Mona Hatoum

En 1989, Hatoum expone su primera gran obra escultórica "La luz al final" en el Showroom de Londres.

La misma pieza se expuso al año siguiente en el British Art Show.

Su trabajo en los años 90 evoluciona hacia obras menos narrativas que permiten, por tanto, un mayor nivel asociativo.

Grater Divide, White Cube2, London Mona Hatoum, Centro de Arte de Salamanca (CASA), Salamanca Uprising, Artist´s Space, New York The Other Story, Hayward Gallery, London, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, Manchester City Art Gallery y Cornerhouse, Manchester TSWA Four Cities Project, New Art for Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne Passages de l´image, Musée national d`art modern, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris Video and Myth, The Museum of Modern Art, New York Interrogating Identity, Grey Art Gallery y Study Center, New York (Itinerante por USA) The Interrupted Life, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York Manifeste, 30 ans de crèation en perspective 1960-1990, Musée national d´art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris Grazer Combustion, Steirischer Herbst´93 Festival, Graz Eros, c´est la vie, Confort Moderne, Poitiers Sense and Sensibility: Women and Minimalism in the Nineties, Museum of Modern Art, New York Cocido y Crudo, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid Heart of Darkness, Museum Kröller Müller, Otterlo Identity and Alterity, Biennale di Venezia, Venezia Rites of passage, Tate Gallery, London Fémininmasculin – le sexe de l´art, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris The Turner Prize 1995 exhibition, Tate Gallery, London Orient/ation, 4th International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul FremdKörper/corps étranger/Foreign Body, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel Distemper: Dissonant Themes in the Art of the 1990s, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC Inclusion: Exclusion, Steirischer Herbst´96, Graz Life/Live, La scène artistique au Royaume-Uni en 1996, de nouvelles aventures, Musée d´art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris y Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa Material Culture: The Object in British Art of the 80s and 90s, Hayward Gallery, London Kwangju Biennale, South Korea Sensation: Young British Artists from The Saatchi Collection, Royal Academy of Arts, London, Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin y Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York (1999) Art from the UK, Sammlung Goetz, München Close Echoes, Public Body & Artificial Eye, City Art Gallery, Prague and Kunsthalle, Krems Echolot, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel Real/Life: New British Art, Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Fukuoka City Art Museum, Fukuoka, Hiroshima City Museum, Hiroshima, Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo y Ashiya City Museum of Art History, Ashiya (1999) Traversées/Crossings, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa Minimal-Maximal, Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden y Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela (1999) XXIV Biennial de Sáo Paulo, Fundaçao Biennial Sáo Paulo Emotion – Young British and American Artists from the Goetz-Collection, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg 7th International Cairo Biennale, Cairo La Casa, il Corpo, il Cuore, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna y the National Gallery, Prague (2000) The Century of the Body, Photoworks 1900-2000, Culturgest, Lisboa y Musée de l´Elysée Lausanne (2000) The XXth Century – One century of art in Germany, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin Art Worlds in Dialogue – From Gauguin to the Global Present, Museum Ludwig, Köln Friends and Neighbours, The 4th EV+A Biennial, Limerick City Gallery of Art, Limerick Out There, White Cube2, London Between Cinema and a Hard Place, Tate Modern, London Orbis Terrarum, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerpen La forma del mondo/la fine del mondo, Padiglione d´Arte Contemporanea, Milano Vision and Reality, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Dinamarca MAN-Body in the Art from 1950-2000, Arken Museum for Moderne Kunst, Skovvej, Dinamarca No es solo lo que ves.

Pervirtiendo el minimalismo, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid Field Day: Sculpture from Britain, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan (Self) Portraits, Alexander and Bonin, New York El Mundo Nuevo, Bienal de Valencia, Valencia In weiter Ferne, so nah, neue palästinensische Kunst, IFA – Galerie Bonn Un siècle d´arpenteurs, les figures de la marche: de Warhol à Nauman, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, San Sebastián Confidences: Parce que c´était lui, parce que c´était moi, Casino Luxembourg, Forum d´art contemporain, Luxembourg `The New World´, Bienal de Valencia Il Dono / The Gift, Palazzo delle Papesse, Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena (itinerancia internacional) `The Mediterranean: A new wall?