Lista de especies de plantas de acuario marino

Un acuario de arrecife plantado lleno de musgo de arena ( Caulerpa prolifera )
Un acuario de praderas marinas que alberga varios habitantes de praderas marinas

Las plantas acuáticas se utilizan para dar al acuario un aspecto natural, oxigenar el agua y proporcionar hábitat a los peces , especialmente a los alevines (crías) y a los invertebrados . Algunos peces de acuario e invertebrados también comen plantas vivas. Los acuaristas aficionados utilizan plantas acuáticas para el paisajismo acuático .

Las algas marinas también se incluyen en esta lista para mayor comodidad, a pesar del hecho de que muchas especies están técnicamente clasificadas como protistas , no plantas.

Macroalgas pardas


Las macroalgas pardas se encuentran disponibles estacionalmente en el comercio de acuarios y, en condiciones adecuadas, crecen de forma bastante prolífica. Poseen el pigmento fucoxantina , que les da su coloración que va del amarillo al marrón oscuro. Algunas son deseables, pero muchas son plagas y algunas especies son bastante difíciles de eliminar y, a menudo, se abren paso en los acuarios sobre rocas vivas . [1]

Macroalgas verdes

Los dedos del muerto

Las macroalgas verdes son extremadamente diversas y abundantes, y se presentan en una amplia variedad de formas. Poseen el pigmento clorofila , que les da su coloración, que va desde el verde brillante hasta el amarillo o el jade oscuro. Este grupo de macroalgas utiliza la reproducción mediante fragmentación o liberación de esporas. La segunda opción, utilizada por el género Caulerpa , puede ser bastante problemática en un acuario. [21] Algunas especies de macroalgas verdes tienen mayor facilidad para sobrevivir en entornos con altos niveles de nutrientes o parámetros de agua inadecuados que otros tipos de macroalgas y, en general, son las más adecuadas para la eliminación de nutrientes debido a sus rápidas tasas de crecimiento. [22]

Macroalgas rojas

Algas coralinas

Las macroalgas rojas son muy buscadas en el sector de los acuarios debido a su coloración intensa y su apariencia llamativa. Poseen el pigmento ficoeritrina , que les da su coloración intensa que va del rojo al naranja y al azul. Para algunas especies, la identificación es difícil y pueden existir ligeras variaciones debido a la ubicación y la profundidad. [130]


Red mangrove

Most mangroves that end up in the aquarium trade are either collected as seeds or grown on land.[242] Their leaves should be exposed to the air, well beyond the surface of the water, and be sprayed with freshwater regularly to prevent salt buildup. They also require intense lighting and a layer of substrate, not too shallow as to let the tree topple over and not too fine which would make parts of the sandbed to go anaerobic.[243]


Common eelgrass

Nuisance algae

While algaculture is more popular in marine aquaria than in a freshwater setting, there are several species of algae that are unwanted or problematic. These species can be very difficult to remove once established. They are disseminated in the aquarium trade through improperly collected or processed material, such as live rock.[244]

Hair algae

While there many species that may be referred to as "hair algae", species in the genera Bryopsis and Derbesia are among the most common. Bryopsis plumosa is especially troublesome. Boodlea species are occasional in marine aquaria, and may be called "crunchy hair grass". Red hair algae (Polysiphonia) may also be a nuisance.[244]

Turf algae

"Turf algae" is a broad classifications of algae, and refers to their branched leafy or lawn-like growth habit. Green turf algae include the genera Cladophora (and potentially Cladophoropsis) and Ulva, as well as the species Chlorodesmis fastigiata.[244]

Brown turf algae often arrive on contaminated live rock and include the genus Dictyota as well as the species Lobophora variegata and Padina australis.[244]

Common genera of red turf algae include Galaxaura, Gelidium, and the more common species include Nitophyllum punctatum, Wrangelia argus, and Centroceras clavulatum. Although sometimes desireable, Hypnea musciformis may be considered a pest.[244]

Bubble algae

Botryocladia skottsbergii

Bubble algae can grow large and spread rapidly. The red bubble algae Botryocladia skottsbergii is especially problematic and difficult to control. Green bubble algae of the genera Valonia, Ventricaria and the species Dictyosphaeria cavernosa may become nuisances.[244]


The green microalgae Ostreobium is parasitic in stony coral skeletons and compromises the structure of the animal. Brown diatom algae and dinoflagellates are also ubiquitous in marine aquaria. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) may also be present, with Phormidium corallyticum causing black band disease in coral.[244]

See also


  1. ^ : BROWN MACROALGAE (PHAEOPHYTA) [1]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [2]
  2. ^ a b Dictoya cervicornis [3]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [4]
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m DICTOYA SP. [5]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [6]
  4. ^ a b Canistrocarpus cervicornis (Kützing) De Paula & De Clerck, 2006 [7]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [8]
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o CYSTOSEIRA SP. [9]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [10]
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Nuisance Algae ID Guide [11]. In: Reef Cleaners [12]
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h LOBOPHORA SP. [13]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [14]
  8. ^ Lobophora [15]. In: Melev's Reef [16]
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o PADINA SP. [17]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [18]
  10. ^ a b Peacock alga (Padina sanctae-crucis) [19]. In: Marine Species Identification Portal [20]
  11. ^ Polycladia myrica (S.G.Gmelin) Draima, Ballesteros, F.Rousseau & T.Thibaut, 2010 [21]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [22]
  12. ^ a b Sargassum filipendula Sargassum weed [23]. In: Reeflex [24]
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Marine Algae [25]. In: Gulf Specimen Marine Lab: Home [26]
  14. ^ Sargassum filipendula C.Agardh, 1824 [27]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [28]
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h SARGASSUM HYSTRIX VAR. BUXIFOLIUM [29]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [30]
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h SARGASSUM PLATYCARPUM [31]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [32]
  17. ^ a b Stypopodium zonale on Scleractinia Kelp [33]. In: Quality Marine [34]
  18. ^ Lüning, Klaus (1990). Seaweeds: Their Environment, Biogeography, and Ecophysiology. Wiley-Interscience.
  19. ^ Stypopodium zonale (J.V.Lamouroux) Papenfuss, 1940 [35]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [36]
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h TURBINARIA SP. [37]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [38]
  21. ^ : GREEN MACROALGAE (CHLOROPHYTA) [39]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [40]
  23. ^ a b c d e f g h ACETABULARIA SP. [43]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [44]
  24. ^ a b c d e f g h ANADYOMENE SP. [45]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [46]
  25. ^ Alderton, David (2008). Encyclopedia of Aquarium and Pond Fish. London, England, U.K.: DK.
  26. ^ a b c d e f (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Nagamizutama (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [47]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [48]
  27. ^ a b c d e f (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Mizutama (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [49]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [50]
  28. ^ a b c d e f g Live Frag Bryopsis Marine Macro Algae Plant Refugium Saltwater [51]. In: eBay [52]
  29. ^ a b c d Bryopsis [53]. In: Livealgae UK [54]
  30. ^ a b c d Bryopsis [55]. In: Melev's Reef [56]
  31. ^ Bryopsis pennata [57]. In: Marine Algae of Hawai'i [58]
  32. ^ W. A., Nelson (2013). New Zealand seaweeds : an illustrated guide. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Papa Press. p. 20. ISBN 9780987668813. OCLC 841897290.
  33. ^ a b c d e f g h i CAULERPA ASHMEADII [59]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [60]
  34. ^ a b c d e f g Caulerpa Brachypus [61]. In: Livealgae UK [62]
  35. ^ Caulerpa brachypus [63]. In: Saltcorner [64]
  36. ^ Clean Caulerpa brachypus Macroalgae Refugium Reef Saltwater Sump Coral Aquarium [65]. In: eBay [66]
  37. ^ Caulerpa brachypus Harvey, 1860 [67]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [68]
  38. ^ a b c d e f g CAULERPA RACEMOSA VAR. PELTATA [69]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [70]
  39. ^ Caulerpa peltata [71]. In: Saltcorner [72]
  40. ^ Caulerpa peltata J.V.Lamouroux, 1809 [73]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [74]
  41. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA CUPRESSOIDES [75]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [76]
  42. ^ (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Byakushinzuta Rockless (1 bunch) Hokkaido Air Mail Insulation required [77]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [78]
  43. ^ Cactus Caulerpa [79]. In: Reef Cleaners [80]
  44. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA RACEMOSA VAR. CYLINDRACEA [81]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [82]
  45. ^ a b c d Cladophora prolifera [83]. In: Saltcorner [84]
  46. ^ a b c Caulerpa floridana [85]. In: Saltcorner [86]
  47. ^ a b c Growing Caulerpa Macro Algae in Marine Aquariums & Refugiums [87]. In: YouTube [88]
  48. ^ a b c d (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Live food Umi-budo mix Gram sale 50g Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [89]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [90]
  49. ^ Caulerpa lentillifera, Small seagrape : fisheries, aquaculture [91]. In: SeaLifeBase [92]
  50. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA MEXICANA [93]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [94]
  51. ^ Caulerpa nummularia [95]. In: Melev's Reef [96]
  53. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA PASPALOIDES [99]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [100]
  54. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA PROLIFERA [101]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [102]
  55. ^ Caulerpa Prolifera [103]. In: Reef Cleaners [104]
  56. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA RACEMOSA [105]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [106]
  57. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA SERRULATA [107]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [108]
  58. ^ (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Yorezuta (1 bunch) Hokkaido Air Mail Insulation required [109]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [110]
  59. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA SERTULARIODES [111]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [112]
  60. ^ a b c d e f g h CAULERPA TAXIFOLIA [113]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [114]
  61. ^ (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Okinawan Ichiizuta (1 bunch) Hokkaido Air Mail Insulation required [115]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [116]
  62. ^ a b Caulerpa verticillata Algae [117]. In: Reeflex [118]
  63. ^ a b c Fuzzy Caulerpa [119]. In: Reef Cleaners [120]
  64. ^ Caulerpa verticillata - Macro Algae - Nano-Reef Community [121]. In: Nano-Reef Community [122]
  65. ^ a b c d e f g h CHAETOMORPHA SP. [123]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [124]
  66. ^ Chaeto for Major Tank Cleaning [125]. In: AlgaeBarn [126]
  67. ^ Chaetomorpha Strains are Much More Different Than We Ever Knew [127]. In: Reef Builders | The Reef and Saltwater Aquarium Blog [128]
  68. ^ a b c d e f Chaetomorpha aerea [129]. In: Saltcorner [130]
  69. ^ a b Aquacultured Chaetomorpha Crassa – Green [131]. In: Gulfstream Tropical Aquarium [132]
  70. ^ a b c d e f g h Chaetomorpha Chaeto Linum Thick [133]. In: Livealgae UK [134]
  71. ^ a b 3 Reasons your CHAETO is DYING | How To Grow Chaetomorpha in a Sump Refugium [135]. In: YouTube [136]
  72. ^ a b c d e Chaetomorpha spiralis (Curly Chaeto) [137]. In: Aquaculture Aquariums [138]
  73. ^ Green Saltwater Macro Algae Plant Chaetomorpha aka Chaeto (Chaetomorpha spiralis) - MEDIUM - Excellent for Nutrient Control in an Aquarium [139]. In: AquariumDepot [140]
  74. ^ Chaetomorpha spiralis [141]. In: A Community for Naturalists · iNaturalist [142]
  75. ^ Cladophora coelothrix Kützing, 1843 [143]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [144]
  76. ^ a b c d Cladophora Prolifera [145]. In: Livealgae UK [146]
  77. ^ Cladophora prolifera [147]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [148]
  78. ^ Toadstool Algae [149]. In: Welcome to KPAquatics - KP Aquatics [150]
  79. ^ Cladophora prolifera (Roth) Kützing, 1843 [151]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [152]
  80. ^ Yoshii's 10 gallon gorgonian and macro algae biotope [153]. In: Nano-Reef Community [154]
  81. ^ a b c d e f g h CHLORODESMIS SP. [155]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [156]
  82. ^ Maiden's Hair Plant [157]. In: LiveAquaria® Official Fish | Aquarium Fish, Corals, & More [158]
  83. ^ Chlorodesmis Sp. [159]. In: Livealgae UK [160]
  84. ^ a b c d e f g h CODIUM SP. [161]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [162]
  85. ^ Codium green seaweed [163]. In: Wild Singapore [164]
  86. ^ Codium [165]. In: Livealgae UK [166]
  87. ^ a b c d e f g Deadmans Fingers Plant, Codium decorticatum [167]. In: Aquarium Creations Online [168]
  88. ^ a b c d e f g h CYMOPOLIA BARBATA [169]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [170]
  89. ^ Tufted Joint Algae [171]. In: LiveAquaria® Official Fish | Aquarium Fish, Corals, & More [172]
  90. ^ a b c d e (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Usugasane with stone (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [173]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [174]
  91. ^ a b c Do Algae Scrubbers Outperform Reactors and Refugiums? Yes Says Bryan of Santa Monica Filtration; See Positive Results In 1-3 Weeks [175]. In: Bulk Reef Supply [176]
  92. ^ a b c Dictyosphaeria cavernosa [177]. In: Saltcorner [178]
  93. ^ a b Dictyosphaeria cavernosa [179]. In: Marine Algae of Hawai`i [180]
  94. ^ a b c d e (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Isosugina with stone (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [181]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [182]
  95. ^ a b c d e f g h HALIMEDA DISCOIDEA [183]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [184]
  96. ^ Halimeda discoidea [185]. In: Saltcorner [186]
  97. ^ Halimeda discoidea [187]. In: Keoki Stender's Flora & Fauna ID Site [188]
  98. ^ a b c d e f g h HALIMEDA INCRASSATA [189]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [190]
  99. ^ Halimeda incrassata [191]. In: Saltcorner [192]
  100. ^ a b c d e Halimeda (Monile/Incrassata) [193]. In: Reef Cleaners [194]
  101. ^ TWAInverts1 [195]. In: WetWebMedia [196]
  102. ^ a b c d e f g h HALIMEDA OPUNTIA [197]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [198]
  103. ^ Halimeda opuntia [199]. In: Saltcorner [200]
  104. ^ Carpeting Halimeda [201]. In: Reef Cleaners [202]
  105. ^ Halimeda opuntia | watercress alga [203]. In: Wildflower Search [204]
  106. ^ a b c d e f Halimeda (Money Plant) [205]. In: Reef Cleaners [206]
  107. ^ Halimeda tuna [207]. In: Saltcorner [208]
  108. ^ a b c d e f g h NEOMERIS ANNULATA [209]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [210]
  109. ^ (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Fudenoho with stone S size (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [211]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [212]
  110. ^ Neomeris Annulata [213]. In: Livealgae UK [214]
  111. ^ a b c d e f g h PENICILLUS CAPITATUS [215]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [216]
  112. ^ a b c d e f g h PENICILLUS DUMETOSUS [217]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [218]
  113. ^ a b c d e f g h PENICILLUS PYRIFORMIS [219]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [220]
  114. ^ a b c d e f g h RHIPOCEPHALUS PHOENIX [221]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [222]
  115. ^ a b c d e f g h UDOTEA FLABELLUM [223]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [224]
  116. ^ a b c d e f (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Hagoromo (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [225]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [226]
  117. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ENTEROMORPHA SP. [227]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [228]
  118. ^ Enteromorpha Link, 1820 [229]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [230]
  119. ^ a b c d e f g h ULVA SP. [231]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [232]
  120. ^ a b c How to keep ULVA macroalgae - ULTIMATE Nitrate & Phosphate Refugium Algae (Better Than CHAETO!) [233]. In: YouTube [234]
  121. ^ Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J.Agardh, 1883 [235]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [236]
  122. ^ Ulva flexuosa Wulfen, 1803 [237]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [238]
  123. ^ Grass Lettuce [239]. In: Rusalty [240]
  124. ^ a b Gut weed (Ulva intestinalis) [241]. In: MarLIN - The Marine Life Information Network [242]
  125. ^ Live Frag Stringy Ulva Intestinalis Sea Lettuce Marine Macro Algae Plant PICK A SIZE!!! [243]. In: Addictive Reef Keeping – Quality Products / Quality Livestock [244]
  126. ^ a b c d e f g Ulva Lactuca [245]. In: Livealgae UK [246]
  127. ^ Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca) [247]. In: URI EDC [248]
  128. ^ a b c d e f g h VALONIA SP. [249]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [250]
  129. ^ Valonia [251]. In: Melev's Reef [252]
  130. ^ : RED MACROALGAE (RHODOPHYTA) [253]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [254]
  131. ^ a b c d e f g h ANCANTHOPHORA SPICIFERA [255]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [256]
  132. ^ Acanthophora spicifera (Spiny Algae) [257]. In: Reef Cleaners [258]
  133. ^ a b Green Agardhiella [259]. In: Reef Cleaners [260]
  134. ^ a b Agardhiella [261]. In: Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums: ORA [262]
  135. ^ Agardhiella F.Schmitz, 1897 [263]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [264]
  136. ^ Agardhiella tenera (J.Agardh) F.Schmitz, 1897 [265]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [266]
  137. ^ Agardhiella subulata (C.Agardh) Kraft & M.J.Wynne, 1979 [267]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [268]
  138. ^ a b c d e f g h Gracilaria Vermiculophylla [269]. In: Livealgae UK [270]
  139. ^ Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss, 1967 [271]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [272]
  140. ^ Agarophyton vermiculophyllum - Worm or Black Wart Weed [273]. In: A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Image Libraries [274]
  141. ^ a b c d e f g h ASPARAGOPSIS TAXIFORMIS [275]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [276]
  142. ^ a b c d e f g h BOTRYOCLADIA SP. [277]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [278]
  143. ^ Botryocladia - Red Grape [279]. In: Livealgae UK [280]
  144. ^ a b c d e Botryocladia Botryoides Red Grape Macroalgae [281]. In: PLANTED REEF [282]
  145. ^ a b Red Grape Caulerpa [283]. In: Salty Bottom Reef Company [284]
  146. ^ Botryocladia Red Grape Marine Macro Algae [285]. In: YouTube [286]
  147. ^ Botryocladia botryoides (Wulfen) Feldmann, 1941 [287]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [288]
  148. ^ a b c d e (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Indonesian Red Grape Plants (1) Hokkaido Air Mail Insulation required [289]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [290]
  149. ^ a b c d Botryocladia (Red Grape) [291]. In: Reef Cleaners [292]
  150. ^ a b c Red Grape Kelp (Botryocladia Occidentalis) [293]. In: LowTideCorals [294]
  151. ^ a b c d Botryocladia skottsbergii [295]. In: Saltcorner [296]
  152. ^ a b c d Flame Algae [297]. In: Reef Cleaners [298]
  153. ^ a b BRYOTHAMNION [299]. In: Pacific East Aquaculture [300]
  154. ^ a b c d e f g h Bryothamnion Triquetrum [301]. In: Livealgae UK [302]
  155. ^ Bryothamnion triquetrum [303]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [304]
  156. ^ a b Patience by Sandra Shoup [305]. In: Reefkeeping Blog [306]
  157. ^ a b Cotton Candy Algae [307]. In: Salty Underground [308]
  158. ^ Callithamnion [309]. In: PhycoKey [310]
  159. ^ Caulacanthus ustulatus [311]. In: Melev's Reef [312]
  160. ^ Caulacanthus ustulatus [313]. In: Seaweeds of the South African South Coast [314]
  161. ^ a b c d e f g h CHONDRIA SP. [315]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [316]
  162. ^ a b Chondria Coerulescens Blue Algae Frag 1″ [317]. In: Addictive Reef Keeping – Quality Products / Quality Livestock [318]
  163. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o HYDROLITHON SP. [319]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [320]
  164. ^ CORALLINE ALGAE – THE ULTIMATE GUIDE [321]. In: ARC Reef - Atlantic Reef Conservation [322]
  165. ^ Coralline [323]. In: Reef Cleaners - Clean up Crews and Macroalgae [324]
  166. ^ Coralline Algae: What Is It and Why Is It Important in Reef Tanks? [325]. In: - Saltwater Aquarium Blog - Marine Aquarium Blog [326]
  167. ^ a b c d e f Cryptonemia Crenulata [327]. In: Livealgae UK [328]
  168. ^ a b Cryptonemia crenulata Macroalgae [329]. In: PLANTED REEF [330]
  169. ^ Cryptonemia Crenulata [331]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [332]
  170. ^ Cryptonemia crenulata (J.Agardh) J.Agardh, 1851 [333]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [334]
  171. ^ a b c d e f g h DASYA SP. [335]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [336]
  172. ^ Digenea simplex (Wulfen) C.Agardh, 1822 [337]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [338]
  173. ^ a b Euchema spinosum [339]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [340]
  174. ^ EUCHEMA SPINOSUM [341]. In: Pacific East Aquaculture [342]
  175. ^ a b c Eucheuma Spinosum macro care/What to expect [343]. In: Nano-Reef Community [344]
  176. ^ a b Eucheuma denticulatum (N.L.Burman) Collins & Hervey, 1917 [345]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [346]
  177. ^ a b c d e f g h GALAXAURA SP. [347]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [348]
  178. ^ a b c d e f g Pink Galaxy* [349]. In: Reef Cleaners [350]
  179. ^ a b c d e f g (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Indonesian Red Feather (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [351]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [352]
  180. ^ a b c d e f g h GELIDIUM SP. [353]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [354]
  181. ^ a b c d e f g Fauchea Sp. [355]. In: Livealgae UK [356]
  182. ^ a b Fauchea Sp. [357]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [358]
  183. ^ a b c d e f (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Yumigata Ogonori (1) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [359]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [360]
  184. ^ Gracilaria arcuata, Arcuate gracilaria : fisheries [361]. In: SeaLifeBase [362]
  185. ^ a b Red Gracilaria [363]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [364]
  186. ^ a b c d e f g Gracilaria Curtissae [365]. In: Livealgae UK [366]
  187. ^ a b Gracilaria curtissae [367]. In: Saltcorner [368]
  188. ^ a b c d e f g GRACILARIA HAYI [369]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [370]
  189. ^ Tigahboy's Macroalgae Tank(s) [371]. In: Reef2Reef [372]
  190. ^ Gracilaria hayi Gurgel, Fredericq & J.N.Norris, 2004 [373]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [374]
  191. ^ a b c d e f g Gracilaria Mammillaris [375]. In: Livealgae UK [376]
  192. ^ Red Mat Algae (Gracilaria Lauris) [377]. In: LowTide Corals [378]
  193. ^ Gracilaria Mammillaris Macroalgae [379]. In: PLANTED REEF [380]
  194. ^ Schneider, Craig (1975-11-01). "Taxonomic Notes on Gracilaria mammillaris (Mont.) Howe and Gracilaria Veleroae Dawson (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales)". Taxon. 24 (5/6): 643–646. doi:10.2307/1220737. JSTOR 1220737.
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  196. ^ Gracilaria Parvispora [383]. In: Livealgae UK [384]
  197. ^ a b c d e f Dragon's Tongue Algae [385]. In: LiveAquaria® Official Fish | Aquarium Fish, Corals, & More [386]
  198. ^ a b c d DRAGON’S TONGUE [387]. In: AlgaeBarn [388]
  199. ^ a b Halymenia duchassaignii [389]. In: Saltcorner [390]
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  204. ^ Halymenia durvillei Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1828 [399]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [400]
  205. ^ a b c d e f g h HALYMENIA ELONGATA [401]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [402]
  206. ^ a b c d e f g h HALYMENIA FLORESIA [403]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [404]
  207. ^ a b c d e f g h HALYMENIA FLORIDANA [405]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [406]
  208. ^ a b c d e f g Halymenia Maculata [407]. In: Livealgae UK [408]
  209. ^ a b LEAFY OGO HALYMENIA MACULATA [409]. In: AlgaeBarn [410]
  210. ^ a b c d e f Flamingo Feather Algae [411]. In: Reef Cleaners [412]
  211. ^ a b Hetereosiphona gibessii [413]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [414]
  212. ^ Hildenbrandia prototypus Nardo, 1834 [415]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [416]
  213. ^ Hildenbrandia rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini, 1841 [417]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [418]
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  217. ^ a b c d e Pink Segmented Algae - Jania spp [425]. In: Tropical Fish Plus [426]
  218. ^ a b c d e f g h i HALIPTILON SP. [427]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [428]
  219. ^ Haliptilon (Decaisne) Lindley, 1846 [429]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [430]
  220. ^ a b c Jania rubens [431]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [432]
  221. ^ Jania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V.Lamouroux, 1816 [433]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [434]
  222. ^ a b c d e f g h LAURENCIA SP. [435]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [436]
  223. ^ a b c d e f g h LIAGORA SP. [437]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [438]
  224. ^ a b c d e f g h LITHOPHYLLUM SP. [439]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [440]
  225. ^ a b c d e f g h NEMASTOMA SP. [441]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [442]
  226. ^ a b c d e f g h OCHTODES SP. [443]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [444]
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  228. ^ a b c Peyssonnelia sp. [447]. In: Saltcorner [448]
  229. ^ a b Purple Laver (Porphyra ssp.) [449]. In: Gulf of Maine, Inc. | Marine Science [450]
  230. ^ a b Live Portieria Red Macro Rare Algae Alga Plant Reef Refugium Coral Saltwater [451]. In: eBay [452]
  231. ^ a b c Portieria [453]. In: Gulf Coast Ecosystems [454]
  232. ^ a b c d e (Saltwater fish) Seaweed Kinuhada (1 bunch) Hokkaido / Kyushu / Okinawa Airmail Insulation required [455]. In: Rakuten Ichiba [456]
  233. ^ Callophyllis okamurae P.C.Silva, 1987 [457]. In: World Register of Marine Species: WoRMS [458]
  234. ^ a b c d e f g h Rhodopeltis sp.[459]. In: Livealgae UK [460]
  235. ^ a b c d e f g Scinaia Macro Algae[461]. In: Reef aquarium [462]
  236. ^ Scinaia complanata [463]. In: Saltcorner [464]
  237. ^ a b Scinaia hormoides [465]. In: Reef Sanctuary [466]
  238. ^ Scinaia hormoides, Moniliform sea moss [467]. In: SeaLifeBase [468]
  239. ^ a b c d e f g Solieria spp. [469]. In: Livealgae UK [470]
  240. ^ a b Red Bamboo Algae [471]. In: LiveAquaria® Official Fish | Aquarium Fish, Corals, & More [472]
  241. ^ a b c d e f g h TRICHOGLOEA SP [473]. In: Marine Plants in the Aquarium [474]
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