Chevrolet Suburban

El Chevrolet Suburban es una serie de SUV fabricados por Chevrolet desde el año modelo 1935. El Chevrolet Suburban, la marca de automóviles más utilizada en el mundo, se encuentra actualmente en su duodécima generación, presentada en 2021. El Suburban, que comenzó su vida como una de las primeras camionetas familiares con carrocería de metal , es el progenitor del SUV moderno de tamaño completo , que combina una carrocería estilo camioneta con el chasis y el tren motriz de una camioneta. Junto con sus predecesores Advance Design , Task Force y C/K , el Chevrolet Silverado actualmente comparte chasis y características mecánicas comunes con el Suburban y otras camionetas.

Tradicionalmente uno de los vehículos más rentables vendidos por General Motors, [1] el Suburban ha sido comercializado a través de Chevrolet y GMC durante casi toda su producción. Además de compartir el nombre Suburban con Chevrolet, GMC ha utilizado varias placas de identificación para la línea de modelos; desde 2000, la división lo ha comercializado como GMC Yukon XL . Desde 2003, Cadillac ha comercializado el Suburban como Cadillac Escalade ESV . Durante la década de 1990, GM Australia comercializó Suburbans con volante a la derecha bajo la marca Holden .

El Suburban se vende en Estados Unidos, Canadá, México, América Central, Chile, República Dominicana, Bolivia, Perú, Filipinas y Medio Oriente (excepto Israel), mientras que el Yukon XL se vende solo en América del Norte (exclusivamente en Estados Unidos, Canadá y México) y los territorios de Medio Oriente (excepto Israel).

Un estudio de de 2018 identificó al Chevrolet Suburban como el automóvil que más se conduce cada año. [2] Un estudio de de 2019 nombró al Chevrolet Suburban como el segundo vehículo más duradero. [3] En diciembre de 2019, la Cámara de Comercio de Hollywood presentó una estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood para el Suburban, y señaló que el Suburban había aparecido en "1750 películas y programas de televisión desde 1952". [4] [5]


Varias empresas automotrices en los Estados Unidos usaron la designación "Suburban" para indicar una carrocería tipo station wagon con ventanas sobre un bastidor comercial, entre ellas DeSoto , Dodge , Plymouth , Studebaker y Nash , además de Chevrolet y GMC . El nombre Suburban (Westchester) era, de hecho, una marca registrada de US Body and Forging Co. de Tell City, Indiana , que construía carrocerías de madera para todos estos chasis de automóviles y camionetas ligeras y más.

Chevrolet comenzó la producción de su "carryall-suburban" totalmente de acero en 1934. [6] GMC lanzó su versión en 1937. Estos vehículos también se conocían como "Suburban Carryall" hasta que GM acortó el nombre a simplemente "Suburban". El equivalente de GMC al modelo Chevrolet también se llamó originalmente "Suburban", hasta que fue rebautizado como "Yukon XL" para el año modelo 2000.

Con el fin de la producción de la camioneta Plymouth Fury Suburban en 1978, solo General Motors continuó fabricando un vehículo con la marca "Suburban", y GM recibió una marca registrada exclusiva para el nombre en 1988. El Chevrolet Suburban es uno de los SUV más grandes del mercado actual. Ha sobrevivido a vehículos competitivos como el International Harvester Travelall , el Jeep Wagoneer y el Ford Excursion . El último competidor es el Ford Expedition EL de longitud extendida , que reemplazó indirectamente al Excursion.

El Suburban de hoy es un SUV de tamaño completo (actualizado a longitud extendida a partir de 1967 en adelante para hacer espacio para el entonces nuevo Blazer K5 que debutó en 1969) con tres filas de asientos, un chasis de camioneta completo y motor V8 . Es una de las pocas camionetas familiares disponibles con todas las filas de asientos tipo banco. El Suburban tiene la misma altura y ancho que el Chevrolet Tahoe , excepto que el Suburban es 15-20 pulgadas (380-510 mm) más largo. La longitud adicional proporciona un área de carga de tamaño completo detrás del área de asientos para nueve pasajeros.

De 1973 a 2013, estuvo disponible en versiones de media tonelada y 3/4 de tonelada. Chevrolet suspendió esta opción para el público durante el período de vigencia del modelo de décima generación después de 2013 debido a las bajas ventas. Sin embargo, para el año modelo 2016, debutó un modelo de una tonelada como exclusivo para servicios de alquiler, flotas y gubernamentales como la undécima generación en 4WD y con opciones de equipamiento LS y LT, pero las bajas ventas provocaron que Chevrolet suspendiera la producción de este modelo después de 2019.

Un Suburban de novena generación utilizado como camión de policía en Toronto .

En los últimos años, el Suburban se ha utilizado como camión de policía , vehículo de jefe de bomberos y vehículo de servicios médicos de urgencia . Los Suburban también se utilizan como taxis y limusinas . Los vehículos Suburban negros góticos son utilizados comúnmente por los servicios de inteligencia federales, como el Servicio Secreto . El Servicio Secreto opera versiones completamente blindadas del Suburban para el presidente de los Estados Unidos cuando asiste a compromisos menos formales. [7] El Suburban (así como las variantes Tahoe y GMC) es muy popular entre la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones como vehículo de servicio.

A fines de la década de 1990, GM también presentó una versión RHD del Suburban, con la insignia Holden , para el mercado australiano. Las ventas fueron bajas y GM retiró el modelo en 2000 de la línea de Holden. En 2019, Chevrolet consideró traer el Suburban de regreso a la región como un RWD importado convertido a través de Holden Special Vehicles pero usando la insignia Chevrolet, pero está posponiendo esos planes debido a numerosos factores, incluida la situación que involucra la decisión de GM de retirar la marca Holden en 2020.

En 2015, el Suburban conmemoró su 80 aniversario en la planta de ensamblaje de General Motors en Arlington, donde se produjo el Suburban número 10 millones. [8] Se publicó un video en el canal de YouTube de Chevrolet sobre su legado de ochenta años. [9]

En un artículo del 26 de febrero de 2018 que celebra el 83.° aniversario del vehículo, Car and Driver señala que la longevidad del Suburban se debe a que es una de las marcas más vendidas de GM, a su atractivo para clientes de todo tipo, independientemente de su raza, género, clase o afiliación política, y a una lealtad única hacia el SUV. En una entrevista con el ejecutivo de marketing de camionetas y SUV de Chevrolet, Sandor Piszar, quien recuerda un evento que celebraba el centenario de la división de camionetas cuando le preguntaron cómo bautizaban a sus vehículos, "es una pregunta divertida, pero realmente es un punto intrigante", dice Piszar. "La gente le pone nombre a lo que ama. Y aman a sus Suburban". [10]

El 5 de diciembre de 2019, el Chevrolet Suburban se convirtió en el primer vehículo en recibir una estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood por parte de la Cámara de Comercio de Hollywood por su excelencia en cine y televisión, habiendo aparecido en más de 1.750 películas y series de televisión desde 1952, y también puede afirmar haber aparecido en al menos una serie de televisión cada año desde 1956, y al menos en una película cada año desde 1960, la mayor cantidad jamás lograda para un automóvil de cualquier tipo. La estrella, colocada en la esquina de Hollywood Boulevard y Highland Avenue, también llevaba el símbolo "Bowtie" de Chevrolet en lugar de los símbolos de entretenimiento (cine, teatro, televisión, radio, instrumentos musicales y artista de grabación), otra novedad para el Paseo de la Fama. [11]

Ha habido un total de doce generaciones de Chevrolet Suburban desde su debut en 1934.

Primera generación (1935)

Antes de la primera generación del Suburban, en 1933, el Chevrolet Master ofrecía una carrocería familiar construida sobre el chasis de una camioneta de media tonelada. Este modelo se construyó específicamente para las unidades de la Guardia Nacional y del Cuerpo Civil de Conservación . Gran parte de la carrocería estaba construida de madera y podía albergar hasta ocho ocupantes.

El modelo de primera generación fue ofrecido por Chevrolet como un "Carryall Suburban", un vehículo utilitario con una carrocería familiar sobre el chasis de una camioneta pequeña. Centrado en la funcionalidad, el concepto era de hecho "llevarlo todo": toda la familia y su equipo debían encontrar suficiente espacio en una camioneta. [6] Compartía la chapa frontal y los bastidores de los modelos de camioneta de media tonelada del mismo año, pero presentaba carrocerías familiares completamente metálicas que diferían muy poco en forma de las camionetas familiares contemporáneas "woodie" .

Había asientos disponibles para hasta ocho ocupantes, con tres en la fila delantera, dos en la fila del medio y tres en la fila trasera. Se podía elegir entre las puertas traseras con bisagras laterales o una ventana trasera elevable para acceder al área de carga, mientras que solo había dos puertas para el acceso de los pasajeros. [6]

Suburban Carryall 1937 (parte trasera)

Segunda generación (1941)

Los Suburbans se construyeron en los años modelo 1941, 1942 y 1946. También se produjo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial como vehículo de transporte militar. [18] [15] Estaba disponible con asientos para hasta ocho ocupantes. Los modelos con puertas en el panel trasero se designaron como "3106", mientras que los que tenían portones traseros se designaron como "3116". Las versiones Chevrolet estaban equipadas con un motor de 6 cilindros de 216 pulgadas cúbicas . La versión GMC estaba equipada con un motor de 6 cilindros de 228 pulgadas cúbicas . Compartía gran parte de su mecánica con las camionetas de la serie AK .

Tercera generación (1947)

Chevrolet Suburban 1950
Suburbano GMC 1954

Esta generación de modelos se basó en la serie de camionetas Chevrolet Advance Design .

A partir de 1953, la transmisión automática de 4 velocidades Hydra-Matic estuvo disponible en los modelos GMC y en los Chevrolet Suburban del año modelo 1954. Los modelos con puertas traseras en el panel se designaron como "3106", mientras que los que tenían portones traseros se designaron como "3116". En 1952, el Suburban venía con portón trasero o puertas en el panel. [15] El asiento del banco delantero estaba dividido, con dos asientos en el lado del conductor y un solo asiento en el lado del pasajero, que se deslizaba hacia adelante para acceder a las dos filas de asientos traseras. La segunda fila era un asiento "2/3", lo que requería que los ocupantes se movieran más allá del asiento del pasajero delantero, así como de los asientos de la segunda fila para acceder a la tercera fila.

Esta fue la última serie que incluyó modelos " Canopy Express ". [22]

El diseño del Suburban de 1947 inspiraría el diseño del Chevrolet HHR más de medio siglo después. [23]

Cuarta generación (1955)

La ingeniería y el estilo actualizados de las camionetas Chevrolet no se introdujeron hasta el 25 de marzo de 1955, a mediados del año modelo que GM denominó serie Chevrolet Task Force/GMC Blue Chip . Todos los modelos de camionetas Chevrolet y GMC recibieron un nuevo estilo que incluía un capó más plano, guardabarros delanteros al ras de la carrocería y una parrilla trapezoidal. [15] El velocímetro en forma de V de las camionetas era compartido con los modelos de automóviles de pasajeros. [29]

Los motores incluían el I6 y los V8 de bloque pequeño. Chevrolet utilizó su motor V8 de 265 , que luego evolucionó a una versión de 283 pulgadas cúbicas. GMC basó su V8 ​​en un diseño de Pontiac . Los números de modelo estándar de Suburban continuaron a partir de la serie anterior, pero la introducción de los modelos con tracción en las cuatro ruedas en 1957 agregó los números "3156" para Suburbans 4WD con puertas de panel y "3166" para Suburbans 4WD con portones traseros. [30] [31]

El nombre "Suburban" también se utilizó en las elegantes camionetas pickup de 2 puertas de la serie GMC 100 de GM de 1955 a 1959, llamadas Suburban Pickup, que eran similares a la Chevrolet Cameo Carrier , pero se abandonó al mismo tiempo que la Cameo de Chevy en marzo de 1958, cuando GM lanzó la nueva opción de caja "Fleetside" totalmente de acero que reemplazó las cajas laterales de fibra de vidrio de la Cameo/Suburban Pickup. El nombre Suburban nunca se volvió a utilizar en una camioneta de media tonelada después de la discontinuación de la Suburban Pickup. Aunque no está documentado debido a un incendio que destruyó los registros, se entiende que la producción de camionetas Suburban fue de 300 o menos cada año modelo que se ofreció de 1955 a 1958.

Quinta generación (1960)

El estilo del modelo del año 1960-1961 se inspiró en los vehículos Chevrolet de finales de la década de 1950 y tenía grandes puertos ovalados sobre la parrilla. Una suspensión delantera independiente era nueva para 1960. [33] La cabina presentaba un parabrisas "envolvente", mientras que el portón trasero y las puertas traseras del panel estaban disponibles.

A partir de 1962, el estilo del capó fue más conservador, con capós que eliminaron los grandes puertos. En 1964, el área de vidrio frontal se actualizó con un parabrisas más plano y un vidrio de puerta más grande. Se podían transportar 1150 lb (520 kg) de carga en la parte trasera. [34]

Esta serie de modelos introdujo por primera vez una opción de tracción en las cuatro ruedas ("K") equipada de fábrica. Los modelos con tracción en dos ruedas ("C") introdujeron una suspensión delantera independiente basada en barra de torsión y una suspensión trasera con brazos de arrastre y resortes helicoidales, pero en 1963 volvieron a adoptar un enfoque más convencional con resortes helicoidales.

Las opciones de motor incluían seis cilindros en línea y V8 de bloque pequeño . También estaba disponible un motor GMC V6 de 305 pulgadas cúbicas (5,0 L) en los modelos GMC. Este 305 en realidad pertenecía a la línea de camionetas de servicio mediano de GMC. Presentaba un alto par motor, pero su economía de combustible era notoriamente pobre. Las transmisiones eran una manual de 3 y 4 velocidades, la automática Powerglide y, en los modelos GMC, la Hydra-Matic de doble rango de 1960 a 1962.

Stageway, de Fort Smith, Arkansas, realizó una conversión para 15 pasajeros. Estos Suburban modificados tenían tres puertas a la derecha, una distancia entre ejes de 171 pulgadas (4343 mm), una longitud de 273 pulgadas (6934 mm) y pesaban 6300 libras (2858 kg). [15]

Los modelos de camiones de una tonelada (C-30) y 10 pies (3 m) ya no estaban disponibles después de 1966.

Chevrolet Veraneio (Brasil)

Vista frontal, desde la derecha, de un Chevrolet Veraneio verde del año 1972+
1972-1978 Chevrolet Veraneio

En 1964, Chevrolet presentó en Brasil una versión de 5 puertas del Suburban llamada C-1416 (conocida como Veraneio a partir de 1969, que en portugués significa "verano"). Se basó en el Chevrolet C-14 brasileño contemporáneo . Al igual que el C-14, el C-1416/Veraneio utilizó el grupo de instrumentos de la serie C/K estadounidense, aunque el diseño de chapa exterior es exclusivo de Brasil. Inicialmente estaba propulsado por un Chevrolet de seis cilindros en línea de 4,2 L basado en los motores "Stovebolt" anteriores a 1962. Más tarde, utilizó el motor de 250 pulgadas cúbicas (4,1 L) del sedán mediano brasileño de Chevrolet, el Opala . La versión original del Veraneio se mantuvo en producción, con otra parrilla e interior, hasta 1988 (año modelo 1989), pero finalmente fue reemplazada por una versión actualizada basada en la familia Série 20 . [35] La segunda generación del Veraneio se produjo entre 1989 y 1995.

En 1997, GM introdujo las camionetas norteamericanas en el mercado brasileño, reemplazando a la longeva serie C. La versión brasileña del Suburban también se adaptó a la generación actual en ese momento y duró hasta 2001 como "Grand Blazer", sucediendo al Veraneio. El motor de seis cilindros en línea de 4,1 litros con 138 hp (101 kW) se ofreció en ambos modelos con la opción de una unidad turbodiésel MWM de 4,2 litros con 168 hp (124 kW).

En 2015, Autoweek clasificó al Veraneio en el cuarto lugar entre las camionetas familiares Chevrolet que nunca se vendieron en los EE. UU. También citó el diseño del vehículo como "barroco" y lo resumió como "un crossover brasileño de los años 60". Autoweek señaló que el Veraneio es elegible para su importación a los Estados Unidos bajo la exención de 25 años. [36]

Sexta generación (1967)

Insignia del Chevrolet Suburban C10
Chevrolet Suburban C10

La sexta generación de Suburban debutó junto con la generación "Action-Line" de camionetas C/K. Al crecer en tamaño con respecto a su rival International Travelall, la Suburban pasó de una distancia entre ejes de 115 pulgadas a una de 127 pulgadas (compartida por camionetas pickup con cajas de 8 pies). En otro cambio, se presentó por primera vez una Suburban C-20 de 34 toneladas . Junto con la configuración estándar de tracción trasera, también se ofrecieron los modelos 4x4 K-10/K-20.

En una configuración exclusiva de esta generación, los Suburban Action-Line están configurados con una sola puerta del lado del conductor y dos puertas para los pasajeros. En 1969, al Suburban se le sumó el K5 Blazer (GMC Jimmy), un vehículo utilitario de dos puertas con techo rígido elevable y más corto.

El Suburban con tracción trasera también estaba disponible como camioneta con fines comerciales. Después del modelo del año 1970, la configuración se retiró y el modelo fue reemplazado funcionalmente por la Chevrolet Van/GMC Vandura de la serie G en 1971.

Durante su producción, el Action-Line Suburban compartió una gran cantidad de características mecánicas con su contraparte, la camioneta pickup, y compartió la misma oferta de motor. Un motor de seis cilindros en línea de 250 pulgadas cúbicas era estándar, con un motor de seis cilindros en línea de 292 pulgadas cúbicas ofrecido como opción. Los V8 de bloque pequeño inicialmente eran de 283 y 327 (más tarde, 307 y 350); un V8 de 396 (402) sirvió como una oferta de V8 de bloque grande. Los GMC Suburbans estaban equipados con un V6 de 305 como motor estándar hasta 1970.

Compartiendo las revisiones de estilo de las camionetas Action-Line, el Suburban introdujo frenos de disco delanteros en 1971. [40] Los vehículos con transmisión automática recibieron una columna de dirección inclinable opcional. [41] Para 1972, el aire acondicionado opcional del asiento trasero se rediseñó con una carcasa más pequeña (anteriormente equipada con una carcasa que recorría todo el largo del techo).

El Action-Line Suburban se produjo junto con el rápido crecimiento del mercado de vehículos recreativos a fines de la década de 1960. Si bien solo se produjeron alrededor de 6200 Suburban en 1967, en 1972, la producción había aumentado a aproximadamente 27 000. [ cita requerida ] Junto con el retiro de la configuración de camioneta, esta generación marcó el uso final del nombre GMC Carryall.

Séptima generación (1973)

En 1973, el Suburban pasó a formar parte de la serie Rounded-Line C/K , y tanto la división Chevrolet como la GMC adoptaron la denominación Suburban. Con un tamaño nominalmente superior al de su predecesor Action-Line, el Suburban de séptima generación abandonó por completo su pasado de vehículo todoterreno e introdujo una carrocería estilo station wagon con cuatro puertas para pasajeros (más de una década después de sus rivales Wagoneer y Travelall). Como el término "vehículo utilitario deportivo" se asociaba más estrechamente con los vehículos todoterreno (como el K5 Blazer), GM designó al Suburban como un station wagon basado en una camioneta. [42] [43]

Desde la parte trasera de las puertas de pasajeros, el Suburban compartía su carrocería (tanto sus puertas como la línea del techo) con la camioneta con cabina doble C/K (una nueva configuración introducida para 1973). Las series de 1/2 tonelada y 3/4 toneladas con carga útil de 10 y 20 toneladas hicieron su regreso junto con la serie C con tracción trasera y la serie K 4x4. Junto con las puertas traseras de doble panel de larga duración, el Suburban adoptó una puerta trasera opcional estilo portón trasero con una ventana trasera retráctil (que se bajaba de forma manual o eléctrica). [42] [44]

Inicialmente ofrecido en acabados Custom, Custom Deluxe y Cheyenne Super, [45] el Chevrolet Suburban adoptó una nomenclatura de acabado base Custom Deluxe, Scottsdale de nivel medio y Silverado insignia para 1975. Los GMC Suburban fueron inicialmente Custom, Super Custom y Sierra Grande; [46] en 1975, Sierra Classic reemplazó a Super Custom. [47] En 1981, GMC reemplazó a Custom con Sierra. [48] Una variante poco común tanto para Chevrolet como para GMC fue el paquete de opciones Estate, que ofrecía molduras exteriores con vetas de madera (en línea con los sedán basados ​​en camionetas); la opción se ofreció hasta el año modelo 1979. [49]

Aunque técnicamente solo estaba equipado con un asiento de banco delantero como equipo estándar, el Suburban se ofreció en múltiples configuraciones interiores, ofreciendo asientos para hasta nueve pasajeros. Los asientos delanteros tipo butaca se convirtieron en una opción para los asientos delanteros en 1978, y el asiento de la tercera fila cambió a un diseño de liberación rápida (sin herramientas) para 1979. [50]

El Suburban de línea redondeada compartía las mismas revisiones exteriores de su contraparte camioneta. Junto con revisiones menores en 1975, 1977 y 1980, la línea de modelos experimentó una revisión más sustancial en 1981, seguida de actualizaciones en 1983 y 1985. [51]

Detalles del tren motriz

El Suburban compartió varios motores con la línea de camionetas C/K. Un motor de seis cilindros en línea de 250 pulgadas cúbicas fue el motor estándar hasta 1979. La línea de modelos se ofreció con un V8 de bloque pequeño de 307 (solo en 1973) y 350 pulgadas cúbicas; un V8 de bloque grande de 454 pulgadas cúbicas era opcional en los Suburban de la serie C. Para 1976, al V8 de 350 pulgadas cúbicas se unieron los V8 de 305 y 400 pulgadas cúbicas; este último se suspendió para 1981. Para 1980, los motores V8 se convirtieron en estándar para la línea de modelos, y el 305 regresó como motor estándar para 1981. Para 1982, GM introdujo un V8 Detroit Diesel de 6.2L como una alternativa de mayor eficiencia al V8 de 454. [52]

Se ofreció una transmisión manual de 3 velocidades hasta el año modelo 1980, con una transmisión manual de 4 velocidades hasta 1987. Inicialmente se ofreció con transmisiones automáticas Turbo Hydra-Matic 350 y 400 de 3 velocidades, una Turbo Hydra-Matic 700R4 de 4 velocidades se convirtió en una opción en 1981.

En 1980, los Suburban de la serie K pasaron de la tracción integral permanente a un sistema de tiempo parcial, lo que permitió que el eje delantero girara libremente. [53] En 1981, el sistema 4x4 con cambio sobre la marcha adoptó bujes delanteros con bloqueo automático; la caja de transferencia NP208 reemplazó a la NP205 en la mayoría de los ejemplos. [54] [55]

Serie R/V (1987-1991)

Para 1987, GM rediseñó la serie Rounded-Line C/K como la serie R/V para dar cabida al lanzamiento de los camiones C/K de la plataforma GMT400 de 1988, que se lanzaron en la primavera de 1987. Para 1987, los motores de gasolina del modelo pasaron de la entrega de combustible con carburador a la inyección electrónica de combustible (utilizando inyección de cuerpo del acelerador / TBI) . Para 1988, el motor de 5.0L se eliminó de la línea, y el V8 de 5.7L se convirtió en el motor estándar. En una revisión del acabado, la línea R/V adoptó la nomenclatura de su sucesor GMT400, y todos los vehículos adoptaron la serie de carga útil 1500/2500/3500 (anteriormente utilizada por GMC) y el acabado básico Custom Deluxe se retiró y se reemplazó por un acabado Cheyenne revivido.

En 1989, el exterior sufrió su mayor revisión desde su introducción en 1973. Adoptando un estilo similar al del GMT400, la parrilla pintada de negro se ofreció con faros cuádruples (los acabados económicos estaban equipados con dos). Después de utilizar el mismo diseño casi sin cambios desde 1973, se reemplazó el volante (adoptando el mismo diseño que el GMT400). [53]

En 1990, el Suburban introdujo espejos laterales eléctricos y agregó la opción de ABS en las ruedas traseras . Junto con el Suburban y el Blazer/Jimmy, la línea R/V se redujo casi exclusivamente a camionetas con cabina doble de 1 tonelada y camionetas con chasis y cabina.

En 1991, la transmisión automática 700R4 de 4 velocidades fue reemplazada por la unidad 4L80-E controlada electrónicamente. Después de 18 años de producción, la producción del Suburban Rounded-Line finalizó cuando GM cambió las camionetas pickup con cabina doble y los SUV de tamaño completo a la plataforma GMT400 en 1992.

Octava generación (1992)

Los Suburban basados ​​en el GMT400 se introdujeron en diciembre de 1991 para el año modelo 1992. La camioneta C/K ya había cambiado a la plataforma más nueva en 1987 para el año modelo 1988. Se ofrecieron modelos con tracción en las dos ruedas (2WD) y en las cuatro ruedas (4WD), así como modelos de media tonelada y tres cuartos de tonelada ("1500" y "2500").

La serie GMT400 introdujo una suspensión delantera independiente . Los modelos 2WD usaban resortes helicoidales y los modelos 4WD usaban barras de torsión en la suspensión delantera. Todos los modelos usaban un eje rígido y ballestas en la parte trasera. Los Suburban de la serie GMT400 experimentaron cambios constantes pero menores desde 1994 hasta que la producción terminó a favor de la novena generación del Suburban en octubre de 1999. Esta generación también fue importada de México a Australia y Nueva Zelanda por Holden ; equipado con volante a la derecha se vendió como Holden Suburban entre febrero de 1998 y enero de 2001 con varios cambios menores. [56]

Novena generación (2000)

GMC Yukon XL GMT800
GMC Yukon XL Denali 2006
Chevrolet Suburban LS

Los Suburban basados ​​en el GMT800 se introdujeron a fines de diciembre de 1999 (solo en Texas) y enero de 2000 (a nivel nacional) para el año modelo 2000. [58] Se vendieron en dos series: 1/2 tonelada 1500 y 3/4 tonelada 2500, aunque a diferencia de los modelos anteriores, ya no se usaba la insignia exterior para distinguirlos. Los Suburban vinieron en versiones Base, LS y LT. Opcional era un botón de tracción en las 4 ruedas con una caja de transferencia de rango bajo. Un enganche de remolque con un enchufe de cableado de remolque era opcional.

En el año 2000, los motores V8 de 5,7 y 7,4 litros de Chevrolet, que llevaban mucho tiempo en servicio , se retiraron junto con el diésel de 6,5 litros (excepto en México, hasta 2002). Los nuevos motores fueron el Vortec de 5,3 litros basado en el LS para la serie 1500 y el Vortec de 6,0 litros para la serie 2500.

Mientras que Chevrolet mantuvo la marca Tahoe /Suburban, GMC renombró sus productos GMT800 como Yukon y Yukon XL , un cambio que continúa hasta el día de hoy. La distancia entre ejes más corta de 116" se convirtió en Yukon y la distancia entre ejes completa de 130" se convirtió en Yukon XL. Los Yukon se construyeron en versiones SLE, SLT y Denali .

Nuevas características incluidas:

Cambios anuales


Además, un Vortec 5700 L31 V8 de 350 pulgadas cúbicas (5,7 L) siguió en uso en las camionetas Suburban, Tahoes (llamada Sonora) y Silverado de 2000 a 2002 en el mercado mexicano.

Décima generación (2007)

2010 GMC Yukon XL SLT
GMT900 GMC Yukon XL Denali
2007 Chevrolet Suburban LT

The 2007 model year Suburban and Yukon XL were unveiled at the 2006 Los Angeles Auto Show in January. Production of the redesigned GMT900 Suburban and Yukon XL began at Janesville Assembly and Silao Assembly in January 2006 (Suburban) April 2006 (Yukon XL), with the vehicles arriving at dealerships in April 2006.

The new models were redesigned with more modern and rounded styling,[60] already seen on the previously released 2007 Tahoes and Yukons. For the first time, the SUVs did not share any exterior parts with the pickup trucks except for the doors. The exterior features a more aerodynamic shape, made partly by a steeply raked windshield angle.

The interior had a redesigned dashboard and improved seats. It still retained its 9-passenger seating availability, which was available on LS and SLE models only. LT2 and LT3 models have leather seating and available 6-, 7-, and 8-passenger seating. A Z71 package was available on LT2 and LT3 models which included two-tone leather seats. All Mexican-built Suburbans including the 9-seat models offered the special two-tone leather seating used by the Z71. The Suburban LTZ came standard with a DVD player and a GPS-enhanced touchscreen radio.

For the 2010 model year, in which U.S. News & World Report ranked it as the number-one affordable large SUV,[62] the Suburban added a premium interior package that included tri-zone climate control and handy features like Bluetooth and rear audio controls. Additionally, radios added a USB port, allowing for music to be played from auxiliary devices through the radio, as well as charging other small electronics. Side blind zone alert became an option on LT and standard on LTZ. The 6.0-liter engine in the 2010 models was also flex-fuel capable. Minor front-end changes including a slightly raised front bumper and side torso airbags were also made standard for 2010.

In February 2010, Chevrolet unveiled a 75th-anniversary edition of the Suburban, which had the LTZ trim with white diamond tricoat exterior paint and cashmere interior, along with standard 20-inch chrome-clad wheels, revised roof rails, integrated navigation radio, XM Satellite Radio, Bluetooth phone connectivity, rearview camera, rear park assist, remote starting, adjustable pedals, and leather upholstery with heated/cooled front seats. According to Chevrolet, only 2,570 units of this special edition would be produced because of the amount of white diamond paint GM could procure.[63]

The 5.3-liter and 6.0-liter engines were improved, and a new 403-horsepower (301 kW; 409 PS) 6.2-liter Vortec V8 was added for the Yukon XL Denali. The 8.1-liter engine was dropped.

For the 2011 model year, the Suburban added three new exterior colors to the lineup: Mocha Steel Metallic, Green Steel Metallic, and Ice Blue Metallic. More features became standard on each trim, with the rear audio system, Bluetooth, floor console/storage area, woodgrain interior, luggage rack rails, body-color exterior door handle/mirror caps, and premium-cloth front bucket seats now standard on the LS trim, and chrome recovery hooks, two-speed transfer case, and 20-inch chrome wheels standard on LTZ 4WD models. In addition, the trailering package featured the trailer brake controller as standard on all trims.[64]

For the 2012 model year, trailer sway control and Hill Start Assist become standard on all trims, while the LTZ trim added a heated steering wheel as standard.[65] Also, the LT1/2 options for the Suburban and SLE1/2 and SLT1/2 options on the Yukon XL were discontinued, leaving the Suburban with only an LS, LT, and LTZ trim and the Yukon XL with an SLE and SLT trim. In 2012, GMC celebrated its 100th anniversary by releasing a special edition of its Yukon XL, offering a Heritage Edition trim package.[66] This was the final year that three colors, Graystone Metallic, Gold Mist Metallic, and Blue Topaz Metallic, would be offered, along with the all-season blackwall P265/65R18 tires.

For the 2013 model year, two new colors were offered: Champagne Silver Metallic and Blue Ray Metallic (extra charge). Also new was Powertrain Grade Braking, normal mode. The 2013 model arrived at Chevrolet dealers in June 2012.[67]

For the 2014 model year, power-adjustable pedals, remote vehicle starter system, and rear parking assist along with rear vision camera and inside mirror with camera display became standard on the Suburban LS trims. Concord Metallic (which was supposed to be available for the 2013 MY) was added to the Suburban color offerings for the 2014 models.[68] For the Yukon XL, a convenience package became standard on its SLE models, along with a new color, Deep Indigo Metallic.[69] In February 2014, The Suburban came in second behind the Tahoe among the top-ranked large affordable SUVs by U.S News & World Report.[70] This would be followed by being acknowledged as an award recipient in the large SUV category by JD Power and Associates in July 2014.[71]

The three-quarter-ton model's towing capacity is 9,600 lb (4,400 kg), being one of the best of any 4×4 SUV and unmatched by any other SUV. The towing capacity of the Suburban 2500 was unmatched, but also uncontested because of the discontinuation of the Ford Excursion in 2006. The three-quarter-ton model also has a GCVW of 16,000 lb (7,300 kg).

The 2500 Suburban was originally sourced from Silao, Mexico, from 2007 to 2008 but was moved to the Arlington, Texas, assembly plant for the 2009 model year, where production of all GM fullsize SUVs was consolidated after the closing of the Janesville plant.[72][73]

GM discontinued the 2500 versions of both Suburban and Yukon XL models after the 2013 model year.[74][75]

Eleventh generation (2015)

Rear view of Chevrolet Suburban
2015 GMC Yukon XL SLT
Interior (Chevrolet Suburban)

The eleventh generation Chevrolet Suburban, GMC Yukon XL, and Yukon Denali XL were introduced to the public on September 12, 2013,[80] and GM unveiled the vehicles in different locations (the Suburban in New York, Yukon XL in Los Angeles) on that date.[81] Both vehicles are based on the GMT K2XX platform and carried specific model numbers, identified by platform (K2), brand (YC for Chevrolet, YG for GMC), drivetrain (C for 2WD; K for 4WD), tonnage (15 for half-ton, 25 for 3/4-ton, 35 for 1-ton), wheelbase (7 for short, 9 for long), and 06 for SUV, which means that a K2YC-K-15-9-06 would be identified as a Chevrolet Suburban 1500 4WD.[82] The Suburban and Yukon XL went on sale in February 2014 as a 2015 model,[83][84] with the vehicles built exclusively in Arlington, Texas.[85]

Production details

The newly redesigned Suburban and Yukon XL were showcased to the public for the first time on September 27, 2013, at the State Fair of Texas.[86][87] This move comes on the heels of the 80th anniversary of the first production of the Suburban in 1934.

The designs and concepts were created by GM's exterior design manager Chip Thole (before his transfer to GM's Buick design studio in 2013), who told Truck Trend "I start with what intuition tells me about the market and get the team going on that. You look at trends around the industry – fashion, culture, what people are buying, what they say they want now – and project that into the future. The fun part is putting those ideas to paper and going from there." He then added, "We wanted to take what was good about today's vehicles, bring that forward and make them new and different with that spark of freshness that people recognize, without making them gimmicky or overdone." Thole also challenged his design team to help bring ideas to the SUVs, which lead to the split headlamps and a more graphic feel for the Suburban design, while a more industrial but sculptured look was added to the Yukon XL to give it a unique identity of its own.[88]

Production on the Suburban and Tahoe began in December 2013 with the first completed SUVs being used for testing purposes.[89] GM then officially started shipping the vehicles to dealerships on February 5, 2014.[90] It is estimated that it took 8–10 weeks to assemble the SUVs, save for the upgrades on the level trims and destination scheduling.[91]


The front fascia of the Chevy Suburban and GMC Yukon XL is distinct, but from the base of the A-pillars back, they share most of the same styling cues. This now includes inlaid doors that tuck into the door sills, instead of over them, improving aerodynamics, fuel economy, and lessens interior noise. The hoods and liftgate panels are made of aluminum to reduce vehicle weight, and the wiper blades that were located on the liftgate door were moved to the rear spoiler located on the top of the rear liftgate window. Also noticeable is the SUV's length, which expands from 222.4 to 224.4 in (5,649 to 5,700 mm) (the Yukon XL's length is shorter at 224.3 in (5,697 mm)) and its width from 79.1 to 80.5 in (2,009 to 2,045 mm), while the height decreases from 76.8 to 74.4 in (1,951 to 1,890 mm), thus allowing the vehicle to become slightly leaner, a little bit wider, more streamlined, and roomier.

A more efficient, direct-injected EcoTec3 V8 powertrain (5.3 for the Suburban, 6.2 for Yukon XL/Yukon Denali XL) coupled with improved aerodynamics, helped the SUVs offer greater estimated highway fuel economy and improving its fuel economy estimates to 16 mpg‑US (15 L/100 km; 19 mpg‑imp) (city), 23 mpg‑US (10 L/100 km; 28 mpg‑imp) (highway), and 18 mpg‑US (13 L/100 km; 22 mpg‑imp) (combined) for 2WD, and 15 mpg‑US (16 L/100 km; 18 mpg‑imp) (city), 22 mpg‑US (11 L/100 km; 26 mpg‑imp) (highway), and 18 mpg‑US (13 L/100 km; 22 mpg‑imp) (combined) for 4WD.[92] The increased fuel economy also vaulted the Suburban/Yukon XL into the top spot among large SUVs with the most efficient fuel economy rating numbers for this segment.[93] However, when Motor Trend (which placed the 2015 Suburban on the front cover of its June 2014 issue) did a road test review on the SUVs, it estimated the 4WD MPG on the Suburban LTZ to be slightly better at around 15.2 mpg‑US (15.5 L/100 km; 18.3 mpg‑imp) city and 22.3 mpg‑US (10.5 L/100 km; 26.8 mpg‑imp) highway, while the 4WD Yukon Denali XL, whose fuel economy (MPG) is rated at 14 mpg‑US (17 L/100 km; 17 mpg‑imp) city and 20 mpg‑US (12 L/100 km; 24 mpg‑imp) highway, was estimated lower at 12.4 mpg‑US (19.0 L/100 km; 14.9 mpg‑imp) city and 19.2 mpg‑US (12.3 L/100 km; 23.1 mpg‑imp) highway.[94]

Like the 2007–14 version, both the Suburban and Yukon XL did not share a single piece of sheet metal or lighting element with the brands' full-size pickup trucks, and the front grilles of both vehicles were slightly altered to give it their own identity. The front headlights featured projector-beam headlamps flanking the Chevrolet-signature dual-port grille – chrome on all models, sweeping into the front fenders, while the Tahoe/Suburban LTZ and Yukon/XL Denali trims featured projector-beam high-intensity discharge headlamps and LED daytime running lamps. The Yukon and Yukon XL also featured projector-beam halogen headlamps on SLE and SLT trims. The improved safety features included a 360-degree radar detection for crash avoidance and occupant protection and a high-tech anti-theft system that now included vertical and interior sensors, in-glass and window breaking, a triggering alarm, and a shutdown device preventing the vehicle from moving. The latter was expected to address the issues regarding the constant thefts of the vehicles, especially with the previous generation's removable seats and items left in the cargo space, which has become a target for carjackers who see the third-row seats as valuable on the black market.[95] According to General Motors' head of Global Vehicle Security Bill Biondo, "We have engineered a layered approach to vehicle security ... With new standard features and the available theft protection package, we are making the vehicles less attractive target to thieves and more secure for our customers."[96]

Also new were the addition of fold-flat second and third-row seats (replacing the aforementioned removable third seats), which was now a standard feature but could be equipped with an optional power-folding feature for the upgraded trims, and an additional two inches of legroom for second-row passengers. HD radio became a standard feature on all trims. Multiple USB ports and power outlets were now spread throughout their interiors, including one 120 V three-prong outlet on both Suburban and Yukon XL, with the Suburban adding an available eight-inch color touch screen radio with next-generation MyLink connectivity along with an available rear-seat entertainment system with dual screens and Blu-ray DVD player, while the Yukon XL added a standard eight-inch-diagonal color touch screen radio with enhanced IntelliLink and available navigation. A 4G LTE WiFi access system, along with Siri Eyes Free and text messaging alerts, was included in all vehicles featuring the OnStar device around the second quarter of 2014.[97][98]

Suburban HD

Suburban HD

With the change to the K2 platform, GM discontinued the 34-ton Suburban 2500; however, plans were revealed to offer a K2-based Suburban HD for fleet sales according to an updated VIN decoding document filed in March 2015.[99] This version, identified as a Class 3 vehicle (around 10,000 to 14,000 pounds (4,500 to 6,400 kg) GVWR), was only available as a 4WD vehicle with the same design as the eleventh generation (K2XX), but was equipped with a different engine altogether.[99] The Suburban HD was offered only in LS and LT trims, reserving the LTZ trim for a more luxurious offering (like limousine or taxi-related services).[100] It also was not offered with 2WD or upgraded packages. In addition, there were no plans to offer a 34-ton GMC Yukon XL as GM made the design exclusive to Chevrolet.[99][101]

The Suburban HD was officially named the "Suburban 3500HD," indicating a one-ton truck rating, and was introduced for the 2016 model year. This was available exclusively for fleet sales and equipped with the L96 6.0L V8 engine, 6L90 6-speed heavy-duty automatic transmission (RPO MYD), 17-inch machined aluminum wheels (8-lug), a high-capacity air cleaner, 220-amp alternator, external engine oil cooler, and auxiliary transmission cooler. The 3500HD did not include HD radio.[102] Although the vehicle had a high GVWR of 11,000 lb (5,000 kg), it is intended to provide a larger payload but minimal towing capacity, as it primarily was intended for conversion to an armored transport.[103]

The 2019 model year would be the last year for the K2-based Suburban HD;[103] chassis production ceased in August 2018.[104][105]

2015 mid-year update

The Suburban added a hands-free power liftgate feature that is standard on the LTZ but included on the LT with the optional Luxury Package. The added 4G LTE WiFi and Siri features became standard on both LT and LTZ trims, while the MyLink with Navigation feature was upgraded from optional to standard on the LTZ trim. The E85 capability feature is removed from retail orders.[106]

The Yukon XL's 6.2-liter EcoTec3 V8 engine was updated with the new 8L90E eight-speed automatic transmission for the interim model year, allowing it to improve fuel economy.[107] The Yukon XL Denali, however, saw its MSRP bumped up by $1,300 (~$1,634 in 2023) in part because of the loaded features.[108]

All GM full-sized SUVs received a body-colored painted Shark Fin antenna as part of the 2015 mid-year refresh.

This refresh is often referred to as the 2015i, "i" for interim processing code.


For the 2016 model year (which commenced sales in July 2015), the Chevrolet Suburban received more upgraded changes and new features that included power-adjustable pedals, forward collision alert, IntelliBeam headlamps, lane keep assist, and a safety alert seat as part of the newly introduced enhanced driver alert package as an available option on the LS trim. The inside floor console with storage area-SD card reader was removed, while a new AM/FM audio integrated system with Sirius XM, HD Radio, and CD/MP3 capabilities was introduced as a standard feature on all trims; the 8-inch MyLink feature was expanded to the LS trim and became standard (replacing the 4-inch display), although the navigation feature remained as an option on LT and standard on LTZ. A new liftgate shield was added to the Theft Protection Package, along with the new lane keep assist which replaced the lane departure warning. The capless fuel fill tanks became standard on all trims. Siren Red Tintcoat and Iridescent Pearl Tricoat became the new color trims, replacing Crystal Red Tintcoat and White Diamond Tricoat. The instrument cluster was re-configured with a new multi-color enhancement and a heads-up display was introduced as a standard only on the LTZ trim.[109][110] The 2016 models also saw a price hike as well.[111]

The 2016 GMC Yukon XL also sees similar changes, with the new enhanced driver alert package as an available option on the SLE trim, liftgate, power, hands-free now packaged on SLT trims, a free-flow feature that replaced the Premium package, a lane keep assist added to all trims, and two new premium colors (Crimson Red Tintcoat and White Frost Tricoat) replacing Crystal Red Tintcoat and White Diamond Tricoat respectively.[112][113]

Chevrolet added Apple CarPlay and Android Auto Capability features to the Suburban starting with the 2016 models. However, only one of their phone brands at any one time can be used,[114] while the Android Auto option was only available on LT and LTZ trims featuring 8-inch screens.[115]

GM expanded newer 4G LTE features (like detecting battery failure and monitoring insurance discounts based on driver performance) to 2016 model year vehicles, including the Suburban, which GM cited as being the vehicle that is the most used among data subscribers.[116]


The 2017 model year Chevrolet Suburban received upgraded changes after it went on sale in August 2016. The level trims LS and LT are retained but the LTZ is renamed Premier, the latter serving as the equivalent to the Yukon XL Denali. The LS trims also saw the badged "LS" lettering removed. The new features include two new colors (Blue Velvet Metallic and Pepperdust Metallic), two new 22-inch wheel options (a 7-spoke Silver wheels with Chrome inserts for all trims; Ultra Bright machined aluminum wheels with Bright Silver finish for Premier trim only), black roof rack cross rails (as part of the Texas Edition Package and All-Season Package), front active aero shutters (all trims), and heated and vented seats (Premier trim only). The MyLink was updated to incorporate Teen Driver, App Shop, Rear Seat Reminder customization, and Low-Speed Forward Automatic Braking (as part of Enhanced Driver Alert Package on the LS trim, but standard on LT and Premier). The Rear Seat Entertainment System was overhauled to include a new video voiceover feature for the visually and hearing impaired, an HDMI/MHL connector, digital headphones, Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) technology incorporated into the Wi-Fi system, and a second USB port with the capability of charging up to a 2.1-amp at the back of the console.[117][118]

The 2017 model year Yukon XL also received similar changes, but with a few exceptions. Two new colors, Dark Blue Sapphire Metallic and Mineral Metallic were introduced, the latter exclusive to the Denali, which also added a new 22-inch ultra-bright aluminum wheels with midnight silver premium paint and a head-up display to its features. The interior backlights changed from red to blue. The heated and vented driver and front passenger seats became standard on the SLT and Denali trims.[119][120]


The 2018 model year Suburban had a few upgrades and deletions. LED daytime running lights became standard on all trims, along with a new color, Havana Metallic and Satin Steel Metallic. The Cocoa/Mahogany interior that was combined with the Pepperdust Metallic exterior was dropped along with the wireless/inductive phone charging that was part of the Luxury and Texas Edition LT level trims. The fleet/commercial level trim, which had fewer features, was upgraded to include MyLink, HD Radio, multi-color driver information center, LED daytime running lights, and an optional driver alert package.[121]

The 2018 Yukon Denali XL received a new grille with a layered appearance like the ones on its redesigned 2018 Acadia and Terrain brands, featuring high-intensity-discharge headlights and LED daytime running lights. The refreshed design provided better airflow to the radiator, and when less cooling air is needed, shutters behind the grille closed to improve aerodynamics and efficiency. The interior featured new ash wood trim that, according to GMC, gave the cabin a richer appearance. A new 10-speed automatic transmission was mated to its 420-horsepower (313 kW; 426 PS), 6.2-liter V8 engine, replacing the 8-speed transmission.[122]


The 2019 Suburban will have both Havana Metallic and Tungsten Metallic deleted in favor of a new Shadow Gray Metallic exterior color, while the top-of-the-line Premier now had the name displayed on the tailgate. The LS trim continued to make HD Radio a standard feature, but could be deleted if customers opted for the OnStar feature.[123]

The 2019 model year GMC Yukon XL added three new exterior colors, Dark Sky Metallic, Pepperdust Metallic, and Smokey Quartz Metallic, while deleting two others, Mineral Metallic and Iridium Metallic. GMC also introduced two new package features, Graphite Edition and Graphite Performance Edition, which were available in the SLT trim only.[124]


The 2020 Chevrolet Suburban dropped the LT Signature Package and the LS All-Season Package, along with the Pepperdust Metallic color,[125] while the 2020 GMC Yukon XL replaced its Pepperdust Metallic color with Carbon Black Metallic and made no additional changes.[126]


The 2015 Suburban was ranked third among the top affordable SUVs and fifth among affordable SUVs with 3-row seats by U.S. News & World Report,[127] and was among the finalists in Motor Trend's SUV of the year for 2015.[128] It also received a 2015 MotorWeek Drivers' Choice Award for best large SUV,[129] while Consumer Reports ranked the Suburban as the best SUV with a third row seat, topping its competitors in this category.[130]

The Chevrolet Suburban took third place behind the Tahoe and GMC Yukon in the 2016 J.D. Power Vehicle Dependability Study among full-size SUVs, based on responses from owners of the vehicles.[131]

Good Housekeeping named the 2018 Suburban the "Best New Car of Year 2018" in the Large SUV category.[132] Consumer Reports added the 2018 Suburban to their recommended list due to high owner satisfaction scores.[133]

The Suburban was given a Hollywood Walk of Fame star on December 5, 2019, one of two inanimate objects to be awarded such (Disneyland being the other), for its frequent appearances in film and television. Because city regulations prohibit placing corporate names on public sidewalks including the Walk of Fame, the star was instead placed in an area adjacent to the Walk of Fame.[11]


The eleventh-generation Suburban saw an increase in sales; April 2014 brought a 109.8 percent spike, with most dealers reporting that the vehicles are being sold within 10 days after arriving on the lot, with customers opting for the fully loaded LTZ model, making it one of Chevrolet's fastest selling brands in 2014.[134] The eleventh generation Suburban is also a hot seller in the Middle East, where in August 2014 posted a 37% increase in sales, with most of the purchases coming from Saudi Arabia (65%), the United Arab Emirates (15%) and Qatar (108%).[135] By the end of September 2014, GM sold more than 4101 units of the Suburban (up 50.1%), while the Yukon XL posted 2165 units sold (up 64%), with GM boasting that 80% of the vehicles sold were its large SUVs.[136]

In Canada, sales of the Suburban reached 966 units (up 43%) in 2014, although the Yukon XL was the best seller in that country with 1,760 vehicles sold (up 50.3%) that same year.[137] Overall, they accounted for 70 percent of GM Canada's SUV sales for 2014.[138]

On August 17, 2015, GM confirmed plans to increase production on its large SUVs, especially on the Suburban/Yukon XL, citing lower gas prices and a higher demand for the vehicles. The move also resulted in its Arlington Assembly adding more hours and increasing its production from 48,000 SUVs to 60,000 based on the expanding hours and added Saturday overtime shifts.[139]

The 2017 MY Suburban saw its biggest sales increase in January 2017, when it posted a 72.3% gain (5,634 units), the most ever since January 2008 when it had the 2008 MY Suburban.[140]

Twelfth generation (2021)

On December 10, 2019, Chevrolet introduced the twelfth-generation Suburban at Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan. This time around, GM chose to introduce the Chevrolet full-size SUVs first. The GMC Yukon XL was later introduced on January 14, 2020.[142] Although the fifth-generation Cadillac Escalade made its debut on February 4, 2020,[143] its extended length sibling Escalade ESV was the last GM full-size SUV to be introduced online in April 2020 after it was withdrawn from the cancelled 2020 New York International Auto Show.[144][145] Originally scheduled to start in April 2020, due to the COVID-19 recession, GM postponed production of the Suburban to 13 July, 2020. The Suburban began entering dealerships in August 2020.[146][147]

Chevrolet Suburban


Rear view

Based on the same GMT T1XX platform as the Silverado 1500, the Suburban distinguished itself by swapping that truck's live axle and leaf springs for an independent rear multilink suspension setup with coil springs, thus lowering the floor of the vehicle and creating more room, in both the cargo area and the second- and third-row seats.[148] The Suburban expanded its length to 225.7 inches (5,733 mm), and the wheelbase to 134.1 inches (3,406 mm) while shortening down by 15 inches (381 mm) longer than the Tahoe (as its wheelbase was moved back by 5 inches (127 mm)), making it the largest and longest SUV in the extended-length segment. It gains two cubic feet (57 L) of cargo space behind the third row and 2.2 inches (56 mm) of third-row legroom. The towing capabilities were increased with the twelfth-generation models.[149]

The trims feature the primary basic LS, LT, and Premier levels, with the 4WD-exclusive Z71 and RST moving from package to premium levels, along with the newly added High Country level, the latter being the top of the line. Chevrolet rolled out the LT, Z71, Premier, and High Country levels first, with the LS and RST levels arriving in late Fall 2020.[150]

Quad exhaust tailpipes are added to the vehicle, giving it a more unique look, although this feature is only standard on Premier and High Country. This feature isn't offered on the LS, LT, Z71 and RST because of their configuration as regular base, off-road, and street-centric level trims respectively, nor on all trims with a Duramax option.[151] The RST Suburban, which had photos released in April 2020, has a unique fascia and a sportier design similar to its Cadillac Escalade ESV Sport level trim.[152] Both Premier and High Country trims have power-retractable assist steps that was optional on the Premier trim from the previous generation.[153]

Although it retained a boxy look, it added a more curvaceous design with this change and adopted the same Chevrolet design language featuring the front grille and distinct LED lighting that is also used on the Silverado, save for the black-grilled Z71 (without the bumper) and RST. The tailgate is more front and center, with the signature "Suburban" name stretched across it. A combination of sheet metal and aluminum was used to ensure a more lightweight vehicle.[154]

The dashboard and entertainment system have been fleshed out, moving away from the traditional design. Newly updated features include a 10.25-inch touch screen that is now standard on all trims, and a pair of 12.6-inch LCD rear screens that can play movies and offer content from passengers' smartphones and can play different programs on the two screens. A new push-button shifter column (P, R, N, D) is placed on the dashboard. Nine camera displays for enhanced towing capabilities and a total of 30 additional safety features have been implemented throughout the Suburban. An Air Ride Adaptive Suspension is standard on the higher trims, likewise with an 8-inch driver screen. Another new feature, a power sliding console that became available in late Summer 2020. The High Country Suburban also has a Deluxe package option with advance features that is exclusive to this trim only.[155] The 40/20/40 front seat option that was available on the LS trim is now exclusive to fleet orders with this generation using the same base trim.[156]

The Suburban also featured a Duramax diesel engine as an option (available on all trims and packages except for the Z71[157]) for the first time, and so far the only brand outside its competitors to have this option; a 3.0-liter I6 is used which produces 277 horsepower (207 kW; 281 PS) and 460 lb⋅ft (624 N⋅m; 64 kg⋅m) of torque. The 6.2-liter EcoTec engine that was reserved for the RST trim in the previous generation is exclusive to the High Country level trim. The engine choices added up to improved fuel economy numbers, albeit with an increased MPG for city and a decreased MPG for highway.[158] GM has no plans to offer this model in a 2500 or 3500 series version.


For the 2022 model year, the Suburban saw an increased availability of the 6.2-liter V-8, which continues to be standard on High Country but can now be fitted to the RST, Z71, and Premier trim levels, and expands the Magnetic Ride Control damping system to the RST. The 12.3-inch screen (with Google Assistant, Google Maps, and the Google Play Store embedded) becomes standard on the higher trims except for the LS. A newly optional electronic limited-slip differential is now available on the Z71 trim and can be used in the 4WD Low setting.[159]

2025 refresh

On November 29, 2023, GM unveiled a refresh for both the Suburban and Tahoe models. The Suburban features a refreshed front and rear fascia with redesigned headlights and taillights similar to those from the 3rd-generation 2024 Chevrolet Traverse. Other changes include new 24-inch wheels, a new upgraded 3.0L Duramax diesel engine option with 10 percent more horsepower than the outgoing option (thus now being available on the Z71 trim level for the first time), a new revised interior with an all-new standard 17.7-inch-diagonal freeform infotainment screen paired with the 11-inch-diagonal driver information center and redesigned center console, new ride and handling enhancements, upgraded safety and technology including GM Super Cruise, and improved towing and trailering technology. The refreshed models will go on sale in late 2024 for the 2025 model year.[160]

Yukon XL


GMC unveiled its twelfth generation Yukon XL in Vail, Colorado on January 14, 2020, alongside its short-wheelbase sibling Yukon. Like the Suburban, the Yukon XL also featured an independent rear suspension, a 3.0-liter inline-six turbodiesel engine, and a top-shelf suspension option featuring air springs and magnetic-ride shocks, a standard 5.3-liter V8, an optional 420-horsepower (313 kW; 426 PS) 6.2-liter V8, and a 10-speed automatic transmission that is standard across the lineup. It also gained 4.1 inches (104 mm) in the wheelbase but only 0.9 inches (23 mm) in overall length, making it still short of the Suburban's length. The dashboard has two versions, one identical to the Suburban while a different one with a larger entertainment screen is exclusive to the Denali. The Yukon XL's design follows GMC's design language, with the front grille mimicking the Sierra but the tailgate mimicking the GMC crossover SUV lineup with the lights extended to the tailgate doors.

The lineup of level trims also expanded as well, with the SLE, SLT, and Denali now joined by the 4WD-exclusive AT4, the latter of which comes standard with the Magnetic Ride Control electronically adaptive dampers, AT4-exclusive leather-appointed seats, and stitching with a unique Jet Black interior color and Brandy accents, a heated steering wheel, heated and ventilated front seats, heated second-row outboard seats, a two-speed transfer case, 20-inch Goodyear all-terrain tires, Traction Select System with off-road mode, hill descent control, and skid plates.[161] The Denali level offers three packages for this generation, with Deluxe joining the Premium and Ultimate options, and became the only trim to offer quad exhaust tailpipes.[162]


For the 2022 model year, the Yukon XL added a few additions similar to the Suburban, among them a 12.3-inch digital gauge cluster that is now standard on all trims, with Google Assistant, Google Maps and the Google Play Store embedded. The power sliding center console is now standard on the Denali trim. Redwood Metallic is added as a new color option.[163]


In 2021, GM Defense was awarded a $36.4 million contract by the United States Department of State Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) for ten GMT T1XX-based prototype Suburban HD vehicles, with uprated suspension and an undisclosed powertrain; deliveries were scheduled for Spring 2023.[164] The first prototype was shown to DSS leadership during a ride-and-drive event held at Summit Point Raceway on June 29, 2023.[104] Under the terms of the contract, one prototype will be tested for survivability by shooting it with small arms and detonating small blasts; the other prototypes will be tested for durability.[165]

The vehicle was named the Heavy-Duty Sport Utility Vehicle (HD SUV), which is offered in 1LT and 2LT trims with 4WD and the L87 6.2L V8 engine and 10-speed automatic transmission standard; the 3.0L Duramax I-6 turbodiesel is an option.[166] The chassis is designated "eBOF" (Electric Body on Frame) and can accommodate a diverse set of powertrains, including battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell.[167] Armor is integrated during the initial build, rather than having a finished vehicle torn down and reassembled by an aftermarket upfitter.[168] Although many components and systems are shared with the commercial T1XX Suburban, including the body, exterior, interior, powertrain, and brakes, the chassis and frame are specific to the HD SUV to accommodate the increased weight.[169]

GM Defense was awarded an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract in November 2023 with a ceiling value of US$300 million;[169] serial production is scheduled to commence in June 2024,[104] resulting in up to 2,000 HD SUVs being delivered over 10 years.[105]


For international regions, Chevrolet started selling the twelfth generation Suburban in Mexico in August 2020, but unlike the United States and Canada, Mexico only offered the Suburban in the LT, RST, and High Country trims; the LS, Z71, and Premier level trims and the Duramax option are not offered for that country. The American-built models will use the GM 10-speed automatic transmission with Electronic Precision Shift technology, manufactured at the GM Silao Complex in the state of Guanajuato in central Mexico.[170][171] The Philippines began selling the 2021–present Suburban (with a possibility that it would offer a Duramax engine option in the country should Chevrolet make it available) in fall 2020,[172][173] followed by the Middle East region.[174] In November 2020, GM announced that their large SUV lineup would be imported to China, marking the Suburban's maiden entry into the country, starting with the 12th generation models. GM put those plans on hold in February 2021, citing the difficulty of having an import sold alongside its Chinese-built offerings, the makeup of the facilities that would be required to assemble the large full-size SUVs, and concerns that the full-size SUVs would not be able to comply with China's emission standards, as well as concerns that China's internal combustion engine excise taxes imposed on all vehicles sold in China that are powered by ICE engines more than 3.0 liters will hurt sales of GM's large full-size SUVs in the East Asian country.[175]

A right-hand-drive version of Suburban for Australia and right-hand-drive markets to be done by Holden Special Vehicles, which was announced in December 2019, is on hold, citing the low demand, capacity issues at HSV, and highly competitive large luxury SUV and towing market in Australia, although that could change due to GM's partnership with HSV to bring more American vehicles like the Suburban back down under the newly announced GMSV arrangement.[176][177][178][179]

The Yukon XL officially went on sale for the first time ever in Mexico, starting in the Fall of 2020 with the 2021 models (GMC had only offered the Yukon in that country because GM did not want to have the Yukon XL cannibalized in terms of sales with the Suburban, which is also that country's best-selling SUV), where it is only available in the Denali trim.[180]

Signature Editions

Beginning with the 2018 model year, Chevrolet offered a "Signature Edition" package/trims of the Suburban. Each of the specialty versions were available at the LT and Premier level trims. Both the Z71 and RST became the fourth and fifth level trims starting with the twelfth generation Suburban for the 2021 model year, while the remaining continues as package features.

Z71 and Texas Edition

On September 26, 2014, Chevrolet debuted the updated Z71 Suburban at the State Fair of Texas, along with the debut of the Texas Edition Suburban, the latter due to Texas having the most units of Suburbans sold in the United States (As of August 2014, sales of the Chevrolet SUVs in Texas were up 37 percent) and to celebrate the 60th anniversary of GM's Arlington Assembly plant; production of the Z71 Suburban began in October 2014.

As with the previous Z71 Suburbans, this version continued to be offered in a 4WD LT trim only, featuring a front skid plate, off-road tires mounted on 18-inch wheels, a unique grille, running boards, and "Z71" identification inside and out. Fog lamps, front tow hooks, and front parking assist are also included. The 2016 Z71 package was modified again, as portions of the Z71 items added on the Texas Edition package as an optional feature by request from customers was discontinued, making it a stand-alone package. The Z71 package was upgraded to a level trim starting with the twelfth generation models.

The Texas Edition Suburban, which became part of the Texas Edition lineup along with the Tahoe and Silverado, was available in both LT and LTZ trims for the 2015 model year, featuring a maximum trailering package, twenty-inch polished aluminum wheels (on LT models), twenty-two-inch premium painted aluminum wheels (on LTZ models), and an exclusive "Texas Edition" badge.[181] For the 2016 model year, Chevrolet discontinued the LTZ package but modified for the LT package without the requested Z71 features. The twelfth-generation Suburban continues to offer the Texas Edition for the LT and Premier trims only when combined with the Luxury, LT Signature, and Premium packages.

LT Signature Edition

The Suburban LT Signature Edition, introduced in the 2018 model year, was an optional package trim, similar to the luxury package but with less expensive features, available in the LT level trim only. This option was discontinued after the 2019 model year but will be offered for the 2021 model year.

Midnight Edition

A Midnight Edition Suburban, an all-black optional package available in 4WD LT and Z71 versions, was introduced for the 2017 model year. This version became part of the Signature Edition Suburban feature for the 2018 model year up until the 2020 model year.[182]

Premier Plus

On August 13, 2018, Chevrolet introduced a more upgraded version of the top-of-the-line Premier level trim of the Suburban, packaged as the Premier Plus, featuring a 6.2-liter engine, the classic gold bowtie emblems, chrome nameplate badging, and new polished 22-inch wheels. The interior is unique to these models, boasting with heated/ventilated Black-and-Mahogany leather front seats, Jet Black trim surround, a head-up display, and an eight-inch cluster. The exterior features standard cross rails, chrome power steps, and chrome exhaust tips. This feature was discontinued in the 2020 model year.[183]

RST Edition

Chevrolet added a new package to the 2018 model year Suburban with the introduction of the street-themed RST (Rally Sport Truck) Special Edition Suburban. Originally at the time of the announcement, it was supposed to be available as an option for the LT and Premier trims as a Performance Package that included a 420-horsepower (313 kW; 426 PS), 6.2-liter V-8 engine, a Magnetic Ride Control with performance calibration, and an all-new Hydra-Matic 10L80 10-speed automatic transmission. The press release also detailed additional features; The chrome elements are absent as body-color grilles surround the door and handles, along with an added gloss-black grille and mirror caps, black roof rails, window trim, badging and Chevy bowties, an exclusive 22-inch wheels wrapped in Bridgestone P285/45R 22 tires, a Borla performance exhaust system, massive front red Brembo six-piston, fixed aluminum calipers with brake pads clamping on larger-than-stock 410 mm × 32 mm (16.1 in × 1.3 in) Duralife rotors, coupled with an 84 percent increase in brake pad area and a 42 percent increase in rotor area to increase system thermal capacity.[184]

However, after the press release, Chevrolet confirmed that the RST Suburban would only be available as an appearance package, as the 6.2-liter engine would not be used for the 2018 model year.[185] But on May 4, 2018, Chevrolet expanded the RST package to the Suburban as an option for the 2019 model year that will now include the 10-speed automatic transmission and 6.2L engine, reversing a decision made by GM that it would be exclusive to GMC and Cadillac's Suburban siblings Yukon XL and Escalade ESV. The packaged trim went on sale in July 2018. The RST package option became a level trim with the twelfth-generation Suburban for the 2021 model year.[186]

Additional changes


GM offered another off-road variant or trim for the Suburban and Yukon XL starting with the eleventh generation.[187] With the relaunch of the Z71 package in the Suburban for the 2015–2020 models, GM filed papers to trademark the Trail Boss name for use on future Chevrolet truck and SUV models, although they were never used for the Suburban trims.[188]

Concept versions

On November 4, 2013, Chevrolet unveiled a concept design for the Suburban called the Half-Pipe, whose features include roof racks and crossbars to mount skis, at the SEMA Show. Afterwards, Chevrolet made its parts available for order at Chevrolet Accessories.[189]

At the 2017 SEMA Show, a 4×4 off-road Suburban concept inspired by Country singer (and Chevrolet spokesman) Luke Bryan based around his 2016 song "Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Every Day" was introduced, decked out in custom Hunter Bronze exterior color with Dark Carbon accents and camo graphics, a roof-mounted light rack and a custom lower fascia, a liftgate re-engineered to swing outward rather than upward and incorporates a custom spare tire mount, 22-inch wheels with 35-inch-tall tires, roof-mounted equipment carrier with a fishing rod holder, an interior design consisting of Black and Two-Tone Olive with Argon Orange, unique seating featuring Argon piping and Platinum camo-pattern perforated designs, and the "Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Every Day" badges (designated by symbols in lieu of the words) displayed on both the exterior and interior. The rear windows are removed. The concept was inspired by Bryan himself and collaborated with Chevrolet on this project as he is an owner of a Suburban: "Chevy has been part of our family and a part of our work life on the farm for as long as I can remember," says Bryan. "If you were a Bryan, you drove a Chevy — and I'm a longtime Suburban owner. This partnership is a natural fit for me and this unique Suburban represents everything I and my family want for our outdoor adventures."[190][191]

Aftermarket options

In 2011, Callaway Cars offered an upgraded Eaton supercharger package to the Suburban for an additional $15,995 (~$21,381 in 2023).[192]

In 2014, Callaway once again offered a supercharged version of the new 2015 K2XX Suburban.[193]

In 2015, Corsa Performance added a cat-back exhaust system package for customers looking to upgrade their K2XX Suburban or Yukon XL, which would give the 5.3-liter versions a 669% flow increase and the 6.2-liter versions a 342% flow increase.[194]

In 2018, Freedom Mobility partnered with GM to have their trucks and SUVs equipped with features that will make it accessible to disabled and visible/hearing impaired drivers or passengers. The Suburban is among the selected vehicles that will be available with this option.[195]

Military applications

When production of the CUCV II ended in 2000, GM redesigned it to coincide with civilian truck offerings. The CUCV nomenclature was changed to Light Service Support Vehicle in 2001. In 2005, LSSV production switched to AM General, a unit of MacAndrews and Forbes Holdings. The LSSV is a GM-built Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD, Chevrolet Tahoe, or Chevrolet Suburban that is powered by a Duramax 6.6-liter turbo diesel engine. As GM has periodically redesigned its civilian trucks and SUVs from 2001 to the present, LSSVs have also been updated cosmetically.[196]

The militarization of the standard GM trucks/SUVs to become LSSVs includes exterior changes such as CARC paint (Forest Green, Desert Sand, or 3-color Camouflage), blackout lights, military bumpers, a brush guard, a NATO slave receptacle/NATO trailer receptacle, a pintle hook, tow shackles, and a 24/12-volt electrical system. The dashboard has additional controls and dataplates. The truck also can be equipped with weapon supports in the cab, cargo tie-down hooks, folding troop seats, pioneer tools, winches, and other military accessories.[196] In the Canadian Army these vehicles are nicknamed "Milverado".

The Enhanced Mobility Package (EMP) option adds an uprated suspension, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes, a locking rear differential, beadlock tires, a tire pressure monitoring system, and other upgrades. About 2,000 LSSV units have been sold to U.S. and international military and law enforcement organizations.[196]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA)


For the 2009 model year, the Suburban received the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) best rating of 5 stars in the frontal driver/passenger and side driver/passenger categories.

NHTSA Chevrolet Suburban crash test results (For 2009 models):[197]


For the 2015 model year, the Suburban received an NHTSA rating of 4 stars overall, with the side driver/passenger categories receiving 5 stars. (Because of more stringent tests, 2011 and newer model ratings are not comparable to 1990–2010 ratings.) The NHTSA gave the 2016 models 4 stars overall in its review, similar to its review of its 2015 models.[198]

NHTSA Chevrolet Suburban crash test results (For 2015 models):[199]

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)

1995–99 Suburban

The IIHS gave the Suburban an Acceptable rating along with the Chevrolet Tahoe, GMC Yukon, and Cadillac Escalade.

2000–06 Suburban

The Suburban, Chevrolet Tahoe, GMC Yukon, and Cadillac Escalade got a Good rating and a Best Pick. However, all four including the Yukon XL got a Good rating for head protection in side and seats and head restraints.[clarification needed]

2007–14 Suburban

The Suburban, Chevrolet Tahoe, GMC Yukon and Cadillac Escalade earned a Good rating in the front offset. However, 2007–09 models without side airbags got a Poor rating. Models with them received a Marginal rating. 2010–14 models got a Top Safety Pick.

2015–2020 Suburban

All of the GMT K2XX SUVs received a top safety pick, except for the Chevrolet/GMC 1500 series pickups, which have not been tested.[needs update] The pickups have been tested against the moderate overlap test, for which they received a good rating.


On March 28, 2014, GM announced a recall on the 2015 Suburban and Yukon XL in order to fix a "transmission oil cooler line that is not securely seated in its fitting," causing the vehicle to stop and rupture the oil cooling line, resulting in the engine to malfunction and catch fire immediately.[200] The move comes on the heels on an incident that happened on March 23, 2014, when a 2015 GMC Yukon caught fire in Anaheim, California during a test drive.[201] Despite being an isolated incident, the 2015 Suburban and Yukon XL are not tied to GM's announced recall of its vehicles (from previous generation models and discontinued brands that were produced prior to, during, and after GM's restructuring in 2010) that was made on March 17, 2014.[202]

On June 6, 2014, GM issued another recall on the 2015 Suburban and Yukon XL because their radio control modules may not work, and thus prevent certain audible safety warnings.[203] This would be followed on June 27 with another recall, in which the transfer case "may electronically switch to neutral without input from the driver," adding that if this occurs while the vehicle is moving, power will not be sent to the wheels, meaning that if the vehicle is parked, it may roll away unexpectedly if the parking brake has not been set.[204]

On December 5, 2014, GM announced that it is replacing ignition key units on the 2015 Suburban and Yukon XL after customers made complaints that the shift lever strikes the head of the key if the tilt-adjustable steering column is in the fully up position. The lever only can be moved out of "park" into a gear when the engine is running and the driver's foot is on the brake. The push-button ignition features are not affected.[205]

On January 4, 2015, GM issued a recall on tenth-generation Suburbans and Yukon XLs from the 2011 and 2012 model years for a potential ignition lock actuator issue, citing that they are not the right size and can cause the ignition to get stuck in the "Start" position, and then either due to a jarring event or a "cool interior temperature" the ignition could switch back to the "Accessory" position, resulting in a loss of power assistance and prevent the airbags from deploying.[206]

On December 30, 2015, the NHTSA revealed that it had received complaints from 2015 Suburban/Yukon XL owners about buffeting and vibration problems causing drivers and passengers to endure an annoying vibration inside the cabin so severe that it leads to dizziness and headaches. GM is aware of this and has moved to correct the situation and try to pinpoint the source, but assures the vehicles are safe to drive.[207]

On May 3, 2016, GM placed a recall on both 2016 model Suburbans and Yukon XLs over inadequate welds on their upper front control arms, which could result in an accident or injury.[208]

On February 4, 2017, GM issued a recall of 2016 and 2017 Chevrolet Suburban HD models over an improperly fixed right-hand rear-view outside mirror which GM says will be replaced for free. The recall affected 211 vehicles.[209]


Yearly U.S. sales

In 1999, GM rebranded the GMC Suburban as the Yukon XL. GM discontinued tracking sales of the Yukon XL in 2018 and now includes them with the sales of the Yukon. From 2018 onward, this chart reflects only the number of Chevrolet Suburban units sold.[218]


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