Elecciones locales serbias de 2012

El 6 de mayo de 2012 se celebraron elecciones locales en Serbia . [1] De conformidad con la Constitución de Serbia , el Presidente del Parlamento (en ese momento Slavica Đukić Dejanović del SPS ) firmó el 13 de marzo de 2012 la Decisión sobre la convocatoria de elecciones para los concejales de las asambleas municipales, asambleas de la ciudad y la Asamblea de la Ciudad de Belgrado para el 6 de mayo de 2012, con excepción de: los concejales de las asambleas municipales de Aranđelovac , Bor , Vrbas , Vrnjačka Banja , Knjaževac , Kovin , Kosjerić , Kosovska Mitrovica , Leposavić , Negotin , Novo Brdo , Odžaci , Peć , Prijepolje y Ruma y los concejales de la Asamblea de la Ciudad de Priština , que ya han tenido elecciones extraordinarias en el período de 2008 a 2012. 2012, mientras que para los concejales de la asamblea municipal de Kula , las elecciones ya fueron convocadas anteriormente el 29 de febrero de 2012. [2]

Los partidos debían superar un umbral electoral del cinco por ciento (de todos los votos, no sólo de los votos válidos), aunque este requisito no se aplicó a los partidos que representaban a comunidades minoritarias nacionales.

De conformidad con la Resolución 1244 del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, el Gobierno de la República de Serbia , en cooperación con la UNMIK, implementará todas las acciones necesarias para la celebración de elecciones en el territorio de la Provincia Autónoma de Kosovo y Metohija . [3]

Algunos funcionarios de los Estados miembros de la UE expresaron su desacuerdo con las decisiones de convocar elecciones locales para los municipios de Kosovo y Metohija. [4] Las elecciones locales serán observadas por una delegación del Congreso de Autoridades Locales y Regionales del Consejo de Europa.



Ciudad de Belgrado

La lista U-Turn no obtuvo el cinco por ciento del total de votos y por eso quedó por debajo del umbral electoral.

Municipios de Belgrado

Se celebraron elecciones en quince de los diecisiete municipios que componen Belgrado, con excepción de Voždovac y Zemun , donde las elecciones municipales se celebraban en ciclos cuatrienales diferentes.

En general, las elecciones fueron una victoria para el Partido Demócrata, que obtuvo las alcaldías en nueve de los quince municipios participantes. El Partido Demócrata también participó en gobiernos de gran coalición con los progresistas y los socialistas en otras dos jurisdicciones: Lazarevac (donde el alcalde fue elegido entre las filas de los socialistas) y Rakovica (donde el alcalde era de los progresistas).

Los progresistas también ganaron la alcaldía de Grocka y formaron una coalición en Surčin en la que un miembro de los socialistas fue elegido alcalde. Las Regiones Unidas de Serbia consiguieron la alcaldía de Obrenovac , y la lista independiente de Živorad Milosavljević obtuvo su tercera victoria consecutiva en Sopot .


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Barajevo :

La alcaldesa en ejercicio, Branka Savić, del Partido Democrático, fue confirmada para un nuevo mandato tras las elecciones con el apoyo de diecisiete delegados. El gobierno contó con el apoyo del Partido Democrático, Nuestro Barajevo , dos delegados de Nueva Serbia, un delegado del Partido Socialista y un delegado del Partido de los Pensionistas Unidos de Serbia. [7] El DS formó posteriormente en 2013 un nuevo gobierno de coalición que incluía al Partido Progresista. [8]

El 16 de septiembre de 2015, Velibor Novićević, del Partido Progresista, en alianza con los socialistas y el Partido Democrático Independiente de Serbia, fundó una nueva administración local . [9] Novićević fue reemplazado a su vez por su compañero del Partido Progresista Saša Kostić el 3 de diciembre de 2015. Kostić contó con el apoyo del Partido Democrático, el Partido Socialdemócrata y algunos otros delegados al asumir el cargo; más tarde fue expulsado del Partido Progresista y se unió al Partido Democrático de Serbia . [10] [11]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Čukarica :

Zoran Gajić del Partido Democrático fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones; Uroš Janković del Partido Democrático de Serbia sirvió como vicealcalde. [13] En marzo de 2014, se formó una nueva administración con Srđan Kolarić del Partido Progresista como alcalde; fue apoyado por la alianza socialista y por el Partido Democrático de Serbia. [14]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Grocka :

Dragoljub Simonović , del Partido Progresista, fue elegido alcalde tras las elecciones. [16] Fue sustituido en diciembre de 2012 por Zoran Markov; Markov, a su vez, fue sustituido por Stefan Dilberović en mayo de 2014. Tanto Markov como Dilberović también eran miembros del Partido Progresista. [17] [18]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Lazarevac :

Dragan Alimpijević, del Partido Socialista, fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones. [20] El gobierno local era una gran coalición de los socialistas, el Partido Demócrata y los progresistas. [21]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Mladenovac :

Dejan Čokić, del Partido Demócrata, fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones. [23] Čokić fue destituido de su cargo en 2015, y Vladan Glišić (que no debe confundirse con el futuro parlamentario del mismo nombre) dirigió una autoridad provisional de 2015 a 2016. [24] [25]

Nuevo Belgrado

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Nuevo Belgrado :

Aleksandar Šapić , en aquel momento miembro del Partido Democrático, fue elegido alcalde tras las elecciones con el apoyo de cuarenta delegados. El gobierno municipal estaba formado por Opción para un Nuevo Belgrado Mejor , el Partido Liberal Democrático y la alianza en torno al Partido Socialista. [27]

El parlamentario Marko Đurišić fue elegido en el puesto 24 de la lista del DS. [28] Más tarde se unió al Partido Socialdemócrata separatista .


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Obrenovac :

Miroslav Čučković de las Regiones Unidas de Serbia fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones. [30]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Palilula :

Tras las elecciones, el alcalde fue elegido Stojan Nikolić, del Partido Demócrata. El gobierno municipal estaba formado por el Partido Demócrata, el Partido Liberal Demócrata y la coalición en torno al Partido Socialista. [32]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Rakovica :

El Partido Radical obtuvo menos del cinco por ciento del total de votos y por ello quedó por debajo del umbral electoral.

Tras las elecciones, Milosav Miličković, del Partido Progresista, fue elegido alcalde. El gobierno municipal estaba formado por una gran coalición formada por los progresistas, el Partido Demócrata y la coalición del Partido Socialista. [34] Miličković fue sustituido como alcalde por Vladan Kocić en junio de 2014. [35]

Zoran Krasić era el candidato principal en la lista del Partido Radical. [36]

Savski Venac

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Savski Venac :

Tras las elecciones, el alcalde fue elegido Dušan Dinčić, del Partido Demócrata. Su adjunto era miembro del Partido Socialista. [38] Los parlamentarios Nataša Vučković y Nenad Konstantinović fueron elegidos por la lista del Partido Demócrata. [39]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Sopot :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Živorad Milosavljević, de la lista Por el Municipio de Sopot, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato después de las elecciones. [41]

Estrella Grad

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Stari Grad :

Tras las elecciones, el alcalde fue elegido Dejan Kovačević, del Partido Demócrata. El gobierno municipal estaba formado por Opción para un Stari Grad Mejor y la alianza en torno al Partido Socialista. [43] Nemanja Šarović encabezó la lista del Partido Radical, y Miljan Damjanović apareció en la segunda posición. [44]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Surčin :

Vesna Šalović, del Partido Socialista de Serbia, fue elegida alcaldesa después de las elecciones. [46] El gobierno municipal estuvo formado por los progresistas, las Regiones Unidas de Serbia y los socialistas.


En 2012 no hubo elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Voždovac. Las elecciones anteriores tuvieron lugar en 2009 y las siguientes en 2013 .


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Vračar :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Branimir Kuzmanović del Partido Demócrata, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones, recibiendo el apoyo de treinta y ocho delegados. [48] Fue reemplazado por Tijana Blagojević, también del Partido Demócrata, el 4 de junio de 2015. [49]


En 2012 no hubo elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Zemun . Las elecciones anteriores tuvieron lugar en 2009 y las siguientes en 2013 .


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Zvezdara :

Tras las elecciones, el alcalde fue elegido Edip Šerifov, del Partido Demócrata. La coalición municipal estaba formada por el Partido Demócrata, el Partido Liberal Demócrata y la coalición en torno al Partido Socialista. [52]

Marija Leković fue elegida para la asamblea desde el tercer puesto en la lista del Partido Demócrata. [53] Tomó posesión de su cargo el 11 de junio de 2012 y renunció el mismo día tras ser reelegida para el consejo municipal (es decir, la rama ejecutiva del gobierno municipal). [54] Su mandato en este último cargo fue breve; renunció el 26 de junio de 2012, tras haber sido designada para el consejo municipal de Belgrado. [55] [56]


Resultados de las elecciones locales de 2012 en Vojvodina por municipio

Distrito del Banat Central

Se celebraron elecciones locales en una ciudad ( Zrenjanin ) y en los cuatro municipios del distrito de Banat Central . Los progresistas ganaron las elecciones municipales en Zrenjanin y permanecieron en el poder durante todo el mandato. Los demócratas terminaron en primer lugar en tres de los municipios, mientras que los demócratas liberales ganaron el otro. Hubo muchos cambios de gobierno en estas últimas jurisdicciones durante los siguientes cuatro años. Los progresistas tenían las alcaldías en dos de estas comunidades en las elecciones de 2016, mientras que la Liga de Socialdemócratas de Vojvodina tenía otra; el cuarto alcalde era un independiente que más tarde se unió a los progresistas.


Resultados de las elecciones para el Ayuntamiento de Zrenjanin :

Goran Knežević del Partido Progresista fue elegido alcalde después de la elección, con el apoyo de los socialistas, así como de un solo delegado de la Liga de Socialdemócratas y un delegado del Movimiento de Renovación Serbio (que había sido elegido en la lista de la Liga de Socialdemócratas). [58] Knežević renunció el 21 de agosto de 2012 después de ser designado para un puesto en el gabinete del gobierno de Serbia y fue reemplazado por su compañero del Partido Progresista Ivan Bošnjak . [59] Bošnjak, a su vez, renunció el 12 de junio de 2014 después de ser designado como secretario de estado en el gobierno serbio; fue reemplazado por Čedomir Janjić, también de los progresistas. [60]

Nueva Crnja

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Nova Crnja :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Pera Milankov del Partido Democrático, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. [62] Fue arrestado en octubre de 2012 bajo sospecha de dar y aceptar sobornos y fue reemplazado por Mile Todorov del Partido Socialista, quien formó un gobierno de coalición con los Progresistas y otros partidos el 20 de noviembre de 2012. [63] [64] La alianza socialista-progresista posteriormente se rompió, y el 31 de mayo de 2013 Todorov fue reemplazado por Danica Stričević de los Progresistas, quien formó una administración en alianza con las Regiones Unidas de Serbia (que había ganado miembros por deserciones). [65]

Tras pasar un año detenido, Pera Milankov (en ese momento independiente) fue elegido nuevamente alcalde el 28 de diciembre de 2013 al frente de una nueva alianza de gobierno que incluía al Partido Demócrata, los Socialistas y la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina. [66] Poco después de las elecciones de 2016, Milankov se unió al Partido Progresista. [67]

Nueva Bečej

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Novi Bečej :

Saša Šućurović del Partido Liberal Democrático (uno de los partidos de la coalición Preokret ) fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones, gobernando en coalición con el Partido Democrático y la Liga de Socialdemócratas de Vojvodina. [69] En mayo de 2013 se formó un nuevo gobierno de coalición, liderado por el Partido Liberal Democrático y los Progresistas; Šućurović continuó como alcalde y el líder local del Partido Progresista, Saša Maksimović, se convirtió en presidente de la asamblea. [70]

En septiembre de 2015, Šućurović abandonó el Partido Liberal Demócrata y se unió a la Liga de los Socialdemócratas. [71] Una vez más, continuó sirviendo como alcalde.

Ivica Milankov fue elegido miembro de la asamblea desde el primer puesto en la lista del Partido Radical. [72]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Sečanj :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Predrag Milošević , en ese momento miembro del Partido Demócrata, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. Se unió al Partido Progresista en 2014, llevándose consigo la mayor parte de la organización local del Partido Demócrata. [74] [75]

Últimos días

Los resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Žitište fueron los siguientes:

Dušan Milicev del Partido Socialista fue elegido alcalde después de la elección. [77] Milicev fue sucedido por Ljubinko Petković del Partido Demócrata en junio de 2013, y Petković fue a su vez sucedido por Mitar Vučurević del Partido Progresista (que había ganado varios miembros por deserciones) dos meses después. [78] [79] [80]

Distrito de Bačka del Norte

En Subotica y en los dos municipios del distrito de Bačka Norte se celebraron elecciones locales . La coalición del Partido Demócrata obtuvo una victoria por mayoría en Subotica y en un principio se adjudicó la alcaldía de la ciudad. La Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina obtuvo la mayoría de los votos en los otros dos municipios y se adjudicó la alcaldía de Baćka Topola, mientras que el Partido Demócrata se adjudicó la alcaldía de Mali Iđoš. En 2013, ambos alcaldes del Partido Demócrata fueron sustituidos; la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina se adjudicó la alcaldía de Subotica, mientras que el Partido Socialista se hizo con la alcaldía de Mali Iđoš.


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Subotica :

Tras las elecciones, el alcalde fue elegido Modest Dulić , del Partido Democrático. La mayoría gobernante estaba formada por el Partido Democrático, la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, el Partido Democrático de Serbia, la Liga de Socialdemócratas, el Partido Liberal Democrático y el Partido Socialista. [82] Tras una recalibración de las fuerzas políticas de la ciudad, Jenő Maglai, de la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, se convirtió en alcalde el 21 de noviembre de 2013. La nueva mayoría parlamentaria estaba formada por la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, los Progresistas, los Socialistas, la Alianza Democrática de Croatas de Vojvodina y algunos partidos más pequeños e independientes. [83]

Topola de Bačka

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Bačka Topola :

El gobierno local fue formado por la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, el Partido Demócrata y el Partido Socialista. Melinda Kokai Mernjak, de la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, fue elegida alcaldesa. [85] Fue reemplazada por su propio partido en 2014 y reemplazada por Gabor Kišlinder. En el momento de este cambio, los socialistas habían abandonado el gobierno y los progresistas se habían unido a él. [86] [87]

Malí Iđoš

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Mali Iđoš :

Eržebet Celuška-Frindik, del Partido Demócrata, fue elegida alcaldesa después de las elecciones. [89] Fue reemplazada por Marko Rovčanin, del Partido Socialista, en 2013. [90]

Distrito del Banat del Norte

Se celebraron elecciones locales en los seis municipios del distrito de Banat del Norte . La alianza del Partido Progresista obtuvo una estrecha victoria sobre el Partido Demócrata en Kikinda; los demócratas formaron inicialmente un gobierno de coalición local, pero un cambio en las alianzas políticas al año siguiente hizo que los progresistas llegaran al poder. El Partido Demócrata ganó en Ada y Novi Kneževac, y la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina ganó en Čoka, Kanjiža y Senta.


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Kikinda :

Savo Dobranić, del Partido Demócrata, fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones; su adjunto era miembro del Partido Socialista. [92] Pavle Markov , del Partido Progresista, sucedió a Dobranić en septiembre de 2013, después de un cambio en las alianzas políticas del municipio. [93] [94]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Ada :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Zoltán Bilicki, del Partido Demócrata, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato tras las elecciones. Abandonó el partido a principios de 2016. [96]

József Tóbiás apareció en la segunda posición en la lista del Partido Demócrata y recibió un mandato. [97]


Resultados de las elecciones para el Ayuntamiento de Čoka :

Ferenc Balaž, de la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, fue el alcalde después de las elecciones. [99]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Kanjiža :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Mihály Nyilas, de la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. [101] Fue sucedido el 10 de julio de 2014 por su compañero de partido Mihály Bimbó. [102]

Nueva Kneževac

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Novi Kneževac :

El actual alcalde Dragan Babić del Partido Democrático fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato después de las elecciones. [104]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Senta :

Rudolf Czegledi, de la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina, fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones. [106]

Distrito de Bačka Sur

En una ciudad ( Novi Sad ) y en diez de los once municipios del distrito de Bačka Sur se celebraron elecciones locales, con excepción de Vrbas , que en ese momento se encontraba en un ciclo electoral de cuatro años diferente.

La ciudad de Novi Sad está formada por dos municipios (la municipalidad de Novi Sad y Petrovaradin ), aunque sus poderes son muy limitados en relación con el gobierno de la ciudad. A diferencia de Belgrado , Niš y Vranje , Novi Sad no tiene asambleas municipales elegidas directamente.

En la mayoría de las elecciones locales en Bačka Sur no hubo un claro ganador. Las listas del Partido Demócrata obtuvieron la mayoría absoluta en ocho de las once jurisdicciones que celebraron elecciones, pero sólo pudieron conseguir las alcaldías de Novi Sad (temporalmente) y de otros cinco municipios (incluidos dos en los que el partido perdió el voto popular). Los candidatos del Partido Progresista ganaron las alcaldías de otros tres municipios, y los candidatos del Partido Socialista fueron elegidos alcaldes en Bačka Palanka y Srbobran.

Nueva Sad

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Novi Sad :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Igor Pavličić del Partido Democrático, fue confirmado para otro mandato en el cargo después de la elección. [108] Perdió su mayoría más tarde en el año, y Miloš Vučević del Partido Progresista Serbio se convirtió en alcalde el 14 de septiembre de 2012. El gobierno de coalición local (después de que Vučević se convirtiera en alcalde) estaba formado por los Progresistas, el Partido Democrático de Serbia, Dveri, el Partido Democrático Romaní, el Movimiento de Renovación Serbio y el Partido Socialista de Serbia. [109] Milorad Mirčić , que sirvió como alcalde de la ciudad en la década de 1990, fue reelegido para la asamblea en la lista del Partido Radical. [110]


Resultados de las elecciones para el Ayuntamiento de Bač :

Tras las elecciones, Mirko Pušara, del Partido Progresista, fue elegido alcalde. El gobierno fue formado por los progresistas y los socialistas; un delegado individual de la LSV y un delegado del Partido Radical también votaron para aprobar el gobierno. [112] En diciembre de 2012, el Partido Demócrata formó una nueva administración en alianza con la Liga de Socialdemócratas de Vojvodina y el Partido Radical. Ognjen Marković, del Partido Demócrata, fue elegido alcalde; Pušara inicialmente se negó a dimitir, alegando que el cambio de gobierno era ilegal. [113]

En abril de 2014 se produjo otro cambio de gobierno: los progresistas volvieron al poder en alianza con los socialistas y la Liga de los Socialdemócratas. Dragan Stašević, del Partido Progresista, fue elegido alcalde. [114]

Bačka Palanka

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Bačka Palanka :

Bojan Radman, del Partido Socialista, fue elegido alcalde tras las elecciones. [116] Aleksandar Đedovac , del Partido Progresista, fue elegido vicealcalde. En 2013, Radman y Đedovac rotaron en sus cargos. La coalición de gobierno local estaba formada por delegados de los progresistas, los socialistas, el Partido Democrático de Serbia, Dveri y la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina. [117]

Bački Petrovac

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Bački Petrovac :

Después de las elecciones fue elegido alcalde Pavel Marčok , del Partido Demócrata. [119]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Bečej :

Después de las elecciones fue elegido alcalde Vuk Radojević, del Partido Progresista. [121]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Beočin :

El actual alcalde Bogdan Cvejić del Partido Demócrata fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato después de las elecciones. [123]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Srbobran :

Tras las elecciones, el alcalde fue elegido Zoran Mladenović, del Partido Socialista. La coalición de gobierno local estaba formada por los socialistas, la lista del Movimiento por el Cambio y el LSV. [125]

Sremski Karlovci

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Sremski Karlovci :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Milenko Filipović, del Partido Democrático, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato tras las elecciones. [127] La ​​coalición gobernante estaba formada por el Partido Democrático, el Partido Socialista y la Liga de Socialdemócratas de Vojvodina. Las Regiones Unidas de Serbia se unieron más tarde al gobierno, y el Partido Progresista se unió en octubre de 2013. [128]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Temerin :

El gobierno municipal de Temerin cambió varias veces entre 2012 y 2016.

Vladislav Capik del Partido Democrático fue elegido alcalde después de la elección. [130] El gobierno estaba formado por el Partido Democrático, el Partido Socialista y Pensionistas Unidos, el Partido Democrático de los Húngaros de Vojvodina, la alianza Partido Democrático de Serbia-Nueva Serbia, la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina y el grupo "Por la Prosperidad del Municipio de Temerin". [131]

El 12 de marzo de 2014 se formó una nueva administración con Gustonj Andraš del Partido Democrático de los Húngaros de Vojvodina como alcalde. La nueva administración incluía al Partido Democrático de los Húngaros de Vojvodina, el Partido Socialista y Pensionistas Unidos, la alianza Partido Democrático de Serbia-Nueva Serbia, el Partido Liberal Democrático y el Partido Democrático. Los Radicales no formaban parte de la coalición gobernante, pero brindaron su apoyo a una moción de confianza. [132] [133]

Tras otro realineamiento político, Đuro Žiga del Partido Progresista se convirtió en alcalde en octubre de 2014. La nueva coalición gobernante incluía al Movimiento Progresista y Socialista, el Partido Socialista y Pensionistas Unidos, el Movimiento de Renovación Serbio y dos grupos de representantes independientes. [134]

La futura parlamentaria Rozália Ökrész fue elegida como candidata principal en la lista de la Alianza de Húngaros de Vojvodina. [135]


Resultados de la elección para la Asamblea Municipal de Titel :

Dragan Božić, del Partido Progresista, fue elegido alcalde tras las elecciones. [137] En 2014, el Partido Democrático formó una nueva mayoría en la asamblea con las Regiones Unidas de Serbia y el Partido Socialista (también apoyado por miembros individuales de otros partidos), y Milan Nastasić se convirtió en el nuevo alcalde del municipio. Božić regresó al cargo en diciembre de 2014 a través de una alianza de los progresistas y los radicales, también apoyados por los socialistas. [138] [139]


En 2012 no hubo elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Vrbas. Las elecciones anteriores tuvieron lugar en 2009 y las siguientes en 2013 .


Resultados de las elecciones para el Ayuntamiento de Žabalj :

Tras las elecciones, el candidato elegido alcalde fue Čedomir Božić, del Partido Demócrata. Los demócratas gobernaron originalmente en una alianza que incluía al Partido Socialista de Serbia. [141] [142] [143]

Distrito del Banat del Sur

En dos ciudades ( Pančevo y Vršac ) y en cinco de los otros seis municipios del distrito de Banat del Sur se celebraron elecciones locales , con excepción de Kovin , donde las elecciones anteriores se celebraron en 2009 y las próximas en 2013 .

El Partido Demócrata obtuvo una estrecha victoria en Pančevo, pero no logró la mayoría y acabó formando parte de la oposición . El Partido Progresista Serbio y el Partido Socialista de Serbia formaron un gobierno de coalición, y un representante de los socialistas fue elegido inicialmente como alcalde. El Partido Demócrata ganó y formó gobierno en cuatro de las otras seis jurisdicciones que celebraron elecciones. Listas independientes ganaron y formaron gobierno en Vršac y Opovo ; en este último caso, la lista estaba alineada con el Partido Demócrata.

En el momento de las elecciones de 2016, el Partido Progresista había llegado al poder en todas las jurisdicciones del Banat del Sur, excepto en Plandište .


Resultados de las elecciones para el Ayuntamiento de Pančevo :

Svetozar Gavrilović del Partido Socialista de Serbia fue elegido alcalde después de la elección, liderando un gobierno que incluía las alianzas Progresista y Socialista, el Partido Democrático de Serbia y las Regiones Unidas de Serbia . [145] Renunció en mayo de 2013, citando problemas de salud, y fue reemplazado por Pavle Radanov del Partido Progresista Serbio . [146] [147] Radanov a su vez renunció en junio de 2015 y fue reemplazado por Saša Pavlov, quien había sido elegido en la lista de las Regiones Unidas de Serbia, pero en ese momento era miembro del Partido Progresista. [148]

Marinika Tepić fue elegida para la asamblea municipal desde el puesto de cabeza de la lista de la Liga de los Socialdemócratas de Vojvodina . Dimitió el 16 de julio de 2012 tras ser nombrada para el ejecutivo provincial. [149] [150]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Alibunar :

Tras las elecciones , el alcalde en ejercicio, Dušan Jovanović, del Partido Democrático, fue elegido alcalde. En junio de 2014, fue reemplazado por Đurica Gligorijev, del mismo partido. [152] El Partido Progresista Serbio y el Partido Socialista de Serbia asumieron el gobierno local en junio de 2015, y Predrag Belić, del Partido Progresista, fue elegido alcalde. [153]

Bela Crkva

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Bela Crkva :

Stanko Petrović, del Partido Demócrata, fue elegido alcalde después de las elecciones. [155] Fue sucedido por Darko Bogosavljević, del Partido Progresista Serbio, tras un cambio de gobierno en enero de 2016. [156]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Kovačica :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Miroslav Krišan del Partido Democrático , fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. [158] Hubo un cambio de gobierno en octubre de 2015, y fue sucedido por Jan Husarik del Partido Progresista Serbio . [159]


En 2012 no hubo elecciones municipales en Kovin. Las elecciones anteriores tuvieron lugar en 2009 y las siguientes en 2013 .


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Opovo :

El ex alcalde Milorad Soldatović , un independiente alineado con el Partido Democrático y el Partido Socialdemócrata de Serbia , fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. Dimitió en septiembre de 2015 y fue reemplazado por Miloš Markov del Partido Progresista Serbio . [162] [163]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Plandište :

Después de las elecciones fue elegido alcalde el demócrata Milan Selaković. [165] [166]


Resultados de las elecciones para el Ayuntamiento de Vršac :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Čedomir Živković del Movimiento de la Región de Vršac – Región Europea, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. En 2015, se unió al Partido Progresista Serbio . [168]

Distrito de Srem

En la ciudad de Sremska Mitrovica y en los otros seis municipios del distrito de Srem se celebraron elecciones locales . El Partido Demócrata ganó en todos los municipios, excepto en Stara Pazova , donde ganó el Partido Progresista Serbio .

El alcalde en funciones, Branislav Nedimović, encabezó una lista independiente que logró el segundo puesto en Sremska Mitrovica y formó una nueva coalición de gobierno después de las elecciones. El Partido Demócrata logró formar gobiernos de coalición en los otros cinco municipios en los que ganó. Los progresistas formaron gobierno en Stara Pazova.

Posteriormente, las cambiantes alianzas políticas llevaron al Partido Progresista Serbio al poder en todos los municipios, excepto Inđija, en 2016.

Sremska Mitrovica

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Sremska Mitrovica :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Branislav Nedimović, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones con el apoyo de cuarenta y tres de los sesenta delegados que estaban presentes. [170] Nedimović se unió al Partido Progresista Serbio en 2015. [171]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Inđija :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Goran Ješić del Partido Democrático, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. [173] Dimitió en agosto de 2012 después de ser designado para el gobierno de Vojvodina y fue reemplazado por Petar Filipović del mismo partido. [174]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Irig :

El alcalde en funciones, Vladimir Petrović, del Partido Demócrata, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. Fue reemplazado por Stevan Kazimirović, del Partido Progresista Serbio , en enero de 2015, cuando los progresistas formaron un nuevo gobierno con la Liga de Socialdemócratas de Vojvodina . [176]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Pećinci :

En junio de 2012 se formó un gobierno de coalición entre la alianza del Partido Democrático , el Partido Socialista de Serbia y los grupos Luki y Unidos por Nuestro Pueblo . [178] La coalición se disolvió al mes siguiente y fue reemplazada por una nueva coalición que incluía al Partido Progresista Serbio , el Partido Socialista, las Regiones Unidas de Serbia y las listas Luki y Unidos por Nuestro Pueblo . Sava Čojčić de G17 Plus , el principal partido de la coalición Regiones Unidas de Serbia, fue elegido alcalde. [179]

En abril de 2013, las Regiones Unidas de Serbia se convirtieron en un partido unificado y Čojčić se unió a la organización. Dos meses después, él y todo el grupo de las Regiones Unidas de Serbia se unieron al Partido Progresista.

El gobierno de coalición formado en 2012 fue finalmente inestable y la asamblea local se disolvió en noviembre de 2013. Čojčić fue designado para dirigir una administración provisional en espera de una nueva elección en 2014. [ 180]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Ruma :

El alcalde en ejercicio Goran Vuković, del Partido Democrático, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato tras las elecciones. El gobierno fue impulsado por el Partido Democrático, la alianza Partido Socialista de SerbiaPartido de los Pensionistas Unidos de Serbia y el Partido Democrático de Serbia . Hubo un intento de destituir a Vuković en septiembre de 2012, pero no tuvo éxito. [182]

A finales de 2013 se formó una nueva coalición de gobierno y Dragan Panić, del Partido Progresista Serbio, fue elegido alcalde en diciembre de ese año. [183] ​​Panić dimitió en octubre de 2014 y fue sustituido por Slađan Mančić, del mismo partido. [184]

Aleksandar Martinović fue reelegido para la asamblea a la cabeza de la lista del Partido Radical Serbio . [185] Abandonó a los Radicales para unirse a los Progresistas el 4 de julio de 2012 y fue elegido presidente de la asamblea en noviembre de 2013. [186] [187]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Šid :

La alcaldesa en ejercicio, Nataša Cvjetković, del Partido Democrático , fue confirmada para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. La coalición gobernante inicialmente incluía al Partido Democrático, el Partido Democrático de Serbia , el Partido Socialista de Serbia y la Liga de Socialdemócratas de Vojvodina . [189]

En septiembre de 2012 se formó una nueva coalición formada por el Partido Progresista Serbio , el Partido Democrático de Serbia y la alianza en torno al Partido Socialista de Serbia. Nikola Vasić, del Partido Progresista Serbio, fue elegido alcalde. [190]

Stara Pazova

Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Stara Pazova :

Đorđe Radinović, del Partido Progresista Serbio, fue nombrado alcalde después de las elecciones. [192]

Distrito de Bačka Occidental

En la ciudad de Sombor y en dos de los otros tres municipios del distrito de Bačka Occidental se celebraron elecciones locales , con la excepción de Odžaci , donde las últimas elecciones locales se celebraron en 2010. El Partido Demócrata obtuvo victorias por mayoría simple en Sombor y Kula e inicialmente formó gobierno en ambas jurisdicciones; sin embargo, en 2014, las alianzas políticas cambiantes habían llevado al Partido Progresista Serbio al poder en ambas áreas. En Apatin , el veterano alcalde del Partido Socialista, Živorad Smiljanić, llevó a su partido a otra victoria.


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Sombor :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Nemanja Delić del Partido Democrático, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato en el cargo después de las elecciones. [194] Fue destituido de su cargo en abril de 2014 en medio de un cambio de alianzas políticas en la ciudad y fue reemplazado por Saša Todorović del Partido Progresista. [195] [196]

El parlamentario Žika Gojković fue elegido para la asamblea de la ciudad desde el primer puesto en la lista del SPO. [197] Renunció a su escaño el 16 de febrero de 2013. [198]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Apatin :

El alcalde en ejercicio, Živorad Smiljanić , del Partido Socialista, fue confirmado para un nuevo mandato tras las elecciones. Dimitió en octubre de 2013 tras una advertencia por conflicto de intereses , pero fue reelegido alcalde el mismo día. [200] [201]


Resultados de las elecciones para la Asamblea Municipal de Kula :

Lazar Greber of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[203] Following a change in government in October 2012, Greber was replaced by Dragan Trifunović of the Progressive Party.[204]


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Odžaci in 2012. The previous election had taken place in 2010 and the next election took place in 2013.

Šumadija and Western Serbia

Moravica District

Local elections were held in the one city (Čačak) and all three other municipalities of the Moravica District. New Serbia won an extremely narrow victory in its historical stronghold of Čačak and continued to lead a coalition government afterward. The Socialists remained in power in Gornji Milanovac, an independent list formed government in Ivanjica, and the Democratic Party led a government in Lučani (despite having finished second).


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Čačak:

Vojislav Ilić, the brother of New Serbia leader Velimir Ilić (and himself a member of the same party), was chosen as mayor after the election.[206] Future parliamentarian Biljana Rubaković was elected from the sixth position on the Dveri list.[207]

Gornji Milanovac

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Gornji Milanovac:

Incumbent mayor Milisav Mirković of the Socialist Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[209]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ivanjica:

Independent candidate Milomir Zorić was chosen as mayor after the election, in a coalition with the Progressives, the Democratic Party of Serbia, the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, and the Serbian Renewal Movement. The Progressives left the coalition in December 2013, leading to a period of a political stalemate. In October 2014, Zorić formed a new coalition with the Socialists.[211]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Lučani:

Mladomir Sretenović of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The Movement for the Development of Dragačevo list boycotted the inaugural session of the assembly.[213] When the Democratic Party split in early 2014, Sretenović sided with Boris Tadić's breakaway New Democratic Party (later renamed as the Social Democratic Party).[214] The local government was dissolved and new elections were held in 2014.

Pomoravlje District

Local elections were held in the one city (Jagodina) and all five other municipalities of the Pomoravlje District. United Serbia won a majority victory in its home base of Jagodina in an alliance with the Socialist Party of Serbia. The Democratic Party won the elections and formed government in Despotovac, Paraćin, and Svilajnac, although by the end of the term it only remained in power in Paraćin. The Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialists formed a new government in Despotovac in 2013, and the Democratic Party in Svilajnac later formed his own political movement.

The Progressives won the election in Ćuprija and, after an initial period of instability, formed government in the community. A member of the Socialist Party became the mayor in Rekovac following an inconclusive election in that municipality.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Jagodina:

Ratko Stevanović of United Serbia was chosen as mayor after the election.[216]

Života Starčević was re-elected to the assembly from the lead position on the Democratic Party of Serbia list.[217] He joined United Serbia in October 2014.[218]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ćuprija:

The election did not produce a clear winner. Slobodan Lazić of the Socialist Party of Serbia was initially chosen as mayor. He resigned in December 2012 after being advised he was in a conflict-of-interest situation.[220] His replacement was Radosav Đorđević, the leader of the Ravanica list.

In June 2013, the Serbian Progressive Party and the Democratic Party formed a new administration. Ninoslav Erić, who by this time had joined the Progressives, was chosen as mayor.[221]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Despotovac:

Incumbent mayor Mališa Alimpijević of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election. In January 2013, the Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia formed a new administration with Dejan Nenadović of the Socialists in the role of mayor.[223]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Paraćin:

Incumbent mayor Saśa Paunović of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[225]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rekovac:

Predrag Đorđević of the Socialist Party of Serbia was chosen as mayor after the election.[227]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Svilajnac:

Predrag Milanović of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election. Following a split in the party, he joined the Social Democratic Party under Boris Tadić's leadership.[229][230] He later created his own local party called Svilajnac Protects the Future.[231]

Gorica Gajić was elected from the lead position on the Democratic Party of Serbia list.[232]

Rasina District

Local elections were held in the one city (Kruševac) and all five other municipalities of the Rasina District. Despite losing the popular vote, the Serbian Progressive Party and its allies were able to form a stable coalition government in Kruševac. The Serbian Renewal Movement likewise lost the popular vote in Varvarin but was able to remain in government under incumbent mayor Zoran Milenković.

The United Regions of Serbia formed government in Trstenik with Miroslav Aleksić as mayor; he continued in office after becoming leader of the People's Movement of Serbia in 2015. Zlatan Krkić of the Democratic Party was returned to office in Ćićevac and, similarly, remained in office after withdrawing from the party and creating his own political movement in 2015.

Milutin Jeličić led New Serbia to a plurality victory in Brus, but could not initially form a new administration; a coalition of the Progressives and the Socialist Party of Serbia governed for the next three years. In 2015, local divisions in the ranks of the Progressive Party brought Jeličić back to power. Jugoslav Stajkovac's independent list won the election in Aleksandrovac, but he too was not initially able to form a new administration. He briefly returned to the mayor's office in August 2012 and returned again leading a more stable administration in August 2013.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Kruševac:

Bratislav Gašić of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[234] He resigned in April 2014 after being appointed as Serbia's minister of defence and was replaced by Dragi Nestorović, also of the Progressive Party.[235]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Aleksandrovac:

There were several changes in the composition of the municipal government of Aleksandrovac after the 2012 election.

Following difficult negotiations, a coalition government was established in June 2012 consisting of the For a Rich Parish group, the Democratic Party, the Socialist Party of SerbiaUnited Serbia group, and the Serbian Progressive Party, with outside support from the United Regions of Serbia. Zoran Bojović of the Progressives was chosen as mayor.

Former mayor Jugoslav Stajkovac's Movement for the Parish group formed a new alliance with the Socialist Party in August 2012, and Stajkovac was returned to the mayor's office in September. His administration fell within days, and a new coalition was established later in the same month by the Progressives, the Socialists, the United Regions of Serbia, the For a Rich Parish group, and the Democratic Party. Dragan Blagojević of the Progressives was chosen as mayor.[237][238]

In March 2013, Stajkovac's group merged into the United Regions of Serbia and established a new assembly majority with the Progressives, the Socialists, and For a Rich Parish. Blagojević continued as mayor. This arrangement lasted until August 2013, when Stajkovac once again returned to the mayor's office, leading a new coalition of the URS, the Democratic Party and two former Progressive delegates. He later left the URS, which ceased to exist in 2015, and relaunched the Movement for the Parish group.[239]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Brus:

A coalition government was formed after the election by the Serbian Progressive Party, the Socialist Party of Serbia, the United Regions of Serbia, the Democratic Party of Serbia, and the Transformation group. Zoran Obradović of the Socialist Party was chosen as mayor. He was removed from office in August 2013 and Slobodan Vidojević of the Progressive Party was chosen in his place.

In 2015, divisions in the ranks of the local Progressive organization allowed former mayor Milutin Jeličić of New Serbia to return to office in an alliance with the Democratic Party.[241]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ćićevac:

Incumbent mayor Zlatan Krkić of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[243] Following a split in the Democratic Party in 2014, he joined the breakaway Social Democratic Party. In the autumn of 2015, he formed a local political organization called the Movement for the Preservation of the Municipality of Ćićevac.[244]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Trstenik:

Miroslav Aleksić of the United Regions of Serbia was chosen as mayor after the election, leading a coalition government that also included the Serbian Progressive Party, New Serbia, the Socialist Party of Serbia, and the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia.[247] He left the United Regions of Serbia in 2014, and in February 2015 he became the leader of the newly formed People's Movement of Serbia.[248][249]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Varvarin:

Incumbent mayor Zoran Milenković of the Serbian Renewal Movement was confirmed for a new term in office after the election, leading a coalition that included the Serbian Progressive Party, the Democratic Party of Serbia, and the United Regions of Serbia.[251] He served for the entirety of the term.[252]

Raška District

Local elections were held in the two cities (Kraljevo and Novi Pazar) and the three other municipalities of the Raška District. The Serbian Progressive Party and its allies won and formed government in the predominantly Serb municipalities of Kraljevo and Vrnjačka Banja. The Socialist Party of Serbia won in the predominantly Serb municipality of Raška; in 2014, however, a member of the Progressives became the municipality's mayor. The Sandžak Democratic Party won in the predominantly Bosniak city of Novi Pazar, while the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak won in Tutin, also a predominantly Bosniak community.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Kraljevo:

Dragan Jovanović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen mayor after the election, leading an alliance that also included the Socialist Party of Serbia.[255][256] He resigned in 2014 and was replaced by Tomislav Ilić of New Serbia, one of the parties in the broader alliance around the Progressives. In January 2016, Ilić joined the Progressives.[257][258]

Marija Jevđić of United Serbia was elected to the assembly from the third position on the Socialist-led list.[259]

Novi Pazar

Results of the election for the City Assembly of Novi Pazar:

Incumbent mayor Meho Mahmutović of the Sandžak Democratic Party (SDP) was confirmed for a new term in office after the election. The government initially consisted of the European Novi Pazar alliance and the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak (SDA).[262] Ahmedin Škrijelj was elected from the second position on the SDA list and was chosen afterward as deputy mayor.[263][264]

Amela Lukač Zoranić was elected from the third position on the All Together–Bosniak Democratic Union (BDZ) list.[265]

The SDP–SDA alliance broke down in February 2013, and a new coalition was formed by the SDP's coalition, the Sandžak People's Party (SNP), and the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). BDZ delegate Hedija Škrijelj also broke party ranks to support the new administration.[266] Ahmedin Škrijelj's term as deputy mayor ended on 21 February 2013.[267]


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Raška:

Jovan Čorbić of the Socialist Party of Serbia was chosen as mayor after the election.[270] He was replaced by Ignjat Rakitić of the Serbian Progressive Party in June 2014.[271]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Tutin:

Šemsudin Kučević of the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak, who had previously served as mayor from 1996 to 2008, was chosen for another term in office following the election.[275]

Incumbent mayor Bajro Gegić was elected from the second position on the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak list. Future parliamentarian Zaim Redžepović was elected from the second position on the Bosniak Democratic Union list.[276]

Vrnjačka Banja

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Vrnjačka Banja:

Boban Đurović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor in August 2012, leading a coalition administration that also included the Socialist Party of Serbia, the United Regions of Serbia, United Serbia, and the Democratic Party of Serbia.[279]

Šumadija District

Local elections were held in the one city (Kragujevac) and five of the six other municipalities of the Šumadija District. The exception was Aranđelovac, where the last election had been held in 2010.

Together for Šumadija leader Veroljub Stevanović affiliated with the United Regions of Serbia in this election and won a plurality victory in Kragujevac. He remained in office for two years before a shift in local political alliances brought the Serbian Progressive Party to power.

The Democratic Party won a majority in Batočina and held power in that municipality for the term that followed. It also won a plurality victory in Lapovo and, while it narrowly lost the election to the Socialist Party of Serbia, also formed government in Knić; in both of these jurisdictions, the government proved unstable and the party fell from power.

An independent list aligned with United Regions of Serbia won in Rača, while incumbent mayor Dragan Jovanović led a coalition led by New Serbia to a majority victory in Topola.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Kragujevac:

Incumbent mayor Veroljub Stevanović of Together for Šumadija was confirmed for another term in office after the election, with support from the Liberal Democratic Party, the Serbian Renewal Movement, the Socialist Party of Serbia, United Serbia, the Democratic Party of Serbia, and smaller parties represented in the assembly. Over the next two years, Stevanović's allies left the government; when the Serbian Renewal Movement switched its affiliation in October 2014, the Serbian Progressive Party was able to form a new city administration with Radomir Nikolić as mayor.[281][282]

Future parliamentarian Slađana Radisavljević was elected on the Democratic Party of Serbia list.[283] She resigned her seat on 7 December 2012.[284]


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Aranđelovac in 2012. The previous election had taken place in 2010, and the next took place in 2014.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Batočina:

Incumbent mayor Radiša Milošević of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[286]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Knić:

Incumbent mayor Borislav Busarac of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election. He was removed from office on 30 May 2013 and was replaced by Dragana Jovanović of the Socialist Party.[288] Jovanović was in turn removed in February 2014, and Ljubomir Đurđević of United Serbia was chosen as mayor the following month in a new alliance that included the Democratic Party.[289][290]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Lapovo:

Nebojša Miletić of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election. He was replaced in June 2014 by Jasna Jovanović of the "For the Life of Lapovo" list.[292] Jovanović was in turn replaced by Nebojša Tasić of the Progressive Party in June 2015.[293]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rača:

Incumbent mayor Dragana Živanović of United Regions was confirmed for another term in office after the election. She was replaced in February 2015 by Dragan Stevanović of the Progressive Party.[295]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Topola:

Incumbent mayor Dragan Jovanović of New Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election. He resigned in August 2014 after being elected to the national assembly, as he could not hold a dual mandate as a parliamentarian and a member of the local executive.[297] Jovanović instead became president (i.e., speaker) of the local assembly and was replaced as mayor by Dragan Živanović, also of New Serbia.[298]

Zlatibor District

Local elections were held in the one city (i.e., Užice) and eight of the nine municipalities of the Zlatibor District. The exception was Kosjerić, where the previous local election had taken place in 2009.

The Democratic Party won in Užice and also in Požega, and initially led a coalition government in both jurisdictions. In both cases, the party lost power to the Serbian Progressive Party in the term that followed.

The Progressives won in Arilje and Nova Varoš and formed government in both municipalities (although they briefly lost power in the former community in 2015). In Priboj, the Progressives led a grand coalition government that also included several other parties. The Serbian Radical Party won a rare victory in Bajina Bašta and led a local coalition government until 2014, at which time the Progressives became the dominant power in the local administration.

Incumbent mayor Milan Stamatović led the Democratic Party of Serbia to a majority victory in Čajetina. The Sandžak Democratic Party won the election in Prijepolje and led a coalition government afterward, while the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak did the same in Sjenica.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Užice:

The Dveri list did not receive five per cent of the total votes cast and so fell below the electoral threshold.

Incumbent mayor Jovan Marković of the Democratic Party was initially confirmed for another term in office after the election.[300] The city's political alliances subsequently changed, and in October 2012 Marković was succeeded by Saša Milošević of the Serbian Progressive Party[301] Milošević in turn resigned in August 2014 and was replaced by Tihomir Petković, who had been elected on the list of the Democratic Party of Serbia but later joined the Progressive Party.[302]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Arilje:

Zoran Todorović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[304]

In June 2015, a coalition of the Serbian Radical Party, the Movement of Workers and Peasants, and Dveri came to power with outside support from the Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party. Milan Nikolić of the Radicals was chosen as mayor.[305] The Progressives returned to power in December 2015, and Todorović was returned to the mayor's office.[306][307]

Bajina Bašta

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bajina Bašta:

Incumbent mayor Zlatan Jovanović of the Serbian Radical Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election, leading a somewhat unusual coalition government with the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party of Serbia.[309] The Democratic Party subsequently left the government and was replaced by the Serbian Progressive Party.[310]

Jovanović stood down as mayor in early 2014 and was succeeded by Radomir Filipović of the Progressive Party.[311]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Čajetina:

Incumbent mayor Milan Stamatović of the Democratic Party of Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[313] He left that party in 2014 and was a co-founder of the Serbian People's Party in the same year.[314]

Bojana Božanić of the Democratic Party of Serbia was elected to the assembly from the third position on the DSS's list.[315] She resigned shortly thereafter to serve a second term as an assistant to Stamatović.[316]


There was no municipal election in Kosjerić in 2012. The previous election had taken place in 2009, and the next election took place in 2013.

Nova Varoš

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Nova Varoš:

Dimitrije Paunović of the Serbian Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[318] He resigned on 6 January 2016 after being appointed as commissioner of the Zlatibor District.[319][320] Ivan Mladenović subsequently oversaw an interim administration pending new elections.[321]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Požega:

Incumbent mayor Milovan Mićović of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[323] The government changed in October 2015, and Milan Božić of the Serbian Progressive Party became mayor.[324]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Priboj:

Incumbent mayor Lazar Rvović of the Serbian Progressive Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election, leading a grand coalition government that also included the Democratic Party, the Serbian Renewal Movement, the Sandžak Democratic Party, the Socialist Party of Serbia, and New Serbia.[326]

Future parliamentarian Dijana Radović appeared in the sixth position on the Socialist list; she was not immediately election but received a mandate on 19 July 2012 as the replacement for another party member.[327][328]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Prijepolje:

Emir Hašimbegović of the Sandžak Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[330]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sjenica:

Hazbo Mujović of the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak was chosen as mayor after the election, leading a coalition administration that also included the Sandžak Democratic Party's alliance, the Socialist Party of Serbia's alliance, and the United Regions of Serbia.[332] Muriz Turković of the Sandžak Democratic Party was appointed as deputy mayor. The Sandžak Democratic Party was excluded from government in November 2014, and Minela Kalender of the Party of Democratic Action, who had been elected to the municipal assembly in 2012, was named as deputy mayor in Turković's place.[333]

Southern and Eastern Serbia

Jablanica District


Nišava District

Local elections were held for the City Assembly of Niš, the assemblies in all five of Niš's constituent municipalities, and the assemblies in all six of the Nišava District's other municipalities.

The Progressive Party formed coalition governments with the Socialist Party and the United Regions of Serbia shortly after the election in the City of Niš, four of the city's five municipalities (the exception being Niška Banja), and Aleksinac. The Progressive Party's alliance won the popular vote in all of these jurisdictions except for Medijana, where the Democratic Party placed first.

The situation was different in the district's smaller municipalities. Local incumbent mayors led the Socialist Party to victory in Gadžin Han, New Serbia to victory in Ražanj, the United Regions of Serbia to victory to Doljevac, and the United Peasant Party to victory in Svrljig. The Socialists also won the popular vote in Merošina and initially formed a coalition government with the Democratic Party and the United Regions of Serbia. This alliance fell apart in December 2012, and a new coalition of the Progressive Party and the United Regions of Serbia came to power. The local Progressive organization subsequently became divided, leading to instability in the local government.

In Niška Banja, the Democratic Party of Serbia won the popular vote and formed a coalition government afterwards; the incumbent mayor later left the Democratic Party of Serbia for the United Regions of Serbia, and, after that party's dissolution, joined the Serbian People's Party.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Niš:

Zoran Perišić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The city government was initially formed by the Progressives, the Socialists, and the United Regions of Serbia.[335]

Crveni Krst

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Crveni Krst:

Darko Bulatović of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election, with the votes of nineteen delegates. The local government was formed by the Progressives, the United Regions of Serbia, and the Socialists.[337] Bulatović resigned as mayor in May 2014 and was replaced by Miroslav Milutinović, a former Socialist who crossed over to the Progressives.[338]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Medijana:

Nebojša Krstić of the United Regions of Serbia was chosen as mayor after the election, with the support of sixteen delegates. The government consisted of the Progressives, the Socialists, the United Regions of Serbia, and the Democratic Party of Serbia.[340] Krstić was replaced as mayor by Zoran Stojanović of the Progressive Party in August 2014.[341]

Niška Banja

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Niška Banja:

Incumbent mayor Zoran Vidanović of the Democratic Party of Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election. The government initially consisted of the Democratic Party of Serbia, the Socialists, and the Reformist Party.[343] Vidanović left the Democratic Party of Serbia in September 2012 and joined the United Regions of Serbia. That party dissolved in 2015, at which time Vidanović joined the Serbian People's Party.[344][345]

Palilula, Niš

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Palilula, Niš:

Boban Džunić of the Progressive Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The government consisted of the Progressives, the Socialists, and the United Regions of Serbia, with outside support from the Democratic Party of Serbia.[347]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Pantelej:

Srđan Savić of the Socialist Party was chosen as mayor after the election. The government consisted of the Progressives, the United Regions of Serbia, and the Socialists.[349]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Aleksinac:

Incumbent mayor Ivan Dimić of the Democratic Party of Serbia was initially confirmed for a new term in office after the election in June 2012, leading a coalition government that also included the Democratic Party, the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, and United Serbia.[351] This coalition quickly broke down, however, and a new administration consisting of the Progressives, the United Regions of Serbia, the Socialists, and United Serbia came to power the following month, with Nenad Stanković of the Progressives in the role of mayor.[352]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Doljevac:

Incumbent mayor Goran Ljubić of the United Regions of Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election. The United Regions party dissolved in late 2015, and Ljubić joined the Progressives in February 2016, bringing the entire United Regions assembly group with him.[354]

Gadžin Han

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Gadžin Han:

Incumbent mayor Saša Đorđević of the Socialist Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[356]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Merošina:

Incumbent mayor Slobodan Todorović of the Socialist Party of Serbia was initially confirmed for another term in office, leading a coalition government that also included the Democratic Party and the United Regions of Serbia.[358] Sanja Miladinović of the Democratic Party was chosen as president of the assembly.[359][360]

In December 2012, the United Regions of Serbia formed a new governing coalition with the Progressives, aided by two former Socialist delegates. Sanja Stajić, at the time a member of the United Regions of Serbia, was chosen as mayor.[361] Stajić was in turn dismissed in November 2013 and replaced by Bojan Nešić of the Progressive Party.[362]

In April 2016, the local Progressive organization attempted to replace Nešić. This led to a split in the party's assembly delegation, with Nešić forming a breakaway group called "Naprednjaci Merošine" and establishing a new coalition with the Democratic Party.[363]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ražanj:

Incumbent mayor Dobrica Stojković of New Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[365]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Svrljig:

Incumbent mayor Milija Miletić of the United Peasant Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[367] The local government also included the United Regions of Serbia. Miletić resigned in April 2014 after being elected to the National Assembly of Serbia and was replaced by fellow party member Jelena Trifunović.[368]

Podunavlje District

Local elections were held in the one city (Smederevo) and the two other municipalities of the Podunavlje District. An independent list won in Smederevo; the following year, the list's delegates collectively joined the Serbian Progressive Party. The Democratic Party won in Smederevska Palanka and held power for the entire term, while the Democratic Party of Serbia won in Velika Plana but fell from power in 2015, when a new coalition dominated by the Progressives came to power.


Results of the election for the City Assembly of Smederevo:

Jasna Avramović of the Movement for Smederevo was chosen as mayor after the election.[370] In June 2013, Avramović and the entire Movement for Smederevo assembly group joined the Serbian Progressive Party.[371]

Smederevska Palanka

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Smederevska Palanka:

Radoslav Milojičić of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election. Although the government was initially unstable, Milojičić remained in office for the entire term.[373][374][375]

Velika Plana

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Velika Plana:

Incumbent mayor Dejan Šulkić of the Democratic Party of Serbia was confirmed for another term in office after the election. His term ended on 25 August 2015, when the local Democratic Party board formed a new coalition with the Serbian Progressive Party (against the wishes of the Democratic Party at the republic level). Igor Matković of the Progressives was chosen as mayor following this change.[377][378]


  1. ^ Tanjug: Serbia holds elections on May 6 Archived 2012-09-12 at
  2. ^ Serbian Parliament Official web page: National Assembly Speaker Calls Local Elections
  3. ^ Tanjug: Đukić Dejanović calls elections in Kosovo too Archived 2012-09-13 at
  4. ^ UK Foreign Office Minister responds to announcement of elections in Serbia Archived 2012-03-14 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 30 (21 May 2012), p. 2; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 148, 149.
  6. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 28 (14 May 2012), p. 5; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 29. These sources have different vote totals. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  7. ^ "Barajevo:Haos pri formiranju vlasti", B92, 10 July 2012, accessed 24 June 2021.
  8. ^ "Vladimir Petković: Branka Savić je režirala smenu!", Novosti, 5 December 2015, accessed 28 August 2021.
  9. ^ M.T. Kovačević, "Posle demokrata bivši demokrata", Novosti, 14 September 2015, accessed 28 August 2021.
  10. ^ M.T. Kovačević, "HAOS U BARAJEVU: Izbacili ih iz SNS zbog pakta sa DS!", Novosti, 4 December 2015, accessed 28 August 2021.
  11. ^ "Naprednjaci prešli u DSS", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 9 February 2016, accessed 28 August 2021.
  12. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), pp. 4-5.
  13. ^ R. Jeremić, "Konstituisana Skupština opštine Čukarica, Zoran Gajić novi predsednik", Blic, 6 June 2012, accessed 22 June 2021.
  14. ^ M.T. Kovačević, "Čukarica: Srđan Kolarić novi predsednik opštine", Novosti, 19 March 2014, accessed 28 August 2021.
  15. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), p. 5-6.
  16. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 40 (2 July 2012), p. 30.
  17. ^ "Đorđevići dobijaju struju", Novosti, 15 March 2013, accessed 28 August 2021.
  18. ^ "Predsednik opštine Grocka podneo ostavku", Novosti, 27 May 2014, accessed 28 August 2021.
  19. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 32 (28 May 2012), p. 7.
  20. ^ "Dragan Alimpijević, predsednik opštine Lazarevac - Biografija", eKapija, 5 December 2012, accessed 24 June 2021.
  21. ^ "DS-SNS-SPS na vlasti u Lazarevcu", B92, 11 July 2012, accessed 24 June 2021.
  22. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), p. 2.
  23. ^ "Dejan Čokić, predsednik opštine Mladenovac - biografija", eKapija, 13 July 2012, accessed 24 June 2021.
  24. ^ "Otac smenjenog predsednika opštine u privremenom organu u Mladenovcu", Blic, 18 July 2015, accessed 28 August 2021.
  25. ^ Milena Rodić, "BELI 'SMENJEN' U MLADENOVCU Vladan Glišić (SNS) predsednik opštine", Blic, 20 June 2016, accessed 10 May 2021.
  26. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), p. 2.
  27. ^ N.R., "Šapić predsednik opštine Novi Beograd", Danas, 27 June 2012, accessed 22 June 2021.
  28. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 21 (25 April 2012), p. 41.
  29. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 29 (16 May 2012), pp. 3-4.
  30. ^ "Miroslav Čučković, predsednik opštine Obrenovac - biografija", eKapija, 13 July 2012, accessed 24 June 2021.
  31. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), p. 3.
  32. ^ "Vlast na Paliluli DS-SPS-LDP", B92, 18 June 2012, accessed 22 June 2021.
  33. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), p. 4.
  34. ^ "DS i SNS na vlasti u Rakovici", Radio Television of Serbia, 5 July 2012, accessed 22 June 2021.
  35. ^ "Vladan Kocić je novi predsednik opštine Rakovica", Blic, 10 June 2014, accessed 9 September 2021.
  36. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 21 (25 April 2012), p. 61.
  37. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 30 (21 May 2012), pp. 3-4; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 32.
  38. ^ M. Keranović, "Dušan Dinčić izabran za predsednika opštine Savski venac", Blic, 22 June 2012, accessed 23 June 2021.
  39. ^ Vučković received the seventh position on the party's list; Konstantinović received the eleventh position. See Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 21 (25 April 2012), p. 68.
  40. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 28 (14 May 2012), pp. 6-7; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 32.
  41. ^ "Живорад Милосављевић", Municipality of Sopot, accessed 5 May 2021.
  42. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 24 (7 May 2012), p. 3.
  43. ^ M. Keranović, "Dejan Kovačević novi predsednik opštine Stari grad", Blic, 21 June 2012, accessed 20 June 2021.
  44. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 21 (25 April 2012), p. 77.
  45. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), pp. 7-8; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 33. These sources have different vote totals. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  46. ^ "Bez incidenata formirana vlast u Surčinu", Politika, 14 August 2012, accessed 9 September 2021.
  47. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 25 (7 May 2012), p. 1.
  48. ^ M. Keranović, "Branimir Kuzmanović ponovo predsednik opštine Vračar", Blic, 21 June 2012, accessed 22 June 2021.
  49. ^ "Opština Vračar dobila novo rukovodstvo", N1, 5 June 2015, accessed 10 September 2021.
  50. ^ The bearer of this list was a candidate named Tomislav Nikolić. This was, of course, a different person from the Progressive Party leader. See Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 21 (25 April 2012), p. 40.
  51. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 28 (14 May 2012), pp. 3-4.
  52. ^ R. Jeremić, "Održana konstitutivna sednica Skupštine opštine Zvezdara", Blic, 11 June 2012, accessed 23 June 2021.
  53. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 21 (25 April 2012), p. 34.
  54. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 37 (18 June 2012), p. 1, 4-5.
  55. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 39 (28 June 2012), p. 2.
  56. ^ Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 56 Number 36 (13 June 2012), p. 2.
  57. ^ Službeni List (Grada Zrenjanina), Volume 21 Number 12 (7 May 2012), pp. 168-169; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 49. These sources have different seat totals. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  58. ^ "Goran Knežević ponovo gradonačelnik Zrenjanina", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 6 July 2012, accessed 29 October 2021.
  59. ^ "Ivan Bošnjak novi gradonačelnik Zrenjanina", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 21 August 2012, accessed 29 October 2021.
  60. ^ S. Surla, "Čedomir Janjić novi gradonačelnik Zrenjanina", Blic, 12 June 2014, accessed 29 October 2021.
  61. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Nova Crnja - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; Službeni List (Opštine Nova Crnja), Volume 22 Number 5 (23 April 2012), pp. 1-6; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 50. The last two sources have different seat totals. Of these, the latter source is taken as definitive.
  62. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Nova Crnja), Volume 22 Number 6 (25 May 2012), p. 113.
  63. ^ "Uhapšen predsednik opštine Nova Crnja", Radio Television of Serbia, 5 October 2012, accessed 30 October 2021.
  64. ^ "Mile Todorov novi predsednik Opštine Nova Crnja", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 20 November 2012, accessed 30 October 2021.
  65. ^ "Nova Crnja: Za godinu dana tri predsednika opštine", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 31 May 2013, accessed 30 October 2021.
  66. ^ "Nova Crnja: Iz zatvora na čelo Opštine", Novosti, 30 December 2013, accessed 30 October 2021.
  67. ^ "IZABRAN PREDSEDNIK OPŠTINE NOVA CRNJA", Zrenjaninski, 10 June 2016, accessed 28 October 2021.
  68. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Novi Bečej), Volume 47 Number 10 (7 May 2012), pp. 353-354.
  69. ^ "Novi Bečej: Saša Šućurović ponovo predsednik opštine", Blic (Source: Beta, 6 July 2012, accessed 23 April 2019.
  70. ^ "LDP i SNS na vlasti u Novom Bečeju", Novi Magazin, 31 May 2013, accessed 15 April 2021.
  71. ^ "Smenjen predsednik vojvođanskog LDP, prešao u LSV", Blic, 9 September 2015, accessed 23 April 2019.
  72. ^ Službeni list (Opštine Novi Bečej), Volume 52 Number 9 (21 April 2012), p. 343.
  73. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Sečanj - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 50. These sources have different vote totals; the latter source is taken as definitive.
  74. ^ "Sečanj: Preminuo predsednik opštine Predrag Milošević",, 17 April 2017, accessed 28 October 2021.
  75. ^ "Sečanj, odbornici iz DS-a u SNS", Radio Television of Serbia, 22 January 2014, accessed 28 October 2021.
  76. ^ Sources: Službeni List (Opštine Žitište), Volume 26 Number 15 (9 May 2012), pp. 1-2.
  77. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Žitište), Volume 26 Number 19 (4 July 2012, p. 32).
  78. ^ "Predsednik opštine Žitište (DS) podneo ostavku", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 7 August 2013, accessed 4 November 2021.
  79. ^ "Predsednička vrteška u Žitištu", Radio Television of Serbia, 8 August 2013, accessed 4 November 2013.
  80. ^ Sl. PAŠIĆ, "Žitište: Treće prekomponovanje vlasti, a boljitka nema", Novosti, 23 December 2013, accessed 4 November 2021.
  81. ^ Službeni List (Grada Subotice), Volume 48 Number 30 (7 May 2012), pp. 2-3.
  82. ^ "Modest Dulić novi gradonačelnik Subotice", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 10 July 2012, accessed 11 November 2021.
  83. ^ "Jene Maglai novi gradonačelnik Subotice",, 21 November 2013, accessed 11 November 2021.
  84. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Topola), Volume 44 Number 4 (16 May 2012), p. 92.
  85. ^ "Vlast u Bačkoj Topoli: SVM, DS i SPS", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 28 June 2012, accessed 12 November 2021.
  86. ^ M. Laketić, "SVM smenjuje predsednicu opštine Bačka Topola zbog isplata stimulacije", Blic, 2 December 2014, accessed 12 November 2021.
  87. ^ "SVM predložio novog predsednika opštine Bačka Topola", Blic (Source: Tanjug), 12 December 2014, accessed 12 November 2021.
  88. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Mali Iđoš), Volume 44 Number 7 (7 May 2012), p. 4.
  89. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Mali Iđoš), Volume 44 Number 10 (5 July 2012), p. 10.
  90. ^ Jelena Lemajić, "Marko Rovčanin: Političar ne sme da se uzvisi", Novosti, 12 October 2013, accessed 12 November 2021.
  91. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kikinda), Volume 47 Number 10 (14 May 2012), pp. 113-115.
  92. ^ M. Ivetić, "Kikinda: Odbornici čekaju nalog dve centrale", Novosti, 16 September 2012, accessed 28 November 2021.
  93. ^ "Novi čelnici u Kikindi preuzeli dužnost", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 17 September 2013, accessed 29 November 2021.
  94. ^ "Izabrano novo opštinsko rukovodstvo", Kikinda Online, 13 September 2013.
  95. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Ada), Volume 45 Number 18 (7 May 2012), pp. 3-4.
  96. ^ "Председник општине Золтан Билицки прешао у СНС", Dnevnik, 19 December 2016, accessed 27 November 2021.
  97. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Ada), Volume 45 Number 15 (24 April 2012), p. 4.
  98. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Čoka - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021;ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 47.
  99. ^ PREDSEDNIK OPŠTINE ČOKA, Archived 2012-09-30 at the Wayback Machine, Opština Čoka, 30 September 2012, accessed 2 December 2021.
  100. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kanjiža), 8 May 2012, p. 177.
  101. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kanjiža), 24 July 2012, p. 262.
  102. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kanjiža), 10 July 2014, p. 273.
  103. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 46; Избори 2012 – Збирна изборна листа за избор одборника,Archived 2012-05-18 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Novi Kneževac, 18 May 2012, accessed 2 December 2021.
  104. ^ Председник општине, Archived 2012-08-15 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Novi Kneževac, 15 August 2012, accessed 2 December 2021.
  105. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 47 Number 18 (7 May 2012), pp. 350-351.
  106. ^ Ljudmila Janković Gubik, "RUDOLF CEGLEDI OSTAJE PREDSEDNIK OPŠTINE SENTA", Slobodna Reč, 27 April 2021, accessed 2 February 2021.
  107. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Sada), Volume 31 Number 22 (23 May 2012), p. 651.
  108. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Sada), Volume 31 Number 27 (29 June 2012), p. 1012.
  109. ^ "Miloš Vučević novi gradonačelnik Novog Sada",, 13 September 2012, accessed 6 July 2021.
  110. ^ Mirčić received the second position on the party's list. See Službeni List (Grada Novog Sad), Volume 31 Number 17 (24 April 2012), p. 549.
  111. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bač), Volume 37 Number 9 (9 May 2012), p. 98.
  112. ^ "SNS: Bivši predsednik opštine Bač vređao novu vlast", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 20 June 2012, accessed 8 July 2021.
  113. ^ "SNS zabarikadiran u bačkoj opštini", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 4 January 2013, accessed 24 July 2021.
  114. ^ "Smena vlasti u Baču", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 27 April 2014, accessed 24 July 2021.
  115. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Palanka), Volume 47 Number 12 (8 May 2012), p. 274.
  116. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Palanka), Volume 47 Number 15 (5 July 2012), p. 296
  117. ^ "Đedovac: Opstala vladajuća koalicija u Bačkoj Palanci", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 29 March 2013, accessed 16 March 2021.
  118. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bački Petrovac), Volume 48 Number 7 (7 May 2012), p. 3.
  119. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bački Petrovac), Volume 48 Number 9 (9 July 2012), p. 7.
  120. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bečej), Volume 48 Number 5 (3 July 2012), pp. 5–6.
  121. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Bečej), Volume 48 Number 6 (16 July 2012), p. 3.
  122. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Beočin), Volume 3 Number 4 (8 May 2012), pp. 2-3; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 11. These sources have different vote totals. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  123. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Beočin), Volume 3 Number 5 (21 June 2012), pp. 2-3.
  124. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Srbobran), Volume 45 Number 4 (21 May 2012), pp. 61-62.
  125. ^ "Zoran Mladenović novi predsednik opštine Srbobran", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 10 July 2012, accessed 10 July 2021.
  126. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Sremski Karlovci), 7 May 2012, pp. 2-3.
  127. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Sremski Karlovci), 22 May 2012, p. 7.
  128. ^ "Sremski Karlovci, DS i SNS zajedno na vlasti", Radio-Television of Serbia, 9 October 2013, accessed 15 July 2021.
  129. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 45.
  130. ^ "Vladislav Capik predsednik opštine Temerin", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 23 July 2012, accessed 10 July 2021.
  131. ^ "Retrospektiva političkog života u Temerinu", Temerin Info, 24 March 2018, accessed 11 September 2021.
  132. ^ Миле Милојевић, "Андраш Густоњ, нови – стари председник",, 12 March 2014, accessed 11 September 2021.
  133. ^ "Retrospektiva političkog života u Temerinu", Temerin Info, 24 March 2018, accessed 11 September 2021.
  134. ^ "SNS preuzela vlast u Temerinu", B92, 11 October 2014, accessed 11 September 2021.
  135. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Temerin), Volume 45 Number 2 (25 April 2012), p. 11.
  136. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Titel), Volume 47 Number 9 (8 May 2012), p. 2.
  137. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Titel), Volume 47 Number 13 (27 June 2012), p. 1.
  138. ^ "Opštinski odbor SNS: Na prevaru smenjena vlast u Titelu", Blic (Source: Tanjug), 14 July 2014, accessed 17 July 2021.
  139. ^ "Naprednjaci i radikali smenili vlast u Titelu", N1, 18 November 2014, accessed 17 July 2021.
  140. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Žabalj), Volume 38 Number 9 (7 May 2012), pp. 1–2.
  141. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Žabalj), Volume 38 Number 9 (7 May 2012).
  142. ^ Zoran Strika, "Čedomir Božić novi sekretar za poljoprivredu: Od demokrata, preko Žablja, do Vlade Vojvodine",, 28 October 2020, accessed 4 July 2021.
  143. ^ Dušan Miletić, "Najmlađi predsednik opštine u Srbiji", Blic, 19 May 2013, accessed 4 July 2021.
  144. ^ Službeni List (Grada Pančeva), Volume 5 Number 12 (7 May 2012), p. 2; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 45. These sources list different vote totals; the latter source is taken as definitive.
  145. ^ "Nova vlast u Pančevu", B92, 7 July 2012, accessed 29 June 2022.
  146. ^ "Gradonačelnik Pančeva podneo ostavku", Blic (Source: Tanjug), 21 May 2013, accessed 29 June 2022.
  147. ^ Miodrag Sašić, "Nema više besplatnog ručka za političare u Pančevu", Politika, 26 June 2013, accessed 29 June 2022.
  148. ^ "Saša Pavlov novi gradonačelnik Pančeva", Radio Television of Serbia, 19 June 2015, accessed 29 June 2022.
  149. ^ Službeni List (Grada Pančeva), Volume 5 Number 11 (25 April 2012), p. 14.
  150. ^ Službeni List (Grada Pančeva), Volume 5 Number 29 (3 August 2012), p. 2.
  151. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 39.
  152. ^ Dušan Jovanović,, accessed 2 July 2022.
  153. ^ "PREDRAG BELIĆ IZ PRITVORA PRAVO U FOTELJU PREDSEDNIKA OPŠTINE ALIBUNAR", Voice, 5 February 2018, accessed 2 July 2022.
  154. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 39.
  155. ^ "Bela Crkva: Predizborna promena vlasti",, 27 March 2016, accessed 2 July 2022.
  156. ^ "Incident u Beloj Crkvi, smenjen predsednik opštine", Radio Television of Serbia, 15 January 2016, accessed 2 January 2022.
  157. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kovačica), Volume 33 Number 9 (7 May 2012), p. 46; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 39.
  158. ^ Miroslav Krišan,, accessed 2 July 2022.
  159. ^ "Naprednjaci preuzeli vlast i u Kovačici", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 29 October 2015, accessed 2 July 2022.
  160. ^ The lists were "Against Corruption" and "Our Initiative–United Regions of Serbia". The former list seemingly won three seats, the latter list one.
  161. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Opovo - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 40.
  162. ^ "Predsednik opštine Opovo podneo ostavku posle 11 godina na vlasti", Blic, 15 September 2015, accessed 4 July 2022.
  163. ^ "Opovo dobilo novog predsednika opštine posle 11 godina", Blic, 25 September 2016, accessed 4 July 2022.
  164. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Plandište), Volume 28 Number 6 (10 May 2012), p. 104; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 40.
  165. ^ IZABRANO NOVO RUKOVODSTVO, Municipality of Plandište (2012), accessed 5 July 2022.
  166. ^ "Milan Selaković prvi čovek Plandišta", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 23 June 2012, accessed 5 July 2022.
  167. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Vršac), Volume 40 Number 8 (7 May 2012), p. 104; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 39.
  168. ^ Čedomir Živković,, accessed 6 July 2022.
  169. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sremska Mitrovica), Volume 4 Number 9 (20 May 2012), pp. 2-4; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 12, 52.
  170. ^ "Nedimoviću još jedan mandat", Sremske Novine, 20 July 2012, accessed 19 August 2023.
  171. ^ Branislav Nedimović,, accessed 19 August 2023.
  172. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Inđija), Volume 1 Number 3 (8 May 2012), pp. 31-32; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 12, 51.
  173. ^ "Konstituisana Skupština opštine Inđija", Municipality of Inđija, 22 May 2012, accessed 19 August 2023.
  174. ^ "Petar Filipović novi predsednik opštine Inđija", Blic, 23 August 2012, accessed 19 August 2023.
  175. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Opovo - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 12, 51.
  176. ^ "Promenjena vlast u Irigu", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 28 January 2015, accessed 19 August 2023.
  177. ^ Rezultati lokalnih izbora Archived 2012-05-25 at the Wayback Machine, Election 2012, Municipality of Pećinci, accessed 20 August 2023; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 12, 51.
  178. ^ "Konstituisana Skupština opštine Pećinci", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 20 June 2012, accessed 20 August 2023.
  179. ^ "Izabrana nova opštinska vlast", Municipality of Pećinci, 19 July 2012, accessed 17 August 2023.
  180. ^ "Уведена привремена управа у Пећинцима", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 19 November 2013, accessed 19 August 2023.
  181. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Ruma - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 12, 52.
  182. ^ "Propao pokušaj smene vlasti u Rumi", Danas, 14 September 2012, accessed 20 August 2023.
  183. ^ "Panić novi predsednik opštine Ruma", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 9 December 2013, accessed 20 August 2023.
  184. ^ "Ruma: Imenovan novi predsednik Opštine",, 4 October 2014, accessed 20 August 2023.
  185. ^ СПИСАК ОДБОРНИКА СА АДРЕСАМА И СТРУЧНОМ СПРЕМОМ, Archived 2012-11-05 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Ruma, accessed 3 August 2023.
  186. ^ ALEKSANDAR MARTINOVIĆ, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 20 August 2012.
  187. ^ "Ruma: Vlast preuzeli naprednjaci", B92, 26 November 2013, accessed 6 April 2021.
  188. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Šid - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 12, 52.
  189. ^ "Nataša Cvjetković i dalje predsednica", Sremske Novine, 25 May 2012, accessed 20 August 2023.
  190. ^ "Nova većina u Rumi i Šidu", Danas, 2 September 2012, accessed 20 August 2023.
  191. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Šid - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 12, 52.
  192. ^ Đorđe Radinović,, accessed 20 August 2023.
  193. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sombora), Volume 5 Number 6 (25 May 2012), p. 105; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 45. These sources list different vote totals; the latter source is taken as definitive.
  194. ^ "Deliću novi mandat",, 21 June 2012, accessed 18 February 2022.
  195. ^ "SAŠA TODOROVIĆ NOVI GRADONAČELNIK SOMBORA?", 025 Sombor, 25 April 2014, accessed 18 February 2022.
  196. ^ Saša Todorović,, accessed 18 February 2022.
  197. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sombora), Volume 5 Number 6 (25 May 2012), p. 60.
  198. ^ Službeni List (Grada Sombora), Volume 6 Number 2 (18 February 2013), p. 23.
  199. ^ Službeni List (Opśtine Apatin), Volume 48 Number 4 (7 May 2012), p. 95.
  200. ^ Živorad Smiljanić,, accessed 19 February 2022.
  201. ^ Sofija Pualić Špero, "Smiljanić ponovo predsednik opštine", Blic, 31 October 2018, accessed 19 February 2022.
  202. ^ Službeni List (Opśtine Kula), Volume 47 Number 16 (8 May 2012), p. 99-101.
  203. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 47 Number 23 (25 June 2012), p. 247.
  204. ^ "Naprednjaci preuzeli vlast u Kuli, predsednik opštine Dragan Trifunović", Blic, 8 October 2012, accessed 19 February 2022.
  205. ^ Službeni List (Grada Čačka), Volume 36 Number 12 (7 May 2012), pp. 2-4.
  206. ^ "Ilić: Rođeni brat me je razočarao što radi u firmi čiji je vlasnik iz SNS", Danas, 24 January 2019, accessed 11 February 2022.
  207. ^ Službeni List (Grada Čačka), Volume 56 Number 10 (24 April 2012), p. 8.
  208. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Gornji Milanovac), Volume 21 Number 9 (8 May 2012), p. 2.
  209. ^ "Bivši predsednik opštine Gornji Milanovac Milisav Mirković napustio SPS", Morava Info, 24 December 2018, accessed 11 February 2022.
  210. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Ivanjica - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 57.
  211. ^ "Nova skupštinska većina u Ivanjici", Nova Magazin, 11 September 2014, accessed 11 February 2022.
  212. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Lučani - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 57.
  213. ^ "Dogovori svih sa svima", Radio Television of Serbia, 6 June 2012, accessed 11 February 2022.
  214. ^ Kandidati za poslanike 2014 (3)", Vreme, [undated] 2014, accessed 11 February 2022.
  215. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Jagodina - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 68.
  216. ^ "Jagodina: Palma predsednik skupštine, Stevanović gradonačelnik", Novosti, 28 May 2012, accessed 7 September 2022.
  217. ^ СКУПШТИНА ГРАДА, Archived 2013-08-15 at the Wayback Machine, City of Jagodina, accessed 10 September 2022.
  218. ^ "ŽIVOTA STARČEVIĆ I ČETIRI ODBORA DSS PRELAZE U JEDINSTVENU SRBIJU",, 22 October 2014, accessed 10 September 2023.
  219. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Ćuprija), Volume 33 Number 12 (9 May 2012), pp. 1-2.
  220. ^ Z. Rašić, "Ćuprija: Predsednik opštine podneo ostavku", Novosti, 7 December 2012, accessed 7 September 2022.
  221. ^ З. РАШИЋ, "У Ћуприји трећа промена власти за годину дана", Novosti, 23 June 2013, accessed 7 September 2022.
  222. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Despotovac), Volume 7 Number 8 (7 May 2012), pp. 1-2.
  223. ^ "Nova vlast u Despotovcu", Radio Television of Serbia, 10 January 2013, accessed 7 September 2022.
  224. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Paraćin - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 69.
  225. ^ Saša Paunović,, accessed 6 September 2022.
  226. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Rekovac - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 69.
  227. ^ SPS Rekovac, Central Media, 21 April 2016, accessed 7 September 2022.
  228. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Svilajnac), 2012 Number 7 (7 May 2012), p. 1.
  229. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Svilajnac), 2012 Number 6 (23 April 2012), p. 1.
  230. ^ "Milanović: Nisam kandidat za potpredsednika SDS", Blic, 11 October 2014, accessed 7 September 2022.
  231. ^ "SNS pobedio i u većini opština", Radio Television of Serbia, 25 April 2016, accessed 7 September 2022.
  232. ^ Službeni glasnik (Opštine Svilajnac), 21 April 2012, p. 8.
  233. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kruševca), Volume 42 Number 3 (7 May 2012), pp. 31-32.
  234. ^ "Gašić gradonačelnik Kruševca", B92, 29 June 2012, accessed 4 August 2022.
  235. ^ "Dragi Nestorović gradonačelnik Kruševca, Jasmina Palurović zamenica", Radio Television of Kruševac, 30 April 2014, accessed 4 August 2022.
  236. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Aleksandrovac - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; "Rezultati lokalnih izbora", Novi magazin, 8 May 2012, accessed 4 August 2022; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 70.
  237. ^ "Aleksandrovac konačno dobio vlast", B92, 17 September 2012, accessed 4 August 2022.
  238. ^ S. Babović, "Aleksandrovac: Former leaders are back in power", Radio Television of Serbia, 18 September 2012, accessed 4 August 2022.
  239. ^ "Postizborni ringišpil u Aleksandrovcu",, 26 March 2016, accessed 4 August 2022.
  240. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Brus - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 70.
  241. ^ S. Babović, "Brus: Naprednjaci smenili svog predsednika", Novosti, 26 March 2015, accessed 4 August 2022.
  242. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Ćićevac - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 70.
  243. ^ S. Milenković, "Zlatan Krkić ponovo izabran za predsednika Opštine Ćićevac", Kruševac Press, 13 May 2016, accessed 4 August 2022.
  244. ^ S. Babović, "Večiti lideri Rasinskog okruga", Novosti, 26 January 2016, accessed 4 August 2022.
  245. ^ The lists were "Movement for the Municipality of Trstenik–Radovan Radović Raka" and "Trstenik Forward–Goran Stepanović". Preliminary results from CESID showed Radović's list with 1004 votes and Stepanović's with 343.
  246. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Trstenik - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 71.
  247. ^ "Trstenik dobio većinu", B92, 6 June 2012, accessed 17 July 2017.
  248. ^ "Narodni pokret Srbije: Potrebni novi ljudi", Radio Television of Serbia, 8 February 2015, accessed 8 August 2018.
  249. ^ Mirko Rudić, "Kamen oko vrata državi", Vreme, 21 May 2015, accessed 26 January 2017.
  250. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Varvarin - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 70-71.
  251. ^ "SNS, DSS, SPO i URS dogovorili vlast u Varvarinu", B92, 22 May 2012, accessed 14 May 2022.
  252. ^ "Zoran Milenković nakon 16 godina smenjen sa mesta predsednika opštine Varvarin", Kruševac Press, 9 June 2016.
  253. ^ Službeni List (Grada Karljeva), Volume 45 Number 8 (7 May 2012), p. 164.
  254. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 72.
  255. ^ Dragan Jovanović,, accessed 29 September 2022.
  256. ^ "SNS i SPS na vlasti i u Kraljevu", B92, 24 July 2012, accessed 29 September 2022.
  257. ^ Tomislav Ilić,, accessed 29 September 2022.
  258. ^ "Gradonačelnik Kraljeva prešao u SNS", N1, 5 January 2016, accessed 29 September 2022.
  259. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kraljeva), Volume 45 Number 7 (24 April 2012), p. 51.
  260. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 19 Number 7 (10 May 2012), p. 3.
  261. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 73.
  262. ^ "Meho Mahmutović novi gradonačelnik Novog Pazara", Novi Magazin, 15 June 2012, accessed 8 October 2022.
  263. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 19 Number 5 (20 April 2012), p. 16.
  264. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 19 Number 8 (15 June 2012), p. 6.
  265. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 19 Number 5 (20 April 2012), p. 15.
  266. ^ "'SDP ruši izbornu volju Bošnjaka'", B92, 25 February 2013, accessed 19 May 2024.
  267. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 20 Number 3 (18 June 2013), p. 229.
  268. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Raška), Volume 23 Number 122 (30 May 2012), p. 1.
  269. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 72.
  270. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Raška), Volume 23 Number 124 (12 June 2012), p. 3.
  271. ^ "Rokada u vrhu SO Raška, SNS ima čelnog čoveka", Mondo, 12 June 2014, accessed 8 October 2022.
  272. ^ Službeni List (Grada Novog Pazara), Volume 19 Number 7 (10 May 2012), p. 3.
  273. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 73.
  274. ^ "TUTIN: Pet izbornih lista", Danas, 2 May 2012, accessed 8 October 2022.
  275. ^ "Predsednik opštine Tutin poginuo u nesreći", Radio Television of Serbia, 12 October 2017.
  276. ^ Skupština opštine Tutin, Archived 2012-12-08 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Tutin, accessed 29 September 2022.
  277. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Vrnjačka Banja), Volume 8 Number 10 (22 June 2012), pp. 2-3.
  278. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 72.
  279. ^ "Nova vlast u Vrnjačkoj Banji", Radio Television of Serbia, 16 August 2012, accessed 8 October 2022.
  280. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 22 Number 21 (7 May 2012), pp. 1-2, 15.
  281. ^ "Serbian President’s Son to Become a City Mayor", Balkan Insight, 14 October 2014, accessed 12 March 2022.
  282. ^ "President's son elected as mayor of Kragujevac", B92, 29 October 2014, accessed 12 March 2022.
  283. ^ There is contradictory information about the exact circumstances of Radisavljević's election. Kragujevac's Official Gazette indicates that she received the sixth position on the DSS's electoral list in the 2012 city election. A subsequent list of elected delegates, however, shows her in the fourth position, with the candidate originally listed fourth not present. In follows that either there was an error in the original list, the list was amended, or the original fourth place candidate resigned their mandate in favour of Radisavljević. In any event, Radisavljević received a mandate when the city assembly was convened. See Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 22 Number 19 (24 April 2012), p. 6; Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 22 Number 23 (25 May 2012), p. 3.
  284. ^ Službeni List (Grada Kragujevca), Volume 22 Number 46 (7 December 2012), p. 1.
  285. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 74.
  286. ^ "Nova fabrika u Batočini", Radio Television of Serbia, 17 August 2012, accessed 12 March 2022.
  287. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Knić), 2012 Volume 4 (7 May 2012), pp. 1-3.
  288. ^ Službeni Glasnik, 2013 Volume 8 (4 June 2013), p. 1.
  289. ^ "Smenjeno rukovodstvo u Opštini Knić", Radio Television of Serbia, 5 February 2014, accessed 13 March 2022.
  290. ^ Nebojša Radišić, "Nova vlast u Kniću: Predsednik iz Palmine, zamenik iz Tadićeve stranke", Blic, 4 March 2014, accessed 13 March 2022.
  291. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 8 Volume 5 (7 May 2012), pp. 1-2.
  292. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 13 Number 6 (22 July 2014), pp. 3-6.
  293. ^ "Promenjena vlast u Lapovu", Radio Television of Serbia, 12 June 2015, accessed 13 March 2022.
  294. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Rača - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 75.
  295. ^ "SNS preuzeo vlast u Rači", Radio Television of Serbia, 23 February 2015, accessed 13 March 2022.
  296. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Topola - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 75.
  297. ^ DRAGAN JOVANOVIĆ, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 11 August 2017; "Serbian minister re-elected party chairman," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 26 November 2005 (Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1339 gmt 26 Nov 05).
  298. ^ "Topola: Predsednik podneo ostavku, pa dobio novu funkciju", 29 August 2014, accessed 13 March 2022.
  299. ^ Službeni List (Grada Užica), Volume 47 Number 7 (7 May 2012), pp. 65-66; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 62.
  300. ^ Službeni List (Grada Užica), Volume 47 Number 10 (3 July 2012), p. 73.
  301. ^ "Saša Milošević novi gradonačelnik Užica", Blic, 29 October 2012, accessed 3 November 2022.
  302. ^ V. Lojanica, "Užički odbornici izabrali Tihomira Petkovića za gradonačelnika", Blic, 15 August 2014, accessed 27 August 2020.
  303. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Arilje), 2012 Number 6 (7 May 2012), p. 2.
  304. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Arilje), 2012 Number 7 (31 May 2012), p. 4.
  305. ^ N. Kovačević, "Radikali preuzeli vlast od naprednjaka u Arilju", Danas, 29 June 2015, accessed 11 May 2022.
  306. ^ "Naprednjaci preuzeli vlast u Arilju", Radio Television of Serbia, 16 December 2015, accessed 11 May 2022.
  307. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Arilje), 2015 Number 9 (23 December 2015), p. 13.
  308. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 60.
  309. ^ ИЗАБРАНА НОВА ОПШТИНСКА ВЛАСТ 2012. ГОДИНЕ, Archived 2012-08-20 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Bajina Bašta, 20 August 2012, accessed 14 May 2022.
  310. ^ B. Pejović, "Naprednjaci i radikali zajedno u vlasti", Politika, 18 July 2013, accessed 14 May 2022.
  311. ^ ПРЕДСЕДНИК ОПШТИНЕ БАЈИНА БАШТА, Archived 2014-03-28 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Bajina Bašta, 28 March 2014, accessed 14 May 2022.
  312. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Čajetina), Volume 7 Number 5 (15 May 2012), pp. 5-6.
  313. ^ Milan Stamatović,, accessed 15 May 2022.
  314. ^ Nenad Kovačević, "Milan Stamatović: Za neutralnost i saradnju sa Rusijom", Danas, 26 September 2014, accessed 15 May 2022.
  315. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Čajetina), Volume 7 Number 4 (10 May 2012), p. 5.
  316. ^ Predsednik, Archived 2012-11-04 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Čajetina, accessed 6 February 2021.
  317. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Nova Varoš - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 50.
  318. ^ "Nova Varoš:Prazna opštinska kasa i glomazna administracija",, 31 July 2012.
  319. ^ "Nova Varoš: Predsednik opštine dao ostavku zbog nove funkcije", Blic, 16 December 2015, accessed 15 May 2022.
  320. ^ Sluzbeni List (Opštine Nova Varoś), 2016 Number 1 (12 January 2016), p. 1.
  321. ^ "Nova Varoš: Bez struje 10 dana 90 potrošača!",, 16 March 2016, accessed 15 May 2022.
  322. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Požega - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 60.
  323. ^ Milovan Mićović,, accessed 16 May 2022.
  324. ^ "Naprednjaci preuzeli vlast u Požegi glasovima bivših demokrata", Blic, 23 October 2015, accessed 16 May 2022.
  325. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Priboj), Volume 15 Number 4 (8 May 2012), pp. 1-2.
  326. ^ "Šest stranaka na vlasti u Priboju", B92, 3 July 2012, accessed 16 May 2022.
  327. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Priboj), Volume 15 Number 3 (25 April 2012), p. 5.
  328. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Priboj), Volume 15 Number 8 (19 July 2012), p. 9.
  329. ^ Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Prijepolje), Volume 12 Number 5 (7 May 2012), pp. 1-2.
  330. ^ Emir Hašimbegović, accessed 16 May 2022.
  331. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012., Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 61.
  332. ^ "U Sjenici na vlasti SDA sa SDP-DS-LDP, SPS i URS", Kurir, 18 June 2024, accessed 20 October 2024. This source inaccurately states that Esad Zornić was appointed as deputy mayor and Muriz Turković was appointed as deputy speaker of the assembly; in fact, the reverse was true.
  333. ^ "Formirana nova vladajuća većina u Sjenici", RTV Novi Pazar, 11 December 2014, accessed 20 October 2024.
  334. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 148, 149.
  335. ^ "NOVI GRADONAČELNIK NIŠA ZORAN PERIŠIĆ", Vesti, 12 July 2012, accessed 20 December 2021.
  336. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 88.
  337. ^ "Bulatović predsednik Opštine Crveni Krst", Južne vesti, 17 July 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  338. ^ A. Stankov i Lj. Stojanović, "Bulatović podneo ostavku u Crvenom Krstu", 13 May 2014, accessed 21 December 2021.
  339. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 87.
  340. ^ "Krstić predsednik Opštine Medijana", Južne vesti, 14 July 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  341. ^ "Smenjen predsednik opštine Medijana", B92, 5 August 2014, accessed 21 December 2021.
  342. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 87.
  343. ^ "Oformljena vlast u Niškoj Banji", Južne vesti, 25 May 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  344. ^ "Zoran Vidanović", Južne vesti, 9 April 2016, accessed 21 December 2021.
  345. ^ "Vidanović napustio DSS", Južne vesti, 14 September 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  346. ^ УТВРЂЕНИ РЕЗУЛТАТИ ГЛАСАЊА НА ОДРЖАНИМ ИЗБОРИМА 6 И 13 МАЈА ГРАДСКЕ ОПШТИНЕ ПАЛИЛУЛА, Archived 2012-05-03 at the Wayback Machine, Izbori 2021, City Municipality of Palilula.
  347. ^ Predrag Blagojević, "Džunić novi predsednik Opštine Palilula", Južne vesti, 14 July 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  348. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 88.
  349. ^ Predrag Blagojević, "Srđan Savić novi predsednik Opštine Pantelej", Južne vesti, 12 July 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  350. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Aleksinac), Volume 20 Number 8 (7 May 2012), pp. 1-2; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 88. There is a discrepancy between these sources as to the number of votes received by the Progressive Party's alliance. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  351. ^ "Dimić ostao na čelu Aleksinca", 8 June 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  352. ^ "Dva puta birali istu vlast", Radio Television of Serbia, 24 July 2021, accessed 21 December 2012.
  353. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 89.
  354. ^ "Međarac prešao u SNS", Južne vesti, 13 February 2016, accessed 21 December 2021.
  355. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 88.
  356. ^ "Saša Đorđević", Južne vesti, 20 December 2015, accessed 21 December 2021.
  357. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Merošina - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 89.
  358. ^ "U Merošini vlast formirana bez problema", Južne vesti, 6 June 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  359. ^ "U Merošini vlast formirana bez problema", Južne vesti, 6 June 2012, accessed 20 April 2024.
  360. ^ Конституисање скупштине, Archived 2012-06-29 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Merošina, accessed 20 April 2024.
  361. ^ "URS ruši vlast u Merošini", Južne vesti, 14 December 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  362. ^ "Smenjena predsednica Opštine Merošina", Južne vesti, 7 November 2013, accessed 21 December 2021.
  363. ^ "Naprednjaci i DS smenili SNS u Merošini", Južne vesti, 8 April 2016, accessed 21 December 2021.
  364. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Ražanj - Rezultati izbora 2012.)], Archived 2012-07-28 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 20 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 89. There is a small discrepancy between these sources as to the vote totals of the Democratic Party of Serbia list. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  365. ^ "Dobrica Stojković", Južne vesti, 20 December 2015, accessed 21 December 2021.
  366. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 89.
  367. ^ "Odbornici Skupštine opštine Svrljig odlučili", Municipality of Svrljig, 28 June 2012, accessed 21 December 2021.
  368. ^ Aleksandar Kostić, "Jelena Trifunović nova predsednica Opštine Svrljig", Južne vesti, 18 April 2014, accessed 21 December 2021.
  369. ^ Službeni List (Grada Smedereva), Volume 5 Number 6 (14 May 2012), p. 12; Službeni List (Grada Smedereva), Volume 5 Number 7 (15 May 2012), p. 2; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 91.
  370. ^ "Novi načelnik Podunavskog okruga dr Jasna Avramović",, 20 August 2020, accessed 22 October 2022.
  371. ^ "Gradonačelnica Smedereva sa svim odbornicima prešla u SNS", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 4 June 2013, accessed 22 October 2022.
  372. ^ ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 92.
  373. ^ "S.Palanka: DS-SNS-SPO-DSS na vlasti", B92, 26 July 2012, accessed 23 October 2022.
  374. ^ "Smederevska Palanka:Tri vlasti u tri mjeseca", Aljazeera, 23 October 2012, accessed 23 October 2022.
  375. ^ Mirjana R. Milenković, "Radoslav Milojičić Kena: Entuzijastični osnivač Srpske levice", Danas, 26 January 2022, accessed 23 October 2022.
  376. ^ REZULTATI IZBORA 2012 (Velika Plana - Rezultati izbora 2012.), Archived 2012-07-05 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, accessed 23 October 2022; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2012, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 91.
  377. ^ J. ILIĆ, "Šulkića srušila nova koalicija", Novosti, 26 August 2015, accessed 4 July 2018.
  378. ^ "DS raspustio odbor u Velikoj Plani", N1, 26 August 2015, accessed 20 October 2022.