Philosophical theism

O you who look on this our machine, do not be sad that with others you are fated to die, but rejoice that our Creator has endowed us with such an excellent instrument as the intellect.
Kurt Gödel, the eminent mathematical logician, composed a formal argument for God's existence.

Philosophical theism is the belief that the Supreme Being exists (or must exist) independent of the teaching or revelation of any particular religion.[1] It represents belief in God entirely without doctrine, except for that which can be discerned by reason and the contemplation of natural laws. Some philosophical theists are persuaded of God's existence by philosophical arguments, while others consider themselves to have a religious faith that need not be, or could not be, supported by rational argument.

Philosophical theism has parallels with the 18th century philosophical view called Deism.

Relationship to organized religion

Philosophical theism conceives of nature as the result of purposive activity and so as an intelligible system open to human understanding, although possibly never completely understandable. It implies the belief that nature is ordered according to some sort of consistent plan and manifests a single purpose or intention, however incomprehensible or inexplicable. However, philosophical theists do not endorse or adhere to the theology or doctrines of any organized religion or church. They may accept arguments or observations about the existence of a god advanced by theologians working in some religious tradition, but reject the tradition itself. (For example, a philosophical theist might believe certain Christian arguments about God while nevertheless rejecting Christianity.)

Notable philosophical theists


  1. ^ Swinburne, Richard (2001). "Philosophical Theism". In D. Z. Phillips; Timothy Tessin (eds.). Philosophy of religion in the 21st century. Claremont studies in the philosophy of religion. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave. ISBN 978-0-333-80175-8.
  2. ^ Fielding, Henry. 1775. An essay on conversation. John Bell. p. 346
  3. ^ Xenophon, Memorabilia I.4.6; Franklin, James (2001). The Science of Conjecture: Evidence and Probability Before Pascal. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 229. ISBN 978-0-8018-6569-5.
  4. ^ Aristotle's Physics (VIII, 4–6) and Metaphysics (XII, 1–6)
  5. ^ Cicero, De Natura Deorum, iii. 10. Cf. ii. 6 for the fuller version of this argument.
  6. ^ Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane. "Leonardo: His Faith, His Art." Before 2 Nov. 2009. 26 Jan. 2010.
  7. ^ Huygens, Christiaan, Cosmotheoros (1698)
  8. ^ Keynes, J.M., 'Newton, The Man'; Proceedings of the Royal Society Newton Tercentenary Celebrations, 15–19 July 1946; Cambridge University Press (1947)
  9. ^ Leibniz, G. W. (1697) On the ultimate origination of the universe.
  10. ^ Lascano, Marcy P., 2011, “Émilie du Châtelet on the Existence and Nature of God: An Examination of Her Arguments in Light of Their Sources”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 19(4): 741–58.
  11. ^ To JOHN ADAMS vii 281 1823 Jefferson Cyclopedia, Foley 1900
  12. ^ Patrick Kavanaugh, Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, rev. ed. 1996)
  13. ^ R. H. Thurston, 1890., Appendix A. pp. 215-217
  14. ^ Dunnington, G. Waldo; Gray, Jeremy; Dohse, Fritz-Egbert (2004). Carl Friedrich Gauss: titan of science. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America. ISBN 978-0-88385-547-8. p. 305.
  15. ^ Owen, On the Nature of Limbs, 38.
  16. ^ 352. James W. Keyes (statement for Willam H. Herndon).[1865 — 66]
  17. ^ When I was alive by Alfred Russel Wallace, THE LINNEAN 1995 VOLUME 11(2), pp. 9
  18. ^ Peirce (1908), "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God", published in large part, Hibbert Journal v. 7, 90–112. Reprinted with an unpublished part, CP 6.452–85, Selected Writings pp. 358–79, EP 2:434–50, Peirce on Signs 260–78.
  19. ^ The Living Universe. The New York Times Saturday Review of Books and Art (July, 1910). p. 386
  20. ^ "The Living Universe". The Twentieth Century Magazine (October, 1910). Volume 3. p. 186
  21. ^ Mackenzie, J. S. (1926). "Personality and Reality: A Proof of the Reality of a Supreme Self in the Universe By J. E. Turner". Philosophy. 1 (4): 516–517.
  22. ^ Burgh, W. G. de. (1927). "Reviewed Work: The Nature of Deity: A Sequel to "Personality and Reality" by J. E. Turner". Journal of Philosophical Studies. 2 (7): 392–395.
  23. ^ McPherson, Thomas (1975). "Reviewed Work: Value and Reality, The Philosophical Case for Theism. by A. C. Ewing". Mind. 84 (336): 625–628.
  24. ^ Tooley, Michael (1976). "Reviewed Work: Value and Reality: The Philosophical Case for Theism by A. C. Ewing". The Philosophical Review. 85 (1): 115–121.
  25. ^ Wang 1996, pp. 104–105.
  26. ^ According to Gardner: "I am a philosophical theist. I believe in a personal god, and I believe in an afterlife, and I believe in prayer, but I don’t believe in any established religion. This is called philosophical theism.... Philosophical theism is entirely emotional. As Kant said, he destroyed pure reason to make room for faith." Carpenter, Alexander (2008), "Martin Gardner on Philosophical Theism, Adventists and Price" Interview, 17 October 2008, Spectrum.

See also