Ha sido profesora en la Breadloaf Writers Conference, en el verano de 1984.
Publicaciones: Judah the Pious (Atheneum, 1973); The Glorious Ones (Atheneum, 1974); Stories from Our Living Past (cuentos judíos, libro ilustrado por Erika Weihs, con una guía para profesores, Behrman, 1974); Marie Laveau (Berkley Publishing, 1977); Animal Magnetism (Putnam, 1978); Household Saints (St.
Martin's, 1981); Hungry Hearts (Pantheon, 1983); Bigfoot Dreams (Pantheon, 1986); Women and Children First and Other Stories (Pantheon, 1988); Primitive People (Farrar, Straus, 1992); A peaceable Kingdom (Farrar, Straus, 1993); Dybuk: a Story Made in Heaven (Greenwillow, 1996); The Angel's Mistake: Stories of Chelm (Greenwillow, 1997); Guided Tours of Hell: Novellas (Metropolital Books/Henry Holt, 1997); Hunters and Gatherers (H. Holt, 1997).
Colaboradora: Master Breasts: Objectified, Aestheticized, Fantasized, Eroticized, Feminized by Photography's Most Titillating Masters (Aperture, 1998); You Never Know: a Legend of the Lamed-Vavniks (Greenwillow, 1998); Blue Angel: a Novel (HarperCollins, 2000); The Demon's Mistake: a Story from Chelm (Greenwillow, 2000); coautora de On Writing Short Stories (Oxford University Press, 2000) y The Lives of the Muses: Nine Women and the Artists They Inspired (HarperCollins, 2002).
Ha publicado narraciones y artículos en las siguientes revistas: Mademoiselle, Redbook, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, New York Times Magazine, Atlantic, Village Voice y Commentary.