Elecciones generales de Singapur de 2020

El viernes 10 de julio de 2020 se celebraron elecciones generales en Singapur para elegir a 93 miembros [c] del Parlamento de Singapur en 31 distritos electorales . [d] El Parlamento se disolvió y la presidenta Halimah Yacob convocó elecciones generales el 23 de junio, por recomendación del primer ministro Lee Hsien Loong . [2] Se eligieron miembros del parlamento para el 14.º Parlamento de Singapur desde la independencia de Singapur en 1965, utilizando el sistema electoral de mayoría simple . [3] [4]

Las elecciones fueron las decimoctavas elecciones generales en Singapur y las decimoterceras desde la independencia. [5] El gobernante Partido de Acción Popular (PAP) consiguió su decimoquinto mandato consecutivo en el gobierno desde 1959, estableciendo el segundo récord ininterrumpido más largo entre los países con sufragio universal de 66 años si el PAP termina su mandato completo de cinco años, detrás del Partido Revolucionario Institucional de México, que estuvo en el poder durante 71 años consecutivos.

Los resultados vieron al gobernante PAP ganar 83 escaños electos mientras que el Partido de los Trabajadores (WP) ganó los 10 restantes. El WP retuvo con éxito sus distritos de Aljunied GRC y Hougang SMC y capturó el recién creado Sengkang GRC , constituyendo la mayor cantidad de escaños de oposición en el Parlamento desde 1966. Sengkang GRC fue notablemente el segundo GRC ganado por el WP, [6] la primera vez que la oposición reclamó múltiples GRC desde la creación del plan en 1988, y también la primera vez que un distrito electoral recién creado fue ganado por un partido de oposición en su primer intento. [7]

Aunque el PAP logró asegurar otra victoria por supermayoría , estas elecciones también dieron lugar a avances para los partidos no pertenecientes al PAP. Con el WP obteniendo el 50,49% de los votos en los 21 escaños que disputó en una lucha directa con el PAP, las elecciones generales de 2020 marcaron la primera vez desde 1963 que el gobernante PAP perdió el voto popular en general en distritos electorales disputados por el WP y la primera vez desde la independencia . Además, también fue la primera elección en la que hubo más de un millón de votantes válidos que votaron en contra o emitieron un voto nulo/en blanco en lugar del PAP. [e]


Según el artículo 65(4) de la Constitución , el mandato máximo de cualquier Parlamento es de cinco años a partir de la fecha de su primera sesión tras una elección general, tras lo cual se disuelve por ministerio de la ley. Sin embargo, el Primer Ministro puede aconsejar al Presidente que disuelva el Parlamento en cualquier momento durante el período de cinco años. [8] [9] [10] [11] Las elecciones generales deben celebrarse dentro de los tres meses siguientes a cada disolución del Parlamento. Las elecciones son realizadas por el Departamento Electoral (ELD), que depende de la Oficina del Primer Ministro . [12]

El Parlamento cuenta con 93 escaños electivos organizados en 14 circunscripciones uninominales y 17 circunscripciones de representación grupal . Cada circunscripción uninominal elige a un miembro del Parlamento mediante el sistema de votación por mayoría simple , mientras que cada circunscripción de representación grupal elige a cuatro o cinco parlamentarios mediante el sistema de votación por bloques de partidos , en el que al menos uno de ellos debe ser de la comunidad malaya, india u otra minoría. Todos los candidatos que deseen presentarse a las elecciones en una circunscripción de representación grupal deben ser miembros del mismo partido político o de un grupo de candidatos independientes, lo que da lugar a una situación en la que el partido ganador obtiene el 100% de los escaños en una determinada circunscripción de representación grupal. La edad para votar en Singapur es de 21 años, y pueden hacerlo los votantes nacidos antes del 1 de marzo de 1999.

El 23 de junio de 2020 a las 16:00 horas, el Primer Ministro Lee Hsien Loong anunció durante un anuncio televisado en vivo que la Presidenta Halimah Yacob había disuelto el 13.º Parlamento de Singapur el mismo día y había emitido una orden de elección con nominaciones que se realizarían una semana después, el 30 de junio de 2020. [13] [14] [15] [16] [17 ] [18] [19] [20]

El oficial electoral fue Tan Meng Dui, ex subsecretario del Ministerio de Desarrollo Nacional y director general de la Agencia Nacional del Medio Ambiente . Esta es su primera elección como oficial electoral, reemplazando a Ng Wai Choong, quien había desempeñado este papel en las elecciones generales anteriores . [21] [22] [23]

Partidos políticos

El gobernante Partido de Acción Popular está en el poder desde 1959 y actualmente está dirigido por el primer ministro, Lee Hsien Loong . El principal partido de oposición es el Partido de los Trabajadores , dirigido por Pritam Singh , que antes de las elecciones contaba con seis escaños electos y tres escaños en el NCMP . Un total de diez partidos de oposición desafiaron al partido gobernante en estas elecciones. [24]

Cambios en el proceso electoral

El Departamento de Elecciones introdujo varias novedades para estas elecciones con el fin de facilitar el proceso electoral a los votantes, candidatos y voluntarios electorales. El registro de votantes el día de la votación se realizará electrónicamente y los funcionarios electorales no tendrán que tachar manualmente los datos del votante de un registro de electores impreso. [25] Los votantes podrán marcar su(s) candidato(s) preferido(s) con mayor claridad utilizando bolígrafos automáticos y disfrutarán de un menor tiempo de espera gracias a la introducción del sistema de registro electrónico. Los candidatos podrán completar la mayoría de los documentos necesarios en línea, mientras que los voluntarios electorales podrán contar el número de votos en un lapso más corto con la ayuda de máquinas de recuento, lo que permitirá que los resultados electorales se publiquen al menos 50 minutos antes. [26] [27] Además, habrá más centros de votación, lo que reducirá el número promedio de votantes por centro de votación de 3.000 a unos 2.400. Los ciudadanos mayores de 65 años tendrán prioridad para votar entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 12:00 p. m. el día de la votación. [28]

El recuento de votos puede ocurrir si el margen de resultados para un distrito electoral está dentro de un rango del 2% (o puntuaciones entre el 49% y el 51%). A diferencia de las elecciones anteriores, el recuento ahora se activa automáticamente en lugar de ser convocado manualmente por los candidatos o agentes de recuento, lo que se vio anteriormente en 1991 ( Nee Soon Central SMC ), 2011 (tanto Presidential como Potong Pasir SMC) y 2015 (Aljunied GRC); además, se utilizaría una máquina de recuento de reserva para el recuento en lugar de contarlo manualmente. Al igual que en elecciones pasadas, los votos en el extranjero se descartan durante un recuento de votos, ya que no causan ningún impacto en los resultados finales, a menos que el electorado total en el extranjero sea mayor que la diferencia de votos. [29] [30]

Miembro del Parlamento que no pertenece a un distrito electoral

El 27 de enero de 2016 se aprobó una enmienda a la Constitución , aumentando el número mínimo de miembros de la oposición en el Parlamento de tres a 12 miembros. Este es el primer aumento del número de parlamentarios de la oposición asignados desde las elecciones generales de Singapur de 2011 , cuando se aumentó de tres miembros a nueve. [31] Como en el caso de las elecciones anteriores, los escaños del NCMP se ofrecen a los candidatos de la oposición no electos con mejor desempeño, y el número se determina por el número total de candidatos de la oposición elegidos; si hay al menos 12 candidatos de la oposición elegidos, entonces no se ofrecerán escaños del NCMP, como se vio anteriormente en las elecciones de 1991. Los nombres de los candidatos elegibles se anuncian unos días después del día de la votación. Los candidatos pueden rechazar el puesto si se les ofrece, como se vio anteriormente en las elecciones de 1984 [32] y 2015. [33] [34]

Divisiones electorales

Límites electorales

El Comité de Revisión de Límites Electorales está compuesto por altos funcionarios públicos y se encarga de ajustar los límites de las divisiones electorales antes de una elección. El gobierno afirma oficialmente que esto es necesario para garantizar la participación de las minorías en el Parlamento en medio de cambios demográficos, al tiempo que garantiza un número equitativo de votantes representados por diputado, aunque los críticos han planteado acusaciones de manipulación de los distritos electorales para perjudicar a la oposición. [35] [36] [37] [38] En 2015, había 16 GRC y 13 SMC. El Primer Ministro Lee convocó al comité el 1 de agosto de 2019 con instrucciones de reducir el tamaño de los GRC y aumentar el número de SMC. [39] [40] La fecha exacta de formación se reveló solo cuando Pritam Singh le preguntó al Ministro de Comercio e Industria, Chan Chun Sing, en una respuesta escrita en el Parlamento. [41]

El Comité publicó su informe el 13 de marzo de 2020 con la formación de 17 GRC y 14 SMC. [42] [43] Por primera vez desde 1991 , los GRC de seis miembros fueron eliminados y reducidos a cinco. Se formó un nuevo GRC de Sengkang a partir de partes de los antiguos SMC de Punggol East y Sengkang West y los límites del GRC de Tampines se modificaron por primera vez desde 2001 , debido al aumento de la población en el área noreste de Singapur. También se crearon cuatro nuevos SMC ( Kebun Baru , Yio Chu Kang , Marymount y Punggol West ), tres antiguos SMC fueron absorbidos por GRC vecinos ( Fengshan , Punggol East y Sengkang West ), mientras que se modificaron los límites de dos SMC ( Hong Kah North y Potong Pasir ). Las restantes circunscripciones electorales regionales y las cuatro circunscripciones regionales generales ( Aljunied , Holland–Bukit Timah , Jurong y Tanjong Pagar ) no se modificaron, aunque el Partido de los Trabajadores planteó cuestiones sobre la abolición de las circunscripciones electorales regionales que había impugnado anteriormente y perdido por un estrecho margen. Los cambios hicieron que alrededor del 13% de los votantes se asignaran a una nueva circunscripción y aumentaran el número de escaños de 89 a 93. [43]

Los cambios realizados en las divisiones electorales son los siguientes:

Interrupciones por la pandemia de COVID-19

Durante un foro del Straits Times celebrado el 11 de marzo, el viceprimer ministro Heng Swee Keat dijo que el calendario de las elecciones podría verse afectado en vista del empeoramiento de la pandemia. [44] El 25 de marzo, el ministro principal Teo Chee Hean dijo al Parlamento que creía que sería inconstitucional que el presidente formara un gobierno interino a menos que el gabinete le hubiera recomendado al presidente el estado de emergencia . [45]

El 28 de marzo, Tan Cheng Bock respondió a los comentarios de Teo diciendo que la naturaleza inconstitucional de un gobierno interino como resultado de posponer una elección general sería mucho más preferible que tener una emergencia sanitaria al exponer a millones de singapurenses a una posible infección por COVID-19. [46]

El 7 de abril, el Ministro de Comercio e Industria Chan Chun Sing presentó al Parlamento el Proyecto de Ley de Elecciones Parlamentarias (Disposiciones Especiales sobre la COVID-19) que permitiría a los votantes bajo Avisos de Quedarse en Casa u Órdenes de Cuarentena relacionadas con la COVID-19 votar fuera de sus divisiones electorales normales en las próximas Elecciones Generales. [47] El proyecto de ley fue aprobado por el Parlamento el 4 de mayo y sancionado por el Presidente el 15 de mayo. [48] La Ley de Elecciones Parlamentarias (Disposiciones Especiales sobre la COVID-19) de 2020 entró en vigor el 26 de mayo. [49]

El 1 de julio se promulgó el Reglamento de Elecciones Parlamentarias (Disposiciones Especiales COVID-19) de 2020 para establecer equipos de votación móviles en colegios electorales especiales y permitir que los votantes con fiebre o con órdenes de permanencia por COVID-19 voten desde las 7:00 p. m. hasta las 8:00 p. m. el día de las elecciones. [50]

Restricciones a la campaña electoral

Carteles de campaña del PAP y el SPP durante las elecciones generales de 2020.

El 18 de junio, la ELD introdujo medidas temporales para reducir el riesgo de transmisión de COVID-19, como la prohibición de celebrar mítines y proyecciones televisivas relacionadas con las elecciones, que se sustituirán por mítines electrónicos y una nueva "Transmisión política de circunscripción", [51] y los centros de nominación ya no admitirán a miembros del público o simpatizantes durante el día de la nominación. Todavía se permiten los paseos y los vehículos de campaña, aunque se sigue aplicando el distanciamiento seguro y el contacto físico mínimo, y los candidatos tampoco pueden pronunciar discursos ni realizar mítines físicos, incluso durante la campaña desde los vehículos de campaña, lo que significa que no habrá desfiles realizados por los candidatos después de la elección, [52] aunque todavía se puede transmitir cualquier mensaje pregrabado. [53] [54]

Restricciones durante la jornada electoral

Una tarjeta de votación que incluía un intervalo de tiempo recomendado de dos horas.

A los votantes se les dio un espacio de tiempo recomendado de dos horas para emitir su voto el día de la votación (de 8 am a 8 pm) en su tarjeta de votación como una medida para contrarrestar las largas colas durante la votación. Las medidas para el distanciamiento seguro todavía se aplican el día de la votación. A los votantes con fiebre o síntomas respiratorios se les negará la entrada a los colegios electorales, excepto durante la última hora (7 pm a 8 pm). [55] [50] Los votantes que no puedan votar debido a problemas médicos, o porque están en el extranjero, serán eliminados de la lista del registro de votantes debido al voto obligatorio , pero no necesitarán pagar la tarifa de $ 50 para restablecer sus nombres. Los votantes tuvieron que usar desinfectante para manos antes de votar, e inicialmente se les pidió que usaran guantes desechables, pero esto se cambió más tarde debido a que el requisito causaba largas colas. [56] [57] A los votantes mayores de 65 años se les dio un espacio de tiempo especial en la mañana. Las restricciones causaron largas colas en los colegios electorales. [58]

En el caso de las votaciones en el extranjero (que se celebraron en diez ciudades: Dubái , Londres , Tokio , Pekín , Washington, D.C. , Hong Kong , Shanghái , San Francisco , Nueva York y Canberra ), la votación estaba sujeta a la aprobación de las autoridades de los países afectados, mientras que el ELD anunció que daría a conocer los acuerdos para que los singapurenses que regresaran y a los que se les emitiera un aviso obligatorio de 14 días de permanencia en sus hogares votaran en hoteles y redujeran el riesgo de infectar a otros. [59] [60] Estos acuerdos se anunciaron oficialmente más tarde el 1 de julio, cuando el gobierno de Singapur anunció que se instalarían centros de votación especiales en Marina Bay Sands y JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach para dar cabida a los votantes que entregaran sus avisos de permanencia en sus hogares en los dos hoteles. [61] [62]

350 electores que se encontraban en cuarentena en ese momento no votaron porque no se les permitió salir del lugar donde se encontraban aislados para emitir su voto. [63]

Ampliación del horario de votación

Las urnas estaban programadas para cerrar a las 20:00 horas; sin embargo, en una medida sin precedentes en la historia electoral de Singapur, el Departamento de Elecciones extendió el horario de votación hasta las 22:00 horas, apenas dos horas antes de la hora de cierre inicial. Según el Departamento de Elecciones, había largas colas en algunos centros de votación y la extensión se realizó para "dar tiempo suficiente a todos los votantes para emitir su voto". [64] [65] Esto provocó críticas de varios partidos de la oposición por comprometer la integridad de la elección, ya que algunos no pudieron enviar a un agente electoral para supervisar el sellado de las urnas. [66] El Departamento de Elecciones respondió que los procedimientos de votación y recuento continuarían con normalidad. [67]

Acontecimientos políticos

Se pensaba ampliamente que Heng Swee Keat sucedería a Lee Hsien Loong como próximo primer ministro de Singapur; se retiró de la nominación en 2021.

Partido de Acción Popular

El 13 de marzo de 2016, el diputado del PAP por Bukit Batok SMC David Ong dimitió por indiscreciones personales con un activista de base del partido. En las elecciones parciales de Bukit Batok posteriores , el candidato del PAP y ex candidato del GRC de Aljunied Murali Pillai derrotó al candidato de la oposición del SDP Chee Soon Juan y recuperó el escaño para el PAP. [68]

En vísperas de las elecciones presidenciales de Singapur de 2017 , la presidenta del Parlamento y diputada por el GRC de Marsiling–Yew Tee, Halimah Yacob, renunció al partido el 7 de agosto de 2017 para cumplir con las regulaciones que prohíben al presidente de Singapur cualquier afiliación partidaria. [69] Como había dejado vacante su escaño en el Parlamento, hubo llamados a una elección parcial, aunque el Tribunal de Apelaciones finalmente dictaminó que no había "ningún deber de convocar una elección parcial cuando surge una sola vacante en un GRC". [70]

El 23 de noviembre de 2018, Heng Swee Keat y Chan Chun Sing fueron elegidos respectivamente como primer y segundo secretario general adjunto del partido en el 35º Comité Ejecutivo Central (CEC) del PAP. [71] Los dos puestos de asistente fueron vistos como un indicador del sucesor de Lee Hsien Loong, dado que es probable que las próximas elecciones sean las últimas de Lee. [72] Tras el anuncio del nombramiento de Heng Swee Keat como único viceprimer ministro el 1 de mayo de 2019, sucediendo a Teo Chee Hean y Tharman Shanmugaratnam , el exdiputado Inderjit Singh dijo que el PAP tiene la intención de mostrar el inminente ascenso de Heng al puesto más alto y disipar los rumores de cualquier sorpresa en la sucesión del liderazgo. [73] [74]

Partido de los Trabajadores

El 3 de noviembre de 2017, el entonces secretario general y diputado titular del GRC de Aljunied, Low Thia Khiang, anunció durante un discurso en el 60º aniversario del partido que no se presentaría a las próximas elecciones del partido. [75] Durante las elecciones de la CEC del partido de 2016, Chen Show Mao había presentado una candidatura sorpresa para el puesto de liderazgo, pero perdió la elección ante Low en una votación de 41 a 65. En la elección de liderazgo del 8 de abril de 2018, Pritam Singh fue elegido sin oposición como sucesor de Low como nuevo secretario general del partido. [76]

Los observadores dicen que la falta de una contienda fue una buena señal de unidad interna, y que el partido está ansioso por demostrar sus credenciales multirraciales ahora que tiene un secretario general no chino, por primera vez desde 2001 con JB Jeyaretnam . [77]

El 30 de abril de 2020, Low fue hospitalizado debido a una lesión en la cabeza y fue dado de alta el 21 de mayo. [78] [79] El 25 de junio, mientras Low estaba en rehabilitación, el partido anunció que él (y junto con Chen y Png Eng Huat ) no buscarían la elección por primera vez en sus 32 años de carrera, aunque no ha descartado su retiro de la política; [80] en su entrevista, citó su satisfacción por su liderazgo, diciendo que "sentí que mi trabajo estaba hecho". [81] [82] [83]

Nuevos partidos

Partidos extraparlamentarios

Cuestiones políticas

Críticas al manejo de la pandemia de COVID-19

Muchos partidos de oposición criticaron la gestión de la pandemia por parte del gobierno del PAP. El presidente del SDP, Paul Tambyah , experto en enfermedades infecciosas y presidente electo de la Sociedad Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas , afirmó que el gobierno estaba más preocupado por la escasez de mascarillas que por la salud pública cuando emitió avisos de no usar mascarillas a menos que una persona estuviera enferma. El jefe de Peoples Voice, Lim Tean, también denunció que el PAP no había actuado con "rapidez y decisión" a pesar de haber aprendido las lecciones del SARS hace 17 años. El candidato del PSP, Ang Yong Guan, cuestionó la tardía respuesta de "un mes de retraso" después de que un trabajador extranjero fuera ingresado en el hospital, lo que hizo que el virus se propagara rápidamente dentro de sus dormitorios sin control, lo que llevó a Singapur a tener el mayor número de casos dentro de la ASEAN . [104] El jefe del PSP, Tan Cheng Bock, en su transmisión política del partido del 2 de julio, dijo que la "jactancia del gobierno del PAP en enero no preparó a Singapur para la explosión de casos en los dormitorios en abril". [105]

La controversia de los 10 millones de habitantes

Durante el debate en inglés, el secretario general del SDP, Chee Soon Juan, se refirió a una de sus promesas de campaña de decir no a una población de 10 millones en Singapur, citando un artículo de 2019 de The Straits Times , al que la representante del PAP, Vivian Balakrishnan, respondió que la Oficina del Primer Ministro había emitido una declaración ese día "advirtiendo a personas como usted que no se dejen llevar por falsedades" y negó que hubiera una población de 10 millones en Singapur, agregando que la cifra era un "hombre de paja". [106]

El candidato del PAP y viceprimer ministro Heng Swee Keat negó haber dicho que Singapur debería planificar el aumento de su población a 10 millones de personas. Reiteró la postura del gobierno de Singapur de que "nunca había propuesto ni fijado como objetivo que Singapur aumentara su población a 10 millones". El candidato del PAP Vivian Balakrishnan también pidió al SDP que aclarara su afirmación. Sin embargo, el SDP se atribuyó posteriormente la victoria por presionar al PAP para que declarara que no tenía un objetivo de población de 10 millones, lo que un portavoz del PAP denunció como una "falsedad" que "hace que la campaña sea inútil y pone en tela de juicio la integridad de todo el partido". [107] La ​​División Nacional de Población y Talento de la Oficina del Primer Ministro también se opuso a la afirmación. [108]

La disputa entre el PAP y el SDP continuó, con Paul Tambyah y Chee Soon Juan defendiendo la decisión del SDP de presionar al PAP sobre los planes para un objetivo de población de 10 millones para Singapur, diciendo que el PAP ahora estaba obligado a aclarar y asegurar a los singapurenses que no existen tales planes. [109] Paul señaló que el PAP podría haber aclarado el asunto antes, pero no lo hizo, añadiendo que estaba "desconcertado" de que el PAP llamara al objetivo una "falsedad" perpetuada por el SDP. [110] Tanto el WP como el PSP también reaccionaron a la disputa; el Secretario General del WP, Pritam Singh, dijo que había "espacio para comentarios justos" ya que no estaba claro si la postura del SDP podía considerarse una "falsedad" o no; sin embargo, no apoyó a ninguna de las partes y dijo que era un asunto en el que el WP no estaba involucrado. Por otra parte, el Secretario General del PSP, Tan Cheng Bock, dijo que el problema surgió debido a la falta de transparencia del gobierno de Singapur. [111] Heng Swee Keat afirmó que el SDP había "erigido un fantasma " y dijo que esperaba integridad y honestidad de todos los candidatos que se presentaban a las elecciones, a lo que Tambyah dijo que el PAP "debería trasladar cualquier descontento que pueda tener por la afirmación a The Straits Times ", añadiendo que los singapurenses deberían leer el artículo en cuestión para hacer sus propios juicios. [112] El PAP emitió más tarde una declaración, diciendo que estaba "decepcionado pero no sorprendido" por la respuesta del SDP, y afirmó que "el SDP se ha mantenido firme, ha repetido sus falsedades y se ha negado a pedir disculpas a los singapurenses por engañarlos" y que "el Dr. Chee no ha cambiado, no puede cambiar y nunca cambiará". [113] [114]

Paul Tambyah y Chee Soon Juan respondieron a la declaración del PAP emitida el día anterior; Tambyah dijo que los comentarios del PAP eran "una señal de desesperación" y que mostraban que el PAP se había "quedado sin ideas" y "recurrido a las viejas tácticas del PAP de una política de destrucción personal", mientras que Chee dijo que el PAP estaba "dando vueltas a un caballo muerto". [115] Sin embargo, los dos líderes del SDP dijeron que era hora de que la campaña electoral dejara de lado la disputa. [116] [117] Además, la Asociación de Mujeres para la Acción y la Investigación criticó la declaración del PAP al SDP el día anterior, ya que el PAP había utilizado una analogía que involucraba el abuso conyugal para demostrar un punto. [118] Tanto las páginas de Facebook del SDP como de PV, así como varias otras páginas de Facebook pertenecientes a otros, recibieron instrucciones de corrección por parte de la autoridad alternativa de la Oficina de la Ley de Protección contra Falsedades y Manipulación en Línea sobre la afirmación de los planes para un objetivo de población de 10 millones para Singapur. [119] [120]

Preocupaciones por la eliminación de la oposición

Al presentar el manifiesto del WP, Pritam Singh afirmó que había un "riesgo real" de una aniquilación de los diputados de la oposición electos, añadiendo que los candidatos del WP deben ser votados en el Parlamento para servir al público en el Parlamento y fortalecer la democracia. [121] El Secretario General del PAP, Lee Hsien Loong, dijo que la posibilidad era un resultado poco realista, afirmando que el argumento de Singh era "una táctica" y añadió que estaba "utilizando la psicología inversa ". [122] Otros dos candidatos titulares del PAP, Chan Chun Sing e Indranee Rajah , también respondieron al punto de Singh, diciendo que sería un error que los votantes pensaran que el PAP volvería al poder sin esfuerzo, al tiempo que añadieron que era importante para el PAP obtener un "respaldo claro y fuerte" del pueblo. [123]

Denuncias de comentarios discriminatorios por parte de Raeesah Khan

El 5 de julio, surgieron informes de que se habían presentado dos informes policiales separados contra la candidata del WP al GRC de Sengkang, Raeesah Khan, por sus comentarios en línea, que supuestamente promovían la enemistad entre diferentes grupos religiosos y raciales. Su publicación en Facebook en mayo de 2020 había criticado a las autoridades policiales de Singapur por discriminar a los ciudadanos singapurenses y dijo que los "chinos ricos" y los "blancos" eran tratados de manera diferente bajo la ley, que se basaba en gran medida en las diferencias en las sentencias dictadas a las personas que rompieron las medidas de disyuntor en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19 , y otra publicación en Facebook en febrero de 2018 se centró en el fallo de 2018 de City Harvest Church . [124] [125] [126] [127] WP salió rápidamente a apoyar a Raeesah; En una conferencia de prensa con el jefe del WP Pritam Singh, la presidenta Sylvia Lim y el equipo del GRC de Sengkang, Raeesah también se disculpó y emitió una declaración en la que afirmaba que su intención "nunca fue causar divisiones sociales sino crear conciencia sobre las cuestiones de las minorías", añadiendo que también lamentaba haber hecho sus comentarios "insensibles". [128] [129] [130]

Desde el incidente, muchos internautas han calificado el hecho de mencionar sus comentarios pasados ​​como una maniobra política, y hashtags como "#IStandWithRaeesah" han sido tendencia en Twitter. [131] El 6 de julio se hizo una petición en para permitir que Raeesah haga campaña sin problemas y que realice investigaciones solo después de las elecciones, que habían obtenido casi 20.000 firmas el día de la votación.

El 7 de julio, el PAP publicó una declaración en la que acusaba a Raeesah de admitir que había "hecho declaraciones sumamente despectivas sobre los chinos y los cristianos" y preguntaba "¿Por qué el WP todavía la considera digna de consideración como diputada?" [132] El jefe del PSP, Tan Cheng Bock, intervino en la controversia y acusó al PAP de participar en una "política de alcantarilla". Pidió al PAP que "se examinara a sí mismo y viera si se había comportado de manera caballerosa". [133] De manera similar, la policía reveló que estaban investigando al hombre que supuestamente denunció a Raeesah por comentarios en las redes sociales que pretendían herir los sentimientos religiosos y raciales. [134]

El 17 de septiembre, la Fuerza de Policía de Singapur anunció que había concluido sus investigaciones sobre los dos incidentes y que, aparte de una "severa advertencia" tanto a Raeesah como al bloguero, no se había tomado ninguna medida contra ninguno de los dos. [135] [136] [137] [138]

Acusaciones de comentarios racistas por parte de Heng Swee Keat

En respuesta al primer informe policial, se hicieron una serie de informes policiales, incluido uno contra Heng Swee Keat , que había comentado que los singapurenses "no estaban preparados para un primer ministro de una raza minoritaria" o alguien que no fuera chino, y otro contra el comunicado de prensa del Partido de Acción Popular sobre WP Raeesah Khan, ambos por motivos de promover la enemistad entre diferentes grupos religiosos o raciales. [139] [140] [141] [142] En una declaración del 8 de julio, la policía consideró que el PAP no había cometido ningún delito. La Fuerza de Policía de Singapur , tras consultar con la Fiscalía General , declaró que "los comentarios del Sr. Heng, en el contexto en que se hicieron, no evidencian ninguna intención de herir los sentimientos raciales de nadie o promover la enemistad entre diferentes razas". Desde que se conoció la noticia de la declaración publicada por la policía, los internautas se han pronunciado sobre cómo sentían que la declaración de Heng era racista. [143]


Mapa de las disputas electorales entre los partidos de oposición

Candidatos nuevos y salientes

En total participaron en la elección 73 nuevos candidatos, entre los que se incluyen la primera general de brigada del país , [157] algunos ex funcionarios públicos, [158] [159] y un locutor del tren MRT [160] que también es candidato pero se retiró previamente de participar en la elección anterior. [161] [162]

23 candidatos (tres de ellos del Partido de los Trabajadores) no se presentaron como candidatos, entre ellos el Ministro Emérito Superior y segundo primer ministro Goh Chok Tong , que se retiró de la política después de 44 años, [163] el ex líder de la oposición Low Thia Khiang (la diputada de la oposición que más tiempo ha estado en el cargo con 29 años), [164] el Ministro de Transporte Khaw Boon Wan , [165] y los ex ministros Lim Hng Kiang , Lim Swee Say y Yaacob Ibrahim . [166]

Eventos del día previo a la nominación

Entre el inicio de los procedimientos electorales en marzo de 2020 y el día de la nominación el 30 de junio de 2020, varios partidos políticos de Singapur hicieron preparativos para competir en las elecciones generales revelando sus candidatos y manifiestos al público en general. [167] [168] [121] [169] [170]

Día de la nominación

El 30 de junio de 2020, de 11 a 12 horas SGT, cada candidato presentó sus documentos de nominación (junto con la aprobación de un proponente, un secundador y al menos cuatro sancionadores), un certificado de donación política (antes del 26 de junio) y pagó un depósito electoral de S$ 13.500 (menos que S$ 14.500 en la elección anterior de 2015, pero también la misma cantidad que en la elección parcial de 2016 ) en una de las nueve escuelas designadas o en línea para completar su solicitud. Además, en el caso de los distritos electorales de representación grupal, su equipo debe estar compuesto por al menos un candidato minoritario y también debe presentar un formulario de comité comunitario (malayo/musulmán o indio/otra minoría que depende de los requisitos del distrito electoral). [2]

La lista de nueve escuelas designadas como centros de nominación fue: [15]

Al igual que en el caso de elecciones anteriores, los candidatos perderán su depósito si no logran reunir al menos un octavo (12,5%) de los votos válidos emitidos dentro del distrito electoral en disputa.

Español Tras el día de la nominación, los 93 escaños fueron disputados por 192 candidatos de 11 partidos, la mayor cantidad en la historia del Singapur independiente, superando el récord establecido en las elecciones de 2015 , y convirtiéndose así en la segunda elección consecutiva en la que no hubo una victoria fácil en ningún distrito electoral. [171] También hubo un número récord de candidatas participantes en las elecciones, con 40 de ellas compitiendo. [172] Solo dos distritos electorales, Pasir Ris–Punggol GRC y Pioneer SMC , vieron una pelea de tres esquinas, siendo el primero la primera contienda de múltiples esquinas dentro de un distrito electoral de representación grupal desde la elección parcial de Marine Parade de 1992 28 años antes.

Eventos previos al día de las elecciones

Entre el día de la nominación (30 de junio de 2020) y el día de las elecciones (10 de julio de 2020), los candidatos comenzaron a hacer campaña en varias plataformas de medios. Se celebraron mítines electrónicos en línea en vista de la pandemia de COVID-19 , [173] y se emitieron transmisiones políticas (por partido y por circunscripción) en la televisión nacional. [174] También se celebraron dos debates políticos de mesa redonda, uno en inglés y el otro en mandarín. [175] [176] En vísperas del día de las elecciones, también conocido como día de reflexión , se prohibió la campaña, excepto para las transmisiones políticas de partidos. [177]


Mapa de los resultados de las elecciones generales de Singapur de 2020

Las urnas cerraron a las 22 horas y el recuento de votos comenzó poco después. Los resultados fueron anunciados por el director de elecciones Tan Meng Dui, quien también es director ejecutivo de la Agencia Nacional del Medio Ambiente .

De manera similar a las elecciones generales de Singapur de 2015 y las elecciones parciales de 2016 , el Departamento de Elecciones publicó muestras de los recuentos antes del anuncio de los resultados reales para evitar cualquier especulación innecesaria o dependencia de fuentes de información no oficiales mientras el recuento aún estaba en curso. [178] [179]

Los primeros resultados se anunciaron a la 1:22 am para Bukit Panjang SMC , donde Liang Eng Hwa del PAP fue elegido con el 53,74% de los votos. Los últimos resultados se dieron a conocer a las 3:44 am, cuando se anunció que Aljunied GRC y Nee Soon GRC habían sido retenidos por el líder del WP, Pritam Singh, y el PAP con el 59,93% y el 61,90% respectivamente.

La cuota de voto del PAP en toda la isla se redujo al 61,24%, por debajo del 69,86% en las últimas elecciones de 2015 y su cuota más baja desde las elecciones de 2011. Además de conservar los seis escaños que tenía en las últimas elecciones, el WP también ganó el nuevo GRC de Sengkang , convirtiéndolo en el segundo GRC en ser ganado por un partido de oposición y la primera vez en la historia que un nuevo distrito fue capturado por un partido de oposición en su primer intento, creando la mayor representación para cualquier partido de oposición en el Parlamento desde la independencia, con 10 diputados. La victoria del WP en Sengkang también condujo a la derrota del ministro del gabinete Ng Chee Meng , quien se convirtió en el tercer ministro del gabinete en perder la reelección desde la independencia, después de que Lim Hwee Hua y George Yeo perdieran en Aljunied en 2011. [180] El WP también rompió el récord de participación general de votos impugnados para cualquier partido de oposición con el 50,49% de los votos, superando el récord anterior del 48,55% del Partido Demócrata de Singapur en 1991. Seis candidatos, uno de un SMC y cinco de un GRC, perdieron cada uno su depósito de $13.500 en la elección, el mayor número de candidatos en hacerlo desde la elección de 1980 . Además, de 40 candidatas, 28 mujeres (incluidas cuatro miembros de la oposición) fueron elegidas como diputadas, lo que establece un récord para la mayor cantidad de diputadas de la historia del parlamento, con un 29% de la cámara, incluida su primera mujer de la minoría de la oposición y la diputada electa más joven a los 26 años de edad, Raeesah Khan . [181]

En el oeste de Singapur, el PSP y el SDP hicieron avances masivos, reduciendo los márgenes de voto aplastantes del PAP con enormes oscilaciones en contra del PAP, convirtiéndolos en escaños marginales , más notablemente Bukit Batok (54,80%), Bukit Panjang (53,74%) y West Coast (51,69%). Este último también vio una oscilación del 26,88% en contra del PAP, la más grande en cualquier circunscripción en esta elección, lo que ayudó al PSP a ganar dos escaños fuera de circunscripción , incluso cuando el PAP retuvo la circunscripción. Fueron ocupados por Hazel Poa y Leong Mun Wai por lograr el resultado no electo de mejor desempeño de cualquier lista de la oposición, que fue confirmado el 14 de julio. [151] Por segunda elección consecutiva, el escaño seguro del PAP de Jurong GRC vio el mejor resultado del PAP, o cualquier partido, en cualquier circunscripción en la elección, con el 74,62% ​​de los votos. [182]

Excluyendo el electorado en el extranjero, la participación electoral fue del 95,54%, o 2.535.565 votantes, la tasa de participación más alta de cualquier elección (incluyendo elecciones generales y presidenciales) desde las elecciones generales de 1997 , cuando votó el 95,91%. [183] ​​El 1,81% de los votos emitidos fueron votos inválidos, la tasa más baja en una elección general en el Singapur independiente, y la tasa más baja desde las elecciones de 1963 , cuando el 0,99% fueron inválidos (cuando Singapur todavía era un estado de Malasia). [184]

Por circunscripción


B/C = Constituency has experienced a boundary change since the last election.

Top 10 performing constituencies for the PAP

Top 10 best opposition performers

Sample count accuracies

Post-election events

PAP's response

In a press conference held in the early hours of 11 July following the results, Prime Minister Lee described PAP's 61.24% of the popular vote as "respectable" and reflected "broad-based support for the PAP" but "was not as strong a mandate as [he] had hoped for". He pledged to use the "clear mandate" responsibly to take Singapore "safely through the (COVID-19) crisis and beyond". Lee also acknowledged that there was a "clear desire" for alternative voices in parliament especially from young and first time voters and called the loss of three incumbent office holders in Sengkang as a "major loss" to his team. In an unprecedented move, Lee announced that Workers' Party leader Pritam Singh would be designated as the official Leader of the Opposition and "will be provided with appropriate staff support and resources" to perform his role.[218][219][220] Lee added that 24 newly elected first-time PAP MPs will "reinforce the renewal process" of the party. Lee added that he was "determined" to hand over to a new team of leaders in good working order after the COVID-19 crisis is overcome. Finally, PM Lee also suggested that disruption caused by the circuit breaker and the safe distancing restrictions just before the election which led to loss of income and jobs was reflected in the results.[221]

PM Lee added that a thorough review into the conduct of the election would take place, acknowledging that the arrangements "could have been done better" following the reports of long queues at polling stations caused by additional arrangements for COVID-19.[222]

Speaking later in the day while thanking voters with his successful GRC team in Nee Soon GRC, Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam said "a lot of soul searching and reflection" would be required to understand the message sent by the voters in the swing against PAP. When asked on his view of the PAP statement which questioned Sengkang GRC WP candidate Raeesah Khan of whether she was "worthy of consideration as an MP" which was said to have backfired and resulted in a WP victory, Shanmugam suggested that the older generation of Singaporeans takes a different approach with the younger generation of how race and religion is discussed in Singapore. Shanmugam added there "needs to be a way in which the viewpoints of younger Singaporeans" are addressed.[223] In a radio interview with Money FM 89.3 on 28 July, he mentioned that the results reflected the strain in the economy amid COVID-19, and adding that he was keenly aware of the voters' desire, especially younger ones, for diversity of representation in Parliament, with a difference between perception and reality.[224]

Former prime minister Goh Chok Tong called PAP's victory a "clear mandate" and called PM Lee's move to designate Pritam Singh as official leader of the opposition a "very significant move". He added opposition MPs and NCMPs will now have to "go beyond merely serving as a check-and-balance" and "put forward their alternative policies and solutions" to Singaporeans.[225]

On 17 July, Lawrence Wong mentioned on a separate virtual conference for the multi-task force relating to the social distancing in Hougang Avenue 5 after the polling hours ended that featured a large group of WP supporters making close contacts despite wearing masks and safe distancing, which produced a safe-distancing risks by individuals. Wong told that Singaporeans should not be complacent and added a warning that "anyone decides to abandon caution, thinks that, 'It's okay'" could "put the whole country at risk". Despite the warning, however, there was no change in the enforcement and Wong believed that polling was conducted in open spaces and there was no close contact in terms of touching and talking, and had arranged voters different safety protocols while they cast their votes.[226][227]

On 19 July, Senior Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for Social Policies Tharman Shanmugaratnam mentioned that the politics had been changed permanently after the election, one with a solid mandate and one for a changing electorate, adding a fact on the results that "were also good for opposition politics", especially the performance for the WP and "reflected a discerning public and a political culture that bodes well for Singapore." Tharman aimed to achieve the balance and having a "vigorous and informed" debate between PAP and the oppositions in the upcoming government to improve efficiency and democracy.[228]

Opposition parties' response

Workers' Party supporters in Hougang Avenue 5 at the night on the election day celebrating the party's victory, which contravened the social distancing measures according to Wong in a separate virtual conference on 17 July.

Workers' Party leader Pritam Singh said he was "grateful" and "humbled" at the support WP received, adding that he was "not feeling euphoric at all" and acknowledged "a lot of work to do". He reminded the successful candidates to keep their feet "firmly grounded" after the WP secured a second GRC in Sengkang and held onto Aljunied and Hougang with increased margins.[229] In a Facebook post, he wrote that he looked forward to doing his best serving as leader of the opposition.[230]

Progress Singapore Party leader Tan Cheng Bock said he was proud that his party achieved an average vote share of 40.85% in the seats it contested on their maiden election despite being founded a year prior. He called it "the beginning of a new chapter for PSP", and believes the "movement" that he created will grow. He added that the party executive committee will discuss sending two candidates from West Coast GRC to serve the NCMP role in Parliament.[231]

Singapore Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan said the SDP ran a "very good campaign" focused on policies and issues but "came up short" on winning. He thanked voters and said the SDP "will continue to press on". SDP chairman Paul Tambyah added they could "hold (their) heads high for a strong campaign under the circumstances" and "will do better the next time". Tambyah accused the PAP government of "recklessness and opportunism" for holding the election during a pandemic, and also called the long queues of voters due to the requirement to wear gloves when casting ballots and lack of personal protective equipment for polling agents when voters on stay home orders came to vote as a "fiasco".[232]

NCMP allocation

Under the current constitution, opposition will be guaranteed 12 parliamentary seats which may consist of elected members of parliament (MP) from the opposition team and unsuccessful candidates in this election from the best-performing losing opposition party or parties. The number of NCMPs offered will be 12 less the number of elected MPs; there are 10 opposition-elects and thus two NCMPs will be offered after the election. Additional rules also states there could be up to two NCMPs from the best performing GRC and one from the best performing SMC.

Since the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) team led by Tan Cheng Bock contesting in the West Coast GRC were the best-performing losing opposition team by garnering 48.31% of valid votes, both NCMPs seats were offered to PSP.[233] On 14 July, PSP announced that Hazel Poa and Leong Mun Wai will take up the two NCMP positions, making them the third and fourth NCMPs that were not from WP, and a parliament with three parties representing since the 12th Parliament; it also marked the first election since 2001 the NCMPs are not awarded to WP.[150][151] Leong and Poa's election as NCMPs were finalised by the Returning Officer Tan on 16 July.[234]

Election Department responses

On 14 July, Koh Siong Ling, the head of the Election Department, issued an apology to the public and senior voters, while conducting a review on what went wrong during the election, such as long queues during voting in the early morning hours (a timing block reserved for senior voters) unlike previous elections, and the queues which was likely caused by an unnecessary, additional step on equipping disposable gloves, as voters had sanitised their hands a few times prior.[235] ELD also acknowledged the procedures needed to ensure safety of the voters while revealed that they have removed a mandatory step on wearing gloves in the midst of election and there were difficulties experienced by voters on its station layout, though revealed that the queues were mostly improved by 2 pm and the extension of polling hours, despite adopting safe distancing practices.[236][237] ELD also reviewed that 13 voters who were still serving the Stay-Home Notice did not vote that day due to the duration.[238]

On 15 July, ELD revealed that a technical glitch had occurred in one of the voting centers for Holland-Bukit Timah GRC. A voter had reported being unable to vote due to the system stating that she had already cast her vote prior. The case was escalated to the assistant returning officer and the police. Investigations revealed human error had resulted in the e-registration system being inadvertently logged out which prevented the registration of her NRIC into the system. ELD subsequently apologised to the voter over the mishap and allowed her to restore her name while exempting the $50 payment fee.[239][240]

Overseas Voting

At about 11:40 pm on 15 July, Elections Department published a report for overseas votes. The turnout was 4,794, or 72.97% out of the 6,570 voters in total, bringing the overall turnout to 2,540,359 and its percentage to 95.81%. Excluding the 50 spoilt/invalid votes, only 2,710 voters had voted in favour for PAP but percentages for the majority of the constituencies were in favour towards the opposition except for six (Hong Kah North SMC, Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, Pioneer SMC, Potong Pasir SMC, Punggol West SMC and Sengkang GRC). While the percentages for the 10 constituencies (Ang Mo Kio GRC, Bukit Batok SMC, Chua Chu Kang GRC, Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC, Marymount SMC, Nee Soon GRC, Sembawang GRC, Tampines GRC and Yuhua SMC) were not affected, the PAP's vote share fell to 61.23%.[152][153][154] The vote counting was held inside the Elections Department Training Centre at Victoria Street under the witness of most Workers' Party candidates.[241]

Fifth Lee Hsien Loong cabinet

The new cabinet was announced on a live televised announcement held in The Istana by Prime Minister Lee on Saturday, 25 July at 2:30 pm on his Facebook page as well as CNA, CNA938 and YouTube.[155] While most ministry portfolios from the last Parliament were unchanged, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat was also conferred a brand new portfolio for Co-ordinating Minister for Economic Policies. Ong Ye Kung became the Transport Minister, Lawrence Wong became the Education Minister, Desmond Lee became the National Development Minister and is also given an additional new portfolio for Minister-in-charge of Social Service Integration; Masagos Zulkifli was appointed as a Social and Family Development Minister and a second minister for Health while relinquishing his Environment Ministry portfolio to Grace Fu (portfolio renaming to Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment); Indranee Rajah was given National Development portfolio while relinquishing Education and retained both her Prime Minister's Office and Finance portfolios. Lee mentioned that not changing most existing portfolios was to promote continuity and urging a need for experienced ministers to provide steady hands and mentoring the younger ministers, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Eight existing MPs were also promoted, among which Senior Ministers of State Edwin Tong and Maliki Osman were promoted to Cabinet ministers as Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law, and Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Education and Foreign Affairs, respectively; Backbencher Rahayu Mahzam was promoted to Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Health with effect on 1 September; Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad promoting to a Senior Minister of State and also given the Defence portfolio; senior Parliamentary Secretaries Low Yen Ling, Faishal Ibrahim and Sun Xueling as Ministers of State while given new portfolios (Low as Culture, Community and Youth and Trade and Industry, Faishal as Home Affairs and National Development, and Sun as Education and Social and Family Development); and Alex Yam as the new mayor for North West Community Development Council replacing Teo Ho Pin.

While not announced live, other portfolios were changed for five existing Senior Ministers of State, among which Amy Khor relinquished her Health portfolio for Transport while retaining Sustainability and Environment, Sim Ann relinquished Culture, Community and Youth portfolio for National Development while retaining Communications and Information, Chee Hong Tat relinquishing both portfolios for Education and Trade and Industry for Foreign Affairs and Transport, Janil Puthucheary relinquishing Transport portfolio for Health while retaining Communications & Information, and Koh Poh Koon relinquishing Trade and Industry portfolio for Health. Additionally, Tan Wu Meng have relinquished his Senior Parliamentary Secretary portfolios (Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry) and returned to a backbencher, while Baey Yam Keng relinquished his Culture, Community and Youth portfolio but retained his Transport ministry. The Co-ordinating Minister for Infrastructure did not announce its successor and thus became vacant.

Seven fresh MPs were promoted in the office, among which Tan See Leng become the third MP (after Heng and Richard Hu) to be directly promoted to a Cabinet Minister, taking on the portfolios for the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Manpower and Trade and Industry; four were given Minister of State portfolios, namely Gan Siow Huang (Education and Manpower), Alvin Tan (Culture, Community and Youth and Trade and Industry), Desmond Tan (Home Affairs and Sustainability and Environment) and Tan Kiat How (Prime Minister's Office and National Development); Eric Chua promoting as a Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and Social and Family Development with effect on 1 September; and Mohd Fahmi Aliman as the new mayor for South East Community Development Council replacing Maliki.[156]

A total of 37 MPs out of 93 were office holders, the same number that comprises the previous cabinet; they were inaugurated two days later on 27 July at separate venues in Parliament House and in The Istana due to safe distancing, a first in Singapore's history the inauguration were held at multiple venues.[f][g][h] Finally, Prime Minister Lee announced that the annual National Day Rally will be cancelled but will instead deliver his speech when the Parliament opens a month later on 24 August.[244]

The following day, while Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan held a meeting with Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammudin Hussein at the Johor–Singapore Causeway,[245] he mentioned on a separate interview that the assembly of the upcoming cabinet was a "complete unity" that balanced the components of continuity, exposure and renewal, and endorses Heng's leadership for the "fourth-generation" (4G) cabinet.[246]

All 10 WP MPs also observed the inauguration that day but fielded into two teams of five, with the Aljunied GRC team attending at The Istana, and Sengkang GRC and Dennis Tan at the Parliament House.[247] The following day, PM Lee announced that Singh would be entitled to additional parliamentary privileges and doubling his annual MP salary to S$385,000 as the leader of the opposition. Lee mentioned on a speech that there was an emerging trend that "shown a strong desire among Singaporeans for a greater diversity of views in politics", and its purpose on adding the role added was to "maintaining our cohesion and sense of national purpose".[248] Previously, the title as a leader of the opposition was unofficial and paid the same reimbursement as a regular MP.[249][250] When parliament held its first session on 31 August, Parliament also moved a motion allowing Singh to have double time (40 minutes) on making speeches, and entitled to hiring three legislative assistants and one secretarial assistant, as opposed to backbencher's one. Although WP lack candidates required to form a Shadow Cabinet due to the supermajority, Singh told that they would be scrutinising five key areas that were heavily concerned with (health, ageing and retirement adequacy; jobs, businesses and the economy; education, inequality and the cost of living; housing, transport and infrastructure; and national sustainability). Singh also told while delivering his maiden speech on three things: certain things that changed in Singapore, things that must not change, and things that should change, while described Singapore as a "glass half-full that can be topped up".[251][252]

On 20 August, the parliament confirmed Tan Chuan-Jin will reprise his role as a Speaker of Parliament, while Fu and Lee were replaced by Rajah and Zaqy respectively, as the new leader and deputy leader for the upcoming parliament.[253] Puthucheary and Sim were also reprised in their roles as Party Whip and deputy Whip respectively.[254] On 31 August, both Christopher de Souza and Jessica Tan were elected as Deputy Speakers, replacing Charles Chong and Lim Biow Chuan.[255]

Separately, the Government Parliamentary Committees (GPCs) were also announced with Vikram Nair, Liang Eng Hwa and Seah Kian Peng reprising their chairman roles, while Tin Pei Ling replacing retiring MP Cedric Foo as the Deputy chairman for the Communications and Information GPC, and Sitoh Yih Pin, Patrick Tay, Desmond Choo, Tan Wu Meng, Saktiandi Supaat and Louis Ng as chairmen for the GPCs for Culture, Community and Youth, Education, Manpower, Health, Transport and Sustainability and the Environment, respectively. Most other roles for the GPCs were left untouched.[254]

The 14th parliament opened on 24 August at 8 pm SGT,[256] and similar to the cabinet inauguration, also for the first time in Singapore history, the parliament opened on separate venues due to safe distancing,[257] both on the Parliament House and The Arts House, the latter being the venue of the former Parliament House before 1999.[258][259] According to Rajah's Facebook post on the eve of opening, the fifth COVID-19 budget statement by Heng a week prior on the 17th[260] was meant "the best option" and ensuring MPs, businesses and workers proper clarification on the Government's plans before the opening.[261] During the opening, President of Singapore Halimah Yacob mentioned on her address that the start of the term was "under the shadow of COVID-19" with the situation "remain grave for some time", while the rise of the fourth-generation (4G) cabinet was meant "to take Singapore the next steps forward".[262][263] Speaker Tan mentioned that the 12-member opposition representation along with Singh's role as the Leader of the Opposition was meant for "contestation", but warned about "polarisation and division" which could cause short-termism and populism if triggered.[264]

On 2 September, Prime Minister Lee revealed on a live broadcast message in Parliament on the decision to open the 14th Parliament early, due to the urgency on dealing COVID-19 and the economy, while praising the current situation on mitigating the infection rate and healthcare, and mentioned that implementing a "Circuit Breaker" for two months was a big move and was successful.[265]

Town Council

The Ministry of National Development (MND) announced on 30 July that there were 17 town councils formed, with each town council formed from one GRC and at least one SMC in 11 out of 17 towns. Among which, Sengkang Town Council (SKTC) was brand new which was formed from the standalone Sengkang GRC, while 11 towns had changes in at least one of the areas due to redistricting and carving out divisions into SMCs, such as Ang Mo Kio Town Council (AMKTC) which was formed along with Kebun Baru SMC (transferred from Nee Soon Town Council (NSTC)) and Yio Chu Kang SMC, and Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council (BTPTC) and Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council (PRPTC) which were formed from its namesake GRCs and the newly carved Marymount SMC[266] and Punggol West SMC, respectively. The boundaries for the five town councils were untouched from the last parliament term, namely Aljunied-Hougang (AHTC), East Coast-Fengshan (ECTC; renamed to East Coast), Holland-Bukit Panjang (HBPTC), Jurong-Clementi (JCTC) and Tanjong Pagar (TPTC), with the exception of East Coast GRC due to Fengshan SMC being absorbed into, four out of the five GRCs had experienced no boundary changes. 15 out of 17 towns were managed by PAP with the exception of AHTC and SKTC, which were managed by WP.

Under the Town Council Act, each town have until 28 October, 90 days from the date of the order issued, to effectively transfer services to the required towns applicable, though it can also mutually agree to an earlier date.[267][268]

On 17 July, two weeks ahead of the announcement, He Ting Ru requested to manage their own Sengkang Town Council without any merging of other town councils as a chairwoman of the town council, and added that she also wrote to both AMKTC and PRPTC on 11 July to request a preliminary meeting to discuss the handover, as most of the divisions in Sengkang were under PRPTC in the last election, except Anchorvale, which is based on Sengkang West SMC (part of AMKTC).[269][270]

On 20 July, a legal poser was also brought by the Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council (PRPTC) citing that who would be the next plaintiff after the Sengkang ward was claimed by WP; SKTC contains a division (Rivervale) which was based on Punggol East SMC, a ward previously held by the WP between the 2013 by-election and the last election,[271] and AHTC is currently facing a situation of civil lawsuit over a breach of duties and auditing problems worth over S$33 million, which WP had since lodged an appeal prior to the election.[272][273] On 3 August, the High Court updated lawyer representatives for the AHTC applied amendments to the claims against previous town councillor Singh and four others in a case which was decided last year. The update found Singh and two others councillors, Kenneth Foo and Chua Zhi Hon, were in breach of their duties. According to Singh, the amended statement for which court approval was sought was meant to understand the proposed amendments, which Singh did not reply to a request for comment by press time. A hearing on the application was scheduled to be held in chambers before High Court Justice Ramesh Kannan that day.[274][275] The defendants were notified by the High Court that the trial had ended and were given a judgement prior, as AHTC filed the lawsuit late in 2017, by then the town would have time to make the claims.[276] In an oral judgment released by Justice Ramesh on 20 August, he mentioned the amendments that pertained to Singh, Chua and Foo were neither involved issues during the trial, and that amendment was sought to allow the three defendants to address any new claims, which is now before the Court of Appeal; however both lawsuits were tried but not consolidated. He ordered the parties to file submissions on costs within one week of the judgment.[277]

On 22 August, the appeal was postponed under a request by He under SKTC to allow "sufficient time" to consider its legal status according to court papers, after she submitted a six-week adjournment on 10 August and explained references to the Town Councils (Declaration) Order 2020 and defended judgements of the court of appeal, added with sought of legal advice. The adjournment was approved by several law firms including the Davinder Singh Chambers.[278]

Non-voter inspection and Ballot boxes

Under the current constitution from the Parliamentary Elections Act, voting in the general election is mandatory and candidates who did not cast the vote are delisted from the Registrar of Electors at the end of voting.[279] Including overseas voters, a total of 111,076 voters, which comprises 4.19% of the whole 2,651,435 electors eligible, did not cast the vote on 10 July.

On 5 October, the Election Department announces that the inspection of a list of non-voters were open to public and non-voters can restore their names at any time until the writ of election for the next election is issued. A $50 fee must be paid to reinstate the names, though it can be waived under approved reasons according to the Election Department; the exception is the 350 voters who were quarantined at the time of polling day as the names are automatically restored.[280][281]

Under the act, all the ballots boxes are sealed and guarded under maximum security inside the vault located at the Supreme Court within six months upon the first locking until 16 January 2021, after which the ballot boxes are transported to Tuas South Incineration Plant for incineration,[282][283] ensuring integrity and that the privacy of the electors are not compromised. Only a judge of the Supreme Court may have the order to open the sealed boxes and inspect the contents during the time, though it is to institute or maintain a prosecution or an application to invalidate an election.[284]

While electors are allowed for inspection from the date onwards, only the voters who cast in Elias Park Primary School (PN23, or the 23rd polling district for the Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, which encompasses voters from one of the Elias subdivision from Pasir Ris) are unable to do so until 10 January 2021 as a copy of the register of electors was among the documents sealed wrongly by an election officer.[285] President Halimah Yacob approved the order of retrieving the document; while the ballot box is destroyed after the date, the destruction of the copy is delayed up till 9 February (maximum 30 days) upon its retrieval.[286][287][288] The list for PN23 was made available on 25 January, with both PAP and Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) witnessing the event.[289]

The number of people witnessing the incineration of boxes on 16 January were on limited capacity because of social distancing, among which members present include new MPs Yeo Wan Ling and Derrick Goh,[290] and WP representatives Singh and Nicole Seah,[291] and SDP's chairman Paul Tambyah.

Post-election CEC election

On 8 November 2020, the 36th Central Executive Committee for the People's Action Party (PAP) was held. On an announcement, many members were re-elected in their roles, so were new members Edwin Tong, Alex Yam, Ng Chee Meng, and Victor Lye who were co-opted on 19 November. It also elected Desmond Lee and Grace Fu as Organising Secretaries, while Yam, Chee Hong Tat and Janil Puthucheary were elected as Assistant Organising Secretaries. The CEC also appointed Josephine Teo as the chair of the PAP's Women's Wing, Lee as the chair of the PAP Senior Group (PAP.SG), Puthucheary as the chair of the Young PAP (YP), and Lawrence Wong as the Advisor to PAP Policy Forum (PPF).[292]

In a statement by Prime Minister and party's secretary-general Lee Hsien Loong, the change was meant to keep this cycle going for as long as possible and along with the prior election results. Lee noted on countries that have fiercely contested democratic systems but was not perfect, leading to contestation that often causes politics unstable and divided, with those in power focusing only on their own short-term political survival, and those out of power offering remedies without being upfront about the costs and consequences. Lee stated that the party will need to work even harder to build consensus and create the political space for the future of Singapore during a turbulent and uncertain future.[293]

Similarly, Workers' Party (WP) also held a biennial CEC election on 27 December at Clarke Quay instead of the headquarters at Geylang. Party chairman Sylvia Lim and Secretary-General Pritam Singh were re-elected in their respective posts, so were elected MPs Faisal Manap, Gerald Giam, Leon Perera, Dennis Tan and former MPs Low Thia Khiang and Png Eng Huat. All four Sengkang GRC MPs as well as Nicole Seah and Kenneth Foo were included in the list, replacing outgoing CEC members Firuz Khan, Dylan Foo, Terrence Tan and John Yam, as well as former MPs Chen Show Mao, Daniel Goh and Lee Li Lian.[294]

Singh mentioned it was important for the party to retain some of its most experienced members like Low, who has been with the party since the early 1980s, especially the need of a younger cohort. Lim told on the media on her re-election that the party would continue to be mentored by the older cohort while entering a phase of renewal and growth for the next generation of leaders.[295][296]

On 22 December, Jose Raymond stepped down as the chairman for the Singapore People's Party and retires from politics, so was the Assistant Secretary-General, Ariffin Sha, who also resigned from the party earlier in August.[297] These resignations were accepted on 17 January 2021, and co-opted two new members, Osman Suliaman from the Reform Party, and Melvyn Chiu from the defunct Singaporeans First. The party's vice-chairman Williiamson Lee served as acting chairman, but no replacement was filled for the Assistant Secretary-General post and was left vacant.[298]

On 28 March 2021, Progress Singapore Party held its CEC election with 11 members stepping down and 6 new members elected.[299] On 1 April, Francis Yuen took over as Secretary-General of the Party with Tan Cheng Bock being chairperson.[300]

Reform Party's CEC internal conflicts

On 5 August, Reform Party (RP) was the first to held a CEC renewal after the elections ended. RP's secretary-general Kenneth Jeyaretnam appointed Charles Yeo and Mahaboob Batcha (a businessman) as the new party's Chairman and Treasurer respectively, as part of the party's leadership renewal.

Former chairman Andy Zhu shortly posted on Facebook that he was unfairly dismissed by the party before allegations made against him by Jeyaretnam have been resolved and told that it was an "undemocratic stance". Jeyaretnam earlier had made changes to the party's payment methods without official approval, requiring all cheques for payments to be signed by the treasurer and one member from the CEC; Zhu said he had applied for Paynow and reactivated the party's online banking account, because of the need to quickly make full payment to contractors for services such as printing posters and distributing fliers, but Jeyretnam was accused on making payments to contractors using the wrong channels; he also mentioned the move was unfair and disputed Jeyaretnam's claim about the CEC's unanimous decision to suspend the duties for him and former Treasurer Noraini Yunus. However, Jeyaretnam added that the duo still have the opportunity to appeal the decision at a later time, and the post was taken down as the CEC has yet to deliberate the issues and makes a decision to appoint members of the CEC.[301]

The seven members, including Zhu and Yunus, subsequently resigned from RP and formed a splinter party named Singapore United Party, with Zhu being the party's secretary-general. The party was registered to the gazette on 24 December.[302] Osman Suliaman was among the members who resigned, but joined the Singapore People's Party instead.[298]

Poster vandalism

The police arrested Lim Song Huat, a 48-year-old part-time security officer, for destroying election posters along with his accomplice Constantine Paul, 51, on 3 July, after police reports were first lodged on 1 July by both PAP and PSP.[303] Lim faced three charges for vandalism, all for vandalizing three posters at Woodlands Street 13 reported at about 9:30 am on 3 July, while Paul was charged twice, each for vandalizing a poster at Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 and one of the PAP's team posters for Aljunied GRC. Lim was arrested by the Woodlands Police Division the following day after a closed-circuit television (CCTV) managed to record a footage of Lim vandalizing the post.[304][305]

On 4 February 2021, the court fined Lim S$1,000 for a charge of vandalism, making it the first case of such kind a person was charged. Two other similar charges were taken into consideration. Paul, who also faces charges under the Act, is expected to plead guilty on 5 April.[306]

Under Act 78A of the Parliamentary Elections Act, it is illegal for people attempting to vandalize and destroy election posters or banners, with each charge carrying a S$1,000 fine or a year imprisonment, or both.[307] According to Deputy Public Prosecutor Selene Yap who foresees the case, she asked for the maximum fine of S$1,000, citing difficulties on detection as the posters were placed in public areas across Singapore.

Enmity remarks

The police arrested Sirajudeen Abdul Majeed, 52, for his racist remarks received on a WhatsApp message group, PSP MM Ground Group. Few weeks leading to the election on 12 June, the group was used to share information pertaining the election, but Sirajudeen purportedly received an image that have information of voters of racial groups living in Marymount SMC, which he studied without verifying the data with any official sources. Elections Department revealed that the distribution was not published publicly and its polling district boundaries depict in the image were not accurate. The following day at 1:50 pm, Sirajudeen shared the image to three men and encouraging to share it, commenting "the PAP wants to make the Malay community a sub-minority. But the Malays were the original residents of Singapore." and another comment that also included foreign immigrants. One of the people receiving the message, Mohammad Azri,[308] immediately lodged a police report, which he explained that it "create awareness of what he perceived to be a strategy". Sirajudeen was again called by the police on August for another racial indecency, this time involving a dispute against his neighbors, in return he lodged two police reports citing "criminal harassment" and calling Malay "unprofessional" in terms on entering elite forces such as the Singapore Air Force.

Deputy Public Prosecutors Ng Yiwen and Tessa Tan, throughout the investigation, mentioned that Sirajuddeen's move was "to stoke fears that the PAP Government was seeking to marginalise the Malays in the country by allowing more immigrants into the country", adding that it was posted on a critical timing and the fear-mongering could have affected the foundation of multi-racism. Sirajudeen pleaded for mercy and leniency, adding that he was his family's sole breadwinner and has a child with special needs; in return, the judges ruled that these remarks could create friction and conflict between different races in Singapore, which cannot be taken lightly in the current security climate. Court documents also ruled that it did not mention whether PSP referred to the Progress Singapore Party, which the party also contested Marymount SMC.[309]

On 8 February 2021, the court ruled Sirajudeen guilty of a charge of ill-will and slandering racial groups that intend to harm racial feelings and was jailed for two weeks and fined S$7,000; Sirajudeen took a $5,000 bail and is expected to begin his imprisonment by before 22 February. Two charges promoting enmity were currently taken in consideration.[310] Penalties under Section 298A of the Penal Code under racial enmity carries a maximum three years imprisonment or a fine, or both.[311]


Media and commentator analysis

Veteran journalist PN Balji suggested that voters sent a message to the PAP that a new style of politics and governance was needed. He added that newly elected Sengkang GRC MP Jamus Lim's warning during the televised election debate not to give the PAP a "blank cheque" had resonated with many voters. A desire for alternative voices in parliament drove the swing to the opposition and the tactics against Raeesah Khan has backfired on PAP especially for younger voters in Sengkang, where more than 65% of residents are aged below 45 and less than 10% are aged above 65.[312] He added that the PAP had no central figure in charge of its campaign and PAP's plea for a "strong mandate" to lead Singapore out of the COVID-19 crisis had failed to resonate with voters. Historically, PAP tended to do well when there was a crisis such as in the 2001 election, held following the September 11 attacks in the United States which led to a recession where PAP secured 75.29% of the vote. Pritam Singh's handling of WP's election campaign and his response to the police report into Raeesah Khan was praised, by moving quickly to stand by the candidate.[313]

The election was also seen as a rebuke to the PAP's "fourth generation" (4G) leaders[314] which saw their vote majorities slashed, such as the "prime minister in waiting" Heng Swee Keat narrowly retaining East Coast GRC with a marginal 53.41% and the defeat of Ng Chee Meng and his team in Sengkang GRC. In contrast, senior PAP leaders' constituencies fared better such as Jurong GRC (74.62%), Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC (64.15%) and Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC (67.26%) despite seeing an anti-PAP vote swing. Speculation rose that PAP will be forced to rethink the issue of leadership transition given the lacklustre results for the 4G leaders.[315]

Former PAP MP Inderjit Singh criticised the PAP for running personal attacks instead of focusing on the issues.[316] He added that there was a perception that the PAP had failed to adequately address issues of contention during the last term like the reserved presidential elections, expiring Housing and Development Board (HDB) leases, population and job policies, and rising cost of living. There was also a perception that the PAP's fourth generation (4G) leaders were arrogant and elitist, a "natural aristocracy who project a 'we know best' attitude".[317] Singh suggested that Prime Minister Lee saved the PAP from losing more votes to below 60% when he said in his lunchtime rally that he would delay handing over to the 4G until the COVID-19 crisis was over, along with Tharman Shanmugaratnam presenting the government's strategy for the next term during the final days of campaigning, adding the fact that "the GRC system is no longer an advantage for the PAP" as PAP fared better even with first-time candidates in SMCs but performing below expectations in GRCs with strong credible opposition candidates.[317]

Finally, Inderjit Singh suggested the results for Aljunied GRC was a sign that Singaporeans have matured on the question of race where three elected WP candidates were minorities.[318] Under the tenure of former leader Low Thia Khiang, WP established a Chinese-speaking support base. There were concerns citing that the fielding of more minority candidates and the failure to send a representative to the Chinese language televised election debate which may hamper WP's chances from holding Aljunied for a third term,[318] but WP held on with a 9%-swing and expanded its support under Pritam Singh;[317][313] Inderjit went on to praise WP on the quality of its selection of candidates and voters "are therefore willing to vote on the brand name" of the party instead of looking at the candidates' merits.[318]

Other analysts said that the election showed that Singaporeans are beginning to move away from "bread and butter" issues which have been typically discussed in past election campaigns, towards topics like social inequality and government accountability. The swing against the government during a crisis was seen as "unprecedented", as Singaporeans were usually seen as "traditionally risk-averse".[319][320]

Citi economist Kit Wei Zheng argued that as a result of the election among other things, due to discontent related to foreign workers (especially those white collar workers who compete with locals, such as the author, in industries such as financial services), the government could shrink this portion of the workforce which would affect both long term growth as well as property prices. He also believed it would shift the country towards more left-leaning policies.[321][322] Others such as Chua Hak Bin and Associate Professor Lawrence Loh took a more nuanced view, suggesting that voters were swayed more by the quality of the opposition candidates and a shift from basic needs to social responsibilities.[323]

Group Representation Constituencies were traditionally regarded as a PAP "fortress" in the past, but The Straits Times political analyst Linette Lai mentioned that GRCs now no longer became a "haven" but cited that the scheme is still a dilemma to win, regardless if the GRC is helmed by an anchor minister or not. In another analysis through an interview, NUS economics professor Ivan Png mentioned that PAP outperformed more in single-member constituencies than in GRCs, while another NUS political professor Bilveer Singh cited the opposition success like how WP managed to retain Aljunied GRC for two terms (nine years) up until the election. Observers noted a pattern that overstates the degree to which GRCs are now vulnerable, even to opposition parties that fielded credible teams, such as in the case for PSP's Tan and WP's Pritam contesting in West Coast GRC and Aljunied GRC respectively. Law professor Eugene Tan explained the GRCs are "not invincible" and "The PAP may well win big in GRCs, but it must not be forgotten that it has lost, and can lose big, in GRCs." Risk analyst Harrison Cheng mentioned the GRC system is meant to be difficult to lose to the oppositions though not impossible.[324]

In a survey conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies on 1 October, the PAP's opinion rating has dropped by 93% from the last election down to 86%, while WP came second with ratings rising from 71% to 79%, and the new PSP have ratings of 60%.[325]

In another observation according to Analytix Labs chief data analyst Chua Chin Hon, Facebook has become a widely used social media platform that tackles serious questions, and increasing its trend starting on April and overtaking the COVID-19 pandemic topics, based on a 8 October's analysis report.[326]

PAP's analysis of result

In a press conference on 18 July, Lawrence Wong stated while 61.2% was a "clear mandate", it was below what PAP expected at 65% of the popular vote. He acknowledged that the Workers' Party ran a good campaign with a message of more checks and balances in Parliament resonating with many voters and the PSP had strong appeal in some parts of Singapore such as their western strongholds.[327] He attributed a fall in support amongst voters aged in the 40s and 50s, and perhaps those in their early 60s driving the swing against the government. He added that the swing against PAP was not concentrated solely amongst younger voters while acknowledging unhappiness about the PAP style of campaigning, or how race issues were discussed and also the use of POFMA against opposition candidates. Middle-aged voters, he specified, voted against PAP due to economic hardship from business disruptions, job and income losses and also professionals who were displaced and forced into jobs with lower pay. Wong concluded that it was unlikely that PAP would win more than 65% in future due to increased desire for diversity in Parliament and for checks and balances, calling it a "new reality". He added that PAP had to better understand and connect with younger voters by being "a party that is able to represent their aspirations and bond with them" and address the "real economic pain" that a substantial segment of people in their 40s and 50s are feeling, also known as the "sandwiched generation" who are looking after elderly parents and also caring for young children.[328]

Use of social media and technology

As the first election where physical rallies are not allowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social media, internet and memes, and for the first time in the history of elections, Constituency Political Broadcasts have been heavily used in terms on campaigning, and thus the increase of the election expenses, where it was capped at S$4 per voter per the number of electoral division by average.[329] An analyst company, Circus Social suggested that candidates with a higher credibility or mention during the election generally performed better, such as in the case of WP's Aljunied GRC and Sengkang GRC teams and PSP's West Coast GRC team.[330][331]

In another data analysis website Meltwater, the volume for social media conversations has increased by at least fourfold compared to the previous election in 2015, with the volume peaked on polling day where it had 128,311 conversations as compared to 8,071. PAP took up nearly half of the entire conversations during the entire election period, followed by WP which garnered more than a quarter of conversations and the most Facebook interactions, then PSP and SDP at about 8% each. Analysis however reported that it was currently 'unclear' whether social media interactions do necessarily translate into votes, but heavily praised on the efficiency of resources and campaigning and would continue to do so in future elections.[332] Institute of Policy Studies researcher and vice-chairman of Media Literacy Council Carol Soon mentioned the evolving use of technology but most features were lesser used when writing posts, and noted that the smaller parties, such as RDU and RP, were putting at a disadvantage due to a smaller supporter's base. Associate Professor Eugene Tan emphasises that receiving viral headlines or highlights during election, such as Jamus Lim and Raeesah Khan, and the blooper made by Heng Swee Keat during his acceptance speech about the "East Coast plan",[333] contributed a crucial factor on canvassing votes.[334][335]

Expenditure by candidates

Under the rules by the Election Department, each candidate's spending limit is S$4 per voter multiplied by the total electorate in an electoral division (with no maximum spending cap), and participating candidates were required to declare their election expenses within 31 days after the election (all 192 candidates managed to declare it on 15 August[336]), after which inspection are allowed from that date onwards until six months later on 20 February 2021. A report published on 21 August that S$9,164,967 were spent from all 192 candidates in total, more than the figure of S$7,136,943 compared from the 2015 election;[337] among the expenditure, PAP spent the largest at S$6,972,369, followed by PSP at S$781,275, then WP with S$705,647, and SDP S$323,292. The figure also amounted to a combined S$7.82 million for election advertising (mostly through the internet), and about S$5.6 million for printed material, but other details such as the purchase of services and items were not mentioned. Analyst Eugene Tan highlighted PSP's expenditure in a statement for a new party: "the need to get the message out there in what is a very crowded opposition space in a very short time probably necessitated that sort of higher spending".[338][339]




See also


  1. ^ 6 constituency seats and 3 NCMP seats.
  2. ^ Both seats were NCMP seats.
  3. ^ Excluding Non-constituency Members of Parliament (NCMPs).
  4. ^ 14 Single Member Constituencies (SMCs) and 17 Group representation constituencies (GRCs).
  5. ^ There were 1,527,491 total votes cast for the PAP out of 2,540,359 total votes cast, which gives a remaining of 1,012,868 total votes cast that wasn't for the PAP.
  6. ^ Selected international guests and ASEAN ambassadors, members of parliaments, former political holders, key government personnel, Chief Justice of Singapore Sundaresh Menon, former President of Singapore Tony Tan and his wife Mary Chee were present in the Istana. Ministers sworn at the Istana were Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, cabinet ministers Indranee Rajah, Grace Fu, Maliki Osman, Ng Eng Hen, Ong Ye Kung, S Iswaran, Tan See Leng, Josephine Teo and Lawrence Wong; and Ministers of State Gan Siow Huang, Low Yen Ling, Amy Khor, Koh Poh Koon, Tan Kiat How and Sun Xueling.[242]
  7. ^ Guests attending at the Parliament House separately went through a live video feed to watch the broadcast and had the ceremony conducted as usual under instruction. Known ministers sworn at the Parliament House were Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean, cabinet ministers Chan Chun Sing, Gan Kim Yong, K Shanmugam, Desmond Lee, Masagos Zulkifli, Edwin Tong and Vivian Balakrishnan; and Ministers of State Sim Ann, Chee Hong Tat, Faishal Ibrahim, Heng Chee How, Janil Puthucheary, Desmond Tan and Zaqy Mohamad.[242]
  8. ^ Baey Yam Keng and Eric Chua were separately inaugurated at the Istana on 3 August.[243]


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