Un fotograma P (Predicted picture) almacena solo los cambios producidos desde la imagen anterior.Normalmente, las imágenes (fotogramas) se segmentan en macrobloques, y los tipos de predicción individuales pueden seleccionarse por macrobloque en lugar de ser los mismos para toda la imagen, como se indica a continuación: Furthermore, in the H.264 video coding standard, the frame can be segmented into sequences of macroblocks called slices, and instead of using I, B and P-frame type selections, the encoder can choose the prediction style distinctly on each individual slice.SI and SP frames (defined for the Extended Profile) improve error correction.When such frames are used along with a smart decoder, it is possible to recover the broadcast streams of damaged DVDs.Intra refresh periods of a half-second are common on such applications as digital television broadcast and DVD storage.For example, in videoconferencing systems it is common to send I-frames very infrequently.