M4 Sherman variants

The M4 Sherman tank was produced in several variants, a result of mass production spread across several manufacturers and several years. It was also the basis for a number of related vehicles and Shermans have been modified by several nations, ranging from upgrades to complete hull conversions for another task. Originally designed in 1941, M4 variants were still used by Israel during the 1967 and 1973 wars with its Arab neighbors.[1]

Sherman ARV MK I, Recovery vehicle, photographed around Caen in July–August 1944

The many special duties that a tank might be made to do were just being explored by armies around the world in the early 1940s. Theories of what vehicles were supposed to be engaging enemy tanks changed as vehicles like the Sherman often found themselves up against enemy armor, and consequently some of the most important initial changes centered around up-gunning the basic vehicle. Improving the vehicle's mobility, protection, and creating specific variants for infantry-support roles soon followed. Similar modification of the main armament would be done by the British, who received a number of Shermans through Lend-Lease during the course of the war, producing the Sherman Firefly tank (armed with a powerful 17-pounder tank gun).

Many early variants of the Sherman were converted to armored personnel carriers (called "Kangaroos") or armoured recovery vehicles.

In preparation for the invasion of Europe by Allied forces in 1944, an amphibious "swimming" version of the Sherman was used. Extensive work on creating mine-clearance devices to be attached to Shermans in some fashion was also conducted up until the end of the Second World War, such as the Sherman Crab mine-flail tank.

After the Second World War, large numbers of surplus Shermans were supplied to other nations, most primarily to Africa, South America and the Middle East. Israel became the largest post-war user of Sherman tanks, conducting extensive modifications to keep them in frontline service right up into the early 1970s as tanks, mobile artillery pieces, armored ambulances and many more versions. Many saw action in the 1967 Six-Day War and 1973 October War. Similar modifications and purchases of Israeli-modified Shermans were done in South America where they served on as the last fighting Shermans right up until 1989.

There are many variants of the Sherman, ranging from the M4, M4A1, M4A2, M4A3 and M4A4, which also encompass many sub-variants (such as the M4 (105) or M4A3E8 "Easy Eight", among others).

US variants

M4A1 (cast hull). Note the rounded edges of its fully cast upper hull. Variants from the M4 and M4A1 share the same 9-cylinder radial engine profile.
M4A3E2 "Jumbo" with an extra inch of cast armor in the frontal hull.
M4A3E8 "Easy Eight" at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, 2003.

Over the course of production a number of improvements in the design were introduced. The turret of T20/T23 prototypes with its 76mm gun was adapted to the Sherman and entered production in February 1944; M4 variants with this armament had the suffix "76mm" added to their designations. The use of the 105mm howitzer for equipping close support tanks occurred from 1943. In reaction to fires following penetrating hits, applique armor was added to the outside of the hull. This was followed by internal modification with "wet stowage" jacketing the ammunition racks. Suspension was changed by the use of the stronger HVSS from mid-1944. HVSS had twice the number of wheels per bogie and individual wheels could be replaced without removing the bogie from the hull. Tracks were wider and vehicles had track covers that extended beyond the hull. Other hull modifications included a 47 degree angled glacis for simpler production, larger access hatches and a hatch for the loader and commander's cupola.[2]

US M4 sub-types

Continental R-975 radial engine; welded hull. 75mm cannon. Users: US, Britain, Poland, France.
M4 Composite – Later variation of the M4 which mated a cast front portion to the welded components of the rear hull.
M4(105) – Upgraded with 105mm M4 Howitzer, designed for infantry support and assault, sacrificing anti-armor capability. 47° glacis with large drivers' hatches.
M4(105) HVSS – M4(105) with Horizontal volute spring suspension (HVSS).
Continental radial engine; one-piece cast hull; 75mm cannon. Last production units of the M4A1 used a modified hull with large drivers' hatches. Users: US, Britain, South Africa, Poland(M4A1(76)W), France (small numbers).
M4A1(76)W – Upgraded with 76 mm M1 gun and large drivers' hatches.
M4A1(76)W HVSS – Upgraded with widetrack HVSS, fitted with the 76 mm M1 gun.
M4A1E9 – Late war remanufacturing featuring spaced out VVSS suspension, extended end connectors on both sides of the tracks. Some appeared in Europe before VE Day. Users: US, France, many postwar users.
Diesel-powered with General Motors Twin G-41 Engine; 75mm cannon. Users: USSR, Britain, France, Poland, US (mainly USMC). Later production units of the M4A2 used the modified 47° glacis with large drivers' hatches. This was in order to make escaping the tank easier, with some being fitted with springs to assist in opening the hatch.
M4A2(76)W – Upgraded with the 76mm M1 gun and 47° glacis with large drivers' hatches. Users: USSR
M4A2(76)W HVSS – Upgraded with widetrack Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension (HVSS), fitted with the 76mm M1 gun. Users: USSR, Canada (post-WW2).
M4A2E4 – A prototype of the M4A2 featuring independent Torsion bar suspension and widened 24 in (61 cm) tracks. Work began in March 1943, with 2 prototypes ready in summer the same year, which were tested at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. The project was canceled due to the suspension proving unsatisfactory and field maintenance being too complex.
Ford GAA V-8 engine; welded hull and one piece cast nose; both 75mm and 76mm cannons used. Initial production from June 1942 was by Ford with Grand Blanc taking over in February 1944. Users: US, France (small numbers), Nicaragua (small numbers). The M4A3 was the preferred US Army vehicle.[3]
M4A3(75)D [citation needed] – M4A3 with 75mm M3 gun, earlier 57° glacis with "dry" ammunition storage. Manufactured by Ford Motor Company and reserved mostly for training units in the USA. After 1945, many were remanufactured and sent to ETO to make up shortages due to 1944 losses of M4 Mediums.
M4A3(75)W – M4A3 with 75mm M3 gun. 47° glacis with large drivers' hatches. Shifted ammunition lockers to hull floor in water-glycol jacketed lockers to decrease risk of fire, known as "wet stowage".
M4A3(75)W HVSS – Upgraded with widetrack HVSS
M4A3(76) – a highly improved variant of the Sherman with production numbers of 1,400 Built by Detroit Arsenal and 525 by Grand Blanc with improved armor, firepower, and a better gun with a higher velocity.[4]
M4A3(76) HVSS – as M4A3 (76mm) with HVSS. 1,445 built by Detroit Arsenal August-December 1944[5]
M4A3(105) – M4A3 with 105mm howitzer used for infantry support. 500 built April-August 1944
M4A3(105) HVSS – Upgraded with widetrack HVSS[4]
M4A3E2 Assault Tank – postwar nickname "Jumbo" – extra armor (including 1 inch on front, making it able to withstand shells from the German 88 millimeter guns), vertical sided turret, but about 3-4 mph slower at 22 mph. Built by Grand Blanc May-June 1944 with the T23 turret. Some rearmed with 76mm guns from damaged tanks.[4] "Duckbill"-style extended end connectors (EECs) fitted to the outside edge of the tracks. Users: US, France (one vehicle)
M4A3E4 – some M4A3s originally built with the 75mm turret were field upgraded with 76mm M1 gun for increased anti-armor capability. Not heavily pursued during WWII due to availability of other 76mm production tanks. The "E4" upgrade program was pursued by some postwar users of the M4A3 (75)W.
M4A3(76)W HVSS (M4A3E8) – nicknamed the "Easy Eight," from the E8 variation code identifying the HVSS suspension. Introduced in 1944, this was upgraded with widetrack HVSS, fitted with the 76mm M1A2 cannon, improved armor and firepower and wet stowed ammunition. The tank was still in service well after 1945, seeing service in the Korean War, Vietnam War deployed in early cold war theatres of war to combat Soviet T-34 tanks as well as being sold to many other US aligned nations.
Chrysler A57 multibank engine; welded, lengthened hull; 75-mm gun only as-built. Users: Britain, France, China, Lebanon (Firefly), Nicaragua (small numbers).
M4A4E1 – Two M4A4s with a 105mm howitzer on T70 mount for testing. Resulted in the M4E5 pilot vehicle.
Designation assigned but not used for Canadian Ram tank.[3]
M4A4 hull with Caterpillar D200A turbocharged, air-cooled radial multi-fuel engine adapted from Wright G200; composite cast/welded hull lengthened similarly to the M4A4; 75mm gun only. Only 75 of this variant were built (October 1943 – February 1944) due to problems with supply of engine and decision to rationalize engines used and none were used in combat.[3][6]

US Sherman-based vehicles

Variants without the M4 designation but built on the M4 medium chassis (While some began on the M3 chassis, some subvariants were switched to the M4 chassis during production. These are the models listed here):

M32A1B1 armored recovery vehicle at the Patton Museum, 2003
M74 tank recovery vehicle
Upgrade of the M32 to provide the same capability with regards to heavier post-war tanks, converted from M4A3 HVSS tanks. In appearance, the M74 is very similar to the M32, fitted with an A-Frame crane, a main towing winch, an auxiliary winch, and a manual utility winch. The M74 also has a front-mounted spade that can be used as a support or as a dozer blade.


90mm Gun Motor Carriage T53/T53E1 – 90mm gun mounted on M4A4 chassis. Design modified for dual anti-tank and anti-aircraft use as T53E1 with outriggers for stability. Order for 500 cancelled in 1944 after design rejected by both Tank Destroyer and AA branch of US Army.[7]

US Special Attachment variants

M4 with 105 mm howitzer and an M1 dozer blade.

Rocket-firing, flame-thrower, mine-clearing, amphibious, engineer; mostly experimental (indicated by T instead of M).

T34 Calliope Rocket launcher in France.
A M4A3R3 used by the USMC during the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Lend-Lease service

The M4 Sherman series were widely distributed to allied armies under the Lend-Lease program. Variants served in all theaters, and were the basis of a number of conversions for various uses, including armored personnel carriers and specialized engineering vehicles.

Post-war variants

The M4 Sherman pattern enjoyed a lengthy post-war service all over the world. They were used well into the 1960s and 1970s by some nations, mainly in Africa and Latin America. In some cases, the vehicles were converted for use in a variety of other roles from mobile artillery to ambulances. Conversions were also made for use in civilian industry.

There were two common civilian industrial conversions in Canada. The Finning Corporation introduced a shortened chassis with a powerful hydraulic rock drill, which was able to navigate very rough terrain for road construction.[10] The Madill Corporation found a ready market for a range of logging equipment using converted Sherman chassis. Perhaps the most spectacular were spar yarders with an extensible mast with various winches and cables to haul heavy logs up steep slopes.[11]


  1. ^ "Medium Tank M4 Sherman". The Online Tank Museum. Tank Encyclopedia. 28 November 2014. Retrieved 26 February 2021.
  2. ^ Chamberlain & Ellis 1981, p. 117-118.
  3. ^ a b c Chamberlain & Ellis 1981, p. 116.
  4. ^ a b c Chamberlain & Ellis 1981, p. 118.
  5. ^ Chamberlain & Ellis 1981, p. 118-119.
  6. ^ R. P. Hunnicutt, Sherman: A History of the American Medium Tank, pg. 167–169
  7. ^ a b c d e Chamberlain & Ellis 1981, p. 127.
  8. ^ a b Chamberlain & Ellis 1981, p. 125.
  9. ^ Zaloga, Steve (2002). "Sherman Crocodile". Military Modelling. Vol. 32, no. 15. Archived from the original on 2018-01-05.
  10. ^ Accessed 8 September 2023,
  11. ^ accessed 8 September 2023,


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