Bienvenidos a Wikipedia . Todos son bienvenidos a contribuir de manera constructiva a la enciclopedia. Sin embargo, las páginas de discusión están pensadas para ser un registro de una discusión; eliminar o editar comentarios legítimos, como hizo en Talk:Bal Thackeray , se considera una mala práctica , incluso si tuvo buenas intenciones. Incluso hacer correcciones ortográficas y gramaticales en los comentarios de otros generalmente está mal visto, ya que tiende a irritar a los usuarios cuyos comentarios está corrigiendo. Eche un vistazo a la página de bienvenida para obtener más información sobre cómo contribuir a esta enciclopedia. Gracias. Begoon talk 14:02, 24 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC)
No añada ni cambie significativamente el contenido sin citar fuentes verificables y confiables , como hizo con esta edición en Chromium (navegador web) . Antes de realizar cualquier edición que pueda generar controversia , se recomienda que la discuta primero en la página de discusión del artículo. Revise las pautas en Wikipedia:Citar fuentes y aproveche esta oportunidad para agregar referencias al artículo. JamesBWatson ( discusión ) 14:27 24 nov 2012 (UTC)
Hola y bienvenido al WikiProject de iOS . Somos un grupo de editores de Wikipedia que ayudamos a mejorar los artículos relacionados con iOS en Wikipedia.
¿Buscas un lugar por donde empezar? Aquí tienes algunas sugerencias.
Si tiene algún comentario, sugerencia o le gustaría hablar sobre el proyecto en general, no dude en dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión .
Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste Indian name , agregaste enlaces que apuntaban a las páginas de desambiguación Modi , Rao y Mistry (verifica para confirmar | soluciona con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .
Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 11:42, 30 de abril de 2013 (UTC)
Hola Compfreak7, gracias por tu ayuda en la lucha contra el vandalismo. Sin embargo, antes de realizar más denuncias en WP:AIV, ¿podrías leer las instrucciones de esa página, en particular la parte que se encuentra bajo el título "Importante: recuerda lo siguiente"? Las denuncias que has realizado recientemente no son apropiadas. Gracias, -- Ed ( Edgar181 ) 16:54, 9 de mayo de 2013 (UTC)
Hola y bienvenido a Wikipedia. Aunque todo el mundo es bienvenido a contribuir a Wikipedia, introducir páginas inapropiadas, como Nokia Lumia 928 , no está de acuerdo con nuestras políticas . Si desea experimentar, utilice el sandbox . La página ha sido nominada para su eliminación, de acuerdo con los criterios de Wikipedia para la eliminación rápida .
Si cree que esta página no debería eliminarse por este motivo, puede impugnar la nominación visitando la página y haciendo clic en el botón que dice "Haga clic aquí para impugnar esta eliminación rápida". Esto le dará la oportunidad de explicar por qué cree que la página no debería eliminarse. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que una vez que una página esté etiquetada para eliminación rápida, puede eliminarse sin demora. No elimine usted mismo la etiqueta de eliminación rápida de la página, pero no dude en agregar información de acuerdo con las políticas y pautas de Wikipedia . PBASH607 (The One Day Apocalypse) ( discusión ) 16:02 11 may 2013 (UTC)
PBASH607 (The One Day Apocalypse) ( discusión ) 16:51 11 may 2013 (UTC)
Se está debatiendo si el artículo Nokia Lumia 928 es adecuado para su inclusión en Wikipedia según las políticas y directrices de Wikipedia o si debería eliminarse .
El artículo se analizará en Wikipedia:Artículos para eliminar/Nokia Lumia 928 hasta que se llegue a un consenso, y cualquiera puede contribuir al debate. La nominación explicará las políticas y directrices que son motivo de preocupación. El debate se centra en la evidencia de alta calidad y en nuestras políticas y directrices.
Los usuarios pueden editar el artículo durante la discusión, incluso para mejorarlo y abordar las inquietudes planteadas en la discusión. Sin embargo, no elimine el aviso de eliminación de artículo de la parte superior del artículo. PBASH607 (The One Day Apocalypse) ( discusión ) 17:02 11 may 2013 (UTC)
Actualmente estamos realizando un estudio sobre los efectos de agregar información adicional a las recomendaciones de SuggestBot. La participación en el estudio es voluntaria. Si no desea participar en el estudio o tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede encontrar información de contacto en la hoja de información de consentimiento.
Hemos agregado información sobre la oportunidad de hacer contribuciones valiosas y sustanciales a un artículo utilizando una escala Baja/Media/Alta que va desde BajaDemasiado alto La puntuación se calcula combinando el número de lectores y la calidad de un artículo.
SuggestBot predice que disfrutarás editando algunos de estos artículos. ¡Diviértete!
SuggestBot selecciona artículos de varias maneras en función de otros artículos que haya editado, como por ejemplo, por similitud de texto, por seguir enlaces wiki y por comparar sus patrones de edición con los de otros wikipedistas. Intenta recomendar solo artículos que otros wikipedistas han marcado como que necesitan trabajo. Agradecemos que se haya registrado para recibir sugerencias regularmente; sus contribuciones hacen que Wikipedia sea mejor. ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Si tiene comentarios sobre cómo mejorar SuggestBot, infórmenos en la página de discusión de SuggestBot . Saludos de Nettrom ( discusión ), el encargado de SuggestBot. -- SuggestBot ( discusión ) 04:45, 14 de mayo de 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Nokia Lumia 928 puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "[]" y 1 "{}", probablemente confundiendo uno con otro. Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 14:25 15 may 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Google Hangouts puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 3 "[]" y 2 "{}". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 09:59 16 may 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Tumblr puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "[]" y 1 "{}", probablemente confundiendo uno con otro. Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 07:14 21 may 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Flickr puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 2 "[]" y 2 "{}", probablemente confundiendo uno con otro. Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 07:21 21 may 2013 (UTC)
Estoy muy entusiasmado con la página de Google Hangouts que acabo de crear. Quiero que la gente se una y ayude a mejorar el artículo hasta que el tema sea novedoso. He añadido varios enlaces de citas para que me los recomiendes. Además, si el artículo es digno de mención, el texto de Google Hangouts que acabo de copiar de la página de Google+ se puede eliminar colocando el enlace de este artículo y una descripción más breve. En mi opinión, esa página está totalmente desordenada.
Compfreak7 (discusión) 07:36 16 may 2013 (UTC)
Por favor, vuelva a comprobar la plantilla. Hotmail ya figura en la lista de "descontinuado". - Damaster98 ( discusión ) 12:00, 16 de mayo de 2013 (UTC)
Hola. Gracias por tus recientes modificaciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, hemos notado que cuando editaste la Lista de términos de programación orientada a objetos , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Enlace dinámico (verificar para confirmar | solucionar con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quiso decir…?". Lee las Preguntas frecuentes • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .
Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 10:56, 23 de mayo de 2013 (UTC)
Parece que hemos vuelto a los 5 párrafos sobre la "controversia" del rediseño de Flickr, con el único colaborador una vez más citando sólo artículos negativos. Está claro que tiene un punto de vista y ahora ha ignorado directamente tus puntos varias veces. No tengo intención de seguir participando en una guerra de reversiones, pero estaría feliz de hacer mi mejor esfuerzo para escribir un artículo equilibrado. Voy a añadir *sólo una* referencia al New York Times, una publicación convencional real, que fue en gran medida positiva. Lo cual, honestamente, ha sido la respuesta de más del 80% de la prensa convencional. Publico lo mismo en la página de McGeddon. Jakerome ( discusión ) 06:27, 10 de junio de 2013 (UTC)
Hola, como editor reciente, me gustaría saber si podrías participar en la página de discusión de Flickr para ayudar a resolver una disputa prolongada. Jakerome ( discusión ) 16:00, 12 de junio de 2013 (UTC)
Actualmente estamos realizando un estudio sobre los efectos de agregar información adicional a las sugerencias de SuggestBot. La participación en el estudio es voluntaria. Si no desea participar en el estudio o tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede encontrar información de contacto en la página del estudio de SuggestBot.
CAMBIOS IMPORTANTES: Hemos modificado la selección de artículos que SuggestBot sugiere y alterado el diseño para incorporar más información sobre los artículos, como se describe en esta explicación.
Nota: Todas las columnas de esta tabla se pueden ordenar, lo que le permite reorganizar la tabla para que los artículos que le resulten más interesantes se muestren en la parte superior. Todas las imágenes tienen ventanas emergentes con más información al pasar el mouse sobre ellas.
Hemos modificado el número de artículos sugeridos y las categorías de las que se seleccionan. Se ha reducido considerablemente el número de esbozos, se ha duplicado el número de artículos que necesitan fuentes y se han añadido dos categorías nuevas (huérfanos y artículos no enciclopédicos). También hemos modificado el diseño de las sugerencias y hemos añadido columnas ordenables con distintos tipos de información sobre cada artículo. Las dos primeras columnas son:
El método que utilizamos para predecir la calidad de los artículos también nos permite evaluar si un artículo podría necesitar tipos específicos de trabajo para mejorar su calidad. El trabajo necesario podría no corresponderse con las etiquetas de limpieza agregadas al artículo, ya que nuestro método no se basa en ellas. Hemos agregado cinco columnas que reflejan esta evaluación del trabajo, donde una X roja indica que se necesita una mejora. Al colocar el cursor sobre una X, debería aparecer una ventana emergente con una breve descripción del trabajo necesario. Las cinco columnas buscan responder las siguientes cinco preguntas:
SuggestBot selecciona artículos de varias maneras en función de otros artículos que haya editado, como por ejemplo, por similitud de texto, por seguir enlaces wiki y por comparar sus patrones de edición con los de otros wikipedistas. Intenta recomendar solo artículos que otros wikipedistas han marcado como que necesitan trabajo. Agradecemos que se haya registrado para recibir sugerencias regularmente; sus contribuciones hacen que Wikipedia sea mejor. ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Si tiene comentarios sobre cómo mejorar SuggestBot, infórmenos en la página de discusión de SuggestBot . Saludos de Nettrom ( discusión ), el encargado de SuggestBot. -- SuggestBot ( discusión ) 01:15, 11 de junio de 2013 (UTC)
Se ha propuesto eliminar el artículo Bruce Claflin porque parece no tener referencias. Según la política de Wikipedia , esta biografía recién creada de una persona viva se eliminará a menos que tenga al menos una referencia a una fuente confiable que respalde directamente el material del artículo.
Si usted creó el artículo, no se ofenda. En lugar de eso, considere mejorar el artículo. Para obtener ayuda sobre cómo insertar referencias, consulte Referencias para principiantes o pregunte en el servicio de asistencia . Una vez que haya proporcionado al menos una fuente confiable , puede eliminar la etiqueta {{ prod blp }} . No elimine la etiqueta a menos que se indique la fuente del artículo. Si no puede proporcionar dicha fuente dentro de los diez días, el artículo puede eliminarse, pero puede solicitar que se recupere cuando esté listo para agregar una. Way 2 veers 06:50, 14 de junio de 2013 (UTC)
Se ha propuesto eliminar el artículo Andy Bryant porque parece no tener referencias. Según la política de Wikipedia , esta biografía recién creada de una persona viva se eliminará a menos que tenga al menos una referencia a una fuente confiable que respalde directamente el material del artículo.
Si usted creó el artículo, no se ofenda. En lugar de eso, considere mejorar el artículo. Para obtener ayuda sobre cómo insertar referencias, consulte Referencias para principiantes o pregunte en el servicio de asistencia . Una vez que haya proporcionado al menos una fuente confiable , puede eliminar la etiqueta {{ prod blp }} . No elimine la etiqueta a menos que se indique la fuente del artículo. Si no puede proporcionar dicha fuente dentro de los diez días, el artículo puede eliminarse, pero puede solicitar que se recupere cuando esté listo para agregar una. Way 2 veers 06:51, 14 de junio de 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en OpenAL puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 09:49 16 jun 2013 (UTC)
Hola Compfreak7
Te envío esto porque has realizado bastantes modificaciones en el espacio de nombres de la plantilla en los últimos meses. Si me he equivocado, o si no me he equivocado pero no te interesa mi solicitud, no te preocupes; este es el único aviso que te envío sobre el tema :).
Entonces, como ya saben (o deberían saber, ya que enviamos un aviso central y varios avisos de lista de seguimiento), estamos planeando implementar el Editor visual el lunes 1 de julio como editor predeterminado. Para aquellos de nosotros que preferimos la edición de marcado, no teman; aún podremos usar el editor de marcado, que no se irá a ningún lado.
Sin embargo, lo importante aquí es que el Editor visual cuenta con un inspector de plantillas interactivo; al hacer clic en un icono de una plantilla, se muestran los parámetros, el contenido de esos campos y los nombres de los parámetros legibles por humanos, junto con descripciones de lo que hace cada parámetro. Personalmente, creo que esto es bastante impresionante y, a partir del lunes, se utilizará mucho, ya que, como se dijo, el Editor visual se convertirá en el predeterminado.
Lo que genera los nombres y descripciones legibles para humanos es una pequeña estructura de datos JSON , cargada a través de una extensión llamada TemplateData. Me pongo en contacto contigo con la esperanza de que estés dispuesto y puedas dedicar algo de tiempo a agregar TemplateData a las plantillas de alto perfil. Es bastante fácil de entender (diablos, si yo puedo escribirlo, cualquiera puede) y puedes encontrar una guía aquí , junto con una lista de plantillas destacadas , aunque sospecho que todos podemos aventurar una conjetura sobre las plantillas de alto perfil que se beneficiarían de esto. Con suerte, estás dispuesto a intentarlo; cuantas más secciones de TemplateData se agreguen, mejor será la interfaz. Si tienes algún problema, deja una nota en la página de comentarios .
Gracias, Okeyes (WMF) ( discusión ) 22:11 28 jun 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en la Conferencia Mundial de Desarrolladores de Apple puede haber dañado la sintaxis modificando 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 18:44 8 jul 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición de Sheridan, Arkansas puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 17:28 10 jul 2013 (UTC)
Actualmente estamos realizando un estudio sobre los efectos de agregar información adicional a las sugerencias de SuggestBot. La participación en el estudio es voluntaria. Si no desea participar en el estudio o tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede encontrar información de contacto en la página del estudio de SuggestBot.
CAMBIOS IMPORTANTES: Hemos modificado la selección de artículos que SuggestBot sugiere y alterado el diseño para incorporar más información sobre los artículos, como se describe en esta explicación.
Nota: Todas las columnas de esta tabla se pueden ordenar, lo que le permite reorganizar la tabla para que los artículos que le resulten más interesantes se muestren en la parte superior. Todas las imágenes tienen ventanas emergentes con más información al pasar el mouse sobre ellas.
Hemos modificado el número de artículos sugeridos y las categorías de las que se seleccionan. Se ha reducido considerablemente el número de esbozos, se ha duplicado el número de artículos que necesitan fuentes y se han añadido dos categorías nuevas (huérfanos y artículos no enciclopédicos). También hemos modificado el diseño de las sugerencias y hemos añadido columnas ordenables con distintos tipos de información sobre cada artículo. Las dos primeras columnas son:
El método que utilizamos para predecir la calidad de los artículos también nos permite evaluar si un artículo podría necesitar tipos específicos de trabajo para mejorar su calidad. El trabajo necesario podría no corresponderse con las etiquetas de limpieza agregadas al artículo, ya que nuestro método no se basa en ellas. Hemos agregado cinco columnas que reflejan esta evaluación del trabajo, donde una X roja indica que se necesita una mejora. Al colocar el cursor sobre una X, debería aparecer una ventana emergente con una breve descripción del trabajo necesario. Las cinco columnas buscan responder las siguientes cinco preguntas:
SuggestBot selecciona artículos de varias maneras en función de otros artículos que haya editado, como por ejemplo, por similitud de texto, por seguir enlaces wiki y por comparar sus patrones de edición con los de otros wikipedistas. Intenta recomendar solo artículos que otros wikipedistas han marcado como que necesitan trabajo. Agradecemos que se haya registrado para recibir sugerencias regularmente; sus contribuciones hacen que Wikipedia sea mejor. ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Si tiene comentarios sobre cómo mejorar SuggestBot, infórmenos en la página de discusión de SuggestBot . Saludos de Nettrom ( discusión ), el encargado de SuggestBot. -- SuggestBot ( discusión ) 00:16 9 jul 2013 (UTC)
Hola, ¿Podrías tener en cuenta que cuando agregas referencias con Reflinks, debes corregir la salida predeterminada para que se ajuste al formato de fecha que se usa en el artículo en cuestión? El formato predeterminado con Reflinks es del tipo 2013-7-12, pero en muchos artículos este no es el formato preferido. Los formatos de fecha deben ser consistentes dentro de las referencias de cualquier artículo, según MOS:DATEUNIFY . Por ejemplo, en Reino Unido , al que acabas de agregar una referencia, el estilo utilizado para las referencias es DMY (por ejemplo, 12 de julio de 2013). Gracias, -- Alarics ( discusión ) 19:20, 12 de julio de 2013 (UTC)
Revertí el cambio que hiciste a la plantilla de imagen anotada aquí. El resumen de tu edición indicaba que Wikipedia:REFLINKS lo había alterado , pero no encontré ninguna mención de esta función en esa página. Frietjes ( discusión ) 17:45 19 jul 2013 (UTC)
No creo que las descripciones de los enlaces que has añadido aquí sean más útiles que los enlaces simples. Saludos, — Ruud 09:04, 31 de julio de 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición de Matthew Flinders puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 2 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 16:51 2 ago 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición de Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 18:04 16 ago 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en San Jose State University puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 12:56 23 ago 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Epic Games puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 18:04 23 ago 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en PlayStation Mobile puede haber dañado la sintaxis modificando 1 "[]". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 18:27 23 ago 2013 (UTC)
Hola, soy BracketBot . He detectado automáticamente que tu edición en Suvarnabhumi Airport puede haber dañado la sintaxis al modificar 4 "<>". Si es así, no te preocupes, simplemente edita la página nuevamente para corregirlo. Si no entendí bien lo que sucedió, o si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes dejar un mensaje en la página de discusión de mi operador.
Gracias, BracketBot ( discusión ) 14:27 25 ago 2013 (UTC)
Hola, ¿por qué insertaste todos esos "|-" innecesarios en la parte superior de cada tabla en Snapdragon (sistema en chip) ? -- DrSeehas ( discusión ) 16:55 2 ago 2013 (UTC)
Actualmente estamos realizando un estudio sobre los efectos de agregar información adicional a las sugerencias de SuggestBot. La participación en el estudio es voluntaria. Si no desea participar en el estudio o tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede encontrar información de contacto en la página del estudio de SuggestBot.
CAMBIOS IMPORTANTES: Hemos modificado la selección de artículos que SuggestBot sugiere y alterado el diseño para incorporar más información sobre los artículos, como se describe en esta explicación.
Nota: Todas las columnas de esta tabla se pueden ordenar, lo que le permite reorganizar la tabla para que los artículos que le resulten más interesantes se muestren en la parte superior. Todas las imágenes tienen ventanas emergentes con más información al pasar el mouse sobre ellas.
Hemos modificado el número de artículos sugeridos y las categorías de las que se seleccionan. Se ha reducido considerablemente el número de esbozos, se ha duplicado el número de artículos que necesitan fuentes y se han añadido dos categorías nuevas (huérfanos y artículos no enciclopédicos). También hemos modificado el diseño de las sugerencias y hemos añadido columnas ordenables con distintos tipos de información sobre cada artículo. Las dos primeras columnas son:
El método que utilizamos para predecir la calidad de los artículos también nos permite evaluar si un artículo podría necesitar tipos específicos de trabajo para mejorar su calidad. El trabajo necesario podría no corresponderse con las etiquetas de limpieza agregadas al artículo, ya que nuestro método no se basa en ellas. Hemos agregado cinco columnas que reflejan esta evaluación del trabajo, donde una X roja indica que se necesita una mejora. Al colocar el cursor sobre una X, debería aparecer una ventana emergente con una breve descripción del trabajo necesario. Las cinco columnas buscan responder las siguientes cinco preguntas:
SuggestBot selecciona artículos de varias maneras en función de otros artículos que haya editado, como por ejemplo, por similitud de texto, por seguir enlaces wiki y por comparar sus patrones de edición con los de otros wikipedistas. Intenta recomendar solo artículos que otros wikipedistas han marcado como que necesitan trabajo. Agradecemos que se haya registrado para recibir sugerencias regularmente; sus contribuciones hacen que Wikipedia sea mejor. ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Si tiene comentarios sobre cómo mejorar SuggestBot, infórmenos en la página de discusión de SuggestBot . Saludos de Nettrom ( discusión ), el encargado de SuggestBot. -- SuggestBot ( discusión ) 23:28, 5 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
Actualmente estamos realizando un estudio sobre los efectos de agregar información adicional a las sugerencias de SuggestBot. La participación en el estudio es voluntaria. Si no desea participar en el estudio o tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede encontrar información de contacto en la página del estudio de SuggestBot.
CAMBIOS IMPORTANTES: Hemos modificado la selección de artículos que SuggestBot sugiere y alterado el diseño para incorporar más información sobre los artículos, como se describe en esta explicación.
Nota: Todas las columnas de esta tabla se pueden ordenar, lo que le permite reorganizar la tabla para que los artículos que le resulten más interesantes se muestren en la parte superior. Todas las imágenes tienen ventanas emergentes con más información al pasar el mouse sobre ellas.
Hemos modificado el número de artículos sugeridos y las categorías de las que se seleccionan. Se ha reducido considerablemente el número de esbozos, se ha duplicado el número de artículos que necesitan fuentes y se han añadido dos categorías nuevas (huérfanos y artículos no enciclopédicos). También hemos modificado el diseño de las sugerencias y hemos añadido columnas ordenables con distintos tipos de información sobre cada artículo. Las dos primeras columnas son:
El método que utilizamos para predecir la calidad de los artículos también nos permite evaluar si un artículo podría necesitar tipos específicos de trabajo para mejorar su calidad. El trabajo necesario podría no corresponderse con las etiquetas de limpieza agregadas al artículo, ya que nuestro método no se basa en ellas. Hemos agregado cinco columnas que reflejan esta evaluación del trabajo, donde una X roja indica que se necesita una mejora. Al colocar el cursor sobre una X, debería aparecer una ventana emergente con una breve descripción del trabajo necesario. Las cinco columnas buscan responder las siguientes cinco preguntas:
SuggestBot selecciona artículos de varias maneras en función de otros artículos que haya editado, como por ejemplo, por similitud de texto, por seguir enlaces wiki y por comparar sus patrones de edición con los de otros wikipedistas. Intenta recomendar solo artículos que otros wikipedistas han marcado como que necesitan trabajo. Agradecemos que se haya registrado para recibir sugerencias regularmente; sus contribuciones hacen que Wikipedia sea mejor. ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Si tiene comentarios sobre cómo mejorar SuggestBot, infórmenos en la página de discusión de SuggestBot . Saludos de Nettrom ( discusión ), el encargado de SuggestBot. -- SuggestBot ( discusión ) 00:03, 3 de septiembre de 2013 (UTC)
Actualmente estamos realizando un estudio sobre los efectos de agregar información adicional a las sugerencias de SuggestBot. La participación en el estudio es voluntaria. Si no desea participar en el estudio o tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede encontrar información de contacto en la página del estudio de SuggestBot.
CAMBIOS IMPORTANTES: Hemos modificado la selección de artículos que SuggestBot sugiere y alterado el diseño para incorporar más información sobre los artículos, como se describe en esta explicación.
Nota: Todas las columnas de esta tabla se pueden ordenar, lo que le permite reorganizar la tabla para que los artículos que le resulten más interesantes se muestren en la parte superior. Todas las imágenes tienen ventanas emergentes con más información al pasar el mouse sobre ellas.
We have changed the number of suggested articles and which categories they are selected from. The number of stubs has been greatly reduced, the number of articles needing sources doubled, and two new categories added (orphans and unencyclopaedic articles). We have also modified the layout of the suggestions and added sortable columns with various types of information about each article. The first two columns are:
The method we use to predict article quality also allows us to assess whether an article might need specific types of work in order to improve its quality. The work needed might not correspond to cleanup tags added to the article, since our method is not based on those. We have added five columns reflecting this work assessment, where a red X indicates improvement is needed. Placing your cursor over an X should give you a pop-up with a short description of the work needed. The five columns seek to answer the following five questions:
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 00:06, 2 October 2013 (UTC)
We are currently running a study on the effects of adding additional information to SuggestBot's suggestions. Participation in the study is voluntary. Should you wish to not participate in the study, or have questions or concerns, you can find contact information on the SuggestBot study page.
IMPORTANT CHANGES: We have modified the selection of articles SuggestBot suggests and altered the design to incorporate more information about the articles, as described in this explanation.
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information.
We have changed the number of suggested articles and which categories they are selected from. The number of stubs has been greatly reduced, the number of articles needing sources doubled, and two new categories added (orphans and unencyclopaedic articles). We have also modified the layout of the suggestions and added sortable columns with various types of information about each article. The first two columns are:
The method we use to predict article quality also allows us to assess whether an article might need specific types of work in order to improve its quality. The work needed might not correspond to cleanup tags added to the article, since our method is not based on those. We have added five columns reflecting this work assessment, where a red X indicates improvement is needed. Placing your cursor over an X should give you a pop-up with a short description of the work needed. The five columns seek to answer the following five questions:
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 23:56, 29 October 2013 (UTC)
We are currently running a study on the effects of adding additional information to SuggestBot's suggestions. Participation in the study is voluntary. Should you wish to not participate in the study, or have questions or concerns, you can find contact information on the SuggestBot study page.
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 00:45, 27 November 2013 (UTC)
We are currently running a study on the effects of adding additional information to SuggestBot's suggestions. Participation in the study is voluntary. Should you wish to not participate in the study, or have questions or concerns, you can find contact information on the SuggestBot study page.
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 00:54, 25 December 2013 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 00:40, 22 January 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 00:28, 19 February 2014 (UTC)
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Sony Xperia M2, you added links pointing to the disambiguation pages NFC and Android (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 08:58, 25 February 2014 (UTC)
An article that you have been involved in editing, Sony Xperia Tablet Z2 , has been proposed for a merge with another article. If you are interested in the merge discussion, please participate by going here, and adding your comments on the discussion page. Thank you. Deoma12(Talk) 11:42, 28 February 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 16:20, 21 March 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 15:48, 18 April 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 14:44, 16 May 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 12:35, 13 June 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 13:47, 11 July 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 15:04, 8 August 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation, and please do get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly, your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 15:47, 5 September 2014 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 12:46, 22 January 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 12:45, 19 February 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 11:55, 19 March 2015 (UTC)
A tag has been placed on Template:User Twitter requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section T3 of the criteria for speedy deletion because it is an unused duplicate of another template, or a hard-coded instance of another template. After seven days, if it is still unused and the speedy deletion tag has not been removed, the template will be deleted.
If the template is not actually the same as the other template noted, please feel free to remove the speedy deletion tag and please consider putting a note on the template's page explaining how this one is different so as to avoid any future mistakes (<noinclude>{{substituted}}</noinclude>).
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may contest the nomination by visiting the page's talk page, where you can explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be removed without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, then please contact the deleting administrator, or if you have already done so, you can place a request here. Sreejith K (talk) 00:10, 20 April 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 03:42, 21 April 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 01:16, 19 May 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 01:59, 16 June 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 23:42, 13 July 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 00:42, 11 August 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 01:03, 8 September 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 00:12, 6 October 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 14:11, 3 November 2015 (UTC)
You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:50, 24 November 2015 (UTC)
Note: All columns in this table are sortable, allowing you to rearrange the table so the articles most interesting to you are shown at the top. All images have mouse-over popups with more information. For more information about the columns and categories, please consult the documentation and please get in touch on SuggestBot's talk page with any questions you might have.
SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 13:26, 1 December 2015 (UTC)
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If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 13:25, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
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If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 02:10, 4 February 2016 (UTC)
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SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
If you have feedback on how to make SuggestBot better, please let us know on SuggestBot's talk page. Regards from Nettrom (talk), SuggestBot's caretaker. -- SuggestBot (talk) 01:30, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
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We'd like to invite you to participate in a user study closely related to SuggestBot. User:Another Article is seeking to understand more about the workflow and time commitment of contributors to the English Wikipedia. As part of this study you will occasionally be prompted to answer questions about your editing activity, and these questions should never take more than a minute or two to complete. The intended length of the study is two weeks, but your actual time commitment is totally up to you. If you would like to see more details you can read the project proposal at Research:Measuring editor time commitment and workflow (on meta), but if you are feeling bold and would like just like to sign up right now you can add the line importScript("User:Another_Article/workflowstudyclient.js");
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SuggestBot picks articles in a number of ways based on other articles you've edited, including straight text similarity, following wikilinks, and matching your editing patterns against those of other Wikipedians. It tries to recommend only articles that other Wikipedians have marked as needing work. We appreciate that you have signed up to receive suggestions regularly; your contributions make Wikipedia better — thanks for helping!
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Hello, Compfreak7. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC)
Hello there, I am trying to revive the Apple WikiProject. Please come back and add your name to the participant list if you'd like to help me. Let's make this awesome. Come by today! Thank you, DJAustin (talk) 14:54, 17 June 2017 (UTC)
You are invited to join the discussion at Talk:Nival_(company)#Nival got hacked last year. Encyclopedic to include?. Pavel Novikov (talk) 07:10, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
Hi! I am currently revamping the project. Created lots of pages and added a lot of content, but there is so much to do. I saw that in the past you have contributed, so I wanted to invite you to collaborate once more. Thanks! Eccekevin (talk) 13:27, 29 July 2017 (UTC)
If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.
You may want to consider using the Article Wizard to help you create articles.
Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia. This is a notice to inform you that a tag has been placed on Least valued currency unit requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A1 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because it is a very short article providing little or no context to the reader. Please see Wikipedia:Stub for our minimum information standards for short articles. Also please note that articles must be on notable subjects and should provide references to reliable sources that verify their content.
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may contest the nomination by visiting the page and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be removed without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, then please contact the deleting administrator, or if you have already done so, you can place a request here. —Oluwa2Chainz »» (talk to me) 07:15, 2 August 2017 (UTC)
Hello, Compfreak7. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC)
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article List of Microsoft domains is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of Microsoft domains until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. Lordtobi (✉) 11:26, 22 May 2018 (UTC)
Hello. It appears your talk page is becoming quite lengthy and is in need of archiving. According to Wikipedia's user talk page guidelines; "Large talk pages become difficult to read, strain the limits of older browsers, and load slowly over slow internet connections. As a rule of thumb, archive closed discussions when a talk page exceeds 75 KB or has multiple resolved or stale discussions." - this talk page is 1075.7 KB. See Help:Archiving a talk page for instructions on how to manually archive your talk page, or to arrange for automatic archiving using a bot. If you have any questions, place a {{help me}} notice on your talk page, or go to the help desk. Thank you. --Jax 0677 (talk) 21:53, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
Hello, Compfreak7. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
Hello Compfreak7,
You've been identified either as a previous member of the project, an active editor on Apple related pages, a bearer of Apple related userboxes, or just a hoopy frood.
WikiProject Apple Inc. has unexpectedly quit, because an error type "unknown" occured. Editors must restart it! If you are interested, read the project page and sign up as a member. There's something for everyone to do, such as welcoming, sourcing, writing, copy editing, gnoming, proofreading, or feedback — but no pressure. Do what you do, but let's coordinate and stay in touch.
See the full welcome message on the talk page, or join the new IRC channel on named #wikipedia-en-appleinc connect. Please join, speak, and idle, and someone will read and reply.
Please spread the word, and join or unsubscribe at the subscription page.
{{unblock|reason=Your reason here ~~~~}}
. Bbb23 (talk) 16:29, 24 July 2019 (UTC)Compfreak7 (block log • active blocks • global blocks • contribs • deleted contribs • filter log • creation log • change block settings • unblock • checkuser (log))
Request reason:
Blocked by a user/bot for posting same message in new section on several user's talk pages, I just wanted some help from them. Compfreak7 (talk) 09:43, 25 July 2019 (UTC)
Decline reason:
I'm sorry, but I cannot unblock you at this time as this is a sockpuppetry and/or checkuser block. Check users have access to technical and personally identifying information they may not disclose openly on Wikipedia. Please read and heed the relevant sections of the WP:GAB. If this is not your original account, you will need to appeal at your original account. Dlohcierekim (talk) 10:17, 25 July 2019 (UTC)
If you want to make any further unblock requests, please read the guide to appealing blocks first, then use the {{unblock}} template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired. Do not remove this unblock review while you are blocked.
I want to create, currently protected by
so that it can later be moved to, currently protected by when ready.
Website :
Android Apps :
iOS Apps:
In India, the app ranks #2 in the Food & Drink category at the moment,
I have compiled a list of different sources about the topic from year to date (2019), reliability might be questionable, and possibly why the pages were protected in the past. Some of them are:
Since the above Wikipedia pages say "requires administrator access", i looked up the information about RfA at
and added a new section on a few user's talk pages, since they mentioned their names on
Apparently, due to those edits on their talk pages, I have been blocked for a week.
Please justify what went wrong, and see if the block/ban can be raised earlier than the current expiration datetime. I am a legit user, and have past experience contributing to wikipedia.
You can check my contribution history/statistics at and
Also, my account has not been compromised, nor is it being used by someone else. And a disclaimer, i do not work the company Swiggy either.
Some other users have attempted to make the wikipedia page on "Swiggy", but faced block/ban. I wonder if some of the administrators are biased and rejecting based on unjust assumptions.
Hoping for a good resolution as soon as possible.
Hello! Wishing you a Happy Earth day on the behalf of WikiProject Environment and WikiProject Ecology.
--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:51, 22 April 2020 (UTC)
Hi! I was directed to your talk page by the participants list on WikiProject Linux. I've started a discussion whether we can keep it running, or mark it as inactive.– Abuluntu ( talk 06:32, 28 October 2020 (UTC)
The article Service-oriented middleware has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Unreferenced, not notable per WP:NOTE
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Mr.weedle (talk) 16:28, 19 September 2022 (UTC)
Hello! Voting in the 2022 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 12 December 2022. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2022 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}}
to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:13, 29 November 2022 (UTC)
Plantilla:Última versión estable del software/Google+ Hangouts ha sido nominada para su eliminación . Te invitamos a comentar la discusión en la entrada de la página Plantillas para discusión . Gonnym ( discusión ) 09:42 31 mar 2024 (UTC)
@ Compfreak7 (discusión) 08:46 14 abr 2024 (UTC)
Hola Compfreak7 ! Este mensaje es para informarte que debido a la inactividad de edición, tu acceso a AutoWikiBrowser puede ser eliminado temporalmente. Si no reanudas la edición en la próxima semana, tu nombre de usuario será eliminado de CheckPage . Esto es puramente para mantenimiento de rutina y no es indicativo de mala conducta de tu parte. Puedes recuperar el acceso en cualquier momento simplemente solicitándolo en WP:PERM/AWB . ¡Gracias! — MusikBot II talk 17:17, 16 de julio de 2024 (UTC)