List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients (W)

The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (German: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) and its variants were the highest awards in the military and paramilitary forces of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded for a wide range of reasons and across all ranks, from a senior commander for skilled leadership of his troops in battle to a low-ranking soldier for a single act of extreme gallantry.[1] A total of 7,321 awards were made between its first presentation on 30 September 1939 and its last bestowal on 17 June 1945.[Note 1] This number is based on the analysis and acceptance of the order commission of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Presentations were made to members of the three military branches of the Wehrmacht—the Heer (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy) and Luftwaffe (Air Force)—as well as the Waffen-SS, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD—Reich Labour Service) and the Volkssturm (German national militia). There were also 43 recipients in the military forces of allies of the Third Reich.[3]

These recipients are listed in the 1986 edition of Walther-Peer Fellgiebel's book, Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939–1945 [The Bearers of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross 1939–1945]. Fellgiebel was the former chairman and head of the order commission of the AKCR. In 1996, the second edition of this book was published with an addendum delisting 11 of these original recipients. Author Veit Scherzer has cast doubt on a further 193 of these listings. The majority of the disputed recipients had been nominated for the award in 1945, when the deteriorating situation of Germany during the final days of World War II left a number of nominations incomplete and pending in various stages of the approval process.[4]

Listed here are the 446 Knight's Cross recipients of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS whose last name starts with "W".[5] Scherzer has challenged the validity of 11 of these listings.[6] The recipients are initially ordered alphabetically by last name. The rank listed is the recipient's rank at the time the Knight's Cross was awarded.


The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its higher grades were based on four separate enactments. The first enactment, Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 1573 of 1 September 1939 instituted the Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz), the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes). Article 2 of the enactment mandated that the award of a higher class be preceded by the award of all preceding classes.[7] As the war progressed, some of the recipients of the Knight's Cross distinguished themselves further and a higher grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub), was instituted. The Oak Leaves, as they were commonly referred to, were based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 849 of 3 June 1940.[8] In 1941, two higher grades of the Knight's Cross were instituted. The enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 613 of 28 September 1941 introduced the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten).[9] At the end of 1944 the final grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten), based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11 of 29 December 1944, became the final variant of the Knight's Cross authorized.[10]


The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) kept separate Knight's Cross lists for the Heer (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy), Luftwaffe (Air Force) and Waffen-SS. Within each of these lists a unique sequential number was assigned to each recipient. The same numbering paradigm was applied to the higher grades of the Knight's Cross, one list per grade.[11] Of the 446 awards made to servicemen whose last name starts with "W", 46 were later awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and 11 the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords; 41 presentations were made posthumously. Heer members received 307 of the medals; 22 went to the Kriegsmarine, 92 to the Luftwaffe, and 25 to the Waffen-SS.[5] The sequential numbers greater than 843 for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and 143 for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords are unofficial and were assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) and are therefore denoted in parentheses.[12]

  This along with the + (plus) indicates that a higher grade of Knight's Cross was awarded as well.
  This along with the * (asterisk) indicates that the Knight's Cross was awarded posthumously.
  This along with the ? (question mark) indicates that author Veit Scherzer has expressed doubt regarding the veracity and formal correctness of the listing.


  1. ^ Großadmiral and President of Germany Karl Dönitz, Hitler's successor as Head of State (Staatsoberhaupt) and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, had ordered the cessation of all promotions and awards as of 11 May 1945 (Dönitz-decree). Consequently the last Knight's Cross awarded to Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves Georg-Wolfgang Feller on 17 June 1945 must therefore be considered a de facto but not de jure hand-out.[2]
  2. ^ For an explanation of the various naming schemes used by the Luftwaffe, Heer, Kriegsmarine and Waffen-SS refer to nomenclature used by the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS.
  3. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 8./Jagdgeschwader 52.[13]
  4. ^ The Knight's Cross presentation to Otto Wagener was unlawfully made by the Dönitz Government after 8 May 1945. This can be verified by documented radio communication dated on 21 May 1945. The presentation date was backdated by Walther-Peer Fellgiebel.[16]
  5. ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän of the Aufklärungsstaffel 3.(F)/122.[13]
  6. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 431.[18]
  7. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Germania".[18]
  8. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 10./Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders".[19]
  9. ^ According to Scherzer on 27 August 1943.[19]
  10. ^ According to Scherzer as Leutnant of the Reserves.[19]
  11. ^ According to Scherzer as adjutant in SS-Panzergreadier-Regiment 38 and leader of a Kampfgruppe.[19]
  12. ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän of the 6./Kampfgeschwader 6.[19]
  13. ^ According to Scherzer as Oberstleutnant.[22]
  14. ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant of the Reserves.[22]
  15. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 25.[22]
  16. ^ According to Scherzer as chief of Panzerspäh-Kompanie 700/Panzer-Verband 700.[22]
  17. ^ Gustav Walle's nomination by the troop, OB Nordwest, was received by Heerespersonalamt-Außenstelle (HPA/A—Branch of the Army Staff Office) as teleprinter message on 2 May 1945 at 17:00, indicating that he had destroyed nine enemy tanks with a Panzerfaust. A Heerespersonalamt-Außenstelle-Verleihungsvorschlag (HPA/A-VV—Branch of the Army Staff Office Nomination Recommendation) was not created. The person in charge, Hauptmann Goerske, noted on the teleprinter message: "to be processed". The process was not completed before the end of hostilities and he indicated "for the archives". No further evidence can be found that the process was completed. The Federal Ministry of Defence stated in a letter to the German Federal Archives from 1963 that they hold no record of the presentation. Major Walle was struck from a list, which very likely was created by the IIa (divisional adjutant for personnel matters of the officers) of OB Nordwest for nominated Knight's Crosses, indicating that the Knight's Cross may have been presented. A legitimate presentation is thus possible, but also not verifiable. According to the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) the award was presented in accordance with the Dönitz-decree. This is illegal according to the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) and lacks legal justification. The presentation date was assigned by Walther-Peer Fellgiebel.[23]
  18. ^ a b The brackets around the professor and doctor title [Prof. Dr.] denotes that the academic title was attained after the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded.
  19. ^ According to Scherzer on 23 December 1942.[22]
  20. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./Grenadier-Regiment (motorized) 29.[22]
  21. ^ Helmut Walter's nomination by the troop, most likely a teleprinter message, does not exist anymore. A Heerespersonalamt-Verleihungsvorschlag (HPA-VV—Army Staff Office Nomination Recommendation) was not created nor a file card. Major Joachim Domaschk listed him in the 1st section of the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" (Awarded Knight Crosses) with an entry number Nr. 5100. This number was assigned twice since the 2nd section of the book also begins with Nr. 5100. Why Major Domaschk entered him this way is unknown. The entry reveals that a nomination by the troop was received by the HPA on 9 May 1945, and further processed the same day (Scherzer assumes to General Ernst Maisel) and presented. The presentation had been communicated to the OB West. The file card in the German Archive was created in the 1960s by the Federal Ministry of Defence based on the entry in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze". The presentation was unlawful, first because it was made after 8 May 1945, secondly neither General Maisel nor Major Domaschk were authorized at this time.[24]
  22. ^ According to Scherzer as Hauptmann.[25]
  23. ^ According to Scherzer on 18 May 1943.[25]
  24. ^ According to Scherzer as shock troops leader in the 4./Bau-Lehr-Bataillon z.b.V. 800.[25]
  25. ^ According to Scherzer on 23 August 1942.[25]
  26. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the III./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 16.[28]
  27. ^ a b According to Scherzer as SS-Hauptsturmführer of the Reserves and commander of SS-Pionier-Bataillon 54.[28]
  28. ^ According to Scherzer as group leader in the Radfahrzug Stabskompanie/Grenadier-Regiment 671.[28]
  29. ^ According to Scherzer as Fähnrichsvater (ensign father/mentor) in Lehrkompanie of Grenadier-(Feldausbildungs)-Regiment 640.[28]
  30. ^ According to Scherzer killed in action on 12 March 1944.[28]
  31. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 16./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Deutschland".[30]
  32. ^ According to Scherzer as Hauptmann of the Reserves.[32]
  33. ^ a b c d e f g The brackets around the doctor title [Dr.] denotes that the academic title was attained after the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded.
  34. ^ a b According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant zur See and commander of Schnellboot S-55.[32]
  35. ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 2./Heeres-Flak-Artillerie-Abteilung 303.[32]
  36. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the divisions combat school/33. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS "Charlemagne" (französische Nr. 1).[36]
  37. ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. Unlawful presentation of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross by the commanding general of the I. Fallschirmkorps, General der Fallschirmtruppe Richard Heidrich. Hans-Joachim Weck was a member of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients.[24]
  38. ^ Franz Wecker's nomination by the troop was approved by all intermittent commanding officers and was received by the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office) as a teleprinter message on 21 April 1945. It was not listed in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" (Awarded Knight Crosses). It was left unfinished by the end of the war. There exists a file card for approved or unapproved nominations. According to the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) the award was presented in accordance with the Dönitz-decree. This is illegal according to the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) and lacks legal justification. The presentation date was assigned by Walther-Peer Fellgiebel.[37]
  39. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of Feld-Ersatz-Bataillon 3.[39]
  40. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 2.[41]
  41. ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. The award was unlawfully presented by SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich. The date is taken from the announcement made by the 6. SS-Panzerarmee. The sequential number "150" was assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Weidinger was member of the AKCR.[42]
  42. ^ According to Scherzer as battalion leader in Regiment "von Stössel" (Alarm-Einheit (emergency unit) in the school VI for Fahnenjunker (cadets) of the infantry Metz)/Division-Nr. 462.[41]
  43. ^ Bruno Weiler's nomination by the troop was received by the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office) on 28 April 1945. It was noted in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" (Awarded Knight Crosses) with an entry number Nr. 5141. Major Joachim Domaschk approved on 30 April 1945. There is no file card nor further evidence regarding its presentation can be found. According to the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) the award was presented in accordance with the Dönitz-decree. This is illegal according to the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) and lacks legal justification. The presentation date was assigned by Walther-Peer Fellgiebel.[42]
  44. ^ According to Scherzer in the 6./schweres Artillerie-Regiment 46.[44]
  45. ^ According to Scherzer as observer in the Aufklärungsstaffel 5.(F)/122.[44]
  46. ^ There is no reference of the Knight's Cross awarded to Werner Weidlig in the German Federal Archives. His personal file contains a letter from 1955 by the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt), indicating that no proof of the award exists. The date was assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR).[42]
  47. ^ According to Scherzer on 22 January 1943.[44]
  48. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot and observer in the 2./Nahaufklärungsgruppe 4.[44]
  49. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the 2./SS-Aufklärungs-Abteilung "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler".[44]
  50. ^ According to Scherzer as Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 1./Flak-Regiment 36.[47]
  51. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 2.[47]
  52. ^ According to Scherzer as messenger in the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 24.[47]
  53. ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän in the IV./Jagdgeschwader 54.[48]
  54. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./Flak-Regiment 25.[48]
  55. ^ a b According to Scherzer as Major of the Reserves and commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 1.[48]
  56. ^ According to Scherzer as information officer in the Stab/Nachtjagdgeschwader 1.[48]
  57. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 10./Jagdgeschwader 300.[50]
  58. ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the general staff of the Armeegruppe Hollidt.[50]
  59. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 13.(schwere)/SS-Panzer-Regiment 1.[52]
  60. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./SS-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 8.[52]
  61. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66.[52]
  62. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 4./Schlachtgeschwader 10.[52]
  63. ^ a b According to Scherzer as Major of the Reserves and combat commander of Oppeln.[54]
  64. ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant of the Reserves.[54]
  65. ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant of the Reserves[54]
  66. ^ According to Scherzer on 7 March 1944.[56]
  67. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the III./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 4 "Der Führer".[56]
  68. ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. The award was unlawfully presented by SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich. The date is taken from the announcement made by the 6. SS-Panzerarmee. The sequential number "864" was assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Werner was a member of the AKCR.[42]
  69. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./schwere Heeres-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 666.[56]
  70. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the II./Jagdgeschwader 54.[56]
  71. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the I./Jagdgeschwader 54.[56]
  72. ^ a b According to Scherzer name is spelled Helmuth Werther who received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross as group leader of the Minenschiffe (minelayers) in the 21. UJ-Flottille.[58]
  73. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of Grenadier-Regiment 430.[58]
  74. ^ a b According to Scherzer on 4 September 1942 as pilot in the 1./Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet".[58]
  75. ^ According to Scherzer as Leutnant of the Reserves.[58]
  76. ^ According to Scherzer as chief of staff of the Deutsch-Italienische Panzerarmee.[60]
  77. ^ a b According to Scherzer name is spelled Kurt Wewelsiep who received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross as chief of the 2./Heeres-PionierBataillon 327.[60]
  78. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the 14./Infanterie-Regiment 506.[62]
  79. ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän of the Aufklärungsstaffel 2.(H)/14.[62]
  80. ^ a b According to Scherzer as Leutnant of the Reserves and leader of the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 81.[62]
  81. ^ According to Scherzer on 25 October 1940.[62]
  82. ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant.[62]
  83. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of Fähnrichs-Regiment 3.[64]
  84. ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 2./Flak-Regiment 18.[64]
  85. ^ According to Scherzer as Richtschütze (gunner) in the 1./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 32.[64]
  86. ^ According to Scherzer on 6 May 1945.[64]
  87. ^ According to Scherzer as observer in the Aufklärungsstaffel 1.(F)/Nacht.[66]
  88. ^ According to Scherzer in the I./schweres Werfer-Regiment (motorized) 1.[66]
  89. ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 2./SS-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 1.[66]
  90. ^ According to Scherzer as commanding general of the XIV. Armeekorps (mototized).[70]
  91. ^ According to Scherzer on 19 June 1940.[70]
  92. ^ a b c According to Scherzer name is Manfred Wilborn who received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 5 May 1945 as Unteroffizier.[70]
  93. ^ According to Scherzer as battalion doctor of the III./Infanterie-Regiment 120 (motorized).[70]
  94. ^ According to Scherzer as Stabsintendant of the Reserves.[70]
  95. ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. According to Walther-Peer Fellgiebel the presentation was made by Feldmarschall Ferdinand Schörner in accordance with the enabling act of 3 May 1945. The Order Commission of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) processed this case in 1973 and decided: "yes". What evidence was analyzed and processed is unknown to Scherzer. Scherzer was denied access to files, which could help clarify the case, of the AKCR on the grounds of the Bundesarchivgesetz (German Archive Law). Paul Wilhelm was a member of AKCR.[74]
  96. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 19.[73]
  97. ^ According to Scherzer on 29 May 1940.[73]
  98. ^ a b According to Scherzer as radio/wireless operator in the III./Nachtjagdgeschwader 5 on 25 November 1944.[73]
  99. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot and observer in the 2./Nahaufklärungsgruppe 4.[73]
  100. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 3 "Oberrhein" (553. Volksgrenadier-Division).[75]
  101. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./Fallschirm-Panzer-Ersatz und Ausbildungs-Regiment "Hermann Göring".[75]
  102. ^ According to Scherzer as division adjutant (IIa)/227. Infanterie-Division.[75]
  103. ^ a b According to Scherzer as Unteroffizier and Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 72.[77]
  104. ^ According to Scherzer on 16 April 1943.[77]
  105. ^ a b According to Scherzer on 18 November 1944 as pilot in the Nahaufklärungsstaffel 2./16.[77]
  106. ^ According to Scherzer as Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 168.[77]
  107. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 7./Flak-Regiment 4.[79]
  108. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 21.[79]
  109. ^ According to Scherzer as division doctor in the (IVb)/22. Infanterie-Division (LL).[79]
  110. ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. The award was unlawfully presented by SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich. The date is taken from the announcement made by the 6. SS-Panzerarmee. The sequential number "151" was assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Wisliceny was member of the AKCR.[74]
  111. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./SS-Standarte "Deutschland".[82]
  112. ^ According to Scherzer as chief 4 (Battery "Sagorsch")/Marine-Flak-Abteilung 259 in Gotenhafen.[82]
  113. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Heeres-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 394.[82]
  114. ^ According to Scherzer in the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 77.[83]
  115. ^ a b According to Scherzer as SS-Untersturmführer of the Reserves and Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 13.(schwere)/SS-Panzer-Regiment 1.[86]
  116. ^ Dietrich Kirn was a cover name used while serving in the Abwehr (military intelligence). His real name is Dietrich Witzel. The Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) lists him under his cover name. He is therefore not counted here, see List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients (Ka–Km) instead.[86]
  117. ^ Generalfeldmarschall Erwin von Witzleben, in connection with the 20 July plot, the failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler, was deprived of all honors, ranks and orders and dishonourably discharged from the Heer on 4 August 1944. The civilian von Witzleben was sentenced to death by the Volksgerichtshof on 8 August 1944.[74]
  118. ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. There is also no evidence in the files of the Order Commission of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Edmund Woehl's presentation is also not mentioned in the contemporary printed press such as the Völkischer Beobachter or the Flensburger Nachrichten. It remains unclear on what grounds the AKCR has listed Woehl. Listed as Eduard Wöhl who received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 30 April 1945 as Major and leader of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 51 by Gerhard von Seemen. Von Seemen states that this was a presentation in the "greater combat area of Berlin".[87] Therefore a legal presentation via the command chain (LVI Panzer Korps – Combat commander of Berlin (General Helmuth Weidling) – Chief of the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Branch of the Army Staff Office) Wilhelm Burgdorf – Adolf Hitler) is possible. Also possible is a direct presentation by Hitler. However, none of this can be verified.[74]
  119. ^ According to Scherzer on 27 August 1943.[90]
  120. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon (A.A.) 1.[90]
  121. ^ According to Scherzer as Leutnant.[90]
  122. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./Flak-Regiment 64.[90]
  123. ^ a b According to Scherzer as pilot in the II./Jagdgeschwader 54 and posthumously the 464th Oak Leaves on 25 April 1944.[90]
  124. ^ According to Scherzer name is spelled Eberhard Wolff.[92]
  125. ^ According to Scherzer on 17 September 1944.[92]
  126. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of Korps-MG-Bataillon 420.[92]
  127. ^ According to Scherzer as Geschwaderkommodore of Kampfgeschwader 4.[92]
  128. ^ a b According to Scherzer on 14 January 1942 as Staffelkapitän of the Aufklärungsstaffel 1.(F)/124.[94]
  129. ^ According to Scherzer name is spelled Hanns Wolff.[94] The brackets around the doctor title [Dr.] denotes that the academic title was attained after the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded.
  130. ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 3./Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon (A.A.) 263.[94]
  131. ^ According to Scherzer as adjutant of the III./2. SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler".[96]
  132. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Flak-Regiment 37.[96]
  133. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the I./Jagdgeschwader 52.[96]
  134. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Grenadier-Regiment 479.[96]
  135. ^ According to Scherzer as Richtschütze (gunner) in the 13.(schwere)/SS-Panzer-Regiment 1.[96]
  136. ^ a b According to Scherzer on 10 June 1943 as commander of Flak-Regiment 135.[96]
  137. ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 6./SS-Panzer-Regiment 2.[99]
  138. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 6./Sturzkampfgeschwader 77.[99]
  139. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the 8./Grenadier-Regiment 208.[99]
  140. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1.[100]
  141. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 8./Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders".[100]
  142. ^ According to Scherzer as leader of a Infanteriegeschütz-Kompanie in the fortress Küstrin.[100]
  143. ^ According to Scherzer as commander in the 18. Vorpostenflottille.[100]
  144. ^ The nomination by the troop is not documented. A file card indicates that it was received on 23 February 1945. SS-Obersturmbannführer Wilhelm Kment, the adjutant of Heinrich Himmler and liaison officer to the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office), noted that he did return the Himmler approved nomination on 29 April 1945 to the HPA/P5a (Army personnel office). Three copies for further processing were retained by the HPA but were left unfinished by the end of the war. Missing is the confirmation of the Commander-in-Chief of the 9. Armee and Army Group Vistula. The nomination did not receive a sequential number. The book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" (Awarded Knight Crosses) does not list Erich Wulff. The nomination remained unfinished by the end of the war. The file card also contains a note "unfinished". A further file card can be found in the record for rejected or unfinished nominations. Mr Meentz of the German Federal Archives stated on 20 July 2004 that it cannot be verified that Wulff received the Knight's Cross.[103]
  145. ^ According to Scherzer as pilot and observer in the Aufklärungsstaffel 12.(H)/13.[100]
  146. ^ According to Scherzer as Leutnant.[104]
  147. ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Schnellboot S-60.[104]
  148. ^ a b According to Scherzer as Feldwebel and Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 4./Divisions-Bataillon 137.[104]
  149. ^ a b According to Scherzer as pilot in the 5./Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" and 146th Oak Leaves on 14 November 1942.[104]



  1. ^ Williamson & Bujeiro 2004, pp. 3–4.
  2. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, p. 4.
  3. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 113–460, 483, 485–487, 492, 494, 498–499, 501, 503, 509.
  4. ^ Scherzer 2007, pp. 117–186.
  5. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 433–455, 509.
  6. ^ Scherzer 2007, pp. 182–186.
  7. ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 1573; 1 September 1939" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  8. ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 849; 3 June 1940" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  9. ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 613; 28 September 1941" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  10. ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11; 29 December 1944" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  11. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, p. 112.
  12. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 49–51, 102–111.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Scherzer 2007, p. 763.
  14. ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, p. 433.
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Fellgiebel 2000, p. 434.
  16. ^ Scherzer 2007, p. 182.
  17. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 434, 507.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 764.
  19. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 765.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 435.
  21. ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 435, 507.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 766.
  23. ^ Scherzer 2007, pp. 182–183.
  24. ^ a b Scherzer 2007, p. 183.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 767.
  26. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Fellgiebel 2000, p. 436.
  27. ^ a b c d Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 436, 507.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 768.
  29. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Fellgiebel 2000, p. 437.
  30. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 769.
  31. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 437, 507.
  32. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 770.
  33. ^ A brief biography of Horst Weber appears in 'Struck by Lightning', the story of HMS Lightning G-55 1941-43, John Dann, FastPrint Publishing, England, ISBN 978-178035-480-4
  34. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Fellgiebel 2000, p. 438.
  35. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 438, 507.
  36. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Scherzer 2007, p. 771.
  37. ^ Scherzer 2007, pp. 183–184.
  38. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 438, 508.
  39. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 772.
  40. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 439.
  41. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 773.
  42. ^ a b c d Scherzer 2007, p. 184.
  43. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 439, 508.
  44. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 774.
  45. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 440.
  46. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 440, 508.
  47. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 775.
  48. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am Scherzer 2007, p. 776.
  49. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Fellgiebel 2000, p. 441.
  50. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am Scherzer 2007, p. 777.
  51. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Fellgiebel 2000, p. 442.
  52. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 778.
  53. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 442, 508.
  54. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 779.
  55. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 443.
  56. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 780.
  57. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 443, 508.
  58. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Scherzer 2007, p. 781.
  59. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Fellgiebel 2000, p. 444.
  60. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 782.
  61. ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 444, 508.
  62. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 783.
  63. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Fellgiebel 2000, p. 445.
  64. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 784.
  65. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 445, 508.
  66. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 785.
  67. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Fellgiebel 2000, p. 446.
  68. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 446, 508.
  69. ^ Von Seemen 1976, p. 359.
  70. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 786.
  71. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 447, 508.
  72. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 447.
  73. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 787.
  74. ^ a b c d Scherzer 2007, p. 185.
  75. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Scherzer 2007, p. 788.
  76. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Fellgiebel 2000, p. 448.
  77. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 789.
  78. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 448, 508.
  79. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Scherzer 2007, p. 790.
  80. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 449.
  81. ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 449, 508.
  82. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 791.
  83. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Scherzer 2007, p. 792.
  84. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Fellgiebel 2000, p. 450.
  85. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 450, 508.
  86. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 793.
  87. ^ Von Seemen 1976, p. 363.
  88. ^ Fellgiebel 2000, p. 509.
  89. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Fellgiebel 2000, p. 451.
  90. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 794.
  91. ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 451, 509.
  92. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 795.
  93. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 452.
  94. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Scherzer 2007, p. 796.
  95. ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 452, 509.
  96. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af Scherzer 2007, p. 797.
  97. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 453, 509.
  98. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Fellgiebel 2000, p. 453.
  99. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 798.
  100. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 799.
  101. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Fellgiebel 2000, p. 454.
  102. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 454, 509.
  103. ^ Scherzer 2007, p. 186.
  104. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Scherzer 2007, p. 800.
  105. ^ a b c d e f Scherzer 2007, p. 801.
  106. ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, p. 455.


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