Premios AML

Los premios AML son otorgados anualmente por la Asociación de Letras Mormonas (AML) a la mejor obra "por, para y sobre los mormones". Son premios con jurado , elegidos por un panel de jueces. Las menciones para muchos de los premios se pueden encontrar en el sitio web de la AML. [1]

Las categorías de los premios varían de un año a otro según la forma del mercado y lo que la AML decida que es digno de reconocimiento. A partir de los premios de 2014, la AML comenzó a crear una lista de finalistas para la mayoría de las categorías, que precedió a los premios finales.

Década de 1970

Década de 1980

Década de 1990

Década de 2000


Premio Smith-Pettit por su destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas
  • Grant Hardy por Entender el Libro de Mormón: Guía del lector
Drama / Cine web
  • Eric W. Jepson para "Comics!" Sunstone #160
  • Angela Hallstrom para Dispensation: Latter-day Fiction
Escritura en línea
Ensayo personal
  • Marilyn Bushman-Carlton por Her Side of It: Poemas
Servicio a la lucha contra el lavado de dinero
  • Darlene joven
Cuento corto
  • Jack Harrell por Un sentido del orden y otros relatos
Mención honorífica de cuento corto
  • Darin Cozzens por La luz del nuevo día y otras historias
Literatura para adultos jóvenes


Premio Smith-Pettit por su destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas
Miembro Honorario Vitalicio
  • Gideon Burton [14] [15]
  • Emma Lou Warner Thayne por El lugar del conocimiento: una autobiografía espiritual
  • Brant A. Gardner por El don y el poder: la traducción del Libro de Mormón
  • Tyler Measom y Jennilyn Merten por Hijos de la perdición
Premio Especial de Narrativa Gráfica
Ensayo personal
  • Adam Miller, por el conjunto de su obra publicada en 2011
  • Tyler Chadwick por editar Fuego en el pasto: Poetas mormones del siglo XXI (Peculiar Pages)
Cuento corto
  • David G. Pace por "American Trinity"
Cuento corto
  • Doug Thayer para Wasatch: Historias mormonas y una novela corta
Premio Especial de Periodismo Literario
  • Andrew Hall
Novela para adultos jóvenes
Premio de novela Marilyn Brown
  • Paul Colt para Boots and Saddles: Un llamado a la gloria


Premio de la Fundación Smith-Pettit por la destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas
Membresía AML de por vida
  • Mahonri Stewart
  • Christopher Bigelow [16] [17]
  • Los cinco libros de Jesús de James Goldberg
  • Amytis abandona su jardín por Karen Kelsay
Premio en Adaptación
  • La versión legal para la calle del libro de Mormón por Michael Hicks
  • Techo en lo alto, de Mahonri Stewart
Cuento corto
Novela para adultos jóvenes
  • Vodnik de Bryce Moore
Memorias/No ficción creativa
Premio de ficción para lectores intermedios
  • El príncipe falso de Jennifer A. Nielsen
  • "Pat y Pete" de Larry Day (de su colección Day Dreaming: Tales from the Fourth Dementia )


Entregado el 12 de abril de 2014.

Premio de la Fundación Smith-Pettit por la destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas
Premio al logro sobresaliente
No ficción creativa
  • Melissa Dalton-Bradford para Global Mom: ocho países, dieciséis direcciones, cinco idiomas, una familia
  • Ariel Mitchell por Un segundo nacimiento
Premio especial
  • Scott Hales por El jardín de Enid
  • Sarah Eden añorando su hogar
  • Alex Caldiero sonosuono (premiado el 28 de marzo de 2015)
Otros finalistas
  • Sal de Susan Elizabeth Howe
  • Genius Loci de Lance Larsen
Cuento corto
  • Brad R. Torgersen “El legado del capellán”. Analog Science Fiction and Fact , julio/agosto de 2013 (premiado el 28 de marzo de 2015)
Otros finalistas
  • “El camino recto” de Ryan Shoemaker, Silk Road Review , verano/otoño de 2013
  • “Expiación” de Richard Dutcher, Sunstone 171, julio de 2013
  • “Duplex” de Eric Freeze, Prairie Fire 34.1, primavera de 2013
  • “El don de lenguas”, por Annette Haws, Diálogo: un diario de pensamiento mormón , invierno de 2013
Ficción para adultos jóvenes
  • Cindy M. Hogan Sepultureros
Ficción especulativa para adultos jóvenes


Presentado el 28 de marzo de 2015 en la Biblioteca de la Universidad del Valle de Utah. [19]

Premio de la Fundación Smith-Pettit por la destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas
Premio a la trayectoria de AML
  • iPlates, Volumen 2: Profetas, sacerdotes, rebeldes y reyes por Stephen Carter y Jett Atwood
No ficción creativa
  • Hemingway en bicicleta por Eric Freeze
Otros finalistas
  • Hacia la montaña: la búsqueda del espíritu por parte de una mujer mormona, por Phyllis Barber
  • Muy por debajo de los ángeles: Las confesiones, claramente problemáticas pero ni siquiera cercanas a lo trágico, de un misionero mormón real, por Craig Harline
  • Hippie Boy: La historia de una chica de Ingrid Ricks
  • El mundo de Ender: nuevas perspectivas sobre el clásico de la ciencia ficción El juego de Ender , Orson Scott Card , editor
Otros finalistas
  • “De muchos corazones y muchas mentes: la novela mormona y el desafío postutópico de la asimilación”, de Scott Hales. Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Cincinnati
  • “Hacia una teoría literaria mormona”, de Jack Harrell. BYU Studies Quarterly 53.3, 2014
  • Orgullo y prejuicio de Melissa Leilani Larsen
Otros finalistas
  • La tejedora de Raveloe de Erika Glenn y Melissa Leilani Larsen
  • Single Wide de George Nelson y Jordan Kamalu
  • Eucalipto vespertino de Mahonri Stewart
Otros finalistas
Novela de nivel medio
  • La escandalosa hermandad de Prickwillow Place de Julie Berry
  • Mención de honor: El fin o algo así de Ann Dee Ellis
Otros finalistas
  • Casi super de Marion Jensen
  • El tiempo de las luciérnagas de Kimberley Griffiths Little
  • Los Sky Raiders de Brandon Mull
  • Ciudad de ladrillos y sombras de Tim Wirkus
Otros finalistas
Libro ilustrado
  • Niñas que eligen a Dios: historias de mujeres valientes de la Biblia, de McArthur Krishna y Bethany Brady Spalding, ilustradas por Kathleen Peterson
Otros finalistas
  • Fetch de Adam Glendon Sidwell, ilustrado por Edwin Rhemrev
  • El mundo según el buey almizclero , de Erin Cabatingan, ilustrado por Matthew Myers
  • La guerra del Hada de los Dientes de Kate Coombs, ilustrada por Jake Parker
  • Diccionario de imágenes de Kristen Eliason
Otros finalistas
  • Oración poco común y encarnación: sacramento y poética en la Inglaterra posterior a la Reforma, por Kimberly Johnson
  • En el museo del ir y venir por Laura Stott
No ficción religiosa
  • Releyendo Job: Entendiendo el poema más grande del mundo antiguo de Michael Austin
Otros finalistas
  • En busca de la tierra prometida, de David E. Campbell, John C. Green y J. Quin Monson. Cambridge University Press
  • Arrebatando al ángel, de Terryl Givens
Cuento corto
  • “Two-Dog Dose” de Steven L. Peck, Diálogo: un diario del pensamiento mormón , primavera de 2014
Otros finalistas
  • “Recuerdos” de Nancy Fulda, bolígrafos con punta de carburo
  • “Anatomía” de Tim Wirkus, Weird Fiction Review , junio de 2014
  • “Jesús es suficiente”, de Levi S. Peterson , Diálogo: un diario del pensamiento mormón , invierno de 2014
Novela general para adultos jóvenes
Otros finalistas
  • Prohibido por Kimberley Griffiths Little
  • En la valla , de Kasie West
  • Firmado, Skye Harper por Carol Lynch Williams
  • Más fuerte de lo que crees, de Jolene Perry
Novela especulativa para adultos jóvenes
Otros finalistas
  • El mago del papel de Charlie Holmberg
  • El desenlace de Genesis Lee, de Shallee McArthur
  • Hijo de la guerra, hija del caos, de Janette Rallison
  • Ruinas de Dan Wells
  • Ilusiones del destino de Kiersten White


Presentado el 5 de marzo de 2016, en el edificio Heber J. Grant del campus de la Universidad Brigham Young-Hawái . [20]

Premio de la Fundación Smith-Pettit por la destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas
  • Phyllis Barber [21]
Premio a la trayectoria de la Asociación de Letras Mormonas
  • Donald R. Marshall [21]
Premios especiales a la publicación académica
Cómics [22]
  • Dendō : Un año y medio en Japón de Brittany Long Olsen
Otros finalistas
  • El joven guerrero, de Brian Andersen y James Neish
  • Mi cita caliente de Noah van Sciver
No ficción creativa [23]
  • Mi esposa quiere que sepas que estoy felizmente casado, por Joey Franklin
Otros finalistas
  • El terrorista accidental de William Shunn
  • Fresh Courage Take: Nuevas direcciones para las mujeres mormonas editado por Jamie Zvirzdin
Crítica [22]
  • Jana Riess "Cultura popular mormona" de la primera de las dos colecciones nominadas a continuación
Otros finalistas
  • Dorian de Nephi Anderson : una edición peculiar con texto anotado y artículos académicos editados por Eric W. Jepson
Teatro [22]
  • Programa piloto de Melissa Leilani Larson
Otros finalistas
Película [24]
Otros finalistas
Letra [25]
Otros finalistas
Novela de nivel medio [26]
  • La maldición del hombre polilla de Christine Hayes
Otros finalistas
  • Una noche dividida de Jennifer A. Nielsen
  • Los misterios de Cove: fuegos de invención de J. Scott Savage
  • El sonido de la vida y de todo lo demás, de Krista Van Dolzer
  • Estrategias de supervivencia de los casi valientes, por Jen White
Novela [27]
  • Hermanas por Jennifer Quist
Otros finalistas
Libro de imágenes [25]
  • Zombelina baila el Cascanueces de Kristyn Crow
Otros finalistas
  • Talon lucha contra una anaconda por la tía M (McArthur Krishna)
  • Niñas que eligen a Dios: Historias de mujeres fuertes del Libro de Mormón por McArthur Krishna, Bethany Brady Spalding y Kathleen Peterson
  • Trabajo buscado por Teresa Bateman
Poesía [25]
  • Colmena de Christina Stoddard
Otros finalistas
  • Glifos de Colin Douglas
  • Lago de fuego: meditaciones sobre paisajes de los desiertos de la Gran Cuenca de Nevada, por Justin Evans
  • Déjame ahogarme con Moisés, de James Goldberg
No ficción religiosa [23]
  • Tradiciones de los Padres: El Libro de Mormón como historia por Brant A. Gardner
Otros finalistas
  • Manual Oxford del mormonismo editado por Terryl L. Givens y Philip L. Barlow
  • Aplazando el Cielo: Los Tres Nefitas, el Bodhisattva y el Mahdi por Jad Hatem, traducido por Jonathon Penny
  • Plantado: Creencia y pertenencia en una era de dudas, por Patrick Q. Mason
  • Gracia relacional: el pacto recíproco y vinculante de Charis por Brent J. Schmidt
Cuento corto [27]
Otros finalistas
Colección de cuentos [27]
  • Madres, hijas, hermanas, esposas por Karen Rosenbaum
Otros finalistas
  • Dark Watch y otras historias mormonas estadounidenses de William Morris
  • Realidades errantes: relatos breves mormones de Steve L. Peck
Novela para adultos jóvenes [26]
  • La tejedora de historias de Becky Wallace
Otros finalistas
  • Persiana de Courtney Alameda
  • Tinta y cenizas de Valynne Maetani
  • Tiroteo de Brandon Sanderson
  • Pez fuera del agua de Natalie Whipple


Presentado en la Universidad del Valle de Utah , 22 de abril de 2017. [28]

Premio de la Fundación Smith-Pettit por la destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas
Premio a la trayectoria de AML
  • Susan Elizabeth Howe [30]
  • Preciosos bribones de Anthony Holden
Otros finalistas
  • Cortos mormones, vol. 1, de Scott Hales
  • White Sand de Brandon Sanderson (historia), Rik Hoskin (guión), Julius Gopez (arte) y Ross Campbell (colores)
No ficción creativa
  • Sublime Physick de Patrick Madden
Mención de honor
  • Testimonio: 36 mujeres mormonas hablan con franqueza sobre el amor, el sexo y el matrimonio editado por Holly Welker
Otros finalistas
  • Inmortal por algún tiempo, de Scott Abbott
  • Los últimos días: memorias de Judith Freeman
  • Cien pájaros me enseñaron a volar, de Ashley Mae Hoiland
  • Escribiendo nosotros mismos: ensayos sobre creatividad, artesanía y mormonismo, de Jack Harrell
Otros finalistas
  • Gregoriano de Matthew Greene
  • El reino de los cielos de Jenifer Nii
  • Los hombres del rey de Javen Tanner
Otros finalistas
Novela de nivel medio
Otros finalistas
  • La trama del secuestro: Las increíbles aventuras de Clockwork Charlie de Dave Butler
  • Luna de canela de Tess Hilmo
  • Rojo: La verdadera historia de Caperucita Roja de Liesl Shurtliff
Otros finalistas
  • Reina esclava de Heather B. Moore
  • Los cerdos cuando se mueven a horcajadas sobre el aire, de Julie J. Nichols
  • Temerarios de Shawn Vestal
Libro ilustrado
  • Nuestra familia celestial, nuestras familias terrenales por McArthur Krishna y Bethany Brady Spalding. Ilustrado por Caitlin Connolly
Otros finalistas
  • ¿Cómo sería?, de McArthur Krishna, ilustrado por Ayeshe Sadr e Ishaan Dasgupta
  • Ella defendió la libertad: la historia jamás contada de una heroína de los derechos civiles , de Loki Mulholland y Angela Fairwell. Ilustraciones de Charlotte Janssen
  • Defensores de la familia , de Benjamin Hyrum White. Ilustrado por Jay Fontana
  • Terreno extraño de Matthew James Babcock
Otros finalistas
  • Leviatán de Neil Aitken
  • parpadeo de Lisa Bickmore
  • ¿Quién es el bailarín? ¿Qué es la danza? de Alex Caldiero
  • Matar a febrero, de Jeffrey Tucker
No ficción religiosa
  • Como el hierro afila al hierro: Escuchando las diversas voces de las Escrituras editado por Julie M. Smith
Otros finalistas
  • Nada nuevo bajo el sol: una paráfrasis contundente del Eclesiastés, de Adam S. Miller
  • El fantasma de la poligamia eterna de Carol Lynn Pearson
  • La visión de todos: Veinticinco lecciones sobre Isaías en el registro de Nefi por Joseph M. Spencer
Premio especial para publicaciones de no ficción religiosa
  • Dejad que vuestros corazones y vuestras mentes se expandan: Reflexiones sobre la fe, la razón, la caridad y la belleza, de Thomas F. Rogers, editado por Jonathan Langford y Linda Hunter Adams
Cuento corto
  • "Kid Kirby" de Levi S. Peterson ( Diálogo: un diario de pensamiento mormón , 49:2, verano de 2016)
Otros finalistas
  • "Allí crecerán espinas", de Emily Belanger, Sunstone #180, primavera de 2016
  • "Ligero como alas" de Spencer Hyde, Glimmer Train . Otoño de 2016, n.° 97
  • "El conjunto de Mandelbrot" de Heidi Naylor, Sunstone , n.° 182, otoño de 2016
  • "Masacre incompleta" de Steven L. Peck , The Colored Lens , verano de 2016
  • "Purytans" de Brad R. Torgersen , Analog: Science Fact and Fiction , julio/agosto de 2016
Colección de cuentos cortos
  • La última bendición de J. Guyman LeGrand y otros relatos de Darin Cozzens
Otros finalistas
  • Hombres invisibles de Eric Freeze
  • Ventanas al infierno de varios autores, editado por James Wymore
Serie de videos
Otros finalistas
  • Adam & Eve Davey y Bianca Morrison Dillard, directores
  • Estudio C Jared Shores y Matt Meese, cocreadores
  • La mosca que habla Steve Olpin, director
Novela para adultos jóvenes
Otros finalistas
  • La pasión de Dolssa de Julie Berry
  • Y me oscurezco de Kiersten White


Los ganadores finales fueron presentados el 23 de marzo de 2018.

Premio de la Fundación Smith-Pettit por la destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas [31]
Premio a la trayectoria de AML [31]
Novela [32]
  • El campo es blanco de Claire Åkebrand (Kernpunct Press)
  • Pecados del imperio de Brian McClellan ( Orbit/Hachette Book Press )
  • Oraciones en Bath por Luisa Perkins (Grupo de Artistas Mormones)
  • No queda nada que perder de Dan Wells ( Tor )
Cuentos cortos [32]
  • "The Pew" de Alison Maeser Brimley (publicado originalmente en Dialogue )
  • "Le Train à Grande Vitesse" RA Christmas (publicado originalmente en Diálogo )
  • "The Thicket" de Bradeigh Godfrey (publicado originalmente en Sunstone )
  • "El viaje de Jane" de Heidi Naylor (publicado originalmente en Sunstone )
  • "El obispo Johansen rescata un alma perdida: una historia de Pleasant Grove" de Steven L. Peck (publicado originalmente en Dialogue )
No ficción creativa [33]
  • Para que seamos uno: la perspectiva de un mormón gay sobre la fe y la familia por Tom Christofferson
  • Aprendiendo a disfrutar de la vida: un homenaje a Lowell Bennion, de George B. Handley
  • El punto de ardor de Tracy McKay
  • Open Midnight: Donde los antepasados ​​y la naturaleza se encuentran, de Brooke Williams
Menciones notables
  • Heterodoxologías: ensayos de Matthew James Babcock
  • El mormón obsesivo-compulsivo: cómo encontrar sanación y esperanza en medio de la ansiedad por Kari Ferguson
  • ¿Las nubes descansan? Aventuras de demencia con mamá, por Michael Hicks
No ficción religiosa [33]
  • Alimentando al rebaño: Los fundamentos del pensamiento mormón: Iglesia y praxis por Terryl L. Givens
  • El sol me ha quemado la piel, de Adam S. Miller
  • Perspectivas sobre la teología mormona: Apologética, editado por Blair G. Van Dyke y Loyd Isao Ericson
Novela de nivel medio [34]
  • Bajo el armario y bajo llave de Allison K. Hymas (Aladino)
  • Bigotes para Maddie de Chad Morris y Shelly Brown ( Shadow Mountain )
  • No me olvides de Ellie Terry ( Feiwel and Friends )
  • Cadenas de papel de Elaine Vickers ( Harper )
Novela para adultos jóvenes
Cómics [35]
Libro de imágenes [35]
  • Bloques de color de Ashley Sorenson y David W. Miles
  • Historias heroicas del Libro de Mormón por Shauna Gibby y Casey Nelson
  • Silencioso como un ratón de iglesia, de Stephen Bevan y Jeff Harvey
Teatro [36]
  • El libro ahogado o la historia de William Shakespeare, última parte, de Mahonri Stewart
  • Ni una gota de Morag Shepherd
Película [36]
  • Socorro escrita y dirigida por Marshal Davis
  • El hombre de la chaqueta de camuflaje escrita y dirigida por Russ Kendall
  • Out of the Ground escrita y dirigida por Barrett Burgin
  • Una Navidad de Pug y Lobo creada por Davey y Bianca Morrison Dillard
  • ¡Te amamos, Sally Carmichael! Escrita por Daryn Tufts y dirigida por Christopher Gorham
Crítica [37]
  • “La segunda venida de la música mormona”, por Michael Hicks de The Kimball Challenge at Fifty: Mormon Arts Center Essays (parte de la nominación original The Kimball Challenge at Fifty: Mormon Arts Center Essays de Mormon Arts Center)
  • Sobre el problema y la promesa de la sonosofía de Alex Caldiero : Haciendo etnografía dialógica coperformativa; o, entra en el Poetarium por Tyler Chadwick
Antología [37]
  • Polilla y óxido: encuentros mormones con la muerte editado por Stephen Carter
  • Estaciones de cambio: historias de transición de los escritores de Segullah, editado por Shelah Mastny Miner y Sandra Clark Jergensen
  • Estados de Deseret editado por Wm Morris
Poesía [37]
  • El sueño de Babbage de Neil Aitken
  • Lo que quedó de las estrellas de Claire Åkebrand
  • Efemerista de Lisa Bickmore
  • Poseer la Luna , de Linda Sillitoe
Premio especial en edición de no ficción religiosa


Los ganadores finales fueron presentados el 30 de marzo de 2019, en Berkeley, California .

Premio a la trayectoria de AML [38] [39]
Premio de la Fundación Smith-Pettit por la destacada contribución a las cartas mormonas [40] [39]
Premio Especial en Edición [41] [39]
  • Canción de la paloma: Madre celestial en la poesía mormona editada por Tyler Chadwick, Dayna Patterson, Martin Pulido (Peculiar Pages)
Novela [42] [39]
  • El apocalipsis de Morgan Turner de Jennifer Quist (Linda Leith Publishing)
  • El futuro infinito de Tim Wirkus ( Penguin Press )
Colecciones de relatos breves [42] [39]
  • La ciencia de los futuros perdidos de Ryan Habermeyer (BOA Editions)
  • Revolver de Heidi Naylor (BCC Press)
  • Más allá de las luces de Ryan Shoemaker (No Record Press)
Cuentos cortos [42] [39]
Teatro [41] [39]
  • Buena reputación por Matthew Greene
  • El principio de la ducha, de Ariel Mitchell
Poesía [41] [39]
  • Lo que el cuerpo sabe , de Lance Larsen (University of Tampa Press)
  • El ramillete del lapidario, de Lara Candland (Centro de publicaciones literarias, Universidad Estatal de Colorado)
  • La máscara de Dios de Javen Tanner (Kelsay Books)
  • Medio peligro de Kristen Tracy ( Graywolf Press )
No ficción creativa [43] [39]
  • Destruyendo a su Dios: Cómo luché contra mi malvado medio hermano para salvar a mis hijos, por Wallace Jeffs, Shauna Packer y Sherry Taylor
No ficción religiosa [43] [39]
  • Una resurrección temprana: La vida en Cristo antes de morir por Adam S. Miller
  • La fe no es ciega, por Bruce C. Hafen y Marie K. Hafen
  • Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios viviente: La persona y la obra de Jesús en el Nuevo Testamento editado por Eric D. Huntsman , Lincoln H. Blumell y Tyler J. Griffin
  • El poder de la piedad: la liturgia y la cosmología mormonas por Jonathan Stapley
  • En llamas en Baltimore: las mujeres mormonas negras y la conversión en una ciudad en ebullición por Laura Rutter Strickling
Crítica [43] [39]
  • El cine mormón: desde sus orígenes hasta 1952, por Randy Astle
  • "Low y la hermenéutica del silencio" de Jacob Bender ( Sunstone )
  • "Ismas y prismas: una visión mormona de la escritura sobre la naturaleza y las mujeres" de Ángel Chaparro-Sainz ( Estudios de la Mujer )
  • "Poesía mormona, 2012 hasta el presente" de Bert Fuller ( Diálogo )
  • Un libro sobre la película La vida de Brian de Monty Python : todas las referencias desde los asirios hasta Zeffirelli de Darl Larsen
Cómics [44] [39]
  • Monje verde: La sangre de los mártires de Brandon Dayton ( Image Comics )
  • Comic Diaries, vol. 1 de Brittany Long Olsen (autoedición)
  • SkyHeart Libro Uno: La Búsqueda de la Semilla Estelar por Jake Parker (Autopublicado)
  • Piojos #11 de Nick Perkins
Película documental [44] [39]
  • Iglesia y Estado
Cine narrativo [44] [39]
  • Cuando ella corre
Libro de imágenes [45] [39]
  • Jesús ha nacido: Un libro de descubrimiento con linterna de Shauna Gibby y Casey Nelson ( Deseret Book )
  • La princesa de negro y el susto de la feria de ciencias, de Shannon Hale, Dean Hale y LeUyen Pham ( Candlewick Press )
  • Si Wendell tuviera una morsa, de Lori Mortensen y Matt Phelan ( Henry Holt and Company )
  • Si Da Vinci pintara un dinosaurio , de Amy Newbold y Greg Newbold (Tilbury House Publishers)
Novela de nivel medio [45] [39]
Young-adult novel[45][39]


The final winners were presented May 2, 2020, online, due to a cancellation of the 2020 AML Conference caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.[46][47][48]

Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters[46][47]
Lifetime Achievement Award[46][47]
  • R. A. Christmas
Special awards[46][47]
in Literature and Art
in Literature and Performance
Thorns and Thistles: A Concert of Literature
Curated and compiled by James Goldberg and Nicole Wilkes Goldberg, directed by Ariel Rivera, music by Nicole Pinnell; supported by and performed at the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts
in Literature
Irreversible Things
Lisa Van Orman Hadley
  • The Cunning Man by D. J. Butler and Aaron Ritchey (Baen Books)
  • Irreversible Things by Lisa Van Orman Hadley (Howling Bird Press)
  • Maggie’s Place by Annette Haws (Covenant Communications)
  • The Glovemaker by Ann Weisgarber (Skyhorse Publishing)
Short fiction[49]
  • "Next of Kin" by Karen Rosenbaum (Irreantum)[46][47]
Young-adult novel[50]
  • Let’s Call it a Doomsday by Katie Henry (Katherine Tegan Books)
  • Scars Like Wings by Erin Stewart (Delacorte)
  • Waiting for Fitz by Spencer Hyde (Shadow Mountain)
Middle-grade novel[50]
  • Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen (Scholastic)[46][47]
  • Out to Get You: Thirteen Tales of Weirdness and Woe by Josh Allen (Holiday House)
  • The Red Flower by Kate Coombs (Blue Sparrow Books)
  • Time Castaways: #1 The Mona Lisa Key and #2 The Obsidian Compass by Liesl Shurtliff (HarperCollins)
Picture book[50]
  • Girls Who Choose God: Stories of Extraordinary Women from Church History by McArthur Krishna, Bethany Brady Spalding, Kathleen Peterson (Deseret Book)[46][47]
  • Project X by Taylor Hatch[46][47]
Narrative feature films[51]
Documentary feature films[51]
  • Jimmer: The Lonely Master directed by Scott Christopherson[46][47]
  • After Selma directed by Loki Mulholland
  • The Jets: Making it Real directed by Kels Goodman
Short film[51]
  • "Father of Man" directed by Barrett Burgin[46][47]
  • "Paper Trails" directed by Heather Moser
  • "Stickup Kid" directed by Daniel Tu
  • "Man and Kin" directed by Max Johnson
  • Homespun and Angel Feathers by Darlene Young (BCC Press)[46][47]
  • Into the Sun: Poems Revised, Rearranged, and New by Colin Douglas (Waking Lion Press)
  • After Earth by Michael Lavers (University of Tampa Press)
  • The Tree at the Center by Kathryn Knight Sonntag (BCC Press)
  • The Marriage of the Moon and the Field by Sunni Brown Wilkinson (Black Lawrence Press)
  • "Poetic Representations of Mormon Women in Late Nineteenth-Century Frontier America" by Amy Easton-Flake in Representing Rural Women (edited by Whitney Womack Smith and Margaret Thomas-Evans, Lexington Books)[46][47]
  • "Danites, Damsels, and World Domination: Mormons in the Dime Novels" by Michael Austin in Sunstone
  • "Wrestling with God: Invoking Scriptural Mythos in LDS Literary Work" by James Goldberg in Remember the Revolution: Mormon Essays and Stories (self-published)
  • Mormons, Musical Theatre, and Belonging in America by Jake Johnson (University of Illinois Press)
  • Latter-day Screens: Gender, Sexuality, and Mediated Mormonism by Brenda R. Weber (Duke University Press)
Creative nonfiction[53]
  • Remember the Revolution: Mormon Essays and Stories by James Goldberg (self-published)
  • A New Constellation: A Memoir by Ashley Mae Hoiland (BCC Press)
Religious nonfiction[53]
  • A Place to Belong: Reflections from Modern Latter-day Saint Women edited by Hollie Rhees Fluhman and Camille Fronk Olson (Deseret Book)[46][47]
  • If Truth Were a Child: Essays by George B. Handley (Maxwell Institute)
  • The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church by Jana Riess (Oxford University Press)
  • That’s One Small Step for a Mom, One Giant Leap for Missionarykind by Kevin Beckstrom (self-published)[46][47]


The final winners were presented June 5, 2021, as part of an online-only conference, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[54][55]

Lifetime Achievement[56]
  • John Serge Bennion
Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters[57]
Special Award in Religious Nonfiction[58]
  • The Book of Mormon: Brief Theological Introductions (Maxwell Institute)
General editors: Spencer Fluhman and Philip Barlow
Series editors: D. Morgan Davis, James E. Faulconer, Kristine Haglund, Joseph M. Spencer, Rosalynde Welch
Authors: Joseph M. Spencer, Terryl L. Givens, Deidre Nicole Green, Sharon J. Harris, James E. Faulconer, Kylie Turley, Mark Wrathall, Kimberly Berkey, Daniel Becerra, Adam S. Miller, Rosalynde Frandsen Welch, David F. Holland
Illustrator: Brian Kershisnik
Special Award in Nonfiction
Editors: Carol Edison, Eric A. Eliason, Lynne S McNeill
  • Bountiful by Charity Shumway (BCC Press)
Other finalists:
Short story[59]
  • "The Water Between Us" by Ryan Shoemaker (Barzakh 12, Spring 2020)
Other finalists:
  • "Every Nerve Singing" by Ryan Habermeyer (Fugue 58, Winter/Spring 2020)
  • "Upcycling Death" by M.K. Hutchins (Brain Games: Stories to Astonish)
  • "Certain Places" by William Morris (Dialogue 53:2, Summer 2020)
  • "The Overcoat by Maurine Whipple (Irreantum 17.1, Fall 2020)
Short-fiction collection[59]
  • A Craving for Beauty: The Collected Writings of Maurine Whipple by Maurine Whipple, edited by Veda Hale, Andrew Hall, and Lynne Larson (BCC Press)
Other finalist:
Other finalists:
  • I, Taliesin by Michael R. Collings (Self-published)
  • Ese golpe de luz by Gabriel González Núñez (FlowerSong Books)
  • An Imperfect Roundness by Melody Newey Johnson (BCC Press)
Creative nonfiction[60]
  • Lies of the Magpie: A Memoir by Maleah Day Warner (Author Academy Elite)
Other finalists:
Religious nonfiction[60]
  • Buried Treasures: Reading the Book of Mormon Again for the First Time by Michael Austin (BCC Press)
Other finalists:
  • Mercy without End by Lavina Fielding Anderson (Signature Books)
  • Visions in a Seer Stone; Joseph Smith and the Making of the Book of Mormon by William L. Davis (University of North Carolina Press)
  • Tabernacles of Clay: Sexuality and Gender in Modern Mormonism by Taylor G. Petrey (University of North Carolina Press)
  • The Book of Mormon For the Least of These, volume 1: 1 Nephi-Words of Mormon by Fatimah Salleh and Margaret Olsen Hemming (BCC Press)
  • Clogs and Shawls: Mormons, Moorlands, and the Search for Zion by Ann Chamberlin, narrated by Jacqueline de Boer
Other finalists:
  • Witchy War Series (Witchy Eye, Witchy Winter, Witchy Kingdom) by D. J. Butler, narrated by Courtney Patterson
  • Kingdom of Nauvoo: The Rise and Fall of a Religious Empire on the American Frontier by Benjamin Park, narrated by Bob Souer
  • The Book of Mormon for the Least of These, volume 1 by Fatimah Salleh and Margaret Olsen Hemmings, narrated by Margaret Olsen Hemmings
  • Church History Department. Saints, Book 2, No Unhallowed Hand: 1846-1893 by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, history department, narrated by Kirby Heyborne
Other finalists:
  • The Center’s Studio Podcast from the Center for Latter-day Arts, hosted by Glen Nelson
  • Mattathias Reads the World, hosted by Mattathias Westwood
  • Unfinished: Short Creek, part of Witness Docs from Stitcher, hosted by Ash Sanders and Sarah Ventre
Picture book[61]
Other finalists:
Middle-grade novel[61]
  • 96 Miles by J. L. Esplin (Starscape/Tor Teen)
Other finalists:
Young-adult novel[61]
Other finalists:
  • Future Day Saints: Welcome to New Zion by Matt Page
Other finalists:
  • Everything Is Going to Be Okay by Dani Jones
  • Pillar of Light: Joseph Smith’s First Vision by Andrew G. Knaupp and Sal Velluto
  • Magic in the Valley: The Story of Moira Green, Witch by Brittany Long Olsen
  • "Repicturing the Restoration: New Art to Expand our Understanding" by Anthony Sweat (BYU Religious Studies Center)
Other finalists:
  • Spencer Kimball’s Record Collection: Essays on Mormon Music by Michael Hicks (Signature)
  • "The 'New Woman' and the Woman’s Exponent: An Editorial Perspective" by Carol Cornwall Madsen (BYU Studies Quarterly, 59:3, 2000)
  • Josephine Spencer: Her Collected Works, Vol. 1, 1887-1899 edited by Ardis E. Parshall and Michael Austin (BCC Press)
  • A Craving for Beauty: The Collected Writings of Maurine Whipple edited by Veda Hale, Andrew Hall, and Lynne Larson (BCC Press)
Other finalists:
  • The Captivity of Hannah Dunston by Glen Nelson (liberetto) and Lansing McLoskey (music) (Guerilla Opera Company)
  • Give Me Moonlight by Ariel Mitchell (Motor House, Baltimore)
  • Escape from Planet Death by Tom Russell and BYU School of Media Arts Students (BYU)
Other finalist:
  • Gruff written and directed by Kohl Glass


The winners were announced July 23, 2022, at the AML Conference. Note that, for the fiction awards, the additional of bilingual judges led to the consideration of Spanish-language works published as far back as 2016. Additionally, with the return of a lyrics award, music was considered from both 2020 and 2021.[63]

AML Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Michael Austin
Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters
  • Darlene Young
Special award in fiction[64]
Estampas del Libro de Mormón by Gabriel González Núñez
Special award in nonfiction[63]

Eugene England: A Mormon Liberal by Kristine L. Haglund (University of Illinois Press)

Eleusis:The Long and Winding Road by R. de la Lanza (Intendencia de las Letras/Ulterior Editorial)
The Jupiter Knife by D. J. Butler and Aaron Michael Ritchie (Baen)
Picnic in the Ruins by Todd Robert Petersen (Counterpoint)
Noria by Juan Antonio Santoyo (Ulterior Editorial)
Short fiction[64][63]
"Y no preguntes mas . . ." ("So Ask no More . . .") by Mario R. Montani (Irreantum)
"Good Shepherd Church" by Riley Clay (Irreantum)
"Between Glory and Ruin" James Goldberg (A Desolating Sickness: Stories of Pandemic)
"Skillick’s Bride" Rachel Helps[d]
"The Wall" by Spencer Hyde (Image)
Young Adult Novel[65][63]
Beyond the Mapped Stars by Rosalyn Eves (Knopf)
A Sisterhood of Secret Ambitions by Sheena Boekweg (Feiwel & Friends)
Where I Belong Marcia Mickelson (Carolrhoda Lab)
Fadeaway by E. B. Vickers (Knopf)
In the Wild Light by Jeff Zentner (Crown Books)
Middle Grade Novel[65][63]
Cece Rios and the Desert of Souls by Kaela Rivera (HarperCollins)
Breathing Underwater by Sarah Allen (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
Horace & Bunwinkle: The Case of the Rascally Raccoon by P.J. Gardner (illustrated by Dave Mottram) (Balzer + Bray)
Friends Forever by Shannon Hale (illustrated by Leuyen Pham) (First Second)
Tips for Magicians by Celesta Rimington (Crown Books for Young Readers)
Picture Book[65][63]
A Child of God by Chantel Bonner, Mauli Bonner, and Morgan Bissant (Shadow Mountain/Ensign Peak)
The Boy and the Sea by Camile Andros and Amy June Bates (Abrams)
We Believe: Illustrated Articles of Faith by Annie Poon (Covenant)
Thankful by Elaine Vickers and Samantha Cotterill (Paula Wiseman Books)
10 Little Disciples by Sierra Wilson (Ambassador-Emerald Intl)
Witnesses (directed by Mark Goodman, written by Mitch Davis)
His Name is Green Flake (directed and written by Mauli Bonner)
Maggie on Stratford Ave (directed and written by James May)
Scenes from the Glittering World (directed by Jared Jakins)
The Touch of the Master’s Hand (directed and written by Gregory Barnes)
REDEEMHer: How I Screwed up my perfect Mormon life by Tatum Langton
The King Stag by Janine Sobeck Knighton
Gin Mummy by Melissa Leilani Larson
1820: The Musical (book: George Nelson; music and lyrics: Kayliann Lowe Juarez, Doug Lowe, and Kendra Lowe)
The Ache and The Wing by Sunni Brown Wilkinson (Sundress Publications)
Beneath the Falls by Mark D. Bennion (Resource publications)
Down Their Spears by Jared Pearce (Cyberwit)
This Is the Gospel (LDS Living)
Faith Matters hosted by Aubrey Chaves, Tim Chaves, and Terryl Givens; produced by Bill Turnbull and Branson Hirschi (Faith Matters Foundation)
Latter-day Contemplation hosted by Christopher Hurtado and Riley Risto; created by Shiloh Logan and Riley Risto; edited by Christian Hutardo (Latter-day Peace Studies)
Leading Saints hosted by Kurt Francom; executive produced by Kurt Francom; produced by Lillian Angelovic
Sunstone Mormon History (Sunstone Education Foundation)
Friends Forever by Shannon Hale (illustrated by Leuyen Pham) (First Second)
Future Day Saints: The Gnomlaumite Crystal by Matt Page
The Glass Looker: Collected Tales of Joseph Smith by Mark Elwood
Vardis Fisher: A Mormon Novelist by Michael Austin (University of Illinois Press)
“The Case for Resurrection: A Mormon Movie Manifesto” by Barrett Burgin in Mormonism and the Movies, edited by Chris Wei, (BCC Press)
“Theologies of the Afterlife in Mormon Women’s Late-Nineteenth-Century Poetry” Amy Easton-Flake in Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers and Theologies of the Afterlife (Routledge)
Mormonism in SF edited by Adam McClain for SFRA Review 51:3, Summer 2021.
Creative Nonfiction[67][63]
Zion Earth, Zen Sky by Charles Shirō Inouye (Neal A. Maxwell Institute)
Blossom as the Cliffrose: Mormon Legacies and the Beckoning Wild edited by Karin Anderson and Danielle Dubrasky (Torrey House Press)
Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops by Allison Hong Merrill (She Writes Press)
Scrupulous: My Obsessive Compulsion for God by Taylor Kerby (BCC Press)
Where the Soul Hungers: One Doctor’s Journey from Atheism to Faith by Samuel M. Brown (Neal A. Maxwell Institute)
Religious Nonfiction[67][63]
Proclaim Peace: The Restoration’s Answer to an Age of Conflict by Patrick Q. Mason and J. David Pulsipher (Maxwell Institute)
Stretching the Heavens: The Life of Eugene England and the Crisis of Modern Mormonism by Terryl L. Givens (University of North Carolina Press)
The Restoration: God’s Call to the 21st Century World by Patrick Q. Mason (Faith Matters)
The Anatomy of Book of Mormon Theology, Vols. 1 and 2 Joseph M. Spencer (Greg Kofford Books)
Humility: A Practical Approach by Shawn Tucker (BCC Press)
Fragility by Christian Asplund
Therapy Sessions by David Archuleta
A Fish of Earth by Emily Brown
Pressure Machine by The Killers
Strangest Congregations by Andrew Wiscombe


Award winners were announced April 29, 2023 at a virtual conference.[68][69]

AML Lifetime Achievement Award
Michael Hicks[70]
Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters
Stephen R. Carter[71]
The History of Honey Spring by Darin Cozzens (Zarahemla Books)
And All Eternity Shook by Jacob L. Bender (Ships of Hagoth)
The Resurrection Box by Declan Hyde (Gypsy Fox Publishing)
Heike’s Void by Steven L. Peck (BCC Press)
Short fiction[72]
"The Intelligences" ("As inteligências") by Marcelo Bighetti (translated by Kent S. Larsen) (Irreantum)
"The Profile of Daria Black" by Michaelbrent Collings (In Gilded Glass: Twisted Myths and Shattered Fairytales, WordFire Press)
"The Algorithms of Happiness" by Ryan Habermeyer (Iron Horse Literary Review)
"Worlds Without End" by Tygan Shelton (Irreantum)
"Twilight of the Eye Creature" by Nathan Shumate (Cold Fusion Media)
Short-fiction collection[72]
The Year They Gave Women the Priesthood and Other Stories by Michael Fillerup (Signature Books)
Down the Arches of the Years by Lee Allred (Hemelein Publications)
The Darkest Abyss: Strange Mormon Stories by William Morris (BCC Press)
Sharks in an Inland Sea by Lehua Parker (Hemelein Publications)
The Wrong People Have Money by Reed McColm. Varscona Theatre, Alberta. Shadow Theatre.
A. D. 16 by Bekah Brunstetter (book) and Cinco Paul (story, music, and lyrics). Olney Theatre Center, Olney, Maryland.
Mestiza, or Mixed by Melissa Leilani Larson. Plan-B Theatre, Salt Lake City.
Mother, Mother: The Many Mothers of Maude by Julie Jensen. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, Salt Lake City. Pygmalion Productions.
Creative Nonfiction[74]
The Burning Book by Jason Olson and James Goldberg (BCC Press)
The Precarious Walk: Essays from Sand and Sun by Phyllis Barber (Torrey House Press)
Wineskin: Freakin’ Jesus in the ‘60s and ‘70s by Michael Hicks (Signature Books)
East Winds: A Global Quest to Reckon with Marriage by Rachel Rueckert (BCC Press)
Religious Nonfiction[75]
Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints edited by Jason R. Combs, Mark D. Ellison, Cathrine Gines Taylor, and Kristian S. Heal. (Maxwell Institute)
Book of Mormon Studies: An Introduction and Guide by Daniel Becerra, Amy Easton-Flake, Nicholas J. Frederick, and Joseph M. Spencer. (Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center)
Mormon Women at the Crossroads: Global Narratives and the Power of Connectedness edited by Caroline Kline. (University of Illinois Press)
Original Grace: An Experiment in Restoration Thinking by Adam S. Miller (Maxwell Institute/Deseret Book)
The Book of Mormon for the Least of These: Vol. 2, Mosiah-Alma by Fatimah Salleh and Margaret Olsen Hemming (BCC Press)
Criticism (long-form)[74]
Mormonism, Empathy, and Aesthetics: Beholding the Body by Gary Ettari (Palgrave Macmillan)
Experiment upon the Word by Frederik S. Kleiner (BCC Press)
John Held Jr.’s Fiction by Glen Nelson (Center for Latter-day Saint Art)
Criticism (short-form)[74]
"The Divine Feminine in Mormon Art" by Margaret Olsen Hemming (Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought)
"Lands Before Time: Plan of Salvation Typology in the Films of Don Bluth" by Randy Astle (Irreantum)
"Apologia Unmasked: Brigham City, Film Noir and the Future of Mormon Cinema" by Lane Welch (Utah Monthly)
"The Secular Syllabus and the Sacred Book: Literary Scholars Approach the Book of Mormon" by Rosalynde Welch (Journal of Book of Mormon Studies)
Young-adult novel[76]
Beneath the Wide Silk Sky by Emily Inouye Huey (Scholastic)
Wakers by Orson Scott Card (Margaret K. McElderry Books)
The Silence that Binds Us by Joanna Ho (HarperTeen)
This Might Get Awkward by Kara McDowell (Scholastic)
The Words We Keep by Erin Stewart (Declorate)
Middle-grade novel[76]
Willis Wilbur Wows the World by Lindsey Leavitt (Penguin Workshop)
The Legend of the Dream Giants by Dustin Hansen (Shadow Mountain)
The Hope of Elephants by Amanda Rawson Hill (Charlesbridge)
Lines of Courage by Jennifer A. Nielsen (Scholastic)
Secrets of the Looking Glass by J. Scott Savage (Shadow Mountain)
Picture book[76]
Bedtime Stories for Girls of Destiny by Raeleigh Wilkinson (Cedar Fort)
A Book, Too, Can Be A Star: The Story of Madeleine L’Engle and the Making of A Wrinkle in Time by Charlotte Jones Voiklis and Jennifer Adams (authors), Andelina Lirius (illustrator)
Mud! by Annie Bailey (author) and Jen Corace (illustrator) (Abrams Appleseed)
Pirates Don’t Dance by Shawna J. C. Tenney (Sleeping Bear)
Pretty Perfect Kitty Corn by Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham (Abrams)
Joseph Smith and the Mormons by Noah Van Sciver (Abrams ComicArts)
The Glass Looker: Volume 2 by Mark Elwood (Luman Books)
The Manderfield Devil by Rachel Allen Everett (independently published)
Beware the Eye of Odin Doug Wagner (writer) and Tim Odland (artist) (Image Comics)
Fatal by Kimberly Johnson (Persea Books)
Litany with Wings by Tyler Chadwick (BCC Press)
Golden Ax by Rio Cortez (Penguin)
Drift Migration by Danielle Beazer Dubrasky (Ashland Poetry Press)
Hemingway in Paradise and other Mormon Poems by Scott Hales (Mormon Lit Lab)
Special Award in Publishing—Republication[77]
The Corianton Saga edited by Ardis E. Parshall (BCC Press)
A Vision Splendid: The Discourses of David O. McKay edited by Anne-Marie Wright Lampropoulos (Greg Kofford Books)
The Bacillus of Beauty by Harriet Stark, edited by Joe Monson (Hemelein Publications)
The Mission. Tania Anderson, director. Danish Bear Productions.
The Brilliant Darkness! (Dem Toi Ruc Ro!). Aaron Toronto, director, co-writer, and co-producer. Nha Uyen Ly Nguyen, co-writer, co-producer, and lead actor.
Cheer. Season 2. Greg Whiteley, creator, executive producer, director. One Potato Productions, Netflix.
Lucy and Whitney. Parker Gehring, director and writer.
WWJD. Davey Morrison and Bianca Dillard, directors. Written by Davey Morrison and Anna Lewis. Based on a play by Anna Christina Kohler Lewis.
This Global Latter-day Life (Caroline Kline, host and writer; Claremont Graduate University, Claremont Mormon Studies; Dialogue Podcast Network)
Come Follow Me Kids (Bay Kids)
Leading Saints (Kurt Francom, host/executive producer; Lillian Angelovic, producer)
Tribe of Testimonies (Andrea Hales, host)
Y Religion (Anthony Sweat, host and producer; Brigham Young University Religious Education)

See also


  1. ^ In 1978, Clark and Brown were honorable mentions in the poetry category.
  2. ^ In 1978, Rosenbaum was an honorable mention in the short story category.
  3. ^ Quotation from listing: "The podcast category is new to the AML Awards this year. The judges focused solely on podcast episodes published in 2020. Podcasts were required to have at least four episodes published last year to qualify. We want to acknowledge that the pandemic had an effect on podcast production, and, unfortunately, some podcasts that would have qualified in 2019 didn’t this year. Because it was a new category, we cast a fairly wide net, searching various podcast platforms for any podcast that focused on Mormonism in any capacity as well as podcasts produced by Mormon-related/adjacent organizations and individuals who are known to be Mormon. Unsurprisingly, many of the podcasts in the Mormon space focus on current issues, interviews, or Mormon history. Of those, we focused on podcasts that either featured Mormon writers or used interesting storytelling techniques. In creating the final list, we judged on such criteria as production values, literary/narrative value, and relevance to the field of Mormon literature. While they are not finalists, we also wanted to give a nod to podcasts that are doing interesting things in the space and are of special interest to Mormon literature, including Chapter and Verse (a daily poem on a verse or two of scripture); HIVE CAST (interesting production, strong focus on Mormon art); Face in Hat (in particular, the episode on the finale of The Good Place); and Zion’s Suffragists (especially the selection and presentation of documentary materials)."
  4. ^ This is the first work of interactive fiction nominated for an AML Award.


  1. ^ "AML Awards - Dawning of a Brighter Day". Retrieved 23 August 2017.
  2. ^ a b c "Dialogue, 11:6, p. 9" (PDF). Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. Retrieved 23 August 2017.
  3. ^ "AML Awards 1980 – 1989". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Retrieved 2023-02-05.
  4. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2014-10-22. Retrieved 2014-10-21.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  5. ^ "Personal Essay Explored at AML Conference." Sunstone Magazine. Retrieved 6 February 2016. Note: a typo in the article calls these the 1980 award winners.
  6. ^ "Hozhoogoo Nanina Doo" by Michael Fillerup. Reproduced from Dialogue on author's website. Included here to correct spelling errors from other sources. Accessed April 26, 2021.
  7. ^ "Sunstone" (PDF). March 1988. Retrieved 2017-08-23.
  9. ^ "AML Awards 1990 – 1999". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Retrieved 2023-02-05.
  10. ^ Salt Lake Tribune, 30 January 1993
  11. ^ Peterson, Levi S. (August 1998). "In Memoriam: Samuel W. Taylor" (PDF). Sunstone: 11.
  12. ^ "AML Awards 2000 – 2001". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Retrieved 2023-02-05.
  13. ^ AML Awards database. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  14. ^ "2011 AML Awards | Dawning of a Brighter Day". Archived from the original on 2012-05-02. Retrieved 2012-04-24.
  15. ^ AML Awards database. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  16. ^ "Report on AML Conference 2013 and List of Awards | Dawning of a Brighter Day". Archived from the original on 2014-04-15. Retrieved 2014-04-14.
  17. ^ AML Awards database. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  18. ^ AML Awards database. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  19. ^ AML Awards database. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
  20. ^ Hall, Andrew (5 Mar 2016). "2015 AML Award Winners". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
  21. ^ a b Hall, Andrew (21 Feb 2016). "2015 AML Lifetime Awards". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 22 February 2016.
  22. ^ a b c Hall, Andrew (5 Feb 2016). "2015 AML Awards Finalists #5: Drama, Comics, and Criticism". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 5 February 2016.
  23. ^ a b Hall, Andrew (1 Feb 2016). "2015 AML Awards Finalists #1: Creative Non-Fiction and Religious Non-Fiction". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 1 February 2016.
  24. ^ Hall, Andrew (11 Feb 2016). "2015 AML Awards Finalists #6: Film". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  25. ^ a b c Hall, Andrew (4 Feb 2016). "2015 AML Awards Finalists #4: Lyrics, Picture Book, and Poetry". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 4 February 2016.
  26. ^ a b Hall, Andrew (3 Feb 2016). "2015 AML Awards Finalists #3: Young Adult and Middle Grade Novel". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 4 Feb 2016.
  27. ^ a b c Hall, Andrew (2 Feb 2016). "2015 AML Awards Finalists #2: Novel and Short Fiction". Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Retrieved 4 Feb 2016.
  28. ^ "2016 AML Awards - Dawning of a Brighter Day". 23 April 2017. Retrieved 23 August 2017.
  29. ^ "Orson Scott Card: Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters - Dawning of a Brighter Day". 23 April 2017. Retrieved 23 August 2017.
  30. ^ "Susan Elizabeth Howe: AML Lifetime Achievement Award - Dawning of a Brighter Day". 23 April 2017. Retrieved 23 August 2017.
  31. ^ a b "2017 AML Awards". Dawning of a Brighter Day. March 24, 2018.
  32. ^ a b "2017 AML Awards Finalists #1: Novel and Short Fiction" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Accessed Feb. 26, 2018
  33. ^ a b "2017 AML Awards Finalists #3: Creative Non-Fiction and Religious Non-Fiction" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Accessed Feb. 26, 2018
  34. ^ "2017 AML Award Finalists #2: Middle Grade and Young Adult Novel" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Accessed Feb. 26, 2018
  35. ^ a b "2017 AML Awards #4: Comics and Picture Books" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Accessed Feb. 27, 2018
  36. ^ a b "2017 AML Awards Finalists #5: Drama and Film" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Accessed Feb. 28, 2018
  37. ^ a b c "2017 AML Awards Finalists #6: Anthology, Criticism, and Poetry" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Accessed Mar. 5, 2018
  38. ^ "Carol Lynn Pearson, AML Lifetime Achievement Award." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 16 February 2019. Accessed 19 February 2019.
  39. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "2018 AML Award Winners." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 30 March 2019. Accessed 31 March 2019.
  40. ^ "Melissa Leilani Larson: Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 15 February 2019. Accessed 19 February 2019.
  41. ^ a b c "2018 AML Award Finalists #3: Drama and Poetry." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 13 February 2019. Accessed 19 February 2019.
  42. ^ a b c "2018 AML Award Finalists #1: Novel and Short Fiction." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 11 February 2019. Accessed 19 February 2019.
  43. ^ a b c "2018 AML Awards Finalists #5: Non-Fiction, Criticism." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 15 February 2019. Accessed 19 February 2019.
  44. ^ a b c "2018 AML Award Finalists #4: Comics and Film." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 14 February 2019. Accessed 19 February 2019.
  45. ^ a b c "[2018 AML Award Finalists #2: Children’s literature 2018 AML Award Finalists #2: Children’s literature]." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 12 February 2019. Accessed 19 February 2019.
  46. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "AML Awards," presentation video. 2 May 2020. Accessed 2 May 2020.
  47. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "2019 AML Award Winners" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 2 May 2020. Accessed 2 May 2020.
  48. ^ "Association for Mormon Letters 2019 award finalists announced; virtual conference May 2" by Christine Rappleye. [Deseret News]. 30 April 2020. Accessed 3 May 2020.
  49. ^ a b "2019 AML Awards Finalists #1: Novels and Short Fiction" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 7 March 2020. Accessed 17 March 2020.
  50. ^ a b c "2019 AML Awards Finalists #2: Children’s Literature" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 9 March 2020. Accessed 17 March 2020.
  51. ^ a b c d "2019 AML Awards Finalists #3: Drama and Film" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 10 March 2020. Accessed 17 March 2020.
  52. ^ a b 2019 AML Awards Finalists #4: Poetry and Criticism" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 11 March 2020. Accessed 17 March 2020.
  53. ^ a b c 2019 AML Awards Finalists #5: Non-Fiction and Comics" by Andrew Hall. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. 12 March 2020. Accessed 17 March 2020.
  54. ^ "Announcing the 2021 AML Virtual Conference!" by James Goldberg. Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. March 31, 2021. Accessed April 5, 2021.
  55. ^ AML Awards as livestreamed by the Association for Mormon Letters. June 5, 2021. Accessed June 5, 2021.
  56. ^ "John Serge Bennion: 2021 AML Lifetime Achievement Award." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. April 12, 2021. Accessed April 12, 2021.
  57. ^ "Steven L. Peck: The 2021 Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. April 10, 2021. Accessed April 11, 2021.
  58. ^ "AML Special Award: The Book of Mormon: Brief Theological Introductions." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. May 31, 2021. Accessed June 1, 2021.
  59. ^ a b c d "2020 AML Awards Finalists #1: Novels, Poetry, and Short Fiction." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. April 5, 2021. Accessed April 5, 2021.
  60. ^ a b c d "2020 AML Awards Finalists #2: Nonfiction, Audiobooks, Podcasts." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. April 6, 2021. Accessed April 6, 2021.
  61. ^ a b c "2020 AML Awards Finalists #3: Picture Book, Middle Grade, Young Adult." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. April 8, 2021. Accessed April 9, 2021.
  62. ^ a b c d "2020 AML Awards Finalists #4: Comics, Criticism, Drama, Film." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. April 9, 2021. Accessed April 11, 2021.
  63. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "2021 AML Award Winners." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. July 24, 2022. Accessed September 30, 2022.
  64. ^ a b c " 2020 AML Awards Finalists #1: Novels and Short Fiction." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. June 17, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
  65. ^ a b c "2021 AML Awards Finalists #2: Young Adult, Middle Grade, Picture Book." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. June 20, 2022. Accessed June 20, 2022.
  66. ^ a b c d "2021 AML Awards Finalists #3: Film, Drama, Poetry, Podcasts"
  67. ^ a b c d e "2022 AML Conference: Mormon Literature Progress & Prospects: The Legacy of Eugene England." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. Accessed September 30, 2022.
  68. ^ "2022 AML Award Winners." Dawning of a Brighter Day. Association for Mormon Letters. April 29, 2023. Accessed April 29, 2023.
  69. ^ "2023 AML Virtual Conference: Austens, Kings, Le Guins, & Tolkiens of Our Own: Mormons & Genre, April 27-29, 2023." Dawning of a Brighter Day, Association for Mormon Letters. March 24, 2023. Accessed April 2, 2023.
  70. ^ "Michael Hicks: 2023 AML Lifetime Achievement Award," Dawning of a Brighter Day, Association for Mormon Letters. April 3, 2023. Accessed April 3, 2023.
  71. ^ "Stephen Carter: The 2023 Smith-Pettit Foundation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mormon Letters," Dawning of a Brighter Day, Association for Mormon Letters. April 1, 2023. Accessed April 2, 2023.
  72. ^ a b c "2022 AML Award Finalists #1: Novels and Short Fiction," Dawning of a Brighter Day, Association for Mormon Letters. April 1, 2023. Accessed April 2, 2023.
  73. ^ "2022 AML Award Finalists #6: Drama," Dawning of a Brighter Day, Association for Mormon Letters. April 10, 2023. Accessed April 10, 2023.
  74. ^ a b c "2022 AML Awards Finalists #2: Creative Nonfiction and Criticism," Dawning of a Brighter Day, Association for Mormon Letters. April 3, 2023. Accessed April 3, 2023.
  75. ^ a b "2022 AML Award Finalists #5: Film and Religious Nonfiction," Dawning of a Brighter Day, Association for Mormon Letters. April 8, 2023. Accessed April 9, 2023.
  76. ^ abc "Finalistas de los premios AML 2022 n.° 3: novela para adultos jóvenes, novela para lectores de nivel medio y libro ilustrado", Dawning of a Brighter Day , Association for Mormon Letters. 5 de abril de 2023. Consultado el 5 de abril de 2023.
  77. ^ abc "Finalistas de los Premios AML 2022 n.° 4: cómics, poesía, republicación", Dawning of a Brighter Day , Association for Mormon Letters. 6 de abril de 2023. Consultado el 6 de abril de 2023.
  78. ^ "Finalistas del premio AML 2022 n.° 7: Podcast", Dawning of a Brighter Day , Asociación de Letras Mormonas. 19 de abril de 2023. Consultado el 19 de abril de 2023.