Wikipedia:Artículos inusuales

Una vaca con astas sobre un poste de electricidad. Wikipedia contiene otras imágenes y artículos que son igualmente impactantes o escalofriantes .

De los más de seis millones de artículos de la Wikipedia en inglés, hay algunos que los wikipedistas han identificado como algo inusual. Estos artículos son contribuciones verificables y valiosas a la enciclopedia, pero son un poco extraños, extravagantes o algo que uno no esperaría encontrar en la Encyclopædia Britannica . Debemos tener especial cuidado de cumplir con los estándares más altos de una enciclopedia con estos artículos para que no hagan que Wikipedia parezca idiosincrásica . Si desea agregar un artículo a esta lista, el artículo en cuestión debe cumplir preferiblemente con uno o más de estos criterios:

Esta definición no es precisa ni absoluta; algunos artículos podrían considerarse inusuales incluso si no se ajustan a estas pautas.

Cada entrada de esta lista debería ser un artículo en sí mismo (no simplemente una sección de un artículo menos inusual) y de calidad decente, y en general cumplir con el manual de estilo de Wikipedia . Para contribuciones inusuales que sean de mayor ligereza, consulte Wikipedia:Cosas tontas .

En esta lista, una estrella () indica un artículo destacado . Un signo más ( ) indica un buen artículo .

Lugares e infraestructura

La desnudez artística de Afrodita se muestra no lejos del monte Olimpo.
¡Dios mío, señorita Molly! ¡Me encanta tu locura !
Se planeó que este viaje de 1909 incluyera cuatro escalas separadas en islas fantasma .


Tigre agazapado... eh, lago... escondido... no exactamente dragón, pero tal vez CO
Los edificios están en España. El suelo de abajo está en Marruecos. ¿Ya estás confundido?


Cataratas de Sangre , con su característico hielo "sangrante".


Un rascacielos con autopista en suite .
¿Cómo pudieron los Jumbo Jets aterrizar aquí y no estrellarse?
Un pueblo con el asta de bandera (anteriormente) más alta del mundo... población: 0.
Allí vivían aproximadamente 50.000 personas .
El techo es el suelo es el techo es el suelo...


¡Trabajadores de la galaxia, uníos!
El trabajo de amor de un cartero .
Asegúrese de estar cubierto .
Ten cuidado donde pones ese faro , Eugene...
Fronteras , cortesía de Pablo Picasso .
Bienvenido al Principado de Sealand .
Una lámpara de araña que decora el Osario de Sedlec , hecha con huesos humanos.
Un mosaico de 4,6 millones de conchas marinas . ¿Quién lo construyó? ¿Cuándo? ¿Con qué propósito?
El nombre Shitterton , orgullosamente mostrado en piedra.
La parada de autobús más septentrional y mejor decorada del Reino Unido .

América Latina y el Caribe

Un desierto con agua. ¿O es una laguna con un desierto dentro? Mmm...
Americana, São Paulo .
Capitalidad + ninguna población = ¡Plymouth, Montserrat !

América del norte

Este puente es un poco bajo ¿no?
¡Oh, no! ¡Este rascacielos sin ventanas definitivamente no es un centro de vigilancia masivo!
"Eso dice "CENTRO COMERCIAL"... ¿no?"
Cuando California aún no se había unido del todo a los Estados Unidos .
"¿Estás seguro que quieres construir aquí?"
Espera un momento...Este no es el río Támesis...
Mill Ends Park ,
el parque más pequeño del mundo.
Este lago esconde muchas islas. Y lagos en esas islas. Y islas en esos lagos.
Se trata de tender la mano y cerrar la distancia .
Un laboratorio bajo las olas.


Calle Baldwin, Dunedin .
Tenga cuidado por donde pisa en Coober Pedy .



"0/10, no volvería a comprar."
"¿Eso es un escudo de armas real? ¡Qué tontería! "

Edad moderna temprana

Perfección genética .

Siglo XIX

Las deficiencias de infraestructura de la época de Faraday resultaron especialmente abrumadoras en el verano de 1858.

Siglo XX

¡Eso es totalmente israelí ! ¡Mirenlo!

Siglo XXI

No os asustéis, pero... ¡ se ha acabado la mantequilla !

Matemáticas y números

¿ Es esto idéntico a uno ?
Ten miedo.
Ten mucho miedo.
Esto no es un círculo .
"BEGhIL0S", "hELL0", "B00BLESS", etc. – hay muchas palabras que se pueden escribir en una calculadora .
¿Ves la espiral interior?

Fechas y horario

Un pastel Pi que pronto será un adiós .
No te asustes: es el día de la toalla .


Un volcán en erupción en la isla Herbert
¿Cuál de estos tipos de letra crees que prefería Hitler ?
"¿Qué canciones hay para esta música plástica tan pesada?"
El disco de Festos .
Azulejos de Toynbee encontrados en el centro de Washington, DC
El manuscrito Voynich está escrito en una escritura no descifrada.

Specific languages, dialects, and pidgins

The same diversity that created Norsk kebab created Kebabnorsk.
A whole tenth of a language. Yes, really.

Unusual names

Shaped like a (Public Universal) friend.
It takes less time to cook and eat this prime beef than to say the name of the law about it.

See Nominative determinism for the idea that people gravitate toward careers that fit their names, e.g. urologists named Splat and Weedon.


The sound of ancient pottery.
Not dead, just resting.


This blue-looking noise is actually pink.
"It's Professor Pauli! Quick, pack that stuff away!"

Earth sciences

"It's flat and that's all there is to it."
"No, this definitely isn't flat, but it's the other way!"

Chemistry and material science

Warning: It's LETHAL.
At last – the look of BO. Sounds fishy?

Space and astronomy

Elon Musk did it again.
All watched over by machines of loving grace.
That's no moon... Oh wait.
"Of course, it never reached the Moon..."

Medicine and health

Suckling on a tasty goat.
Well, stone me...
Quick – grab a tissue!
Got one of those headaches that just won't go away?
The pharmacy called; your maggot prescription is ready for pick-up
Man, just brush your teeth!
Put them where the sun doesn't shine.

Human sexuality and reproduction

"Fresh-baked dildos for sale!"
Biscuits, before being made soggy.

Individual patients and staff

This skull's owner didn't even get a headache – but he was a changed man.

Nervous system and behaviour

Can you get high on this?
Ever woken up thinking this has just happened?
It's... beautiful... Just... beautiful!


To boldly go where no monkey has gone before. Well, where a few monkeys have gone before.
Jenny Haniver.
A major in Antelopology
Can only wear mittens, not gloves
The Far Side of a stegosaurus.


Flash photograph of an odd-eyed cat.



Can you tell the boys and girls apart?


I think I have a nibble...


Dried deer penis.
This goat has fainted.
It has ceased to stand

Individual animals

Her face told you exactly where you stood with her.
Individual elephants
The movie event of 1903... we'll zap this elephant!

Names in biology

'SMAD, mad, mad, mad, mad name?
Neopalpa donald­trumpi: They say it's really small.
See also


The Queens Giant – the oldest living thing in the New York metropolitan area.
See also

Technology, inventions and products

It's hypnagogic hallucination heaven.
Long-lost remnant of a cricket game? Made by ancient intelligent life? A mysterious natural phenomenon?
World War I pigeon photography.
Cower, you leeches, in the presence of the Tempest Prognosticator!

Hygiene and sanitation

Toilets in Japan have some special features.

Clothing and accessories

No need to train a gorilla to ride a unicycle; just use one of these.


East German Ampelmännchen.
The day Sweden turned to the right side.
Not so snail-mail after all, eh?
"Sinking? We're not sinking!"
Don't reach for that sick bag 'til you're back on the floor.
The train now approaching Suggestus II will leave at tertia hora.


Could a unicycle balance itself?
Vital programming equipment.

Popular culture, entertainment and the arts

Offerings of coins and even estrogen for the rat hole.
Ha ha ha... ha... gulp.
C'est Le Pétomane – who "performed" for royalty.
How far would you go to save yourself?
Allegedly, you can survive a conversation with Kuchisake-onna by saying the word "pomade" three times.


That's gotta hurt.
La Princesse.
New York is not the only Big Apple.
"Surely you can see that THIS is art!"
The Book of Miracles.
One of many Hellmouths.
Tipu's Tiger.
Cerne Abbas Giant.

Comics and animation

Jenny Everywhere – at your service and in your hands.
Beware the truck that will send you to another world.


Only 112?
"Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī... help!!
Was this man also William Shakespeare?
"Beautiful railway bridge
of the silv'ry Tay
Alas! I am very sorry to say
That ninety lives have been taken away
On the last sabbath day of 1879
Which will be remember'd for a very long time."
T-rexes getting frisky, possibly with the help of dinosaur erotica
1885 medallion of the bogus Society of Science, Letters and Art


I got a fever...


Let your brain control the music.
Make music, not war.


"Guess the black metal bands are in town..."

Composers, musicians, and performers

"Nero fiddles while Gordon Burns, in my Joy Division oven gloves".
Just some typical stage attire.

Musical works

Have some time on your hands?
Example of an instrument recently added to the inventory.
Allegedly, the location of the other ball.
A regular sight at Ram Ranch.
All United Airlines' fault.
Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music – joke, grudge or conceptual art? All three, probably.


"[yawn]... Yup, it's still there."
After Godzilla's done smashing one building, he tag teams Cthulhu for the next one
This was made. Created. And somebody is responsible...
Look what the cat dragged in...
From the earliest-known surviving motion picture. Don't blink – you'll miss half of it.


The end of you(r sitcom) looms.
The spooky intrusion of someone disguised as Max Headroom on Chicago TV.
Thousands from Switzerland are getting their spaghetti by doing this one simple trick!

Video games

ET and Pac-Man's final resting-place?
"I hope Senpai notices me today..."
Think you can do what he supposedly did?
*slaps roof of bus* this bad boy can fit so many hours of driving into it
The truth is out.... in Brazil.

Internet memes and online culture

You can find this guy on talk pages filled with contentious discussions.

See also List of Internet memes.


Stage shows

Hatewatching is nothing new.
See also


Think this Chinese character is threatening? You'll need to write it twice to describe your favorite Shaanxi noodles.
Nom nom nom burp nom nom nom nom...
No durians. (But no fine if you have some anyway?)
Engastration – here in the form of turducken.
Fried spiders on sale.
(May include excrement.)
Mmmm, roadkill.
Did William here eat them all?


Some coffee, sir? ...... Coming right up out, sir.
Dispatch that unwanted soda in style.


Meal time at a Modern Toilet Restaurant.


You take my knight?
I'll punch your face!
Lawn mowers are go!
Pillow Fight League.
A briefs history of Olympic Flame running.
An optional requirement?

Animals in sports

Hamsters are go!
PETA wouldn't like it.
Jump rabbit, jump rabbit, jump jump jump...
Snails are go!


Beware the wrath!

Sport teams and associations

Ironically, his team didn't finish as the best 1988 Winter Olympics bobsled team from the Caribbean.
"Hey, how are we doing this season?"
This has a football team?
The Swastikas, eh?

Games and strategy contests

Careful where you place that stone – your innards may not approve.
Sloane Square... Bond Street... Mornington Crescent!


A trap for something with large paws.
I'm beautiful, no matter what they say!
Wood you like dinner?
Headless men
Spring Heeled Jack.
This Mule is on fireeeeeee.

Mystery animals and animal folklore

Looks a load of Bonnacon to me...
Pieter Dirkx's imagining of the Mongolian death worm.
That's either one fast-growing plant, or...

Society, economy and law

Eating chocolate cake in a bag.
Comrade! Your hair is not trimmed in accordance with the socialist lifestyle!
At the heart of an international incident.

Politics and government

He missed, darn it!
Who knew legislation could be so sweet?
The confusingly hirsute Charles the Bald.
All hail the Conch Republic!
I am a jelly donut?
Not a killer rabbit after all.
A senator uses an old debating trick.
Leftist love.
There's no-one as Irish as this guy.
A work by the "Kowloon emperor".

Business and economics

Orion in the sky, EURion on your money.
...we're going to need a bigger wallet.

Law, law enforcement and crime

An acoustic kitty. Well, almost.
"Says in the Mail that these'll have to be straight now! Bloody Eurocrats..."
Not my first thought when you said "armored personnel carrier".
A fruit or a vegetable?
A vegetable or a fruit?
A vegetable.


They've just heard you talk about getting rid of them to cut your tax bill.


"Had a little too much to drink, have we, sir?"
See also

Religion and spirituality

A John Frum cargo cult ceremonial flag raising.
Nearly a depiction of the Invisible Pink Unicorn.
Can be a hare-y matter in Wicca.
Sometimes Jerusalem can be too much.
I'm sure she knows more than she's letting on.
An artist's impression of one of Xenu's space planes.


The rear of a bona fide Catalan decoration.
A representation of Kolob (reference numeral 1).
"Thou shalt commit adultery." So says the Bible.
See also


Sometimes, the best fighting men are women.
"Join the MILF Squad, they said..."
The wooden broomstick on which the Night Witches worked their magic.
Now you see it...

Animals in the military

For Gallantry – if you're an animal...
...such as Sergeant Stubby here, World War I's most decorated war dog.

Wars, operations and battles

An entire war in one diagram (and less than one hour).
Should the United States ever want to go to war against the British Empire...

Weapons and military equipment

The Antonov A-40 flying tank.
The Bazooka Vespa – the ultimate in Mod(ern) warfare.
No pilot required?
"Who's a good bomb?"
See also


Execution by elephant.
All aboard the Necropolis line – at least, those that can.
Don't panic – you're in a safety coffin.
Vultures enjoying a sky burial.
One moment he was here, the next...
See also


"Get thee onto that pin!"

Wikipedia is not afraid to tackle the tough questions:


Other pages

Unusual featured pictures

Wikipedia:Featured pictures contains some unusual images.

See also

External links