Seguridad social (Estados Unidos)

Trabajadores del sector privado en relación con los beneficiarios de prestaciones sociales  Beneficiarios de discapacidad
 Beneficios para sobrevivientes
 Jubilados del Seguro Social

En los Estados Unidos , Seguridad Social es el término comúnmente utilizado para el programa federal de Seguro de Vejez, Sobrevivientes e Incapacidad ( OASDI ) y es administrado por la Administración de Seguridad Social (SSA). [1] La Ley de Seguridad Social fue aprobada en 1935, [2] y la versión actual de la Ley, con sus modificaciones, [3] abarca varios programas de bienestar social y seguro social .

El beneficio mensual promedio del Seguro Social para septiembre de 2023 fue de $1,706. [4] El costo total del programa del Seguro Social para el año 2022 fue de $1.244 billones o aproximadamente el 5.2 por ciento del producto interno bruto (PIB) de Estados Unidos. [5]

La Seguridad Social se financia principalmente a través de impuestos sobre la nómina denominados Ley de Contribuciones al Seguro Federal (FICA, por sus siglas en inglés) o Ley de Contribuciones de los Trabajadores Autónomos (SECA, por sus siglas en inglés). Los ingresos por salarios y sueldos provenientes de empleos cubiertos, hasta un monto determinado por ley (consulte la tabla de tasas impositivas), están sujetos al impuesto sobre la nómina de la Seguridad Social. Los ingresos por salarios y sueldos superiores a este monto no están sujetos a impuestos. En 2024, el monto máximo de ingresos imponibles es de $168,600. [6]

La seguridad social es casi universal: el 94 por ciento de las personas con empleo remunerado en los Estados Unidos trabajan en empleos cubiertos. [7] Sin embargo, alrededor de 6,6 millones de trabajadores de los gobiernos estatales y locales en los Estados Unidos, o el 28 por ciento de todos los trabajadores estatales y locales, no están cubiertos por la seguridad social sino por planes de pensiones operados a nivel estatal o local.

Los impuestos sobre la nómina de la Seguridad Social son recaudados por el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) federal y se confían formalmente al Fondo Fiduciario del Seguro de Vejez y Sobrevivientes (OASI) federal y al Fondo Fiduciario del Seguro de Incapacidad (DI) federal, los dos Fondos Fiduciarios de la Seguridad Social . [8] [9] Los ingresos de la Seguridad Social superaron los gastos entre 1983 y 2009 [10] , lo que aumentó los saldos de los fondos fiduciarios. Sin embargo, la jubilación de la gran generación del baby boom está reduciendo los saldos. Sin cambios legislativos, se proyecta que las reservas del fondo fiduciario se agotarán en 2033 para el fondo OASI. [11] Si se agota, el impuesto sobre la nómina entrante y otros ingresos serían suficientes para pagar el 77 por ciento de los beneficios del OASI a partir de 2035.

Con pocas excepciones, todos los residentes legales que trabajan en los Estados Unidos tienen un Número de Seguro Social individual .


Cronología de la Seguridad Social [14]

Una forma limitada del programa de Seguridad Social comenzó, durante el primer mandato del presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt , como una medida para implementar el " seguro social " durante la Gran Depresión de la década de 1930. [17] La ​​Ley fue un intento de limitar los peligros imprevistos y para los que no se estaba preparado en la vida moderna, incluyendo la vejez, la discapacidad, la pobreza, el desempleo y las cargas de las viudas con y sin hijos.

Sin embargo, los opositores criticaron la propuesta por considerarla socialista. [18] [19] [20] La secretaria de Trabajo Frances Perkins escribió que durante una audiencia del Comité de Finanzas del Senado, el senador Thomas Gore (demócrata de Oklahoma) preguntó: "¿No es esto socialismo?". Ella respondió que no, pero él continuó: "¿No es esto un poquito de socialismo?". [21] [22]

Las disposiciones de la Seguridad Social han ido cambiando desde los años 1930, en respuesta a las preocupaciones económicas, así como a la cobertura para los pobres, los hijos dependientes, los cónyuges, los supervivientes y los discapacitados. [23] Las granjas pobres eran comunes en los EE. UU. antes de que entrara en vigor la Seguridad Social, y luego la mayoría desaparecieron alrededor de 1950. [24] En 1950, los debates se alejaron de qué grupos ocupacionales deberían incluirse para conseguir suficientes contribuyentes para financiar la Seguridad Social y se centraron en cómo proporcionar más beneficios. [25] Los cambios en la Seguridad Social han reflejado un equilibrio entre la promoción de la "igualdad" y los esfuerzos por proporcionar una protección "adecuada" y asequible para los trabajadores con salarios bajos. [26]

Programas principales

Los programas más grandes y más conocidos bajo la Ley de Seguridad Social son:

La SSA administra dos de estos programas (OASDI y SSI).


Tipos de beneficios

El programa de Seguridad Social en los Estados Unidos paga beneficios a tres amplias categorías de personas: personas jubiladas y algunos miembros de la familia, personas discapacitadas y algunos miembros de la familia, y sobrevivientes. Dentro de estas amplias categorías, el programa define tipos más específicos de beneficiarios. Por ejemplo, los cónyuges y los cónyuges divorciados son categorías distintas, con requisitos de elegibilidad algo diferentes. Los beneficios para sobrevivientes incluyen varias categorías, entre ellas viudos de edad avanzada, cónyuges divorciados sobrevivientes de edad avanzada, viudos discapacitados, cónyuges divorciados sobrevivientes discapacitados, huérfanos paternos y maternos, y viudos que cuidan a niños menores o discapacitados.

En 2023, había alrededor de 66,8 millones de personas que recibían prestaciones del Seguro Social. [27] Las personas que reciben prestaciones del Seguro de Jubilación constituyen el grupo más grande de beneficiarios, con 52,4 millones de trabajadores jubilados o miembros de su familia que reciben pagos mensuales. Se pagaron prestaciones del Seguro de Incapacidad del Seguro Social a 7,4 millones de trabajadores discapacitados y 1,2 millones de dependientes (hijos y cónyuges). Alrededor de 5,8 millones de personas, incluidos 2 millones de niños, recibieron algún tipo de prestación de supervivencia del Seguro Social.

Algunas personas tienen derecho a más de un tipo de prestación, pero las normas del programa sobre el derecho dual generalmente impiden el pago de dos prestaciones completas. Por ejemplo, una persona que tiene derecho a una prestación de jubilación y una prestación de cónyuge más alta recibirá la prestación de jubilación completa y una prestación de cónyuge parcial. Las normas sobre el derecho dual afectan desproporcionadamente a las mujeres (7 millones de mujeres en 2022 [28] ) porque históricamente han ganado menos que sus maridos actuales o anteriores y esto da lugar a prestaciones de jubilación para las mujeres que a menudo son inferiores a la prestación de cónyuge completa para la que tienen derecho.

Además, los beneficiarios del Seguro Social con bajos ingresos y recursos limitados pueden calificar para recibir ingresos adicionales a través del programa de Ingreso Suplementario de Seguridad (SSI, por sus siglas en inglés). El SSI es independiente del programa del Seguro Social, pero lo administra la SSA. En 2022, 2,5 millones de beneficiarios del Seguro Social recibieron ingresos adicionales a través del SSI. [29]

Financiación del sistema

Los pagos de la Seguridad Social a los beneficiarios, que ascendieron a 1,23 billones de dólares en 2022, se financian generalmente con impuestos sobre la nómina de los trabajadores en empleos cubiertos por la Seguridad Social, reservas de fondos fiduciarios e impuestos sobre la renta de algunos beneficios de la Seguridad Social. La tasa del impuesto sobre la nómina asciende al 12,4 por ciento de las ganancias hasta el máximo imponible (la tasa es del 6,2 por ciento para los trabajadores, del 6,2 por ciento para los empleadores y del 12,4 por ciento para los autónomos).

El Fondo Fiduciario OASI y el Fondo Fiduciario DI son legalmente separados. Para los empleados y empleadores combinados, los impuestos sobre la nómina OASI son del 10,6 por ciento y los impuestos sobre la nómina DI son del 1,8 por ciento. En 2022, las reservas del fondo fiduciario para los programas OASI y DI fueron de $2,7 billones y $118 mil millones, respectivamente. El impuesto sobre la renta de algunos beneficios de la Seguridad Social generó $47,1 mil millones para OASI y $1,6 mil millones para DI en 2022. [5]

Las evaluaciones del financiamiento del sistema a menudo se centran en los programas combinados en conjunto (OASI y DI) y se centran en medidas clave como la fecha de agotamiento del fondo fiduciario, el equilibrio actuarial durante un período de 75 años y las comparaciones de los costos del programa con el PIB de EE. UU.

En cuanto al agotamiento del fondo fiduciario, los fideicomisarios de la Seguridad Social en 2024, basándose en el trabajo técnico de los actuarios de la Administración de la Seguridad Social, proyectan que el fondo fiduciario combinado de OASDI se agotará en 2035. [30] [31] [32] [33] En 2021, el modelo presupuestario de Penn Wharton (Universidad de Pensilvania) proyectó un agotamiento en 2032-2034, dependiendo de la forma de la recuperación económica en los EE. UU. después de la pandemia de COVID-19. [34]

En lo que respecta al equilibrio actuarial, los administradores de la Seguridad Social estiman que el déficit actuarial a 75 años será del 3,61 por ciento de la nómina. Se trata aproximadamente del aumento total del impuesto sobre la nómina que sería necesario para mantener la solvencia del sistema durante 75 años. La cifra pretende ilustrar la magnitud del déficit. La legislación podría eliminarlo de otras formas que no fueran el aumento de la tasa del impuesto sobre la nómina.

Como los ingresos imponibles son una fracción del PIB, a veces las finanzas del sistema se ponen en contexto utilizando el PIB. El costo de la seguridad social actualmente es del 5,2 por ciento del PIB de Estados Unidos. Los costos del programa aumentarán al 6,3 por ciento del PIB en 2076, y luego disminuirán al 6,0 por ciento del PIB en 2097. [5]

En el pasado, se han promulgado leyes para evitar el agotamiento de los fondos fiduciarios. Si se agotaran, la Seguridad Social seguiría recibiendo ingresos al sistema por los impuestos sobre la nómina. Los administradores de la Seguridad Social estiman que esos ingresos serían suficientes para pagar el 77 por ciento de los beneficios del programa. Se ha debatido sobre un escenario de agotamiento de los fondos fiduciarios en relación con si se reducirían los beneficios mensuales o si se pagarían los montos completos, pero no en forma puntual. [35]

Actualmente, el monto de la prestación mensual de la Seguridad Social a la que tiene derecho un trabajador depende de los ingresos que haya pagado en concepto de impuestos FICA o SECA y de la edad a la que el jubilado elija comenzar a recibir las prestaciones. Dicho esto, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos dictaminó en el caso Flemming v. Nestor (1960) que nadie tiene un derecho contractual a las prestaciones de la Seguridad Social.

Medicare es un programa independiente de la Seguridad Social, aunque los beneficiarios de la Seguridad Social discapacitados o mayores (65 años o más) tienen derecho a recibir Medicare. La financiación de Medicare (Estados Unidos) también se basa en impuestos sobre la nómina, reservas de fondos fiduciarios y la tributación de algunos beneficios de la Seguridad Social.

Beneficios totales pagados, por año

El costo anual se muestra como una línea de puntos, superando primero los ingresos totales (incluidos los intereses) en 2018.
Se estima que para el año 2017 y posteriores
Ajustes por aumento del costo de vida pagados a los beneficiarios

Cálculos del monto del seguro primario y del monto del beneficio mensual

Los trabajadores que tienen un empleo cubierto por la Seguridad Social pagan impuestos FICA ( Ley Federal de Contribuciones al Seguro Social ) o SECA (Ley de Contribuciones de Trabajadores Autónomos) y obtienen trimestres de cobertura si sus ganancias superan los montos mínimos especificados por la ley. Los trabajadores con 40 trimestres de cobertura (QC) están "totalmente asegurados" y son elegibles para recibir beneficios de jubilación. Los montos de los beneficios de jubilación dependen del promedio de los 35 años más altos de ingresos "ajustados [por inflación]" o "indexados [por inflación]" de la persona. Los ingresos imponibles de una persona de años anteriores se ajustan al crecimiento salarial de toda la economía, utilizando el índice salarial promedio nacional (AWI), y luego se promedian. [37] Si el trabajador tiene menos de 35 años de ingresos cubiertos, a estos años no contributivos se les asignan ingresos cero. La suma de los 35 años más altos de ingresos ajustados o indexados dividida por 420 (35 años por 12 meses por año) produce los Ingresos Mensuales Promedio Indexados de una persona o AIME. [37]

Luego, el AIME se utiliza para calcular el Monto de Seguro Primario (PIA). Para los trabajadores que cumplan 62 años en 2024, la fórmula de cálculo del PIA es:

(a) el 90 por ciento de los primeros $1,174 de ingresos mensuales promedio indexados, más

(b) 32 por ciento de los ingresos mensuales promedio indexados entre $1,174 y $7,078, más

(c) 15 por ciento de los ingresos mensuales promedio indexados superiores a $7,078 [38]

Para los trabajadores que cumplan 62 años en el futuro, los factores de 90, 32 y 15 por ciento en la fórmula de cálculo seguirán siendo los mismos, pero los montos en dólares en la fórmula (llamados puntos de inflexión) aumentarán según el crecimiento salarial en la economía nacional, medido por el AWI. Debido a que el cálculo del AIME y el PIA incorporan el AWI, se dice que los beneficios de la Seguridad Social están indexados a los salarios. Debido a que los salarios suelen crecer más rápido que los precios, los PIA para los trabajadores que cumplan 62 años en el futuro tenderán a ser más altos en términos reales, pero similares en relación con los ingresos promedio de la economía en el momento en que se alcance la edad de 62 años.

Los montos de los beneficios mensuales se basan en el PIA. Una vez calculado, se indexa en función de la inflación de precios a lo largo del tiempo. Por lo tanto, los montos de los beneficios mensuales del Seguro Social conservan su poder adquisitivo durante los años de jubilación de una persona.

Un trabajador que comienza a recibir una prestación de jubilación a la edad de jubilación completa recibe un monto de prestación mensual equivalente al 100 por ciento de la PIA. Un trabajador que solicita la prestación de jubilación antes de la edad de jubilación completa recibe un monto de prestación mensual reducido y un trabajador que solicita la prestación a una edad posterior a la edad de jubilación completa (hasta los 70 años) recibe un monto mensual mayor. [39]

Los factores del 90, 32 y 15 por ciento en el cálculo del PIA dan lugar a tasas de reemplazo más altas para las personas con ingresos laborales más bajos. Por ejemplo, una persona jubilada cuyos ingresos promedio están por debajo del primer punto de inflexión puede recibir un beneficio mensual al llegar a la edad de jubilación completa que equivale al 90 por ciento de los ingresos mensuales promedio de la persona antes de jubilarse. La tabla muestra las tasas de reemplazo para los trabajadores que cumplieron 62 años en 2013.

La fórmula de cálculo de PIA para trabajadores discapacitados es paralela a la de los trabajadores jubilados, excepto que el AIME se basa en menos años para reflejar la incapacidad antes de los 62 años. El monto del beneficio mensual de un trabajador discapacitado es el 100 por ciento de PIA.

Los beneficios para cónyuges, hijos y viudos dependen de las contribuciones de jubilación de un cónyuge o de un cónyuge fallecido. Los beneficiarios de cónyuges mayores y cónyuges divorciados pueden recibir hasta el 50 por ciento de las contribuciones de jubilación. Las tasas de beneficios para sobrevivientes son más altas y los viudos mayores y los cónyuges divorciados sobrevivientes mayores pueden recibir el 100 por ciento de las contribuciones de jubilación.

Los empleados federales, estatales y locales que han elegido (cuando podían) NO pagar impuestos FICA son elegibles para beneficios FICA reducidos y cobertura completa de Medicare si tienen más de cuarenta trimestres de trabajo calificado cubierto por la Seguridad Social. Para minimizar los pagos de la Seguridad Social a aquellos que no han contribuido a FICA durante 35 años o más y son elegibles para beneficios federales, estatales y locales, que suelen ser más generosos, el Congreso de los EE. UU. aprobó la Disposición de Eliminación de Ganancias Inesperadas (WEP). [42] La disposición WEP no elimina toda la elegibilidad de la Seguridad Social o Medicare si el trabajador tiene 40 trimestres de ingresos calificados, pero calcula los pagos de beneficios reduciendo el multiplicador del 90% en el primer punto de inflexión de PIA al 40-85% dependiendo del número de años de cobertura. [43] Las pensiones extranjeras están sujetas a WEP.

Algunos trabajadores con una larga trayectoria laboral pero con ingresos bajos pueden acceder a un beneficio mínimo especial basado en un cálculo alternativo de la PIA. Sin embargo, rara vez es superior a la PIA calculada regularmente y, por lo tanto, pocos trabajadores tienen derecho a dicho beneficio. En 2019, 32.000 personas recibieron el beneficio mínimo especial. [44]

Los beneficios a los que una persona tiene derecho son potencialmente tan complicados que los potenciales jubilados deberían consultar directamente a la Administración del Seguro Social para obtener asesoramiento. Muchas preguntas se abordan y, al menos parcialmente, se responden en numerosas publicaciones y calculadoras en línea.

Cómo los trabajadores pueden obtener estimaciones de beneficios

La esperanza de vida restante (el número esperado de años de vida restantes en función de la edad actual ) se utiliza en la planificación de los ingresos de jubilación . [45]

La Administración del Seguro Social (SSA) proporciona estimaciones de beneficios a los trabajadores a través del Estado de cuenta del Seguro Social. Se puede acceder al Estado de cuenta en línea abriendo una cuenta en línea con la SSA llamada my Social Security . Con esa cuenta, los trabajadores también pueden construir escenarios hipotéticos, lo que les ayuda a comprender el efecto sobre los beneficios mensuales si trabajan años adicionales o retrasan el inicio de los beneficios de jubilación. La cuenta my Social Security también ofrece otros servicios, lo que permite a las personas solicitar una tarjeta de Seguro Social de reemplazo o verificar el estado de una solicitud. [46]

Se envía por correo una copia impresa del Estado de Cuenta del Seguro Social a los trabajadores de 60 años o más.

En 2021, la SSA comenzó a producir hojas informativas sobre preparación para la jubilación , disponibles en línea y como parte de la Declaración en línea, que adaptan la información de planificación de la jubilación a diferentes grupos de edad (trabajadores jóvenes, de mediana edad y mayores). [47]

La SSA también tiene una página web de Calculadoras de Beneficios con varias calculadoras en línea independientes que ayudan a las personas a calcular sus beneficios y prepararse para la jubilación. [48] Estas incluyen calculadoras de beneficios para cónyuges, calculadoras para personas afectadas por la Disposición de Eliminación de Ganancias Inesperadas o la Compensación de Pensiones del Gobierno y calculadoras para determinar la edad de jubilación completa de una persona o el efecto de la prueba de ingresos sobre los beneficios.

La SSA también proporciona una calculadora de esperanza de vida para ayudar con la planificación de la jubilación.

Edad de jubilación plena (FRA)

Si una persona solicita por primera vez una prestación de jubilación a la edad de jubilación completa (FRA), recibirá un monto de prestación mensual equivalente al 100 por ciento del monto de seguro primario de la persona (PIA). Si solicita por primera vez antes de la FRA, el monto de prestación mensual es menor que el 100 por ciento de la PIA y si solicita después de la FRA, el monto mensual es mayor que el 100 por ciento de la PIA. A veces, la edad de jubilación completa se denomina edad de jubilación normal.

Históricamente, la edad de jubilación anticipada era de 65 años. Las Enmiendas de 1983 a la Ley de Seguridad Social aumentaron gradualmente la edad de jubilación anticipada y, para las personas nacidas en 1960 o después, la edad de jubilación anticipada es de 67 años. La edad de jubilación anticipada (62 años) no ha cambiado, pero el monto del beneficio mensual que se paga a la edad de jubilación anticipada es menor si una persona tiene una edad de jubilación anticipada más alta. Por ejemplo, cuando la edad de jubilación anticipada era de 65 años, el beneficio de jubilación anticipada era del 80 por ciento del PIA del trabajador. Para una persona con una edad de jubilación anticipada de 67 años, el beneficio de jubilación anticipada es del 70 por ciento del PIA.

Las personas que solicitan por primera vez los beneficios de jubilación después de la FRA (y hasta los 70 años) reciben créditos de jubilación diferida que aumentan el monto del beneficio mensual en un 8 por ciento por cada año de demora en la solicitud. Por ejemplo, si una persona tiene una FRA de 67 años y espera hasta los 70 años para solicitar los beneficios de jubilación, el monto del beneficio mensual de la persona será del 124 por ciento de la PIA.

Cuando fallece un beneficiario de jubilación, el viudo o el cónyuge divorciado sobreviviente generalmente tiene derecho a recibir un monto de beneficio mensual igual al que recibía el beneficiario de jubilación. Por lo tanto, un trabajador que retrasa su jubilación aumenta tanto el monto del beneficio mensual de la prestación de jubilación como, en última instancia, el beneficio que recibe el sobreviviente.

Many press articles, guides, and studies have focused on whether it is optimal to claim benefits at the full retirement age or some other age. The Social Security Administration produces a publication called "When to Start Receiving Retirement Benefits" that is designed to help individuals understand the issues involved in deciding when to begin benefits.[39] The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College produced a guide designed to help individuals make informed claiming decisions.[52]

Between 1985 and 2015, claiming of retirement benefits at the early retirement age became much less common and claiming at the full retirement age or later more common. In 2019, 1 in 4 individuals claimed at the early retirement age.[53] From 2009 through 2019, the percentage of men claiming retirement benefits after the full retirement age increased from 4.1 percent to 16.2 percent.[54] The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing recession and recovery on benefit claiming, however, are not yet known.[53]

The full retirement age is relevant for some benefit types other than retirement benefits. For example, aged spouses and aged survivors who claim spouse or survivor benefits before the full retirement age receive reduced spouse or survivor benefits. The increase in the full retirement age from the 1983 Amendments to the Social Security Act was phased in at a slightly different pace for survivor benefits and the full retirement age is 67 for survivors born in 1962 or later.[55] Many aged survivors, however, are well past the full retirement age when the worker dies and thus can receive full survivor benefits immediately upon the worker's death.

For some types of Social Security benefits, benefits are not reduced or increased based on the age the benefits are first claimed. For example, a full monthly benefit amount (100 percent of PIA) is paid to disabled workers regardless of the age at which benefits start. At the full retirement age, the Social Security Administration reclassifies disabled workers as retired workers but the individual's monthly benefit amount is not affected.

Delayed benefits

If a worker delays receiving Social Security retirement benefits until after they reach full retirement age,[56] the benefit will increase by two-thirds of one percent of the PIA per month.[57] After age 70 there are no more increases as a result of delaying benefits. Social Security uses an "average" survival rate at your full retirement age to prorate the increase in the amount of benefit increase so that the total benefits are roughly the same whenever a person retires. Women may benefit more than men from this delayed benefit increase since the "average" survival rates are based on both men and women and women live approximately three years longer than men. The other consideration is that workers have a limited number of years of "good" health left after they reach full retirement age and unless they enjoy their job they may be passing up an opportunity to do something else they may enjoy doing while they are still relatively healthy.

Benefits while continuing work

Due to changing needs or personal preferences, a person may go back to work after retiring. In this case, it is possible to get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. A worker who is of full retirement age or older may (with spouse) keep all benefits, after taxes, regardless of earnings. But, if this worker or the worker's spouse are younger than full retirement age and receiving benefits and earn "too much", the benefits will be reduced. If working under full retirement age for the entire year and receiving benefits, SSA deducts $1 from the worker's benefit payments for every $2 earned above the annual limit of $15,120 (2013). Deductions cease when the benefits have been reduced to zero and the worker will get one more year of income and age credit, slightly increasing future benefits at retirement. For example, if a person was receiving benefits of $1,230/month (the average benefit paid) or $14,760 a year and have an income of $29,520/year above the $15,120 limit ($44,640/year) that person would lose all ($14,760) benefits. If a person made $1,000 more than $15,200/year they would lose $500 in benefits. People got no benefits for the months they worked until the $1 deduction for $2 income "squeeze" is satisfied. First social security checks are delayed for several months – the first check may be only a fraction of the "full" amount. The benefit deductions change in the year a person reaches full retirement age and are still working – SSA deducts only one dollar in benefits for every three a person earns above $40,080 in 2013 for that year and has no deduction thereafter. The income limits change (presumably for inflation) year by year.[58]

Spouse's benefit and government pension offsets

The spouse or divorced spouse of a retirement beneficiary is eligible for a Social Security spouse benefit if the spouse or divorced spouse is 62 or older. The benefit amount is equal to 50 percent of the retirement beneficiary's Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) if the spouse claims the benefit at the full retirement age or later. If a person is eligible for both a retirement benefit based on the person's own work in Social Security covered employment and a spouse benefit based on a spouse's work in covered employment, SSA will pay a total amount approximately equal to the higher of the two benefits. For example, if at the full retirement age, a spouse claims a retirement benefit of $300 and a spouse benefit of $450, SSA will pay the person a $300 retirement benefit and a $150 partial spouse benefit for a total benefit of $450.

A spouse is eligible after a one-year duration of marriage requirement is met and a divorced spouse is eligible for spousal benefits if the marriage lasted for at least ten years and the person applying is not currently married. Payment of benefits to a divorced spouse does not reduce the Social Security benefits of the retired worker or family members of the retired worker, such as the worker's current spouse. A divorced person can claim spousal benefits once the former spouse is eligible for retirement benefits, regardless of whether the former spouse has claimed those retirement benefits.

Spousal benefits are reduced if claimed before the full retirement age. The reduction is 25/36 of 1% per month for the first 36 months and 5/12 of 1% for each additional month earlier than the full retirement age. This typically works out to between 50% and 32.5% of the retirement beneficiary's Primary Insurance Amount. There is no increase for starting spousal benefits after the full retirement age.

Although Social Security rules are gender-neutral, spousal benefits are disproportionately paid to women.[59] Because of trends in marriage and workforce participation, retirement benefits are projected to become increasingly important for women, but spouse and survivor benefits will remain common.[60]

Because spouse benefits are a 50 percent benefit and because divorced individuals do not share resources with a current husband or wife, divorced spouse beneficiaries have poverty rates that are high. About 29 percent of divorced spouse beneficiaries are in poverty compared to only about 5.4 percent of married spouse beneficiaries.[61]

There is a Social Security government pension offset[62] that will reduce or eliminate any spousal (or ex-spouse) or widow(er)'s benefits if the spouse or widow(er) is also receiving a government (federal, state, or local) pension from work that did not require paying Social Security taxes. The basic rule is that Social Security benefits will be reduced by two-thirds of the spouse's or widow(er)'s government pension. If the spouse's or widow(er)'s government pension exceeds 150% of the "normal" spousal or widow(er)'s benefit, the spousal benefit is eliminated. For example, a "normal" spousal or widow(er)'s benefit of $1,000/month would be reduced to $0.00, if the spouse or widow(er) is already drawing a non-FICA taxed government pension of $1,500 or more per month. Pensions from work where Social Security taxes were paid, do not reduce Social Security spousal or widow(er)'s benefits. Pensions received from foreign countries do not cause GPO; however, a foreign pension may be subject to the WEP.[63]

Widow(er) benefits

If a worker covered by Social Security dies, a surviving spouse can receive survivors' benefits if a 9-month duration of marriage is met. If a widow(er) waits until Full Retirement Age, they are eligible for 100 percent of their deceased spouse's PIA.[64] If the death of the worker was accidental, the duration of marriage test may be waived.[65] A divorced spouse may qualify if the duration of marriage was at least ten full years and the widow(er) is not currently married, or remarried after attainment of age 60 (50 if disabled and eligible for specific types of benefits[66] prior to the date of marriage).

A father or mother of any age with a child age 16 or under or a disabled adult child in his or her care may be eligible for benefits. The earliest age for a non-disabled widow(er)'s benefit is age 60. If the worker received retirement benefits prior to death, the benefit amount may not exceed the amount the worker was receiving at the time of death or 82.5% of the PIA of the deceased worker (whichever is more).[67] If the surviving spouse starts benefits before full retirement age, there is an actuarial reduction.[68] If the worker earned delayed retirement credits by waiting to start benefits after their full retirement age, the surviving spouse will have those credits applied to their benefit.[69] If the worker died before the year of attainment of age 62, the earnings will be indexed to the year in which the surviving spouse attained age 60.[70]

Children's benefits

Children of a retired, disabled or deceased worker receive benefits as a "dependent" or "survivor" if they are under the age of 18, or as long as attending primary or secondary school up to age 19 years and 2 months; or are over the age of 18 and were disabled before the age of 22.[68][71]

The benefit for a child on a living parent's record, is 50% of the PIA. For a surviving child, the benefit is 75% of the PIA. The benefit amount may be reduced if total benefits on the record exceed the family maximum.

In Astrue v. Capato (2012), the Supreme Court unanimously held that children conceived after a parent's death (by in vitro fertilization procedure) are not entitled to Social Security survivors' benefits if the laws of the state in which the parent's will was signed do not provide for such benefits.[72]


A worker who has worked long enough and recently enough (based on "quarters of coverage" within the recent past) to be covered can receive disability benefits. These benefits start after five full calendar months of disability, regardless of his or her age. The eligibility formula requires a certain number of credits (based on earnings) to have been earned overall, and a certain number within the ten years immediately preceding the disability, but with more-lenient provisions for younger workers who become disabled before having had a chance to compile a long earnings history.

The worker must be unable to continue in his or her previous job and unable to adjust to other work, with age, education, and work experience taken into account; furthermore, the disability must be long-term, lasting twelve months, expected to last twelve months, resulting in death, or expected to result in death.[73] As with the retirement benefit, the amount of the disability benefit payable depends on the worker's age and record of covered earnings.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) uses the same disability criteria as the insured social security disability program, but SSI is not based upon insurance coverage. Instead, a system of means-testing is used to determine whether the claimants' income and net worth fall below certain income and asset thresholds.

Severely disabled children may qualify for SSI. Standards for child disability are different from those for adults.

Disability determination at the Social Security Administration has created the largest system of administrative courts in the United States. Depending on the state of residence, a claimant whose initial application for benefits is denied can request reconsideration or a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Such hearings sometimes involve participation of an independent vocational expert (VE) or medical expert (ME), as called upon by the ALJ.

Reconsideration involves a re-examination of the evidence and, in some cases, the opportunity for a hearing before a (non-attorney) disability hearing officer. The hearing officer decides the case and provides justification for the finding in writing. If the claimant is denied at the reconsideration stage, (s)he may request a hearing before an ALJ. In some states, SSA has implemented a pilot program that eliminates the reconsideration step and allows claimants to appeal an initial denial directly to an ALJ.

Because the number of applications for Social Security disability is large (approximately 650,000 applications per year), the number of hearings requested by claimants often exceeds the capacity of ALJs. The number of hearings requested and availability of ALJs varies geographically across the United States. In some areas of the country, it is possible for a claimant to have a hearing with an ALJ within 90 days of the request. In other areas, waiting times of 18 months are not uncommon.

After the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issues a decision in writing. The decision can be Fully Favorable (the ALJ finds the claimant disabled as of the date that (s)he alleges in the application through the present), Partially Favorable (the ALJ finds the claimant disabled at some point, but not as of the date alleged in the application; OR the ALJ finds that the claimant was disabled but has improved), or Unfavorable (the ALJ finds that the claimant was not and is not disabled). Claimants can appeal decisions to the Social Security Appeals Council, which is in Virginia. The Appeals Council does not hold hearings; it accepts written briefs. Response time from the Appeals Council can range from twelve weeks to more than three years.

Claimants who disagree with the Appeals Council decision can appeal the case in federal district court. As in most federal court cases, an unfavorable district court decision can be appealed to the appropriate United States Court of Appeals, and an unfavorable appellate court decision can be appealed to the United States Supreme Court.

The SSA has maintained its goal for judges to resolve 500–700 cases per year but ALJs struggle to meet this goal. While 81% of ALJs met this productivity level in 2019, only 18% achieved this case disposition target in 2020.[74] Office of Hearing Operations staffing and work procedure disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have doubtlessly contributed to lower ALJ productivity in 2020.

The debate about the social security system in the United States has been ongoing for decades and there is concern about its sustainability.[75][76]

Current operation

Joining and quitting

Obtaining a Social Security number for a child is voluntary.[77] Further, there is no general legal requirement that individuals join the Social Security program unless they want, or have, to work. Under normal circumstances, FICA taxes or SECA taxes will be collected on all wages. About the only way to avoid paying either FICA or SECA taxes is to join a religion that does not believe in insurance, such as the Amish or a religion whose members have taken a vow of poverty (see IRS publication 517[78] and 4361[79]). Federal workers employed before 1987 and various state and local workers, including those in some school districts who had their own retirement and disability programs, were given the one-time option of joining Social Security. Many employees and retirement and disability systems opted to keep out of the Social Security system because of the cost and the limited benefits. It was often less expensive to obtain higher retirement and disability benefits by staying in their original retirement and disability plans.[80] Now, only a few of these plans allow new hires to join their existing plans without also joining Social Security. In 2004, the SSA estimated that 96% of all U.S. workers were covered by the system with the remaining 4% mostly a minority of government employees enrolled in public employee pensions and not subject to Social Security taxes due to historical exemptions.[81]

It is possible for railroad employees to get "coordinated" retirement and disability benefits. The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (or "RRB") is an independent agency in the executive branch of the United States government created in 1935[82] to administer a social insurance program providing retirement benefits to the country's railroad workers. Railroad retirement Tier I payroll taxes are coordinated with social security taxes so that employees and employers pay Tier I taxes at the same rate as social security taxes and have the same benefits. In addition, both workers and employers pay Tier II taxes (about 6.2% in 2005), which are used to finance railroad retirement and disability benefit payments that are over and above social security levels. Tier II benefits are a supplemental retirement and disability benefit system that pays 0.875% times years of service times average highest five years of employment salary, in addition to Social Security benefits.

FICA taxes are imposed on nearly all workers and self-employed persons. Employers are required[83] to report wages for covered employment to the SSA for processing Forms W-2 and W-3. Some specific wages are not part of the Social Security program (discussed below). Internal Revenue Code provisions section 3101[84] imposes payroll taxes on individuals and employer matching taxes. Section 3102[85] mandates that employers deduct these payroll taxes from workers' wages before they are paid. Generally, the payroll tax is imposed on everyone in employment earning "wages" as defined in 3121[86] of the Internal Revenue Code.[87] and also taxes[88] net earnings from self-employment.[89]

Trust fund

Social Security Trust Fund annual balances

Social Security taxes are paid into the Social Security Trust Fund maintained by the U.S. Treasury (technically, the "Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund", as established by 42 U.S.C. § 401(a)). Current year expenses are paid from current Social Security tax revenues. When revenues exceed expenditures, as they did between 1983 and 2009,[10] the excess is invested in special series, non-marketable U.S. government bonds. Thus, the Social Security Trust Fund indirectly finances the federal government's general purpose deficit spending. In 2007, the cumulative excess of Social Security taxes and interest received over benefits paid stood at $2.2 trillion.[90] Some regard the Trust Fund as an accounting construct with no economic significance. Others argue that it has specific legal significance because the Treasury securities it holds are backed by the "full faith and credit" of the U.S. government, which has an obligation to repay its debt.[91]

The SSA authority to make benefit payments as granted by Congress extends only to its current revenues and existing Trust Fund balance, i.e. redemption of its holdings of Treasury securities. Therefore, Social Security's ability to make full payments once annual benefits exceed revenues depends in part on the federal government's ability to make good on the bonds it has issued to the Social Security trust funds. As with any other federal obligation, the federal government's ability to repay the Social Security Trust Fund is based on its power to tax and borrow and the commitment of the U.S. Congress to meet its obligations.

In 2009, the Office of the Chief Actuary of the SSA calculated an unfunded obligation of $15.1 trillion for the Social Security program. The unfunded obligation is the difference between the future cost of the Social Security program (based on several demographic assumptions such as mortality, work force participation, immigration, and age expectancy) and total assets in the Trust Fund given the expected contribution rate through the current scheduled payroll tax. This unfunded obligation is expressed in present value dollars and is a part of the Fund's long-range actuarial estimates, not necessarily a certainty of what will occur in the long run. An Actuarial Note to the calculation says "the term obligation is used in lieu of the term liability, because liability generally indicates a contractual obligation (as in the case of private pensions and insurance) that cannot be altered by the plan sponsor without the agreement of the plan participants."[92][93]

Office of Hearings Operations (OHO, formerly ODAR or OHA)

On August 8, 2017, Acting Commissioner, Nancy A. Berryhill, informed employees that the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review ("ODAR") would be renamed to Office of Hearings Operations ("OHO").[94] The hearing offices had been known as "ODAR" since 2006, and the Office of Hearings and Appeals ("OHA") before that. OHO administers the ALJ hearings for the SSA.[95] Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) conduct hearings and issue decisions. After an ALJ decision, the Appeals Council considers requests for review of ALJ decisions, and acts as the final level of administrative review for the SSA (the stage at which "exhaustion" could occur, a prerequisite for federal court review).[96]

Benefit payout comparisons

Some federal, state, local and education government employees pay no Social Security tax but have their own retirement and disability systems that nearly always pay better retirement and disability benefits than the SSA. These plans typically require vesting (working 5–10 years for the same employer before becoming eligible for retirement). But their retirement typically depends on only the average of the best 3–10 years salaries times some retirement factor (typically 0.875%–3.0%) times years employed. This retirement benefit can be a "reasonably good" (75–85% of salary) retirement at close to the monthly salary at which they were last employed. For example, if a person joined the University of California retirement system at age 25 and worked for 35 years they could receive 87.5% (2.5% × 35) of their average highest three year salary with full medical coverage at age 60. Police and firefighters who joined at 25 and worked for 30 years could receive 90% (3.0% × 30) of their average salary and full medical coverage at age 55. These retirements have cost of living adjustments (COLA) applied each year but are limited to a maximum average income of $350,000/year or less. Spousal survivor benefits are available at 100–67% of the primary benefits rate for 8.7% to 6.7% reduction in retirement benefits, respectively.[97] University of California Retirement Plan retirement and disability plan benefits are funded by contributions from both members and the university (typically 5% of salary each) and by the compounded investment earnings of the accumulated totals. These contributions and earnings are held in a trust fund that is invested. The retirement benefits are much more generous than Social Security but are believed to be actuarially sound. The main difference between state and local government sponsored retirement systems and Social Security is that the state and local retirement systems use compounded investments that are usually heavily weighted in stock market securities, which historically have returned more than 7.0%/year on average despite some years with losses.[98] Short term federal government investments may be more secure but pay much lower average percentages. Nearly all other federal, state and local retirement systems work in a similar fashion with different benefit retirement ratios. Some plans are now combined with Social Security and are "piggy backed" on top of Social Security benefits. For example, the current Federal Employees Retirement System, which covers the vast majority of federal civil service employees hired after 1986, combines Social Security, a modest defined-benefit pension (1.1% per year of service) and the defined-contribution Thrift Savings Plan.

The current Social Security formula used in calculating the benefit level (primary insurance amount or PIA) is progressive vis-à-vis lower average salaries. Anyone who worked in OASDI covered employment and other retirement would be entitled to both the alternative non-OASDI pension and an Old Age retirement benefit from Social Security. Because of their limited time working in OASDI covered employment the sum of their covered salaries times inflation factor divided by 420 months yields a low adjusted indexed monthly salary over 35 years, AIME. The progressive nature of the PIA formula would in effect allow these workers to also get a slightly higher Social Security Benefit percentage on this low average salary. Congress passed in 1983 the Windfall Elimination Provision to minimize Social Security benefits for these recipients. The basic provision is that the first salary bracket, $0–791/month (2013) has its normal benefit percentage of 90% reduced to 40–90% – see Social Security for the exact percentage. The reduction is limited to roughly 50% of what a person would be eligible for if they had always worked under OASDI taxes. The 90% benefit percentage factor is not reduced if a person has 30 or more years of "substantial" earnings.[99]

The average Social Security payment of $1,230/month ($14,760/year) in 2013[100] is only slightly above the federal poverty level for a one-person household – $11,420/yr and below the poverty guideline of $15,500/yr for two person households.[101]

For this reason, financial advisers often encourage those who have the option to do so to supplement their Social Security contributions with private retirement plans such as an employer-sponsored 401(k) (or 403(b)) plan when they are offered by an employer. 58% of American workers have access to such plans.[102] Many of these employers will match a portion of an employee's savings dollar-for-dollar up to a certain percentage of the employee's salary. Even without employer matches, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are portable, self-directed, tax-deferred retirement accounts that offer the potential to substantially increase retirement savings compared to savings using no retirement plans. Their limitations include: the financial literacy to tell a "good" investment account from a less advantageous one; the savings barrier faced by those who are in low-wage employment or burdened by debt; the requirement of self-discipline to allot from an early age the required percentage of salary into "good" investment account(s); and the self–discipline needed to leave it there to earn compound interest until needed after retirement.

Financial advisers often suggest that long-term investment horizons should be used, as historically short-term investment losses "self correct", and most investments continue to deliver good average investment returns.[98] The IRS has tax penalties for withdrawals from IRAs, 401(k)s, etc. before the age of 59+12, and requires mandatory withdrawals once the retiree reaches 73; other restrictions may also apply on the amount of tax-deferred income one can put in the account(s).[103] For people who have access to them, self-directed retirement savings plans have the potential to match or even exceed the benefits earned by federal, state and local government retirement plans.

International agreements

People sometimes relocate from one country to another, either permanently or on a limited-time basis. This presents challenges to businesses, governments, and individuals seeking to ensure future benefits or having to deal with taxation authorities in multiple countries. To that end, the SSA has signed treaties, often referred to as Totalization Agreements, with other social insurance programs in various foreign countries.[104]

Overall, these agreements serve two main purposes. First, they eliminate dual Social Security taxation, the situation that occurs when a worker from one country works in another country and is required to pay Social Security taxes to both countries on the same earnings. Second, the agreements help fill gaps in benefit protection for workers who have divided their careers between the United States and another country.

The following countries have signed totalization agreements with the SSA (and the date the agreement became effective):[105]

Social Security number

A side effect of the Social Security program in the United States has been the near-universal adoption of the program's identification number, the Social Security number (SSN), as the de facto U.S. national identification number. The SSN is issued pursuant to section 205(c)(2) of the Social Security Act, codified as 42 U.S.C. § 405(c)(2). The government originally stated that the SSN would not be a means of identification,[106] but currently a multitude of U.S. entities use the SSN as a personal identifier. These include government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service as well as the military, in addition to private agencies such as banks, colleges and universities, health insurance companies, and employers.

Although the Social Security Act itself does not require a person to have an SSN to live and work in the United States,[107] the U.S. Internal Revenue Code does generally require the use of the SSN by individuals for federal tax purposes:

The social security account number issued to an individual for purposes of section 205(c)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act shall, except as shall otherwise be specified under regulations of the Secretary [of the Treasury or his delegate], be used as the identifying number for such individual for purposes of this title.[108]

Importantly, most parents apply for SSNs for their dependent children in order to[109] include them on their income tax returns as a dependent. Everyone filing a tax return, as taxpayer or spouse, must have an SSN or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) since the IRS is unable to process returns or post payments for anyone without an SSN or TIN.

The Privacy Act of 1974 was in part intended to limit usage of the SSN as a means of identification. Paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of section 7 of the Privacy Act, an uncodified provision, states in part:

(1) It shall be unlawful for any Federal, State or local government agency to deny to any individual any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because of such individual's refusal to disclose his social security account number.

However, the Social Security Act provides:

It is the policy of the United States that any State (or political subdivision thereof) may, in the administration of any tax, general public assistance, driver's license, or motor vehicle registration law within its jurisdiction, utilize the social security account numbers issued by the Commissioner of Social Security for the purpose of establishing the identification of individuals affected by such law, and may require any individual who is or appears to be so affected to furnish to such State (or political subdivision thereof) or any agency thereof having administrative responsibility for the law involved, the social security account number (or numbers, if he has more than one such number) issued to him by the Commissioner of Social Security.[110]

Further, paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of section 7 of the Privacy Act provides in part:

(2) the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply with respect to –
(A) any disclosure which is required by Federal statute, or
(B) the disclosure of a social security number to any Federal, State, or local agency maintaining a system of records in existence and operating before January 1, 1975, if such disclosure was required under statute or regulation adopted prior to such date to verify the identity of an individual.[111]

The exceptions under section 7 of the Privacy Act include the Internal Revenue Code requirement that SSNs be used as taxpayer identification numbers for individuals.[112]

Demographic and revenue projections

In each year since 1982, OASDI tax receipts, interest payments and other income had exceeded benefit payments and other expenditures, for example by more than $150 billion in 2004.[113] However, as the "baby boomers" moved out of the work force and into retirement, expenses came to exceed tax receipts and then, exceeded all OASDI trust income, including interest, starting in 2018 (see chart Social Security Revenue and Cost, above). At that point the system began drawing on its trust fund Treasury Notes, and will continue to pay benefits at the then current levels until the Trust Fund is exhausted.

When the costs of the Social Security program started to exceed income in 2018, the trust fund began to empty and, without changes made to the system, will be fully depleted in the future. In a survey of 210 members of the American Economics Association published in November 2006, 85 percent agreed with the statement: "The gap between Social Security funds and expenditures will become unsustainably large within the next fifty years if current policies remain unchanged."[114]

Furthermore, increased spending for the Social Security program will occur at the same time as increases in demand for Medicare, as a result of the aging of the baby boomers. One projection illustrates the relationship between the two programs:

From 2004 to 2030, the combined spending on Social Security and Medicare is expected to rise from 8% of national income (gross domestic product) to 13%. Two-thirds of the increase occurs in Medicare.[115]

In May 2024, the Treasury Department issued the annual trustees report for the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds with depletion date projections for the funds estimated at 2033 and 2098 respectively and by 2035 when combined.[30][31][32][33]

Ways to eliminate the projected shortfall

A February 2013 protest

The Social Security program is predicted to run out of money to pay all prospective benefits at today's level of benefits in 2034.[11] Ways to extend that date are as follows.


Payroll tax rates history

Tax on wages and self-employment income

Benefits are funded by taxes imposed on wages of employees and self-employed persons. As explained below, in the case of employment, the employer and employee are each responsible for one half of the Social Security tax associated with the employee, with the employee's half being withheld from the employee's pay check. In the case of self-employed persons (i.e., independent contractors), the self-employed person is responsible for the entire amount of Social Security tax associated with the self-employed person.

The portion of taxes collected from the employee for Social Security are referred to as "trust fund taxes" and the employer is required to remit them to the government. These taxes take priority over everything, and represent the only debts of a corporation or LLC that can impose personal liability upon its officers or managers. A sole proprietor and officers of a corporation and managers of an LLC can be held personally liable for non-payment of the income tax and social security taxes whether or not actually collected from the employee.[122]

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) (codified in the Internal Revenue Code) imposes a Social Security withholding tax equal to 6.20% of the gross wage amount, up to but not exceeding the Social Security Wage Base ($97,500 for 2007; $102,000 for 2008; and $106,800 for 2009, 2010, and 2011). The same 6.20% tax is imposed on employers. For 2011 and 2012, the employee's contribution was temporarily reduced to 4.2%, while the employer's portion remained at 6.2%.[123][124] In 2024, the Social Security Wage Base (the upper limit on earnings taxed) increased to $168,600. For each calendar year for which the worker is assessed the FICA contribution, the SSA credits those wages as that year's covered wages. The income cutoff is adjusted yearly for inflation and other factors.

A separate payroll tax of 1.45% of an employee's income is paid directly by the employer, and an additional 1.45% deducted from the employee's paycheck, yielding a total tax rate of 2.90%. There is no maximum limit on this portion of the tax. This portion of the tax is used to fund the Medicare program, which is primarily responsible for providing health benefits to retirees and also pay benefits to those on disability.

The changes in Social Security tax rates over time can be accessed on the SSA[125] website.

The combined tax rate of these two federal programs is 15.30% (7.65% paid by the employee and 7.65% paid by the employer). In 2011–2012 it temporarily dropped to 13.30% (5.65% paid by the employee and 7.65% paid by the employer).

For self-employed workers (who technically are not employees and are deemed not to be earning "wages" for federal tax purposes), the self-employment tax, imposed by the Self-Employment Contributions Act of 1954, codified as Chapter 2 of Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. §§ 1401–1403, is 15.3% of "net earnings from self-employment."[126] In essence, a self-employed individual pays both the employee and employer share of the tax, although half of the self-employment tax (the "employer share") is deductible when calculating the individual's federal income tax.[127][128]

If an employee has overpaid payroll taxes by having more than one job or switching jobs during the year, the excess taxes will be refunded when the employee files an annual federal income tax return. Any excess taxes paid by employers, however, are not refundable to the employers.

By Congressional Budget Office (CBO) calculations, the lowest income quintile (0–20%) and second quintile (21–40%) of households in the U.S. pay an average income tax of −9.3% and −2.6% and Social Security taxes of 8.3% and 7.9% respectively. By CBO calculations the household incomes in the first quintile and second quintile have an average Total Federal Tax rate of 1.0% and 3.8% respectively.[129]

Wages not subject to tax

Workers are not required to pay Social Security taxes on wages from certain types of work:[130]

Federal income taxation of benefits

Originally the benefits received by retirees were not taxed as income. Beginning in tax year 1984, with the Reagan-era reforms to repair the system's projected insolvency, retirees with incomes over $25,000 (in the case of married persons filing separately who did not live with the spouse at any time during the year, and for persons filing as "single"), or with combined incomes over $32,000 (if married filing jointly) or, in certain cases, any income amount (if married filing separately from the spouse in a year in which the taxpayer lived with the spouse at any time) generally saw part of the retiree benefits subject to federal income tax.[154] In 1984, the portion of the benefits potentially subject to tax was 50%.[155] The Deficit Reduction Act of 1993 set the portion to 85%. Moreover, since the taxable income threshold is not indexed to inflation, the portion of beneficiaries' social security payments subject to income tax has risen significantly in real terms since the threshold was set in 1984.


Claim of discrimination against the poor and the middle class

For people in the bottom fifth of the earnings distribution, the ratio of benefits to taxes is almost three times as high as it is for those in the top fifth.[156]

Workers must pay 12.4 percent, including a 6.2 percent employer contribution, on their wages below the Social Security Wage Base ($168,600 in 2024), but no tax on income in excess of this amount.[6][157] Therefore, high earners pay a lower percentage of their total income because of the income caps; because of this, and the fact there is no tax on unearned income, social security taxes are often viewed as being regressive. However, benefits are adjusted to be significantly more progressive, even when accounting for differences in life expectancy. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, for people in the bottom fifth of the earnings distribution, the ratio of benefits to taxes is almost three times as high as it is for those in the top fifth.[156]

Despite its regressive tax rate, Social Security benefits are calculated using a progressive benefit formula that replaces a much higher percentage of low-income workers' pre-retirement income than that of higher-income workers (although these low-income workers pay a higher percentage of their pre-retirement income).[158] Supporters of the current system also point to numerous studies that show that, relative to high-income workers, Social Security disability and survivor benefits paid on behalf of low-income workers more than offset any retirement benefits that may be lost because of shorter life expectancy (this offset would apply only at a population level).[159][160][161] Other research asserts that survivor benefits, allegedly an offset, actually exacerbate the problem because survivor benefits are denied to single individuals, including widow(er)s married fewer than nine months (except in certain situations),[162] divorced widow(er)s married fewer than ten years,[163] and co-habiting or same-sex couples, unless they are legally married in their state of residence.[164][165][166][167][168] Unmarried individuals and minorities tend to be less wealthy.[169]

Social Security's benefit formula provides 90% of average indexed monthly earnings (AIME) below the first "bend point" of $791/month, 32% of AIME between the first and second bend points $791 to $4781/month, and 15% of AIME in excess of the second bend point up to the Ceiling cap of $113,700 in 2013.[170] The low income bias of the benefit calculation means that a lower paid worker receives a much higher percentage of his or her salary in benefit payments than higher paid workers. A married low salaried worker can receive over 100% of their salary in benefits after retiring at the full retirement age. High-salaried workers receive 43% or less of their salary in benefits despite having paid into the "system" at the same rate (see benefit calculations above). To minimize the impact of Social Security taxes on low salaried workers the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Care Tax Credit were passed by the U.S. Congress, which largely refund the FICA and or SECA payments of low-salaried workers through the income tax system.[129] By Congressional Budget Office (CBO) calculations, the lowest income quintile (0–20%) and second quintile (21–40%) of households in the U.S., pay an average federal income tax of −9.3% and −2.6% of income and Social Security taxes of 8.3% and 7.9% of income respectively. By CBO calculations, the household incomes in the first and second quintiles have an average total federal tax rate of 1.0% and 3.8% respectively.[129] However, these groups also have the smallest percentage of American household incomes – the first quintile earns 3.2% of all income, while the second quintile earns 8.4% of all income.[171] Higher-income retirees pay income taxes on 85% of their Social Security benefits and 100% on all other retirement benefits they may have.[37]

Marital status

The Social Security Act defines the rules for determining marital relationships for SSI recipients. The act requires that if a couple is cohabitating, they should be considered married for purposes of the SSI program.[172] Consequently, if the claimant is found disabled and found to be "holding out"; this claimant will be entitled to reduced or no SSI benefits.[173] However, the Social Security Act does not accept that a claimant "holding out as husband or wife" should be entitled of Survivor, Retirement or Widow(er)s benefits, when the claimant's "husband or wife" dies.[174] SSA rules and regulations about marital status either prohibit (SRDI program) or reduce (SSI program) benefits to indigent claimants.

Claim that politicians exempted themselves from the tax

Critics of Social Security have said that the politicians who created Social Security exempted themselves from having to pay the Social Security tax.[175] When the federal government created Social Security, all federal employees, including the president and members of Congress, were exempt from having to pay the Social Security tax, and they received no Social Security benefits. This law was changed by the Social Security Amendments of 1983, which brought within the Social Security system all members of Congress, the president and the vice president, federal judges, and certain executive-level political appointees, as well as all federal employees hired in any capacity on or after January 1, 1984.[176] Many state and local government workers, however, are exempt from Social Security taxes because they contribute instead to alternative retirement systems set up by their employers.[177]

Comparison to a Ponzi scheme

Critics have drawn parallels between Social Security and Ponzi schemes,[178][179] arguing that the sustenance of Social Security is due to continuous contributions over time. One difference between a traditional Ponzi scheme and Social Security, is that while both may have similar structures—in particular, a sustainability problem when the number of new people paying in is declining—they have differing degrees of transparency. In the case of a traditional Ponzi scheme, the fact that there is no return-generating mechanism other than contributions from new entrants is obscured[180] whereas the Social Security scheme is designed to have payouts openly underwritten by incoming tax revenue and the interest on the Treasury bonds held by or for the Social Security scheme.[181] Private sector Ponzi schemes are also vulnerable to collapse because they cannot force new entrants to contribute, whereas participation in the Social Security program is usually mandatory upon beginning one's first job in the United States. In connection with these and other issues, Robert E. Wright calls Social Security a pyramid scheme—rather than a true Ponzi scheme—in his book, Fubarnomics.

Single men with different wages and retirement dates

Estimated net benefits under differing circumstances

In 2004, Urban Institute economists C. Eugene Steuerle and Adam Carasso created a Web-based Social Security benefits calculator.[182] Using this calculator, it is possible to estimate net Social Security benefits (i.e., estimated lifetime benefits minus estimated lifetime FICA taxes paid) for different types of recipients. In the book Democrats and Republicans – Rhetoric and Reality, Joseph Fried used the calculator to create graphical depictions of the estimated net benefits of men and women who were at different wage levels, single and married (with stay-at-home spouses), and retiring in different years. These graphs vividly show that generalizations about Social Security benefits may be of little predictive value for any given worker, due to the wide disparity of net benefits for people at different income levels and in different demographic groups. For example, the graph below (Figure 168) shows the impact of wage level and retirement date on a male worker. As income goes up, net benefits get smaller – even negative.

Impact of gender and wage levels on net Social Security benefits

However, the impact is much greater for the future retiree (in 2045) than for the current retiree (2005). The male earning $95,000 per year and retiring in 2045 is estimated to lose over $200,000 by participating in the Social Security system.[183]

In the next graph (Figure 165), the depicted net benefits are averaged for people turning age 65 anytime during the years 2005 through 2045. (In other words, the disparities shown are not related to retirement.) However, there is an impact of gender and wage level. Because women tend to live longer, they generally collect Social Security benefits for a longer time. As a result, they get a higher net benefit, on average, no matter what the wage level.[184]

Net lifetime SS benefits of married men and women where only one person works

The next graph (Figure 166), shows estimated net benefits for married men and women at different wage levels. In this scenario, it is assumed that the spouse has little or no earnings and, thus, will be entitled to collect a spousal retirement benefit. According to Fried:

Two significant factors are evident: First, every column in Figure 166 depicts a net benefit that is higher than any column in Figure 165. In other words, the average married person (with a stay-at-home spouse) gets a greater benefit per FICA tax dollar paid than does the average single person, no matter what the gender or wage level. Second, there is only limited progressivity among married workers with stay-at-home spouses. Review Figure 166 carefully: The net benefits drop as the wage levels increase from $50,000 to $95,000; however, they increase as the wage levels grow from $5,000 to $50,000. In fact, net benefits are lowest for those earning just $5,000 per year.[185]

The last graph shown (Figure 167), is a combination of Figures 165 and 166. In this graph it is clear why generalizations about the value of Social Security benefits are meaningless. At the $95,000 wage level, a married person could be a big winner, getting net benefits of about $165,000. On the other hand, he could lose an estimated $152,000 in net benefits if he remains single. Altogether, there is a "swing" of over $300,000 based upon the marriage decision (and the division of earnings between the spouses). In addition, there is a large disparity between the high net benefits of the married person earning $95,000 ($165,152) versus the relatively low net benefits of the man or woman earning $5,000 ($30,025 or $41,890, depending on gender). In other words, the high earner, in this scenario, gets a far greater return on his FICA tax investment than does the low earner.[186]

Comparison of net SS benefits

In the book How Social Security Picks Your Pocket other factors affecting Social Security net benefits are identified: Generally, people who work for more than 35 years get a lower net benefit, all other factors being equal. People who do not live long after retirement age get a much lower net benefit. Finally, people who derive a high percentage of income from non-wage sources get high Social Security net benefits because they appear to be poor, when they are not. The progressive benefit formula for Social Security is blind to the income a worker may have from non-wage sources, such as spousal support, dividends and interest, or rental income.[187]

Current controversies

Proposals to reform of the Social Security system have led to heated debate, centering on funding of the program. In particular, proposals to privatize funding have caused great controversy.

Contrast with private pensions

Although Social Security is sometimes compared to private pensions, the two systems are different in a number of respects. It has been argued that Social Security is an insurance plan as opposed to a retirement plan. Unlike a pension, for example, Social Security pays disability benefits. A private pension fund accumulates the money paid into it, eventually using those reserves to pay pensions to the workers who contributed to the fund; and a private system is not universal.

Social Security cannot "prefund" by investing in marketable assets such as equities, because federal law prohibits it from investing in assets other than those backed by the U.S. government. As a result, its investments to date have been limited to special non-negotiable securities issued by the U.S. Treasury, although some[citation needed] argue that debt issued by the Federal National Mortgage Association and other quasi-governmental organizations could meet legal standards. Social Security cannot by law invest in private equities, although some other countries (such as Canada) and some states permit their pension funds to invest in private equities. As a universal system, Social Security generally operates as a pipeline, through which current tax receipts from workers are used to pay current benefits to retirees, survivors, and the disabled. When there is an excess of taxes withheld over benefits paid, by law this excess is invested in Treasury securities (not in private equities) as described above.

Two broad categories of private pension plans are "defined benefit pension plans" and "defined contribution pension plans." Of these two, Social Security is more similar to a defined benefit pension plan. In a defined benefit pension plan, the benefits ultimately received are based on some sort of pre-determined formula (such as one based on years worked and highest salary earned). Defined benefit pension plans generally do not include separate accounts for each participant. By contrast, in a defined contribution pension plan each participant has a specific account with funds put into that account (by the employer or the participant, or both), and the ultimate benefit is based on the amount in that account at the time of retirement. Some have proposed that the Social Security system be modified to provide for the option of individual accounts (in effect, to make the system, at least in part, more like a defined contribution pension plan). Specifically, on February 2, 2005, President George W. Bush made Social Security a prominent theme of his State of the Union Address.[188] He described the Social Security system as "headed for bankruptcy", and outlined, in general terms, a proposal based on partial privatization. Critics responded that privatization would require huge new government borrowing to fund benefit payments during the transition years. See Social Security debate (United States).

Both "defined benefit" and "defined contribution" private pension plans are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which requires employers to provide minimum levels of funding to support "defined benefits" pensions. The purpose is to protect the workers from corporate mismanagement and outright bankruptcy of the plan, although in practice many private pension funds have fallen short in recent years. In terms of financial structure, the current Social Security system is analogous to an underfunded "defined benefit" pension ("underfunded" meaning not that it is in trouble, but that its savings are not enough to pay future benefits without collecting future tax revenues).

Contrast with insurance

Besides the argument over whether the returns on Social Security contributions should or can be compared to returns on private investment instruments, there is the question of whether the contributions are nonetheless analogous to pooled insurance premiums charged by for-profit commercial insurance companies to maintain and generate a return on a "risk pool of funds".[189] Like any insurance program, Social Security "spreads risk" as the program protects workers and covered family members against loss of income from the wage earner's retirement, disability, or death. For example, a worker who becomes disabled at a young age could receive a large return relative to the amount they contributed in FICA before becoming disabled, since disability benefits can continue for life. As in private insurance plans, everyone in the particular insurance pool is insured against the same risks, but not everyone will benefit to the same extent.

The analogy to insurance, however, is limited[190] by the fact that paying FICA taxes creates no legal right to benefits[191] and by the extent to which Social Security is funded by FICA taxes. During 2011 and 2012, for example, FICA tax revenue was insufficient to maintain Social Security's solvency without transfers from general revenues. These transfers added to the general budget deficit like general program spending.[192][193][194]

Private retirement savings crisis

While inflation-adjusted stock market values generally rose from 1978 to 1997, from 1998 through 2007 they were higher than in March 2013.[195] This has caused workers' supplemental retirement plans such as 401(k)s to perform substantially more poorly than expected when current retirees were investing the bulk of their savings in them.[196][197] In 2010, the median household retirement account balance for workers aged 55 to 64 was $120,000, which will provide only a trivial supplement to Social Security benefits, but about a third of households had no retirement savings.[198] 75% of Americans nearing retirement age had less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts, which Forbes called "the greatest retirement crisis in American history."[199]

Court interpretation of the Act to provide benefits

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has indicated that the Social Security Act has a moral purpose and should be liberally interpreted in favor of claimants when deciding what counted as covered wages for purposes of meeting the quarters of coverage requirement to make a worker eligible for benefits.[200] That court has also stated: "... [T]he regulations should be liberally applied in favor of beneficiaries" when deciding a case in favor of a felon who had his disability payments retroactively terminated upon incarceration.[201] According to the court, that the Social Security Act "should be liberally construed in favor of those seeking its benefits can not be doubted."[202] "The hope behind this statute is to save men and women from the rigors of the poor house as well as from the haunting fear that such a lot awaits them when journey's end is near."[203]


The constitutionality of Social Security is intricately linked to the evolving nature of U.S. Supreme Court jurisprudence on federal power (the 20th century saw a dramatic increase in allowed congressional action). When Social Security was first passed, there were significant questions over its constitutionality as the Court had found another pension scheme, the original Railroad Retirement Act, to violate the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment. Some, such as University of Chicago law professor Richard Epstein and Harvard University professor Robert Nozick, have argued that Social Security should be unconstitutional.[204][205]

In the 1937, U.S. Supreme Court case of Helvering v. Davis,[206] the Court examined the constitutionality of Social Security when George Davis of the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston sued in connection with the Social Security tax. The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts first upheld the tax. The District Court judgment was reversed by the Circuit Court of Appeals. Commissioner Guy Helvering of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (now the Internal Revenue Service) took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Court upheld the validity of the tax.

During the 1930s, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in the midst of promoting the passage of a large number of social welfare programs under the New Deal and the U.S. Supreme Court struck down many of those programs (such as the Railroad Retirement Act and the National Recovery Act) as unconstitutional. Modified versions of the affected programs were afterwards approved by the Court, including Social Security.

When Helvering v. Davis was argued before the Court, the larger issue of constitutionality of the old-age insurance portion of Social Security was not decided. The case was limited to whether the payroll tax was a suitable use of Congress's taxing power. Despite this, no serious challenges regarding the system's constitutionality are now being litigated, and Congress's spending power may be more coextensive, as shown in cases like South Dakota v. Dole[207] during the Reagan Administration.

Fraud and abuse

Social Security Number theft

Because Social Security Numbers (SSNs) have become useful in identity theft and other forms of crime, various schemes have been perpetrated to acquire valid SSNs and related identity information.

In February 2006, the Social Security Administration (SSA) received several reports of an email message being circulated addressed to "Dear Social Security Number And Card owner" and purporting to be from the SSA. The message informs the reader "that someone illegally is using your Social Security number and assuming your identity" and directs the reader to a website designed to look like the SSA Internet website.

"I am outraged that someone would target an unsuspecting public in this manner," said Commissioner Jo Anne B. Barnhart. "I have asked the Inspector General to use all the resources at his command to find and prosecute whoever is perpetrating this fraud."[208]

Once directed to the phony website, the individual is reportedly asked to confirm his or her identity with "Social Security and bank information". Specific information about the individual's credit card number, expiration date and PIN is then requested. "Whether on our online website or by phone, Social Security will never ask you for your credit card information or your PIN," Commissioner Jo Anne B. Barnhart reported.

SSA Inspector General O'Carroll recommended people always take precautions when giving out personal information. "You should never provide your Social Security number or other personal information over the Internet or by telephone unless you are extremely confident of the source to whom you are providing the information," O'Carroll said.[208]

In August 2024, a class-action lawsuit was filed against National Public Data, claiming that the company permitted hackers to steal sensitive private information, including Social Security Numbers, covering millions of individuals. The theft was alleged to have occurred in April 2024.[30][209][210] The stolen data contains records for people in the US, UK, and Canada.[31]

Fraud in the acquisition and use of benefits

Given the vast size of the program, fraud sometimes occurs. The SSA has its own investigatory unit[211] to combat and prevent fraud, the Cooperative Disability Investigations Unit (CDIU). The Cooperative Disability Investigations (CDI) Program continues to be one of the most successful initiatives, contributing to the integrity of SSA's disability programs. In addition when investigating fraud in other SSA programs, the Social Security Administration may request investigatory assistance from other law enforcement agencies including the Office of the Inspector General as well as state and local authorities.[212]

Restrictions on potentially deceptive communications

Because of the importance of Social Security to millions of Americans, many direct-mail marketers packaged their mailings to resemble official communications from the SSA, hoping recipients would be more likely to open them. In response, Congress amended the Social Security Act in 1988 to prohibit the private use of the phrase "Social Security" and several related terms in any way that would convey a false impression of approval from the SSA. The constitutionality of this law (42 U.S.C. § 1140) was upheld in United Seniors Association, Inc. v. Social Security Administration, 423 F.3d 397 (4th Cir. 2005), cert den 547 U.S. 1162; 126 S.Ct. 2346 (2006) (text at Findlaw).[213]

Public economics

Current recipients

Social Security – Ratio of covered workers to retirees

The 2011 annual report by the program's Board of Trustees noted the following: in 2010, 54 million people were receiving Social Security benefits, while 157 million people were paying into the fund; of those receiving benefits, 44 million were receiving retirement benefits and 10 million disability benefits. In 2011, there will be 56 million beneficiaries and 158 million workers paying in. In 2010, total income was $781.1 billion and expenditures were $712.5 billion, which meant a total net increase in assets of $68.6 billion. Assets in 2010 were $2.6 trillion, an amount that is expected to be adequate to cover the next ten years. In 2023, total income and interest earned on assets were projected to no longer cover expenditures for Social Security, as demographic shifts burden the system. By 2035, the ratio of potential retirees to working age persons will be 37 percent – there will be less than three potential income earners for every retiree in the population. At that rate the Social Security Trust Fund would be exhausted by 2036.[214] In 2024, the estimated year in which funds would be exhausted was 2035.[30][31][32][33]

Saving behavior

Average balances of retirement accounts, for households having such accounts, exceed median net worth across all age groups. For those 65 and over, 11.6% of retirement accounts have balances of at least $1 million, more than twice that of the $407,581 average (shown). Those 65 and over have a median net worth of about $250,000 (shown), about a quarter of the group's average (not shown).[215]

Social Security affects the saving behavior of the people in three different ways. The wealth substitution effect occurs when a person saving for retirement recognizes that the Social Security system will take care of him and decreases his expectations about how much he needs to personally save. The retirement effect occurs when a taxpayer saves more each year in an effort to reduce the total number of years he must work to accumulate enough savings before retirement. The bequest effect occurs when a taxpayer recognizes a decrease in resources stemming from the Social Security tax and compensates by increasing personal savings to cover future expected costs of having children.[216]

Reducing cost of living adjustment (COLA)

At present, a retiree's benefit is annually adjusted for inflation to reflect changes in the consumer price index.[217] Some economists argue that the consumer price index overestimates price increases in the economy and therefore is not a suitable metric for adjusting benefits, while others argue that the CPI underestimates the effect of inflation on what retired people actually need to buy to live.

The current cost of living adjustment is based on the consumer price index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). The Bureau of Labor Statistics routinely checks the prices of 211 different categories of consumption items in 38 geographical areas to compute 8,018 item-area indices. Many other indices are computed as weighted averages of these base indices. CPI-W is based on a market basket of goods and services consumed by urban wage earners and clerical workers. The weights for that index are updated in January of every even-numbered year. People who say the CPI-W overestimates inflation recommend updating the weights each month; this produces the Chained Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (C-CPI-U). People who say the C-CPI-U [or the unchained CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)] disadvantages the elderly, point out that seniors consume more medical care than younger people, and that the costs of medical care have been rising faster than inflation in other parts of the economy. According to this view, the costs of the things the elderly buy have been rising faster than the market basket averaged to obtain CPI-W, CPI-U or C-CPI-U. Some have recommended fixing this by using a CPI for the Elderly (CPI-E).

In 2003, economics researchers Hobijn and Lagakos estimated that the Social Security trust fund would run out of money in 40 years using CPI-W and in 35 years using CPI-E.[218]


According to a 2016 study in the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, the Social Security benefit increases from 1952 to 1991 have a "large, immediate, and significant positive response of consumption".[219]

Health outcomes

According to a 2021 study, the expansion of old-age assistance under the 1935 Social Security Act reduced mortality among the elderly by 30–39%.[220]

See also


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Further reading

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