National awards given by King George V
Los honores de cumpleaños de 1917 fueron nombramientos por parte del rey Jorge V en diversas órdenes y honores para recompensar y destacar las buenas obras de los ciudadanos del Imperio británico. Los nombramientos se hicieron para celebrar el cumpleaños oficial del rey y se publicaron el 4 de junio y el 19 de junio. [1] [2]
Los destinatarios de los honores se muestran aquí tal como se les llamaba antes de su nuevo honor, y organizados por honor, con clases (Caballero, Caballero Gran Cruz, etc. ) y luego divisiones (Militar, Civil, etc. ) según corresponda.
Reino Unido y el Imperio Británico
Vizconde El Muy Honorable Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, Barón Devonport , DL , el primer controlador de alimentos británico , anteriormente presidente de la Autoridad del Puerto de Londres . Miembro del Parlamento por Devonport de 1892 a 1910. El Muy Honorable Horace Brand Farquhar, Barón Farquhar , GCVO , Lord Mayordomo desde 1915, Maestro de la Casa Real del Rey Eduardo, 1901-1907; Miembro del Parlamento por West Marylebone de 1895 a 1898. William Waldorf Astor, Barón Astor . Filántropo y Ministro de los Estados Unidos en Italia.
Barón Teniente coronel Rt. Hon. Amelius Richard Mark Lockwood , CVO, MP , con el nombre, tratamiento y título de Barón Lambourne, de Lambourne, en el condado de Essex. . [3] Coronel Richard Godolphin Walmesley Chaloner , diputado , con el nombre, estilo y título de barón Gisborough, de Cleveland, en el condado de York . Sir Frederick Henry Smith , Bt, DL , con el nombre, estilo y título de Barón Colwyn, de Colwyn Bay en el condado de Denbigh . [4] El mayor general Sir Ivor John Caradoc Herbert , Bt, MP , con el nombre, estilo y título de barón Treowen, de Treowen y Llanarth, en el condado de Monmouth . Sir William Hesketh Lever , Bt , con el nombre, estilo y título de Barón Leverhulme, de Bolton-le-Moors, en el Condado Palatino de Lancaster .
Consejero Privado El Rey nombró a los siguientes miembros del Muy Honorable Consejo Privado de Su Majestad:
Henry William Forster , diputado .Capitán Ernest George Pretyman , diputado . Lord Claude Hamilton , diputado .Evelyn Cecil , diputada .James Henry Thomas , diputado .El Honorable Neil Primrose , diputado . Thomas Ashton , DL .Mayor Arthur Gore, conde de Arran , KP . El barón William Goulding , Bt .
Ayudante de campo(Consejo Administrativo de Contabilidad) Coronel (mayor general temporal) Henry Edward Burstall , CB, CMG , Fuerzas Canadienses. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Edward Walter Clervaux Chaytor , CB, CMG , Cuerpo de Estado Mayor de Nueva Zelanda. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Frederick Stewart Dawson, CMG , Fuerzas Sudafricanas. Coronel (mayor general temporal) Cyril Brudenell Bingham White , CB, DSO , Fuerzas Australianas.
Baronetías Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay Steel-Maitland , diputado .Coronel Herbert Merton Jessel , diputado . Henry Machu Imbert-Terry .Arthur Charles Churchman Sir Edward Hildred Carlile , diputado .El nudo de James William Norton Senderismo .George Smith Clark .Remanente de James Farquharson , DL .Beville Stanier , diputado .William Cresswell Gray , DL .Thomas Dewar , DL .El Muy Honorable Thomas Wallace Russell , diputado . Sir Thomas Henry Elliott , KCB . Coronel Alan Sykes , diputado . Sir Philip Magnus , diputado . Sir Robert Abbott Hadfield , FRS . Señor Richard Mathias . Evan Davies Jones .El Muy Honorable Sir William Henry Dunn . Sir John Gordon Nairne . Richard Vassar Vassar-Smith , DL .José Wesley Flavelle .Doctor Frederick Taylor . El actor estadounidense Heath Harrison .
Caballero soltero William J. Ashley , Decano de la Facultad de Comercio de Birmingham.John Audley Frederick Aspinall , director general del ferrocarril de Lancashire y Yorkshire.Graham Balfour , secretario del Comité de Educación de Staffordshire.Francisco H. Barker. Rowland Barran , diputado .William Barton , diputado .William Caín .Frederick WA Clarke, Contador y Contralor General de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales. Arthur Stockdale Cope , RA .William Henry Cowan , diputado .Coronel Thomas Kennedy Dalziel , RAMC . Henry Davies, CB . Controlador del Banco de Ahorros de Correos . George Samuel Elliott , licenciado en Derecho .Thomas Gregory Foster , rector del University College de Londres.John Foster Fraser , FRGS, FZS .Richard Tetley Glazebrook , CB, FRS . Director del Laboratorio Nacional de Física .Robert Graham, DL, JP . Henry Herbert Hambling .George Haysom, sheriff de la ciudad de Londres . Thomas Erskine Holland , KC, DCL, LLD .Teniente coronel William Henry Houghton-Gastrell , diputado . El actor Robert Murray Hyslop. Robert Jones , CB, FRCS , profesor de cirugía ortopédica en la Universidad de Liverpool.John Lorne McLeod , Lord Provost de Edimburgo.Alex. Herbert Maguire .Charles Edward Mallet .Edward Marshall-Hall , abogado, KC, diputado . Registrador de Guildford.Ernesto Martín. El hombre más rico del mundo. Mayor Lewis Arthur Newton. Sheriff de la ciudad de Londres . Henry George Norris , alcalde de Fulham .Ebenezer Parkes , diputado .William Peck , FRSE, FRAS . Director del Observatorio de la Ciudad, Calton Hill, Edimburgo.Robert Leonard Powell 1900-1909 .Alfred Farthing-Robbins .Samuel Roberts , diputado .Charles Walter Starmer , JP .Dudley Stewart-Smith , KC , vicerrector del condado palatino de LancasterWilliam Hamo Thornycroft , RA Dr. Herbert Furnival Waterhouse, miembro del Consejo y del Tribunal Examinador del Real Colegio de Cirujanos.William Watson , Licenciado en Derecho .Edward Graham Wood, Alto Sheriff de Lancashire . Juan Aird .George Quemadura. George enterrar.
La Muy Ilustre Orden de San Patricio
Caballero de la Orden de San Patricio (KP)
La Muy Honorable Orden del Baño Estrella civil del Caballero Gran Cruz de la Orden del Baño
Caballero de la Gran Cruz de la Orden del Baño (GCB)División Civil
Caballero Comendador de la Orden del Baño (KCB)División Militar Marina Real Vicealmirante Reginald Godfrey Otway Tupper , CVO, CB . Vicealmirante Herbert Leopold Heath , CB, MVO . Vicealmirante Montague Edward Browning , CB, MVO . Almirante James Startin, CB , (retirado), comodoro temporal, RNR . Ejército General de división John Edward Capper , CB . General de división Frederick William Nicholas McCracken , CB, DSO . Teniente General Sir William Riddell Birdwood , KCSI, KCMG, CB, CIE, DSO . General de división William Eliot Peyton , CVO, CB, DSO . General de división Robert Fanshawe , CB, DSO . General de división Hon. Frederick Gordon , CB, DSO . Honorable General de División Sir Eric Campbell Geddes . Coronel James Magill, CB, MD (pago de jubilación). Coronel y Honorable Mayor General Charles Edward Callwell , CB (pago de jubilación). General de división William Thomas Furse , CB, DSO . Teniente coronel Peter Johnston Freyer, CB, MD , Servicio Médico Indio, retirado. General de división Sir John Hanbury-Williams , KCVO, CMG . División Civil Frederick Atterbury, CB , Contralor de la Oficina de Papelería de Su Majestad . Sir Eyre Crowe , KCMG, CB , Subsecretario de Estado Adjunto de Asuntos Exteriores. Sir Edward O'Farrell, CB , Subsecretario Adjunto, Oficina Irlandesa. Henry Frank Heath , CB , PhD , Secretario del Departamento de Investigación Científica e Industrial.William Francis Marwood, CB , Segundo Secretario, Junta de Comercio. David James Shackleton , CB , Secretario Permanente del Ministerio de Trabajo.General de división Ivor Philipps , DSO, diputado . Mayor Sir Edwin Frederick Wodehouse , KCVO, CB , Comisionado Adjunto, Policía Metropolitana. Coronel Sir Charles Wyndham-Murray , CB .
Compañero de la Orden del Baño (CB)División Militar Marina Real Contralmirante Archibald Peile Stoddart . Contralmirante Sydney Robert Fremantle , MVO . Capitán Wilmot Stuart Nicholson . Capitán Arthur Allan Morison Duff. Capitán Francis Gerald St. John, MVO . Capitán Walter Maurice Ellerton . Capitán Tufton Percy Hamilton Beamish . Capitán Hubert Henry Holland. Almirante John Locke Marx, DSO, MVO , (retirado), capitán temporal, RNR . Vicealmirante Charles Holcombe Dare , MVO , (retirado). Contralmirante Thomas Webster Kemp , CIE , (retirado). Capitán ingeniero Charles Cape Sheen. Ingeniero Capitán Howard Bone. Cirujano General George Welch. Cirujano de flota John Menary, MD . El pagador de la flota, Richard Ernest Stanley Sturgess. Pagador de la flota, John Anthony Keys. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Ernest Edward Chown, Infantería Ligera de la Marina Real. Coronel Lewis Conway-Gordon, Artillería de la Marina Real. Ejército Coronel Brevet (general de brigada temporal) Thomas Edwin Scott, CIE, DSO , Ejército de la India. Teniente coronel Charles Arthur Johnston, DSO, MB , Servicio Médico Indio. General de brigada temporal Henry Percy Maybury . General de brigada temporal Philip Arthur Manley Nash. Coronel Trevor Patrick Breffney Ternan, CMG, DSO , pago de jubilación. Coronel Edgar Alan Lambart. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario James Henry Gideon, jubilado. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) James Francis Erskine, CMG, MVO . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Herbert Montgomery Campbell, CMG . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Lewis Jones, CMG . Coronel Thomas Townley Macan, jubilado. Coronel William Baker Brown. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Fiennes Henry Crampton, Artillería Real. Coronel Roger Kirkpatrick, CMG, MD , Servicio Médico del Ejército. Coronel (mayor general temporal) Hubert Armine Anson Livingstone, CMG . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Ernest Makins , DSO . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Hereward Llewelyn Roberts, MVO , Ejército de la India. Coronel Oswald Charles Williamson Oswald, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Coronel Charles Henry Burtchaell, CMG, MB , Servicio Médico del Ejército. Coronel John Joseph Gerrard, MB , Servicio Médico del Ejército. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Rion Philip Benson, CMG . Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Michael Graham Egerton Bowman-Manifold , DSO , Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario (general de brigada temporal) Philip Richard Wood , CMG , Royal Irish Fusiliers. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario (general de brigada temporal) William Strong, Artillería Real. Coronel temporal Gerald Edward Holland, CMG, CIE, DSO . Coronel temporal William Henry Willcox, CMG, MD, FRCP . Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) George Washington Brazier-Creagh, CMG , ex Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) David Finlay Hosken Logan, CMG , Artillería Real. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Frederick Guy Maunsell, CMG , Artillería Real. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Thomas Walter, vizconde de Hampden , CMG , Fuerza Territorial (pago de retiro) (mayor, reserva de oficiales). Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Hugh Fenwick Brooke , CMG , Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Hugh Stanley Thurston, CMG , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Gerald Frederic Trotter , CMG, MVO, DSO , reserva de oficiales, ex granaderos de la Guardia. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Henry Francis Edward Freeland, MVO, DSO , Ingenieros Reales. General de división James Charles Young . Honorable Brigadier General Walter Clare Savile, DSO . Coronel Henry Augustus Anley, Departamento de Artillería del Ejército. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Sir Bruce Gordon Seton , Bt , Servicio Médico de la India. Coronel Henry Walter Barrett (jubilado), Departamento de Artillería del Ejército. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Sir Henry Allen William Johnson , Bt . (pago de jubilación). Coronel Douglas Wardrop, CVO, MB , Servicio Médico del Ejército. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Thomas Kelly Evans Johnston (pago de jubilación). Coronel Charles Robert Tyrrell (jubilado), Servicio Médico del Ejército. Coronel Clement Carr Wrigley, Departamento de Artillería del Ejército. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Lionel Richard Kenyon, Guarnición Real de Artillería. Coronel temporal James Galloway , MD, FRCP, FRCS , Servicio Médico del Ejército. Teniente Coronel (Cirujano Coronel Honorable) Richard James Reece, MD , Honorable Compañía de Artillería. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) George Samuel Bateson Lyle, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Teniente coronel cirujano Sir Warren Roland Crooke-Lawless, CIE, MD (pago de jubilación), Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Hon. Walter Dashwood Sclater Booth, DSO , Artillería Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Auckland Campbell Geddes , MD , lista no adjunta. Fuerza Imperial Australiana Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Edwin Tivey , DSO , Fuerzas Militares de la Commonwealth. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) John Gellibrand , DSO , pago de jubilación. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Evan Alexander Wisdom , DSO . Fuerza canadiense Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) George Stuart Tuxford , CMG . Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Archibald Cameron Macdonell , CMG, DSO . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Alexander Duncan McRae , Fuerzas Militares Canadienses. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Percival Edward Thacker, CMG , Fuerzas Militares Canadienses. Fuerza de Nueva Zelanda División Civil William John Berry , Cuerpo Real de Constructores Navales.Herbert Cartwright Reid, ingeniero civil supervisor. Contralmirante Henry Harvey Bruce , MVO . Capitán Frederick Charles Learmonth , RN . Capitán Henry William Grant, RN . Capitán Herbert Willes Webley Hope , RN . Capitán Hubert Stansbury, RN , (retirado). Capitán interino Cyril Percy Ryan, RN , (retirado). Capitán ingeniero John William Ham, RN . Cirujano General Temporal Sir William Macewen , MD, RN . Cirujano General Temporal George Robertson Turner, FRCS, RN . Coronel Frederick Horniblow, oficial a cargo de los registros del Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel Henry Gordon Leith, Departamento del Inspector Jefe de Servicios del Intendente General. Samuel Howard Whitbread , Teniente de Su Majestad del Condado de Bedford y Presidente de la Asociación de la Fuerza Territorial de Bedfordshire .Teniente coronel Sir Charles John Owens , uno de los tenientes de Su Majestad para la ciudad de Londres y presidente de la Asociación de la Fuerza Territorial de la Ciudad de Londres . Sir James Bell , Bt, DL , Presidente de la Asociación de la Fuerza Territorial de Ayrshire . General de división Trevor Bruce Tyler, CSI, DL , presidente de la Asociación de la Fuerza Territorial de Glamorganshire . Mayor Thomas Alexander Harvie Anderson, Secretario de la Asociación de la Fuerza Territorial de la Ciudad de Glasgow . Mayor Francis Malcolm Evory Kennedy, DL , Secretario de la Asociación de la Fuerza Territorial de Somersetshire . Francis Adolphus Jones, Asesor Jurídico de la Junta de Agricultura. John Macpherson, Comisionado Especial, Junta de Control de Escocia. Herbert Henry Law, Inspector Jefe de Ingeniería, Junta de Gobierno Local . George Atherton Aitken , Secretario Adjunto del Ministerio del Interior.Gerald Sydney Spicer, Secretario Superior del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Cyril Longhurst, Secretario Adjunto del Comité de Defensa Imperial. John Maynard Keynes , Secretario Principal interino, Tesorería.Charles Thomas Beard, ISO , Secretario, Comisión de Tierras Irlandesas, Dublín. Sir Sydney Olivier , KCMG , Contralor Adjunto y Auditor. Ernest Arthur Gowers , Inspector Jefe, Comisión Nacional del Seguro de Salud .George Malcolm Joven .Ernest Henry Bright, MVO , Secretario Principal Superior, Oficina de Obras Públicas de Su Majestad. Charles Hipwood, Secretario Adjunto, Departamento Marino, Junta de Comercio.
La Más Exaltada Orden de la Estrella de la India Estrella de un Caballero Gran Comendador de la Más Exaltada Orden de la Estrella de la India.
Caballero Gran Comendador (GCSI)
Caballero Comendador (KCSI)
Compañero (CSI)Herbert Francis Webb Gillman, funcionario del servicio civil indio , miembro ordinario del Consejo del Gobernador de Madrás. Patrick James Fagan, funcionario del servicio civil indio, comisionado financiero de Punjab y miembro del Consejo del vicegobernador para la elaboración de leyes y reglamentos. Coronel Hormusjee Eduljee Banatvala, Servicio Médico de la India, Inspector General de Hospitales Civiles, Assam, y miembro del Consejo del Comisionado Jefe para la elaboración de leyes y reglamentos. Teniente coronel Lawrence Impey, CIE , Ejército de la India, Departamento Político, Gobierno de la India, ex residente de Baroda. Coronel Benjamin William Marlow, CIE , Ejército de la India, Departamento de Cuentas Militares, Contador General Militar y Subsecretario del Gobierno de la India, Departamento de Finanzas, Rama de Finanzas Militares. Teniente coronel Harold Fenton Jacob, Ejército de la India, Departamento Político, Primer Asistente Residente en Adén, Presidencia de Bombay. Teniente coronel Francis Beville Prideaux, CIE , Ejército de la India, Departamento Político, Gobierno de la India, Cónsul de Su Majestad Británica para Seistan y Kain. Compañero honorario
La Muy Distinguida Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge Estrella de la Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge.
Caballero de la Gran Cruz de la Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge (GCMG)El Muy Honorable Lord D'Abernon , KCMG , Presidente de la Comisión Real sobre Recursos Naturales, Comercio y Legislación de ciertas porciones de los Dominios de Su Majestad. Sir Francis Edmund Hugh Elliot , GCVO, KCMG , Enviado Extraordinario de Su Majestad y Ministro Plenipotenciario en Atenas.
Caballero Comendador de la Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge (KCMG)El Honorable Coronel James Burns , Miembro del Consejo Legislativo de Nueva Gales del Sur, en reconocimiento a sus servicios a la Mancomunidad de Australia. George Russell, Secretario , CB, CMG , del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.Robert Alexander Falconer , LLD, DLitt, CMG , Presidente de la Universidad de Toronto.Herbert Guy Dering, MVO , Enviado Extraordinario de Su Majestad y Ministro Plenipotenciario en Bangkok. Sir Horace George Montagu Rumbold , Bt, MVO , Enviado Extraordinario de Su Majestad y Ministro Plenipotenciario en Berna. Herbert Edward White, CMG , Agente de Su Majestad y Cónsul General en Tánger. Vicealmirante Charles Dundas de Dundas (retirado). Cirujano General Sir Arthur Thomas Sloggett , KCB, CMG, KHS . General de división Percival Spearman Wilkinson , CB, CMG . Cirujano General Francis Harper Treherne, CMG . General de división Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell , CB, CMG . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Charles Massy Mathew, CB, CMG, DSO . Coronel (Mayor General temporal) Walter de Sausmarez Cayley , CB, CMG . Cirujano General Tom Percy Woodhouse, CB . General de división Spring Robert Rice , CB . General de división Walter Campbell , CB, DSO . General de división (Teniente general temporal) Sir Philip Walhouse Chetwode , Bt, CB, DSO . Coronel (mayor general temporal) Arthur William Currie , CB , Fuerzas Canadienses. Coronel (mayor general temporal) Richard Ernest William Turner , VC, CB, DSO , Fuerzas Canadienses. Otorgado en reconocimiento a valiosos servicios en relación con la guerra. General de división Sir Francis Howard , KCB, CMG . General de división Reginald Salmond Curtis , CB, CMG, DSO . General de división James Milford Sutherland Brunker. General de división Herbert Mullaly , CB, CSI . General de división Edward Mabbott Woodward, CB . Coronel Robert Neil Campbell, CB, CIE (retirado). Servicio Médico Indio. Caballeros Comendadores Honorarios
Compañero de la Orden de San Miguel y San Jorge (CMG)Raymond Cecil Allen, Director de Estudios y Oficial de Tierras, Protectorado de Uganda. Graham Airdrie Bell , Contralor Financiero, Departamento de Ferrocarriles y Canales, Dominio de Canadá.Edgar Bonavia, Secretario Adjunto del Gobierno, Malta. George Browne, ISO , Secretario Privado Honorario del Gobernador de Tasmania. Edward John Harding , MA , de la Oficina Colonial, Secretario de la Comisión Real sobre Recursos Naturales, Comercio y Legislación de ciertas porciones de los Dominios de Su Majestad.Thomas Hood, Director del Servicio Médico y Sanitario de Nigeria. Francis Edgar Kanthack, MInstC.E. , Director de Irrigación, Unión Sudafricana. Frederic Truby King , MB , Superintendente médico, Hospital Mental Seacliff, Dominio de Nueva Zelanda.John Pearce Luke , alcalde de Wellington, Dominio de Nueva Zelanda.William Harrison Moore , LLD , Decano de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Melbourne.William Henry Walker, ISO , Subsecretario de Estado Adjunto de Asuntos Exteriores, Dominio de Canadá. Evelyn Wrench , Organizadora del Overseas Club .Neville Travers Borton Pasha, Director General de Correos en Egipto.Teniente coronel George Stewart Symes , DSO , del Servicio Civil de Sudán. Henry James Bruce , MVO , Segundo Secretario del Servicio Diplomático de Su Majestad.Reginald Francis Orlando Bridgeman , MVO , Segundo Secretario del Servicio Diplomático de Su Majestad.Lancelot Oliphant , del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.John Oliver Wardrop , Cónsul General de Su Majestad en Bergen.Capitán Edward Cecil Villiers, RN . Capitán Arthur Gordon Smith, RN . Capitán Hubert Lynes , RN . Capitán Francis Clifton Brown, RN . Capitán Percival Henry Hall-Thompson , RN . Capitán Roger Roland Charles Backhouse , RN, CB . Capitán Frederick Parland Loder-Symonds, RN . Capitán Barry Edward Domvile , RN . Capitán Horace Walker Longden, RN . Capitán William Bourchier Sherard Wrey, RN , (retirado). Capitán Francis Raton Travers, RN , (retirado). Capitán Reginald Francis Parker, RN , (retirado). Capitán John Pratt de Montmorency, RN , (retirado). Capitán Sir Malcolm MacGregor , Bt, RN , (retirado). Capitán David Monteith Hamilton, RN , (retirado). Capitán interino Edward Louis Dalrymple Boyle, RN , (retirado). Capitán interino Alfred Edward Hay Marescaux, RN , (retirado). Comandante interino Charles Denniston Burney , RN . Comandante Alfred Gilmore Alston, RN , (retirado). Comandante interino Sir George Elliot Armstrong , Bt, RN , (retirado). Cirujano de flota George Thompson Bishop, RN . Pagador de la flota William Ernest Russell Martin, RN . Pagador en jefe Francis Cooke Alton, RN , (retirado), CB . Pagador en jefe Charles Edgar Byron, RN , (retirado). Pagador de flota Francis Hamilton Gerty, RN , (retirado). Pagador temporal Harold Nevil Smart, RNVR . Teniente coronel temporal Thomas Henry Hawkins, Infantería Ligera de la Marina Real. Teniente coronel temporal Charles Julian Thoroton , Infantería Ligera de la Marina Real. Por servicios prestados en relación con operaciones militares en el campo General de división William Arthur Watson, CB, CIE , Ejército de la India. Coronel y general de brigada honorario (general de división temporal) Bertram Reveley Mitford , CB, DSO , Reserva de Oficiales. General de brigada temporal Ralph Lewis Wedgwood , Lista general. General de brigada temporal John William Stewart, Lista General. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Cholmeley Edward Carl Branfill Harrison, jubilado, antiguo Regimiento Real del Oeste de Kent. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Arthur Eardley-Wilmot, jubilado, ex Artillería de Campaña Real. Coronel Edward Hugh Bethell, DSO , jubilado, ex Royal Engineers. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario George William Maunsell, jubilado, antiguo Regimiento Real del Oeste de Kent. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Robert Cotton Money , jubilado, ex infantería ligera de Yorkshire. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Lionel Forde, jubilado, ex Artillería Real. Coronel Courtenay Clarke Manifold, CB, MB , Servicio Médico de la India. Coronel William James Smyth Fergusson, jubilado. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Arthur William Gay, CB, DSO . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) John Arthur Stanford Tulloch, CB . Coronel (mayor general temporal) Henry Leycester Croker, CB . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Henry Osman Vincent, CB . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Edward Feetham , CB . Teniente coronel y coronel brevet (general de división temporal) Geoffrey Percy Thynne Feilding , CB, DSO . Teniente coronel y coronel honorario (general de brigada temporal) Arthur James Poole, Regimiento Real de Warwickshire. Coronel Denis Moriarty O'Callaghan, Servicio Médico del Ejército. Coronel Alfred William Bewley, Servicio Médico del Ejército. Coronel Ralph Arthur Kaye. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Frederick James Greig, (pago de retiro), Reserva de Oficiales, ex Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel George Scott, MB , (jubilado), ex Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel Andrew Hosie, MD , (pago de jubilación), ex Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel Edward Watkin Wall, Ejército de la India. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) John Prestwich Blakeway, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) John Colpoys Connor, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Arthur Henry Orlando Lloyd, MVO , Yeomanry (ex capitán, Granaderos de la Guardia). Teniente coronel Charles Edward Thornton, Ejército de la India. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Garnier Norton Cartwright, DSO , Artillería Real. Teniente coronel temporal Arthur Dawson Milne, MB , Servicio Médico de África Oriental. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) HSR Príncipe Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George de Teck , GCB, GCVO, DSO , salvavidas. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) El Honorable Lesley James Probyn Butler , DSO , Guardias Irlandeses. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Ernest Brandon Macnaghten , DSO , Artillería Real. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) William Fletcher Clemson, DSO , Regimiento de York y Lancaster. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Robert McDouall, DSO , Regimiento de East Kent. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Oliver de Lancey Williams, DSO , Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) George Moultrie Bullen-Smith, DSO , Regimiento de Leinster. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Henry Calvert Stanley-Clarke , DSO , Artillería Real. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) William Rushbrooke Eden , DSO , Artillería Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) John Cartwright Harding-Newman, regimiento de Essex. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Lewis Francis Philips, DSO , Cuerpo Real de Fusileros del Rey. Mayor y teniente coronel honorario Christopher Robert Berkeley, DSO , Regimiento de Gales. Teniente coronel Alexander Inglis Robertson Glasfurd, DSO , Ejército de la India. Teniente coronel temporal George Bridges, RA, DSO . Teniente Coronel Ormonde de l'Épée Winter , DSO , Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel Edward Massy Birch, DSO , Artillería Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Barnett Dyer Lempriere Gray Anley, DSO , Regimiento de Manchester. Mayor y teniente coronel honorable Richard Henn Collins, DSO , Regimiento Real de Berkshire. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet Ross John Finnis Hayter, DSO , Regimiento de Cheshire y Fuerzas Locales Canadienses. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Frank William Ramsay , DSO , Regimiento de Middlesex. Mayor y teniente coronel honorario Charles Otley Place, DSO , Ingenieros Reales. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Montagu Leyland Hornby, DSO , pago de jubilación, ejército de la India. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Richard Deare Furley Oldman , DSO , Regimiento de Norfolk. Mayor y teniente coronel honorario George Hanbury Noble Jackson , DSO , Regimiento Fronterizo. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (coronel temporal) Joseph Frederick Laycock , DSO , Artillería Montada Real, Fuerza Territorial. Teniente coronel Harry Standish Bell, DSO , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Philip James Vandeleur Kelly , DSO , asignado al ejército egipcio. Teniente coronel temporal Francis Edward Metcalfe, DSO , Regimiento de Lincolnshire. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Thomas Edward Topping, DSO , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Gilbert John Acland-Troyte , DSO , Cuerpo Real de Fusileros del Rey. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Richard James Campbell Thompson, DSO , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel temporal Claude George Cole-Hamilton, DSO , Reserva de Oficiales, ex Royal Irish Rifles. Mayor interino Sir Philip Albert Gustave David Sassoon , Bt , Yeomanry. Fuerzas australianas Fuerzas canadienses Coronel (mayor general temporal) Henry Edward Burstall , CB , Fuerzas Locales Canadienses. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Frederick Oscar Warren Loomis , DSO , Infantería. Coronel Reginald Frank Manley Sims, DSO , Lista General. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) James Harold Elmsley , DSO , Dragones. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Edward Hilliam, DSO , Infantería. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Victor Wentworth Odium , DSO , Infantería. Teniente coronel Charles Hamilton Mitchell , DSO , Estado Mayor del Cuartel General, asignado al Ejército Imperial. Teniente coronel Gilbert Edward Sanders, DSO , Batallón de Pioneros. Teniente coronel (general de división temporal) David Watson , CB , adscrito al cuartel general canadiense. Fuerzas de Nueva Zelanda Teniente Coronel Charles Ernest Randolph Mackesy , DSO , Brigada de Fusileros. Teniente coronel Geoffrey Samuel Smith, DSO . Teniente coronel de infantería Ivon Tatham Standish, DSO , Artillería de campaña. Por valiosos servicios en relación con la guerra Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Hon. Osbert Victor George Atheling Lumley. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Edmund Gustavus Nicolls, CB . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Capel Molyneux Brunker, DSO . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) George Henry Cooper Colomb, Ejército de la India. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) George Joseph FitzMaurice Soady, Ejército de la India. Coronel Walter Coote Hedley , CB . Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Richard Fielding Edwards. Coronel (general de brigada honorario) James Edward Wilmot Smyth Caulfeild (pago de jubilación). Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Edward Benjamin Appelbe, CB , (pago de retiro), Depósito de Artillería del Ejército. Coronel (general de brigada honorario) Morey Quayle Jones, CB (pago de jubilación). Coronel (general de brigada honorable) Francis Algernon Curteis, CB (pago de jubilación). Coronel (general de brigada honorario) Walpole Swinton Kays (pago de jubilación). Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Frederick Paul English, DSO . Coronel Thomas Joseph Kearns, CB , (pago de jubilación), Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Alexander Hugh Cowie (pago de jubilación). Coronel George de Sausmarez de Lisle (jubilado), Ejército de la India. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Harold Maxwell Grenfell, MVO (pago de jubilación), Reserva de Oficiales. Coronel (mayor general temporal) Frederick Gore Anley, CB . Teniente coronel y coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Robert James Ross. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Bernard William Lynedoch McMahon, Infantería Ligera de Durham. Teniente coronel Charles Robert Crosse, MVO , jubilado, antiguo Regimiento Real del Oeste de Kent. Teniente coronel y honorable coronel Philip Carlebach, Regimiento de Londres. Teniente coronel Terence Humphrys Sweeny, FRCSI , (retirado), Servicio Médico de la India. Teniente coronel Francis Frederic Perry, CIE, FRCS , (retirado), Servicio Médico de la India. Teniente coronel Joshua Chaytor-White, MD , (retirado), Servicio Médico de la India. Teniente coronel Richard Percy Robinson-Embury, ex Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel Sidney Browning Smith, Servicio Médico de la India. Teniente coronel John Norman MacLeod, CIE, MB, FRCS , (retirado), Servicio Médico de la India. Teniente coronel Charles Conran East, Reserva de Oficiales, Regimiento Real de Warwickshire. Teniente coronel (honorable coronel) Lancelot Robson, DSO , Artillería de la guarnición real. Teniente coronel William Garner, Regimiento de Middlesex. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Christopher George Oldfield, reserva de oficiales, antigua guarnición de artillería real. Teniente coronel Charles Edward Fraser Copeman, Regimiento de Cambridgeshire. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Henry William Manwaring Parker, jubilado, reserva de oficiales, antigua guarnición de artillería real. Teniente coronel temporal Arthur William Crossley, DSc, FRS , asignado a los Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel David Harvey, MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Harry Osborne Mance , DSO , Ingenieros Reales. Mayor y teniente coronel Brevet Ralph Ernest Haweis James, Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire. Mayor y teniente coronel Brevet Frank William Rowland Hill, DSO , Departamento de Artillería del Ejército. Teniente coronel Frank Lennox Galloway, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Mayor y teniente coronel honorario William Henry Bartholomew , Artillería Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Charles Newenham French, Regimiento de Hampshire. Honorable Teniente Coronel Temporal Mervyn Henry Gordon, MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) John Maitland Salmond , DSO , Regimiento Real Lancaster y Cuerpo Real de Vuelo. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Frank Beauchamp Macaulay Chatterton, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel temporal) James MacGregor, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel temporal Edward Frank Harrison , Lista General. Mayor William George Lyddon, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor Patrick Stanislaus O'Reilly, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Francis Slater Picot, pago de jubilación. Mayor Philippe-Henri du Perron Casgrain (jubilado), Reserva de Oficiales, ex Ingenieros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Hermann Luhrs, Fusilieros de Northumberland. Mayor George Alfred Duncan Harvey, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Ramsden (pago de retiro), Reserva de Oficiales, ex Artillería Real. Mayor temporal Walter Gordon Wilson , Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Mayor temporal Adrian Francis Hugh Sibbald Simpson, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Guy Livingstone , Regimiento de Londres y Real Cuerpo Aéreo. Mayor temporal Archibald Douglas Reid, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel temporal Herbert William Kempster, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército, Reserva Especial. Teniente coronel temporal Sir Samuel John Gurney Hoare , Bt , Yeomanry. Fuerzas australianas Teniente coronel Percy Phipps Abbott , Regimiento de Caballería Ligera. Teniente coronel William Thornborough Hayward , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Teniente coronel Thomas Ernest Victor Hurley , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Coronel Reginald Jeffery Millard, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) George Wall, Lista General, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Teniente coronel Herbert James Wright, Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas (Estado Mayor). Fuerzas canadienses Coronel Charles Alfred Hodgetts , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Joseph Philippe Landry, Fuerzas Militares Canadienses. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) Frank Stephen Meighen, Fuerzas Militares Canadienses. Coronel Charles Allan Smart , Fuerzas Militares Canadienses. Teniente coronel Harold French McDonald, DSO , Fuerzas Militares Canadienses. Fuerzas de Nueva Zelanda Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Noel Percy Adams, adscrito a la Artillería de Campaña. Teniente coronel Norman Fitzherbert, Regimiento de Wellington. Teniente coronel James William Hutchen, Cuerpo de Pago del Ejército. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Harry Rowland Potter, Cuerpo de Estado Mayor.
La Orden Más Eminente del Imperio Indio Banda, insignia y estrella del Caballero Gran Comendador de la Orden del Imperio Indio
Caballero Gran Comendador (GCIE)Sir Michael Francis O'Dwyer , KCSI , Servicio Civil de la India, Teniente Gobernador del Punjab. Teniente coronel Sir George Olof Roos-Keppel , KCSI, KCIE , Ejército de la India, Comisionado Jefe y Agente del Gobernador General, Provincia de la Frontera Noroeste. Sir Gulam Muhammad Ali , Khan Bahadur, KCIE , Príncipe de Arcot, Presidencia de Madrás, miembro adicional del Consejo del Gobernador para elaborar leyes y reglamentos.
Caballero Comendador (KCIE)Mahadev Bhaskar Chaubal , CSI , miembro ordinario del Consejo del Gobernador de Bombay.James Walker, CIE , Servicio Civil Indio, Comisionado, División Nerbudda, Provincias Centrales, y Miembro Adicional del Consejo del Gobernador General para la elaboración de leyes y reglamentos. Abbas Ali Baig, CSI, LLD , recientemente miembro del Consejo del Secretario de Estado para la India. Su Alteza Raja Bijay Chand, CSI , de Bilaspur , Punjab. Nawab Khan Bahadur Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum , CIE , Agente Político Asistente, Khyber, Provincia de la Frontera Noroeste. Sardar Bahadur Sardar Shamsher Singh, CIE , Ministro Principal, Estado de Jind , Punjab.
Compañero (CIE)Coronel Shafto Longfield Craster, Ingenieros Reales, recientemente Agente del Ferrocarril Noroeste, India. Sidney Robert Hignell, Servicio Civil de la India, Subsecretario del Gobierno de la India en el Departamento del Interior. Denys de Saumarez Bray , Servicio Civil de la India, Subsecretario del Gobierno de la India, Departamento de Asuntos Exteriores y Político.Henry Phillips Tollinton, Servicio Civil de la India, Comisionado Adjunto, Lahore. James MacKenna , funcionario del servicio civil indio, asesor agrícola del Gobierno de la India y director del Instituto Pusa.Edward Lister, funcionario público indio, difunto comisionado adjunto de Hazaribagh, Bihar y Orissa. Teniente coronel David Waters Sutherland , MD, MRCP, FRS , Servicio Médico Indio, Director, Facultad y Escuela de Medicina, Lahore, Punjab. Reginald Isidore Robert Glancy, Servicio Civil de la India, Ministro Adjunto de Finanzas, Gobierno de Su Alteza el Nizam. Arthur Willsteed Cook, funcionario de la administración pública de la India, magistrado y recaudador de impuestos, Bankura, Bengala. Thomas Eyebron Moir, Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario Privado de Su Excelencia el Gobernador de Madrás. James Crerar , Servicio Civil de la India, Secretario Privado de Su Excelencia el Gobernador de Bombay.Henry Robert Crosthwaite, Comisión de Provincias Centrales, Registrador, Sociedades Cooperativas de Crédito, Provincias Centrales. Hilary Lushington Holman-Hunt, AMICE , Departamento de Obras Públicas, Ingeniero Ejecutivo, División del Canal de Twante, Birmania. Gerald Aylmer Levett-Yeats, ISO , Departamento de Opio, Superintendente de Fábrica, Ghazipur, Provincias Unidas. Raj Bahadur Hari Ram Goenka, sheriff de Calcuta. Taw Sein Ko , ISO, MRAS, FAI, FSA , Superintendente, Inspección Arqueológica y Examinador en chino, Birmania.Jivanji Jamshedji Modi , Shams-ul-Ulama, JP , de Bombay.Dewan Bahadur Pandit Krishna Rao Luxman Paonaskar, miembro principal del consejo, estado de Kishangarh, Rajputana. Dewan Bahadur Krishnarajapuram Pallegondai Puttanna Chetty, presidente del Consejo Municipal de la ciudad de Bangalore, Mysore. Teniente coronel John Anderson, MB , Servicio Médico de la India (retirado), miembro de la Junta Médica de la Oficina de la India. Robert Glover Jaquet, Contador General Adjunto de la Oficina de la India. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Ralph Ellis Carr-Hall, Ejército de la India, Departamento de Cuentas Militares, Controlador de Campo, Poona. Teniente coronel Alexander Hierom Ogilvy Spence, Ejército de la India, 39.º Regimiento de Caballería de la India Central del Rey Jorge, Subsecretario del Gobierno de la India en el Departamento del Ejército. Teniente coronel Charles Albert Edmond O'Meara, Ejército de la India, Director y Superintendente, Departamento de Ropa del Ejército, India. Teniente coronel Godfrey Lambert Carter, Ejército de la India, Comandante del 106.º Regimiento de Pioneros Hazara. Teniente coronel Ernest Arthur Frederick Redl, Ejército de la India, 113.º Regimiento de Infantería, Agregado Militar en Meshed, Persia. Ingeniero jefe Thomas Henry Knight, Marina Real de la India, Inspector de maquinaria, Astillero de Bombay. Harry Seymour Hoyle Pilkington, MVO , Director General de Correos, Bombay. James Alexander Ossory Fitzpatrick, LLB , Servicio Civil Indio, Agente Político, Wano, Provincia de la Frontera Noroeste. Mayor David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer , Ejército de la India, Departamento Político, Gobierno de la India, Cónsul de Su Majestad en Kerman y Baluchistán Pérsico, y Asistente ex officio del Residente Político en el Golfo Pérsico. Mayor Terence Humphrey Keyes , Ejército de la India, Departamento Político, Gobierno de la India. Capitán Harold Hay Thorburn, Servicio Médico Indio, sirviendo con los Rifles del Sur de Persia, Shiraz. Capitán George Ambrose Lloyd , DSO, MP , Warwickshire Yeomanry, en algún momento Comisionado Especial del Gobierno de Su Majestad para investigar e informar sobre el futuro del comercio británico en Turquía, Mesopotamia y el Golfo Pérsico.
La Real Orden Victoriana Insignia de un caballero o dama comandante de la Real Orden Victoriana
Caballero de la Gran Cruz de la Real Orden Victoriana (GCVO)
Caballero Comendador de la Real Orden Victoriana (KCVO)
Comandante de la Real Orden Victoriana (CVO)
Miembro de la Real Orden Victoriana, 4ª clase (MVO)Edward Denny Bacon .El rey Arturo Merino Benítez. Capitán Charles Alexander Lindsay Irvine. Mayor Charles Standish Paulet (fechado el 18 de mayo de 1917).
Orden de servicio distinguido(DSO) Se le otorgó una barra en la Orden de Servicios Distinguidos Mayor (Teniente Coronel temporal) Arthur Ellis Fowke Harris, DSO , Regimiento Real de Berkshire. Mayor Herbert Hulseberg, DSO , Ejército de la India. Capitán y Brevet Mayor Walter Carandini Wilson , DSO, MC , Regimiento de Leicestershire. Otorgado en reconocimiento a sus servicios en el desarrollo de la guerra. Almirante Alexander William Chisholm-Batten, MVO , (capitán temporal, Reserva de la Marina Real). Almirante John Denison (capitán temporal, Reserva de la Marina Real). Almirante Sir Alfred Wyndham Paget , KCB, KCMG , (capitán temporal, Reserva de la Marina Real). Vicealmirante Arthur Calvert Clarke, CMG , (capitán temporal, Reserva de la Marina Real). Vicealmirante Frederick Owen Pike (capitán temporal, Reserva de la Marina Real). Capitán William Francis Benwell, RN . Capitán Edmund Clifton Carver, RN . Comandante Wion de Malpas Egerton , RN . Comandante Francis Alexander Waddilove Buller, RN . Comandante Malcolm Lennon Goldsmith, RN . El comandante Fischer Surges Watson , RN . Comandante Miles Brock Birkett, RN . Comandante Morton Smart, RNVR . Teniente comandante Bertram Chalmers Watson , RN . Teniente comandante interino Maurice MacMahon, RNR . Condecorado con la Orden de Servicios Distinguidos Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) David Ahern, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Reverendo David Aherne, Capellán Temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Teniente (Mayor temporal) William John Alderman, Regimiento Real del Oeste de Kent. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) John Donald Alexander, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) James Gibb Allan, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Charles Donald Allderidge, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Edward Mortimer Allfrey, Regimiento Real de Berkshire. Teniente coronel William Henry Loraine Allgood, ex miembro del Real Cuerpo de Fusileros del Rey. Mayor Thomas Gayer Anderson, Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente (capitán temporal) William Anderson, MC , Northumberland Fusiliers. Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Owen Andrews, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Mayor Robert Abercrombie Anstruther , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal Henry Aplin, Fusilieros Reales de Munster. Mayor Arthur Somerville Archdale , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Edward Percy Argyle, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Edward Armstrong, Infantería Ligera de las Tierras Altas. Mayor y teniente coronel Brevet Cecil Faber Aspinall , CMG , Royal Munster Fusiliers. Teniente coronel temporal John Atkinson, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente Coronel (Coronel temporal) Henry Joseph Axe, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) Gerald Eliot Badcock, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán temporal Philip Henry Bahr , MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente (teniente coronel interino) William Henry Goldney Baker , Ejército de la India. Teniente coronel Arthur Macintosh Balfour, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Percy Balfour, Regimiento de Bedfordshire, Reserva Especial. Capitán Frecheville Hubert Ballantine-Dykes, Lista retirada, ex Guardias Escoceses. Mayor temporal Arthur Prier Woodburn Bamberger, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel Harold John Kinahan Bamfield, Servicio Médico Indio. Mayor John Arthur Murray Bannerman, Regimiento Real de Warwickshire. Capitán (Mayor interino) William George Frederick Barnard, Regimiento de East Kent, Reserva Especial. Mayor Nathaniel Albert Delap Barton, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército, pago de jubilación, ex Connaught Rangers. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Edward John Bather, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal George Johnstone Baugh, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) James Henry Mountifort Beasley , Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Teniente coronel Guy Archibald Hastings Beatty , Ejército de la India. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) George Ernest Beatty-Pownall, Regimiento Fronterizo. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Wrixon Becher, jubilado, antiguo Regimiento West Riding. Capitán y mayor Brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Edward Henry Lionel Beddington, MC , Lancers. Teniente coronel temporal John George Beharrell, Lista general. Mayor temporal Charles Francis Bell, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor temporal Charles Vincent Bellamy, Ingenieros Reales (ex Mayor, Reserva de la Fuerza Territorial). Capitán interino William Wedgwood Benn , oficial de marina (adscrito al Servicio Aéreo Naval Real). Segundo teniente (mayor temporal y teniente coronel interino) Philip Eric Bent , Regimiento de Leicestershire. Mayor Robert Esme Berkeley, Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Ralph Abercrombie Berners, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Intendente y teniente honorable (capitán temporal) James Betts, Estado Mayor de Gimnasia del Ejército. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) Ralph Charles Bingham, reserva de oficiales, ex Guardias Coldstream (Guardias de Ametralladoras). Mayor (coronel temporal) Charles Folliott Birney, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán y Brevet Mayor Guy Blewitt, MC , Infantería Ligera de Oxfordshire y Buckinghamshire. Mayor George Montgomery Bond, Infantería Ligera de Yorkshire. Mayor George Oldroyd Borwick , Yeomanry. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Arthur Winniett Nunn-Bowen, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán Harold Boyd-Rochfort, Lanceros. Capitán (Teniente Coronel temporal) Honorable John David Boyle, Brigada de Fusileros y Real Cuerpo Aéreo. Capitán John Banks Brady, Cuerpo Real de Fusileros del Rey, Reserva Especial. Mayor interino John Braithwaite, Sección de Registro de Tumbas. Mayor James Donaldson Dulany Brancker, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Segundo Teniente (Mayor temporal) Walter Guy Nicholas Breton, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Henry Bridcutt, Royal Irish Rifles. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Arthur Holroyd Bridges, Ejército de la India. Mayor Roland Harley Bridges, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Ernest Briggs, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán temporal (Mayor interino) Robert Wilson Brims, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor Charles Noel Frank Broad , Artillería Real. Teniente coronel temporal George Frank Brooke, lista de retirados, ex Connaught Rangers. Reverendo Frederick E. Brown, Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Louis Noel Francis Brown, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) William Reid Brown, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Cecil Alexander Little Brownlow, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Frederick Carkeet Bryant, CMG , Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (mayor interino) Ernest Frederick Budden, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Charles Berthold Bullough, jubilado, ex-artillería de guarnición real. Mayor Valentine Rodolphe Burkhardt, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Norman George Burnand, Regimiento de Leinster. Mayor temporal Charles Gerald Bush, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor Stephen Seymour Butler , Regimiento de South Staffordshire. Mayor John George Cadell, Ejército de la India. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Edward Cadman Cadman, Regimiento de East Lancashire. Mayor James Black Cameron, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor Orford Somerville Cameron, jubilado, con sueldo, ex Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel temporal Robert Ormus Campbell, Fusilieros Reales de Gales. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Arthur Basil Carey, CMG , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán y Brevet Mayor John Rogers Cartwright, Regimiento de Devonshire. Capitán Francis Casement, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor interino Clement H. Langston Cazalet , Lista general. Teniente coronel temporal James Henry Chadwick, Regimiento de Manchester. Mayor temporal Kenneth Miles Chance, Regimiento Fronterizo. Capitán y mayor Brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Richard Chester Chester-Master, jubilado con sueldo, ex King's Royal Rifle Corps. Mayor temporal Oliver Cecil Clare, MC , Regimiento East Surrey. Capitán y mayor honorario (teniente coronel temporal) Albert Edward Stanley Clarke, MVO , lista de retirados, ex Guardias Escoceses. Capitán y mayor Brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Bowcher Campbell Senhouse Clarke, Regimiento de Worcestershire. Mayor Charles James Clarke, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente temporal (mayor interino) Douglas Whyte Cleaver, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Teniente coronel temporal Honorable Arthur Reginald Clegg-Hill, Regimiento de Cheshire. Mayor Harry Oliver Coker, Regimiento de Rhodesia. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Percy Robert Murdoch Collins, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Teniente (Mayor temporal) Laurence Andrew Common , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Clifton Graham Astley Cooper, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Gordon Saxton Cooper, Artillería Real. Capitán temporal (teniente coronel temporal) Lyall Newcomen Cooper, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente (Mayor temporal) Reginald Alfred Cooper, Yeomanry y Royal Flying Corps (ex capitán, Dragoon Guards). Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Arthur Cecil Corfe , Fuerza de Defensa de Sudáfrica (comandante del batallón, Regimiento Real de Kent Occidental). Capitán y Brevet Mayor James Handyside Marshall Cornwall , MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Eric Boyd Costin, Regimiento de West Yorkshire. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Thomas Scott Cotgrave, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Segundo teniente (mayor interino) Herbert Cottee, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Edmond Brian Cotter, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Arthur Foulkes Baglietto Cottrell, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal Frank Thomas Cox, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel William Thomas Cox, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Noel Newman Lombard Craig , Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán (Mayor temporal) William Anderson Watson Crellin, Regimiento de Nottinghamshire y Derbyshire. Mayor Charles William Cripps, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Patrick Glandore Crosbie, Brigada de Fusileros. Segundo teniente (mayor interino) Ernest Crouch, Infantería Ligera de Durham. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Hanway Robert Cumming , Infantería Ligera de Durham. Mayor John Sydney Cunningham, Regimiento de Middlesex. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) John William Danielsen, Ingenieros Reales (Capitán, Ingenieros Reales, Fuerza Territorial). Mayor Lionel Edward Hamilton Marmaduke Darell , salvavidas. Mayor Arthur James Darlington, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel Keith Maitland Davie, Regimiento de Gloucestershire. Teniente coronel Harry Miller Davson, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Henry King Dawson, MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor temporal Robert William Day, Lista General, ex Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Percy Christopher de la Pryme, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor George Arthur Delmé-Murray, Infantería Ligera de Shropshire. Mayor temporal Thomas Sydney Dick, Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Reverendo Lenthall Greville Dickenson, Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas Armadas, 3.ª clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército Capitán Douglas Povah Dickinson , MC , Regimiento Galés. Capitán Melville Dinwiddie, MC , Gordon Highlanders. Mayor Richard Conway Dobbs, Fusilieros Reales Irlandeses. Capitán Edward James Dolphin, Regimiento de Londres. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Reginald John Done, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Thomas Donnelly, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Stephen John Donovan, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Leslie Claud Dorman, Regimiento de Worcestershire. Capitán Stanley Douglas Douglas-Jones, MC , Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor temporal Joseph Aloysius Downey, Infantería Ligera de Durham. Capitán (teniente coronel en funciones) Percy Bates Dresser, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor James Syme Drew , MC , Cameron Highlanders. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Benjamin Howard Vella Dunbar, MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel temporal James Fergus Duncan, Artillería Real (Capitán, Fuerza Territorial). Mayor James Colin Dundas, Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel temporal Robert William Layard Dunlop, Artillería de Campaña Real (Teniente coronel y coronel honorario, Fusileros Voluntarios de Bombay). Capitán y mayor honorario John Alexander Dunnington-Jefferson . Fusileros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Osmond Charteris du Port, jubilado, ex Artillería Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Richard Broadhurst Dutton, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán temporal James Jameson Dwyer, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Louis Morgan Dyson, jubilado con sueldo, ex Artillería Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Kenneth Essex Edgeworth , MC , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán y Brevet Mayor Henry Molesworth Edwards, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Robert James Goodall Elkington, CMG , Artillería Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) William Elliott, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor Sherman Gordon Venn Ellis, Regimiento de las Indias Occidentales. Capitán Gordon Daubeny Gresley Elton, MC , Fusileros Reales Irlandeses. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Philip Gordon Moss Elvery, MC , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor Ernest Robert Maling Inglés , Infantería Ligera de Shropshire. Teniente coronel Edward George Evans, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) Frank Sulis Evans, Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel Moreland Stanhope Eyre, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Mayor Charles Henry Fair, Policía de Rhodesia. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Eric Fairclough, Regimiento del Sur de Lancashire. Mayor Eric Felton Falkner, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán (Mayor interino) Octavius Edward Fane, MC , Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Cyril Farmer, MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Percy Harrison Fawcett , jubilado, reserva de oficiales, antigua guarnición de artillería real. Teniente coronel Harold Ben Fawcus , CMG, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) Rowland Charles Feilding, Guardias de Coldstream. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Louis Frederick Rudston Fell, Real Cuerpo Aéreo. Mayor George Cecil Verner Fenton, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Hampden Fessenden, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Ronald D'Arcy Fife, CMG , jubilado, antiguo Regimiento de Yorkshire. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Hamilton Walter Edward Finch, Regimiento de Middlesex. Teniente coronel Robert Fitzmaurice, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Valentine Fleming , Yeomanry. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Alexander Donald Fraser, MC, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Reverendo Donald Fraser, Capellán Temporal de las Fuerzas, Tercera Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Mayor Henry Fraser, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán William Pooley Bickerton Frazer, Fusileros Reales de Inniskilling. Capitán Charles William Frizell, MC , Regimiento Real de Berkshire. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Herbert Albrecht Fulton, Regimiento de Worcestershire. Teniente comandante temporal Harry Ernest Funnell, RNVR . Mayor temporal James Hamilton Gailey, lista no asignada, Fuerzas del Protectorado de África Oriental. Capitán James Edward Evans Galbraith, Fusilieros Reales. Mayor James Anthony Gardner, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor William Brooksbank Garnett, Fusilieros Reales de Gales. Mayor George Ernest Gask, FRCS, LRCP , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán temporal (Mayor interino) John Angel Gibbs, Regimiento Galés. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) George James Giffard , Regimiento Real del Oeste de Surrey. Capitán temporal Héctor Gordon Gilchrist, MC , Ingenieros Reales (Teniente, Ingenieros Reales, Fuerza Territorial). Teniente coronel (coronel interino) James Geoffrey Gill, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor temporal John Graham Gillam, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor temporal Albert Gillibrand, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército (Capitán del Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército, Fuerza Territorial). Reverendo Frederick Stanley Pears Lynn Girdlestone, MA , Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Teniente coronel Gerald Hamilton Goddard, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) Walter Godfrey, Regimiento Galés. Mayor Arthur Lowthian Godman, Regimiento de York y Real Cuerpo Aéreo. Capitán John Golding, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor Harvey Goodwin, Regimiento de Middlesex. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) William Fanshawe Loudon Gordon, Regimiento de Norfolk. Capitán y Brevet Mayor John Standish Surtees Prendergast Vereker, Vizconde Gort , MVO, MC , Granaderos de la Guardia. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Seymour Frederick Gosling, lista de retirados, ex Artillería Real. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel temporal) Edward Lake Gowlland, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real (ex Mayor, Fuerza Territorial de Artillería de la Guarnición Real). Mayor Lord Douglas Malise Graham, MC , Artillería Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Ogilvie Blair Graham , Brigada de Fusileros. Mayor Reginald Guy Graham , Regimiento de Yorkshire. Capitán (Mayor temporal) George Rochford Grange, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Duncan Grant-Dalton, Regimiento de West Yorkshire. Teniente coronel temporal Richard Stirling Grant Thorold, Regimiento Galés. Mayor Charles James Salkeld Green, MC , Regimiento de Londres. Mayor y coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) Lewis Frederic Green-Wilkinson, jubilado con sueldo, ex Brigada de Fusileros. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) John Greene, Guardias Dragoon. Mayor temporal William Alfred Greenley, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel Frederick Augustus Greer, Fusilieros Reales Irlandeses. Capitán Charles Henry Greville, Granaderos de la Guardia. Teniente (mayor interino) William Alexander Grierson, Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire. Mayor Peter Gerald Griffin, Artillería de Campaña Real, Reserva Especial. Capitán Reginald Francis Grimwood, Regimiento de Londres. Teniente coronel Daniel Charles Evans Grose, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Robert Ferguson Grose, South Wales Borderers. Coronel temporal Alan Roderick Haig-Brown , lista no asignada (comandante del batallón, regimiento de Middlesex). Mayor y teniente coronel honorario (teniente coronel temporal) Douglas Keith Elphinstone Hall, lista de retirados, antiguo Regimiento de Dorsetshire, Reserva Especial. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Harold Flintoff Hall, Artillería de Campaña Real. Segundo Teniente (Mayor temporal) Bernard Marsham Hallward, Brigada de Fusileros, Reserva Especial. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) George Theodore Hamilton, Artillería Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) George Herbert Leonard Hammerton, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán Sydney James Hardy, Dragones. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Henry Alexander Augustus Francis Harman, Regimiento de South Staffordshire. Mayor Edward Temple Harris, MB , Servicio Médico Indio. Mayor temporal Arthur Lionel Harrison, Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Segundo teniente (mayor interino) George Alfred Hart, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (mayor interino) Alan Fleming Hartley , Ejército de la India. Mayor George Ernest Hawes, MC , Fusilieros Reales. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) George Lennox Hay, Depósito de Artillería Avanzada. Capitán (Mayor temporal) William Hayes, Regimiento Real del Oeste de Surrey. Teniente (Mayor temporal) Charles Philip Heath, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán Killingworth Michael Fentham Hedges, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor Edward Valentine Hemelryk, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Arthur Pelham Heneage , Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel Ralph Henvey, Artillería Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Ernest William Hermon, jubilado, ex Húsares. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Roland Hermon Hermon-Hodge , MVO , ex Granaderos de la Guardia. Teniente coronel (coronel en funciones) Henry Herrick, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán Sir Frederick Edward William Hervey-Bathurst , Bt , jubilado, ex Granadero de la Guardia. Mayor temporal Rupert Paton Hewitt, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Héctor Miles Heyland, Cuerpo Real de Fusileros del Rey, Reserva Especial. Segundo teniente (capitán temporal) Marcus Beresford Heywood, MB , Yeomanry. Capitán temporal (Mayor temporal) Horace Cyril Benjamin Hickling, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel Thomas Albert Higginbotham, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Harold Crossley Hildreth, FRCS , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor Clifford Hill. Fusileros Montados de África Oriental. Mayor (coronel temporal) David John Jackson Hill, Depósito de Artillería del Ejército. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Edward Roden Hill, Infantería Ligera de las Tierras Altas. Teniente coronel Ralph Hindle, Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire. Capitán Charles Hervey Hoare, Yeomanry. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Philip Egerton Hodgson, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Edmond Adair Hodson , Brigada de Fusileros. Mayor Edward Thesiger Frankland Hood, Yeomanry (Mayor temporal, Artillería de Campaña Real). Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Lewis Egerton Hopkins, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor Alfred Henry Hopwood, Regimiento de Lincolnshire. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Robert Horn, MC , Seaforth Highlanders. Capitán y mayor Brevet (general de brigada temporal) William Thomas Francis Horwood , jubilado con sueldo, ex Lancers. Teniente coronel Cyril Henry Howkins, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán y mayor Brevet (mayor en funciones) Noel Hudson , Real Guarnición de Artillería. Mayor temporal Herbert Francis Hughes, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Elgar Hume, Connaught Rangers. Capitán temporal (Mayor interino) John Hunter, Infantería Ligera de las Tierras Altas. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) William Gordon Huskisson, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Samuel Hutchins, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Frederic Arthur Iles, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor temporal Philip Denis Ionides, Regimiento de Middlesex. Teniente coronel temporal Richard Abercrombie Irvine, CMG , comandante del Batallón de Fusilieros de Lancashire (mayor honorario, lista no asignada, ex miliciano) Capitán Archibald Hardie Knowles Jackson, MC , Regimiento Real de Warwickshire. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Arnold Nugent Strode Jackson , Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Lambert Cameron Jackson, CMG , Ingenieros Reales. Mayor temporal James Theodore Janson, Infantería Ligera de Yorkshire. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) Talbot McLeavy Jarvis, Regimiento Real del Oeste de Surrey. Teniente Nilkanth Shriram Jatar, Servicio Médico Indio. Mayor temporal Charles Douglas Jay, Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Teniente coronel Walton Jennings, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Capitán y mayor honorario (teniente coronel temporal) Alexander Colin Johnston , MC , Regimiento de Worcestershire. Mayor temporal Harrison Johnston, Regimiento de Cheshire. Capitán temporal (Mayor interino) Philip Henry Johnson, Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Capitán temporal Bernard Mount Jones , Lista General. Reverendo David Miller Kay, Capellán Temporal de las Fuerzas, Tercera Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Herbert William Graham Keddie, Depósito de Artillería del Ejército. Capitán George Theodore Elphinstone Keith, Regimiento Real de Lancaster. Mayor y teniente coronel honorario (teniente coronel en funciones) Courtenay Russell Kelly, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) William Davenport Crawley Kelly, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Reverendo Ivor T. Kempster, Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Teniente (teniente coronel interino) James Kennedy, Royal Highlanders. Mayor Norman Kennedy, Fusilieros Reales Escoceses. Capitán Leonard William Kentish, Fusilieros Reales, Reserva Especial. Capitán y mayor Brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Edward Thomas John Kerans, Regimiento de Worcestershire. Teniente coronel Robert Geoffrey Keyworth, Artillería Montada Real. Capitán Douglas Kindersley, Infantería Ligera de las Tierras Altas, Reserva Especial. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) Andrew de Portal Kingsmill, MC , Reserva de Oficiales, ex Granaderos de la Guardia. Mayor Harold Kirby, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Capitán William Lewis Clark Kirby, Lanceros. Capitán Hugh Cunningham Bruce Kirkpatrick, MC , Borderers escoceses del Rey. Mayor temporal James Ramsay Notman Kirkwood, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) Charles Henry Kitching, jubilado, Regimiento de Worcestershire, Reservas Especiales. Reverendo Simon Stock Knapp, MC , Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Lewkeno Caballero, Fusilieros Reales Irlandeses. Mayor temporal Frank Berners Knyvett, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor interino Carl Hans Kuhne, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor Henry Vernon Venables Kyrke, Fusilieros Reales de Gales. Mayor Kenneth Macgregor Laird, Highlanders de Argyll y Sutherland. Mayor temporal Isaac Wannop Lamonby, Ingenieros Reales. Intendente y Honorable Mayor Arthur Landen, Fusilieros de Northumberland. Mayor temporal Cecil Westmore Landon, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Joseph Herbert Arthur Landon, Regimiento de Essex y Real Cuerpo Aéreo. Mayor Edward Gilliat Langford, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Arthur Winton Langley, MC , Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán temporal (Mayor en funciones) John Peter Larkin, Borderers escoceses del Rey. Mayor honorario (teniente coronel honorario temporal) Arthur John Last, Depósito de Artillería del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Reginald Robert Lawrenson, Regimiento de las Indias Occidentales. Mayor Thomas Coulson Leah, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Marcus Daly Lecky, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán temporal James Lee, Lista General. Mayor Hugh Percival Thomson Lefroy, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Claude Leney, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Graham Sydney Leventhorpe, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán Harold Victor Lewis, MC , Ejército de la India. Mayor William Alfred Lewis, Regimiento de Monmouthshire. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) William Herbert Lewis, MC , Artillería de Guarnición Real. Teniente coronel Arthur Robert Liddell, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán Hyman Lightstone, MC , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor temporal Charles Lionel Lindeman, Lista General. Mayor George Mackintosh Lindsay , Brigada de Fusileros. Capitán (mayor en funciones) William Benjamin Little, MC , Regimiento de East Lancashire. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Archibald Smith Littlejohns, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán Glyn Lloyd, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército, Reserva Especial. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (general de brigada temporal) John Henry Lloyd, Regimiento Real Lancaster, Reserva Especial, paga de retiro. Capitán temporal (Mayor temporal) Beresford Clayton Lockhart-Jervis, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel temporal David Dale Logan , MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán temporal (Mayor en funciones) Godfrey Lomer, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Teniente Coronel temporal) Robert Loraine , MC , Real Cuerpo Aéreo, Reservas Especiales. Teniente coronel Frank Baigrie Lord, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor Brian John Michael Luck, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor (teniente coronel en funciones) Alfred Forbes Lumsden , Royal Scots. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Otto Marling Lund , Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente (mayor interino) Robert Charles Lundie, Ingenieros Reales, Reserva Especial. Capitán temporal (coronel temporal) David Lyell, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor Cyril Arthur Lyon, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Mayor James Joseph McCarthy, MC , Policía de Rhodesia. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Stanley Robert McClintock, Gordon Highlanders. Capitán (mayor en funciones) Douglas Fitzgerald McConnel , Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán y Honorable Mayor (Mayor temporal) William McGildowny, Lista de Retirados, ex Artillería de Guarnición Real, Reservas Especiales. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) John Bickerton McKaig, Regimiento de Liverpool. Capitán Douglas William Alexander Dalziel MacKenzie, Seaforth Highlanders. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Peter MacKessack, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) George Mackie, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán honorario James Campbell Mackie, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor temporal Norman MacLeod, Cameron Highlanders. Mayor John Arthur McQueen, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Norman McQueen, Argyll y Sutherland Highlanders, Reserva Especial. Teniente coronel William Robarts Napier Madocks, CMG , Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Robert Magill, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real, Reserva Especial. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Meyrick Myler Magrath, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán Brian McMahon Mahon, MC , Regimiento de Londres. Mayor Roger Ferdinand Mainguy, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor Reginald Charles Frederick Maitland, Artillería Montada Real. Capitán (Teniente Coronel temporal) Harry Charles Malet , Húsares, Reserva Especial (Capitán, paga de retirado). Teniente temporal (mayor interino) Robert Charles Manning, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán temporal John Richardson Marrack , MC, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel Edwin Walter Purdy Vere Marriott, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente (capitán temporal) John Charles Oakes Marriott , MC , Regimiento de Northamptonshire. Teniente coronel Hopton Eliott Marsh, Artillería de la guarnición real. Teniente (Mayor temporal) Edward Hillis Marshall, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Cuthbert Thomas Martin , Infantería Ligera de las Tierras Altas. Capitán temporal (mayor interino) Hugh Martin, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Maurice Edward Mascall, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor Hugh Royds Stokes Massy , MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor George Master, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán temporal Archibald Matheson, Ingenieros Reales, Reserva Especial. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Thomas Gilbert Mathias, Regimiento Galés. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Matthews, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor Guy Warren Meade, MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Reginald William Mellard, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Menzies, Infantería Ligera de las Tierras Altas. Teniente coronel temporal Arthur Albert Messer, Sección de Registro de Tumbas. Mayor William Henry Middleton, Regimiento de Hampshire. Capitán Eric Grant Miles , MC , Borderers escoceses del Rey. Mayor temporal Charles Frederick Miller, Infantería Ligera del Duque de Cornualles. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel temporal) George Pilkington Mills , Regimiento de Bedfordshire. Mayor Clement Arthur Milward, Ejército de la India. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Alan James Gordon Moir, Royal Scots. Mayor Leonard Greenham Star Molloy , Yeomanry. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Walter William Molony, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel Roger Henry Monck-Mason, Fusilieros Reales de Munster. Mayor Honorable George Vere Arundell Monckton-Arundell , Salvavidas. Reverendo Charles Wilfred Gwennap Moore, MA , Capellán temporal, Marina Real. Mayor Herbert Durie-Moore, Ejército de la India. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Osbert Cautley Mordaunt , Infantería Ligera de Somerset. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Percy Clifford Reynolds Moreton, Ingenieros Reales de Monmouthshire, Reserva Especial. Mayor Francis Alan Stewart Morgan, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Teniente coronel John William Moore Morgan, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Segundo teniente (mayor interino) William Henry Morgan, Ingenieros Reales, Reserva Especial. Teniente temporal (capitán temporal) Oisin Eveleigh Moriarty, Artillería de Campaña Real (ex teniente, Artillería de Guarnición Real, especial) Reservar)
Capitán (Mayor temporal) Alfred Morris, Fusilieros Reales. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Charles Reade Monroe Morris, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Joseph Morris, Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Arthur Muirhead, Ejército de la India. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Kenneth Duncan Murchison, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real, Reservas Especiales. Teniente coronel John Alexander Shakespear Murray, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército. Mayor William Athol Murray, Artillería Montada Real. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) Richard Stephen Murray-White, Yeomanry. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) John Oliver Naismith, Artillería de Campaña Real, Reserva Especial. Capitán (Mayor interino) Noel Warren Napier-Clavering, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (coronel temporal) John James Henry Nation , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (mayor interino) Frederick Austin Neill , Ingenieros Reales. Mayor John Beaumont Neilson, Infantería Ligera de las Tierras Altas. Capitán temporal Charles Joseph Newbold , Ingenieros Reales. Teniente (Mayor temporal) Henry Leigh Newton, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán temporal (Mayor interino) George Gordon Nicol, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Compton Cardew Norman, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Mayor Henry Marshal Nornabell, Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente temporal (mayor temporal) Cyril Burton North, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Arthur Drought O'Carroll, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Edmund Chaloner Ogle, Regimiento de las Indias Occidentales. Teniente coronel (teniente coronel temporal) Standish de Courcy O'Grady, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor Frederick Hugh Langton Oldham, Artillería Real. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Cranley Charlton Onslow, CMG , Regimiento de Bedfordshire. Mayor Charles Alexander Organ, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Capitán temporal (mayor interino) Ernest William Ormston, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor John Palgrave Heathcote Ouchterlony, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor Douglas Charles Owen, Regimiento de Middlesex. Teniente (Mayor interino) Gordon Whistler Arnaud Painter, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor (coronel temporal) William Alfred Pallin, FRCVS , Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Mayor Albert John Palmer, Yeomanry. Capitán Alexander Edward Guy Palmer, MC , Regimiento de Yorkshire. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Alphonse Eugene Panet, CMG , Ingenieros Reales. Mayor Keith Parbury, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor William Forster Parsons, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) William Frederick Parsons, lista de retirados, ex Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor James Sydney Pascoe, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor y teniente coronel honorario George Frederick Paske, Infantería Ligera de Oxfordshire y Buckinghamshire, Reserva Especial. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel local) John Hicks Paull, Lista General. Mayor temporal Frank Gervas Payne, Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Charles William Pearless, South Wales Borderers. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Harold Leslie Pearson, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Herbert Walter Peebles, Lista de retirados, ex Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente Coronel El Honorable Sidney Cornwallis Peel , Yeomanry. Mayor temporal William Ralph Peel, Regimiento de Yorkshire. Capitán (mayor en funciones) Christopher Peter Westby Perceval, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Lord William Richard Percy , Granaderos de la Guardia. Mayor Frank Roff Phillips, Artillería Real. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Noel Clive Phillips , MC , Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire, Reserva Especial. Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Leslie Portal, Infantería Ligera de Oxfordshire y Buckinghamshire. Capitán (mayor en funciones) William Guthrie Porter, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Edward Helme Pott, Ejército de la India. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) John Edward Powell, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Cyril Prescott-Decie, Artillería Real. Mayor Honorable Richard Martin Peter Preston , Honorable Compañía de Artillería. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) Robert Preston Preston-Whyte, Infantería Ligera de Somerset. Mayor Owen Lloyd Price, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Capitán Joseph Hubert Priestley , Lista no adjunta. Teniente coronel Bernard Henry Leathes Prior, Regimiento de Norfolk. Capitán temporal (Mayor en funciones) Caryl ap Rhys Pryce , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Edward ap Rhys Pryce , CMG , Ejército de la India. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Morris Pryce-Jones, MC , Guardias de Coldstream. Capitán Alfred Amos Pryer, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Thomas Phare Puddicombe, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel David Charles Pugh, Artillería Real. Capitán temporal Arnold Pumphrey, Infantería Ligera de Durham. Reverendo Thomas Wentworth Pym , Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Capitán temporal Geoffrey Lee Pyman, Infantería Ligera de Yorkshire. Capitán (mayor interino) Frederick Sparke Pyne, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal Gordon Openshaw Ramsbottom, Regimiento de Manchester. Mayor Harold Eugene Ford Rathbone, Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Malcolm MacGregor Rattray, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor temporal Tom Reay, Fusilieros de Northumberland. Mayor temporal Alexander Daniel Reid (Teniente, retirado, Ejército de la India), asignado a los Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Francis Maude Reid, retirado, ex infantería ligera de las Tierras Altas (comandante del batallón, Fusilieros Reales). Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Héctor Gowans Reid, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel James Philip Reynolds , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Wilfrid Francis Ricardo, Yeomanry. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Cecil Edward Rice, Yeomanry (comandante del batallón, Fusilieros Reales). Capitán (mayor en funciones) Francis Howe Richards, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor John Duncan Richmond, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) John George Edmund Rideal, Regimiento de York y Lancaster. Capitán temporal Henry Constable Roberts, Cuerpo de Inteligencia. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Francis Robinson, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Capitán temporal (mayor interino) Hugh Thomas Kay Robinson, Regimiento Real de Sussex. Mayor John Poole Bowring Robinson, Fusilieros Reales de Dublín. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Rogers, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Wilfrid Frank Rogers, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) David Rorie , MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán Gawaine Basil Rowan-Hamilton, MC , Royal Highlanders. Teniente coronel Henry William Rushton. Ingenieros reales. Teniente (mayor interino) Ambrose William Ryan, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Mayor temporal Albert Sadler, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor Henry Knight Sadler, MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Harold Richard Sandilands, Fusilieros de Northumberland. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) James Sargent, Fusilieros de Lancashire. Teniente Geoffry Allen Percival Scoones , MC , Ejército de la India. Teniente coronel Edward McMahon Seddon, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Mayor Charles Westrope Selby, MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán temporal (teniente coronel interino) Lawrence Drew Shaw, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor George Faber Sheehan, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente (capitán temporal) Clifford Dommet Sheldon, Ingenieros Reales, Reserva Especial. Capitán y mayor honorario (general de brigada temporal) Gordon Strachey Shephard , MC , Royal Fusiliers (adscrito al Royal Flying Corps). Capitán Gilbert John Victor Shepherd, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor William Kidd Ogilvie Shepherd, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal Eustace Graham Sheppard, MVO , Ingenieros Reales (Capitán, Ingenieros Reales, Fuerza Territorial). Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Robert Osborne Sheppard, Depósito de Artillería Avanzada. Mayor (teniente coronel en funciones) Nevile Hugh Cairns Sherbrooke, Artillería Montada Real. Mayor David John Christopher Eustace Sherlock, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal Edwin Collingwood Sherman, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Oliver Caton Sherwood, pago de jubilación, ex Depósito de Artillería Avanzada. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Ion Richard Staveley Shinkwin, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor Henry Sidney, Yeomanry. Teniente coronel y coronel honorario Charles Napier Simpson, retirado, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal Lightly Stapleton Simpson, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Randal Charles Edward Skeffington-Smyth, jubilado, ex Coldstream Guards. Mayor temporal Arthur George Walker Skirrow, Lista General. Capitán temporal (mayor interino) Allen Thomson Sloan , Artillería de Campaña Real. Reverendo Charles William Smith, Capellán de las Fuerzas, Primera Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Douglas Kirke Smith, Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel temporal Frederick William Smith, comandante del batallón del regimiento galés (teniente honorario de Yeomanry). Mayor Herbert Charles Hyde Smith, Rifles Escoceses. Mayor Samuel Boylan Smith, MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente (teniente coronel interino) Tristram Oswald Smith, Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire. Teniente coronel William MacKenzie Smith, Yeomanry. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Humphrey Etwall Smyth, Artillería Real. Mayor Robert Riversdale Smyth, Regimiento de Leinster. Capitán temporal (Mayor interino) William Johnston Somerville, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) Wyndham Lucas Sorel, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel Lionel Arthur Clement Southam, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Richard Augustus Spencer, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal John Charles Spencer-Phillips, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército (Capitán, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército, Fuerza Territorial). Mayor Gerald Montagu Spencer-Smith, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor temporal George Herbert Spittle, Ingenieros Reales (antes Royal Marines). Capitán (Mayor temporal) Andrew Spruell, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Mayor James Richard, Earl Stanhope , MC , Regimiento Real del Oeste de Surrey (ex capitán, Granaderos de la Guardia). Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Frederick Stanley, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor interino) Derek Charles Stephenson, MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel temporal Robert Stephenson, Regimiento de South Staffordshire (anteriormente Fusilieros de Northumberland). Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Gerald Hoey Stevenson, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Hugh Stewart , MC, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) William Norman Stewart, Yeomanry. Mayor temporal Ralph Shelton Griffin Stokes, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán temporal Granville Edward Stewart Streatfeild, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Henry Sidney John Streatfeild, Regimiento de Londres (antes Teniente, Granaderos de la Guardia). Teniente Coronel (Coronel temporal) Oscar Striedinger, Cuerpo del Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel Clement Arthur Sykes, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán temporal (Mayor temporal) Gilbert Andrew Syme, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Teniente coronel temporal Guy Symonds, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor Wilfrid Thomas Synnott, jubilado, ex Artillería de Guarnición Real, asignado a la Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) James Tait, Royal Scots. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) George James Francis Talbot, jubilado, ex Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Hugh Tallents, Yeomanry. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Ernest Napper Tandy , Artillería Real. Reverendo Thomas Newell Tattersall, Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 2.a Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Mayor temporal Henry Pascoe Blair Tayler, Lista General (antiguo Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército). Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Murray Ross Taylor, MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real, Reserva Especial. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Richard Stopford Taylor, MB, FRCS , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Charles Russell Terrot, Dragones. Mayor Frank Eric Tetley, Regimiento de Lincolnshire. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Horace Audley Thewles, Regimiento del Este de Kent. Capitán (Mayor en funciones) Francis William Thicknesse, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Capitán Arnold Newall Thomas, MB , Servicio Médico de la India. Intendente y Mayor Honorario Gwynne Cecil Thomas, Borderers de Gales del Sur. Teniente coronel Hubert St. George Thomas, Ejército de la India. Mayor Aubrey Julian Thompson, Artillería de Guarnición Real. Teniente coronel William George Thompson, Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel Alexander Henry Gouger Thomson, Ejército de la India. Teniente coronel Robert Henry Tilney, Yeomanry. Reverendo Francis Charles Timins, Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Henry Archdale Tomkinson , Dragones. Mayor Derrick le Poer Trench , MC , Artillería Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Edward Fynmore Trew, Royal Marines. Capitán (Mayor temporal) William Henry Lainson Tripp, Artillería de la Marina Real. Reverendo Lenthall Greville Trotman-Dickenson, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Capitán temporal (Mayor temporal) Ewan Tulloch, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Capitán temporal (Mayor temporal) David Oliver Turnbull, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Mayor John Archbold Turnbull, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel Arthur Malcolm Tyler, Artillería de la Guarnición Real. Mayor Roper Maxwell Tyler, Infantería Ligera de Durham. Capitán (Mayor temporal) William Grant Tyrrell, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (Mayor temporal) James Valentine , Real Cuerpo Aéreo, Reserva Especial. Mayor Alexander William Van Straubenzee, Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente coronel Edward Vaughan, Regimiento de Manchester. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) Ivo Lucius Beresford Vesey , Regimiento Real del Oeste de Surrey. Mayor temporal William Henry Vickress, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel Charles Ernest Walker, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán temporal Robert Bruce Wallace, MB , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Teniente coronel Arthur Ward, Ejército de la India. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam, Guardias de Coldstream. Teniente coronel Anthony Henry Waring, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Capitán Edward Courtenay Thomas Warner , MC , Guardias Escoceses. Mayor Philip Seymour Watkins, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor Charles Henry Watson, Servicio Médico Indio. Capitán (Mayor interino) George Edmund Borlase Watson, MC , Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán Gerald Oscar Way, Regimiento de Staffordshire del Norte, Reserva Especial. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) William Ince Webb-Bowen, Regimiento de Middlesex. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Alan Geoffry Wells, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Richard Melbourne West, MD , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor Walter John Weston, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Stuart Lumley Whatford, Regimiento de Yorkshire. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) Philip Wheatley, Artillería Real. Capitán Maurice FitzGibbon Grove White, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor y teniente coronel brevet (teniente coronel temporal) James Ross White, Ingenieros Reales. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) John James Whitehead, Regimiento de Manchester. Capitán temporal (Mayor en funciones) Percival Frederick Whittall, Ingenieros Reales (Capitán, Reserva de Oficiales, antiguo Regimiento de Lincolnshire). Teniente (teniente coronel temporal) Charles Herbert Whittingham, jubilado, ex infantería ligera de Durham. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Noel Irwine Whitty, Regimiento Real del Oeste de Kent. Mayor temporal William Humphrey Meyrick Wienholt, Regimiento del Norte de Lancashire. Mayor Leonard Clay Wilde, Regimiento de Manchester. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Henry John Williams, Guardias Dragoon. Capitán temporal (mayor interino) Stanley Horatio Williams , Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Sherlock George Ramsay Willis, Artillería de Campaña Real. Mayor interino Sir John Christopher Willoughby , Bt , Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército (ex Mayor, Royal Horse Guards). Mayor D'Arcy Willoughby-Osborne, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Edward Neynoe Willyams, Infantería Ligera del Duque de Cornualles. Intendente y mayor honorario George Wilson, Regimiento Real de Lancaster. Capitán (teniente coronel temporal) Percival Kinnear Wise , Regimiento Real de Warwickshire y Cuerpo Real de Vuelo. Mayor y teniente coronel honorario Charles Michell Aloysius Wood, Fusilieros de Northumberland. Teniente coronel Ernest Wood, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Mayor temporal (teniente coronel interino) Hugh Reginald Wood, Regimiento Galés. Teniente (Mayor interino) Louis Wood, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán y mayor honorario (teniente coronel temporal) Frank Pickford Worsley, jubilado, antiguo Regimiento de West Yorkshire. Teniente coronel temporal Herbert Edward Wootten, Regimiento Fronterizo. Teniente coronel Edwin Arnold Wraith, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor Henry Cecil Wray, Artillería de Campaña Real. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Harold Lee Wright, Ingenieros Reales. Capitán (teniente coronel interino) Nicholas Irwin Wright, Fusilieros de Northumberland. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Thomas James Wright, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Philip George, Lord Wynford , Artillería de Campaña Real. Teniente Coronel (Coronel temporal) Julian Mayne Young, CMG , Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Reverendo Stanislaus Dominic Young, Capellán temporal de las Fuerzas, 3.ª Clase, Departamento de Capellanes del Ejército. Capitán temporal Harry Hogg Yuill, MC , Ingenieros Reales. Fuerzas australianas Mayor William Affleck Adams, Batallón de Pioneros. Teniente coronel William Gillian Allsop, Artillería. Mayor Thomas Faulkiner Borwick. Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Charles Philip Butler, Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas. Teniente coronel Harry Nairn Butler, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Mayor George Gumming Byrne, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Teniente Coronel Héctor Osman Caddy, Artillería. Mayor George Edwards Cole, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Teniente coronel Charles Herbert Davis, Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Constantine Trent Champion de Crespigny , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Teniente coronel Howard Kynaston Denham, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor George Frederick Dickinson, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Oliver Francis Dixon, Artillería. Mayor John Francis Donnelly, Infantería. Mayor John Milton Edgley, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Rupert Edward Fanning, Artillería. Mayor John Edward Fraser, Ingenieros. Mayor William Angus Fraser, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Mayor Felix Gordon Giles , Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor Charles James Goddard, comandante de la Compañía de Suministros. Mayor Harold Greenway, Ingenieros. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) William Weston Hearne, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Rupert Reginald Hockley, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Teniente coronel (coronel temporal) Robert Beveridge Huxtable, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Mayor Alexander Peter Imlay, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor Charles Melbourne Johnston, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Capitán James Carstairs Kininmonth, Cuerpo de Artillería. Coronel John Edward Cecil Lord, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor Noel Medway Loutit, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor Cyril Leslie Stewart Macintosh, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Teniente coronel Thomas Matson, Cuerpo Veterinario del Ejército. Intendente y Mayor Honorario (Mayor temporal) George Maxted, Lista General, Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas. Teniente coronel Leslie Cecil Maygar , VC , Regimiento de Caballería Ligera. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Ross Cairns McCay, Batería de Campaña. Teniente coronel Terence Patrick McSharry, MC , Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor Roy Morrell, Cuerpo de Ametralladoras. Mayor Richard Victor Morse, Sección Minera. Teniente coronel Leslie James Morshead , Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas. Teniente coronel Leslie Miltiades Mullen, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor Edward Joy Munro, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército. Teniente coronel George Francis Murphy, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor John William Parsons, Regimiento de Caballería Ligera. Capitán (Mayor temporal) John Keating Paul, Artillería australiana. Teniente coronel John Henry Peck, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Thomas Alfred Jack Playfair , Artillería australiana. Capitán Arthur Hunter Powell, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Mayor Rupert Anstice Rafferty, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Capitán Horace Clement Hugh Robertson , Regimiento de Caballería Ligera. Coronel (general de brigada temporal) James Campbell Robertson , CMG , comandante de la Brigada de Infantería Australiana. Teniente coronel Alfred George Salisbury, Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas. Teniente coronel Bertie Vandeleur Stacy, Fuerzas Imperiales Australianas. Teniente coronel Arthur Hamilton Tebbutt, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Teniente coronel William Charles Nightingale Waite, MC , Artillería australiana. Mayor Roy William Whiston Walsh, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Teniente coronel John Walstab, Fuerza Imperial Australiana. Mayor Herbert Locksley St. Vincent Welch, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Australiano. Mayor George Frederick Gardells Wieck, Regimiento de Caballería Ligera. Mayor Thomas Isaac Cornwall Williams, Artillería australiana. Mayor Thomas Rhys Williams , ingenieros australianos. Intendente y Mayor Honorario William James Willis, Batallón de Infantería. Mayor George Frederick Wootten . Fuerzas canadienses Teniente coronel Samuel Boyd Anderson, Artillería de Campaña Canadiense. Mayor Edmund Graves Meredith Cape , Artillería Canadiense. Teniente coronel John Arthur Clark, Infantería canadiense. Mayor Henry Duncan Graham Crerar , Artillería de Campaña Canadiense. Mayor James Albert Cross , Infantería. Teniente coronel Herbert John Dawson, Infantería. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) William Barnard Evans, Infantería. Capitán (Mayor interino) William Joseph Forbes-Mitchell, Infantería. Mayor Frederick Gilman, Dragones. Mayor Raymond Meyers Gorssline , Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Teniente Coronel William Grassie, Infantería. Teniente coronel William Belfry Hendry, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Teniente coronel George Cuthbert Hodson. Teniente coronel de infantería Donald Hogarth , Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Canadiense. Teniente coronel William Josiah Hartley Holmes, Batallón de Pioneros. Mayor John Stephen Jenkins, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Mayor Leo Richer Lafleche , Infantería. Mayor William Smith Latta, Infantería. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Alfred Tully le Fevre, Cuerpo de Construcción Ferroviaria. Mayor Charles Bethune Lindsey, Infantería. Capitán (Mayor interino) Hilliard Lyle, Infantería. Mayor Robert Alexander MacFarlane, Infantería. Mayor Daniel Albert MacKinnon, Infantería. Teniente coronel Albert Edward Massie, Cuerpo de Servicio del Ejército Canadiense. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Gault McCombe, Infantería. Mayor George Whitlock McFarlane, Infantería. Teniente coronel Chester Fish McGuffen, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Teniente coronel John Douglas McQueen, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Capitán (Mayor temporal) Kenric Rud Marshall, Infantería. Teniente coronel (general de brigada temporal) James Henry Mitchell, Artillería de campaña canadiense. Mayor James Vincent Patrick O'Donahoe, Infantería. Teniente coronel Daniel Mawat Ormond, Infantería. Mayor (teniente coronel temporal) Stratton Harry Osier, Ingenieros Reales Canadienses. Teniente coronel Cyrus Wesley Peck, Infantería. Capitán (Mayor interino) Cecil George Porter, Infantería. Mayor Albert Genelle Poupore, Infantería. Mayor Waldron Brewer Prowse, Artillería. Teniente coronel George Harrah Ralston, Artillería de Campaña. Capitán (Mayor interino) James Ross, Infantería. Teniente coronel Herbert C. Sparling, Infantería. Mayor Francis Macdonald Steel, Infantería. Mayor Arthur Christopher Sutton, Batallón de Pioneros. Teniente coronel Charles Perry Templeton, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Mayor Clifford Thackwell Trotter, Ingenieros Canadienses. Capitán (mayor interino) John William Henry Gerit Hopman Van Den Berg, Infantería. Mayor Charles Herman Vandersluys, Infantería. Mayor Cuthbert Cole Wansbrough, Infantería. Capitán (Mayor interino) Stancliffe Wallace Watson, Infantería. Mayor William Percy Wilgar, Ingenieros Canadienses. Teniente coronel Edward Johnston Williams, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Canadiense. Fuerza de Nueva Zelanda Mayor Percy Morland Acton-Adams, Fusileros Montados. Mayor Peter Henry Buck , Batallón de Pioneros. Teniente coronel Charles Frederick Denman Cook, Regimiento de Infantería. Mayor Henry James Daltry, Artillería de Campaña. Mayor John Evelyn Duigan, Cuerpo de Estado Mayor. Teniente coronel Murray Menzies Gardner, Artillería de Campaña. Teniente coronel Alfred Henry Herbert, Cuerpo de Artillería del Ejército. Teniente coronel temporal Joseph Garrett Roache, Brigada de Fusileros. Mayor John Llewellyn Saunders . Teniente coronel Hugh Stewart , MC . Mayor Thomas Duncan MacGregor Stout , Cuerpo Médico. Teniente coronel Frank Symon, CMG , Artillería. Contingente sudafricano Mayor temporal Frederick Leslie Brown, Cuerpo de Servicio Sudafricano. Mayor Colin Clarke, Ingenieros Sudafricanos. Teniente coronel Robert Laurie Girdwood, Cuerpo Médico Sudafricano. Mayor Charles Norman Hoy. Mayor Carl Johannes Kreft, Infantería Sudafricana. Mayor Joachim Frederick Reinhold Lauth, Infantería Sudafricana. Teniente coronel George Abbott Morris. Capitán temporal (Mayor interino) Arthur Gilbert Mullins, Artillería Sudafricana. Mayor George Parson. Mayor (teniente coronel interino) Robert Norman Pringle, Cuerpo Médico Sudafricano. Mayor temporal Frederick Spence Tatham, Lista General (Teniente Coronel, Reserva de Oficiales, Fuerza de Defensa de Sudáfrica). Mayor temporal Ralph Beresford Turner, Fuerzas Sudafricanas. Teniente coronel Herbert Wynne Vaughan-Williams, Cuerpo Médico Sudafricano.
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Royal Red Cross (RRC) First Class Superintending Sister Flora Tindal Greig. Miss Gertrude Mary Allen, Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Hilda Davidge, Assistant Matron, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Eva Cicely Fox, ARRC , Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Anne Mclnnis Forrest, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Miss Elizabeth Clement Humphreys, Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Frances Rosa Holmes, Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Mollie Jones, Sister (acting Matron), Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Edith Mary Lyde, ARRC , Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Rose Emmeline Lumsden, Sister (acting Matron), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Ethel Jane Minns, ARRC , Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Annie Cecilia Mowat, ARRC , Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Maude Leslie Martin, Matron, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Jean Matheson, Nursing Sister (acting Assistant Matron), Canadian Army Nursing Service. Miss Laura Niven, Matron, South African Military Nursing Services Hospital Ship. Miss Patricia A. O'Curran, Sister (acting Matron), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Mrs Edith Helen Phillips, ARRC , Nursing Service. Miss Frances Maude Rice, ARRC , Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Jessie Smales, Sister (acting Assistant Matron), Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Marion Smith , ARRC , Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Ada Taylor, Assistant Matron, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Lorna Beatrice Wood, Montaza Palace Hospital. Second Class Miss Mary Ashlin-Thomas, Matron, British Red Cross Society. Miss Mary Macdonald Aitkin, Acting Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Gertrude Jean Arthur, Staff Nurse, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Frances Mary Louisa Allen, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Helen Aukett, Nursing Service. Miss Elsie Blackburn, Staff Nurse, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Jennie Wilhelmina Blyth, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (Glasgow Royal). Miss Louise Brock, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Nursing Service. Miss Jean Binnie Buckham, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve, Australia. Miss Edith Barker, Sister, South African Military Nursing Services. Miss Ellen Elizabeth Baldrey, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Edith Frances Coombe, Sister, British Red Cross Society. Miss Gertrude Emily Custance, Acting Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Mary Coupar, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Jean Elizabeth Carter, Staff Nurse, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve, 15th British Hospital. Miss Effie Sloan Clark, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Annie Eleanor Casserley, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (Liverpool Southern). Miss Annie Harriet Esden, Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Winifred Ayre Evers, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (Edinburgh Royal Infirmary). Miss Mary Amilia Early, Staff Nurse, New Zealand Army Nursing Service. Miss Mary Gladys Foley, Acting Sister Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Alice Louisa Florence FitzGerald, Acting Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Kathleen Fisher, Voluntary Aid Detachment. Miss Margaret Grieg, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (Great Northern Central). Miss Harriet Graham, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Miss Sybil Senior Gardiner, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Phoebe Margaret Griffith, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Laura Adelaide Gamble, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Nursing Service. Miss Dorothea Elizabeth Grant, Staff Nurse, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Gladys Augusta Howe, Assistant Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Harriet Florence Heinrich, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Margaret Brown Heggie, Acting Sister Civil Hospital Reserve (Glasgow Royal). Miss Constance Winifred Jones, Acting Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Mabelle Clara Jamieson, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Miss Letitia Gasse Kelly, Sister, American Nursing Service. Miss Edith Maud Lyle, Assistant Matron, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Winifred Linton, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. MissGeorgina Ellen Litton, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Mary McLean Loughron, Acting Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (Australia). Miss Kathleen Little, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Miss Mary McBeth, Sister, New Zealand Army Nursing Service. Miss Lizzie McEachern, Sister, Canadian Army Nursing Service. Miss Elizabeth Martin, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Georgianna Beach McCullough, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Nursing Service. Miss Gladys Miller, Staff Nurse, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Jessie Marjorie Morris, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Mary Ethel Morrison, Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Nursing Service. Miss Jean McGeorge, Staff Nurse, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve, British Stationary Hospital. Mrs Margaret Mackenzie, Nursing Service. Miss Janet S. H. Niccol, Staff Nurse, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Annie Newcome, Senior Nursing Sister, East African Nursing Service. Miss Mary Cecil Elizabeth Newman, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Mrs Morris Nicoll, Nursing Service. Miss Ida O'Dwyer, Sister, Army Nursing Service. Miss Margaret O'Brien, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (Dr. Stevens Hospital, Dublin). Miss Agatha Mary Phillips, Acting Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Clara May Robinson, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Florence Harriet Rapson, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Helen Ryder, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Jessie Spittall, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Marie Phoebe Storey, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Mary Smith, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Constance Evelyn Strange, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (Guy's). Mrs Nina Stapledon, Voluntary Aid Detachment. Mrs Florence Spratt, Nursing Service. Miss Helen Elizabeth Tait, Head Sister, Army Nursing Service. Miss Ella Jane Tucker, Sister, Army Nursing Service. Miss Agnes Martha Brownlie Taylor, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (St. Bartholomew's). Miss Rubie White, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Miss Catherine Wilkie Wilson, Sister, Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss Dorothy Wilson, Acting Sister, Civil Hospital Reserve (Guy's). Miss Minnie Wood, Acting Sister Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Miss Elizabeth Susanna Wessels, Nursing Sister, South African Military Nursing Service. Miss Agnes Wyllie, Sister, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Australia.
Imperial Service Order (ISO) Home Civil Service Arthur Edward Adeney, Vice-Controller of the London Postal Service. Alexander Richard Barlas, Secretary to the Local Government Board, Ireland. Henry Fathers, Deputy Superintendent of Ordnance Stores, Admiralty. Jeremiah Fishwick, Sub-Inspector of Schools, Board of Education. Robert Henderson Gray, Secretary to the Registrar-General for Scotland. Thomas Bartholomew Hildesley, Chief Clerk, Reformatory and Industrial Schools Department. Daniel Arthur Leak, Staff Clerk, Foreign Office. Richard Edward Martyr, First Class Clerk, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Samuel Alexander Sketchley, Principal Clerk, Royal Arsenal. Indian Civil Service Arthur John Pattle, Senior Clerk, Accountant-General's Department. Felix Ambrose LeMeur, Deputy Registrar, Chief Court, Punjab. M.R.Ry. Diwan Bahadur Lewis Dominic Swamikannu Pillai Avargal , MA, BL, LLB , Provincial Service, Registrar, Cooperative Credit Societies, Madras.Charles Henderson Jeffery-Orchard, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Northern India Salt Revenue Department, Sambhar Lake Division, Rajputana. Rao Bahadur Davabhai Surajlal Thathi, Chief Accountant, Office of Superintendent of Customs, Salt and Opium, Bombay.Charles O'Hagan Teeling, Superintendent in the Foreign and Political Department, Government of India. Raj Bahadur Priya Nath Mukharji, Provincial Executive Service, Inspector-General of Registration, Bengal, and an Additional Member of the Council of the Governor for making Laws and Regulations. Lieutenant John Arthur Hamilton, Royal Engineers, Indo-European Telegraph Department, in charge of the Telegraph Office, Basrah, Persian Gulf. Raj Bahadur Lala Ganga Sahai, MA , Provincial Service, Punjab, Dewan and Chief Secretary to His Highness the Raja of Faridkot, Punjab. Captain Douglas William Mew Gumbley, Royal Engineers, Indo-European Telegraph Department, assistant director of Telegraphs, Persian Gulf. Khan Bahadur Qazi Aziz-ud-Din Ahmad, Provincial Service, United Provinces, Judicial Secretary to His Highness the Maharaja of Dholpur, Rajputana.Colonial Civil Service Alfred Karslake Bovill, Principal Forest Officer, Cyprus. Louis Ogilvy Chitty, Treasurer, Collector of Customs and Manager of Saving Bank, Colony of Seychelles. Pierre Martial Côté, KC , Chief, Remission Branch, Department of Justice, Dominion of Canada. Edmond Power Dowley, Third Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, State of Western Australia. Acheson Arundel Cameron Finlay, Senior Assistant Colonial Secretary, Gold Coast Colony. Joseph Hughes, Commissioner of Income Tax, State of Queensland. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas George Johnston Loggie, Deputy Minister of Lands and Mines, Province of New Brunswick. William Russell Morris , Secretary, Post and Telegraph Department, Dominion of New Zealand.Henry Benjamin Shawe, Under Secretary, Department of the Interior, Union of South Africa.
Military Cross (MC) Awarded a Bar to the Military Cross Captain Patrick Campbell Anderson, MC , Seaforth Highlanders. Captain Robert Cecil Hardingham, MC , Middlesex Regiment. Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) Percy Clerk Sherren, MC , Canadian Local Forces and Royal Flying Corps. 2nd Lieutenant John Vicary, MC , Gloucestershire Regiment. Awarded the Military Cross Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant William Edward Acraman, Grenadier Guards. Temporary Lieutenant Walwyn Trerice Adams, East Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary Captain James Carlton Addy, East Yorkshire Regiment. Reverend John Orfeur Aglionby , MA , Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Geoffrey Dawson Ainger, Yorkshire Light Infantry. Captain Rowland Montagu Airey, Army Service Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Robert Scott Aiton, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Thomas Frederick William Stead Alban, Royal Engineers. Captain Christopher Alexander, Indian Army. Captain Martin Alexander, Rifle Brigade. Temporary Captain George Oliver Fairtlough Alley, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Stephen Alley , Yeomanry. Captain William Hamilton Stirling Alston, Rifle Brigade. 17061 Company Sergeant Major William John Ambrose, Machine Gun Corps. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Stephen Lewis Amos, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Captain Gordon Henry Anderson, Hussars, Special Reserve. Captain Horace Anderson, Royal Irish Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant John Edward Anderson, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Leslie Ernest Andrews, Royal West Surrey Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Allen Algernon Lord Apsley , Yeomanry. Lieutenant Maurice Armitage Arbuthnot, Lancers, Special Reserve. Captain Henry William Richard Armstrong, East Surrey Regiment. 17781 Company Sergeant Major Wybugh Thompson Armstrong, Liverpool Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant William Noel Arnold, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Edward Alban Atkins, Royal Garrison Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant William Thomas Styan Atkinson, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Guy Auten, Durham Light Infantry. Captain Leonard Barren Baird, Royal Army Medical Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) George Brindley Aufrere Baker, Royal Berkshire Regiment and Royal Flying Corps. Lieutenant John Balfour, Scots Guards, Special Reserve. Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Melville Balfour, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Harry Theodore Bamberger, Middlesex Regiment, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant George Adolphus Bambridge, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Alec Joscelyne Bamford, Motor Machine Gun Corps. Temporary Captain Philip Stanley Barber, Dorsetshire Regiment. Captain Alfred Raymond Bare, North Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Captain Edward Arthur Barker, Royal Engineers (Quartermaster and Hon. Lieutenant, York and Lancaster Regiment). Captain Evelyn Hugh Barker , King's Royal Rifle Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant John William Barker, Manchester Regiment. Lieutenant James Hugh Barnes, Intelligence Corps. Temporary Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Benjamin Bartholomew, North Lancashire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Edward George Bartlett, Yorkshire Light Infantry. Lieutenant Basil Kelsey Barton , Royal Field Artillery. Captain Robert Bath, Royal Horse Artillery. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Richard Tennant Baxter, Royal Field Artillery. Captain Joseph Herbert Bayley, Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Denham Lambert Henry Baynes, Royal Garrison Artillery, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Ralph Arthur Beckett, Yeomanry. Captain Merton Beckwith Beckwith-Smith , DSO , Coldstream Guards. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Alexander James Bartlet Begg, Northumberland Fusiliers. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant George Bennett, East Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Captain John Bennett, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Fred Roland Berridge, Northamptonshire Regiment. Captain John Arrowsmith Best, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain Antony Patrick Laurence Bethell, Gordon Highlanders. Captain John Henry Bevan , Hertfordshire Regiment. Captain Frederick William Bewsher, London Regiment. Captain Frederic William Lyon Bissett, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Archibald William Blair, Highland Light Infantry. Temporary Lieutenant Claud Leslie Blair, Royal Engineers. Captain Patrick Alexander Blair, Royal Scots. Captain Thomas Blatherwick, Manchester Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Blezard, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Theodore Stephen Bliss, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Reginald Masters Blofeld, London Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (now temporary Major) Archie Vyvyan Board, Essex Regiment, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) James Main Linton Bogle, Royal Engineers. 14396 Company Sergeant Major Albert Bonser, Shropshire Light Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant Arnold John Booth, Royal Garrison Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Henry Booth, Hussars, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant Frederick Charles Boulter, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Frederick Henry Bousfield, Durham Light Infantry. Temporary Lieutenant William Henry Bowsher, Manchester Regiment. Temporary Captain Clive Frederick Bowman, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain John Howard Box, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain John Boyd, Coldstream Guards. Reverend Robert McNeil Boyd , Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) George Lawden Boys-Stones, Indian Army. Temporary Captain John Edward Warner Boyes, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Philip Brachi, Royal Garrison Artillery. Captain Edward de Winton Herbert Bradley, Yorkshire Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Vernon Albert Bradshaw, Graves Registration Section. Temporary Captain Francis Jonathan Brazier, Worcestershire Regiment. Captain George Vernon Breffit, Shropshire Light Infantry. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Lawrence Borie Brierley, Royal Engineers. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Alick Briggs, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Temporary Captain William Harley Brindley, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Philip Mainwaring Broadmead, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Charles Gerald Brocklebank, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve. Captain Ralph Alexander Broderick, Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Captain Douglas Cecil Jack Brooks, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Captain James Hardie Brown, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Temporary Captain John Vassie Brown, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Captain Leonard Graham Brown , Royal Army Medical Corps. Reverend Francis Mary Browne , Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Temporary Lieutenant Hugh Alexander Edgar Browne, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant Herbert Osborn Browning, West Riding Regiment. Temporary Captain George J. Bruce, General List. Temporary Captain William Frederick Beadon Bryant, Royal Engineers. Captain Arthur Lonsdale Bryham, Manchester Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Reginald Eric Buckingham, Royal Flying Corps, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain Felix George Buckley, Northumberland Fusiliers. Temporary Lieutenant Francis George Bull, Royal Fusiliers. Lieutenant Leslie Colyn Bull, South Staffordshire Regiment. Captain Arthur Edwin Bullock, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Captain Leslie Dyne Burchell, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain James Charles Burdett, Leicestershire Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Launcelot Henry Beaumont Burlton, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain William Alexander Burn, South Wales Borderers. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Douglas Easton Burnett, Gordon Highlanders. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Charles Hearn Oscar Dudley Burrell, Leicestershire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Ralph Darker Butterell, Machine Gun Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Gerald Butterfield, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Edward Eric Calvert, East Yorkshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Alexander Cameron, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) David Campbell, Royal Irish Rifles. Lieutenant John MacKnight Campbell, Royal Scots. Temporary Lieutenant Eric Thomas Caparn, Royal Engineers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant George Edward Cardwell, South Wales Borderers. Temporary Captain William Warren Carey-Thomas, General List and Royal Flying Corps. Honorary Lieutenant Edmund Laurence Carlisle, Intelligence Corps. Temporary Lieutenant William Alexander Carruthers, Northumberland Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Leonard Castle, General List (2nd Lieutenant, Reserve of Officers). Captain Christopher Arthur Mohun Cator, Scots Guards, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Francis Oswin Cave , Rifle Brigade and Royal Flying Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) James Francis Chadwick, Royal Engineers. Captain John Chamberlain, South Wales Borderers, Special Reserve. Captain Henry Champion de Crespigny , Indian Army. Temporary Inspector of Ordnance Machinery 2nd Class and Temporary Honorary Captain John Gardiner Chapple, Advanced Ordnance Depot. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Noel Hughes Havelock Charles , General List. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Arthur Nesbit Charlton, Norfolk Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Herbert Reginald Charter, General List. Temporary Lieutenant Alfred Saward Chenevix-Trench, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Ronald Christie, Army Service Corps. Captain Arthur Vesey Meade, Earl of Clanwilliam , Reserve of Officers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Horace Clapham, Royal Irish Rifles. Captain Albert Nettleton Clark, London Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) John George Walters Clark , Lancers. Temporary Captain (now acting Major) Percy William Clark, Royal Engineers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Amos Clarkson, General List (formerly West Yorkshire Regiment). Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Robert Hugh Clay, Lincolnshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Julian Clement, Hampshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Ralph Egerton Clilverd , Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain John Clisdal, General List and Royal Flying Corps. Lieutenant (now acting Major) Maurice Clowes, Royal Horse Artillery. Captain Walter John Jackson Coats, Highland Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Aubrey du Plat Thorold Cole, General List (late Captain, Dragoon Guards.). Lieutenant (acting Captain) Thomas Stephenson Cole, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Frederick George Coles, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Francis Jervoise Collas, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Charles John Comins, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Frank William Edwin Cook, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain Edward Robert Cecil Cooke, Royal Army Medical Corps. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Arthur Coombs, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Arthur Cooper, Royal Scots Fusiliers. Captain George Chamberlain Cooper, Indian Army. Honorary Lieutenant Percival Harold Cooper, Intelligence Corps. Captain William Rowland Frederic Cooper, Dragoon Guards. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Felix Alexander Vincent Copland-Griffiths, Welsh Guards. Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) James Corrigan, Royal Lancaster Regiment. Captain Joseph Mary Aloysius Costello, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Peter James Cottle, Royal Engineers (2nd Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, Territorial Force). Captain William Ernest Leslie Cotton, Worcestershire Regiment. Captain Alexander Comrie Cowan, Royal Scots, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Wellwood Cowan, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Henry Jessop Coxhead, Royal Sussex Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Hubert Crampton, Manchester Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant George Leonard Crandon, Suffolk Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant John Stanhope Crawhall, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant William Arthur Crebbin, Rifle Brigade. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) George William Creeth, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant (now acting Major) Eric Crewdson , Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant Bernard Patrick Cromie, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant Charles Ralli Cross, Royal Garrison Artillery. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain Frederick Clements Cross, Royal Fusiliers. Temporary Captain John Frederick Cubbon, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Harold John Cunningham, Bedfordshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant St. Clair Usher Cunningham, Royal Field Artillery. Captain Henry Osborne Curtis , King's Royal Rifle Corps. Captain George Dalziel, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Hugh Nares Davenport, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Alexander Davidson, Army Service Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Leslie Frederic St. John Davies, Machine Gun Corps, late Norfolk Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Frank Chaplin Davis, Gloucestershire Regiment, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Clifton Dawkins, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Captain Gerald Anthony Debenham, Rhodesia Police. Captain Vivian Leslie de Cordova, Royal Lancaster Regiment. 16397 Regimental Sergeant Major James Christopher de Lacy, Royal Irish Rifles. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Gerald Hugh de La Pasture, King's African Rifles. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Montague Roger Dell, East Surrey Regiment. Captain Reginald Iveson Denham, Royal Engineers, attached Signal Company. Temporary Lieutenant Wilfred Dennes, Royal Field Artillery. Captain Arthur Dent, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain Waldemar Max de Paula, Gloucestershire Regiment. Captain Francis Mackenzie Dick, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Watson Tulloch Dick, South Wales Borderers. Lieutenant John Dickinson, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain John Robert Dickinson, Royal Lancaster Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Stanley Longstaffe Dickinson, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Utrick William Dickinson, Royal Field Artillery. Captain William Vicris Digby Dickinson , South Wales Borderers. Captain Arthur Norman Dickson, MD , India Medical Service. Lieutenant John Joseph Dillon, Connaught Rangers, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain Charles Jecks Dixon, South Lancashire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant David Sydney Doig, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant Hugh Brandon Dooner, Intelligence Corps. 56 Company Sergeant Major Percy Sholto Douglas, Durham Light Infantry. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Eric Downes, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant Arthur James Draper, South Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant John Douglas Drayson, Royal Field Artillery. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Drummond, Gordon Highlanders. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) William Miller Drummond, Cameron Highlanders. Temporary Captain John Terence Duffin, General List. Temporary Lieutenant William James Duffy, Royal Highlanders. Captain William George Dunlop, Royal Horse Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Frank Rogers Durham, Royal Engineers. Reverend Alfred George Duthie, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Ernest Dwyer, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain James Percy Earp, Advanced Ordnance Depot. Lieutenant Herbert (temporary Captain) John Eastwood, Rifle Brigade. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Robert Anthony Eden , King's Royal Rifle Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Terence Eden, Motor Machine Gun Corps. Temporary Captain Cyril Ernest Edwards, Royal Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant Walter Bernard Edwards, Worcestershire Regiment, Special Reserve. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Reginald Donald Ellis, Durham Light Infantry. Lieutenant Robert Ellis, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Wilfrid Spencer Ellis, Royal Lancaster Regiment. Lieutenant Cuthbert Ernest M. Ellison, Grenadier Guards. 2nd Lieutenant Albert Alfred Emmett, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Edward Euler, Royal Engineers. Captain Arthur Kelly Evans, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Reverend Geoffrey Maynard Evans, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Michael Evans-Lombe, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain John St. Foyne Fair, Graves Registration Section. 2nd Lieutenant Donald Charles Fairbairn, Royal Garrison Artillery, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Edmund William Fane-de-Salis, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Frederick Herbert Fardell, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant Thomas Gordon Fawcett, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Walter Lindley Fawcett, West Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Thomas Featherstone, Worcestershire Regiment. Lieutenant (acting Captain) William Charles Fenton, West Riding Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Cecil Leonard Ferard, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Stanley Howse Fisher, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Edward Fisher, Gloucestershire Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Leopold George Fisher-Rowe, Grenadier Guards, Special Reserve. Temporary (temporary Captain) 2nd Lieutenant Edward Walter Robert FitzGerald, General List. Temporary Captain Edward William FitzGerald, Army Service Corps. Captain Sir John Peter Gerald Maurice Fitzgerald , Bt , Royal Horse Guards. Temporary Lieutenant Robert Brinsley FitzGerald, General List. Captain Arnold Vesey FitzHerbert, Irish Horse. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) John William Fitzherbert-Brockholes, Yeomanry. Lieutenant Wilfred George Flack, Royal Fusiliers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Dicker Fletcher, Kings Royal Rifle Corps. Captain Stephen Flowers, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Sidney Frank Fooks, London Regiment. Captain William Edward Footner, Army Veterinary Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Robert Forbes, Royal Highlanders. Temporary Captain Gordon Miller Forde, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Lieutenant) Charles Ernest Philip Foreshew, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, Special Reserves. 2nd Lieutenant Thomas Henry Fox, Royal Garrison Artillery. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Robert Charles Frain, Royal Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Hugh Gordon Francis, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant William Glover Frend, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain William Edington Furneaux, Seaforth Highlanders. Captain George Burford Fyldes, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William George Gabain, Unattached List. Temporary Lieutenant James Francis Gadd, South Staffordshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Herbert John Sherwood Gaine, General List. Captain Thomas Julian Edward Gaisford-St. Lawrence, Seaforth Highlanders, Special Reserve. 9617 Acting Regimental Sergeant Major Patrick Wilfred Gallagher, Royal Garrison Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant William Charles Vernon Galwey , Royal Irish Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Albert Osborne Gammon, Hampshire Regiment. Captain William Tyler Gardiner, MB, FRCS , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Basil Garner, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Maurice Houghton Garrard, Yorkshire Light Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant Oliver Douglas Garrett, London Regiment. Temporary Captain Alen Garthwaite, Wiltshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Noel John Hay Gavin, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Stephen Humphrey Geldard, South Wales Borderers, Special Reserve. Captain William George, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Ivor Hector German, Hampshire Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Douglas Stuart Gibbon, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) George Herbert Gibbs, Royal Engineers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant William James Gibbs, East Surrey Regiment. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant William Reginald Gibson, RNVR . Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Wesley Milum Gibson, Northumberland Fusiliers. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) George Henry Gilmore, Royal Sussex Regiment. Captain James Donie Glegg, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Temporary Captain (now acting Major) William Henry George Goater, Yorkshire Regiment. Captain Ambrose William Goddard, Royal Fusiliers, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant Hugh Andrew Gold, East Kent Regiment. Temporary Captain John Wilgress Goldson, Northamptonshire Regiment. Temporary Captain George Stuart Goldsworthy, King's African Rifles. Temporary Captain Edward Maurice Gonner, King's Royal Rifle Corps. 2nd Lieutenant Patrick John Goodman, South Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Victor Frederick Gordon, General List, formerly Yorkshire Light Infantry. Captain Alexander Penrose Gordon-Cumming , Cameron Highlanders. Captain Christopher Hugh Gotto, Devonshire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant John Miller Gow, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant William Frank Gower, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant Thomas Leslie Graham, Seaforth Highlanders, Special Reserve. Captain (now temporary Major) John Peter Grant, Cameron Highlanders. Deputy Commissioner of Ordnance and Honorary Captain Alexander Gray, Advanced Ordnance Depot. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Mitchell Gray, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Frederick Russ Graystone, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain Bernard Blackwell Green, York and Lancaster Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Herbert Green, Durham Light Infantry. 3/10056 Sergeant Major James Green, Norfolk Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Robert Donald Green, Durham Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Wilfred Charles Green, Royal Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Leonard Montague Greenwood, Durham Light Infantry. Captain Albert David Greig, Royal Garrison Artillery. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Ernest Gretton, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Albert Thomas Griffiths, Wiltshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Joseph Groombridge, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Captain Cecil Bernard Gunston, Coldstream Guards, Special Reserves. Temporary Lieutenant Nigel Esme Haig , Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant John Henry Haigh, Royal Irish Rifles. Reverend Francis Johnston Halahan, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Francis Edward Hale, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain John Hathorn Hall , Royal Munster Fusiliers. Captain (now acting Major) Philip de Havilland Hall, Royal Engineers. Captain John Gregson Halsted, North Lancashire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant William Halton, North Lancashire Regiment (now Machine Gun Corps). Captain Archibald Francis Hamilton, Indian Army. Temporary Lieutenant Charles Keith Johnstone Hamilton, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain Douglas Christopher Hamilton, General List. Captain Gavin George Lord Hamilton of Dalzell , KT, CVO , Reserve of Officers, Scots Guards. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Charles Godfrey Handcock, General List. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Stephen Gordon Harbord, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Guy Baldwin Harden, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain David Hardie, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Arthur Edward Campbell Harris, Indian Army. Captain the Hon. George St. Vincent Harris , Yeomanry. Temporary Captain Frank Harrison, General List. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Harriss, Royal Lancaster Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Samuel Hart, Egyptian Army. Captain Dermot McKnight Hartigan, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Captain Percival Hartley , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Herbert Harvey, Machine Gun Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Alexander Burton Hassall, Cheshire Regiment. Temporary Captain (now temporary Major) George White Hawkes, Royal Irish Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Archibald Ashworth Bailie Hay, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) James Hay, Lovat's Scouts, attached Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant William Hendrie Hay, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Frank Hayes, Manchester Regiment. Lieutenant George Frederick Hayhurst Hayhurst-France, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Alfred Ernest Haynes, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Reginald Frederick Johnson Hayward , Wiltshire Regiment. Lieutenant Joseph Hazlewood, South Staffordshire Regiment. Reverend Frederick Waldegrave Head , Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Captain Arthur Stanley Heale, Royal Army Medical Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Alfred Healing, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Thomas William Heather, Middlesex Regiment, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Herbert Edward Heffer, Middlesex Regiment. Temporary Captain James Gerald Patrick Heffernan, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Reverend Simon Hegarty, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Lieutenant Maurice Robert Hely-Hutchinson , Irish Guards, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Eric Joseph Henderson, Royal Flying Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) James Thomas Fleming Henderson, Royal Engineers. Captain (now temporary Major) Kenneth Douglas Murray Henderson, Indian Army. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Norman Henry, Liverpool Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Roger Paul Hepburn, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Philip Hume Herbert, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant John James Heron, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain George Christopher Heslop, Durham Light Infantry. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Francis Bland Hewson, York and Lancaster Regiment. Temporary Captain (now Acting Major) Donald Hey (Captain, Royal Engineers, Territorial Force). Temporary Lieutenant Vyvian Rex Lynn Heywood, Royal Engineers. Captain George Hicks, Royal Garrison Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Henry Ellis Hill, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) John Sturges Burrow Hill, Buckinghamshire Battalion, attached Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Reginald Playfair Hills, General List, formerly, King's Own Scottish Borderers. Temporary Lieutenant Philip Hinckley, Leicestershire Regiment. Temporary Captain William Henry Warder Hine, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Wilfrid Sydney Holbrook, Northumberland Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Athole Frederick Holden, Yeomanry. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Charles Holland, Royal Flying Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Victor John Holland, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Percy Collis Hollingsworth, General List and Royal Flying Corps. Lieutenant (acting Captain) James Bell Hollwey, Royal Field Artillery. Captain Noel Galway Holmes , Royal Irish Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Geoffrey Wilson Holt, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain William Whyte Home, General List. Staff Sergeant Major (acting 1st Class Staff Sergeant Major) Henry Smith Hooper, Army Service Corps. Captain James Nockells Horlick , Coldstream Guards. 2nd Lieutenant Harold Valentine Hosack, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Herbert Ronald Hoskins, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Hugh Lloyd Howard, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant George Eric Howorth, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant William Norman Hoyte, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. Temporary Captain (now Acting Major) Percy Richard Hubbard, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain William Rawson Hughes, Army Service Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Sydney Francis Morten Humbert, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Alexander Hunter, Royal Highlanders. Temporary Captain John Thomas Hurst, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Cecil Newman Hutchons, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Thomas Leonard Ibbs, Monmouthshire Regiment. Temporary Captain (now Acting Major) Howard Seymour Illingworth, Army Service Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Herbert John Impson, Norfolk Regiment. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Ernest Allison Iredale, Border Regiment. Captain Laurence Heber Warneford Iredale, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Michael Isaacs, RNVR . Captain Colin de Stuteville Isaacson, East Africa Protectorate Forces. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Cyril Bramwell Armytage Jackson, Yeomanry. Captain Robert Rames Jackson, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Temporary Capt Peter Ratcliffe Jacobs, Northumberland Fusiliers. Captain Christopher Russell James, Bedfordshire Regiment. Company Sergeant Major William Jamieson, Machine Gun Corps. Temporary Captain Darsie Napier Japp , Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant Maurice Malcolm Jeakes, Royal Engineers. Bimbashi (Major) Wilfred Edgar Jennings Bramly, Egyptian Coastguard Administration. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Norman Lees Jennison, General List (formerly Manchester Regiment). Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Harold Drewett Jensen, General List and Royal Flying Corps. Captain James Arthur Jervois. Yorkshire Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Charles Edgar Jewels, Lancashire Fusiliers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Alfred Johnson, North Staffordshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Oscar Johnson, Cheshire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant David Percy Hope Johnstone, General List. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Percy Jolliffe, Royal Irish Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Albert Jones, MD , Royal Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Herbert Oliver Jones, East African Pioneer Company. Captain Hugh Gerald Jones, Rhodesian Police. Reverend John Cethin Jones, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Richard Jones, Manchester Regiment. Lieutenant Arthur Wellesley Julian, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Special Reserve. 31743 Sergeant Major Arnold Kaufman, Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Philip Henry Keeling, Royal Engineers (2nd Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, Territorial Force), attached Signal Company. Captain Hugo Nicholson James Keene, Royal Garrison Artillery. Temporary Captain Daniel Kelly, Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant David Victor Kelly , Leicestershire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Richard Barrett Talbot Kelly , Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Ernest George Kemp. Rifle Brigade. Temporary Lieutenant Alexander Melville Kennedy, Royal Scots Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Harry Brew Kennedy, Army Service Corps. 3578 Company Sergeant Major Michael Kennedy, Irish Guards. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Sydney Vincent Kennedy, Hussars. 2nd Lieutenant Harold Frederick Kent, Honourable Artillery Company. Captain Harold Edward Kentish, Royal Engineers. Captain Charles Kerr, Reserve of Officers, late Royal Horse Guards. 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Kerr, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Cleveland Keyes, Royal Field Artillery. Captain William Elworthy Kidner, Royal Engineers. Captain Douglas Reid King, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Ebenezer King, King's Own Scottish Borderers, Special Reserve, attached Royal Flying Corps. Captain Francis Lambourne King, Liverpool Regiment, Special Reserve. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Humphrey Stuart King, Northumberland Fusiliers. Reverend Michael King, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Quartermaster and Hon. Captain David Kinlay, Scots Guards. Reverend James Kirk, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Aidan Kirkley, Durham Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Ronald Claude Yvonne Kirkpatrick, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant Cecil Orrin Kitchener, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Captain the Hon. Ronald Dudley Kitson , West Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Arnold Stuart Lambert, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Eric Noel Lambert, Yorkshire Regiment, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Philip Aislabie Landon, Essex Regiment. Captain Roger Palmer Landon, Royal Garrison Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Arthur Henry Jackson Lane, Welsh Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant William Aubrey Lane, Army Service Corps. Captain Algernon Philip York Langhorne , DSO , Royal Garrison Artillery. Quartermaster and Hon. Lieutenant Walter Langrish, Scottish Rifles. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Lieutenant) Leonard Erskine Lanham. Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant Arthur Whitley Lavarack, Royal Fusiliers. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Hugh Francis d'Assisi Stuart Law, Irish Guards. 2nd Lieutenant George Marcus Lawrence, Yeomanry. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant John Davies Lawrence, Machine Gun Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Harry Lawson-Jones, Welsh Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Claude Guy Leatham, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Albert George Lee , Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Anthony Langlois Bruce Lefroy, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain Henry Verdon Leonard, Cheshire Regiment (attached), formerly East Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Captain Herbert Christie Lepper, Army Service Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Henry Norman Letherby, Royal Engineers. Captain Reginald Letters, Cameron Highlanders. Captain Hugh Liddell, Northumberland Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Samuel Frederick Lilley, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. Quartermaster and Hon. Lieutenant William Thomas Lindop, London Regiment. Temporary Captain Albert Edward Lindsay, Army Service Corps. 2nd Lieutenant Alfred Stewart Lindsay, Royal Highlanders. Captain Henry Linton, MVO , Shropshire Light Infantry, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Archibald MacDonald Livingstone, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Conrad Bertie Lochner, South Wales Borderers. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Alfred Herbert John Lock, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Temporary Captain, Bedfordshire Regiment). Temporary 2nd Lieutenant John Hastie Logan, Royal Scots. Temporary Captain Frederick Edward Long, Liverpool Regiment. Temporary Captain George Norman Lorimer, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Captain Sydney Henry Lowry, Hertfordshire Regiment. Temporary Captain John Bell Lowthian, Border Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Humphrey William Herbert Lucas, General List, attached Middlesex Regiment. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Harry Basil Lumsden, Royal Scots, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain Robert Lumsden, Gordon Highlanders. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Arthur Michael Lupton, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain David Collier Lyell, Border Regiment. Lieutenant Alan David Macdonald, Lancashire Fusiliers. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Edgar Macdonald, Royal Field Artillery. Captain Harry Erskine Macfarlane, Hussars. Captain Angus Alexander Macfarlane-Grieve , Highland Light Infantry, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant John Murray Mackay, Royal Garrison Artillery. Lieutenant (acting Captain) James Oliphant Mackellar, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Macken, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant David Mackenzie, Gordon Highlanders. Temporary Captain John Tolmie MacKenzie, Royal Army Medical Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Kenneth Norman Mackenzie, Yeomanry. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Robert Wallace Mackinlay (Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, Territorial Force), attached Signal Company. 2nd Lieutenant James McLellan, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Norman Donald MacLeod, Royal Highlanders. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Robert Macleod, General List, formerly Seaforth Highlanders. Captain Roderick Macleod, Royal Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Alan James Macnab, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Special Reserve. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Robert Cumming Thomson Mair, Seaforth Highlanders. Captain Charles Harwood Manger, South Staffordshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Arthur Rivington Mangnall, Royal Engineers. Captain (Local) Arthur Pitcher Manning, Independent Telegraph Company. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Edward John Stanley Maples, Lincolnshire Regiment. 13786 Company Sergeant Major Arthur Marcer, Yorkshire Light Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant Maximilian John Jules Gabriel Mare-Montembault , Yeomanry and Royal Flying Corps. 12393 Company Sergeant Major Thomas Markey, South Lancashire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Horace Frost Marris, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Charles Bennett Marshall, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Ernest William Marshall, Somerset Light Infantry, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain John Scott Marshall, Royal Engineers, formerly Royal Marines. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Kenneth Marshall, East Surrey Regiment, Special Reserve. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Leslie William Martinnant, Rifle Brigade. 2nd Lieutenant Henry Claude Mason, East Surrey Regiment, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Kenneth Sydney Mason, Machine Gun Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Herbert Martin Massey , Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment and Royal Flying Corps. Captain Alexander Charles Masters, South Wales Borderers. Captain Stanley Mathews, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Lieutenant Colin Matson, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Horace Lionel Matthews, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Lieutenant) James Maxwell, Royal Irish Rifles. Temporary Lieutenant George Maycock, Royal Sussex Regiment. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain George Henry Mayhew. Honourable Artillery Company. Temporary Lieutenant Jasper Frederick Mayne, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Angus McCallum, East Kent Regiment, formerly Army Service Corps. 2nd Lieutenant Adam Edward Cliff McCulloch, South Lancashire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Albert Victor McDonald, Royal West Kent Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Cecil Thomas Jeffries McDowell, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain Henry McLaren, Royal Engineers (Lieutenant, Northern Signal Company, Royal Engineers). Lieutenant Seymour Bruce McMaster, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain Henry Meintjes , General List and Royal Flying Corps. Temporary Captain James Gerald Guy Mellor, Special List. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) John Leslie Mellor, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) David Leslie Melville, General List. Captain George David Melville, Welsh Regiment. Captain John Clifford Metcalfe, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. 2nd Lieutenant Richard Douglas Miles, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Audley Charles Hyde Millar, Yorkshire Regiment, Special Reserve. Lieutenant (now Acting Major) John Leonard Miller, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant William Miles Miller, Royal Engineers (Captain, Canadian Infantry). Temporary Captain Henry Joseph Milligan, MD , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Alfred Frank Mills, General List, formerly Devonshire Regiment. Temporary Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant William Smith Minchin, Royal Fusiliers. Captain James Robertson Mitchell, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant William Eric Marcus Mitchell, Royal Irish Rifles. Captain William McGregor Mitchell, Army Veterinary Corps. Captain William Nassan Molesworth, Manchester Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Henry Tobin Moll, Leinster Regiment, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Andrew Mitchell Montgomery, Yeomanry. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Frederick William Moore, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Francis William Moore, Devonshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Henry Moore, Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Kenneth Montgomery Moore. General List. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Robert Frank Moore, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Edgar Moreton, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant David Phillips Morgan, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) William Forsyth Morgan, Royal Garrison Artillery. Sub-Conductor (acting Conductor) Frederick George Morley, Advanced Ordnance Depot. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Herbert Harold Morrell, York and Lancaster Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Rowland Morris, General List. Lieutenant Robert Parry Morris, Royal Garrison Artillery. Lieutenant Martin James Morrison, Durham Light Infantry. Captain Reginald Seymour Moss-Blundell, Indian Army. 2nd Lieutenant (now Acting Major) George Moulder, Gloucestershire Regiment. 200067 Company Sergeant Major Wilfred Lawrence Moule, Worcestershire Regiment. Temporary Captain Morris Carswell Muir, Cameron Highlanders. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Harry Salmon Muir, Royal Highlanders. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Anthony John Muirhead , Yeomanry. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Cecil Francis Mullin, Royal Artillery. Reverend Donald Wynch Murray, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Captain Louis Gerald Murray, Gordon Highlanders. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Patrick Sampson Murray, General List. Lieutenant Duncan Innes Murray-Menzies, Royal Highlanders. Lieutenant Ernest Myatt, Royal Lancaster Regiment. 5375 Regimental Sergeant Major William Myers, Northumberland Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant Edward George Paul Nathan, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Frank Charles Gordon Naumann , Royal Horse Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Cyril Francis Naylor, Army Service Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Maurice Richard Neale, Advanced Ordnance Depot. Lieutenant (acting Captain) William Warwick Slade Crampton Neville, Grenadier Guards, Special Reserve. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Thomas Grindall Newbury, Lincolnshire Regiment. Captain Richard Ernest Upton Newman, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Robert Saunders Newton, Lancashire Fusiliers. Temporary Lieutenant Tressilian Charles Nicholas, General List. Temporary Captain Sidney Kenneth Nichols, General List, late Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Bertie Halcro Nicholson, RNVR . Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Ernest Beck Nicholson, Royal Scots. Temporary Lieutenant Edward Chambers Nicholson, Royal Berkshire Regiment. Captain Geoffrey Nicholson, Hampshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Randolph Nicholson, Royal Artillery. Temporary Captain Douglas John Nicol, Highland Light Infantry. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Percy Gordon Norman, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Frank Kendall Norman, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant Percy Gordon Norman, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Godfrey Oswald Norton, Liverpool Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Leslie Alan Notcutt, Royal Garrison Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Gordon Wright Nowell-Usticke, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Robert Edwin Oakley, Bedfordshire Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Henry William O'Brien, Honourable Artillery Company. Reverend Peter O'Farrell, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Temporary Captain Edgar Francis Orford, South Wales Borderers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Ormrod, Lancashire Fusiliers. Temporary Lieutenant Gordon Biddulph Orr, Royal Garrison Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) James Orrell, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain George Owen, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain John Corbett Owen, South Wales Borderers. Temporary Captain Cecil Grantham Page, Border Regiment. Temporary Captain Edmund Page, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant James Chrichton Pain, Devonshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Sydney Arthur Palk, Lancashire Fusiliers. Captain Herbert Estill Eyre Pankhurst, Dragoon Guards. Captain Archibald Charles Melvill Paris , Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Reginald Frank Parker, Manchester Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Theodore Henry George Parker, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant Hugh Parkes, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant Thomas Gerrard Parkes, Worcestershire Regiment. Reverend Ellis Foster Edge Partington, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Paul Mervyn Pascall, Middlesex Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Basil Conquest Pascoe, Rifle Brigade. Captain Matthew Wallace Paterson, Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. Reverend James Gilbert Paton, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Egerton Payne, Liverpool Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Walter Josiah Pearse, Royal Horse Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Noel Murray Pearson, Yeomanry. Temporary Captain Geoffrey Peirson, General List. Temporary Lieutenant Guy Edward Pelham-Clinton, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Christopher Pepys, Devonshire Regiment. Captain Geoffrey James Francis Percival, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Aeneas Francis Quinton Perkins, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Cecil Ernest Philcox, South Staffordshire Regiment. Temporary 2ud Lieutenant Clarence Arnold Phillips, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain Leonard Norman Phillips, West Riding Regiment. Captain (now acting Major) Charles Constantine Phipps, Royal Engineers. Captain Harold Ernest Pickering, West Yorkshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (now acting Major) Patrick John Tottenham Pickthall, Royal Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Julian Ito Piggott , General List. Lieutenant Thomas Beattie Carline Piggott, Lancashire Fusiliers, Special Reserve. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant James Norris Herbert Pimm, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain Joseph Pitts, Special List. Temporary Lieutenant Leonard Arthur Walter Pitts, Army Service Corps. Temporary Captain Arthur Starkie Plant, Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Captain Matthew George Platts (Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve). Captain John Chicheley Plowden, Shropshire Light Infantry. Captain Harold Pochin, South Staffordshire Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Hassard Hume Pollock, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Decimus Pope, Hussars, attached Royal Engineers Signal Service. Temporary Captain Richard Ewhurst Porter, Army Service Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Charles Powell, AMIEE , Royal Engineers. Lieutenant Frank Hugh Swanwick Pownall, Royal Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Robert William Preston, Gordon Highlanders. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain Frederick Thomas Prichard, Coldstream Guards. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Harry Pride, Middlesex Regiment. Temporary Captain Ralph Broomfield Pritchard, Northumberland Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Robert Arthur Welsford Proctor, Royal Army Medical Corps. 5379 Sergeant Major Arthur Pugh, Royal Scots. Temporary Captain Alec Walter Puttick, Royal West Kent Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Winthrop Pyemont, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain Herbert Alfred Braine Quare, General List. Captain Joseph Patrick Quinn, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Cairns Rae, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Lieutenant) John Arthur Raine, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Robert Rainie, Royal Scots Fusiliers. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Henry Montgomerie Ramsay Fairfax-Lucy , Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Martin Ravenscroft, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Stanley Read, Middlesex Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Herbert Redden, East Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Captain Arthur Edward Redfern, General List. Reverend Timothy Rees , Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) William Hayden Rees, Royal Engineers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Harry Conway Redgrave, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Ernest William Reeve, East Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Robert Alexander Rendall, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Temporary Lieutenant William Herbert Reynolds, General List. Temporary Captain William Kenneth Armstrong Richards, Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Captain Adolphus Noah Richardson, Machine Gun Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Percy Harold Richardson, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain George Lawton Ridout, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) George William Frederick Ridout-Evans, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Charles Gordon Ritchie, Highland Light Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant John Roake, Lancashire Fusiliers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant William Reginald Roberson, Army Service Corps. 2nd Lieutenant Vivian Godwin Robert, Indian Army Reserve of Officers. Temporary Captain Donald Edward Roberts, Yorkshire Light Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Enos Herbert Glynne Roberts, Liverpool Regiment. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Frank Maurice Roberts, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) George Goodden Roberts, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Harry Roberts, Royal Sussex Regiment. Temporary Captain Harold Charles Went Roberts, Middlesex Regiment. Captain Horace George Victor Roberts, Middlesex Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Colin John Trevelyan Robertson, Advanced Ordnance Depot. Temporary Captain Duncan Robertson, Lancashire Fusiliers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Frank Leslie Robertson, General List. Temporary Captain (now Temporary Major) Malcolm Robertson, General List, formerly West Riding Regiment. Quartermaster and Hon. Captain Albert Robinson, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Captain Alfred Conrad Robinson, South Lancashire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant John Scott Robinson, East Lancashire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Norman Vaughan Robinson, East Surrey Regiment. Bde. Captain Alexander James Rodger, Royal Scots Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Ernest Arthur Wingrove Rogers, Royal Horse Artillery, Special Reserve. Quartermaster and Hon. Lieutenant Thomas Ross, Scots Guards. Temporary Captain George Francis Rothschild, Royal Sussex Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant William George Round, Worcestershire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Brian Walton Rowe, Cambridgeshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant John Wilkinson Foster Rowe, Royal West Kent Regiment, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant Stafford Basil Ritchie Rudkin, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Gerald Cyril Russell, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant John Hayne Russell, Welsh Regiment. Reverend Ernest Perkins St. John, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Temporary Captain Geoffrey Robert St. John, Royal Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Ian Cuthbertson Sanderson, Royal Highlanders. Temporary Captain Harry Sargent, Lincolnshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Basil Ashby Saunders, West Yorkshire Regiment. Captain Cornelius James Saunders, London Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Franklin Geoffrey Saunders , General List and Royal Flying Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Louis Christian Schiller , Lincolnshire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Hubert Scholes, Royal Engineers. Captain David Jobson Scott, Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Captain Austin Edward Scott-Murray, General List. Temporary Captain Alec Graham Scougal, Royal Scots. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Guy Walsh Blackburn Scratton, Indian Army. Captain Charles Frederick Searle, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant George Searle, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Temporary Captain William Sebag-Montefiore, General List. Captain Henry Norton Seed, East Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Eric Francis Sellars, Cheshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Hatherley Bruce Selous, Royal West Surrey Regiment and Royal Flying Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Donald Farquharson Seth-Smith, King's African Rifles. Temporary Captain Albert Davis Sharp, MD , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Alfred Shaw, Middlesex Regiment. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant John Shaw, East Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Captain James Dykes Shearer, Royal Lancaster Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant John James Sheppard, London Regiment. Lieutenant Harry Purvis Sherwood, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Eric Ashley Shipton, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Stanley Howard Shoveller , Rifle Brigade. Temporary Lieutenant Charles Hope Sleigh, Special List. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Henry Slingsby, Yeomanry. Lieutenant Henry Laurence Slingsby, Yorkshire Light Infantry. Temporary Lieutenant George Somerville Smail, Seaforth Highlanders. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Arthur Russell Smith, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Alfred Travers Fairtlough Smith, Army Service Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant John Adams Smith, Northumberland Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Leonard John Smith, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) William Smyth, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Sydney Snell, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant Robert Thomas Stuart Sneyd, Indian Army. Reserve of Officers. Temporary Captain Ronald Augustin Sommerville, Somerset Light Infantry. 1106 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) Thomas Sordy, Durham Light Infantry. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Sebastian Sorrell, Manchester Regiment, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain Archibald Graham Spark, Yorkshire Light Infantry. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Samuel Sparrow, Territorial Reserve, attached Manchester Regiment. 300 Company Sergeant Major Frank Speller, Machine Gun Guards. 2nd Lieutenant Leslie John Spencer, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant (now Temporary Major) Claude Meyer Spielman, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Miles Staveley, Royal Horse Artillery. Temporary Captain Edward John Stead, Royal Engineers. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Geoffrey Henry Stead, General List. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Eric Steele, Manchester Regiment. Temporary Captain Frederick William Stephen, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant Charles Robert Stephens, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Lieutenant) Frank Percival Stephens, South Staffordshire Regiment, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Christopher Stephenson, Northumberland Fusiliers. Captain Harold Stephenson, Army Veterinary Corps. Captain Alexander John Stephenson-Fetherstonhaugh, Worcestershire Regiment. Lieutenant Herbert Frank Stevens, East Kent Regiment. Temporary Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, 2nd Class and Temporary Honorary Captain Robert Stevenson, Army Ordnance Department. Temporary Captain Charles Edward Stewart, Durham Light Infantry. Captain Robert Montagu Stewart-Richardson, Hussars. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Eustace Dupuis Henchman Stocker, Liverpool Regiment. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Vere Gordon Stokes, Royal Berkshire Regiment. Captain Montagu George North Stopford , Rifle Brigade. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) John Stratton Storrar, Royal Field Artillery. Surgeon Captain Eric Gleason Storrs, Rhodesian Medical Service. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Leonard Arthur Watson Stower, Army Ordnance Department. Temporary Lieutenant Reginald Edward Stradling, Royal Engineers. 938 Sergeant Major Albert Strickland, Royal Fusiliers. Reverend John L. Stuart, DD , Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Temporary Captain Harold Saunderson Sugars, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Douglas Victor Sutherst, Royal West Kent Regiment. Temporary Captain Eric Montagu Tabor, Royal Engineers. Captain Douglas Hervey Talbot, Lancers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Leonard Lane Talbot, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Guy Richard Tamplin, Royal Garrison Artillery. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Alfred William Taylor, West Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Godfrey Midgley Chassereau Taylor, Royal Engineers (late Royal Marine Light Infantry). Temporary Captain James Harry Taylor, FRCVS , Army Veterinary Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) John Henry Taylor, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) John Teague, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Jabez Teece, Grenadier Guards. Captain Oskar Teichmann, Royal Army Medical Corps. 2nd Lieutenant James Tennant, Cameron Highlanders. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Eric William Tetley, South Lancashire Regiment. Temporary Captain John Walter Francis Thelwall, General List. 2nd Lieutenant Robert Alexander Hastings Thomas, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Arnold John Thompson, Scots Guards, Special Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Geoffrey Barry Poole Thompson, Royal Engineers. Captain Arthur Yalden Graham Thomson, Cameron Highlanders. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Spencer Thomson, Royal Fusiliers. Temporary Captain Walter Edward Thornhill, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Thomas Percy Thyne, Hampshire Regiment. Captain Wilberforce Onslow Times, Hertfordshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant William Tolchard, Royal Garrison Artillery. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Tong, North Lancashire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Thomas Harry Tooze, Worcestershire Regiment. Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Colin Pell Tosh, Royal Engineers. Captain Lionel Henry Torin, Shropshire Light Infantry. Captain Clarence Henry Southgate Townsend, Army Veterinary Corps. Reverend Horace Crawford Townsend, Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Alfred Tozer, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain John Francis Fellowes Trelawny, Special List. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) John Daniel Tremlett, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Captain William Langton Trench, West Yorkshire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Harris Stephens Triscott, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant John George Troup, Gordon Highlanders. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Henry Charles Tuckfield, General Last. Temporary Captain John Taylor Tulloch, Highland Light Infantry. Temporary Captain Francis Gordon Turner, General List. Captain John Walter Turner, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. Temporary Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant John Tutt, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant Frank Tanfield Vachell, Royal Field Artillery. Captain Ralph Peter Varwell, Royal Irish Rifles. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) John Henry Vernall, Army Ordnance Department. Lieutenant Anthony John Vernon, Royal Irish Fusiliers. Captain Naunton George Vertue, East Kent Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Edgar Villa, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Alec Waley, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant Bertram William George Walker, Indian Army. 2798 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) Frederick Walker, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Gavin Knox Walker, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Gilbert Kingsley Walker, Royal Engineers. Captain Howard Napier Walker, Welsh Regiment. Captain Charles Talbot Joseph Gerard Walmsley, Yeomanry. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Leslie Arthur Walton, Welsh Regiment. Temporary Captain William Bunting Wamsley, MB , Royal Army Medical Corps. 7263 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant) Francis Wannop, Scottish Rifles. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Douglas John Ward, Royal Berkshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Charles Henry Warner, General List. Temporary Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Richard Waterhouse, Manchester Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Walter Archibald Parker Watson, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Donald Paul Watson, Reserve of Officers, late 2nd Dragoons. 265039 (formerly 611) Company Sergeant Major Harry Watts, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Fawcitt Wayman, Durham Light Infantry. Temporary Lieutenant Alfred Owen Tudor Webb, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Charles William Vincent Webb, Shropshire Light Infantry. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Robert Weir, Royal Engineers. Captain (now Temporary Major) Bertram de Weltden Weldon (retired), General List. Temporary Lieutenant Herbert John Wellingham, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant Andrew Wemyss, Royal Scots. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Jesse West, South Staffordshire Regiment, Special Reserve. 6524 Sergeant Major Wilfred Charles Weston, Royal Berkshire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Alfred Burden Wharton, Royal West Surrey Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant Henry Harold Wheatley, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) James Edgar Walsh Wheatley, Royal Garrison Artillery (Special Reserve). Captain Lawder Thomas Whelan, Royal Army Medical Corps. Captain Frank Whitaker, East Kent Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) George White, Northumberland Fusiliers. Captain James Lumsden Colvin White, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Robert Whymper, General List. 2nd Lieutenant Jocelyn James Wilcox. Somerset Light Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant Norman Wild, Royal Garrison Artillery, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant Sydney Herbert Wilkes, Worcestershire Regiment. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) acting Flight Commander Eric Russell Wilkinson, General List, and Royal Flying Corps. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Maurice Hewson Wilkinson, Royal Engineers. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Benjamin Williams, Yorkshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant George Charles Sandford Williams, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant Herbrand Alfred Collman Williams, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Dan Hugh Willis, Royal Warwickshire. Regiment Captain Graham Horace Wilmer, Essex Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Ernest George Willmore, Royal Garrison Artillery, Special Reserve. Captain (now Temporary Major) Thomas Ernest Wills, Army Service Corps. Temporary Lieutenant Alexander Wilson, East Yorkshire Regiment. Captain Cyril Spencer Wilson, Royal Engineers. Captain Edward Rickard Carew Wilson, Royal Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Henry Arthur Wilson, Royal Field Artillery. Captain John St. George Wilson, Royal Army Medical Corps. Captain Percival Alexander Wilson, Reserve of Officers, late Royal West Kent Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Samuel Brammer Wilton, North Staffordshire Regiment. Temporary Captain Charles William Wingrove, Royal Lancaster Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Norman Winter, Royal Sussex Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant (acting Captain) Thomas Ralph Okeden Winwood, Royal Field Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant Evelyn Victor Wood, Machine Gun Corps. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Harry Alison Wood , Royal Flying Corps, Special Reserve. 2nd Lieutenant John Dane Woodall , Royal Garrison Artillery. Temporary Captain Coventry William Woodhouse, Intelligence Corps. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Laurence Archibald Woodley, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Special Reserve. Temporary Captain Arthur Graham Woods, Machine Gun Corps. 2nd Lieutenant Ernest Benjamin Woollan, Honourable Artillery Company. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Frederick George Worlock , London Regiment. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Percy Charles Wort, East Kent Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Arthur James Wright, Northamptonshire Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Geoffrey Lowndes Wright, Royal Field Artillery. Captain William Girvan Wright, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Lieutenant Robert Charles Wynter, Worcestershire Regiment. Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Robert Yates, Royal Engineers. Temporary Captain Harold Elvery Yeo, Yorkshire Light Infantry. Lieutenant Bernard Keith Young, Royal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant John Allan Young, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant (acting Captain) Henry Shedden Baring Young, Royal Garrison Artillery, Special Reserve. Australian Imperial Force Lieutenant Edward Adams, Infantry. Captain Hector Ernest Bastin, Infantry. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant David Baxter, Infantry. Lieutenant Samuel Beddie, Infantry. Lieutenant Leslie Coates Bell, Camel Corps, formerly Light Horse Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant Thomas Hewitt Boyd, Infantry. Lieutenant Roy Brown, Infantry. Lieutenant Norman John Browne, Infantry. Lieutenant William Buchan, Infantry. Lieutenant James Hattill Cartwright, Engineers. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Percy James Cloke, Infantry. Lieutenant Andrew Twynam Cunningham, Machine Gun Squadron. Captain William Robert Davidson, Infantry. 2359 Company Sergeant Major Francis James Doherty, Infantry. Captain Geoffrey Drake-Brockman , Engineers. Reverend Francis Henry Durnford, Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Lieutenant Walter Henry East, Artillery. Lieutenant Frederic Garnett Farlow, Light Horse Regiment. Captain Timothy Bernard Farrell, Infantry. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) William Ellis Freeman, Infantry. Captain Leslie George Fussell, Infantry. Captain Maxwell Gore, Infantry. 470 Regimental Sergeant Major George Guthrie, Infantry. Captain Thomas Hastie, Infantry. Captain Philip Llewellyn Howell-Price, DSO , Infantry. Captain Wilfrid Selwyn Kent Hughes , Light Horse Regiment. Captain Sydney Arthur Hunn, Infantry. Captain Harold Woodford Johnson, Infantry. Captain George Edward Knox, Infantry. Captain Thomas Stene Louch, Infantry. Lieutenant Arthur Henry Lyddall, Pioneer Battalion. Captain Walter Paton McCallum, Infantry. Captain Frank McLean, Infantry. Lieutenant Ernest Henry Whitford Mills, Camel Battalion. Captain Albert Mitchell, Machine Gun Corps. Captain Hugh William Fancourt Mitchell, Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Henry Herbert Morrell, Infantry. Captain Kenneth Basil Muirson, Machine Gun Corps. Temporary Captain Roy Dadson Mulvey, Trench Mortar Battery. Captain Tom Oswald Nicholls, Machine Gun Corps. Captain Reginald Havill Norman , Infantry. Captain John Edward Orr, Pioneer Battalion. Lieutenant Frank Page, Infantry. Captain Percy George Rupert Parkes, Infantry. Captain George James Richards, Infantry. Captain George Seabourne Robinson, Army Medical Corps. Captain William Ross, Cyclist Battalion. Lieutenant Leslie Charles Burnett Smith, Infantry. Captain Percival Lascelles Smith, Infantry. Captain Vernon Earle Smythe, Infantry. Captain Henry Morton Tatham, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant Robert Harold Thomson, Artillery. Captain Joseph Hilton Tuckett, Army Ordnance Corps. Captain Charles Trevor Turner, Army Medical Corps. Captain Eric Lacey Vowles , Artillery. Captain Frederick Lawrence Wall, Army Medical Corps. Captain Robert Jonathan Wallis, Infantry. Captain Clement Robert Walsh, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant Richard Charles Webb, Machine Gun Corps. Captain Robert Joseph Webster, Army Service Corps. Captain Charles Morrice Williams, Infantry. Captain Charles Robert Victor Wright, Camel Battalion. Canadian Forces Captain Allan Anderson Aitken, Infantry. Lieutenant Andrew Lusk Anderson, Field Artillery. Lieutenant Ronald Arthurs, Infantry. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Harold Othneil Bennett, Artillery. Captain David Christie Black, Infantry. Captain Frank Morgan Bressey, Infantry. Captain Beverly W. Browne, Infantry. Captain Harry Tredennick Cock, Royal Canadian Regiment. Captain Howard Alfred Lome Conn. Lieutenant Roger Christopher Croly, Engineers. Captain Alexander Topp Davidson, Field Artillery. Lieutenant Henry Thomas Deane, Infantry. Lieutenant Henry George Dimsdale, Infantry. Lieutenant Harry Dudley-Waters, Engineers. Lieutenant Leo Manners Duval, Engineers. Lieutenant Edward Phillips Fetherstonhaugh, Engineers. Captain William Burton Forster, Infantry. Lieutenant Charles Hieland Barnett Garland, Artillery. Captain William Stephenson Goodeve, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Logan Gray, Mounted Rifles. Captain Richard Henry Moore Hardisty, Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Frederick Robert Henshaw, Engineers. Honorary Captain Channel Galbraith Hepburn, Canadian Chaplain Service. Temporary Captain Ernest Hudson Holland, Motor Machine Gun Brigade. Captain Charles Burton Hornby, Infantry. Lieutenant William Jesse Edward Howard, Infantry. Captain Ashley Cooper Cornell Johnston, Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Frederick Graham Johnston, Artillery. Captain James Colin Kemp, Infantry. Captain David Kyle, Army Service Corps. Captain Arthur Gorham Lawson, Divisional Signal Company. Lieutenant (acting Captain) John Wentworth Lewis, Mounted Rifles. Captain James McKerras MacDonnell , Field Artillery. Lieutenant Athol Herridge MacFarlane, Mounted Rifles. Lieutenant Douglas Neil McCallum, Field Artillery. Lieutenant Frederick Stanley McPherson, Engineers. Captain Arthur Leonard Mieville, Engineers. Captain Percival Molson . Lieutenant Frederick Garth Morse, Field Artillery. Lieutenant Dean Newton, Infantry. Lieutenant (acting Captain) Frederick James O'Leary. Lieutenant James Collins Farish Owen, Canadian Local Forces, and Royal Flying Corps. Lieutenant Leslie Frank Pearce, Infantry. Lieutenant Thomas Escott Ryder, Artillery. Lieutenant Allan Nye Scott, Engineers. Lieutenant Mathew Henry Scott, Field Artillery. Lieutenant William Arthur Steel , Engineers. Captain Albert Newton Stirrett, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Charles Goldie Sutherland, Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant Andrew Cecil Meredith Thomson, Infantry. Captain William George Turner, Army Medical Corps. Captain Hugh MacDonell Wallis, Infantry. Lieutenant Karl Weatherbe, Engineers. Lieutenant Alfred Cyril White. Lieutenant James Alexander Gordon White, Cavalry. 54340 Regimental Sergeant Major William John White, Infantry. Lieutenant Charles Kenneth Whittaker, Field Artillery. Egyptian Army El Mulazim Tani Ahmed Effendi Abd El Wahab Beheiri, Egyptian Army. El Mulazim Awal Mahfuz Effendi Nada, Artillery, Egyptian Army. Yuzbashi Wadia Effendi Tanuis Ghusn, Medical Corps, Egyptian Army. New Zealand Forces Captain Harold Eric Barrowclough . 2nd Lieutenant Charles Wynne Chilcott, N.Z. Engineers. 4/1121 Lieutenant Guy Shackburgh Collyns, N.Z. Engineers. Lieutenant George Dittmer, N.Z. Force. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Robert Paul Harper. Captain Dudley Kettle, N.Z. Force. 2nd Lieutenant Stuart Gordon McDonald, N.Z. Force. 2nd Lieutenant John Alexander McQueen, N.Z. Force. Captain Frederick Hector Edward Morgan. 13/528 Squadron Sergeant Major William Palmer, Mounted Rifles. Lieutenant Harry Archer Potvine, N.Z. Army Service Corps. Captain Robert Gleadow Purdy, N.Z. Staff Corps. Captain Aubrey Vincent Short, N.Z. Medical Corps. Lieutenant Herbert Simmonds, N.Z. Force. 2nd Lieutenant Wilfred Fosbery Stilwell, N.Z. Divisional Signal Company. Lieutenant Mervyn Roy Walker, N.Z. Force. Captain Herbert Henry Whyte, N.Z. Field Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Edward Gordon Williams, Mounted Rifles. Captain Richard William Wrightson, N.Z. Force. South African Forces Captain Fritz Baumann Adler, South African Field Artillery. Captain Rudolph John Bell, South African Service Corps. Captain Edgar Frederick Bradstock. Captain Ferdinand Lindley Augustus Buchanan , South African Infantry. 2nd Lieutenant Frederick William Severine Burton, South African Infantry. Lieutenant Dennis St. John Clowes, South African Field Artillery. Captain William Charles Cock, South African Forces. Temporary Captain Stephanus Nicolaus Cronje, 1st South African Rifles. Temporary Captain Joseph Atkinson Dingwall, Royal Engineers. Captain Dudley Fenn. South African Service Corps. Temporary Lieutenant David Joshua Hamer. Captain Edgar Henry Malachi Hardiman, South African Infantry. Captain Leonard Norman Hay, South African Infantry. Captain Andrew George Hendri, British South African Police. Captain Frederick Ernest Jackson, South African Signal Company. Captain Stanley Conway John, South African Rifles. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Hugh Marston Ladell, South African Service Corps. Captain Robert Patrick McNeill, South African Medical Corps. 2nd Lieutenant Neville William Methven, South African Sharpshooters. Captain George James Moore, South African Engineering Corps. Lieutenant (now Temporary Major) Montague Headland Pike, South African Mounted Regiment. Temporary Captain George Herbert Bonsier Raymond, South African Forces. Captain Adrian Murray Robertson, South African Service Corps. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) James Robertson, South African Infantry. Captain Charles Duncan Cogwell Smuts, South African Service Corps. Temporary Captain Leslie Francis Sprenger, South African Infantry. Captain Francis Trant Stevens, British South African Police. Lieutenant Harold Swifte, South African Mounted Rifles. Captain Reginald Tomlinson, South African Infantry. Captain Daniel Peter Wessel Van Zyl, South African Engineering Corps. Captain (now Temporary Major) Chaplain William Hall Watson, South African Chaplain's Department. Captain Percival Frederick Foylan White, South African Infantry. Lieutenant Thomas H. Wilson, South African Engineering Corps.
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) 1867 Acting Regimental Sergeant Major J. Adams, King's Royal Rifle Corps, attached London Regiment. 200024 Sergeant R. Adamson, Royal Lancaster Regiment, attached Trench Mortar Battery. 139244 Sergeant W. Aitken, Royal Engineers. 75733 Sapper F. Alcock, Royal Engineers. 60741 Battery Sergeant Major F. Allen, Royal Field Artillery. 10054 Lance Corporal P. Allford, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 3813 Staff Sergeant Major C. C. Ambrose, Lancers. 16/416 Company Quartermaster Sergeant H. S. Armstrong, Northumberland Fusiliers. 63893 Driver (acting Bombardier) F. Arnold, Royal Field Artillery. 66940 Sergeant C. Baldwin, Royal Engineers. 10616 Company Sergeant Major J. Banbridge, Middlesex Regiment. 51037 Corporal R. Barham, Royal Garrison Artillery. 67224 Gunner A. Barlow, Royal Garrison Artillery. 10145 Company Sergeant Major F. Barnard, Royal Sussex Regiment. 23307 Sergeant W. J. Barnes, Royal Engineers. 13/26 Company Sergeant Major R. Barr, Royal Irish Rifles. 18830 Sergeant F. Bell, Royal Army Medical Corps. 19693 Corporal W. Bell, Northumberland Fusiliers. 2112 Private H. Bill, Leinster Regiment. 8066 Company Sergeant Major H. Bingham, Manchester Regiment. 28523 Battery Sergeant Major J. Bissett, Royal Garrison Artillery. 3273 Sergeant H. W. Botting, Royal Garrison Artillery. 10601 Private E. Brady, Royal Irish Fusiliers. 15895 Private E. Brewer, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. 55789 Bombardier P. Brick, Royal Garrison Artillery. 6776 Quartermaster Sergeant F. Brown, York and Lancaster Regiment. 52261 Sergeant-Major G. W. Brown, Royal Engineers. 8754 Sergeant-Major H. Brown, Lancashire Fusiliers Battery. 8726 Battery Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) W. E. Brown, Royal Garrison Artillery. 106218 Battery Sergeant Major Edwin George Curry Bryant, Royal Field Artillery. A/773 Company Sergeant Major A. G. Bull, King's Royal Rifle Corps. 3322 Sergeant J. H. Bullock, Royal Field Artillery. 5502 Quartermaster Sergeant H. Burfeind, Essex Regiment. 13340 Company Sergeant Major J. Burns, Royal Scots Fusiliers. S/2946 Company Sergeant Major R Burns, Seaforth Highlanders. 200008 Acting Regimental Sergeant Major W. Burt, Middlesex Regiment (formerly 207). 8634 Sergeant W. Burtoft, Yorkshire Light Infantry. 2275 Acting Company Sergeant Major G. Brown, Royal Highlanders. 645183 Corporal D. Campbell, Royal Field Artillery. 1039 Sergeant A. Clark, Motor Machine Gun Corps. S/3799 Sergeant W. Clark, Royal Highlanders. 782 Company Sergeant Major A. Clarke, Manchester Regiment. 21879 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant F. Clarke, Royal Field Artillery. 55606 Bombardier (acting Corporal) G. Clarke, Royal Garrison Artillery. 27415 Wheelwright Corporal W. Clarke, Royal Field Artillery. 18107 Private W. Clarke, Royal Berkshire Regiment. 94403 Sergeant T. E. Clavey. Royal Field Artillery. 66739 Sergeant W. Clow, Royal Garrison Artillery. 101154 2nd Corporal (acting Corporal) T. Colclough, Royal Engineers. 241643 Sergeant H. Coleman, Gloucestershire Regiment (formerly 4754). 9636 Sergeant H. Coles, Gloucestershire Regiment. 39434 Driver J. N. Collard, Royal Field Artillery. 9629 Corporal B. Colley, Royal West Surrey Regiment. 8511 Sergeant J. Collins, Royal Berkshire Regiment. S13778 Private J. Cook, Rifle Brigade. 1852 Battery Sergeant Major A. G. Cooper. Royal Garrison Artillery. 99823 Battery Sergeant Major J. H. Cooper, Royal Garrison Artillery. S/43205 Private G. Cormack. Gordon Highlanders. 15015 Acting Sergeant H. Cornwell. Somerset Light Infantry. 200552 Sergeant W. G. Cox, London Regiment (formerly 2235). L/10522 Sergeant B. Crossby, Royal Fusiliers. 35426 Acting Battery Sergeant Major J. Cumming, Royal Field Artillery. 240854 Sergeant P. B. Cummings, Gloucestershire Regiment (formerly 2921). 3678 Sergeant H. D. H. Cummins, Rifle Brigade. 450 Company Sergeant Major Instructor J. Curley, Army Gymnastic Staff. 2372 Sergeant J. T. Curley, Lancashire Fusiliers. 17937 Private F. Darby, Worcestershire Regiment. R/5633 Sergeant Major A. Davies, King's Royal Rifle Corps. RMA/9996 Acting Battery Sergeant-Major W. Davis, attached South African Heavy Artillery. 9288 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) S. Dawkins, Royal Engineers. 46358 Corporal A. C. Dean, Manchester Regiment. G/19394 Sergeant E. Dean, Middlesex Regiment. 22185 Private F. L. Dickinson, Durham Light Infantry. 6642 Sergeant H. Disney, Machine Gun Corps. 14/1048 Sergeant-Major G. F. Downes, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 8221 Sergeant-Major J. Duke, Border Regiment. 230854 Company Sergeant Major A. E. Easthope, London Regiment (formerly 2868). 20/1563 Corporal T. Easton, Northumberland Fusiliers. 62074 Driver C. Edmonds, Royal Field Artillery. 52905 Company Sergeant Major J. Edwards, Royal Engineers. 53465 Sergeant P. Edwards, Royal Field Artillery. 18447 Acting Sergeant T. Edwards, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 14581 Corporal W. Edwards, Royal Field Artillery. 51070 Sergeant-Major J. W. Embleton, Royal Field Artillery. 203128 Sergeant J. Eunson, West Yorkshire Regiment (formerly 6494). 7656 Sergeant J. C. Farmer, Lincolnshire Regiment. 32727 Sapper H. W. Fiddy, Royal Engineers. 8261 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) W. C. Field, South Lancashire Regiment. 13339 Sergeant E. S. Fitch, Lincolnshire Regiment. 848 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) G. H. Floater, King's Royal Rifle Corps. 18/215 Sergeant J. Forsyth, Northumberland Fusiliers. 4/8307 Corporal (acting Sergeant) G. Galloway, West Yorkshire Regiment. S/18846 Private D. Gait, Cameron Highlanders. 12970 Private J. G. Gardner, Durham Light Infantry. 29970 Sergeant J. P. Garvey, Royal Engineers. 41095 Sergeant Sydney Walter Johnson Geard, Machine Gun Corps. 9322 Sergeant E. Gent, Dorsetshire Regiment. 240428 Sergeant T. G. Goodchild, Lincolnshire Regiment (formerly 2304). 12337 Sergeant C. B. Green, Manchester Regiment. 1660 Flight Sergeant G. Greenfield, Royal Flying Corps. 59596 Company Sergeant Major D. Greenstock, Royal Engineers. 11982 Corporal F. Greenway, Worcestershire Regiment. 5404 Sergeant-Major P. Grieve, East Yorkshire Regiment. 18/407 Signal Sergeant G. W. Halstead, West Yorkshire Regiment. 12833 Sergeant-Major J. E. Hanney, Royal Field Artillery. 6887 Company Sergeant Major H. F. Hammersley, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. 37686 Lance Corporal (acting Sergeant) H. Harmer, Royal Engineers. 15149 Sergeant H. Hartley, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 27528 Sergeant H. S. Harvey, Royal Garrison Artillery. 8/13320 Corporal J. C. Harvey, South Staffordshire Regiment. 11842 Sergeant-Major S. Harvey, Cheshire Regiment. 30603 Battery Sergeant Major Alfred Charles Hayhoe, Royal Garrison Artillery. 51657 Corporal E. W. Haynes, Royal Horse Artillery. 305010 Company Sergeant Major E. Haywood, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment (formerly No. 517). 59914 Sergeant L. Hefford, Royal Field Artillery. 127360 Gunner E. Hemingway, Royal Field Artillery. 1393 Company Quartermaster Sergeant T. Henderson, Gordon Highlanders. 2984 Company Quartermaster Sergeant A. Herbertson, South Staffordshire Regiment. 89597 Sapper (acting Corporal) J. Hill, Royal Engineers. 240013 Company Sergeant Major J. R. Hill, Leicestershire Regiment (formerly 534). T/14874 (acting Staff Sergeant Major) Staff Sergeant Major F. Hoad, Army Service Corps. 11468 Sergeant D. Hoare, Northumberland Fusiliers. 240041 Company Sergeant Major H. Holland, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment (formerly no. 456). 310471 Corporal W. Hopkins, Royal Garrison Artillery. 58230 Bombardier W. Horner, Royal Garrison Artillery. M2/033691 Private (acting Sergeant) Frank Vautier Houchen, Army Service Corps. 10016 Sergeant A. E. Howard, Bedfordshire Regiment. 6166 Sergeant B. Hubbard, West Yorkshire Regiment. 20270 Company Sergeant Major J. Hudson, Liverpool Regiment. 22126 Company Sergeant Major G. H. Hunter. Liverpool Regiment. 32495 Company Sergeant Major W. J. Incledon, Royal Lancaster Regiment. 10091 Lance Corporal J. A. Ironside, Royal Scots Fusiliers. 8040 Sergeant A. E. Janaway, Dorsetshire Regiment. 21835 Company Quartermaster Sergeant P. Jarvis, Machine Gun Corps. 41179 Bombardier A. Jones, Royal Field Artillery. 8510 Lance Sergeant E. Jones, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 63550 Sergeant F. Jordan, Royal Field Artillery. S/681 Private G. H. Keeling, Rifle Brigade. 1366 Corporal (acting Sergeant) C. S. Kenward, Royal Sussex Regiment. 13028 Lance Sergeant J. W. Kimberley, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. 279 Flight Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) C. E. King, Royal Flying Corps. 230745 Quartermaster Sergeant J. E. Lagden, London Regiment (formerly No. 2656). 20384 Corporal W. Lamond, Machine Gun Corps. 1657 Lance Corporal C. Lane, Lancers. 1908 Corporal E. Langridge, Royal Flying Corps. 700295 Company Sergeant Major F. A. Langton, London Regiment (formerly No. 1968). 8953 Company Sergeant Major E. Latham, North Staffordshire Regiment. 8563 Sergeant E. Lea, Royal West Surrey Regiment. 21522 Sergeant G. Lee, Machine Gun Corps. 23884 Acting Regimental Sergeant Major C. Lewis, Welsh Regiment. 1583 Gunner (acting Bombardier) H. E. Lewis, Royal Field Artillery. 110751 Bombardier S. Linton, Royal Field Artillery. 14763 Corporal J. Locker, West Yorkshire Regiment. 22187 Sergeant-Major C. W. Macey, Suffolk Regiment. 390569 Company Sergeant Major E. T. Mackenna, London Regiment (formerly No. 2740). 250089 Sergeant S. Maddison, Durham Light Infantry (formerly No. 1757). 9577 Company Sergeant Major J. Magee, Royal Irish Rifles. 10588 Sergeant T. Mallett, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. 100566 Lance Corporal (acting Sergeant) F. Marsh, Royal Engineers. 20092 Sergeant G. Martin, Northumberland Fusiliers. 9578 Corporal (acting Sergeant) A. Mason, Bedfordshire Regiment. 85209 Lance Corporal (acting 2nd Corporal) E. Mason, Royal Engineers. M2/130588 Private T. C. Mason, Army Service Corps. 200411 Company Sergeant Major C. H. Masters, Lincolnshire Regiment (formerly No. 2322). 19936 Sergeant F. McGann, Yorkshire Regiment. 89747 Bombardier J. McNicol, Royal Field Artillery. 8943 Lance Sergeant H. Melham, South Wales Borderers. 6450 Sapper (acting Farrier Sergeant) A. R. Mills, Royal Engineers. 14790 Sergeant W. E. Mortlock, Middlesex Regiment. 147 Sergeant T. J. Mountford, Royal Flying Corps. 15051 Sergeant P. Moyles, Yorkshire Light Infantry. L/5079 Company Sergeant Major R. Mullett, Royal Sussex Regiment. 831483 Corporal D. Munday, Royal Field Artillery (formerly 3807). 3/3731 Quartermaster Sergeant J. Munro, Royal Highlanders. 352 Acting Sergeant D. Murphy, Royal Fusiliers. 240094 Sergeant B. Nellist, Yorkshire Regiment (formerly 1199). 50798 Corporal P. S. D. O'Keefe, Machine Gun Corps. 200064 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) C. H. Parrott, London Regiment (formerly No. 995). 9245 Sergeant E. Parry, North Lancashire Regiment. 20989 Acting Company Sergeant Major J. A. Peate, King's Own Scottish Borderers. 200064 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) J. Pennyfather, Northamptonshire Regiment. 6642 Corporal J. W. Perry, Royal Surrey Regiment. 13456 Sergeant S. Phillips, Gloucestershire Regiment. Spts./269 Company Sergeant Major F. Pilkington, Royal Fusiliers. 42757 Gunner D. Pipe, Royal Garrison Artillery. 289 Company Sergeant Major C. E. Pittaway, East Yorkshire Regiment. 26257 Private A. E. Pizey, Welsh Regiment. 49628 Sergeant R. Y. Plane, Royal Engineers. 7963 Company Sergeant Major E. Potter, Royal Munster Fusiliers. 18623 Sergeant J. Price, Durham Light Infantry. 45402 Bombardier H. P. Prince, Royal Field Artillery. 14128 Lance Corporal W. Prior, Middlesex Regiment. 18295 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant B. S. Redfern, Royal Garrison Artillery. 72923 Sergeant C. Rendle, Machine Gun Corps. 32723 Acting 2nd Corporal R. Rennie, Royal Engineers. 5156 Company Sergeant Major B. Reynolds, Royal Fusiliers. 7345 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) H. W. Richardson, Royal Engineers. 49644 Corporal (acting Sergeant) J. Rigby, Royal Army Medical Corps. 22729 Private C. W Riley, South Wales Borderers. 24/1148 Sergeant H. T. Robson, Northumberland Fusiliers. 81542 Sergeant A. C. Rogers, Royal Engineers. 6729 1st Class Air Mechanic E. Rogers, Royal Flying Corps. 265490 Company Sergeant Major J. H. Rolfe, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (formerly No. 2056). 35313 Acting Bombardier A. Rosher, Royal Garrison Artillery. 24889 Sergeant J. Roskell, Royal Field Artillery. 636 Private J. Ruddick, Machine Gun Guards. 44626 Sergeant J. Ruddick, Royal Engineers. 49447 Corporal S. J. Sargent, Royal Engineers. 46082 Sergeant R. H. Sayer, Royal Horse Artillery. 658 Corporal (acting Sergeant Major) A. M. Scott, Military Mounted Police. Ply./13790 Sergeant (acting Colour Sergeant) W. G. Scott, Royal Marine Light Infantry. 15848 Corporal (Lance Sergeant) J.Scriven, Shropshire Light Infantry. 3200 Sergeant-Major E. Seymour, East Surrey Regiment. 350431 Lance Sergeant A. G. Shadwell, London Regiment (formerly No. 1987). 48455 Acting Corporal W. Shannon, Royal Engineers. S/9571 Private T. Sharp, Seaforth Highlanders. R/1286 Private W. H. Shaw, Kings Royal Rifle Corps. T/2/10560 Driver J. C. V. Shipp, Army Service Corps. 156028 Acting Lance Corporal J. Simm, Royal Engineers. 14655 2nd Corporal (acting Sergeant) E. Simms, Royal Engineers. 37111 Sergeant E. Single, Royal Garrison Artillery. 200876 Private J. A. Skeen, Yorkshire Regiment (formerly 3233). 19014 Private R. Skull, Wiltshire Regiment. 13821 Company Sergeant Major T. J. Sloley, Machine Gun Corps. S/7940 Sergeant A. J. Smart, Rifle Brigade. 308658 Sergeant J. H. Smith, Royal Garrison Artillery (formerly 1402). 2831 Battery Sergeant Major T R. Smith, Royal Garrison Artillery. 9634 Company Sergeant Major A. Smedley, Welsh Regiment. S4/055789 Sergeant (acting Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant) G. Sneddon, Army Service Corps. C/9809 Sergeant C. E. Starkey, King's Royal Rifle Corps. L/21189 Corporal John Alfred William Stratton, Royal Field Artillery. M2/050087 Sergeant F. Taylor, Army Service Corps. 9946 Corporal (acting Sergeant) W. Taylor, Gloucestershire Regiment. 32176 Sergeant A. Thomas, Royal Garrison Artillery. 50711 Corporal J. Thomas, Royal Field Artillery. 15754 Acting Sergeant C. H. Thompson, Royal Engineers. 74959 Sergeant W. E. Thompson, Royal Engineers. 10300 Corporal (Lance Sergeant) W. H. A. Trew, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. 45758 Private J. Trodden, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 33904 Sergeant M. Troth, Royal Field Artillery. 34069 Pioneer (acting Corporal) J. Trillian, Royal Engineers. 23830 Corporal (acting Sergeant) W. H. Tyler, Royal Engineers. 8809 Private E. Upperton, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. 42003 Sergeant J. Vincent, Royal Field Artillery. 87408 Corporal G. A. Walker, Royal Engineers. 12185 Sergeant J. W. Walker, Royal Horse Artillery. L/9905 Company Sergeant Major W. J. Walls, Royal Sussex Regiment. 49872 Sergeant T. Walmsley, Royal Field Artillery. 5454 Lance Corporal (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) R. Wanless, Dragoon Guards. 240419 Lance Sergeant H. Watts, North Staffordshire Regiment (formerly No. 2416). 47678 Corporal W. Waugh, Royal Field Artillery. 67599 Sergeant E. H. Weaver, Royal Field Artillery. 6690 Quartermaster Sergeant G. Webb, Lancashire Fusiliers. S/26420 Lance Corporal H. H. Webster, Rifle Brigade. Stk/867 Corporal (Lance Sergeant) S. Welcome, Royal Fusiliers. 9552 Sergeant-Major J. Weldon, Northumberland Fusiliers. 6726 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) A. A. West, Royal Scots. S/4228 Company Quartermaster Sergeant J. T. Whitelaw, Seaforth Highlanders. 10099 Sergeant W. Whitney, Shropshire Light Infantry. 265011 Company Quartermaster Sergeant F. Wilkinson, West Yorkshire Regiment (formerly No. 433). 104372 2nd Corporal F. W. Wilkinson, Royal Engineers. 4947 Sergeant G. T. Willett, Northamptonshire Regiment. 460 Staff Sergeant H. Williams, Royal Marine Artillery. 1397 Private (acting Corporal) W. H. Williams, Lincolnshire Regiment. 833 Sergeant W. Wilson, Durham Light Infantry. 24372 Sapper W. Winzer, Royal Engineers. 11712 Company Sergeant Major D. Wood, Highland Light Infantry. 14767 Company Sergeant Major G. T. Wood, South Lancashire Regiment. 9952 Lance Corporal C. G. Woodward, Manchester Regiment. 6392 Company Sergeant Major G. Wooley, Leicestershire Regiment. 2443 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) T. Woolnough, Royal Engineers. 19151 Sergeant C. W. Wright, York and Lancaster Regiment. 51121 Quartermaster Sergeant W. H. Yarroll, Royal Field Artillery. 960275 Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) J. H. Young, Royal Field Artillery. 53688 Corporal P. Young, Royal Engineers. Australian Imperial Force 2139 Lance Corporal N. Barclay, Infantry. 29 Sergeant C. H. Batchelor, Engineers. 199 Acting Bombardier W. Carlin, Artillery. 502 Corporal B. A. Collins, Infantry. 5154 2nd Corporal S. Collyer, Engineers. 5702 Lance Corporal (now 2nd Lieutenant) A. Cronin, Engineers. 1369 Corporal T. R. Evans, Machine Gun Corps. 2142 Sergeant R. T. R. Foster, Infantry. 110 Sergeant H. Fraser, Engineers. 2648 Private A. G. Gaukrodger, Infantry. 4500 Sergeant W. Gidlow, Pioneer Battalion (formerly No. 8). 7955 Staff Sergeant A. J. McG. Higgs, Army Service Corps. 5256 Corporal N. A. Holmes, Field Artillery. 946 Sergeant W. Hurley, Infantry. 602 Corporal F. Jackson, Engineers. 1796 Armament Artificer N. Miller, Army Ordnance Corps, attached Field Artillery. 379 Sergeant W. Owens, Field Artillery. 672 Staff Sergeant P. C. Piper, Engineers. 3599 Private P. G. Reid, Infantry. 536 Sergeant T. W. Rourke, Infantry. 1326 Sergeant T. D. Tierney, Infantry. 4377 Sergeant W. T. Watson, Artillery. 550 Lance Sergeant W. S. Weeks, Infantry. 2490 Private J. Wood, Infantry. Canadian Contingent 27439 Sergeant D. G. Bell, Infantry. 18155 Company Sergeant Major G. P. Blanchard, Infantry. 24118 Sergeant W. A. Cooper, Infantry. 390397 Corporal W. Danby, Canadian Artillery. 79390 Private A. B. Davies, Infantry. 448088 Lance Corporal J. Evans, Machine Gun Service. 11569 Sergeant C. N. Foster, Machine Gun Service. 420053 Lance Corporal J. Giles, Infantry. 529566 Corporal T. H. Goodeve, Army Medical Corps. 142 Company Sergeant Major P. V. Harcourt, Engineers. 13649 Corporal (acting Sergeant) L. B. Hughes, Infantry. 166574 Corporal A. J. Langford, Pioneer Battalion. 167058 Sergeant L. M. Larsen, Pioneer Battalion. 21279 Sergeant P. B. Legg, Infantry. 401059 Corporal N. V. Levy, Infantry. 69522 Company Sergeant Major R. B. Lloyd, Infantry. 418001 Battery Sergeant-Major P. W. Macfarlane, Infantry. 92891 Bombardier P. W. MacNevin, Artillery. 423673 Sergeant-Major P. J. Marshall, Infantry. 4/26830 Sergeant D. McAndie, Infantry. 7570 Company Sergeant Major E. Nicholls, Infantry. 23217 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) J. Patterson, Infantry. 43167 Sergeant J. Paul, Artillery. 2182 Corporal P. Quinn, Cyclists Company. 85664 Sergeant G. W. Sinnis, Artillery. 55941 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) W. J. Squibb, Infantry. 426943 Private G. Tomlinson, Infantry Battery. 40903 Battery Sergeant-Major F. M. Vagg, Artillery Battery. 25547 Battery Sergeant-Major W. Wallis, Infantry. 66068 Private J. Wilson, Infantry. New Zealand Force 25/708 Sergeant H. Anderson, Rifle Brigade. 26/1161 Private W. T. Douglas, Rifle Brigade. 25/864 Private J. Hansen, Rifle Brigade. 7/2219 Sergeant V. G. Hunter. 12/3795 Sergeant S. Robinson. 23/923 Lance Sergeant H. Struthers, Rifle Brigade. 2/1469 Sergeant J. H. Taplin, Artillery. 23/1213 Sergeant J. A. Taylor. South African Force S/6 Lance Corporal F. C. Horne. 1607 Private G. G. Tanner, Infantry. 50 Battery Sergeant-Major H. G. Warman, Artillery.
Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) Awarded for valuable services rendered with the Armies in the Field S/4/232724 Private W. A. Abel, Army Service Corps. 200917 Sergeant-Major A. J. Abrahams, Worcestershire Regiment. 14774 Company Sergeant Major (acting Sergeant Major) W. Adams, Royal Artillery. S/31496 Private (acting Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant) T. H. Airey, Army Service Corps. 16796 Flight Sergeant W. Anderson, Royal Flying Corps. 9992 Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) W. Anderson, Scots Guards. 15830 Company Quartermaster Sergeant T. Anglesea, Royal Lancaster Regiment. 266 Flight Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) J. A. Aspinall, Royal Flying Corps. 17833 Corporal (acting Sergeant) W. O. Aston, Royal Engineers. 12302 Sergeant E. W. Astrand, Norfolk Regiment. S/13214 1st Class Staff Sergeant Major W. G. Bailey, Army Service Corps. Ms/1752 Mechanic Staff Sergeant A. G. Baldwin, Army Service Corps. S/17389 Staff Sergeant Major W. Barnes, Army Service Corps. 4036 Sergeant R. W. Bate, Royal Field Artillery. 6682 Corporal T. A. Bates, Royal Flying Corps. 13776 Corporal (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) C. F. Bawtree, Middlesex Regiment. 720096 Quartermaster Sergeant A. J. Beer, London Regiment. 20476 Sergeant (Engineer Clerk) S. P. Bethell, Royal Engineers. 76265 Company Quartermaster Sergeant A. Blackstock, Royal Engineers. 4372 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) F. H. Bonner, Lincolnshire Regiment. S/27183 Private (acting Sergeant) J. Brett, Army Service Corps. 46196 (acting Bombardier) Gunner S. H. Brian, Royal Guard Artillery. 1087 Flight Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) C. W. Brown. 27485 Company Sergeant Major (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) H. J. Brown, Royal Engineers. 471276 Corporal W. Brown, London Regiment. 65090 Company Sergeant Major G. H. Buck, Royal Engineers. S/16328 Staff Sergeant (acting Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant) J. Buckley, Army Service Corps. S/17201 Corporal (acting Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant) G. Bullard, Army Service Corps. 950 Acting Sergeant Major C. E. H. Bunting, Royal Flying Corps. 620 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Superintending Clerk) H. D. Burrage, Royal Engineers. 70013 Sergeant F. W. Burton, Royal Engineers. 7430 Private (acting Staff Sergeant) W. Butterfield, Army Ordnance Corps. 88563 Battery Sergeant Major C. Byart, Royal Field Artillery. 2688 Armament Staff Sergeant L. O. Carr, Army Ordnance Corps. 12817 Company Quartermaster Sergeant A. E. Cawsey, Royal Engineers. 56134 Sergeant A. S. Chamberlain, Royal Engineers. S/16235 Staff Sergeant Major (acting 1st Class Staff Sergeant Major) A. E. Chambers, Army Service Corps. S4/248427 Sergeant (acting Staff Sergeant) F. Charnock, Army Service Corps. 54641 Private (acting Sub-Conductor) P. W. Chitty, Army Ordnance Corps. 291 Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) J. F. Clarke, Royal Flying Corps. 240525 Acting Corporal S. D. Clarke, Cheshire Regiment. 94744 Acting Sergeant A. B. Clifford, Royal Engineers. S/26897 Corporal (acting Lance Sergeant) E. W. Collins. Army Service Corps. 24760 Sergeant J. J. Collins, Postal Service, Royal Engineers. 83767 Sergeant-Major T. W. Comfort, Royal Army Medical Corps. M/36389 Private (acting Company Sergeant Major) J. Concannon, Army Service Corps. 79030 Battery Sergeant-Major T. Condon, Royal Field Artillery. W/1794 Staff Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) A. Conn, Military Provost Staff Corps. 9440 Quartermaster Sergeant (now temporary Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant) F. J. Cooper, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. 2131 Flight Sergeant H. Cooper, Royal Flying Corps. S4/244622 Private (acting Staff Sergeant) F. E. Copland, Army Service Corps. 24152 Acting Corporal T. G. Copsey, Royal Engineers. T/12887 Company Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Staff Sergeant Major) J. J. A. Corrington, Army Service Corps. 830277 Corporal T. E. Cotterell, Royal Field Artillery. 1722 Armourer Staff Sergeant C. F. Cox, Army Ordnance Corps. S/16635 Sergeant (acting Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant) T. A. Davis, Army Service Corps. 2815 Battery Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) E. Dawson, Royal Field Artillery. T/1/SR/957 Staff Sergeant Major J. T. Dear, Army Service Corps. S/21901 Sergeant (acting Staff Sergeant) W. Douglas, Army Service Corps. 10156 Corporal (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) C. Downton, Dorsetshire Regiment. 109637 Sergeant D. Dean, Royal Engineers. S/19487 Sergeant (acting Staff Sergeant) W. Devlin, Army Service Corps. 473235 Staff Sergeant F. Edmonds, Royal Army Medical Corps. T4/173375 Driver J. B. Edwards, Army Service Corps. 17612 Sergeant W. Evans, Royal Irish Rifles. T/14101 Company Sergeant Major (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) J. J. Eycott, Army Service Corps. 2715 Sergeant (acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant) C. Eyre, Royal Engineers. 194271 Acting Sergeant R. E. Farra, Royal Engineers. T/4/042576 Sergeant E. Faulkener, Army Service Corps. 325828 Sergeant R. J. Fenton, Cambridgeshire Regiment. 22994 Sergeant (Engineer Clerk) W. H. Finch, Royal Engineers. 87978 Battery Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) E. Flint, Royal Garrison Artillery. S/26755 Corporal (acting Staff Sergeant) R. H. Floyd, Army Service Corps. S/2/SR/04371 Private (acting Sergeant) C. W. Foster, Army Service Corps. 24141 Company Sergeant Major E. R. Fraser, Machine Gun Corps. T4/045285 Staff Sergeant Major A. Froggatt, Army Service Corps. 51626 Battery Sergeant Major A. W. Galley, Royal Field Artillery. SS/3914 Corporal (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) G. E. Gatling, Army Service Corps. 6864 Corporal (acting Company Sergeant Major) L. George, West Riding Regiment. 106232 Acting Sergeant G. A. German, Royal Engineers. 75001 Sergeant W. J. Gibson, Machine Gun Corps. 14/44 Sergeant T. L. Gledhill, York and Lancaster Regiment. 8679 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) J. Golden, Royal Artillery. M2/045742 Mechanic Sergeant M. A. H. Gooch, Army Service Corps. M/26283 Corporal (acting Company Sergeant Major) F. J. Gray, Army Service Corps. T/13291 Corporal (acting Company Sergeant Major) G. Grayburn, Army Service Corps. 19844 Corporal (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) J. Green, Royal Army Medical Corps. 10953 Sergeant W. Green, Middlesex Regiment. 200788 Sergeant (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) W. J. Greenwald, Middlesex Regiment (formerly 3108). 27614 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) A. E. Gregory, Royal Engineers. 11123 Sergeant S. P. Griffin, Royal Engineers. 111323 Company Quartermaster Sergeant W. C. Griffiths, Royal Engineers. 559 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Superintending Clerk) J. Gunn, Seaforth Highlanders. SS/3903 Staff Sergeant J.S. Hack, Army Service Corps. 1576 Sergeant G. H. Hall, Royal Flying Corps. SS/5251 Staff Sergeant J. W. Hall, Army Service Corps. 31310 Farrier Sergeant C. Hampton, Royal Field Artillery. 43810 Sergeant J. L. Hanks, Royal Engineers. 12253 Corporal H. Harrington, Essex Regiment. 39825 Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) R. W. Harrison, Royal Flying Corps. 71524 Corporal A. Hart, Machine Gun Corps. MS/4087 Company Sergeant Major P. J. Harwood, Army Service Corps. 7073 Quartermaster Sergeant E. F. Hayball, Highland Light Infantry. 546006 Sergeant T. W. Hayday, Royal Engineers. 76 Battery Sergeant-Major D. W. Herd, Motor Machine Gun Corps. 3327 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Sub-Conductor) A. S. Hicks, Army Ordnance Corps. 89812 Fitter Staff Sergeant J. Hilton, Royal Field Artillery. S./27209 Corporal (acting Staff Sergeant) J. N. Hingle, Army Service Corps. 27533 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) C. D. Hinman, Royal Engineers. 14567 Sergeant (acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant) H. O. Hogben, Royal Engineers. S/19908 Staff Sergeant (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) W. E. Hopkins, Army Service Corps. 58074 Farrier Staff Sergeant J. E. Hughes, Royal Garrison Artillery. C./535 Company Sergeant Major T. J. Humphreys, Army Service Corps. 276862 Engineer Clerk Quartermaster Sergeant B. J. Hunston, Royal Engineers. 27821 Company Quartermaster Sergeant W. G. Hunting, Royal Engineers. 784 Armament Staff Sergeant J. W. Hurley, Army Ordnance Corps. 6589 Private T. E. Hutchison, East Kent Regiment. 1374 Flight Sergeant G. Jappe, Royal Flying Corps. 51397 Sergeant C. H. Jefferson, Royal Engineers. 16740 Sapper (Temporary Staff Sergeant) H. Jelley, Royal Engineers. 74327 Lance Corporal (Engineer Clerk) W. E. A. Job, Royal Engineers. 320012 Company Quartermaster Sergeant A. W. Johnson, London Regiment. S2/10698 Staff Sergeant F. T. Johnson, Army Service Corps. S/5067 Sergeant-Major W. Johnstone, Seaforth Highlanders. 240015 Sergeant (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) A. Jones, Cheshire Regiment. 78 Company Sergeant Major (acting Sergeant Major) A. J. Jones, Royal Garrison Artillery. 7131 Acting Regimental Sergeant Major R. J. Jones, Liverpool Regiment. 7201 Company Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) S. G. Jones, Royal Engineers. 5712 Sergeant (acting Sub-Conductor) C. G. Journeaux, Army Ordnance Corps. 13396 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) J. Keir, Royal Engineers. S/18038 Staff Sergeant Major (acting 1st Class Staff Sergeant Major) P.E. Keller, Army Service Corps. 4254 Flight Sergeant J. W. Kellett, Royal Flying Corps. 11714 Sergeant (Engineer Clerk Draughtsman) G.A.V. Kilby, Royal Engineers. Fitter Staff Sergeant B. Kilner, Royal Field Artillery. Sergeant M. L. Kimbell, Army Service Corps. 14858 Colour Sergeant (Orderly Room Sergeant) J. W. Kippen, King's Own Scottish Borderers. 49481 Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant J. Knight, Royal Field Artillery. /3959 Sergeant T. H. Ladd, Rifle Brigade. 28772 Private (acting Company Sergeant Major) I. O. La Hive, Cavalry, Army Gymnastic Staff. 925219 Battery Sergeant-Major W. J. Lancaster, Royal Field Artillery. 10942 Flight Sergeant E. A. Lane, Royal Flying Corps. S/32188 Private (acting Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant) H. V. Lane, Army Service Corps. 7699 Private (Lance Corporal) H. Lawton, Lincolnshire Regiment. 5826 Sergeant A. E. le Gresly, Royal Engineers. M2/022285 Sergeant E. A. Leigh, Army Service Corps. 305219 Sergeant (acting Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant) H. W. Lewis, Warwickshire Regiment. 412012 Corporal (acting Sergeant) J. Lindsay, Royal Engineers. S/13377 Staff Sergeant Major (acting 1st Class Staff Sergeant Major) W. Locke, Army Service Corps. 118 Corporal G. H. Long, Army Service Corps. 70091 Quartermaster Sergeant W. Long, Royal Sussex Regiment. Acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant W. Long, Royal Engineers. 59 Flight Sergeant J. Longhurst, Royal Flying Corps. S4/240517 Corporal J. R. Male, Army Service Corps. 88643 Sergeant (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) C. T. F. Maber, Royal Horse Artillery. 7176 Sergeant (acting Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant) J. Mackenzie, Seaforth Highlanders. 11453 Quartermaster Sergeant J. Maguire, Manchester Regiment. 16072 Sergeant Instructor (acting Company Sergeant Major) P. R. Making, Royal Garrison Artillery. 240400 Sergeant A. E. Marks, Middlesex Regiment (formerly 2641). M2/019318 Private (acting Company Sergeant Major) H. Marsden, Army Service Corps. 12806 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant W. J. McCormack, Royal Field Artillery. 13217 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) W. E. A. McGowran, Royal Fusiliers Royal Garrison Artillery. RGA/15053 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) J. T. Mclntosh, Royal Artillery. 202469 Private G. S. McLeod, Scottish Rifles. 55038 Corporal J. McNaught, Royal Engineers. 35072 Sergeant-Major W. Mellor, Royal Army Medical Corps. S/1799 Quartermaster Sergeant R. Milne, Gordon Highlanders. 2815 Company Sergeant Major (acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant) W. W. Milne, Scots Guards, attached Royal Highlanders. S/8131 Sergeant (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) A. Mitchell, Rifle Brigade. 165194 Private F. A. Moore, Yeomanry (formerly 737). 315016 Sergeant J. S. Moore, Yeomanry (formerly 1557). 16262 Corporal T. H. Moore, Royal Flying Corps. 18/1012 Sergeant J. D. Moscrop, Durham Light Infantry. 300467 Sergeant H. W. Mundy, London Regiment. P/5143 Lance Corporal (acting Sergeant) W. L. Naylor, Military Foot Police. T/4/173253 Staff Sergeant Major G. Newbury, Army Service Corps. P/50 Lance Corporal (acting Sergeant) F. Noakes, Military Mounted Police. 1085 Flight Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) M. O'Connor, Royal Flying Corps. 13297 Private W. Owens, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 35098 Corporal (acting Sergeant) H. J. Parker, Royal Engineers. 1471 Staff Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) J. W. Parkinson, Military Provost Staff Corps. 2435 Sergeant (Engineer Clerk) Acting Supervising Clerk F. A. Payne, Royal Engineers. S4/060101 Staff Quartermaster Sergeant T. M. Payne, Army Service Corps. 3458 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) J. W. Pearcey, Royal Engineers. 9040 Colour Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) H. Pearson, Rifle Brigade. 4234 Flight Sergeant H. Peters, Royal Flying Corps. T/23056 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) N. Pike, Army Service Corps. S/18630 Staff Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) T. Pollock, Army Service Corps. 29513 Corporal W. L. L. Powell, Royal Horse Artillery. 11527 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) T. C. Prewett, Royal Army Medical Corps. P/15 Corporal (acting Sergeant) F. Purchase, Military Mounted Police. 5345 Quartermaster Sergeant H. Quantrill, Norfolk Regiment. S/19371 Staff Sergeant (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) J. Quinn, Army Service Corps. 1005 Company Quartermaster Sergeant G. Ray, Royal Engineers. 3/7211 Sergeant (acting Quartermaster Sergeant) H. W. Reading, Devonshire Regiment. 88585 Mechanist Sergeant M. R. Redwood, Royal Engineers. 4625 Quartermaster Sergeant S. L. Richardson, Rifle Brigade. 950196 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant W. J. Richardson, Royal Field Artillery. 649 Sergeant (acting Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant) W. H. Riches, East Surrey Regiment. 4471 Colour Sergeant (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) F. Richings, Gloucestershire Regiment. 2/19771 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) A. Ridgeon, Army Service Corps. 26950 Sergeant H. H. Ridley, Royal Flying Corps. T/14913 Staff Sergeant Major (Acting 1st Class Staff Sergeant Major) F.J. Roberts, Army Service Corps. 16177 Sergeant Major A. F. Robinson, Royal Army Medical Corps. 9264 Sergeant E. N. Roots, Royal West Kent Regiment. 7202 Lance Corporal (Acting Sub-Commander) C. Rose, Army Ordnance Corps. 7078 Company Quartermaster Sergeant W. Round, Worcestershire Regiment. P/5543 Private (Acting Lance Corporal) W. Sandy, Military Mounted Police. L/24790 Acting Bombardier W. I. Scott, Royal Field Artillery. 13171 Company Sergeant Major W. Sharpe, Leicestershire Regiment. 3173 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Superintending Clerk) H. G. Shaw, Scots Guards. 20011 Company Sergeant Major G. Silver, Machine Gun Corps. 70120 Corporal A. W. Skey, Royal Garrison Artillery. 142251 Sapper R. S. Smart, Royal Engineers. 28835 Lance Corporal H. Smith, Royal Engineers. M/22955 Company Sergeant Major J. Smith, Army Service Corps Ports. Ports./149629 Chief Petty Officer F. R. Smith, RNVR . RA/14171 Quartermaster Sergeant (acting Sergeant Major) W. F. J. Smith, Royal Artillery. 7721 Private (acting Sergeant) A. B. Spark, Gordon Highlanders. S/21660 Sergeant (acting Staff Sergeant) J. R. Spencer, Army Service Corps. 56810 Company Sergeant Major P. B. W. Stanley, Royal Engineers. 4250 Sapper J. Stansfield, Royal Engineers. 5196 Company Sergeant Major W. Statham, Machine Gun Corps. 98964 Battery Sergeant Major F. Stear, Royal Field Artillery. 5396 Company Sergeant Major Drill Sergeant (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) F. A. Stevens, Coldstream Guards. SS/5409 Staff Sergeant J. T. Stevens, Army Service Corps. 1198 Trooper W. Stevenson, North Irish Horse. S4/198989 Corporal J. R. Stewart, Army Service Corps. 230117 Company Sergeant Major L. F. Stone, London Regiment. Company Sergeant Major (acting Regimental Sergeant Major) R. Suckling, Royal Engineers. 21805 Sergeant A. F. Sutton, Royal Engineers. 825002 Battery Quartermaster Sergeant W. Swain, Royal Field Artillery. 22784 Corporal (Engineer Clerk) L. F. Taylor, Royal Engineers. 70422 Lance Corporal (Acting Corporal) J. O. Teare, Royal Engineers. 5444 Flight Sergeant W. Thomason, Royal Flying Corps. 51380 Sergeant Major C. J. Thompson, Royal Field Artillery. 8901 Acting Quartermaster Sergeant S. Thompson, Dorsetshire Regiment. 102359 Corporal (acting Sergeant) M. Thornton, Royal Engineers. 25709 Acting Regimental Sergeant Major O. Toal, Royal Field Artillery. CH/10268 Colour Sergeant B. G. Tomkins, Royal Marine Light Infantry. P/1170 Lance Corporal (acting Sergeant) A. Towers, Military Mounted Police. 12497 Sergeant (acting Superintending Clerk) W. B. Townend, Royal Engineers. 2507 Flight Sergeant C. Trevett, Royal Flying Corps. 22383 Acting Regimental Sergeant Major S. Tucker, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 20300 Company Quartermaster Sergeant H. G. Tull, Machine Gun Corps. S/25152 Lance Corporal (acting Staff Sergeant) C. F. Turk, Army Service Corps. 14642 Lance Sergeant C. Turner, Royal Scots. T/18494 Sergeant (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) P. C. Turner, Army Service Corps. 230036 Sergeant F. A. Tyler, London Regiment. 9253 Acting Corporal A. Vickers, Yorkshire Light Infantry. 540586 Corporal (acting Sergeant) F. J. Wallis, Royal Engineers. 88382 Battery Sergeant Major J. P. Ward, Royal Field Artillery. SS/6545 Staff Sergeant Major W. Ward, Army Service Corps. T/18913 Sergeant (acting Company Sergeant Major) F. Warren, Army Service Corps. 428 Armament Staff Sergeant (acting Armament Sergeant Major) H. S. Watts, Army Ordnance Corps. Sub-Conductor A. Webb, Indian Ordnance Department. 70454 Company Quartermaster Sergeant R. J. C. Wheeler, Royal Engineers. 33299 Private J. R. Whisker, Royal Army Medical Corps. 21770 Sapper (Acting Corporal) H. Wilkinson, Royal Engineers. 1051 Armament Staff Sergeant A. Willetts, Army Ordnance Corps. 9949 Sergeant E. W. Wilson, Northamptonshire Regiment. S/19752 Staff Sergeant W. Woodason, Army Service Corps. 60121 Acting Bombardier J. A. Woodbridge, Royal Garrison Artillery. T/9223 Staff Sergeant Major (Acting 1st Class Staff Sergeant Major) A. J. Yates, Army Service Corps. S3/025613 Staff Sergeant S. J. Youngman, Army Service Corps. Australian Imperial Force 988 Quartermaster Sergeant S. Bates, Infantry. 1618 Sergeant-Major H. G. Brain, Infantry. 2468 Staff Quartermaster Sergeant A. J. L. Daunt, H.Q., Australian Division. 6245 Acting Bombardier A. J. Grimshaw, Artillery. 961 Company Sergeant Major J. Harkness, Infantry. 80 Corporal J. H. Kortwright, Anzac Provost Corps. 1592 Company Sergeant Major E. J. Martin, Army Service Corps. 1039 Lance Sergeant F. R. Philpot, Infantry. 1146 Sergeant-Major (now 2nd Lieutenant) F. McK. Robertson, Engineers. 705 Sergeant H. C. Somerset, Engineers. 2910 Staff Sergeant S. A. Stanley, Army Medical Corps. 35 Sergeant-Major H. E. B. Thomas, Field Artillery. 452 Staff Sergeant L. Tweedie, H.Q, Infantry. 2367 Sergeant C. C. Walker, Boring and Mining Company. 5680 Sergeant H. H. Wilton, Army Service Corps. Canadian Force 74164 Sergeant C. F. Airey, Infantry. 114286 Driver C. S. Althouse, Army Service Corps. 511483 Driver (acting Squadron Sergeant Major) A. Blatchford, Army Service Corps. 34713 Staff Sergeant G. L. Brodie, Army Service Corps. 30356 Company Sergeant Major J. J. Coull, Army Service Corps. 1664 Armourer Sergeant M. W. Davidson, Ordnance Corps. 67723 Sergeant J. A. Hunting, Infantry. 430179 Sergeant E. S. Keeling, Pioneer Battalion. 43145 Staff Sergeant Filter J. Lamb, Artillery. 77291 Sergeant S. McL. Norton, Infantry. 132137 Sergeant A. G. Ovenden, Infantry. 510216 Corporal J. J. Quittenton, Army Service Corps. 106559 Sergeant J. Smallman, Mounted Rifles. 219301 Sergeant R. Snelson, Infantry, attached Light Trench Mortar Battery. 1796 Company Sergeant Major O. O. Wilson, Army Service Corps. 73122 Private S. C. Wise, Infantry. New Zealand Forces 9/667 Lance Corporal A. Briscoe, Pioneer Battalion. 10/1427 Staff Sergeant C. B. Burdekin. 8/595 Staff Sergeant Major G. B. Menzies. 4/1470 Sapper G. Seymour, Engineers.
Indian Order of Merit (IOM) First Class Second Class 3483 Acting Lance Daffadar Mahomad Hayat, Lancers, attached Machine Gun Squadron. 3600 Sowar Alia Ditta, Lancers, attached Machine Gun Squadron. 3107 Sowar Chandan Singh, Cavalry. 1041 Naik Natha Singh, Mountain Battery. 4469 Lance Naik Guljam Khan, Infantry. 4565 Sepoy Abdullah Khan, Infantry. Subadar Sarbuland, Infantry.Subadar Abdulla Khan, Infantry. 66 Havildar Jabar Khan, Infantry. Captain Naimat Ali Khan, Infantry. 2343 Naik Kehar Singh, Infantry 8963 Mangaringa, Indian Medical Service, Army Bearer Corps. 8595 Bam Din, Indian Medical Service, Army Bearer Corps. 1359 Sub-Assistant Surgeon 1st Class, Tanjore Ramasami Govindasami Pillai, Indian Subordinate Medical Department. 594 Sub-Assistant Surgeon 2nd Class, Arjandas Gosain, Indian Subordinate Medical Department, attached Pathans.
Indian Distinguished Service Medal (IDSM) 2318 Sowar Aesa Singh, Indian Cavalry. 1950 Acting Lance Dafadar Goordham, Indian Cavalry. 1863 Acting Lance Dafadar Karam Chand, Indian Cavalry. 1916 Sowar Yakub Khan, Cavalry. 2475 Dafadar Jot Ram, Cavalry, Indian Army. 2480 Sowar Channan Singh, Cavalry. 2135 Lance Dafadar Baz Khan, Cavalry. 2788 Dafadar Sham Singh, Cavalry. 3576 Lance Dafadar Bhagat Singh, Cavalry, attached Machine Gun Squadron. 13 Farrier Major Tika Ram, Cavalry. 441 Dafadar Mirza Muhammad Ali Beg, Cavalry. 3080 Dafadar Santokh Singh, Cavalry. 2207 Lance Dafadar Joth Ram, Cavalry. Risaldar Kabul Singh, Cavalry.3079 Dafadar Sher Baz Khan, Cavalry. Risaldar Sattar Shah, Cavalry. 2146 Salutri Major Abdullah Khan, Cavalry. Jemadar Maqbul Shah, Cavalry.Jemadar Bahadur Singh, Cavalry. 2486 Lance Dafadar Nur Mohamed Khan, Cavalry. 2896 Lance Dafadar Hastam Khan, Cavalry. Jemadar Juma Khan, Cavalry. 874 Naik Narain Singh, Mountain Battery, Indian Army. 702 Havildar Shah Nawaz, Mountain Battery, Indian Army. 2352 Naik Shiugulam Singh, Sappers and Miners, Indian Army. Jemadar Kailas Singh, Sappers and Miners, Indian Army. 2636 Sepoy (Acting Naik) Ishmail Khan, Infantry. Jemadar Yakub Ali Khan, Infantry, Indian Army. Subadar Ali Bahadur Khan, Infantry, Indian Army.1710 Havildar Niaz Muhammad Khan, Infantry, Indian Army. 1751 Sepoy (Acting Naik) Murad Ali Khan, Infantry, Indian Army. 3145 Sepoy Amanat Khan, Infantry, Indian Army. 1016 Lance Naik Alam Khan, Infantry. 1570 Lance Naik Gul Haidar, Infantry. Jemadar Hira Singh, Infantry. 2069 Havildar Bhagwan Singh, Infantry. 2073 Havildar Jagannathan, Infantry. 3009 Colour Havildar Saiyid Ahmed, Infantry. 398 Naik Haji Khan, Infantry. 453 Naik Sahib Jan, Infantry. 78 Kot Dafadar Firman Ali, Mule Corps. Captain Thakur Balu Singh, Camel Corps. 478 Dafadar Gajendra Singh, Cavalry. 569 Dafadar Major Syed Abdul Aziz, Infantry. 1140 Naik Hasan Hussain, Infantry. 1517 Sepoy Ganga Ram, Infantry. 762 Havildar Harman Singh, Infantry. 500 Naik Sawan Singh, Infantry. 1492 Sepoy Khiwan Singh, Infantry. Subadar Gurdit Singh. Infantry. Sub-Inspector Nadu Khan, Royal Engineers. Mohamed Bin Bakari, Overseer of Native Labour, Marine Transport Department.