International reactions to the 2014 Gaza War

Reactions to the 2014 Gaza War came from around the world.

Governmental proclamations to the 2014 Gaza War
  States who supported Israel
  States who called for an end to hostilities
  States who condemned Israel

The United States and Canada were supportive of Israel[1] and critical of Hamas. The BRICS countries called for restraint on both sides and a return to peace talks based on the Arab Peace Initiative. The European Union condemned the violations of the laws of war by both sides, while stressing the "unsustainable nature of the status quo", and calling for a settlement based on the two-state solution. The Non-Aligned Movement, the Arab League, and most Latin American countries were critical of Israel, with some countries in the latter group withdrawing their ambassadors from Israel in protest. South Africa called for restraint by both sides and an end to "collective punishment of Palestinians".

Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel demonstrations took place throughout the world and in Israel and the Palestinian territories. According to OCHA, during demonstrations, 23 Palestinians were killed and 2,218 were wounded by the IDF, 38% of the latter by live fire.[2][3][4]

Rising anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic violence broke out concurrent to, and in many cases, directly related to the conflict.[citation needed] The UN Secretary-General and many European leaders condemned the phenomenon.

The United Nations Human Rights Council announced a panel headed by William Schabas to investigate accusations of war crimes by both sides. Major human rights organizations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch condemned human rights violations by both sides and called for an arms embargo for the region.

Commercial airlines in several countries banned flights to Israel because of safety concerns. The restrictions were later lifted.

After the 26 August ceasefire, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research polled the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 79% of respondents said that Hamas had won the war and 61% said that they would pick Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as the Palestinian president, up from 41% before the war.[5]

Official reactions

Supranational bodies


Involved parties

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Benjamin Netanyahu, Tel Aviv, 23 July 2014


On 11 July, the Foreign Ministry then criticised the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operation in Gaza as "oppressive policies of mass punishment. Egypt rejects the irresponsible Israeli escalation in the occupied Palestinian territory, which comes in the form of excessive and unnecessary use of military force leading to the death of innocent civilians." It demanded Israel adopt self-restraint and keep in mind that as an "occupation force", it had a legal and moral duty to protect civilian lives.[40] They urged world powers to intervene and stop the crisis and that its ceasefire efforts had been met with "obstinacy and stubbornness".[41] The same day, Egypt informed authorities in Gaza that it had closed the Rafah Border Crossing[42] after re-opening it the previous day to receive injured Palestinians for medical treatment.[43] This comes after Egyptian forces seized 20 Grad rockets being smuggled from Gaza to Sinai after clashing with militants in Rafah, Egypt.[44] However, shortly after the closure, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ordered the Egyptian military to transport 500 tons of food and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip. A military statement stated that Egypt was pursuing its efforts to "stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip" under the president's supervision.[45][46]

Non-governmental organizations



Pro-Palestinian demonstration in Hanover, Germany to show solidarity for Gaza
Pro-Palestinian demonstration in Casablanca, Morocco, 27 July 2014
Pro-Palestinian protest in Brisbane, Australia, 1 August 2014

Protests were organized by pro-Palestinian groups throughout the world. Around 45,000 people demonstrated in London,[151] 20,000 in Santiago,[152] 3,000 in Oslo, hundreds in Caracas and around 2,000 in Tunis.[153] Protests were planned in Amman, at the UN in Geneva and in Kashmir.[154] In Ireland, 3,000 people demonstrated in Dublin. Demonstrations also took place in Derry, Galway, Cork and Limerick.[155]

In Paris, France, on 13 July, around 10,000 people and on 18 July about 5,000[156] protested the Israeli operation. Dozens of protesters tried to force their way into a synagogue with around 150 people inside, attempting to enter it armed with bats and chairs, and chanting "Death to Jews" and ultimately clashed with Parisian police who blocked them from entering.[157] The city's government banned pro-Palestinian protests after two synagogues were attacked on 13 July. On 19 July, Parisian protesters clashed with riot police in a working-class neighborhood.[158]

In Frankfurt, Germany, neo-Nazis and Islamists clashed with police, resulting in 8 injured police officers. Signs held by these groups read as things such as "You Jews are Beasts". After the clash, the groups looked for Jewish institutions, and Frankfurt police said they were going to protect these institutions.[159]

Demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza took part or were scheduled in all regions of Spain, from Bilbao in the Basque Country to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia to Barcelona in Catalonia and in the Canary Islands. On 14 July some 500 people of different nationalities demonstrated in the area near the Israeli Embassy in Madrid. The protesters chanted, "Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people!" and "You Zionists are the terrorists!"[160]

In Brazil, protests organized by the Arab-Brazilian community and left-wing movements against Israel and for Palestine were attended by over 2000 people in São Paulo[161] and over hundreds in Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Porto Alegre, Foz do Iguaçu, Curitiba and Campinas.[162]

Some 150–200 participants joined a demonstration organised by the association of Palestinians living in Hungary. The demonstration called for stopping the "terrorist bombing" of Gaza and for "Palestine's freedom."[163]

One teenager aged 15–16 years old was killed in Khudwani, a village south of Srinagar when Indian government forces fired on a pro-Palestinian rally. Kashmiris held pro-Palestinian protests every day since the start of the conflict.[164] On 17 July, demonstrations were held in Morocco and Yemen in solidarity with Gazan civilians, while protestors burned Israeli flags.[165]

In Jordan, a protest was held in front of the Israeli embassy in Amman. Demonstrators in Amman burned Israeli flags and urged Palestinian factions in Gaza to increase rocket attacks on Israel.[166]

In Cape Town, South Africa approximately 4,000 protested in support of the Palestinians on 16 July.[167] A Pro-Palestinian protest was held in Pretoria, South Africa, calling for the freedom of Palestine.[168]

134 demonstrations were held in the first fifteen days of the conflict in the United States.[169] Demonstrations took place in Los Angeles and New York.[170][171] In August 2014, the Port of Oakland was the scene of a protest against an Israeli-owned ship.[172] Palestinian demonstrators claimed to have the support of the port's International Longshore and Warehouse Union(ILWU) dockworkers who they said had refused to unload the ship's cargo. The union however denied this saying the ILWU had not taken a position on the conflict. The demonstration produced a heavy police presence, initially comprising more than 100 police officers. The ship's cargo remained unloaded for four days.[173]

2014 Quds Day

Quds Day 2014 in Berlin

On 25 July 2014, International Quds Day, millions of people around the world called for the liberation of Palestine and an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators, marched in streets of Afghanistan[174] Argentina,[175] Azerbaijan,[176] Germany[177] Iran[178] Lebanon[179] Australia[180] South Africa[181] Pakistan[182][183] India[184] Iraq[185] Bahrain[186] Belgium[187] West Bank[188] Canada[189] Jordan[190] Egypt[191] Singapore[192][193] Syria[194] Tunisia[192] Turkey[195] Yemen[196] Saudi Arabia[citation needed] China,[197] South Korea[192][198] Kenya[199] New Zealand[192] Nigeria[200][201] Sudan[citation needed] Algeria[citation needed] Bangladesh[202] Kyrgyzstan[203] United States[204] United Kingdom,[205][206] Tanzania,[124] Hong Kong,[207] Taiwan,[208][209][210] and Japan.[211]

The Quds Day march was banned in France.[212][213] Despite the ban, pro-Palestinian protest took place in Paris and other French cities.[206]

In Nigeria, the Nigerian Army fired on members of the Islamic Movement taking part in a Quds Day rally in the ancient city of Zaria, in Nigeria's Kaduna State, killing 35.[214][215][216] Numerous other Islamic Movement members were arrested. The Nigerian Army claimed that soldiers had acted in self-defense. According to eyewitnesses, the incident happened when protesters tried to force their way through a military checkpoint, defying orders from soldiers to take another route.[217] The event became known as the Zaria Quds Day massacres.

Global Day of Rage

On 9 August 2014, a "Global Day of Rage"[218] drew tens of thousands of people across the world to protest Israel's offensive.[219] According to Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, 150,000 people marched through London, shouting anti-Israel slogans and calling for an "end to the siege". Demonstrators first marched to the BBC's Broadcasting House headquarters to denounce what they called pro-Israeli bias. They filled the main shopping artery of Oxford Street , marched to the US embassy in Grosvenor Square and to Hyde Park. One banner said "UK – Stop Arming Israel".[220]

In Paris, several thousand people marched, calling for end to Israeli aggression, carrying banners condemning the violence. Some protesters carried mannequins wrapped in a Palestinian flag, depicting Palestinian deaths.[220] In Berlin 1,000 people took part in two rallies.[219] In Tehran hundreds of doctors, nurses and paramedics gathered in "Palestine Square"[219]

In New Delhi, a protest was organized by 70 political and social groups on the theme of "Stop The Genocide in Gaza! Boycott Israel!" Protestors demanded that the international community, including India should "boycott Israel till the time it continues the illegal occupation of Palestine".[218]

In Melbourne protesters marched down Swanston Street and gathered in front of Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade building. Protesters called for an end to Israel's blockade. They called on Australia to cut all ties with Israel, release Palestinian political prisoners and end Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Protesters urged the UN to convene a special general assembly to condemn Israeli aggression and demand the country abide by International law, Agreements and Conventions[221]

In Yemen, an estimated 100,000 people attended a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Sanaa.[citation needed]

At least 100,000 held a pro-Palestine march called by the National Coalition for Palestine in Cape Town on 9 August.[222][223]


Pro-Israel demonstration in Helsinki, Finland
Pro-Israel demonstration in Cape Town, South Africa

Pro-Israel rallies were held in Argentina, Canada, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Russia, Uruguay and the United States.

On 10 July 200 people voiced support for Israel at the Rockland County Courthouse.[224] On 11 July, In Philadelphia, Israel supporters rallied outside the Israeli consulate.[225] A plethora of actors, producers, directors and other entertainment professionals signed a statement opposing Hamas.[226] A pro-Israel rally of more than 1,200 supporters in Los Angeles resulted in physical violence after its protesters ripped a Palestinian flag away from a passing vehicle and began stomping on it.[171] On 13 July, a pro-Israel rally attacked a passing car that was flying Palestinian flags in Westwood, Los Angeles. A police officer fired a shot to intervene in the situation.[227] On 14 July, over two dozen elected officials rallied at New York City Hall in support of Israel.[170] On 17 July over 1,200 supporters attended a demonstration at a local synagogue in the Greater Toronto area.[228] Around 5,000 people attended a 20 July pro-Israel rally in New York City, while a smaller counter-protest was held nearby. Both rallies were held without incident.[229]

On 3 August 2014, 3000 people participated in The Bay Stands With Israel solidarity rally in downtown San Francisco, after which approximately 1,200 demonstrators marched under police escort. Signed carried by the protestors included "Israel is the only country in the Middle East where they don't burn American flags" and "More Hummus, Less Hamas."[230]

On 27 July, supporters of Israel marched through the streets of Mexico City to show their solidarity with Israel, asking for peace and condemning Hamas' rocket fire.[231]

On 10 August, up to 600 people including several MPs marked their support for Israel in a demonstration outside the Norwegian Parliament in Oslo.[232][233] A pro-Israel rally was held at the South African Jewish Museum in Cape Town on 10 August[234] attended by some 5,000 people.[235] In Budapest some 4,500 people attended an interfaith rally in support of Israel, while a smaller counter demonstration was held near the synagogue building by the far-right Hungarian Jobbik political party.[236]

In Paris, a pro-Israeli rally was attended by some 8,000 people who gathered near Israel's embassy,[237] while a similar demonstration in Marseilles gathered some 2,000 participants.[238]

In London some 5,000 people turned out to show solidarity [239] In Helsinki, the pro-Israeli rally was attended by some 1,000 participants [240] Pro-Israeli rallies were held in Sydney, where some 10,000 people participated. Another pro-Israeli rally was held in Brisbane.

In Brazil, some 2,500 people gathered in at the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, to support Israel, another pro-Israel rally in Brazil took place in São Paulo, where some 3,000 people marched.

Hundreds of Israeli supporters marched in Guatemala City. In the city of Gori in Georgia, a support rally was organized, with children painting their faces with the Israeli flag[241] Another pro-Israeli rally was held in Tokyo.[242] On 16 August 2014 in Kolkata, India 20,000 demonstrators from the Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist communities held the biggest pro-Israel rally so far with many Indian political activists proclaiming Israel's rights to defend itself.[243]

Civic reaction within Israel

Reaction among the non-Arab Israeli population was strongly supportive of the military action.[244] Israel's Arab minority mostly opposed the war. Opinion polls consistently showed a very high level of support for the military operation among the Jewish public, varying between 91% and 95%.[245][246] An opinion poll which surveyed Israeli-Arabs found that 62% of the Arab public opposed the operation while 24% supported it.[247]

Numerous demonstrations in support of the operation were held in Israel. In Sderot, Israelis gathered on the hillside to watch and cheer Israeli military strikes on nearby Gaza.[248] Anti-war demonstrations were also held, but demonstrators were often confronted by counter-demonstrators in support of the war and in some cases faced verbal and physical harassment. About 1,500 Arabs and a handful of Jews were arrested for involvement in anti-war demonstrations. A one-day general strike in solidarity with Gaza was declared among Israeli-Arabs, and many Arab businesses temporarily closed.[249][250][251]

War crimes accusations

As the scale of Operation Protective Edge expanded, civilian casualties mounted and accusations of war crimes were levelled from different quarters. On 19 July, Nabil el-Araby, the head of the Cairo-based Arab League, accused Israel of perpetrating "war crimes".[252]

On 21 July, Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, criticized Israel's military operation stating that there was "a strong possibility that international law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes". She also criticized Hamas for "indiscriminate attacks" on Israel.[253]

Human rights advocacy group B'Tselem argued that both Palestinian rocket fire and Israeli targeting the homes of militia members, could constitute war crimes and be violating international law.[254][255] The international organization Human Rights Watch described Hamas's deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians as war crimes in a 9 July statement and also called Israel's attacks on civilian structures as "unlawful under the laws of war" and "collective punishment".[256][257] Amnesty International said that the "UN must impose arms embargo on Israel/Gaza and mandate an international investigation".[258]

On 23 July HRC announced an investigation into the accusations of war crimes.[259]

International diplomacy

Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, El Salvador and Chile recalled their ambassadors from Tel Aviv as a reaction to Israel's offensive. Brazil and Chile suspended trade talks with Israel.[260][261][262]

Spain froze arms and military technology exports to Israel, stopping sales of defense and dual use technology. Britain was reported to be reviewing its arms sales to Israel.[263][264][265]

Cyber attacks

Pro-Palestinian hackers carried out cyber-attacks on Israeli commercial,[266][267] government, aviation and banking websites.[266][268] Anonymous's 'OpIsrael' defaced or took down more than 1,000 Israeli websites, including Israeli government web domains[269] such as those of Mossad, the Tel Aviv Police Department and the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Hackers claimed to have published over 170 emails and passwords of Israeli officials on 21 July. A report by Arbor Networks showed a direct correlation between cyber attacks and the intensity of the conflict.[270] Iranian[271] and Chinese[272] hackers were blamed for some of the attacks.[273][274]

In some instances, Israeli security forces responded to attacks with 'counter hacks'[275] targeting Hamas websites.[276] Pro-Israeli hackers called the Israeli Elite Force published what were said to be 45,000 usernames and passwords of government officials at the Gaza Ministry of Health.[277]

Rise in antisemitism

Multiple pro-Palestinian protests in Europe descended into antisemitic violence against local Jewish communities. Some demonstrators called for the death of Jews and attacked Jews and Jewish-owned property. These actions raised concerns over antisemitism and the safety of Jews in European countries.[278][279][280] Similar concerns over antisemitism were raised following protests in other countries.[281][282][283]

During a rally in the capital of Belgium's Flemish region one speaker reportedly used a loudspeaker to chant in Arabic "slaughter the Jews."[284] A sign on a Belgian cafe declaring that no Jews were allowed inside was removed by following a complaint.[285] A Holocaust memorial in the Netherlands was defaced with "free Gaza" graffiti.[286][better source needed] In Morocco, the rabbi of the Jewish community of Casablanca was attacked while walking to synagogue for Shabbat services and severely beaten by a man who told the rabbi that he was taking retribution for Gaza. The rabbi claimed that he asked passerby for help but was ignored. There was a reported increase of antisemitic harassment in Morocco.[287][288][289] Rome's historic Jewish quarter was vandalized with swastikas and antisemitic graffiti.[290]

Police in England recorded more than 100 antisemitic hate crimes since the start of the Gaza conflict. In Toulouse, France, a man was arrested by local police for throwing fire-bombs at a Jewish community center. The fire-bombs failed to ignite.[291] In Malmö, Sweden, a rabbi and a member of his congregation were assaulted at different times on the same day.[292][293] In Australia, antisemitic attacks occurred in Sydney, Perth and Melbourne. Teenagers harassed Jewish schoolchildren on a Sydney bus, a Jewish school was vandalized in Perth and a Jewish man was beaten in a street attack in Melbourne.[294]

In South Africa, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies laid criminal charges of hate speech and incitement of violence against the South African Jewish community. Complaints were lodged at the South African Human Rights Commission against the regional secretary of the Western Cape region of COSATU, Tony Ehrenreich, over comments he made on social media that included the statement "The time has come to say very clearly that if a woman or child is killed in Gaza, then the Jewish board of deputies, who are complicit, will feel the wrath of the people of SA with the age old biblical teaching of an eye for an eye. The time has come for the conflict to be waged everywhere the Zionist supporters fund and condone the war killing machine of Israel".[295][296][297]

Attacks on synagogues

Synagogues were targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters. Following a demonstration in Paris, protesters attempted to break into nearby synagogues. Six police officers and two Jewish residents were injured during the scuffle.[298] In Wuppertal, Germany, a synagogue was firebombed.[290] In Belfast, Northern Ireland, bricks were thrown through the windows of a local synagogue on two successive nights.[291] A synagogue was vandalized in Malmö, Sweden.[292][293] And a synagogue in Miami, Florida, was vandalized with graffiti; swastikas and the word "Hamas" were painted on the building.[299][300] On 29 August, it was reported that French police uncovered a plot by two teenage Muslim girls, aged 15 and 17, to commit a suicide bombing attack at the Great Synagogue of Lyon, in Lyon, France. They were indicted on 22 August on charges of conspiracy to commit terrorism.[301] During an anti-Israel rally in front of a synagogue in Turkey, demonstrators pelted the synagogue with eggs.[286]

Antisemitism in the media

During the war, newspapers throughout the Arab and Muslim world published cartoons with antisemitic caricatures and themes.[302][better source needed] A mainstream newspaper in Spain published an op-ed which claimed that Israel's military operation demonstrated why Jews were so frequently expelled throughout history, and that "what is surprising is they persist. Either they are not good, or someone is poisoning them." Colombia's premiere weekly magazine also ran an op-ed which stated that Palestinian land has been occupied "since three thousand years ago, when Jews arrived there escaping from Egypt with Moses and Joshua, cutting heads and foreskins off of local inhabitants, Amalekites, Amorites, Canaanites, etc., to satisfy, they said, the demands of their bigoted one God who had appointed them his chosen people and had promised them all that foreign land."[286] In Australia, The Sydney Morning Herald apologized after running a cartoon which was interpreted as antisemitic. Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull had phoned the Herald's editor to express concern.[303] On 19 July, Turkish daily newspaper Yeni Akit used a picture of Adolf Hitler as the centerpiece for its daily word game, and the phrase "We long for you" [Seni arıyoruz] as the answer to the puzzle.[304]

Reaction of world leaders

UN chief Ban condemned the rise of antisemitism in a published statement, declaring that the conflict in the Middle East must not be used as a pretext for prejudice affecting social peace.[305] The foreign ministers of France (Laurent Fabius), Germany (Frank-Walter Steinmeier) and Italy (Federica Mogherini) condemned antisemitic attacks and protests in a joint statement, saying "antisemitic rhetoric and hostility against Jews, attacks on people of Jewish belief and synagogues have no place in our societies." French president François Hollande declared that fighting antisemitism would be a "national cause".[306] A spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that the Chancellor "sharply condemns the flare-up of violence and the antisemitic utterances" as "an attack on freedom and tolerance and an attempt to undermine our free democratic order. This is something we can't and won't accept."[307]

Holocaust survivors

Many Holocaust survivors were among the elderly in Israel who donated money to help IDF soldiers in Gaza, totaling over 100,000 shekels, saying "It's the least we can do". Some individuals compared helping the IDF to helping allied soldiers during WWII, with one saying "Now we must contribute to soldiers that are protecting us. My husband was a pilot, he fought for four years during the war and was seriously wounded. For me, donating is not a mitzva but rather a duty." and another saying "I served as an officer and a military doctor in the Red Army in the Soviet Union. It's the least we can do in this difficult atmosphere of war. As long as there's a continued threat to Israel's existence, we must all pitch in order to protect it."[308][309]

Other Holocaust survivors both inside and outside of Israel were shocked about the rising anti-Semitism masked as anti-Israel criticism, with one saying "It's ok not to agree with the Israeli government, like lots of people do over here. But if they are yelling 'kill all Jews' during protests, you haven't learned anything from the past." and another saying "I am deeply worried about the future of my children and grandchildren. Most of the elderly people are afraid. Everybody hates us. We are being surrounded by danger."[310]

Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel said Hamas must stop using children as human shields, adding "Do the two cultures that brought us the Psalms of David and the rich libraries of the Ottoman Empire not share a love of life, of transmitting wisdom and opportunity to their children? And is any of this discernible in the dark future offered by Hamas to Arab children, to be suicide bombers or human shields for rockets? Palestinian parents want a hopeful future for their children, just like Israeli parents do. And both should be joining together in peace."[311]

See also


  1. ^ Canadian Prime Minister Harper Praised for Statement in Support of Israel's Gaza Campaign The Algemeiner Retrieved 25 August 2014
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  4. ^ Protection of Civilians: OCHA Weekly Report 24-30 June 2014, West Bank Archived 26 November 2014 at the Wayback Machine: as of 30 June (prior to Operation Protective Edge), 17 Palestinians had been killed by Israeli forces in 2014; Protection of Civilians: OCHA Weekly Report 2-8 September 2014, West Bank Archived 6 October 2014 at the Wayback Machine: as of 8 September (after Operation Protective Edge), the number had risen to 40
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  311. ^ Nobel laureate Wiesel: Hamas must stop using children as human shields CNN 3 August 2014

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