Temporada 2007 de los Miami Dolphins

Los Dolphins a la defensiva en casa ante Buffalo , 11 de noviembre de 2007

La temporada 2007 fue la 38.ª temporada de los Miami Dolphins en la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Americano , su 42.ª en total, la tercera y última bajo el mando del gerente general Randy Mueller y la primera y única bajo el mando del entrenador principal Cam Cameron . [1]

Los Dolphins no pudieron mejorar su récord de 6-10 en 2006 , [2] cayendo a 1-15. El equipo evitó por poco quedarse sin victorias, con su única victoria llegando en un partido de tiempo extra cerrado con los Baltimore Ravens el 16 de diciembre. [nota 1] Fue la primera y única temporada de los Dolphins bajo el mando del entrenador en jefe Cam Cameron , después de que el ex entrenador en jefe Nick Saban renunciara inesperadamente para convertirse en el entrenador en jefe de la Universidad de Alabama . [3] Tanto Cameron como Mueller fueron despedidos después de la temporada.

A partir de 2024, el récord de 2007 sigue siendo el peor récord de victorias y derrotas en la historia de los Dolphins.

Uno de los pocos puntos brillantes fue el ala defensiva Jason Taylor , quien registró 47 tackles en solitario y nueve asistencias junto con 11 capturas y forzó y recuperó 3 balones sueltos.

Eventos notables fuera de temporada

Renuncia de Nick Saban

Durante la temporada 2006, persistieron los rumores de que el entonces entrenador en jefe de los Dolphins, Nick Saban, se marcharía a la Universidad de Alabama al final de la temporada. Saban negó estos rumores durante toda la temporada, hasta el punto en que el 21 de diciembre le dijo a los medios del sur de Florida "No voy a ser el entrenador de Alabama". [3] No se sabe si lo dijo en serio en ese momento, pero la postura de Saban se suavizó después de la temporada y el 3 de enero de 2007, Saban renunció a los Dolphins para convertirse en el nuevo entrenador en jefe de Alabama Crimson Tide . [3]

Partido histórico en Londres

El 2 de febrero de 2007, el comisionado de la NFL, Roger Goodell, anunció que los Dolphins y los New York Giants jugarían un partido en el estadio Wembley de Londres, Inglaterra . El partido, el segundo partido de la temporada regular de la NFL que se llevó a cabo fuera de los Estados Unidos y el primero fuera de América del Norte, contó como un partido en casa para los Dolphins. Se llevó a cabo el domingo 28 de octubre (semana 8) con inicio a la 1:00 p. m. EST (5:00 p. m. hora local ). [4] Los Dolphins perdieron el partido ante los Giants por un marcador de 13-10.

En las 72 horas siguientes al anuncio, se recibieron más de medio millón de solicitudes de entradas. [5] El 17 de mayo, se pusieron a disposición 40.000 entradas a personas seleccionadas al azar entre las solicitudes iniciales. Las entradas se vendieron en 90 minutos. [6]

Intercambio fallido de Dan Wilkinson

El 2 de marzo, los Denver Broncos adquirieron al tackle defensivo Dan Wilkinson de los Dolphins a cambio de una selección de sexta ronda en el draft de la NFL de 2007. [7] Una condición del intercambio fue que Wilkinson se presentara a los Broncos para un examen físico antes del viernes 16 de marzo. [ 8] No se presentó al examen físico, y aunque ninguno de los equipos pudo comunicarse con Wilkinson por teléfono, la fecha límite para que se presentara se extendió con la esperanza de cerrar eventualmente el trato. [9]

El 29 de marzo, el acuerdo entre los Broncos y los Dolphins finalmente fue anulado. [10] La selección de sexta ronda volvió a los Broncos, y los derechos de Wilkinson volvieron a estar en manos de los Dolphins. [10] Después de no asistir a los entrenamientos de temporada baja con los Dolphins en los meses siguientes, los Dolphins finalmente rescindieron el contrato de Wilkinson el 18 de junio. [11]

Problemas legales

Pelea entre Joey Porter y Levi Jones

Después de cinco temporadas como rivales de la AFC Norte , el ex apoyador de los Pittsburgh Steelers Joey Porter (que había firmado con los Dolphins a principios de la temporada baja) y el tackle ofensivo de los Cincinnati Bengals Levi Jones estuvieron involucrados en un altercado en un casino de Las Vegas el 18 de marzo.

Arresto y liberación de Fred Evans

En la madrugada del 23 de junio de 2007, el tackle defensivo de los Dolphins Fred Evans, de 23 años, fue arrestado en Miami Beach . [12] Según el informe policial, Evans estaba en una disputa con un taxista y se negó a abandonar el taxi a petición de los oficiales llamados a la escena. Evans supuestamente participó en una pelea física con los oficiales cuando intentaron esposarlo, y uno de los oficiales fue mordido en la muñeca izquierda. [12] Luego, los oficiales utilizaron pistolas Taser para someter a Evans. Fue acusado de agresión a un oficial de policía, alteración del orden público, resistencia al arresto y allanamiento. [12] Para complicar las cosas, podría estar el hecho de que Evans ya está en libertad condicional en el condado de Colorado, Texas, por posesión de marihuana . [13]

En un comunicado publicado por el equipo, el entrenador en jefe de los Dolphins, Cam Cameron, dijo: "Estamos al tanto de que Fred Evans fue arrestado esta mañana. No toleraremos este tipo de comportamiento. Les aseguro a todos que se tratará con seriedad". [14] Cameron cumplió su palabra unos días después, cuando el equipo despidió a Evans el 28 de junio. [15]

Arresto y liberación de Kelly Campbell

El contrato del receptor abierto Kelly Campbell, que volvió a firmar con los Dolphins en marzo después de pasar el campo de entrenamiento de 2006 con el equipo, fue rescindido el 6 de julio. [16] Sin embargo, no fue hasta el 24 de julio que se reveló que la liberación de Campbell se debió a un arresto por cargos de drogas en Atlanta , Georgia, el 3 de julio. [17] Campbell fue acusado de posesión grave de marihuana y éxtasis y un delito menor por proporcionar información falsa a los agentes de policía. [17] Fue el segundo arresto de Campbell en el condado de Fulton . [17] En 2005, Campbell fue arrestado y acusado de posesión de marihuana y robo al recibir propiedad robada que involucraba una pistola. [17] Llegó a un acuerdo de culpabilidad para evitar un juicio. [17]

Arresto de Chris Chambers

El sábado 14 de julio por la mañana, el receptor abierto del Pro Bowl Chris Chambers fue arrestado en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte, y acusado de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol y exceso de velocidad. [18] Fue arrestado alrededor de las 2:30 am y luego liberado bajo fianza de $1,750. [18] Según la capitana de policía de Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Lisa Goelz, Chambers enfrentó cargos de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, exceso de velocidad y conducción imprudente. [18] El 15 de agosto, se informó que un abogado de Chambers dijo que se declararía inocente de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol. [19] Chambers fue acusado a pesar de que su contenido de alcohol en sangre estaba por debajo del límite legal, aunque la ley de Carolina del Norte dice que aún puede ser condenado. [19]

El 25 de septiembre, se informó que Chambers aceptaría un acuerdo de culpabilidad en el que se declararía culpable de exceso de velocidad. [20] Según los términos del acuerdo de culpabilidad, los cargos de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol y conducción imprudente fueron desestimados. [20] No tuvo que comparecer ante el tribunal. [20]

Movimientos de personal fuera de temporada

Oficina principal

El 26 de junio, el gerente general Randy Mueller firmó una extensión de contrato que se espera que lo mantenga con el equipo al menos hasta 2010. [21] Mueller también recibirá un ajuste salarial, sin embargo, los detalles financieros no estaban disponibles. [21] Después de que Nick Saban se fue después de la temporada 2006, el papel de Mueller se modificó para darle el control del personal. [ 21 ]


Tras la marcha de Nick Saban, el propietario de los Dolphins, H. Wayne Huizenga, emprendió una búsqueda a nivel nacional de su próximo entrenador en jefe. [22] Se entrevistó a más de una docena de candidatos, [22] y el 19 de enero Cam Cameron aceptó convertirse en el séptimo entrenador en jefe en la historia de la franquicia. [22] Cameron había trabajado anteriormente como coordinador ofensivo de los San Diego Chargers de 2002 a 2006. [22] Recibió un contrato de cuatro años por un valor de 10 millones de dólares. [23]

Tras la llegada de Cameron, se realizaron múltiples cambios en el cuerpo técnico. El entrenador de corredores Bobby Williams , el entrenador de receptores abiertos Charlie Baggett , el entrenador de línea defensiva Dan Quinn y el entrenador de fuerza y ​​acondicionamiento Bert Hill fueron despedidos. [24] [25] El equipo extendió los contratos del coordinador de equipos especiales Keith Armstrong y el entrenador de apoyadores externos Travis Jones (más tarde reasignado como entrenador de alas defensivas ). [26] [27] Los Dolphins también firmaron un contrato de tres años por $8.1 millones con el coordinador defensivo Dom Capers para retener sus servicios. [28] Las incorporaciones externas al personal fueron:

Finalmente, el coordinador ofensivo anterior, Mike Mularkey , fue retenido, pero fue reasignado al rol de entrenador de alas cerradas . [29] Cameron declaró que él mismo llamaría las jugadas ofensivas en 2007. [35]



Renovaciones de contratos


Vientos alisios

Agentes libres

RFA : Agente libre restringido, UFA : Agente libre sin restricciones, ERFA : Agente libre con derechos exclusivos

NFL Europa

Los siguientes jugadores de los Dolphins [81] fueron asignados y participaron en la NFL Europa en la primavera:

Por sus actuaciones, Mitchel, Dues y Vickerson fueron seleccionados para el equipo All-NFL Europa 2007 después de la temporada. [82] Mientras tanto, Sam lideró a Rhein en recepciones con 32 recepciones, 529 yardas y tres touchdowns. [83]

Al concluir la temporada 2007 de la NFL Europa, los Dolphins recibieron como jugador del equipo de prácticas internacional al receptor abierto Marvin Allen , de 24 años. [76] Allen se unió al equipo para el campo de entrenamiento y no contará para la plantilla del equipo ni para el equipo de prácticas de ocho jugadores. [76] Tampoco pudo ser contratado por ningún equipo de la NFL durante la temporada 2007. [76]

Draft de la NFL de 2007

Los siguientes jugadores [84] fueron seleccionados por los Dolphins en el draft de la NFL de 2007 , que tuvo lugar el 28 y 29 de abril:

Fichajes seleccionados en el draft

Los Dolphins firmaron un puñado de sus selecciones del draft dentro del mes posterior al draft, firmando contratos de cuatro años con el corredor Lorenzo Booker, el pateador de despeje Brandon Fields, el fullback Reagan Mauia, el linebacker Kelvin Smith y el linebacker Abraham Wright entre el 23 y el 25 de mayo. Los Dolphins firmaron una selección del draft en junio: el tackle defensivo Paul Soliai, quien también recibió un contrato de cuatro años. El liniero ofensivo Samson Satele firmó por cuatro años el 18 de julio, mientras que el mariscal de campo John Beck y el centro Dew Mormino firmaron contratos de cuatro años el 23 de julio. En ese momento, la selección de primera ronda Ted Ginn Jr. era la única selección del draft sin firmar. Sin embargo, el mismo día en que se firmó a Beck, seleccionado en la segunda ronda, se informó que los Dolphins y Ginn estaban cerca de llegar a un acuerdo contractual.

Agentes libres no seleccionados

Entre el 4 y el 17 de mayo, los Dolphins firmaron a 16 agentes libres no seleccionados después del draft. [86] [87] Fueron:

A diferencia de los otros 15, Hatchett se quedó con el equipo menos de dos semanas. El 18 de mayo, Hatchett fue despedido tras los fichajes de Lofton y Malone, así como la renovación del contrato del agente libre restringido Yeremiah Bell. [88] El 23 de julio, los Dolphins ficharon al tackle defensivo Brian Soi de Utah State . [89] Soi se declaró para el Draft Suplementario de la NFL en julio, pero no fue seleccionado. [90] [91]



Campo de entrenamiento

En 2007, el campo de entrenamiento de los Miami Dolphins se llevó a cabo en el Dolphins Training Center en Davie, Florida . Los novatos se presentaron el 22 de julio y los veteranos el 27 de julio. [96] El campo de entrenamiento terminó para los veteranos y los jugadores casados ​​el 24 de agosto, cuando se les permitió salir del hotel del equipo y regresar a casa. [97] El campo de entrenamiento terminó para los jugadores restantes el sábado 26 de agosto. [97]

Apertura de la lista de participantes del campamento de entrenamiento

La siguiente es la plantilla de los Miami Dolphins en el momento en que se inauguró el campo de entrenamiento de 2007 el 27 de julio:


En vísperas del campamento de entrenamiento el 23 de julio, el esquinero André Goodman y el liniero ofensivo Joe Toledo fueron colocados en la lista de jugadores físicamente incapaces de jugar debido a lesiones persistentes. El tackle defensivo novato no seleccionado en el draft Brian Soi fue colocado inmediatamente en la lista de jugadores con lesiones no relacionadas con el fútbol americano tras ser fichado. Las siguientes transacciones se realizaron durante el campamento de entrenamiento, que comenzó el 27 de julio:

Tabla de profundidad del 6 de agosto

La siguiente es la primera tabla de profundidad publicada por los Dolphins durante el campamento de entrenamiento, con fecha del 6 de agosto . [99]



Equipos especiales

Competencia de mariscal de campo

Durante el campo de entrenamiento, Cameron se enfrentó a Trent Green y Cleo Lemon , quienes disputaron el puesto de mariscal de campo titular. Green fue titular en los dos primeros partidos de pretemporada del equipo y completó el 45 por ciento de sus pases para 101 yardas con una intercepción. Lemon fue el segundo mariscal de campo en jugar en cada encuentro y completó el 76 por ciento de sus pases para 108 yardas. Sin embargo, Cameron anunció que Green sería el mariscal de campo titular del equipo en 2007. El anuncio se produjo el 20 de agosto, cuando quedaban dos partidos de pretemporada por jugar. Lemon, que no había pasado de tercera línea en su carrera en la NFL, está programado para ser el suplente de Green en 2007.




Resúmenes de juegos

Semana 1: vs. Jacksonville Jaguars

En el estadio Dolphin , Miami Gardens, Florida

Semana 2: en Kansas City Chiefs

En el estadio Arrowhead , Kansas City, Misuri

Semana 3: vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

En el estadio Dolphin , Miami Gardens, Florida

Reducción a 75

Como las reglas de la NFL establecen que las listas de los equipos deben reducirse a 75 jugadores antes del 28 de agosto, los Dolphins liberaron a nueve jugadores el día anterior para alcanzar el límite. Los liberados fueron: el pateador Matt Prater , el pateador de despeje Ryan Flinn , el receptor abierto David Sutton , el ala cerrada Jason Rader , el esquinero Shirdonya Mitchell , los safeties Chris Harrell y Christopher Vedder, el corredor Ray Perkins y el esquinero TR Dues.

El equipo realizó dos movimientos adicionales en el roster el día de los recortes. El guardia ofensivo/tackle Joe Toledo fue movido a la lista de reserva/incapaz de jugar físicamente, lo que significa que sería elegible para regresar en la semana 7 de la temporada regular. El apoyador/ala defensiva agente libre Jorge Cordova fue agregado al roster. Cordova había sido liberado por los Jacksonville Jaguars , con los que había pasado las tres temporadas anteriores.

Reducción a 53 y movimientos posteriores

El 1 de septiembre, los Dolphins tuvieron que reducir su plantilla a 53 jugadores para la temporada regular. En total, fueron necesarios 22 cambios en la plantilla, por lo que los Dolphins renunciaron a 16 jugadores, renunciaron/lesionaron a cuatro y rescindieron los contratos de dos.

Los dos veteranos cuyos contratos fueron rescindidos fueron el fullback Cory Schlesinger y el receptor abierto Az-Zahir Hakim . Los cuatro jugadores que fueron despedidos o lesionados fueron el guardia Dan Stevenson , el receptor abierto PK Sam y los apoyadores Jim Maxwell y Robert McCune . Además, los 16 jugadores que fueron despedidos directamente fueron:

Sin embargo, la plantilla de los Dolphins no se finalizó inmediatamente después de los recortes. Tres jugadores fueron reclamados de waivers por los Dolphins de otros equipos, lo que requirió tres movimientos adicionales en la plantilla. El 2 de septiembre, el receptor abierto Kerry Reed y el centro Johnathan Ingram fueron despedidos, mientras que el centro/guardia novato Drew Mormino jugó en la reserva de lesionados de fin de temporada con una lesión en el hombro. Los Dolphins reclamaron a dos jugadores de waivers de los San Diego Chargers : el receptor abierto Greg Camarillo y el tackle ofensivo Cory Lekkerkerker . Mientras tanto, el liniero ofensivo Gene Mruczkowski fue reclamado de waivers de los New England Patriots .

Cinco días después, el ala defensiva Rob Ninkovich fue reclamado de la lista de waivers de los New Orleans Saints . Para hacerle lugar, el linebacker novato Kelvin Smith fue despedido.

Dos jugadores de los Dolphins cambiaron sus números de camiseta después de la pretemporada. El lanzador John Denney , que usó el número 97 los primeros dos años de su carrera, cambió al número 92. El apoyador novato no seleccionado en el draft Edmond Miles cambió del número 48 al 50 para cumplir con las reglas de la NFL.

Equipo de práctica

El 2 de septiembre, los Dolphins incorporaron cinco jugadores a su equipo de prácticas, todos ellos jugadores que habían sido cortados por el equipo el día anterior. Esos jugadores fueron el ala cerrada Aaron Halterman , el safety Tuff Harris , el guardia Marquay Love, el tackle ofensivo Julius Wilson y el receptor abierto Marvin Allen . Como jugador internacional del equipo de prácticas, Allen debe permanecer en el equipo de prácticas durante todo el año y no cuenta para el límite de ocho hombres.

Dos días después, los Dolphins ficharon a tres jugadores más (el guardia Tala Esera, el receptor Kerry Reed y el receptor Chandler Williams ) para su equipo de prácticas. Esera y Reed estuvieron con los Dolphins en la pretemporada y fueron liberados a principios de mes. Chandler, por su parte, fue seleccionado en la séptima ronda del draft de la NFL de 2007 por los Minnesota Vikings , procedente de la Universidad Internacional de Florida . El equipo lo despidió durante los cortes finales el 1 de septiembre.

Temporada regular


Plantilla del día de apertura

Listado final

Resúmenes de juegos

Semana 1: en Washington Redskins

en FedExField , Landover, Maryland

The Dolphins began their 2007 campaign on the road against the Washington Redskins. After a scoreless first quarter, the Redskins made the first move with kicker Shaun Suisham getting a 31-yard field goal three minutes into the second quarter. Miami took the lead before the end of the half with a one-yard touchdown pass from Trent Green to tight end Justin Peelle as time expired.

Washington took a 10–7 lead on a 19-yard Clinton Portis touchdown run with just under 12 minutes remaining in the third quarter. Dolphins kicker Jay Feely tied the game at 10 later in the quarter on a 20-yard field goal, and each team notched another field goal in the fourth quarter. With four seconds remaining and the ball on the Washington 43-yard line, Redskins quarterback Jason Campbell launched a last-second Hail Mary pass that was batted by Dolphins defensive end Jason Taylor in the end zone. Redskins wide receiver Antwaan Randle El caught the ball at the six but was tackled at the three-yard line before he could score the winning touchdown.

The Redskins won the coin toss to begin overtime and promptly mounted a 10-play, 62-yard drive that included just two passes. Suisham made his third field goal of the game, this time from 39 yards out, to win the game 16–13 and hand Miami their first loss of the season as they started out 0–1 and 0–1 against NFC Opponents.

Week 2: vs. Dallas Cowboys

at Dolphin Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida

Attempting to rebound from their overtime road loss to the Redskins in Week 1, the Dolphins hosted the Dallas Cowboys in Week 2. In the first quarter, Miami got the first points of the game when kicker Jay Feely converted a 37-yard field goal. The Cowboys responded with a 26-yard field goal by Nick Folk. In the second quarter, Dallas took the lead on a 1-yard Marion Barber III touchdown run. Feely made a 45-yard field goal attempt as the half ended with the Cowboys leading 10–6.

In the third quarter, Miami regained the lead with quarterback Trent Green completing an 18-yard TD pass to wide receiver Marty Booker. However, the Cowboys jumped back out in front with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 2-yard touchdown pass to tight end Tony Curtis, which was followed by Folk kicking a 28-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas extended the lead with Folk's 47-yard field goal and Romo's 34-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Terrell Owens. The Dolphins tried to come back as Green completed a 21-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Derek Hagan, but the Cowboys put the game away with Barber's 40-yard touchdown run as Miami fell to 0–2 and 0–2 against NFC opponents.

Week 3: at New York Jets

at The Meadowlands, East Rutherford, New Jersey

Trying to snap a two-game skid, the Dolphins flew to The Meadowlands for Week 3 in an AFC East duel against the New York Jets, who were also 0–2 heading into the game. In the first quarter, the Jets flew out first with QB Chad Pennington completing a 3-yard TD pass to WR Laveranues Coles for the only score of the period. In the second quarter, Miami took the lead with RB Ronnie Brown's 1-yard TD run. However, it was short lived as on the ensuing kickoff, RB Leon Washington returned the kick 98 yards for a touchdown. The Dolphins drew closer with kicker Jay Feely's 31-yard and 39-yard field goal. However, New York responded with Pennington completing a 4-yard TD pass to TE Chris Baker.

In the third quarter, the Jets increased their lead with kicker Mike Nugent's 21-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the fourth quarter, New York settled with Pennington getting a 2-yard TD run. Miami nearly had a comeback as Brown got a 2-yard TD run, a 2-point conversion run, and a 22-yard TD pass from QB Trent Green. However, the Jets managed to hold on to win the game.

With their third-straight loss, the Dolphins fell to 0–3.

Week 4: vs. Oakland Raiders

at Dolphin Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida

Still searching for their first win of the year, the Dolphins went home for a Week 4 duel with the Oakland Raiders, featuring former teammate Daunte Culpepper. The game was delayed for 30 minutes due to thunderstorms in the area.

In the first quarter, Miami trailed early as Culpepper completed a 7-yard TD pass to WR Jerry Porter. He even got a 2-yard TD run. In the second quarter, the Dolphins managed to get on the board with RB Ronnie Brown getting a 9-yard TD run for the only score of the period. In the third quarter, the 'Fins managed to get closer with kicker Jay Feely getting a 29-yard field goal, yet Oakland answered with Culpepper getting a 5-yard TD run. Miami ended the period with QB Trent Green completing a 3-yard TD pass to TE Justin Peelle. In the fourth quarter however, Culpepper delivered the final blows by hooking up with Porter again on a 27-yard TD pass and getting a 3-yard TD run.

With their fourth-straight loss, the Dolphins fell to 0–4.

Week 5: at Houston Texans

at Reliant Stadium, Houston, Texas

  • Game time: 1:00 pm EST/12:00 pm CST
  • Game weather: Game Played With Dome Closed
  • Game attendance: 70,156
  • Referee: Tony Corrente
  • TV announcers (CBS): Kevin Harlan (play-by-play) and Rich Gannon (color commentator)

Still searching for their first win of the year, the Dolphins flew to Reliant Stadium for a Week 5 showdown with the Houston Texans. In the first quarter, Miami's struggles continued with Texans RB Ron Dayne getting a 1-yard TD run. The Dolphins answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 23-yard field goal. However, with less than 4 minutes to go in the period, history came back to haunt QB Trent Green. During an offensive play, WR Ted Ginn Jr. was running with the ball and Green went low to block DT Travis Johnson. Trent got hit in the head with Johnson's knee, knocking him unconscious with a concussion (his second after suffering one with the Chiefs the previous year in week 1). Johnson would then get flagged for taunting the unconscious Trent Green. With Green out of the game, back-up Cleo Lemon came in and helped the Dolphins take the lead with RB Ronnie Brown getting a 3-yard TD run. In the second quarter, Miami increased its lead with Feely getting a 40-yard and a 33-yard field goal. Houston ended the half with kicker Kris Brown getting a 54-yard field goal.

In the third quarter, the Dolphins' lead was erased with Brown giving Houston a 43-yard and a 54-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Miami reclaimed the lead with Feely kicking a 48-yard field goal. However, the Texans would pull out the win with Brown getting not only a 20-yard field goal, but a gut-punching 57-yard field goal.

With their fifth-straight loss, not only did the Dolphins fall to 0–5, but they also suffered their first 8-straight losing streak since 1967.

Week 6: at Cleveland Browns

at Cleveland Browns Stadium, Cleveland, Ohio

Still looking for their first win of the year, the Dolphins flew to Cleveland Browns Stadium for a Week 6 intraconference duel with the Cleveland Browns. With QB Trent Green still suffering from a concussion from last week, back-up QB Cleo Lemon was given the start.

In the first quarter, Miami trailed early as Browns RB Jason Wright got a 1-yard TD run. The 'Fins would respond with kicker Jay Feely getting a 43-yard field goal. However, Cleveland increased its lead with QB Derek Anderson getting a 1-yard TD run. In the second quarter, Miami's struggles continued with Browns kicker Phil Dawson getting a 40-yard field goal, along with Anderson completing a 24-yard TD pass to WR Braylon Edwards. The Dolphins answered with Lemon completing a 14-yard TD pass to TE David Martin, yet Cleveland managed to get a 20-yard field goal from Dawson as time ran out.

In the third quarter, the 'Fins started to retaliate with Lemon getting a 5-yard and a 1-yard TD run. Unfortunately, in the fourth quarter, the Browns would pull away with Anderson and Edwards hooking up with each other on a 5-yard and a 16-yard TD pass. Miami's only response would be Lemon's 4-yard TD pass to Martin.

With the loss, not only did the Dolphins fall to 0–6 for the first time since 2004, but they also suffered their ninth consecutive loss, for the worst losing streak in franchise history.

Along with the St. Louis Rams, it marked the first time since 2000 (Bengals and Chargers) that two teams began a season at 0–6.

Week 7: vs New England Patriots

at Dolphin Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida

Still searching for their first win of the year, the Dolphins returned home for a Week 7 AFC East duel with the undefeated New England Patriots. In the first quarter, Miami's struggles continued as Patriots QB Tom Brady completed a 30-yard TD pass to WR Donté Stallworth and a 2-yard TD pass to TE Kyle Brady. In the second quarter, the Dolphins got their only score of the half with QB Cleo Lemon getting a 4-yard TD run. Afterwards, New England continued its pounding with CB Willie Andrews returning a kickoff 77 yards for a touchdown, along with Brady and WR Randy Moss hooking up with each other on a 35-yard and a 50-yard TD pass. The Patriots would end the half with Brady hooking up with WR Wes Welker on a 14-yard TD pass.

After a scoreless third quarter, Miami tried to make a comeback in the fourth quarter. It began with RB Patrick Cobbs getting a 1-yard TD run, along with DE Jason Taylor returning an interception 36 yards for a touchdown. However, New England made sure that they sealed their victory with Brady hooking up with Welker again on a 16-yard TD pass. Afterwards, the 'Fins ended the game with RB Jesse Chatman getting a 7-yard TD run.

With the loss, not only did the Dolphins fall to 0–7 for the first time in franchise history, but they also lost RB Ronnie Brown for the year, as he tore his ACL in the third quarter while trying to stop an interception return.

Week 8: vs. New York Giants

at Wembley Stadium, London, England

Still trying to get their first win, the Dolphins flew to Wembley Stadium for their special international interconference game against the New York Giants. For the game, Miami was listed as the home team. In the first quarter, the Dolphins trailed early as Giants kicker Lawrence Tynes nailed a 20-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the second quarter, Miami's struggles continued with N.Y. QB Eli Manning getting a 10-yard TD run, along with Tynes nailing a 41-yard field goal.

In the third quarter, the 'Fins started to make a comeback as former Giants kicker Jay Feely got a 29-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the fourth quarter, Miami drew close as QB Cleo Lemon completing a 21-yard TD pass to rookie WR Ted Ginn Jr. However, New York managed to hold on to their lead for the win.

With their eleventh consecutive loss, the Dolphins entered their bye week at 0–8.

Week 10: vs. Buffalo Bills

at Dolphin Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida

  • Game time: 1:00 pm EDT
  • Game weather: 80 °F or 26.7 °C (Partly Cloudy)
  • Game attendance: 70,615
  • Referee: Bill Carollo
  • TV announcers (CBS): Gus Johnson (play-by-play) and Steve Tasker (color commentator)
Pregame ceremony, week 10

Coming off their bye week and still looking for their first win, the Dolphins went home for an AFC East duel with the Buffalo Bills. In the first quarter, Miami struck first as kicker Jay Feely managed to get a 38-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the third quarter, the Bills got on the board with DE Chris Kelsay sacking QB Cleo Lemon in the endzone for a safety. Fortunately, the 'Fins responded with Lemon getting a 5-yard TD run. Unfortunately, in the fourth quarter, Miami's year-long struggles continued as Buffalo RB Marshawn Lynch got a 3-yard TD run, along with a 2-point conversion run. Later, the Bills sealed the win as kicker Rian Lindell nailed the game-winning 34-yard field goal.

With their ninth-straight loss, the Dolphins fell to 0–9, despite outgaining Buffalo in total offensive yards (269 to 214) and time of possession (36:59 to 23:01).

This marked the fifth occasion during the season that Miami lost by 3 points.

With the Rams' win over the Saints that same week the Dolphins became the NFL's only winless team.

Week 11: at Philadelphia Eagles

at Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia

Still searching for their first win, the Dolphins flew to Lincoln Financial Field for a Week 11 interconference duel with the Philadelphia Eagles. This game would mark the NFL debut of rookie QB John Beck.

After a scoreless first quarter, Miami got the first splash as rookie WR/KR/PR Ted Ginn Jr. returned a punt 87 yards for a touchdown (the first TD punt return for the Dolphins since 2000). The Eagles would end the half with kicker David Akers nailing a 34-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Miami's year-long struggles continued as Philadelphia took the lead with RB Correll Buckhalter getting an 8-yard TD run for the only score of the period. In the fourth quarter, the Eagles sealed the win with QB A. J. Feeley (a former Dolphin) completing a 4-yard TD pass to WR Jason Avant.

With the loss, the Dolphins fell to 0–10, eliminating them from playoff contention.[101] This would be the first time since the 2001 Detroit Lions[note 2] that a team began a season 0–10.

Week 12: at Pittsburgh Steelers

at Heinz Field, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Still trying to get their first win of the year, the Dolphins flew to Heinz Field for a Week 12 Monday Night intraconference duel with the Pittsburgh Steelers. For LB Joey Porter, it would be his first game in Pittsburgh against his former team. This would also mark the NFL return of RB Ricky Williams.

Playing in heavy rain with a delay due to lightning, the game (also known as the Heinz Field Fiasco) remained scoreless through over 59 minutes, becoming the longest scoreless tie since 1943. The game would end with Miami falling yet again as Steelers’ kicker Jeff Reed got the only points of the game on a fourth-quarter 24-yard field goal with 0:17 left.

With the loss, not only did the Dolphins fall to 0–11, but this would also mark the sixth time this season that the Dolphins lost by 3 points or less (a franchise worst).

In his first NFL game since New Year's Day of 2006, reinstated running back Ricky Williams had only six carries for 15 yards. He left the game in the second quarter with a torn pectoral muscle after fumbling and being stepped on by Lawrence Timmons. Williams would later be placed on the injured reserve list, ending his season.

This 3–0 score was the lowest scoring Monday Night game in 38 years of the series.

Week 13: vs. New York Jets

  • Game time: 1:00 pm EST
  • Game weather: 81 °F or 27.2 °C (sunny)
  • Game attendance: 71,109
  • Referee: Mike Carey
  • TV announcers (CBS): Gus Johnson (play-by-play) and Steve Tasker (color commentator)

Still trying to get their first win of the year, the Dolphins went home for a Week 13 AFC East rematch with the throwback-clad New York Jets. In the first quarter, Miami trailed early as Jets RB Leon Washington got an 18-yard TD run. The Dolphins ended the period with kicker Jay Feely getting a 53-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Miami drew closer as Feely kicked a 44-yard field goal, yet New York replied with kicker Mike Nugent getting a 29-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Dolphins took the lead as CB Michael Lehan returned a fumble 43 yards for a touchdown. However, the Jets regained the lead with QB Kellen Clemens completing a 19-yard TD pass to WR Brad Smith, along with Nugent kicking a 40-yarder and a 35-yard field goal.

In the third quarter, New York increased their lead with Nugent kicking a 35-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the fourth quarter, the Jets sealed the win with RB Thomas Jones getting a 1-yard TD run, Nugent nailing a 26-yard field goal, and Washington getting a 12-yard TD run.

With the loss, Miami fell to 0–12, and had lost 15 straight games dating back to game 14 of 2006. This also marked the first time since the 2001 Detroit Lions that a team began a season 0–12.

Week 14: at Buffalo Bills

at Ralph Wilson Stadium, Orchard Park, New York

  • Game time: 1:00 pm EST
  • Game weather: 30 °F or −1.1 °C (overcast)
  • Game attendance: 71,018
  • Referee: Scott Green
  • TV announcers (CBS): Ian Eagle (play-by-play) & Solomon Wilcots (color commentator)

Still trying to get their first win, the Dolphins flew to Ralph Wilson Stadium for a Week 14 AFC East rematch with the Buffalo Bills. In the first quarter, Miami's year-long struggles continued as Bills QB Trent Edwards completed a 13-yard and a 28-yard TD pass to TE Robert Royal, while rookie QB John Beck had the ball slip out of his hand and have it caught by Buffalo Safety George Wilson, who would return it 20 yards for a touchdown. The Dolphins would get on the board with RB Samkon Gado getting a 12-yard TD run, yet the Bills answered with kicker Rian Lindell getting a 51-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Buffalo continued its dominance as Edwards completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR Lee Evans for the only score of the period.

In the third quarter, the 'Fins tried to rally as Gado got a 20-yard TD run, while kicker Jay Feely got a 41-yard field goal. However, in the fourth quarter, the Bills sealed the win with Edwards and Evans hooking up with each other again on a 70-yard TD pass.

With yet another loss, the Dolphins fell to 0–13.

This would mark their 16th-straight loss, dating back to last season. Also, Miami became the 5th team in NFL history to begin a season at 0–13.

Despite getting the start, Beck only lasted for the first three series, due to a dismal performance (1/2 for 6 yards).

Week 15: vs. Baltimore Ravens

at Dolphin Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida

  • Game time: 1:00 pm EST
  • Game weather: 79 °F or 26.1 °C (mostly cloudy)
  • Game attendance: 70,287
  • Referee: John Parry
  • TV announcers (CBS): Kevin Harlan (play-by-play) & Rich Gannon (color commentator)

Still in the hunt for their first win of the year, the Dolphins went home for a Week 15 intraconference duel with the Baltimore Ravens. In the first quarter, Miami trailed early as Ravens kicker Matt Stover managed to get a 27-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the second quarter, the Dolphins continued to trail as Stover kicked a 39-yard field goal. Afterwards, the 'Fins got on the board as kicker Jay Feely managed to get a 23-yard field goal. Baltimore would end the half with QB Kyle Boller completing a 17-yard TD pass to WR Derrick Mason.

In the third quarter, Miami began to gain steam as RB Samkon Gado managed to get a 7-yard TD run for the only score of the period. In the fourth quarter, the Dolphins took the lead as Feely kicked a 29-yard and an 18-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Ravens tied the game with Stover nailing an 18-yard field goal. In overtime, the Dolphins nearly lost again as Stover missed a potential game winning 44 yard field goal. However, the demons were lifted as QB Cleo Lemon completed the game-winning 64-yard TD pass to WR Greg Camarillo. Soon after players and coaches rejoiced in the locker room after a long-awaited first win.

With the win, not only did Miami improve to 1–13, but it also snapped a 16-game losing streak dating back to last season's December 10 win over the New England Patriots, notching their first win of the 2007 season and avoiding their becoming the first team in NFL history to go 0–16. This was their only win in a 1–15 season and would keep them from being possibly labeled as the worst team in NFL history. They also avoided having to play with a 0–14 record against a New England Patriots team carrying the complementary 14–0 record, and widely expected to become the first team to match the perfect season feat originally posted by the 1972 Dolphins.

Cleo Lemon got his first career 300-yard game, as he completed 23 out of 39 passes for 315 yards and 1 touchdown.

Week 16: at New England Patriots

at Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, Massachusetts

  • Game time: 4:15 pm EST
  • Game weather: 43 °F or 6.1 °C (cloudy and mild with rain)
  • Game attendance: 68,756
  • Referee: Ron Winter
  • TV announcers (CBS): Jim Nantz (play-by-play) and Phil Simms (color commentator)

Coming off their home win over the Ravens, the Dolphins flew to Gillette Stadium for a Week 16 AFC East rematch with the undefeated New England Patriots. In the first quarter, Miami trailed early as Patriots QB Tom Brady completed an 11-yard TD pass to WR Randy Moss for the only score of the period. In the second quarter, New England pulled away with Brady & Moss hooked up with each other again on a 1-yard TD pass, RB Laurence Maroney getting a 59-yard TD run, and Brady completing a 48-yard TD pass to WR Jabar Gaffney. In the third quarter, the Dolphins would get on the board as QB Cleo Lemon completed a 21-yard TD pass to WR Greg Camarillo. However, the Patriots' defense took over for the rest of the game.

With the loss, Miami fell to 1–14.

Week 17: vs. Cincinnati Bengals

at Dolphin Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida

  • Game time: 1:00 pm EST
  • Game weather: 81 °F (27 °C)
  • Game attendance: 70,461
  • Referee: Walt Coleman
  • TV announcers (CBS): Gus Johnson (play-by-play) and Steve Tasker (color commentator)

Hoping to finish their horrendous season on a high note, the Dolphins went home for a Week 17 intraconference duel with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Miami struck first as kicker Jay Feeley managed to get a 49-yard field goal. The Bengals would take the lead as QB Carson Palmer completed a 2-yard TD pass to WR Chad Johnson. In the second quarter, the 'Fins regained the lead as QB Cleo Lemon completed a 5-yard TD to rookie WR Ted Ginn Jr., yet Cincinnati retook the lead with Palmer completing a 70-yard TD pass to Chad Johnson and a 4-yard TD pass to WR Antonio Chatman.

In the third quarter, the Bengals increased their lead with Safety Chinedum Ndukwe returning a fumble 54 yards for a touchdown. In the fourth quarter, the Dolphins tried to come back as rookie QB John Beck got a 2-yard TD run, but Cincinnati pulled away as RB Kenny Watson got a 2-yard TD run and kicker Shayne Graham nailing a 30-yard field goal. Miami ended the game with Beck completing a 22-yard TD pass to WR Derek Hagan.

With the loss, the Dolphins ended their season at 1–15 and became the eight team to end a season at 1–15.[note 3]




During the Dolphins' Week 1 loss to the Redskins, starting strong safety Yeremiah Bell suffered a torn Achilles' tendon. As a result, he was placed on season-ending Injured Reserve on September 11. The team also waived backup defensive end Akbar Gbaja-Biamila, who did not play in the season opener. With two open spots on the 53-man roster, the team signed contracts with veteran safeties and Donovin Darius and Lamont Thompson. They were waived by the Oakland Raiders and Tennessee Titans, respectively, at the end of the preseason. The same day, rookie linebacker Kelvin Smith, who was waived four days earlier, was re-signed to the team's practice squad.


On the first day of the month, linebacker Robert McCune was waived from injured reserve. Linebacker Jim Maxwell suffered the same fate eight days later.

The Dolphins' active roster remained unchanged for nearly a month after the season opener. The first transactions since came on October 10, when defensive tackle Sam Rayburn was signed and safety Lamont Thompson was released. Thompson appeared in one game for the Dolphins after being signed on September 11 and made one tackle. Rayburn went to training camp with the San Francisco 49ers in 2007 after spending the first four years of his career with the Philadelphia Eagles.

On October 16, Miami traded their No. 1 receiver, seven-year veteran Chris Chambers, to the San Diego Chargers in exchange for a second-round pick in the 2008 NFL draft. In 100 games with the Dolphins since being drafted in the second round of the 2001 NFL draft, Chambers caught 405 passes for 5,688 yards and 43 touchdowns. He earned his first Pro Bowl selection in 2005. In the team's first six games of the 2007 season, he caught 31 passes for 415 yards with no touchdowns. On the same day, the team also released safety Donovin Darius and placed defensive tackle Chase Page on injured reserve.

To fill the three roster spots vacated by Chambers, Darius and Page, the Dolphins signed three defensive linemen – tackles Anthony Bryant and Jesse Mahelona and end Derreck Robinson. Bryant was on the practice squad of the Baltimore Ravens prior to his signing. Mahelona and Robinson had been released by the Tennessee Titans and San Diego Chargers, respectively, in September.

After suffering a concussion in the team's Week 5 game against the Houston Texans, starting quarterback Trent Green was placed on injured reserve on October 20. Wide receiver Kerry Reed – an undrafted free agent from Michigan State – was promoted to the active roster from the practice squad.

Three days later, defensive tackle Jesse Mahelona was waived after being inactive for one game with the team. Starting running back Ronnie Brown and starting free safety Renaldo Hill were both placed on injured reserve with torn ACLs suffered in the team's Week 7 game against the New England Patriots. Brown was leading the NFL in offensive yards at the time of the injury.

On October 24, two of the three roster spots were filled from outside the organization as the Dolphins signed defensive end Quentin Moses and safety Lance Schulters. Moses was originally drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the third round of the 2007 NFL draft and was claimed off waivers by the Arizona Cardinals on September 2. He was inactive for six games before being waived. Schulters spent the latter part of the 2006 season with the Atlanta Falcons after starting for the Dolphins in 2005. Tight end Aaron Halterman was also promoted from the practice squad.

Additionally, running back Samkon Gado was claimed off waivers from the Houston Texans. The team was granted a one-game roster exemption, as Gado was unable to meet the Dolphins in time for their October 28 game in London. On October 30, defensive tackle Sam Rayburn was waived to make room for Gado on the active roster.

The Dolphins also filled two practice squad spots vacated by Reed and Halterman with quarterback Casey Bramlet and tight end Buck Ortega. A seventh-round pick by the Cincinnati Bengals in 2004, Bramlet spent 2007 training camp with the Atlanta Falcons. Ortega had been waived by the Cleveland Browns in late August.


On November 6, the Dolphins placed linebacker Abraham Wright – one of the team's seventh-round picks in 2007 – on injured reserve with a knee injury. He had inactive for all eight of the team's games in 2007. Practice squad tight end Buck Ortega was released the same day. The following day, defensive back Jereme Perry was signed to the active roster an undrafted free agent wide receiver Stefan Logan (South Dakota) was signed to the practice squad. Perry had spent the 2006 season and 2007 training camp with the Cleveland Browns.

On November 14, safety Travares Tillman was placed on injured reserve with a knee injury. Tuff Harris – an undrafted defensive back from Montana – was promoted from the practice squad to the active roster. Placekicker Matt Prater, who spent training camp with the Dolphins, was re-signed to the practice squad. Prater briefly held the kicking job for the Atlanta Falcons, but was waived on September 19 after going 1-for-4 on field goal in two games.

On November 19, running back Ricky Williams was reinstated by the NFL. Williams had been suspended since the 2006 offseason for his fourth violation of the league substance abuse policy. The team was granted a one-week roster exemption for Williams.

Williams' return to the Dolphins did not last long, however. After being activated by the Dolphins when running back Samkon Gado was waived on November 26, Williams suffered a torn pectoral muscle against the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was placed on injured reserve on November 28 and Gado was re-signed.

Despite returning to practice on November 6, offensive lineman Joe Toledo – on the physically unable-to-perform list since training camp – was unable to return to the active roster for the 2007 season. His practice period expired on November 27, forcing him to remain on the PUP list for the remainder of the season.


On December 4, starting middle linebacker Zach Thomas was placed on injured reserve with lingering effects of a concussion suffered earlier in the season. Safety Cameron Worrell became the third starting strong safety to be placed on injured reserve after suffering a torn ACL in the team's Week 13 game against the New York Jets. Wide receiver Kerry Reed was also waived by the team after spending six games on the active roster.

To fill two of the roster spots, linebacker Kelvin Smith and offensive tackle Julius Wilson were promoted to the active roster from the practice squad. Both rookies, Smith had originally been drafted in the seventh round out of Syracuse in 2007 while Wilson was signed as an undrafted free agent out of UAB. Filling the third spot was rookie linebacker Mark Washington, who was signed off the practice squad of the San Francisco 49ers.

Wide receiver Kerry Reed was re-signed to the practice squad after being waived by the team, and linebacker Marcello Church was signed to the practice squad as well. Church went undrafted out of Florida State in 2006 and had spent part of the 2007 offseason with the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Awards and honors

Dolphins players received two weekly honors during the 2007 season. Wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. won Diet Pepsi NFL Rookie of the Week honors for his performance against the Philadelphia Eagles in Week 11, during which he returned a punt 87 yard for a touchdown (the first of his career) and also caught four passes for 52 yards.[102]

In Week 15, quarterback Cleo Lemon won AFC Offensive Player of the Week honors for leading the Dolphins to their first victory of the season against the Baltimore Ravens.[103] In the game, Lemon went 23-for-39 for 315 yards and threw a game-winning 64-yard touchdown pass to Greg Camarillo in overtime.[103]

On December 18, it was announced that defensive end Jason Taylor was selected to the 2008 Pro Bowl – his fourth straight selection and sixth overall.[104] Taylor finished the 2007 season with 56 tackles (47 solo), 11 sacks, four passes defensed and an interception returned for a touchdown.[105]

See also


  1. ^ The Detroit Lions became the first team to go 0–16 the following season
  2. ^ The 2001 Lions actually began their season 0–12 before winning.
  3. ^ The previous seven had been the 1980 Saints, the 1989 Cowboys, the 1990 Patriots, the 1991 Colts, the 1996 Jets, the 2000 Chargers, and the 2001 Panthers. The 2009 Rams, the 2016 Browns, and the 2020 Jaguars would later finish 1–15, although they had been surpassed by the 2008 Lions and 2017 Browns who finished winless in 16 games.


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