Palacio Spinola di Pellicceria

El Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria , también conocido como Palazzo Francesco Grimaldi , es un palacio ubicado en piazza di Pellicceria en el centro histórico de Génova , noroeste de Italia . El palacio era uno de los 163 Palazzi dei Rolli de Génova, las residencias privadas seleccionadas donde se hospedaban los invitados notables de la República de Génova durante las visitas de Estado. El 13 de julio de 2006 se añadió a la lista de 42 palacios que ahora forman parte del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO en Génova: Le Strade Nuove y el sistema de los Palazzi dei Rolli . Actualmente es propiedad del Ministerio de Patrimonio y Actividades Culturales y Turismo y alberga la Galería Nacional de Arte en el Palazzo Spinola (Galería Nacional del Palazzo Spinola  [eso] ).


Los fondos para la construcción inicial de este palacio estaban presentes en el testamento de Francesco Grimaldi, realizado antes de 1593, cuando se inició la construcción sobre cimientos medievales en el lugar. El palacio estaba incluido en el Rolli o lista de residencias aristocráticas, que el gobierno podía utilizar para albergar a visitantes destacados.

Un grabado de su fachada se incluye en el libro I Palazzi di Genova de Peter Paul Rubens de 1622 , impreso en Amberes en 1622. La familia Grimaldi encargó las decoraciones al fresco a Lorenzo De Ferrari y Lazzaro Tavarone . Los frescos del techo de Tavarone representan: el asedio de Lisboa por el duque de Alba (primer piso) y el triunfo de Ranieri Grimaldi en 1304 sobre la flota flamenca en Zierikzee (segundo piso). [1]

The palace belonged to the House of Grimaldi until 1641-1650, when it was transferred to Ansaldo Pallavicini, a brother in law of Tommaso Grimaldi, in order to settle a debt. Ansaldo was responsible for closing the open loggia of the first floor. The palace eventually passed through marriage from the Pallavicini to the Doria family, when Anna Maria Pallavicino married to Gerolamo Doria. In the 18th century it again passed through marriage to become the property of the House of Spinola, when Maddalena Doria married to Niccolò Spinola. Maddalena directed the Rococo refurbishment in the mid-18th century, and engaged Lorenzo De Ferrari, Giovanni Battista Natali and Sebastiano Galeotti to paint the quadratura and decoration. She also commissioned the Gallery of Mirrors. Her grandson, Paolo Francesco Spinola, however was forced during the Napoleonic occupation to sell many works of art; his portrait (1794) by Angelica Kauffman is on display in the palace. By 1830 the palace was owned by the Tollot Family who would give it to Tito and Ferdinando Pignone in 1875.

The building has characteristics typical of late 16th-century Genoese palaces, having an entrance hall and an inner courtyard. The palace also had an extensive art collection, including paintings by Luca Cambiasi, Bernardo Castello and Bernardo Strozzi.[2]

The third floor of the palace was destroyed during bombing during World War II. In 1958, the marquis Paolo and Franco Spinola donated the building, complete with its furnishings, artworks, silverware, ceramics, etchings and books, to the Italian government. The damaged part was subsequently rebuilt, and it has housed the National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola [it] since 1993.[1]


Among the works of art in the collection are:

See also


  1. ^ ab "Galería Nacional del Palacio Spinola". . Archivado desde el original el 9 de octubre de 2015.
  2. ^ "Piazza di Pellicceria 1 - Francesco Grimaldi". . Archivado desde el original el 5 de junio de 2013.



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