Appointments by King George VI
Los honores del cumpleaños del rey de 1943 fueron nombramientos por parte del rey Jorge VI de diversas órdenes y honores para recompensar y destacar las buenas obras de las personas del Imperio británico . Se publicaron el 2 de junio de 1943 para el Reino Unido [1] [2] y Canadá . [3]
Los destinatarios de los honores se muestran aquí tal como se les llamaba antes de su nuevo honor, y organizados por honor, con clases (Caballero, Caballero Gran Cruz, etc. ) y luego divisiones (Militar, Civil, etc. ) según corresponda.
Imperio Británico
Consejero Privado
- Harcourt Johnstone , diputado , secretario parlamentario del Departamento de Comercio Exterior ; miembro del Parlamento por South Shields (1931-1935), por East Willesden (1923-1924) y por Middlesbrough West desde 1940.
- Geoffrey William Lloyd , diputado , secretario parlamentario (petróleo) del Ministerio de Combustible y Energía y presidente de la Junta de Control del Petróleo; miembro del Parlamento por la División Ladywood de Birmingham desde 1931.
- Coronel Arthur Claud Spencer, barón Templemore , KCVO, DSO, OBE , capitán de la Guardia Real del Yeoman of the Guard ; Lord en espera del Rey, 1929 y 1931-1934.
- Joseph Westwood , diputado , subsecretario parlamentario adjunto de Estado para Escocia ; miembro del Parlamento por Peebles y South Midlothian (1922-1931) y por Stirling y Falkirk desde 1935.
- El Muy Honorable John Milne Barbour , JP, DL, MP , recientemente Ministro de Finanzas de Irlanda del Norte.
- Sir John Fraser , KCVO, MC, MD, ChM, FRCS(Ed) , Profesor Regio de Cirugía Clínica , Universidad de Edimburgo ; Cirujano Honorario del Rey en Escocia.
Caballero soltero
- Stanley Hugh Badock , LLD, JP . Por sus servicios a la Universidad de Bristol .
- Hugh Eyre Campbell Beaver , Director General, Ministerio de Obras.
- Capitán John Paul Black , Director General de Standard Motor Company Ltd. y Presidente del Comité Conjunto de Motores Aéreos.
- Daniel Alfred Edmond Cabot, MRCVS , Director Veterinario, Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca.
- Concejal John William Catlow, JP , presidente del Comité de Educación de Middlesex.
- Henry Cooper, Presidente del Comité Consultivo de Comerciantes; Presidente de la Cámara de Comerciantes de Carbón.
- John Craig, CBE, JP, DL , presidente y director general de Colvilles Ltd.
- Graham Cunningham, Contralor General de Producción de Municiones, Ministerio de Abastecimiento.
- William Young Darling , CBE, MC , Lord Provost de Edimburgo .
- Herbert Davis, CBE , Director de Aceites y Grasas, Ministerio de Alimentación.
- Herbert Lightfoot Eason , CB, CMG, MD, MS, FRCS , Presidente, Consejo Médico General .
- John Fox, OBE , Registrador Jefe de Sociedades Amistosas y Comisionado de Garantía Industrial.
- Cleveland Fyfe, CBE , Secretario General, Unión Nacional de Agricultores .
- Concejal Frederick Hindle . Para los servicios públicos en Lancashire.
- Capitán Robert Beaufin Irving , OBE, RD , Reserva Naval Real (retirado), capitán comodoro de Cunard White Star Ltd.
- Harold Spencer Jones , ScD, FRS, FRAS , Astrónomo Real .
- William John Andrew Jones, CMG , Vicepresidente de la Conferencia de Gobernadores de África Occidental. Secretario Adjunto del Consejo de Guerra de la Oficina del Ministro Residente en África Occidental.
- John Macfarlane Kennedy, OBE, MInstCE, MIEE , Vicepresidente, Comisión de Electricidad .
- Eric Macfadyen . Por sus servicios a la agricultura en el Imperio Colonial.
- Archibald McKinstry, MIEE, MIMechE , vicepresidente y director general, Babcock & Wilcox Ltd.
- Arnold Duncan McNair , CBE, LLD, FBA , Vicerrector de la Universidad de Liverpool .
- Alexander Hyslop Maxwell, Controlador de Tabaco, Junta de Comercio .
- Thomas Gillan Mitchell, JP , Lord Provost de Aberdeen .
- Profesor John Linton Myres , OBE, DLitt, DSc, FSA, FBA . Por sus servicios al aprendizaje.
- Harry Nell, Contralor de Impuestos sobre Sucesiones, Junta de Ingresos Internos.
- Charles Henry Newton, director general de la London and North Eastern Railway Company .
- George Peat, Director Adjunto, División de Transporte Marítimo, Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra .
- George Stanley Pott, Presidente del Consejo de la Sociedad de Abogados .
- Eustace Ralph Pulbrook, presidente de Lloyd's .
- Eric Cecil Heygate Salmon, MC , secretario del Consejo del Condado de Londres . Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- George Paget Thomson , FRS , Profesor de Física, Imperial College of Science and Technology .
- William Whyte, director general del Royal Bank of Scotland .
- John Leonard Stone , OBE , abogado, presidente designado del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Bombay.
- El Honorable Sr. Juez Harilal Jekisondas Kania , Juez de Primera Instancia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Bombay.
- El Honorable Sr. Juez Clifford Monmohan Agarwala, Abogado, Juez de Primera Instancia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Patna.
- Pheroze Merwan Kharegat, CIE , Servicio Civil de la India , Vicepresidente del Consejo Imperial de Investigación Agrícola.
- Capitán Sardar Buta Singh, CBE , Miembro del Consejo de Estado, Propietario, Amritsar, Punjab.
- Robert Renwick Haddow, miembro del Consejo de Estado, socio principal, Messrs. Mackinnon Mackenzie & Company, Bengala.
- Cyril Sankay Fox , DSc, MIMinE, FGS , Director del Servicio Geológico de la India .
- Raja Saiyid Ahmad Ali Khan Alvi, CBE, miembro de la Asamblea Legislativa, Salempur, Lucknow, Provincias Unidas.
- Frederick Anderson, CSI, CIE , Servicio Indio de Ingenieros (retirado), Ministro de Obras Públicas e Ingresos e Ingeniero Jefe del Estado de Bahawalpur .
- Rai Bahadur Oudh Narain Bisarya, presidente y miembro a cargo de los Departamentos de Ingresos y Salud Pública, estado de Bhopal, India central.
- Robert Menzies, OBE, VD , Director General, British India Corporation , Cawnpore, Provincias Unidas.
- Mathuradas Vissanji , Director, Molinos harineros Wallace, Bombay.
- John Tait, gerente general de Messrs. Steel Brothers & Co. Ltd.
Colonias, Protectorados, Etc.
- Samuel Howard Ellis , MBE , Director del Servicio Nacional de Mano de Obra, Fiji.
- John Hutson, OBE, VD, MB, CM, DPH . Por los servicios públicos en Barbados.
- George Graham Paul, Servicio Jurídico Colonial, Presidente del Tribunal Supremo, Sierra Leona.
- William James Howard Trott, CBE . Por los servicios públicos en Bermudas.
Orden del Baño
Caballero Comendador de la Orden del Baño (KCB)
División Militar
- Marina Real
- Vicealmirante (Almirante interino) Sir Bruce Austin Fraser , KBE, CB .
- Vicealmirante Arthur Lumley St. George Lyster , CB, CBE, CVO, DSO .
- Vicealmirante Algernon Usborne Willis , CB, DSO .
- Ingeniero Vicealmirante Frederick Richard Gordon Turner, CB, OBE .
- Ejército
- Teniente general Alexander Hood, CB, CBE, MD, KHP , (18164), ex Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Teniente general Henry Charles Loyd , CB, DSO, MC , (17960), ex guardia de Coldstream.
- Teniente general (interino) Ronald Morce Weeks , CBE, DSO, MC, TD , (51084), Ejército Territorial.
- Real Fuerza Aérea
- Mariscal del Aire Alfred Guy Roland Garrod , CB, OBE, MC, DFC .
- Mariscal del Aire Richard Hallam Peck , CB, OBE .
- Mariscal del aire interino Roy Maxwell Drummond , CB, DSO, OBE, MC .
- Mariscal del aire interino John Cotesworth Slessor , CB, DSO, MC .
División Civil
- James Scott Pringle, Oficial de la Orden del Imperio Británico, ACGI, MIEE .
- Nelson King Johnson, Director de la Oficina Meteorológica .
- Sir Frederick Carl Bovenschen , KBE, CB , Subsecretario de Estado Permanente Adjunto para la Guerra .
- Sir William Scott Douglas, KBE, CB , Secretario Permanente , Ministerio de Abastecimiento .
- Sir Geoffrey Granville Whiskard , KCMG, CB, LLD , Secretario Permanente, Ministerio de Planificación Urbana y Rural.
Compañero de la Orden del Baño (CB)
División Militar
- Marina Real
- Contralmirante Arthur Malcolm Peters , DSC .
- Contraalmirante Irvine Gordon Glennie .
- Contralmirante Arthur Francis Eric Palliser , DSC .
- Contralmirante Denis William Boyd , CBE, DSC .
- El Venerable Archidiácono Thomas Crick , CBE, MVO, MA , Capellán de la Flota .
- Ingeniero Contralmirante John Kingcome.
- Cirujano Contralmirante William Harold Edgar, OBE, MD, BS, KHP .
- Mayor (Teniente Coronel Brevet) (Coronel Comandante interino) (Brigadier temporal) Leslie Chasemore Hollis , CBE .
- Ejército
- General de división Frederick Vavasour Broome Witts , CBE, DSO, MC , (24225), ex Ingenieros Reales.
- General de división Albert Robert Valon, OBE, MC, MIMechE , (3976), coronel comandante, Ingenieros eléctricos y mecánicos reales.
- General de división Richard Lawrence Bond, CBE, DSO, MC , (12212), ex Ingenieros Reales.
- General de división Oswald William McSheehy, DSO, OBE, MB, KHS , (15664), ex Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- General de división Gerald Russell Smallwood , DSO, MC , (5238), ex Regimiento de East Yorkshire (del Duque de York).
- General de división Stanley Woodburn Kirby , CIE, OBE, MC , (8398), ex Ingenieros Reales.
- General de división (teniente general temporal) Frederick Edgworth Morgan (8223), ex Artillería Real.
- General de división (teniente general en funciones) Montagu George North Stopford , DSO, MC , (47658), ex Brigada de fusileros (del Príncipe Consorte).
- General de división Montagu Brocas Burrows , DSO, MC , (17658), último miembro del 5.º Regimiento de Dragones de la Guardia Real de Inniskilling.
- Coronel (general de división temporal) Philip James Shears (10498), ex Regimiento Fronterizo.
- Coronel (general de división temporal) Noel Galway Holmes , CBE, MC , (4842), ex regimiento de East Yorkshire (del duque de York).
- Coronel (general de división temporal) Arthur Arnhold Bullick Dowler (8634), ex regimiento de East Surrey.
- Coronel (general de división temporal) (teniente general en funciones) Gerard Corfield Bucknall , MC , (5026), ex regimiento de Middlesex (del duque de Cambridge).
- Coronel (general de división temporal) Hugh Tennent MacMullen, CBE, MC , (10010), ex Regimiento de East Lancashire.
- Coronel (general de división temporal) Alexander Whitmore Colquhoun Richardson , DSO , (4059), ex Cuerpo de Tanques Reales.
- General de división Henry Hampden Rich (1105), Ejército de la India.
- Coronel (mayor general temporal) Cecil Wotton Toovey , CBE, MC , (53934), Ejército de la India.
- General de división Alister Argyll Campbell McNeill, MB, BCh (Glasg), KHS , (30412), Ejército de la India.
- Coronel (mayor general temporal) Gordon West Hodgen, OBE , (1834-08), Ejército de la India.
- Real Fuerza Aérea
- Vicemariscal del aire Brian Edmund Baker , DSO, MC, AFC .
- Vicemariscal del aire Charles Roderick Carr , CBE, DFC, AFC .
- Vicemariscal del aire John Beresford Cole-Hamilton , CBE .
- Vicemariscal del aire Frank Cuninghame Cowtan, MRCS, LRCP, KHS .
- Vicemariscal del aire Hugh Henry MacLeod Fraser.
- Vicemariscal del aire Alan Lees , CBE, DSO, AFC .
- Vicemariscal del Aire Charles Warburton Meredith , CBE, AFC , Reserva Voluntaria de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Vicemariscal del aire Robert Dickinson Oxland , CBE .
- Vicemariscal del aire Hugh William Lumsden Saunders , CBE, MC, DFC, MM .
- Vicemariscal del Aire Victor Hubert Tait , OBE .
- Vicemariscal del aire Horace Ernest Philip Wigglesworth , CBE, DSC .
- Vicemariscal del aire interino Harold Spencer Kerby , DSC, AFC .
- Vicemariscal del aire en funciones Alfred Conrad Collier, CBE .
- Vicemariscal del Aire George Jones , CBE, DFC , Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana.
- Vicemariscal del Aire Robert Victor Goddard , CBE , Real Fuerza Aérea de Nueva Zelanda.
División Civil
- Coronel William Philip Cutlack, TD, DL , Presidente de la Asociación del Ejército Territorial del Condado de Cambridge y la Isla de Ely.
- Coronel Paul Julius Gottlieb Gueterbock, DSO, MC, TD , Presidente de la Asociación Territorial del Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea del Condado de Gloucester.
- John Morrison Caie , Subsecretario del Departamento de Agricultura de Escocia.
- Thomas Sidney Chegwidden, CVO , Subsecretario, Ministerio de Producción.
- Eric Francis Cliff, anteriormente Oficial Principal de la Oficina del Aire; ahora Representante del Departamento del Tesoro en Washington.
- Charles Blake Coxwell, OBE , Secretario Adjunto Principal, Almirantazgo.
- William Scott Farren , MBE, FRAeS , Director, Royal Aircraft Establishment , Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica .
- Geoffrey Stuart King , MC , Secretario Adjunto Principal, Junta de Asistencia.
- David John Lidbury, CMG, DSO , Director General Adjunto, Oficina General de Correos .
- Wilfred Alexander Marsden, conservador del Departamento de Libros Impresos, Mapas, Gráficos y Planos del Museo Británico y curador honorario de la Biblioteca de Música del Rey del Museo Británico .
- Edward Vincent Thompson, Procurador Auxiliar Principal, Oficina del Procurador General de Su Majestad y Procurador del Tesoro.
- Sydney Herbert Wood, MC , Subsecretario Principal, Junta de Educación.
Orden de la Estrella de la India
Caballero Comendador de la Orden de la Estrella de la India (KCSI)
Compañero de la Orden de la Estrella de la India (CSI)
- Henry Carlos Prior, CIE , Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Gobierno de la India en el Departamento de Trabajo.
- General de división Neville Godfray Hind, MC , Ejército de la India, Comandante del Distrito de Sind.
- Ferdinand Blyth Wace, CIE , Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Gobierno del Punjab en el Departamento del Interior.
Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge
Caballero de la Gran Cruz de la Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge (GCMG)
Caballero Comendador de la Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge (KCMG)
- Frederick Geoffrey Shedden , CMG, OBE , Secretario del Departamento de Defensa, del Gabinete de Guerra y del Consejo Asesor de Guerra, y miembro civil del Comité de Defensa de la Mancomunidad de Australia.
- Sir William Alison Russell . Por sus servicios a la Oficina Colonial.
- Hugh Cholmondeley Thornton , CMG, CVO , Agente Superior de la Corona.
- Teniente coronel Claude Edward Marjoribanks Dansey , CMG , adscrito a un Departamento del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
- Anthony Hastings George , CMG , Cónsul General de Su Majestad en Boston.
- Owen St. Clair O'Malley , CMG , Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de Su Majestad ante el Gobierno polaco en Londres .
- Francis D'Arcy Godolphin Osborne , CMG , Enviado Extraordinario de Su Majestad y Ministro Plenipotenciario ante la Santa Sede . (Fechado el 14 de mayo de 1943).
Compañero de la Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge (CMG)
- Gerald Henry Avezathe, Representante del Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra en Lagos.
- Alfred Charles Boddis, Controlador de Servicios de Suministro, Comisión Aérea Británica, Washington.
- General de división Reginald Alexander Dallas Brooks , DSO , Royal Marines. Empleado en el Political Warfare Executive .
- Wilfred Charles George Cribbett, Director de Administración y Finanzas, Delegación de la Real Fuerza Aérea, Washington.
- Eion Pelly Donaldson, Secretario Adjunto, Oficinas del Gabinete de Guerra.
- Charles Rowlatt Watkins-Mence, CIE , Contralor, Unidad de Censura Imperial, Bermudas.
- Gilbert Shaw Whitham, CBE, MIChemE , Director General de Servicios de Producción, Ministerio de Abastecimiento. Últimamente Jefe de la Misión Técnica Británica en Turquía.
- Maurice Edward Antrobus, OBE , Secretario Oficial de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado en la Commonwealth de Australia para el Gobierno de Su Majestad en el Reino Unido.
- Percival Martin Cooper, OBE, MInstCE, MIM y CyE, MIStructE , Director de Obras Públicas, Jamaica.
- James Dundas Harford , Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Administrador, San Cristóbal y Nieves.
- Edward Gerald Hawkesworth, MC , Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Comisionado Jefe de Ashanti, Gold Coast.
- William Cyril Campbell King, Servicio de Policía Colonial, Comisionado de Policía, Nigeria.
- Thomas Ingram Kynaston Lloyd , subsecretario adjunto de Estado, Oficina Colonial.
- Thorleif Rattray Orde Mangin , Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Comisionado Provincial, Gold Coast.
- Sydney Raymond Marlow, Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Secretario de Finanzas, Territorio de Tanganyika.
- William James Price, MInstCE , Director de Obras Públicas y Aviación Civil, Ceilán.
- Richard Ogilvy Ramage, Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Secretario Colonial, Sierra Leona.
- Charles Eustace Rooke, Gerente General, Ferrocarriles Nigerianos.
- Edward Francis Twining , MBE , Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Director de Trabajo, Mauricio.
- Geoffrey Walsh, CBE , asesor económico y controlador de alimentos, Palestina.
- Joshua Edward Synge Cooper , adscrito al Departamento del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
- Hugh Ellis-Rees, asesor financiero de la Embajada de Su Majestad en Madrid.
- Charles Empson, Secretario Comercial de la Embajada de Su Majestad en El Cairo.
- John Wilson Edington Miller, Subsecretario de Finanzas del Gobierno de Sudán.
- Robert Parr, OBE , Cónsul General de Su Majestad en Brazzaville.
- Robert Townsend Smallbones , MBE , Cónsul General de Su Majestad en São Paulo.
- Christopher Frederick Ashton Warner , consejero del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
- Cecil Allan Walter Were, Cónsul General de Su Majestad en Alejandría.
Compañero honorario
Orden del Imperio Indio
Caballero Gran Comendador de la Orden del Imperio Indio (GCIE)
Caballero Comendador de la Orden del Imperio Indio (KCIE)
- Teniente coronel Charles Geoffrey Prior , CIE , Servicio Político de la India, residente político en el Golfo Pérsico.
- Sir George Hemming Spence, CSI, CIE , Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Gobierno de la India en el Departamento Legislativo.
- James Downing Penny, CSI, CIE , Servicio Civil Indio, Comisionado Financiero, Departamento de Desarrollo y Secretario de Gobierno, Punjab.
- Sir Thomas Howard Elderton, Presidente del Comité de Comisionados del Puerto de Calcuta y Prioridades Regionales.
Compañero de la Orden del Imperio Indio (CIE)
- Mohit Kumar Sen Gupta, Servicio de Auditoría y Cuentas de la India, Asesor financiero, Comunicaciones.
- Wilfred Harold Shoobert, ED , Servicio Civil de la India, Director General de Correos y Telégrafos, Nueva Delhi.
- Teniente coronel (general de división interino) Walter Joseph Cawthorn , CBE , Ejército de la India, Director de Inteligencia Militar, Cuartel General, India.
- Jagannath Lakshman Sathe, Servicio Civil de la India, Miembro Superior de la Junta de Ingresos de las Provincias Unidas.
- Aubrey Dibdin, Secretario Adjunto, Departamento Económico y de Ultramar, Oficina de la India.
- Teniente coronel Gerald Patrick Murphy, Servicio Político Indio, recientemente residente en los Estados de Madrás.
- Sudhindra Kumar Haldar, Servicio Civil Indio, Comisionado, División de Burdwan, Bengala.
- Donald Marshall Passmore, Director General Adjunto, Dirección General de Suministros, Departamento de Suministros, Gobierno de la India.
- Allan Robert Eliott Lockhart, Director General Adjunto, Dirección General de Producción de Municiones, Departamento de Suministros, Gobierno de la India.
- Wajahat Hussain, Servicio Civil Indio, Comisionado, División de Gorakhpur, Provincias Unidas.
- Geoffrey Herbert Mannooch, Policía de la India, Inspector General de Policía, Bengala.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Leonard Gilbert, MC , Ejército de la India, Comandante, Escuela de Formación de Oficiales, Bangalore.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) John Le Clere Fowle, Ejército de la India, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real de la India, Cuartel General del Ejército Oriental.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Henry Charles Deans Rankin, OBE, MB, VHS , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real, Director Adjunto de Servicios Médicos, Cuartel General, India.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) James Alfred Daniel, DSO, MC , servicio británico, comandante del área de Lucknow.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) William Freke Hasted, CBE, DSO, MC , Ingenieros Reales, Ingeniero Jefe, Ejército del Sur, recientemente Ingeniero Jefe Adjunto, Obras de la RAF, Cuartel General, India.
- Teniente coronel George Leslie Mallam, abogado, Servicio Político de la India, Secretario en Jefe del Gobierno de la Provincia de la Frontera Noroeste.
- William Herbert Fletcher Armstrong, Servicio Educativo Indio, Director de Instrucción Pública y Secretario del Gobierno del Punjab en el Departamento de Educación.
- Arnold Gordon Patton, Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Gobierno de Assam en los Departamentos de Finanzas e Ingresos.
- Govardhan Shankerlal Bhalja, Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Gobierno de las Provincias Centrales y Berar en el Departamento de Finanzas.
- Percival Joseph Griffiths , Organizador Central, Frente de Guerra Nacional.
- Alan Robert Cecil Westlake, Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Gobierno de Madrás en el Departamento de Desarrollo.
- David Symington, Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Gobierno de Bombay en el Departamento del Interior.
- Richard Lean, ingeniero mecánico jefe, Madrás y Southern Mahratta Railway, Madrás.
- Mangudy Subrahmanyan, Servicio de Auditoría y Cuentas de la India, Contador General, Correos y Telégrafos.
- Stewart Ellis Lawrence West, OBE, VD , Director de Tráfico, Departamento de Ferrocarriles (Junta de Ferrocarriles), Gobierno de la India.
- Rai Bahadur Anil Chandra Banerjea, MB, BS (Allahabad), DPH (EE. UU.) , Director de Salud Pública, Provincias Unidas.
- Leslie Neeve Flatt, VD , Director de Ingeniería Mecánica, Departamento de Ferrocarriles (Junta de Ferrocarriles), Gobierno de la India.
- John Alan Stein, Servicio de Ingenieros de la India, Ingeniero jefe, Departamento de Comunicaciones y Obras, División de Comunicaciones y Edificios, Bengala.
- Khan Bahadur Muhammad Sulaiman, Servicio de Ingenieros de la India, Ingeniero jefe adicional, Departamento Central de Obras Públicas, Gobierno de la India.
- Mayor Basil Woods-Ballard, MBE , Servicio Político de la India, Agente Político y Comisionado Adjunto, Quetta-Pishin.
- Francis Herbert du Heaume, OBE , Policía de la India, Inspector General Adjunto de Policía, Multan Range, Punjab.
- John Ralph Carlisle Taylor, funcionario del petróleo y subsecretario ex officio del Gobierno de la India en el Departamento de Defensa.
- Ramchandra Govind Sule, LCE , Servicio Indio de Ingenieros, Ingeniero supervisor, Círculo de irrigación de Deccan, Poona, Bombay.
- Hugh Trotter, Servicio Forestal de la India, Oficial de Utilización, Instituto de Investigación Forestal.
- Arthur John Charles Edwards Jefe, Oficial de Contabilidad, Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la India, Londres.
- Vellore Lakshmanaswami Ethiraj , abogado, fiscal, Madrás.
- Sardar Bahadur Jaideo Singh, OBI , general de división y oficial general al mando de las Fuerzas del estado de Bikaner.
- Tehmus Temulji Kothavala, Secretario, Autoridad Provincial de Transporte, Bombay.
- Robert Laing MacLennan, Plantación de té Heeleakha, Distrito de Sibsagar, Presidente de la Sucursal del Valle de Assam de la Asociación del Té de la India, Assam.
- Gerente de Rajandhari Sinha, Hathwa Wards Estate, Hathwa, Saran, Bihar.
- Diwan Bahadur Ramisetti Subbayya Naidu, Ministro Principal, Estado de Cooch Behar.
Real Orden Victoriana
Caballero de la Gran Cruz de la Real Orden Victoriana (GCVO)
Caballero Comendador de la Real Orden Victoriana (KCVO)
- Capitán Harold George Campbell, CVO, DSO , Marina Real (retirado).
- Señor Eric Charles Miéville , KCIE, CSI, CMG .
- Mayor Henry Hudson Fraser Stockley, CVO, OBE , Royal Marines (retirado).
Comandante de la Real Orden Victoriana (CVO)
Miembro de la Real Orden Victoriana (MVO)
En esa época, las dos clases más bajas de la Real Orden Victoriana eran "Miembro (cuarta clase)" y "Miembro (quinta clase)", ambas con letras postnominales MVO. "Miembro (cuarta clase)" pasó a llamarse "Teniente" (LVO) a partir de los Honores de Año Nuevo de 1985.
Cuarta Clase
Quinta Clase
Orden del Imperio Británico
Dama Comendadora de la Orden del Imperio Británico (DBE)
División Militar
División Civil
Caballero Comendador de la Orden del Imperio Británico (KBE)
División Militar
- Marina Real
- Ejército
- Teniente general Giffard Le Quesne Martel , CB, DSO, MC, MIMechE , (6628), ex ingeniero real.
- General de división Percy Cleghorn Stanley Hobart , CB, DSO, OBE, MC , (23838), ex Cuerpo de Tanques Reales.
- Real Fuerza Aérea
División Civil
- William Dawson Croft , CIE, CVO , Subsecretario de Estado Adjunto, Oficina de la India .
- Bernard William Gilbert , CB , Subsecretario del Tesoro de Su Majestad.
- Godfrey Herbert Ince , CB , Subsecretario y Director General de Mano de Obra, Ministerio de Trabajo y Servicio Nacional .
- Sir (Thomas) Franklin Sibly , LLD, DSc , Vicerrector de la Universidad de Reading . Presidente del Comité de Vicerrectores y Directores .
- Humphrey Ingelram Prideaux-Brune, CMG, OBE , uno de los Cónsules Generales de Su Majestad en China.
- Sir Wilfrid Wentworth Woods , KCMG , miembro de la Comisión de Gobierno de Terranova desde 1937.
- Sir Don Baron Jayatilaka , Representante del Gobierno de Ceilán en la India.
Comendador de la Orden del Imperio Británico (CBE)
División Militar
- Marina Real
- Contralmirante Hugh Marrack , DSC , (retirado).
- Ingeniero Contralmirante John William Milner, MVO , (retirado).
- Capitán (Comodoro de Segunda Clase) Ralph Alan Bevan Edwards .
- Capitán Humphrey Benson Jacomb, (retirado).
- Capitán Horace Geoffrey Norman.
- Capitán Brian Betham Schofield.
- Comandante (capitán interino) Basil Rupert Willett.
- Capitán Charles George Ley Woollcombe, (retirado).
- Ingeniero Capitán Stuart Robins, (retirado).
- Capitán pagador George Harold Bankart.
- Capitán pagador Humphrey Hughes Simpson (retirado).
- Capitán pagador Edward Watkins Whittington-Ince (retirado).
- Comandante pagador (capitán pagador interino) Ronald Wilson Paffard.
- Coronel Comandante (Brigadier Temporal) Eric James Banks Noyes, OBE , Royal Marines.
- Instructor Capitán Archibald Howard Saunders, OBE .
- Joan Carpenter, Superintendente, Servicio Naval Real de Mujeres.
- Ejército
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Clifton Edward Rawdon Grant Alban, DSO , (5189), coronel del Regimiento del Rey (Liverpool), ayudante de campo del Rey.
- Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Ralph Ernest Barnwell (10255), Regimiento Real de Warwickshire.
- Coronel Patrick James Blair, DSO, TD , Guardia Nacional de Lothian.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) William Edmund Roberts Blood, MC , (10229), Ingenieros Reales.
- Coronel Sir Philip Carlebach, CMG , Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) Cecil Arthur Harrop Chadwick (1878-4), Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Coronel Alfred Fraser Chapman, Guardia Nacional de Bristol.
- Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) (brigadier interino) Edward Hadrill Clayton, OBE , (15934), Artillería Real.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Harold Powell Crosland, OBE, MC, TD , (20920), ex Artillería Real.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Henry Percivall Currey (20177), ex miembro de los Royal Ulster Rifles.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) Ernest Edward Down (23809), Infantería Ligera de Shropshire del Rey.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Oliver Frederick Gillilan Hogg (4083), ex Artillería Real.
- Coronel Norman Cecil Joseph, TD , Guardia Nacional de Staffordshire.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) Stephen Lamplugh (6967), Ingenieros Reales.
- Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Harold Lancelot Roy Matthews (106278), Lista general.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) George Travers Nugee, DSO, MC , (8224), ex Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) Ronald Stuart Park , Fuerzas Militares de Nueva Zelanda.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Hugh Upton Richards (1626), ex regimiento de West Yorkshire (del Príncipe de Gales).
- Coronel William Robb, DSO, MC , (14247), ex Regimiento de North Staffordshire (El Príncipe de Gales).
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Alfred Travers Fairclough Smith, MC, BSc (Eng), AMInstCE , Ejército de la India.
- Coronel (mayor general temporal) Victor Paul Hildebrand Stantke , OBE , Fuerzas Militares Australianas.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Derek Jarrett Steevens, MC , (5389), ex Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) William Henry Stratton (27948), Ingenieros Reales.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) William Ernest Tyndall, MC, MB, DPH , (24193), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Comandante en Jefe (Controladora Superior temporal) Leslie Violet Lucy Evelyn Whateley (192035), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Coronel (brigadier temporal) Edward Stephen Bruce Williams (1554), último de la Brigada de Fusileros (del Príncipe Consorte).
- Coronel John Workman Wintringham, Guardia Nacional de Lincolnshire.
- Coronel Francis John Wymer, Guardia Nacional del Ferrocarril del Sur.
- Real Fuerza Aérea
- Vicemariscal del Aire George Brindley Aufrere Baker, CB, MC .
- Vicemariscal del aire interino Eric Bourne Coulter Betts , DSC, DFC .
- Comodoro del aire Thomas Edward Drowley, OBE .
- Comodoro del aire Wilfrid Henry Dunn, DSC .
- Comodoro del aire Thomas Walker Elmhirst , AFC .
- Comodoro aéreo Harry Aitken Hewat, MB, ChB, DTM y H.
- Comodoro del aire Colin Winterbotham Weedon.
- Comodoro del aire interino Donald Clifford Tyndall Bennett , DSO , Reserva Voluntaria de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comodoro aéreo interino John Auguste Boret, OBE, MC, AFC .
- Comodoro del aire interino Willett Amalric Bowen Bowen-Buscarlet, DFC .
- Comodoro del aire interino Alfred Cecil Critchley , CMG, DSO , Reserva Voluntaria de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comodoro aéreo interino John Astley Gray, DFC, GM .
- Comodoro del aire interino Harold Alfred Haines, OBE, DFC .
- Comodoro del aire interino Ronald Ivelaw-Chapman , DFC, AFC .
- Comodoro del aire interino John Lawrance Kirby.
- Capitán de grupo Charles Henry Appleton, DSO, DFC .
- Capitán de grupo Walter Lloyd Dawson .
- Capitán de grupo Edgar Harry Hooper.
- Capitán de grupo Edmund Cuthbert Hudleston .
- Capitán de grupo Sir Henry Nigel St. Valery Norman , Bt. , Reserva de Oficiales de la Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar (fallecido) (nombramiento con fecha del 18 de mayo de 1943).
- Capitán de grupo Douglas Macfadyen .
- Capitán de grupo Bryan Vernon Reynolds.
- Capitán del grupo interino Gareth Guilbert Barrett.
- Capitán de grupo interino Guy Alfred Bolland, Reserva de Oficiales de la Fuerza Aérea.
- Capitán del grupo interino Ronald Beresford Lees , DFC .
- Capitán de grupo interino William Kent Le May, OBE , Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar.
- Capitán del grupo interino Denis Osmond Mulholland, AFC .
- Capitán del grupo interino Geoffrey Nicolas Ernest Tindal-Carill-Worsley .
- Capitán del grupo interino Maurice Wilbraham Sandford Robinson.
- Capitán de grupo interino William Proctor Wilson, Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comodoro del aire interino John Patrick Joseph McCauley , Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana.
- Capitán de grupo Griffith James Powell, Real Fuerza Aérea Canadiense.
- Oficial de grupo interino Selena Frances Wynne-Eyton, Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar Femenina.
División Civil
- Robert Moir Allardyce, OBE, MC, JP , Director de Educación de Glasgow.
- Peter Frederick Astill, presidente del Comité Ejecutivo Agrícola de Guerra de Leicestershire.
- General de brigada Atwell Charles Baylay, DSO , presidente de la Asociación de empleadores de ingeniería y afines , distrito de Birmingham, Wolverhampton y Stafford.
- John Louis Beddington , Director, División de Películas, Ministerio de Información .
- Gordon Charles Boulter, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Herbert Broadley, Subsecretario del Ministerio de Alimentación.
- Walter Carter, presidente del Comité de Gestión de Londres (Reclamaciones por Daños de Guerra), Junta de Comercio.
- Roy Chadwick , FRSA, FRAeS , diseñador jefe y director, AV Roe and Co. Ltd.
- Herbert Comfort Chatfield, Contador General Adjunto, Ministerio de Salud.
- Marjorie Sophie Cox, OBE , Secretaria Adjunta, Ministerio de Pensiones.
- Melville Dinwiddie, DSO, OBE, MC , director escocés, British Broadcasting Corporation .
- Frederic John Dixon, MInstCE, MIMechE , Ingeniero en jefe de la South Staffordshire Water Works Company.
- James Raffan Fiddes, JP , Actuario, Glasgow Savings Bank, Secretario Honorario, Fideicomisario de la Asociación de Cajas de Ahorro .
- Ernest Sydney Grumell, MIME , Presidente del Comité de Eficiencia de Combustible.
- Henry Lewis Guy , DSc, MIMechE, MInstCE, FRS , Presidente del Comité de Diseño de Armas del Consejo Asesor Científico.
- Henry Harrison Hardy, MBE , (Mayor, ex Brigada de Fusileros), Director de la Escuela Shrewsbury .
- Christiana Hartley , JP . Para servicios públicos en Southport.
- Capitán Edward Holland, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- James Spencer Rollings, presidente del Comité Asesor Antideslumbrante de la Federación Británica del Hierro y el Acero . Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Profesor Geoffrey Jefferson , MS, FRCS, FRFPS , Asesor Consultor del Ministro de Salud en Neurocirugía.
- Inez Mary Jenkins, Directora Adjunta, Ejército Terrestre de Mujeres .
- Profesor John Jewkes, Subdirector General de Estadísticas y Programas, Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica.
- John Clague Joughin, OBE , Director Adjunto de Obras Contractuales (Suministros), Almirantazgo. Últimamente, Gerente del Departamento de Construcción del Almirantazgo, Malta.
- Preston Kitchen, OBE , controlador de precauciones contra ataques aéreos y secretario municipal de Middlesbrough. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Thomas Slater Lamb, Director de Bienestar Social, Bristol. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Kenneth Lancelot Macaulay, OBE , Oficial de Finanzas, Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra.
- Thomas Frazer Mackie, presidente, James Mackie and Sons Ltd. , Belfast.
- Henry Main, JP , Director General, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Ltd. Director Regional (Construcción y Reparaciones de Buques Mercantes), Este de Escocia.
- Wilfrid Meynell . Por sus servicios a la literatura.
- Teniente coronel Arthur Erskine-Murray, DSO, DL , Secretario, Asociación del Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea Territorial de Warwick .
- Alan Colin Campbell Orde, Director de Operaciones, British Overseas Airways Corporation .
- Albert William Thomas Orsborn, Comisionado del Ejército de Salvación. Por sus servicios a las Fuerzas Armadas.
- Arthur Joseph Palmer, director de Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Capitán John Sidney Paterson, Oficial Principal, Región Sur, Ministerio de Seguridad Nacional.
- Capitán Francis Richard Jonathan Peel, MC , Jefe de policía de Essex.
- Capitán Bernard Hartley Peter, Representante de la Junta de Comercio de la Junta Regional del Sudoeste. Presidente del Grupo de Exportación de Frenos y Señalización de Ferrocarriles.
- Capitán Cyril Hamley Petherick, OBE , Secretario Adjunto Principal, Ministerio de Finanzas, Irlanda del Norte.
- Reginald Kirshaw Pierson , OBE , diseñador jefe, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd. (aeronaves).
- Henry Pratt, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros de la Marina Mercante.
- Allan Stephen Quartermaine, MC , ingeniero jefe, Great Western Railway Company.
- Percy John Ridd, Ingeniero Jefe Adjunto, Oficina General de Correos .
- Vernon Alec Murray Robertson, MC , (Coronel, Ingenieros Reales, Ejército Territorial), Ingeniero en Jefe, Junta de Transporte de Pasajeros de Londres .
- Charles Stanley Robinson, Director General de Fábricas de Llenado, Ministerio de Abastecimiento.
- Mayor Robert William Sharpe, JP, DL , Presidente del Comité Ejecutivo Agrícola de Berwickshire.
- George Harry Shreeve, Subsecretario del Ministerio de Guerra, Secretario del Comando del Comando Norte.
- Arthur William Smith, Gerente General y Secretario, Departamento de Gas de Birmingham.
- Coronel George Francis Taylor, Asistente Civil, Estado Mayor, Ministerio de Guerra.
- Barnes Neville Wallis , MInstCE, FRAeS , diseñador jefe adjunto, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Capitán de grupo Frederick William Winterbotham . Empleado en un departamento del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
- Concejal Charles Edward Worthington, JP , (Teniente de vuelo, Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea), Controlador de Precauciones contra Ataques Aéreos, Ciudad de Leicester.
- Teniente coronel William Warren Zambra, Secretario, Comité Asesor de Comunicaciones Imperiales.
- William Porter Palgrave Archdale, Gerente del Sindicato de Plantaciones de Sudán.
- Harold Leslie Bowes, súbdito británico residente en Valparaíso.
- Cyril Hubert Cane, MBE , Cónsul General de Su Majestad en Detroit.
- Teniente coronel Wallace Adelbert Lyon, OBE , oficial político del Área Norte de Irak.
- Donald MacNaughton MacRae, OBE , súbdito británico residente en Buenos Aires.
- John Mellor Pattinson, gerente general de la Anglo-Persian Oil Co. en Abadan.
- Teniente coronel William Alexander Collins, DSO . Por sus servicios en la organización de la hospitalidad para las fuerzas de ultramar.
- Thomas Brereton Kennan, MC , Comisionado Residente Adjunto y Secretario de Gobierno, Basutoland.
- Geoffrey Archer Walch, JP , Director de Defensa Civil del Estado de Tasmania.
- Mayor Nawab Abdul Majid Khan, Diler Jang Bahadur, Nawab de Savanur.
- Kenneth George John Headington, Agente, Banco Imperial de India, Cawnpore, Provincias Unidas.
- Jnanendra Nath Mukherjee , DSc , Profesor de Química, Universidad de Calcuta .
- Sri Diwan Bahadur Vangavail Shanmuga Mudaliyar, Dubash, South Indian Export Company, Ltd., Madrás.
- James Ratcliffe Walton, Subcontrolador de Importaciones de Hierro y Acero, Departamento de Suministros, Gobierno de la India.
- Leonard Brown Naylor, Servicio Fronterizo de Birmania, Comisionado Adjunto, Chin Hills.
- Vivian Buchanan Atkinson, Ingeniero Jefe, Administración de Ferrocarriles y Puertos de Kenia y Uganda.
- Robert Annesley Godwin-Austen, Servicio de Topografía Colonial, Director de Registro de Tierras y Topografía, Chipre.
- Algernon Bragg, Servicio de Auditoría Colonial, Auditor, Kenia.
- Herbert John Lowe, MRCVS , Servicio Veterinario Colonial, Director de Servicios Veterinarios, Territorio de Tanganyika.
- Theophilus Albert Marryshow . Para los servicios públicos en Granada, Islas de Barlovento.
- Capitán Clinton Austin Reed, OBE, VD , Contralor de Aduanas, Barbados.
- Alexander Stewart Richardson, Servicio Agrícola Colonial, Director de Agricultura, Protectorado de Nyasalandia.
- Togbi Sri II , OBE , The Awame Fia de Awuna, Gold Coast.
Comandante honorario
- Francis Khayat, Juez de Paz, Tribunal Supremo, Palestina.
Oficial de la Orden del Imperio Británico (OBE)
División Militar
- Marina Real
- Capitán Alfred O'Leary, (retirado).
- Ingeniero Capitán Sydney Greville West, DSC , (retirado).
- Comandante (capitán interino) John Noel Sparks.
- Comandante Henry Villiers Briscoe, (retirado).
- Comandante Henry Norman Scott Brown.
- Comandante Alan FitzRoy Campbell.
- Comandante Harold William Fawcett, (retirado).
- Comandante Gordon Fraser Hannay, (retirado).
- Comandante Thomas Nevil Masterman.
- Comandante Samuel Henry Taylor, (retirado).
- Teniente comandante (comandante interino) Henry Arthur Adeane Mallet, (retirado).
- Comandante Harry Robertson Lane, RD , Reserva Naval Real.
- Comandante Alfred Victor Knight, DSC, RD , Reserva Naval Real Australiana (Navegación).
- Comandante interino Arthur Hugh Dyer, Reserva Naval Real.
- Comandante interino Vladimir Wolfson, Reserva Voluntaria de la Marina Real.
- Teniente comandante (comandante interino) Robert Bagster Atlee Hunt, Marina Real Australiana.
- Ingeniero comandante Francis Henry Smith, (retirado).
- Ingeniero comandante William Mathison, RD , Reserva Naval Real (retirado).
- Comandante (E) Alan Kirkconnel.
- Comandante (E) Francis Egerton Lefroy.
- Comandante (E) William Godfrey Pulvertaft.
- Comandante (E) Cecil Tudor Phillips, RD , Reserva Naval Real.
- Comandante interino (E) Albert Cyril Kirkland Laman.
- Comandante temporal interino (E) George Stephenson Hepton, Reserva Naval Real.
- Comandante cirujano William Arthur Hopkins, MD, BCh, MRCP .
- Comandante constructor Alfred John Sims, Cuerpo Real de Constructores Navales .
- Comandante pagador Jack Richmond Allfrey.
- Comandante pagador Hubert Percival Chapman.
- Comandante pagador William James Grierson Prophit.
- Comandante pagador Charles Edward Cecil Tomkins.
- Comandante pagador Nevil Bruce Whiteley Rose, RD , Reserva Naval Real.
- Mayor (Teniente Coronel Brevet) (Coronel interino) Sidney George Barten Paine, Royal Marines.
- Teniente comandante Norman Warren Fisher.
- Teniente comandante Arthur Alfred Havers.
- Teniente comandante Charles Savage Ewbank Lansdown.
- Teniente comandante interino temporal Frederick Arthur Matson, Reserva Naval Real.
- Teniente comandante temporal (E) Percy Warwick Davies, Reserva Naval Real.
- Teniente comandante interino Richard Eltonhead Rankin, Reserva Naval Real.
- Capitán Richard Francis Verity Griffiths, Royal Marines.
- Elsie May French, Oficial Jefe del Servicio Naval Real Femenino.
- Ejército
- Comandante Superior (Comandante en Jefe temporal) Katharine Acland, MBE , (192025), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Teniente coronel George James Alexander, MC, MB, FRCS , (123120), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Ernest Bader, AMIMechE, AMIEE , (17809), Ingenieros Reales.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) George Boyd Balfour, DSO , (118487), Cuerpo de Pioneros.
- Teniente coronel William Stacpoole Barroll, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real de la India.
- Mayor Walter Samuel Beddall (11494), Cuerpo Educativo del Ejército.
- Teniente coronel Frederick Archibald Bell, MC , Guardia Nacional de Perthshire.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Leslie Francis Berry, Cuerpo de Ingenieros Indios, Ejército de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) George Patrick Demaine Blacker (34570), Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) William Martin Blagden (6553), Ingenieros Reales.
- Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Harry Allan Bleach, MC , (22488), Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel Francis Thomas Blennerhassett, Guardia Nacional de Warwickshire.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) Douglas Harry Bond, MVO, AMIMechE , (26102), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- Coronel John Banks Brady, DSO, ED , Fuerza de Defensa de Rodesia del Sur.
- Teniente coronel Gerald Wilberforce Graham-Bowman, MC , Guardia Nacional de Cumberland.
- Teniente coronel Henry James Brooks, DSO, MC, TD , (23533), Regimiento de Hampshire.
- Teniente coronel Humphrey Bullock, Ejército de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Bernard Maurice Gardner Butterworth (4320), Artillería Real.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Norman Cheney (10803), Cuerpo Real de Fusileros del Rey.
- Teniente coronel Nigel Keppel Charteris, CMG, DSO , Guardia Nacional de Hampshire.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Reginald Evelyn Scott Clephan (122508), Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Teniente coronel (comisario) Arthur William Collinson, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Roubiliac Roignier Conder (38590), Regimiento Real de Norfolk.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Antony Browning Coote (34717), Regimiento de Northamptonshire.
- Mayor (teniente coronel local) Colin Campbell Corkhill, TD , (29940), Regimiento de Tanques Reales.
- Teniente coronel John Southwell Crosby, MC , Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- Teniente coronel Geoffrey Bruce Dawson, MC , Guardia Nacional de Monmouthshire.
- Coronel Robert Dickie, MC , (9995), difunto miembro de The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (de la Princesa Luisa).
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Frederick Knowles Escritt (26278), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) John Victor Faviell, MC , (15145), Regimiento de Lincolnshire.
- Mayor (brigadier interino) Randle Guy Feilden (37199), Guardias de Coldstream.
- Teniente coronel George Richard Samuel Fisher, Guardia Nacional de Staffordshire.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Charles Robert Gerard, DSO , (30290), Granaderos de la Guardia.
- Teniente coronel William Gibson, DSO, MC , Guardia Nacional de Buckinghamshire.
- Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Howard Courtney Goodfellow, AMIMechE , (13961), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) Ronald Gordon, Ejército de la India.
- Teniente coronel William Edward Grace, Guardia Nacional de Sussex.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Basil Alers Hankey (17734), los propios Borderers escoceses del Rey.
- Teniente coronel Alan Scott Hardie, TD , (32891), Artillería Real.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) James Frederic Bowtell-Harris, Ejército de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) (coronel interino) Lionel Herbert Harris, TD, MSc, MIEE , (33028), Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) James Patrick Haugh (23508), Ingenieros Reales.
- Teniente coronel (brigadier interino) Maurice Leslie Hayne, 17º Regimiento Dogra, Ejército de la India.
- Comandante subalterno (comandante en jefe temporal) Rosamund Mary Hicks (1929-07), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Teniente coronel Bassett Fardell Hornor, DSO , Guardia Nacional de Norfolk.
- Mayor Stanley Harold Jardine, Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- Teniente coronel Frank Arthur Jenks, MC , Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- Teniente coronel y coronel honorario John Paul Jordan, MC, TD , (22339), Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel George Edgar Laing, MM , (18363), Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel Alec Sydney Lambert, MC , Guardia Nacional del East Riding.
- Teniente coronel (coronel local) Alexander Stalker Lancaster, 10º Regimiento de Fusileros Gurkha, Ejército de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Selwyn Brooke Lloyd (91552), Artillería Real.
- Mayor Ernest Lionel Mack, VD , Infantería Ligera de Ceilán.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Richard Thomas Ringwood MacManaway (98888), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- Mayor Malik Gul Sher Khan Noon, Ejército de la India.
- Teniente coronel (coronel local) Francis Hay Mardall, Ejército de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Frank Mills, MC , (89612), Artillería Real.
- Mayor Nils Henry Moller (49335), Regimiento de Middlesex (del Duque de Cambridge).
- Teniente coronel (brigadier temporal) Harold Arthur David Murray, TD, DL , (7738), Artillería Real.
- Comandante Superior (Comandante en Jefe temporal) Josephine Mary Murray (192085), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Mayor Robert Charles William Neale, Guardia Nacional de West Riding.
- Teniente coronel Samuel Edward Norris, DSO , Guardia Nacional de Gloucestershire.
- Mayor (brigadier interino) Brian Palliser Tiegue O'Brien, MC , 4.º Regimiento de Fusileros Gurkha (del Príncipe de Gales), Ejército de la India.
- Teniente coronel Edmund Robertson Page, 19º Regimiento de Hyderabad, Ejército de la India.
- Coronel Robert Frederick Pearson, TD , Fuerza de Cadetes del Ejército.
- Teniente coronel Harold William Perryer, MBE, AMIMechE, AMIEE , (14334), Ingenieros reales.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) William Buckley Nicholl Roderick (42704), Guardias de Coldstream.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Lord Russell de Liverpool , MC , (10932), lista de empleados extrarregimentales.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Khan Mohammed Sana, Servicio Médico de la India, Ejército de la India.
- Teniente coronel Arthur Lewis Scaife, MC , (45303), Regimiento de Hampshire.
- Mayor Robert Scarth, Guardia Nacional de Orkney.
- Mayor Edward Owen Sewell, MC , (69882), Regimiento del Sur de Lancashire (Voluntarios del Príncipe de Gales).
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Frank Victor Sharpe, Fuerzas Militares Australianas.
- Teniente coronel Maurice Rowton Simpson, TD , (7003), Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel Frank William Sopper, Guardia Nacional de Invernessshire.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) James Francis Stallard (139025), Regimiento de Devonshire.
- Teniente coronel Arthur William Stericker, DSO , Guardia Nacional de Cornualles.
- Teniente coronel Henry Howard Stoney, DSO , Guardia Nacional de Wiltshire.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Ralph Francis Ewart Stoney (23691), Ingenieros Reales.
- Teniente coronel James Knights Trench, Guardia Nacional del Oeste de Riding.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Kenneth Hugh Treseder (30955), Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Cecil Douglas Lovett Turner, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Edward Roger Vickers, DSO, MC , (15368), Regimiento de West Yorkshire (del Príncipe de Gales).
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Frederick William Sinclair Walker (39980), Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército Real.
- Mayor (temporal) John Oldknow Widdows, MC , Fuerza de Defensa de Ceilán.
- Matrícula principal en jefe Louisa Jane Wilkinson , RRC , (206505), Servicio de Enfermería Militar Imperial de la Reina Alejandra.
- Coronel Ivan Stuart Wilson, MC, ED, FRCS , Fuerzas Militares de Nueva Zelanda.
- Comandante Superior (Comandante en Jefe temporal) Alba Windham (1928-20), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Teniente coronel Robert Emmet Winning, Fuerzas Militares Australianas.
- Real Fuerza Aérea
- Comandante de ala George Burges, DFC , (33225).
- Estuche Wing Commander Albert Avion (37035).
- Comandante de ala William Ivor Grantham (05187).
- Comandante de ala George Douglas Green (18169).
- Comandante de ala (ahora capitán de grupo interino) George Henry Foss (36024).
- Comandante de ala Harold Edmund Hills (90463), Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar.
- Comandante de ala Lionel Arthur Jackson (31062).
- Comandante de ala William Kidd (75529), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala Crystal Lorimer (11099).
- Comandante de ala George Sydney Arthur Parnaby (34173).
- Comandante de ala (ahora capitán de grupo interino) George Cannon Pinkerton, DFC , (90160), Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar.
- Comandante de ala Frederick Ernest Rosier, DSO , (37425).
- Comandante de ala Reginald Bryson Wardman, AFC , (29028).
- Comandante de ala interino George Robert Charles Baker (31482).
- Comandante de ala interino John Roby Bloxam, DFC , (41544), Reserva de Oficiales de la Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino Basil Drewe, MC , (76053), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino George Herbert Laurence Easterbrook (75885), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino William Reginald Farnes (40097), Reserva de Oficiales de la Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino Ralph Hiscox (90083), Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar.
- Comandante de ala interino John Graham Balfour Hutchings (79097), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino Asher Lee (77734), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino Derek Fitzgerald Massy (72888), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino George Percy Scott Pollard (79192), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala interino Arthur George Sutton (31165).
- Comandante de ala interino Edward George Wooberry (43652).
- Comandante de ala honorario Alexander Spurgeon Fletcher, Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Líder de escuadrón Harold Adams (90099), Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar.
- Líder de escuadrón Edgar Clifford Graham Badcock (19074), Reserva Voluntaria de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Líder de escuadrón Julian Salmon (73384), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Líder de escuadrón Arthur Courtenay Snow (06135).
- Líder de escuadrón interino Herbert Frank Bishop, AFC , (43464).
- Líder de escuadrón interino Rowland David George (75777), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Líder de escuadrón interino William James Grace (80664).
- Líder de escuadrón interino Guy Henry Harley (80578), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Líder de escuadrón interino Archibald Walter Dixon How (43877).
- Líder de escuadrón interino Arthur Neville Jarvis (44006).
- Líder de escuadrón interino Norman Walter Kearon (31334).
- Líder de escuadrón interino Anthony Stuart Linney (41717), Reserva de Oficiales de la Fuerza Aérea.
- Líder de escuadrón interino Gordon William Sydney Rice (79977), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Líder de escuadrón interino Leonard William Wells (76395), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Comandante de ala Henry Talbot Hammond, (Aus.180), Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana.
- Líder de escuadrón interino Clyde Gladstone O'Dea (Aus.407048), Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana.
- Comandante de ala Michael Keogh, AM , Real Fuerza Aérea de Nueva Zelanda.
- Comandante de ala William Hives Eastwood, Fuerza Aérea de Rodesia del Sur.
División Civil
- Maurice Edward Adams, AMInstCE , Ingeniero Civil Superintendente del Almirantazgo, Sudáfrica.
- Lionel Raymond Allen, DSO , presidente del Grupo de exportación de medias y prendas de punto.
- Jonah Arnold, JP , presidente del Comité de Empleo de Neath.
- Walter Martin Ash, FRCS(Ed), MB, DPH , Oficial Médico de Salud del Condado de Derbyshire. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Margery Alice Creswick Atkinson, ARRC , Oficial de Capacitación en Defensa Civil, Servicios Voluntarios de Mujeres para la Defensa Civil.
- Robert Atkinson, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Samuel Baker, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- El concejal Lionel Frank Bartle. Por los servicios públicos en Caernarvonshire.
- Thomas Henry Barton, director general y presidente de Barton Transport Ltd.
- Charles Edward Batey, impresor asistente de la Universidad de Oxford .
- Leslie Herbert Bedford, ingeniero jefe de investigación, AC Cossor Ltd.
- Edward Pater Bell, DCM , Director, Oficina General de Correos.
- Capitán John Leslie Bennet, Presidente del Consejo de Área, Legión Británica, Irlanda del Norte.
- Capitán Gordon William Bennett, capitán de aeronave, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Concejal Sydney George Bevan, JP , Presidente del Comité de Empleo de Goole.
- Thomas William Birnie, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros de la Marina Mercante.
- Arnold du Toit Bottomley, Ingeniero de Grupo, Grupo 3, Región de Defensa Civil de Londres.
- John Brockis, director del Departamento de Suministros del Condado, Consejo del Condado de West Riding of Yorkshire. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Capitán Samuel Browne, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Frank Leonard Bunn, jefe de policía de Stoke-on-Trent.
- Robert Black Carnegie, agrimensor de carreteras del condado de Inverness.
- Norman William Castle, ingeniero municipal en funciones y agrimensor del Ayuntamiento de Folkestone. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Arthur Stanley Charlton, Oficial Regional Superior, Ministerio de Salud.
- Cecil Harry Chester, MIMechE, MInstGasE , Asesor Regional de Ingeniería de Gas, Región Sudoeste.
- Henry Birch Clark, Director, Ministerio de Trabajo y Servicio Nacional.
- Capitán William Lancelot Clibborn, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Ben Cockram, Secretario Político, Oficina del Alto Comisionado en la Unión Sudafricana para el Gobierno de Su Majestad en el Reino Unido.
- Joy Frances Ivan Colvin, presidente y secretario organizador honorario de las Bibliotecas de Guerra de la Marina Real.
- Kathleen Vera Bowerbank Coni, directora del Hospital de Maternidad Municipal de Hull. Vicepresidenta del Colegio de Matronas .
- George Henry Cook, jefe de policía de Sunderland.
- Harold John Crowe, Director, Departamento del Interior de Escocia.
- William Crowson, director especial y superintendente de obras, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Capitán Rhys Wiltshire Davies, MBE, FSI, FAI , Oficial Jefe de Tierras, Ministerio del Aire.
- Capitán Ernest Richard Davis, Comodoro Maestro de Cable & Wireless Ltd.
- Elizabeth Dawson, directora del condado, Sociedad de la Cruz Roja Británica (rama escocesa).
- Philip Ivor Dee , FRS , Oficial Científico Principal, Establecimiento de Investigación de Telecomunicaciones, Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica.
- Moira Whitley Dennehy, Oficial Principal, Ministerio de Guerra Económica.
- Charles Matthew Derricks, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Concejal Ernest John Dobson, JP , alcalde de Deal y presidente del Comité de Emergencia. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Sidney Herbert Dodd, Secretario, Federación Británica de Fabricantes de Cerámica Presidente, Asociación de Fabricantes de Azulejos Esmaltados.
- Bernard Arthur Duncan, AMInstCE, AMIMechE, ARFAeS , Superintendente, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Peter Dunn, oficial de bomberos, grado I, región escocesa, Servicio Nacional de Bomberos.
- Robert Meredydd Wynne-Edwards, DSO, MC , Director de Trabajo y Planta, Ministerio de Obras.
- Capitán Thomas Charles Enos, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán William John Enright, RD (Comandante, Reserva Naval Real, retirado), Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Arthur Eves, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Alexander Fairley, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Edward Farminer, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Reginald Hugh Faro, ingeniero jefe, Pickfords Ltd.
- Hugh Ferrier, Director General, Rankin & Blackmore Ltd.
- William Frame, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros de la Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Ernest Edmund Fresson , Director General, Scottish Airways Ltd.
- Profesor Frederic Horace Garner, PhD, MSc, MIChemE, FIC , Profesor de Ingeniería y Refinación de Petróleo, Universidad de Birmingham .
- Sidney Barrington Gates, Oficial Científico Principal, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica.
- Concejal James Gilliland , JP , Presidente de la Asociación de Mineros de Durham.
- John Glaisyer, Registrador, Registro de Sucesiones de Birmingham.
- El concejal Frederick Herbert Baker Gough, presidente del Comité de precauciones contra ataques aéreos de Scunthorpe y presidente del Comité de Emergencia.
- William Greene, MBE, JP, DL (Coronel, Guardia Nacional), Presidente del Comité de Pensiones de Guerra de Stoke-on-Trent Cheadle y Distrito.
- Concejal Alfred Robert Grindlay, JP , presidente del Comité de Ahorros de Coventry.
- Henry James Haggar, Inspector Jefe de Buques, Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra.
- Alfred William Henry Hall, Comisionado Comercial de Su Majestad (Grado 2) para Rhodesia del Sur y del Norte y Nyasalandia.
- Mayor Bernard Peace Hall, Oficial de Bienestar Local, Comando Norte.
- Robert Hannah, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- George William Harriman, Gerente de Producción, Austin Motor Co. Ltd.
- Alick Robin Walsham Harrison, recientemente Secretario Privado del Ministro de Alimentación; ahora Director Adjunto de Relaciones Públicas del Ministerio de Alimentación.
- William Arthur Harrison, ingeniero municipal y agrimensor de Bootle. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Capitán William Horatio Hartman, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán cirujano Gerald Silvester Harvey, MB, BCh , Marina Real (retirado), Instructor Superior (médico) y Comandante Adjunto, Escuela del Ministerio de Seguridad Nacional, Falfield.
- Charles Frederick Haynes, Contador Adjunto y Contralor General, Junta de Ingresos Internos.
- Arthur John Hewitt, Gerente General, Coventry Gauge & Tool Co. Ltd.
- Harold Hillier, MIMechE , director e ingeniero ejecutivo principal, G. & J. Weir Ltd.
- Arthur Reginald Gorman Hudson, Gerente General, Departamento de Almacenes, Organización de Guerra Conjunta de la Sociedad de la Cruz Roja Británica y la Orden de San Juan.
- Mark Talbut Hughes, Tesorero del Condado, Consejo del Condado de West Sussex.
- Thomas Frederick Hurley, AMInstCE , Oficial Científico Principal, Estación de Investigación de Combustible, Departamento de Investigación Científica e Industrial.
- Stacey Ratcliffe Ingold, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- James William Innes, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Humphrey Jamison, Secretario General del Sindicato de Agricultores del Ulster.
- Capitán David Jacob Jones, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Frederick Arthur Kennett, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Thomas Arthur Kent, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Harold Charles Kenworthy, empleado en un Departamento del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
- Lawrence William Kershaw, AMInstCE , Director, Leicester College of Technology and Commerce.
- Alfred Lionel Kewney, MINA , Director y Gerente, Amos & Smith Ltd.
- James Charles Patrick Kinsman (Capitán, Ejército Territorial, retirado), Asistente jurídico superior, Oficina del Procurador General de Su Majestad y Procurador del Tesoro.
- Mayor Charles Henry Maxwell Knight, Asistente Civil, Estado Mayor, Ministerio de Guerra.
- Capitán Charles Rolls Knight, Maestro, Marina Mercante.
- George Harry Knighton, Oficial Principal de Costos, Ministerio de Guerra.
- George Palmer Laidlaw, presidente del Comité Asesor de la Zona Sur de Glasgow y del Consejo de Glasgow para el Servicio Comunitario en Desempleo.
- Barbara Katharine Lea, JP , Presidenta del Comité de Mujeres del Ejército Terrestre de Worcestershire.
- Capitán Albert Edward Leak, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán George Legg, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- James Campbell Leslie, Director Ejecutivo, Comité Ejecutivo Agrícola de Guerra de Essex.
- James Miller Linton, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Edward Salterne Litteljohn, MRCS, LRCP , Superintendente médico, Institución certificada por el Consejo del condado de Londres, Epsom.
- Teniente coronel Claude Darcy George Lyon, DSO, DL , Secretario, Asociación del Ejército Territorial del Condado de Somerset.
- Gerald Bernard McCormick, MBE , Subdirector Principal de Suministro de Armamento, Almirantazgo.
- Ranald Macdonald, Inspector Superior, División Infantil, Ministerio del Interior.
- Patrick Frederick McFarlan, MB, ChB, FRCS(Ed) , Presidente de la Junta Directiva, Stirling Royal Infirmary.
- Alexander John Mackenzie, DSC, JP , preboste del burgo de Stornoway.
- El Honorable Walter Symington Maclay, MD, MRCP , Superintendente Médico del Hospital de Emergencias de Mill Hill.
- Donald McQueen, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros de la Marina Mercante.
- Archibald McTaggart, JP , Secretario Regional, Consejo Regional Escocés, Federación Nacional de Operadores de Sindicatos de la Construcción.
- John George Mann, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- William John Marlow, Director de Licencias de Maquinaria, Departamento de Suministros Industriales, Junta de Comercio.
- William Mason, oficial de precauciones contra ataques aéreos, Birmingham.
- Concejal Harry Percival Evelyn Mears, Controlador de Precauciones contra Ataques Aéreos y Oficial de Grupo, Bournemouth.
- Oliver Mee, MBE, Director de Trabajo, Región Noroeste, Ministerio de Combustible y Energía.
- Profesor Stephen Pascal Mercer, Oficial Superior de Investigación Técnica, Ministerio de Agricultura, Irlanda del Norte.
- Mayor David Kinloch Michie, DSO, FSI, JP, DL , Controlador de precauciones contra ataques aéreos, Renfrewshire y Puerto Glasgow.
- Adam McMorran Millar. Por los servicios públicos en Edimburgo.
- Capitán David Miller, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Harold Mills, Controlador Jefe de Suministros, Institutos de la Armada, el Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea.
- Capitán Frederick Monckton Milnes, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Alexander Alfred Moffat, secretario municipal y secretario de paz de Ipswich. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- George Mould, Oficial de Información Regional, Región Noroeste, Ministerio de Información.
- John Wallis Muirhead, Asesor Honorario de Prevención de Incendios, Sede Regional de Defensa Civil del Noroeste.
- Thomas Frederick Mulvenny. Por sus servicios en pro del bienestar de los marineros.
- Capitán Horace Frederick Moncrieff Munro, jefe de policía de Ayrshire.
- Thomas Murray, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros de la Marina Mercante.
- Percy Bantock Nevill, FCA . Por sus servicios al Movimiento de Boy Scouts.
- Joseph William Newsom, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Noel Francis Newsome, Director de Transmisiones Europeas, British Broadcasting Corporation.
- Reginald Alfred Nursey, Jefe de Sección, Ministerio de Salud.
- Patrick O'Neill, jefe de policía de Kendal y controlador de precauciones contra ataques aéreos de Westmorland.
- Capitán Ellis Arthur Organ, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Lewis Tecwyn Owen, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Frederick Harold Dunn Page, ingeniero de señales y telégrafos, Reading, Great Western Railway Company.
- Capitán John Hutt Patterson, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Teniente coronel John Norman Peck, MC , ingeniero civil de distrito, London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company.
- Bernard William Phillips, Director, Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca.
- Alfred Pilling, FCA, JP , Presidente del Comité de Empleo de Bolton.
- William Thomas Pirie, Secretario Municipal y Controlador de Precauciones contra Ataques Aéreos, Distrito de Willesden.
- Charles Montague Power, MC , Inspector de Hospitales, Organización de Guerra Conjunta de la Sociedad de la Cruz Roja Británica y la Orden de San Juan.
- Concejal Noel Edward Purcell. Vicepresidente del Consejo del Condado de Cornualles para los servicios públicos en Cornualles.
- Samuel Herbert Quayle, Contralor, Oficina de Estadística, Junta de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales.
- Herbert Vere Redman, Director, División del Lejano Oriente, Ministerio de Información.
- Capitán David MacQueen Reid, DSC , Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Geraldine Elizabeth de Teissier, Lady Rendel, Vicepresidenta del Comité de Chozas y Comedores de la Liga de Mujeres Católicas.
- Teniente coronel Henry Sacheverell Carleton Richardson, DL , comandante del condado, policía especial del Ulster.
- Janie Lemey Craig Roberton, Presidenta, División de Glasgow, Asociación de Familias de Soldados, Marineros y Aviadores.
- Capitán George Edward Roberts, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Mayor Gilbert Odell Searle, Superintendente, Establecimiento de lino de Norfolk de Su Majestad.
- Capitán William Shaw, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Alfred Younger Smellie, MBE , Director Adjunto de Cuentas, Ministerio del Aire.
- Herbert Smith, Secretario de la Asociación de Comercio de Semillas Agrícolas, de la Junta de Importación de Semillas y de la Asociación de Comerciantes de Maquinaria Agrícola.
- Harry Adam Smith, secretario honorario y tesorero de la Sociedad de Ayuda a Soldados, Marineros y Aviadores de Sussex.
- Olga May Snowden, directora de hospitales municipales de la ciudad de Birmingham. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Cynthia Elinor Beatrix, condesa Spencer , presidenta del Comité del condado del Ejército de Mujeres de la Tierra para Northamptonshire.
- Augustus Neville Spriggs, Gerente General de Obras, Hawker Aircraft Ltd.
- Alice Gwendolen Stokoe, organizadora del comedor del Comité de Educación de Kent.
- Edgar Rouse Sutcliffe, presidente y director general de Sutcliffe Speakman & Co. Ltd.
- Richard Courtney Smith Taylor, Subdirector General Adjunto de Pagos.
- Concejal William Johnson Taylor , DL , Presidente de la Asociación del Cuerpo de Entrenamiento Aéreo de Yorkshire.
- Robert Attey Thomas, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Percy Dudley Townsend, Capitán de la Marina Mercante.
- George Walter Tripp, Director Adjunto de Producción de Municiones para Armas, Ministerio de Abastecimiento.
- Capitán William Trowsdale, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Henry Edward Upton, MIMechE, MIMarE , Director técnico de Serck Radiators Ltd.
- Cyril Frank Uwins , piloto de pruebas jefe, Bristol Aeroplane Company.
- Frederick George Webster, Secretario Municipal, Carlisle.
- Capitán Alfred Paget Whitehead, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán William Henry Wilcox, piloto de Liverpool, Junta de Muelles y Puerto de Mersey.
- Charles Douglas Young, Recaudador, Dover, Junta de Aduanas e Impuestos.
- James Thomas Young, Gerente Regional, Reading, Comisión de Daños de Guerra.
- Margaret Corbett, ciudadana británica residente en Buenos Aires.
- David Sydney Davies, MD, BCh, FRCS , médico de la Legación de Su Majestad en Teherán.
- Cyril Alfred Flux Dundas. Representante del British Council en Oriente Medio.
- Louise France, ciudadana británica residente en la ciudad de Nueva York.
- Robert Gilliland, súbdito británico residente en Madrid.
- Mayor Edward Alexander Kinch, Oficial Político Adjunto, Zona Norte, Irak.
- Capitán Thomas Menzies (retirado), inspector veterinario superior, Servicio Veterinario de Sudán.
- Robert Stuart, súbdito británico residente en Buenos Aires.
- John Campbell Thomson, MVO, MBE , Contador Superintendente de la Embajada de Su Majestad en Washington.
- Frederick Hibberd Tomlyn, Secretario Adjunto de Asuntos Orientales de la Embajada de Su Majestad en El Cairo.
- George Arnold , DSc , Director del Museo Nacional de Rhodesia.
- John Dennis, presidente de la Unión Nacional de Agricultores de Rhodesia del Sur.
- Mary Hughes Fotheringham. Para los servicios de bienestar social en el estado de Australia del Sur.
- Dorothy Alexandra, Lady James. Por sus servicios en la organización de la hospitalidad para las fuerzas armadas de ultramar.
- Edith Harvey Job, presidenta de la Asociación de Consuelo de la Guerra de Terranova en Londres.
- James Vincent Lochrie, empleado de Empire Cotton Growing Corporation en Suazilandia.
- Hugh James Martin. Por los servicios públicos en el estado de Victoria.
- Sarah Powell. Por los servicios de bienestar social en el estado de Victoria, especialmente para los familiares de los miembros de las fuerzas armadas.
- Cornelius John Swift, recientemente Director General de Correos de Rodesia del Sur.
- George Edmond Brackenbury Abell , Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario Privado Adjunto de Su Excelencia el Virrey y, recientemente, Secretario de Su Excelencia el Gobernador del Punjab.
- Khan Bahadur Syed Ainuddin, MBE , Dewan, estado de Charkhari, India central.
- Wilfred Temple Aldous, VD, JP , Gerente de Tráfico, Bombay, Baroda y Central India Railway, Bombay.
- Sudhangsu Kumar Banerji, Servicio Meteorológico de la India, Meteorólogo supervisor, Bombay.
- Rai Bahadur Prafulla Kumar Biswas, Policía de la India (retirado), Superintendente Especial Adicional de Policía, División de Inteligencia, Bengala.
- Brigadier Eric James Boughton, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real de la India, Controlador Jefe de Compras (Productos Alimenticios), Departamento de Alimentos, Gobierno de la India.
- Brij Narayan, asesor financiero adjunto, Finanzas Militares, Gobierno de la India.
- Mayor Sir Benjamin Denis Gonville Bromhead, Bt. , Comandante, Milicia Zhob, Baluchistán.
- Walter Telham Bryant Presidente del Delhi Improvement Trust y recientemente Secretario Privado de Su Excelencia el Gobernador de Madrás.
- Sardar Bahadur Sardar Prabh Singh Chawla, MIE , Servicio Indio de Ingenieros (retirado), Presidente del Tribunal Laboral del Servicio Nacional de la Provincia de Punjab y la Frontera Noroeste.
- Teniente coronel John William Clarke, magistrado especial de ferrocarriles, Allahabad, Provincias Unidas.
- Clarence James Creed, MC , Policía de la India, Inspector General Adjunto de Policía, Southern Range, Patna, Bihar.
- Ghulam Ahmed, Policía de la India, Subdirector, Oficina de Inteligencia, Departamento del Interior, Gobierno de la India.
- Coronel William Oscar Henderson, Gerente General, Tinplate Company of India, Ltd., Golmuri, Distrito Singhbhum, Bihar.
- Mayor Robert Thomas Hicks, Servicio Médico Indio, Cirujano Civil, Cuttack, Orissa.
- Wilfred Owen Penderel Hodder, Policía de la India, Asistente del Inspector General de Policía, Departamento de Investigación Criminal, Provincia de la Frontera Noroeste.
- Arthur Hughes, Servicio Civil de la India, Comisionado de Trabajo y Registrador de Sindicatos, Bengala.
- Edwin William Hunt, Policía de la India, Superintendente de Policía, Oficial de Radio de la Policía Militar, Bareilly, Provincias Unidas.
- Ronald Churchill Ivey, Superintendente Adjunto de Transporte, Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Bombay.
- Jagannath Vishwanath Joshi, Asesor Económico Adjunto, Departamento de Comercio, Gobierno de la India.
- Noel Gerald Brudenell Kirwan, Vicepresidente, Junta de Expansión del Mercado del Café de la India, Bangalore.
- John Chalice Lobb, Policía de la India, Superintendente Superior de Policía, Delhi.
- Herbert Joseph Longley, Gerente, Gresham and Craven (India), Ltd., Entally, Calcuta.
- Ronald MacDonald, gerente, plantación de té Mokalbari, distrito de Lakhimpur, Assam.
- William McLean, MBE , Registrador, Universidad de Madrás .
- Alfred Norval Mitchell, Servicio Político Indio, Agente Político, Agencia del Estado de Orissa.
- David Ian Rennie Muir, Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario del Alto Comisionado para la India en la Unión Sudafricana.
- Chintamin Govinda Pandit, MB, BS, PhD, DPH, DTM , Director, King Institute, Guindy.
- Claude Frederick Parry, Policía de la India, Comandante, Policía del Representante de la Corona, Neemuch, Rajputana.
- Stanley Henry Prater , JP , miembro de la Asamblea Legislativa, curador, Museo Príncipe de Gales de la India Occidental, Bombay.
- Chidambara Aiyar Rajagopala Aiyar, MBE , Controlador de Cuentas Militares, Comando Central.
- Gerald George Ray, Policía de la India, Superintendente de Distrito de Policía, Ahmedabad, Bombay.
- Sri Vadamalai Ayyar Seshasayee Ayyar, director general, South Madras Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd., Trichinopoly, Madrás.
- Teniente coronel Jelal Moochool Shah, MBE , Servicio Médico Indio (retirado), Superintendente, Grupo de Hospitales JJ, Bombay.
- Rajal Narayan Pratap Singh, MBE , Zamindar, Malhajani, distrito de Etawah, Provincias Unidas.
- Vernon Bruce Stainton, Servicio Civil Indio, Comisionado Adjunto, Rawalpindi, Punjab.
- Mayor David Thompson, administrador civil, Kamaran.
- Sydney Ellis White, Gerente, Sucursal Karachi, National Bank of India, Ltd., Sind.
- Francis Gerald Gribble, Policía India de Wright, Asistente del Inspector General de Policía, Provincias Centrales y Berar.
- Mayor (Teniente Coronel temporal) Harold Westland Wright, Superintendente, Inspección de la India.
- Capitán Sultan Raja Haider Zaman Khan, MBE , Jefe de la tribu Gakhar, Hazara, Oficial Asistente de Reclutamiento Técnico, Peshawar, Provincia de la Frontera Noroeste.
- John Francis Hunter Nicolson, MC , Servicio Indio de Ingenieros, Director de Obras Públicas, Estados Federados Shan.
- Mayor Thein, Director General Adjunto de Correos y Telégrafos de Birmania.
- William Allan, Servicio Agrícola Colonial, Director Adjunto de Agricultura, Rodesia del Norte.
- Norman Frederick Stewart Andrews, Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Secretario Jefe Adjunto, Rhodesia del Norte.
- Ralph Henry Bassett, Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Oficial de Clase II, Servicio Civil de Ceilán.
- Teniente Coronel Anthony Lawrence Bartolo, Director de Mano de Obra, Malta.
- Roger Calleja, MD , Servicio Médico Colonial, Oficial Médico Superior, Protectorado de Nyasalandia.
- Edward Baglietto Cottrell. Por los servicios públicos en Gibraltar.
- Capitán Eric Reginald Davis. Por los servicios públicos en Kenia.
- Stanley Tristram Dunstan, vicedirector, The Prince of Wales's College , Achimota, Gold Coast.
- Edwin Baron Garnett, Servicio Postal Colonial, Ingeniero de División, Departamento de Correos y Telégrafos, Palestina.
- Ernest Villiers Hunter, LMS . Por su labor médica misionera en el Protectorado de Uganda.
- Alexander McDonald Bruce Hutt, Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Oficial de Distrito, Territorio de Tanganyika.
- Arthur Oswald Jenkins, Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Comisionado Provincial Adjunto, Protectorado de Uganda.
- John Roger Kynaston. Por los servicios públicos en Adén.
- Kenneth Gordon Lindsay, Servicio Administrativo Colonial, Oficial de Distrito, Kenia.
- Donald McBride, recientemente Representante del Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra en Trinidad.
- Capitán Reginald Morison Millar, MBE , Superintendente de la prisión de Nassau, Bahamas.
- Philip Edward Noel Mortimer. Por los servicios públicos en Jamaica.
- Thomas Arthur Manly Nash, Entomólogo, Departamento Médico, Nigeria.
- Wilfred Padley, Representante del Gobierno de Malta en Egipto, para la coordinación de suministros.
- Sabapathipillai Rajanayagam, Ingeniero Supervisor de Telecomunicaciones, Departamento de Correos y Telégrafos, Ceilán.
- Donald Sturdy, Servicio Agrícola Colonial, Oficial Agrícola Superior, Territorio de Tanganyika.
- David Arnold Thompson. Por los servicios públicos en Gold Coast.
- Rachel Trim, directora adjunta de Woman Power, Kenia.
- Robert Orchard Williams, Servicio Agrícola Colonial, Subdirector de Agricultura, Trinidad.
- Eustace George Woolford. Por los servicios públicos en la Guayana Británica.
- Reverendo Canon Ruthven Alexanderson Wright, capellán colonial. Por su labor de bienestar social en Nigeria.
Oficial honorario
- Omar Effendi al Bitar, presidente de la Comisión Municipal de Jaffa, Palestina.
Miembro de la Orden del Imperio Británico (MBE)
División Militar
- Marina Real
- Teniente comandante George Hermon Gill , Reserva de Voluntarios de la Marina Real Australiana.
- Teniente comandante interino temporal Ralph Palmer Robertson Taylor, Reserva Naval Real.
- Teniente comandante temporal interino (A) Basil Alfred Gregory Meads, Reserva de Voluntarios de la Marina Real.
- Teniente Ernest Archer.
- Teniente Percy Albert Merrin, (retirado).
- Teniente John Edward Poulden.
- Teniente William Thomas Huntriss, Reserva Naval Real.
- Teniente temporal Hesketh John Hesketh, Fuerzas Navales Sudafricanas (voluntario).
- Teniente temporal William McNaughton, Reserva Naval Real.
- Teniente temporal Harry Tarbottan, Reserva Naval Real.
- Teniente temporal Juan Boyd Bald, Reserva Voluntaria de la Marina Real.
- Teniente temporal Ralph Dixon Coates, Reserva Voluntaria de la Marina Real.
- Teniente (E) Maurice Aubrey Lawrence Cooper.
- Teniente (E) Arthur Edwin Urell.
- Teniente (E) Durward John Scott, Reserva Naval Real.
- Teniente comandante interino (E) Alexander Charles Lyons Aiken, Reserva Naval Real.
- Capitán (Intendente) Bernard James Teeling, Royal Marines.
- Teniente telegrafista temporal Halson Philpott, Marina Real de Nueva Zelanda.
- Teniente cirujano temporal Charles Gordon Scorer, MB, FRCS , Reserva Voluntaria Naval Real.
- Teniente carpintero de barco Henry Leslie Haines Burden, (retirado).
- El teniente carpintero de barcos John Joseph Cliffe.
- Teniente pagador Thomas Patrick Gillespie.
- Teniente pagador Reginald Charles Watson, Marina Real Australiana.
- Capitán temporal de la Barcaza John Evans, Reserva Naval Real.
- Capitán temporal Robert Erskine Wetherly, 1059 TS, Reserva Naval Real.
- El señor William James Durrant, artillero comisionado.
- El señor Ernest Roberts, artillero comisionado.
- El señor Harry Kelly, contramaestre de señales comisionado.
- El señor Harry George Guy, telegrafista comisionado.
- Sr. William Joseph Blackeby, Ingeniero Comisionado.
- Sr. Charles Rupert Hillard, Oficial de Suministros Comisionado.
- Sr. Thomas Cleave Hawken, Suboficial de Suministros.
- Sr. Cecil Thomas Pomeroy, Carpintero de barco suplente temporal.
- El señor George Harcourt Prentice, suboficial temporal maestro de armas.
- Sr. Henry John Waters, Superintendente Adjunto, Royal Marines.
- Margaret Rose Rathborne, primera oficial interina del Servicio Naval Real Femenino.
- Catherine Honor Finch-Noyes, Segunda Oficial, Servicio Naval Real Femenino.
- Ejército
- No. 4379287 Suboficial Clase II Sargento Mayor de Compañía Thomas Abraham Adams, The Green Howards (Regimiento de Yorkshire de Alexandra, Princesa de Gales).
- Subedar Mayor Mohammed Alam, Cuerpo de Ingenieros Indios, Ejército de la India.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Richard Malpas Allen (47927), Regimiento Real de Norfolk.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Sinclair Wemyss Arbuthnot (92253), Artillería Real.
- No. 7305 Suboficial Clase I Sargento Mayor Regimiento William Atkins, Regimiento de Middlesex (del Duque de Cambridge).
- No. 54347 Suboficial Clase I Sargento Mayor Harry Ayrton, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- Capitán (mayor en funciones) Richard Dennis Ball (52274), Regimiento de Cheshire.
- Capitán Clive Ormsby Barnes, MB , (97067), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Capitán John Henderson Beale, Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Guy Bolsover, MC , (112526), Ingenieros Reales.
- Mayor Frank Kirkham Boswell, Guardia Nacional de Lincolnshire.
- Capitán (Intendente) (Mayor temporal) Gilbert John Boustead (86766), Lista de empleados extrarregimentales.
- No. 1854536 Sargento mayor de regimiento Bernard William Bowles, Ingenieros Reales.
- Capitán (Intendente) John Butterworth (1705-10-17), Lista de empleados extrarregimentales.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) William Byrne, Ejército de la India.
- Capitán Kenneth Somerville Caldwell, MA, PhD , Guardia Nacional de Buckinghamshire.
- Capitán Cecil Robert Metcalf-Cannon, Guardia Nacional de Cambridgeshire.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) John Wilde Carrington (100798), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- No. 1667066 Suboficial Clase II Sargento Mayor de Batería John James Chalmers, Artillería Real.
- Teniente (comisario adjunto) Sidney Charles Chandler, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército de la India.
- No. 4178967 Sargento de intendencia (Sargento de sala de ordenanzas) Percy Chard, Los Fusilieros Reales de Welch.
- No. 5173656 Suboficial Clase II Sargento Mayor de Batería Arthur Thomas Chilcott, Artillería Real.
- Capitán Douglas Chisholm, Guardia Nacional de Banffshire.
- No. 7594265 Suboficial Clase II Sargento Intendente de Estado Mayor Stanley Clarke, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército Real.
- No. 7685491 Suboficial Clase II Charles Henry Cocking, Cuerpo de Inteligencia.
- No. 4606156 Suboficial Clase I Sargento Mayor Regimiento Sydney Edward Code, Cuerpo Blindado Real.
- Capellán de las Fuerzas de 4ta Clase El reverendo Thomas Cook (99981), Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército Real.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Arthur Robert Cooper (113253), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Ernest Owen Cooper (77358), Cuerpo de Pago del Ejército Real.
- Subalterna (comandante subalterna temporal) Barbara Woodly Davey (223849), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Mayor John Langdon-Davies , Guardia Nacional de Sussex.
- Capitán Rex Graham Davis , MC , (99135), Regimiento de Tanques Reales, Cuerpo Blindado Real.
- Capitán Sidney Edward Davis, Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- Teniente John William Dickson, Guardia Nacional de Orkney.
- Teniente Ernest Alfred Didcote, Guardia Nacional de Surrey.
- Mayor (Intendente) John Pearson Dobson, DCM, MM , (40885), Regimiento de York y Lancaster.
- Teniente (Intendente) William James Dorman (154933), Guardias Escoceses.
- No. 2609380 Suboficial Clase I, Superintendente Archibald George Douglas, Granaderos de la Guardia.
- Capitán (Intendente) Frederick James Edwards (98557), Regimiento de Dorsetshire.
- Teniente coronel Lawrence Edwards, Fuerza de Cadetes del Ejército.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) William Edward Epson (1854-98), Lista general.
- Teniente John Thomas Essam, Guardia Nacional de Cheshire.
- Capitán (Intendente) Charles Stanley Fairbairn (79577), Artillería Real.
- Suboficial Clase II, Sargento Mayor de Compañía George William Fairbairn, Guardia Nacional de Northumberland.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) (comisario adjunto) Albert Farman, Cuerpo de Empleados del Ejército de la India.
- Capitán (Intendente) Wilfred Jack Fenn (88622), Artillería Real.
- Teniente Henry John Ferguson, Guardia Nacional de Devon.
- Teniente James McClelland Fergusson (98633), Los Cameronianos (Rifles Escoceses).
- Capitán George Taunton Firth, Guardia Nacional de Wiltshire.
- Teniente coronel Cecil Walter Fort, MC , Fuerza de Cadetes del Ejército.
- Teniente (Intendente) Edward Cecil Fox (159050), Cuerpo Blindado Real.
- Mayor Thomas Frederick Furnell, MC , (123935), Lista general.
- Capitán Frederick Leslie Gardner, Guardia Nacional de Gloucestershire.
- Capitán (Intendente) Thomas William Garnett (116773), Granaderos de la Guardia.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Victor Angus Geard, Fuerzas Militares Australianas.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Edward Harry George (32084), Artillería Real.
- Teniente coronel George Reginald Gibbs, Fuerza de Cadetes del Ejército.
- Mayor (Teniente Coronel temporal) (Comisario) Sidney Sampson Gibbs, Cuerpo de Ingenieros Indios, Ejército de la India.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Archibald William Henry Grant (153), Granaderos de la Guardia.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) Edwin Greenough, Ejército de la India.
- No. 7596101 Suboficial Clase II, Intendente de Armamento, Sargento Edward Greenslade, Ingenieros Eléctricos y Mecánicos Reales.
- No. 1053787 Suboficial Clase II Sargento Mayor de Batería Thomas William Griffiths, Artillería Real 2428.
- Capitán Horace Purchase Haggett, Guardia Nacional de Monmouthshire.
- Teniente Edward Mills Hall, DCM , Guardia Nacional de Lancashire.
- Mayor (Intendente) Frank John Hammond (58390), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Teniente Sydney Hanford, Guardia Nacional de Hampshire.
- No. 6734082 Suboficial Clase II, Sargento Mayor de Compañía Ronald Harris, Ingenieros Reales.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) Louis Arthur Harrison (118967), Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército Real.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal, teniente coronel interino) Robert David Quixano Henriques (38714), Artillería Real.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) James Higginson (34625), Regimiento de Tanques Reales, Cuerpo Blindado Real.
- Suboficial Clase II (Suboficial Temporal Clase I) David Hill, Fuerzas Militares Australianas.
- Teniente (oficial ejecutivo de artillería de tercera clase) (capitán temporal, oficial ejecutivo de artillería de segunda clase) James Robert Hill (118950), Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército Real.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Robert Hobbs (102265), Ingenieros Eléctricos y Mecánicos Reales.
- Capitán George Norman Hodson, Guardia Nacional de Nottinghamshire.
- Capitán William Holden, Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- No. 4965322 Sargento mayor de compañía William Edward Holmes, The Sherwood Foresters (Regimiento de Nottinghamshire y Derbyshire).
- Teniente William Andrew Wheeler-Holohan (154308), Ingenieros Reales.
- Teniente (Comisario Adjunto) Alfred George Howell, Cuerpo de Empleados del Ejército de la India.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Arthur Cunynghame Hughes, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército de la India.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Ian Murray Hunter, Fuerzas Militares Australianas.
- Teniente (comisario adjunto) Cyril Edward Hutchings, Cuerpo de Empleados del Ejército de la India.
- Capitán (Intendente) Edwin Illingworth (88375), Artillería Real.
- Capitán (Intendente) Gerald Irvin (76233), Infantería Ligera del Duque de Cornualles.
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Noel James, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército de la India.
- No. 7007892 Suboficial Clase II Sala de Ordenanzas Sargento de intendencia Leonard James Jeffcott, MM , The Royal Ulster Rifles.
- Capitán George Wells Jennings, Guardia Nacional de Essex.
- No. 7042433 Suboficial Clase I, Edward Charles Jerram, MM , Los Fusilieros Reales de Inniskilling.
- No. 6281947 Suboficial Clase I, Sargento Mayor de Regimiento George William Johnson, Regimiento de Middlesex (del Duque de Cambridge).
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) William Johnston (63389), Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Capitán Ronald Edscer Johnson (135652), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Mayor Robert Charles Johnson, MM , 9º Regimiento Jat, Ejército de la India.
- Capellán de las Fuerzas de 4ta Clase, Reverendo Dewi Llewellyn Jones, BA , (90491), Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército Real.
- No. 7632615 Subconductor (Conductor interino) Herbert Kaye, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército de la India.
- Mayor Robert Blythman Kerr, Voluntarios de Artillería de Trinidad.
- Capitán (Intendente) Daniel Kinchin (131232), Artillería Real.
- Capitán Herbert Kirman, Guardia Nacional de Lincolnshire.
- Subedar Lakhsmanan, zapadores y mineros de Madrás de la reina Victoria.
- No. 2745610 Suboficial Clase I, Doey Ferguson Lamond, The Black Watch (Regimiento Royal Highland).
- Suboficial Clase II, Sargento Intendente (Sargento de Sala de Ordenanzas) John Ledgerwood, Guardia Nacional de la Frontera Escocesa.
- Teniente (capitán interino) William Anthony Sampson Lloyd (99242), Ingenieros Reales.
- Capitán John Wesley Loper, Fuerzas Militares de Nueva Zelanda.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Frank Harrington Lowman (53650), Ingenieros Reales.
- Mayor (Pagador de Estado Mayor de 2.ª clase) (Teniente Coronel temporal, Pagador de Estado Mayor de 1.ª clase) Leslie Henry Marc Mackenzie (10713), Cuerpo de Pagos del Ejército Real.
- Teniente (oficial de distrito) Thomas Edgar Maker (205227), Artillería Real.
- Mayor Walter William Matthews, Fuerzas Militares Australianas.
- Capitán (Intendente) Archibald Mathieson, Fuerzas Militares de Nueva Zelanda.
- Teniente (Intendente) Harold Mayo (128381), Cuerpo Blindado Real.
- No. 2716122 Suboficial Clase I, Sargento Mayor de Regimiento Hugh Francis McKinney, Guardias Irlandeses.
- Teniente (oficial mecanista) (capitán temporal) Benjamin Francis Mee (110386), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- Capitán Robert Millne, MM , (70981), Regimiento del Sur de Lancashire (Voluntarios del Príncipe de Gales).
- Teniente Maxwell Alfred Mimmack (154273), Ingenieros Reales.
- Mayor Stanley John Mitton (99756), Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército Real.
- Capitán John Stuart Morgan, Guardia Nacional de Glamorgan.
- Teniente (Capitán temporal) Manakampat Kesavan Unni Nayar, ejército indio.
- No. 7652953 Suboficial Clase II Sargento Intendente de Estado Mayor (Suboficial interino Clase I, Subdirector) Norman Joseph Nealey, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército Real.
- Mayor John Elliott Nelson (5535), Cuerpo Educativo del Ejército.
- Comandante junior (comandante senior temporal) Mildred Lucy Nicoll (192071), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Capitán (Intendente) Herbert O'Brien (70147), Regimiento de Manchester.
- No. 5942722 Suboficial Clase I Sargento Mayor del Regimiento Charles Palmer, Regimiento de Bedfordshire y Hertfordshire.
- Teniente Frank Hugh Northcote (158321), Artillería Real.
- Subalterna (comandante subalterna temporal) Mary Millicent Oakey (230671), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- No. 6336139 Subdirector (director interino) William George Palmer, Cuerpo de Empleados del Ejército de la India.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Harold Parrott, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército de la India.
- Capitán Alfred Henry Parry (73867), Ingenieros Reales.
- No. 1409512 Suboficial Clase I Sargento Mayor Artificiero Harold Joseph Partridge, Artillería Real.
- Teniente (Intendente) Reginald Victor Pearce (1888-1999), Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Capitán (Intendente) Oswald Harcourt Pearson (56511), Infantería Ligera de Durham.
- Teniente (Intendente) (capitán temporal) Joseph Pennycook (1882-99), Real Cuerpo Blindado.
- Teniente Alexander Peters (1861-194), The Black Watch (Regimiento Real de las Tierras Altas).
- Suboficial de clase II, Sargento mayor de compañía William Peters, Guardia Nacional de Kent.
- Comandante junior (comandante senior temporal) Doreathea Flavia Phillips (1929-38), Servicio Territorial Auxiliar.
- Capitán James Stuart Pitts, Guardia Nacional de Hampshire.
- Capitán James Plant, Guardia Nacional de Staffordshire.
- Capitán Francis James Plummer (97846), Ingenieros Reales.
- Suboficial de clase II, Sargento mayor de compañía William Potter, Guardia Nacional de Westmorland.
- Mayor (Intendente) Herbert Mark Prince (56852), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) Ant Ram, Ejército de la India.
- Suboficial de clase II, Sargento mayor de compañía Arthur Llewellyn Rees, DCM , Guardia Nacional de Glamorgan.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Jack Constable Price Rowe (56655), Regimiento de Devonshire.
- Capitán Sydney Scott (59366), Los Fusilieros Reales (Regimiento de la Ciudad de Londres).
- Capitán (Intendente) (Mayor temporal) Richard Francis Sholl (75969), Artillería Real.
- Mayor Nathu Singh, Sardar Bahadur, OBI , Fuerzas de los Estados de la India.
- Mayor Thakur Zabar Singh, ejército indio.
- Teniente (Intendente) Frank Henry Victor Skinner (131896), Artillería Real.
- Capitán (Intendente) Charles Thomas Sparrow (125107), Regimiento de West Yorkshire (del Príncipe de Gales).
- No. 2557189 Suboficial Clase I Sargento Mayor Regimiento Edgar Richard Smith, Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Teniente (Comisario adjunto) Charles Frederick Stanton, Cuerpo de Empleados del Ejército de la India.
- Capitán Joseph Steedman, Guardia Nacional de North Riding.
- Capitán (mayor en funciones) William John Wathen Stick (111335), Ingenieros Reales.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Charles Peter Stocker (168707), Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército Real.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) (comisario adjunto) Thomas Ellison Stoneham, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real de la India.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) George Langford Sullivan (53964), 14.º/20.º Regimiento de Húsares del Rey, asignado a la Fuerza Fronteriza Transjordana.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) Krishna Swarup, Ejército de la India.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) Theodore George Swithinbank (59981), Regimiento del Duque de Wellington (West Riding).
- Capitán Sidney Thacker, Guardia Nacional de Hertfordshire.
- Capitán (mayor temporal) Peter Cleasby-Thompson (15067), Fusilieros de Lancashire, adjunto al Cuerpo Aéreo del Ejército.
- Capitán Reginald Leonard Thornton, Guardia Nacional de Londres.
- Mayor John James Tindale, Teniente de la Guardia Nacional de North Riding (capitán temporal) William Albert Toogood (1816-72), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Real.
- Capitán George Leonard Tucker, Guardia Nacional de Warwickshire.
- Capitán (Intendente) Sydney Tyrrell, MM , (57852), Artillería Real.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Harold Edward Van Der Noot (43671), Guardias Irlandeses.
- Mayor Lionel John Vicarage, Ejército de la India.
- Teniente (capitán temporal) Alwyn Brunow Waters (152179), Ingenieros Reales.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) (Intendente) Philip Arthur Percival Webberley (99201), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- No. 3381199 Subdirector (director interino) Walter Welfare, Cuerpo de Empleados del Ejército de la India.
- Capitán (Mayor temporal) Maurice Frank Gerard Wentworth (70984), Lista General (Regimiento de Gold Coast).
- Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Arthur White (31854), Ingenieros Reales.
- Capitán George Henry Willcox (75191), Guardias Irlandeses.
- Mayor (Intendente) Arthur Ernest Winton (33418), Cuerpo Real de Señales.
- Comandante Emily Mary Margarete Lindley-Wood (661084), Destacamento de Ayuda Voluntaria.
- Teniente John Ivan Yaxley, Guardia Nacional de Merioneth.
Miembro Honorario
- Real Fuerza Aérea
- Líder de escuadrón interino Charles Herrington (45254).
- Líder de escuadrón interino Edward Lister (77571), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo James Boyer (46434).
- Teniente de vuelo Christopher Benjamin Richard John Been Curtis (78389), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo (ahora líder de escuadrón interino) Reginald Darker (44894).
- Teniente de vuelo John Duncan (03227), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo William Robert Dunlop (44947).
- Teniente de vuelo (ahora líder de escuadrón interino) Michael Golovine (79462), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo George Desmond Graham (61855), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo (ahora líder de escuadrón interino) Michael Lister Haigh (77034), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo (ahora líder de escuadrón interino) William Hore (45035).
- Teniente de vuelo Arthur Kenneth Kibbler (62927), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo Norman Livingstone (83680), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo George Valentine Meredith (45905).
- Teniente de vuelo James Keay Milne (81498), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo (ahora líder de escuadrón interino) Anthony Richard Pearce (35239).
- Teniente de vuelo Ernest Henry Merton Samson (77306), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo Charles Harry Wallington (45554).
- Teniente de vuelo John Albert Williams (43993)
- Teniente de vuelo interino William Alfred Ballett (45141).
- Teniente de vuelo interino Alan Wilfred Bennett (86061), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Francis Leslie Birch (68231), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Francis Bottoms (45671).
- Teniente de vuelo interino Stanley Frank Browne (35396).
- Teniente de vuelo interino Norman Edgar Browning (86238), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Cecil William Buckingham (47928).
- Teniente de vuelo interino Frederick Norman Smith Creek , MC , (61810), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Claude Alfred Freestone (61659), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Frederick John Gibney (118086), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Harry Rudolph Hambleton (119972), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino David Norman Harris (64392), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Addison Geoffrey Lankester (85122), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino Stephen Ranson Walton (49580).
- Teniente de vuelo interino Basil Edward Wheadon (108264), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Teniente de vuelo interino John Kenneth Young (88799), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Oficial de vuelo Frank Harold Breach (50740).
- Oficial de vuelo Jack Miles (48069).
- Oficial de vuelo Eric John Harrison Stanton (107192), Reserva de Voluntarios de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Oficial piloto Frederick John Ritson Dodd (123746), Reserva Voluntaria de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Oficial piloto Leslie Ralph Flower, MM , (48213).
- Oficial piloto Rupert William Lamb (49229).
- Oficial piloto Arthur Frederick Murley (133825), Reserva Voluntaria de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Oficial piloto James Satchell Watson Stewart (120364), Reserva Voluntaria de la Real Fuerza Aérea.
- Suboficial Harry Percy Abbott (204528).
- Suboficial James William Beale (562976).
- Suboficial Walter Elliott Draycott (566248).
- Suboficial Charles Frederick Field (564191).
- Suboficial Percy Fletcher (338180).
- Suboficial Duncan Colin Kennedy (508979).
- Suboficial William Joseph Leggett (345643).
- Suboficial William James Alderman Mayes (349528).
- Suboficial Stanley Morehen (513784).
- Suboficial William Patrick Navin (510674).
- Suboficial Harry Nickson (353008).
- Suboficial Alfred Llewellyn Pritchard (350644).
- Suboficial Hubert Maurice Smith (352951).
- Suboficial George Fredenck Staples (331623).
- Suboficial Griffith Tudor Williams (148172).
- Suboficial interino Edward Rupert Luscombe (363142).
- Líder de escuadrón interino James Gerald Burns (Aus.2947), Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana.
- Teniente de vuelo Francis Gill (Aus.1799), Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana.
- Teniente de vuelo Henry Reginald Percy Relf (Aus.2937), Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana.
- Teniente de vuelo interino David Hamlin Gwinn (Can/C.3914), Real Fuerza Aérea Canadiense.
- Oficial de vuelo John James McDowell, Real Fuerza Aérea de Nueva Zelanda.
- Teniente Benjamin Vorster (P.746), Fuerza Aérea Sudafricana.
- Oficial de vuelo Harjinder Singh Baines , Fuerza Aérea India.
- Oficial de vuelo David Gordon Bhore, Fuerza Aérea India.
- Oficial de vuelo Margaret Cleator (3953), Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar Femenina.
- Oficial de vuelo Catherine Elizabeth Clough, (1314), Fuerza Aérea Auxiliar Femenina.
División Civil
- Hetty Forbes Adam, Secretaria del Condado de Mujeres del Ejército Territorial, West Sussex.
- Robert Adam, Secretario General de la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes , Edimburgo.
- Alice Agar, JP , oficial del condado (Hampshire e Isla de Wight), Asociación de Ambulancias de St. John. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Doris Ethel Agnew, Inspectora, Departamento de Seguros, Ministerio de Salud.
- Thomas Allen, organizador juvenil, Consejo de Servicios Sociales de Irlanda del Norte.
- Edward Simpson Anderson, Gerente de Producción, Northern Aluminium Co. Ltd.
- Albert Frank Archer (Mayor, Guardia Nacional), Asistente Civil y Contador, Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica.
- Cecil Edward Asher, Oficial Superior de Estado Mayor, Ministerio de Combustible y Energía.
- Frederick William Bagnall, director y gerente de obras, Walter Somers Ltd.
- Frederick William Baldock, Oficial Superior de Contratos, Almirantazgo.
- Albert Frederick Baldwin, Oficial Administrativo Superior, Oficina de Papelería de Su Majestad.
- Martin George Ball, Subgerente de Obras, Sección de Tubos de Torpedos, Peter Brotherhood Ltd.
- Charles Ballin, Gerente General, Sucursal Liverpool, United Molasses Co. Ltd.
- William Theodore Barker, Oficial Técnico Superior, Ministerio de Trabajo y Servicio Nacional.
- James Isaac Barrance, Oficial de Estado Mayor, Oficina del Ministro de Estado, El Cairo.
- Concejal Evelyn Mary Miller-Barstow, JP , Presidenta del Comité Asesor Juvenil de Weston-super-Mare.
- Stanley John Batchelder, Secretario de la Cámara de Comercio de Leeds.
- Edwyn Ernest Hope Bate, Ingeniero Supervisor de Progreso, Ministerio de Obras.
- Robert Edgar Bates, Director de Obras, Luxfer Ltd.
- Robert Glover Baxter, ingeniero municipal del condado de Southend-on-Sea. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- John Bayley, Superintendente de la tienda de sellos, High Duty Alloys Ltd.
- Elsie Dorothea Baynham, Oficial de Bienestar Local, Comando Oeste.
- William George Bedford, Superintendente, Austin Motor Co. Ltd.
- John Edward Benham, Director, Benham & Sons Ltd.
- Harold Alderson Bennett, Secretario del Comité de Emergencia de Empresas de Transporte de Pasajeros por Carretera, Manchester.
- Líder de escuadrón Neill Gibson Bennett, RAFVR, Inspector Superior de Accidentes, Ministerio del Aire.
- William Henry Bennett, Mayordomo Jefe, Marina Mercante.
- Frederick Styles Billowes, secretario confidencial, J. Samuel White & Co. Ltd.
- Frank Blair, Asistente Jefe del Oficial de Registro Nacional, Leeds.
- Harry Frederick Blenkarn, Mayordomo Jefe, Marina Mercante.
- Reginald Percy Charles Block, Gerente de Subdistrito, Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra.
- John Boneham, director general de Boneham & Turner Ltd.
- Lily Mary Booker, Superintendente Visitadora de Salud e Inspectora de Parteras, Consejo del Condado de Devon.
- Bessie Philip Boyes, Funcionaria Regional de Bienestar, Ministerio de Trabajo y Servicio Nacional.
- Robert Braid, presidente y director general de Braid Bros.
- Sidney Bramhall, director de fábrica, Smith's Stamping Works Ltd.
- Capitán Frank Thomas Bright, DFC , Comandante de Observadores, Cuerpo Real de Observadores.
- Arthur Brooks, Oficial de Carbón del Distrito, Hull.
- Horace Skeet Broom, AMIMechE , Gerente de Diseño y Producción, Broom & Wade Ltd.
- James Brown, director de obras, David Rowan & Co. Ltd.
- Wilfred Banks Duncan Brown , Director General, Glacier Metal Co. Ltd.
- John Alexander Buchan, Director Regional, Ministerio de Pensiones.
- John Buchanan, gerente de astillero, Greenock Dockyard Co. Ltd.
- Capitán William Walter Buck, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Arthur John Bulled, Director, Escuela Secundaria para Niños, Branksome Park, Exmouth.
- William Alfred Burgess, capataz principal de almacenes, depósito de armamento de la Marina Real.
- Stephen France Burman, Oficial de División, Región Midland, Servicio Nacional de Bomberos.
- Keith Gordon Butt, gerente de obras, Ranalah Yacht Yard Ltd.
- Norman Alistair Sinclair Campbell, Gerente, Ross-shire Electric Supply Co. Ltd. Por sus servicios a la Campaña de Ahorro de Guerra.
- Hugh Sidney Cann, asistente principal del director de Educación, Swansea. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Henry Care, Primer Oficial de la Marina Mercante.
- Helen Catto, Superintendente Jefe de Bienestar (Mujeres), London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company.
- Edith Margaret Chambers, Secretaria interina, Asociación Escocesa de Clubes de Jóvenes Agricultores.
- Richard Chandler, Primer Oficial de la Marina Mercante.
- Frederick Rupert Cherrill, Superintendente, Departamento de Investigación Criminal, Policía Metropolitana.
- Frederick Augustus Clubley, jefe de máquinas, Marina Mercante.
- Reginald Henry Cheesmond Coates, Director Adjunto del Condado de Northumberland, Sociedad de la Cruz Roja Británica.
- Robert Cogger, asistente de exteriores, señales y telégrafos, Londres, Southern Railway Company. Por servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Kathleen Collinson, Secretaria Honoraria de Campaña, Comité Nacional de Ahorros de Retford.
- El concejal Alfred John Corbett. Por los servicios públicos en Brecon.
- Helen Corry, Secretaria Superior, Ministerio de Seguridad Pública, Irlanda del Norte.
- Harry Cottam, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- James Croal Craig, jefe de estación de la Compañía de Ferrocarril de Edimburgo (Waverley), Londres y Noreste.
- George Norrie Craighead, secretario honorario de la Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Peterhead (actualmente sirve en la Real Fuerza Aérea).
- Roberta Hunter Hamilton Crichton, Superintendente Jefe de Restaurantes y Bienestar de los Institutos de la Marina, el Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea.
- Irvine Le Mesurier Croll, Gerente de la Bolsa de Empleo de Southampton, Ministerio de Trabajo y Servicio Nacional.
- Elaine Cicely Cuthbert, Secretaria Honoraria, División de Southampton, Asociación de Familias de Soldados, Marineros y Aviadores.
- Herbert James Darwood, Superintendente, Daimler Co. Ltd (Motores aeronáuticos).
- Charles Davidson, capitán de un barco de vapor.
- Joseph George Davies, gerente de obras, Grayson, Rollo & Clover Docks Ltd.
- Archibald Arthur Davis, Subdirector de Alimentación de la División Sur, Ministerio de Alimentación.
- Alfred John Dawson, MIEE, ingeniero eléctrico jefe, Albright & Wilson Ltd.
- Phyllis Ophelia Dent. Por sus servicios de educación religiosa.
- Edith Dickie, Superintendente de Mecanógrafos, Departamento de Educación de Escocia.
- David Dickson, Jefe de Estado Mayor, Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra.
- Lilian Anne Hilda Docker, Alta Oficial Administrativa, Ministerio de Producción.
- William Shepherd Donnelly, Gerente de Obras, Alex Findlay & Co. Ltd.
- Richard William Dunn, Secretario Jefe, Asociación Territorial del Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea del Condado de la Ciudad de Glasgow.
- Robert Dunn, Oficial Jefe de Ingenieros, Marina Mercante.
- Jane Beatrice Madeline Dunsterville, Asistente administrativa, Estado Mayor, Ministerio de Guerra.
- Moses Harry Duxbury, Oficial de División, Área No. 29, Servicio Nacional de Bomberos.
- Margaret Emma, baronesa Ebbisham. Por sus servicios en la maternidad del East End y otros hospitales.
- Roy Edmonds, gerente de obras, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Charles Edwards, Subdirector Adjunto de Contratos, Ministerio de Abastecimiento.
- Harry James Edwards, Presidente del Comité Ejecutivo General del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Transporte y Generales.
- Concejal Huw Thomas Edwards , JP , Secretario de Área para el Norte de Gales, Shropshire y Cheshire, Sindicato de Trabajadores del Transporte y Generales.
- Dorothy Mary Elliot, Secretaria del Condado de Mujeres del Ejército de Tierra, Leicester y Rutland.
- Garrett Hughes Elliott, Supervisor de Comando, Institutos de la Armada, el Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea, Comando Sur.
- Winifred May Ellis, Secretaria Privada del Secretario de Servicios de Bienestar Social, Iglesias Metodistas y de la Junta Unida.
- John Henry Evans, Gerente, Mountstuart Drydocks Ltd.
- George Rene Frank Eveleigh, Oficial de Estado Mayor, Ministerio de Salud.
- Alexander Gloag Fisken, gerente de aserradero y obras, Park Dobson & Co.
- David Flett, capitán de un barco de vapor.
- Thomas Harold Flowers , Ingeniero Ejecutivo, Oficina General de Correos.
- Sydney Foord, Adjunto al Contralor de Distrito y Oficial del Estado Mayor de Defensa Civil, Scarborough.
- Margaret Mary Forman, organizadora del condado de Nottinghamshire, Servicios Voluntarios de Mujeres para la Defensa Civil.
- Capitán Reginald Charles Foster, MC, FRIBA , Secretario Honorario, Comité de Ahorros de Wanstead y Woodford.
- Hugh Cyril Stanislaus Fothergill, Gerente Regional de Midland, Junta del Petróleo.
- John George Freeman, Primer Oficial de la Marina Mercante.
- Edward Ivor Freemantle, MC , Oficial Técnico, Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica.
- James Francis French, Secretario Superior, Inspección de Artillería Naval, Sheffield.
- Cecil William Fulker, Secretario interino, Comité Parlamentario del Congreso Cooperativo.
- Robert Garth, superintendente de la policía de Lancashire. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Hugh Gilmour, Examinador Jefe, Oficina Regional de Acton, Comisión de Daños de Guerra.
- Huntley Strathearn Gordon, oficial de bienestar social, London Passenger Transport Board. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- Bailie William McDougall Gordon, presidente del Comité de precauciones contra ataques aéreos del condado de Aberdeen.
- Edwin Graham, Gerente General, Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth & Co. (Constructores Navales) Ltd.
- Sidney Newlands Graham, Jefe de la Oficina de Dibujo, Fairmile Marine Co. Ltd.
- Capitán Edward Donald Gray, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Christopher Joseph Gregory, jefe de estación, Liverpool Street, London and North Eastern Railway Company.
- Harold Wallace Grigsby, Director Adjunto, División de Producción General, Ministerio de Información.
- Mayor Joseph Grounds, TD , Ingeniero de Drenaje, Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca.
- Daisy Julia Gunton, últimamente directora de la escuela secundaria para niñas Beech Hill, Luton.
- William Frederick George Hall, Oficial administrativo superior, Ministerio de Guerra.
- Francis Christopher Stanley Hallewell, recientemente secretario de la sucursal de Birmingham del Gremio de Oficiales Bancarios (ahora sirve en la Marina Real).
- Mayor Charles Henry Hannington, JP , Comandante de la Policía Especial de Portsmouth.
- Henry William Harper, Gerente de Obras, AV Roe & Co. Ltd.
- Thomas Milner Harper, segundo oficial de máquinas de la Marina Mercante.
- Frederick Samuel Harris, Director General, PK Harris & Sons Ltd.
- Joseph Harrison, jefe de estación de la Compañía de Ferrocarril de Euston, Londres, Midland y Escocia.
- James Raymond Harrison, Jefe de Cuartel, Policía Especial del Ulster.
- David Caldwell Harvie, Oficial Asistente de Distrito, Junta de Asistencia de Manchester.
- James Hay. Para los servicios públicos en Aberdeen.
- Charles Daniel Hearn, Secretario Jefe, Colección Sur de Londres, Junta de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales.
- Mayor Francis Paget Hett, DL , Oficial de Bienestar Local, Comando Sureste.
- Frederick Arthur Hibbert, ingeniero de planta y diseño, Imperial Chemical Industries (Plastics) Ltd.
- George Kenneth Highley, sobrecargo, marina mercante.
- Rowland Hill, oficial de personal de la guardia contra incendios, Peterborough.
- Capitán Bernard Douglas Hobby, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Thomas Holloway, sobrecargo, marina mercante.
- Henry William Hollyer, MM , Asistente de Envíos, Ministerio de Transporte de Guerra.
- Capitán John Henry Holman, DSC , Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Kenneth James Holman, presidente del Comité del Cuerpo de Entrenamiento Aéreo de Camborne.
- Capitán Edward John Holmes, oficial de precauciones contra ataques aéreos y oficial de entrenamiento del Distrito Real de Kensington.
- Russell Nelson Holmes, oficial de radio, Real Fuerza Aérea, Comando de Ferry.
- Catherine Eliza Eugenie Hopkin, Secretaria del Condado de Mujeres del Ejército Territorial, Monmouthshire.
- Annie Hopkins, Recaudadora Adjunta de Impuestos, Junta de Ingresos Internos.
- Frederick William Hopper, gerente de patio, Wm. Pickersgill & Sons Ltd.
- Herbert Oliver Home, JP , Actuario, Aberdeen Savings Bank.
- Charles Houghton, superintendente del Cuerpo de Salvamento de Liverpool. Por sus servicios a la Defensa Civil.
- John Hunter, Secretario, Asociación de Ahorros de Escuelas Públicas de Grado Superior de Lossiemouth.
- Arthur James Thomas Ireland, AFRAeS , Asistente técnico, Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica.
- Capitán Boscawan Lloyd Isaac, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Walter Henry Jarratt, MINA , arquitecto naval, Amos & Smith Ltd.
- William Jebb, subdirector, Ministerio de Agricultura, Irlanda del Norte.
- William Gray Johns, Asistente Civil, División de Inteligencia Naval, Almirantazgo.
- Alexander Johnston, capitán de un barco de vapor.
- Edward William James Jones, vicepresidente del Comité de Ahorros de Maiden y Coombe.
- Harry Jones, Oficial de Estado Mayor, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
- Percival Frank Jupe, Secretario Jefe, Tesoro de Su Majestad.
- John Kennedy, JP . Por los servicios públicos en el condado de Durham.
- Elsa Rose Khoroche, organizadora honoraria de grupos callejeros, Comité de Ahorros de Cheltenham.
- Reginald Killey, Asesor Técnico, Departamento de Bomberos, Ministerio del Interior.
- William Edward Lambourn, director y comprador, Pressed Steel Co. Ltd.
- Thomas Leslie Lane, Controlador de Alarmas, Región Sudeste, Ministerio de Seguridad Nacional.
- George Laws, Inspector Sanitario Jefe y Oficial de Vivienda, Richmond, Surrey.
- Edith Noel Layton, Administradora de Grupo, Región de Londres, últimamente Organizadora del Centro, Ciudad de Londres, Servicios Voluntarios de Mujeres para la Defensa Civil.
- Reginald Edward Leeds, Gerente, Departamento de Tintas para Trefilado de Alambre, General Electric Co. Ltd.
- Arnold Sydney Leng, Director General Adjunto, Christopher Leng & Sons Ltd.
- Harold Lingard, MIEE , Oficial Principal de Iluminación y Energía, Departamento de Defensa Aérea Pasiva, Ministerio de Abastecimiento.
- Elizabeth Duff Linn, Contralora de Mecanografía, Ministerio de Abastecimiento.
- Joseph Lloyd, director de obras, J. Mandleberg & Co. Ltd.
- Robert Lowry, Oficial de Establecimiento, Depósito Central de Artillería, Ministerio de Guerra.
- Susan Lushington . Por sus servicios a la música en Hampshire.
- Tom Lyon, Superintendente de Ferrocarriles, Liverpool Dock Estate, Junta de Muelles y Puerto de Mersey.
- Charles Wilson MacDowall, Director General, MacDowall Equipment Company.
- Janet McGilp, directora de Lochburn Home, Glasgow.
- James Charles Fairlie Mclntyre, Director Ejecutivo, Comité Ejecutivo Agrícola de East Fife.
- Capitán Donald Macbeath Mackay, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán Alexander McLachlan, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Capitán William McLeod, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Albert Percival Mallaby, segundo oficial ingeniero superior de la Marina Mercante.
- Edith Louise Manley, Secretaria del Condado de Mujeres del Ejército de Tierra, Cheshire.
- Edward Grey Marchant, Oficial Superior de Estado Mayor, Ministerio del Aire.
- Percy Walter John Martin, Asistente Personal del Gerente General, Autoridad del Puerto de Londres.
- Leonard Mellor, comandante de división, policía especial, fuerza policial del condado de Durham.
- Florence Milnes , bibliotecaria, British Broadcasting Corporation.
- Arthur Robert Mitchell, MC , (Capitán, Guardia Nacional), Jefe de la Oficina de Dibujo de Barcos, Yarrow & Co. Ltd.
- Leonard Thomas Moorby, Oficial Superior de Estado Mayor, Junta de Comercio.
- Maurice Desmond Morrissey, Gerente de Estación, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Capitán Samuel Bond Mosley, Capitán, Marina Mercante.
- Alexander James Muir, Asistente Técnico II, Ministerio de Producción Aeronáutica.
- Councillor Miss Eunice Guthrie Murray, JP. For public services in Dunbartonshire.
- Captain John Murray, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Captain Harold Bishop Mylchreest, Partner in Pedder & Mylchreest Ltd, Delivery Contractors.
- Francis Neal, Assistant to the Coal Supplies Officer for the Midland (Amalgamated) District.
- John Nicol, deceased, Chief Engineer Officer, Merchant Navy (dated 18 March 1943) (Subsequently, lost at sea as a result of enemy action).
- Harry Nodder, Assistant to the Divisional Engineer, Great Western Railway Company, Plymouth. For services to Civil Defence.
- Hubert Oliver, First Radio Officer Merchant Navy.
- John Bernard Olley, Works Manager, ASEA Electric Company.
- Alexander Park, Chief Engineer Officer, Merchant Navy.
- John Cecil Parker, Manager, Net Department, Rylands Bros. Ltd.
- Victor Parry, Air Raid Precautions Officer, Chief Warden and Fire Guard Officer, Walsall.
- David Paterson, Sub-District Manager, Edinburgh, Emergency Road Transport Organisation, Ministry of War Transport.
- Henry John Pearson, First Refrigerating Engineer Officer, Merchant Navy.
- Reginald Philip Perry, Manager of Brass Plant, John Lysaght Ltd.
- Payne Harry Pettiford, Deputy Superintendent of the Operative Department, Royal Mint.
- Maurice Frank Pinnock, Staff Officer, Offices of the War Cabinet.
- Henry Alfred Plastow, MM, Senior Staff Officer, British Air Commission, Washington.
- John James Plimmer, Manager, Ministry of Supply Agency Factory.
- Helen Frances Plumbly, Supervising Clerk, Grade I, Ministry of Economic Warfare.
- William Pook, Chief Engineer Officer, Merchant Navy.
- Herbert Lloyd Poulson, Chief Officer, Merchant Navy.
- Daniel Powell, Senior Sanitary Inspector, Bedwellty Urban District Council.
- Harry Powell, Headmaster, Meir Senior Mixed Council School, Stoke-on-Trent.
- Albert Henry Poynton, Superintendent of Stores, G. W. Lewis Tileries Ltd.
- Lady Olein Eva Constance Wyndham-Quin, Head of the Army Records Department, Wounded and Missing Department, Joint War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John.
- Charles Percival Raffill, Assistant Curator, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
- William Raitt, Honorary Secretary, Morpeth Savings Committee.
- Jessie Millar Ralston, lately Superintendent of Typists, Colonial Office.
- William Leonard Rawson, Superintendent, B.S.A. Guns Ltd.
- Amelia Jane Rees, Higher Clerical Officer, Office of the Public Trustee.
- James Henry Reeves, Clerical Officer, Department of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
- Alexander Duncan Reid, Chief Production Engineer, Scottish Motor Traction Co. Ltd.
- George Gapon Rich, Chief Officer, Merchant Navy.
- Thomas Edward Richardson, Flying Instructor, No. 4 Elementary Flying Training School, RAF Flying Training Command.
- Alfred Riggall, Honorary Treasurer and Accountant of the North Midland Divisional Union of the Young Men's Christian Association.
- Douglas Craig Robinson, Assistant Works Superintendent, Handley Page Ltd.
- Adam Robson, Probation Officer, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
- Wilhelmine Wallace Robson, Headmistress, Sunderland Road Girls School, Gateshead.
- Captain John Lamb Rogerson, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Donalda Macleod Ross, Chairman, Women's Land Army Sub-Committee of the Agricultural Executive Committee for Ross and Cromarty (Main-land).
- Frederick Alexander Ross, AMIEE, Chief Electrical Engineer, Swan, Hunter, & Wigham Richardson Ltd.
- William Martin Rowland, Joint Managing Director, Universal Grinding Wheel Co. Ltd.
- Alan Ruddle, Secretary-Superintendent, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Monmouthshire. For services to Civil Defence.
- Geoffrey Terence Ryan, Superintendent of Docks, Avonmouth and Portishead.
- Cyril Hugh Sanders, Superintendent (Telegraphs), Head Post Office, Swansea.
- Captain Harold Ernest Sanderson, Regional Officer, Grade II, Scotland Region, Ministry of Home Security.
- Eleanor Saunders, Chief Clerk, Telephone Manager's Office, South East Area, General Post Office.
- Major John Walter Saunders, Employed in a Department of the Foreign Office.
- William James Sayer, Superintendent acting as Head Postmaster, Head Post Office, Eastbourne.
- Shirley Martin Searle, Staff Officer, War Office.
- Captain Edward Shaw, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Alfred John Shrieves, Higher Clerical Officer, Postal and Telegraph Censorship Department.
- Captain George Simison, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Captain David Sinclair, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Harry Singleton, Works Director, The Tempered Spring Co. Ltd.
- John Campbell Sloan, Electrical Manager, Barclay Curie & Co. Ltd.
- Ernest Small, Joint Managing Director, M. B. Wild & Co. Ltd.
- Ralph Wyman Smart, Staff Officer, General Post Office.
- Major Alexander Smith, MC, Superintendent, City of Glasgow Special Constabulary. For services to Civil Defence.
- Hilda Edwards Smith, Controller of Typists, Ministry of Aircraft Production.
- Mabel Smith, Matron, Royal South Hants and Southampton Hospital. For services to Civil Defence.
- Captain Thomas William Smith, Master, Merchant Navy.
- William Henry Smith, Member of the National Savings Committee, and of the Birmingham Local Savings Committee.
- Joseph Smyth, lately General Secretary and Treasurer of the Ulster Teachers' Union.
- Brian Furmstone Rice Stack, Superintendent, Stores Branch, Board of Customs and Excise.
- Gerald Stanning, Works Manager, Allen West & Co. Ltd.
- George Staveley, Boiler Works Manager, Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd.
- Robert Stein, Chief Trial Trip Engineer, G. & J. Weir Ltd.
- Annie Ramsay Stevenson, Organising Secretary, Glasgow Centre, Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence.
- Penuel Grant (Daisy) Stewart, Secretary, East Scottish Branch and Divisional Secretary, Edinburgh, Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association.
- Wing Commander Douglas Stewart, MC, AFC, (Royal Air Force, Retd.), Observer Commander, Royal Observer Corps.
- Katharine Bedingfeld Shaw Stewart, Honorary Secretary of the Inverness County Nursing Association.
- Nesta Jessie Stoneham, Supervisor of Women's Studies, National Fire Service College.
- Frank Cyril Alexander Street, Engineer Works Manager, Vosper Ltd.
- Robert Stuart, Chief Inspector, Bristol Aeroplane Company.
- Major Martin Stutfield (Retd.), Assistant to the Controller of Factory Transportation, Ministry of Supply.
- Frank Swift, Manager of Foundry, Darlington Forge Ltd.
- Captain Hugh Tait, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Irene Compton Tappenden, Domiciliary Midwife, London County Council. For services to Civil Defence.
- Sidney Taylor, Chairman and Managing Director, General Engineering Co. Ltd.
- Captain Thomas Thirlaway Telford, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Noel Goddard Terry, Controller, Royal Observer Corps.
- Percy William Earl Thatcher, Secretary, Port Emergency Committee, Southampton Docks.
- Captain David John Thomas, Master, Merchant Navy.
- John Thorburn, Chief Electrician, Merchant Navy.
- Claude John Thome, Chief Assistant, Paper Control, Ministry of Supply.
- Basil Duncan Tims, Staff Officer, India, Office.
- Dorothy Lee Todd, Superintendent of Typists, London County Council.
- Caroline Marie Tucker, Private Secretary to the Lord Chancellor.
- William Turner, Honorary Secretary, Rawtenstall Savings Committee.
- Leslie Donald Tyrrell, Chief Planning Engineer, Rootes Securities Ltd (Airframe Factory).
- Captain James Alfred Uglow, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Sylvia Vachell, Regional Administrator for Wales, Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence.
- Walter Edwin Vickers, Public Assistance Officer, County of Lincolnshire, Parts of Kesteven. For services to Civil Defence.
- Margaret Callander Wade, Commandant, Larbert District, Stirlingshire, British Red Cross Society. For services, to Civil Defence.
- Henry Johnston Wallace, Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable, Selkirkshire.
- Albert Walmsley, Chairman of the Stretford and District Employment Committee.
- Henry Neville Walton, Secretary of the Newcastle Coasting and Short Sea Shipping Committee, Ministry of War Transport.
- Eirene Mervynia Wanstall, Secretary of the Juvenile Employment Bureau, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
- Percy Wharton Waters, Chief Chemist and Metallurgist, Ford Motor Co. Ltd.
- Donald Harlock Watkins, Constructor, Dockyard Department, Admiralty.
- Victor Grant Watson, Purser, Merchant Navy.
- William Anthony Graham Watson, Divisional Officer, No. 5. Fire Area, National Fire Service.
- William Norman Wheat, Manager, Optical Department, Chance Bros & Co. Ltd.
- Marjorie Joyce Whimster, County Borough Organiser, Bath, Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence.
- John Whitehead, Civil Defence District Controller, County Durham Clerk to Billingham Urban District Council.
- Thomas George Willett, Secretary, Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Help Society for Brighton and Hove.
- Captain Hugh James Williams, Master, Merchant Navy.
- Robert Willis, Manager, C. H. Bailey Ltd.
- Stella Mary Willis, Secretary to the Foreign Relations Department, Joint War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John.
- Ernest Wilson, Assistant to the Chief Accountant, Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes.
- John Frederick Wilson, Manager in charge of Admiralty repairs at Palmers Hebburn Co. Ltd.
- Victor Franklin Wood, Head of Branch, Ministry of Food.
- William Arthur Victor Wood, Technical Assistant (Airframe Component Repair), Civilian Repair Organisation.
- Cyril Wright, Shop Superintendent, Standard Motor Co. Ltd (Aero-Engines).
- William Edgar Wright, HM Assistant Inspector of Schools.
- Arthur Frank Young, Staff Officer, Board of Inland Revenue.
- Noah Mackintosh Youngson, Chief Engineer Officer, Merchant Navy.
- Joseph Sinclair Carolin, a British subject resident in Brazil.
- Marjorie Crawford, Shorthand-typist at His Majesty's Embassy in Buenos Aires.
- John Norman Farrar, formerly British Vice-Consul in Patras.
- Barbara Forwood, a British subject resident in Khartoum.
- Edward Charles Gamble, Clerical Officer at His Majesty's Legation in Tehran.
- Horace Frederick Alfred Gates, Archivist at His Majesty's Legation in Lima.
- Sydney Herbert Montagu Head, His Majesty's Consul in Las Palmas.
- Ethel Humphreys, a British subject resident in Philadelphia.
- Margaret Manisty, Clerical Officer in a Department attached to the Foreign Office.
- Alfred Marshall, formerly Clerical Officer at His Majesty's Embassy in China, now Clerical Officer at His Majesty's Legation in Tehran.
- Elisa Pagram, a British subject resident in Guatemala.
- Margaret Fleming Etherington-Smith, a British subject resident in Lisbon.
- Bernard Francis Twiney, Assistant Chief Accountant, Sudan Railways.
- Gawin Wild, British Vice-Consul in Algiers.
- Rowland Paterson Wilson, MB, ChBEd, FRCS(Ed), Medical Officer in Charge of the Giza Eye Hospital and Laboratory in Cairo.
- Frank Walter Austin, District Secretary of Brigade and Centre Secretary, St. John Ambulance Association, Southern Rhodesia.
- Alfred Bain. For municipal and social welfare services in Southern Rhodesia.
- Gladys Louise Buhler. For services in connection with activities under the auspices of the Royal Empire Society.
- Lionel Hedley Collett, Agricultural and Livestock Officer, Basutoland.
- Richard Allen Cox, employed in the Department of Justice, Southern Rhodesia.
- Francis Blaikie Holmes. For services to Newfoundland troops and to their wives and families in Newfoundland.
- Eileen May Munnings, Lady Divisional Superintendent, St. John Ambulance Association, Southern Rhodesia. For services in connection with the Red Cross and St. John Ambulance Associations in the Colony.
- Gertrude Josephine Jude, Assistant State Controller of the Voluntary Aid Detachment, State of South Australia.
- Arthur William Kidd, Superintendent of the Salisbury Prison, and acting Inspector of Prisons, Southern Rhodesia.
- Augusta Drever Fleming Leishman, Hospitality Secretary, Victoria League, Edinburgh.
- Laura Manning, Treasurer of the Women's Patriotic Association, Newfoundland.
- Angus John McKenzie, JP. For services in connection with philanthropic and patriotic societies in the State of Tasmania.
- Ruby Clark McLaren, a prominent honorary organiser of many patriotic and charitable appeals in the State of Tasmania.
- William Sibley. For public services in the State of South Australia.
- Dorothy Marie Gladys Thompson, Organising Secretary, Empire Societies' War Hospitality Committee.
- Marguerite Louise Bramble. For public services in Bombay.
- Khan Bahadur Saiyid Abdul Hasan, Secretary, Board of Revenue, United Provinces.
- Richard Charles Arbery, Inspector of Metallurgy, Government of India, Tatanagar.
- Herbert Ernest Ashby, Officer Supervisor, General Staff Branch, General Headquarters, India.
- Khan Bahadur Bahrain Khan, of Thana, Baezai, Swat State, North-West Frontier Province.
- Major Sohrab Rustomji Bamji, JP, Officer Commanding, Cyclist Messenger Service, ARP Organisation, Bombay.
- Chakrapany Aiyengar Rama Bhadran, Indian Forest Service, Forest Utilisation Officer, Gauhati, Assam.
- Captain Dudley Hugh Biscoe, Indian Political Service, Assistant Political Agent, Orissa States Agency.
- Nigel Alfred Kennor Bowden, Officer-in-charge, Mechanical Transport and Water Supply, Secunderabad Cantonment, Hyderabad (Deccan).
- Captain John Brebner, Indian Medical Service, Civil Surgeon, Chittagong, Bengal.
- Wilfred George Bunyan, Assistant Works Manager, Bengal-Nagpur Railway Workshops, Nagpur, Central Provinces and Berar.
- Henry George Burns, Indian Service of Engineers, Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch, United Provinces.
- John Meredith Charles, Deputy Commissioner, Gonda, United Provinces.
- Prabhat Mukul Chaudhuri, ARP Officer, Chittagong, Bengal.
- Captain Inder Sen Chopra, Indian Political Service, Director of Supplies in Baluchistan.
- Khan Bahadur Jehangir Ratanji Colabawala, Chief Engineer, Khairpur State.
- Albert Vivian D'Costa, Assistant Executive Engineer, Chief Engineer's Office, Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Bombay.[citation needed]
- Rao Bahadur Mohanji Naranji Desai, Superintendent of Police, Special Branch, Criminal Investigation Department, Bombay City, Bombay.
- Dilawar Hussein Khan, Indian Forest Service, Forest Research Officer, Orissa.
- Charles Henry Disney, Additional District Magistrate, Delhi.
- Nandolal Ganguli, Principal, King Edward College, Amraoti, Central Provinces and Berair.
- Sasanka Sekhar Gupta, Assistant Superintendent, Way and Works, Sahebganj, East Indian Railway.
- John Hannah, District Mechanical Engineer (Munitions Officer), Bengal and Assam Railway, Kanchrapara.
- John Begby Haskins, Resident Engineer, Oudh and Tirhut Railway, Benares.
- Thomas Frederic Gerald Hepburn, Controller of Leather and Tanning Industries, Directorate General of Supply, Department of Supply, Government of India.
- Khanchand Bhopatrai Hira, Divisional Executive Engineer, North-Western Railway, Karachi.
- George Archibald Hunt, Divisional Engineer, Telegraphs, Lahore Division.
- Jai Gopal, Honorary Assistant Treasurer, His Excellency the Viceroy's War Purposes Fund.
- Eric John Jenrier, Indian Police, District Superintendent of Police, Thar and Parkar District, Sind.
- William Sidney Charles Macey, Assistant Master (Officiating), Currency Note Press.
- Madras Mahadeva Mudaliar, Superintendent, Survey of India.
- George Mackenzie Martin, Manager, Reliance Jute Mill, Bhatpara, 24-Parganas, Bengal.
- John Arthur Meneze, District Signal Engineer, East Indian Railway, Moradabad.
- Rai Bahadur Chandi Prasad Misra, District Engineer, Monghyr, Bihar.
- Kalidas Mitra, MB, DPH, DTM&H, Officer-in-charge, Nutrition Scheme, Bihar.
- Khan Bahadur Maulvi Munir Ahmad, Extra Assistant Commissioner and Personal Indian Assistant to the Agent to the Governor-General in Baluchistan.
- William Arthur Murray, Signal Engineer, Oudh and Tirhut Railway, Gorakhpur.
- Frederick Percival Palsett, Secretary to the Chief Justice, and Secretary, Council of Law Reporting, High Court, Calcutta, Bengal.
- Muhammad Junaid Quraishi, MRCS, LRCP, Colonel in State Forces and Chief Medical Officer, Rampur State.
- Mir Rashed Ahmed Pilot Instructor, Bihar Flying Club, Bihar.
- Khan Bahadur Chaudhri Riasat Ali, Member, Punjab Legislative Assembly Advocate, Gujranwala, Punjab.
- John Jitendranath Rudra, PhD, AMInstEE, Principal, College of Engineering, Madras.
- Rai Bahadur Diwan Chand Saini, Advocate and Vice-Chairman, District Board, Gurdaspur, Punjab.
- William Hanbury Saumarez Smith, Indian Civil Service, Under Secretary, Governor-General's Secretariat (Public).
- Thomas Arthur Sharpe, Indian Civil Service, President, Manipur State Darbar.
- Edward John Shepherd, Principal, Constables Training School, Nathnagar, Bhagalpur, Bihar.
- Bernard Sinclair-Jones, Deputy Mint Master (temporary), Lahore.
- Captain Sardar Bahadur Ram Roop Singh, OBI, IOM, Extra Assistant Recruiting Officer, Ghazipur, United Provinces.
- Ralph Jeanrenaud Smith, Indian Forest Service, Divisional Forest Officer, Kanara Northern Division, Dharwar, Bombay.
- Andrew Herbert, Southern Indian Civil Service, Deputy Secretary to the Government of Madras in the Public Department.
- Guruswami Sastri Swaminathan, Under Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Commerce.
- Ronald Macgregor Thomson, Superintendent, Makum Tea Company, Ltd., Margherita, Assam.
- Hubert Gerard Pieter Vorstermans, Manager, Spencer's Cigar Factory, Dindigul, Madura District, Madras.
- Keith Lloyd Hamilton Wadley, AMICE, Indian Service of Engineers, Executive Engineer, Viceregal Estates Division.
- The Reverend William Troth Williams, Missionary, Gurgaon, Punjab.
- Rowland Wright, ACGI, AMIEE, Power Station Superintendent, Madras Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd., Madras.
- Subrahmanya Venkateswaran, Assistant Secretary to the Government of Burma, Defence Department.
- George Patrick Kirkham, Deputy Registrar, High Court of Judicature at Rangoon.
- Roderick Macrae Antill, MC, Senior Agricultural Assistant, Nyasaland Protectorate.
- Marie Margaret Bayley. For social welfare work in British Guiana.
- Joseph Waugh Bulman, Superintendent, Cyprus Railway.
- William Thomas Chappell, District Locomotive Superintendent, Kenya and Uganda Railways and Harbours Administration.
- Terence Bertrand Comissiong, Colonial Treasurer, Grenada, Windward Islands.
- Silvio Dandria, Assistant Secretary to the Government of Malta.
- Andrew Mervyn Dibble, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Northern Rhodesia.
- Frederick Ibikunie George. For social welfare services in Nigeria.
- Joseph Etienne Houareau, Chief Clerk, Chief Dispenser and Anaesthetist, Medical Department, Seychelles.
- Royston Edmund de Silva Jayasundere Proctor, Supreme Court, and Notary Public, Ceylon.
- Reginald Thomas Ledger, Superintendent, British Resident's Office, Trans-Jordan.
- Charles William Lynn, Colonial Agricultural Service, Senior Agricultural Superintendent, Gold Coast.
- Milton Augustus Strieby Margai, MB, BS, Medical Officer, Sierra Leone.
- The Venerable Archdeacon Ezra Douglas Martinson. For services to education in the Gold Coast.
- Selene Millstein, Clerical Officer, District Commissioner's Office, Haifa, Palestine.
- Captain David Milne, MC, Senior Superintendent of Prisons, Tanganyika Territory.
- David Loftus Morgan, Colonial Administrative Service, District Officer, Kenya.
- Robert James Stewart Orwin, Colonial Audit Service, Senior Assistant Auditor, Nigeria.
- Richard Hercules Wingfield Pakenham, Colonial Administrative Service, District Commissioner, Zanzibar Protectorate.
- The Reverend John Herbert Poole. For public and social services in Trinidad.
- George Cuthbert Reed, Staff Officer, Special Police, Kenya.
- Ida Samson. For social welfare work in Ceylon.
- Emily Sprott. For social and child welfare services in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate.
- Henry Douglas Tucker. For social welfare services in Jamaica.
- Thomas Yirrell Watson, Colonial Agricultural Service, Agricultural Officer, Kenya.
- Amihud Yehuda Goor, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Palestine.
- Naif Amin Hamzeh, MD, Medical Officer, Government Hospital, Haifa, Palestine.
- Mohammed Effendi Kemal, Superintendent of the Press Bureau, Palestine.
Order of the Companions of Honour (CH)
- Ernest Walter Hives, MBE. For services in the design of aero-engines.
- The Right Honourable Henry, Baron Snell, CBE, LLD, Captain of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms. Deputy Leader of the House of Lords.
Companion of the Imperial Service Order (ISO)
Home Civil Service
- Edward Halsey Bourne, Director, Investigation Branch, General Post Office.
- Frank Everard Cook, MBE, Deputy Establishment Officer, Ministry of Fuel and Power.
- Francis William Filbee, Assistant Director of Contracts, Ministry of Aircraft Production.
- John William Glennie, Head of Branch, Ministry of Food.
- James Hook, Accountant, Board of Education.
- Lewis Montgomery Jones, Senior Executive Officer, Air Ministry.
- John Oliver McFadden, Deputy Director of Audit, Exchequer and Audit Department.
- Alexander Cruikshank Milne, lately Chief Accountant, War Office.
- John Clarence Monahan, Assistant Chief Instructions Officer, Ministry of Labour and National Service.
- Harry John Pearman, Senior Staff Officer, Ministry of Health.
- William Perry, OBE, Chief Clerk, Royal Mint.
- Arthur Silvester, FSI, Superintending Quantity Surveyor, Ministry of Works.
- Adam Smail, lately General Inspector, Department of Health for Scotland.
- Leonard Smith, 1st Class Inspector, Board of Customs and Excise.
- Arthur Roger Straw, MBE, Assistant Director of Stores, Admiralty.
- Thomas Daniel Williams, MVO, DCM, lately Superintendent, Master of the Household's Department, Buckingham Palace (dated 1 April 1943).
Dominion Civil Services
- Hugh Hunter Cowperthwaite, MD, MS, Visiting Surgeon, Department of Public Health and Welfare, Newfoundland.
- Horace Clitheroe Smith, Secretary for Agriculture, State of Tasmania.
- Leonard Keith Ward, DSc, Director of Mines and Government Geologist, State of South Australia.
Indian Civil Services
- Lieutenant Alec Eustace Azevedo, MBE, Superintendent, Foreign Post, Bombay.
- Joel Jefferson Buck, Confidential Assistant to the Governor of Bihar.
- Harold Henry Creed, Deputy Director, Surveys, Assam.
- Alexander Joseph Gonsalves, Superintendent, Central Jail, Cannanore, Malabar District, Madras.
Colonial Service
- Ellen Maud Carey, Colonial Postmaster, Falkland Islands.
- Ernest Inverarity Christie, Accountant, Central Accounts Department, Nyasaland Protectorate.
- John Ernest Jones, Registrar of the High Court, Nyasaland Protectorate.
- Mensah Lamptey, Accountant, Posts and Telegraphs Department, Gold Coast.
- Hugh Henry Pilgrim, Inspector of Schools, Grenada, Windward Islands.
- Alan Percy Carlyle Dos Santos, Deputy Accountant-General, Trinidad.
- Johannes Welsing, Colonial Administrative Service, Assistant Colonial Secretary, Gold Coast.
- Arthur Emmanuel Perera Wijeyagunewardene, Assistant Postmaster-General, Ceylon.
Imperial Service Medal
- Abdur Rahman, Sub-Inspector (Retd.), Telegraphs, Bengal and Assam Circle.
Kaisar-i-Hind Medal
In Gold
- Grizel, the Honourable Lady Hope (wife of Captain the Honourable Sir Arthur Hope, GCIE, MC, Governor of Madras).
- Elsie, Lady Stewart (wife of Sir Thomas Alexander Stewart, KCSL, KCIE, ICS, lately Governor of Bihar).
- Her Highness Durre Shehvar Durdana Begum Sahiba, Princess of Berar, Hyderabad (Deccan).
- Marjorie Wilhelmina Jesson, Secretary, St. Stephen's Mission Hospital, Delhi.
- Alice Maud Ward, Missionary, Sind.
- Galen Fisher Scudder, MD, DTM, Scudder Memorial Hospital, Ranipet, North Arcot District, Madras.
Bar to the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Military Division
- Royal Navy
- Chief Petty Officer Edgar Henry Brown, P.222306.
- Chief Petty Officer Joseph Hamilton Charles, C/J.48870.
- Chief Petty Officer Llewelyn Dawson, C/J.95232.
- Chief Petty Officer Robert John Hamilton, P/J.33875
- Chief Petty Officer William Thomas Jarvis, D/J.96136.
- Chief Petty Officer Michael Jennings, D/J.1734.
- Chief Petty Officer Charles Frederick Johns, D/J.20150.
- Chief Petty Officer Fred Lucas, D/J.41311.
- Chief Petty Officer Horace Albert Marshall, C/JX.147508.
- Chief Petty Officer Robert Potts, D/J.15509.
- Chief Petty Officer Thomas William Prior, C/J.114764.
- Chief Petty Officer Victor Tom Stent, D/J.32738.
- Chief Petty Officer Thomas George Tallyn, P/J41461.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Frederick Henry Glithero, P/J.22518.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Sidney Hills, P.236009.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Augustus George Hodgson, D.224070.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Horace Bertram Margetson, C.199208.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals George Whitby, DSM, C.182090.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Arthur Edward Snellock, P/JX.133666.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Francis Bailey, C.271322.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer James Ralph Bessant, C/M.35650.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Alexander Black, C/M.2433.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer John Knox McKenzie, C/MX.54278.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Frederick Herbert Martin, D/M.6995.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer John Strathearn, C/M.22779.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Allan Harry Terrett, C/M.1580.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer First Class Arthur Gordon Laverick, C/365E.C.R.N.R.
- Chief Mechanician Ernest Murch Haywood, D/KX.87186.
- Chief Mechanician Andrew Smith, P/M.66199.
- Chief Stoker Charles Philip Jordan, P/K.3407.
- Chief Stoker Edward Skeen, C/K.66048.
- Chief Stoker Alfred Charles White, P/KX.75251.
- Chief Ordnance Artificer John Henry Wardil, C/M.3200.
- Chief Shipwright William John Mitchell, D/M.28108.
- Chief Shipwright Sidney Edward Partridge, C/M.6353.
- Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer Joshua Alexander, P/M.2547.
- Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer John Albert Guenigault, C/M.652.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer Albert Fidelis Fuchter, P.37582.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer John Frederick Helmore, D/MX.5063O.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer Charles Beresford Howe, D/M.7641.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer William Clarence Jago, D/MX.46798.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer Arthur Charles Neal, D/MX.48823.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer Jeremiah O'Connor, D/M.2766.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer Thomas Roddam, C/MX.46405.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer William Francis George Rundle, D/MX.46299.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer Thomas William Wortley Brightman, D/M.37779.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer George Fisher, C/M.37897.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer Sir Roger Edward Arthur Wibrew, C/M.32O24.
- Master-at-Arms William Samuel Jones, D/M.40066.
- Master-at-Arms Robert William Horder Rye, C/M.39920.
- Chief Petty Officer Cook Albert Leonard Edwards, P/M.32810.
- Second Hand Andrew McLennan Morgan, LT/JX.280605, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Shipwright First Class William John Dodridge, D/M.19609.
- Blacksmith Second Class Leonard Williams, C/MX. 50804.
- Air Artificer Fourth Class William Allison Blythman, FAA/FX.75165.
- Air Artificer Fourth Class Graham Charles Newman White, FAA/FX.75176.
- Sergeant Major William John Gilliam, Royal Marines.
- Temporary Sergeant Major Harold Wilfred Solly, Royal Marines.
- Temporary Sergeant Major George William Barnes, Royal Marines.
- Company Sergeant Major (acting Quartermaster-Sergeant) William Thomas Stephen Latter, R.M.B.2625, Royal Marines.
- Colour Sergeant (acting Temporary Company Sergeant Major) Charles Henry O'Brien, Ply.21249, Royal Marines.
- Acting Quartermaster Sergeant William Chadwick Bould, Ply.211710, Royal Marines.
- Colour Sergeant George Samuel Burridge, Po.17617, Royal Marines.
- Colour Sergeant Maynard Arthur Raven, Ch.22994, Royal Marines.
- Staff Clerk John Brown, Ch.X323, Royal Marines.
- Petty Officer Frederick George Brady, P/JX.140454.
- Petty Officer Adolphus William Critoph, P/J.13365.
- Petty Officer Michael Alphonsus Keehan, D/J.35703.
- Petty Officer Frank Edward George Leader, P/J21904.
- Temporary Petty Officer Telegraphist John Thompson Kipling, C/JX.142742.
- Temporary Petty Officer Telegraphist Herbert Henry Payne, D/J.56656.
- Stoker Petty Officer James Albert Frank Brock, C/K.16476.
- Stoker Petty Officer Albert Henry Pyle, P/K.58711.
- Stoker Petty Officer Joseph Hewitt, D/K.62239.
- Temporary Stoker Petty Officer Edward Harry Hopper, C/K.50241.
- Sick Berth Petty Officer William Henry Doidge, D/MX.52359.
- Sick Berth Petty Officer Clifford Coaker Horn, D/MX.55007.
- Sick Berth Petty Officer Edward Herbert Thompson, P/MX.45707.
- Petty Officer Writer Laurence Parsons, CH/DX.49.
- Regulating Petty Officer Robert McFarlane, D/M.40176.
- Regulating Petty Officer John Percy Rance, P/MX.60143.
- Acting Regulating Petty-Officer Ernest Edward Johnson, P/M.40266.
- Petty Officer Air Mechanic (E) Robert Thompson, FAA/FX.75104.
- Temporary Supply Petty Officer Arthur William Viles, P/MX.58569.
- Engineman Andrew Wood, LT/KX.124624, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Frederick Barrett, D/JX.132461.
- Acting Leading Seaman Charles Francis Easterbrook, D/JX.218303.
- Leading Stoker Ralph Sidney Burn, D/KX.82176.
- Acting Leading Wireman Stanley Lynch, P/MX.67288.
- Leading Supply Assistant James Taylor, P/MX.59957.
- Lance Corporal Arthur Walter Bastin, 11963, Royal Marines.
- Corporal Albert Edward Vaughan, ChX.1036, Royal Marines.
- Ordinary Seaman William Alfred Buttell, C/JX.247643.
- Chief Wren Ellen Alford, 1069, Women's Royal Naval Service.
- Chief Wren Eileen Florence Toogood, 4857, Women's Royal Naval Service.
- Petty Officer Wren Elsie May Reid, 8464, Women's Royal Naval Service.
- Petty Officer Wren Marion Hodgson Smith, 8056, Women's Royal Naval Service.
- Petty Officer Writer Kathleen Violet Harris, 2742, Women's Royal Naval Service.
- Petty Officer Wren Beatrice May Rooke, 2391, Women's Royal Naval Service.
- Writer Constance Helen Drummond Duff, 30759, Women's Royal Naval Service.
- Army
- Sergeant Haroun Abzagh, Trans-Jordan Frontier Force.
- Lance Sergeant Wilfred Armitage, West Riding Home Guard.
- No. 1466066 Sergeant (acting Staff Sergeant) Horace William Gordon Bell, Royal Artillery.
- No. 4977154 Sapper Harold Blair, Royal Engineers.
- No. S/59997 Staff Sergeant Joseph Henry Carlile, Royal Army Service Corps.
- No. 13072261 Corporal John Broadhurst Edwards, Pioneer Corps.
- Sergeant William Ellis, Shropshire Home Guard.
- No. S/819540 Staff Sergeant William Jesse Elmer, Royal Army Service Corps.
- Sergeant John Fell, Lancashire Home Guard.
- No. W/34388 Lance Sergeant (acting Sergeant) Eleanor Haigh, Auxiliary Territorial Service.
- No. 4909955 Private Edward Hall, The South Staffordshire Regiment.
- No. 2313337 Sergeant James Harper, Royal Engineers.
- No. 1882934 Lance Sergeant Leslie Robert Horsham, Royal Engineers.
- Sergeant Abdel Rask Assad Ismail, Trans-Jordan Frontier Force.
- No. 4037780 Corporal (acting) Edward Jones, Army Air Corps.
- No. W/22540 Corporal Maisie Jones, Auxiliary Territorial Service.
- Sergeant Richard Thomas Jones, Monmouthshire Home Guard.
- No. 5349364 Sergeant Albert Henry Kempston, The Royal Berkshire Regiment (Princess Charlotte of Wales's).
- No. 2196010 Private Thomas Lavender, Pioneer Corps.
- No. 2048863 Sergeant Bertie Frederick Lemon, Royal Artillery.
- Staff Sergeant George James McKandry, New Zealand Military Forces.
- No. S/4034791 Staff Sergeant James Riou Massie, Royal Army Service Corps.
- No. 407147 Sergeant Joseph McMahon, 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards.
- Sergeant William Millar, Angus Home Guard.
- No. 4031508 Colour Sergeant (acting Warrant Officer Class II, Company Sergeant Major) David Glyndwr Morgan, The King's Shropshire Light Infantry.
- No. 2350720 Signalman Jim Newell, Royal Corps of Signals.
- Sergeant Charles O'Malley, Sussex Home Guard.
- No. 7633922 Sergeant Albert Eric Porter, Royal Army Ordnance Corps.
- No. W/661075 Sergeant Beatrice Alice Rishworth, Voluntary Aid Detachment.
- No. 2921644 Sergeant David Ronald, Royal Artillery.
- No. 4272615 Sergeant Harold Bolton Rutherford, Army Physical Training Corps.
- No. W/564050 Corporal (Clerk) Eva Margaret Sewart, Voluntary Aid Detachment.
- Company-Quartermaster-Sergeant Harold Sebastian Sircom, Surrey Home Guard.
- Lance Corporal Martin Marshall Small, The Wellington West Coast Regiment, New Zealand Military Forces.
- No. 5173065 Sergeant Arthur Whiting Smith, Royal Engineers.
- No. 10350200 Acting Sergeant Douglas Holdich Smith, Intelligence Corps.
- No. 5826168 Sergeant Stephen Walter Smith, The Suffolk Regiment.
- Sergeant Henry Stedman, Surrey Home Guard.
- No. S/1896532 Staff Sergeant (acting Warrant Officer Class I Staff Sergeant Major) Henry Maurice Thackray, Royal Army Service Corps.
- Sergeant William George Tipper, North Riding Home Guard.
- No. 18234 Sergeant Norah Walker, Auxiliary Territorial Service.
- Platoon Sergeant Albert John Watkins, Herefordshire Home Guard.
- No. 2582470 Signalman Walter Charles Webb, Royal Corps of Signals.
- No. W/40301 Acting Company Sergeant Major Eileen Whitehead, Auxiliary Territorial Service.
- Royal Air Force
- 560010 Flight Sergeant James Francis Agutter.
- 565523 Flight Sergeant Harry Casey.
- 565478 Flight Sergeant Harry Cheers.
- 348027 Flight Sergeant John Clegg.
- 622120 Flight Sergeant John Navarino Fellows Edwards.
- 19048 Flight Sergeant Reginald Arthur Emerton.
- 562978 Flight Sergeant Robert Fox.
- 1375002 Flight Sergeant Robert Henry Hayes.
- 352675 Flight Sergeant Albert William Lee.
- 157884 Flight Sergeant Ian Mackintosh.
- 358768 Flight Sergeant Cyril Roger Clifford Rutter.
- 560928 Flight Sergeant Charles George Smith.
- 364733 Flight Sergeant Walter Springate.
- 508031 Flight Sergeant Arthur Stephenson.
- 363764 Flight Sergeant John Frederick Turner.
- 286662 Flight Sergeant David Ludgate Ward.
- 561406 Flight Sergeant William Robert Warren.
- 568327 Acting Flight Sergeant Arthur Hale.
- 565621 Acting Flight Sergeant Albert Ernest Morgan.
- 967606 Acting Flight Sergeant Clifford Allan Sagar.
- 1182944 Acting Flight Sergeant Ronald Sells.
- 744734 Acting Flight Sergeant William Charles George Tracey, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- 156747 Acting Flight Sergeant Hubert Walter Thornett.
- 509285 Acting Flight Sergeant Herbert Charles Ward.
- 810118 Sergeant Patrick Mathew Bannon, Auxiliary Air Force.
- 1164394 Sergeant Frederick Albert James Carter.
- 347849 Sergeant William Thomas Coombs.
- 525362 Sergeant James Francis Davies.
- 522234 Sergeant Harry Alfred Thomas Harber.
- 365860 Sergeant Frederick Stanley Harding.
- 522685 Sergeant George Hardy.
- 539259 Sergeant Gordon Allan McLoughlin.
- 1063109 Sergeant John Simm Pringle.
- 816084 Sergeant Thomas Richard Patrick Roberts, Auxiliary Air Force.
- 981111 Sergeant Thomas Timperley.
- 529078 Sergeant Edward Watson.
- 905748 Acting Sergeant Wilfred Gordon Lock.
- 542440 Acting Sergeant Victor Albert Edward Wicklow.
- 918132 Corporal Dennis Bird.
- 551351 Corporal Hugh Fraser.
- 574495 Corporal James Lorimer Gutteridge.
- 1263947 Corporal John Henry Smith.
- 1171939 Corporal Stanley Ernest Stone.
- 1082889 Leading Aircraftman Frederick Walter Flint.
- 974841 Leading Aircraftman Herbert Alfred Garnham.
- 1089030 Leading Aircraftman Kenneth Sunderland.
- 551071 Leading Aircraftman Thomas Edward Thompson.
- 1160539 Leading Aircraftman Richard Hulme Guy Triner.
- 950672 Leading Aircraftman Joseph Turner.
- 1366452 Leading Aircraftman Charles William Badger Young.
- 942070 Aircraftman 2nd Class Joseph Carlyle Blackburn.
- Aus.5140 Flight Sergeant Robert William Raebel, Royal Australian Air Force.
- Can/R.141693 Flight Sergeant Wesley Guard Tomkins, Royal Canadian Air Force.
- N.Z.780010 Flight Sergeant George Joseph Goodsell, Royal New Zealand Air Force.
- N.Z.413624 Sergeant Craig Martyn Renner, Royal New Zealand Air Force.
- N.Z.39405 Corporal Alan Stuart Paterson, Royal New Zealand Air Force.
- 421326 Sergeant Florence Celeste, Women's Auxiliary Air Force.
Civil Division
- United Kingdom
- Harry Albert Victor Abbott, Works Manager, Chambon Ltd.
- Arthur Adams, Setter, Fuze Department, George Kent Ltd.
- Charges Agg, Dock Labourer, London.
- Robert Aitman, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Charles Aldridge, Foreman Plater, Harland & Wolff Ltd.
- Robert Calaghan Allan, Head Foreman Plater, Greenock Dockyard Co. Ltd.
- Bachameah Jeenat Allee, Engine-room Serang, Merchant Navy.
- Bertie Robert Allen, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Frank Allen, Foreman, Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd.
- Robert James Allen, Station Officer, Coastguard Service, Ministry of War Transport.
- Themistocle Anastasiu, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Joseph Anderson, Electrician, Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd.
- Albert Arthur Andrews, Section Foreman, Lehmann Archer & Lane Ltd.
- Fanny Louise Arnold, Sorting Clerk and Telegraphist, Head Post Office, Abingdon.
- Irene Arnold, Assistant, Cypher Office, RAF Headquarters, Malta.
- Walter John Arnold, Jig Tool and Gauge Hardener, Mollart Engineering Co. Ltd.
- Margaret Atherton, Inspector, Pollard Bearings Ltd.
- Thomas Bagley, Transport Foreman, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
- Percy Mozart Bailey, Ganger, Kettering, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company.
- William Bainbridge, Foreman Fitter, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Sarah Jane Bartlett, Forewoman, William Edwards & Sons (Bridport) Ltd.
- James Barton, Foreman, Greenwood & Batley.
- Lilian Baskeyfield, Assistant Forewoman, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Thomas Bates, Able Seaman and Lamp Trimmer, Merchant Navy.
- Albert Batey, Head Foreman of Machine Shop, Clarke, Chapman & Co. Ltd.
- John Embury Battin, Goods Foreman, Birkenhead, Great Western Railway Company.
- Alexander Baxter, Second Fisherman of a Steam Trawler.
- George Baxter, Dock Labourer, Leith.
- Cecil John Bayliss, Grinder, Austin Motor Co. Ltd.
- Thomas Beardsmore, DCM, Office Keeper, Ministry of Aircraft Production.
- Thomas Beck, Foreman Boilermaker, Harland & Wolff Ltd.
- Albert Victor Bennett, Signal and Telegraph Supervisor, Eastleigh, Southern Railway Company. For services to Civil Defence.
- Hilda Bennett, Chargehand, British Aluminium Co. Ltd.
- Charles Bernard, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Jack Berry, Foreman Fitter, Short Bros Ltd.
- Prudence Berry, Forewoman, Gauge Department, Hoffmann Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
- Cecil George Birch, Civilian DF Operator, Bomber Command, Air Ministry.
- Harry Birch, Dock Labourer, Scruttons Ltd.
- Henry Stoddard Bishop, Chargehand Toolmaker, Monotype Corporation Ltd.
- Hilda Mary Blackburn, General Leader, YMCA Services Canteen, Bletchley Station.
- James Edis-Blewitt, Planer-machinist, Arthur Pattison Ltd.
- George Ernest Bohey, Shift Engineer, Middle East Command, Air Ministry.
- Thomas Bolton, Foreman Turner, Brown Bros & Co. Ltd.
- Harold Bond, Supervisor, Civil Defence Rescue Service, Exmouth.
- Frank Bones, Carpenter, Merchant Navy.
- Albert Edward Bonner, Able Seaman, Merchant Navy.
- William Ewart Bosher, Foreman of Trades, Maintenance Command, Air Ministry.
- James Boyle, Greaser, Merchant Navy.
- James Arthur Bradley, Centre Lathe Turner, Sheepbridge Coal & Iron Company.
- Charles Bradshaw, Chief Engineer of a Steam Trawler.
- Arthur Bright, Instrument Maker, Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd.
- James Stephens Brodie, Donkeyman, Merchant Navy.
- Henry Edward Brooker, Acting First Class Draughtsman, Naval Ordnance Department, Admiralty, Canada.
- Frank Brown, Divisional Head Warden, Civil Defence Wardens Service, Derby.
- Kenneth Charles Brown, Works Superintendent, De Havilland Aircraft Co. Ltd.
- Leslie Richmond Brown, Company Officer, No. 12 (Cambridge) Area, National Fire Service.
- Robert Brown, Lieutenant, Dundee Police Force. For services to Civil Defence.
- Sara Miriam Browne, Supervisor, Telephones, Post Office, Belfast.
- Archibald Brownlee, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Lyon Buchanan, Fieldsman, Home Grown Flax Production Department, Ministry of Supply.
- Thomas Budge, Skipper of a Motor Fishing Boat.
- Leonard Ronald Bullinaria, Acting Inspector of Storehousemen, Royal Victoria Yard, Deptford.
- Cyril Inglis Burns, Training Officer, Civil Defence Casualty Services, Norwich.
- Reginald John Butcher, Inspector, Folkestone Police. For services to Civil Defence.
- Edward Byrne, Acting Foreman of Engineer Branch, HM Dockyard, Simonstown.
- Charles Caffrey, Fireman, Merchant Navy.
- Michael William Caine, Machine Shop Foreman, Enfield Cycle Co. Ltd.
- Irene May Frances Cameron, Plotter, Operations Room, RAF Headquarters, Malta.
- Alexander Graham Campbell, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Charles Archibald Carter, Superintendent of Messengers and Office Keeper, 10 Downing Street.
- Arthur Gerald Casey, Evangelist, Church Army. For services to the Forces in the Middle East.
- Candido Castanos, Fireman and Trimmer Greaser, Merchant Navy.
- Edward Owen Chapman, Foreman, Gent & Co. Ltd.
- Porteous Chapman, Chief Carpenter, Merchant Navy.
- Richard Hall Charlton, Technical Assistant to Works Manager, Peter Brotherhood Ltd.
- Henry Appleby Churnside, Chief and Ship's Cook, Merchant Navy.
- Luke Clarke, Foreman Founder, Optical Department, Chance Bros.
- Francis Charles Cobbledick, Senior Company Officer, No. 19 (Plymouth) Area, National Fire Service.
- George Edward Cobden, Sergeant, Salisbury City Police. For services to Civil Defence.
- Kenneth Archibald Cockle, Turner, Dowty Equipment Ltd.
- Morris Edward Colbeck, Deputy Head Warden, Civil Defence Wardens Service and Deputy Head Fire Guard, Abbey Division, Lincoln.
- Harold William Coles, Acting Foreman, HM Dockyard, Sheerness.
- Ethel Collins, Supervisor, Crompton Parkinson Ltd.
- Harold Godfrey Constable, Foreman, Campbell & Isherwood Ltd.
- Gertrude Eileen Cooper, Telephone Supervisor, Southampton Docks, Southern Railway Company. For services to Civil Defence.
- Alfred Davies Corrigall, Employed in a Department of the Foreign Office.
- Harold Stanley Cox, Toolroom Foreman, Newman Hender & Co.
- Charles Cranfield, Night Foreman, Camberwell Garage, London Passenger Transport Board. For services to Civil Defence.
- Reginald Spenser Crighton, Inspector, Eastbourne Borough Police. For services to Civil Defence.
- John Croft, Chief Warden's Staff Officer, Civil Defence Wardens Service, Co. Durham.
- Joseph Crosbie, Engine-room Storekeeper, Merchant Navy.
- William Richard Crossbie, Chargeman, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Percival Edward Crosson, Shops Superintendent, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Ministry of Aircraft Production.
- George Edward Curd, Fireman, Merchant Navy.
- Harold Dalton, Docker, Manchester.
- Bertram William Davies, Foreman of M/T, Maintenance Command, Air Ministry.
- Joseph William Davies, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Ernest Davis, Foreman, Erecting Shop, Airspeed (1934) Ltd.
- John Dawson, Foreman, Gun Department, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Arthur James Denzey, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Admiralty Outstation.
- George De Silva, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- William Thomas Douglas, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- James Dow, Chief and Ship's Cook, Merchant Navy.
- Reginald Arthur Drake, Staff Officer for Civil Defence First Aid Parties, Southend-on-Sea.
- Gerald Walton Drewitt, Staff Officer, Civil Defence Casualty Services, Canterbury.
- Timothy Topping Duff, Trawl Fisherman of a Steam Trawler.
- James Anthony Duncan, Foreman, Northern Aluminium Company.
- Frederick James Dunk, Head Observer, Royal Observer Corps.
- Robert Alfred Durent, Foreman Ship's Electrician, A. Anderson & Son Ltd.
- Charles Maynard Dutton, Foreman, Sheet Metal Shop, Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd.
- Eugene Duvoisin, Chef, Merchant Navy.
- James Dyson, Draughtsman, Vulcan Foundry Ltd.
- George William Easson, Chargeman Fitter, Richardsons Westgarth & Co. Ltd.
- James Edwards, Storehouse Assistant, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth.
- William Stanley Eggbeer, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Frederick George Ellingham, Ganger, St. Pancras, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company. For services to Civil Defence.
- Charles William England, Goods Agent, Portsmouth, Southern Railway Company. For services to Civil Defence.
- Alfred William Evans, Chargehand Driller, Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. Ltd.
- John William Evans, Foreman, Brass Strip Mill, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
- Henry Owen Eves, Quartermaster, Merchant Navy.
- Harry Exley, lately Shop Foreman, John Holroyd & Co. Ltd.
- James Anderson Falconer, Docker, Liverpool.
- John Mary Farrugia, Clerk of Works, Air Ministry Works Department, Kalafrana, Malta.
- John William Stanley Fielding, Area Chief Warden and Incident Officer, Civil Defence Services, Borough of Glossop.
- Arthur Ernest Fildes, Clerk of Works, Air Ministry Works Department, Luqa, Malta.
- Samuel Firth, Foreman, Jig and Tool Department, Prince Smith & Stells Ltd.
- Donald Fletcher, Quartermaster, Merchant Navy.
- Marigold Fletcher, Plotter, Operations Room, RAF Headquarters, Malta.
- Sidney Flowers, Foreman Shipwright, W. Overy & Son.
- Herbert John Folland, Electric Furnace Feeder and Unloader, W. Martin Winn Ltd.
- Albert Victor Francis, Plant Inspector, Post Office (London) Railway.
- John Fraser, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Robert Fraser, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Phyllis Frederick, lately Assistant, Cypher Office, RAF Headquarters, Malta.
- Frederick Charles Freeman, Mortuary Keeper, Chelsea. For services to Civil Defence.
- James Frid, Established Skilled Labourer, RN Armament Depot, Upnor.
- Edwin George Frost, Principal Storeholder, RN Armament Depot, Woolwich.
- James Fyles, Foreman, Imperial Chemical Industries (Explosives) Ltd.
- Archibald Duncan Galbraith, Cook Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Carmela Eileen Galea, Assistant, RAF Headquarters, Malta.
- Charles Henry Galvin, Designer's Assistant, Halex Ltd.
- George Sydenham Gant, Civilian Armament Instructor Grade I, Flying Training Command, Air Ministry.
- James Gardiner, MM, Principal Foreman of Stores, Maintenance Command, Air Ministry.
- Amos Arnold Garner, Foreman, Machine Shop, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Marjorie Elizabeth Garner, Chief Woman Welfare Supervisor, Turbine Blading Department, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- James Gaughran, Chargeman of Joiners and Storewrights, Naval Store Department, Admiralty.
- Susan Gibson, Matron, Millvale Hostel, Wooler, Northumberland. For services to Civil Defence.
- John Gill, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- William Edward Gillard, Joiner in charge, Frederick Sage & Co. Ltd.
- Alfred William Godfrey, Filer, Royal Small Arms Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Christopher Gordon, Foreman Stevedore, Bromborough Dock.
- John Graves, Head Warden, Civil Defence Wardens Service, Sheffield.
- Harold Ivan Thomas Greatrex, Foreman Toolmaker, James Booth & Co. (1915) Ltd.
- Hubert John Green, Progressman (Technical), RN Torpedo Factory, Greenock.
- William Griffin, Chargeman of Joiners and Storewrights, Admiralty Outstation.
- George Griffiths, Body Shop Foreman, Austin Motor Co. Ltd.
- Leonard Charles Phillip Grimbly, Technical Officer, Cable & Wireless Ltd.
- Henry Walter Grose, Sorter, London Postal Region.
- Andrew Guild, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Joseph Victor Harold Gurney, Station and Yard Master, Banbury, Great Western Railway Company.
- Joseph Alfred Gwinnett, Toolroom Foreman, L. H. Newton & Co. Ltd.
- Annie Halifax, Capstan Operator, British Vacuum Cleaner & Engineering Co. Ltd.
- James Henry Hamilton, Foreman Fitter, Crossley Bros Ltd.
- Rose Hammond, Winder, C.A.V. Ltd.
- William Hammond, Skilled Setter, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Charles Handley, Chief Inspector, War Department Constabulary.
- James Robert Hanvey, Acting Assistant III, Admiralty Outstation.
- Charles Leo Harnett, Turner, RN Torpedo Factory, Greenock.
- William Henry House Harper, Able Seaman, Merchant Navy.
- Harry Burnett Harris, Machine Shop Superintendent, F. Perkins Ltd.
- Thomas Albert Garden Harris, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Henry Hartley, Foreman Boilermaker, Cardiff Channel Dry Docks & Pontoon Co. Ltd.
- Frederick Hawkins, Blacksmith, Wolverhampton, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company.
- Robert J. Heathwood, Company Officer, National Fire Service, Northern Ireland.
- William Helps, Sector Leader, Civil Defence Wardens Service and Head Fire Guard, Leicester.
- Mabel Ellen Henderson, Adviser, Housewives' Service, Group 9 (Surrey), Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence.
- John Henry, Able Seaman, Merchant Navy.
- John Hibberd, Chief Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Henry Hooper Hicks, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Dorothy Annie Frances Hide, Message Supervisor, Civil Defence Report and Control Service, Hammersmith.
- William Franklin Higgin, Skilled Turner, Yorkshire Engineering Supplies Company.
- Elizabeth Mary Higgins, Canteen Officer, Civil Defence Services, Birkenhead.
- Robert Hill, Head Foreman Shipwright, Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd.
- Sidney Arthur Hobbs, Skilled Workman, Class I, Bristol Telephone Area.
- Robert Black Hoggan, Established Chargeman of Fitters, RN Torpedo Depot, Rosyth.
- Thomas Frederick Hole, Engine Test Superintendent, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Albert Walter Holland, Operations Foreman, Home Grown Timber Department, Ministry of Supply.
- Herbert Joseph Holliday, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Thomas Holly, Cranedriver, Cardiff.
- Frank Holmes, Chargehand Setter, Automatic Department, British Manufacturing & Research Co. Ltd.
- George Holmes, Foreman Shipwright, Tees Side Bridge & Engineering Works Ltd.
- Marie Homer, Overseer, Bournville Utilities Ltd.
- Thomas William Hopkins, Fbreman, Jowett Cars Ltd.
- Joseph Horton, Toolmaker, Joseph Lucas Ltd.
- James Houghton, Furnace Foreman, Umbroc Ltd.
- William Hounsome, Greaser, Merchant Navy.
- William John Hover, Supervisor of Steel Structures, London Bridge, Southern Railway Company. For services to Civil Defence.
- Albert Edwin Hufton, Works Superintendent, S. & R. J. Everett & Co. Ltd.
- Thomas Sims Hyde, Foreman, Williams & Williams Ltd.
- Peter Ritchie Inglis, Carpenter, Merchant Navy.
- Ralph Jarvis, Foreman Fitter, James Robertson & Sons Ltd.
- Robert Jeffrey, Foreman Smith, Laird & Son Ltd.
- Charles Walter Johnstone, Principal Foreman, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Ministry of Aircraft Production.
- Frederick James Jolliffe, Principal Lighthouse Keeper, Corporation of Trinity House.
- Elizabeth Venning Jones, Manageress, Navy, Army and Air Force Institute, Northwood.
- Sidney Robert Jones, Supervisor of Outside Erection, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- Edward Keightley, Air Raid Precautions Instructor, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company.
- Archibald Kerr, Foreman, De Havilland Aircraft Co. Ltd.
- John Edward Laurie King, Cook Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Cecil Kingdom, 2nd Class Master, Naval Armament Vessels, Admiralty.
- Hero Kuhlmann, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Lueng Kwai, Quartermaster, Merchant Navy.
- Clifford Cecil Lambert, Foreman, County Industries Ltd.
- Thomas Morgan Langley, Port Transport Worker, Swansea Dock.
- Martin Larsen, Greaser, Merchant Navy.
- John Thomas Lathey, Foreman, Pymore Mill Co. Ltd.
- Joseph Law, Works Inspector, Watford, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company. For services to Civil Defence.
- John Edward Laws, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Ernest Frank Baker Lea, Duty Controller, Royal Observer Corps.
- Councillor Arthur Sidney Leather, Chief Warden, Civil Defence Wardens Service, Borough of Stourbridge.
- Frederick Leeder, Foreman, Hawker Aircraft Co. Ltd.
- Phyllis Liddle, Assistant Forewoman, Armaments Inspection Department, Ministry of Supply.
- Orlando Lifton, Acting First Class Draughtsman, Admiralty.
- Robert Lloyd, Greaser, Merchant Navy.
- Robert Lloyd, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Cecil Walter Longman, Production Designer, Pressed Steel Co. Ltd.
- William Thomas Berry Lorimer, Superintendent of Works, Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland.
- Frederick Albert Luff, Acting Inspector of Storehousemen, HM Naval Victualling Depot, Milford Haven.
- Walter Lynch, Able Seaman and Cook, Merchant Navy.
- William John Mabbett, Rollerman, Imperial Chemical Industries Metals Ltd.
- John Joseph MacDonald, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Donald McDougall (Junior), Skipper of a Motor Boat.
- Mary McGregor, Overlooker, J. & P. Coates Ltd.
- John McGuffie, Assistant Foreman Plumber, Barclay Curie & Co. Ltd.
- Alexander McIntyre, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Nicol McKechnie, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Frank Cantwell Mackenzie, Curator of Original Documents, Hydrographic Department, Admiralty.
- William Berry McLaren, Chief Pharmacist, Medical Branch, General Post Office.
- Bernard McLaughlan, Able Seaman Lamptrimmer, Merchant Navy.
- Marion MacLennan, Acting Sub Postmistress, Lochboisdale, Isle of South Uist.
- Elizabeth McMeekin, Forewoman, Imperial Chemical Industries (Explosives) Ltd.
- Alan McPherson, Dock Labourer, Glasgow Dock.
- Donald McPherson, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Neil McTaggart, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Thomas Blackburn Maddison, Acting Foreman, Machine Shop, Darlington, London & North Eastern Railway Company.
- Jean Sarah Malloy, Sergeant-in-charge, Women Police, Glasgow.
- Harold Stocks Marsden, Group Leader, Civil Defence Motor-cycle Messenger Group, Leeds.
- Gordon Percy Albert Marsh, Charge Engineer, Ferry Dock Pumping Station, Dover. For services to Civil Defence.
- Edward John Marsh, Principal Foreman, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Ministry of Aircraft Production.
- John Edward Marsh, Storeman "A", Anti-Aircraft Command, War Office.
- Robert Martin, Chief Baker, Merchant Navy.
- Harry Matcham, Chargeman of Acid Mixers, RN Cordite Factory, Holton Heath.
- Audrey Mather, Librarian and Entertainment Organiser, Catterick. For services to the Forces.
- Horace Melbourne, Chief Cartage Supervisor, Marylebone, London & North Eastern Railway Company. For services to Civil Defence.
- Helen Rae Mellis, Centre Organiser, Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, Clydebank, Dunbartonshire.
- Thomas Inglis Russell Melville, Section-Leader, Western (No. 2) Area, Scotland, National Fire Service.
- Charles Edwin Miles, Foreman, Electrical Assembly and Wiring Shop, Cinema-Television Ltd.
- Albert Reginald Millar, Employed in a Department of the Foreign Office.
- Harry Miller, Inspector (Engineering), Telephone Manager's Office, Lincoln.
- William Henry Miller, Temporary Chief Inspector, Oxford City Police. For services to Civil Defence.
- Dorothy Milne, Canteen Manageress, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- John Mitchell, Chief Warden, Civil Defence Wardens Service, Londonderry.
- Charles William Moller, Works Manager, Plessey Co. Ltd.
- Alfred Molyneux, Able Seaman, Merchant Navy.
- Ernest Monk, Foreman, Royal Gunpowder Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Thomas Monkhouse, General Foreman, Metropolitan-Vickers Ltd.
- Bernard Moore, Group Inspector, Automotive Products Ltd.
- George Moore, Plater's Helper, Wm. Hamilton & Co. Ltd.
- Thomas Henry Moore, Machine Shop Foreman, Mellor Bromley & Co. Ltd.
- William Moore, Transport Worker (Docker), Immingham.
- Frederick John Morley, Artificer, Admiralty Signal Establishment.
- Edward George Morris, Foreman, Civil Defence Rescue Service, Bethnal Green.
- Winifred Morris, Paste Mixer, Chargehand, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Trevor Morse, Chargehand Fitter, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Sidney Charles Moyse, Foreman of Shipping, RN Armament Depot, Priddy's Hard.
- William Alfred Muir, DCM, Storeholder, Gun Ammunition Depot, Ministry of Supply.
- Gordon Stuart Straite Murray, Fireman, No. 37 Fire Area, National Fire Service.
- William Murray, Carpenter, Merchant Navy.
- Robert Henry Mutter, Acting 1st Class Engineer of Yard Craft, HM Naval Base, Pembroke Dock.
- Jack Nash, Docker, Bristol.
- Robert Nattan, Foreman Boilermaker, Penarth Pontoon Slipway & Ship Repairing Co. Ltd.
- Frank Thomas Newell, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Annie Emily Sarah Norris, Foster parent to evacuee children, Maidenhead.
- Albert John Nunn, Honorary Organiser for Methodist and United Churches Board. For services to the Forces.
- James Nutty, Fitter, Grade I, Derby, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company.
- William George Oldfield, Chargehand, W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co. Ltd.
- Frederick William Palmer, Acting Inspector of Storehousemen, HM Naval Victualling Yard, Simonstown.
- Henry Palmer, Plant Engineer, Brett Stamping Co. Ltd.
- Sidney William James Parke, Workshop Superintendent, Borough Polytechnic, London.
- Frederick Parker, General Foreman and Yard Manager, Berthon Boat Co. Ltd.
- Matthew John Parkinson, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Thomas David Parrett, Cable Laying-Up Machine Driver, Johnson & Phillips Ltd.
- Harry Parsons, Fitter, Helliwell's Tunnel Foundry.
- George Alfred Patrick, Night Supervisor, London Telecommunications Region.
- William J. Patterson, Skipper of a Motor Boat.
- Fred Peace, Chief Gun Hardener, English Steel Corporation Ltd.
- Matthew Frank Peet, Workshop Manager and Acting Assistant I, Admiralty Outstation.
- Frances Marion Penton, Senior Forewoman, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
- James Perla, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- John Henry Petherbridge, Dock Canteen Caterer and Manager, Hull.
- John Henry Philips, Chargeman Brass Finisher, Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd.
- Dan Phillips, Supervising Postman, Cardigan.
- John William Phillips, Head Foreman, Out-erecting Department, R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co. Ltd.
- David Plumbley, Docker, Garston, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company.
- George Pointer, Driver (Central Buses), London Passenger Transport Board.
- Doris Powell, Skilled Operative, Davies Steel Specialities Ltd.
- William George Powell, Bedroom Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Charles Prince, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Stephen Quinn, Sub-Foreman, Clutha Stevedoring Company.
- Christina Ratcliffe, Plotter, Operations Room, RAF Headquarters, Malta.
- Luke Reay, Head Foreman Plumber, Silley Cox & Co. Ltd.
- John Henry Reed, Head Foreman, Eastern Electric Service.
- Agnes Dods Revolta, Chief Assistant (Grade I), Seed Testing Station, Department of Agriculture for Scotland.
- Edwin Henry Holland Rhodes, Acting Second Class Draughtsman, Naval Construction Department, Admiralty.
- Christmas William Rice, Able Seaman, Merchant Navy.
- Ralph Rice, Foreman, John White (Impregnable Boots) Ltd.
- Albert Phillip Roberts, Chief Electrical Engineer, Sangamo Weston Ltd.
- Charles Roberts, Skilled Instrument Maker, Ernest F. Moy Ltd.
- James Frederick Robinson, Foreman, Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
- Joseph Robinson, Chargehand, Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation Ltd.
- Percy Goulding Rodgers, lately Warehouseman, Imperial Lighthouse Force, Bahamas.
- James Henry Rogers, Assistant Foreman, Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Inspectorate, Ministry of Supply.
- Gladys Rolfe, Leader, YMCA Services Canteen, Waterloo Station, London.
- Edwin Rowley, Assistant Fire Guard Staff Officer, Finsbury.
- Constance Mary Russell, Officer, Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, Hoylake. For services to the Forces.
- Richard Ruth, MM, Sorting Clerk and Telegraphist, Head Post Office, Bradford.
- Mabel Sadler, Leading Firewoman, No. 34 Fire Area, National Fire Service.
- Irene Salmon, Extrusion Press Driver, Birmetals Ltd.
- George Sanderson, Donkeyman, Merchant Navy.
- Charles William Sawkill, Able Seaman and Lamp Trimmer, Merchant Navy.
- Charles Henry Sayers, Production Engineer, John Farmer & Co. (Leeds) Ltd.
- Thomas Scott, Blacksmith, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Arthur Reginald Seager, Tinsmith, Metal Box Co. Ltd.
- Harry Selby, Foreman, A. V. Roe & Co. Ltd.
- Florence Sophia Sewell, Supervisor, London Telecommunications Region.
- William Thomas Edwin Sheppard, Engineer Draughtsman, British Industrial Solvents Ltd.
- Leonard Shipley, Foreman, Elder Dempster Lines Ltd.
- William John Shute, Depot Manager, House Coal Distribution (Emergency) Scheme, Brixham.
- George Simms, Manager of Church of England Institutes. For sendees to the Forces.
- Andrew Simpson, Head Foreman Shipwright, Burntisland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
- James Sinclair, Able Seaman, Merchant Navy.
- Henry Charles Sitters, Acting Foreman of the Yard, HM Dockyard, Devonport.
- William John Stanley Slade, Acting First Class Draughtsman, Admiralty.
- Alfred George Smith, Established 1st Class Master of Yard Craft, HM Dockyard, Gibraltar.
- George Herbert Smith, Foreman Electrician, Richard Pickersgill & Sons.
- William Smith, Permanent Chargeman of Labourers, HM Dockyard, Chatham.
- William Henry Smith, Established Storehouseman, HM Naval Victualling Depot, Jamestown, Dumbartonshire.
- Hugh Smyth, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Tulaiman X. Sk. Sobrathi, Deck Serang, Merchant Navy.
- Charles Henry Standen, Meteorological Assistant, Grade III, Air Ministry Outstation.
- James Starrett, Head Ropemaker, Gourock Rope Works Ltd.
- Arthur Barralet Stockwell, Chief of Test, A. C. Cossor Ltd.
- Ernest Norley Stooke, Acting Foreman of Electrical Branch, HM Dockyard, Devonport.
- Charles Alfred Stradling, Assistant Superintendent, London Branches, Cable & Wireless Ltd.
- Herbert Charles William Street, Warden, Civil Defence Wardens Service, Southampton.
- William Sutcliff, Cook Steward, Merchant Navy.
- George Melville Sutherland, MM, Observer, Royal Observer Corps.
- Harry Sutherland, Able Seaman, Merchant Navy.
- Marjorie Deane Sweeting, Leader-in-Charge, YWCA, Donnington.
- William John Swene, Station Leader, Civil Defence First Aid Party Service, Smethwick.
- Ronald Bass Tabb, Acting Inspector of Storehousemen, HM Naval Base, Durban.
- William Tait, Donkeyman, Merchant Navy.
- Gertrude Olive Taylor, Machinist, Black & Decker Ltd.
- Ralph Taylor, Inspector of Postmen, Slough.
- Robert William Taylor, Setter, Grade "B" (Working Chargehand), Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- William Ridley Teasdale, Instructor, London Training School, Cable & Wireless Ltd.
- Phan Chue Tei, Quartermaster, Merchant Navy.
- Walter Henry Thompson, Inspector, Metropolitan Police Force.
- Frederick James Thorn, Established Chargeman of Joiners, RN Armament Depot, Bull Point.
- George Stephen Tingle, Foreman of Joiners, Naval Ordnance Department, Admiralty.
- Thomas Tonks, Foreman Electrician, Fisher & Ludlow Ltd.
- Jane Anne Turnbull, Senior Overlooker, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Gwladys Muriel Helen Turner, Assistant to Area Organiser, No. 7 (Taunton) Area, Civil Defence Service.
- Florence May Twycross, Leader, Ambulance Station, Civil Defence Ambulance Service, Smethwick.
- Phyllis May Tyson, Billeting Officer, Colyton.
- William John Udall, Painter, Merchant Navy.
- Ahmed Ullah X. Abdar Ullah, Engineroom Serang, Merchant Navy.
- Ernest Francis Vallis, Civilian Wireless Operator Mechanic, Army Co-operation Command, Air Ministry.
- Walter Vaughan, Chargehand Caster, Imperial Chemical Industries Metals Ltd.
- Frederick Vernon Vickers, Section Foreman, R. Lloyd & Co. Ltd.
- Reginald Thomas Vine, Assistant Works Manager, Groves & Guttridge Ltd.
- William Walker, Foreman, Joseph Cockshoot & Co. Ltd.
- Charles David Ward, Assistant Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Thomas Ward, Skilled Fitter, Rootes Securities Ltd. (Airframe Factory).
- Elizabeth Warner, Surface Grinding Machine Operator, Alfred Herbert Ltd.
- Robert James Waiters, Bricklayer and Labourer, Charles Connell & Co. Ltd.
- Albert Edward George Webb, Foreman, Detonator Section, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Enos Webb, Assistant Superintendent, Hanley Branch Post Office, Stoke-on-Trent.
- Isaac Webb, Managing Foreman, George Brough.
- George William Webster, Senior Warden, Civil Defence Wardens Service, County Borough of Smethwick.
- Albert Edward Wells, Radiographic Assistant, London Factory, General Post Office.
- Albert Edward Wells, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Ethel Gertrude Wheeler, Voluntary Worker in the Welfare Department of the Methodist and United Churches Board. For services to the Forces.
- Charles William Whitaker, Senior Modeller, Naval Construction Department, Admiralty.
- Joseph William White, Boatswain, Merchant Navy.
- Ruth White, Manageress, Navy, Army and Air Force Institute, Stradishall.
- Frederick Thomas Whitehouse, Inspector, B.S.A. Guns Ltd.
- William Charles Wickenden, Laboratory Mechanic, Anti-Submarine Experimental Establishment, Admiralty.
- Robert Wignall, Electrician, Royal Ordnance Factory, Ministry of Supply.
- Samuel Wild, Machine Shop Foreman, Rover Co. Ltd.
- Alfred Joseph Wilkins, Permanent Labourer, Port of London Authority, Royal Victoria Docks.
- Lawrence Wilkinson, Setter-up, Howard & Bullough (Securities) Ltd.
- Andrew Glen Williams, Foreman, Test Department, G. & J. Weir Ltd.
- Robert Wilson, Foreman Turner, Engine Works, Wm. Doxford & Sons Ltd.
- Thomas Wilson, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Arthur William Wiltshire, Chief Steward, Merchant Navy.
- Edward Winstone, Aero-engine Mechanic, Bristol Aeroplane Company.
- Arthur George Wood, Machine Shop Manager, Gillette Industries Ltd.
- John Wood, Donkeyman, Merchant Navy.
- Silas James Wood, Chargehand Aircraft Fitter, Associated Airways Group.
- William Wood, Assistant Yard Manager, Bartram & Sons Ltd.
- Amy Wright, Supervising Sorting Clerk and Telegraphist, Head Post Office, Melton Mowbray.
- Charles James Wright, Die Turner, Deritend Stamping Co. Ltd.
- William Wright, Storekeeper, Merchant Navy.
- Foreign Services
- Charles Claud Hollick, Wagon Shop Foreman, Iraqi State Railways.
- Kamyangi Ababa, Prison Officer, Juba.
- Khalifa Adam, Cash-Checker, Finance Department, Sudan Government.
- Ahmed Effendi Bakheit, Medical Assistant, Sudan Medical Service.
- Mohammed Ahmed Metwalli, lately Chargeman Mechanic, Posts and Telegraphs Department, Sudan Government.
- India
- Francis James Cyril Andrews, Manager, Special Branch, Criminal Investigation Department, Madras.
- Indra Kumar Dutta, Head Clerk, Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Naga Hills, Kohima, Assam.
- Mahboob Khan, Assistant Foreman, Inspectorate of Small Arms, Ishapore.
- Har Narain Kulshreshtha, Tahsildar, Agra, United Provinces.
- Norman Henry Pullen, Foreman, General Workshops, Rawalpindi Arsenal.
- Maulvi Mohammed Majibur Rahman, Taluk Officer, Malkangiri, Koraput, Orissa.
- Subedar Ghulam Rasul, Waraspun Bhittanni, Malik and Subedar of Khassadars, Waziristan, North-West Frontier Province.
- Ernest William Rodrigues, Deputy Assistant Engineer, Telephones, Patna Division.
- Charles Hamilton Samida, Assistant Foreman, Inspectorate of Military Carriages, Jubbulpore.
- Narain Singh, Warrant Officer, Faridkot Militia, Faridkot State.
- Colonies, Protectorates, Etc.
- Geoffrey Henry Kuper, Native Medical Practitioner, British Solomon Islands Protectorate.
- John Peter Powell, Firemaster, Nairobi Municipal Council, Kenya.
- John Cassar, Chief Engineer, Communal Feeding Department, Malta.
- Vincent Grech, Wardmaster, Leprosy Hospital, Malta.
- Lutfi Awwadh, Wakil, Arab Legion, Trans-Jordan.
- Teophile Balian, Machine Shop Chargeman, Palestine Railways.
- Fanny Khamis, Senior Staff Nurse, Nablus Hospital, Palestine.
- Constantino Papadopoulos, Clerk, Government Printing Office, Palestine.
- Attiya Tantawi, District Mechanic, Public Works Department, Palestine.
- John Rodney Land, Superintendent of Telegraphs and Telephones, Tonga, Western Pacific.
Royal Navy
- The King has been graciously pleased to approve the following Awards for gallantry or outstanding service in the face of the Enemy, or for zeal, patience and cheerfulness in dangerous waters, and for setting an example of wholehearted devotion to duty, without which the high tradition of the Royal Navy could not have been upheld. The Appointments and Awards are for gallantry or good services in the last six months or more of War in His Majesty's Battleships, Battle Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers, Auxiliary Cruisers, Destroyers, Submarines, Minelayers, Corvettes, Sloops, Escort Vessels, Armed Boarding Vessels, Minesweepers, Trawlers, Drifters, Yachts, Anti-Submarine Vessels, Tugs, Motor Gun Boats, Motor Torpedo Boats, Motor Launches, Patrol Ships, Naval Aircraft, Base Ships, Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships and Naval Establishments ashore.
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
- Captain Lachlan Donald Mackintosh, DSC.
- Captain Anthony Follett Pugsley.
- Commander Ben James Fisher.
- Temporary Lieutenant William Charles Tinnoth Weekes, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
- Commander (Acting Captain) Guy Bouchier Sayer.
- Commander Norman Angell Kyrle Money, OBE, (Retd.).
- Acting Commander Gerald Joel Scott.
- Commander Geoffrey Thomas Blake, RD, Royal Naval Reserve (Retd.).
- Acting Commander George Walter Alexander Thomas Irvine, Royal Naval Reserve (Retd.).
- Acting Commander Joseph Philip Makepeace, RD, Royal Naval Reserve (Retd.).
- Surgeon Commander Jack Leonard Sagar Coulter, MRCS, LRCP.
- Lieutenant-Commander Evelyn Henry Chavasse.
- Lieutenant-Commander Andrew Edward Doran.
- Lieutenant-Commander Horace Wellesley Firth.
- Lieutenant-Commander John Charles Anthony Ingram.
- Lieutenant-Commander (Acting Commander) Henry Ian Glazebrook Rylands.
- Lieutenant-Commander George Victor Legassick, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant-Commander John Montague Lycett, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander George Howard Garrard, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Eric John Strowlger, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Robert Turner, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Lieutenant-Commander (E) Francis Armishaw Lowe.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (E) Joseph Usher.
- Lieutenant Wilfred Reginald Muttram.
- Lieutenant Harold Geeves Chesterman, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Patrick Varwell Collings, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant John Samuel Gordon-Christian, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Philip Bernard Moore, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Leonard Arthur White, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Gerald Peter Shiers Lowe, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Lieutenant John Rowlands Pritchard, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Robert Wilson Ellis, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Jack D'Arcy Hoffman, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Donald Wilcock Holgate, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Desmond Roberts Hopking, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Norman John Ivison, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Charles James Jerram, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Murdock Malcolm Mackenzie, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant James Rintoul Smellie, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Eric James Stanley Smith, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Lieutenant (E) William Elijah Chick.
- Lieutenant (E) Ramsey Richard Lambert.
- Lieutenant (E) Henry Edward Benning Williamson.
- Temporary Lieutenant (E) Frank Smith, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant James Greer Campbell Murray, MB, BCh, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Paymaster Lieutenant Peter John Dowdeswell.
- Sub-Lieutenant John Greig Wilson, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Skipper Lieutenant William Alexander Cormack, 2857W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Skipper Lieutenant William Richard Alward Hicks, 2799W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Skipper Lieutenant William Eric Patterson, 2974W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Skipper Lieutenant William Reginald Watson, 167T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Mr. John Mawer Larder, Commissioned Gunner.
- Skipper Daniel Edward Coleman, 3561W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Skipper Alexander Smith Dorward, 415T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Skipper Alfred Ernest Kettless, 322T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Mr. William Henry Hobbs, Commissioned Shipwright.
- Mr. Ernest Edward Pryce Jones, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Charles Alexander Maxwell, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Oscar Samuel Taylor Slope, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. George Cook, Gunner (T).
- Mr. Arthur William John Stacey, Gunner (T).
- Mr. Kenneth Hugh Reginald Thresh, Gunner.
- Mr. William John Gray, Temporary Gunner (T).
- Mr. Charles William Ruse, Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. George Robert Campbell Berry, Temporary Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. William Edwin Drew Cater, Temporary Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. Charles Robert Berry, Acting Warrant Ordnance Officer.
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)
- Chief Petty Officer Stephen Augustus Cripps, P/J.17657.
- Chief Petty Officer Harry Wallace Docwra, C/JX.125035.
- Chief Petty Officer Henry George Gill, C/J.38571.
- Chief Petty Officer Mark Stephen Springett, C/JX.163378.
- Chief Petty Officer John Tether, C/J.43615.
- Chief Petty Officer Wilfred James Cooper Tull, P/J.103761.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer William Hornby Cook, D/J.105792.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Frederick Samuel Victor Heath, C/J.14330.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Thomas George Kinch, D/JX.129496.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Reginald Bryan Mills, D/J.18120.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Walter Hill Paul, D/J.79445.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Herbert Morgan Thomas, D/J.5797.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Cyril Robert Bannister, P/JX.159222.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist John Charles Colyer, C/J.14186.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Michael Fitzgerald, D/J.54901.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Edwin William Manley, C/J.87191.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Robert Bromhead, C/M.39440.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer James Clark, C/M.37902.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Samuel Edwin Cleall, P/MX.46622.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Alfred Robert Gray, C/M.31392.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Herbert Leslie Jervis, D/M.24893.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Ronald James Ashton Lamberth, D/MX.49133.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer John Laving, C/M.5575.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Ezra Wilson Meadows, C/M.29027.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Cecil Leslie Maurice Shepperd, C/M.37906.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Donald Kenneth Smith, C/MX.49230.
- Master-at-Arms Charles Greenslade, D.238061.
- Chief Stoker Frank Clifford Caeils, D/K.77675.
- Chief Stoker Ernest Horton, D/K.66843.
- Chief Stoker William Charles Lawrence, C/K.52132.
- Chief Stoker Sidney Melbourne Floyde Veal, D/KX.75589.
- Chief Electrical Artificer John Clarence Jordan, C/MX.47422.
- Chief Engineman John Croft Clapp, LT/X.6126, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Chief Engineman Thomas William Hipkin, LT/KX.103345, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Chief Engineman John Edward Holmes, LT/KX.112702, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Chief Engineman Frank Ironmonger, LT/X.341/E.T., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Chief Engineman Robert Lamb, LT/KX.115441, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Chief Engineman William Morrison, LT/317EU, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Chief Engineman William McIntosh, LT/KX.101802, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Acting Chief Engineman Theophilus Smith, LT/KX.114677, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Percy William Maxwell, C/MX.76181.
- Second Hand Charles William Scales, LT/JX.205337, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Second Hand Alexander Garden Stewart, LT/JX.265238, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Colour Sergeant William Francis Foster, Ply.22368, Royal Marines.
- Engine Room Artificer Second Class Wilfrid George Chaffe, D/MX.5O272.
- Ordnance Artificer Third Class Aubrey James John Cutler, P/MX.55852.
- Ordnance Artificer Third Class Frank Goodridge, D/MX.48588.
- Ordnance Artificer Fourth Class Arthur Rogerson, D/MX.61097.
- Air Artificer Fourth Class Arthur Ralph Rapley, FAA/FX.75101.
- Petty Officer Richard Joseph Brangan, D/JX.128905.
- Petty Officer Cornelius Frederick Checklin, P/J.92208.
- Petty Officer John Edmund Church, D/JX.130859.
- Petty Officer Robert Clark, C/JX.130955.
- Petty Officer John Frederick Cooke, D/JX.139464.
- Petty Officer Clement William Roger Eisner, P/JX.332885.
- Petty Officer George William Edgar Fagg, C/J.113497.
- Petty Officer John Thomas Hicks, LT/JX.206557, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Petty Officer James Ernest Ironmonger, C/J.110034.
- Petty Officer William Mills, C/JX.129849.
- Petty Officer Victor Gilbert Plunkett, C/J.115352.
- Petty Officer Charles Edward Thomas Poole, P/J.103898.
- Temporary Petty Officer George James Plant, D/JX.136703.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer Derrick John Brazier, C/LDX.4979.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer Frederick Joseph Chatfield, C/JX.134078.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer Eric David Cheers, D/MDX.3077.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer Harold Watkins, D/MDX.2089.
- Yeoman of Signals Currie William Beattie Minick, D/JX.133270.
- Yeoman of Signals Leonard Aylwin Rose, P/JX.149313.
- Temporary Yeoman of Signals Alfred George Wiggins, D/J.30127.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Frederick Millward Elliott, P/JX.138645.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Lawrence Edwin Hall, C/SSX.13938.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist William Arthur Rayner, C/JX.133884.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Ernest George Taylor, D/JX.151003.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Charles Frederick Thompson, D/JX.140228.
- Stoker Petty Officer Arthur Ernest Walter Glazier, P/K.65842.
- Stoker Petty Officer Albert Leslie Greenfield, P/KX.78285.
- Petty Officer Cook William Sainsbury, P/M.35435.
- Engineman Charles Nisbet Geddes, LT/KX.114635, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman Alfred Edward Hipkin, LT/KX.112843, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman Sidney Leonard Sanders, LT/KX.101240, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Petty Officer Air Mechanic (A) Allan Hamilton Gray, D/X.9467B, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Sergeant (Temporary) Arthur Robert Claydon, Po.X.1815, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Hubert Jones, Ply.17560, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Frederick Harry Morgan, Po.22526, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant George Edgar Clemence Newton, Po.216882, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Walter William Power, Po.213567, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Frederick Robert Tomsett, Ch.24411, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Albert Edward Webb, Po.216171, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Albert Edward Wall, Ch.X.24849, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Albert George Williams, Po.22097, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Alfred Martin Ward, Po.214494, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Reginald St. John Woodcock, Ch.24862, Royal Marines.
- Leading Seaman Herbert Baker, C/J.115012.
- Leading Seaman William John James Bugden, LT/JX.198755, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman William Dale, LT/JX.220750, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Alister Donaldson, LT/JX.177041, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Leslie Albert Petter, D/JX.127061.
- Leading Seaman William Henry Slater, P/JX.175643.
- Leading Seaman Alexander Powie Wood, LT/JX.193916, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Acting Leading Seaman Frederick James Wood, P/JX.164830.
- Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Thomas Henry Hawkins, P/SSX.18726.
- Temporary Acting Leading Seaman William Duncan Chisholm, C/JX.176706.
- Temporary Leading Airman John Worsley Green, FAA/FX.87221.
- Convoy Leading Signalman William Edward John Holm, C/JX.182814.
- Leading Signalman John William Smith, P/JX.132615.
- Leading Wireless Mechanic George Wilfrid Bucanan Wells, C/MX.93317.
- Leading Wireman Charles Henry Fuller, C/MX.77713.
- Leading Cook Arthur John Jennings, LT/MX.83581.
- Able Seaman Horace William Foulds, P/JX.289399.
- Able Seaman John Philip Pipe, P/J.29519.
- Able Seaman Percy William Sprigings, C/JX.129869.
- Signalman Charles Mew, LD/X.4045, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Telegraphist William Henry Allan, P/JX.169758.
- Telegraphist Laurence Lightwood, C/WRX.125.
- Telegraphist Sydney John Thorogood, C/JX.211151.
- Stoker First Class Hancock William Gibbs, D/KX.121534.
- Stoker First Class Samuel Parry, LT/KX.109475, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Stoker Raymond Eric Ralph, LT/KX.136589, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Corporal George Henry Burt, 618331, Royal Air Force.
- Corporal Daniel O'Sullivan, 533494, Royal Air Force.
- Ordinary Signalman John Sydney Smith, D/JX.246958.
- Seaman Leonard Biggin, LT/JX.265194, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman John Dorran, LT/JX.207450, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Frederick Richard Jenkins, LT/JX.203688, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Thomas Edward Lewis, LT/JX.200786.
- Corporal (Temporary) Richard Paris, Po.X.56, Royal Marines.
- Band Corporal William Frank Seymour, R.M.B.X.385.
- Acting Temporary Corporal George William Henry Smith, Po.215476, Royal Marines.
Mention in Despatches
- Group Captain Robert Good Forbes, Royal Air Force.
- Commander Edward Hale.
- Commander Hugh May Stollery Mundy.
- Commander Hugh Crofton Simms, DSO.
- Commander Geoffrey Mainwaring Sladen, DSO, DSC.
- Commander Ralph Geoffrey Swallow.
- Commander Peter Keith Wallace, (Retd.).
- Acting Commander Thomas Taylor, DSC.
- Acting Commander Frederick Alfred George Hunter, RD, Royal Naval Reserve (Retd.).
- Acting Commander Harold Edward Morison, RD, Royal Naval Reserve (Retd.).
- Commander (E) Peter Kenneth Llewellyn Fry.
- Commander (E) Hubert Cecil George Griffin.
- Commander (E) Edward James Parish, DSO.
- Commander (E) Robert William Parker.
- Commander (E) John Geoffrey Taite.
- Paymaster Commander George Deering Selwood.
- Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Charles Akerman, DSC.
- Lieutenant-Commander Norris Edwin Cutler.
- Lieutenant-Commander Walter Elliot.
- Lieutenant-Commander Richard Alan Vere Gregory.
- Lieutenant-Commander Maurice Linton Hardie.
- Lieutenant-Commander Richard Everard Hardman-Jones.
- Lieutenant-Commander Leslie Beara Miller.
- Lieutenant-Commander Robert John Pipon Montgomery.
- Lieutenant-Commander Henry Alexander Stuart-Menteth.
- Lieutenant-Commander Frank Archibald Cleale Bishop, Royal Naval Reserve (Retd.).
- Lieutenant-Commander Arthur Edward Coles, RD, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant-Commander John Treasure Jones, RD, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant-Commander Maurice George Rose, Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Ernest Robert Dalby, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Adrian Charles Cuthbert Seligman, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Lieutenant-Commander Albert Wesley Anderson, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Frank Gilbert Darnborough, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Charles Patrick Hamilton-Adams, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (E) Charles Austen-Hofer, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Cecil Arthur Jeff, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (E) William Ogg Stephen, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) Charles Taylor.
- Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander (Acting Paymaster Commander) Jack Raymond Haysom.
- Instructor Lieutenant-Commander John Cleland Gascoigne, BSc.
- Lieutenant Barry John Anderson.
- Lieutenant Peter John Cardale.
- Lieutenant Alexander Henderson Diack, DSC.
- Lieutenant Henry Dumaresq Durell.
- Lieutenant (Acting Lieutenant-Commander) Robert Norman Everett.
- Lieutenant John Jardine Gresson.
- Lieutenant Anthony Templer Frederick Griffith Griffin.
- Lieutenant Patrick Durrant Hoare.
- Lieutenant Joseph Harry Mitton.
- Lieutenant George Walter Morgan.
- Lieutenant Lester Allan Pepperell.
- Lieutenant Alan Phipps.
- Lieutenant Hubert Duncan McLauchlan Slater.
- Lieutenant George Leopold Smith.
- Lieutenant Clifford Wittenham Squires.
- Lieutenant Thomas Heanley White.
- Lieutenant Kenneth Arthur Gadd, DSC, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Alan Leonard Gustav Gillies, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant John Andrew Pearson, DSC, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant William Edward Quirk, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant John Ernest Stanhope Meade, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Lieutenant Frederick William Gilroy, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant John David Archer, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Ernest Edwin Davis, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Charles Howard Pearse, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Frederick Norman Salisbury, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Owen Selborne Boome, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Eric Tolson Garside, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Maurice William Hampson, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Ronald Edward Hawker, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant John Francis Johns, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Edward Kerfoot Jones, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Philip Geoffrey Colet King, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Edmund James Charles Lines, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Reginald Frederick James Maberley, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Norman Emmanuel Mitchell, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant Nicholas John Turney Monsarrat, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant John Provost Perkins, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Lieutenant George Stanley Peyton, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Lieutenant William Brown Watson, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Lieutenant Ronald James Crankshaw, South African Naval Forces (Volunteer).
- Lieutenant Trevor Owen Kolts, Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Captain John Richards, Royal Marines.
- Lieutenant (E) Thomas Henry Butlin.
- Lieutenant (E) John Richard Seear.
- Lieutenant (E) John Kenyon Pearsall.
- Temporary Lieutenant Commander (E) George Frederick Shields, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant Robert Stewart Slessor, MB, BCh, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Paymaster Lieutenant Frederick George Bell, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Electrical Lieutenant Leonard Norman Blackburn-Maze, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Skipper Lieutenant George Stewart, 2608W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Skipper Lieutenant Robert Boreas Walter Hume, 196T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Skipper Lieutenant Walter Kirman, 2867W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Skipper Lieutenant Gunnar Lie Olesen, 2887W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Acting Temporary Skipper Lieutenant John Richard Corlett Reader, 191T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Skipper Herbert Charles Bidle, 3486W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Skipper George Henry Loades, 2978W.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Skipper John Harris James, 143T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Skipper Donald Miller, 192T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Skipper William John Tiller, 438T.S., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Sub-Lieutenant Robin Alfred Charles Owen.
- Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Frederick William Hill, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Ronald George Redgwell, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (E) Cecil Alexander Duke, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Sub-Lieutenant (E) Archibald Hosie, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Temporary Engineer Sub-Lieutenant John Williamson Pirrett, Royal Australian Naval Reserve (Seagoing).
- Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (E) William McKenzie, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Mr. Richard Roberts Frederick Liddall, Commissioned Gunner.
- Mr. Herbert Thomas Carter, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. William Comstock, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Henry Edward Mason, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Thomas Coleridge Lee, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Alan William Munns, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Sydney Arthur Nash, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Walter Henry Paris Sellers, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Malcolm James Louis Randell, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. Andrew Wilkinson, Commissioned Engineer.
- Mr. George Covey, Gunner (T).
- Mr. Philip Dodson, Gunner.
- Mr. Harry Thomas Bridle, Temporary Gunner.
- Mr. William John Golley, Temporary Acting Gunner.
- Mr. Charles Frederick Cleary, Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. Harold Arthur Jackson, Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. William Morris Jones, Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. Lionel Arthur Paine, Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. John Robert Mulholland, Acting Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. Horace Varley, Temporary Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. Sydney Arthur Wilkins, Temporary Acting Warrant Engineer.
- Mr. Frederick Thomas Low, Warrant Telegraphist.
- Mr. Thomas James Bush, Warrant Shipwright.
- Mr. Albert Hunter, Warrant Shipwright.
- Mr. Percy Roy Butler, Warrant Shipwright.
- Mr. George Michael Sopp, Warrant Shipwright.
- Mr. Gwyn Protheroe, Warrant Supply Officer.
- Mr. Samuel Thomas Barber, Temporary Warrant Supply Officer.
- Mr. Charles Leonard Gowers, Acting Warrant Cook.
- Chief Petty Officer John Charles Arnold, D/J.102514.
- Chief Petty Officer Charles Henry Bull, D/J.108336.
- Chief Petty Officer Joseph Chamberlain, C/JX.129747.
- Chief Petty Officer Frederick Charles Flux, DSM, P/J.113384.
- Chief Petty Officer Eric A'Court Fuller, D/J.98526.
- Chief Petty Officer Arthur William Fuller, C/J.104858.
- Chief Petty Officer Donald George Haffenden, P/J.24789.
- Chief Petty Officer William Alfred Jarnet, D/J.85606.
- Chief Petty Officer William George Lee, D/J.45661.
- Chief Petty Officer Arthur William Miller, C/J.104858.
- Chief Petty Officer Albert James Newland, P/JX.107204.
- Chief Petty Officer Arthur Edward Norris, C/J.114161.
- Chief Petty Officer Charles Frederick Ratcliff, C/J.104195.
- Chief Petty Officer Alfred Stagg, C/J.15825.
- Chief Petty Officer George William White, C/J.89862.
- Chief Petty Officer Frank Reginald Wills, D/J.96305.
- Temporary Chief Petty Officer Charles Herbert Morley, D/J.106278.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer Harold William Pethick, D/J.95377.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer Frederick George Brooks, C/J.103947.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer Frederick John Studd, C/JX.126350.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Bertram Donald Reed, C/J.50185.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals George Philip Smith, P/J.103066.
- Chief Yeoman of Signals Richard Reuben Wallbank, C/JX.129246.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist William Henry Bromley, D/J.43934.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Walter Jeffery, D/J.35757.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Frank Holland, C/J.102670.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Gilbert McCulloch, C/JX.130902.
- Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Donald George Saunders, C/JX.128526.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Alfred John Atlee, C/M.39393.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Leslie Harry Blacker, D/M.269O8.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer William Alexander Burden, BEM, C/M.38758.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Second Class Frank Arnold Davis, BEM, C/M.36634.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Edward Charles Gosden, P/MX.50597.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Edward George Mortimore Harris, C/M.35349.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Edward Ernest Haywood, C/M.37224.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Charles Sidney Hogan, P/M.35032.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Donald Hornby, P/MX.50816.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Harry Jenkins, D/MX.48491.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer George Jones, BEM, P/M.37025.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Harry Knee, P/MX.48408.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer William Henry Mercer, P/MX.45230.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Ronald Arthur Nightingale, P/MX.49257.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer William Edward Noble, C/M.2796.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer William Edward James Peters, P/MX.47330.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer George Charles Bertram Pledger, P/MX.47332.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Arthur William Charles Pike, D/MX.54967.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Donald Sherriff, D/MX.45258.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Frank Reynolds Stallion, C/M.5619.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Ernest Ridge Stone, D/M.14562.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer William Ralph Taylor, P/M.35142.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Sydney Wilfred Thomas, D/MX.51651.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Wilfred Ivor Tiller, BEM, C/M.34958.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Charles Seymour Watts, P/MX.47826.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer John James Watts, P/MX.48126.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Albert Thomas William Williams, P/M.35060.
- Temporary Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Albert John Clark, D/MX.48680.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Albert Edward Wood, C/MX.48509.
- Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Horace Victor Johnson, C/MX.52658.
- Temporary Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Geoffrey Rowlinson, PMX.49217.
- Temporary Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Harold Henry William Tozer, D/MX.49612.
- Chief Mechanician Herbert Umpleby, C/K.65616.
- Chief Motor Mechanic Alfred Gordon Capps, C/MX.67740.
- Acting Chief Motor Mechanic Fourth Class Harry Ewart Charles Lyons, D/MX.70089.
- Chief Stoker Victor Stuart Ashwell, C/K.52131.
- Chief Stoker Allan James Barnett, P/K.62101.
- Chief Stoker Albert Edward Basil Burnett, P/K.60934.
- Chief Stoker John Richard Carter, DSM, C/K.61461.
- Chief Stoker Joseph Cummings, P/K.66303.
- Chief Stoker Stanley Victor Finch, C/K.63300.
- Chief Stoker Ernest Thomas Foster, P/K.59297.
- Chief Stoker Alfred James Jewson, C/K.58398.
- Chief Stoker Sidney Charles Le-Clercq, P/KX.75716.
- Chief Stoker Arthur Frederick Miles, C/K.55238.
- Chief Stoker George Mills, C/K.54432.
- Chief Stoker Sydney Harold Munday, P/K.46288.
- Chief Stoker Henry Edward Oakley, P/K.47282.
- Chief Stoker Thomas Pallett, C/KX.79812.
- Chief Stoker William Charles Ranger, C/K.56440.
- Chief Stoker Albert Edward Riggs, D/K.63385.
- Chief Stoker William Ernest Silverthorn, D/K.57568.
- Chief Electrical Artificer Clifford Edmunds, D/M.35627.
- Chief Electrical Artificer Sidney Richard Lamswood, D/MX.52953.
- Acting Chief Electrical Artificer Frank Ernest Allum, P/M.29341.
- Chief Ordnance Artificer Will Berry, P/M.12401.
- Chief Ordnance Artificer James Henderson, P/M.36715.
- Chief Ordnance Artificer Thomas Gillet, C/M.37114.
- Chief Ordnance Artificer Joseph Jeffery, D/MX.58037.
- Chief Ordnance Artificer Clifford Lewis Say, D/M.39036.
- Chief Shipwright Charles Thomas Kempton, C/MX.45531.
- Chief Shipwright Eric Rice, P/M.36763.
- Chief Shipwright William Ernest Sage, P/M.34723.
- Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer Herbert William Dench, C/M.36239.
- Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer John Murray, P/M.36437.
- Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer Edgar Harold Treadwell, D/M.38037.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer Frederick Sydney Kedge, D/LMX.45464.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer John Neill, C/MX.53542.
- Chief Petty Officer Writer Stanley William Walker, P/MX,4669O.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer John William Henry Brookshaw, D/MX.47148.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer Daniel Francis Deevy, D/MX.45843.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer Victor Frank Heather, C/MX.45879.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer Reginald John Read, C/M.39031.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer Francis Bune Warren, D/MX.49411.
- Master-at-Arms Edward Thomas Castle, C/M.37115.
- Master-at-Arms Joseph Deegan, D/M.39936.
- Master-at-Arms William George Geary, DSM, C/M.39271.
- Master-at-Arms William Frederick Goldup, C/M.39833.
- Master-at-Arms John Gray, D/M.39906.
- Master-at-Arms Frederick Ernest Mudge, D/M.39593.
- Temporary Master-at-Arms Sidney James Franklin, P/M.40095.
- Chief Petty Officer Cook Robert Edward Hayes, P/MX.45826.
- Chief Petty Officer Cook Reginald Thomas James, D/M.14856.
- Chief Petty Officer Cook Horace Latham, C/M.36990.
- Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Archie George Norman, P/MX.47270.
- Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Leslie Arthur Wilde, C/M.36880.
- Chief Engineman Robert Slater, DSM, LT/X.408E.T., Royal Naval Reserve.
- Chief Engineman Francis Smyth, LT/KX.114613, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Chief Engineman Charles Newby Tofton, LT/KX.99983, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Acting Chief Engineman Hugh McGrory, LT/KX.107523, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Acting Chief Engineman George Arthur Milledge, LT/KX.97916, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Second Hand Arthur Marjoram, LT/KX.280641, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Second Hand Alfred James Phillips, LT/JX.173277, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Second Hand William John Pleasants, LT/JX.241953, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Second Hand William James Sutherland, LT/JX.200916, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Colour Sergeant (Temporary) Harold Alfred Sellex, Po.21709O, Royal Marines.
- Acting Flight Sergeant Thomas Collier, 534459, Royal Air Force.
- Canteen Manager David Leonard Chapman, NAAFI.
- Canteen Manager Percy Walter Richardson, C/NX.2110, NAAFI.
- Canteen Manager Reginald Alfred Tapp, C/NX.1440, NAAFI.
- Engine Room Artificer First Class Robert Cameron, C/M.272438.
- Engine Room Artificer Second Class Kennington Charles Taylor, D/MX.51585.
- Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class William Harold Kokkinn, S.A.67612.
- Mechanician First Class Frederick Cyril Darbin, P/KX.80931.
- Electrical Artificer William Harper, D/MX.48114.
- Electrical Artificer First Class William Robert Donald Jack Lewis, D/MX.45947.
- Electrical Artificer Second Class Harry George Martin Aylward, D/MX.45296.
- Electrical Artificer Second Class William Shepperd, D/MX.64796.
- Electrical Artificer Third Class Leonard Henry Martin, C/MX.57384.
- Shipwright First Class Albert Victor Gutteridge, C/M.24705.
- Shipwright First Class James William Hyslop, D/M.7902.
- Shipwright First Class William John Smeardon, D/M.6463.
- Air Artificer Fourth Class David Norman Owen, FAA/FX.75178.
- Air Fitter (E) Walter Arthur Johnstone, FAA/FX.79659.
- Mechanician James Charles Ridgeon, P/KX.64726.
- Mechanician First Class Leslie Madden, P/KX.84335.
- Petty Officer Charles Victor Anstee, D/JX.128819.
- Petty Officer Norman Arnold, P/JX.130293.
- Petty Officer Bernard Bannell, P/JX.146274.
- Petty Officer George Arthur Cawood, D/J.106370.
- Petty Officer John William Connell, D/J.104231.
- Petty Officer Howard Fudge, D/JX.136376.
- Petty Officer Lauchlan Maclean Watt Gibb, D/J.63411.
- Petty Officer James Stanley Goffin, DSM, P/JX.128836.
- Petty Officer George Edward Gray, D/JX.109098.
- Petty Officer John Charles Griffin, C/JX.129899.
- Petty Officer Ernest William Harvey, P/J.108159.
- Petty Officer Keith William Harvey, P/JX.146404.
- Petty Officer Seymour George Harvey, C/J.39121.
- Petty Officer Frederick Charles Hurd, P/JX.133627.
- Petty Officer Ronald Sidney Kettle, P/J.1117091.
- Petty Officer Horace Charles William Littlewood, P/JX.128125.
- Petty Officer Raymond Lucas, P/JX.143777.
- Petty Officer Edwin Douglas Redgrave, C/JX.135635.
- Petty Officer Ronald Cedric Roots, C/J.112030.
- Petty Officer Arthur Victor Rumsey, P/JX.149530.
- Petty Officer Ousainou Sarr.
- Petty Officer Sidney Joseph Shinn, P/J.114221.
- Petty Officer Joshua Southern, P/JX.144271.
- Petty Officer Edgar Charles Oscar Thomas, D/J.114174.
- Petty Officer Edward Henry Jobson, C/6201D, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Petty Officer Leonard Wheeler, P.6086D, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Petty Officer Charles Armstrong, P/JX.132588.
- Temporary Petty Officer Stanley Clarke, D/JX.132602.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer James Harold Oscar Fookes, P/JX.153207.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer Christopher Harris, C/JX.139104.
- Temporary Petty Officer Victor George Richard Hamling, C/JX.142863.
- Acting Petty Officer Horace Sanders, P/SSX.19496.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer William Frederick George, P/J.9363.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer Ernest John Reeves, P/J.30893.
- Temporary Petty Officer Ernest Thorneley, D/JX.141817.
- Yeoman of Signals Harry Thomson Bell, D/JX.133015.
- Yeoman of Signals Albert Ernest Blood, P/JX.139771.
- Yeoman of Signals George Alfred Newell, C/JX.142148.
- Yeoman of Signals Reginald George Norris Phillips, P/JX.130394.
- Yeoman of Signals Jack Frederick Terry, P/JX.134731.
- Yeoman of Signals Charles James White, D/JX.132154.
- Acting Yeoman of Signals Edward Arthur Newnes, D/J.94713.
- Acting Yeoman of Signals Robert Henry West, C/J.42674.
- Temporary Acting Yeoman of Signals George William Thomas Richard Bullock, D/JX.132967.
- Temporary Acting Yeoman of Signals George Henry Davis, P/JX.133026.
- Temporary Acting Convoy Yeoman of Signals Reginald Herbert Clarke, C/JX.174051.
- Temporary Acting Convoy Yeoman of Signals Robert Oliver Reginald Pell, C/JX.171158.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Reginald James Attridge, P/JX.139311.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Malcolm Arthur Leslie Berridge, P/JX.134533.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Ernest Brewerton, P/JX.137454.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Walter Percy Edney, P/JX.142184.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Douglas Frank Kingston, D/J.108514.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Alec John Monk, C/JX.125480.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist John Downie Morrison, D/J.101674.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Fred Moore, D/JX.163849.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist William Parkin, D/JX.131023.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Ernest William Pike, J/DX.133716.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Walter John Sallis, P/JX.140993.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist George Henry Steers, C/JX.144847.
- Temporary Acting Petty Officer Telegraphist Frederick Roy Wilkinson, C/JX.140018.
- Stoker Petty Officer Wilfred Booth, D/KX.81117.
- Stoker Petty Officer William Cochrane Mathieson Caldwell, C/KX.75894.
- Stoker Petty Officer Colin Silas Carpenter, P/K.15822.
- Stoker Petty Officer Charles Henry Chilton, D/K.56399.
- Stoker Petty Officer Thomas William Dyke, P/K.65103.
- Stoker Petty Officer Charles Samuel Flower, C/K.58301.
- Stoker Petty Officer John Peter Haylock, C/KX.81544.
- Stoker Petty Officer Frank Jacobs Haggett, D/KX.79682.
- Stoker Petty Officer Joseph Cecil Hulkes, C/K.30181.
- Stoker Petty Officer William Richard Henry Kerswell, D/K.60161.
- Stoker Petty Officer Frederick Charles Jobson, C/K.66830.
- Stoker Petty Officer Richard William Long, C/K.22794.
- Stoker Petty Officer Frederick George Maidens, P/KX.75934.
- Stoker Petty Officer Charles Mitchell, P/KX.75119.
- Stoker Petty Officer Jethro Reuben Maries, D/K.24311.
- Stoker Petty Officer Robert Maddocks Naylor, C/KX.79092.
- Stoker Petty Officer William George Ridges, P/K.57005.
- Stoker Petty Officer James Sheldrake, P/K.59933.
- Stoker Petty Officer Alexander Marshall, C/K.63971.
- Stoker Petty Officer Edward Stratton, P/K.57596.
- Stoker Petty Officer Archie Chrissie Thompson, C/K.58743.
- Petty Officer Air Mechanic (O) Dennis Reginald Mottram, FAA/FX.77071.
- Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Colin Victor Brutey, P/MX.78564.
- Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Reginald Charles Peacock, P/MX.76507.
- Supply Petty Officer Frederick George Jones, D/MX.50441.
- Temporary Supply Petty Officer Eric Ralph Harris, P/MX.46846.
- Temporary Supply Petty Officer Harold Ling, P/MX.54155.
- Temporary Supply Petty Officer Jack Leonard Parnell, D/MX.59620.
- Petty Officer Writer Jack William Pegg, P/MX.53538.
- Temporary Petty Officer Writer Frederick James Belshaw, C/MX.55432.
- Temporary Petty Officer Writer John Grenfell, D/MX.60907.
- Petty Officer Cook George Watson Ellis, P/MX49473.
- Petty Officer Cook Samuel Goodwin, C/M.35696.
- Petty Officer Steward William Alfred Sherman, P/LX.20414.
- Sergeant Robert Walter Evans, CH.24734, Royal Marines.
- Sergeant John Thomson, Ply.22409, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Charles Baden Fallows, Ply.19747, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant William Greer, Ch.248, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant John Hart, Po.18997, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant George Joseph Stanley Rickwood, Ch.21230, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant John Mansfield Ryan, Ply.21894, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Arthur Steeple, Ch.21402, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Frederick Harold Stone, Ply.21231, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Sergeant Harry West, Po.216342, Royal Marines.
- Engineman Harry Thomas Burgess, LT/KX.101614, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman David Tait Cowe, LT/KX.124528, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman Cyril Gray, LT/KX.110019, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman James Reid Jappy, LT/KX.101218, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman Charles Beaumont Lennox, LT/KX.124597, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman Cyril Frederick Rusted, LT/KX.106852, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman Alfred William Stimpson, LT/KX.107951, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Engineman Bertie George Turrel, LT/KX.99967, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Sergeant Leonard Rex White, 362230, Royal Air Force.
- Leading Seaman John Garside Alexander, LT/JX.212712, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Sydney Lawson Barnett, LT/JX.185262, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Alan James Cherrett, P/JX.125402.
- Leading Seaman John Henry Day, LT/JX.186671, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Leslie John Fletcher, LT/JX.225174, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Walter Herdman, LT/JX.242236, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Leading Seaman Claude Douglas Millard, C/SSX.13779.
- Leading Seaman Daniel Sutherland, LT/X.7232, C, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Leading Seaman Albert Swain, LT/JX.243388.
- Leading Seaman Edward Cecil Tufrey, C/J.65747.
- Leading Seaman John Walden, P/JX.130555.
- Leading Seaman Sidney Naisby Welsh, D/SSX.13960.
- Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Sidney William Walton, C/JX.126356.
- Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Frank Henry Wridgway.
- Convoy Leading Signalman Francis Ireland, C/JX.171118.
- Acting Leading Signalman Alexander Massie, P/JX.130055.
- Temporary Acting Leading Signalman Henry McMinigle, D/JX.210385.
- Leading Telegraphist John Charles, P/JX.225866.
- Leading Telegraphist John Thomas Lane, C/JX.140415.
- Leading Telegraphist James Robert Hills, D/J.87450.
- Temporary Leading Telegraphist Basil Beverley Bleakley, C/JX.153691.
- Acting Leading Telegraphist William Gillespie, D/JX.224729.
- Leading Motor Mechanic Leonard James Gater, P/MX.98470.
- Leading Motor Mechanic Stanley James Tallyn, C/MX.77181.
- Leading Wireman Geoffrey Johnson, C/MX.73372.
- Leading Wireman Edward William Tallowin, C/MX.63963.
- Leading Wireman Aubrey George Cecil Matthews, D/JX.167407.
- Leading Wireman Edward Harry Vose, C/MX.62833.
- Acting Leading Wireman William James Lister, C/MX.77822.
- Leading Stoker Joseph Durham, P/K.19078.
- Leading Stoker James Greaves, C/KX.89738.
- Leading Stoker William Nesbitt, P/KX.93588.
- Acting Leading Stoker Frank Foulger, C/KX.78892.
- Leading Stoker George Jefferson, D/KX.77989.
- Leading Stoker Ernest Will Turner, D/K.57391.
- Temporary Acting Leading Stoker Alexander Maclean, D/KX.103758.
- Leading Wireless Mechanic Ronald Cooper, P/JX.270787.
- Temporary Leading Sick Berth Attendant John Edwin Game, C/SBR/X.7658.
- Officers Cook Second Class Leslie Watson Olsen, C/LX.20451.
- Leading Cook Dennis Albert George Donovan, LT/MX.83568.
- Leading Cook Victor Frederick Casey Hogbin, LT/MX.83214.
- Diesel Greaser Frederick Honan, 225423.
- Diesel Storekeeper Thomas Harrison, NAPR.72172.
- Leading Aircraftman Ernest John Holmes, 543359, Royal Air Force.
- Able Seaman Thomas Ackroyd, D/J.114092.
- Able Seaman Lewis Anderton, D/JX.227903.
- Able Seaman Ernest George Brock, P/J.36656.
- Able Seaman Jasper Barton Brookfield, P/J.41635.
- Able Seaman John Borthwick, C/JX.199342.
- Able Seaman Ernest Leslie Crouchman, C/JX.203359.
- Able Seaman Sydney Dixon Gunn, D/J.79464.
- Able Seaman Herbert William Harrison, P/SSX.31505.
- Able Seaman Stanley Howard Hatton, C/JX.300928.
- Able Seaman Frank Higham, D/JX.238690.
- Able Seaman Sidney Robert Hodges, D/JX.178494.
- Able Seaman Frederick Howard Holmes, P/JX.311135.
- Able Seaman Cyril George Leveridge, C/J.44392.
- Able Seaman Stephen John Maull Olive, C/J.103680.
- Able Seaman George Phineas Phillips, D/J.38207.
- Able Seaman Leo Power, C/JX.173361.
- Able Seaman William John Pyle, D/SSX.18628.
- Able Seaman Terence Patrick Ryan, D/JX.184888.
- Able Seaman Albert Isaac Spicer, D/J 109329.
- Able Seaman William Henry Tedder, C/J.101768.
- Able Seaman Ernest Townsend, C/JX.172383.
- Able Seaman Henry Weir, PUD/X.1303, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Able Seaman Herbert John Willingham, D/J.79469.
- Able Seaman Alan Beresford Price, S.A.N.F.(V).P/R.N.V.R.SA.68261.
- Telegraphist Stanley Samuel Brown, P/JX.178225.
- Signalman David Anderson Guild, D/JX.309387.
- Signalman Frederick James Jenkins, LT/JX.175545, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Signalman William Frederick Francis Munns, C/LDX.3731.
- Signalman Eric Nicholson, D/JX.136062.
- Convoy Signalman Walter Murray Donald, C/JX.186255.
- Convoy Signalman Harold Herbert Dutton, C/JX.186257.
- Convoy Signalman George Lloyd, C/JX.186265.
- Wireman Robert John McCoy, C/MX.76998.
- Stoker First Class Frederick Vivian Cadogan, D/K.59151.
- Stoker Robert Louis Carwithen, LT/KX.211113, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Stoker First Class Edward William Murray Gooda, D/KX.107582.
- Stoker First Class William Stanley Gough, D/KX.116421.
- Stoker John James Webb, D/K.66618.
- Stoker First Class Horace Roy Howard, LT/KX.131482, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Stoker First Class Gerald Bowen Thomas, D/KX.95319.
- Corporal Samuel William Fowler, 530951, Royal Air Force.
- Corporal John Robert Shankland, 353212, Royal Air Force.
- Corporal (Temporary) Arthur Lawson, Ply.X.2600, Royal Marines.
- Rigger William Frank Bailey Chilcott, R/JX.180746.
- Rigger Albert William Ford, R/JX.164616.
- Acting Temporary Corporal Edward Joseph Swinnock, Ch.21166, Royal Marines.
- Acting Temporary Corporal Frederick Ernest Benham, Po.210755, Royal Marines.
- Seaman Donald Brace, LT/JX.222290, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Albert Edwin Chambers, LT/JX.225659, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Arthur Charles Dolby, LT/JX.241596, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman William Percy Gale, LT/JX.203664, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Vivian George Gray, LT/JX.188990, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman John Mackay, LT/JX.210812, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman John Frank Murton, LT/JX.211113, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Edmund Pryor, LT/JX 196247, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Andrew Ritchie Smith, LT/JX202259, Royal Naval Patrol Service.
- Seaman Raymond Claude Tobitt, LT/JX.210974.
- Assistant Steward Charles King Mitchell, NAP/R.223820.
- Ordinary Telegraphist Stephen Trevor Bates, G/JX.204013.
- Marine John Clarke, Ply.22176, Royal Marines.
- Marine Noel James Luxton, Ply.20687, Royal Marines.
- Marine John Shepherd, Ply.20544, Royal Marines.
- Marine Charles Henry Wheeldon, Ply.X.3198, Royal Marines.
Mention in Despatches (Posthumous)
- Chief Engineman James Watson, LT/X.462EU, Royal Naval Reserve.
- Temporary Acting Leading Seaman John Wardropper Turner, D/JX.190958.
- Able Seaman Arthur Forbes Franklin, P/JX.264573
Honorary Chaplain to His Majesty
- The Reverend Canon Fred Baker, TD, Chaplain to the Forces, 2nd Class, Royal Army Chaplains' Department, Territorial Army.
Royal Red Cross (RRC)
Royal Navy
- ...for outstanding zeal, patience, and cheerfulness, and for courage and wholehearted devotion to duty while serving in HM Naval Hospitals in the last six months or more of War.
- Isobel Helen Price, ARRC, Matron.
- Edith Hope, ARRC, Acting Superintending Sister.
- Helen Mary Adam, Sister (acting Matron) (206007), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Helen Shiels Gillespie, Sister (acting Matron) (206162), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Lilian Mary Runnings, Sister (206197), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Dorothy Nicholson, Sister (acting Matron) (206349), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Janet Sybil Mary Pollock, Sister (acting Matron) (206377), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Margaret Russell, Matron (206403), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Norah Kathleen Smyth, Sister (acting Matron) (206435), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Dorothy Jane Cooper, Sister (206067), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve.
Royal Air Force
Bar to the Royal Red Cross
- Susannah Frances Davies, RRC, Matron (206648), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Dinah Jessie MacGregor, RRC, Matron (206650), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
Associate of the Royal Red Cross (ARRC)
Royal Navy
- Jean Kathleen Gillanders, Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service.
- Ella Kate Cheetham, Superintending Sister, Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service.
- Ailleen Marjorie Taylor, Superintending Sister, Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service.
- Helen MacLaren Paterson, Acting Superintending Sister, Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service (Reserve).
- Nancy Winberry Booth, Nursing Sister, Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service (Reserve).
- Muriel Ernestine Myers, Nursing Sister, Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service (Reserve).
- Agnes Ralston Aileen Mackay, VAD Nursing Member.
- Elizabeth Katherine Willis-Fleming, VAD Nursing Member.
- Margaret Frances Stubington, VAD Nursing Member.
- Mary Steward Tardrew, VAD Nursing Member.
- Frances Mary Marsh, VAD Nursing Member.
- Florence Barbara Cozens, Sister (acting Matron) (206096), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Irene Patricia Entwistle, Sister (acting Matron) (206317), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
- Helen Crerar, Sister (206862), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve.
- Margaret Annie Violet Mary De Gruchy, Sister (206926), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve.
- Margaret Smart Hamilton, Sister (208443), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve.
- Sarah Lambe Irving, Sister (208514), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve.
- Madge Evelyn Jagged, Sister (208515), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve.
- Rhoda Jekyll, Sister (acting Matron) (208516), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve.
- Maud Besly, Sister (209820), Territorial Army Nursing Service.
- Muriel Mabel Plunder, Sister (213258), Territorial Army Nursing Service.
Royal Air Force
- Acting Matron Ethel Maud Buckley, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Acting Matron Louisa Banham Cartledge, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Acting Matron Mary Beresford Charles-Worth, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Senior Sister Evelyn Kate Griffin, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Acting Senior Sister Jessie Katherine Annie Browne, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Acting Senior Sister Winifred Marianne Cave, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Acting Senior Sister Margaret Turner Thorburn, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Acting Senior Sister Katherine Florence Woodcock, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
- Sister Freda Helena Willcox, Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service.
Royal Air Force
Air Force Cross (AFC)
- Wing Commander William Steven Gardner, DFC, (37457).
- Wing Commander Geoffrey Lowe, DFC, (37324).
- Wing Commander Duncan Charles Ruthven Macdonald (37017).
- Acting Wing Commander Geoffrey Cecil Clements Bartlett (39022), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Acting Wing Commander Edward Charles Foreman (22180).
- Acting Wing Commander Thorfinn James Gunn, DFC, (41401), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Acting Wing Commander Edward Stanley Smith (90093), Auxiliary Air Force.
- Squadron Leader James Ronald Appleton (39773).
- Squadron Leader Kenneth John Douglas Dickson (36140).
- Squadron Leader Patrick Green (90005), Auxiliary Air Force.
- Squadron Leader Frank Cromwell Griffiths (37967).
- Squadron Leader Oliver James O'Brien (43621).
- Squadron Leader Robert Lester Palmer (15195).
- Squadron Leader Dudley William Thomas Withers (40161), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Acting Squadron Leader Ernest Leonard Archer (78735), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Squadron Leader William Brereton, MBE, (45406).
- Acting Squadron Leader Edward Frederick James O'Doire, DFC, (43139).
- Acting Squadron Leader Lawrence Michael O'Leary (41728), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Acting Squadron Leader Michael Hawken Pearce (80298), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Squadron Leader Richard John Bennett Pearse (78521), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Squadron Leader David Lawrence Pitt (83986), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Squadron Leader Harry Proctor Powell (37891), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Squadron Leader Leonard Fitch Ratcliff, DFC, (87022), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Squadron Leader Samuel Richard Thomas, DFC, (42029).
- Acting Squadron Leader Douglas Walter Triptree (41966).
- Acting Squadron Leader Jack Edmund Watts (36144).
- Flight Lieutenant Leslie Stephen Holman (43171).
- Flight Lieutenant Robert Kronfeld (78782), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flight Lieutenant Joseph Finlay Marshall (46669).
- Flight Lieutenant Brian Watson McMillan (40550), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Flight Lieutenant John Raymond Micklethwait (74721), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flight Lieutenant John Arthur Newington (40842), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Flight Lieutenant Joe Northrop (43138).
- Flight Lieutenant Michael George Olley (73008), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flight Lieutenant Arthur Reece, DFC, (44128).
- Flight Lieutenant James Leonard Sharp (43374).
- Flight Lieutenant John Eric Peter Thompson (77794), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flight Lieutenant Leonard Mountstephen Whetham (70729), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Clive Halse (78724), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Arthur Ronald Head (82711), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Frank Horace Raymond Hulbert (123641), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Norman Paterson Kerr (115342), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Arthur Avarne James Sanders, DFC, (33578).
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Philip Keith Smulian (102533), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Ernest Albert Southey (110344), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officer Norman John Bonnar (69437), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officer Kenneth Richard Wilson Eager (63838), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officer William Henry Morton (110305), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officer Frederick Arthur Rickaby (100041), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officer Noel Thomas Henry Scott (130065), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officer Raoul Alfred Gerald Tucker (126779), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Pilot Officer Wilfred Seaman (125757), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Warrant Officer Arthur William Eade (563253).
- Squadron Leader William Scott Maddocks (Aus.360), Royal Australian Air Force.
- Flight Lieutenant James Herbert Harper (Aus.1382).
- Squadron Leader Edgar Francis Harvie, Royal New Zealand Air Force.
- Squadron Leader Ronald Bruce Leslie MacGregor, Royal New Zealand Air Force.
Bar to Air Force Cross
- Group Captain Harry Alexander Purvis, DFC, AFC.
- Squadron Leader Thomas Aston Heath, AFC, (70294), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Squadron Leader Samuel Wroath, AFC, (36125).
Air Force Medal (AFM)
- 989022 Flight Sergeant John Robert Clark Affleck.
- 1281451 Flight Sergeant Raymond Alfred Baker.
- 808267 Flight Sergeant George Robert Burdon, Auxiliary Air Force.
- 931487 Flight Sergeant Ronald Arthur Elsom.
- 751336 Flight Sergeant John Napier, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- 610375 Flight Sergeant Stanley Charles Phillips.
- 1208937 Flight Sergeant Percival Ambrose Shardlow.
- 912596 Sergeant John William Kyle, DFM.
- 571905 Sergeant Hugh William Price.
- 742217 Sergeant Alfred Walter Wylde, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- 534308 Acting Sergeant Gerald Oakes.
- Aus.406352 Flight Sergeant (now Warrant Officer) Francis Felix Fahey, Royal Australian Air Force.
King's Commendation for Brave Conduct
Squadron Leader
- J. H. Gem (80871) (Acting), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
Warrant Officers
- G. F. Fuller (515026).
- J. Manning (411709).
- G. T. Miles (441710).
- J. D. Sandy (411708).
- 845107 A. E. Follett, Auxiliary Air Force.
- 1578128 B. A. Jones.
- 505597 B. J. Ross.
Leading Aircraftman
Aircraftman, 1st Class
Corporal, Women's Auxiliary Air Force
- 2024223 J. M. E. Standing.
Aircraftwoman, 1st Class, Women's Auxiliary Air Force
VAD Nursing Member
- R. M. Berridge (W.575030).
King's Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air
United Kingdom
- John William Affleck, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force Ferry Command.
- Captain Edward Samson Alcock, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Captain Howard Whitmore Cecil Alger, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Captain Michael Fison Attwell, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Captain Alistair Peter Wishart Cane, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Eric Gilbert Cosgrove, Radio Officer, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Francis William Coughlan, Radio Officer, Royal Air Force Ferry Command.
- James Wilson Gray, Radio Operator, Royal Air Force Ferry Command.
- Captain Maurice William Haddon, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Edwin Lewis Wigmore Hagger, Radio Officer, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Captain John Potbury Kirton, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Reginald Zacharia Martin (deceased), Radio Officer, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Captain Charles William Edmund Nigel Cavendish Pelly, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Captain Walter Godfrey Pudney, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Ronald Robert Williams, Flight Engineer, Royal Air Force Ferry Command.
- Captain Joseph Newman Wilson, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
- Captain Hugh Oswald Woodhouse, British Overseas Airways Corporation.
Royal Air Force
- Wing Commanders
- A. V. Bax (05189).
- A. W. R. Lawson (28225) (Acting).
- Squadron Leaders
- G. L. Blake (06225).
- R. M. Blennerhassett, AFC, (37786).
- P. B. N. Davis (70499), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- T. H. A. Llewellyn, AFC, (74656) (Acting), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- N. F. Morris (39556), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- A. R. Turpin (70590), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- A. R. Wright (33499).
- C. P. Wright (39427).
- J. B. Chinnery (44560) (Acting).
- E. P. G. Moyna (64317) (Acting), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flight Lieutenants
- R. A. Bourlay (80291), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- F. W. Cook (45090).
- P. Drummond (74729), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- H. J. Hartland, DFC, (43068).
- T. D. Saul (42080).
- J. C. Smyth (70635), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- J. Woodroffe (40777).
- J. D. Hill (106673) (Acting), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officers
- D. B. Halcro, DFC, (46128).
- G. W. Kelly (115276), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- R. T. Stokes (87031), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- A. C. Wilson (46781).
- J. G. Thomson (N.Z.413510), Royal New Zealand Air Force.
- Pilot Officers
- F. R. Ford (49734) (since deceased).
- M. G. Gardiner, DFM, (50222).
- Warrant Officers
- P. F. Laver (508810).
- A. E. Maxwell (904854) (Acting).
- Flight Sergeants
- 1289030 F. G. Baker.
- 917614 D. Ellis.
- 1293654 F. A. Johnson.
- 643726 J. Rochford.
- Sergeant
- Leading Aircraftman
Mention in despatches
Air Vice-Marshals
Air Commodores
Group Captains
Wing Commanders
Squadron Leaders
- Flight Lieutenants
- Flying Officers
- Pilot Officers
- Warrant Officers
- Flight Sergeant
- Sergeants
- Corporals
- Leading Aircraftmen
- Aircraftmen 1st Class
- Aircraftmen 2nd Class
Women's Auxiliary Air Force
- Squadron Officers
- Flight Officers
- Section Officers
- Flight Sergeants
- Sergeants
- Corporals
- Leading Aircraftwomen
- Aircraftwomen, 1st Class
- Aircraftwomen, 2nd Class
Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service
- Sister A. M. Alexander (5200).
South African Women's Auxiliary Air Force
- Flight Sergeants
- F.46392 M. F. Donald.
- 46409 M. Hollinshead.
- F.46651 D. L. McDonald.
- Air Sergeant
- Air Corporal
King's Police and Fire Services Medal (KPFSM)
For Gallantry
- England and Wales
- Stanley Wilson, Inspector, East Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary.
- Alexander Mackay, Detective Constable, Somersetshire Constabulary.
- Dennis Sturgess Court, Constable, Metropolitan Police Force.
- Charles Gordon Griffiths, Constable, Cardiff City Police Force.
- Northern Ireland
- Michael Connor, Sergeant, Royal Ulster Constabulary.
- Australia
- Archer Battersby Brown, Sergeant, 2nd Class, Queensland Police Force.
- Athol John Haines, Constable, Queensland Police Force.
- James Harold Seawright, Constable, Queensland Police Force.
- Frank James White, Constable, Queensland Police Force.
- Newfoundland
- Clarence Bartlett, Constable, Newfoundland Constabulary.
For Distinguished Service
- England and Wales
- Thomas Joseph Pey, OBE, Chief Constable, Wigan Borough Police Force.
- William James Hutchinson, Assistant Chief Constable, Sussex Constabulary.
- Luke Joseph Beirne, Assistant Chief Constable, Glamorganshire Constabulary.
- Leonard Charles Mason, Chief Inspector, Metropolitan Police Force.
- John Tilley, Chief Inspector, Liverpool City Police Force.
- Albert Cyril Barnes, DCM, Sub-Divisional Inspector, Metropolitan Police Force.
- Matthew Thomas Wright, Superintendent, Staffordshire Constabulary. Regional Police Staff Officer, Birmingham.
- Hartley Huddleston, MBE, Superintendent, East Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary.
- Robert Kidd, Chief Regional Fire Officer, No. 4 (Eastern) Region.
- James Samuel Nevill, Assistant Fire Force Commander, No. 16 (Southampton) Fire Force.
- Frederick Briddon, Divisional Officer, No. 3 (Sheffield) Fire Force.
- John Edwards, Senior Company Officer (part-time), No. 22 (North Wales) Fire Force.
- Scotland
- Alexander Turpie, Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable, Stirlingshire Constabulary.
- James Ross, Divisional Officer (Deputy Fire Force Commander), North-Eastern Fire Force.
- Northern Ireland
- William Batten, Company Officer, Northern Ireland Fire Force.
- Southern Rhodesia
- Major Henry Bugler, Assistant Commissioner, British South Africa Police.
- India
- Sri Rao Sahib Gopala Ayyangar Raghava Ayyangar Devaraja Ayyangar, Deputy-Superintendent of Police, Madras.
- Sri Rao Sahib Dharmapuri Nanjunda Ayyar Gopala Ayyar, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Officiating), Madras.
- Henry John Dyer, Superintendent of Police, Bombay City.
- Babu Bimalapada Banarji, Deputy Superintendent of Police (CID), Bengal.
- Babu Ram Jatan Singh, Inspector of Police (CID), Bengal.
- Cyril Gordon Parsons, MC, Indian Police, Superintendent of Police, Agra, United Provinces.
- Hafiz Abdur Rashid Khan, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Peshawar, North West Frontier Province.
- Digby Benjamin Thomas Judge, Indian Police, District Superintendent of Police, Sukkur, Sind.
- Sardar Bahadur Sunder Singh, Inspector-General of Police, Benares State.
Colonial Police Medal (CPM)
Southern Rhodesia
- Captain Frederick William Harrison, Superintendent, British South Africa Police.
- Graham Sydney Ablitt Rolfe, Assistant Superintendent, British South Africa Police.
Colonies, Protectorates And Mandated Territories
- Mustafa Shefki Ahmet Effendi, lately Inspector, Cyprus Police Force.
- Frederick Thomas Akerman, Inspector, Palestine Police Force.
- Theodore Atamaroru, Sergeant, Kenya Police Force.
- Alan Malcolm Bell, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mauritius.
- Walter James Bethell, Sergeant, Palestine Police Force.
- Captain George Thomas Whitmore Carr, Assistant Superintendent, Trinidad Police Force.
- Basil William Dundonald Cochrane, Superintendent, Kenya Police Force.
- Harold Charles Coles, Inspector, Palestine Police Force.
- Desmond Cleeve Connor, Inspector, Kenya Police Force.
- John Dougan, Sergeant, Palestine Police Force.
- Henri Andre Dupavillon, Assistant Superintendent, Mauritius Police Force.
- Charles Eric Duruty, MC, Superintendent, Gold Coast Police Force.
- Brian Haye Fox, Inspector, Palestine Police Force.
- Kurugu Frafra, Sergeant, Gold Coast Police Force.
- Harold Edward Gould, Sergeant, Palestine Police Force.
- Major Frederick Lindsay Hamilton, MC, Superintendent, Gold Coast Police Force.
- Marcel Hitie, Assistant Superintendent, Mauritius Police Force.
- Eric Bertram Humfrey, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Cyprus.
- Sydney Thomas Kelson, Inspector, Kenya Police Force.
- Joseph Cecil Ofuatey Kodjoe, Assistant Superintendent, Gold Coast Police Force.
- Harold Francis Ley, Inspector, Palestine Police Force.
- Robert Lustig, Inspector, Palestine Police Force.
- Denton Leopold Ethelbert Marshall, Sergeant, Barbados Police Force.
- Savas Pavlou, lately Inspector, Cyprus Police Force.
- John Hartley Pullman, Inspector, Palestine Police Force.
- Caesar Shellish, MBE, Superintendent, Cyprus Police Force.
- Hazara Singh, Asian Chief Inspector, Kenya Police Force.
- John Robert Tully, Inspector, Kenya Police Force.
- Montgomery Trevor Williams, Superintendent, Mauritius Police Force.
Order of the Bath
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Military Division
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Canadian Army
- Lieutenant-General Ernest William Sansom, DSO.
- Major-General William Henry Pferinger Elkins, CBE, DSO.
- Major-General George Randolph Pearkes, VC, DSO, MC.
- Major-General Lionel Frank Page, DSO.
- Major-General Frederic Frank Worthington, MC, MM.
- Major-General Charles Sumner Lund Hertzberg, MC, VD.
- Royal Canadian Air Force
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George
Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG)
- Oliver Mowat Biggar, KC, Ottawa, Chairman, Canadian Section, Permanent Joint Board on Defence; Director of Censorship.
- Henry Borden, KC, Toronto, Coordinator of Controls, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Harry John Carmichael, St. Catharines, Ontario, Co-ordinator of Production, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Samuel Laurence deCarteret, Montreal, Deputy Minister of National Defence for Air.
- The Reverend Henry John Cody, DD, LLD, FRSC, Toronto, President, University of Toronto.
- Colonel Henri DesRosiers, DSO, Montreal, Deputy Minister, Department of National Defence (Army).
- Pierre Depuy, London, England, Former First Secretary and Chargé d'Affaires, Canadian Legations to France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
- George Daniel Finlayson, Ottawa, Superintendent of Insurance.
- Robert Alexander Cecil Henry, Montreal, President, Defence Communications Ltd.
- Chalmers Jack Mackenzie, MC, DSc, LLD, FRSC, MEIC, Saskatoon, Acting President, National Research Council.
- The Reverend Mgr. Olivier Maurault, Montreal, Rector, University of Montreal.
- Wilfrid Gordon Mills, Toronto, Deputy Minister of National Defence for Naval Services.
- Wilder Graves Penfield, MD, FRSC, Montreal, Head of the Neurological Institute of Montreal.
- George Wilbur Spinney, Montreal, Chairman of the National War Finance Committee.
- Stuart Taylor Wood, Ottawa, Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Order of the British Empire
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Military Division
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Canadian Army
- Royal Canadian Air Force
- Air Vice-Marshal Wilfred Austin Curtis, DSC, (C.317).
- Air Commodore Arthur Lawrence Morfee (C.57).
- Air Commodore Anthony Lauderdale Paxton, DFC, Royal Air Force.
- Group Captain Charles Roy Slemon (C.71).
Civil Division
- Dr. A. E. Archer, Lamont, Alberta, President, Canadian Medical Association.
- Justine Beaubien, Montreal. Outstanding patriotic and philanthropic work.
- W. L. Best, Ottawa, Legislative Representative, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen.
- F. Philippe Brais, KC, MLC, Montreal.
- Charles Luther Burton, Toronto, Chairman, National War Services Advisory Board.
- Gladys Emily Campbell, OBE, Windsor, Ontario. Work of Canadian Red Cross Society.
- James Bertram Collip, MA, PhD, LLD, Montreal. President, The Royal Society of Canada.
- Douglas Dewar, Vancouver. Voluntary work of great importance for the Foreign Exchange Control Board and the Wartime Prices and Trade Board.
- Gertrude Webb Dunham, Havelock, New Brunswick, President, Federated Women's Institutes of Canada.
- David Holmwood Gibson, Toronto, President, Navy League of Canada.
- The Honourable Percy Hector Gordon, Regina. Chairman, Executive Committee of the Canadian Red Cross Society.
- Frederick Innes Ker, Hamilton, Publicist.
- Harvey Reginald MacMillan, BA, Vancouver, President, Wartime Merchant Shipping Ltd.
- Ernest Augustus Macnutt, Montreal. For leadership in patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Colonel Allan Angus Magee, DSO, KC, Montreal. For services (civil) with the Department of National Defence (Army).
- Tom Moore, Ottawa, President, Trades and Labour Congress of Canada.
- W. E. Phillips, London, Ontario, President, Research Enterprises Ltd.
- Adelaide Plumptre, Toronto, Vice-Chairman, Executive Committee, Canadian Red Cross Society, and in charge of Red Cross Inquiry Bureau, Ottawa.
- Frederic Henry Sexton, DSc, LLD, Halifax. Services in connection with technical training, Canadian Army.
- Mme. Rene Vautelet, Montreal. Patriotic and philanthropic work in Montreal.
- Alex Walker, Calgary, Dominion President, Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League.
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Military Division
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Captain Eric Sydney Brand.
- Surgeon Captain Archie McCallum, VD, MD, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Commander Victor Percy Alleyne, (Royal Navy Retired).
- Commander George H. Griffiths, (Royal Navy Retired).
- Commander Arthur Roddy Pressey.
- Lieutenant-Commander Gerald Ormsby Baugh, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant-Commander Robert Auburn Stewart MacNeil, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Ronald James Herman, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve
- Lieutenant Reginald Ray Kenney, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Canadian Army
- Major (acting Colonel) Malcolm Porter Jolley, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel (acting Colonel) Thomas Holliday Musgrave, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Lieutenant-Colonel (now Colonel) William Arthur Ives Anglin, MC, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Lieutenant-Colonel (now Brigadier) James Frederic Alexander Lister, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel (acting Colonel) Arthur Stephen Pearson, ED, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel (acting Colonel) Lorne Vernon Janes, Canadian Dental Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel (acting Colonel) William Edward Morgan, MC, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Baptist Leonard Johnston, VD, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Gideon Milroy Carrie, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Elijah Codlin, ED, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Herrold Lionel Cameron, Corps of Military Staff Clerks.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Cecil Homer Playfair, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas Hinch Storms, MC, Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Richard Roy, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Louis Laurin, ED, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel John Quinn Gillan, Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel George Edwin Beament, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Basil William George Grover, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Louis Philip Paul Payan, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Hugh Cumberland, Canadian Armoured Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel James Nahor Medhurst, ED, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Jean Emile Chaput, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Major (acting Lieutenant-Colonel) John Russell McGillivray, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
- Major Ernest John Read, General List.
- Royal Canadian Air Force
- Wing Commander Edward Burnett Goodspeed (C.391).
- Wing Commander Walter Alyn Orr (C.146).
- Wing Commander Phillip Stuart Secord, (C.1246).
- Acting Wing Commander Normand Berry Littlejohn (32067), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Squadron Leader John Playfair Alexander (C.1272).
- Squadron Leader George Everett Wilson (C.1760).
- Squadron Officer Jean Flatt Davey (C.13578), RCAF Women's Division.
Civil Division
- Joseph Leonard Apedaile, Montreal, Financial Adviser, Civilian Flying School.
- Thomas Arnold, Montreal. For valuable public service as Machine Tool Controller, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- George Cecil Bateman, BSc, Toronto. For valuable public service as Metal Controller, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Alan Brookman Beddoe, Ottawa, Artist, Books of Remembrance.
- Ralph Pickard Bell, Halifax, Director General, Aircraft Production Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- J. H. Berry, Ottawa, Director General, Automobile and Tank Production Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Saidye Bronfman, Montreal. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Arthur Huntingdon Brown, Ottawa. For valuable public service in connection with the work of the Dependants Allowance Board.
- Ernest John Brunning, Ottawa, Director General, Ammunition and Gun Production Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Dr. Eli Franklin Burton, Toronto. For outstanding service to Scientific Research.
- Mme. J. C. L. Bussiere, Quebec. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- A. Hector Cadieux, Montreal. For valuable public services in connection with the protective service. Head, Canadian Pacific Railway Police.
- Peter S. Campbell, MD, CM, Halifax, Medical Officer, Public Health Department, Nova Scotia.
- D. B. Carswell, Ottawa. For valuable public service as Controller of Ship Repair and Salvage, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- John Ballantyne Carswell, BSc, MInstCE, MEIC, Ottawa, Director General, Washington Office, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- George R. Cotterelle, Toronto. For valuable public service as Oil Controller, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Robert Davies Defries, MD, Toronto. For outstanding service in Medical Research.
- George Derby, Vancouver. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- His Honour Judge Eugene DesRiviers, Quebec City, Quebec. For valuable service to the Canadian Army.
- David Campbell Dick, BA, Toronto. For valuable public service as Wool Administrator, War Time Price and Trade Board.
- James Richardson Donald, BA, BSc, Ottawa, Director General, Chemical and Explosives Production Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- John Eaton, Montreal, Director General, General Purchasing Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Dr. William Harmon Fairfield, Lethbridge, Alberta. For valuable service to Scientific Research in Agriculture.
- Reverend Antoine Gagnon, Rimouski, Quebec. For valuable service to the Canadian Army.
- Frederick Pearce Gavin, Hamilton. For valuable public service in connection with technical training in the Canadian Army.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Goodwin Gibson, Ottawa, Real Estate Adviser, Department of National Defence.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Guerin, Montreal. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Archibald Harrison, MC, VD, Saint John, Executive Assistant to the Minister of Munitions and Supply.
- George Hugh Henderson, Halifax. For valuable scientific work in connection with the Royal Canadian Navy.
- George Hodge, Montreal. For valuable public service as a Member of the National Labour Board Committee, representing Employers.
- Gordon Bennett Johnson, Glasgow, Scotland. Canadian Trade Commissioner. For valuable public service, more particularly in relation to the care of survivors of the torpedoed steamship Athenia.
- Ray Lawson, Montreal, Chairman, Federal Aircraft Ltd. For valuable public service in connection with the production of aircraft.
- A. Lesage, MD, Montreal. Dean, Faculties of Medicine, University of Montreal. For valuable services to medical research.
- Marion Lindeburgh, Montreal, President, Canadian Nurses Association.
- H. W. Lothrop, Ottawa, Associate Clerk, Privy Council Office.
- Andrew L. W. MacCallum, Montreal, Chairman of the Canadian Shipping Board.
- J. McClelland, Valois, Quebec, Member of the National War Labour Board Committee. For valuable public service as Employers Representative.
- Dr. Hector John Macleod, Vancouver. For valuable public service in connection with Scientific Research.
- Dr. W. P. J. MacMillan, Charlottetown. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Reverend Arthur Maheux, Quebec. For patriotic work.
- John Philip Davy Malkin, Vancouver, Director General, General Purchasing Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Mme. Almanda Marchand, Ottawa, President, Federation of French-Canadian Women.
- Leslie J. Martin, Vancouver, Manager, Civilian Flying Training School.
- John Thomas Miner, Kingsville, Ontario. For scientific work in connection with Natural History and conservation of wild life.
- Frederick Keenan Morrow, Toronto. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Cecil W. Nicholl, Winnipeg. For valuable public service in connection with the Organisation of a Civilian Flying Training School.
- Solomon Randolph Noble, Montreal. For valuable public service as Sugar Administrator, War Time Price and Trade Board.
- K. B. Palmer, Toronto, General Counsel, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- T. W. S. Parsons, Victoria, Commissioner, British Columbia Provincial Police. For valuable services in connection with the Protective Service.
- John Paterson, Halifax, Superintendent, Halifax Shipyard Ltd. For valuable public service in connection with the repair, equipment and salvage of HM Canadian ships and those of the Royal Navy and Allied Governments.
- John Patterson, MA, FRSC, Toronto, Controller, Transport Section, Meteorological Service. Also for valuable public service in connection with aviation.
- Thomas Peacock, Hamilton. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Léon Raymond, Maniwaki, Quebec. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Rupert Camborn Reece, Winnipeg. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Dr. Guilford Bevil Reed, Kingston, Ontario. For outstanding service in the field of Scientific Research.
- Murton A. Seymour, KC, St. Catharines, Ontario, President, Canadian Flying Club Association. Valuable public service in connection with development of aviation.
- George A. Shea, Montreal. For valuable public service in connection with the Protective Service. Head of Canadian National Railways Police.
- Dr. Allan Goodrich Shenstone, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of Scientific Research.
- Joseph Simard, Sorel, Quebec. For valuable service in connection with the production of munitions.
- Captain Thomas Farrar Smellie, Canadian SS Nascopic, c/o Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa.
- Captain J. B. Smith, Vancouver. For outstanding public service in connection with the Merchant Marine.
- D. Stairs, Ottawa, Director General, Defence Project Construction Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- William H. Stringer, Toronto. For valuable public service in connection with the Protective Service. Commissionaire, Ontario Provincial Police.
- Léon Trépanier, Montreal. For valuable service to the Canadian Army.
- Charles R. Troup, Westmount, Quebec, Chief Supervisor, 6th Air Observer School. For valuable public service in connection with aviation.
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Military Division
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Chief Skipper James Watson Wagner, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Acting Skipper Boatswain William C. G. Pett.
- Coxswain William James Thomas, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve (Fisherman's Reserve).
- Warrant Master-at-Arms Wilfred Pember.
- Warrant Supply Officer John Shaw.
- Warrant Shipwright William Douglas Leach.
- Canadian Army
- Major (now Lieutenant-Colonel) Gavin Paterson Henderson, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Major (acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Hubert Murray Jones, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Major (acting Lieutenant-Colonel) John Clifford Richardson, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Major (acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Herbert James Beard, Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps.
- Major Arthur Carman Singleton, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Major Edward Charles Armstrong, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Major George Christian Bloomfield, Canadian Postal Corps.
- Major Gordon Thomson Cassels, MC, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Major Ossory Luxton McCullough, ED, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Major Charles Mills Drury, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Major Harold Brownlee Stuart, Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers.
- Major Howard Leroy Armstrong, ED, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Captain (acting Major) James Malcolm McAvity, Canadian Armoured Corps.
- Major Charles Goguel, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Major John Dewitte Relyea, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
- Major James Duncan Wilson, MC, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
- Major Emil Francis Schmidlin, Canadian Armoured Corps.
- Major Charles Dufour, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Major Herbert Charles Seagrim, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- Captain (acting Major) Denton Donald Stewart, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Major Lester Kastner Ash, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- Captain (acting Major) Harry George Filmer Morgan, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
- Captain John Joseph Mildenberger, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Honorary Captain (acting Honorary Major) Michael Joseph Dalton, Canadian Chaplain Services.
- Honorary Captain (acting Honorary Major) Raymond McCleary, Canadian Chaplain Services.
- Captain (Quartermaster) Arthur Hilton, Canadian Armoured Corps.
- Captain (Quartermaster) Ernest Frederick Wilson, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Captain (Quartermaster) Samuel Edouard Methot, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Captain Harrison George DeMorest, Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers.
- Captain Lloyd Montagu Byron, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- Lieutenant (acting Captain) Francis Edmond Moynihan, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
- Captain Charles Franklin Egan, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Captain William Robert Grattan Holt, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Captain Fred Leaman, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- Lieutenant (acting Captain) Isaac Tucker Burr, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant Thomas Laird Alexander, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Lieutenant Gerard Guy Charron, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- P.38185 Warrant Officer Class I Staff Sergeant-Major Ernest Roy Dickson, Corps of Military Staff Clerks.
- B.60512 Warrant Officer Class I Regimental Sergeant-Major Martin John Richard Barker, Canadian Armoured Corps.
- P.8463 Warrant Officer Class I Regimental Sergeant-Major George Douglas Gilpin, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- B.24064 Warrant Officer Class I Regimental Sergeant-Major William James, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- C.41965 Warrant Officer Class I Regimental Sergeant-Major Hugh McCallum, Canadian Provost Corps.
- P.20544 Warrant Officer Class I Regimental Sergeant-Major Sidney Mitchell, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- B.87750 Warrant Officer Class I Regimental Sergeant-Major James Robertson, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- D.82943 Warrant Officer Class I Acting Regimental Sergeant-Major Alexander Sawers, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- C.28855 Warrant Officer Class I Sergeant-Major Harold Edwards Alford, Corps of Military Staff Clerks.
- P.10145 Warrant Officer Class I Sergeant-Major Stanley Frank Hildred, Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers.
- P.27736 Warrant Officer Class I Sergeant-Major William McKay, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- P.10654 Warrant Officer Class I Sergeant-Major John Gilchrist McRae, Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers.
- A.29112 Warrant Officer Class I Armament Sergeant-Major Paul Philippe Comeau, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
- L.10186 Warrant Officer Class I acting Sergeant-Major Ronald Argyle Dundee MacFarlane, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- P.48067 Warrant Officer Class I Regimental Sergeant-Major Xavier George Armand Gravel, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- C.269 Warrant Officer Class II Battery Sergeant-Major Clarence Edward Sparks, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- H.56337 Warrant Officer Class I Sergeant-Major Neil Galbraith, Canadian Forestry Corps.
- F.44614 Warrant Officer Class II Company Sergeant-Major David MacLellan, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- P.839 Warrant Officer Class II Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant Wilfred Jewkes, Canadian Armoured Corps.
- H.50507 Warrant Officer Class II Quartermaster-Sergeant Frederick Lachlan McLeod, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- L.12337 Warrant Officer Class III Platoon Sergeant-Major Royden Harrison Howe, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- Royal Canadian Air Force
- Squadron Leader Cameron Jamieson Campbell (C.1414).
- Squadron Leader Clarence Melbourne Clucas (C.2540).
- Squadron Leader Harry Rattray Low (C.3783).
- Squadron Leader Angus Clayton McClaskey (C.3179).
- Squadron Leader Guy McRae Minard (C.2114).
- Squadron Leader Edward Enos Smith (C.3354).
- Acting Squadron Leader Frank Edward Groom (35229), Royal Air Force.
- Acting Squadron Leader John Sherard Widdows (85131), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flight Lieutenant Frederick John Shillitoe Garratt (C.6527).
- Flight Lieutenant William Harvey Hawkins (C.4161).
- Acting Flight Lieutenant Ronald Arlett (63851), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flying Officer Norman Jones (C.10526).
- Flying Officer Robert McDonald Williams (C.6554).
- Flying Officer Edward Kitchener Williamson (101596), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Warrant Officer Class I Sidney Charles Awcock (961).
- Warrant Officer Class I James Henry Blundell (R.56724).
- Warrant Officer Class I William Glenn Comrie (1249).
- Warrant Officer Class II Roy Leon Chalmers (4191).
- Warrant Officer Class II Joseph Edward Henri Gowsell (9553).
Civil Division
- Thomas A. Brown, Hamilton, Ontario, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- Martin J. Bruton, Regina, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- T. W. Bullock, Ottawa, Chief Auditor, Income Tax Division, Department of National Revenue.
- Reverend R. J. Burton, Calgary. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Ross Duff Butterill, Dunnville, Ontario. For valuable public service as civilian Meteorological Officer, British Commonwealth Air Training Plan.
- Dr. Adrian Cambron, Ottawa. For valuable service in the field of scientific research.
- Margaret R. Cameron, RN, Hamilton, Matron in Charge, Mountain Sanitarium.
- Gwendolin Carrington, Quebec. For patriotic and philanthropic work, North Shore St. Lawrence Mission.
- Georges Cecil Carter, Montreal. For valuable public service in connection with the production of munitions.
- Reverend Mother Ste. Jeanne de Chantal, Quebec, Mother Superior, Hotel Dieu Hospital.
- Fulgence Charpentier, Ottawa. For public service as Chief Censor of Publications.
- J. L. Clark, Rustico, Prince Edward Island For valuable service to agriculture.
- Thomas Clark, Windsor, Collector of Customs. For very meritorious service in the Department of National Revenue.
- G. H. Clarke, Vancouver, District Director, Postal Services.
- Dr. W. K. Colbeck, Welland, Ontario. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Charles A. Collins, Halifax, Collector of Customs. Meritorious service in the Department of National Revenue.
- E. N. Compton, Toronto, Conciliation Officer and District Representative, Department of Labour.
- F. G. Adams, Toronto. For valuable service in connection with the production of munitions.
- Andrew Anderson, Innisfail, Alberta. For valuable service to agriculture.
- Mme. J. O. Asselin, Montreal. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Captain W. J. Balcom, Halifax. For valuable public service in connection with navigation.
- Captain L. C. Barry, Victoria. For valuable service in the Merchant Navy.
- John Thomas Beanlands, Halifax. For valuable public service in connection with the repair of ships of war of the Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Navy and Allied Governments.
- John William Bell, Ottawa. For scientific research.
- Marjorie Bell, Toronto. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Antoine Miville Belleau, Ottawa. For valuable public service as Chief Translator.
- A. Birtwhistle, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- Frederick Bishop, Paradise, Nova Scotia. For valuable service in connection with agriculture.
- E. C. Black, Ottawa. For valuable public service in connection with scientific research.
- M. Blackwood, Edmonton, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- Captain J. A. Bourgault, Montreal. For patriotic and philanthropic work in connection with the Department of Pensions and National Health.
- P. E. S. Brodeur, Ottawa. Long and distinguished service in the Department of National Revenue.
- Ralph Phelps Brown, Ottawa, Financial Controller, Department of National Defence (Army).
- Mary H. Conquest, Edmonton. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Judson C. Conrod, Halifax, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- J. B. Corley, Calgary, District Director, Postal Services.
- P. J. McTaggart-Cowan, Montreal. For valuable work in connection with air transportation under the Department of Transport.
- Dr. P. A. Creelman, Charlottetown, Head of the Tubercular Service, Prince Edward Island.
- Reverend Sister Decarie, Montreal, Matron-in-Charge, Notre Dame Hospital.
- Albert R. Decary, Quebec. For meritorious service as Superintending Engineer, Department of Public Works.
- James Douglas, Caledonia, Ontario. For valuable service to agriculture.
- C. W. Downer, Saskatoon, Brigade Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Association for the Deaf.
- Fernand Dufresne, Montreal, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- Wilfred Eggleston, Ottawa, Chief Telegraph Censor and one of the Censors of Publications.
- Captain Reginald Featherstone, Halifax. For valuable service in connection with the production of shipping.
- Edith Fenton, RN, Ottawa. For meritorious work in the St. John Ambulance Association.
- Reginald Hugh Field, Ottawa. For valuable public service in connection with Scientific Research.
- Ruth Fleming, Montreal. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- John Foggie, Winnipeg. For meritorious service as Chief Provincial Sanitary Inspector.
- Albert Gagnon, Ottawa. For meritorious service as one of the Chief Postal Censors.
- D. M. Galloway, Toronto, Co-ordinator of Production, Toronto District Engineer Office, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- L. Germain, Montreal, District Director, Postal Services.
- Carlyle Gerow, Ottawa, Director of Supply Administration, Department of National Defence for Air.
- A. M. Gibson, Toronto, District Director, Postal Services.
- George Hamilton Gooderham, Gleichen, Alberta. For meritorious service as an Indian Agent.
- George Richard Gotts. For meritorious service in the Offices of the High Commissioner for Canada, London, England.
- John Joseph Green, PhD, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- Josephine Hanway, Halifax. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- William H. Hargrave, Calgary, Senior Assistant Civil Engineer. For meritorious work for the Department of National Defence for Air.
- F. E. Harrison, Vancouver, Senior Labour Conciliation Officer, Department of Labour.
- Ruth Harvey, Ottawa, Head of the Welfare Section, Dependents Allowance Board.
- Dr. John T. Henderson, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- R. W. Hendry, Halifax, Port Manager. For meritorious service in connection with shipping.
- Henry Hereford, Ottawa, Chief Registrar of Employment Department of Labour. Meritorious service in connection with the Department of Labour.
- Alexandra Wrightson Hogg, Winnipeg. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- C. H. Hosterman, Halifax, Marine Agent, Transport Department. For meritorious work in connection with shipping, Port of Halifax.
- Dr. Leslie E. Howlett, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- Captain A. Hubley, Montreal. Meritorious work in the Merchant Navy.
- William Hudson, Kenton, Manitoba. For valuable service to agriculture.
- Byron I. Johnson, New Westminster, British Columbia For meritorious work as Technician Adviser to the Air Training Plan.
- Isabella Moodie Johnston. For meritorious service at the Canadian Military Headquarters, London, England.
- Francis Everett Jolliffe, Ottawa. For meritorious service as one of the Chief Postal Censors.
- George J. Klein, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- J. Herve Lacroix, Montreal. For meritorious service as Secretary, Citizens' Advisory Committee, City of Montreal, for the Canadian Army.
- Dr. Paul C. Laporte, Edmundston. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Henri Laurendeau, Montreal. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Elsie J. Lawson, Ottawa, Chief Reviewer, Dependents, Board of Trustees.
- Thomas Lawson, Ottawa. For meritorious service in the Department of Finance.
- Captain Harold H. Leather, Hamilton. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Mrs. Douglas Lindsey, Hamilton. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Elsie B. Little, Halifax, Lady District Superintendent, St. John Ambulance Association.
- Miss E. E. Love, Fort San, Saskatchewan, Matron, Fort Qu'appelle Sanitarium.
- A. D. McCall, Montreal, Allied War Supplies Controllers Department. For valuable work in connection with the production of munitions.
- John Alexander Douglas McCurdy, Ottawa, Superintendent, Purchasing Division, Aircraft Production Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Thomas McCusker, Regina. For valuable service to agriculture.
- P. J. McEwen, Wyoming, Ontario. For valuable service to agriculture.
- Dr. Robert L. McIntosh, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- Donald McKay, Vancouver, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- Miss M. Mackintosh, Ottawa, Chief of the Bureau of Labour Legislation, Department of Labour.
- Horace E. McLeese, Saint John, New Brunswick, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- Joanna MacLellan, Toronto. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Captain Duncan MacLeod, Montreal. For valuable service under trying circumstances in the Canadian Merchant Navy.
- L. B. McMillan, Charlottetown. For valuable public service over a long period of years in the Civil Service, Prince Edward Island.
- Edna McMurray, Fredericton. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Edward McNally, Ottawa. For valuable work over many years as Dominion Inspector of Excise.
- C. A. MacVey, Fredericton. For long and valuable service in the Civil Service, Province of New Brunswick.
- H. R. Malley, Ottawa, Director of the Ammunition Division, Ammunition and Gun Production Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Dr. John Gordon Malloch, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- Harold Ernest Maple, Ottawa, Chief Designing Engineer, Quarter-Master General's Branch, Department of National Defence (Army).
- Albert Honore Mathieu, Ottawa. For valuable public service as Assistant Deputy Custodian under the Trading with the Enemy Regulations.
- Frederick Charles Middleton, MD, Regina. For valuable work as Secretary, Saskatchewan Cancer Clinic Service.
- J. G. Morrow, Ottawa, Special Consultant on Steel, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Bessie Morton, Halifax. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- T. P. Murphy, Ottawa, Superintendent, Equipment and Supply Branch, Post Office Department.
- R. R. Ness, Howick, Quebec. For valuable service to agriculture.
- W. A. Newman, Montreal, President, Federal Aircraft Ltd. For valuable work in connection with the production of aircraft.
- C. W. Noble, Nobleford, Alberta. For valuable service to agriculture.
- Midd Jean Oddie, Regina, Director, Province of Saskatchewan Junior Red Cross.
- Chief Engineer Maurice O'Hara, Montreal. Valuable work under trying circumstances in the Merchant Navy.
- J. E. Openshaw, Ottawa, Chief Controller, Cartridge and Fuze Division, Ammunition and Gun Production Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Lieutenant-Colonel The Reverend Cecil Caldbeck Owen, Vancouver, Senior Chaplain, Shaughnessy Hospital.
- Chief Engineer H. J. Owen, Vancouver. For valuable service under trying conditions in the Merchant Navy.
- H. R. Patrick. For valuable work in the Offices of the High Commissioner for Canada, London, England.
- Isabel Pepall, Toronto, Ontario Commissioner for the Red Cross Home Nursing Corps.
- Reverend Sister Mary Philips, Vancouver, Mother Superior, St. Paul's Hospital.
- Dr. Lloyd M. Pidgeon, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- Charles Sidney Pipe, Ottawa, Controller of Ordnance Accounts, Master General of Ordnance Branch, Department of National Defence (Army).
- Arthur Poundsford, Port Arthur. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- E. A. Pridham, Winnipeg. For long and efficient service in the Civil Service, Province of Manitoba.
- E. McG. Quirk, Montreal, Conciliation Officer, Department of Labour.
- Mme. L. A. Richard, Ste-Petronille, Ile d'Orleans, Quebec. For patriotic and philanthropic work.
- Merrill C. Robinson, Vancouver, President, National Institute for the Blind. For valuable work in connection with the Department of National Defence (Army).
- A. I. Ross, Halifax, Senior Steam Ship Inspector, Halifax Department of Transport. For valuable work under trying conditions, Port of Halifax.
- Dr. James Hamilton Ross, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
- Elizabeth Rousseau, RN, Montreal, Head of Nursing Service, St. John Ambulance Association, Province of Quebec.
- Isaie Savard, Montreal, Inspector, Department of National Revenue, Montreal. For long and meritorious service in the Departof National Revenue.
- Sam Shannon, Cloverdale, British Columbia For valuable service to agricultural research.
- Ronald Sharp, Ottawa, Chief of Income Tax. For meritorious service in the Department of National Revenue.
- F. L. Skinner, Dropmore, Manitoba. For valuable service to agriculture.
- Captain F. C. Slocombe, Toronto, Examinor of Masters and Mates. For valuable service to the Merchant Navy.
- George Smith, Winnipeg, Chief Constable, Protective Service.
- James Fyfe Smith, Vancouver, Provincial President, St. John Ambulance Association.
- J. J. Smith, Regina. For long and meritorious service in the Civil Service, Province of Saskatchewan.
- Archibald Spire. For valuable public service in the Offices of the High Commissioner for Canada, London, England.
- William Booth Stuart, Ottawa, Superintendent of Excise and Tax Collection. For long and valuable public service in the Department of National Revenue.
- Dr. A. Marguerite Swan, Winnipeg, Chairman of the Manitoba Nutrition Committee.
- R. Grant Thompson, Armstrong, British Columbia For valuable service to agriculture.
- Leslie Rielle Thomson, BASc, Ottawa, Special Liaison Officer, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- A. S. Tindale, Ottawa, Controller, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- N. Torno, Toronto, Senior Officer, Canadian Fire Fighters. For service in Great Britain. A voluntary worker.
- Luce Tremblay, Chicoutimi, Quebec, District Nurse.
- E. Trowbridge, Edmonton. For long and valuable service in the Civil Service, Province of Alberta.
- Pierre Turgeon, St. Anselme, Quebec. For valuable service to agriculture.
- W. E. Uren, Ottawa, Director General, Priorities Branch, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- Captain George Walsh, Montreal. For valuable service under trying conditions in the Merchant Navy.
- Arthur Lewis Watson, Ottawa. For long and valuable service as Assistant Secretary General, Canadian Battlefield Memorial Commission, and Assistant Secretary General, Imperial War Graves Commission.
- Dr. S. Wheeler, Rosthern, Saskatchewan. For valuable service to agriculture.
- W. F. Williams, Ottawa, Associate Financial Adviser, Department of Munitions and Supply.
- E. M. Woollcombe, Halifax. For valuable service in connection with shipbuilding.
- Dr. George F. Wright, Ottawa. For valuable public service in the field of scientific research.
Companion of the Imperial Service Order (ISO)
- Arthur Stanley Barnstead, BA, LLD, Deputy Provincial Secretary and Clerk of the Executive Council, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Avila Bedard, Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests, Quebec.
- Frederick Charles Blair, Director of Immigration, Department of Mines and Resources.
- Charles F. Buhner, Clerk of the Executive Council, Toronto, Ontario.
- Henry Cathcart, Deputy Minister of Lands of the Province of British Columbia.
- Peter T. Coolican, Assistant Deputy Postmaster General.
- John Joseph Heagerty, MD, CM, Director, Public Health Services, Department of Pensions and National Health.
- John Goodwill MacPhail, Director, Marine Services, Department of Transport.
- Hugh Denyes Paterson, Inspector of Income Tax for the Toronto District.
- Domitien Thomas Robichaud, Superintendent, Bureau for Translations, Department of the Secretary of State.
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Military Division
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Chief Petty Officer W. L. Harding, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-831.
- Chief Petty Officer James A. Taylor, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-4419.
- Chief Petty Officer H. G. Wood, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.2229.
- Supply Chief Petty Officer Frederick C. Bingham, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.2641.
- Master-at-Arms Samuel James Kennard, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N. X-41031.
- Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer James Paterson, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-1332.
- Acting Chief Plumber John W. Pelham, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.40657.
- Petty Officer Victor Billard, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-979.
- Petty Officer Allen Bradbury, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N. X-41027.
- Petty Officer Norman C. C. Roberts, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-817.
- Stoker Petty Officer Douglas C. Fisher, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-11630.
- Stoker Petty Officer J. A. Wilson, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-2574.
- Supply Petty Officer A. E. Taylor, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-6400.
- Leading Steward Fred W. Peterson, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-2758.
- Acting Leading Seaman C. M. Chapman, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-632.
- Telegraphist John Driver Campbell, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.4281.
- Able Seaman E. E. Binnie, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.3820.
- Canadian Army
- F.40718 Private Bradford Elliott Avery, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- D.125307 Corporal Urgal Belisle, Canadian Provost Corps.
- G.3665 Gunner (acting Corporal) William Frederick Byrne, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- M.7272 Sapper Collin Andrew Cavil, Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers.
- P.16132 Sergeant Robert Wilson Clark, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
- D.59011 Sergeant Alcide Clavet, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- G.16510 Sergeant Ronald Abram Craft, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
- B.76914 Gunner Albert Reid Fielding, Royal Canadian Artillery.
- M.42643 Sergeant John Wesley Gillespie, Canadian Military Forces.
- M.16150 Corporal (acting Sergeant) George David Hamel, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- B.3447 Corporal Clarence Oakland Kellar, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- W.10170 Private Ellen Millicent Kerridge, Canadian Women's Army Corps.
- D.56918 Sergeant Thomas Labonte, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- D.116516 Lance-Corporal Joseph Francois Laliberte, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- C.15824 Sergeant (now Staff Sergeant) William Craig MacIntyre, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
- B.5333 Private William Carson McGowan, Canadian Dental Corps.
- B.36143 Staff-Sergeant Samuel Moffatt, Veterans' Guard of Canada.
- G.19317 Private Antoine Muzerolle, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- M.20951 Private (Warrant Officer Class II nowCo. Sergeant-Major) Wilfred Reginald Owens, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- E.4421 Sergeant Ephrem Peloquin, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- C.12480 Sergeant William Scott, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- P.40147 Corporal (acting Quartermaster-Sergeant) William Harley Shaw, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.
- M.28633 Sergeant (now Warrant Officer Class II) James Daniel Sinclair, General List.
- F.44828 Private Frank Smith, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- K.600662 Private Maxwell Dennis Summers, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- L.1036 Sergeant Leofric Grenville Temple, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- C.78081 Sergeant Elgin Clare White, Canadian Infantry Corps.
- H.195171 Private Frederick Robert Whitta, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps.
- Royal Canadian Air Force
- 2377A Flight Sergeant Francis Luiz Anderson.
- R.66846 Flight Sergeant John Ainsworth.
- 4806 Flight Sergeant Roy Haily Barlow.
- 4111 Flight Sergeant Edward Charters.
- 10069 Flight Sergeant Joseph Roch Albert Desbiens.
- R.53070 Flight Sergeant Gordon Edward Florence.
- R.53822 Flight Sergeant Ahmed Hamid Hassan.
- R.62244 Flight Sergeant Joseph Harvard Arthur McAnnally.
- R.58448 Flight Sergeant Walter Norman Mains.
- R.72252 Flight Sergeant Albert Langton Meades.
- R.60805 Flight Sergeant Earl Victor Roy Merrick.
- R.53094 Flight Sergeant Desmond Evelyn Smith.
- 563239 Flight Sergeant William David Williams, Royal Air Force.
- 6051 Flight Sergeant Walter Edward Williams.
- 341845 Sergeant William Edward Busby, Royal Air Force.
- 1175435 Sergeant George William Doggert, Royal Air Force.
- 533407 Sergeant Ronald Fowler, Royal Air Force.
- R.80428 Sergeant William Thomas Bruce McDermot.
- R.65963 Sergeant Hugh William Morrison.
- R.60635 Sergeant Oliver Harold Stibbon.
- 844324 Corporal Edwin Robbins, Auxiliary Air Force.
- R.82567 Corporal Charles Louis Morris Roschaert.
- 992700 Corporal John Richard Skilbeck, Royal Air Force.
- W.300072 Corporal Wilhelmine Muriel Malcolmson, RCAF Women's Division.
Civil Division
- Campbell Blair, Tackle Rigger, Burrard Dry Dock Co. Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia.
- W. Boland, Employee of Canadian Car Munitions Ltd., Cherrier, Quebec.
- Ross Cameron, Postmaster, Substation 148, Toronto.
- John Christiansen, Ship's Carpenter, Merchant Navy, Canadian National Steamships, Montreal.
- Chief Andrew Crate Sr., Norway House Band, Norway House Agency.
- C. E. Delisle, Employee, Canadian Car Munitions Ltd., Cherrier, Quebec.
- Zoe Fielding, Toronto, Ontario, Passenger on a Merchant Ship.
- Stuart Finlayson, Employee of Atlas Steels Ltd., Welland, Ontario. (Now in the Canadian Armed Forces.)
- Chief Edward Gamble, Kitkatla Band, Skeena River Agency, British Columbia.
- Albert Gascon, Employee of Canadian Car Munitions Ltd., Cherrier, Quebec.
- W. B. Giles, Warder (now Keeper) of Saskatchewan Penitentiary, Prince Albert.
- Alice T. Hubbert, Postmistress, Substation 122, Toronto.
- Kenneth James, Employee of W. Robinson & Son, Converters, Toronto.
- Clayton Jones, Windsor, Ontario.
- Culver G. Kitchen, Mail Contractor, Simcoe, Ontario.
- Chief Peter Moses, Old Crow Band, Yukon Territory.
- Wm. Poudrier, Employee of Canadian Car Munitions Ltd., Cherrier, Quebec.
- Ralph Robinson, Employee of W. Robinson & Son, Converters, Toronto.
- A. W. Sharp, Postmaster, Dawson Creek, British Columbia
- John Slater, Machinist, Otis-Fensom Elevator Co. Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario.
- A. M. Spence, Camperdown Radio Station, Camperdown, Nova Scotia.
- James Wade, Civilian Air Pilot, Maritime Central Airways, Moncton, New Brunswick.
- Philip Watson, Employee of Marwell Construction Co. Ltd., Vancouver.
- Chief Charlie Windigo, Red Gut Band, Fort Frances Agency.
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Mention in Despatches
Royal Canadian Navy
- Acting Lieutenant-Commander Thomas Maitland Wade Golby, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve. (Posthumous).
- Lieutenant-Commander Alexander McAllister McLarnon, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant-Commander George Hay Stephen, DSC, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Acting Lieutenant-Commander Colin James Angus, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Acting Lieutenant-Commander Leslie Lewendon Foxall, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Acting Lieutenant-Commander Jordon Hamilton Marshall, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Lieutenant Gerald Maurice Greenwood, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve
- Lieutenant John James Hodgkinson, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Harry Ernest Lade, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Edward Middlemas More, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Arthur Moorhouse, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant Roy Milton Mosher, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Lieutenant John Buxton Raine, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Skipper Lieutenant Lester Alton Hickey, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Sub-Lieutenant James MacMurray Hay, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- Mate R. G. Robson, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer H. E. Austen, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-25176.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer Wilfred R. Franklin, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-7396.
- Acting Chief Petty Officer G. M. Thomasset, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.3396.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Albert J. Lalonde, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-2054.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Edward McAlpine, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-4837.
- Chief Engine Room Artificer Charles A. Ross, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-4314.
- Chief Stoker Petty Officer D. S. Lowe, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.21251.
- Engine Room Artificer Third Class J. P. McGuire, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-5920.
- Petty Officer Richard Cook, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N A-862.
- Petty Officer Michael P. Furlong, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-811.
- Acting Petty Officer Wilfred J. Mahar, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-1175.
- Acting Petty Officer George Edward Coles, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.3857.
- Acting Yeoman of Signals A. L. Bonner, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-2293.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist W. E. Ellis, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.2573.
- Petty Officer Telegraphist Donald McGee, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.2650.
- Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class Donald Feaver, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-1822.
- Acting Engine Room Artificer, Fourth Class W. M. Wright, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-8087.
- Petty Officer Stoker E. A. Paver, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.21440.
- Leading Seaman Frederick Bird, Royal Canadian Navy, O.N.3345.
- Leading Seaman F. D. W. Harte, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-5573.
- Acting Leading Seaman Horace Bruce Habart Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-7685.
- Acting Leading Signalman B. H. Holingworth, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-5785.
- Leading Telegraphist Robert G. Hicks, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-22068.
- Acting Leading Stoker W. E. W. Titus, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-2864.
- Acting Leading Cook (S) Charles T. Conrad, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-25588.
- Leading Steward George Clark, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-2099.
- Able Seaman Leslie A. Stannard, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-9850.
- Stoker First Class Harold J. McMahon, Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, O.N. A-4168.
- Ordinary Seaman Sidney R. Corns, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-39279.
- Ordinary Seaman John George Muir, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-22967.
- Ordinary Seaman Richard A. Redden, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, O.N. V-35081.
Royal Canadian Air Force
- Wing Commander W. G. Chapman, DCM, DFM, (C.1332).
- Wing Commander S. R. McMillan (C.581).
- Wing Commander H. J. Winny (C.1410).
- Squadron Leader H. J. Hollingum (C.1524).
- Squadron Leader A. Laut (C.861).
- Squadron Leader J. W. McNee (C.1573).
- Flying Officer J. H. Houser (J.10679).
- Flying Officer P. G. Hughes (J.10708).
- Flying Officer W. F. C. Snow (J.10517), (since deceased).
- Pilot Officer G. A. Swan (J.14452).
- Warrant Officer First Class J. H. K. Ellison (2075A).
- Warrant Officer First Class R. F. Herbert (289).
- Warrant Officer First Class C. E. Neyvatte (1806).
- Warrant Officer Second Class D. C. Bullock (R.97609).
- Warrant Officer Second Class R. A. Coulter (R.97641).
- R.50643 Flight Sergeant R. W. Barlow.
- R.64285 Sergeant P. Roberts.
- R.77595 Sergeant A. J. Weikel.
Royal Red Cross (RRC)
Canadian Army
- Major (Principal Matron) Moya Macdonald, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Major (Principal Matron) Mary Richmond Shaffner, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Captain (Matron, acting Major Principal Matron) Lilean Esther Thomas, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Major (Principal Matron) Agnes Jean Macleod, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Captain (Matron) Kathleen Blanche Harvey, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
Royal Canadian Air Force
- Nursing Sister Elizabeth Rebecca Farquharson (C.5410).
- Nursing Sister Lillian Emily Johnston (C.7579).
Associate of the Royal Red Cross (ARRC)
Royal Canadian Navy
- Matron E. I. Stibbard.
- Matron M. G. Russell.
Canadian Army
- Captain (Matron, acting Major (Principal Matron)) Mima McArthur Maclaren, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Evelyn Doris Gregory, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Charlotte Rhoda Blue, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Queena May Esdale, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Robina Margaret Hunter, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Anna Lorraine Young, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Jeanne d'Odet d'Orsonnens, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Dorothy Forsythe Ballantine, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
- Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) Charlotte Isabelle Nixon, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
Air Force Cross (AFC)
Royal Canadian Air Force
- Wing Commander Frederick Stanley Carpenter (C.774).
- Wing Commander John Gordon Kerr (C.130).
- Wing Commander George Henry Sellers (C.647).
- Squadron Leader Joseph Andrew Basso (C.2762).
- Squadron Leader Arthur Thomas Chesson (C.877).
- Squadron Leader Douglas William Dawson (C.2359).
- Squadron Leader Malcolm Edward Grant (C.1466).
- Squadron Leader William Watson Smith (C.878).
- Squadron Leader Eric Taylor Webster (C.1264).
- Flight Lieutenant George Frederick Gilbert (C.1291).
- Flight Lieutenant William Graham (J.7528).
- Flight Lieutenant Carl Wendell Hickerson (C.3161).
- Flying Officer Donald Everett Merriam (J.10961).
- Flying Officer Theodore Marshall Wayave (C.7044).
- Pilot Officer Cyril Torontow (J.13448).
- Warrant Officer Charles William Crawford (561511), Royal Air Force.
- Warrant Officer Peter Seymour Smith (922906), Royal Air Force.
- Warrant Officer Class I Douglas Elliott Berry (R.74338).
- Warrant Officer Class I Percy Lloyd Buck (R.56386).
- Warrant Officer Class I Jackson Murray Couse (R.66185).
Air Force Medal (AFM)
Royal Canadian Air Force
- 1110579 Flight Sergeant Eric Spinks Craig, Royal Air Force.
- R.90512 Flight Sergeant Thomas Edward Reed.
- 915989 Sergeant Richard Allen Caws, Royal Air Force.
- R.69099 Sergeant William John McPherson.
- R.80506 Sergeant William Francis Scott.
- R.102157 Corporal John Henry Hagley.
- R.53257 Corporal Gillmore Vivian Stevens.
King's Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air
Royal Canadian Air Force
- Wing Commander R. W. Goodwin (C.1277).
- Squadron Leader C. C. Austin (C.1290).
- Squadron Leader E. C. Brown (70088), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Squadron Leader D. Sloan (32031), Reserve of Air Force Officers.
- Squadron Leader M. C. Staddon (C.2328).
- Flight Lieutenant D. B. Annan (J.4554).
- Flight Lieutenant M. I. Boyle (89389), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Flight Lieutenant R. F. Hunter (44260), Royal Air Force.
- Flight Lieutenant H. C. Jewsbury (C.5582).
- Flight Lieutenant G. Rees (43254), Royal Air Force.
- Flight Lieutenant B. E. Twamley (C.7316).
- Flying Officer H. G. Lyon (J.5698).
- Pilot Officer L. W. Brown (J.14864).
- Pilot Officer G. A. Webster (J.11476).
- 1169882 Flight Sergeant J. Elsdon-Howard, Royal Air Force.
- R.107707 Flight Sergeant H. F. Walker.
- 1365696 Sergeant R. J. O. Brown, Royal Air Force.
- R.58720 Sergeant L. F. Detwiller.
- ^ "No. 36033". The London Gazette (Supplement). 28 May 1943. pp. 2417–2453.
- ^ "No. 36035". The London Gazette (Supplement). 28 May 1943. pp. 2491–2506.
- ^ "No. 36034". The London Gazette (Supplement). 28 May 1943. pp. 2477–2490.