Elecciones a la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos de 2012 en Nueva York

Las elecciones a la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos de 2012 en Nueva York se llevaron a cabo el martes 6 de noviembre de 2012 para elegir a los 27 representantes estadounidenses del estado, uno de cada uno de los 27 distritos electorales del estado , una pérdida de dos escaños después de las elecciones de 2010 en los Estados Unidos. censo . Las elecciones coincidieron con las elecciones de otros cargos federales y estatales, incluidas una elección presidencial cuatrienal y una elección del Senado de Estados Unidos . Los dos distritos existentes que fueron eliminados fueron el Distrito 9, en manos del representante republicano Bob Turner, [1] [2] y el Distrito 22, en manos del representante demócrata saliente Maurice Hinchey. [3] [4]

Las elecciones primarias del partido se produjeron el 26 de junio de 2012, [5] y las elecciones generales coincidieron con las elecciones nacionales del 6 de noviembre de 2012.

El día de las elecciones, el Partido Demócrata recuperó dos escaños que anteriormente ocupaban los republicanos, mientras que el Partido Republicano recuperó un escaño que anteriormente ocupaba un demócrata. [6] En el 113º Congreso, que se reunió por primera vez el 3 de enero de 2013, la delegación de Nueva York inicialmente estuvo compuesta por 21 demócratas y seis republicanos. [7] [8]

Redistribución de distritos

Cada grupo de la Legislatura del Estado de Nueva York presentó sus mapas propuestos de 27 distritos a un maestro especial designado el 29 de febrero de 2012. [9] El 6 de marzo, el maestro especial, la jueza Roanne L. Mann, publicó su propio mapa propuesto y lo revisó ligeramente. [10] [11] El 19 de marzo , el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Este de Nueva York impuso los mapas del maestro especial, con modificaciones menores. [12] [13]

Descripción general

Distrito 1

El actual demócrata Tim Bishop ], que había representado al distrito desde 2002, se postuló para la reelección. Fue reelegido con el 50,2% de los votos en 20. El distrito tenía un PVI de Par.

Primaria demócrata

Bishop inició su campaña de reelección en abril de 2011. [15]

En marzo de 2011, Bishop fue incluido en una lista de demócratas potencialmente vulnerables por el Comité de Campaña Demócrata del Congreso , habiendo ganado solo por 593 votos en 2010. [16]



Bishop también contó con el respaldo del Partido de las Familias Trabajadoras .

Primarias republicanas



Resultados primarios

Altschuler también contó con el respaldo del Partido Conservador y del Partido de la Independencia.

primaria libertaria



Eleccion general


Tim Obispo (D)
Randy Altschuler (derecha)




El día de las elecciones, Bishop prevaleció por un margen de 52,2%-47,8%. [7]

Distrito 2

El titular republicano Peter King , que fue redistribuido del tercer distrito, dijo en mayo de 2011 que el Partido Republicano del condado de Nassau lo había alentado a postularse para presidente . King también dijo, sin embargo, que estaba centrado "completamente en ser reelegido al Congreso". [38]

Primarias republicanas



King contó con el respaldo del Partido Conservador y del Partido de la Independencia .

Primaria demócrata



Falcone también contó con el respaldo del Partido de las Familias Trabajadoras .

Eleccion general


Pedro Rey (derecha)


King ganó la reelección por un margen de más del 15%. [7]

Distrito 3

El actual demócrata Steve Israel se postuló para la reelección.

Primaria demócrata



Israel también contó con el respaldo del Partido de las Familias Trabajadoras y del Partido de la Independencia .

Primarias republicanas



El Partido Conservador también respaldó a LaBate. [42]

primaria libertaria



Eleccion general


Steve Israel (D)
Stephen LaBate (derecha)


Distrito 4

La actual demócrata Carolyn McCarthy , que había representado al distrito desde 1997, se postuló para la reelección. Fue reelegida con el 53,7% de los votos en 2010. El distrito tenía un PVI de D+4.

Primaria demócrata



El Partido de la Independencia y el Partido de las Familias Trabajadoras respaldaron a McCarthy.

Primarias republicanas


Eliminado en primaria

Resultados primarios

El 26 de junio de 2012, el legislador del condado de Nassau, Fran Becker, derrotó a Frank Scaturro en una elección primaria para la nominación republicana, mientras que Scaturro derrotó a Becker en las primarias del Partido Conservador como candidato por escrito.

Eleccion general


Carolyn McCarthy (D)
Frank Scaturro (C)


Distrito 5

El actual demócrata Gregory Meeks , que había representado al distrito desde 1998, se postuló para la reelección. Fue reelegido con el 87,8% de los votos en 2010. El distrito tenía un PVI de D+33.

Primaria demócrata


Eliminado en primaria

Resultados primarios

Primarias republicanas



primaria libertaria



Eleccion general


Gregorio Meeks (D)


Distrito 6

El sexto distrito era un asiento abierto, que consistía principalmente en territorio de los antiguos distritos quinto y noveno. Ninguno de los dos titulares de esos distritos, el demócrata Gary Ackerman del quinto y el republicano Bob Turner del noveno, buscó la reelección. Ackerman se retiró, [45] mientras que Turner, que representaba el 51% de los votantes del nuevo escaño, abandonó la carrera en marzo de 2012 para competir contra la actual demócrata Kirsten Gillibrand en las elecciones al Senado . [46]

Primarias republicanas



Primaria demócrata


Eliminado en primaria


Gracia Meng

Resultados primarios

El Partido de las Familias Trabajadoras respaldó a Lancman.

Primaria verde



Eleccion general


Gracia Meng (D)


Distrito 7

La titular Nydia Velázquez , quien fue redistribuida del distrito 12, se postuló para la reelección.

Primaria demócrata

New York City Councilman Erik Martin Dilan, the son of current New York State Senator Martin Malave Dilan, challenged Velazquez in the primary with the backing of Brooklyn Democratic Party chair Vito Lopez; the Dilan family and Velazquez supporters had been engaged in a political feud for several years.[53][54]


Eliminated in primary


Nydia Velazquez

Primary results

Conservative primary



General election


Nydia Velázquez (D)


District 8

Incumbent Democrat Edolphus Towns, who was redistricted from the 10th district and was first elected in 1982, announced in April 2012 that he would abandon his plans for re-election.[57]

Democratic primary

Towns's son Darryl, a former member of the New York State Assembly, was formerly considered the "next in line" for the seat; however, in 2011 he accepted a position in the administration of Governor Andrew Cuomo.[58]


Eliminated in primary


Hakeem Jeffries

Primary results

Green primary



Republican primary



General election


Hakeem Jeffries (D)


District 9

Democrat Yvette Clarke, who was redistricted from the 11th district and had represented that district since 2007, sought re-election in her new district.

Democratic primary

Sylvia Kinard, an attorney and the ex-wife of Bill Thompson (a current/former Democratic nominee for Mayor of New York City), challenged Clarke.[68]


Eliminated in primary

Primary results

Republican primary



General election


Yvette Clarke (D)


District 10

The new 10th district is located in New York City and includes the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the west side of Lower Manhattan, including Greenwich Village and the Financial District, and parts of Brooklyn, including Borough Park. Incumbent Democrat Jerrold Nadler, who had represented the 8th district since 1993 and the 17th district from 1992 to 1993, ran for re-election. He was re-elected in 2010 with 76% of the vote, and the district had a PVI of D+24

Democratic primary



Republican primary



General election


Jerrold Nadler (D)


District 11

Incumbent Republican Michael Grimm, who was redistricted from the 13th district and was first elected in 2010, sought re-election.[69]

Republican primary



Democratic primary



Green primary



General election


Michael Grimm (R)
Mark Murphy (D)




Grimm won re-election by a margin of 52.8% to 46.2%.[7]

District 12

Incumbent Carolyn Maloney, who was redistricted from the 14th district, ran for re-election.

Democratic primary



Republican primary



General election


Carolyn Maloney (D)


District 13

Incumbent Democrat Charles B. Rangel, who was redistricted from the 15th district and was censured by the House of Representatives after being found guilty of ethics violations, filed to run for re-election in February 2011.[84]

Democratic primary


Eliminated in primary


Clyde Williams

Primary results

On the night of the June 26 primary, it seemed as though the incumbent Rangel had defeated his closest challenger, State Senator Espaillat, by a 45%-40% margin; Rangel celebrated victory and Espaillat conceded defeat.[88] However, as the counting continued, that margin narrowed considerably. A number of precincts were very late in reporting and Espaillat went to court claiming irregularities in that his supporters had been improperly turned away from polling locations.[88][89] On Saturday July 7, 2012, Rangel received the primary victory by a margin of 990 votes. The New York City Board of Elections released that Rangel received 18,940 votes and Espaillat had 17,950.[89] On July 9, 2012, Espaillat conceded the election to Rangel.[89]

Republican primary



General election


Charlie Rangel (D)


District 14

The redrawn 14th district runs from Newtown Creek in Sunnyside and over LaGuardia Airport and over the three Long Island Sound bridges to the Pelham, Westchester, border. Incumbent Democrat Joe Crowley, who had been redistricted from the 7th district, ran for re-election.

Democratic primary



Republican primary



General election


Joe Crowley (D)


District 15

José E. Serrano, incumbent representative for the 16th district, ran for an 11th term.

Democratic primary



Republican primary



General election


José Serrano (D)


District 16

Eliot Engel, incumbent representative for the 17th district, ran for a 12th term.

Democratic primary


Eliminated in primary

Primary results

Republican primary



General election


Eliot Engel (D)


District 17

Incumbent Democrat Nita Lowey, who was redistricted from the 18th district, ran for re-election.[92]

Democratic primary



Republican primary

Mark Rosen who ran against in Lowey 2010, but was forced to drop out of the race after being deployed to Afghanistan, was expected to seek the Republican nomination.[94] Rosen retired from the Army, eliminating the threat of redeployment during election cycle, but was redistricted out of the district and choose not to run against Lowey a second time.


Eliminated in primary

Primary results


Frank Morganthaler, former NYFD lieutenant and private investigator, challenged Nita Lowey and ran on an independent line, We the People.[96]

General election


Nita Lowey (D)
Joe Carvin (R)


District 18

Republican Nan Hayworth, who was redistricted from the 19th district and had represented that district since January 2011, ran for re-election.[92]

Republican primary



Democratic primary


Eliminated in primary


Richard Becker
Sean Patrick Maloney

Primary results

Maloney won the Democratic primary with 48% of the vote on June 26, 2012.

General election


Nan Hayworth (R)
Sean Patrick Maloney (D)




On election day, Maloney won by a narrow margin,[7] becoming New York's first openly LGBQ+ member of Congress.[107]

District 19

Incumbent Republican Chris Gibson, who was redistricted from the 20th district, had represented that district since 2011, ran for re-election. He was elected with 53.19% of the vote in 2010. The district had a PVI of Even.

With redistricting settled, the new 19th district went from being a Republican-leaning district to being a swing district.[108] Because of the dissolution of Maurice Hinchey's district, much of that district, including all of Ulster and Sullivan counties, was dissolved into this new district.

Republican primary



Democratic primary


Eliminated in primary


Julian Schreibman
U.S. Representatives

Primary results

Schreibman prevailed in the Democratic primary.[114]

General election


Chris Gibson (R)
Julian Schreibman (D)





District 20

Incumbent Democrat Paul Tonko ran for re-election in his heavily Democratic, mostly unchanged, district that was formerly numbered as the 21st.

Democratic primary



Republican primary



General election


Paul Tonko (D)


District 21

Incumbent Democrat Bill Owens, who had represented the district since 2009, ran for re-election. He was re-elected with 47.5% of the vote in 2010. The district had a PVI of R+2.

Democratic primary



Republican primary

Matt Doheny a businessman who came within 2,000 votes of beating Owens in 2010, faced Kellie Greene, an Oswego County native and theologian who most recently lived in Arizona, in the primary.


Eliminated in primary

Primary results

Doheny defeated Greene in the Republican primary.[121] Hassig dropped out of the race on November 3, endorsing Owens, but remained on the ballot.[122]

Doheny secured the Independence Party line[123] and the Conservative Party lines, the latter of which he did not have in 2010.[124]

Green primary



Hassig appeared on the Green line despite the party's disavowal of him over his stance on immigration.[126]

General election


Bill Owens (D)
Matthew Doheny (R)




District 22

Republican Richard Hanna, who was redistricted from the 24th district having represented that district since 2011, ran for re-election.

Republican primary

Hanna defeated Michael Kicinski, who was backed by Carl Paladino, Doug Hoffman and other Tea Party activists, in the Republican primary.[128][129]


Eliminated in primary

Primary results

Democratic primary



General election


Richard Hanna (R)
Dan Lamb (D)



District 23

Incumbent Republican Tom Reed, who was redistricted from the 29th district having represented that district since 2010, ran for re-election. He was elected with 56.3% of the vote in 2010. The district had a PVI of R+3.

Republican primary

Reed was initially noncommittal regarding re-election, stating in July 2011 that "Re-election is the farthest thing from my mind;"[132] he officially announced for re-election on April 30, 2012.[133]



Democratic primary


Eliminated in primary


Nate Shinagawa

Primary results

Nate Shinagawa won the Democratic primary election over Leslie Danks Burke (also an Ithaca resident) and Melissa Dobson on June 26, 2012.[137]

General election


Tom Reed (R)
Nate Shinagawa (D)



District 24

The new 24th district included all of Cayuga, Onondaga and Wayne counties, and the western part of Oswego County. Incumbent Republican Ann Marie Buerkle, who had represented the 25th district since 2011, sought re-election in the redrawn 24th district.[138] The district had a PVI of D+3.

Republican primary

On February 6, Robert Paul Spencer announced he would run in the Republican primary against Buerkle, citing his opposition to Buerkle's vote in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act, which Spencer believed to be unconstitutional.[139] However, he did not appear on the primary ballot.



Democratic primary



Green primary



General election


Ann Marie Buerkle (R)
Dan Maffei (D)





District 25

Incumbent Democrat Louise Slaughter, who was redistricted from the 28th district and had represented the Rochester metropolitan area since 1987, ran for re-election.[145]

Democratic primary



Republican primary



General election


Louise Slaughter (D)
Maggie Brooks (R)




District 26

Incumbent Democrat Brian Higgins, who was redistricted from the 27th district, sought re-election.

Democratic primary

Although his district was expected to become more friendly to Democrats in redistricting, the defeat of Higgins' protege, Chris Fahey, to Republican-backed Democrat Michael P. Kearns in a New York State Assembly race led to the perception that Higgins might have been more vulnerable than previously believed.[149]



Republican primary



General election


Brian Higgins (D)


District 27

Incumbent Democrat Kathy Hochul, who was redistricted from the 26th district seat that she won in a June 2011 special election, sought election to her first full term.

Democratic primary



Republican primary


Eliminated in primary


David Bellavia

Primary results

General election


Kathy Hochul (D)
Chris Collins (R)





See also


  1. ^ Federal Judges Officially Approve Redrawn State Congressional Districts – NY1
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