Distrito especial (Estados Unidos)

Los distritos especiales (también conocidos como distritos de servicios especiales, gobiernos de distrito especiales o entidades de propósito limitado ) son unidades gubernamentales independientes con fines especiales que existen separadas de los gobiernos locales, como los gobiernos de condado , municipales y de municipios , con sustancial independencia administrativa y fiscal. Están formados para realizar una única función o un conjunto de funciones relacionadas. [1] El término gobiernos de distrito especiales según lo define la Oficina del Censo de EE. UU. excluye los distritos escolares . [1] En 2017, Estados Unidos tenía más de 51.296 gobiernos de distrito especiales. [2]

Definición del censo

El censo de Estados Unidos cuenta las unidades gubernamentales en todos los estados. Esto incluye "distritos especiales". Para contar los distritos especiales, el Censo debe definir los distritos especiales para abordar todas esas entidades gubernamentales en el amplio espectro de definiciones e interpretaciones de 50 estados. La definición completa del Censo es:

Los gobiernos de distrito especiales son unidades gubernamentales independientes con fines especiales, distintas de los gobiernos de distritos escolares, que existen como entidades separadas con sustancial independencia administrativa y fiscal de los gobiernos locales de propósito general. Tal como se define en las estadísticas de la Oficina del Censo sobre gobiernos, el término "gobiernos de distrito especiales" excluye a los gobiernos de distritos escolares, ya que se definen como un tipo de gobierno separado.

Los gobiernos de distrito especiales brindan servicios específicos que no brindan los gobiernos de propósito general existentes. La mayoría desempeña una sola función, pero en algunos casos, su legislación habilitante les permite proporcionar varios tipos de servicios, generalmente relacionados. Los servicios proporcionados por estos distritos varían desde necesidades sociales básicas como hospitales y protección contra incendios, hasta tareas menos llamativas como la erradicación de mosquitos y el mantenimiento de cementerios.

La clasificación de la Oficina del Censo de gobiernos de distrito especiales cubre una amplia variedad de entidades, la mayoría de las cuales se denominan oficialmente distritos o autoridades. Sin embargo, no todas las agencias públicas denominadas así representan gobiernos separados. Muchas entidades que llevan la designación "distrito" o "autoridad" están, por ley, tan estrechamente relacionadas con los gobiernos del condado, municipal, de pueblo o municipio, o estatales, que están clasificadas como agencias subordinadas de esos gobiernos en la Oficina del Censo. estadísticas sobre gobiernos y no se cuentan como gobiernos de distrito especiales separados.

In order to be classified as a special district government, rather than as a subordinate agency, an entity must possess three attributes—existence as an organized entity, governmental character, and substantial autonomy. Each state description also lists various statutory authorities, commissions, corporations, and other forms of organizations that have certain governmental characteristics, but are subject by law to administrative or fiscal control by the state or by independent local governments; therefore, they are classified as subordinate agencies of those governments.[3]


Special districts serve limited areas and have governing boards that accomplish legislatively assigned functions using public funds.[4]

Governing body

Each district is governed by a board of directors, commissioners, board of supervisors, or the like. These boards may be appointed by public officials, appointed by private entities, popularly elected, or elected by benefited citizens (typically, property owners). Sometimes, one or more public officials will serve as an ex officio member on the board.

The board of a special district serves primarily as a managing board and often appoints a chief executive for day-to-day operations and decision making and policy implementation. In the New England states, special districts are often run in the same town meeting fashion as other local governments. Most districts have employees,[5] but some districts exist solely to raise funds by issuing bonds and/or by providing tax increment financing.


Special districts perform many functions including airports, ports, highways, mass transit, parking facilities, fire protection, libraries, parks, cemeteries, hospitals, irrigation, conservation, sewerage, wastewater treatment, solid waste, fiber optic systems, stadiums, water supply, electric power, and natural gas utility.[6][7]

Legal basis

Special districts are authorized by state law and must have public foundation, civil office, and public accountability.

State law

Special districts in the United States are founded by some level of government in accordance with state law [8] (either constitutional amendment, general law, or special acts)[9] and exist in all states. Special districts are legally separate entities with at least some corporate powers.[10] Districts are created by legislative action, court action, or public referendum. The procedures for creating a special district may include procedures such as petitions, hearings, voter or landowner approval, or government approval. Tribal governments may create special districts pursuant to state law and may serve on the boards of special districts.

Public foundation

Special districts, like all public entities, have public foundation.[11][12][13] The landmark case of the U.S. Supreme Court addressing public versus private charters was Dartmouth College v. Woodward in 1819.[14] Dartmouth established the fundamental differences between public and private organizations. Critically, a government must be founded by all of the people of a governmental area or by their governmental representatives.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20]

Civil office

Special districts possess some form of civil office, that is, the board has received a delegation of sovereign power from the state.[21] Some boards may be appointed by only landowners.[22][23] Private entities may appoint some or all of the members of a special district;[24][25][26] however, there must be evidence of civil office. In addition to special districts with privately appointed boards, a special district may have a privately founded board;[27] however, such a board could not be given the power to set a tax.


There is a citizen-government fiscal accountability relationship.[28] To maintain accountability for special districts, states must maintain ultimate control (the power to repeal the authorizing law at any time).[29][30][31][32][33][34] Due to public foundation and, thus, ultimate control, the state can freely delegate sovereign power (such as the power to tax) to special districts and can allow them to act autonomously with little supervision.


There is little information available on the earliest special districts in the United States. It is known that park districts existed in the 18th century. Toll road and canal corporations existed in the 19th century.[35] The first general statute authorizing irrigation districts was adopted by California in 1887.[36] The U.S. Census Bureau began identifying and collecting data on special districts in 1942.[37]

English custom

Special districts in the United States follow the English custom. The earliest known general law in England authorizing special purpose authorities was the Statute of Sewers of 1532.[38] Single purpose authorities created by individual charters also existed at the time.[38] However, the early authorities were temporary and unconnected to local government structure.[39] The first laws authorizing permanent authorities connected to local governments were the Incorporated Guardians of the Poor, which were created by special acts in the 17th century.[40] Turnpike trusts were an early and popular special purpose authority in England.[41] Internal drainage boards are current examples in parts of England and Wales.


The state of Illinois leads the nation in the number of special districts with California close behind.[42] State counts of their special districts may differ from the federal count because the states may have different definitions of a special district than the U.S. Census Bureau.[35]


All of the following examples have been found by the U.S. Census Bureau to be special districts.[42] See the Census of Governments Government Organization publications at a depository library or visit and select Governments Division.

See also


  1. ^ a b U.S. Census Bureau (2002). 2002 Census of Governments, Vol 1, Number 1, Government Organization, GC02(1)-1 (PDF). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. vii–viii.
  2. ^ "Number of Local Governments by State". 14 September 2012. Retrieved 2021-01-06.
  3. ^ "2007 United States Census - Individual State Descriptions - Census of Government" (PDF). p. 6. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
  4. ^ Mitzanry, K, & Manatt, A. (2002, February).What's so special about special districts? A citizen's guide to special districts in California. 3rd. ed. p. 2.
  5. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-07-22. Retrieved 2017-12-06.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  6. ^ "Government Organization" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-07-24. Retrieved 2017-12-06.
  7. ^ Burns, N. The formation of American local governments: Private values in public institutions. Oxford University Press, 1994, p. 14.
  8. ^ U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. (1993, March). State laws governing local government structure and administration. page 7.
  9. ^ Mitzanry, K, & Manatt, A. (2002, February) What's so special about special districts? A citizen's guide to special districts in California. 3rd. ed. p. 4.
  10. ^ U.S. Census Bureau (2002). 2002 Census of Governments, Vol 1, Number 1, Government Organization, GC02(1)-1 (PDF). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. p. ix.
  11. ^ 15A Am Jur 2d Colleges and Universities § 2
  12. ^ 16B Am Jur 2d Constitutional Law § 723
  13. ^ 4B M.J. CORPORATIONS § 26
  14. ^ a b Newmyer, R. K. John Marshall and heroic age of the Supreme Court. Louisiana State University Press: Baton Rouge, 2001, pp. 244-253.
  15. ^ Allen v. McKean, 1 F. Cas. 489 (1833)
  16. ^ Louisville v. University of Louisville, 54 Ky. 642 (June 1855)
  17. ^ Ohio v. Neff, 52 Ohio St. 375, 40 N.E. 720 (1895)
  18. ^ Currie, D. P. (1982, Fall). The Constitution in the Supreme Court: State and Congressional powers, 1801-1835. University of Chicago Law Review. 49 U. Chi. L. Rev. 887.
  19. ^ Opinion No. 84-134, 1984 Okla. AG LEXIS 17
  20. ^ Opinion No. 1007, 1994 Minn. AG LEXIS 2
  21. ^ Commissioner v. Shamberg's Estate, 144 F.2d 998 (1945)
  22. ^ Mitzanry, K, & Manatt, A. (2002, February).What's so special about special districts? A citizen's guide to special districts in California. 3rd. ed. p. 7 (box).
  23. ^ Burns, N. The formation of American local governments: Private values in public institutions. Oxford University Press, 1994, p. 12.
  24. ^ Scholle v. Maryland 90 Md. 729, 46 A. 736 (1900)
  25. ^ Marks v. Frantz, 179 Ky. 638 (1956)
  26. ^ Distrito de atención médica del condado de Palm Beach contra Everglades Memorial Hospital 658 So. 2d 577 (Florida 1995)
  27. ^ Sharpless contra el alcalde 21 Pa. 147 (1853)
  28. ^ Mead, DM (invierno de 2002). El papel de GASB 34 en la relación de rendición de cuentas ciudadano-gobierno. Revisión del gobierno estatal y local. Vol 34, N° 1 51-63.
  29. ^ Hess V. Autoridad Portuaria Trans-Hudson Corporation, 513 US 30, 115 S. Ct. 394, 130 L.Ed. 2d 245 (1994)
  30. ^ Meriwether contra Garrett, 102 US 472, 26 L. Ed. 197 (1880)
  31. ^ Distrito de atención médica del condado de Palm Beach contra Everglades Memorial Hospital, 658 So. 2d 577 (Florida 1995)
  32. ^ Hess contra Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation, 513 US 30,115 S. Ct. 394, 130 L.Ed. 2d 245 (1994)
  33. ^ Vogt contra el distrito de Orleans Levee, 294 F.3d 684 (5th Cir.2002)
  34. ^ Reynolds contra Sims, 377 US 533, 84 S. Ct. 136, 12 L.Ed. 2d 506 (1964)
  35. ^ ab Comisión Asesora de Relaciones Intergubernamentales. (1964, mayo). El problema de los distritos especiales en el gobierno estadounidense. Biblioteca digital UNT de Washington, DC
  36. ^ Bollens, JC (1957). Gobierno de distrito especial en los Estados Unidos. Prensa de la Universidad de California, págs. 142-144.
  37. ^ en construcción
  38. ^ ab Webb, S. (1922). Gobierno local inglés: autoridades estatutarias para fines especiales. pag. 61.
  39. ^ Webb, S. (1922). Gobierno local inglés: autoridades estatutarias para fines especiales. pag. 300.
  40. ^ Webb, S. (1922). Gobierno local inglés: autoridades estatutarias para fines especiales. pag. 299.
  41. ^ Webb, S. (1922). Gobierno local inglés: autoridades estatutarias para fines especiales.
  42. ^ ab Oficina del Censo de EE. UU. Censo de gobiernos de 2012 Organización de gobiernos

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