Feria Mundial de Nueva York de 1939

La Feria Mundial de Nueva York de 1939 (también conocida como Feria Mundial de Nueva York de 1939-1940 ) fue una exposición internacional en Flushing Meadows–Corona Park en Queens , Nueva York, Estados Unidos. La feria incluyó exhibiciones, actividades, actuaciones, películas, arte y comida presentadas por 62 naciones, 35 estados y territorios de EE. UU. y 1400 organizaciones y empresas. Un poco más de 45 millones de personas asistieron durante dos temporadas. Se basó en "el mundo del mañana", con un eslogan de apertura de "El amanecer de un nuevo día". El recinto ferial de 1202 acres (486 ha) constaba de siete zonas codificadas por colores, así como dos exhibiciones focales independientes. El recinto ferial tenía alrededor de 375 edificios .

Los planes para la Feria Mundial de 1939 se anunciaron por primera vez en septiembre de 1935, y la Corporación de la Feria Mundial de Nueva York (WFC) comenzó a construir el recinto ferial en junio de 1936. La feria se inauguró el 30 de abril de 1939, coincidiendo con el 150 aniversario de la primera investidura de George Washington . Cuando comenzó la Segunda Guerra Mundial cuatro meses después de la Feria Mundial de 1939, muchas exhibiciones se vieron afectadas y algunas exhibiciones se vieron obligadas a cerrar después de la primera temporada. La feria atrajo a más de 45 millones de visitantes y finalmente recuperó solo el 32% de su costo original. Después de que la feria terminó el 27 de octubre de 1940, la mayoría de los pabellones fueron demolidos o eliminados, aunque algunos edificios fueron reubicados o conservados para la Feria Mundial de Nueva York de 1964 en el mismo sitio.

La feria albergó muchas actividades y eventos culturales. Los gobiernos, empresas y organizaciones participantes fueron homenajeados en días temáticos específicos. Se llevaron a cabo actuaciones musicales en conjunto con la feria, y se exhibieron esculturas y obras de arte en todo el recinto ferial y dentro de los pabellones. El recinto ferial también exhibió productos de consumo , incluidos dispositivos electrónicos, y hubo docenas de restaurantes y puestos de venta. La exposición estimuló un mayor gasto en la ciudad de Nueva York e influyó indirectamente en el desarrollo posterior de Queens. Todavía existen artefactos de la feria, y el evento también ha sido dramatizado en los medios.


La ciudad de Nueva York había sido sede de la primera feria mundial de los Estados Unidos, la Exposición de la Industria de Todas las Naciones , en 1853-1854; [1] la ciudad no fue sede de otra feria mundial durante 85 años. [2] El sitio de la Feria Mundial de 1939, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park en Queens , fue originalmente un humedal natural a caballo entre el río Flushing [3] antes de convertirse en un vertedero de cenizas a principios del siglo XX. [4] El Comisionado de Parques de la Ciudad de Nueva York, Robert Moses, concibió por primera vez la idea de desarrollar un gran parque en Flushing Meadows en la década de 1920. [5] Aunque los vecindarios alrededor de Flushing Meadows contenían desarrollos residenciales, el prado en sí permaneció sin desarrollar y aislado. [6] Mientras tanto, la exposición Century of Progress de 1933 en Chicago había impulsado la economía de esa ciudad, lo que llevó a los empresarios de la ciudad de Nueva York a considerar una feria similar. [7] [8]


Primeros planes

El recinto ferial, que antes de la inauguración de la feria era un vertedero de cenizas

El New York Times atribuye la idea de la Feria Mundial de Nueva York de 1939 al ingeniero civil Joseph Shadgren, a quien se le ocurrió la idea en 1934 después de una conversación con su hija. [9] A principios de 1935, un grupo dirigido por el reformador municipal George McAneny estaba considerando una exposición internacional en la ciudad de Nueva York en 1939. [7] [10] Aunque la fecha coincidió con el 150 aniversario de la primera toma de posesión de George Washington , [10] [11] Moses dijo que la fecha era "una excusa y no la razón" de la feria. [11] Ese septiembre, el grupo anunció planes para gastar $ 40 millones para albergar una exposición en el sitio de Flushing Meadows de 1,003 acres (406 ha). [12] La Junta de Estimaciones de la Ciudad de Nueva York aprobó el uso de Flushing Meadows como recinto ferial el 23 de septiembre, [13] y Moses ordenó a los dibujantes municipales que inspeccionaran el sitio. [14] El sitio de Flushing Meadows había sido seleccionado debido a su gran tamaño y ubicación central, [15] y la ciudad ya poseía 586 acres (237 ha) cerca. [16]

El alcalde Fiorello La Guardia prometió apoyo financiero para la feria ese octubre; [17] en ese momento, Moses estimó que costaría entre $5 y $7 millones preparar el terreno de la feria y construir el tránsito hacia la feria. [18] La New York World's Fair Corporation (WFC) se formó para supervisar la exposición el 22 de octubre de 1935, [19] y la Junta de Estimación asignó $200,000 al día siguiente para el trabajo preliminar. [20] La WFC eligió a McAneny como su presidente, [7] [21] y se contrataron dos contratistas ese diciembre para realizar estudios preliminares. [22] Varios expositores extranjeros habían expresado interés en la feria antes de fin de año, [23] y la WFC y la Junta de Transporte de la Ciudad de Nueva York idearon planes para líneas de transporte público hacia la feria. [24]

Arrendamiento y financiación

En enero de 1936, el legislador estatal Herbert Brownell Jr. propuso una ley que permitía al gobierno de la ciudad arrendar formalmente el sitio de Flushing Meadows a la WFC. [25] Moses advirtió que la finalización del recinto ferial podría retrasarse debido a problemas de financiación; para entonces, se estimaba que la feria costaría 45 millones de dólares. [26] [27] Ese febrero, McAneny anunció que organizaría un comité para diseñar un plan arquitectónico para el recinto ferial. [28] El comité inicialmente abogó por un solo edificio enorme. [7] Brownell solicitó financiación al gobernador de Nueva York Herbert Lehman el mismo mes para "mejoras básicas de la Feria Mundial"; [29] se suponía que los gobiernos de la ciudad y el estado gastarían cada uno 5 millones de dólares en los preparativos del sitio. [30] El proyecto permaneció estancado a principios de 1936 debido a desacuerdos sobre la ubicación y la financiación de la feria. [30] [31] Hubo una propuesta competitiva para trasladar la feria a Marine Park en Brooklyn. [31] [32] pero la Legislatura del Estado de Nueva York finalmente votó en abril para permitir que la ciudad arrendara Flushing Meadows. [33]

En abril de 1936, Grover Whalen reemplazó a McAneny como presidente de la WFC; [7] [34] más tarde también fue elegido presidente de tiempo completo de la agencia. [35] J. Franklin Bell fue contratado para elaborar los planes preliminares para la feria, [36] y la WFC nombró un comité de siete hombres [a] para diseñar un plan para el recinto ferial. [38] [37] A fines de mes, el gobierno de la ciudad anunció planes para vender $7 millones en bonos, y el estado prometió $4.125 millones para el proyecto. [39] Además, la WFC vendería $20 millones en bonos; [16] la WFC finalmente terminó emitiendo $26,862,800 en bonos. [40] La Junta de Estimaciones de la Ciudad de Nueva York asignó $308,020 para comenzar a diseñar el paisaje del sitio en mayo, [41] y los funcionarios de la ciudad adquirieron otras 372 acres (151 ha) a través del dominio eminente . [42] La WFC dedicó el sitio del recinto ferial el 4 de junio de 1936, [43] poco antes de que la ciudad finalizara su contrato de arrendamiento de Flushing Meadows a la WFC en junio de 1936. [44]


Las obras en el recinto de la Feria Mundial comenzaron el 16 de junio de 1936, [45] y el 29 de junio se celebró una ceremonia inaugural para el recinto ferial . [46] La WFC estableció siete departamentos y trece comités para coordinar el desarrollo de la feria. [16] Se planeó que la feria empleara a 35.000 personas. [47] La ​​construcción del recinto ferial implicó nivelar los montículos de cenizas; excavar los lagos Meadow y Willow; y desviar gran parte del río Flushing hacia alcantarillas subterráneas . [48] [49] [50] La tierra de los sitios del lago se utilizó como capa superior adicional para el parque. [51] Los trabajadores también transportaron tierra desde el condado de Westchester, Nueva York , hasta el recinto ferial. [52] Se emplearon cuatrocientos cincuenta trabajadores en tres turnos de ocho horas. [53] El paisaje reconstruido se conservaría después de la feria. [54] [55] Los gobiernos municipal, estatal y federal también trabajaron en 48 proyectos de mejora de infraestructura, como proyectos de carreteras y paisajismo, para la feria. [56]

Para promocionar la feria, la WFC estableció comités asesores con miembros de todos los estados de EE. UU. [57] Varios equipos de béisbol usaron parches promocionando la feria durante la temporada de las Grandes Ligas de Béisbol de 1938 , [58] mientras que el empresario Howard Hughes nombró un avión en honor a la feria y lo voló alrededor del mundo en 1938. [59] [60] Helen Huntington Hull dirigió un comité de mujeres que ayudó a promocionar y desarrollar la feria. [61] Se suponía que las matrículas de Nueva York de 1938 debían tener eslóganes que publicitaran la feria, [62] pero un juez de la ciudad consideró que los eslóganes eran inconstitucionales. [63] Las matrículas de Nueva York de 1939 y 1940 también publicitaban la feria. [64] Los minoristas locales también vendieron más de 40 millones de dólares en mercadería con motivos de la Feria Mundial, [65] y el gobierno de EE. UU. emitió sellos que representaban el Trylon y el Perisphere de la feria . [66] Los líderes mundiales enviaron "saludos a la feria" como parte del programa de radio "Saludo de las Naciones", [67] y la WFC también transmitió "invitaciones a la feria" de 15 minutos de duración, con entretenimientos musicales y un discurso de Gibson. [68] Además, la WFC distribuyó una película promocional, Let's Go to the Fair. [69]

1936 y 1937

Folleto de recuerdo

La junta de diseño de la WFC revisó varios planes maestros propuestos para el sitio, [70] y la corporación había reubicado a los últimos ocupantes del recinto ferial en agosto de 1936. [71] La WFC lanzó un concurso de diseño para varios pabellones feriales ese septiembre [72] y seleccionó varios diseños ganadores dos meses después. [73] Antes de que se revelara el plan maestro final, Whalen dijo que la feria probablemente estaría dedicada al pasado, presente y futuro. [74] La WFC anunció los detalles del plan maestro de la feria ese octubre, que exigía una exposición de $125 millones con la temática "el mundo del mañana". [75] [76] Los gobiernos de la ciudad, el estado y el gobierno federal gastarían $35 millones; la WFC gastaría $30 millones; y los fondos restantes provendrían de expositores individuales. [77] Habría diez zonas, un área de diversión, una torre central con caminos que irradiaran desde ella y amplias mejoras en el transporte público. [76] Más tarde ese mes, la WFC firmó contratos de construcción para el primer edificio del recinto ferial. [78] En ese momento, solo se había aprobado un pequeño número de edificios del recinto ferial. [47]

En noviembre de 1936, Francia se convirtió en la primera nación en anunciar su participación, [79] y el presidente estadounidense Franklin D. Roosevelt instó a otras naciones a unirse a la feria. [80] El gobierno de la ciudad también comenzó a vender bonos para la feria ese mes, [81] y varias naciones y cientos de empresas habían expresado interés. [82] Ese diciembre, la Oficina Internacional de Convenciones respaldó la Feria Mundial de 1939, permitiendo que los 21 países miembros de la oficina albergaran exhibiciones allí, [83] y Lehman también invitó a los gobernadores de todos los demás estados de EE. UU. [84] A principios de 1937, mil cien concesionarios habían solicitado concesiones en la feria, [85] y nueve edificios estaban en construcción. [86] La WFC presentó un modelo del recinto ferial en su sede del Empire State Building ese marzo. [87] Los trabajadores habían terminado de nivelar y rellenar el sitio de la Feria Mundial en abril, [88] y comenzaron a plantar árboles en el recinto ferial. [89] Ese mes, AT&T se convirtió en la primera empresa en alquilar un pabellón en la feria, [90] [91] y el trabajo comenzó oficialmente en el primer edificio, la estructura administrativa. [92] Además, la WFC comenzó a subastar los espacios de concesión del recinto ferial, [93] y los trabajadores también comenzaron a plantar árboles a principios de 1937. [94] Whalen predijo que la feria atraería a 59 naciones. [95] Shadgen, quien había ideado la idea de la feria, fue expulsado de la WFC ese año. [96]

En junio de 1937, Whalen anunció planes para una zona de entretenimiento de 110 ha (280 acres) en el extremo sur del recinto ferial, [97] y Moses propuso agregar un estacionamiento para remolques y una zona de intereses comunitarios. [98] El trabajo en el primer pabellón no comercial, el Templo de la Paz, comenzó en julio. [99] La primera estructura del recinto ferial, el edificio administrativo, se completó el mes siguiente. [100] En ese momento, se estaban construyendo 89 edificios, [101] y se había alquilado el 86% de los sitios del recinto ferial. [101] [102] Utah se convirtió en el primer estado de EE. UU. en alquilar espacio en el Salón de los Estados de la feria ese septiembre, [103] mientras que Missouri fue el primer estado en alquilar espacio para un edificio independiente. [104] Whalen también viajó a Europa para invitar a los países europeos a la feria. [105] La WFC informó en octubre que se habían finalizado 62 contratos de construcción y que otros 63 estaban en proceso. [106] Se estaban desarrollando rápidamente varios edificios feriales, así como el Trylon y el Perisphere , los íconos de la feria. [107] [108] Ese diciembre, la Ford Motor Company se convirtió en el primer fabricante de automóviles en alquilar espacio en la feria; [109] para entonces, la WFC había recibido compromisos de 60 naciones. [110]

1938 y 1939

El pabellón de General Motors

La WFC otorgó la primera concesión de la feria en enero de 1938; [111] para entonces, Whalen estaba haciendo planes para la ceremonia de apertura de la feria. [112] Whalen quería tener 100 edificios en construcción para fines de abril, [113] y la WFC planeaba gastar $10 millones en mejorar los servicios públicos del recinto ferial. [114] El trabajo en Perisphere, el edificio temático de la feria, comenzó a principios de abril, [115] junto con el trabajo en la primera estructura de un gobierno extranjero. [116] El mismo mes, la WFC arrendó los últimos sitios vacantes en la Zona Gubernamental de la feria. [117] Exactamente un año antes de la apertura prevista de la feria, la ciudad organizó un desfile con 1 millón de espectadores el 30 de abril de 1938; [118] la WFC también organizó un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales la semana siguiente. [119] En mayo de ese mismo año, la WFC comenzó a permitir que los visitantes inspeccionaran el recinto ferial los fines de semana pagando una tarifa. [120] Para entonces, muchos de los edificios estaban en construcción. [121] Se suponía que todas las estructuras estarían terminadas a fines de marzo de 1939, lo que les daría un mes a los expositores para equipar sus pabellones. [122]

La WFC adjudicó contratos a 30 operadores de atracciones de feria en junio de 1938, tras meses de disputas sobre las concesiones. [123] El trabajo se retrasó durante tres semanas en julio durante una huelga laboral. [124] y la entrega de materiales se retrasó ese septiembre durante la huelga de camioneros de la ciudad de Nueva York . [125] La WFC continuó emitiendo concesiones para restaurantes y atracciones de feria. [126] A finales de 1938, los trabajadores estaban pintando murales en los edificios y se estaban completando las estaciones de metro que daban servicio al recinto ferial. [127] Ese octubre, el Heinz Dome se convirtió en la primera exposición comercial en completarse, [128] y se había arrendado el 80% de los 3 millones de pies cuadrados (280.000 m 2 ) de espacio de exposición del recinto ferial. [129] [122] El arrendamiento se quedó atrás en la zona de atracciones; para ese diciembre, solo se habían arrendado dos tercios de las concesiones de atracciones. [130]

Whalen anunció en enero de 1939 que el recinto ferial estaba completado en más del 90%, [56] [131] pero aunque el 95% de los edificios estaban en construcción, el trabajo en un tercio de las concesiones de atracciones no había comenzado. [131] La feria había atraído a 1.300 expositores industriales y 70 concesionarios. [56] Además, 62 naciones y 35 estados o territorios de EE. UU. habían alquilado espacio en la feria; [56] sus banderas ondeaban en lo alto de una colina en el recinto ferial. [132] En marzo de 1939, un mes y medio antes de la inauguración oficial de la feria, Whalen anunció planes para gastar $1 millón en espectáculos y pueblos en miniatura en el Área de Atracciones. [133] Las luces del recinto ferial se encendieron por primera vez ese abril, tres semanas antes de la inauguración programada de la feria. [134] Además, La Guardia emitió una proclamación declarando abril de 1939 como el "Mes de vestirse y pintarse" en la ciudad de Nueva York. [135] Dieciséis mil trabajadores estaban dando los toques finales al sitio a mediados de abril, [136] y las naciones extranjeras estaban entregando $100 millones en exhibiciones a la feria. [137] Miles de trabajadores adicionales fueron empleados hacia fines de abril. [138]


El recinto ferial finalmente costó $156,000,000 (equivalente a $3,417,000,000 en 2023), y Whalen anticipó que 60 millones de personas lo visitarían. [139] Se contrataron cinco importantes compañías de noticieros para proporcionar cobertura de noticieros, [140] y la Corporación Crosley y WNYC tenían estudios de transmisión de radio allí. [141] La WFC contrató a Exposition Publications para imprimir una guía, un libro de recuerdos y programas diarios, [142] y promocionó otras 17 publicaciones sobre la feria. [143] La Oficina Internacional de Exposiciones (BIE) reconoció retroactivamente la Feria Mundial de 1939 como una Exposición Universal oficial, a pesar de que las reglas de la BIE permitían que las Expos oficiales duraran solo un año. [144]

Whalen aceptó contratar únicamente a trabajadores sindicalizados para instalar exhibiciones en el recinto ferial; a cambio, varios sindicatos aceptaron comprar los bonos de la WFC. [145] Se proporcionaron servicios de emergencia gratuitos en el lugar por parte de docenas de médicos y enfermeras, [146] y había seis estaciones de primeros auxilios, una máquina de rayos X móvil y cinco ambulancias. [147] El recinto ferial estaba cubierto por un recinto temporal del Departamento de Policía de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYPD) [148] y un batallón temporal del Departamento de Bomberos de la Ciudad de Nueva York (FDNY) con 118 bomberos. [149] Además, el Tribunal del Condado de Queens se amplió temporalmente para escuchar casos penales adicionales relacionados con la feria. [150]

Temporada 1939

Preparativos y apertura

El rey Jorge VI y la reina Isabel del Reino Unido, quienes son fotografiados saludando durante una visita a la feria
El rey Jorge VI y la reina Isabel del Reino Unido visitaron la feria en 1939. [151]

Para la temporada de 1939, la WFC cobró 75 centavos por adulto y 25 centavos por niño; la agencia también vendió abonos de temporada, boletos para múltiples visitas y libros de boletos de recuerdo. [152] El presidente del distrito de Manhattan, Stanley M. Isaacs, había querido que la WFC diera entrada gratuita a los estudiantes, pero Moses se opuso a la propuesta. [153] Whalen comenzó a vender boletos anticipados con descuento en febrero de 1939; [154] la corporación quería vender al menos $3 millones en boletos anticipados. [155] Mil minoristas en el área metropolitana de Nueva York vendieron boletos anticipados. [156] La feria inicialmente no distribuyó boletos gratis a nadie, aunque los periodistas podían visitar el recinto ferial de forma gratuita. [154] Se suponía que las ventas de boletos anticipados terminarían el 23 de abril de 1939, pero la WFC tuvo que imprimir libros de recuerdo adicionales debido a la alta demanda. [157] Aunque hubo una tarifa adicional para algunas de las exhibiciones y atracciones, tres cuartas partes de las atracciones originales no cobraron ninguna tarifa adicional. [158]

El 30 de abril de 1939, exactamente 150 años después de la primera inauguración de Washington, [159] la feria se inauguró formalmente con un discurso del presidente Roosevelt. [160] [161] Veintiocho buques de guerra de la Armada de los Estados Unidos llegaron a la ciudad de Nueva York para la inauguración de la feria, [162] y 20.000 personas participaron en un desfile para celebrar la inauguración. [161] [163] La feria recibió 600.000 visitantes en su primer día, muy por debajo del millón de visitantes que la WFC había predicho. [160] [161] En ese momento, muchas de las atracciones principales del Área de Diversiones estaban incompletas, [164] [165] y solo el 80% de las estructuras estaban listas. [166] La feria alojó a un millón de visitantes en sus primeros cuatro días. [167] A mediados de mayo, la feria estaba terminada en un 90%, pero muchas de las atracciones de diversiones aún estaban incompletas. [168] El departamento de operaciones de la WFC supervisó el resto de la construcción. [169]

Mayo a octubre

A principios de mayo, la WFC comenzó a vender entradas para niños de 10 centavos una vez a la semana, [170] lo que ayudó a aumentar significativamente la asistencia de los niños. [171] [172] A instancias de La Guardia, [173] la Junta de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York operó visitas guiadas en las que las clases escolares podían visitar la feria de forma gratuita. [174] Los concesionarios del área de atracciones pidieron a la WFC que considerara ofrecer entradas a precio reducido después de las 9 pm, [175] y la WFC abrió más restaurantes a fines de mayo. [176] Un mes después de la apertura de la feria, varios expositores habían alegado que los sindicatos habían cobrado precios exorbitantes por la mano de obra en la feria, [145] [177] y el gobierno de Nevada canceló su exhibición debido a los altos costos sindicales. [178] Debido a las preocupaciones sobre el contenido sexual explícito, varios de los espectáculos de la feria también fueron allanados. [179] En junio, para dar cabida a la alta demanda, la WFC reprogramó las actuaciones nocturnas de las fuentes de la feria en la Laguna de las Naciones, [180] que atraían hasta 60.000 observadores por noche. [171] El mismo mes, la WFC estableció un comité para supervisar el área de atracciones, [181] y los concesionarios de atracciones acordaron ofrecer entradas con descuento para las atracciones una vez a la semana. [182] La WFC también vendió entradas con descuento de 50 centavos a organizaciones y empresas que compraron al menos 500 entradas. [183] ​​[184]

La asistencia menor a la esperada impulsó a Whalen a despedir a cientos de empleados en julio de 1939, [185] [186] y también hubo propuestas para reducir los salarios de los artistas. [187] El mismo mes, la WFC comenzó a vender "boletos combinados" con descuento con refrigerios y entrada a múltiples atracciones, [188] así como "libros de ofertas" con vales de comida y boletos de entrada. [189] A pedido de los operadores de atracciones, [190] la WFC también consideró reducir los precios de entrada. [191] A principios de agosto, la entrada se redujo a 50 centavos durante los fines de semana, [192] [193] y la WFC comenzó a vender boletos con descuento de 40 centavos por la noche. [193] [184] La WFC también comenzó a permitir que los ferrocarriles vendieran boletos de 50 centavos a grupos de 500 o más pasajeros. [183] ​​[184] Con una asistencia diaria promedio de 129.000 personas (menos de la mitad de la estimación original de 270.000), la WFC no estaba segura de si la feria continuaría durante otra temporada. [194] La situación financiera de la feria era tan mala que, a mediados de agosto, la WFC estaba pidiendo a los tenedores de bonos que le prestaran más dinero, [195] y los tenedores de bonos acordaron renunciar a su derecho a cobrar una parte de los ingresos de la entrada a la feria. [196] Un escritor de la revista Variety dijo que los residentes locales tendían a evitar los restaurantes de la feria y que el área de entretenimiento disuadía a los visitantes con gustos más refinados. [197]

En septiembre de 1939, la WFC comenzó a invitar a expositores extranjeros a regresar para una segunda temporada. [198] En ese momento, Harvey D. Gibson, quien dirigió la junta directiva de la WFC, no anticipó que la WFC encontraría problemas financieros entre las dos temporadas. [199] El mismo mes, la Carrier Corporation fue el primer expositor industrial en renovar su contrato de arrendamiento. [200] [201] Rhodesia del Sur fue el primer expositor en cerrar su pabellón por completo, [202] y otros expositores redujeron sus operaciones. [202] [203] Whalen también viajó a Europa, pidiendo a los expositores que regresaran en 1940. [204] [205] A fines de septiembre, la WFC notificó al gobierno de la ciudad que tenía la intención de arrendar el terreno para una segunda temporada, [206] y la WFC redujo las tarifas de admisión a 50 centavos para el resto de la temporada. [207] En las últimas semanas de la temporada de 1939, los visitantes llegaron cada vez más desde fuera del área de la ciudad de Nueva York. [205] La última semana se celebró con un festival con temática de Mardi Gras . [208]

Cuando la primera temporada terminó el 31 de octubre de 1939, [209] la WFC había registrado 25.817.265 visitantes que pagaron la entrada. [210] [211] En el pico de la primera temporada, la WFC había empleado directamente a unas 8.500 personas, y los expositores habían empleado a otras 16.500. [212] Incluyendo a los trabajadores con permisos temporales, la feria había registrado 32,79 millones de visitantes. [213] Al final de la primera temporada, la WFC debía a los tenedores de bonos 23,5 millones de dólares, y tenía 1,13 millones de dólares a mano. [214] Además, la feria había manejado 8,52 millones de llamadas telefónicas y 3,3 millones de piezas de correo. [213] Alrededor de 150 asistentes a la feria habían sido arrestados durante la primera temporada, [b] solo uno de los cuales fue acusado de un delito grave. [217] [218]

Fuera de temporada

Vista del recinto ferial

Después de que terminó la temporada de 1939, muchas exhibiciones fueron retiradas para su custodia y se desconectaron los servicios públicos del recinto ferial. [212] [219] La mayoría de los 2.800 empleados de la feria fueron reasignados a otros puestos, [217] aunque la WFC contrató a un equipo mínimo y asignó $3,3 millones para mantener el recinto ferial durante la temporada baja. [212] [219] El FDNY y el NYPD vigilaron el recinto ferial, y muchos expositores también contrataron a sus propios guardias de seguridad. [212] [220] Debido a una asistencia menor a la esperada, [221] la WFC acordó reducir los precios de entrada para adultos a 50 centavos. [203] [222] La WFC acordó rediseñar el Área de Diversiones para enfatizar las atracciones allí. [223] La corporación también trató de atraer visitantes que estuvieran a una noche de viaje en automóvil desde la ciudad de Nueva York, en lugar de invitados de lugares más lejanos. [224]

A petición de varios expositores estatales de EE. UU., [225] la WFC redujo a la mitad las tarifas de alquiler de los pabellones estatales de EE. UU. durante la segunda temporada. [226] A pesar de la incertidumbre causada por la guerra en curso, muchos países europeos expresaron interés en regresar. [227] En enero de 1940, Finlandia se convirtió en el primer país en aceptar reabrir su pabellón, [228] mientras que Virginia Occidental fue el primer estado de EE. UU. en arrendar espacio adicional. [229] Más de treinta naciones habían acordado regresar a la feria a fines del mes siguiente. [230] [231] También se agregaron varias exhibiciones, incluido un pabellón de China [232] y un centro europeo. [233] Por el contrario, 11 naciones, varias de las cuales habían sido invadidas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, no regresaron, [234] y nueve estados de EE. UU. también se retiraron. [235] La mayoría de los expositores comerciales aceptaron reabrir sus exhibiciones y algunos planearon ampliarlas o modificarlas. [219] [236] Casi todos los expositores importantes con sus propios pabellones renovaron sus contratos de alquiler para la temporada de 1940, mientras que la mayoría de los expositores que se habían retirado probablemente alquilarían espacio a la WFC. [237] La ​​comisión también firmó acuerdos con varios sindicatos para evitar huelgas y disputas; [238] Hubo una breve huelga en abril de 1940, mientras el recinto ferial se preparaba para reabrir. [239]

La feria fue rebautizada como la Feria Mundial de 1940 en Nueva York para su segunda temporada. [240] [241] La WFC decidió centrarse más en las atracciones de entretenimiento, [242] y agregó teatros y espectáculos gratuitos. [243] [244] El área de atracciones se redujo en tamaño [245] y se rebautizó como " Great White Way ", una referencia al teatro de Broadway . [240] [246] La zona de transporte fue renovada por más de $ 2 millones. [247] Se agregaron o ampliaron varias exhibiciones, [246] [248] y algunos pabellones fueron reparados debido al deterioro. [249] Se agregaron veinte mil habitaciones de hotel en la ciudad de Nueva York antes de la temporada de 1940, [244] y La Guardia promocionó habitaciones de hotel de bajo costo para los asistentes a la feria. [250] También se agregaron restaurantes de bajo costo. [244] [251] El superintendente de construcción de la feria estimó que las mejoras costarían $8 millones. [252] La WFC comenzó a vender un millón de libros de boletos de recuerdo el 11 de abril de 1940, [253] y la semana siguiente, comenzó a vender boletos con descuento a estudiantes en todo Estados Unidos. [254] A fines de abril, todas las atracciones en el Área de Diversiones habían sido alquiladas, [255] y se habían vendido o pedido medio millón de boletos por adelantado. [256]

Temporada 1940

Originalmente, se suponía que la segunda temporada abriría el 25 de mayo de 1940 y sería un mes más corta que la primera temporada. [257] Los funcionarios de la WFC afirmaron que la fecha de apertura tardía coincidiría con un clima más cálido y el final del año escolar. A raíz de las solicitudes de las organizaciones, la WFC acordó abrir la feria dos semanas antes. [258] La fuerza policial de la feria se redujo para la temporada de 1940 debido a las bajas tasas de criminalidad, [259] y el número total de personal se redujo a 5.500. [260] Según Gibson, al menos 40 millones de visitantes debían asistir durante 1940 para que la WFC alcanzara el punto de equilibrio. [261] [262] En contraste con la atmósfera más formal que había caracterizado la primera temporada, la segunda temporada tuvo una atmósfera más informal y "folclórica". [262] [263] Además, el área internacional incluía exhibiciones de 43 países, además de la Unión Panamericana y la Liga de Naciones . [234] Los adultos pagaban 50 centavos, mientras que los niños pagaban 25 centavos; [244] [264] la entrada de los niños se reducía a 10 centavos en los "Días de los Niños". [244] Para atraer a la gente a asistir a la feria, varios grupos empresariales locales y hoteles regalaron al azar 170 automóviles a los visitantes. [265]

La Feria Mundial reabrió sus puertas el 11 de mayo [266] y registró 191.196 visitantes ese día. [267] Las ceremonias de reapertura se transmitieron en estaciones de radio en todo Estados Unidos, [268] y La Guardia patrocinó una celebración en toda la ciudad para la reapertura de la feria. [269] En las primeras semanas de la temporada de 1940, la WFC vendió la mayor parte de su deuda pendiente de la temporada anterior. [270] A fines de junio, la WFC deseaba reorganizarse y reducir su fuerza laboral debido a ingresos menores a los esperados; [271] como tal, 500 empleados fueron despedidos. [272] Además, debido a un aumento en las tasas impositivas federales, los concesionarios de atracciones aumentaron los precios de las entradas para sus atracciones. [273] Los restauradores de la feria generalmente absorbieron las pérdidas de los impuestos más altos en lugar de aumentar los precios de los alimentos. [274] El 4 de julio de 1940, dos oficiales de la policía de Nueva York que investigaban una bomba de tiempo en el Pabellón Británico murieron cuando la bomba detonó; [275] el atentado nunca se resolvió, [276] y los visitantes en gran medida desconocían que había ocurrido. [277] Después del atentado, se incrementó la seguridad fuera de los pabellones de los países europeos. [278] Más tarde, ese mismo mes, la WFC comenzó a inspeccionar los edificios de la feria, con planes de demolerlos. [279]

A mitad de la temporada, en agosto de 1940, la WFC tuvo que posponer el pago de un dividendo a sus tenedores de bonos. [280] En gran parte debido al mal tiempo, algunos concesionarios consideraron cerrar sus atracciones, [281] y la feria había registrado casi 3 millones de visitantes menos durante la temporada de 1940 en comparación con el período equivalente en 1939. [282] La WFC planeó distribuir carteles publicitarios de la feria, [282] [283] y los tenedores de bonos acordaron renunciar a 14,5 millones de dólares de la deuda de la WFC. [284] La WFC también comenzó a vender materiales y recuerdos de la feria. [285] La asistencia diaria aumentó gradualmente y la feria registró el visitante número diez millones de la temporada a finales de agosto. [286] Para entonces, Gibson dijo que la feria había obtenido más de 2,5 millones de dólares en ganancias, a pesar de la afirmación de Moses de que la feria estaba a punto de quebrar. [287] La ​​WFC había elaborado planes detallados para limpiar el sitio a principios de octubre, [288] y la dirección ejecutiva de la corporación acordó supervisar el proceso de limpieza del sitio. [289]

Para promocionar la feria, cientos de periódicos estadounidenses imprimieron entradas con descuento que se podían canjear el 6 de octubre; [290] la promoción atrajo a casi 350.000 visitantes ese día. [291] El gobierno de la ciudad también proporcionó entradas gratuitas a los adultos que recibían pagos de asistencia social a través del programa Home Relief . [292] A mediados de ese mes, la segunda temporada de la feria había registrado un beneficio neto de 4,15 millones de dólares. [293] En la última semana de la feria, el WFC organizó espectáculos extravagantes como exhibiciones de fuegos artificiales. [294] La feria tuvo 537.952 visitantes en su último día, el 27 de octubre de 1940. [295] Al día siguiente, a los transeúntes se les permitió recorrer el recinto por 2 dólares. [296] En total, la feria había registrado 19.115.713 millones de visitantes durante 1940; Incluso teniendo en cuenta la menor duración de la segunda temporada, la temporada también tuvo menos visitantes diarios en promedio, con un estimado de 112.400 visitantes diarios. [210] La feria había atraído a poco más de 45 millones de visitantes en ambas temporadas. [295] [297] La ​​temporada de 1940 también registró pocos delitos, con 96 arrestos y un crimen violento (el atentado del 4 de julio). [216]

Recinto ferial

Mapa que muestra las ubicaciones de las exhibiciones y el acceso al transporte

El recinto ferial estaba dividido en siete zonas geográficas o temáticas, cinco de las cuales tenían "exhibiciones focales", y había dos exhibiciones focales alojadas en sus propios edificios. [298] [161] El plan requería amplios caminos arbolados que convergieran en Trylon y Perisphere , el símbolo de la feria y el centro temático principal. [51] [299] Trylon y Perisphere eran las únicas estructuras en el recinto ferial que estaban pintadas completamente de blanco; [300] los edificios en las zonas circundantes estaban codificados por colores . [121] [301] El recinto ferial tenía 34 millas (55 km) de aceras y 17 millas (27 km) de caminos, además de docenas de millas de alcantarillas, tuberías de agua, tuberías de gas y conductos eléctricos. [300] Alrededor de 850 cabinas telefónicas estaban esparcidas por todo el recinto ferial. [302] Hubo 11 entradas a los terrenos durante la temporada de 1939 [139] [161] y 13 entradas durante la temporada de 1940. [264]

Características del paisaje

Desde el principio, Moses quería convertir el sitio en un parque después de la feria, [303] y el arquitecto paisajista del recinto ferial, Gilmore David Clarke , había diseñado el recinto ferial con esta expectativa en mente. [299] La parte central de los antiguos vertederos de cenizas de Flushing se convirtió en el recinto ferial principal, mientras que la sección sur de los vertederos se convirtió en la estrecha zona de atracciones, ubicada en la orilla del lago Meadow (Fountain). [299] El recinto ferial utilizó hasta 400.000 yardas cúbicas (310.000 m 3 ) de tierra vegetal del área de la ciudad de Nueva York, así como suelo salado y ácido dragado del fondo de las lagunas de Flushing Meadows Park. [94] El recinto ferial incluía 250 acres (100 ha) de césped y una amplia gama de árboles topiarios y de hoja caduca . [304] Se trasplantaron alrededor de 10.000 árboles al recinto ferial, [94] [305] de los cuales más del 97 por ciento sobrevivieron a la temporada de 1939. [306] No había árboles de hoja perenne porque no estaba abierto durante el invierno y el sitio tampoco tenía plantas raras. [307]

El recinto ferial contenía 1 millón de plantas, 1 millón de bulbos, 250.000 arbustos y 10.000 árboles. [161] El sitio tenía 7.000 camassias americanas , 48.000 scillas y 50.000 narcisos , y también había varios jardines formales, con rosas, tejos y otras plantas. [308] Además, los Países Bajos donaron un millón de bulbos de tulipán a la feria, [309] [310] aunque los tulipanes fueron destruidos y reemplazados por otras plantaciones el mes después de la apertura de la temporada de 1939. [311] El Washington Post estimó que la WFC gastó unos 150.000 dólares (equivalentes a 3.286.000 dólares en 2023) en plantas en la feria. [310] También había alrededor de 50 jardines paisajísticos. [312] Algunas de estas fuentes incluían elementos acuáticos como fuentes, estanques y arroyos. [313] Para la temporada de 1940, se agregaron plantas anuales y árboles en lugar de tulipanes, [314] y se agregó un jardín forestal. [315]

A pesar de la temática futurista de la feria, el diseño del recinto ferial (con calles que irradiaban desde el centro temático) estaba fuertemente inspirado en la arquitectura clásica . [299] Algunas calles del recinto ferial llevaban el nombre de vías públicas notables de Manhattan o de personajes históricos estadounidenses, mientras que otras se llamaban en función de su función. [316] Se planeó una explanada central llamada Constitution Mall como parte del recinto ferial, [317] que discurría entre Grand Central Parkway al oeste y Lawrence Street en Flushing al este. [318] Una carretera curva llamada Rainbow Avenue conectaba las zonas codificadas por colores, uniendo los caminos que irradiaban desde el centro temático. [161] [317] En el extremo oriental del centro comercial se encontraba la laguna del Central Mall, un lago elíptico de 800 pies de largo (240 m) con fuentes. [300] [317] En la mitad sur del recinto ferial, se dragó el río Flushing para crear los lagos Meadow y Willow. [319] [300] Varias de las fuentes de la feria tenían chorros de agua con quemadores de gas, que estaban iluminados por luces de colores. [320] También se realizaban espectáculos nocturnos de luces, con música, en la Laguna de las Naciones. [262]

Pabellones y atracciones

Los pabellones y atracciones generalmente se clasificaron en una de tres categorías: exhibiciones patrocinadas por la WFC o empresas privadas; exhibiciones gubernamentales; y atracciones de entretenimiento. [317] La ​​WFC subarrendó el terreno a los expositores, cobrando diferentes tarifas según la proximidad de los sitios a los caminos principales. [91] Hubo 1.500 expositores el día de apertura de la feria, que representaban a unas 40 industrias. [161] Debido a que el recinto ferial se construyó sobre un terreno pantanoso, muchos de los edificios más grandes tuvieron que colocarse sobre cubiertas de acero y hormigón, pilotes o cajones . [321] [322] Miles de vigas de abeto Douglas se clavaron en el suelo para que actuaran como pilotes para las estructuras de la feria. [322] [323] Además de los pabellones y las atracciones, el recinto ferial tenía un puerto deportivo, así como cientos de fuentes, baños y bancos. [121]

The fair had about 375 buildings,[c] of which 100 were developed by the WFC;[325] the commission reserved about 500,000 square feet (46,000 m2) for its own structures.[122] The buildings included design features such as domes, spirals, buttresses, porticos, rotundas, tall pylons, and corkscrew-shaped ramps.[326][327] Many buildings' steel frames were bolted together so they could be easily disassembled.[121][324] Most of the attractions were in the central exhibit area, covering 390 acres (160 ha).[114][161] The pavilions were mostly illuminated by artificial light;[327][328] most of the illumination came from 30 miles (48 km) of fluorescent lighting tubes, though some attractions used mercury lamps or fluorescent pylons.[329] Additional pinwheel-shaped lights and 10,000 more lightbulbs were installed for the 1940 season.[330]


The Trylon and Perisphere theme center was designed by Wallace Harrison and Max Abramovitz;[331] the Trylon was a 610-foot (190 m) tower (originally designed to be 700 feet tall), while the Perisphere was a sphere 180 feet (55 m) across.[332][d] North of the theme center was the Communications and Business Systems Zone, which was centered on the Communications Building, a structure flanked by 160-foot-high (49 m) pylons.[334][335]

The Community Interest Zone was located just east of the Communications & Business Systems Zone.[336] The region's exhibits showcased several trades or industries that were popular among the public at the time, such as home furnishings, plumbing, contemporary art, cosmetics, gardens, the gas industry, fashion, jewelry, and religion.[337]

The Government Zone was located at the east end of the fair, on the eastern bank of the Flushing River. It contained a centrally located Court of Peace, a Lagoon of Nations, and a smaller Court of States.[338][317] The Hall of Nations consisted of eight buildings,[317] which flanked the Court of Peace.[339] Countries could build their own pavilions, lease space in the Hall of Nations, or do both.[340] Most of the U.S. state pavilions were located around the Court of States, which had a lagoon,[341][342] and replicated notable buildings or architectural styles in each state.[317][343]

Southwest of the Government Zone was the Food Zone, composed of 13 buildings.[344] Its focal exhibit, Food No. 3, had four shafts representing wheat stalks.[345][346]

The Production and Distribution Zone was dedicated to showcasing industries that specialized in manufacturing and distribution.[347][348] The focal exhibit was the Consumers Building (also the Consumer Interests Building),[349] an L-shaped structure illustrated with murals by Francis Scott Bradford.[350] Numerous individual companies hosted exhibitions in this region. There were also pavilions dedicated to generic industries, such as electrical products, industrial science, pharmaceuticals, metals, and men's apparel.[351]

The Transportation Zone was located west of the Theme Center, across the Grand Central Parkway.[352] It was connected to the rest of the fairground by two crossings known as the Bridge of Wheels and the Bridge of Wings.[317] The focal exhibit of the Transportation Zone was a Chrysler exhibit group.[353] The Transportation Zone also included large exhibits by companies such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors, in addition to buildings for the aviation, railroad, and maritime industries.[354]

The Amusement Area was located south of the World's Fair Boulevard, covering 230 acres (93 ha)[355][133] or 280 acres (110 ha) on the east shore of Fountain Lake.[114] This area was shaped like a horseshoe surrounding Meadow Lake,[133] and it lacked a traditional midway; instead, it was divided into more than a dozen themed zones.[108][356] The Amusement Area contained numerous bars, restaurants, miniature villages, musical programs, dance floors, rides, and arcade attractions.[357][133] Due to the popularity of nude or seminude performances at the Golden Gate International Exposition, similar shows were presented in the Amusement Area.[358]

Standalone exhibits and structures

There were two focal exhibits that were not located within any zone. The first was the Medical and Public Health Building on Constitution Mall and the Avenue of Patriots (immediately northeast of the Theme Center), which contained several halls dedicated to health.[359][360] The other was the Science and Education Building, just north of the Medical and Public Health Building.[361] The administration building was at the western end of the fairground,[100] and there was also a Manufacturers Trust bank branch.[362]


La estación Willets Point en la línea Flushing
The Willets Point station on the Flushing Line was rebuilt for the fair.[363]

Whalen predicted in late 1936 that these lines needed to be able to handle as many as 800,000 visitors per day, though he predicted an average of 250,000 daily visitors. As such, several public transit lines were built or upgraded to serve the fair.[364] A special subway line, the Independent Subway System's (IND) World's Fair Line was constructed;[365] it operated as a spur of the IND Queens Boulevard Line[366] and was dismantled after the fair ended.[367] The Willets Point station on the Flushing Line was rebuilt to handle fair traffic on the Interborough Rapid Transit (IRT) and Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit (BMT) systems.[368][363] A special fleet of 50 World's Fair Lo-V subway cars were built,[369] and the existing Q-type Queens subway cars were rebuilt to provide additional service on the Flushing Line.[370] A Long Island Rail Road station (now Mets–Willets Point) was built next to the Flushing Line station.[368] In addition, Queens-Nassau Transit Lines bought 55 buses to serve passengers heading to the fairground,[371] and a water taxi service traveled to the fair from City Island, Bronx.[372]

There were also several modes of transit traveling around the fairground itself.[373][374] General Motors manufactured 100 buses specifically for the fair;[375] Exposition Greyhound Lines operated the buses, which connected with each of the fairground's entrances.[373][374] The original plan called for two bus routes, though this was expanded to seven routes soon after the fair opened.[376] There were also tractor trains that traveled along the fairground's paths, as well as tour buses that gave one-hour-long tours of the fair. In addition, visitors could rent one of 500 rolling chairs, each of which had space for one or two people.[373][374] Boats also traveled around Fountain Lake (now Meadow Lake), stopping at seven piers.[374] For a fee, visitors could ride a 40-passenger motorboat across Meadow Lake to the Florida pavilion.[377]

Several highway and road improvements were conducted in advance of the World's Fair.[378] These included the completion of Horace Harding Boulevard,[379] the opening of the Bronx–Whitestone Bridge and Whitestone Expressway,[380] the extension of Grand Central Parkway,[381] and the widening of Queens Boulevard.[382] Markers were placed at intersections throughout the city to direct motorists to the fairground,[383] and several highways to the fairground were outfitted with amber lights.[384] Maps also touted the fairground's proximity to five airports and seaplane bases.[385][e] During the fair, the Civil Aeronautics Authority temporarily banned most planes from flying over the fairground, except for planes taking off or arriving at the nearby airports.[386]


Themes and icons

The fair was themed to "the world of tomorrow".[75][76] The colors blue and orange, the official colors of New York City, were chosen as the official colors of the fair.[387] The fair's official seal depicted the Statue of Liberty with her torch, which was available in multiple color scheme.[388] The fair's official flag was originally a triband with a blue bar flanked by orange bars; there was a white seal in the center of the blue bar.[389]

Another theme of the fair was the emerging new middle class. The Westinghouse Electric Corporation produced the film The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair, which depicted a fictional Midwestern family, the Middletons, taking in the fair.[390][391] The Perisphere's Democracity exhibition envisioned middle-class "Pleasantvilles" arranged around a central hub.[392]



The WFC established a music advisory committee for the fair in 1937, which was led by the conductor Allen Wardwell.[393] The music advisory committee proposed hosting a festival at the fairground and other places in New York City.[394] About 500 groups signed up to perform at the fair,[395] and music festivals also took place at Carnegie Hall and the Metropolitan Opera House in Manhattan.[396] New York Times music critic Olin Downes was the fair's music director;[397] he selected Hugh Ross to organize recitals and concerts at the Temple of Religion.[398] Eugene La Barre led the World's Fair band, which was composed of 56 musicians,[399] and the WFC held a competition to select three songs for the band to perform.[400] Unlike in the 1939 season, the fair had no organized music program during 1940. Instead, the fair's orchestra played songs on request during 1940; on an average day, they received more than 1,200 requests and played over 200 songs.[395]

Several theme songs were written for the fair, none of which caught on.[401] William Grant Still recorded the song "Rising Tide",[402][403] a three-minute tune that was played continuously during the 1939 season.[404] "Dawn of a New Day", one of George Gershwin's final songs, was also recorded for the fair.[401][405] La Barre's "For Peace and Freedom" was selected as the 1940 season's theme song.[406]

Films and stage shows

The fair hosted eight musical shows during the 1939 season and seven musicals during 1940.[407] For instance, Billy Rose staged his Aquacade musical,[408] and the fair had a musical pageant called the American Jubilee.[409] In addition, The Hollywood Reporter estimated that 500 movies would be screened at the fair;[410] ultimately, exhibitors screened 612 films during the first season.[411] The fair had 34 auditoriums during the 1939 season, which were operated by 19 nations' governments, in addition to industrial exhibitors and city-government agencies.[411] During the 1940 season, the fairground had 30 movie-theater auditoriums with an estimated 6,200 seats.[412] The fair showcased not only feature films but also non-theatrical motion pictures, including both silent films and sound films.[413] These motion pictures were all shot on 16 mm and 35 mm film.[411][412]

Visual art and sculpture

El artista Abraham Lishinsky y sus asistentes trabajando en un mural para la Exposición Universal.
Some buildings had mural decorations. Pictured is the painter Abraham Lishinsky and his assistants working on one such mural.

From the outset, the fairground was planned to include decorations,[414] particularly large murals, sculptures, and reliefs.[415] Initially, however, there were no plans to exhibit contemporary art at the fair.[416][417] After observers criticized the fair's lack of formal art galleries, Whalen agreed to include a community art center,[416] and the WFC also held art competitions for muralists and sculptors.[417] Eight hundred contemporary American artworks from the 48 states were exhibited at the fair during 1939,[418] and a rotating display of American art was showcased in 1940.[419] At the Masterpieces of Art building were hundreds of rare paintings;[420] during the 1940 season, even more paintings were shown.[421] The WFC bought some of the fair's artwork and distributed it across the U.S. after the fair.[422] In addition, foreign governments sponsored exhibits of sculptures and visual art in their respective pavilions.[423]

Whalen, who was determined that the fair should "not represent the work of any one person or school", employed 181 visual artists, designers, and architects.[424] Many of the buildings' facades were decorated with murals, commissioned by both the WFC and individual exhibitors[425][426] in about 100 colors.[427] There were about 105 murals at the fair,[242] which measured as large as 250 by 60 feet (76 by 18 m). The murals were executed in a variety of materials, such as metal strips, mosaic tiles, and paint. The WFC's board of design approved murals based on how well they harmonized with the surrounding buildings; for example, murals near the theme center were designed in muted colors, while murals on modern-style buildings were more colorful.[426] Although artists could design murals even if they were not part of a labor union, only union members could paint the actual murals.[428] The New York Times called it "the largest program of exterior mural painting ever undertaken",[426] while the New York Herald Tribune said that "never before has mural decoration been attempted on so large or lively a scale".[426] Works Progress Administration artists painted murals for the fair as well.[429] Ernest Peixotto oversaw the development of the murals and the fair's color-coding system.[430]

The fair also included 174 sculptures.[242] The largest statue at the fair was James Earle Fraser's 65-foot-tall (20 m) sculpture of George Washington,[431] which stood in the middle of the fair's Constitution Mall.[432] The Times credited Lee Lawrie—who oversaw the installation of the fair's artwork—with describing the sculptures as "an essential part of the fair".[431] Three of the sculptures were intended to be preserved after the fair: Robert Foster's Textile, Lawrence Tenney Stevens's The Tree of Life, and Waylande Gregory's Fountain of the Atom.[431] Textile depicted an abstract sheet-steel figure,[433] The Tree of Life was carved out of a 60-foot-tall (18 m) elm tree,[434] and Fountain of the Atom consisted of small ceramic figures.[435] Various temporary sculptures, many of which were made of plaster, were placed on buildings.[431]

Consumer products

Una demostración de Voder, un sintetizador de voz operado por teclado, en la feria
Voder, a keyboard-operated speech synthesizer, was demonstrated at the fair.

The fair focused significantly on consumer products that happened to include scientific innovations, rather than presenting scientific innovations in their own right.[436] Products shown at the fair included RCA televisions, a Crosley vehicle from 1940, and a Novachord organ manufactured by The Hammond Organ Company,[392] along with nylon, cellophane, and Lucite.[242] Other objects included Vermeer's painting The Milkmaid from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam,[437] a streamlined pencil sharpener,[438] a diner (still in operation as the White Mana in Jersey City, New Jersey[439]), a futuristic car-based city by General Motors,[438][352] and the first fully constructed computer game.[440] In addition, older objects were displayed at the fair, such as a model of the world's first bicycle.[441]

Electronics were showcased at the fair. The IBM exhibit displayed the Radiotype writing machine, and RCA displayed various types of machinery in a "television laboratory".[141] RCA and NBC agreed to host television demonstrations at the World's Fair.[442] These TVs displayed several programs, including the first televised Major League Baseball game; a program from WRGB-TV in Schenectady, New York; and performances of the play When We Are Married.[443] Westinghouse's exhibit featured Elektro the Moto-Man, a robot that talked, differentiated colors, and smoked cigarettes.[444] Bell Labs' Voder, a keyboard-operated speech synthesizer, was demonstrated at the fair.[242][445] Other futuristic exhibits included General Electric's home of tomorrow, as well as the 15 homes in the Tomorrow Town exhibit.[242]


For the 1939 season, there were at least 40 restaurants with a combined 23,000 seats, in addition to 261 refreshment stands.[446] Cuisine from 24 participating countries was served at the fair.[447] These included caviar in the Romanian and Polish pavilions; borscht, blini, and pelmeni from the Soviet pavilion; soufflés from the French pavilion; smorgasbords from the Swedish pavilion; and kebabs and honey desserts from the Albanian pavilion.[447][446] A New York Times article from 1964 characterized bicarbonate of soda as the 1939 fair's most popular soda.[448] The WFC also awarded quick-service food concessions to companies such as Childs Restaurants, Longchamps, and the Brass Rail.[449] The concessions included 80 hot-dog stands,[165] in addition to 59 soda stalls, 38 root beer stands, and 25 popcorn stands.[111]

The city government also appointed 36 inspectors to enforce food safety at the fair.[450] During the fair's first season, there were complaints that the food was too expensive;[176] one New York Times report found that restaurants were charging as much as $2.50 (equivalent to $54.76 in 2023) for à la carte meals.[449] For the 1940 season, there were 70 restaurants and between 150 and 235 concession stands at the fair.[264][451] The WFC introduced regulations during the second season, restricting restaurateurs from drastically increasing food prices.[251] Throughout both seasons, the fair sold an estimated 16.2 million hot dogs, 8.3 million burgers, 5.1 million doughnuts, and 2.7 million cups of beer.[452]

Other events

Participating countries, U.S. states and territories, New York counties, businesses, and organizations were given special theme days at the fair, during which celebrations were held.[453] A different button was issued for each theme day.[454] During the fair, there were fireworks displays on the lagoon, as well as colorful searchlights illuminating Meadow Lake.[317]

The fair coincided with the 1st World Science Fiction Convention,[455][456] which took place at the Caravan Hall in Manhattan on July 2–4, 1939.[457] In addition, on July 3, 1940, the fair hosted "Superman Day",[272][458] which included an athletic contest and a public appearance by an actor portraying Superman.[458] Broadway actor Ray Middleton, who served as a judge for the contest, is credited with having appeared in the Superman costume on Superman Day, but this is disputed.[459] Sporting events throughout the New York City area were also planned in conjunction with the World's Fair,[460] and the WFC sponsored a sports camp for boys during both seasons.[461]


Site and structures

The Billy Rose's Aquacade amphitheater
The Billy Rose's Aquacade amphitheater, one of the few structures to remain after the fair

Demolition began the day after the fair ended.[462] Almost all structures had to be removed within 120 days of the fair's closure,[324][463] and the vast majority of structures were dismantled or moved shortly after the fair's final day.[464] Valuable exhibits, artwork, and historic artifacts were relocated.[462] On October 29, hundreds of workers went on strike to protest the removal of equipment,[465] which delayed all work on the site.[466] The strike ended after ten days.[467] Within a month of the fair's closure, many of the structures had been demolished, and workers were restoring the landscape.[468] Cables and other materials were removed and sold for scrap,[324][469] and there were proposals to melt down the buildings' structural steel into scrap metal for the U.S. war effort.[470]

Despite a citywide moratorium on new construction, La Guardia provided funding to convert the fairground into parkland,[471] and the site became Flushing Meadows Park in 1941.[472] The park hosted the 1964 New York World's Fair, which began on April 22, 1964,[473] and ended on October 17, 1965;[474] the site again reverted to park use in 1967.[475] The NYPD's Flushing Meadows precinct was disbanded in 1952,[476] but the Queens traffic division (which had been established to manage traffic during the fair) continued until 1972.[477]

Seven structures were preserved as part of the park.[463][464][f] By the 1960s, only two of the fair's original structures remained, the New York City Pavilion and the Billy Rose's Aquacade amphitheater,[478] though the Aquacade was torn down in the 1990s.[479] The fair's esplanade, five bridges, and the World's Fair Marina were preserved as well,[480] but the fountains were demolished.[324] Many amusement rides were sold to Luna Park at Coney Island;[481] the Parachute Jump was sold and relocated to Steeplechase Park, also in Coney Island.[482] Other buildings that were relocated included a structure from the fair's Town of Tomorrow exhibit,[483] as well as the Belgian Building.[484] Some of the buildings' glass bricks were salvaged and used elsewhere.[485] Furniture, equipment, and decorations were sold off.[324] There were suggestions to preserve additional buildings as a training military camp, but the United States Armed Forces had rejected the idea.[486]

Foreign exhibits

The Italian pavilion
There were several unsuccessful attempts to give away a monument from the Italian pavilion (pictured).

The U.S. government imposed customs duties on the foreign exhibits.[487] After the duties were imposed, the exhibits could be sent back to their home country, retained in the U.S., destroyed, or sold.[324][487] However, many nations could not send their exhibits back home due to World War II.[487][488] Several countries in German-occupied Europe donated or lent their World's Fair exhibits to institutions across the United States.[489][490] Most of the Polish pavilion's items were sold by the Polish Government in exile to the Polish Museum of America, except for the monument of the Polish–Lithuanian King Jagiełło. which was reinstalled in Central Park.[491] The British pavilion's copy of the Magna Carta remained in the U.S.,[492][489] and a panel from that pavilion depicting George Washington's lineage was sent to the Library of Congress.[493] In addition, some French artwork displayed at the fair was lent to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan.[494] Three French restaurants introduced at the fair—La Caravelle, Le Pavillon, and La Côte Basque—later reopened in New York City.[495] Objects from the Swedish, Turkish, and Canadian pavilions were also retained in New York City.[496]

Many European pavilions' staff were unable to return home due to the war.[497][498] The New York Times estimated that 350 foreign staffers could not easily return home,[499] while the New York Herald Tribune put the number of affected employees at 400.[496] In response, U.S. representative John J. Delaney introduced legislation in October 1940 to allow these workers to remain in the U.S.[488][500] The WFC also had to dispose of Axis countries' exhibits. The U.S. government seized the Italian State Railways' train display and melted it down for scrap,[501] while it sold off binoculars from the Czechoslovak pavilion and wine from the Rumania pavilion to pay customs duties.[492] There were several unsuccessful attempts to give away the Italian pavilion's Guglielmo Marconi monument,[502] and the Hungarian pavilion's statue of Saint Istvan was not given away until 1956.[503]

Profitability and dissolution of WFC

When the fair closed, the WFC initially predicted that the fair would recoup 38.4% of its cost[504] (later revised to 39.2%).[505] The WFC ultimately recovered only 32% of its original expenditure.[506][507] Despite the fair's overall unprofitability, the Amusement Area recorded a net profit.[508] In total, the WFC earned $3.9 million during the 1939 season and $3.4 million during the 1940 season.[509] The WFC paid bondholders $2.08 million in early 1941[510] and made their final payments to bondholders in June 1942.[40] For several years, the WFC retained a small staff to close out its financial accounts.[511] The corporation was not formally dissolved until August 1944;[512] at the time of its dissolution, the WFC owed shareholders $19 million.[40][513]



Visitors at the fair

When the fair was being developed, The Washington Post wrote in 1936 that the fair would give New York City a permanent public park, while the "visitors will get an eyeful beyond their fondest imagination and the hotel-keepers will get a pocketful" of money.[6] The Post wrote in 1938 that the fair would become "the cynosure of millions upon millions",[8] while The New York Times said the event "will still be a great fair" even if half the buildings were never built.[121] Another newspaper wrote that the fair (along with the Golden Gate Exposition) would be "two stunning examples of science in action".[514] Just before the fair opened, The Scotsman wrote that, despite the ongoing Nazi conquest of Europe, workers at the 1939 fair "still [believed] the world of to-day has possibilities of progress".[515]

Upon the fair's opening, a Washington Post writer praised the fairground's futuristic architecture and landscaping, even while stating that "there is also architecture on which the classicist can rest his peepers".[516] The New York Times reported that European countries regarded the fair as an opportunity to display "its particular political views before the American public under the guise of good-will and commercial display".[517] In an August 1939 Gallup poll of the fair's visitors, 84% of respondents said they wanted to return, while only 3% disliked the fair.[518]

When the fair closed, the Baltimore Sun wrote in 1940 that "the World's Fair was devoted to the arts of peace, and this is time of war".[519] A decade after the fair, one writer for the New York Herald Tribune said the expo had "become for many of us a symbol of the past", in large part because of the war that followed.[520] In 1964, one New York Times writer said the 1939 fair had been envisioned in an era "that had in its calendar no World War II, no Hiroshima, no Korea, no fires in Africa and Asia".[448] The design critic Paul Goldberger, writing about the fair in 1980, described the fair as significant for the products introduced there and for its architecture,[392] while a Newsday critic wrote the same year that the fair had provided hope at a time when everyone was fearful of the war.[221] Robert A. M. Stern wrote in his 1987 book New York 1930 that "the fair was seen as little more than a transitory good-time place".[11]

Economic and regional influence

To limit excessive real-estate development around the fairground, city officials requested in early 1936 that the neighborhoods around Flushing Meadows be rezoned as residential areas.[521] The Board of Estimate voted in 1937 to enact zoning restrictions around the fair, which prevented the construction of high-rise buildings around the site and created a buffer zone around the fairground.[522] The same year, the city restricted businesses from operating within 1,000 feet (300 m) of the fairground.[523] One New York Times writer wrote in 1938 that, although residential development in Queens was increasing, this was due to the presence of new transport links, rather than because of the fair.[524] After the fair began, commercial activity around Flushing, Queens, also increased, and real-estate prices there increased several times over.[2]

Grover Whalen predicted that the fair would attract 50 million visitors who would spend $1 billion in total.[525] The WFC projected in 1936 that it would lose $3.9 million if the fair recorded 40 million visitors and that it would earn at least $1 million if it had 50 million or more visitors.[526] Numerous retailers on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan renovated their buildings for the fair,[527] and room rates at local hotels were also increased.[528] By May 1939, real-estate figures predicted that the fair would earn between $1 billion and $1.5 billion for the city's economy.[139] The New York City Council also proposed waiving sales taxes for exhibitors during the fair, though La Guardia vetoed the bill for being too vague.[529] The state legislature predicted that the fair would spur business throughout New York state,[530] and Whalen predicted that the fair would increase total spending across the U.S. by $10 billion.[531] During the fair, the New York state government sought to attract visitors to other parts of the state, such as the Finger Lakes, Adirondack Mountains, and Catskill Mountains.[532]

During the 1939 season, New York City saw both increased vehicular traffic and public-transit use, even though the city actually had fewer commuters (continuing a decade-long trend).[533] Vehicular traffic in Manhattan south of 61st Street increased during the fair,[534] as did hotel-room bookings in the city.[535] The exposition also spurred increased spending in New York City and was indirectly connected with the further development of Queens.[2] Although most tourists to New York City in 1939 came specifically for the fair, the rest of the city also saw increased tourism in 1940.[536]

Media and archives

A souvenir tie clip from the fair
Private collectors have amassed a large amount of fair-related memorabilia. Pictured is a souvenir tie clip owned by the late jazz musician Harry Gozzard.

After the fair, documents and films from the event were sent to New York Public Library,[537] where they are still maintained.[538] The National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., described the 1939 fair in its exhibition Designing Tomorrow: America's World's Fairs of the 1930s, which ran from October 2010 to September 2011.[539] In addition, the Queens Museum hosted a retrospective exhibit about the fair in 1980.[221][392] Private collectors have amassed a large amount of memorabilia from the fair. These include print media such as guidebooks, posters, and programs, in addition to everyday objects such as pens, ashtrays, maps, and puzzles.[540]

The 1939 New York World's Fair has been dramatized in books such as David Gelernter's 1995 novel 1939-The Lost World of the Fair.[541] There have also been several nonfiction books about the fair, including Barbara Cohen, Steven Heller, amd Seymour Chwast's 1989 book Trylon and Perisphere[242] and James Mauro's 2010 book Twilight at the World of Tomorrow.[542] In addition, objects and footage from the event are shown in the 1984 documentary The World of Tomorrow.[543]

See also



  1. ^ The committee was composed of Stephen F. Voorhees, Gilmore D. Clarke, William Delano, Jay N. Downer, Robert D. Kohn, and Walter Dorwin Teague.[37]
  2. ^ Sources variously cite the fair as having recorded 146,[215] 147,[213] or 158 arrests in 1939.[216]
  3. ^ Other sources give figures as low as 150[324] or 200 buildings.[242]
  4. ^ The Trylon was originally designed to be 700 feet (210 m) tall, and the Perisphere was originally supposed to be 200 feet (61 m) in diameter.[332][333]
  5. ^ Namely Floyd Bennett Field, Flushing Airport, Holmes Airport, North Beach Airport, and Port Washington Seaplane Airport.[385]
  6. ^ Namely the New York City Building, Aquacade amphitheater, B.F. Goodrich Pavilion, House of Jewels, Masterpieces of Art building, Japanese Pavilion, and Polish Pavilion's tower.[463][464]


  1. ^ "First World's Fair Opened at London; Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851 Was a Notable Financial Success". The New York Times. September 23, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  2. ^ a b c Dalton, Dudley (February 9, 1964). "Flushing Hopes for a New Boom". The New York Times. p. R1. ISSN 0362-4331. ProQuest 115677931.
  3. ^ "Appendix: The History of Flushing Meadows Corona Park" (PDF). New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. p. 52. Archived (PDF) from the original on October 9, 2022. Retrieved November 12, 2017.
  4. ^ Steinberg 2015, p. 212.
  5. ^ Caro 1974, p. 1083.
  6. ^ a b Renaud, Ralph E. (December 13, 1936). "New York Lays Plans For 1939 World's Fair". The Washington Post. p. B7. ISSN 0190-8286. ProQuest 150752879.
  7. ^ a b c d e Stern, Gilmartin & Mellins 1987, p. 729.
  8. ^ a b Cramer, Robert S. (April 24, 1938). "Two American Gateways Set Elaborate Stages for 1939 Fairs". The Washington Post. p. B6. ISSN 0190-8286. ProQuest 151083799.
  9. ^ Doty, Robert C. (September 9, 1963). "World's Fair Gains Impetus Despite Snubs". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 18, 2024.
  10. ^ a b "Huge World's Fair Planned for 1939 On Site at Flushing: McAneny Heads Group to Map 40-Million Celebration of First Inaugural of Washington 1,000-Acre Park Tract Is Proposed Roosevelt, Lehman and LaGuardia Approve It". New York Herald Tribune. September 23, 1935. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1329290149.
  11. ^ a b c Stern, Gilmartin & Mellins 1987, p. 727.
  12. ^ "New York Plans 'Greatest' Fair in '39 and '40: Committee of Notables Formed; Site Picked". Chicago Tribune. September 23, 1935. p. 15. ISSN 1085-6706. ProQuest 181674779; "Great World Fair for City in 1939 on Site in Queens; Cost to Be $40,000,000". The New York Times. September 23, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 24, 2024; "World's Fair on Flushing Bay Planned for 1939". Times Union. September 23, 1935. pp. 1, 7. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  13. ^ "City Grants Use Of Flushing Site For World Fair: Estimate Board Speedily Backs Move to Bring 40 Million Project Here". New York Herald Tribune. September 24, 1935. p. 20. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1330222757; "City's Fair Assured of Widespread Aid; Business is Elated; Board of Estimate Votes Full Backing for 1939 Project – Financial Help Likely". The New York Times. September 24, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  14. ^ "Surveying is Begun at World Fair Site; Moses Details Staff to the 1,003-Acre Tract in Queens – May Start Swamp Job". The New York Times. September 25, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 24, 2024.
  15. ^ "Site in Flushing Definitely Picked for Exposition". Times Union. March 5, 1936. p. 9. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  16. ^ a b c Bernstein, Victor H. (July 5, 1936). "World's Fair Project in Construction Stage; Though Financing and Planning Have Still to Be Arranged, Workmen Are Preparing the Site". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  17. ^ "Mayor Fledges City's Cash Aid To World's Fair: Wants 1939 Exposition to Stress Re-establishment of Port's Foreign Trade". New York Herald Tribune. October 4, 1935. p. 44. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1223259322; "Mayor to Mobilize All City for Fair; Says He Will Call on Every Business, Art and Scientific Centre for Aid in 1939". The New York Times. October 4, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  18. ^ "$7,000,000 Set As Initial Cost Of World's Fair: That Sum Needed to Put Flushing Site in Shape, Moses Writes McAneny". New York Herald Tribune. October 2, 1935. p. 21. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1222258878; "Moses Asks an Early Decision On Site of the 1939 World Fair; If Flushing Area Is to Be Used, He Wants to Coordinate Park and Triborough Bridge Work – Estimates $5,000,000 Will Be Needed for Land and Improvements". The New York Times. October 2, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  19. ^ "World's Fair Sponsors File To Incorporate: Six Directors Designated, but Board Will Later Be Increased to Twenty-one 109 City Leaders Sign Financial Plans Are To Be Adopted at Early Meeting". New York Herald Tribune. October 23, 1935. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243474284; "1939 World's Fair Now a Legal Fact; Court Approves Incorporation Papers With Names of 109 Prominent New Yorkers". The New York Times. October 23, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 24, 2024.
  20. ^ "City Officially Approves Fair Site in Flushing: Aels to Acquire Additional Land to House Exhibits". New York Herald Tribune. October 24, 1935. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243760816; "City Votes $200,000 for Early Fair Work: Estimate Board Authorizes the Preparation of Maps of the Flushing Site". The New York Times. October 24, 1935. p. 39. ISSN 0362-4331. ProQuest 101327772.
  21. ^ "World Fair Corporation Elects M'Aneny as Head: Woll's Nominee Is Chosen Unanimously by Directors". New York Herald Tribune. November 21, 1935. p. 23. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1222035615; "M'Aneny Elected World's Fair Head; Directors, at First Meeting, Also Make H. D. Gibson Finance Chairman". The New York Times. November 21, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 24, 2024.
  22. ^ "Contract Is Let For Survey of World Fair Site: Madigan & Hyland, Under Fire at Relief Inquiry, Gets $90,000 City Job Action Starts Board Clash Mayor, Lyons and Harvey in Warm Argument". New York Herald Tribune. December 7, 1935. p. 12. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1330116412; "Mayor in Flare-up Over World's Fair; Misunderstands a Remark and Threatens to Call It All Off – And Then Cools Down". The New York Times. December 7, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  23. ^ "Fair Stirs Wide Interest; Foreign Groups Make Inquiries for Exhibition Space". The New York Times. November 12, 1935. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  24. ^ "Transit Plans Laid for the World's Fair; Bus, Surface Car, Subway, Train and Water Facilities Are to Be Provided". The New York Times. January 9, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  25. ^ "Brownell Offers a Bill For World Fair in City: Albany Measure Provides Leasing of Park Lamb in 1939". New York Herald Tribune. January 3, 1936. p. 4. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1330118482; "Bill for World's Fair Offered in Assembly; Measure Allows Leasing of Park Lands and Control of Tourist Camps Near Flushing". The New York Times. January 3, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  26. ^ "World's Fair Not His Affair Moses Asserts: Says Park. Department Is Responsible Only for the Basic Improvements Galls Plan Unimpressive McAneny Sees Flushing Exposition in '39 a Success They Sound a Discordant Note in W. P. A. Theater Project". New York Herald Tribune. January 25, 1936. p. 14. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1267757042.
  27. ^ "Moses Attacks Delay in Fund for Fair Land". The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. January 25, 1936. p. 3. Retrieved July 25, 2024; "Moses Again Warns of World Fair Delay; Wants to Know Whether He Shall Prepare Flushing Site for Exposition or a Park". The New York Times. January 25, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  28. ^ "McAneny Tells Women Of World's Fair Art Plans". New York Herald Tribune. February 9, 1936. p. 6A. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1221765583; "Architectural Unity is Stressed for Fair; McAneny Reveals Committee to Coordinate Beauty – Highways to Have Special Lights". The New York Times. February 9, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  29. ^ "Aid of Lehman In World's Fair Project Sought: Asked to Send Delegate to Conference on Plans for Financing '39 Exposition Backers Would Start Job Brownell Letter Cites Need of Funds for Improvements". New York Herald Tribune. February 20, 1936. p. 11. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1237405606; "Appeal to Lehman on Funds for Fair; Brownell, Ives and Moffat Join in Suggesting That He Call a Conference". The New York Times. February 20, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  30. ^ a b "'39 World's Fair Halted as Board Awaits Grants: No Money, No Action, Say Directors, in Effect, Deploring Official Delays". New York Herald Tribune. March 24, 1936. p. 17. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1222069230; "New York Fair Board Awaits Public Funds". The Christian Science Monitor. March 24, 1936. p. 3. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 513970700; "Fair Plans Halted by Delay in Grants: Directors of Project Vote to Hold No More Sessions Till State and City Act". The New York Times. March 24, 1936. p. 25. ISSN 0362-4331. ProQuest 101915501. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  31. ^ a b "Political Buck Passing, Lack of Authority Delay N. Y. World Fair". The Billboard. Vol. 48, no. 14. April 4, 1936. pp. 3, 63. ProQuest 1032089018.
  32. ^ "Marine Park is Urged as Ideal Location for Proposed World's Fair". The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. March 29, 1936. pp. 49, 50. Retrieved July 25, 2024; "World Fair Site in Boro is Urged in Albany Debate". Times Union. March 25, 1936. p. 11. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  33. ^ Harrington, John W. (April 5, 1936). "World Fair Plans Pushed at Albany; Legislature Authorizes Lease of Flushing Meadows Park and Weighs State Aid". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  34. ^ "Whalen Appointed Chairman of N.Y. World Fair Group". The Christian Science Monitor. April 23, 1936. p. 3. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 514123340; "Whalen at Helm of World's Fair; Elected Chairman of Board – Number of Directors Is Increased From 21 to 35". The New York Times. April 23, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  35. ^ "Whalen Named To Presidency Of World's Fair: Quits as Schenley Chairman to Give Full Time to Preparing 1939 Exposition". New York Herald Tribune. October 9, 1937. p. 29. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243577880; "Whalen Elected World's Fair Head; Becomes President on Full Time Basis-Resigns AH Outside Executive Posts". The New York Times. October 9, 1937. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 27, 2024.
  36. ^ "'39 World Fair Begins to Take Shape on Paper: Col. J. F. Bell Draws Up Preliminary Suggestions on Buildings and Layout". New York Herald Tribune. May 3, 1936. p. J1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1352660273.
  37. ^ a b "7 Are Chosen As Designers Of World Fair: Voorhees, Clarke, Delano, Downer, Teagne, Shreve and Kohn Become Board". New York Herald Tribune. May 22, 1936. p. 21. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1237468680; "Board of Design is Named for Fair; S.F. Voorhees Chosen Chairman of Group of 7 Experts to Map and Direct Construction". The New York Times. May 22, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  38. ^ Stern, Gilmartin & Mellins 1987, pp. 729–730.
  39. ^ "City Asks Right to Sell World's Fair Bonds". The Wall Street Journal. April 28, 1936. p. 11. ISSN 0099-9660. ProQuest 128892929; "$7,000,000 Is Voted by City for Fair; Action Is Based on Assumption State Will Give $4,125,000 Toward Project". The New York Times. April 28, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024; "$7,000,000 Voted by City for Fair". Times Union. April 28, 1936. p. 3. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
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  48. ^ Caro 1974, p. 1085; Steinberg 2015, p. 213.
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  56. ^ a b c d Whalen 1939, p. 28.
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  58. ^ Tofel, R.J. (2002). A Legend in the Making: The New York Yankees in 1939. G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series. Ivan R. Dee. p. 59. ISBN 978-1-56663-411-3.
  59. ^ Marrett, G.J. (2016). Howard Hughes: Aviator. Naval Institute Press. p. 35. ISBN 978-1-68247-037-4.
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    • For the 1939 plates, see: "Car Fair Ads to Continue; 1939 Auto Plates Also Expected to Bear Protested Legend". The New York Times. February 10, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 26, 2024.
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  74. ^ "Whalen Visions 50,000,000 at World's Greatest Fair". Times Union. September 17, 1936. p. 2. Retrieved July 26, 2024; "Whalen Promises New Kind of Fair; Plan and Theme Nearly Ready, He Announces at Luncheon of Advertising Club". The New York Times. September 18, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 26, 2024.
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  79. ^ "Philip Benson Named to Board of World's Fair". The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. November 6, 1936. p. 21. Retrieved July 26, 2024; "France to Exhibit at 1939 World Fair: Her Announcement Through an Official at Dinner Here is First by Any Nation". The New York Times. November 6, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 26, 2024.
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  94. ^ a b c Patterson 1939, p. 87.
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  117. ^ "64 Nations to Exhibit: Several Designs Approved A Carillon Tower". The Christian Science Monitor. April 15, 1938. p. 3. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 514813608; "Four More Nations Join Worlds Fair; Eire, Venezuela, Lithuania and Sweden Sign Contracts for Exhibition Space". The New York Times. April 15, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
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  129. ^ "World Fair Space Nearly All Sold; Only 600,000 of Its 3,000,000 Square Feet for Exhibits Remain, Whalen Says Byrd to Reproduce Camp". The New York Times. October 9, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 23, 2024.
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  131. ^ a b "Whalen Says World's Fair Is 90% Ready: To Open 15 Weeks From Today; Exhibit Area Is Just About Complete". New York Herald Tribune. January 15, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243107723; "N. Y. World's Fair is 90% Completed: All Space in Main Exhibit Area is Allocated, Grover Whalen Reports Costs of Construction Cut 20% Under Original Estimates, He Says". The Baltimore Sun. January 15, 1939. p. 6. ISSN 1930-8965. ProQuest 543092013.
  132. ^ "62 Foreign Flags Flown At Site of World's Fair". The New York Times. January 1, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  133. ^ a b c d Compere, Thomas (March 12, 1939). "Fair Will Pep Up Its Amusements With $1,000,000: Adopts More Liberal Policy Plans Foreign Villages". New York Herald Tribune. p. 2. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1257476186.
  134. ^ "Lights Gleaming in Mist Test Enchantment of Fair". The Christian Science Monitor. April 11, 1939. p. 2. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 514924806; "World's Fair Lights Turned On, Make Site a Dreamland of Color: New Systems of Many-Hued Fluorescent Tubes, Especially Developed to Carry Out Effects of Exposition, Have First Large-Seale Try-Out Fountain of Flame in World's Fair Lagoon of Nations". New York Herald Tribune. April 11, 1939. p. 1A. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1244864830.
  135. ^ "World's Fair at Hand, Mayor Warns, Calling City to Spruce Up: April Set Aside As 'Dress Up, Paint Up Month LaGuardia's Proclamation Urges Public Particularly to Clear Vacant Lots". New York Herald Tribune. April 9, 1939. p. 24. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243015920; "Ford Off for Home After Fair Rites". The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. April 6, 1939. p. 9. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
  136. ^ "16,000 at Work on World's Fair, Pay Roll Now $900,000 a Week: Concessions Rise Almost Like a Traveling Circus". New York Herald Tribune. April 18, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247822956; "16,000 Workers Rush Job on World's Fair". The Standard-Star. April 18, 1939. p. 13. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
  137. ^ "Treasures Arrive for World's Fair; Most of the Foreign Exhibits, Worth $100,000,000, Are Already at Scene". The New York Times. April 20, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
  138. ^ "Rush Final Touches To World's Fair: Thousands Of Extra Workers Prepare Plenty To See, In Addition To Sunday's Gala Spectacle". Women's Wear Daily. Vol. 58, no. 83. April 28, 1939. pp. 1, 6. ProQuest 1728692619.
  139. ^ a b c "$156,000,000 Show: Eleven Gates Ready to Swing at the N. Y. World's Fair: Spectacle". Newsweek. Vol. 13, no. 18. May 1, 1939. pp. 46, 49. ProQuest 1796267678.
  140. ^ "Pictures: Newsreels to Bally N.Y.'s '39 World Fair". Variety. Vol. 127, no. 4. July 7, 1937. p. 4. ProQuest 1505646066.
  141. ^ a b Robertson, Bruce (May 1, 1939). "Television Motif Marks New York Fair". Broadcasting, Broadcast Advertising. Vol. 16, no. 9. pp. 20–21. ProQuest 1014928343.
  142. ^ "Contract Let For Three Fair Publications: New York Company to Put Out Official Guide, Daily Program and a Souvenir for Exposition Visitors Parachute Jumps to Thrill Visitors to Fair". New York Herald Tribune. December 12, 1938. p. 17. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1260673578; "Contracts Signed for Fair's Books; Exposition Publications Is to Put Out Guide, a Souvenir Volume and Daily Program". The New York Times. December 12, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 23, 2024.
  143. ^ "World's Fair Lists 17 Publications on Aspects of Exhibit: Whalen Announces Works of Educational and Scientific Type". New York Herald Tribune. December 24, 1938. p. 16. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1258613666; "17 New Books Win Approval of Fair; List Includes Official GuideBook, Study of New York in Time of Washington Sponsored Volumes Listed Educational Features Discussed". The New York Times. December 25, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 23, 2024.
  144. ^ Caro 1974, p. 1092.
  145. ^ a b "Unfair at Fair?: New York Unions Are Accused of Shaking Down Exhibitors". Newsweek. Vol. 13, no. 25. June 19, 1939. pp. 21–22. ProQuest 1796831853.
  146. ^ "Fair to Provide Free First Aid Medical Care: Intoxicated visitors to Get Hangover-less Remedy 6 Stations Will Be Ready for Emergency Cases". New York Herald Tribune. October 20, 1938. p. 42. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1256797402; "Long Island Plans 10c Ride to Fair; Facilities to Be Taxed". The New York Times. October 20, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 7, 2024.
  147. ^ "6 First-aid Units on Guard at Fair; Free Treatment Is Ready for Victims of Accidents—Five Ambulances on Duty". The New York Times. April 30, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 7, 2024.
  148. ^ "Valentine Sets Up New Police Precinct for Fair Area: Detail Reports Saturday for Duty in Corona Quarters in Schoolhouse; Exposition's Own Force to Onerate on Grounds". New York Herald Tribune. April 13, 1939. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1263346746; "Police-precinct Set Up for Fair; To Be Known as 110-A, It Will Occupy Former Corona School --Opening Set for Saturday". The New York Times. April 13, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 7, 2024.
  149. ^ "Mayor Sets Up Special Body of Fair Firemen". New York Herald Tribune. September 2, 1938. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1244525037; "Fire Unit to Serve Fair Grounds Only; Battalion of Four Companies Will Have 20 Officers and 98 City Firemen". The New York Times. September 2, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  150. ^ "Queens Court to Expand For World's Fair Cases: Out-of-Town Judges Invited to Sit in Extra Session". New York Herald Tribune. February 15, 1939. p. 9. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1257058837; "Wheels of Justice to Whirl for Fair; Special Bureau Will Assure Swift Trials for Visitors, Queens Prosecutor Says". The New York Times. February 15, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 26, 2024.
  151. ^ "Lack of Time Couses Drastic Curtailment of Reception at the World's Fair". The New York Times. June 11, 1939. Retrieved September 16, 2024.
  152. ^ "75 Cents Admission to the Fair For Adults; Children 25 Cents". New York Herald Tribune. February 16, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247094172; "Admission to Fair Fixed at 75 Cents; Cost to Children Will Be 25 Cents, With One Day a Week Set Aside at a Dime". The New York Times. February 16, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  153. ^ "Free Tickets to Fair for Pupils Opposed; Proposal by Isaacs Draws Fire of Moses and Lyons". The New York Times. June 17, 1938. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  154. ^ a b "No Fair Passes, Mayor Says as He Buys Ticket: Even Officials of Exposition and City Will Have to Pay; Advance Sale On Today". New York Herald Tribune. February 24, 1939. p. 17. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247544481; "New York World's Fair Bans Free Tickets". The Christian Science Monitor. February 25, 1939. p. 4. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515014104.
  155. ^ "Advance Ticket Goal of Fair Set At $3,000,000: Reporting Wide Interest, Whalen Plans to Extend Sale Outside of New York". New York Herald Tribune. February 17, 1939. p. 21. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1244701126; "$3,000,000 'Advance' is Expected by Fair; Whalen Sets That as Goal for Special Type Tickets at Bargain Rates". The New York Times. February 17, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  156. ^ "1,000 Stores Offer Tickets for Fair; Advance Sale Extended to Retail Outlets Throughout Metropolitan Area". The New York Times. March 4, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  157. ^ "Advance Sale of Fair Tickets Ends Today Except $15 Ones". New York Herald Tribune. April 22, 1939. p. 7. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1255482888; "Advance Sale Extended On World Fair Tickets". The New York Times. April 23, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  158. ^ "Sightseer at World's Fair Can Pass a Week Covering Only Free Attractions: Entertainment On a Vast Scale Open to Guests". New York Herald Tribune. April 3, 1939. p. 6. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1255013146.
  159. ^ "Washington Gave Slogan for Fair; Inaugural Speech in 1789 Spoke of 'Pursuit of Public Good,' Chosen as Theme". The New York Times. October 9, 1936. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  160. ^ a b "Gay Throng of 600,000 Jams World's Fair for Opening". The Buffalo News. May 1, 1939. p. 10. Retrieved August 29, 2024; "Address Opens World's Fair: 600,000 Attendance Is Disappointing Exposition Theme Hailed in Talk". Daily Boston Globe. May 1, 1939. p. 1. ProQuest 817042199.
  161. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Half Million See World's Fair on Opening Day; Roosevelt Calls It Symbol of the Will to Peace". New York Herald Tribune. May 1, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247102690.
  162. ^ "Roosevelt Opens World Fair Today, Arrival of Fleet Stirs Up Excitement". The Hartford Courant. April 30, 1939. p. B7. ISSN 1047-4153. ProQuest 559157754; "Pride of Navy Here; 28 Men-of-War Steam Into Harbor at Dawn—Mayor Greets Them". The New York Times. April 30, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
  163. ^ "20,000 Take Part in Gay Pageant; on the March in Colorful Parade at the World's Fair". The New York Times. May 1, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
  164. ^ "Play Area's Gala Opening Put Off For Two Weeks: Whalen Decides on Second Try After Tour Reveals It Still Far From Complete". New York Herald Tribune. May 1, 1939. p. 14. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247103281.
  165. ^ a b Schoenfeld, Joe (April 26, 1939). "Outdoors: Analysis of the Midway Slows That Phase of N. Y. Fair Furthest Behind". Variety. Vol. 134, no. 7. p. 47. ProQuest 1505713328.
  166. ^ Hughes, Alice (April 30, 1939). "A Woman's New York: The World's Fair Is 80 Per Cent Ready . . . And That's Considered a High Figure". The Washington Post. p. S10. ISSN 0190-8286. ProQuest 151210445.
  167. ^ "Bride Honored at Fair As Its Millionth Visitor: Dutch and Finnish Pavilions Formally Opened". New York Herald Tribune. May 5, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1244879624; "One Millionth Visitor Hailed at World Fair: Bride of 20, on Honeymoon, Welcomed by Whalen at Show Pavilions of the Netherlands and Finland Are Dedicated". The Baltimore Sun. May 5, 1939. p. 3. ISSN 1930-8965. ProQuest 543083512.
  168. ^ "Whalen's Marvel: President Pulls the Curtain on Mammoth N. Y. World's Fair". Newsweek. Vol. 13, no. 19. May 8, 1939. p. 15. ProQuest 1797082869.
  169. ^ "World's Fairs: New York World's Fair – Operations Dept. Assumes Duties of Construction". The Billboard. Vol. 51, no. 20. May 20, 1939. p. 30. ProQuest 1032193160.
  170. ^ "Poland Opens Pavilion at Fair First School Class Goes In Free: Attendance Holds Up Despite Cool Weather Initial Dime Day for Children Will Be Held Tomorrow; Finland and Netherlands on Parade Today". New York Herald Tribune. May 4, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1244875120; Porter, Russell B. (May 4, 1939). "Poland's Pavilion at the Fair Dedicated by Count Potocki". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  171. ^ a b "Fair 'Over the Top,' Whalen Holds, Predicting Unparalleled Success; Reply to Critics Is Seen in Report It Is 'Firing on All Cylinders'--Attendance Said to Run Within 1 Per Cent of Estimates". The New York Times. June 19, 1939. Retrieved September 16, 2024.
  172. ^ "World's Fair Visited By 1,806,237 Children: 399,049 Came for 10 Cents; More 'Bargains' Urged". New York Herald Tribune. August 24, 1939. p. 11. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1319988075.
  173. ^ "Fair to Admit School Pupils Of City Free". New York Herald Tribune. April 25, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1255498158.
  174. ^ Porter, Russell B. (June 29, 1939). "Jersey Dedicates Fair Exhibit Recalling Revolution Role". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 1, 2024.
  175. ^ "222,423 Swarm Into Fair On Second Largest Day: Festive Spirit Rides, and Family Groups Turn Out; Breezes Temper the Hottest Day of the Year; 50c Admission After 9 P. M. Considered". New York Herald Tribune. May 8, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1260932607; "Show Men to Press Fight for Price Cut; Ask 50-Cent Fee for Admission After 9 P.M.--Meet Today". The New York Times. May 9, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 29, 2024.
  176. ^ a b Porter, Russell B. (May 18, 1939). "Russian Envoy Open Nation's Pavilion at Fair as a 'Good Neighbor' of U.S." The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 29, 2024.
  177. ^ Essary, J. Fred (June 7, 1939). "Union Demands Beset Foreign Shows at Fair: Some Exhibitors Submit Lest Outcries Strain U. S. Relations Protest by New York Judge Against Actions Unavailing". The Baltimore Sun. p. 1. ISSN 1930-8965. ProQuest 543079936; "Fair Is Seeking To Cut Costs to Mollify Nevada: New Construction Bids Will Be Asked; Connecticut Joins Protest on Strikes". New York Herald Tribune. May 24, 1939. p. 16. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1263426317.
  178. ^ "Nevada Drops Out of Fair Over Union Trouble: Official Says Electricians Demanded Rewiring Here of Work Done in West". New York Herald Tribune. June 9, 1939. p. 15. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247101731; "Nevada Cancels Exhibit; High Cost Is the Reason". The New York Times. June 6, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 1, 2024.
  179. ^ "Censor Descends Upon 'Sexy' Shows; Fair Official Orders Five to Erase 'Vulgarity' and Tone Down Various Scenes". The New York Times. May 30, 1939. Retrieved September 16, 2024.
  180. ^ "World's Fair Changing Fountain Display Hour to 9.30 P. M: Morning Rain Freshens Area For Big Crowds Roses Perk Up, Air Grows Invigorating; Mayor Helps Dedicate Greek Pavilion". New York Herald Tribune. June 5, 1939. p. 7. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1251885537.
  181. ^ "World's Fair Picks Comdr. Lammers to Head Committee Controlling Amusements: Move Climaxes Tightening Up On Play Center Shows Will Be Supervised Closely, and Broadway Standard Will Prevail". New York Herald Tribune. June 28, 1939. p. 11. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1252002256; "New Head Named for Amusements; Commander H.N. Lammers Is Expected to Maintain Same Standards as Broadway". The New York Times. June 28, 1939. Retrieved September 16, 2024.
  182. ^ "World's Fair Announces '5 and 10 Cent Days' for Children, Beginning Tomorrow". New York Herald Tribune. June 20, 1939. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247836545.
  183. ^ a b "Railroads Offer 50c Fair Gate Fee; Out-of-Town Guests May Buy Excursion Tickets Reducing Fare and Admission Rates". The New York Times. August 12, 1939. Retrieved September 17, 2024.
  184. ^ a b c "World's Fair Reduces Admission to 50 Cents for Rail Excursions of 500 or More: Roads Will Sell Tickets to Help Weekday Gate Exposition Prepares More Free Shows for Second of 50-Cent Week Ends". New York Herald Tribune. August 12, 1939. p. 26. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1322112646.
  185. ^ "New York World's Fair Slashes Pay of All Executives 10%". Chicago Tribune. July 20, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1085-6706. ProQuest 175589676; "Fair Cuts Staff in Economy Move: Information Service Curtailed—Dismissed Guides Hold Celebration Tear Gold Braid, Badge From Uniforms and Wade in Pool". The Baltimore Sun. July 19, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1930-8965. ProQuest 543079427.
  186. ^ "Fair Drops Hundreds of Workers; Cadets Leap Into Pool as Protest". The New York Times. July 19, 1939. Retrieved September 17, 2024.
  187. ^ "Legitimate: Equity Now Likely to Scale Down Minimum Salaries at World's Fair". Variety. Vol. 135, no. 6. July 19, 1939. p. 40. ProQuest 1475961216.
  188. ^ "Fair Offers $1 Bargain Ticket, Worth $2.25". New York Herald Tribune. July 18, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1252147099; Adams, Frank S. (July 18, 1939). "$1 Bargain Ticket is Offered by Fair; Has $2.25 Week-End Value in Gate Fee, Food, Concessions --Plan on Trial This Week". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 31, 2024.
  189. ^ "Whalen Reports Satisfaction at Result of Plan". New York Herald Tribune. July 25, 1939. p. 7. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1321995346; Adams, Frank S. (July 25, 1939). "Utah at Fair Hails Mormon Pioneers; Observing Utah's Day at the World's Fair". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 1, 2024.
  190. ^ "Whalen May Cut Admission To N.Y. World Fair to 50 Cents". The Christian Science Monitor. July 17, 1939. p. 2. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515262894; "Fair's Exhibitors Ask 50c Gate Fee; Attendance Rises; Committee Joins Play Zone in Urging Reduction to Serve as Inducement to Crowds". The New York Times. July 16, 1939. Retrieved September 17, 2024.
  191. ^ "World's Fair to Decide Monday on Cutting Admission Price to 50 Cents: Slash Favored By Concessions And Exhibitors Attendance, Despite Bargain Tickets, Is Disappointing; Maryland Has Its Day". New York Herald Tribune. July 29, 1939. p. 5. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1324019681; Porter, Russell B. (July 29, 1939). "Action Expected Monday on Cut in Fair's Rates". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 31, 2024.
  192. ^ "Fair's 2-Day Paid Gate 400,473 On Its First 50-Cent Week End: Carnival Crowds Enjoy Pleasant Sunday Weather, Hear Swing Music All Over Grounds; Committee to Study Figures, Discuss All-Week Cut". New York Herald Tribune. August 7, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1324999284; "Week-end Throngs Exceed Fair's Goal; Lower Fee Draws Crowd-- Long Lines Wait Before Popular Concessions". The New York Times. August 7, 1939. Retrieved September 17, 2024.
  193. ^ a b "World's Fairs: New York World's Fair – Hope Fading for Full-week 50-cent Gate". The Billboard. Vol. 51, no. 32. August 12, 1939. p. 28. ProQuest 1032198816.
  194. ^ "Attendance Slim at World's Fair: Drawing Power Only Hull of What Promoters Predicted Daily Average 141,000 Below Estimate—Second-year Run Uncertain". The Baltimore Sun. August 9, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1930-8965. ProQuest 538578766.
  195. ^ "World's Fair Asks To Use Funds Held For Debentures: Also Proposes That Holders Waive Next $2,800,000 Accruing Under Indenture Contractors' Bills Overdue". The Wall Street Journal. August 16, 1939. p. 2. ISSN 0099-9660. ProQuest 131214072; "Fair Bonds Slump Sharply in Market; Break Follows News That Show Needs Cash for Debts". The New York Times. August 16, 1939. Retrieved September 18, 2024.
  196. ^ "World's Fair Debenture Holders Agree to Waive Payments Under New Fiscal Plan". New York Herald Tribune. August 30, 1939. p. 11. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1319968323; "Bondholders Back Fair's Fiscal Plan; 54% Waive Rights to Profits, and Proposal Goes Into Effect Immediately". The New York Times. August 30, 1939. Retrieved September 18, 2024.
  197. ^ Green, Abel (August 23, 1939). "Restaurateurs' Private Probe on Why Class Spenders Shun N.Y. World's Fair". Variety. Vol. 135, no. 11. pp. 1, 40. ProQuest 1475948859.
  198. ^ "Fair To Continue Year If Foreign Exhibits Remain". The Hartford Courant. September 3, 1939. p. C8. ISSN 1047-4153. ProQuest 559228261; "Fair in 1940 Revealed as a Certainty in Spite of the War Situation Abroad". The New York Times. September 3, 1939. Retrieved September 19, 2024.
  199. ^ "World's Fair to End the Year in Strong Financial Position, Gibson Says: Chairman Feels War Has Little Bearing on '40 Whalen, in Capital, Consults Berle About Expediting Other Nations' Invitations". New York Herald Tribune. September 7, 1939. p. 17. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1252385722; "Gibson Confident Fair Will Go on; Show Is in Good Financial Shape to Reopen in 1940, Chairman Asserts". The New York Times. September 7, 1939. Retrieved September 19, 2024.
  200. ^ "World's Fair Crowds Reflect War Influence by Flocking to Foreign Ceremonies: First Exhibitor Renews Space For Next Year". New York Herald Tribune. September 11, 1939. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1324138965; Shalett, Sidney M. (September 11, 1939). "1940 Fair Receives Its First Renewal From Trade Area; Delighted by Increased Sales, Carrier Corporation Plans to Expand Its Display". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 2, 2024.
  201. ^ "N.Y. World's Fair Officials Plan Second Year Program". The Christian Science Monitor. September 11, 1939. p. 2. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515319659.
  202. ^ a b "Rhodesia Shuts Fair Exhibit as Result of War: France Curtails Operation of Her Pavilion 3 Hours Daily in Economy Move". New York Herald Tribune. September 12, 1939. p. 19. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1325006175; Shalett, Sidney M. (September 12, 1939). "Southern Rhodesia Quits World's Fair; Pavilion Is Closed on Orders From Government as the First 'War Casualty'". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 29, 2024.
  203. ^ a b "New York World's Fair: 1940 Session Talk Continues, With 50c Gate Indicated". The Billboard. Vol. 51, no. 39. September 30, 1939. p. 26. ProQuest 1032201266.
  204. ^ "Whalen Sails for Europe to Enlist Nations' Participation in World's Fair Next Year: Mayor at Dock, Asserts He May Make Tour, Too Trip to South America Not 'Definite'; Fine Weather Brings Big Attendance". New York Herald Tribune. September 17, 1939. p. 32. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1259752892; "World's Fairs: New York World's Fair – Paid Attendance". The Billboard. Vol. 51, no. 38. September 23, 1939. p. 28. ProQuest 1032210657.
  205. ^ a b "Fair Lures Crowds From Hinterlands; Out-of-Town Visitors Increase as Exhibition Enters Its Final Six Weeks of 1939". The New York Times. September 17, 1939. Retrieved September 19, 2024.
  206. ^ "Fair Will Start '40 Machinery Rolling Today: Will Tell Moses It Intends to Renew Lease and Move to Sign Up Exhibitors". New York Herald Tribune. September 26, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1258221519; "Fair Will Take Up 1940 Option on Site; Board Meets Today to Renew Rights to Grounds—Formal Notice Deadline Is Oct. 1". The New York Times. September 26, 1939. Retrieved September 19, 2024.
  207. ^ "1940 Approved By Industrial Fair Exhibitors: 50-Cent Admission at All Times, Smaller Fun Zone Suggested for Operation". New York Herald Tribune. September 29, 1939. p. 20. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1321997704; "Fair Cuts Its Rate to Flat 50 Cents for All October; Bargain Price to Apply Every Day From Sunday Until Close, Gibson Reveals". The New York Times. September 27, 1939. Retrieved September 19, 2024.
  208. ^ "World's Fair Begins Colorful Grand Finale With a Mardi Gras Week: Merry Parade For Children Sets the Tempo Torchlight Procession and Strolling Clowns Provide Atmosphere of Carnival". New York Herald Tribune. October 24, 1939. p. 17. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1254172469; "Week of Mardi Gras To Close New York Fair: League Plans for 1940 24,382,436 Admissions". The Christian Science Monitor. October 23, 1939. p. 3. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 514987136.
  209. ^ "Fair Closes, 79,482 in Rain Say Au Revoir: Last Hardy Sightseers and Bargain Hunters TurnOut at Quiet Finale". New York Herald Tribune. November 1, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1267842853; Shalett, Sidney M. (November 1, 1939). "1939 Fair Closes; Seen by 26,000,000; Plans Laid for '40; Last Day is Quiet". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  210. ^ a b "Paid Total Exceeds 45.000,000: Season's Admissions Pass 19,000,000; Fun Zone Has 54-Minnle Blackout, Willi Parachutes Stalled 5 Minutes; Last-Day Crowds Gay". New York Herald Tribune. October 28, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1320080591.
  211. ^ Traube, Leonard (January 4, 1941). "Fairs-Expositions: New York World's Fair". The Billboard. Vol. 53, no. 1. pp. 44, 50. ProQuest 1032246303.
  212. ^ a b c d Shalett, Sidney M. (October 29, 1939). "Fair Prepares to Hibernate; As Its First Year Draws to a Close, New York's Exposition Faces Many Tasks Before Reopening on May 25, 1940 Schedule Mapped Keeping Roads Open Storing the Exhibits From Foreign Countries". The New York Times. Retrieved September 19, 2024.
  213. ^ a b c "Fair Used Plenty of Water—Over 547,321,500 Gallons". Brooklyn Eagle. November 16, 1939. p. 3. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
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  215. ^ "Mayor is Gratified by 'Crimeless Fair; Praises Police and Exposition for Low Number of Arrests". The New York Times. November 6, 1939. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  216. ^ a b "High Standard Shown in Fair Police Record; No Discourtesy Charges Ever Made by Exhibit Visitors". The New York Times. October 28, 1940. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  217. ^ a b "Only One Felony Reported at Fair; Queens Grand Jury Is Discharged". The New York Times. November 4, 1939. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  218. ^ Hughes, Alice (November 15, 1939). "A Woman's New York: World's Fair Has Record of Only One Felony". The Washington Post. p. 15. ISSN 0190-8286. ProQuest 151106961; "Only 1 'Bad Egg' in Fair's 32 Million". Brooklyn Eagle. November 4, 1939. p. 7. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  219. ^ a b c Compere, Thomas (November 5, 1939). "World's Fair Quickly Folds Up Its Exhibits, Puts Them Away In Wait for the 1940 Season: Shows Operating Profit, Despite $24, 000, 000 Obligation". New York Herald Tribune. p. A4. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243147272.
  220. ^ "Fair's $75,000,000 Property To Have Strong Winter Guard". New York Herald Tribune. October 27, 1939. p. 22. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1252696086.
  221. ^ a b c Goodman, Peter (June 15, 1980). "Dawn of a New Day,' exhibition of hove". Newsday. p. B19. ISSN 2574-5298. ProQuest 964511165.
  222. ^ "World's Fair to Charge 50 Cents When It Reopens for '40 Season". New York Herald Tribune. November 2, 1939. p. 21. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1319988416; Shalett, Sidney M. (November 2, 1939). "50-cent Fair Rate is Fixed for 1940; Brazil to Return; Gibson Formally Announces Plan After a Conference With Concessionnaires". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  223. ^ "Fair Plans More Free Entertainment and Lower Prices for 1940 Amusement Area: Gibson Asserts Play Zone Will Be Made Gayer Sim Valley to Raise Scaling Capacity to 8,000; Town of Tomorrow to Return". New York Herald Tribune. October 21, 1939. p. 28. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1319980584; "World's Fair Aspires to the Title of 'People's Playground' Next Year". The New York Times. October 21, 1939. Retrieved September 19, 2024; "World's Fairs: New York World's Fair – Fun Area Will Be Re-designed; New Head for Acc Soon". The Billboard. Vol. 51, no. 44. November 4, 1939. p. 30. ProQuest 1032207444.
  224. ^ "World's Fair Busily Engaged In Preparations For 1940: Appeal Believed Likely To Be Concentrated On Drawing Patronage From Nearby Areas—To Facilitate Merchandise Tie-Ups". Women's Wear Daily. Vol. 59, no. 123. December 26, 1939. p. 32. ProQuest 1653739369.
  225. ^ "Fair Exhibitors Seek Rent Cut". The Christian Science Monitor. October 3, 1939. p. 2. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515321882; "Fair Gets Plea By Exhibitors to Cut Rents in '40: Lack of Executive Committee Quorum Delays Action on Request by the States". New York Herald Tribune. October 6, 1939. p. 23. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1257983497.
  226. ^ "World's Fair Cuts Rentals for State Exhibits by Half for 1940". New York Herald Tribune. October 10, 1939. p. 17. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1254042233; Shalett, Sidney M. (October 10, 1939). "Fair Rent Cut 50% for States in 1940; Exhibitors' Association Wins Demand—Move Is Held a Sign of Other Slashes". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 1, 2024.
  227. ^ "Europe in the 1940 N.Y. Fair". The Christian Science Monitor. December 22, 1939. p. 6. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515557035; "Whalen Finds General Support In Europe For N. Y. World Fair". Women's Wear Daily. Vol. 59, no. 126. December 29, 1939. p. 6. ProQuest 1677144592.
  228. ^ "Finland Renews Fair Contract, First Nation to Sign Up for '40". New York Herald Tribune. January 31, 1940. p. 1A. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243020377; "Finland Joins the Fair, First From Abroad; Dec. 19 Agreement Withheld Because of War". The New York Times. January 31, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  229. ^ "West Virginia Renews Lease on Fair Pavilion: Enlargement to Care for 12 Additional Exhibits". New York Herald Tribune. January 24, 1940. p. 21. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1242942722; "West Virginia Signs 1940 Fair Contract; First State to Take Advantage of 50 Per Cent Rent Cut". The New York Times. January 24, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 1, 2024.
  230. ^ "Fair Expecting 46 Nations in Foreign Section: 32 Already Signed, Success Is Assured, Says Whalen Finns and Poles to Show". New York Herald Tribune. February 27, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1267892570; "Big Foreign Area Assured for Fair; 49 Exhibitors Due; 33 of Governments That Took Part in 1939 Have Accepted Bids, Whalen Discloses". The New York Times. February 27, 1940. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  231. ^ "31 Nations Accept World's Fair Bid". The Christian Science Monitor. February 25, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515525230.
  232. ^ "Venezuela, Cuba Lost to 1940 Fair; Caracas Government Reverses Decision to Stay—Pavilion May Be Shipped Home". The New York Times. May 4, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  233. ^ Bracker, Milton (July 11, 1940). "European Center New Fair Feature; International Unit, Largest Bazaar on Grounds, to Be Opened Saturday". The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  234. ^ a b "Fair Will Have 45 Exhibitors In Foreign Area: League and Pan American Union Included Europe Is Sending War Displays". New York Herald Tribune. May 2, 1940. p. 20. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1264087284.
  235. ^ "Many Changes Greet Visitors to Court of States: 9 of 1939 Exhibits Gone, but Throngs Return to 12 Remaining in Area". New York Herald Tribune. May 12, 1940. p. 32. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1242959026.
  236. ^ "New York Fair Of '40 Assured Of Big Displays". The Christian Science Monitor. November 14, 1939. p. 3. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515586776; "15 Big Exhibitors Sign for 1940 Fair; the World's Fair Gets Off to a Flying Start for the 1940 Season". The New York Times. November 14, 1939. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  237. ^ "Fair Confident Big Exhibitors Will All Return: 95% of Those Having Own Buildings Already Signed; New Play Area Planned". New York Herald Tribune. January 13, 1940. p. 9. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1242911542.
  238. ^ "Fair Signs Pact To Bar Strikes Of Electricians: Agreement Provides Board of Arbitration to Settle Disputes With Local 3 Signing Pact to Avert Strikes at the Fair". New York Herald Tribune. February 10, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1242989044; "Fair Electricians Rule Out Strikes; 'Labor Peace' Program Yields Pact With Union Pledging Arbitration of Disputes". The New York Times. February 10, 1940. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  239. ^ "Trucking Strike At Fair Settled In Compromise: Union Permitted to Organize Chauffeurs, Won't Oppose City Garbage Collections". New York Herald Tribune. April 27, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1320021861; "Strike at Fair Off; Deliveries Resume; Mayor Effects a Compromise With Teamsters—City to Limit Its Truck Period". The New York Times. April 27, 1940. Retrieved September 20, 2024.
  240. ^ a b "'Great White Way' New Fair Feature; Center of Fun in Amusement Zone to Be Brighter, More Colorful, Gibson Says". The New York Times. March 9, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 16, 2022.
  241. ^ "Now It's World's Fair 1940 in New York". New York Herald Tribune. March 9, 1940. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1335119437.
  242. ^ a b c d e f g h Schwartz, Jerry (April 23, 1989). "N.Y.'s 1939 World's Fair: A Look Then at World We're Living in Now". Los Angeles Times. p. 2. ISSN 0458-3035. ProQuest 280741436.
  243. ^ "Fair Planning Three Arenas For Jitterbugs: Merrie England to Go Collegiate, Old New York to Become Old New Orleans". New York Herald Tribune. February 24, 1940. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243086631.
  244. ^ a b c d e Le Tour, M. (April 19, 1940). "New York World's Fair Soon to Reopen: Greenery in 'The World of Tomorrow'". The Christian Science Monitor. p. 3. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515558146.
  245. ^ "Fair Planning Fun Center No One Can Miss: Midway Theme Scrapped; Smaller but Brighter Is Motif;' Chute Jump to Move". New York Herald Tribune. December 8, 1939. p. 21. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1320022702.
  246. ^ a b "Flanigan Says Exhibits at Fair Will Surpass '39: Announces New Attractions and Improvements Upon Displays and Buildings". New York Herald Tribune. March 9, 1940. p. 13A. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1335119347.
  247. ^ Compere, Thomas (May 5, 1940). "Transportation Area at the Fair Gets $2,000,000 'Face Lifting'". New York Herald Tribune. p. A1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243155648.
  248. ^ "Major Industrial Exhibitors of 1939 Back This Year With Added Features: Their Shows Brought Up to Date in Line With Rapid Scientific Developments". The Wall Street Journal. May 13, 1940. p. 7. ISSN 0099-9660. ProQuest 131255344; Britten, Dudley (March 3, 1940). "World's Fair Yawn's and Stirs; Shrouded Flushing Meadows, Preparing for Opening on May 11, Is Alive With Odd Rumors, Mysteries and Some Workmen". The New York Times. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  249. ^ "Boy Scouts to Aid at the Fair Again; Will Maintain Own Service Camp on Two-Acre Plot at the Exposition". The New York Times. March 13, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 1, 2024.
  250. ^ "Mayor Assures Fair Visitors of $1–$1.50 Rooms: Promises Accommodations for 600,000 Daily, 'Just as Cheaply as al Home'". New York Herald Tribune. March 16, 1940. p. 1A. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1320056262; "Bargain Rates for Fair Pledged; La Guardia and Hotel Men Promise That Visitors Will Be Housed Cheaply". The New York Times. March 16, 1940. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  251. ^ a b "1940 Fair Stresses Low-cost Menus; 80 Restaurants, Cafeterias, Snack Bars to Serve Meals 'for Every Pocketbook'". The New York Times. March 1, 1940. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  252. ^ "$8,000,000 Being Spent on Fair; 3,000 Work on Improvements: Exposition Allots $3,000,000 to Construction and Alteration, Exhibitors $5,000,000; Lighting in Amusement Area To Be 'Ten Times' Brighter". New York Herald Tribune. March 11, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1259052517.
  253. ^ "Mayor Will Buy First Tickets For Fair Today: Advance Sale of Family Books for $2.50 Beginning Throughout Country". New York Herald Tribune. April 11, 1940. p. 25. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243058843; "U.S. Exhibit at Fair to Stress Housing; Separate New Display in Home Center Building to Be Ready for Opening May 11". The New York Times. April 11, 1940. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  254. ^ "School Tickets To Fair Go on Sale Thursday: Ten-Admission Book To Be Sold to Children for $1, Junior Season Pass$3.50". New York Herald Tribune. April 18, 1940. p. 16. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1258265560; "Nation's Students Get Fair Bargain; Country-Wide Sale Announced --Reduced-Rate Tickets to Be Available Here Tuesday". The New York Times. April 18, 1940. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  255. ^ "Fair Amusement Zone Sold Out, 90 Concessions on Its New List: Director Reports All Space Taken; Area Will Offer 3 Major Shows, 18 Smaller Ones and 15 Rides Among Other Attractions". New York Herald Tribune. April 29, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1266874326; "Play Zone at Fair is '100% Sold Out'; Revitalized Great White Way Offers Livelier and Gayer Section Than Last Year". The New York Times. April 29, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 31, 2024.
  256. ^ "Advance Sales Of Fair Tickets Ahead of 1939: Million Family Books Are Half Sold; Out-of-Town Orders Increased 15%". New York Herald Tribune. April 30, 1940. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1254975041; "Lively Ticket Sale Heartens the Fair; Advance Buying Far Ahead of 1939—New Plumbing Pact Expected to End Trouble". The New York Times. April 30, 1940. Retrieved September 20, 2024.
  257. ^ "World Fair '40, Month Shorter, To Open May 25: Mardi Gras Next Week Will Climax '39 Season With 'Big Blaze,' Gibson Says". New York Herald Tribune. October 18, 1939. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1252349608; "Fair to Shorten Its Season in 1940; Will Open on May 25 and Close on Oct. 27, or 29 Fewer Days Than This Year". The New York Times. October 18, 1939. Retrieved September 19, 2024.
  258. ^ "Fair Advances 1940 Opening Date to May 11: Gibson Announces Change From May 25 to Favor Delegates to Conventions World's Fair Welcomes 1940 a Few Weeks in Advance". New York Herald Tribune. December 7, 1939. p. 18A. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1258409544; "World Fair Opening Date Is Advanced to May 11". The New York Times. December 7, 1939. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  259. ^ "Fair Will Have Police Force of 300 This Year: Decrease of 200 Laid to Record of Few Crimes and Accidents in 1939". New York Herald Tribune. April 30, 1940. p. 13. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1254967669.
  260. ^ "Fair Will Place 2,500 at Work Before May 11: All Jobs Are Now Filled; Stall for Opening Set at 5,500, Majority Rehired". New York Herald Tribune. May 1, 1940. p. 10. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1255390776.
  261. ^ "World's Fair Bonds". The Wall Street Journal. April 30, 1940. p. 8. ISSN 0099-9660. ProQuest 131265797; "40,000,000 Attendance at 1940 Fair Needed To Pay Bondholders in Full, Gibson Says". The New York Times. April 30, 1940. Retrieved September 20, 2024.
  262. ^ a b c Nichols, Herbert B. (May 10, 1940). "New York Fair Goes 'Folksy' in Second Year Bid for Popular Acclaim". The Christian Science Monitor. p. 8. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515258672.
  263. ^ Shalett, Sidney M. (May 19, 1940). "Folksy World's Fair Off to a Good Start; 1940 Edition Shows Many Contrasts, With 1939 Formality Abandoned, But Old Favorites Carry On". The New York Times. Retrieved September 20, 2024.
  264. ^ a b c "Facts About the World's Fair". New York Herald Tribune. May 10, 1940. p. 16. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1253151121.
  265. ^ "Auto Is Offered As Daily Prize To Fair Visitors: N. Y. Hotels and Business Organizations Sponsors of 'Golden Key' Contest". New York Herald Tribune. April 27, 1940. p. 9A. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1320021240; "Fair to Give Away 170 Cars, One Daily; Biggest Crowd-Luring Device So Far to Use Millions of Keys as Prize 'Tickets'". The New York Times. April 27, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  266. ^ "Rush to the Fair Taxes All City's Traffic Systems: Subways and L. I. Road Tag 5,175 Through in 1st 10 Minutes Parking Lots Busy Snip and the World's Fair of 40 Is Officially Open". New York Herald Tribune. May 12, 1940. p. 31. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1242959008; Porter, Russell B. (May 12, 1940). "'40 Fair Gets Off to Lively Start; 191,196 on Hand; The World's Fair of 1940 Opens, Dedicated to Peace and Freedom". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 3, 2024.
  267. ^ Rice, William; Cornish, Dick (May 19, 1940). "Fair Throng Hears Ickes Draft F.D.R." Daily News. p. 306. Retrieved September 25, 2024; Porter, Russell B. (May 12, 1940). "'40 Fair Gets Off to Lively Start; 191,196 on Hand; The World's Fair of 1940 Opens, Dedicated to Peace and Freedom". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  268. ^ "Opening of World's Fair In New York on May 11 Widely Covered by Radio". Broadcasting, Broadcast Advertising. Vol. 18, no. 10. May 15, 1940. p. 56. ProQuest 1014938182; "Radio Will Carry Opening Ceremony; Saturday's Events at the Fair Also Will Be Televised". The New York Times. May 5, 1940. Retrieved September 24, 2024.
  269. ^ "City Celebration Will Usher in Fair; Mayor Calls on 300 Business Leaders to Help Plan Event --Dress-Up Drive Mapped". The New York Times. April 29, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
  270. ^ "New York World's Fair 16-Days' Loss $10,631: Gibson Say's Results Satisfactory Considering Weather $650,000 of1939 Bills Liquidated". The Wall Street Journal. May 29, 1940. p. 5. ISSN 0099-9660. ProQuest 131254649; "Gibson Reveals Fair's Healthy Fiscal Position: $800,000 in Bank, Loss in Period of Bad Weather $10,163 Best Days Ahead". New York Herald Tribune. May 29, 1940. p. 5. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 131254649.
  271. ^ Bird, Robert S. (June 29, 1940). "Shake-up of Staff is Planned by Fair; Reduction in Personnel Not 'Wave of Economy,' Only Good Business, Gibson Asserts". The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  272. ^ a b "Fair Drops 200, to Ease Strain of Slow Gate". Daily News. July 4, 1940. p. 20. Retrieved September 26, 2024; Bracker, Milton (July 4, 1940). "Turnstiles at Fair Click Record Tune; 'Supergirl and Superboy' at the Fair". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
  273. ^ Bracker, Milton (July 1, 1940). "Tax Rise Affects Fair's Play Zone; Levy Will Not Be Retroactive on Advance Sale of Tickets With Concession Rights". The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  274. ^ "Most Bars at Fair to Absorb Tax Rise; Increase Generally Considered Too Small to Pass On". The New York Times. July 2, 1940. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  275. ^ "Bomb At World's Fair Kills Two, Five Hurt: Policemen Slain Removing Device". The Hartford Courant. July 5, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1047-4153. ProQuest 559343541; "Police Die in Blast – Timed Device Explodes After It Is Taken Out of Pavilion". The New York Times. July 5, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved September 6, 2020.
  276. ^ Pollak, Michael (August 3, 2008). "Death at the World's Fair". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  277. ^ "Crowd Unaware of Bomb Tragedy; Noise of the Explosion Taken as More of Fireworks That Had Been Heard All Day". The New York Times. July 5, 1940. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  278. ^ Bird, Robert S. (July 6, 1940). "Guarded Pavilions Visited by Crowds; 260 Police at Fair Begin Strict Vigil at Centers of Britain, France and Italy". The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  279. ^ "Officials at Fair Begin a Survey For Demolition: Urge Exhibitors to Speed Contracts for Removal; Find Many Are Signed". New York Herald Tribune. July 20, 1940. p. 28. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1255129646.
  280. ^ "N.Y. World's Fair Not Able to Pay Proposed Dividend". The Christian Science Monitor. August 2, 1940. p. 15. ISSN 0882-7729. ProQuest 515339383; "Fair in 21 Days Nets $259,834 In Spite of Heat: 2,495,036 Fewer Visitors hut Profits Still Rise; Bond Payment Deferred New Jersey's Governor Takes Part in Fair Program Honoring His State". New York Herald Tribune. July 31, 1940. p. 11. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1257837212.
  281. ^ Bird, Robert S. (August 10, 1940). "Boom in Play Zone Heartens the Fair; Concessionnaires Hope to Do Better in Closing Months Than in All 1939". The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  282. ^ a b Bird, Robert S. (August 3, 1940). "Fair Starts Drive at Half-way Mark; Middle of Final Season Will Be Reached Tomorrow—Huge Poster Campaign Under Way". The New York Times. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  283. ^ "Fair Campaign For Attendance Begins Tonight: 20,000 Promotion Posters Will Be Put on Display on Transportation Lines Herald Tribune Map-Guide to the World's Fair". New York Herald Tribune. July 27, 1940. p. 26. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1259581273.
  284. ^ "World's Fair Debenture Holders Agree to Waive Payments Under New Fiscal Plan". New York Herald Tribune. August 30, 1939. p. 11. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1319968323; "Bondholders Back Fair's Fiscal Plan; 54% Waive Rights to Profits, and Proposal Goes Into Effect Immediately". The New York Times. August 30, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 31, 2024.
  285. ^ Bracker, Milton (August 1, 1940). "Fair's Equipment Put on Sales Block; Wealth of Unusual Material Cost $2,000,000 and Took 4 Years to Assemble". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  286. ^ "1940 Fair Exceeds Ten Million Mark; Cool Day Draws Third Biggest Throng for a Sunday This Year Despite Clouds". The New York Times. August 26, 1940. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
  287. ^ "$2,565,665 Profit Reported by Fair; Gibson Cites Figure to Refute Charge of Moses, Who Still Contends It Is 'Busted'". The New York Times. September 7, 1940. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  288. ^ "Mall at the Fair to Remain in Park; Esplanade From Theme Center to the Court of Peace Will Not Be Demolished". The New York Times. October 4, 1940. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 29, 2024.
  289. ^ "World's Fairs: New York World's Fair – Exec Branch in Charge of Teardown Job". The Billboard. Vol. 52, no. 37. September 14, 1940. p. 31, 61. ProQuest 1032238544.
  290. ^ "Fair's Newspaper Day To Offer Ticket Bargain: Clippings to Entitle Holder to $1.50 Value Sunday". New York Herald Tribune. October 4, 1940. p. 20. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1260785193; "Bargain Ticket Offered; Special Program for Newspaper Day at Fair Tomorrow". The New York Times. October 5, 1940. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  291. ^ "Cut-rate Tickets Jump Fair Crowds; a Sellout at a World's Fair Parking Lot". The New York Times. October 7, 1940. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  292. ^ "Adults on Relief To Ride Free to Fair, Get In Free: Subway and Gale Tickets Will Go to 246,500 on City Rolls Next Week". New York Herald Tribune. October 12, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1320026228.
  293. ^ "Fair Has Profit Of $4,150,792 On Operations: Sets Aside SI, 635, 651 To Be Paid to Bondholders After Exposition Closes". New York Herald Tribune. October 9, 1940. p. 27. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1261249892; "Fair is Operating at $4,150,792 Gain; Gibson Says Trustees Hold Additional $1,635,651 to Retire Debentures". The New York Times. October 9, 1940. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  294. ^ "Fair Will Shut Gates Forever Next Sunday: Arranges 'Blaze of Old Glory Week to Crown World's Greatest Show Will Offer Biggest Fireworks Exhibit Trims Admission Costs; Razing Begins Oct. 28; Financial Picture Dark". New York Herald Tribune. October 20, 1940. p. A1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1247314716; "Fair is Preparing a 'Week of Glory'; Series of Dazzling Events to Mark Its Final Days, With All Boroughs Taking Part". The New York Times. October 19, 1940. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  295. ^ a b "New York Fair Ends in Glory: Record Attendance of 537,952 Reported During Closing Day". Los Angeles Times. October 28, 1940. pp. A. ISSN 0458-3035. ProQuest 165220065.; Shalett, Sidney M. (October 28, 1940). "Rush as Fair Ends Brings Out 537,952, Its Biggest Crowd; Farewell to the Fair: Closing Scenes at the End of a Two-Year Run". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 2, 2024.
  296. ^ "Fair Closing Tonight; Best Saturday Ever". New York Herald Tribune. October 27, 1940. p. 1. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243057250; Shalett, Sidney M. (October 27, 1940). "Fair Closes Today on Festival Note; Grounds to Be Open Tomorrow to Visitors for $2 Fee—Big Throng Hears Willkie". The New York Times. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  297. ^ Wood 2004, p. 8.
  298. ^ Monaghan 1939, pp. 46–47.
  299. ^ a b c d Stern, Gilmartin & Mellins 1987, p. 730.
  300. ^ a b c d Conklin, William R. (July 10, 1938). "New Sights at Fair; Visitors Now See, in Rising Structures, the Suggestions of Beauty That Is to Be Color Effects Police Are Guides Exhibition Buildings The Theme Center". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 8, 2024.
  301. ^ Bletter, Rosemarie Haag; Queens Museum (1989). Remembering the Future: The New York World's Fair from 1939–1964. Rizzoli. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-8478-1122-9.
  302. ^ "Fair's Phone Booth Fans, Too Popular in '39, Gone". The New York Times. May 7, 1940. Retrieved September 20, 2024.
  303. ^ "Moses Visualizes Park After Fair; How World's Fair Site Will Look After It is Turned Into Huge Public Park". The New York Times. May 15, 1939. Retrieved September 8, 2024.
  304. ^ Patterson 1939, pp. 87–88.
  305. ^ "500 Large Trees Due This Spring On Site of Fair: Corporation Opens Bids for Moving, Replanting Job to Cost $100,000 55-Foot Elms on List Specimens Within 100 Miles Are Catalogued for Site". New York Herald Tribune. February 25, 1937. p. 12. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1222252601; "10,000 Live Trees Sought for Fair; Vast Forest to Be Transported to Barren Flushing Site Within Next 2 Years". The New York Times. February 25, 1937. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved July 26, 2024.
  306. ^ Johnston, J. W. (October 20, 1939). "World's Fair Already at Work On Its Floral Displays for 1940". New York Herald Tribune. p. 15. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1258523692.
  307. ^ Patterson 1939, p. 88.
  308. ^ Harrington, John W. (March 27, 1938). "Flowers at World's Fair; Although Opening Date Is Far Off, Trees, Shrubs and Bulbs Are Being Planted Gift From the Netherlands To Accent Building Colors Material for Formal Gardens". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 6, 2024.
  309. ^ Johnston, J. W. (May 14, 1939). "Million Tulips in Fair Rainbow". New York Herald Tribune. p. A18. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1243152807; "Tulips in Fair Gardens Burst Into Bloom in Time". The New York Times. April 25, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 6, 2024.
  310. ^ a b Hughes, Alice (March 26, 1939). "A Woman's New York: Gardens and Flowers Abound at World's Fair Landscaping Expenditures Amount to $150,000". The Washington Post. p. 11. ISSN 0190-8286. ProQuest 151216843.
  311. ^ "Holland Tulip Bulbs at Fair Being Burned; As Plants Are Taken Up They Are Replaced by Other Plants". The New York Times. May 26, 1939. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 6, 2024.
  312. ^ McLaughlin, Kathleen (May 3, 1939). "50 Gardens Lure Throngs at Fair; Gardens on Parade in the Horticultural Exhibition at the World's Fair". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 6, 2024.
  313. ^ Greeves-Carpenter, C.F. (July 30, 1939). "Use of Water at World's Fair Holds Hints for Gardeners". The New York Times. Retrieved September 17, 2024.
  314. ^ Johnston, J. W. (October 20, 1939). "World's Fair Already at Work On Its Floral Displays for 1940: Tulips, Ruled Out by Later Opening Date, Will Be Replaced by Other Types; Trees to Remain, a Monument to Transplanting Record". New York Herald Tribune. p. 15. ISSN 1941-0646. ProQuest 1258523692.
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  345. ^ Monaghan 1939, pp. 102–103.
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  534. ^ "Sharp 1939–40 Rise in Traffic Noted; Vehicles Entering and Leaving Manhattan Below 61st St. Show Spurt in Period". The New York Times. June 1, 1941. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
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  536. ^ "Miscellany: Tourists Spread Out, Not Limiting Selves Just to Flushing Meadows". Variety. Vol. 139, no. 2. June 19, 1940. p. 2. ProQuest 1285770111.
  537. ^ "Archives of Fair to Go to Library; Permanent Records Including Photographs, Clippings and Signatures Will Be Kept". The New York Times. October 25, 1940. Retrieved September 27, 2024.
  538. ^ "World's Fair: Enter the World of Tomorrow". Biblion: the boundless library. New York Public Library. Retrieved March 15, 2014.
  539. ^ Futter, Catherine L. (March 2012). "Designing Tomorrow: America's World's Fairs of the 1930s". Design and Culture. 4 (1): 98–102. doi:10.2752/175470812X13176523285435. ISSN 1754-7075.
  540. ^ Reif, Rita (July 6, 1980). "Antiques; Treasure and Trivia From the 1939 Fair". The New York Times. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  541. ^ Duggan, Dennis (December 11, 1999). "1939–40 World's Fair / Queens of the Fair". Newsday. p. G06. ISSN 2574-5298. ProQuest 279277888.
  542. ^ Leibowitz, Barry (August 2, 2010). "Book 'Em: Twilight at the World of Tomorrow". CBS News. Retrieved September 10, 2024; Nelson, Samantha (July 15, 2010). "James Mauro: Twilight At The World of Tomorrow". AV Club. Retrieved September 10, 2024.
  543. ^ Antos, Jason D. (April 25, 2018). "The World of Tomorrow Returns To Film Forum 34 Years After Its Premiere". Queens Gazette. Retrieved September 12, 2024; Canby, Vincent (March 7, 1984). "Screen: 'The World of Tomorrow'". The New York Times. Retrieved September 12, 2024.


Further reading

External links