coito reservato

El coitus reservatus (del coito , " relación sexual " y reservatus , "reservado"), también conocido como continencia sexual , es una forma de relación sexual en la que un varón no intenta eyacular dentro de su pareja, evitando la emisión seminal. Es distinto del síndrome de agarre de la muerte , en el que un hombre no tiene voluntad en su estado sin emisiones. [1]

Alice Stockham acuñó el término karezza , derivado de la palabra italiana carezza que significa "caricia", para describir el coito reservatus , pero la idea ya estaba en práctica en la Comunidad Oneida . Alan Watts creía, erróneamente, que karezza era una palabra persa. [2] El concepto de karezza es vagamente similar al maithuna en el tantra hindú y al sahaja en el yoga hindú . [3]

El control de la eyaculación era importante para ambos sexos, llamado caiyin buyang chino (採陰補陽, "recoger yin y reponer yang ") para los hombres y caiyang buyin (採陽補陰, "recoger yang y reponer yin ") para las mujeres, y era involucrado en prácticas sexuales taoístas como huanjing bunao , [4] así como en el Tantra indio (donde se lo conoce como " asidhārāvrata ") [5] y Hatha Yoga (ver vajroli mudra ), aunque también se respalda la eyaculación convencional. [6] [7]

Práctica de karezza y continencia sexual

Stockham escribe: "... Karezza significa 'expresar afecto tanto en palabras como en acciones', y si bien denota apropiadamente la unión que es el resultado del afecto humano más profundo, la consumación del amor, se usa técnicamente en toda esta obra para designar una unión controlada. unión sexual." [8] De modo que, en la práctica, según Stockham, es más que solo autocontrol, sino control mutuo donde la pareja penetrante ayuda a la pareja receptiva y viceversa. Según Stockham, esta es la clave para superar muchas dificultades a la hora de controlar la expresión sexual de forma individual.

La contribución de Stockham fue aplicar esta misma filosofía de control del orgasmo tanto a las mujeres como a los hombres. Una forma de control de la natalidad , la técnica también prolonga el placer sexual hasta el punto de alcanzar el éxtasis místico. En esta práctica, el orgasmo se separa de la eyaculación, posibilitando el disfrute del placer de las relaciones sexuales sin experimentar la eyaculación seminal, sin dejar de experimentar el orgasmo. [ cita necesaria ]

Algunos aplicarían los principios de karezza a la masturbación, mediante el cual una persona intenta retrasar el orgasmo tanto como sea posible para prolongar el placer en un proceso conocido como "política arriesgada orgásmica", "surf" o "borde", pero esto es diferente de la práctica heterosexual de "karezza". [9] En la literatura latina, esto se conoce como coitus sine ejaculatione seminis . [10]

Uno de los propósitos de karezza es el mantenimiento e intensificación del deseo y el disfrute del placer sexual dentro de las relaciones. Según Stockham, el cuerpo tarda de dos semanas a un mes en recuperarse de la eyaculación... "A menos que se desee la procreación, hay que evitar por completo el orgasmo propagativo final". [11] Stockham defendió que el 'período de luna de miel' de una relación podría mantenerse a perpetuidad limitando la frecuencia de las eyaculaciones o, preferiblemente, evitándolas por completo.

Kalman Andras Oszlar escribe: "Dado que la unión sexual no se limita al mundo físico y no significa un rápido desperdicio de energía sexual, con ello damos paso libre a dimensiones superiores en la relación". Afectados por esto, podemos entrar en el estado de flujo, y en el transcurso de esto, la pareja se carga de energía, mientras – con atención enfocada ( Dhāraṇā ) – la pareja se sumerge en aquello en lo que están teniendo placer. Este estado mental está relacionado con los efectos beneficiosos de la moderación y la transformación tántricas. Al principio, Mihály Csíkszentmihályi definió la filosofía positiva y, desde entonces, se ha hecho referencia a ella más allá de la línea profesional. Según el profesor, la experiencia de flujo es una experiencia totalmente enfocada y motivacionalmente intensificada donde las personas pueden concentrarse por completo y controlar adecuadamente sus sentimientos para lograr el mejor desempeño o aprendizaje.

Existe una ligera diferencia entre karezza y coitus reservatus. En el coitus reservatus, a diferencia del karezza, una mujer puede disfrutar de un orgasmo prolongado mientras el hombre ejerce el autocontrol. [12]

Like coitus interruptus, coitus reservatus is not a reliable form of preventing a sexually transmitted infection, as the penis leaks pre-ejaculate before ejaculation, which may contain all of the same infectious viral particles and other microbes as the semen. Although studies have not found sperm in pre-ejaculate fluid,[13][14] the method is also unreliable for contraception because of the difficulty of controlling ejaculation beyond the point of no return. Additionally, pre-ejaculate fluid can collect sperm from a previous ejaculation, leading to pregnancy even when performed correctly.[15]


Alice Stockham was taken to court and forced to give up teaching the practice of karezza in the United States. Like many other sex reformers, Dr. Stockham was arrested by Anthony Comstock,[16] who prosecuted a variety of sexual freedom reformers.[17]Ida Craddock committed suicide after being repeatedly jailed for peddling pornography.[18] The press attacked the Oneida Community and Noyes fled to Canada due to a warrant being issued for his arrest on a statutory rape charge on June 22, 1879. From there, he advised others to follow St. Paul's plan of either marriage or celibacy, and to obey the commandments against adultery and fornication.[19]

Views of the Catholic Church

Many theologians within the Catholic tradition approve of coitus reservatus with precise guidelines.

Latin: Sacerdotes autem, in cura animarum et in conscientiis dirigendis, numquam, sive sponte sive interrogati, ita loqui praesumant quasi ex parte legis christianae contra « amplexum reservatum » nihil esset obiicendum.

English: Priests, in the care of souls and in directing consciences, never, either spontaneously or when asked, should presume to speak in such a way as if from on the part of the Christian law there would be nothing against the "reserved embrace."

  • John F. Harvey OSFS expressed this to mean that "confessors and spiritual directors should not presume that there is nothing objectionable" with it. This indicates it could become sinful under certain circumstances, for example, if ending in masturbation.[25]

Direct stimulation of the sex organs outside of sexual intercourse. The self-stimulation can be physical, by means of some external object, or psychic, by means of thoughts and the imagination. It is a grave misuse of the procreative faculty and when done with full consent and deliberation is a serious sin. The sinfulness consists in setting in motion the generative powers while preventing them from achieving their natural, divinely intended purpose. [26]

This differs from non-penetrative, rubbing-only sex (mutual masturbation or manual sex) and differs from coitus interruptus because coitus reservatus ends with no orgasm at all for both spouses if practiced within guidelines from John F. Harvey OSFS referenced above.

Oneida Community

The Oneida Community, founded in the 19th century by John Humphrey Noyes, experimented with coitus reservatus, which was then called male continence in a religiously Christian communalist environment. The experiment lasted for about a quarter of a century, and then Noyes created Oneida silverware and established the Oneida Silver Co., which grew into Oneida Limited.[30] Noyes identified three functions of the sexual organs: the urinary, the propagative (reproductive), and the amative (sexual love). Noyes believed in the separation of the amative from the propagative, and he put amative sexual intercourse on the same footing as other ordinary forms of social interchange. Sexual intercourse as Noyes defines it is the insertion of the penis into the vagina; ejaculation is not a requirement for sexual intercourse.[31]

Western esotericism

Ida Craddock, C. F. Russell, and Louis T. Culling

Inspired by Ida Craddock's work Heavenly Bridegrooms, American occultist C. F. Russell developed a curriculum of sex magick.[32] In the 1960s, disciple Louis T. Culling published these in two works entitled The Complete Magickal Curriculum of the Secret Order G.'.B.'.G.'. and Sex Magick.[33] The first two degrees are "Alphaism and Dianism".[34][32] Culling writes that Dianism is "sexual congress without bringing it to climax" and that each participant is to regard their partner, not as a "known earthly personality" but as a "visible manifestation of one's Holy Guardian Angel.[35]

Rosicrucian groups

AMORC does not recommend engaging in sexual practices of an occult nature. This has been so since their First Imperator H. Spencer Lewis, Ph.D. made it public knowledge.[36]

The Fraternitas Rosae Crucis led by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer engages in sexual practices for the sake of race regeneration.[citation needed] Dr. Clymer is completely opposed to the practice of karezza or coitus reservatus and advocates instead a form of sexual intercourse in which the couple experiences the orgasm at the same time.[37]

The Secretary of the FUDOSI instead approved the practice of karezza to establish harmony in the family and the world by preventing the waste and misuse of sex energy.[38]

Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller established the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (FRA), a Rosicrucian school in Germany with branches in South America, having the following formula of sexual conduct: "Immissio Membri Virile In Vaginae Sine Ejaculatio Seminis" (Introduce the penis in the vagina without ejaculating the semen). Samael Aun Weor experimented with that formula and developed the doctrine of The Perfect Matrimony.

20th-century Western writers

English novelist Aldous Huxley, in his last novel Island, wrote that Maithuna, the Yoga of Love, is "the same as what Roman Catholicism means by coitus reservatus."[39] Getting to the point by discussing coitus reservatus, Alan W. Watts in Nature, Man and Woman notes: "...I would like to see someone make a case for the idea that the Apostles really did hand down an inner tradition to the Church, and that through all these centuries the Church has managed to guard it from the public eye. If so, it has remained far more secret and "esoteric" than in any of the other great spiritual traditions of the world, so much so that its existence is highly doubtful..."[40] The Welsh writer Norman Lewis, in his celebrated account of life in Naples in 1944, claimed that San Rocco was the patron saint of coitus reservatus: "I recommended him to drink -- as the locals did -- marsala with the yolk of eggs stirred into it, and to wear a medal of San Rocco, patron of coitus reservatus, which could be had in any religious-supplies shop".[41] The psychologist Havelock Ellis writes: "Coitus Reservatus, – in which intercourse is maintained even for very long periods, during which a woman may orgasm several times while the penetrative partner succeeds in holding back orgasm – so far from being injurious to a woman, is probably the form of coitus which gives her the maximum gratification and relief".[42]

Modern practice of Karezza

Marina Robinson [d] and her husband Gary Wilson promoted Karezza through books, websites, and media interviews. Robinson's book, which she claimed was "researched" by Wilson, was Peace Between the Sheets, later renamed Cupid's Poisoned Arrow. When asked whether Karezza was science-based or spiritual, Robinson claimed Karezza was purely a spiritual practice for transferring sexual "energy".[43] Robinson described Karezza sex as superior to conventional sex, claiming beliefs that orgasm was an important part of sex reflected brainwashing.[44] Wilson claimed the practice cured his lifelong alcoholism and depression.[44] Another prominent modern Karezza practitioner, Mary Sharpe [d], claimed the time after orgasm was a time of increased violence, even leading to terrorism, making it necessary to avoid orgasm.[45]

Claims of the semen retention community and those of the NoFap community are among the least accurate concerning men's health.[46]

See also


  1. ^ Levin, Roy J. "Male Sexual Arousal and Orgasms—New Enigmas of Their Activation." Current Sexual Health Reports 10.3 (2018): 76-78.
  2. ^ Watts 1970, p. 172.
  3. ^ Coomaraswamy 1957, pp. 124–133.
  4. ^ Pauly, Ira B. (2013-05-23). "Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia: T". Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Archived from the original on 2013-05-23. Retrieved 2017-06-18.
  5. ^ Shaman Hatley (June 2016). "Erotic asceticism: the razor's edge observance (asidhārāvrata) and the early history of tantric coital ritual". Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies. 79 (2). Cambridge_University_Press: 329–345. doi:10.1017/S0041977X16000069. S2CID 163906124. Retrieved March 8, 2023.
  6. ^ Mallinson 2018, p. 201.
  7. ^ North, Kris Deva. "Taoist Ejaculation Formulas". Healing Tao. Retrieved 2020-09-19.
  8. ^ Stockham 1903, p. 22.
  9. ^ Griffith 2004, p. 92.
  10. ^ Lloyd 1931.
  11. ^ Stockham 1903, p. 25.
  12. ^ Urban 1949.
  13. ^ "Researchers find no sperm in pre-ejaculate fluid". Contraceptive Technology Update. 14 (10): 154–156. October 1993. PMID 12286905.
  14. ^ Zukerman, Z.; Weiss D.B. Orvieto R. (April 2003). "Short Communication: Does Preejaculatory Penile Secretion Originating from Cowper's Gland Contain Sperm?". Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 20 (4): 157–159. doi:10.1023/A:1022933320700. PMC 3455634. PMID 12762415.
  15. ^ "Withdrawal Method". Planned Parenthood. March 2004. Retrieved 2008-03-28.
  16. ^ Deveney 1997, pp. 28–29, 392–393.
  17. ^ Werbel, Amy (2020-07-13). "Searching for Smut: Hot on the trail of Anthony Comstock (1844-1915)". Commonplace. Retrieved 2023-12-25.
  18. ^ Vern L. Bullough Encyclopedia of Birth Control, pp. 76-9, ABC-CLIO, 2001 ISBN 978-1-57607-181-6
  19. ^ Gutek, Gerald Lee; Gutek, Patricia (1998). Visiting Utopian Communities: a guide to the Shakers, Moravians, and others. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. p. 137. ISBN 978-1-57003-210-3. OCLC 36343343.
  20. ^ Gardella, Peter (1985). Innocent Ecstasy: How Christianity Gave America an Ethic of Sexual Pleasure. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 14–16. ISBN 9780195365153.
  21. ^ Gardella, Peter (1985). Innocent Ecstasy: How Christianity Gave America an Ethic of Sexual Pleasure. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 14–16. ISBN 9780195365153.
  22. ^ Gardella, Peter (2016). Innocent Ecstasy, Updated Edition: How Christianity Gave America an Ethic of Sexual Pleasure. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 22. ISBN 9780190609429.
  23. ^ Liguori, Alphonsus (1835) [1785]. "De Usu Matrimonii. Dub. II. Art. I. sec. 918". Theologia Moralis (in Latin). Vol. 6. Parisiis: Gauthier Fratrem et Soc. p. 318. OCLC 669683570 – via HathiTrust.
  24. ^ Catholic Church (1952), "II Monitum [2. Warning]", Acta Apostolicae Sedis commentarium officiale (PDF), Annus XXXXIV - Series II - Vol. XIX (in Latin), Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, p. 546, ISSN 0001-5199, OCLC 561125197
  25. ^ a b Harvey, John F. (Winter 1981). "Expressing Marital Love during the Fertile Phase" (PDF). International Review of Natural Family Planning. 5 (4). Collegeville: Human Life Center, Saint John's University: 201–220. ISSN 0146-1745. OCLC 956028381.
  26. ^ Hardon, John (1980). Modern Catholic Dictionary. Garden City, New York, USA: Doubleday. ISBN 9780385121620. OCLC 421593130.
  27. ^ Professor Grisez, Germain (1997). Difficult Moral Questions, Question 29: What sexual activity is permissible... Quincy, Illinois, USA: Franciscan Press, Quincy University.
  28. ^ Professor Grisez, Germain (1992). Living a Christian Life, Chapter 9: Marriage, Sexual Acts, and Family Life, Question E: What Sexual Acts Are Appropriate for Christians?. Quincy, Illinois, USA: Franciscan Press, Quincy University.
  29. ^ See for the team credentials and "Nihil obstat" and "Imprimatur".
  30. ^ Ellis 1910, p. 553.
  31. ^ Noyes 1877.
  32. ^ a b Culling, Louis T.; Weschcke, Carl Llewellyn (8 September 2010). The Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order G.B.G. Llewellyn Worldwide. ISBN 9780738726748.
  33. ^ Louis T. Culling, Carl Llewellyn Weschcke (8 September 2010). The Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order G.B.G.: Being the Entire Study, Curriculum, Magick Rituals, and Initiatory Practices of the G.B.G (The Great Brotherhood of God). ISBN 978-0-7387-1912-2.
  34. ^ Chappell, Vere (December 2010). Sexual Outlaw, Erotic Mystic. Weiser Books. ISBN 9781609252960., Chappell, V. (2010). Sexual outlaw, erotic mystic: The essential Ida Craddock. San Francisco, CA: Red Wheel/Weiser.
  35. ^ Culling, Louis T.; Weschcke, Carl Llewellyn (2010). The Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order G.B.G.: Being the Entire Study, Curriculum, Magick Rituals, and Initiatory Practices of the G.B.G (The Great Brotherhood of God). Llewellyn Worldwide. ISBN 9780738726748. OCLC 793421982.
  36. ^ Lewis, H. Spencer Rosicrucian Manual, p. 5, Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, 1978
  37. ^ Clymer, R. Swinburne MD, The Mystery of Sex and Race Regeneration, p. 223, The Philosophical Publishing Co., 1950
  38. ^ Marc Lanval, editor, Lumière et Liberté, Organe Officiel de la Ligue Belge de Propagande Héliophile, Octobre-Novembre 1933
  39. ^ Huxley, Aldous Island, Harper & Row, 1962
  40. ^ Watts 1970, Chapter 7[reprint verification needed].
  41. ^ Lewis, Norman (2005). Naples '44 : a World War II diary of occupied Italy. New York: Carroll & Graf. ISBN 9781480433250. OCLC 854852494.
  42. ^ Ellis 1910, p. 552.
  43. ^ "Finding Peace Between Our Sheets". Reality Sandwich. 2008-05-16. Retrieved 2023-12-01.
  44. ^ a b "Couples Holding Back In Bedroom To Experience "New" Intimacy". CBS Miami. 2013-02-21. Retrieved 2023-12-01.
  45. ^ Williams, Robyn; Fisher, David (2005-12-01). "Mary Sharpe". ABC listen. Retrieved 2023-12-01.
  46. ^ Dubin, Justin M.; Aguiar, Jonathan A.; Lin, Jasmine S.; Greenberg, Daniel R.; Keeter, Mary Kate; Fantus, Richard J.; Pham, Minh N.; Hudnall, Matthew T.; Bennett, Nelson E.; Brannigan, Robert E.; Halpern, Joshua A. (19 November 2022). "The broad reach and inaccuracy of men's health information on social media: analysis of TikTok and Instagram". International Journal of Impotence Research. Springer Science and Business Media LLC: 1–5. doi:10.1038/s41443-022-00645-6. ISSN 0955-9930. PMC 9676765. PMID 36402921.


Further reading

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