi su Trajal i Temnić 1924. Na ćirilici mora tako, ali stilizovano, odnosno prema nazivu firme je Trayal. Pošto je ovo Vikipedija na engleskom ovo drugo bi trebalo da je ispravnije. Temnić, opet pošto je jednini klub sa tim imenom, ne mora nužno da stoji Varvarin, samo što malo ljudi zna odakle je klub, uključujući i Čarapane. Kad vidiš godinu u nazivu kluba, odmah znaš šta je u pitanju. U APR-u mora tako da se registruje, a šta ovde da radimo, pojma nemam. U svakom slučaju, ja tu godinu u infokutijama gledam da izbacim, pošto je nebitna ako je sam naziv kluba dovoljan. Npr. Radnički Kragujevac, Budućnost Krušik... Međutim, iz nekog razloga uobičajeno koristim Bačka 1901 i Šumadija 1903, da li što su najstariji klubovi, ili šta već, ne znam. Tako sam ih upamtio, ali je definitivno bolje Šumadija Kragujevac i Bačka Subotica. Lotom (talk) 13:57, 7 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Te godine u imenu kluba vidim da koriste sve vise i vise kad "peru" klub, zatvore postojeci i otvore novi koji ce biti njegov naslednik. Eto sad kao Bečej nije vise FK Bečej vec je "OFK Bečej 1918" bahahaha smejurija. Potpuno sam istog misljenja kao ti, te godine jedino imaju nekog smisla u slucajevima Backe 1901 i Sumadije 1903, pa opet sa vremenom sam poceo da koristim sve vise "Backa Subotica" i "Sumadija Kragujevac". Od malena sam oduvek pravio liste klubova u kojima sam koristio formulu "ime+grad" (tipa Legia Warsaw, Sparta Prague, Real Madrid, PSV Eindhoven, Dinamo Minsk, itd.). Pa tako kod nas, Sloboda Uzice, Mladost Lucani, Radnicki Kragujevac, Timok Zajecar, Macva Sabac... mislim da je to korisno i klubu i gradu. Evo recimo hvala bogu da se najveci svetski sajtovi ne primise da primenjuju "Spartak Zdrepceva krv". Pored toliko Spartaka u svetu oni bi bas trebali da vode brigu da "Spartak Subotica" bude prepoznatljiv brend medju ljubiteljima fudbala. A oni kao za inat cine da ljudi u svetu cak i oni informisaniji ne budu bas sigurni jel taj Spartak iz Srbije isto sto i "Spartak Zdrepceva krv", "Spartak Zlatibor voda" i "Spartak Subotica". U vreme "Zlatibor vode" jos neki zaiteresovan da izgugla "Zlatibor" pa taman eto da bude siguran da to nije taj iz Subotice, jer su oba geogafska pojma bas na suprotnim ekstemima drzave. Kao nama kad bi Spartak Vladivostok pretvorili u "Spartak Baltic water"... A vazda sto reci "Ždrepčeva krv" mislim, jedva izgovorljive. Umesto da Suboticu lepo promovisu i naprave od "Spartak Subotica" prepoznatljiv brend u fudbalskom svetu, oni ga bezveze komplikuju ne razmisljajuci uopste vec samo imaju u glavi pare (kladim se da je sitnis) dobijen da bi nosili sponzorsko ime. Svojevemeno sam masovno koistio "Čukarički Stankom" ali to sam radio jer je zaista Stankom dugo bio u savezu sa Cukom, ali od tada ta sponzorska imena ignorisem totalno, samo cine da se zbune ljudi i da sprece da klubovi imaju direktno jasno vidljiv kontinuitet i istoriju bez dilema. FkpCascais (talk) 15:21, 7 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Bespotrebnu konfuziju prave i Radnicki iz Nisa i Kragujevca. Ovi iz Kragujevca umesto da zele da promovisu ime grada bezveze se vezase za 1923 godinu, a ono na grbu niskog Radnickog ogromni brojevi 1923, jos su oba kluba crvene boje, taman da totalno zbune laike kojice po logici misliti da su to jedan te isti klub. FkpCascais (talk) 15:25, 7 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Brate, ovaj Mrkela vas neozbiljno zajeba sto nije doveo napadaca kako teba za ovu sad vec fazu u Evropi :/ FkpCascais (talk) 22:34, 7 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Ej al sta me stvarno obara to je da gledam bre, ubacujem strance iz kosovske (pardon, "takozvane Kosovske") lige, i ljudi koji do juce nisu ni clanovi UEFE bili klubovi im dovode africke reprezentativce i kojekakve igrace grckih manjih klubova... A nasi srednji i manji klubovi ne umeju da dovedu stranca ni da je igrao u njegovoj indijanskoj ligi a kamoli reprezentativca... Stvarno ne znam koji je kuac nasima... Zar su tolike neznalice? FkpCascais (talk) 23:07, 7 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Gledao sam relativno mirno prvih sat vremena, ali sam onda počeo da pizdim. Ovi su gori od Lučana na tom taktičkom planu. Dali jedan gol i branili ga životom do kraja. Mene iskreno više brine odbrana, nego napad. Igra se, stvaraju se šanse, nekako verujem da će to da proradi. Sad i da se dovede napadač, pitanje je koliko će da bude od koristi. U Slovačku svakako idu ovi koji su već tu. Ali odbrana je slabija nego prošle sezone i tu se vidi koliko fali Le Talek. Vujadin previše opušteno igra, Degenek ume da ispadne. Po Rodićevoj strani zna opasno da duva, jer je više u napadu, tako je i pao gol, a Žule sinoć nije imao centaršut koji valja. Ovi su ovakvim antifudbalom već prošli Legiju, nadam se da nas neće, previše bi bilo. Još se i Milić povredi. Lotom (talk) 07:46, 8 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Slučajno pronađoh ovo. Ludilo!

I hvala penisu da su se konačno smilovali da ujednače sajtove SL i PLS! I ako stvano budu uveli fiksne brojeve, ovo će početi da liči na profi ligu. Lotom (talk) 08:49, 10 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Da breeeee pazi stvarno uskladjen novi sajt.... E pa bas lepo, usli smo u 21. vek. Jedva cekam spiskove igraca. FkpCascais (talk) 11:23, 10 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Inače, bizarno, ali ako Kafu obuče #22, to će biti revolucija. Koliko ja pamtim, to je u Zvezdi oduvek bio golmanski broj. Dišljenković, Banović, Stamenković, Vesić, Manojlović. Lotom (talk) 12:45, 11 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
To mu je bio i broj u Bordou, verovatno ima neki fetiche sa tim brojem... FkpCascais (talk) 12:50, 11 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Nikako da odgonetnem je li onaj svajcarac iz Sindje "Vladislav Yves" ili "Yves Vladislav" jel oba deluju ime a nijedno ima logike da bude prezime. FkpCascais (talk) 10:16, 12 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Upisan je kao Vladislav Iv kod nas. Ne mora da bude precizno, ali mislim da je ovakav redosled ispravan. Inače u Napedak je stigao izvesni Musah Alhassan M. Baba, ovde je na strani 24, ali je odmah ustupljen Gašićima. Na TM-u imamo ovog, ali s obzirom na to da je u pitanju golman, teže će to malo ići. Ostaje da sačekamo malo više informacija i registraciju za ligu. Moguće je da je u pitanju neki omladinac, znači 2000, jer još ni ugovor nema, a Trajal ih je iz Napretka uzeo na kilo, pošto su sad upali u "kvalitetnu ligu". Lotom (talk) 20:21, 15 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pa tako ga i ja upisujem svugde, kao Vladislav Yves, ali fali nam potvrda kako je zaista tacno.
Za ovog Babu se slazem, vredi sacekati i videti. Mi zbog tog rigoroznog ogranicenja veoma retko uvozimo golmane, videcemo, mozda i bude retkost da je golman u pitanju. Medjuvremenu trazim info za brazilca iz Vranja... PS: Bravo za juce. Koja golcina Radonjica, a i Ben pokazao kako pljuvati strance prerano je greska, covek ginuo sinoc za Zvezdu vise od rodjenih Delija. FkpCascais (talk) 21:04, 15 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Imaš ga sakrivenog među transferima, Nigerijac je valjda. Moja greška je mislim za ovog u Dinamu, jbg, kad češljaš ovaj Fudbal, greške su neminovne. Taigo je, tako piše i u dokumentu. Lotom (talk) 12:11, 18 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Pa da... sta bi nasi doveli nego nekog totalno anonimnog nigerijca, ganca ili brazilca. Ovi na Kosovu vec dovode reprezentativce manjih zemalja, a nasi dovode likove za koje ne postoji uopste nista na netu i uvek samo iz neke od tih 3 nacija. Uvrh glave iz Kameruna, a za neke je pitanje uopste jesu li bili uopste fudbaleri. A sto je tuzno sto vecinom puta i ti anonimci ispadnu pojacanje. Tijago iz Slobode, Onjilo, Kadu i Savio pre dolaska u Zetu, su se stvorili kao igraci kod nas. A sa druge strane imamo onu dvojicu iz Smedereva Lucas Marques da Silva i Renan, brat od Savia, koji sem kod nas izgleda drugde vise fudbal ni nisu igrali. Iz te serije anonimusa je i onaj Ebuka o kome sam ti vec govorio ja mislim, jeste da je ta tursko-kiparska liga neozbiljna, ali toliko golova davati je ludilo u svakom slucaju. FkpCascais (talk) 23:49, 18 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Ovo za Jirku je dosta diskutabilno. Bilo bi poželjno da pre Žurnala, Mocarta i ostalih portala ide zvanična informacija. Nije frka za mene i nas koji smo u priči i pratimo, ali oni koji ovo ne kapiraju baš najbolje mogu ovo da protumače na više načina. Na Zvezdinom sajtu nema ništa, Trnavin nisam gledao, a kroz savez ne može da prođe zbog roka. Nekako sam skeptičan kod svih ovih predugovora, a uzevši u obzir Terzine spinove i Ivicine bombe, nikome ne verujem na reč. Sa druge strane, uvek se tu neko provuče "ispod žita", pa je tako Đilas npr. jedino kod nas zvanično vođen kao igrač Partizana od momenta kada je potpisao, pa onda i ovi 4. golmani. O čuvenim "fantomima" u Zvezdi ne treba trošitu reči. Ovi "manji klubovi" inače promene veliki broj igrača, o kojima se malo toga zna, ali se krpimo nekako. Samo bi bilo dobro kada bi dolazni klub za igrače iz inostranstva u "Fudbalu" navodili uvek, a ne selektivno. Možda bi trebalo intervenisati i obratiti se savezu po tom pitanju. Imam utisak da smo naterali ove portale da slede naš način rada, dok su neki čak i doslovno kopirali odavde. Lotom (talk) 04:37, 4 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Gde ti ode, matori... :D
Pa VAR da vide jel Ronaldo usao u nju ili nije :D FkpCascais (talk) 17:56, 2 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]


It was changed here - it's a much better heading. GiantSnowman 11:38, 16 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

GS, please ask first and do it next. No, the Slovak seasons are certainly NOT the issue, they were just an intro into a problem I wanted to expose. I undrstant your good will, but I have my reasons. FkpCascais (talk) 11:43, 16 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Reply to Saying hi

Hello FkpCascais,

Thank you for nice words about my work.

Let me reply jokingly: I knew what would be the result of my report (acquittal) so I decided to report you and to make you less vulnerable (per double jeopardy). All the best.--Antidiskriminator (talk) 22:58, 26 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Serbian Empire

Hello FkpCascais,

As I posted on the Laszlo Panaflex's talk page detailed explanation, why I'm reverting the article. I'm posting the text to you as well. Please read it and I would like to remind you that the purpose of Wikipedia is to provide free information about every possible topic that can be searched and not propaganda.

"Hello Laszlo, The changes that you keep reverting are the correct ones from historical point of view.

Current text is suggesting that the Bulgarian Empire was a vassal to the Serbian Empire after the Battle of Velbazhd, which is totally incorrect. The first source "The Fall of Constantinople 1453" ( ) is just a cover web page for the book and its text are not visible, unless one buys the actual book. The reason for existance of this source is not clear as when you click on it, you cannot actually see the proof for the statement "Bulgaria had never recovered since its defeat by the Serbs at the Battle of Velbazhd,".

Second source "A History of the Balkan Peoples" ( is for the statement: "and the Bulgarian czar, whose sister Dušan later married, became his vassal," . The issue with this source is that it is an outdated (1971) work of René Ristelhueber - unknown historian whose work has been put as reference for just one additional sentence in whole of Wikipedia. The source is unreliable and it cannot be a proof for a statement of such historical importance.

Third source is "Churches Of Eastern Christendom" ( by B. J. Kidd, ( who is a recipient of the Order of St. Sava - serbian/yugoslavian state order awareded for the following reason: "recognize civilians for meritorious achievements to the Church, to arts and sciences, the royal house and the state." and it was " awarded by the king of Yugoslavia.." . This is the only official award that this man has received during his lifetime and it is obvious that his work is not reliable as it is not unbiased.

The changes that I'm doing are the correct historical evidence about the outcome of the battle of Velbazhd and are supported by numerous historical sources that are cited in all other articles in Wikipedia, that are related to this topic.

So, I'm revirting the article back to the correct text and map until you have provided a proper and unbiased historical sources. " --TheManiacBG (talk) 13:59, 13 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I really dont care about your personal bias regarding the authors. I provided more reliable neutral sources at article talk-page. They all comfirm there was a vassal status of Bulgaria. The issue has already been discussed in Bulgarian articles and the only issue was if it lasted 35 yeas or how long. Please use the article talk-page and stop edit-warring. Thank you. FkpCascais (talk) 14:47, 13 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Serbian tricolour hound

Thank you for quality articles around the internationality of sports, such as List of Red Star Belgrade footballers and Savo Milošević, for Petar Drapšin and Serbian Tricolour Hound, for service in many languages, for "I do take this biggest online encyclopedia very seriously", - you are an awesome Wikipedian!

--Gerda Arendt (talk) 21:18, 16 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

WOW, I am speachless, this is wonderfull, I am so proud, thank you so much @Gerda Arendt:! I actually thought no one ever reads any of stuff I write on my user-page eheh. You are so kind, best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 09:31, 17 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

A year ago, you were recipient no. 2026 of Precious, a prize of QAI! --Gerda Arendt (talk) 05:32, 16 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]


Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht

Happy 2019

begin it with music and memories

You pinged me, and a woke up to a lot of text I know nothing about (and have no time to investigate). I was topic banned for two years (needless to say I thought unfairly) and survived, it's not the end of life. Perhaps read the ten rules in my above greeting, - something may be for you. I miss the author, for whom it was the end of life. - Precious is a prize from the cabal of the outcasts, DYK? I hope you don't mind. --Gerda Arendt (talk) 07:31, 13 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Mladen Bojić

Hello, could you please look over Mladen Bojić and see if you can add WP:INLINECITED references? Thanks, Boleyn (talk) 19:31, 8 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Boleyn:, it seems useless to do any work because he never played ouside Bosnia. He did played many years in Bosnian highest level, but still fails to pass notability cause even today Bosnian Premier League is still not fully professional. He already retired, so the most he archived was to play in UEFA Champions League qualifiers. I see I created the article almost a decade ago (in 2009), I really can´t remember why did I created him an article, he may have been rumored to sign to some club in a fully pro league and maybe that is why, but seems he didn´t... Maybe the best thing would be to PROD the article as failing notability cause he never played in a fully pro league. Thank you very much for pinging me. FkpCascais (talk) 20:19, 8 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for looking into it again for me. Best wishes, Boleyn (talk) 21:27, 8 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed deletion of Mladen Bojić


The article Mladen Bojić has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Didn't play in a fully pro league; doesn't have coverage for WP:GNG.

While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Boleyn (talk) 21:29, 8 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Hugo Vieira II

Logo uma entrada poderosa no sumário, meu caro...

não acho que se possa catalogar a minha abordagem de teimosa só por esta diferença de opinião. Já disse que, na minha opinião, só quando o jogador jogou por dois ou mais clubes com o mesmo nome (ou lá perto) é que é necesário diferenciar na caixa, depois a história trata do resto acho eu. Mas não te preocupes, já não toco mais na caixa do sr. Vieira, não quero guerras desnecessárias.

Noutro tema completamente diferente: pergunto pela última vez (não sei se é esquecimento da tua parte ou simplesmente não queres ajudar mais, tenho que respeitar se for o último caso, claro) se não consegues arranjar mais nada para o artigo do Vukcevic (1 - guerra com o treinador Weiss; 2 - prémio do DSL Sport para o melhor jogador jovem da Sérvia). Se não, não se fala mais no assunto e a página fica como está, de qualquer maneira já deixei/deixámos o artigo muito melhor do que aquilo que estava.

Cumprimentos --Quite A Character (talk) 09:37, 9 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Boas Vasco, eu ja te tinha dito que é habito ter "Red Star Belgrade" na infobox. As unicas paginas que nao o tem sao nas que tu o tiras. Eu tenho seguido essa tua regra de "encurtado na infobox, extenso no artigo" mas tens que ter nocao que essa regra é so tua. So tu a inventaste e aplicas. Eu a aplico mais que nada porque acho que dá jeito, sim dá jeito ter na infobox uma versao mais curta (se bem que certamente sabes que equipas alemas e russas ficam por extenso sempre) e dá jeito pelo menos uma vez algures no texto ter o nome do clube escrito por extenso. Agora, tambem sabes que maioria dos editores nao segue essa segunda parte da tua regra, e nos textos tambem encurta o nome dos clubes, e nao andas certamente atras de todos eles a tirar os "pipes" e a deixar sempre os nomes dos clubes em extenso. O problema aqui é que essa regra é mais que nada uma escolha de estilo pessoal tua e nao tens uma regra escrita que dicte isso para a qual possas apontar. Portanto, tu podes claro seguir editando assim, mas se ves que ha uma tendencia por parte da maioria que é contraria a essa tua forma de editar, tens de ceder. Ja reverteste nhentas vezes o "Red Star Belgrade" na infobox, e quando mais de 90% dos artigos tem escrito por extenso "Red Star Belgrade" na infobox e es so tu a contrariar essa tendencia, tens que ser mais flexivel e entender que esses artigos nao sao "teus" e que ha como que um consenso nesse concreto caso que vai em contra de ti. Os jogadores que jogaram ou tem ligacoes com Portugal e que tu editas e tens na tua watchlist nao sao um grupo aparte com regras diferentes. Se centenas de jogadores tem na infobox "Red Star Belgrade" nao faz sentido so o par de dezenas de jogadores que tiveram ligacao com Portugal terem algo diferente la. Nao podes ser teimoso a tal ponto. Se calhar o meu edit summary soou muito duro mas nao era minha intencao, expressei-me mal, admito, desculpa, mas queria-te chamar a atencao para isto. A tua regra da jeito, eu proprio a sigo, mas tens que ver quando ha casos especificos que contrariem e deixares de ser o Dom Quixote a lutar contra os remoinhos.
Que se passa com o Vukcevic? Vou agora ver, por acaso achava que isso ja estava resolvido... esquecimento meu entao, vou ver agora. FkpCascais (talk) 11:03, 9 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Obrigado pela rápida resposta! Bom, se essa cena de por só "Red Star" na caixa sou só eu que faço então tenho que deixar de fazer, não posso ir contra a maioria. Obrigado pela informação, não te preocupes com o sumário, acontece aos melhores ;) --Quite A Character (talk) 11:06, 9 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Encontrei uma source para quando ele foi eleito melhor desportista jovem do ano da Servia e Monenegro em 2004, o titulo traduzido é "Quem sou eu? Fui a pérola do Partizan e melhor desportista do pais, mas ganhei so um titulo". É em sérvio, é de um jornal de la que nao tem pagina ca na wiki, o Telegraf. FkpCascais (talk) 11:19, 9 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Ondek esta a parte com o Weiss? FkpCascais (talk) 11:21, 9 October 2018 (UTC) Ja vi, no Saturn. Mas esta sourced, que é preciso? FkpCascais (talk) 11:29, 9 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Boa! O que se passa é o seguinte: acho que a referência do MAISFUTEBOL não conta tudo o que está escrito na história, mas se calhar será suficiente. Vou deixar ao teu critério, achas que chega como está? Se sim, ótimo. Olha, mas se conseguisses uma "ref" para esta parte do Partizan ("but, during 2005–06, faced criticism over his excessive individual play and poor shot selection, as well as overall declining form."), era fantástico. A não ser que o que está escrito seja mentira!

Mais uma vez obrigado, um abraço --Quite A Character (talk) 11:40, 9 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Tens razao, isso é uma constatacao forte que precisava de source (que lembre era verdade sim ahah), vou ver que posso fazer. Mas estou no trabalho, aqui posso acceder a net mas as vezes de repente tenho de desligar, nao extranhes se de repente desaparecer, voltar a aparecer, desapaecer novamente... Abraco grande querido Vasco! FkpCascais (talk) 12:10, 9 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]



I think you'd have to ask the national team coach Stanislav Cherchesov. Soslan Dzhanayev was injured for a while for Rubin Kazan, so that's why Konovalov got playing time for the club to begin with. Ivan Daniliants, who is Berdyyev's goalkeeping coach at Rubin, seems to like him, judging by an interview I read. But Dzhanayev was the last goalie that was excluded from the 2018 World Cup squad, making him the 4th-best in the country according to Cherchesov. Konovalov replaced Dzhanayev quite well for the club, so there's definitely a chance he will get called up for the national team. But there's a lot of good goalies to choose from even after Igor Akinfeev's national team retirement. Russian Premier League teams don't like to sign a foreign goalie usually, there's a limit on foreign players and Russian goalies are usually not bad at all....


Geregen2 (talk) 21:25, 20 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Pozdrav , da li mozemo da stupimo u kontakt putem emaila u vezi posla . Hvala

[email protected] Djaladjala (talk) 05:10, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Albanian/Serbian references

A few days ago you argued for removing content sourced to Albanian references. You said that Albanian/Serbian ones are not reliable for usage on Albanians-Serbs conflicts articles. Now you are trying to use Serbian sources to make controversial claims. Did you change your mind? In addition to that, lately you are making personal attacks and assumptions about other editors, as you have done on the talk page of Albania. Calm down, reflect and discuss assuming good faith. Cheers, Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:47, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I am very calm, and believe me, I am assuming all good-faith. I never said local sources are invalid per se. Specially when the article indicates it is local sources claiming something. I said local sources should be avoided for controversisal claims and used as fact (not a case here since I added it is Serbian sources claiming that). FkpCascais (talk) 16:52, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Using Serbian sources (some quite old) "as fact" on "controversisal" topics is exactly what you've been doing though. [Including one written in 1929, being used to claim the "enthusiastic" welcome for the Serbian army].--Calthinus (talk) 16:59, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
No worries. They are difficult topics and we all lose our patience sometimes. What is of importance is that in the end cooperation and respect for each other prevail. We agreed a few days ago that Albanian and Serbian references should be avoided on articles of Albanians-Serbs conflicts. The academic institutions of the said countries are not capable of producing sholarship without bias and a tendence to claim untrue things regarding the ties between the two nations. It is part of the Balkan reality, sadly. I suggest we ignore those sources for the benefit of Wikipedia. Ktrimi991 (talk) 17:06, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
(ec) :::Once said "Serbian sources say..." it is not used as fact. I fixed that, and you removed it anyway in a Wikipedia:IDONTLIKEIT fashion without assuming good-faith.
OK, the part of lots of bias is true. But how can you not see "Drački okrug" refered in all those sources? Also, I disagree ignoring those sources if explicitly said "X side saiy this". I am never against local sources if used that way. I am only agaist when not refered it is local sources claiming something controversial and making the reader think of it as a fact. FkpCascais (talk) 17:11, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You are the first person to bring up Resnjari's WP:SYNTH argument on this thread. It is off-topic. The fact is, you are arguing for sources, many of them very old, including one from 1929, which are part of Serbian historiography, and trying to present their claims as factual. That the Albanian population "enthusiastically welcomed" Serbian conquest is of course wildly controversial. I am raising this, because I believe you could still realize your error.--Calthinus (talk) 18:26, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Resnjari doesnt have a case of SYNTH because besides sources dealing directly with the isse, they also iinclude references to the "okrug" which I pointed out but he seems to fail to see.
Regarding the edit, see my last edit in the article. I clearly wrote that Serbian sources claim that. That is a truth fact. FkpCascais (talk) 18:46, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Yugoslav First League

Zasto si na Yugoslav First League dopisao Vardaru titulu 1987 a Zvezdi nisi 1986? Radi se o istom slucaju Sajber za te 2 sezone. Drugo, lepo sam odvojio u tabeli Interkontinental Kup od Superkupa Evrope jer su to 2 razlicita takmicenja. Jedno je pod okriljem UEFE a drugo FIFE. Nepregledno je tako. Onda si mogao da spojis i Ligu sampiona sa Kupom Uefa po tvojoj logici.

@VucoCar: u pravu ste. Sad vidim da je neko pre vas to bio promenio. Treba da stoji krajnja tabela. Korigovao sam. Hvala sto ste mi pozvali paznju. FkpCascais (talk) 02:10, 31 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Hvala , odlicno odradjeno.


I worked on monograph about FK Vardar and I have relevant stats from the foundation of the club to the present day. Gokso (talk) 13:39, 1 November 2018 (UTC)Gokso[reply]

I can send you pdf version if you want. Sorry for late response, but I was blocked from GiantSnowman for 48 hours. Gokso (talk) 09:52, 6 November 2018 (UTC)Gokso[reply]


Zasto Brises, uradio sam statistiku za Srbe! Ne za hrvate za bosance... Jel bobek igrao bar jednu utakmicu za Srbiju????? Jel igrao Vujović, pa i Srbi.. Stojković jel ima jedan meč za Srbiju kao samostalnu zemlju? Objasni mi, zajebi to sto je Srbija kaoo naslednik jugoslavije Luccass (talk) 16:49, 18 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2018 election voter message

Hello, FkpCascais. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Revert, warn, and let me know if he's still doing it. GiantSnowman 08:59, 21 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for November 22

An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Automotive industry in Serbia, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Rakovica (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).

(Opt-out instructions.) --DPL bot (talk) 09:20, 22 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Boka juniors ili Boka džuniors?

Pozdrav brate,

Hteo sam da te pozdravim i da te pitam kako se tačno izgovara ime Boke na engleskom/španskom. Znam da se na srpskom obično piše Boka juniors ali mi drugari iz Južne Amerike govore da se tamo češće izgovara Boka džunjors ili nešto što zvuči kao Boka šunjors.

Molim te da mi pomogneš pošto me srpska pravila transkripcije često iznenađuju!

Pozdrav! – Tempo21 (talk) 02:50, 26 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Zvdravo Tempo care, jeste, tvoji drugari su u pravu, narocito sto argentinci em taj spanski izgovaraju sa italijanskim akcentom, em ga ublaze i suskaju. Bas tako, šunjors, ga izgovaraju. E sad, jedno je istina i realost, a drugo tamo nasa shvatanja i pravila sa druge strane sveta. Nasa pravila transkripcije sigurno nemaju uopste u obzir argentinski spanski akcenat, nego spanski, bilo odakle da je, rade po transkripciji spanskog iz Spanije. Po tom bi u stvari bilo Huniors. FkpCascais (talk) 13:01, 26 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Hvala, brate! Sve najbolje! – Tempo21 (talk) 22:47, 26 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Ee kako se izračunava procenat pobjeda kod trenera. To radim kod Sušića za trenerske statisktike ali kod njega se ne izračunava odmah kao kod Vahe gdje kad kod njega upises neku kao odigranu utakmicu njemu se samo, to ne razumijem. Ako išta bil mi mogao samo reći kako se izračunavaju procenti odigranih utakmica kod trenera? Pokušavao sam mnoziti sa 100 i slično ali sam iskreno zaboravio, haha... A imao 5 iz matematike. ;) Hvala unaprijed.. Bakir123 (talk) 07:05, 30 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Bakir123: ja te procente nisam nikad stavljao, ali mislim da izjednacis ukupan broj utakmica sa 100 a onda broj pobeda sa X, pa nadjes X tako sto pomnozis broj pobeda sa 100 i podelis sa ukupnim brojem utakmica. Tako isto i sa neresenim i izgubljenim rezultatima. FkpCascais (talk) 07:36, 30 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]


Aha ok, hvala. Bakir123 (talk) 07:55, 30 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Izvini što sam dosadan

Izvini ako sam dosadan, ali znaš li kako se mijenjaju ili dodaju slike na wikipedia stranicama. Htio sam od ranije da stavim novu, ljepsu sliku na wikipedia stranici Stadion Grbavica ali da stavim slike i na wikipedi za Amar Osim, Husref Musemić i slično. Ako znaš molim te mi to objasni, ako ne, nije problem. Hvala... Bakir123 (talk) 08:31, 30 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

E upload slika nisam nikad radio. Komplikovano je, moras da dokazes da posedujes prava, i osoba ako je ziva da ti da odobrenje... Tu ti bas ne mogu pomoci, moraces taj deo sam da proucis pravila. FkpCascais (talk) 17:54, 30 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

This is such an honour Alexikoua, thank so, so, much! My contribution is actually a grain of sand in the desert compared to yours. You are an editor I admire for long time. I feel so good, and I am so thankfull, I hope to find time and way to contribute even better, and you are a model to follow. Kindest regards! FkpCascais (talk) 00:19, 4 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of Edit warring noticeboard discussion

Information iconHello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion involving you at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring regarding a possible violation of Wikipedia's policy on edit warring. The thread is Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring#User:FkpCascais reported by User:Ktrimi991 (Result: ). Thank you. Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:30, 7 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Copyright problem on History of Albania

Content you added to the above article appears to have been copied from Copying text directly from a source is a violation of Wikipedia's copyright policy. Unfortunately, for copyright reasons, the content had to be removed. Please leave a message on my talk page if you have any questions. — Diannaa 🍁 (talk) 10:00, 13 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of Edit warring noticeboard discussion

Information iconHello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion involving you at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring regarding a possible violation of Wikipedia's policy on edit warring. The thread is Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring#User:FkpCascais reported by User:Ktrimi991 (Result: ). Thank you. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:50, 13 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Advice (Skanderberg)

I had to block myself once for unwittingly breaching the revert rule, so you are in good company. My advice to you is to leave that article alone for at least a couple of weeks (otherwise you might get a topic ban and not be allowed to edit it at all). No more edit warring and no more personal insults - yes, I know it's difficult but if you want a future with Wikipedia, you have to have staying power and maintain self-discipline. Deb (talk) 09:03, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Deb, I apreciate your involvement, but ends up favoring them and throwing to the garbagge the time and effort I spent in searching and bringing sources. They reject sources only beecause they don´t like the idea Skanderbeg was of Serbian origin, but that should be their problem which thwy should not be bringing here. I am quite a reasonable editor who has been evolved in numerous disputed areas and my neutality was often rewarded as you can see by my barnsatrs, so the only diffeernce here is that those editors here are much more agressive than the usual ones. So walking away giving them a victory doesn´t sound a good solution at all. They may have problems with one source but not with the 9 I presented (and I can persent more). FkpCascais (talk) 09:34, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Well, it's too late now - you won't be able to edit that article again. I'm sorry that it had to end this way and I hope you will stay around the project. I want you to understand that this kind of dispute has happened to me many times and has often ended in my walking away and giving someone else the "victory". In the UK we have a saying: "What goes around comes around". Sometimes you have to wait a long time for what you see as justice. Deb (talk) 14:47, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Deb:, I am sorry I just returned now, but I needed some days of Wiki-break. Anyway, I want to congratulate you for the way you led the discussion at ANI which was constructive and most important, focused in trying to search solutions instead of emphisizing problems. Your intervention would have lead for both sides to sit and see what each side gots, and in between two points of view see the most appropriate way to present the sourced material. Unfortunatelly, not only I was lone and totally outnumbered, but also my willingness from the begining to have someone from outside just to help the discussion, was strangelly unwelcomed.
Anyway, my entire point was to demonstrate that there are enough sources speaking about (certain or possible, depending on outhor) Serbian heritage of Skanderbeg and I wanted help because I noteced those editors were doing all possible to reduce that info to minimums. I went there to ANI asking for help, you started great, we even started discussing, I recognised my mistakes, and when things were looking as going to start to go the right way, they bring some text I have copy-pasted in one of my sandboxes and missinterpret it and present me as Islamophobic and ethnic cleansing supporter and what else. The text is not mine and I don´t support or condemn what is written there, and the part they presented as so scandalous, it is just a part mentioning the unfortunate events that occured when Muslim populations were ethnically cleansed while <ottoman army was withrowing. The text just mentions Muslim ALbanians avoided that faith, so it was a mean misinterpretation in order to get me labeled as something I am not. The text also soeaks about Vatican, well, we all know Vatican plays a role in geopolitics. But what matters nere is not what someone has in his library, but what edits in the articles, and I havent added anything remotelly controversial.
An important thing in my view would be to have a fair ammount of editors from each country, in this case we had 3 vs 1 and admin FPS eliminated the only one. FPS and me have been clashing since very begining and we even reported eachother, so I was not surprised he chosed to totally ignore your way of conducting the problem which was leading to dialogue and consensus, and just radically turn it into killing one editor and giving total victory to other side. Worste of all, I assumed my errors, apologised, I was willing to work it out, I have decade long positive contribution. Even the editor <calthinus asked Sandstein to allow me to edit football, but even that is being denied. Anyway, thank you Deb, you did excellent there, you really had an attitude of an administrator there. FkpCascais (talk) 00:10, 22 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Okay, thanks. Look, it's not easy editing on controversial subjects and I've been involved in many such disagreements myself over the years. In some ways it's harder for me because I'm an admin and I can't just say what I think about other contributors; however, there's also an advantage in being an admin and able to enforce bad behaviour sometimes. It's important not to assume that other people are out to get you - even if they sometimes are - because that never achieves anything. You are a bit stuck now and should try to keep clear of controversy for the next few months so that a lifting of the block can be considered. And if it does get lifted, don't be too hasty in any future edits - try to get consensus first. Deb (talk) 09:46, 22 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Notice that you are now subject to an arbitration enforcement sanction

The following sanction now applies to you:

You are topic-banned (WP:TBAN) from everything related to the Balkans. I'm ready to consider lifting this ban after six months of productive, problem-free editing in other topic areas.

You have been sanctioned for the reasons provided in this AE thread.

This sanction is imposed in my capacity as an uninvolved administrator under the authority of the Arbitration Committee's decision at Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Macedonia#Final decision and, if applicable, the procedure described at Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee/Discretionary sanctions. This sanction has been recorded in the log of sanctions. If the sanction includes a ban, please read the banning policy to ensure you understand what this means. If you do not comply with this sanction, you may be blocked for an extended period, by way of enforcement of this sanction—and you may also be made subject to further sanctions.

You may appeal this sanction using the process described here. I recommend that you use the arbitration enforcement appeals template if you wish to submit an appeal to the arbitration enforcement noticeboard. You may also appeal directly to me (on my talk page), before or instead of appealing to the noticeboard. Even if you appeal this sanction, you remain bound by it until you are notified by an uninvolved administrator that the appeal has been successful. You are also free to contact me on my talk page if anything of the above is unclear to you. Sandstein 13:22, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Sandstein: please allow me to edit football. No, I had neve had any poblems in football. Please. FkpCascais (talk) 19:32, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

December 2018

To enforce an arbitration decision and for violating your Balkans topic ban on the page Zdravko Juričko, you have been blocked from editing for a period of 24 hours. You are welcome to edit once the block expires; however, please note that the repetition of similar behavior may result in a longer block or other sanctions.

If you believe this block is unjustified, please read the guide to appealing blocks (specifically this section) before appealing. Place the following on your talk page: {{unblock|reason=Please copy my appeal to the [[WP:AE|arbitration enforcement noticeboard]] or [[WP:AN|administrators' noticeboard]]. Your reason here OR place the reason below this template. ~~~~}}. If you intend to appeal on the arbitration enforcement noticeboard I suggest you use the arbitration enforcement appeals template on your talk page so it can be copied over easily. You may also appeal directly to me (by email), before or instead of appealing on your talk page.  Sandstein 17:21, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Reminder to administrators: In May 2014, ArbCom adopted the following procedure instructing administrators regarding Arbitration Enforcement blocks: "No administrator may modify a sanction placed by another administrator without: (1) the explicit prior affirmative consent of the enforcing administrator; or (2) prior affirmative agreement for the modification at (a) AE or (b) AN or (c) ARCA (see "Important notes" [in the procedure]). Administrators modifying sanctions out of process may at the discretion of the committee be desysopped."

Please, I have crated I page of a footballer. Nothing to do with politics or any sort. Why you blocked me? FkpCascais (talk) 17:24, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Can you please allow me to contiue editing football-related topics which have nohing to do with politics. I have been a very productive ditor in that field and never had any problems. I will stay away from any sot of hisorical or political matters. FkpCascais (talk) 17:28, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
The topic ban covers everything related to the Balkans, not only political issues. The article was about a Yugoslav footballer. I decline to exclude football from the topic ban because my understanding is that in the Balkans football is often a contentious and politically charged topic. Please try to edit football articles unrelated to the Balkans. Sandstein 17:30, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Sandstein: I really think this punishment you gave me is a bit too much. Even before you implemented the sanction, <I had already admitted I was wrong and I promosed to limit myself to edit talk-pages only in those controversial topics. But Sandstain please at least try to see my point. I brought 9 sources to the discussion, and trouth be said, I should have stayed at the taslk-page, but the thing is that those 3 users are for long team-tagging several articles, and its annoying. Sandstein, I am around here for a decade, you saw my sanctions list. Come on, I know very respectable editors that at beginning had many sanctions. If you see by my barnstard as talk-page you will see I have great collaboration wyth users from all over the place, specially Albania, Croatia, Bosnia, etc. I am not a nationalist, but I do undertstand the complexity of events that happened there. Sandstein, please give me a chance. was having hard days these days in my personal life. I promise you will see an exemplar editor if you give me a chance, I will do my best. Plese. FkpCascais (talk) 16:25, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Anothert thing, Sandstein, I really plan to expand <Serbian championship in football now that is over the winter-break. It really really has no polemics. I saw numerous cases where editors were topic banned but they were allowed to edit unrelated specific areas. FkpCascais (talk) 16:29, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Sanctions are not punishments, they are to protect the encyclopedia from disruption. As I said, try editing productively in other topic areas for some time, and I may lift the sanction. Sandstein 16:58, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Sandstein, please, my 99 out of 100 edits are about Serbian football. Some 7 years ago I had a topic ban related to Second World War~, and all agree allowing me to keep on editing football-stricktly articles for the time of the ban. I am very productive in the area and a valiable member of WP:FOOTY. Sandstein, I had a bad day, a bad day in years long every-day period. Why are you so hard on me? Six months is like "good bye Wikipedia" for mwe,I am 39. Please. Accept a deal>: if I do anything wrong in 6 period time, <I get 1 or 2 years ban. FkpCascais (talk) 17:06, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Can you provide a diff to show where football articles were excluded from your previous topic ban? —C.Fred (talk) 19:03, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
See my only topic ban I ever had, a decade ago, and it was explicitely told it didnt inclided football-related articles, where I was productive. FkpCascais (talk) 12:41, 16 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I have searched your talk page archive and cannot find such a limitation on your ban. I don't doubt your memory, but I want to verify the claim, so please provide a link to where I can see that the prior topic ban was limited in scope to exclude football. —C.Fred (talk) 13:53, 16 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@C.Fred:, I searched as well and couldn´t find it. I think it was in the report itself. Said something like since I am a prpductive editor in football and active member of WP:FOOTY that I was allowed to edit matters from Balkans strictly football-related. I swear I am not lying. Also, I am quite sad that a text which I am not an author was used to present me as some sort of racist or anti-Islamist. I grew up in a family of diplomats travelling most of my childhood, thus studiying in international schools, so one of the things I love most is multiculturalism. Racism for me is the lowest category of human being. I absolutelly fight and condemn any sort of discrimination, actually not only racial. The text actually doesnt even support nothing of the kind, just tells how at that part of the history sad events happened, and while Ottomans were driven away many Muslim population was ethnically cleansed. Narrating that fact doesn´t mean neither the author, neither I, support it, and it was kind of mean that the text was put out of context and missinterpreted. If anything, remembering those sad events from the past help future generations not to do same horrendous behaviours. About me, I have numerous friends of many nationalities and religions, and I am proud of that, and even here, you may see by my awards, that I receved recognition preciselly of editors of nationalities which allegedly should dislike me as Serbian editor, so for me their recognition is even more valiable. FkpCascais (talk) 01:59, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Толико о демократији

Видео сам резултат твоје жалбе и жао ми је. Долијаће они пре или касније. Размишљам да на нивоу уредника уреднику пишем администратору Шваби који је закувао одлуку, пошто не знам који је ”правни пут” жалбе на жалбу, ако такво што постоји на Вики. Мислим да се њему упалила црвена лампица када је прочитао те протумачио са твог личног профила део у којем пише да је Србија спречена да очисти Албанију пре безмало 100 година, што уопште не мора да значи убијање десетина хиљада људи... Они од краја другог рата имају манију да се доказују као најдемократичнији и предводници илити заштитници људских, социјалних и других права (што се такође осликава великим пријемом миграната), а исход о којем говоримо је продукт тога, иако вероватно ни сам админ то не конта. Видео сам слично деловање и размишљање много пута. Моја процена је била да ће те бановати на нешто симболично или краће због 3РР али ништа слично овом.... Баш ћемо да видимо, нека одлежи, да ли ће извори које си прибавио бити искоришћени макар и под делом ”алтернативне теорије порекла”. Писаћу и алармирати уколико до тога не дође. Не дај се онесоколити брате. Mm.srb (talk) 17:52, 14 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks @Mm.srb:. I also felt extremelly unfair that a text I have in a sandbox was used to present me as some sort of racist or Islamophobic. Not only the text is not mine, but I also have different opinions regarding different parts of what is written there. I want even aware of that part until they men tioned it, and as far as I see, the text mentions how during the Ottoman withrawal many Muslim population moved along with them leaving their homes. That is absolutelly sad and condemnable, and I cannot understand how could someone even think I supported that just because I have some text I have which mentions those sad events.
By this logic my grandpa would end up in Wiki-gulag because in his huge library he has the works of Lenin, Marx, I think even Mein Kampf. Obviously having those books doesn´t mean a person supports those views. I have the Bible, I have Sidhartha, and I follow no religion for instance. What would have been sanctionablkke is if one insisted in adding extremist content in the articles, but I never did that.
About the actions, one thing is right. My conduct wasn´t the best either. I had no calm and I see exactly where my mistakes were. I am going trough some hard times in life so they got me nervous and precipitated at the discussions. I hope admins see that I understand exactly the things and give me a chance. FkpCascais (talk) 16:46, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Calthinus' proposal

I will take heat from the same Albanian editors I am accused of "team-tagging" with as this will come off as too lenient to FkpCascais, but I think there may be a way to allow him to edit his passion of football while still protefcting the project (for the record, we are not "team-tagging" -- although his past interactions with some now banned users and IPs could be). The point of the ban is not to punish the user but rather to protect the project and I think this might be a better way to do it, if these conditions I propose below are established:

  1. . FkpCascais may edit football even in areas where his topic ban applies if the next three conditions are adhered to
  2. . No Balkan history, anthropology, linguistics, politics or sociology can be discussed, either in mainspace edits, on the talk page, or elsewhere on Wiki. The above restriction should apply to Wikipedia interactions on Balkan topics as well, including the last episode ANI. He may discuss the terms of his block with others. That is it. This is not intended to cover off wiki behavior as such would be unenforceable, but if it becomes clear that he is using others as a meatpuppet, it is a clear violation of the spirit of this rule and will result in sanctions.
  3. . He absolutely cannot continue identity-based baiting. Any use of baiting or hate speech on the grounds of ethnicity, religion or political beliefs should result in a ping to a relevant administrator or myself (not an admin) who will report it and the terms of the agreement to noticeboards.
  4. . Also a topic ban from all Islam related topics, on similar terms, based on the previous views about "clearing the area of Muslims".

Under these conditions, I think it's fine to let him edit football (including Balkan and/or Muslim players and teams consisting of or mainly of them) so long as he observes these conditions. If any of the last three conditions are violated, I propose a deterrent indefinite block. Wiki should have no tolerance for hate speech.

Pinging relevant admins and other users for their thoughts on this proposal -- @Sandstein, Future Perfect at Sunrise, Resnjari, and Ktrimi991:. --Calthinus (talk) 19:48, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I do not discuss discretionary sanctions with users other than the sanctioned user. Sandstein 19:51, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Sandstein: okay, my apologies if I unknowingly violated any protocol here.--Calthinus (talk) 19:55, 15 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Calthinus: thank you, this was a really nice gesture on your behalve, I appreciated it a lot. I haven´t thanked you earlier because I felt like I needed a break from Wikipedia for a few days (but as you see, as soon as I returned its the first thing I did). Also, I will like to clarify that I use the term such as "Albanian/Serbian/Croatian editors" not in a prejurative way at all, but as a simple fact. I know theoretically each editor is regarded as neutral by default, but I see nothing bad in talking things clearly and honestly, and we know that at this Balkans discussions the traveling circus often happends naturally. Anyway, I apologise and I wan´t express myself that way never again when refering to other editors.

@Sandstein:, I took some days off Wiki that made me good. I must also tell you that I was facing a problem in my private life that certainly influenced my behavior here. I think there is a bit of missunderstanding here. I was involved in a dispute, I was gathering sources, things precipitated, and it ended as it ended. Before you inforced the sanction I had admitted at ANI that I was wrong and I accepted the suggestion someone made me there to stey away from the article for some time. I was sad things had escalated and I felt guilty because I perceved myt personal problems in life made me bring bad energy here. I felt ashamed and understood my wrongdoing.

And then the missunderstanding about the text I have in a sandbox. I was not the author of that text, neither do I support it per se. Also, please, I am no racist, I grew up studiying in international schools, always worked with people from all over the place, and I absolutelly love multicultural environments. I absolutelly respect Islam just as any religion, and if you see my jser page you can see I dont have any religion, I believe in human love. I have many Islamic friends, and even at my talk-page you can see how many times I had great collaborations with Kosovar, Albanian, Croatian, etc. editors. I even created many articles dedicated to their football. I also often had confrontations against Serbian POV-pushers. I really can say that I am proud that I have been recognised on various occasions as being objective and absolutelly not nationalist. So, returtning to that text which you seem to have thought it was ideals I support, that part of the text mentions a sad reality that happened when <Ottomans were driven out of the Balkans, which was the ethnic cleansing that occured. The thing is mentioned in the text, saying how there was a possibility Albanian Muslims could have had that faith (thanks God they didnt!). I may have saved texts about different things I edit, but I don´t support the events that may be described there. I think this was a major missunderstanding.

I will be totally honest. I am going trough a divorce. I got into that discussion at Skanderbeg making many mistakes because <I was uncarefull and distracted with events in my life. But I am asking you please to consider my reputation. I am around for about a decade, please see at my user-page the recognitions I receved and what is most important, from editors often from "opposite" sides at the discussions. I had some blocks but it was really long time ago. I really love our project and fully defend the principles and guidelines. Wikipedia for me is a wonderfull experience, definitelly part of my life. I am really asking you to forgive me for having had a bad period which got me involved into a bad fight. I promise to stay away from any conflicts of that sort. I would really begg you to allow me to edit because at this point with the problem of the divorce, editing football from my region is a perfect peacefull way of me being productive. There is really nothing controversial in my football editing. All I want is to follow the transfers window which is opening now, and update squads and create new articles if necessary. I have great collaboration with other football editors from the region, you can absolutelly believe me there is not even a chance of having problems there. But being able to edit football from the region is what is most important for me because that is exactly where I am the most productive. You not allowing me that it would be like letting someone edit Cold War but not being able to edit about Soviet Union.

Since I really got a lesson now, believe me I will be at least 10 times more carefull from now on. This is my favourite hobbie and I love contributing. I apologise for User:Calthinus, User:Ktrimi991 and User:Resnjari. Since the transfer window in football is just opening and will last till March, I will be occupied updating and expanding that area of football, so even if Sandstein gives me a chance, we probably wan´t cross around much. I really think Sandstein that you missunderstood me because of that text and the believe I supported anti-Islamic policies or something (oh no, racism of any kind is what I hate the most). I also think maybe TPS confused me with some other Serbian editor which he does indeed participate in all of these disputes, but not me. I actually rarelly get into major disputes, so I was really surprised I was sanctioned as if I was some sort of repetent of this situations, I am really not. I am really asking you to take away that wrong missconception you got from that text that I support racism, and see my user-page, my contributions, awards, and really, please, please give me a chance. I know you and all others will have all eyes on me, so I promise you that you will see nothing more than a perfect Wikipedian. PS: I couldnt find where it says in that ten years old topic ban that football was excluded, I think it was in the report itself. Can we get access to it? Because I swear you I am not lying. FkpCascais (talk) 01:17, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Also, besides football, I have been creating articles such as List of Aeroput destinations, expanded Aeroput as well a bit, created List of foreign basket players in Serbia, Zmaj aircraft, Automotive industry in Serbia, just to name a few. These are all articles our project needed and I have been working on them without any sort of problems or conflicts. Please Sandstein, consider my long productive path I had and forgive me a bad day I had which ended up possibly being good because it called my atention and reminded me to keep humble. FkpCascais (talk) 01:40, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Sandstein:, can I please ask you to give me a vote of confidence. I am fully aware of what I am asking you and the consequences that could come in case of me not complying with what I am compromising here. I really would be greatefull to you if you would allow me to demonstrate you that >I can be a perfect Wikipedian from now on. Please. I love this project very much and respect it. I know the mistakes I did and I feel bad for them. Allow me please to demonstrate you I am not a veteran editor by coincidence, but because of many good things I did and collaborations I had, and I want to correct myself and continue contributing positively. Please allow me that. I want to make this compromise with you and make you proud for believing me if you decide so. FkpCascais (talk) 18:55, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I appreciate the words you've said after your ban FkpCascais. I still don't think you should be editing Balkan history/politics/etc articles. Those take a much deeper well of goodwill, and since as you've mentioned you have problems in your personal life, it seems to be a drain on your emotions all for pretty much nothing-- pushing theories that various figures from Albanian history "were Serbs" was never productive and is ultimately futile as the stuff will just get re-added and deleted a million times as the already existing 10+ years of logs can tell you. And what does the average non-Balkan reader who doesn't give a shit what his ethnic background gain from that? I'll tell you, nothing. Football, I have no problem with you editing, and honestly for your sake I recommend sticking to that -- which seems to be a happier topic for you anyways. --Calthinus (talk) 19:42, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I participate since 2009 in most political/historical debates and most of my interventions were focused towards looking what RS say and find a adequate wording that will give our readers the most neutral perspective of the issue. However, that needs one to focus and deal with it cool-headed. Since I want to contribute Wikipedia at this moment in areas that are calm and don´t have confrontations, I will say openly that I will avoid all this sort of controversial issues. I really think a topic ban is not necessary because I want to contribute to areas such as transportation (airlines, airports, car factories, etc.) and the topic ban prevents me contributing there. I will like to ask you all if you could trust me to allow me to continue editing normally and see I will be a perfect Wikipedian. I know I will be under constant scrutiny, and I am prepared to show you all that I mean it all I am saying. Please Sandstein, I love Wikipedia, and I needed it now at this part of my life, specially to be constructive at peacefull areas, however, the topic ban prevents me from it. Give me one chance please. If I fail, I will accept much harder consequences. FkpCascais (talk) 20:08, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

FkpCascais, I have already responded to this: Show us that you can edit productively outside the Balkans topic area for some time, and then we can talk about lifting your topic ban, initially as regards football, and then more broadly. I will not respond further to this. Sandstein 10:38, 21 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

But can I at least work at the biographies of foreign players that had played at some club from the region at some point of their career? FkpCascais (talk) 12:20, 21 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Can I please update the list of foreign players in Serbia for instance? Please Sandstein. I really think you are giving me a too hard punishment. I am tired of seing so much disruption being even unsanctioned, while I, a regular long standing editor, am being forbidden to contribute in my area because of bad days I had in a 10 year long experience here. FkpCascais (talk) 12:23, 21 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I will not contribute in nuclear physics. I am a Balkans football editor. You even deleted an article I created about a Croatian footballers (me being Serb, there goes the theory >I am nationalist, I like the football from the entire region). If you forbite me to contribute in my area for 6 months, that is basically a goodbye for me from this project, who knows next summer what will be happening. And all this because you thought I was anti-Islamist and racist based on a wrong assumption. I am asking you please to assume some good faith in me. FkpCascais (talk) 12:35, 21 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Sandstein: I will ask you please one last time; will you allow me to edit and create articles of footballers and coaches that are foreigner (not from Balkans) but may have had a spell at some club there, and will you allow me to keep updating the lists of foreign players that played there? I will not edit anything more than that for the comming 6 months, meaning no politics, no history, no controversial subjects... Would you please AGF and give me this chance because meant very much to me. It is my last question I promise. FkpCascais (talk) 13:09, 21 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]


There is a discussion concerning you here. Thanks, Ktrimi991 (talk) 20:36, 26 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

December 2018

To enforce an arbitration decision you have been blocked from editing for a period of 1 week. You are welcome to edit once the block expires; however, please note that the repetition of similar behavior may result in a longer block or other sanctions.

If you believe this block is unjustified, please read the guide to appealing blocks (specifically this section) before appealing. Place the following on your talk page: {{unblock|reason=Please copy my appeal to the [[WP:AE|arbitration enforcement noticeboard]] or [[WP:AN|administrators' noticeboard]]. Your reason here OR place the reason below this template. ~~~~}}. If you intend to appeal on the arbitration enforcement noticeboard I suggest you use the arbitration enforcement appeals template on your talk page so it can be copied over easily. You may also appeal directly to me (by email), before or instead of appealing on your talk page.  Salvio Let's talk about it! 21:58, 28 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Reminder to administrators: In May 2014, ArbCom adopted the following procedure instructing administrators regarding Arbitration Enforcement blocks: "No administrator may modify a sanction placed by another administrator without: (1) the explicit prior affirmative consent of the enforcing administrator; or (2) prior affirmative agreement for the modification at (a) AE or (b) AN or (c) ARCA (see "Important notes" [in the procedure]). Administrators modifying sanctions out of process may at the discretion of the committee be desysopped."

Link to closed AE thread Salvio Let's talk about it! 21:59, 28 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Topic ban

Hi. Regardless of whether your topic ban was a good decision, it is probably a bit soon for you to be appealing against it. I would recommend that you try editing articles on other subjects that are not so close to your heart. There is plenty to be done: for example, many of the Days of the Year articles need references introduced for the individual entries, and this is something you could easily contribute to. You will learn from the experience and probably even enjoy it. My advice is to wait until you have a few hundred more edits under your belt before you go for an appeal. Deb (talk) 10:26, 13 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I edit over ten years... If I am not allowed to edit what I like I will leave the project. FkpCascais (talk) 13:59, 13 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Deb: I created over 900 articles, have you seen some of them? I am not some kiddo who will sudently discouver how fascinating is to edit the life of the zebras, I am in my late 30s, I have a job and family, and Wikipedia has been my hobbie for the last 11 years. I have specific interests in football, Yugoslav aviation and Yugoslav automotive industry. I don´t find fair that because a content dispute I get a 6 month ban on editing the topics I am productive at just because an admin I had numerous disputes in the past took the chance to suggest a ban on me in pure revenge fasion. I will not edit things I have no interest in, all I ask is to be allowed to edit football which is an area I had no problems and has nothing to do with the issue that brought me this topic ban. Otherwise, as you can see I havent been editing at all, and I will simply leave the project and do what I like in other places. If the community really thinks that a missfortunate content dispute is worth loosing me, I will accept it and leave. FkpCascais (talk) 14:44, 13 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Good bye

I will ask people please not to change the content of my userpage and not to count on me for at least the next 6 months. I was accused of being a nationalist despite having been the person who expanded numerous Kosovar football articles, helped numerous Bosnian editors to guide them to familiarise with Wiki rules, I receved several barnstars from Croatian editors as recognition of good collaboration. I even receved a barnstar from a Kosovar editor in which he thanks me for being constructive in expanding Kosovar football. So yes, I must be some real Serbian bastard nationalist. I want to thank all editors whith whom I have had such a pleasent collaboration, and say good bye for now. I was topic banned for 6 months because of a text I had in one of my sandboxes, a text which was not written by me and which I only brought because it describes how the Serbian-Albanian conflict is contrary to beliefs a recent event. I never knew I could be sanctioned for having content in sandboxes. My granpa had a copy of Main Kampf at his library, and he is a stounch leftist. One thing is what you pretend to insert in articles with edits, another what you have as background info.

Anyway, seems easier to remove an editor that ocassionally asks unconfortable questions allways backed by sources, than to really deal with the issues. I paid the price. They want me to edit the days of the week and search sources for them... I could edit the reproducing behaviour of Husky dogs. In my decade long presenceere I saw serios disruption being fogiven with warnings, but in my case I am eliminated withoit even knowing exactly why (because I had a text in my sandbox?). This stinks. Good bye my friends, see you maybe after a half a year time (just half a year for them, like if it was nothing, "edit Chinchillas, you may discouver you like it" yes right....). Bye. FkpCascais (talk) 18:58, 15 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Bye, FkpCascais, but good it is not. Probably not the best moment to tell you that ignore ignore ignore was the best advice I received here, and that we loose too many by death, so don't need extra loss by frustration about unfairness. You are precious. Happy 2019, for whatever you do. --Gerda Arendt (talk) 19:07, 15 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much Gerda. I am sorry but I cannot disguise my unhappiness. I may not be perfect, but I certainly didnt deserved this. Not to mention that the dispute was not even solved but was just given as an award for the others with my time spending gathering and bnringing sources trouwn into garbage. We Serbs are very hated people and aoften many gather against us, so just kick the weakest and everything will be solved. This is how Wikioedia gets corrupted, and takes a wrong turn. I believed very much in the principles that guide our project, I even participated in the discussions of some, but seems politics are stronger and individuals that ask uncomfortable questions are better erased. PS: Your recognition meant very much to me, thank you, I wish you all the best in this new 2019 to you and to your loved ones. FkpCascais (talk) 19:29, 15 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I had responded to your comment in the Tesla talk page which I came across while checking your wiki backing from the Beara soccer article you edited. Just to give background on how I got here haha. (Not here to argue nationality, I’m not that invested in such topic, he is still ethnic Serbian of American citizenship) I may have been a bit passive aggressive with you due to the insulting way you would speak about Croats I guess in response to some other editors provocative comments maybe. So much so as your Wiki Episode page you compare a guy saying that the Military Frontier is rightfully Croatian to Hitler and his wanting of half the world. Despite the Military Frontier being a part of the Croatian Kingdom far before Ottoman invasions occurred. Is saying Kosovo is rightfully Serbian a Nazi like belief? I’m sorry you feel Serbs are so hated but they don’t seem any more hated than any other Balkan ethnicity. The world looks down upon us Southern Slavs. And to say Wikipedia is corrupt? Serbian editors are the dominant force on practically all Southern Slavic articles. Why do you feel they have no influence? Based on some of your talk page posts and your profile, you seem to be vehemently anti-Croat, wether that is true or not. I wish it weren’t as most of us hold no ill will towards you guys. I’d like to see comradeship between the two as we are more alike than different. Same language, different dialects, same religion just different traditions. Unfortunately the hatefulness of the minority in our groups waged genocide against each other, the average civilians caught in the middle of it.
While originally I felt you might hate us Croats, it disturbs me that you feel defeated and that the world or whatever overpowering wiki force is against you Serbs. I felt that depression at times on behalf of Croats. So I reach out to you, if you ever wish to talk or express your grievances, I am all for it. I may be just an IP address but hopefully I keep it for a while and the ISP doesn’t change it. My talk page is open. Here’s hoping the Serbs and Croats get over their cringey ways, brat. Maybe we are to hothead and stubborn to do so, haha. (talk) 00:09, 17 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]
You are welcome. In 2018 (and before), I had a corner for those who have just given up, and I archived it hoping I could do without this year, but guess I'll have to reopen it? I'll sleep over it, because today, I am busy expanding an article in honour of my dad who died OTD a few years ago. --Gerda Arendt (talk) 20:23, 15 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I am really sorry for your loss Gerda. I know it doesn´t help, but I also lost my father in a car accident when I was 4. Thank you for being so kind to me, whenever you feel like please feel free to ping me, kindest regards. FkpCascais (talk) 03:42, 16 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! Here's the fly (Die Fliege) of the missed, for you. I entered your name, could happily remove Joefromrandb, and hope for removing yours after a time of distance ;) --Gerda Arendt (talk) 08:02, 16 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Bye Fkp. I'm looking forward to another discussion with you in the summer. (talk) 19:37, 16 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Amendment request archived

Your amendment request has been declined as within administrator discretion, and is archived at Wikipedia talk:Requests for arbitration/Macedonia#Amendment request: Topic ban on Balkans-related articles for 6 months (January 2019). For the Arbitration Committee, Miniapolis 20:29, 18 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the bad news. FkpCascais (talk) 00:06, 19 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Nova tržišta

Čini mi se da je ove sezone dosta raznovrsno što se dovođenja igrača tiče. Nije baš da sve puca od kvaliteta, ali ima tu nešto i do one tvoje tvrdnje da mnogi kod nas ne umeju sa strancima. Nađe se tu po koji sasvim korektan igrač, kada su ovi anonimusi u pitanju. Sad gledam da pohvatam ko su ovi stranci po klubovima. Zapade mi za oko ovaj mali Marong iz Trajala, dečko ima strašan osećaj za igru. Vidim sad ove snimke pripremnih utakmica, deli lopte skoro bez gledanja, fina motorika, a ni defanzivno nije loš. Ako se prenese na takmičarske, mogao bi da bude prijatno osveženje. --Lotom (talk) 22:59, 4 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

E pozdrav brate @Lotom:! Tek sam danas video poruku, izvini ali od kad su mi lupili ovaj topic ban na teme vezane za Balkan mnogo sam redje ovde. Ma situacija je katastrofa. Pogledaj hrvatsku ligu, to bi bila neka normala, a pogledaj nas. Ja jedva kontam o kome pricas kad kazes "novi stranci" jer sve skupa prstima jedne ruke da ih nabrojis. Postali smo liga izolovana u svom nekom svetu, zatvorenog tipa (ti jadnicci sto se dovode to je tek toliko da ne bude evidentno da je zatvorena liga), liga gde se stite prevazidjeni treneri koji nigde drugde ne bi imali posla, i njihovi sinovi i rodjaci da igraju. Pratim ove u Vojvodini, 3. klub u zemlji a nemaju nikog krstenog da ume da kontaktira neke igrace a kamoli dovede.
Imao sam poznanika sina jednog naseg trenera od tih sto se samo vrte iz kluba u klub Superlige i PLS bez ikakvih rezultata. Tipicno za njega je da vuce stalno jedne te iste igrace. Pritom nisu ni jeftini igraci, nijedan ne pristaje na platu manje od 1.000 evra. Kaze mi sin, oni tati garantuju opstanak i bodove, a ja mu kazem, da garantuju taj prosek i sivilo. Onda jednog dana me pita kao treba tati igrac na toj i toj poziciji, je li znam mozda nekoga. I ja mu kazem par igraca, portugalce, a on kao, a ne mislio je na nase koji igraju vani. Ja ga pitam a sto ne stranac, pa kao komplikovano je da se dogovore i inace komplivano da komunicira sa njima... Ja ono -.- .... Na kraju kad se priblizio kraj prelaznog roka i video da ne moze da nadje nikoga, ajde kao tata bi pristao da se angazuje stranac, ali mora kao obavezno prvo proba i blabla. Te sto sam znao naravno su vec imali klub, i uzmem ja iscimam se da nadjem igrace koji su slobodni i nemaju klub, i mali kao a kako ce mo da stupimo u kontakt sa njima? Ja kazem pa izguglas nadjes mu profile na socijalnim mrezama i posaljes mu poruku, u cemu je problem? I tako i uradimo, vecina igraca su odgovorili, normalni ljudi, vecina se cak i obradovala... Mislim, ej bre, danas bas nije uopste tesko to obaviti. Uglavnom, ja sam te prve kontakte uradio, posle sam ih prosledio klub da direktno sa njima prica... Naravno nikoga nisu uzeli. Ali hocu da kazem, dovoljno engleski da znas, transfermarkt pa cak i nase ove liste transfera ovde na viki ti daju da nadjes brojne igrace bez kluba, nadjes ih na fejsu, posaljes poruku, "Dobar dan, je li biste bili zainteresovani da igrate u FK X?" i da znas da ima njih puno koji bi za hiljadarku pa i manje pristali. Cak i igraci koji nisu uopste anonimusi. FkpCascais (talk) 21:29, 5 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ja sam u poslednje vreme više fokusiran na sr.viki, pokušavam malo da izvučem situaciju što se fudbala tiče, jer i sam znaš kako je tamo. Lakše mi je da radim, manje upada i ometanja, a svakako ću značajnije da doprinesem nego što sam ovde. Imam i dosta obaveza privatno, tako da treba sve to da uskladim. Ovaj mi je bio zanimiljiv jer nije baš tipično da se dovode igrači iz Gambije, ali vidim da su Gašići doveli još jednog ovih dana. Inače, Vajan i Džang su otišli, drugi igrači su dobili njihove dresove. Kod Recka je na pripremama bio Lefteris Matsoukas, ne znam da li će da ostane. Javor prodao Kornelijusa za finu kintu, a i nije baš naigrao jesenas, mada je bio i sa reprezentacijom. E sada, to što klubove kod nas neretko vode oni koji ni mačku s praga nisu šutnuli, što se kaže, druga je stvar. Lotom (talk) 22:15, 5 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Da video sam za tog grka, oni u Dinamu zaista kao da jedini normalno rade. Ko je Džang? FkpCascais (talk) 16:49, 6 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Inaj Kinez koji je bio u Temniću prošle sezone. Inače, Marong je uzeo #14, tako da je i Apija otišao. Lotom (talk) 17:00, 6 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Video sam ovo sto si mi poslao, da Marong deluje odlicno, odlucan, brz, dobro se krece, dobra kontrola lopte... obecava definitivno. Kazes doveli su jos jednog igraca iz Gambije pored njega, jesam dobro razumeo? To bi bilo odlicno, jer bi imao drustvo i tako se brze i lakse prilagodio, to bi bio veoma pametan potez. O Marongu sam nasao da je bio u Izraelu prosle sezone (link) i bio u Nemackoj u prvom delu ove sezone (link). Cudno je da je pre tacno 10 godina igrao jedan Ousman Marong u Gambijskoj Ligi (link), u tom clanku spominju i Lamin Samateha koji je igra u zagrebackoj Lokomotivi. Po svetu ima dosta igraca iz Gambije, oni su zemlja sa cudnim granicama jer je potpuno opkoljena Senegalom. Nasi ih nisu uopste uzimali do sada pretpostavljam zato sto oni govore francuski a nasi ga ne znaju. Sem nas i Crne Gore, ostale ex-Yu lige su sve vec imale po kojeg gambijanca. Ja da se pitam, radio bi skauting bas po tim takvim zemljama. Gambija umesto Senegala, Niger umesto Nigerije, Burkina Faso umesto Obale Slonovace, Benin i Togo umesto Gane, Namibija, Zambija, Zimbabve umesto Juzne Afrike, jer sve te zemlje imaju jednako kvalitetne igrace kao ove poznate, samo po znatno nizoj ceni. A mi ne, mi se hvatamo za Nigeriju i Ganu, zemlje prepune vec skauta iz bogatih liga. Drugi aspekt je i sansa da igraju za reprezentaciju, recimo Nigerija, ni Odita nije imao sansu a kamoli ovi ostali, dok igraci iz ovih drugih zemalja igrajuci kod nas imaju znatno vecu sansu da dobiju poziv i time dignu sebi cenu a klubu imidz. Krajnje, igraci iz ovih zemalja ce biti zadovoljniji kod nas jer smo Evropa, dok ganci i nigerijci su vec ambiciozniji i zele u lige velike 5. Ja da vodim neki klub, ili cak bio trener, slobodno vreme bi provodio trazeci igrace iz tih liga. Pratio bi i politicku situaciju, recimo, pre nekoliko godina je izbio gradjanski rat u Maliju, nasuprot imenu, velika zemlja puna talentovanih igraca, i kad je poceo rat svi bi da idu odande po bilo kojoj ceni, samo da odu. Odgledao bi njihovu ligu i spremio glat dolazak trojice ili cetvorice, poslao nekoga da ih dovede odmah na prelaznom roku. Ispali bi ako ne jeftiniji, barem isto skupi, kao ti nasi igraci sto se vrte 10 godina iz kluba u klub i svi znamo njihov potencijal, da su prosek. Ja bi radje reskirao i doveo igrace koji mozda ispadnu zvezde i daju klubu mesto pri vrhu tabele, nego znao da imam tim kojem je opstanak gornji limit. E sad, delimicno razumem da za to niko kod nas nema petlju, niti umeju da komuniciraju, a na sve to jos bi stvorio neprijatelje medju brojnima, od igraca do tata lokalne dece koji bi pravili pritisak da dobijem otpust jer ne vidim da im je sin novi Mesi a ja tu dovodim igrace iz vana. Taj mentalitet nas je doveo do ovoga gde pola klubova nema niti namerava da ima strance, a ovi sto imaju imaju tako na kasicicu, po jadnog/dva. Kokezino poostravanje limita stranaca proslog Marta na 4 u protokolu je konfirmacija da kod nas preovlada taj mentalitet u kojem treba nasa deca da se brane i maze, i ne daj Boze da im se dovede konkurencija iz vana pa da sad oni moraju duplo da se trude a ko zna i izgube mesto na klupi ili u timu. Znaci, klub nije profesionalna ustanova, nego lokalna obicna prcija. Iz iskustva iz Portugala vidim da je povecanje uvoza 90tih ucinilo da se fudbal znatno poboljsa. Iako ima ogroman broj igraca za malu zemlju koji su rastrkani po ligama po svetu, nikom ne pada na pamet da stiti domace, naprotiv, konkurencija je dobra stvar koja je ucinila da najbolji igraju i da svi moraju da daju maksimum, ne vezano odakle su. Cak ni u trecoj ligi niko ne gleda na lokalni klub kao svoju prciju, jer cak i u nizim ligama i u omladincima odmah pocinje konkurencija. Ako klub ima bolje igrace na toj poziciji, cak i da je stranac, nema tu sta da tata trazi i vodi sina u manji klub. To je dobro i za manje klubove, jer veci broj igraca mora alternativu da trazi u njima, a kod nas svi moraju u najvece klubove, za ostale nece ni da cuju. A ovo kod nas vodi upravo u ono sta sam predvideo jos davno, da stiteci nase igrace, nasi kad odu vani nista ne urade, jer nisu nikad igrali u profesionalnom ambijentu. Zato mora ovo ogranicenje da se promeni, jer ovo nema smisla, nema napretka na ovaj nacin. FkpCascais (talk) 19:14, 7 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@Lotom: eh zasto drzite Jirku van transfer liste? FkpCascais (talk) 19:21, 9 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Ja se uglavnom držim po strani, ali može da se opegla sada, pošto je prelazni rok završen. Nego FSS kasni s papirima i onda je sve onako na pola. Lotom (talk) 19:31, 9 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Aha, cekali ste da se objavi u FSS da je registrovan... A kazi mi, je li znas nesto o najavljenom dolasku reprezentativca Ruande Emmanuela Imanishimwea u Napredak? Rekli su bili da ne ide na pripreme jer sredjuje papire, ali sad su vec pripreme gotove, i nema nikakvih novosti oko njega. On mi je ovako najinteresantnije pojacanje, levi bek je kao sto je bio i Kizito iz susedne mu Ugande, 95. godiste taman, i ima vec 10 nastupa za reprezentaciju, zadnjih godina se izborio za mesto kao starter. FkpCascais (talk) 19:40, 9 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ma proknjižen je Jirka još letos, ja mislim. Nego je bilo povlačenja da li ostaje ili će da ga zajme, pa nije ubačen na spisak. Ubaciću ga ja na spisak, najmanji problem. A ovaj iz Ugande, pojma nemam šta je s njim. Papiri su problem, verovatno. Ne znam kakav je njihov vizni sistem, ali znam da Bempah nije putovao sa Proleterom na pripreme zbog vize. Slična priča je bila sa Segunom Onimisijem iz Dinama pre 2 godine, čini mi se. Lotom (talk) 21:35, 9 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ruande, Imanishimwa je iz Ruande, Kizito i Sepuya su bili iz Ugande... Da, treba im viza za Tursku a cesto niti oni licno niti klub zele to da obave i plate da bi bili tamo samo nedelju dve. Turska mora da ima te vize za africke zemlje ili bi bila preplavljena ljudima iz Afrike, sta da se radi. Ali voleo bi da vidim da je barem neki nas klub u stanju da dovede nekog iole ozbiljnijeg fudbalera direktno iz Afrike a ne neke anonimuse preko menadzera ili igrace koji su vec u Evropi. Nadam se da su ga doveli a trebao je vec biti ovde taman pri povratku kluba sa priprema. Ako ga nisu registrovali mislim da ce moci da ga registruju samo ako on nije vise pod ugovorom kluba u kojem je igrao. Nesto mi sve to smrdi kao da nema nista od toga, ali nadam se da nije tako. Ko je taj drugi igrac iz Gambije kojeg si spomenuo da je pristupio Trayalu, je li mu znas ime da izguglam nesto o njemu? FkpCascais (talk) 22:08, 9 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
diff mene nas fudbal vise apsolutno ne interesuje. Potrosili pare i sad se vade kao hteli su da ga uzmu za dzabe samo kao za procente eventualne prodaje. Prevarili i igraca i tamosnji klub. Stvarno, necu vise ni sekundu mog zivota da gubim sa ovakvim hohstaplerima koji nas blate po svetu, neka idu u tri pizde materine svi. Slobodno preuzmite sve moje liste i sandboxove ako icemu sluze ako ne moze sve u djubre da ide, meni se povraca koliko je taj svet odvratan. Da gubim vreme da pomazem ljudima da dalje varaju druge po svetu, ljudima koji su nas od Brazila EVrope snizili na zadnju rupu Evrope. Pogledaj bre druge transfer liste, vec je brula ova nasa lista, mi smo realno negde nivo izmedju 2. i 3. rumuske lige i to je to. Nazalost sve lose sto sam predvideo jos pre deset petnaest godina, sve se obelodanilo, i to duplo gore. Malogradjansko bezobrazno neobrazovano isfrustrirano jajarsko drustvo, i zasluzuje sve najgore. Posle se cudimo zasto nas bombarduju. Jel se pitamo uopste ko ce da nas voli ovakve i zbog cega bi nas uopste voleo? U kurac sve. Vidi ove iz zurnala, jos kao on decko kriv, on koji je sredio papire i dosao i sad ovi nasi kao "Mora da se plati? Ah pa onda necemo" Ma more to motkom sve isprebijati. FkpCascais (talk) 08:39, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ma batali nervozu, nema od toga ništa, samo gubiš nerve bez potrebe. Zvezda je sada napravila ogroman pomak, ali bi bilo dobro kada bi se to prelilo i na neke druge klubove. Napredak je samo od Zvezde, navodno, uzeo 450k + transfer Boranijaševića, znači da su se pokrili donekle. Ali svi ti naši klubovi ili dovode igrače sa čistim papirima, ili ih uzimaju na procente. Jedino obeštećenje koje se plaća je ono za trening kompenzaciju, ali i to ide preko FIFE. Ja sam odradio ovaj spisak, tu je uglavnom propraćeno sve, pa čak i one preliminarne spekulacije, jer će mi koristiti kada budem pisao članke, da ne tražim ponovo. Možda sam za ove Gambijce malo omašio transkripciju, pa bi mi tu pomoć bila značajna. Lotom (talk) 11:42, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Eh bravo za listu @Lotom:, nisam je bio video, odlicno si je uradio. Mislis na transkripciju ove dvojice gambijaca? Cini mi se da si odlicno napisao njihova imena. I odlicno si korigovao ime ovog drugog da mu stoji ime pa prezime a ne prezime pa ime. Sto se trankripcije tice, u ovom slucaju je sa francuskog, ne znam tacno nasa pravila, ali mislim da mozes da budes miran jer to je to. Nego, nije mi jasno sada ko je tacno dosao u Dinamo, Samuel Okon ili Samuel Igbiriki? Sto se ovog iz Ruande tice, nemoj mi reci da nije bilo razjasnjeno jos pre priprema da li treba da se plati odsteta ili ne. Ne verujem da je decko stigao u Srbiju i zvao ove njegove govoreci da traze pare jer smo mi bogata zemlja puna para. Pre ce biti da je tu KKK Bina (Binic) to sabotirao. Jer ta prica da su oni sredili decku vizu, platili i vizu i put, i onda smislili da ucene Napredak, ne pije vodu. Znaju oni da nismo bogata zemlja. Vidim da si ubacio i ovoj iz Kenije u Zvezdu, super. Sta mogu da ti pomognem? FkpCascais (talk) 15:48, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Bukvalno nemam pojma oko Nigerijca u Dinamu. Recko ga je ovako predstavio na konferenciji, pa su tako preneli i mediji, ali ja to prezime ne mogu da povežem sa Okonom. Znači tu bih da sačekam da se administracija FSS-a smiluje da izbaci dokumente i da se nadam da će da mu napišu puno ime. E sad, pošto na Jugoistoku, posebno Pirot i Vranje, obično bude po 2-3 ispravke zapisa sa sednica, ništa me ne bi iznenadilo. Ažurniji smo, a verujem i pismeniji, mi "lelemudi" od svih mogućih kadrova iz administracije. Meni bode oči Krstevski. Zvezda ga je dovela, on je već igrao za dva kluba ove sezone, znači to mu je treći klub. Zvezda po tome ima pravo da ga registruje, ali ako ga šalje Grafičaru, to mu je onda 4. registracija i 3. različiti klub za koji bi nastupao, a po Fifinim propisima ni jedno ni drugo nije dozvoljeno. Slična priča je i sa Vladisavljevićem koji je otišao u Albaniju. Obrenović je zbog toga po odlasku iz Slobode nastavio karijeru u Gruziji, jer je tamo drugačiji kalendar takmičenja. Lotom (talk) 16:11, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Da, nije ni meni jasno kako krse to pravilo da moze samo za dva kluba da igra u sezoni. Ili da nije mozda u kalendarskoj godini? Ovaj moldavac u Slobodi nije los, ima 27 godina i puno iskustva u moldavskoj ligi. Bio je i clan malde i omladinske reprezentacije. Jedino mislim da mu je trankripcija Sergej Diulger umesto Duliger. Onda, ovaj senegalac iz Dinama, kod njega je stvar da postoje te neke vrste prezimena u africi gde je uobicajeno da ostave oba prezimena kad se spominju, nesto slicno onom Sory Camara. Tako i kod njega, svugde vidim da mu pisu Bocar Seck a ne samo Bocar. Stavise, Seck mu je cak vise korisceno kad jedno od njih samo nego Bokar. Naprvicu mu clanak caskom sada. FkpCascais (talk) 16:53, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Izvini sad tek vidim, ovo je konfuzno, na soccerway pise da su mu Swydou i Bocar imena a Seck mu je prezime. A on koristi twiter kao @Bocar5. Ne vredi nista da spekulisem. FkpCascais (talk) 16:57, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Lotom: eej znas sta sam otkrio? Njegov tata je Saër Seck, predsednik fudbalskog saveza Senegala! (link). FkpCascais (talk) 17:09, 10 February 2019 (UTC) Pardon, predsednik je Ligue Professionalle Senegalaise. FkpCascais (talk) 17:12, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Ma da, Sejdu Bosar Sek mu je puno ime, nego ja "prenosim" ceo sistem rada na drugi projekat, pa treba vremena da se sve to razradi. Ali polako. Piše sve o ovome u Fifinom pravilniku. Da ne čitaš sve, član 5, tačka 3, na strani 8. Ovo je iz 2005, ali se koliko znam pravilo nije menjalo. Nego mnogi idu po sistemu ako prođe, prođe. Tako su se redovno švercovale identifikacije igrača u mlađim kategorijama i nižim ligama. Sada se to kao nešto menja, ali videćemo u praksi u kojoj meri. Ja nešto nikako ne mogu da se usaglasim oko ovog Moldavca, posebno zbog zvaničnog sajta. Lotom (talk) 17:35, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Uradio sam Seydou Bocar Seck. Samo da mi ga ne otkriju i ne obrisu clanak jer sam vec bio uradio preko pola kad sam shvatio da je lik igrao u drugoj norveskoj ligi i da nema u zivotu ni jedan nastup da bi prosao notability. Sta ne mozes da usaglasis oko moldavca? Oni imaju svi rusku i moldavsku verziju imena, neki ga nekad pisu na jedan nacin drugi nekad na drugi, na jednom mestu pise ovako, na drugom onako, ali prezime mu je sigurno Diulger sa Diu a ne Duli. Hoce onaj kenijac igrati u zvezdinom omladinskom timu jel? FkpCascais (talk) 18:51, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Nego, za Bokara se ne zna gde je igrao niti sta je radio sve od kraja 2016. pa do sada. On je vec imao pauzu u karijeri 2014. kad je godinu dana proveo studirajuci u Londonu, a sad ne znamo sta je radio u ovoj drugoj vecoj pauzi. FkpCascais (talk) 18:55, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Onda može da bude Djulger ili čak Dulger. Zato sam izabrao navod iz Žurnala, u fazonu greška je njihova. Ispraviću kad stignem i ako uspem da se konsultujem još sa nekim. Skratio si mi posao ako budem radio ovog "Vranjanca" iz Senegala na srpskom. Lotom (talk) 19:36, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
U celom prelaznom roku za sada imamo samo 11 novih stranaca, od njih 7 u SuperLigi, 3 u PLS i Odada u omladinskoj ligi. Ne racunam ove povratnike, samo nova imena. Od svih, samo Conneh ima seniorske reprezentativne nastupe. Mozemo zvanicno da se proglasimo Severnom Korejom evropskih liga sto se izolacije tice. Gore od nas jedino BiH i CG. Kosovo nas je vec prestiglo, ljudi tamo pametno rade, znaju da je kriza u Venecueli, oni iskoriste i dovedu 2 njihova reprezentativca iz njihove lige u Liriju. Sinoc sam popizdeo ali nije moj realni osecaj daleko od toga. Kad je doslo vreme da je albanska liga aktivnija od nase. A zamisli da nemamo Zvezdu i Partizan? FkpCascais (talk) 20:46, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Ma ti novinari zurnala su bruka ziva. Vidim danas napisali "afrikanac" Ndjije. Strasno. A vode hajku na njega, od kad je stigao nema dana da ne napisu barem jedan clanak u kojem potenciraju da ne igra dobro, da je promasaj, itd. A da me jos vise iznerviraju, vec neko vreme ima neki idiot koji pise gluposti a potpisuje se mojim nikom, oni iz zurnala naravno ladno to dopustaju... FkpCascais (talk) 20:51, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Neka budala je na transfermarktu ubacila ovog igraca iz Ruande u Napredak. A pitam se zaista zar nisu mogli bar na pozajmicu da ga uzmu do leta ako im toliko treba levi bek ili bice da tu ima nesto drugo. Eno ona budala me tuzio da sam prekrsio ban, daj da vidim sta prdi. FkpCascais (talk) 21:27, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@Lotom: Posle ovoga sto se desilo u Krusevcu ja zaista dizem ruke od svega. Zamisli koja kukavica moras da budes da u grupi napadas goloruke ljude sa metalnom stanglom. Vec sam napisao na nekim mestima, predlazem da se napadacu primeni kazna pokusaja ubistva. Metalna stangla moze da te usmrti zaviseci gde te udari. Takodje bi uveo u nas zakon dodatnu kaznu na one vec predvidjene zakonom, za rasisticke napade na pripadnike naroda koji su nam prijateljski nastrojeni (ili barem nikad nam nisu bili neprijatelji niti slicno). Jer on time sto je uradio nanosi direknu stetu srpskom drustvu kao celom i daje povoda za negativno misljenje o nama narodima koji to nisu do sada imali. Znaci, pored vec kazni predvidjenim u zakonu, ja bi ga dodatno kaznio sa nanetom stetom nasem drustvu, a i posto tera fazon i voli/mrzi narode ne prema logici i istoriji naseg naroda i nase zemlje nego mrzi narode koje neki drugi mrze iz potpuno nama nevezanih razloga, oduzeo bi mu i drzavljanstvo. Ma sedeo bi on meni u robiji ne manje od 30 godina, strpao bi ga u samicu i bacio kljuc da ga vise niko ne vidi. Ili bolje, kuvao bi on i prao klozete zatvora. A mogli bi vala i u Ameriku da ga posaljemo, u tamo neki zatvor, posto je toliki ljubitelj ideja njihovog americkog skin pokreta, pa procuriti medju zatvorenicima zasto je kaznjen, pa ga staviti u celiju sa najvecim i najegresivnijim crncima, da im bude picka, da barem neku svrhu ima na ovom svetu. Iovako je picka. Onaj Binic je iz Krusevca i sanja da preuzme Napredak i uvek kritikuje sadasnju upravu na tu kartu, da ne igraju krusevacka deca u njoj nego stranci i kako je to strasno, on je nevidjen rasista, ne odbacujem uopste mogucnost da su on i njegovi fanovi iza ovoga. FkpCascais (talk) 00:28, 12 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Da, da. Nisam ni ocekivao nista drugo. Sloboda zadnjih par godina kao da je namerno preterivala sa nekontrolisanim dovodjenjem preteranog broja stranaca, bas da ispadne da eto kao stranci se ne isplate. Ja nisam uopste za to da klub dovede 12 stranaca kad premapravilima u ligi koju igraju mozes da imas samo 2 u protokolu, to nema mozga. Ali ovi kao da su namerno po necijem naredjenju preterali pa rezultati ispali losi, i sad kao stize "spasilac" Bata Djora sa teorijom radikalnog zaokreta i fokusom, u jedino sto znaju da isprde, "akcenat na skolu i forsiranje domace dece". Cekam dan da vidim je li postoji ijedan fudbalski radnik u Srbiji koji ume bilo sta drugo da kaze sem tog "akcenta na skolu i lokalnu decu". Svima kao da je ispran mozak i samo to umeju i smeju da kazu a publika isto, naivno blagoslovno gleda na takve poteze. Cekam dan da vidim nekoga ko ce da kaze "E ja bacam akcenat na povecanje broja stranaca, razvijanje skole, i angazovanje sto boljih pojacanja sto iz Srbije pa i iz sveta." Tom koji bi tako nesto rekao i uradio ja bi mu se divio, jer bi bio siguran da nije deo ove parazitske nase mafije i covek je koji ume ili zeli da nauci da se mrda u svetskim fudbalskim vodama, i pre svega drugaciji i inovativan. Mogu da se kladim da je Bata Djora apsolutno nesposoban da bilo kako drugacije i vodi klub, to je sve sto zna, da prima mito od lokalnih roditelja koji ga redovno zovu na Slave i zdranja da im on gura dete i pomogne da malog uvale negde vani u neki klub, eto to je sustina te tolike ljubavi prema deci i klubu. FkpCascais (talk) 01:51, 12 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Evo recimo NK Istra 1961. Moja ideja bi bila da nasa liga upravo ima klubove sa potpuno razlicitim pristupima. Da postoje klubovi samo sa domacima, recimo Rad ajde, da bude klubova specificno sa dodatnim igracima iz regiona, tipa Vozdovac ajde, oni redovno imaju dosta bosanskih srba, ali i da postoje klubovi tipa Istra, da se bace na strance. Pa da takmicenje bude uzbudljivo sa raznim modelima. Klubovi koji bi bili tipa Istra bi sluzili takodje da se Partizan i Zvezda snabdevaju sa vec adaptiranim strancima. Nasa liga ima 16 klubova bilo bi mesta za sve. Ali ne, nasi genijalci misle da svih 16 klubova treba apsolutno isto da rade, svi da forsiraju lokalnu decu, i da se apsolutno zabrani bilo kakva alternativa tome. E to je glavna poenta cemu se ja borim. Stvar je u tome da ako ti odobris veci broj stranaca ti nista ne menjas, nikoga ne teras ninasta, svako moze da nastavi da igra samo sa domacima ako hoce, jedino sto radis to je da otvoris mogucnosti drugim klubovima da se pojacaju strancima ako mogu i to zele. A ti ako stavis rigorozno ogranicenje, ti bukvalno diktiras svima da moraju da rade tako jer ako ne ne mogu da ucestvuju u ligi, to je nevidjeno sebicno i pogano. Jos gore sto imas bukvalno sve klubove u zemlji da rade samo na jendom te istom modelu, znaci totalno unistenje dinamicnosti i napredka. Svi moraju da forsiraju lokalnu decu i odricu se dovodjenja stranaca, zasto? Zasto oni ne dozvole lepo da svaki klub radi kako hoce, pa oni ako su toliko uvereni da forsiranje lokalne dece donosi rezultate, neka se onda takmicimo i vidimo. Jajare kukavicke. FkpCascais (talk) 04:27, 12 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Ja vec mnogo dugo razmisljam o ovoj temi, i vec sam odavno nasao idealno resenje. Svaki klub mora da ima na terenu uvek najmanje 6 domacih. Znaci od 11 uvek ce na terenu biti vecina domacih i tako ce klub uvek imati dominantno domaci karakter. A sad, ostalih 5 mesta moze da popunjava kako god hoce, sad je tu na klubovima, svaki da nadje najbolje resenje za sebe, i to bi bilo interesantno dinamicno takmicenje, a ne ovo sranje u sta su pretvorili nas fudbal. FkpCascais (talk) 04:47, 12 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

February 2019

To enforce an arbitration decision and for violating your Balkans topic ban, you have been blocked from editing for a period of 2 weeks. You are welcome to edit once the block expires; however, please note that the repetition of similar behavior may result in a longer block or other sanctions.

If you believe this block is unjustified, please read the guide to appealing blocks (specifically this section) before appealing. Place the following on your talk page: {{unblock|reason=Please copy my appeal to the [[WP:AE|arbitration enforcement noticeboard]] or [[WP:AN|administrators' noticeboard]]. Your reason here OR place the reason below this template. ~~~~}}. If you intend to appeal on the arbitration enforcement noticeboard I suggest you use the arbitration enforcement appeals template on your talk page so it can be copied over easily. You may also appeal directly to me (by email), before or instead of appealing on your talk page.  Sandstein 16:46, 12 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Reminder to administrators: In May 2014, ArbCom adopted the following procedure instructing administrators regarding Arbitration Enforcement blocks: "No administrator may modify a sanction placed by another administrator without: (1) the explicit prior affirmative consent of the enforcing administrator; or (2) prior affirmative agreement for the modification at (a) AE or (b) AN or (c) ARCA (see "Important notes" [in the procedure]). Administrators modifying sanctions out of process may at the discretion of the committee be desysopped."

I shouldn´t have been banned in first place. Being banned because of having a sandbox with a text I took from the internet and translated it? Policies should apply to the actual editing when creating or changing content, not for what someone has in its private space. You don´t even know why I have it. A person can have whatever, you don´t know nothing about the person until you either ask or see the person actions. I could have Mein Kampf, it doesn´t mean I am nazi, I could have it because of wanting to refute things said there. What is dissapointing is to see you being an administrator here and behaving as if you had an agenda because it is not normal the way you ripped me off of any AGF, a total denial of will to listen and understand anything from my side. I see you are German, same as PerfectSunrise who was the admin who sudently appeared at my report calling for a topic-ban of me out of nowhere, and you appear out of nowhere enforcing it and refusing to consider any chance of that action being an overkill. Banned because I made a revert while discussion was still going on at the talk-page? The editor who edited is the one that should have been sanctioned! They follow me around trying to get me eliminated for a reason, because they know I often oppose edits which are controversial and I have valid points. They edit the main articles dealing with their country, Albania, and unfortunatelly that area of Wikipedia has very low number of editors, so they form a strong majority there. They are all Albanians, either from Albania, Kosovo and some living in Germany (you are German, coincidence?) and they feel passionate about their country, so they end up highlighting the positive and removing or minimising the negative aspects. The result are articles that look like a promotional touristic brochure from the Ministry of Tourism of Albania. Its in our best interess to have editors counterbalancing their editing and pointing out the problems. Of course they see no problems and find a pain in the *** to have someone counterbalancing them, but allowing them to eliminate the person sacrificing his time and patience for it, and leaving them green light to freely edit the articles, is what you did, and that is wrong. I insist on the aspect of how you totally ripped me off of any AGF and behave as a big cold blind and deaf wall towards me. You even deleted me an article I created about an historical Croatian footballer. Serbian nationalists don´t create articles about Croatian footballers, that should have been another indication that banning me saying I am a nationalist makes no sense. Also, what good have you done by deleting it? I AGF and assume we are all here doing our best to contribute positively to Wikipedia, however, seems I wrongly expect people to behave using common sense and logic. You defend yourself by saying I asked for a review of my ban and failed to obtain consensus that would point out that the ban is wrong, however that doesn´t mean you are right. Most people only superficially took a look at the case, and it is a proven fact already discussed at Jimbo talk-page, that people give the benefit in cases of doubt to the sysop over others. The ones that took a better look at the case actually said they found no problems that I kept on editing football. For me it is offensive that despite all I told you (your actions basically indicate you think I am a liar), all I have contributed over a decade here, you just keep on taking advantage of a situation created by you and PS. It was clearly a case of content dispute which should have been dealt with some of the available mechanisms we have here on Wikipedia. You choused to take sides, clearly influence the outcome of the dispute, reward their side, and severily punish me. Its a total disregard towards me. Don´t need to bother taking me further the right to edit my talk-page, I wan´t be bothering anymore with this for the time of this sanction, you made me dedicate myself to other things in my spare time. It is sad we have sysops making editors turn away from Wikipedia. FkpCascais (talk) 18:11, 13 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

A reminder of how cute he is when others break a topic ban and how pitty he is when I break a topic ban. FkpCascais (talk) 01:59, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Like if Khazars and anti-semitism have nothing to do with Israeli-Arab conflict. As if me myself am not partially Jewish origin... FkpCascais (talk) 02:04, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
So nice you made an article for the family De Weck, you could have been a good Wikipedian and made their talk page as well, as we established Wikipedians always do. FkpCascais (talk) 02:28, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
For the gazillionth time, I am not an Albanian, I'm a Jewish American, and anyone who looks at my edit history would likely come to this conclusion... and then You are German, coincidence? is really poster case. Baseless ethnicity based aspersions and insinuations of conspiracies are not going to get you unbanned. --Calthinus (talk) 22:28, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
After your topic ban expires some months from now, your WP:TENDENTIOUS editing behavoir of being a WP:POVWARRIOR may resume again as before going by your current sentiments. Your comments: "They edit the main articles dealing with their country, Albania, and unfortunatelly that area of Wikipedia has very low number of editors, so they form a strong majority there. They are all Albanians, either from Albania, Kosovo and some living in Germany (you are German, coincidence?) and they feel passionate about their country, so they end up highlighting the positive and removing or minimising the negative aspects." is casting WP:ASPERSIONS and smacks of WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS and WP:NATIONALIST. Even if people have disclosed their ethnic background or heritage on their userpage or somewhere on Wikipedia that should never form the basis of editing or othering on anyone's part.Resnjari (talk) 23:00, 15 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Of course I am revolted with the situation. You created a team in which all of you are either Albanian or very simpathetic and interesed on Albania. That looks fine to me, unlike you, I recognise and understand humans are biased, that´s normal, that´s our nature. Look, I even find that perfectly OK, and it is normal that you all edit Albanian-related articles and do your best to improve them. What I don´t find correct is that you highjack the articles, apply battleground behavior, and turn into doing the best to eliminate other editors. You reported me at a time the discussion was still going on, nothing had been solved, agreed or clarified, but you just decided to edit the article anyway counting on your superiority in numbers. It was not at all strange or unexpected when I reverted. It is actually worste to insert a challenged edit knowing it is challenged and nothing has been agreed yet. Aware of this, you knew this was insufficient for a report, so you made up how nationalist I am because I have a text in one of my sandboxes in which certain things are said that, by you putting them out of context, use to label me negatively. That text is in a sandbox, you don´t know why I have it, you didn´t even bothered to ask, and I never inserted any content to any article that would support your accusations. I even told you regarding that text that ammong the so many things it deals with, there are aspects I agree and aspects I don´t. Since we are here because of Albanian-related articles, there is a part in that text that deals with Serbian-Albanian relations and highlights how Serbs and Albanians never fought eachother prior 20th century. This was one of surprising revelations I found very interesting, since there is a trendy belief Serbs and Albanians have a long-standing animosity. However, the part saying that the creation of Albania during Balkan wars was "absurd" is something I don´t agree at all. So, you didn´t bothered to ask me anything regarding that text, and without knowing anything, you just decided to use it to accuse me of the worste and get me eliminated.
I am offended that you manipulated the report and also by the people who bought it without bothering at all to care or ask what is going on. I can have whatever in my sandboxes, until you ask you don´t know nothing. You all know this perfectly well but ignore it. You meticulously scrutinized my edits and found nothing. My edits are the ones that speak for me, and you know well I have never inserted any nationalistic content anywhere. Why? Because I am not a nationalist! Anyway, even if I was? I am a stounch supporter of American democracy based on the first emendement. Freedom of speach is the most noble and valueble principle of the humanity. You can agree, or disagree, with whatever, but you must allow people to express freely. There should be no one deciding what is OK and what is not. Atention, one thing are actions, bad actions should and must be sanctioned, but not speach. Freedom of choice, personal beliefs, must not be limited or institutionalised. No institution should have the power to limit your freedom regarding what you think, thus express. We don´t want hypocrits, right? So people must not be forced to silence their beliefs, or lie. So this entire episode was basically based on actions that go against the very principle of the First Emendement. You believe that I am something because I have something written in one of my sandboxes, and I MAY do something which you don´t like... Ridiculous. Again, I insist, I was topic-banned because of 1 revert, and to further back it the entire bulls*it story was created preciselly like that, "I must be... because I have... because I may do in future...".
I really hope you will stop making unfounded acusations towards editors that come across you pointing out problems in your editing. You must learn to use one of the available mechanisms Wikipedia has for solving disputes, and not by edit-warring and eliminating editors accusing them unfairly. FkpCascais (talk) 19:29, 16 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
What actually happened here? What happened is that you made a team which has been rewriting all main Albanian-related articles. That by itself would have been positive if you didn´t embraced battleground mentality towards the editors that indicated problems and concerns in your editing. You had problems with Greek editors as well. Once you think it is OK to insert edits such as in article Albania at transport section writing how Tirana airport is one of the major in Balkans and you support such edit because sounds nice despite easily checking that Tirana airport is just 12th in Balkans. Or having one of you removing a chunk of text refering to the period most of Albania was part of Serbian medieval state stating in the edit-summary "When was Albania under Serbia?" Then you easily verify much of Albania was either directly or indirectly under Serbian rule for centuries during Middle Ages. The editor is editing something he has no knolledge about, but just based on his bias towards Serbia and Serbs, and the rest of you conveniently don´t react. I can go and bring all this diffs if you want, even bring much more. I mentioned in a discussion with all of you pointing you out how an academic American text you brought into the article as source and is a summary of Albania during medieval period, makes 8 references to Serbia, while the text you were adding dealing with preciselly the same matter, makes a cherrypicking selection of content resulting in only one, and negative, reference to Serbia. Clear tendentious editing. So who is being nationalist and biased here may I ask? PS: My problem with PS and Sandstein is that it is too much of a coincidence that on English Wikipedia it is sudently that in our case it is two German sysops that decide to come out of nowhere and intervene clearly taking sides in this content dispute and clearly award one side and punish the other preciselly acordingly with the historical lining of the national POV´s here in dispute. While at the report there was a neutral participant providing clearly neutral opinions and possible solutions, they ignore him and take an extreme stance clearly affecting the outcome of the content dispute, not based on academic evidence, but personal bias. I can back with evidence all I just said. I still believe and hope people are able to correct their decitions, or, at least, then show me wrong and demonstrate how do I deserve a 6-months topic-ban based on 1 revert and suposition I am a Serbian nationalist. FkpCascais (talk) 20:39, 16 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
unlike you, I recognise and understand humans are biased, that´s normal, that´s our nature. I have never implied and said anything contrary. All editors bring their own biases and it shapes what they are interested in etc. This is not the issue. The issue is how a editor edits and conduct themselves. That's where the issue lay with your editing on Balkan topics. Its not like editors didsn't ask you to use the talkpage. They did so many times and told you politely not to do personal attacks. Had you desisted and went down that route you may have been able to avoid sanctions and even make contributions (provided you took into account that RS sources are important). I don't like to rehash for you your experiences and what is done is done. All you can do is move forward through reflection and hopefully became a more seasoned editor because of that. I wish you well in your life and future. Best.Resnjari (talk) 22:51, 17 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hello there

I just wanted to stop and say hi, I hope that you are well and will get back to editing soon. :)

Best regards, Mm.srb (talk) 20:58, 11 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hi @Mm.srb:, sorry, it´s just today that I saw your message. Thank you so much for your atention, you are so kind! Yes, I am well, I just haven´t been much around while my topic ban is still on. I hope you are fine as well, kindest regards! FkpCascais (talk) 00:01, 17 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Excuse my late answer; congratulations on the ban lift and - welcome back! I'm very good, thank you for asking. Mm.srb (talk) 20:17, 10 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Arbitration enforcement topic ban lifted

Per your assurances of good conduct, I've lifted your topic ban from the Balkans. Please don't do anything that requires its reimposition. Sandstein 08:49, 22 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Ibrahim Tanko (footballer, born 1999)

Hello! Good find with that reference for Tanko's career path. One thing though, it seems he played for Mighty Jets before signing for WAFA - according to this already-listed ref: here. Should this be classed as a youth spell or a normal senior spell, if it's correct at all? I'm not certain so thought I'd discuss with you first. R96Skinner (talk) 00:26, 26 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. In the source you posted, the club in brackets after player´s name is the previous club? FkpCascais (talk) 00:35, 26 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Seems so, yes. The article is dated 21 January 2016, and lists only the incomings for the GPL clubs. Upon further inspection, it may actually be referencing Tudu Mighty Jets of Ghana rather than their Nigerian namesakes - per this. Although they say he is 21 then (8 December 2015), as of today he is only 20. Mistaken identity, or a rather big error? R96Skinner (talk) 00:46, 26 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
More confusion: Modern Ghana say he played for the Nigerian Mighty Jets in 2017, though the Global Sports Archive say he played for the Tudu Mighty Jets. R96Skinner (talk) 00:49, 26 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, there is something clearly weird there. You are doing a great job researching sources. I went to and noteced they left his profile on stand-by as well. This summer he is on the move. He was on loan at Bezanija from Red Star and per this article seems that Red Star released him and he was brought by FK Mladost Lučani and if the coach gives him green light he will be offered a contract. Will probably have news about him soon, lets expect he gives an interview where mentions his early career or something similar. I´ll try to see if there are any sources around, meantime, his early career is on stand-by. FkpCascais (talk) 01:17, 26 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hopefully! Interesting next move, if it happens. Appreciate your help! R96Skinner (talk) 01:21, 26 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons/Noticeboard#Borče Sredojević

You gonna discuss, or what? Halo Jerk1 (talk) 03:48, 2 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I am sorry for taking some time to respond. Thank you very much Halo, regards, FkpCascais (talk) 14:05, 2 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]


Hvala drug. Lijepo je to ćuti. Znam, počeo sam i ja da više objašnjavam šta sam uradio. Ovo mi služi kao hobi u kojem uživam, ali naravno da mi je i hobi sport, plivanje i tako, haha. Večeras mi aBd igra Željo protiv Zrinjskog, ja kao veliki navijač idem na Grbavicu, lol, pa se tako i ja nadam da kada ta utakmica završi, da mogu fino, evo, npr. Amaru Osimu u managerial statistics upisati novu pobjedu. Hvala još jednom brate!! 👍👌 Bakir123 (talk) 11:17, 4 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]


Ee, mala molba. Možeš li pratiti wikipediu Amara Osima, englesku naravno. Postavio sam image njega, pa ne znam hoće li ukinuti image ili ne, ja mislim da je slika uredu, al nisam 100% siguran. Pa ako je izbrišu, da ti ako možeš i ako umiješ staviti jednu za njega (ako je moguće da bude jedna dobra slika). Smatram da on sa takvim renomeom bi trebao imati sliku, haha. Ako bude sve uredu sa njom, onda ću i Hursefu Musemiću (treneru Sarajeva) i Hariu Vukasu (treneru Zrinjskog) staviti također, kao trenutno po meni tri najbolja trenera u BH Telecom Premijer Ligi. I ako možeš staviti za stadion Grbavica jednu bolju sliku od trenutne, sa novim terenom i onom novom tribinom. Hvala unaprijed, također, izvini ako možda puno tražim. 👍👍 Bakir123 (talk) 11:25, 4 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]


For your own good, shut up. Do not reply to him, do not discuss anything with him, you are creating nothing but a vortex of arguments and nobody is going to be willing to help resolve it while you two are arguing. Let others comments and discuss, use my talk page if you like to explain things and provide information. But each time you reply it just becomes another round of accusations and I cannot help with that. Koncorde (talk) 22:29, 5 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, you are right. My concern is that he is going around complaining on me. Unfortunatelly in the past I saw stuatuation which unclarified got the wrong mpression and got me sanctioned, so probably my overeaction is due to that. I think I also said it all already, I will shut up, best regards! FkpCascais (talk) 22:32, 5 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
No problem. I will take a look at the sourcing as soon as I can, but if you have anything in particular to look at as a reference, let me know. Koncorde (talk) 23:48, 5 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I think everyone missed out the basics from the very begining. The user is removing content, sorces and cats related to R. Srpska team without any valid reason besides "I don´t like R. Srpska and I am gonna try to eliminate all info about it."
When I spotted him, he made such a vast and diversified collection of arguments which make it all appear extremelly complex, even to me to answer to each one of them, but basically, the entire collection of arguments doesn´t have a value of even one but valid one.
He attacked the R. Srpska team claiming it lacks importance as if the article shouldn´t even exist, and then nominated the categories related to it for deletion, with GS strangelly giving him support.
When faced with the fact that such non-FIFA teams exist and we do include them in articles, he then challenged the sources used for the stats of the first game from 1992.
Borče Sredojević, where the case started, is an article I created some years ago, and I used the sources I found available most at hand at the time regarding his appearance at the 1992 game as player, and later as being appointed as main coach in 2008. Santasa is objecting the sources as unreliable. Keep in mind the sources are:
1) an article an article at which is well written, has an identified author and publication date, includes interviews, and in a concise way mentions all important aspects from tht first match all in one place, including the starting line-up and the copy of a daily from that time (it was 1992, internet was still inexistent). Santasa removed it and considers it unreliable exactly why? Because it wrote an article about that match of R. Srpska from 1992 and he thinks reliable media should not write about it? Ludocris.
2) an article "Sredojevic new coach of Srpska" with a version in Latin alphabet (better for you to at least get an idea), which is from Glas Srpske, with an identified author and publication date, and which simply reports about the nomination of Sredojevic to the post of coach of the main senior team of Republika Srpska. Santasa made the following rant against Glas Srpske at Talk:Borče Sredojević, which, I Googled a bit, but is hardly more than a well elaborated conspiracy theory in which he menaged to include related and unrelated issues. After seing a bit more, all I can conclude is that Santasa wants to eliminate Glas Srpske (third most popular daily) because it is an important daily in R. Srpska which within political spectrum does stand somewhere in the more pro-Srpska and less unitarian section, as it very name openly says "Voice of Srpska", however, in Spain we have the La Vanguardia which is openly more pro-Catalan than for instance El País, and we don´t conder it unreliable just because of it, and we will certainly sanction an editor going around removing all references to Catalan national team, plus removing content with the excuse that La Vanguardia is not reliable. I am a bit mad because of this double-standards, most of these cases would be inmediatelly reverted and the editor sanctioned for tendentious editing, removal of sourced content, edit-warring when explained wrong, and clear POV-pushing. He even got to say that Glas Srpske was unreliable because it was composed only by Serbian journliats (an information I would like him very much to demonstrate) and the very suggestion that a media being written by "only Serbian journalists" is unreliable is offensive and clear indication of prejudice against an entire ethnicity in general, something we don´t tolerate at en.wikipedia since the very start.
All this becomes even more pathetic when we have in mind that we are not talking about some political event, but simple a football game and events happening around a local non-FIFA team who´se best sources would obviously come from the ones originated in the entity itself. And worste, the sources are just used to source the date, result, line-ups, and events surrounding one football match. Then later, a simple news confirming the nomination of a cocch for a post od R. Srpska manager.
Now, ignoring personal attacks, accusations and sugestions he did against me, what is outragious is that we are clearly facing disruptive editor with clear political agenda to erase as much as can content of R. Srpska team, and istead of a prompt action, I find myself having to defend against absurd accusations only because I am pointing out the disruption this editor is doing. My only interess, sicne I created some of these articles, is to keep the information righfully found there protected against literally vandals wanting to erase it, and if possible to imporve the articles.
That is my complain, and Santasa, along my lack of eloquence and clarity, got to get everyone confused thinking this was some complicated controversial matter, when in fact I am just asking help against a clearly tendentious agressive editor. Please, tell me if I am anywhere wrong, and tell me if you see any suggenstion that could be usefull to me and to this case in general. I guarantee that I wouldn´t raise a thread if I wasn´t vastly sure I have good reasons for it and that I found our rules and principles are violated and Wikipedia was loosing valiable content victim of tendentious editor with an agenda. FkpCascais (talk) 02:23, 6 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
As I said in the thread, I have never had any concerns with yourself. So if you bring up something you feel so strongly about then I am going to give you my attention (as I hope others would do for me). I will check what I can and feed back. Koncorde (talk) 07:54, 6 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
OK, but if no one else is bothered that we have a guy removing perfectly valid info, well, then I will leave it. Thanks anyway. FkpCascais (talk) 14:37, 6 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Now I really don´t undersdtand anything. Just looking it from a simple perspective, if some guy appears who is known for editing Malta-related issues in a (lets immagine) pro-Maltese way, and one day he suddently takes the list of Gozo national football team players and coaches, and started removing the info about their Gozo games, I am pretty sure members of our project would react and stop him from doing it, If he used the excuse that Gozo is irrrelevant, and that the sourcing is unreliable, because "Gozo Daily" is "pro-Gozo" (Its Gozo Daily, obviously is pro-Gozo and a good source for Gozo team)... As far as I know it is up to him to demonstrate the two websites containing information about the 1992 R. Srpska game are unreliable before removing them, and not the other way around.
Most of the sources about what is hapening around R. Srpska team are at Glas Srpske. Exemples: [40], [41], [42], here is one from Politika a.d. [43] which at bottom gives us an interview with general secretary of RS FA, here is a source about history of league and cup of RS [44], here is Večernje novosti [45] reminding that first game, here is [46] this news report talking about potential candidates for senior coach of RS before it was elected in 2013, this blog has the line-ups of the first 1992 game [47] (I know, blogs arent RS). Here is one excellent book: Football in Southeastern Europe: From Ethnic Homogenization to Reconciliation by John Hughson and Fiona Skillen, which from 3rd page on has so much usefull content for the main articles about the FA and the team. Then, there is also this book which gives a great definition of what the R. Srpska team is after Deyton agreement and how is it defined. Plus the sources I posted at the thread...
This is enough to demontsrate that Republika Srpska does get attention from the media and is active at several levels. We have books, written by neutral foreign authors, that describe the formation of RS team, its early period, and its status after Dayton.
We have a list of games the senior team played in the FSRS official website (sorry, couldn´t find the version in English, not sure if they have it).
So, Koncorde, I am not sure what is happening and why. I thought you noteced that the claims Santasa was making were incorrect and that I was rightfully pointing them out. If I understood you wrong or if I said something that harm you, I deeply apologise. I am a little bit confused by seing people understanding me but failing to say it clearly. I am not sure why people seem to have doubts expressing clearly that disregarding Rep. Srpska team as irrelevant is wrong, removing it from articles is wrong, and the only issue are the sources, which he is the one that should get consensus at the RS noticeboard why would this two sources: Средојевић селектор Српске ("Sredojevć iis the new coach of Srpska") at, 27-6-2008, and Republika Srpska pre 21 godinu igrala prvi meč at, 3-7-2013, be unreliable. They source the line-up of the first game, but Santasa is excluding them as unreliable and removing the info and infobox indication, along the categories.
I don´t want to unilaterally restore that info, sources and cats, I will like to know what do you think I should do in order to prevent that information to be erased from that and other articles? FkpCascais (talk) 16:40, 6 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
You are not doing anything wrong, but you have to appreciate people are busy and need time to read things properly. I don't know anything about the subject you are talking about so I need to understand it better. I have found a few sources of my own and am looking at it, but I don't want to be drawn into an argument with Santasa or yourself before I understand it all better. Koncorde (talk) 17:03, 6 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
You are right. I did this meantime. FkpCascais (talk) 17:08, 6 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hehe, I just noteced you asked GS for advice :D The funny is that I did the same first thing I noteced Santasa edits. At that time all I noteced were Santasa´s removal of mentions of R. Srpska from player and coach articles, and that he had nominated two categories related to the team for deletion: Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/2019_August_1#Category:Republika_Srpska_official_football_team and see the following one. And, to my surprise, GS was there supporting him. I was very surprised because it was hard for me to believe GS didn´t spotted clear nationalistic motivations behind the actions of Santasa. First thing I did was to write to GS a post: User_talk:GiantSnowman/2019#Oh_Balkans_and_its_rivalries_and_psycho_games (this is why Santasa is accusing me of canvassing). I was sure that regardless anything GS as sysop will see that removing content like that is controversial, at least, and what is in my view the most obvious mistake of Santasa is to start removing categories from articles before nominating them for deletion. Such bold controversial actions in a sensitive area as Balkans was never welcomed. It is allways preferable to dicuss first and get consensus.
Of course, he insists in reminding everyone I was topic banned recently, and he complained to the admin as well believing me defending R. Srpska team was enough for punishing me, maybe even send me to Hague... I was topic banned because I got into a dispute about Albanian history alone against an entire group, and obviously, I was causing a problem. They removed some content from Albanian articles one which included saying how Serbian troops were well receved by local Christian Albanian population in Durres, Albania, in 1912, when they kicked out Ottomans. They insisted that was biased, I had some sources saying it, I insisted to be included even by saying that some sources claim that. My idea was that such content was positive specially to show that there was no hateriot between the two people at the time. But, regardless of being right, or wrong, I was going trough a divorce at the time, and I was using Wikipedia in a toxic way as an escape from reality and a distraction, and it ended being a bad idea, because I behaved actually very similarly to Santasa now. But Koncorde, allow me to tell you that the vast majority of editors activelly editing a variety of topics about Balkans including the controversial ones, have blocks and bans all of them. You get into too many different situations, you often face teams, you often suffer provocations on purpose to try to get a response from you to report you, often situations get so complicated that for an outsider is hard to see clearly what is going on, and admins easily ban for 6 months the editors battling the most regardless of sides or reason, etc. An editor from Balkans with 10+ years experience and no sanctions is only possible if he didn´t edited Balkans at all ahahahaha.
Now, I have survived because I hate nationalism and consider it extremelly harmfull actually for the nation itself. I grew up in a family of diplomats allways inserted in international environments. I was a globalist before globalism became reality. I was a proud Yugoslav and I lived an extremelly happy childhood which nationalists destroyed. Nationalism isolated nations, isolated neighbours ones from the others, imposed anti-evolution and fear of progress and of uncknown. Loving or hating what you can´t choose is silly. Loving tall people, hating dark skin, loving red hair, hating blue eyes, that is all so silly because anyone of us could have been born with any of these characteristics. Same with nationality, people fail to understand that they could have easily been born within the opposite nation. Yes, I do love Yugoslavia, I do love Serbia, but I do my best to understand all nationalities and their reasons for main characteristics. A society evolves only if they trully understand themselves and built based on the truth. Nationalism is the opposite, its a drug that gives phalse perception of reality just to make that society feel better for that moment, but allows no solid building, no real progress, because nationalism lies about the strenght of the foundations and will inevitably either give nothing and make the society loose time, or will build something that on weak foundations can only crash sooner or later, and leave to a desaster. For a nation to progress, it needs objective and honest people capable of assuming the reality as it is. I am an anti-nationalist. I have survived over a decade here because there is enough editors knowing I am not nationalist, and further, I am anti-all-nationalisms. Most of my troubles here started because of me opposing some nationalist POV-pushing. Often alone, I end up accused of being the nationalist of the other side. Even this exemple is again that pattern of my behavior: I was not promoting R. Srpska or doing any nationalist editing, I was opposing its removal, which is (not saying Santasa intention) Bosniak nationalist agenda. I don´t know if that is Santasa reason, or not, but my nature is to oppose an anti-Srpska agenda. There is nothing nationalistic there, just mentions of the game, players, coach nominations, what is his motive behind to remove it?
I hoped all of you would spot it easily, and I hoped you knew me enough well to know that I wouldn´t be lying or missinforming you, I have huge respect and simpathy specially to our FOOTY project and the veterans. I would never risk bringing something to our project if I wasnt quite sure I have either a good case or a valid question. GS hasn´t said me nothing, I hope he isn´t mad with me, I have huge admiration for him. When I started editing and joined our project he was like my role model. I saw so many situations which he dealt so well. Later, I did disagreed with him on several occassions, but I never took it personally, I am one of those who prefers to have honest people disagreing with me, than fake friends agreeing. I allways give my honest tought, I make an effort to explain why, I take into consideration opposing arguments, and I do change my position if it comes to be that I am wrong. I´d allways rather be wrong and learn, than be an ignorant. I am specially thankfull to GS because of that, initially, on several occasions he proved me wrong and I learned why and became a much better editor because of him. Sourcing all honours individually, removing unsourced content, sourcing categories when necessary, oh, can´t remember them all, but I am a proud editor because of so many details I learned from him. I just hope he didn´t get mad with me because some time ago he was so engaged in making us all accept that youth and senior careers in infobox had to have a strict cutting point, and I joined the ones that opposed him and I defended that years could overlap and that we should add the years at both youth and senior career sections just how RS say. Most editors disagreed with GS on this, I think you included, so at the end the thread looked as a consensus against him, so I hope he didn´t got mad at me because I remember I was a bit stubborn on that, I really hope he didn´t took me as disrespectfull. I was actually surprised myself, cause I felt like deffending a point of view his teachings would normally do, which was to stick to what reliable sources say first and foremost.
I apologise, I noteced now I wrote you too much, you will not even have will to read all this -_- I am sorry. I felt flattered that you wanted to solve this case and I am thankfull for your interest. I know you for so long from our project and respect you as great editor, I hope at least you will allow me to get this opportunity to introdice myself more properly. FkpCascais (talk) 02:05, 7 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Ilegalno editiranje clanka Nikola Tesla eng. wikipedija

Zamolio bih te da utices na promenu glavnog artikla Nikola Tesla engleska wikipedija, neko je promenio clanak ocito bez razgovora i koncezusa iz srpsko -americki naucnik u hrvatsko -srpski -americki naucnik , ne znam kako to ide na wikipediji ali mislim da bi prvo trebala da ide rasprava, po mom misljenju ilegalno , izvini na smetnji isto tako su na sekciji napisali citizenship Croatian iako znamo da tada Hrvatska nije postojala ,ovo je ocito ilegalno — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:49, 19 August 2019 (UTC)

Sorry, I wasn´t here when that happened. But first thing, you need to cool down. You must be recent around here otherwise you would know that has been a constant actually since Wikipedia was created. Many Croatians are simply convinced Tesla was Croatian. Some are genuinly convinced probably taught so possibly even in schools there, while others simply do it for the Serbo-Croatian rivality and must think that each detail changed in their favour is a patriotic honour, or something.
You need to cool down because Wikipedia has been here since 2001 and Nikola Tesla is a highly important article, created by October that same year. It is a popular article monitored by many senior editors, so vandalism or controversial changes don´t pass unnoteced for long, no need for major excitement. That issue about Tesla being Serbian or Croatian has annoyed the community in general which is much more interested in reading about his work and discoveries. So, on several occasions neutral senior editors agreed to discuss the issue once and for all, and the current state of the article is the result of the consensus from neutral (non-Yugoslav) academic sources available mostly at Google Books and analised. There were other issues such as insistance by Croatian editors on adding "Croatian Military Frontier" because would give the impression Croatia controlled it, when in fact it didn´t and important to mention is the Military Frontier, not a section; and another issue was about the mention of Serbian Orthodox Church, because at that time it didn´t existed sa such because it wasn´t united, so we mention Eastern Orthodox Church instead.
Another problem has been some forgery that has appeared, and websites making the case around them, however, it was those same websites that ended shooting themselves in the foot cause provided originals as well, like the highschooll grades from Karlovac, where we could clearly see Militärgrenze everywhere and all in German, no Hrvatska, no Slavonija, anywhere to be seen.
Then, with his Militärgrenze scholarship he persues studies in Graz where he founds the "Serbian Cultural Club", something so Croatian to do, right? I mean, we see Croats all over the world everyday opening Serbian Cultural Clubs, it is so usual.
So, don´t panic when you see an edit like that. Wikipedia is a dinamic cooperative project, everyone is welcome to contribute. Inevitably the vandals and all sorts of extremists try their chance too as soon as they learn to edit, but usually don´t go very far as registered editors have a thing called "Watchlist" where we see all changes in the articles we edit, and we often confirm them to see if they are vandalism, or not. At Tesla case, there is awareness of this persistent problem, so even if they change Tesla to say Croatian inventor, it usually stays until someone reverts it to the consensus version. You can edit Wikipedia, create new content, expand articles, what you need are Wikipedia:RS and see if all (at least most) scholars agree on your point of view. Simple constructive edits about non-controversial stuff usually go smooth, but controversial stuff often requires discussion and check sources in general if they agree. I suggest you create an account, also, I suggest you speak better English than me (I´m like level 3, I make lots of ortho mistakes) and you start editing easily. You should not panic or make "!!!"´s, lots of people are here and everything can be discussed and corrected. Expect reasonable people to agree with objective and neutral editing, Another thing, Balkans is a sensitive area under discretionary sanctions, so one can´t go into Balkans-related articles as a warrior fixing errors because he knows the truth... see my point? I usually come by at least once a day, so whatever you want to ask just feel free to ask me. PS: I wrote in English because this is English Wikipedia and we are encoraged to write English so all can understand. Pozdrav! FkpCascais (talk) 00:09, 21 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Important advice: Wikipedia is not about what you know, Wikipedia is about what you found an expert in the area of the article you are editing, knows and says. For instance, in history, you can know it all, but the edit is only valid if you present an historian saying it. FkpCascais (talk) 00:21, 21 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Puno Vam hvala na odgovoru ,Slijedit cu Vase upute i necu vise reagovati na provokacije iako bih zelio skrenuti paznju na nesto (I will write in our language but if you want I can rewrite this all in English) . Naime s temom Nikola Tesla sam dosta dobro upoznat i imam dosta dobre konekcije s srpskim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj koje isto tako znaju sto dolazi i primjetio sam da s hrvatske strane postoji dosta agresivna propaganda povodom te teme uvijek kada dolazi period samopromocije,Nikola Tesla je tokom devedestih bio jedna fusnota u knjigama i vrlo cesto nepravedno izostavljen u skolama u RH ,znam to jako dobro jer sam tada isao u Hr skole i pratio sve sluzbene udzbenike, prvi jaci napad je bio 2003. godine kada je u svijetu proglasena godina Nikole Tesle i od tada je slijedila propaganda negiranja Nikole Tesle da je uopste imao ikakve veze s Srbijom ili da je bio Srbin (pokusali su ga spajati s hr dinastijama (predvodjeni nekim profesorima s Zadarskog sveucilista samo sto su im se te teze obile o glavu jer se nisu mogli dogovoriti da li je pripadao Kalinicima ili Draganicima iz Dalmacije pa je u svakom drugom clanku u nihovim novinama izlazilo drugo prezime,a to su vukli od teze Johna O"Neala koji su druge strane tvrdi da ti Draganici poticu iz zapadne Srbije , na kraju su intervenirali antropolozi ,istoricari i geneolozi koji su tvrdili njegovo poreklo od prezimena Teslic ,Orelj, Komnenic itd.a veze ih Slava Djurdjevdan... da Vas ne zamaram previse jer pretpostavljam da znate taj dio bolje od mene )) uglavnom ono sto zelim reci da se moze ocekivati je pojacana agresija u sljedecem periodu na clanak i ne samo na wikipediji jer ce Hrvatska imati prezentaciju na Expoo 2020 gdje ce prezentirati Teslu kao iskljucivo i samo kao hrvatskog znanstvenika, ta prezentacija se vrsi pod sponzorstvom ministarstva kulture RH predvodjena ministricom Obuljen Korzinek koja ide drugacijim smjerom i vise ne negira Teslu kao Srbina ali pokusava minorizirati njegov etnicitet i prikazati ga kao hrvatsko -americkog znanstvenika, ovo sto smo sad svjedocili prije par dana je bio pokusaj vandaliziranja od strane vec poznatog clana hr wikpedije koji je vec mijenjao clanak pa je bio zaustavljen od jednog senior editora, ali se tocno vide obrisi u kojem smjeru se ide i koje dijelovi clanka se pokusavaju promijeniti. Ja Vas samo molim da drzite pod kontrolom u sljedecem periodu clanak i ovu diskusiju na drugom clanku o njegovom poreklu i nacionalnosti (i da upozorite ostale editore) jer ovo je samo field testing zasada , s sve jacom propagandom sto se vise Expoo priblizava ,jer koliko god wikipedija imala svojih mana , vecina ljudi ce uvijek preko nje (posebno engleske) traziti brzu informaciju, a posjetioci Expoo-a ce prvo guglati na wikipediju i naravno da je cilj Hrvatima da stoji da je bio njihov znanstvenik i da Srbi nemaju nista s njim , promocija i imidz je danas veoma bitna stvar u svijetu , posebno za turisticku zemlju kao Hr, drugi par opanaka je to sto generalno oni ne vole Teslu (jako dobro znaju ko je bio) i sto sjecanje na njega odrzavamo mi , stovatelji njega kao stvarno velike osobe

Jos jednom , mnogo hvala na savjetima i pridrzavat cu se od sada pa nadalje ,I will cool down and not response anymore — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:43, 21 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Ma nisam mislio da ne ucestvujete, naprotiv, nama treba sto vise dobrih editors, a nema nas bas puno, stavise, samo smo saka jada ovde koji smo srbi a malo stariji i redovniji. Bicu direktan, ono na sta sam mislio je samo to da vam ukazem da vecina stranih editora (engleza, amerikanaca, kanadjana, itd.) nemaju uopste strpljenja za "nase" drame, pa kad se desi neka vandalizacija kao ova nemamo potrebe da padamo na njihov nivo, vec sacekamo malo i neko ce od veterana (ovih engleza, amera...) vratiti na pravu verziju, ili ako ne, onda samo treba mirno da objasnimo u cemu je problem.
Pratim dosta toga o spremanju guranja Tesle u prvi plan od strane Hrvatske za EXPO 2020, mislim da nazalost malo cega tu mozemo da uradimo da ih sprecimo. Ali, imamo dobru alternativu, Tesla i kraj u kojem je ziveo su postali deo Hrvatske i treba Teslu povezati sa sudbinom srba iz danasnje Hrvatske. FkpCascais (talk) 19:39, 22 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Da li mozda imate informacije kako ce izgledati srpski stand na Expoo ? Ne bi bilo lose da i mi prikazemo Teslu hahaha, sta se tice editiranja tu jos nemam toliko iskustva ali mi se sve ovo cini prilicno zanimljivim sto radite ,primetio sam da znate dosta o fudbalu , a sto se tice Tesle bitno je da ovakav clanak ostane kakav je i za vreme odrzavanja Expoo -a jer verujte mi posto sam u inostranstvu vec par godina ,imidz je sve a mi Srbi moramo jako mnogo jos da radimo da ga podignemo na visi nivo a isto tako i odrzimo istinu o nasim velikanima, zato su Tesla ,Djokovic ,Milankovic, Pupin i ostali jako bitni jer samim time pomalo i olaksavamo sebi i kad smo vani i kad smo u Srbiji

Mi se potpuno razumemo :) Moji su bili diplomate jos u vreme stare Juge tako da sam od malena odrastao vani "predstavljajuci" Jugoslaviju, potom, Srbiju. Sin jedinac, enciklopedije sam bukvalno upijao u slobodnom vremenu, one su mi bile kao brat. Kako sam imao one tomove enciklopedija pa jos na raznim jezicima, od malena sam poceo da obracam paznju kako nas tretiraju, razlike, sta neki spominju a drugi ne, i tako. Takodje sam odrastao opkoljen brosurama koje su nase ambasade delile o nama u drugim zemljama, pa sam veliku paznju posvecivao kako smo osamdesetih sami sebe prikazivali u svetu i kako je srpsko pitanje bilo izbegavano. Onda sam doziveo mladost vani devedesetih gledajuci informativni rat koji se vodio u kojem smo prikazani kao neki primitivni siledzije, ubice, i silovatelji. Doziveo sam da budem sa nasim drugom na odmoru u jugu Portugala i da upoznamo grupu mladih francuskinja koje su odlepile za nama jer su bile ubedjene da smo seksualne masine za silovanje, sto je njima bilo pozitivno jer su trazile provod i ludilo. A u stvari je tuzno. Mislim, posto smo i drug i ja bili tada mladi i bez devojaka, nismo ih razocarali, ali smo im objasnili da tu sliku o nama kao narodu sto su imale, da je veoma pogresna.
Uglavnom, vreme je prolazilo, i kad se pojavila Vikipedija mene je odmah fascinirala upravo zbog mogucnosti pravljenja, dopune, i ispravljanja clanaka. To sam nekako od malena uvek i sanjao, kad bi poredio nacin i razliku kako su recimo americka Collier´s i spanska kraljevska enciklopedija opisivale povode i pocetak prvog svetskog rata, uvek bi uvidjao koja je bolje tu temu obradila i imao bi zelju da ovu drugu dopunim ili ispravim, e sad to je sa vikipedijom postalo moguce! Prvi put sam se nasao pred mogucnost da sam kreiram i ispravljam sadrzaj neke enciklopedije, i to ne bilo koje, vec enciklopedije koja je postala najkoriscenija u svetu medju studentima, i glavni izvor informacije u sadasnjosti medju mladima. Od pocetka sam veoma ozbiljno shvatio ovaj projekat i, priznajem, zaljubio sam se u njega.
Sto se fudbala tice, nisam se nikad profesionalno bavio fudbalom sem rekreativnog igranja, ali sam obozavao uvek fudbal. Verovatno je pomoglo i to da gde god sam bio fudbal je bio omiljen sport (Meksiko, Spanija, Portugal,...) a odrastao sam u vremenu kada sam pred mojim stranim drustvom mogao pun ponosa da kazem da mi je reprezentacija Jugoslavija (1990. na mondijalu Piksijeva dva gola su ucinili da me drugovi spanci gledaju kao u Boga), kad je Zvezda osvojila Evropu i svet (iako sam Partizanovac, ali vani svaki nas uspeh postane nas). Deceniju kasnije, lose odluke vodecih ljudi naseg fudbala su stvorile veliki bes u meni jer je njihov pilicarski lopovluk dozvolio da izgubimo sav ugled i uspeh koji smo imali, i to me navelo da pisem o nasem fudbalu.
Air Serbia Airbus A330-200
Od samog pocetka nisam se uopste duomio da mi je zelja da editujem glavnu, englesku vikipediju. Ona je najcitanija u svetu i iz nje ostale skoro sve prepisuju. Cinjenica je da me daleko vise zanima sta i kako svet misli i vidi o nama i da li je korektno, nego sta ljudi citaoci samo srpske vikipedije misle. Jer krajnje sta bude pisalo ovde na ce skoro sve posle biti prepisano i u nasu i druge vikipedije. Veliki motiv mi je od pocetka bio da razbijem mnoge dezinformacije i predrasude koje postoje u raznim temama, sto od toga da kod nas svi misle da nije bilo ranije stranaca u nasem fudbalu, do toga da pisem o fudbalu pre-1945 o kojem se dosta malo pisalo ranije, pa sve do politckih stvari kao recimo prijateljica moja koja studira istoriju koja je otkrila kako je toliko prihvacena izreka da smo srbi i albanci vekovima neprijateljski narod, u stvari potpuno pogresna, i kako 1912 fakticki nastaje prvi ikad zapis nekog direktnog sukoba medju nama. Ali editovati politicke i istorijske clanke, narocito polemicne, a nase retko pa da ijedan clanak nema barem nesto polemicno, zahteva zaista mnogo znanja iskustva i truda. U startu sam recimo ja bio jedini koji se suprostavio grupi editora koji su Drazu Mihajlovica i Cetnike opisivali cak i gore nego Ustase, nasih nigde ni na vidiku nije bilo. A ja ni nisam Cetnik, mislim, caletovi mi jesu bili monarhisti, ali kevini su recimo bili bas Partizani. Elem, istorija je pisana na nacin u kojem cesto imamo sukob misljenja, a drugi narodi imaju ekipe editora koji rade koordinirano cesto u paktu i sa editorima iz drugih zemalja, tako da editovati polemicne teme iz geopolitike i istorije zahteva veoma dobro znanje u prikupljanju zapisa istoricara koji potvrdjuju nas stav, i dokazati ga kao vecinski pogled na tu temu. Zato je meni fudbal ceo jedan deo na kojem mogu da radim mirno bez brige sukoba i problema. Moji su srbi sa caletove strane bas stari srbi iz Beograda, a sa kevine su svi srbi iz Sarajeva. Tako da mogu da kazem da sam patriota, volim nas narod i zemlju, ali uopste ne mrzim druge. Zato sam usput bez problema doprinosio u pravljenju clanaka koji nemaju veze sa nama.
Sto se nasih planova az EXPO 2020 tice, ne znam bas nista. Ja sam inace radio na EXPO 92 u Lisabonu, i to ne za nase, nego za portugalski drzavni protokol, koji je primao vazne licnosti iz celog sveta, od kraljeva, predsednika, premijera, pa na dalje, od svake zemlje ucesnice, a ja sam bio u tome jer su im trebali ljudi sa znanjem jezika i lakocom u snalazenju u medjunarodnim ambijentima. Svaka zemlja je imala prelepe paviljone, zemlje daju sve od sebe da se u sto lepsem svetlu prikazu, jedino me je bila bruka naseg paviljona jer sve sto smo imali je bilo Teslino jaje i kosarskaski kos na ulazu... Mi nikad nismo bili dobri u tim finesama, tako da ne ocekujem ni ovaj put nista specijalno. Znas ovo zadnje sa Air Serbia? Ovo kad su odlucili da naprave specijalni spoljasnji izgled jednog od aviona, gde je kao promena trebala da predstavlja kreativnost i onovaciju naseg naroda... Pa je rezultat bio samo napisati bezveze reci na repu od aviona :D eto nase kreativnosti (ovaj na slici). FkpCascais (talk) 22:30, 22 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Fascinantno ! Ja Vas samo onda molim da zadrzite taj entuzijazam, jer Vi ste ti koji radite razliku i veoma mi je drago da ipak postoje ljudi kao Vi, ima nade ,hahaha, jer ja sam itekako svestan te pasivnosti naseg naroda koji samo odmahuje rukom na te "sitnice" (ja nas tako i zovem odmahivaci-sta me briga) ali to zna da ima prilicno velike posledice, posto zivimo nazalost u takvom svetu i posto su nove generacije prilicno plitke. Meni je bilo zapanjujuce to kada sam dosao u Nemacku koliko ustvari je na zapadu bitna ona "nije vazno ko si ,vec sta drugi misle ko si" i koliko tu ustvari postoji diskriminacije umotane u celofan, navescu Vam jedan primer : Pre 3-4 godine dogodio se jedan incident na proslavi Nove Godine u Kölnu gdje je na trgu bilo veliki broj ljudi , po novinskim navodima ,grupa od nekoliko stotina izbeglica je upala i pocela da pipa devojke sto je izazvalo veliki skandal u celoj Nemackoj ,sad sto se tice tog incidenta nemam pojma koliko je istinit ,da li se stvarno dogodio ili je to bio deo propagande u Nemackoj u pokusaju da se smanji val prihvacanja izbeglica, ali posledice nakon toga su itekako bile vidljive, 2 meseca posle dolaze u firmu u kojoj radim 2 tinejdjera 18 godina,jedan iz Afganistana ,jedan iz Pakistana, trebaju da odrade praktikum od 2 sedmice nakon toga ako je moguce Ausbildung (3 godisnje obrazovanje s poslom) , moji sefovi odmah guraju njih dvojicu kod mene ,ostali zaposlenici ih izbegavaju, u tom periodu ja upoznajem momke ,decki su i vise nego normalni ,ovaj jedan pesnicka dusa, cak mi i pokazao neke pesme koje je pisao, govori nekoliko jezika. Parsi ,urdu,engleski... cak mu je isao i nemacki ,ovaj drugi je voleo golubove i kod kuce ih uzgajao, cak je organizovao i takmicenja (nesto kao Duda Ivkovic) itd. Po ponasanju su bili daleko blizi zapadu jer se videla ta globalizacija i kod njih koja je prisutna zbog prisustva medija ,nakon 2 sedmice Betriebs Rat oragnizuje sastanak i odlucuje da li ce da ih uzme za Ausbildung, tamo se javi par osoba koje odmah burno reaguju govoreci kako ih je strah raditi s njima sihte zbog potencijalnog silovanja i kako njih 2 ne mogu tu da rade .Islo se cak tako daleko da je jedan kolega Nemac izneo svakojake teorije o njima jer je jedan imamo poveci nokat na malom prstu, od toga da to znaci da je ozenjen, ili da je silovatelj itd. Na sta sam ja rekao da je mozda gitarista ili mozda da voli da cacka usi kao kamiondzija... Uglavnom bili su odbijeni zbog cega sam bio prilicno besan jer niko od njih nije komunicirao s momcima niti 2 sekunde a donosili su odluke na osnovu informacija s strane... Te posledice se odnose i na nas, prvo zbog imidza koji ste i sami naveli iz devedesetih, drugo zbog jedne veoma jake politicke struje koja postoji u Nemackoj koja pokusava da spere ljagu s sebe sto se tice svetskih ratova svaljujuci krivicu na druge nacije, zato smo i mi obiljezeni kao troublemakeri jer smo toboze uzrokovali prvi svetski rat a niko ne preispituje ulogu Hötzendorfa u svemu tome koji je nekoliko decenija trazio i najmanju izliku da napadne Srbiju ... Imamo jos mnogo da radimo da popravimo svoj imidz, a nije da kao nacija nismo pridoneli covecanstvu, primer jedan Tesla, nas covek ,Srbin koji je isto tako za zivota bio prilicno sikaniran, zato je bitno da svet zna ko su Srbi , a Vasa uloga u svemu tome je neverovatno znacajna premda za mnoge mozda nevidljiva.

Zeleo bih procitati artickle koje ste Vi editirali ili pomogli u editiranju ,pa ako mi mozete navesti neke ,bio bih Vam zahvalan.

Pa, ovo ovde gde se dopisujemo je moj talk-page, a sem nje imate i moj profil, User:FkpCascais. Idite na dole pa negde na sredini ce te naci "My contributions" i zeleni blok na kojem pise "Articles I have created". Kliknite na desnoj strani u zelenom polju gde pise "Show" i otvorice vam se cela lista svih clanaka koje sam napravio. FkpCascais (talk) 16:47, 23 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Will do — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:53, 23 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Secam se dobro, ti incidenti su bili vest u celom svetu. Meni je mnogo zao tih ljudi, moj deda je inace bio inzenjer i radio na seriji projekata koje su nase firme u vreme Juge gradile u Iraku i proveo je neko vreme ziveci tamo nadgledajuci tok projekta i imam slike na kojima se vidi kako su bili medju najrazvijenijim arapskim zemljama. Sadam se kao i Asad protivio islamistima i fundamentalistima, emancipovao je zene, razdvojio drzavu i religiju, obe zemlje, i Irak i Sirija, su sad potpuno razrusene i unistene, kao i Libija... kao i Jugoslavija. Jugoslovenski i arapski socijalizmi koji su bili znatno uspesniji od sovjetskog nisu smeli da prezive i ostanu upisani u buducim skolskim udzbenicima kao uspesni politicki modeli, vec je trebalo stvoriti scenarije koji ce baciti u zaborav decenije prosperiteta. U Siriji se sile igraju rata, eksperimentisu oruzje, obican narod ne moze nista da promeni, preostaje mu samo da ceka da pogine. Ti ljudi su zrtve svetske geopolitike, oni su nevini, samo zele normalan zivot. Da postoje razne konspiracije vezane za njih koje mogu da budu i istinite, postoje, ali u svakoj njihova uloga ne ide dalje od izmanispulisane mase cije su zemlje razorene ratom. Mene boli dusa kad slusam neke nase desnicarske politicare koji govore pogrdno o migrantima, izmisljaju teorije kako su oni teroristi koji zele da nas istrebe. Pobogu, pa teroristi su ostali da se bore protiv Asada, a ovi ljudi u ogromnoj vecini ne gaje nikakve simpatije prema fundamentalizmu. Jedino mogu da pocnu da gaje ako ih mi evropljani toliko lose tretiramo da ih dovedemo u situaciju da nas zamrze. Najludji su ovi neki politicari zemalja bivseg Varsavskog pakta koji vode jaku anti-emigrantsku politiku, koji zaboravljaju da su samo generaciju unazad oni bili ti koji su bezali i u Jugoslaviju, i kroz Jugoslaviju u Italiju, Austriju i onda dalje, koji su preskakali zid u Berlinu, preskakali granicne zice u sumama Ceske da bi presli na zapad. Je li bi oni isti branili da se ta ista politika primenila i tada njihovim tatama i dedama? Moja majka je kao mlada radila za Ujedinjene Nacije jedno vreme u ekipi koja je organizovala kampove po Banatu za smestaj izbeglica narocito iz Rumunije i Madjarske koji su bezali na stotine mesecno samo sa kofercetom u ruci i garderobom i ostalim sto su imali na sebi. Koliko ih je samo nas Crveni Krst spasavao po Dunavu da se ne podave... puno ih se i podavilo. Svi su narodi isti, svi imaju i dobre i lose ljude, a rasisti i ksenofobi su obicne kukavice koji svoju frustraciju lece tako sto upere nasilje protiv manjina, protiv slabijih, jer se plase nepoznatog. Veliki srbi u istoriji su uvek nasuprot, branili i stitili manjine.
Bio sam par puta u Nemackoj samo u poseti, ali sam primetio multietnicko drustvo koje imaju. Primetio sam takodje i tenzije i odredjenu superiornost prema strancima koji odredjen sloj ima. Sve je to normalno u multietnickim drustvima. U Portugalu je jako slicno, ako se ne varam mislim da je skoro izasao podatak da je petina stanovnika ili stranog porekla ili stranci. Apsolutno je normalno uci u gradski autobus i da pola putnika budu portugalci, a drugo pola afrikanci vecinom iz bivsih kolinija (Angolanci, Kaboverdijanci, Mozambikanci, itd.) onda brazilaca ima veoma puno, pa devedesetih je naleteo talas iz istocne Evrope, narocito ukrajinaca, i moldavaca i rumuna (ovim zadnjima je slicnost jezika bio plus), onda je bio talas nepalaca, pakistanaca, indusa, a onda drugi veliki talas kineza (portugalci su imali kolonije u Indiji su imali Goa i Dili a u Kini su imali Makau), onda je normalno videti sve zive evropljane, skandinavci i britanci recimo dolaze na odmor ili recimo presele se u Portugal kad se penzionisu, zbog slicnosti jezika ima svih ovih ostalih latinoamerikanaca kao kolumbijaca, peruanaca, argentinaca... Mislim, Portugal je multietnicko drustvo, od 10 miliona stanovnika, 2 miliona su stranci, ali to nipocemu nije imanjilo portugalsku egzistenciju, kulturu, pa ni ekonomiju, naprotiv, ta multikulturalnost je samo doprinela da se svi postuju i bolje poznaju. Ovde jedino nema puno nasih ahahaha. Ali u takvom ambijentu okruzen ljudima sa svih strana sveta, nekako naucis i vise da volis svoju zemlju nego recimo neko tamo kod nas okruzen samo nasima. Meni je tuzno kad cujem rasne napade recimo one na fudbalere iz nigerije u cacku ili tako negde pre jedno 10 godina. Pa pobogu ljudi, oni su sansa da se u njihovim zemljama procuje dobar glas o nama, a oni sve upropaste.
Jedna od mojih najinteresantnijih licnih epizoda je bila kad sam u vreme studiranja zapoceo vezu sa devojkom iz Angole. Bila je prelepa, visoka, vitka, sa perfektnim formama, najlepsim usnama koje sam do tada bio ikad video, inace je bila melezkinja, znaci nije bila crna crna, nego joj je baka bila portugalka pa je imala malo boju koze kao kafa. Ali glavna stvar u prici nije ona, vec njen deda. Cim smo se upoznali i cim je saznala da sam srbin, odmah smo se dogovorili da idemo kod njenih kuci da upoznam obavezno njenog dedu koji me je primio sa ogromnim osmehom i sa "Zdravo, dobrodosao!" Covek cist angolanac prica srpski kao ja engleski i obozava Beograd i Srbiju jer kaze da je najbolje godine svog zivota proveo studirajuci u Beogradu preko nekih dogovora nesvrstanih da dolaze da studiraju kod nas! Pola kuce je sva u nasim suvenirima i slikama Beograda. To je nesto sto nema cenu a sto kod nas danas ljudi uopste o tome ni ne razmisljaju niti ih interesuje. Njen deda je svim njegovim prijateljima stalno dosadjivao pricajuci o Beogradu a da ni nije uopste nas, ja sam se uvek salio i govorio da je on vise cinio da se procujemo u Portugalu nego nasa ambasada ahahaha.
Jeste nasli moje clanke? FkpCascais (talk) 18:40, 23 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Jesam ,evo bas citam listu svih stranih fudbalera koji su igrali ili igraju u ligama bivse Jugoslavije , bome za ovo je sigurno trebalo jako puno posla, i nisam znao da je bilo fudbalera iz Tadjikistana hahaha Ono sta sam primetio je da ste se specijalizovali vecinom za fudbal,premda je i ovaj clanak o aerodromima jako zanimljiv. Da li vas interesuju i drugi sportovi ili samo fudbal ? I sta mislite koji je stranac ostavio najveci trag u ex Ju ligama? Imam i tu jednu anegdotu koja mozda ne mora da znaci nista ali na neki nacin me natjerala na razmisljanje o Nemcima koji (iako nije u redu da generaliziram) su onako dosta lukavi i kako Vi kazete misle da su superiorni, imam jednog starijeg kolegu na poslu koji je sad vec pred penziju ali zna jako mnogo o fudbalu, zakletog Bayernovca, inace u Njemackoj te fanove zovu "Erfolg fans" zato sto navijaju uvek za klub koji je u tom trenu uspesan, tako je u 70-im sve bilo puno navijaca Mönchengladbacha ,a danas su sve prekomandovali u Borussia Dortmund navijace Uglavnom taj kolega za sebe tvrdi da je Bayernov fan od pocetka hahaha jos od doba Beckenbauera, kad smo se upoznali pitao sam ga da li zna neke srpske ili ex jugoslavenske igrace ,rekao mi je da nema pojma ,da ne zna nista o Srbiji ili Jugoslaviji Tokom vremena smo se postali ajmo reci dobre kolege, recimo da sam stekao ugled u toj firmi pa su me prihvatili i one godine kad su proglasili Modrica za najboljeg fudbalera sveta , on pridje meni iz cista mira i kaze : " Dobar je Modric ali za mene je najbolji jugoslavenski igrac ikad Dragan Dzajic." - Ok a kako to da si cuo za Dzajica a ovamo mi kazes da nemas pojma o Srbiji ili Jugi , nakon toga se otvorio , rekao kako mu je onaj poraz Bayerna od Zvezde u polufinalu KES jako tesko pao pa onda se cak secao i one generacije Partizana koja je igrala finale KES-a i tog "cuvenog preokreta" mislim cetvrtfinale KES -a 0:4 .5:0(tako je on rekao posto sam ja mladji pa nisam to doziveo to ,ja znam za Gajica, Jusufija, Vasovica i Soskica a ovaj mi nabroji celih prvih 11) trebalo mu 5 godina da nesto kaze. Znaci nije bas onako da ne znaju za nas, prati se sve,samo sto ocito im nesta smeta kod nas. S druge strane isto tako imam kolegu iz Sao Paula, veliki navijac Corinthiansa , on je ipak otvoreniji i bez kompleksa , kada sam ga pitao da li je cuo za Ramba Petkovica rekao je da svi u Brazilu znaju za njega ,da je ostavio veoma dubok trag, da je tamo legenda, sto mi je stvarno bilo drago, isto ovo sta je ove godine bilo u Wimbledonu ,jednostavno Djokovica nisu mogli ignorirati jer je covek napravio sportski podvig pa se pricalo jako mnogo o njemu, premda Nemci ne vole toliko tenis (voleli bi ga da imaju nekog kao Becker opet ,jer sad prate Vettela u Formuli 1, to je isto jedna stvar koju sam primetio ,izvestavaju na radiju samo o svojim sportistima ,pa vrlo cesto izadje nepotpuna vest). Tako da ne znam sta da mislim o svemu tome.

Izvinjavam se sto tek sad odgovaram, ali videli ste da diskusija tamo nastavlja, pa sam malo vremena sto sam imao tamo iskoristio da ponovim probleme koje stvara onaj editor sa pretenzijom da ubaci Hrvatsku kao da je imala autoritet nad Krajinom. Da bi ste bili u toku, morate da vidite arhivu, ona je na vrhu one strane, konsenzus o kojem govorimo se nalazi ovde: Talk:Nikola Tesla/Nationality and ethnicity/Archive 11, a ako idete u starije arhive videcete kako je sve pocelo i sta su sve probali. Ja editujem sto manje clanak upravo da ne bi mogli da upere prst u mene, vec radje bi da neutralni editori sami vide ko je u pravu i napisu clanak na neutralnom nacinu.
Sto se tice ostalih clanaka, mozda ste se razocarali u moju listu clanaka, ali to je zato sto kad sam poceo da editujem, 2009., tada je vecina vaznih clanaka vec bila stvorena, ali su bili veoma kratki. Tako da ja nisam puno vaznih clanaka zapoceo, ali sam doprineo i prosirio mnoge.
Lista stranih fudbalera je bila nesto sto mi je bilo drago da napravim jer se radilo o rasturanju zablude koja je tada vladala da ranije nije bilo kod nas stranaca. Veoma se protivim onima koji tako misle i misle da smo zato bili ranije uspesniji. Lista je bila meni izazov narocito jer je nije tada nigde bilo da postoji, i zato sto vecina fudbalskih editora, pa cak i novinara i pisaca, skoro uvek su pisali iskljucivo samo o nasim fudbalerima. A ja kad sam jos bio mali secam se jednog starijeg coveka sa Vozdovca koji je bio predratni fudbaler, i mi smo ga grupa malisana slusali kad nam je prepricavao raznorazne avanture sa utakmica iz 20tih i 30tih. Tacno se secam kada je pricao da smo u ligi imali razne strane trenere i igrace. I bio je u pravu. Hteo sam da razbijem tu ideju da su stranci neka novost uvezena sa zapada i uocim ljudima da je nas predratni fudbal bio veoma interesantan i da je izmedju ostalog postojala i ta tradicija uvozenja trenera i igraca, posebno iz tada jacih liga poput austrijske, madjarske, ili cehoslovacke. To je projekat koji nije zavrsen, i moguce da ga nikad ne dovrsim, jer sam dolazio do teskoca poput recimo imati listu igraca BSK-a u kojoj imam Rudolfa Tomasica, a nadjem da je u Italiji igrao Rodolfo Tommasi, i naravno spojim da se radi o istom igracu. Posebno mi je krivo bilo to da se kod nas obozavalo pisati o kojekakvim bosonogim momcima a recimo niko nije uzeo da napise da je BSK 1924 godine da bi pobedio tada dominantniju Jugoslaviju kupio kapitena rumunske reprezentacije Rudolf Wetzer-a plus golmana Dezider Lakija. Nije da imam ista protiv bosonogih igraca koji su postali zvezde, ali imam protiv te neke lazne skromnosti, i izbegavanja pisanja o ovakvim dogadjajima koji su u vreme socijalizma bili burzujski, ali pobogu, ta vremena su prosla, ne moramo vise da ih precutkujemo i da ih se stidimo. Krajnje, nikakve veze stranci/domaci nemaju sa uspehom, moj zakljucak je da smo mi bili uspesni uvek onda kada smo bili savremeni za to vreme. Da bi bmo bili ponovo uspesni, ne treba da se vracamo starim receptima, vec naprotiv, treba da budemo ponovo savremeni ali u sadasnjem dobu. Hteo sam da dokazem i to da su Partizan iz 66 ili Zvezda iz 91 bili uspesni jer su sakupili veliki broj odlicnih igraca sa veceg prostora od samo uze Srbije, i da nema nista lose u tome. Treba i znati imati privlacne klubove i znati dovesti dobre igrace, a ne samo skupiti najbolje iz svoje ulice. ... Da, ima ovde u Portugalu puno brazilaca, svi znaju za Ramba Petkovica, obozavaju ga :D FkpCascais (talk) 23:18, 28 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Ja se u potpunosti slazem s vama, poceo sam citati ovu diskusiju koju ste mi predlozili i vidim da je to vec odavno odbaceno od ostalih editora, celu diskusiju cu procitati ovih dana. Ono sto upada u oci je prilicna agresivnost hr editora prema Vama, i konstantno citiranje Rudolfa Horvata , istoricara koji je bio poznat kao ajmo reci hrvatski nacionalista (poznata je njegova izjava da je "Jugoslavija tamnica naroda" a to je izjavio nakon sto je nekoliko godina bio zatvoren jer je imao aktivnu ulogu za vrijeme NDH ) to bi bilo veoma slicno kada bi se danas citirali recimo Jurisic ,istoricar koji apsolutno negira cinjenicu da su na teritoriju Hrvatske uopste ziveli Srbi , vec on nas naziva Vlajima, Rumunjima itd. U Hrvatskoj postoje objektivni istoricari kao recimo Tvrtko Jakovina koji svoja istrazivanja provode na zapadu i uzimaju strane izvore kao relevantne ali ocito njihove ideje nisu popularne, sto samo potvrdjuje ono cega sam se bojao, ako ste primetili ovaj kolega pokusava da minorizira Teslinu nacionalnu pripadnost i pokusava da pogurne ideju da je bio hrvatski naucnik (to i je glavni cilj) ali s druge strane indirektno potvrdjuje cinjenicu da je Tesla rodjen u MK u Austriji, dovoljno je samo malo detaljnije uci u izvore koje i on sam citira. Ono sto me neugodno iznenadjuje je negiranje izvora koje ste Vi naveli i recimo zadnji komentar da ne postoje izvori da je Tesla osnovao srpski kulturni klub u Grazu. Ja jos ne razumem koncept funkcionisanja na vikipediji (primarni izvori, sekundarni izvori) ali recimo ovaj clanak potvrdjuje Vase navode - Da li je to sekundarni izvor i da li je uopste upotrebljiv za citiranje na vikipediji ? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:23, 29 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Pozdrav jos jednom ,vidim da je diskusija zatvorena ali posto mislim da ce kolega iz hr wikipedije to opet pokrenuti za par dana ili mjesec uspeo sam da pronadjem izvor (diplomski rad iz Hrvatske ) koji apsolutno negira njegove teorije i potvrdjuje ono sta ste vi celo vreme objasnjavali , bilo bi dobro da ga procitate, posto koristi veliki broj stranih i domacih izvora koji su obradjivali ovu temu : , mislim da je ovaj izvor priicno validan — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:25, 3 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]

FK Crvena zvezda

That all makes sense to me. I've worked for UEFA for the last four years, so I've had to deal with Crvena zvezda on multiple occasions in TV graphics and stuff. We've always just gone with what's on the UEFA website, but I had often wondered why "zvezda" didn't have a capital letter. I suspected it was as you've described, and you described it brilliantly. – PeeJay 23:22, 2 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Please read WP:AIRCRASH

As per WP:AIRCRASH: "Accidents involving light aircraft and military aircraft are mostly non-prominent. They account for many more accidents and incidents than larger civil aircraft. Military aircraft accidents may be suitable for inclusion in the relevant List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft. For accidents involving light aircraft (maximum gross weight of 12,500 lb (5,670 kg) or less) or any military aircraft the standard for inclusion is: the accident involved the death of a person of sufficient individual notability to have their own biography page in Wikipedia (and the biography is not solely due to them being an accident victim), or The accident resulted in a significant change to the aircraft design or aviation operations, including changes to national or company procedures, regulations or issuance of an Airworthiness Directive (or the equivalent to an AD in the case of non-certified aircraft)."As the accidents did not A. involve the death of a person of sufficient individual notability to have their own biography page in Wikipedia, and B. resulted in a significant change to the aircraft design or aviation operations - surely, that should mean that, under the above policy, these losses are non-notable and should not be covered in the article Soko J-22 Orao. Does this make sense? Kyteto (talk) 02:02, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

All 3 accidents resulted in loss of the planes, so what is contradictory? About the rest, addition of unsourced content (planes lost in combat must be sourced, no speculation, please) and the listing of Croatian air force assets is irrelevant for the aircraft article. I fail to see controversy at all, rather some edit-warring more focused in itself than content. FkpCascais (talk) 02:06, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The above is basically stating those three plane losses shouldn't be mentioned at all; because the losses aren't notable unless they A. involve the death of a person of sufficient individual notability to have their own biography page in Wikipedia, and B. resulted in a significant change to the aircraft design or aviation operations. Hence, if they don't meet either of those conditions, those losses shouldn't be included in the article. There have been hundreds of F-16s lost in air accidents, most of them aren't mentioned in the F-16 article because they don't A. involve the death of a person of sufficient individual notability to have their own biography page in Wikipedia, or B. resulted in a significant change to the aircraft design or aviation operations. It's the exact same principle, hence why it has been removed by multiple editors before, yet Karen kept readding those entries against consensus. Kyteto (talk) 02:14, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
To put it very simply, the loss of the planes does not make it notable enough for mentioning on the article - unless the individual loss meets either Condition A, or Condition B. As none of the three fulfil A or B as far as I can see (do you disagree on that conclusion?) then surely, as per WP:AIRCRASH, they should be removed- right? Kyteto (talk) 02:17, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I also see the problem there. Either we list all losses which can become a huge list (not to mention how huge would become in F-16 case) or better leave the list out. Then better remove the 3 accidents list, while I hope you can agree unsourced and unrelated content stays out from prose. Agree? (if can be sourced then obviously shoudl be added) FkpCascais (talk) 02:31, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I can agree there indeed. The reason for the unsourced content being restored was that I was taking it in the neck from other editors for (ironically) deleting too much - as you can see there is a lot of uncited content on the article, and people objected to me deleting too much of it after years of it sitting there never being cited. Half the cites on the current article revision were retrieved by me trying to source the mess a few months ago; I had summarised the whole losses of that conflict down to a single unsourced summary and I was still getting criticised for taking too much out - now you have the opposite view and want even more gone, and I have no problem with that - its what I wanted to do, but people were getting worked up too much for me to continue making heavy edits, and I felt I had done enough on this front for the time being. I do think that the Croatian sentence doesn't make sense as is - it literally doesn't seem to make grammatical sense if you read it aloud end of end, some words are missing. Originally, I had written a summary of the fledgling air force's strength to show that it was not just an asset, but a major proportion, of that air force, and that most other elements were older aircraft or those adapted from trainers. Kyteto (talk) 02:39, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I do highly recommend checking out the article's talk page, as an FYI. Some of the issues we've covered have been going in circles for months, and Karen's resulted in edit warring content in (such as these aircraft losses) and has been reverted by multiple editors (see the article's history page for proof, no need to take me at my word). It's been odd. Kyteto (talk) 02:41, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
You are totally right, and I do indeed want to correct myself and say the 3 accidents should be removed because of the policy you pointed out which clearly indicates the plane is not enough large, thus accidents should only be mentioned if they contain one of the mentioned criteriums, which they clearly do not. I will have more atention to the talk-page, thank you for pointing me out. I have had some limited time, much less then desired. I created the mother article SOKO and expanded many of the related articles, but it was time ago and much of the content have been expanded, or changed since then, however, I have these articles on my watchlist and try to keep them as correct as possible. My motivation was more about eliminating propagandistic tone, so accidents seemed no harm since they rather show the bad side, so I initially tought they were no harm, and were sourced, so suposedly informative. Thank you for solving this out collaborativelly, and I must say I am glad we have editors like you watching these articles. Also want to thank you for your grammatical help for my edit. Whenever you need please feel totally free to ping me. Kindest regards Kyteto! FkpCascais (talk) 03:17, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Holocaust Encyclopedia

Using the Holocaust Encyclopedia as reliable source on the different military events from the WWII is not the best solution. It offers detailed information about the Holocaust, but not about the military operations. Jingiby (talk) 05:43, 10 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

OK, I can agree. I used it as it was one of the first results appearing me, and, although I can agree with you that it isn´t the best option, on the case we are talking about here there is no reason to consider it unreliable, as they do treat the topic of WWII seriously, so they can be considered as an exemple to see how they describe a certain event in which they don´t have reasons to be biased, while wanting to be correct. It is a good exemple of how Bulgaria is included in the list of countries that invaded Yugoslavia in WWII. This is what we should be searching for, reliable short descriptions of that event, and not authors that go into detail to back up an alternative theory.
The case here is to see if scholars world-wide do list Bulgaria when they refer to the list of countries that invaded Yugoslavia in the Axis invasion of 1941, or if they don´t. FkpCascais (talk) 19:46, 11 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Also, the major issue there was that your edit was that whatever the technicality you are backing up, turning events to a point to add that Bulgaria didn´t invaded Yugoslavia leaves a totally wrong impression. FkpCascais (talk) 19:48, 11 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2019 election voter message

Disambiguation link notification for December 5

An automated process has detected that when you recently edited List of foreign football players in Serbia, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page FAP (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).

(Opt-out instructions.) --DPL bot (talk) 07:47, 5 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

"Women's А Basketball League of Serbia" listed at Redirects for discussion

An editor has asked for a discussion to address the redirect Women's А Basketball League of Serbia. Since you had some involvement with the Women's А Basketball League of Serbia redirect, you might want to participate in the redirect discussion if you wish to do so. Pkbwcgs (talk) 21:15, 3 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Info removed

Hi man, please take a look at this removal, and if it has sense. I am not an expert on the subject. [48]. cheers, Sadkσ (talk is cheap) 08:22, 26 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, hey, many thanks, I will take a look and check that definitelly. Cheers! FkpCascais (talk) 15:45, 26 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for February 1

An automated process has detected that when you recently edited List of foreign football players in Serbia, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Nikola Stojanović (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).

(Opt-out instructions.) --DPL bot (talk) 15:22, 1 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for March 27

An automated process has detected that when you recently edited List of foreign footballers in top leagues of former Yugoslavia, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Triglav Kranj (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver).

(Opt-out instructions.) --DPL bot (talk) 10:08, 27 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]


Thank you so much, I feel such an honour receving this award from you. It is you who deserve it much more than me, I wished I could have time to do much more than what have been doing. Anyway, thank you so much for taking care of things around, you rule! FkpCascais (talk) 15:32, 11 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Answer and reason about Kosovo file problem

Hello @FkpCascais:, the reason I couldn't react to this is because I've been busy with some personal work, thank you for correcting the content of the photo from "Kosovo national team at 1970s" to "Kosovo representative team at 1970s, composed by the best players from Kosovo", because at the time of uploading I did not know what to call the photo, I do not intend to distort the history because I know how it all this story was and the reason I added this photo is because the modern Kosovo national team is a descendant of Kosovo representative team (Kosovo amateur team), I say descendant because after the separation of the Football Federation of Kosovo from that of Yugoslavia after a long break the activity has returned the team under the name Kosovo representative team and played unofficial friendly matches with football teams and national teams such as Albania, Northern Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, etc. But the events converted the team from a representative team in a national team and became a member of UEFA and FIFA. You can freely remove the photo I have no problem, the reason I added the photo is that I saw a lot of photos on Wikipedia that were added in such a way as the photo that I added and through the photo I wanted to tell an unknown story which in this case has been the dusty and unknown history of Kosovo national team. If you have information about the matches that Kosovo played before the 1990s, such as the case of the match against Yugoslavia and the matches as part of 1975 Brotherhood and Unity Tournament. I ask you to add because where action would reveal a great discovery of the football history of the former Yugoslavia, in addition to these matches I have information about a match between the Vojvodina representative team and the Slovenia representative team ( It is time for racism and hatred to disappear, as this action that we are expected to take would tell the true story of Yugoslav football that has been more qualitative and much more disciplined as modern Balkanian football. With respect, BalkanianActuality (talk) 13:59, 17 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@BalkanianActuality: thank you very much for your kind message and I apologise coming to you only now, but I wanted to answer you properly with time. I appreciate very much the type of approach you suggest and I am happy if you dedicate to expand and improve Kosovo-related articles. In the past I had for several times searched for someone like you. I grew up in Yugoslav era and had good Kosovar Albanian friends. So you can fully count on me whenever you need.
The problem with the teams from that tournament is that seems that those teams were in no way "national teams", not even near. They didn´t gather none of the good players, much less the best ones. They were amateur teams. Means those players were amateur footballers (at least at that time) meaning, they didn´t even played in professional league or clubs. As amateurs, they didn´t earned a single Dinar playing, and certainly had other occupations, most likely journalists, referees, FA officials, some probably lower-league players, and probably not more than just few of them became notable.
See the problem this creates, right? Yugoslav league had its first professional players already by mid-1920s, and the Yugoslav First League became fully-professional in 1967. That means that in 1970s all First League players, and many Second League too, were professionals. So the amateur teams left all those players out. The tournament was probably a way communist party found to incentivate football at lower levels as well. YFA gave to the subassociations the task to gather the talented players from the republic and provincial leagues, which corresponded to 3rd, or lower, levels on national level. So they were not even near anything symilar to national teams. Suggesting so is a huge missrepresentation. See why? FkpCascais (talk) 20:54, 24 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]


I request your opinion in Talk:Josip_Broz_Tito#Reliable_sources_and_unreliable_sources. Regards--Forza bruta (talk) 17:02, 6 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Serbian literature

Zdravo, I have worked a bit on the Serbian literature page. Please join in if you have the time. Sadkσ (talk is cheap) 23:44, 8 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Sadko:, it´s a real honour to have your inviation for collaboration on such a noble topic, thank you very much. Unfortunatelly, the hollydays and some real life events don´t leave me much time this August. Another thing I have to be honest about is my lack of expertise beyond what is already there. Having spent only some years of my entire scholarship in Serbia doesn´t help either. But I will keep an eye at the article and I congratulate you for such a honorable initiative! FkpCascais (talk) 19:52, 9 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Aircraft industry of Serbia

Hey man, thanks for the star. Cheers. PajaBG (talk) 15:41, 1 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

List of foreign footballers Yug

Hej, imam pitanje za ovoj ex-yu foreign listu, su uključeni igrači dvostruke nacionalnosti koji so igrali za ex-yu repku ili ne? Jer je napisano "In this list are also included the players with dual nationalities". Ako je Aleksandar Bjelica rođen u Srbiji, igrao je za srbijo U21, ali ima i dutch passport i je u slovenačkoj ligi registrovan kao holandac (, se smatra kao stranac ili ne? Snowflake91 (talk) 22:17, 17 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Veliki pozdrav @Snowflake91:, nadam se da si dobro i baš sam hteo da ti se zahvalim što super pomažeš u ažuriranju slovenačkog dela liste!
Napravio si fenomenlno pitanje koje ulazi u srž problema. Kad sam napravio liste u to vreme samo su postojale liste najjačih liga i nekih osrednjih. Kriterijumi su većinom bili da se uključe igrači koji na spisku klubova imaju drugu zastavicu koja nije od lige u kojoj igraju. A dogovor oko te zastavice je bila dugacka i interesantna debata (videću ako mogu da nadjem link, ali bilo je na Wiki talk FOOTY još negde oko 2008. tako). Liste, u stvari, su liste igrača kojima prva zastavica (u slučaju da imaju više) nije od domaće lige. A ta prva zastavica od igrača (jer u spisku igrača u klubu moraš da odabereš jednu) je dogovoreno da se stavlja zastava po sledećem kriterijumu:
1- Ako je igrač igrao za neku reprezentaciju, stavljamo mu zastavu te reprezentacije.
2- Ako je igrač igrao za više reprezentacija, stavljamo onu koju je zadnju predstavljao (s tim da A reprezentacija ima prednost u odnosu na U21, itd.).
3- Ako igrač nije igrao nizajednu reprezentaciju, niti pozive, stavljamo zastavu državljanstva koje poseduje ako imamo dokaze da je ima.
4- Ako poseduje više državljanstva, prioritet dajemo zemlji u kojoj se rodio.
Ukratko, kriterijum je 1- national team, 2- place of birth, a ako se slučajno negde rodio jer su roditelji tamo bili diplomate recimo, i znamo da poseduje drugi pasoš i nema veze sa zemljom rodjenja onda stavljamo zemlju pasoša. Pasoši nekako dolaze posle reprezentacija i mesta rodjenja zato što danas se mnogo mulja sa tim pasošima i dele se igračima mnogo lako u mnogim državama samo da bi prevarili to pravilo "stranaca" pa da ne bi stalno menjali kako koji igrač dobije pasoš, liste se više drže prave nacionalnosti kojoj igrači pripadaju, sem ako nisu igrali za neku drugu reprezentaciju, to onda ima prioritet.
Ja za ovaj slučaj Bjelice po pravilima mislim da prioritet ima reprezentacije (igrao je samo za Srbiju u U21 nivou, za Holandiju nije), plus se rodio u Srbiji. To što ima "i" holandski pasoš mu služi da bude EU citizen, ali po ovim pravilima koji daju veću prednost reprezentacijama, ipak bi trebao da bude prvo srbin pa onda holandjanin. Ja kapiram celu komplikaciju ovoga svega i strašno puno diskusija je već bilo oko ovoga, ali ovaj model je nekako najpraktičnij ispao do sada. Šta misliš? FkpCascais (talk) 20:10, 18 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Slažem se, onda ču izbrisati Bjelicu. Ali ima još takvih slučajeva – kada je igrač bio bez nastupa za reprezentaciju kada je ušao u ligu, ali je kasnije igrao za ex-yu U21 repku, se ovaj unos briše? Primer Lucas Mario Horvat, ima 1 U21 nastup juna 2006, ali igrao je u prvi ligi več 2005. I neznam šta da se radi sa Andrés Vombergar – registrovan je kao slovenac u ligi, ali rođen je u argentini, neznam ako se "B" reprezentancija računa jer ova utakmica nije bila FIFA official. Mislim da je onda sve te igrače treba izbrisati, verovatno jih je i više. Snowflake91 (talk) 21:02, 18 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Snowflake91: Izvini, tek sam danas na wiki. Da, potpuno razumem tvoje dileme sa tim slučajevima. I ja sam sam se borio da nadjem najbolje rešenje i priznajem da sigurno zajedno možemo lakše da ga rešimo jer nisam ni ja sam siguran koliko su neka moja pravila najpraktičnija ili najkorektnija. Horvat igrajući za Sloveniju U21 je po svim standardima postao "Slovenian footballer" ali igrao je kao argentinac prvu godinu u Sloveniji. Možda bi najpraktičnije bilo ostaviti ga u listi ali sa asteriskom gde će biti rečeno da od 2006. ima nastupe za Sloveniju U21 i da je tretiran kao domaći. Isto i sa Vombrgarom. Igrajući za Sloveniju B je postao "Slovenian footballer" ali je došao ranije i igrao kao argentinac. Ja bih ga ostavio samo dodajući asteriks ili note da je 2019 igrao za SLoveniju B i da više nije stranac.
Sigurno si video da sam ubacio neke polemične slučajeve kao recimo Izudin Dervić. Da ti budem sasvim otvoren i iskren, činjenica je bila da kad sam napravio listu ona je u poredjenju sa drugim listama delovala čak i u ovom YUGO-formatu dosta siromašna. Ideja mi je bila da ako smo se dogovorili na WP:FOOTY da igrače označavamo pod 1 sa national team they represented, a pod 2 sa place of birth/passport, onda je Dervić "Icelandic footballer". Ako se pitamo "Did any Icelandic footballer played in any Yugoslav top-league?" odgovor je "Yes, Dervic did". Iako kada je igrao u Olimpiji on nije bio stranac, to pitanje i taj odgovor i dalje su tačni, i tako se i u većini fudbalskih sajtova to prikazuje, Derviću stave islandsku zastavu jer je bio njihov reprezentativac čak i za periode pre dok je igrao u Ljubljani i bio jugosloven. Najbolje možda ubaciti sve njih a pod asteriskom ili note objasniti detalje.
Činjenica je da od kad sam prvo napravio listu i kriterujume do danas, stvari su se dosta izmenile. Ako imaš predloga koje misliš da će da nam pomognu, slobodno reci. Samo želim da znaš da mi je mnogo drago i da mi je čast da učestvuješ, pomažeš mi, i deliš mišljenja samnom u vezi liste. Its a real honour my friend! :) FkpCascais (talk) 21:30, 20 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message

SFRY automobiles

Hi FkpCascais, I saw your additions of local assembly information at a number of pages. I took the liberty of formatting your reference and adding an archived url: <ref name="pravilivozili">{{ cite web | url = | archive-url = | archive-date = 2019-07-01 | title = SFRJ četvorotočkaši: Šta su pravili i vozili Jugosloveni? | trans-title = SFRY automobiles: What did the Yugoslavs build and drive? | language = bs | work = N1 | first = Rajko | last = Martinović | date = 2015-12-23 }}</ref>

Before I update all instances of this citation, please check my translation of the article title. Best,  Mr.choppers | ✎  04:31, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you very much. Your translation of the title is also perfect. Great to have your assistance, kindest regards! FkpCascais (talk) 06:16, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed deletion of Fabinho Mauá


The article Fabinho Mauá has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Article about non-notable footballer which fails WP:NFOOTBALL and WP:GNG - there is no evidence that he ever played in the Brasileiro Série B with São Caetano or the Serbian SuperLiga with OFK Beograd.

While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Jogurney (talk) 21:09, 30 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Indeed, he made no appearances for the Serbian Superliga so my hope was that he made pro-appearances with Sao Caetano in Brazilian Serie A or B, but we failed to have that confrmed by now. He was definielly some low-lewel rebbel player, but seems hard to find him a way to pass WP:NOTABILIY. It was one of mine first biographies that helped me gain experience in editing. Whaever the outcome of this AFD, I send you kindest regards! Cheers! FkpCascais (talk) 00:09, 3 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Rezultati SRJ kupa iz 1996/97

Evo našao sam negde rezultate šesnaestine finala SRJ kupa 1996/97:


Omladinac (odakle je?) 0 Borac Cacak 3

FK Igalo 2 FK Becej 3++

Obilic Beograd 1 Napredak Krusevac 0

OFK Beograd 2 Mladost Backi Jarak 0

FK Zeleznik 1 Mladost Lucani 4

FK Bor 0 Radnicki Nis 1

FK Zemun 2 Loznica 0

Jedinstvo Paracin 2 Sloboda Uzice 0

Radnicki S (Svilajnac valjda?) 1 Buducnost Podgorica 2

Cement 0 Vojvodina Novi Sad 2

Hajduk Kula 1 OFK Kikinda 1+ (Hajduk iz Kule prošao dalje)

Radnicki Novi Beograd 7 Rad Beograd 8+

FK Novi Sad 1 Cukaricki Beograd 0

FK Novi Pazar 0 Proleter Zrenjanin 2

Crvena Zvezda Beograd 4 Podgorice Tuzi (Kom) 0

BSK Batajnica 2:1 Partizan Beograd

+Izvođeni su penali

++ Možda su bili izvođeni penali


Koje su ovde greške i da li možeš da mi nađeš tačne rezultate šesnaestine finala iz 1996/97 ako ovi rezultati nisu tačni? Jolicnikola (talk) 04:37, 9 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Veliki pozdrav Nidzo, nadam se da si dobro i bas mi je drago sto i dalje ozbiljno editujes. Sto se tice podataka iz 1990-tih, imam problem sto nemam kopiju godisnjaka FSJ iz tog perioda. Imam samo do 1992. pa mi fale godiisnjaci do 2000. U njima sigurno ima tacnih rezultata sa sve imenima strelaca. Za rezultate iz kupova, kao pomocnike sam koristio RSSSF - Yugoslavia/Serbia (and Montenegro) - Cup History 1947-2006/07 i, ne mogu da verujem da ovde nisu ukljucili i kupove: Ako ti bude od pomoci, slobodno pregledaj sta imam na: User:FkpCascais/Sandbox17. Meni mnogo fali taj godisnjak iz 1990tih koji mislim da je izasao tako sto je ukljucivao vise sezona sve u jednom godisnjaku, a treba mi da nadjem tacne podatke o nastupima igraca u ligama tih sezona. Ako znas gde ga ima, i gde mogu da ga otvoreno vidim, molim te kazi mi. FkpCascais (talk) 22:07, 9 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Improving Wikipedia

Hello @FkpCascais: I believe we havent communicate so far but as I understand you and @PajaBG: are one of the best regarding history of Balkan region therefore it would be shame not to ask for your opinion. For the last few months there have been quite a lot of content removal regarding Serbian articles, early medieval and other ones mostly by the this User [[49]] who posted a lot of controversial content under the excuse it is RS like this ones Diff 1 Diff 2 Diff 3 or removed a lot under the excuse it is WP:OR. Recently they with their colleagues also removed huge amount of content in this 2 articles [[50]], [[51]] and now are proposing to put in some theories that were popular during WW2 [[52]]. Funny thing, I have been labeled as Serbian nationalist and POV (even though I am not a Serbian) but I did spend time in dispute trying to explain those editors that it is wrong to call "Serbs are slaves" or "Serbs are Vlachs" even though they found a passus or a cite by one author ignoring disprovals by numerous others. I am bit suprised with admins allowing this, so maybe it could interest you 2. After all we are here to improve Wikipedia not to make a travesty of it. Thank you Theonewithreason (talk) 16.January 2020 (UTC)

March 2021

You currently appear to be engaged in an edit war according to the reverts you have made on Časlav of Serbia; that means that you are repeatedly changing content back to how you think it should be, when you have seen that other editors disagree. Users are expected to collaborate with others, to avoid editing disruptively, and to try to reach a consensus, rather than repeatedly undoing other users' edits once it is known that there is a disagreement.

Points to note:

  1. Edit warring is disruptive regardless of how many reverts you have made;
  2. Do not edit war even if you believe you are right.

If you find yourself in an editing dispute, use the article's talk page to discuss controversial changes and work towards a version that represents consensus among editors. You can post a request for help at an appropriate noticeboard or seek dispute resolution. In some cases, it may be appropriate to request temporary page protection. If you engage in an edit war, you may be blocked from editing. Peacemaker67 (click to talk to me) 05:07, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Kosovo statehood

Now that several years have passed and it is obvious that Kosovo is a state, as recognized by the powers that run the military and economic situation of the world (noisy but small/powerless third-world countries don't really have the ability to change anything), it would be very progressive for the project if an editor such as yourself 'from the other POV' would help to bring about the change from 'partially recognized state' to the reality of the situation. This could go a long way to cool nationalist sentiments, and won't cause Serbia any harm whatsoever. Thoughts? (talk) 09:33, 28 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

You seem to be very familiarised around here and you seem to know me. Did you had an account? if not I encourage you to create oṇe. I guess you noteced that I am not the typical nationalist despite being patriotic. However I must disapoint you because I disagree with your arguments. They are subjective and as such useless. United States is powerfull but PR China India or Russia are as well. The harm to Serbia is already done. I been in Kosovo in the eighties had Kosovo Albanian friends. Numerous were happy within Yugoslav and Serbian institutions. Some moved to Belgrade to escape UÇK... I think that you wish to change the article in a way to display the content how you wish. However we must follow the rules and write what reliable neutral soures do. FkpCascais (talk) 15:29, 29 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for March 29

An automated process has detected that when you recently edited List of Serbian football champions, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Serbian.

(Opt-out instructions.) --DPL bot (talk) 06:12, 29 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Speedy deletion nomination of Andrija Rajović

If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.

You may want to consider using the Article Wizard to help you create articles.

A tag has been placed on Andrija Rajović requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article appears to be about a real person or group of people that does not credibly indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please read more about what is generally accepted as notable.

If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may contest the nomination by visiting the page and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, then please contact the deleting administrator. bop34 • talk • contribs 16:30, 19 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Precious anniversary

--Gerda Arendt (talk) 08:33, 16 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Many thanks. Hope you are fine and having a nice end of summer.FkpCascais (talk) 16:07, 17 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Disambiguation link notification for September 18

An automated process has detected that when you recently edited Ralph Kerrebijn, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Oakville Blue Devils.

(Opt-out instructions.) --DPL bot (talk) 05:57, 18 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Speedy deletion nomination of Category:FC Tolyatti players

A tag has been placed on Category:FC Tolyatti players indicating that it is currently empty, and is not a disambiguation category, a category redirect, a featured topics category, under discussion at Categories for discussion, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion. If it remains empty for seven days or more, it may be deleted under section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion.

If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason you may contest the nomination by visiting the page and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself. Liz Read! Talk! 20:07, 14 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]

HumɁHas.21.entries.FkpCascais (talk) 22:27, 14 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2021 Elections voter message

The WikiEagle - January 2022

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:35, 1 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Ways to improve Dušan Lukić

Hello, FkpCascais,

Thank you for creating Dušan Lukić.

I have tagged the page as having some issues to fix, as a part of our page curation process and note that:

What is needed are references from significant coverage about this player, and not their own words; in multiple secondary sources which are WP:RS; that is your guide. Lists, Team rosters, pages listing matches and results, databases, Instagram, Soccerway, Facebook, none of these are reliable sources. (There have been changes to the notability guide for sports - see WP:NSPORT ) You may also read WP:PRIMARY which details the limited permitted usage of primary sources. A more comprehensive guide is WP:SOURCES ... Providing sufficient references, ideally giving more information about this player, that meet these criteria is likely to allow this article to remain. Lack of them or an inability to find them is likely to mean that this article is not suitable for inclusion

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Whiteguru (talk) 21:39, 3 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Category:Moldovan National Division players has been nominated for renaming

Category:Moldovan National Division players has been nominated for renaming. A discussion is taking place to decide whether this proposal complies with the categorization guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the categories for discussion page. Thank you. Sørhaug (talk) 10:28, 16 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2022 Elections voter message

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Happy New Year, FkpCascais!

   Send New Year cheer by adding {{subst:Happy New Year fireworks}} to user talk pages.

Moops ⋠T⋡ 18:37, 3 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you so much for your kindness and wishes for all the best in 2023 for you and your loved ones! FkpCascais (talk) 00:09, 4 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed deletion of Blessing Chinedu


The article Blessing Chinedu has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Not currently notable. Sources only establish existence, but not relevance.

While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Chamaemelum (talk) 20:26, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Bozo Jankovic

Hello. I see a long time ago you contrbuted to the Božo Janković the last few days I have been editing it but not much is written about his seasons at Željezničar. Are there any memorable moments or events 1972 and 1979 which you think would be relevant? RaphaelBosko (talk) 17:17, 30 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

I am currently a bit limited with time, but I will take a look if I can add something or help somehow. Kindest regards! FkpCascais (talk) 19:10, 30 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]


This user's unblock request has been reviewed by an administrator, who declined the request. Other administrators may also review this block, but should not override the decision without good reason (see the blocking policy).

FkpCascais (block log • active blocks • global blocks • contribsdeleted contribs • filter log • creation logchange block settings • unblock • checkuser (log))

Request reason:

Caught by an open proxy block but this host or IP is not an open proxy. My IP address is Place any further information here. FkpCascais (talk) 15:19, 15 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Decline reason:

Since your account isn't directly blocked, I cannot unblock it, and you could edit from another IP. Best thing to do, though, is go to WP:IPECPROXY and follow those directions to request IP block exemption. — Daniel Case (talk) 06:56, 17 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

If you want to make any further unblock requests, please read the guide to appealing blocks first, then use the {{unblock}} template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired. Do not remove this unblock review while you are blocked.

Thank you very much @Daniel Case: for your response. But, as far as I understand, that is a way users using proxys should go, and that is not my case. This IP I wrote is my home IP and I dont pretend to use other adresses. I dont understand what happened and why is my IP blocked at all? Only I edit from it or did someone else tried to? How can I get my IP adress freed from blocking? FkpCascais (talk) 16:44, 17 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Daniel Case: I am sorry, but I am over 15-years-long Wikipedian. I dont know, or understand, anything about IP adresses, proxy accounts, or anything related to that. I just edit areas I am more familiarased with, always taking into account WP rules and principles. I see you are an highly appreciated Wikipedian, so I please, ask you for help. This seems like out of nowhere my account has been blocked and now I seem to be driven into making proxy accounts (????) or, put my account under strict scrutiny without having made nothing wrong. Can you please help me to get my IP unblocked, because that is my IP and I dont plan to use any other, or, at least explain to me what I did wrong and why am I going trough this? I really ask you for your kindness and to dedicate at least a bit of time to me, or, maybe direct me to someone who can help me better. Thank you. FkpCascais (talk) 21:59, 17 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I gave you a link to WP:IPECPROXY so you could use email to request IP block exemption, which would permanently remove this issue should you get it. That should be responsive to that last request. While I do have the authority to give you that myself, and would if it was purely up to me, admins are now strongly discouraged from doing that because someone was too reckless with it in the past.
And I reiterate … your account is not blocked; the IP you’re on is. You can still edit with your account should you access the Internet from some different point than you usually do.
We’re not accusing you of any wrongdoing. Your ISP is probably to blame for configuring their servers like this (Or are you using a VPN or something like that? If so, try switching it off; it should be a day or two before it reverts to the normal address and you might be able to edit. Daniel Case (talk) 23:19, 17 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
No, I never used VPN or nothing of that kind. This is my home IP, it is where I work and where I live. I always edit from my house, so that is why this is so important for me. I am not young anymore, I have no one who could help me, I edit since late 2000s, I wish to continue to use Wikipedia wisely mostly in the area of football data. If you can, please help me, I give you my word I will not fail you. FkpCascais (talk) 18:41, 18 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Dear @GiantSnowman:, can you please help me? I am blocked already for 3 days. This never happened to me and I never used any proxy devices. All may have happened is when almost a year ago my pc broke, I used a notebook for a while and I couldnt remember my password. Then I brough a new pc, made a new password, and continued editing. Was that what happened? Sorry to bother you. FkpCascais (talk) 16:20, 16 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

See what Daniel said above. GiantSnowman 10:19, 17 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Serbian Cup top scorers

Pozdrav brate, nadam se da si dobro! Nismo se dugo čuli. Vidim da si još uvek aktivan i cenim tvoj trud i rad!

Hteo sam da te pitam ako znaš možda ko su bili prvi strelci Kupa Srbije u sezonama 2009–10 i 2017–18? Pitam pošto sam napravio ovaj šablon ali ne mogu da nađem te informacije nigde!

S poštovanjem,

Tempo21 (talk) 21:16, 22 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2023 Elections voter message

Hello! Voting in the 2023 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 11 December 2023. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

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MfD nomination of User:UBX/lingerie-lover

User:UBX/lingerie-lover, a page which have transcluded on your User page has been nominated for deletion. Your opinions on the matter are welcome; you may participate in the discussion by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/User:UBX/lingerie-lover and please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~). You are free to edit the content of User:UBX/lingerie-lover during the discussion but should not remove the miscellany for deletion template from the top of the page; such a removal will not end the deletion discussion. Thank you. ~ 🦝 Shushugah (he/him • talk) 23:19, 16 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of List of NK Krško players for deletion

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article List of NK Krško players, to which you have significantly contributed, is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or if it should be deleted.

The discussion will take place at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of NK Krško players until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.

To customise your preferences for automated AfD notifications for articles to which you've significantly contributed (or to opt-out entirely), please visit the configuration page. Delivered by SDZeroBot (talk) 01:02, 19 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of Bojan Đorđević for deletion

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Bojan Đorđević is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Bojan Đorđević until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article until the discussion has finished.

⋆。˚꒰ঌ Clara A. Djalim ໒꒱˚。⋆ 10:13, 13 de junio de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Precioso aniversario

-- Gerda Arendt ( discusión ) 08:45 16 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Propuesta de eliminaciónde Miloš Mrvaljević


Se ha propuesto eliminar el artículo Miloš Mrvaljević debido a la siguiente preocupación:

No destacable. Jugó solo dos partidos en la máxima categoría.

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