Lista de caminos que van desde la granja al mercado en Texas (400–499)

Los caminos de la granja al mercado en Texas son propiedad del Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT) y están mantenidos por éste.

FM 400

La carretera Farm to Market Road 400 ( FM 400 ) recorre 85 millas (137 km) alrededor del lado este de Lubbock , desde un cruce con la US 87 cerca de Tahoka hasta la FM 145 cerca de Kress .

FM 401

La carretera Farm to Market Road 401 ( FM 401 ) se encuentra en el condado de Childress . Su terminal sur está en la US 287 (Avenue F) y 7th Street en el centro de Childress . Corre hacia el norte por 7th Street durante 1,2 millas (1,9 km) hasta una intersección en T con FM 3181 al norte de la ciudad. [3]

La FM 401 fue designada el 26 de noviembre de 1969, a lo largo de la ruta actual. [2]

FM 401 (1945–1964)

El 25 de junio de 1945 se designó una ruta anterior numerada FM 401 en el condado de Lubbock , desde la US 84 , 2 millas (3,2 km) al noroeste de Shallowater , hasta la línea del condado de Hale . El 9 de julio de ese año, se extendió hacia el norte hasta el condado de Hale hasta la FM 54. La FM 401 se canceló el 20 de agosto de 1964 y su kilometraje se transfirió a la FM 179. [ 2]

FM 402

Farm to Market Road 402 ( FM 402 ) es una ruta de 16,3 millas de largo (26,2 km) en el condado de Terry . La carretera comienza en una intersección con FM 213 y County Road 856 aproximadamente una milla y media (2,4 km) al oeste de la ciudad de Wellman . FM 402 se dirige al norte con dos ligeras curvas en S hacia el oeste antes de cruzarse con US 82 / US 380 diez millas (16 km) al oeste de Brownfield . La carretera llega al asentamiento de Johnson antes de curvarse hacia el este en FM 3262 y luego curvarse nuevamente hacia el norte para llegar a su terminal en FM 303. [ 5]

La carretera se creó el 25 de junio de 1945, y se extendía desde lo que entonces era la US 62 y la US 380 hasta la comunidad de Johnson por una longitud de tres millas (4,8 km). El 16 de diciembre de 1948, la carretera se extendió hacia el sur hasta un punto al oeste de Wellman, que ahora es el actual término sur de la carretera. El 17 de diciembre de 1952, la carretera se extendió hacia el norte pasando Johnson hasta un punto a lo largo de lo que entonces era la FM 300 (ahora FM 211), lo que elevó la longitud de la carretera a 22,3 millas (35,9 km). Sin embargo, el 24 de febrero de 1953, la FM 300 se haría cargo de las seis millas (9,7 km) más al norte de la FM 402, lo que dio lugar a la configuración que sigue la FM 402 en la actualidad. Esta sección de la FM 300 pasó a denominarse FM 303 el 10 de febrero de 1966. [4]

FM 403

Farm to Market Road 403 ( FM 403 ) se encuentra en los condados de Gaines y Terry en el oeste de Texas. La carretera de 17,2 millas (27,7 km) comienza en una intersección con SH 83 y County Road 664 en el noreste del condado de Gaines y viaja hacia el norte a través del condado durante tres millas (4,8 km) antes de hacer una curva en S hacia el oeste donde ingresa al condado de Terry. La carretera hace otra curva en S hacia el oeste antes de cruzar FM 213 y pasar por la comunidad de Foster antes de terminar en la línea límite de la ciudad de Brownfield en una intersección con US 62 / US 385 y SH 137. [ 7]

El 25 de junio de 1945, la carretera fue designada como ruta de siete millas (11 km) desde su actual terminal norte hasta Foster. La carretera se extendió hacia el sur hasta la frontera del condado de Gaines-Terry el 20 de julio de 1948 y hasta su actual terminal sur el 21 de junio de 1951. [6]

Lista de cruces

FM 404

La carretera Farm to Market Road 404 ( FM 404 ) existió desde 1945 hasta 1990 en el sureste de Texas. El extremo sur de la carretera siempre había estado en Green Lake en la SH 35. Desde el momento de su designación el 12 de junio de 1945, hasta el 9 de julio del mismo año, su extremo norte estaba en la línea divisoria entre los condados de Calhoun y Victoria (la carretera se encontraba íntegramente en el condado de Calhoun). El 9 de julio, la carretera se extendió hacia el norte a través de Bloomington y Pleasant Valley hasta la ciudad de Victoria en la US 87. [ 9] El 16 de octubre de 1951, la FM 404 comenzó a señalizarse (pero no a designarse) como una extensión de la SH 185. [10] El 29 de agosto de 1990, toda la ruta fue designada oficialmente como SH 185 y la FM 404 fue cancelada. [8]

FM 405

Farm to Market Road 405 ( FM 405 ) es una ruta de 8,5 millas (13,7 km) en el condado de Walker . El término sur de la carretera está en la US 190 cerca de la comunidad de Dodge y dentro de los confines del Bosque Nacional Sam Houston . La ruta se dirige al norte a través de tierras no incorporadas (principalmente bosques de pinos) antes de terminar en la ciudad de Riverside en la SH 19. [ 12] Fue creada el 11 de junio de 1945. [11]

FM 406

Farm to Market Road 406 ( FM 406 ) es una ruta de 3,9 millas de largo (6,3 km) que va desde SH 289 en la comunidad de Fink hasta FM 84 en el norte del condado de Grayson , justo al sur del lago Texoma y la frontera estatal de Oklahoma . [14] La designación fue asignada el 26 de octubre de 1983, entre FM 120 en Fink hasta FM 84, similar a cómo corre hoy (pero con una longitud total de 4,0 millas (6,4 km)). [13]

FM 406 (1945–1962)

La primera FM 406 existió desde 1945 hasta 1962. Era una carretera de norte a sur ubicada en el condado de Orange al oeste de Orange . En el momento de su designación el 11 de junio de 1945, viajaba desde SH 87 hasta la comunidad de Peveto. El 29 de octubre de 1953, la carretera se extendió hacia el noreste por 1,3 millas (2,1 km) lo que elevó la longitud total de la carretera a 7,5 millas (12,1 km). Esta extensión anteriormente era FM 1137. El 29 de septiembre de 1954, la carretera se extendió al noreste hasta FM 1130. El 27 de abril de 1955, la carretera de Peveto a FM 1130 fue rediseñada como FM 1078. La ruta completa se eliminó el 1 de mayo de 1962, cuando fue reemplazada por SH 62. [ 13]

FM 407

La carretera 407 de la granja al mercado ( FM 407 ) se encuentra en los condados de Wise y Denton . Va desde la US 81 / US 287 en New Fairview hasta la I-35E / US 77 en Lewisville . Coincide brevemente con la FM 156 .

FM 407 (1945)

El 11 de junio de 1945 se designó una ruta anterior numerada como FM 407, desde Orange hacia el norte durante 2,3 millas (3,7 km). La FM 407 se canceló el 10 de diciembre de 1946, ya que pasó a formar parte de la SH 87 desviada . La antigua ruta de la SH 87 se convirtió en FM 1559 al completarse, pero se transfirió a FM 1130 en 1950 y se eliminó del sistema de carreteras estatales el 27 de junio de 1962.

FM 408

Farm to Market Road 408 ( FM 408 ) es una ruta de 3,2 millas (5,1 km) en el condado de Orange , que conecta Bridge City en FM 1442 (Roundbunch Road) con Orangefield en FM 105 (Orangefield Road). La autopista comienza en su extremo sur a lo largo de Miller Drive y viaja hacia el norte. Después de salir de los límites de la ciudad, la carretera hace una curva inversa hacia el oeste y continúa viajando hacia el norte. Pasa por el centro de Orangefield antes de terminar en FM 105, que está dentro de los límites de la ciudad de Orange . [17]

La FM 408 fue designada el 11 de junio de 1945, desde la SH 87 (ahora SH 73 , SH 87 y Texas Avenue) en Bridge City, hacia el oeste por Roundbunch Road, y luego a lo largo de su ruta actual hasta Orangefield, terminando justo al sur de su terminal actual. En la década de 1940, se propuso que la ruta se señalizara como una carretera estatal, pero se volvió a designar como una ruta FM. Se extendió hacia el norte el 12 de enero de 1966, debido a la reubicación de la FM 105, y se truncó a su terminal sur actual el 13 de septiembre de 1987, con la FM 1442 reemplazando la sección eliminada. [16]

FM 409

Farm to Market Road 409 ( FM 409 ) es una designación que se ha utilizado cuatro veces. El uso actual es en el condado de Fannin , desde FM 2029 , una milla y media (2,4 km) al sur de Telephone , hasta FM 100. [ 19]

La FM 409 fue designada el 16 de marzo de 1982, desde la FM 2029 hasta el arroyo Bois D'Arc . Se extendió hasta la FM 100 el 22 de septiembre de 1982.

FM 409 (1945–1953)

El primer uso de la designación FM 409 fue en el condado de Orange , desde la SH 87 al oeste hasta la FM 408 en Orangefield. La FM 409 se canceló el 29 de enero de 1953 y se transfirió a la FM 105. Tenga en cuenta que la FM 409 usaba Cormier Road al este de la FM 408, porque la ruta actual de la FM 105 hacia el norte no se había construido.

FM 409 (1954-1955)

El segundo uso de la designación FM 409 fue en el condado de Briscoe , desde FM 598, 4,3 millas (6,9 km) al norte de la línea del condado de Floyd, al oeste hasta la línea del condado de Swisher. Sin embargo, FM 145 se extendió hacia el este hasta la línea del condado de Swisher-Briscoe ese mismo día. El 1 de noviembre de 1954, FM 409 se convertiría en parte de FM 145 cuando se completara la construcción de la extensión de FM 145 y de FM 409, lo que sucedió el 1 de octubre de 1955. [20]

FM 409 (1956–1977)

El tercer uso de la designación FM 409 fue en los condados de Potter y Randall , desde el límite sur de la ciudad de Amarillo a lo largo de Bell Street hacia el sur hasta US 60/US 87. La FM 409 se canceló el 29 de septiembre de 1977 y se eliminó del sistema de carreteras.

FM 410

Farm to Market Road 410 ( FM 410 ) es una ruta de 53 millas de largo (85 km) ubicada en el condado de Red River . La carretera de dos carriles comienza en la esquina suroeste del condado en FM 196. Viaja hacia el norte llegando a una coincidencia de 180 pies (55 m) con la US 271 entre Deport y Bogata . FM 410 continúa hacia el norte intersectando algunas carreteras locales y otras de granjas a mercados antes de ingresar a Detroit . A través de la ciudad, FM 410 lleva el nombre de 1st Street y también se cruza con la US 82. Cerca de los límites del norte de la ciudad, la carretera pasa por la escuela secundaria de Detroit . La carretera continúa hacia el norte formando una confluencia de 380 pies (116 m) con FM 195 antes de que FM 410 continúe hacia el norte hacia Red River . A medida que se acerca al río y la frontera estatal de Oklahoma , FM 410 comienza a curvarse hacia el este y luego hacia el sureste. La carretera termina en FM 195 cerca de la comunidad de Blakeney. [22]

Cuando se designó el 22 de junio de 1945, la FM 410 corría desde la US 82 en Detroit hasta Kanawha, al norte de Woodland. La carretera se extendería cinco millas (8,0 km) al sur desde Detroit el 23 de mayo de 1951, antes de extenderse al norte y al sur el 18 de diciembre del mismo año. La carretera se extendió al sur 3,3 millas (5,3 km) hasta la FM 411 cerca de Fulbright y al norte 7,4 millas (11,9 km) hasta West Scrap (ahora conocida como Kiomatia). Después de hacerse cargo de la sección norte-sur de la FM 411 desde Fulbright hasta la US 271 el 16 de enero de 1953, la carretera se extendió más al sur hasta Morris Chapel el 26 de octubre de 1954. El 2 de mayo de 1962, la FM 410 se extendió desde West Scrap hasta la FM 862 (12,0 millas (19,3 km)). El 24 de mayo de 1962, la carretera se extendió hasta la intersección más oriental con FM 195, reemplazando a FM 862 (3,1 millas (5,0 km)). En septiembre de 1968, su terminal sur se trasladó 4,4 millas (7,1 km) al sur y al oeste para terminar en FM 196. [21]

Lista de cruces

Toda la ruta está en el condado de Red River .

FM 411

Farm to Market Road 411 ( FM 411 ) es una carretera de 4+Conector este-oeste de 12 milla de largo (7,2 km) entre FM 410 y SH 37 (en un punto aproximadamente a cuatro millas y media (7,2 km) al norte de Bogata ) en el condado de Red River . Además, proporciona acceso a la comunidad de Fulbright.

Designada el 22 de junio de 1945, la FM 411 originalmente corría desde la US 271 al este de Deport y se dirigía al norte por lo que ahora es la FM 410, luego viajó al este por su ruta actual, antes de dirigirse al noreste hacia Clarksville por lo que ahora es la SH 37. En un momento, toda esta ruta fue designada como una carretera estatal; se desconoce si la carretera alguna vez estuvo señalizada como tal. El 30 de marzo de 1952, la SH 37 fue designada en su alineación actual, dejando a la FM 411 para que solo corriera desde la US 271 hasta la SH 37. El 16 de enero de 1953, la FM 410 reemplazó la parte norte-sur de la FM 411. [23]

FM 412

Farm to Market Road 412 ( FM 412 ) es una ruta de 16 millas (26 km) de largo en el condado de Red River . Va desde la comunidad de Boxelder en FM 44 hacia el oeste y el norte hasta la US 82 justo al este de Clarksville . La designación fue asignada el 22 de junio de 1945, como un ramal desde la US 82 hasta el asentamiento del rancho de Petersburg. Se extendió tres veces: hacia el sur 1,7 millas (2,7 km) el 22 de julio de 1949, hacia el sur 5,2 millas (8,4 km) el 31 de octubre de 1957 y hacia el este 5,5 millas (8,9 km) el 28 de junio de 1963. [24]

FM 413

Farm to Market Road 413 ( FM 413 ) va desde Rosebud en el condado de Falls hasta Kosse en el condado de Limestone pasando por Reagan . La carretera recorre unas 29 millas (47 km) en una orientación de suroeste a noreste. La autopista comienza justo fuera de los límites de la ciudad oriental de Rosebud en Loop 265 en dirección sureste brevemente, pero pronto gira hacia el noreste. En Wilderville , hay una breve concurrencia de 240 pies de largo (73 m) con FM 2027. Después de cruzar el río Brazos , hay una intersección con FM 1373 y pasa por la comunidad de Highbank . En Highbank, hay un ramal de 14 de milla de largo (0,40 km) de FM 413 que sigue una antigua alineación de la carretera principal. La carretera continúa al noreste hasta Reagan, donde hay un intercambio con los carriles en dirección sur de SH 6 . El acceso hacia y desde la SH 6 en dirección norte se realiza a través de la alineación original de la SH 6 en Reagan. Después de cruzar tres caminos agrícolas y comerciales menores más en el condado de Falls, la autopista ingresa al condado de Limestone y termina en la SH 14 en la ciudad de Kosse. [26]

La autopista fue designada por primera vez el 30 de junio de 1945, desde Highbank hasta Reagan. El 23 de noviembre de 1948, se extendió hacia el noreste hasta Kosse. Sería objeto de dos ampliaciones en la década de 1950: el 23 de junio de 1953, hasta Wilderville y el 21 de noviembre de 1956, hasta Rosebud. Desde entonces se han producido pequeños realineamientos. [25]

Lista de cruces

FM 414

Farm to Market Road 414 ( FM 414 ) es una ruta de 6,7 millas (10,8 km) en el condado de Shelby . Su término occidental está en SH 87 entre Center y Shelbyville . Corre hacia el este hasta la comunidad de Campi School cerca del borde del Bosque Nacional Sabine . [27] [28] [29]

La FM 414 fue designada el 11 de junio de 1945, a lo largo de la ruta actual; en ese momento, el término occidental era parte de la US 96. [ 27]

FM 415

Farm to Market Road 415 ( FM 415 ) es una ruta de 7,8 millas de largo (12,6 km) que conecta FM 138 en Stockman con SH 87 justo al sur de Timpson , en el oeste del condado de Shelby . [31]

La FM 415 fue designada el 11 de junio de 1945, en la ruta actual. [30]

FM 416

Farm to Market Road 416 ( FM 416 ) es una carretera de 15 millas+Ruta de 12 milla de largo (24,9 km) en los condados de Freestone y Navarro que generalmente sigue la costa sur del embalse Richland-Chambers . La carretera comienza en la intersección de SH 75 y Runnells Street en el límite de Streetman , condado de Freestone y se dirige al norte casi de inmediato entrando en el condado de Navarro. La carretera pronto gira hacia el este donde se cruza con numerosos caminos de acceso al embalse. Después de pasar por la comunidad de Winkler, regresa al condado de Freestone y pasa por un asentamiento sin nombre que presenta numerosos negocios, iglesias y casas estilo rancho. FM 416 termina en una intersección con FM 488 justo al sur de la presa del embalse. [33] La designación se aplicó el 10 de septiembre de 1968, reemplazando una parte de FM 246. [ 32]

FM 416 (1945–1966)

La primera FM 416 existió en el área de Paxton, condado de Shelby , desde el 11 de junio de 1945 hasta el 31 de agosto de 1966. La carretera recorría una distancia de 3,4 millas (5,5 km) desde Paxton Center Road hasta la US 84 en Paxton. La designación se eliminó tras la superposición de FM 699 el 9 de septiembre de 1966, cuando se extendió hacia el norte desde su antigua terminal. [32]

FM 417

Farm to Market Road 417 ( FM 417 ) es una ruta de 19 millas (31 km) en el condado de Shelby que va desde la US 96 cerca de la comunidad de Choice hasta la FM 139 en la ciudad de Huxley dentro de los confines del Bosque Nacional Sabine . La carretera viaja hacia el este desde su terminal occidental durante aproximadamente una milla (1,6 km) antes de girar hacia el norte en FM 2140. Después de pasar por una curva inversa que presenta un cruce a nivel con el ferrocarril Timber Rock , FM 417 se dirige al norte y al noreste a través de una mezcla de bosques y tierras de rancho. Intersecta FM 2975 en su terminal norte antes de continuar hasta Shelbyville . En Shelbyville, hay una concurrencia de 700 pies (210 m) con SH 87 . Continuando hacia el este desde el final de la concurrencia, la FM 417 se cruza con la FM 2694 en el extremo occidental de esta última y entra en el Bosque Nacional Sabine al cruzar el arroyo Beauchamp. Aunque se encuentra dentro de un bosque nacional, la mayor parte del lado sur de la carretera presenta pequeños ranchos. La carretera ingresa a los límites de la ciudad de Huxley, una ciudad cuyos límites generalmente siguen caminos locales, luego termina en la FM 139 a menos de una milla del embalse de Toledo Bend . [35]

La carretera fue designada por primera vez el 11 de junio de 1945, recorriendo 2,8 millas (4,5 km) al suroeste desde Shelbyville. El 14 de julio de 1949, la carretera se extendió más al oeste hasta lo que entonces era una ruta propuesta de la US 96 (la US 96 en ese momento corría a lo largo de la SH 87), lo que elevó la longitud total a 7,1 millas (11,4 km). El 28 de abril de 1950, la FM 417 se acortó en 0,4 millas (0,64 km) al ser desviada hacia Choice . El 29 de octubre de 1953, la FM 417 se extendió al suroeste hasta la US 96. Esta configuración duraría hasta el 13 de agosto de 1968, cuando la FM 417 se hizo cargo de toda la FM 1820 al noreste de Shelbyville. [34]

FM 418

Farm to Market Road 418 ( FM 418 ) es una ruta de 12 millas de largo (19 km) ubicada en el condado de Hardin . La carretera comienza en la intersección de 5th Street y las carreteras estadounidenses 69 y 287 en Kountze . Después de pasar por un vecindario residencial de Kountze, la carretera se dirige al este a través de áreas más rurales del condado cruzando Village Creek . Después del cruce del arroyo, ingresa a la comunidad de Reeves que contiene una mezcla de residencias y ranchos. También se cruza con FM 1122 en la comunidad. Ahora viajando en dirección sureste, FM 418 ingresa a la ciudad de Silsbee pasando por sus confines del norte. Al noreste del centro de la ciudad, la carretera se cruza con FM 92 en North 5th Street. La carretera atraviesa un área boscosa aún dentro de los límites de la ciudad mientras gira hacia el sur y termina en una intersección con US 96 Bus. [37]

La carretera fue designada el 13 de junio de 1945, y se extiende desde la US 69 0,5 millas (0,80 km) al norte de Kountze hacia el noreste 3,5 millas (5,6 km), luego hacia el sur 3,9 millas (6,3 km) hasta la US 69 al sur de Kountze, para una distancia total de 7,4 millas (11,9 km). El 1 de agosto de 1947, la carretera se acortó a una longitud de 2,4 millas (3,9 km) y recorre su ruta actual hoy en día a partir de la US 69/US 287. El 21 de marzo de 1950, la carretera se extendió a través de Village Creek a través de Reeves para terminar en FM 92 en Silsbee, reemplazando a FM 419. El último cambio en la carretera se produjo el 1 de junio de 1965, cuando FM 418 se extendió desde FM 92 a lo que ahora es su terminal este, siendo la carretera transversal la US 96. [ 36]

FM 419

La carretera 419 de la granja al mercado ( FM 419 ) se encuentra en los condados de Nolan y Fisher . Recorre una ruta en zigzag desde la BL I-20 y la Bus. SH 70 (anteriormente US 80 ) en Sweetwater hasta la US 180 en Roby . [39]

La FM 419 fue designada el 23 de mayo de 1951, desde la US 180 en Roby al suroeste hasta una intersección de carreteras por una distancia de 7,6 millas (12,2 km). El 4 de noviembre de 1953, se extendió 21,1 millas (34,0 km) al suroeste y al sur hasta la US 80 en Sweetwater, reemplazando a la FM 1572 (la sección de conexión fue designada el 28 de octubre de 1953). [38]

FM 419 (1945)

El 13 de junio de 1945 se designó una ruta anterior, denominada FM 419, que iba desde Silsbee al noroeste hasta Reeves. La FM 419 se canceló el 21 de marzo de 1950 y se combinó con la FM 418.

FM 420

Farm to Market Road 420 ( FM 420 ) es un ramal de 3,9 millas de largo (6,3 km) desde las carreteras estadounidenses 69 y 287 hacia el este hasta la comunidad no incorporada de McKinney en el norte del condado de Hardin . Comenzando en el par de carreteras estadounidenses entre Kountze y Village Mills , la carretera se dirige al este pasando por el centro de visitantes de la Reserva Nacional Big Thicket y un par de parques de casas rodantes . Serpentea su camino hacia el este con la reserva ubicada en el lado norte de la carretera antes de terminar en un pequeño claro donde se encuentran algunas casas y un cementerio, la comunidad de McKinney. El mantenimiento estatal y la designación FM 420 terminan en la intersección de McNeely Road y Jordan Road. [41]

La FM 420 fue designada el 13 de junio de 1945, en la ruta actual. [40]

FM 421

Farm to Market Road 421 ( FM 421 ) es una ruta de 21,1 km (13,1 millas) de longitud en el condado de Hardin . Su término occidental está en la SH 326 cerca de Sour Lake . [43] Pasa por las comunidades de Pine Ridge y Ariola antes de llegar a Lumberton , donde se cruza con la US 69 / US 287. Su término oriental está en la US 96 en Lumberton. [44]

La FM 421 fue designada el 13 de junio de 1945 como un ramal de la US 69/US 287, con una longitud de 8,2 millas (13,2 km). El 23 de noviembre de 1948, la designación se extendió a SH 326. El 15 de julio de 1949, la ruta se truncó a su longitud original, pero se extendió a una longitud de 10,1 millas (16,3 km) el 20 de noviembre de 1951. Se extendió a SH 326 nuevamente el 17 de diciembre de 1952. La designación se extendió una corta distancia hacia el este el 11 de julio de 1968, cuando se dirigió a lo largo de Country Lane Drive hasta la US 96. [42] El segmento más oriental de 0,9 millas (1,4 km) de la carretera se transfirió a Urban Road 421 ( UR 421 ) el 27 de junio de 1995. La designación de esa sección volvió a FM 421 con la eliminación del sistema de Urban Road el 15 de noviembre de 2018. [45]

FM 422

Farm to Market Road 422 ( FM 422 ) es una ruta de 25,6 millas de largo (41,2 km) en los condados de Baylor y Archer en el centro de Texas. Comenzando en la ciudad de Seymour en una intersección que incluye US 82 , Bus. US 183/277/283 , y además de SH 114 , FM 422 se dirige al este por California Street antes de realizar una curva inversa hacia el norte donde pasa a Archer Road. [48] Justo fuera de los límites de la ciudad, hay un intercambio con la circunvalación de Seymour, que lleva US 183 / US 277 / US 283. [ 48] Al este del intercambio, la carretera se dirige hacia el asentamiento de England y tiene una concurrencia de una milla de largo (1,6 km) con FM 1170 . [49] Después de ingresar al condado de Archer, [50] FM 422 termina en una intersección con FM 210 aproximadamente a tres millas (4,8 km) al sur del lago Kickapoo y doce millas (19 km) al oeste de Archer City . [51]

La FM 422 fue designada el 27 de junio de 1945 como ramal desde Seymour hasta Inglaterra, recorriendo aproximadamente ocho millas (13 km). El 31 de octubre de 1957, la carretera se extendió al este hasta su actual terminal oriental en la FM 210. [46] Esta configuración duró hasta que se completó un realineamiento de la carretera en Seymour el 28 de mayo de 2015. Antes del realineamiento, la FM 422 comenzaba en Main Street y viajaba hacia el este por Nevada Street. Luego, la carretera giraba hacia el norte en Stadium Drive frente a la escuela secundaria Seymour y recorría cuatro cuadras antes de girar a la derecha en Archer Road y continuar como lo hace hoy. Una vez completado el realineamiento, que permite que el tráfico se dirija directamente a Main Street sin pasar por curvas de 90 grados, la ruta anterior se transfirió a la ciudad. [47]

FM 423

Farm to Market Road 423 ( FM 423 ) es una carretera de la granja al mercado en el condado de Denton , Texas .

FM 424

Farm to Market Road 424 ( FM 424 ) se encuentra en Cross Roads . [53] Comienza en la US 380 ; el derecho de paso también continúa hacia el sur desde este punto como Naylor Road, que llega hasta Oak Point . La ruta corre hacia el norte durante aproximadamente una milla y media (2,4 km) antes de terminar en la US 377. [ 54]

La FM 424 fue designada por primera vez el 2 de julio de 1945, conectando Aubrey con la antigua comunidad de New Hope en lo que entonces era la SH 24 (ahora US 380). [53] [55] La parte en Aubrey fue eliminada el 25 de septiembre de 1962, y una parte de ella se convirtió en la antigua SH 99 (ahora US 377). [53]

FM 425

La carretera 425 de la granja al mercado ( FM 425 ) se encuentra en el condado de Kleberg . Va desde la US 77 Bus. en Kingsville , pasando un cruce con la US 77 , hasta la puerta de acceso en la Estación Aérea Naval de Kingsville . [57]

La FM 425 fue designada el 21 de septiembre de 1955, en la ruta actual. [56]

FM 425 (1945–1952)

La primera ruta numerada FM 425 fue designada el 2 de julio de 1945, desde Sanger hasta Bolivar . El 15 de julio de 1949, la carretera se extendió al oeste 3,9 millas (6,3 km). El 23 de mayo de 1951, la carretera se extendió al oeste cinco millas (8,0 km) hasta FM 1656. El 5 de julio de 1951, la FM 1656 de 2,7 millas (4,3 km) pasó a formar parte de FM 425. El 20 de noviembre de 1951, la carretera se extendió al este 3,6 millas (5,8 km) hasta una intersección de carreteras. La FM 425 se canceló el 15 de marzo de 1952 y se transfirió a FM 455. [ 56]

FM 426

La carretera 426 de la granja al mercado ( FM 426 ) se encuentra en el condado de Denton . Se extiende desde el límite de la ciudad de Denton hasta la costa del lago Lewisville . [54]

La FM 426 fue designada el 2 de julio de 1945, desde la US 77 en Denton hasta un punto cerca de la costa del lago Lewisville. [58] El 27 de junio de 1995, la ruta fue redesignada Urban Road 426 ( UR 426 ). [59] El 30 de junio de 2016, el segmento dentro de la ciudad de Denton fue cancelado. [60] La designación del segmento restante volvió a FM 426 con la eliminación del sistema Urban Road el 15 de noviembre de 2018. [45]

FM 427

La carretera 427 de la granja al mercado ( FM 427 ) se encuentra en el condado de Wilson . Va desde la US 181 en Poth hasta la FM 537 al noreste de la ciudad. [62]

La FM 427 fue designada el 21 de septiembre de 1955, desde la FM 541 a 1,7 millas (2,7 km) al este de Poth al noroeste hasta la FM 537. [63] El 26 de octubre de 1956, la ruta se cambió para terminar en la US 181, agregando 0,7 millas (1,1 km) a su longitud total. [61]

FM 427 (1945)

El 2 de julio de 1945 se designó una ruta anterior numerada FM 427, desde la SH 10 en Pilot Point en el condado de Denton hasta la línea del condado de Denton- Collin . El 23 de noviembre de 1948, la carretera se extendió hasta la SH 289 en Celina . El 14 de julio de 1949, la carretera se extendió al este hasta una intersección de carreteras a 4,3 millas (6,9 km) al este de Celina. El 23 de mayo de 1951, la carretera se extendió al este hasta la FM 543 en Weston, lo que elevó la longitud de la autopista a 21,6 millas (34,8 km). La FM 427 se canceló el 29 de enero de 1953 y su kilometraje se transfirió a la FM 455 .

FM 428

Farm to Market Road 428 ( FM 428 ) es una ruta de 25,8 millas de largo (41,5 km) en los condados de Denton y Collin (de los cuales 24,7 millas (39,8 km) están en su propia ruta [64] ). Comienza en la US 77 en Denton y viaja al noreste hacia Loop 288. Pasado Loop 288, la carretera gira hacia el este al salir de los límites de la ciudad de Denton. Después de cruzar un ramal del parque estatal Ray Roberts Lake , ingresa a la ciudad de Aubrey , cruza la US 377 y pasa por los tramos occidentales de Celina . FM 428 sigue brevemente la línea del condado de Denton-Collin antes de ingresar por completo al condado de Collin y terminar en FM 455. [ 65]

La carretera fue designada por primera vez el 2 de julio de 1945, y se extendía desde Aubrey en la SH 10 hacia el este durante 4,6 millas (7,4 km). El 23 de mayo de 1951, se extendió más al este hasta la FM 1385, lo que elevó la longitud a 5,9 millas (9,5 km). Luego, el 27 de septiembre de 1960, otra extensión hacia el este, esta vez hasta la FM 455 en Celina, elevó su longitud a 14,4 millas (23,2 km). El último cambio importante en la FM 428 ocurrió el 25 de septiembre de 1962, cuando tomó una parte de la SH 99 desde Denton hasta Aubrey. [64] El 27 de junio de 1995, la sección de 2,3 millas (3,7 km) desde la US 77 hasta la Loop 288 fue redesignada como Urban Road 428 ( UR 428 ). [66] La designación de esta sección volvió a ser FM 428 con la eliminación del sistema de caminos urbanos el 15 de noviembre de 2018. [45]

Lista de cruces

FM 429

Farm to Market Road 429 ( FM 429 ) es una ruta de 29,6 millas de largo (47,6 km) que conecta el condado rural de Kaufman con Terrell y luego con el área del lago Tawakoni en el condado de Hunt . La carretera comienza en una intersección con SH 243 en un punto entre Kaufman y Canton . FM 429 se dirige al norte y noroeste a través del cuadrante noreste del condado. FM 2727 tiene su terminal norte en una intersección con FM 429 en esta área. La carretera tiene un intercambio con la salida 506 de la I-20 al suroeste de Elmo ; este intercambio también tiene una carretera que conecta FM 429 con FM 2728 que comparte una concurrencia de media milla de largo (0,80 km) con FM 429. Al norte de la concurrencia, FM 429 continúa al noroeste antes de llegar a los límites de la ciudad de Terrell en una intersección con US 80. [ 68]

La US 80 y la FM 429 se dirigen juntas hacia el oeste durante media milla (0,80 km) antes de que la FM 429 se separe y se dirija al noreste a través de una parte rural del condado de Kaufman al noreste de Terrell. La carretera se desvía de su rumbo noreste para viajar hacia Ables Springs, donde se cruza con la FM 2728 en su extremo norte. La FM 429 se dirige hacia el este durante aproximadamente una milla y media (2,4 km) antes de curvarse hacia el norte y entrar en el condado de Hunt. La carretera pronto gira hacia el noreste mientras corre paralela a la costa del lago Tawakoni durante aproximadamente una milla (1,6 km) antes de terminar en la FM 751. [ 68]

La FM 429 fue designada el 28 de junio de 1945, y se extiende desde la SH 243 hasta 0,9 millas (1,4 km) al norte de Black Jack, una comunidad al sur de la intersección de la FM 2727. El 29 de enero de 1953, la FM 429 se extendió hacia el norte 3,5 millas (5,6 km) sobre caminos que anteriormente no estaban numerados y toda la longitud de 4,9 millas (7,9 km) de la antigua FM 1837 hasta la US 80 al este del centro de Terrell. Luego, la carretera se extendió a 6,9 millas (11,1 km) al norte de la US 80 el 28 de octubre de 1953, lo que llevó la carretera a una longitud de 21,7 millas (34,9 km). Se amplió dos veces más: en 4,5 millas (7,2 km) el 21 de noviembre de 1956, y en 4,8 millas (7,7 km) el 20 de septiembre de 1961. [67]

FM 430

Farm to Market Road 430 ( FM 430 ) es un ramal de 3,3 millas de largo (5,3 km) desde FM 755 en el condado rural de Brooks . Comienza en una intersección reconfigurada con FM 755 en la parte sur del condado, aproximadamente siete millas (11 km) al oeste de Rachal . La carretera de dos carriles se dirige al norte por dos millas (3,2 km) a través de tierras desoladas pobladas por algunos ranchos. En la marca de dos millas, la carretera gira hacia el oeste y continúa por otras 1,25 millas (2,01 km) antes de terminar en la entrada del rancho Tacubaya. El mantenimiento estatal termina en este punto, pero la carretera continúa como County Road 314. [70] Cuando se designó la carretera el 22 de junio de 1945, FM 430 incluía su carretera actual y la actual FM 755 a Rachal en la US 281 . La carretera alcanzó su ruta actual el 26 de noviembre de 1951, cuando FM 755 tomó la mayor parte de la carretera dejando a FM 430 en una ruta de 3,3 millas (5,3 km). [69]

FM 431

Farm to Market Road 431 ( FM 431 ) es una ruta de 13,6 millas de largo (21,9 km) ubicada en el sur del condado de Falls . Comienza en SH 320 en la comunidad de Westphalia . Se dirige por una ruta en zigzag que generalmente se dirige al este hasta Travis , donde tiene una concurrencia de 0,1 millas de largo (160 m) con la US 77. Al este de allí, la carretera viaja por un camino mucho más recto hacia el camino este-noreste donde se cruza con FM 3145 y termina en FM 2027 en la comunidad de Cedar Springs . [72]

La carretera fue designada el 30 de junio de 1945, y se extendía desde Travis hasta Cedar Springs. Alrededor de su extremo este actual, la carretera recorría otros 0,4 millas (0,64 km) hacia el sureste a lo largo de la moderna FM 2027. Esta parte de la carretera se transfirió a FM 2027 el 14 de octubre de 1960. En la década de 1960 se realizarían tres ampliaciones más hacia el oeste: una ampliación de tres millas (4,8 km) el 28 de agosto de 1963, desde la US 77, otra ampliación de 1,3 millas (2,1 km) el 6 de mayo de 1964 y hasta su actual término occidental el 11 de julio de 1968. [71]

FM 432

Farm to Market Road 432 ( FM 432 ) se encuentra en el condado de Wilbarger , cerca de la frontera estatal con Oklahoma . La carretera de 7,6 millas (12,2 km) de largo viaja desde un cruce con la US 287 en la comunidad de Tolbert hacia el norte hasta la FM 91 al sur de Odell . Cerca del punto medio de la carretera, se cruza con la FM 924. [ 74] Designada el 9 de julio de 1945, la FM 432 no ha sufrido cambios significativos desde su creación. [73]

FM 433

Farm to Market Road 433 ( FM 433 ) es una ruta de 15,2 millas de largo (24,5 km) en el condado de Wilbarger que actúa como una circunvalación sur de Vernon . La carretera comienza en una intersección con la US 70 en Lockett , cinco millas (8,0 km) al suroeste de Vernon. Se dirige al este y luego gira al sur. En FM 2074, gira de nuevo hacia el este haciendo una línea recta hacia US 183 y US 283. Después de cruzar FM 3207 , la carretera forma una concurrencia de 1,1 millas de largo (1,8 km) con US 183/US 283 antes de desviarse hacia el este nuevamente. En este segmento de la carretera, FM 433 cruza FM 1949 , FM 3430 y FM 2897 . Termina en un intercambio con la US 70/US 183/ US 287 al este de Vernon en la comunidad de Oklaunion . [76]

La carretera fue designada por primera vez el 9 de julio de 1945, y se extendía desde Lockett hasta la US 183/US 283 al sur de Vernon. La carretera se extendió hasta su longitud actual el 31 de octubre de 1957, cuando la FM 433 se trazó a lo largo de carreteras que anteriormente no estaban numeradas. [75]

FM 434

Farm to Market Road 434 ( FM 434 ) es una ruta de 21,0 millas de largo (33,8 km) en las cercanías de Waco . Comienza en la comunidad de Chilton en SH 7 y viaja hacia el norte a través del condado de Falls . [78] Al cruzar al condado de McLennan , viaja a lo largo de los límites de la ciudad de Robinson antes de romper el límite en FM 3400. En SH 6 / Loop 340 , el movimiento a través de FM 434 se completa a lo largo de las carreteras de servicio de la primera. Al norte de SH 6 / Loop 340, la carretera ingresa a Waco. La autopista termina en Bus. US 77. Desde aquí, la carretera continúa a través del campus de la Universidad de Baylor como University Parks Drive, pasando por el Salón de la Fama del Deporte de Texas antes de llegar a un intercambio con la I-35 y la US 77. [ 79]

La FM 434 fue designada el 9 de julio de 1945, y se extiende desde la comunidad de Asa hasta Waco en La Salle Avenue (ahora Bus. US 77) a través de Downsville. El 14 de julio de 1949, la carretera se extendió hacia el sur hasta la línea del condado de Falls. La carretera se extendió hasta Satin el 27 de febrero de 1958 y se extendió hasta su terminal sur actual el 22 de abril de 1958, tomando el control de la FM 2116. El 26 de septiembre de 1963, la carretera se extendió hacia el norte más adentro de Waco hasta la I-35. El 26 de mayo de 1970, se agregó una conexión de ramal en Waco. El 27 de junio de 1995, el segmento de la FM 434 al oeste de la SH 6 fue rediseñado como Urban Road 434 ( UR 434 ). [80] El 27 de abril de 2017, la sección de FM 434 desde la I-35 hasta la US 77 fue cedida a la ciudad de Waco, al igual que la conexión de ramal. La designación de la sección al oeste de SH 6 volvió a ser FM 434 con la eliminación del sistema de carreteras urbanas el 15 de noviembre de 2018. [77] [45]

Lista de cruces

FM 435

La carretera 435 de la granja al mercado ( FM 435 ) se encuentra en el condado de Yoakum . Va desde la FM 213 (anteriormente FM 396 ) cerca de Bennett hasta la US 82 y la US 380 al este de Plains . [83] Fue designada en su ruta actual el 23 de mayo de 1951. [82]

FM 435 (1945–1948)

El 9 de julio de 1945 se designó una ruta anterior numerada FM 435, desde Elm Mott hasta Leroy en el condado de McLennan . La FM 435 se canceló el 23 de noviembre de 1948 y se convirtió en una parte de la FM 308. [82]

FM 436

Farm to Market Road 436 ( FM 436 ) se encuentra en el condado de Bell . Con una longitud de 13,5 millas (21,7 km), la carretera comienza en el complejo de intercambio de la I-35 , la I-14 / US 190 y la SH 317 en Belton . La carretera viaja hacia el sureste hasta Little River-Academy , donde se cruza con la SH 95. Al este de la ciudad, FM 436 hace un giro brusco hacia el norte donde tiene un intercambio con la US 190 y la SH 36 y termina en la comunidad de Heidenheimer en la US 190 Bus. [85]

La FM 436 se creó el 11 de junio de 1945 para que se extendiera desde Belton hasta Little River (el antiguo nombre de Little River-Academy). Hubo dos extensiones de la carretera el 9 de septiembre de 1948, cuando se llevó al este de Little River hasta la SH 95 y el 26 de octubre de 1949, tras ligeros realineamientos en ambos extremos. El 18 de diciembre de 1951, la carretera alcanzó su longitud actual cuando se extendió hasta lo que entonces era la US 190 en Heidenheimer. El 27 de junio de 1995, la sección de la FM 436 al oeste del Loop 121 fue redesignada Urban Road 436 ( UR 436 ). [86] [84] La designación de esta sección volvió a ser FM 436 con la eliminación del sistema Urban Road el 15 de noviembre de 2018. [45]

Lista de cruces

Toda la ruta está en el condado de Bell .

FM 437

Farm to Market Road 437 ( FM 437 ) es una ruta de 20,4 millas de largo (32,8 km) en los condados de Milam y Bell . Comienza en la comunidad de Davilla en el condado de Milam en FM 487 y viaja hacia el norte. Se cruza con FM 1915 y en la comunidad de Val Verde , FM 2268. Al ingresar al condado de Bell, la carretera llega a Rogers donde se cruza con Mesquite Avenue ( US 190 / SH 36 / FM 2184 ) en el centro de la ciudad. Se dirige al norte a través de Red Ranger , donde FM 437 se cruza con FM 940 en el término occidental de este último antes de terminar en SH 53 en la comunidad de Zabcikville . [88]

El camino que conectaba Rogers y Zabcikville fue designado como FM 437 el 6 de junio de 1946. Se extendió hacia el sur hasta la escuela Joe Lee, al suroeste de Rogers, el 17 de diciembre de 1952. El 28 de marzo de 1953, FM 2184 reemplazó la parte del camino desde la escuela Joe Lee hasta Rogers, mientras que la ruta de FM 437 al sur de Rogers se trasladó para seguir su ruta actual hasta la línea del condado de Bell. El 26 de octubre de 1954, el extremo sur del camino se trasladó a Val Verde. El 25 de junio de 1962, se designó el segmento a Davilla. [87]

El 24 de septiembre de 2020, la FM 437 fue desviada a una ruta más directa y la ruta anterior se convirtió en FM Spur 437. [89]

FM 438

Farm to Market Road 438 (FM 438) is a 9.9-mile-long (15.9 km) route in eastern Bell County. The road begins at the intersection of Loop 363 and Young Avenue in the northeastern quadrant of Temple. The road generally heads in an eastern direction where it intersects FM 2086 just outside of the Temple city limits. Near the community of Oenaville, the road turns to the north at its intersection with FM 3369. FM 438 ends at FM 935 in the community of Belfalls, only feet from the Bell–Falls county line.[91]

When the road was designated on June 11, 1945, FM 438 ran from downtown Temple to Oenaville. It was extended north to its current terminus at Belfalls on November 21, 1956. The 2.3-mile (3.7 km) segment of FM 438 internal to Loop 363 was transferred to the city of Temple's jurisdiction on November 29, 1990.[90] Prior to the transfer, FM 438 started at Adams Avenue (SH 53) and traveled along 8th Avenue, French Avenue, 12th Avenue, Garfield Avenue, 14th Avenue, and Shell Avenue through the city.[92]

FM 439

Farm to Market Road 439 (FM 439) is located in Bell County stretching from US 190 Bus. in Killeen to SH 317 in Belton. The main route is about 17.3-mile-long (27.8 km) and there is also a spur, Spur 439, that runs from a point in Old Nolanville Road in Nolanville, across US 190 to FM 439.[94][95]

The road was designated on June 6, 1945, from Killeen east for four miles (6.4 km). On October 28, 1953, the road was extended to the Nolanville area (for a total of 11.1 miles (17.9 km)) with the addition of a spur road through Nolanville. It was extended east 3.0 miles (4.8 km) on October 26, 1954. It was extended northeast 2.5 miles (4.0 km) on July 28, 1955. On November 21, 1956, FM 439 was extended 2.6 miles (4.2 km) to FM 2271. On July 16, 1975, FM 439 was extended east to SH 317, replacing a section of FM 2271. On June 21, 1985, the section along 8th Street was given to the city of Killeen. Instead, FM 439 was rerouted west via Rancier Avenue to RM 440 (Fort Hood Street). On January 27, 1988, RM 440 was cancelled, so FM 439 was extended south to US 190 and SH 195 (which replaced the remainder of RM 440 north of Florence; the old route west of Florence was renumbered SH 138). On May 24, 1990, the spur was extended 0.6 miles (0.97 km) from US 190 to Old Nolanville Road. The route was redesignated Urban Road 439 (UR 439) on June 27, 1995.[96] The route's current configuration was established on January 31, 2002, when the portion of the road from the gate of Fort Hood (now Fort Cavazos) to FM 2410 was returned to the city of Killeen; the section from Fort Hood Gate to US 190 and SH 195 became part of SH 195, and FM 439 was rerouted replacing a section of FM 2410 to US 190 Bus.[93] The designation reverted to FM 439 with the elimination of the Urban Road system on November 15, 2018.[45]

FM 440

Farm to Market Road 440 (FM 440) is located in Archer County. It runs from US 82 Bus./US 277 Bus. and College Avenue in Holliday to FM 1954 east of the town. The highway is 3.6 miles (5.8 km) long.[98] FM 440 was designated on May 10, 1993. On July 31, 1997, FM 440 was extended north and west to FM 368. Construction has not started on the extension from US 82 to FM 368.[99][97]

A 0.7-mile-long (1.1 km) spur road of FM 440 was designated on July 31, 1997, in the town of Holliday but construction has not been started.[97][98]

FM/RM 440 (1945–1988)

A previous route numbered FM 440 was designated on June 11, 1945, from Killeen southwest five miles (8.0 km). On May 26, 1949, the road was extended south 3.8 miles (6.1 km) to a point 3 miles (4.8 km) south of Reese Creek School. On May 23, 1951, the road was extended 12.7 miles (20.4 km) south to SH 195 (now SH 138) north of Florence. The road was redesignated Ranch to Market Road 440 (RM 440) on October 1, 1956. On October 15, 1985, a 0.7-mile (1.1 km) section of the road along Fort Hood Street from FM 439 to Loop 518 (which was redesignated as Bus. US 190 on June 21, 1990) was added. RM 440 was cancelled on January 27, 1988; the section from SH 195 (which the section west of RM 440 was renumbered as SH 138) to US 190 was transferred to rerouted SH 195 and the section from US 190 to FM 439 was transferred to FM 439. That section of FM 439 that was previously RM 440 was transferred to SH 195 on January 31, 2002.[97]

FM 441

Farm to Market Road 441 (FM 441) is located in Wharton County. It is 21.6 miles (34.8 km) long. It begins near the settlement of Danevang in the southern portion of the county at SH 71. The road heads west then curves to the north as it passes through a largely agricultural portion of the state. In the community of Hillje, FM 441 has a 12-mile-long (0.80 km) concurrency with Loop 524 before heading back north. The road passes over Future I-69/US 59 which has ramps to the southbound lanes of the highway (access to and from the northbound lanes of Future I-69/US 59 is provided through Loop 524). It continues north to its end at FM 1300 northwest of El Campo.[101]

When it was designated on July 9, 1945, FM 441 was a six-mile-long (9.7 km) spur of US 59 (now part of Loop 524) that ran north from Hillje. On February 25, 1949, the road was extended to a point 8.8 miles (14.2 km) south of Hillje. The road was brought to its current length on October 31, 1957, by extending the road east to SH 71.[100]

FM 442

FM 442 at the southern terminus of FM 1236

Farm to Market Road 442 (FM 442) is located in Wharton and Fort Bend counties. The highway begins at SH 60 at Lane City in Wharton County, runs to the northeast through Boling-Iago and ends on SH 36 southeast of Needville in Fort Bend County.

It starts as a two-lane road at SH 60 in Lane City. In town, the road is also called Lenert Street. From there, FM 442 goes northeast 1.9 miles (3.1 km) to its intersection with FM 1096. From there, the road turns east-southeast for one mile (1.6 km) and east-northeast for one mile (1.6 km). FM 442 turns to the northeast and goes three miles (4.8 km) to Boling-Iago where it intersects FM 1301 at a four-way stop sign.[103]

From Boling, FM 442 crosses Caney Creek about 260 yards (238 m) north of FM 1301 and continues northeast for 1.4 miles (2.3 km). At this point the highway turns directly east for 0.6 miles (0.97 km) before curving to the northeast again for 2.3 miles (3.7 km). FM 442 turns to the east-northeast for 1.6 miles (2.6 km), crossing the San Bernard River into Fort Bend County. The highway veers northeast again for two miles (3.2 km) to its intersection with FM 1236. After a slight jog, FM 442 continues in the same direction for three and a half miles (5.6 km) where it terminates at SH 36 to the southeast of Needville.[103]

FM 442 was designated on July 9, 1945, from SH 60 at Lane City to Boling. It was extended 5.2 miles (8.4 km) from Boling to the Fort Bend County line on February 25, 1948. The highway was extended again to SH 36 on July 22, 1949.[102]

Junction list

FM 443

Farm to Market Road 443 (FM 443) is a 12.3-mile-long (19.8 km) route in DeWitt and Gonzales counties. The road starts at an intersection with SH 111 (just east of US 183) in the settlement of Hochheim in DeWitt County. Paralleling the Guadalupe River, the road enters Gonzales County near the settlement of Dreyer. FM 443 then starts to travel on a zig-zagging route north where it intersects FM 533. In the community of Kokernot, FM 443 ends at US 90 Alt.[105]

The highway was designated on July 9, 1945, running from the community of Dozer via Kokernot to SH 200 (now US 90 Alt.). On December 16, 1948, the road was extended south to the DeWitt–Gonzales county line. It was brought to its current length on July 21, 1949, when the southern terminus was moved to what is now its current terminus.[104]

FM 444

Farm to Market Road 444 (FM 444) is a thirty-mile-long (48 km) route in the northeastern quadrant of Victoria County. The road is shaped as an arc around the city of Victoria and travels through a very sparse area. The only other state-maintained roads that FM 444 intersects throughout its trip are at its southern terminus, FM 1686, at an interchange with I-69/US 59 in Inez, and its northern terminus at US 77.[107]

When the road was designated on July 9, 1945, it was a six-and-a-half-mile-long (10.5 km) spur road from US 59 in Inez south to oil fields in the vicinity of the Garcitas Creek. On November 23, 1948, FM 444 was extended northwest 2.0 miles (3.2 km). On May 25, 1962, the road was extended southeast and southwest to FM 1686, replacing FM 2545. The road was extended northwest 2.6 miles (4.2 km) on July 11, 1968, ending it 5 miles (8.0 km) northwest of Inez. On November 3, 1972, the road was extended northwest 2.1 miles (3.4 km). On September 5, 1973, the road was extended northwest 3.4 miles (5.5 km) to Salem Road. On October 21, 1981, the road was extended northwest 4.6 miles (7.4 km). On October 26, 1983, FM 444 was extended northwest 4.0 miles (6.4 km) to US 77.[106]

FM 445

Farm to Market Road 445 (FM 445) is located in Victoria County, connecting US 77 to the community of McFaddin. It begins at US 77 and San Antonio River Road (north of its namesake) and travels east. Upon crossing a Union Pacific railroad, the road enters McFaddin and continues past some houses and a post office. It ends at the intersection of McFadden Road and Cusham Road.[109] The road was designated on July 9, 1945, along its current route. However, on May 23, 1951, the FM 445 designation was extended west from US 77 a distance of two miles (3.2 km) bringing the length of the road to about 4.5 miles (7.2 km). The road was truncated to its original and current routing on December 17, 1952.[108]

FM 446

Farm to Market Road 446 (FM 446) connects the Victoria area to oil fields southwest of the city. The 8.9-mile-long (14.3 km) highway begins at an intersection with Kemper City Road in a rural area of the county. The area which was once part of multiple oil fields[9] is now made up of brush and a low density of homes. The road heads northeast crossing Boggy Creek and having an intersection with the divided US 59/US 77. As the road gets closer to the city limits, the number of homes that surround the road increases but FM 446 ends at an intersection with US 77 Bus. before reaching the city.[111] The road's designation was applied on July 9, 1945, as a 2.5-mile-long (4.0 km) spur from US 77 (now US 77 Bus.) outside of Victoria. On November 23, 1948, the road was extended southwest 7 miles (11 km) to end at Fleming School; it has not been changed significantly since then.[110]

FM 447

Farm to Market Road 447 (FM 447) is a 5.4-mile-long (8.7 km) route in Victoria County that acts as a connector between FM 236 in Mission Valley and US 87 in Nursery. It begins northwest of the city of Victoria and heads northeast. After crossing the Guadalupe River and passing the South Texas Electric Cooperative's Red Gate Power Plant, the road curves to the north before ending at US 87.[113]

FM 447 was designated on July 9, 1945, to run from Lower Mission Valley Road (near the Guadalupe River) to US 87 in Nursery. On November 23, 1948, it was extended 1.4 miles (2.3 km) southwest to Upper Mission Valley Road (later FM 1515, now FM 236).[112]

FM 448

Farm to Market Road 448 (FM 448) is a 13.7-mile-long (22.0 km) route connecting Winchester in Fayette County with Giddings in Lee County. The road begins in the center of Winchester at an intersection with FM 153. It heads north-northeast out of the community paralleling a Union Pacific railroad.[115] After crossing into Lee County, FM 448 crosses the aforementioned railroad at Northrup and continues heading north further away from the railroad. The road intersects FM 2239 at the latter's eastern terminus before heading back towards the northeast, crossing the railroad again, and entering Giddings city limits. At South Main Street (US 77), FM 448 reaches its northern terminus.[116]

FM 448 was designated on June 11, 1945, running from Northrup to Giddings, and was extended to Winchester on October 31, 1957.[114]

FM 449

Farm to Market Road 449 (FM 449) is located in Gregg and Harrison counties, running from US 259 near Judson east to Loop 390 in Marshall.

FM 449 was designated on June 11, 1945, from US 80 in west Marshall west 11.4 miles (18.3 km) to what is now FM 450. On December 2, 1953, it was extended west 4.2 miles (6.8 km). On July 15, 1957, the south end was changed from US 80 to what was then SH 154 (now Loop 390). On December 31, 1959, the section from FM 450 to FM 2208 was transferred to FM 2208. On October 17, 1966, the section of FM 450 from FM 449 to FM 2208 was transferred to FM 449. Also, the section of FM 2208 from FM 450 to what was then FM 2657 was transferred to FM 449. FM 2657 from FM 449 to US 259 was replaced by FM 449.

Junction list

FM 450

Farm to Market Road 450 (FM 450) is a 30.6-mile-long (49.2 km) route that runs through Harrison, Marion, and Upshur counties in northeastern Texas. It begins in western Harrison County at the intersection of FM 968 and FM 2625 (the latter also ends here) and travels north towards Hallsville. Before reaching the city limits, FM 450 interchanges I-20 at its exit 604. Heading north into Hallsville, it intersects US 80 in the center of the city. At Carterville, FM 450 forms a concurrency with FM 449 and FM 2208. The FM 449 concurrency is about 0.1-mile-long (0.16 km) while the FM 2208 concurrency is much longer. The two highways cross the Little Cypress Bayou. Before reaching Harleton, FM 2208 breaks off the concurrency towards the east while FM 450 continues into the community where it reaches SH 154.[120]

In Harleton, FM 450 and SH 154 together head west for 0.2 miles (0.32 km) until FM 450 breaks off to head northwest. This section of the road passes through wooded areas in northwestern Harrison County. The road forms a concurrency with FM 726 just south of the Lake O' the Pines. FM 726 provides access to the southern shoreline of the lake. FM 450 continues northwest where it briefly enters Marion County. Most of the roads that intersect FM 450 provide access to a small community on the lake's western shore. FM 450 heads into Upshur County and shortly thereafter the city of Ore City. The highway ends at an intersection with US 259 and FM 1649.[120]

FM 450 was designated on June 11, 1945, running as a road connecting Harleton to Smyrna, a small settlement located south of the modern-day FM 726 intersection. On November 23, 1948, the road was extended south to Hallsville bringing the length to 13.4 miles (21.6 km). On July 15, 1949, the road was brought north to Ore City partially via what had been Spur 162. The last extension occurred on October 15, 1954, when FM 450 was routed south of Hallsville and assumed its current length.[119] By 2016, FM 450 was rerouted north of FM 449 to go via a more straight path.[121]

Junction list

FM 451

Farm to Market Road 451 (FM 451) is a 4.7-mile-long (7.6 km) route in Harrison County.

The western terminus of FM 451 is in Elysian Fields at FM 31. The route heads east and crosses the West Fork Socagee Creek before reaching its eastern terminus at FM 9. The roadway continues as Don Long Road.[123]

FM 451 was designated on June 11, 1945, from a point 8.8 miles (14.2 km) east of Elysian Fields to US 80 in Waskom. On November 23, 1948, the route was extended west to FM 31 in Elysian Fields. On November 18, 1953, the portion of the road between Don Long Road and Waskom was transferred to FM 9.[122]

FM 452

Farm to Market Road 452 (FM 452) is a seven-mile-long (11 km) route in southern Cottle County. Starting at County Road 706, the route heads north for about a mile (1.6 km), curves to the east, then to the north again. At the settlement of Delwin, FM 452 reaches the southern terminus of FM 2278. FM 452 turns to the east and travels for four miles (6.4 km) to end at US 83.[125] The road was designated on July 9, 1945, running only along the east–west portion from Delwin to US 83. On October 31, 1958, the road was extended 2.5 miles (4.0 km) to the south and west to end at its current endpoint.[124]

FM 453

Farm to Market Road 453 (FM 453) is a 9-mile-long (14 km) route in western Wheeler County. Starting at I-40's exit 152 and County Road 6, the highway heads due north through ranch and agricultural lands. Near the southern end, it crosses the North Long Dry Creek. The highway terminates at FM 2473 where it makes a reverse curve.[127] FM 453 was designated on July 9, 1945, running from what was then US 66 (between McLean and Lela) north for 6.2 miles (10.0 km); the remaining three miles (4.8 km) was brought under state maintenance on May 2, 1962.[126]

FM 454

Farm to Market Road 454 (FM 454) is a designation that was used four times. No highway currently uses the FM 454 designation.

FM 454 (1945)

The first use of the FM 454 designation was in Montague County, from Bowie southwest for five miles (8.0 km). This designation was cancelled five months later, as the proposed route followed SH 59, in which that portion was designated on January 10, 1945.

FM 454 (1951–1964)

The second iteration of the FM 454 designation was in Yoakum County, from SH 328 (now SH 83) north through Allred and east to SH 214. FM 454 was cancelled on December 20, 1963; the section from SH 214 to FM 1622 was returned to Yoakum County and the section from FM 1622 to SH 83 was transferred to FM 1622.[128]

FM 454 (1978–1987)

The third use of the FM 454 was in Rusk County on a loop route from US 259 to US 259 in Henderson. FM 454 was cancelled on September 29, 1987, and transferred to Loop 571.[128]

FM 454 (1989)

The fourth designation of FM 454 was a 0.4-mile-long (0.64 km) route near Rockwall. The road, which carried the name of Tandem Trail, traveled from SH 276 to FM 551. It was designated on November 29, 1989. When construction was complete, FM 454 was cancelled. No TxDOT order cancelling FM 454 has been found.[129]

FM 455

Farm to Market Road 455 (FM 455) is a 97.2-mile-long (156.4 km) state highway in the northern portion of Texas. It runs through portions of Montague, Cooke, Wise, Denton, and Collin counties. The highway's termini are the intersection of County Road 345 and Woodland School Road about two and a half miles (4.0 km) west of Montague at its west end, and FM 2862 in the eastern reaches of Anna (south of the community of Westminster) at its east end.[131]

FM 455 was originally designated on July 9, 1945, from SH 59 in Montague southeast 4.0 miles (6.4 km). On December 17, 1945, it was extended 3.8 miles (6.1 km) to Mallard. On November 23, 1948, it was extended 7.0 miles (11.3 km) to Forestburg. On July 14, 1949, it was extended southeast 5.3 miles (8.5 km). On November 20, 1951, it was extended southeast to FM 51, replacing FM 1657. On March 15, 1952, FM 455 was extended eastward to a road intersection 3.6 miles (5.8 km) east of U.S. Highway 77 (US 77), replacing FM 425. Part of that road was numbered as FM 1656 earlier. On June 25, 1952, the road was from rerouted on its current route from the Montague/Wise County Line to a road intersection west of Greenwood; part of the old route from west of Greenwood to FM 51 was renumbered as FM 1204. On January 29, 1953 (unnumbered when first designated on December 17, 1952), FM 455 was extended east 3.0 miles (4.8 km) to the end of FM 1829. It replaced FM 1829 from that intersection to what is now US 377, FM 427 from what is now US 377 to FM 543, the section of FM 543 from there to what is now SH 5, and FM 1376 from what is now SH 5 to Westminster. On October 31, 1957, FM 455 was extended east to SH 160 in Desert. On April 29, 1959, the eastern terminus was changed to FM 545. On July 26, 1963, the section from SH 5 to FM 545 was renumbered as FM 2862 and it was extended east to SH 121 on a different route. On June 2, 1967, it was extended east to FM 2862. On November 26, 1969, it was extended southwest 2.5 miles (4.0 km) from SH 59 in Montague. In 1987, Lake Ray Roberts was completed and FM 455 was rerouted over the dam, completing two new routes: FM 1190 (which was designated from FM 455 eastward to the Lake Ray Roberts marina) and FM 1192 (which was designated from the east side of the lake, through Pilot Point to its connection with the original FM 455 at US 377).[130]

FM 456

Farm to Market Road 456 (FM 456) is a two-and-a-half-mile-long (4.0 km) route in Matagorda County. The highway starts at SH 71 about 0.65 miles (1.05 km) south of Midfield and travels east past a few ranches. After crossing the Tres Palacios Creek, state maintenance ends at the intersection of Rugeley Road and Dabelgott Road.[133] It was designated on June 25, 1945, along its present route.[132]

FM 457

Farm to Market Road 457 (FM 457) (designated as the Sergeant Joe Parks Jr. Memorial Highway)[134] is located in Matagorda County. The road is 27.8 miles (44.7 km) long and connects Bay City with the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico, specifically the at Matagorda Peninsula. The highway begins at an intersection with SH 35 in the eastern reaches of Bay City and travels east. In the area of Caney, it passes near the Bay City Municipal Airport and intersects FM 2540. It continues east but begins to curve towards the southeast in Cedar Lane where FM 457 then intersects FM 521. After passing Gainesmore, Hawkinsville, and FM 2611 at its western terminus, FM 457 passes through the community of Sargent, crosses the Sargent Swing Bridge, a pontoon-style swing bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway,[135] and ends on the Matagorda Peninsula not far from a beach on the Gulf of Mexico. The entire highway is also known as the Sergeant Joe Parks, Jr. Memorial Highway.[136]

The highway was created on June 25, 1945, running from Bay City to Gainesmore. On March 20, 1946, the highway was extended to southeast of Sargent bringing the total mileage of the road to 25.8 miles (41.5 km). On December 17, 1952, FM 457 was further extended southeast to the Gulf of Mexico taking over what had been State Highway 330. SH 330 was a 0.1-mile-long (160 m) highway that existed from May 1940 until its absorption by FM 457 and only consisting of the bridge (constructed as a wooden swing bridge at the time) over the Intracoastal Waterway.[137][134]

TxDOT is currently in the process of replacing the swing bridge, the last in the entire state, with a fixed concrete span with helix roads on both ends to allow for clearance over the canal. The process to begin the replacement began in September 2013 and completion is expected in 2020.[138][139]

Junction list

The entire route is in Matagorda County.

FM 458

Farm to Market Road 458 (FM 458) is a 5.7-mile-long (9.2 km) route near the western border of Matagorda County. The road's southern terminus is at FM 616 about three miles (4.8 km) west of Blessing while the northern terminus is at SH 111 2.75 miles (4.43 km) west of Midfield. The entire highway is two-lane undivided road that crosses a Union Pacific railroad line at its southern terminus, and then continues through a mix of farm fields and woods with occasional homes. Farther north, the highway heads into open agricultural areas, turning east before a turn back to the north towards its end. The road does not have any other junctions with Texas state roads.[142]

The highway was designated on June 25, 1945, as a three-mile-long (4.8 km) spur from SH 111. On September 21, 1955, the road's southern terminus was extended south to FM 616.[141]

FM 459

Farm to Market Road 459 (FM 459) is a 3.1-mile-long (5.0 km) route in Matagorda County. The road starts at the intersection of Hawley Cemetery Road and SH 35 about two miles (3.2 km) east of Blessing. It heads south for 0.3 miles (0.48 km) following the Tres Palacios Creek until it crosses a Union Pacific railroad and turns to the east paralleling the railroad. After two-thirds mile (1.1 km), the road turns to the south and then returns to an easterly bearing. The road heads through mostly agricultural lands with some houses along the road and the Tidehaven Intermediate School. FM 459 ends at FM 1095 south of Elmaton.[144] It was designated on June 25, 1945.[143]

FM 460

Farm to Market Road 460 (FM 460) is located in Kaufman County, in and around Forney. Known locally as Clements Drive, the road begins at an interchange with US 80 in the northwestern reaches of the city and runs northeast approximately 1.1 miles (1.8 km) to FM 740.[146]

FM 460 was designated on September 21, 1955, on the current route.[145]

FM 460 (1945)

The first iteration of FM 460 was designated on June 25, 1945, from SH 35 6 miles (9.7 km) north of Palacios to a point 6 miles (9.7 km) to the east. FM 460 was cancelled on October 15, 1954, and combined with FM 521.[145]

FM 461

Farm to Market Road 461 (FM 461) is located in Howard and Glasscock counties. The length of the highway is 16.4 miles (26.4 km) of which 15.9 miles (25.6 km) has its own route; a concurrency with US 87 also occurs along the road.[147][148] The highway begins at an intersection with FM 818 in rural Howard County southwest of Big Spring. It travels south and heads into Glasscock County. Shortly after the county line, the highway curves to the east and intersects RM 33 in the unincorporated community of Lees. After reentering Howard County, it reaches US 87 and turns north onto the highway. After a one-half-mile-long (0.80 km) concurrency, FM 461 leaves the concurrency and travels east towards Forsan. After traveling along the town's southern border, the highway turns to the south at Rex Avenue. FM 461 ends at FM 821 one mile (1.6 km) to the south of the town.[148]

FM 461 was designated on May 23, 1951, from US 87 southwest to the Glasscock County line. On December 17, 1952, the road was extended to RM 33. It was extended to the west and north to FM 818 on June 1, 1964. The section from US 87 to FM 821 was added on July 14, 1978.[147]

Junction list

FM 461 (1945–1946)

A previous route numbered FM 461 was designated on June 11, 1945, from SH 60 at Wadsworth east for seven miles (11 km). FM 461 was cancelled on March 20, 1946, as a result of a request from the Matagorda County Court and mileage was used by an extension of FM 457.[147][149]

FM 462

Farm to Market Road 462 (FM 462) is a 60-mile-long (97 km) route in Frio, Medina, and Bandera counties west of San Antonio. The road begins at FM 472 in Bigfoot, Frio County and travels west to Moore where it interchanges I-35. It then starts to curve to the north where it enters Medina County and passes through the community of Yancey where FM 462 shares a concurrency with FM 2200. It continues north to serve the city of Hondo where it has a brief concurrency with US 90. North of the city, FM 462 begins to closely parallel Hondo Creek. Shortly after leaving Medina County for Bandera County, the Hondo Creek heads away from the road and Williams Creek begins to closely parallel the road. FM 462 ends at FM 470 in the community of Tarpley.[151]

FM 462 was created on July 9, 1945, as a road connecting Yancey and Hondo. It was extended north to Tarpley on May 25, 1953, when it took over what was then FM 1888.[152] A southward extension to Moore (at US 81) occurred on October 31, 1957, and the eastward extension at its south end occurred on December 16, 1959, replacing FM 2147.[150]

Junction list

FM 463

Farm to Market Road 463 (FM 463) is located in Medina County southwest of San Antonio. The highway starts at I-35's exit 124 east of Devine and travels west towards the city. Just inside the city limits, FM 463 reaches SH 132 in a cluster of businesses. The two roads form a 0.9-mile-long (1.4 km) concurrency to the northeast until FM 463 breaks off and heads due north through a mix of homes and ranches. About five miles (8.0 km) later, the road takes a right turn to FM 471. After a one-half-mile (0.80 km) concurrency to the north, FM 463 resumes its easterly course before ending at FM 2790. The intersection is located within the city of Lytle and located on the Medina–Atascoa county line.[154]

The highway was designated on July 9, 1945, as a spur road from what was then US 81 (now SH 132) in Devine north for five miles (8.0 km) to Chacon Lake. The east–west portion of the road connecting the northern end to FM 471 was added on December 17, 1952. The portion between FM 471 and FM 2790 was added to the highway on October 31, 1958, and the southern extension to I-35 was added on April 26, 1979.[153]

Junction list

The entire route is in Medina County.

FM 464

Farm to Market Road 464 (FM 464) is located in central Guadalupe County. The road begins at an intersection with Dunn Street in the unincorporated community of Nolte. The right of way continues west continued towards the Guadalupe River in the past but is now part of the property of a nearby CMC Steel mill. The two-lane road heads east towards Seguin and at the intersection of FM 1620 (which is its southern terminus), the north side of FM 464 is in the city limits of Seguin. It crosses over I-10 at its exit 605. After passing a large distribution warehouse, the road comes to an end at an intersection with US 90 which also doubles as the western terminus of US 90 Alt.[156] The road was created on July 9, 1945, and has not been changed significantly since its creation.[155]

Junction list

The entire route is in Guadalupe County.

FM 465

Farm to Market Road 465 (FM 465) is a 3.7-mile-long (6.0 km) route running from I-10/US 90 to FM 78 in Marion. The road begins along Line Road where it has an interchange with I-10 at the latter's exit 599. FM 465 heads north-northwest through mostly rural areas of Guadalupe County before it enters the town limits of Marion at the Marion High School and Marion Middle School campuses. The highway heads north through Marion on South Center Street before ending at a signalized T-intersection with San Antonio Street, FM 78.[158] FM 465 was designated along its current routing in July 1945, though at the time of its creation, it only intersected US 90 as I-10 had not been constructed yet.[157]

FM 466

Farm to Market Road 466 (FM 466) is a 34.4-mile-long (55.4 km) route running from US 90 in Seguin to SH 97 in Cost. The highway runs through Guadalupe and Gonzales counties in central Texas. It passes by three historic sites, the El Capote Ranch, the H. Wilson & Company, and the site of the Battle of Gonzales.

FM 467

Farm to Market Road 467 (FM 467) is a 13.3-mile-long (21.4 km) route in Guadalupe County connecting the cities of New Berlin and Seguin. The road starts at FM 775 in the narrow municipality of New Berlin and heads east-northeast. After intersecting FM 539 at its northern terminus, the road curves more to the northeast. It passes through a mix of ranches and residential properties. As the road enters the Seguin city limits, it intersects SH 46 acting as a bypass of the city. Further into the city, the road reaches the eastern terminus of FM 725 but soon ends itself at an intersection with SH 123 Bus.[161]

The road was designated on July 9, 1945, running from the Elm Creek School southwest of Seguin to its current eastern terminus for a total distance of 5.9 miles (9.5 km). On August 25, 1949, the road was extended 2.7 miles (4.3 km) southwest. It reached its present configuration on November 13, 1954.[160]

FM 468

Farm to Market Road 468 (FM 468) is a 21.3-mile-long (34.3 km) route in Dimmit and La Salle counties. Starting at SH 85 three miles (4.8 km) east of Big Wells, it heads southeast to an intersection with FM 469 outside of Cotulla. After this intersection, the number of commercial business that dot the highway increase until it reaches I-35 at its exit 67. Now within the city limits past the Interstate, FM 468 heads through the city on Leonard Avenue and Leona Street through a residential neighborhood to its end at Main Street (Business Loop I-35).[163]

FM 468 was once much longer that it is now; it included segments east and southeast of Cotulla. At the time of its designation on June 25, 1945, the road included a 2.5-mile (4.0 km) segment running northwest from US 81 (current Bus. I-35) and another segment 8.3-mile-long (13.4 km) southeast of the city running parallel to the Nueces River. On December 16, 1948, FM 468 was extended northwest to Woodward. The road reached its current western terminus at SH 85 on July 31, 1952, by taking over parts of FM 1019 and all of FM 1684, and FM 1684 was reused to replace the old route of FM 468 northwest of US 81 (note that FM 1684 was cancelled and combined with FM 469 on November 16, 1953). The eastern segment was changed often. On December 17, 1952, it was extended along an unconstructed route and what is now FM 469 to SH 97, replacing FM 1342. On July 29, 1953, the section from SH 97 to Los Angeles was renumbered as FM 1919 (current designation is RM 1919; the FM 1342 designation was reused on December 17, 1952). The section from Los Angeles westward 8.3 miles (13.4 km) was cancelled and FM 468 was extended southeast 8.0 miles (12.9 km). It was extended southeast 4.0 miles (6.4 km) on September 21, 1955, 0.3 miles (0.48 km) on September 27, 1960. Eastern segment was relocated from US 81 (now Business I-35) on June 25, 1965. At its longest length, FM 468 had a length of 46.8 miles (75.3 km) (both the eastern and western segments) from 1965 to 1976. January 29, 1976, is when the eastern segment was transferred to FM 624 leaving only the SH 85–Cotulla segment intact.[162]

FM 469

Farm to Market Road 469 (FM 469) is located in La Salle County. The 48-mile-long (77 km) two-lane road is shaped as a long loop around the north side of Cotulla with inconsistent directional signage throughout. The western terminus of the road is at FM 468 two miles (3.2 km) northwest of Cotulla. It heads northwest first to the community of Woodward before turning to the northeast. In the community of Millett, FM 469 has an interchange with I-35 at its exit 77. Heading in an east-southeast direction, the road reaches the community of Los Angeles, where it crosses SH 97. The road continues south for eight miles (13 km), turns to the west for five miles (8.0 km), and south again for just under three miles (4.8 km) to its western end at FM 624.[165]

At the time of its creation on June 25, 1945, the road was only 4.3-mile-long (6.9 km) and traveled from northeast of Woodward to US 81 in Millett. In the mid 1950s, the road was extended four times: 9.3 miles (15.0 km) to the southeast from Millett on January 29, 1953 (total length 13.6 miles (21.9 km)) (taking over FM 1895), an extension at its west end to FM 468 on October 28, 1953 (taking over FM 1684), to 5.6 miles (9.0 km) from its current terminus on November 13, 1954 (taking over FM 1919), and to its current eastern terminus October 31, 1957.[164]

FM 470

Farm to Market Road 470 (FM 470) is a 28.7-mile-long (46.2 km) route located in the southern portion of Bandera County. Starting at RM 187 north of Utopia, the road heads east to Tarpley, where it intersects FM 462. East of Tarpley, the road heads east-northeast. Immediately after crossing the Medina River, FM 470 ends at SH 16 about two miles (3.2 km) west of Bandera.[167]

In June 1945, FM 470 was designated as Ranch to Market Road 470 (RM 470)[168] and consisted of a spur road from SH 16 to Tarpley.On June 2, 1947, the road was redesignated as FM 470.[169] The road was extended seven and a half miles (12.1 km) west of Tarpley on February 25, 1949, and another three miles (4.8 km) west over a mountain pass on August 22, 1951. The road was extended to FM 187 (became RM 187 in 1954) on December 17, 1952.[166] On October 1, 1956, the road was reverted to RM 470. On June 1, 1992, the road was reverted to FM 470.

FM 471

Farm to Market Road 471 (FM 471) is a 41.1-mile-long (66.1 km) partial loop around the western suburbs of San Antonio in Medina and Bexar counties. It runs from I-35 near Natalia to Loop 1604 inside the San Antonio city limits. It also travels through Pearson, LaCoste, Castroville (where it forms a brief concurrency with US 90), and Rio Medina.[170]

The highway was created on May 23, 1951, running from US 81 in Natalia to US 90 in Castroville. On January 26, 1953, FM 471 was extended north and east to 5.7 miles (9.2 km) west of SH 16 in Leon Valley, replacing FM 1105. FM 471 was extended east to SH 16 on October 28, 1953. On May 6, 1964, FM 471 was extended southeast to I-35. The northern end was truncated to Loop 1604 by 2018 when the portion of the road between Loop 1604 and the Leon Valley city limits was removed from the state highway system while the portion inside Leon Valley was resigned as Spur 471 when the Project Acceptance Letter for project CSJ 0849-01-047 was sent as part of TxDOT's San Antonio turnback program.[172]

FM 471 (1945–1949)

The first iteration of FM 471 existed from July 9, 1945, to August 1949 in Frio County. For most of its existence, it traveled from SH 84 in Dilley to Divot. On July 22, 1949, the route was extended north from Divot for five miles (8.0 km) to near Batesville, however on August 25, the entire road was transferred to FM 117. Note that this FM 471 (as well as FM 117) was planned as early as March 26, 1942, both to replace part of SH 55, which all of FM 117 was part of.[171]

FM 472

Farm to Market Road 472 (FM 472) is a 16.6-mile-long (26.7 km) route in eastern Frio County southwest of San Antonio. Starting at Goldfinch Road about thirteen miles (21 km) east of Pearsall, it heads north, intersecting FM 140 and FM 1549, before reaching the community of Bigfoot, where it intersects FM 462. FM 472's northern terminus is near the Medina County line at SH 173.[174]

FM 472 was designated on July 9, 1945, from SH 173 to Bigfoot. On August 22, 1951, FM 472 was extended west to US 81 at Moore. On April 20, 1954, it was routed south to Schattel School and Goldfinch Road over former FM 2147, while the former east–west segment was transferred to FM 2147 (which was transferred to FM 462 on December 16, 1959).[173]

RM 473

Ranch to Market Road 473 (RM 473) is located in Kendall and Blanco counties. It runs from SH 27 in Comfort to RM 32 east of Twin Sisters.

RM 474

Ranch to Market Road 474 (RM 474) is located in Kendall County, northwest of San Antonio. It begins at an intersection with US 87 Bus. in the city of Boerne. The highway heads northeast along East Blanco Road passing the city hall. Near Boerne High School, RM 474 turns left onto Esser Road and heads out of the city into a rural area. It then travels north and north-northeast over the Guadalupe River before ending at RM 473 about halfway between Sisterdale and Kendalia.[177]

RM 474 was designated on June 26, 1945, as Farm to Market Road 474 (FM 474), running from what was then US 87 in Boerne to the community of Kreutzberg, a highway with a total length of 7.3 miles (11.7 km). On February 25, 1949, the highway was extended three miles (4.8 km) north past the Guadalupe River and was extended to its current terminus on July 14, of the same year at what was then a county road.[176] This road became FM 473 on December 18, 1951.[175] FM 474 was changed to RM 474 on October 1, 1956.

FM 475

Farm to Market Road 475 (FM 475) is located in Bee County. Located southeast of the city of Beeville, it runs from the northbound US 181 frontage road southeast to the entrance of the McConnell Unit prison.[179] It was designated on October 29, 1992, on its current route.[178]

FM/RM 475 (1945)

FM 475 was first designated on June 26, 1945, running from US 87 in Boerne east to the intersection of US 281 and SH 46 running in Comal and Kendall counties. On July 18, 1951, the road was extended southwest to the Bandera County line, replacing FM 1719 and creating a concurrency with US 87. The road was extended southwest to SH 16 on December 18, 1951. On October 1, 1956, FM 475 was redesignated as RM 475. On October 28, 1960, RM 475 was signed, but not designated, as an extension of SH 46. RM 475 was cancelled on September 28, 1988, and replaced by SH 46.[178]

FM 476

Farm to Market Road 476 (FM 476) connects the outskirts of Somerset, Bexar County to Pleasanton, Atascosa County via Poteet. About one-third of the road travels and is signed north and south, this is the portion between FM 2790 and FM 2504. From this point, the road heads generally in an east-southeast direction towards Poteet where it has a concurrency with SH 16 and another concurrency through downtown Poteet with Loop 282. Continuing southwest, FM 476 enters the city of Pleasanton where it intersects Spur 242 and heads south along Bryant Street. It ends at SH 97 southwest of the downtown.[181]

The road was created on July 9, 1945, as a spur road running from Pleasanton running 6.5 miles (10.5 km) towards Poteet. On December 17, 1946, the road was slightly extended to reach Poteet. FM 476 was extended much further west and north to Bexar County near Somerset on May 25, 1953, by taking over the former FM 1100. FM 476 ran through Pleasanton was along what is now Spur 242 and ended at US 281; the routing was changed to Bryant Avenue on July 16, 1965.[180]

A spur of FM 476 existed in Poteet along School Drive from March 21, 1963, to December 30, 1988. This road became the main route of FM 476, while the main route of FM 476 became FM 3498.[180]

Junction list

FM 477

Farm to Market Road 477 (FM 477) is a 2.4-mile-long (3.9 km) route in central Guadalupe County, southeast of the county seat of Seguin. The route connects SH 123 (just south of its intersection with SH 46) with FM 466.[183]

FM 477 was designated on September 21, 1955, on the current route.[182]

FM 477 (1945–1953)

The first iteration of FM 477 was designated on July 9, 1945, running from SH 173 (now SH 16) to Christine. FM 477 was cancelled on January 29, 1953, and was transferred to FM 140.[182]

FM 478

Farm to Market Road 478 (FM 478) is located in Atascosa and Wilson counties south of San Antonio. Starting at County Road 753 in Black Hill, a settlement located nine miles (14 km) east of Pleasanton in Atascosa County, the road heads north past ranches. The road makes a reverse curve to the east; at the second curve, FM 478 crosses into Wilson County before ending at SH 97.[185] It was created on July 9, 1945, running along the same route as it does today.[184]

RM 479

Ranch to Market Road 479 (RM 479) is a 32-mile-long (51 km) in Kerr and Kimble counties northwest of San Antonio. Beginning at SH 27 between Mountain Home and Ingram, the road heads north through sparsely populated brush lands. It reaches exit 492 of I-10 three miles (4.8 km) from its southern terminus. After entering Kimble County, RM 479 intersects US 290 and turns to the northwest. After passing the ghost town of Noxville, the road curves to the west and ends at FM 2169.[187]

RM 479 was designated on July 9, 1945, starting out as a nine-mile-long (14 km) road traveling from SH 27 to the Reservation Community. The designation was changed to as Farm to Market Road 479 (FM 479) in 1946. It was extended twice in the 1950s: it was extended to the Kerr–Kimble county line on December 17, 1952, and to US 290 on February 24, 1953, respectively. On October 1, 1956, the designation was reverted to RM 479. The road was extended northwestward 4.3 miles (6.9 km) on June 30, 1966. It was extended northwest 5.3 miles (8.5 km) on November 3, 1972. It was extended west 3.5 miles (5.6 km) on April 25, 1978. It was extended west 3 miles (4.8 km) to the end of RM 1534 on September 26, 1979. On December 8, 1981, RM 479 took over the entire length of RM 1534.[186]

Junction list

RM 480

Ranch to Market Road 480 (RM 480) is a 6-mile-long (9.7 km) route located in Kerr County. Its southern terminus is at SH 173 in Camp Verde.[189] It runs to the northeast, paralleling Verde Creek for about 4.5 miles (7.2 km). After breaking away from the creek, RM 480 turns north to Center Point, where it intersects FM 1350 before crossing the Guadalupe River and reaching its northern terminus at SH 27.[190]

RM 480 was designated on July 9, 1945, along the current route. The designation was changed to Farm to Market Road 480 (FM 480) in 1946[191][192] but reverted to RM 480 on October 1, 1956.[188]

FM 481

Farm to Market Road 481 (FM 481) is a 43.3-mile-long (69.7 km) route in Maverick, Zavala, and Uvalde counties. Its southern terminus is at an intersection with US 57 in Maverick County.[194] It travels to the northeast and clips the northwestern corner of Zavala County[195] before entering Uvalde County, where it crosses the Nueces River[196] and passes the Uvalde National Fish Hatchery. FM 481 ends at US 90 at the city limits of Uvalde.[197]

FM 481 was designated on May 23, 1951, running from US 90 to the southwest for a distance of 6.3 miles (10.1 km). It was extended to the southwest several times: by 1.2 miles (1.9 km) on December 17, 1952; by 1.5 miles (2.4 km) on September 5, 1973; 3.0 miles (4.8 km) on March 31, 1976; and by 3.0 miles (4.8 km) on June 30, 1976, to the Uvalde–Zavala county line. On July 8, 1983, FM 481 was extended over the former FM 3078 to its current southern terminus at US 57.[193][198]

RM 481

Ranch to Market Road 481 (RM 481) was designated on July 9, 1945, in Kerr County. It ran from SH 16 to the Camp VerdeKerrville Road, a distance of 6.3 miles (10.1 km). The route was redesignated as FM 481 in 1946. It was deleted on June 4, 1946, with its mileage transferred to the original FM 689 (later SH 173).[193][199]

FM 482

Farm to Market Road 482 (FM 482) is a 7.5-mile-long (12.1 km) route located in Comal County. Running as an east–west road between the cities of Schertz and New Braunfels, the road generally parallels I-35 between its exits 177 and 184. It begins at the northbound I-35 frontage road at exit 177 and heads to the north. At FM 2252, the road turns to become more parallel to the Interstate and heads through more rural areas of the city. FM 482 exits the city limits of Schertz and begins to skirt around the limits of New Braunfels as it passes near housing developments, trailer parks, and an apartment complex. Around the settlement of Solms, FM 482 merges with the route of former US 81. It ends fully inside the city limits of New Braunfels at the southbound frontage road to I-35 about one mile (1.6 km) later.[201] The road was created on July 9, 1945, from the vicinity of its western terminus to US 81 in Solms. When US 81 was relocated to what is now the right-of-way of I-35 on October 30, 1957, FM 482 was extended another mile to its current eastern terminus.[200]

FM 483

Farm to Market Road 483 (FM 483) was located northeast of downtown New Braunfels. It was designated on July 9, 1945, from US 81 to San Geronimo School.[202] Upon the construction and designation of newer roads, FM 483 would run between the northbound frontage road of I-35 and FM 1101.[204] Around 2006, construction began on the New Braunfels Town Center at Creekside shopping center, which led to the truncation of FM 483 at an access road through the center.[205] Due to the extension of nearby FM 306 from I-35 to FM 1101, FM 483 was cancelled on May 27, 2010.[203] Street signs still say "FM 483".[citation needed]

RM 484

Farm to Market Road 484 (RM 484) is a 3-mile-long (4.8 km) route in northern Comal County, connecting FM 306 in Canyon Lake to RM 32 in the community of Fischer. From its southern terminus, the two-lane road heads north to an intersection with RM 32. RM 484 continues north of there to head through the center of Fischer passing a general store and post office. It then ends at RM 32 where the road itself continues south as Cranes Mill Road.[207]

RM 484 was designated on July 9, 1945, as Farm to Market Road 484 (FM 484), a spur from RM 32 south towards the area of where the lake is now. On June 1, 1966, FM 484 was extended another 0.1-mile (0.16 km) to an Army Corps of Engineers road (now FM 306). In 1979, the designation was changed to RM 484.

FM 485

Farm to Market Road 485 (FM 485) is a 38.5-mile-long (62.0 km) route in Bell, Milam, and Robertson counties in central Texas. Starting at SH 53 near Zabcikville, the road heads east, southeast, and east again through mostly agricultural lands passing small settlements along the way. About two-fifths of the trip in, it intersects US 77. The road heads through areas of again farmland but the density of woods increases as it approaches the Brazos River. FM 485 crosses the river, has a short concurrency with FM 1644, and enters the city limits of Hearne. After passing through some residential neighborhoods of the northern reaches of the city, FM 485 ends at an intersection with US 79 and SH 6.[209]

The road was created on July 12, 1945, running from Yarrellton (the location of the modern-day FM 1915) to Splawn at US 77 and then-US 190. On November 20, 1951, the FM 485 was extended south from Yarrellton to Buckholts at US 190. A 3.2-mile (5.1 km) extension of the road southwest of Buckholt occurred on October 31, 1958, but was truncated by one mile (1.6 km) on January 31, 1961. On October 3, 1966, the portion of the road from Buckholt to Yarrellton was redesignated FM 1915 while FM 485 took over the route of part of FM 2269. On March 31, 1975, US 190 was moved to a routing further south between Cameron and Hearne; FM 485 took over the route of US 190 between US 77 and US 79 at that time.[208]

Junction list

FM 486

Farm to Market Road 486 (FM 486) is a 29.4-mile-long (47.3 km) route that runs mostly in Milam County with a small portion near its southern terminus being in Williamson County. From its south end at FM 112 in the community of Shiloh, the road heads north crossing into Milam County about three miles (4.8 km) into its journey. In the city of Thorndale, FM 486 crosses US 79. four and a half miles (7.2 km) north of Thorndale, FM 486 crosses three farm to market roads (908, 1331, and 3061) at their termini and crosses the San Gabriel River in the community of San Gabriel. Heading east then north through agricultural lands, the road intersects FM 487 and the Little River. As the road approaches the community of Pettibone, the road briefly heads east to parallel a BNSF railroad, turns north to cross the railroad, and ends at US 190 and SH 36.[211]

FM 486 was created on July 12, 1945, running from Thorndale to San Gabriel. On November 23, 1948, the road was extended north to Pettibone at US 190. The next extension occurred on October 31, 1957, was when it was extended 4.7 miles (7.6 km) south from Thorndale to Conoley Church. On November 24, 1959, the road was extended south to Shiloh.[210]

FM 487

Farm to Market Road 487 (FM 487) is a 61.1-mile-long (98.3 km) route located in Williamson, Bell, and Milam counties in central Texas. The route's western terminus is at SH 195 in Florence. It travels east to Jarrell where there is a discontinuity of the road at I-35. After resuming on the other side of I-35, it continues to the east through Bartlett but then curves towards the south before entering Rockdale. In Rockdale, there is a short concurrency with US 79. It then ends south of Rockdale at an intersection with US 77.

FM 487 was designated on July 12, 1945, from Rockdale to Tracy. On May 23, 1951, it was extended west to Sharp. On December 17, 1952, it was extended west to Davilla. On October 26, 1954, it was extended west to FM 1236 at the Bell County line. On January 6, 1955, FM 1236 was canceled and combined, bringing the road to its current western terminus. Note that part of FM 1236 was FM 1329. On June 1, 1960, it was extended south along the old route of US 77 to US 79. On November 1, 1962, it was extended further east along US 79 and further south along the old route of US 77, bringing the road to its current eastern terminus. On August 31, 1965, it was relocated in Jarrell along a different route and I-35. On December 12, 2019, the highway was relocated along Bud Stockton Loop; the old route east to I-35 was given to the city of Jarrell.[213][212]

Junction list

FM 488

Farm to Market Road 488 (FM 488) is 18.2 miles (29.3 km) in length and is located in Freestone County. The road begins at US 84 (East Commerce Street) east of downtown Fairfield (but still within the city limits) and travels east and northeast along Main Street. Northeast of the city limits, FM 488 curves more to the north at an intersection where FM 2570 heads off to the north-northeast. The road passes a railroad balloon loop which provides an unloading point for coal to the Big Brown Coal Plant and FM 833. It also passes the Freestone Energy Center (a natural gas-powered generating station) and FM 1124. After the road's intersection with FM 417's eastern terminus, the road descends in elevation to travel along the bottom of the dam restraining the Richland-Chambers Reservoir. After a bridge that spans the Richland Creek (immediately downstream of the dam), FM 488 ends at an intersection with US 287.[217] The route of the highway at the time of its designation on July 9, 1945, consisted of a spur road from Fairfield north for about 14.0 miles (22.5 km). It was extended north to US 287 on February 27, 1948.[216]

FM 489

Farm to Market Road 489 (FM 489) is a 33-mile-long (53 km) route in Limestone and Freestone counties. Starting at SH 164 near Personville, the road travels northeast through Limestone County for about one-half mile (0.80 km) before heading east through Freestone County for the rest of its route. In the settlement of Freestone, FM 489 shares a 0.4-mile (0.64 km) concurrency with FM 80. Heading through Dew, the road passes over I-45 without an interchange but intersects SH 179 and SH 75 (the former providing access to the Interstate). Heading past Lanely where it intersects FM 1848, FM 489 begins to curve to the north and intersects US 84 in the settlement of Red Lake. The highway continues northwest of the U.S. Highway for just under two miles (3.2 km) but curves to the northeast past that point. It ends at the intersection of County Roads 240, 241, and 271.[219]

When the road was created on July 9, 1945, it traveled a distance of 4.5 miles (7.2 km) from Dew toward the vicinity of Oakwood in Leon County. On May 31, 1955, FM 1368 and FM 1915 were combined into portions of FM 489 such that it now ran from SH 164 to Lanely. On December 10, 1956, FM 489 took over the routing of FM 1980 to bring the eastern terminus of the route to US 84 (the connecting section was designated on November 21). The last extension north of US 84 occurred on September 27, 1960, with FM 489 being routed over previously unnumbered roads.[218]

FM 490

Farm to Market Road 490 (FM 490) is a 69-mile-long (111 km) route in Starr, Hidalgo, and Willacy counties. Beginning at FM 755 between Rio Grande City and La Gloria, the road heads east through a rural area comprising farm lands and oil wells. The road eventually leaves Starr County for Hidalgo and comes to the community of McCook where some small businesses, homes, and churches are found. In this town, a two-mile-long (3.2 km) concurrency begins with FM 681. In the vicinity of the road's interchange with I-69C/US 281, it briefly enters the Edinburg city limits and passes the entrance to South Texas International Airport at Edinburg. East of here, the road begins to make successive 90-degree bends but still maintains an overall heading of east. FM 490 then passes through Hargill, where it intersects FM 493.[221]

The remainder of the road through Willacy County passes mainly through unincorporated rural areas no passing through any settlements, though it does pass near Lasara at its intersection with FM 1015. It also passes near Raymondville where it crosses US 77 Bus. Surrounding this intersection are some large stores and housing complexes. East of this intersection, FM 490 has an interchange with I-69E and US 77. Ten miles (16 km) later, the road ends at FM 1420 near the settlement of Willamar.[221]

FM 490 was created on June 26, 1945, running from its intersection with US 281 to the Hidalgo–Willacy county line. On November 11, 1948, it was slightly extended east to FM 88. The next extension occurred on January 20, 1958, when it was extended over the entire length of FM 2059 to end at FM 681. On February 15, 1958, FM 490 was extended over FM 1561 to end at FM 755. FM 490 was extended east from FM 88 to FM 1015 on May 6, 1964, and to FM 2099 on June 1 of that year, over the entire length of FM 1432. The eastward extension to FM 1420 occurred on June 1, 1965.[220]

Junction list

FM 491

Farm to Market Road 491 (FM 491) is a 31-mile-long (50 km) route in Hidalgo and Willacy counties in the southernmost portion of Texas. It runs between Relampago and US 281 (one and a half miles (2.4 km) from the Mexico–United States border) and US 77 Bus. just south of Lyford. It begins heading north from US 281 through agricultural lands. Upon entering the city of Mercedes, it forms a 0.7-mile-long (1.1 km) concurrency with US 83 Bus. west through the city's downtown. After the concurrency, the road heads north where it has an interchange with I-2 and US 83. Passing through residential neighborhoods of northern Mercedes, Indian Hills, and Laguna Seca, the road continues north with some curves around canals that line the area. In the city of La Villa, FM 491 intersects SH 107 in the city center. North of this city, the road make numerous 90-degree bends as it finishes its trip through Hidalgo County and starts traveling through Willacy County. After intersecting numerous farm to market roads, the road ends at US 77 Bus. immediately adjacent to a Union Pacific railroad.[223]

The road was designated on June 26, 1945, to run between SH 107 in La Villa and US 77 (now the highway's business route). It was extended south to US 83 in Mercedes on May 23, 1951. It was extended south to US 281 on July 16, 1951, replacing FM 1428. FM 491 was routed through Mercedes on 10th Street and Texas Avenue; a spur to US 83 via Mistletoe Avenue was added on November 20, 1951. The routing through the city was changed on March 27, 1952, by removing the portion of 10th Street and Texas Avenue south of US 83 (part of its business route today) and routing the mainline via the spur road.[222]

Junction list

FM 492

Farm to Market Road 492 (FM 492) is a 7.5-mile-long (12.1 km) route located in Hidalgo County. The highway begins at an intersection with Goodwin Road and US 83 Bus. in the city of Palmview. It heads north along Goodwin Road and after intersecting the frontage roads of Interstate 2/US 83, the highway exits the city limits of Palmview and jogs to the right at Three Mile Road and FM 1924 before traveling north again on Doffing Road. It intersects FM 676 at the latter's western terminus before FM 492 terminates at FM 2221 (Mile 7 Road).[225]

The highway was created on June 26, 1945, running from what is still its southern terminus (though the intersecting highway was mainline US 83 at the time) north for three miles (4.8 km) to Three Mile Road. On May 23, 1951, the road was extended north to its current northern terminus and then east along current FM 2221 to FM 681. On January 7, 1987, the east–west portion between FM 2221 and FM 681 was transferred to FM 2221 leaving FM 492 on its current routing.[224] The section of FM 492 south of FM 1924 was redesignated Urban Road 492 (UR 492) on June 27, 1995.[226][225] The designation of that segment reverted to FM 492 with the elimination of the Urban Road system on November 15, 2018.[45]

FM 493

Farm to Market Road 493 (FM 493) is 30 miles (48 km) in length and is located in Hidalgo County. Its southern terminus is at the Donna Texas Port of Entry, which provides access to the Donna–Río Bravo International Bridge. Starting out as a four-lane divided highway, the road heads east then turns to the north intersecting US 281. North of here, the road narrows to two lanes and travels through agricultural land. Before entering the city of Donna, the number of residential complexes surrounding the road increases. Inside the city, the road widens to four lanes again (but undivided) surrounded by residential neighborhoods. After crossing US 83 Bus., the road heads through a commercial district in the city. North of its interchange with I-2 and US 83, the road remains four lanes wide and passes through a mix of residences and farm lane. The road narrows to two lanes before curving to due north.[228]

In the census designated place of La Blanca, the road crosses SH 107. The mix of houses and farms is still present as the road passes FM 1925 and has a short concurrency with FM 2812. Residences dwindle north of the concurrency except when FM 493 reaches the community of Hargill where it intersects FM 490 in the town center. The road comes to an end at SH 186 near tracts of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge and the Willacy County line.[228]

FM 493 was created on June 26, 1945, as a road connecting Donna with Run School, about seven and a half miles (12.1 km) south of the city. On December 14, 1956, the road was expanded northward on a new alignment of the road to US 83. On January 21, 1957, the road was extended northward to Hargill at FM 490, replacing FM 890. A 3.4-mile (5.5 km) extension of the road to SH 186 north of Hargill occurred on September 27, 1960.[227]

Junction list

The entire route is in Hidalgo County.

FM 494

Farm to Market Road 494 (FM 494) is a 15.3-mile-long (24.6 km) route in Hidalgo County. The road begins at FM 1016 in Mission, about 0.3 miles (0.48 km) from the Rio Grande and the Mexico–United States border. FM 494 begins heading southeast paralleling a Rio Valley Switching Company railroad before it crosses the railroad and continues to the southeast. After passing under FM 396 and the Anzalduas International Bridge, FM 494 enters the city limits of Granjeno before curving to the north and passing through a small portion of McAllen and back into Mission. It intersects FM 1016 again before continuing north on Shary Road through Mission. In Mission, there are intersections with I-2/US 83's frontage roads, US 83 Bus., and SH 495. North of Mission, the highway passes through the city of Palmhurst where it intersects FM 1924. It also briefly follows the eastern border of Alton in the vicinity of FM 676. FM 494 ends at SH 107.[230]

The highway was designated on June 26, 1945, as a 3.5-mile-long (5.6 km) spur south from SH 107. On April 20, 1954, the road was extended further south to Mission at what was then US 83 (now US 83 Bus.) for a total length of 7.4 miles (11.9 km) and further extended to FM 1016 (the current easternmost intersection with FM 1016) on December 14, 1956. The loop through Granjeno was added on July 11, 1968. Except for a small extension at its southern end (western intersection with FM 1016) in 1985, the highway has not had any major changes since then.[229] On June 27, 1995, the route was redesignated Urban Road 494 (UR 494).[231] The designation reverted to FM 494 with the elimination of the Urban Road system on November 15, 2018.[45]

FM 495

Farm to Market Road 495 (FM 495) is the former designation of SH 495 in Hidalgo County.[233]

FM 496

Farm to Market Road 496 (FM 496) is a 3-mile-long (4.8 km) route in Zapata County near the Rio Grande and Mexican border. Beginning near the river bank, it heads northeast first past FM 3074, which leads the community of Falcon Mesa.[235] FM 496 continues northeast past some light industrial businesses and a cemetery.[236] At this point, the two-lane road enters the community of Zapata and expands to four-lanes wide. FM 496 travels for three blocks before ending at an intersection with US 83. The roadway past this point continues as SH 16.[234][236]

FM 496 was designated on July 9, 1945, along its current route and what is now SH 16 to the Zapata–Jim Hogg County line. On August 13, 1945, the road was extended to Hebbronville, and it was further extended to Freer on October 31, 1957, reaching a total length of 92 miles (148 km). FM 496 was shortened to its present length on September 31, 1965, when SH 16 was extended from San Antonio via Freer to Zapata.[234][237]

FM 497

Farm to Market Road 497 (FM 497) was located in Willacy County and connected San Perlita to the Red Fish Bay at Port Mansfield. The highway started in downtown San Perlita when it was designated on July 9, 1945, but its western starting point was moved to south of the city on November 23, 1948.[238] On May 31, 1973, FM 497 was signed (but not designated) as SH 186.[239] This 15.8-mile-long (25.4 km) alignment of the road lasted until August 29, 1990, when it was officially designated as SH 186.[238]

FM 498

Farm to Market Road 498 (FM 498) is a 11.8-mile-long (19.0 km) route in southern Willacy County. It runs from the intersection of Olive Road and Bus. US 77 in Lyford east through the county before ending at FM 1420 in Willamar. It has an interchange with I-69E/US 77 just southeast of downtown Lyford.[241]

FM 498 was designated on July 9, 1945, along the current route.[240]

Junction list

The entire route is in Willacy County.

FM 499

Farm to Market Road 499 (FM 499) is located in Hunt and Hopkins counties. It runs from Spur 302 in Greenville to I-30 near Cumby. There are concurrencies with SH 24 and I-30's frontage road. In addition to Greenville, the highway passes through the towns of Campbell and Cumby.[243]

FM 499 was designated on January 23, 1953, from US 67, 0.7 miles (1.1 km) east of Greenville east to US 67 east of Cumby on a former routing of US 67. On May 15, 1965, the route was modified due to various highway number changes and a section of FM 499 from former FM 819 southwest for 1.7 miles (2.7 km) was transferred to SH 50. FM 819 was also cancelled and transferred to SH 50.[242]

Junction list

FM 499 (1945)

The first iteration of FM 499 was designated on July 13, 1945, from US 190, 3.5 miles (5.6 km) east of San Saba to a point 7.5 miles (12.1 km) to the southeast to Colony School Road, in San Saba County. On November 20, 1951, FM 499 was extended east to the Lampasas County line. FM 499 was cancelled on December 13, 1951, and combined with FM 580.[242]


  1. ^ RM 440 was previously designated as FM 440 from 1945 to 1956.
  2. ^ The certified length given is shorter than the actual mileage, as the Texas Department of Transportation description of FM 463 considers it to be discontinuous at rather than concurrent with SH 132.
  3. ^ RM 473 was previously designated as FM 473 from 1945 to 1956.
  4. ^ RM 474 was previously designated as FM 474 from 1945 to 1956.
  5. ^ RM 475 was previously designated as FM 475 from 1945 to 1956.
  6. ^ RM 479 was designated as FM 479 from 1946 to 1956.
  7. ^ RM 480 was designated as FM 480 from 1946 to 1956.
  8. ^ RM 484 was previously designated as FM 484 from 1945 to 1966.


  1. ^ a b Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 400". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d e Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 401". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  3. ^ Transportation Planning and Programming Division (2018). Texas County Mapbook (PDF) (Map) (2018 ed.). 1:72,224. Texas Department of Transportation. p. 239. Retrieved June 18, 2023.
  4. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 402". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  5. ^ "Farm to Market Road 402" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
  6. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 403". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  7. ^ a b "Farm to Market Road 403" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
  8. ^ a b Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 404". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  9. ^ a b Victoria County Texas General Highway Map (Map). Texas State Highway Department. 1961. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
  10. ^ {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  11. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 405". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  12. ^ "Farm to Market Road 405" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
  13. ^ a b c d e Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 406". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  14. ^ "Farm to Market Road 406" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  15. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 407". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  16. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 408". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  17. ^ Transportation Planning and Programming Division (2018). Texas County Mapbook (PDF) (Map) (2018 ed.). 1:72,224. Texas Department of Transportation. p. 1707. Retrieved December 23, 2022.
  18. ^ a b c d e Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 409". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  19. ^ Transportation Planning and Programming Division (2018). Texas County Mapbook (PDF) (Map) (2018 ed.). 1:72,224. Texas Department of Transportation. p. 378. Retrieved July 1, 2023.
  20. ^ {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  21. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 410". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  22. ^ a b "Farm to Market Road 410" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved December 9, 2015.
  23. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 411". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  24. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 412". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  25. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 413". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  26. ^ "Farm to Market Road 413" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved January 5, 2016.
  27. ^ a b c d Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 414". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  28. ^ Transportation Planning and Programming Division (2018). Texas County Mapbook (PDF) (Map) (2018 ed.). 1:72,224. Texas Department of Transportation. p. 1003. Retrieved July 1, 2023.
  29. ^ Transportation Planning and Programming Division (2018). Texas County Mapbook (PDF) (Map) (2018 ed.). 1:72,224. Texas Department of Transportation. p. 1004. Retrieved July 1, 2023.
  30. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 415". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  31. ^ "Farm to Market Road 415" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved January 5, 2016.
  32. ^ a b c d e f Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 416". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  33. ^ "Farm to Market Road 416" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved January 6, 2016.
  34. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 417". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  35. ^ "Farm to Market Road 417" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved January 6, 2016.
  36. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 418". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  37. ^ "Farm to Market Road 418" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved January 10, 2016.
  38. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 419". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  39. ^ "Farm to Market Road 419" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  40. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 420". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  41. ^ "Farm to Market Road 420" (Map). Google Maps. Retrieved January 10, 2016.
  42. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 421". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  43. ^ Transportation Planning and Programming Division (2018). Texas County Mapbook (PDF) (Map) (2018 ed.). 1:72,224. Texas Department of Transportation. p. 1655. Retrieved November 29, 2018.
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