Portal:Energía eólica

El portal de la energía eólica

El parque eólico de Gansu en Gansu, China
El parque eólico de Gansu en Gansu , China

Vista aérea del parque eólico Power County en Power County, Idaho , con turbinas Nordex N100/2500

La energía eólica es el uso de la energía del viento para generar trabajo útil. Históricamente, la energía eólica se utilizaba mediante velas , molinos de viento y aerobombas , pero hoy en día se utiliza sobre todo para generar electricidad. Este artículo trata únicamente de la energía eólica para la generación de electricidad. Hoy en día, la energía eólica se genera casi en su totalidad con aerogeneradores , generalmente agrupados en parques eólicos y conectados a la red eléctrica .

En 2022, la energía eólica suministró más de 2.304 TWh de electricidad, lo que supuso el 7,8% de la electricidad mundial. Con unos 100 GW añadidos durante 2021, principalmente en China y Estados Unidos , la capacidad mundial de energía eólica instalada superó los 800 GW. 32 países generaron más de una décima parte de su electricidad a partir de energía eólica en 2023 y la generación eólica casi se ha triplicado desde 2015. Para ayudar a cumplir los objetivos del Acuerdo de París para limitar el cambio climático , los analistas afirman que debería expandirse mucho más rápido, en más del 1% de la generación de electricidad por año. ( Artículo completo... )

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El centro de información cerca de la base de una de las torres del parque eólico Wattle Point

La energía eólica se convirtió en una fuente de energía importante en Australia del Sur durante las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI. En 2015, había una capacidad instalada de 1.475 MW, lo que representaba el 34% de la producción de electricidad en el estado. Esto representó el 35% de la capacidad de energía eólica instalada de Australia. En 2021, había una capacidad instalada de 2052,95 MW, lo que representó el 42,1% de la producción de electricidad en el estado en 2020.

El desarrollo de la capacidad de energía eólica en Australia del Sur se ha visto alentado por una serie de factores, entre ellos, el Objetivo de Energía Renovable del Gobierno australiano , que exige a los minoristas de electricidad que obtengan una proporción de energía de fuentes renovables, incentivos del Gobierno de Australia del Sur que incluyen un régimen regulatorio de apoyo y un plan de devolución de impuestos sobre la nómina para desarrollos de energía renovable a gran escala. Además, la proximidad del estado a los Rugientes Cuarenta significa que existen recursos eólicos de alta calidad para que los exploten los parques eólicos . A mediados de 2009, el Gobierno de Australia del Sur creó RenewablesSA para fomentar una mayor inversión en energía renovable en el estado. ( Artículo completo... )

Artículos generales sobre molinos de viento

  • China tiene la mayor capacidad de energía eólica marina del mundo , con 25 GW operativos a mediados de 2022.
    La energía eólica marina en China está creciendo rápidamente, con 16,9 GW agregados durante 2021. ( Artículo completo... )
  • Molino de bata con cola de milano (Sønderho, Fanø, Dinamarca)

    The smock mill is a type of windmill that consists of a sloping, horizontally weatherboarded, thatched, or shingled tower, usually with six or eight sides. It is topped with a roof or cap that rotates to bring the sails into the wind. This type of windmill got its name from its resemblance to smocks worn by farmers in an earlier period. (Full article...)
  • This is a list of operational, offshore wind farms in Denmark (within the national maritime boundaries). Denmark's wind power generation is the highest in the world as a fraction of domestic consumption, reaching 47% in 2019.

    Data is primarily from the 4C Offshore's Global Offshore Wind Farm Map and Database. Tariff data is supplied by the Danish Energy Agency. The name of the Wind Farm is the name used by the Energy Company when referring to the Farm and is usually related to a shoal or the name of the nearest town on shore. The Wind Farm part is implied and hence omitted for ease of reading. (Full article...)
  • Kitka Wind Park
    (Full article...)

  • Blennerville Windmill

    The Blennerville Windmill is a 21.30 m high, stone, reefing stage, windmill in Blennerville, County Kerry, Ireland. The mill has five floors, ground floor, intermediate floor, grinding floor, stone floor and cap floor. (Full article...)
  • This is a list of wind farms in Australia, with a generating capacity of more than 50 MW, which are operating, under construction, or for which planning approval has been received. (Full article...)
  • The following page lists all the power stations in Sweden. For traction power, see List of installations for 15 kV AC railway electrification in Sweden. (Full article...)
  • View of Fântânele-Cogealac Wind Farm
    The Fântânele-Cogealac Wind Farm

    As of 2013, there was an installed capacity of 2,599 megawatts (MW) of wind power in Romania, up from the 7 MW installed capacity in 2007. Until December 2010, Romania added around 440 MW to its installed wind capacity from two wind farms: Fântânele-Cogealac and the EDP Peștera. The Fântânele-Cogealac Wind Farm has been completed in 2012 and at the time was the largest in Europe.

    Romania has a wind-power potential of around 14,000 MW, and an energy-generating capacity of 23 terawatt-hours. The country's wind power capacity that can be assimilated by the national transport grid is between 3,000 MW and 9,000 MW, while only in the last two years the total power of the requests for connecting to it was about 22.800 MW. The Dobrogea region, which consists of Constanța and Tulcea counties, has the second-highest wind potential in Europe. (Full article...)

  • The mill as preserved

    Heckington Windmill is the only eight-sailed tower windmill still standing in the United Kingdom with its sails intact.

    Heckington is located between Sleaford and Boston in Lincolnshire, England. The mill stands very close to Heckington railway station, hence its name of the 'Station Mill' in the 19th century. The windmill is designated a Grade I listed building. (Full article...)
  • There are 19 operational wind farms in Latvia with capacity above 0.25 MW and 18 wind farms with capacity below 0.25 MW. (Full article...)
  • A replica 18th century Dutch windmill fabricated recently in the Netherlands and then assembled on the shore of Lake Imba near Sakura, Japan, named in honour of 'The Love' (De Liefde), the first Dutch sailing vessel to reach Japan in 1600.

    Wind rights are rights relating to windmills, wind turbines and wind power. Historically in Continental Europe wind rights were manorial rights and obligations relating to the operation and profitability of windmills. In modern times, as wind becomes a more important source of power, rights relating to wind turbines and windmills are sometimes referred to as "wind rights". (Full article...)
  • The windmills at Kinderdijk in the village of Kinderdijk, Netherlands is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

    A windpump is a wind-driven device which is used for pumping water.
    Windpumps were used to pump water since at least the 9th century in what is now Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. The use of wind pumps became widespread across the Muslim world and later spread to China and India. Windmills were later used extensively in Europe, particularly in the Netherlands and the East Anglia area of Great Britain, from the late Middle Ages onwards, to drain land for agricultural or building purposes. (Full article...)
  • Danish Smock mill from 1895 at Sønderho, Fanø, with fantail

    A fantail is a small windmill mounted at right angles to the sails, at the rear of the windmill, and which turns the cap automatically to bring it into the wind. The fantail was patented in 1745 by Edmund Lee, a blacksmith working at Brockmill Forge near Wigan, England, and was perfected on mills around Leeds and Hull towards the end of the 18th century. Fantails are found on all types of traditional windmills and are especially useful where changes in wind direction are frequent. They are more common in England, Denmark and Germany than in other parts of Europe, and are little-known on windmills elsewhere except where English millwrighting traditions were in evidence.

    The rotating fantail turns the cap of the windmill via a system of gearing to a toothed rack around the top of the mill tower, or to wheels running on the ground in the case of a post mill. It does so until the fantail sails are oriented parallel to the wind, whereby the wind can no longer move them. When the fantail is oriented parallel to the wind, the main sails are in the optimal perpendicular orientation and produce maximum power. (Full article...)
  • Gudhjem Windmill, Bornholm

    Gudhjem Windmill (Danish: Gudhjem Mølle) is located in the village of Gudhjem on the Danish island of Bornholm. With a sail span of 24 metres (79 ft), the Dutch mill is the largest windmill in Denmark. It served from 1893 to 1962 when it was taken out of commission. (Full article...)

  • Mostert's Mill, September 2012

    Mostert's Mill (Afrikaans: Mostert se Meul) is a historic windmill in Mowbray, Cape Town, South Africa. It was built in 1796 and is the oldest surviving complete windmill in South Africa. It was almost completely destroyed by a wildfire on 18 April 2021 but was fully restored by April 2024 and is once more operational and used to grind wheat into whole meal, using the power of the wind. The oldest windmill in South Africa is the De Nieuwe Molen mill in Cape Town, built in 1782. (Full article...)
  • Aarsdale Windmill, Bornholm

    Aarsdale Windmill (Danish: Aarsdale Mølle) is a smock windmill located on a hilltop on the southern fringe of Aarsdale, 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) south of Svaneke on the Danish island of Bornholm. Constructed in 1877, it is still in operational condition although it is no longer in regular use. (Full article...)
  • The windmill in 2013

    Waltham Windmill is a six-sailed windmill located in the village of Waltham, five miles from Grimsby in North East Lincolnshire, England. It is renowned in the area for having all six sails still in full working capacity, being one of the very few windmills like this in the United Kingdom. (Full article...)

  • The rustic/original appearance of one of the windmills, on the eastern edge of Ponta Negra

    The Windmills of Corvo (Portuguese: Moinhos de vento do Corvo/Moinhos de vento da Ponta Negra) is a group of windmills located in the municipality of Vila do Corvo, island of Corvo, in the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores. (Full article...)
  • Myreagre Mølle, Bornholm

    Myreagre Mølle (Myreagre Windmill) is a whitewashed tower mill located 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) east of Aakirkeby on the Danish island of Bornholm. Built in 1865, it remained in service until 1970. (Full article...)
  • Haigh Windmill

    A tower mill is a type of vertical windmill consisting of a brick or stone tower, on which sits a wooden 'cap' or roof, which can rotate to bring the sails into the wind.

    This rotating cap on a firm masonry base gave tower mills great advantages over earlier post mills, as they could stand much higher, bear larger sails, and thus afford greater reach into the wind. Windmills in general had been known to civilization for centuries, but the tower mill represented an improvement on traditional western-style windmills. The tower mill was an important source of power for Europe for nearly 600 years from 1300 to 1900, contributing to 25 percent of the industrial power of all wind machines before the advent of the steam engine and coal power. (Full article...)

  • The mill c.1892

    Ringle Crouch Green Mill is a smock mill in Sandhurst, Kent, England, that was demolished to base level in 1945, and now has a new smock tower built on it as residential accommodation and an electricity generator. (Full article...)

  • The Alexander & Anna Schwartz Farm, located at 57 E. Rd. 70 in Dighton, Kansas, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2014.

    It includes three buildings (a house built c.1928, a barn, and a smokehouse/cellar) and an Aermotor windmill. The house is built of structural hollow clay tile, also known as structural terra cotta. (Full article...)
  • This is a list of offshore wind farms in Japan. Japan intends to announce winners of a second contract round for 1.8 GW of capacity in March 2024. (Full article...)
  • Aerial view of Windpark Krammer

    As of May 2024, wind power in the Netherlands has an installed capacity of 11,611 MW, 40.9% of which is based offshore. In 2022, the wind turbines provided the country with 18.37% of its electricity demand during the year. Windmills have historically played a major part in the Netherlands by providing an alternative to water driven mills.

    In March 2022, the Dutch government announced that by 2030 offshore wind was to become the Netherlands' biggest power source, aiming at 21 GW of installed capacity. (Full article...)


Temas relacionados con la energía eólica

Temas sobre molinos de viento
Los molinos de viento de Kinderdijk, en el pueblo de Kinderdijk , Países Bajos, son Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.

Un molino de viento es una estructura que convierte la energía eólica en energía rotacional mediante aspas llamadas aspas , tradicionalmente utilizadas específicamente para moler granos ( molinos harineros ), pero en algunas partes del mundo angloparlante, el término también se ha extendido para abarcar bombas eólicas , turbinas eólicas y otras aplicaciones. El término motor eólico también se utiliza a veces para describir dichos dispositivos. ( Artículo completo... )

Ejemplos de molinos de viento de múltiples aspas

Ejemplos de molinos de torre

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