Lista de personajes de NCIS

NCIS es una serie de televisión estadounidense de procedimiento policial , que gira en torno a un equipo ficticio de agentes especiales del Servicio de Investigación Criminal Naval , que investiga crímenes que involucran a la Armada y el Cuerpo de Marines de los EE. UU . La serie fue creada por Donald P. Bellisario y Don McGill como un piloto de puerta trasera con los episodios de la octava temporada " Ice Queen" y "Meltdown " de JAG . La serie se estrenó el 23 de septiembre de 2003, con un elenco coral, que ha incluido a: Mark Harmon , Sasha Alexander , Michael Weatherly , Pauley Perrette , David McCallum , Sean Murray , Cote de Pablo , Lauren Holly , Rocky Carroll , Brian Dietzen , Emily Wickersham , Wilmer Valderrama , Jennifer Esposito , Duane Henry , Maria Bello , Diona Reasonover , Katrina Law y Gary Cole .

Descripción general


  1. ^ Sasha Alexander apareció en " Un hombre entra en un bar... " a través de escenas eliminadas de temporadas anteriores; también grabó una voz en off específicamente para este episodio. Más tarde apareció en " La vida ante sus ojos " utilizando imágenes CGI manipuladas digitalmente del episodio de la temporada 2 " SWAK ".
  2. ^ Sasha Alexander apareció en flashbacks dentro del episodio " House Rules " y durante " The Lost Boys " usando imágenes CGI manipuladas digitalmente tomadas del episodio de la temporada 1 " Reveille ".
  3. ^ David McCallum murió en septiembre de 2023, y su última aparición fue en " Black Sky " (20.22). McCallum sigue siendo acreditado por los dos primeros episodios de la temporada 21 .
  4. ^ Cote de Pablo aparece acreditada como "protagonista" desde " Silver War " (3.04) hasta " Pasado, presente y futuro " (11.02). En " Kill Ari " (3.01 y 3.02) aparece acreditada como "protagonista invitada".
  5. ^ Lauren Holly aparece acreditada como "protagonista" desde " Frame Up " (3.09) hasta " Judgment Day (Part II)" (5.19). Desde " Kill Ari " (3.01) hasta " Under Covers " (3.08) aparece acreditada como "protagonista invitada" en los episodios en los que aparece.
  6. ^ Lauren Holly apareció en " Un hombre entra en un bar... " de la temporada 8 a través de un flashback, y en " La vida ante sus ojos " de la temporada 9 usando imágenes CGI manipuladas digitalmente del episodio " El día del juicio " de la temporada 5 .
  7. ^ Lauren Holly apareció en flashbacks en los episodios " House Rules " y " Check ". También apareció en el episodio " The Lost Boys " utilizando imágenes CGI manipuladas digitalmente del episodio de la temporada 5 " Judgment Day ".
  8. ^ Emily Wickersham aparece acreditada como "protagonista" desde " Kill Chain " (11.12) hasta " Rule 91 " (18.16). Desde " Gut Check " (11.09) hasta " Homesick " (11.11) aparece acreditada como "protagonista invitada".
  9. ^ Maria Bello aparece acreditada como "Estrella invitada especial" desde " Fake It 'Til You Make It " (15.05) hasta " True Believer " (18.08). En " Skeleton Crew " (15.04) aparece acreditada como "Estrella invitada especial".
  10. ^ Gary Cole aparece como "protagonista" desde " Road to Nowhere " (19.03) en adelante. En " Nearly Departed " (19.02) aparece como "protagonista también".

Reparto principal y personajes

Leroy Jethro Gibbs

El agente especial supervisor Leroy Jethro Gibbs ( Mark Harmon ) nació en Stillwater, Pensilvania , hijo de Jackson y Ann Gibbs. Se alistó en el Cuerpo de Marines en 1976 y se convirtió en francotirador explorador . Después de servir en Panamá e Irak , [3] se retiró del Cuerpo de Marines con el rango de sargento de artillería . Se unió al NIS, que más tarde se convirtió en NCIS, después de que su esposa Shannon y su única hija Kelly fueran asesinadas en 1991. Más tarde viajó a México y asesinó al traficante de drogas responsable, un crimen que mantuvo oculto durante veinte años. Desde entonces, se ha casado y divorciado tres veces, y es soltero, aunque ha tenido varias relaciones románticas desde su último divorcio.

Gibbs lidera un Equipo de Respuesta a Casos Importantes (MCRT) que consta de los agentes de campo Timothy McGee, Ellie Bishop y Nick Torres, apoyados por el médico forense Dr. Jimmy Palmer, el psicólogo y agente del NCIS Jack Sloane, la científica forense Kasie Hines y, a veces, con la ayuda de su buen amigo y ex médico forense Ducky Mallard. En el episodio " Bête Noire ", Gibbs se encuentra cara a cara con el terrorista Ari Haswari e intenta matarlo pero falla. Encontrar a Ari más tarde se convierte en una obsesión para Gibbs después de que Ari dispara y mata a la miembro original del equipo Kate Todd frente a Gibbs y DiNozzo en el final de la segunda temporada, " Twilight ". Gibbs a menudo muestra frustración con su equipo (particularmente DiNozzo por divagaciones o McGee por dejarse llevar por divagaciones técnicas) dándoles una bofetada en la parte posterior de la cabeza, una acción que luego se comparte entre los miembros del equipo y se conoce como "bofetada en la cabeza" o "bofetada de Gibbs". Sin embargo, suspendió principalmente esta actividad en la temporada 14 y en adelante desde que DiNozzo dejó la agencia, ni con McGee como el nuevo agente de campo senior y sucesor de DiNozzo ni con el nuevo agente Nick Torres, quien a menudo muestra una variación del comportamiento de DiNozzo que le "valió" sus palmadas en la cabeza anteriormente.

Gibbs se muestra a menudo en su sótano construyendo barcos, uno de los cuales nombra como su hija y otro como una de sus ex esposas. En el episodio " Blowback ", cuando se enfrenta a "Goliath" en el avión sobre "ARES", Gibbs revela que es Virgo . Es un francotirador experto, como se evidencia en " Hiatus " con flashbacks de él pegando un tiro en la cabeza a 1.200 yardas del asesino de su familia, que conducía un vehículo en movimiento, y en " Jeopardy " cuando golpea a un secuestrador con un tiro muy rápido en la frente tomado con su mano izquierda mientras está arrodillado dentro del maletero de un coche. En " Truth or Consequences ", Gibbs salva a todo su equipo disparando al líder de una célula terrorista después de que DiNozzo y McGee son capturados buscando a Ziva.

Gibbs ha desarrollado una relación paternal con la mayoría de los miembros de su equipo, especialmente con Abby Sciuto. Cuando ella se fue en " Two Steps Back ", no se despidió de él en persona debido a esto y en su lugar expresó sus razones para irse en una carta. También mostró afecto paternal hacia Ziva, Tony, McGee, Bishop y Torres en varias ocasiones. Ejemplos de esto incluyen: defender a DiNozzo contra su padre y llamar a su entonces agente senior "el mejor agente joven con el que jamás trabajó" en " Flesh and Blood "; llamar a Ziva "niña" en " Safe Harbor "; darle a McGee el reloj que su padre le había dado el día de su boda con Shannon en " Something Blue " cuando McGee se casó con Delilah; seguir a Bishop a Oklahoma en " Blood Brothers " para ayudarla a lidiar con el final de su matrimonio; y cenar con Torres para ayudarlo a lidiar con su padre abandonándolo nuevamente en " Sangre ".

Una de las relaciones más duraderas de Gibbs en la pantalla es su amistad con Tobias Fornell. Los dos se conocían desde antes de que comenzara el programa y se conocieron cuando Fornell estaba a punto de casarse con la segunda ex esposa de Gibbs, Diane. Gibbs advirtió a Fornell que Diane lo dejaría y saquearía sus cuentas, lo que finalmente sucedió. A lo largo del programa, Fornell y Gibbs a menudo chocaron, pero su amistad se hizo tan fuerte con el tiempo que incluso después de que Gibbs terminara la carrera de Fornell como agente del FBI en " Burden of Proof " a través de un testimonio en la corte, los dos pudieron perdonarse mutuamente y reavivar la relación. En " Daughters ", Fornell obliga a Gibbs a tomar el caso de la hija de Fornell y Diane, Emily, que había sufrido una sobredosis de drogas a pesar de no estar dentro de la jurisdicción de NCIS.

Al final de "Daughters", Gibbs recibe la visita de Ziva, a quien creía muerta cuando su casa de campo fue alcanzada por un misil en " Dead Letter ". Mientras él y Ziva huyen de un grupo terrorista que intenta matar a Gibbs para obligar a Ziva a unirse a ellos, Ziva confronta a Gibbs por no haberla buscado después de su aparente muerte. Más tarde, Gibbs le admite en " Into the Light " que tenía miedo de ir a buscarla y descubrir que efectivamente estaba muerta (un sentimiento que le repite a Sloane un episodio después).

La relación entre Gibbs y Sloane es diferente a la que tiene con el resto de su equipo. Los dos son amigos, pero los otros miembros del equipo, sobre todo Torres, han señalado que los dos tienen "algo". En " ¿Qué niño es este? ", se muestra que los dos son bastante cercanos, hasta el punto de que aparentemente se abrazan en público. Sin embargo, esto no llevó a ninguna parte, algo que la propia Sloane lamenta en " Going Mobile ". Ese episodio termina con Gibbs reemplazando su pintura de la prueba de Rorschach por la de un elefante en referencia a que ella llamó a su "algo" inexistente "el elefante en la habitación" anteriormente en el episodio.

Ocupó el puesto de líder del equipo MCRT hasta marzo de 2021, cuando fue suspendido por agredir a un asesino de perros, lo que deja a su segundo al mando, el agente especial del NCIS Timothy McGee, para sucederlo como agente a cargo del MCRT.

En junio de 2021, Gibbs renunció al equipo y al NCIS para siempre, optando por permanecer en Alaska en lugar de regresar a Washington, DC , y finalmente reanudar su carrera como líder del MCRT y también como agente especial del NCIS en lugar de agente especial supervisor. Esto se debe a que logró encontrar la felicidad que no había sentido desde la muerte de Shannon y Kelly.

Hasta "Face the Strange" de la temporada 19 , Harmon era el único actor principal que aparecía en todos los episodios de la serie.

Caitlin Todd

La agente especial Caitlin "Kate" Todd ( Sasha Alexander ) aparece por primera vez en el episodio " Yankee White ". Todd es una ex agente del Servicio Secreto , reclutada por Gibbs después de que ella lo ayudó con éxito a resolver un asesinato a bordo del Air Force One . Ella trabaja bien con todos en el equipo, volviéndose particularmente cercana con Ducky y Abby, quien la convence de hacerse un tatuaje. [4] Sin embargo, la relación de Todd con DiNozzo es más adversaria y son más como hermanos que cualquier otra cosa. Tony coquetea con ella con frecuencia y, a veces, revisa sus pertenencias personales, sin importar cuántas veces ella le señale que su comportamiento es groseramente poco profesional. Al mismo tiempo, Kate está dispuesta a arriesgar su vida por DiNozzo y admite que la vida sería considerablemente menos interesante sin él cerca.

Tras la decisión de Sasha Alexander de abandonar el programa, Todd es asesinada en el cumplimiento de su deber (al final del episodio " Crepúsculo ") por Ari Haswari, daño colateral en la obsesión del terrorista con Gibbs. [5] Ella muere después de recibir un disparo en la cabeza por parte de Ari con una bala solitaria que es disparada desde un modelo de rifle francotirador (Bravo 51) apodado "Kate". Fue reemplazada en NCIS por Ziva David. [6]

Antonio Di Nozzo

Anthony D. "Tony" DiNozzo, Jr. ( Michael Weatherly ) es un ex agente especial de campo del NCIS y ex detective de homicidios de los departamentos de policía de Baltimore , Filadelfia y Peoria . Al igual que Gibbs, tiene una paciencia limitada para el método científico y los términos técnicos. DiNozzo es conocido por sus referencias cinematográficas aparentemente interminables; Ziva insiste en que sus últimas palabras serán "He visto esta película".

Asistió a la Universidad Estatal de Ohio como estudiante de educación física y fue miembro de la fraternidad "Alpha Chi Delta" de la clase de 1989. Se dice que DiNozzo jugó al baloncesto universitario, "dirigiendo el equipo de base de Ohio State", según Abby. Se menciona en el episodio de la tercera temporada " Kill Ari (Parte I) " que proviene de una familia adinerada, pero que su padre, Anthony DiNozzo Sr. (interpretado por Robert Wagner, quien a su vez fue interpretado por Weatherly en una película para televisión) lo ha apartado. La madre de DiNozzo era sobreprotectora y "lo vestía como un marinero hasta que tenía diez años". (" Frame Up ")

DiNozzo es un coqueto y tiene una afición por gastar bromas a sus compañeros de trabajo, a veces con poco respeto por sus límites. Durante el transcurso de la cuarta temporada, se embarca en una misión encubierta (por órdenes de la directora de NCIS, Jenny Shepard), la misión clave es encontrar al traficante de armas La Grenouille (Rene Benoit) haciéndose pasar por el novio de su hija (Jeanne Benoit), Anthony DiNardo, un profesor universitario, pero termina enamorándose de ella. En el episodio " Knockout ", revela que no le va bien con las mujeres y que todavía está sufriendo por su relación con su exnovia Jeanne Benoit.

Hay una gran tensión romántica entre Tony y Ziva. A pesar de su actitud de playboy y su naturaleza alegre, DiNozzo se muestra con frecuencia muy agudo; es capaz de convencer al director del Mossad, Eli David, para que admita que ordenó a Rivkin y Ziva espiar al NCIS. Es reasignado como Agente a flote en el final de la quinta temporada, " El día del juicio ", y transferido de nuevo al Equipo de Respuesta a Casos Mayores en el episodio " Agente a flote ". [9] En el final de la novena temporada, " Hasta que la muerte nos separe ", se produce una explosión de bomba en la sede del NCIS con Tony y Ziva en el ascensor. Ambos son rescatados del ascensor y sobreviven a su terrible experiencia.

En la temporada trece, DiNozzo confiesa su amor por Ziva después de enterarse de su aparente muerte, y se revela que los dos tienen un hijo llamado Tali. Deja NCIS para viajar a Israel para encontrar respuestas y a París porque Ziva amaba París. En la temporada 14 se revela que a Tali y Tony les gusta tanto París que se quedarán indefinidamente. Se revela en la temporada 16 que Ziva está de hecho viva y se ha estado escondiendo para proteger a Tony y Tali de una mujer que está tratando de matarla, y en la temporada 17 se detalla que Tony encontró a Ziva después de dejar NCIS y supo que estaba viva todo el tiempo. Una vez que se elimina la amenaza contra ella, Ziva regresa a su casa en París para reunirse con Tony y Tali.

Antes de su partida en el episodio de la temporada trece " Family First ", Michael Weatherly apareció en todos los episodios excepto en " Homefront " de la temporada trece.

Abby Sciuto

Abigail "Abby" Sciuto es una ex especialista forense de NCIS , y es originaria de Jefferson Parish, Louisiana . Como se indica en el episodio " Seadog ", es hija adoptiva de padres sordos, aunque no descubre que es adoptada hasta la novena temporada, cuando se entera de que tiene un hermano biológico (con quien se reencuentra en la décima temporada). Era conocida por su estilo gótico de vestir (aunque ella misma no se considera "gótica") y su adicción a la bebida ficticia con alto contenido de cafeína "Caf-Pow!", que según la ex directora de NCIS Jenny Shepard le valió el apodo de "Energizer Abby".

Abby tuvo una breve relación sexual con el agente especial McGee, vista en el episodio de la primera temporada " Reveille ", que terminó con los dos amigos restantes. Ella era la persona más activa y cariñosa del equipo, a menudo abrazaba a todos y hablaba rápido, aunque podía distraerse fácilmente. Ella era una de las pocas que podía hablar con Gibbs libremente, y él a menudo le traía Caf-Pows cuando visitaba su laboratorio en busca de información. Ella y Gibbs hablan con fluidez el lenguaje de señas . Ella tiene un hipopótamo de peluche llamado Bert que a menudo aparecía en el programa y brindaba alivio cómico con sus pedos en situaciones que de otro modo serían tensas.

Abby es una devota católica romana y sus pasatiempos incluyen estar en un equipo de bolos con monjas , ayudar a construir casas para los necesitados y jugar juegos de computadora. Duerme en un ataúd y es, según DiNozzo, "la gótica más feliz que jamás conocerás". [12] En el final de la novena temporada, " Hasta que la muerte nos separe ", se produjo una explosión de bomba en la sede de NCIS con Gibbs derribando a Abby al suelo en su laboratorio. En el episodio " Prejuicio extremo ", se reveló que sobrevivió, físicamente ilesa.

En 2017, Perrette reveló que dejaría el programa después del final de la temporada 15. [13]

A finales de la temporada 15 , el agente del MI6 Clayton Reeves fue asesinado mientras protegía a Abby de un supuesto asaltante. Ella resultó herida en el intento, pero se recuperó y más tarde obligó al hombre que la quería muerta a confesar. Luego renunció a NCIS para comenzar una organización benéfica en Inglaterra en memoria de la madre de Reeves, un sueño que él había planeado perseguir después de jubilarse.

Antes de su partida en el episodio de la temporada quince "Two Steps Back", Pauley Perrette apareció en todos los episodios.

Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard

El Dr. Donald Horatio "Ducky" Mallard, DHL (hon.) [ aclaración necesaria ] ( David McCallum ) fue el médico forense jefe del NCIS y un viejo amigo de Gibbs. Se retiró de su puesto como médico forense jefe y se convirtió en historiador del NCIS en la temporada 16. El equipo del NCIS se dirige a él por su apodo "Ducky", un juego de palabras con su apellido Mallard ; cuando era más joven lo llamaban "Donnie". [14] Mallard nació en Escocia; [15] el tono de llamada de su teléfono celular presenta gaitas tocando " Scotland the Brave ".

Mallard es un personaje amable y excéntrico que a menudo habla con los fallecidos ("sus cuerpos me dicen mucho; ayuda a corresponder" [16] ) y divaga con los vivos con largos recuerdos personales o relatos históricos. En " Truth or Consequences ", DiNozzo dice que "a veces su cabeza está conectada directamente con su boca". Llama a sus compañeros de trabajo por sus nombres completos o por sus apellidos con un título honorífico ("Abigail" para Abby Sciuto, "Mr. Palmer" para su asistente Jimmy Palmer, etc.) y a Jenny Shepard y Leon Vance por su título de trabajo, "Director". Ha revelado que no es una persona religiosa.

Mallard asistió al Eton College [17] y a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Edimburgo y sirvió en el Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real , donde se graduó con el rango de capitán . Mientras estuvo en el RAMC, sirvió en la Guerra de Vietnam mientras participaba en un programa de intercambio de oficiales con el ejército de los Estados Unidos . [18] Sirvió en Bosnia durante las guerras yugoslavas y en Afganistán durante la invasión soviética .

Mientras estaba en Afganistán, Ducky se topó con un programa de interrogatorio de la CIA en el campo de refugiados de Jalozai , en la frontera con Pakistán, dirigido por Marcin Jerek, también conocido como Mr. Pain, que torturaba a refugiados afganos con fines de inteligencia. Cuando Ducky se enteró del programa a través de Javid, un joven que estaba siendo torturado por Mr. Pain, le dio a Javid y a otros prisioneros una inyección letal de morfina para salvarlos de una muerte lenta y dolorosa. Cuando la hermana de Javid atacó a Ducky en la escena de un crimen, la historia resurgió y Ducky fue investigado por el gobierno afgano por crímenes de guerra. Sin embargo, fue declarado inocente cuando se enfrentó a Mr. Pain en la embajada afgana. Se reveló que Mr. Pain sabía que Javid era inocente y que la única razón por la que lo torturaba era para que Ducky dejara de darle inyecciones de morfina a los prisioneros. Pain fue arrestado y entregado al gobierno afgano para ser juzgado. Sin embargo, Ducky afirmó que ni los demás ni él mismo lo perdonarían por el acto.

Se unió a NCIS en diciembre de 1992. [19] Ducky y Gibbs han trabajado juntos durante muchos años y Ducky es el mejor amigo de Gibbs. Aunque la mayor parte de su tiempo lo pasa en autopsias y asistiendo a escenas del crimen, es enviado a una importante misión encubierta en " Blowback ". Ducky tiene un "segundo talento", como lo llama Gibbs, para poder leer a las personas, que amplía en la cuarta temporada estudiando psicología. En los casos sin cuerpos reales, ayuda utilizando su entrenamiento psicológico para descifrar las pistas dejadas por los perpetradores y establecer el modus operandi y el motivo.

Hasta la sexta temporada, Ducky vivía con su anciana madre Victoria y sus corgis . Nina Foch , quien interpretó a Victoria, murió en 2008. En " Broken Bird ", Ducky revela que su madre se ha mudado y tiene la enfermedad de Alzheimer . [19] En " Double Identity ", se revela que la madre de Ducky ha muerto. [20] El resto del equipo solo se entera de la muerte de Victoria cuando Abby sigue a Ducky a su tumba. Más tarde, Gibbs le hace una llamada de condolencias en la sala de autopsias, pero Ducky parece aliviado por su muerte (probablemente porque ya no sufría de Alzheimer), agradecido de haber sido su hijo y orgulloso de que casi vivió hasta los 100 años. En la novena temporada, " Playing with Fire ", se revela que Ducky ha heredado mucho dinero del patrimonio de su madre. Gibbs es la primera persona a la que le revela esto. En el episodio "Spinning Wheel", se revela que Ducky tiene un medio hermano, Nicholas, que es 20 años menor que él; su padre Joseph y su ex madrastra, Lorraine, también se presentan en ese episodio. [21]

Ducky es dueño de un Morgan que él mismo restauró. Hay un chiste recurrente en el que Ducky y su asistente (primero Gerald y luego Jimmy) con frecuencia se pierden o sufren un percance cuando conducen hacia la escena del crimen. [22] [23] [24] En el episodio de Halloween " Witch Hunt ", él y Jimmy llegan tarde después de que su camioneta sea arrojada con huevos por jóvenes con disfraces de ninja . Según Jimmy, Ducky persiguió a los adolescentes durante varias cuadras y los detuvo y les hizo limpiar su parabrisas. Le pide a Gibbs que sea el albacea de su testamento.

En el episodio de la temporada 8 " Falso testigo ", Ducky decide abrir una cuenta de Facebook para mantenerse actualizado, y los intereses que intenta enumerar en su perfil incluyen etimología , arqueología , sociología , fluviomorfología , himenopterología y ornitología . En el episodio de la temporada 9 "Sed", sale con una mujer que conoció en línea, pero termina mal.

Mientras camina por una playa, Ducky sufre un ataque cardíaco en el final de la novena temporada, " Hasta que la muerte nos separe ", después de enterarse de la explosión de la bomba en la sede de NCIS y luego se lo ve inmóvil. [25] En el estreno de la décima temporada, " Prejuicio extremo ", se muestra que había sobrevivido a la condición y estaba recibiendo tratamiento después de ser encontrado en la playa. [25] Con una carga de trabajo reducida, regresa a trabajar junto con el equipo. A partir de esto, se lo ve empujar a Jimmy a tener más confianza y estar listo para tomar su lugar.

En "Twofer", Ducky se entera de que su alma mater , la Universidad de Edimburgo , quiere otorgarle un doctorado honorario en Letras Humanitarias , que recibe en "Exit Strategy". [26] [27]

En la temporada 15 , Ducky se toma un año sabático de NCIS para enseñar en el John Jay College of Criminal Justice , dejando al Dr. Palmer a cargo en su ausencia. Su cátedra visitante termina a principios de la temporada 16 y procede a embarcarse en una gira de libros después de publicar un libro sobre los diversos casos en los que había trabajado durante su larga carrera como médico forense (tanto en NCIS como antes). Ducky anuncia su retiro oficial del Servicio de Investigación Criminal Naval en "Bears and Cubs". En "Silent Service", acepta una oferta de Gibbs y Vance de un puesto a tiempo parcial como historiador de NCIS, ya que le permitirá ir y venir cuando quiera y seguir ayudando en las investigaciones del equipo.

Cuando la agente especial Caitlin Todd le preguntó a Gibbs "¿Cómo era Ducky cuando era más joven?", respondió: " Illya Kuryakin ", el agente ruso de UNCLE interpretado por McCallum en el programa de televisión de los años 60 The Man from UNCLE [28] En el episodio " Hung Out to Dry ", se revela que tiene un sobrino, aunque no sigue ninguna otra información.

Hasta la temporada 15, David McCallum había aparecido en todos los episodios de NCIS excepto "Leyenda Parte II".

David McCallum murió el 25 de septiembre de 2023 en el NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital de la ciudad de Nueva York, seis días después de su 90 cumpleaños. [29] [30] La muerte de McCallum finalmente llevó a que Ducky muriera mientras dormía en el segundo episodio de la temporada 21, dedicado a McCallum/Ducky " The Stories We Leave Behind ". A pesar de esto, McCallum permanece en los créditos iniciales en los dos primeros episodios de la temporada 21 .

Timoteo McGee

Timothy "Tim" McGee ( Sean Murray ) aparece por primera vez en el episodio " Sub Rosa " como un agente de caso destinado en Norfolk, y es ascendido a agente de campo y asignado al equipo del agente Gibbs al final del estreno de la segunda temporada, " See No Evil ", convirtiéndose en un personaje regular. Se desempeña como consultor informático de campo y ocasionalmente ayuda a Abby en el laboratorio. McGee choca con DiNozzo, aunque después de que los dos se convirtieran en socios (tras la breve salida de Ziva del equipo al final de la sexta temporada), se muestra con frecuencia que forman un equipo eficaz; sin embargo, su relación ocasionalmente ha vuelto a su estado original tras el regreso de Ziva.

Los métodos de McGee a menudo son indescifrables para los demás miembros del equipo, lo que le valió los apodos peyorativos "McGeek", "McGoo" y "Probie" de DiNozzo (junto con otros apodos despectivos, generalmente basados ​​en su apellido); y "Elf Lord", utilizado por varios personajes debido a su personaje de elfo en un juego de rol de computadora en línea. Estudió ingeniería biomédica en la Universidad Johns Hopkins y ciencia forense informática en el MIT . Se graduó como el primero de su clase en el Centro de Capacitación para la Aplicación de la Ley Federal .

McGee también es escritor y escribe novelas de misterio y crímenes, incluyendo un bestseller nacional, Deep Six: The Continuing Adventures of LJ Tibbs , bajo el seudónimo de Thom E. Gemcity (un anagrama de su nombre), con personajes basados ​​en sus compañeros de trabajo y otros de su vida cotidiana. Conduce un Porsche Boxster plateado como se ve en el episodio " Twisted Sister ". Tiene un perro, Jethro. Jethro fue acusado falsamente de matar a su adiestrador policial. Abby demuestra su inocencia, lo nombra y convence a McGee para que lo cuide porque su casero no le deja quedarse con el perro, a pesar de que el perro lo había atacado antes en el episodio (" Dog Tags "). McGee es transferido a la División de Delitos Cibernéticos en la quinta temporada ("Judgment Day") y de regreso al Equipo de Respuesta a Casos Mayores en la sexta temporada (" Last Man Standing "). [9]

Con la partida de DiNozzo en el episodio final de la temporada trece, McGee asciende de manera permanente a agente de campo sénior. Tras la muerte de Ducky en la temporada 21, McGee es ahora el personaje que más tiempo lleva apareciendo en el programa.

Ziva David

Ziva David ( Cote de Pablo ) inicialmente ocupa el puesto de Oficial de Enlace del Mossad con el NCIS , al que es designada tras el asesinato de la agente especial Caitlin Todd por un agente rebelde del Mossad llamado Ari Haswari. Ziva era la oficial de control de Ari y su media hermana. A pesar de creer inicialmente que Ari es inocente, le dispara fatalmente cuando intenta matar a Gibbs, ganándose la confianza de este último. Más tarde, solicita una asignación de enlace con el NCIS y se une al equipo de Gibbs. Al final de la sexta temporada, cae bajo sospecha de ser espía del Mossad.

De Pablo describe al personaje como alguien que es "completamente diferente a cualquier otra persona en el programa" porque "ella ha estado rodeada de hombres toda su vida; está acostumbrada a los hombres con autoridad. No les teme a los hombres". [31] El creador de la serie, Don Bellisario, declaró: "Cuando el personaje de Kate [Todd] fue asesinado, no quería traer al mismo personaje que tenía en Kate, alguien que fuera muy puritana, tensa y que tratara a Tony como a un hermano mayor. Quería traer un personaje que hiciera que Tony tuviera que sentarse y no poder manejarla del todo. Y quería a alguien que fuera más internacional". [32]

Las especialidades de David con el Mossad eran el espionaje , el asesinato y el contraterrorismo y está altamente entrenada en artes marciales. Habla hebreo , inglés, árabe , español , francés , italiano , alemán , ruso y turco . A pesar de hablar inglés con fluidez, a veces malinterpreta modismos y frases; esta es una broma recurrente dentro de la serie. A lo largo de la serie, se la acusa de conducir demasiado rápido con pasajeros (aunque afirma que fue entrenada para conducir rápidamente para evitar emboscadas en la carretera), lo que lleva a McGee y DiNozzo siempre a querer conducir cuando se asocian con ella.

Se la ve chocando frecuentemente con DiNozzo en discusiones amistosas. Es muy hábil con el cuchillo y se la ve enseñando a sus colegas cómo lanzarlo correctamente. Es la única persona en la que Gibbs confía con cualquier tipo de arma de fuego en situaciones difíciles. A lo largo de su carrera, ha viajado mucho a países como Egipto (donde conoció a Jenny Shepard), Irak , el Reino Unido y Marruecos .

Tras el cautiverio y la tortura de Ziva en un campamento terrorista en Somalia , una dura experiencia que dura varios meses, dimite del Mossad. En el episodio de la séptima temporada " Good Cop, Bad Cop ", se convierte en agente especial del NCIS en período de prueba. Desde entonces, Tony se refiere a ella (al igual que a McGee) como "novata". A partir de " Rule Fifty-One ", es ciudadana de los Estados Unidos y puede convertirse en agente de pleno derecho, lo que se hace oficial en " Nature of the Beast " de la novena temporada.

David rara vez habla de su vida personal. A partir de la décima temporada, toda su familia inmediata ha fallecido. Su padre, Eli David, es el director del Mossad hasta que le disparan y lo matan en " Shabbat Shalom ". El programa rara vez menciona a su madre, Rivka, quien le enseñó a conducir; todo lo que se sabe es que su madre ha fallecido y que no tiene la misma madre que Ari. Su hermana menor, Tali David, murió en un ataque terrorista de Hamas contra Israel a la edad de dieciséis años. También tiene una tía Nettie a la que le gusta jugar al mahjong . También mencionó a un tío anónimo que cría caballos árabes, [33] y este podría ser el mismo hermano que menciona Eli David que quería comprarle un pony cuando era más joven. [34]

Ziva es capaz de tocar el piano y se muestra que disfruta de cocinar y leer. Disfruta de la bebida ficticia Berry Mango Madness. Conduce un Mini Cooper rojo , pero al final de la temporada diez, vende el Mini y lo reemplaza por un Camaro convertible V6 Inferno Orange Metallic. Le gusta escuchar a la banda israelí Hadag Nachash y a la banda latinoamericana Kinky . No posee un televisor, pero su película favorita es The Sound of Music . Tras la renuncia de Ziva de NCIS, es reemplazada por la ex analista de la NSA Ellie Bishop.

En la temporada trece, tras la presunta muerte de Ziva a manos de un asesino a sueldo de Trent Kort, se revela que ella y Tony tienen una hija llamada Tali.

En la temporada dieciséis, en el episodio titulado "Ella", se revela que Ziva sigue viva y escondida para proteger a su familia. Le escribe una nota a Eleanor Bishop pidiéndole que guarde su secreto. Hace su regreso oficial en el final de temporada, "Hijas", para advertirle a Gibbs que está en peligro.

En la temporada diecisiete, en el episodio titulado " Out of the Darkness ", se revela que Ziva fingió su muerte para proteger a su familia de una mujer llamada Sahar que quería matarla. Sahar estaba involucrada en un grupo disidente de Hamas con el hermano de Ziva, Ari, y está buscando venganza por su muerte. Ziva y Gibbs se ven obligados a huir para localizar a Sahar, el cerebro responsable. Mientras tanto, el equipo investiga, y la revelación de la supervivencia de Ziva deja grandes divisiones entre ellos. En el segundo episodio "Into the Light", Ziva se prepara para irse después de derrotar a Sahar, diciéndole a Gibbs que tiene una cosa más que hacer antes de dejarlo todo atrás. Tony llama a Gibbs y Ziva le asegura a Gibbs que Tony tendrá noticias de ella antes de irse. En el décimo episodio "El Polo Norte", la verdadera Sahar (que se había hecho pasar por la nueva vecina de Gibbs, "Sarah") tortura y mata al amigo de la infancia de Ziva, Adam Eshel, y atrapa a Ziva bajo una pesada tubería de plomería, planeando matarla primero a ella y luego a Tali, pero en cambio Gibbs la mata de un disparo, dejando a su hijo Phineas huérfano de madre. Se revela que Tony sabía que Ziva estaba viva y la había rastreado hace años, y que ambos acordaron pasar desapercibidos hasta que Sahar fuera eliminada por el bien de Tali. En el undécimo episodio "En el viento", Ziva intenta ayudar a Gibbs a encontrar a Phineas, después de que huye de la casa de Gibbs tras la revelación de Gibbs sobre la muerte de su madre. Durante el transcurso de su búsqueda, Ziva se pregunta si puede volver a su vida con Tony y Tali. Ella afirma que le había enviado un mensaje de texto a Tony para hacerle saber que es seguro, pero no hubo respuesta. Tony responde con un video de Tali pidiéndole a Ziva que vuelva a casa, lo que Gibbs afirma que es una prueba de que está lista para volver a casa. Cuando Phineas es encontrado y acogido por su tía y su tío, Gibbs y el equipo se despiden de Ziva antes de que ella se vaya a París para reunirse con Tony y Tali.

Jenny Shepard

Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard ( Lauren Holly ) es la directora de NCIS desde la temporada tres hasta la temporada cinco, reemplazando a Thomas Morrow. Aparece por primera vez en el episodio "Kill Ari (Parte I)" . Era una hija de un militar ; su padre, Jasper Shepard, era coronel del ejército de los Estados Unidos .

Ella es la ex compañera y amante de Gibbs. [32] Mientras ella y Gibbs estaban destinados en Europa, a Gibbs se le ordenó regresar a los EE. UU. y se le ofreció su propia sección en Europa. Cuando Gibbs le pidió a Jenny que lo acompañara, ella se negó porque deseaba avanzar en su carrera para vengarse del traficante de armas que mató a su padre. Jenny y Gibbs se reencuentran en "Kill Ari (Parte I)", que conmueve el corazón de Gibbs y abre el coqueteo constante entre ella y Gibbs.

Shepard tiene una relación cercana con Ziva David y ocasionalmente le proporciona información clave sobre casos sin pasar por los canales regulares o decírselo a Gibbs, como en el episodio de la tercera temporada " Head Case ". Se aseguran de mantener estos tratos confidenciales, argumentando que "lo que Gibbs no sabe no puede hacernos daño". Sin embargo, más adelante en el episodio, los comentarios de Gibbs revelan que él ya sabe sobre su ayuda. Shepard y Ziva tienen una relación de trabajo antes de que Shepard fuera nombrado Director de NCIS.

Durante la cuarta temporada, el director Shepard asigna a Tony DiNozzo una misión encubierta para acercarse al traficante de armas René Benoit. La subtrama llega a un punto crítico a finales de la temporada cuando se revela que Jenny culpa a Benoit por la muerte de su padre y que Benoit ahora es fundamental para una importante operación encubierta de la CIA. Gibbs confronta a Jenny por la operación, sugiriendo que está dejando que sus emociones gobiernen y que ha puesto a DiNozzo en peligro a sabiendas y ha puesto en peligro una importante operación de la CIA con fines de venganza.

Durante el episodio " Asuntos internos ", Gibbs le dice a Shepard que cree que ella es responsable del asesinato de Benoit, después de haber visto a Benoit irse sin el arma que ella trató de darle con enojo cuando le pidió protección; esto se reitera cuando Gibbs revisa el archivo del FBI sobre la muerte de Benoit en "El día del juicio" (Parte 1).

En varios episodios durante la quinta temporada, la mala salud de Jenny se convierte en un problema de trama. Por ejemplo, en " Stakeout ", se muestra a Ducky ordenando una prueba en una muestra de sangre y le dice a Abby que es de un John Doe . Sin embargo, cuando Abby habla con Jimmy Palmer, él dice que no tienen ningún John Doe. Gibbs deduce, correctamente, que la única persona por la que Ducky "se arriesgaría" sería el director. En el siguiente episodio, " Dog Tags ", Gibbs le pregunta a Jenny sobre su enfermedad y ella dice que está bien. Su enfermedad exacta nunca se revela; sin embargo, en "Stakeout", Abby le dice a Ducky que hay un nivel elevado de creatina quinasa en la muestra de sangre que analiza. Mike Franks también descubre la enfermedad de Shepard al revisar su bolso y encontrar su medicación.

Shepard es asesinada en el episodio "El día del juicio" (Parte 1). Franks y Jenny están hablando en un restaurante abandonado cuando ella revela que se arrepiente de haber dejado a Gibbs y que todavía está enamorada de él. Se revela que arruinó una operación diez años antes, cuando a ella y a Gibbs se les había ordenado asesinar a un par de señores del crimen rusos y amantes. Gibbs disparó al hombre, Anatoly Zhukov, pero Jenny se enfrentó a la mujer, Natasha (también conocida como Svetlana), y la dejó vivir. Natasha envía asesinos para matar a Jenny en el restaurante; Jenny los mata a todos pero muere a causa de las heridas de bala que recibió. Franks, que está afuera en el momento del tiroteo, regresa a la casa de Jenny, donde Natasha está tratando de matar a Gibbs, y Franks le dispara.

Gibbs y Franks deciden encubrir el error y la muerte de Jenny quemando su mansión de Georgetown . La causa de la muerte de Jenny, según se informa a los medios, es "muerte en un incendio en el hogar". Su pérdida afecta mucho al resto de los personajes. Abby lamenta no haberle dicho nunca a Jenny que se vestía elegante y dice que eso la habría hecho sonreír. Después de la muerte del director Shepard, es reemplazada por el subdirector Leon Vance, quien se convierte en el nuevo director de NCIS.

León Vance

Leon James Vance [35] ( Rocky Carroll ) aparece por primera vez en el episodio de la quinta temporada " Asuntos internos " como subdirector del NCIS , y es nombrado director después de la muerte de Jenny Shepard debido a su puesto como subdirector del NCIS y línea de sucesión.

En " Knockout " se revela que era originario de Ohio, pero creció en Chicago, donde se entrenó para ser boxeador. Su esposa afirma que Vance asistió a la Academia Naval de los Estados Unidos y fue comisionado como segundo teniente en el Cuerpo de Marines , pero se vio obligado a tomar una baja médica antes de servir debido a una cirugía para reparar un desprendimiento de retina sufrido durante su carrera de boxeo. [36] Sin embargo, Ducky luego le revela a Gibbs que el amigo cercano de la infancia de Vance, Tyler Owens, quien había muerto justo antes del comienzo del episodio, también sufrió un desprendimiento de retina. Vance también revela que fue este amigo quien decidió que Vance debería dejar Chicago mientras él se quedaba. Vance dice esto a pesar de su insistencia a Gibbs de que su amigo era un marine, aunque no hay registro del servicio de su amigo en el ejército. Este episodio implica fuertemente que Owens y Vance cambiaron de identidad para que el Vance actual tuviera un futuro.

En "Enemies Domestic", en la octava temporada, se revelan más detalles de la vida de Vance. Para interpretar al joven Vance, Rocky Carroll se sometió a procedimientos de maquillaje que describió como "un pequeño estiramiento facial instantáneo". [37] En 1991, Vance era estudiante en la Escuela de Guerra Naval de Rhode Island y comenzó a interesarse por las operaciones negras. Incluso imagina una para sí mismo: la Operación Frankenstein, que más tarde desempeñaría un papel importante en el final de la octava temporada. El NIS (más tarde rebautizado como NCIS) se interesa por él y es reclutado por la agente especial Whitney Sharp.

Vance es entrenado por Sharp y después de un curso de entrenamiento de seis semanas, parte para una operación en Amsterdam, con nombre en código Trident. Conoce a su manejador, Riley McAllister, quien le dice que el objetivo es un agente ruso conocido por Vance solo como "El Ruso", más tarde conocido como Anatoly Zhukov. NIS cree que está sobornando a los marineros para obtener información. Vance conoce a Eli David, un prometedor agente del Mossad, quien le dice que sabe de la operación y que el ruso lo matará. Más tarde, Eli traiciona a Vance ante el ruso, pero se revela que esto es para poder matarlo él mismo. Eli también le dice a Vance que ha sido elegido porque es prescindible y no lo extrañarían. Eli y Vance matan al equipo de asesinos del ruso, pero el ruso logra escapar. Eli no puede encontrarlo ni saber quién era. Zhukov sería asesinado más tarde por Gibbs en otra operación encubierta en París con Jenny Shepard y William Decker. Esto conduce a la muerte de Decker y Jenny a manos de la amante de Zhukov, Natalya, antes de que ella sea asesinada por Franks y su cuerpo quemado junto con la mansión de Jenny para encubrir los errores de Shepard.

A Vance se le atribuye la eliminación del equipo de ataque y comienza a ascender rápidamente en las filas del NCIS. Sigue creyendo, junto con Eli, que había un agente sucio en el NCIS, que realmente había avisado al ruso sobre la misión de Vance. Más tarde se revela que se trata de McAllister; un experto en Rusia, vio que el colapso de la Unión Soviética había desviado la atención hacia Oriente Medio y planeó que un agente ruso matara a Vance para demostrar que Rusia todavía representaba una gran amenaza, preparándose así para la dirección del NCIS. [38] Sin embargo, cuando esto falló, McAllister asignó a Gibbs, Shepard y Decker para eliminar a Zhukov para atar cabos sueltos y establecer otro plan para eliminar a Vance y Eli. Vance sobrevivió, pero fue hospitalizado. Eli también sobrevivió debido a haber percibido la trampa de antemano. McAllister luego intentó acabar con Vance él mismo en su habitación del hospital, pero gracias a que Gibbs había percibido el complot, Vance apuñala mortalmente a McAllister con una navaja que Gibbs le había dado anteriormente, poniendo fin a la vida del agente traidor mientras se desangra hasta morir mientras Vance observa al personal médico tratar de salvarlo. [38]

El entonces subdirector Vance reemplaza a Jenny Shepard durante su licencia entre "Asuntos internos" y "El juicio final", estableciéndose como una presencia formidable con Gibbs y su equipo. Distribuye a Tony, McGee y Ziva a varios departamentos y le asigna a Gibbs un nuevo equipo en el estreno de la temporada 6 " El último hombre en pie " al ser nombrado director; sin embargo, más tarde se revela que lo hizo para eliminar a un topo en la agencia. Vance y Gibbs chocan durante este lapso, lo que provoca una guerra fría entre ellos, que termina con una distensión en " Agente a flote " al comienzo de la sexta temporada. Sin embargo, los dos vuelven a chocar más tarde porque Gibbs siente que no puede confiar plenamente en Vance, aunque no puede identificar una razón específica para ello.

Vance encabeza la investigación sobre la muerte de Shepard y se enoja mucho cuando Gibbs y Mike Franks no lo mantienen informado, quienes finalmente manipulan la situación para exonerar a Shepard de su fracaso pasado, no lo que Vance tenía en mente. Después de la muerte de Shepard, y posiblemente antes, presiona al Secretario de la Marina para que se haga cargo de NCIS, como se ve en " Cloak ", pero en " Semper Fidelis ", el Secretario informa a Gibbs de una importante operación que requerirá que Vance sirva como su jefe y que NCIS y la Marina necesitarán que Gibbs y Vance se lleven bien.

Las cosas llegan a un punto crítico en " Aliyah ", cuando Gibbs acusa a Vance de vender a su equipo al director del Mossad, Eli David. Vance responde que Ziva es una trampa, utilizada para conseguir que el Mossad se estableciera en NCIS a través de Gibbs. Vance también revela que conoce la verdadera historia de la muerte de Ari Haswari. Después de esto, los dos se dan cuenta de que las circunstancias demostrarán que uno de ellos tiene razón. Al comienzo de la séptima temporada, Vance aprueba la transferencia de Ziva a NCIS, lo que demuestra que Gibbs tenía razón y que Ziva es leal a NCIS. A pesar de su actitud profesional hacia el equipo de Gibbs, Vance demuestra que se preocupa por ellos cuando Alejandro Rivera amenaza a Abby en " Spider and the Fly ". Le dice a Rivera que se vaya antes de que le hagan daño y cuando Rivera le pregunta por quién, responde enojado: "Por mí".

Incluso después de los acontecimientos de "Aliyah", se muestra que Vance todavía está en contacto oficial con Eli David en su calidad de director del Mossad. Esto se muestra cuando recibe un mensaje de texto en su teléfono de Eli que solo dice: "Lo encontré". Vance también se niega a discutir una llamada telefónica de Eli con Gibbs, a pesar de saber lo peligroso que es Eli y a pesar de su precaria relación con Gibbs y su equipo. Tras ser ascendido al puesto de director al final de la quinta temporada, Vance va inmediatamente a la oficina del exdirector Shepard y se lo ve destruyendo un solo documento misterioso de su propio archivo personal.

En la sexta temporada ("Semper Fidelis") se revela que el documento fue escrito por su agente supervisor en ese momento. El Secretario de la Marina le dice a Gibbs que el archivo es una invención y que pensó que todas las copias habían sido destruidas. Se revela además en el episodio de la octava temporada, " Enemies Domestic ", [39] que el jefe de la oficina de campo de San Diego, cuando Vance fue asignado allí, había comenzado a crear una leyenda para Vance que incorporaba información ficticia sobre Vance para respaldar una misión encubierta, incluida la información falsa de que Vance había sido piloto y director de una oficina de campo.

En el final de la novena temporada, " Hasta que la muerte nos separe ", se produce una explosión de bomba en la sede de NCIS y se desconoce el paradero de Vance. En el estreno de la temporada 10, " Prejuicio extremo ", se revela que sobrevivió relativamente ileso. En el episodio de la temporada 10 " Shabbat Shalom ", Vance queda viudo cuando su esposa Jackie recibe un disparo y muere en una cirugía. Eli David también muere en el episodio. En el episodio de la temporada 11 " Nostalgia ", el padre biológico distanciado de Jackie, Lamar Addison, aparece en la casa familiar, para gran disgusto de Vance. Se revela que abandonó a Jackie, su madre y su hermano cuando ella era joven y que nunca se casó con su madre.

Vance y Jackie tienen dos hijos: una hija, Kayla, y un hijo, Jared. Vance conoció a su esposa mientras asistía a un partido de baloncesto de la Universidad de Maryland mientras Len Bias jugaba. [36] En la temporada 10, Vance y Gibbs están en términos más amistosos. Gibbs es particularmente empático con Vance después del asesinato de su esposa, ya que el propio Gibbs pasó por una experiencia similar. Vance también evita la detención de Gibbs durante una investigación interna del Departamento de Defensa al permitirle ser asignado temporalmente al JSOC .

En " Double Trouble ", casi le piden a Vance que renuncie después de un enfrentamiento con el ex agente del NCIS Kip Klugman, a quien Vance arrestó durante su último caso como agente de campo en San Diego en 2005, hasta que él y Gibbs puedan limpiar su nombre. En ese episodio, el Secretario Porter menciona que ha sido el Director del NCIS durante más tiempo que sus dos últimos predecesores juntos (en ese momento, poco más de 7 años).

En la temporada dieciséis, Vance está bajo vigilancia de la CIA, luego de su secuestro y tortura por parte de un terrorista al final de la temporada anterior.

Dr. James "Jimmy" Palmer

El Dr. James "Jimmy" Palmer ( Brian Dietzen ) es un asistente médico forense que aparece por primera vez en el episodio " Split Decision ". Después de que Gerald Jackson queda incapacitado, Palmer se convierte en el asistente de Mallard. Recibió su nombre en honor al ex lanzador de los Orioles de Baltimore Jim Palmer , [40] pero no le gusta el béisbol.

En el episodio " In the Dark " se identifica como un paciente con un caso "leve" de diabetes mellitus . A menudo parece intimidado por Gibbs, especialmente cuando se lanza a una de sus características explicaciones extrañas y confusas sobre algo que no le han pedido.

Mallard afirma que él y Palmer con frecuencia llegan a las escenas del crimen mucho después que Gibbs y su equipo porque Palmer es un conductor terrible que se pierde todo el tiempo; Palmer intenta defenderse señalando que Mallard está conduciendo.

Jimmy es el personaje central del episodio de la temporada 5 " About Face ", donde debe recuperar su memoria para encontrar a un sospechoso de un caso de asesinato y a su intento de asesinato.

Al igual que Ducky, Palmer habla con los muertos, aunque es mucho más irreverente y a veces genera no sólo dudas sobre sus habilidades analíticas en el proceso.

Algunos episodios muestran un romance ilícito en curso en la oficina entre Jimmy y Michelle Lee. Ponen excusas para trabajar hasta tarde y se los ve entrando y saliendo por debajo de la mesa de autopsias. En el episodio " El último hombre en pie ", Palmer admite a Gibbs y Vance que él y el agente Lee habían estado "haciéndolo" durante un tiempo, pero que había roto la relación porque se sentía "utilizado", un dato importante sobre el carácter de Lee, como revela un poco de ironía dramática al final de ese episodio.

En " El Club de las Buenas Esposas ", se revela que Jimmy es claustrofóbico; cuando entra al pasillo cerrado se le ve sudando profusamente y cuando tiene que ir a buscar la bolsa para cadáveres, se asusta por tener que volver a atravesarla.

En " About Face ", mientras Jimmy está siendo hipnotizado por Abby, parece que Jimmy tiene un fetiche con los zapatos, ya que habla en sueños con detalle sobre el calzado de Ziva y Abby en lugar de recordar información sobre el caso actual. El episodio también indica que el nombre de su madre es Eunice. En el episodio " Bounce ", vemos que Palmer ayuda regularmente a Tony cuando está a cargo, a pesar del hecho de que Tony se ha burlado con frecuencia de Palmer llamándolo "gremlin de la autopsia". También se muestra que Palmer tiene tinnitus severo . [ cita requerida ]

La séptima temporada revela que Jimmy está enamorado de una chica llamada Breena Slater ( Michelle Pierce ), que trabaja como funeraria en la funeraria de su familia y aparece en el episodio " Día de la Madre ". En el final de la octava temporada, " Pirámide ", el agente especial de NCIS EJ Barrett felicita a Jimmy por su compromiso, y en el estreno de la novena temporada, " Nature of the Beast ", Ziva dice que se casarán la próxima primavera. En " Recién nacido ", Palmer es acompañado a la sede de NCIS por el padre de Breena, Ed Slater. Ed alterna entre irritar a todo el equipo y burlarse de la elección de carrera de Palmer. La mayoría del equipo ignora a Ed o tolera silenciosamente su rudeza por respeto a Palmer y su invitado. Abby es la excepción: cuando Ed hace un comentario sobre la supuesta promiscuidad de las mujeres tatuadas, pone a Palmer y Slater en " tiempo fuera " encerrándolos en su oficina. Palmer finalmente se cansa del comportamiento de Ed y le dice que se siente y se calle. El final del episodio muestra a Ed aceptando a Palmer y expresando su deseo de tener un nieto.

En " Hasta que la muerte nos separe ", antes de la explosión de una bomba en la sede del NCIS, Palmer y Breena deciden casarse en el acto para que él pueda ayudar al resto del equipo en el caso de Harper Dearing. En el episodio " Maldito si lo haces ", Jimmy le dice a Ducky que él y Breena están en una lista de espera para adoptar un niño. En el episodio de la temporada 11 "La hija del almirante", se le revela a Jimmy a través de un juego de palabras que Breena está embarazada. Breena da a luz a la niña en el episodio de la temporada doce "Construimos, luchamos", y la nombran Victoria Elizabeth Palmer en honor a la madre de Ducky, con Ducky como su "Gran Patito".

Durante sus primeras temporadas, Jimmy es retratado como un friki con tendencia a divagar o hablar fuera de lugar, para gran irritación de Gibbs e incluso de Ducky en ocasiones. Cuando empieza, como ocurre con la mayoría de los "novatos", DiNozzo lo somete a algunas burlas. En la décima temporada, se lo muestra más como un hijo sustituto de Ducky en lugar de simplemente su asistente (aunque esta relación se ha dado a entender a lo largo de la serie). En " Prejuicio extremo ", insiste en permanecer al lado de la cama de Ducky hasta que Ducky lo convence de que NCIS lo necesita más. En el episodio de la temporada catorce "Keep Going", Jimmy le confiesa al hijo de una víctima que ahora es un médico calificado, habiendo aprobado su examen de médico forense (la tercera vez; lo había reprobado dos veces antes), pero no quiere que el resto del equipo lo sepa. Sin embargo, todos se enteran porque estaba hablando frente a un micrófono y Ducky lo felicita.

En la temporada 15 , Jimmy asume el cargo de Médico Forense Jefe interino de NCIS después de que Ducky se toma un año sabático de NCIS para enseñar en una escuela de medicina de la ciudad de Nueva York, que se extiende para que Ducky escriba un libro sobre sus casos y más adelante en la temporada 16 para realizar una gira de libros. En "Bears and Cubs", Ducky anuncia su retiro oficial de su puesto de tiempo completo en NCIS y promueve permanentemente a Jimmy a Médico Forense Jefe.

En la temporada 17, el trabajo comienza a consumir a Jimmy y a devorar su tiempo. En el episodio 13, " Sound Off ", está claramente abrumado, quejándose de que solo puede dormir 14 minutos en una mesa de autopsias [41] y en el episodio 15, "Lonely Hearts", se ve obligado a cancelar sus planes para el día de San Valentín, ya que tiene que trabajar horas extra para ayudar a Gibbs y al equipo a resolver un complicado caso de asesinato. [42]

En el episodio 19, titulado " Blarney ", mientras Jimmy y Kasie desayunan juntos, su mañana es interrumpida por tres ladrones armados que deciden tomarlos como rehenes después de que un robo sale mal. [43]

El episodio de la temporada 18, " El primer día ", revela que Breena murió de COVID-19 en diciembre de 2020 y que Jimmy no pudo verla antes de que muriera debido a los confinamientos por COVID. También se vio obligado a llorar solo y no pudo brindarle un verdadero homenaje.

Dietzen coescribió el episodio de la temporada 19 " The Helpers ", en el que un ataque bioterrorista expone a Jimmy y Kasie a una toxina mortal. [44] En el episodio, que TV Insider llamó el mejor episodio de la temporada, [45] Jimmy comienza a aceptar la pérdida de su esposa; se quita su anillo de bodas y dice: "Decidí seguir el consejo de Breena. Puedo aferrarme a lo que es importante mientras lo dejo ir. Es el momento". [45]

Temporada 20, episodio 15, "Thick as Thieves", Knight le pide a Palmer que sea su acompañante en una boda. Las tensiones románticas se acumulan durante el resto de la temporada, con ellos admitiendo sus sentimientos mutuos en el episodio 20, "All or Nothing", y finalmente besándose y haciéndolo oficial en el final de temporada.

Eleanor "Ellie" Obispo

Eleanor Raye "Ellie" Bishop ( Emily Wickersham ) es una analista de la NSA que aparece por primera vez en el episodio " Gut Check " de la temporada 11. Bishop es una " chica de campo " de Oklahoma y tiene tres hermanos mayores. [46] [47] [48]

Su jefe en la NSA la describió como una "fanática de los datos que se recluye", y afirma que "recuerda casi todo lo que lee" y que a menudo piensa mientras está sentada con las piernas cruzadas en el suelo. Le encanta la comida y a menudo se la ve comiendo bocadillos en su escritorio. También tiende a asociar recuerdos específicos con la comida que estaba comiendo en ese momento. Por eso, sus compañeros de trabajo se refieren a ella como una entusiasta de la comida.

Ella solicitó el ingreso en el NCIS antes de aceptar el trabajo en la NSA y Gibbs la invita a una "misión conjunta". Gibbs luego le ofrece un puesto de prueba como agente especial en "Monsters and Men", refiriéndose a ella cariñosamente como "novata" por primera vez, ocupando oficialmente el puesto vacante dejado por Ziva David. Después de eso, se ve a DiNozzo y McGee sacando la carta de la antigüedad al ordenarle que haga tareas más serviles, como la recolección de evidencias.

Bishop se muestra repetidamente como una perfeccionista, que a veces pide un segundo intento, sabiendo que puede hacerlo mejor la próxima vez. Alex Quinn ha comentado que es demasiado tensa.

Cuando se la presenta por primera vez, DiNozzo y McGee notan rápidamente que lleva un anillo de bodas , pero ella se muestra tímida cuando se le pregunta sobre su estado civil. Finalmente se revela que está casada y que el nombre de su esposo es Jake Malloy ( Jamie Bamber ), un abogado de la NSA. Se conocieron durante su primera semana en la NSA, aunque parecen tener dificultades matrimoniales durante la temporada trece.

En "Day in Court", Jake revela que tiene una aventura con una compañera agente de la NSA. Bishop se horroriza y los dos se separan, y Bishop regresa a su casa en Oklahoma para distanciarse un poco. Más tarde regresa a DC para continuar con NCIS y le dice a Jake que su matrimonio se ha ido deteriorando rápidamente desde que se unió a NCIS. A pesar de que él quiere que las cosas funcionen, ella ya ha decidido solicitar el divorcio. Ve a Gibbs como una figura paterna y se apoya en él.

Después de su divorcio, prefiere quedarse soltera por un tiempo. Se revela en "Enemy Combatant" que Bishop está saliendo con el traductor de NCIS Qasim Naasir, visto por última vez en la temporada doce. Desafortunadamente, la relación termina abruptamente cuando Qasim muere por las heridas sufridas en un ataque de un criminal que el equipo de NCIS había estado rastreando, dejando a Bishop afligida y empeñada en vengarse por el asesinato de Qasim. Quinn está extremadamente preocupada por su bienestar, especialmente cuando escucha a escondidas cómo le pide al oficial del MI6 Clayton Reeves que traduzca los archivos que le asignaron a Qasim para ayudar con el caso. Se revela que Qasim le propuso matrimonio a Bishop unas semanas antes de morir. Ella le pidió un tiempo para pensar y él aceptó. Bishop planeó aceptar la noche en que murió, pero nunca tuvo la oportunidad.

Mientras Gibbs y McGee estuvieron prisioneros en Paraguay entre las temporadas 14 y 15 , Bishop, como agente de mayor rango, sirvió como agente especial supervisora ​​(SSA) del Equipo de Respuesta a Casos Mayores; mantuvo el mando hasta que Gibbs fue autorizado médica y psicológicamente para el servicio. [26] En el episodio "High Tide", Bishop y su compañero agente Nick Torres emprenden una misión encubierta, que gira en torno a que ambos actúen como una pareja. Ambos descubren que disfrutan de la experiencia y desarrollan una atracción mutua persistente el uno hacia el otro. En el episodio "Sight Unseen", Bishop parece celosa al ver a Torres en una cita con un testigo ciego.

En el episodio de la temporada 15 " Skeleton Crew ", Bishop le dice a Nick que en su adolescencia, era una persona solitaria y que se burlaban y acosaban sin descanso y que le dieron el nombre de "Espantapájaros". El episodio "Fragments" revela que Bishop pasa unos días cada año fuera para "desenchufarse" para su "reinicio mental", donde pasa tiempo sin dispositivos electrónicos. Se insinúa que lo pasó con Torres.

En "Toil and Trouble" se muestra que está saliendo con un hombre llamado Boyd y afirma que es algo serio, ya que es la cita número 5; sin embargo, su contacto no está guardado en su teléfono. Torres cancela su cita con él, lo que la lleva a enojarse con él, aunque lo perdona en el siguiente episodio, "The Last Link", cuando le compra papas fritas con tocino y azúcar morena.

En el episodio "Ella" de la temporada 16, Bishop se entera por la agente de la CIA Odette Malone que Ziva todavía está viva.

The season 17 episode "Institutionalized" reveals that Bishop is from Hinton, Oklahoma, where she was chosen to be the Grand Marshall of its Tater Tot Parade in the past. In "On Fire", Torres and Bishop are hit by a car driven by Xavier Zolotov, with Torres getting the worse of the injuries. After Xavier gets away with the crime due to sovereign immunity, Bishop storms off with the intent of killing him. Xavier is revealed to be dead in the next scene, though Bishop confirms she did not kill him, McGee begins to suspect that Gibbs may have killed him to protect her. In this episode, it is hinted that Bishop has feelings for Torres.

In season 18, Bishop is kidnapped and taken hostage during a stakeout by a terrorist, who agrees to exchange her at an airport for one of his men that they presumably have in custody. The whole thing turns out to be a ruse and the plane explodes, but Bishop escapes unharmed, albeit with a few cuts and bruises. In the same week ("1mm"), she and Torres are trapped in cells rigged to blow, with Bishop standing on the pressure plate that triggers the bomb. They both escape unscathed when Gibbs comes to rescue them, but not before she and Torres confess to having feelings for each other. From this episode on, they begin calling each other by their first names, rather than their last.

In the episode "Misconduct", while interrogating a girl who claims to be in love with a criminal named Parker James, Bishop puts on the persona of a die-hard romantic, even going as far as to mention that she has someone really special to her with whom she trusts her life, hinting it to be Torres, alluding to their relationship.

Bishop resigns from NCIS after confessing to leaking NSA secrets and goes on a long-term CIA undercover mission with Odette Malone.

Nick Torres

Nicholas "Nick" Torres (Wilmer Valderrama) is an undercover agent who first appears in the season 14 premiere, "Rogue". Nick has been an NCIS deep cover agent for years, but when his cover is blown and he learns his sister's life could be in danger, he races back to DC in an ill-fated attempt to stop it. His mission crosses over with that of Gibbs' team. However, after working with them to bring down his sister's attackers, he is offered a spot on the team with Alex Quinn.

Torres often has trouble readjusting to a normal life and working with a team; he is thus reluctant to wear the NCIS windbreaker or cap when visiting crime scenes. Being undercover for so long has given him a range of skills such as close combat training, but his methods are a bit unpredictable: e.g., such as drawing a gunman's attention by jumping onto a poker table with McGee holding them at gunpoint.

Torres is also not afraid to break rules if he needs to, which on occasion has him butting heads with Gibbs. He is very charismatic, has a sense of humor and is very adept in social situations; he once got a suspect to talk by offering her a candy bar. He has a picture of himself on his desk as a reminder of a woman he loved but lost to cancer as a teenager. Torres is superstitious of anything relating to the dead; once forgoing an apartment where the resident had recently died and proclaiming he could never work in a cemetery because of this.

He also strikes up a friendly rivalry with Clayton Reeves, and they both try to one-up each other—from undercover tactics to arm-wrestling contests. In the episode "High Tide", Torres and Ellie Bishop go on an undercover mission, which revolves around them both acting like a couple. Both of them find that they enjoy the experience and develop a mutual lingering attraction towards each other. In the episode "Death from Above", it is revealed that Torres has feelings for Bishop. Throughout season 17, Ziva David encourages Torres to reveal his feelings for Bishop, as their relationship mirrors her own with Anthony DiNozzo.

In season 16 episode "Mona Lisa", Torres is drugged and led to believe he killed someone in cold blood. During this time, Bishop begins to doubt his innocence, and while he was cleared of all wrongdoing, Torres is deeply hurt by Bishop's lack of faith, saying outright he would not have done the same to her. At the same time, he begins to doubt his own innocence, wondering what the difference between him and a cold-blooded killer is.

In the season 17 episode "On Fire", Torres and Bishop are hit by a car, with Torres pushing Bishop out of the way, leading him to end up with more severe injuries. He flatlines once, and the experience leads Bishop to hint at her feelings for him. In the following episode, "Lonely Hearts", he returns to work but is still somewhat injured and finally decides to rest longer with Bishop's little push.

In the sixth episode of season 18, "1mm", Bishop and Torres are trapped in cells rigged to blow, with Bishop standing on the pressure plate that triggers the bomb. They both escape unscathed when Gibbs comes to rescue them, but not before she and Torres confess to having feelings for each other. From this episode on, they begin calling each other by their first names, rather than their last.

In the season 18 episode "Sangre", Torres' absentee father returns, and is a suspect in a murder. Torres refuses to let him back into his life, due to the fact that he walked out on him and his family when he was five. Bishop tries to get Torres to give his father a chance, and he does at the end of the episode, when he invites his father to get dinner together. In the end, however, Torres goes to pick up his father only to find that he has left again, and goes to join Gibbs, the closest thing to a dad he has, for dinner.

Alexandra Quinn

Alex Quinn (Jennifer Esposito) joins Gibbs' team after 15 years assigned to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). Before that she was a field agent, but after her partner was killed in an ambush while the two were following suspects, and her engagement to Mike fell apart, she left the field.

Quinn met Gibbs when he was a part of the team investigating her partner's death. She has a sister in her twenties and a mother who is later revealed to be developing Alzheimer's. She is described as having "sharp wit, quick mind and immense talent as a federal agent".[49]

Quinn prides herself on remembering every agent she's ever trained, including McGee, Bishop, and Torres.

Quinn leaves the team at the end of Season 14 to take care of her ailing mother.[50]

Clayton Reeves

Clayton Dante Reeves (Duane Henry) is a British MI6 Intelligence Operative who first encounters the NCIS team working abroad with DiNozzo.

Upon returning to the US, Clayton is attacked by Trent Kort, who he later shoots and kills.

He first appears in season 13, and returns as a main character for season 14. In "Pay to Play", he returns, now working at NCIS's International Desk. Because his desk is behind the bullpen of the team, a running gag is he tends to pop up unexpectedly with information in regards to the case at hand.

After a botched undercover job to capture the terrorist Chen, he secretly works with Bishop to find a lead on him and arrest him, despite Gibbs ordering them both to stand down. Reeves has many skills from his career as an MI6 agent and brings those skills to the team when needed, ranging from computer forensics to piloting for his undercover work. While friendly and charming to everyone he meets, he strikes up a rivalry with Torres; both are seasoned undercover agents and generally try to one up each other.

During season 15, it is revealed he is a recovering alcoholic as he often drank to cope with the stresses of his undercover operations. His past is unknown, but he lost his mother at a very young age and was homeless. In an effort to honor her and as part of his recovery, Clayton volunteers at a program that helps homeless veterans and their kids.

He is shot twice and killed at the very end of "One Step Forward" by Kent Marshall hired by Robert King to kill Abby. Devastated by his death, Abby leaves NCIS to escort Reeves' body back to London for his funeral and to start a homeless charity in honor of Reeves and his mother. [citation needed]

Dr. Jacqueline Sloane

Dr. Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane (Maria Bello) is an NCIS senior special agent and operational psychologist, specializing in profiling. She holds a Ph.D. in psychology, and is a former Lieutenant in the United States Army.

Sloane served in Afghanistan, where she was a prisoner of war. The memories of this experience are shown to often have a serious effect on Sloane, but also allow her to connect with people suffering from similar trials. Sloane transferred from the Southwest Field Office in San Diego to NCIS Headquarters at the behest of Director Vance during season 15.

As a running gag in season 17, Sloane is often teased that she and Gibbs are in a relationship by members of the team. While this is largely speculation, Sloane does appear to have feelings for Gibbs and the two do share a close bond, as Gibbs was the only one, outside of Vance, who was aware of Sloane's biological daughter.

The season 16 episode "Perennial" introduces Sloane's biological daughter, Faith Tolliver, who Sloane put up for adoption immediately after giving birth. In season 17 episode "Schooled" reveals Sloane became pregnant after she was sexually assaulted by a friend in college and gave up Faith to protect her from her father. Faith became aware of this after asking Jack for the medical history of both of her parents and despite Sloane's attempts to hide the real reason behind her daughter's birth, Faith is grateful for it as she gave her a great life and reconciled her relationship with her mother. In the season 18 episode "The First Day", Sloane reveals to Gibbs that she wants to leave NCIS to try new things, and is putting down an offer for a house in Costa Rica. In the next episode "True Believer", after rescuing kidnapped girls in Afghanistan, Sloane decides to stay there instead and help others in need, sharing a goodbye kiss with Gibbs.

Kasie Hines

Kasie Hines is the current NCIS forensics specialist and a graduate student at the medical school in New York where Ducky is guest teaching in season 15.

Ducky hires her as his assistant to help keep him on schedule on a book he is writing about past cases. However, when a past cold case resurfaces in "One Man's Trash", Ducky returns to NCIS to assist in the investigation, bringing a reluctant Kasie along with him to help and meet his co-workers. While Kasie is friendly towards most of Gibbs' team to the point of giving hugs, she is noticeably cold towards Abby Sciuto, making no attempts to connect with her despite staying in her guest room. This frustrates Abby, who believes that Kasie doesn't like her despite her attempts to be friendly, especially since, as Abby later learns from Ducky, Kasie has a degree in forensic science.

After witnessing Kasie encourage Ducky to use the case to inspire his creativity for the book, Abby confronts Kasie, who admits that she is a fan of Abby's work and freaked out internally when she met her, and the two develop a close friendship. Following Abby's resignation from NCIS, Gibbs hires Kasie in "Fallout" to fill in for her temporarily until he finds a permanent replacement, which she agrees to do with Abby's blessing. However, this slightly unsettles the rest of the members of Gibbs' team, who are still trying to cope with Abby's departure. Kasie becomes the permanent replacement forensics specialist in Season 16.

Jessica Knight

Jessica Knight (Katrina Law) is an NCIS Special Agent, who was formerly assigned to the REACT Unit in the Washington Navy Yard.

After Bishop's departure, Knight, who had once been a member of an NCIS REACT team, with her fellow NCIS colleagues all dying in an explosion, and who had temporarily assisted the team, subsequently joined the main NCIS Major Case Response Team in October 2021.

Knight is first introduced in Season 18's penultimate episode, “Blown Away”, as she helps the Major Case Response Team (at that time under the lead of Tim McGee after Gibbs' suspension) to catch the one behind the bombing of her teammates. Despite being injured and the only survivor, Jessica is determined to help the team solve the case. Her no-nonsense attitude and strong will are a fun match-up with the team's laid-back behavior as they work the case.[51]

Knight speaks fluent Chinese and was a Division I track star in college.

In a character bio published in Deadline, Knight is described as "a formidable REACT (Regional Enforcement Action Capabilities Training Team) agent who specializes in hostage negotiations and handles daily high-risk operations with skill and precision. Sharp, athletic and tough, she was raised by a single father and had to fight for everything in life. She is fiercely tenacious and with a wry sense of humor.[52]

Law’s character quickly proves to be likable. She’s loyal, and she wants to help. While there is a bit of a wild side to her, she was quick to step in to help clear Bishop’s name without even knowing who Bishop really is.[53]

In episode 9, “Collective Memory” Knight admits that she & her mother have not spoken in months. She does not say anything else, but “my mom and I, it’s complicated.” As Torres sees it, however, if they love each other, it is not as complicated as she thinks, so after the case wraps up, Knight reaches out to her mother.[54]

In episode 15, "Thick as Thieves," Knight asks Palmer to be her plus-one at a wedding. Romantic tensions are built up throughout the rest of the season, with them admitting their feelings for each other in episode 20, "All or Nothing," and finally kissing and making it official in the season finale.[55]

Alden Parker

Alden Parker is the current Supervisory Special Agent of the NCIS Major Case Response Team and a former FBI Special Agent. He acquired the supervisory position at NCIS after former NCIS Supervisory Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs decided to stay in Alaska and not come back to NCIS since he finds a sense of peace that he hadn't felt for 30 years since his wife and daughter were killed by Pedro Hernandez.

Parker becomes acquainted with NCIS in June 2021, when he is also going after the serial killer whom Gibbs and local reporter Marcie Warren are attempting to arrest. Later, he and a few other FBI agents are sent to arrest Gibbs after he had been "avoiding the law for so long", but he has a change of heart at the end of "Great Wide Open" when he decides not to arrest Gibbs.

After Gibbs decides not to return to NCIS, he recommends Parker, who has been fired by the FBI after not arresting Gibbs, for the job once McGee declines to take the position. Parker accepts after the events of "Face the Strange", filling the Supervisory Agent position that Gibbs had for 25 years.

Recurring and notable cast and characters


E.J. Barrett

Sarah Jane Morris played E.J. Barrett.

Erica Jane "E.J." Barrett (Sarah Jane Morris) is an NCIS agent reassigned to Washington in the season eight episode "One Last Score". She was originally a Major Case Response Team leader stationed in Rota, Spain, which attracts DiNozzo's attention as he had previously been offered the same position in the season four episode "Singled Out", though he does not resent her position as he turned the offer down to stay in Washington.

Barrett's presence is a source of tension between Gibbs and Director Vance, as Gibbs initially believes Barrett was reassigned to Washington because of budget cuts. However, in the episode "Two-Faced", it is revealed that Barrett is stationed in Washington to track a serial killer known as the "Port-to-Port Killer" (or P2P for short). When one of the killer's victims is found within the MCRT's jurisdiction, Vance puts together a task force to capture the killer, appointing Barrett as lead investigator. Gibbs begins to suspect Barrett and DiNozzo are in a relationship and dividing the loyalties of the team, and is so distrusting of her that he questions her very motivations for being an NCIS agent, opposing her in everything from interrogating a suspect to profiling the killer. In the season eight finale, "Pyramid", it is revealed that E.J. is the former Navy Secretary Philip Davenport's niece.

E.J. and her team are ambushed by the P2P at the end of "Swan Song". Her team members Gayne Levin and Simon Cade are shot and Levin is killed. E.J. survives, but is left in the trunk of a car. After being rescued by Gibbs, she is taken hostage by the P2P but is again rescued by Gibbs. E.J. then gives up her post at NCIS, but not before removing a little microchip from Levin's arm. Gibbs leaves the door open for her, having finally warmed to her. At the end of season eight, DiNozzo is tasked with dealing with an agent who is selling top-secret information. In the season nine premiere, "Nature of the Beast", Tony stops E.J. from running away with the microchip. E.J. then reveals that Levin asked her to bring the microchip to Navy Captain Felix Wright if anything happened to him.

However, the captain was murdered and E.J. and Tony are targeted by an unknown killer. They turn to Gibbs for help and E.J. says that she does not know what is on the microchip. She meets with her team member Simon Cade in an alley. DiNozzo steps in and wants to arrest Cade, and reveals that he was the agent selling top-secret information. However, Cade knows nothing about it and all three realize that they have been used. They then get shot, Cade fatally, E.J. in the stomach and Tony in his shoulder.

Their shooter appears to be Casey Stratton, seemingly an FBI agent, but not known by the FBI itself. E.J. then goes into hiding to escape Stratton's attention, leaving both NCIS and Stratton looking for her. A petty officer she had called for help dies at the hands of an unknown assassin. Gibbs and his team investigate the murder, reuniting them with E.J. in "Housekeeping". After they apprehend the assassin who had been tracking E.J. for the past year, she and Tony reconcile, and she returns to her home on vacation.

Agah Bayar

Agah Bayar (Tamer Hassan) is an international Turkish arms dealer, who first appeared in the season eight episode "Broken Arrow". He had a brief appearance in the episode "Kill Screen" and returned in the season nine episode "Need to Know" and the season 12 episode Lost Boys. Gibbs does not like Bayar, as he seems to avoid trouble with federal agencies too easily.

Merton Bell

Robert Patrick recurred as Merton Bell.

Colonel Merton Bell (Robert Patrick) is a former Army tank unit commander and the President of First Defense PMC, the largest security and bounty hunting firm in the U.S. and the main antagonist of season seven.

He is hired by an Iraqi tribal leader to capture her daughter and granddaughter from Mike Franks's home in Mexico. Bell sends two of his men to accomplish the mission, but they are killed by Franks's daughter-in-law, Leyla Shakarji. Franks and his family run away to Gibbs's home in Washington, D.C., where they can be protected, but Bell finds out they are there and sends a squad to capture them.

With the help of Damon Werth, a former Marine under Bell's employ, Gibbs traps and arrests Bell before turning them over to Mexico for trial. (Bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico.) Bell is released with the help of American lawyer Margaret Allison Hart. He then sends Hart to Washington in a bid to have his revenge against Gibbs.

In "Patriot Down", Hart reveals to Vance that since he got out of prison, Bell had been gathering information on Gibbs and is responsible for uncovering evidence that almost twenty years earlier, Gibbs killed Pedro Hernandez, the drug dealer who murdered Gibbs's wife and daughter in 1991.

Bell orders his right-hand man, Jason Paul Dean, to kill Special Agent Lara Macy, who has discovered this evidence but subsequently buried it according to "Legend, Part 2". Bell and his men then set out for Mexico to murder Mike Franks and his family, but they are all killed by Dean who is revealed to be working for an unknown party.

Gibbs initially believes Bell's body is actually Franks, but Dean confesses to the murder, leaving the fate of Franks and his family unknown until "Rule Fifty-One". In the same episode, it is revealed that Bell was working for the Reynosa drug cartel. Paloma Reynosa, daughter of Pedro Hernandez and head of the cartel, plans to use Bell's vendetta against Gibbs to have her revenge for her father's death. She orders Dean to kill Bell as she no longer needs him.

Jeanne Benoit

Scottie Thompson recurs as Jeanne Woods.

Jeanne Benoit (later Jeanne Woods) (Scottie Thompson) first appears in the episode "Sandblast" as Tony DiNozzo's new girlfriend. She is an ER resident in Washington, D.C., In the episode "Angel of Death", it is revealed that she is the daughter of arms dealer René Benoit and that Director Shepard, during Gibbs' absence at the end of season 3, assigned Tony to an undercover mission to get close to her. After her father is found dead, an FBI team led by Agent Tobias Fornell investigates Gibbs' team and interrogates Tony based on testimony from Jeanne that he killed him. She later admits to Shepard that she lied out of anger at Tony for breaking her heart by lying about his identity and his intentions. She leaves the squad room after telling Tony (who did not lie about his feelings, despite his undercover deceptions) that she wished she had never met him.

In the episode "Bounce", she is mentioned as someone who could possibly have a grudge against Tony and be willing to frame him. Jeanne returns in the episode "Saviors" when NCIS investigate an attack on volunteer doctors in South Sudan. Two doctors go missing, one of whom is Jeanne's husband. She joins Tony and Tim on their mission, where Tony promises that they will not rest until they locate her husband. On their return flight, Jeanne thanks Tony and tells him that she owes him. He responds "No, you don't... we're good.", leaving the pair to part amicably after eight years.

Months later, in "Loose Cannons", Tony encounters Jeanne and her husband while investigating a case; she worries about it being connected with her father, which Tony assures her it is not. However, when NCIS finds out that the case is connected with her father, Jeanne accuses Tony of lying to her. He tries to apologize, as he did not know, but she says she was beginning to feel whole again until encountering him.

Later, after the case is closed, Tony returns to Jeanne's office to find her alone after a fight with her husband regarding her unresolved feelings for Tony. Tony fully apologizes to her and sits down with her, admitting he is not feeling whole either. They then have an amicable conversation about both of them wanting to go back in time to fix their relationship, in the hope of a happier ending. However, as they part, they both stand up and have a tense moment where they nearly kiss, but both agree it should not go any further.

René Benoit

René Benoit, alias La Grenouille ("The Frog") (Armand Assante) is a French arms dealer and the primary antagonist of seasons 4 and 5. He is always referred to by his sobriquet, an ethnic slur for the French. He is introduced in the episode "Singled Out", first appearing in "Blowback". Director Shepard has been obsessed with bringing him to justice for over ten years because she believes he killed her father and made it look like a suicide. Although he has connections to Iran, the CIA appears to tolerate him as a method of funneling disinformation to Iran as well as maintaining him as a prominent arms dealer so as to keep a degree of control over the arms trade.

According to a psychological profile by Dr. Mallard, even though La Grenouille is a "merchant of death", he is not a violent man by nature, a viewpoint Gibbs later embraces, as he too learns the fact that the arms dealer isn't really dangerous anyway. Director Shepard's investigation of La Grenouille almost ruins a CIA sting operation to get a faulty weapon system into Iranian hands. Subsequently, the CIA do their best to protect their asset.

In "Bury Your Dead", Benoit asks Director Shepard for protection, claiming someone is trying to kill him and take over his arms business, added to the fact that he no longer trusts the CIA. Shepard tells him "protect yourself" in true devotion to her father and hands him her gun, although it is later shown that he doesn't take it, as Gibbs is there in the same room to see what really happened that night. At the end of the episode, he is seen floating in the Washington Channel with a single gunshot to his head (from Director Shepard's gun).

In the episode "Angel of Death", it is revealed that La Grenouille is the father of Jeanne Benoit, the woman that DiNozzo falls in love with after seducing her in the course of Director Shepard's undercover investigation, which Shepard later reveals in an apology to the young woman for "crossing the line" in "Internal Affairs". It is implied that both Trent Kort and NCIS Director Jenny Shepard kill him in the episode "Internal Affairs", and in "Judgment Day" (Part 1) Gibbs, reviewing the FBI file, finds evidence that further implicates her while looking at a familiarly marked bullet.

Abigail Borin

Diane Neal recurred as Special Agent Abigail Borin.

Supervisory Special Agent Abigail "Abby" Borin (Diane Neal) is a Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) Special Agent. Originally from a small town in Ohio and an only child, Borin served a tour of duty in Iraq as a sergeant before presumably retiring from the Marines and joining CGIS where she later rose through the ranks, eventually getting the opportunity to lead her own team.

Her most recent appearance was in the season twelve episode, "The San Dominick". She is similar to Gibbs; both are coffee drinkers, liking it the same way, and workaholics with a strong sense of duty to their jobs. In "Safe Harbor", Tony attempts to matchmake the two of them, to no avail, although Borin continues to humor him by returning his wisecracks.

The character is also a recurring special guest on the spin-off NCIS: New Orleans, first appearing when she and Special Agent Dwayne Pride's team conduct a joint investigation. It is revealed that she took Advanced Placement Spanish at Chaminade-Julienne High School in Dayton, Ohio, and is fluent in the language. She previously worked with Pride on a joint undercover operation.

Stan Burley

Stan Burley (Joel Gretsch) is an NCIS agent who first appears in the first-season episode "High Seas". Prior to the series' start, he was Gibbs' partner and subordinate, but eventually was transferred out as an Agent Afloat, when he was replaced by DiNozzo. He looks up to Gibbs, and enlists his and his teams' help in tracking down a drug dealer on board the USS Enterprise. Burley knew (or at least knew of) Mike Franks, and calls Gibbs following his death to express his condolences.

Over eight years after his first appearance, Burley returns in the season nine episode "Playing with Fire", where he leads DiNozzo and David in tracking down and thwarting a terrorist who tries to destroy the carrier USS Benjamin Franklin in Naples, Italy, under the orders of businessman Harper Dearing. Burley is injured by the terrorist in the process. He returns with DiNozzo and David to the Navy Yard, and is part of the crowd which sees Gibbs place Dearing's photo on the wall of NCIS Most Wanted.

Maureen Cabot

Maureen Cabot (Kelli Williams) is an NCIS Special Agent assigned to the Family & Sexual Violence Program. Nicknamed "Mo", she assisted Gibbs in the episodes "Alleged" and "Viral".

Simon Cade

Special Agent Simon Cade (Matthew Willig) was an NCIS special agent on E. J. Barrett's team who appears in three episodes in season eight and the season nine premiere. Prior to being a NCIS agent, Cade attended Yale, where he played football. In the episode "Swan Song", he is wounded in a shootout with Jonas Cobb, but recovers. Following his recovery, he drops off the grid and is suspected of being a mole. Cade was shot and killed by Jonathan Cole in the season nine premiere "Nature of the Beast".

Paula Cassidy

Supervisory Special Agent Paula Cassidy (Jessica Steen) is a criminal profiler for NCIS, who first appears in the episode "Minimum Security". An expert on Middle Eastern terrorists, she works as an interrogator at Guantanamo Bay. During "Minimum Security", she is viewed with suspicion by Gibbs as the deceased victim in the episode had letters containing her name.

She develops a romantic relationship with DiNozzo and the two seemingly stay in contact, but she breaks it off at the end of "Heart Break" after hearing nothing from him (or possibly due to her anger at Gibbs giving her grief). Following the aftermath of Kate Todd's death, Cassidy temporarily joins Gibbs' team during "Mind Games" and helps in the case of a serial killer as well as tracking down a copycat who is carrying out similar killings.

After becoming a team leader and being assigned to the Pentagon, Cassidy's team is killed while investigating a suspected terrorist, and she later joins the team to find out who arranged the phone call and the trap that sent her team to their deaths. She also has a hostile relationship with Ziva David, pronouncing Ziva's surname wrong to antagonize her, a trait that Abby repeats upon meeting Ziva for the first time. It is later revealed that Ziva has been allowing herself to be the target of Cassidy's anger in order to help her through the ordeal of losing her team. As a result of the bombing, Cassidy is left with psychological scars and begins developing survivor's guilt, believing herself to be the one responsible for unknowingly sending her team into the trap. She later sacrifices herself to stop a suicide bomber in the episode "Grace Period", thus saving Gibbs, DiNozzo, Ziva, and three Muslim clerics, who were signing fatwās to promote peace in the Middle East. Her death leaves Tony grief-stricken and finally gives him the courage he needs to tell Jeanne that he loves her. Her portrait is later seen in a bar wall honoring officers who have been killed in the line of duty.

Rebecca Chase

Rebecca Chase (Jeri Ryan) is the second ex-wife of Leroy Jethro Gibbs. She first appears in "Check". She appears alongside Gibbs' first ex-wife Diane Sterling coincidentally at a crime scene he is investigating; she and Diane explain that they met at a support group. After a day of trying to avoid her, Rebecca then arrives at Gibbs' house, apologizing for cheating on him during their marriage.

Gibbs later interrogates her and her fiancé, who is revealed to be the man she cheated on Gibbs with; and later when it is revealed that her cell phone has been bugged, Gibbs discovers that Sergei Mishnev has been stalking her and has her and her fiancé put into the witness protection programme. In the episode "Off The Grid", after Gibbs goes undercover, McGee and Torres discover that he and Rebecca had a phone conversation the night before. Torres calls Rebecca to find out if she knows any information about Gibbs' undercover operations; though she denies knowing anything and reveals that the two were only making plans for dinner; whether this is supposed to be romantic or not is left unknown.

Carrie Clark

Carrie Clark (Salli Richardson-Whitfield) is a lawyer and a former Special Agent with the FBI. She worked on FBI Special Agent Tobias Fornell's team, now a criminal attorney. She appears in season 11 episode 8 "Alibi", season 12 episode 8 "Semper Fortis" and season 13 episode 9 "A Day in Court". She has worked with Gibbs and his team on a case, while working for the FBI (off screen).

She first appears in episode Alibi, after Marine Staff Sergeant Justin Dunne, is arrested, Dunne requests an attorney, and hires former FBI agent Carrie Clark, who also happens to be an old acquaintance of the team. Dunne tells Carrie that he has an alibi, in that he was involved in a murder outside of the base at the time of the hit and run, and that somebody else must have stolen his truck. Due to attorney-client privilege, Carrie cannot tell Gibbs and the team anything about Dunne's crime other than he has a solid alibi. However, she manages to leave small, subtle clues for the team to follow.

Jonas Cobb

Lieutenant Jonas Cobb (Kerr Smith) is the real name of the "Port-to-Port Killer", or 'P2P' for short, the primary antagonist of season eight. Originally recruited into a CIA assassination team code-named Frankenstein, Cobb cracked under intense and inhumane training before escaping.

He re-surfaced in Rota, Spain, where he began his pattern of killing Navy personnel when they made landfall. He has also killed victims in Guam, Japan, Norfolk, Washington, D.C., and was in the process of killing another victim in Hawaii before being interrupted by CIA operative Trent Kort.

A ruthless serial killer, he is responsible for the deaths of Mike Franks and NCIS Agent Gaven Levin, and takes NCIS agent E.J. Barrett hostage. One body in the episode "Baltimore" resembles P2P's work, but is later found by Dr. Mallard to be a copycat because of the way the knot is tied. The killer is revealed to be Agent DiNozzo's former superior at Baltimore PD, and the victim is DiNozzo's former partner there, with whom he reconciled. The real P2P, though not known to be Cobb at the time, makes the deception final through a fake Abby Scuito email.

Cobb's modus operandi involves luring his victims into a trap before slashing their throats from behind. He then scrubs the body down with a hospital-grade cleanser before wrapping the bodies in plastic and dumping them in isolated areas. He has been known to dress seamen in the uniforms of officers, and often leaves personal effects of his victims behind frozen in ice that foreshadow his next kill, though his m.o. changes forever in "Swan Song".

Psychological profiling of Cobb depicts him as methodical, intelligent, and opposed to authority, but not easily distracted by law enforcement. The threat posed by Cobb is deemed so great by Director Vance, that he deliberately changes NCIS policy to antagonize Gibbs in the hopes of setting Gibbs up as a figure Cobb will identify with, in an attempt to lure Cobb into a trap. Cobb, after abducting Ziva David, gives himself up to NCIS in order to start the next phase of his plan. While Gibbs interrogates him with Agent Barrett watching, he tells a story about the son of a Marine who was told that he had to have his horse put to sleep, which turns out to be a deadly seed planted into Cobb as a child, since the story was about him anyway.

Cobb is killed in the season eight finale, "Pyramid", where it is revealed that everything he had done since his first kill in Rota has been a part of a larger plan to get revenge on those he holds responsible for Operation Frankenstein—Leon Vance, Trent Kort and the Secretary of the Navy. He is aware that what he does is evil, but maintains that his actions have been for the greater good. He is shot and killed by Gibbs and Vance when he refuses to surrender.

Jonathan Cole

Jonathan Cole (Scott Wolf), alias FBI Agent Casey Stratton, is one of the primary antagonists of season nine. He was formerly a member of "Phantom Eight", a clandestine team of operatives assigned to the Watcher Fleet tasked with protecting the United States Navy. Cole goes rogue some time after the Phantom Eight are disbanded and begins working with Sean Latham, the corrupt Director of Special Operations for the Office of Naval Intelligence and a former member of Phantom Eight himself. Cole and Latham conspire to sell a series of microchips belonging to Phantom Eight members, which give their owners unrivalled access to the Navy mainframe. Cole makes his first appearance in "Nature of the Beast", where he adopts the alias of Casey Stratton, an FBI Agent assigned to investigate a shooting involving Tony DiNozzo. DiNozzo, having forgotten the events that led up to the trauma of the shooting, attempts to reconstruct his memories, recounting his investigation of NCIS Agents Simon Cade and E.J. Barrett. His investigation centers on a microchip Barrett extracted from the body of Gayne Levin, who also served in Phantom Eight, but wound up the last murder victim of Lt. Jonas Cobb, the Port-to-Port Killer. Cole manipulates DiNozzo, Barrett, and Cade into first distrusting one another and then meeting, where he attempts to kill all three before fleeing with the microchip. Cole kills Cade, wounds DiNozzo, and misses Barrett, who flees. He later approaches DiNozzo in the hospital under the Casey Stratton alias, but is unable to kill him as DiNozzo is under guard. Cole reappears in "Housekeeping", where he attempts to kill E.J. Barrett, who has since resurfaced. After the first failed attempt, Latham advises Cole to abandon his mission, but Cole refuses, claiming that he has to see it through, and he murders Latham. Now aware of his role in Phantom Eight and his actual name, NCIS trick Cole into attacking a safehouse under the pretense that Barrett and DiNozzo are hiding there. The safehouse is empty, and Cole is apprehended. His final appearance comes in "Till Death Do Us Part" when Gibbs feels he would be an ideal operative to get close to the terrorist Harper Dearing. Cole agrees in exchange for a (slightly) reduced sentence, but Dearing is already aware of his role and rejects his offer of help. Cole is killed when attempting to defuse a bomb left by Dearing outside NCIS headquarters. Although Cole never offers a reason for his crimes, and the circumstances that led to his becoming a traitor are never detailed, he does admit that he thought he had good reasons for doing what he did; he was soon proven wrong.

Grace Confalone

Dr. Grace Confalone (Laura San Giacomo) is the therapist of both Gibbs and Dr. Cyril Taft. First appearing in "Loose Cannons", Grace builds a professional relationship and personal friendship with Gibbs, nicknaming him "Popeye", and often resorting to child psychology (including picture charts) to tap into his psyche. In "Family First", Grace befriends Tobias Fornell's daughter Emily at the request of Gibbs while Fornell is in a coma after having been shot. Grace returns in "Privileged Information", as Gibbs investigates a patient of hers, a Marine Sergeant, after she ends up in a coma, and tells Gibbs he should treat it as a murder investigation, but cannot divulge further due to doctor-patient confidentiality. When the patient dies, Grace tells Gibbs that the patient was involved in covering up a murder, but that she didn't tell her any details. In "Twofer", following Gibbs' and McGee's return to the US after a failed mission in Paraguay, Grace is appointed to conduct psychiatric evaluations on them to determine whether they are fit to return to NCIS. Gibbs surprisingly is able to open up to her about his troubles more than she's already known, but McGee skips his appointment with her, frustrating her. Gibbs is able to convince McGee to go to his appointment with Grace, and meets with McGee outside her office after the session, having himself become a more regular patient of Grace. In "Two Steps Back", Grace is seen playing a poker game at Gibbs' house with Gibbs, Vance, Fornell and new NCIS agent Jack Sloane, whom she meets for the first time.

Jerome Craig

Jerome Craig (Greg Germann) is the deputy director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Craig is promoted to acting director following the drive-by shooting of Jackie Vance. It is in this capacity that he helps investigate Ajay Khan ("Canary"), though he later steps down from his position in "Hereafter". Craig is a bureaucrat, with little-to-no field experience.

Rachel Cranston

Dr. Rachel Cranston (née Todd) (Wendy Makkena) is a psychologist and the older sister of Caitlin Todd. She has made four appearances to date, the first being in the season eight episode "A Man Walks Into a Bar...", Tony gives her the nickname "Dr. Kate's Sister". In the season nine premiere "Nature of the Beast", she helps the team piece together the events of Tony's undercover assignment. Her most recent appearance is in the season eleven "Double Back", when she psychologically evaluates McGee after a bombing leaves his girlfriend Delilah paralyzed.

Phillip Davenport

The former United States Secretary of the Navy, Phillip Davenport (Jude Ciccolella) presumably took over from Edward Sheffield (Dean Stockwell), who was last seen in the position during the final season of JAG and the second season of NCIS. He was in office from at least 2008 (during which he made his first appearance) until he resigned in 2011 during the events of "Pyramid".

Eli David

Eli David (played by Michael Nouri, and by Ben Morrison as a younger David in flashbacks) has a recurring role, starting in "Last Man Standing", as the head of Mossad. Earlier in the series, it is also mentioned that he is Ziva David's father, as well as that of her half-brother, Ari Haswari, a sort of mercenary/terrorist whom she prevents from shooting Agent Gibbs. David also had a younger daughter, Tali, Ziva's full sister, who is also deceased. Though appearing to be "all business" and uncaring about his children, Eli's reasons for this come from the need to preserve the existence of Israel, a country surrounded by enemy nations. He and Director Vance have shared a history since a time in Amsterdam when Eli saved his life from the attempts of a Russian hit squad.

Towards the end of season six, Eli sends Michael Rivkin to Washington in what Vance describes as a not-so-subtle message that he does not think NCIS are doing their jobs. During "Semper Fidelis", Eli is suspected of using Michael Rivkin to spy on the Americans and using the intelligence to locate a terrorist handler and find a training camp located in Somalia. Vance claims that Eli ordered Ziva to kill Ari and gain Gibbs' trust. In "Aliyah", when Ziva, Gibbs, Vance, and Tony travel to Israel, David accuses Tony of killing Michael Rivkin out of jealousy; Tony, in turn, accuses him of sending every corrupt Mossad officer to Washington for NCIS to handle. Later, David demands that Ziva return full-time to Mossad and complete Rivkin's assignment. Ziva thus travels covertly into a Somali terrorist camp to eliminate Saleem Ulman, its leader. After one member of the team is killed and the other two are wounded, their instructions stand, and this leads directly to Ziva's captivity and torture at Saleem's hands. Afterward, during the episode "Good Cop, Bad Cop", Eli sends Mossad operative Malachi Ben-Gidon to Washington to discredit Ziva and her account of events that led to her capture prior to "Truth or Consequences", which prompts her to believe that her father is corrupt: an opinion disproven during the events of "Enemies Foreign"/"Enemies Domestic" (season eight), wherein Ziva manages to reconcile with her father after understanding his reasoning, and concluding that she wants to live her life on her own terms instead of her father's. In the 11th episode of Season 10, "Shabbat Shalom", Director David comes to the U.S. without any type of protection in hopes of making peace not only with Ziva, but also with Iran via their Intelligence Bureau's Head, David's childhood friend Arash Kazmi (Nasser Faris). Unfortunately, both he and Jackie, Director Vance's wife, are shot and killed in the Vance home during dinner in a drive-by shooting orchestrated by hawkish anti-peace Mossad personnel headed by Deputy Director Ilan Tohar Bodnar (Oded Fehr). The last we see of Director David is Ziva holding his body while sobbing and praying in her native Hebrew.[56] As it turns out, Kazmi was also assassinated that night, an action blamed on the fugitive Bodner, but really undertaken by the CIA in an effort to "stir the (political) pot" in Middle East affairs involving Israel and Iran (see season 10, episode 24, "Damned If You Do)".

Harper Dearing

Richard Schiff played Harper Dearing.

Harper Dearing (Richard Schiff) is the primary antagonist during the last episodes of the ninth season. Initially described as "an eccentric businessman whose son was killed in a terrorist bombing",[57] he appears as a domestic terrorist, out for revenge against the Navy due to the death of his son, Evan, which is revealed in "Up in Smoke". Dr. Samatha Ryan describes Dearing as "a sociopathic, paranoid narcissist". After a series of attacks on Navy ships where his hired arsonist Andre Fullerton was apprehended in "Playing with Fire", Dearing now knows that NCIS is onto him after Fullerton was forced to divulge the identity of the man who hired him. With NCIS onto him, Dearing plants a bomb at the NCIS Headquarters in the season finale, "Till Death Do Us Part".[58] The resulting cliffhanger leaves most of the main characters' fates unclear.[59] These events spur Gibbs to seek personal revenge against Dearing, culminating in a confrontation in which Gibbs fatally stabs Dearing in self-defense.[25]

Anthony DiNozzo, Sr.

Robert Wagner plays Anthony DiNozzo, Sr.

Anthony DiNozzo, Sr. (Robert Wagner) is the father of Tony DiNozzo. They typically refer to each other as "Junior" and "Senior". They are estranged in the early seasons of the show, but Tony makes it clear that his father has money. When Senior first appears in the season 7 episode Flesh and Blood, Tony realizes that, although still living large, Senior is using his considerable charm to schmooze rich friends into paying his expenses, and is actually broke. Tony concludes that his father has just been a con man all those years. When Senior finally hears about this in the season 12 episode The Artful Dodger, he denies the accusation: he says he is an entrepreneur, the difference being that he has always believed in the dreams he was selling. Over time, the two attempt to rebuild their relationship.

Ned Dorneget

Special Agent Ned Dorneget (Matt L. Jones) is a probationary agent first introduced in the Season 9 episode "Sins of the Father". Usually known as "Dorney" to the rest of the team, he is often assigned to the evidence locker against his wishes and desires to become a full field agent. In "Need to Know", Gibbs decides that he is ready and hands him his first field assignment. Like McGee during his days as a probie, Dorneget is often the butt of Tony's hazing pranks in Season 10, most notably in the episode "Prime Suspect". The character does not return for Season 11 but is briefly mentioned in the Season 12 episode "The San Dominick", when he calls McGee for updates regarding Gibbs and the hostage situation. Later in Season 12, Dorneget returns in the episode "Troll", where it is revealed that he has become a full-fledged NCIS Special Agent and that he also works for NCIS Cyber Operations. In the next episode, "The Lost Boys", Dorneget is killed in Cairo in a terrorist bomb attack after saving dozens of people at a hotel. His mother, CIA officer Joanna Teague (Mimi Rogers), works with NCIS to find the terrorist group responsible for his death.

Chad Dunham

Special Agent Chad Dunham (Todd Lowe) first appears in the episode "Truth or Consequences". Chad Dunham is a recurring NCIS Special Agent who was stationed in the Horn of Africa when Ziva was being held captive by a group of terrorists in the beginning of season seven. He returned in episode four, "Good Cop, Bad Cop". His third appearance (and the last to date) is in season seven, episode seven, "Endgame", although this time it was in person in DC, when Ziva notices that he "cleans up nice".

Orli Elbaz

Orli Elbaz (Marina Sirtis) is the Director of Mossad, protégée of Eli David, and a close friend to Ziva. In the distant past, prior to her appointment to Mossad, Orli had an affair with Eli David that led to the dissolution of his marriage to Rivka David. In the aftermath of Eli's murder, with Ilan Bodnar going on the run until killed in a fight with Special Agent Ziva David, Orli becomes the new director of Mossad. Though she and Ziva are initially resentful of one another, they reconcile in the season following Ziva's departure from NCIS — and Elbaz is one of the only people she confides in about the paternity of Tali. Orli is last seen transporting the child to NCIS, and relinquishing custody to DiNozzo.

Adam Eshel

Adam Eshel (Damon Dayoub) works for the Shin Bet, Israeli Secret Service, and is also Ziva David's contact. During Eshel's first appearance, he assists in the investigation into Ilan Bodnar, working with Tony and Ziva; in the same episode, it is mentioned that he and Ziva spent the night together after her father's funeral. In "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot", Eshel lends his expertise in order to give DiNozzo an insight into Ziva's personal life and current whereabouts. He is mentioned in "Family First", with DiNozzo stating he has asked Eshel about Ziva's current location, but that Adam says he has not had contact with her in over a year. In Season 17, it is revealed that, after Ziva has escaped the mortar attack, she brought Tali to Adam who then brings the child to Orli. Eshel returns in the NCIS Season 17 episode, "The North Pole" where he was captured by henchmen working for terrorist Sahar who has been hunting Ziva and tortured Adam. Despite Gibbs and Ziva's efforts, they arrive too late to save Eshel who ultimately succumbs to his injuries and dies although Eshel tells them that the real Sahar they've been looking for is someone they know before dying, leading the two to realize that the real Sahar is Gibbs's neighbor, Sarah.

Delilah Fielding

Delilah Fielding-McGee (Margo Harshman) is a Department of Defense analyst and McGee's girlfriend and later his wife. An agent with the Department of Defense, Delilah is first mentioned during the Season 10 finale "Damned If You Do" as a woman McGee has been flirting with who sends him some confidential information relating to a case. She first appears in the Season 11 premiere episode, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot", during a coffee date with McGee and later becomes an ally, assisting the NCIS team in their hunt for terrorist Benham Parsa. In the Season 11 episodes "Kill Chain" and "Double Back", Delilah is left badly injured in a missile attack at a black-tie event she and McGee are attending. While McGee is not seriously injured, Delilah is left permanently paralyzed due to shrapnel embedded in her spine, and she thereafter uses a wheelchair. She soon recovers from the incident and continues to assist the NCIS team. In the episode "Page Not Found", McGee confides in Tony that he is planning to ask Delilah to move in with him; Delilah later reveals to Tony that she wants to take a job opening for a senior intelligence analyst, which would require her to move to Dubai for a year. Tony then separately tells the two about their other half's plans; McGee allows her to take the job, and they agree to continue their relationship long-distance. McGee also gives her a copy of his house key, which she accepts, reiterating her intent to move in with him after her assignment is over.

After spending almost a year in Dubai, Delilah returns in the episode "Status Update". When she returns as team leader now based in the US, she and McGee move in together. McGee later buys an engagement ring, with the intent of proposing to Delilah. When McGee spontaneously proposes to Delilah in the elevator in the episode "Love Boat", she accepts. During "Something Blue", McGee and Delilah have been planning their wedding when Delilah collapses. While she recovers in the hospital, she and McGee find out that she is pregnant. They change their minds about wedding planning and marry in a private ceremony in their apartment surrounded by the NCIS team. In the episode "Ready or Not", Delilah goes into labor and Abby takes her to the hospital. A hostage situation occurs in the hospital and McGee is caught up in it while Delilah gives birth to twins, John (a boy), named after McGee's father Admiral John McGee, and Morgan (a girl), named after ER guard (and former law enforcement officer) Morgan Cade, who was fatally shot trying to help McGee arrest an arms dealer. McGee is unharmed and eventually is able to be with Delilah when she gives birth.

Jenna Flemming

Jenna Flemming (Mary Stuart Masterson) is a Congresswoman in the United States House of Representatives, representing Maryland's 9th district. Her political career started when she was elected to the School Board; she has been a member of the House since 2001. Since "A Many Splendored Thing", Congresswoman Flemming is the ranking member of the House Counterterrorism Subcommittee. She was a descendant of Attila the Hun[citation needed].

Congresswoman Flemming starts a romantic relationship with Director Vance after his team investigates death threats against her and the death of her aide. She is interested in grooming Vance for a political career, and even offered to help Gibbs become the new Director of NCIS should Vance leave. When Flemming and Vance come to blows over their different views of politics, the two agree that they are not good at not letting these differences interfere with their relationship and decide to take a break from it to figure things out.

Stephanie Flynn

Stephanie Bronwyn Flynn (Kathleen York) is Gibbs' third ex-wife. She first appears in "Ex-File".

Emily Fornell

Emily Fornell (Juliette Angelo) was the daughter of Agent Tobias Fornell and Diane Sterling. Emily first appears during season four, played by Payton Spencer. During season eleven, "Devil's Triad", Emily is kidnapped and subsequently rescued by NSA Analyst Eleanor Bishop, while in season twelve she is visibly distraught following her mother's death. In "Cabin Fever", she enlists Gibbs' assistance when Tobias is arrested for DUI. She later appears in person in the episode "Dead Letter", where she quickly learns about her father being critically wounded by an unknown assassin. Out of anger and grief (especially as it happens just a year after her mother has been murdered), she demands that Gibbs swear to her to find the one who did this and make him pay. She later calls Gibbs requesting his help, as the nurse at the hospital refuses to resuscitate Fornell due to a "do not resuscitate" clause he had written when he was still grieving for her mom's death. While waiting for him to wake up, she attempts to paint his toenails to look like watermelons, but then she notices he is waking up and tries to talk to him. He is only awake for a few moments, but he tells her to tell Gibbs some vital information relating to SISCO regarding stolen cell-phones. This information allows them to track down Jacob Scott (whom they had believed was the man who murdered Terdei and left Fornell under critical condition at the time) who, much to everyone's surprise, has surrendered to NCIS custody at the Navy Yard. In "Family First", she is still waiting for her dad's recovery. During this time, she also runs out of nail-polish, thus leaving her pedicure on her dad incomplete. In addition, Gibbs, under the pretense of helping to catch the man who tried to kill Tobias (although it is heavily implied that it is actually to help Emily come to terms with what might happen), brings his shrink, Dr. Grace Confalone, who also proceeds to help her with the project. She affectionately calls Gibbs "Uncle Gibbs". She dies of a drug overdose in the Season 18 episode "Winter Chill".

Tobias Fornell

Senior FBI Special Agent Tobias C. Fornell (Joe Spano), later a private investigator, first appears in the series premiere episode "Yankee White". He is often involved in "inter-agency turf wars" with Gibbs' NCIS team. The two frequently pretend to be furiously angry at each other in front of their agents, while privately they are on friendly terms. When their teams have to share jurisdiction on a case, Gibbs usually asks for operational control; in exchange, credit for successes is claimed by Fornell's team. Their friendship is close enough for Gibbs to delay his retirement in the episode "Escaped" to assist Fornell in recapturing a fugitive. In the episode "The Bone Yard", Fornell comes to Gibbs for help when he is accused of being a mole for the mafia. In the same episode, he reveals that Gibbs is likely his only friend. Gibbs seems to feel similarly about Fornell, going so far as to fake Fornell's death to further the investigation to clear him of guilt. It is revealed in the episode "Twilight", that Fornell was married to Gibbs' second wife (Diane) after she and Gibbs divorced, something that Gibbs warned him against. Fornell often refers to Diane as "our ex-wife" to Gibbs. Fornell and Diane have a daughter, Emily. After a period of estrangement, the two reunite and agree to marry. Diane is later murdered, and Fornell turns to alcoholism for a short time.

After being shot by an unknown assailant (later revealed to be Trent Kort) in "Homefront", Fornell spends the next few months convalescing on Gibbs' couch, before finally returning to his own place around Christmas.

In season 15, Gibbs discovers that Fornell had falsified evidence to get Gabriel Hicks convicted as a serial murder and is forced to testify against him, resulting in his being fired from the FBI and becoming a private investigator; this causes a temporary break in their friendship. They make up when Hicks is eventually found to indeed be guilty and is arrested, exonerating Fornell. Despite being offered back a position in the FBI, Fornell chooses to stay in his new career.

Fornell is the only recurring character to appear in every season, except season 17 due to COVID-19 shutting down production early, of NCIS. Following David McCallum's death in September 2023, Fornell is currently the only remaining character still appearing on the show that appeared in the series premiere, "Yankee White".

Mike Franks

Special Agent-in-Charge Mike Franks, NIS (Ret.) (Muse Watson) is introduced in episode flashbacks in the episode "Hiatus" (Part 1). He is Gibbs' former mentor and partner, still referring to Gibbs as "Probie", just as DiNozzo does with McGee. In "Hiatus" (Part 2), it is stated that he retired to Mexico in 1996, roughly five years after Gibbs joined NCIS, after being disgruntled with the government's failure to prevent the Khobar Towers bombing. Although he comes across as crass and uncaring, Franks has been known to be very devious and sneaky, even hiding the fact that he had a son, though Gibbs helps hide his granddaughter and the girl's mother. Gibbs has picked up many of his mannerisms, including the trademark head slap he gives to DiNozzo and his ability to find a way around red tape. Jenny Shepard, who was still a junior agent during Franks' time, brings him back in hopes of helping Gibbs regain his memory after suffering a concussion in part 2 of "Hiatus". He is unable to help Gibbs regain his memory, although Gibbs recognizes him on sight. Franks is the only survivor of the gun battle that ends Director Shepard's life and finds some evidence for which the new director was apparently looking, though he is outside getting himself water for tea when the shooting starts and goes back in to make sure that the other shooters are dead. He is the last person to know about then-Director Shepard's incurable illness during her lifetime, as Gibbs only has suspicions at the time as of "Judgment Day" (Part 1). In his visit to Gibbs' bedside in season three, it is revealed in flashbacks that he warned members of the intelligence community about the threat that Osama bin Laden posed to American servicemen abroad some time before the Khobar Towers bombing. After the deaths of a number of Air Force personnel in the bombing, Franks retired to Mexico and handed control of the MCRT to Gibbs.

In season seven, Franks is seemingly ambushed by Colonel Merton Bell's henchmen and hitmen from the Reynosa drug cartel. His fate is left ambiguous and whether he is killed or captured in the attack is unknown. However, Franks later appears again to assist DiNozzo in investigating Alejandro. As a result of the gunfight between Bell and the Reynosa Cartel's men, Franks loses his right index finger. In the beginning of season eight, in the episode "Spider and the Fly", he appears after four months by showing up at Gibbs' house to help him, the team, Vance, and Jackson Gibbs destroy Paloma and Alejandro once and for all. Franks is killed by Jonas Cobb, the "Port-to-Port Killer", outside of Gibbs' house in the season-eight episode "Swan Song" as he attempts to apprehend Cobb. Franks, a Marine like Gibbs, is given a full military burial at the end of the season-eight finale. Franks was also revealed in this episode to be dying of cancer and Gibbs was making him a coffin. In the episode "Newborn King", Leyla and her daughter are revealed to have moved to Washington, D.C., following Franks' death. In "Outlaws and In-Laws", Gibbs is stated to be godfather to Leyla's daughter Amira. In "Anonymous Was a Woman" Franks is shown (in flashback) as having conducted a rescue program for Afghan women. Mike continues to appear as a figment of Gibbs' imagination, often offering advice.

Franks will be a main character in the prequel series NCIS: Origins, to be portrayed by Kyle Schmid.[60]

Jackson Gibbs

Jackson Gibbs (Ralph Waite)[61] is the father of Leroy Jethro Gibbs. After his son left to join the Marines, Jackson Gibbs continued to live in the town of Stillwater, Pennsylvania. He was widowed some years before the events in the season six episode "Heartland". During the episode "Frame Up", Gibbs mentions that his father painted pin-up girl Betty Grable on the nose of his P-51 Mustang. Jackson served as a pilot in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. Disoriented once while returning from a mission, Jackson was saved by an enemy German pilot. The pilots' reunion is the subject of the eleventh season's episode Better Angels.[62] In the season seven finale, "Rule Fifty-One", Paloma Reynosa of the Reynosa cartel enters Gibbs' store and turns the sign on the door from open to closed.[63] This is following Reynosa's warning to Gibbs that if he does not do exactly as she says she will kill everyone he ever met and is all part of Paloma's plan to get revenge on Gibbs who killed her father twenty years previously.[64] However, in the season eight opening, "Spider and the Fly", it is revealed that Gibbs managed to warn his father about the approaching danger just in time and Jackson is able to fight back against Paloma's men and escape before they could manage to kill him.

In "Heartland", it is revealed that Jackson and his son are estranged, but in later appearances, they reconcile and become close. In "The Namesake", it is revealed that Jackson named his son after LJ — Leroy Jethro Moore (Billy Dee Williams). According to Jethro, it was LJ who inspired him to join the Marine Corps as a teenager. LJ revealed to Gibbs that he, Jackson and the latter's wife Ann were friends growing up and both men fell in love with Ann. Due to segregation, Jackson married Ann as LJ was African-American and an inter-racial marriage was a social taboo during that time. The strained relationship between Gibbs and Jackson starts to mend after they bond during the case and they get an insight into what the other is feeling. Gibbs finally starts to forgive his father when he learns that he has finished restoring the car that had been Gibbs' only dream during his teenage years. Jackson later tells Gibbs to take the car and they promise to keep in touch. Gibbs also starts to call his father "Dad" instead of "Jack". It is eventually revealed that Gibbs' resentment for his father came from the difficult relationship between his parents. Gibbs' mother, Ann, was a hard woman to live with and they mutually had affairs despite their strong feelings for one another. Gibbs blamed his father's affairs for his mother leaving. The only thing that kept Gibbs and his father in contact after that was Gibbs' wife, Shannon. In the season 11 finale, "Honor Thy Father" (which aired exactly three months after Waite's death in February 2014), Vance tells Gibbs that Jackson suffered a fatal stroke. Jackson is buried with full military honors, with the USAF honor guards presenting Gibbs with Old Glory from Jackson's casket and performing Taps. LJ and Gibbs' team are present at the funeral.

Jackson will appear in the prequel series NCIS: Origins, played by Robert Taylor.[65]

Kelly Gibbs

Kelly Gibbs is the daughter of Leroy Jethro Gibbs and his first wife, Shannon. Both Shannon and Kelly were killed in a car wreck caused by Mexican drug dealer Pedro Hernandez in Oceanside, California, while Gibbs was deployed during Desert Storm. She first appears in a brief flashback, identified in the credits only as "Gibbs' daughter", in "Honor Code".

Shannon Gibbs

Shannon Gibbs (née Fielding) (Darby Stanchfield) is the late wife of Leroy Jethro Gibbs and the mother of his daughter, Kelly. Both Shannon and Kelly were killed in a car wreck caused by Mexican drug dealer Pedro Hernandez in Oceanside, California, while Gibbs was deployed during Desert Storm. She first appears in "Hiatus" (Part 1).

Jordan Hampton

Dr. Jordan Hampton (Torri Higginson) first appears in the episode "Identity Crisis". When a "John Doe" is donated to science and Ducky finds mercury in his brain, he is outraged that the medical examiner who performed the autopsy did not think to check his brain before donating him. As he and Gibbs go to confront "him" (Ducky mistakenly assumed that Dr. Hampton was male), he asks Gibbs to think no less of him for giving the M.E. a piece of his mind. After finding out that Dr. Hampton was not male, Ducky was visibly placated. Jordan came back to Ducky's autopsy room to help him find anything else she might have missed, and decodes the tattoo on his arm, helping Gibbs and his team eventually solve the case. She also reveals in this episode that she likes things neat and clean. She made a reappearance in the episode "Broken Bird" to help Ducky overcome grief and guilt for euthanizing a tortured Afghan when he was a doctor in the military. The two show some romantic interest in both episodes. Also, although she did not appear in the episode, she gave Ducky the autopsy report for La Grenouille in the episode "Internal Affairs".

Margaret Allison Hart

M. Allison Hart (Rena Sofer) is an attorney. She is contacted by Colonel Merton Bell while he is being tried by the Mexican authorities for bounty hunting in their country. Hart successfully gets Bell released from prison on the condition that he not leave Mexico. Vengeful against the man who sent him to prison, Bell sends Hart to Washington to defend any accused who are involved in Gibbs' investigations. Hart starts to take up every case that involves Gibbs. Hart's skills as a lawyer are a match for Gibbs' skills as an investigator. Despite their animosity, they appear to be attracted to one another. It is implied that they share a kiss at the end of one episode. In the episode "Mother's Day", when Gibbs' former mother-in-law (Shannon's mother) becomes a suspect in a murder investigation in which the victim was linked to the cartel responsible for the deaths of Shannon and Kelly, Gibbs covertly hires Hart to defend her. He then deliberately makes procedural errors to prevent her arrest and prosecution, permitting Hart to get her out of NCIS' custody. In the episode "Patriot Down", Abby writes a report on the murder of Mexican drug dealer Pedro Hernandez, a crime committed by Gibbs in 1991 in retaliation for Hernandez' murder of Gibbs' wife and daughter. The report never makes it to Mexico as it is intercepted by Hart, indicating that she has switched her allegiances. Her last appearance is "Rule Fifty-One", in which she confronts Gibbs over the report, and though she states that the report will end his career, she offers to defend him in court if it comes to that. Off-screen in "The Spider and the Fly", Hart resigns from her job at NCIS and moves away, taking the report with her in order to protect Gibbs from Paloma Reynosa and Alejandro Rivera, Hernandez's two children hell bent on revenge on Gibbs for their father's murder. After Alejandro accidentally kills Paloma, mistaking her for Gibbs, and is arrested, Hart mails the report back to Vance, who then puts it in storage.

Ari Haswari

Ari Haswari (portrayed by Rudolf Martin) is a terrorist who attacks and wounds both Gibbs and Gerald Jackson when he infiltrates the NCIS morgue during the episode "Bête Noire". NCIS initially identifies him as an undercover Mossad agent in the episode "Reveille", but he is really a rogue agent working for Hamas, and he is later found to be the leader of an Al-Qaeda cell in Washington, D.C., the latter info a correct summation made by Gibbs in "Twilight". Ari is an early archenemy of Agent Gibbs, as well as Eli David's first-born child. Both of his parents were medical doctors; Ari's mother, Hasmia Haswari, was Palestinian and his father, Dr. Benjamin Weinstein (actually Eli David using an alias), was Israeli. He underwent medical training in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh Medical School in order to serve undercover inside the Gaza Strip, where his mother was killed during a retaliatory bombardment by Israel. The event prompted Ari to join the radical Islamic cause. It is shown that he hates his Israeli father since Eli David arranged for the attack on Gaza on a day when Ari was in the city. He preferred to be referred to as Haswari in school instead of Ari. Ari's motivation for his actions is his hatred of his father, who groomed him from birth to be a spy within Al-Qaeda, and was very likely the reason why Gibbs later suspects him in "Twilight" to be the head of an Al-Qaeda cell in Washington, D.C.

After murdering Special Agent Kate Todd in the episode "Twilight" and mounting several further attacks on NCIS members (including Gibbs) in the episodes "Kill Ari (Part I)" and "Kill Ari (Part 2)", his reign of terror finally comes to an end when he is killed by his half-sister, Mossad officer Ziva David, who is later offered and accepts a position at NCIS as Mossad liaison officer. It is revealed in the episode "Aliyah" by Director Vance that Ziva had been under orders to kill Ari, as he was out of control and planning a massive terrorist attack, and to gain Gibbs' trust in the process, which ended whatever secret Gibbs and Ziva could keep from the rest of NCIS. Ziva initially does not believe that Ari was an enemy agent and becomes his control officer in hopes of protecting him, until he nearly kills Gibbs. Ziva does not fully come to terms with killing her brother, and experiences moments of guilt and hurt, even with her departure from Mossad (after the beginning of season 7) and her new American citizenship coming through (in that season's finale episode "Rule Fifty-One"). Haswari is mentioned various times even after the character's death and Ziva's departure from NCIS. In the season 12 premiere, he is mentioned by terrorist Sergei Mishnev, the main antagonist of the season (Alex Veadov) (and Ari's own half-brother on their mother's side), who attempts to kill Gibbs in revenge.

Gerald Jackson

Gerald Jackson (Pancho Demmings) first appears in the episode "Yankee White". Gerald Jackson is Dr. Mallard's original assistant until being incapacitated by Ari Haswari after being held hostage in the morgue[66] While recuperating from the gunshot wound to his shoulder, his position is filled by Jimmy Palmer. Approximately a year and a half later, a week before he was scheduled to return to work, Gerald is again captured by Ari Haswari in an effort to secure Dr. Mallard's attention.[67] After Ari released him, Gerald was not seen again until "Kill Ari (Part 1)" and was replaced by Jimmy Palmer.

Nikki Jardine

NCIS Intelligence Analyst Nikki Jardine (Susan Kelechi Watson) first appears in the episode "Leap of Faith". She assists Gibbs' team in keeping watch on communications, and speaks fluent Arabic and Kurdish. When she is first introduced, Tony and the rest of the team are turned off by her germaphobic behaviour: reluctance to shake hands, wiping down phones with wet wipes before using them. In the episode "In the Zone", despite being a germaphobe, revolted at the idea of field work, Jardine asks to go to Baghdad with Tony. She ostensibly goes there on a case, but she also has her own reasons. Her brother had been injured while serving there, and a local villager, mistaken by Marines as an insurgent, was killed while attempting to help him, prompting Jardine to help the villager's children. Her last appearance is "In the Zone".

Clayton Jarvis

Clayton Jarvis (Matt Craven) is the Secretary of the Navy appointed after the events of the season eight finale, "Pyramid", which led to the resignation of Secretary Davenport. Jarvis is an old friend of Director Leon Vance and it seems that he comes highly recommended in D.C. Jarvis is introduced in the final scene in a meeting between himself, Director Vance and Anthony DiNozzo. In the meeting, Jarvis appoints DiNozzo to NCIS' black operations program and orders him to investigate an NCIS agent suspected of leaking information. When Jarvis hands DiNozzo the file with the agent's name, he recognizes the name but it remains unknown to viewers. In season nine's "Nature of the Beast", it is revealed that the mole is none other than Simon Cade, a member of E.J. Barrett's team. However, it is also revealed that Cade was framed earlier, and that Jarvis was supplied with misinformation by Sean Latham. Nevertheless, Jarvis proves to be an asset to the team such as when E.J. Barrett reappears. Jarvis lies to Sean Latham, knowing that he will leak the information to E.J.'s tracker, so that they can lead him into a trap. He later also helps a joint NCIS/PsychOps operation to apprehend the person who is blackmailing him with a copy of a top secret file. The blackmailer is believed to be Jarvis's childhood friend, Philip Wickes, whose company is about to lose its contracts with the Navy. The operation involves a faked assassination attempt on Jarvis to destabilize Wickes. Jarvis later dies in the Season 11 premiere episode, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" where he is the victim of a bombing; his death leaves Vance devastated. Following Jarvis's death, he is replaced by Sarah Porter (Leslie Hope).

Zoe Keates

Special Agent Zoe Keates (Marisol Nichols) is employed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Prior to 2001, Zoe worked for the Philadelphia Police Department alongside Anthony DiNozzo, where they were both rookie patrol officers at the same time. They were partners until DiNozzo transferred to Baltimore. In season twelve, Zoe and Tony meet during an investigation into a jihadist group. Sometime later, they begin a relationship, and DiNozzo introduces her to his father. In "Sister City", DiNozzo informs McGee and Bishop that he and Zoe have split up.

Trent Kort

Trent Kort (David Dayan Fisher) first appears in the episode "Smoked". He works for the CIA; while he usually manages to avoid getting caught for illegalities, he nevertheless almost always has his own agenda. He has a tendency to lie to peoples' faces, even Gibbs'. (In the episode "Dead Reckoning", he tells Gibbs that trust is elusive at best; Gibbs responds that, between them, it is not elusive but impossible.) He manages to keep a neutral relationship with everyone on Gibbs' team except DiNozzo, as he blows up Tony's car in the episode "Bury Your Dead" and keeps La Grenouille informed about Tony's relationship with his daughter, even though it is an undercover mission. However, Kort is shown to have some strong ties within the CIA, as he is able to get files for Gibbs on Ducky and Director Vance. It is also speculated that Kort killed La Grenouille, though it is implied Jenny Shepard may have also been responsible, as her Glock 19 magazine is found to have left the same imprints on a 9mm bullet as the one that killed "The Frog". Following the La Grenouille incident, Kort is assigned to a desk. After engineering a double murder, Kort approaches Gibbs for help in tracking down one of NCIS' most-wanted criminals, and seizes $300 million in illegal assets for the CIA's use—attempting to get his old field-agent job back. Gibbs believes that Kort may be more dangerous behind a desk than when he is in the field.

Kort returns in season eight, tracking down Lt. Jonas Cobb—also known as the Port-to-Port Killer—at the behest of the CIA. Aware of Cobb's identity from the beginning of the investigation, Kort tries to save one of Cobb's victims; but the effort costs him his left eye, which he sends to the NCIS team. Kort is later revealed to have been the training officer for Operation Frankenstein, the "super soldier" program in which Cobb participated. Cobb wants revenge on all those who made him a killer and that includes Kort, whom he kidnaps along with Jimmy Palmer and E.J. Barrett in the season finale. However, his real goal is to have revenge on the man who authorized the operation: SecNav Phillip Davenport. As he is waiting for Davenport to arrive, Cobb tortures Kort, Palmer, and E.J. with a water hose as a reminder of what he was put through during his training. Cobb is killed before he can kill any of the hostages. CIA agent Ray Cruz later receives a text message saying that Kort is in Tel Aviv and that he has to go there straight away. Kort also makes an appearance in NCIS: Los Angeles, revealing that he has worked with Agent G. Callen in the past.

Kort returns in Season 13 "Dead Letter", with a glass eye replacing his lost one. He is found assaulting an MI6 agent, Clayton Reeves. Later in the season, it is revealed that Kort is the man responsible for framing British agent Jacob Scott, with Kort being revealed as the person who sold nuclear secrets to the Russians, therefore being shown as the main antagonist of that season, and later also being responsible for the apparent death of Ziva David, after hiring a contract killer to burn down Eli David's farmhouse in Israel in a mortar attack. Eventually, he is confronted and killed by Reeves and the NCIS team and FBI agent Tess Monroe when they arrive on the scene and confront him over his actions.

Brent Langer

Special Agent Brent Langer (Jonathan LaPaglia) first appears in the episode "Tribes". He is killed in the episode "Last Man Standing" by Agent Michelle Lee, and initially suspected of being a mole. Lee is, in fact, the mole, as Langer learns, and she kills him to preserve her cover. He was mentored by Gibbs at NCIS before joining the FBI and is transferred back to NCIS at Gibbs' recommendation. He works with Gibbs' team in the episode "Tribes", where he assists the team in tracking down a terrorist recruiter. Gibbs places his voided FBI agent ID card on a wall commemorating fallen personnel in the episode, "Collateral Damage",[68] just as Gibbs is turning his suspicion back to Agent Lee.

Michelle Lee

Special Agent Michelle Lee (Liza Lapira) first appears in the episode "Shalom". She is brought in between season three and four to bring the team back up to full strength following the departure of Gibbs. Following Gibbs' return early on in the season she is transferred to the legal department and is frequently seen delivering warrants to the team, also having a covert intimate relationship with the medical examiner's assistant, Jimmy Palmer. She returns to the series in season six as part of Gibbs' new team, but is reassigned after the first episode. It is revealed that she is a mole in NCIS who has accessed for a foreign power at least the Joint Chiefs' strategic battle plans for a potential Middle Eastern operation, if Israel's enemies were to once again make war upon her. In the course of her espionage, Lee kills Special Agent Brent Langer and Petty Officer Steve Vargo, whom she was blackmailing for the aforementioned classified information. Although Gibbs figures out gradually that she is a spy, and affirms his conclusions by inserting a picture of an agent she shot, as if he were the spy, on a barwall "Slain Heroes" wall ("Collateral Damage"), she is caught in the next episode "Cloak". However, when caught she claims that she was forced to trade government secrets because her daughter Amanda has been kidnapped. But Amanda, it turns out, is actually her sister. The deaths of their parents prompted Lee to raise Amanda as her child. In the episode "Dagger", after she learns that Amanda is safe, she gives Gibbs silent permission to kill the Weatherman, the person responsible for the crimes. The Weatherman uses her as a human shield until Gibbs fires into Lee's abdomen, the bullets passing through her body and killing both of them. Director Vance hints that she may have been headed for a death sentence had she survived as punishment for having committed treason against the United States with her actions. When asked by Vance if Lee should be called a hero or a villain, Gibbs responds simply, "Both".

Gayne Levin

Special Agent Gayne Levin (Alimi Ballard) was an NCIS special agent on the team of E. J. Barrett who appears in three episodes in season eight. In the episode "Swan Song", he is shot and killed in a shootout with Jonas Cobb.

Jake Malloy

Jamie Bamber appears as Jake Malloy

Jake Malloy (Jamie Bamber) is NCIS Agent Ellie Bishop's ex-husband and an attorney for the National Security Agency. He becomes friends with Ellie's boss, SSA Leroy Jethro Gibbs. After her transfer from the NSA to NCIS, Jake and Ellie's marriage begins to show signs of stress, which he disingenuously attributes to the fact that they can no longer talk about their day with each other like they used to. However, it is revealed, in the season 13 episode 9 "Day In Court", that Jake has been dishonest, having an affair with fellow NSA employee Taylor Matthews. Following this revelation, Bishop returns home to Oklahoma for some time to herself. Then in the "Spinning Wheel", Jake comes to Bishop and makes attempts to apologize for the infidelity, but she recognizes that an affair is only a symptom of a wider pattern and tells him that their marriage is over.

Hollis Mann

Susanna Thompson starred as Hollis Mann.

Lieutenant Colonel Hollis Mann (Susanna Thompson) is a unit commander in the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, NCIS's counterpart in the Army. She first appears in the episode "Sandblast". Mann is assigned by her superiors to work on a co-operative investigation with NCIS involving a bombing at the Army-Navy Golf Club. She and Gibbs have a serious relationship, even earning the nickname "future ex-wife number four" from DiNozzo. Their attraction becomes overt in the episode "Sharif Returns", as they discuss their possible relationship but refuse to act on it until Sharif is caught. At the end of the episode, they kiss. Although she and Gibbs clearly have serious feelings for each other, she is often frustrated by his reluctance to express his emotions. In the episode "In the Dark", she returns from choosing her successor and is upset to find that Gibbs has worked through the night to fix her home's plumbing, seeing it as a sign that he does not want to stick around. She confronts him, saying, "I'm aware there are three billion men in the world, and not all of them have to want me, but you should want me, and the fact that you don't makes me wonder why I ever wanted you." He calmly informs her that he worked on the plumbing through the night because he wanted to surprise her, but that "it's gonna be a bigger job than I's gonna take a while". She realizes that this is his oblique way of committing to their relationship for the long haul and kisses him fiercely.

In the episode "Ex-File" the relationship with Gibbs ends when she discovers the truth about Shannon and Kelly from Ducky and realizes that Gibbs is still silently mourning their deaths. She is offered a position at NCIS by Director Jenny Shepard, but instead chooses retirement from the Army, in the episode "In the Dark". In the episode "Lost and Found", the Stars and Stripes military newspaper Shepard is reading reveals that Mann has relocated to the Hawaiian island of Lanai. Mann reappears in the eleventh-season episode "Kill Chain", as a special agent for the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, which is the criminal investigative arm of the Department of Defense's Office of the Inspector General, and she later returns in the NCIS Season 12 episode, "We Build, We Fight".

John McGee

Admiral John McGee (Jamey Sheridan) is the father of Timothy McGee. He appears in "Squall", where it is revealed that he has cancer. In "House Rules", ADM McGee passes away.

Sarah McGee

Sarah McGee (portrayed by Sean Murray's real-life stepsister Troian Bellisario) is the younger sister of Timothy McGee. She makes two quick cameos in Seasons 2 and 3 before making a full appearance in "Twisted Sister".

Tess Monroe

Tess Monroe (Sarah Clarke) is an FBI Senior Special Agent. After working with Tobias Fornell, Monroe joins NCIS in the hunt for British spy Jacob Scott during season thirteen. She participates in a shootout with the NCIS team that results in the intentional death of Trent Kort. Executive Producer Gary Glasberg described Monroe as "full of fire and cynicism and sarcasm and wit and energy and is extremely experienced".[69] Tess has been divorced multiple times, but has no children. She "thinks of her team as her family. She's no-nonsense on the outside, but has a big heart underneath with a belief in honor, justice and doing what's right. She'll fight to protect the values she holds dear, and her team, with determination and a bit of sarcasm".[70]

Leroy Jethro "LJ" Moore

Leroy Jethro "LJ" Moore (Billy Dee Williams) is the childhood friend of Jackson Gibbs and his future wife Ann — Jethro Gibbs's parents. They were all friends growing up together. Jackson and LJ both fell in love with Ann, but Jackson married her. LJ is "The Namesake" of Jethro Gibbs, and according to Jethro, it was LJ who inspired him to join the Marine Corps as a teenager. LJ stands next to Jethro Gibbs at Jackson's funeral in Season 11's final episode "Honor Thy Father".

Thomas Morrow

Thomas Morrow (Alan Dale) is the Director of NCIS until the beginning of season three. He first appears in the NCIS two-part pilot episodes, "Ice Queen" and "Meltdown", before making his official debut in the season one episode, "Yankee White", with his final appearance as NCIS Director in the season three opener "Kill Ari (Part I)", when he leaves to accept an appointment as a Senior Division Chief in the Department of Homeland Security. He appears in several episodes during seasons one and two, but unlike his replacements, Directors Shepard and Vance, Morrow himself is not part of the main cast, and is credited as either a recurring character or a guest star. He has less direct involvement with the team's cases than either of his successors (exceptions being matters of terrorism and national security), and seems to spend much of his time in MTAC monitoring NCIS' global presence. While he seems to like Gibbs, he is less tolerant of Gibbs' personal style and methods than Jenny or Vance; he has a deeply serious, almost stern demeanor, and Gibbs only ever refers to him as "sir". This is probably due to Gibbs being a former Gunnery Sergeant / Scout-Sniper in the U.S. Marine Corps. and Morrow being a former Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy. He reappears in his Homeland Security position in the Season 10 episodes, "Chasing Ghosts" and "Berlin". He also appears in the Season 11 premiere episode, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" where he is left badly injured in an explosion that kills current SECNAV, Clayton Jarvis. Morrow later informs Vance that a terrorist group, the Brotherhood of Doubt, are responsible for the bombing and are targeting former NCIS Special Agent Ziva David. In the season 13 episode, "Return to Sender", Morrow is found dead, having been shot in the head by a sniper the team presume is former British spy Jacob Scott, although it is later revealed that the actual killer is former CIA agent Trent Kort.

Chris Pacci

Special Agent Christopher "Chris" Pacci (Tim Kelleher) is an NCIS special agent who worked at NCIS Headquarters with Special Agent Gibbs for at least three years. He was murdered in "Dead Man Talking".

Richard Parsons

Colin Hanks played Richard Parsons.

Richard Parsons (Colin Hanks) is an investigator who works for the Department of Defense Inspector General. He also bears some resemblance to Timothy McGee, causing Anthony DiNozzo and Abby Sciuto to refer to him as McGee's "evil doppelgänger". He first appears in "Double Blind", the penultimate episode of season 10, in which he is investigating the aftermath of the NCIS team's handling of the Ilan Bodnar case. Initially believed to be pursuing Ziva David, and then Director Vance, the team soon learn his target is Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Parsons goes to great lengths to take Gibbs to court for all of his "wrongdoings", but after a bombing that results in the death of SECNAV Clayton Jarvis in the season 11 premiere episode "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot", Parsons' perspective on Gibbs' team changes after Gibbs defends him during an ambush in Iran. Parsons repays the debt by saving Gibbs' life during a gunfight. Later, back in Washington, D.C., Parsons drops his investigation into NCIS and also grants McGee, David, and DiNozzo permission to get their badges back and become agents again.


Phineas (Jack Fisher) is a 9-year-old boy who lives across the street from Gibbs. He and Gibbs first make contact after he throws a baseball through Gibbs' window. Gibbs and he spend much time together, including when Gibbs provides help for a science project. In the season 17 episode "IRL", Phineas' video-gaming abilities help the team capture a murder suspect. Phineas' parents are said (by his mother Sarah) to have been locked in a custody battle over him. It is later revealed that his mother, whose real name is Sahar, is the woman trying to kill Ziva.

Sarah Porter

Sarah Porter (Leslie Hope) is the incumbent United States Secretary of the Navy. Recruited without any military background, she is the first female to hold the position. She attended Harvard and attained a business degree, before becoming a career politician. She is divorced and has one daughter, Megan, who is revealed to be a teenager. Gibbs is later tasked with locating her daughter after she is kidnapped in "React", an event which leads Porter to question her future as the Secretary of the Navy, although she remains at her post as of season 14.

Secretary Porter has also appeared in an episode of season 2 of NCIS: New Orleans, and has frequently been mentioned on NCIS: Los Angeles, although she never physically appeared in any episodes of the latter series.

Paloma Reynosa

Paloma Reynosa (Jacqueline Obradors) is the head of the Reynosa drug cartel, the most powerful cartel in Mexico, the daughter of drug dealer Pedro Hernandez and the elder[citation needed] sister of Mexican Justice Department official Alejandro Rivera. Paloma took over control of the cartel when her husband died. During her years in charge, the cartel grew to be powerful enough to infiltrate the US Navy. As a way to try to end the drug war in Mexico, the Mexican government launches a task force project with American law enforcement agencies to strike against the cartels. Paloma is contacted by Colonel Merton Bell, who is seeking revenge against the man who had sent him into a Mexican prison: Agent Gibbs. Bell has uncovered evidence that Gibbs killed Paloma's father with a sniper rifle in 1991. They form a partnership and elaborate a scheme to have revenge on Gibbs. Paloma's brother, Alejandro, uses his position in the task force to get the forensic evidence linking Gibbs to the murder using Abby Sciuto's skills. When the evidence is uncovered, Bell sends Lieutenant Jason Paul Dean to kill Special Agent Lara Macy, who knew about Hernandez' murder but covered up the evidence while still an MP officer, believing it to be a just killing. Later, Bell tries to kill Mike Franks but Paloma needs him alive as leverage so she orders Dean to kill Bell and bring back Franks' severed finger. He also returns with Gibbs taken prisoner. Paloma tells him of her true intention: she doesn't want his death, she wants his life. She wants Gibbs to work for her or she will kill his friends and family, starting with his coworkers and finishing with his father.

Four months later, Paloma is lured to a safe house where she believes Gibbs, Jackson, and Mike Franks have taken refuge. Alejandro arrives separately, having been tricked into believing Paloma is dead through a note purposely left behind by Director Vance and Agent DiNozzo as bait for a trap. He then opens fire on the safe house with a submachine gun, believing Gibbs and his father to be in it. After being arrested, Alejandro soon learns that Paloma was actually in the safe house all along, resulting in Alejandro unintentionally killing his sister. Paloma then recites the poem of the spider and the fly as her last words before dying. Paloma has a fascination for the work of Tennessee Williams, citing him on three occasions: twice in "Rule Fifty-One" ("We are all sentenced to solitary confinement within our own skins for life" and "Cruel men consider themselves paragons of frankness") and in "Spider and the Fly" ("Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering for when it comes you'll know you're dead.").

Alejandro Rivera

Alejandro Rivera (Marco Sanchez) is a high-ranking official of the Mexican Justice Department and, secretly, the son of drug dealer Pedro Hernandez and the brother of Paloma Reynosa who is the head of the Reynosa drug cartel. Rivera is assigned by his government to be a liaison with American law enforcement agencies on a special anti-drug project of forming a Mexican-American task force to strike against the drug cartels, notably against Reynosa. Secretly, Rivera's objective is to have revenge for his father's death by using Abby Sciuto's forensic skills to investigate the cold case while training a class of task force forensic specialists in Mexico. It is later revealed that Gibbs killed Hernandez and Rivera was counting on Abby's report to bring Gibbs down but it never reaches Mexico having been intercepted by Margaret Allison Hart, who is working on the task force project. However, Alejandro makes one huge mistake when he arrives at NCIS and later threatens Abby, prompting the entire team, including Leon Vance, to have him removed. He is duped into thinking that his sister, Paloma, had been killed, and goes to the safe house she was at, thinking that he can kill Gibbs and his father. However, he ends up killing Paloma and is then arrested for her death. He reappears in season 11's finale "Honor Thy Father" when it is revealed that he used his cartel to fund operations for the Brotherhood of Doubt after Parsa's death, as a result of the two sharing a common enemy— Agent Gibbs.

Michael Rivkin

Michael Rivkin (Merik Tadros) first appears in the episode "Last Man Standing" as a Mossad officer. He is working with Ziva David when she is on an undercover mission for the Mossad in Morocco (Ziva having been dismissed from NCIS in the previous episode). Later on in the episode, he is seen in the office of the head of Mossad, Eli David, Ziva's father, as Ziva talks on the phone to Gibbs. Tony becomes suspicious of the man that Ziva appears to be dating, and keeps trying to find out who he is. For example, in the episode "Legend (Part 1)", Tony asks Abby to check the records on Rivkin. In the episode "Legend (Part 2)", Michael appears as an undercover Mossad agent who is investigating the same terrorists that NCIS is investigating, killing them off one by one before NCIS can apprehend them. He is asked to leave the U.S. by NCIS agent in charge in Los Angeles, Lara Macy and later by DiNozzo, both of them citing laws that prohibit foreign intelligence operatives from working in the United States. In the episode "Semper Fidelis", what appears to be an open and shut case of an Immigrations, Customs and Enforcement agent killed by a terrorist is complicated by the presence of Rivkin, who is still in the US visiting Ziva. Tony traces communication with the terrorist's computer to Ziva's apartment, where he finds Rivkin. After attempting to arrest an intoxicated Rivkin for the murders of the ICE agent and the terrorist handler NCIS was tracking, a struggle ensues and Tony shoots Rivkin in self-defense. Ziva later enters her apartment and attempts to help Rivkin but he succumbs to his injuries and dies in hospital. Finally, in the episode "Aliyah", the relationship between Rivkin and Ziva comes out and this leads Gibbs, Leon Vance, and Tony to Israel. There Eli David accuses Tony of killing Rivkin out of jealousy and Ziva, no longer able to trust Tony, stays in Israel.

Samantha Ryan

Jamie Lee Curtis appeared as Dr. Sam Ryan.

Dr. Samantha Ryan (Jamie Lee Curtis) is a psychologist, criminal profiler and Director of PsyOps. She is introduced in the episode "Psych Out" when a patient, a Navy warfare psychologist, of her colleague is found dead and Gibbs and his team are called in to investigate. She begins a romantic relationship with Gibbs and frequents his house, even causing him to be uncharacteristically late for work once. Like Gibbs, she has a young child, a son, and is either divorced or separated from her partner/husband. While Gibbs and Ryan try to keep their relationship strictly professional when at the office, Gibbs' agents and Ryan's co-workers frequently speculate on their relationship, as seen in "The Tell". Her last appearance is in "Till Death Do Us Part" when she is threatened by terrorist Harper Dearing, who is seeking revenge on everything and anyone connected with the Navy for the death of his son.

Leyla Shakarji

Leyla Shakarji (Tehmina Sunny) is the daughter-in-law of Mike Franks. She was disowned by her family and then smuggled out of Iraq after becoming pregnant with the child of Franks's biological son, Lance Corporal Liam O'Neill, USMC. O'Neill was murdered and Gibbs finds out about Leyla from Franks as he was the lead agent assigned to the case. She and her daughter, Amira, lived with Mike in Mexico until his death in 2011. Gibbs, as Amira's godfather, asks Leyla to move to Washington, D.C., to be nearer to him as he is their closest thing to family. Leyla's mother, Shada Shakarji (Diane Venora), is the tough-as-nails matriarch of one of the most prominent tribes in Iraq, due to the fact that most of her male relatives are now deceased.

Charles "Chip" Sterling

Chip Sterling (Michael Bellisario) first appears in the episode "The Voyeur's Web", as a new lab assistant working alongside Abby Sciuto, whom new NCIS Director Jenny Shepard has hired for her much to the displeasure of Abby, who continues to insist she prefers to work alone. As with most newbies, Chip ends up being the butt of Tony's jokes and is told off by Gibbs for lack of concentration on several occasions. Chip, having sinister motives, after being fired from his last job, attempts to frame Tony for murder (in which he almost succeeds) in the episode "Frame Up". In a last-ditch effort, he also attempts to attack Abby with a knife after being discovered, but she quickly subdues and hog-ties him with duct tape before asking Gibbs if she can now work alone.

Diane Sterling

Diane Sterling (formerly Gibbs, Fornell) (Melinda McGraw) is the first ex-wife of Leroy Jethro Gibbs, the ex-wife of FBI Special Agent Tobias Fornell and DHS Special Agent Victor Sterling, and the mother of Emily Fornell. She makes her first full appearance in "Devil's Triangle" in 2011, but appears in a brief cameo (portrayed by an uncredited actress, Heather Scobie) in "Angel of Death" in 2007. When she divorced Gibbs, Diane took his money, including his grandfather's watch. Similarly, after her divorce from Fornell, she got his money as well, in addition to joint custody of their daughter. Before Emily was born, Diane worked for the IRS as a tax auditor; in 2012, she returns to the IRS and is made a special agent / criminal investigator with the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations Division (IRS-CID), much to the shock of her federal agent ex-husbands. In "Check", Diane is murdered by Sergei Mishnev in a re-creation of Special Agent Caitlin Todd's death at the hands of Ari Haswari in "Twilight" with Diane dying after being shot in the head by Sergei who uses a sniper rifle. In "Cabin Fever", Diane is avenged when Fornell finally kills Sergei Mishnev.

Cyril Taft

Captain Cyril Taft, M.D., USNR (Jon Cryer) is a doctor who appears in the NCIS Season 13 premiere episode, "Stop the Bleeding" where he performs surgery on Gibbs, who has been left badly injured after being shot by Luke Harris. Taft is a former surgeon at the Walter Reed Memorial Hospital. Taft's son died at a young age. Taft later begins a friendship with Gibbs, and the two are shown to mutually support each other through their respective struggles. He also convinces Gibbs to seek counseling and eventually is able to make an introduction to his therapist, Grace Confalone.

Joanna Teague

Joanna Teague (Mimi Rogers) is a senior CIA officer. The mother of Ned Dorneget, Teague works with both DiNozzo and Gibbs in the aftermath of his death.

Jackie Vance

Jackie Vance (Paula Newsome) was the wife of NCIS Director Leon Vance. In the season 10 episode "Shabbat Shalom", Jackie is shot in a drive-by shooting that kills Mossad Director Eli David, who was having dinner with the Vances at the time alongside Ziva, and dies in surgery. Jackie's estranged biological father, Lamar Addison, who was never married to her mother, walked out on Jackie and her mother and brother (Michael Thomas) when she was young. Vance and Jackie have two children: a daughter, Kayla, and a son, Jared. Jackie and Vance met while attending a University of Maryland basketball game where Len Bias was playing.

Kayla Vance

Special Agent Kayla Vance is an NCIS agent and the daughter of Leon and Jackie Vance. She is played by Naomi Grace as an adult, and was played by China Anne McClain and Kiara Muhammad as a child.

Carol Wilson

Carol Wilson (Meredith Eaton) is an immunologist who works for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She first appears in the season 7 episode "Faith" when she visits her good friend Abby Sciuto at NCIS headquarters to ask for a favor. The character also makes a guest appearance in the spin-off NCIS: New Orleans, in the episode "Carrier", when she is consulted after the New Orleans agents find a Navy officer dead from a strain of bubonic plague.

Cassie Yates

Cassie Yates (Tamara Taylor), an NCIS special agent, first appears in the episode "SWAK" and again in the episode "Jeopardy". In her first appearance, it is revealed that she was trained by the late Special Agent Chris Pacci.

Crossover cast and characters


Vivian Blackadder

Robyn Lively starred as Vivian Blackadder in JAG.

Special Agent Vivian Blackadder (Robyn Lively) is a former FBI agent who joins NCIS after the attack on the USS Cole, in which her brother, Rex, was killed. Despite being a special agent, she seemed to be more focused on avenging her brother's death by any means possible rather than attempting to work with the rest of the team. Her obsession with getting revenge often drew Gibbs' ire—Gibbs told her to stay focused on their case or he would send her back to the FBI. Later, in the JAG episode "Meltdown", she blew an NCIS operation to capture a terrorist planning another attack. Although it is not shown, it is implied that she either returned to the FBI or was fired from NCIS for good because of her mistakes. She is the only major character who appeared in the NCIS backdoor pilot episodes from JAG, and then not in the series NCIS. Vivian Blackadder appeared in the JAG episodes "Ice Queen" and "Meltdown".

Faith Coleman

Lieutenant Commander Faith Coleman (Alicia Coppola) is a prosecutor for the Judge Advocate General's office. Coleman first appeared in the JAG episode "Meltdown" and went on to make several appearances on NCIS, assisting Gibbs and his team. She successfully defended Commander Harmon Rabb when he was accused of the murder of fellow JAG lawyer Lieutenant Loren Singer. Her last appearance to date was in the episode "Hometown Hero", although she was mentioned in the episode "Head Case". Faith Coleman recurred on NCIS, following several guest appearances on JAG.

Other appearances

NCIS: Los Angeles

Lara Macy

Lara Macy (Louise Lombard) was a former USMC Lieutenant working as a military police officer, and almost two decades earlier had investigated then-USMC Gunnery Sergeant Leroy Jethro Gibbs' role in the murder of Mexican drug lord Pedro Hernandez. Due to the past investigation, their relationship was volatile until the OSP's operational psychologist Nate Getz revealed to Gibbs that Macy had been protecting him for eighteen years by covering up the evidence. Since Hernandez was responsible for the slaying of Gibbs' wife and daughter, Macy felt that his actions against Hernandez were justified, a move that would end up costing Macy her own life years later. In the NCIS: Los Angeles episode "Ambush", Hetty remarks to Director Vance that the last she'd heard, as the result of a political "witch-hunt", Macy was "working out of a quonset hut in Djibouti".[71] This was contradicted on a subsequent episode of NCIS, where Macy's personnel file states that she never worked in Djibouti but was instead reassigned to Marseille, to head up an NCIS undercover team there. It is likely that the Los Angeles branch had been fed misinformation due to the covert nature of Macy's new assignment.

While in Marseille, Macy began working on a rape case involving a Petty Officer Second Class before later returning to the United States. In "Patriot Down", badly burnt remains were discovered in Annapolis with NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee confirming that the remains were those of Macy, leaving the NCIS team and agency itself devastated. It was later revealed that Macy had been brutally murdered and her body set alight with her killer being revealed as Jason Paul Dean, a mercenary and former U.S. Army Ranger, as part of a plot to get to Gibbs in relation to the Hernandez case.[72]

Lara Macy appeared in the NCIS episodes "Legend (Part I)" and "Legend (Part II)".

Other appearances

NCIS: New Orleans

NCIS: Hawaiʻi

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ Ducky Mallard was Medical Examiner during seasons 1–16.
  2. ^ David McCallum is credited with the 'and' billing from seasons 1–18 and is credited with the 'with' (sharing with Rocky Carroll) billing from seasons 19–21. He remains in the opening credits for the first two episodes in Season 21 despite McCallum's death in September 2023, five months before Season 21 premiered and two months before that season began filming.
  3. ^ Timothy McGee was a Special Agent during Seasons 2–13.
  4. ^ Ziva David was a Mossad Officer during Seasons 3–6.
  5. ^ Leon Vance was Assistant Director during season 5.
  6. ^ Rocky Carroll is credited with the 'with' billing
  7. ^ Jimmy Palmer was Assistant Medical Examiner during seasons 1–14.
  8. ^ Gary Cole is credited with the 'and' billing


  1. ^ "Voice Of Special Agent Jethro Gibbs – NCIS: The Video Game | Behind The Voice Actors". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved September 25, 2017. Check mark indicates role has been confirmed using screenshots of closing credits and other reliable sources{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  2. ^ Marsi, Steve (October 21, 2011). "Gibbs' Ex-Wife on NCIS: First Look!". TV Fanatic. Retrieved October 21, 2011.
  3. ^ "Kill Ari". NCIS. Season 3. Episode 1. September 20, 2005. CBS.
  4. ^ "Kill Ari (Part I)"
  5. ^ Bobbin, Jay (July 17, 2005). "'NCIS' moves on". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved June 1, 2013.
  6. ^ Carter, Bill (October 27, 2005). "Behind a Quiet Little Hit, a Reliable Hit Maker". The New York Times. Retrieved June 7, 2013.
  7. ^ Behind The Voice Actors
  8. ^ Season 3, Episode 15 "Head Case"
  9. ^ a b DarkUFO (August 9, 2008). "Spoiler TV: NCIS – Latest from TV Guide". Retrieved November 16, 2008.
  10. ^ Mitovich, Matt Webb (December 9, 2012). "Exclusive: NCIS Casts Young Abby for Origin Episode Full of 'Prizes' for Longtime Fans". TV Line. Retrieved February 23, 2013.
  11. ^ "Voice Of Abby Sciuto - NCIS: The Video Game | Behind The Voice Actors". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved September 25, 2017. Check mark indicates role has been confirmed using screenshots of closing credits and other reliable sources{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  12. ^ "Truth or Consequences". NCIS. Season 7. Episode 1. September 22, 2009. 24:14 minutes in. CBS.
  13. ^ Andrea Park (October 5, 2017). "Pauley Perrette announces she's leaving 'NCIS' after 15 seasons". CBS.
  14. ^ "So It Goes". NCIS. Season 12. Episode 3. October 7, 2014.
  15. ^ "Iceman"
  16. ^ Season 6, Episode 18 ("South by Southwest") Archived October 9, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  17. ^ "Bikini Wax". NCIS. Season 2. Episode 18. March 29, 2005. 08:14 minutes in. CBS.
  18. ^ "The Searchers". NCIS. Season 12. Episode 7. November 11, 2014.
  19. ^ a b "Broken Bird". NCIS. Season 6. Episode 13. January 13, 2009. 24:56 minutes in. CBS.
  20. ^ "Double Identity". NCIS. Season 7. Episode 17. March 9, 2010. CBS.
  21. ^ "Spinning Wheel". NCIS. Season 13. Episode 11. December 15, 2015. CBS.
  22. ^ "Enigma". NCIS. Season 1. Episode 15. February 24, 2004. CBS.
  23. ^ "Witch Hunt". NCIS. Season 4. Episode 6. October 31, 2006. CBS.
  24. ^ "Ravenous". NCIS. Season 3. Episode 17. March 7, 2006. CBS.
  25. ^ a b c Genzlinger, Neil (September 25, 2012). "'NCIS' Watch: How to Resolve a Cliffhanger". The New York Times. Retrieved May 31, 2013.
  26. ^ a b "Twofer". NCIS. Season 15. Episode 2. October 3, 2017.
  27. ^ "Exit Strategy". NCIS. Season 15. Episode 3. October 10, 2017.
  28. ^ "The Meat Puzzle". NCIS. Season 2. Episode 13. February 8, 2005. 21:37 minutes in.
  29. ^ David McCallum Dies: Beloved ‘NCIS’ Actor Was 90
  30. ^ "David McCallum, star of hit TV series 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E.' and 'NCIS,' dies at 90". Yahoo. September 25, 2023. Retrieved September 25, 2023.
  31. ^ Mason, Dave, "De Pablo adds spice to 'NCIS' Archived June 14, 2007, at the Wayback Machine", The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 3, 2006. Retrieved on October 7, 2007.
  32. ^ a b Ryan, Maureen (March 10, 2006). "'NCIS' delivers without hype". Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on October 17, 2013. Retrieved June 3, 2013.
  33. ^ "Identity Crisis" NICS Season 5 Episode 4
  34. ^ "Enemies Foreign" NCIS Season 8 Episode 8
  35. ^ "Hereafter". NCIS. Season 10. Episode 15. February 19, 2013. CBS. Per the Vances' marriage license.
  36. ^ a b "Knockout". NCIS. Season 6. Episode 18. March 17, 2009. CBS.
  37. ^ "'NCIS' exclusive: Behind-the-scenes of Vance's origin episode". Inside TV (column). Entertainment Tonight. November 22, 2010. Retrieved September 22, 2013.
  38. ^ a b "Enemies Domestic". NCIS. Season 8. Episode 9. November 23, 2010. 3:01–3:34 minutes in. CBS.
  39. ^ Bierly, Mandi (November 17, 2010). "'NCIS' scoop: Vance paper-shredding mystery solved next week!". Popwatch (blog). Entertainment Tonight. Retrieved February 3, 2014.
  40. ^ "Broken Bird". NCIS. Season 6. Episode 13. January 13, 2009. 11:11 minutes in. CBS.
  41. ^ Ngo, Sheiresa (January 24, 2020). "NCIS: Is Brian Dietzen's Jimmy Palmer OK? Could a New Cast Member Be Joining Soon?". Showbiz Cheat Sheet. Retrieved November 9, 2022.
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  47. ^ "Gut Check". NCIS. Season 11. Episode 9. November 19, 2013. 26:58, 36:49 minutes in. CBS.
  48. ^ "Crescent City (Part II)". NCIS. Season 11. Episode 19. April 1, 2014. CBS.
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