Están considerados como el grupo étnico de cultura mesoamericana situado más al sur.
Algunas fuentes usan el término "Choluteca" como una forma alternativa de "Chorotega", lo cual ha conducido a ciertas especulaciones (Kaufman, 2001).
Los chorotegas precolombinos habitaban principalmente en chozas, algunas de ellas pueden ser apreciadas en sus comunidades actuales.
They are considered the southernmost ethnic group of Mesoamerican culture.
Origin Some sources use the term "Choluteca" as an alternative form of "Chorotega", which has led to certain speculations (Kaufman, 2001)8.
Kaufman has proposed an etymology for Chorotega based on the classical Nahuatl language: chorotega < cholulteca, which means precisely 'inhabitants of Cholula'.8 This remains a hypothesis of Terréense Kaufman, since there is no archaeological or linguistic evidence to prove it.
Culture Tripod vessel found in Honduras, possibly dating from 1000-1200 AD.