Borrador: Lista de desastres antropogénicos por número de víctimas

Estimaciones del número de muertos en algunas de las guerras más letales

Esta es una lista de eventos que han causado una disminución mensurable en la población humana total. La lista incluye el nombre del evento, la ubicación y el inicio y el final de cada evento. Algunos eventos pueden pertenecer a más de una categoría. Además, algunos de los eventos enumerados se superponen entre sí y, en algunos casos, el número de muertes de un evento menor se incluye en el del evento más grande o el período de tiempo del que formó parte.

A menudo existe una gran incertidumbre sobre el número de muertos. Las tablas se ordenan inicialmente por la media geométrica , es decir, la raíz cuadrada del producto de la estimación más baja y más alta del número acumulado de muertes, por ejemplo, para una estimación más baja de 500 y una más alta de 2000 muertos desde el comienzo de la guerra o el desastre.


Guerras y conflictos armados

En esta sección se enumeran todas las guerras y los conflictos importantes en los que el número de víctimas estimadas supera las 100.000. Esto incluye las muertes de soldados, civiles, etc., por causas directas e indirectas causadas por la guerra, que incluyen combates , enfermedades , hambrunas , masacres , suicidios y genocidios .

Maltrato a civiles durante la guerra

En esta sección se enumeran las muertes de personas no combatientes durante guerras que fueron cometidas o causadas deliberadamente por fuerzas militares o cuasimilitares con la intención de causar daño (las muertes debidas a la escasez en tiempos de guerra, por ejemplo, no se incluyen porque son un efecto secundario de la guerra). Es posible que no estén dirigidas específicamente contra grupos étnicos, religiosos o políticos, pero suelen ser parte de una estrategia militar que no tiene en cuenta las vidas de los civiles, o pueden ser actos arbitrarios de crueldad. Véase democidio .

Represión política

Abuso de trabajadores, trabajadores forzados y esclavos

En esta sección se enumeran las muertes causadas por malas condiciones laborales, ejecuciones por no realizar el trabajo satisfactoriamente y muertes causadas por maltrato a la fuerza laboral tanto en tránsito como en los lugares de trabajo.

Genocidios, limpieza étnica, persecución religiosa

En esta sección se enumeran los acontecimientos que implican el asesinato en masa (o muerte causada por el desalojo forzoso) de personas por motivos de raza, religión o etnia.

Líderes políticos y regímenes

En esta sección se enumeran las muertes atribuidas a ciertos líderes políticos; las muertes se deben tanto a las condiciones internas del país debido a la política nacional como a asesinatos activos cometidos por fuerzas leales al líder en cuestión.

Political purges

This section lists events that entail the mass killings of political opposition (such as those of certain ideology, class or political persuasion).

See also: Red Terror (disambiguation), White Terror, and Politicide.

Prisons, concentration and extermination camps

This section lists deaths that occurred in particular prisons, concentration and/or extermination camps, deaths are from both the conditions within the camps and from the active murder/execution of prisoners.

Riots and political unrest

Riots and incidents where at least 100 people died are listed here.

Anthropogenically exacerbated disasters

Disease and famine

This section includes famines and disease outbreaks that were caused or exacerbated by human action.

Note: Some of these famines and diseases were partially caused by nature.

Floods and landslides

These are floods and landslides that have been partially caused by humans, for example by failure of dams, levees, seawalls or retaining walls.


Human sacrifice and suicide

This section lists deaths from the practice of human sacrifice or suicide.

See also

Other lists organized by death toll

See Lists of death tolls

Other lists with similar topics

Topics dealing with similar themes



  1. ^ [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
  2. ^ These death toll estimates vary due to lack of consensus as to the demographic size of the native population pre-Columbus, which some say might never be accurately determined. Modern scholarship tend to side with the higher estimates, but there is still variance based on calculation methods used. Even using conservative populations estimates, however, "one dreadful conclusion is inescapable: the 150 years after Columbus's arrival brought a toll on human life in this hemisphere comparable to all of the world's losses during World War II. ... Against the alien agents of disease, the indigenous people never had a chance. Their immune systems were unprepared to fight smallpox and measles, malaria and yellow fever. The epidemics that resulted have been well documented."[16] A small industry of researchers in recent years have focused their attention on Native American population size in 1492, and the subsequent decimation of the population after contact with Europeans.[17] They have stated that their findings in no way diminish the "dreadful impact Old World diseases had on the people of the New World. But it suggests that the New World was hardly a healthful Eden." For example, they note that as the previously thriving indigenous peoples became more urbanized and less mobile, they succumbed to the same declining sanitation and health conditions of other urban cultures, including tuberculosis. The researchers stress, however, that "their findings in no way mitigated the responsibility of Europeans as bearers of disease devastating to native societies."[16]
  3. ^ The war was paused for eight years in 1937–1945 when the Nationalists and Communists made a united front to fight against Japan in the Second Sino-Japanese War
  4. ^ The Casement estimate is used by Ascherson in his book The King Incorporated, although he notes that it is "almost certainly an underestimate".[151]
  5. ^ For other sources, see each respective leader's death toll
  6. ^ The Casement estimate is used by Ascherson in his book The King Incorporated, although he notes that it is "almost certainly an underestimate".[151]
  7. ^ Sources:
    • "Record of Arbitrary Arrests". SNHR. March 2023. Archived from the original on May 13, 2023.
    • "On the 12th Anniversary of the Popular Uprising". ReliefWeb. March 15, 2023. Archived from the original on March 16, 2023.
  1. ^ Rudling writes: "OUN founder Evhen Konovalets' (1891–1938) stated that his movement was "waging war against mixed marriages" with Poles, Russians and Jews, the latter of whom he described as "foes of our national rebirth" (Carynnyk, 2011: 315). After Konovalets' was himself assassinated in 1938, the movement split into two wings, the followers of Andrii Melnyk (1890–1964) and Stepan Bandera (1909–1959), known as Melnykites, OUN(m), and Banderites, OUN(b). Both wings enthusiastically committed to the new fascist Europe."[422]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Pinto, Carla M. A.; Lopes, A. Mendes; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro (2014). "Casualties Distribution in Human and Natural Hazards". In Ferreira, Nuno Miguel Fonseca; Machado, José António Tenreiro (eds.). Mathematical Methods in Engineering. Springer Netherlands. pp. 173–180. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7183-3_16. ISBN 978-94-007-7182-6.
  2. ^ "How many people died during World War II? | Britannica". Retrieved November 17, 2023.
  3. ^ Fink, George (2010). Stress of War, Conflict and Disaster. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-381382-4.
  4. ^ The Cambridge History of China: Alien regimes and border states, 907–1368, 1994, pg. 622, cited by White
  5. ^ Ping-ti Ho, "An Estimate of the Total Population of Sung-Chin China", in Études Song, Series 1, No 1, (1970) pp. 33–53.
  6. ^ McEvedy, Colin; Jones, Richard M. (1978). Atlas of World Population History. New York, NY: Puffin. p. 172. ISBN 978-0-14-051076-8.
  7. ^ Graziella Caselli, Gillaume Wunsch, Jacques Vallin (2005). "Demography: Analysis and Synthesis, Four Volume Set: A Treatise in Population". Academic Press. p.34. ISBN 0-12-765660-X
  8. ^ "Mongol Siege of Kaifeng | Summary". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved February 4, 2019.
  9. ^ Wheelis, M (2002). "Biological Warfare at the 1346 Siege of Caffa". Emerging Infectious Diseases. 8 (9): 971–975. doi:10.3201/eid0809.010536. PMC 2732530. PMID 12194776.
  10. ^ Morgan, D. O. (1979). "The Mongol Armies in Persia". Der Islam. 56 (1): 81–96. doi:10.1515/islm.1979.56.1.81. S2CID 161610216.
  11. ^ Halperin, C. J. (1987). Russia and the Golden Horde: the Mongol impact on medieval Russian history (Vol. 445). Indiana University Press.
  12. ^ a b Platt (2012), p. p. xxiii.
  13. ^ "Pre-Columbian Population" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on January 7, 2016.
  14. ^ a b c Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900. Routledge. February 6, 2018. ISBN 978-1-351-52347-9.
  15. ^ a b American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present; Erin McKenna, Scott L. Pratt; Bloomsbury; 2015, pg. 375; "It is also apparent that the shared history of the hemisphere is one framed by the dual tragedies of genocide and slavery, both of which are part of the legacy of the European invasions of the past 500 years. Indigenous people north and south were displaced, died of disease, and were killed by Europeans through slavery, rape and war. In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere. By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90–95 percent."
  16. ^ a b "Don't Blame Columbus for All the Indians' Ills". The New York Times. October 29, 2002.
  17. ^ Richard H. Steckel and Jerome C. Rose: The Backbone of History Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere, Cambridge University Press; 1st edition; pg. 79; ISBN 978-0-521-61744-4
  18. ^ Koch, Alexander; Brierley, Chris; Maslin, Mark M.; Lewis, Simon L. (2019). "Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492". Quaternary Science Reviews. 207: 13–36. Bibcode:2019QSRv..207...13K. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.12.004.
  19. ^ Alan Macfarlane (May 28, 1997). The Savage Wars of Peace: England, Japan and the Malthusian Trap. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-18117-0.
  20. ^ The Great Famine and Genocide in Iran: 1917–1919, 2nd Edition.
  21. ^ Willcox, Walter F. (1923). "Population and the World War: A Preliminary Survey". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 18 (142): 699–712. doi:10.2307/2276709. ISSN 0162-1459. JSTOR 2276709.
  22. ^ "World War I – Killed, wounded, and missing | Britannica".
  23. ^ Ho Ping-ti, Studies on the Population of China, 1368–1953 (Harvard University Press, 1953. p. 252
  24. ^ Clodfelter, Micheal "Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Reference", Vol. 2, pp. 956. Includes civilians who died due to famine and other environmental disasters caused by the war. Only includes the 'regular' Chinese army; does NOT include guerrillas and does not include Chinese casualties in Manchuria or Burma.
  25. ^ White, Matthew (2011). The Great Big Book of Horrible Things: The Definitive Chronicle of History's 100 Worst Atrocities. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-08192-3.
  26. ^ Michael Lynch (2010). The Chinese Civil War 1945–49. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84176-671-3.
  27. ^ "China's Bloody Century". Retrieved July 31, 2017.
  28. ^ "Russian Civil War". Archived from the original on December 5, 2010. Retrieved August 23, 2013.
  29. ^ Outram 2002, p. 248.
  30. ^ Wilson 2009, pp. 4, 787.
  31. ^ "Nineteenth Century Death Tolls". Retrieved August 15, 2020.
  32. ^ Charles Esdaile, Napoleon's Wars: An International History.
  33. ^ Lacina, Bethany; Petter Gleditsch, Nils (2005). "Monitoring Trends in Global Combat: A New Dataset of Battle Deaths" (PDF). European Journal of Population. 21 (2–3): 145–166. doi:10.1007/s10680-005-6851-6. S2CID 14344770.
  34. ^ "Congo war-driven crisis kills 45,000 a month-study". Reuters, 22 January 2008.
  35. ^ "Huguenot Religious Wars, Catholic vs. Huguenot (1562–1598)". Retrieved August 23, 2013.
  36. ^ Philip Pregill (January 25, 1999). Landscapes in History. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-29328-6.
  37. ^ Frederic Baumgartner (November 14, 1995). France in the Sixteenth Century. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-312-15856-9.
  38. ^ a b Lacina, Bethany (September 2009). "The PRIO Battle Deaths Dataset, 1946–2008, Version 3.0" (PDF). Peace Research Institute Oslo. pp. 359–362. Retrieved August 30, 2019.
  39. ^ [Documentary] Qin Dynasty (221 – 206 BCE) -Terracotta Army 秦兵马俑 on YouTube
  40. ^ Derk Bodde, China's First Unifier: A Study in the Ch'in Dynasty as Seen in the Life of Li Ssu, 280? – 208 BCE, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1967, pp. 5–6.
  41. ^ Chris Peers estimates that 1.5 million were killed before the last campaign in 230–221 BCE, Warlords of China, 700 BCE to AD 1662, London: Arms and Armour, 1998, p. 59.
  42. ^ Hirschman, Charles; Preston, Samuel; Loi, Vu Manh (December 1995). "Vietnamese Casualties During the American War: A New Estimate" (PDF). Population and Development Review. 21 (4): 783–812. doi:10.2307/2137774. JSTOR 2137774.
  43. ^ Obermeyer, Ziad; Murray, Christopher J.L.; Gakidou, Emmanuela (June 26, 2008). "Fifty years of violent war deaths from Vietnam to Bosnia: analysis of data from the world health survey programme". The BMJ. 336 (7659): 1482–1486. doi:10.1136/bmj.a137. PMC 2440905. PMID 18566045.
  44. ^ John Shertzer Hittell, A Brief History of Culture (1874) p.137: "In the two centuries of this warfare one million persons had been slain..." cited by White
  45. ^ Robertson, John M., "A Short History of Christianity" (1902) p. 278. Cited by White
  46. ^ "Remembering Nigeria's Biafra war that many prefer to forget". BBC News. January 15, 2020.
  47. ^ a b Matthew White (2012). The Great Big Book of Horrible Things: The Definitive Chronicle of History's 100 Worst Atrocities. W. W. Norton. pp. 529–530. ISBN 978-0-393-08192-3.
  48. ^ "Shaka: Zulu Chieftain". Archived from the original on February 9, 2008. Retrieved August 23, 2013.
  49. ^ Nigel Bagnall (2005). The Punic Wars.
  50. ^ "Sudan: Nearly 2 million dead as a result of the world's longest running civil war". U.S. Committee for Refugees. 2001. Archived from the original on December 10, 2004. Retrieved April 10, 2007.
  51. ^ a b "Death Tolls for the Major Wars and Atrocities of the Twentieth Century". Retrieved September 24, 2012.
  52. ^ Jones, Geo H., Vol. 23 No. 5, p. 254.
  53. ^ a b Buchenau, Jürgen (2005). Mexico Otherwise: Modern Mexico in the Eyes of Foreign Observers. UNM Press. p. 285. ISBN 0-8263-2313-8.
  54. ^ Horne, Alistair (1978). A Savage War of Peace. Viking Press. pp. 538. ISBN 0-670-61964-7.
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  57. ^ Hagopian, Amy; Flaxman, Abraham D.; Takaro, Tim K.; Esa Al Shatari, Sahar A.; Rajaratnam, Julie; Becker, Stan; Levin-Rector, Alison; Galway, Lindsay; Hadi Al-Yasseri, Berq J.; Weiss, William M.; Murray, Christopher J.; Burnham, Gilbert; Mills, Edward J. (October 15, 2013). "Mortality in Iraq Associated with the 2003–2011 War and Occupation: Findings from a National Cluster Sample Survey by the University Collaborative Iraq Mortality Study". PLOS Medicine. 10 (10): e1001533. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001533. PMC 3797136. PMID 24143140.
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  68. ^ Bix, Herbert, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, New York, Perennial, 2001 p. 365
  69. ^ Valentino, Benjamin A. Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the 20th Century, Cornell University Press, p. 88, December 8, 2005.
  70. ^ Rummel, Rudolph (1994), Death by Government.
  71. ^ "Genocides, Politicides, and Other Mass Murder Since 1945, With Stages in 2008". Archived from the original on November 7, 2017. Retrieved August 2, 2018.
  72. ^ a b c Noor Ahmad Khalidi, "Afghanistan: Demographic Consequences of War: 1978–87", Central Asian Survey, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 101–126, 1991.
  73. ^ a b c Marek Sliwiński, "Afghanistan: The Decimation of a People", Orbis (Winter, 1989), p. 39.
  74. ^ Dillon, Michael (1998). China: A Cultural and Historical Dictionary. Routledge. p. 379. ISBN 978-0-7007-0439-2. from J. B. Parsons, The Peasant Rebellions of the Late Ming Dynasty (University of Arizona Press), 1970.
  75. ^ a b Rummel, R.J. "CHINA'S BLOODY CENTURY".
  76. ^ Andre Wink, Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World, Vol 2 (Brill, 2002), p. 13.
  77. ^ The different aspects of Islamic culture: Science and technology in Islam, Vol.4, Ed. A. Y. Al-Hassan (Dergham, 2001), p. 655.
  78. ^ Barenblatt, Daniel (2004). A plague upon humanity: the secret genocide of Axis Japan's germ warfare operation (1st ed.). New York: HarperCollins Publishers. pp. xii, 173. ISBN 0-06-018625-9. OCLC 52348888.
  79. ^ a b c P. J. Marshall (2006). Bengal: The British Bridgehead: Eastern India 1740–1828. Cambridge University Press. p. 73. ISBN 978-0-521-02822-6.
  80. ^ a b c Chaudhuri, Kirti N. (2006). The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company: 1660-1760. Cambridge University Press. p. 253. ISBN 978-0-521-03159-2.
  81. ^ a b Bailey, Norman A. (1967). "La Violencia in Colombia". Journal of Inter-American Studies. 9 (4). Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Miami: 561–75. doi:10.2307/164860. JSTOR 164860.
  82. ^ White, Matthew. "Death Tolls for the Man-made Megadeaths of the 20th Century". Retrieved August 1, 2007.
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  84. ^ Dauria, Tom (2014). Within a Presumption of Godlessness. Archway Publishing. p. 35. ISBN 978-1-4808-0420-3.
  85. ^ "Battle of Manila".
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  87. ^ a b "Twentieth Century Atlas – Death Tolls".
  88. ^ Donald Greer, The Terror: a Statistical Interpretation, Cambridge (1935)
  89. ^ a b Reynald Secher, La Vendée-Vengé, le Génocide franco-français (1986)
  90. ^ Jean-Clément Martin, La Vendée et la France, Éditions du Seuil, collection Points, 1987. Martin gives the highest estimate of the civil war, including republican losses and premature death. However, he does not consider it as a genocide.
  91. ^ Jacques Hussenet (dir.), "Détruisez la Vendée!" Regards croisés sur les victimes et destructions de la guerre de Vendée, La Roche-sur-Yon, Centre vendéen de recherches historiques, 2007, p.148.
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  99. ^ Rumel, Rudolph. "Lesser Murdering States, Quasi-States, and Groups: Estimates, Sources, and Calculations". Power Kills. University of Hawaiʻi.
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  106. ^ a b Yoshiaki Itakura, 本当はこうだった南京事件 (Tokyo: Nihon Tosho Kankokai, 1999), 11.
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    1,000,000 and 10,000 to 2,000,000 and 100,000 Kurds were displaced and killed respectively between 1963 and 1987; 250,000 of them in 1977 and 1978. If deaths are proportional to the displacement then 2,500 to 12,500 Kurds would have died during this period depending on the scale of overall displacement and deaths used.
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  436. ^ Wolowyna, Oleh (October 2, 2021). "A Demographic Framework for the 1932–1934 Famine in the Soviet Union". Journal of Genocide Research. 23 (4): 501–526. doi:10.1080/14623528.2020.1834741. ISSN 1462-3528. S2CID 226316468.
  437. ^ "Seumas Milne: The battle for history". September 12, 2002.
  438. ^ "Stalin Died 60 Years Too Late". Cato Institute. Retrieved December 17, 2023. [Russian Vadim Ehrlichman estimated 9.2 million deaths: five million in the Gulag, 1.7 million from deportation, 1.5 million from executions, and 1 million from maltreatment of foreign POWs/German civilians.]
  439. ^ Buckley, Cynthia J.; Ruble, Blair A.; Hofmann, Erin Trouth (September 9, 2008). Migration, Homeland, and Belonging in Eurasia. Woodrow Wilson Center Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-9075-8.
  440. ^ Buckley, Cynthia J.; Ruble, Blair A.; Hofmann, Erin Trouth (September 9, 2008). Migration, Homeland, and Belonging in Eurasia. Woodrow Wilson Center Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-9075-8.
  441. ^ Rousso, Henry; Golsan, Richard Joseph (January 1, 2004). Stalinism and Nazism: History and Memory Compared. U of Nebraska Press. ISBN 978-0-8032-9000-6.
  442. ^ Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 1945–1978. Bericht des Bundesarchivs vom 28 Mai 1974. Archivalien und ausgewälte Erlebenisberichte, Bonn 1989, pp. 40–41, 46–47, 51–53)
  443. ^ "Г.Ф.Кривошеев (под редакцией). Россия и СССР в войнах XX века: Потери вооруженных сил". Retrieved December 17, 2023.
  444. ^ Elliott, Mark (1982). Pawns of Yalta: Soviet Refugees and America's Role in Their Repatriation. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0-252-00897-9.
  445. ^ Reitlinger, Gerald (1953). The Final Solution. The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe, 1939–1945. New York City: Beechhurst Press.
  446. ^ Early efforts by scholars to determine the number of Jews murdered by the Nazis were limited by a lack of access to pertinent records. The genocide seldom entered Western discourse, both due to ignorance and to the Cold-War politics which made West Germany a new ally of the United States.The first significant work on the subject published in English was Gerald Reitlinger's Final Solution (1953), which, relying almost exclusively on German documentation, estimated 4.9 million dead. This figure is now considered extremely conservative. Raul Hilberg's 1961 The Destruction of the European Jews became a classic in the field of Holocaust literature and made the genocide of the Jews known to the wider public, Hilberg estimated its victims to be 5.1 million lives, or 4.9–5.4 million broadly construed. The trial of Adolf Eichmann further raised awareness of the genocide, Eichmann also provided documentation and testimony which revised the number of the dead.The first work to arrive at a figure comparable to modern estimates was Lucy Dawidowicz's The War Against the Jews, published in 1975, the book provided detailed listings by country of the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust which are still used as a reference in modern Holocaust studies. Dawidowicz researched birth and death records in many cities of prewar Europe to come up with a death toll of 5,933,900 Jews. After the opening of Soviet records, scholarship arrived at a death toll of about 6 million Jews. Gutman and Rozett's Encyclopedia of the Holocaust was published in 1990 and estimated slightly over 5.9 million Jews were murdered.Wolfgang Benz's The Holocaust: A German Historian Examines the Genocide, published 1995, gave a toll of 6.2 million.
  447. ^ Davies, Norman (2012). God's Playground [Boze igrzysko]. Otwarte (publishing). p. 956. ISBN 83-240-1556-6. Polish edition, second volume. "To, co robili Sowieci, bylo szczególnie mylace. Same liczby bylSacramentsie wiarygodne, ale pozbawione komentarza, sprytnie ukrywaly fakt, ze ofiary w przewazajacej liczbie nie byly Rosjanami, ze owe miliony obejmowaly ofiary nie tylko Hitlera, ale i Stalina, oraz ze wsród ludnosci cywilnej najwieksze grupy stanowili Ukraincy, Polacy, Bialorusini i Zydzi. Translation: The Soviet methods were particularly misleading. The numbers were correct, but the victims were overwhelmingly not Russian, and came from either one of the two regimes."
  448. ^ Zemskov, Viktor N. (2012). "О масштабах людских потерь CCCР в Великой Отечественной Войне" [The extent of human losses USSR in the Great Patriotic War]. Military Historical Archive (Военно-исторический архив) (in Russian). 9: 59–71 – via Demoskop Weehly vol. 559–560 (2013)
    Excludes: * Excludes the 2,500,000 million Jewish civilians killed in Soviet Territories-(see: Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of the Holocaust. 1988. ISBN 978-0-688-12364-2) * 30,000 to 35,000 Roma killed in Porajmos-(see: Niewyk, Donald L. (2000). The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust. Columbia University Press. p. 422. ISBN 0-231-11200-9. "European Romani (Gypsy) Population". The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Holocaust Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 8, 2016.
  449. ^ Includes: * Deaths caused by the result of direct, intentional actions of violence 7,420,379-(see: ????????? 1995, pp. 124–131 The Russian Academy of Science article by M.V. Philimoshin based this figure on sources published in the Soviet era.) * Deaths of forced laborers in Germany 2,164,313-(see: Евдокимов 1995, pp. 124–131.) * Deaths due to famine and disease in the occupied regions 4,100,000-(see: Евдокимов 1995, pp. 124–131 The Russian Academy of Science article by M.V. Philimoshin estimated 6% of the population in the occupied regions died due to war related famine and disease.) Excludes: * Excludes the 2,500,000 million Jewish civilians killed in Soviet Territories-(see: Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of the Holocaust. 1988. ISBN 978-0-688-12364-2) * 30,000 to 35,000 Roma killed in Porajmos-(see: Niewyk, Donald L. (2000). The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust. Columbia University Press. p. 422. ISBN 0-231-11200-9. "European Romani (Gypsy) Population". The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Holocaust Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 8, 2016.
  450. ^ Richard Overy, Russia's War (1997): "an estimated 500,000 Soviet citizens died from German bomb attacks."
  451. ^ Pohl, Dieter (2012). Die Herrschaft der Wehrmacht: Deutsche Militärbesatzung und einheimische Bevölkerung in der Sowjetunion 1941–1944. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. ISBN 978-3-486-70739-7.
  452. ^ "Imperial War Museum – Invasion of the Soviet Union display". Retrieved July 29, 2019.
  453. ^ "Polish Victims". Retrieved July 29, 2019.
  454. ^ Polska 1939–1945 – Straty Osobowe I Ofiary Represji Pod Dwiema Okupacjami Tomasz Szarota; Wojciech Materski, eds. (2009). Polska 1939–1945. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami [Poland 1939–1945. Human Losses and Victims of Repression under two Occupations]. Warsaw: Institute of National Remembrance (IPN). Archived from the original on March 23, 2012. – Janusz Kurtyka; Zbigniew Gluza. Preface.: "ze pod okupacja sowiecka zginelo w latach 1939–1941, a nastepnie 1944–1945 co najmniej 150 tys [...] Laczne straty smiertelne ludnosci polskiej pod okupacja niemiecka oblicza sie obecnie na ok. 2 770 000. [...] Do tych strat nalezy doliczyc ponad 100 tys. Polaków pomordowanych w latach 1942–1945 przez nacjonalistów ukrainskich (w tym na samym Wolyniu ok. 60 tys. osób [...] Liczba Zydów i Polaków zydowskiego pochodzenia, obywateli II Rzeczypospolitej, zamordowanych przez Niemców siega 2,7– 2,9 mln osób." Translation: "It must be assumed losses of at least 150.000 people during the Soviet occupation from 1939 to 1941 and again from 1944 to 1945 [...] The total fatalities of the Polish population under the German occupation are now estimated at 2,770,000. [...] To these losses should be added more than 100,000 Poles murdered in the years 1942–1945 by Ukrainian nationalists (including about 60,000 in Volhynia [...] The number of Jews and Poles of Jewish ethnicity, citizens of the Second Polish Republic, murdered by the Germans amounts to 2.7–2.9 million people." – Waldemar Grabowski. German and Soviet occupation. Fundamental issues.: "Straty ludnosci panstwa polskiego narodowosci ukrainskiej sa trudne do wyliczenia," Translation: "The losses of ethnic Poles of Ukrainian nationality are difficult to calculate." Note: Polish losses amount to 11.3% of the 24.4 million ethnic Poles in prewar Poland and about 90 percent of the 3.3 million Jews of prewar times. The IPN figures do not include losses among Polish citizens of Ukrainian and Belarusian ethnicity.
  455. ^ Niewyk, Donald L. (2000). The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust. Columbia University Press. p. 422. ISBN 0-231-11200-9.
  456. ^ "Genocide of European Roma (Gypsies), 1939–1945". Retrieved July 29, 2019.
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  458. ^ Baranowski, Shelley (2010). Nazi empire : German colonialism and imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 273. ISBN 978-0-521-67408-9.
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  463. ^ Hodapp, Christopher (2013). Freemasonry for Dummies, 2. Edition. Wiley Publishing Inc. ISBN 1-118-41208-7.
  464. ^ Peter Hoffmann "The History of the German Resistance, 1933–1945"p.xiii
  465. ^ "The number of Slovenes estimated to have died as a result of the Nazi occupation (not including those killed by Slovene collaboration forces and other Nazi allies) is estimated between 20,000 and 25,000 people. This number only includes civilians: Slovene partisan POWs who died and resistance fighters killed in action are not included (their number is estimated at 27,000). These numbers however include only Slovenes from present-day Slovenia: it does not include Carinthian Slovene victims, nor Slovene victims from areas in present-day Italy and Croatia. These numbers are result of a 10-year-long research by the Institute for Contemporary History (Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino) from Ljubljana, Slovenia. The partial results of the research have been released in 2008 in the volume Žrtve vojne in revolucije v Sloveniji (Ljubljana: Institute for Contemporary History, 2008), and officially presented at the Slovenian National Council" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 28, 2016. Retrieved August 15, 2020.
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  469. ^ The Holocaust Chronicle, Publications International Ltd., p. 108.
  470. ^ Shulman, William L. A State of Terror: Germany 1933–1939. Bayside, New York: Holocaust Resource Center and Archives.
  471. ^ Norman Lowe. Mastering Twentieth-Century Russian History. Palgrave, 2002. p. 155.
  472. ^ How the U.S. saved a starving Soviet Russia: PBS film highlights Stanford scholar's research on the 1921–23 famine Stanford News
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  475. ^ "中国共产党中央委员会 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会 中华人民共和国国务院 中国共产党中央军事委员会——关于建立伟大的领袖和导师毛泽东主席纪念堂的决定". Chinese Science Bulletin. 21 (Z1): 433. July 1, 1976. doi:10.1360/csb1976-21-z1-433-x. ISSN 0023-074X.
  476. ^ 黄河, 水利委员会水利科学研究所新技术应用研究组 (January 1, 1973). "利用γ射线测定黄河泥沙含量". Chinese Science Bulletin. 18 (1): 39–41. doi:10.1360/csb1973-18-1-39. ISSN 0023-074X.
  477. ^ Kerr, George H. (1968). "Formosa Betrayed". Verfassung in Recht und Übersee. 1 (1): 93–95. doi:10.5771/0506-7286-1968-1-93. ISSN 0506-7286.
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  479. ^ de Waal, Alex. Evil Days: Thirty Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia. London: Africa Watch / Human Rights Watch, 1991, p. 110.
  480. ^ White 2011, pp. 455–456: "For those who prefer totals broken down by country, here are reasonable estimates for the number of people who died under Communist regimes from execution, labor camps, famine, ethnic cleansing, and desperate flight in leaky boats: China: 40,000,000 Soviet Union: 20,000,000 North Korea: 3,000,000 Ethiopia: 2,000,000 Cambodia: 1,700,000 Vietnam: 365,000 (after 1975) Yugoslavia: 175,000 East Germany: 100,000 Romania: 100,000 North Vietnam: 50,000 (internally, 1954–75) Cuba: 50,000 Mongolia: 35,000 Poland: 30,000 Bulgaria: 20,000 Czechoslovakia: 11,000 Albania: 5,000 Hungary: 5,000 Rough Total: 70 million (This rough total doesn't include the 20 million killed in the civil wars that brought Communists into power, or the 11 million who died in the proxy wars of the Cold War. Both sides probably share the blame for these to a certain extent. These two categories overlap somewhat, so once the duplicates are weeded out, it seems that some 26 million people died in Communist-inspired wars.)"
  481. ^ a b A January 26, 2003 The New York Times article by John F. Burns similarly states "the number of those 'disappeared' into the hands of the secret police, never to be heard from again, could be 200,000." Noting that the Iran–Iraq War cost approximately 800,000 lives on both sides and that—while "surely a gross exaggeration"—Iraq estimated there were 100,000 deaths resulting from U.S. bombing in the Gulf War, Burns concludes: "A million dead Iraqis, in war and through terror, may not be far from the mark." See Burns, John F. (January 26, 2003). "How Many People Has Hussein Killed?". The New York Times. Retrieved December 4, 2016. Also writing in The New York Times, Dexter Filkins appeared to echo but misrepresent Burns's remark on October 7, 2007: "[Saddam] murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. ... His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead." See Filkins, Dexter (October 7, 2007). "Regrets Only?". The New York Times. Retrieved December 4, 2016. In turn, Arthur L. Herman accused Saddam of "kill[ing] as many as two million of his own people" in Commentary on July 1, 2008. See Herman, Arthur L. (July 1, 2008). "Why Iraq Was Inevitable". Commentary. Retrieved December 4, 2016.
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  672. ^ Rubin 2015, p. 508: "Despite Iran's official neutrality, this pattern of interference continued during World War I as Ottoman-, Russian-, British-, and German-supported local forces fought across Iran, wreaking enormous havoc on the country. With farmland, crops, livestock, and infrastructure destroyed, as many as 2 million Iranians died of famine at the war's end. Although the Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the recall of Russian troops, and thus gave hope to Iranians that the foreign yoke might be relenting, the British quickly moved to fill the vacuum in the north, and by 1918, had turned the country into an unofficial protectorate."
  673. ^ Winegard 2016, p. 85: "Between 1917 and 1919, it is estimated that nearly half (nine to eleven million people) of the Persian population died of starvation or disease brought on by malnutrition."
  674. ^ Majd 2003, p. 72: "According to the American Charge d'Affaires, Wallace Smith Murray, this famine had claimed one-third of Iran's population. A famine that even according to British sources as General Dunsterville, Major Donohoe, and General Sykes had claimed vast numbers of Iranians".
  675. ^ Majd 2003, p. 40. In the matter of tough custom regulations, Majd mentions incidents of unsuccessful importation of foodstuff recorded by the American embassy. He also refers to a letter by an American official saying "for the last two years practically all the importations have ceased"
  676. ^ Rubin 2015, p. 508: "Despite Iran's official neutrality, this pattern of interference continued during World War I as Ottoman-, Russian-, British-, and German-supported local forces fought across Iran, wreaking enormous havoc on the country. With farmland, crops, livestock, and infrastructure destroyed, as many as 2 million Iranians died of famine at the war's end. Although the Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the recall of Russian troops, and thus gave hope to Iranians that the foreign yoke might be relenting, the British quickly moved to fill the vacuum in the north, and by 1918, had turned the country into an unofficial protectorate."
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  717. ^ National Geographic, July 2003, cited by White
  718. ^ Sakuntala Narasimhan, Sati: widow burning in India, quoted by Matthew White, "Selected Death Tolls for Wars, Massacres and Atrocities Before the 20th Century", p. 2 (July 2005), Historical Atlas of the 20th Century (self-published, 1998–2005).
  719. ^ a b c This toll is only for the number of Japanese pilots killed in Kamikaze suicide missions. It does not include the number of enemy combatants killed by such missions, which is estimated to be around 4,000. Kamikaze pilots are estimated to have sunk or damaged beyond repair some 70 to 80 allied ships, representing about 80% of allied shipping losses in the final phase of the war in the Pacific (see Kamikaze).
  720. ^ Josephus, Flavius (1974). Wasserstein, Abraham (ed.). Flavius Josephus: Selections from His Works (1st ed.). New York: Viking Press. pp. 303–304. OCLC 470915959.

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