Tonos de verde

Las variedades del color verde pueden diferir en tono , croma (también llamado saturación o intensidad) o luminosidad (o valor, tono o brillo ), o en dos o tres de estas cualidades. Las variaciones en valor también se denominan tintes y matices , siendo un tinte un verde u otro tono mezclado con blanco, y un tono una mezcla con negro. A continuación se muestra una gran selección de estos diversos colores.

Definiciones básicas de verde

Verde (RGB)

El color definido como verde en el modelo de color RGB es el verde más brillante que se puede reproducir en una pantalla de computadora, y es el color denominado verde en X11 . Es uno de los tres colores primarios utilizados en el espacio de color RGB junto con el rojo y el azul . Los tres primarios aditivos en el sistema de color RGB son los tres colores de la luz elegidos de manera que proporcionen la gama máxima de colores que se pueden representar en una computadora o un televisor.

Luces rojas, verdes y azules, que representan los tres colores primarios aditivos básicos del sistema de color RGB, rojo, verde y azul.

Este color también se llama verde normal . Está exactamente a 120 grados en la rueda de color HSV , también conocida como rueda de color RGB ( imagen de la rueda de color RGB ). Su color complementario es el magenta .

HTML/CSS utiliza el nombre lima para este color, y utiliza verde para referirse a un tono más oscuro. Consulta la tabla Nombres de colores que entran en conflicto entre X11 y HTML/CSS en el artículo Nombres de colores X11 para ver los colores que son diferentes en HTML y X11.

El verde ocupa una gran parte del diagrama de cromaticidad CIE porque está en el área central de la percepción humana del color.

Verde (color HTML/CSS) (Verde Oficina)

El color definido como verde en el estándar de color HTML/CSS es el color llamado verde, verde bajo o verde medio en muchas de las paletas de computadora de ocho bits más antiguas .

Otro nombre para este color es verde W3C o verde oficina .

Verde (CMYK) (pigmento verde)

El color definido como verde en el sistema de color CMYK utilizado en impresión , también conocido como verde pigmento , es el tono de verde que se consigue mezclando el cian de proceso (de imprenta) y el amarillo de proceso (de imprenta) en proporciones iguales.

El propósito del sistema de color CMYK es proporcionar la máxima gama posible de colores reproducibles en la impresión.

El color indicado es sólo aproximado ya que los colores de las tintas de impresión pueden variar.

El color mostrado es una aproximación del color CMYK en una pantalla RGB y no puede replicar el color con precisión.

Verde (NCS) (verde primario psicológico)

El color definido como verde en el NCS o Sistema de Color Natural es NCS 2060-G. El sistema de color natural es un sistema de color basado en los cuatro tonos únicos o colores primarios psicológicos: rojo, amarillo, verde y azul. El NCS se basa en la teoría del proceso oponente de la visión. El Sistema de Color Natural es ampliamente utilizado en Escandinavia .

Verde (Munsell)

El sistema de color Munsell (Munsell 5G) incluye un color definido como verde . El sistema de color Munsell es un espacio de color que especifica los colores en función de tres dimensiones de color: tono, valor ( luminosidad ) y croma (pureza del color), espaciados uniformemente en tres dimensiones en el sólido de color Munsell con forma de óvalo alargado en ángulo según la escala logarítmica que rige la percepción humana . Para que todos los colores estuvieran espaciados uniformemente, se consideró necesario utilizar una rueda de color con cinco colores primarios: rojo, amarillo, verde, azul y violeta. Los colores Munsell que se muestran son solo aproximados, ya que se han ajustado para adaptarse a la gama sRGB.

Verde (Pantone)

Verde (Pantone) es el color que se llama verde en Pantone .

La fuente de este color es la lista de colores "Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX)", color n.° verde C, EC, HC, PC, U o UP (verde). [5]

Verde (Crayola)

Verde (Crayola) es el color llamado verde en los crayones Crayola.

El color verde fue uno de los crayones Crayola originales introducidos en 1903.

Web informática adicional

Verde oscuro (X11)

Este es el color verde oscuro X11 /HTML .

Verde claro

El verde claro es un tono claro de verde.

Verde lima (X11)

El verde lima es un tono verde intenso y amarillento que recibe su nombre de la fruta de la lima .

Verde brillante

Este es el color verde brillante .

Verde pálido

Este es el color verde pálido X11 /HTML .


El primer uso registrado de Erin como nombre de color fue en 1922.


El arlequín es un color que se describe como situado entre el verde y el amarillo (más cerca del verde que del amarillo) en la rueda de colores. En la lámina de color 17 del libro A Dictionary of Color de 1930 (ver referencia a continuación), el color arlequín se muestra como un color muy saturado en una posición intermedia entre el verde chartreuse y el verde. Por lo tanto, en la terminología de color moderna, el arlequín es el color intermedio entre el verde y el verde chartreuse en la rueda de colores RGB.

El primer uso registrado de arlequín como nombre de color en inglés fue en 1923. [9]

Harlequin es un color espectral puro de aproximadamente 552 nanómetros en el espectro visible cuando se representa en el diagrama de cromaticidad CIE . [ cita requerida ]

El tequila Patrón Plata se vende en cajas de color arlequín.

Arlequín también es un adjetivo que se utiliza para describir algo que está coloreado siguiendo un patrón, generalmente un patrón en forma de diamante, [10] como en el vestido tradicionalmente asociado con los arlequines . De manera similar, puede significar cualquier cosa multicolor o prismática, como los ópalos u otras gemas preciosas que son muy variadas en color y tono. A principios de la década de 2000, se inventó una pintura de color arlequín para automóviles que parece de diferentes colores desde diferentes ángulos de visión .

Verde neón

El verde neón es un tono brillante de verde que se utiliza en el arte psicodélico y en la moda. El verde neón se convirtió en un sello distintivo de la cantante y compositora inglesa Charli XCX con el lanzamiento de su álbum Brat en 2024. [12]

Verde en la naturaleza biológica

El color verde es común en la naturaleza, especialmente en las plantas. Muchas plantas son verdes principalmente debido a una sustancia química compleja conocida como clorofila , que participa en la fotosíntesis . [13] Muchos tonos de verde han recibido nombres de plantas o están relacionados con ellas. Debido a las diferentes proporciones de clorofilas (y a las diferentes cantidades, así como a la presencia de otros pigmentos vegetales), el reino vegetal exhibe muchos tonos de verde tanto en tono (color verdadero) como en valor (claridad/oscuridad). Las clorofilas de las plantas vivas tienen colores verdes distintivos, mientras que las partes secas o cocidas de las plantas tienen diferentes tonos de verde debido a que las moléculas de clorofila pierden su ion magnesio interno.

Verde manzana

El verde manzana es una representación del color de la piel exterior de una manzana Granny Smith . Se ha utilizado una versión más oscura de este color para la línea IRT Lexington Avenue desde junio de 1979, cuando la NYCTA decidió asignar colores de línea a todas las rutas dentro de las principales líneas troncales en el Distrito Central de Negocios , además de diferentes colores para los servicios que no ingresaban a Manhattan . Al hacer esto, eliminaron los colores de 1967 que se asignaron por separado a cada servicio.

El primer uso registrado del verde manzana como nombre de color en inglés fue en 1648. [14]

Verde alcachofa (Pantone)

Este es el color que Pantone denomina verde alcachofa . La fuente es Pantone 18-0125 TPX. [15]

Hojas perennes

Evergreen es un color que se asemeja a los árboles de hoja perenne .

Actualmente se desconoce cuándo se utilizó por primera vez el nombre de "evergreen" como color.

Helecho verde

El verde helecho es un color que se parece a los helechos . En 1998 se creó un crayón llamado helecho .

El primer uso registrado del verde helecho como nombre de color en inglés fue en 1902. [17]

Verde bosque

El verde bosque se refiere a un color verde que se dice que se parece al color de los árboles y otras plantas de un bosque . [18]

El primer uso registrado del verde bosque como nombre de un color en el idioma inglés fue en 1810. [19]

Gotas de miel

El color del melón dulce es un blanquecino verdoso pálido basado en el color de la pulpa interior de un melón dulce .

Verde jungla

En 1990, Crayola nombró y formuló un tono específico llamado verde jungla .

El primer uso registrado del verde jungla como nombre de un color en el idioma inglés fue en 1926. [20]

verde kelly

El río Chicago se tiñe de verde por el Día de San Patricio

El verde Kelly es un verde intenso y puro que recibe su nombre del apellido irlandés común, Kelly . [21] Evoca los exuberantes prados verdes irlandeses y también se asocia comúnmente con el Día de San Patricio .

Kombu verde

El color verde kombu es una representación del color del kombu , un alga comestible de la familia Laminariaceae muy consumida en el este de Asia .

La fuente de este color es la lista de colores " Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX)", color n.° 19-0417 TPX: Kombu Green. [23]

Laurel verde

El verde laurel es un tono medio claro de gris chartreu similar al de los espárragos , pero más claro.

El primer uso registrado del verde laurel como nombre de un color en el idioma inglés fue en 1705. [25]


El verde mantis representa el color verde de ciertas especies de mantis religiosas que habitan en la hierba .

El primer uso de mantis como nombre de color en inglés fue cuando se incluyó como uno de los colores en la lista de colores de, promulgada en 2001.

Verde musgo

El musgo es un tono de verde que se asemeja a las plantas de musgo .

El primer uso registrado del verde musgo como nombre de color en inglés fue en 1884. [28]

Verde menta

El verde menta es un tono pálido de verde que se asemeja al color del pigmento verde menta y fue un color popular en la década de 1990.


El mirto es de un tono verde oscuro que se asemeja al color de las hojas de mirto .


Aceitunas verdes

El color de la aceituna es verde amarillento oscuro, [30] como el de las aceitunas verdes o inmaduras .

Como palabra de color en el idioma inglés, aparece a finales del inglés medio . Con un matiz marrón, se vuelve verde oliva.

Verde pino

El verde pino es un tono intenso de verde primaveral que se asemeja al color de los pinos . Es un color oficial de Crayola (desde 1903). [ cita requerida ]

El verde pino es un tono cian oscuro intenso que se asemeja al color de los pinos . Es un color oficial de Crayola (desde 1903) que es exactamente este tono en los crayones Crayola, pero en los marcadores se lo conoce como verde cocodrilo .

El color verde pino es una representación del color promedio de las hojas de los árboles de un bosque de coníferas . El color verde pino se conocía originalmente como pine tree . El primer uso registrado de pine tree como nombre de color en inglés fue en 1923. [31]

El primer uso registrado de pino como nombre de color en inglés fue en 1923. [32]

Reseda verde

El verde reseda es un tono de verde grisáceo de la gama clásica de colores del estándar de color alemán RAL , en el que se denomina "RAL 6011". [33]

El nombre deriva del color de las hojas de Reseda odorata , comúnmente conocida como reseda. [34]

Savia verde

El verde savia es un pigmento de aspecto verde que tradicionalmente se elaboraba a partir de bayas maduras de espino cerval . Sin embargo, los colores modernos que se comercializan con este nombre suelen ser una mezcla de otros pigmentos, normalmente a base de verde ftalocianina G. Es uno de los verdes que se utilizan en El placer de pintar .

Té verde

El verde té es un tono claro de verde. Es una representación del color del té verde preparado , es decir, el color del té verde caliente después de que las hojas de té verde se han preparado en agua hirviendo. [36]

The first recorded use of tea green as a color name in English was in 1858.[37]

Green in non-biological nature


Emerald, also called emerald green, is a tone of green that is particularly light and bright, with a faint bluish cast. The name derives from the typical appearance of the emerald gemstone.[39]The first recorded use of emerald as a color name in English was in 1598.[40]

Ireland is sometimes referred to as the Emerald Isle due to its lush greenery. The May birthstone is emerald. Seattle is sometimes referred to as the Emerald City, because its abundant rainfall creates lush vegetation. In the Middle Ages, The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus was believed to contain the secrets of alchemy. "Emerald City", from the story of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, is a city where everything from food to people are emerald green. However, it is revealed at the end of the story that everything in the city is normal colored, but the glasses everyone wears are emerald tinted. The Green Zone in Baghdad is sometimes ironically and cynically referred to as the Emerald City.[41] The Emerald Buddha is a figurine of the sitting Buddha, made of green jade (rather than emerald), clothed in gold, and about 45 cm tall. It is kept in the Chapel of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew) on the grounds of the Grand Palace in Bangkok. The Emerald Triangle refers to the three counties of Mendocino, Humboldt, and Trinity in Northern California, United States[42] because these three counties are the biggest marijuana producing counties in California and also the US.[42] A county-commissioned study reports pot accounts for up to two-thirds of the economy of Mendocino.[42] Emerald Cities: Urban Sustainability and Economic Development is a book published in 2010 by Joan Fitzgerald, director of the law, policy and society program at Northeastern University, about ecologically sustainable city planning.

Emerald was invented in Germany in 1814. By taking acetic acid, mixing and boiling it with vinegar, and then by adding some arsenic, a bright blue-green hue was formed.[43]

The normalized color coordinates for emerald are identical to the color Paris green, which is the name introduced in England during the 19th century to market the dye that resulted from using the toxic inorganic compound created in Germany.[44] It was notorious for causing deaths due to it being a popular color used for wallpaper. Victorian women used this bright color for dresses, and florists used it on fake flowers.[45]

Green earth

The color green earth is also known as terre verte and Verona green. It is an inorganic pigment derived from the minerals celadonite and glauconite.[47][48]

Hooker's green

Hooker's green is a dark green color created by mixing Prussian blue and gamboge. Hooker's green takes its name from botanical artist William Hooker (1779–1832) who first created it particularly for illustrating leaves.[50]


Jade, also called jade green, is a representation of the color of the gemstone called jade, although the stone itself varies widely in hue.

The color name jade green was first used in Spanish in the form piedra de ijada in 1569.[51]The first recorded use of jade green as a color name in English was in 1892.[52]


Malachite, also called malachite green, is a color that is a representation of the color of the mineral malachite.

The first recorded use of malachite green as a color name in English was in the 1200s (exact year uncertain).[54]

Sea green

Sea green is a color that resembles the hue of shallow seawater as seen from the surface.

Other notable green colors

Android green

British racing green


Celadon /ˈsɛlədɒn/ is a pale greyish shade of green, or rather a range of such shades. Celadon originates as a term for a class of Chinese ceramics, copied by Korea and Japan. However, the name, which is European, may originate from the character Celadon in L'Astrée, a French pastoral novel of 1627, who wore a light green color.[56][57]

Celadon glazes were very common, with the green color being reliably produced from about the tenth century onwards; this was appreciated in Asia for resembling jade, the most prestigious material of all. The glaze color comes from iron oxide's transformation from ferric to ferrous iron (Fe2O3 → FeO) during the firing process,[58] but is affected by a wide range of other factors and chemicals, making the precise color very difficult to control. As well as green, a wide range of browns, yellows, greys and sometimes blues all count as "celadon".[39][59]

Hungarian green

The web color Hungarian green is a dark green color seen on the national flag of Hungary.

Hunter green

Hunter green is a color that is a representation of the color worn as camouflage by hunters in the 19th century. Most hunters began wearing the color olive drab instead of hunter green about the beginning of the 20th century.[62] Some hunters still wear hunter green clothing or hunter green bandanas.

The first recorded use of hunter green as a color name in English was in 1892.[63]

Hunter green has been the official primary color of the Green Bay Packers since 1957, the New York Jets from 1998 to 2019, one of the two official colors of Ohio University and Oswego State, and one of the two official colors of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. It is also one of the main colors of Deerfield Academy.

Hunter green is one of the colors defined by the bandana code of the gay leather subculture. A hunter green bandana, if worn on the left, indicates that one is a "leather daddy", whereas if a hunter green bandana is worn on the right, it indicates that one is looking for a leather daddy, i.e., looking for a "daddy-boy" relationship.[64][65][66]

Prison uniforms issued by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision are colored hunter green.[67]

New York City uses hunter green on its construction site fences and sidewalk sheds.[68]

India green

India green, the color of the lower band of the National Flag of India, represents fertility and prosperity. It originates with a flag proposed by Mahatma Gandhi, with green representing Islam and India saffron representing Hinduism.

Islamic green

The color green (Arabic: أخضر) has a number of traditional associations in Islam. In the Quran, it is associated with Islamic paradise.

It was also chosen as a color by pro-Alid (Shi'a) factions. Thus in 817, when the Abbasid caliph al-Ma'mun adopted the Alid Ali al-Ridha a his heir-apparent, he also changed the dynastic color from black to green. The change was reverted al-Ma'mun had Ali killed, and returned to Baghdad in 819.[71] Green remains particularly popular in Shi'ite iconography, but it is also widely used in by Sunni states. It is notably used in the flag of Saudi Arabia and flag of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

MSU green

Green and white are the primary school colors representing Michigan State University. The university board of trustees officially standardized MSU green as part of a larger university branding effort, replacing a lighter green (PMS 341) used from 1997 to 2010. The official color was chosen based on the traditional darker Spartan green found on the original university varsity letter jackets and marching band jackets. The official green of Michigan State University is represented by Pantone Matching System ink color 567 (PMS 567).

NDHU green

NDHU green is the official color of National Dong Hwa University, adopted in 1994. The university officially set NDHU green as part of a larger university branding effort. It represents the books, forest of knowledge, and its campus with nature-based setting.

Pakistan green

Pakistan green is a shade of dark green, used in web development and graphic design. It originates with the field of green used on the flag of Pakistan, only stipulated as "dark green" in the national flag code. It is almost identical to the HTML/X11 dark green in sRGB and HSV values.

Persian green

Persian green is a color used in Persian pottery and Persian carpets in Iran.

The first recorded use of Persian green as a color name in English was in 1892.[76][77]

Rifle green

The source of rifle green is the Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX) color list, color No. 19-0419 TPX—Rifle green.[80]

The first recorded use of rifle green as a color name in English was in 1858.[81]

Rifle green is so named from the distinctive color of the uniform of rifle regiments (a form of light infantry) of a number of European armies, and is still used as such by rifle regiments in many Commonwealth armies, such as the Rifles and Royal Gurkha Rifles of the British Army and the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, escorted by a Bermuda Militia Artillery officer in Royal Artillery blue No. 1 dress, inspects green-uniformed riflemen of the Bermuda Rifles in 1961

Rifle green was originally adopted by rifle regiments in the 18th century, including the famous 95th Rifles of the Napoleonic Wars. As the traditional role of riflemen was that of marksmen and skirmishers who attacked behind the cover of trees, a dark green uniform was adopted as an early form of camouflage, as opposed to the colorful uniforms worn by other soldiers of the period. The vegetable based dyes used during the 18th and early 19th centuries were not fast, frequently fading after exposure to the elements to lighter shades of green or even brown. While this had advantages in terms of reduced visibility on active service, it did not make for a smart appearance on the peace-time parade ground. Accordingly, the color of the rifleman's uniform was progressively darkened until it approached black. After 1890 the development of chemical dyes permitted the adoption of the stable shade of rifle green now worn. In the U.S. armed forces, the green beret may be worn only by soldiers awarded the Special Forces Tab, signifying they have been qualified as special forces soldiers. The special forces beret is officially designated "beret, man's, wool, rifle green, army shade 297". Previously, rifle green uniforms had been issued to Hiram Berdan's elite 1st and 2nd United States Sharpshooters during the American Civil War.

Rifle green was the official uniform colour of the Canadian Forces (CF) after unification; it was thereafter generally referred to as "CF green". After the introduction of the distinctive environmental uniform (DEU), rifle green remained as the uniform colour of the winter land environment DEU; a short-lived tan uniform was worn in summer. After the demise of the tans, the rifle green DEU was worn year-round. Rifle green was also the colour of the uniform worn by the Northern Irish Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) until 2001 where the RUC was renamed the PSNI and while the uniform color remained the same, terminology changed to "bottle green".[82]

Rifle green is 19–0419 TPX in the Pantone palette, or hex code #444C38 in the sRGB color space, as shown above. Despite being referred to as bottle green in some contexts, Pantone rifle green is a distinct shade from RAL 6007 Bottle green.

Russian green

The first recorded use of Russian green as a color name in English was in the 1830s (exact year uncertain).[85] The term appears to refer to the medium shade of green worn by most regiments of the Imperial Russian Army from 1700 to 1914.

SGBUS green

SGBUS green is the color voted by the public and used by Singapore to color all its government-owned public buses.[86]

See also


  1. ^ "X11 rgb.txt". XFree86. Archived from the original on 7 November 2015. Retrieved 5 February 2008.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "W3C TR CSS3 Color Module, HTML4 color keywords". Retrieved 13 June 2011.
  3. ^ "Tintbooks – Get Accurate CMYK Color Results For Your Printing Projects". 18 March 2007. Archived from the original on 10 March 2007.
  4. ^ The sRGB values are taken by converting the NCS color 2060-G using the "NCS Navigator" tool at the NCS website.
  5. ^ a b "Pantone TPX Pantone Color Finder—Type the word "Green" into the indicated window on the Pantone Color Finder and the color will appear. There are six versions, all with the same color codes—C, EC, HC, PC, U, and UP". Pantone.
  6. ^ "W3C TR CSS3 Color Module, HTML4 color keywords". Retrieved 8 June 2010.
  7. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 194; Color Sample of Erin Page 81 Plate 29 Color Sample F12; A deep tone of the color Erin is shown as lying half way between a deep tone of green and a deep tone of the color that is now called spring green, on the bottom row of color samples on the color plate, which represent the deeper tones of the colors between green and the color now called spring green.
  8. ^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called harlequin in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color harlequin is displayed on page 57, Plate 17, Color Sample K11.
  9. ^ Maerz, Aloys John; Paul, Morris Rea (1930). A Dictionary of Color (1st ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 57 plate 17 color sample K11; p. 196. OCLC 1150631.
  10. ^ Paterson, Ian (2003). A Dictionary of Colour (1st paperback ed.). London: Thorogood Publishing (published 2004). p. 198. ISBN 1-85418-375-3. OCLC 60411025.
  11. ^ "Neon Green Default Layout 1 Picture and Photo | Imagesize: Kilobyte". Archived from the original on 11 November 2012. Retrieved 18 November 2012.
  12. ^ Gray, Madeleine (12 August 2024). "Brat summer felt like relief, like freedom. Pity it was killed, as many good things are, by a bank". The Guardian. London, United Kingdom. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 12 August 2024. The neon green used is Pantone 3507.
  13. ^ The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2002. ISBN 0-85229-787-4
  14. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill p. 189; Color Sample of Apple Green: p. 61 Plate 19 Color Sample J6
  15. ^ a b "PANTONE 18-0125 TPX Artichoke Green". Pantone. Archived from the original on 26 March 2023. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
  16. ^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called fern green in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color fern green is displayed on page 65, Plate 21, Color Sample F5. Crayola's fern colour is a lighter shade.
  17. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 195; color sample of Fern Green: Page 65 Plate 21 Color Sample F5
  18. ^ "SVG Color Keywords, CSS3 Color Module, W3C Candidate Recommendation 14 May 2003". W3C. Retrieved 6 January 2007.
  19. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 195; color sample of Jungle Green: Page 69 Plate 23 Color Sample L6
  20. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 201; color sample of Jungle Green: Page 87 Plate 32 Color Sample L12 Note: The Color Sample shown as Jungle Green in Maerz and Paul is the color shown in the article on "jungle green" as dark jungle green.
  21. ^ Gifford, C.; Peintre, M.E. (2018). The Colours of History: How Colours Shaped the World. QED Publishing. p. 57. ISBN 978-1-78603-418-2. Retrieved 10 June 2024. Kelly green is a slightly brighter green than that found on the Irish flag. It takes its name from the common Irish surname Kelly. This name for the colour was first used in the United States, where many Irish people lived.
  22. ^ Type the words "Kombu Green" into the indicated window on the Pantone Color Finder and the color will appear.
  23. ^ "- Find a Pantone Color – Quick Online Color Tool". Retrieved 20 November 2017.
  24. ^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called laurel green in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color laurel green is displayed on page 67, Plate 22, Color Sample L1.
  25. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 197; color sample of Laurel Green: Page 67 Plate 22 Color Sample L1. The color displayed in the color box above as "laurel green" matches the color shown in the color sample in Maerz and Paul
  26. ^ "Ca through Cz". ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Colo(u)r Names. John C. Foster and Texas Precancel Club. 1955. color sample No. 26. Archived from the original on 30 July 2017. Retrieved 22 September 2010. The ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names is a color dictionary used by stamp collectors to identify the colors of stamps.
  27. ^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called moss green in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color moss green is displayed on page 65, Plate 21, Color Sample L2.
  28. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill p. 199; Color Sample of Moss Green: p. 65 Plate 21 Color Sample L2
  29. ^ "Myrtle / #21421e hex color". ColorHexa. Retrieved 3 December 2021.
  30. ^ "Olive – Definition of olive by Merriam-Webster". 31 October 2023.
  31. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 190; Color Sample of Pine Tree: Page 85 Plate 31 Color Sample L6
  32. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 190; Color Sample of Pine Tree: Page 85 Plate 31 Color Sample L6
  33. ^ Overview of all RAL Classic colours. RAL gemeinnützige GmbH. Retrieved January 2016.
  34. ^ Nikolas Davies, Erkki Jokiniemi (2008). Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction. Amsterdam; Boston; London: Elsevier/Architectural Press. ISBN 9780750685023.
  35. ^ "Tea green / Caparol 28/11 / #d0f0c0 Hex Color Code".
  36. ^ I. Patterson, A Dictionary of Colour, Thorogood, 2003, ISBN 1-85418-247-1, page 381. "tea green – The greyish green of green tea."
  37. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 205; Color Sample of Tea Green: Page 65 Plate 21 Color Sample C2
  38. ^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called emerald green in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color emerald green is displayed on page 75, Plate 26, Color Sample J10.
  39. ^ a b St. Clair, Kassia (2016). The Secret Lives of Colour. London: John Murray. pp. 220–221. ISBN 978-1-4736-3081-9. OCLC 936144129.
  40. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 194; Color Sample of Emerald: Page 75 Plate 26 Color Sample J10
  41. ^ Chandraseekaran, Rajiv Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone 2007
  42. ^ a b c Regan, Trish (22 January 2009). "Pot growers thrive in Northern California: Cash crop now accounts for two-thirds of Mendocino County economy". CNBC. Archived from the original on 3 February 2013.
  43. ^ "Pigments through the Ages – History – Emerald green". Retrieved 1 March 2020.
  44. ^ "Emerald Green or Paris Green, the Deadly Regency Pigment". Jane Austen's World. 5 March 2010. Retrieved 1 March 2020.
  45. ^ Wright, Jennifer (17 March 2017). "The History of Green Dye Is a History of Death". Racked. Retrieved 1 March 2020.
  46. ^ The color in the color box above matches the color called green earth in Derwent colored pencils.[citation needed]
  47. ^ Green earth Colourlex. Retrieved 29 August 2016.
  48. ^ Green earth. Pigments through the Ages. Retrieved 29 August 2016.
  49. ^ "Colour Chart – Hooker's Green". Winsor & Newton. Archived from the original on 30 May 2013. Retrieved 29 September 2011.
  50. ^ St. Clair, Kassia (2016). The Secret Lives of Colour. London: John Murray. p. 81. ISBN 978-1-4736-3081-9. OCLC 936144129.
  51. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 162—Discussion of color Jade Green
  52. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 197
  53. ^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called malachite in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color malachite green is displayed on page 79, Plate 28, Color Sample A9.
  54. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 198; Color Sample of Malachite Green: Page 79 Plate 28 Color Sample A9
  55. ^ "Celadon / #ace1af Hex Color Code". Encycolorpedia.
  56. ^ Gompertz, G.St.G.M., Chinese Celadon Wares, p. 21, 1980 (2nd edn.), Faber & Faber, ISBN 057118003521
  57. ^ St. Clair, Kassia (2016). The Secret Lives of Colour. London: John Murray. pp. 232–233. ISBN 978-1-4736-3081-9. OCLC 936144129.
  58. ^ Dewar, Richard. (2002). Stoneware. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 0-8122-1837-X, p. 42.
  59. ^ Vainker, S.J., Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, 1991, British Museum Press, 9780714114705, pp.53–55
  60. ^ "PANTONE 18-6320 TCX Fairway". Archived from the original on 18 September 2021. Retrieved 18 June 2020.
  61. ^ "ISCC-NBS No. 137". Archived from the original on 22 November 2012.
  62. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 162—Discussion of color Hunter Green
  63. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 196; Color Sample of Hunter Green Page Plate 24 Color Sample C11—Hunter Green
  64. ^ Andrews, Vincent (2010), The Leatherboy Handbook, The Nazca Plains Corp., ISBN 978-1-61098-046-3
  65. ^ Hankycode on Archived 6 December 2007 at the Wayback Machine access date 30 March 2012
  66. ^ Hankycode on access date 30 March 2010
  67. ^ Beam, Christopher (3 December 2010). "When did prisoners start dressing in orange?". Explainer (column). Slate. Retrieved 31 October 2017.
  68. ^ "Tribeca Citizen | Nosy Neighbor: Why Are Construction Fences Always Green?". Tribeca Citizen. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  69. ^ "The Color India Green | Codes, Matching Paint, and More". Archived from the original on 27 August 2016. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  70. ^ "Islamic green / Caparol 34/05 / #009000 Hex Color Code". Encycolorpedia.
  71. ^ Kennedy, Hugh (2004). The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the 6th to the 11th Century (Second ed.). Harlow: Longman. pp. 152–153, 161. ISBN 978-0-582-40525-7.
  72. ^ "The MSU Brand – Design and Visual Identity". Michigan State University.
  73. ^ "The NDHU Brand Identity". National Dong Hwa University (in Chinese (Taiwan)).
  74. ^ "T003 – Designing the Flag of Pakistan – Takhleeq". Takhleeq. 15 August 2020.
  75. ^ "ISCC-NBS". Archived from the original on 30 July 2017. Retrieved 6 March 2008.
  76. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 201; color sample of Persian green: Page 85 Plate 31 Color Sample H7
  77. ^ The source of this color is the ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955), a color dictionary used by stamp collectors to identify the colors of stamps, now on the Internet—see sample of the color Persian green (color sample #159) displayed on indicated web page: [1] Archived 30 July 2017 at the Wayback Machine.
  78. ^ Type the words "Rifle green" into the indicated window on the Pantone Color Finder and the color will appear.
  79. ^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called Rifle green in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color Rifle green is displayed on page 87, Plate 32, Color Sample A2.
  80. ^ "Pantone TPX Pantone Color Finder—Type the words "Rifle green" into the indicated window on the Pantone Color Finder and the color will appear".
  81. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill p. 203; Color Sample of Russian Green: p. 87 Plate 32 Color Sample A2
  82. ^ "Patten Report". BBC News.
  83. ^ "ISCC NBS". Archived from the original on 19 October 2017. Retrieved 22 November 2012.
  84. ^ The color displayed in the color box above (color sample No. 136 on the ISCC-NBS color list) matches the color called Russian green in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color Russian green is displayed on page 83, Plate 30, Color Sample D7.
  85. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 203; Color Sample of Russian Green: Page 83 Plate 30 Color Sample D7
  86. ^ "'Lush Green' picked as colour for new Singapore buses". Channel NewsAsia. 11 March 2016. Archived from the original on 23 October 2017.