Fantastic Voyage

Producida por James Cameron, esta nueva versión será en 3D y estará dirigida por Shawn Levy.

[3]​ "This film will take you where no one has ever been before; no eye witness has actually seen what you are about too see.

But in this world of ours where going to the moon will soon be upon us and where the most incredible things are happenig all around us, someday, perhaps tomorrow, the fantastics events you are about to see can and will take place."

[4]​"The makers of this film are indebted to the many doctors, technicians and research scientists, whose knowledge and insight helped guide this production."

Para salvar su vida, un equipo formado por Charles Grant (Stephen Boyd), el capitán y piloto Bill Owens (William Redfield), el doctor Michaels (Donald Pleasence), el cirujano Peter Duval (Arthur Kennedy) y su ayudante Cora Peterson (Raquel Welch) forman la tripulación de un submarino nuclear llamado Proteus que fue diseñado primitivamente para exploraciones oceánicas.