Impulso solar

Solar Impulse es un proyecto suizo de aviones experimentales de largo alcance propulsados ​​por energía solar , y también el nombre de los dos aviones operativos del proyecto. [1] El proyecto, financiado con financiación privada, está dirigido por el ingeniero y empresario suizo André Borschberg y el psiquiatra y aeronáutico suizo Bertrand Piccard , que copilotó el Breitling Orbiter 3 , el primer globo que dio la vuelta al mundo sin escalas. [2] Los objetivos del proyecto Solar Impulse eran realizar la primera circunnavegación de la Tierra con un avión pilotado utilizando únicamente energía solar y llamar la atención sobre las tecnologías limpias . [3]

El avión es un monoplano monoplaza propulsado por células fotovoltaicas ; es capaz de despegar por sus propios medios. El prototipo, a menudo denominado Solar Impulse 1 , fue diseñado para permanecer en el aire hasta 36 horas. [4]

Realizó su primer vuelo de prueba en diciembre de 2009. En julio de 2010, realizó un ciclo solar diurno completo , incluidas casi nueve horas de vuelo nocturno, en un vuelo de 26 horas. [5] Piccard y Borschberg completaron con éxito vuelos con energía solar desde Suiza a España y luego a Marruecos en 2012, [6] y realizaron un vuelo de varias etapas a través de los EE. UU. en 2013. [7] [8]

Un segundo avión, terminado en 2014 y denominado Solar Impulse 2 , lleva más células solares y motores más potentes, entre otras mejoras. El 9 de marzo de 2015, Piccard y Borschberg comenzaron a dar la vuelta al mundo con el Solar Impulse 2 , partiendo de Abu Dhabi, en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. [9] Estaba previsto que el avión regresara a Abu Dhabi en agosto de 2015 después de un viaje de varias etapas alrededor del mundo. [10] En junio de 2015, el avión había atravesado Asia, [11] y en julio de 2015, completó el tramo más largo de su viaje, desde Japón a Hawaii. [12] Durante ese tramo, las baterías del avión sufrieron daños térmicos y tardaron meses en reemplazarse. [13]

Se instaló un sistema de refrigeración de la batería y el Solar Impulse 2 reanudó la circunnavegación en abril de 2016, cuando voló hacia California. [14] [15] Continuó a través de los EE. UU. hasta llegar a la ciudad de Nueva York en junio de 2016. [16] Más tarde ese mes, el avión cruzó el Océano Atlántico hacia la ciudad de Sevilla . [17] Se detuvo en Egipto antes de regresar a Abu Dhabi el 26 de julio de 2016, más de 16 meses después de su partida (506 días), completando la primera circunnavegación de la Tierra de aproximadamente 42.000 kilómetros (26.000 millas) en un barco fijo pilotado. Aviones de ala bipolar que utilizan únicamente energía solar. [18] [19]

En 2019 el Solar Impulse 2 fue vendido a Skydweller, una empresa hispanoamericana que está desarrollando vehículos aéreos autónomos no tripulados capaces de realizar vuelos continuos. Tiene previsto utilizar el avión para vuelos de investigación y desarrollo, después de lo cual está previsto que el Solar Impulse 2 esté en exposición permanente en el Museo Suizo del Transporte .

Desarrollo y financiación de proyectos.

Bertrand Piccard inició el proyecto Solar Impulse en noviembre de 2003 tras realizar un estudio de viabilidad en colaboración con la Escuela Politécnica Federal de Lausana (EPFL) . [20] Como ingeniero mecánico, el cofundador André Borschberg dirigió la construcción de cada avión y supervisa la preparación de las misiones de vuelo. [21] En 2009, habían reunido un equipo multidisciplinario de 50 ingenieros y especialistas técnicos de seis países, asistidos por alrededor de 100 asesores externos y 80 socios tecnológicos. [22] [23]

El proyecto está financiado por varias empresas privadas y particulares, además de recibir alrededor de 6 millones de francos suizos ( 6,4 millones de dólares estadounidenses ) de financiación del gobierno suizo. [24] Entre los financiadores privados del proyecto se encuentran Omega SA , Solvay , Schindler , ABB [25] y Peter Diamandis . [26] La EPFL , la Agencia Espacial Europea y Dassault aportaron conocimientos técnicos, mientras que SunPower proporcionó las células fotovoltaicas del avión. [27] [28]

Piccard afirmó que todo el proyecto desde sus inicios en 2003 hasta mediados de 2015 había costado 150 millones de euros. [29] A finales de 2015 recaudó otros 20 millones de euros para continuar la vuelta al mundo. [30]

Línea de tiempo

Impulso Solar 1 (HB-SIA)

Solar Impulse 1 – fuselaje y motores
Solar Impulse 1 – estructura del ala

El primer avión Solar Impulse, registrado como HB-SIA, fue diseñado principalmente como avión de demostración. Tiene una cabina no presurizada y un ala única con una envergadura similar a la del avión de pasajeros Airbus A340 . Debajo del ala hay cuatro góndolas , cada una con un juego de baterías de polímero de litio , un motor eléctrico de 7,5 kW (10 CV) y una hélice de dos palas. Para mantener el ala lo más ligera posible, se utilizó una estructura tipo sándwich de fibra de carbono personalizada. [33] 11.628 células fotovoltaicas en la superficie superior del ala y el estabilizador horizontal generan electricidad durante el día para alimentar los motores eléctricos y cargar las baterías que permiten el vuelo nocturno, lo que teóricamente permite que el avión monoplaza permanezca en el aire indefinidamente. [34] [35]

La principal limitación de diseño del avión es la capacidad de las baterías de polímero de litio. Durante un ciclo óptimo de 24 horas, los motores pueden entregar un promedio combinado de aproximadamente 6 kW (8 hp), aproximadamente la potencia utilizada por el Flyer de los hermanos Wright , el primer avión propulsado exitoso, en 1903. [33] Además de A partir de la carga almacenada en sus baterías, el avión utiliza la energía potencial de la altura ganada durante el día para impulsar sus vuelos nocturnos. [36]


Datos de Solar Impulse Project [33] y Diaz [37]

Características generales


Historia operativa

Vuelo inaugural y otros vuelos tempranos

Solar Impulse 1 durante su primer vuelo de prueba "flea hop" en Dübendorf el 3 de diciembre de 2009

El 26 de junio de 2009, el Solar Impulse 1 se presentó por primera vez al público en la base aérea de Dübendorf , Suiza. Tras las pruebas de rodaje, el 3 de diciembre de 2009 se realizó un vuelo de prueba de salto corto [38] pilotado por Markus Scherdel. [39] Borschberg, codirector del equipo del proyecto, dijo sobre el vuelo:

"Fue un día increíble. El avión voló unos 350 metros (1.150 pies) y aproximadamente 1 metro (3 pies 3 pulgadas) sobre el suelo... El objetivo no era llegar alto sino aterrizar en la misma pista a una velocidad para probar su controlabilidad y tener una primera sensación de sus características de vuelo... la nave se comportó tal como esperaban los ingenieros. Es el final de la fase de ingeniería y el comienzo de la fase de pruebas de vuelo". [39]

El 7 de abril de 2010, el avión realizó un vuelo de prueba de 87 minutos, pilotado por Markus Scherdel. Este vuelo alcanzó una altitud de 1.200 m (3.937 pies). [40] [41] El 28 de mayo de 2010, el avión realizó su primer vuelo propulsado íntegramente por energía solar, cargando sus baterías en vuelo. [42]

Primer vuelo nocturno

On 8 July 2010, Solar Impulse 1 achieved the world's first manned 26-hour solar-powered flight.[43][44][45] The airplane was flown by Borschberg, and took off at 06:51 Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) on 7 July from Payerne Air Base, Switzerland. It returned for a landing the following morning at 09:00 local time.[46] During the flight, the plane reached a maximum altitude of 8,700 m (28,500 ft).[47] At the time, the flight was the longest and highest ever flown by a manned solar-powered aircraft; these records were officially recognized by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) in October 2010.[48][49]

International and intranational flights

Belgium and France (2011)
Solar Impulse 1 at Brussels Airport in May 2011.

On 13 May 2011 at 21:30 local time, the plane landed at Brussels Airport, after completing a 13-hour flight from its home base in Switzerland. It was the first international flight by the Solar Impulse, which flew at an average altitude of 1,800 m (6,000 ft) for a distance of 630 km (391 mi), with an average speed of 50 km/h (31 mph). The aircraft's slow cruising speed required operating at a mid-altitude, allowing much faster air traffic to be routed around it.[50] The aircraft was piloted by Borschberg. The project's other co-founder, Piccard, said in an interview after the landing: "Our goal is to create a revolution in the minds of promote solar energies – not necessarily a revolution in aviation."[51][52]

A second international flight to the Paris Air Show was attempted on 12 June 2011, but the plane turned back and returned to Brussels because of adverse weather conditions.[53] In a second attempt on 14 June, Borschberg successfully landed the aircraft at Paris' Le Bourget Airport after a 16-hour flight.[54]

First intercontinental flight (2012)

On 5 June 2012, the Solar Impulse successfully completed its first intercontinental flight, a 19-hour trip from Madrid, Spain, to Rabat, Morocco.[6] During the first leg of the flight from Payerne Air Base to Madrid, the aircraft broke several further records for solar flight, including the longest solar-powered flight between pre-declared waypoints (1,099.3 km or 683 mi) and along a course (1,116 km or 693 mi).[55]

United States (2013)
Solar Impulse 1 on display at John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York, on 14 July 2013.

On 3 May 2013, the plane began its cross-US flight with a journey from Moffett Field in Mountain View, California, to Phoenix Goodyear Airport in Arizona. Successive legs of the flight ended at Dallas-Fort Worth airport, Lambert–St. Louis International Airport,[56] Cincinnati Municipal Lunken Airport to change pilots and avoid strong winds,[57] and Washington Dulles International Airport.[58] On 6 July 2013, following a lengthy layover in Washington, Solar Impulse completed its cross-country journey, landing at New York City's JFK International Airport at 23:09 EDT.[8][59] The landing occurred three hours earlier than originally intended, because a planned flyby of the Statue of Liberty was cancelled as a result of damage to the covering on the left wing.[8]

Each flight leg took between 14 and 22 hours.[7][60] The aircraft's second leg of its trip on 23 May to Dallas-Fort Worth covered 1,541 kilometres (958 mi) and set several new world distance records in solar aviation.[61] Solar Impulse 1 was placed on public display at JFK after its landing. In August 2013, it was disassembled, then transported via a Cargolux B-747-400F to Dübendorf Air Base, where it was placed in storage in a hangar.

Detailed route


Aircraft on display

In March 2015, the plane was transported by truck to Paris to be part of the permanent exhibition at Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie.[64]

Solar Impulse 2 (HB-SIB)

Solar Impulse 2 at the Payerne Air Base in November 2014

Construction history

Construction started in 2011 on the second aircraft, known as Solar Impulse 2, which carries the Swiss registration HB-SIB. Completion was initially planned for 2013, with a 25-day circumnavigation of the globe planned for 2014. A structural failure occurred on the aircraft's main spar during static tests in July 2012, leading to delays in the flight testing schedule to allow repairs. Solar Impulse 2's first flight took place at Payerne Air Base on 2 June 2014.[65]


The wingspan of Solar Impulse 2 is 71.9 m (236 ft), slightly less than that of an Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger airliner,[37] but compared with the 500-ton A380,[66] the carbon-fibre Solar Impulse weighs only about 2.3 tonnes (5,100 lb), little more than an average SUV.[67] It features a non-pressurized cockpit 3.8 cubic metres (130 cu ft) in size[68] and advanced avionics, including limited functionality of an autopilot that allows the pilot to sleep for up to 20 minutes at a time,[69] enabling multi-day transcontinental and trans-oceanic flights.[22] Supplemental oxygen and various other environmental support systems allow the pilot to cruise up to an altitude of 12,000 metres (39,000 ft).[37]


Flight suits worn on Solar Impulse

Data from Solar Impulse Project[23]

General characteristics


Operational history

Solar Impulse 2 was first publicly displayed on 9 April 2014.[23] Its inaugural flight took place on 2 June 2014, piloted by Markus Scherdel.[70] The aircraft averaged a ground speed of 30 knots (56 km/h), and reached an altitude of 1,700 metres (5,500 ft).[71] The first night flight was completed on 26 October 2014, and the aircraft reached its maximum altitude during a flight on 28 October 2014.

2015–16 circumnavigation of the Earth

Circumnavigation route of Solar Impulse 2.

The repair work to the aircraft's main spar delayed Solar Impulse 2's circumnavigation of the Earth from 2012 to 2015.[72] The aircraft was delivered to Masdar City in Abu Dhabi for the World Future Energy Summit in late January 2015,[73] and it began the journey from Al Bateen Executive Airport on 9 March 2015.[9][74] It was scheduled to return to the same location in August 2015.[10][75] A mission control centre for the circumnavigation was established in Monaco, using satellite links to gather real-time flight telemetry and remain in constant contact with the aircraft and the support team.[76] The route followed by Solar Impulse 2 was entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. It left Abu Dhabi, then it headed east to nearby Oman and India.[75][77] Twelve stops were originally planned along the route, with pilots Borschberg and Piccard alternating; at each stop, the crew awaited good weather conditions along the next leg of the route.[78] For most of its time airborne, Solar Impulse 2 cruised at a ground speed of between 50 and 100 kilometres per hour (31 and 62 mph), usually at the slower end of that range at night to save power. Legs of the flight crossing the Pacific and Atlantic oceans were the longest stages of the circumnavigation, taking up to five days and nights.[10][79] On multi-day flights, the pilots took 20-minute naps and used yoga or other exercises to promote blood flow and maintain alertness.[68]

Solar Impulse 2 in its hangar in Hawaii, 2016

By the end of May 2015, the plane had traversed Asia.[80] It made an unscheduled stop in Japan to await favourable weather over the Pacific, increasing the expected number of legs of the journey to 13.[11][81] The aircraft began the flight from Japan to Hawaii on 28 June 2015 (29 June, Japan local time).[82] With Borschberg in the cockpit, it reached Hawaii on 3 July, setting new records for the world's longest solar-powered flight both by time (117 hours, 52 minutes) and distance (7,212 km; 4,481 mi). The flight's duration was also a record for longest solo flight, by time, for any aircraft.[12][83][84] During that leg the plane's batteries were damaged by overheating because they were packed in too much insulation. New parts had to be ordered, and as it was late in the season, with days shortening in the northern hemisphere, the plane was grounded in Hawaii. The US Department of Transportation stored the aircraft in a hangar at Kalaeloa Airport on Oahu.[85][86]New batteries were made and installed in the plane. Test flights began in February 2016[87] to prepare for resumption of the circumnavigation once northern hemisphere days lengthened enough to permit multi-day solar-powered flights.[13][30] A favourable weather window opened in April 2016, and the plane resumed its journey,[14][88] landing at Moffett Field, in California, on 23 April.[15] During that flight, Piccard, via a live videolink, spoke with Ban Ki-moon and Doris Leuthard before the General Assembly of the United Nations, from the cockpit of Solar Impulse 2, commenting on that day's historic signing of the Paris Agreement and discussing how using clean technologies can create jobs and fight global warming.[89] Additional legs of the flight were added in the US as Solar Impulse 2 flew to Phoenix, Arizona,[90][91] Tulsa, Oklahoma,[92] Dayton, Ohio,[93] Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania[94] and New York City, arriving there on 11 June 2016.[16]Piccard piloted the aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean, arriving in Seville, Spain, on 23 June.[17] The aircraft next stopped in Cairo, Egypt, on 13 July,[18] and landed in Abu Dhabi on 26 July, completing the around-the-world trip in a total of 17 stages and 16-1/2 months; it was the first circumnavigation of the Earth by a piloted fixed-wing aircraft using only solar power.[19]

Detailed route


Post-flight sale

In September 2019 the Solar Impulse 2 aircraft was sold to Skydweller, a Spanish-American company that is developing autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles capable of continuous flight and "carrying radar, electronic optics, telecommunications devices, telephone listening and interception systems".[114] As part of this sale, the Solar Impulse 2 aircraft was transferred from Switzerland to Spain though once Skydweller completes its research and development flights the Solar Impulse 2 will be transferred back to Switzerland for permanent display at the Swiss Museum of Transport.[115][116]By February 2023, Skydweller Aero had conducted its first autonomous flight and was planning to have a production aircraft operational by 2024; its goal is to operate year-round in latitudes between Miami (26°N) to Rio de Janeiro (23°S).[117]


In 2015, Swissmint issued a special commemorative coin in anticipation of the Earth circumnavigation mission.[118]

In 2016, the Swiss Post edited a special stamp to honour the achievement of Solar Impulse 2.[119]

See also

Other solar aircraft

Notes and references

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  13. ^ a b Al Wasmi, Naser. "After months-long hiatus, Solar Impulse 2 gets set to fly again", The National, 11 March 2016
  14. ^ a b c Amos, Jonathan (21 April 2016). "Solar Impulse sets off for California after long lay-off". BBC.
  15. ^ a b Berger, Noah. "Solar-powered plane completes journey across Pacific Ocean" Archived 7 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine, The Charlotte Observer, 24 April 2016
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  17. ^ a b Amos, Jonathan. "Solar Impulse completes Atlantic crossing with landing in Seville", BBC, 23 June 2016
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  81. ^ Randall, Tom. "This Plane Runs on Sun and Is About to Smash Some Records", Bloomberg L.P., 15 June 2015
  82. ^ Morelle, Rebecca. "Solar Impulse begins second bid to cross Pacific Ocean", BBC News, 28 June 2015
  83. ^ a b The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) website states that the "Free distance along course" was 7,039.9 km. FAI Record ID #17595 Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Retrieved 29 July 2015
  84. ^ The FAI does not record this record as official, since the FAI does not have an "any aircraft" category. See "FAI records page", Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, 29 July 2015
  85. ^ Amos, Jonathan. "Solar Impulse grounded until 2016", BBC, 15 July 2015
  86. ^ Molko, Davis. "Solar Impulse: Plane's pilots ground record-setting attempt until 2016", CNN, 15 July 2015
  87. ^ "Solar Impulse plane makes first maintenance flight in Hawaii",, 28 February 2016
  88. ^ Delony, Jennifer. "Solar Impulse Live: Solar Airplane Pilot Gives Interview While Flying from Hawaii to California",, 22 April 2016
  89. ^ Morosini, Marco. "A majestic solar dragonfly landed in San Francisco – Is this the future?", The Huffington Post, 28 April 2016; and "Live conversation between UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon & Bertrand Piccard", Solar Impulse, YouTube, 22 April 2016
  90. ^ Amos, Jonathan (2 May 2016). "Solar Impulse aeroplane reaches Phoenix, Arizona". BBC News.
  91. ^ Chappell, Bill (3 May 2016). "Solar Airplane Lands in Phoenix After Flight From Silicon Valley". NPR. Retrieved 5 May 2016.
  92. ^ Ryburn, Stacy. "Solar plane lands at Tulsa International Airport", Tulsa World, 12 May 2016
  93. ^ "Solar Impulse 2 Lands in Ohio to Complete Latest Leg of Global Trip", NBC, 21 May 2016
  94. ^ "Solar Impulse 2 Lands in Pennsylvania in Latest Leg of Global Journey", NBC, 25 May 2016
  95. ^ All start times are given as UTC. All start dates for legs 1 to 8 are 2015; start dates for legs 9 to 17 are 2016.
  96. ^ "Leg 1: Abu Dhabi to Muscat". Solar Impulse.
  97. ^ Solar Impulse team records the distance as 1,593 km. The FAI website states that the "Straight Distance – pre-declared waypoints" was 1,468 km. FAI "Record ID #17429" Archived 13 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine, Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Retrieved 1 August 2015
  98. ^ "Leg 2: Muscat to Ahmedabad". Solar Impulse.
  99. ^ "Leg 3: Ahmedabad to Varanasi". Solar Impulse.
  100. ^ "Leg 4; Varanasi to Mandalay". Solar Impulse.
  101. ^ "Leg 5: Mandalay to Chongqing". Solar Impulse.
  102. ^ "Leg 6: Chongqing to Nanjing". Solar Impulse.
  103. ^ The FAI website states that the "Free distance along course" was 2614.5 km. FAI "Record ID #17558" Archived 13 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine, Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Retrieved 29 July 2015
  104. ^ "Leg 8: Nagoya to Hawaii", Solar Impulse. Retrieved 29 July 2015
  105. ^ "Leg 9: Hawaii to Mountain View". Solar Impulse. Archived from the original on 24 April 2016. Retrieved 21 April 2016.
  106. ^ "Leg 10: San Francisco to Phoenix". Solar Impulse. Retrieved 2 May 2016.
  107. ^ "Leg 11: Phoenix to Tulsa". Solar Impulse.
  108. ^ "Leg 12: Tulsa to Dayton". Solar Impulse.
  109. ^ "Leg 13: Dayton to Lehigh Valley". Solar Impulse.
  110. ^ "Leg 14: Lehigh Valley to New York". Solar Impulse.
  111. ^ "Leg 15: New York to Seville". Solar Impulse.
  112. ^ "Leg 16: Seville to Cairo". Solar Impulse.
  113. ^ "We Are in Abu Dhabi", Solar Impulse, 26 July 2016
  114. ^ Renfer, Marc; Dieuaide, Yann (23 November 2020). "Solar Impulse to be reborn as a military-linked project".
  115. ^ "Solar Impulse to start 'second life' in Spain". 11 September 2019.
  116. ^ Lebleu, Tristan (11 September 2019). "A Second Life for the Solar Impulse (Si2) Airplane" (Press release). Solar Impulse.
  117. ^ Graham Warwick (7 February 2023). "Solar-Powered Skydweller Completes First Autonomous Flights". Aviation Week.
  118. ^ "Twenty Francs 2015 Solar Impulse" (page visited on 21 February 2024).
  119. ^ (in French) "La Poste rend hommage à « Solar Impulse 2 » avec un timbre commémoratif", press release of the Swiss Post published on 27 July 2016 (page visited on 7 September 2016).

External links