Wikipedia: Psicología del Proyecto Wiki

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Esta es una comunidad dedicada a mejorar la cobertura de la psicología en Wikipedia , incluidas teorías, investigaciones, trastornos y psicoterapia . Sus objetivos generales son:

  1. Evaluar artículos relacionados con la psicología y etiquetarlos adecuadamente cuando haya problemas.
  2. Para eliminar el vandalismo , la investigación original y el spam .
  3. Para garantizar que los artículos se basen en fuentes secundarias independientes y confiables .
  4. Representar las controversias científicas y el consenso científico de manera justa, escribiendo artículos en un estilo neutral .
  5. Mejorar y revisar artículos para obtener la calidad de Buen Artículo y Artículo Destacado .
  6. Crear un ambiente amigable y de apoyo para los editores que quieran contribuir.
  7. Informar a la comunidad sobre temas que necesitan discusión.

Se anima a los participantes a ser audaces , especialmente a la hora de hacer cumplir las políticas de Wikipedia en los artículos relevantes.


La psicología es unadisciplina académica y aplicada que implica el estudio científico de las funciones y conductas mentales de los animales humanos y no humanos. En este campo, un profesional o investigador se denomina psicólogo . Los psicólogos se clasifican como científicos sociales o. Los psicólogos intentan comprender el papel de las funciones mentales en el comportamiento individual y social , al mismo tiempo que exploran los procesos fisiológicos y neurológicos subyacentes .

La investigación básica en psicología incluye la percepción , la cognición , la atención , la emoción , la motivación , el funcionamiento cerebral , la personalidad , el comportamiento y las relaciones interpersonales . Algunos, especialmente los psicólogos de las profundidades , también consideran la mente inconsciente . Los psicólogos emplean métodos empíricos para determinar relaciones causales y correlacionales entre variables psicosociales . Además de emplear métodos empíricos y deductivos , o en oposición a ellos, los psicólogos clínicos a veces se basan en la interpretación simbólica y otras técnicas inductivas .

Páginas de alta actividad

Estos son los artículos que más se han editado en los últimos cinco días. Última actualización: 23 de octubre de 2024 por HotArticlesBot .
Tenemos dos formas principales de hacer un seguimiento de las páginas con mayor actividad. Hacemos un seguimiento de las páginas con más visitas durante el mes anterior: las páginas populares . Esta lista tiene 1000 entradas, por lo que no está incluida aquí, pero puedes seguir el enlace (que también está en las pestañas, en la parte superior de la mayoría de las páginas de WikiProject). Si alguien sabe cómo hacer una transclusión parcial de una tabla, hágalo, teniendo en cuenta que el bot sobrescribe la página para que no pueda editarse con "solo incluir", etc.
La otra medida son los artículos que han tenido más ediciones en los últimos días: los artículos destacados . Hay menos entradas de este tipo, por eso se han incluido aquí.


Todas las tareas pueden ser realizadas por cualquier usuario, sea o no participante del WikiProject, y sin importar su nivel de experiencia en psicología (aunque solicitamos que los usuarios busquen ayuda si quieren hacer cambios en una plantilla pero no están seguros de cómo hacerlo). Las tareas prioritarias son:

  1. Da la bienvenida a los nuevos usuarios que estén interesados ​​en la psicología publicando {{subst:Psychology welcome}} ~~~~en su página de discusión.
  2. Confirme que nuestros Recursos estén actualizados.
  3. Hagamos que el Barnstar de la psicología sea menos... de principios de la década de 2010. ¿Realmente necesita partes móviles el que viene por defecto?
  4. Revise la guía del artículo para asegurarse de que nada entre en conflicto con el MOS actual . No se editó durante un tiempo y es posible que esté desactualizado.

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Para obtener una lista de alertas de discusión generadas por bots, consulte las alertas de artículos para WikiProject Psychology . En relación con esto, consulte las discusiones sobre eliminación de páginas relacionadas con la psicología y las páginas relacionadas con la ciencia del comportamiento , ya que a veces incluyen artículos que aún no tienen nuestro banner (y que, por lo tanto, no estarán en nuestras alertas de artículos).

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Resulta que el estudio del comportamiento humano está relacionado con muchas actividades humanas. ¡Quién lo hubiera dicho!



  • WP:PSICOLOGÍA/Participantes

Si estás interesado en participar, agrégate al final de la primera lista usando ~~~~. ¡ Cualquiera puede unirse! No olvides mencionar tus áreas de interés o cualquier experiencia que tengas. Considera agregar la página WP:PSYCH a tu lista de seguimiento para que puedas ver las actualizaciones allí.


  • Limegreen 23:58 5 mar 2006 (UTC) (Social/Lenguaje) [ responder ]
  • Cswrye 04:08, 7 de marzo de 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Jtneill - Discusión 04:12 7 mar 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • whicky1978 talk 02:39 19 jun 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Prototime ( discusióncontribuciones ) 23:45, 8 de agosto de 2006 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
  • Defensor del Pueblo 01:39, 6 de septiembre de 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • DanielCD 20:34 13 septiembre 2006 (UTC) - cuando tenga tiempo, ayudaré a mejorar los estándares de los artículos existentes. [ responder ]
  • Jcbutler : trabaja principalmente en temas de personalidad y psicología social.
  • Doczilla 03:07 18 dic 2006 (UTC) profesor de psicología [ responder ]
  • Aleta 04:26, 31 de diciembre de 2006 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
  • A ndonic O Talk | Sign Here19:26, 5 de enero de 2007 (UTC) - Sé muy poco de psicología, pero me parece interesante, así que intentaré hacer pequeñas cosas en este ámbito. [ responder ]
  • Ekantik talk 06:28 14 febrero 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Lighthead þ 00:38, 5 de abril de 2007 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Tstrobaugh 11:34 4 jul 2007 (UTC) Licenciado en Psicología, interesado en Relaciones Objetales y personalidades del Grupo B. [ responder ]
  • Robert Daoust 15:14 22 jul 2007 (UTC) - Me interesa todo lo relacionado con el sufrimiento. [ responder ]
  • JTBurman ( discusión ) 08:54 16 feb 2008 (UTC) - Estudiante de doctorado en Historia de la Psicología, con especial atención al desarrollo y evolución [ responder ]
  • staka ( T・C ) 23:50, 27 de marzo de 2008 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Cosmic Latte 09:10 14 jun 2008 (UTC) Me gusta el queso (¿hay instrucciones para agregar una autodescripción seria? ), y espero que encuentres que mis contribuciones valen la pena. [ responder ]
  • ThreeOfCups ( discusión ) 15:59 4 ago 2008 (UTC) Trabajando para mejorar la calidad de los artículos relacionados con el Indicador de tipo Myer-Briggs y el Clasificador de temperamento Keirsey [ responder ]
  • Eva-psyche ( discusión ) 19:17 14 dic 2008 (UTC) Soy estudiante universitaria de psicología clínica y estaría encantada de ayudar en todo lo que pueda. [ responder ]
  • TomCat4680 ( discusión ) 23:59 10 feb 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Muboshgu ( discusión ) 23:55 21 feb 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • The Earwig ( Usuario | Discusión | Contribuciones ) 16:14 17 abr 2009 (UTC) Interesado en mejorar el artículo sobre Eustress , entre otras cosas. [ responder ]
  • Famousdog ( discusión ) 13:37 11 jun 2009 (UTC) - Doctor en ciencias de la visión. Trabaja en varios aspectos de la percepción visual. [ responder ]
  • Avs_Dps ( discusión ) 05:13 20 jun 2009 (UTC) - Estudiar psicología, ayudará en cualquier cosa [ responder ]
  • Amado Freak 22:38 27 jun 2009 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • MartinPoulter (talk) 21:24, 18 August 2009 (UTC) - First degree was Philosophy and Psychology at Oxford University, followed by a PhD in Philosophy at University of Bristol. My focus of interest is cognitive biases and I read voraciously in this area. I find some articles in this area to be rather bare or even misleading, so am working on improving them to a basic level. As a staff member at a university, I have access to lots of academic journals.[reply]
  • Esowteric 10 February 2010
  • asbruckman Asbruckman (talk) 19:20, 11 May 2010 (UTC) - Interested in psychology of social computing/online communities. Assoc. Prof,, Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech[reply]
  • Innab (talk) 18:13, 4 August 2010 (UTC) | My interest is a neuroscience and it connection with psychology[reply]
  • Lord Spring Onion (talk) | My interests are memory, evolutionary psychology, social psychology and intelligence.
  • User: Kooperfan 30 July 2011 Behavioural psychology student. Focus mainly on sexuality, gender, and child development.
  • Entropy, 15 November 2011, Undergraduate Student, Psychology.
  • Ayzmo, Doctoral Candidate(Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology. Interested in Schizophrenia and religious content of hallucinations/delusions.
  • Wall Screamer (talk), 8 May 2012. Undergrad in between first and second years. Interested in social and abnormal psych, but will help wherever I can.
  • Rob Hurt (talk) 19:36, 27 May 2012 (UTC) Undergraduate studying neuroscience at Emory University[reply]
  • Lova Falk talk 11:09, 23 September 2012 (UTC) Psychologist. Developmental psychology, neuropsychology, clinical psychology, child psychiatry.[reply]
  • Manicjedi (talk) (contribs) (templates) 16:06, 4 March 2013 (UTC) I'm focusing on adding new stubs/expanding on the more well known rating scales.[reply]
  • I, Jethrobot drop me a line (note: not a bot!) 13:22, 16 July 2013 (UTC) Master's in psychology, focused on memory and to a lesser extent, other topics in cognitive psychology[reply]
  • Artethical. 2 Nov 2013. Psychoanalysis, Art, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Clinical Psychology.
  • KrakatoaKatie (talk) - RN, interested in broad range of psychology, currently studying social psychology (Wikipedia admin)
  • Snow (talk) 23:45, 27 April 2014 (UTC) - Especially happy to assist in articles pertaining to cognition, neuropsychology, evolutionary psychology, psycholinguistics, memory, and perception.[reply]
  • HulliInterity - I am interested in the use of Developmental Psychology and the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI) in the teaching of literature.
  • Mark D Worthen PsyD (talk) 02:04, 15 August 2014 (UTC) - Forensic psychology; VA Compensation & Pension (C&P) exams of veterans applying for disability benefits; LGBTQ issues.[reply]
  • ElfLady64 (talk) 08:55, 19 December 2014 (UTC) - Undergrad psych major, plan to pursue doctorate in clinical psych. Academic interest in abnormal and community psychology; psychotherapies; gender and sexuality; psychoeducation; systems psychology; psycholinguistics; dissemination and implementation science; mental illness stigma and awareness. Intimately familiar with child and adult ADHD, combined type and anxiety disorders.[reply]
  • Smasongarrison (talk) 00:15, 22 December 2014 (UTC) I'm a Quant Methods doctoral student; I focus on modeling individual differences (particularly intelligence and personality).[reply]
  • M.P.L.P.H. Painter
  • User:Kadesoto Ph.D. in cognitive psychology
  • User:Ayzmo Doctoral student in clinical psychology. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, college counseling, LGBT mental health.
  • Chesnaught555 - I edit a few articles on psychology, especially articles related to the DSM, every now and then.
  • vrie0006 - Clinical, quant, measurement and behavioral genetics.
  • Zeromonk (talk) 11:06, 9 June 2016 (UTC) - history of psychology and psychiatry. Current Wikimedian in Residence at the Wellcome Library (WP:GLAM/Wellcome): the residency's focus will be on history of mental health.[reply]
  • Brachney (talk) 11:06, 28 June 2016 (UTC) - Retired professor, cognitive psychology and animal behaviour.[reply]
  • StoneProphet11. (talk) Forensic Psychology. Evolutionary psychology. Media psychology and video games. Also interested in methodological issues and psychology's "replication crisis."
  • MarcMyWords. (talk) - Interested in technology, media, communications, culture, gender & masculinity, history
  • BreakfastJr (talk), 19 June 2017. I'm a fourth-year psychology student at the moment, and planning to become a psychology teacher soon. I'm interested in psychology quite broadly, but probably particularly in cognitive, social, and political psychology.
  • AlinaGusewa, April 3, 2018. I have an interest in psychology, man and his actions, actions, motives.
  • Darwin Naz (talk) 5 December 2018. I am interested in Psychology, Literature (also Art), Technology, Philosophy, and History.~
  • Blacktc (talk) 11:12, 26 March 2019 (UTC) Hi, I am Psy undergrad from HK[reply]
  • DrMel (talk) 03:14, 18 April 2019 (UTC) hello fellow psychology peeps! I’m passionate about quality of life, emotional management, crisis preparedness, metacognition, metalearning, and the future of human knowledge. Also now a strategy liaison for Wikimedia Foundation and can help represent the interests we have in this group to the strategic planning committees. Ping me?[reply]
  • Babajobu (talk) 15:24, 12 August 2019 (UTC) Primary interest is in clinical articles[reply]
  • Joshal (talk) 20:33, 12 September 2019 (UTC) Sleep, mood disorders, evidence bases assessment, measurement-informed care, epistemology[reply]
  • Obliviblob (talk) 22:17, 12 September 2019 (UTC) Student at UNC Chapel Hill[reply]
  • Mkhurley19 (talk) 01:06, 2 October 2019 (UTC) Student at Rice University. Primary interst is child psychology, trauma and the effect it has on mental/emotional disorders.[reply]
  • PatrickAtBeanstalk: Primary interests relate to Adverse Childhood Experiences, Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health, Attachment Theory
  • JohnnyB𝄬 (talk) 11:13, 18 March 2020 (UTC) - Primarily interested in anomalistic psychology, conspiracy theories, critical thinking, science communication, pseudoscience, skepticism.[reply]
  • Phytographer (talk) 22:52, 5 October 2020 (UTC) Psychology Student with an interest in Clinical psychology[reply]
  • TheRealGrantma (talk) 03:02, 8 November 2020 (UTC) Interested in psychology, mainly criminal psychology[reply]
  • Xurizuri I have particular experience with and interest in neurodiversity/other disability topics, partially due to lived experience. I am also fairly good with assessing stats in journal articles, so if you need someone to figure out what is happening then hit me up because I have a reasonable chance of understanding.
  • Bibeyjj (talk) 19:56, 23 February 2021 (UTC) - Bringing article assessments back up to speed.[reply]
  • MandyMB (talk) 10:08, 3 March 2021 (UTC) - I have a master's degree in Psychology with specialty in assessment and evaluation as well as Neuropsychology.[reply]
  • Wizdzy (talk · contribs) - Mental health.
  • Socialsciencenerd (talk) 17:34, 6 May 2021 (UTC) - social psychology, theories in psychology[reply]
  • Grey Matter Copy (talk) 13:25, 14 July 2021 (UTC) Minor Edits on topics I'm Knowledgeable about.[reply]
  • Hypoplectrus (talk) 17:06, 11 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • Cffisac (talk) 01:12, 26 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • Mr Robot 2020 (talk) 18:55, 23 November 2021 (UTC) - B.A. in psychology. Hope to contribute to the public education and fascinating research areas of psychology.[reply]
  • Sillypilled (talk) 17:26, 8 December 2021 (UTC) i'm interested in a lot of various areas of psychology, however, i'm especially interested in abnormal psychology and the effects of trauma.[reply]
  • Narraharon (talk) 01:09, 26 December 2021 (UTC) my focus is mainly on adverse childhood experiences, personality development, and neurobiology.[reply]
  • Anattapoon (talk) 17:54, 12 January 2022 (UTC) I can contribute in areas of general psychology, social psychology, behavioral science, organizational behavior, motivation, and identity.[reply]
  • RadicalCopyeditor (talk) 16:42, 27 February 2022 (UTC) most interested in helping with pages related to the DSM, ICD, and LGBTQ-related topics[reply]
  • Narbine ( discusión ) 21:25 3 abr 2022 (UTC) Licenciada en Psicología con especialización en bienestar social, Máster en Trabajo Social, LGSW. Tengo muchos conocimientos para ayudar y me gusta editar para corregir errores gramaticales o pequeños. [ responder ]
  • Darcyisverycute ( discusión ) 05:44 24 abr 2022 (UTC) No tengo formación formal en psicología, pero tengo mucho interés personal y experiencia vivida. Lo mismo con las ciencias sociales. Me interesan la mayoría de las áreas, excepto las biografías. [ responder ]
  • REGIW ( discusión ) 16:07 2 may 2022 (UTC) REGIW ( discusión ) Me interesa la filosofía y la historia de la psicología. [ responder ]
  • Donna's Cyborg ( discusión ) 16:29 30 ago 2022 (UTC) Estudiante de posgrado en antropología con experiencia en antropología médica y estudios de ciencia y tecnología . Mi investigación actual se centra en la construcción y el uso de diagnósticos psiquiátricos, en particular la política epistemológica del síndrome de memoria falsa . [ responder ]
  • Sam7688 ( discusión ) 01:43 11 oct 2022 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • PhonologicalLooper (discusión) 01:43 29 nov (UTC) Licenciada en Psicología Clínica con especial interés en demencia y diagnóstico.
  • ¿VØ!D?  ✨ 16:56, 19 de enero de 2023 (UTC) Mi principal investigación y estudio (en mi tiempo libre) es la psicología anormal, específicamente los trastornos disociativos y psicóticos. [ responder ]
  • Adler3 ( discusión ) 15:43 20 may 2023 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • twosixtyseven ( discusión ) 02:53 24 ago 2023 (UTC) Ciencia cognitiva con especial interés en trastornos psicológicos y psicolingüística [ responder ]
  • Niloiva ( discusión ) 21:08 18 sep 2023 (UTC) Psicología cultural y psicología social . También me interesa la superposición de la ingeniería social y cómo ciertas filosofías de la ingeniería social podrían ser beneficiosas para el campo de la psicología. [ responder ]
  • Learning Owl ( discusión ) 18:43 9 abr 2024 (UTC) interés en la psicología del desarrollo, los cuidados paliativos, el duelo y la pérdida, y los trastornos del desarrollo neurológico. [ responder ]

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  • skagedal ... 15:14, 5 de marzo de 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Zeligf 19:54 5 marzo 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Therearenospoons - Discusión 10:03 7 mar 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Charla de Lifeartist ####
  • - K ash Talk | correo electrónico 20:48, 15 de mayo de 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Frédérick Lacasse 20:12, 27 de mayo de 2006 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
  • Mostly Zen 11:19, 31 de mayo de 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Heida María
  • Svartulfr1 01:26 26 de agosto de 2006 (UTC)
  • Edhubbard 19:40 27 agosto 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Phronk : estudiante de posgrado en psicología. Puedo ayudar un poco con la personalidad, la cognición, la psicología social y la parapsicología.
  • Xiliquiern 22:07 5 octubre 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • JCraw 12:05 19 octubre 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Robocracia 13:12 24 octubre 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Fliry Vorru 20:40, 11 de diciembre de 2006 (UTC) - estudiante de psicología con especialización en psicología del desarrollo a nivel universitario y adolescente, psicología de la mujer y estudios feministas, psicología de la música y psicofísica. Acepto la mayoría de las materias que me ofrezcan. [ responder ]
  • Moonksy29 12:41 14 dic 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • JoeSmack Talk 16:42, 18 de diciembre de 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Ensoñación silenciosa86 18:40 19 dic 2006 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • DrMattGomes 08:50, 24 de diciembre de 2006 (UTC) - Colaborador principal del artículo sobre hipnosis [ responder ]
  • thuglas talk | edits 02:48, 25 de diciembre de 2006 (UTC) - Espero poder ayudar un poco. [ responder ]
  • Raystorm 20:03 29 dic 2006 (UTC) (Clínico) Quiero ayudar a crear/mejorar artículos. [ responder ]
  • Cassmus 21:26, 2 January 2007 (UTC) - part-time undergraduate researcher with focus on philosophical psychology and psychometrics.[reply]
  • Viperphantom 17:10, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • Ambadias I am a student. I hope it is ok to have my name on this list!
  • Ubiq 22:57, 27 January 2007 (UTC) undergrad interested in psychology and philosophy, involved in research in social psych[reply]
  • Chupper 03:31, 29 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • EPM 18:44, 17 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • Larroney 19:45, 18 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • Theseven7
  • Grant M 05:14, 20 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • Pgreenfinch 07:19, 12 April 2007 (UTC) social psychology and economic psychology mostly[reply]
  • Blue Leopard 18:26, 17 April 2007 (UTC) Cognitive psychology, especially false memory.[reply]
  • Ebolito 00:45, 29 April 2007 (UTC) — Enthusiast.[reply]
  • User:Samuel Grant 19:46, 4 May 2007 (UTC) - Enthusiast, with a specific interest in Jung and his school[reply]
  • Supernaut76 - Psychiatrist, with interests in psychoanalysis, Jungian analysis and psychiatry
  • User:Suidafrikaan
  • DashaKat
  • GridEpsilon 20:33, 28 May 2007 (UTC) Enthusiast[reply]
  • Gpollock 22:39, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • Zigzagzen 11:46,20 June 2007 (BST} Buddhist practitioner and student of what it means to be human. I am a surivor of childhood abuse and the British Mental Health system. I have a strong interest in psychology and philosophy amongst other inter-related areas of human experience. I will contribute, clarify and stir up discussion.
  • thehatinthecat Undergrad student in Goddard College's Health Arts and Sciences program, focus male adolescent psychology and rites of passage. Also research into body dysmorphic issues in men, sexual abuse and survival for men, psychological effect of female on male rape. Will be going for a Masters of Social Work in graduate study, focus quite likely Tai Chi Chung as self-soothing technique for trouble adolescents.
  • user:astropsychologist 13:20 BST 30th June 2007 - Newly graduated psychologist/criminologist. I'll try to help on criminological psychology, the cognitive neuroscience of LTM, and anything else I find!
  • Huwtube 21:50, 3 July 2007 (UTC) - Therapist for severe mental health problems; Interests: psychoanalytic theory, spirituality and psychology, psychosis, personality disorder.[reply]
  • Ash Bowie July 2007—Doctoral graduate student in clinical psychology
  • Apostle Tau 3:10, 07 August 2007 (UTC) - Child Psychology
  • Absentis 16:59, 13 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • EmpacherPuppet 21:57, 15 August 2007 (UTC) - Sock puppet of Empacher, clinical psych w/ 25 yrs in the field[reply]
  • Steve CarlsonTalk 04:59, 5 September 2007 (UTC) - Doctoral graduate student specializing in adolescents[reply]
  • Ratinabox 19:13, 26 September 2007 (UTC) -- new user, behaviorist/animal behaviour/welfare. Interested in participating as required but still somewhat unfamiliar with wikipedia. Open to suggestions.[reply]
  • Gegnome 01:46, 11 October 2007 (UTC) - Psychopathology, clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, minor editing[reply]
  • Tychoish 6 November 2007 - developmental psychology, feminism/gender/sexuality and psychology, cultural psychology.
  • Funper 18:39, 8 November 2007 (UTC) (psychology of communication)[reply]
  • Arcayne 8 December 2007 - varied participation
  • Aminz (talk) 07:10, 10 December 2007 (UTC) - I am interested in emotion articles.[reply]
  • Josh.Pritchard.DBA(talk) -- Behavior Analyst, expert in Behaviorism -- member of DBA's AOR Committee!
  • Holly.Seniuk.DBA(talk) -- -- member of DBA's AOR Committee!
  • User:ProfWhit - 23 December 2007 - neuropsych and history
  • User:Guidewell - 16 January 2008 - member of Sing Your Heart Out group singing in mental health therapy
  • Mietchen (talk) 17:28, 21 January 2008 (UTC) - interested in evolutionary and developmental psychology[reply]
  • User:Guymadison - 21 January 2008 - psychology writer
  • Zuzzerack (talk) Interested in participating
  • Sue Rangell ✍ ✉ 21:17, 22 February 2008 (UTC) I am re-adding myself to this list, as it was apparently accidentally removed.[reply]
  • Cgingold (talk) I've worked on a fair number of psych-related articles in my time as an editor; only now did it finally occur to me to sign on with the Project.
  • Mizu onna sango15 20:57, 6 March 2008 (UTC) - I'll do everything I can to help out; I'm quite interested in psychology, psychiatry, and medicine in general.[reply]
  • EagleEyes
  • St Praxed (talk) 01:25, 20 March 2008 (UTC) - being a clinical psychologist I'll be happy to participate.[reply]
  • Nk.sheridan   Talk 21:58, 24 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Endless psych 23:36 22nd April 2008 - Post. Grad Psychology grad. Willing to give anything Discurrsive psychology or research methods a go.
  • Ironholds (talk) 17:22, 27 April 2008 (UTC) Psychology student about to start his degree. i'm in.[reply]
  • Anonymaus (talk) 19:46, 2 June 2008 (UTC) I'm a psychiatrist with an interest in psychotherapy, adolescents, personality development and personality disorder[reply]
  • Fizzybee 22:05, 8 June 2008 (UTC) I'm a Senior working towards my BS in Psychology, a Research Assistant in a cognitive development lab, and a volunteer at a community mental health clinic.[reply]
  • Jack-A-Roe (talk) 00:28, 28 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • NeuroLogic 04:19, 3 August 2008 (UTC) Look forward to working more dedicatedly on psychology articles![reply]
  • Jp07 9 August 2008. Cognitive psychology, mostly. But can help with most areas. Future teacher.
  • Gyan Veda 9 August 2008
  • Loz kearney (talk) 01:22, 14 August 2008 (UTC) I am a post graduate student working towards my PhD in cognitive psychology. My focus is on categorisation and belief revision but I am happy to help with pretty much any experimental psychology related content.[reply]
  • XL2D (talk) 18:28, 21 August 2008 (UTC) Undergrad psychology student, wanting to improve the quality of existing psych articles.[reply]
  • Ranting Martian (talk) Postgraduate Psychology Student at Bond University in Australia
  • Bluptr (talk) 14:26, 9 October 2008 (UTC) , my research area![reply]
  • Action potential t c 12:16, 10 November 2008 (UTC) ---- (Undergraduate student in combined cognitive science program (psychology, linguistics and computer science)[reply]
  • Volleyball Ninja (talk) Undergraduate psychology student and will help out wherever i can
  • Earlypsychosis (talk) 11:04, 25 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Marianian (talk) 20:10, 25 February 2009 (UTC) Student: Not Autistic, but shows interest in the subject of Autism.[reply]
  • Kfb56 8 March 2009 BSc Hons Psychology.
  • Wfoddis 1 April 2009 PhD Candidate Clinical Psychology, University of Waterloo. I can contribute to material on adult self-esteem.
  • Wongdai 2 April 2009, currently doing my psychology degree at Kings College, London, I am a partial expert in social and socio-analytical psychology. Furthermore I specialise in the topic of Social Proof Phenomenon and physical/phychological attraction between opposite genders. clcheung 16:03, 2 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • twirligigT tothe C 16:50, 25 May 2009 (UTC) have a BS in psych and tons of experience with testing and research design[reply]
  • Ks0stm (T•C) 19:59, 12 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Mirafra (talk) 23:08, 16 July 2009 (UTC) - working on a PsyD in clinical psychology. I am a testing and personality theory geek, and will try to make those pages more comprehensible. Also knowledgeable about giftedness.[reply]
  • Finereach (talk) 21:50, 10 August 2009 (UTC) - did a degree in psychology a long time ago, now an enthusiast.[reply]
  • TomCloyd (talk) 11:32, 24 August 2009 (UTC) - Psychotherapist specializing in Anxiety, and especially PTSD and attachment disorders. Masters degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Counseling Psychology.[reply]
  • fet mar talk 15:08, 25 Sept 2009 (UTC) - Intrinsically motivated undergrad.
  • Gareth Lines October 2009 - Hey there, I'm a 3rd year Psychology Undergrad working on the Self and Identity Task Force at University of Southampton
  • Penbat (talk) 20:12, 24 October 2009 (UTC) I have a strong field knowledge and a fair academic knowledge of psychology subjects relating to personality disorders and bullying. I am currently working on psychological manipulation, narcissism, psychopath, workplace bullying, personal boundaries and the various personality disorders[reply]
  • Henrysteinberger (talk) Henrysteinberger (talk) 21:53, 6 November 2009 (UTC) (UTC) I am a practicing licensed psychologist, a Fellow of the Albert Ellis Inst. for REBT and hold the Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders from the APA CPP. I'm a volunteer on the Board of SMART Recovery and the editor of The SMART Recovery Handbook. Though I am still not familiar with Wiki's wacky codings, I am up-to-date in my area of addictions and I'd like to keep the science in psychology.[reply]
  • Guru42
  • wavesteel
  • SiobhanSmith (talk) - I'm a 3rd year Psychology Undergraduate working on the Self and Identity Task Force at University of Southampton
  • Filibeli 14:56, 12 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Regressions 15:04, 23 March 2010 (UTC) - I'm a 4th year Economics and Psychology Double Major at the University of California, San Diego, involved in Gambling, Decision-Making, Language Production, and Stigmatization research.[reply]
  • robertkraut 5 May 2010 - Professor of social psychology and human-computer interaction at Carnegie Mellon University
  • Morton Shumway (talk) 16:01, 31 May 2010 (UTC) | Cognitive science; history and methodology; neuro; philosophical.[reply]
  • NortonFord
  • Pessimistic Realist (talk) 08:22, 28 June 2010 (UTC) I will mostly edit some stuff on existential/humanistic psychology, community psychology, community mental health, philosophical psychology, and psychometrics whenever I have time.[reply]
  • ACEOREVIVED (talk) 21:17, 16 July 2010 (UTC) I am interested in social psychology, personality psychology, transpersonal psychology and the psychology of religion, as well as various other topics - I feel I should be in this WikiProject, as my job is to teach Psychology![reply]
  • VsevolodKrolikov | New to psychology (PhD in something else, first degree was PPE), interested in improving content on Creativity as part of developing real-life research interest in creativity and language learning.
  • Alexei Kuznetsov82 | Translator from Spanish/French, knowledge in NLP and Freudian psychoanalysis. I want improve my apprehension of the general Psychology.
  • razorbelle (talk) (contribs)
  • syifaerr (talk) (contribs)
  • Anne2608 (talk) 01:10, 9 November 2010 (UTC) My expertise is in childhood and adult ADHD, Autism, and Aspergers.[reply]
  • Clintong (talk) My expertise is in child and social psychology, also interested in psychoanalysis and freud. would also like to translate pages from foreign languages like italian, german,french and hindi to english and vice versa.
  • Avudai I am psychiatric trainee from India. Would like to contribute to psychopathology portal & Neuropsychology related articles.
  • rubicon | talk 22:03, 23 November 2010 (UTC) I hold a baccalaureate in psychology & philosophy, and a background in child welfare; might be able to contribute *something*.[reply]
  • Haley love (talk) 01:54, 5 February 2011 (UTC) I hold a PhD in social psychology and specialize in studying stereotyping, prejudice, implicit attitudes, gender, and emotional intelligence.[reply]
  • Lovearobot (talk) 18 February, 2011. I'm a Master's candidate in cognitive psychology. I have an interest and some background in information processing, confidence, personality, abnormal psychology, psychometrics, and statistics.
  • MTHarden (talk) 19:22, 12 March 2011 (UTC) I'm a PhD candidate in behavioral neuroscience working with rats to study kappa-opioid agents and mood. I also teach psychology at a local community college and my students will be contributing to this project in the future.[reply]
  • Sir. Radamanthys (talk) 00:32, 26 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • AccessBHC 21:43, 31 March 2011 (UTC). We are a team of licensed psychologists (both PhD and PsyD) and PhD and PsyD candidates who work as primary care psychologists at community health centers in Madison, Wisconsin. We would like to improve the coverage of behavioral health and primary care psychology on Wikipedia and are currently drafting high-quality, well-referenced articles that draw upon our expertise as licensed practitioners.[reply]
  • Travza (talk) 00:48, 7 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • Shatik 1-3 (talk) 18:46, 10 April 2011 (UTC) Psychologist expert in attachment and interested in cross-cultural psychology.[reply]
  • MaxR (talk) 17:56, 11 April 2011 (UTC) ■ Psychological, cultural, communicative, socio-historical, socio-legal aspects of research self, identity and self-realization. ■ Qualitative researches, qualitative data analysis in the social sciences and humanities. ■ Constructivism and social constructionism, narrative and discourse, action and some another approaches. ■ Epistemology of social cognition. ■ Power relations as a scientific problem and the mediation of scientific and social problems of the relations of power and subordination. ■ Dialogue and dialogical relations as an interdisciplinary object of study. ■ The theory of psychological counseling. ■ Metaphors in psychology and another social sciences and humanities. ■ Adoption. Psychology of adoption.[reply]
  • Mwheatley1990 (Mwheatley1990) 24 April 2011
  • Mckaywiii 17 May 2011 pschoepistemology, self-help, self-actualization, meditation
  • DocOfSoc 03 June 2011 psycho-social aspects of criminal behavior
  • jdm_mtp 16 June 2011 I am a graduate student in judgment and decision making//behavioral economics.
  • Mkhunt July 1, 2011 I am a student at St. Charles community college and going to school for nursing
  • Csamurai92 23 August 2011 Behavrioural psychology
  • jw07334 6 September 2011 Psychology undergraduate
  • User:Jdguevara14 9/8/2011 Psychology Undergraduate student
  • DouglasMerritte (talk) 17:18, 22 September 2011 (UTC) Post-graduate psychology student.[reply]
  • mmckaibab 29 September 2011 Existential psychotherapist specializing in issues of grief and dying, doctoral student nearing transition from studies to dissertation
  • Falk, 24 October 2011, Computational Cognitive Science, Cognitive Psychology, and Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Vishaka, 9 November 2011, Learning and Behavior Graduate student, Psychology.
  • Irlearning, 12 January 2012, Psychology Undergraduate, with particular interest in social and evolutionary psychology, along with sexuality and gender issues. Other interests include Sociology and Philosophy. Highly motivated to aid this project alongside my degree programme, to contribute and learn simultaneously.
  • Psych_Chic122, 16 January 2012, Clinical psychologist. Generalist training and experience with adolescents, adults and geriatric populations. I use Wikipedia all the time and decided I need to do my part to make sure people are getting accurate information.
  • Kyle Chambers, Cognitive & Language Development
  • Forgotten Faces (talk) 22:22, 4 February 2012 (UTC) Dissociative disorders[reply]
  • Jayzzee, Personality; Well-being
  • User:Vaktug, Fresh graduate in Psychology, interested in social and abnormal psychology. Nice to meet you all
  • Thepoodlechef, have a basic interest in abnormal psychology because I have mental disabilities myself.
  • Plato's Dog (talk), 7 October 2012, Assistant Professor of Education and Leadership at an American university.
  • SVBurger (talk), 16 April 2012. MSc Astrophysics. Interested in social psychology of paranoia and mnemonics.
  • Desasu11 (talk), 17 April 2012. Developmental Psychology
  • Behavio (talk), 16 May 2012. B.S. in Psychology. First year PhD. student in Developmental Psychology. Interested in cultural psychology, cognitive development, memory, and behavior analysis/behaviorism.
  • Shandong44 (User talk:Shandong44|talk), 16 May 2012. MA in experimental psych (dropped out of Phd program), MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Interested in cross-cultural psychology (member IACCP for fifteen years), area expertise in Chinese psychology and read some Mandarin, background in cultural anthropology, cultural psychology.
  • Bflink (User talk:Bflink|talk), 21 May 2012. MEd Instructional Design and Learning Technology. Interested in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Experience in secondary education.
  • User:Synesthesis Graduate, child psychology, psychopathology
  • Rcej (Robert)talk 10:57, 28 July 2012 (UTC) Undergraduate of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Lowell[reply]
  • Churn and change (talk) 20:33, 31 August 2012 (UTC) Biochemistry, psychology, computer science. Owns undergrad-level texts in all three. Access to several online databases; will help with fair-use requests.[reply]
  • WhitleyTucker (talk) 2:19, 20 September 2012 Undergraduate studying biology at Washington University in St. Louis
  • L. Eagle 20 September 2012 Technical writing
  • Yla Tausczik (talk) 22:32, 26 September 2012 (UTC) postdoctoral fellow in human-computer interaction at Carnegie Mellon University, trained as a social psychologist at University of Texas at Austin[reply]
  • CrowdMadness 11:29, 30 December 2012 (UTC) interested in social psychology and abnormal psychology.[reply]
  • Robbiecee2 (talk) 00:55, 15 January 2013 (UTC) interested in abnormal psychology/psychiatry, neuropsychology and child & adolescent psychology.[reply]
  • EricEnfermero Howdy! 07:50, 21 January 2013 (UTC) I'm a neonatal ICU nurse now, but I have an undergraduate psychology degree. I'm drawn to the variety of subjects that psychology represents.[reply]
  • June Pilcher 24 January 2013. I am interested in a broad range of psychology, mind, and brain topics. I have a Ph.D. in Biopsychology and am a professor at Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
  • Jim Council 24 January 2013. Psych prof at North Dakota State University. Expertise in history of psych, hypnosis. Got started last semester with APS Wikipedia Initiative. Getting hooked now.
Jim, the link to your user account doesn't work. Please fix the link or get an account so we can contact you and see your edits. Thanks for your contributions, MartinPoulter (talk) 13:06, 25 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Jim Council 27 January 2013. I am still figuring things out. Thanks Martin.
  • Burriloom (talk) High school junior, studied psychology independently for approximately three years. Specialize in sociology, criminology, cognitive psychology, suicidology?. Average grasp on anthropology, physiology, and abnormal psychology. Large amount of references available.
  • Denverkris (talk) BA in Psych from ECU, 22 years of life experience after college (including several "nutty" ex's). Primary areas of interest are behavioral psychology and personality disorders.
  • Stephanie Henry Senior Psychology student at Clemson University
  • Morell21 I am an undergraduate student at Rice University interested in emotional labor.
  • Naomi FK I am an undergraduate student at Rice University interested in social psychology.
  • PsicoFS Clinical Psychology. Anxiety disorders
  • Snagglepuss24 (talk) I am a psychology major, with a focus on cognitive/behavioral modalities for counseling psychology.
  • QueenoftheWags (talk) 01:41, 15 April 2013 (UTC) Grad student[reply]
  • Mbama7 (talk) 04:40, 4 July 2013 (UTC) I have a B.S. in psychology. Interest in personality, abnormal psychology, criminology[reply]
  • depthdiver (talk) - neuroscience and depth psychology; intersection of psychology, philosophy and politics
  • Adam Blake (talk) - PhD student, primarily cognitive psychology (learning, memory, metacognition), but can/do help with social
  • Byrappa - Behavioral and organisational psychology
  •   M aurice  10:37, 14 February 2014 (UTC) - Technical Assistant in a High School, interested in relations between quantum physics and depth psychology[reply]
  • jeanygina (talk) - I am an undergraduate at Rice University, also studying Psychology and Poverty, Justice and Human Capabilities.
  • Allisonshields (talk) - I am an undergraduate at Rice University. I am studying Psychology and I am interested in autism.
  • Dsimpson492 (talk) 27 February 2014. - Psychology professor at Carroll University. Expertise in Social Psychology, Statistics, and Internet learning tools.
  • geordiex8 (talk) 4 April 2014. - PhD Performance Science; music psychology
  • Shannon Garcia (talk) - Undergraduate at University of Washington; focused on neuropsychology and psychiatric genomics (schizotypy, bipolar, and autism spectrum)
  • Let99 (talk) 17:41, 11 May 2014 (UTC) - human memory[reply]
  • Erikbaer (talk) 03:37, 14 May 2014 (UTC) - Psychology Undergrad. Interests in existentialism, phenomenology, philosophy, ADHD, abnormal psychology, humanistic psychology, mythology, pragmatism, personality theories[reply]
  • DrSocPsych (talk) - Social psychology, learning, influence, persuasion, new religious movements.
  • Dubey (talk) 14:01, 14 July 2014 (UTC) Learning, consumer psychology, psychological research.[reply]
  • CleopatraGG(talk) B.S. Psychology; Interested in Behavioral Statistics, Psychometrics, Quantitative Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Consumer Psychology
  • LaurentS76(talk) 16:34, 28 July 2014 - PhD in psychology; Interested in Positive psychology, cross-cultural psychology, counseling psychology, psychometrics
  • kguan10 Clinical psychology PhD student, expertise in child and adolescent clinical psychology, treatment, dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments.
  • WeijiBaikeBianji (talk, how I edit) 19:55, 30 November 2014 (UTC) Independent researcher and popular author on gifted education, psychology of individual differences, and behavior genetics. Weekly participant during the school year at a university journal club (graduate seminar course) on behavior genetics hosted by a university department of psychology. I edit on my own behalf as one volunteer Wikipedian among many and don't speak for anyone else on Wikipedia. I keep a source list on psychology in user space for all Wikipedians to share.[reply]
  • psychmajor22 New to Wikipedia so I hope I'm doing this right. I am a passionate student of psychology. I have finished my BA Hons. with specialization in Psychology and I am looking to become a clinical psychology (MA/PhD) candidate. I understand this program is incredibly competitive - so I know it's not going to be easy. If anyone has psychology research, journal opportunities, need someone with experience in editing, or have any projects that they would like to start and want someone to work with - I am very open to talk to. I have diverse research interests. To put it in general terms: I am interested in the etiological and maintaining factors in clinical disorders, especially anxiety-streamed ones, and to further that - the malleability of self-reported attitudes/personality traits and their role in therapy, self-help, dysfunction/optimal functioning.
  • Ongmianli (talk) 02:11, 16 January 2015 (UTC) I'm a Clinical Psychology doctoral candidate focusing on accurate assessment and dissemination of evidence-based medicine. My research focuses on pediatric bipolar disorder, but my interests in accurate assessment extend beyond this disorder. Looking forward to be able to help out![reply]
  • Babajobu (talk) 14:33, 21 January 2015 (UTC) I'm a professional in the mental health field, and a Wikipedia administrator interested in getting back involved in the wiki after an extended hiatus.[reply]
  • Magenstat (talk) 07:53, 26 February 2015 (UTC) I'm an undergraduate student at Rice University interested in writing an article about mental health and the American prison system.[reply]
  • Agrizz (talk) 17:58, 28 April 2015 (UTC) Neuroscience researcher: Foci - behavior, stress, endocrinology, limbic system, and their intersection at psychiatric disorders.[reply]
  • Laura L. C. Johnson (talk) 31 May 2015 (UTC) Cognitive Behavior Therapist and Licensed Psychotherapist. Interested in contributing to Wikipedia's psychology knowledge based in the evidence-based treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders and personality disorders, particularly using cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy.
  • AeAnBr (talk) 18:30, 31 May 2015 (UTC) Msc in Psychology, starting PhD in Perception & Cognition at NYU this fall; projects so far covered: eye movements, face perception, (social) developmental psychology, assessment methodology (emotions, vocabulary); PhD project will focus on (neuro-)aesthetics[reply]
  • Egoldman3 (talk) 18:54, 26 June 2015 (UTC) I am a postbaccalaureate interested in clinical assessment and diagnosis and the incorporation evidence-based practices into these areas to increase consistency and improve patient outcomes. I hope to contribute to Wikipedia and help add even more reliable and up-to-date content to its psychology- and medicine-related pages.[reply]
  • User:Airhyryuk I am interested with psychology since I was young because I always experience lucid dreaming. Since then, I want to know more about this.
  • Permstrump (talk) 18:02, 13 December 2015 (UTC) Adolescents and transitional age youth with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, general child & adolescent mental health, clinical social work[reply]
  • Yash! - a Prof II MBBS student with general interest in psychology.
  • LoudLizard - Developmental, Social, Memory & Biopsychology
  • Emily.marie94 (talk) 23:15, 24 February 2016 (UTC) - Final year undergraduate student in psychology. Interested in human sexuality, developmental and abnormal psychology.[reply]
  • Commissaress - I'm interested in social and theoretical psychology and can also help with translation or anything related to autism.
  • Neezes. Cognitive psychology, especially human memory. Evolutionary psychology. Also the teaching of pre-university level psychology. Teacher and PhD candidate.
  • Seba5tien (talk/contribs) 17:23, 25 July 2016 (UTC) – primary focus/interest areas include personality, social, forensic and criminal[reply]
  • Tricksnbricks (talk) 23:41, 20 October 2016 (UTC) - PhD student in Computer Science and Cognitive Science, with focus on professional identity formation in software engineering.[reply]
  • MamaDoc. (talk) Neuroscience, Psychology, Behavior formation, eating disorders, computational neuroscience, experimental design.
  • TopCipher (talk) 13:17, 25 March 2017 (UTC) Interested in working on and expanding Forensic Psychology[reply]
  • Dr.khatmando (talk) a.k.a Jdcounselling PhD peer reviewed published author, university Professor. Contributing to psychometrics, clinician education, psychotherapy, therapeutic common factors, acculturation psychology. Will do proof reading upon request.
  • Di4gram (talk) 03:05, 28 April 2017 (UTC) Academic focus: Behavioral neuroscience, developmental psychopharmacology, refining and validating animal models of anxiety/panic disorders and PTSD. I'd like to help make related articles more accessible! BSc Psychology (Hon)[reply]
  • Dr_Ashton (talk), August 18, 2017. My main strength is in Social Psychology. Secondary area is I-O Psychology (OB and Consumer Behavior) and I often work with students at my institution editing pages on this topic.
  • Abelsalt, June 18th, 2018. I'm a doctoral candidate in cognitive neuroscience, focusing on attention, perception and awareness. Experience with behavioral, fMRI and EEG designs. Some experience with clinical work (schizophrenia).
  • eldeane , 20 de julio de 2018. Soy estudiante de tercer año en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Chapel Hill y edito páginas relacionadas con la evaluación basada en evidencia y hago que la EBA sea más accesible y comprensible para los médicos. También me interesa cómo el microbioma y el sistema inmunológico afectan el estado de ánimo y la ansiedad.
  • KnightDeathAndTheDevil ( discusión ), 25 de octubre de 2018. Soy un científico conductual centrado en el razonamiento causal, el riesgo, la ambigüedad y los incentivos. Mi formación académica es en psicología, economía conductual y comportamiento organizacional.
  • Aymp458 ( discusión ) 18:53 8 nov 2018 (UTC) Soy un científico cognitivo que se centra en la memoria, específicamente en los aspectos sociales de la memoria. Mi formación y experiencia son en psicología y ciencia cognitiva. [ responder ]
  • drjchill (discusión) 17:47 23 ago 2019 El interés principal está en artículos sobre desarrollo o cognición.
  • El interés principal de Banawan es la ansiedad, el TOC y otros trastornos del estado de ánimo y la ansiedad.
  • ithaker ( discusión ) 17:45 19 sep 2019 (UTC) Trastornos del estado de ánimo en adolescentes, evaluación basada en evidencia, variaciones culturales en la salud mental [ responder ]
  • Scamper88 (discusión) 15:52 22 oct 2019 (UTC): Psicóloga clínica, centrada principalmente en la salud mental: trastornos del estado de ánimo y de la personalidad, adicción al alcohol y a las drogas, psicosis. Interés especial en la práctica basada en la evidencia [ responder ]
  • Mrakia : Fisiopatología, psiquiatría, trastornos mentales y del comportamiento.
  • MCJones20 ( discusión ) 02:43 30 sep 2020 (UTC) [ responder ]

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