Lorenzo Valverde

La pintura de Lorenzo Valverde, si bien no ha perdido en ningún momento la materialidad que le caracteriza ha ido despojándose paulatinamente de toda retórica superflua, tal como el propio artista matiza: ''“ ...I never had the good manners of a painter.

In fact, I always thought of the canvas as a boxing ring.

Sometimes it strikes, usually at the moment of stagnation.

I try to design my paintings in such a way that they appear to the viewer as unfinished, as if the eye was robbed of part of the picture... The provisional nature of my pictures is important to me.

Often, the structure and meaning of the pictures are motivated from diametrically opposed positions: neglected and elegant, poetic and vulgar, heavy and weightless... “ Lorenzo Valverde ha expuesto en diversos museos y galerías, como la Fundació Caixa de Pensions y la Fundación Joan Miró, de Barcelona, y su obra está representada entre otras en la Colección del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (MACBA) o la Diane&Jay Dunkelman Collection, Cincinnati, Ohio.